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A Reaction Paper on the Short Story

"The Country of the Blind"

By Victor T. Tulalian
Submitted by: Peter John R. Arellano
Constitutional Law Review

It has not been my hobby reading short stories or articles but when
compelled in order to gain extra points, I came up with the "the country of
the blind" a short story written by Manila Law College brilliant professor Atty.
Victor Tulalian. This article however is different from the others that it has
inspired me and changed my political view and how should I deal with myself
and with the future.

This short story truly caught my heart and awakened in me that

patriotism and love of country. Like the character of JV in said article, I have
also been wondering "how a seeing man would fare in the country of the
blind?", "Would his gift of sight make him the leader of the blind?" and
"would the blind people welcome his help?". These questions are indeed
intensifying and seemed to be hard in this country that is governed by
representatives where what matters are their interests, the power and the
wealth. But with that wishful thinking of JV where he prayed "that the seeds
of thought that germinated in him would eventually find fertile soil and bear
fruit in the hearts and minds of his beloved people", the optimism remains,
all is not lost and hope for a better country is still within reach.
"Indeed, the Age of Responsibility calls not to a few but to the
many...Everyone is responsible...No one can escape the charge of
history...ladies and gentlemen...I believe we have but only ourselves to
"When there is no vision; the people perish! we have reached that critical
moment when it is important to have faith - and not be stampeded into
believing that all is lost. Our salvation lies in our hands. we have to face the
future with optimism and confidence in ourselves. Cassius, of course,
reminded Brutus that it is not in our stars but in ourselves that we are
These words of JV reminded me that I am a part of change, I am
responsible and the salvation lies in my hand. In the current situation of our
government today, the PDAF and DAF scam, too much politics, graft and
corruption, I started to lose hope and faith but not at this very moment when
the likes of JV still exist. I will strive to be great, to learn more and take
advantage of the gift of sight in order for this country to regain its sight even
on my simplest deeds.

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