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Endorsements for Rethinking Education in the Age of Technology “collins an Halverson offer abl vision for bringing schools into the digital age— hd for how techneogy ca promt education beyond the schools” “Miadam Gamoran, det ofthe University of ‘Wisconsin Maton Schoo of Eluation cool ita troubled concept Colin and Halverson ae very lear about why and what we can do about” Ropes Schank, former professor a Yale and Northwestern and author ‘OTe ew Story aa Less Lenin, eLearning and Ting -Drawingon thet decades of research in and out of schots, Collins and Halverson develop penetrating and sweeping analysis of how technology is creating new Ghalegesund opportunitis for edition tay. A must rend for parents eica- {Srv oratolor intrested in preparing tre generation for thistechnology soaked wor ~Kurt Squire, Unversity of Wisconsin Madison author of From con fo Comex. Vidoes as Desinal Exprince “Rethinking Education sa tour de force. The authors cover wide tesa yet manage tospnthenze thet materials both broadly and deeply, providing scoping S0me- ‘Snes brenttaking) insights int the current predicament of education the ver {able tupca-war being waged between the fecknology-rich everday life ofthe “gat peivleged and the backward-leanng indus model of learning ve all ‘choot recommend this tet for anyone serious about education not just topic Thstory, butalss as an aspiration fr future generetions: education and vocilogy lars teacher, parents designers, and ete learners themseves Colin Halverson may very well be te new ‘Horace Man for today’s increasingly IO Iptzed- networked, diverse fla’ Friedman) worl.” Constance Steinkuehler, University of Wisconsin-Madson, author of ‘Mute Multiage Online Gaia a Eeatioal Thay Rethinking the nature of elucaion sit may blossom and grow cuts of schools itvall learners and throughout a itn fone ofthe conta design challenges of tro ew centr In thelr chatingof 3 dawning second educational cevotion, Confucun Halse iluminte how the values and opportunites of deeply social ‘Genie for technoboes soul and ill expand farming environments Beyond seater concepieat schooling, Anyone ho cares about eduction should read their poy Fea, Stance University, and author of Tenge Ey and R12 Lari. Rethinking Education in the Age of Technology THe Dierra. Revowution AND ScHooLNG IN America ALLAN COLLINS RICHARD HALVERSON FOREWORD BY JOHN SEELY BROWN ase Teachers Callege Columbia Unversity "New Yerk and London a Rethinking Edvestion in the Age of Techregy ‘atlier transformation of education was fostered by a numberof events, but it was precipitate by the Industrial Revolution, We are now going through a social revolation of simular magnitude, the Knowledge Revol tn, which is bringing on another wansformation in education toward lie long learning, In Chapter 5, we discuss the sceds ofthe new education system that we se forming around us. Chapter 6 describes critical differences among the tree ers of et cation: the apprenticeship era that preceded the Industral Revolution, the public schooling era thats slowly fading from the scene, and the ifelong learning era that we are now entering. Chapter 7 considers what may be lostand what may be gained as we face a new future for education, Chap ter 8 describes how schools can best capitalize on the opportunites that technology atfords, and Chapter 9 describes what the educational revola- tion means more generally for society, Final, in Chapter 10, we discuss the fire aspects of education that requir rethinkingas we move om, an education system centered on schooling ta system where people en ‘gage larning throughout ther ives, Inthisbook, weappese neither as advocates opponents ofthe new technologies Rather, we want to observe whats happening aking ais torical perspective on the relation of schooling leaming, and technology: What will happen tothe relation of computers and eucation isnot in any ‘sense inevitable. In fact, it sat caical Hes of change thatthe actions of pavticulrindividualsand groups have the most impact. The advent ofthe industrial age epenea window for Horace Mannan his contemporaries toshape the Americanedueationsystom of today. We again find ourselves at such a window of opportunity, where there ta batle raging between ‘conventional and revalutionary verses foreaming, Thereare many ede cational visionaries alive today. Notal of theircreamewillsucceed, but 3 ‘exe may eapture the moment with the right idea and the right approach to change the Future of education, 2 The Technology Enthusiasts’ Argument: Developments in technologies have often played riical cole in bringing about social and institutional change. Enthusiasts predic that the sweeping technological changes experienced in the worlds of business and entertainment must also take place in schools. Hence, many educators ‘and technologists have made predictions asto how the processes of teach ingand leaning willbe transfoemed by the new information technologies “There ae two anguments that technology enthusiasts make 2s to why ew technologies will evelutionizeschooling. One that the world ischanging and we will ned to adapt schooling to propae students fr the changing world they ae entering. The other is that technology gives us enhanced ‘capabilities fr educating leamers and that schools should embace these ‘apablites to reshape education. Enthusiasts have argued that embracing ‘these two ideas wil radically transform the way schools aducatestudents ‘THE CHANGING WORLD [New technologies are transforming every aspect of work reading and Inverating with the web; writing memos and sending