Painting Specification

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A HYUNDAI PROJECT : MUSANDAM GAS PLANT PROJECT LOCATION : MUSANDAM, SULTANATE OF OMAN OWNER : OMAN OIL COMPANY EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION LLC SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING & PROTECTIVE COATING DOC # MGP-GEN-MEC-SPC-HEC-000-00002-00-U-04 CX. KANG | THAN | Ye KIM U4 | 30Nov. 2011 | ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION v.03 | 1@Aup.2011 | ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION | CY.KANG | LHAN | YB KM [ v.02 [sive 2011 | ISSUED FOR ConsTRUCTION | ov KANG | LHAN | ¥B.KIM | tor [oss zom | issueoronaPerovar | cv Kae | inaN | VB KIM “600, [03 Jun 2014 ISSUED FOR REVIEW CXKANG | LHAN | Y®.KIM DATE DESCRIPTION PREPARED | CHECKED | APPROVED | odes JA HYUNDAI munandam Gas Par Projet SPECIFCATION FOR PATING & PROTECTIVE SORTING. REVISION LOG ev no | nev ome | *EUEED REVISION DESORPTION K-00 | 03 hn. 2041 - ISSUED FOR REVIEW Lor_| 08 su.2018 E ISSUED FOR APPROVAL, 02 | 08 Aug. 2011 : [ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 2578182028 v.03 | 190g 2011 SUED FOR CONSTRUCTION a ‘4448.46.40 “ vor | somonaon | S244, venue om conermucrion SP SENET ECHEC TOUCHED Oe Pap TesS TTR corres “AHYUNDAI usandam Gas Plant Pract ‘SPECIFCATION FORPATING & PROTECTIVE COATING _ ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 CODES, REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS «nnn 3 GENERAL nnn Si Werimnanahip 32. Marking Conditions 3.3 Vendor Sandor Systeme 6 4 MATERIAL 7 44) Storage of atari 7 42 Manufactures Recommendations 7 8 TENT OF PAINTING nnn ‘52 Sufaces tbe panied 152 Surfaces NOT tobe painted 153 Slanoss stool piping and equipment 54 Hot Dip Galanzang 6 : AMBIENT LIMITATIONS nn 8.1” Suface Preparation and Nato’al Appicaton 62. Vertision 7) SURFACE PREPARATION. 71 Genera. 13° Salvent Cisring 8 4 72 Prer to Gast Gicsing : ° ° 14 Power Tool Cleaning ° ® 0 ‘51 Erwronmental Gondions 10 82 Blast Cleaning Techigues 10 23g pressure Water doting a 84 Grado of Surface Fins " 85 Degree of Roughness. " 88 Post lst Cleaning n 87 Proparaton of Coated Ssiaces 2 8.8 Preparation of Coro Surfaces 2 8.9. Stanless Stel and Galvanized and Non fers Sudaces 2 . | 13 10 APPLICATION TECHNNIQUES cnet 101" Stipe Coating 3 102 Protection of Eaupment wa 103 Aitess Spray. oa NPT Fan Ta rR @ caren: AHYUNDAL ae ceo 104 Brush Appleaton 15 105 RoterAppeaton 15 108 Glass Renforesd Epon Lining is 107 Specialist coaing Syston 15 108 Design Requrement fo fiecive Coating Apicaton 6 11 COLOR FINISHES. ‘12 PAINTING AND COATING SELECTION SCHEDULES. ‘13. VENDOR STANDARD SYSTEMS.. ‘14 PAINT AND COATING SYSTEM EVALUATION. 141, General 142. Applicaton and Techical infomation 143, Toot Senodule and Metbods 148, Novos Table 1.1 B13and B34 45 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS... 418 QUARANTEE.. 47 CONTROL & INSPECTION S71. General 172. Project Go-rdinaion and Tecnica’ Soi, 8 473, Inspection and Testing 29 178, Reporing 3 18 SAFETY... ia Genara! 182 Fre and Expos Hazard 3 189. Toxo azar en 184. Safe Workng Gonditons 38 419 PCS (PAINTING AND COATING SCHEDULES). 2). APPROVED COATING PRODUCTS FOR PCS SYSTEMS... seasigco has AHYUNDAI ‘zandom Gas Plat Projet SPECIFCATION FoR PATING & PROTESTIVE COATING 1 score ‘This specification covers the selection of materials and procedures to be followed in the course of surface preparation and the appicaton of protective paint and primer to above {ground and under-ground piping including seawater piping and marine structure, whether they are prepared and protected inthe shop or el, The maine pipeline vas excluded in this specication. Iwas specified In MGP-OFF-SUB.DTL-HEC-000-00181-185, 2 CODES, REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS Extemal painting and protective coating shall meet or exceed the requirements of the latest edition ofthe following codes, regulations and sandards, except ae superseded herein. In cases where more than one code, regulation o standard apply to the same condition, the most stringent shall be followed. In the event of a confit between this specification and other specifications or correspondense, a ruling, in witing, shall be ‘blained before any work is started '¢ RAL German institute for Quality Assurance and Certification - RAL Colors (©The Steal Structures Painting Counc! Manual Uniess cthenise noted, the latest edtion ofthe folowing standards shall apply 's0-8501-1 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and {elated products — Visual assessment of surface cleanliness Part 1: Rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated steal ‘substrates and steel substrates after overall removal of previous coatings |80-8501-2 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Visual assessment of euface cleanliness Part 2: Preparation grades of previously coated steel substrates after localized removal of previous coatings. 