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The Importance of Gun Safety Courses

Caroline Izaguirre
The Studio 21
January 30, 2015
The Importance of Gun Safety Courses
As of now, in Georgia to carry a gun you must get a gun license and be 18 or older. In the gun
licensing process, you must pay the fee and undergo a federal and state criminal background
check. This reviews your history with crimes, drug and alcohol abuse, and mental illness. While
these things are very important, just because someone has no criminal history doesnt necessarily
mean they are the most qualified person to own and carry a gun. Even if they have harmless
intentions with the gun, accidents happen. However, they can be reduced or even prevented with
a mandatory gun safety course.
In this project we want to convince the Georgia General Assembly that requiring citizens
to take a gun safety course before they are allowed to carry a gun. Many tragic accidents have
happened with guns and people who dont know how to safely store them. These terrible deaths
of both children and adults can easily be reduced and in many cases, prevented if Georgia laws
require citizens to be educated on the safety and how to properly care for and store guns. We
wanted to do this topic because we believe that these terrible accidents involving adults who
dont know how to safely store a gun and children who are the victims of this can be stopped and
much less common by passing a law that requires gun owners to simply take a 4 hour class that
could save lives. We hope to prove this point and make the benefits of passing this law very clear
to our audience.
Essential/Driving Research Question (5 pts)
1. We have discovered that far too many tragic accidents occur as a result of careless gun owners
and the Georgia General Assembly needs to address this.
2. We propose that the Georgia Legislature pass a law requiring Georgians to take a gun safety
course before owning a gun.
8th Grade Georgia Studies
Category- State Government
1. 20c- Write arguments on a specific subject by supporting claims and reasoning behind your

Firearm- tool that shoots projectiles ny burning gunpowder.
Automatic- a firearm that shoots two or more cartridges with one pull of the trigger.
Hang Fire- when a gun has a delay of 1-3 seconds before firing.
Muzzle control- when you keep the gun pointing to the ground.
Misfire- when the cartridge does not go off.
Intended Outcome
We intend to learn more about what it takes to propose a law and to learn more about our
government. We also want other students to learn more about state government and laws. Our
other intention is to bring up the attention of gun safety. We hope to inform our audience about
the troubles of owning a gun without a license and the terrible unintended shootings in Georgia.
Hopefully, our new law could help people understand the responsibilities of owning a gun. We
could even contact our state representatives and inform them about our new law.
Group Member and Job Assignment
Julia Turner: half of proposal and research, social media page and half of video
Caroline Izaguirre: half of proposal and research, online flier, and half of video.
(Everything above this line should be completed on the first week of a project; everything below
the line should be completed by the day the project is due.)
Result (10 pts)
Describe what result you actually accomplished through the project (Minimum of two full
paragraphs; should specifically detail if your intended result fits the final result and how;
should explain the final product--its use;; its usefulness to others, etc.)
Reflection (10 pts)
Reflect in depth about what you learned. (Minimum of one, six sentence paragraph; concentrate
on what AKS you really learned; what do you know now that you didnt before; how was the
project helpful; what were the problems with the project; what will change in the future; how
does this project compare to projects of the past?) NOTE: The reflection should be different for
each group member!
References (10 pts)
List all references and resources used in project (APA or MLA acceptable but should be
consistent) Link to The Owl at Purdue
There should be a minimum of 5 (five) sources listed.

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