Networks Questions

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Section 4 - Networks

Tasks and Exam Questions

Exam question




Broadcasts packets to all connected computers.

Sends files to computers using IP address. Packet inspection
and sends to where it is needed.
Network card
It enables computers to connect to a software.

Network card

Cheaper because you dont have to put in cabling.

For safety so you are not able to trip over cables.

Bluetooth only works over a short distance.

Limited number of devices.

Answer the following questions

1.Define the term Wi-Fi.
Wi-Fi enables computers and other devices to communicate wirelessly with each other.
2. What are hotspots also known as?
Access points areas where the internet can be accessed wirelessly.
3. For a home network what is the normal range for a signal distance?
50m indoors and 100m outdoors.
4. Give 5 advantages of Wi-Fi.
- Provided you have a wireless signal, you can work in hotels, outside, in coffee shops,
- You are not confined to working in the same place. For example, you can work on
trains, buses.
- Fewer/ no trailing wires to trip over.
- It is easier to keep a working area clean if there are not as many wires in the way.
- There are no network wires so there are no costs for their installation.
Give 4 disadvantages of Wi-Fi.
- The danger of hackers sending messages.
- There are areas where you cannot get a wireless network.
- There is some evidence that there may be a danger to health.
- Limited signal range.

Use page 36
of the iGCSE
textbook to
help you

Define the term Bluetooth.
Bluetooth is a technology used to exchange data over short
distances and it makes use of radio waves.
7. What is the typical range for using Bluetooth?
The range of Bluetooth depends on the power of the signal.
Typically from 5m to 100m.
8. List 5 uses of Bluetooth.
- Wireless communication between input and output
devices. For example, a wireless mouse and keyboard and a
printer could use Bluetooth.
- Communication between a wireless hands-free headset
and mobile phone. These are the sort people use when they
are driving.
- Creating a small wireless network where the computers/
devices are near to each other and where the small bandwidth
is not a problem. For example, creating a small home network.
- Transferring appointments, contacts etc., between a
computer and a mobile device such as a mobile phone or PDA.
- Communication using a games controller. Many games
consoles use Bluetooth.

Use slides 2-4 and

pages 37-38 of the
iGCSE textbook to
help you

Answer the following in your books


What is the Internet?

The internet is a huge group of networks joined together. Each of these networks consist of lots of
smaller networks.

What can the Internet be used for?

The internet can be used for information, communication, entertainment, shopping, services
and formation of communities.

What is an Intranet?

An intranet is a network that is used inside an organization and makes use of web pages,
browsers and technology just like the internet.

5. Give 3 advantages of using the Internet.

- huge amounts of information can be accessed
almost anywhere.
- improved communication systems, this included the
use of text messages.
- Changes in the way we shop many people prefer
to shop online.

List the main differences between the internet and an intranet

-Internet stands for INTERnational NETwork, whereas intranet stands for INTenal Restricted
Access NETwork.
- An intranet contains only information concerning a particular organization that has set it up,
whereas the internet contains information about everything.
- Intranets are usually only used by the employees of a particular organization, whereas the
internet can be used by anyone.
- Intranets are based on internal network, whereas the internet spans countries around the
- With an intranet, you can block sites which are outside the internal network using a proxy
- The information for an intranet is usually stored on serves,

6. Give 3 disadvantages of using the Internet.

- Misinformation fake sites
- the information tends not to be reliable.
- it is global and open for anyone to use.

Give 3 advantages of using an Intranet.

- it is reliable
- it tends to be policed/ managed
- it is private to an organization.

A WLAN is a Wireless Local Area Network.

A LAN is a Local Area Network.
An Advantage of a WLAN is that it is wireless therefore there are
no cables.
A disadvantage of a WLAN is that has slow transfer rates.

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