Wyclif Bible / Wycliffe Bible With Long S, Thorn, and Yogh

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PROLOG..................................................................III JONAS........................................................DCCXCIV
GENESIS.........................................................XXXIX MYCHEE....................................................DCCXCVI
EXODI..............................................................LXXXI NAUM...............................................................DCCC
LEUYTICI..........................................................CXVI ABACUK........................................................DCCCII
NUMERI...............................................................CXL SOFONYE.....................................................DCCCIV
DEUTRONOMY............................................CLXXV AGGEY.........................................................DCCCVI
JOSHUA..............................................................CCIV SACARIE....................................................DCCCVIII
JUDICUM.....................................................CCXXIV MALACHIE.................................................DCCCXV
RUTH..............................................................CCXLV I MACHABEIES.......................................DCCCXVII
I KINGIS.....................................................CCXLVIII II MACHABEIES.....................................DCCCXLIII
II KINGIS...................................................CCLXXVI MATHEU...................................................DCCCLXII
III KINGIS.....................................................CCXCIX MARK................................................DCCCLXXXIX
IIII KINGIS.................................................CCCXXVI LUKE................................................................CMVII
I PARALIPOMENON......................................CCCLI JOON.........................................................CMXXXVI
II PARALIPOMENON............................CCCLXXVI ROMAYNES.................................................CMLVIII
I ESDRE...............................................................CDV I CORINTHIS................................................CMLXX
II ESDRE.........................................................CDXIV II CORINTHIS...........................................CMLXXXI
TOBIE...........................................................CDXXVI GALATHIES........................................CMLXXXVIII
JUDITH.......................................................CDXXXV EFFESIES......................................................CMXCII
HESTER.........................................................CDXLVI FILIPENSIS..................................................CMXCVI
JOOB...............................................................CDLVII COLOSENCIS..............................................CMXCIX
SAUTER.....................................................CDLXXXI I TESSALONYCENSIS.........................................MII
PROUERBIS..............................................DXXXVIII II TESSALONYCENSIS.......................................MV
ECCLESIASTES..............................................DLVIII I TYMOTHE.......................................................MVII
SONGES OF SONGES.....................................DLXV II TYMOTHE.........................................................MX
WYSEDOM.....................................................DLXIX TITE.....................................................................MXII
ECCLESIASTICUS.....................................DLXXXII FILEMON..........................................................MXIV
YSAIE...........................................................DCXVIII EBREWS.............................................................MXV
JEREMIE...........................................................DCLX DEDIS OF APOSTLIS....................................MXXIII
LAMENTACIOUN..........................................DCCVI JAMES..................................................................MLI
BARUK.........................................................DCCXIII I PETRE..............................................................MLIV
EZECHIEL....................................................DCCXIX II PETRE...........................................................MLVII
DANIEL.........................................................DCCLXI I JOON................................................................MLIX
OSEE........................................................DCCLXXIX II JOON.............................................................MLXII
JOEL.......................................................DCCLXXXV III JOON..........................................................MLXIII
AMOS.................................................DCCLXXXVIII JUDAS.............................................................MLXIV
ABDIAS......................................................DCCXCIII APOCALIPS.....................................................MLXV

Ebreies han, but hou euer þeſe bookis ben noumbrid,
PROLOG alle þeſe ben of autorite of bileue, eiþer of criſten feiþ.
Þanne if þe firſt book of Eſdre and þe book of Neemye
CAP. I. ben noumbrid for tweyne, as Grekis and Latyns vſen,
Fyue and twenty bookis of þe olde teſtament ben bookis and if men taken Judith for a book of holy Scripture, as
of feiþ, and fulli bookis of holy writ; þe firſt is Geneſis, þe general congregacioun of clergie dide at þe Seyne of
þe ij. is Exodi, þe iij. is Leuitici, þe iiij. is Numeri, and Nicene, as Jerom witneſſiþ in þe prologe on Judith,
þe v. is Deutronomye; and þeſe fyue ben þe bookis of þanne in þe olde teſtament ben xxvij. bookis of bileue.
Moiſes, whiche ben clepid propurly þe lawe; þe vj. Alſo Ecleſiaſtici was writen in Ebreu, and þe book of
book is Joſue, þe vij. book is Judicum, þat encloſiþ þe Wiſdom is not anentis Ebreies, but ſowneþ Grek
ſtory of Ruth; þe viij. book, ix. x. and xj. and xij. and eloquence, and ſumme olde writers affermen, þat þe
xiij. ben þe foure bookis of Kyngis and twey bookis of Jew Filo made it. Þerfore as holy chirche rediþ Judith
Paralipominon; þe xiiij. book is Eſdre, þat and Tobie and þe bookis of Machabeies, but reſceyueþ
comprehendeþ Neemye, and al is o bok anentis not þo among holy Scripturis, ſo þe chirche rediþ þeſe
Ebreyes, as Jerom ſeiþ, but anentis Grekis and Latyns ij. bookis Ecleſiaſtici and Sapience to edifying of þe
þeſe ben twey bookis; and þe xv. is Heſter, þe xvj. is peple, not to conferme þe autorite of techingis of holy
Joob, þe xvij. is þe Sauter; þe xviij. book, xix. and xx. chirche; Jerom ſeiþ þis pleynly in þe prologe on
ben þe iij. bookis of Salamon; þe firſt is Prouerbis, eiþer Prouerbis. Alſo Jerom tranſlatide þe firſt book of Eſdre
Parablis, þe ij. is Ecleſiaſtes, and þe iij. is Songis of and Neemye, and biddiþ þat no man delite in þe dremis
Songis; þe xxi. book, xxij. xxiij. and xxiiij. ben þe foure of þe iij. and iiij. book of Eſdre þat ben apocrifa, þat is,
grete prophetis; Iſaie is þe firſt, Jeremye is þe ij. not of autorite of bileue; for anentis Ebreies þe wordis
Ezechiel is þe iij. and Daniel is þe fourþ; þe xxv. book of Eſdre and of Neemye ben driuen in to o book; `and
is o book of xij. ſmale prophetis; Oſee `is þe firſt, Joel þe bookis of þe olde teſtament, þat ben not anentis
`is þe ij. Amos `is þe iij. Abdie `is þe iiij. Jonas `is þe Ebreies, and ben not of þe noumbre of holy writ, owen
fyueþe, and Michee `is þe vj. Naum `is þe vij. Abacuk to be caſt fer awey; Jerom ſeiþ þis in þe prolog of Eſdre.
`is þe viij. Sofonye `is þe ix. Aggeye `is þe x. Sacharie And þerfore Y tranſlatide not þe þridde neiþer þe fourþe
`is þe xi. and Malachie `is þe xij. ; and alle þeſe xij. book of Eſdre, þat ben apocrifa; but onely þe firſt, and
ſmale prophetis ben o book, and in þis ordre. And what of Neemye, þat ben rikened for twey bookis anentis
euer book in þe olde teſtament is `out of þeſe fyue and Grekis and Latyns, and ben of autorite of bileue.
twenty byfore ſeid, ſhal be ſet among apocrifa, þat is, Neþeles apocrifa `ben ſeid in twey maners, as
wiþ outen autorite of bileue; þerfore þe book of Wiſdom Catholicon ſeiþ on þis word apocrifa; a book is ſeid
and Ecleſiaſtici and Judith and Tobie be not of bileue. apocrifum, eiþer for þe autor is vnknowen, and þe
Þe firſt book of Machabeies was founden write in treuþe þerof is opyn; and hooly chirche reſſeyueþ ſich a
Ebreu, and þe ij. book of Machabeyes was writen firſt book not to preuyng of feiþ, but to lernyng of vertues;
in Grek. Jerom ſeiþ al þis ſentence in þe prologe on þe and ſiche ben þe bookis of Judith and oþer, whiche
firſt book of Kyngis. Alſo þe book of Baruc and þe Seynt Jerom noumbriþ in þe prologe on Regum; eiþer a
piſtle of Jeremye ben not of þe autorite of þe bible book is ſeid apocrifum, for me doutiþ of þe treuþe
anentis Ebreyes, ne þe preyer of Manaſſes, as Jerom þerof; and holy chirche reſceyueþ not ſiche bookis; and
witneſſiþ, and `how mich of þe book of Heſter and of ſiche ben þe book of `þe ȝong childhed of þe Sauyour,
Daniel is of autorite anentis Ebreyes, and in Ebreu and þe book of þe takyng up of þe body of Seynt Marye
lettre, it is told in þe ſame bookis by Jerom hym ſelf; to heuen; Catholicon ſeiþ þis on þat word apocrifa. But
neþeles Jerom, in ſuynge Ebreyes, comprehendiþ alle ſoþely alle þe bookis of þe newe teſtament, þat is, foure
þeſe bookis in xxij. ; for Ebreies maken oo book of þe goſpelleris, Matheu, Mark, Luk, and Jon; xij. piſtelis of
firſt and ij. book of Kyngis, and clepen it Samuel, and Poul, vij. ſmale piſtils, þe Dedis of Apoſtlis, and þe
þei maken oo book of þe iij. and iiij. book of Kyngis, Apocalips ben fulli of autorite of bileue; þerfore criſten
and clepen it Malachym, and þei comprehenden in oo men and wymmen, olde and ȝonge, ſhulden ſtudie faſt
book þe ij. bookis of Paralipominon. But certis, litel in þe newe teſtament, for it is of ful autorite, and opyn
charge is of þis rikenyng, wheþer þe bookis of Kyngis to vndirſtonding of ſimple men, as to þe poyntis þat be
ben noumbred foure, as Latyns doen, eiþer tweyn, as mooſt nedeful to ſaluacioun; and þe ſame ſentence is in
Ebreies doen. Alſo litel charge is, wheþer þe derkiſte placis of holy writ, whiche ſentence is in þe
Paralipominon be departid in ij. bookis, as Latyns vſen, opyn placis; and ech place of holy writ, boþe opyn and
eiþer be oo book aloone, as Ebreis doen; and ſo of þe derk, techiþ mekenes and charite; and þerfore he þat
firſt book of Eſdras and of Neemye, litel charge is, kepiþ mekenes and charite haþ þe trewe vndirſtondyng
wheþer þei ben tweyne, as Latyns and Grekis vſen, and perfectioun of al holi writ, as Auſtyn preuiþ in his
`oþer oon aloone, as Ebreyes vſen. Neþeles it ſemeþ, þat ſermoun of þe preyſing of charite. Þerfore no ſimple
Latyns and Grekis han more reſon in þis rikenyng þan man of wit be aferd vnmeſurabli to ſtudie in þe text of

holy writ, for whi þo ben wordis of euerlaſtyng lif, as Apocalips. Þerfore as it is opyn ereſie to ſeie, þat þe
Petir ſeide to Criſt in þe vj. chapitre of Jon; and þe Holy goſpel wiþ his treuþe and fredom ſuffiſiþ not to criſten
Goſt ſtirede hooly men to ſpeke and write þe wordis of mennes ſaluacioun wiþ outen kepyng of cerimonyes of
hooly writ for þe coumfort and ſaluacioun of meke Goddis lawe ȝouen to Moyſes, ſo it ſemiþ opyn hereſie
criſten men, as Petir in þe ij. piſtle in þe ende, and Poul to ſeie, þat þe goſpel wiþ his treuþe and fredom ſuffiſiþ
in xv. chapitre to Romayns witneſſen. And no clerk be not to ſaluacioun of criſten men wiþ out kepyng of
proude of þe verrey vndirſtondyng of holy writ, for whi ceremonyes and ſtatutis of ſinful men and vnkunnynge,
verrey vndirſtonding of hooly writ wiþ outen charite, þat ben maad in þe tyme of Sathanas and of Antecriſt.
þat kepiþ Goddis heeſtis, makiþ a man depper dampned,
as James and Jheſu Criſt witneſſen; and pride and CAP. III.
couetiſe of clerkis is cauſe of her blindenes and ereſie, Symple men of wit moun be edified mych to heuenly
and priueþ hem fro verrey vndirſtondyng of holy writ, lyuyng bi redyng and knowyng of þe olde teſtament, for
and maken hem go quyk in to helle, as Auſtyn ſeiþ on in þe bigynnyng of Geneſis þey moun knowe, hou God
þe Sauter, on þat word, Deſcendant in infernum made heuen and erþe and alle creaturis of nouȝt, and
viventes. made man to his owne ymage and licneſſe, and to haue
bliſſe in body and ſoule wiþ outen ende. Alſo `men
CAP. II. moun knowe, hou ſore God puniſhide Adam and Eue
Þe old teſtament is departid in to þre parties, in to for brekyng of his comaundement; and hou Abel pleſid
moral comaundementis, iudicials, and cerimonyals. God by feiþ, mekeneſſe and charite; and hou Caym
Moral comaundementis techen to holde and preiſe and diſpleſide hym by ſynnes, and ſpecialli by enuye,
cheriſhe vertues, and to fle and repreue vicis, and þeſe hatrede and manquellyng. Alſo hou Noe was loued of
comaundementis bynden euer, and han ſtrengþe, for þo God, and al þe world, outaken viij. perſones, was
ben groundid in charite and reſon, and in lawe of kynde. diſtried for ſynne; and hou for pride and oþer ſynnes
Judicials techen domes and peynes for orrible ſynnes, God departid many langagis, þat no man vndirſtood
and þe iudicials of Moiſes lawe weren ful iuſt and oþer in þe tour of Babel; and hou feiþful and obedient
profitable for men, for þo weren ordeined of God, þat to God Abraham was, þat he ȝede out of his lond in to a
may not erre in his domes, and lawis, and workis. ſtraunge cuntre, and was redy to ſle his owne ſone Iſaac
Neþeles ſiþen Criſt was maad man, and ordeyned lawe at þe wille of God, and gat þerfore mich reward of God;
of mercy and of charite, and wole not þe deþ of a ſinful and hou God diſtried Sodom and Gommor, and oþer þre
man, but repentaunce and ſaluacioun, criſten men ben cytees, for leccherye and oþer ſynnes, þat þo weren
not bounden to kepe þe iudicials of Moyſes lawe, þat ſunkun doun; and þe dede ſee is now where þo grete
was endid in þe tyme of Criſtis paſſioun. But ȝit criſten cytees weren. Alſo hou trewe and obedient to God
lordis þat han þe ſwerd, and ben Goddis vikers, in xiij. weren Iſaac and Jacob and Joſeph, and hou God kepte
co. to Romayns, moun puniſhe men, þat treſpaſſen hem in alle perels. Al þis proces of Geneſis ſhulde ſtire
openly, in catel and bodyly priſoun, and ſumtyme bi criſten men to be feiþful, and for to drede and loue God,
bodily deþ, whanne þe ſynne may not ellis be diſtried, and in alle þingis do his wille. Alſo in Exodi men moun
neiþer þe comynte may ellis be ſtabliſhid in pees, as þe knowe, hou God kept his ſimple peple in Egipt, and
foure doctours and oþer latter preuen opynly by holy encreſſide hem gretly in þat lond, vndir þe perſecucioun
writ and reſoun; but looke þat þis be don for charite and and tirauntrie of Farao, and deliueride hem by many
comyn profit, wiþ mercy and compaſſioun of breþeren, miraclis, and puniſhid Farao and his peple wiþ ten
not for couetiſe, neþer pride, neiþer for veniaunce of a ſtronge veniauncis, and fedde hem meruelouſly in deſert
mannes owne wrong. Cerymonials techen figuris and xl. ȝeris, where no duelling of men was bifore, and
ſacramentis of þe olde lawe, þat figureden Criſt and his made hem to ouercome þe ſtrong peple of Amalech.
deþ, and þe miſteries of holy chirche in þe lawe of Aftir þis God tauȝte hem wyis gouernayle, and bitook
grace; and þeſe cerimonials ceeſſiden outirly, as to to hem þe ten comaundementis and oþer iudicials, to
obligacioun, in þe tyme of Criſtis deþ, and ben noyful puniſhe gretly opyn grete ſynnes. Alſo þey weren ful
and dampnable to men þat kepen þo, and for þat þe biſy to make a coſtlew tabernacle to þe onour of God,
goſpel is prechid and knowen generally; for if þo by his bidding and techyng, þat figuride holi chirche
cerymonyes ben kept now, þe kepers of þo knowlechen, and vertues in mennes ſoulis. At þe laſte God took gret
þat Criſt is not ȝit comen, neiþer ſuffrid deþ for veniaunce on hem for idolatrie, whanne þei forſoken þe
mankynde; and þis knowleching is opyn hereſie; for feiþ and worſhipyng of God, and onoureden ȝoten
whi þe treuþe and fredom of þe goſpel ſuffiſiþ to calues bi ſtiryng of þe deuel. And þanne Moyſes was a
ſaluacioun wiþ out keping of cerymonyes maad of God trewe mediatour bitwix God and þe ſinful peple, and
in þe old lawe, and mych more wiþ out cerimonyes of ſeide þus to God, for gret triſt of his mercy and
ſinful men and vnkunnynge, þat ben made in þe tyme of riȝtfulnes, and for gret charite to þe peple, "eiþer forȝiue
Antecriſt, and of vnbyndyng of Sathanas, in xx. co. of þou þis treſpas to hem, eiþer do me out of þi book in

which þou haſt writen me; " and for þis deuout preier ſhal be þe part and eritage of preſtis, in þe myddys of þe
and greet charite of Moyſes God ſparede þe ſynful pepil, ſones of Iſrael. Alſo for Moyſes and Aaron bileueden not
and diſtryede not ſodeynly al þe pepil, but took hem to fully to Goddis word, but doutiden of his byheeſt at þe
mercy and grace. And þis proces of Exodi ſhulde make water of aȝenſeying, God ſuffride not hem for to entre
men tryſty in Goddis help, and to be trewe in his loue, in to þe lond of byheeſt, but boþe weren deed in deſert.
and eſchewe his offence wiþ al her myȝtis. Þe iij. book Alſo in þis book ben told þe duellyngis of þe children of
clepid Leuitici techiþ men ſacrificis due to God, and for Iſrael in deſert, and þe batels whiche þei hadden aȝeyns
ſynnes of þe peple, in þe tyme of þe olde teſtament, and heþen men; and of Balaam hou he was huyrid to curſe
þat no man vnworþi ſhulde neyȝe to þe ſeruiſe and Goddis peple, and hou God compellyd hym to bleſſe his
ſacrifice of God. Þeſe ſacrificis owen not to be kept peple, and to ſeye profeſie of Criſt. And for þe peple of
now, for þo figureden þe paſſioun and deþ of Criſt, and Iſrael dide fornicacioun and idolatrie, God bad Moyſes
remiſſioun of ſynnes bi þe blood and merit of Criſt, in hange alle þe princis aȝens þe ſunne, þat þe ſtrong
þe lawe of grace. Alſo þis book techiþ men to abſteyne veniaunce of God were turned awey fro þe peple of
fro wedlok of nyȝ kyn and affynyte, wiþ ynne þe ij. Iſrael. And for as myche as Fynees þe preſt killide a
degre, and ordeyneþ peyne of deeþ for ydolatrie, and duke of Iſrael, þat dide fornicacioun wiþ an heþen
weddyng wiþ ynne þe ij. degre of conſanguynyte and womman, and dide þis for feruent loue to God, he gat
affynite. At þe laſt þis book techiþ men to kepe Goddis of God euerlaſtyng preſthod for hym and his ſeed, and
heeſtis, and for to loue her neiȝboris and to do equyte to turned awey Goddis wraþþe fro þe children of Iſrael.
hem, and werkis of mercy to nedy men; and comaundiþ Alſo þere is tauȝt, who ſhal be eyr of a man; and of
iuſt weyȝtis and meſures, and domes; and forbediþ halydayes, and ſacrificis, and offryngis maade in þo;
ſtrongly ydolatrye and wicche craftis and falſe and whiche avowis ſhulen be holden, and whiche not;
coniouryngis; and telliþ proſperite þat ſhal come to hem and of batels; and hou þe preyes ſhulden be departid
þat kepen Goddis heeſtis, and veniaunce and peyne to among þe peple, and what ſhulde falle to þe preſt; and
hem þat breken Goddis heeſtis. And þis proces of hou þe lond of byheeſt ſhulde be departid to xij. lynagis;
Leuitici ſhulde make criſten men aferd to breke Goddis and dekenys ſhulden haue citees to enhabite in þo, and
heeſtis, and ioyful to kepe þo to lyf and deþ, for reward þe ſubarbees to here ſheep and beeſtys; and citees of
of God in euerlaſtyng bliſſe. Þe iiij. book clepid Numeri refuyt ſhulden be ordeyned for hem þat ſhedden blood
telliþ þe noumbre of peple led out of Egipt, boþe of vnwilfully, not of purpos, neiþir hatrede byfore goynge;
lewid men and of preſtis and of dekenys; and how God and he þat is gilty of mannis deeþ ſhal be ſlayn wiþ
kept hem longe in þe orrible deſert, and puniſſhide hem outen ony redempcioun. Þis proces of Numeri ſhulde
alle bi deeþ, out taken Caleph and Joſue, for grucchyng ſtire criſten men for to loue here enemyes, and do good
and myſtriſte to Goddis word, and puniſſhide Marie, to hem, as Moyſes and Aaron diden, and to kepe Goddis
Moyſes ſiſtyr, wiþ lepre, for bacbytyng of Moyſes, þe heeſtis, and ſhede not mannis blood vniuſtly. Þe fyfþe
mylde ſeruaunt of God. Alſo whanne God wolde haue book clepid Deutronomye is a reherſyng and
diſtryed þe peple for grucchyng aȝens hym, Moyſes confermyng of al þe lawe biforegoyng, and ſtyriþ men
preyede wiþ al his herte for þe peple þat wolde ſtoone gretly to kepe and teche Goddis heeſtis, and adde no
hym to deeþ. Alſo God techiþ þere, þat he þat doþ ony þing to þo, neiþer drawe awey ony þing fro þo; and firſt
ſynne by pride ſhal be deed, and þat he þat brak þe it techiþ, þat wiſe men and myȝty ſhulen be maad iugis,
ſabot, ȝhe by gaderyng of ſtickis, ſhulde be ſtooned of and deme iuſtly þe pore and þe riche; aftirward hou þe
alle þe peple. Alſo God puniſſhide ſoore Chore, Dathan, Jewis ouercamen Seon, þe kyng of Heſebon, and token
and Abyron, þat weren rebel aȝens Moyſes and Aaron, his lond and alle þe goodis þerynne in to her owne
and made diſcencioun in þe peple, ſo þat þe erþe poſſeſſioun, and dedyn in lyk maner to Og þe kyng of
openyde, and deuouride hem wiþ here tabernaclis, and Baſan, and to his lond and goodis. Ferþermore God
al her catel, and þei ȝeden doun quyke in to helle. Ȝit comaundiþ men to kepe hiſe heeſtis, and adde no þing
whanne þe peple grucchide aȝeyns Moyſes and Aaron, þerto, neiþer drawe ony þing þer fro, and þat þey drede
and wolde ſle hem vniuſtly, and God killide mony and loue God of al her herte, and al her ſoule, and al her
þouſendis of þe peple herfore, Moyſes bad Aaron preye, ſtrengþe, and eſchewe ydolatrie, and ſerue and worſhipe
and offre encenſe for þe peple; and ſo he ceeſſide þe hym aloone; and þat þei teche Goddis heeſtis to here
veniaunce. Alſo God techiþ þere, þat preſtis ſhulen haue ſones, and þenke on þo heeſtis in hous and weye,
þe firſte fruytis and þe firſt boren þingis, and part of ſlepynge and wakynge. Alſo God comaundiþ his peple
ſacrificis and avowis and offringis; and dekenys ſhulen to eſchewe weddyngis of heþen men and wymmen to
haue tiþis of þe peple, and ȝiue her tiþis, þat is, þe tenþe her children, leſt þey ben drawen to idolatrye, and
part of tiþis whiche þei token of þe peple, to þe hiȝeſt bihetiþ many bleſſyngis to hem and miche encreſyng of
preſt, and preſtis and dekenys ſhulen holde hem apayed goodis, if þei kepen treuly hiſe comaundementis, and
wiþ her ſpiritual part of tiþis and offryngis, and take no þat ſtrong veniaunce and diſtryyng ſhal come on þe
poſſeſſioun `in þe lond of her briþeren, for God hymſelf Jewis, if þei doen ydolatrie, and ben vnobedient to God.

Alſo God biddiþ hem haue mynde, þat þey weldiden þe noon oþir þing of þe poſſeſſioun of her breþeren; for
lond of byheeſt, not for her owne riȝtfulneſſe and whi God hym ſelf is her eritage. Ferþermore God
ſtrengþe, but for þe ſynnes of men þat duelliden forbediþ idolatrie, and to enquere coniourers, and to
þerynne, and for þe ooþ of God which he made to kepe dremys and chiteryng of briddis; and comaundiþ
Abraham and to oþer hooly men. And þanne God þat no wicche neiþir enchaunter be, and þat men take
remembriþ to hem many grete ſynnis, to make hem war not councel at hem þat han ſpiritis in cloos, neiþir at
þat þei treſpaſe no more, but þat þei drede God and loue falſe dyuynours, neiþir axe of deede men þe trouþe.
hym in alle her hert and ſoule, kepe hiſe Alſo God ſhal reiſe a profete of her breþir, þat is Criſt þe
comaundementis, and ſwere by his name, and loue Sauyour, and he þat haþ not hiſe wordis ſhal be
pilgrymes eiþer comelyngis. Eft God biddiþ hem haue puniſhid. A profete þat wole ſpeke by pride in þe name
hiſe wordis in her hertis and wittis, and haue þo for a of God þat þing þat God bad not hym, eiþir bi þe name
ſingne in þe hondis, and bytwyxe her yȝen, and þat þey of oþir goddis, ſhal be ſlayn. Alſo vj. citees of refuyt
teche her ſones to biþenke on þe wordis of God euere, eiþir of fraunchiſe ſhulen be, þat he þat ſleeþ a man, not
and þat þey write þe wordis of God on þe poſtis and by hatrede but aȝens his wille, be ſaued, and he þat ſleeþ
ȝatis of her hous; and telliþ and ȝiueþ his bleſſyng to a man bi hatrede and bifore caſtyng, ſhal be ſlayn wiþ
hem, if þei kepen hiſe heeſtis, and ȝiueþ his curs to hem, oute mercy, eiþir raunſoun. He þat is conuict to have
if þey breken hiſe heeſtis, and worſhipen aliene goddis. ſeid fals witneſſyng aȝens his broþir, ſhal haue þe ſame
Alſo þey ſhulen diſtrye þe placis wherynne heþen men peyne to which his broþir ſhulde be put, if he hadde be
diden ydolatrie, and diſtrye her auters, ymagis, woodis gilty. Alſo preſtis ſhulen coumforte hem þat gon to iuſt
and ydols; and þei ſhulen make her ſacrifices, and offre batel, to haue triſt in God, and drede not her enemyes,
her tiþis, and þe firſte fruytis, and ȝiftis and avowis in and þat ferdful men, and þei þat han newly byldyd an
þe place which þe Lord haþ choſe to his name, and þis hous, eiþir newly plauntid a vyne, eiþir newly weddid a
was þe temple of Jeruſalem. Alſo a prophete, eiþer a wyf, and not vſid hir, go not to batel; and firſt werryours
feynere of dremys, þat `wole ſtyre men to do ydolatrye ſhulen profre pees to a citee, and if þe citee ȝelde it ſelf,
ſhal be ſlayn, and ſo ſhal a frend eiþer citee þat doþ men þer ynne ſhulen lyue vndir tribute, ellis alle men
idolatrye, eiþir ſtyriþ oþer men þerto. Alſo þou ſhalt þer ynne ſhulen be ſlayn; and þis is vndirſtonden of þo
paye tiþis of alle fruytis þat growen in erþe, of whete, citees þat be not ȝouen in to poſſeſſioun to þe pepil of
of wyn, and of oyle, and þe firſt boren þingis of neet Iſrael. And þere is teld þe departyng of preyes, and what
and ſheep; and in þe þridde ȝere þou ſhalt departe an trees ſhulen be kit doun in biſegynge. Alſo God techiþ
oþir tiþe of alle þingis þat growen to þee, and kepe it what ſhal be doon, whanne a man is founden ſlayn, and
wiþ ynne þine ȝatis, to ſuſteyne þe dekene, pylgrym þe ſleer is vnknowun. A child rebel to þe fadir and
ouþer comelyng, fadirles child eiþer modirles, and modir, and þat ȝiueþ hym ſilf to glotenye, leccherye and
wydue, þat ben wiþ ynne þy ȝatis. Alſo in þe vij. ȝeer drunkenneſſe, ſhal be ſtoonyd of al þe citee. A man ſhal
ſhal be remiſſioun of dette to citeſeynes and kynneſmen, kepe þe oxe and ſheep of his broþir, þat is ſtrayed awey,
neþeles not to a pylgrym and comelyng, for he may be and bringe it aȝen to his broþir, and ſo of oþer beeſtis
compellid to paye. Outirly a nedy man and begger ſhal and of ech þing; and if þou knowiſt not, whoſe þo ben,
not be among Goddis peple; but pore men ſhulen not þou ſhalt kepe þo ſtille, tyl þi broþir ſeke and reſſeyue
fayle in þe lond, þerfore ryche men ſhulen helpe hem þo. Who euer doþ avoutrie, ſhal be deed; if a man
wiþ loue, and helpe hem wilfully in here nede. Þanne defouliþ a virgyne, he ſhal wedde hir, and ȝiue l. ſiclis
God techiþ of þre grete ſolempnetees, of paſk, of þe of ſiluer to her fadir. Þou ſhalt not take a ſeruaunt to his
feeſte of woukis eiþer pentecoſt, and of þe feeſte of lord, which ſeruaunt fledde to þee, but he ſhal duelle
tabernaclis; and þat mayſtris and iugis ſhulen be wiþ þee in a place þat pleſiþ hym. Noon hoore ſhal be
ordeyned in alle ȝatis eiþer citees by ech lynage, to of þe douȝtris of Iſrael, neiþir a lechour of þe ſoones of
deme þe peple by iuſt doom, and take not ȝiftis neþer Iſrael. Þou ſhalt not leene to þi broþir for vſure. If a man
perſones. Ferþermore God techiþ, þat who euer is hatiþ his wife, he ſhal write and ȝiue to hir a libel of
conuyct by tweyne eiþir þre witneſſis, þat he haþ do forſakyng; but þis is forbedun of Criſt in þe goſpel of
idolatrie, he ſhal be ſtoonyd, firſt by þe witneſſis, and Mt. vto. cao. and `xix cao. Whanne a man haþ take late
þanne by al þe pepil. He þat is proud and wole not a wyf, he ſhal not go to batel, neiþir ony comyn office
obeye to þe comaundement of þe hiȝe preſt, and to þe ſhal be put on hym, but oon ȝeer he ſhal be glad wiþ his
doom of þe iugis, in þat þat þei techen Goddis lawe, wif, and take heede to his hous. He þat proloyneþ his
ſhal be deed. Þanne God techiþ, what maner kyng þe broþir, which is a fre man, and ſilliþ hym, ſhal be ſlayn.
pepil ſhal make, and what ſhal be his office. Aftirward Þou ſhalt ȝelde `at nyȝt to a pore man his weed, and in
God techiþ, þat preſtis and dekenys, and alle þat ben of þe ſame day þou ſhalt paye to a nedy traueylour his
þe ſame lynage, ſhulen `not haue part and eritage wiþ þe huyre. Fadris ſhulen not be ſlayn for þe ſones, neiþir
reſidue pepil of Iſrael, for þey ſhulen ete þe ſacrifices of ſones for þe fadris. Whanne þou repiſt corn in þe feeld,
þe Lord, and þe offringis of hym, and þei ſhulen take and forȝetiſt an handful, þou ſhalt not turne aȝen to take

it, but þou ſhalt ſuffre þat a comelyng, fadirles child and þat conprehendiþ al þe lawe of Moiſes, and diſpoſiþ
wydewe take it awey; and ſo of gaderyng of olyues and men for to bileeue in Criſt, and heere and kepe his
of gaderyng of grapis. Whanne twey men ben at wordis.
debatyng, and þe wif of oon wole delyuere hir houſbond
fro þe hond of þe ſtrenger, and take hym by þe preuy CAP. IV.
membris, ſche ſhall leeſe her hond wiþouten eny mercy. Þe vj. book, which is clepid Joſue, telliþ in general, þat
And þere God forbediþ falſe weiȝtis and meſures, a Joſue brouȝte þe peple into þe lond of biheeſte, and
more and a leſſe. Alſo dekenes ſchulen pronunce and departide it bi lott to hem; and firſt how God bihiȝte to
ſeie wiþ hiȝ vois to alle þe men of Iſrael, he is curſid þat Joſue þat noon ſchulde mowe aȝenſtonde him and his
doþ ydolatrie, eiþir brekiþ eny comaundement of God peple in alle þe daies of his lijf; and God bihiȝte þat
eiþir doþ aȝens eny part of þe lawe of God; and al þe Joſue ſchulde departe bi lot to his peple þe lond of
peple ſchal ſeie, Amen. Alſo God biheetiþ greet biheeſt; and God comaundide him to kepe al þe lawe,
proſperite to his peple, if þei kepe his heeſtis, and þei and bowe not fro it, but þenke þerinne bi daies and
ſchulen be bleſſid in citee and in feeld, and þe fruit of nyȝtis, þat he kepe and do þo þingis þat ben writen
her wombe and þe fruyt of her lond ſhal be bleſſid, and þerinne. Aftir þis Joſue ſente aſpies to bihoolde þe lond
alle þingis þat perteynen to hem ſchulen be bleſſid, and and þe citee of Jerico; and þei entriden in to þe hous of
þei ſchulen haue victorie of hire enemyes, and manye a comun womman Raab, and weren ſauid þere bi
proſperites of ſoule and of bodi ſchulen bifalle to hem; counceil and helpe of þe womman. Þanne Joſue bad þe
and if þei kepen not Goddis heeſtis, þei ſchulen be preſtis take þe arke of boond of pees of þe Lord, and
curſid in cite and feeld, þe fruit of her wombe, and alle goo bifore þe peple, and þei diden ſo. And whanne þe
þingis þat perteynen to hem ſchul be curſid; God ſchal preſtis camen wiþ þe arke to þe brinke of Jurdan, þe
ſende hem hungir, þirſt, peſtilence, feuer and coold, greet watir of Jurdan wente awey to þe deed ſe, and þe
brennynge and heete, and corupt eir, til þei periſchen; hiȝere wateris ſtooden ſtille as a wal, ſo þat þe peple
enemyes ſchulen haue victorie, and conquere hem, and paſſide bi þe drie botme, and þe preſtis ſtoodin on þe
take hem preſoners; and ȝit God ſchal punyſche hem drie erþe in þe myddis of Jurdan. Alſo Joſue bad xij.
wiþ huge veniaunce, þat alle þat heeren ben aſtonyed. men of xij. lynagis of Iſrael take xij. greete ſtoonis fro
Naþeles if whanne alle þeſe veniances ben fallen on þe botme of Jordan, and ſette þo in Galgalis, where þe
hem, þei repenten verily in þe herte, and turne aȝen to peple ſettide tentis in þe nyȝt aftir þe paſſage of Jurdan,
God, and obeyen to hiſe heeſtis in al her herte and al her and take xij. ſtoonis of þe lond, and putte in þe myddis
ſoule, þe Lord ſhal haue mercy on hem, and bringe hem of Jordan, where þe arke hadde ſtoonde; and bad þat
aȝen to hire lond fro alle folkis, among whiche þei fadris ſchulden teche hire children, hou þei paſſiden bi
weren ſcaterid, and God ſchal bleſſe hem, and make þe drie botme of Jurdan, for God driede þe watris
hem to be of more noumbre þan her fadris weren, and þeroffe, as he hadde do before in þe reed ſe, and þe
ſchal turne alle þe curſis on her enemyes; and God ſchal preſtis and princis and al þe peple obeyede to Joſue.
ȝeue to hem aboundaunce in alle werkis of her hondis, Þanne Joſue circumcide þe peple þat was vncircumcidid
and in alle þingis þat perteynen to hem. Moiſes ſpac alle xl. ȝeer in deſert, and þe peple made paaſk in þe xiiij.
þeſe wordis to al þe puple of Iſrael, and bad hem drede day of þe monþe at euentid; and Joſue ſiȝ an aungel of
not her enemyes, for God ſchal go bifore his peple, and þe Lord, which aungel was prince of Goddis ooſt. Alſo
ouercome her enemyes. And Moiſes ordeyned Joſue to þe ſtronge wallis of Jerico felden doun at Goddis
be ledere of þe peple bifore al þe multitude of þe ſones ordynaunce, whanne þe preſtis brayeden wiþ vij.
of Iſrael. Moiſes wroot þis lawe and ȝaf it to preſtis, þe trumpis, and alle þe peple criede an hiȝ in þe vij. day of
ſones of Leuy, and to þe eldre men of Iſrael, and bad cumpaſſing of þe citee. And þe peple of Iſrael diſtroiede
hem rede þe wordis of þis lawe bifore al Iſrael, in þe and brente þe citee and alle þingis þerinne, outaken
heeringe of alle men and wymmen, litel children, and Raab and þo þat weren in her hous, and outtaken gold
comelingis, eiþir conuerſis to þe feiþ of Jewis, þat þei and ſyluer, and veſſels of bras and yroun, whiche þei
heere and lerne and dreede oure Lord God, and kepe haleweden in to þe treſorie of þe Lord. Alſo for Achar
and fille alle þe wordis of þis lawe. Moiſes bi Goddis dide aȝens Goddis bidding, and took to himſelf a þing
comaundement wroot a greet ſong, and tauȝte it þe reſerued to Goddis vs, he was ſtoonid and brent, and
children of Iſrael, þat it ſchulde be into witneſſing aȝens alle hiſe goodis weren brent wiþ hym; and til þis
hem; and Moiſes clepide togidere alle þe eldre men and punyſching was doon on hym, `þe peple of Iſrael myȝte
techeris, and clepide heuene and erþe into witneſſing not ſtoonde, but was ouercomen of hire enemyes. After
aȝens hem; and whanne Moiſes hadde fillid alle þe þis punyſching of Achar Joſue took þe citee of Hay, and
wordis of þis greet ſong, he ſtyede into an hil, and was killede þe king and al þe peple, and diſtroiede and
deed þere, and God biryede him, and man knew not his brente þe citee, and hangide þe king þerof in a iebat.
ſepulcre til into þis day. Criſten men ſchulde myche Þanne Joſue bildide an auter to God in þe hill of Hebal,
reede and heere `and kunne þis book of Deutronomye and offride þeronne brent ſacrifice and peeſible

ſacrificis, and wroot þe Deutronomye of Moyſes lawe bowide aftir auarice, and tooken ȝiftis, and peruertiden
on ſtoonis. And firſt he bleſſide þe peple of Iſrael, and doom, þe peple axiden a king on hem, to greet
aftir þeſe þingis he redde alle þe wordis of bleſſing and indignacoun of God and harm of hemſelf. Þanne Saul
of curſing, and alle þingis þat weren writen in þe book þat was pore and meke, and ſouȝte þe aſſis of his fadir,
of lawe; he lefte noo þing vntouchid of þeſe þingis was maad king, and dide wel a lytel while, and
whiche Moiſes hadde comaundid, but he declaride alle aftirward for his pride and coueitiſe he was repreued of
þingis bifore al þe multitude of Iſrael, to wymmen and God, and pryued fro þe reume, boþe he and his kyn;
litel children, and to comelyngis þat dwelliden among and pore Dauiþ was choſen king bi Goddis ordynaunce
hem. Alſo men of Gabaon feyneden hem to be of fer for his meekneſſe, merſy, and charite. Dauiþ ſparyde
cuntre, and bi þis fraude þei `gaten of Joſue and oþer Saul his enemye, þat purſuede him to deeþ vniuſtly, and
princis pees and lijf; and for þis fraude þei and alle hire was a traitour and blasfemere of God, and not oonly
ſucceſſouris weren maad boonde, to bringe woode and ſparide him twyes bitaken in to his hoondis, whanne he
watir to þe ſeruiſe of þe auter and of al þe multitude of myȝte haue ſlayn him, and ȝit aſcapide harmles, but alſo
Iſrael for euere. Alſo Joſue by Goddis help ouercam v. lettide hiſe men to ſmyte hym, whanne þei myȝten haue
greete kingis in oo day, and made hiſe princis trede on ſlayn him, and ſcapid harmles. And ȝit þe wickid tyraunt
þe neckis of þeſe kingis, and aftirward hangide þeſe Saul purſuede him for enuye, and ſouȝte his deþ in
kingis in v. iebatis, and he ouercam alle þe kingis and manye maners, and euere God kepte Dauiþ in alle
her peplis þat dwelliden in þe lond of biheeſt, þat weren perrels, and ȝeldide peyne to Saul for his tyrauntrie and
xxxj. kingis, and departide þe lond of biheeſt to xij. wickidneſſe, and made him to be ſlayn of heþene men.
lynagis of Iſrael bi lot, and citees of refuyt, and citees to Þis proceſſe of þe firſte book of Kingis ſchulde ſtire
preſtis and dekenes to dwelle inne, as God comaundide. preſtis to be not necligent in her offis, neiþer to be
Þis proceſſe of Joſue ſchulde ſtire criſtene men to haue coueytous, and ſtyre ſeculer lordis to be meke and iuſt
greet triſt in God, and dreede noo man neiþer peple, as to God and men. Þe ij. book of Kingis telliþ firſt, hou
longe as þei ſeruen treuly Almyȝty God. Þe vij. book Dauiþ biweylide greetly þe deþ of Saul and of Jonatas,
clepid Judicum telliþ þat þe puple of Iſrael was reulid and of Goddis peple; and Dauiþ killede þe man of
wiþ iugis, eiþer domyſmen, aftir þe deeþ of Joſue, and Amalech þat killede Saul outirly, aftir þe deeþ wounde
ſumtyme bi a womman Delbora. Whanne þe peple felde of Saul, and brouȝte to Dauiþ þe coroune `and bye of
to greete ſynnes, and ſpecialy to ydolatrie, God ſente Saul. Aftir þis þe lynage of Juda corounnede eiþer
aduerſaries on hem þat turmentiden þe Jewis ful ſore, anoyntide Dauiþ in Ebron, þat he ſchulde reyne on þe
and killide many þouſendis of hem, and heeld oþere hous of Juda; and þanne was longe werre bytwixxe
vndir tribute and greet þraldam. And whanne þe peple Hiſboſeth, ſone of Saul, and bitwixe þe hous of Dauiþ;
repentide vereily, and criede to God wiþ al her herte, he Dauiþ encreſide euere, and waxe ſtrongere `and
ſente help to hem, and reiſide a iuge þat ouercam her ſtrongere, and þe hous of Saul dicreeſide ech day; and
enemyes, and reulide hem wel in pees and in Goddis Dauiþ rengnide vij. ȝeer in Ebron, and gat vj. ſones.
lawe. Þis proſces of Judicum ſchulde ſtire criſtene men Alſo Dauiþ made mychel ſorewe for þe deþ of Abner,
for to flee ſynne, and loue God þat doiþ ſo greet mercy whanne Joab hadde killid him bi treeſoun. Alſo Dauiþ
to hem þat repentyn verili. Þis book comprehendiþ þe killide Baana and Rechab, þat killeden bi treeſoun
ſtorie of Ruth, þat was an heþene womman, and lefte Hiſboſeth his enemye. Þanne al Iſrael cam in to Ebron,
her nacoun, and ydolatrie, and bileeuede in God, and and anoyntide Dauiþ in to king of Iſrael, and Dauiþ
kepte his lawe. Þerfore ſche was weddid to a noble man regnede on Juda in Ebron vij. ȝeer and an half, and
of þe Jewis, and is ſet in þe genelogie eiþer kynrede of regnede in Jeruſalem xxxiij. ȝeer on al Iſrael and Juda,
oure Sauyour. Þis ſtory ſchulde ſtire alle men to forſake and was xxx. ȝer eeld whanne he began to rengne, and
her ſynne, and ſerue God treuly in al hire lijf, for reward rengnede xl. ȝeer. Aftir þis þe noble king Dauiþ hadde
of heuenly bliſſe. Þe firſt book of Kingis telliþ, how þe twyes victorie of Filiſteis. Þanne Dauiþ took xxx.
preſt Ely and his ſones weren repreued and ſlayn, for þei þouſind choſen men of Iſrael to bringe to his place þe
gouerneden yuele Goddis peple, and for her ſynne and arke of God, for reuerence and deuocioun. Dauiþ made
necligence þe peple dide myche ſynne, and was greet mynſtrelſye, and mekide himſelf bifore þe arke,
ouercomen of heþene men, and þe arke of God was and ſuffride rebukinge of Mycol, þe douȝtir of Saul;
taken of heþene men, and þei killeden manye þouſindis þerfore Dauiþ þouȝte to bylde an hous to þe ark of God.
of þe Jewis; and how þe trewe chijld Samuel was a Þanne God telde to Dauiþ þat his ſone ſchulde bylde þis
feiþful prophete of þe Lord, and gouernede wel þe hous, and þe trone of þe reume of Dauiþ ſchal be ſtable
peple in Goddis ſeruiſe and riȝtfulneſſe, and dide noon wiþouten ende; and þis is fillid in Criſt. Þanne Dauiþ
extorcioun, neiþer took ȝiftis of eny man, neiþer hadde victorie of many londis, and made þo tributarie to
coueitide eny mannis good, but dide alle þingis in his Iſrael, and God kepte Dauiþ in alle þingis, to whiche he
offis iuſtly bifore God and man. And whanne Samuel ȝed forþ. And Dauiþ dide dom and riȝtfulneſſe to al his
was eeld, he ſettide his ſones iuges of Iſrael; and for þei peple, and he dide mercy and curteſie to Myfyboſeth,

ſone of Jonatas. Aftir þeſe þingis Dauiþ dwellide at Amaſa. Þanne þis Syba paſſide bi alle þe lynagis of
home, whanne Joab and þe ooſt wente to bateile, and `in Iſrael til into Habela, and into Bethmaka, and alle
þis tyme Dauiþ dide auoutrie wiþ Berſabee, þe wijf of choſen men weren gaderid to him. And Joab and his
Vrie, and procuride þe deþ of Vrie bi treſoun. Þanne ooſt byſegeden þeſe citees, and wolde diſtroie þe greet
God ſente Nathan þe prophete to repreue Dauiþ of þis citee Habela, and a wijs woman of þe citee ſauid it bi
ſynne, and he took meekly his repreuyng, and hire counceil, and made Syba to be ſlayn, and al þe
knoulechide þat he ſynnede aȝens God; and God forȝaf peple to be ſauid on boþe ſydis. Alſo vij. men of þe kyn
þe ſynne, but ſwerd and perſecuſioun ȝede neuere awey of Saul weren ſlayn of Gabaonytis, bi ſuffring of Dauiþ,
fro his hous, for God killede þe ſone of Berſabee, and and bi counceil of God, for Saul killede wickidly þe
oo ſone of Dauiþ killede anoþer, and Abſolon his ſone men of Gabaon; and for þis ſynne of Saul hungir was
roos aȝens him, and droof him out of Jeruſalem, and maad þre ȝeer in þe daies of Dauiþ; and aftir þis
ſouȝte wiþ ſtronge ooſt to ſlee him. Þanne Dauiþ ȝede veniaunce don on þe hous of Saul, God dide merſy to þe
out of Jeruſalem on his feet, and ſtiȝide wiþ bare feet lond. Þanne is ſet a greet ſong of Dauiþ, which he ſpac
into þe hiȝneſſe of þe hille of Olyuete, and wepte, and al to God, whanne he hadde delyuered him fro þe hond of
his peple wepte bittirly. And Dauiþ mekede him to God, alle his enemyes; þanne ſueþ þe noumbre of ſtronge
and ſeide, "Ȝif God ſeiþ to me, þou pleeſiſt not me, I am men of Dauiþ. At þe laſte Dauiþ for pride and aȝens þe
redy, do he þat þat is good bifore himſelf. " Þanne lawe noumbride þe peple of Iſrael, and þerfore lxx.
Semey, þat was of þe kyn of Saul, diſpiſide Dauiþ, and þouſind of men weren deed bi peſtilence. Þanne Dauiþ
clepide him a manquellere, and a man of Belial, and a repentide him ſore, and mekide him to God, and ſeide
rauenour of þe rewme, and he curſide Dauiþ, and þus, "I it am, þat ſynnede, and I dide wickidly; what han
caſtide ſtoonis and erþe aȝens Dauiþ, and aȝens alle þe þeſe men don þat ben ſcheep, þat is, ſymple and
ſeruauntis of king Dauiþ; and whanne Abiſay wolde ſlee innocent in compariſoun of me; I biſeche þat þin hond
þis curſere, Dauiþ bad him ſuffre Semey to curſe him, be turnid aȝens me, and aȝens þe hous of my fadir. "
and ſeide, God comaundide hym `þat he curſe Dauiþ. Þanne God ſente his profete Gad to hym, and bad him
And þe kyng ſeide to Abyſay and to alle his ſeruauntis, make an auter, and offre brent ſacrifices and peeſible
"Loo! my ſone þat ȝede out of my wombe ſeekiþ my ſacrifices; and God dide mercy to þe lond, and þe
lijf, þat is, to ſlee me, how myche more now þis ſone of veniaunce ceeſide of Iſrael. Þe proſces of þis ij. book
Gemyny; ſuffre ȝe him to curſe bi comaundement of þe ouȝte to ſtire kingis and lordis to merſy and riȝtfulneſſe,
Lord; if in caas þe Lord bihoolde my turment, and ȝelde and euere to be war of ydilneſſe, þat brouȝte Dauiþ to
good to me for þis curſing to day. " Aftirward Abſolon auoutrie and oþere myſcheues, and euere to be meeke to
defoulide opynly his fadris wijfes bifore al Yſrael. God and hiſe preſtis, and ſore repente of hire myſdeedis,
Þanne Achitofel ȝaf a fel counceyl, to purſue Dauiþ in and make amendis to God and men, and wilfully
þat nyȝt wiþ xij. þouſandis of men, and ſle him bifore forȝeue wroongis don to hem, and euere be war of pride
þat he were war; but þis counceil was diſtroied bi and extorcouns, leeſt God take veniaunce on al þe
Goddis wille, and bi a wijs counceil of Chuſy, þe frend peple, as he dide on Dauiþ and his peple, and euere to
of Dauiþ. Þanne Abſolon gaderide al þe power of Iſrael be pacient and merſiful, as Dauiþ was, to gete
to make opyn werre aȝens his fadir; naþeles Dauiþ for remiſſioun of ſynnes bifore don, and to gete pees, and
pite and charite comaundide þre princis of his ooſt to proſperite, and heuenly bliſſe wiþouten ende.
kepe Abſolon alyue, þat he myȝte repente, and be ſauid.
And whanne Dauiþ knew þat Abſolon was ſlayn, he CAP. V.
made ſo gret ſorewe, þat almeſt he was deed, and al þe Þe þridde book of Kingis telliþ firſt, how Adonyas,
peple was in poynt to forſake Dauiþ. Þanne for þis perel ſone of Dauiþ, wolde haue regned, and Dauiþ in his lijf
Dauiþ lefte his moornyng, and ſat opinly in þe ȝate, to ordeynede Salomon to be king, and he regnede bifore
conforte al his ooſt. After þis þe counceil of al Iſrael þe deeþ of Dauiþ. Þanne Adonyas fledde for dreede to
cam to Dauiþ, þat þei wolde brynge him in to his þe tabernacle of God, and heeld þe corneer of þe auter,
rewme worſchipfully; and Dauiþ forȝaf þe opyn treſoun tyl Salamon ſeide, þat if he were a good man, he
to hem þat þei hadden do bifore, and ſtiride ſwetly men ſchulde not dye; ellis, if yuel were founden in him, he
of Juda, þat weren ſpecialy his traytouris, to come and ſchulde diȝe. Þanne Dauiþ, in þe tyme of his dyȝinge,
bringe hym in to his rewme, and forȝaf her treſoun, and chargide Salamon to kepe wel Goddis lawe, and to
he forȝaf þe ſouereyn treſoun to Amaſa, þat was of his quyte to þe ſones of Berſellay þe trewþe and kyndneſſe
owne kyn, and was prince of þe ooſt of Abſalon to ſlee of her fadir, and to punyſche Joab for his trecherouſe
Dauiþ; and Dauiþ ſwor to make þis Amaſa prince next manquelling of Abner and of Amaſa in þe tyme of pees,
Joab, and forȝaf þe ſynne and curſing and treſoun to and to punyſche wiſely Semey for his wrſte curſing,
Semey, and ſwor þat he ſhulde not dyȝe. Ȝit bifore þat which he dide to Dauiþ. Aftir þeſe þingis Salamon made
Dauiþ cam to Jeruſalem, a new debate roos bitwixe þe Adonyas to be ſlayn, for he purpoſide gilefully to be
men of Iſrael and þe men of Juda, for þis bringing aȝen king. And Salamon caſtide awey Abiathar, þat he was
of þe king was not teld firſt to men of Iſrael; and bi

not þe preſt of þe Lord, and exylide him alſo, for he þat he ſuede alyen goddis, and worſchipide hem.
aſſentide to Adonyas, and was traytour to þe king. Alſo Þerfore God reiſide an aduerſarie to Salamon in his lijf,
Salamon comaundide Joab to be ſlayn in þe tabernacle and departide his rewme in þe tyme of Roboam his
at þe auter, for he hadde ſlayn gilefully twey princis in ſone, and ȝaf ten lynagis to Joroboam his ſeruaunt, and
pees, wiþoute wyting of Dauiþ; and þe king ordeynede kepte oo lynage to his ſone for þe merit of Dauiþ his
Sadoch preſt for Abiathar. Þanne þe king comaundide fadir. And þis departyng bifelde myche, for Roboam
Semey, þat he ſchulde not go out of Jeruſalem, and if he forſook þe counceil of eelde and wijſe men, and ſuede
paſſide þe ſtronde of Cedron, he ſchulde be deed; and þe counceil of ȝunge men, and ſpac harde wordis to þe
Semey acceptide þis; and for he paſſide þeſe boundis, þe peple. Þanne Roboam gaderide proudly al þe hous of
king comaundide him to be ſlayn, and ſo he was ſlayn Juda, and þe lynage of Beniamyn, an c. þouſind and iiij.
by comaundement of þe king. Aftir þeſe þingis þe ſcore þouſind of choſen men and werrouris, þat þei
rewme was confermed in to þe hondis of Salamon, and ſchulden fiȝte aȝens þe hous of Iſrael, and bringe aȝen
he weddide þe douȝter of Faroo, king of Egipt. Þanne þe rewme to Roboam, þe ſone of Salamon; but God
God bad Salamon axe of him, what hym lykide, and he forbed þis werre to Roboam and al his peple, for whi
axide þat God ſchulde ȝeue to him wijs herte, þat he þis word of departyng of þe rewme was don of God.
myȝte deme his peple, and make diſcreſcyoun eiþir Þanne Jeroboam made ij. golden caluys, and bad Iſrael
departyng bitwixe good and yuel. And þis axing worſchipe þo, and ſtiȝe no more to Jeruſalem, and ſeide,
pleeſide God ful myche, þerfore God ȝaf to him a wijs "Iſrael, lo! þeſe ben þi goddis, þat ledden þee out of þe
herte and vndirſtondinge, in ſo myche þat noon bifore lond of Egipt; " and he made vnworþi preſtis of þe laſte
hym was lyk hym, neiþir ſchal riſe aftir hym. Alſo God men of þe peple, þat were not of þe ſones of Leuy, and
ȝaf to him richeſſe and glorie, þat noon among kingis he made templis in hiȝe placis. Alſo whanne Jeroboam
was lyk him in alle daies bifore. Þanne for Salamon ȝaf ſtood on þe auter and caſtide encenſe, a man of God
a wijs ſentenſe of dom bitwixe twey comen wymmen, cam fro Juda bi þe word of God, and ſeide, "A ſone,
þat paſſide þe wit of comun men, þei dredden þe king, Joſias bi name, ſchal be born to þe hous of Dauiþ, and
and ſeyin þat Goddis wiſdom was in him to make dom. he ſchal ſle on þis auter þe preſtis of hiȝe placis, þat
Þanne is toold þe worſchipeful meyne and houſhoold of brenne now encenſe in þis autir, and he ſchal brenne
Salamon. Aftir þeſe þingis Salamon bildide a noble boonys of men on þis auter; " and þe prophete ȝaf þis
hous to himſelf, and a famouſe temple to God in ſingne, þat þe auter ſchal be cleft, and þe aſche þerinne
Jeruſalem. And aftir þat þe temple was fully maad, alle ſchal be ſched out. Þanne Jeroboam heeld forþ his hond,
þe eldre men and princis of lynagis and dukis of and bad take þat prophete, and his hond was drie, and
meynes of þe children of Iſrael weren gaderid to king hee myȝte not drawe it aȝen, and bi preier of þe
Salamon in Jeruſalem, to bringe þe arke of God fro prophete þe hond was heelid. And ſingne bifelde on þe
Syon in to his owne place in þe temple. Þanne þe king auter, as þe prophete ſeide; and for þat prophete eet
axide of God manye preieris, and profitis for hem þat breed in þat place aȝens Goddis bidding, ȝhe bi diſſeit of
preieden deuoutly in þe temple, and God grauntide þo. a fals prophete, þe trewe prophete of God was ſlayn of a
Aftir þeſe þingis God halewide þe temple, and lyoun in þe wey homward. Aftir þeſe wordis Jeroboam
certyfiede to Salamon, þat if he kepte alle his turnede not aȝen fro his worſte weie, but aȝenward of þe
comaundementis, he ſhulde ſette þe trone of Salamons laſte peples he made preſtis of hiȝe placis, who euere
rewme on Iſrael wiþouten ende; and if þe pepel of Iſrael wolde, fyllede his hond, and was maad preſt of hiȝe
and her children kepen not Goddis heeſtis, but placis; and for þis cauſe þe hous of Jeroboam ſynnede,
worſchipen alyen goddis, he ſchal do awey Iſrael fro þe and was diſtroied, and doon awey fro þe face of erþe.
face of lond which he ȝaf to hem, and God ſchal caſte Aftir þis þe prophete Ahia, þat was blynd for eelde,
awey fro his ſiȝt þe temple which he halewide to his knew þe wijf of Joroboam, þat feynede hire to be anoþir
name, and Iſrael ſchal be into a prouerbe and fable eiþer womman, and he bifore ſeide to hire, þat hire ſyk ſone
tale to alle peplis, and þis hous ſchal be into enſaumple. ſchulde diȝe in hir entryng in to hir hous, and þat þe
Aftir þis þe qwene of Saba cam to Salamon, and hadde hous of Jeroboam ſchulde be diſtroied outtirly for his
greet aray of men and of jewelis, and ȝaf manye jewelis ſynnes; and Iſrael ſchal be dryuen out of his good lond
to Salamon, and he aȝeen to hire. Alſo Salamon tauȝte for þe ſynnes of Joroboam, þat ſynnede, and made Iſrael
hire alle þingis þat ſche hadde in hire herte, and ſche to do ſynne. Alſo þe peple of Juda dide ydolatrie;
bleſſid God and Salamon and his ſeruauntis, and ȝede þerfore þe king of Egipt took awey þe treſouris of
into hire lond. Þanne Salamon made manye ſcheeldis Goddis hous, and of þe kingis hous, and þe golden
and bokelers of gold, and made a greet trone of yuer, ſcheeldis of Salamon, for whiche Roboam made
and cloþide it wiþ fyn gold. Þanne king Salamon was ſcheeldis of bras. And batail was bitwixe Roboam and
magnified ouer alle kyngis of erþe in richeſſis and Jeroboam in alle daies. Þanne Abia regnede þre ȝeer on
wiſedom, and al erþe deſyride to ſee his face, and to Juda, and ȝede in alle þe ſynnes of his fadir. Aftir him
heere his wiſdom, which his God hadde ȝoue in his roos king Aſa in Juda, and he dide riȝtfulneſſe bifore
herte. Aftir alle þeſe þingis Salamon, whanne he was

God, and dide awey idolatrie and ſodomytis fro þe lond, Nabath to be ſtonyd to deþ bi falſe witneſſe, and aſſent
and his herte was perfit wiþ God in alle daies. And of Acab, for he noolde chaunge neiþer ſille his vyner to
ſchortly amonge alle þe kingis of Iſrael was noon þe king; and whanne Acab ȝede doun to take poſſeſſioun
feiþful to God; ſumme weren goode amonge þe kingis of þis vyner, God bad Elye meete him, and ſeie þus,
of Juda; and þis figuriþ, þat among men of hooly "Þou haſt ſlayn and haſt take poſſeſſioun; þe Lord ſeiþ
chirche be ſumme goode, but among eretikis is noon þeſe þingis, in þis place wherinne doggis lickiden þe
good outtirly, as Jerom ſeiþ. Aftir manye yuele kingis of blood of Nabath, þei ſchulen licke alſo þi blood. " And
Iſrael roos Acab, þe worſte of alle bifore hym, and he Acab ſeide to Elye, "Wher þou haſt founden me þin
weddide Jeſabel, an heþene womman, þe douȝtir of enemy? " And Elye ſeide, "I haue founde, for þou art
Mechaal, king of Sydonyes, and Achab dide manyfoold ſeeld to do yuel in Goddis ſiȝt, þerfore God ſchal
idolatrie. Þanne roos Elie þe prophete, and ſeide to diſtroie and ſlee ech man of þe houſe of Acab, and ȝeue
Acab, þat in þre ȝeer and an half neiþer reyn neiþer dew his hous as þe hous of Jeroboam, and as þe hous of
ſchal be. Aftir þis þe prophete Elye hidde himſelf in þe Baaſa, for Acab terride God to wraþþe, and made Yſrael
ſtronde of Carith, aȝens Jordan, and drank watir, and to do ſynne. Alſo doggis ſcholen ete Jeſabel in þe feeld
was fed of rauenys þere, whiche brouȝten to him breed of Jeſrael; if Acab diȝeþ in þe citee, doggis ſcholen ete
and fleſch in þe euentid and morewtid, and aftir þat þe him, if he dieþ in þe feeld, briddis of þe eir ſchulen ete
ſtronde was dried up, God bad Elye go into Sarepta of him. " Noon oþir was ſuch as Acab, þat was ſeeld to do
Sydoneyes, and þere he was fed of a widewe, and þe yuel bifore God; forwhi Jeſabel his wijf excitide him,
pot of mele and `þe pot of oile failede not to þe widewe, and he dide abomynable ydolatrie. Þanne Acab dide ful
til God ȝaf reyn on þe erþe. Þanne Elie reiſide to lijf þe greet penaunce, and was mekid bifore God; þerfore
deed chijld of a womman, at whom he was myche God brouȝte not yn þis yuel in his daies, but in þe daies
ſuſteyned. And aftir manye daies God bad Elye ſchewe of his ſone. In þe þridde ȝeer aftir þeſe þingis, aboute
him to Acab, þat God ſchulde ȝeue reyn on þe lond; and iiij. c. prophetis of Baal counceiled Acab to make werre
Elie dide ſo; and greet hungir was in Samarie. Þanne aȝens þe king of Syrie for a citee clepid Ramoth of
Elie apperide firſt to Abdie, þat dredde God, and fedde Galaad, and bihiȝten victorie and proſperite to Acab.
an c. prophetis of God, whanne Jeſabel killide þe But Mychee, oo prophete of God, telde to Acab in
prophetis of God; and Elie ſwor to Abdie bi þe Lord of Goddis name, þat þe ſpirit of leeſingis diſceyuede him
ooſtis, þat he wolde appere in þat day to Achab. Þanne bi his falſe prophetis, and þat Acab ſchulde be ſlayn in
Acab axide Elye, "Wher þou art he, þat diſtrowbliſt þat bateil; and ſo it bifelde in deede, but Mychee was
Iſrael? " And Elie ſeide, "Not I diſtrowblide Iſrael, but diſpiſid and beten of þe falſe prophetis, and was
þou and þe hous of þi fadir, þat han forſaken Goddis priſonyd, purpoſid to be ſlayn of þe king, whanne he
heeſtis, and han ſued Baalym, han diſtroublid Iſrael. " cam aȝeen in pees; and king Joſophat, a good man, was
Aftir þis þe prophete Elie conuyctid bi an opyn myracle in þis bateile wiþ curſid Acab, but Acab was ſlayn, and
viij. c. and l. prophetis of Baal of opin ydolatrie, and doggis lickeden his blood, and Joſophat was ſauid bi
killede hem alle wiþ helpe of þe peple, þat bileeuede to Goddis help. Þanne roos Ocoſias, king of Iſrael, for
God for þe greet myracle. And aftir þis God ſente greet Acab his fadir, and Ocoſias worſchipide Baal, and
rayn, and Elye ran bifore Acab to þe citee Jeſrael. Aftir terride God to ire bi alle þingis which his fadir hadde
þeſe þingis Elye fledde for dreede of Jeſabel, þat do. Þis proſces of þe iij. book of Kingis ſchulde ſtire
manaſide to ſlee hym, and whanne he hadde fled into kingis and lordis, to be merſyful and pytouſe on her
diſert bi þe jurney of oo day, he axide of God to diȝe; ſugetis þat treſpaſen aȝens hem, and in alle þingis
and whanne he ſlepte, an aungel bad hym riſe, and eete eſchewe ydilneſſe, leccherie, treſoun, ydolatrie, and falſe
breed baken vndir aiſchis, and drinke watir; and he ȝede counceilouris and vnwyſe, and euere diſtroie ſynne, and
in þe ſtrengþe of þat mete xl. daies and xl. nyȝtis, til to take counceil at hooly ſcripture and trewe prophetis,
Oreb þe hil of God; and whanne he was hid þere in a and triſte not to falſe prophetis, be þei neuer ſo manye,
denne, and ſeide, þat he was left aloone a prophete of þe and crie faſte aȝens oon eiþer fewe trewe men.
Lord, and þei ſouȝten to ſlei him, God bad him go to
Damaſk, and anoynte Aſahel king on Sirie, and anoynte CAP. VI.
Hieu king on Iſrael, and anoynte Eliſee a prophete for Þe iiij. book of Kingis telliþ in general, how þe rewme
him, and þeſe þre ſchulden do veniaunce on treſpaſouris, of Iſrael and þe rewme of Juda weren conquerid of
and ſlee hem; and God lefte to himſelf vij. þouſind of heþene men, for manye ſynnes which þei diden aȝens
men in Iſrael, whois knees were not bowid bifore Baal. God and men, and weren obſtynat, and dide not
Þanne it ſueþ how Eliſee ſuede Elie. Aftir þeſe þingis fruytfull penance in due tyme. Firſt it telliþ in ſpecial,
king Acab hadde twey greete and merueilous victories hou þe wickid king Ocoſyas ſente to take counceil at
aȝens Benadab, king of Sirie, for he blasfemede God of Belſabub, wher he myȝte lyue, and rekyuere of his
Iſrael. And for king Acab dide falſe merſy and killide ſykneſſe; þerfore God ſente Elye, þe prophete, to telle to
not þis blasfemere Benadab, whom God bitook into hiſe him þat he ſchulde die, and go not doun of his bed.
hondis, God ſente a prophete to Acab, and telde þus,

Þanne þis king ſent to Elye a prince on l. men, and l. Naaman knoulechide, þat noon oþer God is in al þe
men wiþ hym, to clepe Elye to þe king; and fijer cam erþe no but oonly þe God of Iſrael; and Eliſee took noo
doun fro heuene, and deuouride þis prince, and l. men ȝifte, ȝhe freely profrede and preeſide of Naaman.
þat weren wiþ him, for in ſcorn þei clepiden Elye þe Þanne Gieſy ran aftir Naaman, vnwytinge eiþer not
man of God; and in lyk manere fijer deuouride anoþer conſentinge his maiſtir, and made a leſing, þat Eliſee
prince, and l. men wiþ him; þe þridde prince and hiſe l. ſente to him, þat he ſchulde ȝeue a talent of ſyluer and
þat mekeden hem to God and to þe prophete, weren double chaunging cloþis to twey ȝunge men of þe ſones
ſauid on lyue. And God bad Elie go doun wiþ hem to þe of profetis. And Naaman conſtreynede him to take þe
king, and repreue him of his ſynne, and telle to þe king double þat he axide, and ordeynede twey children to
himſelf, þat he ſchal die and go not doun of his bed. bere bifore him. But herfore Eliſee ſeide, þat þe lepre of
Aftir þis þe prophete Elie ſchulde be rauyſchid awey fro Naaman ſchulde cleue to Gieſi and to his ſeede
erþe, and Eliſee knew þis, and ſuede him in ech place til wiþouten ende; and Gieſi ȝede out fro Eliſee, and was a
to rauyſching; and Elie ſmoot wiþ his mantel þe watris meſel as ſnow. Whanne þe ſonis of prophetis ȝeden to
of Jordon, and þo weren departid þerbi, and Elie and þe wode, to hewe doun wode to bylde placis to hem to
Elyſee ȝeden ouere bi þe drie botme þerof. Þanne Elie dwellin inne, þe irun of an axe felde doun in to watir;
was rauyſchid in a char of fijer fro Eliſee, and ſtiȝede bi and Eliſee caſtide doun þe tree, eiþer helue, and þe irun
a whirlwynd in to heuene; and þe double ſpirit of Elye houede, and was taken up þerbi. Whanne þe king of
reſtide on Eliſee, and wiþ þe mantel of Elye Elyſee Sirie ſette buſchementis preuyly aȝens þe king of Iſrael,
ſmoot twies þe watris of Jordon, and in þe ſecunde tyme Eliſee warned þe king of Iſrael þerof; and whanne it was
þo weren departid, and Elyſee paſſide ouere. Aftirward certified to þe king of Sirie þat Eliſee telde his preuytes
Eliſee dwellide in Jerico, and heelide þe watris fro to þe king of Iſrael, þe king of Sirie ſente a greet
bittirneſſe and bareyneſſe, bi putting of ſalt in þe watir. multitude of þe ooſt to take Elyſee, and whanne þe ooſt
Þanne Elyſee ſtiȝede into Betel, and as he ſtiȝede bi þe cumpaſide þe citee Dotaym, wherinne Elyſee was, God
weye, litle children ȝeden out of þe citee, and ſeiden to made þis ooſt blynd at þe preier of Eliſee, and ſo he
him in ſcorn, "Þou ballard, ſtiȝ up! " and he curſide hem ledde hem into þe myddis of Samarie, and whanne þe
in þe name of God, and twey beeris ȝeden out of þe king of Iſrael wolde ſlee hem, Eliſee ſeide nay, but bad
foreſt, and to-renten of hem xlij. children. After þeſe make redy a feeſte to hem, and late hem go in pees to
þingis Joram, þe king of Iſrael, and Joſophat, þe king of her lord. And whanne ful ſtrong hungre was in Samarie,
Juda, and alſo þe þridde king, þat was king of Edom, þat wymmen eetyn her owne children, oo womman
weren in deſert, and hadden no watir, and weren in axide doom of þe king aȝens anoþer womman, þat
poynt of periſching. Þeſe þre kingis camen to Eliſee for wolde not bi couenaunt bringe forþ hir chijld to be etyn,
helpe, and bi ſpirit of prophecie he bad hem make whanne þei hadden eten þe chijld of þe firſt womman.
dychis, and þei ſiȝen neiþer wynd neiþer reyn, and þe Þanne þe king, þat weeride þe heire nexte his body, to-
botme of dychis was fillid of watris; and he bifore ſeide rente his cloþis for ſorwe, and ſwoor ſtrongly, þat in þat
þat God ſchulde bitake Moab in to þe hondis of þeſe day he wolde girde of þe heed of Eliſee. Eliſee
kingis, and þei ſchulden diſtroie citees, and feeldis, and biforeknew þe comynge of þis meſſanger to do þis
trees; and þus it was don in dede. Alſo Elyſee deede, and bad men cloſe þe dore, and ſuffre not him
multypliede a litil oile, and made a pore widewe fille for to entre, for his lord comiþ anoon aftir him to
manye veſſels þerof, and bad hir paie her dettis bi ſum reuoke his ooþ and ſentence. Þanne Eliſe ſeide in
þerof, `and þat ſche and her ſones ſchulden lyue bi þe Goddis name, þat to morewe in þis tyme a buſchel of
reſidue þerof. Aftirward Elyſee biforeſeide to a good wheete flour ſchal be for oo ſtater, þat is, a litel quantite
womman, þat herbouride him freely and largely, þat of moneye, as it were a peny, and twey buſchellis of
ſche ſchulde conſceyue a ſone; and whanne Eliſee knew, barly for oo ſtater, in þe ȝate of Samarie. And Eliſee
þat þis ſone was deed, he ſente his ſeruaunt Gieſi wiþ ſeide to a gret duk, þat bileeuede not þis word, "Þou
his ſtaaf to reiſe him, and neiþer vois neiþer feeling was ſchalt ſee it wiþ þin iȝen, and ſchal not ete þerof; " and
in þe chijld. Þanne Elyſee entride in to a cloſet, where þus it was in dede, for whanne þe ooſt of Sirie fledde by
þe chijld lay deed, and preiede to God, and lay on þe nyȝt, for drede þat God made among hem, þei leften
chijld, and leide his mouþ to þe mouþ of þe chijld, and alle her goodis, and fledden nakid, and coueitiden oonly
hiſe hondis on þe chijldis hondis, and þe chijld ȝoxide to ſaue her lyues; and whanne a buſchel of wheete flour
vij. ſiþes, and openede his iȝen; and Eliſee bitook þe was ſeeld on þe morewe for oo ſtater, þe king made þat
chijld qwyk to his modir. Alſo Elyſee, whanne hungir noble duk kepere at þe ȝate, and þe cumpanye trade him
was in Galgala, heelyde þe pot of noyful mete, bi to deeþ, as Eliſee bifore ſeide. Alſo Eliſee ſpac to þe
ſendinge in of mele, þat no more bitterneſſe was in þe womman whos ſone he made to lyue, and bad hir and
mete. Þanne Eliſee made a litil breed to ſuffice to an c. hir hous goo a pilgrimage eiþer ſtraunge lond, where
men, and þei leften relijfs. Whanne þe king of Sirie euere ſche fond couenable, for God ſchal bringe ſtrong
ſente lettris to þe king of Iſrael, þat he ſchulde cure hungir on þe lond vij. ȝeer and at þe vij. ȝeeris ende þe
Naaman of his lepre, and þe king of Iſrael to-rente his

king reſtoride to hire alle hir þingis, and alle þe rentis of feiþ, eiþir good conſcience. For as myche as Aſael, king
fieldis in þe tyme of hir abſence. Benadab, king of Sirie, of Sirie, cam wiþ his ooſt to werre aȝens Jeruſalem,
ſent Aſael to Eliſee to enqueere wheþer þis king myȝte Joas, king of Juda, took alle þingis which fadris hadden
rekeuere of his ſykneſſe; and God ſchewide to Elyſee, halewid, and whiche he hadde offrid and al þe ſyluer
þat Benadab ſchulde diȝe; and Eliſee wepte ful ſore, þat myȝte be founden in þe treſouris of þe temple of
whanne he ſiȝ Aſael, for God ſchewide to him þat Aſael God, and in þe paleys of þe king, and ſente al to Aſael,
ſchulde be king of Sirie, and do manye yuelis to þe king of Sirie; and he ȝede awey fro Jeruſalem. Þe
children of Iſrael, brenne of her ſtrong citees, and ſlee bi ſeruauntis of Joas ſworen togidere, and killeden him,
ſwerd þe ȝunge men of hem, and `hurle doun þe litel and Amaſias his ſone regnede for hym. Joachas þe ſone
children of hem, and kerue wymmen wiþ chijlde. of Hieu regnede on Iſrael, and dide yuel, as Joroboam
Joram, þe ſone of Joſophat, dide yuel in Goddis ſiȝt, as dide. Þerfore God bitook Iſrael in to þe hondis of Aſael,
þe hous of Acab dide; for þe douȝtir of Acab was his king of Sirie, and of Benadab his ſone in alle daies, þat
wijf; but God nolde diſtroie Juda, for Dauiþ his þere weren not left to Joachas of al þe peple of Iſrael no
ſeruaunt, as he bihiȝte to him, to ȝeue a lanterne to him but v. hundrid horſmen, and x. charis, and x. þouſind of
and to hiſe ſones in alle daies. Aftir þeſe þingis Eliſee footmen. Þanne Joachas biſouȝte God, and he ȝaf a
bad oon of þe ſones of prophetis anoynte Hyeu in to ſauyour to Iſrael, and Iſrael was delyuered fro þe hond
king on Iſrael, and ſey to him; "Þou ſchalt diſtroie þe of þe king of Sirie. Þanne Eliſee felde in to gret ſikneſſe,
hous of Acab, and God ſchal make it as þe hous of bi which he was deed; and whanne Joas, king `of Iſrael,
Jeroboam, and doggis ſchulen ete Jeſabel in þe feeld of cam to him, and wepte, Eliſee bad hym bringe a bowe
Jeſrael, and noon ſhall berie hir. " And Hieu killide and arewis, and bad him ſette his hond on þe bowe; and
Joram, king of Iſrael, and Ocoſias, king of Juda, and Eliſee ſettide his hondis on þe kingis hondis, and bad
Jeſabel þe curſid quene; and doggis etyn þe fleſch of him ſcheete out at þe eeſt wyndow opened; and Eliſee
Jeſabel; and hir fleſch was a tord on þe face of erþe. ſeide, "Þis is þe arewe of Goddis helþe aȝens Sirie, `and
Þanne Hieu made lxx. ſones of Acab to be ſlayn of hir þou ſchalt ſmyte Sirie, in Affech, til þou waaſte it. " Efte
keperis, and nurſchers; and he killide xlij. men briþeren Eliſee bad Joas ſmyte þe erþe wiþ a darte; and whanne
of Ocoſias; and aftir þis doinge Hieu feynede hym to he had ſmyte þries, and ſtyntide, and Eliſee was wrooþ
worſchipe Baal more þan Acab dide, and bi þis feyning aȝens him, and ſeide, "If þou haddiſt ſmyte v. ſiþes,
he gaderid to gidere alle þe prophetis, and preſtis, and eiþer vj. ſiþes, eiþer vij. ſiþes, þou ſchulduſt haue ſmyte
ſeruauntis of Baal `in þe temple of Baal, and killide Sirie til to þe ending, but now þou ſchalt ſmyte it þries.
hem alle, and caſtide out of þe temple of Baal his Eliſee diȝede, and was beried, and whanne a deed bodi
ymage, and brent it, and drof it al to duſt; and diſtroiede was beried in þe ſepulcre of Eliſee, `and hadde touchid
þe hous of Baal, and made gongis for it; and ſo Hieu þe boonys of Elyſe, þe man lyuede aȝen, and ſtood on
dide awey Baal `fro Iſrael. Naþeles Hieu ȝede not awey his feet. Amaſias, king of Juda, regnede ix. ȝeer, and
fro þe ſynnes of Joroboam, neþer forſok golden caluis dide riȝtfulneſſe in party, but not as Dauiþ. He killide x.
þat weren in Betel and Dan; but for Hieu dide þis þouſind men of Edom, and for pride þerof he terride þe
veniaunce aȝens þe hous of Acab, God ſeide, þat his king of Iſrael to werre; and Amaſias was ouercomen in
ſones til þe iiij. generacoun ſchulen ſitte on þe trone of þis bateile, and þe king of Iſrael took him preſoner, and
Iſrael. Þanne Atalia, þe modir of Ocoſias, whanne hir brak þe wal of Jeruſalem bi iiij. c. cubitis; and þe king
ſone was deed, killede al þe blood of þe king, and of Iſrael took awey al þe gold and ſyluer, and alle þe
regnide vi. ȝeer. But Joas, þe ſone of Ocoſias king, was veſſelis þat were founden in Goddis hous, and in þe
kept preuyly vj. ȝeer in þe temple of God, and in þe vij. treſouris of þe king, and took pleggis, and turnede aȝeen
ȝeer he was maad king bi help of Joiada, þe gret preſt, in to Samarie. At þe laſte þe men of Amaſias
and Atalia was ſlayn. Þerfore Joiada made a boond of conſpireden aȝens him, and he fledde in to Lachis, and
pees bitwixe God, and þe king, and þe peple, þat hit þei ſentyn þidir, and killede hym þere, and birieden him
ſchulde be þe peple of God, `and bitwixe þe king and þe in Jeruſalem wiþ his fadris; and Aſarie his ſone regnede
peple; and þe peple diſtroiede þe auteris of Baal, and al for hym in Jeruſelem l. ȝeer He dide riȝtfulneſſe in party,
to-braken his ymagis, and killeden Mathan, þe preſt of as Amaſias his fadir dide; and God ſmoot hym wiþ
Baal, bifore þe auter. Þis Joas bigan to regne whanne he leepre til into þe day of his deeþ; and Joathas his ſone
was vij. ȝeer eld, and regnede xl. ȝeer in Jeruſalem, and gouernede þe paleys, and deemyde þe peple of þe lond,
dide riȝtfulneſſe bifore God in alle þe daies in whiche and euere þe kingis of Iſrael diden yuele, and ȝeden in
Joiada þe preſt tauȝte him. And Joas bad preſtis take al þe ſynnes of Jeroboam. And in þe dayes of Manahen,
þe money þat was offrid for priys of ſoulis, and bi free king of Iſrael, Ful, þe king of Aſſiriens, took greet
wille, to make reperacoun of þe temple; and for preſtis tribute of him, to make Manahen ſtronge in þe rewme.
weren neclygent in þis reparacoun, Joas þe king bad þe And in þe daies of Facee king of Iſrael, þat dide yuel in
preſtis ȝeelde þe money to reparacoun, and take it no Goddis ſiȝt, cam Teglath Falaſar, king of Aſſur, and took
more. And þe chaunceler of þe king and þe biſchop manye placis in þe lond of Iſrael, and he took Galaad,
Joiada heelden out of þe arke þe moneye, and ȝauen it

and Galilee, and al þe lond of Neptalym, and tranſlatide neiþer ocupie it, neiþer biſeege it; but God ſchal
hem into Aſſiriens. Aftir ward Acas regnede on Juda defende and ſaue Jeruſalem, for himſelf, and for Dauiþ
xvj. ȝeer in Jeruſalem, and ȝede in þe weies of kingis of his ſeruaunt. And in þat nyȝt þe aungel of God killede in
Iſrael, and dide foul ydolatrie. And aftir þeſe þingis þe tentis of Aſſiriens an c. þouſind and lxxxv. þouſind;
Oſee, þe king of Iſrael, rengnede ix. ȝeer, and dide yuel, and in þe morewe tyde Senacherib ȝede into his lond,
but not as þe kingis of Iſrael þat weren bifore hym. And and his owne ſones killiden hym in þe temple of his
þis Oſee was maad tributarie to Salmanaſar, king of God Neſtrach, while he worſchipide Neſtrach. Aftir þis
Aſſiriens, and whanne þis Oſee wolde be rebel, and paie whanne Ezechie was ſyik to þe deeþ, Iſaie ſeide `to hym
not tribute to Salmanaſar, he biſeegide Oſee, and in Goddis name, "Diſpoſe þin hous, for þou ſchalt diȝe
preſonyde hym, and biſegide Samarie þree ȝeer, and and not lyue. " And for Ezechie wepte greetly, God
took it in þe nynþe ȝeer of Oſee, and tranſlatide Iſrael curide him, and made him go into þe temple on þe
into Aſſyriens. Þanne þe ſcripture reherſiþ many grete þridde day, and encreeſide xv. ȝeer to his lijf; and in
ſynnes of þe peple of Iſrael, for whiche þei weren ſingne herof God made þe ſunne go bacward bi ten
conquerid, and dryuen out of her lond. Þanne þe king of grees. Aftir þis doinge þe king of Babiloyne ſente
Aſſiriens brouȝte peple fro Babiloyne, and fro manye lettris, meſſengeris, and ȝiftis to Ezechie, and bi pride he
oþere heþene cuntreis, and ſettide hem in þe citees of ſchewide alle hiſe treſouris and iewelis to þe
Samarie, for þe children of Iſrael; and for þis peple meſſengeris. Þerfor God ſeide bi Iſaie to him, þat daies
dredde not God, he ſente in to hem lyouns, þat killeden ſchulen come, and alle þingis in þin hous ſchulen be
hem; þerfore þe king of Aſſiriens ſente þidir oo preſt of taken awey into Babiloyne. And Ezechie ſeide, "Þe
Iſrael, to teche hem þe lawe of God of Iſrael, and ſo þei word of God is good; oonly pees and treuþe be in my
worſchipiden God of Iſrael, and hire heþene goddis daies. " Aftir Ezechie Manaſſes his ſone regnede lv. ȝeer
togidere. in Jeruſalem, and dide gret yuel in Goddis ſiȝt, and
mychel ydolatrie; and þe peple of Juda was diſceyued
CAP. VII. of Manaſſes, þat þei diden more yuel þan heþene men,
Ezechie, king of Juda, rengnide xxix. ȝeer, and dide whiche God diſtroiede fro þe face of þe ſones of Iſrael.
good bifore God bi alle þingis whiche his fadir Dauiþ And for Manaſſes dide þeſe worſte abomynacouns ouer
hadde do; he diſtroiede hiȝe placis, and al to-brak alle þingis whiche þe men of Amereys diden, and he
ymagis, and hewyde doun wodis, and brak þe ſerpent of ſched ful myche innocent blood, til Jeruſalem was fillid
braſſe; for þe children of Iſrael brente enſenſe to it; and til to þe mouþ, God ſeide, þat he wolde bringe in yuelis
he hopide in God. Þerfore of alle þe kingis of Juda was on Jeruſalem and Juda, þat, who euere heeriþ, boþe hiſe
noon lyk him aftir him, but neiþer among þeſe kingis eeris tyngle; and he ſchal do awey Jeruſalem, as tablis
þat weren bifore him. And in þe xiiij. ȝeer of Ezechie, on boord ben wont to be don awey, but God ſchal leue
Senagerib, king of Aſſiriens, ſtiȝede to alle wallide remenauntis of his eritage, and bitake hem in þe hond
citees of Juda, and took þo. Þanne Ezechie ȝaf to hym al of her enemyes. Manaſſes diede, and was buried in þe
þe ſyluer þat was founden in Goddis hous, and in þe orcherd of his hous; and Amon his ſone regnede for
treſouris of þe king, for he ſchulde goo awey, and diſtrie hym ij. ȝeer, and dide yuel as his fadir dide, and forſook
not Jeruſalem neiþer Judee; and for Senagerib kepte not God, and ſeruede vnclenneſſes and ydolis, as his fadir
couenaunt, Ezechie rebellide aȝens him, in triſt of dide, and worſchipide þoo. And his ſeruauntis ſettiden
Goddis help. Þanne Senagerib ſente Rapſaces wiþ ſtrong treſoun to him, and killeden hym in his hous; and þe
ooſt to Jeruſalem, to blasfeme God, and make þe peple peple of þe lond killiden alle men, þat hadden conſpyrid
ȝelde hem to him for dreede. Þanne Ezechie to-rente his aȝens þe kyng Amon; and for hym þei ordeyneden Joſie
cloþis for ſorwe, and was hilid wiþ a ſak, and entride his ſone king to hem. Joſie bygan to rengne whanne he
into Goddis hous, and ſente `þe hiȝe preſt and oþere was viij. ȝeer eeld, and rengnede xxxj. ȝer in Jeruſalem;
eelde men cloþid wiþ ſakkis to þe prophete Iſaie, þat he and he dide þat þat was pleeſaunt bifore God, and ȝede
ſchulde preie to God aȝens þe blasfemye of Aſſyriens. bi alle þe weies of Dauiþ his fadir. In þe xviij. ȝeer of
And Iſaie ſeide, in Goddis name, þat þei ſchulde not Joſie he hadde beſyneſſe þat þe temple of God were
drede of þes wordis of Aſſiriens, for God ſchal ſende a reparailid; and whanne þe book of lawe was red bifore
ſpirit to Senacharib, and he ſchal here a meſſanger, and þe king, he to-rente hiſe cloþis, and ſente ſolempne
he ſchal turne aȝen into his lond; and God ſchal caſte meſſengeris to take counceil at God for himſelf and his
hym doun bi ſwerd in his lond; and whanne Senacherib reume; for he ſeide, þat greet veniaunce of God is
ȝede hoom to defende his lond aȝens þe king of kynlid aȝens vs, for oure fadris herden not þe wordis of
Ethiopie, he ſente blasfeme lettris to Ezechie, and ſeide, þis book, to do al þat is writen to vs. And God ſeide bi
þat his God myȝte not delyuere hym fro his hondis. þe propheteſſe Olda, þe wijf of Sellum, "I ſchal bringe
Þerfore God counfortide Ezechie bi þe prophete Iſaie, yuelis on þis place, and on þe dwelleris þereof, alle þe
þat he ſchulde not dreede Senacherib, for Senacherib wordis of þe lawe whiche Joſie redde, for þey forſooken
ſchal not entre into Jeruſalem, neiþer ſende arwe into it, me, and maden ſacrifice to alyen goddis; and for þou,

Joſiee, herdiſt þe wordis of þe book, and þin herte was aȝens Nabugodnoſor, and God ſente þeuis of Caldeys,
afeerd, and þou were meekid bifore me, and to-rentiſt þi and þeuis of Sirie, and þeuis of Moab, and þeuis of þe
cloþis, and weptiſt bifore me, þerfore þou ſchalt diȝe in ſones of Amon into Juda, þat he ſchulde diſtroie it, as he
pees, þat þin iȝen ſe not alle þeſe yuelis, whiche I ſchal ſpac bi his prophetis, and ſpecialy for þe ſynnes of
bringe in on þis place. " Þanne Joſie gaderide to hym Manaſſes. Þis Joachym diȝede, and his ſone Joakyn
alle þe olde men of Juda and of Jeruſalem, and þe king rengnide iij. moneþis in Jeruſalem, and dide yuel bifore
ſtiȝede into þe temple of God, and alle men of Juda and God, as hiſe fadris hadden do. In þat tyme þe ſeruauntis
alle men þat dwelliden in Jeruſalem, prophetis and of Nabugodnoſor ſtiȝede to Jeruſalem, and biſeegeden it.
preſtis, and al þe peple ſtyede wiþ hym, and he redde to Þanne Nabugodnoſor came to Jeruſalem to ouercome it,
alle men heeringe alle þe wordis of þe book of and Joakyn, and his modir, and his ſeruauntis, and
couenaunt of þe Lord, þat was founden in þe hous of þe princis, and chaumbirleyns ȝeden out to Nabugodnoſor,
Lord. And þe king ſtood on þe grees, and ſmoot and he tranſlatide Joakyn and his ooſt, x. þouſind, and
couenaunt bifore þe Lord, þat þei ſchulden go aftir þe many crafty men in to Babiloyne; and took alle þe
Lord, and kepe alle hiſe heeſtis, and witneſſingis, and treſouris of Goddis hous, and of þe kingis hous, and bet
cerymonies, in al þe herte and in al þe ſoule, and þe togidere alle þe golden veſſels, whiche king Salamon
peple aſſentide to þe couenaunt. And þe king bad þe hadde maad in þe temple. And Nabugodnoſor
biſchop and preſtis and porters caſte out of Goddis ordeynede Mathanye, þe broþer of Joſie, to be kinge,
temple alle veſſels þat weren maad to Baal, and to oþer and clepide hym Sedechie, and he rengnede xj. ȝeer in
ydols; and he brent þo out of Jeruſalem, in þe valey of Jeruſalem, and dide yuel bifore God bi alle þingis þat
Cedron, and bar þe duſt of þo into Bethel. And he Joachym hadde do; for God was wrooþ aȝens Jeruſalem
diſtroide ydolatrours, and þe hous of lecchours þat and Juda, til he caſtide hem awey fro his face. And
weren in þe hous of God; and he diſtroide auteris and Sedechie ȝede awey fro þe king of Babilonye, and in þe
hiȝe placis of ydols, and ymagis, and took out boonys ix. ȝeer of Sadechie Nabugodonoſor cam wiþ al his ooſt,
fro ſepulcris, and brente þo on þe autir in Bethel, þat and biſegide Jeruſalem til to þe xi. ȝeer of Sedechie,
ſeruide to ydolatrie. Alſo Joſie dide awey alle templis of and þanne þe citee was broken, and Sedechie and his
hiȝe placis, þat weren in þe citee of Samarie, whiche þe warriouris fledden bi nyȝt, and þe ooſt of Caldeys
kingis of Iſrael hadden maad to terre þe Lord to wraþþe; purſuede and took him, and brouȝte him to
and he dide to þo as he hadde do in Bethel, and he Nabugodonoſor in Reblatha. And Nabugodonoſor ſpac
killide þe preſtis of hiȝe placis, whiche preſtis weren dom wiþ Sedechie, and killide hiſe ſones bifore him,
þere ouer þe auters, and he brente mennis boonys `on and puttide out his iȝen, and boond him wiþ chaynes,
þo auters. Alſo Joſie made þe puple to make a ſolempne and brouȝte hym in to Babiloyne. Þanne Nabuſardan, þe
paſk, and ſuch paſk was not maad fro þe daies of iugis, prince of þe ooſt, brente Goddis hous, and þe kingis
and alle kingis of Iſrael and Juda, as was þis paſk maad, hous, and þe houſis of Jeruſalem, and diſtroiede þe
in þe xviij. ȝeer of Joſie. And hee dide awey ſpiritis wallis of Jeruſalem in cumpas; and he tranſlatide into
ſpekinge in mennis wombis, and falſe dyuynouris, and Babiloine þe reſidue puple of Juda, outaken a fewe pore
figuris of ydols, and vnclenneſſis, and abomynacyouns, men, vyntilieris and erþetilieris; and he brak alle þe
þat weren in þe lond of Juda and of Jeruſalem. No king braſen veſſels and of metal in þe temple, and bare þe
bifore him neiþer aftir him was lyk him, þat turned aȝen metal into Babilone. Þanne Nabugodonoſor made
to God in al his herte, and in al his ſoule, and in al his Godolye to be ſouereyn of þe peple left in þe lond of
vertu, bi al þe lawe of Moiſes. Naþeles for þe orrible Juda, and þanne alle þe dukis of knyȝtis camen to
ſynnes of Juda God turnede not awey fro his ſtrong Godolie in Maſpha, and he made an ooþ to hem, þat it
veniaunce, but ſeide, þat he wolde take awey Juda fro ſchulde be wel to hem, if þei wolden ſerue þe king of
his face, as he dide awey Iſrael, and þat he wolde caſte Babilone. And Iſmael, þat was of þe kingis blood,
awey þe citee Jeruſalem whiche he chees. Þerfor Farao killide Godolye, and Jewis and Caldeis þat weren wiþ
Nechao, king of Egipt, killide Joſye in Magedo, and him, and al þe peple of Juda and þe princis of kniȝtis
Joachas his ſone was maad kyng for his fadir; and he fledden into Egipte, for drede of Caldeys. At þe laſte,
rengnede þre moneþis in Jeruſalem, and dide yuel Euylmeradach, king of Babilone, reiſide Joachyn fro
bifore God bi alle þingis whiche his fadris hadden do; preſoun, and ſettide his trone aboue þe trones of oþir
and þis Farao priſonyde him in Reblatha, and took kingis þat weren wiþ hym in Babilone; and Joachyn eet
tribute of þe lond, an c. talentis of ſyluer, and oo talent euere breed in þe kingis ſiȝt of Babilone, in alle þe daies
of gold; and þis Farao made king Elyachym, þe ſone of of his lijf. Þis proſces of Godolie and þat ſueþ is teld
Joſie, and turnede his name Joachym; and þis Farao largeliere in þe ende of Jeremye þan heere in þe ende of
ledde Joachas in to Egipt; and Joachym dide yuele Kingis. Þis proſces of þe iiij. book of Kingis ſchulde
bifore God bi alle þingis whiche his fadris hadden do. ſtire alle men, and namely kingis and lordis, for to hate
And þis Joachym was maad ſeruaunt þre ȝeer to ſynne, as ydolatrie and coueitiſe, and brekinge of
Nabugodnoſor, king of Babilonie, and eft he rebellyde Goddis heeſtis, for whiche þe peple of Iſrael and þe

peple of Juda was þus punſchid, and conquerid of þe peple of Juda to ſeeke þe Lord God of her fadris, and
heþene men, and for to loue vertues and kepinge of do his lawe, and kepe alle hiſe heeſtis. He rengnide in
Goddis heeſtis, and diſtroyinge of opyn ſinnes, for pees, and byldide ſtronge citees wiþ wallis, and touris,
whiche manye goode kingis, as Eſechie, Joſie, and and ȝatis, and lockis, and he hadde in his ooſt þre
many oþere, hadden grete þank and ſocour of God in hundrid þouſind of Juda, of men beringe ſcheeldis and
manye greete perels, and bliſſe of heuene wiþouten ſperis, and of Beniamyn ij. hundrid þouſind and lxx.
ende. God for his mercy graunte þis bliſſe to vs! Amen. þouſind of men of armes, and of archeris. And he
ouercam þe king of Ethiopie, þat cam wiþ x. c. þouſind
CAP. VIII. men and iij. c. charris; and Aſa hadde þe victorie, for in
Þe bookis of Paralypomynon ben ful neſceſſarie to triſt of Goddis help he cam aȝens þis gret multitude.
vndirſtonde þe ſtories of þe elde teſtament, in ſo myche, Þanne þe prophete of God ſeide to Aſa and al his peple,
as Jerom ſeiþ, þat if eny man wiþouten þeſe bookis "Þe Lord is wiþ ȝow, for ȝe weren wiþ hym; if ȝe ſeeken
wole preſume to haue þe kunnynge of hooly ſcripturis, hym ȝee ſchulen fynde; and if ȝe forſaken him he ſchal
he ſcorne himſelf, þat is, diſſeyue eiþir make himſelf forſake ȝou; many daies ſchulen paſſe in Iſrael wiþoute
worþi to be ſcorned; for whi þe ſtories left out in þe veri God, and wiþout preſt, and techere, and lawe; and
bookis of Kingis be touchid in þeſe bookis, and whanne þei turnen aȝen in her angwiſche, and crien to
vnnumberable queſtiouns of þe goſpel ben declarid by God, and ſeekyn him, þei ſchulen fynde him. Be ȝe
þeſe bookis. Þe firſte book of Paralypomynon telliþ in confortid, and ȝoure hondis be not maad vnſtedfaſt, for
þe bigynnynge þe generacyouns fro Adam til to Jacob, whi mede ſchal be to ȝoure werk. " And whanne Aſa
and ſo forþ til to Dauiþ, and touchiþ ſchortly manye hadde herd þeſe wordis, and profecie, he was
ſtories of Saul, and of Dauiþ, and of Salomon, in þe coumfortid, and dide awey alle ydols fro al þe lond of
ende þerof; and how Dauiþ ordeynede preſtis and Juda and of Beniamyn, and fro þe citees whiche he
dekyns in her offis, and how and bi what ſeruiſe þei hadde take of Effraym. And he gaderide to gidere al þe
ſchulden ſerue God. Þe bigynnyng of þe ij. book of puple vndir him, and he entride into Jeruſalem, to make
Paralipomynon telliþ hou Salomon axide of God ſtronge þe boond of pees, þat þei ſchulden ſeeke þe
wiſedom to deme his peple, and God ȝaf to him Lord God of her fadris in al her herte and al her ſoule,
wiſdom, and kunnyng, and richeſſe, and glorie, ſo þat and he ſeide, "If eny man ſeekiþ not þe Lord God of
noon among kingis neiþer bifore neiþer aftir him was Iſrael, diȝe he, fro þe leeſte til to þe meeſte, fro man til
lyk him. Þanne is toold how Salomon byldide þe temple to womman. " And þei ſworen wiþ al hire herte and wiþ
of Jeruſalem, and an hous to himſelf. Aftir þis þe queene al hire wille, þei ſouȝten God and founden hym, and
of Saba cam to Salomon, and brouȝte many precious God ȝaf reſte to hem bi cumpas. And whanne þe king of
iewelis to him, and preuede his kunnynge and wiſdom Iſrael werride aȝens Aza, Aſa ſente mychil gold and
in many þingis. And alle þe kingis of þe erþe deſyreden ſyluer to þe king of Syrie, to helpe him, and to werreye
to ſee þe face of Salomon, for to here þe wiſdom of aȝens þe king of Iſrael, and he dide ſo. Þanne God
God, which he hadde ȝoue in his herte. Aftir þis it ſueþ blamyde Aſa greetly, for he triſte in þe king of Sirie, and
hou Roboam departide þe x. lynagis fro þe hous of not in God. "And þerfor þe ooſt of þe king of Sirie
Dauiþ bi his pride and harde wordis, and bi ſuynge of aſcapide fro þin hond, " ſeide God, "and alſo bateiles
þe counceil of ȝunge men; and whanne þe rewme of ſchulen riſe aȝens þee in preſent tyme. " And Aſa was
Juda was confermyd to him, he forſook þe lawe of God, wrooþ aȝens þe prophete, þat telde þis to hym, and
and al Iſrael dide þe ſame wiþ him. Þerfore God ſente þe puttide him in þe ſtockis; and God hadde ful gret
king of Egipt wiþ vnnoumbrable peple on hem, and indingnacoun on þis þing, and killide full manye men of
took awey þe treſours of Goddis hous and of þe kingis þe puple in þat tyme. And in þe ende of his lijf Aſa
hous, and þei ſerueden þe king of Egipt, to knowe þe hadde ful greet ſykneſſe of his feet, and in his ſykneſſe
dyuerſite of Goddis ſeruiſe, and of þe ſeruiſe of þe he ſouȝte not þe Lord, but triſte more in þe craft of
rewme of þe londis. Aftir him regnede Abia, his ſone, lechis. And Aſa diȝede, and Joſophat his ſone regnede
and he tretide wijſely wiþ þe peple of Iſrael, þat þei `for hym, and was ſtrong aȝens Iſrael. And king
ſchulde forſake her ſynne, and werrey not aȝens Goddis Joſophat ordeynede noumbris of kniȝtis in alle wallid
puple and þe rewme of Juda; and for þei wolde proudly citees of Juda, and ordeynede ſtrong hooldis in þe lond
werreye aȝens þe rewme of Juda, and aȝens þis good of Juda, and in þe citees of Effrahym, whiche Aſa his
counceil of Abia, he killyde of hem bi Goddis help v. fadir hadde take. And þe Lord was wiþ Joſophat, and he
hundrid þouſynd of ſtronge men. Aftir þis counceil Abia ȝede in þe firſte weies of Dauiþ his fadir, and he hopide
diȝede, and Aſa his ſone rengnede for him; and in þe not in Baalym, but in God Almyȝty, and ȝede in his
daies of Aſa þe lond was in reſte x. ȝeer; and Aſa dide comaundementis, and not bi þe ſynnes of Iſrael. And
þat þat was good and pleſaunt in þe ſiȝt of God, and he God confermyde þe rewme in þe hond of Joſophat, and
diſtroiede auteris of ydolatrie, and hiȝe placis, and he he hadde ful many richeſſis and myche glorie; and
brak ymagis, and hewyde doun wodis, and comaundide whanne his herte hadde take triſt for þe weies of þe

Lord, he dide aweye alſo hiȝe placis and woodis fro and þe ſones of Moab, and wiþ men of Ydume, weren
Judea, where þe puple made offring `out of Jeruſalem gaderid togidere to werrye aȝens Joſophat. Þanne
aȝens þe lawe. And Joſophat in þe iij. ȝeer of his rewme Joſophat ȝaf him al to beſeche God, and prechide faſting
ſente fyue of his princis, þat þei ſchulde teche in þe to al Juda, and al Juda was gaderid to biſeeche þe Lord;
citees of Juda; and he ſente ix. deknes wiþ hem, and ij. and Joſophat knoulechide, þat he hadde not power to
preſtis wiþ hem, and þei hadden þe book of Goddis aȝenſtonde ſo greet a multitude of enemyes. Þanne God
lawe, and tauȝten þe peple in Juda; and þei cumpaſſiden coumfortide him and his peple bi a prophete, þat þei
alle þe citees of Juda, and tauȝten al þe peple. Þerfore ſchulde not dreede þis greet multitude of enemyes, for
þe drede of þe Lord was maad on alle rewmys of londis God himſelf ſchulde fiȝte and ouercome her enemyes,
þat weren bi þe cumpas of Juda, and durſten not wiþout ſtrook of his peple; and ſo it was in dede. At þe
werreye aȝens Joſophat. And he hadde redy at his hond laſte, Joſophat made frenſchipe wiþ Ocoſie, king of
xj. c. þouſind and lx. c. þouſind of kniȝtis, and men of Iſrael, whois werkis weren ful yuele, and þei weren
armys, and archers, outaken oþere whiche he `hadde ſet felowis to make ſchippis, þat ſchulden go into Tarſis.
in wallid citees, and in all Juda. And Filiſteyis and Þerfor God bi his prophete ſeide to Joſophat, "For þou
Arabeyes brouȝten to Joſophat ȝiftis and tributis, and haddiſt boond of pees wiþ Ocoſie, God haþ ſmyte þi
many þouſindis of ſcheep and buckis of geet. And aftir werkis, " and þe ſchippis ben al to-broken and myȝten
þis doinge Joſophat was alyed to Acab, and ȝede wiþ not go into Tarſis. Þanne diȝede Joſophat, and Joram his
hym to bateile into Ramoth of Galaad, and iiij. c. ſone rengnyde for hym. Þis Joram weddide þe douȝtir
prophetis, þat weren diſſeyued bi a ſpirit of leſing, of Acab, and killide hiſe owne briþeren, and ȝede in þe
excitide Acab to þis werre, and bihiȝte proſperite and weies of þe kingis of Iſrael, as þe hous of Acab hadde
victorie to him; but Mycheas, oo trewe prophete of do; and he dide ydolatrie, and made þe dwelleris of
God, telde to Acab þat he ſchulde diȝe in þis bataile, Jeruſalem and alſo Juda to breke Goddis lawe. Þerfor
and ſo it was indeede; and Joſophat, þat was in mooſt Edom and Lobna ȝeden awey fro his lordſchipe, for he
perel of þis bateile, was ſauid bi Goddis help. Aftir þis hadde forſake þe Lord God of his fadris; and þerfore
bateil Joſophat turnede aȝeen in pees to Jeruſalem, and a God reiſide aȝens him Filiſteys and Arabeys, þat
prophete of God mette him, and ſeide, "Þou helpiſt þe cooſteyen wiþ Ethiopiens, and þei diſtroieden þe lond of
wickid man, and art ioyned in frenſchip to hem þat Juda, and token awey al þe catel þat was founden in þe
haten God, and þerfor þou diſſeruediſt þe wraþþe of hous of þe king, and tooken awey his wijf and ſones,
God, but goode werkis ben founden in þee, for þou outaken Joachas þe ȝungeſte. And God ſmoot Joram wiþ
dideſt awey wodis fro þe lond of Juda, and madiſt redy vncurable ſorewe of wombe twey ȝer, ſo þat he rotid on
þin herte to ſeeke þe Lord God of þi fadris. " Þerfore erþe, and caſtide out hiſe entrailis, and diȝede in worſt
Joſophat dwellide in Jeruſalem, and eft he ȝide out to þe ſykneſſe. And his ſone Ocoſias rengnyde for him, and
peple fro Berſabe til to þe hil of Effraym, and clepide dide yuele as þe hous of Acab, for whi his modir
hem aȝen to þe Lord God of her fadris; and he excitide him to do wickidly; and þei of þe hous of Acab
ordeynede iugis of þe lond in alle ſtronge citees of Juda weren his councelers into his deþ, and he ȝede in þe
bi ech place; and he comaundide þus to þe iugis, "See counceil of hem. And þerfore Hieu, whanne he
ȝe, what ȝe owen to do, for ȝe vſen þe dom not of man diſtroyede þe hous of Acab, killide Ocoſie, and þe
but of þe Lord, and what euer þing þat ȝe ſchal deme, prince of Juda, and þe ſones of þe briþeren of Ocoſie.
ſchal turne into ȝou; þe dreede of þe Lord be wiþ ȝou, After þeſe þingis Joas waas maad king, bi þe helpe of
and do ȝe alle þingis wiþ diligence; for whi neiþer Joiada þe preſt, and þe curſide womman Atalia was
wickidneſſe, neiþer taking of perſoones, neiþer coueitiſe ſlayn. Þe preſtis and grete men of þe peple brouȝten out
of ȝiftis, is anentis ȝoure Lord God. " And in Jeruſalem of Goddis hous þe ſone of þe king, and ſettiden a coroun
Joſophat ordeynede dekenes and preſtis, and princis of on his heed, and ȝauen in his hond þe lawe to be kept,
meynes of Iſrael, þat þei ſchulde deme to þe dwelleris and maden him king. And Joiada made couenaunt
þerof þe doom and cauſe of God; and he comaundide to bitwixen him and al þe peple and þe king, þat þei
hem and ſeide, "Þus ȝe ſchulen do in þe drede of þe ſchulden be þe peple of God, þat is, forſake ydolatrie,
Lord feiþfully, and in a perfit herte; ech cauſe þat and kepe treuly Goddis lawe. Þerfore al þe peple ȝede
comeþ to ȝou of ȝoure briþeren þat dwellen in her into þe hous of Baal, and diſtroyeden it, and braken þe
citees, bitwixe kinrede and kynrede, where euere is auters and ſymylacris, eiþer ymagis of him, and þei
queſtioun eiþer doute of þe lawe of comaundement of killeden bifore þe auteer Mathan, þe preſt of Baal. Þis
cerymonies of iuſtifijngis, ſchewe ȝee to hem, þat þei do Joas dide wel in þe tyme of Joiada, and reparilide þe
not ſynne aȝens þe Lord, and wraþþe eiþer veniaunce temple of Jeruſalem, þat was diſtroyed bi Atalia and hir
come not on ȝow, and on ȝoure briþeren; þerfore do ȝe ſones; but aftir þe deeþ of Joiada he was flaterid bi þe
þus and ȝe ſchule `not do ſynne; and Amarie, ȝoure preſt princis of Juda, and þei felden to idolatrie, and forſoken
and biſchop, ſchal be ſouereyn in þeſe þingis þat þe temple of God. And þe wraþþe of God was maad
perteynyn to God. " Aftir þeſe þingis þe ſones of Amon, aȝens Juda and Jeruſalem for his ſynne, and he ſente

prophetis to hem, þat þei ſchulden turne aȝen to God, regnede for him lij. ȝeer in Jeruſalem, and ſouȝte God in
and þei nolde heere þeſe profetis. And Sacarie, þe preſt þe daies of Sacarie, vndirſtondinge and ſeeinge God,
and ſone of Joiada, repreuede hem for þis ſynne, and þei and whanne he ſouȝte God, he louyde him in alle
ſtonyden hym to deþ in þe purſeynt of Goddis hous, by þingis; and God helpide him aȝens Filiſteys, and aȝens
comaundement of þe king. And whanne þe ȝeer was Arabeys, and aȝens Ammonytis. And Ammonitis
endid þe ooſt of Syrie ſtiȝede aȝens hym, and cam in to payeden ȝiftis to Oſias, and his name was pupliſchid til
Juda and Jeruſalem, and killide alle þe princis of þe to þe entring of Egipt, for ofte victories. He bildide
peple, and ſenten al þe prey in to Damaſk to þe king. manye touris in Jeruſalem, and alſo in wildirneſſe, for
And certis whanne a ful litil noumbre of men of Sirie he hadde many beeſtis, and vynes, and vyntilieris, for
was comen, God bitook in her hondis a multitude he was a man ȝouen to erþe tilþe. He hadde in his ooſt
wiþouten ende, for þei hadden forſake þe Lord God of ij. þouſynd and vj. c. princes of ſtronge men, and iij. c.
her fadris, and þei vſiden ſchameful domes in Joas, and þouſind `and vij. þouſind and v. c. þat weren able to
ȝeden forþ, and leftyn him in greet ſorewis; and his bateil, and fouȝten for þe king aȝens aduerſaries; and his
ſeruaunts riſen aȝens him for veniaunce of þe blood of name ȝede out fer, for God `helpide him, and made him
þe ſone of Joiada þe preſt, and killiden him in his bed; ſtronge. But whanne he was maad ſtronge, his herte was
and Joas was deed, and Amaſie his ſone rengnide for reiſid into his deþ, and he diſpiſide his Lord God, for he
him. ȝede into þe temple of God, and wolde brenne encenſe
on þe auter of encenſe, aȝens þe lawe. And whanne þe
CAP. IX. biſchop and many noble preſtis aȝenſtodyn him, and
Amaſie dide good in party, but not in a parfit herte, and teldyn þe lawe þat was aȝens him, hee was wrooþ, and
he killide hem þat hadden ſlayn þe king his fadir, but he helde þe cenſer, and manaſide hem; and anoon lepre
killide not her ſones, as God bad in þe lawe. Þis Amaſie roos in his forheed bifore þe preſtis in Goddis hous.
foond in al Juda and Beniamyn fro xx. ȝeer and aboue, Þanne þe preſtis puttiden him out, and he haſtide to go
xxx. þouſind of ȝunge men þat ȝeden out to bateile, and out, for drede, and for he feelide anon þe veniaunce of
heelden ſpere and ſcheeld; and he hyride of Iſrael an c. God. Þerfore king Oſias was leprouſe til to þe day of his
þouſind of ful ſtronge men for an c. talentis of ſyluer, to deþ, and dwellide in an hous departid. And Joathan his
fiȝte aȝens þe ſones of Edom. And a man of God ſeide ſone gouernede þe kingis hous, and deemyde þe puple
to Amaſie, "A! þou king, þe ooſt of Iſrael go not out wiþ of þe lond. And Joathan rengnyde xvj. ȝeer in
þee, for þe Lord is not wiþ Yſrael, and wiþ alle þe ſones Jeruſalem, and dide riȝtfulneſſe bifore God, bi alle
of Effraym; þat if þou geſſiſt þat bateilis ſtonden in þe þingis whiche Oſias his fadir hadde do, outaken þis, þat
ſtrengþe of ooſt, þe Lord ſchal make þee to be he entride not into þe temple of God; and ȝit þe puple
ouercomen of þin enemyes; for it is propir to God for to treſpaſſide. He byldide manye þingis, and fauȝt aȝens þe
helpe, and `for to turne into fliȝt. " Þerfore Amaſie king of þe ſones of Amon, and ouercam him; and þe
departyde awey þe ooſt of Iſrael, and triſtily ledde forþ ſones of Amon ȝauen to hym an c. talentis of ſyluer, and
his puple to bataile; and he hadde þe victorie, and x. þouſind corus of barly, and as manye of whete; and a
killide xl. þouſind of his enemyes in þis bataile. And corus conteyneþ xxx. buſchellis. And Joathan was maad
aftir þis victorie Amaſie worſchipide þe goddis of ſtrong, for he hadde dreſſid his weyes bifore his Lord
Edom, and brente encenſe to hem; wherfor God was God, and he was deed, and Achas his ſone regnede for
wrooþ aȝens Amaſie, and ſente to him a prophete, þat hym xvj. ȝeer in Jeruſalem. Þis Acas dide not
ſchulde ſeie to him, "Whi haſt þou worſchipid goddis riȝtfulneſſe in Goddis ſiȝt, but ȝede in þe weies of þe
þat delyueriden not her puple fro þin hond? " Whanne kingis of Iſrael, and made ymagis to Baal, and dide
þe prophete ſpac þeſe þingis to him, he anſweride to þe manyfold ydolatrie; and God bitook him in to þe hond
prophete, "Wher þou art a counceler of þe king? ceeſe of þe king of Sirie, which king ſmoot Acas, and took a
þou, leſt perauenture I ſlee þee. " Þerfore þe prophete gret prey of his rewme into Damaſk; and Acas was
ȝede awey, and ſeide, "I woot þat þe Lord þouȝte to ſlee bitaken to þe hondis of þe king of Iſrael, and was
þee, for þou haſt doo þis yuel, and ferþermore þou ſmyten wiþ a greet wounde. And Facee, þe ſone of
aſſentidiſt not to my counceil:" and ſo it bifelde in Romelye, killide of Juda vj. ſcore þouſind in oo day,
deede, for bi pride he terride þe king of Iſrael to werre, alle þe werriouris; for þei hadden forſake þe Lord God
and nolde ceeſe for heleful counceil of þe king of Iſrael. of her fadris; and þe ſones of Iſrael tooken of hire
Þerfore þe king of Iſrael ouercam þe puple of Juda, and briþeren of Juda ij. c. þouſind of wymmen, and of
took Amaſie, and diſtroiede þe wal of Jeruſalem bi iiij. children, and of damyſelis, and prey wiþouten ende, and
c. cubitis, and took awey al þe treſour and veſſels baren it in to Samarie. And Obed, þe prophete of God,
whiche he foond in Goddis hous, and in þe kingis hous. ſeide to þe men of Iſrael, þat þei hadden do greet
And aftir þis doing Amaſie fledde out of Jeruſalem into cruelte, and ſynned aȝens God, and bad hem lede aȝen
Lachis, for treſoun doon to him of his men; and þei þe priſoneris of Juda, "for whi greet veniaunce of þe
ſenten, and killiden him in Lachis. And Oſias his ſone Lord neiȝeþ to ȝou. " Þerfore þe princes of Iſrael maden

þe werriouris to forſake þe prey, and alle þingis whiche meſſangeris into al Iſrael, fro Berſabee til to Dan, þat þei
þei hadden take; and þe princis cloþiden hem þat weren ſchulden come and make paſk to þe Lord God `of Iſrael
nakid, and refreſchiden hem wiþ mete, and drinke, and in Jeruſalem. And currowris ȝeden out wiþ epiſtlis, bi
anoyntyng of oile, for traueile, and ſenten hem hoom comaundement of þe king and of hiſe princes, `in to al
benyngly. Þanne king Acas ſente to þe king of Aſſiriens, Iſrael and Juda, as þe king hadde comaundid, and
and axide help; and Ydumeys camen, and killiden precheden, "Sones of Iſrael, turne ȝe aȝeen to þe Lord
manye men of Juda, and tooken greet prey; and Filiſteys God of Abraham, of Iſaac, and of Iſrael, and he ſchal
tooken many citees of Juda, and dwelliden in þo. And turne aȝen to þe remenauntis þat aſcapiden þe hondis of
God made low þe puple of Juda for Acas þe king of þe king of Aſſiriens; ſerue ȝe to þe Lord God of youre
Iſrael, for he hadde maad `him nakid of help, and for he fadris, and þe wraþþe of his ſtrong veniaunce ſchal be
hadde diſpiſid God. And God brouȝte aȝens him Teglath turned awey fro ȝou; for if ȝe turnen aȝen to þe Lord,
Falaſar, þe king of Aſſiriens, þat turmentide him, and ȝoure briþeren and ȝoure ſones ſchulen haue merſy
diſtroiede, for noon aȝenſtood. Þerfore Acas ſpoilide bifore hire lordis, þat ledden hem priſoners, and þei
Goddis hous, and þe hous of kingis and of princis, and ſchulen turne aȝen into þis lond. " Þerfore currouris
ȝaf ȝiftis to þe king of Aſſiriens; and naþeles it profitide ȝeden ſwiftly fro citee `in to citee, by þe lond of
no þing to him; and Acas, in þe tyme of his anguyſch, Effraym and of Manaſſes `til to Sabulon, and þei
encreſide diſpiſing aȝens God, and offride ſacrifices to ſcorneden and bymowiden þe meſſengeris; naþeles
þe goddis of Damaſk, and he ſeide, "Þe goddis of Sirie ſumme of Aſer and of Manaſſes and of Sabulon
`helpen hem, whiche goddis I ſchal pleſe wiþ ſacrifices, aſſentiden to þe counceil, and camen in to Jeruſalem.
and þei ſchulen helpe me, " whanne aȝenward þei weren Goddis hond was maad in Juda, þat he ȝaf to hem oon
fallyng to him, and to al Iſrael. Þerfor Acas rauyſchide herte, and þei diden þe word of God bi comaundement
and brak alle þe veſſels of Goddis hous, and cloſide þe of þe king and of princis, and many puplis weren
ȝatis of Goddis temple, and made to him auteris in alle gaderid in Jeruſalem, to make þe ſolempnite of paſk in
corners of Jeruſalem, and in alle þe citees of Juda, to þe ij. monþe; and þei diſtroieden þe auteris þat weren in
brenne encenſe, and terride God to wraþþe. And he Jeruſalem, and þei diſtroieden alle þingis in which
diȝede, and Eſechiee his ſone rengnide for him xxix. encenſe was offrid to ydolis, and caſtiden forþ in to þe
ȝeer in Jeruſalem; he dide þat þat was pleſaunt in ſtronde of Cedron. Whanne þeſe þingis weren halewid
Goddis ſiȝt, bi alle þingis which Dauiþ his fadir hadde riȝtly, al Iſrael ȝede out, þat was founden in þe citees of
do. And he opynede þe ȝatis of Goddis hous, in þe firſte Juda, and þei braken ſymylacris, eiþer ymagis, and
ȝeer of his rewme, and made preſtis and dekenes to hewiden doun wodis, and diſtroieden hiȝe placis and
clenſe and halewe þe temple and auter of God, wiþ al þe auteris, and not oonly of al Juda and Beniamyn, but alſo
veſſels and purtenaunſis of þe temple; and he gaderide of Effraym and Manaſſes, til þei diſtroieden þoo
togidere alle þe princis of þe citee, and ſtiȝide into outtirly. And Eſechie ordeynede cumpanyes of preſtis
Goddis hous; and þei offriden vij. boolis and vij. and of dekenis, bi her departingis, ech man in his owne
rammes, vij. lambren, and vij. buckis of geet, for ſynne, offis, as wel of preſtis as of dekenis, to brent ſacrifices
for þe rewme, for þe ſentuarie, and for Juda. And he and peeſible ſacrifices, þat þei ſchulden mynyſtre and
ſeide to þe preſtis, þe ſones of Aaron, þat þei ſchulden knouleche and ſinge in þe ȝatis of þe caſtels, eiþir ooſtis,
offre on þe auter of God, and þei diden ſo. And he of þe Lord. And Eſechie comaundide to þe puple to
ordeynede dekenys in þe hous of God, wiþ ſymbals and ȝeue to preſtis and deknes her partys, þat is, þe firſte
ſautrees and harpis, bi þe ordynaunce of Dauiþ, and of fruytis and tiþis, þat þei myȝten ȝeue tent to þe lawe of
Gad, þe prophete of þe king, and of Nathan þe God. And þere is teld myche of þe paying and deeling
prophete; for it was þe comaundement of God bi þe of tiþis and oþer hooly þingis. Þanne it ſueþ hou
hond of hiſe prophetis. And dekenys ſtooden and Sennagerib blasfemede God of Iſrael, and hou Eſechie
heelden þe orgenys of Dauiþ, and preſtis heldyn counfortide þe puple aȝens his blasfemye and pride.
trumpis. And Eſechie comaundide þat þei ſchulden offre And Eſechie and Yſaie þe prophete preieden aȝens þe
brent ſacrifices on þe auter, and whanne brent ſacrifices blasfemye, and crieden til in to heuene; and God ſente
weren offrid, þei bigunnen `to ſinge heryingis to God, his aungel, and he killide ech ſtrong man, and werriour,
and to ſounne wiþ trumpis and diuerſe orgenys, whiche and prince of þe ooſt of `þe king of Aſſiriens, and he
Dauiþ þe king of Iſrael hadde maad redy for to ſounne. turnide aȝen wiþ ſchenſchipe into his lond, and hiſe
And Eſechie and þe princis comaundiden to þe dekenys owne ſones killiden him bi ſwerd. And God ſauide
þat þei ſchulden herie God wiþ þe wordis of Dauiþ, and Eſechie and þe dwelleris of Jeruſalem fro þe hond of
of Aſaph þe prophete. And Eſechie ſente to al Iſrael and Senacherib, king of Aſſiriens, and fro þe hond of alle
Juda, and wroot epiſtlis to Effraym and Manaſſes, þat men, and ȝaf to hem reſte bi cumpas. Aftir þeſe þingis
þei ſchulden come to Goddis hous in Jeruſalem, and Eſechie was ſyk to þe deeþ, and he preiede to God, and
make paſk to þe Lord God of Iſrael. And it pleſide þe God herde him. And þe herte of Eſechie was reiſid to
king and al þe multitude, and þei demeden to ſende pride, and wraþþe was maad aȝens him, and aȝens Juda,

and aȝens Jeruſalem. And aftir he was meekid, for his of idolis, and he clenſide Juda and Jeruſalem, and
herte was reyſid, boþe he and þe dwelleris of Jeruſalem diſtroiede alle ydolis in þe citees of Manaſſes and of
weren mekid, and þerfore þe veniaunce of God cam not Effrahym and of Symeon til to Neptalym. In þe xviij.
in þe daies of Eſechie. And Eſechie was ful riche and ȝeer of his rewme, whanne þe lond and þe temple of
noble, and in alle hiſe werkis he dide welſumly, what God was clenſid, he ſente worþi men to reparaile
euer þing he wolde. Naþeles in þe meſſage of princes of Goddis hous, and ſo þei diden in deede. And Elchie, þe
Babilone, þat weren ſente to him to axe of þe grete gret preſt, ȝaf to Saphan, þe ſcriueyn and ſolempne
wondir þat bifel on erþe, God forſook him, þat he was meſſenger, þe book of Goddis lawe, and he bar it to þe
temptid, and alle þingis weren knowen þat weren in his king; and whanne þe king hadde herd þe wordis of þe
herte. Þanne diȝede Eſechie, and Manaſſes his ſone lawe, he to-rente hiſe cloþis, and he comaundede Elchie
rengnide in Jeruſalem lv. ȝeer. And Manaſſes dide yuele and oþere grete men to goo, and preie þe Lord for þe
bifore God, bi abomynacioun of heþen men, which God king, and for þe reſydues of Iſrael and of Juda, on alle
diſtroiede bifore þe ſones of Iſrael, and he byldide hiȝe þe words of þe book of Goddis lawe; "for whi greet
placis, and made auteris to Baalym, and dide manyfold veniaunce of God haþ droppid on vs, for oure fadris
ydolatrie, and ſeruede to wicche craftis, and ſette ydolis kepten not þe wordis of God, þat þei diden alle þingis
in þe temple of God; and he diſſeyuede þe puple of Juda þat ben writen in þis book. " Þerfore Elchie, and þei þat
and þe dwelleris of Jeruſalem, þat þei diden yuel more weren ſent togidere of þe king, ȝeden to Olda, a
þan heþene men, which þe Lord hadde diſtroied fro þe profeteſſe, þe wijf of Sellum; and God ſeide bi hir þat he
face of þe ſones of Iſrael. And God ſpac to him and to ſchal bringe in on þis place and dwelleris þerof yuelis,
his puple, and þei nolden take heede; þerfore he brouȝte and alle curſinges þat ben writen in þis book of Goddis
on hem þe princis of þe ooſt of þe king of Aſſiriens; and lawe; for þei forſoken God and ſacrificiden to alyen
þei tooken Manaſſes, and bounden him wiþ chaynes and goddis, to terre him to wraþfulneſſe, in alle þe werkis of
gyues, and ledde him into Babilone; and aftir þat he her hondis; "but for þou, king of Juda, herdiſt þe wordis
was angwiſchid, he preiede his Lord God, and he dide of þe book, and were meekid in Goddis ſiȝt, and weptiſt
penaunce gretly bifore þe God of his fadris, and he and to-rentiſt þi cloþis, I haue herd þee, " ſeiþ God, "and
preiede hertily, and biſouȝte God, and God herde his þou ſchalt be born in to þi ſepulcre in pees, and þin iȝen
preier, and brouȝte him aȝen in to Jeruſalem, into his ſchulen not ſee al þe yuel which Y ſchal bringe in on þis
rewme. And Manaſſes knew þat þe Lord himſelf is God, place, and on þe dwelleris þerof. " And whanne Joſie
and he dide awey alien goddis, and ſymylacris, eiþer hadde herd þeſe wordis, he clepide togidere alle þe
idolis fro Goddis hous, and diſtroiede auteris whiche he eldre men of Juda and of Jeruſalem, and he ſtiȝide in to
hadde maad in þe hil of Goddis hous and in Jeruſalem, Goddis hous, and alle men of Juda and þe dwelleris of
and caſtide alle out of þe citee, and he reſtoride þe Jeruſalem ſtiȝiden togidere, preſtis and deknis, and al þe
auteer of God, and offride on it ſacrificis and herying, puple fro þe leeſte `til to þe moſte, and in audienſe of
and comaundide þe puple of Juda to ſerue þe Lord God hem þe king redde in Goddis hous alle þe wordis of þe
of Iſrael; and naþeles þe puple offride ȝit in hiȝe placis book; and he ſtood in his trone, eiþir ſeete of doom, and
to her Lord God. Manaſſes diȝede, and Amon his ſone ſmoot boond of pees bifore God, þat he ſchulde go aftir
regnide for him ij. ȝer in Jeruſalem, and he dide yuel in God, and kepe hiſe heeſtis, and witneſſingis, and
Goddis ſiȝt, as Manaſſes his fadir hadde do, and offride iuſtifyingis, in al his herte and al his ſoule, and do þo
and ſeruede to alle idolis, which Manaſſes hadde maad; þingis þat ben writen in þat book whiche he hadde red.
and he reuerenſide not þe face of God, as Manaſſes And he chargide gretly on þis þing alle men þat weren
reuerenſide, and he dide many greetere treſpaſis; and founden in Jeruſalem and Beniamyn; and þe dwelleris
whanne his ſeruauntis hadden conſpirid aȝens him, þei of Jeruſalem diden bi þe couenaunt of þe Lord God of
killiden him; and þe puple killide hem þat hadden ſlayn her fadris. Þerfore Joſie dide awey alle abomynaciouns
Amon, and made Joſie his ſone king for him, and he fro alle þe cuntreys of þe ſones of Iſrael, and made alle
regnide xxxj. ȝeer in Jeruſalem. Joſie dide þat þat was men, þat weren reſidue in Iſrael, to ſerue her Lord God;
riȝtful in Goddis ſiȝt, and ȝede in þe weies of Dauiþ, his in alle þe daies of his lijf þei ȝeden not awey fro þe
fadir, and bowide neiþer to þe riȝt ſide neiþer to þe lift Lord God of her fadris. Aftirward Joſie made paſk in
ſide. In þe viij. ȝeer of his rewme, whanne he was ȝit a Jeruſalem, and ordeynede preſtis in hire officis, and bad
chijld, he bigan to ſeke þe God of Dauiþ, his fadir, and hem mynyſtre in Goddis hous, and bad dekenis ſerue
in þe xij. ȝeer, aftir þat he bigan, he clenſide Juda and God and his puple Iſrael, and make hem redy bi hire
Jeruſalem fro hiȝe placis, and ymagis and ydolis. Þei houſis and kinredis in þe departing of ech, as Dauiþ,
diſtroieden bifore him þe auters of Baalym, and þe king of Iſrael, comaundide, and bad hem ſerue in þe
ſymylacris þat weren put aboue; he kittide doun, and ſeyntuarie, bi þe meynes and cumpanyes and dekenis,
altobrak wodis and grauen ymagis, and ſcateride þe and þat þei be halewid, and offre paſk, and make redy
relijfis on þe biriels of hem þat weren wont to offre. her briþeren þerto. And Joſie made ſuch a paſk, þat noon
Ferþermore he brente þe boonys of preſtis in þe auteris was lyk in Iſrael, fro þe daies of Samuel þe prophete,

neiþir eny of þe kingis of Iſrael made paſk, as Joſie hooly ſcripture þan iij. ſtories of þe ij. book of
dide, to preſtis, and dekenes, and to al Juda and Iſrael, Paralypomynon and of Regum, þat is, þe ſtorie of king
and to þe dwelleris of Jeruſalem; for he ȝaf to al þe Joſophat, þe ſtorie of king Ezechie, and þe ſtorie of king
puple þat was founden in Jeruſalem in þe ſolempnite of Joſie, þei myȝte lerne ſufficiently to lyue wel and
paſk, xxx. þouſinde lambrin `and kidis and oþere gouerne wel hire puple bi Goddis lawe, and eſchewe al
ſcheep, and iij. þouſind of oxun. Aftir þat Joſie hadde pride, and ydolatrie, and coueitiſe, and oþer ſynnes. But
reparelid þe temple, Necao, king of Egipt, ſtiȝide to alas! alas! alas! where king Jozophat ſente hiſe princis,
fiȝte in Cartamys, and Joſie ȝede forþ aȝens him, and þe and dekenes, and preſtis, to ech citee of his rewme wiþ
king of Egipt ſeide to Joſie, "I come not to day aȝens þe book of Goddis lawe, to techen opinly Goddis lawe
þee, but I fiȝte aȝens anoþer hous, to whiche God bad to þe puple, ſumme criſtene lordis ſenden general lettris
and made me go in haſte; þerfore ceeſe, þou king of to alle her myniſtris, and leegemen eiþir tenauntis, þat
Juda, to day aȝens God, which is wiþ me, leſt he ſle þee. þe pardouns of þe biſſchopis of Rome, þat ben opin
" Joſie nolde turne aȝen, but made himſelf redy to leeſingis, for þei graunten many c. ȝeeris of pardoun
bataile aȝens þe king of Egipt, and aſſentide not to þe aftir domes day, be prechid generaly in her rewmes and
wordis of þe king of Egipt, ſpoken bi Goddis mouþ. lordſchipis, and if eny wijſe man aȝenſeiþ þe opin
Þerfore Joſie was ſlayn of þe king of Egipt, and þe peple errouris of anticriſt, and teche men to do her almes to
of þe lond made Joacas his ſone king in Jeruſalem. He pore nedy men, to aſcape þe peynes of helle, and to
regnide iij. moonþis in Jeruſalem, and þe king of Egipt winne þe bliſſe of heuene, he be priſoned, as a man out
puttide him doun, and condempnide þe lond of Juda in of criſten bileue, and traytour of God, and of criſten
an c. talentis of ſyluer, and in a talent of gold, and made kingis and lordis. And where king Ezechie made him
Eliachym his broþir kyng for him on Juda and ful biſy to clenſe Goddis hous, and do awey al
Jeruſalem, and turnide his name Joachym. He regnide vnclenneſſe fro þe ſentuarie, and comaundide preſtis to
xj. ȝeer in Jeruſalem, and dide yuel bifore God. Þerfore offre brent ſacrifice on Goddis auteer, and ordeynede
Nabugodonoſor took him, and ledde him boundyn wiþ dekenis in Goddis hous to herie God, as Dauiþ and oþer
chaynes into Babilone, and baar þidir þe veſſels of prophetis ordeyneden, ſumme criſtene lordis in name,
Goddis temple; and Joakin his ſone rengnide for him iij. and heþene in condiſcouns defoulen þe ſentuarie of
moonþis and x. daies in Jeruſalem, and dide yuel in God, and bringin in ſymonient clerkis, ful of coueitiſe,
Goddis ſiȝt. Þanne Nabugodonoſor ſente men þat ledden ereſie, and ypocriſie, and malice, to ſtoppe Goddis lawe,
hym into Babilone and bare out þe preciouſeſte veſſels þat it be not knowen and kept, and frely prechid; and ȝit
of Goddis hous; and Nabugodonoſor made Sedechie ſumme criſtene lordis holden many prelatis and curatis
king on Juda and Jeruſalem. He rengnide xj. ȝeer in in her courtis and in ſeculer offis aȝens Goddis lawe and
Jeruſalem, and dide yuel in Goddis ſiȝt, neiþir was mannis opinly, and wiþholden hem fro her gooſtly offis
aſchamyd of þe face of Jeremye, þe prophete, þat ſpac and helping of criſten ſoulis; and where king Joſie
to him of Goddis mouþ. He brak þe ooþ maad too prechide opinly Goddis lawe in þe temple to al þe
Nabugodnoſor; þerfore Nabugodnoſor cam and took puple, and caſtide awey idolis, and brente þe boonis of
hym, and ledde him and alle þe veſſels and þe treſouris preſtis, þat diden idolatrie, ſumme criſten lordis in name
of Goddis hous and of þe king and princis into not in dede, preiſen and magnifien freris lettris, ful of
Babilone, and killide þe puple, and diſtroiede and brente diſceit and leeſingis, and make hire tenauntis and meyne
Jeruſalem; and þe puple þat was left alyue was led into to ſwere bi herte, boonis, nayles, and ſydes, and oþer
Babilone, and ſeruede þe king and his ſones, til þe king membris of Criſt, and purſuen ful cruely hem þat
of Perſeys rengnide, and til l. ȝer weren fillid, bi Goddis wolden teche treuly and freely þe lawe of God, and
word ſeid bi þe mouþ of Jeremye. And Cirus, king of preiſen, mayntenen, and cheriſchen hem, þat prechen
Perſeys, comaundide to be prechid, ȝhe bi writinge in al fablis, leſingis, and ſynful mennis tradiciouns, eiþer
his rewme, þat Jewis ſchulden turne aȝen into Judee. ſtatutis, and letten greetly þe goſpel to be prechid, and
holy writ to be knowen and kept. But wite þeſe vnwyſe
CAP. X. lordis, þat Elye þe prophete, oon aloone hadde þe
Þis proces of Paralypomynon in þe j. and ij. book treuþe of God, and king Acab wiþ viij. c. and l. preſtis
ſchulde ſtire `criſtene kingis and lordis to diſtroie ſynne, and prophetis of Baal hadde þe falſe part; and eft
and loue vertu, and make Goddis lawe to be knowe and Mycheas, oon aloone prophete of God, hadde þe treuþe
kept of her puple, for heere þei mown ſe, hou ſore God aȝens iiij. c. prophetis of Baal, þat counceileden Acab
punſchide yuele kingis, þat lyueden yuele, and drowen go to werre to his owne ſchenſchipe and deþ; ſo now a
þe puple to idolatrie, eiþer oþer gret ſynnes, and hou fewe pore men and idiotis, in compariſoun of clerkis of
greetly God preyſide, rewardide, and cheriſchide good ſcole, mown haue þe treuþe of holy ſcripture aȝens
kinges, þat lyueden wel, and gouernede wel þe puple in many þouſinde prelatis and religiouſe, þat ben ȝouen to
Goddis lawe, and opin reſoun, and good conſcience. worldly pride and coueitiſe, ſymonie, ypocriſie and oþer
And þouȝ kingis and lordis knewen neuere more of fleſchly ſynnes, mooſt ſiþen þeſe pore men deſiren oonly

þe treuþe and fredom of þe hooly goſpel, and of hooly for hiſe ſogetis; alſo as þe capoun clepiþ not hennis, ſo
ſcripture, and accepten manis lawis and ordynauncis, an yuel prelat clepiþ not pore men to mete; alſo as a
oonly in as myche as þei ben groundid in holy ſcripture, capoun makiþ fat himſelf, ſo an yuel prelat makiþ fat
eiþir good reſoun, and comyn prophit of criſten puple; himſelf. Þerfore ſiþen he ſeekiþ plenteuouſneſſe, metis,
and worldly prelatis and feyned relygious grounden and richeſſis, he ſchal be put into þe fijer of helle, as
hem on ſynful mennis ſtatutis, þat ſounnen pride and Jerom witneſſiþ on Mychee, and in þe xxxv.
coueitiſe, and letten þe treuþe and fredom of Goddis diſtinctioun, co. eccleſie principes. Erchedekene writiþ
lawe to be knowen and kept, and bringen criſten puple al þis in xliij. diſtinctioun, in co. ſit rector, on þe word
in nedeles þarldam and greet coſt. But it is for to drede muti. Alſo a doumb prelat is an ydol, and not a very
ful ſore leſt kingis and lordis ben now in þe formere prelat; a doumb prelat is not a very prelat, ſiþen he vſiþ
ſynnes of Manaſſes; God graunte þat þei repenten verily not þe offis of a prelat, but he haþ oonly þe licneſſe of a
and make amendis to God and men, as he dide, in þe prelat, as an ydol þat vſiþ not þe offis of a man is oonly
ende; for þei ſetten idolis in Goddis hous, and exciten lijk a man, but it is noo man; þerfore ſuche doumbe
men to idolatrie, and ſcheden innocent blood in many prelatis moun riȝtfully be ſeid ſymylacris, eiþer ydolis,
maners, as Manaſſes dide. Firſt þei ſetten in her herte, of whiche it is ſeid in þe vi. co. of Baruk, "þe trees of
þat ſchulde be þe temple and ſpecialy chaumbre of God, hem ben maad fair of a carpenter, and þo ben araied
þe idole of coueitiſe, eiþer of glotonie, eiþer of pride, wiþ gold and ſyluer, and moun not ſpeke, " and þei þat
eiþer of oþer greet ſynnes, for ſeint Poul ſeiþ, þat oure maken ſuche prelatis ben lijk hem, whiche makeris
bodies ben þe temple of þe Hooly Gooſt, `and eft he ſchulen be dampned wiþ ſuche prelatis, bi þat word of
ſeiþ, þat auarice is þe ſeruiſe of idolis, and eft he ſeiþ, Dauiþ, "þei þat maken þo ben maad lijk þo. " But
þat glotouns maken her bely her God; and God ſeiþ bi marke wel, þat heþene men hadden ſymylacris of vj.
Job, þat þe deuil is king ouer alle þe ſones of pride, and kyndis, þat is, of cley, of tree, of bras, of ſtoon, of
Jheſu Criſt ſeiþ, þat þe deuil is prince of þis world, þat ſyluer, and of gold; we moun fynd þeſe vj. kyndis in
is, as Auſtin ſeiþ, of falſe men þat dwellen in þis world. yuel prelatis; for whi ſymylacris of cley ben fleſchly
Þanne þei þat ſetten pride, eiþer coueitiſe, eiþer prelatis, of whiche God ſeiþ in þe ſautir, "I ſchal do hem
glotonie, eiþer rauyn, in her herte, ſettyn idolis of Baal, awey as þe cley of ſtreetis; " ſymylacris of tree ben
eiþer of þe deuil, in þe temple of God. Specialy lordis vnwiſe prelatis and boiſtous and wiþout wit, of which it
ſetten idolis in Goddis hous, whanne þei maken is ſeid in holy ſcripture, "a tree is wlappid in ſiluer; "
vnworþi prelatis eiþer curatis in þe chirche; for whi and þeſe ben ſeid to be maad of nouȝt in to prelatis, þes
ſuch vnable prelatis eiþer curatis ben idolis, as God ſeiþ ben beeſtis clepid chymeres, þat han a part of ech beeſt,
in xj. c. of Zacarie to an vnable prelat, "A! þou and ſuche ben not no but oonly in opynyoun, eiþer
ſchepherde, and idole, forſakinge þe floc; " wherfor ſpeche, and not in dede, neiþer in kynde; ſymylacris of
Erchedekene in Roſarie, which is oon of þe famouſeſte bras ben þei, þat han oonly worldly eloquence, for whi
doctouris, and of þe popis lawe, writiþ þus, "an yuel braſſe ȝeueþ greet ſoun, in i. piſtle to Corinth. , xiij. c.
prelat is ſeid a rorynge lyoun, and a wolf rauyſching "if I ſpeke in þe langagis of men and of aungels, and I
prey; " and in þe xxxiiij. c. of Eſechiel, he is ſeid to have not charite, I am maad as bras ſounnynge; "
feede him ſelf and not þe ſcheep; alſo he is ſeid to ſeke ſymylacris of ſtoon ben þei, þat ben broken fro
his owne profitis temporal, þerfore he is not of Goddis riȝtfulneſſe and vertu, for temporal ſtrengþe, þeſe
children, as Auſtyn ſeiþ in viij. cauſe, j. queſtioun, co. prelatis ben not þe ſtoon which is ſet into þe heed of þe
ſunt quidam, and for þis þing power ſchal be taken corner, but þeſe ben þe ſtoon of hirtyng and of
awey fro him, as God ſeiþ in þe xxxiiij. c. of Ezechiel. ſclaundre; ſymylacris of ſyluer ben þei þat ben maad bi
Alſo an yuel prelat is ſeid a wolf, as þe lawe witneſſiþ in moneye, eiþir richeſſis, whiche prelatis ſeyn, what
lxxxiij. diſtincioun co. nichil; alſo for defaute of wolen ȝe ȝeue to vs, and we ſchulen bitraie Criſt to ȝou;
gouernaile he is ſeid a vnchaaſt dogge, as Auſtyn golden ſymylacris ben þei þat ben maad oonly for
witneſſiþ in ij. cauſe vij. queſtioun, co. qui nec; alſo he worldly nobleie, for whi gold ſingnefieþ nobley, and
is a crowe, eiþer a rauen, for þe blackneſſe of ſynnes, as þerfore þe heed of þe ymage of Nabugodonoſor was of
þe lawe witneſſiþ þere, in co. non omnis; alſo he is ſeid gold in ij. c. of Daniel. Erchedekene telliþ al þis in xliij.
fonned ſalt, not prophitable to eny þing, as þe lawe diſtinctioun, co. ſit rector, on þe word mutus. Þouȝ þis
witneſſiþ þere, in co. non omnis; alſo he is ſeid an hog, doctour of þe popis lawe be pleyn and ſcharp, he ſeiþ
as þe lawe witneſſiþ in xliij. diſtinctioun, in co. in treuþe ſeſonable, for þe chirche now acordiþ wiþ hooly
mandatis; alſo he is ſeid a cherl of cherlyſched of yuel writ, and reſoun, and comun doctouris of holy ſcripture;
lijf, as þe lawe witneſſiþ in xlvij. diſtinctioun, in þe for in xi. c. of Sacariee, God clepiþ an yuel prelat an
bigynnyng; alſo he is ſeid a capoun, for he haþ þe ydol, and in Ezechiel and oþer prophetis he licneþ
manere of an hen, for as a capoun crowiþ not, ſo an yuel tyrauntis and raueynouris to lyouns, woluis, beeris, and
prelat crowiþ not in preching; alſo an yuel prelat oþere vnreſonable beeſtis, to diſpiſe her ſynne. Here
gendriþ not bi preching of Goddis word, neiþir he fiȝtiþ lordis and oþer prelatis moun ſee in party, hou perilous

it is to ordeyne yuele prelatis eiþir curatis in þe chirche, whanne ȝe maken a fonned biſchop, þat can not and
for as ſeint Gregory ſeiþ, in i. part of Paſtoralis, ij. co. loueþ not Goddis lawe, ſtonde mytrid at þe auter, ȝe
noo man harmeþ more in þe chirche, þan he þat doþ make an horned aſſe ſtonde at þe auter, in þe ſtede of
weiwardly, and holdiþ þe name of ordre, eiþir of Criſt; and ſo of oþere vnreſonable beeſtis, as lyouns,
holyneſſe; and þe lawe ſeiþ de electionibus, co. nichil, wluis, beeris, apis, dragouns, hoggis, horſis, doggis; and
þat no þing harmeþ more þe chirche of God, þan þat oþere viciouſe preſtis, proude, coueitouſe, raueynouris,
vnworþi men be taken to þe gouernaile of ſoulis; and wraþful, ypocritis, trecherouſe, glotenouſe, lecherouſe,
Groſtede ſeiþ in his ſermoun Premonitus a venerabili enuyouſe, and bacbiteris; and ȝe transfiguren Satanas
patre, þat to make vnable prelatis eiþir curatis in þe into an aungel of liȝt, whanne ȝe maken curatis eiþer
chirche of God, is to haue come to þe hiȝeſt degree of prelatis, þat ben contrarie to Criſt, to ocupie þe offis of
treſpaſis; alſo in his ſermoun Dominus noſter Jheſus biſchop, abbot, eiþer of preſt. Lordis and prelatis, þat
Criſtus, he writeþ þus to þe pope, "he þat bitakiþ þe han ſett ſuche idolis in Goddis hous, as Manaſſes dide,
cure of ſoulis to a man vnmyȝti, vnkunnynge, eiþer not ſue ȝe Manaſſes in very repentaunce, and making of
wilful to kepe duly þe ſoulis, is gilty of alle þe ſoulis, amendis to God and men. Alſo lordis and prelatis
þouȝ eny aſcapiþ, and is ſauid bi Goddis grace, and he exciten ſtrongly men to ydolatrie, for þei ſweren
þat bitakiþ þe cure of ſoulis to him þat is opinly vnable cuſtumably nedeleſly, and ofte vnaviſily and fals, bi þe
þerto, techiþ to ſette more pris bi vnreſonable beeſtis membris of God, of Criſt, and bi ſeintis, in ſo myche þat
þan by men, and for to loue more erþly þingis, þat ech lord and greet prelat comynly makiþ to him an
paſſyn ſchortly, þan everlaſtinge þingis, and more þan ydole of ſum ſeint, whom he worſchipiþ more þan God;
þe deeþ and blood of Goddis ſone; and he þat ȝeueþ þus for comunly þei ſweren bi oure Lady of Walſingham,
þe cure of ſoulis to `vnable men, is werſe þan Eroude, ſeint Joon Baptiſt, ſeint Edward, ſeint Thomas of
þat purſuede Criſt, and worſe þanne Jewis and heþene Caunterbury, and ſuch oþere ſeintis, and chargen more
men, þat crucifieden Criſt. " Groſtede ſeiþ þis pleynly, þis ooþ þan þouȝ þei ſweren by þe Hooly Trinite; and in
and preueþ it opinly bifore þe pope and al his clergie; al þis þei onoren more þeſe ſeintis þan þei onouren þe
and þei þat procuren beneficis and richeſſis to men, Hooly Trinite. Þouȝ it were leeueful to ſwere bi ſeintis,
haten hem to whiche þei procuren þus, as if þei þis is ydolatrie, to charge more an ooþ maad bi ſuche
procured hem to be ſet in þe cop of þe chirche, in ſeintis þan bi God Almyȝty, eiþer bi þe Hooly Trinite;
whirlwijndis and greet tempeſtis. Groſtede ſeiþ þis in naþeles Criſoſtom witneſſiþ on þe v. co. of Matheu, þat
his ſermoun Scriptum eſt de leuitis; and he þat is to ſwere bi eny creature, is to do idolatrie; for as Jerom
necligent to drawe ſoulis out of þe pit of ſynne, as þere, and Decrees, in xxij. cauſe, j. queſtione, co. ſi quis
myche as he may, bi þe ordre of lawe, and he þat lettiþ per capillum, and co. next bifore, and Decretals de jure
him of his werk, ſleeþ þe ſoulis; and he þat ſettiþ more jurando, co. et ſi Chriſtus, witneſſen pleynly, to ſwere bi
prijs bi a fleſchly ſcheep þan a gooſtly ſcheep, þat is, a creature is aȝens Goddis comaundement; and þerfore
mannis ſoule, ſettiþ more pris bi a peny þan bi þe lijf of Criſt in þe v. co. of Math. , comaundiþ to ſwere, not bi
Goddis ſone, which is worþ al þis world. A recheles heuene, neiþer bi erþe, and vndirſtondiþ bi heuene and
curat, and þat ſleeþ ſogettis bi yuel enſaumple, and erþe creaturis of heuene and creaturis of erþe; and in al
wiþdrawing of Goddis word, is worſe þan vnreſonable þe old lawe it is not founden, where God grauntiþ to
beeſtis, and he is wrſe þan þe crucifieris of Criſt, for he ſwere bi eny creature, but oonly bi his owne name, eiþer
crucifieþ him in hiſe membris. Goode counceilouris þei bi himſelf; and þerfore þe wiſe man ſeiþ in þe xxiij. co.
ben aloone, þat ben wijſe men, and drede God, for whi of Eccleſiaſtici "a man þat ſweriþ mychil ſchal be fillid
alle coueitouſe men ben foolis, and vnwijſe men, and to wiþ wickidneſſe, and veniaunce ſchal not go awey fro
be led bi þe counceil of hem is to diſpoſe of henne cotis his hous; " and eft he ſeiþ, "þi mouþ be not cuſtomable
bi þe counceil of foxis, and to diſpoſe of foldis of ſcheep to ſwering, for whi myche fallyng is in it; þe nemyng of
bi þe counceil of woluis. Groſtede ſeiþ þis in a ſermoun God be not cuſtomable in þi mouþ, " þat is, to ſwere bi
Premonitus a venerabili patre. See, ȝe lordis and his name in veyn, eiþer fals, eiþer for an yuel ende;
prelatis, þat maken vnable curatis, for fleſchly "and be þou not medlid wiþ þe names of ſeintis, " þat is,
affeccioun and ȝiftis, and ſpecialy for pleyinge at þe to ſwere bi ſeintis, "for þou ſchalt not be giltlees of hem.
bere, and oþere vnleeful iapis, what treſoun ȝe doon to " Here lordis and prelatis moun ſee how þei don opin
God, and what harm to Criſtis chirche and ȝoure ydolatrie, whanne þei geſſen to onoure ſeintis, and hire
auaunſeeis; ȝe maken orrible abomynacoun of opin deedis of ydolatrie and blasfemye ben opin bookis
diſcoumfort ſtoonde in þe hooly place, for ȝe make of ydolatrie `and blasfemye to hire ſugetis; þerfore, as
anticriſt to ſtonde at þe hiȝe auter, in þe ſtede of Criſt, Gregory ſeiþ in ij. bok of Paſtrals v. co. , prelatis ben
and trete þe holy ſacrament of Criſtis fleſch and his worþi ſo many deþis, hou manye enſaumplis of
blood ful vnworþily, and as Pariſience ſeiþ, whanne ȝe perdiſcoun þei ſenden to ſogettis, and in xxv. co. of
maken a coueitouſe preſt to ſtonde at þe auter, ȝe maken Numery, God bad Moiſes hange alle þe princis in
a maldworp ſtonde þere, in þe ſtede of Criſt; and iebatis aȝens þe ſunne, for þe peple of Iſrael dide

leccherie and idolatrie bi enſaumple and ſuffraunce of robben pore men, ſchulen be dampned ſo depe in helle,
hem. Now in Engelond it is a comyn proteccioun aȝens where ſchulen falſe techeris, ſtireris, and confeſſouris
perſecuſcioun of prelatis and of ſumme lordis, if a man bicome, þat ſtiren lordis and riche men to robbe þus
is cuſtomable to ſwere nedeles, and fals, and vnauiſid, bi pore men, and to do þis vndir þe colour of excellent
þe boonys, nailes, and ſidis, and oþer membris of Criſt, almes and holyneſſe? But morne we ſore for þis
and to be proud and leccherous, and ſpeke not of curſidneſſe, and preie we to God wiþ al oure herte, þat
Goddis lawe, and repreue not ſynne aboute him; and to ſiþen lordis and prelatis ſuen Manaſſes in þeſe opyn
abſteyne fro ooþis nedeles and vnleeueful, and to ſynnes, God ſtire hem to ſue Manaſſes in very penaunce,
eſchewe pride, and ſpeke onour of God and of his lawe, and make amendis to God and men, leſt oure reume be
and repreue ſynne bi weie of charite, is matir and cauſe conquerid of aliens, eiþer heþen men, for þeſe opyn
now whi prelatis and ſumme lordis ſclaundren men, and ſynnes and many moo.
clepen hem lollardis, eretikis, and riſeris of debate and
of treſoun aȝens þe king; now Manaſſes ſettiþ idolis CAP. XI.
opinly in þe temple of God, and ſteriþ men gretly to do Þe firſte book of Eſdras telliþ, how Cirus, king of
idolatrie, and cheriſchen hem þat breken opinly Goddis Perſeys, ȝaf lycence to Jewis to turne aȝen in to
heeſtis, and punyſche hem ſoore, as heþene men eiþer Jeruſalem and Judee, and bylde þe temple of God in
eretikis, þat biſien hem to lerne, kepe, and teche Goddis Jeruſalem, and bad þat oþer men in his rewme ſchulden
heeſtis; þe iij. tyme lordis and prelatis boþe ſchedden helpe to þis bylding; and he ȝaf þe veſſels herto whiche
innocent blood, as Manaſſes dide, for þei waaſtyn folily Nabugodnoſor hadde take awey fro Jeruſalem. Þanne is
hire goodis in wakingis and pleyingis bi niȝt, and in teld þe noumbre of hem þat turnede aȝen into Judee,
rere-ſoperis and oþere vanites, and taken grete and vndir Joſue þe preſt, þe ſone of Joſedech, and vndir
vnmeſurable taxis of þe comyns; and leſſe lordis and Sorobabel, þe duyk; and hou þei bygunnen to bylde þe
prelatis doon greet extorciouns to pore men, and taken auter and temple; and what letting þei hadden of
pore mennis goodis, and paien litil eiþer nouȝt and out enemyes, and what coumfort of God, and of hiſe
of tyme for þo. Þerfore, as Mychee þe prophete ſeiþ in prophetis. Þanne it is teld, what ſorwe Eſdras made, for
iij. c. , þei hyilden pore men, and eten her fleſch; and þe princis and preſtis and comyns token heþene
Groſtede declariþ wel þis in his dicte `þat bygynneþ wommen to wyues aȝens þe lawe; and how þe princis
þus, ſint lumbi veſtri precinti, and in þe xiij. dicte; and and þe puple repentiden mekely and verily, and maden
God ſeiþ in þe Sautir of ſuche tirauntis, "þei deuouren amendis to God and men. In þe book of Neemye, which
my puple as þe mete of breed. " How myche blood is clepid þe ij. book of Eſdras, is teld, how Neemye gat
lordis ſcheden in werris, for pride and coueitiſe, by graunt of þe king to bylde þe wallis of Jeruſalem, and
counceil of falſe prelatis, confeſſouris, and prechouris, it how he and oþere men, boþe preſtis and oþere, princis
paſſiþ mannis wit to telle fully in þis lijf; but of and comyns, bildiden þe wallis, and ȝatis, and lockis,
ſcheding of blood and ſleeing of pore men, bi and touris aboue, for defenſe aȝens enemyes; and how
wiþdrawing of almes, and in ȝeuynge it to dede ſtockis, þe enemyes of Jewis purpoſiden wiþ ſtrong hond to ſlee
eiþer ſtoonis, eiþer to riche clerkis and feyned Jewis preuely, and diſtroie hire werk. Þanne half þe part
religiouſe, were to ſpeke now, if a man hadde þe ſpirit of ȝunge men made þe werk, and half þe part was redy
of gooſtly ſtrengþe. Now men knelyn, and preien, and to bateyle; wiþ oon hond þei maden þe werk, and wiþ
offren faſte to dede ymagis, þat han neiþer hungir þe oþer þei helden þe ſwerd; and eche of hem þat
neiþer coold; and diſpiſen, beten, and ſleen Criſten men, bildide was gird wiþ his ſwerd. Þanne it ſueþ how
maad to þe ymage and lycneſſe of þe Holy Trynite. Neemye, duk of þe puple, dide freely his offis, and took
What onour of God is þis to knele and offre to an noo coſtis aſſingned to þe duk, and he dide þus for þe
ymage, maad of ſynful mannis hondis, and to diſpiſe pouert of þe puple. Aftir þis doinge Eſdras redde in þe
and robbe þe ymage maad of Goddis hondis, þat is, a book of Goddis lawe, fro þe morewitide til to noon
criſten man, eiþer a criſten womman. Whanne men ȝeue bifore þe multitude of men and wymmen, and dekenes
not almes to pore nedy men, but to dede ymagis, eiþer made ſilence in þe puple to here þe lawe; and Eſdras
riche clerkis, þei robbyn pore men of her due porcoun, redde in þe book of Goddis lawe fro þe firſte day `til to
and needful ſuſtenaunce aſſingned to hem of God þe laſte. Þanne þe children of Iſrael camyn togidere in
himſelf; and whanne ſuche offereris to dede ymagis faſting and in ſackis, eiþer heiris, and erþe was on hem,
robben pore men, þei robben Jheſu Criſt, as he ſeiþ in and þe ſeed of þe ſones of Iſrael was departid fro ech
xxv. co. of Math. , "þat, þat ȝe diden to oon of þeſe alyen ſone, and þei ſtoden bifore þe Lord, and
leeſte of myne, ȝe diden to me, " and if þei ſchulen be knoulechiden her ſynnes, and þe wickidneſſis of hire
dampned þat ȝeuen not mete and drinke, and oþere fadris, and þei riſiden togidere to ſtonde, and þei redden
neſceſſaries to pore men, as Criſt ſeiþ, where ſchulen þei in þe book of lawe of hire God foureſiþis in þe day, and
become þat robben pore men, and ſo Jheſu Criſt himſelf; foureſiþis in þe nyȝt þei knoulechiden and heryeden
and if þeſe tweyne, þat ȝeuen not lyflode, and þat hire Lord God; and dekenes cryeden wiþ gret vois to

hire Lord God, and baddin þe puple riſe and bleſſe God. treſoun to Olofernes, but we moun fauorably excuſe
Þanne ſueþ þe ſolempne confeſſioun of Eſdras, how he hire fro deedly ſynne in þis doinge, for þe greet loue þat
knoulechide firſt þe glorious werkis of God, and ſche hadde to Goddis peple, and to ſlee Olofernes, a
aftirward þe orrible ſynnes of al þe puple, and of hire blasfemyere of God, and diſtroiere of his lawe and
fadris; and þanne al þe peple made couenaunt, and ſwor peple; and iuſtly God took þis veniaunce on Olofernes,
to kepe Goddis lawe, and to bie not in þe ſabat and for his ſynnes and harmes don to Goddis peple, and
haliday of hem þat brouȝten viteilis to ſelle; and þei whiche he purpoſide to do, if he myȝte lyue longe. Of
bihiȝten to paie þe firſte fruitis to preſtis, and tiþis to þe þis proces proude werriouris ſchulden drede God, þat
dekenes, and to bringe al þis to þe temple of God. At þe made proud Olofernes to be ſlayn of a womman, and al
laſte Neemye ſuffride neiþer Jewis neiþer ſtraungeris his greet ooſt `to be ſcaterid and diſtroied; and criſten
ſille neiþer bie in þe ſabotis, not oonly in Jeruſalem, but men ſchulden be coumfortid greetly, for to haue ful triſt
neiþer in placis nyȝ þe wallis; and he rebuykede, and in God, and in his helpe, þat ſo myȝtily delyuerede his
curſide, and beet men, and made hem ballid, þat token puple fro ſo greet an enemy and ſtrong ooſt, wiþouten
alien wommen to be hire wyues, as of Aſotus, of Amon, periſching of his peple. And ſiþen Judith hadde ſo greet
and of Moab; and chargide hem greetly in þe Lord, þat preiſing for hire doinge, þat was medelid wiþ manye
þei ſchulden not ȝeue hire douȝtris to þe ſones of heþen ſynnes, myche more preiſing ſchulen þei haue in
men, and take nouȝt of þe douȝtris of heþen men to hire heuene, wiþouten ende, þat putten forþ hem ſilf to be
owne ſones, and to hem ſelf. Þis proces of Eſdras and of martirid for Goddis cauſe, wiþ trewe meenes of
Neemye ſchulde ſtyre vs to be biſy to biylde vertues in pacience and of charite. Þe book of Eſter telliþ firſt,
oure ſoule, aftir turnyng aȝen fro caitifte of ſynne, and how þe qwene Vaſti was forſaken for hire pride, and
to fiȝte aȝens temptaciouns, and byilde faſte vertues, as was departid fro mariage of king Aſſuerus, and hou
þei fouȝten wiþ oon hond aȝens enemyes, and biyldeden Eſter, for hire meekeneſſe, bewte, and Goddis grace was
wiþ þe toþir hond; and we ſchulden be ful biſy to kepe maad qwene in þe ſtide of Vaſty. Alſo þe trewe
þe goſtely ſabot in goode werkis and herying of God, Mardoche, þe fadir in lawe of adopcioun of þis
ſiþen þei were ſo beſy to kepe þe figuratif ſabot. Þouȝ þe womman Eſter, tauȝte hire to loue God, and kepe his
book of Tobie is `not of bileeue, it is ful deuout ſtorie, lawe, and ſche was full meke and obedient to
and profitable to þe ſymple puple, to maken hem to Mardochee, ȝhe, whanne ſche was qwene, as to hire
kepe patience and Goddis heeſtis, to do werkis of fadir in lawe. Þanne Aaman, of þe kinrede of Agag,
mercy, and teche wel hire children, and to take wyues in conſpyride bi ſotil malice to diſtroie al þe peple of
þe drede of God, for loue of children, and not al for foul Jewis, in þe lond of Aſſuerus, and hadde graunt of þe
luſt off body, neiþer for coueitiſe of `goodis of þis king, at his owne wille, and þe day of diſtroiyng and of
world; and alſo children moun lerne heere bi ȝunge ſleeing of þe Jewis was puppliſchid þourȝ al þe rewme.
Tobie to be meke and obedient, and redy to ſerue fadir Þanne Mardochee and þe Jewis diden greet penaunce,
and modir in her nede. Þerfore amonge alle þe bookis and maden gret ſorwe, and preieden God to helpe in þat
of þe elde teſtament ſymple men of wit ſchulden rede gret nede. And Mardochee ſente to Eſter, þat ſche
and here ofte þis book of Tobie, to be trewe to God in ſchulde do þe ſame, and goo to þe king, in perel of hire
proſperite and aduerſite, and eſchewe idolatrie, glotenye lijf, to axe grace of him, and reuoking of lettris and
and coueitiſe, and to be pacient in tribulacoun, and go power grauntid to Aman, þe enemy of Jewis. And aftir
neuere awey fro þe dreede and loue of God. Þouȝ þe myche faſting, penaunce, and preier, Eſtir bitook hirſelf
ſeene of clerkis, eiþer general gadering of clergie, haþ to Goddis diſpoſicioun, and to perel of her deþ, and
take þe book of Judith among þe noumbre of hooly entride to þe king, ȝhe, aȝens þe lawe of þe lond,
ſcripturis, naþeles it is not of þe canoun eiþir feiþ of þe whanne ſche was not clepid, to axe mercy and help of
bible anentis Ebreis, for þei reſſeyuen not þe autoritie of þe king, for hirſilf and al hire puple. And God turnede
þis book; maþeles it was writen in Caldee langage, and þe feerſneſſe and cruelte of þe king to mekeneſſe, merſy,
is noumbrid among ſtories, as Jerom witneſſiþ on þe and benyngnite aȝens Eſter, and þe peple of Jewis. And
prolog. But naþeles þis book comendiþ chaſtite and þanne he reuokide þe power grauntid to Aaman, and
abſtinence, penaunce and wideuhood of Judith, and her leet hange him, as he purpoſide to haue hangid þe trewe
loue which ſche hadde to deliuere Goddis puple fro her Mardochee, and ȝaf general power to Jewis to ſlee alle
enemyes, and to kepe þe feiþ and worſchiping of God hire enemyes in his empire. Aftir þeſe þingis þe king
among his peple. Alſo þis book comendiþ þe feiþ and enhaunſide Mardochee, and made him grettiſt next þe
treuþe of Achior, þat was conuertid to Goddis lawe bi king, and ȝaf greet fraunchiſe and onour to þe Jewis. Þis
myracle of ſleeing of Olofernes, bi þe hondis of þe ſtory of Eſter ſchulde ſtire men to be trewe to God and
widewe Judith. Þanne Judith repreuede preſtis for þei his lawe, and putte awey pride and enuye, and euere
temtide God, and conſentiden to deliuere þe citee to triſte in God in alle perrels; and tirauntis ſchulden be
enemyes, if God ſente not helpe to hem wiþinne v. aferd to conſpire aȝens Goddis ſeruauntis, leeſt God take
daies, and goode preſtis tooken meekly þis repreuyng of veniaunce on hem, as he dide on þis man Aaman, þat
a womman; and ſche tauȝte hem hou þei ſchulden do

conſpiride þe deeþ and general diſtroiyng of Jewis. Þe enemyes, and looke aftir meede in heuene, and not in
book of Job is ful ſotil in vndirſtonding, for Job argueþ erþe, for oure good deedis. Þe Sautir comprehendiþ al
aȝens hiſe enemyes, þat wolden bringe hym out of þe elde and newe teſtament, and techiþ pleynly þe
criſten feiþ, and concludiþ many errouris þat ſuen of myſteries of þe Trinite, and of Criſtis incarnacoun,
hire falſe bileeue and opynyon; and Job affermiþ not þat paſſioun, riſing aȝen, ſtying in to heuene, and ſending
al is ſoþ þat he ſpekiþ aȝens hiſe aduerſaries, but doun of þe Holy Goſt, and preching of þe goſpel, and þe
concludiþ hem in hire fals bileeue, þat many errouris coming of Antecriſt, and þe general dom of Criſt, and þe
ſuen þerof; and for I haue declarid in party in þe glos glorie of choſen men to bliſſe, and þe peynes of hem þat
hou þe harde ſentenſis of Job ſchulen be vndirſtonden, ſchulen be dampned in helle; and ofte reherſiþ þe ſtories
þerfore I paſſe ouer liȝtly now. Firſt þis book telliþ þe of þe elde teſtament, and bringiþ in þe keping of Goddis
kyn of Job, and hiſe richeſſis, and holy lijf of him and heeſtis, and loue of enemyes. Noo book in þe eld
hiſe children; and aftirward it telliþ what tribulacoun teſtament is hardere to vndirſtonding to vs Latyns, for
bifelde to Joob in his catel, in hiſe children, and in his oure lettre diſcordiþ myche fro þe Ebreu, and many
owne bodi, and hou paciently he ſuffride þis, and doctouris taken litel heede to þe lettre, but al to þe
þankide God in alle hiſe diſſeſis. Þanne his wijf, whom gooſtly vndirſtonding. Wel were him þat koude wel
þe deuel reſeruede as a ſpecial inſtrument to him, to vndirſtonde þe Sautir, and kepe it in his lyuyng, and ſeie
diſſeyue Joob by his wijf, as he diſſeyuede Adam bi it deuoutly, and conuicte Jewis þerbi; for manye men
Eue, counceld him to blasfeme God, and þerbi diȝe; and þat ſeyn it vndeuoutly, and lyuen out of charite, lyen
Joob repreuede hire foly, and ſeide, if we han reſſeyued foule on hemſelf to God, and blasfemen hym, whanne
goodis of Goddis hond, whi ſuffre we not yuels, þat is, þei crien it ful loude to mennis eeris in þe chirche.
peynes. In alle þeſe þingis Joob ſynnede not in hiſe Þerfore God ȝeue grace to vs to lyue wel in charite, and
lippis. Þanne ſueþ þe diſputing bitwixe Joob and hiſe ſey it deuoutly, and vndirſtonde it treuly, and to teche it
freendis, almeſt til to þe ende of þe book. Job heeld opinly to Criſten men and Jewis, and bringe hem þerby
ſtrongly þe treuþe of criſten feiþ, and ſpecialy of þe to oure Criſten feiþ, and brennynge charite. Þe
riſing aȝen of bodies at domis day; and hiſe freendis Prouerbis eiþer Parablis of Salamon teche men to lyue
ſeiden many treuþis, and medleden falſneſſe, and euere iuſtly to God and man. Eccleſiaſtes techiþ men to
purpoſiden an yuel ende and falſed, for þei helden þat forſake and ſette at nouȝt alle goodis in þe world, and to
meede is ȝouen oonly in þis lijf for goode werkis, and drede God, and kepe hiſe heeſtis. Þe Songis of Songis
þat no man is punyſchid here, no but for ſynnes paſſid, techen men to ſette al hire herte in þe loue of God, and
and as a man is punyſchid more þan an oþer in þis lijf, of hire neiȝeboris, and to do al hire beſyneſſe to bringe
ſo he haþ ſynned more þan anoþer man leſſe punſchid; men to charite and ſalvacoun, bi good enſample, and
but al þis is fals, as Joob preuiþ, and God confermiþ in trewe preching, and wilful ſuffring of peyne and deþ, if
þe ende. For whi reward of goode deedis is myche more nede be. Prouerbis ſpeken myche of wijſedom and
in þe lijf to comynge, þanne in preſent lijf, and a keping of Goddis heeſtis, in comendinge trewe teching,
vertuoſe man is punyſchid here for to haue mede in and in repreuyng fals teching, and Prouerbis treten
heuene; and comunly a iuſt man haþ more tribulacoun mychel of riȝtfulneſſe, and iuſt domes and gouernaunce,
in þis lijf þanne a wickid man, as it is opin of Criſt, þat and of punyſching of auoutrie and oþere falſeneſſis; and
ſuffride heere myche diſſeſe, and of tyrauntis þat han comenden myche iuſt lordis and ſogetis, and repreuen
proſperite in þis lijf. And þerfore Joob telde opinly hiſe ſtrongly wrongful lordis and rebel ſogettis. Alſo
goode dedis to coumforte him aȝens diſpeir, to whiche Prouerbis techen derkly þe myſteries of Criſt, and of
hiſe frendis wolden bringe him; but Joob dide þis ouer hooly chirche, and techen myche wijſdom and
myche, and wiþ ſum pride, and iuſtifiede himſelf ouer prudence, for þe ſoule and þe body. Þerfore lordis, and
myche, þat hiſe freendis conſeyueden þat he blasfemyde `iugis, and comuneris alſo, and namely preſtis, ſchulden
God, and preuede God vnriȝtful; and of þes twey ſtodie wel þis book, and rule hemſelf þerbi, to ſaluacoun
poyntis Joob repentide in þe ende. Þanne God forȝaf to of body and of ſoule. Eccleſiaſtes is a ful ſotil book, for
him þis litil ſynne, and appreued his trewe ſentenſe, and Salamon ſpekiþ in many perſones, and concludiþ her
dampnede þe errour of hiſe aduerſaries. Þanne Job entent and ſentence, not in appreuyng þe ſentence of
preiede, and made ſacrifice for hiſe aduerſaries, and fleſchly men, þat preiſen more bodily goodis and luſtis
God herde him, and dide mercy to hem; and God of þe body þan heuenly goodis and lyking of vertues,
addide alle þingis double, þat Joob hadde; and he hadde and dampneþ many errours of worldly men, and
xiiij. þouſind of ſcheep, and vj. þouſind of camelis, and ſchewiþ þat al is vanite, til me come to þe drede of God,
a þouſind ȝockis of oxen, and a þouſind femal aſſis, and and keeping of hiſe heeſtis. Þerfore men `moten bee wel
vij. ſones, and iij. douȝtris; and Joob lyuede `vij. ſcore war hou þei vndirſtonden Salamon in þis book, þat þei
ȝeer aftir his turment, and ſiȝ hiſe ſones and þe ſones of appreue noon errour, and dampne noo treuþe, for
his ſones til to þe fourþe generacoun. Þis proces of Job myſconſeyuing of Salamonys wordis, and þe Hooly
ſchulde ſtire men to be iuſt of lyuyng, and to be pacient Gooſtis wordis in þis book. Þe Songis of Songis
in aduerſitees, as Joob was, and to be ſtedfaſt in criſten

touchen derkly þe ſtaat of þe ſynagoge, fro þe gooing bi comaundement of Antioke þe king, and þei hangiden
out of Egipt til to Criſtis incarnacoun and paſſioun; and children bi þe neckis, bi alle þe houſis of men of Iſrael,
þanne þo Songis touchen þe ſtaat of Criſtis chirche, and and killiden hem þat circumcideden children. Þanne
`of þe ſynagoge in þe ende of þe world, and treetyn roos Matatyas, þe preſt, and fledde fro Jeruſalem into
hiȝly of loue to God and neiȝebore alſo; and þis book is Modyn, and biweylide gretly þis diſtroying of þe puple,
ſo ſotil to vndirſtonde, þat Jewis ordeyneden, þat no of þe temple and citee, and of al þe lond; and he
man ſchulde ſtodie it, no but he were of xxx. ȝeer, and aȝenſtood þe king and hiſe myniſtris, and killide þe
hadde able wit to vndirſtonde þe gooſtly preuytees of kingis myniſtris, þat compellide men to do idolatrie, and
þis book; for ſum of þe book ſeemiþ to fleſchly men to he killide a man, þat dide ydolatrie, and diſtroiede þe
ſounne vnclene loue of leccherie, where it telliþ hiȝ auter wheronne idolatrie was don. Þanne Matatias and
gooſtly loue, and greet preuytees of Criſt and of his hiſe ſones fledden into hillis, and leften alle þingis
chirche. Þerfore men moten be ful wel war to conſeyue whiche þei hadden in þe citee, and manye men þat
wel þe wordis of þe Holy Gooſt in þis book, and knowe ſouȝten doom and riȝtfulneſſe, and wolden kepe Goddis
whanne Criſt ſpekiþ to þe chirche, eiþer to þe ſynagoge, lawe, camen to hem in deſert. And heþen men maden
and whanne þe ſynagoge ſpekiþ to God, and whanne þe werre on hem in ſabatis, and manye diȝeden in her
chirche ſpekiþ to Criſt, and whanne God ſpekiþ to ſympilneſſe, for þei nolden make bateil in ſabatis. Þanne
aungels, patriarkis, and prophetis, and apoſtlis, and manye Jewis were gaderid to him, and maden a greet
whanne þeſe perſones ſpeken to þe ſynagoge eiþer to þe ooſt, and weren redy to fiȝte in ſabotis, and þei killeden
chirche, eiþer aȝenward. Þe book of Wijſedom, `þouȝ it ſynners in greet wraþþe. And Matatias and hiſe freendis
be not a book of bileeue, techiþ myche riȝtfulneſſe, and cumpaſſiden and diſtroieden auteris, and circumcididen
preiſiþ wyſdom, and repreuiþ fleſchly men for hire falſe alle children, whiche þei founden in þe cooſtis of Iſrael,
bileeue and yuel lyuynge, and comendiþ myche iuſt and þei purſueden þe children of pride; and þe werk
men, ſad in bileeue and vertuouſe lyuynge, and touchiþ hadde proſperite in her hondis, and þei gaten þe lawe
myche of Criſtis incarnacoun, his manheed and godheed fro þe hondis of heþen men and of kingis, and ȝaue not
togidere, and dampneþ gretly idolatrie, and fals ſtrengþe to þe ſynful man. And whanne Matatias was in
worſchiping of idolis, and falſe goddis. `Þouȝ point of deeþ, he coumfortide hiſe ſones to putte hire
Eccleſiaſtici be no book of bileeue, it techiþ myche lyues for þe lawe of God, bi enſaumple of Abraham and
wiſdom and prudence `for ſoule and body, and haþ oþere hooly men bifore goyng; and he ordeynede Judas
myche þe ſentence of Prouerbis, and comaundiþ men to Macabeus to be duk of bateil, and ordeynede Symount
þenke and ſpeke of Goddis heeſtis, and for to dreede his ſone to be fadir and preſt to hem, for he was a man
God, and loue him, and euere haue mynde of deþ, and of counceil. Þanne ben teld many batels of Judas
of þe greet dom, to kepe men out of ſynne, and in parfit Macabeus aȝens heþene men, and of grete victories bi
loue to God and man. Alſo it preiſiþ myche almes and Goddis help. Þanne Judas Macabeus made frenſchipe
good preier, and repreuiþ gretly extorcouns, and wrong, wiþ Romayns, for hire prudence, riȝtfulneſſe and power.
and falſe ooþis, and falſe meſuris, and falſe weyȝtis, and And whanne Judas was deed in bateile, þe peple
al fraude, preuy and apert; at þe laſte it comendiþ goode ordeynede Jonathas, his broþer, prince and duyk, for to
men, and herieþ God, þat delyuereþ fro alle perrelis. If holde werre aȝens heþen men. Þanne ben teld many
þis book be wel vndirſtonden, it is profitable boþe to bateiles of Jonathas, and victories whiche he hadde
gooſtly gouernours and bodily lordis, and iuſtiſis and aȝens heþen men. Þanne Jonatas, aftir manye victories,
comyns alſo. Þe Prophetis han a general prologe for ſente to renule frenſchip wiþ Romayns, and wiþ
alle, and for I declaride ſumdel þe grete profetis, and in Sparciatis, þat weren of þe kyn of Jewis; and Jonathas
party þe litil prophetis, and þenke ſoone to make an and hiſe ſones weren ſlayn at þe laſte, bi treſoun of
ende, wiþ Goddis help, of þe glos on þe ſmale Trifon, þat was an heþene man, and myȝty duyk. Þanne
prophetis, I þenke now to paſſe ouer wiþouten eny Symount was maad duyk of þe peple, and in þe ſtede of
tarying. Þe firſte book of Macabeis telliþ hou gret Judas Macabeus and of Jonatas; and he dide manye
diſtruccioun and cruelte Antioke þe noble dide aȝens þe bateiles and ſtronge, and hadde greet victories aȝens
Jewis, and hou many þouſindis he killide of hem, þat heþene men; and Jewis hadden myche reſte vndir hym;
wolden holde Goddis lawe, and brente þe bookis of and he made ſtronge hooldis and citees in Juda; and he
Goddis lawe, and defoulide þe temple of Jeruſalem, and renulide frenſchipe wiþ Romayns and Sparciatis, and
compellide men, for drede of deþ, to do idolatrie, and hadde myche glorie of his folc, and of heþene kingis. At
forſake God and his lawe; and he took veſſels and þe laſte Symount and his twey ſones weren ſlayn bi
treſouris in þe temple, and bar into his lond, and he treſoun, and Jon, his ſone, was prince of preſtis, aftir his
brente þe citee of Jeruſalem, and diſtroiede þe houſis fadir day, and dide many bateiles aȝens heþene men. Þe
þerof and þe wallis þerof in cumpas; and he took þe ij. book of Macabeis telliþ myche þe ſame ſentence of
hiȝe tour of Dauiþ, and ſette men of armes þerinne to þe firſt book, and haþ a fewe ſpecial poyntis, of
lette men come to Jeruſalem. And þei diden mychel Elyodorus, of Eleaſarus, and of þe noble wydue and
harm to þe puple of Iſrael, and who euere heeld þe

hire vij. ſones. Eliodorus was ſent of þe heþen king to eiþer ſuch anoþer; to allegorie it ſingnefieþ hooly
take awey þe treſouris of þe temple of Jeruſalem, and chirche in erþe, þat fiȝtiþ aȝens ſynnes and fendis; to
bere þo to þe king, and þouȝ þe treſouris weren kept for moral vndirſtondinge it ſingnefieþ a criſten ſoule; to
þe lijflode of widewis and fadirles children, and ſumme anagogik it ſingnefieþ hooly chirche regnynge in bliſſe
weren anoþer mannis goodis, Elyodorus wolde algate eiþer in heuene, and þo þat ben þerinne. And þeſe þre
bere al to þe king; but God made hym and his felowis gooſtly vndirſtondingis ben not autentik eiþer of
ſoore aferd, and Eliodorus was beten almeſt to þe deþ, beleeue, `no but þo ben groundid opynly in þe text of
of a ferdful oon ſittinge on a hors, þat hadde twey ȝunge holy ſcripture, in oo place oþer oþer, eiþer in opin
men aboute him; and Eliodorus was caſt doun to þe reſoun þat may not be diſtroied, eiþer whanne þe
grounde, and was born out on a bere, and lay domb. goſpelris eiþer oþer apoſtlis taken allegorie of þe eelde
And whanne þe hiȝeſt preſt offride ſacrifice, and preiede teſtament, and confeermyn it, as Poul in þe piſtle to
for þe helþe of Eliodorus, God grauntide lijf to him, and Galat. in iiij. co. preueþ, þat Sara, þe free wijf and
he þankide God, and þe hiȝeſt preſt, and ȝede to þe king principal of Abraham, wiþ Iſaac hir ſone, ſingnefieþ bi
and tolde to him hou it ſtood; and he witneſſide to alle allegorie þe newe teſtament and þe ſones of biheeſte;
men þe grete werkis of God, whiche he hadde ſeyn wiþ and Agar, þe hand mayde, wiþ hir ſone Iſmael, ſignefieþ
hiſe iȝen. Þanne is toold of þe curſide deedis of Jaſon þe bi allegorie þe elde teſtament, and fleſchly men þat
preſt, þat cam in by ſymonye, and wolde bringe Jewis to ſchulen not be reſſeyued in to þe eritage of God wiþ þe
idolatrie and ſodomye, and to forſake God and his lawe. ſones of biheeſte, þat holden þe treuþe and freedom of
Þanne is teld of greet cruelte of Antioke, whiche he dide Criſtis goſpel wiþ endeles charite. Alſo holy ſcripture
aȝens þe Jewis and þe hooly place of Jeruſalem; and haþ many figuratif ſpechis, and as Auſtyn ſeiþ in þe iij.
God ſuffride þis for þe ſynnes of þe peple, for whi God book of Criſten Teching, þat autouris of hooly ſcripture
chees not þe folc for þe place, but þe place for þe folc. vſiden moo figuris, þat is, mo fyguratif ſpechis, þan
Þanne Eleaſarus ches to diȝe a ſcharp deeþ, raþere þan gramariens moun geſſe, þat reden not þo figuris in holy
he wolde breke Goddis lawe in a litil poynt, to ete pork, ſcripture. It is to be war in þe bigynnyng, þat we take
ȝhe, to feyne to ete pork. Aftir þis it ſueþ hou þe bliſſid not to þe lettre a figuratif ſpeche, for þanne, as Poul
widewe and hire vij. ſones were martiride, for þei ſeiþ, þe lettre ſleeþ, but þe ſpirit, þat is, gooſtly
nolden breke Goddis lawe, and hou gloriouſly þe bleſſid vndirſtonding, qwykeneþ; for whanne a þing which is
modir coumfortid hem to take deeþ wiþ ioie for þe lawe ſeid figuratifly is taken ſo as if it be ſeid propirly, `me
of God. Þis ſtorie and proces of Macabeis ſchulde ſtire vndirſtondiþ fleſchly; and noon is clepid more
criſten men to holde Goddis lawe to lijf and deþ, and if couenably þe deþ of ſoule, þan whanne vndirſtonding,
kniȝtis ſchulden vſe þe ſwerd aȝens eny curſide men, þei þat paſſiþ beeſtis, is maad ſoget to þe fleiſch in ſuynge
ſchulden vſe it aȝens lordis and preſtis principaly, þat þe lettre. What euer þing in Goddis word may not be
wolen compelle men, for drede of priſoun and deþ, to referrid propirly to oneſte of vertues neiþer to þe treuþe
forſake þe treuþe and fredom of Criſtis goſpel; but God of feiþ, it is figuratyf ſpeche. Oneſtee of vertues
for his greet mercy ȝeue very repentance to hem, þat perteyneþ to loue God and þe neiȝebore; treuþe of feiþ
þus purſuen trewe men, and graunte pacience, perteyneþ to knowe God and þe neiȝebore. Hooly
meekeneſſe, `and charite to hem `þat ben þus purſued! ſcripture comaundiþ no þing no but charite, it blamiþ no
Amen. þing no but coueitiſe; and in þat manere it enfoormeþ þe
vertues eiþer goode condiſcouns of men. Holy ſcripture
CAP. XII. affermiþ no þing no but criſten feiþ bi þingis paſſid,
But it is to wite, þat holy ſcripture haþ iiij. preſent, and to comynge, and alle þeſe þingis perteynen
vndirſtondingis; literal, allegorik, moral, and anagogik. to nurſche charite, and make it ſtrong, and to ouercome
Þe literal vndirſtonding techiþ þe þing don in deede; and quenche coueitiſe. Alſo it is figuratijf ſpeche, where
and literal vndirſtonding is ground and foundament of þe wordis maken allegorie, eþer a derk lycneſſe, eiþer
þre gooſtly vndirſtondingis, in ſo myche as Auſtyn, in parable, and it is fyguratyf ſpeche in i. c. of Jeremye,
his piſtle to Vincent, and oþere doctouris ſeyn, oonly bi "to day I have ordeyned þee on folkis and rewmys, þat
þe literal vndirſtonding a man may argue aȝens an þou draw up bi þe roote, and diſtroie, and bylde, and
aduerſarie. Allegorik is a gooſtly vndirſtonding, þat plaunte; " þat is, þat þou drawe out elde ſynnes, and
techiþ what þing men owen for to bileeue of Criſt eiþer diſtroie circumſtaunces eiþer cauſis of þoo, and bylde
of hooly chirche. Moral is a gooſtly vndirſtonding, þat vertues, and plaunte goode werkis and cuſtomys. Alle
techiþ men, what vertues þei owen to ſue, and what þingis in holy ſcripture, þat ſeemyn to vnwijſe men to
vices þei owen to flee. Anagogik is a gooſtly be ful of wickidneſſe aȝens a man himſelf, eiþer aȝens
vndirſtonding, þat techiþ men, what bliſſe þei ſchal haue his neiȝebore, ben figuratyf ſpechis, and þe preuytees,
in heuene. And þeſe foure vndirſtondingis moun be eiþer gooſtly vndirſtondinges, ſchulden be ſouȝt out of
taken in þis word Jeruſalem; for whi to þe literal vs, to þe feeding eiþer keping of charite. Such a reule
vndirſtonding it ſingnefieþ an erþly citee, as Loundoun, ſchal be kept in figuratif ſpechis, þat ſo longe it be

