Lunar Manipulation

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Lunar Manipulation

Manipulate lunar energy

The ability to manipulate aspects of the moon. A sub-power of Cosmic Manipulation.

Opposite of Solar Manipulation.


Also Called

Moon Manipulation


User can create, shape and manipulate all aspects of a moon, including its gravity and the
effects it has on planet, reflective surface, time-keeping, etc. and use its lunar energy.
Given that it is the brightest object in the sky after the Sun, Moons prominence in the sky and
its regular cycle of phases have, since ancient times, made the Moon an important cultural
influence on language, calendars, art and mythology. The Moon's gravitational influence
produces the ocean tides and the minute lengthening of the day. The Moon's current orbital
distance, about thirty times the diameter of Earth, causes it to appear almost the same size in
the sky as the Sun, allowing it to cover the Sun nearly precisely in total solar eclipses.


Dust Manipulation
Earth Manipulation
o Sand Manipulation
Gravity Manipulation affects:
o Earth Manipulation
o Ocean Manipulation
o Water Manipulation
Light Manipulation without Color Manipulation: Moon-light is always a variation of
Lunar Attacks
Lunar Constructs, including weapons, walls, armor or allies/servants.
Lunar Empowerment
Lunar Energy Manipulation

Reflection Manipulation
Time Manipulation
o Temporal Cognition


Lunakinetic Combat
Lunar Healing


Dark Moon Manipulation

Esoteric Moon Manipulation
Pure Moon Manipulation


Combined with Solar Manipulation, user may be able to learn Eclipse Manipulation.
Astrokinetic Combat
Cosmic Manipulation
Darkness Manipulation
Eternal Night Inducement
Freezing being able to control the cold of space.
Lunar Mind
Vacuum Adaptation

The Moon and the lunar cycle are associated with the emotions, madness (lunacy),
subconscious and dreams, fertility (especially female one), blood, illusions, transformation,
intuition and repeating cycles.

Blood Manipulation
Emotion Manipulation/Mental Manipulation
o Confusion Inducement
o Madness Manipulation
o Sleep Manipulation
o Subconscious Manipulation
Fertility Inducement
Illusion Awareness
Illusion Manipulation
Intuitive Aptitude


Available powers may depend/be tied to lunar cycle.

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