Annotated Bibliography

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Michael Han #9

Ms. Shimp
Period 1 / AP World History
4 November, 2014
Annotated Bibliography
Primary Sources
International Defence & Aid Fund for Southern Africa The Struggle is My Life, accessed
December 7, 2014.
This poster, created during Mandelas fight against apartheid, helps my research by
providing a visual and example of how Mandela protested against this unjust
Mandela, Nelson Acceptance Speech at the Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony, accessed
November 4, 2014.
In this speech, Nelson Mandela talks about how the apartheid crime against humanity
was defeated with the help of millions of people, the anti-apartheid movement, and
governments as well as organizations that joined South Africa to oppose an inhumane
system. This speech helped my research by providing key information about the anti
-apartheid movement as well as Nelson Mandelas role in defeating the apartheid
Mandela, Nelson Address at the Second Conference of African National Institutions for the
Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, accessed November 16, 2014.
In this speech, Nelson Mandela talks about the achievement of overcoming apartheid in
South Africa and what the new constitution offers, as well as two vital developments; the
adoption of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights on the
establishment of an African Court of Human Rights, and the conference on human rights
that took place in Luanda, Angola. This speech helped my research by providing key
information of what Nelson Mandela was able to achieve during his lifetime of fighting
Mandela, Nelson Address on the theme South Africa from Apartheid to Democracy, the
Challenge to Local Authorities and the Wider Community, accessed November 16, 2014.
In this speech, Nelson Mandela talks about how apartheid has exploited the people and
poisoned the society, as well as how he looks forward to a non-racial, non-sexist, and
democratic future. This speech helped my research by showing Nelson Mandelas
leadership and power through his speech on ending apartheid.

Mandela, Nelson Address to ANC Rally, accessed November 16, 2014.
In this speech, Nelson Mandela thanks the ANC for leading the struggle that was his life.
He also says to celebrate the nobility of the ideals of creating a non-racial and non-sexist
society; this speech helped my research by providing key information about what Nelson
Mandela achieved after struggling for years with the ANC.
Mandela, Nelson Black Man in a White Mans Court, accessed November 16, 2014.
In this speech, Nelson Mandela talks about how Africans have no representation in white
parliament and how the injustice in this system could lead to a very dangerous situation
in the country. This speech helped my research by providing key information about what
Nelson Mandela fought for.
Mandela, Nelson I Am Prepared To Die, accessed November 16, 2014.
In this speech, Nelson Mandela talks about why Umkhonto we Sizwe was formed and
what the ANCs mission is, focusing on non-violence. He also talks about how he is
prepared to die for the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all people could
live in harmony as equals. This speech helped my research by providing key information
about Nelson Mandelas work and efforts in the ANC.
Mandela, Nelson Letters From the Desk of a Freedom Fighter, accessed October 1, 2014.
In these letters, Nelson Mandela states he is ready to die for his cause, and in another
letter he writes to his daughters because he and his wife have been arrested and they may
never see her again; because of this, he talks about how he and his wife held to their
beliefs, even sacrificing their own personal interests for the battle for truth and justice.
These letters helped my research by providing evidence of Nelson Mandelas leadership.
Mandela, Nelson Nelson Mandela in his own words, accessed December 7, 2014.
In this video, Nelson Mandela reflects on his experiences fighting against the apartheid
movement. He then addresses the statement that Mandela may have wasted his life, and
also speaks about how it was very difficult for the people of South Africa to lose hope
under his leadership. This video helped my research by further showing Mandelas power
and influence during this time of suffering and discrimination.
Mandela, Nelson Opening of Trial on Charges of Sabotage, accessed October 1, 2014.

