Quarius, Virgo, Gem: Agui, Ancer, Aries, Leo, Pice

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Cast: Agui, Ancer, Aries, Leo, Pice, Quarius, Virgo, Gem

Extra: Quariuss Dad, Pices mom, Duke

Agui: Hey guys! We brought the stuffs. (enters the scene holding refreshments)
Pice: chips and sodas for the girls, root beers and spicy shitty stuff which I dont eat for
the dudes. (Slowly place out the things from the plastic bag)
Quarius: Is everyone settled?
(Someone suddenly calls)
Quarius: Oh hi Gem, where are you? The squads here. Whos here? Agui then Ancer.
Aries since its his house (Aries yells hi/ Agui will yell shut up fagget), Pice brought in
stuffs, Virgo the virgin lady and Leo. (Nods in agreement) ahuh, yeah, uhuh. Youll be
here in a sec? Okay, see you bye.
(hangs up the phone)
Quarius: sorry its Gem. Since we have nothing more boring to do, lets play the old truth
or dare game. Everyone in?
Agui: were too old for that. Lets try catching up with everyone. Hey Quarius I heard
your dad were looking for you everywhere yesterday? Hes even calling us. Where were
Quarius: oh that.. (Everyone freezes)
*As if Quarius time traveled, she will be showing up with a piece of paper marked with
(3) 5.00 and a few 3s.
Quarius: Shit! Hell be so mad at me hell kill me. Dad will kick me out of his house this
time! I cant fail him again. Gosh!
(Quarius will be writing a letter, after she finishes it, shell leave it alongside with her
class card. Goes back to her original seat and freezes)
(Dad A will walk in and will saw the letter and the class card underneath. He will read it
as the voice over will be played)
*recorded voice over of Quarius*

Dear Dad,
It is with great regret and sorrow that Im writing you. I had to elope with my new
boyfriend, because I dont want a scene with you and mom. Ive been finding real passion
for Steve, and hes also nice. But I know you would not approve of him because of his
tight motorcycle and because hes so much older than men. But its not only the passion
Dad, Im also pregnant.
Steve said that we will be very happy. He owns an apartment downtown and has stack of
stuffs for the summer. We share a dream of having many kids. Steve opened my eyes that
marijuana does not really hurt anyone. Well be growing it ourselves and well share it
with the community. We might be able to trade it with other drugs, a few cocaine or
ecstasy. In the mean time well be praying that science found a cure for AIDS so Steve
can be better. He deserves it.
Dont worry Dad, Im sixteen and I know how to take care of myself. Someday, Im sure
well be back so youll be able to see your many grandchildren.
Love your daughter,
PS. None of the above is true. Im over at Aries house. I just want to remind you that
there are worse things than school reports and class cards marked with threes. Call me
when its safe to come home.

Scene 2
Quarius: Enough of me. How about your relationship with your mom Pice? Ancer told
me you finally met her after 16 years.
Pice: He did?! Ancer! (Smirks) Were good. Shes married already, got two kids and a
good husband. Probably richer than my dad in every aspect.
*stands up. Everyone except Pice will freeze*
(Elderly woman will enter the scene and will hug Pice, then freeze)
*Pice will angrily get out of the grasp, will turn to his mother and look at her with
Pice: (almost shouting) youre my mother? You claim to be my mother? You who left us,
you left me alone! All these years, I wanted to know you but where were you? Nowhere.
You dont care about me or dad! You dont love me or dad. You just want some filthy
rich guy! I hate you. I hate you so much!
*Pice will then resume his position on his moms grasp*
Mother: youve grown so much.
Pice: uh, yeah. So youre back just like what dad said. Uhm, can I go now? Im gonna go
out so if uh.. Youll excuse me.
Mother: oh.. Okay. See you.. Son.
(Goes back to his seat as mother silently walks away)