turned in mynde bi diligent conſideracoun, til þe feyned, " and Jheſu Criſt ſeiþ, "þou ſchalt loue þi Lord
expownyng eiþer vndirſtonding be brouȝt to þe rewme God of al þin herte, and of al þi ſoule, and of al þi
of charite; if eny ſpeche of ſcripture ſounneþ propirly mynde, and þi neiȝebore as þi ſelf, for in þeſe twey
charite, it owiþ not to be geſſid a figuratijf ſpeche; and comaundementis hangiþ al þe lawe and prophetis. "
forbeediþ wickidneſſe, eiþer comaundiþ profyt eiþer And as þe roote of alle yuels is coueitiſe, ſo þe roote of
good doynge, it is no figuratyf ſpeche; if it ſeemiþ to alle goodis is charitee. Charite, bi which we louen God
comaunde cruelte, eiþer wickidneſſe, eiþer to forbede and þe neiȝebore, holdiþ ſykirly al þe greetneſſe and
prophit, eiþer good doinge, it is a figuratijf ſpeche. largneſſe of Goddis ſpechis. Þerefore if it is not leiſir to
Criſt ſeiþ, "if ȝe eten not þe fleſch of mannis ſone and ſeeke alle holy ſcriptures, to expounne alle þe
drinke not his blood, ȝe ſchulen not have lijf in ȝou. " wlappingis of wordis, to perſe alle, þe preuytes of
Þis ſpeche ſemiþ to comaunde wickidneſſe eiþer cruelte, ſcripturis, holde þou charite, where alle þingis hangen,
þerfore it is a figuratif ſpeche, and comaundiþ men to ſo þou ſchalt holde þat þat þou lernydiſt þere; alſo þou
comune wiþ Criſtis paſſioun, and to kepe in mynde ſchalt holde þat þat þou lernediſt not, for if þou knowiſt
ſweetly and profitably, þat Criſtis fleſch was woundid charite, þou knowiſt ſum þing wheronne alſo þat hangiþ
and crucified for vs. Alſo whanne hooly ſcripture ſeiþ, þat in hap þou knowiſt not; and in þat þat þou
"if þin enemy hungriþ, feede þou hym, if he þurſtiþ, vndirſtondiſt in ſcripturis, charite is opin, and in þat þat
ȝeue þou drinke to hym, " it comaundiþ benefice, eiþer þou vndirſtondiſt not, charite is hid, þerfore he þat
good doinge; whanne it ſeiþ, "þou ſchalt gadere togidere hooldiþ charite in vertues, eiþer in goode condiſcouns,
coolis on his heed, " it ſeemiþ þat wickidneſſe of yuel hooldiþ boþe þat þat is opyn and þat þat is hid in
wille is comaundid. Þis is ſeid bi figuratijf ſpeche, þat Goddis wordis. Auſtyn ſeiþ al þis and myche more in a
þou vndirſtonde, þat þe coolys of fijer ben brennynge ſermoun of þe preyſing of charite. Alſo vij. reulis of
weylyngis, eiþer moornyngis of penaunce, bi whiche þe Tyconye and of Auſtyn declaren many derke þingis of
pride of hym is mad hool, which ſorwiþ, þat he was hooly ſcripturis. Þe firſt reule is of Jheſu Criſt, and of
enemy of a man þat helpiþ and releuiþ his his holy ſpirit; oo perſoone of þe heed and of þe body,
wrecchidneſſe. Alſo þe ſame word eiþer þe ſame þing in þat is, of Criſt and of holy chirche, is ſchewid to vs in
ſcripture is taken ſumtyme in good, and ſumtyme in þis reule, for it is not ſeid in veyn to feiþful men, "ȝee
yuel, as a lyoun ſingnefieþ ſumtyme Criſt, and in anoþer ben þe ſeed of Abraham, " whanne þer is oo ſeed of
place it ſingnefieþ þe deuyl. Alſo ſour douȝ is ſet Abraham, which ſeed is Criſt. Doute we not, whanne
ſumtyme in yuel, where Criſt ſeiþ, "be ȝe war of þe ſour ſcripture goiþ fro þe hed to þe body, eiþer fro þe body
douȝ of Fariſees, which is ypocriſie; " ſour douȝ is ſett to þe heed, and naþeles it goiþ not awey fro oon and þe
alſo in good, whanne Criſt ſeiþ, "þe rewme of heuenes ſame perſone, for whi oo perſone ſpekiþ in Iſaie, "he
is lyk ſour douȝ, " etc. And whanne not oo þing aloone ſettide a myter to me as to a ſpouſe, and he onouride me
but tweyne, eiþer mo, ben feelid, eiþer vndirſtonden, bi as a ſpouſeſſe wiþ an ournement. " And naþeles it is to
þe ſame wordis of ſcripture, þouȝ þat it is hid, þat he vndirſtonde what of þeſe tweyne acoordiþ to þe heed,
vndirſtond þat wroot, it is no perel, if it may be preuyd þat is, Criſt, and what acordiþ to þe body, þat is, hooly
bi oþer placis of hooly ſcripture, þat ech of þo þingis chirche, for whi a myter acordiþ to Criſt, which is þe
acordiþ wiþ treuþe. And in hap þe autour of ſcripture ſpouſe, and an ournement acordiþ to hooly chirche,
ſeiþ þilk ſentenſe in þe ſame wordis which we wolen which is þe ſpouſe of Criſt. Þe ſecunde reule, as Ticonye
vndirſtonde; and certys þe Spirit of God, þat wrouȝte ſeiþ, is of þe bodi of Criſt, which bodi is departid into
þeſe þingis bi þe autour of ſcripture, bifore ſiȝ wiþoute tweyne, but ceertis þis bodi of Criſt ouȝte not be clepid
doute, þat þilke ſentenſe ſchulde come to þe redere, ſo, for treuly it is not þe bodi of Criſt, which ſhal not be
eiþer to þe herere, ȝhe, þe Holy Gooſt purueyde, þat wiþ him wiþouten ende, but it ſchal be ſeid of þe veri
þilke ſentence, for it is groundid on trewþe, ſchulde bodi and of þe medlid body of Criſt, eiþer of þe veri
come to þe redere, eiþer to þe herere, for whi what bodi and feyned body of Criſt; for whi ypocritis ſchulen
myȝte be purueyed of God largiliere and plentyuouſliere be ſeid to be not wiþ Criſt, not oonly wiþouten ende, but
in Goddis ſpechis, þan þat þe ſame wordis be alſo now, þouȝ þei ſeemyn to be in þe chirche of Criſt.
vndirſtonden in manye maners, whiche maners, eiþer Wherfor þis reule myȝt be clepid þus, þat it were ſeid
wordis of God, þat ben not of leſſe autorite, maken to be of þe medlid chirche, þat is, þat conprehendiþ choſen
preued. Auſtin in iij. book of Criſten Teching ſeiþ al þis men to bliſſe, and alſo ipocritis, þat ſchulen be
and myche more, in þe bigynnyng þerof. Alſo he whos dampned. And þis reule axiþ a waking eiþer diligent
herte is ful of charite conprehendiþ, wiþouten eny redere; whanne it ſpekiþ of oþer men, it ſemiþ to ſpeke
errour, þe manyfoold abundaunce and largeſt teching of now as to þe ſame men to whiche it ſpac bifore, eiþer it
Goddis ſcripturis, for whi Poul ſeiþ, "þe fulneſſe of lawe ſeemiþ to ſpeke of þe ſame men, whanne it ſpekiþ of
is charite, " and in anoþer place, "þe ende of lawe, " þat oþere men; as if oo body be of euer eiþer, for temporal
is, þe perfeccioun, eiþer filling, of þe lawe, "is charite medlyng, and for comynyng of ſacramentis. To þis reule
of clene herte, and of good conſcience, and of feiþ not it perteyneþ, þat þe chirche ſeiþ in Songis, "I am blac

and fair as þe tabernaclis of Cedar, as þe ſkynnes of turment of euerlaſting fijer, as Criſt is þe heed of hooly
Salomon; " þe chirche ſeide þat ſche is euer eiþer, for chirche, which is his body, and ſchal be wiþ hym in
temporal vnite wiþinne oo net of goode fiſchis and of rewme and glorie euerlaſtinge. Alſo þei þat haue
yuel fiſchis; for whi þe tabernaclis of Cedar parteynen lykinge for to ſtudie in holy writ, ſchulen be chargid, þat
to Iſmael, þat ſchal not be eir wiþ þe ſone of þe free þei kunne þe kyndis and maners of ſpekingis in holy
wijf. Þe þridde reule is of byheeſtis and of lawe; þis ſcriptures; and þei þat perſeyue diligently and holde wel
reule may be ſeid alſo of þe ſpirit and lettre; it may be in mynde, hou a þing is wont to be ſeid in holy
ſeid alſo of grace and of comaundement; and Tyconie ſcripturis. Alſo þat is ſouereyn help and mooſt nedful,
erride in ſeyinge, þat werkis ben ȝouen of God to vs for preie þei, þat God ȝeue to hem þe veri vndirſtonding of
meryt of feiþ, but feiþ it ſilf is ſo of vs, þat it is not of holy ſcripture, for þei reden in þo ſcripturis, aboute
God to vs. Þe iiij. reule is of al and of party, whanne whiche þei ben ſtudiouſe, þat God ȝeueþ wiſdom, and
ſumm of a þing is ſet for al, eiþir aȝenward al is ſet for a kunnyng, and vndirſtonding of his face, þat is, ȝifte and
party. Þe v. reule is of tymes, and þis is bi a figure grace. Alſo if her ſtodie is don wiþ meekneſſe, and loue
clepid ſynodoches, whanne a part is ſet for al, eiþer al is of criſten lore, it is of God. Auſtyn writiþ al þis in þe iij.
ſet for oo part. Oon euangeliſt ſeiþ, þat it was don aftir book of Criſten Teching, aboute þe myddil, and in þe
viij. daies, whanne þe face of Criſt ſchynede as þe ende. Iſidre, in þe j. book of Souereyn Good, touchiþ
ſunne, and anoþer goſpeler ſeide, þat it was don aftir vj. þeſe reulis ſchortliere, but I haue hym not now, and
daies; euer eiþer myȝte not be ſoþ, þat is ſeid of þe Lyre, in þe bigynnyng of þe bible, touchiþ more opinly
noumbre of daies, no but he þat ſeide aftir viij. daies be þeſe reulis, but I haue him not now, and Ardmacan, in
vndirſtonden to haue ſett for þe hool day þe laſt part of þe bigynnyng of his book de Queſtionibus Armenorum,
þe day, ſiþen Criſt bifore ſeide it to come, and to haue ȝeueþ many goode groundis to vndirſtonde holy
ſet for þe hool day þe firſt part of þe day, in whiche he ſcripture to þe lettre, and gooſtly vndirſtonding alſo, but
ſchewiþ, þat þe appering of Criſtis face was fully don; I haue him not now. Alſo no þing may ſeme to be
and þat he þat ſeide aftir vj. daies, rekynede alle þe hool wijſere, no þing of more eloquence, þan is hooly
daies and þe myddil daies, and noon oþer. Bi þis kynde ſcripture, and þe autours þerof, þat weren enſpijrid of
of ſpeche, bi which kinde al is ſingnefied by a part, þilk God. And þei ouȝten not to ſpeke in oþer manere þan
queſtioun of Criſtis riſing aȝen is aſoiled; þe laſte part of þei diden, and þe prophetis, and mooſt Amos, weren ful
þe day, wherinne Criſt ſuffride deþ, is taken for al þe eloquent, and ſeint Poul waas ful eloquent in his piſtlis.
day wiþ þe nyȝt paſſid bifore, and þe firſt part of Alſo þe autouris of hooly ſcripture ſpaken derkly, þat þe
Sunday, in whos morewitide he roos aȝen, is taken for preuyteis þerof ben hid fro vnfeiþful men, and goode
al Sunday and þe nyȝt bifore goynge; and þe Sabot wiþ men ben exerciſid, eiþer ocupied, and þat in
þe hool nyȝt bifore goynge is al hool day and nyȝt. If expounnynge hooly ſcripture þei haue a newe grace,
þeſe nyȝtis and daies be not taken þus, þer moun not be diuerſe fro þe firſt autouris. Auſtin, in þe bigynnyng of
iij. daies and iij. nyȝtis, in whiche he bifore ſeide, þat he þe iiij. book of Criſten Teching. Alſo, as þe litle richeſſis
ſchulde be in þe herte of erþe. Alſo þis reule of tymes is of Jewis, whiche þei baren awey fro Egipt, weren in
taken for lawful noumbris, as ben vij. x. and xij. and compariſoun of richeſſis which þei hadden aftirward in
ſuche moo, for ofte ſuche noumbris ben ſett for al tyme, Jeruſalem, in þe tyme of Salomon, ſo greet is þe
as þis þat Dauiþ ſeiþ, "ſeuen ſiþis in þe day I ſeide prophitable kunnynge of filoſoferis bookis, if it is
preyſing, eiþer herying, to þee, " is noon oþir þing þan compariſouned to þe kunnynge of hooly ſcripturis; for
þis, "his herying be euere in my mouþ. " Alſo bi an c. whi what euer þing a man lerniþ wiþouten hooly writ, if
and xliii. in Apoc. is ſingnefied þe vniuerſite, eiþer al þe þe þing lerned is veyn, it is dampned in holy writ, if it is
multitude, of ſeintis. Þe vi. reule is of recapitulacoun, prophitable, it is foundid þere. And whanne a man
eiþer reherſing a þing don bifore, not in ordre, as it is fyndiþ þeere alle þingis whiche he lernyde profitably in
ſett; for whi ſumme þingis ben ſeid ſo, as if `þo ſuen in oþer place, he ſchal fynde myche more plenteuouſly þo
þe ordre of tyme, eiþer ben teld bi contynuyng of þingis in hooly ſcripture, whiche he lernede neuere in
þingis, þat is, þat ben ioyned next togidere, whanne þe oþer place, but ben lerned oonly in þe wondirful
telling is clepid aȝen preuyly to þe formere þingis, þat hiȝneſſe and in þe wondirful meekneſſe of hooly
weren left out; and if men vndirſtonden not ſuch ſeying ſcripturis. Auſtin ſeiþ þis in þe ende of ij. book of
bi þis reule, þei erren; as in Geneſis it is ſeid, "God Criſten Teching. Alſo hooly ſcripture conteyneþ al
plauntide paradys in Eden, at þe eeſt, and ſettide þere þe prophitable treuþe, and alle oþere ſciencis preuyly in þe
man þat he foormyde, and God brouȝte forþ ȝit of erþe vertu of wittis, eiþer vndirſtondingis, as wynes ben
ech fair tre, " etc. ; þis is ſeid bi recapitulacoun. In lyk conteyned in grapis, as ripe corn is conteyned in þe
maner þere "þe lond was of oo lippe, " þat is, ſpeche, it ſeed, as bowis ben conteyned in þe rootis, and as trees
is ſeid bi recapitulacoun. Þe vij. reule is of þe deuel and ben conteyned in þe kernels. Groſtede, in a ſermoun
of his bodi, for he is heed of alle wickide men, þat ben Premonitus a venerabili patre. Alſo hooly ſcripture
his body in a manere, and ſchulen go wiþ him in to þe wlatiþ ſofymys, and ſeiþ, he þat ſpekiþ ſofiſticaly, eiþer

bi ſofymys, ſchal be hatful, and he ſchal be defraudid in kunnyng, for whi ech fructuous man of hooly ſcripturis
ech þing, as þe wijſe man ſeiþ in xxxvij. c. of exerciſiþ himſelf in þis þing, and to fynde noon oþer
Eccleſiaſtici. If filoſoferis, and mooſt þe diſciplis of þing in þo, þan for to loue God for God himſelf, and for
Plato, ſeiden eny treuþis, and prophitable to oure feiþ, to loue his neiȝebore for God. Þanne þilke drede, bi
not oonly þo treuþis owen not to be dred, but alſo þo which he þenkiþ on Goddis dom, and þilke pite, bi
ſchulen be calengid into oure vs, eiþir profijt, fro hem, which he muſt nedis bileeue and ȝeue ſtide to autorite of
as fro vniuſt poſſeſſouris. And as Jewis token, bi autorite holy bookis, conpelliþ hym to beweyle hymſelf, for whi
of God, þe gold, `and ſyluer, and cloþis of Egipcyans, ſo þis kunnyng of good hope makiþ a man not to auaunce
criſtene men owen to take þe trewe ſeyingis of himſelf, but biweile himſelf; and bi þis affeccioun, eiþer
filoſoueris, for to worſchippe oo God, and of techingis good wille, he geetiþ wiþ beſy preieris þe coumfort of
of vertues, whiche treuþis þe filoſoueris founden not, Goddis help, þat he be not broken bi diſpeir; and he
but diggeden out of þe metals of Goddis puruyaunce, bigynneþ to be in þe fourþe degre of gooſtly ſtrengþe, in
which is ſched euery where. So dide Ciprian, þe ſwetteſt whiche he hungriþ and þirſtiþ riȝtfulneſſe; þanne in þe v.
doctour and mooſt bleſſid martir, ſo diden Lactancius, degree, þat is, in þe counceyl of mercy, he purgiþ þe
Victorinus, and Illarie, and Greekis wiþoute noumbre. ſoule, þat makiþ noiſe and vnreſtfulneſſe of coueitiſe of
Auſtin in ij. book of Criſten Teching. Bi þeſe reulis of erþly þingis; and þanne he diſpiſiþ filþis of ſoule, and
Auſtin and bi iiij. vndirſtondingis of hooly ſcripture, and louiþ God and neiȝeboris, ȝhe enemyes; bi þis he ſtiȝiþ
bi wijs knowing of figuratijf ſpechis, wiþ good lyuynge to þe vj. degre, where he purgiþ þe iȝe of ſoule, bi
and meekneſſe, and ſtodyinge of þe bible, ſymple men which iȝe God may be ſeyn, as myche as he may be
moun ſumdel vndirſtonde þe text of holy writ, and ſeyn of hem þat diȝen to þis world, as myche as þei
edefie myche hemſelf and oþer men; but for Goddis mowen; for in ſo myche þei ſeen God in her ſoule,
loue, ȝe ſymple men, be war of pride, and veyn iangling þourȝ feiþ and loue, hou myche þei diȝen to þis world;
and chyding in wordis aȝens proude clerkis of ſcole and `and in as myche as þei leuyn to þis world, þei ſeen not
veyn religious, and anſwere ȝee mekely and prudently God; and in þis degre, wherinne a man diȝiþ to þe
to enemyes of Goddis lawe, and preie ȝe hertly for hem, world, he neiþer preferriþ, neiþer makiþ euene himſelf,
þat God of his greet mercy ȝeue to hem very knowing neiþer his neiȝebore, wiþ þe treuþe of hooly writ;
of ſcripturis, and meekeneſſe, and charite, and euere be þerfore þis hooly man ſchal be ſo ſymple and clene of
ȝe redy, what euer man techiþ eny treuþe of God, to herte, þat neiþer for pleſaunce of men he be drawe a
take þat meekely, and wiþ greet þankingis to God; and wey fro treuþe, neþer bi cauſe to eſchewe eny harmys of
if eny man in erþe, eiþer aungel of heuene, techiþ ȝou himſelf, þat ben contrarie to þis lijf, ſuch a chiild ſtiȝiþ
þe contrarie of holy writ, eiþer eny þing aȝens reſoun to verey wiſdom, which is þe laſte and þe vij. , which he
and charite, fle fro him in þat, as fro þe foul deuel of vſiþ in pees and in reſte. Seint Auſtyn ſeiþ al þis in þe
helle, and holde ȝe ſtedfaſtly to lijf and deeþ þe treuþe bygynnyng of þe ij. book of Criſten Teching. Heere is a
and freedom of þe hooly goſpel of Jheſu Criſt, and take bliſſid entring bi þeſe vij. vertues to þe kunnyng of holy
ȝe mekely mennis ſeyingis and lawis, onely in as myche ſcripture in þis lijf, to haue here reſte of ſoule, and
as þei acorden wiþ holy writ and good conſcience, and aftirward ful reſte of bodi and ſoule in heuene, wiþouten
noo ferþer, for lijf neiþer for deþ. ende. Alas! what don proude and coueitouſe wrecchis at
hooly ſcripture, þat ſeeken þe world and fleſchly eeſe,
CAP. XIII. and wolen not conuerten hem fro `þeſe curſidneſſis; þei
Alſo holy ſcripture is betere knowen bi licneſſes and bi diſſeyuen hemſelf, and þe puple þat geſſen hem wijſe
derkneſſis; it doþ awey anoyes, and we owe to þenke men, whanne þei ben opyn foolis; and maken hemſelf
and bileeue, þat þe þing þat is writen in holy ſcripture, deppere dampned, and oþer men alſo þat ſuen her folye,
ȝhe, þouȝ it be hid, eiþer not knowen, is betere and and blasfemyn God. Þes worldly foolis ſchulden wite,
trewere þan þat we moun vndirſtonde bi vſſelf; and þat hooly lijf is a launterne to bringe a man to very
worſchipfully and heelfully þe Holy Gooſt meſuride ſo kunnynge, as Criſoſtom ſeiþ, and þe drede and loue of
holy ſcripturis, þat in opyn placis he ſettide remedie to God is þe bigynning and perfeccioun of kunnyng and
oure hungir, and in derk placis he wipte awey anoies; wijſdom; and whanne þeſe fleſchly apis and worldly
for almeſt no þing is ſeyn in þo derkneſſis, which þing is moldewerpis han neiþer þe bigynnyng of wijſdom,
not founden ſeid ful pleynly in oþer placis. Þerfore neiþer deſyren it, what doon þei at hooly ſcripture, to
bifore alle þingis it is nedeful, þat a man be conuertid bi ſchenſchipe of hemſelf and of oþere men? As longe as
Goddis drede, and be mylde bi pite, eiþer criſten pride and `coueitiſe of worldly goodis and onouris is
religioun; and þat he aȝenſie not hooly ſcripture, wher it rootid in her herte, þei maken omage to Satanas, and
be vnderſtonden, þouȝ it ſmyte eny ſynnes of oure, offren to him boþe bodi and ſoule, and al her witt and
wheþer it be not vndirſtonden, as if we moun fynding. Such foolis ſchulden þenke, þat wijſedom ſchal
vndirſtonde betere, eiþer comaunde, eiþer teche betere. not entre into an yuel willid ſoule, neiþer ſchal dwelle in
Be þe ȝifte of drede and of pitee, me comiþ to degre of a body ſoget to ſynnes; and Jheſu Criſt ſeiþ, þat þe fadir

of heuene hijdiþ þe preuytees of hooly ſcripture fro and ſeen at iȝe; þe ij. orrible ſynne is ſodomye and
wijſe men and prudent, `þat is wijſe men and prudent to ſtrong mayntenaunce þereof, as it is knowen to many
þe world, and in her owne ſiȝt, and ſchewiþ þo to meke perſones of þe reume, and at þe laſte parlement. Alas!
men; þerfore worldly foolis, do ȝe firſt penaunce for dyuynys, þat ſchulden paſſe oþere men in clenneſſe and
ȝoure ſynnes, and forſake pride and coueitiſe, and be ȝe hoolyneſſe, as aungels of heuene paſſen freel men in
meke, and drede ȝe God in alle þingis, and loue him `vertues, ben mooſt ſclaundrid of þis curſid ſynne aȝens
ouer alle oþer þingis, and ȝoure neiȝeboris as `ȝoure kynde. Þe iij. orrible ſynne is ſymonie, and forſwering
ſelf; and þanne ȝe ſchulen profite in ſtodie of hooly writ. in þe ſemble hous, þat ſchulde be an hous of riȝtfulneſſe
But alas! `alas! alas! þe mooſt abomynacoun þat euer and hoolyneſſe, where yuelis ſchulde be redreſſid; þis
was herd among criſten clerkis is now purpoſid in ſymonie wiþ portenauncis þereof is myche worſe and
Yngelond, bi worldly clerkis and feyned religiouſe, and more abomynable þan bodily ſodomye. Ȝit on þeſe þre
in þe cheef vniuerſitee of oure reume, as manye trewe abomynacouns God wolde graciouſly conuerte clerkis,
men tellen wiþ greet weylyng. Þis orrible and deuelis if þei wolden do very penaunce, and ȝeue hem hooliche
curſedneſſe is purpoſid of Criſtis enemyes and traytouris to vertues; but on þe iiij. moſt abomynacoun purpoſid
of alle criſten puple, þat no man ſchal lerne dyuynite, now to letten Criſten men, ȝhe preſtis and curatis, to
neiþer hooly writ, no but he þat haþ doon his fourme in lerne freely Goddis lawe, til þei han ſpendid ix. ȝeer
art, þat is, þat haþ comenſid in art, and haþ ben regent eiþer x. at art, þat conprehendiþ many ſtrong errouris of
tweyne ȝeer aftir; þis wolde be ix. ȝeer eiþer ten bifore heþene men aȝens Criſten bileeue, it ſeemiþ wel þat
þat he lerne hooly writ, aftir þat he can comunly wel his God wole not ceeſe of veniaunce, til it and oþere ben
gramer, þouȝ he haue a good witt, and traueile ful ſoore, punſchid ſoore; for it ſeemiþ þat worldly clerkis and
and haue good fynding ix. eiþer x. ȝeer aftir his gramer. feyned relygiouſe don þis, þat ſymple men of wit and of
Þis ſemiþ vttirly þe deuelis purpos, þat fewe men eiþer fynding knowe not Goddis lawe, to preche it generaly
noon ſchulen lerne and kunne Goddis lawe; but God aȝens ſynnes in þe reume. But wite ȝe, worldly clerkis
ſeiþ bi Amos, on þre greete treſpaſis of Damaſk and on and feyned relygiouſe, þat God boþe can and may, if it
þe iiij. , "I ſchal not conuerte him; " where Jerom ſeiþ, lykiþ hym, ſpeede ſymple men out of þe vniuerſitee, as
þe firſte ſynne is to þenke yuelis, þe ij. ſynne is to myche to kunne hooly writ, as maiſtris in þe vniuerſite;
conſente to weyward þouȝtis, þe iij. ſynne is to fille in and þerfore no gret charge, þouȝ neuer man of good
werk, þe iiij. ſynne is to do not penaunce aftir þe ſynne, wille be poiſend wiþ heþen mennis errouris ix. ȝeer
and to pleſe himſelf in his ſynne; but Damaſk is eiþer ten, but euere lyue wel and ſtodie hooly writ, bi
interpretid drinkynge blood, eiþer birling blood. Lord! elde doctouris and newe, and preche treuly and freely
wheþer Oxunford drinke blood and birliþ blood, bi aȝens opin ſynnes, to his deþ. See þerfore what Jerom
ſleeinge of quyke men, and bi doinge of ſodomye, in ſeiþ on Amos, God bifore ſeiþ yuels to comynge, þat
leeſinge a part of mannis blood, wherbi a chijld myte be men heere, and amende hemſelf, and be delyuered fro
fourmed, deme þei þat knowen; and wher Oxunforde þe perel neiȝinge, eiþer if þat þei diſpiſen, þei ben
drinke blood of ſynne, and ſtiriþ oþere men of þe lond punſchid iuſtiliere; and God, þat bifore ſeiþ peynes,
to do ſynne, bi booldneſſe off clerkis, deme þei iuſtly, wole not punſche men þat ſynnen, but þat þei be
þat ſeen it at iȝe, and knowen bi experiens. Loke now amendid. Jerom ſeiþ þis in þe `ende of þe j. book of
wher Oxunford is in þre orrible ſynnes and in þe fourþe, Amos. God, for his gret mercy, graunte, þat clerkis here
on which God reſtiþ not til he punſche it. Sumtyme þe greet veniaunce manaſid of God, and amende
children and ȝunge men arſiſtris weren deuout and clene hemſelf treuly, þat God punſche not hem; for if þei
as aungels, in compariſoun of oþere, now men ſeyn þei amenden not hemſelf, þei ben eretikis maad hard in her
ben ful of pride and leccherie, wiþ diſpitouſe ooþis, ſynnes; but ſee what Jerom ſeiþ aȝens eretikis, and in
needles and falſe, and diſpiſing of Goddis heeſtis; comendinge of hooly ſcripture; he ſeiþ þus on Amos,
ſumtyme cyuylians and canoniſtris weren deuout, and ſo "Eretikis þat ſeruen þe wombe and glotonye, ben clepid
biſy on her lernyng, þat þey tooken ful litil reſte of bed, riȝtfully fatteſt kyin, eiþer kyin ful of ſchenſchipe. " "We
now men ſeyn þat þei ben ful of pride and nyce aray, owen to take hooly ſcripture on þre maneris; firſt, we
enuye, and coueitiſe, wiþ leccherie, glotonie and owen vndirſtonde it bi þe lettre, and do alle þingis þat
ydilneſſe; ſumtyme dyuynys weren ful hooly and ben comaundid to vs þerinne; þe ij. tyme bi allegorie,
deuout, and diſpiſiden outtirly þe world, and lyueden as þat is, gooſtly vndirſtonding; and in þe iij. tyme bi bliſſe
aungels in meekneſſe, clenneſſe, ſouereyn chaſtite, and `of þingis to comynge. " Jerom ſeiþ þis in þe ij. book on
charite, and tauȝten treuly Goddis lawe in werk and Amos, and in iiij. c. of Amos. Naþeles for Lyre cam late
word; now men ſeyn, þei ben as deligat of hir mouþ and to me, ſee what he ſeiþ of þe vndirſtonding of holy
wombe, and as coueitouſe as oþere worldly men, and ſcripture; he writiþ þus on þe ij. prologe on þe bible,
flateren, and maaken leeſingis in preching, to eſchewe "Joon ſeiþ in v. c. `of Apoc. 'I ſyȝ a book written
bodyly perſecuſcoun, and to gete benefices. Þe firſte wiþinne and wiþouteforþ in þe hond of þe ſittere on þe
grete ſynne is generaly in þe vniuerſite, as men dreden trone; ' þis book is holy ſcripture, which is ſeid writen

wiþout forþ, as to þe literal vndirſtonding, and wiþinne, Souereyn Good xx. c. ſettiþ vij. reulis to expounne
as to þe preuy and gooſtly vndirſtonding; " and in þe j. hooly ſcripture, and ſumme clepen þeſe reulis þe keies
prologe he declariþ iiij. vndirſtondingis of hooly writ in of ſcripture, for bi þeſe rulis þe vndirſtonding of
þis manere, "Holy writ haþ þis ſpecialte, þat vndir oo ſcripture is openid in many þingis. Þe firſte reule is of
lettre it conteyneþ many vndirſtondingis, for þe oure Lord Jheſu Criſt, and of his gooſtly body, which is
principal autour of hooly writ is God himſelf, in whos holy chirche, for whi for þe knytting togidere of þe
power it is, not oonly to vſe wordis to ſingnifie a þing as heed to þe body hooly ſcripture ſpekiþ ſumtyme of euer
men don, but alſo he vſiþ þingis ſingnefied bi wordis to eiþer vndir oo reſoun, as vndir oo perſone, and paſſiþ fro
ſingnefie oþer þingis; þerfore bi þe ſingnyfying bi oon to anoþir, in enſaumple in lxj. co. of Iſaie it is ſeid,
wordis is taken þe literal vndirſtonding, eiþer hiſtorial, "He cloþide me wiþ cloþis of helþe, and he compaſſide
of holy ſcripture, and bi þe ſingnefying which is maad me wiþ cloþing of riȝtfulneſſe, as a ſpouſe maad fair wiþ
bi þingis is taken þe preuy, eiþer gooſtly vndirſtonding, a coroune, and as a ſpouſeſſe ourned wiþ hire brochis; "
which is þre maneres, allegorik, moral, eiþer for whi þis þat is ſeid "as a ſpouſe, " etc. is vndirſtonden
tropologik, and anogogik. If þingis ſingnefied bi wordis of Criſt, and þis þat ſueþ "as a ſpouſeſſe" etc. is
ben referrid to ſingnefie þo þingis þat owen to be vndirſtonden of holy chirche. Alſo in þe j. c. of Songis it
bileeued in þe newe teſtament, ſo it is taken þe ſenſe of is ſeid, "Kiſſe he me wiþ þe coſſe of his mouþ, for þi
allegorik; if þingis ben referrid to ſingnefie þo þingis tetis ben betere þan wyn; " for whanne it is ſeid, "kiſſe
whiche we owen to do, ſo it is moral ſenſe, eiþer he me" etc. , it is þe word of þe ſpouſeſſe deſiringe to
tropologik; if þingis ben referrid to ſingnefie þo þingis haue þe ſpouſe; and þis þat ſueþ, "for þi tetis, " etc. is þe
þat ſcholen be hopid in bliſſe to comynge, ſo it is word of þe ſpouſe, preiſing þe ſpouſeſſe; wherfore in
anagogik ſenſe. Þe lettre techiþ what is doon; allegorie ſuch þingis, knyt ſo togidere bi reſoun biforeſeid, a
techiþ what þou owiſt for to bileeue; moral techiþ what prudent redere owiþ to perſeyue what accordiþ to þe
þou owiſt for to do; anagogic techiþ whedir þou owiſt to heed, and what to þe body. Þe ij. reule is of þe very
go; and of þeſe iiij. ſenſis, eiþer vndirſtondingis, may be body and of þe feyned body of oure Lord Jheſu Criſt,
ſet enſaumple in þis word Jeruſalem; for bi þe literal for whi hooly chirche, which is þe gooſtly body of Criſt,
vndirſtonding Jeruſalem ſingnefieþ a cyte, þat was is a nett which is not drawen ȝit to þe brinke; þerfor it
ſumtyme þe cheef citee in þe rewme of Jude, and haþ yuele men meddlid wiþ goode men til to þe doom,
Jeruſalem was foundid firſt of Melchiſedech, and in whiche þeſe ſchulen be departid fro hem, and þerfore
aftirward it was alargid, and maad ſtrong bi Salomon; bi in holy ſcripture yuele men ben preiſid ſumtyme wiþ
moral ſenſe it ſingnefieþ a feiþful ſoule, bi which ſenſe it goode men, wiþ whiche þei ben medlid; as in þe xj. c.
is ſeid in lij. c. of Iſaie, 'riſe þou, riſe þou, ſette þou of Oſee God ſeiþ þus, "Iſrael is a chijld, and I louede
Jeruſalem; ' bi ſenſe allegorik it ſingnefieþ þe chirche him; " and aȝenward ſumtyme goode men ben blamed
fiȝtinge aȝens ſynnes and feendis, bi which ſenſe it is wiþ yuel men, as in j. co. of Iſaie, "An oxe knew his
ſeid in xxj. c. of Apoc. , 'I ſiȝ þe hooly citee newe lord and an aſſe knew þe cracche of his lord, but Iſrael
Jeruſalem comynge doun fro heuene, as a ſpouſe ourned knew not me and my puple vndirſtood not; " and
to hire houſbonde; ' bi ſence anagogik `it ſingnefieþ þe ſumtyme in þe ſame reſoun it is expreſſid what
chirche rengninge in bliſſe, bi þis ſence it is ſeid in iiij. perteyneþ to goode men and what to yuele men, as in j.
c. to Galat. 'þilke Jeruſalem which is aboue, which is co. of Songis it is ſeid, "I am blac but fair, ȝe douȝtris of
oure modir, is free; and as enſaumple is ſet in oo word, Jeruſalem, as þe tabernaclis of Cedar, as þe ſkynnes of
ſo it might be ſet in oo reſoun, and as in oon, ſo and in Salamon; " þeſe ben þe wordis of þe ſpouſeſſe, which
oþere. " Lire ſeiþ al þis in þe firſte prologe on þe bible. for reſoun of yuel men conteyned in þe chirche, ſeiþ, "I
am blac, " but for reſoun of goode men it addiþ, "but
CAP. XIV. fair; " and þis þat ſueþ, as for enſaumple, "as þe
Naþeles alle gooſtly vndirſtondinges ſetten bifore, eiþir tabernaclis of Cedar, " is referrid to yuele men; for whi
requyren, þe literal vndirſtonding, as þe foundement; Cedar was þe ſone of Yſmael, as it is ſeid in xxv. co. of
wherfore as a bylding bowing awey fro þe foundement Geneſis, of whom Saracenus camen forþ, and þis þat is
is diſpoſid to falling, ſo a gooſtly expociſcoun, þat addid, "as þe ſkynnes of Salamon, " is referrid to goode
diſcordiþ fro þe literal ſenſe, owiþ to be arettid men. Þerfore bi Salamon here is vndirſtonden God
vnſeemely and vncouenable, eiþer leſſe ſeemely, and himſelf, bi criſten expocitouris and Ebreies; and þerfore
leſſe couenable; and þerfore it is nedful to hem, þat þe ſkynnes of Salamon ben ſeid þo wiþ which þe
wolen profite in þe ſtodie of holy ſcripture, to bigynne tabernacle was heelid, in which tabernacle goode men
at þe vndirſtonding of literal ſence, mooſt ſiþen bi þe worſchipiden God. Þe iij. reule is of þe ſpirit and of þe
literal ſenſe aloone, and not bi gooſtly ſencis may be lettre; þis reule is expounned þus comunly, þat þe
maad an argument, eiþer preef, to þe preuyng, eiþer hiſtorial, eiþer literal ſenſe, and þe myſtik, eiþer gooſtly
declaring, of a doute, as Auſtin ſeiþ in his Piſtle to ſenſe, is taken vndir þe ſame lettre, for whi þe treuþe of
Vincent Donatiſte. Seint Iſidre, in þe firſte book of þe ſtorie ſchal be holden, and naþeles it ſchal be referrid

to þe gooſtly vndirſtonding. Þis reule may be Geneſis, "go out of þi lond, " etc. , and þe rekenyng of
expounned alſo in anoþer manere, þat it be referrid þe leſſe noumbre bigynneþ at þe natyuite of Iſaac, þat
oonly to þe literal ſenſe, as oþere reulis ben; aboute was xxx. ȝeer aftir þe goinge out of Abraham fro Aran.
which þing it is to ſee, þat þe ſame lettere haþ ſum tyme Þe iiij. tyme þis reule bifalliþ, for þat hooly ſcripture
double literal ſenſe, in enſaumple in j. book of ſpekiþ of þing to comynge bi þe maner of þing paſſid, as
Paralypomynon, xvij. co. , God ſeiþ to Salamon, "I in þe ix. co. of Iſaie, "a litil child was born to vs, " etc. ;
ſchal be `to him in to a fadir, and he ſchal be to me into and þis is to ſingnefie þe certeynte of profecie, whos
a ſone; " and þis to þe lettere is vndirſtonden of bifalling of tyme to comynge is ſo certeyn, as if it were
Salomon, in as myche as he was þe ſone of God, bi paſſid now; and þis is for certeynte of Goddis bifore
grace in ȝungþe, wherfore Nathan þe prophete clepide knowing, bi whiche þe reuelacoun is maad to þe
hym, "amyable to þe Lord" in ij. book of Kingis, xij. c. prophete. Naþeles ſuch maner of ſpeche haþ noo place,
Alſo þe forſeid autorite, "I ſchal be to hym in to a fadir, no but in profecie of predeſtynacoun, eiþer ful
" etc. is brouȝt in of Poul in j. co. to Ebreis, as ſeid to þe determynyng of God; which prophecie is, whanne a
lettre of Criſt himſelf, and þis is opyn bi þis, þat Poul þing to comynge in noun certeyn to mannis knowing, is
bringiþ it in to preue, þat Criſt is more þan aungels; but ſchewid to þe prophete in þat maner, bi which it is in þe
ſuch preuynge may not be maad bi gooſtly ſenſe, as bifore knowing of God, which bifore knowing of God
Auſtin ſeiþ aȝens Vincent Donatiſte; forſoþe þe forſeid bihooldiþ ſo wiþout fayling þingis to comynge, as
autorite was fillid to þe lettre in Salomon, naþeles leſſe þingis preſent and paſſid. But in profecie of manaaſinge,
parfitly, for he was þe ſone of God oonly bi grace, but it ſuch maner of ſpeech haþ noo place, which profecie of
was fillid parfitlier in Criſt, þat was þe ſone of God bi manaas is, whanne eny peyne worþi to be brouȝt in on a
kinde; but naþeles euer eiþer expociſſcioun is literal puple, eiþer on a perſoone, is ſchewid to þe prophete,
outtirly. Naþeles þe ij. expociſcoun, which is of Criſt, is not bi þat þat it is in þe bifore knowing of God, but bi
gooſtly and preuy in ſum maner, in as myche as þe ordre of ſecunde cauſis, as bi þe yuel diſſeruyngis of
Salamon was þe figure of Criſt. Þe iiij. reule is of al and men; as is þilke prophecie of Jonas iij. co. , "Ȝit xl.
of part, for whi ſcripture paſſiþ fro oon to þe toþere, and daies, and Nynyue ſchal be diſtroied; " for whi þe
aȝenward, as in xiij. co. of Iſaie, þe ſcripture ſpekiþ firſt ſynnes of þat citee hadden diſſeruyd þis diſtroying;
aȝens Babilone ſpecialy, whanne it is ſeid, "þe birþen of naþeles for ſuch a cauſe is chaungable, þerfore ſumtyme
Babilone, " and þanne þe ſcripture paſſiþ to vndirſtonde þe effect, þat is, peyne manaaſid, ſueþ not, as heere, for
þe word generaly of al þe world, bi þis þat ſueþ, "þe `Nynyuytis diden penaunce, and ſo þe Lord brouȝte not
Lord comeþ fro þe hyȝneſſe of heuene, and þe veſſels of in þe peyne manaſſid. Þe vj. reule is of recapitulacoun,
his ſtronge veniaunce comen, þat he diſtroie all erþe; " þat is, reherſing of þing don bifore, and of anticipacoun,
aftirward þe ſcripture turneþ aȝen to ſpeke aȝens eiþer bifore takinge, þat is, ſetting in of þing bifore þat
Babilone ſpecialy, whanne it is ſeid, "Lo! I ſchal riſe on it is don; for in hooly ſcripture not euere ſtories and
ȝou Medeys, þat ſchul not ſeeke ſyluer; " for whi Darius deedis ben writen in þe ſame ordre in whiche þoo ben
Medey, wiþ Cirus, his coſyn, took Babilone, and killide don, and þerfore whanne lattere þingis ben ſett bifore, it
Baltaſar, þe king of Babilone, as it is ſeid in þe v. co. of is ſeid anticipacioun, eiþer byfore taking, and whanne
Daniel. Þe v. reule is of tymes, which reule bifalliþ in þe formere þingis ben ſet byhynde, it is ſeid
iiij. maners; in oo manere bi a figure clepid ſynodoches, recapitulacoun, eiþer reherſing of þing doon bifore, as
whanne a part of tyme is ſet for al þe tyme, as it is ſeid in x. co. of Geneſis it is ſeid of þe ſones of Noe, "þe ilis
in þe goſpel, þat Criſt lay þre daies in þe ſepulcre, and of heþene folkis in her cuntrees weren departid of þeſe
naþeles þe firſte day and þe þridde weren not hool ſones of Noe, ech man bi his langage; " and wiþinne in
daies. In anoþer maner þis reule bifalliþ for ſmale partys þe ſame x. co. it is ſeid, "þeſe ben þe ſones of Cham, in
of tyme, þat ben noumbrid ſumtyme in ſcripture, and kynredis and langagis, " and aftirward it is ſeid in xj. co.
ſumtyme ben left out, and bi þis þe ſcripture þat ſpekiþ , "þe lond was of oo langage and of þe ſame wordis; "
of ſum noumbre of ȝeris, in manye placis, ſettiþ wherof it is opin, þat þis þat is bifore ſeid of þe
ſumtyme moo ȝeris, rekenynge þe foreſeid ſmale partys, departyng of langagis, is ſeid bi anticipacoun; in lyk
in anoþer place it ſettiþ fewere ȝeeris, in leuyng out þe maner in ij. co. of Geneſis, aftir þat Moiſes in j. co.
ſmale partys. In iij. maner þis reule bifalliþ, for þat þe hadde diſcriued þe creacoun, eiþer making of nouȝt of
rekenyng of ȝeeris bigynneþ in oo place at þe formere heuene and of erþe, and þe departing and ournyng of þe
terme, and in anoþer place at þe latter teerme, as in xv. world, he ſeide, "þeſe ben þe generacouns of heuene
co. of Geneſis, it was ſaid to Abraham, þat his ſeed ſchal and of erþe, in þe day in whiche þo weren mad; "
be a pilgrym bi iiij. c. ȝeer, and in xij. co. of Exodi it is wherof it is opin þat þis is ſeid bi recapitulacoun, eiþer
ſeid of þis pilgrimage, þat þe dwelling of þe ſones of reherſing of þing don bifore. Þe vij. reule is of þe deuil
Iſrael in þe lond of Egipt was of iiij. c. ȝeer and xxx. , and of his body, for as Gregori ſeiþ in þe x. Omelie,
for þe rekenyng of þis more noumbre bigynneþ at þe "Certys þe deuil is heed of alle wickid men, and alle
tyme, in which it was ſeid to Abraham in xij. co. of wickide men ben membris of þis heed, " and þerfore for

þe knytting togidere of þe heed to þe membris, þe perſones of diuerſe ſtatis. In þe firſt poynt, alle men
ſcripture þat ſpekiþ of oon, paſſiþ in þe ſame knytting moten do, as it ſeiþ; in þe ij. tyme, þe perſoones of
togidere of reſoun to ſpeke of þe toþer, as in xiiij. co. of ſtaatis ſpecified moten nedis obeye; whanne ſcripture
Iſaie, where þe ſcripture ſpekiþ of þe king of Babilone, ſpekeþ oonly bi counceil, men moun be ſauid, þouȝ þei
þat was a membre of þe deuil, it paſſiþ to ſpeke of þe do not þe counceil, as ful many men and wymmen
prince of fendis, whanne it is ſeid þere, "Lucifer, þat moun be ſauid, þouȝ þei take not virginite, neiþer
ryſidiſt eerly, hou feldiſt þou doun fro heuene; " and in contynence, neiþer ȝeuen alle her goodis to pore men,
þe xxviij. c. of Ezechiel, where þe ſcripture ſpekiþ of þe and ȝit þeſe ben heere counceils of Jheſu Criſt in þe
prince of Tire, it paſſiþ to ſpeke of þe deuil, whanne it is goſpel.
addid, "þou, a ſingnet, eiþer a prente, of þe licneſſe of
God, were ful of wiſdom, and parfit in fairneſſe, in þe CAP. XV.
delices of paradys of God. " Lyre ſeiþ al þis in þe ij. For as myche as Criſt ſeiþ þat þe goſpel ſhal be prechid
prologe of Geneſis. Heere Lire reherſiþ þe ſentence of in al þe world, and Dauiþ ſeiþ of þe poſtlis and her
ſeint Auſtyn, and of Iſidre in þeſe reulis, and declariþ preching, "þe ſoun of hem ȝede out into ech lond, and
hem opinly bi holy ſcripture and reſoun, and countriþ þe wordis of hem ȝeden out into þe endis of þe world, "
not Auſtin, but declareþ him ful mychel to ſymple and eft Dauiþ ſeiþ, "þe Lord ſchal telle in þe ſcripturis
mennis witt; and addiþ more bi ſcripture and reſoun, þat of puplis, and of þeſe princis þat weren in it, " þat is, in
Auſtin touchiþ not. Þouȝ þeſe reulis eiþer keies of holi chirche, and as Jerom ſeiþ on þat vers, "hooly writ
ſcripture bringen men to greet vndirſtonding þerof, ȝit is þe ſcripture of puplis, for it is maad, þat alle puples
men moten taken heede, what is ſeid of Criſt bi his ſchulden knowe it, " and þe princis of þe chirche, þat
godheed, and what bi his manheed, for Criſt bi his weren þerinne, ben þe poſtlis, þat hadden autorite to
manheed, is ſeid leſſe þan þe fadir, and bi þe godheed he writen hooly writ, for bi þat ſame þat þe poſtlis writiden
is ſeid euene wiþ þe fadir; and for as myche as Criſt is her ſcripturis bi autorite, and confermynge of þe Hooly
boþe God and man, we graunten þat God is deedly, and Gooſt, it is hooly ſcripture, and feiþ of criſten men, and
diȝede on þe croſſe, not bi his godheed, but bi þe þis dignite haþ noo man aftir hem, be he neuere ſo
manheed of Criſt, þat was ioyned in oonhed of perſone hooly, neuer ſo kunnynge, as Jerom witneſſiþ on þat
wiþ þe godheed, and we graunte, as þe goſpel doiþ, þat vers. Alſo Criſt ſeiþ of þe Jewis þat crieden Oſanna to
man, while he was deedly on erþe, was in heuene, for him in þe temple, þat þouȝ þei weren ſtille ſtoonis
his godheed was þere, and he alſo bi reſoun þerof. Alſo ſchulen crie, and bi ſtoonis he vndirſtondiþ heþen men,
we moun graunte wel, þat a man made heuene and erþe, þat worſhipiden ſtoonis for her goddis. And we
for Criſt bi his godheed, which Criſt is and was man, Engliſche men ben comen of heþen men, þerfore we
dide þus. Alſo hooly ſcripture telliþ ofte þe þouȝtis of ben vndirſtonden bi þes ſtonis, þat ſchulden crie hooly
men, and ofte þe wordis and deedis; and whanne þe writ, and as Jewis, interpretid knowlechinge, ſingnefien
þouȝtis, and wordis, and deedis of men ben contrarie, clerkis, þat ſchulden knouleche to God, bi repentaunce
oo goſpeller telliþ þe þouȝtis, and anoþer telliþ þe of ſynnes, and bi vois of Goddis heriyng, ſo oure lewide
wrdis; and bi þis equiuocacoun, eiþer diuerſe ſpeking, men, ſuynge þe corner ſton Criſt, mowen be ſingnefied
þei ben acordid, ȝhe, whanne þei ſeemen contrarie in bi ſtonis, þat ben harde and abydinge in þe foundement;
wordis; alſo ofte in ſtorial mateer ſcripture reherſiþ þe for þouȝ couetouſe clerkis ben woode by ſimonie,
comune opynyoun of men, and affirmeþ not, þat it was ereſie, and manye oþere ſynnes, and diſpiſen and
ſo in dede. In þis maner þe goſpel ſeiþ, þat Joſeph was ſtoppen holi writ, as myche as þei moun, ȝit þe lewid
þe fadir of Criſt, þouȝ he neuere gendride Criſt; for puple crieþ aftir holi writ, to kunne it, and kepe it, wiþ
Marie, Criſtis modir, was euere clene virgyne. Þus þe greet coſt and peril of here lif. For þeſe reſons and
goſpel ſeiþ, þat at þe biheeding of Joon Baptiſt, Eroude oþere, wiþ comune charite to ſaue alle men in oure
was ſoory, and ȝit, as doctouris ſeyn, he was ful glad rewme, whiche God wole haue ſauid, a ſymple creature
þerof; but he feynede him ſory for þe puple, and þe haþ tranſlatid þe bible out of Latyn into Engliſh. Firſt,
puple geſſid him ſory. Alſo þouȝ ſcripture reherſiþ, hou þis ſymple creature hadde myche trauaile, wiþ diuerſe
hooly men lyueden, and comendiþ hem greetly, it felawis and helperis, to gedere manie elde biblis, and
appreueþ not alle hire deedis, for many greete ſeyntis oþere doctouris, and comune gloſis, and to make oo
erriden foule in manye poyntis; and þouȝ ſcripture telliþ Latyn bible ſumdel trewe; and þanne to ſtudie it of þe
þe ſtories of yuel men and dampned, it repreuiþ not newe, þe text wiþ þe gloſe, and oþere doctouris, as he
herfore alle þingis whiche þei diden, for þouȝ þei weren miȝte gete, and ſpeciali Lire on þe elde teſtament, þat
hemſilf ful curſid, þei diden many goode deedis of helpide ful myche in þis werk; þe þridde tyme to
kynde, and ſumtyme perauenture goode dedis of vertu, counſeile wiþ elde gramariens, and elde dyuynis, of
if þei weren in grace for a tyme. At þe laſte take ȝe good harde wordis, and harde ſentencis, hou þo miȝten beſt
heede, whanne ſcripture ſpekiþ bi comaundement to all be vndurſtonden and tranſlatid; þe iiij. tyme to tranſlate
men, and whanne it ȝeueþ comaundement to certeyn as cleerli as he coude to þe ſentence, and to haue manie

gode felawis and kunnynge at þe correcting of þe Sauter bi þe laſte tranſlacioun of Jerom out of Ebru into
tranſlacioun. Firſt it is to knowe, þat þe beſt tranſlating Latyn, but anoþer tranſlacioun of oþere men, þat hadden
is out of Latyn into Engliſh, to tranſlate aftir þe myche laſſe kunnyng and holyneſſe þan Jerom hadde;
ſentence, and not oneli aftir þe wordis, ſo þat þe and in ful fewe bokis þe chirche rediþ þe tranſlacioun of
ſentence be as opin, eiþer openere, in Engliſh as in Jerom, as it mai be preuid bi þe propre origynals of
Latyn, and go not fer fro þe lettre; and if þe lettre mai Jerom, whiche he gloſide. And where I haue tranſlatid
not be ſuid in þe tranſlating, let þe ſentence euere be as opinli or opinliere in Engliſh as in Latyn, late wiſe
hool and open, for þe wordis owen to ſerue to þe entent men deme, þat knowen wel boþe langagis, and knowen
and ſentence, and ellis þe wordis ben ſuperflu eiþer wel þe ſentence of holi ſcripture. And wher I haue do
falſe. In tranſlating into Engliſh, manie reſolucions þus, or nay, ne doute, þei þat kunne wel þe ſentence of
moun make þe ſentence open, as an ablatif caſe abſolute holi writ and Engliſh togidere, and wolen trauaile, wiþ
may be reſoluid into þeſe þre wordis, wiþ couenable Goddis grace, þeraboute, moun make þe bible as trewe
verbe, þe while, for, if, as gramariens ſeyn; as þus, þe and as opin, ȝea, and opinliere in Engliſh þan it is in
maiſtir redinge, I ſtonde, mai be reſoluid þus, while þe Latyn. And no doute to a ſymple man, wiþ Goddis grace
maiſtir rediþ, I ſtonde, eiþer if þe maiſtir rediþ, etc. eiþer and greet trauail, men miȝten expoune myche openliere
for þe maiſtir, etc. ; and ſumtyme it wolde acorde wel and ſhortliere þe bible in Engliſh, þan þe elde greete
wiþ þe ſentence to be reſoluid into whanne, eiþer into doctouris han expounid it in Latyn, and myche
aftirward, þus, whanne þe maiſtir red, I ſtood, `eiþer ſharpliere and groundliere þan manie late poſtillatouris,
aftir þe maiſtir red, I ſtood; and ſumtyme it mai wel be eiþir expoſitouris, han don. But God, of his grete merci,
reſoluid into a verbe of þe ſame tens, as oþere ben in þe ȝeue to vs grace to lyue wel, and to ſeie þe truþe in
ſame reſoun, and into þis word et, þat is, and in Engliſh, couenable manere, and acceptable to God and his puple,
as þus, areſcentibus hominibus præ timore, þat is, and and to ſpille not oure tyme, be it ſhort be it long at
men ſhulen wexe drie for drede. Alſo a participle of a Goddis ordynaunce. But ſumme, þat ſemen wiſe and
preſent tens, eiþer preterit, of actif vois, eiþir paſſif, mai holi, ſeyn þus, if men now weren as holi as Jerom was,
be reſoluid into a verbe of þe ſame tens, and a þei miȝten tranſlate out of Latyn into Engliſh, as he dide
coniunccioun copulatif, as þus, dicens, þat is, ſeiynge, out of Ebru and out of Greek into Latyn, and ellis þei
mai be reſoluid þus, and ſeiþ, eiþir þat ſeiþ; and þis ſhulden not tranſlate now, as hem þinkiþ, for defaute of
wole, in manie placis, make þe ſentence open, where to holyneſſe and of kunnyng. Þouȝ þis replicacioun ſeme
Engliſſhe it aftir þe word, wolde be derk and douteful. colourable, it haþ no good ground, neiþer reſoun, neiþir
Alſo a relatif, which mai be reſoluid into his antecedent charite, for whi þis replicacioun is more aȝens ſeynt
wiþ a coniunccioun copulatif, as þus, which renneþ, and Jerom, and aȝens þe firſte lxx. tranſlatouris, and aȝens
he renneþ. Alſo whanne oo word is oonis ſet in a holi chirche, þan aȝens ſymple men, þat tranſlaten now
reeſoun, it mai be ſet forþ as ofte as it is vndurſtonden, into Engliſh; for ſeynt Jerom was not ſo holi as þe
eiþer as ofte as reeſoun and nede axen; and þis word apoſtlis and euangeliſtis, whos bokis he tranſlatide into
autem, eiþer vero, mai ſtonde for forſoþe, eiþer for but, Latyn, neiþer he hadde ſo hiȝe ȝiftis of þe Holi Goſt as
and þus I vſe comounli; aud ſumtyme it mai ſtonde for þei hadden; and myche more þe lxx. tranſlatouris weren
and, as elde gramariens ſeyn. Alſo whanne riȝtful not ſo holi as Moiſes and þe profetis, and ſpeciali Dauiþ,
conſtruccioun is lettid bi relacion, I reſolue it openli, neiþer þei hadden ſo greete ȝiftis of God, as Moiſes and
þus, where þis reeſoun, Dominum formidabunt þe prophetis hadden. Ferþermore holi chirche appreueþ,
adverſarij ejus, ſhulde be Engliſſhid þus bi þe lettre, þe not oneli þe trewe tranſlacioun of meene criſtene men,
Lord hiſe aduerſaries ſhulen drede, I Engliſhe it þus bi ſtidefaſt in criſtene feiþ, but alſo of open eretikis, þat
reſolucioun, þe aduerſaries of þe Lord ſhulen drede him; diden awei manie myſteries of Jheſu Criſt bi gileful
and ſo of oþere reſons þat ben like. At þe bigynnyng I tranſlacioun, as Jerom witneſſiþ in oo prolog on Job,
purpoſide, wiþ Goddis helpe, to make þe ſentence as and in þe prolog of Daniel. Myche more late þe chirche
trewe and open in Engliſh as it is in Latyn, eiþer more of Engelond appreue þe trewe and hool tranſlacioun of
trewe and more open þan it is in Latyn; and I preie, for ſymple men, þat wolden for no good in erþe, bi here
charite and for comoun profyt of criſtene ſoulis, þat if witing and power, putte awei þe leſte truþe, ȝea, þe leſte
ony wiys man fynde ony defaute of þe truþe of lettre, eiþer title, of holi writ, þat beriþ ſubſtaunce, eiþer
tranſlacioun, let him ſette in þe trewe ſentence and opin charge. And diſpute þei not of þe holyneſſe of men now
of holi writ, but loke þat he examyne truli his Latyn lyuynge in þis deadli lif, for þei kunnen not þeron, and
bible, for no doute he ſhal fynde ful manye `biblis in it is reſeruid oneli to Goddis doom. If þei knowen ony
Latyn ful falſe, if he loke manie, nameli newe; and þe notable defaute bi þe tranſlatouris, eiþer helpis of hem,
comune Latyn biblis han more nede to be correctid, as lete hem blame þe defaute bi charite and merci, and lete
manie as I haue ſeen in my lif, þan haþ þe Engliſh bible hem neuere dampne a þing þat mai be don lefulli bi
late tranſlatid; and where þe Ebru, bi witneſſe of Jerom, Goddis lawe, as weeryng of a good cloþ for a tyme,
of Lire, and oþere expoſitouris diſcordiþ fro oure Latyn eiþer riding on an hors for a greet iourney, whanne þei
biblis, I haue ſet in þe margyn, bi maner of a gloſe, what

witen not wherfore it is don; for ſuche þingis moun be puple to haue, and kunne, and kepe truli holi writ, to lijf
don of ſymple men, wiþ as greet charite and vertu, as and deþ! But in tranſlating of wordis equiuok, þat is, þat
ſumme, þat holden hem greete and wiſe, kunnen ride in haþ manie ſignificacions vndur oo lettre, mai liȝtli be
a gilt ſadil, eiþer vſe cuyſſyns and beddis and cloþis of pereil, for Auſtyn ſeiþ in þe ij. book of Criſtene Teching,
gold and of ſilk, wiþ oþere vanitees of þe world. God þat if equiuok wordis be not tranſlatid into þe ſenſe,
graunte pite, merci, and charite, and loue of comoun eiþer vndurſtonding, of þe autour, it is errour; as in þat
profyt, and putte awei ſuch foli domis, þat ben aȝens place of þe Salme, þe feet of hem ben ſwifte to ſhede
reſoun and charite. Ȝit worldli clerkis axen gretli what out blood, þe Greek word is equiuok to ſharp and ſwift,
ſpiryt makiþ idiotis hardi to tranſlate now þe bible into and he þat tranſlatide ſharpe feet, `erride, and a book þat
Engliſh, ſiþen þe foure greete doctouris durſten neuere haþ ſharpe feet, is fals, and mut be amendid; as þat
do þis? Þis replicacioun is ſo lewid, þat it nediþ noon ſentence vnkynde ȝonge trees ſhulen not ȝeue depe
anſwer, no but `ſtillneſſe, eiþir curteys ſcorn; for þeſe rootis, owiþ to be þus, plauntingis of auoutrie ſhulen not
greete doctouris weren noon Engliſh men, neiþer þei ȝeue depe rootis. Auſtyn ſeiþ þis þere. Þerfore a
weren conuerſaunt among Engliſh men, neiþir in caas tranſlatour haþ greet nede to ſtudie wel þe ſentence, boþ
þei kouden þe langage of Engliſh, but þei ceeſſiden bifore and aftir, and loke þat ſuche equiuok wordis
neuere til þei hadden holi writ in here modir tunge, of acorde wiþ þe ſentence, and he haþ nede to lyue a clene
here owne puple. For Jerom, þat was a Latyn man of lif, and be ful deuout in preiers, and haue not his wit
birþe, tranſlatide þe bible, boþe out of Ebru and out of ocupied about worldli þingis, þat þe Holi Spiryt, autour
Greek, into Latyn, and expounide ful myche þerto; and of wiſdom, and kunnyng, and truþe, dreſſe him in his
Auſtyn, and manie mo Latyns expouniden þe bible, for werk, and ſuffre him not for to erre. Alſo þis word ex
manie partis, in Latyn, to Latyn men, among whiche þei ſignifieþ ſumtyme of, and ſumtyme it ſignifieþ bi, as
dwelliden, and Latyn was a comoun langage to here Jerom ſeiþ; and þis word enim ſignifieþ comynli
puple aboute Rome, and biȝondis, and on þis half, as forſoþe, and, as Jerom ſeiþ, it ſignifieþ cauſe þus,
Engliſhe is comoun langage to oure puple, and ȝit þis forwhi; and þis word ſecundum is taken for aftir, as
day þe comoun puple in Italie ſpekiþ Latyn corrupt, as manie men ſeyn, and comynli, but it ſignifieþ wel bi,
trewe men ſeyn, þat han ben in Italie; and þe noumbre eiþir vp, þus bi ȝoure word, eiþer vp ȝoure word. Manie
of tranſlatouris out of Greek into Latyn paſſiþ mannis ſuch aduerbis, coniuncciouns, and prepoſiciouns ben ſet
knowing, as Auſtyn witneſſiþ in þe ij. book of Criſtene ofte oon for anoþer, and at fre chois of autouris
Teching, and ſeiþ þus, "þe tranſlatouris out of Ebru into ſumtyme; and now þo ſhulen be taken as it acordiþ beſt
Greek moun be noumbrid, but Latyn tranſlatouris, eiþer to þe ſentence. Bi þis maner, wiþ good lyuyng and greet
þei þat tranſlatiden into Latyn, moun not be noumbrid trauel, men moun come to trewe and cleer tranſlating,
in ony manere. " For in þe firſte tymes of feiþ, ech man, and trewe vndurſtonding of holi writ, ſeme it neuere ſo
as a Greek book came to him, and he ſemyde to him ſilf hard at þe bigynnyng. God graunte to us alle grace to
to haue ſum kunnyng of Greek and of Latyn, was hardi kunne wel, and kepe wel holi writ, and ſuffre ioiefulli
to tranſlate; and þis þing helpide more þan lettide ſum peyne for it at þe laſte!
vndurſtonding, if rederis ben not necligent, forwhi þe
biholding of manie bokis haþ ſhewid ofte, eiþir Amen.
declarid, ſumme `derkere ſentencis. Þis ſeiþ Auſtyn
þere. Þerfore Groſted ſeiþ, þat it was Goddis wille, þat
diuerſe men tranſlatiden, and þat diuerſe tranſlacions be
in þe chirche, for where oon ſeide derkli, oon eiþer mo
ſeiden openli. Lord God! ſiþen at þe bigynnyng of feiþ
ſo manie men tranſlatiden into Latyn, and to greet
profyt of Latyn men, lat oo ſymple creature of God
tranſlate into Engliſh, for profyt of Engliſh men; for if
worldli clerkis loken wel here croniclis and bokis, þei
ſhulden fynde, þat Bede tranſlatide þe bible, and
expounide myche in Saxon, þat was Engliſh, eiþer
comoun langage of þis lond, in his tyme; and not oneli
Bede, but alſo king Alured, þat foundide Oxenford,
tranſlatide in hiſe laſte daies þe bigynning of þe Sauter
into Saxon, and wolde more, if he hadde lyued lengere.
Alſo Frenſhe men, Beemers, and Britons han þe bible,
and oþere bokis of deuocioun and of expoſicioun,
tranſlatid in here modir langage; whi ſhulden not
Engliſh men haue þe ſame in here modir langage, I can
not wite, no but for falſneſſe and necgligence of clerkis,

xx Alſo God ſeide, Þe watris brynge forþ a `crepynge
GENESIS beeſte of lyuynge ſoule, and a brid fleynge aboue erþe
Here bigynneþ Geneſis. vndur þe firmament of heuene.
xxi And God made of nouȝt grete whallis, and ech
CAP. I lyuynge ſoule and mouable, whiche þe watris han
i In þe bigynnyng God made of nouȝt heuene and erþe. brouȝt forþ in to her kyndis; and God made of nouȝt ech
ii Forſoþe þe erþe was idel and voide, and derkneſſis volatile bi his kynde. And God ſeiȝ þat it was good;
xxii and bleſſide hem, and ſeide, Wexe ȝe, and be ȝe
weren on þe face of depþe; and þe Spiryt of þe Lord
was borun on þe watris. multiplied, and fille ȝe þe watris of þe ſee, and briddis
iii And God ſeide, Liȝt be maad, and lyȝt was maad. be multiplied on erþe.
iiii And God ſeiȝ þe lyȝt, þat it was good, and he xxiii And þe euentid and þe morwetid was maad, þe

departide þe lyȝt fro derkneſſis; and he clepide þe lyȝt, fyueþe dai.

v dai, and þe derkneſſis, nyȝt. And þe euentid and xxiiii And God ſeide, Þe erþe brynge forþ a lyuynge ſoul

morwetid was maad, o daie. in his kynde, werk beeſtis, and `crepynge beeſtis, and
vi And God ſeide, Þe firmament be maad in þe myddis vnreſonable beeſtis of erþe, bi her kyndis; and it was
of watris, and departe watris fro watris. don ſo.
xxv And God made vnreſonable beeſtis of erþe bi her
vii And God made þe firmament, and departide þe
watris þat weren vndur þe firmament fro þeſe watris þat kyndes, and werk beeſtis, `and ech crepynge beeſte of
weren on þe firmament; and it was don ſo. erþe in his kynde. And God ſeiȝ þat it was good; and
viii And God clepide þe firmament, heuene. And þe ſeide,
xxvi Make we man to oure ymage and likneſſe, and be
euentid and morwetid was maad, þe ſecounde dai.
ix Forſoþe God ſeide, Þe watris, þat ben vndur heuene, he ſouereyn to þe fiſchis of þe ſee, and to þe volatilis of
heuene, and to vnreſonable beeſtis of erþe, and to ech
be gaderid in to o place, and a drie place appere; and it
creature, and to ech `crepynge beeſt, which is moued in
was doon ſo.
x And God clepide þe drie place, erþe; and he clepide erþe.
xxvii And God made of nouȝt a man to his ymage and
þe gadryngis togidere of watris, þe ſees. And God ſeiȝ
likneſſe; God made of nouȝt a man, to þe ymage of
þat it was good;
xi and ſeide, Þe erþe brynge forþ greene eerbe and God; God made of nouȝt hem, male and female.
xxviii And God bleſſide hem, and ſeide, Encreeſſe ȝe, and
makynge ſeed, and appil tre makynge fruyt bi his
be ȝe multiplied, and fille ȝe þe erþe, and make ȝe it
kynde, whos ſeed be in it ſilf on erþe; and it was doon
ſuget, and be ȝe lordis to fiſchis of þe ſee, and to
xii And þe erþe brouȝte forþ greene erbe and makynge volatilis of heuene, and to alle lyuynge beeſtis þat ben
moued on erþe.
ſeed bi his kynde, and a tre makynge fruyt, and ech xxix And God ſeide, Lo! Y haue ȝoue to ȝou ech eerbe
hauynge ſeed by his kynde. And God ſeiȝ þat it was
berynge ſeed on erþe, and alle trees þat han in hem ſilf
xiii And þe euentid and morwetid was maad, þe þridde þe ſeed of her kynde, þat þo be in to mete to ȝou;
xxx and to alle lyuynge beeſtis of erþe, and to ech brid
xiiii Forſoþe God ſeide, Liȝtis be maad in þe firmament of heuene, and to alle þingis þat ben moued in erþe, and
in whiche is a lyuynge ſoule, þat þo haue to ete; and it
of heuene, and departe þo þe dai and niȝt; and be þo in was doon ſo.
to ſignes, and tymes, and daies, and ȝeeris; xxxi And God ſeiȝ alle þingis whiche he made, and þo
xv and ſhyne þo in þe firmament of heuene, and liȝtne
weren ful goode. And þe euentid and morwetid was
þo þe erþe; and it was doon ſo. maad, þe ſixte day.
xvi And God made twei grete liȝtis, þe gretter lyȝt þat it
ſchulde be bifore to þe dai, and þe leſſe lyȝt þat it CAP. II
ſchulde be bifore to þe niȝt; i Þerfor heuenes and erþe ben maad perfit, and al þe
xvii and God made ſterris; and ſettide þo in þe firmament
ournement of þo.
of heuene, þat þo ſchulden ſchyne on erþe, ii And God fillide in þe ſeuenþe dai his werk which he
xviii and þat þo ſchulden be bifore to þe dai and nyȝt,
made; and he reſtide in þe ſeuenþe dai fro al his werk
and ſchulden departe lyȝt and derkneſſe. And God ſeiȝ which he hadde maad;
þat it was good. iii and he bleſſide þe ſeuenþe dai, and halewide it; for in
xix And þe euentid and þe morwetid was maad, þe
þat dai God ceeſſide of al his werk which he made of
fourþe dai. nouȝt, þat he ſchulde make.

iiii Þeſe ben þe generaciouns of heuene and of erþe, in xxii And þe Lord God bildide þe rib which he hadde
þe day wherynne þe Lord God made heuene and erþe, take fro Adam in to a womman, and brouȝte hir to
v and ech litil tre of erþe bifore þat it ſprong out in erþe; Adam.
and he made ech erbe of þe feeld bifore þat it xxiii And Adam ſeide, Þis is now a boon of my boonys,
buriownede. For þe Lord God had not reyned on erþe, and fleiſch of my fleiſch; þis ſchal be clepid virago, `for
and no man was þat wrouȝte erþe; ſhe is takun of man.
vi but a welle ſtiede out of þe erþe, and moiſtide al þe xxiiii Wherfor a man ſchal forſake fadir and modir, and
hiȝere part of erþe. ſchal cleue to his wijf, and þei ſchulen be tweyne in o
vii Þerfor þe Lord God formede man of þe ſliym of erþe, fleiſch.
and breþide in to his face þe breþing of lijf; and man xxv Forſoþe euer eiþir was nakid, þat is, Adam and his
was maad in to a lyuynge ſoule. wijf, and þei weren not aſchamed.
viii Forſoþe þe Lord God plauntide at þe bigynnyng
paradis of likyng, wherynne he ſettide man whom he CAP. III
hadde formed. i But and þe ſerpent was feller þan alle lyuynge beeſtis
ix And þe Lord God brouȝte forþ of þe erþe ech tre fair of erþe, whiche þe Lord God hadde maad. Which
in ſiȝt, and ſwete to ete; alſo he brouȝte forþ þe tre of lijf ſerpent ſeide to þe womman, Why comaundide God to
in þe middis of paradis, and þe tre of kunnyng of good ȝou, þat ȝe ſchulden not ete of ech tre of paradis?
and of yuel. ii To whom þe womman anſwerde, We eten of þe fruyt
x And a ryuer ȝede out fro þe place of likyng to moyſte of trees þat ben in paradis;
paradis, which ryuer is departid fro þennus in to foure iii ſoþely God commaundide to vs, þat we ſchulden not
heedis. eate of þe fruyt of þe tre, which is in þe myddis of
xi Þe name of þe o ryuer is Fyſon, þilke it is þat paradijs, and þat we ſchulden not touche it, leſt
cumpaſſiþ al þe lond of Euilath, where gold comeþ forþ, perauenture we dien.
xii and þe gold of þat lond is þe beſte, and þere is iiii Forſoþe þe ſerpent ſeide to þe womman, ȝe ſchulen

foundun delium, þat is, a tree of ſpicerie, and þe ſtoon not die bi deeþ;
onychyn; v for whi God woot þat in what euere dai ȝe ſchulen ete
xiii and þe name to þe ſecounde ryuer is Gyon, þilke it is þerof, ȝoure iȝen ſchulen be opened, and ȝe ſchulen be
þat cumpaſſiþ al þe loond of Ethiopie; as Goddis, knowynge good and yuel.
xiiii forſoþe þe name of þe þridde ryuer is Tigris, þilke vi Þerfore þe womman ſeiȝ þat þe tre was good, and

goiþ aȝens Aſſiriens; ſoþeli þe fourþe ryuer is þilke ſwete to ete, and fair to þe iȝen, and delitable in bi
Eufrates. holdyng; and ſche took of þe fruyt þerof, and eet, and
xv Þerfor þe Lord God took man, and ſettide hym in ȝaf to hir hoſebande, and he eet.
vii And þe iȝen of boþe weren openid; and whanne þei
paradis of likyng, þat he ſchulde worche and kepe it.
xvi And God comaundide to hym and ſeide, Ete þou of knowen þat þei weren nakid, þei ſewden þe leeues of a
ech tre of paradis; fige tre, and maden brechis to hem ſilf.
xvii forſoþe ete þou not of þe tre of kunnyng of good and viii And whanne þei herden þe vois of þe Lord God

of yuel; for in what euere dai þou ſchalt ete þerof, þou goynge in paradijs at þe wynd after myddai, Adam and
ſchalt die bi deeþ. his wijf hidden hem fro þe face of þe Lord God in þe
xviii And þe Lord God ſeide, It is not good þat a man be middis of þe tre of paradijs.
ix And þe Lord God clepide Adam, and ſeide to hym,
aloone, make we to hym an help lijk to hym ſilf.
xix Þerfor whanne alle lyuynge beeſtis of erþe, and alle Where art þou?
x And Adam ſeide, Y herde þi vois in paradijs, and Y
þe volatils of heuene weren formed of erþe, þe Lord
God brouȝte þo to Adam, þat he ſchulde ſe what he drede, for Y was nakid, and Y hidde me.
xi To whom þe Lord ſeide, Who forſoþe ſchewide to þee
ſchulde clepe þo; for al þing þat Adam clepide of
lyuynge ſoule, þilke is þe name þerof. þat þou were nakid, no but for þou haſt ete of þe tre of
xx And Adam clepide bi her names alle lyuynge þingis, which Y comaundide to þee þat þou ſchuldiſt not ete?
xii And Adam ſeide, Þe womman which þou ȝaueſt
and alle volatils, and alle vnreſonable beeſtis of erþe.
Forſoþe to Adam was not foundun an helpere lijk hym. felowe to me, ȝaf me of þe tre, and Y eet.
xxi Þerfore þe Lord God ſente ſleep in to Adam, and xiii And þe Lord ſeide to þe womman, Whi didiſt þou þis

whanne he ſlepte, God took oon of hiſe ribbis, and þing? Which anſwerde, Þe ſerpent diſſeyued me, and Y
fillide fleiſch for it. eet.
xiiii And þe Lord God ſeide to þe ſerpent, For þou didiſt
þis, þou ſchalt be curſid among alle lyuynge þingis and

vnreſonable beeſtis of erþe; þou ſchalt go on þi breſt, viii And Cayn ſeide to Abel his broþer, Go we out. And
and þou ſchalt ete erþe in alle daies of þi liif; whanne þei weren in þe feeld, Cayn roos aȝens his
xv Y ſchal ſette enemytees bitwixe þee and þe womman, broþer Abel, and killide him.
and bitwixe þi ſeed and hir ſeed; ſche ſchal breke þin ix And þe Lord ſeide to Cayn, Where is Abel þi broþer?
heed, and þou ſchalt ſette aſpies to hir heele. Which anſwerde, Y woot not; wheþer Y am þe kepere
xvi Alſo God ſeide to þe womman, Y ſchal multiplie þi of my broþir?
wretchidneſſis and þi conſeyuyngis; in ſorewe þou ſchalt x And God ſeide to Cayn, What haſt þou do? þe vois of
bere þi children; and þou ſchalt be vndur power of þe þe blood of þi broþer crieþ to me fro erþe.
hoſebonde, and he ſchal be lord of þee. xi Now þerfor þou ſchalt be curſid on erþe, þat openyde
xvii Soþely God ſeyde to Adam, For þou herdiſt þe voys
his mouþ, and reſſeyuede of þin hond þe blood of þi
of þi wijf, and haſt ete of þe tree, of which Y broþir.
comaundide to þee þat þou ſchuldiſt not ete, þe erþe xii Whanne þou ſchalt worche þe erþe, it ſchal not ȝyue
ſchal be curſid in þi werk; in traueylis þou ſchalt ete his fruytis to þee; þou ſchalt be vnſtable of dwellyng
þerof in alle daies of þi lijf; and fleynge aboute on erþe in alle þe daies of þi lijf.
xviii it ſchal brynge forþ þornes and breris to þee, and xiii And Cayn ſeide to þe Lord, My wickidneſſe is more
þou ſchalt ete eerbis of þe erþe; þan þat Y diſſerue forȝyueneſſe; lo!
xix in ſwoot of þi cheer þou ſchalt ete þi breed, til þou xiiii to dai þou caſtiſt me out fro þe face of þe erþe; and
turne aȝen in to þe erþe of which þou art takun; for þou Y ſchal be hid fro þi face, and Y ſchal be vnſtable of
art duſt, and þou ſchalt turne aȝen in to duſt. dwellyng and fleynge aboute in erþe; þerfore ech man
xx And Adam clepide þe name of his wijf Eue, for ſche
þat ſchal fynde me ſchal ſlee me.
was þe moder of alle men lyuynge. And þe Lord God xv And þe Lord ſeide to hym, It ſchal not be don ſo, but
made cootis of ſkynnys to Adam and Eue his wijf, and ech man þat ſchal ſlee Cayn ſhal be punyſchid
cloþide hem; and ſeide, Lo! ſeuenfold. And þe Lord ſettide a ſigne in Cayn, þat ech
xxii Adam is maad as oon of vs, and knowiþ good and
man þat ſchulde fynde hym ſchulde not ſlee hym.
yuel; now þerfore ſe ȝe, leſt perauenture he putte his xvi And Cayn ȝede out fro þe face of þe Lord, and
hond, and take of þe tre of lijf, and ete, and lyue wiþ dwellide fleynge aboute in erþe, at þe eeſt cooſt of
outen ende. Eden.
xxiii And þe Lord God ſente hym out of paradijs of xvii Forſoþe Cayn knewe his wiif, which conſeyuede,
likyng, þat he ſchulde worche þe erþe, of which he was and childide Enoth; and Cayn bildide a citee, and
takun. clepide þe name þerof of þe name of hiſe ſone Enoth.
xxiiii And God caſtide out Adam, and ſettide bifore xviii Forſoþe Enoth gendride Irad, and Irad gendride
paradis of lykyng cherubyn, and a ſwerd of flawme and Manyael, and Manyael gendride Matuſael, and Matuſael
turnynge aboute to kepe þe weie of þe tre of lijf. gendride Lameth;
xix þat took twei wyues, þe name to o wijf was Ada, and
CAP. IIII þe name to þe toþer was Sella.
i Forſoþe Adam knewe Eue his wijf, which conſeyuede,
xx And Ada gendride Jabel, þat was þe fadir of dwellers
and childide Cayn, and ſeide, Y haue gete a man bi in tentis and of ſhepherdis;
God. xxi and þe name of his broþer was Tubal, he was þe
ii And efte ſche childide his broþer Abel. Forſoþe Abel
fadir of ſyngeris in harpe and orgun.
was a kepere of ſcheep, and Cayn was an erþe tilyere. xxii And Sella gendride Tubalcayn, þat was an
iii Soþeli it was don after many daies, þat Cayn offride
hamerbetere, and ſmyȝt on alle werkis of bras and of
ȝiftis to þe Lord of þe fruytis of erþe; yrun; forſoþe þe ſiſtir of Tubalcayn was Neoma.
iiii and Abel offride of þe firſt gendrid of his floc, and of
xxiii And Lameth ſeide to his wyues Ada and Sella, Ȝe
þe fatneſſe of þo. And þe Lord bihelde to Abel and to þe wyues of Lameth, here my vois, and herkne my word;
ȝiftis of hym; for Y haue ſlayn a man bi my wounde, and a ȝong
v ſoþeli he bihelde not to Cayn and to hiſe ȝiftis. And
wexynge man bi my `violent betyng;
Cayn was wrooþ greetli, and his cheer felde doun. xxiiii veniaunce ſchal be ȝouun ſeuenfold of Cayn,
vi And þe Lord ſeide to hym, Whi art þou wrooþ, and
forſoþe of Lameth ſeuentiſiþis ſeuenſiþis.
whi felde doun þi face? xxv Alſo ȝit Adam knewe his wijf, and ſche childide a
vii Wheþer not if þou ſchalt do wel, þou ſchalt reſſeyue;
ſone, and clepide his name Seth, and ſeide, God haþ put
but if þou doiſt yuele, þi ſynne ſchal be preſent anoon in to me anoþer ſeed for Abel, whom Cayn killide.
þe ȝatis? but þe deſir þerof ſchal be vndur þee, and þou
ſchalt be lord þerof.

xxvi Butalſo a ſone was borun to Seth, which ſone he xxii And Enoth ȝede wiþ God; and Enoth lyuede after
clepide Enos; þis Enos bigan to clepe inwardli þe name þat he gendride Matuſalem þre hundrid ȝeer, and
of þe Lord. gendride ſones and douȝtris.
xxiii And alle þe daies of Enoth weren maad þre
CAP. V hundride and fyue and ſexti ȝeer.
i Þis is þe book of generacioun of Adam, in þe dai wher xxiiii And Enoth ȝeed wiþ God, and apperide not
ynne God made man of nouȝt. God made man to þe afterward, for God took hym awei.
ymage and licneſſe of God; xxv Alſo Matuſalem lyuede an hundrid and `fourſcoor
ii God formede hem male and female, and bleſſide hem,
ȝeer and ſeuene, and gendride Lameth.
and clepide þe name of hem Adam, in þe day in which xxvi And Matuſalem lyuede after þat he gendride
þei weren formed. Lameth ſeuene hundrid and `fourſcoor ȝeer and twei,
iii Forſoþe Adam lyuede an hundrid ȝeer and þretti, and
and gendride ſones and douȝtris.
gendride a ſone to his ymage and likneſſe, and clepide xxvii And alle þe daies of Matuſale weren maad nyn
his name Seth. hundrid and nyn and ſixti ȝeer, and he was deed.
iiii And þe daies of Adam after þat he gendride Seth xxviii Forſoþe Lameth lyuede an hundrid and `fourſcoor
weren maad eiȝte hundrid ȝeer, and he gendride ſones ȝeer and two, and gendride a ſone;
and douȝtris. xxix and clepide his name Noe, and ſeide, Þis man ſchal
v And al þe tyme in which Adam lyuede was maad nyne
comforte vs of þe werkis and traueilis of oure hondis, in
hundrid ȝeer and þretti, and he was deed. þe loond which þe Lord curſide.
vi Alſo Seth lyuede an hundrid and fyue ȝeer, and xxx And Lameth lyuede after þat he gendride Noe fyue
gendride Enos. hundrid `nynti and fyue ȝeer, and gendride ſones and
vii And Seth lyuede aftir þat he gendride Enos eiȝte
hundrid and ſeuen ȝeer, and gendride ſones and douȝtris. xxxi And alle þe daies of Lameth weren maad ſeuene
viii And alle þe daies of Seth weren maad nyne hundrid
hundrid `þre ſcoor and ſeuentene ȝeer, and he was deed.
and twelue ȝeer, and he was deed.
ix Forſoþe Enos lyuede nynti ȝeer, and gendride CAP. VI
Caynan; i Forſoþe Noe whanne he was of fyue hundrid ȝeer
x aftir whos birþe Enos lyuede eiȝte hundrid and fiftene gendride Sem, Cham, and Jafeth. And whanne men
ȝeer, and gendride ſones and douȝtris. bigunnen to be multiplied on erþe, and hadden gendrid
xi And alle þe daies of Enos weren maad nyne hundrid douȝtris,
and fyue ȝeer, and he was deed. ii þe ſones of God ſeiȝen þe douȝtris of men þat þei
xii Alſo Caynan lyuyde ſeuenti ȝeer, and gendride weren faire, and token wyues to hem of alle whiche þei
Malalehel. hadden choſe.
xiii And Caynan lyuede after þat he gendride Malalehel iii And God ſeide, My ſpirit ſchal not dwelle in man wiþ

eiȝte hundrid and fourti ȝeer, and gendride ſones and outen ende, for he is fleiſch; and þe daies of hym
douȝtris. ſchulen be an hundrid and twenti ȝeer.
xiiii And alle þe dayes of Caynan weren maad nyn iiii Soþeli giauntis weren on erþe in þo daies, forſoþe

hundrid and ten ȝeer, and he was deed. aftir þat þe ſones of God entriden to þe douȝtris of men,
xv Forſoþe Malalehel lyuede ſixti ȝeer and fyue, and and þo douȝtris gendriden; þeſe weren myȝti of þe
gendride Jared. world and famouſe men.
xvi And Malalehel lyuede aftir þat he gendride Jared v Soþeli God ſeiȝ þat myche malice of men was in erþe,

eiȝte hundrid and þretti ȝeer, and gendride ſones and and þat al þe þouȝt of herte was ententif to yuel in al
douȝtris. tyme,
xvii And alle þe daies of Malalehel weren maad eiȝte vi and repentide him þat he hadde maad man in erþe;

hundrid nynti and fyue ȝeer, and he was deed. and God was war bifore aȝens tyme to comyng, and
xviii And Jared lyuede an hundrid and two and ſixti ȝeer, was touchid wiþ ſorewe of herte wiþ ynne;
vii and ſeide, Y ſchal do awei man, whom Y made of
and gendride Enoth.
xix And Jared lyuede aftir þat he gendride Enoth eiȝte nouȝt, fro þe face of þe erþe, fro man til to lyuynge
hundrid ȝeer, and gendride ſones and douȝtris. þingis, fro crepynge beeſte til to þe briddis of heuene;
xx And alle þe dayes of Jared weren maad nyn hundrid for it repentiþ me þat Y made hem.
viii Forſoþe Noe foond grace bifore þe Lord.
and twei and ſexti ȝeer, and he was deed.
ix Þeſe ben þe generaciouns of Noe. Noe was a iuſt man
xxi Forſoþe Enoth lyuede fyue and ſixti ȝeer, and
gendride Matuſalem. and perfit in hiſe generaciouns; Noe ȝede wiþ God,

x and gendride þre ſones, Sem, Cam, and Jafeth. v Þerfor Noe dide alle þingis whiche þe Lord
xi Forſoþe þe erþe was corrupt bifore God, and was comaundide to hym.
fillid wiþ wickidnes. vi And he was of ſixe hundrid ȝeer, whanne þe watris of
xii And whanne God ſeiȝ, þat þe erþe was corrupt, for þe greet flood flowiden on erþe.
ech fleiſch eþer man hadde corrupt his weie on erþe, vii And Noe entride in to þe ſchip, and hiſe ſones, and
xiii he ſeide to Noe, Þe ende of al fleiſch is comen bifore hiſe wijf, and þe wyues of his ſones, entriden wiþ him
me; þe erþe is fillid wiþ wickidneſſe of þe face of hem, for þe watris of þe greet flood.
and Y ſchal diſtrye hem wiþ þe erþe. viii And of lyuynge beeſtis clene and vnclene, and of
xiiii Make þou to þee a ſchip of trees hewun and planed; briddis of heuene, and of ech beeſte which is moued on
þou ſchalt make dwellynge placis in þe ſchip, and þou erþe,
ſchalt anoynte it wiþ pitche wiþ ynne and wiþ outforþ. ix bi tweyne and bi tweyne, male and female entriden to
xv And ſo þou ſchalt make it. Þe lengþe of þe ſchip ſchal Noe in to þe ſchip, as þe Lord comaundide to Noe.
be of þre hundrid cubitis, þe brede ſchal be of fifti x And whanne ſeuene daies hadden paſſid, þe watris of
cubitis, and þe hiȝneſſe þerof ſchal be of þretti cubitis. þe greet flood flowiden on erþe.
xvi Þou ſchalt make a wyndow in þe ſchip, and þou xi In þe ſixe hundrid ȝeer of þe lijf of Noe, in þe ſecunde
ſchalt ende þe hiȝneſſe þerof in a cubite; ſoþeli þou moneþ, in þe ſeuentenþe dai of þe moneþ, alle þe wellis
ſchalt ſette þe dore of þe ſchip in þe ſide bineþe; þou of þe greet ſee weren brokun, and þe wyndowis of
ſhalt make ſoleris and placis of þre chaumbris in þe heuene weren opened,
ſchip. xii and reyn was maad on erþe fourti daies and fourti
xvii Lo! Y ſchal brynge `watris of diluuȝe eþer greet nyȝtis.
flood on erþe, and Y ſchal ſle ech fleiſch in which is þe xiii In þe ende of þat dai Noe entride, and Sem, Cham,
ſpirit of lijf vndir heuene, and alle þingis þat ben in and Japheth, hiſe ſones, his wijf, and þe wyues of hiſe
erþe, ſchulen be waſtid. ſones, entriden wiþ hem into þe ſchip.
xviii And Y ſchal ſette my couenaunt of pees wiþ þee; xiiii Þei entriden, and ech beeſte bi his kynde, and alle
and þou ſchalt entre in to þe ſchip, and þy ſones, and þi werk beeſtis in her kynde, and ech beeſte which is
wijf, and þe wiues of þi ſones ſchulen entre wiþ þee. moued on erþe in his kynde, and ech volatil bi his
xix And of alle lyuynge beeſtis of al fleiſch þou ſchalt kynde; alle briddis and alle volatils entriden to Noe in
brynge in to þe ſchip tweyne and tweyne, of male kynde to þe ſchip,
and female, þat þei lyue wiþ þee; xv bi tweyne and bi tweyne of ech fleiſch in whiche þe
xx of briddis bi her kynde, and of werk beeſtis in her ſpirit of lijf was.
kynde, and of ech crepynge beeſte of erþe, by her xvi And þo þat entriden, entriden male and female of
kynde; tweyne and tweyne of alle ſchulen entre wiþ ech fleiſch, as God comaundide to hym. And þe Lord
þee, þat þei moun lyue. encloſide hym fro wiþ out-forþ.
xxi Þerfore þou ſchalt take wiþ þee of alle metis þat xvii And þe greet flood was maad fourti daies and fourti
moun be etun, and þou ſchalt bere to gidre at þee, and niȝtis on erþe, and þe watris weren multiplied, and
þo ſchulen be as well to þee as to þe beeſtis in to mete. reiſeden þe ſchip on hiȝ fro erþe.
xxii Þerfor Noe dide alle þingis whiche God comaundide xviii Þe watris flowiden greetli, and filliden alle þingis in
to hym. þe face of erþe. Forſoþe þe ſchip was borun on þe
CAP. VII xix And þe watris hadden maiſtrie greetli on erþe, and
i Alſo þe Lord ſeide to Noe, Entre þou and al þin hous
alle hiȝe hillis vndur alle heuene weren hilid;
in to þe ſchip, for Y ſeiȝ þee iuſt bifore me in þis xx þe watyr was hiȝere bi fiftene cubitis ouer þe hilis
generacioun. whiche it hilide.
ii Of alle clene lyuynge beeſtis þou ſchalt take bi ſeuene xxi And ech fleiſch was waſtid þat was moued on erþe,
and bi ſeuene, male and female; forſoþe of vnclene of briddis, of lyuynge beeſtis, of vnreſonable beeſtis,
lyuynge beeſtis þou ſchalt take bi tweyne and bi tweyne, and of alle `reptilis þat crepen on erþe.
male and female; xxii Alle men, and alle þingis in whiche þe breþing of
iii but alſo of volatils of heuene þou ſchalt take, bi
lijf was in erþe, weren deed.
ſeuene and bi ſeuene, male and female, þat her ſeed be xxiii And God dide awei al ſubſtaunce þat was on erþe,
ſaued on þe face of al erþe. fro man til to beeſte, as wel a crepynge beeſte as þe
iiii For ȝit and aftir ſeuene daies Y ſchal reyne on erþe
briddis of heuene; and þo weren doon awei fro erþe.
fourti daies and fourti nyȝtis, and Y ſchal do awey al Forſoþe Noe dwellide aloone, and þei þat weren wiþ
ſubſtaunce which Y made, fro þe face of erþe. hym in þe ſchip.

xxiiii And
þe watris of þe greet flood ouereȝeden þe erþe xix but alſo alle lyuynge beeſtis, and werk beeſtis, and
an hundrid and fifti daies. `reptils þat crepen on erþe, bi her kynde, ȝeden out of
þe ſchip.
CAP. VIII xx Forſoþe Noe bildide an auter to þe Lord, and he took
i Forſoþe þe Lord hadde mynde of Noe, and of alle of alle clene beeſtis and briddis, and offride brent
lyuynge beeſtis, and of alle werk beeſtis, þat weren wiþ ſacrifices on þe auter.
hym in þe ſchip; and brouȝte a wynd on þe erþe. xxi And þe Lord ſauerede þe odour of ſwetneſſe, and
ii And watris weren decreeſſid, and þe wellis of þe ſee ſeide to hym, Y ſchal no more curſe þe erþe for men, for
weren cloſid, and þe wyndowis of heuene weren cloſid, þe wit and þouȝt of mannus herte ben redi in to yuel fro
and reynes of heuene weren ceeſſid. ȝong wexynge age; þerfor Y ſchal no more ſmyte ech
iii And watrys turneden aȝen fro erþe, and ȝeden aȝen, lyuynge ſoule as Y dide;
and bigunnen to be decreeſſid aftir an hundrid and fifti xxii in alle þe daies of erþe, ſeed and ripe corn, coold
daies. and heete, ſomer and wyntir, nyȝt and dai, ſhulen not
iiii And þe ſchip reſtide in þe ſeuenþe monþe, in þe reſte.
ſeuene and twentiþe dai of þe monþe, on þe hillis of
Armenye. CAP. IX
v And ſoþeli þe watrys ȝeden and decreſiden til to þe i And God bliſſide Noe and hiſe ſones, and ſeide to hem,

tenþe moneþe, for in þe tenþe moneþe, in þe firſte dai Encreeſſe ȝe, and be ȝe multiplied, and fille ȝe þe erþe;
of þe moneþe, þe coppis of hillis apperiden. ii and ȝoure drede and tremblyng be on alle vnreſonable
vi And whanne fourti daies weren paſſid, Noe openyde beeſtis of erþe, and on alle briddis of heuene, wiþ alle
þe wyndow of þe ſchip which he hadde maad, and ſente þingis þat ben moued in erþe; alle fiſchis of þe ſee ben
out a crowe, ȝouun to ȝoure hond.
vii which ȝede out, and turnede not aȝen til þe watris iii And al þing which is moued and lyueþ ſchal be to ȝou

weren dried on erþe. Alſo Noe ſente out a culuer aftir in to mete; Y haue ȝoue to ȝou alle þingis as greene
hym, to ſe if þe watris hadden ceeſſid þanne on þe face wortis,
of erþe; iiii outakun þat ȝe ſchulen not ete fleiſch wiþ blood,
ix and whanne þe culuer foond not where hir foot v for Y ſchal ſeke þe blood of ȝoure lyues of þe hoond of
ſchulde reſte, ſche turnede aȝen to hym in to þe ſchip, alle vnreſonable beeſtis and of þe hoond of man, of þe
for þe watris weren on al erþe; and Noe helde forþ his hoond of man and of hys broþer Y ſchal ſeke þe lijf of
hoond, and brouȝte þe culuer takun in to þe ſchip. man.
x Soþeli whanne oþere ſeuene daies weren abedun vi Who euere ſchediþ out mannus blood, his blood ſchal
aftirward, eft he leet out a culuer fro þe ſchip; be ſched; for man is maad to þe ymage of God.
xi and ſche cam to hym at euentid, and bare in hir mouþ vii Forſoþe encreeſſe ȝe, and be ȝe multiplied, and entre
a braunche of olyue tre wiþ greene leeuys. Þerfor Noe ȝe on erþe, and fille ȝe it, Alſo þe Lord ſeide þes þingis
vndirſtood þat þe watris hadden ceeſſid on erþe; to Noe,
xii and neuerþeleſſe he abood ſeuene oþere daies, and viii and to his ſones wiþ him, Lo!
ſente out a culuer, which turnede `no more aȝen to hym. ix Y ſchal make my couenaunt wiþ ȝou, and wiþ ȝour
xiii Þerfor in þe ſixe hundrid and o ȝeer of þe lijf of Noe, ſeed after ȝou,
in þe firſte moneþe, in þe firſte day of þe moneþe, x and to ech lyuynge ſoule which is wiþ ȝou, as wel in
watris weren decreeſſid on erþe; and Noe openede þe briddis as in werk beeſtis and ſmale beeſtis of erþe, and
roof of þe ſchip, and bihelde and ſeiȝ þat þe face of þe to alle þingis þat ȝeden out of þe ſchip, and to alle
erþe was dried. vnreſonable beeſtis of erþe.
xiiii In þe ſecunde moneþe, in þe ſeuene and twentiþe dai xi Y ſchal make my couenaunt wiþ ȝou, and ech fleiſch
of þe moneþe, þe erþe was maad drie. ſchal no more be ſlayn of þe watris of þe greet flood,
xv Soþeli þe Lord ſpak to Noe; neþir þe greet flood diſtriynge al erþe ſchal be more.
xvi and ſeide, Go out of þe ſchip, þou, and þi wijf, þi xii And God ſeide, Þis is þe ſigne of boond of pees,
ſones, and þe wyues of þi ſones wiþ þee; which Y ȝyue bitwixe me and ȝou, and to ech lyuynge
xvii and lede out wiþ þee alle lyuynge beeſtis þat ben at ſoule which is wiþ ȝou, in to euerlaſtynge generaciouns.
þee of ech fleiſch, as wel in volatilis as in vnreſonable xiii Y ſchal ſette my bowe in þe cloudis, and it ſchal be a
beeſtis, and alle `reptils þat crepen on erþe; and entre ȝe ſigne of boond of pees bitwixe me and erþe;
on þe erþe, encreeſſe ȝe, and be ȝe multiplied on erþe. xiiii and whanne Y ſchal hile heuene wiþ cloudis, my
xviii Þerfor Noe ȝede out, and hiſe ſones, and his wijf, bowe ſchal appere in þe cloudis,
and þe wyues of hiſe ſones wiþ hym;

xv and Y ſchal haue mynde of my boond of pees which v of þeſe ſones þe ylis of heþen men weren departid in
Y made wiþ ȝou, and wiþ ech ſoule lyuynge, þat her cuntrees, ech bi his langage and meynees, in hiſe
nurſchiþ fleiſch; and þe watris of þe greet flood ſchulen naciouns.
no more be to do awey al fleiſh. vi Soþeli þe ſones of Cham weren Thus, and MEffraym,
xvi And my bowe ſchal be in þe cloudis, and Y ſchal ſe and Futh, and Chanaan.
it, and Y ſchal haue mynde of euerlaſtynge boond of vii Forſoþe þe ſones of Thus weren Saba, and Euila, and
pees, which is maad bitwixe God and man, and ech ſoul Sabatha, and Regma, and Sabatacha. Þe ſones of Regma
lyuynge of al fleiſch which is on erþe. weren Saba, and Dadan.
xvii And God ſeide to Noe, Þis ſchal be a ſigne of boond viii Forſoþe Thus gendride Nemroth; he bigan to be
of pees, which Y made bitwixe me and ech fleiſch on myȝti in erþe,
erþe. ix and he was a ſtrong huntere of men bifore þe Lord; of
xviii Þerfore þei þat ȝeden out of þe ſchip weren Noe,
hym a prouerbe ȝede out, as Nemroth, a ſtrong huntere
Sem, Cham, and Japheth; forſoþe Cham, þilke is þe bifore þe Lord.
fadir of Chanaan. x Soþeli þe bigynnyng of his rewme was Babiloyne, and
xix Þeſe þre weren þe ſones of Noe, and al þe kynde of
Arach, and Archad, and Thalamye, in þe lond of
men was ſowun of hem on al erþe. Sennaar.
xx And Noe, an erþe tiliere, bigan to tile þe erþe, and he xi Aſſur ȝede out of þat lond, and bildide Nynyue, `and
plauntide a viner, ſtretis of þe citee,
xxi and he drank wyn, and was drunkun; and he was xii and Chale, and Reſen bitwixe Nynyue and Chale; þis
nakid, and lay in his tabernacle. is a greet citee.
xxii And whanne Cham, þe fadir of Chanaan, hadde xiii And ſoþeli MEffraym gendride Ludym, and
ſeien þis þing, þat is, þat þe ſchameful membris of his Anamym, and Laabym, Neptuym, and Ferruſym, and
fadir weren maad nakid, he telde to hiſe tweye briþeren Ceſluym;
wiþ out forþ. xiiii of which þe Filiſteis and Capturym camen forþ.
xxiii And ſoþeli Sem and Jafeth puttiden a mentil on her xv Forſoþe Chanaan gendride Sidon, his firſte gendride
ſchuldris, and þei ȝeden bacward, and hileden þe ſone, Ethei, and Jebuſei,
ſchameful membris of her fadir, and her faces weren xvi and Amorrei, Gergeſei,
turned awei, and þei ſien not þe priuy membris of her xvii Euei, and Arathei,
fadir. xviii Ceney, and Aradie, Samarites, and Amathei; and
xxiiii And forſoþe Noe wakide of þe wyn, and whanne
puplis of Chananeis weren ſowun abrood bi þeſe men.
he hadde lerned what þingis his leſſe ſone hadde do to xix And þe termes of Chanaan weren maad to men
xxv he ſeide, Curſid be þe child Canaan, he ſchal be comynge fro Sidon to Gerara, til to Gaſa, til þou entre
in to Sodom and Gomore, and Adama, and Seboyne, til
ſeruaunt of ſeruauntis to hiſe briþeren.
xxvi And Noe ſeide, Bleſſid be þe Lord God of Sem, to Leſa.
xx Þeſe weren þe ſones of Cham, in her kynredis, and
xxvii and Chanaan be þe ſeruaunt to Sem; God alarge
langagis, and generaciouns, and londis, and folkis.
Jafeth, and dwelle in þe tabernaclis of Sem, and xxi Alſo of Sem weren borun þe fadris of alle þe ſones
Chanaan be ſeruaunt of hym.
xxviii Forſoþe Noe lyuede aftir þe greet flood þre of Heber, and Japhet was þe more broþer.
xxii Þe ſones of Sem weren Elam, and Aſſur, and
hundrid and fifti ȝeer;
xxix and alle þe daies of hym weren fillid nyn hundrid Arfaxath, and Lud, and Aram.
xxiii Þe ſones of Aram weren Vs, and Hul, and Gether,
and fifty ȝeer, and he was deed.
and Mes.
xxiiii And ſoþeli Arfaxath gendride Sale, of whom Heber
i Þeſe ben þe generaciouns of þe ſones of Noe, Sem, was borun.
xxv And twei ſones weren borun to Heber, þe name to o
Cham, and Jafeth. And ſones weren borun to hem aftir
þe greet flood. ſone was Faleg, for þe lond was departid in hiſe daies;
ii Þe ſones of Jafeth weren Gomer, and Magog, and and þe name of his broþir was Jectan.
xxvi And þilke Jectan gendride Elmodad, and Salech,
Madai, and Jauan, and Tubal, and Moſoth, and Thiras.
xxvii and Aſamoth, Jare, and Adhuram, and Vſal,
iii Forſoþe þe ſones of Gomer weren Aſſeneth, and
xxviii and Deda, and Ebal, and Abymahel, Saba, and
Rifath, and Thogorma.
iiii Forſoþe þe ſones of Jauan weren Heliſa, and Tharſis, Ofir, and Euila, and Jobab;
xxix alle þeſe weren þe ſones of Jectan.
Cethym, and Dodanym;

xxx And þe habitacioun of hem was maad fro Meſſa, as xx And Reu lyuede two and þretti ȝeer, and gendride
`me goiþ til to Sefar, an hil of þe eeſt. Saruch;
xxxi Þeſe ben þe ſones of Sem, bi kynredis, and langagis, xxi and Reu lyuede aftir þat he gendride Saruch two
and cuntrees, in her folkis. hundrid and ſeuene ȝeer, and gendride ſones and
xxxii Þeſe ben þe meynees of Noe, bi her puplis and douȝtris.
naciouns; folkis in erþe weren departid of þeſe aftir þe xxii Soþeli Saruch lyuede þretti ȝeer, and gendride
greet flood. Nachor;
xxiii and Saruch lyuede aftir þat he gendride Nacor two
CAP. XI hundrid ȝeer, and gendride ſones and douȝtris.
i Forſoþe þe lond was of o langage, and of þe ſame xxiiii Forſoþe Nachor lyuede nyne and twenti ȝeer, and
ſpeche. gendride Thare;
ii And whanne þei ȝeden forþ fro þe eeſt, þei fonden a xxv and Nachor lyuede after þat he gendride Thare an
feeld in þe lond of Sennaar, and dwelliden þer ynne. hundrid and nynetene ȝeer, and gendride ſones and
iii And oon ſeide to his neiȝbore, Come ȝe, and make we douȝtris.
tiel ſtonys, and bake we þo wiþ fier; and þei hadden tiel xxvi And Thare lyuede ſeuenti ȝeer, and gendride
for ſtonus, and pitche for morter; Abram, and Nachor, and Aran.
iiii and ſeiden, Come ȝe, and make we to vs a citee and xxvii Soþeli þeſe ben þe generaciouns of Thare. Thare
tour, whos hiȝneſſe ſtretche `til to heuene; and make we gendride Abram, Nachor, and Aran. Forſoþe Aran
ſolempne oure name bifor þat we be departid in to alle gendride Loth;
londis. xxviii and Aran diede bifore Thare, his fadir, in þe lond
v Forſoþe þe Lord cam down to ſe þe citee and tour,
of his natiuite, in Vr of Caldeis.
which þe ſones of Adam bildiden. xxix Forſoþe Abram and Nachor weddiden wyues; þe
vi And he ſeide, Lo! þe puple is oon, and o langage is to
name of þe wijf of Abram was Saray, and þe name of þe
alle, and þei han bigunne to make þis, neþir þei ſchulen wiif of Nachor was Melcha, þe douȝter of Aran, fadir of
ceeſſe of her þouȝtis, til þei fillen þo in werk; þerfor Melcha and fadir of Jeſcha.
come ȝe, go we doun, xxx Soþeli Saray was bareyn, and hadde no children.
vii and ſcheende we þere þe tunge of hem, þat ech man xxxi And ſo Thare took Abram, his ſone, and Loth, þe
here not þe voys of his neiȝbore. ſone of Aran his ſone, and Saray, his douȝter in lawe, þe
viii And ſo þe Lord departide hem fro þat place in to alle
wijf of Abram, his ſone, and ledde hem out of Vr of
londis; and þei ceſſiden to bielde a cytee. Caldeis, þat þei ſchulen go in to þe lond of Chanaan;
ix And þerfor þe name þerof was clepid Babel, for þe and þei camen `til to Aran, and dwelliden þere.
langage of al erþe was confoundide þere; and fro xxxii And þe daies of Thare weren maad two hundrid
þennus þe Lord ſcaterede hem on þe face of alle ȝeer and fyue, and he was deed in Aran.
x Þeſe ben þe generaciouns of Sem. Sem was of an CAP. XII
hundrid ȝeer whanne he gendride Arfaxath, twey ȝeer i Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Abram, Go þou out of þi
aftir þe greet flood. lond, and of þi kynrede, and of þe hous of þi fadir, and
xi And Sem lyuede aftir þat he gendride Arfaxath fyue come þou in to þe lond which Y ſchal ſchewe to þee;
hundrid ȝeer, and gendride ſones and douȝtris. ii and Y ſchal make þee in to a greet folk, and Y ſchal
xii Forſoþe Arfaxath lyuede fyue and þretti ȝeer, and bliſſe þee, and Y ſchal magnyfie þi name, and þou ſchalt
gendride Sale; be bleſſid;
xiii and Arfaxath lyuede aftir þat he gendride Sale þre iii Y ſchal bleſſe hem þat bleſſen þee, and Y ſchal curſe
hundride and þre ȝeer, and gendride ſones and douȝtris. hem þat curſen þee; and alle kynredis of erþe ſchulen be
xiiii Alſo Sale lyuede þretti ȝeer, and gendride Heber; bleſſid in þee.
xv and Sale lyuede after þat he gendride Heber foure iiii And ſo Abram ȝede out, as þe Lord comaundide

hundrid and þre ȝeer, and gendride ſones and douȝtris. hym, and Loth ȝede wiþ hym. Abram was of `þre ſcoor
xvi Soþeli Heber lyuede foure and þretti ȝeer, and ȝeer and fiftene whanne he ȝede out of Aran.
v And he took Saray, his wijf, and Loth, þe ſone of his
gendride Falech;
xvii and Heber lyuede aftir þat he gendride Falech foure broþer, and al þe ſubſtaunce which þei hadden in
hundrid and þretti ȝeer, and gendride ſones and douȝtris. poſſeſſioun, and þe men whiche þei hadden bigete in
xviii Alſo Falech lyuede þretti ȝeer, and gendride Reu; Aran; and þei ȝeden out þat þei `ſchulen go in to þe
xix and Falech lyuede aftir þat he gendride Reu two loond of Chanaan. And whanne þey camen in to it,
hundrid and nyne ȝeer, and gendride ſones and douȝtris.

vi Abram paſſide þorou þe lond til to þe place of iiii inþe place of þe auter which he made bifore, and
Sichem, and til to þe noble valey. Forſoþe Chananei inwardli clepide þere þe name of þe Lord.
was þanne in þe lond. v But alſo flockis of ſcheep, and droues of oxun, and
vii Soþeli þe Lord apperide to Abram, and ſeide to hym, tabernaclis weren to Loth, þat was wiþ Abram;
Y ſchal ȝyue þis lond to þi ſeed. And Abram bildide vi and þe lond miȝte not take hem, þat þei ſchulden
þere an auter to þe Lord, þat apperide to hym. dwelle togidre, for þe catel of hem was myche, and þei
viii And fro þennus he paſſide forþ to þe hil Bethel, þat miȝten not dwelle in comyn.
was aȝens þe eeſt, and ſettide þere his tabernacle, vii Wherfor alſo ſtrijf was maad bitwixe þe keperis of
hauynge Bethel fro þe weſt, and Hay fro þe eeſt. And he flockis of Abram and of Loth. Forſoþe Chananei and
bildide alſo þere an auter to þe Lord, and inwardli Fereſei dwelliden in þat lond in þat tyme.
clepide his name. viii Þerfor Abram ſeide to Loth, Y biſeche, þat no ſtrijf
ix And Abram ȝede goynge and goynge forþ ouer to þe
be bitwixe me and þee, and bitwixe my ſcheepherdis
ſouþ. and þi ſcheepherdis; for we ben briþeren.
x Soþeli hungur was maad in þe lond; and Abram ȝede ix Lo! al þe lond is bifore þee, Y biſeche, departe þou
doun in to Egipt, to be a pilgrime þer, for hungur hadde fro me; if þou go to þe left ſide, Y ſchal holde þe riȝt
maiſtrie in þe lond. ſide; if þou cheſe þe riȝt ſide, Y ſchal go to þe left ſide.
xi And whanne he was nyȝ to entre in to Egipt, he ſeide x And ſo Loth reiſide hiſe iȝen, and ſeiȝ aboute al þe
to Saray, his wijf, Y knowe þat þou art a fair womman, cuntrei of Jordan, which was al moiſtid, bifor þat þe
xii and þat whanne Egipcians ſchulen ſe þee, þei ſchulen Lord diſtriede Sodom and Gomorre, as paradis of þe
ſeie, it is his wijf, and þei ſchulen ſle me, and `ſchulen Lord, and as Egipt, as men comen in to Segor.
reſerue þee. xi And Loth chees to him þe cuntre aboute Jordan, and
xiii Þerfor, Y biſeche þee, ſeie þou, þat þou art my ſiſtir, departide fro þe eeſt; and þei weren departid ech fro his
þat it be wel to me for þee, and þat my lijf lyue for loue broþer.
of þee. xii Abram dwellide in þe lond of Chanaan; ſoþeli Loth
xiiii And ſo whanne Abram hadde entrid in to Egipt, dwellide in townes aboute Jordan, and wonide in
Egipcians ſien þe womman þat ſche was ful fair; and þe Sodom.
prynces telden to Farao, and preiſeden hir anentis him; xiii Forſoþe men of Sodom weren ful wickid, and
xv and þe womman was takun vp in to þe hous of Farao. ſynneris greetly bifore þe Lord.
xvi Forſoþe þei vſiden wel Abram for hir; and ſcheep, xiiii And þe Lord ſeide to Abram, aftir þat Loth was
and oxun, and aſſis, and ſeruauntis, and ſeruaunteſſis, departid fro him, Reiſe þin iȝen forþ riȝt, and ſe fro þe
and ſche aſſis, and camels weren to hym. place in which þou art now, to þe norþ and ſouþ, to þe
xvii Forſoþe þe Lord beet Farao and his hous wiþ moſte eeſt and weſt;
veniaunces, for Saray, þe wijf of Abram. xv Y ſchal ȝyue al þe lond which þou ſeeſt to þee and to
xviii And Farao clepide Abram, and ſeide to hym, What þi ſeed, til in to wiþ outen ende.
is it þat þou haſt do to me? whi ſchewidiſt þou not to xvi And Y ſchal make þi ſeed as þe duſt of erþe; if ony
me, þat ſche was þi wijf? man may noumbre þe duſt of erþe, alſo he ſchal mowe
xix for what cauſe ſeidiſt þou, þat ſche was þi ſiſter, þat Y noumbre þi ſeed.
ſchulde take hir in to wife to me? Now þerfor lo! þi xvii Þerfor riſe þou, and paſſe þorou þe lond in his
wiif; take þou hir, and go. lengþe and breede, for Y ſchal ȝyue it to þee.
xx And Farao comaundide to men on Abram, and þei xviii Þerfor Abram, mouynge his tabernacle, cam and
ledden forþ hym, and his wijf, and alle þingis þat he dwellide biſidis þe valei of Mambre, which is in Ebron;
hadde. and he bildide þere an auter to þe Lord.


i Þerfore Abram ſtiede fro Egipt, he, and his wijf, and i Forſoþe it was don in þat tyme, þat Amrafel, kyng of
alle þingis þat he hadde; and Loth ſtiede wiþ hym, to þe Sennaar, and Ariok, kyng of Ponte, and Chodorlaomor,
ſouþ cooſt. kyng of Elemytis,
ii Forſoþe he was ful riche in poſſeſſyoun of ſiluer and of ii and Tadal, kyng of folkis, bigunnen batel aȝens Bara,
gold. kyng of Sodom, and aȝens Berſa, kyng of Gomorre, and
iii And he turnede aȝen bi þe weye in which he cam fro aȝens Sennaar, kyng of Adama, and aȝens Semeber,
þe ſouþ in to Bethel, `til to þe place, in which bifore he kyng of Seboym, and aȝens þe kyng of Bale; þilke Bale
hadde ſett tabernacle, bitwixe Bethel and Hay, is Segor.

iii Alle þeſe camen togidre in to þe valey of wode, xx and bleſſid be hiȝ God, bi whom defendynge,
which is now þe ſee of ſalt. enemyes ben bitakun in þin hondis. And Abram ȝaf tiþis
iiii For in twelue ȝeer þei ſeruyden Chodorlaomor, and of alle þingis to hym.
in þe þrettenþe ȝeer þei departiden fro hym. xxi Forſoþe þe kyng of Sodom ſeide to Abram, Ȝyue þou
v Þerfor Chodorlaomor cam in þe fourtenþe ȝeer, and þe men to me; take þou oþir þingis to þee.
kyngis þat weren wiþ him, and þei `han ſmyte Rafaym xxii And Abram anſwerde to hym, Y reyſe myn hondis to
in Aſtaroth Carnaym, and Suſym wiþ hem, and Emym þe hiȝ Lord God,
in Sabe Cariathaym, xxiii Lord of heuene and of erþe, þat fro þe þrede of oof
vi and Choreis in þe hillis of Seir, til to þe feldi placis of til to þe layner of þe hoſe I ſchal not take of alle þingis
Faran, which is in wildirneſſe. þat ben þine, leſt þou ſeie, I made Abram riche;
vii And þei turneden aȝen, and camen til to þe welle xxiiii out takun þeſe þingis whiche þe ȝonge men eeten,
Meſphath; þilke is Cades. And þei `han ſmyte al þe and þe partis of men þat camen wiþ me, Aner, Eſcol,
cuntre of men of Amalec, and Amorrei, þat dwellide in and Mambre; þeſe men ſchulen take her partis.
Aſaſon Thamar.
viii And þe kyng of Sodom, and þe king of Gomorre, CAP. XV
and þe kyng of Adama, and þe kyng of Seboym, alſo i And ſo whanne þeſe þingis weren don, þe word of þe
and þe kyng of Bale, which is Segor, ȝeden out, and Lord was maad to Abram bi a viſioun, and ſeide,
dreſſiden ſcheltrun aȝens hem in þe valei of wode, Abram, nyle þou drede, Y am þi defender, and þi meede
ix þat is, aȝens Chodorlaomor, kyng of Elamytis, and is ful greet.
Thadal, kyng of folkis, and Amrafel, kyng of Sennaar, ii And Abram ſeide, Lord God, what ſchalt þou ȝyue to
and Ariok, kyng of Ponte; foure kyngis aȝens fyue. me? Y ſchal go wiþ oute fre children, and þis Damaſk,
x Forſoþe þe valey of þe wode hadde many pittis of ſone of Elieſer, þe procuratour of myn hous, ſchal be
pitche; and ſo þe kyng of Sodom and þe kyng of myn eir.
Gomorre turneden þe backis, and felden doun þere; and iii And Abram addide, Soþeli þou haſt not ȝoue ſeed to
þei þat leften fledden to þe hil. me, and, lo! my borun ſeruaunt ſchal be myn eir.
xi Soþeli þei token awei al þe catel of Sodom and iiii And anoon þe word of þe Lord was maad to hym,
Gomorre, and alle þingis þat perteynen to mete, and and ſeide, Þis ſchal not be þin eir, but þou ſchalt haue
ȝeden awei; hym eir, þat ſchal go out of þi wombe.
xii alſo and þei token awey Loth and his catel, þe ſone of v And þe Lord ledde out Abram, and ſeide to hym,
þe broþer of Abram, which Loth dwellide in Sodom. Biholde þou heuene, and noumbre þou ſterris, if þou
xiii And, lo! oon þat aſcapide, telde to Abram Ebrew, þat maiſt. And þe Lord ſeide to Abram, So þi ſeed ſchal be.
dwellide in þe valei of Mambre of Amorrei, broþer of vi Abram bileuede to God, and it was arettid to hym to
Eſcol, and broþer of Aner; for þeſe maden couenaunt of riȝtfulneſſe.
pees wiþ Abram. vii And God ſeide to hym, Y am þe Lord, þat ladde þee
xiiii And whanne Abram hadde herd þis þing, þat is, out of Vr of Caldeis, þat Y ſchulde ȝyue þis lond to þee,
Loth his broþir takun, he noumbride his borun and þou ſchuldiſt haue it in poſſeſſioun.
ſeruauntis maad redy þre hundrid and eiȝtene, and viii And Abram ſeide, Lord God, wherbi may I wite þat
purſuede hem `til to Dan. Y ſchal welde it?
xv And whanne his felowis weren departid, he felde on ix And þe Lord anſwerde, and ſeide, Take þou to me a
hem in þe niȝt, and he ſmoot hem, and purſuede hem `til cow of þre ȝeer, and a geet of þre ȝeer, and a ram of þre
to Hoba, and Fenyce, which is at þe left ſide of Damaſk. ȝeer, a turtle alſo, and a culuer.
xvi And he brouȝte aȝen al þe catel, and Loth his broþer x Which took alle þeſe þingis, and departide þo bi þe
wiþ his catel, alſo wymmen and þe puple. myddis, and ſettide euer eiþir partis ech aȝens oþer; but
xvii Soþeli þe kyng of Sodom ȝede out in to þe metyng he departide not þe briddis.
of him, after þat he turnede aȝen fro ſleyng of xi And foulis camen doun on þe careyns, and Abram
Chodorlaomor, and of kyngis þat weren wiþ him, in þe drof hem awey.
valei of Sabe, which is þe valey of þe kyng. xii And whanne þe ſunne was gon doun, drede felde on
xviii And ſoþeli Melchiſedech, kyng of Salem, brouȝte
Abram, and a greet hidouſeneſſe and derk aſaylide him.
forþ breed and wyn, for he was þe preeſt of hiȝeſte God; xiii And it was ſeid to hym, Wite þou bifore knowinge,
xix and he bleſſide Abram, and ſeide, Bleſſid be Abram
þat þi ſeed ſchal be pilgrim foure hundrid ȝeer in a lond
of hiȝ God, þat made heuene and erþe of nouȝt, not his owne, and þei ſchulen make hem ſuget to
ſeruage, and þei ſchulen turment hem;

xiiii neþeles Y ſchal deme þe folk to whom þei ſchulen him; and he ſchal ſette tabernaclis euene aȝens alle his
ſerue; and aftir þeſe þingis þei ſchulen go out wiþ greet briþeren.
catel. xiii Forſoþe Agar clepide þe name of þe Lord þat ſpak to
xv Forſoþe þou ſchalt go to þi fadris in pees, and ſchalt hir, Þou God þat ſeiȝeſt me; for ſche ſeide, Forſoþe here
be biried in good age. Y ſeiȝ þe hynderere þingis of him þat ſiȝ me.
xvi Soþeli in þe fourþe generacioun þei ſchulen turne xiiii Þerfor ſche clepide þilke pit, þe pit of hym þat lyueþ

aȝen hidir, for þe wickidneſſes of Amoreis ben not ȝit and ſeeþ me; þilk pit is bitwixe Cades and Barad.
fillid, `til to preſent tyme. xv And Agar childide a ſone to Abram, which clepide
xvii Þerfor whanne þe ſunne was gon doun, a derk myſt his name Iſmael.
was maad, and a furneis ſmokynge apperide, and a xvi Abram was of `eiȝti ȝeere and ſixe, whanne Agar
laumpe of fier, and paſſide þorou þo departingis. childide Yſmael to hym.
xviii In þat dai þe Lord made a couenaunt of pees wiþ
Abram, and ſeide, Y ſchal ȝyue to þi ſeed þis lond, fro CAP. XVII
þe ryuer of Egipt til to þe greet ryuer Eufrates; Cyneis, i Forſoþe aftir þat Abram bigan to be of nynti ȝeer and
xix and Cyneſeis, and Cethmoneis, and Etheis, nyne, þe Lord apperide to hym, and ſeide to him, Y am
xx and Fereſeis, and Raphaym, and Amorreis, Almyȝti God; go þou bifore me, and be þou perfit;
xxi and Cananeis, and Gergeſeis, and Jebuſeis. ii and Y ſchal ſette my couenaunt of pees bitwixe me
and þee; and Y ſchal multiplie þee ful greetli.
iii And Abram felde doun lowe on his face.
i Þerfor Sarai, wijf of Abram, hadde not gendrid fre iiii And God ſeide to hym, Y am, and my couenaunt of

children; but ſche hadde a ſeruaunteſſe of Egipt, Agar bi pees is wiþ þee, and þou ſchalt be þe fadir of many
name, and ſeide to hir hoſebonde, Lo! folkis;
ii þe Lord haþ cloſid me, þat Y ſchulde not bere child; v and þi name ſchal no more be clepid Abram, but þou

entre þou to my ſeruaunteſſe, if in hap Y ſchal take ſchalt be clepid Abraham, for Y haue maad þee fadir of
children, nameli of hir. And whanne he aſſentide to hir many folkis;
preiynge, ſche took Agar Egipcian, vi and Y ſchal make þee to wexe ful greetli, and Y ſchal
iii hir ſeruaunteſſe, after ten ȝeer aftir þat þei begunne to ſette þee in folkis, and kyngis ſchulen go out of þee;
enhabite in þe lond of Chanaan, and ſche ȝaf Agar wiif vii and Y ſchal make my couenaunt bitwixe me and þee,
to hir hoſebonde. and bitwixe þi ſeed after þee, in her generaciouns, bi
iiii And Abram entride to Agar; and Agar ſeiȝ þat ſche euerlaſtynge bond of pees, þat Y be þi God, and of þi
hadde conſeyued, and ſche diſpiſide hir ladi. ſeed after þee;
v And Saray ſeide to Abram, Þou doiſt wickidli aȝens viii and Y ſchal ȝyue to þee and to þi ſeed after þee þe

me; I ȝaf my ſeruaunteſſe in to þi boſum, which ſeeþ, þat lond of þi pilgrymage, al þe lond of Chanaan, in to
ſche conſeyuede, and diſpiſiþ me; þe Lord deme euerlaſtynge poſſeſſioun, and Y ſchal be þe God of hem.
betwixe me and þee. ix God ſeide eft to Abraham, And þerfor þou ſchalt kepe
vi And Abram anſwerde and ſeide to hir, Lo! þi my couenaunt, and þi ſeed after þee, in her
ſeruaunteſſe is in þin hond; vſe þou hir as `it likiþ. generaciouns.
Þerfor for Sarai turmentide hir, ſche fledde awei. x Þis is my couenaunt, which ȝe ſchulen kepe bitwixe
vii And whanne þe aungel of þe Lord hadde founde hir me and ȝou, and þi ſeed after þee; ech male kynde of
biſidis a welle of watir in wilderneſſe, which welle is in ȝou ſchal be circumcidid,
þe weie of Sur in deſeert, xi and ȝe ſchulen circumſide þe fleiſch of ȝoure mannes
viii he ſeide to hir, Fro whennus comeſt þou Agar, þe ȝeerd, þat it be in to a ſigne of boond of pees bytwixe
ſeruaunteſſe of Sarai, and whidur goiſt þou? Which me and ȝou.
anſwerde, Y fle fro þe face of Sarai my ladi. xii A ȝong child of eiȝte daies ſchal be circumſidid in
ix And þe aungel of þe Lord ſeide to hir, Turne þou aȝen ȝou, al male kynde in ȝoure generaciouns, as wel a
to þi ladi, and be þou mekid vndur hir hondis. borun ſeruaunt as a ſeruaunt bouȝt ſchal be circumſidid,
x And eft he ſeide, Y multipliynge ſchal multiplie þi and who euere is of ȝoure kynrede he ſchal be
ſeed, and it ſchal not be noumbrid for multitude. circumſidid;
xi And aftirward he ſeide, Lo! þou haſt conſeyued, and xiii and my couenaunt ſchal be in ȝoure fleiſch in to

þou ſchalt bere a ſone, and þou ſchalt clepe his name euerlaſtynge boond of pees.
xiiii A man whos fleiſch of his ȝerde ſchal not be
Iſmael, for þe Lord haþ herd þi turment;
xii þis ſchal be a wielde man; his hond ſchal be aȝens circumſidid, þilke man ſchal be doon a wei fro his
alle men, and þe hondis of alle men ſchulen be aȝens puple; for he made voide my couenaunt.

xv Alſo God ſeide to Abraham, Þou ſchalt not clepe bowiden to ȝoure ſeruaunt. Whiche ſeiden, Do þou as
Saray, þi wijf, Sarai, but Sara; þou haſt ſpoke.
xvi and Y ſchal bleſſe hir, and of hir I ſchal ȝyue to þee a vi Abraham haſtide in to þe tabernacle, to Sare, and

ſone, whom I ſchal bleſſe, and he ſchal be in to ſeide to hir, Haſt þou, meddle þou þre half buſchelis of
naciouns, and kyngis of puplis ſchulen be borun of clene flour; and make þou looues bakun vndur aiſchis.
hym. vii Forſoþe he ran to þe droue of beeſtis, and took þerof
xvii Abraham felde doun on his face, and leiȝede in his a calf mooſt tendre and beſt, and ȝaf to a child, which
hert, and ſeide, Geſſiſt þou, wheþir a ſone ſchal be borun haſtide, and ſeþede þe calfe;
to a man of an hundrid ȝeer, and Sara of nynti ȝeer ſchal viii and he took botere, and mylk, and þe calf which he
bere child? hadde ſode, and ſettide bifore hem; forſoþe Abraham
xviii And he ſeide to þe Lord, Y wolde þat Iſmael lyue ſtood biſidis hem vndur þe tre.
bifore þee. ix And whanne þei hadden ete, þei ſeiden to hym,
xix And þe Lord ſeide to Abraham, Sara, þi wijf, ſchal Where is Sare þi wijf? He anſwerde, Lo! ſche is in þe
bere a ſone to þee, and þou ſchalt clepe his name Yſaac, tabernacle.
and Y ſchal make my couenaunt to hym in to x To whom þe Lord ſeide, Y ſchal turne aȝen, and Y
euerlaſtynge boond of pees, and to his ſeed aftir hym; ſchal come to þee in þis tyme, if Y lyue; and Sare, þi
xx alſo on Yſmael Y haue herd þee, lo! Y ſchal bleſſe wijf, ſchal haue a ſone. Whanne þis was herd, Sare
him, and Y ſchal encreeſſe, and Y ſchal multiplie him leiȝede bihynde þe dore of þe tabernacle.
greetli; he ſchal gendre twelue dukis, and Y ſchal make xi Forſoþe boþe weren olde, and of greet age, and
hym in to a greet folk. wommans termes ceeſſiden to be maad to Sare.
xxi Forſoþe Y ſchal make my couenaunt to Yſaac, whom xii And ſhe leiȝede, ſeiynge pryueli, after þat Y wexede
Sare ſchal childe to þee in þis tyme in þe toþer ȝeer. eld, and my lord is eld, ſchal Y ȝyue diligence to luſt?
xxii And whanne þe word of þe ſpekere wiþ hym was xiii Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Abraham, Whi leiȝeþ Sare,
endid, God ſtiede fro Abraham. þi wijf, ſeiynge, wheþer Y an eld womman ſchal bere
xxiii Forſoþe Abraham took Iſmael, his ſone, and alle þe child verili?
borun ſeruauntis of his hous, and alle which he hadde xiiii wheþer ony þing is hard to God? Bi þe biheeſte Y
bouȝte, alle þe malis of alle men of his hous, and ſchal turne aȝen to þee in þis ſame tyme, if Y lyue; and
circumſidide þe fleiſch of her ȝerde, anoon in þat dai, as Sara ſchal haue a ſone.
þe Lord comaundide him. xv Sare was aferd for drede, and denyede, ſeiynge, Y
xxiiii Abraham was of nynti ȝeer and nyne whanne he leiȝede not. Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide, It is not ſo, but þou
circumſidide þe fleiſch of his ȝeerd, leiȝediſt.
xxv and Iſmael, his ſone, hadde fillid þrettene ȝeer in þe xvi Þerfor whanne þe men hadden riſen fro þennus, þei
tyme of his circumſicioun. dreſſiden þe iȝen aȝens Sodom; and Abraham ȝede to
xxvi Abraham was circumſidid in þe ſame day, and gidre, ledynge hem forþ.
Iſmael his ſone, xvii And þe Lord ſeide, Wher Y mowe hele fro Abraham
xxvii and alle men of his hows, as wel borun ſeruauntis what þingis Y ſchal do,
as bouȝt and aliens, weren circumcidid togidre. xviii ſiþen he ſchal be in to a greet folk and mooſt ſtrong,
and alle naciouns of erþe ſchulen be bleſſid in hym?
CAP. XVIII xix For Y woot þat Abraham ſchal comaunde hiſe
i Forſoþe in þe valei of Mambre þe Lord apperide to children, and his hows after hym, þat þei kepe þe weie
Abraham, ſittynge in þe dore of his tabernacle, in þilke of þe Lord, and þat þei do riȝtfulneſſe and dom, þat þe
heete of þe dai. Lord bringe for Abraham alle þingis whiche he ſpak to
ii And whanne he hadde reiſid his iȝen, þre men Abraham.
apperiden to hym, and ſtoden nyȝ hym. And whanne he xx And ſo þe Lord ſeide, Þe cry of men of Sodom and of
hadde ſeyn hem, he ran fro þe dore of his tabernacle in men of Gomorre is multiplied, and her ſynne is
to þe meting of hem, and he worſchipide on erþe, agreggid greetli; Y ſchal come doun,
iii and ſeide, Lord, if Y haue founde grace in þin iȝen, xxi and ſchal ſe wheþer þei han fillid in werk þe cry þat
paſſe þou not þi ſeruaunt, cam to me, þat Y wite wheþer it is not ſo.
iiii but I ſchal brynge a litil watir, and ȝoure feet be xxii And þei turneden han fro þennus, and ȝeden to
waiſchid, and reſte ȝe vndur þe tre; Sodom. Abraham ſoþeli ſtood ȝit bifore þe Lord,
v and Y ſchal ſette a muſſel of breed, and ȝoure herte be xxiii and neiȝede, and ſeide, Wheþer þou ſchalt leeſe a
coumfortid; aftirward ȝe ſchulen paſſe; for herfor ȝe iuſt man wiþ þe wickid man?

xxiiii if
fifti iuſt men ben in þe citee, ſchulen þei periſche vii and ſeide, Y biſeche, nyle ȝe, my briþeren, nyle ȝe do
togidere, and ſchalt þou not ſpare þat place for fifti iuſt þis yuel.
men, if þei ben þer ynne? viii Y haue twey douȝtris, þat knewen not ȝit man; Y
xxv Fer be it fro þee þat þou do þis þing, and ſle a iuſt ſchal lede out hem to ȝou, and mys vſe ȝe hem as it
man wiþ a wickid man, and þat a iuſt man be maad as a pleſiþ ȝou, ſo þat ȝe doon noon yuel to þeſe men, for þei
wickid man; þis is not þin þat demeſt al erþe; þou ſchalt entriden vndur þe ſchadewe of my roof.
not make þis doom. ix And þei ſeiden, Go þou fro hennus. And eft þei
xxvi And þe Lord ſeide to him, If Y ſchal fynde in ſeiden, Þou entridiſt as a comelyng; wher þat þou deme?
Sodom fifti iuſt men in þe myddis of þe citee, Y ſchal þerfor we ſchulen turment þee more þan þeſe. And þei
forȝyue to al þe place for hem. diden violentli to Loth ful greetli. Þanne it was nyȝ þat
xxvii Abraham anſwerde and ſeide, For Y bigan onys, Y þei wolden breke þe doris; and lo!
ſchal ſpeke to my Lord, ſiþen Y am duſt and aiſche; x þe men puttiden hoond, and ledden in Loth to hem,
xxviii what if leſſe þan fifti iuſt men bi fyue ben, ſchalt and þei cloſiden þe dore.
þou do a wey al þe cite for fyue and fourti? And þe xi And þei ſmyten wiþ blyndeneſſe hem þat weren
Lord ſeide, Y ſchal not do a wei, if I ſchal fynde fyue wiþoutforþ, fro þe leeſt til to þe mooſt; ſo þat þei
and fourti þere. myȝten not fynde þe dore.
xxix And eft Abraham ſeide to hym, But if fourti ben xii Forſoþe þei ſeiden to Loth, Haſt þou here ony man of
þere, what ſchalt þou do? Þe Lord ſeide, Y ſchal not þine, hoſebonde of þi douȝter, eþir ſones, eþir douȝtris;
ſmyte for fourti. lede þou out of þis citee alle men þat ben þine,
xxx Abraham ſeide, Lord, Y biſeche, take þou not to xiii for we ſchulen do a wey þis place, for þe cry of hem
indignacioun, if Y ſpeke; what if þretti be foundun encreeſſide bifor þe Lord, which ſente vs þat we leeſe
þere? Þe Lord anſwerde, Y ſchal not do, if Y ſchal fynde hem.
þretti þere. xiiii And ſo Loth ȝede out, and ſpak to þe hoſebondys of
xxxi Abraham ſeide, For Y bigan onys, Y ſchal ſpeke to his douȝtris, þat ſchulden take hiſe douȝtris, and ſeide,
my Lord; what if twenti be foundun þere? Þe Lord Riſe ȝe, and go ȝe out of þis place; for þe Lord ſchal do
ſeide, Y ſchal not ſle for twenti. awey þis citee. And he was ſeyn to hem to ſpeke as
xxxii Abraham ſeide, Lord, Y biſeche, be þou not wrooþ, pleiynge.
if Y ſpeke ȝit onys; what if ten be founden þere? Þe xv And whanne þe morewtid was, þe aungels
Lord ſeide, Y ſchal not do a wey for ten. conſtreyneden hym, and ſeiden, Riſe þou, and take þi
xxxiii Þe Lord ȝede forþ, after þat he ceeſſide to ſpeke to wijf, and þi twey douȝtris whiche þou haſt, leſt alſo þou
Abraham, and Abraham turnede aȝen in to his place. periſche to gidere in þe ſynne of þe citee.
xvi While he diſſymelide, þei token his hond, and þe
CAP. XIX hond of his wijf, and of his twey doutris; for þe Lord
i And tweyne aungels camen to Sodom in þe euentide, ſparide hym.
while Loth ſat in þe ȝatis of þe citee. And whanne he xvii And þei ledden out hym, and ſettiden wiþ out þe
hadde ſeyn hem, he roos, and ȝede aȝens hem, and citee. Þere þei ſpaken to him, and ſeiden, Saue þou þi
worſchipide lowe to erþe, lijf; nyle þou biholde bihynde þi bac, neþer ſtond þou in
ii and ſeide, My lordis, Y biſeche, bowe ȝe in to þe hous al þe cuntre aboute, but make þee ſaaf in þe hil; leſt alſo
of ȝoure child, and dwelle ȝe þere; waiſche ȝe ȝoure þou periſche togidere.
feet, and in þe morewtid ȝe ſchulen go in to ȝoure weie. xviii And Loth ſeide to hem, My lord, Y biſeche,
Whiche ſeiden, Nay, but we ſchulen dwelle in þe ſtreet. xix for þi ſeruaunt haþ founde grace bifore þee, and þou
iii He conſtreynede hem greetli, þat þei ſchulden turne to haſt magnyfied þi grace and mercy, which þou haſt do
hym. And whanne þei weren entrid in to his hous, he wiþ me, þat þou ſchuldiſt ſaue my lijf; Y may not be
made a feeſte, he bakide þerf breed, and þei eten. ſaued in þe hil, leſt perauenture yuel take me, and Y die;
iiii Forſoþe bifore þat þei ȝeden to ſleepe, men of þe xx a litil citee is here biſidis, to which Y may fle, and Y
citee compaſſiden his hows, fro a child `til to an eld ſchal be ſaued þer ynne; where it is not a litil citee? and
man, al þe puple togidre; my ſoule ſchal lyue þer ynne.
v and þei clepiden Loth, and ſeiden to him, Where ben xxi And he ſeide to Loth, Lo! alſo in þis Y haue
þe men þat entriden to þee to nyȝt? brynge hem out reſſeyued þi preieris, þat Y diſtrye not þe citee, for
hidur, þat we `knowe hem. which þou haſt ſpoke;
vi And Loth ȝede out to hem `bihynde þe bak, and xxii haſte þou, and be þou ſaued þere, for Y may not do
cloſide þe dore, ony þing til þou entre þidur. Þerfor þe name of þat citee
was clepid Segor.

xxiii Þe ſunne roos on erþe, and Loth entride in to Segor. iii Soþeli God cam to Abymalec bi a ſweuene in þe nyȝt,
xxiiii Þerfor þe Lord reynede on Sodom and Gomorre and ſeide to hym, Lo! þou ſchalt die, for þe wooman
brynſton and fier, fro þe Lord fro heuene, which þou haſt take, for ſche haþ an hoſebond.
xxv and diſtriede þeſe citees, and al þe cuntrey aboute; iiii Forſoþe Abymalech touchide not hir; and he ſeide,

he deſtriede alle enhabiters of citees, and all grene Lord, wheþer þou ſchalt ſle folc vnkunnynge and iuſt?
þingis of erþe. v Wheþer he ſeide not to me, Sche is my ſiſtir, and ſche
xxvi And his wijf lokide abac, and was turned in to an ſeide, He is my broþer? In þe ſympleneſſe of myn herte,
ymage of ſalt. and in þe clenneſſe of myn hondis Y dide þis.
xxvii Forſoþe Abraham riſynge eerly, where he ſtood vi And þe Lord ſeide to hym, And Y woot þat þou didiſt

bifore wiþ þe Lord, bihelde Sodom and Gomorre, bi ſymple herte, and þerfor Y kepte þee, leſt þou didiſt
xxviii and al þe lond of þat cuntrey; and he ſeiȝ a deed ſynne aȝens me, and I ſuffride not þat þou touchidiſt hir;
vii now þerfor ȝelde þou þe wijf to hir hoſebonde, for he
ſparcle ſtiynge fro erþe, as þe ſmoke of a furneis.
xxix For whanne God diſtriede þe citees of þat cuntrey, is a profete; and he ſchal preye for þee, and þou ſchalt
he hadde mynde of Abraham, and delyuerede Loth fro lyue; ſoþeli if þou nylte ȝelde, wite þou þat þou ſchalt
deſtriynge of þe citees in whiche he dwellide. die bi deeþ, þou and alle þingis þat ben þine.
xxx And Loth ſtiede fro Segor, and dwellide in þe hil, viii And anoon Abynalech roos bi nyȝt, and clepide alle

and hiſe twey douȝtris wiþ him, for he dredde to dwelle his ſeruauntis, and ſpak alle þeſe wordis in þe eeris of
in Segor; and he dwellide in a denne, he and his twey hem; and alle men dredden greetli.
ix Soþeli Abymalec clepide alſo Abraham, and ſeide to
douȝtris wiþ hym.
xxxi And þe more douȝtre ſeide to þe laſſe, Oure fadre is hym, What haſt þou do to vs? what ſynneden we aȝens
eld, and no man is left in erþe, þat may entre to vs, bi þe þee, for þou haſt brouȝt in on me and on my rewme a
cuſtom of al erþe; greuouſe ſynne? þou haſt do to vs whiche þingis þou
xxxii come þou, make we him drunkun of wyn, and ſlepe ouȝtiſt not do.
x And eft Abimalech axide, and ſeide, What þing ſeiȝiſt
we wiþ him, þat we moun kepe ſeed of oure fadir.
xxxiii And ſo þei ȝauen to her fadir to drynke wyn in þat þou, þat þou woldiſt do þis?
xi Abraham anſwerde, Y þouȝte wiþ me, and ſeide, in
nyȝt, and þe more douȝter entrede, and ſlepte wiþ hir
fadir; and he feelide not, neþir whanne þe douȝtir lay hap þe drede of God is not in þis place; and þei ſchulen
doun, neþer whanne ſche roos. ſle me for my wijf;
xxxiiii And in þe toþir dai þe more douȝtir ſeide to þe xii in oþer maner forſoþe and ſche is my ſiſter verili, þe

laſſe, Lo! Y ſlepte ȝiſtirdai wiþ my fadir, ȝyue we to douȝter of my fadir, and not þe douȝter of my moder;
hym to drynk wyn alſo in þis nyȝt; and þou ſchalt ſlepe and Y weddide hir in to wijf;
xiii ſoþeli aftir þat God ladde me out of þe hous of my
wiþ hym, þat we ſaue ſeed of oure fadir.
xxxv And þei ȝauen to her fadir alſo in þat nyȝt to drynke fadir, Y ſeide to hir, Þou ſchalt do þis mercy wiþ me in
wyn, and þe leſſe douȝtir entride, and ſlepte wiþ him; ech place to which we ſchulen entre; þou ſchalt ſeie, þat
and ſoþeli he feelide not þanne whanne ſche lay doun, Y am þi broþer.
xiiii Þerfore Abymelech took ſcheep, and oxun, and
neþer whanne ſche roos.
xxxvi Þerfor þe twei douȝtris of Loth conſeyuede of hir ſeruauntis, and handmaydenes, and ȝaf to Abraham; and
fadir. he ȝeldide to him Sare, `his wijf, and ſeide, Þe lond is
xxxvii And þe more douȝtre childide a ſone, and clepide bifor ȝou;
xv dwelle þou, where euere it pleſiþ þee. Forſoþe
his name Moab; he is þe fadir of men of Moab `til in to
preſent dai. Abymelech ſeide to Sare, Lo!
xxxviii And þe leſſe douȝter childide a ſone, and clepide xvi Y ȝaf a þouſand platis of ſiluer to þi broþer; þis ſchal

his name Amon, þat is, þe ſone of my puple; he is þe be to þee in to hiling of iȝen to al men þat ben wiþ þee;
fadir of men of Amon til to day. and whider euere þou goiſt, haue þou mynde þat þou art
xvii Soþeli for Abraham preiede, God curide
i Abraham ȝede forþ fro þennus in to þe lond of þe ſouþ, Abymelech, and his wijf, and handmaydens, and þei
and dwellide bitwixe Cades and Sur, and was a pilgrym childiden;
xviii for God hadde cloſid ech wombe of þe hows of
in Geraris;
ii and he ſeide of Sare, his wijf, Sche is my ſiſtir. Þerfor Abymelech, for Sare, þe wijf of Abraham.
Abymalec, kyng of Gerare, ſente, and took hir.

CAP. XXI xxii In þe ſame tyme Abymelech, and Ficol, prince of his
i Forſoþe God viſitide Sare, as he bihiȝte, and fillide þo ooſt, ſeide to Abraham, God is wiþ þee in alle þingis
þingis, þat he ſpak. whiche þou doiſt;
ii And ſche conſeyuede, and childide a ſone in hir eeld, xxiii þerfore ſwere þou bi God þat þou noye not me, and
in þe tyme wherynne God biforſeide to hir. myn eiris, and my kynrede; but bi þe merſi whych Y
iii And Abraham clepide þe name of his ſone, whom dide to þee, do þou to me, and to þe lond in which þou
Sare childide to him, Yſaac. lyuediſt a comelyng.
iiii And Abraham circumcidide hym in þe eiȝte dai, as xxiiii And Abraham ſeide, Y ſchal ſwere.

God comaundide to him, xxv And he blamyde Abymelech for þe pit of watir,
v whanne he was of an hundrid ȝeer; for Yſaac was which hiſe ſeruauntis token awey bi violence.
borun in þis age of þe fadir. xxvi And Abymelech anſwerde, I wiſte not who dide þis
vi And Sare ſeide, Þe Lord made leiȝynge to me, and þing, but alſo þou ſchewidiſt not to me, and Y herde not
who euer ſchal here ſchal leiȝe wiþ me. outakun to dai.
vii And eft ſche ſeide, Who ſchulde here, and bileue to xxvii And ſo Abraham took ſcheep and oxun, and ȝaf to

Abraham, þat Sare ſchulde ȝyue ſoukyng to a ſone, Abymalech, and boþe ſmyten a boond of pees.
whom ſche childide to him now an eld man? xxviii And Abraham ſettide ſeuene ewe lambren of þe
viii Þerfor þe child encreeſſide, and was wenyd; and flok aſidis half.
Abraham made a greet feeſte in þe dai of his wenyng. xxix And Abymelech ſeide to hym, What wolen þeſe
ix And whanne Sare ſeiȝ þe ſone of Agar Egipcian ſeuene ewe lambren to hem ſilf, whiche þou madiſt
pleiynge wiþ Yſaac hir ſone, ſche ſeide to Abraham, ſtonde aſidis half?
x Caſt þou out þe handmayde and hir ſone; for þe ſone xxx And he ſeide, Þou ſchalt take of myn hond ſeuene

of þe handmayde ſchal not be eir wiþ my ſone Yſaac. ewe lambren, þat þo be in to witneſſyng to me, for Y
xi Abraham took þis heuyli for his ſone; diggide þis pit.
xii and God ſeide to hym, Be it not ſeyn ſcharp to þee on xxxi Þerfor þilke place was clepid Berſabee, for euere

þe child, and on þin handmayde; alle þingis whiche eiþir ſwore þere;
xxxii and þei maden boond of pees for þe pit of an ooþ.
Sare ſeiþ to þee, here þou hir vois, for in Iſaac ſeed ſchal
be clepid to þee; xxxiii Forſoþe Abymelech roos, and Ficol, prince of his
xiii but alſo I ſchal make þe ſone of þe handmaid in to a chyualrie, and þei turneden aȝen in to þe lond of
greet folk, for he is þi ſeed. Paleſtyns. Soþeli Abraham plauntide a wode in
xiiii And ſo Abraham roos eerli, and took breed, and a Berſabee, and inwardli clepide þere þe name of
botel of watir, and puttide on hir ſchuldre, and bitook þe euerlaſtinge God;
xxxiiii and he was an erþetiliere eþer a comelynge of þe
child, and lefte hir; and whanne ſche hadde go, ſche
ȝede out of þe weie in þe wildirneſſe of Berſabee. lond of Paleſtynes in many dayes.
xv And whanne þe watir in þe botel was endid, ſche
caſtide awei þe child vndur a tre þat was þere; CAP. XXII
xvi and ſche ȝede awei, and ſche ſat euene aȝens as fer as i And aftir þat þeſe þingis weren don, God aſſaiede

a bowe may caſte; for ſche ſeide, Y ſchal not ſe þe child Abraham, and ſeide to hym, Abraham! Abraham! He
diynge; and ſche ſat aȝens, and reiſide hir vois, and anſwerde, Y am preſent.
ii God ſeide to him, Take þi `ſone oon gendrid, whom
xvii Forſoþe þe Lord herde þe vois of þe child, and þe þou loueſt, Yſaac; and go into þe lond of viſioun, and
aungel of þe Lord clepide Agar fro heuene, and ſeide, offre þou hym þere in to brent ſacrifice, on oon of þe
What doiſt þou, Agar? nyle þou drede, for God haþ herd hillis whiche Y ſchal ſchewe to þee.
iii Þerfor Abraham roos bi niȝt, and ſadlide his aſſe, and
þe vois of þe child fro þe place where ynne he is.
xviii Riſe þou, and take þe child, and holde his hoond; ledde wiþ hym twey ȝonge men, and Yſaac his ſone;
for Y ſchal make hym in to a greet folc. and whanne he hadde hewe trees in to brent ſacrifice, he
xix And God openyde hir iȝen, and ſche ſeiȝ a pit of ȝede to þe place which God hadde comaundid to him.
iiii Forſoþe in þe þridde dai he reiſide hiſe iȝen, and ſeiȝ
watir, and ſche ȝede, and fillide þe botel, and ſche ȝaf
drynk to þe child; a place afer;
xx and was wiþ him, and he encreſſide, and dwellide in v and he ſeide to hiſe children, Abide ȝe here wiþ þe

wilderneſſe, and he was maad a ȝong man an archer, aſſe, Y and þe child ſchulen go þidur; and aftir þat we
xxi and dwellide in þe deſeert of Faran; and his modir han worſchipid, we ſchulen turne aȝen to ȝou.
vi And he took þe trees of brent ſacrifice, and puttide on
took to him a wijf of þe lond of Egipt.
Yſaac his ſone; forſoþe he bar fier, and a ſwerd in hiſe

hondis. And whanne þei tweyne ȝeden togidere, Iſaac ii and diede in þe citee of Arbee, which is Ebron, in þe
ſeide to his fadir, My fadir! lond of Chanaan; and Abraham cam to biweyle and
vii And he anſwerde, What wolt þou, ſone? He ſeide, biwepe hir.
Lo! fier and trees, where is þe beeſte of brent ſacrifice? iii And whanne he hadde riſe fro þe office of þe deed
viii Abraham ſeide, My ſone, God ſchal puruey to hym bodi, he ſpak to þe ſones of Heth, and ſeide,
þe beeſte of brent ſacrifice. iiii Y am a comelyng and a pilgrym anentis ȝou; ȝyue ȝe
ix Þerfor þei ȝeden to gidere, and camen to þe place to me riȝt of ſepulcre wiþ ȝou, þat Y birie my deed
whiche God hadde ſchewid to hym, in which place body.
Abraham bildide an auter, and dreſſide trees a boue; and v And þe ſones of Heth anſweriden, and ſeiden, Lord,
whanne he hadde bounde to gidere Yſaac, his ſone, he here þou vs;
puttide Yſaac in þe auter, on þe heep of trees. vi þou art þe prince of God anentis vs; birie þou þi deed
x And he helde forþ his hond, and took þe ſwerd to
bodi in oure choſun ſepulcris, and no man ſchal mow
ſacrifice his ſone. forbede þee, þat ne þou birie þi deed bodi in þe ſepulcre
xi And lo! an aungel of þe Lord criede fro heuene, and of him.
ſeide, Abraham! Abraham! vii And Abraham roos, and worſchipide þe puple of þe
xii Which anſwerde, I am preſent. And þe aungel ſeide to lond, þat is, þe ſones of Heth.
hym, Holde þou not forþ þin honde on þe child, neþer viii And he ſeide to hem, If it pleſiþ ȝoure ſoule þat Y
do þou ony þing to him; now Y haue knowe þat þou birie my deed bodi, here ȝe me, and preie ȝe for me to
drediſt God, and ſparidiſt not þin oon gendrid ſone for Efron, þe ſone of Seor,
me. ix þat he ȝyue to me þe double caue, whiche he haþ in
xiii Abraham reiſide hiſe iȝen, and he ſeiȝ `bihynde his
þe vttirmoſte part of his feeld; for ſufficiaunt money
bak a ram cleuynge bi hornes among breris, which he ȝyue he it to me bifore ȝou into poſſeſſioun of ſepulcre.
took, and offride brent ſacrifice for þe ſone. x Forſoþe Efron dwellide in þe myddis of þe ſones of
xiiii And he clepide þe name of þat place, Þe Lord ſeeþ;
Heth. And Efron anſwerde to Abraham, while alle men
wherfore it is ſeyd, til to dai, Þe Lord ſchal ſee in þe hil. herden þat entriden bi þe ȝate of þat citee,
xv Forſoþe þe aungel of þe Lord clepide Abraham þe xi and ſeide, My lord, it ſchal not be doon ſo, but more
ſecounde tyme fro heuene, herkne þou þat þat Y ſeie; Y ȝyue to þee þe feeld, and
xvi and ſeide, Þe Lord ſeiþ, Y haue ſwore bi my ſilf, for þe denne which is þerine, while þe ſones of my puple
þou haſt do þis þing, and haſt not ſparid þin oon gendrid ben preſent; birie þou þi deed bodi.
for me, xii Abraham worſchipide bifor þe Lord, and bifor þe
xvii Y ſchal bleſſe þee, and Y ſchal multiplie þi ſeed as puple of þe lond,
þe ſterris of heuene, and as grauel which is in þe brynk xiii and he ſpak to Efron, while his puple ſtood aboute, Y
of þe ſee; þi ſeed ſchal gete þe ȝatis of hiſe enemyes; biſeche, þat þou here me; Y ſchal ȝyue money for þe
xviii and alle þe folkis of erþe ſchulen be bleſſid in þi feeld, reſſeyue þou it, and ſo Y ſchal birie my deed bodi
ſeed, for þou obeiediſt to my vois. in þe feeld.
xix Abraham turnede aȝen to hiſe children, and þei ȝeden xiiii And Efron anſwerde, My lord,
to Berſabee to gidere, and he dwellide þere. xv here þou me, þe lond which þou axiſt is worþ foure
xx And ſo whanne þeſe þingis weren don, it was teld to hundrid ſiclis of ſiluer, þat is þe prijs bitwixe me and
Abraham þat alſo Melcha hadde bore ſones to Nachor þee, but hou myche is þis? birie þou þi deed bodi.
his broþer; xvi And whanne Abraham hadde herd þis, he noumbride
xxi Hus þe firſte gendrid, and Buz his broþir, and þe monei which Efron axide, while þe ſones of Heth
Chamuhel þe fadir of Sireis, herden, foure hundrid ſiclis of ſiluer, and of preuyd
xxii and Caſed, and Aſan, and Feldas, comyn monei.
xxiii and Jedlaf, and Batuhel, of whom Rebecca was xvii And þe feeld þat was ſumtyme of Efron, in which

borun; Melcha childide þeſe eiȝte to Nachor broþer of feeld was a double denne, biholdinge to Mambre, as
Abraham. wel þilke feeld as þe denne and alle þe trees þerof, in
xxiiii Forſoþe his concubyn, Roma bi name, childide alle termes þerof bi cumpas, was confermed to
Thabee, and Gaon, and Thaas, and Maacha. Abraham in to poſſeſſioun,
xviii while þe ſones of Heth ſeiȝen and alle men þat

CAP. XXIII entriden bi þe ȝate of þat citee.

i Forſoþe Sare lyuede an hundrid and ſeuene and twenti xix And ſo Abraham biriede Sare, his wijf, in þe double

ȝeer, denne of þe feeld, þat bihelde to Mambre; þis is Ebron

in þe lond of Chanaan.

xx And þe feeld, and þe denne þat was þerynne, was xvi a damyſel ful comeli, and faireſte virgyn, and
confermyd of þe ſones of Heth to Abraham, in to vnknowun of man. Soþeli ſche cam doun to þe welle,
poſſeſſioun of ſepulcre. and fillide þe watir pot, and turnide aȝen.
xvii And þe ſeruaunt mette hir, and ſeide, Ȝyue þou to
CAP. XXIIII me a litil of þe watir of þi pot to drynke.
i Forſoþe Abraham was eld, and of many daies, and þe xviii Which anſwerde, Drynke þou, my lord. And anoon
Lord hadde bleſſid hym in alle þingis. ſche dide doun þe watir pot on hir ſchuldre, and ȝaf
ii And he ſeide to þe eldere ſeruaunt of his hows, þat drynk to hym.
was ſouereyn on alle þingis þat he hadde, Put þou þin xix And whanne he hadde drunke, ſche addide, But alſo
hond vndur myn hipe, Y ſchal drawe watir to þi camelis, til alle drynken.
iii þat Y coniure þee bi þe Lord God of heuene and of xx And ſche helde out þe watir pot in trouȝis, and ran
erþe, þat þou take not a wijf to my ſone of þe douȝtris aȝen to þe pit, to drawe watir, and ſche ȝaf watir drawun
of Chanaan, among whiche Y dwelle; to alle þe camels.
iiii but þat þou go to my lond and kynrede, and þerof xxi Soþeli he bihelde hir priueli, and wolde wite wheþer
take a wijf to my ſone Yſaac. þe Lord hadde ſped his wei, eþir nay.
v Þe ſeruaunt aunſwerde, If þe womman nyle come wiþ xxii Þerfor after þat þe camels drunken, þe man brouȝte
me in to þis lond, wheþer Y owe lede aȝen þi ſone to þe forþ goldun eere ryngis, weiynge twei ſiclis, and as
place, fro which þou ȝediſt out? many bies of þe arm, in þe weiȝte of ten ſiclis.
vi Abraham ſeide, Be war, leſt ony tyme þou lede aȝen xxiii And he ſeide to hir, Whos douȝter art þou? ſchewe
þidur my ſone; þou to me, is ony place in þe hows of þi fadir to dwelle?
vii þe Lord of heuene þat took me fro þe hows of my xxiiii Which anſwerde, Y am þe douȝter of Batuel, ſone
fadir, and fro þe lond of my birþe, which ſpak to me, of Nachor, whom Melcha childide to him.
and ſwoor, and ſeide, Y ſchal ȝyue þis lond to þi ſeed, he xxv And ſche addide, ſeiynge, Alſo ful myche of
ſchal ſende his aungel bifore þee, and þou ſchalt take fro prouendre and of hey is at vs, and a large place to
þennus a wijf to my ſone; forſoþe if þe womman nyle dwelle.
ſue þee, xxvi Þe man bowide hym ſilf,
viii þou ſchalt not be holdun bi þe ooþ; neþeles lede not
xxvii and worſchipide þe Lord, and ſeide, Bleſſid be þe
aȝen my ſone þidur. Lord God of my lord Abraham, which God took not
ix Þerfore þe ſeruaunt puttide his hond vndur þe hipe of
aweie his merſy and treuþe fro my lord, and ledde me bi
Abraham, his lord, and ſwoor to him on þis word. riȝt weie in to þe hous of þe broþer of my lord.
x And he took ten camels of þe floc of his lord, and ȝede xxviii And ſo þe dameſel ran, and telde in þe hous of hir
forþ, and bar wiþ him of alle þe goodis of his lord; and modir alle þingis whiche ſche hadde herd.
he ȝede forþ, and cam to Meſopotanye, to þe citee of xxix Soþeli Rebecca hadde a broþir, Laban bi name,
Nachor. whiche ȝede out haſtili to þe man, where he was wiþ out
xi And whanne he hadde maad þe camels to reſte wiþ
out þe citee, biſidis þe pit of watir, in þe euentid, in þat xxx And whanne he hadde ſeyn þe eere ryngis and byes
tyme in which wymmen ben wont to go out to drawe of þe arm in þe hondis of his ſiſter, and hadde herd alle
watir, þe wordis of hir tellynge, þe man ſpak to me þeſe
xii he ſeide, Lord God of my lord Abraham, Y biſeche,
þingis, he cam to þe man þat ſtood biſidis þe camels,
meete wiþ me to dai, and do merſi wiþ my lord and nyȝ þe welle of watir,
Abraham. xxxi and ſeide to him, Entre þou, þe bleſſid of þe Lord;
xiii Lo! Y ſtonde nyȝ þe welle of watir, and þe douȝtris
whi ſtondiſt þou wiþ outforþ? I haue maad redi þe
of enhabiters of þis citee ſchulen go out to drawe watir; hows, and a place to þi camels.
xiiii þerfor þe damyſel to which Y ſchal ſeie, Bowe doun xxxii And he brouȝte hym in to þe ynne, and unſadlide
þi watir pot þat Y drynke, and ſchal anſwere, Drynke þe camels, and ȝaf prouendre, and hey, and watir to
þou, but alſo Y ſchal ȝyue drynke to þi camels, þilke it waiſche þe feet of camels, and of men þat camen wiþ
is which þou haſt maad redi to þi ſeruaunt Yſaac; and bi hym.
þis Y ſchal vndirſtonde þat þou haſt do merſi wiþ my xxxiii And breed was ſet forþ in his ſiȝt, which ſeide, Y
lord Abraham. ſchal not ete til Y ſpeke my wordis. He anſwerde to þe
xv And he hadde not ȝit fillid þe wordis wiþ ynne hym
man, Speke þou.
ſilf, and lo! Rebecca, þe douȝtir of Batuel, ſone of xxxiiii And þe man ſeide, Y am þe ſeruaunt of Abraham,
Melcha, wijf of Nachor, broþir of Abraham, ȝede out, xxxv and þe Lord haþ bleſſid my lord greetli, and he is
hauynge a watir pot in hir ſchuldre;
maad greet; and God ȝaf to hym ſcheep, and oxun,

ſiluer, and gold, ſeruauntis, and handmaides, camels, lii And whanne þe child of Abraham hadde herd þis, he
and aſſis. felde doun, and worſchipide þe Lord in erþe.
xxxvi And Sare, `þe wijf of my lord, childide a ſone to liii And whanne veſſels of ſiluer, and of gold, and cloþis
my lord in his eelde, and he ȝaf alle þingis þat he hadde weren brouȝt forþ, he ȝaf þo to Rebecca for ȝifte, and he
to þat ſone. ȝaf ȝiftis to hir briþeren, and modir.
xxxvii And my lord chargide me greetli, and ſeide, Þou liiii And whanne a feeſte was maad, þei eeten and
ſchalt not take to my ſone a wijf of þe douȝtris of drunken to gider, and dwelliden þere. Forſoþe þe child
Canaan, in whos lond Y dwelle, roos eerli, and ſpak, Delyuere ȝe me, þat Y go to my
xxxviii but þou ſchalt go to þe hous of my fadir, and of lord.
myn kynrede þou ſchalt take a wijf to my ſone. lv Hir briþeren and modir anſwerden, Þe dameſele
xxxix Forſoþe Y anſwerde to my lord, What if þe dwelle nameli ten daies at vs, and aftirward ſche ſchal
womman nyle come wiþ me? go forþ.
xl He ſeide, Þe Lord in whoſe ſiȝt Y go, ſchal ſende his lvi Þe child ſeide, Nyle ȝe holde me, for þe Lord haþ
aungel wiþ þee, and he ſchal dreſſe þi weie; and þou dreſſid my weie; delyuere ȝe me, þat I go to my lord.
ſchalt take a wijf to my ſone of my kynrede, and of my lvii And þei ſeiden, Clepe we þe damyſele, and axe we
fadris hows. hir wille.
xli Þou ſchalt be innocent fro my curs, whanne þou lviii And whanne ſche was clepid, and cam, þei axiden,
comeſt to my kyneſmen, and þei ȝyuen not `þe Wolt þou go wiþ þis man?
womman to þee. lix And ſche ſeide, Y ſchal go. Þerfor þey delyueriden
xlii Þerfor Y cam to day to þe welle of watir, and Y
hir, and hir nurſe, and þe ſeruaunt of Abraham, and hiſe
ſeide, Lord God of my lord Abraham, if þou haſt dreſſid felowis, and wiſchiden proſperitees to her ſiſter,
my weie in which Y go now, lo! lx and ſeiden, Þou art oure ſiſter, encreeſſe þou in to a
xliii Y ſtonde biſidis þe welle of watir, and þe maide þat
þouſand þouſandis, and þi ſeed gete þe ȝatis of hiſe
ſchal go out to drawe watir heriþ me, ȝyue þou to me a enemyes.
litil of water to drynke of þi pot, lxi Þerfor Rebecca and hir dameſels ſtieden on þe
xliiii and ſeiþ to me, And þou drynke, and Y ſchal drawe
camels, and ſueden þe man, which turnede aȝen haſteli
watir to þi camels, þilke is þe womman which þe Lord to his lord.
haþ maad redi to þe ſone of my lord. lxii In þat tyme Yſaac walkide bi þe weie þat lediþ to þe
xlv While Y turnede in þouȝte þeſe þingis wiþ me,
pit, whos name is of hym þat lyueþ and ſeeþ; for he
Rebecca apperide, comynge wiþ a pot which ſche bare dwellide in þe ſouþ lond.
in þe ſchuldre; and ſche ȝede doun to þe welle, and lxiii And he ȝede out to þenke in þe feeld, for þe dai was
drowe watir. And Y ſeide to hir, Ȝyue þou a litil to me to `bowid þanne; and whanne he hadde reiſid þe iȝen, he
drynke; and ſche haſtide, ſeiȝ camels comynge afer.
xlvi and dide doun þe pot of þe ſchuldre, and ſeide to lxiiii And whanne Yſaac was ſeyn, Rebecca liȝte doun of
me, And þou drynke, and Y ſchal ȝyue drynke to þi þe camel,
camels; Y drank, and watride þe camels. lxv and ſeide to þe child, Who is þat man þat comeþ bi
xlvii And Y axide hir, and ſeide, Whos douȝtir art þou?
þe feeld in to þe metyng of vs? And þe child ſeide to
Which anſwerde, Y am þe douȝtir of Batuel, ſone of hir, He is my lord. And ſche took ſoone a mentil, and
Nachor, whom Melcha childide to him. And ſo Y hilide hir.
hangide eere ryngis to ourne hir face, and Y puttide bies lxvi Forſoþe þe ſeruaunt tolde to his lord Yſaac alle
of þe arm in hir hondis, þingis whiche he hadde do;
xlviii and lowliche Y worſchipide þe Lord, and Y bleſſid
lxvii which Yſaac ledde hir in to þe tabernacle of Sare,
þe Lord God of my lord Abraham, which God ledde me his modir, and took hir to wijf; and ſo myche he louede
bi riȝt weie, þat Y ſchulde take þe douȝtir of þe broþir of hir, þat he temperide þe ſorewe which bifelde of þe
my lord to his ſone. deeþ of þe modir.
xlix Wherfor if ȝe don mercy and treuþe wiþ `my lord,
ſchewe ȝe to me; ellis if oþir þing pleſiþ, alſo ſeie ȝe þis, CAP. XXV
þat Y go to þe riȝt ſide eþir to þe left ſide. i Forſoþe Abraham weddide anoþer wijf, Ceture bi
l Laban and Batuel anſweriden, Þe word is gon out of þe
Lord; we moun not ſpeke ony oþer þing wiþ þee wiþout ii which childide to him Samram, and Jexan, and
his pleſaunce.
li Lo! Rebecca is bifore þee; take þou hir, and go forþ,
Madan, and Madian, and Jeſboth, and Sue.
and be ſche wijf of þe ſone of þi lord, as þe Lord ſpak.

iii Alſo Jexan gendride Saba and Dadan. Forſoþe þe what nede was it to conſeyue? And ſche ȝede and axide
ſones of Dadan weren Aſurym, and Lathuſym, and counſel of þe Lord,
Laomym. xxiii which anſwerde, and ſeide, Twei folkis ben in þi
iiii And ſoþeli of Madian was borun Efa, and Ofer, and wombe, and twei puplis ſchulen be departid fro þi
Enoth, and Abida, and Heldaa; alle þeſe weren þe ſones wombe, and a puple ſchal ouercome a puple, and þe
of Cethure. more ſchal ſerue þe leſſe.
v And Abraham ȝaf alle þingis whiche he hadde in xxiiii Þanne þe tyme of childberyng cam, and lo! twei

poſſeſſioun to Iſaac; children weren foundun in hir wombe.

vi ſoþeli he ȝaf ȝiftis to þe ſones of concubyns; and xxv He þat ȝede out firſt was reed, and al rouȝ in þe

Abraham, while he lyuede ȝit, departide hem fro Yſaac, manere of a ſkyn; and his name was clepid Eſau.
his ſone, to þe eeſt cooſt. xxvi Anoon þe toþir ȝede out, and helde wiþ þe hond þe
vii Forſoþe þe daies of lijf of Abraham weren an hundrid heele of þe broþer; and þerfore he clepide him Jacob.
and `fyue and ſeuenti ȝeer; Iſaac was ſixti ȝeer eeld, whanne þe litle children weren
viii and he failide, and diede in good eelde, and of greet borun.
xxvii And whanne þei weren woxun, Eſau was maad a
age, and ful of daies, and he was gaderid to his puple.
ix And Yſaac and Iſmael, his ſones, birieden him in þe man kunnynge of huntyng, and a man erþe tilier;
double denne, which is ſet in þe feeld of Efron, ſone of forſoþe Jacob was a ſymple man, and dwellide in
Seor Ethei, tabernaclis.
x euene aȝens Mambre, which denne he bouȝte of þe xxviii Iſaac louyde Eſau, for he eet of þe huntyng of

ſones of Heth; and he was biried þere, and Sare his wijf. Eſau; and Rebecca louyde Jacob.
xi And aftir þe deeþ of Abraham God bleſſide Iſaac his xxix Soþeli Jacob ſeþide potage; and whanne Eſau cam

ſone, which dwellide biſidis þe pit bi name of hym þat weri fro þe feld,
xxx he ſeide to Jacob, Ȝyue þou to me of þis reed ſeþing,
lyueþ and ſeeþ.
xii Þeſe ben þe generaciouns of Iſmael, ſone of for Y am ful weri; for which cauſe his name was clepid
Abraham, whom Agar Egipcian, ſeruaunteſſe of Sare, Edom.
xxxi And Jacob ſeide to him, Sille to me þe riȝt of þe firſt
childide to Abraham;
xiii and þeſe ben þe names of þe ſones of Iſmael, in her gendrid childe.
xxxii He anſwerde, Lo! Y die, what ſchulen þe firſte
names and generaciouns. Þe firſte gendride of Iſmael
was Nabaioth, aftirward Cedar, and Abdeel, and gendrid þingis profite to me?
Mabſan, xxxiii Jacob ſeide, þerfor ſwere þou to me. Þerfor Eſau
xiiii and Maſma, and Duma, and Maſſa, ſwoor, and ſelde þe firſte gendrid þingis.
xv and Adad, and Thema, and Ithur, and Nafir, and xxxiiii And ſo whanne he hadde take breed and potage,

Cedma. Eſau eet and drank, and ȝede forþ, and chargide litil þat
xvi Þeſe weren þe ſones of Iſmael, and þeſe weren names he hadde ſeld þe riȝt of þe firſte gendrid child.
by caſtels and townes of hem, twelue princes of her
lynagis. CAP. XXVI
xvii And þe ȝeeris of lijf of Iſmael weren maad an i Forſoþe for hungur roos on þe lond, aftir þilke

hundrid and ſeuene and þretti, and he failide, and diede, bareyneſſe þat bifelde in þe daies of Abraham, Iſaac
and was put to his puple. ȝede forþ to Abymelech, kyng of Paleſtyns, in Gerara.
xviii Forſoþe he enhabitide fro Euila til to Sur, þat ii And þe Lord apperide to hym, and ſeide, Go not doun

biholdiþ Egipt, as me entriþ in to Aſſiriens; he diede in to Egipt, but reſte þou in þe lond which Y ſchal ſeie
bifore alle his briþeren. to þee,
xix Alſo þeſe ben þe generaciouns of Yſaac ſone of iii and be þou a pilgrym þer ynne; and Y ſchal be wiþ

Abraham. Abraham gendride Iſaac, þee, and Y ſchal bleſſe þee; for Y ſchal ȝyue alle þeſe
xx and whanne Iſaac was of fourti ȝeer, he weddide a cuntrees to þee and to þi ſeed, and Y ſchal fille þe ooþ
wijf, Rebecca, douȝter of Batuel, of Sirie of which Y bihiȝte to Abraham, þi fadir.
iiii And Y ſchal multiplie þi ſeed as þe ſterris of heuene,
Meſopotanye, þe ſiſtir of Laban.
xxi And Iſaac biſouȝte þe Lord for his wijf, for ſche was and Y ſchal ȝyue alle þeſe þingis to þin eyris, and alle
bareyn; and þe Lord herde him, and ȝaf conſeiuyng to folkis of erþe ſchulen be bleſſid in þi ſeed, for Abraham
Rebecca. obeide to my vois,
v and kepte `my preceptis and comaundementis, and
xxii But þe litle children weren hurtlid togidre in hir
wombe; and ſche ſeide, If it was ſo to comynge to me, kepte cerymonyes and lawis.
vi And ſo Yſaac dwellide in Geraris.

vii And whanne he was axid of men of þat place of his xxiiii where þe Lord God apperide to him in þat nyȝt;
wijf, he anſwarde, Sche is my ſiſtir; for he dredde to and ſeide, Y am God of Abraham, þi fadir; nyle þou
knowleche þat ſche was felouſchipid to hym in drede, for Y am wiþ þee, and Y ſchal bleſſe þee, and Y
matrymonye, and geſſide leſt peraduenture þei wolden ſchal multiplie þi ſeed for my ſeruaunt Abraham.
ſle him for þe fairneſſe of hir. xxv And ſo Yſaac bildide þer an auter to þe Lord; and
viii And whanne ful many daies weren paſſid, and he whanne þe name of þe Lord was inwardli clepid, he
dwellide þere, Abymelech, kyng of Paleſtyns, bihelde bi ſtretchide forþ a tabernacle; and he comaundide hiſe
a wyndow, and ſeiȝ hym pleiynge wiþ Rebecca, his ſeruauntis þat þei ſchulden digge pittis.
wijf. xxvi And whanne Abymelech, and Ochoſat, hiſe frendis,
ix And whanne Iſaac was clepid, þe kyng ſeide, It is and Ficol, duk of knyȝtis, hadden come fro Geraris to
opyn, þat ſche is þi wijf; whi liediſt þou, þat ſche was þi þat place,
ſiſtir? Iſaac anſwerde, Y dredde, leſt Y ſchulde die for xxvii Iſaac ſpak to hem, What camen ȝe to me, a man
hir. whom ȝe hatiden, and puttiden awei fro ȝou?
x And Abymelech ſeide, Whi haſt þou diſſeyued vs? xxviii Whiche anſweriden, We ſeiȝen þat God is wiþ þee,
Sum man of þe puple myȝte do letcherie wiþ þi wijf, and þerfor we ſeiden now, An ooþ be bitwixe vs, and
and þou haddiſt brouȝt in greuous ſynne on vs. And þe make we a couenaunt of pees,
kyng comaundide to al þe puple, xxix þat þou do not ony yuel to vs, as we touchiden `not
xi and ſeide, He þat touchiþ þe wijf of þis man ſchal die
ony þing of þine, neþir diden þat þat hirtide þee, but
bi deeþ. wiþ pees we leften þee encreſſid bi þe bleſſyng of þe
xii Forſoþe Iſaac ſowide in þat lond, and he foond an Lord.
hundrid fold in þat ȝeer; and þe Lord bleſſide hym. xxx Þerfor Iſaac made a feeſte to hem; and after mete
xiii And þe man was maad riche, and he ȝede profitynge and drynk þei riſen eerli,
and encreeſſynge til he was maad ful greet. xxxi and ſworen ech to oþer; and Iſaac lefte hem peiſibli
xiiii Alſo he hadde poſſeſſioun of ſcheep and grete in to her place.
beeſtis, and ful myche of meyne. For þis þing Paleſtyns xxxii Lo! forſoþe in þat dai þe ſeruauntis of Yſaac
hadden enuye to hym, camen, tellynge to him of þe pit which þei hadden
xv and þei ſtoppiden in þat tyme and filliden wiþ erþe diggid, and ſeiden, We han foundun watir.
alle þe pittis whiche þe ſeruauntis of Abraham his fadir xxxiii Wherfor Yſaac clepide þat pit abundaunce; and þe
hadden diggid, name of þe citee was ſet Berſabee til in to preſent dai.
xvi in ſo myche þat Abymelech him ſilf ſeide to Yſaac, xxxiiii Eſau forſoþe fourti ȝeer eld weddide twei wyues,
Go þou awei fro vs, for þou art maad greetly myȝtier Judith, þe douȝtir of Beeri Ethei, and Bethſamath, þe
þan we. douȝter of Elon, of þe ſame place;
xvii And he ȝede awei, þat he ſchulde come to þe ſtronde xxxv whiche boþe offendiden þe ſoule of Iſaac and of
of Gerare, and dwelle þere. Rebecca.
xviii And he diggide eft oþer pittis, whiche þe ſeruauntis
of Abraham his fadir hadden diggid, and whiche þe CAP. XXVII
Filiſteis hadden ſtoppid ſumtyme, whanne Abraham was i Forſoþe Iſaac wexe eld, and hiſe iȝen daſewiden, and
deed; and he clepide þo pittis bi þe ſame names, bi he miȝte not ſe. And he clepide Eſau, his more ſone, and
whiche his fadir hadde clepid bifore. ſeide to hym, My ſone! Which anſwerde, Y am preſent.
xix Þei diggiden in þe ſtronde, and þei founden wellynge ii To whom þe fadir ſeide, Þou ſeeſt þat Y haue woxun
watir. eld, and Y knowe not þe dai of my deeþ.
xx But alſo ſtrijf of ſcheepherdis of Gerare was þere iii Take þin armeres, `arewe caas, and a bowe, and go
aȝens þe ſcheepherdis of Iſaac, and þei ſeiden, Þe watir out; and whanne þou haſt take ony þing bi huntyng,
is oure; wherfor of þat þat bifelde he clepide þe name of iiii make to me a ſeew þerof, as þou knowiſt þat Y wole,
þe pit fals chaleng. and brynge þat Y ete, and my ſoule bleſſe þee bifore þat
xxi And þei diggiden anoþir, and þei ſtryueden alſo for
Y die.
þat, and Yſaac clepide þat pit enemytes. v And whanne Rebecca hadde herd þis þing, and he
xxii And he ȝede forþ fro þennus, and diggide anoþer
hadde go in to þe feeld to fille þe comaundment of þe
pit, for which þei ſtryueden not, þerfor he clepid þe fadir,
name of þat pit largeneſſe; and ſeide, Now God haþ vi ſche ſeide to hir ſone Jacob, Y herde þi fadir ſpekynge
alargid vs, and haþ maad to encreeſſe on erþe. wiþ Eſau, þi broþir, and ſeiynge to him, Brynge þou me
xxiii Forſoþe he ſtiede fro þat place in to Berſabee,
of þin huntyng,

vii and make þow metis, þat Y ete, and þat Y bleſſe þee xxviii God ȝyue to þee of þe dewe of heuene, and of þe
bifor þe Lord bifor þat Y die. fatneſſe of erþe, aboundaunce of whete, and of wyn, and
viii Now þerfor, my ſone, aſſent to my counſels, of oile;
ix and go to þe floc, and brynge to me tweyne þe beſte xxix and puplis ſerue þee, and lynagis worſchipe þee; be

kidis, þat Y make metis of þo to þi fadir, whiche he etiþ þou lord of þi briþeren, and þe ſones of þi modir be
gladli; bowid bifor þee; be he curſid þat curſiþ þee, and he þat
x and þat whanne þow haſt brouȝt in þo metis, and he bleſſiþ þee, be fillid wiþ bleſſyngis.
xxx Vnneþis Iſaac hadde fillid þe word, and whanne
haþ ete, he bleſſe þee bifore þat he die.
xi To whom Jacob anſwerde, Þou knowiſt þat Eſau my Jacob was gon out,
xxxi Eſau cam, and brouȝte in metis ſodun of þe huntyng
broþer is an heeri man, and Y am ſmeþe; if my fadir
`touchiþ and feeliþ me, to þe fadir, and ſeide, My fadir, riſe þou, and ete of þe
xii Y drede leſt he geſſe þat Y wolde ſcorne him, and leſt huntyng of þi ſone, þat þi ſoule bleſſe me.
xxxii And Iſaac ſeide, Who forſoþe art þou? Which
he brynge in curſyng on me for bleſſyng.
xiii To whom þe modir ſeide, My ſone, þis curſyng be in anſwerde, Y am Eſau, þi firſte gendrid ſone.
xxxiii Iſaac dredde bi a greet aſtonying; and he wondride
me; oonly here þou my vois, and go, and brynge þat þat
Y ſeide. more, þan it mai be bileued, and ſeide, Who þerfor is he
xiiii He ȝede, and brouȝte, and ȝaf to his modir. Sche which a while ago brouȝte to me huntyng takun, and Y
made redi metis, as ſche knewe þat his fadir wolde, eet of alle þingis bifor þat þou cameſt; and Y bleſſide
xv and ſche cloþide Jacob in ful goode cloþis of Eſau, him? and he ſchal be bleſſid.
xxxiiii Whanne þe wordis of þe fadir weren herd, Eſau
whiche ſche hadde at home anentis hir ſilf.
xvi And ſche `compaſſide þe hondis wiþ litle ſkynnys of rorid wiþ a greet cry, and was aſtonyed, and ſeide, My
kiddis, and kyuerede þe `nakide þingis of þe necke; fadir, bleſſe þou alſo me.
xxxv Which ſeide, Þy broþer cam prudentli, and took þi
xvii and ſche ȝaf ſeew, and bitook þe loouys whiche ſche
hadde bake. bleſſyng.
xxxvi And Eſau addide, Juſtli his name is clepid Jacob,
xviii And whanne þeſe weren brouȝt in, he ſeide, My
fadir! And he anſwerde, Y here; who art þou, my ſone? for lo! he ſupplauntide me anoþer tyme; bifor he took
xix And Jacob ſeide, Y am Eſau, þi firſt gendrid ſone. Y awei `my firſte gendride þingis, and now þe ſecounde
tyme he rauyſchide priueli my bleſſyng. And eft he ſeide
haue do to þee as þou comaundiſt to me; riſe þou, ſitte,
to þe fadir, Wher þou haſt not reſerued a bleſſyng alſo to
and ete of myn huntyng, þat þi ſoule bleſſe me.
xx Eft Yſaac ſeide to his ſone, My ſone, hou miȝtiſt þou
xxxvii Yſaac anſweride, Y haue maad him þi lord, and Y
fynde ſo ſoone? Which anſwerde, It was Goddis wille,
haue maad ſuget alle hiſe briþeren to his ſeruage; Y
þat þis þat Y wolde ſchulde come ſoone to me.
xxi And Iſaac ſeide, My ſone, come þou hidir, þat Y
haue ſtabliſchid him in whete, and wyn, and oile; and,
my ſone, what ſchal Y do to þee aftir þeſe þingis?
touche þee, and þat Y preue wher þou art my ſone Eſau, xxxviii To whom Eſau ſaide, Fadir, wher þou haſt oneli o
eþir nay.
xxii He neiȝede to þe fadir; and whanne he hadde feelid
bleſſyng? Y biſeche þat alſo þou bleſſe me. And whanne
Eſau wepte wiþ greet ȝellyng,
hym, Iſaac ſeide, Soþeli þe vois is þe vois of Jacob, but xxxix Iſaac was ſtirid, and ſeide to hym, Þi bleſſyng ſchal
þe hondis ben þe hondis of Eſau.
xxiii And Iſaac knew not Jacob, for þe heery hondis
be in þe fatneſſe of erþe, and in þe dew of heuene fro
expreſſiden þe licneſſe of þe more ſone. xl þou ſchalt lyue bi ſwerd, and þou ſchalt ſerue þi
xxiiii Þerfor Iſaac bleſſide him, and ſeide, Art þou my
broþir, and tyme ſchal come whanne þou ſchalt ſhake
ſone Eſau? Jacob anſwerde, Y am. awei, and vnbynde his ȝok fro þi nollis.
xxv And Iſaac ſeide, My ſone, brynge þou to me metis of xli Þerfor Eſau hatide euer Jacob for þe bleſſyng bi
þin huntyng, þat my ſoule bleſſe þee. And whanne Iſaac which þe fadir hadde bleſſid hym; and Eſau ſeide in his
hadde ete þeſe metis brouȝt, Jacob brouȝte alſo wyn to herte, Þe daies of morenyng of my fadir ſchulen come,
Iſaac, and whanne þis was drunkun, and Y ſchal ſle Jacob, my broþir.
xxvi Iſaac ſeide to him, My ſone, come þou hidir, and xlii Þeſe þingis weren teld to Rebecca, and ſche ſente,
ȝyue to me a cos. and clepide hir ſone Jacob, and ſeide to hym, Lo ! Eſau,
xxvii Jacob neiȝede, and kiſſide hym; and anoon as Iſaac
þi broþir, manaaſiþ to ſle þee;
feelide þe odour of hiſe cloþis, he bleſſide him, and xliii now þerfor, my ſone, here þou my vois, and riſe
ſeide, Lo! þe odour of my ſone as þe odour of a `feeld þou, and fle to Laban, my broþer, in Aran;
ful which þe Lord haþ bleſſid.