In this speech, Nelson Mandela explains his ideals of a democratic and free society in
which people live in harmony and with equal opportunities. He speaks for all Africans
want of equal political rights, and is prepared to die for those ideals. This speech assisted
my research by giving me evidence of Nelson Mandelas leadership; he fought for equal
rights for both white and black people and was ready to die for those rights.
Mandela, Nelson Press Statement Released While In Hiding, accessed November 4, 2014.
In this speech, Nelson Mandela talks about how no power on earth can stop an oppressed
people that are determined to win their freedom; he puts faith into people and assures
them that the Nationalist government will not survive for long. Furthermore, he says that
he will continue to act as the spokesman of the National Action Council, fighting the
government alongside the people for freedom. This speech helped my research by
providing evidence of Nelson Mandelas position as a leader during this time.
Mandela, Nelson Second Letter from Nelson Mandela to Hendrik Verwoerd, accessed
November 16, 2014.
In this letter, Nelson Mandela discusses the demand of Hendriks government to draw up
a new non-racial and democratic Constitution for South Africa and how the government
did not respond to their demands and instead struck with force. This letter helped my
research by providing key information about Nelson Mandelas work towards ending
apartheid in South Africa.
Mandela, Nelson Speech at the Signing of the Constitution, accessed November 16, 2014.
In this speech, Nelson Mandela says he is honored to be the first democratically elected
president, and that they now cross a critical threshold in which the people must work
together to grasp the opportunities enshrined in the constitution, build a future based on
equality and social justice, and banish homelessness, illiteracy, hunger, and disease. This
speech helped my research by showing Nelson Mandelas leadership.
Mandela, Nelson Speech at the UN Special Committee Against Apartheid, accessed October
1, 2014.
In this speech, Nelson Mandela speaks about how the apartheid system is still in place
and that none of the principles laid down in their declaration have been implemented. He
then provides more information against apartheid and says that the ANC will begin a

process which could lead to a just political settlement in South Africa. This speech helped
my research by showing Nelson Mandelas leadership and power during this period of
unjust and racist government.
Mandela, Nelson Speech on Release from Prison, accessed November 4, 2014.
In this speech Nelson Mandela salutes those that have been supporting him even while he
was in prison and then informs them that apartheid must be ended by their decisive action
to build peace and security. He then calls on the people to seize this moment so that
further process towards democracy is rapid and assures them victory and the freedom the
people have been waiting so long for. This speech helped my research by showing
Nelson Mandelas leader-like traits.
Mandela, Nelson Statement at His Inauguration as President of South Africa, accessed
November 4, 2014.
In this speech, Nelson Mandela talks about how South Africa has defeated apartheid
government and taken a common victory for justice and peace. He also wishes that the
people of South Africa stand by him as he continues to face the challenges of building
peace, prosperity, non-sexism, non-racialism, and democracy. This speech helped my
research by providing significant information about Nelson Mandelas goals as President
of South Africa.
Mandela, Nelson Unite! Mobilise! Fight On, accessed October 1, 2014.
In this speech, Nelson Mandela argues against apartheid and states that apartheid and
white minority racist rule must be crushed by the people. He also says that people must
focus on the achievement of a single goal, the complete overthrow of apartheid and racist
domination; Nelson Mandela then states that the world against apartheid is growing while
the white supremacy is shrinking and salutes all people that have risen up against
apartheid. This speech assisted my research by proving significant information about
what Nelson Mandela was fighting for.
The Imprisoned Society Release all Southern African political prisoners!, accessed December
7, 2014.
This poster was created during the time of protest against apartheid; the goal of this
poster was to free those who were imprisoned for their political acts, supporting Mandela.
This poster shows Mandelas influence because men were willing to go to jail for his
beliefs, sharing the goal of defeating apartheid.