's0-8502-3, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and ‘elated products — Tests for the assessment of surface Cleanliness — Part 3, Assessment of dust on steel surfaces ‘repared for painting (pressure sensitive tape method) 180 8804-2 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and Felated products — Surface preparation methods — Part 2 ‘Abrasive blast cleaning 150 8504-3, Preparation of steel substrates 2efore appicaton of paints and related products — Surface preparation methods — Part 3, Hand and power tel ceaning Iso.3233 Paints and varnishes ~ Determation of percentage volume of ‘non-volatile mattar by measuring the density ofa ded coating 1303540 Zine dust pigments fr paints ~ Specifications and test methods 180.4624 Points and varnishes ~ Pullof test for adhesion @ ccm: AHYUNDAL Musondam G35 Pant Projet SPECIFCATION 180 4628 Paints and Varnishes - Evaliation of degradation of paint ‘coatings Designation of intensy, quanity and size of common types of defect 1s0 12044 Paints and varnishes ~ Cortoscn protection of steel structures by protective paint systems: 180 900001 Quality Management System Requirements ASTM 03359 ‘Standard Test Methods for Measuring Adhesion by Tape Test ASTM 4417 ‘Standard Test Methods for Field Measurement of Surface Profie of Blast Cleaned Steal 554800 Paint Colors for bulding purposes SENSO 1461 Hot aip galvanized coating on fabricated ion and steel article ~ specificatans and test methods NACE RPO18S Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing Cf Protective Coatings NACE RPO274 Standard Recommended Practice High-Voltage Electrical Inspection of Pipeline Coatings ‘Any deviation ftom tis specification must be approved. in witing. Such writen approval ust be obtained prir tothe commencement of any work which would consttute such & eviation. 3 GENERAL 3.1. Werkmanship Werk shall be done by qualfied and competent crafsnen, in @ neat and workmanlike 22, Matting Constions ere vat sutures rau ey shal be marked hhocchenen th ne requromerds 33. Vendor Standard Systems ‘shall be sutable for lonal ana envronmental condtians at the site of construcion (refer to section spectication). The Paint Vendor shall ‘operate a Quaity System in ine ‘Company reserves the ght to aut the Pint Vendors manufacturing facies, sn asians AHYUNDAI mssandam Gat Pant Projet SPECIFCATION FOR PATING & PROTESTIVE CORTING_ 4 MATERIAL 44 Storage of Material 42 Manufacturer's Recommendations ‘Materials shall be used and applied in accordance with Manufactures recommendations, Which shal ake precedence over his speciation. 5 EXTENTOF PAINTING 541 Surfaces tobe painted (© All suraces sub or corosion by exposure tothe elements shall be painted, (as per MGP-GEN-FGS-SPC-HEC-000-00001-00), ‘© L300 sais tans sta! extemal sufecos shale panied. ‘© Piestc and eerpses:such ae GRP, shows ground Uv protection: 52 Surfeces NOT {0 be painted © Porcelain Gauge glassos Meter feces ‘Valve stom and treads, safety valve tags cee Working surfaces of equipment or equipment interior, unless designate for corrosion protection Nameplates Plastic and fiberglass for underground. Gakonized surfaces (grating sa rea6, structural ating, anchor boing) eee ee eee AHYUNDA! Musandam Gat Plant Pri SPECIFCATION i PATING& PROTECTIVE COMTING © Concrete, transit, masonry, stucco, etc, unless designated Masking or compounds used to protect non-painted surface must be removed prior to ‘completion ofthe jo. 53 Stainless ste! piping and equipment Paints specified for appicaion directly to austenitic stanless steel shall not contain free Chlorides or halides after curing. In addtion, such coatirgs chal not contin metalic zine though inhibive paints contaning zine oxde or zine phosphate are acceptable. Altai tel pn habe coated with H-TEMP 1027 or nual 66 son 206) 54 Hot Dip Galvanizing ‘All carbon stee! gratings, stair tread, structural boting, anchor boting as specified by the project Technical Information shall be hot dip galvanized in accordance with BS EN ISO 148! covering hot dp galvanized coatings on iron and steel aticles. The minimum coating weight shall comply wih the values laid down in Table 1 of BS EN ISO 1464. and Shall not be less than G10 gi 6 AMBIENT LIMITATIONS 6:1 Surface Preparation and Material Application No surface preparation or application of material shal take place under the folowing conditions © Wet or damp atmosphere (© Noticasble wind © Atmosphere contaminated by dit, dust, ol producto any other pollutant 62 Ventilation During all stage of surface preparation and application of material, adequate ventilation ‘must be assured, 7 SURFACE PREPARATION ‘The type of surface preparation shall be in accordance with the Manufacturer's recommendation 7A General Surface preperation shall be carried out in general accordance with the following a AHYUNDAL aan Om ren rat rr en Tne Se standards 1S0-8601, ISO 8502, 1S0-8503 and ISO-8504 which have been developed to ‘cover all aspects of surfsce preparation. Surface preparation shall not be undertaken when: © surface temperatures below 5 deg C 1 surface temperature i loss than 3 deg C above dew pont of the surrounding air © the reative humidity ofthe aris oreter than 85% © exposed to direct sunlight on external surfaces. (Saeeeooasceco CoM 7.2. Prior to Blast Cleaning Grease, ol, ete, shall be removed by means of solvert cleaning (see 7.3) o by high proseure water jting or steam cleaning with, where necessary, a bodegradable alkaline leaning agent. The cleaned surface shall be rinsed with clean fresh water and allowed to fry, Rags shall net be used for crying. Excessive rust scale may noed to be removed Using power cleaning tools. To prevent damage during blast cleaning, sensitve components such a5 valve gauges, nameplates, areas to be welled, etc, shall be protected fame ep6 Sich os and areas shal fran pected wl te paring 1 73. Sovent Cleaning Solvent clearing shall normally be caried out prior to last or power tool cleaning. Any ‘races or smudges of oll or grease discovered on the blast cleaned surface shall be removed by solvent wasting and the whole area e-blaste. {Al surfaces tobe painted which do not requite blast cleaning or power tool clearing shall be cleaned down thoroughly, folowed by washing down with copious amounts of fresh ‘water, high-pressure cleaning unt is particulary effective inthis application, [Acid washes, or