xliiii and
þou ſchalt dwelle wiþ hym a fewe daies, til þe xv And Y ſchal be þi kepere, whidur euer þou ſchalt go;
woodneſſe of þi broþer reſte, and Y ſchal lede þee aȝen in to þis lond, and Y ſchal not
xlv and his indignacioun ceeſſe, and til he forȝite þo leeue no but Y ſchal fil alle þingis whiche Y ſeide.
þingis whiche þou haſt don aȝens hym. Aftirward Y xvi And whanne Jacob hadde wakyd of ſleep, he ſeide,
ſchal ſende, and Y ſchal brynge þee fro þennus hidir. Verili þe Lord is in þis place, and Y wiſte not.
Whi ſchal Y be maad ſoneles of euer eiþir ſone in o dai? xvii And he ſeide dredynge, Hou worſchipful is þis
xlvi And Rebecca ſeide to Iſaac, It anoieþ me of my lijf place! Here is noon oþer þing no but þe hows of God,
for þe douȝtris of Heth; if Jacob takiþ a wijf of þe and þe ȝate of heuene.
kynrede of þis lond, Y nyle lyue. xviii Þerfor Jacob roos eerli, and took þe ſtoon which he
hadde put vndur his heed, and reiſide in to a title, and
CAP. XXVIII helde oile aboue.
i And ſo Iſaac clepide Jacob, and bleſſide hym, and xix And he clepide þe name of þat citee Bethel, which
comaundide to hym, and ſeide, Nyle þou take a wijf of was clepid Luſa bifore.
þe kyn of Canaan; but go þou, xx Alſo he auowide a vow, and ſeide, If God is wiþ me,
ii and walke forþ in to Meſopotanye of Sirie, to þe hows
and kepiþ me in þe weie in which Y go, and ȝyueþ to
of Batuel, fadir of þi modir, and take to þee of þennus a me looues to ete, and cloþis to be cloþid,
wijf of þe douȝtris of Laban, þin vncle. xxi and Y turne aȝen in proſperite to þe hows of my
iii Soþeli Almyȝti God bleſſe þee, and make þee to
fadir, þe Lord ſchal be in to God to me.
encreeſſe, and multiplie þee, þat þou be in to xxii And þis ſtoon, which Y reiſide in to a title, ſchal be
cumpanyes of puplis; clepid þe hows of God, and Y ſchal offre tiþis to þee of
iiii and God ȝyue to þee þe bleſſyngis of Abraham, and
alle þingis whiche þou ſchalt ȝyue to me.
to þi ſeed aftir þee, þat þou welde þe lond of þi
pilgrymage, which he bihiȝte to þi grauntſir. CAP. XXIX
v And whanne Yſaac hadde left hym, he ȝede forþ, and i Þerfor Jacob paſſide forþ, and cam in to þe eeſt lond;
cam in to Meſopotanye of Sirie, to Laban, þe ſone of ii and ſeiȝ a pit in þe feeld, and þre flockis of ſcheep
Batuel of Sirie, þe broþer of Rebecca, his modir. reſtynge biſidis it, for whi ſcheep weren watrid þerof,
vi Forſoþe Eſau ſeiȝ þat his fadir hadde bleſſid Jacob,
and þe mouþ þerof was cloſid wiþ a greet ſtoon.
and hadde ſent him in to Meſopotanye of Sirie, þat he iii And þe cuſtom was þat whanne alle ſcheep weren
ſchulde wedde a wijf of þennus, and þat aftir þe gaderid togidere, þei ſchulden turne awei þe ſtoon, and
bleſſyng he comaundide to Jacob, and ſeide, Þou ſchalt whanne þe flockis weren fillid þei ſchulden put it eft on
not take a wijf of þe douȝtris of Canaan; þe mouþ of þe pit.
vii and þat Jacob obeiede to his fadir `and modir, and iiii And Jacob ſeide to þe ſcheepherdis, Briþren, of
ȝede in to Sirie; whennus ben ȝe? Whiche anſweriden, Of Aran.
viii alſo Eſau preuyde þat his fadir bihelde not gladli þe v And he axide hem and ſeide, Wher ȝe knowen Laban,
douȝtris of Canaan. þe ſone of Nachor? Þei ſeiden, We knowen.
ix And he ȝede to Iſmael, and weddide a wijf, wiþ out vi Jacob ſeide, Is he hool? Þei ſeiden, He is in good
þeſe whiche he hadde bifore, Melech, þe douȝter of ſtaat; and lo! Rachel, his douȝtir, comeþ wiþ his flok.
Iſmael, ſone of Abraham, þe ſiſtir of Nabaioth. vii And Jacob ſeide, Ȝit myche of þe dai is to come, and
x Þerfor Jacob ȝede out of Berſabee, and ȝede to Aran.
it is not tyme þat þe flockis be led aȝen to þe fooldis;
xi And whanne he hadde come to ſum place, and wolde
ſoþeli ȝyue ȝe drynk to þe ſcheep, and ſo lede ȝe hem
reſte þer inne aftir þe goynge doun of þe ſunne, he took aȝen to mete.
of þe ſtoonus þat laien þer, and he puttide vndur his viii Whiche anſweriden, We moun not til alle ſcheep be
heed, and ſlepte in þe ſame place. gederid to gidere, and til we remouen þe ſtoon fro þe
xii And he ſeiȝe in ſleep a laddir ſtondynge on þe erþe,
mouþ of þe pit to watir þe flockis.
and þe cop þer of touchinge heuene; and he ſeiȝ Goddis ix Ȝit þei ſpaken, and lo! Rachel cam wiþ þe ſcheep of
aungels ſtiynge vp and goynge doun þer bi, hir fadir.
xiii and þe Lord faſtned to þe laddir, ſeiynge to hym, Y x And whanne Jacob ſeiȝ hir, and knewe þe douȝtir of
am þe Lord God of Abraham, þi fadir, and God of Iſaac; his modris broþir, and þe ſcheep of Laban his vncle, he
Y ſchal ȝyue to þee and to þi ſeed þe lond in which þou remeuyde þe ſtoon wiþ which þe pit was cloſid;
ſlepiſt. xi and whanne þe flok was watrid, he kiſſide hir, and he
xiiii And þi ſeed ſchal be as þe duſt of erþe, þou ſchalt be
wepte wiþ `vois reiſid.
alargid to þe eeſt, and weſt, and norþ, and ſouþ; and alle
lynagis of erþe ſchulen be bleſſid in þee and in þi ſeed.

xii And he ſchewide to hir þat he was þe broþir of hir xxxiii And eft ſche conſeyuede, `and childide a ſone, and
fadir, and þe ſone of Rebecca; and ſche haſtide, and ſeide, For þe Lord ſeiȝ þat Y was diſpiſid, he ȝaf alſo þis
telde to hir fadir. ſone to me; and ſche clepide his name Symeon.
xiii And whanne he hadde herd, þat Jacob, þe ſone of his xxxiiii And ſche conſeyuede þe þridde tyme, and childide
ſiſtir, cam, he ran aȝens hym, and he biclippide Jacob anoþir ſone, and ſhe ſeide alſo, Now myn hoſebonde
and kiſſide hym, and ledde in to his hows. Forſoþe ſchal be couplid to me, for Y childide þre ſones to him;
whanne þe cauſis of þe iurney weren herd, and þerfor ſche clepide his name Leuy.
xiiii Laban anſweride, Þou art my boon and my fleiſch. xxxv Þe fourþe tyme ſche conſeyuede, and childide a
And aftir þat þe daies of o moneþ weren fillid, Laban ſone, and ſeide, Now I ſchal knouleche to þe Lord; and
ſeide to him, herfor ſhe clepide his name Judas; and ceeſſide to
xv `Wheþir for þou art my broþir, þou ſchalt ſerue me childe.
frely? ſeie þou what mede þou ſchalt take.
xvi Forſoþe Laban hadde twei douȝtris, þe name of þe CAP. XXX
i Forſoþe Rachel ſeiȝ, þat ſche was vnfruytful, and
more was Lya, ſoþeli þe leſſe was clepid Rachel;
xvii but Lya was blere iȝed, Rachel was of fair face, and hadde enuye to þe ſiſter, and ſeide to hir hoſebonde,
ſemeli in ſiȝt. Ȝyue þou fre children to me, ellis Y ſchal die.
xviii And Jacob louede Rachel, and ſeide, Y ſchal ſerue ii To whom Jacob was wrooþ, and anſwerde, Wher Y

þee ſeuene ȝeer for Rachel þi leſſe douȝtir. am for God, which haue priued þee fro þe fruyt of þi
xix Laban anſweride, It is betere þat Y ȝyue hir to þee wombe?
iii And ſche ſeide, Y haue `a ſeruaunteſſe Bala, entre þou
þan to anoþir man; dwelle þou at me.
xx Þerfor Jacob ſeruyde ſeuene ȝeer for Rachel; and þe to hir þat ſhe childe on my knees, and þat Y haue ſones
daies ſemyden fewe to hym for þe greetneſſe of loue. of hir.
iiii And ſche ȝaf to hym Bala in to matrimony;
xxi And he ſeide to Laban, Ȝyue þou my wijf to me, for
v and whanne þe hoſebonde hadde entrid to hir, ſche
þe tyme is fillid þat Y entre to hir.
xxii And whanne many cumpenyes of freendis weren conſeyuede, and childide a ſone.
vi And Rachel ſeide, þe Lord demede to me, and herde
clepid to þe feeſte, he made weddyngis,
xxiii and in þe euentid Laban brouȝte in to hym Lya his my preier, and ȝaf a ſone to me; and þerfor ſche clepide
douȝtir, his name Dan.
vii And eft Bala conſeyuede, and childide anoþir ſone,
xxiiii and ȝaf an handmaide, Selfa bi name, to þe douȝter.
viii for whom Rachel ſeide, Þe Lord haþ maad me lijk to
And whanne Jacob hadde entrid to hir bi cuſtom,
whanne þe morewtid was maad, he ſeiȝ Lya, my ſiſtir, and Y wexide ſtrong; and ſche clepide hym
xxv and ſeide to his wyues fadir, What is it þat þou Neptalym.
ix Lya feelide þat ſche ceeſſide to bere child, and ſche
woldiſt do? wher Y ſeruede not þee for Rachel? whi haſt
þou diſſeyued me? ȝaf Selfa, hir handmayde, to þe hoſebonde.
xxvi Laban anſwerde, It is not cuſtom in oure place þat x And whanne Selfa aftir conſeyuyng childide a ſone,

we ȝyue firſt þe `leſſe douȝtris to weddyngis; Lya ſeide, Bleſſidly;

xxvii fille þou þe wouke of daies of þis couplyng, and Y xi and þerfor ſche clepide his name Gad.
xii Alſo Selfa childide anoþir ſone,
ſchal ȝyue to þee alſo þis Rachel, for þe werk in which
þou ſchalt ſerue me bi oþere ſeuene ȝeer. xiii and Lia ſeide, Þis is for my blis, for alle wymmen
xxviii Jacob aſſentide to þe couenaunt, and whanne þe ſchulen ſeie me bleſſid; þerfor ſche clepide hym Aſer.
wouke was paſſid, xiiii Forſoþe Ruben ȝede out in to þe feeld in þe tyme of
xxix he weddide Rachel, to whom þe fadir hadde ȝoue wheete herueſt, and foond mandragis, whiche he
Bala ſeruaunteſſe. brouȝte to Lya, his modir. And Rachel ſeide, Ȝyue þou
xxx And at þe laſte he vſide þe weddyngis deſirid, and to me a part of þe mandragis of þi ſone.
xv Lya anſweride, Wheþer it ſemeþ litil to þee, þat þou
ſettide þe loue of þe `wijf ſuynge bifore þe former; and
he ſeruede at Laban ſeuene oþere ȝeer. haſt rauyſchid þe hoſebonde fro me, no but þou take alſo
xxxi Forſoþe þe Lord ſeiȝ þat he diſpiſide Lya, and þe mandragis of my ſone? Rachel ſeide, Þe hoſebonde
openyde hir wombe while þe ſiſtir dwellide bareyn. ſleepe wiþ þee in þis nyȝt for þe mandragis of þi ſone.
xxxii And Lia childide a ſone conſeyued, and clepide his xvi And whanne Jacob cam aȝen fro þe feeld at euentid,

name Ruben, and ſeide, Þe Lord ſeiȝ my mekeneſſe; Lya ȝede out in to his comyng, and ſeide, Þou ſhalt entre
now myn hoſebonde ſchal loue me. to me, for Y haue hired þee wiþ hire for þe mandragis
of my ſone. He ſlepte wiþ hir in þat nyȝt;

xvii and God herde hir preiers, and ſche conſeyuede, and xxxvii Þerfor Jacob took greene ȝerdis of popeleris, and
childide þe fyueþe ſone; of almoundis, and of planes, and in parti dide awei þe
xviii and ſeide, God ȝaf meede to me, for Y ȝaf myn rynde of þo, and whanne þe ryndis weren `drawun a
handmayde to myn hoſebond; and ſche clepide his name wei, whitneſſe apperide in þeſe þat weren maad bare;
Iſacar. ſoþely þo þat weren hoole dwelliden grene, and bi þis
xix Eft Lia conſeyuede, and childide þe ſixte ſone, maner þe coloure was maad dyuerſe.
xx and ſeide, Þe Lord haþ maad me riche wiþ a good xxxviii And Jacob puttide þo ȝerdis in þe trowis, where

dower, alſo in þis tyme myn hoſebonde ſchal be wiþ me, þe watir was held out, þat whanne þe flockis ſchulden
for Y childide ſixe ſones to hym; and þerfore ſche come to drynke, þei ſchulden haue þe ȝerdis bifor þe
clepide his name Sabulon. iȝen, and ſchulden conſeyue in þe ſiȝt of þe ȝerdis.
xxi Aftir whom ſche childide a douȝter, Dyna bi name. xxxix And it was doon þat in þilke heete of riding þe

xxii Alſo þe Lord hadde mynde on Rachel, and herde hir, ſheep ſchulde biholde þe ȝerdis, and þat þei ſchulden
and openyde hir wombe. brynge forþ ſpotti beeſtis, and dyuerſe, and biſpreynt
xxiii And ſche conſeyuede, and childide a ſone, and wiþ dyuerſe colour.
xl And Jacob departide þe floc, and puttide þe ȝerdis in
ſeide, God haþ take a wey my ſchenſchipe; and ſche
clepid his name Joſeph, þe trowis bifor þe iȝen of þe rammys. Soþeli alle þe
xxiiii and ſeide, Þe Lord ȝyue to me anoþer ſone. white and blake weren Labans; ſoþeli þe oþere weren
xxv Soþeli whanne Joſeph was borun, Jacob ſeide to his
Jacobis; for þe flockis weren departid bytwixe hem ſilf.
xli Þerfor whanne þe ſcheep weren ridun in þe firſte
wyues fadir, Delyuere þou me, þat Y turne aȝen in to
tyme, Jacob puttide þe ȝerdis in þe `trouȝis of watir
my cuntrey and to my lond.
xxvi Ȝyue þou to me my wyues and fre children for
bifor þe iȝen of rammys and of ſcheep, þat þei ſchulden
conſeyue in þe ſiȝt of þo ȝerdis.
whiche Y ſeruede þee, þat Y go; forſoþe þou knowiſt þe xlii Forſoþe whanne þe late medlyng and þe laſte
ſeruyce bi which Y ſeruede þee.
xxvii Laban ſeide to hym, Fynde Y grace in þi ſiȝt, Y
conſeyuyng weren, Jacob puttide not þo ȝerdis; and þo
þat weren late, weren maad Labans, and þo þat weren
haue lerned bi experience þat God bleſſide me for þee; of þe firſte tyme weren Jacobis.
xxviii ordeyne þou þe meede which Y ſchal ȝyue to þee. xliii And he was maad ful riche, and hadde many
xxix And he anſweride, Þou wooſt hou Y ſeruede þee,
flockis, handmaydis, and ſeruauntis, camels, and aſſis.
and hou greet þi poſſeſſioun was in myn hondis;
xxx þou haddiſt litil bifore þat Y cam to þee, and now
þou art maad riche, and þe Lord bleſſide þee at myn i Aftir þat Jacob herde þe wordis of þe ſones of Laban,
entryng; þerfor it is iuſt þat Y purueye ſum tyme alſo to þat ſeiden, Jacob haþ take awei alle þingis þat weren
myn hows. oure fadris, and of his catel Jacob is maad riche, and
xxxi And Laban ſeide, What ſchal Y ȝyue to þee? And
Jacob ſeide, Y wole no þing but if þou doiſt þat þat Y ii Alſo Jacob perſeyuede þe face of Laban, þat it was not
axe, eft Y ſchal fede and kepe þi ſcheep. aȝens hym as ȝiſtirdai, and þe þridde dai agoon,
xxxii Cumpaſſe þou alle þi flockis, and departe þou alle iii mooſt for þe Lord ſeide to hym, Turne aȝen into þe
diuerſe ſcheep and of ſpottid flees, and what euer þing lond of þi fadris, and to þi generacioun, and Y ſhal be
ſchal be dun, and ſpottid, and dyuerſe, as wel in ſcheep wiþ þee.
as in geet, it ſchal be my mede. iiii He ſente, and clepide Rachel, and Lya, in to þe feeld,
xxxiii And my riȝtfulneſſe ſchal anſwere to me to
where he kepte flockis, and he ſeide to hem,
morewe, whanne þe tyme of couenaunt ſchal come v Y ſe þe face of ȝoure fadir, þat it is not aȝens me as
bifor þee; and alle þat ben not dyuerſe and ſpottid and `ȝiſterdai and þe þridde dai agoon; but God of my fadir
dunne, as well in ſheep as in geet, ſchulen repreue me of was wiþ me.
þefte. vi And ȝe witen þat wiþ alle my ſtrengþis Y ſeruede
xxxiiii And Laban ſeide, Y haue acceptable þat þat þou
ȝoure fadir;
axiſt. vii but and ȝoure fadir diſſeyuyde me, and chaungide my
xxxv And he departide in þat dai þe geet, and ſcheep,
meede ten ſiþis; and neþeles God ſuffride not hym to
geet buckis, and rammes, dyuerſe and ſpottid. Soþely he anoye me.
bitook al þe flok of o coloure, þat is, of white and of viii If he ſeide ony tyme, Dyuerſe colourid ſheep ſchulen
blak flees in þe hond of hiſe ſones;
xxxvi and he ſettide þe ſpace of weie of þre daies bitwixe be þi medis, alle ſheep brouȝten forþ dyuerſe colourid
lambren; forſoþe whanne he ſeide aȝenward, Þou ſhalte
hiſe ſones and þe hoſebonde of hiſe douȝtris, þat fedde take alle white for mede, alle þe flockis brouȝten forþ
oþere flockiſ’ of hym. white beeſtis;

ix and God took a wey þe ſubſtaunce of ȝoure fadir, and xxx Suppoſe, if þou coueitediſt to go to þi kyneſmen, and
ȝaf to me. þe hows of þi fadir was in deſir to þee, whi haſt þou
x For aftir þat þe tyme of conſeyuyng of ſheep cam, Y ſtole my goddis?
reiſide myn iȝen, and ſeiȝ in ſleep malis dyuerſe, and xxxi Jacob anſweride, Þat Y ȝede forþ while þou wiſtiſt
ſpotti, and of dyuerſe colouris, ſtiynge on femalis. not, Y dredde leſt þou woldiſt take awey þi douȝtris
xi And þe aungel of þe Lord ſeide to me in ſleep, Jacob! violentli;
and Y anſweride, Y am redy. xxxii ſoþeli þat þou repreueſt me of þefte, at whom euer
xii Which ſeide, Reiſe þin iȝen, and ſe alle malis dyuerſe, þou fyndiſt þi goddis, be he ſlayn bifor oure briþeren;
byſpreynt, and ſpotti, ſtiynge on femalis; for Y ſeiȝ alle ſeke þou, what euer þing of þine þou fyndiſt at me, and
þingis whiche Laban dide to þee; take awei. Jacob ſeide þeſe þingis, and wiſte not þat
xiii Y am God of Bethel, where þou anoyntidiſt a ſtoon, Rachel ſtal þe idols.
xxxiii And ſo Laban entride into þe tabernacle of Jacob,
and madiſt auow to me. Now þerefor riſe þou, and go
out of þis lond, and turne aȝen in to þe lond of þi birþe. and of Lya, and of euer eiþir meyne, and foond not; and
xiiii And Rachel and Lya anſweriden, Wher we han ony whanne Laban hadde entrid in to þe tente of Rachel,
xxxiiii ſche haſtide, and hidde þe idols vndur þe
þing reſidue in þe catels, and eritage of oure fadir?
xv Wher he `arettide not vs as aliens, and ſelde, and eet ſtrewyngis of þe camel, and ſat aboue. And ſche ſeide to
oure prijs? Laban, ſekynge al þe tente and fyndynge no þing,
xvi But God took awei þe richeſſis of oure fadir, and ȝaf xxxv My lord, be not wrooþ þat Y may not riſe bifore

þo to vs, and to oure ſones; wherfor do þou alle þingis þee, for it bifelde now to me bi þe cuſtom of wymmen;
whiche God haþ comaundide to þee. ſo þe biſyneſſe of þe ſekere was ſcorned.
xvii Forſoþe Jacob roos, and puttide hiſe fre children and xxxvi And Jacob bolnyde, and ſeide wiþ ſtrijf, For what

wyues on camels, and ȝede forþ; cauſe of me, and for what ſynne of me, haſt þou come ſo
xviii and he took al his catel, flockis, and what euer þing ferſly aftir me,
xxxvii and haſt ſouȝt al `þe portenaunce of myn hous?
he hadde gete in Meſopotanye, and ȝede to Iſaac, his
fadir, into þe lond of Canaan. What `haſt þou founde of al þe catel of þin hows? Putte
xix In þat tyme Laban ȝede to ſchere ſcheep, and Rachel þou here bifore my briþeren and þi briþeren, and deme
ſtal þe idols of hir fadir. þei betwixe me and þee.
xxxviii Was I wiþ þee herfore twenti ȝeer? Þi ſheep and
xx And Jacob nolde knouleche to þe fadir of his wijf,
þat he wolde fle; geet weren not bareyn, Y eet not þe rammes of þi flok,
xxxix neþer Y ſchewide to þee ony þing takun of a
xxi and whanne he hadde go, as wel he as alle þingis þat
weren of his riȝt, and whanne he hadde paſſid þe water, beeſte; Y ȝeldide al harm; what euer þing periſchide bi
and he ȝede aȝens þe hil of Galaad, þefte, þou axidiſt of me;
xl Y was angwiſchid in dai and nyȝt wiþ heete and froſt,
xxii it was teld to Laban, in þe þridde dai, þat Jacob
fledde. and ſleep fledde fro myn iȝen;
xli ſo Y ſeruede þee bi twenti ȝeer in þin hows, fourtene
xxiii And Laban took his briþeren, and purſuede hym
ſeuene daies, and took hym in þe hil of Galaad. ȝeer for þi douȝtris, and ſixe ȝeer for þi flockis; and þou
xxiiii And Laban ſeiȝ in ſleep þe Lord ſeiynge to him, Be chaungidiſt my mede ten ſiþis.
xlii If God of my fadir Abraham, and þe drede of Iſaac
war þat þou ſpeke not ony þing ſharpli aȝens Jacob.
xxv And þanne Jacob hadde ſtretchid forþ þe tabernacle hadde not helpid me, perauenture now þou haddiſt left
me nakid; þe Lord bihelde my turmentyng and þe
in þe hil; and whanne he hadde ſued Jacob wiþ his
traueyl of myn hondis, and repreuyde þee ȝiſtirdai.
briþeren, `he ſettide tente in þe ſame hil of Galaad; and xliii Laban anſweride hym, Þe douȝtris, and þi ſones, and
he ſeide to Jacob,
xxvi Whi haſt þou do ſo, þat þe while I wiſte not þou flockis, and alle þingis whiche þou ſeeſt, ben myne,
what mai Y do to my ſones, and to þe ſones of ſones?
woldiſt dryue awey my douȝtris as caitifs by ſwerd? xliiii Þerfor come þou, and make we boond of pees, þat
xxvii Whi woldiſt þou fle þe while Y wiſte not, neþer
it be witneſſyng bitwixe me, and þee.
woldiſt ſhewe to me, þat Y ſhulde ſue þee wiþ ioie, and xlv And ſo Jacob took a ſtoon, and reiſide it in to a ſigne,
ſongis, and tympans, and harpis?
xxviii Þou ſuffridiſt not þat Y ſchulde kiſſe my ſones and and ſeide to hiſe briþeren,
xlvi Brynge ȝe ſtoonus; whiche gadriden, and maden an
douȝtris; þou haſt wrouȝt folili.
xxix And now ſoþeli myn hond mai ȝelde yuel to þee, heep, and eten on it.
xlvii And Laban clepide it þe heep of wittneſſe, and
but þe God of þi fadir ſeide to me ȝiſterdai, Be war þat
þou ſpeke not ony harder þing wiþ Jacob. Jacob clepide it þe heep of witneſſyng; euer eiþir
clepide bi þe proprete of his langage.

xlviii And Laban ſeide, Þis heep ſchal be witneſſe x Y am leſſe þan alle þi merciful doyngis, and þan þi
bytwixe me and þee to day, and herfor þe name þerof treuþe which þou haſt fillid to þi ſeruaunt; wiþ my ſtaf
was clepid Galaad, þat is, þe heep of witneſſe. Y paſſide þis Jordan, and now Y go aȝen wiþ twei
xlix And Laban addide, Þe Lord biholde, and deme cumpanyes;
bitwixe vs, whanne we ſchulen go awei fro ȝow; xi delyuere þou me fro þe hond of my broþir Eſau, for Y
l if þou ſchalt turmente my douȝtris, and if þou ſchal drede him greetli, leſt he come and ſle þe modris wiþ þe
brynge yn oþere wyues on hem, noon is witneſſe of ſones.
oure word, outakun God, whiche is preſent, and xii Þou ſpakiſt þat þou ſchuldiſt do wel to me, and
biholdiþ. ſhuldiſt alarge my ſeed as þe grauel of þe ſee, þat mai
li And eft he ſeide to Jacob, Lo! þis heep, and ſtoon, not be noumbrid for mychilneſſe.
whiche Y reiſide bitwixe me and þee, ſchal be witneſſe; xiii And whanne Jacob hadde ſlept þere in þat nyȝt, he
lii ſoþeli þis heep, and ſtoon be in to witneſſyng, forſoþe departide of þo þingis whiche he hadde ȝiftis to Eſau,
if Y ſchal paſſe it, and go to þee, eþer þou ſhalt paſſe, his broþir,
and þenke yuel to me. xiiii two hundrid geet, and twenti buckis of geet, two
liii God of Abraham, and God of Nachor, God of þe hundrid ſcheep, and twenti rammys,
fadir of hem, deme bitwixe vs. Þerfor Jacob ſwoor by xv camels fulle wiþ her foolis þretti, fourti kyen, and
þe drede of his fadir Yſaac; twenti boolis, twenti ſche aſſis, and ten foolis of hem.
liiii and whanne ſlayn ſacrifices weren offrid in þe hil, he xvi And he ſente bi þe hondis of his ſeruauntis alle
clepyde his briþeren to ete breed, and whanne þei flockis bi hem ſilf; and he ſeide to hiſe children, Go ȝe
hadden ete, þei dwelliden þere. bifore me, and a ſpace be betwixe flok and flok.
lv Forſoþe Laban roos bi nyȝt, and kiſſide his ſones, and xvii And he comaundide to þe formere, and ſeide, If þou
douȝtris, and bleſſide hem, and turnede aȝen in to his ſchalt mete my broþir Eſau, and he ſchal axe þee, whos
place. man þou art, eþer whidir þou goiſt, eþer whos ben þeſe
þingis whiche þou ſueſt,
CAP. XXXII xviii þou ſchalt anſwere, Of þi ſeruaunt Jacob, he haþ
i Forſoþe Jacob wente forþ in þe weie in which he ſent ȝiftis to his lord Eſau, and he comeþ aftir vs.
began, and þe aungels of þe Lord metten him. xix In lijk maner, he ȝaf comaundementis to þe
ii And whanne he hadde ſeyn hem, he ſeide, Þeſe ben þe ſecounde, and to þe þridde, and to alle þat ſueden
caſtels of God; and he clepide þe name of þat place flockis; and ſeide, Speke ȝe bi þe ſame wordis to Eſau,
Manaym, þat is, caſtels. xx whanne ȝe fynden hym, and ȝe ſchulen adde, Alſo
iii Soþeli Jacob ſente bifore him alſo meſſangeris to Jacob hym ſilf þi ſeruaunt ſueþ oure weie. For Jacob
Eſau, his broþer, in to þe lond of Seir, in þe cuntrey of ſeide, Y ſchal pleſe Eſau wiþ ȝiftis þat goon bifore, and
Edom; aftirward Y ſchal ſe hym; in hap he ſchal be mercyful to
iiii and comaundide to hem, and ſeide, Þus ſpeke ȝe to me.
my lord Eſau, Þi broþir Jacob ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Y was a xxi And ſo þe ȝiftis ȝeden bifore hym; ſoþeli he dwellide
pilgrym at Laban, `and Y was `til in to preſent dai; in þat nyȝt in þe tentis.
v Y haue oxun, and aſſis, and ſcheep, and ſeruauntis, and xxii And whanne Jacob hadde ariſe auyſſeli, he took hiſe
hand maydis, and Y ſende now a meſſage to my lord, twei wyues, and ſo many ſeruaunteſſis wiþ enleuen
þat Y fynde grace in þi ſiȝt. ſones, and paſſide þe forþe of Jaboth.
vi And þe meſſageris turneden aȝen to Jacob, and ſeiden, xxiii And whanne alle þingis þat perteyneden to hym
We camen to Eſau, þi broþer, and lo! he haſtiþ in to þi weren led ouer, he dwellide aloone, and, lo!
comyng, wiþ foure hundrid men. xxiiii a man wraſtlide wiþ him til to þe morwetid.
vii Jacob dredde greetli, and he was aferd, and departide xxv And whanne þe man ſeiȝ þat he miȝte not ouercome
þe puple þat was wiþ hym, and he departide þe flockis, Jacob, he touchide þe ſenewe of Jacobis hipe, and it
and ſcheep, and oxun, and camels, in to twei driede anoon.
cumpenyes; xxvi And he ſeide to Jacob, Leeue þou me, for þe
viii and ſeide, If Eſau ſchal come to o cumpeny, and
morewtid ſtieþ now. Jacob anſweride, Y ſchal not leeue
ſchal ſmyte it, þe toþir cumpeny which is reſidue ſchal þee, no but þou bleſſe me.
be ſaued. xxvii Þerfore he ſeide, What name is to þee? He
ix And Jacob ſeide, A! God of my fadir Abraham, and
anſweride, Jacob.
God of my fadir Iſaac, A! Lord, þat ſeidiſt to me, Turne xxviii And þe man ſeide, Þi name ſchal no more be
þou aȝen in to þi lond, and in to þe place of þi birþe, clepid Jacob, but Iſrael; for if þou were ſtrong aȝens
and Y ſchal do wel to þee, God, hou miche more ſchalt þou haue power aȝens men.

xxix Jacob axide him, Seie þou to me bi what name þou xiiii my lord go bifore his ſeruaunt, and Y ſchal ſue litil
art clepid? He anſwerde, Whi axiſt þou my name, and litil hiſe ſteppis, as I ſhal ſe þat my litle children
whiche is wondirful? And he bleſſide Jacob in þe ſame mown, til Y come to my lord, in to Seir.
place. xv Eſau anſweride, Y preie þee, þat of þe puple which is
xxx And Jacob clepide þe name of þat place Fanuel, and wiþ me, nameli felowis of þi weie dwelle. Jacob ſeide,
ſeide, Y ſiȝ þe Lord face to face, and my lijf is maad It is no nede; Y haue nede to þis o þing oneli, þat Y
ſaaf. fynde grace in þi ſiȝt, my lord.
xxxi And anoon þe ſunne roos to hym, aftir þat he xvi And ſo Eſau turnede aȝen in þat dai in þe weie bi
paſſide Fanuel; forſoþe he haltide in þe foot. which he cam, in to Seir.
xxxii For which cauſe þe ſones of Iſrael eten not `til in to xvii And Jacob cam in to Sochot, where whanne he
preſent day þe ſenewe, þat driede in þe hipe of Jacob; hadde bildid an hows, and hadde ſet tentis, he clepide
for þe man touchide þe ſenewe of Jacobs hipe, and it þe name of þat place Sochot, þat is, tabernaclis.
driede. xviii And Jacob paſſide in to Salem, a citee of Sichimis,
whiche is in þe lond of Canaan, aftir þat he turnede
CAP. XXXIII aȝen fro Meſopotanye of Sirie, and he dwellide beſidis
i Forſoþe Jacob reiſide hiſe iȝen, and ſeiȝ Eſau comynge, þe citee.
and foure hundrid men wiþ hym; and he departide þe xix And he bouȝte for an hundrid lambren a part of þe
ſones of Lia, and of Rachel, and of boþe ſeruaunteſſis. feeld, in which he ſettide tabernaclis, of þe ſones of
ii And he puttide euer eiþer handmaide, and þe fre Emor, fadir of Sichem.
children of hem, in þe bigynnyng; ſoþeli he puttide Lia, xx And whanne he hadde reiſid an auter þere, he
and her ſones, in þe ſecounde place; forſoþe he puttide inwardly clepide on it þe ſtrongeſte God of Iſrael.
Rachel and Joſeph þe laſte.
iii And Jacob ȝede bifore, and worſchipide lowli to erþe CAP. XXXIIII
ſeuenſiþis, til his broþir neiȝede. i Forſoþe Dyna, þe douȝtir of Lya, ȝede out to ſe þe
iiii And ſo Eſau ran aȝens his broþir, and collide hym, wymmen of þat cuntrey.
and Eſau helde his necke, and kiſſide, and wepte. ii And whanne Sichem, þe ſone of Emor Euey, þe prince
v And whanne þe iȝen weren reiſid, he ſeiȝ þe wymmen, of þat lond, hadde ſeyn hir, he louede hir, and
and þe litle children of hem, and ſeide, What wolen þeſe rauyſchide, and ſclepte wiþ hir, and oppreſſide þe virgyn
to hem ſilf? and wher þei pertenen to þee? Jacob bi violence.
anſweride, Þei ben þe litle children, whiche God haþ iii And his ſoule was boundun faſte wiþ hir, and he
ȝoue to me, þi ſeruaunt. pleſide hir ſory wiþ flateringis.
vi And þe handmaydis and her ſones neiȝeden, and iiii And he ȝede to Emor,
weren bowid. v his fadir, and ſeide, Take to me þis damyſel a wijf.
vii Alſo Lya neiȝede wiþ hir fre children; and whanne
And whanne Jacob hadde herd þis þing, while þe ſones
þei hadden worſchipid in lijk maner, Joſeph and Rachel weren abſent, and ocupied in þe fedyng of ſcheep, he
þe laſte worſchipeden. was ſtille, til þei camen aȝen.
viii And Eſau ſeide, What ben þeſe cumpanyes, whiche vi Soþeli whanne Emor, þe fadir of Sichem, was gon
Y mette? Jacob anſwerde, Þat Y ſchulde fynde grace out, `þat he ſchulde ſpeke to Jacob, lo!
bifore my lord. vii hiſe ſones camen fro þe feeld. And whanne þis þing
ix And he ſeide, My broþer, Y haue ful many þingis, þi
þat bifelde was herd, þei weren wrooþe greetli; for he
þingis be to þee. wrouȝte a foul þing in Iſrael, and he hadde do a þing
x And Jacob ſeide, Y biſeche, nyle þou ſo, but if Y foond vnleueful in þe defoulyng of þe douȝter of Jacob.
grace in þin iȝen, take þou a litil ȝifte of myn hondis; viii And ſo Emor ſpak to hem, Þe ſoule of my ſone
for Y ſeiȝ ſo þi face as I ſeiȝ þe cheer of God; Sichem cleuyde to ȝoure douȝtir, ȝeue ȝe hir a wijf to
xi be þou merciful to me, and reſſeyue þe bleſſyng which hym,
Y brouȝte to þee, and which bleſſyng God ȝyuynge alle ix and ioyne we weddyngis to gidere; ȝyue ȝe ȝoure
þingis ȝaf to me. Vnneþis, while þe broþir compellide, douȝtris to vs,
xii he reſſeyuede, and ſeide, Go we to gidere, and Y ſchal x and take ȝe oure douȝtris, and dwelle ȝe wiþ vs; þe
be felowe of þi weie. lond is in ȝoure power, tile ȝe, make ȝe marchaundiſe,
xiii And Jacob ſeide, My lord, þou knowiſt þat Y haue and welde ȝe it.
litle children tendre, and ſcheep, and kien wiþ calue wiþ xi But alſo Sichem ſeide to þe fadir and briþeren of hir,
me, and if Y ſchal make hem for to trauele more in Fynde Y grace bifor ȝou, and what euer þingis ȝe
goynge, alle þe flockis ſchulen die in o dai; ordeynen Y ſchal ȝyue;

xii encreeſſe ȝe þe dower, and axe ȝe ȝiftis, Y ſchal ȝyue maad me hateful to Cananeis and Fereſeis, dwellers of
wilfull þat þat ȝe axen; oonli ȝyue ȝe þis damyſele a wijf þis lond; we ben fewe, þei ſchulen be gaderid to gidere
to me. and ſchulen ſle me, and Y ſchal be don a wey and myn
xiii Þe ſones of Jacob anſweriden in gile to Sichem and hous.
xxxi Symeon and Leuy anſweriden, Wheþer þei ouȝten
his fadir, and weren feerſe for þe defoulyng of
maidenhod of þe ſiſtir, myſuſe oure ſiſtir as an hoore?
xiiii We moun not do þis þat ȝe axen, neþer we moun
ȝyue oure ſiſtir to a man vncircumcidid, which þing is CAP. XXXV
i Yn þe mene tyme þe Lord ſpak to Jacob, Ryſe þou, and
vnleueful and abhomynable anentis vs.
xv But in þis we ſchulen mowe be boundun in pees, if ȝe ſtie to Bethel, and dwelle þou þere, and make þou an
wole be lijk vs, and ech of male kynde be circumcidid auter to þe Lord, þat apperide to þee whanne þou
in ȝou, fleddiſt Eſau, þi broþer.
xvi þanne we ſchulen ȝyue and take togidre oure douȝtris ii Forſoþe Jacob ſeide, whanne al his hous was clepid to

and ȝoure; and we ſchulen dwelle wiþ ȝou, and we gidere, Caſte ȝe a wei alien goddis, þat ben `in þe
ſchulen be o puple. myddis of ȝou, and be ȝe clenſid, and chaunge ȝe ȝoure
xvii Forſoþe if ȝe nylen be circumcidid, we ſchulen take cloþis;
iii riſe ȝe, and ſtie we into Bethel, þat we make þere an
oure douȝtir, and ſchulen go a wei.
xviii Þe profryng of hem pleſide Emor and Sichem, auter to þe Lord, which herde me in þe dai of my
xix his ſone, and þe ȝong wexynge man dilaiede not, þat tribulacioun, and was felowe of my weie.
iiii Þerfor þei ȝauen to hym alle alien goddis which þei
ne he fillide anoon þat þat was axid, for he louede þe
damyſele greetli, and he was noble in al `þe hous of his hadden, and eere ryngis, þat weren in `þe eeris of hem;
fadir. and he deluyde þo vndur a `tre, clepid therubynte,
xx And þei entriden in to þe ȝate of þe citee, and ſpaken which is bihynde þe citee of Sichem.
v And whanne þei ȝeden, drede aſſailide alle men by
to þe puple,
xxi Þeſe men ben peſible, and wolen dwelle wiþ vs; cumpas of þe citee, and þei weren not hardi to purſue
hem goynge a wei.
make þei marchaundie in þe loond, and tile þei it, which vi Þerfor Jacob cam to Luſa, which is in þe lond of
is large and brood, and haþ nede to tileris; we ſchulen
take her douȝtris to wyues, and we ſchulen ȝyue oure Canaan, bi `ſire name Bethel, he and al his puple wiþ
douȝtris to hem. hym.
vii And he bildide þere an auter to þe Lord, and clepide
xxii O þing is, for which ſo greet good is dilaied; if we
circumciden oure malis, and ſuen þe cuſtom of þe folc, þe name of þat place Þe hows of God, for God apperide
xxiii boþe her ſubſtaunce, and ſcheep, and alle þingis þere to hym, whanne he fledde his broþir.
viii Delbora, þe nuriſche of Rebecca, diede in þe ſame
which þei welden, ſchulen be oure; oneli aſſente we in
þis, þat we dwelle to gidere, and make o puple. tyme, and ſche was biried at þe roote of Bethel, vndir an
xxiiii And alle men aſſentiden, and alle malis weren ook, and þe name of þe place was clepid Þe ook of
circumcidid. ix Forſoþe God apperide eft to Jacob, aftir þat he
xxv And lo! in þe þridde day, whanne þe ſorewe of
turnede aȝen fro Meſopotanye of Sirie, and cam into
woundis was mooſt greuous, twei ſones of acob,
Bethel, and bleſſide hym,
Symeon and Leuy, briþeren of Dyna, token ſwerdis, and x and ſeide, Þou ſchalt no more be clepid Jacob, but
entriden in to þe citee booldeli; and whanne alle malis
weren ſlayn, Iſrael ſchal be þi name. And God clepide hym Iſrael,
xxvi þei killiden Emor and Sichem togidere, and token and ſeide to hym,
xi Y am God Almyȝti, encreeſſe þou, and be þou
Dyna, her ſiſtir, fro þe hous of Sichem.
xxvii And whanne þei weren goon out, oþere ſones of multiplied, folkis and puplis of naciouns ſchulen be of
þee, kyngis ſchulen go out of þi leendis;
Jacob felden in on þe ſlayn men, and rifeliden þe citee xii and Y ſhal ȝyue to þee, and to þi ſeed after þee, þe
for þe veniaunce of defoulyng of a virgyn.
xxviii And þei waſtiden þe ſcheep of þo men, and droues lond which Y ȝaf to Abraham, and Yſaac.
xiii And God departide fro hym.
of oxun, and aſſis, and alle þingis þat weren in howſis
xiiii Forſoþe Jacob reiſide a title eþer memorial of
and feeldis,
xxix and ledden priſoneris þe litle children, and wyues of ſtoonys, in þe place where ynne God ſpak to hym, and
þo men. he ſacrifiede þer onne fletynge ſacrifices, and ſchedde
xxx And whanne þeſe þingis weren don hardili, Jacob out oile,
xv and clepide þe name of þat place Bethel.
ſeide to Symeon and Leuy, Ȝe han troblid me, and han

xvi Forſoþe Jacob ȝede out fro þennus, and cam in þe vii and þei miȝten not dwelle to gidere, and þe erþe of
bigynnynge of ſomer to þe lond þat lediþ to Effrata; in her pilgrymage ſuſteynede not hem, for þe multitude of
which lond whanne Rachel trauelide in child beryng, flockis.
xvii ſche bigan to be in perel for þe hardneſſe of viii And Eſau dwellide in þe hil of Seir; he is Edom.
childberyng; and þe medewijf ſeide to hir, Nyle þou ix Forſoþe þeſe weren þe generaciouns of Eſau, fader of
drede, for þou ſchalt haue alſo þis ſone. Edom,
xviii Forſoþe while þe ſoule ȝede out for ſorew, and deeþ x in þe hil of Seir, and þeſe weren þe names of hiſe
neiȝede þanne, ſhe clepide þe name of hir ſone ſones. Elifath, ſone of Ada, `wijf of Eſau; alſo Rahuel
Bennony, þat is, þe ſone of my ſorewe; forſoþe þe fadir ſone of Bathſemath, `wijf of hym.
clepide hym Beniamyn, þat is þe ſone of þe riȝt ſide. xi And þe ſones of Elifath weren, Theman, Emath,
xix Þerfor Rachel diede, and was biriede in þe weie þat
Sephu, and Gathan, and Ceneth, and Chore.
lediþ to Effrata, þis is Bethleem. xii Forſoþe Tanna was þe ſecundarie wijf of Elifath,
xx And Jacob bildide a title on þe ſepulcre of hir; þis is
`ſone of Eſau, whiche Tanna childide to hym Amalech.
þe title of biriel of Rachel `til into preſent dai. Þeſe weren þe ſones of Ada, `wijf of Eſau.
xxi Jacob ȝede fro þennus, and ſettide tabernacle ouer þe xiii Forſoþe þe ſones of Rahuel weren, Naath, and Zara,
tour of þe flok. and Semna, and Meza. Þeſe weren þe ſones of
xxii And while he dwellide in þat cuntrei, Ruben ȝede, Bathſemath, `wijf of Eſau.
and ſlepte wiþ Bala, þe ſecundarie wijf of his fadir, xiiii And þeſe weren þe ſones of Oolibama, douȝter of
which þing was not hid fro hym. Forſoþe þe ſones of Ana, ſone of Sebeon, `wijf of Eſau, whiche ſche
Jacob weren twelue; childide to hym; Hieus, and Hielon, and Chore.
xxiii þe ſones of Lia weren, þe firſte gendrid Ruben, and xv Þeſe weren þe dukis of þe ſones of Eſau; þe ſones of
Symeon, and Leuy, and Judas, and Iſachar, and Elifath firſt gendrid of Eſau, duk Theman, duyk Omar,
Zabulon; xvi duk Sephua, duyk Ceneth, duyk Chore, duyk
xxiiii þe ſones of Rachel weren, Joſeph and Beniamyn;
Dathan, duyk Amalech. Þeſe weren þe ſones of Eliphat,
xxv þe ſones of Bala, handmayde of Rachel, weren Dan, in þe lond of Edom, and þeſe weren þe ſones of Ada.
and Neptalym; xvii Alſo þeſe weren þe ſones of Rahuel, `ſone of Eſau,
xxvi þe ſones of Zelfa, handmayde of Lya, weren Gad, duyk Naath, duyk Zara, duyk Senna, duyk Meza;
and Aſer. Þeſe weren þe ſones of Jacob, þat weren borun forſoþe þeſe duykis weren of Rahuel in þe lond of
to hym in Meſopotanye of Sirie. Edom. Þeſe weren þe ſones of Bathſamath, `wijf of
xxvii Alſo Jacob came to Iſaac, his fadir, in to Manbre, a Eſau.
citee Arabee, þis is Ebron, in which Manbre Abraham xviii Forſoþe þeſe weren þe ſones of Oolibama, `wijf of
`and Iſaac was a pylgrym. Eſau; duyk Hieus, duyk Hielon, duyk Chore; þeſe weren
xxviii And þe daies of Iſaac weren fillid an hundrid and duykis of Oolibama, douȝtir of Ana, `wijf of Eſau.
foure ſcoore of ȝeris; xix Þeſe weren þe ſones of Eſau, and þei weren duykis of
xxix and he was waſtid in age, and diede, and he was put hem; he is Edom.
to his puple, and was eeld, and ful of daies; and Eſau xx Þeſe weren þe ſones of Seir Horrei, enhabiteris of þe
and Jacob his ſones birieden hym. lond; Jothan, and Sobal, and Sebeon,
xxi and Anam, and Diſon, and Eſer, and Diſan; þeſe
CAP. XXXVI duikis weren of Horrey, ſone of Seir, in þe lond of
i Forſoþe þeſe ben þe generaciouns of Eſau; he is Edom. Edom.
ii Eſau took wyues of þe douȝtris of Canaan, Ada, þe xxii Forſoþe þe ſones of Jothan weren maad, Horrey, and
douȝtir of Elom Ethey, and Oolibama, þe douȝter of Theman; ſoþeli þe ſiſtir of Jothan was Tanna.
Ana, ſone of Sebeon Euey; alſo Bathſemath, xxiii And þeſe weren þe ſones of Sobal; Aluan, and
iii þe douȝtir of Iſmael, þe ſiſtir of Nabioth. Maneeth, and Ebal, Sephi, and Onam.
iiii Forſoþe Ada childide Elifath; Bathſemath childide xxiiii And þeſe weren þe ſones of Sebeon; Achaia, and
Rahuel; Oolibama childide Hieus, Ana; þis is Ana þat foonde hoote watris in wildirneſſe,
v and Hielon, and Chore. Þeſe weren þe ſones of Eſau, whanne he kepte þe aſſis of Sebeon, his fadir;
þat weren borun to hym in þe lond of Canaan. xxv and he hadde a ſone Diſan, and a douȝtir Oolibama.
vi Soþeli Eſau took hiſe wyues, and ſones, and douȝtris, xxvi And þeſe weren þe ſones of Diſan; Amadan, and
and ech ſoule of his hows, and catel, and ſcheep, and Jeſban, and Jethran, and Charan.
alle þingis whiche he `myȝte haue in þe lond of Canaan, xxvii Alſo þeſe weren þe ſones of Heſer; Baalan, and
and ȝede into anoþir cuntrey, and departide fro his Zeuan, and Acham.
broþer Jacob; for þei weren ful riche, xxviii And Diſan hadde ſones, Hus, and Haran.

xxix Þeſe weren þe duykis of Horreis; duyk Jothan, duyk vii Y geſſide þat we bounden to gidere handfuls, and þat
Sobal, duyk Sebeon, duyk Ana, duyk Diſon, duyk as myn handful roos, and ſtood, and þat ȝoure handfuls
Heſer, duik Diſan; ſtoden aboute and worſchipiden myn handful.
xxx þeſe weren þe duykis of Horreis, þat weren lordis in viii Hiſe briþeren anſwerden, Wheþer þou ſhalt be oure
þe lond of Seir. kyng, eþir we ſhulen be maad ſuget to þi lordſchip?
xxxi Forſoþe kyngis þat regneden in þe lond of Edom, Þerfor þis cauſe of ſweuenys and wordis mynyſtride þe
bifore þat þe ſones of Iſrael hadden a kyng, weren þeſe; nurſchyng of enuye, and of hatrede.
xxxii Balach, þe ſone of Beor, and þe name of his citee ix Alſo Joſeph ſeiȝ anoþer ſweuene, which he telde to þe

was Deneba. briþeren, and ſeide, Y ſeiȝ bi a ſweuene þat as þe ſunne,

xxxiii Forſoþe Balach diede, and Jobab, ſone of Sara of and moone, and enleuen ſterris worſchipiden me.
x And whanne he hadde teld þis ſweuene to his fadir,
Boſra, regnede for hym.
xxxiiii And whanne Jobab was deed, Huſam of þe lond and briþeren, his fadir blamyde him, and ſeide, What
of Themayns regnede for hym. wole þis ſweuene to it ſilf which þou haſt ſeyn? Wheþer
xxxv And whanne he was deed, Adad, þe ſone of Badadi, Y and þi modir, and þi briþeren, ſchulen worſchipe þee
þat ſmoot Madian in þe lond of Moab, and þe name of on erþe?
xi Þerfor hiſe briþeren hadden enuye to hym. Forſoþe þe
his citee was Abyuth, `regnede for him.
xxxvi And whanne Adad was deed, Semla of Maſeracha fadir bihelde pryuely þe þing,
xii and whanne his briþeren dwelliden in Sichem, aboute
regnede for hym.
xxxvii And whanne he was deed, Saul of þe flood flockis of þe fadir `to be kept,
xiii Iſrael ſeide to Joſeph, Þi briþeren kepen ſcheep in
Robooth ragnede for hym.
xxxviii And whanne he was deed, Balanam, þe ſone of Sichymys; come þou, Y ſchal ſende þee to hem.
xiiii And whanne Joſeph anſwerde, Y am redi, Iſrael
Achobor, was ſucceſſour in to þe rewme.
xxxix And whanne þis was deed, Adad regnede for hym, ſeide, Go þou, and ſe wheþer alle þingis ben eſi anentis
and þe name of þe citee of Adad was Phau, and þe þi briþeren, and ſcheep; and telle þou to me what is
name of his wijf was clepid Meezabel, þe douȝter of doon. He was ſent fro þe valey of Ebron, and cam into
Mathrect, douȝter of Meſaab. Sichem;
xv and a man foond hym errynge in þe feeld, and `þe
xl Þerfor þeſe weren þe names of duykis of Eſau, in her
kynredis, and places, and names; duyk Thanna, duyk man axide, what he ſouȝte.
xvi And he anſwerde, Y ſeke my briþeren, ſchewe þou to
xli duyk Jetech, duyk Oolibama, duyk Ela, me where þei kepten flockis.
xvii And þe man ſeide to hym, Þei ȝeden awei fro þis
xlii duyk Phinon, duyk Ceneth, duik Theman,
xliii duyk Mabſar, duyk Madiel, duyk Iram; þeſe weren place; forſoþe Y herde hem ſeiynge, Go we into
Dothaym. And Joſeph ȝede aftir his briþeren, and foond
þe duykis of Edom, dwelleris in þe lond of hys
hem in Dothaym.
lordſchip; he was Eſau, þe fadir of Ydumeis. xviii And whanne þei hadden ſeyn hym afer, bifor þat he
neiȝede to hem,
CAP. XXXVII xix þei þouȝten to ſle hym, and ſpaken to gidere, Lo! þe
i Forſoþe Jacob dwellide in þe lond of Canaan, in which
dremere comeþ, come ȝe,
his fadir was a pilgrym; and þeſe weren þe xx ſle we hym, and ſende we into an eld ſiſterne, and we
generaciouns of hym.
ii Joſeph whanne he was of ſixtene ȝeer, ȝit a child, ſchulen ſeie, A wielde beeſte ful wickid haþ deuourid
hym; and þanne it ſchal appere what hiſe dremes
kepte a flok wiþ hiſe briþeren, and was wiþ þe ſones of
profiten to hym.
Bala and Zelfa, wyues of his fadir; and he accuſide his xxi Soþeli Ruben herde þis, and enforſide to delyuere
briþeren at þe fadir of `þe worſte ſynne.
iii Forſoþe Iſrael louyde Joſeph ouer alle hiſe ſones, for hym fro her hondis,
xxii and ſeide, Sle we not þe lijf of hym, neþer ſchede
he hadde gendrid hym in eelde; and he made to Joſeph a
cote of many colours. we out his blood, but caſte ȝe hym into an eeld ciſterne,
iiii Forſoþe hiſe briþeren ſien þat he was loued of þe which is in þe wildirneſſe, and kepe ȝe ȝoure hondis
gilteles. Forſoþe he ſeide þis, willynge to delyuere hym
fader more þan alle, and þei hatiden hym, and myȝten
fro her hondis, and to ȝelde to his fadir.
not ſpeke ony þing peſibli to hym. xxiii Þerfor anoon as Joſeph cam to hiſe briþeren, þei
v And it bifelde þat he telde to hiſe briþeren a ſweuene
diſpuyliden hym of þe coote, doun to þe heele, and of
ſeyn, which cauſe was `þe ſeed of more hatrede.
vi And Joſeph ſeide to his briþeren, Here ȝe þe ſweuene many colours, and ſenten into þe eeld ciſterne,
xxiiii þat hadde no water.
which Y ſeiȝ,

xxv And þei ſaten `to ete breed; and þei ſien þat vii And Her, þe firſte gendrid ſone of Judas, was
Iſmaelitis weigoers camen fro Galaad, and þat her weiward in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, and þerfor he was ſlayn
camels baren ſwete ſmellynge ſpiceries, and `roſyn, and of þe Lord.
ſtacten, into Egipt. viii Þerfor Judas ſeide to Onam, his ſone, Entre þou to þe
xxvi Þerfor Judas ſeide to hiſe briþeren, What ſchal it wijf of þi broþir, and be þou felouſchipid to hir, þat þou
profite to vs, if we ſchulen ſle oure broþer, and ſchulen reiſe ſeed to þi broþir.
hide his blood? ix And he wiſte þat ſones ſchulden not be borun to him,
xxvii It is betere þat he be ſeeld to Iſmalitis, and oure `and he entride to þe wijf of his broþer, and ſchedde
hondis be not defoulid, for he is oure broþer and fleiſch. ſeed in to þe erþe, leſt þe fre children ſchulden be borun
Þe briþeren aſſentiden to þeſe wordis; bi þe name of þe broþer;
xxviii and whanne marchauntis of Madian paſſiden forþ, x and þerfor þe Lord ſmoot hym, for he dide
þei drowen hym out of þe ciſterne, and ſeelden hym to abhomynable þing.
Iſmaelitis, for þriȝtti platis of ſiluer; whiche ledden hym xi Wherfor Judas ſeide to Thamar, `wijf of his ſone, Be
in to Egipt. þou widewe in þe hous of þi fadir, til Sela my ſone
xxix And Ruben turnede aȝen to þe ciſterne, and foond wexe, for he dredde leſt alſo he ſchulde die as hiſe
not þe child; briþeren. And ſche ȝede, and dwellide in þe hous of hir
xxx and he to-rente his cloſis, and he ȝede to hiſe fadir.
briþeren, and ſeide, Þe child apperiþ not, and whidir xii Forſoþe whanne many ȝeeris weren paſſid, þe douȝter
ſchal Y go? of Sue, `þe wijf of Juda, diede, and whanne coumfort
xxxi Forſoþe þei token his coote, and dippiden in þe was takun aftir morenyng, he ſtiede to þe ſchereris of
blood of a kide, which þei hadden ſlayn; and ſenten men hiſe ſcheep, he and Iras of Odolla, þat was kepere of þe
þat baren to þe fadir, floc, ſtieden in to Thampnas.
xxxii and ſeiden, We han founde þis coote, ſe, wheþer it xiii And it was teld to Thamar, þat `þe fadir of hir

is þe coote of þi ſone, eþer nai. hoſebonde ſtiede to Thampnas, to ſchere ſcheep.

xxxiii And whanne þe fader hadde knowe it, he ſeide, It xiiii And ſche dide awei þe cloþis of widewehod, and

is þe coote of my ſone, a wielde beeſte ful wickid haþ ſche took a roket, and whanne þe cloþinge was
ete hym, a beeſte haþ deuourid Joſeph. chaungid, ſche ſat in þe weilot þat lediþ to Tampna; for
xxxiiii And he to-rente his cloþis, and he was cloþid wiþ Sela hadde woxe, and ſche hadde not take hym to
an heire, and biweilide his ſone in myche tyme. hoſebonde.
xxxv Soþely whanne hiſe fre children weren gaderid to xv And whanne Judas hadde ſeyn hir, he ſuppoſide hir to

gidere, þat þei ſchulden peeſe þe ſorewe of þe fadir, he be an hoore, for ſche hadde hilid hir face, leſt ſche were
nolde take counfort, but ſeide, Y ſchal go doun in to knowun.
xvi And Judas entride to hir, and ſeide, Suffre me þat Y
helle, and ſchal biweile my ſone. And þe while Jacob
contynude in wepyng, ligge wiþ þee; for he wiſte not þat ſche was þe wijf of
xxxvi Madianytis ſeelden Joſeph into Egipt to Putifar, his ſone. And whanne ſche anſweride, What ſchalt þou
chaſt `and oneſt ſeruaunt of Farao, maiſtir of þe ȝyue to me, þat þou ligge bi me?
xvii he ſeide, Y ſchal ſende to þee a kide of þe flockis.
And eft whanne ſche ſeide, Y ſchal ſuffre þat þat þou
CAP. XXXVIII wolt, if þou ſchalt ȝyue to me a wed, til þou ſendiſt þat
i Yn þe ſame tyme Judas ȝede doun fro his briþeren, and þat þou bihetiſt.
xviii Judas ſeide, What wolt þou þat be ȝouun to þee for
turnede to a man of Odolla, Hiram bi name;
ii and he ſiȝ þer a douȝtir of a man of Canaan, Sue bi a wed? She anſweride, Þi ryng, and þi bie of þe arm,
name. And whanne he hadde takun hir to wijf, and þe ſtaaf which þou holdiſt in þe hond. Þerfor þe
iii he entride to hir, and ſche conſeyuede, and childide a womman conſeyuide at o liggyng bi, and ſche roos, and
ſone, and clepide his name Her. xix and whanne þe clooþ was `put awei which ſche
iiii And eft whanne a child was conſeyued, ſche nemyde
hadde take, ſche was cloþid in þe cloþis of widewhod.
þe child borun Onam. xx Forſoþe Judas ſente a kide bi his ſcheepherde of
v And ſche childide þe þridde ſone, whom ſche clepide
Odolla, þat he ſchulde reſſeyue þe wed which he hadde
Cela, and whanne he was borun, ſche ceeſſide to bere
ȝoue to þe womman; and whanne he hadde not founde
child more.
vi Forſoþe Judas ȝaf a wijf, `Thamar bi name, to his hir,
xxi he axide men of þat place, Where is þe womman þat
firſte gendrid ſone Her.
ſat in þe weie lot? And whanne alle men anſweriden, An
hoore was not in þis place; he turnede aȝen to Judas,

xxii and ſeide to hym, Y foond not hir, but alſo men of ix neþer ony þing is, which is not in my power, eþer
þat place ſeiden to me, þat an hoore ſat neuere þere. which `he haþ not bitake to me, outakun þee, which art
xxiii Judas ſeide, Haue ſche to hir ſilf, certis ſche may not his wijf; how þerfor may Y do þis yuel, and do ſynne
repreue vs of a leeſyng; Y ſente þe kyde which Y aȝens my lord?
bihiȝte, and þou foundiſt not hir. x Þei ſpaken ſiche wordis `bi alle daies, and þe womman
xxiiii Lo! ſoþeli aftir þre moneþis þei telden to Judas, was diſeſeful to þe ȝong waxynge man, and he forſook
and ſeiden, Thamar, `wijf of þi ſone, haþ do auoutrie.
fornycacioun, and hir womb ſemeþ to wexe greet. Judas xi Forſoþe it bifelde in a dai, þat Joſeph entride in to þe
ſeide, Brynge ȝe hir forþ, þat ſche be brent. hows, and dide ſum werk wiþ out witneſſis.
xxv And whanne ſche was led to peyne, ſche ſente to `þe xii And ſche took `þe hem of his clooþ, and ſche ſeide,
fadir of hir hoſebonde, and ſeide, Y haue conſeyued of Slepe þou wiþ me; and he lefte þe mentil in hir hoond,
þe man, whoſe þeſe þingis ben; knowe þou whoſe is þe and he fledde, and ȝede out.
ryng, and bie of þe arm, and ſtaf? xiii And whanne þe womman hadde ſeyn þe clooþ in hir
xxvi And whanne þe ȝiftis weren knowun, he ſeide, Sche hondis, and þat ſche was diſpiſid,
is more iuſt þan Y, for Y ȝaf not hir to Sela, my ſone; xiiii ſche clepide to hir þe men of hir hows, and ſeide to
neþeles Judas knewe hir no more fleiſchli. hem, Lo! my lord haþ brouȝt in an Ebrew man, þat he
xxvii Soþeli whanne þe childberyng neiȝede, twei ſchulde ſcorn vs; he entride to me to do leccherie wiþ
chyldren apperiden in þe wombe, and in þat birþe of me, and whanne Y criede, and he herde my vois,
children, oon brouȝte forþ þe hond, in which þe xv he lefte þe mentil which Y helde, and he fledde out.
mydwijf boond a reed þreed, xvi Þerfor in to þe preuyng of trouþe, ſche ſchewide þe
xxviii and ſeide, Þis ſchal go out `þe formere.
mantil, holdun to þe hoſebonde turnynge aȝen hoom.
xxix Soþeli while he wiþdrowe þe hond, þe toþer ȝede xvii And ſhe ſeide, Þe Ebrew ſeruaunt, whom þou
out, and þe womman ſeide, Whi was þe ſkyn in which brouȝtiſt, entride to me to ſcorne me; and whanne he ſiȝ
þe child lay in þe wombe departid for þee? And for þis me crye,
cauſe ſche clepide his name Fares. xviii he lefte þe mentil which Y helde, and he fledde out.
xxx Afterward his broþir ȝede out, in whos hond was þe xix And whanne þeſe þingis weren herd, þe lord
reed þreed, whom ſche clepide Zaram. bileuyde ouer myche to þe wordis of þe wijf, and was
ful wrooþ;
CAP. XXXIX xx and he bitook Joſeph in to priſoun, where þe bounden
i Þerfor Joſeph was led in to Egipt, and Putifar, `chaſt
men of þe kyng weren kept, and he was cloſid þere.
and oneſt ſeruaunt of Farao, prince of þe ooſt, a man of xxi Forſoþe þe Lord was wiþ Joſeph, and hadde mercy
Egipt, bouȝte hym of þe hondis of Iſmaelitis, of which on hym, and ȝaf grace to hym in þe ſiȝt of þe prince of
he was brouȝt. þe priſoun,
ii And þe Lord was wiþ hym, and he was a man doynge
xxii which bitook in þe hond of Joſeph alle priſoneris þat
wiþ proſperite in alle þingis. And Joſeph dwellide in `þe weren holdun in kepyng, and what euer þing was doon,
hows of his lord, it was vndur Joſeph, neþir þe prince knewe ony þing,
iii which knew beſt þat þe Lord was wiþ Joſeph, and þat
xxiii for alle þingis weren bitakun to Joſeph; for þe Lord
alle þingis whiche he dide, weren dreſſid of þe Lord in was wiþ hym, and dreſſide alle his werkis.
`þe hond of hym.
iiii And Joſeph foond grace bifor his lord, and
`mynyſtride to hym, of whom Joſeph was maad i Whanne þeſe þingis weren doon ſo, it bifelde þat twei
ſouereyn of alle þingis, and gouernede þe hows bitaken geldyngis, þe boteler and þe baker `of þe kyng of Egipt,
to hym, and alle þingis þat weren bitakun to hym. ſynneden to her lord.
v And þe Lord bleſſide þe `hows of Egipcian for Joſeph,
ii And Farao was wrooþ aȝens hem, for þe toon was
and multipliede al his catel, as wel in howſis as in `ſouereyn to boteleris, þe toþer was `ſouereyn to
feeldis; bakeris.
vi neþer he knew ony oþer þing no but `breed which he
iii And he ſente hem in to þe priſoun of þe prince of
eet. Forſoþe Joſeph was fair in face, and ſchapli in ſiȝt. knyȝtis, in which alſo Joſeph was boundun.
vii And ſo aftir many daies þe ladi caſtide hir iȝen in to
iiii And þe keper of þe priſoun bitook hem to Joſeph,
Joſeph, and ſeide, Slepe þou wiþ me; which alſo `mynyſtride to hem. Sumdel of tyme paſſide,
viii which aſſentide not to þe vnleueful werk, and ſeide
and þei weren hooldun in kepyng, and boþe ſien a
to hir, Lo! while alle þingis ben bitakun to me, my lord dreem in o nyȝt,
woot not what he haþ in his hows, v bi couenable expownyng to hem.

vi And whanne Joſeph hadde entrid to hem eerli, and ii fro which ſeuene faire kiyn and ful fatte ſtieden, and
hadde ſeyn hem ſori, weren fed in þe places of mareis;
vii he axide hem, and ſeide, Whi is ȝoure `face ſoriere to iii and oþere ſeuene, foule and leene, camen out of þe
dai þan it ys wont? flood, and weren fed in þilk brenke of þe watir, in grene
viii Whiche anſweriden, We ſeiȝen a dreem, and `noon is places;
þat expowneþ to vs. And Joſeph ſeide to hem, Wheþer iiii and þo deuoureden þilke kien of whiche þe fairneſſe
expownyng is not of God? Telle ȝe to me what ȝe han and comelyneſſe of bodies was wondurful.
ſeyn. v Farao wakide, and ſlepte eft, and ſeiȝ anoþer dreem;
ix Þe `ſouereyn of boteleris telde firſt his dreem; Y ſeiȝ ſeuen eeris of corn ful and faire camen forþ in o ſtalke,
þat a vyne bifore me, vi and oþere as many eeris of corn, þinne and ſmytun
x in which weren þre ſiouns, wexide litil and litil in to wiþ corrupcioun of brennynge wynd,
buriounnyngis, and þat aftir flouris grapys wexiden vii camen forþ, deuourynge al þe faireneſſe of þe firſte.
ripe, Farao wakide aftir reſte,
xi and þe cuppe of Farao was in myn hond; þerfor Y viii and whanne morewtid was maad, he was aferd bi
took þe grapis, and preſſide out in to þe cuppe which Y inward drede, and he ſente to alle þe expowneris of
helde, and Y ȝaf drynk to Farao. Egipt, and to alle wiſe men; and whanne þei weren
xii Joſeph anſwerde, Þis is þe expownyng of þe dreem; clepid, he telde þe dreem, and noon was þat
þre ſiouns ben ȝit þre daies, expownede.
xiii aftir whiche Farao ſchal haue mynde of þi ſeruyce, ix Þanne at þe laſte þe maiſtir `of boteleris biþouȝte, and
and he ſchal reſtore þee in to þe firſte degree, and þou ſeide, Y knowleche my ſynne;
ſchal ȝyue to hym þe cuppe, bi þin office, as þou were x þe kyng was wrooþ to hiſe ſeruauntis, and comaundide
wont to do bifore. me and þe maiſter `of bakeris to be caſt doun in to þe
xiiii Oneli haue þou mynde on me, whanne it is wel to priſoun of þe prince of knyȝtis,
þee, and þou ſchalt do merci wiþ me, þat þou make xi where we boþe ſaien a dreem in o nyȝt,
ſuggeſtioun to Farao, þat he lede me out of þis priſoun; biforeſchewynge of þingis to comynge.
xv for þeefli Y am takun awei fro þe lond of Ebrews, xii An Ebrew child, ſeruaunt of þe ſame duk of knyȝtis
and here Y am ſent innocent in to priſoun. was þere, to whom we telden þe dremes,
xvi Þe `maiſter of bakeris ſeiȝe þat Joſeph hadde xiii and herden what euer þing þe bifallyng of þing
expowned prudentli þe dreem, and he ſeide, And Y ſeiȝ preuede afterward; for Y am reſtorid to myn office, and
a dreem, þat Y hadde þre panyeris of mele on myn he was hangid in a cros.
heed, xiiii Anoon at þe comaundement of þe kyng þei polliden
xvii and Y geſſide þat Y bar in o panyere, þat was
Joſeph led out of priſoun, and whanne `þe clooþ was
heiȝere, alle metis þat ben maad bi craft of bakers, and chaungid, þei brouȝten Joſeph to þe kyng.
þat briddis eeten þerof. xv To whom þe kyng ſeide, Y ſeiȝe dremes, and noon is
xviii Joſeph anſwerde, Þis is þe expownyng of þe dreem;
þat expowneþ þo þingis þat Y ſeiȝ, I haue herd þat þou
þre panyeris ben ȝit þre daies, expowneſt mooſt prudentli.
xix aftir whiche Farao ſchal take awei þin heed, and he xvi Joſeph anſwerde, Wiþ out me, God ſchal anſwere
ſchal hange þee in a cros, and briddis ſchulen todrawe proſperitees to Farao.
þi fleiſchis. xvii Þerfor Farao telde þat þat he ſeiȝ; Y geſſide þat Y
xx Fro þennus þe þridde dai was þe dai of birþe of
ſtood on þe brenke of þe flood,
Farao, which made a greet feeſte to hiſe children, and xviii and ſeuene kiyn, ful faire and wiþ fleiſchis able to
hadde mynde among metis on þe maiſtir `of boteleris, etyng, ſtieden fro þe watir, whiche kiyn gaderiden grene
and on þe prince of bakeris; ſeggis in þe paſture of þe marreis;
xxi and he reſtoride þe oon in to his place, þat he ſchulde xix and lo! ſeuene oþere kiyn, ſo foule and leene, ſueden
dreſſe cuppe to `þe kyng, þeſe, þat Y ſeiȝ neuere ſiche in þe lond of Egipt;
xxii and he hangide `þe toþir in a gebat, þat þe treuþe of xx and whanne þe formere kien weren deuourid and
`þe expownere ſchulde be preued. waſtid, þo ſecounde ȝauen no ſteppe of fulneſſe,
xxiii And neþeles whanne proſperitees bifelden, þe xxi but weren ſlowe bi lijk leeneſſe and paleneſſe. I
`ſouereyn of boteleris forȝat `his expownere. wakide, and eft Y was oppreſſid bi ſleep, and Y ſeiȝ a
CAP. XLI xxii ſeuene eeris of corn, ful and faireſte, camen forþ in o
i Aftir twei ȝeer Farao ſeiȝ a dreem; he geſſide þat he
ſtood on a flood,

xxiii and oþere ſeuene, þinne and ſmytun wiþ bifore hym, and ſchulden knowe þat he was ſouereyn of
`corrupcioun of brennynge wynd, camen forþ of þe al þe lond of Egipt.
ſtobil, xliiii And þe kyng ſeide to Joſeph, Y am Farao, wiþout þi
xxiiii whiche deuouriden þe faireneſſe of þe formere; comaundement no man ſhal ſtire hond eþer foot in al þe
xxv Y telde þe dreem to expowneris, and no man is þat lond of Egipt.
xlv And he turnede þe name of Joſeph, and clepide him
expowneþ. Joſeph anſwerde, Þe dreem of þe king is
oon; God ſchewide to Farao what þingis he ſchal do. bi Egipcian langage, þe ſauȝour of þe world; and he ȝaf
xxvi Seuene faire kiyn, and ſeuene ful eeris of corn, ben to Joſeph a wijf, Aſenech, þe douȝter of Potifar, preeſt of
ſeuene ȝeeris of plentee, and þo comprehenden þe ſame Heliopoleos. And ſo Joſeph ȝede out to þe lond of Egipt.
xlvi Forſoþe Joſeph was of þretti ȝeer, whanne he ſtood
ſtrengþe of dreem;
xxvii and ſeuene kiyn þinne and leene, þat ſtieden aftir in þe ſiȝt of kyng Farao, and cumpaſſide alle þe cuntreis
þo, and ſeuene þinne eeris of corn and ſmytun wiþ of Egipt.
xlvii And þe plente of ſeuene ȝeer cam, and ripe corn
brennynge wynd, ben ſeuene ȝeer of hungur to
comynge, weren bounden into handfuls, and weren gaderid into
xxviii whiche ſchulen be fillid bi þis ordre. þe bernys of Egipt,
xxix Lo! ſeuene ȝeer of greet plentee in al þe lond of xlviii alſo al þe aboundaunce of cornes weren kept in alle

Egipt ſchulen come, citeis,

xxx and ſeuene oþre ȝeer of ſo greet bareyneſſe ſchulen xlix and ſo greet aboundaunce was of wheete, þat it was

ſue þo, þat al þe abundaunce bifore be ȝouun to maad euene to þe grauel of þe ſee, and þe plente paſſide
forȝetyng; for þe hungur ſchal waſte al þe lond, meſure.
xxxi and þe greetneſſe of pouert ſchal leeſe þe greetneſſe l Soþeli twei ſones were born to Joſeph bifor þat þe

of plentee. hungur came, whiche Aſenech, douȝtir of Putifar, preeſt

xxxii Forſoþe þis þat þou ſiȝeſt þe ſecunde tyme a dreem, of Heliopoleos, childide to hym.
li And he clepide þe name of þe firſte gendrid ſone,
perteynynge to þe ſame þing, is a `ſchewyng of ſadneſſe,
for þe word of God ſchal be doon, and ſchal be fillid ful Manaſſes, and ſeide, God haþ maad me to forȝete alle
ſwiftli. my traueilis, and þe hous of my fadir;
xxxiii Now þerfor puruey þe kyng a wijs man and a redi, lii and he clepide þe name of þe ſecunde ſone Effraym,

and make þe kyng hym ſouereyn to þe lond of Egipt, and ſeide, God haþ maad me to encreeſſe in þe lond of
xxxiiii which man ordeyne gouernouris bi alle cuntreis, my pouert.
liii Þerfor whanne ſeuene ȝeer of plentee þat weren in
and gadere he in to bernys þe fyueþe part of fruytis bi
ſeuene ȝeer of plentee, Egipt weren paſſid,
xxxv þat ſchulen come now; and al þe wheete be kept liiii ſeuene ȝeer of pouert bigunnen to come, whiche

vndur þe power of Farao, and be it kept in citees, Joſeph bifore ſeide, and hungur hadde þe maiſtri in al þe
xxxvi and be it maad redi to þe hungur to comynge of world; alſo hungur was in al þe lond of Egipt;
lv and whanne þat lond hungride, þe puple criede to
ſeuene ȝeer þat ſchal oppreſſe Egipt, and þe lond be not
waſtid bi pouert. Farao, and axide metis; to whiche he anſweride, Go ȝe
xxxvii Þe counſel pleſide Farao, to Joſeph, and do ȝe what euer þing he ſeiþ to ȝou.
lvi Forſoþe hungur encreeſſide ech dai in al þe lond, and
xxxviii and alle his mynyſtris, and he ſpak to hem, Wher
we moun fynde ſich a man which is ful of Goddis ſpirit? Joſeph openyde alle þe bernys, and ſeelde to Egipcians,
xxxix Þerfor Farao ſeide to Joſeph, For God haþ ſchewid for alſo hungur oppreſſide hem;
lvii and alle prouynces camen in to Egipt to bie metis,
to þee alle þingis whiche þou haſt ſpoke, wher Y mai
fynde a wiſere man and lijk þee? and to abate þe yuel of nedyneſſe.
xl Þerfor þou ſchalt be ouer myn hous, and al þe puple
ſchal obeie to þe comaundement of þi mouþ; Y ſchal i Forſoþe Jacob herde þat foodis weren ſeeld in Egipt,
paſſe þee onely by o trone of þe rewme.
xli And eft Farao ſeide to Joſeph, Lo! Y haue ordeyned and he ſeide to hiſe ſones, Whi ben ȝe necgligent?
ii Y herde þat wheete is ſeeld in Egipt, go ȝe doun, and
þee on al þe lond of Egipt.
xlii And Farao took þe ryng fro his hond, and ȝaf it in þe bie ȝe neceſſaries to vs, þat we moun lyue, and be not
waſtid bi nedyneſſe.
hond of Joſeph, and he cloþide Joſeph wiþ a ſtoole of iii Þerfor ten briþeren of Joſeph ȝeden doun to bie
bijs, and puttide a goldun wreþe aboute þe necke;
xliii and Farao made Joſeph to `ſtie on his ſecounde wheete in Egipt,
chare, while a bidele criede, þat alle men ſchulden knele

iiii and Beniamyn was wiþholdun of Jacob at hoome, xxiii Soþeli þei wiſten not þat Joſeph vndirſtood, for he
þat ſeide to hiſe briþeren, Leſt perauenture in þe weie he ſpak to hem by interpretour.
ſuffre ony yuel. xxiiii And he turnede awei hym ſilf a litil and wepte; and
v Soþeli þei entriden in to þe lond of Egipt, wiþ oþere he turnede aȝen, and ſpak to hem.
men þat ȝeden to bie; forſoþe hungur was in þe lond of xxv And he took Symeon, and boond hym, while þei
Canaan. weren preſent; and he comaundide þe mynyſtris, þat þei
vi And Joſeph was prince of Egipt, and at his wille ſchulden fille her ſackis wiþ wheete, and þat þei
whetis weren ſeeld to puplis. And whanne hiſe briþeren ſchulden putte þe money `of alle in her baggis, and ouer
hadden worſchipid hym, þis ȝyue metis in þe weie; whiche diden ſo.
vii and he hadde knowe hem, he ſpak hardere as to xxvi And þei `baren wetis on her aſſis, and ȝeden forþ,
aliens, and axide hem, Fro whennus camen ȝe? Whiche xxvii and whanne þe ſak of oon was opened þat he
anſweriden, Fro þe lond of Canaan, þat we bie ſchulde ȝyue meete to þe werk beeſte in þe yn, he
neceſſaries to lyiflode. bihelde þe money in þe mouþ of þe bagge,
viii And neþeles he knewe þe briþeren, and he was not xxviii and ſeide to his briþeren, My monei is ȝoldun to
knowun of hem, me, lo! it is had in þe bagge; and þei weren aſtonyed,
ix and he biþouȝte on þe dremys whiche he ſeiȝ and troblid, and ſeiden togidere, What þing is þis þat
ſumtyme. And he ſeide to hem, Ȝe ben aſpieris, ȝe God haþ doon to us.
camen to ſe þe feblere þingis of þe lond. xxix And þei camen to Jacob, her fadir, in þe loond of
x Whiche ſeiden, Lord, it is not ſo, but þi ſeruauntis Canaan, and telden to hym alle þingis þat bifelden to
camen to bie metis; hem, and ſeiden,
xi alle we ben þe ſones of o man, we comen peſible, and xxx Þe lord of þe lond ſpak harde to vs, and geſſide þat
þi ſeruauntis ymaginen not ony yuel. we weren aſpieris of þe prouynce;
xii To `whiche he anſweride, It is in oþer maner, ȝe xxxi to whom we anſweriden, We ben peſible, neþer we
camen to ſe þe feble þingis of þe lond. purpoſen ony treſouns;
xiii And þei ſeiden, `We twelue briþeren, þi ſeruauntis, xxxii we ben twelue briþeren, gendrid of o fadir, oon is
ben ſones of o man in þe lond of Canaan; þe leeſte is not `on erþe, þe leeſte dwelliþ wiþ þe fadir in þe lond of
wiþ oure fadir, an oþer is not `on erþe. Canaan.
xiiii Þis it is, he ſeide, þat Y ſpak to ȝou, xxxiii And he ſeide to vs, Þus Y ſchal preue þat ȝe ben
xv ȝe ben aſpieris, riȝt now Y ſchal take experience of peſible; leeffe ȝe o broþer of ȝou wiþ me, and take ȝe
ȝou, bi þe helþe of Farao ȝe ſchulen not go fro hennus, metis nedeful to ȝoure houſis, and go ȝe, and brynge ȝe
til ȝoure leeſte broþer come; ſende ȝe oon of ȝou, to me ȝoure leeſte broþer,
xvi þat he brynge hym, forſoþe ȝe ſchulen be in boondis, xxxiiii þat Y wite þat ȝe ben not aſpieris, and þat ȝe moun

til þo þingis þat ȝe ſeiden ben preued, wheþer þo ben reſſeyue þis broþer which is holdun in boondis, and þat
falſe eþer trewe; ellis, bi þe helþe of Farao, ȝe ben fro þennus forþ ȝe haue licence to bie what þingis ȝe
aſpieris. wolen.
xvii Þerfor he bitook hem to kepyng þre daies; ſoþeli in xxxv While þeſe þingis weren ſeide, whanne alle

þe þridde dai, ſchedden out wheetis, þei founden money boundun in

xviii whanne þei weren led out of priſoun, he ſeide, Do `þe mouþ of ſackis. And whanne alle togidere weren
ȝe þat þat Y ſeide, and ȝe ſchulen lyue, for Y drede God; aferd,
xix if ȝe ben peſible, o broþer of ȝou be boundun in xxxvi þe fadir Jacob ſeide, Ȝe han maad me to be wiþ out

priſoun; forſoþe go ȝe, and bere wheetis, whiche ȝe children; Joſeph is not alyue, Symeon is holdun in
bouȝten, bondis, ȝe ſchulen take a wey fro me Beniamyn; alle
xx in to ȝoure houſis, and brynge ȝe ȝoure leeſte broþer þeſe yuels felden in me.
xxxvii To whom Ruben anſweride, Sle þou my twei
to me, þat Y may preue ȝoure wordis, and ȝe die not.
Þei diden as he ſeide, ſones, if Y ſhal not brynge hym aȝen to þee; take þou
xxi and þei ſpaken togidere, Skilfuli we ſuffren þeſe hym in myn hond, and Y ſchal reſtore hym to þee.
xxxviii And Jacob ſeide, My ſone ſchal not go doun wiþ
þingis, for we ſynneden aȝens oure broþer, and we
ſeiȝen þe anguyſch of his ſoule, while he preiede vs, and ȝou; his broþer is deed, he aloone is left; if ony
we herden not; herfore þis tribulacioun comeþ on vs. aduerſite ſchal bifalle `to hym in þe lond to which ȝe
xxii Of which oon, Ruben, ſeide, Wheþer Y ſeide not to ſchulen go, ȝe ſchulen lede forþ myn hoore heeris wiþ
ȝow, Nyle ȝe do ſynne aȝens þe child, and ȝe herden not ſorewe to hellis.
me? lo! his blood is ſouȝt.

CAP. XLIII xviii and þere þei weren aferd, and ſeiden to gidere, We
i In þe meene tyme hungur oppreſſide greetli al þe lond; ben brouȝt in for þe monei which we baren aȝen bifore
ii and whanne þe meetis weren waſtid, whiche þei in oure ſackis, þat he putte chalenge `in to vs, and make
brouȝten fro Egipt, Jacob ſeide to hiſe ſones, Turne ȝe ſuget bi violence to ſeruage boþe vs and oure aſſis.
aȝen, and bie ȝe a litil of meetis to vs. xix Wherfor þei neiȝeden in þe `ȝatis, and ſpaken to þe
iii Judas anſweride, Þe ilke man denounſide to vs vndir diſpendere,
witneſſyng of an ooþ, and ſeide, Ȝe ſchulen not ſe my xx Lord, we preien þat þou here vs; we camen doun now
face, if ȝe ſchulen not brynge wiþ ȝou ȝoure leeſte bifore þat we ſchulden bie metis;
broþer; xxi whanne þo weren bouȝt, whanne we camen to þe
iiii þerfor if þou wolt ſende hym wiþ vs, we ſchulen go ynne, we openeden oure baggis, and we founden money
to gidere, and we ſchulen bie neceſſaries to þee; in þe mouþ of ſackis, which money we han brouȝt aȝen
v ellis if þou wolt not, we ſchulen not go; for as we now in þe ſame weiȝte;
ſeiden ofte, þe man denounſide to vs, and ſeide, Ȝe xxii but alſo we han brouȝt oþer ſiluer, þat we bie þo
ſchulen not ſe my face wiþ out ȝoure leeſte broþer. þingis þat ben nedeful to vs; it is not in oure conſcience,
vi Forſoþe Iſrael ſeide to hem, Ȝe diden þis in to my who puttide þe money in oure purſis.
wretchidneſſe, þat ȝe ſchewiden to hym, þat ȝe hadden xxiii And he anſwerde, Pees be to ȝou, nyle ȝe drede;
alſo anoþer broþer. ȝoure God and God of ȝoure fadir ȝaf to ȝou treſouris in
vii And þei anſweriden, Þe man axide vs bi ordre oure ȝoure baggis; for I haue þe monei preued, which ȝe
generacioun, if þe fadir lyuede, if we hadden a broþer; ȝauen to me. And he ledde out Symeon to hem;
and we anſweriden ſuyngli to hym, bi þat þat he axide; xxiiii and whanne þei weren brouȝt in to þe hows, he
wheþer we myȝten wite þat he wolde ſeie, Brynge ȝe brouȝte watir, and þei waiſchiden her feet, and he ȝaf
ȝoure broþir wiþ ȝou? `meetis to her aſſis.
viii And Judas ſeide to his fadir, Sende þe child wiþ me, xxv Soþeli þei maden redi ȝiftis til Joſeph entride at myd
þat we go, and moun lyue, leſt we dien, and oure litle day, for þei hadden herd þat þei ſchulden ete breed þere.
children; xxvi Þerfor Joſeph entride in to his hows, and þei
ix Y take þe child, require þou hym of myn hoond; if Y offriden ȝiftis to hym, and helden in þe hondis, and
ſchal not brynge aȝen, and bitake hym to þee, Y ſchal be worſchipiden lowe to erþe.
gilti of ſynne aȝens þee in al tyme; xxvii And he grette hem aȝen mekeli; and he axide hem,
x if delai hadde not be, we hadden come now anoþir and ſeide, Wheþer ȝoure fadir, þe elde man, is ſaaf, of
tyme. whom ȝe ſeiden to me? lyueþ he ȝit?
xi Þerfor Iſrael, `þe fadir of hem, ſeide to hem, If it is xxviii Whiche anſweriden, He is hool, þi ſeruaunt oure
nede ſo, do ȝe þat þat ȝe wolen; `take ȝe of þe beſte fadir lyueþ ȝit; and þei weren bowid, and worſchipiden
fruytis of þe lond in ȝoure veſſelis, and `bere ȝe ȝiftis to hym.
þe man, a litil of gumme, and of hony, and of ſtorax, xxix Forſoþe Joſeph reyſide hiſe iȝen, and ſiȝ Beniamyn
and of mirre, and of therebynte, and of alemaundis; his broþer of þe ſame wombe, and ſeide, Is þis ȝoure
xii and `bere ȝe wiþ ȝou double money, and `bere ȝe litil broþer, of whom ȝe ſeiden to me? And eft Joſeph
aȝen þat money which ȝe founden in baggis, leſt ſeide, My ſone, God haue merci of þee.
perauenture it be doon bi errour; xxx And Joſeph haſtide in to þe hous, for his entrailis
xiii but alſo take ȝe ȝoure broþer, and go ȝe to þe man; weren moued on his broþer, and teeris braſten out, and
xiiii forſoþe my God Almyȝti mak him peſible to ȝou, he entride into a cloſet, and wepte.
and ſende he aȝen ȝoure broþer, whom he holdiþ in xxxi And eft whanne þe face was waiſchun, he ȝede out,
boondis, and þis Beniamyn; forſoþe Y ſchal be as maad and refreynede hym ſilf, and ſeide, Sette ȝe looues.
bare wiþout ſones. xxxii `And whanne þo weren ſet to Joſeph by hym ſilf,
xv Þerfor þe men token ȝiftis, and double monei, and and to þe briþeren bi hem ſilf, and to Egipcyans þat
Beniamyn; and þei ȝeden doun in to Egipt, and ſtoden eeten to gidre by hem ſilf; for it is vnleueful to
bifore Joſeph. Egipcians to ete wiþ Ebrewis, and þei geſſen ſich a
xvi And whanne he hadde ſeyn `hem and Beniamyn feeſte vnhooli.
togidere, he comaundide þe diſpendere of his hows, and xxxiii Þerfor þei ſaten bifore hym, þe firſte gendrid bi þe
ſeide, Lede þeſe men in to þe hous, and ſle beeſtis, and rite of his firſte gendryng, and þe leeſte bi his age; and
make a feeſte; for þei ſchulen ete wiþ me to dai. þei wondriden greetli,
xvii He dide as it was comaundid, and ledde þe men in xxxiiii whanne þe partis weren takun whiche þei hadden
to þe hows; reſſeyued of him, and þe more part cam to Beniamyn, ſo

þat it paſſide in fyue partis; and þei drunken, and weren xvii Joſeph anſweride, Fer be it fro me, þat Y do ſo; he
fillid wiþ him. be my ſeruaunt þat ſtal þe cuppe; forſoþe go ȝe fre to
ȝoure fadir.
CAP. XLIIII xviii Soþeli Judas neiȝede neer, and ſeide triſtili, My
i Forſoþe Joſeph comaundid þe diſpendere of his hous,
lord, Y preye, þi ſeruaunt ſpeke a word in þin eeris, and
and ſeide, Fille þou her ſackis wiþ wheete, as myche as be þou not wrooþ to þi ſeruaunt; for aftir Farao þou art
þo moun take, and putte þou þe money of ech in þe my lord.
hiȝneſſe of þe ſak; xix Þou axidiſt firſt þi ſeruauntis, Han ȝe a fadir, eþer a
ii forſoþe put þou in þe mouþ of þe ſak of þe ȝongere my
ſilueren cuppe, and þe prijs of wheete which he ȝaf; and xx And we anſweriden to þee, my lord, An eld fadir is to
it was doon ſo. vs, and a litil child þat was borun in his eelde, whos
iii And whanne þe morewtid roos, þei weren delyuered
broþer of þe ſame wombe is deed, and his modir haþ
wiþ her aſſis. hym aloone; forſoþe his fadir loueþ hym tendirli.
iiii And now þei hadden go out of þe citee, and hadden xxi And þou ſeidiſt to þi ſeruauntis, Brynge ȝe hym to
go forþ a litil; þanne Joſeph ſeide, whanne þe diſpendere me, and Y ſchal ſette myn iȝen on hym.
of his hous was clepid, Riſe þou, purſue þe men, and xxii We maden ſuggeſtioun to þee, my lord, þe child may
ſeye þou whanne þei ben takun, Whi han ȝe ȝolde yuel not forſake his fadir; for if he ſchal leeue þe fadir, he
for good? ſchal die.
v Þe cuppe, which ȝe han ſtole, is þilk in which my lord xxiii And þou ſeidiſt to þi ſeruauntis, If ȝoure leeſte
drynkiþ, and in which he is wont to dyuyne; ȝe han do a broþer ſchal not come wiþ ȝou, ȝe ſchulen no more ſe
ful wickid þing. my face.
vi He dide as Joſeph comaundid, and whanne þei weren xxiiii Þerfor whanne we hadden ſtied to þi ſeruaunt, oure
takun, he ſpak bi ordre. fadir, we telden to hym alle þingis whiche my lord ſpak;
vii Whiche anſweriden, Whi ſpekiþ oure lord ſo, þat þi
and oure fadir ſeide,
ſeruauntis han do ſo greet treſpas? xxv Turne ȝe aȝen, and bie ȝe to ȝou a litil of wheete;
viii We brouȝten aȝen to þee fro þe lond of Chanaan þe xxvi to whom we ſeiden, We moun not go; if oure leeſte
monei which we founden in þe hiȝneſſe of ſackis, and broþer ſchal go doun wiþ vs, we ſchulen go forþ
hou is it ſuynge þat we han ſtole fro `þe hows of þi lord togidere; ellis, if he is abſent, we doren not ſe þe `face
gold eþer ſiluer? of þe lord.
ix At whom euere of þi ſeruauntis þis þat þou ſekiſt is xxvii To whiche þingis þe fadir anſweride, Ȝe witen þat
foundun, die he, and we ſchulen be ſeruauntis of my my wiif childide twei ſones to me;
lord. xxviii oon ȝede out, and ȝe ſeiden, a beeſte deuouride
x Which ſeide to hem, Be it doon bi ȝoure ſentence; at
hym, and hidir to he apperiþ not;
whom it is foundun, be he my ſeruaunt; forſoþe ȝe xxix if ȝe taken alſo þis ſone, and ony þing bifalliþ to
ſchulen be gilteles. hym in þe weye, ȝe ſchulen lede forþ myn hoor heeris
xi And ſo þei diden doun haſtili þe ſackis on erþe, and
wiþ morenyng to hellis.
alle openyden þo whiche he ſouȝte; xxx Þerfor if Y entre to þi ſeruaunt, oure fadir, and þe
xii and bigan at þe more til to þe leeſte, and foond þe
child faile, ſiþen his lijf hangiþ of þe lijf of þe child,
cuppe in `þe ſak of Beniamyn. xxxi and he ſe þat þe child is not wiþ vs, he ſchal die,
xiii And whanne þei hadden `to-rent her cloþis, and
and þi ſeruauntis ſchulen lede forþ hiſe hoor heeris wiþ
hadden chargid eft þe aſſis, þei turneden aȝen in to þe ſorewe to hellis.
citee. xxxii Be Y propirli þi ſeruaunt, which reſſeyuede þis
xiiii And Judas entride `þe firſte wiþ briþren to Joſeph;
child on my feiþ, and bihiȝte, and ſeide, If Y ſchal not
for he hadde not go ȝit fro þe place; and alle felden brynge aȝen hym, Y ſchal be gilti of ſynne aȝens my
togidere on erþe bifore hym. fadir in al tyme;
xv To whiche he ſeide, Whi wolden ȝe do ſo? wheþer ȝe xxxiii and ſo Y ſchal dwelle þi ſeruaunt for þe child in to
witen not, þat noon is lijk me in þe kunnyng of þe ſeruyce of my lord, and þe child ſtie wiþ hiſe
dyuinyng? briþeren;
xvi To whom Judas ſeide, What ſchulen we anſwere to xxxiiii for Y may not go aȝen to my fadir, if þe child is
my lord, eþer what ſchulen we ſpeke, eþer moun iuſtli abſent, leſt Y ſtonde a witneſſe of þe wretchidneſſe þat
aȝenſeie? God haþ founde þe wickidneſſe of þi ſchal oppreſſe my fadir.
ſeruauntis; lo! alle we ben þe ſeruauntis of my lord,
boþe we and he at whom þe cuppe is foundun.

CAP. XLV xviii and take ȝe fro þennus ȝoure fadir, and kynrede, and
i Joſeph myȝte no lengere abſteyne hym ſilf, while many come ȝe to me; and Y ſchal ȝyue to ȝou alle þe goodis of
men ſtoden bifore; wherfor he comaundide þat alle men Egipt, þat ȝe ete þe merow of þe lond.
ſchulden go out, and þat noon alien were preſent in þe xix Comaunde þou alſo, þat þei take waynes of þe lond
knowyng of Joſeph and hiſe briþeren. of Egipt to þe cariage of her litle children, and wyues,
ii And Joſeph reiſide þe vois wiþ wepyng, which and ſeie þou, `Take ȝe ȝoure fadir, and haſte ȝe comynge
Egipcians herden, and al þe hows of Farao. ſoone,
iii And he ſeide to hiſe briþeren, Y am Joſeph; lyueþ my xx neþer leeue ȝe ony þing of þe purtenaunce of ȝoure
fadir ȝit? Þe briþren myȝten not anſwere, and weren hows, for alle þe richeſſis of Egipt ſchulen be ȝoure.
agaſt bi ful myche drede. xxi Þe ſones of Iſrael diden, as it was comaundid to hem;
iiii To whiche he ſeide mekeli, Neiȝe ȝe to me. And to whiche Joſeph ȝaf waynes, bi þe comaundement of
whanne þei hadden neiȝed nyȝ, he ſeide, Y am Joſeph Farao, and metis in þe weie;
ȝoure broþer, whom ȝe ſelden in to Egipt; xxii and he comaundide twei ſtoolis to be brouȝt forþ to
v nyle ȝe drede, neþer ſeme it to be hard to ȝou, þat ȝe ech; forſoþe he ȝaf to Beniamyn þre hundrid platis of
ſeelden me in to þeſe cuntreis; for God haþ ſent me ſiluer, wiþ fyue þe beſte ſtoolis;
bifore ȝou in to Egipt for ȝoure helþe. xxiii and ſente to his fadir ſo myche of ſiluer, and of
vi For it is twei ȝeer þat hungur bigan `to be in þe lond, clooþis, and he addide to hem ten male aſſis, þat
ȝit fyue ȝeer ſuen, in whiche me ſchal not mow ere, ſchulden bere of alle richeſſis of Egipt, and ſo many
neþer repe; femal aſſis, berynge wheete and looues in þe weie.
vii and God bifor ſente me, þat ȝe be reſerued on erþe, xxiiii Þerfor he lefte hiſe briþeren, and ſeide to hem
and moun haue metis to lyue. goynge forþ, Be ȝe not wrooþ in þe weie.
viii Y was ſent hidur not bi ȝoure counſel, but bi Goddis xxv Whiche ſtieden fro Egipt, and camen in to þe lond of
wille, which made me as þe fadir of Farao, and þe lord Canaan, to her fadir Jacob;
of al his hows, and prince in al þe lond of Egipt. xxvi and telden to hym, and ſeiden, Joſeph, þi ſone,
ix Haſte ȝe, and `ſtie ȝe to my fadir, and ȝe ſchulen ſeie lyueþ, and he is lord in al þe lond of Egipt. And whanne
to hym, Þi ſone Joſeph ſendiþ þeſe þingis; God haþ þis was herd, Jacob wakide as of a greuouſe ſleep;
maad me lord of al þe lond of Egipt; come doun to me, neþeles he bileuyde not to hem.
and tarie not, and dwelle in þe lond of Geſſen; xxvii Þei telden aȝenward al þe ordre of þe þing; and
x and þou ſchalt be biſidis me, þou, and þi ſones, and þe whanne Jacob hadde ſeyn þe waynes, and alle þingis
ſones of þi ſones, þi ſcheep, and þi grete beeſtis, and alle whiche Joſeph hadde ſent, his ſpirit lyuede aȝen,
þingis whiche þou weldiſt, xxviii and he ſeide, It ſuffiſiþ to me, if Joſeph my ſone
xi and þere Y ſchal fede þee; for ȝit fyue ȝeer of hungur lyueþ ȝit, Y ſchal go and `Y ſchal ſe hym bifore þat Y
ben reſidue, leſt boþe þou periſche, and þin hows, and die.
alle þingis whiche þou weldiſt.
xii Lo! ȝoure iȝen, and þe iȝen of my broþer Beniamyn CAP. XLVI
ſeen, þat my mouþ ſpekiþ to ȝou; i And Iſrael ȝede forþ wiþ alle þingis þat he hadde, and
xiii telle ȝe to my fadir al my glorie, and alle þingis he cam to þe pit of ooþ; and whanne ſacrifices weren
whiche ȝe ſien in Egipt; haſte ȝe, and brynge ȝe hym to ſlayn þere to God of his fadir Iſaac,
me. ii he herde God bi a viſioun in þat nyȝt clepynge hym,
xiiii And whanne he hadde biclippid, and hadde feld in `and ſeiynge to hym, Jacob! Jacob! To whom he
to þe necke of Beniamyn, his broþer, he wepte, þe while anſweride, Lo! Y am preſent.
alſo Benjamin wepte in lijk maner on þe necke of iii God ſeide to hym, Y am þe ſtrongeſte God of þi fadir;
Joſeph. nyle þou drede, go doun in to Egipt, for Y ſchal make
xv And Joſeph kiſſide alle hiſe briþeren, and wepte on þee þere in to a greet folk;
alle; aftir whiche þingis þei weren hardi to ſpeke to iiii Y ſchal go doun þidir wiþ þee, and Y ſchal brynge
hym. þee turnynge aȝen fro þennus, and Joſeph ſchal ſette his
xvi And it was herd, and puppliſchid bi famouſe word in hond on þin iȝen.
þe halle of þe kyng, Þe briþeren of Joſeph ben comun. v Jacob roos fro þe pit of ooþ, and þe ſones token him,
And Farao ioiede, and al his meynee; wiþ her litle children, and wyues, in þe waynes whiche
xvii and Farao ſeide to Joſeph, þat he ſchulde comaunde Farao hadde ſent to bere þe eld man,
hiſe briþeren, and `ſeie, Charge ȝoure beeſtis, and go ȝe vi and alle þingis whiche he weldide in þe lond of
in to þe lond of Canaan, Canaan; and he cam in to Egipt wiþ his ſeed,

vii hiſe ſones, and her ſones, and douȝtris, and al þe xxviii Forſoþe Jacob ſente Judas bifore hym to Joſeph,
generacioun togidere. þat he ſchulde telle to hym, and he ſchulde `come in to
viii Forſoþe þes ben þe names of þe ſones of Iſrael, þat Geſſen.
entriden in to Egipte; he wiþ hiſe fre children. Þe firſte xxix And whanne Jacob hadde come þidir, Joſeph ſtiede
gendrid Ruben; in his chare to mete his fadir at þe ſame place. And he
ix þe ſones of Ruben, Enoch, and Fallu, and Eſrom, and ſiȝ Jacob, and felde on `his necke, and wepte bitwixe
Carmi. collyngis.
x Þe ſones of Symeon, Jemuhel, and Jamyn, and Ahoth, xxx And þe fadir ſeide to Joſeph, Now Y ſchal die ioiful,

and Jachyn, and Sab, and Saber, and Saul, þe ſone of a for Y ſiȝ þi face, and Y leeue þee lyuynge.
womman of Canaan. xxxi And Joſeph ſpak to hiſe briþren, and to al `þe hows
xi Þe ſones of Leuy, Gerſon, Caath, and Merarie. of his fadir, I ſchal ſtie, and `Y ſchal telle to Farao, and
xii Þe ſones of Juda, Her and Onam, and Sela, and Fares, Y ſchal ſeie to hym, My briþeren, and þe hows of my
and Zara. Forſoþe Her and Onam dieden in þe lond of fadir, þat weren in þe lond of Canaan, ben comun to
Canaan; and þe ſones of Fares weren borun, Eſrom, and me,
xxxii and þei ben men kepers of ſcheep, and han
xiii Þe ſones of Iſacar, Thola, and Fua, and Jobab, and biſyneſſe of flockis to be fed; þei brouȝten wiþ hem her
Semron. ſcheep and grete beeſtis, and alle þingis whiche þei
xiiii Þe ſones of Zabulon, Sared, and Thelom, and Jahel. miȝten haue.
xxxiii And whanne Farao ſchal clepe ȝou, and ſchal ſeie,
xv Þeſe ben þe ſones of Lia, whiche ſche childide in
Meſopotanye of Sirie, wiþ Dyna, hir douȝter; alle þe What is ȝoure werk? ȝe ſchulen anſwere, We ben þi
ſoules of hiſe ſones and douȝtris, þre and þretti. ſeruauntis, men ſcheepherdis, fro oure childhed til in to
xvi Þe ſones of Gad, Sefion, and Aggi, Suny, and preſent tyme, boþe we and oure fadris. Soþeli ȝe ſchulen
ſeye þeſe þingis, þat ȝe moun dwelle in þe lond of
Heſebon, Heri, and Arodi, and Areli.
xvii Þe ſones of Aſer, Jamne, and Jeſua, and Jeſui, and
Geſſen, for Egipcians wlaten alle keperis of ſcheep.
Beria; and Sara, þe ſiſter of hem. Þe ſones of Beria, CAP. XLVII
Heber and Melchiel. i Þerfor Joſeph entride, and telde to Farao, and ſeide,
xviii Þeſe weren þe ſones of Zelfa, whom Laban ȝaf to
My fadir and breþren, þe ſcheep and grete beeſtis of
Lia, his douȝter, and Jacob gendryde þeſe ſixtene hem, and alle þingis whiche þei welden, camen fro þe
perſones. lond of Canaan; and lo! þei ſtonden in þe lond of
xix Þe ſones of Rachel, `wijf of Jacob, weren Joſeph and
Beniamyn. ii And he ordeynede fyue, þe laſte men of hiſe briþeren,
xx And ſones weren borun to Joſeph in þe loond of
bifore þe kyng,
Egipt, Manaſſes and Effraym, whiche Aſenech, `douȝtir iii whiche he axide, What werk han ȝe? Þei anſweriden,
of Putifar, preeſt of Helipoleos, childide to hym. We þi ſeruauntis ben kepers of ſcheep, boþe we and
xxi Þe ſones of Beniamin weren Bela, and Becor, and
oure faderis;
Aſbel, Gera, and Naaman, and Jechi, `Ros, and Mofym, iiii we camen in to þi lond to be pilgrymys, for noo gras
and Ofym, and Ared. is to þe flockis of þi ſeruauntis; hungur wexiþ greuouſe
xxii Þeſe weren þe ſones of Rachel, whiche Jacob
in þe lond of Canaan, and we axen þat þou comaunde
gendride; alle þe perſones weren fouretene. vs þi ſeruauntis to be in þe lond of Geſſen.
xxiii Þe ſone of Dan, Vſym. v And ſo þe kyng ſeide to Joſeph, Þi fadir and þi
xxiiii Þe ſones of Neptalym, Jaſiel, and Guny, and Jeſer,
briþeren camen to þee;
and Salem. vi þe lond of Egipt is in þi ſiȝt, make þou hem to dwelle
xxv Þeſe weren `þe ſones of Bala, whom Laban ȝaf to
in þe beſte place, and ȝyue þou to hem þe lond of
Rachel his douȝtir. Geſſen; þat if þou wooſt þat witti men ben in hem,
xxvi And Jacob gendride þeſe; alle þe ſoules weren ordeyne þou hem mayſtris of my beeſtis.
ſeuene. And alle þe men þat entriden wiþ Jacob in to vii After þeſe þingis Joſeph brouȝte in his fader to þe
Egipt, and ȝeden out of his þiy, wiþ out `þe wyues of his king, and ſettide him bifor þe king, which bleſſide þe
ſones, weren ſixti and ſixe. king;
xxvii Forſoþe þe ſones of Joſeph, þat weren borun to viii and he was axid of þe king, Hou many ben þe daies
hym in `þe loond of Egipt, weren two men. Alle þe of þe ȝeeris of þi lijf?
ſoulis of `þe hows of Jacob, þat entriden in to Egipt, ix And he anſweride, Þe daies of pilgrymage of my lijf,
weren ſeuenti. ben feewe and yuele, of an hundrid and þretti ȝeer, and

þo `camen not til to þe daies of my fadris, in whiche þei xxvii ÞerforIſrael dwellide in Egipt, þat is, in þe lond of
weren pilgryms. Jeſſen, and weldide it; and he was encreeſſid and
x And whanne he hadde bleſſid þe kyng, he ȝede out. multiplied ful mych.
xi Forſoþe Joſeph ȝaf to hiſe fadir and briþeren xxviii And he lyuede þerynne ſixtene ȝeer; and alle þe
poſſeſſioun in Egipt, in Ramaſſes, þe beſte ſoile of erþe, daies of his lijf weren maad of an hundrid and ſeuene
as Farao comaundide; and fourti ȝeer.
xii and he fedde hem, and al þe hows of his fadir, and xxix And whanne he ſeiȝ þe dai of deeþ nyȝe, he clepide
ȝaf metis to alle. his ſone Joſeph, and ſeide to hym, If Y haue founde
xiii For breed failide in al þe world, and hungur grace in þi ſiȝt; putte þin hond vndur myn hipe, and þou
oppreſſide þe lond, mooſt of Egipt and of Canaan; ſchal do merci and treuþe to me, þat þou birie not me in
xiiii of whiche londis he gaderide al þe money for þe Egipt;
xxx but `Y ſchal ſlepe wiþ my fadris, and take þou awey
ſillyng of wheete, and brouȝte it in to þe `treſorie of þe
kyng. me fro þis lond, and birie in þe ſepulcre of my grettere.
xv And whanne prijs failide to þe bieris, al Egipt cam to To whom Joſeph anſweride, Y ſchal do þat þat þou
Joſeph, and ſeide, Ȝyue þou `looues to vs; whi ſhulen comaundiſt.
xxxi And Iſrael ſeide, Þerfor ſwere þou to me; and
we die bifore þee, while monei failiþ?
xvi To whiche he anſweride, Brynge ȝe ȝoure beeſtis, whanne Joſeph ſwoor, Iſrael turnede to þe heed of þe
and Y ſchal ȝyue to ȝou metis for þo, if ȝe han not prijs. bed, and worſchipide God.
xvii And whanne þei hadden brouȝt þo, he ȝaf to hem
metis for horſis, and ſcheep, and oxun, and aſſis; and he CAP. XLVIII
i And ſo whanne þeſe þingis weren don, it was teld to
ſuſteynede hem in þat ȝeer for þe chaungyng of beeſtis.
xviii And þei camen in þe ſecunde ȝeer, and ſeiden to Joſeph, þat his fadir was ſijk. And he took hiſe twei
hym, We helen not fro oure lord, þat þe while monei ſones, Manaſſes and Effraym, and he diſpoſide to go.
ii And it was ſeid to þe elde man, Lo! þi ſone Joſeph
failiþ, alſo beeſtis failiden togidere, neþer it is hid fro
þee, þat wiþ out bodies and lond we han no þing; comeþ to þee; which was coumfortid, and ſat in þe bed.
xix whi þerfor ſchulen we die, while þou ſeeſt? boþe we iii And whanne Joſeph entride to hym, he ſeide, Almyȝti

and oure lond ſchulen be þine, bie þou vs in to þe God apperide to me in Luza, which is in þe lond of
kyngis ſeruage, and ȝyue þou ſeedis, leſt þe while þe Canaan, and bleſſide me,
iiii and ſeide, Y ſchal encreeſſe and multiplie þee, and Y
tiliere periſchiþ, þe lond be turned in to wildirneſſe.
xx Þerfor Joſeph bouȝte al þe lond of Egipt, while all ſchal make þee in to cumpanyes of puplis, and Y ſchal
men ſeelden her poſſeſſiouns, for þe greetneſſe of ȝyue to þee þis lond, and to þi ſeed aftir þee, in to
hungur; euerlaſtinge poſſeſſioun.
xxi and he made it and alle puplis þerof ſuget to Farao, v Þerfor þi twei ſones, þat ben borun to þee in þe lond of

fro þe laſte termes of Egipt til to þe laſte endis þerof, Egipt bifore þat Y cam hidir to þee, ſchulen be myne,
xxii outakun þe lond of preeſtis, þat was ȝouun of þe Effraym and Manaſſes as Ruben and Symeon ſchulen be
kyng to hem, to whiche preeſtis alſo metis weren ȝouun arettid to me;
vi forſoþe þe oþere whiche þou ſchalt gendre aftir hem
of þe comun bernys, and þerfor þei weren not compellid
to ſille her poſſeſſiouns. ſchulen be þine; and þei ſchulen be clepid bi þe name of
xxiii Þerfor Joſeph ſeide to þe puplis, Lo! as ȝe ſeen, her briþeren in her poſſeſſiouns.
vii Forſoþe whanne Y cam fro Meſopotamye, Rachel
Farao weldiþ boþe ȝou and ȝoure lond; take ȝe ſeedis,
and `ſowe ȝe feeldis, was deed to me in þe lond of Canaan, in þilke weie; and
xxiiii þat ȝe moun haue fruytis; ȝe ſchulen ȝyue þe fifþe it was þe bigynnyng of ſomer; and Y entride in to
part to þe kyng; Y ſuffre to ȝou þe foure reſidue partis in Effrata, and beriede hir biſidis þe weie of Effrata, which
to ſeed and in to meetis, to ȝou, and to ȝoure fre bi anoþir name is clepid Bethleem.
viii Forſoþe Jacob ſeiȝ þe ſones of Joſeph, and ſeide to
xxv Whiche anſweriden, Oure helþe is in þin hond; oneli him, Who ben þeſe?
ix He anſweride, Þei ben my ſones, whiche God ȝaf to
oure God biholde vs, and we ſchulen ioifuli ſerue þe
kyng. me in þis place. Jacob ſeide, Brynge hem to me þat Y
xxvi For þat tyme til in to preſent dai, in al þe lond of bleſſe hem.
x For `þe iȝen of Iſrael, daſewiden for greet eelde, and
Egipt, þe fyueþe part is paied to þe kyngis, and it is
maad as in to a lawe, wiþ out þe lond of preeſtis, þat he myȝte not ſe clereli; and he kiſſide and collide þo
was fre fro þis condicioun. children ioyned to hym, and ſeide to his ſone,

xi Y am not defraudid of þi ſiȝt; ferþermore God vi my ſoule come not in to þe councel of hem, and my
ſchewide to me þi ſeed. glorie be not in þe congregacioun of hem; for in her
xii And whanne Joſeph hadde take hem fro `þe fadris woodneſſe þei killiden a man, and in her wille þei
lappe, he worſchipide lowe to erþe. myneden þe wal;
xiii And he ſette Effraym on his riȝt ſide, þat is, on þe lift vii curſide be þe woodneſſe of hem, for it is obſtynat,

ſide of Iſrael; forſoþe he ſettide Manaſſes in his lift ſide, and þe indignacioun of hem for it is hard; Y ſchal
þat is, on þe riȝt ſide of þe fadir; and he ioynede boþe to departe hem in Jacob, and I ſchal ſcatere hem in Iſrael.
hym. viii Judas, þi briþeren ſchulen preiſe þee, þin hondis
xiiii Which helde forþ þe riȝt hond, and ſettide on `þe ſchulen be in þe nollis of þin enemyes; þe ſones of þi
heed of Effraym, þe leſſe broþir; ſoþeli he ſettide þe left fadir ſchulen worſchipe þee.
hond on `þe heed of Manaſſes, þat was þe more þury ix `A whelp of lioun `is Judas; my ſone þou ſtiediſt to
birþe. Jacob chaungide `þe hondes, prey; þou reſtidiſt, and haſt leyn as a lioun, and as a
xv and bleſſide his ſone Joſeph, and ſeide, God, in whos lioneſſe who ſchal reiſe hym?
ſiȝt my fadris Abraham and Iſaac ȝeden; God, þat fediþ x Þe ſeptre ſchal not be takun awey fro Juda, and a duyk
me fro my ȝong wexynge age til in to preſent day; of his hipe, til he come þat ſchal be ſent, and he ſchal be
xvi þe aungel þat delyuerede me fro alle yuelis, bleſſe abiding of heþene men;
þes children, and my name be clepid on hem, and þe xi and he ſchal tye his colt at þe vyner, and his femal
names of my fadris Abraham and Yſaac; and wexe þei aſſe at þe vyne; A! my ſone, he ſchal waiſche his ſtoole
in multitude on erþe. in wyn, and his mentil in þe blood of grape;
xvii Forſoþe Joſeph ſeiȝ þat his fadir hadde ſet þe riȝt xii hiſe iȝen ben fairere þan wyn, and hiſe teeþ ben
hond on þe heed of Effraym, and took heuyli, and he whittere þan mylk.
enforſide to reiſe þe fadris hond takun fro þe heed of xiii Zabulon ſchal dwelle in þe brenk of þe ſee, and in þe
Effraym, and to bere `ouer on `þe heed of Manaſſes. ſtondyng of ſchipis; and ſchal ſtretche til to Sydon.
xviii And he ſeide to þe fadir, Fadir, it acordiþ not ſo; for xiiii Iſachar, a ſtrong aſſe,
þis is þe firſte gendrid; ſette þi riȝt hond on þe heed `of xv liggynge bitwixe termes, ſeiȝ reſte, þat it was good
hym. and ſeiȝ þe lond þat it was beſt, and he vndirſettide his
xix Which forſook and ſeide, Y woot, my ſone, Y woot;
ſchuldre to bere, and he was maad ſeruynge to tributis.
and ſoþeli þis child ſchal be in to puplis, and he ſchal be xvi Dan ſchal deme his puple, as alſo anoþer lynage in
multiplied; but his ȝonger broþer ſchal be more þan he, Iſrael.
and `his ſeed ſchal encreeſſe in to folkis. xvii Dan be maad a ſerpent in þe weie, and ceraſtes in þe
xx And he bleſſide hem in þat tyme, and ſeide, Iſrael
paþ, and bite þe feet of an hors, þat þe `ſtiere þerof falle
ſchal be bleſſid in þee, Joſeph, and it ſchal be ſeid, God bacward; Lord,
do to þee as to Effraym and as to Manaſſes. And he xviii Y ſchal abide þin helþe.
ſettide Effraym bifore Manaſſes; xix Gad ſchal be gird, and ſchal fiȝte bifor hym, and he
xxi and ſeide to Joſeph, his ſone, Lo! Y die, and God
ſchal be gird bihynde.
ſchal be wiþ ȝou, and ſchal lede ȝou aȝen to þe lond of xx Aſer his breed ſchal be plenteuouſe, and he ſchal ȝyue
ȝoure fadris;
xxii Y ȝyue to þee o part ouer þi briþeren which Y took delicis to kyngis.
xxi Neptalym ſchal be an hert ſent out, and ȝyuynge
fro þe hand of Amorei, in my ſwerd and bowe.
ſpechis of faireneſſe.
xxii Joſeph, a ſone encreeſſynge, `a ſone encreſinge, and
i Forſoþe Jacob clepide hiſe ſones, and ſeide to hem, Be fair in biholdyng; douȝtris runnen aboute on þe wal,
xxiii but hiſe briþren wraþþeden hym, and chidden, and
ȝe gaderid þat Y telle what þingis ſchulen come to ȝou
in þe laſte daies; þei hadden dartis, and hadden enuye to hym.
xxiiii His bowe ſat in þe ſtronge, and þe boondis of his
ii be ȝe gaderid, `and here, ȝe ſones of Jacob, here ȝe
Iſrael ȝoure fadir. armes, and hondis weren vnboundun bi þe hond of þe
iii Ruben, my firſte gendrid ſone, þou art my ſtrengþe myȝti of Jacob; of hym a ſcheepherd ȝede out, þe ſtoon
of Iſrael.
and þe bigynnyng of my ſorewe; þou ouȝtiſt to be þe xxv God of þi fadir ſchal be þin helpere, and Almyȝti
former in ȝiftis, þe more in lordſchip;
iiii þou art ſched out as watir; wexe þou not, for þou God ſchal bleſſe þee wiþ bleſſyngis of heuene fro aboue,
and wiþ bleſſyngis of þe ſee liggynge bineþe, wiþ
ſtiediſt on þe bed of þi fader, and defoulidiſt his bed.
v Symeon and Leuy, briþeren, fiȝtynge veſſils of bleſſyngis of tetis, and of wombe;
xxvi þe bleſſyngis of þi fadir ben coumfortid, þe
bleſſyngis of his fadris, til þe deſire of euerlaſtynge

hillis cam; bleſſyngis ben maad in þe heed of Joſeph, Egipcians; and þerfor þei clepiden þe name of þat place
and in þe nol of Nazarei among his briþeren. þe weilyng of Egipt.
xxvii Beniamyn, a rauyſchynge wolf, ſchal ete prey eerly, xii Þerfor þe ſones of Jacob diden, as he hadde
and in þe euentid he ſchal departe ſpuylis. comaundid to hem;
xxviii Alle þeſe weren in twelue kynredis of Iſrael; her xiii and þei baren hym in to þe lond of Canaan, and þei
fadir ſpak þeſe þingys to hem, and bleſſide hem alle by birieden hym in þe double denne, which denne wiþ þe
propre bleſſyngis, feeld Abraham hadde bouȝt of Effron Ethei, aȝens þe
xxix and comaundide hem, and ſeide, Y am gaderid to face of Mambre, into poſſeſſioun of ſepulcre.
my puple, birie ȝe me wiþ my fadris in þe double xiiii And Joſeph turnede aȝen in to Egipt wiþ hiſe
denne, which is in þe lond of Efron Ethei, aȝens briþeren and al þe felouſchipe, whanne þe fadir was
Manbre, biried.
xxx in þe lond of Canaan, which denne Abraham bouȝte xv And whanne þe fadir was deed, þe briþeren of Joſeph
wiþ þe feeld of Efron Ethei, in to poſſeſſioun of dredden, and ſpaken togidere, leſt perauenture he be
ſepulcre. myndeful of þe wrong which he ſuffride, and ȝelde to vs
xxxi Þere þei birieden hym, and Sare his wijf, alſo Yſaac al þe yuel, þat we diden.
was biried þere wiþ Rebecca his wijf; þere alſo Lia xvi And þei ſenten to hym, and ſeiden, Þi fadir
liggiþ biried. comaundide to vs,
xxxii And whanne þe comaundementis weren endid, bi xvii bifore þat he diede, þat we ſchulden ſeie to þee þeſe
whiche he tauȝte þe ſones, he gaderide hiſe feet on þe þingis bi hiſe wordis; Y beſeche, þat þou forȝete þe
bed, and diede, and he was put to his puple. wickidneſſe of þi briþeren, and þe ſynne, and malice
which þei hauntiden aȝens þee; alſo we preien, þat þou
CAP. L forȝyue þis wickidneſſe to þi fadir, þe ſeruaunt of God.
i Which þing Joſeph ſeiȝ, and felde on `þe face of þe Whanne þeſe þingis weren herd, Joſeph wepte.
fader, and wepte, and kiſte hym; xviii And hiſe briþeren camen to hym, and worſchipiden
ii and he comaundide hiſe ſeruauntis, lechis, þat þei lowe to erþe, and ſeiden, We ben þi ſeruauntis.
ſchulden anoynte þe fadir wiþ ſwete ſmellynge ſpiceries. xix To whiche he anſweride, Nyle ȝe drede; wheþer we
iii While þei `filliden þe comaundementis, fourti daies moun aȝenſtonde Goddis wille?
paſſiden, for þis was þe cuſtom of deed bodies anoyntid; xx Ȝe þouȝten yuel of me, and God turnede it in to good,
and Egipt biwepte hym ſeuenti daies. þat he ſchulde enhaunſe me, as ȝe ſeen in preſent tyme,
iiii And whanne þe tyme of weiling was fillid, Joſeph and þat he ſchulde make ſaaf many puplis;
ſpak to þe meyne of Farao, If Y haue founde grace in xxi nyle ȝe drede, Y ſchal fede ȝou and ȝoure litle
ȝoure ſiȝt, ſpeke ȝe in þe eeris of Farao; for my fadir children. And he coumfortide hem, and ſpak ſwetli, and
chargide me, liȝtly;
v and ſeide, Lo! Y die, þou ſchalt birie me in my xxii and he dwellide in Egipt, wiþ al þe hows of his
ſepulcre which Y diggide to me in þe lond of Canaan; fadir. And he lyuyde an hundrid ȝeer, and he ſeiȝ þe
þerfor Y ſchal ſtie þat Y birie my fadir, and Y ſchal turne ſones of Effraym til to þe þridde generacioun; alſo þe
aȝen. ſones of Machir, ſon of Manaſſes, weren borun in þe
vi And Farao ſeide to hym, Stie, and birie þi fader, as knees of Joſeph.
þou art chargid. xxiii Whanne þeſe þingis weren don, Joſeph ſpak to hiſe
vii And whanne `he ſtiede, alle þe elde men of `þe hous briþren, Aftir my deeþ God ſchal viſite ȝou, and he ſchal
of Farao ȝeden wiþ him, and alle þe grettere men in make to ſtie fro þis lond to þe loond which he ſwoor to
birþe of þe lond of Egipt; þe hous of Joſeph wiþ her Abraham, Yſaac, and Jacob.
briþeren, xxiiii And whanne he hadde chargid hem, and hadde
viii wiþout litle children, and flockis, and grete beeſtis, ſeid, God ſchal viſite ȝou, bere ȝe out wiþ ȝou my
whiche þei leften in þe lond of Geſſen, ȝeden wiþ him. boonus fro þis place,
ix And he hadde charis, and horſmen, and felouſchip, xxv he diede, whanne an hundrid and ten ȝeeris of his

and cumpany was maad not litil. lijf weren fillid; and he was anoyntid wiþ ſwete
x And þei camen to þe cornfloor of Adad, which is ſet ſmellynge ſpiceries, and was kept in a beere in Egipt.
ouer Jordan, where þei maden þe ſeruice of þe deed Here endiþ Geneſis, and here bigynneþ Exodi.
bodi, wiþ greet weilyng and ſtrong, and fillide ſeuen
xi And whanne þe dwellers of þe lond of Canaan
hadden ſeyn þis, þei ſeiden, Þis is a greet weiling to

xxi And for þe mydewyues dredden God, he bildide
EXODI `houſis to hem.
Here bigynneþ þe book of Exodi. xxii Þerfor Farao comaundide al his puple, and ſeide,
What euer þing of male kynde is borun to Ebrewis,
CAP. I `caſte ȝe into þe flood; what euer þing of wymmen
i Þeſe ben þe names of þe ſones of Iſrael, þat entriden kynde, kepe ȝe.
into Egipt wiþ Jacob; alle entriden wiþ her houſis;
ii Ruben, Symeon, CAP. II
iii Leuy, Judas, Iſachar, Zabulon, and Benjamin, i Aftir þeſe þingis a man of `þe hows of Leuy ȝede out,
iiii Dan, and Neptalim, Gad, and Aſer. and took a wijf of his kyn,
v Þerfor alle þe ſoules of hem þat ȝeden out of `þe hipe ii which conſeyuede, and childide a ſone. And ſche ſeiȝ

of Jacob weren ſeuenti and fyue. hym wel farynge, and hidde him bi þre moneþis.
vi Forſoþe Joſeph was in Egipt; and whanne he was iii And whanne ſche myȝte not hele, þanne ſche took a

deed, and alle hiſe briþren, and al his kynrede, `leep of ſegge, and bawmede it wiþ tar and pitch, and
vii þe ſones of Iſrael encreeſſiden, and weren multiplied puttide þe ȝong child wiþ ynne, and puttide hym forþ in
a `place of ſpier of þe brenke of þe flood,
as buriounnyng, and þei weren maad ſtrong greetli, and iiii þe while his ſiſtir ſtood afer, and bihelde þe bifalling
filliden þe lond.
viii A newe kyng, þat knewe not Joſeph, roos in þe of þe þing.
v Lo! forſoþe þe douȝtir of Farao cam doun to be
meene tyme on Egipt, and ſeide to his puple, Lo!
ix þe puple of þe ſones of Iſrael is myche, and ſtrongere waiſchun in þe flood, and hir damyſels walkiden bi þe
brenke of þe flood. And whanne ſche hadde ſeyn a leep
þan we;
x come ȝe, wiſeli oppreſſe we it, leſt perauenture it be in þe `place of ſpier, ſche ſente oon of hir ſeruaunteſſis,
vi and ſche openyde þe leep brouȝt to hir, and ſeiȝ a litil
multiplied; and leſt, if batel riſiþ aȝens vs, it be addid to
child wepynge þer ynne. And ſche hadde mercy on þe
oure enemyes, and go out of þe lond, whanne we ben
child, and ſeide, It is of þe ȝonge children of Ebrews.
ouercomun. vii To whom þe `ſiſter of þe child ſeide, Wolt þou þat Y
xi And ſo he made maiſtris of werkis ſouereyns to hem,
go, and clepe to þee an Ebrew womman, þat may
þat þei ſchulden turmente hem wiþ chargis. And þei
nuriſche þe ȝong child?
maden citees of tabernaclis to Farao, Fiton, and viii She anſweride, Go þou. Þe damyſel ȝede, and
xii And bi hou myche þei oppreſſiden hem, bi ſo myche clepide þe `modir of þe child.
ix To whom `þe douȝtir of Farao ſpak, and ſeide, Take
þei weren multiplied, and encreeſſiden more.
xiii And Egipcians hatiden þe ſones of Iſrael, and þou þis child, and nuriſche to me; Y ſchal ȝyue to þee þi
mede. Þe womman took, and nuriſchide þe child, and
turmentiden, and ſcorneden hem;
xiiii and brouȝten her lijf to bitterneſſe bi hard werkis of bitook hym woxun to `þe douȝtir of Farao,
x whom ſche purchaſide `in to þe place of ſone; and ſche
cley and to tijl ſtoon, and bi al ſeruage, bi which þei
clepide his name Moiſes, and ſeide, For Y took hym fro
weren oppreſſid in þe werkis of erþe.
xv Forſoþe þe kyng of Egipt ſeide to þe mydwyues of þe watir.
xi In þo daies, aftir þat Moiſes encreeſſide, he ȝede out
Ebrews, of whiche oon was clepid Sefora, þe toþer Fua;
xvi and he commaundide to hem, Whanne ȝe ſchulen do to hiſe briþeren, and ſeiȝ þe turment of hem, and a man
Egipcian ſmytynge `oon of Ebrews, hiſe briþeren.
þe office of medewyues to Ebrew wymmen, and þe xii And whanne he hadde biholdun hidur and þidir, and
tyme of childberyng ſchal come, if it is a knaue child,
hadde ſeyn, þat no man was preſent, he killide þe
ſle ȝe him; if it is a womman, kepe ȝe.
xvii Forſoþe þe medewyues dredden God, and diden not Egipcian, and hidde in ſoond.
xiii And he ȝede out in anoþer dai, and ſeiȝ tweyne
bi þe comaundement of þe kyng of Egipt, but kepten
Ebrews chidynge, and he ſeide to hym þat dide wrong,
knaue children.
xviii To whiche clepid to hym þe kyng ſeide, What is þis Whi ſmytiſt þou þi broþer?
xiiii Which anſweride, Who ordeynede þee prince, eþer
þing which ȝe wolden do, þat ȝe wolden kepe þe
iuge on vs? Wheþer þou wolt ſle me, as þou killidiſt
xix Whiche anſweriden, Ebrew wymmen ben not as þe ȝiſterdai þe Egipcian? Moiſes dredde, and ſeide, Hou is
þis word maad opun?
wymmen of Egipt, for þei han kunnyng of þe craft of xv And Farao herde þis word, and ſouȝte to ſle Moyſes,
medewijf, and childen bifore þat we comen to hem.
xx Þerfor God dide wel to medewyues; and þe puple which fledde fro his ſiȝt, and dwellide in þe lond of
Madian, and ſat biſidis a pit.
encreeſſide, and was coumfortid greetli.

xvi Forſoþe ſeuene douȝtris weren to þe preeſt of viii And Y knew þe ſorewe of þe puple, and Y cam down
Madian, þat camen to drawe watir; and whanne þe to delyuere it fro þe hondis of Egipcians, and lede out
trouȝis weren fillid, þei coueitiden to watere `þe flockis of þat lond in to a good lond and brood, into a lond þat
of her fadir. flowiþ wiþ milk and hony, to þe places of Cananey, and
xvii Scheepherdis camen aboue, and dreuen hem awei; of Ethei, of Amorrey, and of Fereſei, of Euey, and of
and Moiſes roos, and defendide þe dameſelis; and he Jebuſei.
watride `þe ſcheep of hem. ix Þerfor þe cry of þe ſones of Iſrael cam to me, and Y
xviii And whanne þei hadden turned aȝen to Jetro, her ſeiȝ þe turment of hem, bi which þei ben oppreſſid of
fadir, he ſeide to hem, Whi camen ȝe ſwiftliere þan ȝe Egipcians.
weren wont? x But come þou, I ſchal ſende þee to Farao, þat þou lede
xix Þei anſweriden, A man of Egipt delyuerede vs fro þe out my puple, þe ſones of Iſrael, fro Egipt.
hond of ſcheepherdis; ferþermore and he drow watir xi And Moiſes ſeide to hym, Who am Y, þat Y go to
wiþ vs, and ȝaf drynk to þe ſcheep. Farao, and lede out þe ſones of Iſrael fro Egipt?
xx And he ſeide, Where is þat man? whi leften ȝe þe xii And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Y ſchal be wiþ þee, and
man? clepe ȝe hym, þat he ete breed. þou ſchalt haue þis ſigne, þat Y haue ſent þee, whanne
xxi Þerfor Moiſes ſwoor, þat he wolde dwelle wiþ Jetro; þou haſt led out my puple fro Egipt, þou ſchalt offre to
and he took a wijf, Sefora, `þe douȝter of Jetro. God on þis hil.
xxii And ſche childide a ſone to hym, whom he clepide xiii Moiſes ſeide to God, Lo! Y ſchal go to þe ſones of

Gerſan, and ſeide, Y was a comelyng in an alyen lond. Iſrael, and Y ſchal ſeie to hem, God of ȝoure fadris ſente
Forſoþe ſche childide an oþir ſone, whom he clepide me to ȝou; if þei ſchulen ſeie to me, what is his name,
Eliezer, and ſeide, For God of my fadir is myn helpere, what ſchal Y ſeie to hem?
and delyuerede me fro þe hond of Farao. xiiii Þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Y am þat am. Þe Lord
xxiii Forſoþe aftir myche tyme þe kyng of Egipt diede, ſeide, Þus þou ſchalt ſeie to þe ſones of Iſrael, He þat is
and þe ſones of Iſrael inwardli weiliden for werkis, and ſente me to ȝou.
crieden, and þe cry of hem for werkis ſtiede to God. xv And eft God ſeide to Moiſes, Þou ſchalt ſeie þeſe
xxiiii And he herde þe weilyng of hem, and he hadde þingis to þe ſones of Iſrael, Þe Lord God of ȝoure fadris,
mynde of þe boond of pees, which he hadde maad wiþ God of Abraham, and God of Iſaac, and God of Jacob,
Abraham, Yſaac, and Jacob; and he bihelde þe ſones of ſente me to ȝou; þis name is to me wiþ outen ende, and
Iſrael, þis is my memorial in generacioun and in to
xxv and knewe hem. generacioun.
xvi Go þou, gadere þou þe eldere men, þat is, iugis, of

CAP. III Iſrael, and þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, Þe Lord God of ȝoure
i Forſoþe Moiſes kepte þe ſcheep of Jetro, `his wyues fadris apperide to me, God of Abraham, and God of
fadir, preeſt of Madian; and whanne he hadde dryue þe Yſaac, and God of Jacob, and ſeide, Y viſitynge haue
floc to þe ynnere partis of deſeert, he cam to Oreb, þe viſitid ȝou, and Y ſeiȝ alle þingis þat bifelden to ȝou in
hil of God. Egipt;
ii Forſoþe þe Lord apperide to hym in þe flawme of fier xvii and Y ſeide, þat Y lede out ȝou fro þe affliccioun of

fro þe myddis of þe buyſch, and he ſeiȝ þat þe buyſch Egipt in to þe lond of Cananey, and of Ethei, and of
brente, and was not forbrent. Amorrei, and of Ferezei and of Euei, and of Jebuſei, to
iii Þerfor Moyſes ſeide, Y ſchal go and ſchal ſe þis greet þe lond flowynge wiþ mylk and hony.
xviii And þei ſchulen here þi vois; and þou ſchalt entre,
ſiȝt, whi þe buyſch is not forbrent.
iiii Soþeli þe Lord ſeiȝ þat Moiſes ȝede to ſe, and he and þe eldere men of Iſrael to þe kyng of Egipt, and þou
ſchalt ſeie to hym, Þe Lord God of Ebrews clepide vs;
clepide Moiſes fro þe myddis of þe buyſch, and ſeide,
we ſchulen go þe weie of þre daies in to wildirneſſe, þat
Moyſes! Moiſes! Which anſweride, Y am preſent.
v And þe Lord ſeide, Neiȝe þou not hidur, but vnbynde we offre to oure Lord God.
xix But Y woot, þat þe kyng of Egipt ſchal not delyuere
þou þe ſcho of þi feet, for þe place in which þou ſtondiſt
ȝou þat ȝe go, but bi ſtrong hond;
is hooli lond. xx for Y ſchal holde forþe myn hond, and I ſchal ſmyte
vi And þe Lord ſeide, Y am God of þi fadir, God of
Egipt in alle my marueils, whiche Y ſchal do in þe
Abraham, and God of Iſaac, and God of Jacob. Moiſes
myddis of hem; aftir þeſe þingis he ſchal delyuere ȝou.
hidde his face, for he durſte not biholde aȝens God. xxi And Y ſchal ȝyue grace to þis puple bifore
vii To whom þe Lord ſeide, Y ſeiȝ þe affliccion of my
Egipcians, and whanne ȝe ſchulen go out, ȝe ſchulen not
puple in Egipt, and Y herde þe cry þerof, for þe
go out voide;
hardneſſe of hem þat ben ſouereyns of werkis.

xxii buta womman ſchal axe of hir neiȝboreſſe and of xvi He ſchal ſpeke for þee to þe puple, and he ſchal be þi
her hooſteeſſe ſiluerne veſſelis, and goldun, and cloþis, mouþ; forſoþe þou ſchalt be to him in þeſe þingis, þat
and ȝe ſchulen putte þo on ȝoure ſones and douȝtris, and perteynen to God.
ȝe ſchulen make nakid Egipt. xvii Alſo take þou þis ȝerde in þin hond, in which þou
ſchalt do myraclis.
CAP. IIII xviii Moiſes ȝede, and turnede aȝen to Jetro, his wyues
i Moyſes anſweride, and ſeide, Þe comyns ſchulen not
fadir, and ſeide to hym, Y ſchal go, and turne aȝen to my
bileue to me, neþer þei ſchulen here my vois; but þei briþeren in to Egipt, þat Y ſe, wheþer þei lyuen ȝit. To
ſchulen ſeie, Þe Lord apperide not to þee. whom Jetro ſeide, Go þou in pees.
ii Þerfor þe Lord ſeide to hym, What is þis þat þou xix Þerfor þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes in Madian, Go þou,
holdiſt in þin hond? Moiſes anſweride, A ȝerde. and turne aȝen into Egipt; for alle þei ben deed þat
iii And þe Lord ſeide, Caſte it forþ into erþe; and he ſouȝten þi lijf.
caſtide forþ, and it was turned in to a ſerpent, ſo þat xx Moiſes took his wijf, and hiſe ſones, and puttide hem
Moiſes fledde. on an aſſe, and he turnede aȝen in to Egipt, and bar þe
iiii And þe Lord ſeide, Holde forþ þin hond, and take þe ȝerde of God in his hond.
tail þerof; he ſtretchide forþ, and helde, and it was xxi And þe Lord ſeide to hym turnynge aȝen in to Egipt,
turned in to a ȝerde. Se, þat þou do alle wondris, whiche Y haue put in þin
v And þe Lord ſeide, Þat þei bileue, þat þe Lord God of hond, bifore Farao; Y ſchal make hard his herte, and he
þi fadris apperide to þee, God of Abraham, and God of ſchal not delyuere þe puple; and þou ſchalt ſeie to hym,
Iſaac, and God of Jacob. xxii Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, My firſte gendrid ſone is
vi And þe Lord ſeide eft, Putte þin hond in to þi boſum; Iſrael;
and whanne he hadde put it in to þe boſum, he brouȝte xxiii Y ſeide to þee, delyuere þou my ſone, þat he ſerue
forþ it leprouſe, at þe licneſſe of ſnow. me, and þou noldiſt delyuere hym; lo! Y ſchal ſle þi
vii Þe Lord ſeide, Wiþdrawe þin hond in to þi boſum; he firſte gendrid ſone.
wiþdrow, and brouȝte forþ eft, and it was lijc þe toþer xxiiii And whanne Moiſes was in þe weie, in an yn, þe
fleiſch. Lord cam to him, and wolde ſle hym.
viii Þe Lord ſeide, If þei ſchulen not bileue to þee, neþer xxv Sefora took anoon a mooſt ſcharp ſtoon, and
ſchulen here þe word of þe formere ſigne, þei ſchulen circumcidide þe ȝerde of hir ſone; and ſche towchide
bileue to þe word of þe ſigne ſuynge; `þe feet of Moiſes, and ſeide, Þou art an hoſebonde of
ix þat if þei bileuen not ſoþeli to þeſe twei ſignes, neþer bloodis to me.
heren þi vois, take þou watir of þe flood, and ſchedde xxvi And he lefte hym, aftir þat ſche hadde ſeid, Þou art
out it on þe drie lond, and what euer þing þou ſchalt an hoſebonde of bloodis to me for circumciſioun.
drawe vp of þe flood, it ſchal be turned in to blood. xxvii Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Aaron, Go þou in to þe
x Moiſes ſeide, Lord, Y biſeche, Y am `not eloquent fro
comyng of Moiſes in to deſeert; which ȝede aȝens
ȝiſtirdai and þe þridde dai ago; and ſiþen þou haſt Moiſes in to þe hil of God, and kiſſide him.
ſpokun to þi ſeruaunt, Y am of more lettid and ſlowere xxviii And Moiſes telde to Aaron alle þe wordis of þe
tunge. Lord, for whiche he hadde ſent Moiſes; and `he telde þe
xi Þe Lord ſeide to hym, Who made þe mouþ of man,
myraclis, whiche þe Lord hadde comaundid.
eþer who made a doumb man and `deef, ſeynge and xxix And þei camen togidere, and gaderiden alle þe
blynd? wheþer not Y? eldere men of þe ſones of Iſrael.
xii Þerfor go þou, and Y ſchal be in þi mouþ, and Y ſchal xxx And Aaron ſpak alle þe wordis, whiche þe Lord
teche þee what þou ſchalt ſpeke. hadde ſeid to Moiſes, and he dide þe ſignes bifore þe
xiii And he ſeide, Lord, Y biſeche, ſende þou whom þou
ſchalt ſende. xxxi and þe puple bileuede; and þei herden, þat þe Lord
xiiii And þe Lord was wrooþ aȝens Moiſes, and ſeide, Y
hadde viſitid þe ſones of Iſrael, and þat he hadde
woot, þat Aaron, þi broþer, of þe lynage of Leuy, is biholde þe turment of hem; and þei worſchipiden lowe.
eloquent; lo! he ſchal go out in to þi comyng, and he
ſchal ſe þee, and ſchal be glad in herte. CAP. V
xv Speke þou to hym, and putte þou my wordis in his i Aftir þeſe þingis Moiſes and Aaron entriden, and
mouþ, and Y ſchal be in þi mouþ, and in þe mouþ of ſeiden to Farao, Þe Lord God of Iſrael ſeiþ þeſe þingis,
hym; and Y ſchal ſchewe to ȝou what ȝe owen to do. Delyuere þou my puple, þat it make ſacrifice to me in

ii And he anſweride, Who is þe Lord, þat Y here his xix And þe ſouereyns of þe children of Iſrael ſien hem
vois, and delyuere Iſrael? I knowe not þe Lord, and Y ſilf in yuel, for it was ſeid to hem, No þing ſchal be
ſchal not delyuere Iſrael. decreeſſid of tijl ſtoonus bi alle daies.
iii Þei ſeiden, God of Ebrews clepide vs, þat we go þe xx And þei `camen to Moiſes and Aaron, þat ſtoden
weie of þre daies in to wildirneſſe, and þat we make euene aȝens, and þei `ȝeden out fro Farao,
ſacrifice to oure Lord God, leſt perauenture peſtilence, xxi and ſeiden to `Moiſes and Aaron, Þe Lord ſe, and
eþer ſwerd, bifalle to vs. deme, for ȝe han maad oure odour to ſtynke bifore
iiii Þe kyng of Egipt ſeide to hem, Moiſes and Aaron, Farao and hiſe ſeruauntis; and ȝe han ȝoue to hym a
whi ſtiren ȝe þe puple fro her werkis? Go ȝe to ȝoure ſwerd, þat he ſchulde ſle vs.
chargis. xxii And Moiſes turnede aȝen to þe Lord, and ſeide,
v And Farao ſeide, Þe puple of þe loond is myche; ȝe Lord, whi haſt þou turmentid þis puple? why ſentiſt þou
ſeen þat þe cumpany haþ encreeſſid; hou myche more me?
ſchal it encreeſſe, if ȝe ſchulen ȝyue to hem reſte fro xxiii For ſiþen Y entride to Farao, þat Y ſchulde ſpeke in
werkis. þi name, þou haſt turmentid þi puple, and haſt not
vi Þerfor Farao comaundide in þat dai to þe maiſtris of delyuered hem.
werkis, and to rente gadereris of þe puple,
vii and ſeide, Ȝe ſchulen no more ȝyue ſtre to þe puple, CAP. VI
to make tijl ſtoonys as bifore; but go þei, and gedere i And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Now þou ſchalt ſe, what
ſtobil; þingis Y ſchal do to Farao; for bi ſtrong hond he ſchal
viii and ȝe ſchulen ſette on hem þe meſure of tijl ſtoonys, delyuere hem, and in myȝti hond he ſchal caſte hem out
which þei maden bifore, neþer ȝe ſchulen abate ony of his lond.
þing; for þei ben idil, and þerfor þei crien, and ſeien, Go ii And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes,
we, and make we ſacrifice to oure God; iii and ſeide, Y am þe Lord, þat apperide to Abraham,
ix be þei oppreſſid bi werkis, and fille þei þo, þat þei and to Iſaac, and to Jacob in Almyȝti God; and Y
aſſente not to þe falſe wordis. ſchewide not to hem my greet name Adonai;
x Þerfor þe maiſtris of þe workis and þe rente gadereris iiii and Y made couenaunt wiþ hem, þat Y ſchulde ȝyue
ȝeden out to þe puple, and ſeiden, Þus ſeiþ Farao, Y to hem þe lond of Canaan, þe lond of her pilgrymage, in
ȝyue not to ȝou ſtre; which þei weren comelyngis.
xi go ȝe, and gadere, if ȝe moun fynde ony where; neþer v Y herde þe weilyng of þe ſones of Iſrael, in which þe
ony þing ſchal be decreeſſid of ȝoure werk. Egipcians oppreſſeden hem, and Y hadde mynde of my
xii And þe puple was ſcaterid bi al þe lond of Egipt to couenaunt.
gadre ſtre. vi Þerfor ſeie þou to þe ſones of Iſrael, Y am þe Lord,
xiii And þe mayſtris of werkis weren biſi, and ſeiden, þat ſchal lede out ȝou of þe priſoun of Egipcians; and Y
Fille ȝe ȝoure werk ech dai, as ȝe weren wont to do, ſchal delyuere fro ſeruage; and Y ſchal aȝen bie in `an
whanne þe ſtre was ȝouun to ȝou. hiȝ arm, and in grete domes;
xiiii And þei, þat weren maiſtris of þe werkis of þe ſones vii and Y ſchal take ȝou to me in to a puple, and Y ſchal
of Iſrael, weren betun of þe rent gadereris of Farao, þat be ȝoure God; and ȝe ſchulen wite, for Y am ȝoure Lord
ſeiden, Whi filliden ȝe not þe meſure of tijl ſtoonus, as God, `which haue led ȝou out of þe priſoun of
bifore, neþer ȝiſtirdai neþir to dai? Egipcians,
xv And þe ſouereyns of þe ſonys of Iſrael camen, and viii and haue led ȝou in to þe lond, on which Y reiſide

crieden to Farao, and ſeiden, Whi doiſt þou ſo aȝens þi myn hond, þat Y ſchulde ȝyue it to Abraham, and to
ſeruauntis? Yſaac, and to Jacob; and Y ſchal ȝyue to ȝou þat lond to
xvi Stre is not ȝouun to vs, and tijl ſtoonus ben be weldid; I þe Lord.
ix Þerfor Moiſes telde alle þingis to þe ſones of Irael,
comaundid in lijk manere. Lo! we þi ſeruauntis ben
betun wiþ ſcourgis, and it is doon vniuſtli aȝens þi whiche aſſentide not to hym for þe angwiſch of ſpirit,
puple. and for þe hardeſt werk.
xvii Farao ſeide, Ȝe ȝyuen tent to idilneſſe, and þerfor ȝe x And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes,

ſeien, Go we, and make we ſacrifice to þe Lord; xi and ſeide, Entre þou, and ſpeke to Farao, kyng of
xviii þerfor go ȝe, and worche; ſtre ſchal not be ȝouun to Egipt, þat he delyuere þe children of Iſrael fro his lond.
ȝou, and ȝe ſchulen ȝelde þe cuſtomable noumbre of tijl xii Moiſes anſweride bifore þe Lord, Lo! þe children of
ſtoonus. Iſrael here not me, and hou ſchal Farao here, mooſt
ſiþen Y am vncircumcidid in lippis?

xiii And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes and to Aaron, and ȝaf CAP. VII
comaundementis to þe ſones of Iſrael, and to Farao, i And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Lo! Y haue maad þee þe
kyng of Egipt, þat þei ſchulden lede out þe ſones of god of Farao; and Aaron, þi broþer, ſchal be þi
Iſrael fro þe lond of Egipt. prophete.
xiiii Þeſe ben þe princis of houſis bi her meynees. Þe ii Þou ſchalt ſpeke to Aaron alle þingis whiche Y
ſones of Ruben, þe firſte gendrid of Iſrael, Enoch, and comaunde to þee, and he ſchal ſpeke to Farao, þat he
Fallu, Eſrom, and Charmy; þeſe ben þe kynredis of delyuere þe ſones of Iſrael fro his hond.
Ruben. iii But Y ſchal make hard his herte, and Y ſchal multiplie
xv Þe ſones of Symeon, Jamuel, and Jamyn, and Aod, my ſignes and merueils in þe lond of Egipt, and he ſchal
and Jachym, and Soer, and Saul, þe ſone of a womman not here ȝou;
of Canaan; þeſe ben þe kynretis of Symeon. iiii and Y ſchal ſende myn hond on Egipt, and Y ſchal
xvi And þeſe ben þe names of þe ſones of Leuy by her lede out myn ooſt, and my puple, þe ſones of Iſrael, fro
kynredis, Gerſon, and Caath, and Merary. Forſoþe þe þe lond of Egipt bi mooſte domes;
ȝeeris of lijf of Leuy weren an hundrid and ſeuene and v and Egipcians ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord, which
þretti. haue holde forþ myn hond on Egipt, and haue led out of
xvii Þe ſones of Gerſon, Lobny and Semei, bi her þe myddis of hem þe ſones of Iſrael.
kynredis. vi And ſo Moiſes dide and Aaron; as þe Lord
xviii Þe ſones of Caath, Amram, and Iſuar, and Hebron, comaundide, ſo þei diden.
and Oziel; and þe ȝeeris of lijf of Caath weren an vii Forſoþe Moyſes was of foureſcoor ȝeer, and Aaron
hundrid and þre and þretti. was of foureſcoor ȝeer and þre, whanne þei ſpaken to
xix Þe ſones of Merari weren Mooli and Muſi. Þeſe Farao.
weren þe kynredis of Leuy bi her meynees. viii And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes and to Aaron,
xx Forſoþe Amram took a wijf, Jocabed, douȝtir of his ix Whanne Farao ſchal ſeie to ȝou, Schewe ȝe ſignes to
fadris broþer, and ſche childide to hym Aaron, and vs, þou ſchalt ſeie to Aaron, Take þi ȝerde, and caſte
Moiſes, and Marie; and þe ȝeeris of lijf of Amram forþ it before Farao, and be it turned into a ſerpent.
weren an hundred and ſeuene and þretti. x And ſo Moiſes and Aaron entriden to Farao, and diden
xxi Alſo þe ſones of Iſuar weren Chore, and Nafeg, and
as þe Lord comaundide; and Aaron took þe ȝeerde, and
Zechry. caſtide forþ bifore Farao and hiſe ſeruauntis, which
xxii Alſo þe ſones of Oziel weren Miſael, and Eliſaphan, ȝerde was turned in to a ſerpent.
and Sechery. xi Forſoþe Farao clepide wiſe men, and witchis, and þei
xxiii Soþeli Aaron took a wijf, Elizabeth, þe douȝtir of alſo diden bi enchauntementis of Egipt, and bi ſumme
Amynadab, þe ſiſtir of Naaſon, and ſche childide to hym priuy þingis in lijk maner;
Nadab, and Abyu, and Eleazar, and Ythamar. xii and alle caſtiden forþ her ȝerdis, whiche weren
xxiiii Alſo þe ſones of Chore weren Aſer, and Elcana, and turned in to dragouns; but þe ȝerde of Aaron deuouride
Abiaſab; þes weren þe kinredis of Chore. `þe ȝerdis of hem.
xxv And ſoþeli Eleazar, ſone of Aaron, took a wijf of þe xiii And þe herte of Farao was maad hard, and he herde
douȝtris of Phatiel, and ſche childide Fynees to hym. not hem, as þe Lord comaundide.
Þeſe ben þe princis of þe meynees of Leuy bi her xiiii Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Þe herte of Farao
kynredis. is maad greuouſe, he nyle delyuere þe puple;
xxvi Þis is Aaron and Moiſes, to whiche þe Lord xv go þou to hym eerli; lo! he ſchal go out to þe watris,
comaundide, þat þei ſchulden lede out of þe lond of and þou ſchalt ſtonde in þe comyng of hym on þe
Egipt þe ſones of Iſrael by her cumpanyes; brynke of þe flood; and þou ſchalt take in þin honde þe
xxvii þeſe it ben, þat ſpeken to Pharao king of Egipt, þat ȝerde, þat was turned into a dragoun,
þei lede þe ſones of Iſrael out of Egipt; xvi and þou ſchalt ſeie to hym, Þe Lord God of Ebrews
xxviii þis is Moiſes and Aaron, in þe dai in which þe ſente me to þee, and ſeide, Delyuere þou my puple, þat
Lord ſpak to Moiſes in þe lond of Egipt. it make ſacrifice to me in deſert; til to preſent time þou
xxix And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide, Y am þe noldiſt here.
Lord; ſpek þou to Farao, kyng of Egipt, alle þingis xvii Þerfor þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, In þis þou ſchalt
whiche Y ſpeke to þee. wite, þat Y am þe Lord; lo! Y ſchal ſmyte wiþ þe ȝerde,
xxx And Moiſes ſeide bifore þe Lord, Lo! Y am which is in myn hond, þe watir of þe flood, and it ſchal
vncircumcidid in lippis; hou ſchal Farao here me? be turned in to blood;

xviii and þe fiſchis þat ben in þe flood ſchulen die; and ix And Moiſes ſeide to Farao, Ordeyne þou a tyme to
þe watris ſchulen wexe rotun, and Egipcians drynkynge me, whanne Y ſchal preie for þee, and for þi ſeruauntis,
þe watir of þe flood ſchulen be turmentid. and for þi puple, þat þe paddokis be dryuun awei fro
xix Alſo þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Seie þou to Aaron, þee, and fro þin hows, and fro þi ſeruauntis, and fro þi
Take þi ȝerde, and holde forþ þin hond on þe watris of puple; and dwelle oneli in þe flood.
Egipt, and on þe flodis of hem, and on þe ſtremys `of x And he anſweride, To morewe. And Moiſes ſeide, Y
hem, and on þe mareis, and alle lakis of watris, þat þo ſchal do bi þi word, þat þou wite, þat noon is as oure
be turned in to blood; and blood be in al þe lond of Lord God; and þe paddoks ſchulen go awei fro þee,
Egipt, as wel in veſſils of tree as of ſtoon. xi and fro þin hous, and fro þi children, and fro þi
xx And Moiſes and Aaron diden ſo, as þe Lord ſeruauntis, and fro þi puple; and þo ſchulen dwelle oneli
comaundide; and Aaron reiſide þe ȝerde, and ſmoot þe in þe flood.
watir of þe flood bifore Farao and hiſe ſeruauntis, which xii And Moiſes and Aaron ȝeden out fro Farao. And
watir was turned in to blood; Moiſes criede to þe Lord, for þe biheeſt of paddoks,
xxi and fiſchis, þat weren in þe flood, dieden; and þe which he hadde ſeid to Farao.
flood was rotun, and Egipcians myȝten not drynke þe xiii And þe Lord dide bi þe word of Moiſes; and þe
water of þe flood; and blood was in al þe lond of Egipt. paddoks weren deed fro houſis, and fro townes, and fro
xxii And þe witchis of Egipcians diden in lijk maner by feeldis;
her enchauntementis; and þe herte of Farao was maad xiiii and þei gaderiden þo in to grete heepis, and þe lond
hard, and he herde not hem, as þe Lord comaundide. was rotun.
xxiii And he turnede awei hym ſilf, and entride in to his xv Soþeli Farao ſeiȝ þat reſte was ȝouun, and he made
hows, neþir he took it to herte, ȝhe, in þis tyme. greuous his herte, and herde not hem, as þe Lord
xxiiii Forſoþe alle Egipcians diggiden watir `bi þe comaundide.
cumpas of þe flood, to drinke; for þei myȝten not xvi And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Spek þou to Aaron,
drynke of þe `watir of þe flood. Holde forþ þi ȝerde, and ſmyte þe duſt of erþe, and litle
xxv And ſeuene daies weren fillid, aftir þat þe Lord flies, eþer gnattis, be in al þe lond of Egipt.
ſmoot þe flood. xvii And þei diden ſo; and Aaron helde forþ þe hond,
and helde þe ȝerde, and ſmoot þe duſte of erþe; and
CAP. VIII gnattis weren maad in men, and in werk beeſtis; al þe
i Alſo þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Entre þou to Farao, and duſt of erþe was turned in to gnattis bi al þe lond of
þou ſchalt ſeie to hym, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Egipt.
Delyuere þou my puple, þat it make ſacrifice to me; xviii And witchis diden in lijk maner bi her
ſoþeli if þou nylt delyuere, lo! enchauntementis, þat þei ſchulden brynge forþ gnattis,
ii Y ſchal ſmyte alle þi termys wiþ paddoks; and þei miȝten not; and gnattis weren as wel in men as
iii and þe flood ſchal buyle out paddokis, þat ſchulen in werk beeſtis.
ſtie, and ſchulen entre in to þin hows, and in to þe cloſet xix And þe witchis ſeiden to Farao, Þis is þe fyngur of
of þi bed, and on þi bed, and in to `þe hous of þi God. And þe herte of Farao was maad hard, and he
ſeruauntis, and in to þi puple, and in to þin ouenes, and herde not hem, as þe Lord comaundide.
in to þe relyues of þi metis; xx And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Riſe þou eerli, and
iiii and þe paddoks ſchulen entre to þee, and to þi puple, ſtonde bifore Farao, for he ſchal go out to þe watris; and
and to alle þi ſeruauntis. þou ſchalt ſeie to hym, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis,
v And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Seie þou to Aaron, Hold Delyuere þou my puple, þat it make ſacrifice to me;
forþ þin hond on þe floodis, and on þe ſtreemes, and xxi þat if þou ſchalt not delyuere þe puple, lo! Y ſchal
mareis; and bryng out paddoks on þe lond of Egipt. ſende in to þee, and in to þi ſeruauntis, and in to þi
vi And Aaron helde forþ þe hond on þe watris of Egipt; puple, and in to þin houſis, al þe kynde of flies; and þe
and paddoks ſtieden, and hileden þe lond of Egipt. houſis of Egipcians ſchulen be fillid wiþ flies of dyuerſe
vii Forſoþe and þe witchis diden in lijk maner bi her kyndis, and al þe lond in which þei ſchulen be.
xxii And in þat dai Y ſchal make wondurful þe lond of
enchauntementis; and þei brouȝten forþ paddoks on þe
lond of Egipt. Geſſen, in which my puple is, þat flies be not þere; and
viii Forſoþe Farao clepide Moiſes and Aaron, and ſeide þat þou wite þat Y am þe Lord in þe myddis of erþe;
xxiii and Y ſchal ſette departyng bitwixe my puple and þi
to hem, Preie ȝe þe Lord, þat he do a wei þe paddoks
fro me, and fro my puple; and Y ſchal delyuere þe puple; þis ſigne ſchal be to morewe.
puple, þat it make ſacrifice to þe Lord. xxiiii And þe Lord dide ſo. And a mooſt greuouſe flie
cam in to þe hows of Farao, and of hiſe ſeruauntis, and

in to al þe lond of Egipt; and þe lond was corrupt of ix and be þere duſt on al þe lond of Egipt; for whi
ſiche flies. botchis ſchulen be in men and in werk beeſtis, and
xxv And Farao clepide Moiſes and Aaron, and ſeide to bolnynge bladdris ſchulen be in al þe lond of Egipt.
hem, Go ȝe, make ȝe ſacrifice to `ȝoure Lord God in þis x And þei token aſkis of þe chymney, and ſtoden bifore
lond. Farao; and Moiſes ſpreynt it into heuene; and woundis
xxvi And Moiſes ſeide, It may not be ſo, for `we ſchulen of bolnynge bladdris weren maad in men, and in werk
offre to oure God þe abhomynaciouns of Egipcians; þat beeſtis;
if we ſchulen ſle bifore Egipcians þo þingis whiche þei xi and þe witchis myȝten not ſtonde bifor Moiſes, for
worſchipen, þei ſchulen `ouerleie vs wiþ ſtoonus. woundis þat weren in hem, and in al þe lond of Egipt.
xxvii We ſchulen go þe weie of þre daies in to xii And þe Lord made hard þe herte of Farao, and he
wildirneſſe, and we ſchulen make ſacrifice to oure Lord herde not hem, as þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes.
God, as he comaundide vs. xiii Alſo þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Riſe þou eerli, and
xxviii And Farao ſeide, Y ſchal delyuere ȝou, þat ȝe make
ſtonde bifore Farao, and þou ſchalt ſeie to hym, Þe Lord
ſacrifice to `ȝoure Lord God in deſeert; neþeles go ȝe God of Ebrews ſeþ þeſe þingis, Delyuere þou my puple,
not ferþere; preie ȝe for me. þat it make ſacrifice to me;
xxix And Moiſes ſeide, Y ſchal go out fro þee, and Y xiiii for in þis tyme Y ſchal ſende alle my veniauncis on
ſchal preie þe Lord; and þe fli ſchal go awei fro Farao, þin herte, and on þi ſeruauntis, and on þi puple, þat þou
and fro hiſe ſeruauntis, and puple to morewe; neþeles wite, þat noon is lijk me in al erþe.
nyle þou more diſſeyue me, þat þou delyuere not þe xv For now Y ſchal holde forþ þe hond, and Y ſchal
puple to make ſacrifice to þe Lord. ſmyte þee and þi puple wiþ peſtilence, and þou ſchalt
xxx And Moiſes ȝede out fro Farao, and preiede þe Lord,
periſche fro erþe;
whiche dide bi þe word of Moyſes, xvi forſoþe herfor Y haue ſet þee, þat Y ſchewe my
xxxi and took awei flies fro Farao, and fro hiſe
ſtrengþe in þee, and þat my name be teld in ech lond.
ſeruauntis, and puple; noon lefte, `ſoþeli neþer oon. xvii Ȝit þou wiþholdiſt my puple, and nylt delyuere it?
xxxii And þe herte of Farao was maad hard, ſo þat he xviii Lo! to morewe in þis ſame our Y ſchal reyne ful
delyueride not þe puple, ſoþli neþir in þis tyme. myche hail, which maner hail was not in Egipt, fro þe
dai in which it was foundid, til in to preſent tyme.
CAP. IX xix Þerfor ſende þou `riȝt now, and gadere þi werk
i Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Entre þou to Farao,
beeſtis, and alle þingis whiche þou haſt in þe feeld; for
and ſpeke þou to hym, Þe Lord God of Ebrews ſeiþ þeſe men and werk beeſtis and alle þingis þat ben in feeldis
þingis, Delyuere þou my puple, þat it make ſacrifice to wiþ outforþ, and ben not gaderid fro þe feeldis, and
me; haile falle on þo, ſchulen die.
ii þat if þou forſakiſt ȝit, and wiþholdiſt hem, lo! xx He þat dredde `þe Lordis word, of þe ſeruauntis of
iii myn hond ſchal be on þi feeldis, on horſis, and aſſis,
Farao, made his ſeruauntis and werk beeſtis fle in to
and camels, and oxun, and ſcheep, a peſtilence ful houſis;
greuous; xxi ſoþeli he þat diſpiſide þe `Lordis word, lefte his
iiii and þe Lord ſchal make a merueilous þing bitwixe þe
ſeruauntis and werk beeſtis in þe feeldis.
poſſeſſiouns of Iſrael and þe poſſeſſiouns of Egipcians, xxii And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Holde forþ þin hond in
þat outirli no þing periſche of þeſe þingis þat perteynen to heuene, þat hail be maad in al þe lond of Egipt, on
to þe ſones of Iſrael. men, and on werk beeſtis, and on ech eerbe of þe feeld
v And þe Lord ordeinede a tyme, and ſeide, To morewe
in þe lond of Egipt.
þe Lord ſchal do þis word in þe lond. xxiii And Moiſes held forþ þe ȝerde in to heuene; and þe
vi Þerfor þe Lord made þis word in þe toþer dai, and alle
Lord ȝaf þundris, and hail, and leitis rennynge aboute
þe lyuynge beeſtis of Egipcians weren deed; forſoþe on þe lond; and þe Lord reynede hail on þe lond of
outirli no þing periſchide of þe beeſtis of þe ſones of Egipt;
Iſrael. xxiiii and hail and fier meddlid togidere weren borun
vii And Farao ſente to ſe, neþer ony þing was deed of
forþ; and it was of ſo myche greetneſſe, how greet
þeſe þingis whiche Iſrael weldide; and þe herte of Farao apperide neuere bifore in al þe lond of Egipt, ſiþen þilke
was maad greuouſe, and he delyuerede not þe puple. puple was maad.
viii And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes and Aaron, Take ȝe þe xxv And þe hail ſmoot in þe lond of Egipt alle þingis þat
hondis ful of aſkis of þe chymeney, and Moiſes ſprynge weren in þe feeldis, fro man til to werk beeſte; and þe
it in to heuene bifore Farao; hail ſmoot al þe eerbe of þe feeld, and brak al þe flex of
þe cuntrey;

xxvi oonli þe hail felde not in þe lond of Geſſen, where þat þei make ſacrifice to `her Lord God; ſeeſt þou not
þe ſones of Iſrael weren. þat Egipt periſchide?
xxvii And Farao ſente, and clepide Moiſes and Aaron, viii And þei aȝen clepiden Moiſes and Aaron to Farao,

and ſeide to hem, Y haue ſynned alſo now; þe Lord is and he ſeide to hem, Go ȝe, and make ȝe ſacrifice to
iuſt, Y and my puple ben wickid; `ȝoure Lord God; whiche ben þei, þat ſchulen go?
xxviii preye ȝe þe Lord, þat þe þundris and hail of God ix Moiſes ſeide, We ſchulen go wiþ oure litle children

ceeſſe, and Y ſchal delyuere ȝou, and dwelle ȝe no more and eldre, and wiþ ſones, and douȝtris, wiþ ſcheep, and
here. grete beeſtis; for it is þe ſolempnyte of `oure Lord God.
xxix Moyſes ſeide, Whanne Y ſchal go out of þe citee, Y x And Farao anſweride, So þe Lord be wiþ ȝou; hou

ſchal holde forþ myn hondis to þe Lord, and leitis and þerfor ſchal Y delyuere ȝou and ȝoure litle children? to
þundris ſchulen ceeſſe, and hail ſchal not be, þat þou whom is it doute, þat ȝe þenken worſt?
wite, þat þe lond is þe Lordis; xi It ſchal `not be ſo; but go ȝe men oneli, and make ȝe
xxx forſoþe Y knowe, þat þou and þi ſeruauntis dreden ſacrifice to þe Lord; for alſo ȝe axiden þis. And anoon
not ȝit þe Lord. þei weren caſt out fro þe ſiȝt of Farao.
xxxi Þerfor þe flex and barli was hirt, for þe barli was xii Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Holde forþ þi hond

greene, and þe flex hadde buriounned þanne knoppis; on þe lond of Egipt, to a locuſt, þat it ſtie on þe lond,
xxxii forſoþe wheete and beenys weren not hirt, for þo and deuoure al þe eerbe which is reſidue to þe hail.
xiii And Moiſes helde forþe þe ȝerde on þe lond of
weren late.
xxxiii And Moyſes ȝede out fro Farao, and fro þe citee, Egipt, and þe Lord brouȝte in a brennynge wynd al þat
and helde forþ þe hondis to þe Lord, and þundris and dai and niȝt; and whanne þe morewtid was maad, þe
hail ceeſſiden, and reyn droppide no more on þe erþe. brennynge wynd reiſide locuſtis, whiche ſtieden on al þe
xxxiiii Soþeli Farao ſiȝ þat þe reyn hadde ceeſſid, and þe lond of Egipt,
xiiii and ſaten in alle þe cooſtis of Egipcians; `and þe
hail, and þundris, and he encreeſſide ſynne;
xxxv and þe herte of hym and of hiſe ſeruauntis was locuſtis weren vnnoumbrable, and ſuche weren not
maad greuouſe, and his herte was maad hard greetli; bifore þat tyme, neþer ſchulen come aftirward.
xv And þo hiliden al þe face of þe erþe, and waſtiden
neþir he lefte þe ſones of Iſrael, as þe Lord comaundide
bi `þe hond of Moiſes. alle þingis; þerfor þe eerbe of þe erþe was deuourid,
and what euere of applis was in trees, whiche þe hail
CAP. X hadde left, `it was deuourid; and outirli no green þing
i And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Entre þou to Farao, for Y was left in trees and in eerbis of erþe, in al Egipt.
xvi Wherfor Farao haſtide, and clepide Moiſes and
haue maad hard þe herte of hym, and of hiſe ſeruauntis,
þat Y do þeſe ſignes `of me in hym; Aaron, and ſeide to hem, Y haue ſynned aȝens ȝoure
ii and þat þou telle in þe eeris of þi ſone and of `þi ſones Lord God, and aȝens ȝow;
xvii but now forȝyue ȝe þe ſynne to me; alſo in þis tyme
ſones, how ofte Y al to-brak Egipcians, and dide ſignes
in hem; and þat ȝe wyte þat Y am þe Lord. preie ȝe ȝoure Lord God, þat he take awey fro me þis
iii Þerfore Moiſes and Aaron entriden to Farao, and deeþ.
xviii And Moiſes ȝede out of þe ſiȝt of Farao, and preiede
ſeiden to hym, Þe Lord God of Ebrews ſeiþ þeſe þingis,
How long `nylt þou be maad ſuget to me? Delyuere þou þe Lord;
xix which made a mooſt ſtrong wynd to blowe fro þe
my puple, þat it make ſacrifice to me; ellis ſoþeli if þou
aȝenſtondiſt, weſt, and took, and caſtide þe locuſt in to þe reed ſee;
iiii and nylt delyuere it, lo! Y ſchal brynge in to morewe `noon dwellide, ſoþeli neþer oon, in alle þe cooſtis of
a locuſte in to þi cooſtis, Egipt.
v which ſchal hile þe hiȝere part of erþe, neþer ony þing xx And þe Lord made hard þe herte of Farao, and he

þerof ſchal appere, but þat, þat was `reſidue to þe hail lefte not þe ſones of Iſrael.
xxi Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Holde forþ þin
ſchal be etun; for it ſchal gnawe alle þe trees þat
buriounnen in feeldis; hond in to heuene, and derkneſſis be on þe lond of
vi and þo ſchulen fille þin howſis, and þe howſis of þi Egipt, ſo þicke þat þo moun be gropid.
xxii And Moiſes helde forþ þe hond in to heuene, and
ſeruauntis, and of alle Egipcians, hou greet þi fadris and
grauntſiris ſien not, ſiþen þei weren borun on erþe, til in orrible derkneſſis weren maad in al þe lond of Egipt;
to preſent dai. And Moiſes turnede awei hym ſilf, and xxiii in þre daies no man ſeiȝ his broþer, neþer mouede
ȝede out fro Farao. him ſilf fro þat place in which he was. Whereuer þe
vii Forſoþe þe ſeruauntis of Farao ſeiden to hym, Hou ſones of Iſrael dwelliden, lyȝt was.
longe ſchulen we ſuffre þis ſclaundre? Delyuere þe men,

xxiiii And Farao clepide Moiſes and Aaron, and ſeide to CAP. XII
hem, Go ȝe, make ȝe ſacrifice to þe Lord; oneli ȝoure i Alſo þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes and Aaron in þe lond of
ſcheep and grete beeſtis dwelle ſtille; ȝoure litle children Egipt,
go wiþ ȝou. ii Þis moneþe, þe bigynnyng of moneþis to ȝou, ſchal be
xxv Moiſes ſeide, Alſo þou ſchalt ȝyue to vs offryngis þe firſte in þe moneþis of þe ȝeer.
and brent ſacrifices, whiche we ſchulen offre to `oure iii Speke ȝe to al þe cumpanye of þe ſones of Iſrael, and
Lord God; ſeie ȝe to hem, In þe tenþe dai of þis moneþe ech man
xxvi alle þe flockis ſchulen go wiþ vs, for `a cle ſchal not take a lomb by hiſe meynees and houſis;
dwelle of þo þingis, þat ben nedeful in to þe iiii but if þe noumbre is leſſe, þat it may not ſuffice to ete
worſchipyng of `oure Lord God, mooſt ſiþen we witen þe lomb, he ſchal take his neiȝbore, which is ioyned to
not what owiþ to be offrid, til we comen to þat place. his hows, bi þe noumbre of ſoulis, þat moun ſuffice to
xxvii Forſoþe þe Lord made hard þe herte of Farao, and þe etyng of þe lomb.
he nolde delyuere hem. v Forſoþe þe lomb ſchal be a male of o ȝeer, wiþout
xxviii And Farao ſeide to Moiſes, Go awei fro me, and ȝe wem; bi which cuſtom ȝe ſchulen take alſo a kide;
war þat þou ſe no more my face; in whateuer dai þou vi and ȝe ſchulen kepe hym til to þe fouretenþe dai of
ſchalt appere to me, þou ſchalt die. þis moneþe; and al þe multitude of þe ſones of Iſrael
xxix Moyſes anſweride, Be it doon ſo, as þou haſt ſchal offre hym at euentid.
ſpokun; I ſchal no more ſe þi face. vii And þei ſchulen take of his blood, and ſchulen put on
euer eiþer poſt, and in lyntels, `eþer hiȝer þreſchfoldis,
CAP. XI of þe houſis, in whiche þei ſchulen ete hym;
i And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Ȝit Y ſchal touche Farao viii and in þat niȝt þei ſchulen ete fleiſchis, rooſtid wiþ
and Egipt wiþ o veniaunce, and after þeſe þingis he fier, and þerf looues, wiþ letuſis of þe feeld.
ſchal delyuere ȝou, and ſchal conſtreyne ȝou to go out. ix Ȝe ſchulen not ete þerof ony raw þing, neþer ſodun in
ii Þerfor þou ſchalt ſeie to al þe puple, þat a man axe of
watir, but rooſtid oneli by fier; ȝe ſchulen deuoure þe
his freend, and a womman of hir neiȝboreſſe, ſilueren heed wiþ feet and entrailis þerof;
veſſels and goldun, and cloþis; x neþer ony þing þerof ſchal abide til þe morewtid; if
iii forſoþe þe Lord ſchal ȝyue grace to his puple bifor
ony þing is reſidue, ȝe ſchulen brenne in þe fier.
Egipcians. And Moiſes was a ful greet man in þe lond xi Forſoþe þus ȝe ſchulen ete hym; ȝe ſchulen girde
of Egipt, bifore þe ſeruauntis of Farao and al þe puple; ȝoure reynes, and ȝe ſchulen haue ſchoon in þe feet, and
iiii and he ſeide, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, At mydnyȝt Y
ȝe ſchulen holde ſtauys in hondis, and ȝe ſchulen ete
ſchal entre in to Egipt; haſtili; for it is faſe, þat is, þe paſſyng of þe Lord.
v and ech firſte gendrid þing in þe lond of Egipcians xii And Y ſchal paſſe þorou þe lond of Egipt in þat niȝt,
ſchal die, fro þe firſte gendrid of Farao, þat ſittiþ in þe and Y ſchal ſmyte al þe firſte gendrid þing in þe lond of
trone of hym, til to þe firſte gendrid of þe handmayde, Egipt, fro man til to beeſte; and Y þe Lord ſchal make
which is at þe querne; and alle þe firſte gendrid of domes in alle þe goddis of Egipt.
beeſtis ſchulen die; xiii Forſoþe blood ſchal be to ȝou in to ſigne, in þe houſis
vi and greet cry ſchal be in al þe lond of Egipt, which
in whiche ȝe ſchulen be; and Y ſchal ſe þe blood, and Y
maner cry was not bifore, neþer ſchal be aftirward. ſchal paſſe ȝou; neþer a wounde diſtriynge ſchal be in
vii Forſoþe at alle þe children of Iſrael a dogge ſchal not ȝou, whanne Y ſchal ſmyte þe lond of Egipt.
make priuy noiſe, fro man til to beeſte; þat ȝe wite bi xiiii Forſoþe ȝe ſchulen haue þis dai in to mynde, and `ȝe
how greet myracle þe Lord departiþ Egipcians and ſchulen make it ſolempne to þe Lord in ȝoure
Iſrael. generaciouns bi euerlaſtynge worſchipyng.
viii And alle þeſe þi ſeruauntis ſchulen come doun to me, xv In ſeuene daies ȝe ſchulen ete þerf breed; in þe firſte
and þei ſchulen preye me, and ſchulen ſeie, Go out þou, dai no þing diȝt wiþ ſour douȝ ſchal be in ȝoure houſis;
and al þe puple which is ſuget to þee; aftir þeſe þingis who euer ſchal ete ony þing diȝt wiþ ſour douȝ, fro þe
we ſchulen go out. firſte dai til þe ſeuenþe dai, þat ſoule ſchal periſche fro
ix And Moyſes was ful wrooþ, and ȝede out fro Farao. Iſrael.
Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Farao ſchal not here xvi Þe firſte day ſchal be hooli and ſolempne, and þe
ȝou, þat many ſignes be maad in þe lond of Egipt. ſeuenþe dai ſchal be worſchipful bi þe ſame halewyng;
x Soþeli Moiſes and Aaron maden alle ſignes and ȝe ſchulen not do ony werk in þo daies, outakun þeſe
wondris, þat ben writun, bifor Farao; and þe Lord made þingis þat perteynen to mete;
hard þe herte of Farao, neþer he delyuerede þe ſones of xvii and ȝe ſchulen kepe þerf breed. For in þat ſame dai
Iſrael fro his lond. Y ſchal lede out of þe lond of Egipt ȝoure ooſt; and ȝe

ſchulen kepe þis dai in ȝoure generaciouns bi xxxiiii Þerfor þe puple took meele ſpreynd togidere, bifor
euerlaſtynge cuſtom. þat it was diȝt wiþ ſour douȝ; and boond in mentils, and
xviii In þe firſt moneþe, in þe fouretenþe dai of þe puttide on her ſchuldris.
moneþe, at euentid, ȝe ſchulen ete þerf breed, til to þe xxxv And þe ſones of Iſrael diden as þe Lord
oon and twentiþe dai of þe ſame moneþe at euentid. comaundide to Moiſes; and þei axiden of Egipcians
xix In ſeuene dayes no þing `diȝt wiþ ſour douȝ ſchal be ſiluerne veſſelis and goldun, and ful myche clooþ.
foundun in ȝoure houſis; if ony etiþ ony þing diȝt wiþ xxxvi Forſoþe þe Lord ȝaf grace to þe puple bifor
ſour dow, his ſoule ſchal periſche fro þe cumpeny of Egipcians, þat þe Egipcians lenten to hem; and þei
Iſrael, as wel of comelyngis, as of hem þat ben borun in maden bare Egipcians.
þe lond. xxxvii And þe ſones of Iſrael ȝeden forþ fro Ramaſſes in
xx Ȝe ſchulen not ete ony þing diȝt wiþ ſour dow, and ȝe
to Socoth, almeſt ſixe hundrid þouſind of foot men, wiþ
ſchulen ete þerf breed in alle ȝoure dwellyng placis. out litle children and wymmen;
xxi Forſoþe Moiſes clepide alle þe eldre men of þe ſones xxxviii but alſo comyn puple of malis and femalis
of Iſrael, and ſeide to hem, Go ȝe, and take a beeſte by vnnoumbrable ſtieden wiþ hem; ſcheep, and oxun, and
ȝoure meynees, and offre ȝe faſe; and dippe ȝe a bundel ful many beeſtis of diuerſe kynde, ſtieden wiþ hem.
of iſope, xxxix And þei bakiden meele, which ſpreynd to gidere `a
xxii in þe blood which `is in þe þreisfold, and ſprynge ȝe
while ago þei token fro Egipt, and maden þerf looues
þerof þe lyntel, and euer eiþer poſt; noon of ȝou ſchal bakun vnder þe aiſchis; for þe looues miȝten not be diȝt
go out at þe dore of his hows til þe morewtid. wiþ ſour dow, for Egipcians compelliden to go out, and
xxiii For þe Lord ſchal paſſe ſmytynge Egipcians; and ſuffriden not to make ony tariyng, neþer it was leiſer to
whanne he ſchal ſe þe blood in þe lyntel, and in euer make ony ſeew.
eiþer poſt, he ſchal paſſe þe dore of þe hows; and he xl Forſoþe þe dwellyng of þe ſones of Iſrael, bi which
ſchal not ſuffre þe ſmytere to entre in to ȝoure houſis, þei dwelliden in Egipt, was of foure hundrid and þretti
and to hirte. ȝeer;
xxiiii Kepe þou þis word; it ſchal be a lawful þing to þee xli and whanne þo weren fillid, al þe ooſt of þe Lord
and to þi ſones til in to wiþ outen ende. ȝede out of þe lond of Egipt in þe ſame dai.
xxv And whanne ȝe ſchulen entre in to þe lond which þe xlii Þis nyȝt is worþi to be kept in þe worſchipyng of þe
Lord ſchal ȝyue to ȝou, as he bihiȝte, ȝe ſchulen kepe Lord, whanne he ladde hem out of þe lond of Egipt; alle
þeſe cerymonyes; þe ſones of Iſrael owen to kepe þis in her generaciouns.
xxvi and whanne ȝoure ſones ſchulen ſeie to ȝou, What is xliii Alſo þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes and Aaron, Þis is þe
þis religioun? ȝe ſchulen ſeie to hem, religioun of faſe; ech alien ſchal not ete þerof;
xxvii It is þe ſacrifice of þe paſſyng of þe Lord, whanne xliiii ſoþeli ech ſeruaunt bouȝt ſchal be circumcidid, and
he paſſide ouer þe houſis of þe ſones of Iſrael in Egipt, ſo he ſchal ete;
and ſmoot Egipcians, and delyueride oure houſis. And xlv a comelyng and hirid man ſchulen not ete þerof;
þe puple was bowid, and worſchipide. xlvi it ſchal be etun in oon hows; neþer ȝe ſchulen bere
xxviii And þe ſones of Iſrael ȝeden out, and diden as þe
out of þe fleiſchis þerof; neþer ȝe ſchulen breke a boon
Lord comaundide to Moiſes and to Aaron. þerof.
xxix Forſoþe it was doon in þe myddis of þe nyȝt, þe xlvii Ech company of þe ſones of Iſrael ſchal make þat
Lord ſmoot al þe firſte gendrid þing in þe lond of Egipt, faſe;
fro þe firſte gendrid of Farao, þat ſat in þe trone of hym, xlviii þat if ony pilgrym wole paſſe into ȝoure feiþ and
til to þe firſt gendrid of þe caitif womman, þat was in þe worſchipyng, and make faſe of þe Lord, ech male kynde
priſoun, and alle þe firſt gendrid of beeſtis. of hym ſchal be circumcidid bifore, and þanne he ſchal
xxx And Farao roos in þe nyȝt, and alle hiſe ſeruauntis,
make lawfuli, and he ſchal be to gidere as a man borun
and al Egipt; and a greet cry was maad in Egipt, for of þe lond; forſoþe if ony man is not circumcidid, he
noon hows was, in which a deed man lay not. ſchal not ete þerof.
xxxi And whanne Moiſes and Aaron weren clepid in þe xlix Þe ſame lawe ſchal be to a man borun of þe lond,
nyȝt, Farao ſeide, Riſe ȝe, go ȝe out fro my puple, boþe and to a comelyng, þat takiþ ȝoure feiþ, which is a
ȝe and þe ſones of Iſrael; go ȝe, offre ȝe to þe Lord, as pilgrym anentis ȝou.
ȝe ſeien; l And alle þe ſones of Iſrael diden as þe Lord
xxxii take ȝe ȝoure ſcheep and greete beeſtis, as ȝe
comaundide to Moiſes and Aaron.
axiden; and go ȝe, and bleſſe ȝe me. li And in þe ſame dai þe Lord ladde out of `þe lond of
xxxiii And Egipcians conſtreyneden þe puple to go out of
Egipt þe ſones of Iſrael, bi her cumpanies.
þe lond ſwiftli, and ſeiden, All we ſchulen die!

