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Name: __________________

Career Research Guide Worksheet

Make sure you have completed the career exploration and have a good idea of the career that interests you!

Use point form or sentences. Make sure it is in our OWN words! Do

not copy from the Internet.
Your job title (be specific):Mechanical Engineer
Job overview/What they do (Provide a paragraph description of the job. What would a typical day
on the job look like?):
A mechanical engineer does many different things. They can work on all stages of a product,
from research and development to design and manufacture, through to installation and final
commissioning. Some of the jobs include developing a project specification with colleagues, often
including those from other engineering disciplines, managing projects using engineering
principles and techniques, planning and designing new production processes.

Working conditions (Hours you can expect to work? Risk of injuries? Time of day/time of year?
Indoors/outdoors? Clothing required? Etc): As a mechanical engineer I can expect to work 40
hours a week. Work would be during the day, all year round. There is no clothing required to
wear except if required by the company.

Salary (what wage can you expect to earn?): I can expect to earn a 70,000$ salary.

Future outlook (will this job be in demand in the future? Why/why not?): This job will be in
demand in the future because engineers do so many different types of jobs from building cities,
to making strawberries as big as my fists.

Post-Secondary Institute/Training Program #1

University of Victoria - Master of Engineering

Location and name of program: (Where the school is located. What is the name of the program? Also
tell us why this school appeals to you) UVIC is located on Vancouver Island. The name of the program is
the Master of Engineering program. This school appeals to me because it is at a great location a place
where I want to live and has a really good engineering program.

Cost: (first year AND total cost of program, including tuition, books, and supplies)
Total cost is 7,177.88$
If planning on attending a major university: to calculate an approximate cost
If planning on attending a college: to calculate an approximate cost
Pre-requisites of program: (courses you need to be taking in high school in order to get in, required

What are 3 related occupations you could take if this one didnt work out for you (what would you
do if you dont end up doing this career and why?):production engineer, chemical engineer, civil

And most importantly

Why are you interested in this career? (How long have you been interested in it? What led you
to wanting this job? How does it suit/fit your personality, interests, characteristics, strengths,
etc?): im interested in this career because I have a really big interest in the sciences and math

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