Secondary Sources
Biography of Nelson Mandela, Biography Nelson Mandela Foundation, accessed December
8, 2014.
This site provides a biography of Nelson Mandelas life, providing me with most of the
information I need for a timeline that I plan on including into my website.
How Nelson Mandela forever changed South Africa, Video: How Nelson Mandela forever
changed South Africa | Watch PBS NewsHour Online | PBS Video, accessed December 8,
This video shows the impact of Nelson Mandela on the people that grew up during his
time. By using the different perspectives of three educated South Africans, this video will
help my research by proving that Nelson Mandela was a great leader.
Lasting Legacy: Nelson Mandelas Evolution as a Strategic Leader Knowledge@Wharton,
Lasting Legacy: Nelson Mandelas Evolution as a Strategic Leader, accessed November
16, 2014.
This article is about Nelson Mandelas legacy and how even in prison, he was regarded as
a highly principled, respectful, and dignified man. He even rejects the presidents offer of
freedom because of his beliefs and the struggle the ANC had already went through. This
article helped my research by showing Nelson Mandelas legacy even during his years in
Lessons From Mandela on the Fight for Freedom | Freedom House, Lessons From Mandela
on the Fight for Freedom, accessed November 4, 2014.
In this site, Nelson Mandela is referred to as an icon of the struggle against apartheid and
his death reminds us of his life, in which he showed bravery and devotion to a just cause.
Nelson Mandela struggled against apartheid and sacrificed his own liberty so that all
South Africans could enjoy freedom. This site helped my research by showing Nelson
Mandelas leadership through his devotion towards ending apartheid.
Nelson Mandela dies at 95, Nelson Mandela, anti-apartheid icon and father of
modern South Africa, dies, accessed November 4, 2014.
In this article, Nelson Mandela is spoken about as a true hero by the South African
Presidents as well as President Obama. Nelson Mandela was a true inspiration to the
world and left a strong legacy behind him; he had a message of reconciliation rather than
one of vengeance, fought against apartheid and brought the worlds attention to the racial
segregation in South Africa until 1994. This article helped my research in giving me
evidence that Nelson Mandela was a leader to many people while he was alive.

Nelson Mandela, Nelson Mandela, accessed November 4, 2014.
In this site, Nelson Mandela is spoken about as someone who inspired people around the
world and worked non-violently to end apartheid. Even after death, Nelson Mandela will
be remembered as one of the greatest peace-makers and statesmen of all time. This site
helped my research by providing evidence of Nelson Mandelas legacy.
Nelson Mandela Facts & History, Nelson Mandela: Champion of
Freedom, accessed November 4, 2014.
This site is about Nelson Mandelas efforts to bring an end to apartheid and how he was a
leader of peaceful protests as well as the symbolic leader of the antiapartheid movement
even while in prison. Even after leaving office, Nelson Mandela remained a figure of
peace and social justice all over the world. This site helped my research by showing the
legacy of Nelson Mandela, being a true symbol of peace and justice.
Nelson Mandela Historys HEROES from E2BN, The Terrorist Who Became South
Africas First Democratically Elected President, accessed October 1, 2014.
In this site, Nelson Mandela is said to have spent his life fighting for the freedom of
South Africas black and colored population from oppression imposed by the white
minority government. He joined the African National Congress in 1943 for the justice of
the people of Africa and was arrested after touring the country, encouraging people to
take part in civil disobedience. Then, in 1990, Nelson Mandela was freed and was elected
president of the ANC the following year, and he would institute an agenda of peace until
his death, never faltering in his belief of equality and democracy. This site helped my
research by providing key information about Nelson Mandelas life and what he wanted
to achieve during his lifetime.
Nelson Mandela, Nobel Peace Prize, Southern African President: Youth For Human Rights
Champion, Champions of Human Rights: Nelson Mandela, accessed November 4, 2014.
In this site, Nelson Mandela is spoken about as one of the most recognizable human
rights symbols and a man whose dedication to his people inspires everyone around the
world. Nelson Mandela worked to abolish the apartheid policies of the National party by
joining the ANC and says that he has fought against both white and black domination,
cherishing the ideal of a democratic and free society. This site helped my research by
showing Nelson Mandelas legacy and impact on our world.
Nelson Mandela & the Fight Against Apartheid | Morningside Center for Teaching Social
Responsibility, Nelson Mandela & the Fight Against Apartheid, accessed October 1,