email:computing ‘with spreadsheets and statistical analysis programs; analyzing problems with data visualization tools; creating social networking sites; market- ing with digital video tols;making presentations with PorerPoint. Read ing, writing, calculating, and thinking are what education fall about Yet schools are stuck using 1%th-century technology, such as books, black- boards, paper, and pencils. Computers arent the core of schools. They are use mainly for special courses in school, such as prgrsmaming tech prep, and business applications, or for baie compute itraey, Statents 9 10 Feshiking Eduestion inthe Age of Tachnology donot do most of thelr work in computer in moder otfices and factories, Enthusiasts argue that trying to prepare students forthe 2st century swith 1Rh-century technology i ike teaching people to fly a rocket ship by having them ride bicycles The technologies used at work and at school are etn futher and further out of sync, and enthusiasts think that this gap between the old and the new technologies will force schools to acjust and incorporate new methods into the core practices of teaching an leming, environments, unlike workers How We Think ts Cha ‘Technologies have evolved over the centuries to make sophisticated _work more accssibleto the common person, Some of theealiest ool, such asthe wheel and the plow, were sed to grow cropsane make clothes. The Industrial Revolution was driven by anew seo power tools (eg. engines and machines) that were used to enaneehuman muscle labor. The current KnowladeRevoltion sdrivenby anew stot computer oo thatempower peuple minds rather than ther bodies. As Joh Sely eown argues, "Tools Arivestienee: Noheory not experiment tthe tools And it’s this that has tnade the computer such an incredible force for scientific innovation, For ‘example, the ability of the computer to crunch unbelievable amounts ofin- formation; to design and fabricate mieromachiery; to link disparate tech: nologicsinto networks to creator materials with new properties and 1 isualizc whats going om in complex interaction has completely changes the speed and nature of innovation.” These new too are reshaping the ‘ature of work fram arelianaeon physical labor to cultivating the intllec- tual ability of ordinary peopleto interact with sophisticated symbolsystems "Enthusisslike Brown argue that competent adults will need! 0 mas- teecompuste tools to accomplish their tasks in the future. Much of human knowlege haw already found its way onto the web. People will need to fovelop ails to find the information they ae looking for, to evaluate its ‘usefulnes and quality and to synthesize the information they glean from the dtfeent sources they locate, Bssic composition is being replaced by precucton of mulinesia document, which include text, graphics, photo [raphs, vo, animations, simulations and visual displays of data, Works ‘will ned toleam how to understand and produce inal these diferent ‘communication medi. Calculating has already moved from pen-and- ‘paper computation to designing spreadsheets, managing complex data ‘ase an using statistical analysisprograms.Onecamplex computer tool, The Technology Enthusiasts! Argument " ‘Mothematicy caries outall the algorithms that ar taughtup through gad teschool, much more ecient than students ever ill: In fat, most think ing in the world, whether it is making airline reservations, controlling airplanes, troubleshooting complex equipment, designing new artifacts, exploring massive datasets to find pattems, and producing artistic prod ‘cts, is enhanced by compute tole. They are instrumental in all Uw a tivities that are contralto thinking and learning, Computer tols greatly extend the power ofthe ordinary india the same way thatthe power tools of the Industral Revolution extended the power ofthe ordinary body. No ane will be able to solve complex prob- lems or think effectively in the coming world without ing digital ech nologies. The presence of rew technologies in the workplace has pushed production in unanticipated directions by eeatng cule ofechnology ‘dependence andinnovation. Integrating now techeclogie inthe workplace ‘created a cycle that established the eoitons for subsequent new tc nology adoption, just a reading was made necessary bythe printing press and arithmeticby the inreduction of money. so computer echnologiesare ‘changing the very ways we think and make sense of the world. How We Communicate Is Changing ‘One of the longest-running trends in history isthe movement fom connotes of place communis of interes, Traditionally, community refers tothe town or neighborhood in which you five Tis te notion of community of place Its the only community with which most people interacted up through the 160s Foe example, nthe Middle Ages, people Seldom traveled, and rarely had much contact with people whe lived moce ‘than 10 miles from were they werebora. People got toknow one another very well, and spent their whole lives with others who shared He samme experiences, values, and belies about the world, Communities of place rely ‘on familiarity with flkways and circumstances to make communication chan localized, ‘Communities of interes, sch as scintfcsocaties, teacher unions, orchid fanciers, and rock musician fan cubs, hve arisen as anew Basis for communication. They are not bound by locaity—indeed, many have ‘members around the globe. Technologies loosened the placeased Cone ‘munity boundaries. The horse and stisup started taking people father alield and that distance wasextend successively bythe carriage, the ship, the automabile, and the airplane. 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