Scottish History: 1603 - 20th Century

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Scottish History: 1603 20th Century

SCOTCAT Credits: 20
Module Leader: Dr Elizabeth Ritchie
This module aims to cover a broad survey of key topics in Scottish History from the Union of the
Crowns in 1603 through to the twentieth century. As such a number of key themes of social,
economic, and political history will be examined to provide students with a broad chronological
introduction to the study of Scotland. This will form a basis for the study of more detailed
examination of themes in Scottish History in the second and third years.
Indicative Content

Scotland at the beginning of the seventeenth century

Civil War to Restoration
Restoration, Revolution and Revenge
Economic, Social and Demographic Disaster
Union of the Parliaments 1707
Highland Society and Economy in the 18th and 19th centuries
Highland Clearance
Religion and Scottish Society
Industrialisation and Agricultural Change
Urbanisation and the impact on Scottish towns
Post WW1 economic and social change


Essay (50%)
Primary Source Exercise (30%)
Digital Presentation (10%)
Online Test (10%)

Background Reading
Please enquire further through should you wish a short list of background
reading for this module. Prior to enrolling, each student will be issued with a Pre-Entry guide,
which will outline this in more detail. Once enrolled as a student, you will also have access to a
wide range of online learning resources including teaching notes, and a dedicated discussion
board and chat area for each module. You will also be able to enter an online resource base
including links to our large and still-growing range of PDFs of digitised articles and chapters, as
well as a steadily expanding collection of Ebooks.
Cost for next academic year, September 2012 June 2013
Scottish/EU students: 215
Rest of UK / International students: Price on application

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