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Section 4 - Networks

Tasks and Exam Questions

Exam question


E mail


A hub is a device that when it gets a piece of data it sends it to
all devise however collisions may occur

A devise which is smatter than a HUB and sends the data to the
devices it needs to be sent to

Enables connections


Because its cheaper because you dont have to put in

Wouldnt be in any hazards

Its short Range

It loses connection alot

Answer the following questions

Use page 36
of the iGCSE
textbook to
help you

1.Define the term Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi enables devices to communicate wirelessly between each other.
2.What are hotspots also known as? Access Points.
3.For a home network what is the normal range for a signal distance? 50m Indoor 100m Outdoor
4.Give 5 advantages of Wi-Fi.
1. Can work in different places other tan home or place of work
2. Less wires to trip over.
3. There are no network wires so no costs for installation
4.Keep the working area clean because there are few wires.

Give 4 disadvantages of Wi-Fi.

1. Hackers can read messages
2. There are some black spots where you cannot get Wi-Fi
3. There may be some danger to health
4. Limited signal range

5.Define the term Bluetooth. Technology that exchanges data over short distances .
6.What is the typical range for using Bluetooth? 5-100m
7.List 5 uses of Bluetooth.

Answer the following in your books

What is the Internet? A huge group of networks joined together
using an Intranet

Use slides 2-4 and

pages 37-38 of the
iGCSE textbook to
Give 3 help
1 No one could


access info from outside the company

What can the Internet be used for? To access a huge amount of data and info
What is an Intranet? A private network that is used in a private organization
List the main differences between the internet and an intranet
1. An Internet is a network of networks but an Intranet isn't
2. An internet is public an Intranet is private
3. A internet has more info than the intranet

Give 3 advantages of using the Internet.

1. Huge amounts of info.
2.Improved communication systems
3.Changes the way we shop

Give 3 disadvantages of using the Internet.

1.There is a lot of misinformation.
2.There is cyber crime and people could lose money.
3.Paedophiles could be looking for children on there,

2 Its private

A WLAN is a Wireless Local Area Network

A LAN is a Local area network.
An advantage to a WLAN is that there are no cables to install because its wireless
A disadvantage is that it would run slower because it has no cables for the data to run across

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