CAP. XIII xvii Þerfor whanne Farao hadde ſent out þe puple, God
i Alſo þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide, ledde not hem out bi þe weie of `þe lond of Filiſteis,
ii Halewe þou to me ech firſte gendrid þing þat openeþ which is niȝ; and arettid leſt perauenture it wolde
þe wombe among þe ſones of Iſrael, as wel of men as of repente þe puple, if he had ſeyn batelis riſe aȝens hym,
beeſtis, for whi alle ben myn. and `þe puple wolde turn aȝen in to Egipt;
iii And Moiſes ſeide to þe puple, Haue ȝe mynde of þis xviii but God ledde aboute by þe weie of deſeert, which

dai, in which ȝe ȝeden out of Egipt, and of þe hows of weie is biſidis þe reed ſee. And þe ſones of Iſrael weren
ſeruage, for in ſtrong hond þe Lord ledde ȝou out of þis armed, and ſtieden fro þe lond of Egipte.
place, þat ȝe ete not breed diȝt wiþ ſour dow. xix And Moiſes took þe boonus of Joſeph wiþ hym, for
iiii To dai ȝe gon out, in þe moneþe of new fruytis; he hadde chargid þe ſones of Iſrael, and hadde ſeid, God
v and whanne þe Lord haþ led þee in to þe lond of ſchal viſite ȝou, and bere ȝe out `fro hennus my boonus
Cananey, and of Ethei, and of Amorrei, and of Euei, and wiþ ȝou.
xx And þei ȝeden forþ fro Socoth, and ſettiden tentis in
of Jebuſei, which lond he ſwoor to þi fadris, þat he
ſchulde ȝyue to þee, a lond flowynge wiþ mylk and Etham, in þe laſte endis of wildirneſſe.
hony, þou ſchalt halowe þis cuſtom of holy þingis in þis xxi Forſoþe þe Lord ȝede bifore hem to ſchewe þe weie,
moneþe. bi dai in a piler of clowde, and bi nyȝt in a piler of fier,
vi In ſeuene daies þou ſchalt ete þerf looues, and þe þat he ſchulde be ledere of þe weie in euer eiþer time;
ſolempnete of þe Lord ſchal be in þe ſeuenþe dai; xxii þe piler of clowde failide neuere bi dai, neþer þe
vii ȝe ſchulen ete þerf looues ſeuene daies, no þing diȝt piler of fier bi niȝt, bifor þe puple.
wiþ ſour dow ſchal appere at þee, neþer in alle þi
cooſtis. CAP. XIIII
viii And þou ſchalt telle to þi ſone in þat dai, and ſchalt i Forſoþe þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide, Speke þou

ſeie, Þis it is þat þe Lord dide to me, whanne Y ȝede out to þe ſones of Iſrael;
of Egipt. ii turne þei aȝen, and ſette þei tentis euene aȝens
ix And it ſchal be as a ſigne in þin hond, and as a Fiayroth, which is bitwixe Magdalum and þe ſee, aȝens
memorial before þin iȝen, and þat þe lawe of þe Lord be Beelſefon; in þe ſiȝt þerof ȝe ſchulen ſette tentis ouer þe
euere in þi mouþ; for in a ſtrong hond þe Lord ledde þee ſee.
out of Egipt, and of þe hows of ſeruage. iii And Farao ſchal ſeie on þe ſones of Iſrael, Þei ben
x Þou ſchalt kepe ſiche a worſchipyng in tyme ordeined, maad ſtreit in þe lond, þe deſeert haþ cloſid hem to
`fro daies in to daies. gidere.
xi And whanne þe Lord haþ brouȝt þee in to þe lond of iiii And Y ſchal make hard his herte, and he ſchal purſue

Cananey, as he ſwoor to þee, and to þi fadris, and haþ ȝou, and Y ſchal be glorified in Farao, and in al his ooſt;
ȝoue it to þee, and Egipcians ſchulen wite þat Y am þe Lord; and þei
xii þou ſchalt departe to þe Lord al þe þing þat openeþ diden ſo.
v And it was teld to þe kyng of Egipcians, þat þe puple
þe wombe, and þat þat is þe firſte in þi beeſtis; what
euer þing þou haſt of male kynde, þou ſchalt halewe to hadde fled; and þe herte of Farao and of hiſe ſeruauntis
þe Lord. was chaungid on þe puple, and þei ſeiden, What wolden
xiii Þou ſchalt chaunge þe firſte gendrid of an aſſe for a we do, þat we leften Iſrael, þat it ſchulde not ſerue us?
vi Þerfor Farao ioynede þe chare, and took wiþ him al
ſcheep, þat if þou aȝen bieſt not, þou ſchalt ſle; forſoþe
þou ſchalt aȝen bie wiþ prijs al þe firſte gendrid of man his puple;
of þi ſones. vii and he took ſixe hundrid choſyn charis, and what
xiiii And whanne þi ſone ſchal axe þee to morewe, and euer þing of charis was in Egipt, and duykis of al þe
ſeie, What is þis? þou ſchalt anſwere to hym, In a ſtrong ooſt.
hond þe Lord ladde vs out of þe lond of Egipt, of þe viii And þe Lord made hard `þe herte of Farao, kyng of
hows of ſeruage; for whanne Farao was maad hard, Egipt, and he purſuede þe ſones of Iſrael; and þei weren
xv and nolde delyuere vs, þe Lord killide alle þe firſte go out in an hiȝ hond.
gendrid þing in þe lond of Egipt, fro þe firſte gendrid of ix And whanne Egipcians purſueden þe ſteppis of þe
man til to þe firſte gendrid of beeſtis; þerfor Y offre to ſones of Iſrael bifor goynge, þei founden hem in tentis
þe Lord al þing of male kynde þat openeþ þe wombe, on þe ſee; al þe chyualrye and charis of Farao, and al þe
and Y aȝen bie alle þe firſte gendrid þingis of my ſones. ooſt weren in Fiayroth, aȝens Beelſefon.
xvi Þerfor it ſchal be as a ſigne in þin hond, and as a þing x And whanne Farao hadde neiȝed þe ſones of Iſrael,
hangid for mynde bifore þin iȝen, for in a ſtrong hond reiſiden her iȝen, and þei ſien Egipcians bihynde hem,
þe Lord ledde vs out of Egipt. and dredden greetli; and þei crieden to þe Lord,

xi and ſeiden to Moiſes, In hap ſepulcris weren not in xxvi And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Holde forþ þin hond
Egipt, þerfor þou haſt take vs awei, þat we ſchulen die on þe ſee, þat þe watris turne aȝen to Egipcians, on þe
in wildirneſſe? what woldiſt þou do þis, þat þou leddiſt charis, and knyȝtis of hem.
vs out of Egipt? xxvii And whanne Moiſes hadde hold forþ þe hoond
xii Wheþer þis is not þe word which we ſpaken to þee in aȝens þe ſee, it turnede aȝen firſt in þe morewtid to þe
Egipt, `and ſeiden, Go awei fro vs, þat we ſerue formere place; and whanne Egipcians fledden, þe watris
Egipcians? for it is myche betere to ſerue hem, þan to camen aȝen, and þe Lord wlappide hem in þe myddis of
die in wildirneſſe. þe floodis.
xiii And Moiſes ſeide to þe puple, Nyle ȝe drede, ſtonde xxviii And þe watris turneden aȝen, and hiliden þe
ȝe, and `ſe ȝe þe grete werkys of God, whiche he ſchal charis, and knyȝtis of al þe ooſt of Farao, which ſueden,
do to dai; for ȝe ſchulen no more ſe Egipcians, whiche and entriden in to þe ſee; ſoþeli not oon of hem was
ȝe ſeen now, til in to wiþ outen ende; alyue.
xiiii þe Lord ſchal fiȝte for ȝou, and ȝe ſchulen be ſtille. xxix Forſoþe þe ſones of Iſrael ȝeden þorouȝ þe myddis
xv And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, What crieſt þou to me? of þe drye ſee, and þe watris weren to hem as for a wal,
Speke þou to þe ſones of Iſrael, þat þei go forþ; forſoþe on þe riȝt ſide and left ſide.
reiſe þou þi ȝerde, xxx And in þat dai þe Lord delyuerede Iſrael fro þe hond
xvi and ſtretche forþ þin hond on þe ſee, and departe þou of Egipcians, and þei ſien Egipcians deed on þe brynke
it, þat þe ſones of Iſrael go in þe myddis of þe ſee, by of þe ſee,
drie place. xxxi and þei ſeiȝen þe greet hond which þe Lord hadde
xvii Forſoþe Y ſchal make hard þe herte of Egipcians, vſid aȝens hem; and þe puple dredde þe Lord, and þei
þat þei purſue ȝou, and Y ſchal be glorified in Farao, bileueden to þe Lord, and to Moiſes his ſeruaunt.
and in al þe ooſt of hym, and in þe charis, and in þe
knyȝtis of hym; CAP. XV
xviii and Egipcians ſchulen wite þat Y am þe Lord God, i Þanne Moiſes ſong, and þe ſones of Iſrael, þis ſong to

whanne Y ſchal be glorified in Farao, and in þe charis, þe Lord; and þei ſeiden, Synge we to þe Lord, for he is
and in þe knyȝtis of hym. magnefied gloriouſli; he caſtide doun þe hors and þe
xix And þe aungel of þe Lord, þat ȝede bifore þe caſtellis ſtiere in to þe ſee.
ii My ſtrengþe and my preiſyng is þe Lord; and he is
of Iſrael, took hym ſilf, and ȝede bihynde hem; and þe
piler of cloude ȝede to gidir wiþ hym, and lefte þe maad to me in to heelþe. Þis is my God, and Y ſchal
formere þingis aftir þe bak, glorifie hym; þe God of my fadir, and Y ſchal enhaunſe
xx and ſtood bitwixe þe `caſtels of Egipcians and caſtels hym.
iii Þe Lord is as a man fiȝter, his name is Almiȝti;
of Iſrael; and þe cloude was derk toward Egipcians, and
liȝtnynge `þe nyȝt toward `þe children of Iſrael, ſo þat in iiii he caſtide doun in to þe ſee þe charis of Farao, and
al þe tyme of þe niȝt þei miȝten not neiȝ togidere to hem his ooſt. Hiſe choſun princis weren drenchid in þe reed
ſilf. ſee;
xxi And whanne Moiſes hadde ſtretchid forþ þe hond on v þe depe watris hiliden hem; þei ȝeden doun in to þe
þe ſee, þe Lord took it awei, þe while a greet wynde and depþe as a ſtoon.
brennynge blew in al þe niȝt, and turnede in to vi Lord, þi riȝthond is magnyfied in ſtrengþe; Lord, þi
dryeneſſe; and þe watir was departid. riȝthond ſmoot þe enemye.
xxii And þe ſones of Iſrael entriden by þe myddis of þe vii And in þe mychilneſſe of þi glorie þou haſt put doun
drye ſee; for þe watir was as a wal at þe riȝt ſide and left alle myn aduerſaries; þou ſentiſt þin ire, þat deuouride
ſide of hem. hem as ſtobil.
xxiii And Egipcians purſueden, and entriden aftir hem, al viii And watris weren gaderid in þe ſpirit of þi
þe ridyng of Farao, hiſe charis, and knyȝtis, bi þe woodneſſe; flowinge watir ſtood, depe watris weren
myddis of þe ſee. gaderid in þe middis of þe ſee.
xxiiii And þe wakyng of þe morewtid cam þanne, and lo! ix Þe enemy ſeide, Y ſchal purſue, and Y ſchal take; Y
þe Lord bihelde on þe caſtels of Egipcians, bi a piler of ſchal departe ſpuylis, my ſoule ſchal be fillid. I ſchal
fier, and of cloude, and killide þe ooſt of hem; and he drawe out my ſwerde; myn hond ſchal ſle hem.
deſtriede þe wheelis of charis, x Þi ſpirit blew, and þe ſee hilide hem; þei weren
xxv and þo weren borun in to þe depþe. Þerfor Egipcians
drenchid as leed in grete watris.
ſeiden, Fle we Iſrael; for þe Lord fiȝtiþ for hem aȝenus xi Lord, who is lijk þee in ſtronge men, who is lijk þee?
vs. þou art greet doere in hoolyneſſe; ferdful, and preiſable,
and doynge myraclis.

xii Þou heldiſt forþ þin hond, and þe erþe deuouride forþ fro Helym, and al þe multitude of þe ſones of Iſrael
hem; cam in to deſeert of Syn, which is bitwixe Helym and
xiii þou were ledere in þi merci to þy puple, which þou Synai, in þe fifteneþe dai of þe ſecunde moneþe aftir þat
aȝen bouȝtiſt; and þou haſt bore hym in þi ſtrengþe to þei ȝeden out of þe lond of Egipt.
ii And al þe congregacioun of þe ſones of Iſrael
þin holi dwellyng place.
xiiii Puplis ſtieden, and weren wrooþe; ſorewis helden þe grutchide aȝens Moiſes, and aȝens Aaron, in þe
dwelleris of Filiſtiym. wildirneſſe.
xv Þanne þe pryncis of Edom weren diſturblid; iii And þe ſones of Iſrael ſeiden to hem, We wolden þat

tremblyng held þe ſtronge men of Moab. we hadden be deed bi þe `hoond of þe Lord in þe lond
xvi Alle þe dwelleris of Canaan `weren ſtarke; inward of Egipt, whanne we ſaten on þe `pottis of fleiſch, and
drede falle on hem, and outward drede in þe greetneſſe eeten looues in plentee; whi leden ȝe vs in to þis deſeert,
of þin arm. Be þei maad vnmouable as a ſtoon, til þi þat ȝe ſchulden ſle al þe multitude wiþ hungur?
iiii Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Lo! Y ſchal reyne to
puple paſſe, Lord; til þis þi puple paſſe, whom þou
weldidiſt. ȝou looues fro heuene; þe puple go out, þat it gadere þo
xvii Þou ſchalt brynge hem in, and þou ſchalt plaunte in þingis þat ſufficen bi ech day; þat Y aſaie þe puple,
þe hil of þin eritage; in þe mooſt ſtidefaſt dwellyng wheþir it goiþ in my lawe, eþer nai.
v Soþeli in þe ſixte dai make þei redi þat þat þei ſchulen
place which þou haſt wrouȝt, Lord; Lord, þi ſeyntuarie,
which þin hondis made ſtidefaſt. bere yn, and be it double ouer þat þei weren wont to
xviii Þe Lord ſchal `regne in to þe world and ferþere. gadere bi ech dai.
vi And Moiſes and Aaron ſeiden to alle þe ſones of
xix Forſoþe Farao, `a ridere, entride wiþ his charis and
knyȝtis in to þe ſee, and þe Lord brouȝte þe watris of þe Iſrael, At euentid ȝe ſchulen wite þat þe Lord ledde ȝou
ſe on hem; ſoþeli þe ſones of Iſrael ȝeden bi þe drie out of þe lond of Egipt;
vii and in þe morewetid ȝe ſchulen ſe þe glorie of þe
place, in þe myddis of þe ſee.
xx Þerfore Marie, profeteſſe, þe `ſiſtir of Aaron, took a Lord; for Y herde ȝoure grutchyng aȝens þe Lord; ſoþeli
tympan in hir hond, and alle þe wymmen ȝeden out aftir what ben we, for ȝe grutchen aȝens us?
viii And Moiſes ſeide, Þe Lord ſchal ȝyue to ȝou at
hyr wiþ tympans and cumpanyes;
xxi to whiche ſche ſong bifore, and ſeide, Synge we to þe euentid fleiſchis to ete, and looues in þe morewetid in
Lord, for he is magnyfied gloriouſli; he caſtide doun in plentee, for he herde ȝoure grutchyngis, bi which ȝe
to þe ſee þe hors and þe ſtiere of hym. grutchiden aȝens hym; for whi, what ben we? ȝoure
xxii Forſoþe Moiſes took Iſrael fro þe reed ſee, and þei grutchyng is not aȝens vs but aȝens þe Lord.
ix And Moiſes ſeide to Aaron, Seie þou to al þe
ȝeden out in to þe deſeert of Sur, and þei ȝeden þre daies
bi þe wildirneſſe, and þei founden not watir. congregacioun of þe ſones of Iſrael, Neiȝe ȝe bifore þe
xxiii And þei camen in to Marath, and þei miȝten not Lord, for he herde ȝoure grutchyng.
x And whanne Aaron ſpak to al þe cumpeny of þe ſones
drynk þe watris of Marath, for þo weren bittere;
wherfor and he puttide a couenable name to þe place, of Iſrael, þei bihelden to þe wildirneſſe, and lo! þe glorie
and clepide it Mara, þat is, bitterneſſe. of þe Lord apperide in a cloude.
xi Forſoþe þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes,
xxiiii And þe puple grutchide aȝens Moiſes, and ſeide,
xii and ſeide, Y herde þe grutchyngis of þe ſones of
What ſchulen we drynke?
xxv And Moiſes criede to þe Lord, which ſchewide to Iſrael; ſpek þou to hem, At euentid ȝe ſchulen ete
hym a tre; and whanne he hadde put þat tre in to watris, fleiſchis, and in þe morewtid ȝe ſchulen be fillid wiþ
þo weren turned in to ſwetneſſe. Þere þe Lord looues, and ȝe ſchulen wite þat Y am `ȝoure Lord God.
xiii Þerfor euentid was maad, and `curlewes ſtieden and
ordeynede comaundementis and domes to þe puple, and
þere he aſayede þe puple, hiliden þe caſtels; and in þe morewtid deew cam bi þe
xxvi and ſeide, If þou ſchalt here þe vois of þi Lord God, face of þe caſtels.
xiiii And whanne it hadde hilid þe erþe, a litil þing, and
and ſchalt do þat þat is riȝtful byfore hym, and ſchalt
obeie to his comaundementis, and ſchalt kepe alle hiſe as powned wiþ a peſtel, in þe licneſſe of an hoorfroſt on
heeſtis, Y ſchal not brynge yn on þee al þe ſykneſſe, erþe, apperide in þe wildirneſſe.
xv And whanne þe ſones of Iſrael hadden ſeyn þat, þei
which Y puttide in Egipt, for Y am þi Lord Sauȝour.
ſeiden to gidere, Man hu? which ſignyfieþ, what is þis?
CAP. XVI for þei wiſten not what it was. To whiche Moiſes ſeide,
i Forſoþe þe ſones of Iſrael camen in to Helym, where Þis is þe breed, which þe Lord haþ ȝoue to ȝou to ete.
xvi Þis is þe word which þe Lord comaundide, Ech man
weren twelue wellis of watris, and ſeuenti palm trees,
and þei ſettiden tentis biſidis þe watris. And þei ȝeden gadere þerof as myche as ſuffiſiþ to be etun, gomor bi

ech heed, bi þe noumbre of ȝoure ſoulis þat dwellen in xxxv Forſoþe þe ſones of Iſrael eeten manna in fourti
þe tabernacle, ſo ȝe ſchulen take. ȝeer, til þei camen in to þe lond abitable; þei weren fed
xvii And þe ſones of Iſrael diden ſo, and þei gaderiden wiþ þis mete til þei touchiden þe endis of þe lond of
oon more, anoþer leſſe; Canaan.
xviii and þei metiden at þe meſure gomor; neþir he þat xxxvi Forſoþe gomor is þe tenþe part of efy.
gaderide more had more, neþir he þat made redi leſſe
fond leſſe, but alle gaderiden bi þat þat þei myȝten ete. CAP. XVII
xix And Moiſes ſeide to hem, Noon leeue þerof in to þe i Þerfor al þe multitude of þe ſones of Iſrael ȝede forþ
morewtid; whiche herden not him, fro þe deſeert of Syn, bi her dwellyngis, bi þe word of
xx but ſumme of hem leften til to þe morewtid, and it þe Lord, and ſettiden tentis in Rafidym, where was not
bigan to buyle wiþ wormes, and it was rotun; and watir to þe puple to drynke.
Moiſes was wrooþ aȝens hem. ii Whiche puple chidde aȝens Moiſes, and ſeide, Ȝyue
xxi Forſoþe alle gaderiden in þe morewtid as myche as þou water to vs, þat we drynke. To whiche Moiſes
`miȝte ſuffice to be eten; and whanne þe ſunne was anſweride, What chiden ȝe aȝens me, and whi tempten
hoot, it was moltun. ȝe þe Lord?
xxii Soþeli in þe ſixte dai þei gaderiden double metis, þat iii Þerfor þe puple þriſtide þere for þe ſcarſneſſe of watir,

is, `twei gomor by ech man. Forſoþe alle þe princis of and grutchiden aȝens Moiſes, and ſeide, Whi madiſt þou
þe multitude camen, and telden to Moiſes, which ſeide vs to go out of Egipt, to ſle vs, and oure fre children,
to hem, and beeſtis, for þriſt?
xxiii Þis it is þat þe Lord ſpak, Þe reſte of þe ſabot is iiii Forſoþe Moiſes criede to þe Lord, and ſeide, What

halewid to þe Lord, do ȝe what euer þing ſchal be ſchal Y do to þis puple? ȝit a litil, alſo it ſchal ſtone me.
wrouȝt to morewe, and ſeþe ȝe þo þingis þat ſchulen be v Þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Go þou bifore þe puple, and
ſodun; ſoþeli what euer þing is reſidue, kepe ȝe til in to take wiþ þee of þe eldre men of Iſrael, and take in þin
þe morewe. hond þe ȝerde, `bi which þou haſt ſmyte þe flood, and
xxiiii And þei diden ſo as Moiſes comaundide, and it was go; lo!
not rotun, neþer a worm was foundun þer ynne. vi Y ſchal ſtonde þere before þee, aboue þe ſtoon of
xxv And Moiſes ſeide, Ete ȝe þat in þis dai, for it is þe Oreb, and þou ſchalt ſmyte þe ſtoon, and water ſchal go
ſabat of þe Lord, it ſchal not be foundun to dai in þe out þerof, þat þe puple drynke. Moiſes dide ſo byfore þe
feeld; gadere ȝe in ſixe daies, eldere men of Iſrael;
xxvi forſoþe þe ſabat of þe Lord is in þe ſeuenþe dai, vii and he clepide þe name of þat place Temptacioun, for

þerfor it ſchal not be foundun. þe chidyng of þe ſones of Iſrael, and for þei temptiden
xxvii Þe ſeuenþe dai cam, and ſumme of þe puple ȝeden þe Lord, and ſeiden, Wheþer þe Lord is in vs, eþer nay?
viii Forſoþe Amalech cam, and fauȝt aȝens Iſrael in
out `to gadire, and þei founden not.
xxviii Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Hou long `nylen Rafidym.
ix And Moiſes ſeide to Joſue, Cheſe þou men, and go
ȝe kepe my comaundementis, and my lawe?
xxix Se ȝe þat þe Lord ȝaf to ȝou þe ſabat, and for þis he out, and fiȝte to morewe aȝens men of Amalech; lo! Y
ȝaf to ȝou in þe ſixte dai double meetis; ech man dwelle ſchal ſtonde in þe cop of þe hil, and Y ſchal haue `þe
at him ſilf, noon go out of his place in þe ſeuenþe dai. ȝerde of God in myn hond.
xxx And þe puple kepte ſabat in þe ſeuenþe dai. x Joſue dide as Moiſes ſpak, and fauȝt aȝens Amalech.
xxxi And þe hous of Iſrael clepide þe name þerof man, Forſoþe Moiſes, and Aaron, and Hur ſtieden on þe cop
which was whijt as þe ſeed of coriandre, and þe taaſt of þe hil;
xi and whanne Moiſes reiſide þe hondis, Iſrael ouercam;
þerof was as of flour wiþ hony.
xxxii Forſoþe Moiſes ſeide, Þis is þe word which þe Lord forſoþe if he let down a litil, Amalech ouercam.
xii Soþeli `þe hondis of Moiſes weren heuy, þerfor þei
comaundide, Fille þou a gomor þerof, and be it kept in
to generaciouns to comynge aftirward, þat þei knowe þe token a ſtoon, and puttide vndir hym, in which ſtoon he
breed bi which Y fedde ȝou in þe wildirneſſe, whanne ȝe ſat. Forſoþe Aaron and Hur ſuſteyneden hiſe hondis, on
weren led out of þe lond of Egipt. euer eiþir ſide; and it was don, þat hiſe hondis weren not
xxxiii And Moiſes ſeide to Aaron, Take þou o veſſel, and maad weri, til to þe goyng down of þe ſunne.
xiii And Joſue droof a wey Amalech and his puple, in
putte þerinne man, as myche as gomor mai take, and
putte bifore þe Lord, to be kept in to ȝoure `þe mouþ of ſwerd, þat is, bi þe ſcharpneſſe of þe ſwerd.
xiiii Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Wryte þou þis in a
xxxiiii as þe Lord comaundide to Moiſes; and Aaron book, for mynde, and take in þe eeris of Joſue; for Y
puttide þat to be kept in þe tabernacle. ſchal do a wei þe mynde of Amalech fro vndur heuene.

xv And Moiſes bildide an auter, and clepide þe name xvi and whanne ony ſtrijf bifalliþ to hem, þei comen to
þerof Þe Lord myn enhaunſere, me, þat Y deme bitwixe hem, and ſchewe `þe
xvi and ſeide, For þe hond of þe Lord aloone, and þe comaundementis of God, and hiſe lawis.
bateil of God ſchal be aȝens Amalech, fro generacioun xvii And Jetro ſeide, Þou doiſt a þing not good,
in to generacioun. xviii þou art waſtid wiþ a fonned trauel, boþe þou and
þis puple which is wiþ þee; þe werk is a boue þi
CAP. XVIII ſtrengþis, þou aloone maiſt not ſuffre it.
i And whanne Jetro, þe preſt of Madian, `þe alye of xix But here þou my wordis and counſeils, and þe Lord
Moiſes, hadde herd alle þingis which God hadde do to ſchal be wiþ þee; be þou to þe puple in þeſe þingis þat
Moiſes, and to Iſrael his puple, for þe Lord hadde led perteynen to God, þat þou telle þe þingis þat ben ſeid to
Iſrael out of þe lond of Egipt, þe puple;
ii he took Sefora, `þe wijf of Moiſes, whom he hadde xx and ſchewe to þe puple þe cerymonyes, and cuſtom
ſent aȝen, of worſchipyng, and þe weie bi which `þei owen to go,
iii and hiſe twei ſones, of which oon was clepid Gerſan, and þe werk which `þei owen to do.
for þe fadir ſeide, Y was a comelyng in alien lond, xxi Forſoþe puruey þou of al þe puple myȝti men, and
iiii forſoþe þe toþer was clepid Eliezer, for Moiſes ſeide, dredynge God, in whiche is treuþe, and whiche haten
God of my fadir is myn helpere, and he delyuerede me auarice; and ordeyne þou of hem tribunes, and
fro þe ſwerd of Farao. centuriouns, and quinquagenaries, and deenys,
v Þerfor Jetro, `alie of Moiſes, cam, and þe ſones of xxii whiche ſchulen deme þe puple in al tyme; ſoþeli
Moiſes and his wijf camen to Moiſes, in to deſeert, what euer þing is grettere, telle þei to þee, and deme þei
where Jetro ſettide tentis biſidis þe hil of God; ooneli leſſe þingis, and be it eſiere to þee, whanne þe
vi and ſente to Moiſes, and ſeide, Y Jetro, þin alie, come burþun is departid in to oþere men.
to þee, and þi wijf, and þi twei ſones wiþ hir. xxiii If þou ſchalt do þis, þou ſchalt fille þe
vii And Moiſes ȝede out into þe comyng of his alie, and comaundement of God, and þou ſchalt mowe bere hiſe
worſchipide, and kiſte hym, and þei gretten hem ſilf to comaundementis; and al þis puple ſchal turne aȝen wiþ
gidere wiþ peſible wordis. pees to her places.
viii And whanne he hadde entrid in to þe tabernacle, xxiiii And whanne þeſe þingis weren herd, Moiſes dide

Moiſes tolde to `his alie alle þingis whiche God hadde alle þingis whiche Jetro counſelide.
do to Farao, and to Egipcians, for Iſrael, and he tolde al xxv And whanne noble men of al Iſrael weren choſun
þe trauel which bifelle to hem in þe weie, of which þe Moiſes ordeynede hem princis of þe puple, tribunes,
Lord delyuerede hem. and centuriouns, and quinquagenaries, and denes,
ix And Jetro was glad on alle þe goodis whiche þe Lord xxvi whiche demeden þe puple in al tyme; forſoþe,
hadde do to Iſrael, for he delyuerede Iſrael fro þe hond whateuer þing was hardere, þei telden to Moiſes, and
of Egipcians. þei demeden eſiere þingis oneli.
x And Jetro ſeide, Bleſſid be `þe Lord, þat delyuerede xxvii And Moiſes lefte `his alie, which turnede aȝen, and
ȝou fro þe hond of Egipcians, and fro `þe hond of ȝede in to his lond.
Farao, which Lord delyuered his puple fro þe hond of
Egipt; CAP. XIX
xi now Y knowe þat þe Lord is greet aboue alle goddis, i In þe þridde moneþe of þe goyng `of Iſrael out of þe
for `þei diden proudli aȝens hem. lond of Egipt, in þis dai þei camen in to þe wildirneſſe
xii Þerfor Jetro, `alie of Moiſes, offride brent ſacrifices of Synai;
and offryngis to God; and Aaron, and alle þe eldere ii for þei ȝeden forþ fro Rafidym, and camen til in to
men of Iſrael, camen to ete breed wiþ hym bifore God. deſeert of Synai, and ſettiden tentis in þe ſame place;
xiii Forſoþe in þe toþer dai Moiſes ſat þat he ſchulde and þere Iſrael ſettide tentis, euen aȝens þe hil.
deme þe puple, þat ſtood niȝ Moiſes, fro þe morewtid til iii Forſoþe Moiſes ſtiede in to þe hil to God; and þe Lord
to euentid. clepide hym fro þe mount, and ſeide, Þou ſchalt ſeie
xiiii And whanne `his alie hadde ſeyn þis, þat is, alle þeſe þingis to þe hows of Jacob, and þou ſchalt telle to
þingis `whiche he dide in þe puple, he ſeide, What is þis þe ſones of Iſrael,
þat þou doiſt in þe puple? whi ſittiſt þou aloone, and al iiii Ȝe ſilf han ſeyn what þingis Y haue do to Egipcians,
þe puple abidiþ fro þe morewtid til to euentid? how Y bar ȝou on þe wengis of eglis, and took to me.
xv To whom Moiſes anſweride, Þe puple comeþ to me, v Þerfor if ȝe ſchulen here my vois, and ſchulen kepe my
and axiþ þe ſentence of God; couenaunt, ȝe ſchulen be to me in to a ſpecialte of alle
puplis; for al þe lond is myn;

vi and ȝe ſchulen be to me in to a rewme of preeſthod, xxi þe Lord ſeide to hym, Go þou doun, and witneſſe þou
and `ȝe ſchulen be an hooli folk; þeſe ben þe wordis to þe puple, leſt perauenture it wole paſſe þe termes to ſe
whiche þou ſchalt ſpeke to þe ſones of Iſrael. þe Lord, and ful greet multitude þerof periſche;
vii Moyſes cam, and whanne þe gretter men in birþe of xxii alſo preeſtis, þat neiȝen to þe Lord, be halewid, leſt
þe puple weren clepid to gidere, he expownede alle þe Y ſmyte hem.
wordis whiche þe Lord comaundide. xxiii And Moiſes ſeide to þe Lord, Þe comyn puple may
viii And alle þe puple anſweride to gidere, We ſchulen not ſtie in to þe hil of Synai; for þou haſt witneſſid, and
do alle þingis whiche þe Lord ſpak. And whanne Moiſes haſt comaundid, ſeiȝinge, Sette þou termes aboute þe
hadde teld þe wordis of þe puple to þe Lord, hil, and halewe it.
ix þe Lord ſeide to hym, Riȝt now Y ſchal come to þee xxiiii To whom þe Lord ſeide, Go þou doun, and þou
in a derkneſſe of a cloude, þat þe puple here me ſchalt ſtie, and Aaron wiþ þee; forſoþe þe preeſtis and þe
ſpekynge to þee, and bileue to þee wiþouten ende. puple paſſe not þe termes, neþir ſtie þei to þe Lord, leſt
Þerfor Moiſes telde þe wordis of þe puple to þe Lord, perauenture he ſle hem.
x which ſeide to Moiſes, Go þou to þe puple, and make xxv Moiſes ȝede doun to þe puple, and telde alle þingis
hem holi to dai and to morewe, and waiſche þei her to hem.
xi and be þei redi in to þe þridde dai; for in þe þridde dai CAP. XX
þe Lord ſchal come doun bifore al þe puple on þe hil of i And þe Lord ſpak alle þeſe wordis, Y am þi Lord God,
Synai. ii þat ladde þee out of þe lond of Egipt, fro þe hous of
xii And þou ſchalt ſette termes to þe puple, bi cumpas; ſeruage.
and þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, Be ȝe war, þat ȝe `ſtie not in iii Þou ſchalt not haue alien goddis bifore me.
to þe hil, neþer touche ȝe þe endis þerof; ech man þat iiii Þou ſchalt not make to þee a grauun ymage, neþir
ſchal touche þe hil, ſchal die bi deeþ. ony licneſſe of þing which is in heuene aboue, and
xiii Hondis ſchulen not touche hym, but he ſchal be
which is in erþe byneþe, neþer of þo þingis, þat ben in
oppreſſid wiþ ſtoonus, eþir he ſhall be perſid wiþ dartis; watris vndur erþe; þou ſchalt not `herie þo,
wheþer it ſchal be a beeſt, eþir a man, it ſchal not lyue; v neþer `þou ſchalt worſchipe; for Y am þi Lord God, a
whanne a clarioun ſchal bigynne to ſowne, þanne `ſtie ſtronge gelouſe louyere; and Y viſite þe wickidneſſe of
þei in to þe hil. fadris in to þe þridde and þe fourþe generacioun of hem
xiiii And Moiſes cam doun fro þe hil to þe puple, and
þat haten me,
halewide it; and whanne þei hadden waiſchun her vi and Y do mercy in to `a þouſynde, to hem þat louen
cloþis, me, and kepen myn heeſtis.
xv he ſeide to hem, Be ȝe redi in to þe þridde dai, neiȝe vii Þou ſchalt not take in veyn þe name of þi Lord God,
ȝe not to ȝoure wyues. for þe Lord ſchal not haue hym giltles, þat takiþ in veyn
xvi And now þe þridde day was comun, and þe
þe name of his Lord God.
morewetid was cleer; and, lo! þundris bigunnen to be viii Haue þou mynde, þat þou halowe þe `dai of þe ſabat;
herd, and leitis to ſchyne, and a mooſt þicke cloude to ix in ſixe daies þou ſchalt worche and ſchalt do alle þi
hile þe mounteyn; and `þe ſownyng of a clarioun made
noiſe ful greetli, and þe puple dredde, þat was in þe x forſoþe in þe ſeuenþe day is þe ſabat of þi Lord God;
xvii And whanne Moiſes hadde led hem out in to þe þou ſchalt not do ony werk, þou, and þi ſone, and þi
douȝtir, and þi ſeruaunt, and þin handmaide, þi werk
comyng of God, fro þe place of caſtels, þei ſtoden at þe
beeſte, and þe comelyng which is wiþynne þi ȝatis;
rootis of þe hil. xi for in ſixe dayes God made heuene and erþe, þe ſee,
xviii Forſoþe al þe hil of Synai ſmokide, for þe Lord
and alle þingis þat ben in þo, and reſtide in þe ſeuenþe
hadde come doun þeronne in fier; and ſmoke ſtiede
dai; herfor þe Lord bleſſide þe `dai of þe ſabat, and
þerof as of a furneis, and al þe hil was ferdful;
xix and þe `ſown of a clarioun encreeſſide litil and litil,
halewide it.
xii Onoure þi fadir and þi moder, þat þou be long lyuyng
and was holdun forþ lengere. Moiſes ſpak, and þe Lord
on þe lond, which þi Lord God ſchal ȝyue to þee.
anſweride to hym, xiii Þou ſchalt not ſle.
xx and þe Lord cam doun on þe hil of Synay, in þilke
xiiii Þou ſchalt `do no letcherie.
cop of þe hil, and clepide Moiſes to þe cop þerof. And xv Þou ſchalt `do no þeft.
whanne he hadde ſtied þidur,
xvi Þou ſchalt not ſpeke fals witneſſyng aȝens þi

xvii Þou ſchalt not coueyte `þe hous of þi neiȝbore, viii if ſche diſpleſiþ in þe iȝen of hir lord, to whom ſche
neþer þou ſchalt deſyre his wijf, not ſeruaunt, not was bitakun, he ſchal delyuere hir; ſoþeli he ſchal not
handmaide, not oxe, not aſſe, neþer alle þingis þat ben haue power to ſille hir to an alien puple, if he forſakiþ
hiſe. hir.
xviii Forſoþe al þe puple herde voices, and ſiȝ laumpis, ix Forſoþe if he weddiþ hir to his ſonne, he ſchal do to
and þe ſowne of a clarioun, and þe hil ſmokynge; and hir `bi þe cuſtom of douȝtris;
þei weren afeerd, and ſchakun wiþ inward drede, and x þat if he takiþ anoþer womman to hym, he ſchal
ſtoden afer, puruey to þe damyſele weddingis, and cloþis, and he
xix and ſeiden to Moiſes, Speke þou to vs, and we ſchal not denye þe prijs of chaſtite.
ſchulen here; þe Lord ſpeke not to vs, leſt perauenture xi If he doiþ not þeſe þre, ſche ſchal go out freli wiþout
we dien. money.
xx And Moiſes ſeide to þe puple, Nyle ȝe drede, for God xii He þat ſmytiþ a man, and wole ſle, die bi deeþ;
cam to proue ȝou, and þat his drede ſchulde be in ȝou, xiii forſoþe if a man ſettide not aſpies, but God `bitook
and þat ȝe ſchulden not do ſynne. hym in to hiſe hondis, Y ſchal ordeyne a place to þee,
xxi And þe puple ſtood afer; forſoþe Moiſes neiȝede to
whidur he owiþ to fle.
þe derkneſſe, wherynne God was. xiiii If ony man ſleeþ his neiȝbore bi biforecaſtyng, and
xxii And þe Lord ſeide ferþermore to Moiſes, Þou ſchalt
bi aſpies, drawe þou hym awey fro myn auter, þat he
ſeie þeſe þingis to þe ſones of Iſrael, Ȝe ſeiȝen þat fro die.
heuene Y ſpak to ȝou; xv He þat ſmytiþ his fadir, eþer modir, die by deeþ.
xxiii ȝe ſchulen not make goddis of ſiluer, neþir ȝe xvi He þat curſiþ his fadir, eþer modir, die bi deeþ.
ſchulen make to ȝou goddis of gold. xvii He þat ſteliþ a man, and ſilliþ hym, if he is conuyt of
xxiiii Ȝe ſchulen make an auter of erþe to me, and ȝe
þe gilt, die bi deeþ.
ſchulen offre þeronne ȝoure brent ſacrifices, and peſible xviii If men chiden, and þe toþer ſmyte his neiȝbore wiþ
ſacrifices, ȝoure ſcheep, and oxun, in ech place in which a ſtoon, eþer wiþ þe fiſt, and he is not deed, but liggiþ in
þe mynde of my name ſchal be; Y ſchal come to þee, þe bed,
and Y ſchal bleſſe þee. xix if he riſiþ, and goiþ forþ on his ſtaf, he þat ſmoot
xxv Þat if þou ſchalt make an auter of ſtoon to me, þou
ſchal be innocent; ſo neþeles þat he reſtore hiſe trauelis,
ſchalt not bilde it of ſtoonys hewun; for if þou ſchalt and coſtis in lechis.
reiſe þi knyif þeronne, it ſchal be `polluted, eþer xx He þat ſmytiþ his ſeruaunt, eþer handmayde, wiþ a
xxvi Þou ſchalt not ſtye bi grees to myn auter, leſt þi filþe ȝerde, and þei ben deed in hiſe hondis, ſchal be gilti of
be ſchewid. xxi Soþeli if þe ſeruaunt ouerlyueþ o dai, eþer tweyne,
he ſchal not be ſuget to peyne, `þat is of deeþ, for þe
i Þeſe ben þe domes, whiche þou ſchalt ſette forþ to ſeruaunt is his catel.
xxii If men chiden, and a man ſmytiþ a womman wiþ
ii If þou bieſt an Ebrew ſeruaunt, he ſchal ſerue þee ſixe childe, and ſoþeli makiþ þe child deed borun, but þe
womman ouerlyueþ, he ſchal be ſuget to þe harm, as
ȝeer; in þe ſeuenþe ȝeer he ſchal go out fre, myche as þe `hoſebonde of þe womman axiþ, and þe
iii wiþ out prijs; wiþ what maner clooþ he entride, wiþ
iugis demen.
ſiche clooþ go he out; if he entride hauynge a wijf, and xxiii But if þe deeþ of hir ſueþ,
þe wijf ſchal go out to gidere. xxiiii he ſchal ȝelde lijf for lijf, iȝe for iȝe, tooþ for tooþ,
iiii But if þe lord of þe ſeruaunt ȝaf a wijf to hym, and
hond for hond, foot for foot,
ſche childide ſones and douȝtris, þe womman and hir xxv brennyng for brennyng, wounde `wiþ ſchedyng of
children ſchulen be hir lordis; ſoþeli þe ſeruaunt ſchal
blood for wounde `wiþ ſchedyng of blood, `a wan
go out wiþ his owne clooþ.
v Þat if þe ſeruaunt ſeiþ, Y loue my lord, and wijf, and wounde for a wan wounde.
xxvi If a man ſmytiþ þe iȝe of his ſeruaunt, eþir of
children, Y ſchal not go out fre;
vi þe lord brynge hym to goddis, þat is, iugis; and he handmaide, and makiþ hem oon iȝed, he ſchal delyuere
hem fre for `þe iȝe which he puttide out.
ſchal be ſet to þe dore, and poſtis; and þe lord ſchal xxvii Alſo if he ſmytiþ out a tooþ fro his ſeruaunt, eþir
perſe his eere wiþ a nal, and he ſchal be ſeruaunt to hym
handmaide, in lijk maner he ſchal delyuere hem fre.
til in to þe world. xxviii If an oxe ſmytiþ wiþ horn a man, eþer a womman,
vii If ony man ſilliþ his douȝter in to ſeruaunteſſe, ſche
and þei ben deed, þe oxe ſchal be oppreſſid wiþ ſtoonus,
ſchal not go out as handmaidis weren wont to go out;

and hiſe fleiſchis ſchulen not be etun, and þe lord of þe ix to `do fraude; as wel in oxe, as in aſſe, and in ſcheep,
oxe ſchal be innocent. and in clooþ; and what euer þing may brynge in harm,
xxix Þat if þe oxe was `a pultere wiþ horn fro ȝiſterdai þe cauſe of euer eiþir ſchal come to goddis, and if þei
and þe þridde dai ago, and men warneden `þe lord of demen, he ſchal reſtore þe double to his neiȝbore.
hym, neþer þe lord cloſide hym, and he ſleeþ a man, x If ony man bitakiþ to his neiȝbore oxe, aſſe, ſcheep,
eþir womman, boþe þe oxe ſchal be oppreſſid wiþ and al werk beeſte to kepyng, and it is deed, eþer is
ſtoonus, and þei ſchulen ſle `þe lord of hym; maad feble, eþir is takun of enemyes, and no man ſeeþ
xxx þat if prijs is put to þe lord, he ſchal ȝyue for his lijf þis,
what euer he is axide. xi an ooþ ſchal be in þe myddis, þat he helde not forþ þe
xxxi And if he ſmytiþ wiþ horn a ſon, and a douȝtir, he hond to þe `þing of his neiȝbore; and þe lord ſchal
ſchal be ſuget to lijk ſentence. reſſeyue þe ooþ, and he ſchal not be compellid to ȝelde.
xxxii If þe oxe aſailiþ a ſeruaunt, and handmaide, þe lord xii Þat if it is takun awei bi þefte, he ſchal reſtore þe
of þe oxe ſchal ȝyue þretti ſiclis of ſiluer to `his lord; harm to þe lord;
forſoþe þe oxe ſchal be oppreſſid wiþ ſtoonus. xiii if it is etun of a beeſte, he ſchal brynge to þe lord þat
xxxiii If ony man openeþ a ciſterne, and diggiþ, and hiliþ þat is ſlayn, and he ſchal not reſtore.
it not, and an oxe eþer aſſe falliþ in to it, xiiii He þat axiþ of his neiȝbore ony þing of þeſe bi
xxxiiii þe lord of þe ciſterne ſchal ȝelde þe prijs of þe borewyng, and it is feblid, eþer deed, while þe lord is
werk beeſtis; forſoþe þat þat is deed ſchal be his. not preſent, he ſchal be conſtreyned to ȝelde; þat if þe
xxxv If anoþer mannus oxe woundiþ þe oxe of anoþer lord is in preſence,
man, and he is deed, þei ſchulen ſille þe quyke oxe, and xv he ſchal not reſtore, mooſt if it cam hirid, for þe
þei ſchulen departe þe prijs; forſoþe þei ſchulen departe meede of his werk.
bitwixe hem þe karkeis of þe deed oxe. xvi If a man diſſeyueþ a virgyn not ȝit weddid, and ſlepiþ
xxxvi Forſoþe if his lord wiſte, þat þe oxe was a puttere wiþ hir, he ſchal ȝyue dower to hir, and ſchal haue hir
fro ȝiſtirdai and þe þridde dai ago, and kepte not him, he wijf.
ſchal ȝelde oxe for oxe, and he ſchal take þe hool xvii If þe fadir of þe virgyn nyle ȝyue, he ſchal ȝelde
carkeys. money, bi þe maner of dower, which virgyns weren
wont to take.
CAP. XXII xviii Þou ſchalt not ſuffre witchis to lyue.
i If ony man ſteliþ a ſcheep, eþer oxe, and ſleeþ, eþer xix He þat doiþ letcherie wiþ a beeſte, die by deeþ.
ſilliþ, he ſchal reſtore fiue oxen for oon oxe, and foure xx He þat offriþ to goddis, out takun to þe Lord aloone,
ſcheep for o ſcheep. be he ſlayn.
ii And if a nyȝt þeef brekynge an hows, eþer
xxi Þou ſchalt not make ſory a comelyng, neþer þou
vndurmynynge, is foundun, and is deed bi a wounde ſchalt turmente hym; for alſo ȝe weren comelyngis in þe
takun, þe ſmytere ſchal not be gilti of blood; lond of Egipt.
iii þat if he dide þis whanne þe ſunne was ryſun, he dide
xxii Ȝe ſchulen not anoye a widewe, and a fadirles eþir
man ſleyng, and he ſchal die. If a þeef haþ not þat, þat modirles child.
he ſchal ȝelde for þefte, he ſchal be ſeeld; xxiii If ȝe hirten hem, þei ſchulen crye to me, and Y ſchal
iiii if þat þing þat he ſtaal, is foundun quyk at hym, eþer
here þe cry of hem,
oxe, eþer aſſe, eþer ſcheep, he ſchal reſtore þe double. xxiiii and my greet veniaunce ſchal haue indignacioun,
v If a man harmeþ a feeld, eþir vyner, and ſuffriþ his
and Y ſchal ſmyte ȝou wiþ ſwerd, and ȝoure wyues
beeſte, þat it waaſte oþere mennus þingis, he ſchal ſchulen be widewis, and ȝoure ſones ſchulen be fadirles.
reſtore for þe valu of harm, `what euer beſte þing he haþ xxv If þou ȝyueſt money to loone to my pore puple, þat
in his feeld, eþir vyner.
vi If fier goiþ out, and fyndiþ eeris of corn, and catchiþ dwelliþ wiþ þee, þou ſchalt not conſtreyne hym, as an
extorſioner doiþ, neþer þou ſchalt oppreſſe hym by
heepis of corn, eþir cornes ſtondynge in feeldis, he þat vſuris.
kyndlide þe fier ſchal ȝeelde þe harm. xxvi If þou takiſt of þi neiȝbore `a wed a clooþ, þou
vii If a man bitakiþ in to kepyng monei to a freend, eþer
ſchalt ȝelde to hym bifore þe goyng doun of þe ſunne;
a veſſel `in to keping, and it is takun awey bi þefte fro xxvii for þat aloone is þe clooþing of his fleiſch, wiþ
hym þat reſſeyuede, if þe þeef is foundun, he ſchal
which he is hilid, neþer he haþ anoþer, in which he
reſtore þe double.
viii If þe þeef is hid, þe lord of þe hows ſchal be brouȝt ſlepiþ; if he crieþ to me, Y ſchal here hym; for Y am
to goddis, `þat is, iugis, and he ſchal ſwere, þat he helde xxviii Þou ſchalt not bacbyte goddis, and þou ſchalt not
not forþ þe hond in to `þe þing of his neiȝbore,
curſe þe prince of þi puple.

xxix Þou ſchalt not tarye to offre to þe Lord þi tiþis, and ſowe in þe feeld. Alſo þou ſchalt kepe þe ſolempnyte in
firſte fruytis. Þou ſchalt ȝyue to me þe firſte gendrid of þe goyng out of þe ȝeer, whanne þou haſt gaderid all þi
þi ſones; fruytis of þe feeld.
xxx alſo of oxen, and of ſcheep þou ſchalt do in lijk xvii Þries in þe ȝeer al þi male kynde ſchal appere bifore

maner; ſeuene daies be he wiþ his modir, in þe eiȝtiþe þi Lord God.

dai þou ſchalt ȝelde hym to me. xviii Þou ſchalt not offre þe blood of þi ſlayn ſacrifice on
xxxi Ȝe ſchulen be holi men to me; ȝe ſchulen not ete ſour douȝ; neþer þe fatneſſe of my ſolempnete ſchal
fleiſch which is bifore taaſtid of beeſtis, but ȝe ſchulen dwelle til to þe morewtid.
caſte forþ to houndis. xix Þou ſchalt bere þe firſte þingis of þe fruytis of þi
lond in to þe hows of þi Lord God. Þou ſchalt not ſeþe a
CAP. XXIII kide in þe mylke of his modir.
i Þou ſchalt not reſſeyue a vois of leeſyng, neþer þou xx Lo! Y ſchal ſende myn aungel, þat ſchal go bifore
ſchalt ioyne þin hond, þat þou ſeie fals witneſſyng for a þee, and ſchal kepe in þe weie, and ſchal lede to þe
wickid man. place which Y haue maad redi to þee.
ii Þou ſchalt not ſue þe cumpanye to do yuel, neþer þou xxi Take þou hede to hym, and here þou his vois, neþer
ſchalt aſcente to þe ſentence of ful many men in doom, geſſe þou hym to be diſpiſid; for he ſchal not forȝyue,
þat þou go awey fro treuþe. whanne þou ſynneſt, and my name is in him.
iii Alſo þou ſchalt not haue mercy of a pore man in a xxii For if þou hereſt his vois, and doiſt alle þingis
`cauſe, eþir doom. whiche Y ſpeke, Y ſchal be enemy to þin enemyes, and
iiii If þou meetiſt `þe oxe of þin enemye, eþir þe aſſe Y ſchal turment hem, þat turmenten þee;
errynge, lede þou aȝen to hym. xxiii and myn aungel ſchal go bifore þee, and he ſchal
v If þou ſeeſt þat þe aſſe of hym þat hatiþ þee liggyþ lede yn þee to Amorrei, and Ethei, and Ferezei, and
vndir a burþun, þou ſchalt not paſſe, but þou ſchalt reiſe Cananey, and Euey, and Jebuſei, whiche Y ſchal breke.
wiþ hym. xxiiii Þou ſchalt not onoure `þe goddis of hem, neþer þou
vi Þou ſchalt not bowe in þe doom of a pore man. ſchalt worſchipe hem; þou ſchalt not do þe werkis of
vii Þou ſchalt fle a leſyng. Þou ſchalt not ſle an innocent hem, but þou ſchalt deſtrie þe goddis, and þou ſchalt
man, and iuſt; for Y am aduerſarie to a wickid man. breke þe ymagis of hem.
viii Take þou not ȝiftis, þat blynden alſo prudent men, xxv And ȝe ſchulen ſerue to ȝoure Lord God, þat Y bleſſe

and deſtryen þe wordys of iuſt men. þi looues, and watris, and do awei ſikeneſſe fro þe
ix Þou ſchalt not be diſeſeful to a pilgrym, for ȝe knowen myddis of þee;
xxvi neiþir a womman vnfruytful, neiþer bareyn, ſchal
þe ſoulis of comelyngis, for alſo ȝe weren pilgryms in
þe lond of Egipt. be in þi lond; Y ſchal fille þe noumbre of þi daies.
x Sixe ȝeer þou ſchalt ſowe þi lond, and þou ſchalt gadre xxvii Y ſchal ſende my drede in to þi biforgoyng, and Y

fruytis þerof; ſchal ſle al þe puple, to which þou ſchalt entre, and Y
xi forſoþe in þe ſeuenþe ȝeer þou ſchalt leeue it, and ſchal turne þe backis of alle þin enemyes bifore þee;
xxviii and Y ſchal ſende out bifore ſcrabrouns, þat
ſchalt make to reſte, þat þe pore men of þi puple ete,
and what euer is reſidue, þe beeſtis of þe feeld ete; ſo ſchulen dryue awei Euey, and Cananey, and Ethei,
þou ſchalt do in þi vyner, and in place of olyue trees. bifore þat þou entre.
xii Sixe dayes þou ſchalt worche, in þe ſeuenþe dai þou xxix Y ſchal not caſte hem out fro þi face in o ȝeer, leſt

ſchalt ceeſſe, þat þin oxe and aſſe reſte, and þe ſone of þe lond be turned in to wildirneſſe, and beeſtis encreeſſe
þin handmaide, and þe comelyng be refreiſchid. aȝens þee;
xiii Kepe ȝe alle þingis, whiche Y ſeide to ȝou; and ȝe xxx litil and litil I ſchal caſte hem out fro þi ſiȝt, til þou

ſchulen not ſwere bi þe name of alien goddis, neþer it be encreeſſid, and welde þe loond.
xxxi Forſoþe Y ſchal ſette þi termys fro þe reed ſee til to
ſchal be herd of ȝoure mouþ.
xiiii In þre tymes bi alle ȝeeris ȝe ſchulen halewe feeſtis þe ſee of Paleſtyns, and fro deſert til to þe flood. Y ſchal
to me. ȝyue to ȝoure hondis þe dwelleris of þe lond, and Y
xv Þou ſchalt kepe þe ſolempnyte of þerf looues; ſeuene ſchal caſte hem out fro ȝoure ſiȝt;
xxxii þou ſchalt not make boond of pees wiþ hem, neþir
daies þou ſchalt ete þerf breed, as Y comaundide to þee,
in þe tyme of moneþe of newe þingis, whanne þou wiþ `þe goddis of hem.
xxxiii Dwelle þei not in þi lond, leſt perauenture þei
ȝediſt out of Egipt; þou ſchalt not appere voide in my
ſiȝt. make þee to do ſynne aȝens me, yf þou ſerueſt her
xvi And þou ſchalt kepe þe ſolempnete of þe moneþe of goddis, which þing certis ſchal be to þee in to ſclaundir.
þe firſte þingis of þi werk, what euer þingis þou haſt

CAP. XXIIII xviii AndMoiſes entride into þe myddis of þe cloude,
i Alſo he ſeide to Moiſes, `Stie þou to þe Lord, þou, and and ſtiede in to þe hil, and he was þere fourti daies and
Aaron, and Nadab, and Abyu, and ſeuenti eldere men of fourti nyȝtis.
Iſrael; and ȝe ſchulen worſchipe afer,
ii and Moiſes aloone ſtie to þe Lord, and þei ſchulen not CAP. XXV
neiȝe, neþer þe puple ſchal ſtie wiþ hym. i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide, Speke þou to
iii Þerfore Moiſes cam, and telde to þe puple alle þe þe ſones of Iſrael,
wordis and domes of þe Lord; and al þe puple ii þat þei take to me þe firſte fruytis; of ech man þat
anſweride wiþ o vois, We ſchulen do alle þe wordis of offriþ wilfuli, ȝe ſchulen take þo.
þe Lord, whiche he ſpak. iii Forſoþe þeſe þingis it ben, whiche ȝe ſchulen take,
iiii Forſoþe Moiſes wroot alle þe wordis of þe Lord; and gold, and ſiluer, and bras, iacynt,
he roos eerli, and bildide an auter to þe Lord at þe rootis iiii and purpur, and reed ſilk twies died, and bijs, heeris
of þe hil, and he bildide twelue titlis bi twelue lynagis of geet, and `ſkynnes of weþeris maad reed,
of Iſrael. v and ſkynnes of iacynt,
v And he ſente ȝonge men of þe ſones of Iſrael, and þei vi and trees of Sechym, and oile to liȝtis to be ordeyned,
offriden brent ſacrifices, and `þei offriden peſible ſwete ſmellynge ſpiceries in to oynement, and encenſis
ſacrifices `to þe Lord, twelue calues. of good odour,
vi And ſo Moiſes took half þe part of þe blood, and ſente vii onochym ſtoonys, and gemmes to ourne ephod, and
in to grete cuppis; forſoþe he ſchedde þe reſidue part on þe racional.
þe auter. viii And þei ſchulen make a ſeyntuarie to me, and Y
vii And he took þe book of þe boond of pees, and redde,
ſchal dwelle in þe myddis of hem, bi al þe licneſſe of þe
while þe puple herde; whiche ſeiden, We ſchulen do alle tabernacle,
þingis which þe Lord ſpak, and we ſchulen be obedient. ix which Y ſchal ſchewe to þee, and of alle þe veſſels of
viii Forſoþe he took, and ſprengide `þe blood on þe
ournyng þerof.
puple, and ſeide, Þis is þe blood of þe boond of pees, x And þus ȝe ſchulen make it; ioyne ȝe to gidere an arke
which þe Lord couenauntide wiþ ȝow on alle þeſe
of þe trees of Sechym, whos lengþe haue twey cubitis
ix And Moiſes, and Aaron, and Nadab, and Abyu, and
and an half, þe broodneſſe haue a cubit and half, þe
hiȝneſſe haue `in lijk maner a cubit and half.
ſeuenti of þe eldere men of Iſrael ſtieden, xi And þou ſchalt ouergilde it wiþ clenneſte gold wiþ
x and ſeiȝen God of Iſrael, vndur hiſe feet, as þe werk of
ynne and wiþ out forþ; and þou ſchalt make a goldun
ſafire ſtoon, and as heuene whanne it is cleer. crowne aboue `bi cumpas,
xi And he ſente not his hond on hem of þe ſones of xii and foure goldun cerclis, whiche þou ſchalt ſette bi
Iſrael, þat hadden go fer awei; and þei ſien God, and foure corneris of þe arke; twei ceerclis be in o ſyde, and
eeten and drunkun. twei cerclis in þe toþer ſide.
xii Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, `Stie þou to me in to xiii Alſo þou ſchalt make barris of þe trees of Sechym,
þe hil, and be þou þere, and Y ſchal ȝyue to þee tablis of and þou ſchalt hile þo wiþ gold,
ſtoon, and þe lawe, and comaundementis, whiche Y xiiii and þou ſchalt brynge yn bi þe cerclis þat ben in þe
haue write, þat þou teche þe children of Iſrael.
xiii Moiſes and Joſue his mynyſtre riſen, and Moiſes
ſidis of þe arke,
xv þat it be borun in þo, whiche ſchulen euere be in þe
ſtiede in to þe hil of God,
xiiii and ſeide to þe eldere men, Abide ȝe here, til we
ceerclis, neþer ſchulen ony tyme be drawun out of þoo.
xvi And þou ſchalt putte in to þe arke þe witneſſing,
turnen aȝen to ȝou; ȝe han Aaron and Hur wiþ ȝou, if
which Y ſchal ȝyue to þee.
ony þing of queſtioun is maad, ȝe ſchulen telle to hem. xvii And þou ſchalt make a propiciatorie of clenneſte
xv And whanne Moiſes hadde ſtied,
xvi a cloude hilide þe hil, and þe glorie of þe Lord
gold; `þat is a table hilinge þe arke; þe lengþe þerof
ſchal holde twei cubitis and an half, þe broodneſſe ſchal
dwellide on Synai, and kyueride it wiþ a cloude ſixe holde a cubit and half.
daies; forſoþe in þe ſeuenþe dai þe Lord clepide hym fro xviii Alſo þou ſchalt make on euer eiþir ſide of `Goddis
þe myddis of þe cloude; forſoþe þe licneſſe of glorie of
anſweryng place twei cherubyns of gold, and betun out
þe Lord
xvii was as fier brennynge on þe cop of þe hil in þe ſiȝt
wiþ hamer;
xix o cherub be in o ſyde of `Goddis anſweryng place,
of þe ſones of Iſrael.
and þe toþer in þe toþer ſide;
xx hele þei euer eiþer ſide of þe propiciatorie, and holde
þei forþ wyngis, and hile þei `Goddis anſweryng place;

and biholde þei hem ſilf to gidere, while þe faces ben xxxviii Alſotongis to `do out þe ſnottis, and where þo
turned in to þe propiciatorie, wiþ which þe arke of þe þingis, þat ben ſnottid out, ben quenchid, be maad of
Lord ſchal be hilid, clenneſte gold.
xxi in which arke þou ſchalt putte þe `witneſſyng, which xxxix Al þe weiȝt of þe candilſtike wiþ alle hiſe veſſelis
Y ſchal ȝyue to þee. ſchal haue a talent of clenneſt gold.
xxii Fro þennus Y ſchal comaunde, and ſchal ſpeke to xl Biholde þou, and make bi þe ſaumpler, which ys
þee aboue þe propiciatorie, þat is, fro þe myddis of twei ſchewide to þee in þe hil.
cherubyns, þat ſchulen be on þe arke of witneſſyng, alle
þingis whiche Y ſchal comaunde `bi þee to þe ſones of CAP. XXVI
Iſrael. i Forſoþe þe tabernacle ſchal be maad þus; þou ſchalt
xxiii Alſo þou ſchalt make a boord of þe trees of
make ten curtyns of bijs foldyd aȝen, and of iacynt, of
Sechym, hauinge twei cubitis of lengþe, and a cubit in purpur, and of reed ſilk twies died, dyuerſid bi broidery
broodneſſe, and a cubit and half in hiȝeneſſe. werk.
xxiiii And þou ſchalt ouergilde þe bord wiþ pureſt gold, ii Þe lengþe of o curteyn ſchal haue eiȝte and twenti
and þou ſchalt make to it a goldun brynke `bi cumpas; cubitis, þe broodneſſe ſchal be of foure cubitis; alle
xxv and `þou ſchalt make to þat brynke a coroun raſid tentis ſchulen be maad of o meſure.
bitwixe foure fyngris hiȝ, and `þou ſchalt make on þat iii Fyue curtyns ſchulen be ioyned to hem ſilf to gidere,
anoþer lytil goldun coroun. and oþere fiue cleue to gidere bi lijk boond.
xxvi And þou ſchalt make redi foure goldun cerclis, and iiii Þou ſchalt make handels of iacynt in þe ſidis, and
þou ſchalt put þoo in foure corners of þe ſame boord, bi hiȝneſſis of curtyns, þat þo moun be couplid to gidere.
alle feet. v A curteyn ſchal haue fyfti handlis in euer eiþir part, ſo
xxvii Vndur þe coroun ſchulen be goldun cerclis, þat þe
ſet yn, þat `an handle come aȝen an handle, and þe toon
barris be put þorou þo, and þat þe boord may be borun. may be ſchappid to þe toþir.
xxviii Þou ſchalt make þo barris of þe trees of Sechym, vi And þou ſchalt make fifti goldun ryngis, bi whiche þe
and þou ſchalt cumpas wiþ gold to bere þe boord. `veilis of curteyns ſchulen be ioyned, þat o tabernacle
xxix And þou ſchalt make redi veſſels of vynegre, and be maad.
viols, cenceris, and cuppis of pureſte gold, in whiche vii Alſo þou ſchalt make enleuene ſaies to kyuere þe
fletynge ſacrifices ſchulen be offrid. hilyng of þe tabernacle;
xxx And þou ſchalt ſette on þe boord looues of viii þe lengþe of o ſay ſchal haue þretti cubitis, and þe
propoſicioun, in my ſiȝt euere. breed ſchal haue foure cubitis; euene meſure ſchal be of
xxxi And þou ſchalt make a candilſtike `betun forþ wiþ alle ſaies.
hamer, of clenneſte gold, and þou ſchalt make þe ſchaft ix Of which þou ſchalt ioyne fyue by hem ſilf, and þou
þerof, and ȝerdis, cuppis, and litle rundelis, and lilies ſchalt couple ſixe to hem ſilf togidere, ſo þat þou double
comynge forþ þerof. þe ſixte ſay in þe frount of þe roof.
xxxii Sixe ȝerdis ſchulen go out of þe ſidis, þre of o ſide, x And þou ſchalt make fifti handles in þe hemme of o
and þre of þe toþer. ſay, þat it may be ioyned wiþ þe toþer; and `þou ſchalt
xxxiii Þre cuppis as in þe maner of a note bi ech ȝerde, make fifti handles in þe hemme of þe toþir ſay, þat it be
and litle rundelis to gidere, and a lilie, and in lijk maner couplid wiþ þe toþir;
þre cuppis at þe licneſſe of a note in þe toþer, and litle xi þou ſchalt make fifti faſtnyngis of bras, bi whiche þe
rundelis togidere, and a lilie; þis ſchal be þe werk of handles ſchulen be ioyned to gidere, þat oon hylyng be
ſixe ȝerdis, þat ſchulen be brouȝt forþ of þe ſchaft. maad of alle.
xxxiiii Forſoþe in þilke candilſtik e ſchulen be foure xii Soþeli þat þat is reſidue in þe ſaies, þat ben maad redi
cuppis in þe maner of a note, and litle rundels and lilies to þe hilyng, þat is, o ſai whych is more, of þe myddis
by ech cuppe; þerof þou ſchalt hile þe hyndrere part of þe tabernacle;
xxxv and litle rundelis ſchulen be vndir twey ȝerdis bi and a cubit ſchal hange on o part,
þre places, whiche ȝerdis to gidere ben maad ſixe, xiii and þe toþer cubit on þe toþer part, which cubit is
comynge forþ of o ſchaft; and þerfor þe litle rundelis more in þe lengþe of ſaies, and ſchal hile euer eiþer ſyde
and ȝerdis of þe tabernacle.
xxxvi þerof ſchulen be alle betun out wiþ hamer, of xiiii And þou ſchalt make anoþer hilyng to þe roof, of
clenneſte gold. `ſkynnes of weþeres maad reed, and ouer þis þou ſchalt
xxxvii And þou ſchalt make ſeuene lanternes, and þou make eft anoþir hilyng of `ſkynnes of iacynt.
ſchalt ſette þo on þe candilſtike, þat þo ſchyne euene xv Alſo þou ſchalt make ſtondynge tablis of þe
aȝens. tabernacle, of þe trees of Sechym,

xvi whiche tablis ſchulen haue ech bi hem ſilf ten cubitis xxxv and þou ſchalt ſette a boord wiþ out þe veil, and
in lengþe, and in brede a cubit and half. aȝens þe boord `þou ſchalt ſette þe candilſtike in þe ſouþ
xvii Forſoþe twei dentyngis ſchulen be in þe ſidis of a ſide of þe tabernacle; for þe bord ſchal ſtonde in þe norþ
table, bi which a table ſchal be ioyned to anoþer table; ſide.
and in þis maner alle þe tablis ſchulen be maad redi. xxxvi Þou ſchalt make alſo a tente in þe entryng of þe
xviii Of whiche tablis twenti ſchulen be in þe myddai tabernacle, of iacynt, and purpur, and of reed ſelk twies
ſide, þat goiþ to þe ſouþ; died, and of bijs foldid aȝen bi broidery werk.
xix to whiche tablis þou ſchalt ȝete fourti ſilueren xxxvii And þou ſchalt ouergilde fyue pileris of `trees of

foundementis, þat twei foundementis be ſet vndir ech Sechym, bifor whiche pileris þe tente ſchal be led, of
table, bi twei corneris. whiche pileris þe heedis ſchulen be of gold, and þe
xx In þe ſecounde ſide of þe tabernacle, þat goiþ to þe foundementis of bras.
norþ, ſchulen be twenti tablis, hauynge fourti ſilueren
foundementis; twei foundementis ſchulen be ſet vndir CAP. XXVII
i Alſo þou ſchalt make an auter of þe trees of Sechym,
ech table.
xxi Soþeli at þe weſt cooſt of þe tabernacle þou ſchalt which ſchal haue fyue cubitis in lengþe, and ſo many in
make ſixe tablis; brede, þat is, ſqware, and þre cubitis in heiȝþe.
xxii and eft þou ſchalt make tweine oþere tablis, ii Forſoþe hornes ſchulen be bi foure corneris þerof; and
xxiii þat ſchulen be reiſid in þe corneris `bihynde þe bak þou ſchalt hile it wiþ bras.
iii And þou ſchalt make in to þe vſis of þe auter pannes,
of þe taberancle;
xxiiii and þe tablis ſchulen be ioyned to hem ſilf fro to reſſeyue aiſchis, and tongis, and fleiſch hookis, and
byneþe til to aboue, and o ioynyng ſchal wiþholde alle reſettis of fyris; þou ſchalt make alle veſſilis of bras.
iiii And þou ſchalt make a braſun gridele in þe maner of
þe tablis. And lijk ioynyng ſchal be kept to þe twei
tablis, þat ſchulen be ſet in þe corneris, a net, and bi four corneris þerof ſchulen be foure braſun
xxv and þo ſchulen be eiȝte tablis to gidere; þe ſiluerne ryngis,
v whiche þou ſchalt putte vndur þe yrun panne of þe
foundementis of þo ſchulen be ſixtene, while twei
foundementis ben rikenyd bi o table. auter; and þe gridele ſchal be til to þe myddis of þe
xxvi Þou ſchalt make alſo fyue barris of `trees of auter.
vi And þou ſchalt make twey barris of þe auter, of þe
Sechym, to holde togidere þe tablis in o ſide of þe
tabernacle, trees of Sechym, whiche barris þou ſchalt hile wiþ platis
xxvii and fyue oþere barris in þe toþer ſide, and of þe of bras;
vii and þou ſchalt lede yn `þe barris bi þe cerclis, and þo
ſame noumbre at þe weſt cooſt;
xxviii whiche barris ſchulen be put þorou þe myddil ſchulen be on euer eiþir ſide of þe auter, to bere.
viii Þou ſchalt make þat auter not maſſif, but voide, and
tablis fro þe toon ende til to þe toþir.
xxix And þou ſchalt ouergilde þo tablis, and þou ſchalt holowe wiþ ynne, as it was ſchewid to þee in þe hil.
ix Alſo þou ſchalt make a large ſtreet of þe tabernacle,
ȝete goldun ryngis in þo, bi whiche ryngis, þe barris
ſchulen holde togidere þe werk of tablis, whyche barris `in þe maner of a chirche ȝeerd, in whos mydday cooſt
þou ſchalt hile wiþ goldun platis. aȝens þe ſouþ ſchulen be tentis of bijs foldid aȝen; o ſide
xxx And þou ſchalt reiſe þe tabernacle, bi þe ſaumpler ſchal holde an hundrid cubitis in lengþe,
x and twenti pileris, wiþ ſo many braſun foundementis,
þat was ſchewid to þee in þe hil.
xxxi Þou ſchalt make alſo a veil of iacynt, and purpur, whiche pileris ſchulen haue ſilueren heedis wiþ her
and of reed ſilk twies died, and of bijs foldid aȝen bi grauyngis.
xi In lijk maner in þe norþ ſide, bi þe lengþe, ſchulen be
broideri werk, and wouun to gidere bi fair dyuerſite;
xxxii which veil þou ſchalt hange bifor foure pileris of tentis of an hundrid cubitis, twenti pileris, and braſun
`þe trees of Sechym; and ſoþeli þo pileris ſchulen be foundementis of þe ſame noumbre; and þe heedis of þo
ouergildid; and þo ſchulen haue goldun heedis, but pileris wiþ her grauyngis ſchulen be of ſiluer.
xii Forſoþe in þe breede of þe large ſtreet, þat biholdiþ to
foundementis of ſiluer.
xxxiii Forſoþe þe veil ſchal be ſet in bi þe cerclis, wiþ þe weſt, ſchulen be tentis bi fifti cubitis, and ten pileris
ynne which veil þou ſchalt ſette þe arke of witneſſyng, ſchulen be, and ſo many foundementis.
xiii In þat breede of þe large ſtreet, þat biholdiþ to þe
wherbi þe ſeyntuarye and þe ſeyntuaries of ſeyntuarie
ſchulen be departid. eeſt, ſchulen be fifti cubitis,
xxxiiii And þou ſchalt ſette þe propiciatorie on þe arke of xiiii in whiche þe tentis of fiftene cubitis ſchulen be

witneſſyng, in to þe hooli of hooli þingis; aſſigned to o ſide, and þre pileris, and ſo many

xv and in þe toþer ſide ſchulen be tentis holdynge fiftene ix And þou ſchalt take twei ſtoonys of onychym, and
cubitis, and þre pileris, and ſo many foundementis. þou ſchalt graue in þo þe names of þe ſones of Iſrael,
xvi Forſoþe in þe entryng of þe `greet ſtrete ſchal be x ſixe names in o ſtoon, and ſixe oþere in þe toþer ſtoon,
maad a tente of twenti cubitis, of iacynt, and purpur, bi þe ordre of her birþe;
and of reed ſelk twies died, and of bijs foldid aȝen bi xi bi þe werk of a grauere, and bi þe peyntyng of a man
broideri werk; it ſchal haue four pileris, wiþ ſo many þat ourneþ wiþ gemmes þou ſchalt graue þo ſtoonys,
foundementis. wiþ þe names of þe ſones of Iſrael; and þou ſchalt
xvii Alle þe pileris of þe grete ſtreet bi cumpas ſchulen encloſe and cumpaſſe in gold.
be cloþid wiþ platis of ſiluer, wiþ hedis of ſiluer, and xii And þou ſchalt ſette þo ſtoonus in euer eiþer ſide of
wiþ foundementis of bras. þe cloþ on þe ſchuldris, a memorial to þe ſones of Iſrael;
xviii Þe greet ſtreet ſchal ocupie an hundrid cubitis in and Aaron ſchal bere þe names of hem bifor þe Lord on
lengþe, fifti in breede; þe hiȝeneſſe of þe tente ſchal be euer eiþer ſchuldre, for remembryng.
of fiue cubitis; and it ſchal be maad of bijs foldid aȝen; xiii And þou ſchalt make hookis of gold,
and it ſchal haue braſun foundementis. xiiii and twey litil chaynes of clenneſte gold, cleuynge to
xix Þou ſchalt make of bras alle þe veſſelis of þe
hem ſilf togidere, whiche litil chaynes þou ſchalt ſette in
tabernacle, in to alle vſis and cerymonyes, as wel ſtakis þe hookis.
þerof, as of þe greet ſtreet. xv Alſo þou ſchalt make þe racional of doom by werk of
xx Comaunde þou to þe ſones of Iſrael, þat þei brynge to
dyuerſe colours, bi þe weuyng of þe cloþ on þe
þee þe clenneſte oile of `þe trees of olyues, and powned ſchuldre, of gold, iacynt, and purpur, of `reed ſilk twies
wiþ a peſtel, þat a lanterne died, and of bijs foldid aȝen.
xxi brenne euere in þe tabernacle of witneſſyng wiþ out xvi It ſchal be foure cornerid, and double; it ſchal haue
þe veil, which is hangid in þe tabernacle of witneſſyng; þe meſure of a pawme of þe hond, as wel in lengþe, as
and Aaron and hiſe ſones ſchulen ſette it, þat it ſchyne in breede.
bifore þe Lord til þe morewtid; it ſchal be euerlaſtynge xvii And þou ſchalt ſette þer ynne foure ordris of
worſchiping bi her ſucceſſiouns of þe ſones of Iſrael. ſtoonys; in þe firſte ordre ſchal be þe ſtoon ſardius, and
topazyus, and ſmaragdus;
CAP. XXVIII xviii in þe ſecunde ordre ſchal be charbuncle, ſafir, and
i Alſo applie þou to þee Aaron, þi broþer, wiþ hiſe ſones,
iaſpis; in þe þridde ordre ſchal be ligurie,
fro þe myddis of þe ſones of Iſrael, þat Aaron, Nadab, xix achates, and ametiſte;
and Abyu, Eleazar, and Ythamar, be ſet in preeſthod to xx in þe fourþe ordre ſchal be criſolitus, onochyn, and
ii And þou ſchalt make an hooli clooþ to Aaron, þi berille; þo ſchulen be cloſid in gold, bi her ordris,
xxi and ſchulen haue þe names of þe ſones of Iſrael: þo
broþer, in to glorie and faireneſſe.
iii And þou ſchalt ſpeke to alle wiſe men in herte, ſchulen be grauen wiþ twelue names; al ſtonus bi hem
ſilf, wiþ þe names of þe ſones `of Iſrael bi hem ſilf, bi
whiche Y haue fillid wiþ þe ſpirit of prudence, þat þei twelue lynagis.
make cloþis to Aaron, in whiche he ſchal be halewid, xxii Þou ſchalt make in þe racional chaynes cleuynge to
and ſchal mynyſtre to me.
iiii Forſoþe þeſe ſchulen be þe cloþis, whiche þei ſchulen hem ſilf togidere of pureſte gold,
xxiii and þou ſchalt make twei goldun ryngis, whiche
make; `þei ſchulen make racional, and a clooþ on þe
þou ſchalt ſette in euer eiþer hiȝneſſe of racional.
ſchuldris, a coote, and a ſtreyt lynnun clooþ, a mytre, xxiiii And þou ſchalt ioyne þe goldun chaynes wiþ þe
and a girdil; hooli clooþis to Aaron, þi broþer, and to
hiſe ſones, þat þei be ſet in preeſthod to me. ryngis þat ben in þe brynkis þerof,
xxv and þou ſchalt couple þe `laſt þingis of þo chaynes
v And þei ſchulen take gold, and iacynt, and purpur, and
`reed ſelk twies died, and bijs; to twey hookis in euer eiþer ſide of þe `cloþ on þe
vi forſoþe þei ſchulen make þe clooþ on þe ſchuldris of ſchuldur, þat biholdiþ þe racional.
xxvi And þou ſchalt make twei goldun ryngis, whiche
gold, and of iacynt, and purpur, and of `reed ſelk twies
died, and of bijs foldid aȝen, bi broyderi werk of þou ſchalt ſette in þe hiȝneſſes of þe racional, and in þe
dyuerſe colours. hemmes of þe cloþ on þe ſchuldur, þat ben euene aȝens,
vii It ſchal haue twey hemmes ioyned in euer eiþer ſide and biholden þe lattere þingis þerof.
xxvii Alſo and þou ſchalt make tweyne oþere goldun
of hiȝneſſis, þat þo go aȝen in to oon.
viii Þilke weuyng, and al dyuerſite of þe werk ſchal be of ryngis, þat ſchulen be ſet in euer eiþer ſide of þe clooþ
on þe ſchuldur byneþe, þat biholdiþ aȝens þe face of þe
gold, and iacynt, and purpur, and of `reed ſelk twies
lowere ioynyng, þat it may be ſet couenabli wiþ þe
died, and bijs foldis aȝen.
`cloþ on þe ſchuldre.

xxviii And þe racional be boundun bi hiſe ryngis wiþ þe whanne þei neiȝen to þe auter, þat þei mynyſtren in þe
ryngis of þe `cloþ on þe ſchuldre, wiþ a lace of iacynt, ſeyntuarie, leſt þei ben gilti of wickidneſſe, and dien; it
þat þe ioyning maad craftili dwelle, and þat þe racional ſchal be a lawful þing euerlaſtynge to Aaron, and to his
and `cloþ on þe ſchuldre moun not be departid ech fro ſeed after hym.
xxix And Aaron ſchal bere þe names of þe ſones of Iſrael CAP. XXIX
i But alſo þou ſchalt do þis, þat þei be ſacrid to me in
in þe racional of doom on his breſt, whanne he entriþ in
to þe ſeyntuarie, a memorial bifor þe Lord wiþ outen preeſthod; take þou a calf of þe droue, and twei rammes
ende. wiþ out wem,
xxx Forſoþe þou ſchalt ſette in þe racional of doom, ii and þerf looues, and a cake wiþ out ſour dow, whiche

techyng, and treuþe, whiche ſchulen be in þe breſt of be ſpreynt to gidere wiþ oile, and þerf paaſt ſodun in
Aaron, whanne he entriþ bifor þe Lord, and he ſchal watir, `bawmed, eþer fried, wiþ oile; þou ſchalt make
bere þe doom of þe ſones of Iſrael in his breſt in þe ſiȝt alle þingis of whete flour,
of þe Lord euere. iii and þou ſchalt offre þo put in a panyere. Forſoþe þou
xxxi And þou ſchalt make þe coote of þe `cloþ on þe ſchal preſente þe calfe,
ſchuldre al of iacynt, iiii and twey rammes, and Aaron and his ſones, at þe
xxxii in whos myddil aboue ſchal be an hood, and a dore of tabernacle of witneſſyng; and whanne þou haſt
wouun hemme `bi cumpas þerof, as it is wont to be don waiſche þe fadir and þe ſones in watir,
in þe hemmes of cloþis, leſt it be brokun liȝtli. v þou ſchalt cloþe Aaron wiþ hiſe cloþis, þat is, þe
xxxiii Forſoþe byneþe at þe feet of þe ſame coote, bi lynnen cloþ, `and coote, and þe cloþ on þe ſchuldris,
cumpas, þou ſchalt make as `piyn applis, of iacynt, and `and þe racional, which þou ſchalt bynde wiþ a girdil.
purpur, of `reed ſelk twies died, and of biis foldid aȝen; vi And þou ſchalt ſette þe mytre on his heed, and þe
while ſmale bellis ben medlid in þe myddis, hooli plate on þe mytre,
xxxiiii ſo þat a litil `belle of gold be and a `piyn appil, vii and þou ſchalt ſchede þe oile of anoyntyng on his
and eft anoþer litel belle of gold and a `pyn appil. heed; and bi þis cuſtom he ſchal be ſacrid.
xxxv And Aaron ſchal be cloþid wiþ þat coote in þe viii Alſo þou ſchalt preſente hiſe ſones, and þou ſchalt
office of ſeruyce, þat ſown be herd, whanne he entriþ in cloþe wiþ lynnun cootis,
to þe ſeyntuarie, and goiþ out, in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord; and ix and þou ſchalt girde Aaron and hiſe ſones wiþ a girdil;
þat he die not. and þou ſchalt ſette mytris on hem; and þei ſchulen be
xxxvi And þou ſchalt make a plate of pureſte gold, in my preeſtis bi euerlaſtynge religioun. After þat þou haſt
which þou ſchalt graue bi þe werk of a grauere, þe holi halewid `þe hondis of hem,
to þe Lord. x alſo þou ſchalt preſente þe calf bifore þe tabernacle of
xxxvii And þou ſchalt bynde þat plate wiþ a lace of witneſſyng; and Aaron and hiſe ſones ſchulen ſette
iacynt, and it ſchal be on þe mytre, hondis `on þe heed þerof;
xxxviii and ſchal neiȝe þe forheed of þe biſchop. And xi and þou ſchalt ſle it in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, biſidis þe
Aaron ſchal bere þe wickidneſſis of hem whiche þe dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng.
ſones of Iſrael `offeriden, and halewiden in alle her xii And þou ſchalt take þe blood of þe calf, and ſchalt
ȝiftis and fre ȝiftis; forſoþe þe plate ſchal euere be in putte wiþ þi fyngur on þe corneris of þe auter. Forſoþe
`his forhed, þat þe Lord be pleſid to him. þou ſchalt ſchede þe `toþir blood biſidis þe foundement
xxxix And þou ſchalt bynde þe coot of biis, and þe myter þerof.
of bijs, and þou ſchalt make alſo a girdil, `bi werk of xiii And þou ſchalt take al þe fatneſſe þat hiliþ þe
broiderye. entrailis, and þe calle of þe mawe, and twey kidneris,
xl Forſoþe þou ſchalt make redi to `þe ſones of Aaron and þe fatneſſe which is on hem; and þou ſchalt offere
linnun cootis, and girdlis, and mytris, in to glorie and encenſe on þe auter.
fairneſſe. xiiii Forſoþe þou ſchalt brenne wiþ out þe caſtels þe
xli And þou ſchalt cloþe Aaron, þi broþer, wiþ alle þeſe, `fleiſchis of þe calf, and þe ſkyn, and þe dung, for it is
and hiſe ſones wiþ hym. And þou ſchalt ſacre þe hondis for ſynne.
of alle; and þou ſchalt halewe hem, þat þei be ſet in xv Alſo þou ſchalt take a ram, on whos heed Aaron and
preeſthood to me. hiſe ſones ſchulen ſette hondis;
xlii Alſo þou ſchalt make lynnun brechis, þat þei hile þe xvi and whanne þou haſt ſlayn þat ram, þou ſchalt take
fleiſch of her filþe fro þe reynes `til to þe hipis. of `his blood, and ſchalt ſchede aboute þe auter.
xliii And Aaron and hiſe ſones ſchulen vſe þo, whanne
þei ſchulen entre in to þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, eþer

xvii Forſoþe þou ſchalt kitte þilk ram in to ſmale gobetis, xxxii whiche fleiſchis Aaron and his ſones ſchulen ete,
and þou ſchalt putte hiſe entrailis waiſchun, and feet on and þei ſchulen ete þe looues, þat ben in þe panyere, in
þe fleiſchis koruun, and on his heed; þe porche of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng,
xviii and þou ſchalt offre al þe ram in to encence on þe xxxiii þat it be a pleaſaunt ſacrifice, and þat þe hondis of
auter; it is an offryng to þe Lord, þe ſwetteſt odour of þe þe offreris be halewid. An alien ſchal not ete of þo, for
ſlayn ſacrifice of þe Lord. þo ben hooli.
xix And þou ſchalt take þe toþir ram, on whos heed xxxiiii Þat if ony þing leeueþ of þe fleiſchis halewid, eþer
Aaron and hiſe ſones ſchulen ſette hondis; of þe looues, til þe morewtid, þou ſchalt brenne þe relifs
xx and whanne þou haſt offrid þat ram, þou ſchalt take by fier, þou ſchulen not be etun, for þo ben halewid.
of his blood, and ſchalt `putte on þe laſt part of þe riȝt xxxv Þou ſchalt do on Aaron, and hiſe ſones, alle þingis
eere of Aaron, and of hiſe ſones, and on þe þombis of whiche I comaunde to þee. Seuene daies þou ſchalt
her hond; and of her riȝt foot; and þou ſchalt ſchede þe ſacre `þe hondis of hem,
blood on þe auter, `bi cumpas. xxxvi and þou ſchalt offre a calf for ſynne bi ech day to
xxi And whanne þou haſt take of þe blood, which is on clenſe; and þou ſchalt clenſe þe auter, whanne þou haſt
þe auter, and of oile of anoynting, þou ſchalt ſprenge offrid þe ſacrifice of clenſyng, and þou ſchalt anoynte
Aaron and hiſe cloþis, þe ſones and her cloþis. And þe auter in to halewyng.
whanne þei and þe cloþis ben ſacrid, xxxvii Seuene daies þou ſhalt clenſe and halewe þe auter,
xxii þou ſchalt take þe ynnere fatneſſe of þe ram, and þe and it ſchal be þe hooli of hooli þingis; ech man þat
tayl, and þe fatneſſe þat hiliþ þe entrailis, and þe calle of ſchal touche it ſchal be halewid.
þe mawe, and twey kideneris, and þe fatneſſe þat is on xxxviii Þis it is, þat þou ſchalt do in þe auter, twei
þo; and þou ſchalt take þe riȝt ſchuldur, for it is þe ram lambren of o ȝeer contynueli bi ech dai,
of conſecracioun; xxxix o lomb in þe morewtid, and þe toþir in þe euentid;
xxiii and þou ſchalt take a tendur cake of o loof, ſpreynd xl `þou ſchalt do in o lomb þe tenþe part of flour ſpreynt
wiþ oile, paaſt ſodun in watir, and after fried in oile, of wiþ oyle, powned, þat ſchal haue a meſure, þe fourþe
þe panyer of þerf looues, which is ſet in `þe ſiȝt of þe part of hyn, and wyn of þe ſame meſure, to make
Lord. ſacrifice.
xxiiii And þou ſchalt putte alle `þingis on þe hondis of xli Soþeli þou ſchalt offre þe toþer lomb at euentid, bi þe
Aaron and of hiſe ſones, and ſchalt halewe hem, and cuſtom of þe offryng at þe morewtid, and bi þo þingis,
reiſe bifor þe Lord. whiche we ſeiden, in to þe odour of ſwetneſſe;
xxv And þou ſchalt take alle þingis fro `þe hondis of xlii it is a ſacrifice to þe Lord bi euerlaſtynge offryng in
hem, and ſchalt brenne on þe autir, in to brent ſacrifice, to ȝoure generaciouns, at þe dore of þe tabernacle of
`ſwettiſt odour in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, for it is þe offryng witneſſyng bifor þe Lord, where Y ſchal ordeyne þat Y
of þe Lord. ſpeke to þee;
xxvi Alſo þou ſchalt take þe breſt of þe ram, bi which xliiii and þere Y ſchal comaunde to þe ſones of Iſrael;
Aaron was halewid, and þou ſchalt halewe it reiſid bifor and þe auter ſchal be halewid in my glorie. Y ſchal
þe Lord; and it ſchal turne in to þi part. halewe alſo þe tabernacle of witneſſyng wiþ þe auter,
xxvii And þou ſchalt halewe alſo þe breſt ſacrid, and þe
and Aaron wiþ hiſe ſones, þat þei be ſet in preſthod to
ſchuldur which þou departidiſt fro þe ram, me.
xxviii bi which Aaron was halewid, and hiſe ſones; and xlv And Y ſchal dwelle in þe myddis of þe ſones of
þo ſchulen turne in to þe part of Aaron, and of hiſe Iſrael, and Y ſchal be God to hem;
ſones, bi euerlaſtinge riȝt, of þe ſones of Iſrael; for þo xlvi and þei ſchulen wite, þat Y am her Lord God, which
ben þe firſte þingis, and þe bigynnyngis of þe peſible ledde hem out of þe lond of Egipt, þat Y ſchulde dwelle
ſacrifices of hem, whiche þei offren to þe Lord. among hem; for Y am her Lord God.
xxix Forſoþe þe ſones of Aaron ſchulen haue aftir hym
þe hooli cloþ, which Aaron ſchal vſe, þat þei be CAP. XXX
anoyntid þer ynne, and her hondis be ſacrid. i Alſo þou ſchalt make an auter of þe trees of Sechym,
xxx `Þilke, þat of hiſe ſones ſchal be maad biſchop for
to brenne encenſe;
hym, ſchal vſe þat cloþ ſeuene daies, and which ſone ii and þe auter ſchal haue a cubit of lengþe, and anoþer
ſchal entre in to þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, þat he cubit of brede, þat is foure cornerid, and twei cubitis in
mynyſtre in þe ſeyntuarie. heiȝþe; corneris ſchulen come forþ of þe auter.
xxxi Soþeli þou ſchalt take þe ram of conſecracioun, and iii And þou ſchalt cloþe it wiþ clenneſt gold, as wel þe
þou ſchalt ſeþe hiſe fleiſchis in þe hooli place, gridil þerof, as þe wallis and corneris bi cumpas þerof;
and þou ſchalt make to þe auter a litil goldun coroun,

iiii `bicumpas, and twei goldun ſerclis vndur þe coroun xxiii and ſeide, Take to þee ſwete ſmellynge ſpiceries, of
by alle ſidis, þat barris be put in to þe ſerclis, and þe þe firſte and choſun myrre, fyue hundrid ſiclis; and of
auter be borun. canel þe half, þat is, twei hundrid and fifti ſiclis;
v Alſo þou ſchalt make þo barris of þe trees of Sechym, xxiiii in lijk maner of calamy twei hundrid and fifti ſiclis;
and þou ſchalt ouergilde; alſo of caſia fyue hundrid ſiclis, in þe weiȝte of
vi and þou ſchalt ſette þe auter aȝens þe veil, which veil ſeyntuarie; oile of olyue trees, þe meſure hyn;
hangiþ bifor þe ark of witneſſyng bifor þe propiciatorie, xxv and þou ſchalt make þe hooly oile of anoyntyng, an
bi which þe witneſſyng is hilid, where Y ſchal ſpeke to oynement maad bi þe werk of a `makere of oynement.
þee. xxvi And þou ſchal anoynte þerof þe tabernacle of
vii And Aaron ſchal brenne þeronne encenſe ſmellynge witneſſyng, and þe ark of teſtament, and þe boord wiþ
ſwetly eerli; whanne he ſchal araye þe lanternes, he hiſe veſſels,
ſchal brenne it; xxvii þe candilſtike, and þe purtenaunces þerof, þe
viii and whanne he ſettiþ þe lanternes at euentid, he ſchal auteris of encenſe,
brenne euerlaſtynge encenſe bifor þe Lord, in to ȝoure xxviii and of brent ſacrifice, and al þe purtenaunce, þat
generaciouns. perteyneþ to þe ournyng of þo.
ix Ȝe ſchulen not offre þeronne encenſe of oþer makyng, xxix And þou ſchalt halewe alle þingis, and þo ſchulen
neþir offryng, and ſlayn ſacrifice, neþer ȝe ſchulen offre be þe hooli of holi þingis; he þat ſchal touche þo, ſchal
fletynge offryngis þereonne. be halewid.
x And Aaron ſchal preie on þe corneres þerof onis bi þe xxx Þou ſchalt anoynte Aaron, and hiſe ſones, and þou
ȝeer, in þe blood which is offrid for ſynne, and he ſchal ſchalt halewe hem, þat þei be ſet in preſthod to me.
pleſe þeronne in ȝoure generaciouns; it ſchal be þe hooli xxxi And þou ſchalt ſeie to þe ſones of Iſrael, Þis oile of
of hooli þingis to þe Lord. anoyntyng ſchal be hooli to me in to ȝoure
xi And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes,
xii and ſeide, Whanne þou ſchalt take þe ſumme of þe xxxii Þe fleiſch of man ſchal not be anoyntid þerof, and
ſones of Iſrael, alle bi hem ſilf ſchulen ȝyue `bi þe bi þe makyng þerof ȝe ſchulen not make anoþer, for it is
noumbre prijs for her ſoulis to þe Lord, and veniaunce halewid, and it ſchal be hooli to ȝou.
ſchal not be in hem, whanne þei ben noumbrid. xxxiii What euer man makiþ ſich oile, and ȝyueþ þerof to
xiii Soþeli ech þat paſſiþ to þe name, ſchal ȝyue þis, half
an alien, he ſchal be `deſtried fro his puple.
a ſicle bi þe meſure of þe temple; a ſicle haþ twenti xxxiiii Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Take to þee
halpens; þe myddil part of a cicle ſchal be offrid to þe ſwete ſmellynge ſpyceries, ſtacten, and onyca, galban of
Lord. good odour, and pureſte encenſe, alle ſchulen be of
xiiii He þat is hadde in noumbre, fro twenti ȝeer and
euene weiȝte.
aboue, xxxv And þou ſchal make encence, maad by werk of
xv ſchal ȝyue prijs; a riche man ſchal not adde to þe
oynement makere, meddlid diligentli, and pure, and
myddil of cicle, and a pore man ſchal no þing abate. mooſt worþi of halewyng.
xvi And þou ſchalt bitake in to vſis of þe tabernacle of xxxvi And whanne þou haſt powned alle þingis in to
witneſſyng þe money takun, which is gaderid of þe ſmalleſte poudre, þou ſchalt putte þerof bifor þe
ſones of Iſrael, þat it be þe mynde of hem bifor þe Lord, tabernacle of witneſſyng, in which place Y ſchal appere
and he ſchal be merciful to `þe ſoulis of hem. to þee; encenſe ſchal be to ȝou þe hooli of hooli þingis.
xvii And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, xxxvii Ȝe ſchulen not make ſiche a makyng in to ȝoure
xviii and ſeide, Alſo þou ſchalt make a greet veſſil of bras vſis, for it is hooli to þe Lord.
wiþ his foundement to waiſche, and þou ſchalt ſette it xxxviii What euer man makiþ a lijk þing, þat he vſe þe
bitwixe þe tabernacle of witneſſyng and þe auter `of odour þerof, he ſchal periſche fro his puple.
brent ſacrifices; and whanne watir is put þerynne,
xix Aaron and hiſe ſones ſchulen waiſche þerynne her CAP. XXXI
hondis and feet, i And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, `and ſeide, Lo!
xx whanne þei ſchulen entre in to þe tabernacle of ii Y haue clepid Beſeleel bi name, þe ſone of Hury, ſone
witneſſyng, and whanne þei ſchulen neiȝe to þe auter þat of Hur, of þe lynage of Juda;
þei offre þerynne encenſe to þe Lord, iii and Y haue fillid hym wiþ þe ſpirit of God, wiþ
xxi leſt perauenture þei dien; it ſchal be a lawful þing
wiſdom, and vndirſtondyng, and kunnyng in al werk,
euerlaſtinge to hym and to his ſeed bi ſucceſſiouns. iiii to fynde out what euer þing may be maad ſuteli, of
xxii And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes,
gold, and ſiluer, and bras, and marbil,
v and gemmes, and dyuerſite of trees.

vi And Y haue ȝoue to hym a felowe, Ooliab, þe ſone of Iſrael, þeſe ben þi goddis, þat ladde þee out of þe lond
Achiſameth, of þe kynrede of Dan; and Y haue put in of Egipt.
`þe herte of hem þe wiſdom of ech lerned man, þat þei v And whanne Aaron had ſeyn þis þing, he bildide an
make alle þingis, whiche Y comaundide to þee; auter bifore hym, and he criede bi þe vois of a criere,
vii þe tabernacle of boond of pees, and þe arke of and ſeide, To morewe is þe ſolempnete of þe Lord.
witneſſyng, and þe propiciatorie, eþer table, which is vi And þei ryſen eerli, and offeriden brent ſacrifyces,
þeronne, and alle þe veſſels of þe tabernacle; and peſible ſacrifices; and þe puple ſat to ete and
viii alſo þe bord, and veſſels þerof, þe clenneſte drynke, and þei riſen to pley.
candilſtike wiþ hiſe veſſels, and þe auteris of encence, vii Forſoþe þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide, Go þou,
ix and of brent ſacrifice, and alle þe veſſels of hem; þe go doun, þi puple haþ ſynned, `whom þou leddiſt out of
greet `waiſchyng veſſel wiþ his foundement; þe lond of Egipt.
x hooli cloþis in ſeruyce to Aaron preſt, and to hiſe viii Þei ȝeden awei ſoone fro þe weie which þou

ſones, þat þei be ſet in her office in hooli þingis; ſchewidſt to hem, and þei maden to hem a ȝotun calf,
xi þe oile of anoyntyng, and encence of ſwete ſmellynge and worſchipyden it, and þei offeriden ſacrifices to it,
ſpiceryes in þe ſeyntuarie; þei ſchulen make alle þingis and ſeiden, Iſrael, þeſe ben þi goddis, þat ledden þee out
whiche Y comaundide to þee. of þe lond of Egipt.
xii And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, `and ſeide, Speke þou to ix And eft þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Y ſe, þat þis puple is

þe ſones of Iſrael, of hard nol;

xiii and þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, Se ȝe þat ȝe kepe my x ſuffre þou me, þat my woodneſſe be wrooþ aȝens hem,

ſabat, for it is a ſigne bytwixe me and ȝou in ȝoure and þat Y do awey hem; and Y ſchal make þee in to a
generaciouns; þat ȝe wite, þat Y am þe Lord, which greet folk.
xi Forſoþe Moiſes preiede `his Lord God, and ſeide,
halewe ȝou.
xiiii Kepe ȝe my ſabat, for it is hooli to ȝou; he þat Lord, whi is þi veniaunce wrooþ aȝens þi puple, whom
defouliþ it, ſchal die bi deeþ, þe ſoule of hym, þat doiþ þou leddiſt out of þe lond of Egipt in greet ſtrengþe and
werk in þe ſabat, ſchal periſche fro þe myddis of his in ſtronge hond?
xii Y biſeche, þat Egipcians ſeie not, he ledde hem out
xv Sixe daies ȝe ſchulen do werk; in þe ſeuenþe dai is felli, `þat he ſchulde ſle in þe hillis, and to do awei fro
ſabat, hooli reſte to þe Lord; ech man þat doiþ werk in erþe, þin ire ceeſſe, and be þou quemeful on þe
þis dai ſchal die. wickidneſſe of þi puple.
xvi Þe ſones of Iſrael kepe ſabat, and halewe it in her xiii Haue þou mynde of Abraham, of Yſaac, and of

generaciouns; Iſrael, þi ſeruauntis, to whiche þou haſt ſwore bi þi ſilf,

xvii it is a couenaunt euerlaſtinge bitwixe me and þe and ſeidiſt, Y ſchal multiplie ȝoure ſeed as þe ſterris of
ſones of Iſrael, and it is `a ſigne euerlaſtynge; for in ſixe heuene, and Y ſchal ȝyue to ȝoure ſeed al þis lond of
daies God made heuene and erþe, and in þe ſeuenþe day which Y ſpak, and ȝe ſchulen welde it euere.
xiiii And þe Lord was pleſid, þat he dide not þe yuel
he ceeſſid of werk.
xviii And whanne ſiche wordis weren fillid, þe Lord ȝaf which he ſpak aȝens his puple.
xv And Moiſes turnede aȝen fro þe hil, and bar in his
to Moiſes, in þe hil of Synay, twei ſtonun tablis of
witneſſyng, writun wiþ þe fyngur of God. hond twei tablis of witneſſyng, writun in euer eiþer ſide,
xvi and maad bi þe werk of God; and þe writyng of God

CAP. XXXII was grauun in tablis.

i Forſoþe þe puple ſiȝ, þat Moiſes made tariyng to come xvii Forſoþe Joſue herde þe noiſe of þe puple criynge,

doun fro þe hil, and it was gaderid aȝens Aaron, and and ſeide to Moyſes, Ȝellyng of fiȝtyng is herd in þe
ſeide, Riſe þou, and make goddis to vs, þat ſchulen go caſtels.
bifore vs, for we witen not what bifelde to þis Moiſes, xviii To whom Moiſes anſweride, It is not cry of men
þat ladde vs out of þe lond of Egipt. exitynge to batel, neþer þe cry of men compellynge to
ii And Aaron ſeide to hem, Take ȝe þe goldun eere fleyng, but Y here þe vois of ſyngeris.
ryngis fro þe eeris of ȝoure wyues, and of ſones and xix And whanne he hadde neiȝid to þe caſtels, he ſiȝ þe
douȝtris, and brynge ȝe to me. calf, and dauncis; and he was wrooþ greetli, and
iii Þe puple dide þo þingis, þat he comaundide, and `caſtide forþ þe tablis fro þe hond, and brak þo at þe
brouȝte eere ryngis to Aaron; rootis of þe hil.
iiii and whanne he hadde take þo, he formede bi `werk xx And he took þe calf, which þei hadden maad, and

of ȝetyng, and made of þo a ȝotun calf. And þei ſeiden, brente, and brak `til to poudur, which he ſpreynte in to
watir, and ȝaf þerof drynke to þe ſones of Iſrael.

xxi And Moiſes ſeide to Aaron, What dide þis puple to iii and þat þou entre in to þe lond flowynge wiþ mylk
þee, þat þou brouȝtiſt in on hym þe gretteſte ſynne? and hony; for Y ſchal not ſtye wiþ þee, for `þou art a
xxii To whom he anſweride, My lord, be not wrooþ, for puple of hard nol, leſt perauenture Y leeſe þee in þe
þou knowiſt þis puple, þat it is enclynaunt to yuel; weie.
xxiii þei ſeiden to me, Make þou goddis to vs, þat iiii Þe puple herde þis worſte word, and morenyde, and

ſchulen go bifore vs, for we witen not, what bifelde to noon was cloþid wiþ his ournyng bi cuſtom.
þis Moiſes, þat ladde vs out of þe lond of Egipt. v And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Spek þou to þe ſones of
xxiiii To whiche Y ſeide, Who of ȝou haþ gold? Þei Iſrael, Þou art a puple of hard nol; onys Y ſchal ſtie in
token, and ȝauen to me, and Y caſtide it forþ in to þe þe myddis of þee, and Y ſchal do awey þee; riȝt now
fier, and þis calf ȝede out. putte awei þin ournyng, þat Y wite, what Y ſchal do to
xxv Þerfor Moyſes ſiȝ þe puple, þat it was maad bare; for þee.
vi Þerfor þe ſones of Iſrael puttiden awey her ournyng
Aaron hadde ſpuylid it for þe ſchenſchip of filþe, and
hadde maad þe puple nakid among enemyes. fro þe hil of Oreb.
xxvi And Moiſes ſtood in þe ȝate of þe caſtels, and ſeide, vii And Moiſes took þe tabernacle, and ſettide fer wiþ

If ony man is of þe Lord, be he ioyned to me; and alle out þe caſtels, and he clepide þe name þerof þe
þe ſones of Leuy weren gaderid to hym. tabernacle of boond of pees. And al þe puple þat hadde
xxvii To whiche he ſeide, Þe Lord God of Iſrael ſeiþ þeſe ony queſtioun, ȝede out to þe tabernacle of boond of
þingis, A man putte ſwerd on his hipe, go ȝe, and `go ȝe pees, wiþ out þe caſtels.
viii And whanne Moiſes ȝede out to þe tabernacle, al þe
aȝen fro ȝate `til to ȝate bi þe myddil of þe caſtels, and
ech man ſle his broþer, freend, and neiȝbore. puple roos, and ech man ſtood in þe dore of his tente,
xxviii Þe ſones of Leuy diden bi þe word of Moiſes, and and þei bihelden `þe bak of Moiſes, til he entride in to
as þre and twenti þouſynd of men felden doun in þat þe tente.
ix Soþeli whanne he entride in to þe tabernacle of boond
xxix And Moiſes ſeide, Ȝe han halewid ȝoure hondis to of pees, a piler of cloude cam doun, and ſtood at þe
dai to þe Lord, ech man in his ſone, and broþer, þat dore; and þe Lord ſpak wiþ Moiſes,
x while alle men ſien þat þe piler of cloude ſtood at þe
bleſſyng be ȝouun to ȝou.
xxx Soþeli whanne `þe toþer day was maad, Moiſes ſpak `dore of tabernacle; and þei ſtoden, and worſchipiden bi
to þe puple, Ȝe han ſynned þe mooſt ſynne; Y ſchal ſtie þe dores of her tabernaclis.
xi Forſoþe þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes face to face, as a man
to þe Lord, if in ony maner Y ſchal mowe biſeche hym
for ȝoure felony. is wont to ſpeke to his freend; and whanne he turnede
xxxi And he turnede aȝen to þe Lord, and ſeide, Lord, Y aȝen in to `þe caſtels, Joſue, his mynyſtre, þe ſone of
biſeche, þis puple haþ ſynned a greet ſynne, and þei han Nun, a child, ȝede not awey fro þe tabernacle.
xii Forſoþe Moiſes ſeide to þe Lord, Þou comaundiſt, þat
maad goldun goddis to hem; eþir forȝyue þou þis gilt to
hem, Y lede out þis puple, and þou `ſchewiſt not to me,
xxxii eþer if þou doiſt not, do awey me fro þi book, whom þou ſchalt ſende wiþ me, `moſt ſiþen þou ſeidiſt,
which þou haſt write. Y knewe þee bi name, and þou haſt founde grace bifore
xxxiii To whom þe Lord anſweride, Y ſchal do awey fro me.
xiii Þerfore if Y haue founde grace in þi ſiȝt, ſchewe þi
my book hym þat ſynneþ aȝens me;
xxxiiii forſoþe go þou, and lede þis puple, whydur Y ſpak face to me, þat Y knowe þee, and fynde grace bifor þin
to þee; myn aungel ſchal go bifore þee; forſoþe in þe iȝen; biholde þi puple, and þis folk.
xiiii And God ſeide, My face ſchal go bifor þee, and Y
day of veniaunce Y ſchal viſite alſo þis ſynne of hem.
xxxv Þerfor þe Lord ſmoot þe puple for þe gilt of þe calf, ſchal ȝyue reſte to þee.
xv And Moiſes ſeide, If þi ſilf ſchalt not go bifore, `lede
which calf Aaron made.
not vs out of þis place;
xvi for in what þing moun we wite, Y and þi puple, þat
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, and ſeide, Go and ſtie fro we han founde grace in þi ſiȝt, if þou ſchalt not go wiþ
þis place, þou, and þe puple, whom þou leddiſt out of þe vs, þat we be glorified of alle puplis þat dwellen on
lond of Egipt, in to þe lond, which Y haue ſwore to erþe?
xvii Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Y ſchal do alſo þis
Abraham, and to Yſaac, and to Jacob, `and Y ſeide, Y
ſchal ȝyue it to þi ſeed. word, which þou haſt ſpoke; for þou haſt founde grace
ii And Y ſchal ſende þi bifore goere an aungel, þat Y bifor me, and Y knewe þi ſilf bi name.
xviii And Moiſes ſeide, Schewe þou þi glorie to me.
caſte out Cananey, and Amorei, and Ethei, and Ferezei,
and Euey, and Jebuſey;

xix God anſweride, Y ſchal ſchewe al good to þee, and Y xii Be war, leſt ony tyme þou ioyne frendſchipis wiþ þe
ſchal clepe in þe `name of þe Lord bifor þee, and Y dwelleris of þat lond, whiche frenſchipis be in to fallyng
ſchal do merci to whom Y wole, and Y ſchal be merciful to þee.
on whom it pleſiþ to me. xiii But alſo diſtrie þou `þe auteris of hem, breke þe
xx And eft God ſeide, Þou maiſt not ſe my face, for a ymagis, and kitte doun þe woodis;
man ſchal not ſe me, and ſchal lyue. xiiii `nyl þou worſchipe an alien God; `þe Lord a gelous
xxi And eft God ſeide, A place is anentis me, and þou louyere is his name, God is a feruent louyere;
ſchalt ſtonde on a ſtoon; xv make þou not couenaunt wiþ þe men of þo cuntreis,
xxii and whanne my glorie ſchal paſſe, Y ſchal ſette þee leſt whanne þei han do fornycacioun wiþ her goddis,
in þe hoole of þe ſtoon, and Y ſchal kyuere wiþ my riȝt and han worſchipid þe ſymylacris of hem, ony man
hond, til Y paſſe; and Y ſchal take awey myn hond, clepe þee, þat þou ete of þingis offrid to an ydol.
xxiii and þou ſchalt ſe myn hyndrere partis, forſoþe þou xvi Neþer þou ſchalt take a wyif of her douȝtris to þi
mayſt not ſe my face. ſones, leſt aftir þat þo douȝtris han do fornycacioun, þei
make alſo þi ſones to do fornicacioun in to her goddis.
CAP. XXXIIII xvii Þou ſchalt not make to þee ȝotun goddis.
i And aftirward God ſeide, Hewe to þee twey tablis of xviii Þou ſchalt kepe þe ſolempynyte of þerf looues;
ſtoon at þe licneſſe of þe formere, and Y ſchal write on ſeuene daies þou ſchalt ete þerf looues, as Y
þo tablis þilke wordis, whiche þe tablis, þat þou `haſt comaundide to þee, in þe time of þe moneþe of newe
broke, hadden. fruytis; for in þe moneþe of veer tyme þou ȝediſt out of
ii Be þou redi in þe morewtid, þat þou ſtie anoon in to Egipt.
þe hil of Synai; and þou ſchalt ſtonde wiþ me on þe cop xix Al þing of male kynde þat openeþ þe wombe ſchal
of þe hil; be myn, of alle lyuynge beeſtis, as wel of oxun, as of
iii no man ſtie wiþ þee, neþer ony man be ſeyn bi al þe ſcheep, it ſchal be myn.
hil, and oxun and ſcheep be not fed aȝens `þe hil. xx Þou ſchalt aȝenbie wiþ a ſcheep þe firſte gendrid of
iiii Þerfor Moiſes hewide twey tablis of ſtoon, whiche an aſſe, ellis if þou ȝyueſt not prijs þerfor, it ſchal be
manere tablis weren bifore, and he roos bi nyȝt, and ſlayn. Þou ſchalt aȝenbie þe firſte gendrid of þi ſones;
ſtiede in to þe hil of Synay, as þe Lord comaundide to neþer þou ſchalt appere voide in my ſiȝt.
hym; and he bar wiþ hym þe tablis. xxi Sixe daies þou ſchalt worche, þe ſeuenþe day þou
v And whanne þe Lord hadde come doun bi a cloude, ſchalt ceeſſe to ere and repe.
Moiſes ſtood wiþ hym, and clepide inwardli `þe name xxii Þou ſchalt make to þee þe ſolempnyte of woukis in
of þe Lord; þe firſte þingis of fruytis of þi ripe corn of wheete, and
vi and whanne þe Lord paſſide bifore hym, he ſeide, þe ſolempnyte, whanne alle þingis ben gadrid in to
Lordſchipere, Lord God, mercyful, and pitouſe, pacient, bernes, whanne þe tyme `of ȝeer comeþ aȝen.
and of myche merſiful doyng, and ſoþefaſt, xxiii Ech male kynde of þee ſchal appere in þre tymes of
vii which kepiſt couenaunt and mercy in to `a þouſande, þe ȝeer in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord Almyȝti, þi God of Iſrael.
which doiſt awey wickidneſſe, and treſpaſſis, and xxiiii For whanne Y ſchal take awei folkis fro þi face,
ſynnes, and noon bi hym ſilf is innocent anentis þee, and Y ſchal alarge þi termes, noon ſchal ſette treſouns to
which ȝeldiſt þe wickidneſſe of fadris to ſones and to þi lond, while þou ſtieſt and apperiſt in þe ſiȝt of þi Lord
ſones of ſones, into þe þridde and fourþe generacioun. God, þries in þe ȝeer.
viii And haſtili Moiſes was bowid low `in to erþe, and xxv Þou ſchalt not offre on ſour dow þe blood of my
worſchipide, ſacrifice, neþir ony þing of þe ſlayn ſacrifice of þe
ix and ſeide, Lord, if Y haue founde grace in þi ſiȝt, Y ſolempnyte of faſe ſchal abide in þe morewtid.
biſeche þat þou go wiþ vs, for þe puple is of hard nol, xxvi Þou ſchalt offre in þe hows of þi Lord God þe firſte
and þat þou do awey oure wickidneſſes and ſynnes, and of þe fruytis of þi lond. Þou ſchalt not ſeþe a kide in þe
welde vs. mylk of his modir.
x Þe Lord anſweride, Y ſchal make couenaunt, and in xxvii And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Write þou þeſe
ſiȝt of alle men Y ſchal make ſignes, þat weren neuer wordis, bi whiche Y ſmoot a boond of pees, boþe wiþ
ſeyn on erþe, neþer in ony folkis, þat þis puple, in whos þee and wiþ Iſrael.
myddis þou art, ſe þe ferdful werk of þe Lord, which Y xxviii Þerfor Moiſes was þere wiþ þe Lord bi fourti daies
ſchal make. and bi fourti nyȝtis, he eet not breed, and drank not
xi Kepe þou alle þingis, whiche Y comaundide to þee to
watir; and he wroot in tablys ten wordis of þe boond of
dai; I my ſilf ſchal caſte out bifor þi face Amorrey, and pees.
Cananey, and Ethei, and Ferezei, and Euey, and Jebuſei.

xxix And whanne Moiſes cam doun fro þe hil of Synai, xiiii þe candilſtike to ſuſteyne liȝtis, þe veſſelis, and
he helde twei tablis of witneſſyng, and he wiſte not þat lanternes þerof, and oile to þe nurſchyngis of fyris; þe
his face was horned of þe felouſchipe of Goddis word. auter of encenſe, and þe barris;
xxx Forſoþe Aaron and þe ſones of Iſrael ſien Moiſes xv þe oile of anoyntyng, and encenſe of ſwete ſmellynge
face horned, ſpiceries; þe tente at þe dore of þe tabernacle;
xxxi and þei dredden to neiȝe niȝ, and þei weren clepid xvi þe auter of brent ſacrifice, and his braſun gridele,
of hym, `and þei turneden aȝen, as wel Aaron as þe wiþ hiſe barris, and veſſels; þe `greet waiſchyng veſſel,
princis of þe ſynagoge; and after þat Moiſes ſpak, þei and `his foundement;
camen to hym, xvii þe curteyns of þe large ſtreet, wiþ pileris and
xxxii ȝhe alle þe ſones of Iſrael; to whiche Moiſes foundementis; þe tente in þe doris of þe porche;
comaundide alle þingis, whiche he hadde herd of þe xviii þe ſtakis of þe tabernacle and of þe large ſtreet, wiþ
Lord in þe hil of Synai. her coordis;
xxxiii And whanne þe wordis weren fillid, he puttide a xix þe cloþis, whoſe vſs is in `þe ſeruyce of ſeyntuarie;
veil on his face; þe cloþis of Aaron biſchop, and of hiſe ſones, þat þei be
xxxiiii and he entride to þe Lord, and ſpak wiþ hym, and ſet in preeſthod to me.
dide awey þat veil, til he ȝede out; and þanne he ſpak to xx And al þe multitude of þe ſones of Iſrael ȝede out of
þe ſones of Iſrael alle þingis, þat weren comaundid to `þe ſiȝt of Moiſes,
hym; xxi and offride wiþ mooſt redi ſoule and deuout þe firſte
xxxv whiche ſien þat þe face of Moyſes goynge out was
þingis to þe Lord, to make þe werk of þe tabernacle of
horned, but eft he hilide his face, if ony tyme he ſpak to witneſſyng, what euer was nedeful to þe ournyng, and
hem. to hooli cloþis.
xxii Men and wymmen ȝauen bies of þe armes, and
CAP. XXXV eeryngis, ryngis, and ournementis of `þe arm niȝ þe
i Þerfor whanne al þe cumpanye of þe ſones of Iſrael
hond; ech goldun veſſel was departid in to þe ȝiftis of þe
was gaderid, Moiſes ſeide to hem, Þeſe þingis it ben, Lord.
whiche þe Lord comaundide to be doon. xxiii If ony man hadde iacynt, and purpur, and `reed ſelk
ii Sixe daies ȝe ſchulen do werk, þe ſeuenþe dai ſchal be
twies died, bijs, and þe heeris of geet, ſkynnes of
hooli to ȝou, þe ſabat and reſte of þe Lord; he þat doiþ rammes maad reed, and of iacynt,
werk in þe ſabat ſchal be ſlayn. xxiiii metals of ſiluer, and of bras, þei offeryden to þe
iii Ȝe ſchulen not kyndle fier in alle ȝoure dwellyng
Lord, and trees of Sechym in to dyuerſe vſis.
places bi þe `dai of ſabat. xxv But alſo wymmen tauȝt ȝauen þo þingis, whiche þei
iiii And Moiſes ſeide to al þe cumpeny of þe ſones of
hadden ſpunne, iacynt, purpur, and vermyloun,
Iſrael, Þis is þe word which þe Lord comaundide, and xxvi and bijs, and þe heeris of geet; and ȝauen alle þingis
ſeide, by her owne fre wille.
v Departe ȝe at ȝou þe firſte fruytis to þe Lord; ech xxvii Forſoþe princes offeriden ſtoonys of onychyn and
wilful man and of redi wille offre þo to þe Lord, gold, iemmes, to þe `cloþ on þe ſchuldris, and to þe racional,
and ſiluer, and bras, and ſwete ſmellynge ſpiceries,
vi and iacynct, and purpur, and reed ſelk twies died, and xxviii and oyle to þe liȝtis to be ordeyned, and to make
bijs, heeris of geet, redi oynement, and to make þe encenſe of ſwettiſt
vii and ſkynnys of rammes maad reed, and of iacynt,
viii trees of Sechym, and oile to liȝtis to be ordeyned, xxix Alle men and wymmen offeriden ȝiftis wiþ deuout
and þat þe oynement be maad, and encenſe mooſt ſwete, ſoule, þat þe werkis ſchulden be maad, whiche þe Lord
ix ſtoonus of onochyn and gemmes, to þe ournyng of þe comaundide bi þe hond of Moyſes; alle þe ſones of
`cloþ on þe ſchuldris, and of þe racional. Iſrael halewiden wilful þingis to þe Lord.
x Who euer of ȝou is wijs, come he, and make þat, þat xxx And Moiſes ſeide to þe ſones of Iſrael, Lo! þe Lord
þe Lord comaundide, haþ clepid Beſeleel bi name, þe ſone of Hury, ſone of
xi þat is, þe tabernacle, and þe roof þerof, and þe hilyng; Hur, of þe lynage of Juda;
ryngis, and bildyngis of tablis, wiþ barris, ſtakis, and xxxi and þe Lord haþ fillid hym wiþ þe ſpirit of God, of
foundementis; wiſdom, and of vndurſtondyng, and of kunnyng, and
xii þe arke, and barris; þe propiciatorie, and þe veil, wiþ al doctryn,
which is hangid byfore it; xxxii to fynde out and to make werk in gold, and ſiluer,
xiii þe bord wiþ barris, and veſſelis, and wiþ looues of and bras, and in ſtoonys to be grauun,
ſettyng forþ;

xxxiii andin werk of carpentrie; what euer þing may be xvii And he made fifti handlis in þe hemme of o ſay, and
foundun craftili, þe Lord ȝaf in his herte; and þe Lord fifti in þe hemme of þe toþer ſay, þat þo ſchulden be
clepide Ooliab, þe ſone of Achymaſech, of þe lynage of ioyned to hem ſilf to gidere; and he made fifti bokelis of
Dan; þe Lord tauȝte boþe `wiþ wiſdom, þat þei make þe bras bi whiche
werkis of carpenter, of ſteynour, and of broiderere, of xviii þe roof was faſtned to gidere, þat oon hilyng were
iacynt, and purpur, and of `reed ſelk, and of bijs, and þat maad of alle þe ſaies.
þei make alle þingis, and fynde alle newe þingis. xix He made alſo an hilyng of þe tabernacle of þe
ſkynnes of rammes maad reed, and anoþer veil aboue of
CAP. XXXVI ſkynnes of iacynt.
i Þerfor Beſeleel, and Ooliab, and ech wijs man, to xx He made alſo ſtondynge tablis of þe tabernacle of þe
whiche þe Lord ȝaf wiſdom and vndurſtondyng, þat þei trees of Sechym;
kouden worche crafteli, maden þingis þat weren nedeful xxi þe lengþe of o table was of ten cubitis, and þe breede
in to vſis of ſeyntuarie, and whiche þe Lord comaundide helde o cubit and an half.
to be maad. xxii Twey dentyngis weren bi ech table, þat þe oon
ii And whanne Moiſes hadde clepid hem, and ech lerned
ſchulde be ioyned to þe toþer; ſo he made in al þe tablis
man, to whom þe Lord hadde ȝoue wiſdom and of þe tabernacle.
kunnyng, and whiche profriden hem bi her wille to xxiii Of whiche tablis twenti weren at þe mydday cooſt
make werk,
iii he bitook to hem alle þe ȝiftis of þe ſones of Iſrael. aȝens þe ſouþ,
xxiiii wiþ fourti foundementis of ſiluer; twey
And whanne þei weren biſi in þe werk ech dai, þe puple
foundementis weren ſet vndur o table on euer eiþer ſide
offride auowis eerli.
iiii Wherfor þe werkmen weren compellid to come, of þe corneris, where þe dentyngis of þe ſidis weren
endid in þe corneris.
v and þei ſeiden to Moiſes, Þe puple offriþ more þan is
xxv And at þe cooſt of þe tabernacle þat biholdiþ to þe
nedeful. norþ he made twenti tablis,
vi Þerfor Moiſes comaundide to be cried bi þe vois of a
xxvi wiþ fourti foundementis of ſiluer, twei
criere, Neþer man neþer womman offre more ony þing foundementis bi ech table.
in þe werk of ſeyntuarie; and ſo it was ceeſſid fro ȝiftis xxvii Forſoþe aȝens þe weſt he made ſixe tablis,
to be offrid, for þe þingis offrid ſufficiden, xxviii and tweyne oþere tablis bi ech corner of þe
vii and weren ouer abundant.
viii And alle wiſe men in herte to fille þe werk of þe tabernacle bihinde,
xxix whiche weren ioyned fro byneþe til to aboue, and
tabernacle maden ten curteyns of bijs foldid aȝen, and
weren borun in to o ioynyng to gidere; ſo he made on
of iacynct, and purpur, and of reed ſelk twies died, bi
euer eiþer part bi þe corneris,
dyuerſe werk, and bi þe craft of many colouris. xxx þat þo weren eiȝte tablis to gidere, and hadden
ix Of whiche curteyns oon hadde in lengþe eiȝte and
ſixtene foundementis of ſiluer, þat is, twei foundementis
twenti cubitis, and foure cubitis in breede; o meſure was
vndur ech table.
of alle curteyns. xxxi He made alſo barris of þe trees of Sechym, fyue
x And he ioynede fyue curteyns oon to anoþir, and he
barris to holde to gidere þe tablis of o ſide of þe
couplide oþere fyue to hem ſilf to gidere;
xi and he made handlis of iacynt in þe hemme of o tabernacle,
xxxii and fyue oþere barris to ſchappe to gidere þe tablis
curteyn on euer eiþer ſide,
xii and in lijk maner in þe hemme of þe toþer curteyn, of þe toþer ſide; and wiþout þeſe, he made fyue oþere
barris at þe weſt cooſt of þe tabernacle aȝens þe ſee.
þat þe handlis ſchulen comen to gidere aȝens hem ſilf, xxxiii He made alſo anoþer barre, þat ſchulde come bi þe
and ſchulen be ioyned togider;
xiii wherfor he ȝettide alſo fifti goldun ſerclis, þat myddil tables fro corner til to corner.
xxxiiii Forſoþe he ouergildide þo wallis of tablis, and
ſchulen `bite þe handlis of curteyns; and o tabernacle
ȝetide þe ſiluerne foundementis `of þo, and he made þe
was maad.
xiiii `He made alſo enleuene ſaies of þe heeris of geet, to goldun ſerclis `of þo, bi whiche þe barris myȝten be
brouȝt in, and be hilide þe ſame barris wiþ goldun
hile þe roof of þe tabernacle; platis.
xv o ſaie hadde þretti cubitis in lengþe, foure cubitis in
xxxv He made alſo a veil dyuerſe and departid, of iacynt,
breede; alle þe ſaies weren of o meſure; and purpur, and reed ſelk, and bijs foldid aȝen bi werk
xvi of whiche ſaies he ioynede fyue bi hem ſilf, and ſixe
of broiderie.
oþere bi hem ſilf.

xxxvi He made alſo foure pileris of `þe trees of Sechym, of pure gold, in whiche þe fletynge ſacrifices ſchulen be
whyche pileris wiþ þe heedis he ouergildide, and ȝetide offrid.
þe ſiluerne foundementis `of þo. xvii And he made a candilſtike, betun out wiþ hamer, of
xxxvii He made alſo in þe entryng of þe tabernacle a tent clenneſte gold, of whos barre ȝerdis, cuppis, and litle
of iacynt, and purpur, and reed ſelk `and bijs foldid aȝen rundelis and lilies camen forþ;
bi þe werk of a broydreie. xviii ſixe in euer eiþir ſide, þre ȝerdis on o ſide, and þre
xxxviii And he made fyue pileris wiþ her heedis, whiche on þe toþer ſide; þre cuppis in þe maner of a note bi ech
he hilide wiþ gold, and he ȝetide þe braſun ȝerde, and litle rundels to gidere, and lilies;
foundementis `of þo, whiche he hilide wiþ gold. xix and þre cuppis at þe licneſſe of a note in þe toþer
ȝerde, and litle rundels to gidere, and lilies; forſoþe þe
CAP. XXXVII werk of ſixe ſchaftis, þat camen forþ of þe `ſtok of þe
i Forſoþe Beſeleel made alſo an arke of þe trees of candilſtike, was euene.
Sechym, hauynge twey cubitis and an half in lengþe, xx Soþeli in þat barre weren foure cuppis, in þe maner
and a cubit and an half in breede; forſoþe þe hiȝneſſe of a note, and litle rundels and lilies weren bi alle
was of o cubit and an half; and he cloþide þe arke wiþ cuppis;
pureſt gold, wiþ ynne and wiþout forþ. xxi and litle rundels vndur twei ſchaftis, bi þre placis,
ii And he made to it a goldun coroun `bi cumpas, whiche to gidre be maad ſixe ſchaftis comynge forþ of o
iii and ȝetide foure goldun ryngis, bi foure corneris barre;
þerof, twey ryngis in o ſide, and twei ryngis in þe toþer xxii þerfor and þe litle rundels, and ſchaftis þerof, weren
ſide. alle betun out wiþ hamer, of pureſte gold.
iiii And he made barris of þe trees of Sechym, whiche xxiii He made alſo ſeuene lanternes, wiþ her `ſnytyng
barris he cloþide wiþ gold, tongis, and þe veſſels where `þo þingis, þat ben ſnytid
v and whiche barris he putte into þe ryngis þat weren in out, ben quenchid, of clenneſt gold.
þe ſidis of þe arke, to bere it. xxiiii Þe candilſtike wiþ alle his veſſels weiȝede a talent
vi He made alſo a propiciatorie, þat is, Goddis of gold.
anſweryng place, of pureſte gold, of twei cubitis and an xxv He made alſo þe auter of encenſe, of trees of
half in lengþe, and of o cubit and an half in breede. Sechym, hauynge a cubit bi ſquare, and twei cubitis in
vii Alſo he made twei cherubyns of gold, betun out wiþ heiȝþe, of whos corneris camen forþ hornes.
hamer, whiche he ſettide on euer eiþir ſide of þe xxvi And he cloþide it wiþ clenneſte gold, and þe
propiciatorie, gridele, and wallis, and hornes;
viii o cherub in þe hiȝneſſe of o part, and þe toþer cherub xxvii and he made to it a litil goldun coroun bi cumpas,
in þe hiȝneſſe of þe toþir part; twei cherubyns, oon in and twei goldun ryngis vndur þe coroun, bi ech ſyde,
ech hiȝneſſe of þe propiciatorie, ſtretchynge out þe þat barris be put in to þo, and þe auter mow be borun.
wengis, xxviii Forſoþe he made þo barris of þe trees of Sechym,
ix and hilynge þe propiciatorie, and biholdynge hem ſilf and hilide wiþ goldun platis.
togidere and þat. xxix He made alſo oile to þe oynement of halewyng, and
x He made alſo a boord of `þe trees of Sechym, in þe encenſe of ſwete ſmellynge ſpiceries, mooſt clene, bi þe
lengþe of twey cubitis, and in þe breede of o cubit, werk of `a makere of oynement.
whiche boord hadde `a cubit and an half in heiȝþe.
xi And he cumpaſide þe boord wiþ clenneſte gold, and CAP. XXXVIII
made to it a goldun brynke bi cumpas; i He made alſo þe auter of brent ſacrifice of þe trees of
xii and he made to þat brynke a goldun coroun, raſid Sechym, of fyue cubitis bi ſquare, and of þre cubitis in
bitwixe of foure fyngris; and on þe ſame coroun he heiȝþe;
made anoþir goldun coroun. ii whoſe hornes camen forþ of þe corneris, and he hilide
xiii Alſo he ȝetide foure goldun ſerclis whiche he ſettide it wiþ platis of bras.
in foure corneris, iii And in to vſis þerof he made redi of bras dyuerſe
xiiii bi alle þe feet of þe boord aȝens þe coroun, and he veſſels, caudruns, tongis, fleiſchhokis, hokis, and
puttide barris in to þe ſerclis, þat þe `boord may be `reſſeittis of firis.
borun. iiii He made alſo þe braſun gridile þerof, `bi þe maner of
xv And he made þo barris of þe trees of Sechym, and a net, and a `panne for colis vndur it, in þe myddis of þe
cumpaſſide þo wiþ gold. auter.
xvi And he made veſſelis to dyuerſe vſis of þe boord, v And he ȝetide foure ryngis, by ſo many endis of þe

veſſels of vynegre, violis, and litle cuppis, and cenſeris gridile, to putte in þe barris to bere;

vi and he made þo ſame barris of þe trees of Sechym, xxiiii Alþe gold þat was ſpendid in þe werk of
and hilide wiþ platis of bras. ſeyntuarie, and þat was offrid in ȝiftis, was of `nyne and
vii And ledde in to þe ſerclis þat ſtonden forþ in þe ſidis twenti talentis, and of ſeuene hundrid and þretti ſiclis, at
of þe auter. Forſoþe þilke auter was not ſad, but holowe þe meſure of ſeyntuarie.
of þe bildyngis of tablis, and voide wiþ ynne. xxv Forſoþe it was offrid of hem þat paſſiden to noumbre
viii He made alſo a `greet waiſchyng veſſel of bras, wiþ fro twenti ȝeer and aboue, of ſixe hundrid and þre
his foundement, of þe myrours of wymmen þat wakiden þouſand, and fyue hundrid and fifty of armed men.
in þe `greet ſtreet of þe tabernacle. xxvi Ferþermore, an hundrid talentis of ſiluer weren, of
ix And he made þe greet ſtreet, in whoſe ſouþ cooſt whiche þe foundementis of þe ſeyntuarie weren ȝotun
weren tentis of bijs foldid aȝen, of an hundrid cubitis, togidere, and of þe entryng, where þe veil hangiþ;
twenti braſun pilers wiþ her foundementis, xxvii an hundrid foundementis weren maad of an
x þe heedis of pilers, and al þe grauyng of þe werk, hundrid talentis, and for ech foundement was ordeyned
weren of ſiluer; o talent.
xi euenli at þe norþ cooſt þe tentis, pilers, and xxviii Forſoþe of a þouſynde ſeuene hundrid and `þre

foundementis and heedis of pilers, weren of þe ſame ſcoor and fiftene ſiclis he made þe heedis of pilers, and
meſure, and werk, and metal. he `cloþide þo ſame pilers wiþ ſiluer.
xii Forſoþe in þat cooſt þat biholdiþ þe weſt weren tentis xxix Alſo of bras weren offrid `þre ſcoor and twelue

of fyfty cubitis, ten braſun pilers wiþ her foundementis, þouſynde talentis, and foure hundrid ſiclis ouer.
and þe `heedis of pilers, and al þe grauyng of werk, xxx Of whiche þe foundementis in þe entryng of þe
weren of ſiluer. tabernacle of witneſſyng weren ȝotun, and þe braſun
xiii Soþeli aȝens þe eeſt he made redi tentis of fifti auter, wiþ his gridele, and al þe veſſels þat perteynen to
cubitis, þe vſs þerof,
xiiii of whiche tentis o ſide helde fiftene cubitis of þre xxxi and þe foundementis of þe greet ſtreet, as wel in þe

pilers wiþ her foundementis; and in þe toþer ſide, cumpas, as in þe entryng þerof, and þe ſtakis of þe
xv for he made þe entryng of þe tabernacle bitwixe euer tabernacle, and of þe greet ſtreet bi cumpas.
eiþer, weren tentis euenli of fiftene cubitis, þre pilers,
and ſo many foundementis. CAP. XXXIX
xvi Bijs foldid aȝen hilide alle þe tentis of þe greet ſtreet. i Forſoþe of iacynt, and purpur, vermyloun, and bijs, he
xvii Þe foundementis of pilers weren of bras; forſoþe þe made cloþis, in whiche Aaron was cloþid, whanne he
heedis of þo pilers, wiþ alle her grauyngis, weren of mynyſtride in hooli þingis, as þe Lord comaundide to
ſiluer; but alſo he cloþide wiþ ſiluer þo pilers of þe greet Moiſes.
ii Þerfor he made þe `cloþ on þe ſchuldris of gold,
xviii And in þe entryng þerof he made a tente, bi `werk iacynt, and purpur, and of reed ſelk twies died,
iii and of bijs foldid aȝen, bi werk of broiderie; alſo he
of broiderie, of iacynt, purpur, vermyloun, and of bijs
foldid aȝen, which tente hadde twenti cubitis in lengþe, kittide þinne goldun platis, and made þinne in to
and þe heiȝþe was of fyue cubitis, bi þe meſure which þreedis, þat þo moun be foldid aȝen, wiþ þe warp of þe
alle þe tentis of þe greet ſtreet hadden. formere colouris;
xix Forſoþe þe pylers in þe entryng weren foure, wiþ iiii and he made tweyne hemmes couplid to hem ſilf to

braſun foundementis, and þe heedis of þo pilers and gidere, in euer eiþer ſide of þe endis; and `he made a
grauyngis weren of ſiluer; girdil of þe ſame colouris,
xx and he made braſun ſtakis of þe tabernacle, and of þe v as þe Lord comaundide to Moiſes.
vi And he made redi twei `ſtonys of onychyn, boundun
greet ſtreet, bi cumpas.
xxi Þeſe ben þe inſtrumentis of þe tabernacle of and cloſid in gold, and grauun bi þe craft of worchere in
witneſſyng, þat ben noumbrid, bi þe comaundement of iemmys, wiþ þe names of þe ſones of Iſrael; ſixe names
Moiſes, in þe cerymonyes of Leuytis, bi þe hond of in o ſtoon, and ſixe in þe toþer ſtoon, bi þe ordre of her
Ithamar, ſone of Aaron, preeſt. birþe.
xxii Whiche inſtrumentis Beſeleel, ſone of Huri, ſone of vii And he ſettide þo ſtoonus in þe ſidis of þe `clooþ on

Hur, of þe lynage of Juda, fillide; for þe Lord þe ſchuldris, in to a memorial of þe ſones of Iſrael, as þe
comaundide bi Moiſes, Lord comaundide to Moiſes.
xxiii while Ooliab, ſone of Achyſameth, of þe lynage of viii He made alſo þe racional, `by werk of broiderie, bi

Dan, was ioyned felowe to hym, and he hym ſilf was a þe werk of þe `cloþ on þe ſchuldris, of gold, iacynt,
noble crafti man of trees, and a tapeſere and a broderere purpur, and reed ſelk twies died, and of biis foldid aȝen;
of iacynt, purpur, vermyloun and bijs. he made þe racional foure cornerid,

ix double, of þe meſure of foure fyngris. xxxii And þei offeriden þe tabernacle, and þe roof, and al
x And ſettide þereynne foure ordris of iemmes; in þe þe purtenaunce, ryngis, tablis, barris, pileris, and
firſte ordre was ſardius, topazius, ſmaragdus; in þe foundementis;
ſecounde was carbuncle, xxxiii þe hilyng of `ſkynnes of rammes, maad reed, and
xi ſafir, iaſpis; anoþer hilyng of ſkynnys of iacynt;
xii in þe þridde ordre was ligurie, achates, ametiſte; xxxiiii þe veil, þe arke, barris, propiciatorie;
xiii in þe fourþe ordre was criſolite, onochyn, and xxxv þe boord wiþ veſſels, and wiþ þe looues of ſettyng

berille, cumpaſſid and encloſid wiþ gold, bi her ordris. forþ;

xiiii And þo twelue ſtonys weren grauyn wiþ twelue xxxvi þe candilſtike, lanternes, and þe purtenauncis of

names, of þe lynage of Iſrael, alle ſtonys bi hem ſilf, bi þo, wiþ oile;
þe names of alle lynagis bi hem ſilf. xxxvii þe goldun auter, and oynement, and encenſe of
xv Þei maden alſo in þe racional litle chaynes, cleuynge ſwete ſmellynge ſpiceries;
to hem ſilf togidre, xxxviii and þe tente in þe entryng of þe tabernacle;
xvi of pureſte gold, and tweyne hokys, and ſo many xxxix þe braſun auter, gridile, barris, and alle veſſels
ryngis of gold. Forſoþe þei ſettiden þe ryngis on euer þerof; þe `greet waiſchyng veſſel, wiþ his foundement;
eiþer ſide of þe racional, þe tentis of þe greet ſtreet, and þe pilers wiþ her
xvii of whiche ryngis twei goldun chaynes hangiden, foundementis;
whiche þei ſettiden in þe hokis, þat ſtonden forþ in þe xl þe tente in þe entring of þe greet ſtreet, and þe
corneris of þe `cloþ on þe ſchuldris. coordis, and ſtakis þerof. No þing of þe veſſels failide,
xviii Þeſe acordiden ſo to hem ſilf, boþe bifore and þat weren comaundid to be maad in to þe ſeruyce of þe
bihynde, þat þe `cloþ on þe ſchuldris, and þe racional, tabernacle, and in to þe roof of þe boond of pees.
xix weren knyt togidere, faſtned to þe girdil, and couplid xli Alſo þe ſones of Iſrael offriden þe cloþis whiche þe

ful ſtrongli wiþ ryngis, whiche ryngis a lace of iacynt preſtis, þat is, Aaron and hiſe ſones, vſen in þe
ioynede togidere, leſt þo weren looſe, and `fletiden ſeyntuarie,
doun, and weren moued ech from oþer, as þe Lord xlii as þe Lord comaundide.
comaundide to Moiſes. xliii And aftir þat Moiſes ſiȝ alle þo þingis fillid, he
xx Þei maden alſo `a coote on þe ſchuldris, al of iacynt; bleſſide hem.
xxi and þe hood in þe hiȝere part, aboute þe myddis, and
a wouun hemme, bi þe cumpas of þe hood; CAP. XL
xxii forſoþe byneþe at þe feet piyn applis of iacynt, and i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, `and ſeide,

purpur, and vermyloun, and biys foldid aȝen; ii In þe firſte moneþe, in þe firſte dai of þe moneþe, þou
xxiii and litle bellis of pureſte gold, whiche þei ſettiden ſchalt reiſe þe tabernacle of witneſſyng.
bitwixe pum garnadis, in þe `loweſt part of þe coote, bi iii And þou ſchalt ſette þe arke þerynne, and þou ſchalt
cumpas; leeue a veil bifore it.
xxiiii a goldun litle belle, and a piyn apple; wiþ whiche iiii And whanne þe bord is borun yn, þou ſchalt ſette þer
þe biſchop ȝede ourned, whanne he `was ſet in ſeruyce, onne þo þingis, þat ben comaundid iuſtli. Þe candilſtike
as þe Lord comaundide to Moiſes. ſchal ſtonde wiþ hiſe lanternes,
xxv Þei maden alſo cootis of bijs, bi wouun werk, to v and þe goldun auter, where ynne encenſe is brent bifor
Aaron and to hiſe ſones, þe arke of witneſſyng. Þou ſchalt ſette a tente in þe
xxvi and mytres wiþ ſmale corouns of biys, entryng of þe tabernacle;
xxvii and lynnun cloþis of bijs; vi and bifor it þe auter of brent ſacrifice,
xxviii forſoþe a girdil of bijs foldid aȝen, of iacynt, vii þe `waiſchyng veſſel bitwixe þe auter and þe

purpur, and vermyloun, departid bi craft of broyderie, tabernacle, which `waiſchyng veſſel þou ſchalt fille wiþ
as þe Lord comaundide to Moiſes. water.
xxix Þei maden alſo a plate of hooli worſchipyng, of viii And þou ſchalt cumpas þe greet ſtreet, and þe

pureſte gold, and þei writeden þerynne bi werk of a entryng þer of wiþ tentis.
worchere in iemmes, Þe hooli of þe Lord. ix And whanne þou haſt take oyle of anoyntyng, þou
xxx And þei bounden it wiþ þe mytre bi a lace of iacynt, ſchalt anoynte þe tabernacle, wiþ hiſe veſſels, þat þo be
as þe Lord comaundide to Moiſes. halewid;
xxxi Þerfor al þe werk of þe tabernacle, and þe hilyng of x þe auter of brent ſacrifice, and alle veſſels þer of; þe

þe witneſſyng, was parformed; and þe ſones of Iſrael `waiſchyng veſſel,

diden alle þingis whiche þe Lord comaundide to

xi wiþ his foundement. Þou ſchalt anoynte alle þingis xxxii a cloude hilide þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, and þe
wiþ þe oile of anoyntyng, þat þo be hooli of hooli glorie of þe Lord fillide it;
þingis. xxxiii neþer Moyſes myȝte entre in to þe tabernacle of þe
xii And þou ſchalt preſent Aaron and hiſe ſones to þe boond of pees, while þe cloude hilide alle þingis, and þe
dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng; maieſte of þe Lord ſchynede, for þe cloude hilide alle
xiii and, whanne þei ben `waiſchid in water, þou ſchalt þingis.
cloþe hem wiþ hooli cloþis, þat þei mynyſtre to me, and xxxiiii If ony tyme þe cloude lefte þe tabernacle, þe ſones
þat þe anoyntyng of hem profite in to euerlaſtynge of Iſrael ȝeden forþ bi her cumpanyes;
preeſthod. xxxv if þe cloude hangide aboue, þei dwelliden in þe
xiiii And Moiſes dide alle þingis whiche þe Lord ſame place;
comaundide. xxxvi for þe cloude of þe Lord reſtide on þe tabernacle bi
xv Þerfor in þe firſte moneþe of þe ſecunde ȝeer, in þe dai, and fier in þe nyȝt, in þe ſiȝt of þe puplis of Iſrael,
firſte dai of þe moneþe, þe tabernacle was ſet. bi alle her dwellyngis.
xvi And Moiſes reiſide it, and ſettide þe tablis, and
Here endiþ Exodi.
foundementis, and barris, and he ordeynede pilers;
xvii and `ſpredde abrood þe roof on þe tabernacle, and
puttide an hilyng aboue, as þe Lord comaundide.
xviii He puttide alſo þe witneſſyng in þe arke, and he
ſettide barris wiþ ynne, and Goddis anſweryng place
xix And whanne he hadde brouȝt þe arke in to þe
tabernacle, he hangide a veil bifor it, þat he ſchulde fille
þe comaundement of þe Lord.
xx He ſettide alſo þe boord in þe tabernacle of
witneſſyng, at þe norþ cooſt, wiþout þe veil,
xxi and he ordeynede þe looues of ſettyng forþ bifore, as
þe Lord comaundide to Moiſes.
xxii He ſettide alſo þe candilſtike in þe tabernacle of
witneſſyng, euene aȝens þe boord,
xxiii in þe ſouþ ſide, and ſettide lanternes bi ordre, bi þe
comaundement of þe Lord.
xxiiii He puttide alſo þe goldun auter vndur þe roof of
xxv aȝens þe veil, and he brente þeronne encenſe of
ſwete ſmellynge ſpiceries, as þe Lord comaundide to
xxvi He ſettide alſo a tente in þe entryng of þe
xxvii and þe auter of brent ſacrifice in þe porche of þe
witneſſyng, and he offride þerynne brent ſacrifice, and
ſacrifices, as þe Lord comaundide.
xxviii Alſo he ordeynede þe `waiſchyng veſſel, bitwixe
þe tabernacle of witneſſyng and þe auter, and fillide it
wiþ watir.
xxix And Moiſes, and Aaron, and his ſones, waiſchiden
her hondis and feet,
xxx whanne þei entriden into þe roof of boond of pees,
and neiȝeden to þe auter, as þe Lord comaundide to
xxxi He reiſide alſo þe greet ſtreet, bi þe cumpas of þe
tabernacle and of þe auter, and ſettyde a tente in þe
entryng þerof. Aftir þat alle þingis weren perfitli maad,

xvii and he ſchal breke þe wyngis þerof, and he ſchal not
LEUYTICI kerue, neþer he ſchal departe it wiþ yrun; and he ſchal
Here bigynneþ Leuytici. brenne it on þe auter, whanne fier is ſet vndur þe trees;
it is a brent ſacrifice, and an offryng of ſwete odour to
CAP. I þe Lord.
i Forſoþe þe Lord clepide Moyſes, and ſpak to him fro
þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, `and ſeide, CAP. II
ii Speke þou to þe ſones of Iſrael, and þou ſchalt ſeie to i Whanne a ſoule offriþ an offryng of ſacrifice to þe

hem, A man of ȝou, þat offriþ to þe Lord a ſacrifice of Lord, flour of wheete ſchal be his offring. And he ſchal
beeſtis, þat is, of oxun and of ſcheep, and offriþ ſlayn ſchede oile þer onne,
ſacrifices, if his offryng is brent ſacrifice, ii and he ſchal putte encenſe, and he ſchal bere to þe
iii and of þe droue of oxun, he ſchal offre a male beeſte ſones of Aaron, preeſt, of whiche ſones oon ſchal take
wiþout wem at þe dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, an handful of `flour of whete, and of oile, and alle þe
to make þe Lord pleſid to hym. encenſe; and he ſchal putte a memorial on þe auter, in to
iiii And he ſchal ſette hondis on þe heed of þe ſacrifice, ſwetteſt odour to þe Lord.
iii Forſoþe þat þat `is reſidue of þe ſacrifice ſchal be
and it ſchal be acceptable, and profityng in to clenſyng
of hym. Aarons and hiſe ſones, þe hooli of hooli þingis of
v And he ſchal offre a calf bifor þe Lord, and þe ſones of offryngis to þe Lord.
iiii Forſoþe whanne þou offriſt a ſacrifice bakun in an
Aaron, preeſtis, ſchulen offre þe blood þer of, and þei
ſchulen ſchede bi þe cumpas of þe auter, which is bifor ouene of whete flour, þat is, loouys wiþout ſour dow,
þe dore of þe tabernacle. ſpreynd wiþ oile, and þerf breed ſodun in watir,
vi And whanne þe ſkyn of þe ſacrifice is drawun awei, bawmed wiþ oile;
v if þin offryng is `of a friyng panne, of wheete flour
þei ſchulen kitte þe membris in to gobetis;
vii and þei ſchulen put vndur in þe auter fier, and þei ſpreynd wiþ oile and wiþout ſour dow,
vi þou ſchalt departe it in ſmale partis, and þou ſchalt
ſchulen make an heep of wode bifore; and þei ſchulen
ordeyne aboue ſchede oile þer onne.
viii `þe trees þo þingis þat ben kit, þat is, þe heed, and vii Ellis if þe ſacrifice is of a gridele, euenli þe whete

alle þingis þat cleuen to þe mawe, flour ſchal be ſpreynd wiþ oile;
ix whanne þe entrailis and feet ben waiſchid wiþ watir; viii which whete flour þou ſchalt offre to þe Lord, and

and þe preeſt ſchal brenne þo on þe auter, in to brent ſchalt bitake in þe hondis of þe preeſt.
ſacrifice, and ſwete odour to þe Lord. ix And whanne he haþ offrid it, he ſchal take a memorial
x Þat if þe offryng is of litle beeſtis, a brent ſacrifice of of þe ſacrifice, and he ſchal brenne it on þe auter, in to
ſcheep, eþir of geet, he ſchal offre a male beeſte wiþ out `odour of ſwetneſſe to þe Lord.
wem, x Soþeli what euer þing `is reſidue, it ſchal be Aarons
xi and he ſchal offre at þe ſide of þe auter þat biholdiþ to and hiſe ſones, þe hooly of hooli þingis of þe offryngis
þe norþ, bifore þe Lord. Soþeli þe ſones of Aaron to þe Lord.
ſchulen ſchede þe blood þerof on þe auter `bi cumpas, xi Ech offryng which is offrid to þe Lord, ſchal be
xii and þei ſchulen departe þe membris, þe heed, and wiþout ſour dow, neþer ony þing of ſour dow, and of
alle þingis þat cleuen to þe mawe, and þei ſchulen putte hony, ſchal be brent in þe ſacrifice of þe Lord.
on þe trees, vndur whiche þe fier ſchal be ſet; xii Ȝe ſchulen offre oneli þe firſte fruytis of þo, and
xiii ſoþeli þei ſchulen waiſche in watir þe entrailis and ȝiftis; ſoþeli þo ſchulen not be put on þe auter, in to
feet; and þe preeſt ſchal brenne alle þingis offrid on þe odour of ſwetneſſe.
auter, in to brent ſacrifice, and ſwetteſt odour to þe xiii Whateuer þing of ſacrifice þou ſchalt offre, þou
Lord. ſchalt make it ſauery wiþ ſalt, neþer þou ſchalt take
xiiii Forſoþe if þe offryng of brent ſacrifice to þe Lord is awey þe ſalt of þe boond of pees of þi God fro þi
of briddis, of turtlis, and of culuer briddis, ſacrifice; in ech offryng þou ſchalt offre ſalt.
xv þe preeſt ſchal offre it at þe auter; and whanne þe xiiii Forſoþe if þou offriſt a ȝifte of þe firſte þingis of þi

heed is wriþun to þe necke, and þe place of þe wounde fruytis to þe Lord, of `eeris of corn ȝit grene, þou ſchalt
is brokun, he ſchal make þe blood renne doun on þe ſeenge þo in fier, and þou ſchalt breke in þe maner of
brenke of þe auter. ſeedis; and ſo þou ſchalt offre þi firſte fruytis to þe Lord,
xvi Soþeli he ſchal caſte forþ þe litil bladdir of þe þrote, xv and þou ſchalt ſchede oyle þeronne, and ſchalt putte

and feþeris biſidis þe auter, at þe eeſt cooſt, in þe place encenſe, for it is þe offryng of þe Lord.
in which þe aiſchis ben wont to be ſched out;

xvi Of which þe preeſt ſchal brenne, in to mynde of þe xvii byeuerlaſtynge riȝt in generaciouns, and in alle
ȝifte, a part of þe `ſeedis brokun, and of oyle, and al þe ȝoure dwellyng placis, neþer in ony maner ȝe ſchulen
encenſe. ete blood, neþir fatneſſe.


i Þat if his offryng is a ſacrifice of peſible þingis, and he i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide, Speke þou to
wole offre of oxun, he ſchal offre bifore þe Lord a male, þe ſones of Iſrael,
eþer a female, wiþout wem. ii Whanne a ſoule haþ do ſynne bi ignoraunce, and haþ
ii And he ſchal ſette hond on þe heed of his ſacrifice, þat do ony þing of alle comaundementis `of þe Lord,
ſchal be offrid in þe entryng of þe tabernacle; and þe whiche he comaundide þat þo ſchulen not be don; if a
ſones of Aaron preeſt ſchulen ſchede þe blood bi þe preeſt which is anoyntid,
cumpas of þe auter. iii haþ do ſynne, makynge þe puple to treſpaſſe, he ſchal
iii And þei ſchulen offre of þe ſacrifice of peſible þingis offre for his ſynne a calf wiþout wem to þe Lord.
in to offryng to þe Lord, þe fatneſſe þat hiliþ þe iiii And he ſchal brynge it to þe dore of þe tabernacle of
entrailis, and what euer þing of fatneſſe is wiþ ynne; witneſſyng, bifor þe Lord, and he ſchal ſette hond on þe
iiii þei ſchulen offre twey kydeneris, wiþ þe fatneſſe bi heed þerof, and he ſchal offre it to þe Lord.
which þe guttis clepid ylyon ben hilid, and þe calle of v And he ſchal take vp of þe blood `of þe calf, and ſchal
þe lyuer wiþ þe litle reynes. brynge it in to þe tabernacle of witneſſyng.
v And þei ſchulen brenne þo on þe auter, in to brent vi And whanne he haþ dippid þe fyngir in to þe blood,
ſacrifice, whanne fier is put vndur þe trees, in to offryng he ſchal ſprenge it ſeuen ſiþis bifor þe Lord, aȝens þe
of ſwetteſt odour to þe Lord. veil of þe ſeyntuarie.
vi Soþeli if his offryng is of ſcheep, and a ſacrifice of vii And he ſchal putte of þe ſame blood on þe corners of
peſible þingis, wheþer he offriþ a male eþer a female, þe auter of encenſe mooſt acceptable to þe Lord, which
þo ſchulen be wiþout wem. auter is in þe tabernacle of witneſſyng; ſoþeli he ſchal
vii If he offriþ a lombe bifor þe Lord, ſchede al þe `toþer blood in to þe foundement of þe
viii he ſchal ſette his hond on þe heed of his ſacrifice, þat auter of brent ſacrifice in þe entryng of þe tabernacle.
ſchal be offrid in þe porche of þe tabernacle of viii And he ſchal offre for ſynne þe ynnere fatneſſe of þe
witneſſyng; and þe ſones of Aaron ſchulen ſchede þe calf, as well it þat hiliþ þe entrails, as alle þingis þat ben
blood þerof bi `þe cumpas of þe auter. wiþ ynne,
ix And þei ſchulen offre of þe ſacrifice of peſible þingis ix twei litle reynes, and þe calle, which is on þo biſidis
a ſacrifice to þe Lord, þe innere fatneſſe, ilion, and þe fatneſſe of þe mawe,
x and al þe tail wiþ þe reynes, and þe fatneſſe þat hiliþ x wiþ þe litle reines, as it is offrid of þe calf of þe
þe wombe, and alle þe entrailis, and euer eiþir litil ſacrifice of peſible þingis; and he ſchal brenne þo on þe
reyne, wiþ þe fatneſſe which is biſidis þe `guttis clepid auter of brent ſacrifice.
ylion, and þe calle of þe mawe, wiþ þe litle reynes. xi Soþeli he ſchal bere out of þe caſtels þe ſkyn, and alle
xi And þe preeſt ſchal brenne þo on þe auter, in to þe þe fleiſchis, wiþ þe heed, and feet, and entrails,
fedyng of fier, and of þe offryng to þe Lord. xii and dung, and þe `reſidue bodi in to a clene place,
xii If his offryng is a geet, and he offriþ it to þe Lord, where aiſchis ben wont to be ſched out; and he ſchal
xiii he ſchal ſette his hond on þe heed þerof, and he ſchal brenne þo on þe heep of trees, whiche ſchulen be brent
offre it in to þe entryng of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng; in þe place of aiſchis ſched out.
and þe ſones of Aaron ſchulen ſchede þe blood þerof bi xiii Þat if al þe cumpeny of þe ſones of Iſrael knowiþ
þe cumpas of þe auter. not, and doiþ by vnkunnyng þat þat is aȝens þe
xiiii And þei ſchulen take þerof, in to `þe fedyng of þe comaundement of þe Lord,
Lordis fier, þe fatneſſe þat hiliþ þe wombe, and þat hiliþ xiiii and aftirward vndirſtondiþ his ſynne, it ſchal offre a
alle þe entrailis, calf for ſynne, and it ſchal brynge þe calf to þe dore of
xv and twei litle reynes wiþ þe calle which is on þo þe tabernacle.
biſidis ilion, and þe fatneſſe of þe mawe, wiþ þe entrails xv And þe eldere men of þe puple ſchulen ſette hondis
þat cleuen to þe litle reynes. on þe heed þerof bifor þe Lord; and whanne þe calf is
xvi And þe preeſt ſchal brenne þo on þe auter, in to þe offrid in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord,
fedyng of fier, and of ſwetteſt odour; al þe fatneſſe ſchal xvi þe preeſt which is anoyntid ſchal bere ynne of his
be þe Lordis, blood in to þe tabernacle of witneſſyng;
xvii and whanne þe fyngur `is dippid, he ſchal ſprenge
ſeuen ſiþis aȝens þe veil.

xviii And he ſchal putte of þe ſame blood in þe hornes of brent ſacrifice, and he ſchal ſchede þe reſidue at þe
þe auter, which is bifor þe Lord in þe tabernacle of foundement þerof.
witneſſyng; ſoþeli he ſchal ſchede þe `reſidue blood xxxv And he ſchal do awey al þe ynnere fatneſſe as þe
biſidis þe foundement of þe auter of brent ſacrifice, innere fatneſſe of þe ram which is offrid for peſible
which is in þe dore of tabernacle of witneſſyng. þingis, is wont to be don a wei, and he ſchal brenne it
xix And he ſchal take al þe fatneſſe þerof, and ſchal on þe auter of encenſe of þe Lord; and þe preeſt ſchal
brenne it on þe auter; preye for hym, and for his ſynne, and it ſchal be
xx and ſo he ſchal do alſo of þis calf, as he dide alſo forȝouun to hym.
bifor; and whanne þe preſt ſchal preye for hem, þe Lord
ſchal be merciful. CAP. V
xxi Forſoþe he ſchal bere out þilke calf, and ſchal brenne i If a ſoule ſynneþ, and hereþ þe vois of a ſwerere, and is

it, as alſo þe formere calf, for it is for þe ſynne of þe witneſſe, `for eþer he ſiȝ, eþer `is witynge, if he ſchewiþ
multitude. not, he ſchal bere his ſynne.
xxii If þe prince ſynneþ, and doiþ bi ignoraunce o þing ii A perſone þat touchiþ ony vnclene þing, eþer which is

of many, which is forbodun in þe lawe of þe Lord, ſlayn of a beeſte, eþer is deed bi it ſilf, eþer touchiþ ony
xxiii and aftirward vndirſtondiþ his ſynne, he ſchal offre oþer crepynge beeſte, and forȝetiþ his vnclenneſſe, he is
to þe Lord a ſacrifice, a `buk of geet, `þat haþ no wem; gilti, and treſpaſſiþ.
iii And if he touchiþ ony þing of þe vnclenneſſe of man,
xxiiii and he ſchal ſette his hond on þe heed þerof. And
whanne he haþ offrid it in þe place, where brent bi al þe vnclenneſſe bi which he is wont to be defoulid,
ſacrifice is wont to be ſlayn, bifor þe Lord, for it is for and he forȝetiþ, and knowiþ afterward, he ſchal be ſuget
ſynne; to treſpas.
iiii A ſoule þat ſweriþ, and bryngiþ forþ wiþ hiſe lippis,
xxv þe preeſt ſchal dippe þe fyngur in þe blood of
ſacrifice for ſynne, and he ſchal touche þe corneris of þe þat it ſchulde do eþer yuel, eþer wel, and doiþ not, and
auter of brent ſacrifice, and he ſchal ſchede þe `reſidue confermeþ þe ſame þing wiþ an ooþ, eþir wiþ a word,
blood at þe foundement þerof. and forȝetiþ, and aftirward vndirſtondiþ his treſpas, do it
xxvi Soþeli þe preeſt ſchal brenne þe innere fatneſſe penaunce for ſynne,
v and offre it of þe flockis a femal lomb, eþir a goet;
aboue þe auter, as it is wont to be doon in þe ſacrifice of
vi and þe preeſt ſchal preie for hym, and for his ſynne.
peſible þingis, and þe preeſt ſchal preye for hym, and
vii But if he may not offre a beeſte, offre he twei turtlis,
for his ſynne, and it ſchal be forȝouun to hym.
xxvii Þat if a ſoule of þe puple of þe lond ſynneþ bi eþir `briddis of culuers to þe Lord, oon for ſynne, and
ignoraunce, þat he do ony þing of þeſe þat ben forbodun þe toþer in to brent ſacrifice.
viii And he ſchal ȝyue þo to þe preeſt, which ſchal offre
in þe lawe of þe Lord, and treſpaſſiþ,
xxviii and knowiþ his ſynne, he ſchal offre a geet wiþout þe firſte for ſynne, and ſchal folde aȝen þe heed þerof to
wem; þe wengis, ſo þat it cleue to þe necke, and be not
xxix and he ſchal ſette hond on þe heed of þe ſacrifice `brokyn outirli.
ix And þe preeſt ſchal ſprynge þe wal of þe auter, of þe
which is for ſynne, and he ſchal offre it in þe place of
brent ſacrifice. blood þerof; ſoþeli what euer `is reſidue, he ſchal make
xxx And þe preeſt ſchal take of þe blood on his fyngur, to droppe doun at þe `foundement of þe auter, for it is
and he ſchal touche þe hornes of þe auter of brent for ſynne.
x Soþeli he ſchal brenne þe toþer brid in to brent
ſacryfice, and he ſchal ſchede þe reſidue at þe
foundement þerof. ſacrifice, as it is wont to be doon; and þe preeſt ſchal
xxxi Soþeli he ſchal take a wei al þe ynnere fatneſſe, as it preie for hym, and for his ſynne, and it ſchal be
is wont to be don a wei of þe ſacrifices of peſible þingis, forȝouun to hym.
xi Þat if his hond mai not offre twei turtlis, eþir twei
and he ſchal brenne it on þe auter, in to odour of
ſwetneſſe to þe Lord; and þe preeſt ſchal preye for hym, `briddis of culueris, he ſchal offre for his ſynne þe tenþe
and it ſchal be forȝouun to hym. part of ephi of wheete flour; he ſchal not putte oile `in
xxxii Soþeli if he offriþ of litle beeſtis a ſacrifice for to it, neþer he ſchal putte ony þing of encenſe, for it is
ſynne, þat is, for ſynne.
xii And he ſchal ȝyue it to þe preeſt, which preeſt ſchal
xxxiii a ſcheep wiþout wem, he ſchal putte þe hond on þe
heed þerof, and he ſchal offre it in þe place where þe take vp an handful þerof, and ſchal brenne on þe auter,
beeſt of brent ſacrifices ben wont to be ſlayn. in to mynde of hym þat offeride,
xiii and þe preeſt ſchal preie for hym, and ſchal clenſe;
xxxiiii And þe preeſt ſchal take of þe blood þerof in his
fyngur, and he ſchal touche þe hornes of þe autir of forſoþe he ſchal haue þe toþer part in ȝifte.
xiiii And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes,

xv and ſeide, If a ſoule brekiþ cerymonyes bi errour, and aboue, þe preeſt ſchal brenne þe ynnere fatneſſis of
ſynneþ in þeſe þingis þat ben halewid to þe Lord, it peſible þingis.
ſchal offre for his treſpas a ram wiþout wem of þe xiii Þis is euerlaſtynge fier, þat ſchal neuer faile in þe
flockis, þat may be bouȝt for twey ſiclis, bi þe weiȝte of auter.
þe ſeyntuarie. xiiii Þis is þe lawe of ſacrifice, and of fletynge offryngis,
xvi And he ſchal reſtore þat harm þat he dide, and he whiche `þe ſones of Aaron ſchulen offre bifore þe Lord,
ſchal putte þe fyueþe part aboue, and ſchal ȝyue to þe and bifor þe auter.
preeſt, which preeſt ſchal preye for hym, and offre þe xv Þe preeſt ſchal take an handful of wheete flour, which
ram, and it ſchal be forȝouun to hym. is ſpreynd wiþ oile, and al þe encenſe which is put on þe
xvii A ſoule þat ſynneþ bi ignoraunce, and doiþ oon of wheete flour, and he ſchal brenne it in þe auter, in to
þeſe þingis þat ben forbodun in þe lawe of þe Lord, and mynde of ſwettiſt odour to þe Lord.
is gilti of ſynne, and vndirſtondiþ his wickidneſſe, xvi Forſoþe Aaron wiþ hiſe ſones ſchal ete þe toþer part
xviii it ſchal offre to þe preeſt a ram wiþout wem of þe of wheete flour, wiþout ſour dow; and he ſchal ete in þe
flockis, bi þe meſure of eſtymacioun of ſynne; and þe hooli place of þe greet ſtreet of þe tabernacle.
preeſt ſchal preye for hym, for he dide vnwytynge, and xvii Soþeli herfor it ſchal not be `diȝt wiþ ſour dow, for a
it ſchal be forȝouun to him, part þerof is offrid in to encenſe of þe Lord; it ſchal be
xix for by errour he treſpaſſide aȝens þe Lord. hooli `of þe noumbre of holi þingis, as for ſynne and for
CAP. VI xviii Malis oonli of þe kynrede of Aaron ſchulen ete it; it
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, is a lawful þing and euerlaſtynge in ȝoure generaciouns,
ii and ſeide, A ſoule þat ſynneþ, and diſpiſiþ þe Lord, and of þe ſacrifice of þe Lord; ech man þat touchiþ þo ſchal
denyeþ to his neiȝbore a þing bitakun to kepyng, þat be halewyd.
was bitakun to his feiþ, eþir takiþ maiſterfuli a þing bi xix And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes,
violence, eþer makiþ fals chaleng, xx and ſeide, Þis is þe offryng of Aaron, and of hiſe
iii eþer fyndiþ a þing loſt, and denyeþ ferþermore and ſones, which þei owen offre to þe Lord in þe day of her
forſweriþ, and doþ ony oþer þing of manye in whiche anoyntyng; þei ſchulen offre þe tenþe part of ephi of
þingis men ben wont to do ſynne, wheete flour, in euerlaſtynge ſacrifice, þe myddis þerof
iiii `if it is conuict of þe gilt, in þe morewtid, and þe myddis þerof in þe euentid;
v it ſchal ȝelde hool alle þingis whiche it wolde gete bi xxi which ſchal be ſpreynt wiþ oile in þe friyng panne,

fraude, and ferþermore þe fyueþe part to þe lord, to and ſchal be fried.

whom it dide harm. xxii Soþeli þe preeſt which is ſucceſſour to þe fadir `bi
vi Soþeli for his ſynne it ſchal offre a ram vnwemmed of riȝt, ſchal offre it hoot, in to ſweteſte odour to þe Lord;
þe floc, and it ſchal ȝyue þat ram to þe preeſt, bi þe valu and al it ſchal be brent in þe auter.
and meſure of þe treſpas; xxiii For al þe ſacrifice of preeſtis ſchal be waſtid wiþ
vii and þe preeſt ſchal preie for hym bifor þe Lord, and it fier, neþer ony man ſchal ete þerof.
ſchal be forȝouun to hym, for alle þingis whiche he xxiiii And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide,
ſynnede in doyng. xxv Spek þou to Aaron and to hiſe ſones, Þis is þe lawe
viii And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide, of ſacrifice for ſynne; it ſchal be offrid bifor þe Lord, in
ix Comaunde þou to Aaron, and to hiſe ſones, Þis is þe þe place where brent ſacrifice is offrid; it is hooli `of þe
lawe of brent ſacrifice; it ſchal be brent in þe auter al noumbre of hooli þingis.
nyȝt til þe morewe; fier þat is ȝouun fro heuene ſchal be xxvi Þe preeſt þat offriþ it, ſchal ete it in þe hooli place,
of þe ſame auter. in þe greet ſtreet of þe tabernacle.
x Þe preeſt ſchal be cloþid wiþ a coote, and `pryuy xxvii What euer þing ſchal touche þe fleiſchis þerof, it
lynnun cloþis; and he ſchal take awei þe aiſchis, which ſchal be halewid; if a cloþ is biſpreynt of þe blood
þe fier deuourynge brente, and he ſchal putte biſidis þe þerof, it ſchal be waiſchun in þe hooli place.
auter; xxviii Soþeli þe erþun veſſel, in which it is ſodun, ſchal
xi and he ſchal be ſpuylid of þe formere cloþis, and he be brokun; þat if þe veſſel is of bras, it ſchal be ſcourid,
ſchal be cloþid wiþ oþer, and ſchal bere aiſchis out of þe and `ſchal be waiſchun wiþ watir.
caſtels, and in a mooſt clene place he ſchal make þo to xxix Ech male of preeſtis kyn ſchal ete of þe fleiſchis
be waſtid til to a deed ſparcle. þerof; for it is hooli `of þe noumbre of hooli þingis.
xii Forſoþe fier ſchal brenne euere in þe auter, which fier xxx Soþeli þe ſacrifice which is ſlayn for ſynne, whos
þe preeſt ſchal nuriſche, puttynge trees vndur, in þe blood is borun in to þe tabernacle of witneſſyng to
morewtid bi ech dai; and whanne brent ſacrifice is put

clenſe in þe ſeyntuarie, ſchal not be etun, but it ſchal be whateuer ſoule defouliþ hym ſilf wiþ ſuche mete, he
brent in fier. ſchal be gilti of `brekyng of þe lawe.
xix Fleiſch þat touchiþ ony vnclene þing, ſchal not be
CAP. VII etun, but it ſchal be brent bi fier; he þat is clene, ſchal
i And þis is þe lawe of ſacrifice for treſpas; it is hooli `of ete it.
þe noumbre of hooli þingis. xx A pollutid ſoule, þat etiþ of þe fleiſchis of þe ſacrifice
ii Þerfor where brent ſacrifice is offrid, alſo þe ſacrifice of peſible þingis, which is offrid to þe Lord, ſchal
for treſpas ſchal be ſlayn; þe blood þerof ſchal be ſched periſche fro hiſe puplis.
bi þe cumpas of þe auter. xxi And he þat touchiþ vnclenneſſe of man, eþer of
iii Þei ſchulen offre þe tail þerof, and þe fatneſſe þat beeſte, eþer of alle þing þat may defoule, and etiþ of
hiliþ þe entrailis, ſuche fleiſchis, ſchal periſche fro hiſe puplis.
iiii þe twei litle reynes, and þe fatneſſe which is biſidis xxii And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes,
ilioun, and þe calle of þe mawe, wiþ þe litle reynes. xxiii and ſeide, Speke þou to þe ſones of Iſrael, Ȝe
v And þe preeſt ſchal brenne þo on þe auter; it is encenſe ſchulen not ete þe ynnere fatneſſe of a ſcheep, of an oxe,
of þe Lord, for treſpas. and of a geet;
vi Ech male of þe preeſtis kyn ſchal ete þeſe fleiſchis in xxiiii ȝe ſchulen haue in to dyuerſe vſis þe ynnere fatneſſe
þe hooli place, for it is hooli `of þe noumbre of hooli of a carkeis deed by it ſilf, and of þat beeſte which is
þingis. takun of a rauenus beeſte.
vii As a ſacrifice is offrid for ſynne, ſo and for treſpas, o xxv If ony man etiþ þe ynnere fatneſſe, þat owiþ to be
lawe ſchal be of euer eiþir ſacrifice; it ſchal perteyne to offrid in to encenſe of þe Lord, he ſchal periſche fro his
þe preeſt, þat offriþ it. puple.
viii Þe preeſt þat offriþ þe beeſte of brent ſacrifice, ſchal xxvi Alſo ȝe ſchulen not take in mete þe blood of ony
haue þe ſkyn þerof. beeſte, as wel of briddis as of beeſtis;
ix And ech ſacrifice of wheete flour, which is bakun in xxvii ech man þat etiþ blood ſchal periſche fro his puplis.
an ouene, and what euer is maad redi in a gridile, eþir in xxviii And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes,
a friyng panne, it ſchal be þat preeſtis, of whom it is xxix and ſeide, Speke þou to þe ſones of Iſrael, He þat
offrid, offriþ a ſacrifice of peſible þingis to þe Lord, offre
x wheþer it is ſpreynt wiþ oile, eþir is drye. To alle þe
togidere alſo a ſacrifice, þat is, fletynge offryngis þerof.
ſones of Aaron euene meſure ſchal be departyd, `to ech xxx He ſchal holde in þe hondis þe ynnere fatneſſe of þe
`bi hem ſilf. ſacrifice, and þe breſt; and whanne he haþ halewid boþe
xi Þis is þe lawe of `þe ſacrifice of peſible þingis, which
offrid to þe Lord, he ſchal ȝyue to þe preeſt,
is offrid to þe Lord. xxxi which ſchal brenne þe ynnere fatneſſe on þe auter;
xii If þe offryng is for doyng of þankyngis, þei ſchulen
ſoþeli þe breſt ſchal be Aarons and hiſe ſones;
offre looues wiþout ſour dow ſpreynt wiþ oile, and `þerf xxxii and þe riȝt ſchuldur of þe ſacrifices of peſible
looues ſodun in watir, þat ben anoyntid wiþ oile; and þingis ſchal turne in to þe firſte fruytis of þe preeſt.
þei ſchulen offre wheete flour bakun, and þinne looues xxxiii He þat of Aarons ſones offriþ þe blood, and þe
ſpreynt to gidere wiþ þe medlyng of oile. ynnere fatneſſe, ſchal haue alſo þe riȝt ſchuldur in his
xiii Alſo þei ſchulen offre `looues diȝt wiþ ſour dow, wiþ
þe ſacrifice of þankyngis which is offrid for peſible xxxiiii For Y haue take fro þe ſones of Iſrael þe breſt of
þingis; reiſyng, and þe ſchuldur of departyng, of þe peſible
xiiii of whiche o loof ſchal be offrid to þe Lord for þe
ſacrifices `of hem, and Y haue ȝoue to Aaron þe preeſt
firſte fruytis, and it ſchal be þe preeſtis þat ſchal ſchede and to hiſe ſones, bi euerlaſtynge lawe, of al þe puple of
þe blood of þe ſacrifice, Iſrael.
xv whoſe fleiſchis ſchulen be etun in þe ſame dai, neþer xxxv Þis is þe anoyntyng of Aaron, and of hiſe ſones, in
ony þing of þo ſchal dwelle til þe morewtid. þe cerymonyes of þe Lord, in þe dai where ynne Moiſes
xvi If a man offriþ a ſacrifice bi a vow, eþir bi fre wille,
offride hem þat þei ſchulden be ſet in preeſthod,
it ſchal be etun in lijk maner in þe ſame dai; but alſo if xxxvi and whiche þingis þe Lord comaundide to be
ony þing dwelliþ `in to þe morew, it is leueful to ete it; ȝouun to hem of þe ſones of Iſrael, bi euerlaſtynge
xvii ſoþeli fier ſchal waaſte, whateuer þing þe þridde day
religioun in her generaciouns.
ſchal fynde. xxxvii Þis is þe lawe of brent ſacrifice, and of ſacrifice
xviii If ony man etiþ in þe þridde dai of þe fleiſchis of
for ſynne, and for treſpas, and for halewyng, and for þe
ſacrifice of peſible þingis, his offryng ſchal be maad ſacrifices of peſible þingis;
voide, neþir it ſchal profite to þe offerere; but raþer

xxxviii whichlawe þe Lord ordeynede to Moiſes in þe hil xix he offride it, and ſchedde þe blood þerof bi þe
of Synay, whanne he comaundide to þe ſones of Iſrael cumpas of þe auter.
þat þei ſchulden offre her offryngis to þe Lord, in þe xx And he kittide þilke ram in to gobetis, and brente wiþ
deſeert of Synay. fier þe heed þerof, and membris,
xxi and ynnere fatneſſe, whanne þe entrails and feet
CAP. VIII weren waiſchun bifore; and he brente al þe ram togidere
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide, Take þou
on þe auter, for it was þe brent ſacrifice of ſwettiſte
Aaron wiþ hiſe ſones, odour to þe Lord, as þe Lord comaundide to hym.
ii `þe cloþes of hem, and þe oile of anoyntyng, a calf for xxii He offride alſo þe ſecounde ram, in to þe halewyng
ſynne, twei rammes, a panyere wiþ þerf looues; of preeſtis; and Aaron and hiſe ſones puttiden her hondis
iii and þou ſchalt gedere al þe cumpanye to þe dore of on þe heed þerof.
þe tabernacle. xxiii And whanne Moiſes hadde offrid þe ram, he took of
iiii Moiſes dide as þe Lord comaundide; and whanne al þe blood, and touchide þe laſte part of þe riȝt eere of
þe company was gaderid bifor þe ȝatis of þe tabernacle, Aaron, and þe þombe of his riȝt hond, in lijk maner and
he ſeide, of þe foot.
v Þis is þe word which þe Lord comaundid to be don. xxiiii He offride alſo `þe ſones of Aaron. And whanne he
vi And anoon Moiſes offride Aaron and hiſe ſones; and hadde touchid of þe blood of þe ram offrid þe laſte part
whanne he hadde waiſchun hem, of `þe riȝt eeris of alle, and `þe þombis of þe riȝt hond
vii he cloþide þe biſchop wiþ a lynnun ſchirte, `and and foot, he ſchedde þe `toþir blood on þe auter bi
girdide `þe biſchop wiþ a girdil, and cloþide wiþ a coote cumpas.
xxv Soþeli he departide þe ynnere fatneſſe, and þe taile,
of iacynt, and `puttide þe cloþ on þe ſchuldris aboue,
viii which cloþ on þe ſchuldris he boond wiþ a girdil, and al þe fatneſſe þat hiliþ þe entrails, and þe calle of þe
and `dreſſide to þe racional, wherynne doctryn and mawe, and þe twey reynes wiþ her fatneſſis and wiþ þe
truþe was. riȝt ſchuldur.
ix And Moiſes hilide þe heed wiþ a mytre, and `ſettide xxvi Forſoþe he took of þe panyere of þerf looues, þat

þeronne, aȝens þe forhed, þe goldun plate halewid in was bifor þe Lord, looues wiþout ſour dow, and a cake
halewyng, as þe Lord comaundide to hym. ſpreynt wiþ oile, and he puttide looues firſt ſodun in
x He took alſo þe oile of anoyntyng, wiþ which he watir and aftirward fried in oile on þe ynnere fatneſſe,
and þe riȝt ſchuldur; and bitook alle þingis togidere to
anoyntide þe tabernacle wiþ al his purtenaunce;
xi and whanne he hadde halewid and hadde ſpreynt þe Aaron,
xxvii and to hiſe ſones. And aftir þat þei `reiſiden þo
auter ſeuen ſiþes, he anoyntide it, and halewide wiþ oile
bifore þe Lord,
alle þe veſſels þerof, and þe `greet waiſchyng veſſel wiþ xxviii eft `he brente þo takun of her hondis, on þe auter
his foundement.
xii Which oile he ſchedde on `þe heed of Aaron, and of brent ſacrifice, for it was þe offryng of halewyng, in
to þe odour of ſwetneſſe of ſacrifice `into his part to þe
anoyntide hym, and halewide.
xiii And he cloþide wiþ lynnun cootis, and girdide wiþ Lord.
xxix He took alſo þe breſt of þe ram of conſecracioun in
girdils `his ſones offrid, and ſettide on mytris, as þe
to his part, and reiſide it bifor þe Lord, as þe Lord
Lord comaundide.
xiiii He offeride alſo a calf for ſynne; and whanne Aaron comaundide to hym.
xxx And he took þe oynement, and blood þat was in þe
and hiſe ſones hadden put her hondis on `þat calf,
xv he offride it, and drow up blood; and whanne þe auter, and `ſpreynte on Aaron, and hiſe cloþis, and on
`þe ſones of hym, and on her cloþis.
fyngur was dippid, he touchide þe corneris of þe auter xxxi And whanne he hadde halewid hem in her cloþing,
bi cumpas; whanne þe auter was clenſid and halewid, he
he comaundide to hem, and ſeide, Sethe ȝe fleiſchis
ſchedde þe `reſidue blood at þe `foundement þerof.
xvi Soþeli he brent on þe auter þe ynnere fatneſſe þat bifor þe `ȝatis of þe tabernacle, and þere ete ȝe þo; alſo
ete ȝe þe looues of halewyng, þat ben put in þe panyere,
was on þe entrails, and þe calle of þe mawe, and þe twei as God comaundide to me, `and ſeide, Aaron and hiſe
litle reynes wiþ her litle fatneſſis; ſones ſchulen ete þo looues;
xvii and he brente wiþout þe caſtels þe calf, wiþ þe ſkyn,
xxxii ſoþeli whateuer þing is reſidue of þe fleiſch and
fleiſchis, and dung, as þe Lord comaundide. looues, fier ſchal waſte.
xviii He offride alſo a ram in to brent ſacrifice; and
xxxiii Alſo ȝe ſchulen not go out of þe dore of þe
whanne Aaron and hiſe ſones hadden ſet her hondis on tabernacle in ſeuene daies, til to þe day in which þe
þe heed þerof, tyme of ȝoure halewyng ſchal be fillid; for þe halewyng
is endid in ſeuene dayes,

xxxiiii asit is doon in preſent tyme, þat þe riȝtfulneſſe of xvii and addide in to þe ſacrifice fletynge offryngis þat
ſacrifice were fillid. ben offrid togidere; and he brente þo on þe auter,
xxxv Ȝe ſchulen dwelle dai and nyȝt in þe tabernacle, wiþout cerymonyes of brent ſacrifice of þe morewtid.
and ȝe ſchulen kepe þe kepyngis of þe Lord, þat ȝe die xviii He offride alſo an oxe, and a ram, peſible ſacrifices
not; for ſo it is comaundid to me. of þe puple; and hiſe ſones offriden to hym þe blood,
xxxvi And Aaron and hiſe ſones diden alle þingis, whiche which he ſchedde bi þe cumpas of þe auter.
þe Lord ſpak bi þe hond of Moiſes. xix Forſoþe þei puttiden on þe breſtis þe ynnere fatneſſe
of þe oxe, and þe tail of þe ram, and þe litle reynes wiþ
CAP. IX her fatneſſis, and þe calle of þe mawe.
i Forſoþe whanne þe eiȝtiþe dai was maad, Moiſes xx And whanne þe ynnere fatneſſis weren brent in þe
clepide Aaron, and hiſe ſones, and þe grettere men in auter,
birþe of Iſrael; xxi Aaron departide þe breſtis, and þe riȝt ſchuldris of
ii and he ſeide to Aaron, Take þou of þe droue a calf for þo, and reiſide bifor þe Lord, as Moiſes comaundide.
ſynne, and a ram `in to brent ſacrifice, euer eiþer wiþ xxii And he ſtreiȝte forþ hondis to þe puple, and bleſſide
oute wem, and offre þo bifor þe Lord. it; and ſo whanne þe ſacrifices for ſynne, and brent
iii And þou ſchalt ſpeke to þe ſones of Iſrael, Take ȝe a ſacrifices, and peſible ſacrifices, weren fillid, he cam
buk of geet for ſynne, and a calf, and a lomb of o ȝeer doun.
and wiþ out wem, xxiii Soþeli Moyſes and Aaron entriden in to þe
iiii in to brent ſacrifice, an oxe and a ram for peſible tabernacle of witneſſyng, and ȝeden out aftirward, and
þingis; and offre ȝe þo bifor þe Lord, and offre ȝe whete bleſſiden þe puple; and þe glorie of þe Lord apperide to
flour ſpreynt wiþ oile in þe ſacrifice of ech; for to dai þe al þe multitude.
Lord ſchal appere to ȝou. xxiiii And lo! fier ȝede out fro þe Lord, and deuouride þe
v Þerfor þei token alle þingis, whiche Moiſes brent ſacrifice, and þe ynnere fatneſſes þat weren on þe
comaundide, to þe dore of þe tabernacle, where, auter; and whanne þe cumpanyes hadden ſeyn þis þing,
whanne al þe multitude ſtood, þei preiſeden þe Lord, `and felden on her faces.
vi Moiſes ſeide, Þis is þe word, which þe Lord
comaundide, do ȝe, and his glorie ſchal appere to ȝou. CAP. X
vii And Moiſes ſeide to Aaron, Neiȝe þou to þe auter, i And whanne Nadab and Abyu, þe ſones of Aaron,

and offre þou for þi ſynne; offre þou brent ſacrifice, and hadden take cenſeris, þei puttiden fier and encenſe
preye for þee, and for þe puple; and whanne þou haſt aboue, and offriden bifor þe Lord alien fier, which þing
ſlayn þe ſacrifice of þe puple, preye þou for hem, as þe was not comaundid to hem.
Lord comaundide. ii And fier ȝede out fro þe Lord, and deuouride hem, and
viii And anoon Aaron neiȝede to þe auter, and offride a þei weren deed bifor þe Lord.
calf for his ſynne; iii And Moiſes ſeide to Aaron, Þis þing it is which þe
ix whos blood hiſe ſones offriden to him, in which blood Lord ſpak, Y ſchal be halewid in hem þat neiȝen to me,
he dippide þe fyngur, and touchide þe hornes of þe and Y ſchal be glorified in þe ſiȝt of al þe puple; which
auter, and ſchedde þe reſidue at þe foundement þerof; þing Aaron herde, and was ſtille.
x and he brente on þe auter þe ynnere fatneſſe, and litle iiii Soþeli whanne Moiſes hadde clepid Myſael and

reynes, and þe calle of þe mawe, as þe Lord Eliſaphan, þe ſones of Oziel, broþer of Aaron’s fadir, he
comaundide to Moiſes. ſeide to hem, Go ȝe, and take awey ȝoure briþeren fro
xi Forſoþe he brente bi fier wiþout þe caſtels þe fleiſchis þe ſiȝt of ſeyntuarie, and bere ȝe out of þe caſtels.
v And anoon þei ȝeden, and token hem, as þei laien
and ſkyn þerof.
xii And he offride þe beeſte of brent ſacrifice, and hiſe cloþid wiþ lynnun cootis, and caſtiden out, as it was
ſones offriden to hym þe blood þerof, which he ſchedde comaundid to hem.
vi And Moiſes ſpak to Aaron, and to Eliaſar and Ithamar,
bi þe cumpas of þe auter;
xiii þei offriden alſo þilke ſacrifice kit in to gobetis, wiþ þe ſones of Aaron, Nyle ȝe make nakid ȝoure heedis,
þe heed, and alle membris; and he brente bi fier alle and nyle ȝe reende cloþis, leſt perauenture ȝe dien, and
þeſe þingis on þe auter, indignacioun riſe on al þe cumpany; ȝoure briþeren and
xiiii whanne þe entrailis and feet weren waiſchun bifor all þe hows of Iſrael byweile þe brennyng which þe
wiþ watir. Lord reiſide.
vii But ȝe ſchulen not go out of þe ȝatis of þe tabernacle,
xv And he offride and killide a buk of geet, for þe ſynne
of þe puple; and whanne þe auter was clenſid, ellis ȝe ſchulen periſche; for þe oile of hooli anoyntyng
xvi he made brent ſacrifice, is on ȝou. Whiche diden alle þingis bi þe
comaundement of Moiſes.

viii Alſo þe Lord ſeide to Aaron, iiii ſoþeliwhat euer þing chewiþ code, and haþ a clee,
ix Þou and þi ſones ſchulen not drynke wyn, and al þing but departiþ not it, as a camel and oþere beeſtis doon, ȝe
þat may make drunkun, whanne ȝe ſchulen entre in to ſchulen not ete it, and ȝe ſchulen arette among vnclene
þe tabernacle of witneſſing, leſt ȝe dien; for it is þingis.
euerlaſtynge comaundement in to ȝoure generaciouns, v A cirogrille, which chewiþ code, and departiþ not þe
x þat ȝe haue kunnyng to make doom bytwixe hooli clee, is vnclene; and an hare,
þing and vnhooli, bitwixe pollutid þing and cleene; vi for alſo he chewiþ code, but departiþ not þe clee;
xi and þat ȝe teche þe ſones of Iſrael alle my lawful vii and a ſwiyn, þat chewiþ not code, þouȝ he departiþ
þingis, whiche þe Lord ſpak to hem bi þe hond of þe clee.
Moyſes. viii Ȝe ſchulen not ete þe fleiſchis of þeſe, neþer ȝe
xii And Moiſes ſpak to Aaron, and to Eliazar and ſchulen touche þe deed bodies, for þo ben vnclene to
Ythamar, hiſe ſones, þat weren reſidue, Take ȝe þe ȝou.
ſacrifice þat lefte of þe offryng of þe Lord, and ete ȝe it ix Alſo þeſe þingis ben þat ben gendrid in watris, and is
wiþ out ſour dow, biſidis þe auter, for it is hooli `of þe leueful to ete;
noumbre of hooli þingis. x ȝe ſchulen ete al þing þat haþ fynnes and ſcalis, as wel
xiii Soþeli ȝe ſchulen ete in þe hooli place þat þat is
in þe ſee, as in floodis and ſtondynge watris; ſoþeli what
ȝouun to þee and to þi ſones, of þe offryngis of þe Lord, euer þing of þo þat ben moued and lyuen in watris, haþ
as it is comaundid to me Alſo þou, not fynnes and ſcalis, ſchal be abhominable, and
xiiii and þi ſones, and þi douȝtris wiþ þee, ſchulen ete in wlatſum to ȝou;
þe clenneſte place þe breſt which is offrid, and þe xi ȝe ſchulen not ete þe fleiſchis of þo, and ȝe ſchulen
ſchuldur which is departid; for þo ben kept to þee and to eſchewe þe bodies deed bi hem ſilf.
þi fre ſones, of þe heelful ſacrifices of þe ſones of Iſrael; xii Alle þingis in watris þat han not fynnes and ſcalis,
xv for þei reiſeden bifor þe Lord þe ſchuldur and breſt,
ſchulen be pollutid,
and þe ynnere fatneſſis þat ben brent in þe auter; and xiii Þeſe þingis ben of foulis whiche ȝe ſchulen not ete,
perteynen þo to þee, and to þi ſones, bi euerlaſtynge and ſchulen be eſchewid of ȝou; an egle, and a grippe,
lawe, as þe Lord comaundide. aliete, and a kyte, and a vultur by his kynde;
xvi Among þeſe þingis whanne Moiſes ſouȝte þe `buk of xiiii and al of `rauyns kynde bi his licneſſe;
geet þat was offrid for ſynne, he foond it brent, and he xv a ſtrucioun,
was wrooþ aȝens Eliazar and Ythamar, `þe ſones of xvi and nyȝt crowe, a lare, and an hauke bi his kinde;
Aaron þat weren left. xvii an owle, and dippere, and ibis;
xvii And he ſeide, Whi eten not ȝe þe ſacrifice for ſynne
xviii a ſwan and cormoraunt, and a pellican;
in þe hooli place, which ſacrifice is hooli `of þe
xix a fawcun, a iay bi his kynde; a leepwynke, and a
noumbre of hooli þingis, and is ȝouun to ȝou, þat ȝe
bere þe wickydneſſe of þe multitude, and preye for it in reremows.
xx Al þing of foulis þat goiþ on foure feet, ſchal be
þe ſiȝt of þe Lord;
xviii mooſt ſiþen of þe blood þerof is not borun yn wiþ abhomynable to ȝou;
xxi ſoþeli what euer þing goiþ on foure feet, but haþ
ynne hooli þingis, and ȝe ouȝten ete it in þe ſeyntuarie,
as it is comaundid to me? lengere hipis bihynde, bi whiche it ſkippiþ on þe erþe,
xix And Aaron anſweride, Sacrifice for ſynne, and brent ȝe ſchulen ete;
xxii as is a bruke in his kynde, and acatus, and
ſacrifice is offrid to dai bifor þe Lord; ſoþeli þis þat þou
ſeeſt, bifelde to me; how myȝte Y ete it, eþer pleſe God opymacus, and a locuſte, alle bi her kynde.
in cerymonyes wiþ ſoreuful ſoule? xxiii Forſoþe what euer þing of briddis haþ foure feet
xx And whanne Moiſes hadde herd þis, he reſſeyuede oneli, it ſchal be abhomynable to ȝou;
ſatisfaccioun. xxiiii and who euer touchiþ her bodies deed bi hem ſilf,
ſchal be defoulid, and `ſchal be vnclene `til to euentid;
CAP. XI xxv and if it is nede, þat he bere ony deed þing of þeſe,
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes and Aaron, and ſeide, he ſchal waiſche his cloþis, and he ſchal be vnclene til
ii Seie ȝe to þe ſones of Iſrael, Kepe ȝe alle þingis to þe goyng doun of þe ſunne.
whiche Y wroot to ȝou, þat Y be ȝoure God. Þeſe ben þe xxvi Soþeli ech beeſte þat haþ a clee, but departiþ not it,
beeſtis, whiche ȝe ſchulen ete, of alle lyuynge beeſtis of neþer chewiþ code, ſchal be vnclene; and what euer
erþe; þing touchiþ it, ſchal be defoulid.
iii ȝe ſchulen ete `al þing among beeſtis þat haþ a clee
departid, and chewiþ code;

xxvii Þat þat goiþ on hondis, of alle beeſtis þat gon on xlv þat ladde ȝou out of þe lond of Egipt, þat Y ſchulde
foure feet, ſchal be vnclene; he, þat touchiþ her bodies be to ȝou in to God; ȝe ſchulen be hooli, for Y am hooli.
deed bi hem ſilf, ſchal be defoulid `til to euentid; xlvi Þis is þe lawe of lyuynge beeſtes, and of foulis, and
xxviii and he, þat beriþ ſiche deed bodies, ſchal waiſche of ech lyuynge ſoule which is moued in watir, and
hiſe cloþis, and he ſchal be vnclene `til to euentid; for crepiþ in erþe;
alle þeſe þingis ben vnclene to ȝou. xlvii þat ȝe knowe differences of clene þing and vnclene,
xxix Alſo þeſe þingis ſchulen be arettid among defoulid and þat ȝe wite what ȝe ſchulen ete, and what ȝe owen
þingis, of þeſe þat ben moued on erþe; a weſele, and forſake.
mows, and a cocodrille, `alle bi her kynde;
xxx mygal, camelion, and ſtellio, and lacerta, and a CAP. XII
maldewerp. i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, `and ſeide, Speke þou to
xxxi Alle þeſe ben vnclene; he þat touchiþ her bodies þe ſones of Iſrael,
deed bi hem ſilf, ſchal be vnclene `til to euentid; ii and þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, If a womman, whanne ſche
xxxii and þat þing ſchal be defoulid, on which ony þing haþ reſſeyued ſeed, childiþ a knaue child, ſche ſchal be
of her bodies deed bi hem ſilf falliþ, as wel a veſſel of vnclene bi ſeuene daies bi þe daies of departyng of
tree, and a cloþ, as ſkynnes `and heiris; and in what euer corrupt blood, þat renneþ bi moneþis;
þing werk is maad, it ſchal be dippid in watir, and þo iii and þe ȝong child ſchal be circumſidid in þe eiȝtiþe
þingis ſchulen be defoulid `til to euentid, and ſo dai.
aftirward þo ſchulen be clenſid. iiii Soþeli ſche ſchal dwelle þre and þretti daies in þe
xxxiii Soþeli a veſſel of erþe, in which ony þing of þeſe blood of hir purifiyng; ſche ſchal not touche ony hooli
falliþ wiþ ynne, ſchal be defoulid, and þerfor it ſchal be þing, neþir ſche ſchal entre in to þe ſeyntuarie, til þe
brokun. daies of her clenſing be fillid.
xxxiiii Ech mete, which ȝe ſchulen ete, ſchal be vnclene, v Soþeli if ſche childiþ a female, ſche ſchal be vnclene
if water is ſched þereon; and ech fletynge þing, which is twei woukis, bi þe cuſtom of flowyng of vnclene blood,
drunkun of ech veſſel, `where ynne vnclene þingis and `þre ſcoor and ſixe daies ſche ſchal dwelle in þe
bifelden, ſchal be vnclene; blood of her clenſyng.
xxxv and what euer þing of ſiche deed bodies bi hem ſilf vi And whanne þe daies of hir clenſyng, for a ſone, eþer
felde þeronne, it ſchal be vnclene, wheþer furneiſis, eþir for a douȝtir, ben fillid, ſche ſchal brynge a lomb of o
veſſels of þre feet, þo ſchulen be deſtried, and ſchulen be ȝeer in to brent ſacrifice, and a `bryd of a culuer, eþir a
vnclene. turtle, for ſynne, to þe dore of þe tabernacle of
xxxvi Soþeli wellis and ciſternes, and al þe witneſſyng;
congregacioun of watris, ſchal be clene. He þat touchiþ vii and ſche ſchal ȝyue to þe preeſt, which ſchal offre þo
her bodi deed bi it ſilf, ſchal be defoulid. bifor þe Lord, and ſchal preye for hir, and ſo ſche ſchal
xxxvii If it falliþ on ſeed, it ſchal not defoule þe ſeed; be clenſid fro þe fowyng of hir blood. Þis is þe lawe of
xxxviii ſoþeli if ony man ſchediþ ſeed wiþ watir, and a womman childynge a male, eþir a female.
viii Þat if hir hond fyndiþ not, neþir may offre a lomb,
aftirward þe watir is touchid wiþ deed bodies bi hem
ſilf, it ſchal be defoulid anoon. ſche ſchal take twei turtlis, eþir twei `briddis of
xxxix If a beeſte is deed, which it is leueful to ȝou to ete, culueres, oon in to brent ſacrifice, and þe toþer for
he þat touchiþ þe deed bodi þerof ſchal be vnclene `til ſynne; and þe preeſt ſchal preye for hir, and ſo ſche ſchal
to euentid; and he þat etiþ þerof ony þing, be clenſid.
xl eþir beriþ, ſchal waiſche his cloþis, and ſchal be
vnclene `til to euentid. CAP. XIII
xli Al þing þat crepiþ on erþe, ſchal be abhomynable, i Þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes and Aaron, and ſeide,
ii A man in whos ſkyn and fleiſch ryſiþ dyuerſe colour,
neþer ſchal be takun in to mete.
xlii `What euer þing goiþ on þe breſt and foure feet, and eþer whelke, eþir as `ſum ſchynynge þing, þat is, a
haþ many feet, eþir drawun bi þe erþe, ȝe ſchulen not wounde of lepre, he ſchal be brouȝt to Aaron preeſt,
ete, for it is abhomynable. eþer to oon `who euer of hiſe ſones;
xliii Nyle ȝe defoule ȝoure ſoulis, neþer touche ȝe ony iii and whanne he ſeeþ lepre in þe ſkyn, and þe heeris

