Jefferson - John Tyler Louisiana Purchase: Molly O'Shea 12/7/14 Mod 7 Newspaper

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Molly OShea

mod 7

Jefferson - John Tyler

Louisiana Purchase
Who: France and America
What: Large unexplored western land, which France was willing to sell to us
Where: America
When: 1803
Theme: ID, POL
H.S: Helped them pursue manifest destiny by gaining all of that land
Star Spangled Banner
Who: Francis Scott Key
What: Our nations anthem
Where: Fort McHenry
When: 1814
Theme: CUL
H.S: Was written during a battle in the 1800s and is still used today and is sung before
many events
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Who: Lewis and Clark
What: An expedition to the Pacific Coast and back
Where: Louisiana Territory
When: 1804-1806
Theme: ENV
H.S: Explored the land they wanted (manifest destiny)
Embargo Act
Who: U.S and Britain
What: An act that did not allow any American ships to sail to foreign ports
Where: World
When: 1807
Theme: WOR
H.S: This destroyed Americas economy so badly New England states tried to secede
from the Union, so they knew to never pass an act like that when their economy
depends on trade

War of 1812
Who: British and U.S

What: A war caused by the violation of U.S neutral rights at sea and troubles with the
British on the western frontier
Where: U.S and Britain
When: 1812
Theme: WOR
H.S: U.S accepted Canada as British Empire
Barbary Pirates
Who: Barbary Pirates
What: They were the first major challenge to Jeffersons foreign policy
Where: U.S merchant ships
When: 1801-1805
Theme: WOR
H.S: A challenge to the neutrality policy
Era of Good Feelings
Who: People of U.S
What: President Monroes years were full of nationalism, optimism, and goodwill
Where: America
When: 1816 to 1819
Theme: ID
H.S: The term gained wide currency and his two terms in office were later described by
James Monroe
Who: President who had fought in the Revolutionary War
Where: U.S
When: 1816-1824
Theme: ID
H.S: As president he gained Florida, agreed on the Missouri Compromise, and adopted
the Monroe Doctrine
Treaty of 1818
Who: U.S and Britain
What: A treaty that improved relations between U.S and Britain
Where: Canada
When: 1818
Theme: WOR
H.S: Established our boundries so we did not cause problems with Britain

Monroe Doctrine
Who: President James James Monroe
What: Declared that U.S would oppose attempts by a European power to interfere in the
affairs of any republic in the Western Hemisphere

Where: U.S
When: 1823
Theme: WOR
H.S: Presidents later used his words to justify his foreign policy
Indian Removal Act
Who: American Indians and Jackson
What: Jackson forced the Americans to leave their normal living areas and move west
of the Mississippi so the citizens could have more land
Where: U.S
When: 1830
Theme: ID, PEO
H.S: This led to us continually pushing the American Indians back and back until we
completed our Manifest Destiny
Cherokee Trail of Tears
Who: Cherokees
What: This tribe was forced out of Georgia, and on their way westward 4,000 died.
Where: Georgia through the west
When: 1838
Theme: ID, PEO
H.S: It was a cause of the Indian Removal Act
American Colonization Society
Who: A group helping freed slaves
What: A group that established an African- American settlement in Liberia
Where: Monrovia, Liberia
When: 1822
Theme: POL
H.S: The slave population continued to grow
Womens Rights
Who: Women reformers
What: Women reformers strongly disliked the way men relegated to secondary roles
Where: U.S
When: Close to the 1850s
Theme: CUL
H.S: The start of women finally getting their equal rights
Public School Movement
What: A reform for children, which was establishing free public schools
Where: U.S
When: 1840s
Theme: POL
H.S: This movement helped create all of the many schools we have today

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