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Catherine Casey

Brianna Schultz
Colin Ryder
Charles Poulin
Timothy Cabral
Alanna Monahan
Essential Question: How did Thomas Paine contribute to the growing sentiment for
independence from Great Britain?
Thomas Paine contributed to the growing sentiment of independence by showing colonists
what good the British actually did them in his book, Common Sense. In doing so he
persuaded people who were undecided to join the revolutionists and helped gain the
support the revolutionists really needed.
1. Everyone, colonists and englishmen alike, have at least thought about the seperation
of America from England. Paine believes it is the perfect time for the war for
independence. (All colonists)
2. Paine believes that it is the best time to go to war is now due to the fact that the
colonies are united against Britain.
3. Though there is no navy, the Americans have plenty of people to support a land force
that would very much be able to defeat the British army. The colonies do not have
enough people when they are separated, but since they are now united as a nation
they are able to defend themselves. (Great Britain)
4. The colonies are self-sufficient and do not need Britain to control and maintain their
trade when they can do it themselves. Once the war begins the armys needs and
the colonies attempt at saving money will create trade on its own. (Great Britain)
5. America has no debt, the colonists could use their monetary status to start their own
government. Why should Americans have to spend money to pay Parliament to
repeal acts that they believed should not have been placed upon them in the first
place? (Great Britain)
6. That no country will ever be without debt, it would always be there so that they
should just forget about it and that it would only bring them unity. (All Colonists)
7. Explaining how the debt from the navy is a very important reason for Britains debt
8. America is self-sufficient and should make their own ships, to serve as both trading
vessels and a navy. (All colonists)
9. There is no point in having an overly large navy, where just a few able men teaching
others the ways of sailing will suffice. America will soon become the biggest ship
building empire in the world, as most other possible rivals are landlocked - making
Americans the only ones with the supplies and ability to make ships. (All colonists)
10. The colonies have become much bigger than they were in the past, so is it safe for
the Americans not to have a navy to protect themselves? (All colonists)
11. England will not protect America after the war, whether they win or not. America
needs a navy to protect themselves, as no one else will. (All colonists)
12. The English navy is not nearly as impressive as Americans were lead to believe, and
if Americans had a navy, even one much smaller than England has, they will easily
overpower them.

13. America should consider keeping their navy going even in times of peace, to serve
as constant protections should they need it. (All colonists)
14. America can produce its own natural resources, why do we need Britain at all? (all
Colonists & Great Britain.)
15. The Colonists should revolt now because Britain has only claimed a small portion of
land, leaving the rest of the Continent open for the Colonists. (All colonists)
16. The colonists are more motivated, they have less to lose, and Englands people are
too absorbed in their own well being, that they don't want to fight because they have
too much to lose. (Great Britain)
17. The colonies are young, and they need to establish a government now, because in
the future, they will be too large and different to unify.(All colonists and Great Britain)
18. Lets learn from the mistakes of other countries, and create a government where the
citizens will not be taxed without representation. (All Colonists)
19. Until England recognizes the Colonies as their own Government, the colonies are in
danger of dictatorship. (All colonists)
20. The Colonists should be entitled to Freedom of Religion. (Great Britain)
21. The colonists should create a Continental Charter that states the have a freedom of
religion, profession, and property. (All Colonists and Great Britain)
22. There needs to be a large number of representatives, and they need to be equal in
numbers. ( All Colonists and Great Britain)
23. A leader should be elected by the people, not descend from a blood line. There also
needs to be a Congress, in which the members are appointed by the public. (All
Colonists and Great Britain)
24. From our enemies we learn about ourselves. (Great Britain)
25. Nothing can settle the dispute between Great Britain and its colonies except
independence. (Great Britain)
26. No one can stop the war between Great Britain and her Colonies, except one those
two. (Great Britain and All Colonists)
27. America shouldnt expect France and Spain to help them if all they want to do is
make peace and build a stronger connection between Great Britain and her
Colonies. (All Colonists)
28. America has to call themselves rebels because if not, foreign countries will not help
them if they are subjects of Great Britain. (All Colonists)
29. The colonists should send a document to foreign courts stating their intentions
before sending petitions to Britain. (All Colonists)
30. The Colonists need to address other nations, because no other nations will listen to
them because they are seen as British subjects. (All colonists)
31. The steps the colonists have to take toward independence may seem difficult at first
but will later become easy and familiar, and independence must be gained as without
it America is lacking a necessity. (All colonists)

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