Scene 3
Pice: were good. Shes doing great. Anyway, Virgo, whens the break up coming?
Virgo: (eyes widen) what breakup?!
Pice: You mean youre still with that arrogant guy. That mongrel boyfriend of yours,
whats his name again? Douche Retard Bull-S?
Virgo: its Duke Richard Solis! And yes! We are still together and we are very happy.
(Everyone freezes)
*Virgo will stand up and will take a call.
Virgo: Oh yes! Its our anniversary today. Im planning to give him the best gift ever. Oh
yeah, were totally doing it. Wait hes here. Bye!!
*Duke will enter*
Duke: Hey babe happy anniversary. Angel sends her regards about our anniversary.
Virgo: Hi. Angel? Youre full busted ex? (Puts her hands on his neck as Duke slides his
hands on her waist)
Duke: hey. Angel and I are so over now okay? I have you now and thats what matters.
*Duke will look around in the audience and will wink. Then he smell Virgos hair, then
down on her ears, toward the neck and thats where the part n which Virgo will stop
Duke: Im sorry. I know youre not yet ready.
Virgo: No, lets do this. Remember the time when I told you that all my female block
mates were already experienced and that Im the only on who is not? So Im just thinking
if.. (pulls off her ponytail, starts to unbutton her shirt and bite her lips)
Duke: You sure? (Virgo nods) *Duke will bring out a packet of condom from his pants
and show it to the audience* Better be safe. No glove no love.
(curtains drawn)
Virgo: yeah. Thats it. Thats it. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

(curtains draw as a shitty passersby held out a sign saying AFTERWARDS)

*Virgos buttoning her shirt
Duke: thanks babe. Youre really good for a first timer. Now I love you even more.
Virgo: Anything for you. *Duke freezes* Even if I know youre cheating with your ex,
how can I stop loving you? Youre so perfect and this is bullshit. I wish I know how to let
go of you.
*Duke unfreezes*
Duke: Its getting late. Your parents dont want me around here. I love you bye. *Duke
will kiss her on the forehead and exits on 2nd door*
(Virgo will go back to her seat and everyone else unfreeze as if nothing happened)
Scene 4
*Gem will enter the scene
Gem: guys, sorry Im late.
(Everyone will ask her to sit down with them and she will sit down next to Ancer)
*Ancer looks anxious.
Ancer: ha-hi Ge-Gem (smiles)
(Continuous talking but one by one, the gang will start freezing again until it was only
Ancer who can)
Ancer: (full of compassion) Gem, I missed you. Its been three years since I last saw you.
The last time we were together, well we had this fight and we.. We broke up. Im so sorry
if I had to go and pursue my dreams and studies instead of you. But I swear, everyday in
three years, theres nothing else I think of but you and a what if life that could have
happen. Im so sorry if I was too selfish, Im so sorry.
(Everyone slowly defreeze and Ancer will be staring at Gems face intently)
Gem: Hey Ancer, is there something in my face? *slowly laugh*

Ancer: No, nothing. *softly whispers* youre perfect.

Scene 5
Gem: Its so good to see you guys. And Aries, Ive read some of your blogs and they are
so good. I like your topics huh. Very trendy and that LGBT thing? So great.
Aries: thanks Gem, thought no ones reading my blogs.
Gem: what was the first line there? Its catchy. It goes like coming out of the closet and
being proud of yourself or something. It was featured on TV last month and in the
previous weeks; Aries is establishing his name on the internet. You must be earning tons
of cash no?
Aries: stop it Gem. Its nothing. Its not that hard if you just push on and work hard. I
may be earning thousands while still studying but hey no big deal. .
Agui: (full of resentment) Ahuh, so youre still writing some blogs uh. (everyone freezes)
So what? Does that make you a celebrity now? If I know, youre a showoff. Always
thinking youre above us, always better than anyone. You never changed and will never
change. Youre a complete numskull. Do you think we really like you? Youre so full of
yourself. Thinks hes the great guy. Beat it.
(Everyone unfreezes)
Scene 6
Leo: LGBT eh?
Aries: (shows uneasiness on voice) Bro, ever felt that way when someones really good
looking, you suddenly want to get close to that person and sometimes, intimately?
Leo: yeah, most of the time with good looking girls.
Aries: what if you suddenly felt it with a dude? Or for example, our female friend here
Virgo suddenly felt shed do Quarius, what would you feel?
Virgo: Aries of all the people me?! Im a straight bitch mind you?! But... (gives a
meaningful stare to Quarius)
*puts her hand on her hair then smell it