oer cleaning sokiions or solvents shill not be used on metal surtaces after they are bast or power tool cleaned and prior to pat application 7.4 Power Too! Cleaning Metal surfaces for which blast cleaning is specified but which because of ther location Power tool cleaning, by scraping. chipping or wire brushing a4 82 seman sizes AHYUNDAI Musa Gat Pant Project SPECIFCATION FcR PATING & PROTESTIVE COATING (© ect or sir driven needle guns folowed by hand o: electric powered wire brushes. © etectre o ar erven disc sanders followed by needle guns where requred to achieve the spectied profie (© tect or air driven vibratory or rotary hammers Power Tool clearing shall extend to a minimum of 25 myn inte adjoining coated areas and shall be to an equivalent to a visual standard in accordarce with ISO-8601-1 St 3 [Noodle guns shall have needles of small cross-section, ether chisel or pointed tps ‘appropriate fr the tem under preparation. kre ‘Stainless stee! tools and wie brushes shall be used to propare stainless steal surfaces. Carbon stee! shall not be used. ‘Brass tools can be used in areas where al parking must be avoided. ‘Areas prepared for painting by power and hand tool cleaning shal be primed within four hours and never left unprimed overnight BLAST CLEANING Environmental Conditions itis essential to ensue that no condensation occurs on blasted steel. To prevent dust and ‘abrasive contamination, blast cleaning shall not be done in open areas cise to painting ‘operations or where freshly coated surfaces are sill wet. As with other sutface preparation methods, blast cleaning shall not be permited ouside daylight hours, except {hat rough blasting shall be allowed during the night providing thatthe surface is given light blasting tothe speciied standard in subsequent daylight. Correct ventilation shall be provided for enclosed spaces such as tanks and vessels. Full details tobe subritted for review by COMPANY prior to commencement ofthe work: In enclosed vessels ecceptable environmental conitions can be maintained by the use of ‘dehumifers ‘Adquate lighting shall be provided to ensure that @ miimum lighting lovel of 600 lux is achieved, Blast Cleaning Techniques ~~ Maximum speed and the most effective cleaning are obtained by systematic, even blasting, Blasting the work in squares may be helpful Prato and small sections may be cleaned, prior to fabrication or assembly, in closed Containers such a whoelabratos or in manual blast cubcles where the abrasive may be recovered, cleaned and reused fe gris shall be performed general in accordance with a3 a4 as 86 AHYUNDAL vyssandam Gar Plant Project SPECIFCATION OR PATING & PROTECTIVE COATING. Blast cleaning shall overlap by a minimum of 25 mm ino any adjacent costed areas. Steel work nt primed andior wetted by rain or moisture shall be blasted again prior to being panted. High pressure Water Jting ‘Although seldom used for surface preparation prior to painting, basting a surface with high-pressure water widely used for removing surface debris and contaminants. The tecnique is commony Used underwat’ for removing maine growth on ships, jetties and ‘offshore structures atypical pressures of 20 MPa, (290¢ ps) ‘When using high-pressure water jating to clean @ lined or coated surface, the nozzle pressure must be coroled to prevent coating damage and should generally be less than 7700 kPa (about 1005s). Grade of Sutace Finish Mil scale, rust, corrosion products, pain or any other f‘eign matter shall be removed by blast cleaning fo the grades spected Fr any coating, painting, Bring or wrapping work, the standard gredes of surface finish by bast cleaning shall be spectied using ISO 8501-1 Degree of Roughness ‘The required degree of surface roughness or peakto-alley height after blast cleaning “depends on the ype of paint to be applied. In general, a surface roughness inthe range ‘f 20 1075 microns is usualy required for coating sysiems with a maximum DFT cf 400 Imierens. For DFTs greater than 400 microns, the surface roughness should be 75-100 microns. Refer to section 17 for surface profes for each PCS. The surface profile shall be measured using methods A and Cas detalied in ASTM D4417. These are for use of surface comparator and Testex tape. The mean value as described in Method C shall be Used fo determine the surface profile. The actual measurement for inspection shall be the ‘mean vatie using Method C and this shal be recorded inthe daily paintng recard sheet. Post Blast Cleaning ‘A dry abrasive blast cleaned surface shal be brushed with clean brushes made of hal, bristle o fro, blown of with compressed air (ree from ol and water) or vacuum cleaned to remove all races of blast cleaned products from the surface or from pockets and comers, Surface cleanliness shall be in accordance with ISO 8502-3 and other relevant sections of 1SO 8502 as required by coating appicaton procedure. Tests shal be carried ‘ut to confi the degree of cleanness and fll details shall be Included in the Method Statement. For extemal coating no surface shal be bast cleaned which cannot be painted within the same working day, For internal surfaces where humisty is ~ 30% then application of Coating can be delayed depending on measured humiity lovels. Any time constraints between. blasting and the application of paint coatings as spectied by paint Manufacturers shall be stricly appied. Should delays between blasting and painting cause lash rusting of the ste! surface, that surface shall be given a sweep blast before Painting ean proceed. a7 38 89 sty ts “A HYUNDAI asanéam Gap Pant Project SPECIFCATION Preparation of Coated Surfaces Coated surfaces that are to be