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Science can broadly be defined as the study of "things" such as: Chemistry, Biology,
Physics, Genetics, Geology, Psychology, Sociology, and other fields of study that
analyze interactions, behaviors, physical properties, effects, causes, etc. in order to
rationalize or establish given properties, behaviors and interactions about such
"things". The basis of Science is the conducting of experiments. Basically, a theory
is made (stated), analysis and testing are performed with the use of various
controls, and when a specific, measurable result occurs, and can be reproduced or
proven time and time again, the theory then becomes scientific law, or a truism of

Technology refers generally to items of use, created from "Applied Science". A good
example of this is the production of Solar panels. Solar Panels are used in a variety
of different technologies, but the simplest example is a Solar Powered Calculator. It
was proposed long ago that the Sun emits 2 types of energy, heat energy and light
energy. The Sun's heat energy is what warms the Earth's atmosphere so that life as
we know it can exist, by warming the atmosphere to a tolerable temperature that
the Human Body can function in. (Space is somewhere around -230 degrees
Fahrenheit, and at those temperatures, plants could not grow, and the Human body
would not be able to carry on normal functions such as breathing in that cold of
temperature.) The sun's light energy is absorbed by Solar Panels (and Solar Cells),
and converts that energy to electricity so that the calculator can perform
mathematical functions. To test this, put a piece of electrical tape over your
calculator for 15 minutes, and then see if you can turn it on. If you can't then you
know the light energy is being converted to electricity.

The diff erence:

In brief: Science is the study of forces and interactions between different "things",
both animate and inanimate. Technology can be referred to as things which we
make, but were developed by applying Scientific law, knowing what such "things"
are capable of doing.

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