Virgo: well, theres always a first right? *laughs

Quarius: What the hell Virgo?! We are both good looking females with perfectly
imperfect personalities but maybe *winks at Virgo* Just kidding.
(Aries is looking intently to Leos reaction)
Leo: Well, if its for me, Nah. I dont swing that way. Sorry bro, Im not really good in
this topic.
Aries: (a pitch higher than normal voice) but what would you feel?
Leo: Nothing. I mean if Virgos gay then shes gay. It doesnt matter, as long as were
cool with each other then go. Sexualitys the least of my problem. *chugs his drink*
Aries: ahuh. Anyway guys, you want to play truth or dare 2.0 just like Quarius suggested?
(Everyone nodded and say okay)
Aries: Lets start with you Agui, then Ancer, then Pice then Virgo then Quarius then Gem
then Leo and yeah me.
Agui: who told you to boss around?
Aries: my house, my rules? And Agui, it has always been this way. At least it used to be
three years ago. Now Agui, truth or dare?
Agui: Truth.
Aries: (mockingly) wow. So spill it out. Coward. (Everyone became silent)
*Agui look offended
Agui: I hate you ever since we met. I hate your guts, I hate your personality, bossing
around. I totally dislike you as a whole. Youre a complete fake. As if I dont know who
you really are. I know whats underneath your skin; I can even picture whats up on your
sleeves. There. Now its my turn. Say Aries, truth or dare?
Aries: (shocked) dare.
Agui: I dare you to kiss the ho*Aries kisses Leo on cheeks

(Everyone was stunned, even Leo who looked at him in awe)

Ancer: What the hell did just happened?
*Aries will stand up and leave everyone
Aries: Excuse me.
Scene 8
Agui: I knew it hes gay. I always knew it. That fag.
Leo: And if he is, does that make any difference to you now? Will your resentment cease
to exist because Aries is always better than you? Whats wrong with you people?!
Agui:What? Youll side with him huh Leo? Maybe youre not as hard as I think you are.
Leo: And maybe you really are not worthy of Ariess company. You know what I see in
you? Jealousy, hatred and envy.
Agui: So Im the bad guy now.
Leo: No youre the stupid guy. Agui look, it doesnt matter if Aries bosses around or
what. What matters is that we are here for him. You wanna know why he acts like that?
Why he puts on the tough coat? Its because of guys like you who will bully him if he
dont. You dislike him ever since? Why stay here and join the group? Why? Tell me?
What are you? Some user friendly dude? I know youre not because were like brothers in
this circle. I know each and everyone of you like the back of my hand. Tell them Agui
whats the reason behind why you befriended Aries 5 years ago?
Agui: (shouts) shut up Leo! Shut up! I befriended Aries because I thought I can be like
him. Carefree and always at ease! I befriended him because hes the guy I never was.
There are you happy now?!
(Leo smiles triumphantly)

