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January 22, 2015

Bet Sipe


East Central PNG

Gday friends! I hope that your new year has begun

flying, driving, sailing and trekking across the East

off fantastic and your families are well! Here in

Central province to villages previously unreached by

Townsville things have been so exciting and busy

YWAM Townsville. We will be assessing medical,

preparing for our 6 outreach teams heading into

educational and basic needs in each village to report

Papua New Guinea and Australia! (5 teams PNG,

back to our medical ship, the YWAM PNG. While

1 team East Coast Australia).

simultaneously bringing a

The students are amazed at

new hope and celebration

how much growth has

with us as we both teach and

happened in them personally,

learn from the people of

and are ready to out pour into

PNG. I will although be out

the nations! We leave on the

of contact until March 5,

23 of January for 6 weeks of

2015. Your prayers will be

adventure in missions. My

much appreciated for my

team of 10 represents 7

team! Some main needs for

different nations that are all so blessed with what

our team are transportation and guides for when in

God has already done in each of their lives already.

the province. If you would like to follow our

We are all very excited to have this opportunity to

missions update you can like YWAM Townsville

go and serve the people of Papua New Guinea. Our

on Facebook (#octrto14). Thank you for all your

aim is to awaken the potential of each individual we

support in finances and prayer! I am very blessed by

come across and to prepare the way for new and

each and every one of you! God Bless, Bethany.

better things! For the next six weeks we will be

+61 413 418 099

A little deeper
PNG Statistics:
5 women die in childbirth everyday

1 in 13 children will die before the

age of 5

94% are affected by malaria

1 dentist for every 100,000 people in


Prayer Request
-Safety in traveling in
PNG and Australia for all
outreach teams

-Transportation and travel

guides (interpreters)

Airlie Beach Outreach Details

On our outreach to Airlie Beach from December 29January 3 we experienced many stories of hope, love and
healing, but also rejection. As a group we learned what it was
to step out of our comfort zones and just love on people of
every type. It was a time of humbling each individual to serve
and care for the community until the late hours of the night
and during the hot hours of the day. We emphasised the fact
that all this, that missions and service, is not about us. So we
put our feelings aside and loved and embraced Airlie beach
with all we have Yes, we have many stories of rejection, but
even more stories of bringing a light into a lost city. Bring hope
to addicts and drunks, to the young and old, to the homeless
and fortunate. And all it took was a question on the side of
the street to initiate a possibly life changing conversation:
Hello, how is your day?

-Against sickness while

on outreach


-All my teams finances are
came in for outreach!

-My team has their visas

and plane tickets to PNG

-We are blessed by the

churches in PNG for



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