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What is your system landscape?
What are you roles and responsibilities in your company?
What are versions of SAP & R/3, Oracle you are using?
Patch numbers of SAP kernel & Oracle you are using
If a user wants to execute a background job immediately but there is no Backgrou
nd work process available. How u will do?
What is common House keeping background jobs that run in your system?
What are common transport errors u faced while transporting?
How you will do client copy? If SAP * user is not available at all in your syste
m then how u will do client copy?
How u will apply OCS patches?
What is the database backup strategy in your company?
What is upgrade process? And how u will do that?
How u will give new authorizations?
How to adjust user master records? If user master record doesn t adjust what will
you do?
How to check Kernel, tp versions?
Briefly explain a recent problem you faced, which u felt proud by solving that?
And ho u solved?
How you will rate your self in SAP, Oracle from a scale 1 10?
What are your daily activities in your company?
What are you roles and responsibilities in your company?
What are common background jobs that will run in your system?
If a background job runs more than the time it should be completed normally then
what actions will u take?
How to schedule background jobs at OS level?
How to add authorizations, how you will maintain profiles?
What are common transport errors and their codes?
Transport request types and its syntax
Where will u find transport error logs?
How to do transport at OS level?
How to transport objects from Production to Development?
How to define instances and operation modes?
What are Homogenous system copy and Heterogeneous system copy and how you will d
o that?
What is oracle Architecture?
At OS level in which directory oracle alerts are stored?
If a lock entry is holding more than 24 hours then what will you do? If another
user wants to share that lock but the user using that lock haven t released lock h
e went for holiday what will u do? This user wants lock ASAP then what will u do
What will you do if u got Update failure?
What will you observe in System log (SM21)?
How to increase tables space, resizing, backups and when will you do?
Various client copy methods and how you will do them?
How you will get help from OSS notes?
What is the need of having Development system?
Difference between Application server and Central Instance?
How you will check whether database is active or not from OS level?
What is Transport domain and Domain controller?
What is Consolidation route and delivery routes?


to lock a client? How to delete a client?

to login in to SAP from command level?
to define Logon groups? And what is Logon load balancing?
you will rate your self in SAP, Oracle from a scale 1

What are you roles and responsibilities in your company?

How you will do client copy?
If SAP* is not available then how u will do?
After client copy is table space and database sizes will be increased or not?
How to do client copy fast?
What are various profiles available for client copy?
How to do transport s between Production and Development?
How to apply OCS Patches?
What are you roles and responsibilities in your company?
How to do client copy?
How to do transports from OS level?
Where the transport data files will be placed?
How to make security authorization reports?
In which table failed user login attempts will be there?
How to see the t able entry values?
How you will give new authorizations?
Have you participated in Kernel upgrading and OCS Patches?
Have you done any up gradations?
How to configure TMS?
What is transport domain?
What is Consolidation route and delivery routes? How you will identify them?
Transport error codes and their description?
The transaction should not be displayed in User Easy access menu but he must exe
cute that transaction how to do that?

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