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Electronic Portfolio

Carly Ellis

Learning the Alphabetic Keys

EduTyping Lessons 1 - 5
Learn Home Row, H & E, and I & R

Learning the Alphabetic Keys

EduTyping Lessons 6 - 10
Learn T and O, N and G, Left Shift and (.) period

Learning the Alphabetic Keys

EduTyping Lessons 11 - 15
Learn Right Shift and W, B and Y, P and V

Learning the Alphabetic Keys

EduTyping Lessons 16 - 21
Learn (Q and ,), (Z and :), (Caps Lock and ?) and ( and - ) keys

Reflection and Summary For Learning the Alphabetic Keys

Pre-test: 92%
Unit Test Score: 100%
Need to Improve



Write a paragraph below summarizing your performance in this unit.

Include such items as: technique, accuracy, time management and
work ethic.

I have been doing well in keyboarding.

I need to work on my speed a little bit
more. I have turned in my work on
time, kept my notebook organized, and
pay attention in class.

Learning the Numeric Keys

EduTyping Lessons 1 - 5
Learn 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 keys

Learning the Numeric Keys

EduTyping Lessons 6 - 10

Reflection and Summary For Learning the Numeric Keys

Pre-test Score:
Unit Test Score: 100%

Need to Improve

Not looking at the

Accuracy, speed, and
finger placement

Write a paragraph below summarizing your performance this unit.

Include such items as: technique, accuracy, speed, work completion
and behavior.

I was having trouble with hitting the correct

keys during this unit. It was a little hard for
me this time. I did do good on not looking
down at my keyboard. I just need to work on
hitting the correct keys with the correct

Learning the Numeric Key Pad

EduTyping Lessons 1 - 4

Formatting an Interoffice

Formatting a Personal Business


Formatting an MLA Style Report

Formatting Tables

Sample Student Resume

Sample Electronic Job


Reflection and Summary For Learning Document


Date: June 9, 2014

Easiest Document For Me to


Document That Needs



Write a paragraph below summarizing your performance in learning to

format and key an interoffice memorandum, personal business letter,
MLA style report and tables.

I believe that this unit was pretty easy.

I had some trouble with the tables, but
the other documents were easy. I
enjoyed this unit because I liked to key
them and read all the letters and

Keyboarding Speed

Reflection and Summary For Keyboarding Speed

My WPM Goal:

55 WPM 3/20/14

Pre-Test WPM :

27 WPM - 3/20/14

Post-Test WPM:

41 WPM-6/6/14

My Best WPM:

44 WPM-6/4/14

Did you achieve your goal? If you did, what do you think contributed to
your success?
If you did not achieve your goal, what do you think you could have
done differently during the semester to possibly improve your

I did not achieve my goal this semester. I

think I could have worked on my accuracy to
keep my speed up. When I type fast I make
more mistakes. Overall Im pretty happy with
my progress and what my WPM is now.

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