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Location Visit Sheet

Product title: Us against the world

Client: Music Video

Director: Tom Pullen, Jack Watson and Francis Serumaga

Date: 20/01/2015

High School Recording Studio
Access: Into the DH building up the stairs on the second floor.
Space: Relatively big, big enough fro 3 people
Permissions: Allowed
Lighting: Electric
Power: Power Sockets
Health and Safety: Watch out for any wires on the floor that can cause a
tripping hazard also be careful so you dont electrocute yourself. Dont bring
drinks into the studio because they is a load of wires and it can cause a fire.

Positives/negatives about filming here: Positive, make it look professional and

negative when it comes to space.

Name and number of location contact: Glenthorne High School 02086446307

The Grove
Access: walk straight into the park via Westcroft.
Space: The size of china
Permissions: Allowed
Lighting: Natural sunlight
Power: Camera Battery ( no power sockets )
Health and Safety: Watch where we put the tripod in case we put it in mud
and watch out for objects hidden in the grass e.g. glass.

Positives/negatives about filming here: Positives there is a lot of open space a

negative could be members of public getting

Name and number of location contact:


Sketch or photo of location:

Access: into Jubilee Wing bottom floor.
Space: Classroom size
Permissions: Allowed
Lighting: Electricity
Power: power sockets
Health and Safety: Be careful not to trip over ay chairs tables and dont
swing your arms around in case you knock over the computers.

Positives/negatives about filming here: Positive are is that there is a lot of room
and a negative is people could come in and interrupt.

Name and number of location contact: Glenthorne High School 02086446307


Sketch or photo of location:

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