þing of þo, leſt ȝe ben vnclene; chaungide in to whijte colour, and þat ſpice of lepre
xliiii for Y am ȝoure Lord God; be ȝe hooli, for Y am lowere þan þe toþer ſkyn and fleiſch, it is a wounde of
lepre, and he ſchal be departid at þe `doom of þe preeſt.
hooli. Defoule ȝe not ȝoure ſoulis in ech crepynge iiii Soþeli if ſchynyng whijtneſſe is in þe ſkyn, neþir is
`beeſte which is moued on erþe; for Y am þe Lord,
lower þan þe toþer fleiſch, and þe heeris ben of þe
formere colour, þe preeſt ſchal cloſe hym ſeuene daies;

v and ſchal biholde hym in þe ſeuenþe dai, and ſoþeli if xxv þe preeſt ſchal biholde it, and lo! if it is turned in to
þe lepre wexiþ not ferþer, neþir paſſiþ þe formere whijtneſſe, and þe place þerof is lowere þan þe toþir
termes in þe fleiſch, eft þe preeſt ſchal cloſe hym aȝen ſkyn, þe preeſt ſchal defoule þe man, for a wounde of
ſeuene oþer daies; lepre is bred in þe `ſigne of wounde.
vi and ſchal biholde in þe ſeuenþe day, if þe lepre is xxvi Þat if þe colour of heeris is not chaungid, neþer þe
derkere, and wexiþ not in þe fleiſch, þe preeſt ſchal wounde is lowere þan þe toþer fleiſch, and þilke ſpice
clenſe hym, for it is a ſcabbe; and þe man ſchal waiſche of lepre is ſumdeel derk, þe preeſt ſchal cloſe þe man bi
hiſe cloþis, and he ſchal be clene. ſeuene daies;
vii Þat if þe lepre wexiþ eft, aftir þat he is ſeyn of þe xxvii and in þe ſeuenþe dai he ſchal biholde; if þe lepre
preeſt, and is ȝoldun to clenneſſe, he ſchal be brouȝt to wexiþ in þe fleiſch, þe preeſt ſchal defoule þe man;
þe preeſt, and ſchal be demed of vnclenneſſe. xxviii ellis if þe whijtneſſe ſtondiþ in his place, and is not
viii If þe wounde of lepre is in man, he ſchal be brouȝt to cleer ynow, it is a wounde of brennyng, and þerfor þe
þe preeſt, and he ſchal ſe þe man; man ſchal be clenſid, for it is a ſigne of brennyng.
ix and whanne whijt colour is in þe fleiſch, and xxix A man eþir womman, in whos heed eþer beerd
chaungiþ þe ſiȝt of heeris, and þilke fleiſch apperiþ lepre buriounneþ, þe preeſt ſchal ſe hem;
quyk, xxx and if þe place is lowere þan þe toþir fleiſch, and þe
x it ſchal be demid eldeſt lepre, and growun to þe ſkyn; heer is whijt, `and is ſotilere, `eþer ſmallere, þan it is
þerfor þe preeſt ſchal defoule hym, wont, þe preeſt ſchal defoule hem, for it is lepre of þe
xi and he ſchal not cloſe eft, for it is of opyn heed, and of þe beerd.
vnclenneſſe. xxxi Ellis if he ſeeþ þe place of wem euene wiþ þe nyȝ
xii But if lepre rennynge about in þe ſkyn `flouriþ out, fleiſch, and ſeeþ þe here blak, þe preeſt ſchal cloſe hem
and hiliþ al þe fleiſch, fro þe heed til to þe feet, what bi ſeuene daies, and ſchal ſe in þe ſeuenþe dai;
euer þing falliþ vndur þe ſiȝt of iȝen; þe preeſt ſchal xxxii if þe wem waxiþ not, and þe heer is of his colour,
biholde hym, and þe place of wounde is euene wiþ þe toþer fleiſch,
xiii and ſchal deme `þat he is holdun wiþ clenneſte lepre, xxxiii þe man ſchal be ſchauun, wiþout þe place of wem,
for all þe ſkyn is turned in to whijtneſſe, and þerfor þe and he ſchal be cloſid eft bi ſeuene oþere daies.
man ſchal be cleene. xxxiiii If in þe ſeuenþe day þe wounde is ſeyn to haue
xiiii Soþeli whanne quyk fleiſch apperiþ in hym, ſtonde in his place, neþer is lowere þan þe toþer fleiſch,
xv þanne he ſchal be defoulid bi þe doom of þe preeſt, þe preeſt ſchal clenſe þe man; and whanne his cloþis
and he ſchal be arettid among vncleene men; for quyk ben waiſchun, he ſchal be cleene.
fleiſch is vnclene, if it is ſpreynt wiþ lepre. xxxv Ellis if aftir þe clenſyng a ſpotte wexiþ eft in þe
xvi Þat if þe fleiſch is turned eft in to whijtneſſe, and ſkyn,
hiliþ al þe man, xxxvi þe preeſt ſchal no more enquere, wheþer þe heer is
xvii þe preeſt ſchal biholde hym, and ſchal deme, þat he chaungid in to whijt colour, for apeertli he is vncleene.
is cleene. xxxvii Soþeli if þe ſpotte ſtondiþ, and þe heeris ben
xviii Fleiſch and ſkyn, in which a botche is bred, blake, knowe þe preeſt þat þe man is heelid, and triſtili
xix and is heelid, and `a ſtep of wounde apperiþ whijt, `pronounce he þe man cleene.
xxxviii A man eþir a womman, in whos ſkyn whijtneſſe
eþir `ſum deel reed, `in þe place of þe botche, þe man
ſchal be brouȝt to þe preeſt; apperiþ, þe preeſt ſchal biholde hem;
xx and whanne þe preeſt ſeeþ þe place of lepre lowere xxxix if he perſeyueþ, þat whijtneſſe `ſum deel derk

þan þe toþer fleiſch, and þe heeris turned in to ſchyneþ in þe ſkyn, wite he, þat it is no lepre, but a
whijtneſſe, þe preeſt ſchal defoule hym; for þe wounde ſpotte of whijt colour, and þat þe man is cleene.
of lepre is bred in þe botche. xl A man of whos heed heeris fleten awei, is calu, and
xxi Þat if þe heer is of þe former colour, and þe ſigne of clene;
wounde is ſumdeel derk, and is not lowere þan þe `nyȝ xli and if heeris fallen fro þe forheed, he is ballid,
fleiſch, þe preeſt ſchal cloſe þe man ſeuene daies; xlii and is cleene; ellis if in þe ballidneſſe bifore, eþer in
xxii and ſoþeli, if it wexiþ, þe preeſt ſchal deme þe man þe ballidneſſe bihynde, whijt eþer reed colour is bred,
of lepre; and þe preeſt ſeeþ þis,
xxiii forſoþe if it ſtondiþ in his place, it is a ſigne of xliii he ſchal condempne þe man wiþout doute of lepre,
botche, and þe man ſchal be cleene. which is bred in þe ballidneſſe.
xxiiii Fleiſch and ſkyn, which þe fier haþ brent, and is xliiii Þerfor whoeuer is defoulid wiþ lepre, and is
heelid, and haþ a whijt eþir reed `ſigne of wounde, departid at þe doom of þe preeſt,

xlv he ſchal haue hiſe cloþis vnſewid, bareheed, þe mouþ vii wiþ which he ſchal ſprenge ſeuenſiþis hym þat ſchal
hilid wiþ a cloþ, he ſchal crye hym ſilf defoulid, and be clenſid, þat he be purgid riȝtfuli; and he ſchal
viyl; delyuere þe quyk ſparewe, þat it fle in to þe feeld.
xlvi in al tyme in which he is lepre and vnclene, he ſchal viii And whanne þe man haþ waiſche hiſe cloþis, he
dwelle aloone wiþout þe caſtels. ſchal ſchaue alle þe heeris of þe bodi, and he ſchal be
xlvii A wollun cloþ, eþir lynnun, þat haþ lepre in þe waiſchun in watir, and he ſchal be clenſid, and he ſchal
warp, entre in to þe caſtels; ſo oneli þat he dwelle wiþout his
xlviii eþir oof, eþir certis a ſkyn, eþer what euer þing is tabernacle bi ſeuene daies;
ix and þat in þe ſeuenþe dai he ſchaue þe heeris of þe
maad of ſkiyn,
xlix if it is corrupt wiþ a whijt ſpotte, eþir reed, it ſchal heed, and þe beerd, and brewis, and þe heeris of al þe
be arettid lepre, and it ſchal be ſchewid to þe preeſt; bodi. And whanne þe cloþis and bodi ben waiſchun,
l which ſchal cloſe it biholden bi ſeuene daies. x eft in þe eiȝetiþe dai he ſchal take twei lambren wiþout

li And eft he ſchal biholde in þe ſeuenþe dai, and if he wem, and a ſcheep of o ȝeer wiþout wem, and þre
perſeyueþ, þat it wexide, it ſchal be contynuel lepre; he dymes of wheete flour, in to ſacrifice, which be ſpreynte
ſchal deme þe cloþ defoulid, and al þing in which it is wiþ oile, and bi it ſilf a ſextarie of oyle.
xi And whanne þe preeſt, þat purgiþ þe man, haþ ſet
lii and þerfor þe cloþ ſchal be brent in flawmes. hym and alle hiſe þingis bifor þe Lord, in þe dore of þe
liii Þat if he ſeeþ þat þe ſpotte wexide not, he ſchal tabernacle of witneſſyng, he ſchal take a lomb,
xii and ſchal offre it for treſpas, and ſchal offre þe
liiii and þei ſchulen waiſche þat þing wherynne þe lepre ſextarie of oyle; and whanne alle þingis ben offrid bifor
þe Lord,
is, and he ſchal cloſe it aȝen bi ſeuene oþere daies; xiii he ſchal offre þe lomb, where þe ſacrifice for ſynne
lv and whanne he ſeeþ þe formere face not turned aȝen,
and þe brent ſacrifice is wont to be offrid, þat is, in þe
neþeles þat neþer þe lepre wexede, he ſchal deme þat
hooli place; for as for ſynne ſo and for treſpas þe
þing vnclene, and he ſchal brenne it in fier, for lepre is
offryng perteyneþ to þe preeſt; it is hooli of þe noumbre
ſched in þe ouer part of þe cloþ, eþer þorouȝ al.
lvi Ellis if þe `place of lepre is derkere, aftir þat þe cloþ
of hooli þingis.
xiiii And þe preeſt ſchal take of þe blood of ſacrifice
is waiſchun, he ſchal breke awey þat place, and ſchal
which is offrid for treſpas, and ſchal putte on þe laſte
departe fro þe hool.
lvii Þat if fleynge lepre and vnſtidefaſt apperiþ
part of þe riȝt eere `of hym which is clenſid, and on þe
þumbis of þe riȝt hond and foot.
ferþermore in þeſe places, þat weren vnwemmed bifore, xv And he ſchal putte of þe ſextarie of oyle in to his left
it owiþ be brent in fier; if it ceeſſiþ,
lviii he ſchal waiſche þe ſecounde tyme þo þingis þat ben
xvi and he ſchal dippe þe riȝt fyngur þerynne, and ſchal
cleene, and þo ſchulen be cleene.
lix Þis is þe lawe of lepre of cloþ, wollun and lynnun, of
ſprynge ſeuenſiþis bifor þe Lord.
xvii Soþeli he ſchal ſchede þat þat is reſidue of þe oile in
warp and of oof, and of al purtenaunce of ſkiyn, hou it
þe left hond, on þe laſte part of þe riȝt eere `of hym
owiþ to be clenſyd, eþir `to be defoulid.
which is clenſid, and on þe þombis of þe riȝt hond and
foot, and on þe blood which is ſched for treſpas,
CAP. XIIII xviii and on þe heed `of hym.
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide, Þis is þe
xix And þe preeſt ſchal preye for hym bifor þe Lord, and
cuſtom of a leprouſe man,
ii whanne he ſchal be clenſid. He ſchal be brouȝt to þe ſchal make ſacrifice for ſynne; þanne he ſchal offre
brent ſacrifice,
preeſt, xx and ſchal putte it in þe auter wiþ hiſe fletynge
iii which preeſt ſchal go out of þe caſtels, and whanne he
ſacrifices, and þe man ſchal be clenſid riȝtfuli.
ſchal fynde þat þe lepre is clenſid, xxi Þat if he is pore, and his hoond may not fynde þo
iiii he ſchal comaunde to þe man which is clenſid, þat he
þingis þat ben ſeid, he ſchal take for treſpas a lomb to
offre for hym ſilf twei quyke ſparewis, whiche it is offryng, þat þe preeſt preie for him, and þe tenþe part of
leueful to ete, and a `tree of cedre, and vermylyoun, and wheete flour ſpreynt togidire wiþ oile in to ſacrifice, and
iſope. a ſextarie of oile,
v And þe preeſt ſchal comaunde þat oon of þe ſparewes
xxii and twei turtlis, eþir twei `briddis of culueris, of
be offrid in `a veſſel of erþe, whiche oon be for ſynne, and þe toþir in to brent
vi on quyke watris; ſoþeli he ſchal dippe þe toþer
ſparewe quyk wiþ þe `tre of cedre, and wiþ a reed þreed
and yſope, in þe blood of þe ſparewe offrid,

xxiii and he ſchal offre þo in þe eiȝtþe dai of his clenſyng xliiii and oþere erþe is daubid, þe preeſt entriþ, and ſeeþ
to þe preeſt, at þe dore of tabernacle of witneſſyng bifor þe lepre turned aȝen, and þe wallis ſpreynt wiþ ſpottis,
þe Lord. þe lepre is ſtidfaſtly dwellynge, and þe hows is vnclene;
xxiiii And þe preeſt ſchal take þe lomb for treſpas, and þe xlv which hows þei ſchulen deſtrye anoon, and þei
ſextarie of oile, and ſchal reiſe togidere; ſchulen caſte out of þe citee, in an vnclene place, þe
xxv and whanne þe lomb is offrid, he ſchal putte of þe ſtoonys þerof, and þe trees, and al þe duſt.
blood þerof on þe laſte part of þe riȝt eere `of hym þat is xlvi He þat entriþ in to þe hous, whanne it is ſchit, ſchal
clenſid, and on þe þumbis of his riȝt hond and foot. be vnclene `til to euentid,
xxvi Soþeli þe preeſt putte þe part of oile in to his left xlvii and he þat ſlepiþ and etiþ ony þing þerynne, ſchal
hond, waiſche hiſe cloþis.
xxvii in which he ſchal dippe þe fyngur of þe riȝt hond, xlviii Þat if þe preeſt entriþ, and ſeeþ þat þe lepre
and ſchal ſprynge ſeuenſiþes aȝens þe Lord; encreeſſide not in þe hows, aftir þat it was daubid þe
xxviii and þe preeſt ſchal touche þe laſte part of þe riȝt ſecounde tyme, he ſchal clenſe it; for heelþe is ȝoldun.
eere `of hym þat is clenſid, and þe þombe of þe riȝt xlix And in þe clenſyng þerof he ſchal take twey
hond and foot, in þe place of blood which is ſched out ſparewis, and `a tre of cedre, and `a reed þreed, and
for treſpas. iſope.
xxix Soþeli he ſchal putte þe toþer part of oile, which is l And whanne o ſparewe is offrid in a veſſel of erþe, on
in þe left hond, on þe `heed of þe man clenſid, þat he quyk watris,
pleſe þe Lord for hym. li he ſchal take þe `tre of cedre, and yſope, and reed
xxx And he ſchal offre a turtle, eþir a culuer brid, þreed, and þe quyk ſparewe, and he ſchal dippe alle
xxxi oon for treſpas, and þe toþir in to brent ſacrifice, þingis in þe blood of þe ſparewe offrid, and in lyuynge
wiþ her fletynge offryngis. watris;
xxxii Þis is þe ſacrifice of a leprouſe man, þat may not lii and he ſchal ſprynge þe hows ſeuen ſiþis; and he ſchal

haue alle þingis in to þe clenſyng of hym ſilf. clenſe it as wel in þe blood of þe ſparewe as in lyuynge
xxxiii And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes and Aaron, and ſeide, watris, and in þe quyk ſparewe, and in þe `tre of cedre,
xxxiiii Whanne ȝe han entrid in to þe lond of Canaan, and in yſope, and `reed þreed.
liii And whanne he haþ left þe ſparewe to fle in to þe
which lond Y ſchal ȝyue to ȝou in to poſſeſſioun, if þe
wounde of lepre is in þe houſis, feeld frely, he ſchal preye for þe hows, and it ſchal be
xxxv he ſchal go, whos þe hous is, `and ſchal telle to þe clenſid riȝtfuli.
liiii Þis is þe lawe of al lepre,
preeſt, and ſchal ſeie, It ſemeþ to me, þat as a wound of
lv and of ſmytyng, of lepre of cloþis, and of houſis,
lepre is in myn hous.
xxxvi And þe preeſt ſchal comaunde, `þat þei bere out of lvi of ſyngne of wounde, and of litle whelkis brekynge

þe hous alle þingis bifore þat he entre in to it, `and me out, of ſpotte ſchynynge, and in colours chaungid in to
ſe where it be lepre, leſt alle þingis þat ben in þe hows, dyuerſe ſpices,
be maad vnclene; and þe preeſt ſchal entre aftirward, þat lvii þat it may be wiſt, what is cleene, eþer uncleene.
he ſe þe lepre of þe hows.
xxxvii And whanne he ſeeþ in þe wallis þerof as litle CAP. XV
valeis `foule bi paleneſſe, eþir bi reedneſſe, and lowere i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes and Aaron, `and ſeide,
þan þe toþer hiȝere part, ii Speke ȝe to þe ſones of Iſrael, and ſeie ȝe to hem, A
xxxviii he ſchal go out at þe dore of þe hows, and anoon man þat ſuffriþ þe rennyng out of ſeed, ſchal be
he ſchal cloſe it bi ſeuene daies. vncleene;
xxxix And he ſchal turne aȝen in þe ſeuenþe day, and iii and þanne he ſchal be demed to be ſuget to þis vice,
ſchal ſe it; if he fyndiþ þat þe lepre encreeſſide, whanne bi alle momentis foul vmour `eþir moyſture
xl he ſchal comaunde þat þe ſtoonys be caſt out, in cleueþ to his fleiſch, and growiþ togidere.
whyche þe lepre is, and þat þo ſtonys be caſt out of þe iiii Ech bed in which he ſlepiþ ſchal be vncleene, and
citee in an vncleene place. where euer he ſittiþ.
xli Soþeli he ſchal comaunde þat þilke hows be raſid wiþ v If ony man touchiþ his bed, he ſchal waiſche his
ynne bi cumpas, and þat þe duſt of þe raſyng be ſpreynt cloþis, and he ſchal be waiſchun in watir, and ſchal be
wiþout þe citee, in an vnclene place, vncleene `til to euentid.
xlii and þat oþere ſtoonys be put aȝen for þeſe, þat ben vi If a man ſittiþ where he ſatt, alſo þilke man ſchal
takun awey, and þat þe hows be daubid wiþ oþir morter. waiſche hiſe cloþis, and he ſchal be waiſchun in watir,
xliii But if aftir þat þe ſtoonus ben takun awey, and þe and ſchal be vnclene `til to euentid.
duſt is borun out,

vii He þat touchiþ hiſe fleiſchis, ſchal waiſche hiſe ſeuene daies, and ech bed in which he ſlepiþ ſchal be
cloþis, and he ſchal be waiſchun in watir, and ſchal be defoulid.
vncleene `til to euentid. xxiiii A womman þat ſuffriþ in many daies þe `fletyng
viii If ſich a man caſtiþ out ſpetyng on hym þat is cleene, out of blood, not in þe tyme of moneþis, eþir which
he ſchal waiſche his cloþis, and he ſchal be waiſchun in womman ceeſſiþ not to flete out blood aftir þe blood of
watir, and ſchal be vncleene `til to euentid. moneþis, ſchal be vncleene as longe as ſche `ſchal be
ix Þe ſadil on which he ſittiþ, ſuget to þis paſſioun, as if ſche is in þe tyme of moneþis.
x ſchal be vncleene; and ech man þat touchiþ what euer xxv Ech bed in which ſche ſlepiþ, and `veſſel in which

þing is vndur hym þat ſuffriþ þe fletyng out of ſeed, ſche ſittiþ, ſchal be defoulid.
xxvi Who euer touchiþ hir ſchal waiſche his cloþis, and
ſchal be defoulid `til to euentid. He þat beriþ ony of
þeſe þingis, ſchal waiſche hiſe cloþis, and he ſchal be he ſchal be waiſchun in watir, and ſchal be vncleene `til
waiſchun in watir, and ſchal be vncleene `til to euentid. to euentid.
xi Ech man, whom he þat is ſuch touchiþ wiþ hondis not xxvii If þe blood ſtondiþ, and ceeſſiþ to flete out, ſche

waiſchun bifore, ſchal waiſche hiſe cloþis, and he ſchal ſchal noumbre ſeuene daies of hir clenſyng,
be waiſchun in watir, and ſchal be vncleene `til to xxviii and in þe eiȝtþe dai ſche ſchal offre for hir ſilf to þe
euentid. preeſt twei turtlis, eþir twei `briddis of culueris, at þe
xii `A veſſel of erþe which he touchiþ, ſchal be brokun; dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng;
but a `veſſel of tre ſchal be waiſchun in watir. xxix and þe preeſt ſchal make oon for ſynne, and þe toþir
xiii If he þat ſuffriþ ſich a paſſioun, is heelid, he ſchal in to brent ſacrifice; and þe preeſt ſchal preye for hir
noumbre ſeuene daies aftir his clenſyng, and whanne þe bifor þe Lord, and for þe fletyng out of hir vnclenneſſe.
cloþis and al `þe bodi ben waiſchun in lyuynge watris, xxx Þerfor ȝe ſchulen teche þe ſones of Iſrael, þat þei
he ſchal be clene. eſchewe vnclenneſſis, and þat þei die not for her filþis,
xiiii Forſoþe in þe eiȝtþe dai he ſchal take twei turtlis, whanne þei defoulen my tabernacle which is among
eþir twei `briddis of a culuer, and he ſchal come in þe hem.
`ſiȝt of þe Lord at þe dore of tabernacle of witneſſyng, xxxi Þis is þe lawe of hym þat ſuffriþ fletyng out of ſeed,
and ſchal ȝyue þo to þe preeſt; and which is defoulid wiþ fleiſchly couplyng,
xv and þe preeſt ſchal make oon for ſynne, and þe toþer xxxii and of a womman which is departid in þe tymes of
in to brent ſacrifice; and þe preeſt ſchal preye for hym moneþis, eþir which flowiþ out in contynuel blood, and
bifor þe Lord, þat he be clenſid fro þe fletyng out of his of þe man þat ſlepiþ wiþ hir.
xvi A man fro whom þe ſeed of letcherie, `eþir of CAP. XVI
fleiſchli couplyng, goiþ out, ſchal waiſche in watir al his i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, aftir þe deeþ of þe twei
bodi, and he ſchal be vncleene `til to euentid. ſones of Aaron, whanne þei offriden alien fier, and
xvii He ſchal waiſche in watir þe cloþ `and ſkyn which weren ſlayn, and comaundide to hym,
he haþ, and it ſchal be unclene `til to euentid. ii and ſeide, Speke þou to Aaron, þi broþer, þat he entre
xviii Þe womman wiþ which he `is couplid fleiſchli, not in al tyme in to þe ſeyntuarie, which is wiþ ynne þe
ſchal be waiſchun in watir, and ſchal be vncleene `til to veil bifor þe propiciatorie, bi which þe arke is hilid, þat
euentid. he die not; for Y ſchal appere in a cloude on Goddis
xix A womman þat ſuffriþ þe fletyng out of blood, anſweryng place;
iii `no but he do þeſe þingis bifore. He ſchal offer a calf
whanne þe moneþ comeþ aȝen, ſchal be departid bi
ſeuene daies; ech man þat touchiþ hir ſchal be vncleene for ſynne, and a ram in to brent ſacrifice;
`til to euentid, iiii he ſchal be cloþid wiþ a lynnun coote, he ſchal hide
xx and þe place in which ſche ſlepiþ eþer ſittiþ in þe þe ſchamefaſt membris wiþ pryuy lynnun cloþis; he
daies of hir departyng, ſchal be defoulid. ſchal be gird wiþ a lynnun girdil, he ſchal putte a lynnun
xxi He þat touchiþ her bed, ſchal waiſche hiſe cloþis, and mytre on his heed; for þeſe cloþis ben hooli, wiþ
he ſchal be waiſchun in watir, and ſchal be vncleene `til whiche alle he ſchal be cloþid, whanne he is waiſchun.
v And he ſchal take of al þe multitude of þe ſones of
to euentid.
xxii Who euer touchiþ ony veſſel on which ſche ſittiþ, he Iſrael twei kidis for ſynne, and o ram in to brent
ſchal waiſche hiſe cloþis, and he ſchal be waiſchun in ſacrifice;
vi and whanne he offriþ a calf, and preieþ for hym,
watir, and ſchal be defoulid `til to euentid.
xxiii If a man is couplid fleiſchli wiþ hir in þe tyme of vii and for his hows, he ſchal make twei `buckis of geet

blood þat renneþ bi moneþis, he ſchal be vncleene bi to ſtonde bifor þe Lord, in þe dore of þe tabernacle of

viii and he ſchal ſende `on euer eiþir, o lot to þe Lord, xxiiii heſchal waiſche his fleiſch in þe hooli place, and
and anoþer lot to þe goot þat ſchal be ſent out. he ſchal be cloþid in his owen cloþis, and aftir þat he
ix Whos lot goiþ out to þe Lord, he ſchal offre it for haþ go out, and haþ offrid þe brent ſacrifice of hym ſilf,
ſynne; and of þe puple, he ſchal preye as wel for hym ſilf, as
x ſoþeli whos lot goiþ out in to goot þat ſchal be ſent for þe puple;
xxv and he ſchal brenne on þe auter þe innere fatneſſe
out, he ſchal ſette hym quyk bifor þe Lord, þat he ſende
preyers `on hym, and ſende hym out in to wildirneſſe. which is offrid for ſynne.
xi Whanne þeſe þingis ben doon riȝtfuli, he ſchal offre xxvi Soþeli he þat leet go þe `buk of geet able to be ſent

þe calf, and `he ſchal preye for hym ſilf, and for his out, ſchal waiſche hiſe cloþis and bodi wiþ water, and ſo
hows, and ſchal offre þe calf. he ſchal entre in to þe caſtels.
xii And whanne he haþ take þe cenſeer, which he haþ xxvii Forſoþe þei ſchulen bere out of þe caſtels þe calf

fillid of þe coolis of þe auter, and `he haþ take in hond and `buk of geet, þat weren offrid for ſynne, and whos
þe `ſwete ſmellynge ſpicery maad into encenſe, he ſchal blood was brouȝt in to þe ſeyntuarie, þat þe clenſyng
entre ouer þe veil in to þe hooli þingis; were fillid; and þei ſchulen brenne bi fier as well þe
xiii þat whanne ſwete ſmellynge ſpiceries ben put on þe ſkynnys, as þe fleiſchis and dung of þo.
xxviii And who euer brenneþ þo, ſchal waiſche hiſe
fier, þe cloude and `vapour of þo hile Goddis anſweryng
place, which is on þe witneſſyng, and he die not. cloþis and fleiſch in watir, and ſo he ſchal entre in to þe
xiiii Alſo he ſchal take of þe `blood of þe calf, and he caſtels.
xxix And þis ſchal be to ȝou a lawful þing euerlaſtynge;
ſchal ſprenge ſeuenſiþis wiþ þe fyngur aȝens `þe
propiciatorie, `to þe eeſt. in þe ſeuenþe moneþe, in þe tenþe dai of þe moneþe, ȝe
xv And whanne he haþ ſlayn þe `buk of geet, for ſynne ſchulen turment ȝoure ſoulis, and ȝe ſchulen not do ony
of þe puple, he ſchal brynge in þe blood þerof wiþ ynne werk, neþir a man borun in þe lond, neþer a comelyng
þe veil, as it is comaundid of þe `blood of þe calf, þat which is a pilgrym among ȝou.
xxx Þe delyueryng fro ſynne, and þe clenſyng of ȝou
he ſprynge euene aȝens Goddis anſweryng place,
xvi and he ſchal clenſe þe ſeyntuarie fro vnclenneſſis of ſchal be in þis dai, ȝe ſchulen be clenſid bifore þe Lord
þe ſones of Iſrael, and fro her treſpaſſyngis, and alle fro alle ȝoure ſynnes;
xxxi for it is ſabat of reſtyng, and ȝe ſchulen turment
ſynnes. Bi þis cuſtom he ſchal do in þe tabernacle of
witneſſyng, which is ſet among hem, in þe myddis of ȝoure ſoulis bi euerlaſtynge religioun.
partis of þe abitacioun `of hem. xxxii Soþeli þe preeſt ſchal clenſe, which is anoyntid,
xvii No man be in þe tabernacle, whanne þe biſchop and whos hondis ben halewid, þat he be ſet in preeſthod
ſchal entre in to þe ſeyntuarie, þat he preye for hym ſilf, for his fadir; and he ſchal be cloþid in a lynnun ſtoole,
and for his hows, and for al þe cumpeny of Iſrael, til he and in hooli cloþis,
go out of þe tabernacle. xxxiii and he ſchal clenſe þe ſeyntuarie, and þe tabernacle
xviii Soþeli whanne he haþ go out to þe auter which is of witneſſyng, and þe auter, and þe preeſtis, and al þe
bifor þe Lord, preye he for hym ſilf, and ſchede he on puple.
þe hornes þerof, bi cumpas, þe blood `þat is takun of þe xxxiiii And þis ſchal be to ȝou a lawful þing euerlaſtynge,
calf, and of þe `buk of geet; þat ȝe preye for þe ſones of Iſrael, and for alle þe ſynnes
xix and ſprynge he ſeuenſiþis wiþ þe fyngur, and clenſe `of hem, onys in þe ȝeer. Þerfor he dide, as þe Lord
he, and halewe þe autir fro vnclenneſſis of þe ſones of comaundide to Moiſes.
xx Aftir þat he haþ clenſid þe ſeyntuarie, and tabernacle, CAP. XVII
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide, Speke þou to
and auter, þanne offre he þe lyuynge `buc of geet;
xxi and whanne euer eiþir hond is ſet on þe heed þerof, Aaron,
ii and to hiſe ſones, and to alle þe ſones of Iſrael, and
knowleche þe preeſt alle þe wickidneſſis of þe ſones of
Iſrael, and alle þe treſpaſſis and ſynnes `of hem, whiche ſeie þou to hem, Þis is þe word which þe Lord
þe preeſt ſchal wiſche to þe heed þerof, and ſchal ſende comaundide,
hym out in to deſeert bi a man maad redi. iii and ſeide, Ech man of þe hows of Iſrael ſchal be gilti
xxii And whanne þe `buc of geet haþ bore alle þe of blood, if he ſleeþ an oxe, eþer a ſcheep, eþir a geet in
wickidneſſis `of hem in to a deſeert lond, þe caſtels, eþir out of þe caſtels,
xxiii and is left `in deſeert, Aaron ſchal turn aȝen in to þe iiii and offriþ not an offryng to þe Lord at þe dore of þe

tabernacle of witneſſyng; and whanne þe cloþis ben put tabernacle; as he ſchedde mannus blood, ſo he ſchal
of, in whiche he was cloþid bifore, whanne he entrid in periſche fro þe myddis of his puple.
to þe ſeyntuarie of God, and ben left þere,

v Þerfor þe ſones of Iſrael owen to offre her ſacrifices to iiii Ȝe ſchulen do my domes, and ȝe ſchulen kepe myn
þe preeſt, whiche þei ſleen in þe feeld, þat þo be heeſtis, and ȝe ſchulen go in þo; Y am ȝoure Lord God.
halewid to þe Lord, bifor þe dore of þe tabernacle of v Kepe ȝe my lawis and domes, whiche a man `ſchal do,
witneſſyng, and þat þei offre þo peſible ſacrifices to þe and ſchal lyue in þo; Y am ȝoure Lord God.
Lord. vi Ech man ſchal not neiȝ to þe nyȝ womman of his
vi And þe preeſt ſchal ſchede þe blood on þe auter of þe
blood, þat he ſchewe `þe filþe of hir; Y am þe Lord.
Lord, at þe dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng; and he vii Þou ſchalt not diſkyuere þe filþe of þi fadir and þe
ſchal brenne þe ynnere fatneſſe in to odour of ſwetneſſe filþe of þi modir; ſche is þi modir, þou ſchalt not ſchewe
to þe Lord. hir filþe.
vii And þei ſchulen no more offre her ſacrifices to viii Þou ſchalt not vnhile þe filþe of þe wijf of þi fadir,
fendis, wiþ whiche þei diden fornycacioun; it ſchal be a for it is þe filþe of þi fadir.
lawful þing euerlaſtynge to hem, and to þe aftircomeris ix Þou ſchalt not ſchewe þe filþe of þi ſiſtir, of fadir
`of hem. `eþer of modir, which ſiſter is gendrid at hoome eþer
viii And þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, A man of þe hows of
wiþout forþ.
Iſrael, and of þe comelyngis þat ben pilgryms among x Þou ſchalt not ſchewe þe filþe of þe douȝter of þi ſone,
ȝou, þat offriþ a brent ſacrifice, eþir a ſlayn ſacrifice, eþer of neece of þi douȝter, for it is þi filþe.
ix and bryngiþ it not to þe dore of þe tabernacle of
xi Þou ſchalt not ſchewe þe filþe of þe douȝter of þe wijf
witneſſyng, þat it be offrid to þe Lord, ſchal periſche fro of þi fadir, which ſche childide to þi fadir, and is þi ſiſtir.
his puple. xii Þou ſchalt not opene þe filþe of þe `ſiſter of þi fadir,
x If ony man of þe ſones of Iſrael, and of comelyngis þat
for ſche is þe fleiſch of þi fadir.
ben pilgryms among ȝou, etiþ blood, Y ſchal ſette faſte xiii Þou ſchalt not ſchewe þe filþe of þe ſiſtir of þi modir,
my face aȝens `þe ſoule of hym, and Y ſchal leeſe hym
for ſche is þe fleiſch of þi modir.
fro his puple; xiiii Þou ſchalt not ſhewe þe filþe of þe broþir of þi fadir,
xi for þe lijf of fleiſch is in blood, and Y ȝaf þat blood to
neþir þou ſchalt neiȝe to his wijf, which is ioyned to þee
ȝou, þat ȝe clenſe on myn auter `for ȝoure ſoulis, and þat
bi affinyte.
þe blood be for þe ſynne of ſoule. xv Þou ſchalt not ſchewe þe filþe of þi ſones wijf, for
xii Þerfor Y ſeide to þe ſones of Iſrael, Ech lyuynge man
ſche is þe wijf of þi ſone, neþer þou ſchalt diſkiuere hir
of ȝou ſchal not ete blood, neþir of þe comelyngis þat
ſchenſchip; and no man take his broþeris wijf.
ben pilgryms among ȝou. xvi Þou ſchalt not ſchewe þe filþe of `þe wijf of þi
xiii What euer man of þe ſones of Iſrael, and of þe
broþer, for it is þe filþe of þi broþir.
comelyngis þat ben pilgryms anentis ȝou, takiþ a wielde xvii Þou ſchalt not ſchewe þe filþe of þi wijf, and of hir
beeſte, eþir a brid, whiche it is leueful to ete, wheþer bi
huntyng, wheþer bi haukyng, ſchede þe blood þerof, douȝter; þou ſchalt not take þe douȝtir of hir ſone, and
and hile it wiþ erþe; þe douȝtir of hir douȝter, þat þou ſchewe hir ſchenſchip;
xiiii for þe lijf of ech fleiſch is in blood. Wherfor Y ſeide þei ben þe fleiſch of hir, and ſiche letcherie is inceſt.
xviii Þou ſchalt not take `þe ſiſter of þi wijf, in to
to þe ſones of Iſrael, Ȝe ſchulen not ete þe blood of ony
fleiſch, for þe lijf of fleiſch is in blood, and who euer concubynage of hir, neþir þou ſchalt ſchewe `þe filþe of
etiþ blood, ſchal periſche. hir, while þi wijf lyueþ ȝit.
xv A man þat etiþ a þing deed bi it ſilf, eþir takun of a xix Þou ſchalt not neiȝe to a womman þat ſuffriþ

beeſte, as wel of men borun in þe lond, as of rennyng of blood of moneþe, neþir þou ſchalt ſchewe
comelyngis, he ſchal waiſche hiſe cloþis and hym ſilf in hir filþe.
xx Þou ſchalt not do letcherie wiþ `þe wijf of þi
watir, and he ſchal be `defoulid til to euentid; and by þis
ordre he ſchal be maad cleene; þat if he waiſchiþ not his neiȝbore, neþer þou ſchalt be defoulid wiþ medlyng of
cloþis, ſeed.
xvi eþer his bodi, he ſchal bere his wickidneſſe. xxi Þou ſchalt not ȝyue of þi ſeed, þat it be offrid to þe
idol Moloch, neþer þou ſchalt defoule þe name of þi
CAP. XVIII God; Y am þe Lord.
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide, Speke þou to xxii Þou ſchalt not be medlid wiþ a man bi letcherie of

þe ſones of Iſrael, womman, for it is abhomynacioun.

ii and þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, Y am ȝoure Lord God; xxiii Þou ſchalt not do letcherie wiþ ony beeſte, neþir
iii ȝe ſchulen not do by þe cuſtom of þe lond of Egipt, in þou ſchalt be defoulid wiþ it. A womman ſchal not ligge
which ȝe dwelliden; ȝe ſchulen not do bi þe cuſtom of vnder a beeſte, neþer ſchal be medlid þerwiþ, for it is
þe cuntrei of Canaan, `to which Y ſchal brynge ȝou yn, greet ſynne.
neþir ȝe ſchulen go in þe lawful þingis of hem.

xxiiii Be ȝe not defoulid in alle þeſe þingis, in whiche xiii Þou ſchalt not make fals chalenge to þi neiȝbore,
alle `folkis, eþer heþen men, ben defoulid, whiche neþir þou ſchalt oppreſſe hym bi violence. Þe werk of
folkis Y ſchal caſte out bifor ȝoure ſiȝt, þin hirid man ſchal not dwelle at þee til þe morewtid.
xxv of whiche þe lond is defoulid, of which lond Y ſchal xiiii Þou ſchalt not curſe a deef man, neþer þou ſchalt
vyſyte þe grete ſynnes, þat it ſpewe out hiſe dwellers. ſette an hurtyng bifor a blynd man; but þou ſchalt drede
xxvi Kepe ȝe my lawful þingis and domes, þat ȝe do not þi Lord God, for Y am þe Lord.
of alle þeſe abhomynaciouns, as wel a man borun in þe xv Þou ſchalt not do þat, þat is wickid, neþer þou ſchalt
lond as a comelyng which is a pilgrym at ȝou. deme vniuſtli; biholde þou not þe perſoone of a pore
xxvii For þe dwellers of þe lond, þat weren bifor ȝou, man, neþir onoure þou þe face of a myȝti man; deme
diden alle þeſe abhomynaciouns, and defouliden þat þou iuſtli to þi neiȝbore.
lond. xvi Þou ſchalt not be a ſclaunderere, neþer a priuey
xxviii Þerfor be ȝe war, leſt it caſte out viliche alſo ȝou in bacbitere in þe puplis; þou ſchalt not ſtonde aȝens þe
lijk manere, whanne ȝe han do lijk ſynnes, as it caſtide blood of þi neiȝbore; Y am þe Lord.
out vileche þe folk, þat was bifor ȝou. xvii Þou ſchalt not hate þi broþir in þin herte, but repreue
xxix Ech man þat doiþ ony þing of þeſe hym opynly, leſt þou haue ſynne on hym.
abhomynaciouns, ſchal periſche fro þe myddis of his xviii Þou ſchalt not ſeke veniaunce, neþer þou ſchalt be
puple. myndeful of þe wrong of þi cyteſeyns; þou ſchalt loue
xxx Kepe ȝe myn heeſtis; nyle ȝe do þo þingis, whiche þi freend as þi ſilf; Y am þe Lord.
þei þat weren bifor ȝou diden, and be ȝe not defoulid in xix Kepe ȝe my lawis. Þou ſchalt not make þi beeſtis to
þo; Y am ȝoure Lord God. gendre wiþ þe lyuynge beeſtis of anoþer kynde. Þou
ſchalt not ſowe þe feeld wiþ dyuerſe ſede. Þou ſchalt not
CAP. XIX be cloþid in a cloþ, which is wouun of twei þingis.
i Þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide, xx If a man ſlepiþ wiþ a womman by fleiſchly knowyng
ii Speke þou to al þe cumpenye of þe ſones of Iſrael, and of ſeed, which womman is an `hand maide, ȝe, a noble
þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, Be ȝe hooli, for Y am hooli, womman of kyn, and neþeles is not aȝenbouȝt bi prijs,
ȝoure Lord God. neþir rewardid wiþ fredom, boþe ſchulen be betun, and
iii Ech man drede his fadir and his modir. Kepe ȝe my þei ſchulen not die, for ſche was not fre.
xxi Soþeli þe man for his treſpas ſchal offre a ram to þe
ſabatis; Y am ȝoure Lord God.
iiii Nyle ȝe be turned to ydols, neþer ȝe ſchulen make to Lord, at þe dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng;
xxii and þe preeſt ſchal preye for hym, and for his
ȝou ȝotun goddis; Y am ȝoure Lord God.
v If ȝe offren a ſacrifice of peſible þingis to þe Lord, þat treſpas, bifor þe Lord; and þe Lord ſchal be merciful to
it be quemeful, hym, and þe ſynne ſchal be forȝouun.
vi ȝe ſchulen ete it in þat day, in which it is offrid, and in xxiii Whanne ȝe han entrid in to þe lond of biheeſt, and

þe toþer dai; ſoþeli what euer þing is reſidue in to þe han plauntid þerynne appil trees, ȝe ſchulen do awei þe
þridde dai, ȝe ſchulen brenne in fier. firſte flouris; þe applis whiche þo trees bryngen forþ,
vii If ony man etiþ þerof aftir twei daes, he ſchal be ſchulen be vncleene to ȝou, neþir ȝe ſchulen ete of þo.
xxiiii Forſoþe in þe fourþe ȝeer al þe fruyt of þo trees
vnhooli, and gilti of vnfeiþfulnes `eþer wickidneſſe; and
he ſchal bere his wickidneſſe, ſchal be `halewid preiſeful to þe Lord;
viii for he defoulide þe hooli þing of þe Lord, and his xxv forſoþe in þe fifþe ȝeer ȝe ſchulen ete fruytis, and

ſoule ſchal periſche fro his puple. ſchulen gadere applis, whiche þo trees bryngen forþ; Y
ix Whanne þou ſchalt repe þe fruytis of þi lond, þou am ȝoure Lord God.
xxvi Ȝe ſchulen not ete fleiſch wiþ blood. Ȝe ſchulen not
ſchalt not kitte `til to þe ground þe corn of þe lond,
neþer þou ſchalt gadere þe eeris of corn þat ben left; make veyn diuynyng, neþer ȝe ſchulen kepe dremes;
x neþir in þi vyner þou ſchalt gadere reyſyns and xxvii neþer ȝe ſchulen clippe þe heer in round, neþer ȝe

greynes fallynge doun, but þou ſchalt leeue to be ſchulen ſchaue þe beerd;
xxviii and on deed men ȝe ſchulen not kitte ȝoure
gaderid of pore men and pilgryms; Y am ȝoure Lord
God. fleiſchis, neþer ȝe ſchulen make to ȝou ony fyguris, eþer
xi Ȝe ſchulen not do þefte. Ȝe ſchulen not lye, and no markis in ȝoure fleiſch; Y am þe Lord.
xxix Sette þou not þi douȝtir to do leccherie for hire, and
man diſſeyue his neiȝbour.
xii Þou ſchalt not forſwere in my name, neþir þou ſchalt þe lond be defoulid, and be fillid wiþ ſynne.
xxx Kepe ȝe my ſabatis, and drede ȝe my ſeyntuarie; Y
defoule þe name of þi God; Y am þe Lord.
`am þe Lord.

xxxi Bowe ȝe not to aſtronomyers, neþer axe ȝe ony þing xii If ony man ſlepiþ wiþ `his ſones wijf, euer eiþer die,
of fals dyuynours, þat ȝe be defoulid bi hem; Y am for þei han wrouȝt greet ſynne; her blood be on hem.
ȝoure Lord God. xiii If a man ſlepiþ wiþ a man, bi letcherie of a
xxxii Riſe þou bifor an hoor heed, and onoure þou þe womman, euer eiþer haþ wrouȝt vnleueful þing, die þei
perſoone of an eld man, and drede þou þi Lord God; Y bi deeþ; her blood be on hem.
am þe Lord. xiiii He þat weddiþ ouer his wijf hir moder, haþ wrouȝt
xxxiii If a comelyng enhabitiþ in ȝoure lond, and dwelliþ greet ſynne; he ſchal be brent quyk wiþ hem, and ſo
among ȝou, diſpiſe ȝe not hym, greet vnleueful doynge ſchal not dwelle in þe myddis of
xxxiiii but be he among ȝou as a man borun in þe lond; ȝou.
and ȝe ſchulen loue hym as ȝou ſilf, for alſo ȝe weren xv He þat doiþ letcherie wiþ a greet beeſte, eþir a litil
comelyngis in þe lond of Egipt; Y am ȝoure Lord God. beeſte die bi deeþ, alſo ſle ȝe þe beeſte.
xxxv Nyle ȝe do ony wickid þing in doom, in reule, in xvi A womman þat liggiþ vndur ony beeſte, be ſlayn
weiȝte, and in meſure; þe balance be iuſt, togidere wiþ it; þe blood `of hem be on hem.
xxxvi and þe weiȝtis be euene, þe buſchel be iuſt, and þe xvii He þat takiþ his ſiſtir `þe douȝtir of his fadir, eþer þe
ſextarie be euene; Y am ȝoure Lord God, þat ladde ȝou douȝter of his modir, and ſeeþ hir filþe, and ſche ſeeþ þe
out of þe lond of Egipt. ſchenſchip of þe broþir, þei han wrouȝt an vnleueful
xxxvii Kepe ȝe alle myn heeſtis, and alle domes, and do þing, boþe ſchulen be ſlayn in þe ſiȝt of her puple; for
ȝe þo; Y am þe Lord. þei ſchewiden togidere her filþe, and þei ſchulen bere
her wickidneſſe.
CAP. XX xviii If a man doiþ fleiſchly knowyng wiþ a womman in
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide, þe flux of moneþe, and ſchewiþ hir filþe, and ſche
ii Speke þou þeſe þingis to þe ſones of Iſrael, If eny man openeþ þe welle of hir blood, boþe ſchulen be ſlayn fro
of þe ſones of Iſrael, and of þe comelyngis þat dwellen þe myddis of her puple.
xix Þou ſchalt not diſkyuere þe filþe of þi modris ſiſtir,
in Iſrael, ȝyueþ of his ſeed to þe ydol Moloch, die he bi
deeþ; þe puple of þe lond ſchal ſtone him. and of þi fadris ſiſtir; he, þat doiþ þis, ſchal `make nakid
iii And Y ſchal ſette faſte my face aȝens hym, and Y þe ſchenſchip of his fleiſch, and boþe ſchulen bere her
ſchal kitte awei him fro þe myddis of my puple, for he wickidneſſe.
xx He þat doiþ fleiſchli knowyng wiþ þe wijf of `his
ȝaf of his ſeed to Moloch, and defoulide my ſeyntuarie,
and defoulide myn hooli name. fadris broþer, eþer of his modris broþer, and ſchewiþ þe
iiii Þat if þe puple of þe lond is necgligent, and as litil filþe of his kyn, boþe ſchulen bere her ſynne, þei
chargynge myn heeſte, and ſuffriþ þe man þat ȝaf of his ſchulen die wiþout fre children.
xxi He þat weddiþ `þe wijf of his broþer, doiþ an
ſeed to Moloch, neþer wole ſle hym, Y ſchal ſette my
face on þat man, vnleueful þing; he ſchewide `þe filþe of his broþer, he
v and his kynrede, and Y ſchal kitte doun hym, and alle ſchal be wiþout fre children.
xxii Kepe ȝe my lawis and my domes, and do ȝe þo, leſt
þat conſentiden to him, þat þei ſchulden do
fornycacioun wiþ Moloch, fro þe myddis of her puple. þe lond, in to which ȝe ſchulen entre and dwelle, caſte
vi If a man bowiþ to aſtronomyers, and falſe dyuynours, out viliche alſo ȝou.
xxiii Nyle ȝe go in þe lawful þingis of naciouns, whiche
and doiþ fornycacioun wiþ hem, Y ſchal ſette my face
aȝens hym, and Y ſchal ſle hym fro þe mydis of hys Y ſchal caſte out bifor ȝou, for þei diden alle þeſe
puple. þingis, and Y hadde abhomynacioun of hem.
vii Be ȝe halewid, and be ȝe hooli, for Y am hooli, ȝoure xxiiii Forſoþe Y ſpeke to ȝou, Welde ȝe `þe lond of hem,

Lord God. which Y ſchal ȝyue to ȝou in to eritage, þe lond

viii Kepe ȝe myn heeſtis, and do ȝe þo, for Y am þe Lord flowynge wiþ mylk and hony; Y am ȝoure Lord God,
þat halewe ȝou. þat departide ȝou fro oþere puplis.
ix He þat curſiþ his fadir, eþer modir, die bi deeþ; if a xxv Þerfor alſo ȝe departe a cleene beeſte fro vnclene,

man curſiþ fadir and modir, his blood be on hym. and a cleene brid fro vncleene, leſt ȝe defoule ȝoure
x If a man doiþ leccherie wiþ `þe wijf of anoþer man, ſoulis in a beeſte, and in briddis, and in alle þingis þat
ben moued in erþe, and whiche þingis Y ſchewide to
and doiþ auowtrie wiþ `þe wijf of his neiȝbore, boþe
ȝou to be defoulid.
auowter and auowtreſſe die bi deeþ. xxvi Ȝe ſchulen be hooli to me, for `Y am þe hooli Lord,
xi If a man ſlepiþ wiþ hys ſtepdamme, and ſchewiþ `þe
and Y departide ȝou fro oþere puplis, þat ȝe ſchulen be
ſchenſchip of his fadir, boþe die bi deeþ; her blood be
on hem.

xxvii A man eþir a womman, in which is an vncleene xx if he haþ a botche; eþer if he is blereiȝed; if he haþ
ſpirit ſpekynge in þe `wombe, eþir `a ſpirit of fals whijt colour in þe iȝe, þat lettiþ þe ſiȝt; if he haþ
dyuynyng, die þei bi deeþ; men ſchulen oppreſſe hem bi contynuel ſcabbe; if he haþ a drye ſcabbe in þe bodi;
ſtoonus; her blood be on hem. eþir `is brokun `in þe pryuy membris.
xxi Ech man of þe ſeed of Aaron preeſt, which man haþ
CAP. XXI a wem, ſchal not neiȝe to offre ſacrifices to þe Lord,
i And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Speke þou to preeſtis, þe neþer `to offre looues to his God;
ſones of Aaron, and þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, A preeſt be xxii neþeles he ſchal ete þe looues þat ben offrid in þe
not defoulid in þe deed men of hiſe citeſeyns, ſeyntuarie,
ii no but oneli in kyneſmen and niȝ of blood, þat is, on xxiii ſo oneli þat he entre not wiþ ynne þe veil; he ſchal
fadir and modir, and ſone and douȝter, not neiȝe to þe auter, for he haþ a wem, and he ſchal not
iii and broþer and ſiſter, virgyn, which is not weddid to defoule my ſeyntuarie; Y am þe Lord þat halewe hem.
man; xxiiii Þerfor Moiſes ſpak to Aaron, and to hiſe ſones, and
iiii but neþer he ſchal be defoulid in þe prince of his to al Iſrael, alle þingis þat weren comaundid to hym.
v Preeſtis ſchulen not ſchaue þe heed, neþer beerd, neþer CAP. XXII
þei ſchulen make keruyngis in her fleiſchis; þei ſchulen i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide, Speke þou to
be hooli to her God, Aaron and to hiſe ſones,
vi and þei ſchulen not defoule his name; for þei offren ii þat þei ȝe war of þeſe þingis of þe ſones of Iſrael,
encenſe of þe Lord, and þe looues of her God, and whiche þingis ben halewid; and þat þey defoule not þe
þerfore þei ſchulen be hooli. name of þingis halewid to me, whiche þingis þei offren;
vii A preeſt ſchal not wedde a wijf a corrupt womman, Y am þe Lord.
and a `foul hoore, neþer he ſchal wedde `hir þat is iii Seie þou to hem, and to þe aftir comeris of hem, Ech
forſakun of þe hoſebonde, for he is halewid to his God, man of ȝoure kynrede, `which man neiȝeþ to þo þingis
viii and offriþ þe looues of ſettyng forþ; þerfor be he þat ben halewid, and whiche þingis þe ſones of Iſrael
hooly, for `Y am þe hooli Lord þat halewiþ ȝou. offreden to þe Lord, in `which man is vnclenneſſe, ſchal
ix If þe `doutir of a preeſt is takun in defoulyng of periſche bifor þe Lord; Y am þe Lord.
iiii A man of þe ſeed of Aaron, `which man is leprouſe,
virgynite, and defouliþ þe name of hir fadir, ſche ſchal
be brent in flawmes. eþir ſuffriþ `fletyng out of ſeed, ſchal not ete of þeſe
x Þe biſchop, þat is þe mooſt preeſt among hiſe briþeren, þingis, þat ben halewid to me, til he be heelid. He þat
on whoſe heed þe oile of anoyntyng is ſched, and whoſe touchiþ an vncleene þing on a deed bodi, and fro whom
hondis ben ſacrid in preeſthod, and he is cloþid in hooli þe ſeed as of leccherie goiþ out, and which touchiþ a
cloþis, ſchal not diſkyuere his heed, he ſchal not tere crepynge beeſte,
v and what euer vncleene þing, whos touchyng is foul,
hiſe cloþis,
xi and outirli he ſchal not entre to ony deed man; and he vi ſchal be vncleene `til to euentid, and he ſchal not ete

ſchal not be defoulid on his fadir and modir, þeſe þingis, þat ben halewid to me; but whanne he haþ
xii neþer he ſchal go out of hooli þingis, leſt he defoule waiſche his fleiſch in watir,
vii and þe ſunne haþ go doun, þanne he ſchal be clenſid,
þe ſeyntuarie of þe Lord, for þe oile of hooli anoyntyng
of his God is on hym; Y am þe Lord. and ſchal ete halewid þingis, for it is his mete.
xiii He ſchal wedde a wijf virgyn; viii He ſchal not ete a þing deed bi it ſilf, and takun of a
xiiii he ſchal not take a widewe, and forſakun, and a foul beeſte, neþir he ſchal be defoulid in þo; Y am þe Lord.
ix Þei ſchulen kepe myn heeſtis, þat þei be not ſuget to
womman, and hoore, but a dameſele of his puple;
xv medle he not þe generacioun of his kyn to þe comyn ſynne, and die in þe ſeyntuarye, whanne þei han
puple of his folk, for Y am þe Lord, þat `halewe hym. defoulid it; Y am þe Lord þat halewe ȝou.
xvi And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, x Ech alien ſchal not ete of þingis halewid; þe hyne

xvii and ſeide, Speke þou to Aaron; a man of þi ſeed, bi which is a ſtraunger, and þe hirid man of þe preeſt,
meynes, þat haþ a wem, ſchal not offre breed to his ſchulen not ete of þo. Soþeli þeſe ſeruauntis,
xi whom þe preeſt haþ bouȝt, and which is a borun
xviii neþir ſchal neiȝ to his ſeruyce; ſeruaunt of his hows, ſchulen ete of þo.
xii If þe `douȝter of þe preeſt is weddid to ony of þe
xix if he is blind; if he is crokid; if he is eþer of litil, eþer
of greet, and wrong noſe; if he is `of brokun foot, eþir puple, ſche ſchal not ete of þeſe þingis þat ben halewid,
hond; and of þe firſte fruytis;

xiii ſoþeli if ſche is a widewe, eþer forſakun, and turneþ xxx ȝe ſchulen ete it in þe ſame dai in which it is offrid;
aȝen wiþ out fre children to `þe hows of hir fadir, ſche ony þing ſchal not leeue in þe morewtid of þe toþer dai;
ſchal be ſuſteyned bi þe metis of hir fadir, as a damyſel Y am þe Lord.
was wont; ech alien haþ not power to ete of þo. xxxi Kepe ȝe myn heeſtis, and do ȝe þo; Y am þe Lord.
xiiii He þat etiþ bi ignoraunce of halewid þingis, ſchal xxxii Defoule ȝe not myn hooli name, þat Y be halewid
adde þe fyueþe part wiþ þat þat he eet, and `ſchal ȝyue in þe myddis of þe ſones of Iſrael; Y am þe Lord, þat
to þe preeſt in ſeyntuarie, halewe ȝou, and ledde ȝou out of þe lond of Egipt,
xv and þei ſchulen not defoule þe halewid þingis of þe xxxiii þat Y ſchulde be to ȝou in to God; Y am þe Lord.
ſones of Iſrael, whiche þei offren to þe Lord,
xvi leſt perauenture þei ſuffren þe wickidneſſe of her CAP. XXIII
treſpas, whanne þei han ete halewid þingis; Y am þe i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes and ſeide, Speke þou to þe
Lord þat `halewe hem. Þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſones of Iſrael,
ſeide, Speke þou to Aaron and to hiſe ſones, and to alle ii and þou ſchalt ſeye to hem, Þeſe ben þe feries of þe
þe ſones of Iſrael, and þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, A man of Lord, whiche ȝe ſchulen clepe hooli.
þe hous of Iſrael and of comelyngis þat dwellen at hem, iii Sixe daies ȝe ſchulen do werk, þe ſeuenþe dai ſchal be
which offriþ his offryng to þe Lord, and eþir paieþ
clepid hooli, for it is þe reſte of ſabat; ȝe ſchulen not do
avowis, eþir offriþ bi his fre wille, what euer þing he
ony werk þer ynne; it is þe ſabat of þe Lord in alle ȝoure
offriþ in to brent ſacrifice of þe Lord, þat it be offrid bi
ȝou, iiii Þeſe ben þe hooli feries of þe Lord, whiche ȝe owen
xix it ſchal be a male wiþout wem, of oxen, and of
to halewe in her tymes.
ſcheep, and of geet; if it haþ a wem, v In þe firſte moneþe, in þe fourtenþe dai of þe moneþe,
xx ȝe ſchulen not offre, neþer it ſchal be acceptable.
xxi A man þat offriþ a ſacrifice of peſyble þingis to þe
at euentid, is paſk of þe Lord;
vi and in þe fiftenþe dai of þis moneþe is þe ſolempnyte
Lord, and eþir paieþ auowis, eþir offriþ bi fre wille, as
of þerf looues of þe Lord; ſeuene daies ȝe ſchulen ete
wel of oxun as of ſcheep, he ſchal offre a beeſte wiþout
þerf looues;
wem, þat it be acceptable; ech wem ſchal not be þer vii þe firſte dai ſchal be mooſt ſolempne and hooli to
xxii If it is blynd, if it is brokun, if it haþ a ſcar, if it haþ ȝou; ȝe ſchulen not do ony `ſeruyle werk þer ynne,
viii but ȝe ſchulen offre ſacrifice in fier to þe Lord ſeuene
whelkis, eþer ſcabbe, eþir drie ſcabbe, ȝe ſchulen not
offre þo beeſtis to þe Lord, neþer ȝe ſchulen brenne of daies; ſoþeli þe ſeuenþe dai ſchal be more ſolempne and
þo beeſtis on þe auter of þe Lord. hooliere, `þat is, `þan þe formere daies goynge bitwixe,
xxiii A man may offre wilfuli an oxe and ſcheep, whanne and ȝe ſchulen not do ony ſeruyle werk þer ynne.
ix And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes and ſeide,
þe eere and tail ben kit of; but avow may not be paied x Speke þou to þe ſones of Iſrael, and þou ſchalt ſeye to
of þeſe beeſtis.
xxiiii Ȝe ſchulen not offre to þe Lord ony beeſte, whoſe hem, Whanne ȝe han entrid in to þe lond which Y ſchal
priuy membris ben brokun, eþir briſid, eþer kit, and ȝyue to ȝou, and han rope corn, ȝe ſchulen bere handfuls
takun awey, and outerli ȝe ſchulen not do þeſe þingis in of eeris of corn, þe firſte fruytis of ȝoure rype corn, to
ȝoure lond. þe preeſt;
xi and þe preeſt ſchal reiſe a bundel bifor þe Lord, þat it
xxv Of `þe hond of an alien ȝe ſchulen not offre looues
to ȝoure God, and what euer oþer þing he wole ȝyue, for be acceptable for ȝou, in þe toþer dai of ſabat, þat is, of
alle þingis ben corrupt and defoulid; ȝe ſchulen not paſk; and þe preeſt ſchal halewe þat bundel;
xii and in þe ſame dai, wher ynne þe handful is halewid,
reſſeyue þo.
xxvi And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, a lomb of o ȝeer wiþout wem ſchal be ſlayn in to brent
xxvii and ſeide, Whanne an oxe, ſcheep and goet ben ſacrifice of þe Lord;
xiii and fletynge offryngis ſchulen be offrid þer wiþ,
brouȝt forþ `of þe modris wombe, in ſeuene daies þo
ſchulen be vnder `þe tete of her modir; ſoþeli in þe eiȝte twei tenþe partis of wheete flour ſpreynt to gidere wiþ
dai, and fro þennus forþ, þo moun be offrid to þe Lord, oile, in to encenſe of þe Lord, and ſwettiſt odour, and
xxviii wheþer þilke is a cow, wheþer `þilke is a ſcheep; fletynge offryngis of wyn, þe fourþe part of hyn.
xiiii Ȝe ſchulen not ete a loof, neþer a cake, neþer
þo ſchulen not be offrid in o dai wiþ her fruytis.
xxix If ȝe offren to þe Lord a ſacrifice for þe doyng of podagis of þe corn, `til to þe dai in which ȝe ſchulen
offre þerof to ȝoure God; it is a comaundement
þankyngis, þat it mai be pleſaunt,
euerlaſtynge in ȝoure generaciouns, and alle dwellyng

xv Þerfor ȝe ſchulen noumbre fro þe toþer dai of ſabat, xxxiiii and ſeide, Speke þou to þe ſones of Iſrael, Fro þe
in which ȝe offriden handfullis of firſte fruytis, fiftenþe day of þis ſeuenþe moneþe ſchulen be þe feries
xvi ſeuene fulle woukis, til to þe toþir day of fillyng of of tabernaclis, in ſeuene daies to þe Lord;
þe ſeuenþe wouk, þat is, fifti dayes; and ſo ȝe ſchulen xxxv þe firſte dai ſchal be clepid mooſt ſolempne and
xvii offre newe ſacrifice to þe Lord of alle ȝoure mooſt hooli, ȝe ſchulen not do ony ſeruyle werk þer
dwelling placis, twei looues of þe firſte fruytis, of twei ynne;
tenþe partis of flour, `diȝt wiþ ſoure dow, whiche looues xxxvi and in ſeuene daies ȝe ſchulen offre brent ſacrifices
ȝe ſchulen bake in to þe firſte fruytis to þe Lord. to þe Lord, and þe eiȝþe dai ſchal be mooſt ſolempne
xviii And ȝe ſchulen offre wiþ þe looues ſeuene lambren and mooſt hooli; and ȝe ſchulen offre brent ſacrifice to
of o ȝeer wiþ out wem, and o calf of þe droue, and twey þe Lord, for it is þe day of cumpany, and of gaderyng;
rammes, and þeſe ſchulen be in brent ſacrifice, wiþ her ȝe ſchulen not do ony ſeruyle werk þer ynne.
fletynge offryngis, in to ſwetteſt odour to þe Lord. xxxvii Þeſe ben þe feries of þe Lord, whiche ȝe ſchulen
xix Ȝe ſchulen make alſo a buk of geet for ſynne, and clepe mooſt ſolempne and mooſt hooli; and in þo ȝe
twey lambren of o ȝeer, ſacrificis of peſible þingis. ſchulen offre offryngis to þe Lord, brent ſacrifices, and
xx And whanne þe preeſt haþ reiſid þo, wiþ þe looues of fletynge offeryngis, bi þe cuſtom of ech day,
xxxviii outakun þe ſabatis of þe Lord, and ȝoure ȝiftys,
firſte fruytys bifor þe Lord, þo ſchulen falle in to his vſs.
xxi And ȝe ſchulen clepe þis dai moſt ſolempne, and and whiche ȝe offren bi avow, eþer whiche ȝe ȝyuen bi
mooſt hooli; ȝe ſchulen not do þer ynne ony ſeruyle fre wille to þe Lord.
xxxix Þerfor fro þe fiftenþe day of þe ſeuenþe moneþe,
werk; it ſchal be a lawful þing euerlaſtynge in alle ȝoure
dwellyngis, and generaciouns. whanne ȝe han gaderid alle þe fruytis of ȝoure lond, ȝe
xxii Forſoþe aftir þat ȝe han rope þe corn of ȝoure lond, ſchulen halewe þe feries of þe Lord ſeuene daies; in þe
ȝe ſchulen not kitte it `til to þe ground, neþer ȝe ſchulen firſte day and þe eiȝte ſchal be ſabat, þat is, reſte.
xl And ȝe ſchulen take to ȝou in þe firſte day fruytis of
gadere þe `eeris of corn abidynge, but ȝe ſchulen leeue
þo to pore men and pilgrymys; Y am `ȝoure Lord God. þe faireſte tree, and braunchis of palm trees, and
xxiii And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide, braunchis of a `tree of þicke boowis, and ſalewis of þe
xxiiii Speke þou to þe ſones of Iſrael, In þe ſeuenþe rennynge ſtreem, and ȝe ſchulen be glad bifor ȝoure
moneþe, in þe firſte day of þe moneþe, ſchal be ſabat Lord God;
xli and ȝe ſchulen halewe his ſolempnyte ſeuene daies bi
memorial to ȝow, ſownynge wiþ trumpis, and it ſchal be
clepid hooli; þe ȝeer; it ſchal be a lawful þing euerlaſtynge in ȝoure
xxv ȝe ſchulen not do ony ſeruyle werk þer ynne, and ȝe generaciouns. In þe ſeuenþe moneþe ȝe ſchulen halewe
ſchulen offre brent ſacrifice to þe Lord. feeſtis,
xlii and ȝe ſchulen dwelle in ſchadewynge placis ſeuene
xxvi And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide, In þe tenþe
day of þis ſeuenþe moneþe, daies; ech man þat is of þe kyn of Iſrael, ſchal dwelle in
xxvii þe day of clenſyngis ſchal be mooſt ſolempne, and tabernaclis, þat ȝoure aftercomers lerne,
xliii þat Y made þe ſones of Iſrael to dwelle in
it ſchal be clepid hooli; and ȝe ſchulen turmente ȝoure
ſoulis to God, and ȝe ſchulen offre brent ſacrifice to þe tabernaculis, whanne Y ledde hem out of þe lond of
Lord; Egipt; Y am ȝoure Lord God.
xliiii And Moiſes ſpak of þe ſolempnytees of þe Lord to
xxviii ȝe ſchulen not do ony werk in þe tyme of þis day,
for it is þe day of þe clenſyng, þat ȝoure Lord God be þe ſones of Iſrael.
merciful to ȝou.
xxix Ech `man which is not tourmentid in þis day, ſchal CAP. XXIIII
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide, Comaunde þou
periſche fro his puplis,
xxx and Y ſchal do a way fro his puple þat man þat doiþ to þe ſones of Iſrael,
ii þat þei brynge to þee oile of olyues, pureſte oile, and
eny þing of werk in þat dai;
xxxi þerfor ȝe ſchulen not do ony þing of werk in þat dai; briȝt, to þe lanternes to be ordeyned contynueli wiþ out
þe veil of witneſſyng,
it ſchal be a lawful þing euerlaſtynge to ȝou in alle ȝoure iii in þe tabernacle of boond of pees; and Aaron ſchal
generaciouns and abitaciouns;
xxxii it is þe ſabat of reſtyng. Ȝe ſchulen turmente ȝoure araye þo lanternes fro euentid `til to euentid bifor þe
Lord, bi religioun and cuſtom euerlaſtynge in ȝoure
ſoulis fro þe nynþe day of þe moneþe; fro euentid `til to
euentid ȝe ſchulen halewe ȝoure ſabatis. iiii þo ſchulen be ſet euere on a clenneſte candilſtike in
xxxiii And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes,
þe ſiȝt of þe Lord.

v Alſo þou ſchalt take wheete flour, and þou ſchalt bake ii and ſeide, Speke þou to þe ſones of Iſrael, and þou
þerof twelue looues, which ſchulen haue ech bi hem ſilf ſchalt ſeye to hem, Whanne ȝe han entrid in to þe lond
twei tenþe partis, which Y ſchal ȝyue to ȝou, `þe erþe kepe þe ſabat of þe
vi of whiche þou ſchalt ſette ſexe on euer eiþir ſide, on a Lord;
clenneſte boord bifor þe Lord; iii ſixe ȝeeris þou ſchalt ſowe þi feeld, and ſixe ȝeeris
vii and þou ſchalt ſette clereſte encenſe on þo looues, þat þou ſchalt kitte þi vyner, and þou ſchalt gadere þe
þe looues be in to mynde of offryng of þe Lord; fruytis þer of;
viii bi ech ſabat þo ſchulen be chaungid bifor þe Lord, iiii forſoþe in þe ſeuenþe ȝeer ſchal be ſabat of þe erþe of

and ſchulen be takun of þe ſones of Iſrael bi þe reſtyng of þe Lord;

euerlaſtynge boond of pees; v þou ſchalt not ſowe þe feeld, and þou ſchalt not kitte
ix and þo ſchulen be Aarons and hiſe ſones, þat þei ete þe vyner, þou ſchalt not repe þo þingis whiche þe erþe
þo in þe hooli place, for it is hooli of þe noumbre of bryngiþ forþ `bi fre wille, and þou ſchalt not gadere þe
hooli þingis, of þe ſacrifices of þe Lord, bi euerlaſtynge grapis of þi firſte fruytis, as vyndage; for it is þe ȝeer of
lawe. reſtyng of þe lond; but þo ſchulen be to ȝou in to mete,
x Lo! forſoþe þe ſone of a womman of Iſrael, whom ſche vi to þee, and to þi ſeruaunt, to þin handmaide, and to

childide of a man Egipcian, ȝede out among þe ſones of þin hirid man, and to þe comelyng which is a pilgrym at
Iſrael, and chidde in þe caſtels wiþ a man of Iſrael, þee; alle þingis þat `comen forþ,
xi and whanne he hadde blasfemyd þe name of þe Lord, vii ſchulen ȝyue mete to þi werk beeſtis and ſmale

and hadde curſid þe Lord, he was brouȝt to Moiſes; beeſtis.

forſoþe his modir was clepid Salumyth, þe douȝtir of viii Alſo þou ſchalt noumbre to þee ſeuene woukis of
Dabry, of þe lynage of Dan; ȝeeris, þat is, ſeuene ſiþes ſeuene, whiche togidere
xii and þei ſenten hym to priſoun, til þei wiſten what þe maken nyn and fourti ȝeer;
Lord comaundide. ix and þou ſchalt ſowne wiþ a clarioun in þe ſeuenþe
xiii And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes and ſeide, moneþe, in þe tenþe dai of þe moneþe, in þe tyme of
xiiii Lede out þe blasfemere wiþout þe caſtels, and alle propiciacioun, `þat is, merci, in al ȝoure lond.
x And þou ſchalt halewe þe fiftiþe ȝeer, and þou ſchalt
men þat herden, ſette her hondis on his heed, and al þe
puple ſtone hym. clepe remiſſioun to alle þe dwellers of þi lond; for þilke
xv And þou ſchalt ſpeke to þe ſones of Iſrael, A man þat ȝeer is iubilee; a man ſchal turne aȝen to hys poſſeſſioun,
curſiþ his God, and ech man ſchal go aȝen to þe firſte meynee,
xvi ſchal bere his ſynne, and he þat blasfemeþ þe name xi for it is iubilee, and þe fiftiþe ȝeer. Ȝe ſchulen not

of þe Lord, die bi deeþ; al þe multitude of þe puple ſowe, neþer ȝe ſchulen repe þingis, þat comen forþ freli
ſchal oppreſſe hym wiþ ſtoonus, wheþer he þat in þe feeld, and ȝe ſchulen not gadere þe firſte fruytis of
blasfemede þe name of þe Lord is a citeſeyn, wheþer a vyndage, for þe halewyng of iubilee;
xii but anoon ȝe ſchulen ete þingis takun awey;
pilgrym, die he bi deeþ.
xvii He þat ſmytiþ and ſleeþ a man, die bi deeþ; xiii in þe ȝeer of iubilee alle men go aȝen to her
xviii he þat ſmytiþ a beeſte, ȝelde oon in his ſtide, þat is, poſſeſſiouns.
xiiii Whanne þou ſchalt ſille ony þing to þi citeſeyn, eþer
lijf for lijf.
xix If a man ȝyueþ a wem to ony of hiſe citeſeyns, as he ſchalt bie of hym, make þou not ſory þi broþer, but bi þe
dide, ſo be it don to him; noumbre of `ȝeeris of iubile þou ſchalt bie of him,
xx he ſchal reſtore brekyng for brekyng, iȝe for iȝe, tooþ xv and bi þe rekenyng of fruytis he ſchal ſille to þee.
xvi Bi as myche as mo ȝeeris dwellen after þe iubilee, by
for tooþ; what maner wem he ȝaf, he ſchal be compellid
to ſuffre ſich a wem. ſo myche alſo þe prijs ſchal encreeſſe, and bi as myche
xxi He þat ſmytiþ werk beeſte, ȝeelde anoþer; he þat as þou noumbriſt leſſe of tyme, bi ſo myche and þe
ſmytiþ a man, ſchal be punyſchid. biyng ſchal coſt leſſe; for he ſchal ſille to þee þe time of
xxii Euene doom be among ȝou, wheþer a pilgrym eþir a fruytis.
xvii Nyle ȝe turment men of ȝoure lynagis, but ech man
citeſeyn ſynneþ, for Y am ȝoure Lord God.
xxiii And Moyſes ſpak to þe ſones of Iſrael, and þei drede his God; for Y am ȝoure Lord God.
xviii Do ȝe my comaundementis, and kepe ȝe my domes,
brouȝten forþ out of þe caſtels hym þat blasfemede, and
oppreſſiden wiþ ſtoonus. And þe ſones of Iſrael diden, as and fille ȝe þo, þat ȝe moun dwelle in his lond wiþout
þe Lord comaundide to Moyſes. ony drede,
xix and þat þe erþe brynge forþ hiſe fruytis to ȝou,

CAP. XXV whiche ȝe ſchulen ete `til to fulneſſe, and drede not þe
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes in þe hil of Synai, aſſailyng of ony man.

xx Þat if ȝe ſeien, what ſchulen we ete in þe ſeuenþe xxxix If þi broþer compellid bi pouert ſilliþ hym ſilf to
ȝeer, if we ſowen not, neþer gaderen oure fruytis? þee, þou ſchalt not oppreſſe hym bi ſeruage of
xxi Y ſchal ȝyue my bleſſyng to ȝou in þe ſixte ȝeer, and ſeruauntis,
it ſchal make fruytis of þree ȝeer; xl but he ſchal be as an hirid man and tenaunt; `til to þe
xxii and ȝe ſchulen ſowe in þe eiȝte ȝeer, and ȝe ſchulen ȝeer of iubilee he ſchal worche at þee,
ete elde fruytis `til to þe nynþe ȝeer; til newe þingis xli and aftirward he ſchal go out wiþ his fre children,
comen forþ ȝe ſchulen ete þe elde þingis. and he ſchal turne aȝen to þe kynrede, and to `þe
xxiii Alſo þe lond ſchal not be ſeeld `in to wiþ outen poſſeſſioun of his fadris.
ende, for it is myn, and ȝe ben my comelyngis and xlii For þei ben my ſeruauntis, and Y ledde hem out of
tenauntis; þe lond of Egipt; þei ſchulen not be ſeeld bi þe
xxiiii wherfor al þe cuntre of ȝoure poſſeſſioun ſchal be condicioun of ſeruauntis;
ſeeld vndur þe condicioun of aȝenbiyng. xliii turmente þou not hem bi þi power, but drede þou þi
xxv If þi broþer is maad pore, and ſilliþ his litil Lord.
poſſeſſioun, and his nyȝ kyneſman wole, he may aȝenbie xliiii A ſeruaunt and handmaide be to ȝou of naciouns þat
þat þat he ſeelde; ben in ȝoure cumpas,
xxvi ſoþeli if he haþ no nyȝ kyneſman, and he may fynde xlv and of comelyngis þat ben pilgrimys at ȝou, eþer þei
prijs to aȝenbie, þat ben borun of hem in ȝoure lond; ȝe ſchulen haue
xxvii þe fruytis ſchulen be rekynyd fro þat tyme in which þeſe ſeruauntis,
he ſeelde, and he ſchal ȝelde `þat þat is reſidue to þe xlvi and bi riȝt of eritage ȝe ſchulen `ſende ouer to aftir
biere, and he ſchal reſſeyue ſo his poſſeſſioun. comeris, and ȝe ſchulen welde wiþ outen ende; ſoþely
xxviii Þat if his hond fynde not, þat he ȝelde þe prijs, þe oppreſſe ȝe not bi power ȝoure briþeren, þe ſones of
biere ſchal haue þat þat he bouȝte, `til to þe ȝeer of Iſrael.
iubilee; for in þat ȝeer ech ſillyng ſchal go aȝen to þe xlvii If þe hond of a comelyng and of a pilgrim wexiþ
lord, and to þe firſte weldere. ſtrong at ȝou, and þi broþer is maad pore, and ſilliþ hym
xxix He þat ſilliþ his hows, wiþ ynne þe wallis of a citee, ſilf to hym,
ſchal haue licence to aȝenbie til o ȝeer be fillid; xlviii eþer to ony of his kyn, he may be aȝenbouȝt aftir
xxx if he aȝenbieþ not, and þe ſercle of þe ȝeer is paſſid, þe ſillyng; he þat wole of hiſe briþeren, aȝenbie hym;
þe biere ſchal welde it, and his eiris `in to wiþ outen boþe `þe broþer of fadir,
ende, and it ſchal not mow be aȝenbouȝt, ȝe, in þe xlix and þe ſone of `þe fadris broþer, and kyneſman, and
iubilee. alye. Ellis if alſo he ſchal mow, he ſchal aȝenbie hym
xxxi Forſoþe if þe hows is in a town `þat haþ not wallis, ſilf,
it ſchal be ſeeld bi þe lawe of feeldis; ſoþeli if it is not l while þe ȝeeris ben rykenid oneli fro þe tyme of his
aȝenbouȝt in þe iubilee, it ſchal turne aȝen to `his lord. ſillyng `til in to þe ȝeer of iubylee; and while þe money,
xxxii Þe howſis of dekenes, þat ben in citees, moun euer for which he was ſeeld, is rikenyd bi þe noumbre of
be aȝenbouȝt; if þo ben not aȝenbouȝt, ȝeeris, and while þe hire of an hirid man is rikenyd.
xxxiii þo ſchulen turne aȝen in þe iubilee `to þe lordis; li If mo ȝeeris ben þat dwellen `til to þe iubilee, bi þeſe

for þe `howſis of þe citees of dekenes ben for ȝeeris he ſchal ȝelde alſo þe prijs; if fewe ȝeeris ben,
poſſeſſiouns among þe ſones of Iſrael; lii he ſchal ſette rikenyng wiþ hym bi þe noumbre of
xxxiiii forſoþe þe ſuburbabis of hem ſchulen not be ſeeld, ȝeeris;
for it is euerlaſtynge poſſeſſioun. liii and he ſchal ȝeelde to þe biere þat þat is reſidue of
xxxv If þi broþer is maad pore, and feble in power, and ȝeeris, while þo ȝeeris, bi whiche he ſeruyde bifore, ben
þou reſſeyueſt hym as a comelyng and pilgrym, and he rikenyd for hiris; he ſchal not turmente `þat Ebreu
lyueþ wiþ þee, violentli in þi ſiȝt.
xxxvi take þou not vſuris of hym, neþer more þan þou liiii Þat if he may not be aȝenbouȝt bi þis, he ſchal go out

haſt ȝoue; drede þou þi God, þat þi broþir mai lyue wiþ his free children in þe ` ȝeer of iubilee; for þe ſones
anentis þee. of Iſrael ben myn ſeruauntis,
xxxvii Þou ſchalt not ȝyue to hym þi money to vſure, and lv whiche Y ledde out of þe lond of Egipt.

þou ſchalt not axe ouer `aboundaunce, eþer encrees

ouer of fruytis; CAP. XXVI
xxxviii Y am ȝoure Lord God, þat ladde ȝou out of þe i Y am ȝoure Lord God; ȝe ſchulen not make to ȝou an

lond of Egipt, þat Y ſchulde ȝyue to ȝou þe lond of ydol, and a grauun ymage, neþer ȝe ſchulen reiſe titlis,
Canaan, and þat Y ſchulde be ȝoure God. neþer ȝe ſchulen ſette a noble ſtoon in ȝoure lond, þat ȝe
worſchipe it; for Y am ȝoure Lord God.

ii Kepe ȝe my ſabatis, and drede ȝe at my ſeyntuarie; Y xxi If ȝe goon contrarie to me, neþer wolen here me, Y
am þe Lord. ſchal adde ȝoure woundis til in to ſeuenfold for ȝoure
iii If ȝe gon in myn heeſtis, and kepen my ſynnes;
comaundementis, and doon þo, Y ſchal ȝyue to ȝou xxii Y ſchal ſende out in to ȝou cruel beeſtis of þe feeld,
reynes in her tymes, þat ſchulen waſte ȝou and ȝoure beeſtis, and ſchulen
iiii and þe erþe ſchal brynge forþ his fruyt, and trees brynge alle þingis to fewneſſe, and ȝoure weies ſchulen
ſchulen be fillid wiþ applis; be forſakun.
v þe þreſchyng of ripe cornes ſchal take vyndage, and xxiii Þat if neþer ſo ȝe wolen reſſeyue doctryn, but goon

vyndage ſchal occupie ſeed, and ȝe ſchulen ete ȝoure contrarie to me,
breed in fulneſſe, and ȝe ſchulen dwelle in ȝoure lond xxiiii alſo Y ſchal go aduerſarie aȝens ȝou, and Y ſchal
wiþout drede. ſmyte ȝou ſeuen ſiþis for ȝoure ſynnes;
vi Y ſchal ȝyue pees in ȝoure cooſtis; ȝe ſchulen ſlepe, xxv and Y ſchal brynge yn on ȝou þe ſwerd, vengere of
and noon ſchal be þat ſchal make ȝou aferd; Y ſchal do my boond of pees; and whanne ȝe fleen in to citees, Y
awei yuel beeſtis fro ȝou, and a ſwerd ſchal not paſſe bi ſchal ſende peſtilence in þe myddis of ȝou, and ȝe
ȝoure termes. ſchulen be bitakun in þe hondis of enemyes,
vii Ȝe ſchulen purſue ȝoure enemyes, and þei ſchulen xxvi aftir þat Y haue broke þe ſtaf of ȝoure breed, ſo þat
falle bifor ȝou; ten wymmen bake looues in oon ouene, and ȝelde þo
viii fyue of ȝoure men ſchulen purſue an hundrid aliens, looues at weiȝte; and ȝe ſchulen ete, and ȝe ſchulen not
and an hundrid of ȝou ſchulen purſue ten þouſande; be fillid.
ȝoure enemyes ſchulen falle bi ſwerd in ȝoure ſiȝt. xxvii But if neþir bi þeſe þingis ȝe heren me, but goon
ix Y ſchal biholde ȝou, and Y ſchal make ȝou to aȝens me,
encreeſſe; ȝe ſchulen be multiplied; and Y ſchal make xxviii and Y ſchal go aȝens ȝou in contrarie woodneſſe,
ſtedfaſt my couenaunt wiþ ȝou; and Y ſchal chaſtiſe ȝou bi ſeuene veniaunces for ȝoure
x ȝe ſchulen ete þe eldeſt of elde þingis, and ȝe ſchulen ſynnes,
caſte forþ elde þingis, whanne newe þingis ſchulen xxix ſo þat ȝe ete þe fleiſchis of ȝoure ſones, and of ȝoure
come aboue; douȝtris;
xi Y ſchal ſette my tabernacle in þe myddis of ȝou, and xxx Y ſchal deſtrie ȝoure hiȝe þingis, and Y ſchal breke
my ſoule ſchal not caſte ȝou awey; ȝoure ſymylacris; ȝe ſchulen falle bitwixe þe fallyngis
xii Y ſchal go among ȝou, and Y ſchal be ȝoure God, and of ȝour ydols, and my ſoule ſchal haue ȝou
ȝe ſchulen be a puple to me. abhomynable,
xiii Y am ȝoure Lord God, þat ledde ȝou out of þe lond xxxi in ſo myche þat Y turne ȝoure citees in to

of Egipcians, þat ȝe ſchulden not ſerue hem, and which wildirneſſe, and make ȝoure ſeyntuaries forſakun, neþer
haue broke þe chaynes of ȝoure nollis, þat ȝe ſchulde go Y ſchal reſſeyue more þe ſwetteſt odour;
vpriȝt. xxxii and Y ſchal deſtrye ȝoure lond, and ȝoure enemyes
xiiii Þat if ȝe heren not me, neþer doon alle myn heeſtis, ſchulen be aſtonyed þeronne, whanne þei ſchulen be
xv and if ȝe forſaken my lawis, and deſpiſen my domes, enhabiters þerof;
xxxiii forſoþe Y ſchal ſcatere ȝou in to folkis, eþer heþen
þat ȝe doon not þo þingis þat ben ordeyned of me, and
þat ȝe brengen my couenaunt to auoydyng, alſo Y ſchal men, and Y ſchal drawe out of þe ſcheþe þe ſwerd aftir
do þeſe þingis to ȝou; ȝou, and ȝoure lond ſchal be forſakun, and ȝoure citees
xvi Y ſchal viſyte ȝou ſwiftly in nedyneſſe and brennyng, ſchulen be caſt doun.
xxxiiii Þanne `hiſe ſabatis ſchulen pleſe þe erþe, in alle þe
which ſchal turment ȝoure iȝen, and ſchal waſte ȝoure
lyues; in veyn ȝe ſchulen ſowe ſeed, þat ſchal be daies of his wildirneſſe; whanne ȝe ben in þe lond of
deuourid of enemyes; enemyes,
xvii Y ſchal ſette my face aȝens ȝou, and ȝe ſchulen falle xxxv it ſchal `kepe ſabat, and ſchal reſte in þe ſabatis of

bifor ȝoure enemyes, and ȝe ſchulen be ſugetis to hem his wildirneſſe, for it reſtide not in ȝoure ſabatis, whanne
þat haten ȝou; ȝe ſchulen fle, while no man purſueþ. ȝe dwelliden þerynne.
xviii But if neþer ſo ȝe obeyen to me, Y ſchal adde ȝoure xxxvi And Y ſchal ȝyue drede in `þe hertis of hem,

chaſtiſyngis ſeuenfold for ȝoure ſynnes; whiche ſchulen abide of ȝou, in þe cuntreis of enemyes;
xix and Y ſchal al tobreke þe pride of ȝoure hardneſſe, þe ſown of a leef fleynge ſchal make hem aferd, and ſo
and Y ſchal ȝyue to ȝou heuene aboue as of yrun, and þe þei ſchulen fle it as a ſwerd; þei ſchulen falle, while
erþe as bras; noon purſueþ,
xx ȝoure trauel ſchal be waſtid in veyn, neþer þe erþe
ſchal brynge forþ fruyt, neþir trees ſchulen ȝyue applis.

xxxvii and alle ſchulen falle on her briþeren, as fleynge viii If it is a pore man, and may not ȝelde þe valu, he
bateils; no man of ȝou ſchal be hardi to aȝenſtonde ſchal ſtonde bifor þe preeſt, and as myche as þe preeſt
enemyes; preiſiþ, and ſeeþ þat þe pore man may ȝelde, ſo myche
xxxviii ȝe ſchulen periſche among heþen men, and þe he ſchal ȝyue.
lond of enemyes ſchal waaſte ȝou. ix Forſoþe if ony man avowiþ a beeſte, þat may be offrid
xxxix Þat if ſumme of þeſe Jewes dwellen, þei ſchulen to þe Lord, it ſchal be hooli,
faile in her wickidneſſis, in þe lond of her enemyes, and x and ſchal not mow be chaungid, þat is, neþir a betere
þei ſchulen be turmentid for þe ſynne of her fadris, for `an yuel, neþer `a worſe for a good; and if he
xl and for her owne ſynnes, til þei knoulechen her chaungiþ it, boþe þat, þat is chaungid, and þat, for
wickidneſſes, and han mynde of her yuels, bi whiche which it is chaungid, ſchal be halewid to þe Lord.
þei treſpaſſiden aȝens me, and ȝeden contrarie to me. xi Soþeli if ony man avowiþ an vncleene beeſte, þat may
xli Þerfor and Y ſchal go aȝens hem, and Y ſchal brynge not be offrid to þe Lord, it ſchal be brouȝt bifor þe
hem in to þe lond of enemyes, til þe vncircumcidid preeſt,
ſoule of hem be aſchamed; þanne þei ſchulen preie for xii and þe preeſt ſchal deme wheþer it is good eþer yuel,
her wickidneſſes, and ſchal ſette þe prijs;
xlii and Y ſchal haue mynde of my boond of pees, which xiii which prijs if he þat offriþ wole ȝyue, he ſchal adde
Y couenauntide wiþ Jacob, Yſaac, and Abraham; alſo Y þe fifþe part ouer þe valu.
ſchal be myndeful of þe lond, xiiii If a man avowiþ his hows, and halewiþ it to þe
xliii which, whanne it is left of hem, ſchal pleſe to it ſilf Lord, þe preeſt ſchal biholde, `wheþer it is good eþer
in `his ſabatis, and ſchal ſuffre wildirneſſe for hem; yuel, and bi þe prijs, which is ordeyned of hym, it ſchal
forſoþe þei ſchulen preye for her ſynnes, for þei caſtiden be ſeld;
awey my domes, and deſpyſeden my lawis; xv ſoþeli if he þat avowide wole aȝen-bie it, he ſchal
xliiii neþeles, ȝhe, whanne þei weren in `þe lond of ȝyue þe fifþe part of þe valu aboue, and he ſchal haue
enemyes, Y caſtide not hem awey outirli, neþer Y þe hows.
diſpiſide hem, ſo þat þei weren waſtid, and þat Y made xvi Þat if he avowiþ þe feeld of his poſſeſſioun, and
voide my couenaunt wiþ hem; for Y am þe Lord God of halewiþ to þe Lord, þe prijs ſchal be demed bi þe
hem. meſure of ſeed; if þe feeld is ſowun wiþ þritti buyſchels
xlv And Y ſchal haue mynde of my formere boond of of barli, it ſchal be ſeeld for fifti ſiclys of ſiluer.
pees, whanne Y ledde hem out of þe lond of Egipt, in þe xvii If he auowiþ þe feeld anoon for þe ȝeer of þe iubilee
ſiȝt of heþene men, þat Y ſchulde be her God; Y am þe bigynnynge, as myche as it may be worþ, bi ſo myche it
Lord God. Þeſe ben þe comaundementis, and domes, ſchal be preiſid;
and lawis, whiche þe Lord ȝaf bitwixe hym ſilf and xviii but if it be after `ſum part of tyme, þe preeſt ſchal
bitwixe þe ſones of Iſrael, in þe hil of Synay, bi þe hond rykene þe money bi þe noumbre of ȝeeris þat ben
of Moiſes. reſidue `til to þe iubilee, and it ſchal be wiþdrawun of
þe prijs.
CAP. XXVII xix Þat if he þat avowide wole aȝenbie þe feeld, he ſchal
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes and ſeide, Speke þou to þe
adde þe fyueþe part of þe money preiſid, and he ſchal
ſones of Iſrael, welde it;
ii and þou ſchalt ſeye to hem, A man þat makiþ avow, xx but if he nyle aȝenbie, but it is ſeeld to ony oþir man,
and bihetiþ his ſoule to God, ſchal ȝyue þe priys vndur he þat avowide ſchal `no more mowe aȝenbie it;
valu, eþer preiſyng. xxi for whanne þe dai of iubilee comeþ, it ſchal be
iii If it is a male, fro þe twentiþe ȝeer `til to þe ſixtiþe
halewid to þe Lord, and þe poſſeſſioun halewid
ȝeer, he ſchal ȝyue fifti ſiclis of ſiluer, at þe meſure of perteyneþ to þe riȝt of preeſtis.
ſeyntuarie, if it is a womman, xxii If þe feeld is bouȝt, and is not of þe poſſeſſioun of
iiii ſche ſchal ȝyue þretti ſiclis;
grettere men,
v forſoþe fro þe fifþe ȝeer `til to þe twentiþe ȝeer, a male xxiii and is halewid to þe Lord, þe preeſt ſchal determyne
ſchal ȝyue twenti cyclis, a womman ſchal ȝyue ten þe prijs bi þe noumbre of ȝeeris `til to þe iubilee, and he
ciclis; þat avowide þe feeld ſchal ȝyue þe prijs to þe Lord;
vi fro o moneþe `til to þe fifþe ȝeer, fyue ciclis ſchulen xxiiii forſoþe in þe iubilee it ſchal turne aȝen to þe
be ȝouun for a male, þre ciclis for a womman; formere lord þat ſeelde it, and `haue he in to þe eritage
vii a male of ſixti ȝeer and ouer ſchal ȝyue fiftene ciclis,
of his poſſeſſioun.
a womman ſchal ȝyue ten cyclis. xxv `Ech preiſyng ſchal be peiſid bi þe ſicle of
ſeyntuarie; a ſicle haþ twenti halpens.

xxvi No man may halewe and avowe þe firſte gendrid
þingis þat perteynen to þe Lord, wheþer it is oxe,
wheþer ſcheep, þo ben þe Lordis part.
xxvii Þat if þe beeſte is vncleene, he þat offride ſchal
aȝenbie by his valu, and he ſchal adde þe fyueþe part of
prijs; if he nyle aȝenbie, it ſchal be ſeeld to anoþer man,
as myche euer as it is `ſet at valu.
xxviii Al þing which is halewid to þe Lord, wheþer it is
man, wheþer beeſte, wheþer feeld, it ſchal not be ſeeld,
neþer it ſchal mow be aȝenbouȝt; whateuer þing is
halewid onys, it ſchal be hooli of þe noumbre of hooli
þingis to þe Lord,
xxix and ech halewyng which is offrid of man, ſchal not
be aȝenbouȝt, but it ſchal die bi deeþ.
xxx Alle þe tiþis of erþe, wheþer of fruytis, wheþer of
applis of trees, ben þe Lordis part, and ben halewid to
xxxi ſoþeli if ony man wole aȝenbie hiſe tiþis, he ſchal
adde þe fyueþe part of þo; of alle tiþis,
xxxii of ſcheep, and of oxen, and of geet, þat paſſen
vndur þe `ȝerde of ſcheepherde, whateuer þing comeþ
to þe tenþe part, it ſchal be halewid to þe Lord;
xxxiii it ſchal not be choſun, neþer good, neþer yuel;
neþir it ſchal be chaungid for anoþer; if ony man
chaungiþ, boþe þat, þat is chaungid, and þat, for which
it is chaungid, ſchal be halewid to þe Lord, and it ſchal
not be aȝenbouȝt.
xxxiiii Þeſe ben þe comaundementis whiche þe Lord
comaundide to Moiſes, and to þe ſones of Iſrael, in þe
hil of Synay.
Here eendiþ þe book of Leuitici, and here bygynneþ
þe book of Numerij.

xxiiii Of þe ſones of Gad, by generaciouns, and meynees,
NUMERI and houſis of her kynredis, weren noumbrid, bi þe
Here bigynneþ þe boke of Numeri. names of alle, fro twenti ȝeer and aboue, alle men þat
ȝeden forþ to batels,
CAP. I xxv fyue and fourti þouſand ſixe hundrid and fifti.
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes in þe deſeert of Synay, in xxvi Of þe ſones of Juda, bi generaciouns, and meynees,
þe tabernacle of þe boond of pees, in þe firſte day of þe and houſis of her kynredis, by þe names of alle, fro `þe
ſecounde moneþe, in þe toþer ȝeer of her goyng out of twentiþe ȝeer and aboue, alle men þat miȝten go to
Egipt, batels,
ii and ſeide, Take ȝe `þe ſumme of al þe congregacioun xxvii weren noumbrid foure and ſeuenti þouſand and ſixe
of þe ſones of Iſrael, bi her kynredis, and howſis, and hundrid.
`þe names of alle bi hem ſilf, what xxviii Of þe ſones of Yſacar, bi generaciouns, and
iii euer þing is of male kynde fro þe twentiþe ȝeere and meynees, and houſis of her kynredis, bi þe names of
aboue, of alle þe ſtronge men of Iſrael; and þou and alle, fro `þe twentiþe ȝeer and aboue, alle men þat ȝeden
Aaron ſchulen noumbre hem bi her cumpanies. forþ to batels,
iiii And þe princes of lynagis and of houſis, in her xxix weren noumbrid foure and fifti þouſande and foure
kynredis, ſchulen be wiþ ȝou, hundrid.
v of whiche princes þeſe ben þe names; of Ruben, xxx Of þe ſones of Zabulon, bi generaciouns, and
Eliſur, þe ſone of Sedeur; meynees, and houſis of her kynredis, weren noumbrid,
vi of Symeon, Salamyel, þe ſone of Suri Sadday; bi þe names of alle, fro `þe twentiþe ȝeer and aboue,
vii of Juda, Naaſon, þe ſone of Amynadab; of Yſacar, alle men þat myȝten go forþ to batels,
viii Nathanael, þe ſone of Suar; xxxi ſeuene and fifti þouſynde and foure hundrid.
ix of Zabulon, Eliab, þe ſone of Elon; ſoþeli of þe ſones xxxii Of þe ſones of Joſeph, of þe ſones of Effraym, bi

of Joſeph, generaciouns, and meynees, and houſis of her kynredis,

x of Effraym, Eliſama, þe ſone of Amyud; of Manaſſes, weren noumbrid, bi þe names of alle, fro `þe twentiþe
Gamaliel þe ſone of Phaduſſur; ȝeer and aboue, alle men þat myȝten go forþ to batels,
xxxiii fourti þouſynde and fyue hundrid.
xi of Beniamyn, Abidan, þe ſone of Gedeon;
xxxiiii Forſoþe of þe ſones of Manaſſes, bi generaciouns,
xii of Dan, Aiezer, þe ſone of Amyſadday;
xiii of Aſer, Fegiel, þe ſone of Ochran; and meynees, and houſis of her kynredis, weren
xiiii of Gad, Eliſaphan, þe ſone of Duel; noumbrid, bi þe names of alle, fro þe twentiþe ȝeer and
aboue, alle men þat myȝten go forþ to batels,
xv of Neptalym, Hayra, þe ſone of Henam.
xxxv two and þretti þouſynd and two hundrid.
xvi Þeſe weren þe nobleſt princes of þe multitude, bi her
xxxvi Of þe ſones of Beniamyn, bi generaciouns, and
lynagis, and kynredis, and þe heedis of þe ooſt of Iſrael, meynees, and houſis of her kynredis, weren noumbrid,
xvii whiche pryncis Moiſes and Aaron token, wiþ al þe
bi þe names of alle, fro twenti ȝeer and aboue, alle men
multitude of þe comyn puple. þat miȝten go forþ to batels,
xviii And þei gaderiden in þe firſte dai of þe ſecounde xxxvii fyue and þretti þouſinde and foure hundrid.
moneþe, and telden hem bi kynredis, and houſis, and xxxviii Of þe ſones of Dan, bi generaciouns, and
meynees, and heedis, and names of alle by hem ſilf, fro meynees, and houſis of her kynredis, weren noumbrid,
þe twentiþe ȝeer and aboue, bi þe names of alle, fro `þe twentiþe ȝere and aboue,
xix as þe Lord comaundide to Moiſes.
alle men þat myȝten go forþ to batels,
xx And of Ruben þe firſte gendrid of Iſrael weren xxxix two and ſixti þouſynde and ſeuene hundrid.
noumbrid, in þe deſeert of Synai, bi her generaciouns, xl Of þe ſones of Aſer, bi generaciouns, and meynees,
and meynees, and houſis, and bi þe names of alle and houſis of her kynredis, weren noumbrid, bi þe
heedis, al þing þat is of male kynde, fro `þe twentiþe names of alle, fro `þe twentiþe ȝeer and aboue, alle men
ȝeer and aboue, of men goynge forþ to batel, þat myȝten go forþ to batels,
xxi ſixe and fourti þouſynd and fyue hundrid.
xli fourti þouſynde and a þouſynde and fyue hundrid.
xxii Of þe ſones of Symeon, bi her generaciouns, and
xlii Of þe ſones of Neptalym, bi generaciouns, and
meynees, and houſis of her kyneredis, weren noumbrid, meynees, and houſis of her kynredis, weren noumbrid,
bi þe names and heedis of alle, al þat is of male kynde, bi þe names of alle, fro `þe twentiþe ȝeer and aboue,
fro `þe twentiþe ȝeer and aboue, of men goynge forþ to alle men þat myȝten go forþ to batels,
batel, xliii þre and fifty þouſynde and foure hundrid.
xxiii nyn and fifty þouſand and þre hundrid.

xliiii Þeſe men it ben, whiche Moiſes and Aaron and þe ix Alle þat weren noumbrid in þe caſtels of Judas, weren
twelue princes of Iſrael noumbriden, alle bi þe houſis an hundrid þouſynde `foure ſcoore þouſynde and ſixe
`of her kynredis. and foure hundrid; and þei ſchulen go out þe firſte bi
xlv And alle men of þe ſones of Iſrael bi her houſis, and her cumpanyes.
meynees, fro `þe twentiþe ȝeer and aboue, þat myȝten x In þe caſtels of þe ſones of Ruben, at þe ſouþ cooſt,
go forþ to batels, weren togidere Eliſur, þe ſone of Sedeur, ſchal be prince; and al þe ooſt
xlvi ſixe hundrid þouſynde and þre þouſynde of men, of hiſe fiȝteris,
fyue hundred and fifti. xi þat weren noumbrid, ſixe and fourti þouſynde and
xlvii Soþeli þe dekenes in þe lynage of her meynes fyue hundrid.
weren not noumbrid wiþ hem. xii Men of þe lynage of Symeon ſettiden tentis biſidis
xlviii And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide, `Nyle þou hym, of whiche þe prince was Salamyhel, þe ſone of
noumbre þe lynage of Leuy, Suriſaddai; and al þe ooſt of hiſe fiȝteris,
xlix neþer ſette þou þe ſumme of hem wiþ þe ſones of xiii þat weren noumbrid, nyne and fifty þouſynde and

Iſrael; þre hundrid.

l but þou ſchalt ordeyne hem on þe tabernacle of xiiii Eliaſaph, ſone of Duel, was prince in þe lynage of

witneſſing, and on alle þe veſſels þerof, and what euer Gad; and al þe ooſt of his fiȝteris,
þing perteyneþ to cerymonyes eþer ſacrifices. Þei xv þat weren noumbrid, fyue and fourti þouſynde ſixe
ſchulen bere þe tabernacle, and alle purtenaunces þerof, hundrid and fifti.
and þei ſchulen be in ſeruyce, and ſchulen ſette tentis bi xvi Alle þat weren noumbrid in þe caſtels of Ruben, an
þe cumpas of þe tabernacle. hundrid þouſynde fifty þouſinde and a þouſinde foure
li Whanne me ſchal go, þe dekenes ſchulen do doun þe hundrid and fifty; þei ſchulen go forþ in þe ſecounde
tabernacle; whanne þe tentis ſchulen be ſette, þei place bi her cumpenyes.
ſchulen `reiſe þe tabernacle. Who euer of ſtraungeris xvii Soþeli þe tabernacle of witneſſyng ſchal be reiſid bi
neiȝeþ, he ſchal be ſlayn. þe offices of dekenes, and bi þe cumpenyes `of hem; as
lii Soþeli þe ſones of Iſrael ſchulen ſette tentis, ech man it ſchal be reiſid, ſo and it ſchal be takun doun; alle
bi cumpenyes, and gaderyngis, and his ooſt; ſchulen go forþ bi her places and ordris.
liii forſoþe þe dekenes ſchulen ſette tentis bi þe cumpas xviii Þe caſtels of þe ſones of Effraym ſchulen be at þe
of þe tabernacle, leſt indignacioun be maad on þe weſt cooſt, of whiche þe prince was Eliſama, þe ſone of
multitude of þe ſones of Iſrael; and þei ſchulen wake in Amyud;
þe kepyngis of þe `tabernacle of witneſſyng. xix and al þe ooſt of his fiȝteris, þat weren noumbrid,
liiii Þerfor þe ſones of Iſrael diden bi alle þingis whiche fourti þouſynde and fyue hundrid.
þe Lord comaundide to Moiſes. xx And wiþ hem was þe lynage of `þe ſones of
Manaſſes, of whiche þe prince was Gamaliel, þe ſone of
CAP. II Fadaſſur;
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes and to Aaron, and ſeide, xxi al þe ooſt of hiſe fiȝteris, þat weren noumbrid, two
Alle men of þe ſones of Iſrael ſchulen ſette tentis bi þe and þretti þouſande and two hundrid.
cumpenyes, ſignes, and baneris, and houſis of her xxii In þe lynage of þe ſones of Beniamyn þe prince was
kynredis, bi þe cumpas of þe tabernacle of boond of Abidan, þe ſone of Gedeon;
pees. xxiii and al þe ooſt of hiſe fiȝteris, þat weren noumbrid,
iii At þe eſt Judas ſchal ſette tentis, bi þe cumpenyes of
fyue and þretti þouſynde and foure hundrid.
his ooſt; and Naaſon, þe ſone of Amynadab, ſchal be xxiiii Alle þat weren noumbrid in þe caſtels of Effraym
prince of þe ſones of Juda; weren an hundrid þouſynde and eiȝte þouſynde and oon
iiii and al þe ſumme of fiȝteris of his kynrede, foure and
hundrid; þei ſchulen go forþ `þe þridde bi her
ſeuenty þouſynde and ſixe hundrid. cumpenyes.
v Men of þe lynage of Yſachar ſettiden tentis byſydis xxv At þe `part of þe norþ þe ſones of Dan ſettiden
hym, of whiche þe prince was Nathanael, þe ſone of tentis, of whiche þe prince was Abiezer, þe ſone of
Suar; Amyſaddai;
vi and al þe noumbre of hiſe fiȝteris, foure and fifti xxvi al þe ooſt of hiſe fiȝteris, þat weren noumbrid, two
þouſynde and foure hundrid. and ſixti þouſynde and ſeuene hundrid.
vii Eliab, þe ſone of Elon, was prince of þe lynage of xxvii Men of þe lynage of Aſer ſettiden tentis biſidis
Zabulon; hym, of whiche þe prince was Fegiel, þe ſone of
viii al þe ooſt of fiȝteris of his kynrede, ſeuene and fifti
þouſynde and foure hundrid.

xxviii and al þe ooſt of hiſe fiȝteris, þat weren noumbrid, what euer þing is borun firſt in Iſrael; fro man `til to
fourti þouſynde `and a þouſynde and fyue hundrid. beeſt þei ben myne; Y am þe Lord.
xxix Of þe lynage of þe ſones of Neptalym þe prince was xiiii And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes in þe deſeert

Ahira, þe ſone of Henam; and al þe ooſt of hiſe fiȝteris, xv of Synay, and ſeide, Noumbre þou þe ſones of Leuy
xxx þre and fifti þouſynde and foure hundrid. bi `þe houſis of her fadris, and bi meynees, ech male fro
xxxi Alle þat weren noumbrid in þe caſtels of Dan weren o moneþe and aboue.
xvi Moiſes noumbride, as þe Lord comaundide.
an hundrid þouſynde ſeuene and fifti þouſynde and ſixe
hundrid; þei ſchulen go forþ þe laſte. xvii And þe ſones of Leuy weren foundun, bi her names,
xxxii Þis is þe noumbre of þe ſones of Iſrael, bi þe houſis Gerſon, and Caath, and Merary;
of her kynredis, and bi cumpenyes of þe ooſt departid, xviii þe ſones of Gerſon weren Lebny, and Semey;
ſixe hundrid þouſynde þre þouſynde fyue hundrid and xix þe ſones of Caath weren Amram, and Jeſſaar,
fifti. Hebron, and Oziel;
xxxiii Soþeli þe dekenes weren not noumbrid among þe xx and þe ſones of Merari weren Mooly, and Muſi.
ſones of Iſrael; for God comaundide ſo to Moiſes. xxi Of Gerſon weren twei meynees, of Lebny, and of
xxxiiii And þe ſones of Iſrael diden bi alle þingis whiche
þe Lord comaundide; þei ſettiden tentis bi her xxii of whiche þe puple of male kynde was noumbrid,
cumpenyes, and ȝeden forþ bi þe meynees, and houſis fro o moneþe and aboue, ſeuene þouſynde and fyue
of her fadris. hundrid.
xxiii Þeſe ſchulen ſette tentis aftir þe tabernacle at þe
CAP. III weſt,
i Þeſe ben þe generaciouns of Aaron and of Moiſes, in
xxiiii vndur þe prince Eliaſaph, þe ſone of Jahel.
þe dai in which þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, in þe hil of xxv And þei ſchulen haue kepyngis in þe tabernacle of
ii And þeſe ben þe names of `þe ſones of Aaron; his firſt boond of pees, þe tabernacle it ſilf, and þe hilyng þerof,
þe tente which is drawun bifor þe ȝatis of þe hilyng of
gendrid, Nadab; aftirward, Abyu, and Eleazar, and þe witneſſyng of boond of pees;
Ythamar; þeſe ben þe names of `Aarons ſones, xxvi and þe curteyns of þe greet ſtreet, alſo þe tente
iii preeſtis, þat weren anoyntid, and whos hondis weren
which is hangid in þe entryng of þe greet ſtreet of þe
fillid and halewid, þat þei ſchulden `be ſet in preeſthod. tabernacle, and what euer þing perteyneþ to þe cuſtom
iiii Nadab and Abyu, whanne þei offeriden alien fier in
of þe auter, þe cordis of þe tabernacle, and al þe
þe `ſiȝt of þe Lord, in þe deſeert of Synay, weren deed purtenaunce þerof.
wiþout fre children; and Eleazar and Ythamar `weren xxvii Þe kynrede of Caath ſchal haue þe puplis of
ſet in preeſthod bifor Aaron hir fadir. Amram, and of Jeſſaar, and of Ebron, and of Oziel;
v And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes,
xxviii þeſe ben þe meynees of Caathitis, noumbrid bi her
vi `and ſeide, `Preſente þou þe lynage of Leuy, and make
names, alle of male kynde, fro o moneþe and aboue,
to ſtonde in þe ſiȝt of Aaron, preeſt, þat þei mynyſtre to eiȝte þouſynde and ſixe hundrid.
hym; xxix Þei ſchulen haue kepyngis of þe ſeyntuarie, and
vii and wake, and þat þei kepe what euer þing perteyneþ
ſchulen ſette tentis at þe ſouþ cooſt;
to þe religioun of multitude, bifor þe tabernacle of xxx and `þe prince of hem ſchal be Eliſaphan, þe ſone of
witneſſyng; Oziel.
viii and þat þei kepe þe veſſels of þe tabernacle, and
xxxi And þei ſchulen kepe þe arke, and þe boord, and þe
ſerue in þe ſeruyce þerof. candilſtike, þe auters, and veſſelis of þe ſeyntuarie in
ix And þou ſchalt ȝyue bi fre ȝifte þe Leuytis to Aaron
whiche it is mynyſtrid, and þe veil, and al ſich
and hiſe ſones, to whiche þei ben ȝouun of þe ſones of purtenaunce.
Iſrael. xxxii Soþeli þe prince of princis of Leuytis ſchal be
x Soþeli þou ſchalt ordeyne Aaron and hiſe ſones on þe
Eleazar, þe ſone of Aaron, preeſt; and he ſchal be on þe
religioun of preeſthod; a ſtraungere, þat neiȝeþ for to keperis of þe kepyng of þe ſeyntuarie.
mynyſtre, and ſchal die. xxxiii And ſoþeli of Merary ſchulen be þe puplis of
xi And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, `and ſeide,
Mooli, and of Muſi,
xii Y haue take þe Leuytis of þe ſones of Iſrael for ech xxxiiii noumbrid bi her names, alle of male kynde fro o
firſte gendrid þing þat openeþ þe womb in þe ſones of moneþe and aboue, ſixe þouſynde and two hundrid;
Iſrael; and þe Leuytis ſchulen be myne, xxxv `þe prince of hem ſchal be Suriel, þe ſone of
xiii for ech firſte gendrid þing is myn; ſiþen Y ſmoot þe
Abiahiel; þei ſchulen ſette tentis in þe norþ cooſt.
firſte gendrid in þe lond of Egipt, Y halewide to me

xxxvi And vndur `þe kepyng of hem ſchulen be þe tablis iii bi her houſis and meynees, fro þe þrettiþe ȝeer and
of þe tabernacle, and þe barris, and þe pileris, and `þe aboue `til to þe fiftiþe ȝeer, of alle þat entren, þat þei
foundementis of þo, and alle þingis þat perteynen to ſtonde and mynyſtre in þe tabernacle of boond of pees.
ſich ournyng, iiii Þis is þe religioun of þe ſones of Caath; Aaron and
xxxvii and þe pileris of þe greet ſtreet bi cumpas, wiþ her his ſones ſchulen entren in to þe tabernacle of boond of
foundementis, and þe ſtakis wiþ coordis. pees, and in to þe hooli of hooli þingis,
xxxviii Forſoþe Moiſes and Aaron wiþ hiſe ſones ſchulen v whanne þe tentis ſchulen be moued; and þei ſchulen
ſette tentis bifor þe tabernacle of boond of pees, þat is, do doun þe veil þat hangiþ bifore þe ȝatis, and þei
at þe eeſt cooſt, and ſchulen haue þe keping of þe ſchulen wlappe in it þe arke of witneſſyng;
ſeyntuarie, in þe myddis of þe ſones of Iſrael; what euer vi and þei ſchulen hile eft wiþ a veil of `ſkynnys of
alien neiȝeþ, he ſchal die. iacynt, and þei ſchulen ſtretche forþ aboue a mentil al of
xxxix Alle þe Leuytis, whiche Moiſes and Aaron iacynt, and þei ſchulen putte in barris `on þe ſchuldris of
noumbriden, bi comaundement of þe Lord, bi her þe bereris.
meynees, in male kynde, fro o moneþe and aboue, were vii Alſo þei ſchulen wlappe þe boord of propoſicioun in
two and twenti þouſynd. a mentil of iacynt, and þei ſchulen putte þerwiþ
xl And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Noumbre þou þe firſte cenceris, and morteris of gold, litil cuppis, and grete
gendrid children of male kynde of þe ſones of Iſrael, fro cuppis to fletyng ſacrifices `to be ſched; looues ſchulen
o moneþe and aboue; and þou ſchalt haue þe ſumme of euere be in þe boord.
hem; and viii And þei ſchulen ſtrecche forþ aboue a reed mentil,
xli þou ſchalt take Leuytis to me for alle þe firſte gendrid which þei ſchulen hile eft wiþ an hilyng of `ſkynnes of
of þe ſones of Iſrael; Y am þe Lord; and þou ſchalt take iacynt, and þei ſchulen putte yn barris.
`þe beeſtis of hem for alle þe firſte gendrid of þe ſones ix Þei ſchulen take alſo a mentil of iacynt wiþ which þei
of Iſrael. ſchulen hile þe candilſtike, wiþ hiſe lanternes, and
xlii And as þe Lord comaundide, Moiſes noumbride þe tongis, and ſnytels, and alle þe `veſſels of oile þat ben
firſte gendrid children of þe ſones of Iſrael; and þe nedeful to þe lanternes to be ordeyned;
males weren bi her names, x and on alle þingis þei ſchulen putte an hilyng of
xliii fro o moneþe and aboue, two and twenti þouſynde `ſkynnys of iacynt, and þei ſchulen putte in barris.
two hundrid and ſeuenti and þre. xi Alſo and þei ſchulen wlappe þe goldun auter in a
xliiii And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide, clooþ of iacynt; and þei ſchulen ſtretche forþ aboue an
xlv Take þou Leuytis for þe firſte gendrid children of þe hilyng of `ſkynnys of iacynt, and þei ſchulen putte in
ſones of Iſrael, and þe beeſtis of Leuytis for þe beeſtis of barris.
hem, and þe Leuytis ſchulen be myne; Y am þe Lord. xii Þei ſchulen wlappe in a mentil of iacynt alle þe
xlvi Forſoþe in þe prijs of two hundrid ſeuenti and þre, veſſels in whiche it is mynyſtrid in þe ſeyntuarie, and
þat paſſen þe noumbre of `Leuytis, of þe firſte gendrid þei ſchulen ſtrecche forþ aboue an hilyng of `ſkynnys of
children of þe ſones of Iſrael, iacynt, and þei ſchulen putte yn barris.
xlvii þou ſchalt take fyue ciclis bi ech heed, at þe meſure xiii But alſo þei ſchulen clenſe þe auter fro aiſche, and

of ſeyntuarie; a ſicle haþ xx. halpens; þei ſchulen wlappe it in a clooþ of purpur.
xlviii and þou ſchalt ȝyue þe money to Aaron and to hiſe xiiii And þei ſchulen putte wiþ it alle veſſels whiche þei

ſones, þe prijs of hem þat ben aboue. vſen in þe ſeruyce þerof, þat is, reſſettis of firis, tongis,
xlix Þerfor Moiſes took þe money of hem þat weren and fleiſchokis, hokis, and cenſeris, eþer pannys of
aboue, and whiche þei hadden aȝenbouȝt of þe Leuytis, coolis; þei ſchulen hile alle þe veſſels of þe auter
for þe firſte gendrid of þe ſones of Iſrael, togidere in a veil of `ſkynnes of iacynt, and þei ſchulen
l a þouſand þre hundrid ſixti and fyue of ſiclis, bi þe putte in barris.
xv And whanne Aaron and hiſe ſones han wlappid þe
weiȝte of ſeyntuarie;
li and he ȝaf þat money to Aaron and to hiſe ſones, bi þe ſeyntuarie, and alle veſſels þerof, in þe mouyng of
word which þe Lord comaundide to hym. tentis, þanne þe ſones of Caath ſchulen entre, þat þei
bere þe þingis wlappid, and touche not þe veſſels of þe
ſeyntuarie, leſt þei dien.
CAP. IIII xvi Þes ben þe birþuns of þe ſones of Caath, in þe
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes and to Aaron,
ii and ſeide, Take þou þe ſumme of þe ſones of Caath, tabernacle of boond of pees, on whiche Eleazar, þe ſone
of Aaron, preeſt, ſchal be; to whois cure `þe oile
fro þe myddis of Leuytis, perteyneþ to ordeyne lanternes, and þe encenſe which is
maad bi craft, and þe ſacrifice which is offrid euere, and
þe oile of anoyntyng, and what euere þing perteyneþ to

þe ournyng of þe tabernacle, and of alle veſſels þat ben xxxv fro þretti ȝeer and aboue `til to þe fiftiþe ȝeer, alle
in þe ſeyntuarie. þat entren to þe ſeruyce of þe tabernacle of boond of
xvii And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes and to Aaron, and ſeide, pees;
xviii Nyle ȝe leeſe þe puple of Caath fro þe myddis of xxxvi and þei weren foundun two þouſynde ſeuene
Leuytis; hundrid and fifti.
xix but do ȝe þis þing to hem, þat þei lyue, and die not, xxxvii Þis is þe noumbre of þe puple of Caath, which
if þei touchen þe hooli of hooli þingis. Aaron and hiſe entriþ in to þe tabernacle of boond of pees; Moiſes and
ſones ſchulen entre, and þei ſchulen diſpoſe þe werkis of Aaron noumbriden þeſe, bi þe word of þe Lord, bi þe
alle men, and þei ſchulen departe `what who owiþ to hond of Moiſes.
bere. xxxviii And þe ſones of Gerſon weren noumbrid, bi þe
xx Oþere men ſe not bi ony curiouſte þo þingis þat ben kyneredis and houſis of her fadris,
in þe ſeyntuarie, bifore þat þo ben wlappid; ellis þei xxxix fro þretti ȝeer and aboue `til to `þe fiftiþe ȝeer, alle
ſchulen die. þat entren þat þei mynyſtre in þe tabernacle of boond of
xxi And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, pees;
xxii and ſeide, Take þou þe ſumme alſo of þe ſones of xl and þei weren foundun two þouſynde ſixe hundrid
Gerſon, bi her houſis, and meynees, and kynredis; and þretti.
noumbre þou xli Þis is þe puple of Gerſonytis, which Moiſes and
xxiii fro þretti ȝeer and aboue `til to fifti ȝeer alle þat Aaron noumbriden, bi þe `word of þe Lord.
entren and mynyſtren in þe tabernacle of boond of pees. xlii And þe ſones of Merary weren noumbrid, bi þe
xxiiii Þis is þe office of þe ſones of Gerſonytis, þat þei kynredis and houſis of her fadris,
bere þe curteyns of þe tabernacle, and þe roof of þe xliii fro þrettiþe ȝeer and aboue `til to `þe fiftiþe ȝere,
boond of pees, an oþer hilyng, alle þat entren to fille þe cuſtoms, eþer ſeruices, of þe
xxv and a veil of iacynt aboue alle þingis, and þe tente tabernacle of boond of pees;
which hangiþ in þe entryng of þe tabernacle of þe xliiii `and þei weren foundun þre þouſynde and two
boond of pees; hundrid.
xxvi and þe curteyns of þe greet ſtreet, and þe veil in þe xlv Þis is þe noumbre of þe ſones of Merari, whiche
entryng, `which veil is bifor þe tabernacle. Moyſes and Aaron noumbriden, bi `þe comaundement
xxvii Whanne Aaron comaundiþ and hiſe ſones, þe ſones of þe Lord, bi þe hoond of Moiſes.
of Gerſon ſchulen bere alle þingis þat perteynen to þe xlvi Alle þat weren noumbrid of Leuytis, and whiche
auter, þe coordis, and veſſels of ſeruyce; and alle Moyſes and Aaron and þe princes of Iſrael maden to be
ſchulen wite, to what charge þei owen to be boundun. noumbrid, bi þe kynredis and houſis of her fadris,
xxviii Þis is þe office of þe meynee of Gerſonytis, in þe xlvii fro þretti ȝeer and aboue `til to `þe fiftiþe ȝeer, and
tabernacle of boond of pees; and þei ſchulen be vndur entriden to þe ſeruyce of þe tabernacle, and to bere
þe hond of Ythamar, þe ſone of Aaron, preeſt. chargis,
xxix Alſo þou ſchalt noumbre þe ſones of Merary, bi þe xlviii weren togidere eiȝte þouſynde fyue hundrid and
meynees and houſis of her fadris, foure ſcoor.
xxx fro þretti ȝeer and aboue `til to fifti ȝeer, alle þat xlix By þe `word of þe Lord Moiſes noumbride hem, ech
entren to þe office of her ſeruice, and to þe ournyng of man bi his office and hiſe chargis, as þe Lord
þe boond of pees of witneſſyng. comaundide to hym.
xxxi Þeſe ben `þe chargis of hem; þei ſchulen bere þe
tablis of þe tabernacle, and þe barris þerof, þe pilers and CAP. V
her foundementis; alſo þe pilers of þe greet ſtreet bi i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide, Comaunde þou
cumpas, to þe ſones of Iſrael,
xxxii wiþ her foundementis, and her ſtakis, and coordis; ii þat þei caſte out of þe caſtels ech leprouſe man, and
þei ſchulen take alle inſtrumentis and purtenaunce at þat fletiþ out ſeed, and is defoulid on a deed bodi; caſte
noumbre, and ſo þei ſchulen bere. ȝe out of þe caſtels,
xxxiii Þis is þe office of `þe meynee of Meraritis, and þe iii as wel a male as a female, leſt þei defoulen þo,
ſeruyce in þe tabernacle of boond of pees; and þei whanne þei dwellen wiþ ȝou.
ſchulen be vndur þe hond of Ythamar, þe ſone of Aaron, iiii And þe ſones of Iſrael diden ſo; and þei caſtiden hem
preeſt. out of þe caſtels, as þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes.
xxxiiii Þerfor Moiſes and Aaron and þe princes of þe v And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes,
ſynagoge noumbriden þe ſones of Caath, bi þe kynredis vi and ſeide, Speke þou to þe ſones of Iſrael, Whanne a
and houſis of her fadris,
man eþir a womman han do of alle ſynnes þat ben wont

to falle to men, and han broke bi necgligence þe xxii curſid watris entre in to þi wombe, and while þe
`comaundement of þe Lord, wombe ſwelliþ, þin hipe wexe rotun. And þe womman
vii and han treſpaſſid, þei ſchulen knowleche her ſynne, ſchal anſwere, Amen! amen!
and þei ſchulen ȝelde þilke heed, and þe fyueþe part xxiii And þe preeſt ſchal write þes curſis in a litil book,
aboue, to hym aȝens whom þei ſynneden. and he ſchal do awey þo curſis wiþ bittereſte watris, in
viii But if noon is þat ſchal reſſeyue þei ſchulen ȝyue to to whiche he gaderide curſis,
þe Lord, and it ſchal be þe preeſtis part, outakun þe ram xxiiii and he ſchal ȝyue to hir to drynke. And whanne
which is offrid for clenſyng, þat it be a quemeful ſche haþ drunke þo watris,
ſacrifice. xxv þe preeſt ſchal take of hir hond þe ſacrifice of
ix Alſo alle þe firſte fruytis, whiche þe ſones of Iſrael
gelouſie, and he ſchal reiſe it bifor þe Lord, and he ſchal
offren, perteynen to þe preeſt; putte on þe auter;
x and what euer þing is offrid of ech man in þe xxvi ſo oneli þat he take bifore an handful of ſacrifice `of
ſeyntuarie, and is ȝouun to þe `hondis of þe preeſt, it þat þat is offrid, and brenne on þe auter, and ſo ȝyue
ſchal be þe preeſtis part. drynke to þe womman þe mooſt bittere watris.
xi And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, xxvii And whanne ſche haþ drunke þo watris, if ſche is
xii and ſeide, Speke þou to þe ſones of Iſrael, and þou defoulid, and is gilti of auowtrie, for þe hoſebonde is
ſchalt ſeie to hem, If `þe wijf of a man haþ errid, and diſpiſid, þe watris of curſyng ſchulen paſſe þorouȝ hir,
haþ diſpiſid þe hoſebonde, and while þe wombe is bolnyd, þe hipe ſchal wexe
xiii and haþ ſlept wiþ anoþer man, and þe hoſebonde rotun, and þe womman ſchal be in to curſyng and in to
may not take eþer preue þis, but þe auowtrye is hid, and enſaumple to al þe puple.
may not be preuyd bi witneſſis, for ſche is not foundun xxviii Þat if ſche is not pollutid, ſche ſchal be harmeles,
in leccherie; and ſchal brynge forþ fre children.
xiiii if þe ſpirit of gelouſie ſtiriþ þe houſebonde aȝens his xxix Þis is þe lawe of gelouſie, if a womman bowiþ awei
wijf, which is eþer defoulid, eþir is apechid bi fals fro hir hoſebonde, and is defoulid,
ſuſpecioun, xxx and þe hoſebonde is ſtirid wiþ þe ſpirit of gelouſȝe,
xv þe man ſchal brynge hir to þe preeſt, and he ſchal and bryngiþ hir in to þe `ſiȝt of þe Lord, and þe preeſt
offre an offryng for hir `þe tenþe part of a meſure clepid doiþ to hir bi alle þingis þat ben writun, þe hoſebonde
ſatum of barli meele; he ſchal not ſchede oyle þer onne, ſchal be wiþ out ſynne,
neþir he ſchal putte encenſe, for it is þe ſacrifice of xxxi and ſche ſchal reſſeyue hir wickidneſſe.
gelouſie, and an offryng enquerynge auowtrye.
xvi Þerfor þe preeſt ſchal offre hir, and ſchal ſette bifore CAP. VI
þe Lord; i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes and ſeide, Speke þou to þe
xvii and he ſchal take holi watir in `a veſſel of erþe, and ſones of Iſrael,
he ſchal putte in to it a litil of þe erþe of þe pawment of ii and þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, Whanne a man eþer a
þe tabernacle. womman makiþ auow, þat þei be halewid, and þei
xviii And whanne þe womman ſtondiþ in þe ſiȝt of þe wolen halewe hem ſilf to þe Lord,
Lord, he ſchal diſkyuere hir heed, and he ſchal putte `on iii þei ſchulen abſteyne fro wyn and fro al þing þat may
þe hondis of hir þe ſacrifice of remembryng, and þe make drunkun; þei ſchulen not drynke vynegre of wyn,
offryng of gelouſie. Soþeli he ſchal holde mooſt bittir and of ony oþer drynkyng, and what euer þing is preſſid
watris, in whiche he gaderide togidere curſis wiþ out of þe grape; þei ſchulen not ete freiſch grapis and
curſyng. drie,
xix And he ſchal conioure hir, and ſchal ſeie, If an alien iiii alle dayes in whiche þei ben halewid bi a vow to þe
man ſlepte not wiþ þee, and if þou art not defoulid in þe Lord; þei ſchulen not ete what euer þing may be of þe
forſakyng þe bed of þe hoſebonde, þeſe bittereſte watris vyner, fro a grape dried `til to þe draf.
ſchulen not anoye þee, in to whiche Y haue gaderid v In al tyme of his departyng a raſour ſchal not paſſe on
togidere curſis; his heed, `til to þe day fillid in which he is halewid to
xx ellis if þou bowidſt awei fro þin hoſebonde, and art
þe Lord; he ſchal be hooli while þe heer of his heed
defoulid, and haſt leyn wiþ anoþer man, `ſchal wexe.
xxi þou ſchalt be ſuget to þeſe curſyngys; þe Lord ȝyue vi In al þe tyme of his halewing he ſchal not entre on a
þee in to curſyng, and in to enſaumple of alle men in his deed bodi,
puple; `þe Lord make þin hipe to wexe rotun, and þi vii and ſoþeli he ſchal not be defoulid on þe deed bodi of
wombe ſwelle, and be brokun; fadir and of moder, of broþir and of ſiſtir, for þe
halewyng of his God is on his heed;

viii ech dai of his departyng ſchal be hooli to þe Lord. xxiii Speke þou to Aaron and to hiſe ſones, Þus ȝe
ix But if ony man is deed ſudeynly bifore hym, þe heed ſchulen bleſſe þe ſones of Iſrael, and ȝe ſchulen ſeie to
of his halewyng ſchal be defoulid, which he ſchal hem,
ſchaue anoon in þe ſame dai of his clenſyng, and eft in xxiiii Þe Lord bleſſe þee, and kepe þee;
þe ſeuenþe dai; xxv þe Lord ſchewe his face to þee, and haue mercy on
x forſoþe in þe eiȝte dai he ſchal offre twei turtlis, eþer þee;
twei `briddis of a culuer, to þe preeſt, in þe entryng of xxvi þe Lord turne his cheer to þee, and ȝyue pees to
þe boond of pees of witneſſyng. þee.
xi And þe preeſt ſchal make oon for ſynne, and þe toþir xxvii Þei ſchulen clepe inwardli my name on þe ſones of
in to brent ſacrifice; and þe preeſt ſchal preie for hym, Iſrael, and Y ſchal bleſſe hem.
for he ſynnede on a deed bodi, and he ſchal halewe his
heed in þat dai. CAP. VII
xii And he ſchal halewe to þe Lord þe daies of his i Forſoþe it was don in þe dai in which Moiſes fillide þe
departyng, and he ſchal offre a lomb of o ȝeer for ſynne, tabernacle, and reiſide it, and anoyntide and halewide
ſo neþeles þat þe formere daies be maad voide, for his wiþ alle `hiſe veſſels, þe auter in lijk maner and þe
halewyng is defoulid. veſſels þerof.
xiii Þis is þe lawe of conſecracioun. Whanne þe daies ii And þe princes of Iſrael, and þe heedis of meynees þat
ſchulen be fillid, whiche he determynede by a vow, þe weren bi alle lynagis, `þe ſouereyns of hem þat weren
preeſt ſchal brynge hym to þe dore of þe tabernacle of noumbrid,
boond of pees, and ſchal offre his offryng to þe Lord, iii offeriden ȝiftis bifor þe Lord, ſixe waynes hylid wiþ
xiiii a lomb of o ȝeer wiþ out wem, in to brent ſacrifice,
twelue oxun; twei duykis offeriden o wayn, and ech
and a ſcheep of o ȝeer wiþ outen wem, for ſynne, and a offeride oon oxe. And þei offeriden þo waynes `in þe
ram wiþ out wem, a peſible ſacrifice; ſiȝt of þe tabernacle.
xv alſo a panyere of þeerf looues, þat ben ſpreynt iiii Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes,
togidere wiþ oile, and cakis ſodun in watir, and aftir v Take þou of hem, þat þo ſerue in þe ſeruice of þe
anoyntid wiþ oile, wiþ out ſourdow, and fletyng tabernacle, and bitake þou þo to dekenes bi þe ordre of
ſacrifices of alle bi hem ſilf; her ſeruice.
xvi whiche þe preeſt ſchal offre bifor þe Lord, and ſchal vi And ſo whanne Moiſes hadde take þe waynes, and þe
make as wel for ſynne as in to brent ſacrifice. oxun, he bitook þo to þe dekenes.
xvii Soþeli he ſchal offre þe ram a peſible ſacrifice to þe vii He ȝaf twei waynes and foure oxun to þe ſones of
Lord, and he ſchal offre togidere a panyere of þerf Gerſon, bi þat þat þei hadden nedeful.
looues and fletyng ſacryfices, þat ben due bi cuſtom. viii He ȝaf four oþer waynes and eiȝte oxun to þe ſones
xviii Þanne þe Nazarei ſchal be ſchauun fro þe heer of
of Merari, bi her offices and religioun, vnder þe hond of
his conſecracioun, bifor þe doore of þe tabernacle of Ythamar, þe ſone of Aaron, preeſt.
boond of pees; and þe preeſt ſchal take hiſe heeris, and ix Forſoþe he ȝaf not waynes and oxun to þe ſones of
ſchal putte on þe fier, which is put vndur þe ſacrifice of
Caath, for þei ſeruen in þe ſeyntuarye, and beren chargis
peſible þingis.
xix And he ſchal take þe ſchuldur ſodun of þe ram, and o
wiþ her owne ſchuldris.
x Þerfor þe duykis offeriden, in þe halewyng of þe auter,
`cake of breed wiþ out ſourdow fro þe panyere, and o
in þe dai in which it was anoyntid, her offryng to þe
þeerf caak firſt ſodun in watir and aftirward fried in
Lord, bifore þe auter.
oile, and he ſchal bitake in þe hondis of þe Nazarei, aftir xi And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Alle dukis bi hemſilf
þat his heed is ſchauun.
xx And þe preeſt ſchal reiſe in þe `ſiȝt of þe Lord þe offre ȝiftis, bi alle daies bi hem ſilf, in to þe halewyng
of þe auter.
þingis takun eft of hym. And þe þingis halewid ſchulen xii Naaſon, þe ſone of Amynadab, of þe lynage of Juda,
be þe preeſtis part, as þe breſt which is comaundid to be
departid, and þe hipe. Aftir þeſe þingis þe Naſarey may offeride his offryng in þe firſte day;
xiii and a ſiluerne veſſel `to preue enſenſe and ſiche
drynke wyn.
xxi Þis is þe lawe of þe Naſarei, whanne he haþ avowyd þingis, in þe weiȝte of an hundrid and þretti ſiclis, a viol
his offryng to þe Lord in þe tyme of his conſecracioun, of ſiluere, hauynge ſeuenti ſiclis bi þe weiȝt of þe
outakun þeſe þingis whiche his hond fyndiþ. By þis þat ſeyntuarie, `weren þer ynne, euer eiþir ful of flour
he avowide in ſoule, ſo he ſchal do, to þe perfeccioun of ſpreynt togidere wiþ oile, in to ſacrifice;
xiiii a morter, of ten goldun ſiclis, ful of encence.
his halewyng.
xxii And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes and ſeide, xv He offride an oxe of þe droue, and a ram, and a lomb
of o ȝeer, in to brent ſacrifice;

xvi and a `buk of geet, for ſynne. ſiluerne viol, hauynge ſeuenti ſiclis at þe weiȝte of
xvii And he offeride in þe ſacrifice of peſible þingis, ſeyntuarie, euer eiþer ful of flour ſpreynt togidere wiþ
tweyne oxun, fyue rammys, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue oile, in to ſacrifice;
xxxviii a goldun morter, peiſynge ten ſiclis, ful of
lambren of o ȝeer. Þis is þe offryng of Naaſon, þe ſone
of Amynadab. encenſe;
xviii In þe ſecounde dai Nathanael, þe ſone of Suar, duyk xxxix an oxe of þe drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o

of þe lynage of Iſachar, ȝeer, in to brent ſacrifice;

xix offeride a ſiluerne veſſel `to preue encenſe and ſiche xl and a `bucke of geet, for ſynne.

þingis, peiſynge an hundrid and þretti ſiclis, a ſiluerne xli And in to ſacrifice of peſible þingis he offeride
viole, hauynge ſeuenti ſyclis bi þe weiȝte of ſeyntuarie, tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue
euer eiþer ful of flour ſpreynt togidere wiþ oile, in to lambren of o ȝeer. Þis was þe offring of Salamyhel, þe
ſacrifice; ſone of Suriſaddai.
xx a goldun morter, hauynge ten ſiclis, ful of encenſe; xlii In þe ſixte day Eliſaphat, þe ſone of Duel, þe prince
xxi an oxe of þe droue, and a ram, and a lomb of o ȝeer, of þe ſones of Gad,
in to brent ſacrifice; xliii offride a ſiluerne veſſel `to preue encenſe and ſich
xxii and a `buc of geet, for ſynne. þingis, peiſynge an hundrid and þretti ſiclis, a ſiluerne
xxiii And in þe ſacrifice of peſible þingis he offride viol, hauynge ſeuenti ſiclis at þe weiȝte of ſeyntuarie,
tweyne oxun, and fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, euer eiþir ful of flour ſpreynt togidere wiþ oile in to
fyue lambren of o ȝeer. Þis was þe offryng of Nathanael ſacrifice;
xliiii a goldun morter, peiſynge ten ſiclis, ful of encenſe;
þe ſone of Suar.
xxiiii In þe þridde dai Eliab, þe ſone of Elon, prince of þe xlv an oxe of þe droue, and a ram, and a lomb of o ȝeer,

ſones of Zabulon, in to brent ſacrifice;

xxv offeride a ſiluerne veſſel to `preue encence and ſiche xlvi and a `buc of geet, for ſynne.

þingis, peiſynge an hundrid and þretti ſiclis, a ſiluerne xlvii And in to ſacrifice of peſible þingis he offride twei
viol, hauynge ſeuenti ſiclis at þe weiȝte of ſeyntuarie, oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren
euer eiþir ful of flour ſpreynt togidere wiþ oile, in to of o ȝeer. Þis was þe offryng of Eliſaphat, þe ſone of
ſacrifice; a goldun morter, Duel.
xxvi peiſynge ten ſiclis, ful of encenſe; xlviii In þe ſeuenþe dai Eliſama, þe ſone of Amyud, þe
xxvii an oxe of þe droue, and a ram, and a lomb of o prince of þe ſones of Effraym,
ȝeer, in to brent ſacrifice; and a buc of geet, for ſynne. xlix offride a ſiluerne veſſel `to preue encenſe and ſiche
xxviii And in ſacrifice of peſible þingis he offride tweyne þingis, peiſynge an hundrid and þretti ſiclis, a ſiluerne
oxen, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren viol, hauynge ſeuenti ſiclis at þe weiȝte of ſeyntuarie,
of o ȝeer. euer eiþer ful of flour ſpreynt togidere wiþ oyle, in to
xxix Þis is þe offryng of Eliab, þe ſone of Helon. ſacrifice; a goldun morter,
xxx In þe fourþe dai Heliſur, þe ſone of Sedeur, þe prince l peiſynge ten ſiclis, ful of encenſe;
li an oxe of þe drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o ȝeer,
of þe ſones of Ruben,
xxxi offride a ſiluerne veſſel `to preue encenſe and ſiche in to
lii brent ſacrifice; and a `buc of geet, for ſynne.
þingis, peiſynge an hundrid and þretti ſiclis, a ſiluerne
viol, hauynge ſeuenti ſyclis at þe weiȝte of ſeyntuarie, liii And in to ſacrifices of peſible þingis he offride
euer eiþir ful of flour ſpreynt togidere wiþ oile, in to tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue
ſacrifice; lambren of o ȝeer. Þis was þe offryng of Eliſama, þe
xxxii a goldun morter peiſynge ten ſiclis, ful of encenſe; ſone of Amyud.
xxxiii an oxe of þe drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o liiii In þe eiȝtþe dai Gamaliel, þe ſone of Faduſſur, þe

ȝeer in to brent ſacrifice, prince of þe ſones of Manaſſes,

xxxiiii and a `buc of geet, for ſynne. lv offride a ſiluerne veſſel `to preue encenſe and ſiche
xxxv And in to ſacrifice of peſible þingis he offride þingis, peiſynge an hundrid and þretti ſyclis, a ſiluerne
tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue viole, hauynge ſeuenti ſiclis at þe weiȝte of ſeyntuarie,
lambren of o ȝeer. Þis was þe offryng of Eliſur, þe ſone euer eiþir ful of flour ſpreynt togidere wiþ oile, in to
of Sedeur. ſacrifice; a goldun morter,
xxxvi In þe fyueþe dai Salamyhel, þe ſone of Suriſaddai, lvi peiſynge ten ſiclis, ful of encenſe;
lvii an oxe of þe drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o
þe prince of þe ſones of Symeon,
xxxvii offeride a ſiluerne veſſel `to preue encenſe and ȝeer, in to brent
lviii ſacrifice; and a `buc of geet, for ſynne.
ſiche þingis, peyſynge an hundrid and þretti ſiclis, a

lix And in to ſacrificis of peſible þingis he offride viol, hauynge ſeuenti ſiclis at þe weiȝte of ſeyntuarie,
tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue euer eiþir ful of flour ſpreynt to gidere wiþ oile, in to
lambren of o ȝeer. Þis was þe offryng of Gamaliel, þe ſacrifice;
ſone of Faduſſur. lxxx a goldun morter, peiſynge ten ſiclis, ful of encenſe;
lx In þe nynþe dai Abidan, þe ſone of Gedeon, þe prince lxxxi an oxe of þe drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o
of þe ſones of Beniamyn, ȝeer, in to brent ſacrifice;
lxi offeride a ſiluerne veſſel `to preue encenſe and ſiche lxxxii and a `buc of geet, for ſynne.
þingis, peiſynge an hundrid and þretti ſiclis, a ſiluerne lxxxiii And in to ſacrifices of peſible þingis he offride
viol, hauynge ſeuenti ſiclis at þe weiȝte of ſeyntuarie, tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue
euer eiþir ful of flour ſprent togidere wiþ oile, in to lambren of o ȝeer. Þis was þe offryng of Haira, þe ſone
ſacrifice; of Henan.
lxii a goldun morter, peiſynge ten ſiclis, ful of encenſe; lxxxiiii Þeſe þingis weren offrid of þe ſones of Iſrael, in
an oxe of þe drooue, þe halewyng of þe auter, in þe dai in which it was
lxiii and a ram, and a lomb of o ȝeer in to brent ſacrifice; halewid; ſiluerne veſſels `to preue, encenſe and ſiche
lxiiii and a `buc of geet, for ſynne. þingis twelue, ſiluerne viols twelue, goldun morteris
lxv And in to ſacrifice of peſible þingis he offride twelue;
lxxxv ſo þat o veſſel `to preue encenſe and ſiche þingis
tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue
lambren of o ȝeer. Þis was þe offryng of Abidan, þe hadde an hundrid and þretti ſiclis `of ſiluer, and o viol
ſone of Gedeon. hadde ſeuenti ſiclis, þat is, in comyn, two þouſynde and
lxvi In þe tenþe dai Abiezer, þe ſone of Amyſaddai, þe foure hundrid ſiclis of alle þe `veſſels of ſiluer, bi þe
prince of þe ſones of Dan, weiȝte of ſeyntuarie;
lxvii offride a ſiluerne veſſel `to preue encenſe and ſiche lxxxvi goldun morteris twelue, ful of encenſe, peiſynge

þingis, peiſynge an hundrid and þretti ſiclis, a ſiluerne ten ſiclis bi þe weiȝte of ſeyntuarie, þat is to gidere an
viol, hauynge ſeuenti ſiclis at þe weiȝte of ſeyntuarie, hundrid and twenti ſiclis of gold;
lxxxvii oxun of þe drooue in to brent ſacrifice twelue,
euer eþir ful of flour ſpreynt to gidere wiþ oile in to
ſacrifice; twelue rammes, twelue lambren of o ȝeer, and þe
lxviii a goldun morter, peiſynge ten ſiclis, ful of encenſe; fletynge ſacryfices `of þo, twelue `buckis of geet for
lxix an oxe of þe drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o ſynne;
lxxxviii þe ſacrifices of peſible þingis, foure and twenti
ȝeer, in to brent ſacrifice;
lxx and a `buc of geet, for ſynne. oxun, ſexty rammes, ſexti `buckis of geet, ſixti lambren
lxxi And in to ſacrifices of peſible þingis he offride of o ȝeer. Þeſe þingis weren offrid in þe halewyng of þe
auter, whanne it was anoyntid.
tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lxxxix And whanne Moyſes entride in to þe tabernacle of
lambren of o ȝeer. Þis was þe offryng of Abiezer, þe
ſone of Amyſaddai. boond of pees, `to axe counſel `of Goddis anſweryng
lxxii In þe enleuenþe dai Phegiel, þe ſone of Ocran, place, he herde þe vois of God ſpekynge to hym fro `þe
lxxiii þe prince of þe ſones of Aſer, offride a ſiluerne
propiciatorie, which was on þe arke of witneſſyng,
bitwixe twei cherubyns, fro whennus alſo God ſpak to
veſſel `to preue encenſe and ſiche þingis, peiſynge an Moiſes.
hundrid and þretti ſiclis, a ſiluerne viol, hauynge ſeuenti
ſiclis at þe weiȝte of ſeyntuarie, euer eiþer ful of flour CAP. VIII
ſpreynt to gidere wiþ oile, in to ſacrifice; i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide, Speke þou to
lxxiiii a goldun morter, peiſynge ten ciclis, ful of
encenſe; ii and þou ſchalt ſeie to hym, Whanne þou haſt ſett
lxxv an oxe of þe drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o
ſeuene launternes, þe candilſtike be reiſid in þe ſouþ
ȝeer, in to brent ſacrifice; part; þerfor comaunde þou þis, þat þe lanternes biholde
lxxvi and a `bucke of geet, for ſynne.
euene aȝens þe norþ to þe boord of looues of `ſettyng
lxxvii And in to ſacrifices of peſyble þingis he offride
forþ, þo ſchulen ſchyne aȝenus þat part which þe
tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue candilſtike biholdiþ.
lambren of o ȝeer. Þis was þe offryng of Phegiel, þe iii And Aaron dide, and puttide lanternes on þe
ſone of Ochran. candilſtike, as þe Lord comaundide to Moiſes.
lxxviii In þe twelueþe dai Ahira, þe ſone of Enan, þe iiii Soþeli þis was þe makyng of þe candilſtike; it was of
prince of þe ſones of Neptalym, gold betun out wiþ hameris, as wel þe myddil ſtok as
lxxix offride a ſiluerne veſſel `to preue encenſe and ſiche
alle þingis þat camen forþ of euer eiþir ſide of þe
þingis, peiſynge an hundrid and þetti ſiclis, a ſiluerne

ȝeerdis; bi þe ſaumple `whych þe Lord ſchewide to xxii þat þei ſchulen be clenſid, and ſchulden entre to her
Moiſes, ſo he wrouȝte þe candilſtike. offices in to þe tabernacle of boond of pees, bifor Aaron
v And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and hiſe ſones; as þe Lord comaundide to Moiſes of þe
vi and ſeide, Take þou Leuytis fro þe myddis of þe ſones Leuytis, ſo it was don.
of Iſrael; xxiii And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide, Þis is lawe
vii and þou ſchalt clenſe hem bi þis cuſtom. Be þei of Leuytis;
ſpreynt wiþ watir of clenſyng, and ſchaue þei alle þe xxiiii fro fyue and twentiþe ȝeer and aboue þei ſchulen
heeris of her fleiſch. And whanne þei han waiſche her entre, for to mynyſtre in þe tabernacle of boond of pees;
cloþis and ben clenſid, take þei an oxe of drooues, xxv and whanne þei han fillid þe fiftiþe ȝeer of age, þei
viii and þe fletyng ſacrifice þerof, flour ſpreynt to gidere ſchulen ceeſſe to ſerue.
wiþ oile; forſoþe þou ſchalt take anoþer oxe of þe xxvi And þei ſchulen be þe mynyſtris of her breþeren in
drooue for ſynne; þe tabernacle of boond of pees, þat þei kepe þo þingis
ix and þou ſchalt preſent þe Leuytis bifor þe tabernacle þat ben bitakun to hem; ſoþely þei ſchulen not do þo
of boond of pees, whanne al þe multitude of þe ſones of werkis; þus þou ſchalt diſpoſe Leuytis in her kepyngis.
Iſrael is clepid togidere.
x And whanne þe Leuytis ben bifor þe Lord, þe ſones of CAP. IX
Iſrael ſchulen ſette her hondis on hem; i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, in þe deſeert of Synay, in
xi and Aaron ſchal offre þe Leuytis in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, þe ſecounde ȝeer aftir þat þei ȝeden out of þe lond of
a ȝifte of þe ſones of Iſrael, þat þei ſerue in þe ſeruice Egipt, in þe firſte moneþ,
`of hym. ii and ſeide, Þe ſones of Iſrael make paſk in his tyme,
xii Alſo þe Leuytis ſchulen ſette her hondis on þe heedis iii in þe fourtenþe day of þis moneþe, at þe euentid, bi
of þe oxun, of whiche oxun þou ſchalt make oon for alle þe cerymonyes and iuſtifiyngis þerof.
ſynne, and þe toþer in to brent ſacrifice of þe Lord, þat iiii And Moiſes comaundide to þe ſones of Iſrael, þat þei
þou preye for hem. ſchulden make paſk;
xiii And þou ſchalt ordeyne þe Leuytis in þe ſiȝt of v whiche maden in his tyme, in þe fourtenþe dai of þe
Aaron, and of hiſe ſones, and þou ſchalt ſacre hem offrid moneþe, at euentid, in þe hil of Synai; bi alle þingis
to þe Lord; whiche þe Lord comaundide to Moiſes, þe ſones of
xiiii and þou ſchalt departe hem fro þe myddis of þe Iſrael diden.
ſones of Iſrael, þat þei be myne. vi Lo! forſoþe ſummen vncleene on þe ſoule of man, þat
xv And aftirward entre þei in to þe tabernacle of boond myȝten not make paſk in þat dai, neiȝiden to Moiſes and
of pees, þat þei ſerue me; and ſo þou ſchalt clenſe and Aaron,
ſchalt halewe hem, in to an offryng of þe Lord, for bi vii and ſeiden to hem, We ben vncleene `on þe ſoule of
fre ȝifte þei ben ȝouun to me of þe ſones of Iſrael. man; whi ben we defraudid, þat we moun not offre an
xvi Y haue take hem for þe firſte gendrid þingis þat offryng to þe Lord in his tyme, among þe ſones of
openen ech wombe in Iſrael; Iſrael?
xvii for alle þe firſte gendrid þingis of þe ſones of Iſrael viii To whiche Moiſes anſweride, Stonde ȝe, þat Y take
ben myne, as wel of men as of beeſtis, fro þe dai in counſeil, what þe Lord comaundiþ of ȝou.
which Y ſmoot ech firſte gendrid þing in þe loond of ix And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide,
Egipt, Y halewide hem to me. x Speke þou to þe ſones of Iſrael, A man of ȝoure folk
xviii And Y took þe Leuytis for alle þe firſte gendrid
which is vncleene `on þe ſoule, eþer in þe weie fer,
children of þe ſones of Iſrael; make he paſk to þe Lord in þe ſecounde moneþe,
xix and Y ȝaf hem bi fre ȝifte to Aaron and hiſe ſones, xi in þe fourtenþe dai of þe moneþe, at euentid; wiþ þerf
fro þe myddis of þe puple, þat þei ſerue me for Iſrael, in looues and letuſis of þe feeld he ſchal ete it.
þe tabernacle of boond of pees, and þat þei preie for xii Þei ſchulen not leeue ony þing þerof til þe morewtid,
hem, leſt veniaunce be in þe puple, if þei ben hardi to and þei ſchulen not breke a boon þerof; þei ſchulen kepe
neiȝe to þe ſeyntuarye. al þe cuſtom of paſk.
xx And Moiſes and Aaron, and al þe multitude of þe xiii Forſoþe if ony man is boþe cleene, and is not in þe
ſones of Iſrael, diden on þe Leuitis þo þingis þat þe weie, and neþeles made not paſk, þilke man ſchal be
Lord comaundide to Moyſes. diſtried fro hiſe puplis, for he offeride not ſacrifice to þe
xxi And þei weren clenſid, and þei waiſchiden her
Lord in his tyme; he ſchal bere his ſynne.
cloþis; and Aaron reiſide hem in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, and xiiii Alſo if a pilgrym and comelyng is anentis ȝou, make
preiede for hem, he paſk to þe Lord, bi þe cerymonyes and iuſtifiyngis

þerof; þe ſame comaundement ſchal be anentis ȝou, as viii Þe ſones of Aaron preeſt ſchulen ſowne wiþ trumpis,
wel to a comelyng as to a man borun in þe loond. and þis ſchal be a lawful þing euerlaſtynge in ȝoure
xv Þerfore in þe dai in which þe tabernacle was reiſid, a generaciouns.
cloude hilide it; ſoþeli as þe licneſſe of fier was on þe ix If ȝe ſchulen go out of ȝoure lond to batel aȝens
tente fro euentid til þe morewtid. enemyes þat fiȝten aȝens ȝou, ȝe ſchulen crye wiþ
xvi Þus it was don continueli, a cloude hilide it bi dai, trumpis ſownynge, and þe biþenkyng of ȝou ſchal be
and as þe licneſſe of fier bi nyȝt. bifor ȝoure Lord God, þat ȝe be delyuered fro þe hondis
xvii And whanne þe cloude þat hilide þe tabernacle was of ȝoure enemyes.
takun awei, þanne þe ſones of Iſrael ȝeden forþ, and in x If ony tyme ȝe ſchulen haue a feeſte, and halidaies,
þe place where þe cloude ſtood, þere þei ſettiden tentis. and calendis, ȝe ſchulen ſynge in trumpis on brent
xviii At þe comaundement of þe Lord þei ȝeden forþ, ſacrifices and peſible ſacrifices, þat þo be to ȝou in to
and at his comaundement þei ſettiden þe tabernacle. In remembryng of ȝoure God; Y am ȝoure Lord God.
alle daies in whiche þe cloude ſtood on þe tabernacle, xi In þe ſecounde ȝeer, in þe ſecounde moneþe, in þe
þei dwelliden in þe ſame place. twentiþe dai of þe moneþe, þe cloude was reiſid fro þe
xix And if it bifelde þat it dwellide in myche tyme on þe tabernacle of boond of pees.
tabernacle, þe ſones of Iſrael weren in þe watchis of þe xii And þe ſones of Iſrael ȝeden forþ bi her cumpenyes
Lord, and þei ȝeden not forþ, fro deſeert of Synay; and þe cloude reſtide in þe
xx in hou many euer daies þe cloude was on þe wildirneſſe of Faran.
tabernacle. At þe comaundement of þe Lord þei reiſiden xiii And þe ſones of Juda bi her cumpenyes, of whiche
tentis, and at his comaundement þei diden doun. þe prince was Naaſon, þe ſone of Amynadab, moueden
xxi If þe cloude was fro euentid `til to þe morewtid, and firſt tentis,
anoon in þe morewtid hadde left, þei ȝeden forþ; and if xiiii bi þe Lordis comaundement maad in þe hond of
aftir a dai and nyȝt it hadde go awei, þei ſcateriden, Moiſes.
`eþer diden doun, tentis. xv In þe lynage of þe ſones of Yſacar þe prince was
xxii Wheþer in two moneþis, eþer in o moneþe, eþer in Nathanael, þe ſone of Suar.
lengere tyme, `þe cloude hadde be on þe tabernacle, þe xvi In þe lynage of Sabulon þe prince was Heliab, þe
ſones of Iſrael dwelliden in þe ſame place, and ȝeden ſone of Helon.
not forþ; but anoon as it hadde go awey, þei moueden xvii And þe tabernacle was takun doun, which þe ſones
tentis. of Gerſon and of Merary baren, and `ȝeden out.
xxiii Bi þe word of þe Lord þei ſettiden tentis, and bi his xviii And þe ſones of Ruben ȝeden forþ bi her
word þei wenten forþ; and þei weren in þe watchis of cumpenyes and ordre, of whiche þe prince was Heliſur,
þe Lord, bi his comaundement, bi þe hond of Moyſes. þe ſone of Sedeur.
xix Forſoþe in þe lynage of þe ſones of Symeon þe
CAP. X prince was Salamyel, þe ſone of Suriſaddai.
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide,
xx Soþeli in þe lynage of Gad þe prince was
ii Make to þee twei ſiluerne trumpis betun out wiþ
Heliſaphath, þe ſone of Duel.
hameris, bi whiche þou maiſt clepe togidere þe xxi And þe ſones of Caath ȝeden forþ, and baren þe
multitude, whanne þe tentis ſchulen be moued. ſeyntuarie; ſo longe þe tabernacle was borun, til þei
iii And whanne þou ſchalt ſowne wiþ trumpis, al þe
camen to þe place of reiſyng þerof.
cumpeny ſchal be gaderid to þee at þe dore of þe xxii Alſo þe ſones of Effraym, bi her cumpanyes,
tabernacle of þe boond of pees. moueden tentis, in whos ooſt þe prince was Eliſama, þe
iiii If þou ſchalt ſowne onys, þe princes and þe heedis of
ſone of Amyud.
þe multitude of Iſrael ſchulen come to þee; xxiii Forſoþe in þe lynage of þe ſones of Manaſſes þe
v but if a lengere and departid trumpyng ſchal ſowne,
prince was Gamaliel, þe ſone of Phaduſſur.
þei þat ben at þe eeſt cooſt ſchulen moue tentis firſt. xxiiii And in þe lynage of Beniamyn þe duk was Abidan,
vi Forſoþe in þe ſecounde ſown and lijk noiſe of þe
þe ſone of Gedeon.
trumpe þei þat dwellen at þe ſouþ ſchulen reiſe tentis; xxv Þe ſones of Dan, bi her cumpenyes, ȝeden forþ þe
and bi þis maner oþere men ſchulen do, whanne þe laſte of alle tentis, in whos ooſt þe prince was Aizer, þe
trumpis ſchulen ſowne in to goyng forþ. ſone of Amyſaddai.
vii Forſoþe whanne þe puple ſchal be gederid to gidere,
xxvi Soþeli in þe lynage of þe ſones of Aſer þe prince
ſymple cry of trumpis ſchal be, and þo ſchulen not was Phegiel, þe ſone of Ochran.
ſowne departyngli. xxvii And in þe lynage of þe ſones of Neptalym þe
prince was Haira, þe ſone of Henan.

xxviii Þeſe ben þe caſtels and þe goinges forþ of þe ſones ix And whanne dew cam doun in þe niȝt on þe tentis,
of Iſrael, bi her cumpenyes, whanne þei ȝeden out. alſo manna cam doun togidere.
xxix And Moiſes ſeide to Heliab, þe ſone of Raguel, of x Þerfor Moiſes herde þe puple wepynge bi meynees,
Madian, his alie `eþir fadir of his wijf, We goon forþ to and `alle bi hem ſilf bi þe doris of her tentis; and þe
þe place which þe Lord ſchal ȝyue to vs; come þou wiþ woodneſſe of þe Lord was wrooþ greetli, but alſo þe
vs, þat we do wel to þee, for þe Lord bihiȝte goode þing was ſeyn vnſuffrable to Moiſes.
þingis to Iſrael. xi And he ſeide to þe Lord, Whi haſt þou turmentid þi
xxx To whom he anſweride, Y ſchal not go wiþ þee, but ſeruaunt? whi fynde Y not grace bifor þee? and whi haſt
Y ſchal turne aȝen in to my lond, in which Y was borun. þou put on me þe burþun of al þis puple?
xxxi And Moiſes ſeide, Nyle þou forſake vs, for þou xii wheþir Y conſeyuede al þis multitude, eþir gendride
knowiſt in whiche places we owen to ſette tentis, and it, þat þou ſeie to me, Bere þou hem in þi boſum as a
þou ſchalt be oure ledere; nuriſe is wont to bere a litil ȝong child, and bere þou in
xxxii and whanne þou ſchalt come wiþ vs, what euer to þe lond for which þou haſt ſwore to þe fadris `of
þing ſchal be þe beſte of þe richeſſis whiche þe Lord hem.
ſchal ȝyue to vs, we ſchulen ȝyue to þee. xiii wherof ben fleiſchis to me, þat Y `ȝyue to ſo greet
xxxiii And þerfor þei ȝeden forþ fro þe hil of þe Lord þe multitude? Þei wepen bifore me, and ſeyn, `Ȝyue þou
weie of þre daies; and þe arke of boond of pees of þe fleiſchis to vs þat we ete;
Lord ȝede bifor hem, bi þre daies, and purueyde þe xiiii I mai not aloone ſuffre al þis puple, for it is greuouſe
place of tentis. to me.
xxxiiii And þe cloude of þe Lord was on hem bi day, xv If in oþer maner it ſemeþ to þee, Y biſeche þat þou ſle
whanne þei ȝeden. me, and þat Y fynde grace in þin iȝen, þat Y be not
xxxv And whanne þe arke was reiſid, Moiſes ſeide, Ryſe punyſchid bi ſo grete yuelis.
þou, Lord, and þin enemyes be ſcaterid, and þei þat xvi And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Gadere þou to me
haten þee, fle fro þi face; ſeuenti men of þe eldre men of Iſrael, whiche þou
xxxvi forſoþe whanne þe arke was put doun, he ſeide, knowiſt, `þat þei ben þe elde men and maiſtris of þe
Lord, turne aȝen to þe multitude of þe ooſt of Iſrael. puple; and þou ſchalt lede hem to þe dore of þe
tabernacle of boond of pees, and þou ſchalt make to
CAP. XI ſtonde þere wiþ þee,
i Yn þe meene tyme þe grutchyng of þe puple, as of xvii þat Y come doun, and ſpeke to þee; and Y ſchal take

men ſorewynge for trauel, roos aȝens þe Lord. And awey of þi ſpirit, and Y ſchal ȝyue to hem, þat þei
whanne Moiſes hadde herd þis þing, he was wrooþ; and ſuſteyne wiþ þee þe birþun of þe puple, and not þou
þe fier of þe Lord was kyndelid on hem, and deuouride aloone be greuyd.
þe laſte part of þe tentis. xviii And þou ſchalt ſeie to þe puple, Be ȝe halewid; to
ii And whanne þe puple hadde cried to Moiſes, Moiſes morew ȝe ſchulen ete fleiſchis; for Y herde ȝou ſeie,
preiede þe Lord, and þe fier was quenchid. Who ſchal ȝyue to vs þe metis of fleiſchis? it was wel to
iii And he clepid þe name of þat place Brennyng, for þe vs in Egipt; þat þe Lord ȝyue `fleiſchis to ȝou,
xix and þat ȝe ete not o dai, eþir tweyne, eþir fyue, eþir
fier of þe Lord was kyndlid aȝens hem.
iiii And þe comyn puple of `malis and femalis, þat ten, ſoþeli neþer twenti,
xx but `til to a moneþe of daies, til it go out bi ȝoure
hadde ſtied wiþ hem, brent wiþ deſire of fleiſchis, and
ſat, and wepte wiþ þe ſones of Iſrael ioyned togidere to noſeþirlis, and turne in to wlatyng; for ȝe han put awei
hem, and ſeide, Who ſchal ȝyue to vs fleiſchis to ete? þe Lord, which is in þe myddis of ȝou, and ȝe wepten
v We þenken on þe fiſchis whiche we eten in Egipt freli; bifor hym, and ſeiden, Whi ȝeden we out of Egipt?
xxi And Moiſes ſeide to þe Lord, Sixe hundrid þouſynde
gourdis, and melouns, and lekis, and oyniouns, and
garlekis comen in to mynde `to vs; of foot men ben of þis puple, and þou ſeiſt, Y ſchal ȝyue
vi oure ſoule is drie; oure iȝen byholden noon oþer þing to hem `mete of fleiſchis an hool moneþe.
xxii Wheþer þe multitude of ſcheep and of oxun ſchal be
`no but manna.
vii Forſoþe manna was as þe ſeed of coriaundre, of þe ſlayn, þat it may ſuffice to mete, eþir alle þe fiſchis of
colour of bdellyum, which is whijt and briȝt as criſtal. þe ſee ſchulen be gaderid to gidere, þat þo fille hem?
viii And þe puple ȝede aboute, and gaderide it, and brak xxiii To whom þe Lord anſweride, Wheþer þe `hond of

wiþ a queerne ſtoon, eþer pownede in a morter, and þe Lord is vnmyȝti? riȝt now þou ſchalt ſe, wher my
ſeþide in a pot; and made þerof litle cakis of þe ſauour, word ſchal be fillid in werk.
as of breed maad wiþ oile.

xxiiii Þerfor Moiſes cam, and telde to þe puple þe wordis v þe Lord cam doun in a piler of cloude, and he ſtood in
of þe Lord; and he gaderide ſeuenti men of þe eldere of þe entryng of þe tabernacle, and clepide Aaron and
Iſrael, whiche he made ſtonde aboute þe tabernacle. Marie.
xxv And þe Lord cam doun bi a cloude, and ſpak to vi And whanne þei hadden go, he ſeide to hem, Here ȝe
Moiſes, and took a weye of þe ſpirit þat was in Moiſes, my wordis; if ony among ȝou is a profete of þe Lord, Y
and ȝaf to þe ſeuenti men; and whanne þe ſpirit hadde ſchal appere to hym in reuelacioun, eþir Y ſchal ſpeke to
reſtid in hem, þei profeſieden, and ceeſſiden not hym bi `a dreem.
`aftirward. vii And he ſeide, And my ſeruaunt Moiſes is not ſiche,
xxvi Forſoþe twei men dwelliden ſtille in þe tentis, of which is mooſt feiþful in al myn hows;
whiche men oon was clepid Heldad, and þe toþir viii for Y ſpeke to hym mouþ to mouþ, and he ſeeþ God
Medad, on whiche þe ſpirit reſtide; for alſo þei weren opynli, and not bi derke ſpechis and figuris. Why þerfor
deſcryued, and þei ȝeden not out to þe tabernacle. dredden ȝe not to bacbite `eþer depraue my ſeruaunt
xxvii And whanne þei profeſieden in þe tentis, a child Moiſes?
ran, and teld to Moiſes, and ſeide, Heldad and Medad ix And þe Lord was wrooþ aȝens hem, and he wente a
profecien in þe tentis. wei.
xxviii Anoon Joſue, þe ſone of Nun, þe `mynyſtre of x And þe cloude ȝede awei, þat was on þe tabernacle
Moiſes, and choſun of manye, ſeide, My lord Moiſes, and lo! Marie apperide whijt wiþ lepre as ſnow. And
forbede þou hem. whanne Aaron biheelde hir, and ſiȝ hir biſpreynd wiþ
xxix And he ſeide, What haſt þou enuye for me? who lepre,
ȝyueþ þat al þe puple profeſie, and þat God ȝyue his xi he ſeide to Moiſes, My lord, Y beſeche, putte þou not
ſpirit to hem? þis ſynne on vs,
xxx And Moiſes turnede aȝen, and þe eldre men in birþe xii which we diden folili, þat þis womman be not maad
of Iſrael in to þe tentis. as deed, and as a deed borun þing which is caſt out of
xxxi Forſoþe a wynde ȝede forþ fro þe Lord, and took þe `wombe of his modir; lo! now þe half of hir fleiſch is
curlewis, and bar ouer þe ſee, and lefte in to þe tentis, in deuourid wiþ lepre.
þe iurney, as myche as mai be parformed in o day, bi xiii And Moiſes criede to þe Lord, and ſeide, Lord, Y
ech part of þe tentis bi cumpas; and þo flowen in þe eir biſeche, heele þou hir.
bi twei cubitis in `hiȝneſſe ouer þe erþe. xiiii To whom þe Lord anſwerid, If hir fadir hadde ſpet in
xxxii Þerfor þe puple roos in al þat dai and nyȝt and in to
to hir face, where ſche ouȝte not to be fillid wiþ ſchame,
þe toþir dai, and gaderide þe multitude of curlewis; he nameli in ſeuene daies? Þerfor be ſche departid out of
þat gaderide litil, gaderide ten `meſuris clepid chorus; þe tentis bi ſeuen daies, and aftirward ſche ſchal be
`and o chorus conteyneþ ten buſchels; and þei drieden clepid aȝen.
þo curlewis bi þe cumpas of þe tentis. xv And ſo Marie was excludid out of þe tentis bi ſeuene
xxxiii Ȝit `fleiſchis weren in þe teeþ `of hem, and ſiche
daies; and þe puple was not mouyd fro þat place, til
mete failide not; and lo! þe woodneſſe of þe Lord was Marie was clepid aȝen.
reiſid aȝens þe puple, and ſmoot it wiþ a ful greet
veniaunce. CAP. XIII
xxxiiii And þilke place was clepid Þe ſepulcris of i And þe puple ȝede forþ fro Aſſeroth, whanne þe tentis
coueitiſe, for þere þei birieden þe puple þat deſiride weren ſet in þe deſeert of Pharan.
fleiſchis. Soþeli þei ȝeden `out of þe ſepulcris of ii And þere þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes,
coueitiſe, and camen in to Aſſeroth, and dwelliden þere. iii and ſeide, Sende þou men þat ſchulen biholde þe lond
of Canaan, which Y ſchal ȝyue to þe ſones of Iſrael, of
CAP. XII ech lynage o man of þe princes.
i And Marie ſpak and Aaron aȝens Moiſes, for his wijf a
iiii Moiſes dide þat þat þe Lord comaundide, and ſente
womman of Ethiope, fro þe deſeert of Pharan princes, men of whiche þeſe
ii and ſeiden, Wheþir God ſpak oneli by Moiſes? wheþir
ben þe names.
he ſpak not alſo to vs in lijk maner? And whanne þe v Of þe lynage of Ruben, Semmya, þe ſone of Zectur.
Lord hadde herd þis, he was wrooþ greetli; vi Of þe lynage of Symeon, Saphat, þe ſone of Hury.
iii for Moiſes was þe myldeſt man, ouer alle men þat
vii Of þe lynage of Juda, Caleph, þe ſone of Jephone.
dwelliden in erþe. viii Of þe lynage of Iſachar, Igal, þe ſone of Joſeph.
iiii And anoon þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes and to Aaron and
ix Of þe lynage of Effraym, Oſee, þe ſone of Nun.
to Marye, Go out ȝe þre aloone to þe tabernacle of
x Of þe lynage of Beniamyn, Phalti, þe ſone of Raphu.
boond of pees. And whanne þei weren gon yn,
xi Of þe lynage of Zabulon, Gediel, þe ſone of Sodi.

xii Of þe lynage of Joſeph, of þe gouernaunce of xxxi Among þes þingis Caleph peeſide þe grutchyng of
Manaſſes, Gaddi, þe ſone of Suſy. þe puple, þat was maad aȝens Moiſes, and ſeide, `Stie
xiii Of þe lynage of Dan, Amyel, þe ſone of Gemalli. we, and welde we þe lond, for we moun gete it.
xiiii Of þe lynage of Aſer, Sur, þe ſone of Mychael. xxxii Forſoþe oþer aſpieris, þat weren wiþ hym, ſeiden,
xv Of þe lynage of Neptalym, Nabdi, þe ſone of Napſi. We moun not ſtie to þis puple, for it is ſtrongere þan we.
xvi Of þe lynage of Gad, Guel, þe ſone of Machi. xxxiii And þei deprauyden þe lond which þei hadden

xvii Þeſe ben þe names of men, which Moiſes ſente to biholde, anentis þe ſones of Iſrael, and ſeiden, Þe lond
biholde þe lond of Canaan; and he clepide Oſee, þe ſone which we cumpaſſiden deuouriþ hiſe dwelleris; þe puple
of Nun, Joſue. which we bihelden is of large ſtature; þere we ſyen
xviii Þerfor Moiſes ſente hem to biholde þe lond of ſumme wondris aȝens kynde,
xxxiiii of þe ſones of Enach, of þe kynde of geauntis, to
Canaan, and ſeide to hem, `Stie ȝe bi þe ſouþ cooſt; and
whanne ȝe comen to þe hillis, whiche we weren compariſound, and weren ſeien as
xix biholde ȝe þe lond, what maner lond it is; and locuſtis.
biholde ȝe þe puple which is þe dwellere þerof, wheþer
it is ſtrong, eþir feble, `wheþer þei ben fewe in i Þerfor al þe cumpeny criede, and wepte in þat nyȝt,
noumbre, eþer manye;
ii and alle þe ſones of Iſrael grutchiden aȝens Moiſes and
xx wheþer þat lond is good, eþir yuel; what maner citees
ben, wallid, eþer wiþout wallis; Aaron, and ſeiden,
iii We wolden þat we hadden be deed in Egipt, and not
xxi wheþer þe lond is fat, eþer bareyn, `wheþer it is ful
of woodis, eþir wiþout trees. Be ȝe coumfortid, and in þis waaſt wildirneſſe; we wolden þat we periſchen,
`brynge ȝe to vs of þe fruytis of þat lond. Soþeli þe and þat þe Lord lede vs not in to þis lond, leſt we fallen
tyme was, whanne grapis firſt ripe myȝten be etun bi ſwerd, and oure wyues and fre children ben led
þanne. priſoneris; wheþer it is not betere to turne aȝen in to
xxii And whanne þei hadden ſtied, þei aſpieden þe lond, Egipt?
iiii And þei ſeiden oon to anoþer, Ordeyne we a duyk to
fro þe deſeert of Syn `til to Rohob, as men entryþ to
Emath. vs, and turne we aȝen in to Egipt.
v And whanne þis was herd, Moiſes and Aaron felden
xxiii And þei ſtieden to þe ſouþ, and camen in to Ebron,
where Achyman, and Siſai, and Tholmai, þe ſones of lowe to erþe, bifor al þe multitude of þe ſones of Iſrael.
vi And ſoþeli Joſue, þe ſone of Nun, and Caleph, þe ſone
Enach, weren; for Hebron was maad bi ſeuen ȝeer bifor
Thamnys, þe citee of Egipt. of Jephone, whiche alſo cumpaſſiden þe lond, to renten
xxiiii And þei ȝeden til to þe ſtronde of cluſtre, and her cloþis,
vii and ſpaken to al þe multitude of þe ſones of Iſrael, Þe
kittiden doun a ſioun wiþ his grape, which twei men
baren in a barre; alſo þei token of pumgarnadis, and of lond which we cumpaſſiden is ful good;
viii if þe Lord is merciful to vs, he ſchal lede vs in to it,
þe figis of þat place which is clepid Neheleſcol,
xxv þat is, þe ſtronde of grape, for þe ſones of Iſrael and ſchal ȝyue `to vs þe lond flowynge wiþ mylk and
baren a cluſtre fro þennus. hony.
xxvi And þe aſpieris of þe lond, whanne þei hadden ix Nyle ȝe be rebel aȝens þe Lord, neþer drede ȝe þe

cumpaſſid al þe cuntrey, after fourti daies camen to puple of þis lond, for we moun deuoure hem ſo as
Moiſes and Aaron, breed; al her help paſſide awei fro hem, þe Lord is wiþ
xxvii and to al þe cumpany of þe ſones of Iſrael, in to þe vs, nyle ȝe drede.
x And whanne al þe multitude criede, and wolde
deſeert of Pharan which is in Cades. And `þe aſpieris
ſpaken to hem, and ſchewiden þe fruytis of þe lond to al oppreſſe hem wiþ ſtonys, þe glorie of þe Lord apperide
þe multitude, and telden, on þe roof of þe boond of pees, while alle þe ſones of
xxviii and ſeiden, We camen to þe lond, to which þou Iſrael ſien.
xi And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Hou long ſchal þis
ſenteſt vs, which lond treuli flowiþ wiþ mylk and hony,
as it may be knowun bi þeſe fruytis; puple bacbite me? Hou longe ſchulen þei not bileue to
xxix but it haþ ſtrongeſte inhabiteris, and grete cytees, me in alle `ſignes, whiche Y haue do bifor hem?
xii Þerfor Y ſchal ſmyte hem wiþ peſtilence, and Y ſchal
and wallid; we ſien þere þe kynrede of Anachym;
Amalech dwelliþ in þe ſouþ; waſte hem; forſoþe Y ſchal make þee prince on a greet
xxx Ethei, and Jebuſei, and Amorey dwellen in þe hilli folk, and ſtrongere þan is þis.
xiii And Moiſes ſeide to þe Lord, Egipcians `here not,
placis; forſoþe Cananey dwelliþ biſidis þe ſee, and
biſidis þe floodis of Jordan. fro whos myddil þou leddiſt out þis puple,

xiiii and þe dwelleris of þis loond, whiche herden þat xxxiii ȝoure ſones ſchulen be walkeris aboute in þe
þou, Lord, art in þis puple, and art ſeyn face to face, and deſeert bi fourti ȝeer, and þei ſchulen bere ȝoure
þat þi cloude defendiþ hem, and þat þou goiſt bifore fornycacioun, til þe careyns of þe fadris ben waſtid in
hem in a pilere of cloude bi dai, þe deſeert,
xv and in a piler of fier bi nyȝt, þat þou haſt ſlayn ſo xxxiiii by þe noumbre of fourti daies, in whiche ȝe
greet a multitude as o man, bihelden þe loond; a ȝeer ſchal be arettid for a dai, and
xvi and ſeie þei, He myȝte not brynge þis puple in to þe bi fourti ȝeer ȝe ſchulen reſſeyue ȝoure wickidneſſe, and
lond for whiche he ſwoor, þerfor he killide hem in ȝe ſchulen knowe my veniaunce.
wildirneſſe; xxxv For as Y ſpak, ſo Y ſchal do to al þis werſte
xvii þerfor þe ſtrengþe of þe Lord be magnified, as þou multitude, þat roos to gidere aȝens me; it ſchal faile, and
haſt ſwore. And Moiſes ſeide, ſchal die in þis wildirneſſe.
xviii Lord pacient, and of myche mercy, doynge awei xxxvi Þerfor alle þe men whyche Moiſes hadde ſent to

wickidneſſe and treſpaſſis, and leeuynge no man vngilti, ſee þe lond, and whiche turniden aȝen, and maden al þe
which viſitiſt þe ſynnes of fadris in to ſones in to þe multitude to grutche aȝens hym, and depraueden þe
þridde and fourþe generacioun, Y biſeche, lond, þat it was yuel,
xix forȝyue þou þe ſynne of þis þi puple, aftir þe xxxvii weren deed, and ſmytun in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord.

