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Building An English Dictonary:

Good Morning:_________________
Good Afternoon:________________
Good Evening: _________________
Good Night:___________________
Good Bye: ____________________
Hello/Hi: ____________________
Whats your name?
This is:_____________________
That is:_____________________
Nice/Glad/ Pleased to meet you:
Bye/So long: __________________
Mr./Mrs.: ____________________

Reading: Welcome to school

These students are having their
first English class.
Hi, my friends!
My name is Helen. Welcome
to our first English class!
Good morning, everybody!
Im Alan. Whats your name, boy?

My name is Jerry.
Nice to meet you, my friend!
I am a good student. And you?

Contents Comprehension:

Answer the questions.

Model: Who is this? (Margareth)

This is Margareth.
a) Who is this? (Charles)
b) Who is this? (Andrews)
c) Who is that? (Beth)
d) Who is that? (Louise)



Complete the dialogue.

Joana: Hi!
Thomas: _______. Whats your name?
Joana: My name _________ Joana.
Thomas: Whats ________last name?
Joana: ______last name is Thompson.
Thomas: _______ to meet you Joana.
Joana: Nice to meet you, _________.
Thomas: Bye, Joana!
Joana: Bye, Thomas!


Lets Practice!

Translate the text (2) in your



Complete the conversations.

a) Mike: Good afternoon, Sarah.

Sarah: _________________________________.
b) Peter: My names Peter. Whats your name?
Ann: ___________________________________.
c) David: Hi, Oliver! This is my friend Jane.
Oliver: _________________________________.

Answer the questions.

a) Are you William Simpson? (Bob Marley)

No, ____________________________________.
b) Is she Pamela Anderson? (Mariah Carey)
No, ____________________________________.


c) Is he David Backham? (Ronaldinho Gacho)

No, _____________________________.

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