Scene 9
*Aries returns
Leo: Come here and sit back. We still have to end this game in peace.
Aries: *sniffs, bloodshot eyes* Guys, I.. I want you all to know that Im bi. I swing both
ways, I do girls and I do boys. I-I was scared that you might stop being my friends when
you knew so I tried to distance myself from you. Im scared of my dad, hes homophobic
like Agui so he wont be proud if I come out. Hell even disown me if things gone bad. AAnd I dont have anyone except for you guys. So If I come out and you will feel the same
way Agui feels, i dont know if Ill have real friends like you guys.
Ancer: Hey its cool man. Not a big deal okay? Good thing youve come out. Well, we
got some hint back then but you had a girlfriend then so we just forget it.
Leo: yeah bro. Were still cool. Guys, always remember that no matter how much we
push other people from us, if its the real deal youre having with them, theyd keep on
coming back because what matters to them is you, the perfectly imperfect you. Well be
here for you. Were brothers and sisters right? Were siblings for Petes sake.
Virgo: Now that Aries is done, maybe I might get my turn now. To tell you the truth. Im
not virgin anymore. (Everyone will be surprised) Its alright. Keep calm. I did it with
Duke and only to find out hes cheating to me. But it doesnt matter right now. Your turn
Pice: You remember my mom who left us? Well, I do hate her but as time goes by, when
Im thinking about what you said Leo, maybe Id try to talk to her later.
Leo: good thing bro. Uh, Quarius how about you?
Quarius: Id try to talk to my dad one on one. Im not really good in school but maybe,
just maybe he hasnt given up on me yet.
Leo: hey sis, parents never give up on their kids. If one thing I know, its because of us
they cant give up on themselves and their life. Take note of that okay? One thing I
learned these past few years is that you cant give up on family no matter how hard they
push you away. That goes to you too Pice.
Ancer: Ive got something to say too. Im still in love with Gem these past three years.
*Gem just smiled

Leo: So it seems like I was the only one left. I have a two year old son named Leon, his
mom died after giving birth to our kid. I miss her but well, we cant just sulk around
right? We have to move on and be better for the persons around us. For the moms and
dads we have, intimate partners and special some ones. For the family we have and for
the persons who is with us during our ups and downs. And honestly, it might sound
nostalgic but Im happy to see old faces. To remind me that all of us are having this
awesome journey, and what lies ahead maybe scary but when you look at your back, you
will recognize these persons who pushes you forward, reassuring you that theres
somewhere, someone you can go back to. After all, were more than friends right? We
are family.
Quarius: Man that was so deep. This calls for a group hug!
(Everyone stands up and do group hug)
(Everyone will go their positions and freeze. Wait for your turn)
*Leos recorded voice over.
Leo: so in the end, we made peace with each other.
Agui: Hey Man, Im sorry.
Aries: yeah, me too. And Agui, thank you for accepting me. Will you help me with my
Agui: of course. Ive come into my senses now. Ill help you, were brothers right?
*bromantic hug, then exits*
Leo: The hatred that sprouted from years of longing was now replaced with
understanding and forgiveness.
Pice: Hi. Its Pisces! Ill be home a little after six. Okay, thanks. See you later....mom.
Leo: We learn to accept things the way they are and soon the gap between two worlds
were bridged with acceptance.
Quarius: Dad, about last night, Im sorry if I ran away and didnt face you.

Dad: its alright Quarry. I still love you even if you had that red marked class card. Hey,
grades are just numbers. It does not define who you are.
*Dad hugs Quarius
Leo: We found the strength to let go and was able to see a much brighter future without
someone. Even if it hurts so much.
Virgo: (calls Duke) hello Duke. What? Angel? Put him on the phone. *counts five
seconds* Hey Duke. Im breaking up with you. I love you but I cant just pretend as if
nothings happening. Thank you for everything. This is not easy but hey, its worth it. I
deserve to be happy. Bye.
(Call ended)
Leo: And for some, starting over again is not a bad idea.
Ancer: Uh Gem. I just want you to know that after we broke up that night and never
talked to each other again for three years, I never stopped thinking of you. I know Im a
selfish boyfriend back then and Im really sorry for what happened.I hope youd still
forgive me after hurting you so much.
Gem: Already forgiven. By the way, Im Gemini Imperial, you are? (Offers a hand)
Ancer: (surprised) Ancer.. Chris Ancer. (Shook hand with her)
Leo: So in the end, we got our motivation from little things. We always do YOLO and as
for me, Im all in with whatever life has got for me. Life is too short for regrets, too long
for so many mistakes but still, thats what makes you wake up every day. How about you,
what motivates you?

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