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Bully Busters Lesson 2: I messages

30-40 minutes

1. Topic: I messages
Grade Level: 1st
2. Essential Question(s):
a. Do students understand what emotions are?
b. Are students able to successfully deliver an I message?
3. Standards:
Identify, discuss, and role-play the duties of a range of community

4. Learning Objectives and Assessments



SWBAT successfully use an I message

Students will be assessed by practicing I

messages with a partner. They will then be
individually assessed through the iPhone

SWBAT determine the appropriate

emotions that should be felt.

Students will identify emotions that I

should be feeling through different
scenarios. They will also be able to recall
how characters from the book felt as well.

5. Materials:

The Way I Feel

Supplies for iPhone craft
o Construction paper
Written out scenarios
6. Pre-lesson assignment and/or prior knowledge:
Students should be familiar with different types of emotions and be able to
give examples.
7. Lesson Beginning:

Students will be gathered at the rug. I will ask them who can tell me what an
emotion is. Students will then report out their definitions. I will then tell them to
close their eyes and think about different emotions they have felt and when they
feel these emotions. They will then think-pair-share with predetermined buddies.
Buddies will briefly discuss what they thought about and then share with the rest
of the class.
8. Instructional Plan:
I will give students brief scenarios and have them respond with the correct
emotion that I should be feeling.
I will read The Way I Feel
After the completion of the book I will ask the class to recall some of the
different emotions the characters felt in the book to monitor
I will then ask if they have any ideas on how the characters could have
resolved their problems. Students will discuss what they think would work
Using an anchor chart I will introduce I messages. I will make note that
these messages can be both positive and negative.
Give brief scenarios and allow students to state the I message that would
be appropriate for the scenario.
Transition: Tell the students what activity we will be doing. Explain to
them that they will all receive iPhones with a message. They have to text
back an I message that is appropriate for the scenario given to them. All
materials will be pre-cut. Students will be asked to return to their desks
and to take out a pencil.
Students will then be walked through the project using the Elmo. When
students are done responding they will be able to decorate their phones.
**For those who finish early they will be allowed to go to the classroom
library and take a book back to their seat.
9. Closure:
Exit ticket: Students will be given a post-it note and write down
and draw how they are currently feeling. This post-it will be stuck
to the objectives board in front of the classroom.

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