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Molly OShea

The 18th Century Brings More People
In the beginning of the 17th century, the colonies had a population of around 250,000 of
Europeans and Africans. After only 74 years, the population had jumped all the way up to
2,500,000 Europeans and Africans. The population increase was more dramatic for the Africans
rather than the Europeans. Because slavery was not as popular in the beginning of the 17th
century, the number change was great. It went from about 28,000 Africans to about 500,000
Africans by 1775.
The reasons for this major increase in population was for three main reasons. These
reasons were immigration, Africans, and natural increase. Newcomers to the 13 colonies came
from England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. They also came from parts of Western and Central
Europe. There were many reasons to leave Europe. Some people left to get away from wars
and religious oppression while others wanted an economic opportunity either by farming land or
setting up a shop as an artisan or a merchant. Most of those immigrants either settled in the
middle colonies or on the western
frontier. Another reason for population
growth would be the Africans. They
were not like the other immigrants
who chose to come to the colonies,
they were forced here and were sold


enslaved laborers. The number of

slaves grew rapidly, and they were
the majority of people in South
Carolina and in Georgia. Not all
Africans were slaves, though. Some
were free wage earners and property
owners. By 1775, African American population made up 20% of the colonial population. Finally,
the last reason for population growth would be natural increase. This was from a high birthrate
among colonial families because they had a dependable food supply. In conclusion, the
population in the early 17th century to the end of the 17th century grew dramatically. Starting
around 250,000 and jumping all the way up to 2,500,000 was a major increase and it will
continue to grow.

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