greetneſſe of þi merci, as þou were merciful to men xxxviii Soþeli Joſue, þe ſone of Nun, and Caleph, þe ſone
goynge out of Egipt `til to þis place. of Jephone, lyueden, of alle men þat ȝeden to ſe þe
xx And þe Lord ſeide, Y haue forȝouun to hem, bi þi lond.
word. xxxix And Moiſes ſpak alle þeſe wordis to alle þe ſones
xxi Y lyue; and þe glorie of þe Lord ſchal be fillid in al of Iſrael, and þe puple mourenyde gretli.
erþe; xl And, lo! þei riſeden in þe morewtid firſt, and `ſtieden
xxii neþeles alle men þat ſien my mageſte, and my in to þe cop of þe hil, and ſeiden, We ben redi to ſtie to
ſignes, whiche Y dide in Egipt and in þe wildirneſſe, þe place, of which þe Lord ſpak, for we ſynneden.
and temptiden me now bi ten ſiþis, and obeieden not to xli To whiche Moiſes ſeide, Whi paſſen ȝe þe word of þe
my vois, Lord, þat ſchal not bifalle to ȝou in to proſperite?
xxiii ſchulen not ſe þe lond for which Y ſwore to her xlii Nyle ȝe ſtie, for þe Lord is not wiþ ȝou, leſt ȝe fallen
fadris, neþir ony of hem þat bacbitide me, ſchal ſe it. bifor ȝoure enemyes.
xxiiii Y ſchal lede my ſeruaunt Caleph, þat was ful of xliii Amalech and Cananei ben bifor ȝou, bi þe ſwerd of
anoþir ſpirit, and ſuede me, in to þis lond, which he whiche ȝe ſchulen falle, for ȝe nolden aſſente to þe
cumpaſſide, and his ſeed ſchal welde it. Lord, neþer þe Lord ſchal be wiþ ȝou.
xxv For Amalech and Cananei dwellen in þe valeis, to xliiii And þei weren maad derk, and ſtieden in to þe cop
morewe moue ȝe tentis, and turne ȝe aȝen in to of þe hil; forſoþe þe ark of þe teſtament of þe Lord and
wildirneſſe bi þe weie of þe reed ſee. Moiſes ȝeden not awey fro þe tentis.
xxvi And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes and to Aaron, and xlv And Amalech cam doun, and Chananei, þat
ſeide, dwelliden in þe hil, and he ſmoot hem, and kittide doun,
xxvii Hou long grutchiþ þis werſte multitude aȝens me? and purſuede hem til Horma.
Y haue herd þe pleyntis of þe ſones of Iſrael.
xxviii Þerfor ſeie þou to hem, Y lyue, ſeiþ þe Lord; as ȝe CAP. XV
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide, Speke þou to
ſpaken while Y herde, ſo Y ſchal do to ȝou;
xxix ȝoure careyns ſchulen ligge in þis wildirneſſe. Alle þe ſones of Iſrael,
ii and þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, Whanne ȝe han entrid in to
ȝe þat ben noumbrid, fro twenti ȝeer and aboue, and
grutchiden aȝens me, þe lond of ȝoure abitacioun which Y ſchal ȝyue to ȝou,
xxx ſchulen not entre in to þe lond, on which Y reiſide iii and ȝe make an offryng to þe Lord in to brent

myn hond, þat Y ſchulde make ȝou to dwelle outakun ſacrifice, eþer a peſible ſacrifice, and ȝe payen auowis,
Caleph, þe ſone of Jephone, and Joſue, þe ſone of Nun. eþir offren ȝiftis bi fre wille, eþir in ȝoure ſolempnytees
xxxi Forſoþe Y ſchal lede in ȝoure litle children, of ȝe brennen odour of ſwetneſſe to þe Lord, of oxun, eþer
whiche ȝe ſeiden þat þei ſchulden be preyes `eþir of ſcheep;
iiii who euer offriþ þe ſlayn ſacrifice, ſchal offre a
raueyns to enemyes, þat þei ſe þe lond which diſpleſide
ȝou. ſacrifice of flour, þe tenþe part of ephi, ſpreynt togidere
xxxii Forſoþe ȝoure careyns ſchulen ligge in þe wiþ oile, which oil ſchal haue a meſure þe fourþe part of
wildirneſſe; hyn;

v and he ſchal ȝyue wyn to fletynge ſacrifices to be xxvii Þat if a ſoule ſynneþ vnwityngli, it ſchal offre a
ſched, of þe ſame meſure, in to brent ſacrifice, and ſlayn geet of o ȝeer for his ſynne; and þe preeſt ſchal preye for
ſacrifice. þat ſoule, for it ſynnede vnwityngli bifor þe Lord;
vi Bi ech loomb and ram ſchal be þe ſacrifice of flour, of xxviii and þe preeſt ſchal gete forȝyueneſſe to it, and
twey tenþe partis, which ſchal be ſpreynt togidere wiþ ſynne ſchal be forȝouun to it.
oile, of þe þridde part of hyn; xxix As wel to men borun in þe lond as to comelyngis, o
vii and he ſchal offre wyn to þe fletynge ſacrifice, of þe lawe ſchal be of alle þat ſynnen vnwityngli.
þridde part of þe ſame meſure, in to odour of ſwetneſſe xxx Forſoþe a man þat doiþ ony ſynne bi pride, ſchal
to þe Lord. periſche fro his puple, wheþer he be a citeſeyn, eþir a
viii Forſoþe whanne þou makiſt a brent ſacrifice, eþir an pilgrym, for he was rebel aȝens þe Lord;
offryng of oxun, þat þou fille avow, eþir peſible xxxi for he diſpiſide þe word of þe Lord, and made voide
ſacrifice, þou ſchalt ȝyue, his comaundement; þerfor he ſchal be doon awei, and
ix bi ech oxe, þre tenþe partis of flour, ſpreynt togidere ſchal bere his owne wickidnes.
wiþ oile, which ſchal haue þe half of meſure of hyn; xxxii Forſoþe it was doon, whanne þe ſones of Iſrael
x and þou ſchalt ȝyue wyn to fletynge ſacrifices to be weren in wildirneſſe, and hadde founde a man
ſched, of þe ſame meſure, in to offryng of þe ſwetteſt gaderynge woode in þe `day of ſabat,
odour to þe Lord. xxxiii þei brouȝten hym to Moiſes, and to Aaron, and to
xi So ȝe ſchulen do bi ech oxe, and ram, al þe multitude; whiche cloſiden hym in to priſoun,
xii and lomb, and kide; xxxiiii and wiſten not what þei ſchulden do of hym.
xiii as wel men borun in þe lond, xxxv And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Þis man die bi deeþ;
xiiii as pilgrymys, ſchulen offre ſacrifices bi þe ſame al þe cumpeny oppreſſe hym wiþ ſtoonus wiþ out þe
cuſtom; tentis.
xv o comaundement and doom ſchal be, as wel to ȝou as xxxvi And whanne þei hadden led hym wiþ out forþ, þei

to comelyngis of þe lond. oppreſſiden him wiþ ſtoonus, and he was deed, as þe

xvi And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, Lord comaundide.
xvii and ſeide, Speke þou to þe ſones of Iſrael, and þou xxxvii Alſo þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes,
xxxviii Speke þou to þe ſones of Iſrael, and þou ſchalt
ſchalt ſeie to hem,
xviii Whanne ȝe comen in to þe lond which Y ſchal ȝyue ſeye to hem, þat þei make to hem hemmes bi foure
to ȝou, corneris of mentils, and ſette laces of iacynct `in þo;
xix and `ȝe eten of þe looues of þat cuntrey, ȝe xxxix and whanne þei ſeen þoo, haue þei mynde of alle

xx ſchulen departe þe firſte fruytis of ȝoure metis to þe comaundementis of þe Lord, leſt þei ſuen her þouȝtis
Lord; as ȝe ſchulen departe þe firſte fruytis of corn and iȝen, doynge fornycacioun bi dyuerſe þingis;
xl but more be þei myndeful of þe `Lordis heeſtis, and
xxi ſo ȝe ſchulen ȝyue þe firſte fruytis alſo of ſewis to þe do þei þo, and be þei hooli to her God.
xli Y am ȝoure Lord God, which ledde ȝou out of þe
xxii Þat if bi ignoraunce ȝe paſſen ony of þo þingis lond of Egipt, þat Y ſchulde be ȝoure God.
whiche þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes,
xxiii and comaundide bi hym to ȝou, fro þe dai in which CAP. XVI
i Lo! forſoþe Chore, þe ſone of Iſuar, ſone of Caath, ſone
he bigan to comaunde,
xxiiii and ouer, and þe multitude haþ forȝete to do, it of Leuy, and Dathan and Abiron, þe ſones of Heliab,
and Hon, þe ſone of Pheleph, of þe ſones of Ruben,
ſchal offre a calf of þe drooue, brent ſacrifice in to
ryſen aȝens Moiſes,
ſwettiſt odour to þe Lord, and þe ſacrificis þerof, and ii and oþere of þe ſones of Iſrael, two hundryd men and
fletynge offryngis, as þe cerymonyes þerof axen; and it
ſchal offre a `buc of geet for ſynne. fifti, prynces of þe ſynagoge, and whiche weren clepid
xxv And þe preeſt ſchal preie for al þe multitude of þe bi names in þe tyme of counſel.
iii And whanne `þei hadden ſtonde aȝens Moiſes and
ſones of Iſrael, and it ſchal be forȝouun to hem, for þei
ſynneden not wilfuli. And neuerþeleſſe þei ſchulen offre Aaron, þei ſeiden, Suffice it to ȝou, for al þe multitude
encenſe to þe Lord for hemſilf, and for her ſynne and is of hooly men, and þe Lord is in hem; whi ben ȝe
errour; reiſid on þe puple of þe Lord?
iiii And whanne Moiſes hadde herd þis, he felde lowe on
xxvi and it ſchal be forȝouun to al þe puple of þe ſones of
Iſrael, and to comelyngis þat ben pilgryms among hem, þe face.
v And he ſpak to Chore, and to al þe multitude; he ſeide,
for it is þe ſynne of al þe multitude bi ignoraunce.
Eerli þe Lord ſchal make knowun whiche perteynen to

hym, and he ſchal applie to hym hooli men; and þei xxv And Moiſes roos, and ȝede to Dathan and Abiron;
whiche he haþ choſe, ſchulen neiȝe to hym. and while þe eldre men of Iſrael ſueden hym,
vi Þerfor do ȝe þis þing; ech man take his cencere, þou xxvi he ſeide to þe cumpeny, Go ȝe awey fro þe
Chore, and al þi counſel; tabernaclis of wickid men, and nyle ȝe touche þo þingis
vii and to morewe whanne fier is takun vp, putte ȝe þat parteynen to hem, leſt ȝe ben wlappid in þe ſynnes
encenſe aboue bifor þe Lord, and whom euer þe Lord of hem.
cheſiþ, he ſchal be hooli. Ȝe ſones of Leuy ben myche xxvii And whanne þei hadden gon awei fro þe tentis `of
reiſid. hem bi þe cumpas, Dathan and Abiron ȝeden out, and
viii And eft Moiſes ſeide to Chore, Ȝe ſones of Leuy, ſtoden in þe entryng of her tentis, wiþ wyues, and fre
here. children, and al þe multitude.
ix Wheþer it is litil to ȝou, þat God of Iſrael departide xxviii And Moiſes ſeide, In þis ȝe ſchulen wite þat þe
ȝou fro al þe puple, and ioynede ȝou to hym ſilf, þat ȝe Lord ſente me, þat Y ſchulde do alle þingis whiche ȝe
ſchulden ſerue hym in þe ſeruyce of tabernacle, and þat ſeen, and Y brouȝte not forþ þo of myn owne herte.
ȝe ſchulden ſtonde bifor þe multitude of puple, and xxix If þei periſchen bi cuſtomable deeþ of men, and
ſchulden ſerue hym? wounde viſite hem, bi which alſo oþere men ben wont
x Made he þerfor þee and alle þi breþeren þe ſones of to be viſitid,
Leuy to neiȝ to hym ſilf, þat ȝe chalenge to ȝou alſo xxx þe Lord ſente not me; but if þe Lord doiþ a newe
preeſthod, þing, þat þe erþe opene his mouþ, and ſwolewe hem,
xi and al þi gaderyng togidere ſtonde aȝens þe Lord? For and alle þingis þat perteynen to hem, and þei goen doun
whi what is Aaron, þat ȝe grutchen aȝens hym? quyke in to helle, ȝe ſchulen wite þat þei blasfemeden
xii Þerfor Moiſes ſente to clepe Dathan and Abiron, þe þe Lord.
ſones of Heliab; whiche anſweriden, We comen not. xxxi Þerfor anoon as he ceſſide to ſpeke, þe erþe was
xiii Wheþir is it litil to þee, þat þou leddiſt vs out of þe brokun vndur her feet,
lond þat flowide wiþ mylk and hony, to ſle vs in þe xxxii and þe erþe openyde his mouþ, and deuowride
deſeert, no but alſo þou be lord of vs? hem, wiþ her tabernaclis, and al þe catel `of hem;
xiiii Verili þou haſt bronyt vs in to þe lond þat flowiþ xxxiii and þei ȝeden doun quike in to helle, and weren
wiþ ſtreemys of mylk and hony, and haſt ȝoue to vs hilid wiþ erþe, and periſchiden fro þe myddis of þe
poſſeſſioun of feeldis, and of vyneris; wheþir alſo þou multitude.
wolt putte out oure iȝen? xxxiiii And ſoþeli al Iſrael þat ſtood bi þe cumpas, fledde
xv We comen not. And Moiſes was wrooþ greetli, and fro þe cry of men periſchinge, and ſeide, Leſt
ſeide to þe Lord, Biholde þou not þe ſacrifices of hem; perauenture þe erþe ſwolewe alſo vs.
þou woſt þat Y took neuere of hem, ȝhe, a litil aſſe, xxxv But alſo fier ȝede out fro þe Lord, and killide tweyn
neþir Y turmentide ony of hem. hundrid and fifti men þat offriden encenſe.
xvi And Moiſes ſeide to Chore, Þou and al þi xxxvi And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide,
congregacioun ſtonde aſidis half bifor þe Lord, and xxxvii Comaunde þou to Eleaſar, ſone of Aaron, preeſt,
Aaron to morewe bi hym ſilf. þat he take þe cenſeris þat liggen in þe brennyng, and
xvii Take ȝe alle bi ȝou ſilf ȝoure cenſeris, and putte ȝe
þat he ſchatere þe fier hidur and þidur; for þo ben
encenſe in þo, and offre ȝe to þe Lord, tweyn hundrid halewid in þe deþis of ſynneris;
and fifti cenſeris; and Aaron holde his cenſer. xxxviii and þat he bringe forþ þo in to platis, and naile to
xviii And whanne þei hadden do þis, while Moiſes and
þe auter, for encenſe is offrid in þo to þe Lord, and þo
Aaron ſtoden, ben halewid, þat þe ſonis of Iſrael ſe þo for a ſigne and
xix and þei hadden gaderid al þe multitude to þe `dore of memorial.
þe tabernacle aȝens hem, þe glorie of þe Lord apperide xxxix Þerfor Eleazar, preeſt, took þe braſun ſenſeris, in
to alle. whiche cenſeris þei whiche þe brennyng deuouride
xx And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes and Aaron, hadden offrid, and he `brouȝt forþ þo in to platis, and
xxi and ſeide, Be ȝe departid fro þe myddis of þis nailide to þe auter;
congregacioun, þat Y leeſe hem ſodeynli. xl þat þe ſones of Iſrael ſchulden haue þingis aftirward,
xxii Whiche felden lowe on þe face, and ſeiden, bi whiche þei ſchulden remembre, leſt ony alien, and
Strongeſte God of þe ſpiritis of al fleiſch, wheþir `þin which is not of þe ſeed of Aaron, neiȝ to offre encenſe
yre ſchal be fers aȝens alle men, for o man ſynneþ? to þe Lord, leſt he ſuffre, as Chore ſufferide, and al his
xxiii And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, multitude, while þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes.
xxiiii Comaunde þou to al þe puple, þat it be departid fro
þe tabernaclis of Chore, and of Dathan, and of Abiron.

xli Forſoþe al þe multitude of þe ſones of Iſrael þe bloſſoms `hadden broke out, whiche weren alargid in
grutchide in þe dai ſuynge aȝens Moiſes and Aaron, and leeuys, and weren fourmed in to alemaundis.
ſeide, Ȝe han ſlayn þe puple of þe Lord. ix Þerfor Moyſes brouȝte forþ alle þe ȝerdis fro þe ſiȝt of
xlii And whanne diſcenſioun roos, þe Lord to al þe ſones of Iſrael; and þei ſien, and
xliii and noiſe encreſſide, Moiſes and Aaron fledden to reſſeyueden ech his ȝerde.
x And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Bere aȝen þe ȝerde of
þe tabernacle of þe boond of pees; and aftir þat þei
entriden in to it, a cloude hilide þe tabernacle, and þe Aaron in to þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, þat it be kept
glorie of þe Lord apperide. þere in to `þe ſigne of þe rebel ſones of Iſrael, and þat
xliiii And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes and to Aaron, her `playntis reſte fro me, leſt þei dien.
xlv Go ȝe awey fro þe myddis of þis multitude, alſo now xi And Moiſes dide, as þe Lord comaundide.
xii Forſoþe þe ſones of Iſrael ſeiden to Moiſes, Lo! we
Y ſchal do awey hem. And whanne þei laien in þe erþe,
Moiſes ſeide to Aaron, ben waſtid, alle we periſchiden;
xlvi Take þe cenſer, and whanne fyer is takun vp of þe xiii who euer neiȝeþ to þe tabernacle of þe Lord, he

auter, caſte encenſe aboue, and go ſoone to þe puple, þat dieþ; wheþir we ſchulen be doon awei alle `til to deeþ?
þou preye for hem; for now ire is gon out fro þe Lord,
and þe wounde is feers. CAP. XVIII
xlvii And whanne Aaron hadde do þis, and hadde runne i And þe Lord ſeide to Aaron, Þou, and þi ſones, and þe

to þe myddis of þe multitude, which þe brennynge hows of þi fadir wiþ þee, ſchulen bere þe wickidneſſe of
waſtid þanne, he offeride encenſe; þe ſeyntuarie; and þou and þi ſones togidere ſchulen
xlviii and he ſtood bytwixe þe deed men and lyuynge, ſuffre þe ſynnes of ȝoure preeſthod.
ii But alſo take þou wiþ þee þi briþeren of þe lynage of
and biſouȝte for þe puple, and þe wounde ceeſſide.
xlix Soþeli þei þat weren ſmytun weren fourtene Leuy, and þe power of þi fadir, and be þei redi, þat þei
þouſynde of men and ſeuene hundrid, wiþ outen hem mynyſtre to þee. Forſoþe þou and þi ſones ſchulen
þat periſchiden in þe diſcencioun of Chore. mynyſtre in þe tabernacle of witneſſyng;
l And Aaron turnyde aȝen to Moyſes, to þe dore of þe iii and þe dekenes ſchulen wake at þi comaundementis,

tabernacle of boond of pees, aftir þat þe periſchyng and at alle werkis of þe tabernacle; ſo oneli þat þei neiȝe
reſtide. not to þe veſſels of ſeyntuarie, and to þe autir, leſt boþe
þei dien, and ȝe periſchen togidere.
iiii Forſoþe be þei wiþ þee, and wake þei in þe kepyngis
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, `and ſeide, Speke þou to of þe tabernacle, and in alle þe cerymonyes þerof. An
þe ſones of Iſrael, alien ſchal not be meddlid wiþ ȝou.
ii and take þou ȝerdis, bi her kynredis, bi ech kynrede o v Wake ȝe in þe kepyng of þe ſeyntuarie, and in þe

ȝeerde, take þou of alle þe princes of þe lynagis twelue ſeruyce of þe auter, leſt indignacioun riſe on þe ſones of
ȝerdis; and þou ſchalt write þe name of each lynage Iſrael.
vi Lo! Y haue ȝouun `to ȝou ȝoure briþeren, dekenes, fro
aboue his ȝerde;
iii forſoþe þe name of Aaron ſchal be in þe lynage of þe myddis of þe ſones of Iſrael, and Y haue ȝoue a fre
Leuy, and o ȝerde ſchal conteyne alle þe meynees of ȝifte to þe Lord, þat þei ſerue in þe ſeruyces of his
hem. tabernacle.
iiii And þou ſchalt putte þo ȝerdis in þe tabernacle of vii Forſoþe þou and þi ſones, kepe ȝoure preeſthod; and

boond of pees, bifor þe witneſſyng, where Y ſchal ſpeke alle þingis þat perteynen to þe ournyng of þe auter, and
to þee; þe ȝerde of hym ſchal buriowne, whom Y ſchal ben wiþ ynne þe veil, ſchulen be mynyſtrid bi preeſtis;
cheſe of hem; if ony ſtraunger neiȝeþ, he ſchal be ſlayn.
v and Y ſchal refreyne fro me þe playnyngis of þe ſones viii Þe Lord ſpak to Aaron, Lo! Y haue ȝoue to þee þe

of Iſrael, bi whiche þei grutchen aȝens ȝou. kepyng of my firſte fruytis; Y haue ȝoue to þee and to þi
vi And Moyſes ſpak to þe ſones of Iſrael; and alle ſones alle þingis, þat ben halewid of þe ſones of Iſrael,
princes ȝauen to hym ȝerdis, bi alle lynagis; and þe for preeſtis office euerlaſtynge lawful þingis.
ix Þerfor þou ſchalt take þeſe þingis of þo þingis þat ben
ȝerdis weren twelue, wiþout þe ȝerde of Aaron.
vii And whanne Moiſes hadde put þo ȝerdis bifor þe halewid, and ben offrid to þe Lord; ech offryng, and
Lord, in þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, he ȝede aȝen in þe ſacrifice, and what euer þing is ȝoldun to me for ſynne
day ſuynge, and for treſpas, and comeþ in to hooli of hooli þingis,
viii and founde þat þe ȝerde of Aaron, `in þe hows of ſchal be þin and þi ſones.
x Þou ſchalt ete it in þe ſeyntuarie; malis oneli ſchulen
Leuy, buriounnede; and whanne knoppis weren greet,
ete þerof, for it is halewid to þe Lord.

xi Forſoþe Y haue ȝoue to þee, and to þi ſones and xxvii þat it be arettid to ȝou in to offryng of þe firſte
douȝtris, bi euerlaſtynge riȝt, þe firſte fruytis whiche þe fruytis, as wel of corn flooris as of preſſis;
ſones of Iſrael a vowen and offren; he þat is clene in þin xxviii and of alle þingis of whiche ȝe taken tiþis, offre ȝe
hous, ſchal ete þo. þe firſte fruytis to þe Lord, and ȝyue ȝe to Aaron, preeſt.
xii Y ȝaf to þee al þe merowe of oile, and of wyn, and of xxix Alle þingis whiche ȝe ſchulen offre of tiþis, and
wheete, what euer þing of þe firſte fruytis þei ſchulen ſchulen departe in to þe ȝiftis of þe Lord, ſchulen be þe
offre to þe Lord. beſte, and alle choſun þingis.
xiii Alle þe bigynnyngis of fruytis whiche þe erþe xxx And þou ſchalt ſeye to hem, If ȝe offren to þe Lord
bryngiþ forþ, and ben brouȝt to þe Lord, ſchulen falle in alle þe clere and betere þingis of tiþis, it ſchal be arettid
to þin vſis; he þat is cleene in þin hous, ſchal ete of þo. to ȝou, as if ȝe ȝauen þe firſte fruitis of þe corn floor and
xiiii Al þing which þe ſones of Iſrael ȝelden bi avow, preſſe.
ſchal be þin. xxxi And ȝe ſchulen ete þo tiþis in alle ȝoure placis, as
xv What euer þing `ſchal breke out firſt of þe wombe of wel ȝe as ȝoure meynees, for it is þe prijs for þe ſeruyce,
al fleiſch, which fleiſch þei offren to þe Lord, wheþer it in whiche ȝe ſeruen in þe tabernacle of witneſſyng.
is of men, eþir of beeſtis, it ſchal be of þi riȝt; ſo oneli xxxii And ȝe ſchulen not do ſynne on þis þing, `and
þat þou take prijs for þe firſte gendrid child of man, and reſſerue noble þingis and fat to ȝou, leſt ȝe defoulen þe
þat þou make ech beeſte which is vncleene to be bouȝt offryngis of þe ſones of Iſrael, and ȝe dien.
xvi whos aȝenbiyng ſchal be aftir o moneþe, for fyue CAP. XIX
ſiclis of ſiluer, bi þe weiȝte of ſeyntuarie; a ſicle haþ xx. i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes and to Aaron,
halpens. ii and ſeide, Þis is þe religioun of ſacrifice, which þe
xvii Forſoþe þou ſchalt not make þe firſte gendrid of oxe,
Lord ordeynede. Comaunde þou to þe ſones of Iſrael,
and of ſcheep, and of goet, to be aȝen bouȝt, for þo ben þat þei brynge to þee a reed cow of hool age, in which
halewid to þe Lord; oneli þou ſchalt ſchede þe blood of is no wem, neþer ſche haþ bore ȝok.
þo on þe auter, and þou ſchalt brenne þe ynnere fatneſſe iii And ȝe ſchulen bitake hir to Eleazar, preeſt, which
in to ſwettiſt odour to þe Lord. ſchal offre `þe cow, led out of þe tentis, in þe ſiȝt of alle
xviii Forſoþe þe fleiſchis ſchulen falle in to þin vſs, as þe
breſt halewid and þe riȝt ſchuldur, ſchulen be þine. iiii And he ſchal dippe his fyngur in þe blood þerof, and
xix Y ȝaf to þe and to þi ſones and douȝtris, bi
ſchal ſprynge ſeuene ſiþis aȝens þe ȝatis of þe
euerlaſtynge riȝt, alle þe firſte fruytis of ſeyntuarie, tabernacle.
whiche þe ſones of Iſrael offren to þe Lord; it is v And he ſchal brenne þat cow, while alle men ſien; and
euerlaſtynge couenant of ſalt bifor þe Lord, to þee, and he ſchal ȝyue as wel þe ſkyn and fleiſchis þerof as þe
to þi ſones. blood and dung to flawme.
xx And þe Lord ſeide to Aaron, Ȝe ſchulen not welde vi Alſo þe preeſt ſchal `ſende a tre of cedre, and yſope,
ony þing in þe lond of hem, neþer ȝe ſchulen haue part and reed þreed died twies, into þe flawme þat deuouriþ
among hem; Y am þi part and erytage, in þe myddis of þe cow.
þe ſones of Iſrael. vii And þanne at þe laſte, whanne hiſe cloþis `and bodi
xxi Forſoþe Y ȝaf to þe ſones of Leuy alle þe tiþis of
ben waiſchun, he ſchal entre in to þe tentis, and he ſchal
Iſrael in to poſſeſſioun, for þe ſeruyce bi whyche þei be defoulid `til to euentid.
ſeruen me in þe tabernacle of boond of pees; viii But alſo he þat brente þe cow, ſchal waiſche hiſe
xxii þat þe ſones of Iſrael neiȝe no more to þe `tabernacle
cloþis, and bodi, and he ſchal be vncleene `til to
of boond of pees, neþer do dedli ſynne. euentid.
xxiii To þe ſones aloone of Leuy, ſeruynge me in þe ix Forſoþe a cleene man ſchal gadere þe aiſchis of þe
tabernacle, and berynge þe `ſynnes of þe puple, it ſchal cow, and ſchal ſchede out þo wiþ out þe tentis, in a
be a lawful þing euerlaſtynge in ȝoure generaciouns. place mooſt cleene, þat þo be to þe multitude of þe
xxiiii Þei ſchulen welde noon oþer þing, and þei ſchulen
ſones of Iſrael in to keping, and in to watir of
be apeied wiþ þe offryng of tiþis, whiche Y departide in ſpryngyng; for þe cow is brent for ſynne.
to vſis and neceſſaries of hem. x And whanne he þat bar þe aiſchis of þe cow, haþ
xxv And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes and ſeide,
waiſche hiſe cloþis, he ſchal be vncleene `til to euentid.
xxvi Comaunde þou, and denounſe to þe dekenes, And þe ſones of Iſrael, and comelyngis þat dwellen
Whanne ȝe han take tiþis of þe ſones of Iſrael, whiche Y among hem, ſchulen haue þis hooli bi euerlaſtynge
ȝaf to ȝou, offre ȝe þe firſte fruytis of þo to þe Lord, þat lawe.
is, þe tenþe part of þe dyme,

xi He þat touchiþ a deed bodi of man, and is vncleene iiii Whi han ȝe led out þe chirche of þe Lord in to
for þis bi ſeuene daies, wildirneſſe, þat boþe we and oure beeſtis die?
xii ſchal be ſpreynt of þis watir in þe þridde, and in þe v Whi han ȝe maad vs to ſtie from Egipt, and han brouȝt
ſeuenþe dai; and ſo he ſchal be clenſid. If he is not vs in to þis werſte place, which may not be ſowun,
ſpreynt in þe þridde dai, he ſchal not mow be clenſid in which neþer bryngiþ forþ fige tre, neþer vineris, neþer
þe ſeuenþe dai. pumgranatis, ferþermore and haþ not watir to drynke?
xiii Ech þat touchiþ þe deed bodi bi it ſilf of mannus vi And whanne þe multitude was left, Moiſes and Aaron
ſoule, and is not ſpreynt wiþ þis medlyng, defouliþ þe entriden in to þe tabernacle of boond of pees, and
`tabernacle of þe Lord, and he ſchal periſche fro Iſrael; felden lowe to erþe, and crieden to God, and ſeiden,
for he is not ſpreynt wiþ þe wateris of clenſyng, he ſchal Lord God, here þe cry of þis puple, and opene to hem þi
be vncleene, and his filþe ſchal dwelle on hym. treſour, a welle of quyk watir, þat whanne þei ben fillid,
xiiii Þis is þe lawe of a man þat dieþ in þe tabernacle; þe grutchyng of hem ceeſſe. And þe glorie of þe Lord
alle þat entren in to his tente, and alle veſſels þat ben apperide on hem;
þere, ſchulen be defoulid bi ſeuene daies. vii and þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes,
xv A veſſel þat haþ not an hilyng, neþir a byndyng viii and ſeide, Take þe ȝerde, and gadere þe puple, þou,
aboue, ſchal be vncleene. and Aaron þi broþer; and ſpeke ȝe to þe ſtoon bifore
xvi If ony man touchiþ þe deed bodi of man ſlayn in þe hem, and it ſchal ȝyue watris. And whanne þou haſt led
feeld, eþer deed bi hym ſilf, eþer a boon, eþer þe watir out of þe ſtoon, al þe multitude ſchal drynke, and
ſepulcre `of hym, he ſchal be vncleene bi ſeuene daies. þe beeſtis þerof `ſchulden drynke.
xvii And þei ſchulen take `of þe aiſchis of þe brennyng, ix Þerfor Moiſes took þe ȝerde þat was in þe `ſiȝt of þe

and of þe ſynne, and þei ſchulen ſende quyk watris in to Lord, as þe Lord comaundide to hym,
a veſſel on þo aiſchis; x whanne þe multitude was gaderid bifor þe ſtoon; and
xviii in whiche whanne `a cleene man haþ dippid yſope, he ſeide to hem, Here ȝe, rebel and vnbileueful; wheþer
he ſchal ſpreynge þerof þe tente, and al þe purtenaunce we moun brynge out of þis ſtoon watir to ȝou?
of howſhold, and men defoulid bi ſich defoulyng. xi And whanne Moiſes hadde reiſid þe hond, and hadde
xix And in þis maner a cleene man ſchal clenſe an ſmyte þe flynt twies wiþ þe ȝerde, largeſte watris ȝeden
vncleene, in þe þridde and in þe ſeuenþe dai; and he out, ſo þat þe puple drank, and þe beeſtis drunken.
ſchal be clenſid in þe ſeuenþe dai. And he ſchal waiſche xii And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes and to Aaron, For ȝe
hym ſilf, and hiſe cloþis, and he ſchal be vncleene `til to bileueden not to me, þat ȝe ſchulden halewe me bifor þe
euentid. ſones of Iſrael, ȝe ſchulen not lede þeſe puples in to þe
xx If ony man is not clenſid bi þis cuſtom, þe ſoule of lond which Y ſchal ȝyue to hem.
hym ſchal periſche fro þe myddis of þe chirche; for he xiii Þis is þe watir of aȝenſeiyng; þere þe ſones of Iſrael
defouliþ þe `ſeyntuarie of þe Lord, and is not ſpreynt ſtryueden aȝens þe Lord, and he was halewid in hem.
wiþ þe watir of clenſyng. xiiii In þe meene tyme Moiſes ſente meſſangeres fro
xxi Þis comaundement ſchal be a lawful þing Cades to þe kyng of Edom, whiche ſeiden, Iſrael þi
euerlaſtynge. Alſo he þat ſchal ſprenge þe watris ſchal broþer ſendiþ þeſe þinges. Þou knowiſt al þe trauel þat
waiſche his cloþis; ech man þat touchiþ þe watris of took vs,
clenſyng, ſchal be vncleene `til to euentid. xv hou oure fadris ȝeden doun in to Egipt, and we
xxii What euer þing an vncleene man touchiþ, he ſchal dwelliden þere myche tyme, and Egipcians turmentiden
make it vncleene; and a ſoule þat touchiþ ony of þeſe vs and oure fadris; and hou we crieden to þe Lord,
þingis `defoulid ſo, ſchal be vncleene `til to euentid. xvi and he herde vs, and ſente an aungel þat ledde vs out
of Egipt. And lo! we ben ſet in þe citee of Cades, which
CAP. XX is in þi laſte cooſtis,
i And þe ſones of Iſrael and al þe multitude camen in to xvii and we biſechen þat it be leueful to vs to paſſe þorou
þe deſeert of Syn, in þe firſte moneþe. And þe puple þi lond; we ſchulen not go bi feeldis, neþer bi vyneris,
dwellide in Cades; and Marie was deed þere, and biried neþer we ſchulen drynke watris of þi pittis; but we
in þe ſame place. ſchulen go in þe comyn weie, and we ſchulen not bowe
ii And whanne þe puple hadde nede to watir, þei ȝeden to þe riȝt ſide, neþer to þe left ſide, til we paſſen þi
togidere aȝens Moiſes and Aaron; and þei weren turned termes.
in to diſſenſioun, xviii To whom Edom anſweride, Ȝe ſchulen not paſſe bi
iii and ſeiden, We wolden þat we hadden periſchid me, ellis Y ſchal be armed, and come aȝens þee.
among oure briþeren bifor þe Lord. xix And þe ſones of Iſrael ſeiden, We ſchulen go bi þe
weie comynli vſid, and if we and oure beeſtis drynken

þi watris, we ſchulen ȝyue þat þat is iuſt; noon hardneſſe vii þei camen to Moyſes, and ſeiden, We ſynneden, for
ſchal be in prijs, onely paſſe we ſwiftli. we ſpaken aȝens þe Lord and þee; preie þou, þat he take
xx And he anſweride, Ȝe ſchulen not paſſe. And anoon awey fro vs þe ſerpentis.
he ȝede out aȝens Iſrael, wiþ a multitude wiþout viii And Moiſes preiede for þe puple; and þe Lord ſeide
noumbre, and `ſtrong hond, to hym, Make þou a ſerpent of bras, and ſette þou it for
xxi neþer he wolde aſſente to Iſrael biſechynge, þat he a ſigne; he þat is ſmytun and biholdiþ it, ſchal lyue.
ſchulde graunte paſſage bi hiſe cooſtis. Wherfor Iſrael ix Þerfor Moyſes made a ſerpent of bras, and ſettide for
turnede awey fro hym. a ſigne; and men ſmytun and biholdynge it, weren
xxii And whanne þei hadden moued tentis fro Cades, þei heelid.
camen in to þe hil of Hor, which is in þe endis of þe x And þe ſones of Iſrael ȝeden forþ,
lond of Edom; xi and ſettiden tentis in Oboth; fro whennus þei ȝeden
xxiii where þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes and ſeide, Aaron go
forþ, and ſettiden tentis in Neabarym, in þe wildirneſſe,
to his puples; þat biholdiþ Moab, aȝens þe eeſt cooſt.
xxiiii for he ſchal not entre in to þe lond which Y ȝaf to xii And þei moueden fro þennus, and camen to þe
þe ſones of Iſrael, for he was vnbileueful to my mouþ, ſtronde of Zareth;
at þe watris of aȝenſeiyng. xiii which þei leften, and ſettiden tentis aȝens Arnon,
xxv Take þou Aaron, and his ſone wiþ hym, and þou
which is in þe deſeert, and apperiþ in þe cooſtis of
ſchalt lede hem in to þe hil of Hor; Amorrei. Forſoþe Arnon is þe terme of Moab, and
xxvi and whanne þou haſt maad nakid þe fadir of his departiþ Moabitis and Ammoreis.
cloþ, þou ſchalt cloþe `wiþ it Eleazar, his ſone, and xiiii Wherfor it is ſeid in þe book of batels of þe Lord,
Aaron ſchal be gederid, and ſchal die þere. As he dide in þe reed ſee, ſo he ſchal do in þe ſtrondis of
xxvii Moiſes dide as þe Lord comaundide; and þei Arnon;
ſtieden in to þe hil of Hor, bifor al þe multitude. xv þe harde rochis of þe ſtrondis weren bowid, þat þo
xxviii And whanne he hadde maad nakid Aaron of hiſe ſchulen reſte in Arnon, and ſchulden ligge in þe cooſtis
cloþis, he cloþide wiþ þo Eleazar, his ſone. of Moabitis.
xxix Soþeli whanne Aaron was deed in þe `cop of þe hil, xvi Fro þat place þe pit apperide, of which þe Lord ſpak
Moiſes cam doun wiþ Eleazar. to Moyſes, Gadere þou þe puple, and Y ſchal ȝyue watir
xxx Soþeli al þe multitude ſiȝ þat Aaron was deed, and to it.
wepte on hym þretti daies, bi alle her meyneſs. xvii Þanne Iſrael ſoong þis ſong, Þe pit ſtie;
xviii þei ſungen togidere, Þe pit which þe princes
CAP. XXI diggiden, and þe duykis of þe multitude maden redi, in
i And whanne Chananei, þe kyng of Arad, þat dwellide þe ȝyuere of þe lawe, and in her ſtauys. And þei ȝeden
at þe ſouþ, hadde herd þis, þat is, þat Iſrael cam bi þe forþ fro þe wildirneſſe to Mathana,
weye of aſpieris, he fauȝt aȝens hem; and Chananei was xix fro Mathana to Naaliel, fro Naaliel in to Bamoth;
ouercomere and ledde pray of Iſrael. xx Bamoth is a valey in þe cuntrey of Moab, in þe cop
ii And Iſrael bounde hym ſylf bi avow to þe Lord, and
of Phaſga, þat biholdiþ aȝens þe deſeert.
ſeide, If þou ſchalt bitake þis puple in myn hond, Y xxi Forſoþe Iſrael ſente meſſangeris to Seon, kyng of
ſchal do awei `þe citees þerof. Ammorreis, and ſeide,
iii And þe Lord herde þe preieris of Iſrael, and bitook þe xxii Y biſeche þat it be leueful to me to paſſe þorou þi
Chananey; and Iſrael killid hym, and diſtruyede hiſe loond; we ſchulen not bowe in to þe feeldis and vyneris;
citees; and clepide þe name of þat place Horma, þat is, we ſchulen not drynke watris of pittis; we ſchulen go in
curſyng, `eþir hangyng up. þe kyngis weie, til we paſſen þi termes.
iiii `Forſoþe þei ȝeden forþ alſo fro þe hil of Hor, bi þe xxiii Which nolde graunte þat Iſrael ſchulde paſſe þury
weie þat lediþ to þe reed ſee, þat þei ſchulden cumpaſſe hiſe cooſtis, but raþer, whanne þe ooſt was gaderid, he
þe lond of Edom; and it bigan to anoye þe puple, of þe ȝede out aȝens Iſrael, in to deſeert. And he cam in to
weie and trauel. Yaſa, and fauȝt aȝens Iſrael;
v And þe puple ſpak aȝens þe Lord and Moiſes, and xxiiii of whom he was ſmytun in þe ſcharpneſſe of ſwerd,
ſeide, Whi leddiſt þou vs out of Egipt, þat we ſchulden and his lond was weldid fro Arnon `til to Jeboth and `þe
die in wildirneſſe? breed failiþ, watris ben not; oure ſones of Amon; for þe termes of Amonytis weren
ſoule wlatiþ now on þis `meete mooſt lyȝt. holdun bi ſtrong help.
vi Wherfor þe Lord ſente `firid ſerpentis in to þe puple; xxv Þerfor Iſrael took alle `þe citees of hym, and
at þe woundis of whiche ſerpentis, and þe deþis of ful dwelliden in þe citees of Amorrei, þat is, in Eſebon, and
many men, hiſe townes.

xxvi Þe citee of Eſebon was Seons, kyng of Ammorei, and hadden teld to hym alle þe wordis of Balaach, he
which Seon fauȝt aȝens þe kyng of Moab, and took al anſweride,
þe lond þat was of his lordſchip, `til to Arnon. viii Dwelle ȝe here to nyȝt, and Y ſchal anſwere what
xxvii Þerfor it is ſeid in prouerbe, Come ȝe in to Eſebon, euer þing þe Lord ſchal ſeie to me. Soþeli while þei
be it bildid, and maad þe citee of Seon; dwelliden at Balaam, God cam, and ſeide to hym,
xxviii fier ȝede out of Eſebon, flawme ȝede out of þe ix What wolen þeſe men at þee `to hem ſilf?

citee `eþir greet caſtel of Seon, and deuouryde Ar of x Balaam anſweride, Balaach, þe ſone of Sephor, kyng
Moabitis, and þe dwelleris of þe `hiȝe places of Arnon. of Moabitis, ſente to me, and ſeide, Lo!
xxix Moab, wo to þee! þou, puple of Chamos, xi a puple which is gon out of Egipt hilide þe face of
periſchidiſt; it ȝaf þe ſones þerof in to fliȝt, and þe erþe; come þou, and curſe hem, if in ony maner Y may
douȝtris in to caitifte to Seon, kyng of Ammoreis; fiȝte, and dryue hym awey.
xxx þe ȝok of hem periſchide, fro Eſebon `til to Dibon; xii And God ſeide to Balaam, Nyle þou go wiþ hem,
þe wery men camen in to Jophe, and `til to Medaba. neþer curſe þou þe puple, for it is bleſſid.
xxxi And ſo Iſrael dwellide in þe lond of Ammorrey. xiii Which Balaam roos eerli, and ſeide to þe princes, Go
xxxii And Moiſes ſente men þat ſchulden aſpie Jaſer, ȝe in to ȝoure lond, for God forbeed me to come wiþ
whos `townes þei token, and weldiden þe dwelleris. ȝou.
xxxiii And þei turniden hem ſilf, and ſtieden bi þe weie xiiii Þe princes turneden aȝen, and ſeiden to Balaach,

of Baſan. And Og, þe kyng of Baſan, wiþ al his puple Balaam nolde come wiþ vs.
cam aȝens hem, to fiȝte in Edray. xv Eft Balaach ſente many mo and noblere men, þan he
xxxiiii And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Drede þou not hym, hadde ſent bifore;
for Y haue bitake hym, and al his loond, and puple, in xvi whiche ſeiden, whanne þei hadden come to Balaam,
þin hoond; and þou ſchalt do to hym as þou didiſt to Balaach, þe ſone of Sephor, ſeiþ þus, Tarye þou not to
Seon, kyng of Ammorreis, þe dwellere of Eſebon. come to me, redi to onoure þee;
xxxv Þerfor þei ſmytiden `boþe hym wiþ hiſe ſones and xvii and what euer þing þou wolt, Y ſchal ȝyue to þee;
al his puple, `til to deeþ; and þei weldiden `þe lond of come þou, and curſe þis puple.
hym. xviii Balaam anſweride, Þouȝ Balaach ſchal ȝyue to me
his howsful of ſiluer and of gold, Y ſchal not mowe
CAP. XXII chaunge þe word of my God, þat Y ſpeke eþir more eþir
i And þei ȝeden forþ, and ſettiden tentis in þe feeldi leſſe.
places of Moab, where Jerico is ſet ouer Jordan. xix Y biſeche, þat ȝe dwelle here alſo in þis nyȝt, þat Y
ii Forſoþe Balach, þe ſone of Sephor, ſiȝ alle þingis may wite what þe Lord ſchal anſwere eft to me.
whiche Iſrael hadde do to Ammorrei, xx Þerfor þe Lord cam to Balaam in þe nyȝt, and ſeide to
iii and þat men of Moab `hadden dred Iſrael, and miȝten hym, If þeſe men comen to clepe þee, riſe þou, and go
not bere þe aſſailing of him. wiþ hem, ſo oneli þat þou do þat þat Y ſchal comaunde
iiii And he ſeide to þe grettere men in birþe of Madian, to þee.
So þis puple ſchal do a wei alle men þat dwellen in oure xxi Balaam roos eerli, and whanne his femal aſſe was
cooſtis, as an oxe is wont to do awei an eerbe `til to þe ſadelid, he ȝede forþ wiþ hem.
rootis. Forſoþe he, `þat is, Balaac, was kyng in þat tyme xxii And God was wrooþ. And þe `aungel of þe Lord
in Moab. ſtood in þe weie aȝens Balam, þat ſat on þe femal aſſe,
v Þerfor he ſente meſſangeris to Balaam, þe ſone of and hadde twei children wiþ hym.
Beor, a fals diuynour, þat dwellide on þe flood of þe xxiii Þe femal aſſe ſiȝ þe aungel ſtondynge in þe weie,
lond of þe ſones of Amon, þat þei ſchulden clepe hym, wiþ ſwerd drawun, and `turnede a wei hir ſilf fro þe
and ſchulden ſeie, Lo! a puple ȝede out of Egipt, `which weie, and ȝede bi þe feeld. And whanne Balaam beet
puple hilide þe face of erþe, and ſittiþ aȝens me. hir, and wolde lede aȝen to þe paþ,
vi Þerfor come þou, and curſe þis puple, which is xxiiii þe aungel ſtood in þe ſtreitneſſis of twei wallis, wiþ
ſtrongere þan Y, if in ony maner Y may ſmyte and dryue whiche þe vyneris weren cumpaſſid.
hym out of my lond; for Y knowe, þat he is bliſſid xxv And þe femal aſſe ſiȝ þe aungel, and ioynede hir ſilf
whom þou bliſſiſt, and he is curſid whom þou haſt to þe wal, and hurtlide þe foot of þe ſittere; and he beet
curſid. eft `þe aſſe.
vii Þe eldere men of Moab and þe grettere men in birþe xxvi And neuer þe leſſe þe aungel ȝede to þe ſtreit place,
of Madian ȝeden forþ, hauynge in hondis þe prijs of fals where me `myȝte not go out of þe weie, neþer to þe riȝt
dyuynyng; and whanne þei hadden come to Balaam, ſide neþer to þe left ſide, and ſtood aȝens hym.

xxvii And whanne þe femal aſſe ſiȝ þe aungel ſtondynge, iii And Balaam ſeide to Balaach, Stond þou a litil while
ſche felde doun vndir þe feet of þe ſittere, which was biſidis þi brent ſacrifice, while Y go, if in hap þe Lord
wrooþ ful greetli, and beet hir ſidis wiþ a ſtaaf. meete me; and Y ſchal `ſpeke to þee what euer þing he
xxviii And þe Lord openyde þe `mouþ of þe femal aſſe, ſchal comaunde.
and ſche ſpak, What haue Y doon to þee? whi ſmytiſt iiii And whanne he hadde go ſwiftli, God cam to hym;
þou me, lo! now þe þridde tyme? and Balaam ſpak to hym, and ſeide, Y reiſide ſeuene
xxix Balaam anſweride, For þou haſt diſſerued, and haſt auteris, and Y puttide a calf and a ram aboue.
ſcornyd me; Y wolde þat Y hadde a ſwerd to ſle þee. v Forſoþe þe Lord `puttide a word in his mouþ, and
xxx And þe femal aſſe ſeide, Wheþer Y am not þi beeſte ſeide, Turne aȝen to Balaach, and þou ſchalt ſpeke þeſe
on which þou were wont to ſitte euere til in to þis þingis.
preſent dai? ſeie þou, what lijk þing Y dide euere to vi He turnede aȝen, and fond Balach ſtondynge biſidis
þee? And he ſeide, Neuere. his brent ſacrifice, and alle þe princes of Moabitis.
xxxi Anoon þe Lord openyde `þe iȝen of Balaam, and he vii And whanne his parable `was takun, he ſeide,
ſiȝ þe aungel ſtondynge in þe weie, holdynge a drawun Balaach, þe kyng of Moabitis, brouȝte me fro Aran, fro
ſwerd in þe hoond; and Balaam worſchipide hym lowli þe `hillis of þe eeſt; and he ſeide, Come þou and curſe
in to erþe. Jacob; haaſte þou, and greetli curſe þou Iſrael.
xxxii To whom þe aungel ſeide, Whi `betiſt þou þi femal viii How ſchal Y curſe whom God curſid not? bi what
aſſe `þe þridde tyme? Y cam to be aduerſarie to þee, for reſoun ſchal Y `haue abhomynable whom God `haþ not
þi weie is weiward, and contrarye to me; abhomynable?
xxxiii and if þe femal aſſe hadde not bowid a wey fro þe ix Fro þe hiȝeſte flyntis Y ſchal ſe hym, and fro litle
weie, and ȝoue place to aȝenſtondere, Y hadde ſlayn hillis Y ſchal biholde hym; þe puple ſchal dwelle
þee, and ſche ſchulde lyue. aloone, and it ſchal not be arettid among heþene men.
xxxiiii Balaam ſeide, Y ſynnede, not witynge þat þou x Who may noumbre þe duſt, þat is, kynrede, of Jacob,
ſtodiſt aȝens me; and now, if it diſpleſiþ þee þat Y go, Y and knowe þe noumbre of þe generacioun of Iſrael? My
ſchal turne aȝen. lijf die in þe deeþ of iuſt men, and my laſte þingis be
xxxv Þe aungel ſeide, Go þou wiþ þeſe men, but ȝe war maad lijk hem!
þat þou ſpeke not oþer þing þan Y ſchal comaunde to xi And Balaach ſeide to Balaam, What is þis þat þou
þee. Þerfor Balaam ȝede wiþ þe princes. doiſt? Y clepide þee, þat þou ſchuldiſt curſe myn
xxxvi And whanne Balaach hadde herde þis, he ȝede out enemyes, and aȝenward þou bleſſiſt hem.
in to þe comyng of hym, in þe citee of Moabitis, whiche xii To whom Balaam anſweride, Wheþer Y may ſpeke
is ſet in þe laſte cooſtis of Arnon. oþir þing no but þat þat þe Lord comaundiþ?
xxxvii And he ſeide to Balaam, Y ſente meſſangeris to xiii Þerfor Balaach ſeide to Balaam, Come wiþ me in to
clepe þee; whi cameſt þou not anoon to me? wheþir for anoþir place, fro whennus þou ſe a part of Iſrael, and
Y may not ȝelde meede to þi comyng? mayſt not ſe al; fro þennus curſe þou hym.
xxxviii To whom Balaam anſweride, Lo! Y am preſent, xiiii And whanne he hadde led Balaam in to an hiȝ place,
wheþir Y ſchal mow ſpeke oþer þing þan þat, þat God on þe cop of þe hil of Phaſga, he bildide ſeuene auteris
ſchal putte in my mouþ? to Balaam, and whanne calues and rammes weren put
xxxix Þerfor þei ȝeden forþ to gidere, and camen in to a aboue,
citee, which was in þe laſte cooſt of `his rewme. xv he ſeide to Balaach, Stonde here biſidis þi brent
xl And whanne Balaach hadde ſlayn ſcheep and oxun, ſacrifice, while Y go.
he ſente ȝiftis to Balaam and þe princes þat weren wiþ xvi And whanne þe Lord hadde `come to him, and hadde
hym. put `a word in his mouþ, he ſeide, Turne aȝen to Balach,
xli Forſoþe whanne þe morewtid was maad, Balaach and þou ſchalt ſeie þeſe þingis to hym.
ledde Balaam to þe hiȝe placis of Baal, and he bihelde xvii He turnyde aȝen, and foond Balach ſtondynge
þe laſte part of þe puple, `þat is, al þe ooſt til to þe laſte biſidis his brent ſacrifice, and þe princis of Moabitis wiþ
part. hym. To whom Balach ſeide, What ſpak þe Lord?
xviii And whanne his parable `was takun, he ſeide,
CAP. XXIII Stonde, Balach, and herkene; here, þou ſone of Sephor.
i And Balaam ſeide to Balaach, Bilde þou here to me God is not `as a man,
ſeuene auteris, and make redi ſo many caluys, and xix þat he lye, neþir he is as þe ſone of a man, þat he be
rammes of þe ſame noumbre. chaungid; þerfor he ſeide, and ſchal he not do? he ſpak,
ii And whanne he hadde do bi þe word of Balaam, þei and ſchal he not fulfille?
puttiden a calf and a ram to gidere on þe auter. xx Y am brouȝt to bleſſe, Y may not forbede bleſſyng.

xxi Noon idol is in Jacob, neþir ſymylacre is ſeyn in ix He reſtide and ſlepte as a lyoun, and as a lioneſſe,
Iſrael; his Lord God is wiþ hym, and þe ſown of victorie whom no man ſchal dore reiſe. He þat bleſſiþ þee, ſchal
of kyng is in hym. be bleſſid; he þat curſiþ, ſchal
xxii Þe Lord God ledde hym out of Egipt, whos ſtrengþe x be arettid in to curſyng And Balaach was wrooþ aȝens
is lijk an vnicorn; Balaam, and ſeide, whanne þe hondis weren wrungun to
xxiii fals tellyng bi chiteryng of bryddis, `eþir idolatrie, gidere, I clepide þee to curſe myn enemyes, whiche
is not in Jacob, neþir fals dyuynyng is in Iſrael. In his aȝenward þou haſt bleſſid þries.
tymes it ſchal be ſeide to Jacob and Iſrael, What þe Lord xi Turne aȝen to þi place; forſoþe Y demede to onoure
haþ wrought! þee greetli, but þe Lord priuyde þee fro onour diſpoſid.
xxiiii Lo! þe puple ſchal riſe to gidere as a lioneſſe, and xii Balaam anſweride to Balaach, Wheþir Y ſeide not to
ſchal be reiſid as a lioun; þe lioun ſchal not reſte, til he þi meſſangeris, whiche þou ſentiſt to me,
deuoure prey, and drynke þe blood of hem þat ben xiii Þouȝ Balaach ſchal ȝyue to me his hows ful of ſiluer
ſlayn. and of gold, Y ſchal not mow paſſe þe word of my Lord
xxv And Balach ſeide to Balaam, Neþer curſe þou, neþer God, þat Y brynge forþ of myn herte ony þing, eþir of
bleſſe þou hym. good eþir of yuel, but what euer þing þe Lord ſchal ſeie,
xxvi And he ſeide, Wheþer Y ſeide not to þee, þat what Y ſchal ſpeke þis?
euer þing þat God comaundide to me, Y wolde do þis? xiiii Neþeles Y ſchal go to my puple, and Y ſchal ȝyue
xxvii And Balach ſeide to hym, Come, and Y ſchal lede counſel to þee, what þi puple ſchal do in þe laſte tyme to
þee to an oþer place, if in hap it pleſiþ God þat fro þis puple.
þennus þou curſe hym. xv Þerfor whanne a parable was takun, he ſeide eft,
xxviii And whanne Balaach hadde led hym out on þe Balaam, þe ſone of Beor ſeide, a man whos iȝe is
`cop of þe hil of Phegor, þat biholdiþ þe wildirneſſe, ſtoppid,
xxix Balaam ſeide to hym, Bilde here ſeuene auteris to xvi ſeide, þe herere of Goddis wordis ſeide, which

me, and make redi ſo many caluys, and rammes of þe knowiþ þe doctrine of þe hiȝeſte, and ſeeþ þe
ſame noumbre. reuelacioun of almiȝti God, which falliþ doun and haþ
xxx Balaach dide as Balaam ſeide, and he puttide caluys opyn iȝen,
xvii Y ſchal ſe hym, but not now; Y ſchal biholde hym,
and rammes, bi alle auteris.
but not nyȝ; a ſterre ſchal be borun of Jacob, and a ȝerde
CAP. XXIIII ſchal riſe of Iſrael; and he ſchal ſmyte þe duykis of
i And whanne Balaam ſiȝ þat it pleſide þe Lord þat he Moab, and he ſchal waſte alle þe ſones of Seth; and
ſchulde bleſſe Iſrael, he ȝede not as he `hadde go bifore, Ydumye ſchal be hys poſſeſſioun,
xviii þe eritage of Seir ſchal bifalle to his enemyes;
`þat he ſchulde ſeke fals dyuynyng `bi chiteryng of
briddis, but he dreſſide his face aȝens þe deſert, forſoþe Iſrael ſchal do ſtrongli, of Jacob ſchal be he þat
ii and reiſide iȝen, and ſiȝ Iſrael dwellynge in tentis bi ſchal be lord,
xix and ſchal leeſe þe relikis of þe citee.
hiſe lynagis. And whanne þe Spirit of God felde on
hym, and whanne a parable was takun, xx And whanne he hadde ſeyn Amalech, he took a
iii he ſeide, Balaam, þe ſone of Beor, ſeide, a man whois parable, and ſeide, Amalech is þe bigynning of heþene
iȝe is ſtoppid ſeide, men, whos laſte þingis ſchulen be loſt.
iiii þe herere of Goddis wordis ſeide, which bihelde þe xxi Alſo `he ſiȝ Cyney, and whanne a parable was takun,

reuelacioun of almyȝti God, which falliþ doun, and hiſe he ſeide, Forſoþe þi dwellyng place is ſtrong, but if þou
iȝen ben openyd ſo, Hou faire ben þi tabernaclis, ſchalt ſette þi neſt in a ſtoon,
v Jacob, and þi tentis, Iſrael! xxii and ſchalt be choſun of þe generacioun of Cyn, hou
vi as valeys ful of woodis, and moiſte gardyns biſidis longe ſchalt þou mow dwelle? forſoþe Aſſur ſchal take
floodis, as tabernaclis whiche þe Lord haþ ſet, as cedris þee.
xxiii And whanne a parable was takun, he ſpak eft, Alas!
biſidis watris;
vii watir ſchal flowe of his bokat, and his ſeed ſchal be in who ſchal lyue, whanne þe Lord ſchal make þes þingis?
xxiiii Þei ſchulen come in grete ſchippis fro Ytalie, þei
to many watris, `þat is, puplis. Þe kyng of hym ſchal be
takun a wei for Agag, and þe rewme of hym ſchal be ſchulen ouercome Aſſiries, and þei ſchulen diſtrie
doon awai. Ebrews, and at þe laſt alſo þei hem ſilf ſchulen periſche.
viii God ledde hym out of Egipt, whos ſtrengþe is lijk an xxv And Balaam roos, and turnide aȝen in to his place;

vnicorn; þei ſchulen deuoure heþene men, enemyes `of and Balaach ȝede aȝen bi þe weye in which he cam.
hym, þat is, of Iſrael; and þei ſchulen breke þe boonus
of hem, and ſchulen perſe wiþ arowis.

i Forſoþe in þat tyme Iſrael dwellide in Sechym; and þe i Aftir þat þe blood of gilti men was ſched out, þe Lord
puple dide fornycacioun wiþ þe douȝtris of Moab; ſeide to Moiſes and to Eleaſar,
ii whiche douȝtris clepiden hem to her ſacrifices, and þei ii preeſt, ſone of Aaron, Noumbre ȝe al þe ſumme of þe
eten, and worſchipiden þe goddis of þo douȝtris; ſones of Iſrael, fro twenti ȝeer and aboue, bi her houſis,
iii and Iſrael made ſacrifice to Belphegor. And þe Lord and kynredis, alle men þat mowen go forþ to batels.
was wrooþ, iii And ſo Moiſes and Eleaſar, preeſt, ſpaken in þe feeldi
iiii and ſeide to Moiſes, Take þou alle þe princes of þe places of Moab, ouer Jordan, aȝens Jerico, to hem þat
puple, and hange hem aȝens þe ſunne in iebatis, þat my weren of twenti ȝeer and aboue,
wodneſſe, `þat is ſtronge veniaunce, be turned awai fro iiii as þe Lord comaundide; of whiche þis is þe
Iſrael. noumbre.
v And Moiſes ſeide to þe iugis of Iſrael, Ech man ſle his v Ruben, þe firſte gendrid of Iſrael; þe ſone of hym was
neiȝboris, þat maden ſacrifice to Belphagor. Enoch, of whom was þe meynee of Enochitis; and
vi And, lo! oon of þe ſones of Iſrael entride bifor his Phallu, of whom þe meynee of Phalluytis; and Eſrom,
briþeren to `an hoore of Madian, in þe ſiȝt of Moiſes, vi of whom þe meynee of Eſromytis; and Charmy, of
and al þe cumpeny of þe ſones of Iſrael, whiche wepten whom þe meynee of Charmytis.
bifor þe ȝatis of þe tabernacle. vii Þes weren þe meynees of þe generacioun of Ruben,
vii And whanne Phynees, þe ſone of Eleazar, ſone of of whiche meynees þe noumbre was foundun þre and
Aaron, preeſt, hadde ſeyn þis, he roos fro þe myddis of fourti þouſand ſeuene hundrid and þretti.
þe multitude; and whanne he hadde take a ſwerd, viii Þe ſone of Phallu was Heliab;
viii he entride aftir þe man of Iſrael in to þe `hoore hows, ix þe ſones of hym weren Namuel, and Dathan and
and ſtikide þorou boþ togidere, þat is, þe man and þe Abiron. `Þeſe weren Dathan and Abiron, prynces of þe
womman, in þe places of gendryng. And þe veniaunce puple, þat riſeden aȝens Moiſes and Aaron, in þe rebelte
ceeſſide fro þe ſones of Iſrael, of Chore, whanne þei rebelliden aȝens þe Lord;
ix and foure and twenti þouſand of men weren ſlayn. x and þe erþe openyde his mouþ, and deuouride Chore,
x And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, while ful many men dieden, whanne þe fier brente two
xi Fynees, þe ſone of Eleazar, ſone of Aaron, preeſt, hundrid men and fifti; and a greet myracle was maad,
turnede away myn yre fro þe ſones of Iſrael; for he was xi þat whanne Chore periſchide, hiſe ſones periſchiden
ſtirid aȝens hem bi my feruent loue, þat Y my ſilf not.
ſchulde not do awai þe ſones of Iſrael in my greet hete, xii Þe ſones of Symeon bi her kynredis; Namuel, of hym
`eþer ſtrong veniaunce. was þe meynee of Namuelitis; Jamyn, of hym was þe
xii Þerfor ſpeke þou to hym, Lo! Y ȝyue to hym þe pees meynee of Jamynytis; Jachin, of hym was þe meynee of
of my couenaunt, Jachynytis;
xiii and it ſchal be an euerlaſtynge couenaunt of xiii Zare, of hym þe meynee of Zarenytis; Saul, of hym
preeſthod, as wel to hym ſilf as to his ſeed; for he þe meynee of Saulitis.
louyde feruentli for his God, and he clenſide þe greet xiiii Þeſe weren þe meynees of Symeon, of whiche all þe
treſpas of þe ſones of Iſrael. noumbre was two and twenti þouſynde and two
xiiii Forſoþe þe name of þe man of Iſrael, þat was ſlayn hundrid.
wiþ þe womman of Madian, was Zambri, þe ſone of xv Þe ſones of Gad bi her kynredis; Sephon, of hym þe
Salu, duyk of þe kynrede and lynage of Symeon. meynee of Sephonytis; Aggi, of hym þe meynee of
xv Forſoþe þe womman of Madian þat was ſlayn Aggitis; Sumy, of hym þe meynee of Sumytis;
togidere, was clepid Cobri, þe douȝter of Sur, þe xvi Ozny, of hym þe meynee of Oznytis; Heri, of hym
nobleſte prince of Madianytis. þe meynee of Hereytis;
xvi And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes and ſeide, xvii Arod, of hym þe meynee of Aroditis; Ariel, of hym
xvii `Madianytis feele ȝou enemyes, and ſmyte ȝe hem; þe meynee of Arielitis.
xviii for alſo þei diden enemyliche aȝens ȝou, and xviii Þeſe weren þe meynees of Gad, of whiche al þe
diſſeyueden þorow treſouns, bi þe idol of Phegor, and bi noumbre was fourti þouſynde and fyue hundrid.
`þe douȝter of Corbri, duyk of Madian, her ſiſter, which xix Þe ſones of Juda weren Her and Onan, whiche boþe
douȝter was ſleyn in þe dai of veniaunce, for þe weren deed in þe lond of Canaan.
ſacrilege of Phegor. xx And þe ſones of Juda weren bi her kynredis; Sela, of
whom þe meynee of Selaitis; Phares, of whom þe
meynee of Phareſitis; Zare, of whom þe meynee of

xxi Soþeli þe ſones of Phares weren Eſrom, of whom þe xl Þe ſones of Bale, Hered and Noeman; of Hered, þe
meynee of Eſromytis; and Amul, of whom þe meynee meyne of Hereditis; of Noeman, þe meynee of
of Amulitis. Noemanitis.
xxii Þeſe weren þe meynees of Juda, of whiche al þe xli Þes weren þe ſones of Beniamyn bi her kynredis, of
noumbre was ſeuenty þouſynde and fyue hundrid. whiche þe noumbre was fyue and fourti þouſynde and
xxiii Þe ſones of Iſachar bi her kynredis; Thola, of whom ſixe hundrid.
þe meynee of Tholaitis; Phua, of whom þe meynee of xlii Þe ſones of Dan bi her kynredis; Suphan, of whom
Phuitis; þe meynee of Suphanytis. Þeſe weren þe kynredis of
xxiiii Jaſub, of whom þe meynee of Jaſubitis; Semran, of Dan bi her meynees;
whom þe meynee of Semranytis. xliii alle weren Suphanytis, of whiche þe noumbre was
xxv Þeſe weren þe kynredis of Iſachar, of whiche þe foure and ſixti þouſynde and foure hundrid.
noumbre was foure and ſixti þouſynd and þree hundrid. xliiii Þe ſones of Aſer bi her kynredis; Jemma, of whom
xxvi Þe ſones of Zabulon bi her kinredis; Sarad, of þe meynee of Jemmaytis; Jeſuy, of whom þe meynee of
whom þe meynee of Sareditis; Helon, of whom þe Jeſuytis; Brie, of whom þe meynee of Brieitis.
meynee of Helonytis; Jalel, of whom þe meynee of xlv Þe ſones of Brie; Haber, of whom þe meynee of
Jalelitis. Haberitis; and Melchiel, of whom þe meynee of
xxvii Þeſe weren þe kynredis of Zabulon, of whiche þe Melchielitis.
noumbre was ſixti þouſynde and fyue hundrid. xlvi Soþeli þe name of `þe douȝtir of Azer was Zara.
xxviii Þe ſones of Joſeph bi her kynredis weren Manaſſes xlvii Þeſe weren þe kynredis of þe ſones of Aſer, and þe
and Effraym. noumbre of hem was foure and fifti þouſynde and foure
xxix Of Manaſſes was borun Machir, of whom þe hundrid.
meynee of Machiritis. Machir gendride Galaad, of xlviii Þe ſones of Neptalym bi her kynredis; Jeſehel, of
whom þe meynee of Galaditis. whom þe meynee of Jeſelitis; Guny, of whom þe
xxx Galaad hadde ſones; Hizezer, of whom þe meynee meynee of Gunytis;
of Hizezeritis; and Helech, of whom þe meynee of xlix Jeſer, of whom þe meynee of Jeſerytis; Sellem, of
Helechitis; whom þe meynee of Sellemytis.
xxxi and Ariel, of whom þe meynee of Arielitis; and l Þes weren þe kynredis of þe ſones of Neptalym bi her
Sechem, of whom þe meynee of Sechemytis; meynees, of whiche þe noumbre was fyue and fourti
xxxii and Semyda, of whom þe meynee of Semydaitis; þouſynde and foure hundrid.
and Epher, of whom þe meynee of Epheritis. li Þis is þe ſumme of þe ſones of Iſrael, þat weren
xxxiii Forſoþe Epher was þe fadir of Salphath, þat hadde noumbrid, ſixe hundrid þouſynde and a þouſynde ſeuene
not ſones, but oneli douȝtris; of whiche þeſe weren þe hundrid and þretti.
names; Maala, and Noha, and Egla, and Melcha, and lii And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, and ſeide,
Therſa. liii Þe lond ſchal be departid to þeſe, bi þe noumbre of
xxxiiii Þeſe weren þe meynees of Manaſſe, and þe names in to her poſſeſſiouns;
noumbre of hem was two and fifty þouſynde and ſeuene liiii þou ſchalt ȝyue þe grettere part to mo men, and þe
hundrid. leſſe part to fewere men; poſſeſſioun ſchal be ȝouun to
xxxv Forſoþe þe ſones of Effraym bi her kynredis weren alle bi hem ſilf, as þei ben noumbrid now;
þeſe; Suthala, of whom þe meynee of Suthalaitis; lv ſo oneli þat lot departe þe lond to lynagis and
Bether, of whom þe meynee of Betherytis; Tehen, of meynees.
whom þe meynee of Thehenytis. lvi What euer þing bifalliþ bi lot, eþir mo eþer fewere
xxxvi Forſoþe þe ſone of Suthala was Heram, of whom
men take þis.
þe meynee of Heramytis. lvii Alſo þis is þe noumbre of þe ſones of Leuy bi her
xxxvii Þeſe weren þe kynredis `of þe ſones of Effraym,
meynees; Gerſon, of whom þe meynee of Gerſonytis;
of whiche þe noumbre was two and þretti þouſynde and Caath, of whom þe meynee of Caathitis; Merary, of
fyue hundrid. whom þe meynee of Meraritis.
xxxviii Þeſe weren þe ſones of Joſeph, bi her meynees. Þe lviii Þeſe weren þe meynees of Leuy; þe meynee of
ſones of Beniamyn in her kynredis; Bale, of whom þe Lobny, þe meynee of Ebron, þe meynee of Mooli, þe
meynee of Baleytis; Azbel, of whom þe meynee of meynee of Muſi, þe meynee of Chori. And ſoþeli Caath
Azbelitis; Ahiram, of whom þe meynee of Ahiramitis; gendride Amram,
xxxix Suphan, of whom þe meynee of Suphanitis; lix which hadde a wijf, Jocabeth, douȝter of Leuy, which
Huphan, of whom þe meynee of Huphanitis. douȝter was borun to hym in Egipt. Þis Jocabeth

gendride to hir hoſebonde `Amram ſones, Aaron, and xii Alſo þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Stie þou in to þis hil of
Moyſes, and Marie, `þe ſiſter of hem. Aberym, and biholde þou fro þennus þe lond, which Y
lx Nadab, and Abyu, and Eleazar, and Ithamar weren ſchal ȝyue to þe ſones of Iſrael.
bigetun of Aaron; xiii And whanne þou haſt ſeyn it, alſo þou ſchalt go to þi
lxi of whiche Nadab and Abyu weren deed, whanne þei puple, as þi broþer Aaron ȝede;
hadden offrid alien fier bifor þe Lord. xiiii for þou offenddidiſt me in þe deſeert of Syn, in þe
lxii And alle þat weren noumbrid weren þre and twenti aȝen ſeiyng of þe multitude, neþer woldiſt halewe me
þouſynde of male kynde, fro o moneþe and aboue, bifor it, on þe watris. Þeſe ben þe watris of aȝen ſeiyng,
whiche weren not noumbrid among þe ſones of Iſrael, in Cades, of þe deſeert of Syn.
neþer poſſeſſioun was ȝouun to hem wiþ oþir men. xv To whom Moiſes anſweryde,
lxiii Þis is þe noumbre of þe ſones of Iſrael, þat weren xvi Þe Lord God of ſpiritis of al fleiſch puruey a man,
diſcryued of Moiſes and Eleaſar, preeſt, in þe feeldi þat be on þis multitude,
places of Moab, ouer Jordan, aȝen Jerico; xvii and may go out, and entre bifor hem, and lede hem
lxiiii among whiche noon of hem was þat weren
out, and lede hem yn, leſt þe `puple of þe Lord be as
noumbrid bifor of Moiſes and Aaron, in þe deſeert of ſcheep wiþ out ſchepherde.
Synay; xviii And þe Lord ſeide to hym, Take þou Joſue, þe ſone
lxv for þe Lord bifore ſeide, þat alle ſchulden die in `þe
of Nun, a man in whom þe ſpyrit of God is, and ſet þin
wildirneſſe; and noon of hem dwellide, no but Caleph, hond on hym; and he ſchal ſtonde bifore Eleazar,
`þe ſone of Jephone, and Joſue, þe ſone of Nun. xix preeſt, and bifore al þe multitude.
xx And þou ſchalt ȝyue to hym comaundementis, in þe
CAP. XXVII ſiȝt of alle men, and a part of þi glorie, þat al þe
i Forſoþe þe douȝtris of Salphaat, ſone of Epher, ſone of
ſynagoge of þe ſones of Iſrael here hym.
Galaad, ſone of Machir, ſone of Manaſſes, þat was `þe xxi If ony þing ſchal be worþi to be do for þis man,
ſone of Joſeph, neiȝeden; of whiche douȝtris þeſe ben þe Eleaſar, preeſt, ſchal counſeil þe Lord; he ſchal go out,
names; Maala, and Noha, and Egla, and Melcha, and and ſchal go yn, at þe word of Eleazar; he, and alle þe
Therſa. ſones of Iſrael wiþ him, and þe toþer multitude.
ii And þei ſtoden bifore Moiſes, and Eleazar, preeſt, and
xxii Moiſes dide as þe Lord comaundide, and whanne he
alle þe princes of þe puple, at þe dore of tabernacle of hadde take Joſue, he ſettide hym bifore Eleazar, preeſt,
boond of pees; and ſeiden, and bifore al þe multitude of þe puple;
iii Oure fadir was deed in þe deſeert, neþer he was in þe
xxiii and whanne he hadde ſet hondis on his heed, he
rebelte, þat was reiſid aȝens þe Lord, vndur Chore, but reherſide alle þingis whiche þe Lord comaundide.
he was deed in his ſynne; he hadde no male ſones. Whi
is `þe name of hym takun awei fro his meynee, for he CAP. XXVIII
haþ no ſone? Ȝif ȝe poſſeſſioun to vs among `þe i Alſo þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Comaunde þou to þe
kyneſmen of oure fadir.
iiii And Moiſes telde `þe cauſe of hem to þe doom of þe ſones of Iſrael, and þou ſchalt ſeie to hem,
ii Offre ȝe bi her tymes myn offryng, and looues, and
v which ſeide to Moyſes, Þe douȝtris of Salphaath axen encenſe of ſwettiſt odour.
iii Þeſe ben þe ſacrificis whiche ȝe owen to offre; twey
a iuſt þing; ȝyue þou poſſeſſioun to hem among `þe
lambren of o ȝeer, wiþ out wem, ech dai in to
kynnyſmen of her fadir,
vi and be þei ſucceſſouris to hym in to eritage. euerlaſtynge brent ſacrifice.
iiii Ȝe ſchulen offre oon eerli, and þe toþer at euentid.
vii Forſoþe þou ſchalt ſpeke þeſe þingis to þe ſons of
v `Ȝe ſchulen offre þe tenþe part of ephi `of floure,
viii Whanne a man is deed wiþ out ſone, þe eritage ſchal `which be ſpreynt wiþ pureſte oile, and haue þe fourþe
part of hyn.
go to his douȝter; vi It is continuel brent ſacrifice, which ȝe offriden in þe
ix if he haþ not a douȝter, he ſchal haue eiris his
hil of Synai, in to `odour of ſwettiſte encenſe to þe Lord.
briþeren; vii And ȝe ſchulen offre þe fourþe part of hyn of wyn, bi
x þat and if briþeren ben not, ȝe ſchulen ȝyue þe eritage
ech lomb, in þe ſeyntuarie of þe Lord.
to `þe briþeren of his fadir; viii And ȝe ſchulen offre in lijk maner þe toþer lomb at
xi forſoþe if he haþ no briþeren of his fadir, þe eritage
euentid, bi al þe cuſtom of þe morewe ſacrifice, and of
ſchal be ȝouun to hem þat ben next to hym. And þis moiſt ſacrifices þerof, an offryng of ſwettiſt odour to þe
ſchal be hooli, `þat is, ſtidefaſt, bi euerlaſtynge lawe to Lord.
þe ſones of Iſrael, as þe Lord comaundide to Moiſes.

ix Forſoþe in þe `dai of ſabat ȝe ſchulen offre twey xxvii And ȝe ſchulen offre brent ſacrifice to þe Lord, in
lambren of o ȝeer, wiþout wem, and twei tenþe partis of to `ſwettiſte odour; twey calues of þe droue, o ram, and
flour ſpreynt togidere wiþ oile, in ſacrifice, `and ȝe ſeuene lambren of o ȝeer, wiþ out wem;
ſchulen offre moiſte ſacrificis þat ben ſched bi cuſtom, xxviii and in þe ſacrifices of þo ȝe ſchulen offre þre tenþe
x bi alle ſabatis, in to euerlaſtynge brent ſacrifice. partis of flour ſpreynt togidere wiþ oile, bi ech calf, twei
xi Forſoþe in calendis, þat is, in þe bigynnyngis of tenþe partis bi rammes,
moneþis, ȝe ſchulen offre brent ſacrifice to þe Lord, xxix þe tenþe parte of `a dyme bi þe lambren, whiche
tweyne calues of þe droue, o ram, ſeuene lambren of o ben to gidere, ſeuene lambren. `And ȝe ſchulen offre a
ȝeer, wiþout wem, `buc of geet, which is offrid for clenſyng, outakun brent
xii and þre tenþe partis of flour ſpreynt to gidere wiþ ſacrifice euerlaſtynge, and þe moiſte ſacrifices þerof;
oile, in ſacrifice, bi ech calf, and twey tenþe partis of xxxi ȝe ſchulen offre alle þingis wiþ out wem, wiþ her
flour ſpreynt to gidere wiþ oile, bi ech ram; moyſte ſacrifices.
xiii and þe tenþe part of `a dyme of flour of oile in
ſacrifice, bi ech lomb; it is brent ſacrifice of `ſwetiſt CAP. XXIX
odour, and of encenſe to þe Lord. i Forſoþe þe firſte dai of þe ſeuenþe moneþe ſchal be
xiiii Forſoþe þe moiſte ſacrifices of wyn, þat ſchulen be hooli, and worſchipful to ȝou; ȝe ſchulen not do ony
ſched bi alle ſlayn ſacrificis, ſchulen be þeſe; þe half ſeruyle werk þer ynne, for it is þe day of ſownyng, and
part of hyn bi ech calf, þe þridde part bi a ram, þe of trumpis.
fourþe part bi a lomb; þis ſchal be brent ſacrifices bi ech ii And ȝe ſchulen offre brent ſacrifice, in to ſwetteſt
moneþe, þat comen oon aftir anoþir while þe ȝeer odour to þe Lord, o calf of þe droue, o ram, and ſeuene
turneþ. lambren of o ȝeer, wiþ out wem;
xv Alſo a `buc of geet ſchal be offrid to þe Lord for iii and in þe ſacrificis of þo `ȝe ſchulen offre þre tenþe
ſynnes, in to euerlaſtynge brent ſacrifice, wiþ his moiſte partis of flour ſpreynt togidere wiþ oile, bi ech calfe,
offryngis. twey tenþe partis bi a ram,
xvi Forſoþe in þe firſte moneþe, in þe fouretenþe dai of iiii o tenþe part bi a lomb, whiche togidere ben ſeuen
þe moneþe, ſchal be phaſe, `þat is, paſk `eþir paſſyng, of lambren.
þe Lord; v And `ȝe ſchulen offre a `buc of geet, which is offrid
xvii and in þe fiftenþe day ſchal be þe ſolempnyte of þe for ſynne, in to þe clenſyng of þe puple,
þerf looues. Bi ſeuene daies ȝe ſchulen ete þerf looues; vi wiþ out þe brent ſacrifice of kalendis, wiþ hiſe
xviii of whiche þe firſte dai ſchal be worſchipful and ſacrifices, and wiþout euerlaſtynge brent ſacrifice, wiþ
hooli; ȝe ſchulen not do ony ſeruyle werk þerynne. cuſtomable fletynge offryngis; and bi þe ſame
xix And ȝe ſchulen offre brent ſacrifice to þe Lord, twey cerymonyes ȝe ſchulen offre encenſe in to ſwettiſte
calues, o ram, ſeuene lambren of o ȝeer, wiþout wem; odour to þe Lord.
xx and þe ſacrifices of ech bi itſilf of flour, which be vii Alſo þe tenþe dai of þis ſeuenþe moneþe ſchal be

ſpreynt to gidere wiþ oile, þre tenþe partis bi ech calf, hooli and worſchipful to ȝou, and ȝe ſchulen turmente
xxi and twey tenþe partis bi a ram, and þe tenþe part of ȝoure ſoulis; ȝe ſchulen not do ony ſeruyle werk þer
`a dyme bi ech lomb, þat is, bi ſeuene lambren. ynne.
xxii `And ȝe ſchulen offre o `buc of geet for ſynne, þat viii And ȝe ſchulen offre brent ſacrifice to þe Lord, in to

clenſyng be maad for ȝou, ſwettiſte odour; o calf of þe droue, o ram, ſeuene
xxiii outakun þe brent ſacrifice of þe morewtid, which ȝe lambren of o ȝeer wiþ out wem.
ix And in þe ſacrifices of þo `ȝe ſchulen offre þre tenþe
ſchulen offre euere.
xxiiii So ȝe ſchulen do bi ech dai of ſeuene daies, into þe partis of flour ſpreynt togidere wiþ oyle, bi ech calf,
nurſchyng of fier, and in to ſwettiſt odour to þe Lord, twey tenþe partis bi a ram,
x þe tenþe part of a dyme bi each lomb, þat ben togidere
þat ſchal riſe of þe brent ſacrifice, and of moiſte
ſacrifices of ech. ſeuene lambren.
xxv Alſo þe ſeuenþe day ſchal be mooſt ſolempne and xi And ȝe ſchulen offre a `buc of geet for ſynne, wiþ out

hooli to ȝou; ȝe ſchulen not do ony ſeruyle werk þer þeſe þingis þat ben wont to be offrid for ſynne in to
ynne. clenſyng, and `ȝe ſchulen offre euerlaſtinge brent
xxvi Alſo þe dai of þe firſte fruytis, whanne ȝe ſchulen ſacrifice in ſacrifice, and fletinge offryngis of þo.
xii Forſoþe in þe fiftenþe dai of þis ſeuenþe moneþe, þat
offre newe fruitis to þe Lord, whanne þe wokis ſchulen
be fillyd, ſchal be worſchipful and hooli; ȝe ſchulen not ſchal be hooli and worſchipful to ȝou, ȝe ſchulen not do
do ony ſeruyle werk þer ynne. ony ſeruyle werk, but ȝe ſchulen halewe ſolempnyte to

þe Lord in ſeuene daies; and ȝe ſchulen offre brent xxxi And ȝe ſchulen offre a `buk of geet for ſynne, wiþ
ſacrifice, out euerlaſtynge brent ſacrifice, and `wiþ out þe
xiii in to ſwetiſte odour to þe Lord, þrettene calues of þe ſacrifice and moiſte offryng þerof.
droue, twey rammes, fouretene lambren of o ȝeer, wiþ xxxii In þe ſeuenþe dai ȝe ſchulen offre ſeuene calues,
out wem. twei rammes, fourtene lambren `of o ȝeer wiþ out wem.
xiiii And in þe moiſte ſacrifices of þo `ȝe ſchulen offre xxxiii And ȝe ſchulen halewe riȝtfuli þe ſacrifices, and
þre tenþe partis of flour ſpreynt to gidere wiþ oile bi ech moiſte offryngis `of alle, bi þe calues, and rammes, and
calf, þat ben togidere þrettene calues, and ȝe ſchulen lambren.
offre twei tenþe partis to twei rammes togidere, þat is, o xxxiiii And `ȝe ſchulen offre a `buc of geet for ſynne, wiþ
tenþe part to o ram, and `ȝe ſchulen offre þe tenþe part out euerlaſtynge brent ſacrifice, and `wiþ out þe
of `a ſacrifice and moiſte offryng þerof.
xv dyme to ech lomb, whiche ben to gidere fourteene xxxv In þe eiȝþe dai, which is mooſt ſolempne `eþer
lambren. hooli; ȝe ſchulen not do ony ſeruyle werk,
xvi And ȝe ſchulen offre a `buc of geet for ſynne, wiþ xxxvi and ȝe ſchulen offre brent ſacrifice in to ſwetteſt
out euerlaſtynge brent ſacrifice, and `wiþ out þe odour to þe Lord, o calf, o ram, ſeuene lambren of o
ſacrifice and moiſte offryng þerof. ȝeer wiþ out wem.
xvii In þe toþer dai ȝe ſchulen offre twelue calues of þe xxxvii And ȝe ſchulen halewe riȝtfuli þe ſacrifices and
droue, twei rammes, fouretene lambren of o ȝeer wiþout moiſte offryngis `of alle, bi þe calues, and rammes, and
wem. lambren.
xviii And ȝe ſchulen halewe riȝtfuli ſacrifices, and moiſte xxxviii `And ȝe ſchulen offre a `buc of geet for ſynne,
offryngis of alle, bi calues, and rammes, and lambren. wiþ out euerlaſtynge brent ſacrifice, and `wiþ out þe
xix And `ȝe ſchulen offre a `buc of geet for ſynne, wiþ
ſacrifice, and moiſte offryng þerof.
out euerlaſtynge brent ſacrifice, and `wiþ out þe xxxix Ȝe ſchulen offre þeſe þingis to þe Lord, in ȝoure
ſacrifice and moiſt offryng þerof. ſolempnytees, wiþ out avowis, and wilful offryngis, in
xx In þe þridde dai ȝe ſchulen offre euleuen calues, twei
brent ſacrifice, in ſacrifice, in moiſt offryng, and in
rammes, fourtene lambren of o ȝeer, wiþout wem. peeſible ſacrifices.
xxi And ȝe ſchulen halewe riȝtfuli þe ſacrifices, and
moiſte offryngis of alle, bi þe caluys, and rammes, and CAP. XXX
lambren. i And Moiſes telde to þe ſones of Iſrael alle þingis
xxii And ȝe ſchulen offre a `buk of geet for ſynne, wiþ whiche þe Lord comaundide to hym.
out euerlaſtynge brent ſacrifice, and wiþ out þe ſacrifice ii And he ſpak to þe princes of þe lynagis of þe ſones of
and moiſte offryng þerof. Iſrael, Þis is þe word, which þe Lord comaundide, If
xxiii In þe fourþe day ȝe ſchulen offre ten calues, twey ony of men makiþ a vowe to þe Lord,
rammes, fourtene lambren of o ȝeer wiþ oute wem. iii eþir byndiþ hym ſilf bi an ooþ, he ſchal not make
xxiiii And ȝe ſchulen halewe riȝtfuli þe ſacrifices, and voide his word, but he ſchal fille al þing which he
moiſte offryngis of alle, bi þe calues, and rammes, and bihiȝte.
lambren. iiii If a womman which is in þe hows of hir fadir, and is
xxv And ȝe ſchulen offre a `buk of geet for ſynne, wiþ ȝit in þe age of a damyſel, `þat is, not ȝit weddid,
out euerlaſtynge brent ſacrifice, and `wiþ out þe avowiþ ony þing, eþir byndiþ hir ſilf bi an ooþ, `if þe
ſacrifice and moiſte offryng þerof. fadir knowiþ þe avow, which ſche bihiȝte, and þe ooþ bi
xxvi In þe fyueþe dai ȝe ſchulen offre nyne calues, twei which ſche boond hir ſoule, and he is ſtille, ſche ſchal be
rammes, fourtene lambren of o ȝeer, wiþ oute wem. gilti of þe ooþ, þat is, boundun bi þe ooþ;
xxvii And ȝe ſchulen halewe riȝtfuli þe ſacrifices, and v what euer þing ſche bihiȝte and ſwoor, ſche ſchall fille

moiſte offryngis `of alle, bi þe calues, and rammes, and in werk.

lambren. vi Forſoþe if þe fadir aȝenſeide anoon as he herde, boþe
xxviii And `ȝe ſchulen offre a `buc of geet for ſynne, wiþ þe vowis and `ooþis of hir ſchulen be voide, and ſche
out euerlaſtynge brent ſacrifice, and `wiþ out þe ſchal not be holdun boundun to þe biheeſte, for þe fadir
ſacrifice and moiſte offryng þerof. aȝenſeide.
xxix In þe ſixte dai ȝe ſchulen offre eiȝt calues, and twei vii If ſche haþ an hoſebonde, and avowiþ ony þing, and a

rammes, fourtene lambren of o ȝeer wiþ out wem. word goynge out of hir mouþ onys byndiþ hir ſoule wiþ
xxx And ȝe ſchulen halewe riȝtfuli þe ſacrifices, and an ooþ,
moiſte offryngis `of alle, bi þe calues, and rammes, and

viii in what dai þe hoſebonde heriþ, and aȝenſeiþ not, xi And þey token pray, and alle þingis whiche þei
ſche ſchal be gilti `of avow; ſche ſchal ȝelde, what euer hadden take, as wel of men as of beeſtis, and þei
þing ſche bihiȝte. brouȝten to Moyſes,
ix But if þe hoſebonde heriþ, and anoon aȝenſeiþ, and xii and to Eleazar, preeſt, and to al þe multitude of þe
makiþ void alle hir biheeſtis, and wordis bi whiche ſche ſones of Iſrael. Forſoþe þei baren oþere `þingis
boond hir ſoule, þe Lord ſchal be merciful to hir. perteynynge to vſs, to þe caſtels in þe feldi places of
x A widewe, and a womman forſakun of hir hoſebonde, Moab biſidis Jordan, aȝens Jericho.
ſchulen ȝelde, what euer þing þei avowen. xiii Moiſes and Eleazar, preeſt, and alle þe princes of þe
xi Whanne a wijf in `þe hous of hir hoſebonde byndiþ ſynagoge, ȝeden out in to þe comyng of hem, wiþ out þe
hir ſilf bi a vow and an ooþ, caſtels, `þat is, of þe tabernacle.
xii if þe hoſebonde heriþ, and is ſtille and aȝenſeiþ not þe xiiii And Moiſes was wrooþ to þe princes of þe ooſt, to

biheeſt, ſche ſchal ȝelde, what euer þing ſche bihiȝte. tribunes, and centuriouns, þat camen fro batel; and he
xiii Soþeli if þe hoſebonde aȝenſeide anoon, ſche ſchal ſeide, Whi reſerueden ȝe wymmen?
not be holdun gilti of biheeſt, for þe hoſebonde
aȝenſeide, and þe Lord ſchal be merciful to hir. xvi wheþer it be not þeſe þat diſſeyueden þe ſones of
xiiii If ſche avowiþ, and byndiþ hir ſilf bi an ooþ, þat Iſrael, at þe ſuggeſtioun of Balaam, and maden ȝou to do
ſche turmente hir ſoule bi faſtyng, eþir bi abſtynence of treſpas aȝens þe Lord, on þe ſynne of Phegor, wherfor
oþere þingis, it ſchal be in þe doom of þe hoſebonde, alſo þe puple was ſlayn?
þat ſche do, eþer do not. xvii And þerfor ſle ȝe alle men, what euer þing is of
xv Þat if þe hoſebonde heriþ, and is ſtille, and delaieþ þe male kynde, and litle children; and ſtrangle ȝe þe
ſentence in þe toþer dai, ſche ſchal ȝelde what euer þing wymmen þat knew men fleiſchli;
ſche avowide and bihiȝte, for he was ſtille, anoon as he xviii forſoþe reſerue ȝe to ȝou dameſels, and alle
herde. wymmen virgyns,
xvi Forſoþe if þe hoſebonde aȝenſeide aftir þat he wiſte, xix and dwelle ȝe wiþ out þe caſtels in ſeuene daies. He
he ſchal bere his wickidneſſe. Þeſe ben þe lawis, which þat ſleeþ a man, eþer touchiþ a ſlayn man, ſchal be
þe Lord ordeynede to Moyſes bitwixe þe hoſebonde and clenſid in þe þridde and þe ſeuenþe dai;
þe wijf, bitwixe þe fadir and þe douȝtir, which is ȝit in xx and of al þe pray, wheþer it is clooþ, eþer veſſel, and
þe age of a damyſel, `þat is, not ȝit maried, `eþer which ony þing maad redi in to þingis perteynynge to vſs, of
dwelliþ in `þe hows of þe fadir. þe ſkynnys and heeris of geet, and `of tre, it ſchal be
CAP. XXXI xxi And Eleazar, preeſt, ſpak þus to þe men of þe ooſt
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, and ſeide, þat fouȝten, Þis is þe comaundement of þe lawe, which
ii Venge þou firſte þe ſones of Iſrael of Madianytis, and þe Lord comaundide to Moiſes,
ſo þou ſchalt be gaderid to þi puple. xxii Þe gold, and ſiluer, and bras, and yrun, and tiyn, and
iii And anoon Moiſes ſeide, Arme ȝe men of ȝou to batel, leed, and al þing þat may paſſe by flawme, ſchal be
þat moun take of Madianytis þe veniaunce of þe Lord. purgid bi fier;
iiii Of ech lynage be choſun a þouſynde men of Iſrael, xxiii ſoþeli what euer þing may not ſuffre fier, ſchal be
þat ſchulen be ſent to batel. halewid bi þe watir of clenſyng.
v And of ech lynage þei ȝauen a þouſynde, þat is twelue xxiiii And ȝe ſchulen waiſche ȝoure cloþis in þe ſeuenþe
þouſynde of men, redi to batel; dai, and ȝe ſchulen be clenſid; and aftirward ȝe ſchulen
vi whiche Moiſes ſente wiþ Fynees, þe ſone of Eleazar, entre in to þe caſtels `of þe tabernacle.
xxv And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Take ȝe þe ſumme of
preeſt. And he bitook to hem hooli veſſelis, and trumpis
to make ſown. þo þingis þat ben takun, fro man `til to beeſte,
vii And whanne þei hadden fouȝt aȝens Madianytis, and xxvi þou, and Eleazar, preeſt, and alle þe princes of þe
hadden ouercome, þei killiden alle þe malis, comyn puple.
viii and `þe kyngis of hem, Euy, and Reem, and Sur, and xxvii And þou ſchalt departe euenli þe prey bytwixe hem
Hur, and Rebe, fyue princes of `þe folc of hem. Alſo þei þat fouȝten and ȝeden out to batel, and bitwixe al þe
killiden bi ſwerd Balaam, þe ſone of Beor. multitude.
ix And þei token þe wymmen of hem, and þe litle xxviii And þou ſchalt departe a part to þe Lord, of hem
children, and alle beeſtis, and al purtenaunce of þat fouȝten, and weren in batel, `o ſoule of fiue hundrid,
howſhold; what euer þei myȝten haue, þei ſpuyleden; as wel of men, as of oxun, and of aſſis, and of ſcheep.
x flawme brente as wel citees, as litle townes and xxix And þou ſchalt ȝyue `þat part to Eleazar, preeſt, for
caſtels. þo ben þe firſte fruytis of þe Lord.

xxx Alſo of þe myddil part of þe ſones of Iſrael, þou liii For þat þat ech man rauyſchide in þe prey, was his
ſchalt take þe fiftiþe heed of men, and of oxun, and of owne;
aſſis, and of ſcheep, and of alle lyuynge beeſtis; and þou liiii and þei baren þe gold taken in to þe tabernacle of
ſchalt ȝyue þo to þe dekenes, þat waken in þe kepyngis witneſſyng, in to þe mynde of þe ſones of Iſrael, bifor þe
of þe tabernacle of þe Lord. Lord.
xxxi And Moyſes and Eleazar diden, as þe Lord
comaundide. CAP. XXXII
xxxii Forſoþe þe prey which þe ooſt hadde take, was ſixe i Forſoþe þe ſones of Ruben and of Gad hadden many
hundrid fyue and ſeuenti þouſynde of ſcheep, beeſtis, and catel wiþ out noumbre was to hem, in werk
xxxiii of oxun two and ſeuenti þouſynde, of aſſis ſixti beeſtis. And whanne þei hadden ſeyn Jazer and Galaad,
þouſynde and a þouſynde; couenable londis to beeſtis to be fed,
xxxiiii ii þei camen to Moyſes and Eleazar, preeſt, and to þe
xxxv þe ſoules of perſones of femal kynde, þat knewen princes of þe multitude, and ſeiden,
not fleiſchli men, two and þretti þouſynde. iii Aſtaroth, and Dibon, and Jacer, and Nemra, Eſebon,
xxxvi And þe myddil part was ȝouun to hem þat weren in and Eleale, and Sabam,
iiii and Nebo, and Beon, þe lond which þe Lord ſmoot in
þe batel, of ſcheep þre hundrid ſeuene and þretti
þouſynde and fyue hundrid; þe ſiȝt of þe ſones of Iſrael, is of mooſt plenteuous
xxxvii of whiche ſixe hundrid fyue and ſeuenti ſcheep cuntrey to þe paſture of beeſtis; and we þi ſeruauntis han
weren noumbrid in to þe part of þe Lord; ful many beeſtis;
xxxviii and of ſixe and þretti þouſynde oxun, v and we preyen, if we han founde grace bifor þee, þat
xxxix two and ſeuenti oxun, and of þretti þouſynde aſſis þou ȝyue to vs þi ſeruauntis þat cuntrey in to
and fyue hundryd, oon and ſixti aſſis; poſſeſſioun, and make not vs to paſſe Jordan.
xl of ſixtene þouſynde perſoones of men, twei and þretti vi To whiche Moiſes anſweride, Wheþer ȝoure briþeren

perſoones bifelden in to þe `part of þe Lord. ſchulen go to batel, and ȝe ſchulen ſitte here?
xli And Moiſes bitook þe noumbre of þe firſte fruytis of vii Whi peruerten ȝe þe ſoulis of Iſrael, þat þei doren not

þe Lord to Eleazar, preeſt, as it was comaundid to hym, paſſe in to þe place, which þe Lord ſchal ȝyue to hem?
xlii of þe myddil part of þe ſones of Iſrael, which he viii Wheþer ȝoure fadris diden not ſo, whanne Y ſente

departide to hem þat weren in batel. fro Cades Barne to aſpie þe lond,
xliii And of þe myddil part þat bifelde to þe toþer ix and whanne þei camen to þe valey of Cluſtre, whanne

multitude, þat is, of þre hundrid ſeuene and þretti al þe cuntrey was cumpaſſid, þei peruertiden þe herte of
þouſynde ſcheep and fyue hundrid, þe ſones of Iſrael, þat þei entriden not in to þe cooſtis,
xliiii and of ſixe and þretti þouſynde oxun, whiche þe Lord ȝaf to hem.
x And þe Lord was wrooþ, and ſwoor,
xlv and of þretti þouſynde aſſis and fyue hundrid, and of
xi ſeiynge, Þes men þat ſtieden fro Egipt, fro twenti ȝeer
ſixtene þouſynde wymmen,
xlvi Moyſes took þe fyftiþe heed, and aboue, ſchulen not ſe þe lond which Y bihiȝte vndur
xlvii and ȝaf to þe dekenes, þat wakiden in þe tabernacle an ooþ to Abraham, Iſaac, and Jacob, and nolden ſue
of þe Lord, as þe Lord comaundide. xii outakun Caleph, Cenezei, þe ſone of Jephone, and
xlviii And whanne þe princes of þe ooſt, and þe tribunes
Joſue, þe ſone of Nun; þeſe tweyne filliden my wille.
and centuriouns hadden neiȝed to Moiſes, xiii And þe Lord was wrooþ aȝens Iſrael, and ledde hym
xlix þei ſeiden, We þi ſeruauntis han teld þe noumbre of
aboute þe deſeert bi fourti ȝeer, til al þe generacioun
fiȝters, whiche we hadden vndur oure hoond, and ſoþeli was waſtid, þat hadde do yuel in þe `ſiȝt of þe Lord.
not oon failide; xiiii And Moyſes ſeide, Lo! ȝe encreſſyngis, and nurreis,
l for which cauſe we offren `in þe fre ȝiftis of þe Lord,
`eþer nurſchid children, of ſynful men, han ryſe for
alle bi vs ſilf, þat þat we myȝten fynde of gold in þe ȝoure fadris, þat ȝe ſchulden encreeſſe þe ſtrong
pray, girdelis for `þe myddil of wymmen, and bies of þe veniaunce of þe Lord aȝens Iſrael.
armes, and ryngis, and ournementis of þe arm nyȝ þe xv Þat if ȝe nylen ſue þe Lord, in `þe wildirneſſe he ſchal
hond, and bies of þe neckis of wymmen, þat þou preye
forſake þe puple, and ȝe ſchulen be cauſe of þe deeþ of
þe Lord for vs.
li And Moiſes and Eleazar, preeſt, token al þe gold in alle men.
xvi And þei neiȝiden nyȝ, and ſeiden, We ſchulen make
dyuerſe ſpices,
lii `eþer kyndis, bi þe weiȝte of þe ſeyntuarye, ſixtene foldis of ſcheep, and þe ſtablis of beeſtis, and we
ſchulen make ſtrengþid citees to oure litle children.
þouſynde ſeuene hundrid and fifti ſiclis, of þe tribunes,
and centuriouns.

xvii Forſoþe we vs ſilf ſchulen be armed `to defence, and xxxiiii Þerforþe ſones of Gad bildiden Dibon, and
ſchulen be gird `wiþ armeris to aſailyng, and ſchulen go Aſtaroth, and Aroer,
to batel bifor þe ſones of Iſrael, til we bryngen hem in to xxxv and Roth-Sophan, and Jazer, and Jebaa,
her places; oure litle children and what euer þing we xxxvi and Beeth-Nemra, and Betharan, ſtrengid citees;
moun haue, ſchulen be in ſtrengþid cytees, for þe and foldis to her beeſtis.
treſouns of þe dwelleris. xxxvii Forſoþe þe ſones of Ruben bildiden Eſebon, and
xviii We ſchulen not turne aȝen in to oure houſis, til þe
Eleale, and Cariathiarym, and Nabo,
ſones of Iſrael welden her eritage; xxxviii and Balmeon, whanne þe names weren turned,
xix and we ſchulen not axe ony þing ouer Jordan, for we
and þei bildiden Sabama; and puttiden names to þe
han now oure poſſeſſioun in þe eeſt cooſt þerof. citees, whiche þei hadden bildid.
xx To whiche Moiſes ſeide, If ȝe doen þat, þat ȝe xxxix Forſoþe þe ſones of Machir, ſone of Manaſſes,
biheten, be ȝe maad redi, and go ȝe to batel bifor þe ȝeden in to Galaad, and diſtrieden it, and killiden
Lord; Ammorei, enhabitere þerof.
xxi and ech man fiȝtere be armed, and paſſe Jordan, til xl Þerfor Moiſes ȝaf þe lond of Galaad to Machir, ſone
þe Lord diſtrye hiſe enemyes, of Manaſſes, which Machir dwellide þer ynne.
xxii and al þe lond be maad ſuget to hym; þanne ȝe xli Forſoþe Jair, þe ſone of Manaſſes, ȝede, and
ſchulen be giltles anentis God, and anentis Iſrael, and ȝe occupiede þe townes þerof, whiche he clepide
ſchulen holde þe cuntreys, whiche ȝe wolen, bifor þe Anochiair, þat is, þe townes of Jair.
Lord. xlii Alſo Nobe ȝede, and took Canath, wiþ hiſe townes,
xxiii But if ȝe doon not þat, þat ȝe ſeien, it is not doute to
and clepide it, bi his name, Nobe.
ony man, þat ne ȝe ſynnen aȝens God; and wite ȝe, þat
ȝoure ſynne ſchal take ȝou. CAP. XXXIII
xxiiii Þerfor bilde ȝe citees to ȝoure litle children, and i Þeſe ben þe dwellyngis of þe ſones of Iſrael, þat ȝeden
foldis and ſtablis to ſcheep, and to beeſtis; and fille ȝe out of þe lond of Egipt, bi her cumpenyes, in þe hond of
þat, þat ȝe bihiȝten. Moiſes and of Aaron;
xxv And þe ſones of Gad and of Ruben ſeiden to Moiſes, ii whiche dwellyngis Moiſes diſcriuede bi þe places of
We ben þi ſeruauntis; we ſchulen do þat, þat oure lord tentis, þat weren chaungid bi comaundement of þe
comaundiþ. Lord.
xxvi We ſchulen leeue oure litle children, and wymmen, iii Þerfor þe ſones of Iſrael ȝeden forþ in `an hiȝ hond fro
and ſcheep, and beeſtis in þe citees of Galaad; Rameſſes, in þe firſte moneþe, in þe fiftenþe dai of þe
xxvii forſoþe alle we þi ſeruauntis ſchulen go redi to
firſte moneþe, in þe toþer dai of paſk, while alle
batel, as þou, lord, ſpekiſt. Egipcians ſien,
xxviii Þerfor Moyſes comaundide to Eleazar, preeſt, and iiii and birieden þe firſte gendrid children, whiche þe
to Joſue, þe ſone of Nun, and to þe princes of meynees, Lord hadde ſlayn; for þe Lord hadde take veniaunce
bi þe lynagis of Iſrael, and ſeide to hem, alſo on þe goddis `of hem.
xxix If þe ſones of Gad, and þe ſones of Ruben goen alle v `Þe ſones of Iſrael ſettiden tentis in Socoth,
armed wiþ ȝou, to batel bifor þe Lord, and þe lond be vi and fro Sochoth þei camen into Etham, which is in þe
maad ſuget to ȝou, ȝyue ȝe to hem Galaad in to laſte cooſtis of `þe wildirneſſe; fro þennus þei ȝeden out,
poſſeſſioun; vii and camen aȝens Phiayroth, whiche biholdiþ
xxx but if þei nylen paſſe wiþ ȝou in to þe lond of
Beelſephon, and ſettiden tentis bifor Magdalun.
Chanaan, take þei places to dwelle among ȝou. viii And þei ȝeden forþ fro Phiairoth, and paſſiden bi þe
xxxi And þe ſones of Gad and þe ſones of Ruben
myddil ſee in to þe wildirneſſe, and þei ȝeden þre daies
anſweriden, As þe Lord ſpak to hiſe ſeruauntis, ſo we bi þe deſeert of Ethan, and ſettiden tentis in Mara.
ſchulen do; ix And þei ȝeden forþ fro Mara, and camen in to Helym,
xxxii we ſchulen go armed bifor þe Lord, in to þe lond of
where weren twelue wellis of watir, and ſeuenti palm
Chanaan, and we knowlechen, þat we han take now trees; and þere þei ſettiden tentis.
poſſeſſioun ouer Jordan. x But alſo þei ȝeden out fro þennus, and ſettiden tentis
xxxiii And ſo Moiſes ȝaf to þe ſones of Gad and of
on þe Reed See. And þei ȝeden forþ fro þe Reed See,
Ruben, and to half þe lynage of Manaſſes, ſone of xi and ſettiden tentis in þe deſeert of Syn,
Joſeph, þe rewme of Seon, kyng of Ammorey, and þe xii fro whennus þei ȝeden out, and camen in to Depheca.
rewme of Og, kyng of Baſan, and `þe lond of hem, wiþ xiii And þei ȝeden forþ fro Depheca, and ſettiden tentis
her citees, bi cumpas.
in Haluys.

xiiii And þei ȝeden forþ fro Haluys, and ſettiden tentis in xli And þei ȝeden forþ fro þe hil of Hor, and ſettiden
Raphidyn, where watir failide to `þe puple to drinke. tentis in Salmona;
xv And þei ȝeden forþ fro Raphidyn, and ſettiden tentis xlii fro þennus þei ȝeden forþ, and camen in to Phynon.
in þe deſeert of Synai. xliii And þei ȝeden forþ fro Phynon, and ſettiden tentis in
xvi But alſo þei ȝeden out of þe wildirneſſe of Synay, Oboth.
and camen to þe Sepulcris of Coueitiſe. xliiii And fro Oboth þei camen in to Neabarym, `þat is,
xvii And þei ȝeden forþ fro þe Sepulcris of Coueytiſe, into þe wildirneſſe of Abarym, which is in þe endis of
and ſettiden tentis in Aſſeroth. Moabitis.
xviii And fro Aſſeroth þei camen in to Rethma. xlv And þei ȝeden forþ fro Neabarym, and þei ſettiden
xix And þei ȝeden forþ fro Rethma, and ſettiden tentis in tentis in Dibon of Gad;
Remon Phares; xlvi fro whennus þei ȝeden forþ, and ſettiden tentis in
xx fro whennus þei ȝeden forþ, and camen in to Helmon of Deblathaym.
Lemphna. xlvii And þei ȝeden out fro Helmon of Deblathaym, and
xxi And fro Lemphna þei ſettiden tentis in Reſſa. camen to þe hillis of Abarym, aȝens Nabo.
xxii And þei ȝeden out fro Reſſa, and camen into xlviii And þei ȝeden forþ fro þe hillis of Abarym, and

Celatha; fro whennus þei ȝeden forþ, and ſettiden tentis paſſiden to þe feeldi places of Moab, ouer Jordan, aȝens
in þe hil of Sepher. Jericho.
xxiiii Þei ȝeden out fro þe hil of Sepher, and camen in to xlix And þere þei ſettiden tentis, fro Bethſymon `til to

Arada; Belſathym, in þe pleynere places of Moabitis,

xxv fro þennus þei ȝeden forþ, and ſettiden tentis in l where þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes,

Maceloth. li Comaunde þou to þe ſones of Iſrael, and ſeie þou to

xxvi And þei ȝeden forþ fro Maceloth, and camen in to hem, Whanne ȝe han paſſid Jordan, and han entrid in to
Caath. þe lond of Canaan,
xxvii Fro Caath þei ſettiden tentis in Thare; lii diſtrie ȝe alle þe dwelleris of þat cuntrey; breke ȝe þe
xxviii fro whennus þei ȝeden out, and ſettiden tentis in titlis, `þat is, auteris, and dryue ȝe to poudre þe ymagis,
Methcha. and diſtrie ȝe alle heiȝ þingis,
xxix And fro Methcha þei ſettiden tentis in Eſmona. liii and clenſe ȝe þe lond, and alle men dwellynge

xxx And þei ȝeden forþ fro Aſmona, and camen in to þereynne. For Y ȝaf to
liiii ȝou þat lond into poſſeſſioun whiche ȝe ſchulen
xxxi and fro Moſeroth þei ſettiden tentis in Benalachan. departe to ȝou bi lot; to mo men ȝe ſchulen ȝyue largere
xxxii And þei ȝeden forþ fro Benalachan, and camen in lond, and to fewere men ſtreytere lond, as lot falliþ to
alle men, ſo eritage ſchal be ȝouun; poſſeſſioun ſchal be
to þe hil of Galgad;
xxxiii fro whennus þei ȝeden forþ, and ſettiden tentis in
departid bi lynagis and meynees.
lv But if ȝe nylen ſle þe dwelleris of þe lond, þei, þat
xxxiiii And fro Jethebacha þei camen in to Ebrona.
abiden, ſchulen be to ȝou as nailes in þe iȝen, and ſperis
in þe ſidis, `þat is, deedli aduerſaries; and þei ſchulen be
xxxv And þei ȝeden out fro Ebrona, and ſettiden tentis in
aduerſaries to ȝou in þe lond of ȝoure abitacioun;
Aſiongaber; lvi and what euer þing Y þouȝte to do `to hem, Y ſchal
xxxvi fro þennus þei ȝeden forþ, and camen in to deſeert
do to ȝou.
of Syn; þis is Cades.
xxxvii And þei ȝeden fro Cades, and þei ſettiden tentis in
þe hil of Hor, in þe laſte cooſtis of þe lond of Edom. i And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes,
xxxviii And Aaron, þe preeſt, ſtiede in to þe hil of Hor, ii and ſeide, Comaunde þou to þe ſones of Iſrael, and
for þe Lord comaundide, and þere he was deed, in þe þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, Whanne ȝe han entrid in to þe
fourti ȝeer of þe goyng out of þe ſones of Iſrael fro lond of Canaan, and it bifelde in to poſſeſſioun `to ȝou
Egipt, in þe fyueþe moneþe, in þe firſte dai of þe bi lot, it ſchal be endid bi þeſe endis.
moneþe; iii Þe ſouþ part ſchal bigynne at þe wildirneſſe of Syn,
xxxix whanne he was of an hundrid and þre and twenti
which is biſidis Edom, and it ſchal haue termes aȝens þe
ȝeer. eeſt,
xl And Chanaan, kyng of Arad, þat dwellide at þe ſouþ, iiii þe ſaltiſte ſee, whiche termes ſchulen cumpaſſe þe
in þe lond of Canaan, herde þat þe ſones of Iſrael ſouþ cooſt bi þe `ſtiynge of Scorpioun, `þat is, of an hil
camen. clepid Scorpioun, ſo þat þo paſſe in to Senna, and come
to þe ſouþ, `til to Cades Barne; fro whennus þe cooſtis

ſchulen go out to þe town, Abdar bi name, and ſchulen xxix Þeſemen it ben, to whiche þe Lord comaundide, þat
ſtrecche forþ `til to Aſemona; þei ſchulden departe to þe ſones of Iſrael þe lond of
v and þe terme ſchal go bi cumpas fro Aſſemona `til to Chanaan.
þe ſtronde of Egipt, and it ſchal be endid bi þe brynke of
þe grete ſee. CAP. XXXV
vi Forſoþe þe weſt cooſt ſchal bigynne at þe greet ſee, i And þe Lord ſpak þeſe þingis to Moiſes, in þe feeldi
and ſchal be cloſid bi þat ende. places of Moab, aboue Jordan,
vii Soþeli at þe norþ cooſt, þe termes ſchulen bigynne at ii aȝens Jericho, Comaunde þou to þe ſones of Iſrael, þat
þe greet ſee, and ſchulen come `til to þe hiȝeſte hil, þei ȝyue to dekenes of her poſſeſſiouns,
viii fro which þo ſchulen come in to Emath, `til to þe iii citees to dwelle, and þe ſuburbabis of þo bi cumpas,
termes of Sedada; þat þei dwelle in `þe citees, and þe ſuburbabis be to
ix and þe cooſtis ſchulen go `til to Ephrona, and þe town beeſtis, and `werk beeſtis;
of Enan. Þeſe ſchulen be þe termes in þe norþ part. iiii whiche ſuburbabis ſchulen be ſtrecchid forþ fro þe
x Fro þennus þei ſchulen mete cooſtis aȝens þe eeſt wallis of citees wiþ outforþ `bi cumpas, in þe ſpace of a
cooſt, fro þe town Henan `til to Sephama; þouſynde paacis;
xi and fro Sephama termes ſchulen go doun in to v aȝens þe eeſt ſchulen be two þouſynde cubitis, and

Reblatha, aȝens þe welle `of Daphnyn; fro þennus þo aȝens þe ſouþ in lijk manere ſchulen be two þouſynde
ſchulen come aȝens þe eeſt to þe ſe of Cenereth; cubitis, and at þe ſee þat biholdiþ to þe weſt ſchal be þe
xii and þo ſchulen ſtrecche forþ `til to Jordan, and at þe ſame meſure, and þe norþ cooſt ſchal be endid bi euene
laſte þo ſchulen be cloſid wiþ þe ſalteſte ſee. Ȝe ſchulen terme. And þe citees ſchulen be in þe myddis, and þe
haue þis lond bi hiſe cooſtis `in cumpas. ſuburbabis wiþ outforþ.
xiii And Moiſes comaundide to þe ſones of Iſrael, and vi Forſoþe of þo citees whiche ȝe ſchulen ȝyue to

ſeide, Þis ſchal be þe lond which ȝe ſchulen welde bi lot, dekenes, ſixe ſchulen be departid in to helpis of
and which þe Lord comaundide to be ȝouun to nyne fugityues, `eþer of fleynge men, þat he þat ſchedde
lynagis and to þe half lynage; blood, fle to þo; and outakun þeſe ſixe, ȝe ſchulen ȝyue
xiiii for þe lynage of þe ſones of Ruben, bi her meynees, to dekenes oþere two and fourti citees,
vii þat is, togidere eiȝte and fourti, wiþ her ſurburbabis.
and þe lynage of þe ſones of Gad, bi kynrede and
viii And þo citees þat ſchulen be ȝouun of þe
noumbre, and half þe lynage of Manaſſes,
xv þat is, twey lynagis and an half, han take her part poſſeſſiouns of ſones of Iſrael, ſchulen be takun awey,
ouer Jordan, aȝens Jerico, at þe eeſt cooſt. mo fro hem þat han more, and fewere `ſchulen be takun
xvi And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, awey fro hem þat han leſſe, alle bi hem ſilf ſchulen ȝyue
xvii Þeſe ben þe `names of men þat ſchulen departe þe bi þe meſure of her eritage, citees to dekenes.
ix Þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes,
lond to ȝou, Eleazar, preeſt, and Joſue, þe ſone of Nun,
x Spek þou to þe ſones of Iſrael, and þou ſchalt ſeie to
and of each lynage, o prynce;
xviii of whiche þeſe ben þe names, of þe lynage of Juda, hem, Whanne ȝe han paſſid Jordan, in þe lond of
xix Caleph, þe ſone of Jephone; Canaan,
xi deme ȝe whiche citees owen to be in to þe helpis of
xx of þe lynage of Symeon, Samuhel, þe ſone of
fugityues, whiche not wilfuli han ſched blood.
Amyud; xii In whiche whanne þe fleere haþ fled, þe kyneſman of
xxi of þe lynage of Beniamyn, Heliad, ſone of Caſſelon;
xxii of þe lynage of þe ſones of Dan, Bochi, ſone of hym þat is ſlayn, ſchal not mow ſle hym, til he ſtonde in
þe ſiȝt of þe multitude, and þe cauſe of hym be demed.
Jogli; of þe ſones of Joſeph, xiii Forſoþe of þo citees þat ben departid to þe helpis of
xxiii of þe lynage of Manaſſes, Hamyel, ſone of Ephoth;
xxiiii of þe lynage of Effraym, Camuhel, ſone of
xiiii þre ſchulen be ouer Jordan, and þre in þe lond of
Septhan; Canaan;
xxv of þe lynage of Zabulon, Eliſaphan, ſone of Pharnat;
xv as wel to þe ſones of Iſrael as to comelyngis and
xxvi of þe lynage of Iſacar, duyk Phaltiel, þe ſone of
pilgryms; þat he fle to þo citees, þat ſchedde blood not
Ozan; of þe lynage of Azer, wilfuli.
xxvii Abyud, þe ſone of Salomy; xvi If ony man ſmytiþ a man wiþ yrun, and he þat is
xxviii of þe lynage of Neptalym, Fedahel, þe ſone of
ſmytun is deed, `þe ſmyter ſchal be gilti of manſleyng,
Amyud. and he ſchal die.
xvii If he caſtiþ a ſtoon, and a man is deed bi þe ſtrook,
he ſchal be punyſchid in lijk maner.

xviii If a man ſmytun wiþ a ſtaf dieþ, he ſchal be vengid iii And if men of anoþir lynage ſchulen take to wyues
bi `þe blood of þe ſmytere. þeſe douȝtris, her poſſeſſioun ſchal ſue, and it ſchal be
xix Þe niȝ kyneſman of hym þat is ſlayn ſchal ſle þe tranſlatid to anoþir lynage, and ſchal be decreeſſid fro
manſleere; anoon as he takiþ hym, `þat is, þe oure eritage;
manquellere, he ſchal ſle hym. iiii and ſo it ſchal be doon, þat whanne þe iubilee, þat is,
xx If bi haterede a man hurtliþ, `eþir ſchoufiþ, `a man, þe fiftiþe ȝeer of remyſſioun, comeþ, þe departyng of
eþir caſtiþ ony þing in to hym bi aſpiyngis, lottis be ſchent, and þat þe poſſeſſioun of oþere men
xxi eþer whanne he was enemy, ſmoot wiþ hond, and he paſſe to oþere men.
v Moiſes anſweride to þe ſones of Iſrael, and ſeide, for
is deed, þe ſmytere ſchal be gilti of manſleyng. Þe
kyneſman `of him þat is ſlayn, anoon as he findiþ him, þe Lord comaundide, Þe lynage of þe ſones of Joſeph
`þat is, þe ſleere, ſchal ſle hym. ſpak riȝtfuli,
xxii Þat if bi ſudeyn caas, and wiþout hatrede and vi and þis lawe is denounſid of þe Lord on þe douȝtris of

enemytees, Salphaat; be þei weddid to whiche men þei wolen, oneli

xxiii he doiþ ony þing of þeſe; to þe men of her lynage;
xxiiii and þis is preued in heryng `of þe puple, and þe vii leſt þe poſſeſſioun of þe ſones of Joſeph be meddlid

queſtioun of blood is diſcuſſid bitwixe þe ſmytere and fro lynage in to lynage. For alle men ſchulen wedde
þe kyneſman, wyues of her lynage and kynrede;
xxv þe innocent ſchal be delyuered fro þe hond of þe viii and alle wymmen ſchulen take hoſebondis of þe

vengere, and bi ſentence of iugis he ſchal be led aȝen in ſame lynage, þat þe erytage dwelle in meynees,
ix and lynagis be not meddlid to hem ſilf, but dwelle ſo,
to þe citee, to which he fledde, and he ſchal dwelle þere,
til þe grete preeſt die, which is anoyntid wiþ oile. x as þo ben departid of þe Lord. And þe douȝtris of
xxvi If þe ſleere is foundun wiþ out þe cooſtis `of þe Salphaat diden, as it was comaundid to hem.
citees þat ben aſigned to exilid men, xi And Maala, and Therſa, and Egla, and Melcha, and
xxvii and is ſlayn of him þat is vengere, he þat ſleeþ him, Noha, weren weddid to þe ſones of her fadris broþer,
`þat is, þe exilid man, ſchal be wiþ out gilt; xii of þe meynee of Manaaſſes, þat was `þe ſone of
xxviii for þe exilid man ouȝte ſitte in þe citee `til to þe Joſeph, and þe poſſeſſioun þat was ȝouun to hem,
`deþ of þe biſchop; forſoþe aftir þat þilke biſchop is dwellide in þe lynage and meynee of her fadir.
deed, þe manſleere ſchal turne aȝen in to his lond. xiii Þeſe ben þe comaundementis and domes, whiche þe
xxix Þeſe ſchulen be euerlaſtynge and lawful þingis in Lord comaundide, bi þe hond of Moyſes, to þe ſones of
alle ȝoure dwellyngis. Iſrael, in þe feeldi places of Moab, aboue Jordan, aȝens
xxx A manſleere ſchal be punyſchid vndur witneſſis; no Jericho.
man ſchal `be dampned at þe witneſſyng of o man. Here eendiþ þe book of Numery, and bigynneþ þe
xxxi Ȝe ſchulen not take prijs of him which is gilti of book of Deutronomy.
blood, anoon and he ſchal die.
xxxii Men exilid, and fugityues, ſchulen not mow turne
aȝen in ony maner in to her citees, bifore þe deeþ of þe
biſchop, leſt ȝe defoulen þe lond of ȝoure abitacioun,
xxxiii which is defoulid bi þe blood of innocent men; and
it may not be clenſid in oþer maner, no but bi þe blood
of hym, þat ſchedde þe blood of anoþir man.
xxxiiii And ſo ȝoure poſſeſſioun ſchal be clenſid, for Y
ſchal dwelle wiþ ȝou; for Y am þe Lord, þat dwelle
among þe ſones of Iſrael.

i Forſoþe and þe princes of þe meynees of Galaad ſone
of Machir, ſone of Manaſſes, of þe generacioun of þe
ſones of Joſeph, neiȝiden, and ſpaken to Moiſes bifor þe
princes of Iſrael,
ii and ſeiden, Þe Lord comaundide to þee oure lord, þat
þou ſchuldiſt departe þe lond bi lot to þe ſones of Iſrael,
and þat þou ſchuldiſt ȝyue to þe douȝtris of Salphaat,
oure broþir, poſſeſſioun due to þe fadir.

of God. Þat if ony þing ſemeþ hard to ȝou, telle ȝe to
DEUTRONOMY me, and Y ſchal here.
Here bigynneþ Deutronomy. xviii And Y comaundide alle þingis whiche ȝe ouȝten to
CAP. I xix Forſoþe we ȝeden forþ fro Oreb, and paſſiden bi a
i Þeſe ben þe wordis whiche Moyſes ſpak to al Iſrael feerdful deſeert, and grettiſte wildirneſſe, which ȝe ſien,
ouer Jordan, in þe wildirneſſe of þe feeld, aȝens þe reed bi þe weye of þe hil of Ammorrey, as oure Lord God
ſee, bitwix Pharan and Tophel and Laban and Aſſeroth, comaundide to vs. And whanne we hadden come in to
where is ful myche gold, Cades Barne,
ii by enleuene daies fro Oreb bi þe weie of þe hil of xx Y ſeide to ȝou, Ȝe ben comen to þe hil of Ammorrey,
Seir, til to Cades Barne. which ȝoure Lord God ſchal ȝyue to ȝou;
iii In þe fortiþe ȝeer, in þe enleuenþ moneþe, in þe firſte xxi ſe þou þe lond which þi Lord God ſchal ȝyue to þee;
dai of þe moneþe, Moiſes ſpak to þe ſones of Iſrael alle `ſtie þou, and welde it, as oure Lord God ſpak to þi
þingis whiche þe Lord commandide to hym þat he fadris; `nyle þou drede, neþer `drede þou in herte ony
ſchulde ſeie to hem, þing.
iiii after þat he ſmoot Seon, kyng of Ammorreis, þat xxii And alle ȝe neiȝiden to me, and ȝe ſeiden, Sende we
dwellide in Eſebon, and Og, þe kyng of Baſan, þat men, þat ſchulen biholde þe lond, and telle to vs bi what
dwelide in Aſſeroth and in Edray, ouer Jordan, in þe weye we owen ſtie, and to whiche citees we owen to go.
lond of Moab. xxiii And whanne þe word pleſide to me, Y ſente of ȝou
v And Moyſes bigan to declare þe lawe, and to ſeie, twelue men, of ech lynage oon.
vi Oure Lord God ſpak to vs in Oreb, and ſeide, It xxiiii And whanne þei hadden go, and hadden ſtied in to
ſuffiſiþ to ȝou þat ȝe han dwellid in þis hil; þe hilli places, þei camen `til to þe valei of Cluſtre; and
vii turne ȝe aȝen, and come ȝe to þe hil of Amorreis, and whanne þei hadden biholde þe lond,
xxv þei token of þe fruytis þerof, to ſchewe þe plentee,
to oþere placis þat ben next it; to places of feeldis, and
of hillis, and to lowere places aȝens þe ſouþ, and biſidis and brouȝten `to vs, and ſeiden, Þe lond is good which
þe brenke of þe ſee, to þe lond of Cananeys, and of oure Lord God ſchal ȝyue to vs.
Liban, `til to þe greet flood Eufrates. xxvi And ȝe `nolden ſtie, but ȝe weren vnbileueful to þe
viii Lo, `he ſeiþ, Y haue ȝoue to ȝou; entre ȝe, and `welde word of oure Lord God.
ȝe `þat lond on which þe Lord ſwoor to ȝoure fadrys, xxvii And ȝe grutchiden in ȝoure tabernaclis, and ȝe
Abraham, Yſaac, and Jacob, þat he ſchulde ȝyue it to ſeiden, Þe Lord hatiþ vs, and herfor he ledde vs out of
hem, and to her ſeed after hem. þe lond of Egipt, þat he ſchulde bitake vs in þe hond of
ix And Y ſeide to ȝou in þat time, Y may not aloone Ammorey, and ſchulde do awei vs.
ſuſteyne ȝou, for ȝoure Lord God haþ multiplied ȝou, xxviii Whidur ſchulen we ſtie? þe meſſangeris maden
x and ȝe ben ful many to dai, as þe ſterris of heuene; aferd oure herte, and ſeiden, A grettiſte multitude is, and
xi þe Lord God of ȝoure fadris adde to þis noumbre largere in ſtature þan we; þe citees ben greete, and
many þouſyndis, and bleſſe ȝou, as he ſpak. wallid `til to þe heuene; we ſien þere þe ſones of
xii Y may not aloone ſuſteyne ȝoure cauſis, and birþun, Enachym, þat is, giauntis.
xxix And Y ſeide to ȝou, `Nyle ȝe drede `wiþ ynne, neþer
and ſtryues; ȝyue ȝe of ȝou men wiſe `in dyuyn þingis,
xiii and witti `in mennus þingis worþi to be don, whoſe `drede wiþoutforþ; þe Lord God hym ſilf,
xxx which is ȝoure ledere, ſchal fiȝte for ȝou, as he dide
conuerſacioun is preued in ȝoure lynagis, þat Y ſette
hem princes to ȝou. in Egipt, while alle men ſien.
xiiii Þanne ȝe anſweriden to me, Þe þing is good which xxxi And ȝe ſien in þe wildirneſſe, þi Lord God bar þee,

þou wolt do. as a man is wont to bere his litil ſone, in al þe weie bi
xv And Y took of ȝoure lynagis men wiſe and noble, `in which ȝe ȝeden til ȝe camen to þis place.
xxxii And ſoþeli neþer ſo ȝe bileueden to ȝoure Lord
vertues and kyn; and Y ordeynede hem princis,
tribunes, and centuryouns, and quynquagenaries, and God, þat ȝede bifor ȝou in þe weie,
xxxiii and meſuride þe place in which ȝe ouȝten to ſette
denys, whiche ſchulden teche ȝou all þingis.
xvi And Y comaundide to hem, and ſeide, Here ȝe hem, tentis, and ſchewide in nyȝt þe weie to ȝou bi fier, and
and deme ȝe þat þat is iuſt, wheþer he be a citeſeyn, in dai bi a piler of cloude.
xxxiiii And whanne þe Lord hadde herd þe vois of ȝoure
wheþer a pilgrym.
xvii No difference ſchal be of perſones; ȝe ſchulen here wordis, he was wrooþ,
ſo a litil man, `þat is, pore, as a greet man, neþer ȝe
ſchulen take þe perſoone of ony man, for it is þe doom

xxxv and ſwoor, and ſeide, Noon of þe men of þis werſte vii Þi Lord God bleſſide þee in al þe werk of þin hondis;
generacioun ſchal ſe þe good lond, which Y bihiȝte he knewe þi weye, hou þou paſſidiſt þis moſte
vndur an ooþ to ȝoure fadris, wildirneſſe, bi fourti ȝeer; and þi Lord God dwellide
xxxvi outakun Caleph, þe ſone of Jephone; for he ſchal ſe wiþ þee, and no þing failide to þee.
it, and Y ſchal ȝyue to hym þe lond on which he trad, viii And whanne we hadden paſſid bi oure briþeren, þe
and to hiſe ſones, for he ſuede þe Lord. ſones of Eſau, þat dwelliden in Seir, bi þe weie of þe
xxxvii Neþer þe indignacioun aȝens þe puple is feeld of Elath, and of Aſiongaber, we camen to þe weie
wondirful, ſiþen þe Lord was wrooþ alſo to me for ȝou, þat lediþ in to deſeert of Moab.
and ſeide, ix And þe Lord ſeide to me, Fiȝte þou not aȝens
xxxviii Neþer þou ſchalt entre þidur, but Joſue, þe ſone of Moabitis, neþer bigyn þou batel aȝens hem, for Y ſchal
Nun, þi mynyſtre, he ſchal entre for þee; excyte and not ȝyue to þee ony þing of þe lond `of hem, for Y ȝaf
ſtrengþe þou him, and he ſchal departe þe lond bi lot to Ar in to poſſeſſioun to `þe ſones of Loth.
Iſrael. x Emyn, `þat is, griſeful men, weren firſt dwelleris
xxxix Ȝoure litle children, of whiche ȝe ſeiden, þat þei þerof, a greet puple, and ſtrong, and ſo hiȝ, þat þei
ſchulden be led priſoneris, and þe ſones þat kunnen not weren bileued as giantis,
to dai þe diuerſite of good and of yuel, þei ſchulen xi of þe generacioun of Enachym, and þei weren lijk þe
entre; and Y ſchal ȝyue to hem þe lond, and þei ſchulen ſones of Enachym; forſoþe Moabitis clepen hem Emyn.
welde it. xii Forſoþe Horreis dwelliden bifore in Seir, and whanne
xl Soþeli turne ȝe aȝen, and go ȝe in to þe wildirneſſe, bi þei weren put out, and weren doon awey, `þe ſones of
þe weie of þe Reed See. Eſau dwelliden þere, as Iſrael dide in þe lond of his
xli And ȝe anſweriden to me, We ſynneden to þe Lord; poſſeſſioun, which þe Lord ȝaf to hym.
we ſchulen ſtie, and we ſchulen fiȝte, as oure Lord God xiii Þerfor we riſeden, þat we ſchulden paſſe þe ſtronde
comaundide. And whanne ȝe weren arayed wiþ armeris, of Zared, and camen to it.
and ȝeden `into þe hil, þe Lord ſeide to me, xiiii Soþeli þe tyme in whiche we ȝeden fro Cades Barne
xlii Seie þou to hem, `Nyle ȝe ſtye, neþer fiȝte ȝe, for Y `til to þe paſſynge of þe ſtronde of Zared, was of eiȝte
am not wiþ ȝou, leſt ȝe fallen bifor ȝoure enemyes. and þretti ȝeer, til al þe generacioun of `men fiȝteris was
xliii Y ſpak, and ȝe herden not; but ȝe `weren aduerſaries waſtid fro `þe caſtels, as þe Lord hadde ſwore; whos
to þe comaundement of þe Lord, and bolnden wiþ hond was aȝens hem,
prijde, and ſtieden in to þe hil. xv þat þei ſchulden periſche fro þe myddis of `þe caſtels.
xliiii Þerfor Ammorrey ȝede out, þat dwellide in þe hillis, xvi Forſoþe after þat alle þe fiȝteris felden doun,
and he cam aȝens ȝou, and purſuede ȝou, as bees ben xvii þe Lord ſpak to me, and ſeide,
wont to purſue, and killide fro Seir til Horma. And xviii Þou ſchalt paſſe to dai þe termes of Moab,
whanne ȝe turneden aȝen, xix þe cytee, Ar bi name, and þou ſchalt neiȝ in þe nyȝ
xlv and wepten bifor þe Lord, he herde not ȝou, neþer
cooſt of þe ſones of Amon; be þou war þat þou fiȝte not
wolde aſente to ȝoure vois; aȝens hem, neþer be moued to batel; for Y ſchal not
xlvi þerfor ȝe ſaten in Cades Barne bi myche tyme.
ȝyue to þee of þe lond of þe ſones of Amon, for Y ȝaf it
to þe `ſones of Loth in to poſſeſſioun.
CAP. II xx It is arettid þe lond of giauntis, and giauntis
i And we ȝeden forþ fro þennus, and camen in to þe
enhabitiden þerynne ſumtyme, whiche giauntis
wildirneſſe þat lediþ to þe Reed See, as þe Lord ſeide to Amonytis clepen Zonym;
me; and we cumpaſſiden þe hil of Seir in long tyme. xxi a myche puple and greet, and of noble lengþe, as
ii And þe Lord ſeide to me, It ſufficiþ to ȝou to cumpaſſe
Enachym, whiche þe Lord dide awey fro þe face of
þis hil; hem,
iii go ȝe aȝens þe norþ. xxii and made hem to dwelle for `þo giauntis, as he dide
iiii And comaunde þou to þe puple, and ſeie, Ȝe ſchulen to þe ſones of Eſau, þat dwellen in Seire, `and dide awai
paſſe bi þe termes of ȝoure briþeren, þe ſones of Eſau, Horreis, and ȝaf to hem þe lond `of Horreis, which `þe
þat dwellen in Seir, and þei ſchulen drede ȝou. ſones of Eſau welden `til in to preſent tyme.
v Þerfor ſe ȝe diligentli, þat ȝe be not moued aȝens hem; xxiii Alſo men of Capadocie puttiden out Eueys, þat
for Y ſchal not ȝyue to ȝou of þe land `of hem as myche dwelliden in Aſſeryn, `til to Gaza; which ȝeden out fro
as þe ſteppe of o foot may trede, for Y ȝaf þe hil of Seir Capadocie, and diden awey Eueis, and dwelliden for
in to þe poſſeſſioun of Eſau. hem.
vi Ȝe ſchulden bie of hem metis for money, and ȝe xxiiii Riſe ȝe, and `paſſe ȝe þe ſtronde of Arnon; lo! Y
ſchulen ete; ȝe ſchulden drawe, and drynke watir bouȝt. haue bitake in `þin hond Seon, king of Eſebon, of

Amorreis; and his lond bigynne þou `to welde, and iii Þerfor oure Lord God bitook in oure hondis alſo Og,
ſmyte þou batel aȝens him. kyng of Baſan, and al his puple; and we han ſmyte hym
xxv To dai Y ſchal bigynne to ſende þi drede and `til to deeþ,
ſtrengþe in to puplis þat dwellen vndir al heuene, þat iiii and waſtiden alle þe citees `of him in o tyme; no
whanne þi name is herd, þei drede, and tremble bi þe town was þat aſcapide vs; `we deſtrieden ſixti citees, al
maner of wymmen trauelynge of child, and `be holdun þe cuntrei of Argob, of þe rewme of Og in Baſan.
wiþ ſorewe. v Alle þe citees weren ſtrengþid wiþ hiȝeſt wallis, and
xxvi Þerfor Y ſente meſſangeris fro þe wildirneſſe of
wiþ ȝatis and barris; wiþ out townes vnnoumbrable, þat
Cademoch to Seon, kyng of Eſebon; and Y ſeide wiþ hadden not wallis.
peſible wordis, vi And we diden awey þilke men, as we diden to Seon,
xxvii We ſchulen paſſe þorou þi lond, we ſchulen go in
kyng of Eſebon; and we loſten ech citee, and men, and
þe comyn weie; we ſchulen not bowe neþer to þe riȝt wymmen, and litle children;
ſide, neþer to þe left ſide. vii forſoþe we token bi prey beeſtis, and þe ſpuylis of
xxviii Sille þow metis `to vs for prijs, þat we ete; ȝif þow
watir for money, and ſo we ſchulen drynke. Oneli it is viii And we token in þat tyme þe lond fro þe hond of
þat þou graunte paſſage to vs, twey kyngis of Ammorreis, þat weren biȝonde Jordan,
xxix as þe ſones of Eſau diden, þat dwellen in Seir, and
fro þe ſtronde of Arnon `til to þe hil of Hermon,
as Moabitis diden, þat dwellen in Ar, til we comen to ix `which hil Sidonyes clepen Sarion, and Ammorreis
Jordan, and paſſen to þe lond which oure Lord God clepen Sanyr.
ſchal ȝyue to vs. x We tooken alle þe citees þat weren ſet in þe pleyn, and
xxx And Seon, kyng of Eſebon, nolde ȝyue paſſage `to
al þe lond of Galaad, and of Baſan, `til to Selcha and
vs; for þi Lord God made hard his ſpirit, and made ſad Edray, citees of þe rewme of Og, in Baſan.
in yuel `þe herte of hym, þat he ſchulde be bitakun in to xi For Og aloone, kyng of Baſan, was left of þe
þin hondis, as þou ſeeſt now. generacioun of giauntis; and his yrun bed is ſchewid,
xxxi And þe Lord ſeide to me, Lo, Y bigan to bitake to
which is in Rabath, of þe ſones of Amon, and haþ nyne
þee Seon, and his lond; bigynne þou to welde it. cubitis of lengþe, and foure cubitis of breede, at þe
xxxii And Seon ȝede out aȝens vs wiþ al his puple to
meſure of a cubit of mannus hond.
batel in Jaſa. xii And we weldiden in þat tyme þe lond, fro Aroer,
xxxiii And oure Lord God bitook hym to vs, and we han
which is on þe `brynke of þe ſtronde of Arnon, `til to þe
ſmyte hym wiþ hiſe ſones, and al his puple. myddil paart of þe hil of Galaad; and Y ȝaf þe citees `of
xxxiiii And we token in þat tyme alle þe citees, whanne hym to Ruben and Gad.
þe dwelleris of þo citees, men, and wymmen, and xiii Forſoþe Y ȝaf þe toþer part of Galaad, and al Baſan,
children weren ſlayn; we leften not in hem ony þing, of þe rewme of Og, to þe half lynage of Manaſſes, and
xxxv outakun beeſtis þat camen in to þe part of men al þe cuntrei of Argob. Al Baſan was clepid þe lond of
takynge prey, and outakun ſpuylis of þe cytees whiche giauntis.
we tokun. xiiii Jair, `ſone of Manaſſes, weldide al þe cuntrey of
xxxvi Fro Aroer, which is on þe brenke of þe ſtronde of Argob, `til to þe lond of Geſuri and of Machati; and he
Arnon, fro þe toun which is ſet in þe valey, `til to clepide bi his name Baſan Anothiair, þat is, þe townes
Galaad, no town was eþer citee, þat aſcapide oure of Jair, til in to preſent dai.
hondis. xv Alſo Y ȝaf Galaad to Machir; and to þe lynagis of
xxxvii Oure Lord God bitook alle to vs; outakun þe lond Ruben and of Gad Y ȝaf þe lond of Galaad, `til to þe
of þe ſones of Amon, to which lond we neiȝiden not, ſtrond of Arnon, þe myddil of þe ſtronde,
and outakun alle þingis þat liggen to þe ſtronde of xvi and of þe endis `til to þe ſtronde of Jeboth, which is
Jeboth, and outakun þe citees of þe munteyns, and alle þe terme of `þe ſones of Amon.
places fro whiche oure Lord God forbeed vs. xvii And Y ȝaf þe pleyn of þe wilderneſſe `til to Jordan,
and þe termes of Cenereth `til to þe ſee of deſeert,
CAP. III which ſee is mooſt ſalt, at þe rotis of þe hil of Phaſga,
i And ſo we turneden, and ſtieden bi þe weie of Baſan;
aȝens þe eeſt.
and Og, þe kyng of Baſan, ȝede out aȝens vs wiþ his xviii And Y comaundide to ȝou in þat tyme, and ſeide,
puple, to fiȝte in Edrai. Ȝoure Lord God ȝyueþ to ȝou þis lond in to erytage;
ii And þe Lord ſeide to me, Drede þou not hym, for he is xix alle ȝe ſtronge men, wiþout wyues and litle children
bitakun in þin hond, wiþ al his puple, and his lond; and and beeſtis, be maad redi, and `go ȝe bifor ȝoure
þou ſchalt do to hym, as þou didiſt to Seon, kyng of briþren, þe ſones of Iſrael. For Y knowe þat ȝe han
Ammoreis, þat dwellide in Eſebon.

many beeſtis, and þo ſchulen dwelle in citees whiche Y neiȝynge to it ſilf, as oure God is redi to alle oure
ȝaf to ȝou, biſechyngis.
xx til þe Lord ȝyue reſte to ȝoure briþren, as he ȝaf to viii For whi what oþer folk is ſo noble, þat it haþ
ȝou, and til þei alſo welden þe lond `which þe Lord cerymonyes and iuſt domes, and al þe lawe which Y
ſchal ȝyue to hem biȝonde Jordan; þanne ech man ſchal ſchal `ſette forþ to dai bifor ȝoure iȝen?
turne aȝen in to his poſſeſſioun which Y ȝaf to ȝou. ix Þerfor kepe þi ſilf, and þi ſoule biſili; forȝete þou not
xxi Alſo Y comaundid to Joſue in þat tyme, and ſeide, þe wordis whiche þin iȝen ſien, and falle þo not doun
Þin iȝen ſien what þingis ȝoure Lord God dide to þeſe fro þin herte, in alle þe daies of þi lijf. Þou ſchalt teche
twei kyngis; ſo he ſchal do to alle rewmes, to whiche þo þi ſones and þi ſones ſones.
þou ſchalt go; drede þou not hem. x Telle þou þe day in which þou ſtodiſt bifor þi Lord
xxii And Y preiede þe Lord in þat tyme, God in Oreb, whanne þe Lord ſpak to me, and ſeide,
xxiii and ſeide, Lord God, þou haſt bigunne to ſchewe to Gadere þou þe puple to me, þat it here my wordis, and
þi ſeruaunt þi greetneſſe, and ſtrongeſte hond, lerne for to drede me in al tyme in which it lyueþ in
xxiiii for noon oþer God is eþer in heuene, eþer in erþe, erþe, and teche hiſe ſones.
xi And ȝe neiȝiden to þe `roote of þe hille, þat brente `til
þat mai do þi werkis, and may be compariſound to þi
ſtrengþe. to heuene; and derkneſſis, and cloude, and myiſt weren
xxv Þerfor Y ſchal paſſe, and ſchal ſe þis beeſte lond þerynne.
xii And þe Lord ſpak to ȝou fro þe myddis of fier; ȝe
biȝende Jordan, and þis noble hil and Liban.
xxvi And þe Lord was wrooþ to me for ȝou, neþir he herden þe vois of hiſe wordis, and outirli ȝe ſien no
herde me, but ſeide to me, It ſuffiſiþ to þee; ſpeke þou fourme.
xiii And he ſchewide to ȝou his couenaunt, which he
no more of þis þing to me.
xxvii `Stye þou in to þe hiȝneſſe of Phaſga, and caſte comaundide, þat ȝe ſchulden do, and `he ſchewide ten
aboute þin iȝen to þe weſt, and norþ, and ſouþ, and eeſt, wordis, whiche he wroot in two tablis of ſtoon.
xiiii And he comaundide to me in þat tyme, þat Y
and biholde, for þou ſchalt not paſſe þis Jordan.
xxviii Comaunde þou to Joſue, and ſtrengþe þou and ſchulde teche ȝou cerymonyes and domes, whiche ȝe
coumforte hym; for he ſchal go bifore þis puple, and he owen to do in þe lond whiche ȝe ſchulen welde.
xv Þerfor kepe ȝe biſili ȝoure ſoulis; ȝe ſien not ony
ſchal departe to hem þe lond, which þou ſchalt ſe.
xxix And we dwelliden in þe valey aȝens þe temple of licneſſe in þe dai in which þe Lord ſpak to ȝou in Oreb,
Phegor. fro þe myddis of þe fier;
xvi leſt perauenture ȝe be diſſeyued and make to ȝou a

CAP. IIII grauun licneſſe, eþer an ymage of male, eþer of female;

i And now, þou Iſrael, here þe comaundementis and xvii a licneſſe of alle beeſtis þat ben on erþe, eþer of

domes whiche Y teche þee, þat þou do þo, and lyue, and bridis fleynge vndur heuene,
þat þow entre and welde þe lond which þe Lord God of xviii and of crepynge beeſtis þat ben moued in erþe, eþer
ȝoure fadris ſchal ȝyue to ȝou. of fiſchis þat dwellen vndur þe erþe in watris; leſt
ii Ȝe ſchulen not adde to þe word which Y ſpeke to ȝou, perauenture,
neþer ȝe ſchulen take awei `fro it; kepe ȝe þe xix whanne þin iȝen ben reiſid to heuene, þou ſe þe
comaundementis of ȝoure Lord God, which Y ſonne, and moone, and alle þe ſterris of heuene, and be
comaunde to ȝou. diſſeyued bi errour, and worſchipe þo, `bi outermer
iii Ȝoure iȝen ſien alle þingis whiche þe Lord dide aȝens reuerence, and onour, `bi ynner reuerence, `þo þingis
Belphegor; how he alto brak alle þe worſchiperis `of whiche þi Lord God made of nouȝt, in to ſeruyce to alle
hym fro þe myddis of ȝou. folkis þat ben vndur heuene.
iiii Forſoþe ȝe þat cleuen to ȝoure Lord God lyuen alle xx Forſoþe þe Lord took ȝou, and ledde out of þe yrun

`til in to preſent day. furneys of Egipt, þat he ſchulde haue a puple of eritage,
v Ȝe witen þat Y tauȝte ȝou þe comaundementis and as it is in `preſent dai.
xxi And þe Lord was wrooþ aȝens me for ȝoure wordis,
riȝtfulneſſis, as my Lord God comaundide to me; ſo ȝe
ſchulen do þo in þe lond whiche ȝe ſchulen welde, and ſwoor þat Y ſchulde not paſſe Jordan, and ſchulde
vi and ȝe ſchulen kepe, and ſchulen fille in werk. For þis not entre in to þe beeſte lond, which he ſchal ȝyue to
is ȝoure wiſdom and vndurſtondyng bifor puplis, þat ȝou.
xxii Lo! Y die in þis erþe; Y ſchal not paſſe Jordan; ȝe
alle men here þeſe comaundementis, and ſeie, Lo! a
wiſe puple and vnderſtondynge! a greet folk! ſchulen paſſe, and ſchulen welde þe noble lond.
vii Noon oþer nacioun is ſo greet, `not in noumbre eþer xxiii Be þou war, leſt ony tyme þou forȝete þe couenaunt

in bodili quantite, but in dignite, þat haþ Goddis of þi Lord God, which he made wiþ þee, and leſt þou

make to þee a grauun licneſs of þo þingis whiche þe lede þee ynne, and ſchulde ȝyue to þee þe lond `of hem
Lord forbeed to make. in to poſſeſſioun, as þou ſeeſt in `preſent day.
xxiiii For þi Lord God is fier waſtynge; `God, a feruent xxxix Þerfor wite þou to dai, and þenke in þin herte, þat
louyere. þe Lord him ſilfe is God in heuene aboue, and in erþe
xxv If ȝe gendren ſones, and ſones of ſones, and ȝe byneþe, and noon oþer is.
dwellen in þe lond, and ȝe be diſceyued, and make to xl Kepe þou hiſe heeſtis, and comaundementis, whiche
ȝou ony licneſſe, and doen yuel bifor ȝoure Lord God, Y comaunde to þee, þat it be wel to þee, and to þi ſones
þat ȝe terren hym to greet wraþe, after þee, and þat þou dwelle mych tyme on þe lond,
xxvi Y clepe witneſſes to dai heuene and erþe, `þat is, which þi Lord God ſchal ȝyue to þee.
ech reſonable creature beynge in heuene and in erþe, þat xli Þanne Moiſes departide þre citees biȝende Jordan at
ȝe ſchulen periſche ſoone fro þe lond, which ȝe ſchulen þe eeſt cooſt,
welde, whanne ȝe han paſſid Jordan; ȝe ſchulen not xlii þat he fle to þo, þat ſleeþ his neighbore not wilfuli,
dwelle long tyme þerynne, but þe Lord ſchal do awey and was not enemy bifore oon and `þe toþer dai, and þat
ȝou, he mai fle to ſumme of þeſe citees;
xxvii and ſchal ſcatere `in to alle heþen men, and ȝe xliii Boſor in þe wildirneſſe, which is ſet in þe feeldi
ſchulen leeue fewe among naciouns, to whiche þe Lord lond, of þe lynage of Ruben; and Ramoth in Galaad,
ſchal lede ȝou. which is in þe lynage of Gad; and Golan in Baſan,
xxviii And þere ȝe ſchulen ſerue to goddis, þat ben maad which is in þe lynage of Manaſſes.
bi `þe hond of men, to a tre and a ſtoon, þat `ſeen not, xliiii Þis is þe lawe which Moiſes `ſettide forþ bifor þe
neþer heren, neþer eten, neþer ſmellen. ſones of Iſrael,
xxix And whanne þou haſt ſouȝt þere þi Lord God, þou xlv and þeſe ben þe witneſſyngis, and cerymonyes, and
ſchalt fynde hym; if neþeles þou ſekiſt wiþ al þe herte, domes, whiche he ſpak to þe ſones of Iſrael, whanne þei
and wiþ al þe tribulacioun of þi ſoule. ȝeden out of Egipt,
xxx Aftir þat alle þingis han founde þee, þat ben xlvi biȝende Jordan, in þe valey aȝens þe temple of
biforſeid, forſoþe in þe laſte tyme, þou ſchalt turne aȝen Phegor, in þe lond of Seon, kyng of Ammorreis, þat
to þi Lord God, and þou ſchalt here his vois. dwellide in Eſebon, whom Moiſes killide. And þe ſones
xxxi For þi Lord God is merciful God; he ſchal not of Iſrael ȝeden out of Egipt, and weldiden `þe lond of
forſake þee, neþir he ſchal do awey outirli, neþir he him,
ſchal forȝete þe couenaunt, in which he ſwoor to þi xlvii and þe lond of Og, kyng of Baſan, twei kyngis of
fadris. Ammoreis, þat weren biȝende Jordan, at þe ryſyng of þe
xxxii Axe þou of elde daies þat weren bifor þee, fro þe ſunne;
day in which þi Lord God made of nouȝt man on erþe, xlviii fro Aroer which is ſet on þe brenke of þe ſtronde of
axe þou fro þat oon ende of heuene `til to þe toþer ende Arnon, `til to þe hil of Seon, which is Hermon;
þerof, if ſich a þing was doon ony tyme, eþer if it was xlix þei weldiden al þe pleyn biȝende Jordan, at þe eeſt
euere knowun, cooſt, `til to þe ſee of wildirneſſe, and `til to þe rootis of
xxxiii þat a puple herde þe vois of God ſpekynge fro þe
þe hil of Phaſga.
myddis of þe fier, as þou herdiſt, and ſieſt;
xxxiiii if God `dide, þat he entride, and took to him ſilf a CAP. V
folc fro þe middis of naciouns, bi temptaciouns, i And Moiſes clepide al Iſrael, and ſeide to hym, Here,
myraclis, and grete wondris, bi batel, and ſtrong hond, þou Iſrael, þe cerymonyes and domes, whiche Y ſpeke
and arm holdun forþ, and orrible ſiȝtis, bi alle þingis to dai in ȝoure eeris; lerne ȝe þo, and `fille ȝe in werk.
whiche ȝoure Lord God dide for ȝou in Egipt, `while ii Oure Lord God made a boond of pees wiþ vs in Oreb;
þin iȝen ſien; iii he made not couenaunt, `þat is, of lawe writun, wiþ
xxxv þat þou ſchuldiſt wite, þat þe Lord hym ſilf is God,
oure fadris, but wiþ vs þat ben preſent, and lyuen.
and noon oþer is, outakun oon. iiii Face to face he ſpak to vs in þe hil, fro þe myddis of
xxxvi Fro heuene he made þee to here his vois, þat he
þe fier.
ſchulde teche þee; and in erþe he ſchewide to þee his v Y was recouncelere and mediatour bitwixe God and
grettiſte fier, and þou herdiſt þe wordis `of hym fro þe
ȝou in þat tyme, þat Y ſchulde telle to ȝou þe wordis `of
myddis of þe fier;
xxxvii for he louyde þi fadris, and chees her ſeed aftir
hym, for ȝe dredden þe fier, and `ſtieden not in to þe hil.
And `þe Lord ſeide,
hem. And he ledde þee out of Egipt, and ȝede bifore in vi Y am þi Lord God, þat ladde þee out of þe lond of
his greet vertu,
xxxviii þat he ſchulde do awei grettiſte naciouns, and
Egipt, fro þe hows of ſeruage.
vii Þou ſchalt not haue alien Goddis in my ſiȝt.
ſtrongere þan þou, in þin entryng, and þat he ſchulde

viii Þou ſchalt not make to þee a grauun ymage, neþer a xxvi What is ech man, þat he here þe vois of God
licneſſe of alle þingis þat ben in heuene aboue, and þat lyuynge, þat ſpekiþ fro þe myddis of fier, as we herden,
ben in erþe byneþe, and þat lyuen in watris vndur erþe; and þat he may lyue?
ix þou ſchalt not herie þo, `and þou ſchalt not worſchipe xxvii Raþere neiȝe þou, and here þou alle þingis whiche
þo; for Y am þi Lord God, `God a feruent louyer; and Y oure Lord God ſchal ſeie to þee; and þou ſchalt ſpeke to
ȝelde þe wickidneſſe of fadris, in to ſones in to þe vs, and we ſchulen here, and ſchulen do þo wordis.
þridde and þe fourþe generacioun to hem þat haten me, xxviii And whanne þe Lord hadde herd þis, he ſeide to
x and Y do merſy in to many þouſyndis to hem þat louen me, Y herde þe vois of þe wordis of þis puple, whiche
me, and kepen myn heeſtis. þei ſpaken to þee; þei ſpaken wel alle þingis.
xi Þou ſchalt not myſtake þe name of þi Lord God in xxix Who ſchal ȝyue `þat þei haue ſiche ſoule, þat þei
veyn, for he ſchal not be vnpunyſchid, þat takiþ þe drede me, and kepe alle my comaundementis in al
name of God on a veyn þing. tyme, þat it be wel to hem and to þe ſones `of hem, wiþ
xii Kepe þou þe `day of ſabat þat þou halewe it, as þi outen ende?
Lord God comaundide to þee. xxx Go þou, and ſeye to hem, Turne ȝe aȝen in to ȝoure
xiii In ſixe daies þou ſchalt worche, and þou ſchalt do tentis.
alle þi werkis; xxxi Soþeli ſtonde þou here wiþ me, and Y ſchal ſpeke to
xiiii þe ſevenþe day is `of ſabat, þat is þe reſte of þi Lord þee alle comaundementis, and cerymonyes, and domes,
God. Þou ſchalt not do þerynne ony þing of werk; þou, whiche þou ſchalt teche hem, þat þei do þo in þe lond
and þi ſone, and douȝter, ſeruaunt, and handmaide, and which Y ſchal ȝyue to hem in to poſſeſſioun.
oxe, and aſſe, and `al þi werk beeſte, and þe pilgrym xxxii Þerfor kepe ȝe, and `do ȝe þo þingis, whiche þe
which is wiþ ynne þi ȝatis; þat þi ſeruaunt reſte and þin Lord God comaundide to ȝou; ȝe ſchulen not bowe
handmaide, as alſo þou. awey, neþer to þe riȝt ſide neþer to þe left ſide,
xv Biþenke þou, þat alſo þou ſeruediſt in Egipt, and þi xxxiii but ȝe ſchulen go bi þe weie whiche ȝoure Lord
Lord God ledde þee out fro þennus, in a ſtrong hond, God comaundide, þat ȝe lyue, and þat it be wel to ȝou,
and arm holdun forþ; þerfor he comaundide to þee, þat and þat ȝoure daies be lengþid in þe lond of ȝoure
þou ſchuldiſt kepe þe `dai of ſabat. poſſeſſioun.
xvi Onoure þi fadir and þi modir, as þi Lord God
comaundide to þee, þat þou lyue in long tyme, and þat CAP. VI
it be wel to þee, in þe lond which þi Lord God ſchal i Þeſe ben þe comaundementis, and cerymonyes, and
ȝyue to þee. domes, whiche ȝoure Lord God comaundide þat Y
xvii Þou ſchalt not ſle. ſchulde teche ȝou, and þat ȝe do þo in þe lond to which
xviii Þou ſchalt not do letcherie. ȝe paſſen ouer to welde;
xix And þou ſchalt not do þefte. ii þat þou drede þi Lord God, and kepe alle hiſe
xx Þou ſchalt not ſpeke fals witneſſyng aȝens þi comaundementis, and heeſtis, whiche Y comaunde to
neiȝbore. þee, and to þi ſones, and ſones of ſones, in alle þe daies
xxi Þou ſchalt not coueite `þe wijf of þi neiȝbore, not of þi lijf, þat þi daies be lengþid.
iii Þou Iſrael, here, and kepe, þat þou do þo þingis
hows, not feeld, not ſeruaunt, not handmayde, not oxe,
not aſſe, and alle þingis þat ben hiſe. whiche þe Lord comaundide to þee, and þat it be wel to
xxii Þe Lord ſpak þeſe wordis to al ȝoure multitude, in þe þee, and þou be multiplied more, as þe Lord God of þi
fadris bihiȝte, to ȝyue to þee a lond flowynge wiþ mylk
hil, fro þe myddis of fier and of cloude and of myiſt,
and hony.
wiþ greet vois, and addide no þing more; and he wroot iiii Þou Iſrael, here, þi Lord God is o God.
þo wordis in two tablis of ſtoon, whiche he ȝaf to me.
v Þou ſchalt loue þi Lord God of al þin herte, and of al
xxiii Forſoþe after þat ȝe herden þe vois fro þe myddis of
þe derkneſſis, and ſien þe hil brenne, alle ȝe princis of þi ſoule, and of al þi ſtrengþe.
vi And þeſe wordis whiche Y comaunde to þee to dai,
lynagis, and þe grettere men in birþe, neiȝiden to me,
and ſeiden, Lo! ſchulen be in þin herte;
xxiiii oure Lord God ſchewide to vs his maieſte and vii and þou ſchalt telle þo to þi ſones, and þou ſchalt

greetneſſe; we herden his vois fro þe myddis of fier, and þenke on þo, ſittynge in þin hows, and goynge in þe
we preueden to day þat a man lyuede, `while God ſpak weie, ſlepynge, and ryſinge.
viii And þou ſchalt bynde þo as a ſigne in þin hond; and
wiþ man.
xxv Whi þerfor ſchulen we die, and ſchal þis gretteſte þo ſchulen be, and ſchulen be moued bifor þin iȝen; and
fier deuoure vs? For if we heren more þe vois of oure þou ſchalt write þo in þe lyntel,
ix and in þe doris of þin hows.
Lord God, we ſchulen die.

x And whanne þi Lord God haþ brouȝt þee in to þe lond, Canenei, and Pherezei, Euey, and Jebuſei; ſeuene folkis,
for which he ſwoor to þi fadris, to Abraham, Iſaac, and of myche gretter noumbre þan þou art, and ſtrengere
Jacob, and haþ ȝoue to þee grete citees, and beeſte, þan þou;
whiche þou bildidiſt not, ii and þi Lord God haþ bitake hem to þee, þou ſchalt
xi houſis fulle of alle richeſſis, whiche þou madiſt not, ſmyte hem `til to deeþ, þou ſchalt not make `wiþ hem a
and ciſternes, which þou diggediſt not, `places of vynes, boond of pees, neþer þou ſchalt haue merci on hem,
and `places of olyues, whiche þou plauntidiſt not, iii neþer þou ſchalt felowſchipe mariagis wiþ him; þou
xii and þou haſt ete, and art fillid, ſchalt not ȝyue þi douȝter to þe ſone `of hym, neþer þou
xiii ȝe war diligentli, leſt þou forȝete þe Lord, þat ladde ſchalt take his douȝtir to þi ſone;
iiii for ſche ſchal diſceyue þi ſone, þat he ſue not me, and
þee out of þe lond of Egipt, fro þe hows of ſeruage. Þou
ſchalt drede þi Lord God, and þou ſchalt ſerue hym þat he ſerue more alien goddis; and þe ſtrong veniaunce
aloone, `bi ſeruyce due to God onely, and þou ſchalt of þe Lord ſchal be wrooþ, and ſchal do awei þee ſoone.
ſwere bi his name. v But raþer þou ſchalt do þeſe þingis to hem; deſtrie ȝe
xiiii Ȝe ſchulen not go aftir alien goddis, of alle heþen þe auteris `of hem, and breke ȝe ymagis `of metal, and
men þat ben `in ȝoure cumpas; kitte ȝe doun wodis, and brenne ȝe grauun ymagis.
xv for God is a feruent louyere, þi Lord God is in þe vi For þou art an hooli puple to þi Lord God; þi Lord

myddis of þee, leſt ony tyme þe `ſtrong veniaunce of þi God chees þee, þat þou be a ſpecial puple to hym, of
Lord God be wrooþ aȝens þee, and do awei þee fro `þe alle puplis þat ben on erþe.
face of þe erþe. vii Not for ȝe ouercamen in noumbre alle folkis, þe Lord
xvi Þou ſchalt not tempte þi Lord God, as þou temptidiſt is ioyned to ȝou, and chees ȝow, ſiþen ȝe ben fewere þan
in þe place of temptyng. alle puplis;
xvii Kepe þou þe comaundementis of þi Lord God, and viii but for þe Lord louede ȝou, and kepte þe ooþ which

þe witneſſyngis, and cerymonyes, whiche he he ſwoor to ȝoure fadris; and he ledde ȝou out in ſtrong
comaundide to þee; hond, and aȝen bouȝte ȝou fro þe hows of ſeruage, fro
xviii and do þou þat þat is pleſaunt and good in þe ſiȝt of `þe hows of Farao, kyng of Egipt.
ix And þou ſchalt wite, þat þi Lord God hym ſilf is a
þe Lord, þat it be wel to þee, and þat þou entre, and
welde þe beſte lond, of which þe Lord ſwoor to þi ſtrong God, and feiþful, and kepiþ couenaunt and merſi
fadris, to hem þat louen hym, and to hem þat kepen hiſe
xix þat he ſchulde do awey alle þin enemyes bifor þee, comaundementis, in to a þouſynde generaciouns;
x and ȝeldiþ anoon to hem þat haten hym, ſo þat he
as he ſpak.
xx And whanne þi ſone ſchal axe þee to morewe, þat is, deſtrie hem, and differr no lengere; reſtorynge anoon to
in tyme comyng, and ſchal ſeie, What wolen þeſe hem þat þat þei diſſeruen.
xi Þerfor kepe þou þe comaundementis, and
witneſſyngis, and cerymonyes, and domes to hem ſilf,
whiche oure Lord God comaundide to vs? cerymonyes, and domes, whiche Y comaunde to þee to
xxi þou ſchalt ſeie to hym, We weren `ſeruauntis of dai, þat þou do.
xii If aftir þat þou heriſt þeſe domes, þou kepiſt, and
Farao in Egipt, and þe Lord ledde vs out of Egipt, in
ſtrong hond; doiſt þo, þi Lord God ſchal kepe to þee couenaunt, and
xxii and he dide myraclis, and grete wondris, and werſte, merſi, which he ſwoor to þi fadris.
xiii And he ſchal loue þee, and ſchal multiplie þee, and
`þat is, mooſt peyneful veniaunces, in Egipt, aȝens
Farao and al his hows, in oure ſiȝt. he ſchal bleſſe þe fruyt of þi wombe, and þe fruyt of þi
xxiii And he ledde vs out þerof, þat he ſchulde ȝyue to vs lond, þi wheete, and vindage, oile, and droues of
led yn, þe lond of which he ſwoor to oure fadris. beeſtis, and þe flockis of þi ſcheep, on þe lond for
xxiiii And þe Lord comaundide to vs, þat we do alle þeſe which he ſwoor to þi fadris, þat he ſchulde ȝyue it to
lawful þingis, and drede oure Lord God, þat it be wel to þee.
xiiii Þou ſchalt be bleſſid among alle puplis; noon bareyn
vs in alle þe daies of oure lijf, as it is to dai.
xxv And he ſchal be merciful to vs, if we ſchulen do and of euer eiþir kynde ſchal be at þee, as well in men, as in
kepe alle hiſe heeſtis, bifor oure Lord God, as he þi flockis.
xv Þe Lord ſchal do awei fro þee all ache, `eþer ſorewe;
comaundide to vs.
and he ſchal not brynge to þee þe worſte ſikneſſis of
CAP. VII Egipt, whiche þou knewiſt, but to alle þin enemyes.
i Whanne þi Lord God haþ lad þee in to þe lond, in to xvi And þou ſchalt `deuoure, þat is, diſtrie, alle puplis,

which þou ſchalt entre to welde, and haþ do awey many whiche þi Lord God ſchal ȝyue to þee; þin iȝe ſchal not
folkis bifor þee, Ethei, and Gergeſei, and Ammorrey, ſpare hem, neþir þou ſchalt ſerue þe goddis `of hem, leſt
þei ben in to þe fallyng of þee.

xvii If þou ſeiſt in þin herte, Þeſe folkis ben mo þan Y, v þe fourtiþ ȝeer is; þat þou þenke in þin herte, for as a
hou may Y do awei hem? man techiþ his ſone,
xviii `nyle þou drede, but haue þou mynde, what þingis vi ſo þi Lord God tauȝte þee, þat þou kepe þe
þi Lord God dide to Farao, and alle Egipcians; comaundementis of þi Lord God, and go in hiſe weies,
xix `he dide þe gretteſte veniaunces, whiche þin iȝen and drede hym.
ſien, and miraclis and grete wondris, and þe ſtrong vii For þi Lord God ſchal lede þee in to a good lond, in
hond, and arm `holdun forþ, þat þi Lord God ſchulde to þe lond of ryueris, and of `ſtondynge watris, and of
lede þee out; ſo he ſchal do to alle puplis whiche þou wellis, in whos feeldis and mounteyns þe depþis of
drediſt. floodis breken out;
xx Ferþermore and þi Lord God ſchal ſende venemouſe viii in to þe lond of wheete, of barli, and of vyneris, in
flies in to hem, til he do awei, and deſtrye alle men, þat which lond fige trees, and pumgranadis, and `olyue
fledden þee, and þei ſchulen not mowe be hid. trees comen forþ; in to þe lond of oile, and of hony;
xxi Þou ſchalt not drede hem, for þi Lord is in þe myddis ix where þow ſchalt ete þi breed wiþ out nedyneſſe, and
of þee, grete God, and ferdful. ſchalt vſe þe aboundaunce of alle þingis; of which lond
xxii He hym ſilf ſchal waſte þeſe naciouns in þi ſiȝt, litil þe ſtonys ben yrun, and metals of tyn ben diggid of þe
and litil, and bi partis; þou ſchalt not mow do awey `þo hillis þerof;
naciouns togidere, leſt perauenture beeſtis of erþe be x þat whanne þou haſt ete, and art fillid, þou bleſſe þi
multiplied aȝens þee; Lord God for þe beſte lond which he ȝaf to þee.
xxiii and þi Lord God ſchal ȝyue hem in þi ſiȝt, and he xi Þerfor kepe þou, and ȝe war, leſt ony tyme þou forȝete
ſchal ſle hem, til þei be doon awey outerly. þi Lord God, and diſpiſe hiſe comaundementis, and
xxiiii And he ſchal bitake þe kyngis `of hem in to þin domes, and cerymonyes, whiche Y comaunde to þee to
hondis, and þou ſchalt deſtrie þe names `of hem vndur dai;
heuene; noon ſchal mow aȝenſtonde þee, til þou al to- xii leſt aftir þat þou haſt ete, and art fillid, haſt bildid
breke hem. faire houſis, and haſt dwellid in þo,
xxv Þou ſchalt brenne in fier þe grauun ymagis `of hem; xiii and haſt droues of oxun, and flockis of ſcheep, and
þou ſchalt not coueite þe ſiluer and gold, of whiche þo plente of ſiluer, and of gold, and of alle þingis, þine
ymagis ben maad, neþer þou ſchalt take of þo ony þing herte be reiſid,
to þee, leſt þou offende þerfor, for it is abhominacioun xiiii and þenke not on þi Lord God, þat ledde þee out of
of þi Lord God. þe lond of Egipt, and fro þe hous of ſeruage,
xxvi Neþer þou ſchalt brynge ony þing of þe idol in to xv and was þi ledere in þe greet wildirneſſe and ferdful,
þin hous, leſt þou be maad curſid, as alſo þat idol is; þou in which was a ſerpent brenninge wiþ blaſt, and
ſchalt wlate it as filþe, and þou ſchalt haue it as ſcorpioun, and dipſas, and outirli no `watris; which Lord
defoulyng, and filþis of abhomynacioun, for it is curſid. ledde out ſtremes of þe hardeſte ſtoon,
xvi and fedde þee wiþ manna in þe wildirneſſe, which
CAP. VIII manna þi fadris knewen not. And after þat þe Lord
i Be þou war diligentli, þat þou do ech comaundement
turmentid þee, and preuede, at þe laſt he hadd merſi on
which Y comaunde to þee to dai, þat ȝe moun lyue, and þee,
be multiplied, and þat ȝe entre, and welde þe lond, for xvii leſt þou woldiſt ſeie in þin herte, My ſtrengþe, and
which þe Lord ſwoor to ȝoure fadris. þe myȝt of myn hond ȝaf alle þeſe þingis to me.
ii And þou ſchalt haue mynde of al þe weie, bi which þi xviii But þenke þou on þi Lord God, þat he ȝaf ſtrengþis
Lord God ledde þee by fourti ȝeer, bi deſeert, þat he to þee, þat he ſchulde fille his couenaunt, of whiche he
ſchulde turmente, and ſchulde tempte þee; and þat þo ſwoor to þi fadris, as preſent dai ſchewiþ.
þingis þat weren tretid in `þi ſoule ſchulden be knowun, xix Forſoþe if þou forȝetiſt þi Lord God, and ſueſt aliene
wheþer þou woldiſt kepe hiſe comaundementis, eþir goddis, and worſchipiſt hem `in herte, and onouriſt `wiþ
nay. outforþ, lo! now Y biforſeie to þee, þat þou ſchalt
iii And he turmentide þee wiþ nedyneſſe, and he ȝaf to
periſche outerli;
þee meete, manna which þou knewiſt not, and þi fadris xx as heþen men periſchiden, whiche þe Lord dide awei
`knewen not, þat he ſchulde ſchewe to þee, þat a man in þin entryng, ſo and ȝe ſchulen periſche, if ȝe ſchulen
lyueþ not in breed aloone, but in ech word þat comeþ be vnobedient to þe vois of ȝoure Lord God.
`out of þe Lordis mouþ, `þat is, bi manna, þat cam
down `at þe heeſt of þe Lord.
iiii Þi cloþ, bi which þou were hilid, failide not for
eldneſſe, and þi foot was not brokun underneþe, lo!

CAP. IX xv And whanne Y cam doun fro þe hil brennynge, and
i Here þou, Iſrael; þou ſchalt paſſe Jordan to dai, þat þou helde wiþ euer eiþer hond twei tablis of boond of pees,
welde mooſte naciouns, and ſtrengere þan þou; grete and Y ſeiȝ,
citees, and wallid `til to heuene; xvi þat ȝe hadde ſynned to ȝoure Lord God, and hadden
ii a greet puple, and hiȝ; þe ſones of Enachym, whiche maad to ȝou a ȝotun calf, and hadden forſake ſwiftli þe
þi ſilf `ſieſt, and herdiſt, whiche no man may aȝenſtonde weie of God which he ſchewide to ȝou,
in þe contrarie part. xvii Y caſtide doun þe tablis fro myn hondis, and brak þo
iii Þerfor þou ſchalt wite to dai, þat þi Lord God hym ſilf tablis in ȝoure ſiȝt.
ſchal paſſe bifor þee; he is a fier deuourynge and xviii And Y felde doun bifor þe Lord as `biforto, in
waſtynge, þat ſchal al to breke hem, and ſchal do awei, fourti daies and fourti nyȝtis, and Y eet not breed, `and
and deſtrie bifor þi face ſwiftli, as he ſpak to þee. drank not watir, for alle ȝoure ſynnes whiche ȝe diden
iiii Seie þou not in þin herte, whanne þi Lord God haþ aȝens þe Lord, and terriden hym to `greet wraþþe;
do hem awey in þi ſiȝt, For my riȝtfulneſſe þe Lord xix for Y dredde þe indignacioun and yre of hym, by
brouȝte me yn, þat Y ſchulde welde þis lond; ſiþen þeſe which he was ſtirid aȝens ȝou, and wolde do ȝou awey.
naciouns ben doon awey for her wickidneſſis. And þe Lord herde me alſo in þis tyme.
v For not for þi riȝtfulneſſis, and equyte of þin herte þou xx Alſo þe Lord was wrooþ greteli aȝens Aaron, and
ſchalt entre þat þou welde þe lond `of hem; but for þei wolde alto breke hym, and Y preiede in lijk maner for
diden wickidli, þei weren doon awey, whanne þou hym.
entridiſt, and þat þe Lord ſchulde fille his word which xxi `Forſoþe Y took ȝoure ſynne which ȝe maden, þat is,
he bihiȝte vndur an ooþ to þi fadris, to Abraham, Iſaac, þe calf, and brente it in fier, and Y alto brak in gobetis,
and Jacob. and droof outerli in to duſt, and caſtide forþ in to þe
vi Þerfor wite þou þat not for þi riȝtfulneſſes þi Lord
ſtronde, þat cam doun fro þe hil.
God ȝaf to þee þis beſte lond in to poſſeſſioun, ſiþen þou xxii Alſo in þe brennyng, and in þe temptacioun at þe
art a puple of hardeſte nol. watris of aȝenſeiyng, and in þe Sepulcris of Coueytiſe,
vii Haue þou mynde, and forȝete not, hou in þe
ȝe terriden þe Lord;
wildirneſſe þou terridiſt þi Lord God to greet wraþþe; xxiii and whanne Y ſente ȝou fro Cades Barne, and ſeide,
fro þat dai in which þou ȝediſt out of Egipt `til to þis `Stye ȝe, and welde þe lond which Y ȝaf to ȝou, and ȝe
place, þou ſtriuediſt euere aȝens þe Lord. diſpiſiden þe comaundement of ȝoure Lord God, and ȝe
viii For whi alſo in Oreb þou terridiſt hym, and he was
bileueden not to him, neþer ȝe wolden here his vois;
wrooþ, and wolde do þee awei, whanne Y ſtiede in to þe xxiiii but euere ȝe weren rebel, fro þe day in which Y
hil, bigan to knowe ȝou.
ix þat Y ſchulde take two tablis of ſtoon, þe tablis of xxv And Y lay byfore þe Lord fourti daies and fourti
couenaunt which þe Lord made wiþ ȝou, and Y nyȝtis, in whiche Y biſouȝte hym mekeli, þat he ſchulde
continuede in þe hil fourti daies and nyȝtis, and Y eet not `do awey ȝou, as he manaaſſide.
not breed, and Y drank not watir. xxvi And Y preiede, and ſeide, Lord God, diſtrye not þi
x And þe Lord ȝaf to me, twey tablis of ſtoon, euer eiþer
puple, and þin eritage, which þou `aȝen bouȝtiſt in þi
wrytun wiþ Goddis fyngur, and conteynynge alle þe greetneſſe, which þou leddiſt out of Egipt in ſtrong
wordis whiche he ſpak to ȝou in þe hil, fro þe myddis of hond.
þe fier, whanne þe cumpany of puple was gaderid xxvii Haue þou mynde of þi ſeruauntis, of Abraham,
togidere. Iſaac, and Jacob; biholde þou not þe hardneſſe of þis
xi And whanne fourti daies and ſo many nyȝtis hadden
puple, and þe wickidneſſe, and þe ſynne þerof,
paſſid, þe Lord ȝaf to me twei tablis of ſtoon, tablis of xxviii leſt perauenture þe dwelleris of þe lond, out of
boond of pees; which þou leddiſt vs, ſeien, Þe Lord myȝte not bryng
xii and he ſeide to me, Riſe þou, and go doun for hennys
hem in to þe lond which he bihiȝte to hem, and he
ſoone, for þi puple, which þou leddiſt out of Egipt, han hatide hem; þerfor he ledde hem out þat he ſchulde ſle
forſake ſwiftli þe weie which þou ſchewidiſt to hem, and hem in wildirneſſe;
þei han maad to hem a ȝotun calf. xxix and þei ben þi puple and þin eritage, which þou
xiii And eft þe Lord ſeide to me, `Y ſe þat þis puple is of
leddiſt out in þi greet ſtrengþe, and in þin arm holdun
hard nol; forþ.
xiiii ſuffre þou me, þat I alto breke hym, and do awey þe
name `of hym fro vndur heuene; and Y ſchal ordeyne
þee on a folk which is grettere and ſtrongere þan þis

CAP. X xvi Þerfor circumcide ȝe þe prepucie, `eþir vnclenneſſe,
i In þat tyme þe Lord ſeide to me, Hewe þou twei tablis of ȝoure herte, and no more make ȝe harde ȝoure nol.
of ſtoon to þee, as þe formere weren; and ſtie þou to me xvii For ȝoure Lord God hym ſilf is God of goddis, and
`in to þe hil. And þou ſchalt make an arke, Lord of lordis, `God greet, and miȝti, and feerdful,
ii `eþer a cofere, of tree, and Y ſchal write in þe tablis, which takiþ not perſoone, neþer ȝiftis.
þe wordis þat weren in þeſe tablis whiche þou brakiſt xviii He makiþ doom to þe fadirles, and modirles, and to
bifore; and þou ſchalt putte þo tablis in to þe arke. þe widewe; he loueþ a pilgrym, and ȝyueþ to hym
iii Þerfor Y made an ark of þe trees of Sechim, and lyiflode and cloþing.
whanne Y hadde hewe twei tablis of ſtoon, at þe licneſſe xix And þerfor `loue ȝe pilgryms, for alſo ȝe weren
of þe formere tablis, Y ſtiede in to þe hil, and hadde þe comelyngis in þe lond of Egipt.
tablis in þe hondis. xx Þou ſchalt drede þi Lord God, and þou ſchalt ſerue
iiii And he wroot in þe tablis, bi þat þat he `hadde writun
hym aloone, and þou ſchalt cleue to hym, and þou ſchalt
bifore, ten wordis, whiche þe Lord ſpak to ȝou in þe hil, ſwere in his name.
fro þe myddis of þe fyer, whanne þe puple was gaderid, xxi He is þi preiſyng, and þi God, þat made to þee þeſe
and he ȝaf þe tablis to me. grete dedis, and ferdful, whiche þin iȝen ſiȝen.
v And Y turnide aȝen fro þe hil, and cam doun, and xxii In ſeuenti men þi fadris ȝeden doun in to Egipt, and
puttide þe tablis in to þe arke which Y hadde maad, lo! now þi Lord God haþ multiplied þee as þe ſterris of
`whiche tablis ben þere hidur to, as þe Lord heuene.
comaundide to me.
vi Forſoþe þe ſones of Iſrael moueden tentis fro Beroth
of þe ſones of Jachan in to Moſera, where Aaron was i Þerfor loue þi Lord God, and kepe þou hiſe
deed, and biried, for whom his ſone Eleazar was ſet in comaundementis and cerymonyes, domes and heeſtis, in
preeſthod. al tyme.
vii Fro þennus þei camen in to Galgad; fro which place ii Knowe ȝe to day þo þingis whiche ȝoure ſones
þei ȝeden forþ, and ſettiden tentis in Jehabatha, in þe knowen not, `whiche ſones ſien not þe doctryn of ȝoure
lond of watris and of ſtrondis. Lord God, hiſe grete dedis, and ſtrong hond, and `arm
viii In þat tyme Y departide þe lynage of Leuy, þat it
holdun forþ,
ſchulde bere þe arke of boond of pees of þe Lord, and iii myraclis and werkis, whiche he dide `in þe myddis of
ſchulde ſtonde bifor hym in ſeruyce, and ſchulde bleſſe Egipt to Farao, kyng, and to al `þe lond of hym, and to
in his name til in to preſent dai. al þe ooſt of Egipcians,
ix For which þing Leuy hadde not part, neþer poſſeſſion iiii and to horſis, and carris; hou þe watris of þe reed ſee
wiþ hiſe briþren, for þe Lord hym ſilf is his poſſeſſioun, hiliden hem, whanne þei purſueden ȝou, and þe Lord
as þi Lord God bihiȝte to hym. `dide awei hem `til in to `preſent dai;
x Forſoþe Y ſtood in þe hil as bifore, fourti daies and v and whiche þingis þe Lord dide to ȝou in wilderneſſe,
fourti niȝtis, and þe Lord herde me alſo in þis tyme, and til ȝe camen to þis place;
nolde leeſe þee. vi and to Dathan and Abiron, `þe ſones of Heliab, þat
xi And he ſeide to me, Go þou, and go bifor þis puple,
was `þe ſone of Ruben, whiche þe erþe ſwolewide,
þat it entre, and welde þe lond which Y ſwoor to her whanne his mouþ was openyd, wiþ `þe houſis and
fadris, þat Y ſchulde ȝeue to hem. tabernaclis, and al þe catel `of hem which þei hadden,
xii And now, Iſrael, what axiþ þi Lord God of þee, no
in þe myddis of Iſrael.
but þat þou drede þi Lord, and go in hiſe weies, and þat vii Ȝoure iȝen ſien alle þe grete werkis of þe Lord,
þou loue hym, and ſerue þi Lord God in al þin herte, viii whiche he dide, þat ȝe kepe alle hiſe heeſtis whiche
and in al þi ſoule;
xiii and þat þou kepe þe comaundementis of þi Lord
Y comaunde to dai to ȝou, and þat ȝe moun entre, and
welde þe lond,
God, and þe cerymonyes of hym, whiche Y comaunde ix to which ȝe ſchulen entre, and ȝe lyue þerynne in
to þee to dai, þat it be wel to þee.
xiiii Lo! heuene is of þi Lord God, and heuene of
myche time; which lond, flowynge wiþ mylk and hony,
þe Lord bihiȝte vndur an ooþ to ȝoure fadris and to `þe
heuene; þe erþe and alle þingis þat ben þer ynne ben ſeed of hem.
hiſe; x For þe lond, to which þou ſchalt entre to welde, is not
xv and neþeles þe Lord was glued to þi fadris, and
as þe lond of Egipt, `out of which þou ȝediſt, where
louede hem, and he chees her ſeed after hem, and ȝou of whanne þe ſeed is caſt in þe maner of gardyns, moiſt
alle folkis, as it is preued to dai. waters ben led;
xi but it is hilli, and feldi, and abidiþ reynes fro heuene,

xii which lond þi Lord God biholdiþ, and hiſe iȝen ben xxx aftirþe weie þat goiþ to þe goyng doun of þe ſunne,
þerynne, fro þe bigynnyng of þe ȝeer `til to þe ende in þe lond of Cananey, þat dwelliþ in þe feeldi places
þerof. aȝens Galgala, which is biſidis þe valey goynge and
xiii Þerfor if ȝe ſchulen obeie to myn heeſtis whiche Y entrynge fer.
comaunde to dai to ȝou, þat ȝe loue ȝoure Lord God, xxxi For ȝe ſchulen paſſe Jordan, þat ȝe welde þe lond
and ſerue hym in al ȝoure herte, and in al ȝoure ſoule; which ȝoure Lord God ſchal ȝyue to ȝou, and þat ȝe
xiiii he ſchal ȝyue to ȝoure lond reyn tymeful and late, haue and welde þat lond.
þat ȝe gadere wheete, and wyn, and oile, xxxii Þerfor ſe ȝe, `þat ȝe fille þe cerymonyes and domes,
xv hey of þe feeldis to feede beeſtis, þat ȝe boþe ete and whiche I ſchal ſette to dai in ȝoure ſiȝt.
be fillid.
xvi Be ȝe war, leſt perauenture ȝoure herte be diſſeyued, CAP. XII
i Þeſe ben þe heeſtis and domes, whiche ȝe owen to do,
and ȝe go awei fro þe Lord, and ſerue alien goddis, and
worſchipe hem; in þe lond which þe Lord God of þi fadrys ſchal ȝyue to
xvii and þe Lord be wrooþ, and cloſe heuene, and reynes þee, þat þou welde it, in alle daies in whiche þou ſchalt
come not doun, neþer þe erþe ȝyue his fruyt, and ȝe go on erþe.
ii Diſtrie ȝe alle þe places wherynne heþen men whiche
periſche ſwiftli fro þe beſte lond which þe Lord ſchal
ȝyue to ȝou. ȝe ſchulen welde, worſchipiden her goddis, on hiȝ
xviii Putte ȝe þes wordis in ȝoure hertes and ſoules, and mounteyns, and litle hillis, and vndur ech tre ful of
honge ȝe `þo wordis for a ſigne in þe hondis, and ſette bowis.
iii Diſtrie ȝe `þe auteris of hem, and `breke ȝe þe
ȝe bitwixe ȝoure iȝen.
xix Teche ȝoure ſones, þat þei þenke on þo wordis, ymagis; brenne ȝe þe wodis wiþ fier, and al to breke ȝe
whanne þou ſittiſt in þin hows, and goiſt in þe weie, and þe idolis; deſtrie ȝe `þe names of hem fro þe places.
iiii Ȝe ſchulen not do ſo to ȝoure Lord God;
lyggiſt doun, and riſiſt.
xx Þou ſchalt write þo wordis on þe poſtis, and ȝatis of v but ȝe ſchulen come to þe place which ȝoure Lord God

þin hous, chees of alle ȝoure lynagis, þat he putte his name þere,
xxi þat þe daies of þee and of þi ſones be multiplied in and dwelle þerynne;
vi and ȝe ſchulen come, and ſchulen offre in þat place
þe lond which þe Lord ſwoor to þi fadris, þat he ſchulde
ȝyue to hem, as long as heuene is aboue erþe. ȝoure brent ſacrifices, and ſlayn ſacrifices, þe dymes,
xxii For if ȝe kepen þe heeſtis whiche Y comaunde to and firſte fruytis of ȝoure hondis, and avowis and ȝiftis,
ȝou, and ȝe do þo, þat ȝe loue ȝoure Lord God, and go þe firſte gendrid þingis of oxun, and of ſcheep.
vii And ȝe and ȝoure houſis ſchulen ete þere in þe ſiȝt of
in alle hiſe weies,
xxiii and cleue to hym, þe Lord ſchal deſtrie alle þeſe ȝoure Lord God; and ȝe ſchulen be glad in alle þingis to
heþen men bifor ȝoure face, and ȝe ſchulen welde þo whiche ȝe putten hond, in whiche ȝoure Lord God
folkis þat ben grettere and ſtrongere þan ȝe. bleſſide ȝou.
xxiiii Ech place which ȝoure foot ſchal trede, ſchal be viii Ȝe ſchulen not do þere þo þingis whiche we don here

ȝoure; fro þe deſeert, and fro þe Liban, and fro þe greet to dai, ech man þat ſemeþ riȝtful to `hym ſilf.
ix For `til in to preſent tyme ȝe camen not to reſte and
flood Eufrates `til to þe weſt ſee, ſchulen be ȝoure
termes. poſſeſſioun, which þe Lord God ſchal ȝyue to ȝou.
xxv Noon ſchal ſtonde aȝens ȝou; ȝoure Lord God ſchal x Ȝe ſchulen paſſe Jordan, and ȝe ſchulen dwelle in þe

ȝiue ȝoure outward drede and inward drede on ech lond lond which ȝoure Lord God ſchal ȝyue to ȝou, þat ȝe
which ȝe ſchulen trede, as he ſpak to ȝou. reſte fro alle enemyes `bi cumpas, and dwelle wiþout
xxvi Lo! Y ſette forþ in ȝoure ſiȝt to day bliſſyng and ony drede.
xi In þe place which ȝoure Lord God chees þat his name
xxvii bleſſyng, if ȝe obeien to þe heeſtis of ȝoure Lord be þerynne. Þidur ȝe ſchulen bere alle þingis, whiche Y
God, whiche Y comaunde to ȝou to dai; comaunde, brent ſacrifices, and ſacrifices, and þe
xxviii curſyng, if ȝe heren not þe heeſtis of ȝoure Lord dymes, and firſte fruytis of ȝoure hondis, and what
God, but goen awei fro þe weie which Y ſchewe now to euere is þe beſte in ȝiftis, whiche ȝe auowiden to þe
ȝou, and goen after alien goddis whiche ȝe knowen not. Lord.
xii Þer ȝe ſchulen ete bifor ȝoure Lord God, ȝe, and
xxix Soþeli whanne þi Lord God haþ brouȝt þee in to þe
lond, to which to enhabite þou goiſt, þou ſchalt ſette ȝoure ſones and douȝtris, ȝoure ſeruauntis, and
bleſſyng on þe hil Gariſym, curſyng on þe hil Hebal, ſeruaunteſſis, and þe dekenes, þat dwellen in ȝoure
whiche hillis ben biȝende Jordan, citees; for þei han not oþer part and poſſeſſioun among

xiii Be þou war leſt þou offre þi brent ſacrifices in ech xxix Whanne þi Lord God haþ diſtryed bifor þi face
place which þou ſeeſt, folkis, to whiche þou ſchalt entre to welde, and þou haſt
xiiii but in þat place which þe Lord chees in oon of þi weldid þo folkis, and haſt dwellid in `þe lond of hem,
lynagis þou ſchalt offre ſacrifices, and ſchalt do what xxx be þou war leſt þou ſue hem, aftir þat þei ben
euer þingis Y comaunde to þee. diſtried, whanne þou entriſt, and þou ſeke `þe
xv Forſoþe if þou wolt ete, and þe etyng of fleiſchis cerymonyes of hem, and ſeie, As þeſe folkis
delitiþ þee, ſle þou, and ete, bi þe bleſſyng of þi Lord worſchipyden her goddis, ſo and Y ſchal worſchipe.
God, which he ȝaf to þee in þi citees, wheþer it is xxxi Þou ſchalt not do in lijk manere to þi Lord God; for
vnclene, `þat is, ſpottid eþer wemmed and feble, eþer þei diden to her goddis alle abhomynaciouns whiche þe
clene, `þat is, hool in membris and wiþ out wem, which Lord wlatiþ, and offriden her ſones and douȝtris, and
is leueful to be offrid, þou ſchalt ete as a capret and brenten wiþ fier.
hert; oneli wiþout etyng of blood, xxxii Do þou to þe Lord þis þing oneli which Y
xvi which þou ſchalt ſchede out as watir on þe erþe. comaunde to þee, neþir adde þou ony þing, neþer abate.
xvii Þou ſchalt not mowe ete in þi citees þe tiþis of þi
wheete, wyn, and oile, þe firſte gendrid þingis of CAP. XIII
droues, and of ſcheep, and alle þingis whiche þou haſt i If a prophete riſiþ in þe myddis of þee, eþir he þat ſeiþ
avowid and wolt offre bi fre wille, and þe firſte fruytis hym ſilf to haue ſeyn a dreem, and he biforſeiþ a ſigne
of þin hondis; and a wondur to comynge aftir,
xviii but þou ſchalt ete þo bifor þi Lord God, in þe place ii and þis þat he ſpak bifalliþ, and he ſeiþ to þee, Go we,
which þi Lord God chees, þou, and þi ſone, and douȝter, and ſue alien goddis, whiche þou knowiſt not, and ſerue
ſeruaunt, and ſeruaunteſſe, and þe dekene þat dwelliþ in we hem,
þi citees; and þou ſchalt be glad, and ſchalt be fillid iii þou ſchalt not here þe wordis of þat prophete, eþer of
bifor þi Lord God in alle þingis to whiche þou holdiſt dremere; for ȝoure Lord God aſſaieþ ȝou, þat he wite
forþ þin hond. opynli wheþer ȝe louen hym eþer nay, in al ȝoure herte,
xix Be þou war leſt þou forſake þe dekene in al tyme, `in and in al ȝoure ſoule.
which þou lyueſt in erþe. iiii Sue ȝe ȝoure Lord, and `drede ȝe hym; kepe ȝe his
xx Whanne þi Lord God haþ alargid þi termes, as he comaundementis, and here ȝe `þe vois of hym; ȝe
ſpak to þee, and þou wolt ete fleiſchis, whiche þi ſoule ſchulen ſerue hym, and ȝe ſchulen cleue to hym.
deſiriþ, v Forſoþe þilke prophete, eþer þe feynere of dremes,
xxi forſoþe if þe place is fer, which þi Lord God chees, ſchal be ſlayn; for he ſpak þat he ſchulde turne ȝou awei
þat his name be þere, þou ſchalt ſle of þin oxun, and fro ȝoure Lord God, þat ladde ȝou out of þe lond of
ſcheep, whiche þou haſt, as `þe Lord comaundide to Egipt, and aȝenbouȝte ȝou fro þe hous of ſeruage, þat
þee; and þou ſchalt ete in þi citees as it pleſiþ þee. `þilke prophete ſchulde make þee to erre fro þe weie
xxii As a capret and hert is etun, ſo þou ſchalt ete þo; which þi Lord God comaundide to þee; and þou ſchalt
boþe a cleene man and vncleene ſchulen ete þerof in do awey yuel fro þe myddis of þee.
comyn. vi If þi broþir, þe ſone of þi modir, eþer þi ſone, eþir þi
xxiii Oneli eſchewe þou þis, þat þou ete not blood; for þe douȝter, eþer þe wijf which is in þi boſum, eþir þi
blood `of þo beeſtis is for þe lijf, and þerfor þou owiſt freend whom þou loueſt as þi ſoule, wole counſele þee,
not ete þe lijf wiþ fleiſchis, and ſeiþ priueli, Go we and ſerue alien goddis, whiche
xxiiii but þou ſchalt ſchede as watir `þe blood on þe erþe, þou knowiſt not,
xxv þat it be wel to þee, and to þi ſones after þee, vii and þi fadris, of alle þe folkis `in cumpas, þat ben niȝ

whanne þou haſt do þat, þat pleſiþ in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord. eþer fer, fro þe bigynnyng `til to þe ende of þe lond,
xxvi Soþeli þou ſchalt take þat þat þou `auowidiſt, and viii aſſente þou not to hym, neþer here þou, neþer þin

halewidiſt to þe Lord, and þou ſchalt come to þe place iȝen ſpare hym, þat þou haue mercy,
ix and hide hym, but anoon þou ſchalt ſle hym. Þin hond
which þe Lord chees;
xxvii and þou ſchalt offre þin offryngis, fleiſchis, and be fyrſt on him and aftir þee al þe puple putte to hond.
x He ſchal be oppreſſid wiþ ſtoonus, and `ſchal be ſlayn;
blood, on þe auter of þi Lord God; þou ſchalt ſchede in
þe auter þe blood of ſacrifices; forſoþe þou ſchalt ete þe for he wolde drawe þee awei fro þi Lord God, þat ledde
fleiſchis. þee out of þe lond of Egipt, fro þe hous of ſeruage,
xxviii Kepe þou and here alle þingis whiche Y comaunde xi þat al Iſrael here and drede, and do no more ony þing

to þee, þat it be wel to þee, and to þi ſones after þee, lijk þis þing.
wiþ outen ende, whanne þou haſt do þat, þat is good xii If þou heriſt ony men ſeiynge in oon of þi citees,
and pleſaunt in þe ſiȝt of þi Lord God. whiche þi Lord God ſchal ȝyue to þee to enhabite,

xiii Þe ſones of Belial ȝeden out fro þe myddis of þee, xi Ete ȝe alle clene briddis;
and turneden awei þe dwelleris of þe citee, and ſeiden, xii ete ȝe not vncleene briddis, þat is, an egle, and a
Go we, and ſerue alien goddis whiche ȝe knowen not, gripe,
xiiii enquere þou biſili, and whanne þe treuþe of þe þing xiii and an aliete, ixon, `þat is, a whijt brid leſſe þan a
is biholdun diligentli, if þou fyndiſt þat þis þing is vultur, and is of þe `kynde of vultris, and a vultur, and a
certeyn, which is ſeid, and þat þis abhominacioun is kite bi his kynde,
doon in werk, xiiii and al þing of rauenys kynde,
xv anoon þou ſchalt ſmyte þe dwelleris of þat citee bi þe xv and a ſtrucioun, and a nyȝt crowe, and a lare,
ſcharpneſſe of ſwerd, and þou ſchalt `do it awey, and xvi and an hauk bi his kynde, a fawcun,
alle þingis þat ben þer ynne, `til to beeſtis. xvii and a ſwan, and a ſiconye, and a dippere, a
xvi Alſo what euer þing of purtenaunce of houſhold is,
purſirioun, and a reremous, a cormeraunt,
þou ſchalt gadere in þe myddis of þe ſtretis þerof, and xviii and a caladrie, alle in her kynde; alſo a lapwynke
þou ſchalt brenne wiþ þat citee, ſo þat þou waſte alle
and a backe.
þingis to þi Lord God, and it be a biriel euerlaſtynge; it xix And al þing þat crepiþ, and haþ fynnes, ſchal be
ſchal no more be bildid.
xvii And no þing of þat curſyng ſchal cleue in þin hond, vncleene, and ſchal not be etun.
xx Ete ȝe al þing þat is cleene; ſoþeli what euer þing is
þat þe Lord be turned awei fro þe yre of his ſtrong
veniaunce, and haue mercy on þee, and multiplie þee, deed bi it ſilf, ete ȝe not þerof.
xxi Ȝyue þou to þe pilgrym which is wiþ ynne þi ȝatis,
as he ſwoor to þi fadris.
xviii Whanne þou haſt herd þe vois of þi Lord God, þou þat he ete, eþer ſille þou to hym, for þou art þe hooli
ſchalt kepe alle hiſe heeſtis whiche Y comaunde to þee puple of þi Lord God. Þou ſchalt not ſeþe a kyde in `þe
to day, þat þou do þat þat is pleſaunt in þe ſiȝt of þi Lord mylk of his modir.
xxii Þou ſchalt departe þe tenþe part of alle þi fruytis þat
comen forþ in þe lond bi ech ȝeer;
xxiii and þou ſchal ete in þe ſiȝt of þi Lord God, in þe
i Be ȝe þe ſones of ȝoure Lord God; ȝe ſchulen not kitte place which he chees, þat his name be clepid þerynne;
ȝou, neþer ȝe ſchulen make ballidneſſe, þou ſchalt offre þe tiþe of þi wheete, wyn, and oile, and
ii on a deed man, for þou art an hooli puple to þi Lord þe firſte gendryd þingis of þi droues, and ſcheep, þat
God, and he chees þee þat þou be to hym in to a ſpecial þou lerne to drede þi Lord God in al tyme.
xxiiii Soþeli whanne þe wei is lengere, and þe place
puple, of alle folkis þat ben on erþe.
iii Ete ȝe not þo þingis þat ben vncleene. which þi Lord God chees is fer, and he haþ bleſſid þee,
iiii Þis is a beeſte which ȝe ſchulen ete; an oxe, and a and þou maiſt not bere alle þeſe þingis to þat place,
xxv þou ſchalt ſille alle þingis, and ſchalt turne in to
ſcheep, and a goet, an hert,
v a capret, a `wielde oxe, tregelafun, `þat is, a beeſte in prijs, and þou ſchalt bere in þin hond, and þou ſchalt go
to þe place which þi Lord God chees;
parti lijk `a buk of geet, and in parti liik an hert, a xxvi and þou ſchalt bie of þe ſame money what euer þing
figarde, an oſtrich, a camelioun, `þat is, a beeſte lijk in
þe heed to a camel, and haþ white ſpottis in þe bodi as a pleſiþ to þee, eþir of droues, eþer of ſcheep; alſo þou
parde, and `is lijk an hors in þe necke, and in þe feet is ſchalt bie wyn, and ſidur, and al þing þat þi ſoule
lijc a `wilde oxe, and a parde. deſiriþ; and þou ſchalt ete bifor þi Lord God, and þou
vi Ȝe ſchulen ete ech beeſte þat departiþ þe clee `in to ſchalt make feeſte,
xxvii þou, and þin hows, and þe dekene which is
twei partis, and chewiþ code.
vii Soþeli ȝe ſchulen not ete þeſe beeſtis, of þeſe þat wiþynne þi ȝatis; be þou war leſt þou forſake hym, for
he haþ not oþer part in poſſeſſioun.
chewen code, and departen not þe clee; a camel, an xxviii In þe þridde ȝeer þou ſchalt departe anoþer dyme
hare, and a cirogrille, `þat is, a beeſte ful of prickis, and
is more þan an irchoun; for þo chewen code, and of alle þingis þat growen to þee in þat ȝeer, and þou
departen not þe clee, þo ſchulen be vncleene to ȝou; ſchalt kepe wiþynne þi ȝatis.
xxix And þe dekene ſchal come, whych haþ noon oþer
viii alſo a ſwyn, for it departiþ þe clee, and chewiþ not
code, ſchal be vncleene; ȝe ſchulen not ete þe fleiſchis part neþer poſſeſſioun wiþ þee, and þe pilgrym, and þe
of þo, and ȝe ſchulen not touche þe deed bodies. fadirles, eþer modirles child, and widue, þat ben
ix Ȝe ſchulen ete þeſe þingis, of alle þat dwellen in wiþynne þi ȝatis, `ſchulen come, and ſchulen ete, and be
fillid, þat þi Lord God bleſſe þee, in alle werkis of þin
watris; ete ȝe þo þingis þat han fynnes and ſcalis;
x ete ȝe not þo þingis þat ben wiþ out fynnes and ſcalis, hondis whiche þou ſchalt do.
for þo ben vncleene.

