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Hell-Fire Manipulation

Manipulate the flames of Hell

The power to manipulate the mystical flames of hell. Combination of Fire Manipulation and
Demonic Empowerment. Opposite power of Holy Fire Manipulation. Not to be confused with
Dark Fire Manipulation.


Also Called

Demon/Demonic Fire/Flame Manipulation

Evil Fire/Flame Manipulation
Hell-Fire Control
Hell-Flame Manipulation
Hellish Fire/Flame Manipulation
Inferno Manipulation


The users can generate and manipulate the mystical flames of hell, which can completely
destroy anything. The color of the flames varies, but may be black, blue, white, or the normal
shades of fire, although probably in someway noticeably unusual. Sometimes, the flames are
not generated, but instead summoned from the planes of hell itself.
Hell-fire can cause excruciating pain upon contact instead or cause instant death, possibly
even for relatively beneficial purposes, such as summoning spirits of the deceased temporarily
back to the world of living from Hell. Some users can even use Reanimation or Resurrection
via Summoning the damned and/or Demons.


Calling spirits of the dead.
Fire Manipulation
Hell-Fire Breath
Hell-Fire Combat
Hell-Fire Constructs
Hell-Fire Infusion
Pain Inducement

Soul Mutilation
Summoning the deceased, beings of Fire, and/or Demons from hell.
Torment Inducement


Dark Element Manipulation

Demonic Empowerment
Demonic Physiology
Nether Manipulation
Spiritual Flame Manipulation
Spiritual Symbiosis


The flames created can be difficult to control, and may cause lethal backfire if not
handled properly.
Some people may not be compatible with the power to control hellfire, which may
cause the flames to burn them the moment they try to control it.
Since the flames may be inextinguishable, it can be very troublesome to control.
User must be careful when using the flames around comrades, to prevent causing
unintended casualties.
User may not be able to manipulate normal fire, and cannot use the flames for normal
day purposes (i.e. cooking, campfire).
Hellfire may be extinguished or repelled by holy items and substances (i.e. Holy
water, crosses).
Low level users may not have actual manipulation of the flames, and instead can only
produce it and let it run wild afterwards.

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