HCC Stu Info

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Student Information Sheet:

Name ____________________________

Phone Number ____________________________

E-mail Address ____________________________

College, Year ____________________________

Major ____________________________

Reason for taking this course?

Experiences with Ceramics? Courses? Instructor? Workshop?


If you’ve worked in clay before, what do you like to do? (sculpture, pots, clay type, temp of firing etc.)

Favorite Artist?

Favorite work Of Art?

Personal goals for this Course?

_______ I know where to find and how to print the syllabus, calendar and project sheets on the blog.

_______ I have read through the syllabus and understand what is required of me in this course.

_______ I understand the attendance policy including what is acceptable as an excused absence.

_______ I understand that it is my responsibility to know what is happening each day in class according to the class

Signature______________________________________ Date_________________________

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