Mission Central Altoona Hub 2014 Statistics

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Mission Central Altoona HUB 2014 Statistics

Volunteers for the year..828

Hours 17,275

For 2014.UMCOR
School Kits


Cleaning Buckets 100

Layette Kits


Health Kits


Birthing Kits


Total value of UMCOR kits $60,363.00

Total for years of operation.$457,970 UMCOR
Value of other donations to various ministries, social service agencies, etc.approx..$60,000-70,000 (I dont
know how to get a good number on that distribution list) Quilts.256value of gift$12,800..Blueberry sale,
1,930 boxes sold with a net profit of $12,520.00 which paid our bills for 2014-July, 2015
Two of our quilts were auctioned at the Elegance in the Warehouse a fund raiser for Mission Central. Our Board
members purchased a case of 25 protective gear suits for use in Sierra Leone Ebola epidemic. This was matched
by the generous gift by members of another Board in Bedford area with an additional purchase of a case of
suits. Yeah team...
Our first attempt at Birthing Kits.went extremely well.our goal300final total for year 614helped by one
of our local churches with purchase of supplies and many other groups making kits and sending to the HUB.
As alwaysit is the volunteers, the Churches, the groups, the individuals who are the HUB..
God continues to open doors for service, doors for nurture and doors of generous giving to continue to be the
Hands and Feet of Jesus in a hurting world. Thank you Barb Glass 12/31/2014

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