overcoated shall be cleaned of contaminants (see 7.2 Above) and rinsed in fresh water and allowed to dry befee overcoating {All detective coatings shal be removed by scraping, sard dscing or sweep blasting back to sound coating in general accordance with the requirements of ISO-8501-2. Any surface floss shall be made mat using abrasive paper, ight dicing or sweep blasting. At areas for spot repair, a 25mm margin ofthe existing costing tall be prepared and te interface feathered toa fine edge taking care not to damage the undercoat. For pipaline repair te interace shal be feathered andthe area shall extend to 150mm Preparation of Coroded Surfaces Previously uncoated areas that have cocroded during service normaly should be included in the scope of work for any future maintenance painting Methods for cleaning old corroded steel wil dopend on the nature ofthe surface. Ifthe surface is ht rolled, is kal to be covered witha tenacious layor of milscalo which, f Toft wil ead to piting corrosion The only efectve way ta remove'ts by oft Blasting Loose rust, milscale, and other corrosion deposits can be removed from corroded cold rolled stool by tho aid of hand brushing, seraping, chipping and other hand impact methods, Layered and stratified rust scale can be removed by chipping and hammering, Final ort blastng wil be needed to achiove a surface sutabe for subsequent paint application on completion ofthe removal of corrosion products. For tanks and vessels that re o be lined forthe fist time afer some time in sence, care ‘must be taken to remove al rust scales contaminated wih soluble sats. The equipment must be intially thoroughly washed wih fresh water or with water abrasive blasting Heavily piled surfaces shall require steam clearing to remove deeply embedded more adherent contarinants. Tests shall be carried out fo confrm the degree of cleanliness ‘and ful details included in the Method Statement Stainless Stee! and Galvanized and Nonferrous Surfaces Requite thorough degreasing by solvent cleaning to ISC-8501 or by high-pressure water jeting afer applying 2 biodegradable detergent, rinse with fresh water. The surface may be prepared for coating application by keying the surtace by hand or power methods or by ight Bast cleaning using sutabe abrasives, Stainless steel euraces shall not be treated with carbon steel cleaning tools Zine salts shall be removed from galvanized surfaces by jeting with fresh water and suitable solvent folowed by scrubbing wih sti bristle brshes or by sand paperng ‘Aceas of damage galvanizing shal be lighty power tel cleaned to 180 8504-3 St 3 in preparation for eating with an approved zinesich epoxy primer. Larger areas may blast leaned to (SO 850-1 Sa 2%, Pas 8a TO Munandam Ges Fat Prot SPECIFCATION wy sitesi _AHYUNDAL 9 PRIMING AND FINISHING 91 Manulacture’s Recommendations ‘The finish and primer paint Manufacture’ recommendations on application and surface preparation are to take precedence over these genaral specications 10 APPLICATION TECHNNIQUES COMPANY will use only approved coating contractrs and, in certain cases, only 11s approved by the Paint Manufacturer can be used. cable, the Method Statement to contain reference to techniques described in this ‘The method of application shall be selected to ensure thatthe coating is applied in a tuniform manner to the spectied dry fim thickness wihout runs, sags, drips or other Imperfections. Applicaton of coatings shal be in accordance withthe Manufacturer's recommendations. Application shal be by brush roller or by aess spay, except inthe case of stripe coats, which shall be by brush only Brush marks shall be avoided, as these are indicative of varable coating thickness, Each cost shal be allowed to dry fora least the time recommended by the Manufacturer. ‘Subsequent coats shall not be applied unti the previous coat has dried. The Contractor Shall make good all damage caused fo previous coais sich 36 wrinkling, ting oF loss of adhesion, resulting ftom premature overcoating, fades ities cnoace footed ne Te FOE tng (On completion of irish costing, the plant identification, flow direction arrows, pipe identication color bands, ec. shal be applied as requested and directed by COMPANY. 10.1 Stripe Costing Extra coats of paint shall be applied to cetan areas and features to achiave adequate thickness where the structure shape or resticed access may result in thinly applied coating. Such areas include: © edges of plate oranges © section ends © fasteners, bots and studs © wold areas © reguiar or heavily ptes areas. To provide aional cover, all such areas vill eceWve a stipe coat fr each coat of paint ‘el heuer a aie ties nates sae TPE CECE PS BTR TOT 102 103 stn amt pests AHYUNDAI Musandam G36 Pot Projet SPECIFCATION Protection of Equipment ‘The Contractor shall protect all equipment and structures and any ther areas required by COMPANY, from mecnanical damage and from paint droppings or overspray. Equipment or structures to be protected shall include thefellowing: ‘© threaded components and sliding surfaces such as valve spindles and stem threads, ‘actuators, inkages (© gauge glasses, instruments, and light fitings ‘© nameplates ghing makers epecifcations, ete, on tanks, vessels, mechanical ‘equipment ‘© machinery and electric motors (© electrical and control cables (© mating faces of flanges (© stainless ste! pipework © oratngs, © adjacent bugs, vies or anyother areas he structure not speed fo painting ‘Special attention shall be pald to protecting equipment that Is operating atthe tine of painting Airess Spray ‘All lines and pots shall be thoroughly cleaned before any addition is made of new materials. The