Paprika (2006)

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Adaptation Film Review


Paprika (2006)
Directed by Satoshi Kon.

Satoshi Kon was and is still known today for his anime films. Before
Paprika, which was Kons final feature film; he had done a few
others which would be known by anime fans such as Tokyo
Godfathers (2003), Kanojo no omoide (1995) and his last work
before he died was TV series Ani*Kuri15 (2007).
Although Christopher Nolens Inception wasnt out for another 4
years, Paprika very much touches on the same bases: dreams
within a dream. Its a film about a research psychologist who invents
a device the DC Mini which enabled the users to see into their
dreams. It turns out that one of the devices where stolen and
dreams slowly start become reality, getting more and more reckless.
Theres one therapist who can delve deep into dreams and try to fix
it and its down to her. Her names Paprika. For a lot of anime films,
there cut down as most of them come from hundreds of pages
graphic novels so its not surprising if you dont understand the
story. Many fans of the genre would know though, and be aww-ing at
their beauty of their favourite novels come to life.
For someone whos not into anime, its worth trying one out. Dont
let the misguided, hard to understand storylines get in your way as
the animation/art is wonderful to watch even if it is random and
leaves you thinking Whats just happened? You can get away with
so much more in an animation than with CG, so all the warping and
distortions of the animation are lovely to see. The colours are so
vibrant and hold a lot of detail. If it was down to watching a film with

a story then this wouldnt be for you, unless youre into this genre
then knock yourself out.
Star Rating - 3*

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