Soil Modification Improvement of Soil Behavior Soil Stabilization Increases Strength and Structural Values

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Ground freezing is a process of making water-bearing strata temporarily

impermeable and to increase their compressive and shear strength by
transforming joint water into ice.
Freezing is normally used to provide structural underpinning; temporary
supports for an excavation or to prevent ground water flow into an excavated
Successful freezing of permeable water-bearing ground affects
simultaneously a seal against water and substantial strengthening of
incoherent ground.
No extraneous materials need to be injected and apart from the contingency
of frost heave, the ground normally reverts to its normal state.
It is applicable to a wide range of soils but it takes considerable time to
establish a substantial ice wall and the freeze must be maintained by
continued refrigeration as long as required.
14. Vertical drains are installed under a surcharge load to accelerate the
drainage of impervious soils and thus speed up consolidation
These drains provide a shorter path for the water to flow through to get away
from the soil
Time to drain clay layers can be reduced from years to a couple of months

1. Soil Modification = Improvement of soil behavior

Soil Stabilization = Increases strength and structural values
9. Vibro-Replacement Stone Columns extends the range of soils that include
cohesive soils.
Densification and/or reinforcement of the soil with compacted granular
columns or stone columns is accomplished by either top-feed or the
bottom-feed method.
Cohesive, mixed and layered soils generally do not densify easily when
subjected to vibration alone. The Vibro-Replacement Stone Column technique
was developed specifically for these soils, effectively extending the range of
soil types that can be improved with the deep vibratory process. With VibroReplacement Stone Columns, columns of dense, crushed stone are designed
to increase bearing capacity, reduce settlement, aid densification and
mitigate the potential for liquefaction, and improve shear resistance.

The Vibro-Replacement Stone Column Process:

1. Reduces foundation settlement.

2. Increases bearing capacity, allowing reduction in footing size.

3. Provides slope stabilization.
4. Permits construction on fills.
5. Permits shallow footing construction.

Dynamic compaction


method involves the systematic dropping of heavy weights, 100 to 400kN,

from a height of 5 to 30m, in a pattern designed to remedy poor soil
conditions at the proposed building site.
Why dynamic compaction is used?

To increase in-situ density.

Improve the bearing capacity and consolidation characteristics of soils (or

waste materials).

Improve in-situ permeability and/or reduce liquefaction potential.


Known as pre-compression.

It is the process of placing additional vertical stress on a compressible soil to

remove pore water over time. The pore water dissipation reduces the total
volume causing settlement.

the consolidation of the soils is time dependent , delaying construction

projects making it a non-feasible alternative
NO 10.

Soils Treated:

Organic Silt.

Silts and Clays.

Soft Clay.

Dredged Material.
Design Considerations:

Bearing Capacity

Slope Stability

Degree of Consolidation

Reduce Post-Construction Settlement

Reduce Secondary Compression


Improve Bearing Capacity.

12. GROUTING: Defined as the injection of a special liquid or slurry material

called grout into the ground for the purpose of improving the soil or rock

Types of grouts

Cementitious grouts

Chemical grouts

GROUTING METODS : Intrusion grouting

Consists of filling joints or fractures with grout

Primary benefit is reduction in hydraulic conductivity

Used to prepare foundation and abutments for dams

Usually done using cementitious grouts

Permeation grouting

Injection of thin grouts into the soil

Once the soil cures, becomes a solid mass

Done using chemical grouts

Used for creating groundwater barriers or preparign ground before


Compaction grouting

When low-slump compaction grout is injected into granular soils, grout

bulbs are formed that displace and densify the surrounding loose soils.

Used to repair structures that have excessive settlement

Jet grouting

Developed in Japan

Uses a special pipe with horizontal jets that inject grout into the ground
at high pressures

Jet grouting is an erosion/replacement system that creates an

engineered, in situ soil/cement product known as Soilcrete sm. Effective
across the widest range of soil types, and capable of being performed
around subsurface obstructions and in confined spaces, jet grouting is
a versatile and valuable tool for soft soil stabilization, underpinning,
excavation support and groundwater control.