CAP. XV xvii and þou ſchalt peerſe his eere in þe ȝate of þin hous,
i In þe ſeuenþe ȝeer þou ſchalt make remyſſioun, and he ſchal ſerue þee til in to þe world, `þat is til to þe
ii þat ſchal be fillid bi þis ordre. To whom ony þing is iubilee, eþir fiftiþe ȝeer; alſo þou ſchalt do in lijk maner
`dettid, eþir owid of his freend, eþer neiȝbore, and to þe handmayde.
broþer, he ſchal not mowe axe, for it is þe ȝeer of xviii Þou ſchalt not turne awei fro hem þin iȝen, whanne
remyſſioun of þe Lord. þou ſchalt delyure hem fre, for bi þe hire of an hirid
iii Þou ſchalt axe of a pilgrym and comelyng; þou haſt man þei ſerueden þee bi ſixe ȝeer; þat þi Lord God
not power to axe of a citeſeyn and neiȝbore; bleſſe þee, in alle þe werkis whiche þou doiſt.
iiii and outerli a nedi man and begger ſchal not be xix Of þe firſt gendrid þingis þat ben borun in þi droues,

among ȝou, þat þi Lord God bleſſe þee, in þe lond and ſcheep, what euer is of male kynde, þou ſchalt
which he ſchal ȝyue to þee in to þe poſſeſſioun. halewe to þi Lord God. Þou ſchalt not worche in þe
v If neþeles þou ſchalt here þe vois of þi Lord God, and firſte gendrid þing `of oxe, and þou ſchalt not clippe þe
ſchalt kepe alle þingis whiche he comaundide, and firſte gendrid þinges of ſcheep.
xx Þou ſchalt ete þo bi alle ȝeeris in þe ſiȝt of þi Lord
whiche Y comaunde to dai to þee, he ſchal bleſſe þee, as
he bihiȝte. God, þou, and þin hows, in þe place `which þe Lord
vi Þou ſchalt leene to many folkis, and þou ſchalt not chees.
xxi Soþeli if it haþ a wem, eþir is crokid, eþir is blynd,
take borewyng of ony man; þou ſchalt be lord of ful
many naciouns, and no man ſchal be lord of þee. eþir is foul, eþir feble in ony part, it ſchal not be offrid
vii If oon of þi briþeren þat dwellen wiþ ynne þe ȝatis of to þi Lord God;
xxii but þou ſchalt ete it wiþ ynne þe ȝatis of þi citee,
þi citee, in þe lond which þi Lord God ſchal ȝyue to
þee, comeþ to pouert, þou ſchalt not make hard þin boþe a cleene man and vncleene ſchulen ete þo in lijk
herte, neþer þou ſchalt `drawe to gydere þe hond, maner, as a capret and an hert.
viii but þou ſchalt opene it to þe pore man, and þou xxiii Onely þou ſchalt kepe þis, þat þou ete not þe blood

ſchalt `ȝyue loone to which þou ſieſt hym haue nede. of þo, but ſchede out as watir in to erþe.
ix Be þou war leſt perauenture wickid þouȝt crepe
priueli to þee, and þou ſeie in þin herte, Þe ſeuenþe ȝeer CAP. XVI
i Kepe þou þe moneþe of newe fruytis, and of þe
of remyſſioun neiȝeþ; and þou turne awey þe iȝen fro þi
pore broþer, and þou nyle ȝyue to hym þe loone þat he bigynnyng of ſomer, þat þou make paſk to þi Lord God;
axiþ; leſt he crie aȝens þee to þe Lord, and it be maad to for in þis moneþe þi Lord God ledde þee out of Egipt in
þee in to ſynne. þe nyȝt.
x But þou ſchalt ȝyue to hym, and þou ſchalt `not do ony ii And þou ſchalt offre paſk to þi Lord God, of ſcheep

þing falſly in releuynge `hiſe nedis, þat þi Lord God and of oxun, in þe place which þi Lord God chees, þat
bleſſe þee in al tyme, and in alle þingis to whiche þou his name dwelle þere.
ſchalt ſette to hond. iii Þou ſchalt not ete `þer ynne breed `diȝt wiþ ſourdouȝ;
xi Pore men ſchulen not faile in þe lond of `þin in ſeuene daies þou ſchalt ete breed of affliccioun, wiþ
habitacioun; þerfor Y comaunde to þee, þat þou opene out ſourdouȝ, for in drede þou ȝediſt out of Egipt, þat
þe hond to þi broþer nedi and pore, þat lyuen wiþ þee in þou haue mynde of þe dai of þi goyng out of Egipt, in
þe lond. alle þe daies of þi lijf.
xii Whanne þi broþir an Ebrew man, eþir an Ebrew iiii No þing `diȝt wiþ ſourdouȝ ſchal appere in alle þi

womman, is ſeeld to þee, and haþ ſerued þee ſixe ȝeer, termes by ſeuene daies, and of þe fleiſchis of þat þat is
in þe ſeuenþe ȝeer þou ſchalt delyuere hym fre. offrid in þe euentid, ſchal not dwelle in þe firſte dai in
xiii And þou ſchalt not ſuffre hym go awey voide, to þe morewtid.
v Þou ſchalt not mow offre paſk in ech of þi citees
whom þou haſt ȝyue fredom;
xiiii but þou ſchalt ȝyue lijflode in þe weye, of flockis, whiche þi Lord God ſchal ȝyue to þee,
vi but in þe place which þi Lord God chees, þat his
and of cornfloor, and of þi preſſour, in whiche þi Lord
God haþ bleſſid þee. name dwelle þere; þou ſchalt offre paſk in þe euentid, at
xv Haue þou mynde þat alſo þou ſeruediſt in þe lond of þe goyng doun of þe ſunne, whanne þou ȝediſt out of
Egipt, and þi Lord God delyurede þee, `eþer made þee Egipt.
vii And þou ſchalt ſeþe, and ete, in þe place which þi
free, and þerfor Y comaunde now to þee.
xvi Forſoþe if `þe ſeruaunt ſeiþ, Y nyle go out, for he Lord God haþ choſe, and þou ſchalt riſe in þe morewtid
loueþ þee, and þin hows, and feeliþ þat it is wel to hym of þe ſecunde dai, and þou ſchalt go in to þi tabernaclis.
viii Bi ſixe daies þou ſchalt ete þerf breed; and in þe
at þee, þou ſchalt take `a nal,
ſeuenþe dai, for it is þe gaderyng of þi Lord God, þou
ſchalt not do werk.

ix Þou ſchalt noumbre to þee ſeuene woukis, fro þat dai oon of þi ȝatis whiche þi Lord God ſchal ȝyue to þee,
in which þou ſettidiſt a ſikil in to þe corn; and þei breken þe couenaunt of God,
x and þou ſchalt halewe þe feeſte dai of woukis to þi iii þat þei go and ſerue alien goddis, and worſchipe hem,

Lord God, a wilful offryng of þyn hond, which þou þe ſunne, and moone, and al þe knyȝthod of heuene,
ſchalt offre by þe bleſſing of þi Lord God. whiche þingis Y comaundide not;
xi And þou ſchalt ete bifore þi Lord God, þou, and þi iiii and þis is teld to þee, and þou heriſt, and `enqueriſt

ſone, and þi douȝtir, and þi ſeruaunt, and þin diligentli, and fyndiſt þat it is ſoþ, and abhomynacioun
handmayde, and þe dekene which is wiþ ynne þi ȝatis, is doon in Iſrael;
and þe comelynge, and þe fadirles eþir modirles child, v þou ſchalt lede out þe man and þe womman, þat diden
and þe widue, þat dwellen wiþ ȝou, in þe place `which a mooſt curſid þing, to þe ȝatis of þy citee, and þei
þi Lord God chees þat his name dwelle þere. ſchulen be oppreſſid wiþ ſtoonus.
xii And þou ſchalt haue mynde for þou were ſeruaunt in vi He þat ſchal be ſlayn, ſchal periſche in þe mouþ of
Egipt, and þou ſchalt kepe and do þo þingis þat ben tweyne, eþir of þre witneſſis; no man be ſlayn, for o
comaundid. man ſeiþ witneſſyng aȝens hym.
xiii And þou ſchalt halewe þe ſolempnytee of tabernaclis vii Þe hond of witneſſis ſchal firſt ſle hym, and þe laſt
bi ſeuene daies, whanne þou haſt gaderid þi fruytis of þe hond of þe toþir puple ſchal be ſent, þat þou do awei
cornfloor, and preſſour. yuel fro þe myddis of þee.
xiiii And þou ſchalt ete in þi feeſte dai, þou, and þi ſone, viii If þou perſeyueſt, þat hard and douteful doom is at
and douȝtir, and þi ſeruaunt, and handmayde, alſo þe þee, bitwixe blood and blood, cauſe and cauſe, lepre and
dekene, and comelyng, and þe fadirles eþer modirles not lepre, and þou ſeeſt þat þe wordis of iugis wiþ ynne
child, and þe widewe, þat ben wiþ ynne þi ȝatis, þi ȝatis ben dyuerſe; riſe þou, and ſtie to þe place which
`ſchulen ete. þi Lord God haþ chooſe;
xv Bi ſeuene daies þou ſchalt halewe feeſtis to þi Lord ix and þou ſchalt come to þe preeſtis of þe kyn of Leuy,
God, in þe place which þe Lord chees; and þi Lord God and to þe iuge which is in þat tyme, and þou ſchalt axe
ſchal bleſſe þee, in alle þi fruytis, and in al þe werk of of hem, whiche ſchulen ſchewe to þee þe treuþe of
þin hondis, and þou ſchalt be in gladneſſe. doom.
xvi In þre tymes bi þe ȝeer al þi male kynde ſchal appere x And þou ſchalt do, what euer þing þei ſeien, þat ben
in þe ſiȝt of þi Lord, in þe place which he chees, in þe ſouereyns in þe place which þe Lord chees, and techen
ſolempnyte of þerf looues, and in þe ſolempnyte of þee bi þe lawe of þe Lord;
woukis, and in þe ſolempnyte of tabernaclis. A man xi þou ſchalt ſue þe ſentence of hem; þou ſchalt not
ſchal not appere voide bifor þe Lord; bowe to þe riȝt ſide, eþer to þe lefte.
xvii but ech man ſchal offre vpe þis þat he haþ, bi þe xii Forſoþe þat man ſchal die, which is proud, and nyle
bleſſyng of his Lord God, which he ȝaf to `þat man. obeie to þe comaundement of þe preeſt, `þat mynyſtriþ
xviii Þou ſchalt ordeyne `iugis, and mayſtris, in alle þi in þat tyme to þi Lord God, and to þe ſentence of iuge,
ȝatis whiche þi Lord God ſchal ȝyue to þee, bi ech of þi and þou ſchalt do awei yuel fro þe myddis of Iſrael;
lynagis, þat þei deme þe puple bi iuſt doom, xiii and al þe puple ſchal here, and drede, þat no man fro
xix and bowe not in `to þe toþer part for fauour, eþir þennus forþ bolne wiþ pride.
ȝifte `aȝens equete. Þou ſchalt not take perſoone neþer xiiii Whanne þou haſt entrid in to þe lond, which þi Lord
ȝiftis, for whi ȝiftis blynden þe iȝen of wiſe men, `and God ſchal ȝyue to þee, and weldiſt it, and dwelliſt
chaungen þe wordis of iuſt men. þerynne, and ſeiſt, Y ſchal ordeyne a kyng on me, as alle
xx Þou ſchalt purſue iuſtli þat þat is iuſt, þat þou lyue naciouns `bi cumpas han;
and welde þe lond which þi Lord God ſchal ȝyue to þee. xv þou ſchalt ordeyne hym, whom þi Lord God cheſiþ of
xxi Þou ſchalt not plaunte a wode, and ech tre bi þe auter þe noumbre of þi breþren. Þou ſchalt not mow make
of þi Lord God; king a man of anoþir folk, which man is not þi broþer.
xxii neþer þou ſchalt make to þee, and ordeyne an xvi And whanne þe king is ordeyned, he ſchal not
ymage; whiche þingis þi Lord God hatiþ. multiplie horſis to hym, neþir he ſchal lede aȝen þe
puple in to Egipt, neþir he ſchal be reiſid bi þe noumbre
CAP. XVII of knyȝtis, mooſt ſiþen þe Lord comaundide to ȝou, þat
i Þou ſchalt not offre to þi Lord God an oxe and a ȝe turne no more aȝen bi þe ſame weie.
ſcheep in which is a wem, eþer ony þing of vice, for it xvii Þe kyng ſchal not haue ful many wyues, þat drawen
is abhominacioun to þi Lord God. his ſoule `to ouer myche fleiſchlyneſſe, neþer `he ſchal
ii And whanne a man eþer a womman, þat doon yuel in haue grete burþuns of ſiluer and of gold.
þe ſiȝte of þi Lord God, ben foundun at þee, wiþ ynne

xviii Forſoþeafter þat he haþ ſete in þe trone of his xiii Þou ſchalt be perfit and wiþout filþe, wiþ þi Lord
rewme, he ſchal write to himſilf þe deuteronomy of þis God.
lawe in a `volym eþer book, and he ſchal take `a xiiii Þeſe heþen men, `þe lond of whiche þou ſchalt
ſaumpler at preeſtis of `þe kyn of Leuy; welde, heren hem þat worchen bi chiteryng of briddis,
xix and he ſchal haue it wiþ hym, and he ſchal rede it in and falſe dyuynouris; forſoþe þou art tauȝt in oþer
alle þe daies of his lijf, þat he lerne to drede his Lord maner of þi Lord God.
God, and to kepe hiſe wordis and cerymonyes, þat ben xv Þi Lord God ſchal reiſe a prophete of þi folk and of þi
comaundid in þe lawe; briþeren as me, þou ſchalt here hym;
xx neþer his herte be reiſid in to pride on hiſe briþren, xvi as þou axidiſt of þi Lord God in Oreb, whanne þe
neþer bowe he in to þe riȝt ſide, eþer left ſide, þat he cumpany was gaderid, and þou ſeidiſt, Y ſchal no more
regne long tyme, he and hiſe ſones on Iſrael. here þe vois of my Lord God, and Y ſchal no more ſe
`þis grettiſte fier, leſt Y die.
CAP. XVIII xvii And þe Lord ſeide to me, Þei ſpaken wel alle þingis.
i Preeſtis and dekenes, and alle men þat ben of þe ſame xviii Y ſchal reiſe to hem a prophete, lijk þee, of þe
lynage, ſchulen `not haue part and eritage wiþ þe toþer myddis of her briþeren, and Y ſchal putte my wordis in
puple of Iſrael, for þei ſchulen ete þe ſacrifices of þe his mouþ, and he ſchal ſpeke to hem alle þingis, whiche
Lord, and þe offryngis of hym; I ſchal comaunde to him.
ii and þei ſchulen not take ony oþir þing of þe xix Forſoþe Y ſchal be vengere of `þat man, þat nyle
poſſeſſioun of her briþeren; for þe Lord hym ſilf is þe here þe wordis `of hym, whiche he ſchal ſpeke in my
`eritage of hem, as he ſpak to hem. name.
iii Þis ſchal be þe doom of preeſtis of þe puple, and of xx `Soþeli a prophete `ſchal be ſlayn, which is
hem þat offren ſacrifices; wheþer `þei offren an oxe, biſchrewid wiþ pride, and wole ſpeke in my name þo
eþer a ſcheep, þei ſchulen ȝyue to þe preeſt þe ſchuldre, þingis, whiche Y comaundide not to hym, þat he
and þe paunche, þe firſte fruytis of wheete, ſchulde ſeie, eþir bi þe name of alien goddis.
iiii and of wyn, and of oile, and a part of wollis of þe xxi Þat if þou anſweriſt bi pryuy þouȝt, Hou may Y
ſcheryng of ſcheep. vndirſtonde þe word, which þe Lord ſpak not? þou
v For þi Lord God chees hym of alle þi lynagis, þat he
ſchalt haue þis ſigne,
ſtonde and mynyſtre to `þe name of þe Lord, he and hiſe xxii `Þe Lord ſpak not þis þing which þilke prophete
ſones, wiþ outen ende. biforſeid in þe name of þe Lord, `and it bifalliþ not, but
vi If a dekene goiþ out of oon of þi citees of al Iſrael, in
`þe prophete feynede bi þe pride of his ſoule, and þerfor
which he dwelliþ, `and wole come and deſiriþ þe place þou ſchalt not drede hym.
which þe Lord chees,
vii he ſchal mynyſtre in þe name of his Lord God as alle CAP. XIX
hiſe briþeren dekenes, þat ſchulen ſtonde in þat tyme i Whanne þi Lord God haþ diſtried þe folkis, whoſe lond
byfore þe Lord. he ſchal ȝyue to þee, and þou haſt weldid it, and haſt
viii He ſchal take þe ſame part of meetis, `which and dwellid in þe citees and houſis þerof;
oþere dekenes ſchulen take; outakun þat þat is due to ii þou ſchalt departe þre citees to þee `in þe myddis of
hym in his citee, bi `ſucceſſioun eþir eritage `of fadir. þe lond which þi Lord God ſchal ȝyue to þee into
ix Whanne þou haſt entrid in to þe lond which þi Lord poſſeſſioun.
God ſchal ȝyue to þee, be þou war leſt þou wole ſue iii Þou ſchalt make redi diligentli þe weye, and þou
abhomynaciouns of þo folkis; ſchalt departe euenly in to þre partis al þe prouynce of
x noon be foundun in þee þat clenſiþ his ſone, eþer his þi lond, þat he þat is exilid for manſleyng, haue `of nyȝ
douȝtir, `and lediþ bi þe fier, eþir þat axiþ queſtiouns of whidur he may aſcape.
dyuynouris `þat dyuynen aboute þe auteris, and þat iiii Þis ſchal be þe lawe of a manſleere fleynge, whos lijf
takeþ hede to dremes and chiteryng of bryddis; neþir ſchal be kept. If a man ſmytiþ vnwityngli his neiȝbore,
ony wicche be, and which is preuyd to haue not had ony hatered aȝens
xi neþir an enchauntere, `þat is, þat diſſeyueþ mennus hym ȝiſtirdai and þe þridde dai agoon,
iȝen þat a þing ſeme þat is not; neþer a man take counſel v but to haue go ſympli wiþ hym in to þe wode to hewe
at hem þat han a feend ſpekynge `in þe wombe, neþer doun trees, and in þe fellyng doun of trees þe axe fleeþ
take counſel at falſe dyuynouris neþir ſeke of deed men fro þe hond, and þe yrun ſlidiþ fro þe helue, and ſmytiþ,
þe treuþe. and ſleeþ his freend; þis man ſchal flee to oon of þe
xii For þe Lord haþ abhomynacioun of alle þeſe þingis, forſeid citees, and ſchal lyue;
and for ſiche wickidneſſis he ſchal do awei hem in þin

vi leſt perauenture þe next kyneſman of hym, whos CAP. XX
blood is ſched out, be prickid wiþ ſorewe, and `purſue, i If þou goiſt out to batel aȝens þin enemyes, and ſeeſt
and take hym, if þe weie is lengere, and ſmyte `þe lijf of multitude of knyȝtis, and charis, and grettere multitude
hym which is not gilti of deeþ; for it is ſchewid þat he of þe aduerſarie ooſt þan þou haſt, þou ſchalt not drede
hadde not ony hatered bifore aȝens hym þat is ſlayn. hem; for þi Lord God is wiþ þee, þat ledde þee out of þe
vii Þerfor Y comaunde to þee, þat þou departe þre citees lond of Egipt.
of euene ſpace bitwixe hem ſilf. ii Soþeli whanne þe batel neiȝeþ now, þe preeſt ſchal
viii Forſoþe whanne þi Lord God haþ alargid þi termes, ſtonde bifor þe ſcheltrun, and þus he ſchal ſpeke to þe
as he ſwoor to þi fadris, and haþ ȝoue to þee al þe lond puple,
which he bihiȝte to hem; if neþeles þou kepiſt hiſe iii Þou, Iſrael, here to dai, ȝe han batel aȝens ȝoure
comaundementis, enemyes; ȝoure herte drede not, `nyle ȝe drede; nyle ȝe
ix and doiſt þo þingis whiche Y comaunde to þee to day, ȝyue ſtede, drede ȝe not hem;
þat þou loue þi Lord God, and go in hiſe weies in al iiii for ȝoure Lord God is in þe myddis of ȝou, and he
tyme, þou ſchalt adde to þee þre oþere citees, and þou ſchal fiȝte for ȝou aȝens aduerſaries, þat he delyuere ȝou
ſchalt double þe noumbre of þe forſeid citees, fro perel.
x þat gilteles blood be not ſched out in þe myddis of þe v `Alſo þe duykis ſchulen crie bi alle cumpanyes, `while
lond which þi Lord God ſchal ȝyue to þee to haue in þe ooſt ſchal here, Who is a man þat bildide a newe
poſſeſſioun, leſt þou be gilti of blood. hows, and halewide not it? go he and turne aȝen into his
xi Forſoþe if ony man hatiþ his neiȝbore, and ſettiþ hows, leſt perauenture he die in batel, and anoþer man
aſpies, `eþer treſouns, to his lijf, and riſiþ, and ſmytiþ halewe it.
him, and he is deed, and he fleeþ to oon of þe forſeid vi Who is a man þat plauntide a vyner, and not ȝit made
citees, it to be comyn, and of which it is leeueful to alle men to
xii þe eldere men of þat citee ſchulen ſende, and `þei ete? go he, and turne aȝen in to his hows, leſt
ſchulen take hym fro þe place of refuyt; and þei ſchulen perauenture he die in batel, and anoþir man be ſet in his
bitake hym in to þe hond of þe nexte kyneſman of hym, office.
whos blood is ſched out, vii Who is a man þat ſpowſide a wijf, and `took not hir
xiii and he ſchal die, and þou ſchalt not haue mercy on `bi fleiſchli knowyng? go he, and turne aȝen in to his
hym; and þou ſchalt do awey gilti blood fro Iſrael, þat it hows, leſt perauenture he die in batel, and anoþir man
be wel to þee. take hir.
xiiii Þou ſchalt not take, and turne ouer þe termes of þi viii Whanne þeſe þingis ben ſeid, þei ſchulen adde oþere

neiȝbore, which þe formere men ſettiden in þi þingis, and ſchulen ſpeke to þe peple, Who is a ferdful
poſſeſſioun, which þi Lord God ſchal ȝyue to þee in þe man, and of gaſtful herte? go he, and turne aȝen in to
lond, `which lond þou ſchalt take `to be weldid. his hows, leſt he make `þe hertis of his briþeren for to
xv O witneſſe ſchal not ſtonde aȝens ony man, what euer drede, as he is agaſt bi drede.
ix And whanne þe duykis of þe ooſt ben ſtille, and han
þing it is of ſynne and of wickidneſſe; but ech word
ſchal ſtonde in þe mouþ of tweyne eþir of þre witneſſis. maad ende of ſpeking, ech `of þe princis and
xvi If a fals witneſſe ſtondiþ aȝens a man, and accuſiþ cheuenteyns of þe ooſt ſchal make redie his cumpeneyes
hym of brekyng of þe lawe, boþe, to batel.
xvii of whiche þe cauſe is, ſchulen ſtonde bifor þe Lord, x If ony tyme þou ſchalt go to a citee to ouercome it,

in þe ſiȝt of preeſtis, and of iugis, þat ben in þo daies. firſt þou ſchalt profire pees to it.
xviii And whanne þei ſekynge mooſt diligentli han xi If þe citee reſſeyueþ, and openeþ to þee þe ȝatis, al þe

founde þat þe fals witneſſe ſeide a leeſyng aȝens his puple þat is þer ynne ſchal be ſaued, and ſchal ſerue þee
broþir, vndur tribut.
xix þei ſchulen ȝelde to hym, as he þouȝte to do to his xii Soþeli if þey nylen make boond of pees, and

broþer; and þou ſchalt do awey yuel fro þe myddis of bigynnen batel aȝens þee, þou ſchalt fiȝte aȝens it.
xiii And whanne þi Lord God haþ bitake it in þin hond,
þee, þat oþere men here,
xx and haue drede, and be no more hardi to do ſiche þou ſchalt ſmyte bi þe ſcharpneſſe of ſwerd al þing of
þingis. male kynde which is þer ynne,
xxi Þou ſchalt not haue mercy on hym, but þou ſchalt xiiii wiþ out wymmen, and ȝonge children, beeſtis and

axe lijf for lijf, iȝe for iȝe, tooþ for tooþ, hond for hond, oþere þingis þat ben in þe citee. Þou ſchalt departe al þe
foot for foot. prey to þe ooſt, and þou ſchalt ete of þe ſpuylis of þin
enemyes, whiche ſpuylis þi Lord God ȝaf to þee.

xv Þus þou ſchalt do to alle þe citees, þat ben ful fer fro x If þou goiſt out to batel aȝens þin enemyes, þat þi Lord
þee, and ben not of þeſe citees which þou ſchalt take in God bitakiþ hem in þin hond, and þou lediſt priſoneris,
to poſſeſſioun. xi and þou ſeeſt in þe noumbre of priſounneris a fair
xvi Soþeli of þeſe citees þat ſchulen be ȝouun to þee, þou womman, and þou loueſt hir, and wole haue hir to wijf,
ſchalt not ſuffre eny to lyue, xii þou ſchalt brynge hir in to þin hows; `which
xvii but þou ſchalt ſle bi þe ſcharpneſſe of ſwerd; þat is to womman ſchal ſchaue þe heer, and ſchal kitte þe nailes
ſeie, Ethei, and Ammorrey, and Cananei, Ferezei, Euey, aboute, and ſche ſchal putte awei þe clooþ,
and Jebuſei, as `þi Lord God comaundide to þee; xiii wher ynne ſche was takun, and ſche ſchal ſitte in þin
xviii leſt perauenture þei techen ȝou to do alle hows, and ſchal biwepe hir fadir and modir o moneþe;
abhomynaciouns, whiche þei wrouȝten to her goddis, and aftirward þou ſchalt entre to hir, and ſchalt ſleepe
and ȝe doon ſynne aȝens ȝoure Lord God. wiþ hir, and ſche ſchal be þi wijf.
xix Whanne þou haſt biſegid a citee `in myche tyme, and xiiii But if aftirward ſche ſittiþ not in þi ſoule, `þat is,
haſt cumpaſſid wiþ ſtrengþingis þat þou ouercome it, pleſiþ not þi wille, þou ſchalt delyuere hir fre, neþir þou
þou ſchalt not kitte doun trees, of whiche `me may ete, ſchalt mowe ſille hir for money, neþer oppreſſe bi
neþer þou ſchalt waſte þe cuntrey `bi cumpas wiþ axis; power, for þou `madiſt hir lowe.
for it is `a tree, and not man, neþer it may encreſſe þe xv If a man haþ twey wyues, oon loued, and `þe toþir
noumbre of fiȝteris aȝens þee. hateful, and he gendriþ of hir fre children, and þe ſone
xx Forſoþe if onye ben not appil trees, but `of þe feeld, of þe hateful wijf is þe firſte gendrid,
and ben able in to oþere vſis, kitte doun, and make þou xvi and þe man wole departe þe catel bitwixe hiſe ſones,
engynes, til þou take þe citee þat fiȝtiþ aȝens þee. he ſchal not mowe make þe ſone of þe loued wijf þe
firſte gendrid, and ſette bifor þe ſone of þe hateful wijf,
CAP. XXI xvii but he ſchal knowe þe ſone of þe hateful wijf þe
i Whanne þe careyn of a man ſlayn is foundun in þe
firſte gendrid, and he ſchal ȝyue to þat ſone alle þingis
lond which þi Lord God ſchal ȝyue to þee, and `þe gilti double of þo þingis þat he haþ; for þis ſone is þe
of ſleyng is vnknowun, begynnyng of his fre children, and þe firſte gendrid
ii þe grettere men in birþe and þi iugis ſchulen go out, þingis ben due to hym.
and ſchulen mete fro þe place of þe careyn þe ſpaces of xviii If a man gendriþ a ſone rebel, and ouerþewert,
alle citees `bi cumpas; which heriþ not þe comaundement of fadir and modir,
iii and þe eldre men of þat citee, `which þei ſeen to be and he is chaſtiſid,
neer þan oþere, ſchulen take of þe droue a cow calf, þat xix and diſpiſiþ to obei, þei ſchulen take hym, and
`drow not ȝok, neþer kittide þe erþe wiþ a ſchar; ſchulen lede to þe eldre men of þat citee, and to þe ȝate
iiii and þei ſchulen lede þat cow calf to a ſcharp `valey, of doom;
and ful of ſtoonys, þat was neuere erid, neþer reſſeyuede xx and þei ſchulen ſeie to hem, Þis oure ſone is
ſeed; and in þat valey þei ſchulen kitte þe heed of þe ouerþewert and rebel; he diſpiſiþ to here oure
cow calf. moneſtyngis, `eþir heeſtis, he ȝyueþ tent to glotonyes,
v And þe preeſtis, þe ſones of Leuy, ſchulen neiȝe, and letcherie, and feeſtis.
whiche þi Lord God chees, þat þei mynyſtre to hym, xxi Þe puple of þe citee ſchal oppreſſe hym wiþ ſtoonus,
and bleſſe in his name, and al þe cauſe hange at `þe and he ſchal die, þat ȝe do awei yuel fro þe myddis of
word of hem; and what euer þing is cleene eþir ȝou, and þat al Iſrael here, and drede.
vncleene, be demed. xxii Whanne a man doiþ a ſynne which is worþi to be
vi And þe grettere men in birþe of þat citee ſchulen
punyſchid bi deeþ, and he is demed to deeþ, and is
come to þe ſlayn man, and þei ſchulen waiſche her hangid in a iebat,
hondis on þe cow calf, þat was ſlayn in þe valei; xxiii his careyn ſchal not dwelle in þe tre, but it ſchal be
vii and þei ſchulen ſeie, Oure hondis ſchedden not out
biried in þe ſame dai; for he þat hangiþ in þe cros is
þis blood, neþer oure iȝen ſien. curſid of God, and þou ſchalt not defoule þi lond which
viii Lord, be mercyful to þi puple Iſrael, whom þou þi Lord God ȝaf þee in to poſſeſſioun.
`aȝen brouȝtiſt, and arette þou not innocent blood in þe
myddis of þi puple Iſrael. And þe gilt of blood ſchal be CAP. XXII
don awey fro hem. i Þou ſchalt not ſe `þi broþeris oxe, eþir ſcheep, errynge,
ix Forſoþe þou ſchalt be alien fro þe blood of þe and ſchalt paſſe, but þou ſchalt brynge aȝen to þi broþer.
innocent which is ſched, whanne þou haſt do þat þat þe ii And if þi broþer is not nyȝ, neþer þou knowiſt hym,
Lord comaundide. þou ſchalt lede þo beeſtis in to þin hows, and þo ſchulen

be at þee, as long as þi broþer ſekiþ þo, and til he xxi þe hous of hir fadir; and men of þat citee ſchulen
reſſeyue hem. oppreſſe hir wiþ ſtoonys, and ſche ſchal die, for ſche
iii In lijk maner þou ſchalt do of `þe aſſe, and clooþ, and dide vnleueful þing in Iſrael, þat ſche dide fornycacioun
of ech þing of þi broþer, þat was loſt; if þou fyndiſt it, in `þe hows of hir fadir; and þou ſchalt do awey yuel fro
be þou not necgligent as of an alien þing. þe myddis of þee.
iiii If þou ſeeſt þat þe aſſe, eþir oxe of þi broþir felde in xxii If a man ſlepiþ wiþ `þe wijf of anoþer man, euer
þe weye, þou ſchalt not diſpiſe, but þou ſchalt `reiſe wiþ eiþir ſchal die, þat is, auowter and auowtreſſe; and þou
hym. ſchalt do awey yuel fro Iſrael.
v A womman ſchal not be cloþid in a mannys clooþ, xxiii If a man ſpouſiþ a damyſel virgyn, and a man
neþer a man ſchal vſe a wommannys cloþ; for he þat fyndiþ hir in þe citee, and doiþ letcherie wiþ hir,
doiþ þes þingis is abhomynable bifor God. If þou goiſt xxiiii þou ſchalt lede euer eiþir to þe ȝate of þat citee, and
in þe weie, þei ſchulen be oppreſſid wiþ ſtoonus; þe damyſel ſchal
vi and fyndiſt a `neſt of a brid in a tree, eþir in þe erþe, be ſtonyd, for ſche criede not, whanne ſche was in þe
and fyndiſt þe modir ſittynge on þe briddis eþir eyrun, citee; þe man ſchal `be ſtonyd, for he `made low þe wijf
þou ſchalt not holde þe modir wiþ `þe children, but þou of his neiȝbore; and þou ſchalt do awei yuel fro þe
ſchalt ſuffre `þe modir go, myddis of þee.
vii and ſchalt holde þe ſones takun, þat it be wel to þee, xxv Forſoþe if a man fyndiþ in þe feeld a `damyſel,
and þou lyue in long tyme. Whanne þou bildiſt a newe which is ſpouſid, and he takiþ, and doiþ letcherie wiþ
hows, hir, he aloone ſchal die;
viii þou ſchalt make a wal of þe roof bi cumpas, leſt xxvi þe damyſel ſchal ſuffre no þing of yuel, neþir is gilti
blood be ſched out in þin hows, and þou be gilti, if of deeþ; for as a þeef riſiþ aȝens his broþir, and ſleeþ
anoþer man ſlidiþ, and falle in to a dich. `his lijf, ſo and þe damyſel ſuffride; ſche was aloone in
ix Þou ſchalt not ſowe þi vyner `of anoþer ſeed, leſt boþe þe feeld,
þe ſeed which þou haſt ſowe, and þo þingis þat `comen xxvii ſche criede, and noon was preſent, þat ſchulde
forþ of þe vyner, ben halewid togidere. delyuer hir.
x Þou ſchalt not ere wiþ an oxe and aſſe togidere. xxviii If a man fyndiþ a damyſel virgyn þat haþ no
xi Þou ſchalt not be cloþid in a cloþ, which is wouun ſpowſe, and takiþ, and doiþ letcherie wiþ hir, and þe
togidir of wolle and `of flex. þing comeþ to þe doom,
xii Þou ſchalt make litle cordis bi foure corneris in þe xxix he þat ſlepte wiþ hir ſchal ȝyue to `þe fadir of þe

hemmys of þi mentil, `wiþ which þou art hilid. damyſel fifti ſiclis of ſiluer, and he ſchal haue hir wijf,
xiii If a man weddiþ a wijf, and aftirward hatiþ hir, for he `made hir low; he ſchal not mow forſake hir, in
xiiii and ſekiþ occaſiouns bi which he `ſchal forſake hir, alle þe daies of his lijf.
xxx A man ſchal not take `þe wijf of his fadir, neþir he
and puttiþ aȝens hir `þe werſte name, and ſeiþ, Y haue
take þis wijf, and Y entride to hir, and Y foond not hir ſchal ſchewe `þe hilyng of hir.
virgyn; þe fadir and modir of hir ſchulen take
xv hir, and þei ſchulen bere wiþ hem þe ſignes of her CAP. XXIII
i A geldyng whanne hiſe ſtoonys ben brokun, eþir kit
virgynyte to þe eldre men of þe citee, þat ben in þe ȝate;
xvi and þe fadir ſchal ſeie, Y ȝaf my douȝtir wijf to þis awey, and his ȝerde is kit awei, ſchal not entre in to þe
man, and for he hatiþ hir, he puttiþ to hir `þe werſte chirche of þe Lord.
ii A child borun of hordom ſchal not entre in to þe
xvii þat he ſeye, Y foond not þi douȝtir virgyn; and lo! chirche of þe Lord, `til to þe tenþe generacioun.
iii Ammonytis and Moabitis, ȝhe aftir þe tenþe
þeſe ben þe ſignes of virgynyte of my douȝtir; þei
ſchulen ſprede forþ a cloþ bifor þe eldre men of þe generacioun, ſchulen not entre into þe `chirche of þe
citee. And þe eldere men of þat citee ſchulen Lord wiþ outen ende;
xviii take þe man, and ſchulen bete hym, iiii for þei nolden come to ȝou wiþ breed and watir in þe
xix and ferþermore þei ſchulen condempne hym in an weie, whanne ȝe ȝeden out of Egipt; and for þei hireden
hundrid ſiclis of ſiluer, whiche he ſchal ȝyue to þe `fadir aȝens þee Balaam, þe ſone of Beor, fro Meſopotanye of
of þe damyſel, for he diffamide þe werſte name on a Sirye, þat he ſchulde curſe þee;
v and þi Lord God nolde here Balaam, and God turnede
virgyn of Iſrael; and he ſchal haue hir wijf, and he ſchal
not mowe forſake hir, in al `þe tyme of his lijf. `þe curſyng of Balaam in to þi bleſſyng, for he louyde
xx Þat if it is ſoþ, þat he puttiþ aȝens hir, and virgynyte þee.
is not foundun in þe damyſel, þei ſchulen caſte hir `out
of `þe ȝatis of

vi Þou ſchalt not make pees wiþ hem, neþir þou ſchalt xxv Ifþou entriſt in to `þe corn of þi freend, þou ſchalt
ſeke goodis to hem, in alle þe daies of þi lijf in to wiþ breke `eeris of corn, and frote togidere wiþ `þe hond;
outen ende. but þou ſchalt not repe wiþ a ſikil.
vii Þou ſchalt not `haue abhomynacioun of a man of
Ydumye, for he is þi broþir, neþir of a man of Egipt, for CAP. XXIIII
þou were a comelyng in þe lond of hym. i If a man takiþ a wijf, and haþ hir, and ſche fyndiþ not
viii Þei þat ben borun of hem, ſchulen entre in þe þridde grace bifor hiſe iȝen for ſum vilite, he ſchal write a
generacioun in to þe `chirche of þe Lord. `libel, eþir litil book, of forſakyng, and he ſchal ȝyue in
ix Whanne þou ſchalt go out `in to batel aȝens þin `þe hond of hir, and he ſchal delyuere hir fro his hows.
ii And whanne ſche goiþ out, and weddiþ anoþir
enemyes, þou ſchalt kepe þee fro al yuel þing.
x If a man is among ȝou, which is defoulid in `ſleep of hoſebonde,
iii and he alſo hatiþ hir, and ȝyueþ to hir a `litil booke of
nyȝt, he ſchal go out of `þe caſtels;
xi and he ſchal not turne aȝen bifore þat he be waiſchun forſakyng, and delyuereþ hir fro his hows, eþir certis he
in watir at euentid, and aftir þe goyng doun of þe ſunne is deed,
iiii þe formere hoſebonde ſchal not mow reſſeyue hir in
he ſchal go aȝen in to þe caſtels.
xii Þou ſchalt haue a place wiþout þe caſtels, to which to wijf, for ſche is defoulid, and maad abhomynable
þou ſchalt go out to nedeful þingis of kynde; bifore þe Lord; leſt þou make þi lond to do ſynne, which
xiii and þou ſchalt bere a litil ſtake in þe girdil; and lond þi Lord God ȝaf to þee to welde.
v Whanne a man haþ take late a wijf, he ſchal not go
whanne þou haſt ſete, þou ſchalt digge `bi cumpas, and
`þou ſchalt hile wiþ erþe þingis `defied out, forþ to batel, neþir ony þing of comyn nede ſchal be
xiiii where þou art releuyd. For þi Lord God goeþ in þe enioyned to hym, but he ſchal ȝyue tent wiþ out blame
myddis of caſtels, þat he diliuere þee, and bitake þin to his hows, þat he be glad in o ȝeer wiþ his wijf.
vi Þou ſchalt not take in þe ſtide of wed þe lowere and
enemyes to þee, þat þi caſtels be hooli, and no þing of
filþe appere in þo, leſt he forſake þee. þe hiȝere queerne ſtoon of þi broþir, for he puttide his
xv Þou ſchalt not bitake a ſeruaunt to his lord, which lijf to þee.
vii If a man is takun, `þat is, conuyct in doom, biſili
ſeruaunt fleeþ to þee;
xvi he ſchal dwelle wiþ þee in þe place þat pleſiþ hym, aſpiynge to ſtele his broþir of þe ſones of Iſrael, and
and he ſchal reſte in oon of þi citees; and make þou not whanne he haþ ſeeld hym, takiþ priys, he ſchal be ſlayn;
hym ſori. and þou ſchalt do awey yuel fro þe myddis of þee.
viii Kepe þou diligentli, leſt þou renne in to þe ſijkneſſe
xvii Noon hoore ſchal be of þe douȝtris of Iſrael, neþer a
letchour of þe ſones of Iſrael. of lepre, but þou ſchalt do what euer þingis þe preeſtis
xviii Þou ſchalt not offre þe hire of `an hoore hows, of þe kyn of Leuy techen þee, bi þat þat Y comaundide
to hem, and `fille þou diligentli.
neþer þe prijs of a dogge, in þe hows of þi Lord God, ix Haue ȝe mynde what þingis ȝoure Lord God dide to
what euer þing it is þat þou haſt avowid; for euer eiþir is
abhomynacioun bifor þi Lord God. Marie, in þe weie, whanne ȝe ȝede `out of Egipt.
x Whanne þou ſchalt axe of þi neiȝebore ony þing which
xix Þou ſchalt not leene to þi broþir to vſure money,
neiþer fruytis, he owiþ to þee, þou ſchalt not entre in to his hows, þat
xx neþir ony oþir þing, but to an alien. Forſoþe þou þou take awei a wed;
xi but þou ſchalt ſtonde wiþ out forþ, and he ſchal
ſchalt leene to þi broþir wiþout vſure þat þat he nediþ,
þat þi Lord God bleſſe þee in al þi werk, in þe lond to brynge forþ þat þat he haþ.
xii Soþeli if he is pore, þe wed ſchal not dwelle bi nyȝt
which þou ſchalt entre to welde.
xxi Whanne þou makiſt auow to þi Lord God, þou ſchalt at þee,
xiii but anoon þou ſchalt ȝelde to hym bifor þe goyng
not tarie to ȝelde, for þi Lord God ſchal `requyre, eþer
axe, þat; and if þou tarieſt, it ſchal be arretid to þee in to doun of þe ſunne, þat he ſlepe in his cloþ, and bleſſe
ſynne. þee, and þou haue riȝtfulneſſe bifor þi Lord God.
xxii If þou `nylt bihete, þou ſchalt be wiþ out ſynne. xiiii Þou ſchalt not denye þe hire of þi broþer nedi and
xxiii Forſoþe þou ſchalt kepe, and `do þat þat ȝede out pore, eþir of þe comelyng þat dwelliþ wiþ þee in þi
onys of þi lippis, as þou bihiȝtiſt to þi Lord God, and lond, and is wiþ ynne þi ȝatis;
xv but in þe ſame dai þou ſchalt ȝelde to hym þe prijs of
haſt ſpoke wiþ þin owne wille and þi mouþ.
xxiiii If þou entriſt in to þe vynere of þi neiȝbore, ete þou his trauel, bifor þe goyng doun of þe ſunne, for he is
grapis, as myche as pleſiþ þee; but bere þou not out wiþ pore, and ſuſteyneþ þerof his lijf; leſt he crye aȝens þee
þee. to þe Lord, and it be arettid to þee into ſynne.

xvi Þe fadris ſchulen not be ſlayn for þe ſones, neþer þe ix þe womman ſchal go to hym bifor þe eldre men of
ſones for þe fadris, but ech man ſchal die for hys owne Iſrael, and ſche ſchal take awei þe ſchoo, and ſche ſchal
ſynne. ſpete in to his face, and ſchal ſeie, So it ſchal be doon to
xvii Þou ſchalt not `peruerte, eþir waiwardli turne, þe þe man, þat bildiþ not `þe hows of his broþer;
doom of þe comelyng, and of fadirles eþir modirles; x and `þe name of hym ſchal be clepid in Iſrael, Þe hows
neþir þou ſchalt take awei in þe ſtide of wed þe cloþ of of þe man vnſchood.
a widewe. xi If twei men han ſtrijf bitwixe hem ſilf, and oon
xviii Haue þou mynde, þat þou ſeruediſt in Egipt, and þi bigynneþ to ſtryue aȝens anoþer, and þe wijf of `þe
Lord God delyuerede þee fro þennus; þerfor Y toþer man wole delyuere hir hoſebonde fro þe hond of
comaunde to þee þat þou do þis þing. þe ſtrongere man, and puttiþ hond, and `takiþ þe
xix Whanne þou repiſt corn in þe feeld, and forȝetiſt, and ſchamefaſt membris `of hym,
leeueſt a repe, þou ſchalt not turne aȝen to take it, but xii þou ſchalt kitte awei `þe hond of hir, neþer þou ſchalt
þou ſchalt ſuffre þat a comelyng, and fadirles, eþir be bowid on hir bi ony mercy.
modirles, and a widewe take awei, þat þi Lord God xiii Þou ſchalt not haue in þe bagge dyuerſe weiȝtis,
bleſſe þee in al þe werk of þin hondis. xiiii a grettere and a leſſe, neþer a buyſchel more and
xx If þou gaderiſt fruytis of olyues, what euer þing
leſſe ſchal be in þin hows.
leeueþ in trees, þou ſchalt not turne aȝen to gadere, but xv Þou ſchalt haue a iuſt weiȝte and trewe, and an euene
þou ſchalt leeue to a comelyng, fadirles, eþer modirles, buyſchel `and trewe ſchal be to þee, þat þou lyue in
and to a widewe. myche tyme on þe lond which þi Lord God ſchal ȝyue
xxi If þou gaderiſt grapis of þe vyner, þou ſchalt not
to þee.
gadere raiſyns þat leeuen, but þo ſchulen falle in to þe xvi For þe Lord ſchal haue hym abhomynable þat doiþ
vſis of þe comelyng, of þe fadirles, eþir modirles, and þeſe þingis, and he wlatiþ, `eþir curſiþ, al vnriȝtfulneſſe.
of þe wydewe. xvii Haue þou mynde what þingis Amalech dide to þee
xxii Haue þou mynde þat alſo þou ſeruediſt in Egipt, and
in þe weie, whanne þou ȝediſt out of Egipt;
þerfor Y comaunde to þee, þat þou do þis þing. xviii hou he cam to þee, and killide þe laſte men of þin
ooſt, þat ſaten wery, whanne þou were diſeſid wiþ
CAP. XXV hungur and trauel, and he dredde not God.
i If cauſe is bitwixe ony men, and þei axen iugis, þei
xix Þerfor whanne þi Lord God haþ ȝoue reſte to þee,
ſchulen ȝyue þe victorie of riȝtfulneſſe to him, whom and haþ maad ſuget alle naciouns `bi cumpas, in þe lond
þei perſeyuen to be iuſt, þei ſchulen condempne hym of which he bihiȝte to þee, þou ſchalt do awei `þe name of
wickidneſſe, whom þei perſeyuen to be wickid. hym vndur heuene; be þou war leſt þou forȝete.
ii Soþeli if þei ſeen hym þat ſynnede, worþi of betyngis,
þei ſchulen caſte him doun, and make to be betun bifor CAP. XXVI
hem; alſo þe maner of betyngis ſchal be for þe meſure i And whanne þou haſt entrid in to þe lond which þi
of ſynne, Lord God ſchal ȝyue to þee to welde, and þou haſt gete
iii ſo oneli þat þo paſſe not þe noumbre of fourti, leſt þi
it, and haſt dwellid þerynne,
broþer be to-rent viliche bifore þin iȝen, and go awei. ii þou ſchalt take þe firſte fruytis of alle þi fruytis, and
iiii Þou ſchalt not bynde þe `mouþ of þe oxe tredynge þi
þou ſchalt putte in a panyere; and þou ſchalt go to þe
fruytis in þe corn floor. place which þi Lord God chees, þat his name be
v Whanne briþeren dwellen to gidere, and oon of hem is
inwardly clepid þere.
deed wiþ out fre children, þe wijf of þe deed broþer iii And þou ſchalt go to þe preeſt, þat ſchal be in þo
ſchal not be weddid to anoþir man, but his broþir ſchal daies, and þou ſchalt ſeie to hym, Y knowleche to dai
take hir, and ſchal reiſe ſeed of his broþer. bifor þi Lord God, þat Y entride in to þe lond, for which
vi And he ſchal clepe þe firſte gendrid ſone `of hir bi þe
he ſwoor to oure fadris, þat he ſchulde ȝyue it to vs.
name `of hym, `þat is, of þe deed broþir, þat his name iiii And þe preeſt ſchal take þe panyere of þin hond, and
be not don awei fro Iſrael. ſchal ſette bifor þe auter of þi Lord God.
vii Forſoþe if he nyle take þe wijf of his broþer, which is v And þou ſchalt ſpeke in þe ſiȝt of þi Lord God, Sirus
due to hym bi lawe, þe womman ſchal go to þe ȝate of purſuede my fadir, `which fadir ȝede doun in to Egipt,
þe citee; and ſche ſchal axe þe grettere men in birþe, and was a pilgrym þere in feweſte noumbre; and he
and ſche ſchal ſeie, `Þe broþer of myn hoſebonde nyle encreeſſide in to a greet folk, and ſtrong, and of
reiſe ſeed of his broþer in Iſrael, neþir wole take me in multitude wiþout noumbre.
to mariage. vi And Egipcians turmentiden vs, and purſueden, and
viii And anoon þei ſchulen make hym to be clepid, and
puttiden greuouſeſte birþuns.
þei ſchulen axe. If he anſweriþ, Y nyle take hir to wijf;

vii And we crieden to þe Lord God of oure fadris, which ii And whanne ȝe han paſſid Jordan, in to þe lond which
herde vs, and bihelde oure mekeneſſe, and trauel, and þi Lord God ſchal ȝyue to þee, þou ſchalt reyſe grete
angwiſchis; ſtoonus, and þou ſchalt make þo pleyn wiþ chalk,
viii and he ledde vs out of Egipt in myȝti hond, and arm iii þat þou mow write in þo alle þe wordis of þis lawe,
holdun forþ, in grete drede, in myraclis, and grete whanne Jordan is paſſid, þat þou entre in to þe lond
wondris, which þi Lord God ſchal ȝyue to þee, þe lond flowynge
ix and ledde vs in to þis place; and ȝaf to vs a lond wiþ mylke and hony, as he ſwoor to þi fadris.
flowynge wiþ mylk and hony. iiii Þerfor whanne þou haſt paſſid Jordan, reiſe þou þe
x And þerfor Y offre now to þee þe fyrſte fruytis of þe ſtonus whiche Y comaunde to dai to þee, in þe hil of
fruitis of þe lond which þe Lord ȝaf to me. And þou Hebal; and þou ſchalt make þo pleyn wiþ chalk.
ſchalt leeue þo in þe ſiȝt of þi Lord God. And whanne þi v And þere þou ſchalt bilde an auter to þi Lord God, of
Lord God is worchipid, ſtoonys whiche yrun touchide not,
xi þou ſchalt ete in alle þe goodis whiche þi Lord God vi and of ſtonys vnformed and vnpoliſchid; and þou
ȝaf to þee and to þin hows, þou, and þe dekene, and þe ſchalt offre þeron brent ſacrifices to þi Lord God; and
comelyng which is wiþ þee. þou ſchalt offre peſible ſacrifices,
xii Whanne þou haſt fillid þe tiþe of alle þi fruytis, in þe vii and þou ſchalt ete þere, and þou ſchalt make feeſte
þridde ȝeer of tiþis, þou ſchalt ȝyue to þe dekene, and to bifor þi Lord God.
þe comelyng, and to þe fadirles, eþer modirles child, viii And þou ſchalt write pleynli and clereli on þe
and to widewe, þat þei ete wiþ ynne þi ȝatis, and be ſtoonys alle þe wordis of þis lawe.
fillid. ix And Moiſes and þe preeſtis of þe kynde of Leuy
xiii And þou ſchalt ſpeke in þe ſiȝt of þi Lord God, Y
ſeiden to al Iſrael, Iſrael, perſeyue þou, and here; to day
haue take awai þat þat is halewid of myn hows, and Y þou art maad þe puple of þi Lord God;
ȝaf it to þe dekene, and to þe comelyng, to þe fadirles, x þou ſchalt here his vois, and þou ſchalt do `þe
eþir modirles child, and to þe widewe, as þou comaundementis, and riȝtfulneſſis, whiche Y comaunde
comaundidiſt to me; Y paſſide not þi comaundementis, to þee to dai.
Y forȝat not þin heeſt. xi And Moiſes comaundide to þe puple in þat day,
xiiii Y ete not of þo þingis in my morenyng, neþer Y
xii and ſeide, Þeſe men ſchulen ſtonde on þe hil of
departide þo in ony vnclenneſſe, neþir Y ſpendide of þo Garizym to bleſſe þe Lord, whanne Jordan `is paſſid;
ony þing in biriyng of deed body, `þat is, in makynge Symeon, Leuy, Judas, Iſachar, Joſeph, and Benjamyn.
feeſtis þerof in biryynge of deed men. Y obeiede to þe xiii And euene aȝens þeſe men ſchulen ſtonde in þe hil of
vois of my Lord God, and Y dide alle þingis as þou
Hebal to curſe, Ruben, Gad, and Aſer, Zabulon, Dan,
comaundidiſt to me.
xv Bihold þou fro þi ſeyntuarie, fro þe hiȝ dwellyng and Neptalym.
xiiii And þe dekenes ſchulen pronounce, and ſchulen ſeie
place of heuene, and bleſſe þou þi puple Iſrael, and þe
`wiþ hiȝ vois to alle þe men of Iſrael,
lond which þou haſt ȝoue to vs, as þou `haſt ſwoore to xv Curſid is þe man þat makiþ a grauun ymage and
oure fadris; þe lond flowynge wiþ mylk and hony.
xvi To dai þi Lord God comaundide to þee, þat þou do ȝotun togidere, abhomynacioun of þe Lord, þe werk of
`hondis of crafti men, and ſchal ſette it in priuey place;
þeſe comaundementis and domes, þat þou kepe and fille
and al þe puple ſchal anſwere, and ſchal ſeie, Amen!
of al þin herte, and of al þi ſoule. xvi He is curſid þat onoureþ not his fadir and modir; and
xvii Þou haſt choſe þe Lord to day, þat he be God to þee,
al þe puple ſchal ſeie, Amen!
and þou go in hiſe weies, and þou kepe hiſe xvii Curſid is he þat `beriþ ouer þe termes of his
cerymonyes, and heeſtis, and domes, and obeie to his
comaundement. neiȝbore; and al þe puple ſchal ſeie, Amen!
xviii Lo! þe Lord chees þee to day, þat þou be a ſpecial xviii Curſid is he þat makiþ a blynde man to erre in þe

puple to hym, as he ſpak to þee, and þat þou kepe alle weie; and al þe puple ſchal ſeie, Amen!
xix He is curſid þat peruertiþ þe doom of a comelyng, of
hiſe comaundementis;
xix and he ſchal make þee hiȝere þan alle folkis, whiche a fadirles, eþir modirles child, and of a widewe; and al
he made in to his preiſyng, and name, and glorie; þat þe puple ſchal ſeie, Amen!
xx Curſid is he þat ſlepiþ wiþ `þe wijf of his fadir, and
þou be an holi puple of þi Lord God, as he ſpak to þee.
ſchewiþ þe hiling of his bed; and al þe puple ſchal ſeie,
i Forſoþe Moyſes comaundide, and þe eldre men, to þe xxi Curſid is he þat ſlepiþ wiþ ony beeſte; and al þe

puple of Iſrael, and ſeiden, Kepe ȝe ech `comaundement puple ſchal ſeie, Amen!
which Y comaunde to ȝou to dai.

xxii Curſid is he þat ſlepiþ wiþ his ſiſtir, þe douȝtir of his byneþe; if neþeles þou heriſt þe comaundementis of þi
fadir, eþir of his modir; and al þe puple ſchal ſeie, Lord God, whiche Y comaunde to þee to day, and
Amen! kepiſt,
xxiii Curſid is he þat ſlepiþ wiþ his wyues modir; and al xiiii and doiſt, and bowiſt not awey fro þo, neþer to þe

þe puple ſchal ſeye, Amen! riȝt ſide neþer to þe lefte ſide, neþer ſueſt alien goddis,
xxiiii Curſid is he þat ſleeþ pryueli his neiȝbore; and al neþir worſchipiſt hem.
xv Þat if þou nylt here þe vois of þi Lord God, þat þou
þe puple ſchal ſeie, Amen!
xxv Curſid is he þat ſlepiþ wiþ `þe wijf of his neiȝbore; kepe and do alle hiſe heeſtis, and cerymonyes, whiche Y
and al þe puple ſchal ſeie, Amen! comaunde to þee to day, alle þeſe curſyngis ſchulen
xxvi Curſid is he þat takiþ ȝiftis, þat he ſmyte þe lijf of come on þee, and ſchulen take þee.
xvi Þou ſchalt be curſid in citee, curſid in feeld.
innocent blood; and al þe puple ſchal ſeie, Amen!
xxvii Curſid is he þat dwelliþ not in þe wordis of þis xvii Curſid `ſchal be þi berne, and curſid ſchulen be þi

lawe, neþir `parfourmeþ þo in werk; and al þe puple relifs.

xviii Curſid ſchal be þe fruit of þi wombe, and þe fruyt of
ſchal ſeie, Amen!
þi lond; `curſid ſchulen be þe drooues of þin oxun, and
CAP. XXVIII þe flockis of þi ſcheep.
i Forſoþe if þou heriſt þe vois of þi Lord God, þat þou xix Þou ſchalt be curſid goynge in, and `þou ſchalt be

do and kepe alle hiſe comaundementis, whiche Y curſid goynge out.

comaunde to þee to dai, þi Lord God ſchal make þe xx Þe Lord ſchal ſende on þee hungur, and þurſt, and
hiȝere þan alle folkis þat lyuen in erþe. blamyng in to alle þi werkis whiche þou ſchalt do, til he
ii And alle þeſe bleſſyngis ſchulen come on þee, and al to-breke þee, and leeſe ſwiftli, for þi werſte
ſchulen take þee; if neþeles þou heriſt hiſe fyndyngis, in whiche þou haſt forſake me.
comaundementis. xxi Þe Lord ioyne peſtilence to þee, til he waaſte þee fro
iii Þou ſchalt be bleſſid in citee, and bleſſid in feeld; þe lond, to which þou ſchalt entre to welde.
iiii bleſſid ſchal be þe fruyt of þi wombe, and þe fruyt of xxii Þe Lord ſmyte þee wiþ nedyneſſe, feuyr, and coold,

þi lond, and þe fruit of þi beeſtis; `bleſſid ſchulen be þe brennynge, and heete, and wiþ corrupt eir, and ruſt; and
flockis of þi grete beeſtis, and þe fooldis of þi ſcheep; purſue þee til þou periſche.
v bleſſid ſchulen be þi bernes, and `bleſſid ſchulen be `þi xxiii Heuene which is aboue þee be braſun; and þe erþe

relifs; which þou trediſt be yrun.

vi þou ſchalt be bleſſid entrynge, and goynge out. xxiiii Þe Lord ȝyue duſt for reyn to þi lond, and ayſche
vii Þe Lord ſchal ȝyue þin enemyes fallynge in þi ſiȝt, come doun fro heuene on þee, til þou be al to-brokun.
xxv Þe Lord ȝyue þee fallynge bifor þin enemyes; bi o
þat ſchulen riſe aȝens þee; bi o weie þei ſchulen come
aȝens þee, and by ſeuene weies þei ſchulen fle fro þi weie go þou aȝens hem, and bi ſeuene weies fle þou,
face. and be þou ſcaterid bi alle þe rewmes of erþe;
viii Þe Lord ſchal ſende out bleſſyng on þi celeris, and on xxvi and þi deed bodi be in to mete to alle volatils of

alle þe werkis of þin hondis; and he ſchal bleſſe þee in heuene, and to beeſtis of erþe, and noon be þat dryue
þe lond which þou haſt take. hem awai.
ix Þe Lord ſchal reiſe þee to hym ſilf in to an hooli xxvii Þe Lord ſmyte þee wiþ þe botche of Egipt, and `þe

puple, as he ſwoor to þee, if þou kepiſt þe heeſtis of þi Lord ſmyte þe part of bodi wherbi `ordures ben voyded;
Lord God, and goiſt in his weies. alſo `þe Lord ſmyte þee wiþ ſcabbe, and ȝicchyng, ſo þat
x And alle þe puples of londis ſchulen ſe, þat þe name of þou mayſt not be curid.
xxviii Þe Lord ſmyte þee wiþ madneſſe, and blyndneſſe,
þe Lord is inwardli clepid on þee, and þei ſchulen drede
þee. and woodneſſe of þouȝt;
xi Þe Lord ſchal make þee to be plenteuouſe in alle xxix and grope þou in mydday, as a blynd man is wont

goodis, in fruyt of þi wombe, and in fruyt of þi beeſtis, to grope in derkneſſis; and dreſſe he not þi weies; in al
in þe fruyt of þi lond, which þe Lord ſwoor to þi fadris, tyme ſuffre þou fals chaleng, and be þou oppreſſid bi
þat he ſchulde ȝyue to þee. violence, neþir haue þou ony þat ſchal delyuere þee.
xii Þe Lord ſchal opene his beſte treſour, heuene, þat he xxx Take þou a wijf, and anoþir man ſleepe wiþ hir;

ȝyue reyn to þi lond in his tyme; and he ſchal bleſſe alle bilde þou an hows, and dwelle þou not þer ynne;
þe werkis of þin hondis; and þou ſchalt leene to many plaunte þou a vyner, and gadere þou not grapis þerof.
folkis, and of no man þou ſchalt take borewyng. xxxi Þin oxe be offrid bifor þee, and ete þou not þerof;
xiii Þe Lord God ſchal ſette þee in to þe heed, and not in þin aſſe be rauyſchid in þi ſiȝt, and be not ȝoldun to þee;
to þe tail, and euere þou ſchalt be aboue, and not

þi ſcheep be ȝouun to þin enemyes, and noon be þat fleynge wiþ bire, of which folc þou maiſt not
helpe þee. vnderſtonde þe langage;
xxxii Þi ſones and þi douȝtris be ȝouun to anoþer puple, l a folk mooſt greedi axere, þat ſchal not ȝyue reuerence
`while þin iȝen ſeen, and failen at þe ſiȝt of hem al day; to an elde man, neþir haue mercy on a litil child.
and no ſtrengþe be in þin hond. li And ſchal deuoure þe fruyt of þi beeſtis, and þe fruytis
xxxiii A puple whom þou knowiſt not ete þe fruytis of þi of þi lond, til þou periſchiſt, and ſchal not leeue to þee
lond, and alle þi trauels; and euere be þou ſuffrynge fals wheete, wyn, and oile, droues of oxun, and flockis of
calengis, and be þou oppreſſid in alle daies, ſcheep,
xxxiiii and wondrynge at þe ferdfulneſſe of þo þingis lii til he leeſe þee, and al to-breke in alle þi citees, and til
whiche þin iȝen ſchulen ſe. þi ſadde and hiȝe wallis be diſtried, in whiche þou
xxxv Þe Lord ſmyte þee wiþ þe worſte botche in þe haddiſt truſt in al þi lond. Þou ſchalt be biſegid wiþynne
knees, and in þe hyndere partes of þe leg; and þou mow þi ȝatis in al þi lond, which þi Lord God ſchal ȝyue to
not be heelid fro þe ſole of þe foot `til to þe top. þee.
xxxvi And þe Lord ſchal lede þee, and þi kyng, whom liii And þou ſchalt ete þe fruyt of þi wombe, and þe

þou ſchalt ordeyne on þee, in to a folc which þou fleiſchis of þi ſones, and of þi douȝtris, whiche þi Lord
knowiſt not, þou, and þi fadris; and þou ſchalt ſerue þere God ſchal ȝyue to þee, in þe angwiſch and diſtriyng, bi
to alien goddis, to a tre, and ſtoon. which þin enemye ſchal oppreſſe þee.
xxxvii And þou ſchalt be loſt in to prouerbe, and fable to liiii A man delicat of lijf, and `ful letcherouſe, ſchal haue

alle puplis, to whiche þe Lord ſchal brynge þee yn. enuye to his broþer, and wijf þat liggiþ in his boſum,
xxxviii Þou ſchalt caſte myche ſeed in to þe erþe, and þou lv leſt he ȝyue to hem of þe fleiſchis of hiſe ſones whiche

ſchalt gadere litil; for locuſtis ſchulen deuoure alle he ſchal ete; for he haþ noon oþer þing in biſeging and
þingis. pouert, bi which þin enemyes ſchulen waaſte þee wiþ
xxxix Þou ſchalt plaunte, and ſchalt digge a vyner, and ynne alle þi ȝatis.
lvi A tendur womman and delicat, þat myȝte not go on
þou ſchalt not drynke wyn, neþer þou ſchalt gadere
þerof ony þing; for it ſchal be waſtid wiþ wormes. þe erþe, neþer ſet a ſtep of foot, for moſt ſoftneſſe and
xl Þou ſchalt haue olyue trees in alle þi termes, and þou tendirneſſe, ſchal haue enuye to hir hoſebonde þat liggiþ
ſchalt not be anoyntid wiþ oile; for þo ſchulen falle in hir boſum, on þe fleiſchis of ſone and douȝter,
lvii and on þe filþe of ſkynnes, wherynne þe child is
doun, and ſchulen periſche.
xli Þou ſchalt gendre ſones and douȝtris, and þou ſchalt wlappid in þe wombe, þat gon out of þe myddis of hir
not vſe hem; for þei ſchulen be led in to caitifte. `ſcharis, eþir hipe bonys, and on fre children þat ben
xlii Ruſt ſchal waaſte alle þi trees and fruytis of þi lond. borun in þe ſame our. Þei ſchulen ete `þo children
xliii A comelyng, þat dwelliþ wiþ þee in þe lond, ſchal priueli, for þe ſcarſete of alle þingis in biſegyng and
diſtriyng, bi which þin enemy ſchal oppreſſe þee wiþ
ſtie on þee, and he ſchal be þe hiȝere; forſoþe þou ſchalt
ynne þi ȝatis.
go doun, and ſchalt be þe lowere. lviii No but þou ſchalt kepe and do alle þe wordis of þis
xliiii He ſchal leene to þee, and þou ſchalt not leene to
lawe, þat ben writun in þis volym, `eþer book, and
hym; he ſchal be in to þe heed, and þou ſchalt be in to
ſchalt drede his gloriouſe name and ferdful, þat is þi
þe tail.
xlv And alle þeſe curſyngis ſchulen come on þee, and
Lord God,
lix þe Lord ſchal encreeſe þi woundis, and þe woundis of
ſchulen purſue, and ſchulen take þee, til þou periſche;
þi ſeed; grete woundis and contynuel, ſikeneſſis worſte
for þou herdiſt not þe vois of þi Lord God, neþer kepiſt
and euerleſtinge.
hiſe comaundementis and cerymonyes, whiche he lx And he ſchal turne in to þee alle þe turmentyngis of
comaundide to þee.
xlvi And ſignes, and grete wondris ſchulen be in þee, and Egipt, whiche þou dreddiſt, and þo ſchulen cleue to þee.
lxi Ferþermore þe Lord ſchal brynge on þee alſo alle þe
in þi ſeed, til in to wiþouten ende;
xlvii for þou ſeruediſt not þi Lord God in þe ioye and ſorewis and woundis, þat ben not writun in þe volym of
þis lawe, til he al to-breke þee.
gladneſſe of herte, for þe abundaunce of alle þingis. lxii And ȝe ſchulen dwelle fewe in noumbre, þat weren
xlviii Þou ſchalt ſerue þin enemye, whom God ſchal
bifore as þe ſterris of heuene for multitude, for þou
ſende to þee in hungur, and þirſt, and nakidneſſe, and in
herdiſt not þe vois of þi Lord God.
pouert of alle þingis; and he ſchal putte an yrun ȝok on lxiii And as þe Lord was glad bifore on ȝou, and dide
þi nol, til he al to-breke þee.
xlix Þe Lord ſchal brynge on þee a folk fro fer place, and wel to ȝou, and multipliede ȝou; ſo he ſchal be glad,
`and ſchal leeſe, and diſtrie ȝou, þat ȝe be takun awei fro
fro þe laſte endis of erþe, in to þe licneſſe of an egle
þe lond, to which þou ſchalt entre to welde.

lxiiii ÞeLord ſchal leeſe þee in to alle puplis, fro þe xi fre children, and ȝoure wyues, and comelyngis þat
hiȝneſſe of erþe `til to þe termes þerof; and þou ſchalt dwellen wiþ þee in caſtels, outakun þe heweris of
ſerue þere to alien goddis, whiche þou knowiſt not, and ſtonus, and outakun hem þat beren watris;
þi fadris `knowen not, to trees and ſtoonys. xii þat þou go in þe boond of pees of þi Lord God, and
lxv Alſo þou ſchalt not reſte in þo folkis, neþer reſt ſchal in þe ooþ which þi Lord God ſmytiþ wiþ þee,
be to þe ſtep of þi foot. For þe Lord ſchal ȝyue to þee xiii þat he reiſe þee in to a puple to hym ſilf, and þat he
þere a ferdful herte, and iȝen failynge, and lijf waaſtyd be þi Lord God, as he ſpak to þee, and as he ſwoor to þi
wiþ morenyng. fadris, to Abraham, Yſaac, and Jacob.
lxvi And þi lijf ſchal be as hangynge bifore þee; þou xiiii And not to ȝou aloone Y ſmyte þis loond of pees,
ſchalt drede in nyȝt and dai, and þou ſchal not bileue to and conferme þeſe oþis,
þi lijf. xv but to alle men, preſent and abſent.
lxvii In þe morewtid þou ſchalt ſeie, Who ſchal ȝyue þe xvi For ȝe witen hou we dwelliden in þe lond of Egipt,
euentid to me? and in þe euentid `þou ſchalt ſeie, Who and how we paſſiden bi þe myddis of naciouns; whiche
ſchal ȝyue þe morewtid to me? for þe drede of þin herte, ȝe paſſiden,
bi which þou ſchalt be maad aferd, and for þo þingis xvii and ſiȝen abhomynaciouns and filþis, þat is, idols
whiche þou ſchalt ſee wiþ þin iȝen. `of hem, tre and ſtoon, ſiluer and gold, whiche þei
lxviii Þe Lord ſchal lede þee aȝen bi ſchipis in to Egipt,
by þe weie of which he ſeide to þee, þat þou ſchuldiſt no xviii Leſt perauenture among ȝou be man eþer womman,
more ſe it. Þere þou ſchalt be ſeeld to þin enemyes, in to meyne eþer lynage, whos herte is turned away to dai fro
ſeruauntis and `hand maidis; and noon ſchal be þat ſchal ȝoure Lord God, þat he go, and ſerue þe goddis of þo
delyuere þee. folkis; and a roote buriounnynge galle and bitterneſſe be
among ȝou;
CAP. XXIX xix and whanne he haþ herd þe wordis of þis ooþ, he
i Þeſe ben þe wordis of boond of pees, which þe Lord
bleſſe hym ſilf in his herte, and ſeie, Pees ſchal be to me,
comaundide to Moyſes, þat he ſchulde ſmyte wiþ þe and Y ſchal go in þe ſchrewidneſſe of myn herte; and
ſones of Iſrael in þe lond of Moab, outakun þat bond of leſt þe drunkun take þe þirſti,
pees, which he couenauntide wiþ hem in Oreb. xx and þe Lord forgyue not to hym, but þanne ful greetli
ii And Moiſes clepid al Iſrael, and ſeide to hem, Ȝe ſien
his ſtrong veniaunce be feers, and þe feruour aȝens þat
alle þingis whiche þe Lord dide bifor ȝou in þe lond of man, and alle þe curſis þat ben writun in þis book `ſitte
Egipt, to Farao and alle hiſe ſeruauntis, and to al his on hym; and `þe Lord do away his name vndur heuene,
lond; xxi and waaſte hym in to perdicioun fro alle þe lynagis
iii þe greet temptaciouns whiche þin iȝen ſien, `þo
of Iſrael, bi þe curſis þat ben conteyned in þe book of
ſignes, and grete wondris. þis lawe and of boond of pees.
iiii And þe Lord ȝaf not to ȝou an herte vndurſtondynge,
xxii And þe generacioun ſuynge ſchal ſeie, and þe ſones
and iȝen ſeynge, and eeris þat moun here, til in to þat ſchulen be borun aftirward, and pilgrimys þat
preſent dai. ſchulen come fro fer, ſeynge þe veniauncis of þat lond,
v He ledde ȝou bi fourti ȝeer þoruy deſeert; ȝoure cloþis
and þe ſikeneſſis bi whiche þe Lord turmentide þat lond,
weren not brokun, neþer þe ſchoon of ȝoure feet weren xxiii brennynge `þat lond wiþ brymſton and heete of þe
waaſtid bi eldneſſe; ſunne, ſo þat it be no more ſowun, neþer bringe forþ ony
vi ȝe eetun not breed, ȝe drunken not wyn and ſidur, þat
grene þing, in to enſaumple of deſtriyng of Sodom and
ȝe ſchulden wite þat he is ȝoure Lord God. of Gommorre, of Adama and of Seboym, whiche þe
vii And ȝe camen to þis place; and Seon, þe kyng of
Lord deſtriede in his ire and ſtronge veniaunce.
Eſebon ȝede out, and Og, þe kyng of Baſan, and camen xxiiii And alle folkis ſchulen ſeie, Whi dide þe Lord ſo to
to us to batel. And we han ſmyte hem, þis lond? What is þe greet ire of his ſtronge veniaunce?
viii and we token awey þe lond `of hem, and we ȝauen xxv and þei ſchulen anſwere, For þei forſoken þe
`þe lond to poſſeſſioun, to Ruben, and to Gad, and to þe couenaunt of þe Lord, whiche he couenauntide wiþ her
half lynage of Manaſſes. fadris, whanne he ledde hem out of þe lond of Egipt,
ix Þerfor kepe ȝe þe wordis of þis couenaunt, and fille ȝe xxvi and þei ſerueden alien goddis, and worſchipiden
þo, þat ȝe vndirſtonde all þingis whiche ȝe ſchulen do. hem, whiche þei knewen not, and to whiche þei weren
x Alle ȝe ſtonden to day bifor ȝoure Lord God, ȝoure
not ȝouun;
princes, and lynagis, and þe grettere men in birþe, and xxvii þerfor þe ſtrong veniaunce of þe Lord was wrooþ
techeris, al þe puple of Iſrael, aȝens þis lond, þat he brouȝte yn on it alle þe curſis þat
ben writun in þis book;

xxviii andhe caſtide hem out of her lond, in ire and xv Biholde þou, þat to day Y haue ſet forþ in þi ſiȝt lijf
ſtrong veniaunce, and in gretteſte indignacioun; and he and good, and aȝenward deeþ and yuel;
caſtide forþ in to an alien lond, as it is preued to dai. xvi þat þou loue þi Lord God, and go in hiſe weies, and
xxix Þingis ben hid of oure Lord God, `þat is, in his kepe hiſe heeſtis, and cerymonyes, and domes; and þat
biforknowing, whiche þingis ben ſchewid to us, and to þou lyue, and he multiplie þee, and bleſſe þee in þe lond
oure ſones wiþ outen ende, þat we do alle þe wordis of to which þou ſchalt entre to welde.
þis lawe. xvii But if þin herte is turned awey, and þou nylt here,
and þou art diſſeyued bi errour, and worſchipiſt alien
CAP. XXX goddis,
i Þerfor whanne alle þeſe wordis comen on þee, bleſſyng xviii and ſerueſt hem, Y biforſeie to þee to dai, þat þou
eþer curſing, which Y ſettide forþ in þi ſiȝt, and þou art ſchalt periſche, and ſchalt dwelle litil tyme in þe lond to
led bi repentaunce of þin herte among alle folkis, in to which þou ſchalt entre to welde, whanne þou ſchalt
whiche þi Lord God haþ ſcaterid þee, paſſe Jordan.
ii and turneſt aȝen to hym, and obeieſt to hiſe xix Y clepe to day heuene and erþe witneſſes, þat is,
comaundementis, as Y comaundide to þee to dai, wiþ þi aungels and men, þat Y haue ſet forþ to ȝou lijf and
ſones, in al þin herte and in al þi ſoule, deeþ, good and yuel, bleſſyng and curſyng; þerfor cheſe
iii þi Lord God ſchal lede þee aȝen fro þi caitifte, and þou lijf, þat boþe þou lyue and þi ſeed,
ſchal haue mercy on þee, and eft he ſchal gadre þee xx and þat þou loue þi Lord God, and obeie to his vois,
from alle puplis, in to whiche he ſcateride þe bifore. and cleue to hym, for he is þi lijf, and þe lengþe of þi
iiii If þou art ſcaterid to þe endis of heuene, fro þennus daies; þat þou dwelle in þe lond, for which þe Lord
þi Lord God ſchal wiþdrawe þee; ſwoor to þi fadris, to Abraham, Iſaac, and Jacob, þat he
v and he ſchal take and ſchal bringe þee in to þe lond ſchulde ȝyue it to hem.
which þi fadris weldiden; and þou ſchalt holde it, and
he ſchal bleſſe þee, and ſchal make þee to be of more CAP. XXXI
noumbre þan þi fadris weren. i And ſo Moiſes ȝede, and ſpak alle þeſe wordis to al
vi Þi Lord God ſchal circumcide þin herte, and þe herte Iſrael,
of þi ſeed, þat þou loue þi Lord God in al þin herte and ii and ſeide to hem, Y am to dai of an hundrid and twenti
in al þi ſoule, and maiſt liue. ȝeer, Y may no ferþere go out and go yn, mooſt ſiþen
vii Forſoþe þe Lord ſchal turne alle þeſe curſyngis on þin alſo þe Lord ſeide to me, Þou ſchalt not paſſe þis Jordan.
enemyes, and on hem þat haten and purſuen þee. iii Þerfor þi Lord God ſchal paſſe bifore þee; he ſchal do
viii Soþeli þou ſchalt turne aȝen, and ſchalt here þe vois awei þeſe folkis in þi ſiȝt, and þou ſchalt welde hem;
of þi Lord God, and ſchalt do alle þe heeſtis whiche Y and þis Joſue ſchal go bifor þee, as þe Lord ſpak.
comaunde to þee to dai; iiii And þe Lord ſchal do to hem as he dide to Seon, and
ix and þi Lord God ſchal make þee to be plenteuouſe, in Og kyng of Ammorreis, and to `þe lond of hem; and he
alle þe workis of þin hondis, in þe children of þi ſchal do hem awey.
wombe, and in þe fruyt of þi beeſtis, in abundaunce of v Þerfor whanne þe Lord haþ bitake to ȝou alſo hem, ȝe
þi lond, and in largeneſſe of alle þingis. For þe Lord ſchulen do in lijk maner to hem, as Y comaundide to
ſchal turne aȝen, þat he haue ioye on þee in alle goodis, ȝou.
as he ioyede in þi fadris; vi Do ȝe manli, and be ȝe coumfortid; nyle ȝe drede in
x if neþeles þou heriſt þe voys of þi Lord God, and herte, neþir drede ȝe at þe ſiȝt of hem, for þi Lord God
kepiſt hiſe heeſtis and cerymonys, þat ben writun in þis hym ſilf is þi ledere, and he ſchal not leeue, neþer ſchal
lawe, and þou turne aȝen to þi Lord God in al þin herte, forſake þee.
and in al þi ſoule. vii And Moyſes clepid Joſue, and ſeide to hym bifor al
xi Þis comaundement whiche Y comaunde to þee to day, þe multitude of þe ſones of Iſrael, Be þou coumfortid,
xii is not aboue þee, neþir is ſet fer, neþir is ſet in and be þou ſtrong; for þou ſchalt lede þis puple in to þe
heuene, þat þou maiſt ſeie, Who of vs may ſtie to lond which þe Lord ſwoor þat he ſchal ȝyue to `þe fadris
heuene, þat he brynge it to vs, and we here, and fille in of hem; and þou ſchalt departe it bi lot.
werk? viii And þe Lord hym ſilf whiche is ȝoure ledere, ſchal
xiii neþer it is ſet biȝende þe ſee, `þat þou pleyne, and be wiþ þee, he ſchal not leeue, neþer ſchal forſake þee;
ſeye, Who of vs may paſſe ouer þe ſee, and brynge it til nyle þou drede, neþer drede þou in herte.
to vs, þat we moun here and do þat þat is comaundid? ix Þerfor Moyſes wroot þis lawe, and bitook it to þe
xiiii But þe word is ful nyȝ þee, in þi mouþ and in þin preeſtis, ſones of Leuy, þat baren þe arke of þe bond of
herte, þat þou do it. pees of þe Lord, and to alle þe eldere men of Iſrael.

x And Moyſes comaundide to hem, and ſeide, Aftir xxii Þerfor Moiſes wroot þe ſong, and tauȝte þe ſones of
ſeuen ȝeer, in þe ȝeer of remyſſioun, in þe ſolempnete of Iſrael.
tabernaclis, xxiii And þe Lord comaundide to Joſue, þe ſone of Nun,
xi whanne alle men of Iſrael ſchulen come togidere, þat and ſeide, Be þou coumfortid, and be þou ſtrong; for
þei appere in þe ſiȝt of her Lord God, in þe place `which þou ſchalt lede þe ſones of Iſrael in to þe lond which Y
þe Lord chees, þou ſchalt rede þe wordis of þis lawe bihiȝte, and Y ſchal be wiþ þee.
bifor al Iſrael, xxiiii Þerfor aftir þat Moiſes wroot þe wordis of þis lawe
xii while þei heren, and while al þe puple is gaderid to in a book, and fillide,
gidere, as wel to men, as to wymmen, to litle children, xxv he comaundide to Leuytis þat baren þe ark of boond
and comelyngis þat ben wiþ ynne þi ȝatis; þat þei here, of pees of þe Lord,
and lerne, and drede ȝoure Lord God, and kepe and fille xxvi and ſeide, Take ȝe þis book, and putte ȝe it in þe ſide
alle þe wordis of þis lawe; of þe arke of boond of pees of ȝoure Lord God, þat it be
xiii alſo þat þe ſones of hem, þat now knowen not, moun
þere aȝens þee in to witneſſyng.
here, and þat þei drede her Lord God in alle daies in xxvii For Y knowe þi ſtryuyng, and þin hardeſt nol; ȝit
whiche þei lyuen in þe lond to whiche ȝe ſchulen go to while Y lyuede and entride wiþ ȝou, ȝe diden euere
gete, whanne Jordan is paſſid. ſtryuyngli aȝens þe Lord; hou myche more whanne Y
xiiii And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Lo! þe daies of þi
ſchal be deed.
deeþ ben nyȝ; clepe þou Joſue, and ſtonde ȝe in þe xxviii Gadere ȝe to me all þe grettere men in birþe, and
tabernacle of witneſſyng, þat Y comaunde to hym. techeris, bi ȝoure lynagis, and Y ſchal ſpeke to hem,
Þerfor Moiſes and Joſue ȝeden, and ſtooden in þe herynge þeſe wordis, and Y ſchal clepe aȝens hem
tabernacle of witneſſyng; heuene and erþe.
xv and þe Lord apperide þere in a pilere of cloude, þat xxix For Y knowe, þat aftir my deeþ ȝe ſchulen do
ſtood in þe entryng of þe tabernacle. wickidli, and ſchulen bowe awei ſoone fro þe weie
xvi And þe Lord ſeide to Moiſes, Lo! þou ſchalt ſlepe
which Y comaundide to ȝou; and yuels ſchulen come to
wiþ þi fadris, and þis puple ſchal riſe, and ſchal do ȝou in þe laſte tyme, whanne ȝe `han do yuel in þe ſiȝt
fornycacioun aftir alien goddis in þe lond, to which of þe Lord, þat ȝe terre hym to ire bi þe werkis of ȝoure
lond it ſchal entre, þat it dwelle þer ynne; þere it ſchal hondis.
forſake me, and ſchal make void þe boond of pees, xxx Þerfor while al þe cumpeny of þe ſones of Iſrael
which Y couenauntide wiþ it. herde, Moiſes ſpak þe wordis of þis ſong, and fillide `til
xvii And my ſtrong veniaunce ſchal be wrooþ aȝens þat
to þe ende.
puple in þat dai, and Y ſchal forſake it, and Y ſchal hide
my face fro it, and it ſchal be in to deuouryng; alle yuels CAP. XXXII
and turmentyngis ſchulen fynde it, ſo þat it ſeie in þat i Ȝe heuenes, here what þingis Y ſchal ſpeke; þe erþe
dai, Verili for þe Lord is not wiþ me, þeſe yuelis han here þe wordis of my mouþ.
founde me. ii My techyng wexe togidere as reyn; my ſpeche flete
xviii Forſoþe Y ſchal hide, and ſchal hile `my face in þat
out as dew, as lytil reyn on eerbe, and as dropis on gras.
dai, for alle þe yuels `whiche it dide, for it ſuede alien iii For Y ſchal inwardli clepe þe name of þe Lord; ȝyue
xix Now þerfor write ȝe to ȝou þis ſong, and `teche ȝe þe
ȝe glorie to oure God.
iiii Þe werkis of God ben perfit, and alle hiſe weies ben
ſones of Iſrael, þat þei holde it in mynde, and ſynge bi
domes; God is feiþful, and wiþout ony wickidneſſe;
mouþ; and þat þis ſong be to me for a witneſſyng among
God is iuſt and riȝtful.
þe ſones of Iſrael. v Þei ſynneden aȝens hym, and not hiſe ſones in filþis,
xx For Y ſchal lede hym in to þe lond, for which Y
`þat is, of idolatrie; ſchrewid and waiward generacioun.
ſwoor to hiſe fadris, flowynge wiþ mylk and hony; and vi Wheþer þou ȝeldiſt þeſe þingis to þe Lord, þou fonned
whanne þei han ete, and ben fillid, and ben maad fat,
þei ſchulen turne to alien goddis, and þei ſchulen ſerue puple and vnwijs? Wheþer he is not þi fadir, þat
hem; and þei ſchulen bacbite me, and ſchulen make weldide þee, and made, `and made þee of nouȝt?
vii Haue þou minde of elde daies, þenke þou alle
voide my couenaunt.
xxi Aftir þat many yuels and turmentyngis han founde generaciouns; axe þi fadir, and he ſchal telle to þee, axe
hym, þis ſong ſchal anſwere hym for witneſſing, which þi grettere men, and þei ſchulen ſeie to þee.
viii Whanne þe hiȝeſte departide folkis, whanne he
ſong no forȝetyng ſchal do awey fro þe mouþ of þi ſeed.
For Y knowe þe þouȝtis þerof to day, what þingis it departide þe ſones of Adam, he ordeynede þe termes of
ſchal do, bifore þat Y bringe it in to þe lond which Y puplis bi þe noumbre of þe ſones of Iſrael.
bihiȝte to it.

ix Forſoþe þe part of þe Lord is his puple; Jacob is þe xxvii But Y delayede for þe yre of enemyes, leſt
litil part of his eritage. perauenture `þe enemyes of hem ſhulden be proude, and
x Þe Lord foond hym in a deſeert lond, `þat is, priued of ſeie, Oure hiȝ hond, and not þe Lord, dide alle þeſe
Goddis religioun, in þe place of orrour `eþir þingis.
hidouſneſſe, and of waſt wildirneſſe; þe Lord ledde hym xxviii It is a folk wiþ out counſel, and wiþ out prudence;
aboute, and tauȝte hym, and kepte as þe apple of his iȝe. xxix Y wolde þat þei ſaueriden, and `vnderſtoden, and
xi As an egle ſtirynge his briddis to fle, and fleynge on purueiden þe laſte þingis.
hem, he ſpredde forþ his wyngis, and took hem, and bar xxx How purſuede oon of enemyes a þouſynde of Jewis,
in hiſe ſchuldris. and tweyne dryuen awey ten þouſynde? Wheþer not
xii Þe Lord aloone was his ledere, and noon alien god þerfore for her God ſelde hem, and þe Lord cloſide hem
was wiþ hym. togidere?
xiii Þe Lord ordeynede hym on an hiȝ lond, þat he xxxi For oure God is not as þe goddis of hem, and oure
ſchulde ete þe fruytis of feeldis, þat he ſchulde ſouke enemyes ben iugis.
hony of a ſtoon, and oile of þe hardeſte roche; xxxii Þe vyner of hem is of þe vyner of Sodom, and of
xiiii botere of þe droue, and mylke of ſcheep, wiþ þe þe ſubarbis of Gomorre; þe grape of hem is þe grape of
fatneſſe of lambren and of rammes, of þe ſones of galle, and þe cluſtre is moſt bittir.
Baſan; and þat he ſchulde ete kydis wiþ þe merowe of xxxiii Þe galle of dragouns is þe wyn of hem, and þe
wheete, and ſchulde drynke þe cleereſte blood of grape. venym of eddris, þat may not be heelid.
xv Þe louede puple was `maad fat, and kikide aȝen; xxxiiii Wheþer þeſe þingis ben not hid at me, and ben
maad fat wiþoutforþ, maad fat wiþ ynne, and alargid; ſeelid in myn treſouris?
he forſook God his makere, and ȝede awei fro `God his xxxv Veniaunce is myn, and Y ſchal ȝelde to hem in
helþe. tyme, þat þe foot of hem ſlide; þe dai of perdicioun is
xvi Þei terriden hym to ire in alien goddis, and þei
nyȝ, and tymes haſten to be preſent.
excitiden to wraþfulneſſe in abhomynaciouns. xxxvi Þe Lord ſchal deme his puple, and he ſchal do
xvii Þei offriden to feendis, and not to God, to goddis
merci in hiſe ſeruauntis; þe puple ſchal ſe þat þe hond of
whiche þei knewen not, newe goddis, and freiſche fiȝteres is ſijk, and alſo men cloſid failiden, and þe
camen, whiche `þe fadris of hem worſchipiden not. reſidues ben waaſtid.
xviii Þou haſt forſake God þat gendride þee, and þou haſt xxxvii And þei ſchulen ſeie, Where ben `þe goddis of
forȝete `þi Lord creatour. hem, in whiche þei hadden truſt?
xix Þe Lord ſiȝ, and was ſtirid to wraþfulneſſe; for hiſe xxxviii Of whos ſacrifices þei eeten fatneſſis, and
ſones and douȝtris terriden hym. drunkun þe wyn of fletynge ſacrifices, riſe þei and helpe
xx And þe Lord ſeide, Y ſchal hyde my face fro hem, ȝou, and defende þei ȝou in nede.
and Y ſchal biholde `þe laſte þingis of hem; for it is a xxxix Se ȝe þat Y am aloone, and noon oþer God is
waiward generacioun, and vnfeiþful ſones. outakun me; Y ſchal ſle, and Y ſchal make to lyue; Y
xxi Þei terriden me in hym þat was not God, and þei ſchal ſmyte, and Y ſchal make hool; and noon is þat
`terriden to ire in her vanytees; and Y ſchal terre hem in may delyuere fro myn hond.
hym, þat is not a puple, and Y ſchal terre hem `to yre in xl And Y ſchal reiſe myn hond to heuene, and Y ſchal
a fonned folk. ſeie, Y lyue wiþ outen ende.
xxii Fier, þat is, peyne maad redi to hem, is kyndlid in xli If Y ſchal whette my ſwerd as leit, and myn hond
my ſtronge veniaunce, and it ſchal brenne `til to þe laſte ſchal take doom, Y ſchal ȝelde veniaunce to myn
þingis of helle; and it ſchal deuoure þe lond wiþ his enemyes, and Y ſchal quyte to hem þat haten me.
fruyt, and it ſchal brenne þe foundementis of hillis. xlii Y ſchal fille myn arewis wiþ blood, and my ſwerd
xxiii Y ſchal gadere `yuels on hem, and Y ſchal fille myn
ſchal deuoure fleiſchis of þe blood of hem þat ben ſlayn,
arewis in hem. and of þe caitifte of þe heed of enemyes maad nakid.
xxiiii Þei ſchulen be waaſtid wiþ hungur, and briddis xliii Folkis, preiſe ȝe þe puplis of hym, for he ſchal venie
ſchulen deuoure hem wiþ bitteriſte bityng; Y ſchal ſende þe blood of hiſe ſeruauntis, and he ſchal ȝelde veniaunce
in to hem þe teeþ of beeſtis, wiþ þe woodneſſe of in to þe enemyes of hem; and he ſchal be merciful to þe
wormes drawynge on erþe, and of ſerpentis. lond of his puple.
xxv Swerd wiþ outforþ and drede wiþ ynne ſchal waaſte xliiii Þerfor Moiſes cam, and ſpak alle þe wordis of þis
hem; a ȝong man and a virgyn togidre, a ſoukynge child ſong in þe eeris of þe puple; boþe he and Joſue, þe ſone
wiþ an elde man. of Nun.
xxvi And Y ſeide, Where ben þei? Y ſchal make þe xlv And `he fillide alle þeſe wordis, and ſpak to alle
mynde of hem to ceeſſe of men. Iſrael, and ſeide to hem,

xlvi Putte ȝe ȝoure hertis in to alle þe wordis whiche Y xi Lord, bleſſe þou þe ſtrengþe of hym, and reſſeyue þou
witneſſe to ȝou to day, þat ȝe comaunde to ȝoure ſones, þe werkis of his hondis; ſmyte þou þe backis of hiſe
to kepe, and do þo, and to fulfille alle þingis þat ben enemyes, and þei þat haten hym, riſe not.
writun in þe book of þis lawe; xii And he ſeide to Benjamyn, Þe mooſt loued of þe
xlvii for not in veyn þo ben comaundid to ȝou, but þat Lord ſchal dwelle triſtili in hym, `þat is, in þe Lord; he
alle men ſchulden lyue in þo; whiche wordis ȝe ſchulen ſchal dwelle al day as in a chaumbur, and he ſchal reſte
do, and ſchulen contynue in long tyme in þe lond, to bitwixe þe ſchuldris of hym.
which ȝe ſchulen entre to welde, whanne Jordan is xiii Alſo he ſeide to Joſeph, `His lond is of þe Lordis
paſſid. bleſſyng; of þe applis of heuene, and of þe dewe, and of
xlviii And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes in þe ſame day, watir liggynge byneþe;
xlix and ſeide, Stie þou in to þis hil Abirym, þat is, xiiii of þe applis of fruytis of þe ſunne and moone; of þe
paſſyng, in to þe hil of Nebo, which is in þe lond of coppe of elde munteyns,
Moab, aȝens Jerico; and ſe þou þe lond of Canaan, xv and of þe applis of euerlaſtynge litle hillis;
which Y ſchal ȝyue to þe ſones of Iſrael to holde, and xvi and of þe fruytis of þe lond, and of þe fulneſſe þerof.
die þou in þe hil. Þe bleſſyng of hym þat apperide in þe buſch come on þe
l In to which hil þou ſchalt ſtie, and ſchalt be ioyned to
heed of Joſeph, and on þe cop of Nazarey, `þat is, hooli,
þi puplis, as Aaron, þi broþer, was deed in þe hil of Hor, among hiſe briþeren.
and was put to his puplis. xvii As þe firſt gendrid of a bole is þe feirneſſe of hym;
li For ȝe treſpaſſiden aȝens me, in þe myddis of þe ſones
þe hornes of an vnicorn ben þe hornes of hym; in þo he
of Iſrael, at þe Watris of Aȝenſeiyng, in Cades of deſeert ſchal wyndewe folkis, `til to þe termes of erþe. Þeſe ben
of Syn; and ȝe halewiden not me among þe ſones of þe multitudis of Effraym, and þeſe ben þe þouſyndis of
Iſrael. Manaſſes.
lii Aȝenward þou ſchalt ſe þe lond, and ſchalt not entre xviii And he ſeide to Zabulon, Zabulon, be þou glad in þi
in to it, which Y ſchal ȝyue to þe ſones of Iſrael. goyng out, and, Yſacar, in þi tabernaclis.
xix Þei ſchulen clepe puplis to þe hil, þere þei ſchulen
CAP. XXXIII offre ſacrifices of riȝtfulneſſe; whiche ſchulen ſouke þe
i Þis is þe bleſſing, bi which Moiſes, þe man of God,
flowing of þe ſee as mylk, and hid treſours of grauel.
bleſſide þe ſones of Iſrael bifor his deeþ; xx And he ſeide to Gad, Gad is bleſſid in broodneſſe; he
ii and ſeide, Þe Lord cam fro Syna, and he roos to us fro
reſtide as a lioun, and he took þe arm and þe nol.
Seir; he apperide fro þe hil of Pharan, and þouſandis of xxi And he ſiȝ his prinſhed, þat `þe techere was kept in
ſeyntis wiþ hym; a lawe of fier in his riȝthond. his part; which Gad was wiþ þe princes of þe puple, and
iii He louede puplis; alle ſeyntis ben in his hond, and þei
dide þe riȝtfulneſſes of þe Lord, and his doom wiþ
þat neiȝen to hiſe feet ſchulen take of his doctryn. Iſrael.
iiii Moiſis comaundide lawe `to vs, eritage of þe xxii Alſo he ſeide to Dan, Dan, a whelp of a lioun, ſchal
multitude of Jacob. flowe largeli fro Baſan.
v And þe king ſchal be at þe mooſt riȝtful, whanne xxiii And he ſeide to Neptalym, Neptalym ſchal vſe
princes of þe puple ſchulen be gaderid togidere wiþ þe abundaunce, and he ſchal be ful wiþ bleſſyngis of þe
lynagis of Iſrael. Lord; and he ſchal welde þe ſee and þe ſouþ.
vi Ruben lyue, and die not, and be he litil in noumbre. xxiiii Alſo he ſeide to Aſer, Aſer, be bleſſid in ſones, and
vii Þis is þe bleſſyng of Juda; Lord, here þou þe vois of pleſe he hiſe briþeren; dippe he his foot in oile.
Juda, and brynge in hym to his puple; hiſe hondis xxv Yrun and bras þe ſcho of hym; as þe dai of þi ȝouþe
ſchulen fiȝte for hym, and þe helpere of hym ſchal be ſo and þin eelde.
aȝens hiſe aduerſaries. xxvi Noon oþer god is as þe God of þe mooſt riȝtful, þat
viii Alſo he ſeide to Leuy, Þi perfeccioun and þi techyng
is, `as þe God `of þe puple of Iſrael, gouerned bi mooſt
is of an hooly man, whom þou preuediſt in temptacioun, riȝtful lawe; þe ſtiere of heuene is þin helpere; cloudis
and demediſt at þe Watris of Aȝenſeiynge; rennen aboute bi þe glorie of hym.
ix which Leuy ſeide to his fadir and to his modir, Y xxvii His dwellynge place is aboue, and armes
knowe not ȝou, and to hiſe briþeren, Y knowe not hem; euerlaſtynge ben byneþe; he ſchal caſte out fro þi face
and knewen not her ſones. Þeſe kepten þi ſpeche, and þe enemy, and he ſchal ſeie, Be þou al to-brokun.
þeſe kepten þi couenaunt; A! xxviii Iſrael ſchal dwelle truſtili and aloone; þe iȝe of
x Jacob, þei kepten þi domes, and `þou, Iſrael, þei
Jacob in þe lond of whete, and of wyn; and heuenes
kepten þi lawe; þei ſchulen putte encenſe in þi ſtrong ſchulen be derk wiþ dew.
veniaunce, and brent ſacrifice on þin auter.

xxix Bleſſedart þou, Iſrael; þou puple þat art ſaued in þe
Lord, who is lijk þee? Þe ſcheld of þin help and þe
ſwerd of þi glorie is þi God; þin enemyes ſchulen denye
þee, and þou ſchalt trede her neckis.

i Þerfor Moyſes ſtiede fro þe feeldi places of Moab on
þe hil of Nebo, in to þe cop of Faſga, aȝens Gerico. And
þe Lord ſchewide to hym al þe lond of Galaad `til to
ii and al Neptalym, and þe lond of Effraym and of
Manaſſes, and al þe lond of Juda, `til to þe laſte ſee; and
þe ſouþ part,
iii and þe breede of þe feeld of Jerico, of þe citee of
Palmes `til to Segor.
iiii And þe Lord ſeide to hym, Þis is þe lond for which Y
ſwoor to Abraham, Iſaac, and Jacob; and Y ſeide, Y
ſchal ȝyue it to þi ſeed; þou haſt ſeyn it wiþ þin iȝen, and
þou ſchalt not paſſe `to it.
v And Moyſes, þe ſeruaunt of þe Lord, was deed þere, in
þe lond of Moab, `for þe Lord comaundide.
vi And þe Lord biriede hym in a valey of þe lond of
Moab, aȝens Fegor, and no man knewe his ſepulcre `til
in to preſent day.
vii Moiſes was of an hundrid and twenti ȝeer whanne he
diede; his iȝe daſewide not, neþir hiſe teeþ weren ſtirid.
viii And þe ſones of Iſrael biwepten hym þretti daies in
þe feeldi places of Moab; and þe daies of weilyng of
men `bymorenynge Moiſes weren fillid.
ix Forſoþe Joſue, þe ſone of Nun, was fillid wiþ `þe
ſpyrit of wiſdom, for Moiſes ſettide hiſe hondis on hym;
and þe ſones of Iſrael obeieden to Joſue, and diden as þe
Lord comaundide to Moiſes.
x And `a profete roos no more in Iſrael `as Moiſes,
whom þe Lord knewe face to face,
xi in alle myraclis, and grete wondris, whiche þe Lord
ſente bi hym, þat he ſchulde do in þe lond of Egipt to
Farao, and alle hiſe ſeruauntis, and to al þe lond `of
xii and al ſtrong hond, and þe `grete merueylis, whiche
Moyſes dide bifor al Iſrael.
Here endiþ Deutronomy, and here bigynneþ þe book
of Joſue.

xv til þe Lord ȝyue reſte to ȝoure briþeren, as `he ȝaf alſo
JOSHUA to ȝou, and `til alſo þei welden þe lond which ȝoure
Here bigynneþ þe book of Joſue. Lord God ſchal ȝyue to hem; and ſo turne ȝe aȝen in to
þe lond of ȝoure poſſeſſioun, and ȝe ſchulen dwelle in
CAP. I þat lond which Moiſes, `ſeruaunt of þe Lord, ȝaf to ȝou
i And it was doon aftir þe deeþ of Moyſes, ſeruaunt of ouer Jordan, aȝens þe `ryſyng of þe ſunne.
xvi And þei anſweriden to Joſue, and ſeiden, We ſchulen
þe Lord, þat þe Lord ſpak to Joſue, ſone of Nun, þe
mynyſtre of Moyſes, and ſeide to hym, Moiſes, my do alle þingis whiche þou comaundidiſt to vs, and we
ſeruaunt, is deed; ſchulen go, whidir euer þou ſendiſt vs;
ii riſe þou, and paſſe þis Jordan, þou, and al þe puple xvii as we obeieden in alle þingis to Moiſes, ſo we
wiþ þee, in to þe lond which Y ſchal ȝyue to þe ſones of ſchulen obeie alſo to þee; oneli þi Lord God be wiþ þee,
Iſrael. as he was wiþ Moyſes.
iii Y ſchal ȝyue to ȝou ech place which þe ſtep of ȝoure xviii Die he þat aȝenſeiþ þi mouþ, and obeieþ not to alle
foot ſchal trede, as Y ſpak to Moyſes, þi wordis, whiche þou comaundiſt to hym; oneli be þou
iiii fro þe deſeert and Liban til to þe greet flood Eufrates; coumfortid, and do þou manli.
al þe lond of Etheis, `til to þe greet ſee aȝens þe goyng
doun of þe ſunne, ſchal be ȝoure terme. CAP. II
v Noon ſchal mow aȝenſtonde ȝou in alle þe daies of þi i Þerfor Joſue, þe ſone of Nun, ſente fro Sethym twei

lijf; as Y was wiþ Moiſes, ſo Y ſchal be wiþ þee; Y ſchal men, aſpieris in hiddlis, and ſeide to hem, Go ȝe, and
not leeue, neþer Y ſchal forſake þee. biholde ȝe þe lond, and þe citee of Jerico. Whiche
vi Be þou coumfortid, and be þou ſtrong; for þou ſchalt ȝeden, and entriden into þe hous of a womman hoore,
departe bi lot to þis puple þe lond, for which Y ſwoor to `Raab bi name, and reſtiden at hir.
ii And it was teld, `and ſeid to þe kyng of Jerico, Lo!
þi fadris, þat Y ſchulde ȝyue it to hem.
vii Þerfor be þou coumfortid, and be þou ful ſtrong, þat men of þe ſones of Iſrael entriden hidir bi nyȝt, to aſpie
þou kepe and do al þe lawe, which Moyſes, my þe lond.
iii Þerfor þe kyng of Jerico ſente to Raab þe hoore, and
ſeruaunt, comaundide to þee; bowe þou not fro it to þe
riȝt ſide, eþer to þe left ſide, þat þou vndirſtonde alle ſeide, Brynge out þe men, þat camen to þee, and
þingis whiche þou doiſt. entriden in to þin hous; for þei ben aſpieris, and þei
viii Þe book of þis lawe departe not fro þi mouþ, but þou camen to biholde al þe lond.
iiii And þe womman took þe men, and hidde hem, and
ſchalt þenke þerynne in daies and nyȝtis, þat þou kepe
and do alle þingis þat ben writun þerynne; þanne þou ſeide, Y knowleche, þei camen to me, but Y wiſte not of
ſchalt dreſſe þi weie, and ſchalt vndirſtonde it. whenus þei weren;
ix Lo! Y comaunde to þee; be þou coumfortid, and be v and whanne þe ȝate was cloſid in derkneſſis, and þei

þou ſtrong; nyle þou drede `wiþoutforþ, and nyle þou ȝeden out to gidire, Y noot whidur þei ȝeden; purſue ȝe
drede wiþynne; for þi Lord God is wiþ þee in alle ſoone, and ȝe ſchulen take hem.
þingis, to whiche þou gooſt. vi Forſoþe ſche made þe men to ſtie in to þe ſoler of hir
x And Joſue comaundide to þe princis of þe puple, and hows, and hilide hem wiþ ſtobil of flex, þat was þere.
ſeide, Paſſe ȝe þoruy þe myddis of þe caſtels; and vii Soþeli þei, þat weren ſent, ſueden hem bi þe weie þat
comaunde `ȝe to þe puple, and ſeie ȝe, Make ȝe redi lediþ to þe fordis of Jordan; and whanne þei weren
metis to ȝou, goon out, anoon þe ȝate was cloſid.
xi for after þe þridde dai ȝe ſchulen paſſe Jordan, and ȝe viii Þei þat weren hid, ſlepten not ȝit, and lo! þe
ſchulen entre to welde þe lond, which ȝoure Lord God womman ſtiede to hem, and ſeide,
ſchal ȝyue to ȝou. ix Y knowe þat þe Lord haþ bitake to ȝou þis lond; for
xii Alſo he ſeide to men of Ruben, and `to men of Gad, ȝoure feerdfulneſſe felde in to vs, and alle þe dwelleris
and to þe half lynage of Manaſſes, Haue ȝe mynde of þe of þe lond `weren ſike.
word which Moiſes, x We herden, þat þe Lord driede þe watris of þe Reed
xiii þe `ſeruaunt of þe Lord, comaundide to ȝou, and See at ȝoure entryng, whanne ȝe ȝeden out of Egipt; and
ſeide, Ȝoure Lord God haþ ȝoue to ȝou reſte and al þe what þingis ȝe diden to twei kyngis of Ammorreis, þat
lond; weren biȝende Jordan, to Seon and Og, whiche ȝe
xiiii ȝoure wyues and ȝoure ſones and beeſtis ſchulen killiden;
dwelle in þe lond which Moiſes ȝaf to ȝou biȝende xi and we herden þeſe þingis, and we dredden, and oure
Jordan; but paſſe ȝe armed, `alle ſtrong in hond, bifor herte `was ſike, and ſpirit dwellide not in vs at ȝoure
ȝoure briþeren; and fiȝte ȝe for hem, entryng; for ȝoure Lord God hym ſilf is God in heuene
aboue, and in erþe byneþe.

xii Now þerfor ſwere ȝe to me bi þe Lord God, þat as Y iii and bigunnen to crie, Whanne ȝe ſeen þe arke of
dide merci wiþ ȝou, ſo and ȝe do wiþ þe hows of my boond of pees of ȝoure Lord God, and þe preeſtis of þe
fadir; and ȝyue ȝe to me a veri ſigne, generacioun of Leuy berynge it, alſo riſe ȝe, and ſue þe
xiii þat ȝe ſaue my fadir and modir, and my briþeren and biforgoeris;
ſiſtris, and alle þingis þat ben herne, and dilyuere oure iiii and a ſpace of twey þouſynde cubitis be bitwixe ȝou
lyues fro deeþ. and þe arke, þat ȝe moun ſe fer, and knowe bi what weie
xiiii Whiche anſweriden to hir, Oure lijf be for ȝou in to ȝe ſchulen entre, for ȝe `ȝeden not bifore bi it; and be ȝe
deeþ, if neþeles þou bitraieſt not vs; and whanne þe war, þat ȝe neiȝe not to þe arke.
Lord haþ bitake to vs þe lond, we ſchulen do mercy and v And Joſue ſeide to þe puple, Be ȝe halewid, for to
treuþe in þee. morew þe Lord ſchal make merueilis among ȝou.
xv Þerfor ſche let hem doun fro þe wyndow bi a corde; vi And Joſue ſeide to þe preeſtis, Take ȝe þe arke of þe
for hir hows cleuyde to þe wal. boond of pees `of þe Lord, and go ȝe bifor þe puple.
xvi And ſche ſeide to hem, Stie ȝe to þe hilli places, leſt Whiche filliden þe heeſtis, and tooken þe arke, and
perauenture men turnynge aȝen meete ȝou; and be ȝe ȝeden bifor hem.
hidde þere þree daies, til þei comen aȝen; and ſo ȝe vii And þe Lord ſeide to Joſue, To dai Y ſchal bigynne to
ſchulen go bi ȝoure weie. enhaunſe þee bifor al Iſrael, þat þei wite, þat as Y was
xvii Whiche ſeiden to hir, We ſchulen be giltles of þis wiþ Moiſes, ſo Y am alſo wiþ þee.
ooþ, bi which þou haſt chargid vs, viii Forſoþe comaunde þou to preeſtis, þat beren þe arke
xviii if, whanne we entren in to þe lond, þis reed corde is of bond of pees, and ſeie þou to hem, Whanne ȝe han
not a ſigne, and þou byndiſt it not in þe wyndow, bi entrid in to a part of þe watir of Jordan, ſtonde ȝe
which þou lettiſt vs doun; and þou gaderiſt not in to þi þerynne.
hows þi fadir and modir, and briþeren, and al þi ix And Joſue ſeide to þe ſones of Iſrael, Neiȝe ȝe hidur,
kynrede; þe blood of hym ſchal be on his heed, and here ȝe þe word of ȝoure Lord God.
xix þat goiþ out at þe dore of þin hows, and we ſchulen x And eft he ſeide, In þis ȝe ſchulen wite þat þe Lord
be alien, þat is, giltles; forſoþe þe blood of alle men þat God lyuynge is in þe myddis of ȝou; and he ſchal diſtrye
ben in þe hows wiþ þee, ſchal turne in to oure heed, if in ȝoure ſiȝt Cananey, Ethei, Euey, and Fereſei, and
ony man touchiþ hem. Gergeſei, and Jebuſei, and Amorrei.
xx `Þat if þou wolt betraie vs, and brynge forþ in to þe xi Lo! þe arke of boond of pees of þe Lord of al erþe
myddis þis word, we ſchulen be cleene of þis ooþ, bi ſchal go bifor ȝou þorouȝ Jordan.
which þou haſt chargid vs. xii Make ȝe redi twelue men of þe twelue lynagis of
xxi And ſche anſweride, As ȝe han ſpoke, ſo be it doon. Iſrael, bi ech lynage o man.
And ſche lefte hem, þat þei ſchulden go, and ſche xiii And whanne þe preeſtis, þat beren þe arke of boond
hangide a reed corde in her wyndow. of pees of þe Lord God of al erþe, han ſet þe ſteppis of
xxii Soþeli þei ȝeden, and camen to þe hilli places, and her feet in þe watris of Jordan, þe watris þat ben lowere
dwelliden þere þree daies, til þei turneden aȝen þat ſchulen renne doun, and ſchulen faile; forſoþe þe watris
purſueden; for þei ſouȝten bi ech weie, and founden not þat comen fro aboue ſchulen ſtonde togidere in o gobet.
hem. xiiii Þerfor þe puple ȝede out of her tabernaclis to paſſe
xxiii And whanne þe ſekeris entriden in to þe citee, þe Jordan; and þe preeſtis þat baren þe arke of boond of
ſpieris turneden aȝen, and camen doun fro þe hille; and pees ȝeden bifor þe puple.
whanne þei hadde paſſid Jordan, þei camen to Joſue, þe xv And whanne þe preeſtis entriden in to Jordan, and her
ſone of Nun; feet weren dippid in þe part of watir; forſoþe Jordan
xxiiii and þei telden to hym alle þingis þat bifelden to `hadde fillid þe brynkis of his trow in þe tyme of `ripe
hem, and ſeiden, Þe Lord haþ bitake al þe lond in to corn;
oure hondis, and alle þe dwelleris þereof ben caſten xvi þe watris ȝeden doun, and ſtoden in o place, and
doun bi drede. wexiden grete at þe licneſſe of an hil, and apperiden fer
fro þe citee þat was clepid Edom, `til to þe place of
CAP. III Sarthan; ſoþeli þe watris þat weren lowere ȝeden doun
i Þerfor Joſue roos bi nyȝt, and mouede tentis; and þei in to þe ſee of wildirneſſe, which is now clepid þe deed
ȝeden out of Sechym, and camen to Jordan, he and alle ſee, `til þe watris failiden outirli.
þe ſones of Iſrael, and dwelliden þere þre daies. xvii Forſoþe þe puple ȝede þorouȝ Jordan; and þe
ii And whanne þo daies weren paſſid, crieris ȝeden preeſtis, þat baren þe arke of þe boond of pees of þe
þorouȝ þe myddis of tentis, Lord, ſtoden gird on þe drie erþe in þe myddis of
Jordan, and al þe puple paſſide þorouȝ þe drie trow.

CAP. IIII xviii And whanne þei hadden ſtied, berynge þe arke of
i And whanne þei weren paſſid ouer, þe Lord ſeide to boond of pees of þe Lord, and hadde bigunne to trede
Joſue, on þe drie erþe, þe watris turneden aȝen in to her trowe,
ii Cheſe þou twelue men, and flowiden, as þo weren wont before.
iii by ech lynage o man, and comaunde þou to hem, þat xix Forſoþe þe puple ſtiede fro Jordan in þe tenþe dai of

þei take fro þe myddis of þe trow of Jordan, where þe þe firſte moneþe, and þei ſettiden tentis in Galgalis,
`feet of preeſtis ſtoden, twelue hardiſte ſtoonys; whiche aȝens þe eeſt cooſt of þe citee of Jerico.
þou ſchalt ſette in þe place of caſtels, where ȝe ſchulen xx Alſo Joſue puttide in Galgalis þe twelue ſtonys,
ſette tentis in þis nyȝt. whiche þei hadden take fro þe trow of Jordan.
iiii And Joſue clepide twelue men, whiche he hadde xxi And he ſeide to þe ſones of Iſrael, Whanne ȝoure
choſe of þe ſones of Iſrael, of ech lynage o man; ſones ſchulen axe to morewe her fadris, and ſchulen ſeie
v and he ſeide to hem, Go ȝe bifore þe arke of ȝoure to hem, What wolen þeſe ſtoonys `to hem ſilf?
Lord God to þe myddis of Jordan, and bere ȝe fro xxii ȝe ſchulen teche hem, and ȝe ſchulen ſeie, We
þennus in ȝoure ſchuldris ech man o ſtoon, bi þe paſſiden þis Jordan bi þe drie botme,
noumbre of þe ſones of Iſrael, xxiii for oure Lord God driede þe watris þerof in oure
vi þat it be a ſigne bitwixe ȝou. And whanne ȝoure ſones ſiȝt, til we paſſiden,
ſchulen axe ȝou to morewe, þat is, in tyme `to comynge, xxiiii as he dide bifore in þe Reed See, which he driede
and ſchulen ſeie, What wolen þeſe ſtonus `to hem ſilf? while we paſſiden,
vii ȝe ſchulen anſwere to hem, Þe watris of Jordan xxv þat alle þe puplis of londis lurne þe ſtrongeſte hond
failiden bifor þe arke of boond of pees of þe Lord, of þe Lord, þat alſo ȝe drede ȝoure Lord God in al tyme.
whanne þe arke paſſide Jordan; þerfor þeſe ſtoonus ben
ſet in to mynde of þe ſones of Iſrael, til in to wiþouten CAP. V
ende. i Þerfor aftir þat alle kyngis of Ammorreys herden, þat
viii Þerfor þe ſones of Iſrael diden as Joſue comaundide
dwelliden ouer Jordan at þe weſt cooſt, and alle þe
to hem, and baren fro þe myddis of þe trow of Jordan kyngis of Canaan, þat weldiden nyȝ places of þe greet
twelue ſtoonys, as þe Lord comaundide to hem, bi þe ſee, þat þe Lord hadden dried þe flowyngis of Jordan
noumbre of þe ſones of Iſrael, `til to þe place in which bifor þe ſones of Iſrael, til þei paſſiden, þe herte of hem
þei ſettiden tentis; and þere þei puttiden þo ſtonys. was failid, and ſpirit dwellide not in hem, dredynge þe
ix Alſo Joſue puttide oþire twelue ſtoonys in þe myddis entring of þe ſones of Iſrael.
of þe trow of Jordan, where þe preeſtis ſtoden, þat baren ii In þat tyme þe Lord ſeide to Joſue, Make to þee
þe arke of boond of pees of þe Lord; and þo ſtoonys ben knyues of ſtoon, and circumſide þou þe ſones of Iſrael,
þere `til in to preſent dai. in þe ſecunde tyme.
x Forſoþe þe preeſtis, þat baren þe arke, ſtoden in þe iii Joſue dide þo þingis whiche þe Lord comaundide,
myddis of Jordan, til alle þingis weren fillid, whiche þe and he circumſide þe ſones of Iſrael in þe `hil of
Lord comaundide, þat Joſue ſchulde ſpeke to þe puple, prepucies.
as Moiſes hadde ſeide to hym. And þe puple haſtide, and iiii Soþeli þis is þe cauſe of þe ſecunde circumciſioun; al
paſſide. þe puple of male kynde, þat ȝede out of Egipt, alle men
xi And whanne alle men hadden paſſid, alſo þe arke of
fiȝteris, weren deed in deſeert bi þe lengeſte cumpaſſis
þe Lord paſſide, and þe preeſtis ȝeden bifor þe puple. of weie,
xii Alſo þe ſones of Ruben, and of Gad, and half þe v whiche alle weren circumſidid. Soþeli þe puple
lynage of Manaſſe, ȝeden armed bifor þe ſones of Iſrael, vi þat was borun in deſeert bi fourti ȝeer, in þe weie of
as Moyſes comaundide to hem. broddeſte wildirneſſe, was vncircumſidid til þei weren
xiii And fourti þouſynde of fiȝters ȝeden bi her
waaſtid, þat herden not þe `vois of þe Lord, and to
cumpanyes and gaderyngis on þe pleyn and feeldi whiche he ſwoor bifore, þat he ſchulde ſchewe to hem
places of þe citee of Jerico. þe lond flowynge wiþ mylk and hony.
xiiii In þat day þe Lord magnyfiede Joſue bifor al Iſrael, vii Þe ſones of hem camen aftirward in to þe place of
þat þei ſchulden drede hym, as þei dreden Moiſes, while fadris, and þei weren circumſidid of Joſue; whiche, as
he lyuede ȝit. þei weren borun, weren in prepucie, neþer ony man
xv And þe Lord ſeide to Joſue, hadde circumſidid hem in þe weie.
xvi Comaunde þou to þe preeſtis þat beren þe arke of viii Forſoþe aftir þat alle weren circumſidid, þei
boond of pees, þat þei ſtie fro Jordan. dwelliden in þe ſame place of tentis, til þei weren
xvii And Joſue comaundide to hem, and ſeide, Stie ȝe fro heelid.

ix And þe Lord ſeide to Joſue, To dai Y haue take awei ix and al þe puple armed ȝede bifore, þe toþir comyn
fro ȝou þe ſchenſchip of Egipt. And þe name of þat puple of fiȝteris ſuede þe arke, and alle þingis ſowneden
place was clepid Galgala, `til in to preſent dai. wiþ clariouns.
x And þe ſones of Iſrael dwelliden in Galgalis, and x Soþeli Joſue comaundide to þe puple, and ſeide, Ȝe
maden paſk in þe fourtenþe dai of þe moneþe at ſchulen not crye, neþir ȝoure vois ſchal be herd, neþir
euentide, in þe feeldi places of Jerico; ony word ſchal go out of ȝoure mouþ, til þe dai come,
xi and `þei eten of þe fruytis of þe lond `in þe toþir day, in which Y ſchal ſeie to ȝou, Crye ȝe, and make ȝe
þerf looues, and potage of þe ſame ȝeer, `eþer cornys noyſe.
ſeengid and frotid in þe hond. xi Þerfor þe arke of þe Lord cumpaſſide þe citee onys bi
xii And manna failide aftir þat þei eten of þe fruytis of day, and turnede aȝen in to þe caſtels, and dwellide
þe lond; and þe ſones of Iſrael vſiden no more þat mete, þere.
but þei eten of þe fruytis of preſent ȝeer of þe lond of xii Þerfor while Joſue roos bi nyȝt, preeſtis tooken þe
Canaan. arke of þe Lord;
xiii Soþely whanne Joſue was in þe feeld of þe cite of xiii and ſeuene of þe preeſtis token ſeuen clariouns, of
Jerico, he reiſide þe iȝen, and ſiȝ a man ſtondynge aȝens whiche `þe vſs is in iubilee, and ȝeden bifor þe arke of
hym, and holdynge a drawun ſwerd; and Joſue ȝede out þe Lord, `and ȝeden, and trumpiden; and þe puple ȝede
to hym, and ſeide, Art þou oure, eþir `of aduerſaries? armed bifor hem. Soþeli þe toþer comyn puple ſuede þe
xiiii To whom he anſweride, Nay, but Y am prince of þe arke, and ſownede wiþ clariouns.
`hooſt of þe Lord, and now Y come. xiiii And þei cumpaſſiden þe citee in þe ſecunde dai
xv Joſue felde lowe to erþe, and worſchipide, and ſeide, onys, and turneden aȝen in to þe caſtels; ſo þei dyden in
What ſpekiþ my Lord to his ſeruaunt? ſixe daies.
xvi He ſeide, Vnlace þi ſchoo fro þi feet, for þe place, in xv Soþeli in þe ſeuenþe dai þei riſiden eerli, and

which þou ſtondiſt, is hooli. And Joſue dide, as it was cumpaſſiden þe citee, as it was diſpoſid, ſeuen ſiþis.
comaundid to hym. xvi And whanne in þe ſeuenþe cumpas preeſtis
ſowneden wiþ clariouns, Joſue ſeide to al Iſrael, Crie ȝe,
CAP. VI for þe Lord haþ bitake þe citee to vs;
i Forſoþe Jerico was cloſid and wardid, for þe drede of xvii and þis citee be curſid, eþir diſtried, and alle þingis
þe ſones of Iſrael, and no man durſte entre, eþir go out. þat ben þerynne be halewid to þe Lord. Raab þe hoor
ii And þe Lord ſeide to Joſue, Lo! Y ȝaf in to þin hondis aloone lyue, wiþ alle men þat ben wiþ hir in þe hows;
Jerico, and þe king þerof, and alle ſtrong men. for ſche hidde þe meſſangeris whiche we ſenten.
iii Alle ȝe fiȝteris, cumpaſſe þe citee onys bi þe day; ſo xviii Forſoþe be ȝe war, leſt ȝe touchen ony þing of þeſe

ȝe ſchulen do in ſixe daies. þat ben comaundid to ȝou, and ȝe ben gilti of
iiii Forſoþe in þe ſeuenþe dai þe preeſtis ſchulen take treſpaſſyng; and alle þe caſtels of Iſrael be vndur ſynne,
ſeuene clariouns, of whiche `þe vſs is in iubile; and þei and be troblid.
xix Soþeli what euer þing is of gold, and of ſiluer, and of
ſchulen go bifor þe arke of boond of pees; and ſeuen
ſiþes ȝe ſchulen cumpaſſe þe citee, and þe preeſtis braſun veſſels, and of yrun, be halewid to þe Lord, and
ſchulen trumpe wiþ clariouns. be kept in hiſe treſoris.
v And whanne þe vois of þe trumpe ſchal ſowne lengere, xx Þerfor while al þe puple criede, and þe trumpis

and more bi whiles, and ſchal ſowne in ȝoure eeris, al þe ſowneden, aftir þat þe ſowne ſownede in þe eeris of þe
puple ſchal crie togidere wiþ gretteſte cry; and þe wallis multitude, þe walles felden doun anoon; and ech man
of þe citee ſchulen falle alle doun, and alle men ſchulen ſtiede bi þe place þat was aȝens hym. And þei token þe
entre bi þe place, aȝens which þei ſtonden. citee,
vi Þerfor Joſue, þe ſone of Nun, clepide preeſtis, and xxi and killiden alle þingis þat weren þerynne, fro man

ſeide to hem, Take ȝe þe ark of boond of pees, and `til to womman, fro ȝong child `til to eld man; alſo þei
ſeuene oþere preeſtis take ſeuene clariouns of iubile ſmytiden bi þe ſcharpneſſe of ſwerd, oxun, and ſcheep,
ȝeeris, and go þei bifor þe arke of þe Lord. and aſſis.
vii Alſo Joſue ſeide to þe puple, Go ȝe, and cumpaſſe ȝe xxii Forſoþe Joſue ſeide to twei men, þat weren ſent

þe citee, and go ȝe armed bifor þe arke of þe Lord. aſpieris, Entre ȝe in to þe hows of þe womman hoore,
viii And whanne Joſue hadde endid þe wordis, and and brynge ȝe forþ hir, and alle þingis þat ben herne, as
ſeuene preeſtis trumpiden wiþ ſeuen clariouns bifor þe ȝe maden ſtedfaſt to hir bi an ooþ.
xxiii And þe ȝonge men entriden, and ledden out Raab,
arke of boond of pees of þe Lord,
and her fadir, and modir, and briþeren, and al þe
purtenaunce of houſhold, and þe kynrede `of hir; and
maden to dwelle wiþout þe caſtels of Iſrael.

xxiiii Soþeliþei brenten þe citee, and alle þingis þat x And þe Lord ſeide to Joſue, Riſe þou; whi liggiſt þou
weren foundun þerynne, wiþout gold, and ſiluer, and low in þe erþe?
braſun veſſelis, and yrun, which þei halewiden in to þe xi Iſrael ſynnede, and brak my couenaunt; and þei token
`treſerie of þe Lord. of þe halewid þing, and þei han ſtole, and lieden, and
xxv Soþeli Joſue made Raab þe hoore to lyue, and `þe hidden among her veſſels.
hows of hir fadir, and alle þingis þat ſche hadde; and þei xii And Iſrael may not ſtonde bifore hiſe enemyes, and
dwelliden in þe myddis of Iſrael, `til in to preſent dai; Iſrael ſchal fle hem, for it is defoulid wiþ curſyng; Y
for ſche hidde þe meſſangeris, whiche he ſente to aſſpie ſchal no more be wiþ ȝou, til ȝe al to breke hym which
Jerico. In þat tyme Joſue preiede hertli, is gilti of þis treſpas.
xxvi and ſeide, Curſid bifor þe Lord be þe man, þat reiſiþ xiii Riſe þou, halewe þe puple, and ſeie þou to hem, Be
and bildiþ þe citee of Jerico! Leie he þe foundementis ȝe halewid aȝens to morewe; for þe Lord God of Iſrael
þerof in his firſte gendrid ſone, and putte he þe ȝatis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, A! Iſrael! curſyng is in þe myddis of
þerof in þe laſte of fre children. þee; þou ſchalt not mowe ſtonde bifor þin enemyes, til
xxvii Þerfor þe Lord was wiþ Joſue, and his name was he þat is defoulyd bi þis treſpas, be doon awei fro þee.
puppliſchid in ech lond. xiiii And ȝe ſchulen come eerli, alle men bi ȝoure
lynagis; and whateuer lynage þe lot ſchal fynde, it ſchal
CAP. VII come bi hiſe meynees; and þe meynee ſchal come bi
i Forſoþe þe ſones of Iſrael braken `þe comaundement, houſis, and þe hous ſchal come bi men.
and myſtoken of þe halewid þing; for Achar, þe ſon of xv And whoeuer ſchal be takun wiþ þis treſpas, he ſchal
Charmy, ſone of Zabdi, ſone of Zare, of þe lynage of be brent bi fier wiþ al his catel, for he brak þe
Juda, toke ſum þing of þe halewid þing; and þe Lord couenaunt of þe Lord, and dide vnleueful þing in Iſrael.
was wrooþ aȝens þe ſones of Iſrael. xvi Þerfor Joſue roos eerly, and ſettide in ordre Iſrael, bi
ii And whanne Joſue ſente men fro Jerico aȝens Hai,
hiſe lynagis; and þe lynage of Juda was foundun;
which is biſidis Bethauen, at þe eeſt cooſt of þe citee xvii and whanne þat lynage was brouȝt forþ bi hiſe
Bethel, he ſeide to hem, Stie ȝe, and aſpie ȝe þe lond. meynees, þe meyne of Zare was foundun. And Joſue
Whiche filliden `þe comaundementis, and aſpieden brouȝte forþ it bi men, eþir houſis, and foond Zabdi;
Hay; xviii whos hows he departide in to alle men bi hemſilf;
iii and þei turneden aȝen, and ſeiden to hym, `Not al þe
and he foond Achar, þe ſone of Charmy, ſone of Zabdi,
puple ſtie, but twey eþer þre þouſynde of men go, and ſone of Zare, of þe lynage of Juda.
do awei þe citee; whi ſchal al þe puple be trauelid in xix And he ſeide to Achar, My ſone, ȝyue þou glorie to
veyn aȝens feweſte enemyes? þe Lord God of Iſrael, and knowleche þou, and ſchew to
iiii Þerfor þre þouſynde of fiȝteris ſtieden, whiche
me what þou haſt do; hide þou not.
turneden þe backis anoon, xx And Achar anſweryde to Joſue, and ſeide to hym,
v and weren ſmytun of þe men of Hay; and ſixe and
Verily, Y ſynnede bifor þe Lord God of Iſrael, and Y
þretti men of hem `felden doun; and aduerſaries dide `ſo and ſo;
purſueden hem fro þe ȝate til to Saberym; and þei felden xxi for among þe ſpuylis Y ſiȝ a reed mentil ful good,
doun fleynge bi lowe places. And þe herte of þe puple and two hundrid ſiclis of ſiluer, and a goldun reule of
dredde, and was maad vnſtidefaſt at þe licneſſe of watir. fifti ſiclis; and Y coueytide, and took awei, and hidde in
vi Soþeli Joſue torente hiſe cloþis, and felde lowe to þe
þe erþe, aȝens þe myddis of my tabernacle; and Y hilide
erþe bifor þe arke of þe Lord, `til to euentid, as wel he, þe ſiluer wiþ erþe doluun.
as alle þe elde men of Iſrael; and þei caſtiden powdir on xxii Þerfor Joſue ſente mynyſtris, whyche runnen to his
her heedis. tabernacle, and foundun alle þingis hid in þe ſame
vii And Joſue ſeide, Alas! alas! Lord God, what woldiſt
place, and þe ſiluer togidere; and þei token awei fro þe
þou lede þis puple ouer þe flood Jordan, þat þou tente,
ſchuldiſt bitake vs in þe hond of Ammorrey, and ſchulde xxiii and brouȝten `þo þingis to Joſue, and to alle þe
leeſe vs? Y wolde, þat as we bygunnen, we hadden ſones of Iſrael; and þei caſtiden forþ bifor þe Lord.
dwellid biȝondis Jordan. xxiiii Þerfor Joſue took Achar, þe ſone of Zare, and þe
viii My Lord God, what ſchal Y ſeie, ſeynge Iſrael
ſiluer, and þe mentil, and þe goldun reule, and hiſe
turnynge þe backis to hiſe enemyes? ſones, and douȝtris, oxun, aſſis, and ſcheep, and þe
ix Cananeys, and alle dwelleris of þe lond ſchulen here,
tabernacle `it ſilf, and al þe purtenaunce of houſehold,
and þei ſchulen be gaderid togidere, and ſchulen and al Iſrael wiþ Joſue; and þei ledden hem to þe valei
cumpas vs, and ſchulen do awei oure name fro erþe; of Achar;
and what ſchalt þou do to þi grete name?

xxv where Joſue ſeide, For þou diſturblidiſt vs, þe Lord cooſt of þe citee. Þerfor Joſue ȝede in þat nyȝt, and ſtood
ſchal diſturble þee in þis dai. And al Iſrael ſtonyde hym; in þe myddis of þe valei;
and alle þingis þat weren hiſe, weren waſtid bi fier. xiiii and whanne þe kyng of Hai had ſeyn þat, he haſtide
xxvi And þei gaderiden on hym a greet heep of ſtoonys, eerli, and ȝede out wiþ al þe ooſt of þe citee, and he
whiche dwellen til in to preſent day. And þe ſtrong dreſſide ſcheltrun aȝens þe deſeert; and wiſte not þat
veniaunce of þe Lord was turned awei fro hem; and þe buyſchementis weren hid bihinde þe bak.
name of þat place was clepid þe valey of Achar `til to xv Forſoþe Joſue and al þe multitude `of Iſrael ȝauen
day. place, feynynge drede, and fleynge bi þe weie of
wildirneſſe; and þei crieden togidere,
CAP. VIII xvi and excitiden hem ſilf togidere, and purſueden hem.
i Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Joſue, Neþer drede þou And whanne þei hadden go awey fro þe citee,
`wiþoutforþ, `neþer drede þou wiþynne; take wiþ þee al xvii and ſoþely not oon hadde left in þe citee of Hai and
þe multitude of fiȝteris, and riſe þou, and ſtie in to þe Bethauen, þat `purſuede not Iſrael, and þei leften þe
citee of Hay; lo, Y haue bitake in þin hond þe king citees opyn, as þei hadden broke out,
þerof, and þe puple, and þe citee, and þe lond. xviii þe Lord ſeide to Joſue, `Reiſe þou þe ſcheeld which
ii And þou ſchalt do to þe citee of Hay, and to þe king
is in þin hond, aȝens þe citee of Hay; for Y ſchal ȝyue it
þerof, as þou didiſt to Gerico, and to þe king þerof; to þee.
ſoþeli ȝe ſchulen take to ȝou þe prey, and alle lyuynge xix And whanne he hadde reiſid þe ſcheld aȝens þe citee,
beeſtis; ſette þou `aſpies, eþir buyſchementis, to þe citee buyſchementis, þat weren hid, riſeden anoon; and þei
bihynde it. ȝeden to þe citee, and token, and brenten it.
iii And Joſue roos, and al þe ooſt of fiȝteris wiþ hym, to xx Forſoþe þe men of þe citee, þat purſueden Joſue,
ſtie in to Hay; and bi nyȝte he ſente þretti choſen bihelden, and ſiȝen þe ſmoke of þe citee ſtie `til to
þouſynde of ſtronge men; heuene; and þei myȝten no more fle hidur and þidur;
iiii and comaundide to hem, and ſeide, Sette ȝe
moſt ſiþen þei þat hadden feyned fliȝt, and ȝeden to
buyſchementis bihynde þe citee, and go ȝe not ferþere; wildirneſſe, wiþſtoden ſtronglieſte `aȝens þe purſueris.
and alle ȝe ſchulen be redi; xxi And Joſue ſiȝ, and al Iſrael, þat þe citee was takun,
v forſoþe Y, and þe toþir multitude which is wiþ me,
and þe ſmoke of þe citee ſtiede; and he turnede aȝen,
ſchulen come on þe contrarie ſide aȝens þe citee; and and ſmoot þe men of Hay.
whanne þei ſchulen go out aȝens vs, as we diden bifore, xxii Soþeli alſo þei þat hadden take and brent þe citee,
we ſchulen fle, and turne þe backis, ȝeden out of þe cytee aȝens her men, and bigunnen to
vi til þei purſuen, and ben drawun away ferþir fro þe
ſmyte þe myddil men of enemyes; and whanne
citee; for þei ſchulen geſſe, þat we ſchulen fle as bifore. aduerſaries weren ſlayn `on euer eþir part, ſo þat no man
vii Þerfor while we ſchulen fle, and þei purſue, ȝe of ſo greet multitude was ſauyd,
ſchulen ryſe fro þe buyſchementis, and ſchulen waſte þe xxiii þei tokun alſo þe kyng of Hay lyuynge, and
citee; and ȝoure Lord God ſchal bitake it in to ȝoure brouȝten to Joſue.
hondis. xxiiii Þerfor, whanne alle men weren ſlayn, þat
viii And whanne ȝe han take it, `brenne ȝe it; `ſo ȝe
purſueden Iſrael goynge to deſeert, and felden bi ſwerd
ſchulen do alle þingis, as Y comaundide. in þe ſame place, þe ſones of Iſrael turneden aȝen, and
ix And Joſue lefte hem, and þei ȝeden to þe place of ſmytiden þe citee.
buyſchementis, and ſaten bitwixe Bethel and Hay, at þe xxv Forſoþe þei þat `felden doun in þe ſame dai, fro man
weſt cooſt of þe citee of Hay. Forſoþe Joſue dwellide `in `til to womman, weren twelue þouſynde of men, alle
þat nyȝt in þe myddis of þe puple. men of þe citee of Hay.
x And he roos eerli, and noumbride felowis, and ſtiede xxvi Soþeli Joſue wiþdrow not þe hond, which he hadde
wiþ þe eldere in þe frount of þe ooſt, and was cumpaſſid dreſſid an hiȝ holdynge `þe ſcheld, til alle þe dwelleris
wiþ þe helpe of fiȝteris. of Hay weren ſlayn.
xi And whanne þei hadden come, and hadden ſtied aȝens xxvii Forſoþe þe ſones of Iſrael departiden to hem ſilf þe
þe citee, þei ſtoden at þe norþ cooſt of þe citee, bitwixe werk beeſtis, and þe preye of þe citee, as þe Lord
which citee and hem þe valei was in þe myddis. comaundide to Joſue;
xii `Soþeli he hadde choſe fyue þouſynde men, and xxviii which brente þe citee, and made it an euerlaſtynge
hadde ſette in buyſchementis bitwixe Bethauen and biriel.
Hay, in þe weſt part of þe ſame citee. xxix And he hangide þe king þerof in a iebat, `til to þe
xiii Soþeli al þe toþir ooſt dreſſide ſcheltroun to þe norþ,
euentid and þe goynge doun of þe ſunne. And Joſue
ſo þat þe laſte men of þe multitude touchiden þe weſt comaundide, and þei puttiden doun his deed bodi fro þe

cros; and þei `caſtiden forþ him in þilke entryng of þe vii and ſeiden, Leſt perauenture ȝe dwellen in þe lond,
citee, and gaderiden on hym a greet heep of ſtoonus, which is due to vs bi eritage, and we moun not make
which heep dwelliþ `til in to preſent dai. bond of pees wiþ ȝou.
xxx Þanne Joſue bildide an auter to þe Lord God of viii And þei ſeiden to Joſue, We ben þi ſeruauntis. To
Iſrael in þe hil of Hebal, whiche Joſue ſeide, What men ben ȝe, and fro whennus
xxxi as Moiſes, þe `ſeruaunt of þe Lord, comaundide to camen ȝe?
þe ſones of Iſrael, and it is writun in þe book of Moiſes ix Þei anſweriden, Þi ſeruauntis camen fro a ful fer lond
lawe, an auter of ſtoonys vnpoliſchid, whiche yrun in þe name of þi Lord God, for we herden þe fame of
touchide not. And he offride þeron brent ſacrifice to þe his power, alle þingis whiche he dide in Egipt,
Lord, and he offride peſible ſacrifices; x and to twei kyngis of Ammorreis biȝendis Jordan; to
xxxii and he wroot on þe ſtoonys þe Deutronomye of
Seon king of Eſebon, and to Og kyng of Baſan, þat
Moiſes lawe, `which he hadde declarid bifor þe ſones of weren in Aſtroth.
Iſrael. xi And þe eldere men and alle þe dwelleris of oure lond
xxxiii Soþeli al þe puple, and þe grettere men in birþe,
ſeiden to vs, Take ȝe metis in ȝoure hondis, for lengeſte
and þe duykis, and iugis ſtoden on `euer eiþer ſide of þe weie; and go ȝe to hem, and ſeie ȝe, We ben ȝoure
arke, in þe ſiȝt of preeſtis and dekenes, þat baren þe arke ſeruauntis; make ȝe boond of pees wiþ vs.
of boond of pees of þe Lord; as a comeling, ſo and a xii And we token hoote looues, whanne we ȝeden out of
man borun in þe lond; þe mydil part of hem ſtood oure houſis to come to ȝou; now þo ben maad drye and
biſidis þe hil Garaſym, and þe myddil part ſtood biſidis brokun, for greet eldeneſſe;
þe hil Hebal, as Moiſes, þe `ſeruaunt of þe Lord, xiii we filliden newe botels of wyn; now þo ben brokun
comaundide. And firſt `ſoþeli he bleſſide þe puple of and vndoon; þe cloþis and ſchoon, wiþ whiche we ben
Iſrael. cloþid, and whiche we han `in þe feet, ben brokun and
xxxiiii Aftir þeſe þingis he redde alle þe wordis of
almoſt waſtid, fro þe lengþe of lengere weie.
bleſſyng and of curſyng, and alle þingis þat weren xiiii Þerfor `þe ſones of Iſrael token of þe metis of hem,
writun in þe book of lawe. and þei axiden not `þe mouþ of þe Lord.
xxxv He lefte no þing vntouchid of þeſe þingis þat
xv And Joſue made pees wiþ hem. And whanne þe
Moiſes comaundide; but he declaride alle þingis bifor al boond of pees was maad, he bihiȝte, þat þei ſchulden
þe multitude of Iſrael, to wymmen, and litle children, not be ſlayn; and þe princes of þe multitude ſworen to
and to comelyngis þat dwelliden among hem. hem.
xvi Forſoþe aftir þre daies of þe boond of pees maad, þei
i And whanne þeſe þingis weren herd, alle þe kyngis herden, þat þei dwelliden in nyȝ place, and þat þei
ſchulden be among hem.
biȝende Jordan, þat lyueden in þe hilly places, and in xvii And þe ſones of Iſrael mouyden tentis, and camen in
`þe feeldi places, in þe cooſtis of þe ſee, and in þe
þe þridde dai in to þe citees of hem, of whiche citees
brynke of þe greet ſee, and þei þat dwellen biſidis
þeſe ben þe names; Gabaon, and Caphira, and Beroth,
Liban, Ethei, and Ammorrei, Cananei, and Fereſey,
and Cariathiarym.
Euey, and Jebuſey, xviii And þei ſmytiden not hem, for þe princis of þe
ii weren gaderid togidere to fiȝte aȝens Joſue and Iſrael,
multitude hadden ſwore to hem in þe name of þe Lord
wiþ o wille, and þe ſame ſentence.
iii And þei þat dwelten in Gabaon, herden alle þingis God of Iſrael. Þerfor al þe comyn puple grutchide aȝens
þe princis of Iſrael;
whiche Joſue hadde do to Jerico, and to Hay; and þei xix whiche anſweriden to hem, We ſworen to hem in þe
þouȝten felli,
iiii and token to hem ſilf metis, and puttyden elde ſackis name of þe Lord God of Iſrael, and þerfor we moun not
touche hem;
on aſſis, and wyn botels brokun and ſewid, and ful elde xx but we ſchulen do þis þing to hem, ſoþeli be þei
v whiche weren ſewid togidere wiþ patchis, to `þe reſerued þat þei lyue, leſt þe ire of þe Lord be ſtirid
aȝens vs, if we forſweren to hem;
ſchewyng of eldeneſſe; and þei weren cloþid wiþ elde xxi but ſo lyue þei, þat þei hewe trees, and bere watris,
cloþis; alſo looues, whiche þei baren for lijflode in þe
in to þe vſis of al þe multitude. And while þei ſpaken
weie, weren harde and brokun in to gobetis.
vi And þei ȝeden to Joſue, þat dwellide þanne in tentis in þeſe þingis,
xxii Joſue clepide Gabonytis, and ſeide to hem, Whi
Galgala; and þei ſeiden to hym, and to al Iſrael togidere,
wolden ȝe diſſeyue vs bi fraude, `þat ȝe ſeiden, We
We comen fro a fer lond, and coueyten to make pees
dwellen ful fer fro ȝou, ſiþen ȝe ben in þe myddis of vs?
wiþ ȝou. And þe men of Iſrael anſweriden to hem,

xxiii Þerforȝe ſchulen be `vndur curſyng, and noon ſchal ix Þerfor Joſue felde ſodenli on hem, and ſtiede in al þe
faile of ȝoure generacioun, hewynge trees and berynge nyȝt fro Galgala;
watris, in to þe hows of my God. x and þe Lord `diſturblide hem fro þe face of Iſrael, and
xxiiii Whiche anſweryden, It was told to vs þi ſeruauntis, al to-brak wiþ greet veniaunce in Gabaon. And Joſue
þat þi Lord God bihiȝte to Moiſes, his ſeruaunt, þat he purſuede hem bi þe weie of þe ſtiyng of Betheron, and
ſchulde bitake to ȝou al þe lond, and ſchulde leeſe alle ſmoot `til to Azecha and Maceda.
þe dwelleris þerof; þerfor we dredden greetli, and xi And whanne þei fledden þe ſones of Iſrael, and weren
purueiden to oure lyues, and weren compellid bi ȝoure in þe goyng doun of Betheron, þe Lord ſente grete
drede, and we token þis counſel. ſtoonus on hem fro heuene, til to Azecha; and many mo
xxv `Now forſoþe we ben in `þin hond; do þou to vs þat, weren deed bi þe `ſtoonys of hail, þan þei whiche þe
þat ſemeþ riȝtful and good to þee. ſones of Iſrael `ſmytiden bi ſwerd.
xxvi Þerfor Joſue dide, as he ſeide, and delyuerede hem xii Þanne Joſue ſpak to þe Lord, in þe dai in which he
fro þe hondis of þe ſones of Iſrael, þat þei ſchulden not bitook Amorrey in þe ſiȝt of þe ſones of Iſrael; and Joſue
be ſlayn. ſeide bifore hem, Sunne, be þou not mouyd aȝens
xxvii And in þat dai Joſue demyde hem to be in to þe Gabaon, and þe moone aȝens þe valei of Hailon.
ſeruyce of al þe puple, and of þe auter of þe Lord, and xiii And þe ſunne and þe moone ſtoden, til þe folc of
to hewe trees, and to bere watris, `til in to preſent tyme, God vengide it ſilf of hiſe enemyes. Wheþer þis is not
in þe place which þe Lord hadde choſe. writun in þe book of iuſt men? And ſo þe ſunne ſtood in
þe myddis of heuene, and haſtide not to go doun in þe
CAP. X ſpace of o dai; ſo long a dai was not bifore and
i And whanne Adonyſedech, kyng of Jeruſalem, hadde aftirward;
herde þeſe þingis, þat is, þat Joſue hadde take Hai, and xiiii for þe Lord obeiede to þe vois of man, and fauȝt for
hadde deſtried it; for as Joſue hadde do to Jerico and to Iſrael.
þe kyng þerof, ſo he dide to Hay, and to þe kyng þerof; xv And Joſue turnede aȝen, wiþ al Iſrael, in to þe tentis
and þat Gabaonytis hadden fled to Iſrael, and weren of Galgala.
boundun in pees wiþ hem, xvi Forſoþe fyue kyngis fledden, and hidden hem ſilf in
ii Adonyſedech dredde greetli; for Gabaon was a greet
þe denne of þe citee of Maceda.
citee, and oon of þe kyngis citees, and grettere þan þe xvii And it was teld to Joſue, þat fyue kyngis weren
citee of Hai, and alle þe fiȝteris þerof weren moſt foundun hid in þe denne of þe citee of Maceda.
ſtronge. xviii Which Joſue comaundide to felowis, and ſeide,
iii Þerfor Adonyſedech, kyng of Jeruſalem, ſente to
Walewe ȝe grete ſtoonus to þe `mouþ of þe denne, and
Ocham, kyng of Ebron, and to Pharam, kyng of putte ȝe witti men, þat ſchulen kepe þe cloſid kyngis;
Herymoth, and to Japhie, kyng of Lachis, and to Dabir, ſoþeli nyle ȝe ſtonde,
kyng of Eglon, and ſeide, xix but purſue ȝe þe enemyes, and ſlee ȝe alle þe laſte of
iiii Stie ȝe to me, and helpe ȝe, þat we fiȝte aȝens
fleeris; and ſuffre ȝe not hem entre in to þe ſtrengþis of
Gabaon, for it was ȝoldun to Joſue, and to þe ſones of her citees, whiche enemyes ȝoure Lord God bitook in to
Iſrael. ȝoure hondis.
v Þerfor fyue kyngis of Ammorreis, þe kyng of xx Þerfor whanne þe aduerſaries weren betun wiþ greet
Jeruſalem, þe kyng of Ebron, þe kyng of Herymoth, þe veniaunce, and weren almoſt waſtid `til to deeþ, þei þat
kyng of Lachis, þe kyng of Eglon, weren gaderid, and myȝten fle Iſrael, entriden in to þe ſtrengþid citees.
ſtieden togidere wiþ her ooſtis; and ſettiden tentis aȝens xxi And al þe ooſt turnede aȝen hoole, and in hoole
Gabaon, and fouȝten aȝens it. noumbre to Joſue, in to Maceda, where þe tentis weren
vi Soþeli þe dwelleris of þe citee of Gabaon, `þat weren
þanne; and no man was hardi to grutche, `eþer to make
biſegid, ſenten to Joſue, þat dwellide þan in tentis at priuy noiſe, aȝens þe ſones of Iſrael.
Galgala, and ſeide to hym, Wiþdrawe not þin hondis fro xxii And Joſue comaundide, and ſeide, Opene ȝe þe
þe help of þi ſeruauntis; `ſtie þou ſoone, and delyuere `mouþ of þe denne, and brynge forþ to me þe fyue
vs, and helpe þou; for alle þe kyngis of Amorreis, þat kyngis þat ben hid þerynne.
dwelliden in þe hilli places, camen togidere aȝens vs. xxiii And þe mynyſtris diden, as it was comaundid to
vii And Joſue ſtiede fro Galgala, and al þe ooſt of fiȝters,
hem; and þei brouȝten forþ to Joſue fyue kyngis fro þe
`þe ſtrengeſte men, `wiþ hym. denne; þe kyng of Jeruſalem, þe kyng of Ebron, þe kyng
viii And þe Lord ſeide to Joſue, Drede þou not hem, for
of Herymoth, þe kyng of Lachis, þe kyng of Eglon.
Y ȝaf hem in to þin hondis; noon of hem ſchal mow xxiiii And whanne þei weren led out to Joſue, he clepide
aȝenſtonde þee. alle þe men of Iſrael, and ſeide to þe princes of þe ooſt,

þat weren wiþ hym, Go ȝe, and ſette ȝoure feet on þe Lempna, and to `þe kyngis of þo, ſo he dide to Dabir,
neckis of þeſe kyngis. And whanne þei hadden go, and and to þe kyng þerof.
trediden þe neckis of `þe kyngis ſuget `to her feet, xl And ſo Joſue ſmoot al þe `lond of þe hillis, and of þe
xxv eft Joſue ſeide to hem, Nyle ȝe drede, neþir `drede ȝe ſouþ, and `of þe feeld, and Aſedoch wiþ her kyngis; he
wiþ ynne, be ȝe coumfortid, and be ȝe ſtronge; for þe lefte not þerynne ony relikis, but he killide al þing þat
Lord ſchal do ſo to alle ȝoure enemyes, aȝens whiche ȝe myȝte breþe, as þe Lord God of Iſrael comaundide to
ſchulen fiȝte. hym;
xxvi And Joſue ſmoot, and killide hem, and hangide on xli fro Cades Barne `til to Gazan, and al þe lond of
fyue trees; and þei weren hangid `til to euentid. Jeſſon, `til to Gabaon Joſue took,
xxvii And whanne þe ſunne ȝede doun, he comaundide to xlii and waſtide wiþ o ferſneſſe alle þe kyngis, and
felowis, þat þei ſchulden put hem doun fro þe iebatis; `cuntreis of hem; for þe Lord God of Iſrael fauȝt for
and whanne þei weren put doun, þei `caſtiden forþ hem hym.
in to þe denne, in which þei weren hid; and þei puttiden xliii And he turnede aȝen wiþ al Iſrael to þe place of
grete ſtoonus on þe mouþ þerof, whiche ſtoonus tentis in Galgala.
dwellen `til to preſent tyme.
xxviii In þe ſame dai Joſue took alſo Maceda, and ſmoot CAP. XI
bi þe ſcharpneſſe of ſwerd, and killide þe kyng þerof, i And whanne Jabyn, kyng of Aſor, hadde herd þeſe
and alle þe dwelleris þerof; he lefte not þerynne, þingis, he ſente to Jobab, kyng of Madian, and to þe
nameli, litle relikis; and he dide to þe kyng of Maceda kyng of Semeron, and to þe kyng of Acſaph; forſoþe to
as he hadde do to þe kyng of Jerico. þe kyngis of þe norþ,
xxix Forſoþe Joſue paſſide wiþ al Iſrael fro Maceda in to ii þat dwelliden in þe hilli places, and in þe pleyn aȝens
Lempna, and fauȝt aȝens it, þe ſouþ of Seneroth, and in þe feeldi places, and
xxx which þe Lord bitook, wiþ þe kyng þerof, in þe cuntreis of Dor, biſidis þe ſee,
hond of Iſrael; and þei ſmytiden þe citee bi þe iii and `to Cananei fro þe eeſt and weſt, and to
ſcharpneſſe of ſwerd, and alle þe dwelleris þerof, and Ammorrey, and Ethei, and Fereſei, and Jebuſei, in þe
leften not ony relikis þerynne; and þei diden to þe kyng `hilli places, and to Euey, þat dwellide at þe rootis of
of Lempna as þei hadden do to þe kyng of Jerico. Hermon, in þe lond of Maſpha.
xxxi Fro Lempna he paſſide wiþ al Iſrael in to Lachis; iiii And alle ȝeden out wiþ her cumpanyes, a ful myche
and whanne þe ooſt was diſpoſid bi cumpas, he fauȝt puple, as þe grauel which is in þe `brynk of þe ſee, and
aȝens it. horſis, and charis, of greet multitude.
xxxii And þe Lord bitook Lachis in þe hond of þe ſones v And alle þeſe kyngis camen togidere at þe watris of
of Iſrael; and he took it in þe toþir dai, and ſmoot bi þe Meron, to fiȝte aȝens Iſrael.
ſcharpneſſe of ſwerd, and ech man, þat was þerynne, as vi And þe Lord ſeyde to Joſue, Drede þou not hem, for
he hadde do to Lempna. to morewe, in þis ſame our, Y ſchal bitake alle þeſe men
xxxiii In þat time Yram, kyng of Gazar, ſtiede to helpe
to be woundid in þe ſiȝt of Iſrael; þou ſchalt hoxe `þe
Lachis; whom Joſue ſmoot, wiþ al his puple, til to deeþ. horſis of hem, and þou ſchalt brenne `þe charis bi fier.
xxxiiii And he paſſide fro Lachis in to Eglon, vii And Joſue cam, and al his ooſt wiþ hym, aȝens hem
xxxv and cumpaſſide, and ouercam it in þe ſame dai; and ſodenli, at þe watris of Meron, `and felden on hem.
he ſmoot bi þe ſcharpneſſe of ſwerd alle men þat weren viii And þe Lord bitook hem in to þe hondis of Iſrael;
þerynne, bi alle þingis whiche he hadde do to Lachis. whiche ſmytiden hem, `þat is, þe heþen kyngis and her
xxxvi Alſo he ſtiede wiþ al Iſrael fro Eglon in to Ebron, ooſtes, and purſueden `til to grete Sidon, and þe watris
and fauȝt aȝens it, of Maſerophoth, and to þe feeld of Maſpha, which is at
xxxvii and took, and ſmoot bi þe ſcharpneſſe of ſwerd; þe eeſt part þerof. Joſue ſmoot ſo alle men, þat he lefte
and þe kyng þerof, and alle citees of þat cuntrey, and no relikis of hem;
alle men þat dwelliden þerynne; he lefte not ony relikis ix and he dide as þe Lord comaundide to hym; he
þerynne; as he hadde do to Eglon ſo he dide alſo to hoxide `þe horſis of hem, and brente þe charis.
Ebron, and waſtide bi ſwerd alle þingis þat weren x And he turnede aȝen anoon, and took Aſor, and `ſmoot
þerynne. bi ſwerd þe kyng þerof; for Aſor helde bi eld tyme þe
xxxviii Fro þennus he turnyde in to Dabir, and took it, prinſehed among alle þeſe rewmes.
and waſtide; xi And `he ſmoot alle perſoones þat dwelliden þere, he
xxxix and he ſmoot bi þe ſcharpneſſe of ſwerd þe kyng lefte not ony relikys þerynne, but he waſtide alle þingis
þerof, and alle tounnes `bi cumpas; he lefte not ony `til to deeþ; alſo he diſtriede þilke citee bi brennyng.
relikis þerynne; as he hadde do to Ebron, and to

xii And he took alle `citees bi cumpas, and `þe kyngis of iii aȝens þe eeſt, and `til to þe ſee of deſeert, which is þe
hem, and ſmoot, and dide awei, as Moiſes, þe `ſeruaunt ſaltiſt ſee at þe eeſt cooſt, bi þe weie þat lediþ to
of þe Lord, Betheſſymoth, and fro þe ſouþ part þat liggiþ vndur
xiii comaundide to hym, wiþout citees þat weren ſet in Aſſedoch, `til to Phaſga.
þe grete hillis, and in litle hillis; and Iſrael brente þe iiii Þe terme of Og, kyng of Baſan, of þe relikis of
oþere citees; flawme waſtide oneli o citee, Aſor, þe Raphaym, `þat is, giauntis, þat dwelliden in Aſtoroth
ſtrongeſte. and in Edraym, and he was lord in þe hil of Hermon,
xiiii And þe ſones of Iſrael departiden to hem ſilf al þe and in Salacha, and in al Baſan, `til to þe termes of
prei, and werk beeſtis of þeſe citees, whanne alle men Geſſuri and Machati,
weren ſlayn. v and of þe half part of Galaad, and to þe terme of Seon,
xv As þe Lord comaundide to his ſeruaunt Moiſes, ſo kyng of Eſebon.
Moiſes comaundide to Joſue, and `he fillide alle þingis; vi Moyſes, þe `ſeruaunt of þe Lord, and þe ſones of
he paſſide not of alle comaundementis, `neþer o word Iſrael `ſmytiden hem; and Moiſes ȝaf `þe lond of hem in
ſoþeli, which þe Lord comaundide to Moiſes. to poſſeſſioun to Rubenytis and `to Gadditis and to half
xvi And ſo Joſue took al þe `lond of þe hillis, and of þe þe lynage of Manaaſſes.
ſouþ, þe lond of Goſen, and þe pleyn, and þe weſt cooſt, vii Þeſe ben þe kyngis of þe lond, whiche Joſue and þe
and þe hil of Iſrael, and þe feeldi places þerof; ſones of Iſrael ſmytiden biȝende Jordan, at þe weſt cooſt,
xvii and þe part of þe hil þat ſtieþ to Seir `til to Baalgath, fro Algad in þe feeld of Liban, `til to þe hil whos part
bi þe pleyn of Liban vndur þe hil of Hermon; Joſue ſtieþ in to Seir; and Joſue ȝaf it in to poſſeſſioun to þe
took, and ſmoot, and killide alle þe kyngis of þo places. lynagis of Iſrael, to ech his owne part,
xviii Joſue fauȝt myche tyme aȝens þeſe kyngis; viii as wel in `hilli placis as in pleyn and feeldi placis; in
xix `no citee was, which bitook not it ſilf to þe ſones of Aſſeroth, and in wildirneſſe, and in þe ſouþ was Ethei,
Iſrael, out takun Euey þat dwellide in Gabaon; he took and Ammorrei, Cananie, and Phereſei, Euey, and
alle bi batel. Jebuſei.
xx For it was þe ſentence of þe Lord, þat `þe hertis of ix Þe kyng of Jerico oon; þe kyng of Hai, which is at þe

hem ſchulde be maad hard, and þat þei ſchulden fiȝte ſide of Bethel, oon;
x þe kyng of Jeruſalem, oon; þe kyng of Ebron, oon;
aȝens Iſrael, and ſchulden falle, and ſchulden not
diſſerue ony mercy, and ſchulden periſche, as þe Lord xi þe kyng of Herymoth, oon; þe kyng of Lachis, oon;
comaundide to Moiſes. þe kyng of Eglon, oon;
xxi Joſue cam in þat tyme, and killide Enachym, þat is, xii þe kyng of Gazer, oon;
giauntis, fro þe `hilli placis of Ebron, and of Dabir, and xiii þe kyng of Dabir, oon; þe kyng of Gader, oon;
of Anab, and fro al þe hil of Juda, and of Iſrael, and dide xiiii þe kyng of Herma, oon;
awei `þe citees of hem. xv þe kyng of Hedreth, oon; þe kyng of Lempna, oon;
xxii He lefte not ony man of þe generacioun of Enachim
þe kyng of Odollam, oon;
in þe lond of þe ſones of Iſrael, wiþout þe citees of xvi þe kyng of Maceda, oon; þe kyng of Bethel, oon;
Gaſa, and Geth, and Azotus, in whiche aloone þei weren xvii þe kyng of Thaphua, oon;
left. xviii þe kyng of Affer, oon; þe kyng of Affeth, oon; þe
xxiii Þerfor Joſue took al þe lond, as þe Lord ſpak to
kyng of Saron, oon; þe kyng of Madon, oon;
Moyſes, and he ȝaf it in to poſſeſſioun to þe ſones of xix þe king of Aſor, oon;
Iſrael, bi her partis and lynagis; and þe lond reſtide fro
xx þe kyng of Semeron, oon; þe kyng of Axaph, oon;
xxi þe kyng of Thenach, oon; þe kyng of Magedo, oon;

CAP. XII þe kyng of Cetes, oon;

i Þeſe ben þe kyngis whiche þe ſones of Iſrael han xxii þe kyng of Jachanaem of Carmele, oon;

ſmyte, and weldiden `þe lond of hem, biȝende Jordan, at xxiii þe kyng of Dor and of þe prouince of Dor, oon; þe
þe `riſyng of þe ſunne, fro þe ſtronde of Arnon `til to þe kyng of folkis of Galgal, oon;
hil of Hermon, and al þe eeſt cooſt þat biholdiþ þe xxiiii þe kyng of Therſa, oon; alle þe kyngis, oon and
wildirneſſe. þretti.
ii Seon, þe kyng of Amorreis, þat dwellide in Eſebon,
was lord fro Aroer, which is ſet on þe brenke of þe CAP. XIII
ſtronde of Arnon, and of þe myddil part in þe valey, and i Joſue was eld and of greet age; and þe Lord ſeide to
of half Galaad, til to þe ſtronde of Jaboth, which is þe him, Þou haſt woxe eld, and art of long tyme; and
terme of þe ſones of Amon, and fro þe wildirneſſe `til to largeſte lond is left, which is not ȝit departid bi lot;
þe ſee of Ceneroth,

ii þat is, al Galile, Filiſtiym, and al Geſſuri, Sur, and Hur, and Rebee, duykis of Seon, enhabiters of
iii fro þe troblid flood þat moiſtiþ Egipt, `til to þe termes þe lond.
xxii And þe ſones of Iſrael killiden bi ſwerd Balaam, þe
of Acaron aȝenus þe norþ; þe lond of Chanaan, which is
departid `in to fyue litle kyngis of Filiſtym, of Gaza, fals diuynour, þe ſone of Beor, wiþ oþere men ſlayn.
and of Azotus, of Aſcolon, of Geth, and of Accaron. xxiii And þe terme of þe ſones of Ruben was maad þe
iiii Forſoþe at þe ſouþ ben Eueis, al þe lond of Canaan, flood of Jordan; þis is þe poſſeſſioun of Rubenytis bi her
and Maara of Sidonyes, `til to Affetha, and to þe termes kynredis of citees and of townes.
of Amorrei, and þe cooſtis of hym; xxiiii And Moiſes ȝaf to þe lynage of Gad, and to þe
v and þe cuntrei of Liban aȝens þe eeſt, fro Baalgath, ſones þerof, bi her kynredis, poſſeſſioun, of which þis is
vndur þe hil of Hermon, til þou entriſt into Emath, departyng;
vi of alle men þat dwelliden in þe hil, fro þe Liban `til to xxv he ȝaf þe termes of Jazer, and alle þe citees of

þe watris of Maſſerephoth, and alle men of Sidon; Y Galaad, and þe half part of þe lond of þe ſones of
am, þat ſchal do awei hem fro þe face of þe ſones of Amon, `til to Aroer which is aȝens Tabba;
Iſrael; þerfor come it in to þe part of eritage of Iſrael, as xxvi and fro Eſebon `til to Ramoth of Maſphe, and
Y comaundide to þee. Bethamyn, and Manayn, `til to þe termes of Dabir;
vii And þou now departe þe lond in to poſſeſſioun to þe xxvii and in þe valei he ȝaf Betharan, and Bethneuar, and
nyne lynagis, and to þe half lynage of Manaſſes, Socoth, and Saphan, þe toþer part of þe rewme of Seon,
viii wiþ which lynage Ruben and Gad weldiden þe lond, kyng of Eſebon; and þe ende of þis is Jordan, `til to þe
which lond Moiſes, þe `ſeruaunt of þe Lord, ȝaf to hem laſte part of þe ſee of Cenereth ouer Jordan, at þe eeſt
biȝende þe flowyngis of Jordan, at þe eeſt cooſt; cooſt.
ix fro Aroer, which is ſet in þe brynke of þe ſtronde of xxviii Þis is þe poſſeſſioun of þe ſones of Gad, bi her

Arnon, in þe middis of þe valei, and alle þe feeldi meynees, þe citees and townes of þo.
places of Medaba, xxix He ȝaf alſo poſſeſſioun to þe half lynage of
x `til to Dibon, and alle þe citees of Seon, kyng of Manaſſes, and to hiſe ſones, bi her kynredis,
Amorreis, þat regnyde in Eſebon, `til to þe termes of þe xxx of which poſſeſſioun þis is þe bigynnyng; he ȝaf
ſones of Amon, Ammaym, and al Baſan, and alle þe rewmes of Og,
xi and of Galaad, and to þe termes of Geſſuri, and of kyng of Baſan, and alle þe townes of Jair, þat ben in
Machati, and al þe hil of Hermon, and al Baſan, `til to Baſan, ſixti citees;
Salecha; xxxi and half þe part of Galaad, and Aſtoroth, and Edray,
xii al þe rewme of Og in Baſan, þat regnede in Aſtoroth, þe citees of þe rewme of Og, kyng of Baſan; to þe ſones
and in Edraym; `he was of þe relikis of Rafaym, `þat is, of Machir, ſones of Manaſſes, and to half þe part of þe
of giauntis; and Moiſes ſmoot hem and dide awey hem. ſones of Machir, bi her kynredis.
xiii And þe ſones of Iſrael nolden deſtrye Geſſurri and xxxii Moiſes departide þis poſſeſſioun in þe feeldi placis

Machati; and þei dwelliden in þe myddis of Iſrael, `til in of Moab ouer Jordan, aȝens Jericho, at þe eeſt cooſt.
to preſent dai. xxxiii Forſoþe he ȝaf not poſſeſſioun to þe lynage of
xiiii Soþeli he ȝaf not poſſeſſioun to þe lynage of Leuy, Leuy; for þe Lord God himſelf of Iſrael is þe poſſeſſioun
but ſacrifices, and ſlayn ſacrifices of þe Lord God of of Leuy, as þe Lord ſpak to hym.
Iſrael; þat is `his eritage, as God ſpak to hym.
xv Þerfor Moiſes ȝaf poſſeſſioun to þe lynage of þe ſones CAP. XIIII
i Þis `þing it is, which þe ſones of Iſrael weldiden in þe
of Ruben, bi her kynredis;
xvi and `þe term of hem was fro Aroer, which is ſet in þe lond of Canaan, which lond Eleazar þe preeſt, and
brenke of þe ſtronde of Arnon, and in þe myddil valei of Joſue, þe ſone of Nun, and þe princes of meynees bi þe
þe ſame ſtronde, al þe pleyn þat lediþ to Medaba, lynagis of Iſrael ȝauen to hem,
xvii and Eſebon, and alle þe townes of þo, þat ben in þe ii and departiden alle þingis bi lot, as þe Lord

feeldi places; and Dibon, and Baal Bamoth, and þe citee comaundide in þe hond of Moiſes, to nyne lynagis and
of Baal Meon, þe half lynage.
xviii and Geſa, and Sedymoth, and Mephe, iii For Moiſes hadde ȝoue to `þe twey lynagis and to þe
xix and Cariathaym, and Sabana, and Sarathaphar, in þe half lynage `poſſeſſioun ouer Jordan; wiþout þe Leuytis,
hil of þe valey of Betheroeth, þat token no þing of þe lond among her briþeren;
iiii but þe ſones of Joſeph weren departid in to twei
xx and of Aſedoch, Phaſca, and Bethaiſſymoth;
xxi alle þe feeldi citees, and alle þe rewmes of Seon, lynagis, of Manaſſes and of Effraym, and `weren eiris in
to þe place of hem. And `þe Leuytis token noon oþer
kyng of Amorrey, þat regnede in Eſebon, whom Moyſes
ſmoot, wiþ hiſe princes, Madian, Euey and Recten, and

part in þe lond, no but citees to dwelle, and þe ſubarbis biholden þe norþ, fro þe arm of þe ſee `til to þe ſame
of þo to werke beeſtis and her ſcheep to be fed. flood of Jordan.
v As þe Lord comaundide to Moiſes, ſo þe ſones of vi And þe terme ſtieþ in to Bethaegla, and paſſiþ fro þe
Iſrael diden, and departiden þe lond. norþ in to Betharaba; and it ſtieþ to þe ſtoon of Boen,
vi And ſo þe ſones of Juda neiȝiden to Joſue in Galgalis; vii ſone of Ruben, and goiþ `til to þe termes of Debera,
and Caleph, þe ſone of Jephone, of Ceneth, ſpak to him, fro þe valei of Achar aȝens þe norþ; and it biholdiþ
Þou knowiſt, what þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, þe man of Galgala, which is `on þe contrarie part of þe ſtiyng of
God, of me and of þee in Cades Barne. Adomyn, fro þe ſouþ part of þe ſtronde; and it paſſiþ þe
vii Y was of fourti ȝeer, whanne Moiſes, `ſeruaunt of þe watris, þat ben clepid þe welle of þe ſunne; and þe
Lord, ſente me fro Cades Barne, þat Y ſchulde biholde outgoyngis þerof ſchulen be to þe welle of Rogel.
þe lond, and Y teelde to hym þat, þat ſemyde ſoþ to me. viii And it ſtieþ bi þe valei of þe ſone of Ennon, bi þe
viii Forſoþe my briþeren, þat ſtieden wiþ me, ſide of Jebuſei, at þe ſouþ; þis is Jeruſalem; and fro
diſcoumfortiden þe herte of þe puple, and neuerþeles Y þennus it reiſiþ it ſilf to þe cop of þe hil, which is aȝens
ſuede my Lord God. Jehennon at þe weſt, in þe hiȝneſſe of þe valei of
ix And Moiſes ſwoor in þat dai, and ſeide, Þe lond, Raphaym, aȝens þe norþ;
ix and it paſſiþ fro þe `cop of þe hil til to þe wel of þe
which þi foot trad, ſchal be þi poſſeſſioun, and of þi
ſones wiþouten ende; for þou ſuediſt þi Lord God. watir Nepthoa, and comeþ `til to þe tounes of þe hil of
x Soþeli þe Lord grauntide lijf to me, as he bihiȝte, `til Ephron; and it is bowid in to Baala, which is
in to preſent dai. Fourti ȝeer and fyue ben, ſiþen þe Lord Cariathiarym, þat is, þe citee of woodis;
x and it cumpaſſiþ fro Baala aȝens þe weſt, `til to þe hil
ſpak þis word to Moiſes, whanne Iſrael ȝede bi þe
wildirneſſe. To dai Y am of `foure ſcoor ȝeer and fyue, of Seir, and it paſſiþ bi þe ſide of þe hil Jarym to þe norþ
xi and Y am as myȝti, as Y was myȝti in þat time, in Selbon, and goiþ doun in to Bethſamys; and it paſſiþ
whanne Y was ſent to aſpie; þe ſtrengþe `of þat tyme in to Thanna,
xi and comeþ aȝens þe partis of þe norþ bi þe ſide of
dwelliþ ſtabli in me `til to dai, as wel to fiȝte, as to go.
xii Þerfor ȝyue þou to me þis hil, which þe Lord bihiȝte Accaron; and it is bowid to Secrona, and paſſiþ þe hil of
to me, while alſo þou herdiſt, in which hil ben Baala; and it comeþ in to Gebneel, and it is cloſid wiþ
Enachym, and grete `citees, and ſtrengþid; if in hap þe þe ende of þe grete ſee, aȝens þe weſt.
xii Þeſe ben þe termes of þe ſones of Juda, bi cumpas in
Lord is wiþ me, and Y mai do hem awei, as he bihiȝte
to me. her meynees.
xiii And Joſue bleſſide hym, and ȝaf to hym Ebron in to xiii Soþeli Joſue ȝaf to Caleph, ſone of Jephone, part in

poſſeſſioun. þe myddis of þe ſones of Juda, as þe Lord comaundide

xiiii And fro þat tyme Ebron was to Caleph, ſone of to hym, Cariatharbe, of þe fadir of Enach; þilke is
Jephone, of Cenez, `til in to preſent dai; for he ſuede þe Ebron.
xiiii And Caleph dide awei fro it þre ſones of Enach,
Lord God of Iſrael.
xv Þe name of Ebron was clepid bifore Cariatharbe. Siſai, and Achyman, and Tholmai, of þe generacioun of
Adam, þe gretteſte, was ſet þere in þe lond of Enachym; Enach.
xv And Caleph ſtiede fro þennus, and cam to þe
and þe lond ceeſſide fro batels.
dwelleris of Dabir, þat was clepid bifore Cariathſepher,
CAP. XV þat is, þe citee of lettris.
i Þerfor þis was þe part of þe ſones of Juda, bi her xvi And Caleph ſeide, Y ſchal ȝyue Axa, my douȝter,

kynredis; fro þe terme of Edom `til to deſeert of Syn wijf to hym þat ſchal ſmyte Cariathſepher, and ſchal
aȝens þe ſouþ, and `til to þe laſte part of þe ſouþ cooſt, take it.
ii þe bigynnyng þerof fro þe hiȝneſſe of þe ſaltiſt ſee, and xvii And Othynyel, ſone of Ceneth, þe ȝongere broþer of

fro þe arm þerof, þat biholdiþ to þe ſouþ. Caleph, took þat citee; and Caleph ȝaf Axa, his douȝtir,
iii And it goiþ out aȝens þe ſtiyng of Scorpioun, and wijf to hym.
xviii And whanne `ſche ȝede togidere, hir hoſebonde
paſſiþ in to Syna; and it ſtieþ in to Cades Barne, and
comeþ in to Ephron, and it ſtieþ to Daran, and counſeilide hir, þat ſche ſchulde axe of hir fadir a feeld;
cumpaſſiþ Cariacaa; and ſche ſiȝyide, as ſche ſat on þe aſſe;
iiii and fro þennus it paſſiþ in to Aſemona, and comeþ to xix `to whom Caleph ſeide, What haſt þou? And ſche

þe ſtronde of Egipt; and þe termes þerof ſchulen be þe anſweride, Ȝyue þou bleſſyng to me; þou haſt ȝoue to
greet ſee; þis ſchal be þe ende of þe ſouþ cooſt. me þe ſouþ lond and drye; ioyne þou alſo þe moiſt lond.
v Soþeli fro þe eeſt þe bigynnyng ſchal be þe ſaltiſte ſee, And Caleph ȝaf to hir þe moiſt lond, aboue and byneþe.
xx Þis is þe poſſeſſioun of þe lynage of þe ſones of Juda,
`til to þe laſte partis of Jordan, and þo partis, þat
bi her meynees.

xxi And þe citees weren fro þe laſte partis of þe ſones of lvii Gabaa, and Kanna, ten citees, and `þe citees of þo;
Juda, biſidis þe termes of Edom, fro þe ſouþ; Capſahel, lviii `Alul,and Bethſur,
and Edel, and Jagur, Ectyna, lix and Jodor, Mareth, and Bethanoth, and Bethecen,
xxii and Dymona, Edada,
ſixe citees, and þe townes of þo;
xxiii and Cades, and Alor, lx Cariathbaal; þis is Cariathiarym, þe citee of woodis;
xxiiii and Jethnan, and Ipheth, and Thelon, and Rebda, twei citees, and `þe townes of þo;
xxv and Balaoth, and Aſor, Nobua, and Cariath, Effron; lxi in deſeert, `Betharaba, Medyn, and Siriacha, Nepſan,
xxvi þis is Aſſeromam; Same, lxii and þe citee of ſalt, and Engaddi, ſixe citees, and `þe
xxvii and Molida, and Aſer, Gabda, and Aſſemoth, townes of þo; `þe citees weren togidere an hundrid and
xxviii Bethfelech, and Aſertual, and Berſabee, fiftene.
xxix and Baiohia, and Baala, and Hymeſen, lxiii Soþeli þe ſones of Juda myȝten not do awei Jebuſei,

xxx and Betholad, and Exul, and Herma, þe dwellere of Jeruſalem; and Jebuſei dwellide wiþ þe
xxxi and Sichelech, and Meacdemana, and Senſena, ſones of Juda in Jeruſalem `til in to preſent day.
xxxii Lebeoth, and Selymetem Remmoth; alle `þe citees,
nyn and þretti, and þe townes `of þo. i And þe lot, `eþir part, of þe ſones of Joſeph felde fro
xxxiii Soþeli in þe feeldi places, Eſcoal, and Sama,
Jordan aȝens Jerico, and at þe watris þerof, fro þe eeſt;
xxxiiii and Aſena, and Azanoe, and Engannem, and
is þe wildirneſſe, þat ſtieþ fro Jerico to þe hil of Bethel,
Taphua, ii and it goiþ out fro Bethel `in to Luzan, and paſſiþ þe
xxxv and Enaym, and Jecemoth, Adulam, Socco, and
terme of Architaroth,
Azecha, and Sarym, iii and it goiþ doun to þe weſt, biſidis þe terme of Jefleti,
xxxvi Adytaym, and Gedam, and Giderothaym; fourtene
`til to þe termes of þe lowere Bethoron, and of Gazer;
citees, and `þe townes of þo; and þe cuntrees þerof ben endid wiþ þe greet ſee,
xxxvii Sanam, and Aſeba, and Magdalgad, iiii whiche cuntreis Manaſſes and Effraym, þe ſones of
xxxviii Delen, and Melcha, Bethel, Lachis,
Joſeph, weldiden.
xxxix and Baſchat, and Eſglon, v And þe terme of þe ſones of Effraym, bi her meynees,
xl Eſbon, and Leemas, and `þe poſſeſſioun of hem was maad aȝens þe eeſt,
xli and Cethlis, and Gideroth, and Bethdagon, and Accarothaddar `til to þe hiȝere Bethoron.
Neuma, and Maceda; ſixtene citees, and `þe townes of vi And þe cooſtis goon out in to þe ſee; ſoþeli
þo; `Jambane, Mathmetath biholdiþ þe norþ, and cumpaſſiþ þe termes
xlii and Ether, and Aſam, aȝens þe eeſt in Tharnarſelo,
xliii Jepta, and Jeſua, vii and paſſiþ fro þe ſtronde of Janee; and it goiþ doun
xliiii and Neſib, and Ceila, and Azib, and Mareza, nyn fro Janee in to Atharoth and Noathara, and comeþ in to
citees, and `þe townes of þo; Jerico; and it goiþ out to Jordan fro Taphua,
xlv `Accaron wiþ hiſe townes and vilagis; viii and paſſiþ aȝens þe ſee in to þe valey of `þe place of

xlvi fro Accaron til to þe ſee, alle þingis þat gon to rehedis; and þe goyngis out þerof ben to þe ſalteſte ſee.
Þis is þe poſſeſſioun of þe ſones of Effraym, bi her
Azotus, and þe townes þerof;
xlvii Azotus wiþ hiſe townes and vilagis; Gaza wiþ hiſe meynees;
ix and citees and þe townes of þo ben departid to þe
townes and villagis, til to þe ſtronde of Egipt; and þe
ſones of Effraym, in þe myddis of þe poſſeſſioun of þe
grete ſee is þe terme þerof;
xlviii and in þe hil, Samyr, ſones of Manaſſes.
x And þe ſones of Effraym killiden not Cananey, þat
xlix and Jeccher, and Socco, and Edema, Cariath Senna;
l þis is Dabir; Anab, and Iſchemo,
dwellide in Gazer; and Cananey dwellide tributarie in
þe myddis of Effraym til in to þis day.
li and Ammygoſen, and Olom, and Gilo, enleuene
`citees, and þe townes of þo; CAP. XVII
lii `Arab, and Roma, i Forſoþe lot felde in to þe lynage of Manaſſe, for he is
liii and Eſaam, and Amum,
þe firſte gendrid ſone of Joſeph; lot felde to Machir, þe
liiii and Bethfaſua, and Afecha, Ammacha, and firſte gendrid ſone of Manaſſes, to þe fadir of Galaad,
Cariatharbe; þis is Ebron; and Sior, nyn citees, and `þe þat was a werriour, and he hadde poſſeſſioun Galaad
townes of þo; and Baſan.
lv `Maon, and Hermen, and Ziph, and Jothae, ii And lot felde to þe oþere of þe ſones of Manaſſes, bi
lvi Zerahel, and Zocadamer, and Anoe, and Chaym, her meynees; to þe ſones of Abiezer, and to þe ſones of