coating shall be spray applied in accordance wih the costing Manufacturer's recommendations. Even, parallel passes shall be made, each pass ‘overlapping the oer by 50%. ‘The compressed sir, used for spray application, shall be fre of water contamination and atthe correct pressure and part forthe specie work requirements Large surfaces shall be ‘cross-coated’ by receiving passes in two directions at ight langle to each other. The gun shall not be operated continuously but will be tiggered before and ater each pass to obtain the corect spray patern and fo avoid runs and sags. ‘Spray width austments on the gun and re-adusiment of atomising pressure at the regulators shall be made until the desired spray pattems obtained within manufacturers recommendations. Each cost shall be applied uniformly and completely ovr the entire surface. Great care shall be taken to avoid areas of ow DFT and misses Al runs and sags shall be brushed ‘ut immediatly or the paint shall be removed and the sufaces resprayed. Before spraying each coat, all areas such as comers, angles, edges, welds, fangs brackets, bai, nuts and interstices shall be given a brush ‘stipe’ coat to ensure that thase have atleast the minimum spected fm thickness. recomsoomaaise Pape ats 104 105 108 107 108 sgenycmnas tit AHYUNDAI Mutandam Gab Plat Peja SPECIFCATION FOR PAIING & PROTESTIVE CORTING ‘Brush Application Coating shall be brushed on to al areas that cannot be adequately spray coated, such as dificut access, complex shapes, areas adjacent to sensttve components that cannot be ‘masked and areas requiring asripe coating. Roler Application Application by roller shall only be done on large flat or sightly curved surfaces where ‘pplication by spray isnot possible. This method is nc suitable for painting rough areas. Glass Reinforced Epoxy Lining When glass flake or fibreglass reinforced lining systems are used, a project specie Methed Statement wil be propared which wil detallhew the particular structure will be lined. Reference will need to be made othe application nstructons af the coating system Vendor. Specialist coating System ‘A specie Method Statement shall be prepared for appation of specialist coatings and ‘shal be submited fo COMPANY for approval. Special! coatings shall be applied by the Vendors approved applicator ‘Design Requirements for Efecive Costing Application “To minimize the risk of coating failure the folowing shallbe considered in the design and {fabrication ofthe stee work 0 be coated, All internals of vessels and tanks that require coating must be made accessible so that Coating can be applied to all areas to be wetted by the process flids. Such areas include Internal piping, Beneath base plates of tank roof supports oof pates and trusses, During fabrication all edges shall be ground to a minimum radius of Sm and flame cut ledges wil not be permitted. Sch welding shall not te permited, all welds must be Continuous and be Corectiy dressed to remove weld spatter and siag, ae TANGA @ comm: AHYUNDAL Muranéam Gas Plant Project SPECIFGATION 11 COLOR FINisHES “The final coat ofa coating system shall be of a color in accordance with COMPANY color scheme for equipment and process facies shown in Table 1 below. Table 1 Recommended Color fr Oi and Gas Installations aay Desrpon Cae essen [aa ‘Dia gas walitors te intarr ard Gverinard ‘Gas ntataons one Coa, elu soove-rouns {ames vees,ppng ond vrucura soel Soe aso S- te ooess | oo tt ‘Bolom sake of ol and ater sage tanks ‘ace oes | oons ‘Stacks on nest wanstorequgment ‘awninun | ooa0s | oo08 let! equpment, gr 7038, ‘nse garels ‘Short wor | rox2 ‘Salty matings neuing handraie eon oes! | 1021 ‘Oftehremosting by opie seco veto oneer | scat Color coding shall be in accordance with table 2 of this specification for Identification of Onplt piping, Muzandam Gas Pant Project Table 2 Service identiieation colors AHYUNDAI SSPECIFCATION FOR PAIING 8 PROTEETIVE COATING aoe a terctttctentt — | som fon te SERRE | ee fie saceatvatncimess | wat fri ane we tomar coe fee-non | CHIME mae cme foe. | CITIES] ferme fae oe [Few wer: ed [Ret tery —-| Ivor eo ooo | CT = ey [oom cnr Es Note The detgaion cf eou gt dened Natal Slcion Report Color costing shat ees A Hyunpal Mucandam Gas Plant Project, SPECIFCATION FOR PATING & PROTECTIVE COATING. 12 PAINTING AND COATING SELECTION SCHEDULES, No alterations or changes may be made to the PCS data sheets provided in tis Part without prior approval ofthe Custodian of this Specification who wil Copy the data shoots and inal them to signiy his approval of such changes, RRR eer eerste eaneenrsintice ote” These may vary ffom those recommended by the paint manufacturers and should therfore be ued ana ple o mrs ake vote eee, emu Seana ctrgeinatneeat | peg. | Gabon adores whch temooed Swiwaa? SSeS Era cong 1009 degC ther a Esta cig sel ea non = ‘below ambient to 100 dog C pose Esa cx se 00409 nos a cig erie cate ss fSonrtocsreammee eae | ros nae nal cota a 00s sme Spa oat opto rata Scspongantecieettociaams” | pesex | Soa canter Sseracnt ager a se =e eo820 7 Extend blow gre. Posy “rtodge poser | Peaseree to secon 2010 deta eszlsinwaterhytocaban sevice ‘oag sytem, {-oonton syst wos dovenged yHECermisPpjes, 13. VENDOR STANDARD SYSTEMS. ‘On standard production equipment (.0. motors, purps, compressors, instruments, transformers and enclosures for switchgea:) coated win Vendor's complete protective ____coating system, CONTRACTOR shall ensure thatthe Vendor standard coating system is OL AAHYUNDAL Musandom Ges Pont Projet SPECIFCATION FOR PATING & PROTEGTIVE COATING capable of providing protection ftom corrosion within the antiipsted concitions of