Precompression : Simply place a surcharge fill on top of the soil that requires
Once sufficient consolidation has taken place, the fill can be removed and
construction takes place
Surcharge fills are typically 10-25 feet thick and generally produces
settlement of 1 to 3 feet.
Most effective in clay soil
ADVANTAGES : Requires only conventional earthmoving equipment, Any
grading contractor can perform the work, Long track record of success
DISADVANTAGES : Surcharge fill must extend horizontally at least 10 m
beyond the perimeter of the planned construction, which may not be possible
at confined sites
Transport of large quantities of soil required
Surcharge must remain in place for months or years, thus delaying

Vertical drains : Vertical drains are installed under a surcharge load to

accelerate the drainage of impervious soils and thus speed up consolidation
These drains provide a shorter path for the water to flow through to get away
from the soil

Time to drain clay layers can be reduced from years to a couple of months

In-situ densification : Most effective in sands

Methods used in conventional earthwork are only effective to about 2 m

below the surface

In-situ methods like dynamic deep compaction are for soils deeper than can
be compacted from the surface

Grouting : Defined as the injection of a special liquid or slurry material called

grout into the ground for the purpose of improving the soil or rock

Types of grouts

Cementitious grouts

Chemical grouts

Reinforcement: Soil is stronger in compression than in tension

To improve strength in tension, geosynthetics placed in soil for soil

NO 7:

alat pemadat :
Smooth Wheel Roller :
Alat pemadat terdiri
dari roda baja dengan
tekanan kontak sampai
dengan 400 kPa, cocok
untuk semua jenis
tanah. Luas cakupan
pemadatan selebar luas
roda yang kontak
dengan tanah yang
Rubber Tire Roller :
Terdiri dari 3 6 roda
ban dengan tekanan

700 kPa, cocok untuk

segala jenis tanah. Luas
cakupan pemadatan
80% dari luas roda
yang kontak dengan
tanah yang dipadatkaN
Sheepsfoot Roller :
Terdiri dari sejumlah
kaki baja berukuran 150
mm 250 mm dengan
luas penampang 30 80
cm2 melekat pada drum
baja. Luas cakupan
pemadatan 8 12%
luas drum dengan
tekanan kontak 1400
7000 kPa. Dapat diisi
air, cocok untuk tanah
kohesif seperti lempung
Tamping Foot Roller :
Mirip seperti sheepsfoot
roller dengan luas
cakupan pemadatan
lebih tinggi yaitu 40%
dan tekanan kontak
1400 8400 kPa. Baik
untuk tanah kohesif dan
menghasilkan aksi
static weight, kneading,
impact dan vibrasi.
Grid Roller :
Alat pemadat dengan
roda dari drum baja
yang dilapisi anyaman
batangan baja. Luas
cakupan pemadatan
50%. Cocok digunakan
untuk material granular
seperti pasir, gravel
atau tanah berbatu
Baby Roller :
Alat pemadat smooth wheel roller
yang berukuran kecil. Kemampuan
10 30 kPa. Aksi yang dihasilkan

static weight dan efek vibrasi

Vibrating Plate :
Alat pemadat berupa
pelat, dikenal umum
dengan nama stamper.
Digunakan pada area
yang sempit dan area
yang mempunyai resiko
tinggi jika digunakan
alat pemadat besar
seperti smooth wheel
roller dsb.

Stabilisasi Mekanis
- Bertujuan untuk mendapatkan tanah yang bergradasi baik (well graded) sehingga
dapat memenuhi spesifikasi yang diinginkan
Ciri-ciri khas untuk pemilihan perbaikan mutu tanah dengan stabilisasi mekanis
(mencampur berbagai jenis tanah):
Jenis tanah yang dipakai terdapat berdekatan
satu dengan lainnya, apabila satu dari jenis
tanah yang dimaksud harus diambil dari tempat
yang jauh tidak ekonomis dan harus dicarikan
metode lain
Apabila spesifikasi telah ditetapkan dan ditetapkan
proporsi dari masing-masing bahan campuran yang
akan dicampur pencampuran dilakukan dibawah
pengawasan yang ketat sehingga
dapat dijamin homogenitas

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