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Career Comparison for MADYSON DUNCAN

Directions: Complete the following chart using detailed researched information only for three careers that you are seriously
considering. List at the bottom of each answer (each box) where the information was obtained. You are to use at least three different
sources for each career. Upload this document to Moodle when finished.
Career Name
1. Career Pathway
2. Interest Code According to
3. ONET Job Zone


Skin care specialist

Mental health counselors

Human services

Human services

Human services




Job zone three: medium preparation

Attention to detail
Concern for others
Self control
Social orientation
Stress tolerance
Active listening
Service orientation
Active leering
Reading comprehension
Critical thinking
Social perceptiveness

5. What special skills (e.g.,

math, reading, writing,
speaking, fine motor, social)
are necessary?

Active listening, speaking, reading

comprehension, social
perceptiveness, critical thinking,
monitoring, service orientation,
writing, complex problem solving,
& judgment and decision making

6. What education or training is

required? How much postsecondary training do you
have to have? Where can you
get this training or education?
What high school courses may
be helpful?
7. Are there any special licenses
or certifications required to
work in this field? If so, what

Therapy and counseling, physiology,

English language, sociology and
anthology, customer and personal
service, law and government, &

Customer and personal service

English language
Sales and marketing

Job zone five: extensive preparation

Blood pressure cuff kits
Deskto computers
Electronic medical thermometers
Notebook computers
Electronic mail software
Internet browser software
Office suite software
Spreadsheet software
Active listening
Social perceptiveness
Service orientation
Critical thinking
Judgment and decision making
Reading comprehension

Masters degree
The accumulation of 2 years of
3,000 hours of supervised clinical

Post- secondary certificate

Some college, no degree
Associates degree

Masters degree
Bachelors degree
Associates degree

4. Describe the work

environment (e.g., conditions
such as dusty, noisy, hot, cold,
inside, outside, peopleoriented, paperwork oriented,
coworkers, etc.).

Job zone four: Considerable

preparation needed
Laser fax machine, laser printers,
notebook computers, photocopiers,
special purpose telephones, inside,
very quiet, spreadsheet software,
office suite software, &
electronically mailed software.

Career Name


Skin care specialist

Mental health counselors


Associates degree.

Associates degree

Oral comprehension, oral

expression, problem sensitivity,
written comprehension, speech
clarity, written expression, speech
recognition, deductive reasoning,
inductive reasoning, & information

Oral comprehension
Oral expression
Nar vision
Speech clarity
Speech recognition
Arm-hand steadiness
Written comprehension
Finger reasoning
Finger dexterity
Problem sensitivity
Performing for or working directly
with the public
Assisting and caring for others
Establishing and maintaining
interpersonal relationships
Selling or influencing others
Thinking creatively
Getting information
Performing general physical
Handling or moving objects
Making decisions and solving
Updating and using relevant
Hot stones

Oral comprehension
Oral expression
Problem sensitivity
Inductive reasoning
Written comprehension
Written expression
Deductive reasoning speech clarity
Speech recognition
Fluency of ideas

are they, and what is required

to earn them?
8. College Major you would
choose (if applicable) to
9. What physical abilities (e.g.,
minimum or maximum height
or weight, color vision, good
hearing, 20/20 vision) are


10.What are the personal traits of

people who are successful in
this job (e.g., able to follow
directions, able to take
responsibility, like to work at
routine tasks, like to work
with people, like to work

Good listener
Keeping secrets
Care for others
Naturally inquisitive
Know yourself well
Stable individual
Tolerant person
Good at solving puzzles and riddles
Creative flexible

11. What are the opportunities for

advancement? To what job?
For what pay? How do
people advance (by seniority,
merit, additional education or
training, etc.)?

Just by finding a new job is a way to

advance and really getting to and
just to a different culture.

12.How many hours and how

many days a week does this
job require? Is there overtime
involved? What is the normal
working day? What is the

They work on an average of 50

hours a week.
Not very flexible because people
make one apt after another.
Dependents on the day of work amd

They work about 40 hours a week.

There is over time involved
They work any

Therapy of counseling
Customer and anthropology
English language
Education and training
Philosophy and theology
Law and government
Administration and management

They can advance by working as

supervisors, managers, assist
directors, and directors. In some
cases they may need a doctoral
degree of these positions. Some
mental health counselors go into
private practice.
They work about 50 hours a week.
No over time involved
A normal working day is from 7am6pm. The schedule is consistent

Career Name
normal working week? Is the
work schedule constant or
changing? Is the work
schedule flexible according to
the workers needs?
13.What is the average starting
salary for this job? What is
the average salary for a person
who has worked in the job for
two years? How is the worker
paid (hourly, salary,
piecework rate, salary plus
commission, commission
only, etc.)?
14.Identify two factors that could
affect earnings. For example,
a teacher can boost his/her
salary by earning a masters
degree or a self-employed
dentist traditionally earns
more than a salaried dentist
working for a company.
15.What are the fringe benefits
(vacations, insurance, sick
leave, travel expenses, car,
uniform, profit sharing plan,
etc.) of the job?