transportation, service Ife, operating temperatures and ste witout coating break-down Where Vendor's standard firish is used, information of the protactve system shall be advised to COMPANY in sufficient deta for review and to enable coating fepa, touch-up ‘0 overcoating tobe card out without ncompatbilly problems arising 14 PAINT AND COATING SYSTEM EVALUATION 14.41, General Coating systems proposed by the Paint Vendors are to comply wth the generic painting systems as spectied in section 18 and may only be used I they can be demonstrated, by testing performed by an independent test house, to satisfy the performance criteria defined in tis appendix Each coating system must pass each of the evtora detaled in the tables shown in section 14.3. In general the assessrrent guidelines used in ISO 12644 and ISO 4628 have beon used and the eystoms proposed should mest the requrements| (of medium durabilly with aife of 5-15 years before maintenance is roquied ‘The performance tests shal be carried cut on samples coated from paint manufactured in 2 regular production batch and not trom specaly preparod laboratory samples. Tost data Shall be provided that verfies the compostion of the coaings as detaled on the technical data sheets For status of existing approved coatings refer to tables in section 20. Systems with Performance significantly in excess of that required by this Specification may be used, provided any addtional capital expenditure associated withthe enhanced performance an be usted on the basis of a ifecycle cost assessment ‘Approved coating system speciid in section 20 can be used without evaluations which are specfed in secon 143 142. Application and Techricl Information Under the local pevalng site conditions, the coating systems shall be capable of being ‘applied at the speciied thickness using application equipment recommended by the ender. The coating 20 applied shall be of uniform thickness, free of rune, 8996, blemishes, inclusions and holidays ‘The Vendor shal supply techrical data relating tothe flowing: All product data and ll {ost data shall be supplied electronically in a read onl fermat such as pa. le. As part of {uaficaion the Vendor shall provide test data that verfies the eobde content and Zinc Content (frequred) as detaled on the technical data sheets. The testing shal be dane in ‘accordance with ISO 3233 and ISO 3549, © Solids content © Specie gravity © Flash point AHYUNDAL Mssandam Gas Plant Projet SPECIFCATION FOR PATING PROTECTIVE COATING © Pot ite (© Mixing method and rato (© Recommended wet and dy fi hickness 1 entiation of thiners and dleaners © Thecratcalpraccal pressing rats (ire) © Application dats, including spray pressure, nazze tip sizes, hose lengths and ‘siameter (© Heath and Safety data 143. Test Schedule and Mathods ‘The required tess and methods fr each system are defined in Table Bt to B2.1 GE TERNET SPC REC OGRE aoe Page BITC genre niga ns AHYUNDaI Munandam Gas Pont Project, SPECIFCATION FoR PATING & PROTESTIVE COATING ‘Table B1.1 Required Tests and Acceptance Criteria ~ External Onshore Above Ground Structures or | WSs | Wee] _WNe ‘Tess ant Parameters Measured | stetnd | ester | stem | Calta | Shas va Set tr cic Pa palo NPE OST 7 z z Cam woe —[Rod | We] 98 | 9 Rang aa Daag | ROE T 7 2 cag San | Rowe z = we Sayer SS DR 7 : 7 7 Tg wo —[ 7 7 ‘asi pF | — BO a en Tat ca Zacome owe [me] z Nex 1ptincnket ony eid fn eh yes ‘WOR GENET SPC HEC DOORS. —— FRAT Seater AHvunpal ‘Murondam Gas Pant Prot SPECICATION FOR PATING & PROTECTIVE COATING. “Toble B12 Required Tests and Acceptance Crier Exemal Below ~Ground Stuctures lovesenabla, Pane” | wousat teas] 5 : Notes: Tests to be caried out at manufacturers recommended maximum allowable operating temperature, cr CRT CECE: ARTS caer AHVUNDAL anda Gat Plt Proc, specircanon FOR PRIING & PROTECTIVE COATING Table B1.3 Required Tests and Acceptance Criteria ~ Miscellaneous Areas. ree Se] ‘Teseand Parameters Meword | Mata | tasted | stent | ternal Ure Flow cnt wre | sure | ‘fate ‘en a Pao rar oR] —F 7 Gornina ator alge | _SOHT| — RQ | RD cu Doteasy a $ er Rate a 7 @ Coc WOR TR | ae a a Tae BOR] Wie sO | Wa aT sige _| wide Ptah wom | RO | oo 2) For POS-12 cept cia eft APIRP LD TPG MCHC STE TET TAOO on ett AAHYUNDAL Musondom Ges Pon Project SPECIFCATION FoR PATING& PROTESTIVE CORTING ‘Table B14 Required Tests and Acceptance Criteria -Offthore Stuctures ToS Ha | PGT | PC “Tessa Pramas tad | Almere | Sobers | Spach Zine Mews ‘Tepes | and Til eae Ta Ta oo Taba ee | Rw PewnsepaaT Tora > 7 7 Saar Bors | — ew |e Deas aa 7 . 7 ‘tng cing nawag_[ Bou _[ = 7 Seer Bors — wa | a | aay a . $ 7 ai ti aera | aa eo [ae Ts poor eer [ ARNG [AR 0 | ebay en Ca wa 7 7 ats cocing Boer 7 7 ae err ZenIDIe | 3 a 7a roa = a Tapa Robe aT | ao | 908 Tea Ba aE co ao [Fa oo mo | ae Wa co Ed ssa [noo WA Na “A HYUNDAI Musa Gas Pant Pret SpECIEGATION Table B21 Summary of Performance Tests “Tet tio Tathe |Tse Tee | Doran 7 eget. Tay Te ACE RTT Bega — avg eT [Raat Cathdi shone aSIMGE ES [Ta | SO RASS = exe | pevins ln Meme Eade on oh iT "S016 Pear Tae pat . ican te tenpecte aS ASIN DTOO Tear Tarr Trig | Reta sng Tai Epa BO TEET od Bete oom aay Tons] Sates te ead Vente commends ‘ial BE) Akers ‘ramet eb, ‘ePanVendr ‘some nomial DET. 17 ‘Reakense — ios — Aiea eore |e ‘Stow ASTM D2 Bout? Deg ot ii ode Degree of mating Sosa Degree Bo tbautsaie. teeter dando Bose ines 0818 Sa Spe Canadas —] bape oT | wl] Spine prepara wso7s seine | pam Sea | Borst Saab atem comments rye est uum assemen Role SOSteenmee A se gemeasmctaas ins AHYuNpal Mutandan Gat Plant Piet SPECIFCATION Tana Tae eater Doran Nae ie Negus ea isin [aeabengs | prcnine | BOS Deri tbe Siar etane | cise Sa Piste Sin ote pod | nena ‘perme FE Fear bom Blowseg woe Tao Tara 144, Noles to Table 81.1 -81.9 and 82.1 RQD Test required IR Test not required NIA Not applicable 1. For New Construction: The coating system should be subjected to cycSc exposure ‘and then evaluated against the specified requiremerts, For Maintonance and repair The procedure is: + apply @ new coating (to be compatible wih the seleced maintenance coating) - subject to eytc exposure + apply maintenance coating to a selected area conduct test to the specified requirements Testing in this way quaifies the adhesion of new coating, adhesion of the maintenance system and overcoatabity of new sysiom 2. Testo be conducted at manufacturers recommended maximum service temperatu. 