In this site, speeches by Nelson Mandela are provided; in these speeches, he speaks about
the horrors of apartheid and the brutal ways in which it was enforced. He also says that
all people who have made South Africa their home are entitled to live a full and free life
and that full democratic rights, including direct say in the affairs of the government, are
the inalienable right of every South African; he spread this idea and fought to take down
apartheid through nonviolent resistance. This site helped my research by providing
evidence of Nelson Mandela being a leader when South Africa needed one the most in
order to stop apartheid.
Nelson Mandelas Leadership Legacy to Us | Robert V. Taylor, Nelson Mandelas Leadership
Legacy to Us, accessed November 16, 2014.
This article is about Nelson Mandelas open mindset and vibrant legacy; he made human
calculations and considered every option as a political leader, and to this day we honor
his courageous leadership. This article helped my researching by providing information
about Nelson Mandelas leadership and how he was as a leader fighting against white rule
in South Africa.
Nelson Mandelas Legacy and the Next Generation of Great African Leaders | DipNote,
Nelson Mandelas Legacy and the Next Generation of Great African Leaders, accessed
November 16, 2014.
This article is about Nelson Mandelas leadership and how he was intent on creating great
African leaders as well as how he was a student of great leadership. Nelson Mandela
knew if a leader was polite or deferential and also believed that African leaders needed to
be different than Western Leaders. This article helped my research by showing Nelson
Mandelas leadership through his acts and his vision of future leaders in South Africa.
Nelson Mandelas legacy: As a leader, he was willing to use violence LA Times, Nelson
Mandelas legacy: As a leader, he was willing to use violence, accessed November 16,
This article is about Nelson Mandela as a politician and how his views changed over the
years from one of inciting anger and revolt to one of peace and reconciliation. The
different events in Nelson Mandelas life determined his attitude as a leader and the
actions he took. This article helped my research by showing Nelson Mandelas legacy; he
shall be remembered for his gentle call for reconciliation.
Nelson Mandelas Legacy, Nelson Mandelas Legacy, accessed November 16, 2014.
This article is about how Nelson Mandela led the ANC with reconciling generosity and
pragmatism. Nelson Mandela acted wholeheartedly and worked hard to end white rule in

South Africa. This article helped my research by showing Nelson Mandelas leadership
during his lifetime as he fought against apartheid.
Remembering Legacy of Nelson Mandela, Secretary-General Says Leader Showed Human
Rights and Equality are Stronger than Discrimination and Hate, Remembering Legacy
of Nelson Mandela, Secretary-General Says Leader Showed Human Rights and Equality
are Stronger than Discrimination and Hate, accessed November 16, 2014.
This article is about how Nelson Mandela left a lasting legacy with us as one of the
worlds greatest leaders. He showed us that equality and human rights are stronger than
hate and that together we can pave the way towards a better future. This article helped my
research by showing Nelson Mandelas legacy and how he is remembered even after
The Leadership Lessons of Nelson Mandela Businessweek, The Leadership Lessons of
Nelson Mandela, accessed November 16, 2014.
This article is about the lessons that were taken from Nelson Mandelas leadership. He
showed us to persevere through seemingly impossible ideals, choose collaboration over
retaliation, and that leadership is behavioral. This article helped my research by showing
Nelson Mandelas legacy through the lessons that he left for us.
Timeline of Nelson Mandela: 1918-2013 Interactive Feature, The Life and
Legacy of Nelson Mandela: 1918-2013, accessed November 16, 2014.
This timeline contains facts about Nelson Mandelas life and important events that
occurred during his lifetime. Nelson Mandelas quest for freedom from white rule took
him through many hardships, but he still fought and struggled for what he believed in.
This timeline shows Nelson Mandelas legacy from a prison cell all the way to his

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