I Like Fall Lesson

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I like fall: Literacy Lesson

Alissa Velazquez
45-60 mins

1. Topic: I like fall

Grade Level: 1st
2. Essential Question(s):
a. Can students successfully express through writing what they like about
b. Are students able to follow step-by-step instructions to create the
3. Standards:

With guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic, respond to

questions and suggestions from peers, and add details to strengthen
writing as needed.

With guidance and support from adults, recall information from

experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a

Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing
ideas and feelings clearly.
4. Learning Objectives and Assessments


SWBAT express through writing why they

like the fall.

Students will be assessed by the short

writing piece. They should successfully be
able to write reasons why they like the fall
using complete sentences and ideas.

SWBAT follow step-by-step instructions.

This will be demonstrated by students

creating the proper scarecrow that is shown

by the teacher.

5. Materials:
The Shy Scarecrow (By: Mary Packard Published by Scholastic 2001)
Pre-cut scarecrow material
Writing Prompt
White Board and Marker
6. Pre-lesson assignment and/or prior knowledge:
Students are familiar with the fall season an their hobbies and interests
during the season.
7. Lesson Beginning:
Students will be gathered at the rug. I will ask the students to close their eyes and
think about what they love about the fall and what activities they love to do. They
will then turn to their pre-determined buddies and share what they love to do.
They will then share with the class.
8. Instructional Plan:
The teacher will read The Shy Scarecrow
The teacher will then lead a brief discussion about the book (refer to
questions section)
Transition: The teacher will then tell the students that they will be making
their very own Rags (character from the book).
The teacher will present the example to the class and the writing sample.
The class will then share what they like about fall again. This time the
teacher will write down responses on a white board. This will be used for
students to refer to when they return to their desks.
Students will then receive the writing prompt and begin writing what they
like about fall. For the students who struggle with writing, they will be
pulled to the back table to work.
As students begin to finish writing they will be instructed to color in the
paper with light colors so the words can still be seen. When they are all
done they will be allowed to relax at their desks or read a book.
Once all the students have finished with their writing they will be
instructed to put that to the side and take out a glue stick. Students will

have individual bags with the pre-cut pieces. They will be instructed to
take out the large circle and draw a face. The teacher will model the pieces
being taken out on the elmo.
Once the students have created their faces students will be instructed to
take out the hat and the hair and glue the two pieces together. They will
then be instructed to create the rest of the scarecrow through step-by-step
Throughout the lesson the elmo will be utilized to show the pieces along
with samples of student work.
Students will be given a post it and write their names and one thing they
like about fall on it. They will then stick it on the objectives board in the
front of the classroom.
Students should all finish at the same time and will be instructed to clean
up and get ready for their next lesson.

a. Pre-determined think-pair share buddies
b. Students being pulled to back table
c. Examples written and displayed on whiteboard for students who have
difficulties with spelling
Lesson Beginning:

What do you like about the fall? Think about the weather
and activities.

Reading Comprehension

Why do farmers use scarecrows?

Did the book remind you of a time you have seen a
How did the farmer solve the problem?
Do you think the crows will ever come back?

9. Closure:
Exit ticket: Students will be given a post-it note and write down
their names and one thing they like about fall. They will then
stick the post it notes to the objective board in the front of the

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