16.What are some of the hazards

or disadvantages (e.g., health
risks, moving to other
locations for advancement,
temporary of seasonal
employment) of the job?
17.Job Outlook: What is the
potential of this job in the


Skin care specialist

Mental health counselors

They can make up to 42,000 per

62,000 is the average salary for
someone who has worked fro 2
years. They are paid a salary

The average starting salary is.

28,640 per year. $13.77per hour.
Is aout 35 for working long a time.
The worker is paid hourly

Average starting salary is 43,290 per

60,000 per year are what the best get

Employee typical adjust their

market date when determining how
much to pay a specific employee to
do the job. After they determine the
value of the position researching th
data on pay practices for comparable
jobs at comparable companies, they
adjust the data to reflect the
employees background and
Ability to view the individual as the
primary client.
Dedication of the benefits
counseling program
Ability to work insipidity as a team
Know when to ask for assistance
Knowledge about sources of
assistance in other agencies and
Disadvantages: dealing with others
problems and having to cope with
the burden of keeping a secret

The BLS numbers often do not

account for full time and part time
cosmetologist, expiernecice in this
field , and tips that cosmetologist

Geographic location
Education level
Type of industry

Fridge benefit hair salon and spa

and day spa is proud to offer clinical
care to out clients. As experts
clinical care specialist, we strive to
deliver the best products and
services in the Stillwater, OK area.
Our decision to offer clinical care to
out valued customer is part of this

Helping people over come harmful

thoughts and feeling to deal with
challenges in their lifes is the
essence of a mental health
counselors job.
High demand
Chance to help others

Disadvantages: low pay

Expensive for college
Might need to move away to get a
higher paying job.

This will go far because people need

help everyday with making

There are currently 37,600 skin care

specialist in the unites states. With

Tax issues
Insurance issues
Erratic schedule
Stressful work environment
Potential for burnout
That will contribute to employment
growth of 28.% in the field over the

how many apt.

Career Name


Skin care specialist

Mental health counselors

future? Will the need

increase, decrease, stay the
same, be eliminated? What is
the outlook in the Michigan?
What is the outlook in the
18.Where can you find work in
this job (hospitals, factories,
state government, school
systems, etc.)?

deceptions and thats never goanna

stop. Therefor we will always needs
that extra help.

2,040 new skin care specialist job

opening created each year. Skin care
specialist jobs are expected to see
much growth beyond their current
levels in the next decade.

next decade, according to the bureau

of labor statistics. By 2022 36,700
new positions will ne filled

Rehabilitation center
Mental hospital.

Beauty spas
Medical office

19.Are most of the workers in

this field either male or
female? Would this make a
difference to you in choosing
this career? Why or why not?
20.Watch a video on this career
at either career cruising or .
List 5 things you learned from
online video about the career.

Both male and female.

No I would like to work with both
genders. Genders think in all
different ways.

There tend to be more female than

male this is because of the types f
jobs they are ordered to do.

Psychiatric hospital
Health clinic
Hospice care centers
Home health care centers
Detention center adoption agencies
Law enforcement agencies
Branches of military
Most of the workers in this filed are
both men and woman. I would not
mind having an equal amount
therefore it would not effect me.

You need to take emotional risks

that come with getting involved.

Not all skin care specialist provide

waxing, facials, and massage.

You may need help from a support

group or be prescribes medication
but medication is a short-term fix
and a support group is a long term

21.What is your reaction to this

job? Would you consider it?
Why or why not?
22.Identify one additional source
where information for this
career may be found. (If you
are listing a website, be sure
you list the name and the

Yes I would consider this job I like

working with people and helping
solve problems.
3) http://forums.studentdoctor.
You can prepare you communication
skills and also how to deal with
problems of careing for others.

Yes, this is what Im hoping to go to

college for. This is a major goal of
2) http://resources.alljobopenings.

Yes, like dealing and solving

problems and that plays the main
roll in a social work career
3) http://resources.alljobopeni

You can always look up videos

online and just see what types of
tools you will be working with

Learn how to solve deal and cope

with different kinds of problems

23.What are two things that you

can be doing now to prepare
for this job (not classes)

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