3. Measurement of disbondment fom X-cut to be carriad out in accordance with annex of 1S0-12046-5 Test soltion datalls and duration are given in able E21 Where CP Is not proposed, lo as for GRE and glass Make costings, cathodic sisbondment quaification isnot required. 6. Required for vessels ony. Rate of depressursaton shall be at § bar per minute from PEST SC ROOTES cao AHYUNDAL SPECIFCATION OR PATING 8 PROTECTIVE COATING 85 bar to 5 bar 7. Coating system to have potable water certification ie listed by Water Research CCouneilWater Byelans Schemes (UK), KINA, or compliance witn BSES20, 18. Not required for coatings for submerged acoas fe huls of ost/SPM. 45 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS ‘The Vendor shall establish, implement and maintain the Quality Management System in line wit the following specifications to assure the quality ofthe product/service: (@ MGP-GEN-QAC-PLN-HEC-000.00001 ~ PROJECT QUALITY PLAN ‘© 130 90001:2000 ~ Quality Management System Requirements The CONTRACTOR shal select coating systems from approved coating manufacturers, and products as per section 20 {All sub-vendors shall estabieh, implement and maintain the Qualty Management System inline with NGP-GEN-QAC-PLN-HEC-000-00001 and ISO 9001:2000. Access to all wotk while being performed and suffient notification to complete all required inspections shal be given. [All prepared surfaces shal be subject to inspection and zpproval before primer is applied. Measurement of paint dy fm thickness wil be made wih a Mero test or post test cry film thickness gauges or similar approved gauge. Flu to moet specified thickness Fexiirement shall cause work to Be rejacio. Paint shall not be thinned beyond Manufacture’s recommendation and if requires, & viscosity check shall be made. Work wil be rejected because of poor workmanship. Poor workmanship is defined as Inadequate drying or curing. dit and dust Inclusions, overspray pin-holes, runs and sags, ‘or nadequate fi bul ‘Acceptable fnish work must be free of abrasions and must be uniform in color and ‘appesrance. ‘WET REE TEC OORTTEE Page TASS @ ones: “AHYUNDAL Musandam Gab Pant Project SPECIFCATION 16 GUARANTEE Satisfactory application of the paint shall be guaranteed, Nether conditions inthe shop ‘or the laboratory acceptance ofthe paint shal relieve te applicators of responsibilty for Droviding @ satistactory produc. I rusting occur or the pant coat Its, Blisters, wrinkles, fr shows evidence of having been applied under unfavorable conditions, or i the workmanship is poor, orf impure or unaurhorzed paint has been used, or ifr any other reason the painting fs unsatisfactory, the effected paint shall be removed and the metal thoroughly cleaned and repainted, Guarantee painting against poor workmanship and improper application. This guarantee shall remain in effect for eighteen months fom the date painting is completed or one year from the time the equipment is placed in reguar operation. Repair any defects noted during the guarantee period, with no further charges to tre COMPANY. 17 CONTROL & INSPECTION 7A. General ‘The Painting Contractor shal submit an Inspection est Plan (ITP) and Method Statement {or approval by COMPANY prior to commencing the wor. The Method Statement should cover the folowing aspects of the work: © Detais and sequence of working activites, © Application datas. © Contractors responsibilities, ‘ivan by Costing Vendor and in data shoots '@ Roles and responsibities of key personnel such as supervisors and inspectors © Qualty contro! measures ‘© Compliance with HSE requirements 47.2, Project Co-erdinaton and Technical Service Start-up meetings st which representatives of COMPANY. the Contractor and the Manufacturer, shal be arranged prior to stating the work. Regular meetings wil be hold ‘during the courea ofthe wark o review and manage te progress ‘The Manufacturer will be expected to provide technical back-up and advice in respect to the application of his products COMPANY shal have the right to witness and inspect all aspects ofthe operation from Acceptance of the raw materials to final close-out inspection at the conclusion of the works. The COMAPNY nominated Inspector wil Inspect all works associated with the entire surface preparation and paint application pracesses Ir accordance with the folowing Sectone and as stated inthe ITP and Method Statement aPC HPCRET SO TERT RT S come: A HYUNDAI Murandom Gas Far Projet SPEGIEGATION COMPANY wil establish a system of ‘Hold Points! whereby the Contractor may not proceed untl he receives clearance. The folowing Hold Ponts wil be identified '© Approval of safety procedures and protection of sensitiv equipment (mandatory) ‘© Completion of surface preparation (mandatory) '© Porto application of each paint coating (cvison) ‘© Ater application ofthe frishing coat and holiday tesing (mandatoy) © On completion of remedial works (mandatory). ‘The