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Josiah Wallace

Dr. Gilbreath
EDUC 511
July 7, 2014


Summary of Key Points:

During my research for this assignment, I encountered several
key areas that should be addressed with students as they work online.
As a teacher, I hope to discuss these areas with students and educate
them about Internet safety. Students should know how to keep
information private, be aware of online risks, and treat others with
As students use the Internet, they should be careful not to share
personal information with others. This includes giving out their full
name, their phone number, or their physical location or address.
Students should never share their passwords with anyone other than
their parents or guardians, and should store their passwords in a
secure location. Students should make sure that the websites they
visit are secure, and avoid clicking on suspicious links with malware
that could steal personal information. If students feel that they have
encountered malware, they should let an adult know about it.
Students should also be wary of meeting others online. This includes
never giving out personal information to someone or agreeing to meet
up with an online acquaintance. If students receive suspicious
messages they should let a trusted adult know about it.

Students should also be aware of behavior expectations as they

communicate with others online. Many students use social networking
sites, and students should discuss with their parents or guardians the
rules and guidelines of their online activity on laptops and other
devices. Students should know how to communicate effectively with
others online and know how to address issues of cyberbullying. In
instances that students do witness cyberbullying, they should avoid
responding to the bully and let a parent or teacher know about the
incident. Students should also be aware of the permanency of
information that is posted online and avoid posting anything that their
parents would not approve. Students should also ask permission when
posting any information or photos of others. Once students
understand how to use the Internet responsibly, they can safely
navigate websites and use digital tools to enhance their learning.

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