Contractor shall strety observe all Hold Ponts. Any non-observance wil requite hi to repeat the relevant work at fis expense 17.3. Inspection and Testing In spite of the requirements of ISO 9000, itis strongly recommended that some measure of inspection independence be adopted for ensuring tre qualty of all surface cleaning and coating application actives. All operations need tebe montored so thatthe desired Specifications are acheved safely and in a cost-efecive manner, 17.3.1.Blasting Abrasive Quality [Abrasive must come fom a recognized supplir and be certified in respect of cleanliness and patie size dstrbution If there is any doubt about fhe qualty ofthe blasting grt, the Contractor shal provide a specification covering sieve grading, chemical analyses and ‘physical properties. If such a speciation is nat avalate, the Contactor shal take two ‘Samples, of minimum 1 kg each, from each of abrasive and arrange for analysis by an Independent third party Speciication and/or analysis results shall be submited ‘COMPANY for comparison with accepted values. 17.3.2.Surace Ciesniness ‘The Contractor shall visually examine the surface to ensure that dust or dit has been removed, ‘The Inspector shall not accept a blasted surface contaminated by large embedded abrasive particles that can not be brushed of using a sit brush. I such contamination is detected, no further Blasting shall be performed, using the same batch of abrasive. Tightly adherent embedded fine particles, however, need not bea cause for rejection, Work may be allowed to continue using a different batch, make or type of abrasive approved by COMPANY. When using copper slag abrasive under high ambient tenperature condition, 2s in Oenan, the visual standard Sa 2% may not be obtained due to embedded fine patcies causing a diffrent shade. I there Is any doubt on the acceplabity of the prepared surface, the Contractor shal provide a dedicated vieual standard for Sa 2% using copper slag under these conditions ar aENAET CHETAN ORORTa Pe Ba eee A HYUNDAI \Musondam Gas Pan Project SPECIFCATION 173.3.Soluble Sats ‘Soluble salts on a steel surface are taken up in ditllec water using a Bressle Sampler. The Bressle tiation method shall be used fo measure the chide content. From tration measurements, the econmended maximum salt contamination for immersed surfaces of for tank and vessel coatings is 20-40mgim® chorde, Note the value for maintenance work Is higher at 60:80mgim* 17.3.4Nentilation Before and during blasting and coating work in enclosed spaces, adequate ventlation shall be established. During coating operations the vapor concentration shall be ‘monitored at regular intervals using approved equipment and should never excoed 10% ‘of Lower Explosion Limit. This is consddered adequate for personnel health protection, ‘avoidance of explosion hazards and to ensure adequate evaporation of solvent fom the paint. The TLV (Threshold Limit Value) or MAC (Maximum Allowable Concentration) of the paint used must be known. Vertiation shall be such a8 to maintain, wherever practical, a safe atmosphere below the TLV 17.8.5 Materials Safety and Handing Data Sheets Vendors are required to supply SHOG (Safe handling of chemicals) cards for each goneric paint produc inthe total coating system 17.3.8.y Fm Thickness (OFT) After the film is sufficiently dry of cured, the Contractor shall measure the coating thickness and submit the results fo COMPANY. Guidelines for the number of OFT measurements for external coatings to be made after ‘each coat may be usefully based on the ‘80-20 Rule The rule suggests that 1© the measured thickness must not be less than 80% cf the epeciied DFT and (© 9 maximum of20% of the total area painted may be below the speciod DFT ‘The folowing statistical measurement procedure forthe Rules suggested '© Selecta numberof randomly chosen and continuous 10m reas in such a way that ‘5% of the enti control area fs covered, '© Ineach area, slect a minimum of five SOcm* sized tet fields ‘Take three DFT readings in each fild and calculate the mean value to be as one single measurement Acceptance criteria: (© No more than 20% of the total of single measurements to be less than the minimum spectied OFT '© The fowest single measurement should be at leas 80% of the minimum specified oFT, ‘The DFT of diferent layers of a paint system may be measured using a paint inspection WERGRTMEE PCHECOR OREM: Pape WT HEPTEFRI DITO AHYUNDAL Murandom Gat Plant Project SPECIFCAION gauge using calibrated cutters and microscope. This however isa destructive test and not Sutabl fer production painting For intemal coating systems use a 90:10 ule and apply he same procedure as above. 17.87. Adhesion Testing Pll off eahesion testing in accordance wth ISO-4624 and cross cut testing in accordance with ASTM 3350 shall bo cared out on fst panel to onsuro th coating systom meats the performance requirements. The panels wil then be used as a check to compare the cross testing results done on the actual structure, Cross cut testing shall be carrad out at the folowing frequencies. For extemal coatings and repair work 1 per 100m with @ minimum of2 per structure. For internal coatings and repairs the frequency shall be 1 per 410m wth a minimum of 2 per structure, For repairs ony cross cut testing shall be used and this wil be catied out on the structure. Adhesion testing is not appicable to GRE. lining or pipeline repairs. 17.3.8.Vieua Inspection Each coating applied shall be inspected visually. The paint system applied should have the correct shade, degree of gloss and evenness and be free from tackiness alter

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