Heleth, and to þe ſones of Heſriel, and to þe ſones of lond of Fereſei, and of Raphaym, for þe poſſeſſioun of
Sichen, and to þe ſones of Epher, and to þe ſones of þe hil of Effraym is ſtreiȝt to þee.
Semyda; þeſe ben þe ſones of Manaſſe, ſone of Joſeph, xvi To whom þe ſones of Joſeph anſwerden, We moun
þe male children, bi her meynees. not ſtie to þe hilli places, ſiþen Cananeis, þat dwellen in
iii Soþeli to Salphaat, þe ſone of Epher, ſone of Galaad, þe `lond of þe feeld, vſen ironne charis; in which lond
ſone of Machir, ſone of Manaſſes, weren not ſones, but Berſan, wiþ hiſe townes, and Jeſrael, weldynge þe
douȝtris aloone; of whiche þeſe ben þe names, Maala, myddil valey, ben ſet.
and Noa, and Eegla, and Melcha, and Therſa. xvii And Joſue ſeide to þe hows of Joſeph, and of
iiii And þei camen in þe ſiȝt of Eleazar, preeſt, and of Effraym, and of Manaſſes, Þou art myche puple, and of
Joſue, ſone of Nun, and of þe princes, and ſeiden, Þe greet ſtrengþe; þou ſchalt not haue o lot,
Lord comaundide bi þe hond of Moiſes, þat poſſeſſioun xviii but þou ſchalt paſſe to þe hil, and þou ſchalt kitte
ſhould be ȝouun to vs in þe myddis of oure briþeren. doun to þee; and þou ſchalt clenſe ſpaces to dwelle. And
And Joſue ȝaf to hem poſſeſſioun, bi comaundement of þou ſchalt mow go forþ ferþere, whanne þou haſt
þe Lord, in þe myddis of þe briþeren of her fadir. diſtried Cananei, whom þou ſeiſt to haue irone charis,
v And ten cordis, `þat is, londis meſurid bi ten cordis, and to be mooſt ſtrong.
felden to Manaſſes, wiþout þe lond of Galaad and of
Baſan biȝende Jordan; CAP. XVIII
vi for þe douȝtris of Manaſſes weldiden eritage in þe i And alle þe ſones of Iſrael weren gaderid in Silo, and
myddis of þe ſones of hym. Soþeli þe lond of Galaad þere þei `ſettiden faſte þe tabernacle of witneſſing; and
felde in to þe part of þe ſones of Manaſſes, þat weren þe lond was ſuget to hem.
reſidue. ii Soþeli ſeuene linagis of þe ſones of Iſrael dwelliden,
vii And þe terme of Manaſſes was fro Azer þat hadden not ȝit takun her poſſeſſiouns.
Machynathath, þat biholdeþ Sichem, and goiþ out to þe iii To whiche Joſue ſeide, Hou longe faden ȝe `bi
riȝt ſide, biſidis þe dwelleris of þe welle Taphue; cowardiſe, `eþir ſlouþe, and entren not to welde þe lond,
viii for þe lond of Thaphue, which is biſidis þe terme of which þe Lord God of ȝoure fadris ȝaf to ȝou?
Manaſſes, and of þe ſones of Effraym, felde in þe lot of iiii Cheſe ȝe of ech lynage þre men, þat Y ſende hem,
Manaſſes. and þei go, and cumpaſſe þe lond; and þat þei diſcryue
ix And þe terme of þe valey of place of rehedis goiþ `þe lond bi þe noumbre of ech multitude, and brynge to
doun in þe ſouþ of þe ſtronde of þe citees of Effraym, me þat, þat ȝe han diſcriued.
þat ben in þe myddis of þe citees of Manaſſes. Þe terme v Departe ȝe þe lond to ȝou in to ſeuene partis; Judas be
of Manaſſes is fro þe norþ of þe ſtronde, and þe goyng in hiſe termes at þe ſouþ cooſt, and `þe hows of Joſeph
out þerof goiþ to þe ſee; at þe norþ;
x ſo þat þe poſſeſſioun of Effraym is fro þe ſouþ, and þe vi diſcryue ȝe `þe myddil lond bitwixe hem in to ſeuene
poſſeſſioun of Manaſſes fro þe norþ, and þe ſee cloſiþ partis; and þanne ȝe ſchulen come to me, þat Y ſende lot
euer eiþer; and þo ben ioyned to hem ſilf in þe linage of to ȝou here bifor ȝoure Lord God;
Aſer fro þe norþ, and in þe lynage of Iſachar fro þe eeſt. vii for þe part of Leuytis is not among ȝou, but þe
xi And þe eritage of Manaſſes was in Iſachar and in Aſer,
preeſthod of þe Lord, þis is þe eritage `of hem. Forſoþe
Berſan, and þe townes þerof, and Jeblaan, wiþ hiſe Gad, and Ruben, and þe half lynage of Manaſſes hadden
townes, and þe dwellers of Dor, wiþ her citees; and þe take now her poſſeſſiouns ouer Jordan, at þe eeſt cooſt,
dwelleris of Endor, wiþ her townes, and alſo þe whiche poſſeſſiouns Moiſes, þe `ſeruaunt of þe Lord, ȝaf
dwelleris of Thanath, wiþ her townes, and þe dwelleris to hem.
of Maiedo, wiþ her townes, and þe þridde part of þe viii And whanne þe men hadden riſe to go, to diſcryue
citee Nophet. þe lond, Joſue comaundide to hem, and ſeide, Cumpaſſe
xii And þe ſones of Manaſſes miȝten not diſtrie þeſe
ȝe þe lond, and diſcryue it, and turne aȝen to me, þat Y
citees, but Cananei bigan to dwelle in þis lond. ſende lot to ȝou here in Silo, bifore ȝoure Lord God.
xiii Soþeli aftir þat þe ſones of Iſrael weren ſtronge, þei ix And ſo þei ȝeden, and cumpaſſiden þat lond, and
maden ſuget Cananeis, and maden tributaries to hem departiden `in to ſeuene partis, writynge in a book; and
ſilf, and killiden not Cananeis. þei turneden aȝen to Joſue, in to þe caſtels in Silo.
xiiii And þe ſones of Joſeph ſpaken to Joſue, and ſeiden, x Which Joſue ſente lottis bifor þe Lord God in Silo, and
Whi haſt þou ȝoue to me lond in to poſſeſſioun of o lot departide þe lond to þe ſones of Iſrael, in to ſeuene
and part, ſiþen Y am of ſo greet multitude, and þe Lord partis.
haþ bleſſide me, `þat is, haþ alargid me in children? xi And þe firſte lot of þe ſones of Beniamyn, bi her
xv To whiche Joſue ſeide, If þou art myche puple, ſtie
meynees, ſtiede, þat þei ſchulden welde þe lond bitwixe
þou into þe wode, and kitte doun to þee ſpaces in þe þe ſones of Juda and þe ſones of Joſeph.

xii And þe terme of hem was aȝens þe norþ fro Jordan, iii and Melada, and Aſerſua, Bala,
and paſſide bi þe ſide of Jerico of þe norþ cooſt; and it iiii and Aſem, and Betholaad, Bethularma, and Siceleth,
ſtiede fro þennus aȝens þe weſt to þe hilli places, and it v and Bethmarchaboth, and Aſerſua,
cam to þe wildirneſſe of Bethauen; vi and Bethelebaoth, and Saroem, þrettene citees, and
xiii and it paſſide biſidis Luza to þe ſouþ; þilke is Bethel;
`þe townes of þo;
and it goiþ doun in to Aſtoroth Adar, in to þe hil which vii Aym, and Remmon, and Athar, and Aſam, foure
is at þe ſouþ of lowere Betheron; and is bowid, citees, and `þe townes of þo; alle þe townes bi cumpas
xiiii and cumpaſſiþ aȝens þe ſee, at þe ſouþ of þe hil þat
of þeſe citees,
biholdiþ Betheron aȝens þe norþ; and þe outgoyngis viii `til to Balath Brameth, aȝens þe ſouþ cooſt, weren
þerof ben in to Cariathbaal, which is clepid alſo ſeuentene citees. Þis is þe eritage of þe ſones of
Cariathiarym, þe citee of þe ſones of Juda; þis is þe Symeon, bi her meynees,
greet cooſt aȝens þe ſee, at þe weſt. ix in þe poſſeſſioun and part of þe ſones of Juda, for it
xv Soþeli fro þe ſouþ, bi þe part of Cariathiarym, þe
was more; and þerfor þe ſones of Symeon hadden
terme goiþ out aȝens þe ſee, and comeþ til to þe wel of poſſeſſioun in þe myddis of þe eritage þerof.
watris of Nepthoa; x And þe þridde lot of þe ſones of Zabulon felde, bi her
xvi and it goiþ doun in to þe part of þe hil þat biholdiþ
meynees; and þe terme of poſſeſſioun of þe ſones of
þe valei of þe ſones of Ennon, and is aȝens þe norþ Zabulon was maad `til to Sarith;
cooſt, in þe laſte part of þe valey of Raphaym; and xi and it ſtieþ fro þe ſee, and Medala; and it comeþ in to
Jehennon, þat is, þe valei of Ennon, goiþ doun bi þe ſide
Debbaſeth, `til to þe ſtronde which is aȝens Jecenam;
of Jebuſei, at þe ſouþ, and comeþ to þe welle of Rogel, xii and it turneþ aȝen fro Sarith, aȝens þe eeſt, in to þe
xvii and paſſiþ to þe norþ, and goiþ out to Emſemes, þat
cooſtis of Sechelech Tabor; and goiþ out to Daberth;
is, þe welle of þe ſunne,
xviii and paſſiþ to þe litle hillis þat ben aȝens þe ſtiyng of and it ſtieþ aȝens Jaſie;
xiii and fro þennus it paſſiþ to þe eeſt cooſt to Gethefer,
Adomyn; and it goiþ doun to Taben Boen, þat is, þe
and Thacaſym; and it goiþ out in to Remmon, Amphar,
ſtoon of Boen, ſone of Ruben, and paſſide bi þe ſide of
and Noa; and cumpaſſiþ to þe norþ, and Nachon;
þe norþ to þe feeldi places; and it goiþ doun in to þe xiiii and þe goyngis out þerof ben þe valei of Jeptael,
xix and paſſiþ forþ aȝens þe norþ to Bethagala; and þe xv and Cathel, and Neamai, and Semrom, and Jedaba,

outgoyngis þerof ben aȝens þe arm of þe ſalteſte ſee, fro and Bethleem, twelue citees, and `þe townes of þo.
xvi Þis is þe eritage of þe lynage of þe ſones of Zabulon,
þe norþ, in þe ende of Jordan at þe ſouþ cooſt,
xx which is þe terme þerof fro þe eeſt. Þis is þe bi her meynees, and þe citees and `townes of þo.
xvii Þe fourþe lot ȝede out to Iſacar, bi hiſe meynees; and
poſſeſſioun of þe ſones of Beniamyn, bi her termes in
cumpas, and bi her meynees; þe eritage þerof was Jezrael,
xxi and þe citees þerof weren Jerico, and Bethagla, and xviii and Caſſeloth,
xix and Symen, and Affraym, and Seon,
þe valei of Caſis,
xxii Betharacha, and Samaraym, xx and Anaarath, and Cabith, and Ceſion, Hames,
xxiii and Bethel, and Anym, and Affara, xxi and Ramech, and Enganym, and Enadda, and
xxiiii and Offira, þe toun of Heſmona, and Offym, and Bethfeſes.
xxii And þe terme þerof comeþ `til to Tabor, and
Gabee, twelue citees, and `þe townes of þo;
xxv Gabaon, and Rama, Seeſyma, and Hethſemes; and þe outgoyngis þerof
xxvi and Beroth, and Meſphe, and Caphera, and weren Jordan, ſixtene citees, and `þe townes of þo.
xxiii Þis is þe poſſeſſioun of þe ſones of Yſachar, bi her
xxvii and Recem, Jarephel, and Tharela, meynees, þe citees and þe townes of þo.
xxviii and Sela, Heleph, and Jebus, which is Jeruſalem, xxiiii And þe fiueþe lot felde to þe lynage of þe ſones of

Gabaath, and Cariath, fouretene citees and `þe townes Aſer, by her meynees;
xxv and þe terme of hem was Alchat, and Adi, and
of þo; þis is þe poſſeſſioun of þe ſones of Beniamyn, bi
her meynees. Bethen,
xxvi and Meſaph, and Elmelech, and Amaad, and Meſſal;

CAP. XIX and it comeþ `til to Carmel of þe ſee, and Sior, and
i And þe ſecounde lot of þe ſones of Symeon ȝede out, Labanath; and it turneþ aȝen,
xxvii aȝens þe eeſt, to Bethdagan; and paſſiþ `til to
bi her meynees; and þe eritage of hem,
ii in þe myddis of poſſeſſioun of þe ſones of Juda, was Zabulon, and to þe valei of Jeptael, aȝens þe norþ, in
Berſabee, and Sabee,

Bethemeth, and Neyel; and it goiþ out to þe left ſide to li Þeſeben þe poſſeſſiouns whiche Eleazar, preeſt, and
Gabul, Joſue, ſone of Nun, and þe princis of meynees, and of
xxviii and Acran, and Roob, and Omynon, and Chane, þe lynagis of þe ſones of Iſrael, departiden bi lot in Silo,
`til to grete Sidon; bifor þe Lord, at þe dore of tabernacle of witneſſing,
xxix and it turneþ aȝen in to Horma, `til to þe ſtrongeſte and departiden þe lond.
citee Tire, and `til to Oſſam; and þe outgoyngis þerof
ſchulen be in to þe ſee, fro þe part of Aczyma, CAP. XX
xxx and Affeth, and Roob; two and twenti citees, and `þe i And þe Lord ſpak to Joſue, and ſeide, Spek þou to þe

townes of þo. ſones of Iſrael, and ſeie þou to hem,

xxxi Þis is þe poſſeſſioun of þe ſones of Aſer, bi her ii Departe ȝe þe citees of fugytyues, `eþer of men exilid

meynees, `þe citees, and `townes of þo. for vnwilful ſchedyng of blood, of whiche citees Y ſpak
xxxii Þe ſixte lot of þe ſones of Neptalym felde, bi her to ȝou bi þe hond of Moiſes,
iii þat whoeuer ſleeþ vnwytyngli a man, fle to þo citees;
xxxiii and þe terme bigan of Heleth, and Helon, and iiii þat whanne he haþ fled to oon of þeſe citees, he may

Sannaira, and Adarny, `which is Neceb, and Jebnael, `til aſcape þe ire of þe neiȝbore, which is veniere of blood.
to Letum; and þe outgoyng of hem til to Jordan; And he ſchal ſtonde bifor þe ȝatis of þe citee, and he
xxxiiii and þe terme turneþ aȝen, aȝens þe weſt, in to ſchal ſpeke to þe eldre men of þat citee þo þingis þat
Arnoth of Thabor; and fro þennus it goiþ out in to ſchulen preue hym innocent; and ſo þei ſchulen reſeyue
Hucota, and paſſiþ in to Zabulon, aȝens þe ſouþ, and in hym, and ſchulen ȝyue to hym place to dwelle.
v And whanne þe vengere of blood purſueþ hym, þei
to Aſor, aȝens þe weſt, and in to Juda, at Jordan, aȝens
þe riſyng of þe ſunne; ſchulen not bitake hym in to þe hondis of þe vengere;
xxxv of þe ſtrongeſte citee Aſſydym, Ser, and Amraath, for vnwityngli he killide his neiȝbore, and is not preued
xxxvi and Rechath, Cenereth, and Edema, his enemy bifor þe ſecounde dai eþir þe þridde dai.
vi And he ſchal dwelle in þat citee, til he ſtonde bifor þe
xxxvii and Arama, Aſor, and Cedes, and Edrai,
xxxviii Naſon, and Jeron, and Magdael, Horem, and doom, and ȝelde cauſe of his dede. And he þat killide a
man, dwelle `in þat citee, til þe grete preeſt die, which is
Bethanath, and Bethſemes; nyntene citees, and `þe
in þat tyme; þanne þe manſleere ſchal turne aȝen, and he
townes of þo.
xxxix Þis is þe poſſeſſioun of þe lynage of þe ſones of ſchal entre in to his citee and hows, `fro which he
Neptalym, bi her meynees, þe citees, and þe townes of vii And þei ordeyneden Cedes in Galilee, of þe hil of
xl Þe ſeuenþe lot ȝede out to þe lynage of þe ſones of Neptalym, and Sichem in þe hil of Effraym, and
Cariatharbe, þilke is Ebron, in þe hil of Juda.
Dan, bi her meynees; viii And biȝende Jordan, aȝens þe eeſt cooſt of Jerico, þei
xli and þe terme of þe poſſeſſioun þerof was Saraa, and
ordeyneden Boſor, which is ſet in þe feeldi wildirneſſe
Aſcahol, and Darſemes, þat is, þe citee of þe ſunne, of þe lynage of Ruben, and Ramoth in Galaad, of þe
xlii Selenym, and Hailon, and Jethala,
lynage of Gad, and Gaulon in Baſan, of þe lynage of
xliii Helom, and Thenna, and Acrom,
xliiii Helthecem, Jebtom, and Baalath, Lud, ix Þeſe citees weren ordeyned to alle þe ſones of Iſrael,
xlv and Benebarach, and `Jethremmon, and Ihercon, and to comelyngis þat dwellen among hem, þat he þat
xlvi and Arecon, wiþ þe terme þat biholdiþ Joppen, killide vnwityngli a man, ſchulde fle to þo citees; and
xlvii and is cloſid wiþ þat ende. And þe ſones of Dan he ſchulde not die in þe hond of neiȝbore, coueitynge to
ſtieden, and fouȝten aȝens Leſem; and þei token it, and venge þe blood ſched out, til he ſtood bifor þe puple, to
ſmytiden it bi þe ſcharpnes of ſwerd, and hadden in declare his cauſe.
poſſeſſioun, and dwelliden þerynne; and þei clepiden þe
name þerof Leſan Dan, by þe name of Dan, her fadir. CAP. XXI
xlviii Þis is þe poſſeſſioun of þe lynage of Dan, bi her i And þe princes of meynees of Leuy neiȝiden to

meynees, þe citees, and townes of þo. Eleazar, preeſt, and to Joſue, ſone of Nun, and to þe
xlix And whanne þei hadden fillid to departe þe lond bi duykis of kynredis, bi alle þe lynagis of þe ſones of
lot to alle men bi her lynagis, þe ſones of Iſrael ȝauen Iſrael;
ii and þe Leuytis ſpaken to hem in Sylo, of þe lond of
poſſeſſioun to Joſue, ſone of Nun,
l in þe myddis of hem, bi þe comaundement of þe Lord, Canaan, and ſeiden, Þe Lord comaundide bi þe honde of
þe citee which he axide, Thannath Sara, in þe hil of Moiſes, þat citees ſchulden be ȝouun to vs to dwelle
Effraym; and he bildide þe citee, and dwellide þerynne. ynne, and þe ſubarbis of þo to werk beeſtis to be fed.

iii And þe ſones of Iſrael ȝauen `of her poſſeſſiouns, bi xxvi Alle þe citees ten, and þe ſubarbis `of þo weren
comaundement of þe Lord, citees and þe ſubarbis of þo. ȝouun to þe ſones of Caath, of þe lowere degree.
iiii And þe lot ȝede out in to þe meynee of Caath, of þe xxvii Alſo to þe ſones of Gerſon, of þe kyn of Leuy,
ſones of Aaron, preeſt, of þe lynages of Juda, and of Joſue ȝaf of þe half lynage of Manaſſes, citees of refuyt,
Symeon, and of Beniamyn, þrettene citees; Gaulon in Baſan, and Boſra, wiþ her ſubarbis, `twei
v and to þe oþere of þe ſones of Caath, þat is, to dekenes citees.
þat weren left, of þe lynagis of Effraym, and of Dan, xxviii Forſoþe of þe lynage of Iſachar, he ȝaf Ceſion, and
and of þe half lynage of Manaſſe, ten citees. Daberath,
vi Soþeli lot ȝede out to þe ſones of Gerſon, þat þei xxix and Jerimoth, and Engannym, wiþ her ſubarbis;
ſchulden take of þe lynagis of Iſachar, and of Aſer, and `foure citees.
of Neptalym, and of þe half lynage of Manaſſes `in xxx Of þe lynage of Aſer, he ȝaf Maſal, and Abdon,
Baſan, þrettene citees in noumbre; xxxi and Elecath, and Roob, wiþ her ſubarbis; `foure
vii and to þe ſones of Merari, bi her meynees, of þe
lynagis of Ruben, and of Gad, and of Zabulon, twelue xxxii Alſo of þe lynage of Neptalym, `he ȝaf þe citee of
citees. refuyt, Cedes in Galile, and Amodor, and Carthan, wiþ
viii And þe ſones of Iſrael ȝauen to dekenes cytees, and
her ſubarbis; `þre citees.
þe ſubarbis `of þo, as þe Lord comaundide bi þe hond of xxxiii Alle þe citees of þe meynees of Gerſon weren
Moiſes; and alle ȝauen bi lot. þrettene, wiþ her ſubarbis.
ix Of þe lynagis of þe ſones of Juda, and of Symeon, xxxiiii Soþeli to þe ſones of Merary, dekenes of þe
Joſue ȝaf citees; lowere degree, bi her meynees, was ȝouun Getheran, of
x to þe ſones of Aaron, bi þe meynees of Caath, of þe
þe linage of Zabulon, and Charcha, and Demna, and
kyn of Leuy, of whiche citees þeſe ben þe names; for þe Nalol;
firſte lot ȝede out to hem; xxxv `foure citees, wiþ her ſubarbis.
xi Cariatharbe, of þe fadir of Enach, which is clepid xxxvi And of þe lynage of Gad, he ȝaf þe citee of refuyt,
Ebron, in þe hil of Juda, and þe ſubarbis þerof bi Ramoth in Galaad, and Manaym, and Eſebon, and Jaſer;
cumpas; `foure citees, wiþ her ſubarbis.
xii ſoþeli he hadde ȝoue þe feeldis and townes þerof to xxxvii And of þe lynage of Ruben, biȝende Jordan, aȝens
Caleph, ſone of Jephone, to haue in poſſeſſioun. Jerico, he ȝaf `þe citee of refuyt, Boſor in þe wildirneſſe
xiii Þerfor Joſue ȝaf to þe ſones of Aaron, preeſt, Ebron,
of Myſor, and Jazer, and Jecſon, and Maſpha; `foure
a citee of refuyt, and þe ſubarbis `of it, and Lebnam wiþ citees, wiþ her ſubarbis.
hiſe ſubarbis, xxxviii Alle þe citees of Merary, bi her meynees and
xiiii and Jether, and Yſchymon,
kynredis, weren twelue.
xv and Elon, and Dabir, and Ayn, and Lethan, xxxix And ſo alle þe citees of Leuytis, in þe myddis of
xvi and Bethſames, wiþ her ſubarbis; nyne citees, of twei poſſeſſioun of þe ſones of Iſrael, weren eiȝte and fourti,
lynagis, as it is ſeid. wiþ her ſubarbis;
xvii Soþeli of þe lynage of þe ſones of Beniamyn, he ȝaf xl and alle citees weren departid by meynees.
Gabaon, and Gabee, and Anatoth, and Almon, wiþ her xli And þe Lord ȝaf to Iſrael al þe lond which he ſwoor
ſubarbis; hym ſilf to ȝyue to þe fadris `of hem, and þei hadden it
xviii `foure citees. in poſſeſſioun, and dwelliden þerynne.
xix Alle þe citees togidere of þe ſones of Aaron, preeſt, xlii And pees was ȝouun of hym in to alle naciouns `by
weren þrettene, wiþ her ſubarbis. cumpas; and noon of enemyes was hardi to wiþſtonde
xx Forſoþe to `þe oþere, bi þe meynees of þe ſones of hem, but alle weren dryuen in to þe lordſchip `of hem.
Caath, of þe kyn of Leuy, þis poſſeſſioun was ȝouun; xliii Forſoþe neþer o word, which he bihiȝte him ſilf to
xxi of þe lynage of Effraym, þe citee of refuyt, Sichen, ȝyue to hem, was voide, but alle wordis weren fillid in
wiþ hiſe ſubarbis, in þe hil of Effraym, and Gazer, werkis.
xxii and Sebſam, and Bethoron, wiþ her ſubarbis;
xxiii `foure citees; alſo of þe lynage of Dan, Helthece, CAP. XXII
i In þe ſame tyme Joſue clepide men of Ruben, and men
and Gebethon, and Haialon,
xxiiii and Gethremmon, wiþ her ſubarbis; of Gad, and half þe lynage of Manaſſes,
ii and ſeide to hem, Ȝe han do alle þingis whiche
xxv `foure citees; ſoþeli of þe half lynage of Manaſſes,
Thanach, and Gethremon, wiþ her ſubarbis; `twei citees. Moiſes, `ſeruaunt of þe Lord, comaundide to ȝou, alſo
ȝe obeieden to me in alle þingis;

iii neþer ȝe han lefte ȝoure briþeren in mych tyme til in xvii Wheþer it is litil to ȝou þat ȝe ſynneden in Belfegor,
to preſent dai, and ȝe kepten þe comaundement of ȝoure and þe wem of þis treſpas dwelliþ in ȝou til in to preſent
Lord God. dai, and many of þe puple felden doun?
iiii Þerfor for ȝoure Lord God ȝaf reſte and pees to ȝoure xviii And to day ȝe han forſake þe Lord, and to morewe,
briþeren, as he bihiȝte, turne ȝe aȝen, and go ȝe in to þat is, in tyme to comynge, þe ire of hym ſchal be feers
ȝoure tabernaclis, and in to þe loond of ȝoure aȝens al Iſrael.
poſſeſſioun, which lond Moyſes, þe `ſeruaunt of þe xix Þat if ȝe geſſen, þat þe lond of ȝoure poſſeſſioun is
Lord, ȝaf to ȝou biȝende Jordan; vncleene, paſſe to þe lond, `in which þe tabernacle of þe
v ſo onely þat ȝe kepe biſili, and fille in werk þe Lord is, and dwelle ȝe among vs, oneli þat ȝe go not
comaundement and lawe, `which lawe Moiſes, þe awei fro þe Lord, and fro oure felouſchipe, bi an auter
`ſeruaunt of þe Lord, comaundide to ȝou; þat ȝe loue bildid outakun þe auter of oure Lord God.
ȝoure Lord God, and go in alle hiſe weies, and kepe hiſe xx Wheþer not Achar, þe ſone of Zare, paſſide þe
heeſtis, and cleue to hym and ſerue him in al ȝoure comaundement of þe Lord, and his ire felde on al þe
herte, and in al ȝoure ſoule. puple of Iſrael? And he was o man; and we wolden þat
vi And Joſue bleſſide hem, and lefte hem, whiche he aloone hadde periſchid in his treſpas.
turneden aȝen in to her tabernaclis. xxi And þe ſones of Ruben, and of Gad, and of half þe
vii Soþeli Moyſes hadde ȝoue poſſeſſioun in Baſan to þe lynage of Manaſſes, anſweriden to þe princes of þe
half lynage of Manaſſes; and þerfor to þe half lynage meſſage of Iſrael,
þat lefte Joſue ȝaf part among her oþere briþeren xxii Þe ſtrongeſte Lord God hym ſilf of Iſrael knowiþ,
biȝendis Jordan, at þe weſt cooſt þerof. And whanne and Iſrael ſchal vndirſtonde togidere; if we bildiden þis
Joſue leet hem go in to her tabernaclis, and hadde auter for entent of treſpaſſyng, `þat is, of ydolatrye, he
bleſſid hem, kepe not vs, but punyſche in preſent time;
viii he ſeyde to hem, Wiþ myche catel and richeſſis turne xxiii and if we diden bi þat mynde, þat we ſchulden putte
ȝe aȝen to ȝoure ſeetis; wiþ ſiluer and gold, and bras, þeronne brent ſacrifice, and ſacrifice, and peſible
and yrun, and myche cloþing; departe ȝe þe prey of ſacrifices, he ſeke, and deme;
enemyes wiþ ȝoure briþeren. xxiiii and not more `bi þat þouȝt and tretyng þat we
ix And þe ſones of Ruben, and þe ſones of Gad, and
ſeiden, Ȝoure ſones ſchulen ſeie `to morew to oure
`half þe lynage of Manaſſes turneden aȝen, and ȝeden ſones, What is to ȝou and to þe Lord God of Iſrael? Ȝe
fro þe ſones of Iſrael fro Silo, which is ſet in þe lond of ſones of Ruben,
Canaan, þat þei ſchulden entre in to Galaad, þe lond of xxv and ȝe ſones of Gad, þe Lord haþ ſet a terme, þe
her poſſeſſioun, which þei gaten bi `comaundement of flood Jordan, bitwixe vs and ȝou; and þerfor ȝe han not
þe Lord in þe hond of Moiſes. part in þe Lord; and bi þis occaſioun ȝoure ſones
x And whanne þei hadden come to þe litle hillis of
ſchulen turne awei oure ſones fro þe drede of þe Lord.
Jordan, in to þe lond of Canaan, þei bildiden biſidis Þerfor we geſſiden betere,
Jordan an auter of greetneſſe ouer comyn meſure. xxvi and ſeiden, Bilde we an auter to vs, not in to brent
xi And whanne þe ſones of Iſrael hadden herd þis, and
ſacrifices, neþir to ſacrifices to be offrid,
certeyn meſſangeris hadden teld to hem, þat þe ſones of xxvii but in to witneſſyng bitwixe vs and ȝou, and
Ruben, and of Gad, and þe half lynage of Manaſſes bitwixe oure children and ȝoure generacioun, þat we
hadden bildid an auter in þe lond of Canaan, on þe ſerue þe Lord, and þat it be of oure riȝt to offre brent
heepis of Jordan, aȝens þe ſones of Iſrael, ſacrifices, and ſacrifices, and peſible ſacrifices; and þat
xii alle camen togidir in Silo, þat þei ſchulden ſtie, and
ȝoure ſones ſeie not to morewe to oure ſones, No part in
fiȝte aȝens hem. þe Lord is to ȝou.
xiii And in þe meene tyme þei ſenten to hem in to þe xxviii And if `ȝoure ſones wolen ſeie þis, `oure ſones
lond of Galaad, Fynees, preeſt, ſchulen anſwere hem, Lo! þe auter of þe Lord, which
xiiii þe ſone of Eleazar, and ten princes wiþ hym; of ech oure fadris maden, not in to brent ſacrifices, neþer in to
lynage o prince. ſacrifice, but in to oure and ȝour witneſſing euerlaſtinge.
xv Whiche camen to þe ſones of Ruben, and of Gad, and xxix Fer be þis treſpas fro vs, þat we go awei fro þe
of þe half lynage of Manaſſes, in to þe lond of Galaad, Lord, and forſake hiſe ſteppis, bi an auter bildid to brent
and ſeiden to hem, ſacrifices, and ſacrifices, and ſacrifices of preiſyng to be
xvi Al þe puple of þe Lord ſendiþ þeſe þingis; What is offrid, outakun þe auter of oure `Lord God, which is
þis treſpaſſyng? Whi han ȝe forſake þe Lord God of bildid bifore his tabernacle.
Iſrael, and han bildid a curſid auter, and han go awei fro xxx And whanne þeſe þingis weren herd, Fynees, preeſt,
þe worſchiping of hym? and þe princes of meſſage of Iſrael, þat weren wiþ hym,
weren pleſyd; and þei reſſeyueden gladli þe wordis of

þe ſones of Ruben, and of Gad, and of þe half lynage of xii Þat if ȝe wolen cleue to þe errouris of þeſe folkis þat
Manaſſes. dwellen among ȝou, and wolen medle mariagis wiþ
xxxi And Finees, preeſt, þe ſone of Eleazar, ſeide to hem, hem, and couple frenſchipis,
Now we wyten, þat þe Lord is wiþ ȝou; for ȝe ben alien xiii wite ȝe riȝt now, þat `ȝoure Lord God ſchal not do
fro þis treſpaſſyng, and ȝe han delyuered þe ſones of awei hem bifor ȝoure face, but þei ſchulen be to ȝou in
Iſrael fro þe hond, `þat is, punyſchyng, of þe Lord. to a dich, and a ſnare, and in to hirtyng of ȝoure ſide,
xxxii And Fynees turnede aȝen wiþ þe princes fro þe and in to ſtakis in ȝoure iȝen, til ȝoure Lord God take
ſones of Ruben and of Gad, fro þe lond of Galaad to þe awei ȝou, and diſtrie fro þis beſte loond, which he ȝaf to
cooſt of Canaan, to þe ſones of Iſrael; and he telde to ȝou.
hem. xiiii Lo! Y entre to dai in to þe weye of al erþe; and ȝe
xxxiii And þe word pleſide to alle men herynge; and þe ſchulen knowe `wiþ al ſoule, þat of al wordis whiche þe
ſones of Iſrael preiſiden God, and ſeiden, þat no more Lord bihiȝte hym ſilf to ȝyue to ȝou, not oon paſſide in
`þei ſchulden ſtie aȝens hem, and fiȝte, and do awei þe veyn.
lond of her poſſeſſioun. xv Þerfor as he fillide in werk þat, þat he bihiȝte, and
xxxiiii And þe ſones of Ruben and þe ſones of Gad alle þingis bifelden `bi proſperite, ſo he ſchal brynge on
clepiden þe auter, which þei hadden bildid, Oure ȝou whateuer þing of yuelis he manaaſſide, til he take
Witneſſyng, þat þe Lord hym ſilf is God. awei ȝou, and diſtrie fro þis beſte lond, which he ȝaf to
CAP. XXIII xvi For ȝe braken þe couenaunt of `ȝoure Lord God,
i Forſoþe whanne myche tyme was paſſid after þat þe which he made wiþ ȝou, and ſerueden alien goddis, and
Lord had ȝoue pees to Iſrael, for alle naciouns `in worſchipeden hem, ſone and ſwiftli þe ſtrong veniaunce
cumpas weren ſuget; and whanne Joſue was þanne of of þe Lord ſchal riſe `on to ȝou; and ȝe ſchulen be takun
long lijf, and `of ful eld age, Joſue clepide al Iſrael, awei fro þis beſte lond, which he ȝaf to ȝou.
ii and þe grettere men in birþe, and þe princes, and
dukis, and maiſtris, and ſeide to hem, Y `wexide elde, CAP. XXIIII
and Y am of grettere age; i And Joſue gaderide alle þe lynagis of Iſrael in to
iii and ȝe ſeen alle þingis whiche ȝoure Lord God haþ do Sechem; and he clepide þe grettere men in birþe, and þe
to alle naciouns `bi cumpas, hou he fauȝt for ȝou. princes, and iugis, and maiſtris; and þei ſtoden in þe ſiȝt
iiii And now for he departide to ȝou bi lot al þe lond, fro of þe Lord.
ii And he ſpak þus to þe puple, Þe Lord God of Iſrael
þe eeſt part of Jordan `til to þe grete ſee, and many
naciouns ben left ȝit, ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Ȝoure fadris dwelliden at þe bigynnyng
v ȝoure Lord God `ſchal diſtrie hem, and ſchal take awei biȝende þe flood Eufrates, Thare, þe fadir of Abraham,
fro ȝoure face; and ȝe ſchulen welde þe lond, as he and Nachor, and þei ſerueden alien goddis.
iii Þerfor Y took ȝoure fadir Abraham fro þe cooſtis of
bihiȝte to ȝou.
vi Oneli be ȝe coumfortid, and be ȝe biſy, þat ȝe kepe Meſopotanye, and Y brouȝte hym in to þe lond of
alle þingis þat ben writun in þe book of Moiſes lawe, Canaan; and Y multipliede `þe ſeed of hym,
iiii and Y ȝaf Iſaac to hym; and eft Y ȝaf to Iſaac, Jacob,
and bowe not awei fro þo, neþer to þe riȝt ſide neþer to
þe left ſide, and Eſau, of whiche Y ȝaf to Eſau þe hil of Seir, to
vii leſt aftir þat ȝe han entrid to þe heþene men, þat `haue in poſſeſſioun; forſoþe Jacob and hiſe ſones ȝeden
ſchulen be among ȝou, ȝe ſwere in þe name of `þe doun in to Egipt.
v And Y ſente Moiſes and Aaron, and Y ſmoot Egipt wiþ
goddis of hem, and ȝe ſerue þo goddis, and worſchipe
hem. many ſignes and wondris,
viii But cleue ȝe to ȝoure Lord God, which þing ȝe han vi and Y ledde ȝou and ȝoure fadris out of Egipt. And ȝe

do `til in to þis dai; camen to þe ſee, and Egipcians purſueden ȝoure fadris
ix and þanne þe Lord God ſchal do awei in ȝoure ſiȝt wiþ charis, and multitude of knyȝtis, `til to þe Reed See.
vii Forſoþe þe ſones of Iſrael crieden to þe Lord, and he
grete folkis, and ſtrongeſte; and noon ſchal mow
aȝenſtonde ȝou. ſettide derkneſſis bitwixe ȝou and Egipcians; and he
x Oon of ȝou ſchal purſue a þouſynde men of enemyes, brouȝte þe ſee on hem, and hilide hem. Ȝoure iȝen ſien
for ȝoure Lord God ſchal fiȝte for ȝou, as he bihiȝte. alle þingis, whiche Y dide in Egipt. And ȝe dwelliden in
xi Be ȝe war bifore mooſt diligentli of þis þing oneli, þat wildirneſſe in myche tyme.
viii And Y brouȝte ȝou in to þe lond of Ammorrei, þat
ȝe loue ȝoure Lord God.
dwellide biȝende Jordan; and whanne þei fouȝten aȝens
ȝou, Y bitook hem in to ȝoure hondis, and ȝe hadden in
poſſeſſioun `þe lond of hem, and ȝe killiden hem.

ix Soþeli Balach, þe ſone of Sephor, þe king of Moab, xxv Þerfor Joſue ſmoot a boond of pees in þat dai, and
roos, and fauȝt aȝens Iſrael; and he ſente, and clepide ſettide forþ to þe puple comaundementis and domes in
Balaam, þe ſone of Beor, þat he ſchulde curſe ȝou. Sichen.
x And Y nolde here hym, but aȝenward bi hym Y xxvi And he wroot alle þeſe wordis in þe book of Goddis
bleſſide ȝou, and delyuerede ȝou fro hiſe hondis. lawe. And he took a greet ſtoon, and puttide it vndur an
xi And ȝe paſſiden Jordan, and camen to Jerico; and men ook, þat was in þe ſeyntuarie of þe Lord.
of þat citee fouȝten aȝens ȝou, Ammorrei, and Fereſei, xxvii And he ſeide to al þe puple, Lo! þis ſtoon ſchal be
and Cananei, Ethei, and Gergeſei, and Euei, and to ȝou in to witneſſing, þat ȝe herden alle þe wordis of
Jebuſei; and Y bitook hem in to ȝoure hondis. þe Lord, whiche he ſpak to ȝou, leſt perauenture ȝe
xii And Y ſente flies wiþ venemouſe tongis bifor ȝou, wolden denye aftirward, and lye to ȝoure Lord God.
and Y caſtide hem out of her places; Y kyllide twei xxviii And he lefte þe puple, ech man in to his
kyngis of Ammorreis, not in þi ſwerd and bowe. poſſeſſioun.
xiii And Y ȝaf to ȝou þe lond in which ȝe traueiliden not, xxix And after þeſe þingis Joſue, þe ſone of Nun, þe
and citees whiche ȝe bildiden not, þat ȝe ſchulden `ſeruaunt of þe Lord, diede, an hundride ȝeer eld and
dwelle in þo, and vyneris, and places of olyue trees, ten.
whiche ȝe plauntiden not. xxx And þei birieden hym in þe coſtis of his poſſeſſioun,
xiiii Now þerfor drede ȝe þe Lord, and ſerue ȝe hym wiþ in Thannath of Sare, which is ſet in þe hil of Effraym,
perfite herte and mooſt trewe; and do ȝe awei þe goddis, fro þe norþ part of þe hil Gaas.
to whiche ȝoure fadris ſeruyden in Meſopotanye, and in xxxi And Iſrael ſeruede þe Lord in alle þe daies of Joſue,
Egipt; and ſerue ȝe þe Lord. and of þe eldre men, þat lyueden in long tyme aftir
xv But if it ſemeþ yuel to ȝou, `þat ȝe ſerue þe Lord, Joſue, and whiche eldre men knewen alle þe werkis of
cheſyng is ȝouun to ȝou; cheſe ȝe to ȝou to dai þat, þat þe Lord, whiche he hadde do in Iſrael.
pleſiþ, whom ȝe owen moſt to ſerue; wheþer to goddis, xxxii Alſo `þe ſones of Iſrael birieden þe boonys of
whiche ȝoure fadris ſerueden in Meſopotanye, wheþer Joſeph, whiche þei baren fro Egipt in Sichen, in þe part
to þe goddis of Ammorreis, in whoſe lond ȝe dwellen; of þe feeld, which feeld Jacob bouȝte of þe ſones of
forſoþe Y, and myn hows ſchulen ſerue þe Lord. Emor, fadir of Sichen, for an hundrid ȝonge ſcheep; and
xvi And al þe puple anſweride and ſeide, Fer be it fro vs it was in to poſſeſſioun of þe ſones of Joſeph.
þat we forſake þe Lord, and ſerue alien goddis. xxxiii Alſo Eliazar, ſone of Aaron, preeſt, diede; and
xvii `Oure Lord God hym ſilf ledde vs and oure fadris Fynees and hiſe ſones biryden hym in Gabaa, which
out of þe lond of Egipt, fro þe hows of ſeruage, and dide was ȝouun to hym in þe hil of Efraym.
grete ſignes in oure ſiȝt; and he kepte vs in al þe weie, bi Here eendiþ Joſue, and here bigynneþ þe book of
which we ȝeden, and in alle puplis, bi whiche we Judicum.
paſſiden; and he caſtide out alle folkis,
xviii Ammorrei, þe dwellere of þe lond, in to which we
entriden. Þerfor we ſchulen ſerue þe Lord, for he is
`oure Lord God.
xix And Joſue ſeide to þe puple, Ȝe moun not ſerue þe
Lord; for God is hooli, and a ſtrong feruent louyere, and
he forȝyueþ not ȝoure treſpaſſis and ſynnes.
xx If ȝe forſaken þe Lord, and ſeruen alien goddis, þe
Lord ſchal turne `hym ſilf, and ſchal turment ȝou, and
ſchal diſtrie, after þat he haþ ȝoue goodis to ȝou.
xxi And þe puple ſeide to Joſue, It ſchal not be ſo, as þou
ſpekiſt, but we ſchulen ſerue þe Lord.
xxii And Joſue ſeide to þe puple, Ȝe ben witneſſis, þat ȝe
han choſe þe Lord to ȝou, þat ȝe ſerue him. And þei
anſweriden, We ben witneſſis.
xxiii Þerfor, he ſeide, Now do ȝe awei alien goddis fro þe
myddis of ȝou, and bowe ȝe ȝoure hertis to þe Lord God
of Iſrael.
xxiiii And þe puple ſeide to Joſue, We ſchulen ſerue `oure
Lord God, and we ſchulen be obedient to hiſe heeſtis.

deſert of his lot, which deſert is at þe ſouþ of Arath; and
JUDICUM dwelliden wiþ hym.
Here bigynneþ Judicum. xvii Soþeli Judas ȝede wiþ Symeon, his broþer; and þei
ſmytiden togidere Cananei, þat dwellide in Sephar, and
CAP. I killiden hym; and þe name of þat citee was clepid
i Aftir þe deeþ of Joſue þe ſones of Iſrael counſeliden þe Horma, þat is, curſyng, `eþer perfit diſtriyng, for þilke
Lord, and ſeiden, Who ſchal ſtie bifor vs aȝens Cananei, citee was diſtried outerly.
xviii And Judas took Gaza wiþ hiſe cooſtis, and Aſcolon,
and ſchal be duik of þe batel?
ii And þe Lord ſeide, Judas ſchal ſtie; lo! Y haue ȝoue þe and Accaron wiþ hiſe termes.
xix And þe Lord was wiþ Judas, and he `hadde in
lond in to hiſe hondis.
iii And Juda ſeide to Symeon, his broþer, Stie þou wiþ poſſeſſioun þe hilli places; and he myȝte not do awey þe
me in my lot, and fiȝte þou aȝens Cananei, þat Y go wiþ dwelleris of þe valei, for þei weren plenteuouſe in `yrun
þee in þi lot. charis, ſcharpe as ſiþis.
iiii And Symeon ȝede wiþ hym; and Judas ſtiede. And þe xx And `þe ſones of Iſrael ȝauen Ebron to Caleph, as

Lord bitook Cananey and Fereſei in to `þe hondis of Moiſes hadde ſeid, which Caleph dide awei for it þre
hem, and þei killiden in Beſech ten þouſynde of men. ſones of Enach.
v And þei founden Adonybozech in Beſech, and þei xxi Forſoþe þe ſones of Beniamyn diden not awei

fouȝten aȝens hym, and ſmytiden Cananei, and Fereſey. Jebuſei, þe dwellere of Jeruſalem; and Jebuſei dwellide
vi Forſoþe Adonybozech fledde, whom þei purſueden, wiþ þe ſones of Beniamyn in Jeruſalem `til in to preſent
and token, and kittiden þe endis of hiſe hondis and feet. dai.
xxii Alſo þe hows of Joſeph ſtiede in to Bethel, and þe
vii And Adonybozech ſeide, Seuenti kyngis, whanne þe
endis of hondis and feet weren kit awey, gaderiden Lord was wiþ hem.
xxiii For whanne þei biſegiden þe citee, þat was clepid
relifs of metis vndur my bord; as Y dide, ſo God haþ
ȝolde to me. And þei brouȝten hym in to Jeruſalem, and Luſa bifore,
xxiiii þei ſien a man goynge out of þe citee, and þei
þere he diede.
viii Þerfor þe ſones of Juda fouȝten aȝens Jeruſalem, and ſeiden to hym, Schewe þou to vs þe entrynge of þe
token it, and ſmytiden bi þe ſcharpneſſe of ſwerd, and cytee, and we ſchulen do mercy wiþ þee.
xxv And whanne he hadde ſchewid to hem, þei ſmytiden
bitoken al þe cytee to brennyng.
ix And aftirward þei ȝeden doun, and fouȝten aȝens þe citee bi ſcharpnes of ſwerd; ſoþeli þei delyueriden
Cananey, þat dwellide in þe hilli places, and at þe ſouþ, þat man and al his kynrede.
xxvi And he was delyuerede, and ȝede in to þe lond of
in `feeldi places.
x And Judas ȝede aȝens Cananei, þat dwellide in Ebron, Sethym, and bildide þere a citee, and clepid it Luzam;
whos name was bi eld tyme Cariatharbe; and Judas which is clepid ſo til in to preſent dai.
xxvii Alſo Manaſſes dide not awei Bethſan and Thanael
killide Siſay, and Achyman, and Tholmai.
xi And fro þennus he ȝede forþ, and ȝede to þe dwelleris wiþ her townes, and þe dwelleris of Endor, and
of Dabir, whos eld name was Cariathſepher, þat is, þe Geblaam and Magedo wiþ her townes; and Cananei
citee of lettris. bigan to dwelle wiþ hem.
xii And Caleph ſeide, Y ſchal ȝyue Axa, my douȝter, wijf xxviii Soþeli after þat Iſrael was coumfortid, he made

to hym þat ſchal ſmyte Cariathſepher, and ſchal waſte it. hem tributaries, `eþir to paye tribute, and nolde do awey
xiii And whanne Othonyel, ſone of Seneth, þe leſſe hem.
xxix Soþeli Effraym killide not Cananei þat dwellyde in
broþer of Caleph, hadde take it, Caleph ȝaf Axa, his
douȝter, wijf to hym. Gaſer, but dwellide wiþ hym.
xiiii And hir hoſebonde ſtiride hir, goynge in þe weie, þat xxx Zabulon dide not awey þe dwelleris of Cethron, and

ſche ſchulde axe of hir fadir a feeld; and whanne ſche of Naalon; but Cananei dwellide in þe myddis of hym,
hadde ſiȝid, ſittynge on þe aſſe, Caleph ſeide to hir, and was maad tributarie to him.
xxxi Alſo Aſer dide not awey þe dwelleris of Acho, and
What haſt þou?
xv And ſche anſweride, Ȝiue þou bleſſyng to me, for þou of Sidon, of Alab, and of Azazib, and of Alba, and
haſt ȝoue a drye lond to me; ȝyue þou alſo a moyſt lond Aphech, and of Aloa, and of Pha, and of Roob; and he
wiþ watris. And Caleph ȝaf to hir þe moiſt lond aboue, dwellide in þe myddis of Cananey,
xxxii dwellere of þat lond, and killide not hym.
and þe moiſt lond byneþe.
xvi Forſoþe þe ſones of Cyney, `alye of Moyſes, ſtieden xxxiii Neptalym dide not awei þe dwelleris of
fro þe citee of palmes wiþ þe ſones of Juda, in to þe Bethſames, and of Bethanach; and he dwellide among

Cananey, dwellere of þe lond; and Bethſamytis and xiiii And þe Lord was wrooþ aȝens Iſrael, and bitook
Bethanytis weren tributarie to hym. hem in to þe hondis of rauyſcheris, whiche rauyſcheris
xxxiiii And Ammorrey helde ſtreit þe ſones of Dan in þe token hem, and ſeelden to enemyes, þat dwelliden `bi
hil, and ȝaf not place to hem to go doun to pleynere cumpas; and þei myȝten not aȝenſtonde her aduerſaries;
places; xv but whidir euer þei wolden go, þe hond of þe Lord
xxxv and he dwellide in þe hil of Hares, `which is was on hem, as he ſpak and ſwoor to hem; and þei
interpretid, Witneſſyng, in Hailon, and in Salabym. And weren turmentid greetli.
þe hond of þe hows of Joſeph was maad heuy, and he xvi And þe Lord reiſide iugis, þat `delyueriden hem fro
was maad tributarie to hym. þe hondis of deſtrieris, but þei nolden here hem,
xxxvi And þe terme of Ammorrei was fro þe ſtiyng of xvii and þei diden fornycacioun, `þat is, idolatrie, wiþ
Scorpioun, and þe ſtoon, and hiȝere places. alien goddis, and worſchipiden hem. Soone þei forſoken
þe weie, bi which `þe fadris of hem entriden; and þei
CAP. II herden þe `comaundementis of þe Lord, and diden alle
i And þe aungel of þe Lord ſtiede fro Galgala to þe þingis contrarie.
place of weperis, and ſeide, Y ledde ȝou out of Egipt, xviii And whanne þe Lord reiſide iugis in `þe daies of
and Y brouȝte ȝou in to þe lond, `for which Y ſwoor to hem, he was bowid bi mercy, and he herde þe weilyngis
ȝoure fadris, and bihiȝte, þat Y ſchulde not make void of hem turmentid, and he delyuerede hem fro þe ſleyng
my couenaunt wiþ ȝou in to wiþ outen ende; of waſteris.
ii ſo oneli þat ȝe ſchulde not ſmyte boond of pees wiþ þe xix Soþeli aftir þat þe iuge was deed, þei turneden aȝen,
dwelleris of þis lond, and ſchulden diſtrie `þe auteris of and diden many þingis grettere `in yuel þan her fadris
hem; and ȝe nolden here my vois. Whi diden ȝe þeſe diden; and þei ſueden alien goddis, and ſerueden hem,
þingis? and worſchipiden hem; þei leften not her owne
iii Wherfore Y nolde do hem awei fro ȝoure face, þat ȝe fyndyngis, and þe hardeſte weie `bi which þei weren
haue enemyes, and þat `þe goddis of hem be to ȝou in to wont to go.
fallyng. xx And þe ſtrong veniaunce of þe Lord was wrooþ aȝens
iiii And whanne þe `aungel of þe Lord ſpak þeſe wordis Iſrael, and he ſeide, For þis puple haþ maad voide my
to alle þe ſones of Iſrael, þei reiſiden her vois, and couenaunt which Y couenauntide wiþ her fadris, and
wepten; and þe name of þat place was clepid, diſpiſide to here my vois; alſo Y ſchal not do a wey
v of weperis, eþer of teeris; and þei offriden þere folkis,
ſacrifices to þe Lord. xxi whiche Joſue `lefte, and was deed;
vi Þerfor Joſue lefte þe puple; and þe ſones of Iſrael xxii þat in hem Y aſaie Iſrael, wheþer þei kepen þe weie
wenten forþ, ech man in to his poſſeſſioun, þat þei of þe Lord, and goen þer ynne, as her fadris kepten,
ſchulden gete it. eþer nay.
vii And þei ſerueden þe Lord in alle þe daies of Joſue, xxiii Þerfor þe Lord lefte alle þeſe naciouns, and nolde
and of eldere men þat lyueden aftir hym in long tyme, deſtrie ſoone, neþir bitook in to þe hondis of Joſue.
and knewen alle þe grete werkis of þe Lord, whiche he
hadde do wiþ Iſrael. CAP. III
viii Forſoþe Joſue, ſone of Nun, `ſeruaunt of þe Lord, i Þeſe ben þe folkis whiche þe Lord lefte, þat in hem he
`was deed of an hundrid ȝeer and ten; ſchulde teche Iſrael, and alle men þat knewen not þe
ix and þei birieden hym in þe endis of his poſſeſſioun, in batels of Cananeis;
Thannath of Sare, in þe hil of Effraym, at þe norþ cooſt ii and þat aftirward `þe ſones of hem ſchulden lerne to
of þe hil Gaas. fiȝte wiþ enemyes,
x And al þat generacioun was gaderid to her fadris; and iii and to haue cuſtom of batel He lefte fyue princes of
oþere men riſeden, þat knewen not þe Lord, and þe Filiſtees, and al Cananei, and þe puple of Sidon, and
werkis whiche he `hadde do wiþ Iſrael. Euey þat dwelliden in þe hil Liban, fro þe hil Baal
xi And þe ſones of Iſrael diden yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, Hermon `til to þe entryng of Emath.
and þei ſerueden Baalym and Aſtaroth; iiii And he lefte hem, þat in hem he ſchulde aſaie Iſrael,
xii and forſoken þe Lord God of her fadris, þat ledden wheþir þei wolden here þe `heeſtis of þe Lord, whiche
hem out of þe lond of Egipt; and þei ſueden alien he comaundide to her fadris bi þe hond of Moiſes, eþir
goddis, þe goddis of puplis, þat dwelliden in `þe nai.
cumpaſſe of hem, and worſchipeden þo goddis, and v And ſo þe ſones of Iſrael dwelliden in þe myddis of
excitiden þe Lord to greet wraþþe, and forſoken hym, Cananei, of Ethei, and of Ammorrei, and of Fereſei, and
xiii and ſerueden Baal and Aſtoroth. of Euey,

vi and of Jebuſey, and weddiden wyues, þe douȝtris of lefte in þe bodi; and anoon bi þe priuetees of kynde þe
hem; and þe ſones of Iſrael ȝauen her douȝtris to `þe tordis of þe wombe braſte out.
ſones of hem, and ſerueden `þe goddis of hem. xxiii Forſoþe whanne þe doris of þe parlour weren cloſid
vii And þe ſones of Iſrael diden yuel in þe `ſiȝt of þe mooſt diligentli, and faſtned wiþ lok,
Lord, and forȝaten her Lord God, and ſerueden Baalym, xxiiii Aioth ȝede out bi a poſterne. And þe `ſeruauntis of
and Aſtaroth. þe king entriden, not in þe parlour, but in þe porche,
viii And þe Lord was wrooþ aȝens Iſrael, and bitook hem and þei ſien þe doris of þe parlour cloſid, and ſeiden, In
in to þe hondis of Cuſanraſathaym, kyng of hap he purgiþ þe wombe in þe ſomer parlour.
Meſopotanye, and þei ſerueden hym eiȝte ȝeer. xxv And þei abididen longe, til þei weren aſchamed; and
ix And þei crieden to þe Lord, and he reiſide to hem a þei ſien þat no man openede, and þei token þe keie, and
ſauȝour, and delyuerede hem, þat is, Othonyel, ſone of þei openyden, and founden her lord liggynge deed in þe
Ceneth, `þe leſſe broþir of Caleph. erþe.
x And þe ſpirit of þe Lord was in hym, and he demyde xxvi Soþeli while þei weren diſturblid, Aioth fledde out,

Iſrael. And he ȝede out to batel, and þe Lord bitook in to and paſſide þe place of idols, fro whennus he turnede
hiſe hondis Cuſanrathaym, kyng of Sirie; and Othonyel aȝen; and he cam in to Seirath.
oppreſſide hym. xxvii And anoon he ſownede wiþ a clarioun in þe hil of
xi And þe lond reſtide fourti ȝeer; and Othonyel, ſone of Effraym; and þe ſones of Iſrael camen doun wiþ hym,
Ceneth, diede. and he ȝede in þe frount.
xii Forſoþe þe ſones of Iſrael addiden to do yuel in þe xxviii Which ſeide to hem, Sue ȝe me, for þe Lord haþ

`ſiȝt of þe Lord; and he coumfortide aȝens hem Eglon, bitake oure enemyes, Moabitis, in to oure hondis. And
þe kyng of Moab, for `þei diden yuel in þe `ſiȝt of þe þei camen doun after hym, and ocupieden þe forþis of
Lord. Jordan, þat ledde ouer in to Moab.
xiii And þe Lord couplide to hym þe ſones of Amon and xxix And þei ſuffriden not ony man to paſſe, but þei

Amalech; and he ȝede, and ſmoot Iſrael, and hadde in ſmytiden Moabitis in þat tyme aboute ten þouſande, alle
poſſeſſioun þe citee of Palmes. myȝti men and ſtronge; no man of hem myȝte aſcape.
xiiii And þe ſones of Iſrael ſerueden Eglon, kyng of xxx And Moab was maad low in þat dai vndur þe hond

Moab, eiȝtene ȝeer. of Iſrael, and þe lond reſtide foureſcoor ȝeer.

xv And aftirward þei crieden to þe Lord; and he reiſide xxxi Aftir hym was Samgar, þe ſone of Anath, þat ſmoot

to hem a ſauȝour, Aioth bi name, þe ſone of Gera, ſone of Filiſteis ſixe hundrid men wiþ a ſchar; and he alſo
of Gemyny, which Aioth vſide euer eiþer hond for þe defendide Iſrael.
riȝt hond. And þe ſones of Iſrael ſenten bi him ȝiftis, `þat
is, tribute, to Eglon, kyng of Moab; CAP. IIII
xvi which Aioth made to hym a ſwerd keruynge on euer i And þe ſones of Iſrael addiden to do yuel in þe `ſiȝt of

eiþer ſide, hauynge in þe myddis a pomel of þe lengþe þe Lord, aftir þe deeþ of Aioth.
of þe pawm of an hond; and he was gird þerwiþ vndir ii And þe Lord bitook hem in to þe hondis of Jabyn,
`þe ſai, `þat is, a knyȝtis mentil, `in þe riȝt hipe. kyng of Canaan, þat regnede in Aſor; and he hadde a
xvii And he brouȝte ȝiftis to Eglon, þe kyng of Moab; duyk of his ooſt, Siſara bi name; and he dwellide in
forſoþe Eglon was ful fat. Aroſeth of heþene men.
xviii And whanne he hadde ȝoue ȝiftis to þe kyng, he iii And þe ſones of Iſrael crieden to þe Lord; for he

purſuede felowis þat camen wiþ hym; and he turnede hadde nyn hundrid yrone charis, keruynge as ſiþis, and
aȝen fro Galgalis, twenti ȝeer he oppreſſide hem greetli.
xix where idolis weren, and he ſeide to þe kyng, A kyng, iiii Forſoþe Delbora was a propheteſſe, þe wijf of

Y haue a priuei word to þee. And he comaundide Lapidoth, which Delbora demyde þe puple in þat tyme;
ſilence. And whanne alle men weren goon out, þat v and ſche ſat vndur a palm tree, þat was clepid bi her
weren aboute hym, Aioth entride to hym; name, bitwixe Rama and Bethel, in þe hil of Effraym;
xx forſoþe he ſat aloone in a ſomer parlour. And Aioth and þe ſones of Iſrael ſtieden to hir at ech dom. And
ſeide, Y haue þe word of God to þee. ſche ſente, and clepide Barach, þe ſone of Abynoen, of
xxi Which roos anoon fro þe trone. And Aioth helde forþ Cedes of Neptalym, and ſche ſeide to hym, Þe Lord God
þe left hond, and took þe ſwerd fro his riȝt hype; and he of Iſrael comaundide to þee, Go þou, and lede an ooſt in
xxii faſtnede in to þe `wombe of þe kyng ſo ſtrongli, þat to þe hil of Thabor, and þou ſchalt take wiþ þee ten
þe pomel, `eþer hilte, ſuede þe yrun in þe wounde, and þouſande `of fiȝteris of þe ſones of Neptalym and of þe
was holdun ſtreite `in þe þickeſte fatneſſe wiþ ynne; and ſones of Zabulon.
vii Soþeli Y ſchal brynge to þee, in þe place of þe
he drow not out þe ſwerd, but ſo as he hadde ſmyte, he
ſtronde of Ciſon, Siſara, prince of `þe ooſt of Jabyn, and

his charis, and al þe multitude; and Y ſchal bitake hem whanne he hadde entrid to hir, he ſiȝ Siſara liggynge
in þin hond. deed, and a nail faſtnede in to hiſe templis.
viii And Barach ſeide to hir, If þou comeſt wiþ me, Y xxiii Þerfor in þat day God `made low Jabyn, þe kyng of
ſchal go; if þou nylt come wiþ me, Y ſchal not go. Canaan, bifor þe ſones of Iſrael; whiche encreſiden ech
ix And ſche ſeyde to hym, Soþeli Y ſchal go wiþ þee; dai, and wiþ ſtrong hond oppreſſiden Jabyn, þe kyng of
but in þis tyme þe victorie ſchal not be arettide to þee; Canaan, til þei diden hym awey.
for Siſara ſchal be bitakun in þe hond of a womman.
Þerfor Delbora roos, and ȝede wiþ Barach in to Cedes. CAP. V
x And whanne Zabulon and Neptalym weren clepid, he i And Delbora and Barach, ſone of Abynoen, ſungen in

ſtiede wiþ ten þouſynde of fiȝteris, and hadde Delbora þat dai, and ſeiden,
in his felouſchipe. ii Ȝe men of Iſrael, þat `offriden wilfuli ȝoure lyues to
xi Forſoþe Aber of Cyneth hadde departid ſum tyme fro perel, bleſſe þe Lord.
oþere Cyneys hiſe briþeren, ſones of Obab, `alie of iii Ȝe kingis, here, ȝe princes, perceyueþ wiþ eeris; Y
Moiſes; and he hadde ſet forþ tabernaclis `til to þe valei, am, Y am þe womman, þat ſchal ſynge to þe Lord; Y
which is clepid Sennym, and was biſidis Cedes. ſchal ſynge to þe Lord God of Iſrael.
xii And it was teld to Siſara, þat Barach, ſone of iiii Lord, whanne þou ȝediſt out fro Seir, and paſſidiſt bi
Abynoen, hadde ſtiede in to þe hil of Thabor. þe cuntrees of Edom, þe erþe was moued, and heuenes
xiii And he gaderide nyn hundrid yronne charis, and cloudis droppiden wiþ watris; hillis flowiden fro þe
keruynge as ſiþis, and al þe ooſt fro Aroſeth of heþene `face of þe Lord,
men to þe ſtronde of Ciſon. v and Synai fro þe face of þe Lord God of Iſrael.
xiiii And Delbora ſeide to Barach, Riſe þou, for þis is þe vi In þe daies of Sangar, ſone of Anach, in þe daies of
day, in which þe Lord bitook Siſara in to þin hondis; lo! Jahel, paþþis reſtiden, and þei þat entriden bi þo ȝeden
þe Lord is þi ledere. And ſo Barach cam doun fro þe hil bi paþþis out of þe weie.
of Thabor, and ten þouſynde of fyȝteris wiþ hym. vii Stronge men in Iſrael ceſſiden, and reſtiden, til
xv And þe Lord made aferd Siſara, and alle `þe charis of Delbora roos, a modir in Iſrael.
hym, and al þe multitude, bi þe ſcharpneſſe of ſwerd, at viii Þe Lord chees newe batels, and he deſtriede þe ȝatis
þe ſiȝt of Barach, in ſo myche þat Siſara lippide doun of of enemyes; ſcheeld and ſpere apperiden not in fourti
þe chare, and fledde `a foote. And Barach purſuede þe þouſynde of Iſrael.
charis fleynge and þe ooſt `til to Aroſeth of heþene men; ix Myn herte loueþ þe princes of Iſrael; ȝe þat offriden
and al þe multitude of enemyes felde doun `til to deeþ. ȝou to perel bi ȝoure owyn wille,
xvii Soþeli Siſara fledde, and cam to þe tente of Jahel, þe x bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; ſpeke ȝe, þat ſtien on ſchynynge
wijf of Aber Cyney; forſoþe pees waas bitwixe Jabyn, aſſis, and ſitten aboue in doom, and goen in þe wey.
kyng of Aſor, and bitwixe þe hows of Aber Cyney. xi Where þe charis weren hurtlid doun to gidere, and þe
xviii Þerfor Jahel ȝede out in to þe comyng of Siſara, and
ooſt of enemyes was ſtraunglid, þere þe `riȝtfulneſſis of
ſeide to hym, My lord, entre þou to me, entre þou to þe Lord be teld, and mercy among þe ſtronge of Iſrael;
me; drede þou not. And he entride in to `þe tabernacle þanne þe `puple of þe Lord cam doun to þe ȝatis, and
of hir, and was hilid of hir wiþ a mentil. gat prinſehod.
xix And he ſeide to hir, Y biſeche, ȝyue `þou to me a litil xii Riſe, riſe þou, Delbora, riſe þou, and ſpeke a ſong;
of watir, for Y þirſte greetli. And ſche openyde a `botel riſe þou, Barach, and þou, ſone of Abynoen, take þi
of mylk, and ȝaf to hym to drynke, and hilide hym. priſoneris.
xx And Siſara ſeide to hir, Stonde þou bifor þe dore of xiii Þe relikis of þe puple ben ſauyd; þe Lord fauȝt aȝens
þe tabernacle, and whanne ony man comeþ, and axiþ ſtronge men of Effraym.
þee, and ſeiþ, Wheþer ony man is here? þou ſchalt xiiii He dide awei hem in Amalech, and aftir hym of
anſwere, No man is here.
xxi And ſo Jahel, þe wijf of Aber, took a nayl of þe
Beniamyn in to þi puplis, þou Amalech. Princes of
Machir and of Zabulon ȝeden doun, þat ledden ooſt to
tabernacle, and ſche took alſo an hamer; and ſche fiȝte.
entride pryueli, and puttide wiþ ſilence þe nail on þe xv Þe duykis of Iſachar weren wiþ Delbora, and ſueden
temple of his heed, and ſche faſtnede þe nail ſmytun wiþ
þe ſteppis of Barach, which ȝaf hym ſilf to perel, as in
þe hamer in to þe brayn, `til to þe erþe; and he ſlepte,
to a dich, and in to helle. While Ruben was departid
and diede to gidere, and failide, and was deed.
xxii And lo! Barach ſuede Siſara, `and cam; and Jahel
aȝens hym ſilf; þe ſtrijf of greet hertyd men was
ȝede out in to his comyng, and ſeide to hym, Come, and xvi Whi dwelliſt þou bitwixe `tweyne endis, þat þou
Y ſchal ſchewe to þee þe man, whom þou ſekiſt. And
here þe hiſſyngis of flockis? While Ruben was departid

aȝens hym ſilf, þe ſtrijf of greet hertid men was iii And whanne Iſrael hadde ſowe, Madian ſtiede, and
foundun. Amalech, and oþere of þe `naciouns of þe eeſt;
xvii Gad reſtide biȝendis Jordan, and Dan ȝaf tent to iiii and þei ſettiden tentis at þe ſones of Iſrael, and
ſchippis. Aſer dwellide in þe `brenke of þe ſee, and waſtiden alle þingis `as þo weren in eerbis, eþir grene
dwellide in hauenes. corn, `til to þe entryng of Gaza, and outirli þei leften
xviii Forſoþe Zabulon and Neptalym offriden her lyues not in Iſrael ony þing perteynynge to lijf, not ſcheep, not
to deeþ, in þe cuntre of Morema, `þat is interpretid, hiȝ. oxun, not aſſis.
xix Kyngis camen, and fouȝten; kyngis of Canaan v For þei and alle her flockis camen wiþ her tabernaclis,
fouȝten in Thanath, biſidis þe watris of Magedon; and and at þe licneſſe of locuſtus þei filliden alle þingis, and
neþeles þei token no þing bi prey. a multitude of men and of camels was wiþ out
xx Fro heuene `me fauȝt aȝens hem; ſterris dwelliden in noumbre, and waſtiden what euer þing þei touchiden.
her ordre and cours, and fouȝten aȝens Siſara. vi And Iſrael was `maad low greetli in þe ſiȝt of Madian.
xxi Þe ſtronde of Cyſon drow `þe deed bodies of hem, þe vii And Iſrael criede to þe Lord, `and axyde help aȝens
ſtronde of Cadymyn, þe ſtronde of Cyſon. My ſoule, to- Madianytis; and he ſente to hem a man,
trede þou ſtronge men. viii a profete, and he ſpak, Þe Lord God of Iſrael ſeiþ
xxii Þe hors howis felden, while þe ſtrongeſte of þeſe þingis, Y made ȝou to ſtie fro Egipt, and Y ledde
enemyes fledden wiþ bire, and felden heedli. ȝou out of þe hows of ſeruage,
xxiii Curſe ȝe þe lond of Meroth, ſeide þe `aungel of þe ix and Y delyueride ȝou fro þe hond of Egipcians, and of
Lord, curſe ȝe `þe dwelleris of hym, for þei camen not alle enemyes þat turmentiden ȝou; and Y caſtide hem
to þe help of þe Lord, `in to þe help of þe ſtrongeſte of out at ȝoure entryng, and Y ȝaf to ȝou `þe lond of hem;
hym. x and Y ſeide, Y am `ȝoure Lord God; drede ȝe not þe
xxiiii Bleſſyd among wymmen be Jahel, þe wijf of Aber goddis of Ammorreis, in whoſe lond ȝe dwellen; and ȝe
Cyney; bleſſid be ſche in hir tabernacle. nolden here my vois.
xxv To Siſara axynge watir ſche ȝaf mylk, and in a viol xi Forſoþe an aungel of þe Lord cam, and ſat undur an
of princes ſche ȝaf botere. ook, þat was in Effra, and perteynede to Joas, fadir of
xxvi Sche puttide þe left hond to a nail, and þe riȝt hond þe meinee of Ezri. And whanne Gedeon, `his ſone,
to þe `hameris of ſmyȝþis; and ſche ſmoot Siſara, and þreiſchide out, and purgide wheetis in a preſſour,
ſouȝte in þe heed a place of wounde, and perſide ſtrongli xii þat he ſchulde fle Madian, an aungel of þe Lord
þe temple. apperide to hym, and ſeide, Þe Lord be wiþ þee, þou
xxvii He felde bitwixe `þe feet of hir, he failide, and ſtrongeſte of men.
diede; he was waltryd bifor hir feet, and he lay wiþ out xiii And Gedeon ſeide to hym, My lord, Y biſeche, if þe
ſoule, and wretchidful. Lord is wiþ vs, whi þerfor han alle þeſe yuels take vs?
xxviii His modir bihelde bi a wyndow, and ȝellide; and Where ben þe merueils of hym, whiche oure fadris
ſche ſpak fro þe ſoler, Whi tarieþ his chaar to come telden, and ſeiden, Þe Lord ledde vs out of Egipt? `Now
aȝen? Whi tarieden þe feet of his foure horſid cartis? forſoþe he haþ forſake vs, and haþ bitake vs in þe hond
xxix Oon wiſere þan `oþere wyues of hym anſweride of Madian.
xiiii And þe Lord bihelde to hym, and ſeide, Go þou in
þeſe wordis to þe modir of hir hoſebonde,
xxx In hap now he departiþ ſpuylis, and þe faireſte of þis ſtrengþe of þee, and þou ſchalt delyuere Iſrael fro þe
wymmen is choſun to hym; cloþis of dyuerſe colouris hond of Madian; wite þou, þat Y ſente þee.
xv Which Gedeon anſweride, and ſeide, My lord, Y
ben ȝouun to Siſara in to prey, and dyuerſe aray of
houſhold is gaderid to ourne neckis. biſeche, in what þing ſchal Y delyuere Iſrael? Lo! my
xxxi Lord, alle þin enemyes periſche ſo; ſoþeli, þei þat meynee is þe loweſte in Manaſſes, and Y am þe leeſte in
louen þee, ſchyne ſo, as þe ſunne ſchyneþ in his riſyng. þe hows of my fadir.
xxxii And þe lond reſtide fourti ȝeer. xvi And þe Lord ſeide to hym, Y ſchal be wiþ þee, and
þou ſchalt ſmyte Madian as o man.
xvii And Gedeon ſeide, If Y haue foundun grace bifor
i Forſoþe þe ſones of Iſrael diden yuel in þe `ſiȝt of þe þee, ȝyue to me a ſigne, þat þou, þat ſpekiſt to me, art
Lord, and he bitook hem in þe hond of Madian ſeuene ſente of Goddis part;
xviii go þou not `awei fro hennus, til Y turne aȝen to þee,
ii And þei weren oppreſſid of hem greetly; and `þei and brynge ſacrifice, and offre to þee. Whiche
maden dichis, and dennes to hem ſilf in hillis, and anſweride, Y ſchal abide þi comyng.
xix And ſo Gedeon entride, and ſeþide a kide, and took
ſtrongeſte places to fiȝte aȝen.
þerf looues of a buyſchel of mell, and fleiſchis in a

panyere; and he ſente þe broþ of fleiſchis in a pot, and xxxiiii Forſoþe þe ſpirit of þe Lord cloþide Gedeon; `and
bar alle þingis vndur an ook, and offride to hym. he ſownede wiþ a clarioun, and clepide to gidere þe
xx To whom þe aungel of þe Lord ſeide, Take þou þe hows of Abiezer, þat it ſchulde ſue hym.
fleiſchis, and þerf looues, and putte on þat ſtoon, and xxxv And he ſente meſſangeris in to al Manaſſes, and he
ſchede þe broþ aboue. And whanne he hadde do ſo, ſuede Gedeon; and he ſente oþere meſſangeris in to
xxi þe aungel of þe Lord helde forþ þe `ende of þe ȝerde Aſer, and Zabulon, and Neptalym, whiche camen to
which he helde in þe hond, and he touchide þe fleiſchis, hym.
and þe þerf looues; and fier ſtiede fro þe ſtoon, and xxxvi And Gedeon ſeide to þe Lord, If þou makiſt ſaaf
waſtide þe fleiſchis, and þerf looues. Forſoþe þe aungel Iſrael bi myn hond, as þou haſt ſpoke,
of þe Lord vanyſchide fro hiſe iȝen. xxxvii Y ſchal putte þis flees of wolle in þe corn floor; if
xxii And Gedeon ſiȝ þat he was `an aungel of þe Lord,
dew is in þe flees aloone, and dryneſſe is in al þe erþe,
and ſeide, Lord God, alas to me, for Y ſiȝ þe aungel of Y ſchal wite, þat þou ſchalt delyuere Iſrael bi myn hond,
þe Lord face to face. as þou haſt ſpoke.
xxiii And þe Lord ſeide to hym, Pees be wiþ þee; drede xxxviii And it was don ſo. And he roos bi nyȝt, and
þou not, þou ſchalt not die. whanne þe flees was wrongun out, he fillide a pot wiþ
xxiiii Þerfor Gedeon bildide þere an auter to þe Lord, deew;
and he clepide it þe Pees of þe Lord, `til in to preſent xxxix and he ſeide eft to þe Lord, Þi ſtrong veniaunce be
dai. And whanne he was ȝit in Effra, which is of þe not wrooþ aȝens me, if Y aſaie, `þat is, axe a ſigne, ȝit
meynee of Ezri, þe Lord ſeide to hym in þat nyȝt, onys, and ſeke a ſigne in þe flees; Y preye, þat þe flees
xxv Take þou `þe bole of þy fadir, and anoþir bole of aloone be drie, and al þe erþe be moiſt wiþ deew.
ſeuene ȝeer, and þou ſchalt diſtrie þe auter of Baal, xl And þe Lord dide in þat nyȝt, as Gedeon axide; and
which is þi fadris, and kitte þou doun þe wode, which is dryneſſe was in þe flees aloone, and deew was in al þe
aboute þe auter; erþe.
xxvi and þou ſchalt bilde an auter to þi Lord God in þe
hiȝneſſe of þis ſtoon, on which þou puttidiſt ſacrifice CAP. VII
bifore; and þou ſchalt take þe ſecounde bole, and þou i Þerfor Jerobaal, which alſo Gedeon, roos bi nyȝt, and
ſchalt offre brent ſacrifice on þe heep of trees, whiche al þe puple wiþ hym, and cam to þe welle which is
þou kittidiſt doun of þe wode. clepid Arad. Soþeli þe tentis of Madian weren in þe
xxvii Þerfore Gedeon took ten men of hiſe ſeruauntis, valey, at þe norþ cooſt of þe hiȝ hil.
and dide as þe Lord comaundide to hym. Soþeli Gedeon ii And þe Lord ſeide to Gedeon, Myche puple is wiþ
dredde þe hows of his fadir, and þe men of þat citee, þee, and Madian ſchal not be bitakun in to þe hondis
and nolde do bi dai, but fillide alle þingis bi nyȝt. `þer of, leſt Iſrael haue glorie aȝens me, and ſeie, Y am
xxviii And whanne men of þat citee hadde riſe eerly, þei delyuerid bi my ſtrengþis.
ſien þe auter of Baal diſtried, and þe wode kit doun, and iii Speke þou to þe puple, and preche þou, while alle
þe toþir bole put on þe auter, þat was bildid þanne. men heren, He þat is ferdful `in herte, and dredeful `wiþ
xxix And þei ſeiden togidere, Who haþ do þis? And outforþ, turne aȝen. And þei ȝeden awei fro þe hil of
whanne þei enqueriden þe doer of þe deed, it was ſeid, Galaad, and two and twenti þouſynde of men turniden
Gedeon, þe ſone of Joas, dide alle þeſe þingis. aȝen fro þe puple; and oneli ten þouſynde dwelliden.
xxx And þei ſeiden to Joas, Brynge forþ þi ſone hidur, iiii And þe Lord ſeide to Gedeon, Yet þe puple is myche;
þat he die, for he diſtriede þe auter of Baal, and kittide lede þou hem to þe watris, and þere Y ſchal preue hem,
doun þe wode. and he go, of whom Y ſchal ſeye, þat he go; turne he
xxxi To whiche he anſweride, Wheþer ȝe ben þe venieris aȝen, whom Y ſchal forbede to go.
of Baal, þat ȝe fiȝte for hym? he þat is aduerſarie of v And whanne þe puple hadde go doun to watris, þe
hym, die, bifor þat þe `lyȝt of þe morew dai come; if he Lord ſeide to Gedeon, Þou ſchalt departe hem bi hem
is God, venge he hym ſilf of hym þat caſtide doun his ſilf, þat lapen watris wiþ hond and tunge, as doggis ben
auter. wont to lape; ſoþeli þei, þat drynken wiþ knees bowid,
xxxii Fro þat dai Gedeon was clepid Gerobaal, for Joas ſchulen be in þe toþir part.
hadde ſeid, Baal take veniaunce of hym þat caſtide doun vi And ſo þe noumbre of hem, þat lapiden watris bi
his auter. hond caſtynge to þe mouþ, was þre hundrid men;
xxxiii Þerfor al Madian, and Amalech, and þe puplis of forſoþe al þe toþir multitude drank knelynge.
þe eeſt weren gadirid to gidere, and paſſiden Jordan, and vii And þe Lord ſeide to Gedeon, In þre hundrid men,
ſettiden tentis in þe valey of Jezrael. þat lapiden watris, Y ſchal delyuere ȝou, and Y ſchal
bitake Madian in þin hond; but al þe toþir multitude
turne aȝen in to her place.

viii And ſo whanne þei hadden take meetis and trumpis xxi `bi þe cumpas of þe tentis of enemyes. And ſo alle
for þe noumbre, he comaundide al þe toþir multitude to `þe tentis weren troblid; and þei crieden, and ȝelliden,
go to her tabernaclis; and he, wiþ þre hundrid men, ȝaf and fledden;
hym ſilf to batel. Soþely þe tentis of Madian weren xxii and neuerþeles þe þre hundrid men contynueden,
byneþe in þe valey. ſownynge wiþ trumpis. And þe Lord ſente ſwerd in alle
ix In þe ſame nyȝt þe Lord ſeyde to hym, Ryſe þou, and þe caſtels, and þei killiden hem ſilf bi deeþ ech oþer;
go doun in to `þe caſtels of Madian, for Y haue bitake xxiii and þei fledden `til to Bethſecha, and bi þe ſide, fro
hem in þin hond; Elmonla in to Thebbath. Soþeli men of Iſrael crieden
x ſoþeli if þou drediſt to go aloon, Phara, þi child, go togidere, of Neptalym, and of Aſer, and of alle
doun wiþ þee. Manaſſes, and purſueden Madian; and þe Lord ȝaf
xi And whanne þou ſchalt here what þei ſpeken, þanne victorie to þe puple of Iſrael in þat day.
þin hondis ſchulen be coumfortid, and þou ſchalt do xxiiii And Gedeon ſente meſſangeris in to al þe hil of
down ſikerere to þe tentis of enemyes. Þerfor he ȝede Effraym, and ſeide, Come ȝe doun aȝens þe comyng of
doun, and Phara, his child, in to þe part of tentis, where Madian, and ocupie ȝe þe watris `til to Bethbera and
þe watchis of armed men weren. Jordan. And al Effraym criede, and bifore ocupide þe
xii Forſoþe Madian, and Amalech, and alle þe puplis of watris and Jordan `til to Bethbera.
þe eeſt layen ſpred in þe valey, as þe multitude of xxv And Effraym killide twei men of Madian, Oreb and
locuſtis; ſoþeli þe camelis weren vnnoumbrable, as Zeb; he killide Oreb in þe ſton of Oreb, forſoþe `he
grauel þat liggiþ in þe `brenke of þe ſee. killide Zeb in þe preſſour of Zeb; and `þei purſueden
xiii And whanne Gedeon hadde come, a man tolde a Madian, and baren þe heedis of Oreb and of Zeb to
dreem to his neiȝbore, and telde bi þis maner þat, þat he Gedeon, ouer þe flodis of Jordan.
hadde ſeyn, I ſiȝ a dreem, and it ſemyde to me, þat as `o
loof of barly bakun vndur þe aiſchis was walewid, and CAP. VIII
cam doun in to þe tentis of Madian; and whanne it i And þe men of Effraym ſeiden to hym, What is þis
hadde come to a tabernacle, it ſmoot and diſtriede `þat þing, which þou woldiſt do, þat þou clepidiſt not vs,
tabernacle, and made euene outirly to þe erþe. whanne þou ȝediſt to batel aȝens Madian? And þei
xiiii Þat man anſweride, to whom he ſpak, Þis is noon chidden ſtrongli, and almeſt diden violence.
oþer þing, no but þe ſwerd of Gedeon, `ſone of Joas, a ii To whiche he anſweride, `What ſoþeli ſiche þing
man of Iſrael; for þe Lord haþ bitake Madian and alle myȝte Y do, what maner þing ȝe diden? Wheþir a reiſyn
`tentis þerof in to þe hondis of Gedeon. of Effraym is not betere þan þe vindagis of Abiezer?
xv And whanne Gedeon had herd þe dreem, and `þe iii And þe Lord bitook in to ȝoure hondis þe princes of
interpretyng þerof, he worſchypide þe Lord, and Madian, Oreb and Zeb. What ſich þing myȝte Y do,
turnede aȝen to þe tentis of Iſrael, and ſeide, Ryſe ȝe; for what maner þing ȝe diden? And whanne he hadde ſpoke
þe Lord haþ bitake in to oure hondis þe tentis of þis þing, þe ſpirit of hem reſtide, bi which þei bolneden
Madian. aȝens hym.
xvi And he departide þre hundrid men in to þre partis, iiii And whanne Gedeon hadde come to Jordan, he
and he ȝaf trumpis in her hondis, and voyde pottis, and paſſide it wiþ þre hundrid men, þat weren wiþ hym; and
laumpis in þe myddis of þe pottis. for weeryneſſe þei myȝten not purſue hem þat fledden.
xvii And he ſeide to hem, Do ȝe þis þing which ȝe ſeen v And he ſeide to þe men of Socoth, Y biſeche, ȝyue ȝe
me do; Y ſchal entre in to a part of þe tentis, and ſue ȝe looues to þe puple, which is wiþ me; for þei failiden
þat, þat Y do. greetli, þat we moun purſue Zebee and Salmana, kyngis
xviii Whanne þe trumpe in myn hond ſchal ſowne, ſowne of Madian.
ȝe alſo `bi þe cumpas of tentis, and crye ȝe togidere, To vi Þe princes of Socoth anſweriden in ſcorne, In hap þe
þe Lord and to Gedeon. pawmes of þe hondis of Zebee and of Salmana ben in
xix And Gedeon entride, and þre hundrid men þat weren þin hond, and þerfor þou axiſt, þat we ȝyue looues to
wiþ hym, `in to a part of þe tentis, whanne þe watchis þin ooſt.
of mydnyȝt bigunnen; and whanne þe keperis weren vii To whiche he ſeide, Þerfor, whanne þe Lord ſchal
reyſid, þei bigunnen to ſowne wiþ trumpis, and to bete bitake Zebee and Salmana in to myn hondis, and
togidere þe pottis among hem ſilf. whanne Y ſchal turne aȝen ouercomere in pees, Y ſchal
xx And whanne þei ſowneden in þre places bi cumpas, to-reende ȝoure fleiſchis wiþ þe þornes and breris of
and hadden broke þe pottis, þei helden laumpis in þe deſeert.
left hondis, and ſownynge trumpis in þe riȝt hondis; and viii And he ſtiede fro þennus, and cam in to Phanuel;
þei crieden, Þe ſwerd of þe Lord and of Gedeon; and and he ſpak lijk þingis to men of þat place, to whom
ſtoden alle in her place,

alſo þei anſweriden, as þe men of Socoth hadden xxiiii And he ſeide to hem, Y axe oon axyng of ȝou, ȝyue
anſwerid. ȝe to me þe eere ryngis of ȝoure prey; for Iſmaelitis
ix And ſo he ſeide to hem, Whanne Y ſchal turne aȝen weren wont to haue goldun eere ryngis.
ouercomere in pees, Y ſchal diſtrie þis tour. xxv Whiche anſweriden, We ſchulen ȝyue mooſt gladli.
x Forſoþe Zebee and Salmana reſtiden wiþ al her ooſt; And þei ſpredden forþ a mentil on þe erþe, and caſtiden
for fiftene þouſynde men leften of alle þe cumpenyes of forþ þerynne `eere ryngis of þe prey;
þe `puplis of þe eeſt, whanne an hundrid and twenti xxvi and þe weiȝte of `eere ryngis axid was a þouſynde
þouſynde of `fiȝteris and of men drawynge out ſwerd and ſeuene hundrid ſiclis of gold, wiþ out ournementis
weren ſlayn. and brochis and cloþ of purpur, whiche þe kyngis of
xi And Gedeon ſtiede bi þe weye of hem þat dwelliden Madian weren wont to vſe, and outakun goldun bies of
in tabernaclis at þe eeſt cooſt of Nobe and of Lethoa, camels.
and ſmoot þe `tentis of enemyes, þat weren ſikur, and xxvii And Gedeon made þerof ephot, þat is, a preeſtis
ſuppoſiden not ony þing of aduerſite. cloþ, `and propir cloþ of þe hiȝeſte preeſt, and he puttide
xii And Zebee and Salmana fledden, whiche Gedeon it in his citee Ephra; and al Iſrael diden fornycacioun,
purſuede and took, whanne al `þe ooſt of hem was `þat is ydolatrye, þer ynne; and it was maad to Gedeon
diſturblid. and to al his hows in to fallyng.
xiii And he turnede aȝen fro batel bifor þe `riſyng of þe xxviii Forſoþe Madian was maad low bifor þe ſones of
ſunne, Iſrael, and þei myȝten no more reiſe nollis; but þe lond
xiiii and took a child of þe men of Socoth; and he axide reſtide fourti ȝeer, in whiche Gedeon was ſouereyn.
hym þe names of þe princes and eldere men of Socoth; xxix And ſo Jerobaal, ſone of Joas, ȝede, and dwellide in
and he deſcryuede ſeuene and ſeuenti men in noumbre. his hows;
xv And he cam to Socoth, and ſeide to hem, Lo Zebee xxx and he hadde ſeuenti ſones, þat ȝeden out of his þiy,
and Salmana! of whiche ȝe vpbreideden me, and ſeiden, for he hadde many wyues.
In hap þe hondis of Zebee and of Salmana ben in þin xxxi Forſoþe a concubyn, `þat is, ſecoundarie wijf, of
hondis, and þerfor þou axiſt, þat we ȝyue looues to men, hym, whom he hadde in Sichem, gendride to hym a
þat ben weeri and failiden. ſone, Abymelech bi name.
xvi Þerfor Gedeon took þe eldere men of þe citee, and xxxii And Gedeon, ſone of Joas, diede in good elde, and
þornes and breris of deſeert, and he to-rente wiþ þo, and was biried in þe ſepulcre of Joas, his fadir, in Ephra, of
al to-brak þe men of Socoth; alſo he deſtriede þe tour of þe meynee of Ezri.
Phanuel, xxxiii Forſoþe aftir þat Gedeon was deed, þe ſones of
xvii whanne þe dwelleris of þe citee weren ſlayn.
Iſrael turneden awey `fro Goddis religioun, and diden
xviii And he ſeide to Zebee and Salmana, What maner fornycacioun, `þat is, idolatrie, wiþ Baalym; and þei
men weren þei, whiche ȝe killiden in Thabor? Whiche ſmytiden boond of pees wiþ Baal, þat he ſchulde be to
anſweriden, Þei weren lijk þee, and oon of hem was as hem in to God,
þe ſone of a kyng. xxxiiii neþer þei hadden mynde of her Lord God, þat
xix To whiche he ſeide, Þei weren my briþeren, þe ſones delyuerede hem fro þe hond of alle her enemyes `bi
of my modir; þe Lord lyueþ, if ȝe hadden ſaued hem, Y cumpas;
`nolde ſle ȝou. xxxv neþer þei diden merci wiþ þe hous of Gerobaal
xx And he ſeide to Jepther, his firſte gendrid ſone, Riſe Gedeon, bi alle þe goodis whiche he `hadde do to Iſrael.
þou, and ſle hem. Which drow not ſwerd; for he dredde,
for he was ȝit a child. CAP. IX
xxi And Zebee and Salmana ſeiden, Ryſe þou, and falle i Forſoþe Abymelech, þe ſone of Gerobaal, ȝede in to
on vs; for þou art bi þe age and ſtrengþe of man. Sichem to þe briþeren of his modir; and he ſpak to hem,
Gedeon roos, and killide Zebee and Salmana, and took and to al þe kynrede of `þe hows of his modir, and
þe ournementis, and bellis, wiþ whiche þe neckis of ſeide,
kyngis camels ben wont to be maad fair. ii Speke ȝe to alle þe men of Sichem, What is betere to
xxii And alle þe men of Iſrael ſeiden to Gedeon, Be þou ȝou, þat ſeuenti men, alle þe ſones of Gerobaal, be
lord of vs, þou, and þi ſone, and þe ſone of þi ſone; for lordis of ȝou, wheþer þat o man be lord to ȝou? and alſo
þou deliueridiſt vs fro þe hond of Madian. biholde, for Y am ȝoure boon, and ȝoure fleiſch.
xxiii To whiche he ſeide, Y ſchal not be lord of ȝou, neþir iii And þe briþeren of his modir ſpaken of hym alle þeſe
my ſone ſchal be lord on ȝou, but þe Lord ſchal be lord. wordis to alle þe men of Sichem; and bowiden her
hertis aftir Abymelech, and ſeiden, He is oure broþer.

iiii And þei ȝauen to hym ſeuenti weiȝtis of ſiluer of þe men of Sichem, and of þe citee of Mello, and deuoure
temple of Baal Berith; and he hiride to hym þerof men Abymelech.
pore and hauynge no certeyn dwellynge, and þei ſueden xxi And whanne he hadde ſeide þeſe þingis, he fledde,
hym. and ȝede in to Berara, and dwellide þere, for drede of
v And he cam in to `þe hows of his fadir in Ephra, and Abymelech, his broþer.
killide hiſe briþeren þe ſones of Gerobaal, `ſeuenti men, xxii And Abymelech regnede on Iſrael þre ȝeer.
on o ſtoon. And Joathan, þe leſte ſone of Gerobaal, lefte, xxiii And þe Lord ſente þe worſte ſpirit bitwixe
and was hid. Abymelech and þe dwelleris of Sichem, whiche
vi Forſoþe alle þe men of Sichem, and alle þe meynees bigynnen to holde hym abomynable,
of þe citee of Mello, weren gadirid to gydere, and þei xxiiii and to arette þe felony of ſleyng of ſeuenti ſones of
ȝeden, and maden Abymelech kyng, byſidis þe ook þat Gerobaal, and þe ſchedyng out of her blood, in to
ſtood in Sichem. Abymelech her broþer, and to oþere princes of Sichem,
vii And whanne þis þing was teld to Joathan, he ȝede, þat hadden helpid hym.
and ſtood in þe cop of þe hil Gariſym, and cried wiþ xxv And þei ſettiden buyſchementis aȝens hym in þe
`vois reiſid, and ſeide, Ȝe men of Sichem, here me, ſo hiȝneſſe of hillis; and þe while þei abideden `þe comyng
þat God here ȝou. of hym, þei hauntiden þeftis, and token preies of men
viii Trees ȝeden to anoynte a kyng on hem; and þo paſſynge forþ; and it was teld to Abymelech.
ſeiden to þe olyue tre, Comaunde þou to vs. xxvi Forſoþe Gaal, `þe ſone of Obed, cam wiþ his
ix Whiche anſweride, Wheþer Y may forſake my briþeren, and paſſide in to Siccima; at whos entryng þe
fatneſſe, which boþe Goddis and men vſen, and come, dwelleris of Sichem weren reiſid, and ȝeden out `in to
þat Y be auaunſid among trees? feeldis,
x And þe trees ſeiden to þe fige tree, Come þou, and xxvii and waſtiden vyneris, and `to-traden grapis; and
take þe rewme on vs. wiþ cumpeneys of ſyngeris maad þei entriden in to `þe
xi Which anſweride to hem, Wheþer Y may forſake my temple of her God, and among metis and drynkis þei
ſwetneſſe and ſwetteſte fruytis, and go þat Y be auaunſid curſiden Abymalech, while Gaal,
among oþere trees? xxviii þe ſone of Obed, criede, Who is þis Abymelech?
xii Alſo `þe trees ſpaken to þe vyne, Come þou, and And what is Sichem, þat we ſerue hym? Wheþer he is
comaunde to vs. not þe ſone of Jerobaal, and made Zebul his ſeruaunt
xiii Which anſweride, Wheþer Y may forſake my wyn, prince on þe men of Emor, fadir of Sichem? Whi þerfor
þat gladiþ God and men, and be auaunſid among oþere ſchulen we ſerue hym?
xxix `Y wolde, þat ſum man ȝaf þis puple vndur myn
xiiii And alle trees ſeiden to þe ramne, eþer þeue þorn, hond, þat Y ſchulde take awei Abimelech fro þe
Come þou, and be lord on vs. myddis. And it was ſeid to Abymelech, Gadere þou þe
xv Whiche anſweride to hem, If ȝe maken me verili multitude of ooſt, and come þou.
xxx For whanne þe wordis of Gaal, ſone of Obed, weren
kyng to ȝou, come ȝe, and reſte vndur my ſchadewe;
ſoþeli, if ȝe nylen, fier go out of þe ramne, and deuoure herd, Zebul, þe prynce of þe citee, was ful wrooþ;
xxxi and he ſente priueli meſſangeris to Abymelech, and
þe cedris of þe Liban.
xvi Now þerfor if riȝtfuli and wiþout ſynne `ȝe han maad ſeide, Lo! Gaal, ſone of Obed, cam in to Siccymam, wiþ
Abymelech kyng on ȝou, and ȝe han do wel wiþ hiſe briþeren, and he excitiþ þe citee to fiȝte aȝens þee;
xxxii þerfor riſe þou bi niȝt wiþ þe puple, which is wiþ
Jerobaal, and wiþ his hows, and ȝe han ȝolde while to
þe benefices of hym, þee, and be þou hid in þe feeld;
xvii þat fauȝt for ȝou, and ȝaf his lijf to perelis, þat he xxxiii and firſt in þe morewtid, whanne þe ſunne ryſiþ,

ſchulde delyuere ȝou fro þe hond of Madian; falle on þe citee; forſoþe whanne he goþ out wiþ his
xviii and ȝe han riſe now aȝens þe hows of my fadir, and puple aȝens þee, do þou to hym þat þat þou maiſt.
xxxiiii Þerfor Abymelech roos wiþ al his ooſt bi nyȝt, and
han ſlayn hyſe ſones, ſeuenti men, on o ſtoon, and `han
maad Abymelech, ſone of his handmayde, kyng on þe ſettide buyſchementis biſidis Siccimam, in foure placis.
dwelleris of Sichem, for he is ȝoure broþer; xxxv And Gaal, þe ſone of Obed, ȝede out, and ſtood in
xix þerfor if ȝe han do riȝtfuli, and wiþ out ſynne wiþ þe entryng of `þe ȝate of þe citee. Forſoþe Abymelech
Gerobaal and his hows, to dai be ȝe glad in Abymelech, and al þe ooſt wiþ hym roos fro þe place of
and be he glad in ȝou; but if ȝe han do weiwardli, buyſchementis.
xx fier go out `of hym, and waſte þe dwelleris of xxxvi And whanne Gaal hadde ſeyn þe puple, he ſeide to

Sichem, and þe citee of Mello; and fier go out of þe Zebul, Lo! a multitude comeþ doun fro þe hillis. To

whom he anſweride, Þou ſeeſt þe ſchadewis of hillis as lii And Abymelech cam biſidis þe tour, and fauȝt
þe `heedis of men, and þou art diſſeyued bi þis errour. ſtrongli, and he neiȝede to þe dore, and enforſide to
xxxvii And eft Gaal ſeide, Lo! a puple comeþ doun fro þe putte fier vndur; and lo!
myddis of erþe, `þat is, fro þe hiȝneſſe of hillis, and o liii o womman caſtide fro aboue a gobet of a
cumpeny comeþ bi þe weie þat biholdiþ þe ook. mylneſtoon, and hurtlide to `þe heed of Abymelech, and
xxxviii To whom Zebul ſeide, Where is now þi mouþ, bi brak his brayn.
which þou ſpekiſt, Who is Abymelech, þat we ſerue liiii And he clepide ſoone his ſquyer, and ſeide to hym,
hym? Wheþer þis is not þe puple, whom þou diſpiſidiſt? Drawe out þi ſwerd, and ſle me, leſt perauenture it be
Go þou out, and fiȝte aȝens hym. ſeid, þat Y am ſlan of a womman. Which performede
xxxix Þerfor Gaal ȝede, while þe puple of Sichen abood; `þe comaundementis, and `killide Abymelech;
and he fauȝt aȝens Abymelech. lv and whanne he was deed, alle men of Iſrael þat weren
xl Which purſuede Gaal fleynge, and conſtreynede to go wiþ hym turneden aȝen to her ſeetis.
in to þe citee; and ful many of his part felde doun `til to lvi And God ȝeldide to Abymelech þe yuel þat he dide
þe ȝate of þe citee. aȝens his fadir, for he killide hiſe ſeuenti briþeren.
xli And Abymelech ſat in Ranna; ſoþeli Zebul puttide lvii Alſo þat þing was ȝoldun to men of Sichem, which
Gaal and hiſe felowis out of þe citee, and ſuffride not to þei wrouȝten, and þe curs of Joathan, ſone of Jerobaal,
dwelle þer ynne. cam on hem.
xlii Þerfor in þe dai ſuynge þe puple ȝede out in to þe
feeld; and whanne þis þing was teld to Abymelech, CAP. X
xliii he took his ooſt, and departide `in to þre i Aftir Abymelech roos a duyk in Iſrael, Thola, þe ſone
cumpenyes, and ſettide buyſchementis in þe feeldis; and of Phua, broþer of `þe fadir of Abymelech; Thola was a
he ſiȝ þat þe puple ȝede out of þe citee, and he roos, man of Yſachar, þat dwelliden in Sanyr, of þe hil of
xliiii and felde on hem wiþ his cumpeny, and enpugnyde Effraym;
and biſegide þe citee. Soþely twei cumpenyes ȝeden ii and he demyde Iſrael þre and twenti ȝeer, and he `was
aboute opynli bi þe feeld, and purſueden aduerſaries. deed, and biriede in Sanyr.
xlv Certis Abymelech fauȝt aȝens þe citee in al þat dai, iii His ſucceſſour was Jair, a man of Galaad, þat demyde
which he took, whanne þe dwelleris weren ſlayn, and Iſrael bi two and twenti ȝeer;
þat citee was deſtried, ſo þat he ſpreynte abrood ſalt þer iiii and he hadde þretti ſones, ſittynge aboue þretti coltis
ynne. of femal aſſis, and þretti princes of citees, whiche ben
xlvi And whanne þei, þat dwelliden in þe tour of clepid bi `his name, Anoth Jair, þat is, þe citees of Jair,
Sichem, hadde herd þis, þei entriden in to þe temple of `til in to preſent day, in þe lond of Galaad.
her god Berith, where þei hadden maad boond of pees v And Jair `was deed, and biriede in a place `to which
wiþ hym; and of þat þe place took name, which place þe name is Camon.
was ful ſtrong. vi Forſoþe þe ſones of Iſrael ioyneden newe ſynnes to
xlvii And Abymelech herde þe men of þe tour of Sichem
elde ſynnes, and diden yuels in þe `ſiȝt of þe Lord, and
gaderid to gidere, ſerueden to þe idols of Baalym, and of Aſtoroth, and to
xlviii and he ſtiede in to þe hil Selmon wiþ al his puple; þe goddis of Sirie, and of Sidon, and of Moab, and of
and wiþ an axe takun he kittide doun a boow of a tre, þe ſones of Amon, and of Filiſtiym; and þei leften þe
and he bar it, put on þe ſchuldur, and ſeide to felowis, Lord, and worſchipiden not hym.
Do ȝe þis þing, which ȝe ſeen me do. vii And þe Lord was wrooþ aȝens hem, and he bitook
xlix Þerfor wiþ ſtrijf þei kittiden doun bowis of þe trees, hem in to þe hondis of Filiſtiym, and of þe ſones of
and ſueden þe duyk; whiche cumpaſſiden and brenten Amon.
`þe tour; and ſo it was doon, þat wiþ ſmooke and fier a viii And alle þat dwelliden ouer Jordan in þe lond of
þouſynde of men weren ſlayn, men togidere and Ammorrey, which is in Galaad, weren turmentid and
wymmen, of þe dwelleris of þe tour of Sichem. oppreſſid greetli bi eiȝtene ȝeer,
l Forſoþe Abymelech wente forþ fro þennus, and cam to ix in ſo myche þat þe ſones of Amon, whanne þei
þe citee of Thebes, which he cumpaſſide, and biſegide hadden paſſid Jordan, waſtiden Juda and Benjamyn and
wiþ an ooſt. Effraym; and Iſrael was turmentid greetli.
li Forſoþe þe tour was hiȝ in þe myddis of þe citee, to x And þei crieden to þe Lord, and ſeiden, We han ſynned
which men togidere and wymmen fledden, and alle þe to þee, for we forſoken oure God, and ſeruyden Baalym.
princes of þe citee, while þe ȝate was cloſid ſtronglieſte; xi To whiche þe Lord ſpak, Wheþer not Egipcians, and
and þei ſtoden on þe roof of þe tour bi toretis. Ammorreis, and þe ſones of Amon, and of Filiſtiym,
and Sidonyes,

xii and Amalech, and Canaan, oppreſſiden ȝou, and ȝe x Whiche anſweriden to hym, Þe Lord hym ſilf, þat
crieden to me, and Y delyuerede ȝou fro `þe hondis of heriþ þeſe þingis, is mediatour and witneſſe, þat we
hem? ſchulen do oure biheeſtis.
xiii And neþeles ȝe forſoken me, and worſchipiden alien xi And ſo Jepte wente wiþ þe princes of Galaad, and al
goddis; þerfor Y ſchal not adde, þat Y delyuere ȝou þe puple made hym her prince; and Jepte ſpak alle hiſe
more. wordis bifor þe Lord in Maſpha.
xiiii Go ȝe, and clepe goddis whiche ȝe han choſe; xii And he ſente meſſangeris to þe kyng of þe ſones of
delyuere þei ȝou in þe tyme of angwiſch. Amon, whiche meſſangeris ſchulden ſeie `of his
xv And þe ſones of Iſrael ſeiden to þe Lord, We han perſoone, What is to me and to þee, for þou haſt come
ſynned; ȝelde þou to vs what euer þing pleſiþ þee; oneli `aȝens me to waaſte my lond?
delyuere vs now. xiii To whiche þe kyng anſweride, For Iſrael whanne he
xvi And þei ſeiden þeſe þingis, and caſtiden forþ fro her ſtiede fro Egipt took awei my lond, fro þe cooſtis of
cooſtis alle þe idols of alien goddis, and ſerueden þe Arnon `til to Jaboch and to Jordan, now þerfor ȝeelde it
Lord; which hadde `rewþe, eþer compaſſioun, on þe to me wiþ pees.
`wretchidneſſis of hem. xiiii Bi whiche maſſangeris Jepte ſente eft, and
xvii And ſo þe ſones of Amon crieden togidere, þat is, comaundide to hem, þat þei ſchulden ſeie to þe kyng of
clepyden hem ſilf togidere to batel, and excitiden aȝens Amon,
Iſrael, and ſettiden tentis in Galaad, `aȝens whiche þe xv Jepte ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Iſrael took not þe lond of
ſones of Iſrael weren gaderid, and ſettiden tentis in Moab, neþer þe lond of þe ſones of Amon;
Maſphat. xvi but whanne þei ſtieden fro Egipt, `he ȝede bi þe
xviii And þe princes of Galaad ſeiden ech to hiſe wildirneſſe `til to þe Reed See, and cam in to Cades;
neiȝboris, He, þat bigynneþ firſt of vs to fiȝte aȝens þe xvii and he ſente meſſangeris to þe kyng of Edom, and
ſones of Amon, ſchal be duyk of þe puple of Galaad. ſeide, Suffre þou me, þat Y go þoruy þi lond; which
kyng nolde aſſente to his preyeres. Alſo Iſrael ſente to þe
CAP. XI kyng of Moab, and he diſpiſide to ȝyue paſſage;
i And ſo in þat tyme Jepte, a man of Galaad, was a ful xviii and ſo Iſrael dwellyde in Cades, and cumpaſſide bi
ſtrong man, and fiȝtere, þe ſone of a womman hoore, þe ſide þe lond of Edom, and þe lond of Moab; and he
which Jepte was borun of Galaad. cam to þe eeſt cooſt of þe lond of Moab, and ſettide
ii Forſoþe Galaad hadde a wijf, of which he hadde tentis biȝende Arnon, neþer he wolde entre in to þe
ſones, whiche aftir þat þei encreſſiden, caſtiden out termes of Moab; for Arnon is þe ende of þe lond of
Jepte, and ſeiden, Þou maiſt not be eir in þe hows of Moab.
oure fadir, for þou art born of a modir auoutreſſe. xix And ſo Iſrael ſente meſſangeris to Seon, kyng of
iii `Whiche briþeren he fledde, and eſchewide, and Ammorreis, þat dwellide in Eſebon; and þei ſeiden to
dwellide in þe lond of Tob; and pore men and `doynge hym, Suffre þou, þat Y paſſe þorouȝ þi lond `til to þe
þefte weren gaderid to hym, and ſueden as a prince. ryuer.
iiii In þo daies þe ſones of Amon fouȝten aȝens Iſrael; xx And he diſpiſide þe wordis of Iſrael, and ſuffride not
v and whanne þei contynueden ſcharpli, þe grettere men hym paſſe bi hiſe termes, but wiþ a multitude wiþ out
in birþe of Galaad, ȝeden to take in to `þe help of hem noumbre gaderid to gidere he ȝede out aȝens Iſrael, and
ſilf Jepte fro þe lond of Tob; aȝenſtood ſtrongli.
vi and þei ſeiden to hym, Come þou, and be oure prince, xxi And þe Lord bitook hym wiþ al his ooſt in to þe

and fiȝte aȝens þe ſones of Amon. hondis of Iſrael; and Iſrael ſmoot hym, and hadde in
vii To whiche he anſweride, Wheþir not ȝe it ben, þat poſſeſſioun al þe lond of Ammorrey,
xxii dwellere of þat cuntrey, and al þe cooſtis þerof fro
haten me, and caſtiden me out of þe hows of mi fadir,
and now ȝe camen to me, and weren compellid bi nede? Arnon `til to Jaboch, and fro þe wildirneſſe `til to
viii And þe princes of Galaad ſeiden to Jepte, Þerfor for Jordan.
xxiii Þerfor þe Lord God of Iſrael diſtriede Ammorrey,
þis cauſe we camen now to þee, þat þou go wiþ vs, and
fiȝt aȝens þe ſones of Amon; and þat þou be þe duyk of fiȝtynge aȝens hym for his puple Iſrael. And wolt þou
alle men þat dwellen in Galaad. now haue in poſſeſſioun `his lond? Wheþer not þo
ix And Jepte ſeide to hem, Wheþer ȝe camen verili to þingis whiche Chamos, þi god, hadde in poſſeſſioun,
me, þat Y fiȝte for ȝou aȝens þe ſones of Amon, and if ben due to þee bi riȝt?
xxiiii Forſoþe þo þingis whiche `oure Lord God
þe Lord ſchal bitake hem in to myn hondis, ſchal Y be
ȝoure prince? ouercomere gat, ſchulen falle in to oure poſſeſſioun;

xxv no but in hap þou art betere þan Balach, þe ſone of xl andþe cuſtom is kept, þat aftir þe `ende of þe ȝeer þe
Sephor, kyng of Moab, eþer þou maiſt preue, þat he douȝtris of Iſrael come togidere, and biweile `þe douȝtir
ſtryuede aȝens Iſrael, and fauȝt aȝens hym, of Jepte of Galaad `foure daies.
xxvi whanne he dwellide in Eſebon, and in townes þerof,
and in Aroer, and in townes þerof, and in alle citees CAP. XII
biȝende Jordan, bi þre hundrid ȝeer. Whi in ſo myche i `Lo! forſoþe diſcencioun roos in Effraym; for whi þei,
time aſſaieden ȝe no þing on þis axyng aȝen? þat paſſiden aȝens þe norþ, ſeiden to Jepte, Whi ȝediſt
xxvii Þerfor not Y do ſynne aȝens þee, but þou doiſt yuel þou to batel aȝens þe ſones of Amon, and noldiſt clepe
aȝens me, and bryngiſt in batels not iuſt to me; þe Lord, vs, þat we ſchulden go wiþ þee? Þerfor we ſchulen
iuge of þis dai, deme bitwixe þe ſones of Iſrael and brenne þin hows.
bitwixe þe ſones of Amon. ii To whiche he anſweride, Greet ſtrijf was to me and to
xxviii And þe kyng of þe ſones of Amon nolde aſſente to my puple aȝens þe ſones of Amon, and Y clepide ȝou,
þe wordis of Jepte, whiche he ſente bi meſſangeris. þat ȝe ſchulden `ȝyue help to me, and ȝe nolden do.
xxix Þerfor þe ſpirit of þe Lord was maad on Jepte, and iii `Which þing Y ſiȝ, and puttide my lijf in myn hondis;

he cumpaſſide Galaad and Manaſſes, Maſpha and and Y paſſide to þe ſones of Amon, and `þe Lord bitook
Galaad; and he paſſide fro þennus to þe ſones of Amon, hem in to myn hondis; what haue Y diſſeruyd, þat ȝe
xxx and made a vow to þe Lord, and ſeide, If þou ſchalt ryſe togidere aȝens me in to batel?
iiii Þerfor whanne alle þe men of Galaad weren clepid to
bitake þe ſones of Amon in to myn hondis,
xxxi who euer goiþ out firſt of þe dores of myn hows, hym, he fauȝt aȝens Effraym; and þe men of Galaad
and comeþ aȝens me turnynge aȝen wiþ pees fro þe ſmytiden Effraym; for he ſeide, Galaad is `fugitif eþer
ſones of Amon, Y ſchal offre hym brent ſacrifice to þe exilid fro Effraym, and dwelliþ in þe myddis of
Lord. Effraym and of Manaſſes.
xxxii And Jepte ȝede to þe ſones of Amon, to fiȝte aȝens v And þe men of Galaad ocupieden þe forþis of Jordan,

hem, whiche þe Lord bitook in to hiſe hondis; bi whiche Effraym ſchulden turne aȝen. And whanne a
xxxiii and he ſmoot fro Aroer `til to þou comeſt in to man fleynge of þe noumbre of Effraym hadde come to
Mennyth, twenti citees, and `til to Abel, which is ſet þo forþis, and hadde ſeid, Y biſeche, þat þou ſuffre me
aboute wiþ vyneris, wiþ ful greet veniaunce; and þe paſſe; men of Galaad ſeiden to hym, Wheþer þou art a
ſones of Amon weren maad low of þe ſones of Iſrael. man of Effraym? And whanne he ſeide, Y am not,
vi þei axiden hym, Seie þou þerfor Sebolech, `whiche is
xxxiiii Forſoþe whanne Jepte turnede aȝen in to Maſpha,
his hows, his oon gendrid douȝter cam to hym wiþ interpretid, `an eer of corn. Which anſweride,
tympanys and croudis; for he hadde not oþere fre Thebolech, and myȝte not brynge forþ an eer of corn bi
children. þe ſame lettre. And anoon þei ſtrangeliden hym takun in
xxxv And whanne `ſche was ſeyn, he to-rente his cloþis, þilke paſſyng of Jordan; and two and fourti þouſynde of
Effraym felden doun in þat tyme.
and ſeide, Allas! my douȝtir, þou haſt diſſeyued me, and vii And ſo Jepte, `a man of Galaad, demyde Iſrael ſixe
þou art diſſeyued; for Y openyde my mouþ to þe Lord,
and Y may do noon oþer þing. ȝeer; and he `was deed, and biried in his citee Galaad.
viii Abethſan of Bethleem, þat hadde þretti ſones, and ſo
xxxvi To whom ſche anſweride, My fadir, if þou
openydiſt þi mouþ to þe Lord, do to me what euer þing many douȝtris, demyde Iſrael aftir Jepte;
ix whiche douȝtris he ſente out, and ȝaf to hoſebondis,
þou bihiȝtiſt, while veniaunce and victorie of þin
enemyes is grauntid to þee. and he took wyues to hiſe ſones of þe ſame noumbre,
xxxvii And ſche ſeide to þe fadir, Ȝyue þou to me oneli and brouȝte in to hys hows; which demyde Iſrael ſeuene
þis þing, which Y biſeche; ſuffre þou me þat in two ȝeer;
x and he `was deed, and biried in Bethleem.
moneþis Y cumpaſſe hillis, and biweile my maidynhed
xi Whos ſucceſſour was Hailon of Zabulon; and he
wiþ my felowis.
xxxviii To whom he anſweride, Go þou. And he ſufferide demyde Iſrael ten ȝeer;
xii and he was deed, and biried in Zabulon.
hir in two moneþis. And whanne ſche hadde go wiþ hir
felowis and pleiferis, ſche biwepte hir maydynhed in þe xiii Aftir hym Abdon, þe ſone of Ellel, of Pharaton,
hillis. demyde Iſrael;
xxxix And whanne twey moneþis weren fillid, ſche xiiii which Abdon hadde fourti ſones, and of hem þretti
turnede aȝen to hir fadir, and he dide to hir as he ſones, ſtiynge on ſeuenti coltis of femal aſſis, `þat is,
avowide; and ſche knew not fleiſchli a man. Fro þennus mulis, and he demyde Iſrael eiȝte ȝeer;
a cuſtom cam in Iſrael, xv and he `was deed, and biried in Pharaton, in þe loond
of Effraym, in þe hil of Amalech.

CAP. XIII xvi To whom þe aungel of þe Lord anſweride, Þouȝ þou
i And eft þe ſones of Iſrael diden yuel in þe `ſiȝt of þe conſtreyneſt me, Y ſchal not ete þi looues; forſoþe if þou
Lord, which bitook hem in to þe hondis of Filiſteis wolt make brent ſacrifice, offre þou it to þe Lord. And
fourti ȝeer. Manue wiſte not, þat it was `an aungel of þe Lord.
ii Forſoþe a man was of Saraa, and of þe kynrede of xvii And Manue ſeide to hym, What name is to þee, þat
Dan, `Manue bi name, and he hadde a bareyn wijf. if þi word be fillid, we onoure þee?
iii To `which wijf an aungel of þe Lord apperide, and xviii To whom he anſweride, Whi axiſt þou my name,
ſeide to hir, Þou art bareyn, and wiþ out fre children; which is wondurful?
but þou ſchalt conſeyue, and ſchalt bere a ſone. xix Þerfor Manue took a `kide of þe geet, and fletynge
iiii Þerfor be þou war, leſt þou drynke wyn, and ſydur, ſacrifices, and puttide on þe ſtoon, and offryde to þe
neþir ete þou ony vnclene þing; Lord þat doiþ wondirful þingis. Forſoþe he and his wijf
v for þou ſchalt conceyue and ſchalt bere a ſone, whos bihelden.
heed a raſour ſchal not towche; for he ſchal be a Nazarei xx And whanne þe flawme of þe auter ſtiede in to
of God fro his ȝong age, and fro þe modris wombe; and heuene, þe aungel of þe Lord ſtiede togidere in þe
he ſchal bigynne to delyuere Iſrael fro þe hond of flawme. And whanne Manue and his wijf hadden ſeyn
Filiſteis. þis, þei felden lowe to erþe.
vi And whanne ſche hadde come to hir hoſebonde, ſche xxi And þe aungel of þe Lord apperide no more to hem.
ſeide to hym, Þe man of God cam to me, and hadde an And anoon Manue vndurſtood, þat he was an aungel of
aungel cheer, and he was ful ferdful, `þat is, worſchipful þe Lord.
`and reuerent; and whanne Y hadde axide hym, who he xxii And he ſeide to his wijf, We ſchulen die bi deeþ, for
was, and fro whannus he cam, and bi what name he was we ſien þe Lord.
clepid, he nolde ſeie to me; xxiii To whom þe womman anſweride, If þe Lord wolde
vii but he anſweride þis, Lo! þou ſchalt conſeyue, and
ſle vs, he ſchulde not haue take of oure hondis brent
ſchalt bere a ſone; be þou war, þat þou drynke not wyn ſacrifices, and moiſte ſacrifices, but neþer he ſchulde
ne ſidur, neþer ete ony vncleene þing; for þe child ſchal haue ſchewid alle þingis to vs, neþer `he ſchulde haue
be a Nazarey, `þat is, hooli of þe Lord, fro his ȝonge age ſeid þo þingis, þat ſchulen come.
and fro þe modris wombe `til to þe dai of his deeþ. xxiiii Þerfor ſche childide a ſone, and clepide his name
viii Þerfor Manue preide þe Lord, and ſeide, Lord, Y
Sampſon; and þe child encreeſſide, and þe Lord bleſſide
biſeche, þat þe man of God, whom þou ſentiſt, come eft, hym.
and teche vs, what we owen to do of þe child, þat ſchal xxv And þe ſpirit of þe Lord bigan to be wiþ hym in þe
be borun. caſtels of Dan, bitwixe Saraa and Eſcahol.
ix And þe Lord herde Manue preiynge; and þe aungel of
þe Lord apperide eft to his wijf ſittynge in þe feeld; CAP. XIIII
forſoþe Manue, hir hoſebonde, was not wiþ hir. And i Þerfor Sampſon ȝede doun in to Thannatha, and he ſiȝ
whanne ſche hadde ſeyn þe aungel, þere a womman of `þe douȝtris of Filiſteis;
x ſche haſtide, and ran to hir hoſebonde, and telde to ii and he ſtiede, and telde to his fadir and `to his modir,
hym, and ſeide, Lo! þe man whom Y ſiȝ bifore, apperide and ſeide, Y ſiȝ a womman in Thannatha of þe `douȝtris
to me. of Filiſtees, and Y biſeche, þat ȝe take hir a wijf to me.
xi Which roos, and ſuede his wijf; and he cam to þe iii To whom his fadir and modir ſeiden, Wheþer no
man, and ſeide to hym, Art þou he, þat haſt ſpoke to þe womman is among þe douȝtris of þi briþeren and in al
womman? And he anſweride, Y am. my puple, for þou wolt take a wijf of Filiſteis, þat ben
xii To whom Manue ſeide, Whanne þi word ſchal be
vncircumcidid? And Sampſon ſeide to his fadir, Take
fillid, what wolt þou, þat þe child do, eþir fro what þing þou þis wijf to me, for ſche pleſide myn iȝen.
ſchal he kepe hym ſilf? iiii Forſoþe his fadir and modir wiſten not, þat þe þing
xiii And þe `aungel of þe Lord ſeide to Manue, Abſteyne
was don of þe Lord; and þat he ſouȝte occaſiouns aȝens
he hym ſilf fro alle þingis which Y ſpak to þi wijf. Filiſteis; for in þat tyme Filiſteis weren lordis of Iſrael.
xiiii And ete he not what euer þing comeþ forþ of þe v Þerfor Sampſon ȝede doun wiþ his fadir and modir in
vyner, drynke he not wyn, and ſidur, ete he not ony to Thannatha; and whanne þei hadden come to þe
vncleene þing and fille he; and kepe þat, þat Y vyneris of þe citee, a fers and rorynge `whelp of a lioun
comaundide to hym. apperide, and ran to Sampſon.
xv Þerfor Manue ſeide to þe `aungel of þe Lord, Y vi Forſoþe þe ſpirit of þe Lord felde in to Sampſon, and
biſeche, þat þou aſſente to my preieris, and we aray to he to-rente þe lioun, as if he `to-rendide a kide `in to
þee a `kide of þe geet.

gobetis, and outerli he hadde no þing in þe hond; and he ſoiliden þe probleme; and he was ful wrooþ, and ſtiede
nolde ſchewe þis to þe fadir and modir. in to `þe hows of his fadir.
vii And he ȝede doun, and ſpak to þe womman, þat xx Forſoþe his wijf took an hoſebonde, oon of þe frendis
pleſide hiſe iȝen. and keperis `of hir.
viii And aftir ſumme daies he turnede aȝen to take hir `in
to matrimonye; and he `bowide awey to ſe þe `careyn of CAP. XV
þe lioun; and lo! a gaderyng of bees was in þe `mouþ of i `Forſoþe aftir ſum del of tyme, whanne þe daies of
þe lioun, and `a coomb of hony. wheete herueſt neiȝiden, Sampſon cam, and wolde viſite
ix And whanne he hadde take it in hondis, he eet in þe his wijf, and he brouȝte to hir a `kide of geet; and when
weie; and he cam to his fadir and modir, and ȝaf part `to he wolde entre in to hir bed bi cuſtom, `þe fadir of hir
hem, and þei eeten; neþeles he nolde ſchewe to hem, þat forbeed hym, and ſeide,
he hadde take hony of þe `mouþ of þe lioun. ii Y geſſide þat þou haddiſt hatid hir, and þerfor Y ȝaf hir
x And ſo his fadir ȝede doun to þe womman, and made a to þi freend; but ſche haþ a ſiſtir, which is ȝongere and
feeſte to his ſone Sampſon; for ȝonge men weren wont fairere þan ſche, be ſche `wijf to þee for hir.
to do ſo. iii To whom Sampſon anſweride, Fro þis day no blame
xi Þerfor whanne þe citeſeyns of þat place hadden ſeyn ſchal be in me aȝens Filiſtees, for Y ſchal do yuels to
hym, þei ȝauen to hym þretti felowis, whiche ſchulen be ȝou.
wiþ hym. iiii And he ȝede, and took þre hundrid foxis, and
xii To whiche Sampſon ſpak, Y ſchal putte forþ to ȝou a ioynede `þe tailis of hem to tailis, and boond brondis in
probleme, `þat is, a douȝteful word and priuy, and if ȝe þe myddis,
`aſoilen it to me wiþ ynne ſeuen daies of þe feeſte, Y v whiche he kyndlid wiþ fier, and leet hem, þat þei
ſchal ȝyue to ȝou þretti lynnun cloþis, and cootis `of þe ſchulden renne aboute hidur and þidur; `which ȝeden
ſame noumbre; ſoþeli if ȝe moun not ſoyle, anoon in to þe cornes of Filiſteis, bi whiche kyndlid,
xiii ȝe ſchulen ȝyue to me þretti lynnun cloþis, and cootis boþe cornes `borun now to gidere, and ȝit ſtondynge in
`of þe ſame noumbre. Whiche anſweriden to hym, Sette þe ſtobil, weren brent, in ſo myche þat þe flawme
forþ þe probleme, þat we here it. waſtide vyneris, and `places of olyue trees.
xiiii And he ſeide to hem, Mete ȝede out of þe etere, and vi And Filiſteis ſeiden, Who dide þis þing? To whiche it

ſwetneſſe ȝede out of þe ſtronge. And bi þre daies þei was ſeid, Sampſon, hoſebonde of þe `douȝtir of
myȝten not aſſoile þe `propoſicioun, þat is, þe reſoun ſet Thannathei, for he took awey Sampſones wijf, and ȝaf
forþ. to anoþer man, `wrouȝte þis þing. And Filiſteis ſtieden,
xv And whanne þe ſeuenþe dai cam, þei ſeiden to `þe and brenten boþe þe womman and hir fadir.
vii To whiche Sampſon ſeide, Þouȝ ȝe han do þis,
wijf of Sampſon, Gloſe þin hoſebonde, and counſeile
hym, þat he ſchewe to þee what þe probleme ſignyfieþ. neþeles ȝit Y ſchal axe veniaunce of ȝou, and þan Y
Þat if þou nylt do, we ſchulen brenne þee and `þe hous ſchal reſte.
of þi fadir. Wheþer herfor ȝe clepiden vs to weddyngis, viii And he ſmoot hem wiþ greet wounde, ſo þat þei
þat ȝe ſchulden robbe vs? wondriden, and `puttiden þe hyndrere part of þe hipe on
xvi And ſche ſchedde teerys at Sampſon, and pleynede, þe þiy; and he ȝede doun, and dwellide in þe denne of
and ſeide, Þou hatiſt me, and loueſt not, þerfor þou nylt þe ſtoon of Ethan.
expowne to me þe probleme, which þou ſettidiſt forþ to ix Þerfor Filiſteis ſtieden in to þe lond of Juda, and
þe ſones of my puple. And he anſweride, Y nolde ſeie to ſettiden tentis in þe place, þat was clepid aftirward
my fadir and modir, and ſchal Y mow ſchewe to þee? Lethi, þat is, a cheke, wher `þe ooſt of hem was ſpred a
xvii Þerfor bi ſeuene dayes of þe feeſt ſche wepte at hym; brood.
at þe laſte `he expownede in þe ſeuenþe dai, whanne x And men of þe lynage of Juda ſeiden to hem, Whi
ſche was diſeſeful to hym. And anoon ſche telde to hir `ſtieden ȝe aȝens vs? Whiche anſweriden, We comen þat
citeſeyns. we bynde Sampſon, and ȝelde to hym þo þingis whiche
xviii And þei ſeiden to hym in þe ſeuenþe dai bifor þe he wrouȝte in vs.
goyng doun of þe ſunne, What is ſwettere þan hony, and xi Þerfor þre þouſynde of men of Juda ȝeden doun to þe
what is ſtrengere þan a lioun? And he ſeide to hem, If ȝe denne of þe flynt of Ethan; and þei ſeiden to Sampſon,
hadden not erid in my cow calf, `þat is, my wijf, ȝe Wooſt þou not, þat Filiſteis comaunden to vs? Why
hadden not founde my propoſicioun. woldiſt þou do þis þing? To whiche he ſeide.
xix Þerfor þe ſpirit of þe Lord felde in to hym; and he xii As þei diden to me, Y dide to hem. Þei ſeien, We
ȝede doun to Aſcalon, and killyde þere þretti men, comen to bynde þee, and to bitake þee in to þe `hondis
whoſe cloþis he took awey, and he ȝaf to hem þat of Filiſteis. To whiche Sampſon anſweride, Swere ȝe,
and `biheete ȝe to me, þat ȝe ſle not me.

xiii And þei ſeiden, We ſchulen not ſle þee, but we vi Þerfor Dalida ſpak to Sampſon, Y biſeche, ſeie þou to
ſchulen bitake þee boundun. And þei bounden him wiþ me, wher ynne is þi gretteſte ſtrengþe, and what is þat
twei newe cordis, and token fro þe ſtoon of Ethan. þing, wiþ which þou boundun maiſt not breke?
xiiii And whanne þei hadden come to þe place of cheke, vii To whom Sampſon anſweride, If Y be boundun wiþ
and Filiſteis criynge hadden runne to hym, þe ſpirit of ſeuene coordis of ſenewis not ȝit drye `and ȝit moiſte, Y
þe Lord felde in to hym, and as ſtikis ben wont to be ſchal be feble as oþere men.
waſtid at þe odour of fier, ſo and þe bondis, wiþ whiche viii And þe princis of Filiſteis brouȝten `to hir ſeuene
he was boundun, weren ſcaterid and vnboundun. coordis, as he hadde ſeide; wiþ whiche ſche boond him,
xv And he took a cheke foundun, þat is, þe lowere cheke ix while buyſchementis weren hid at hir, and abididen in
boon of an aſſe, þat lay, `and he killyde `wiþ it a a cloſet þe ende of þe þing. And ſche criede to hym,
þouſinde men; and ſeide, Sampſon, Filiſteis ben on þee! Which brak þe boondis,
xvi Wiþ þe cheke of an aſſe, þat is, wiþ þe lowere cheke as if a man brekiþ a þreed of herdis, wriþun wiþ ſpotle,
of a colt of femal aſſis, Y dide hem awey, and Y killide whanne it haþ take þe odour of fier; and it was not
a þouſynde men. knowun wher ynne his ſtrengþe was.
xvii And whanne he ſonge þeſe wordis, and `hadde fillid, x And Dalida ſeide to hym, Lo! þou haſt ſcorned me,
he caſtide forþ fro þe hond þe lowere cheke; and he and þou haſt ſpok fals; nameli now ſchewe þou to me,
clepide þe name of þat place Ramath Lethi, `which is wiþ what þing þou ſchuldiſt be boundun.
interpretid, þe reiſyng of a cheke. xi To whom he anſweride, If Y be boundun wiþ newe
xviii And he þriſtide greetly, and criede to þe Lord, and coordis, þat weren not ȝit in werk, I ſchal be feble, and
ſeide, Þou haſt ȝoue in þe hond of þi ſeruaunt þis gretteſt lijk oþere men.
helþe and victory; and lo! Y die for þyrſt, and Y ſchal xii Wiþ whiche Dalida boond him eft, and criede,
falle in to þe hondis of vncircumcidid men. Sampſon, Filiſtees ben on þee! þe while buyſchementis
xix Þerfor þe Lord openyde a wang tooþ in þe cheke weren maad redi in cloſet. Which brak `ſo þe boondis as
boon of þe aſſe, and watris ȝeden out þerof, `bi whiche þredis of webbis.
drunkun he refreiſchide þe ſpirit, and reſſeuede xiii And Dalida ſeide eft to hym, Hou long ſchalt þou
ſtrengþis; þerfor þe name of þat place was clepid þe diſſeyue me, and ſchalt ſpeke fals? Schew þou to me,
Welle of þe clepere of þe cheke `til to preſent dai. wiþ what þing þou ſchalt be boundun. To whom
xx And he demyde Iſrael in þe daies of Filiſtiym twenti Sampſon anſweryde, he ſeide, If þou plattiſt ſeuene
ȝeer. heeris of myn heed wiþ a ſtrong boond, and faſtneſt to
þe erþe a naile boundun a boute wiþ þeſe, Y ſchal be
CAP. XVI feble.
i Alſo Sampſon ȝede in to Gazam, and he ſiȝ þere a xiiii And whanne Dalida hadde do þis, ſche ſeide to hym,
womman hoore, and he entride to hir. Sampſon, Filiſteis ben on þee! And he roos fro ſleep,
ii And whanne Filiſteis hadden ſeyn þis, and it was and drow out þe nail, wiþ þe heeris and ſtrong boond.
puppliſchid at hem, þat Sampſon entride in to þe citee, xv And Dalida ſeide to hym, Hou ſeiſt þou, þat þou
þei cumpaſſiden hym, whanne keperis weren ſet in þe loueſt me, ſiþen þi ſoule is not wiþ me? Bi þre tymes
ȝate of þe citee; and þei abididen þere al nyȝt `wiþ þou liediſt to me, and noldiſt ſeie to me, wher ynne is þi
ſilence, þat in þe morewtid þei ſchulen kille Sampſon mooſt ſtrengþe.
goynge out. xvi And whanne ſche was diſeſeful to hym, and cleuyde
iii Forſoþe Sampſon ſlepte til to `þe myddis of þe nyȝt; to hym contynueli bi many daies, and ȝaf not ſpace to
and `fro þennus he roos, and took boþe þe cloſyngis, reſte, his lijf failide, and was maad wery `til to deeþ.
eþir leeues, of þe ȝate, wiþ hiſe poſtis and lok; and he xvii Þanne he openyde þe treuþe of þe þing, and ſeide to
bar þo leeues, put on þe ſchuldris, to þe cop of þe hil þat hir, Yrun ſtiede neuere on myn heed, for Y am a
biholdiþ Ebron. Nazarei, þat is, halewid to þe Lord, fro `þe wombe of
iiii After þeſe þingis Sampſon louyde a womman þat my modir; if myn heed be ſchauun, my ſtrengþe ſchal
dwellide in þe valey of Soreth, and ſche was clepid go awei fro me, and Y ſchal faile, and Y ſchal be as
Dalida. oþere men.
v And þe princes of Filiſteis camen to hir, and ſeiden, xviii And ſche ſiȝ þat he knowlechide to hir al his wille,
Diſſeyue þou hym, and lerne þou of hym, in what þing `eþer herte; and ſche ſente to þe princes of Filiſteis, and
he haþ ſo greet ſtrengþe, and how we mowen ouercome comaundide, Stie ȝe ȝit onys, for now he openyde his
hym, and turmente hym boundun; þat if þou doiſt, we herte to me. Whiche ſtieden, wiþ þe money takun which
ſchulen ȝyue to þee ech man a þouſynde and an hundrid þei bihiȝten.
platis of ſiluer. xix And ſche made hym ſlepe on hir knees, and `bowe
þe heed in hir boſum; and ſche clepide a barbour, and

ſchauede ſeuene heeris of hym; and ſche bigan to caſte ii And he ſeide to his modir, Lo! Y haue a þouſynde `and
hym awei, and to put fro hir; for anoon þe ſtrengþe ȝede an hundrid platis of ſiluer, whiche þou departidiſt to
awei fro him. þee, and on whiche þou ſworiſt, while Y herde, and þo
xx And ſche ſeide, Sampſon, Filiſteis ben on þee! And he ben at me. To whom ſche anſweride, Bleſſid be my ſone
roos fro ſleep, and ſeide to his ſoule, Y ſchal go out, as of þe Lord.
and Y dide bifore, and Y ſchal ſchake me fro boondis; iii Þerefor he ȝeldide þo to his modir; and ſche ſeide to
and he wiſte not, þat þe Lord hadde goon awei fro hym. hym, Y halewide and avowide þis ſiluer to þe Lord, þat
xxi And whanne Filiſteis hadden take hym, anoon þei my ſone reſſeyue of myn hond, and make a grauun
diden out hiſe iȝen, and ledden hym boundun wiþ ymage and a ȝotun ymage; and now I `ȝyue it to þee.
chaynes to Gaza, and `maden hym cloſid in priſoun to iiii Þerfor he ȝeldide to his modir; and ſche took twei
grynde. hundryd platis of ſiluer, and ȝaf þo to a werk man of
xxii And now hiſe heeris bigunnen to growe aȝen; ſiluer, þat he ſchulde make of þo a grauun `ymage and
xxiii and þe princes of Filiſteis camen togidere to offre ȝotun, þat was in `þe hows of Mycas.
grete ſacrifices to Dagon, her god, and `to ete, ſeiynge, v Which departide alſo a litil hous þer ynne to God; and
Oure god haþ bitake oure enemy Sampſon in to oure made ephod, and theraphym, þat is, a preeſtis cloþ, and
hondis. ydols; and he fillide þe hond of oon of his ſones, and he
xxiiii And þe puple ſeynge alſo þis þing preiſide her god, was maad a preeſt to hym.
and ſeide þe ſame þingis, Our god haþ bitake oure vi In þo daies was no kyng in Iſrael, but ech man dide
aduerſarie in to oure hondis, which dide awey oure þis, þat ſemyde riȝtful to hym ſilf.
lond, and killide ful many men. vii Alſo anoþer ȝonge wexynge man was of Bethleem of
xxv And þei weren glad bi feeſtis, for þei hadden ete Juda, of þe kynrede þerof, `þat is, of Juda, and he was a
þanne; and þei comaundiden, þat Sampſon ſchulde be dekene, and dwellide þere.
clepid, and ſchulde pleie bifor hem; which was led out viii And he ȝede out of þe citee of Bethleem, and wolde
of priſoun, and pleiede bifor hem; and þei maden hym be a pilgrim, where euere he foond profitable to hym
ſtonde bitwixe twei pileris. ſilf. And whanne he made iourney, and `hadde come in
xxvi And he ſeide to þe `child gouernynge hiſe ſteppis, to þe hil of Effraym, and hadde bowid a litil in to `þe
Suffre þou me, þat Y touche þe pilers on whiche al þe hows of Mycha,
hows ſtondiþ, þat Y be bowid on þo, and reſte a litil. ix `he was axid of hym, Fro whennus comeſt þou?
xxvii Soþeli þe hows was ful of men and of wymmen, Which anſweride, Y am a dekene of Bethleem of Juda,
and þe princes of þe Filiſteis weren þere, and aboute þre and Y go, þat Y dwelle where Y may, and ſe þat it is
þouſynde of `euer eiþer kynde, biholdynge fro þe roof profitable to me.
and þe ſoler Sampſon pleynge. x Micha ſeide, Dwelle þou at me, and be þou fadir and
xxviii And whanne þe Lord `was inwardli clepid, he preeſt `to me; and Y ſchal ȝyue to þee bi ech ȝeer ten
ſeide, My Lord God, haue mynde on me, and, my God, platis of ſiluer, and double cloþ, and þo þingis þat ben
ȝelde þou now to me þe formere ſtrengþe, þat Y venge nedeful to lijflode.
me of myn enemyes, and þat Y reſſeyue o veniaunce for xi He aſſentide, and dwellide `at þe man; and he was to
þe los of tweyne iȝen. þe man as oon of ſones.
xxix And he took boþe pilers, on whiche þe hows ſtood, xii And Mycha fillide his hond, and hadde þe child
and he helde þe oon of þo in þe riȝthond, and þe toþer preeſt at hym,
in þe left hond; and ſeide, xiii and ſeide, Now Y woot, þat God ſchal do wel to me,
xxx My lijf die wiþ Fileſteis! And whanne þe pileris
hauynge a preeſt of þe kyn of Leuy.
weren ſchakun togidere ſtrongli, þe hows felde on alle
þe princes, and on þe toþer multitude, þat was þere; and CAP. XVIII
he diynge killide many moo, þan he quyk hadde ſlayn i In þo daies was no kyng in Iſrael; and þe lynage of
bifore. Dan ſouȝte poſſeſſioun to it ſilf, to dwelle þer ynne; for
xxxi Forſoþe hiſe briþeren and al þe kinrede camen
`til to þat dai it hadde not take eritage among oþer
doun, and token his bodi, and birieden bitwixe Saraa lynagis.
and Eſcahol, in þe ſepulcre of his fadir Manue; and he ii Þerfor þe ſones of Dan ſenten fyue þe ſtrongeſte men
demyde Iſrael twenti ȝeer. of her generacioun and meynee fro Saraa and Eſcahol,
þat þei ſchulden aſpie þe lond, and biholde diligentli.
CAP. XVII And þei ſeiden to hem, Go ȝe, and biholde þe lond. And
i In þat tyme was a man, `Mycas bi name, of þe hil of
whanne þei goynge hadden come in to þe hil of
Effraym. Effraym, and hadden entrid in to þe hows of Mycha, þei
reſtiden þere.

iii And þei knewen þe voys of þe ȝong wexynge dekene; xix To whom þei anſweriden, Be þou ſtille, and putte þe
and þei reſtiden in `þe yn of hym, and ſeiden to hym, fyngur on þi mouþ, and come wiþ vs, þat we haue þee
Who brouȝte þee hidur? What doiſt þou here? For what fadir and preeſt. What is betere to þee, þat þou be preeſt
cauſe woldiſt þou come hidur? in þe hows of o man, wheþer in o lynage and meynee in
iiii Which anſweride `to hem, Mychas ȝaf to me þeſe and Iſrael?
þeſe þingis, and hiride me for meede, þat Y be preeſt to xx And whanne he hadde herd þis, he aſſentide to `þe
hym. wordis of hem, and he took þe ephod, and ydols, and þe
v Forſoþe þei preieden hym, þat he ſchulde counſele þe grauun ymage, and ȝede forþ wiþ hem.
Lord, and þei myȝten wite, wheþer þei ȝeden in weie of xxi And whanne þei ȝeden, and hadden maad þe litle
proſperite, and þe þing ſchulde haue effect. children, and werk beeſtis, and al þing þat was
vi Which anſweride to hem, Go ȝe wiþ pees, þe Lord preciouſe, to go bifor hem;
biholdiþ ȝoure weie, and þe iourney whidur ȝe goon. xxii and whanne þei weren now fer fro `þe hows of
vii Þerfor þe fyue men ȝeden, and camen to Lachys; and Mychas, men þat dwelliden in þe houſis of Mychas,
þei ſiȝen þe puple dwellynge þer ynne wiþ outen ony crieden togidere, and ſueden,
drede, bi þe cuſtom of Sidonyis, ſikur and reſteful, for xxiii and bigunnun to crye `aftir þe bak. Whiche whanne
no man outirli aȝenſtood hem, and `of grete richeſſis, þei hadden biholde, ſeiden to Mychas, What wolt þou to
and fer fro Sidon, and departid fro alle men. þee? whi crieſt þou?
viii And þei turneden aȝen to her briþeren in Saraa and xxiiii Which anſweride, Ȝe han take awey my goddis
Eſcahol; and þei anſweriden to `briþeren axynge what whiche Y made to me, and þe preeſt, and alle þingis
þei hadden do, whiche Y haue; and ȝe ſeien, What is to þee?
ix Riſe ȝe, and ſtie we to hem, for we ſiȝen þe lond ful xxv And þe ſones of Dan ſeiden to hym, Be war, leſt þou
riche and plenteuous; nyle ȝe be necgligent, nil ȝe ſpeke more to vs, and men ſtyrid in ſoule come to þee,
ceeſſe, go we, and haue it in poſſeſſioun; and þou periſche wiþ al þin hows.
x no trauel ſchal be; we ſchulen entre to ſikir men, in to xxvi And ſo þei ȝeden forþ in þe iourney bigunnun.
a largeſte cuntrey; and þe Lord ſchal bitake to vs a Forſoþe Mychas ſiȝ, þat þei weren ſtrongere þan he, and
place, wher ynne is not pouert of ony þing of þo þat ben turnede aȝen in to his hows.
brouȝt forþ in erþe. xxvii Forſoþe ſixe hundrid men token þe preeſt, and þe
xi Þerfor ſixe hundrid men gird wiþ armeris of batel þingis whiche we biforſeiden, and camen in to Lachis to
ȝeden forþ `of þe kynrede of Dan, þat is, fro Saraa and þe puple reſtynge and ſikur; and þei ſmytiden hem bi þe
Eſcahol. ſcharpneſſe of ſwerd, and bitoken þe citee to brennyng,
xii And þei ſtieden, and dwelliden in Cariathiarym of xxviii while no man outirli ȝaf help, for þei dwelliden fer
Juda, which place took fro þat tyme þe name of Caſtels fro Sydon, and hadden not ony þing of felouſchipe and
of Dan, and is bihyndis þe bak of Cariathiarym. cauſe wiþ ony of men. Forſoþe þe citee was ſet in þe
xiii Fro þennus þei paſſiden in to þe hil of Effraym; and cuntrei of Roob; which citee þei bildiden eft, and
whanne þei hadden come to þe hows of Mychas, þe dwelliden þer ynne;
fyue men, xxix while þe name of þe citee was clepid Dan, bi þe
xiiii þat weren ſent bifore to biholde þe lond of Lachis, name of her fadir, whom Iſrael hadde gendrid, which
ſeiden to her oþer briþeren, Ȝe knowen, þat ephod, and citee was ſeid Lachis bifore.
theraphyn, and a grauun ymage and ȝotun is in þeſe xxx And `þei ſettiden þere þe grauun ymage, and
houſis; ſe ȝe what pleſiþ ȝou. Jonathas, ſone of Jerſon, ſone of Moiſes, and `Jonathas
xv And whanne þei hadden bowid a litil, þei entriden in ſones, preeſtis, in þe lynage of Dan, til in to þe dai of
to þe hows of þe ȝong dekene, þat was in þe hows of her caitifte.
Mychas, and þei gretten hym wiþ peſible wordis. xxxi And þe idol of Mychas dwellide at hem, in al þe
xvi Forſoþe ſixe hundrid men ſtoden bifore þe dore, ſo as tyme `in which þe hows of God was in Silo. In þo daies
þei weren armed. And þei, þat entriden in to þe `hows was no kyng in Iſrael.
of þe ȝong man, enforſiden to take awey þe grauun
ymage, and þe ephod, and theraphin, and þe ȝotun CAP. XIX
ymage; and þe preeſt ſtood bifore þe dore, i A man was a dekene dwellinge in þe ſide of þe hil of
xvii while ſixe hundrid ſtrongeſte men abideden not fer. Effraym, which dekene took a wijf of Bethleem of
xviii Þerfor þei þat entriden token þe grauun ymage, Juda.
ii And ſche lefte hym, and turnede aȝen in to þe hows of
ephod, and idols, and þe ȝotun ymage; to whiche þe
preeſt ſeide, What doen ȝe? hir fadir in Bethleem, and ſche dwellide at hym foure

iii And hir hoſebonde ſuede hir, and wolde be pilgrym in Gabaa. Þerfor men of þat cuntrey weren þe
recounſelid to hir, and ſpeke faire, and lede hir aȝen wiþ ſones of Gemyny.
him; and he hadde in cumpany a child, and tweyne aſſis. xvii And whanne þe eld man reiſide his iȝen, he ſiȝ a
And ſche reſſeyuede hym, and brouȝte him in to `þe man ſittynge wiþ hiſe fardels in þe ſtreet of þe citee; and
hows of hir fadir; and whanne hiſe wyues fadir hadde he ſeide to `þat man, Fro whennus comeſt þou? and
herd þis, and `hadde ſeyn hym, he ran gladli to hym, whidur goiſt þou?
and kiſſide þe man. xviii Which anſweride to hym, We ȝeden forþ fro
iiii And þe hoſebonde of þe douȝtir dwellide in `þe hows Bethleem of Juda, and we gon to oure place, which is in
of his wyues fadir in þree daies, and eet and drank þe ſide of þe hil of Effraym, fro whennus we ȝeden to
hoomli wiþ hym. Bethleem; and now we gon to þe hows of God, and no
v Soþeli in þe fourþe dai he roos bi nyȝt, and wolde go man wole reſſeyue vs vndur his roof,
forþ; whom `þe fadir of his wijf helde, and ſeide to xix and we han prouendre and hey in to mete of aſſis,
hym, Taaſte þou firſt a litil of breed, and coumforte þi and breed and wyn in to myn vſis, and of þin
ſtomak, and ſo þou ſchalt go forþ. handmayde, and of þe child which is wiþ me; we han
vi And þei ſaten togidere, and eeten, and drunkun. And no nede to ony þing, no but to herbore.
þe fadir of þe damyſele ſeide to `þe hoſebonde of his xx To whom þe eld man anſweride, Pees be wiþ þee; Y
douȝter, Y beſeche þee, þat þou dwelle here to dai, and ſchal ȝyue alle `þingis, þat ben nedeful; oneli, Y biſeche,
þat we be glad togidere. dwelle þou not in þe ſtreet.
vii And he roos, and bigan to wilne to go; and xxi And he brouȝte hym in to his hows, and ȝaf `mete to
neuerþeles `þe fadir of his wijf helde hym mekeli, and þe aſſis; and after þat þei waiſchiden her feet, he
made to dwelle at hym. reſſeyuede hem `in to feeſte.
viii Forſoþe whanne þe morewtid was maad, þe dekene xxii While þei eeten, and refreiſchiden þe bodies wiþ
made redi weie; to whom `þe fadir of his wijf ſeide eft, mete and drynk after þe trauel of weie, men of þat citee
Y biſeche, þat þow take a litil of mete, and make þee camen, þe ſones of Belial, þat is, wiþ out ȝok, and þei
ſtrong til þe dai encreeſſe, and aftirward go forþ. Þerfor cumpaſſiden þe `hows of þe elde man, and bigunnun to
þei eten togidere. knocke þe doris; and þei crieden to þe lord of þe hows,
ix And þe ȝong man roos to go wiþ his wijf and child; to and ſeiden, Lede out þe man þat entride in to þin hows,
whom þe fadir of his wijf ſpak eft, Biholde þou, þat þe þat we myſuſe him.
dai is `lowere to þe goynge doun, and it neiȝeþ to xxiii And þe elde man ȝede out to hem, and ſeide, Nyle
euentid; dwelle þou at me alſo to dai, and lede a glad ȝe, briþeren, nyle ȝe do þis yuel; for þe man entride in
dai, and to morewe þou ſchalt go forþ, þat þou go in to to myn herbore; and ceeſſe ȝe of þis foli.
þin hows. xxiiii Y haue a douȝter virgyn, and þis man haþ a wijf; Y
x Þe `hoſebonde of þe douȝtir nolde aſſente to hiſe ſchal lede out hem to ȝou, þat ȝe make lowe hem, and
wordis; but he ȝede forþ anoon, and cam aȝens Jebus, fille ȝoure luſt; oneli, Y biſeche, þat ȝe worche not þis
which bi anoþer name is clepid Jeruſalem; and he ledde curſidneſſe aȝens kynde `aȝens þe man.
wiþ hym twei aſſis chargid, and þe wijf. xxv Þei nolden aſſente to hiſe wordis; which þing þe man
xi And now þei weren biſidis Jebus, and þe day was ſiȝ, and ledde out his wijf to hem, and bitook to hem hir
chaungid in to nyȝt. And þe child ſeide to his lord, to be defoulid. And whanne þei hadden miſuffid hir al
Come þou, Y biſeche, bowe we to þe citee of Jebus, and niȝt, þei leften hir in þe morewtid.
dwelle we þerynne. xxvi And whanne þe derkneſſis departiden, þe womman
xii To whom þe lord anſweride, Y ſchal not entre in to þe cam to þe dore of þe hows, where hir lord dwellide, and
citee of an alien folc, which is not of þe ſones of Iſrael, þere ſche felde doun.
but Y ſchal paſſe `til to Gabaa; xxvii Whanne þe morewtid was maad, þe man roos, and
xiii and whanne Y ſchal come þidur, we ſchulen dwelle openyde þe dore, `þat he ſchulde fille þe weie
þerynne, `eþer certis in þe citee of Rama. bigunnun; and lo! his wijf lay bifor þe dore, wiþ hondis
xiiii Þerfor þei paſſiden Jebus, and token þe weie ſpred in þe þreiſchfold.
bigunnun. And þe ſunne ȝede doun to hem biſidis xxviii And he geſſide `hir to reſte, `and ſpak to hir, Riſe
Gabaa, which is in þe lynage of Beniamyn; þou, and go we. `And whanne ſche anſweride no þing,
xv and þei turneden to it, þat þei ſchulden dwelle þere. he vndirſtode þat ſche was deed; and he took hir, and
Whidur whanne þei hadden entrid, þei ſaten in þe ſtreet puttide on þe aſſe, and turnede aȝen in to his hows.
of þe citee, and no man wolde reſſeyue hem to herbore. xxix And whanne he entride in `to þat hows, he took a
xvi And lo! an eld man turnede aȝen fro þe feeld, and fro ſwerd, and departide in to twelue partis and gobetis þe
his werk in þe euentid, and apperide to hem, which alſo deed body of þe wijf, and ſente in to alle þe termes of
hym ſilf was of þe hil of Effraym, and he dwellide a Iſrael.

xxx And whanne alle `men hadden herde þis, þei xv And fyue and twenti þouſynde weren foundun of
crieden, Neuere ſiche a þing was don in Iſrael, fro þat Beniamyn, of men drawynge out ſwerd, outakun þe
dai `in which oure fadris ſtieden fro Egipt `til in to dwelleris of Gabaa,
`preſent tyme; ſeie ȝe ſentence, and deme ȝe in comyn, xvi whiche weren ſeuen hundrid ſtrongeſte men, fiȝtynge
what is nede to be doon. ſo wiþ þe lefthond as wiþ þe riȝthond, and caſtynge ſo
ſtoonus wiþ ſlyngis at a certeyn þing, þat þei myȝten
CAP. XX ſmyte alſo an heer, and þe ſtrook of þe ſtoon ſchulde not
i Þerfor alle þe ſones of Iſrael ȝeden, and weren gaderid be borun in to `þe toþer part.
togidere as o man, fro Dan `til to Berſabee, and fro þe xvii Alſo of þe men of Iſrael, wiþ out þe ſones of
lond of Galaad to þe Lord in Maſpha; and alle þe Beniamin, weren foundun foure hundrid þouſynd `of
`corneris of puplis; men drawynge ſwerd and redi to batel.
ii and alle þe lynagis of Iſrael camen to gidere in to þe xviii Whiche riſeden and camen in to þe hows of God,
chirche of `þe puple of God, foure hundrid þouſynde of þat is in Silo; and þei counceliden God, and ſeiden,
`foot men fiȝters. Who ſchal be prince in oure ooſt of þe batel aȝens þe
iii And it was not `hid fro þe ſones of Beniamyn, þat þe ſones of Beniamyn? To whiche þe Lord anſweride,
ſones of Iſrael hadden ſtied in to Maſpha. And þe Judas be ȝoure duyk.
dekene, hoſebonde of þe `wijf þat was ſlayn, was axid, xix And anoon þe ſones of Iſrael riſiden eerli, and
`how ſo greet felonye was doon; ſettiden tentis aȝens Gabaa.
iiii and he anſweride, Y cam wiþ my wijf in to Gabaa of xx And fro þennus þei ȝeden forþ to batel aȝens
Beniamyn, and Y turnede þidur. Beniamyn, and bigunnen to fiȝte aȝens `þe citee.
v And lo! men of þat citee cumpaſſiden in nyȝt þe hows, xxi And þe ſones of Beniamyn ȝeden out of Gabaa, and
in which Y dwellide, and þei wolden ſle me, and þei killiden of þe ſones of Iſrael in þat dai two and twenti
bitraueliden my wijf wiþ vnbileueful woodneſſe of þouſynde of men.
letcherie; at þe laſt ſche was deed. xxii And eft þe ſones of Iſrael triſtiden in ſtrengþe and
vi And Y took, and Y kittide hir in to gobetis, and Y
noumbre, and dreſſiden ſchiltrun, in þe ſame place in
ſente partis in to alle þe termes of ȝoure poſſeſſioun; for which þei fouȝten bifore;
ſo greet felonye and ſo greuouſe ſynne was neuere doon xxiii ſo neþeles þat þei ſtieden bifore, and wepten bifor
in Iſrael. þe Lord `til to nyȝt, and counſeliden hym, and ſeiden,
vii Alle ȝe ſones of Iſrael ben preſent; deme ȝe, what ȝe
Owe Y go forþ more to fiȝte aȝens þe ſones of
owen do. Beniamyn, my briþeren, eþer nay? To whiche he
viii And al þe puple ſtood, and anſweride as bi word of o anſweride, Stie ȝe to hem, and bigynne ȝe batel.
man, `þat is acordyngli, wiþ out aȝenſeiyng and wiþ out xxiiii And whanne þe ſones of Iſrael hadden go forþ to
delay, We ſchulen not go awei in to oure tabernaclis, batel in þe toþer dai aȝens Beniamyn,
neþir ony man ſchal entre in to his hows; xxv þe ſones of Beniamyn braken out of þe ȝates of
ix but we ſchulen do þis in comyn aȝens Gabaa.
Gabaa, and camen to hem; and þe ſones of Beniamyn
x `Ten men be choſun of an hundrid, of alle þe lynagis weren wood aȝens hem bi ſo greet ſleyng, þat þei
of Iſrael, and an hundrid of a þouſynde, and a þouſynde caſtiden doun eiȝtene þouſynde of men drawynge ſwerd.
of ten þouſynde, þat þei bere metis to þe ooſt, and þat xxvi Wherfor alle þe ſones of Iſrael camen in to þe hows
we, fiȝtynge aȝens Gabaa of Beniamyn, moun ȝelde to it of God, and ſaten, and wepten bifore þe Lord, and þei
`for þe treſpas þat þat it deſerueþ. faſtiden in þat dai `til to euentid; and þei offeriden to þe
xi And al þe puple, `as o man, cam togidere to þe citee Lord brent ſacrifices and peſible ſacrifices,
bi þe ſame þouȝt and o counſel. xxvii and axiden of her ſtaat. In þat tyme þe arke of
xii And `þei ſenten meſſangeris to al þe lynage of boond of pees of God was þere in Silo;
Beniamyn, `whiche meſſangeris ſeiden, Whi ſo greet xxviii and Fynees, þe ſone of Eleazar, ſone of Aaron, was
felony is foundun in ȝou? ſouereyn of þe hows. Þerfor þei counſeliden þe Lord,
xiii Bitake ȝe þe men of Gabaa, þat diden þis and ſeiden, Owen we go out more to batel aȝens þe
wickidneſſe, þat þei die, and yuel be doon awey fro ſones of Beniamyn, oure briþeren, eþir reſte? To whiche
Iſrael. `Whiche nolden here þe comaundement of her þe Lord ſeide, Stie ȝe, for to morewe Y ſchal bytake
briþeren, þe ſones of Iſrael, hem in to ȝoure hondis.
xiiii but of alle þe citees, þat weren of `her part, þei xxix And þe ſones of Iſrael ſettiden buyſchementis bi þe
camen togidere in to Gabaa, to helpe hem, and to fiȝte cumpas of þe citee of Gabaa;
aȝens al þe puple of Iſrael. xxx and þe þridde tyme as onys and tweis þei brouȝten
forþ ooſt aȝens Beniamyn.

xxxi But alſo þe ſones of Beniamyn braken out of þe felden, and weren caſt doun at þe eeſt cooſt of þe citee
citee booldli, and purſueden ferþere þe aduerſaryes of Gabaa.
fleynge, ſo þat þei woundiden of hem, as in þe firſte dai xliiii Forſoþe þei, þat weren ſlayn in þe ſame place,
and þe ſecounde, and killiden bi twey paþþis `þe weren eiȝtene þouſynde of `men, alle ſtrongeſte fiȝteris.
aduerſaries turnynge backis; of whiche paþþis oon was xlv And whanne þei þat leften of Beniamyn hadden ſeyn
borun in to Bethel, þe toþer in to Gabaa. And þei þis, þei fledden in to wildirneſſe, and þei ȝeden to þe
caſtiden doun aboute þretti men; ſtoon, whos name is Remmon. And in þat fliȝt þe ſones
xxxii for þei geſſiden to ſle hem `bi cuſtomable maner; of Iſrael ȝeden opynli, `and ȝeden in to dyuerſe places,
whiche `feyneden fliȝt bi craft, and token counſel, þat and killiden fyue þouſynde men; and whanne þei ȝeden
þei ſchulden drawe hem fro þe citee, and þat þei as ferþer, þei purſueden hem, and killiden alſo oþere twei
fleynge ſchulden brynge to þe forſeid paþþis. þouſynde.
xxxiii Þerfor alle þe ſones of Iſrael riſiden of her ſeetis, xlvi And ſo it was doon, þat alle þat felden doun of
and ſettiden ſchiltrun in þe place which is clepid Beniamyn in diuerſe places, weren fyue and twenti
Baalthamar. And þe buſchementis, þat weren aboute þe þouſynde, `fiȝterys mooſt redi to batels.
citee, bigunnen to opene hem ſilf litil and litil, xlvii And ſo ſixe hundrid men leften of al þe noumbre of
xxxiiii and to go forþ fro þe weſt part of þe citee. But alſo Beniamyn, þat myȝten aſcape, and fle in to wildirneſſe;
oþere ten þouſynde of men of al Iſrael excitiden þe and þei ſaten in þe ſtoon of Remmon foure moneþis.
dwelleris of þe cite to batels; and þe batel was maad xlviii Forſoþe þe ſones of Iſrael ȝeden out, and ſmytiden
greuous aȝens þe ſones of Beniamyn, and þei wiþ ſwerd alle þe remenauntis of þe citee, fro men `til
vndurſtoden not, þat periſching neiȝede to hem on eche to werk beeſtis; and deuourynge flawme waſtide alle þe
part. citees and townes of Beniamyn.
xxxv And þe Lord ſmoot hem in þe ſiȝt of þe ſones of
Iſrael, and `þei killiden of hem in þat dai fyue and CAP. XXI
twenti þouſynde and an hundrid men, alle þe werrȝours i Alſo þe ſones of Iſrael ſworen in Maſpha, and ſeiden,
and drawynge ſwerd. Noon of vs ſchal ȝyue to þe ſones of Beniamyn a wijf of
xxxvi Soþeli þe ſones of Beniamyn bigunnen to fle, his douȝtris.
`whanne þei ſien, þat þei weren þe lowere. And þe ſones ii And `alle camen to þe hows of God in Silo, and þei
of Iſrael ſien þis, and `ȝauen to hem place to fle, þat þei ſaten in þe `ſiȝt of hym `til to euentid, and þei reiſiden
ſchulden come to þe buyſchementis maad redi, whiche þe vois, and bigunnen to wepe wiþ greet ȝellyng,
þei hadden ſet biſidis þe citee. iii and ſeiden, Lord God of Iſrael, whi is þis yuel don in
xxxvii And whanne þei hadden riſe ſudenli fro hid places,
þi puple, þat to dai o lynage be takun awey of vs?
and Beniamyn ȝaf backis to þe ſleeris, þei entriden in to iiii Soþeli in þe toþer day þei riſiden eerli, and bildyden
þe citee, and ſmytiden it by þe ſcharpneſſe of ſwerd. an auter, and offriden þere brent ſacrifices and peſible
xxxviii Soþeli þe ſones of Iſrael hadden ȝoue a ſigne to
ſacrifices, and ſeiden,
hem whiche þei hadden ſet in buyſchementis, þat aftir v Who of alle þe lynagis of Iſrael ſtiede not in to þe ooſt
þat þei hadden take þe citee, þei ſchulden kyndle fier, of þe Lord? For whanne þei weren in Maſpha, þei
and þat bi ſmook ſtiynge an hiȝ, þei ſchulden ſchewe þe `hadden bounde hem ſilf wiþ a greuouſe ooþ, þat þei þat
citee takun. failiden ſchulden be ſlayn.
xxxix And whanne þe ſones of Iſrael ſet in þilke batel vi And þe ſones of Iſrael weren led bi penaunce on her
ſien þis; for þe ſones of Beniamyn geſſiden hem to fle, broþer Beniamyn, and bigunnen to ſeie, O lynage of
and þei ſueden biſiliere, whanne þretti men of her ooſt Iſrael is takun awey;
weren ſlayn; vii wherof ſchulen þei take wyues? for alle we ſworen in
xl and `þe ſones of Iſrael ſien as a piler of ſmoke ſtie fro
comyn, þat we ſchulen not ȝyue oure douȝtris to hem.
þe citee; alſo Beniamyn bihelde bihynde, whanne he ſiȝ viii Þerfor þei ſeiden, Who is of alle þe lynagis of Iſrael,
þe citee takun, and flawmes borun in hiȝe,
xli þei þat feyneden fliȝt bifore, `aȝenſtoden ſtrongliere
þat ſtiede not to þe Lord in Maſpha? And lo! þe
dwelleris of Jabes of Galaad weren foundun, þat þei
wiþ face turned. And whanne þe ſones of Beniamyn weren not in þe ooſt.
hadden ſeyn þis, þei weren turned in to fliȝt, ix Alſo in þat tyme, whanne þei weren in Silo, noon of
xlii and þei bigunnen to go to þe weie of deſeert; while
hem was foundun þere.
alſo aduerſaries purſueden hem þere, but alſo þei, þat x Þerfor þei ſenten ten þouſynde ſtrongeſte men, and
hadden brent þe citee, camen aȝens hem.
xliii And ſo it was doon, þat þei weren ſlayn of enemyes
comaundiden to hem, Go ȝe, and ſmyte þe dwelleris of
Jabes of Galaad bi þe ſcharpneſſe of ſwerd, as wel þe
on ech part, neþer ony reſte of men diynge was; and þei wyues as `þe litle children of hem.

xi And þis þing ſchal be, which ȝe `owen to kepe, ſle ȝe Here endiþ Judicum, and here bigynneþ Ruth.
alle of male kynde, and þe wymmen, þat knewen men
fleiſchli; reſerue ȝe þe virgyns.
xii And foure hundrid virgyns, þat knewen not þe bed of
man, weren foundun of Jabes of Galaad; and þei
brouȝten hem to þe caſtels in Silo, in to þe lond of
xiii And `þei ſenten meſſangeris to þe ſones of
Beniamyn, þat weren in þe ſtoon of Remmon; and þei
comaundiden to hem, þat þei ſchulden reſſeyue þo
wymmen in pees.
xiiii And þe ſones of Beniamyn camen in þat tyme, and
þe douȝtris of Jabes of Galaad weren ȝouun to hem to
wyues; forſoþe þei founden not oþere wymmen, whiche
þei ſchulden ȝyue in lijk maner.
xv And al Iſrael ſorewide greetly, and dide penaunce on
þe ſleyng of o lynage of Iſrael.
xvi And þe grettere men in birþe ſeiden, What ſchulen
we do to þe oþere men, þat han not take wyues? Alle þe
wymmen in Beniamyn felden doun,
xvii and it `is to vs to puruey `wiþ greet cure and greet
ſtudie, þat o lynage be not don awey fro Iſrael.
xviii We moun not ȝyue oure douȝtris to hem, for we ben
boundun wiþ an ooþ and curſyng, bi which we ſeiden,
Be he curſid þat ȝyueþ of hiſe douȝtris a wijf to
xix And þei token a counſel, and ſeiden, Lo!
annyuerſarie ſolempnyte of þe Lord is in Silo, whych is
ſet at þe norþ of þe citee of Bethel, and at þe eeſt cooſt
of þe weie þat goiþ from Bethel to Siccyma, and at þe
ſouþ of þe citee of Lebona.
xx And þei comaundiden to þe ſones of Beniamyn, and
ſeiden, Go ȝe, be ȝe hid in þe vyneris;
xxi and whanne ȝe ſeen douȝtris of Silo go forþ bi
cuſtom to lede daunſis, go ȝe out of þe vyneris ſudeynli,
and rauyſche ȝe hem, eche man o wijf, and go ȝe in to
þe lond of Beniamyn.
xxii And whanne þe fadris and briþeren of hem ſchulen
come, and bigynne to pleyne and plete aȝens ȝou, we
ſchulen ſeie to hem, Haue ȝe mercy of hem; for þei
rauyſchiden not hem bi riȝt of fiȝteris and ouercomeris,
but ȝe `ȝauen not to hem preiynge þat þei ſchulden take;
and þe ſynne is of ȝoure part.
xxiii And þe ſones of Beniamyn diden as it was
comaundid to hem, and bi her noumbre þei rauyſchiden
wyues to hem, ech man o wijf, of hem þat ledden
daunſis. And þei ȝeden in to her poſſeſſioun, and
bildiden citees, and dwelliden in þo.
xxiiii And þe ſones of Iſrael turneden aȝen, bi lynagis
and meynees, in to her tabernaclis. In þo dayes was no
kyng in Iſrael, but ech man dide þis, þat ſemyde ryȝtful
to hym ſilf.

xvi And ſche anſweride, Be þou not `aduerſarye to me,
RUTH þat Y forſake þee, and go awei; whidur euer þou ſchalt
Here bigynneþ Ruth. go, Y ſchal go, and where þou ſchalt dwelle, and Y ſchal
dwelle togidere; þi puple is my puple, and þi God is my
CAP. I God;
i In þe daies of o iuge, whanne iugis weren ſouereynes, xvii what lond ſchal reſſeyue þee diynge, Y ſchal die þer
hungur was maad in þe lond; and a man of Bethleem of ynne, and þere Y ſchal take place of biriyng; God do to
Juda ȝede to be a pylgrym in þe cuntrei of Moab, wiþ me þeſe þingis, and adde þeſe þingis, if deeþ aloone
his wijf and twey fre ſones. ſchal not departe me and þee.
ii He was clepid Elymelech, and his wijf Noemy, and þe xviii Þerfor Noemy ſiȝ, þat Ruth hadde demyde wiþ
twey ſones, `þe oon was clepid Maalon, and þe toþer ſtidefaſt ſoule to go wiþ hir, and ſche nolde be aȝens hir,
Chelion, Effrateis of Bethleem of Juda; and þei entriden neþer counſeile ferþere turnynge aȝen `to her cuntrei
in to þe cuntrey of Moab, and dwelliden þere. men.
iii And Elymelech, þe hoſebonde of Noemy, diede, and xix And þei ȝeden forþ togidere, and camen in to
ſche lefte wiþ þe ſones; Bethleem; and whanne þei entriden in to þe citee, ſwift
iiii and þei token wyues of Moab, of whiche wyues oon fame roos anentis alle men, and wymmen ſeiden, Þis is
was clepid Orpha, þe toþer Ruth. And þe ſones þilke Noemy.
xx To whiche ſche ſeide, Clepe ȝe not me Noemy, þat is,
dwelliden þere ten ȝeer,
v and boþe dieden, þat is, Maalon and Chelion; and þe fair, but `clepe ȝe me Mara, þat is, bittere; for Almyȝti
womman lefte, and was maad bare of twey fre ſones, God haþ fillid me greetli wiþ bitterneſſe.
xxi Y ȝede out ful, and þe Lord ledde me aȝen voide;
and hoſebonde.
vi And ſche roos to go wiþ euer eiþir wijf of hir ſones in whi þerfor clepen ȝe me Noemy, whom þe Lord haþ
to hir cuntrey fro þe cuntrey of Moab; for ſche hadde `maad low, and Almyȝti God haþ turmentid?
xxii Þerfor Noemy cam wiþ Ruth of Moab, `þe wijf of
herd, þat þe Lord hadde biholde his puple, and hadde
ȝoue `metis to hem. hir ſone, fro þe lond of hir pilgrimage, and turnede aȝen
vii Þerfor ſche ȝede out of þe place of hir pilgrymage in to Bethleem, whanne barli was ropun firſt.
wiþ euer eiþer wijf of hir ſones; and now ſche was ſet in
þe weie of turnyng aȝen in to þe lond of Juda, CAP. II
viii and ſche ſeide to hem, Go ȝe in to `þe hows of ȝoure i Forſoþe a myȝti man and a man `of grete richeſſis,

modir; þe Lord do mercy wiþ ȝou, as ȝe diden wiþ þe `Booz bi name, `was kynyſman of Elymelech.
deed men, and wiþ me; ii And Ruth of Moab ſeide to hir modir in lawe, If þou
ix þe Lord ȝyue to ȝou to fynde reſte in þe howſis of comaundiſt, Y ſchal go in to þe feeld, and Y ſchal
hoſebondis, whiche ȝe ſchulen take. And ſche kiſte hem. gadere eeris of corn þat fleen þe hondis of reperis,
Whiche bigunnen to wepe wiþ `vois reiſid, where euer Y ſchal fynde grace of an hoſebonde man
x and to ſeie, We ſchulen go wiþ þee to þi puple. merciful in me. To whom ſche anſweride, Go, my
xi To whiche ſche anſweride, My douȝtris, turne ȝe aȝen, douȝter.
iii Þerfor `ſche ȝede, and gaderide eeris of corn after þe
whi comen ȝe wiþ me? Y haue no more ſones in my
wombe, þat ȝe moun hope hoſebondis of me; my backis of reperis. Forſoþe it bifelde, þat `þilke feeld
douȝtris of Moab, turne ȝe aȝen, and go; hadde a lord, Booz bi name, þat was of þe kynrede of
xii for now Y am maad eeld, and Y am not able to boond Elymelech.
iiii And lo! he cam fro Bethleem. And he ſeide to þe
of mariage; ȝhe, þouȝ Y myȝte conſeyue in þis nyȝt,
xiii and bere ſones, if ȝe wolen abide til þei wexen, and reperis, Þe Lord be wiþ ȝou. Whiche anſweriden to
hym, Þe Lord bleſſe þee.
fillen þe ȝeris of mariage, `ȝe ſchulen ſunner be eld v And Booz ſeide to þe ȝong man þat was ſouereyn to þe
wymmen þan ȝe ſchulen be weddid; I biſeche, `nyle ȝe,
my douȝtris, for ȝoure angwiſche oppreſſiþ me more, reperis, Who is þis damyſel?
vi Whiche anſweride, Þis is þe womman of Moab, þat
and þe hond of þe Lord ȝede out aȝens me.
xiiii Þerfor, whanne þe vois was reiſid, eft þei bigunnen cam wiþ Noemy fro þe cuntrey of Moab; and ſche
to wepe. Orpha kiſſide `þe modir of hir hoſebonde, and preiede,
vii þat ſche ſchulde gedere eeris of corn leeuynge
turnede aȝen, and Ruth `cleuyde to `þe modir of hir
hoſebonde. bihynde, and ſue þe `ſteppis of reperis; and fro þe
xv To whom Noemy ſeide, Lo! þi kyneſwomman morewtid til now ſche ſtondiþ in þe feeld, and ſoþeli
turnede aȝen to hir puple, and to hir goddis; go þou wiþ neþir at a moment ſche turnede aȝen hoom.

viii And Booz ſeide to Ruth, Douȝtir, here þou; go þou xxii To whom hir modir in lawe ſeide, My douȝter, it is
not in to anoþir feelde to gadere, neþer go awei fro þis betere þat þou go `out to repe wiþ hiſe damyſels, leſt in
place, but be þou ioyned to my dameſelis, anoþer feeld ony man aȝenſtonde þee.
ix and ſue þou where þei repen; for Y comaundide to my xxiii `Þerfor ſche was ioyned to þe dameſels of Booz;
children, þat `no man be diſeſeful to þee; but alſo if þou and ſo longe ſche rap wiþ hem, til boþe barli and wheete
þirſtiſt, go to þe fardels, and drynke `watris, of whiche weren cloſid in þe bernys.
my children drynken.
x And ſche felde on hir face, and worſchipide on þe CAP. III
erþe; and ſeide to hym, Wherof is þis to me, þat Y i Forſoþe aftir þat Ruth turnede aȝen to hir modir in
ſchulde fynde grace bifor þin iȝen, þat þou woldiſt lawe, Ruth herde of hir, My douȝtir, Y ſchal ſeke reſte to
knowe me a ſtraunge womman? þee, and Y ſchal purueye þat it be wel to þee.
xi To whom he anſweride, Alle þingis ben teld to me, ii Þis Booz, to whoſe dameſels þou were ioyned in þe
whiche þou didiſt to þi modir in lawe after þe deeþ of feeld, is oure kyneſman, and in þis niȝt he wyndewiþ þe
þin hoſebonde, and þat þou haſt forſake þi fadir and corn floor of barli.
modir, and þe lond `in which þou were borun, and haſt iii Þerfor be þou waiſchun, and anoyntid, and be þou
come to a puple, whom þou `knowiſt not bifore. cloþid wiþ oneſtere cloþis, and go doun in to þe corn
xii Þe Lord ȝelde to þee for þi werk, and reſſeyue þou ful floor; þe man, `þat is, Booz, ſe not þee, til he haue endid
mede of þe Lord God of Iſrael, to whom þou cameſt, þe mete and drynke.
and vndir whoſe wengis þou fleddiſt. iiii Forſoþe whanne he goþ to ſlepe, marke þou þe place
xiii And ſche ſeide, My lord, Y haue founde grace bifor `in which he ſlepiþ; and þou ſchalt come and vnhile þe
þin iȝen, which haſt coumfortid me, and haſt ſpoke to þe cloþ, `wiþ which he is hilid, fro þe part of þe feet, and
herte of þin handmaide, which am not lijk oon of þi þou ſchalt caſte þee doun, and þou ſchalt ly þere.
dameſels. Forſoþe he ſchal ſeie to þee, what þou `owiſt to do.
xiiii And Booz ſeide to hir, Whanne þe our of etyng is, v Which anſweride, What euer þing þou comaundiſt, Y
come þou hidur, and ete breed, and wete þi muſſel in ſchal do.
vynegre. Þerfor ſche ſat at þe `ſide of reperis; and he vi And ſche ȝede doun in to þe corn floor, and dide alle
dreſſide to hir potage, and ſche eet, and was fillid; and þingis whiche hir modir in lawe comaundide to hir.
ſche took þe relifs. vii And whanne Booz hadde ete and drunke, and was
xv And ſche roos fro þennus to gadere eeris of corn bi
maad gladere, and hadde go to ſlepe biſidis þe `heep of
cuſtom. Forſoþe Booz comaundide to hiſe children, and handfuls, ſche cam, and hidde hir ſilf; and whanne þe
ſeide, Alſo if ſche wole repe wiþ ȝou, cloþ was vnhilid fro `hiſe feet, ſche caſtide doun hir ſilf.
xvi forbede ȝe not hir, and alſo `of ȝoure handfuls caſte viii And lo! now at mydnyȝt `þe man dredde, and was
ȝe forþ of purpos, and ſuffre ȝe to abide, þat ſche gadere troblid; and he ſiȝ a womman lyggynge at hiſe feet;
wiþ out ſchame; and no man repreue hir gaderynge. ix and he ſeide to hir, Who art þou? Sche anſweride, Y
xvii Þerfor ſche gaderide in þe feeld `til to euentid; and
am Ruth, þin handmayde; ſtretche forþ þi cloþ on þi
ſche beet wiþ a ȝerde, and ſchook out þo þingis þat ſche ſeruaunteſſe, for þou art nyȝ of kyn.
hadde gaderid; and ſche foond of barly as þe meſure of x And he ſeide, Douȝtir, þou art bleſſid of þe Lord, and
ephi, þat is, þre buſchels. þou haſt ouercome þe formere mercy wiþ þe lattere; for
xviii Which ſche bar, and turnede aȝen in to þe citee, and
þou `ſuediſt not ȝonge men, pore eþir riche.
ſchewide to hir modir in lawe; ferþermore ſche brouȝte xi Þerfor `nyle þou drede, but what euer þing þou ſchalt
forþ, `and ȝaf to hir þe relifs of hir mete, wiþ which ſeie to me, Y ſchal do to þee; for al þe puple þat dwelliþ
mete ſche was fillid. wiþ ynne þe ȝatis of my cytee woot, þat þou art a
xix And þe modir in lawe ſeide to hir, Where `gaderidiſt
womman of vertu.
þou to dai, and where `didiſt þou werk? Bleſſid be he, xii And Y forſake not, þat Y am of nyȝ kyn, but anoþer
þat hadde mercy on þee. And ſche telde to hir, at whom man is neer þan Y;
ſche wrouȝte; and ſche ſeide þe name `of þe man, þat he xiii reſte þou in þis nyȝt, and whanne þe morewtid is
was clepid Booz.
xx To whom Noemy anſweride, Bleſſid be he of þe
maad, if he wole holde þee bi riȝt of nyȝ kyn, þe þing is
wel doon; forſoþe if he nyle, Y ſchal take þee wiþ outen
Lord, for he kepte alſo to deed men þe ſame grace, ony doute, þe Lord lyueþ, `þat is, bi þe Lord lyuynge;
which he ȝaf to þe quike. And eft ſche ſeide, He is oure ſlepe þou til þe morewtid.
kynyſman. xiiii Þerfore ſche ſlepte at `hiſe feet til to þe goyng awey
xxi And Ruth ſeide, Alſo he comaundide þis to me, þat
of nyȝt, and ſo ſche roos bifor þat men knewen `hem ſilf
ſo longe Y ſchulde be ioyned to hiſe reperis, til alle þe
cornes weren repid.

togidere. And Booz ſeide to hir, Be þou war leſt ony poſſeſſioun alle þingis þat weren of Elymelech, and of
man knowe, þat þou cameſt hidir. Chelion, and of Maalon, bi þe ȝifte of Noemy;
xv And eft he ſeide, Stretche forþ þi mentil `wiþ which x and þat Y haue take in to wedlok Ruth of Moab, þe
þou `art hilid, and holde þou wiþ euer eiþer hond. And wijf of Maalon, þat Y reiſe þe name of þe deed man in
while ſche ſtretchide forþ and helde, he mete ſixe his erytage; leſt his name be doon awey fro his meynee
buyſchels of barly, and `puttide on hir; and ſche bar, and and briþeren and puple. Ȝe, he ſeide, ben witneſſis of þis
entride in to þe citee, þing.
xvi and cam to hir modir in lawe. Which ſeide to Ruth, xi Al þe puple, þat was in þe ȝate, anſweride, and þe
What haſt þou do, douȝter? And Ruth telde to hir alle grettere men in birþe anſweriden, We ben witneſſis; þe
þingis, whyche `þe man hadde do to hir. Lord make þis womman, þat entriþ in to þin hows, as
xvii And Ruth ſeide, Lo! he ȝaf to me ſixe buyſchels of Rachel and Lia, þat bildiden þe hows of Iſrael, þat ſche
barly; and he ſeide, Y nyle þat þou turne aȝen voide to be enſaumple of vertu in Effrata, and haue a ſolempne
þi modir in lawe. name in Bethleem;
xviii And Noemy ſeide, Abide, douȝtir, til we ſien what xii and þin hows be maad as þe hows of Fares, whom

iſſu þe þing ſchal haue; for þe man ſchal not ceeſſe, no Thamar childide to Judas, of þe ſeed which þe Lord
but he fille þo þingis whiche he ſpak. ſchal ȝyue to þee of þis dameſel.
xiii Þerfor Booz took Ruth, and took hir to wijf; and he
CAP. IIII entride to hir, and þe Lord ȝaf to hir, þat ſche
i Þerfor Booz ſtiede to þe ȝate, and ſat þere; and whanne conſeyuede, `and childide a ſone.
he hadde ſeyn þe kyneſman paſſe forþ, of whom þe xiiii And wymmen ſeiden to Noemy, Bleſſid be þe Lord,
word was had, Booz ſeide to hym, Bowe þou a litil, and which `ſuffride not, þat an eir failide to þi meynee, and
ſitte here; and he clepide hym bi his name. And he his name were clepid in Iſrael;
turnede, and ſat. xv and þat þou haue `a man, þat ſchal coumforte þi
ii Forſoþe Booz took ten `men of þe eldere men of þe ſoule, and nurſche elde age. For a child is borun of þi
citee, and ſeide to hem, Sitte ȝe here. douȝtir in lawe, `which child ſchal loue þee, and he is
iii And while þei ſaten, Booz ſpak to þe kyneſman, myche betere to þee, þan if þou haddiſt ſeuene ſones.
Noemy, þat turnede aȝen fro þe cuntrey of Moab, ſeelde xvi And Noemy puttide þe child reſſeyued in hir boſum;
þe part of þe feeld of oure broþer Elymelech, and ſche dide þe office of a nuriſche, and of a berere.
iiii which þing Y wolde þat þou here; and Y wolde ſeie xvii Forſoþe wymmen neiȝboris þankiden hir, and
to þee bifor alle `men ſyttynge and grettere in birþe of ſeiden, A ſone is borun to Noemy, and clepide his name
my puple. If þou wolt haue in poſſeſſioun þe feeld bi riȝt Obeth. Þis is þe fadir of Yſay, fadir of Dauid.
of nyȝ kyn, bye þou, and `haue þou in poſſeſſioun; xviii Þeſe ben þe generaciouns of Fares; Fares gendride
ſoþeli if it diſpleſiþ þee, ſchewe þou þis ſame þing to Eſrom;
me, þat Y wyte what Y `owe to do; for noon is niȝ in xix Eſrom gendride Aram; Aram gendride Amynadab;
kyn, outakun þee which art þe formere, and outakun me xx Amynadab gendride Naaſon; Naaſon gendride
which am þe ſecunde. And he anſweride, Y ſchal bie þe Salmon; Salmon gendride Booz;
feeld. xxi Booz gendride Obeth;
v To whom Booz ſeide, Whanne þou haſt bouȝte þe
xxii Obeth gendride Iſay; Iſay gendride Dauid þe kyng.
feeld of þe `hond of þe womman, þou owiſt `to take alſo
Ruth of Moab, þat was þe wijf of þe deed man, þat þou Here endiþ Ruth, and here bigynneþ þe firſte book
reiſe þe name of þi kyneſman in his eritage. of Kyngis.
vi Which anſweride, Y forſake þe ryȝt of nyȝ kyn; for Y
owe not to do awei þe eritage of my meynee; vſe þou
my priuelegie, which priuelegie Y knowleche me to
wante gladli.
vii Forſoþe þis was þe cuſtom bi eld tyme in Iſrael
among kyneſmen, þat if a man ȝaf his riȝt to anoþir
man, þat þe grauntyng were ſtidefaſt, þe man vnlaaſe his
ſcho, and ȝaf to his kyneſman; þis was þe witneſſyng of
þe ȝift in Iſrael.
viii Þerfor Booz ſeide to his kyneſman, Take þe ſcho fro
þee; `which ſcho he vnlaſide anoon fro his foot.
ix And Booz ſeide to þe grettere men in birþe and to al
þe puple, Ȝe ben witneſſis to dai, þat Y haue take in

þing þat may make drunkun, but Y ſchedde out my
I KINGIS ſoule in þe `ſiȝt of þe Lord;
Here biginniþ þe firſte book of Kingis. xvi geſſe þou not þin handmaide as oon of þe douȝtris of
Belyal, for of þe multitude of my ſorewe and morenyng
CAP. I Y ſpak `til in to preſent tyme.
i `A man was of `Ramathym of Sophym, of þe hil of xvii Þanne Hely ſeide to hir, Go þou in pees, and God of
Effraym, and his name was Elchana, þe ſone of Iſrael ȝyue to þee þe axyng which þou preiediſt hym.
Jeroboam, ſone of Elyud, ſone of Thau, ſone of Suph, of xviii And ſche ſeide, `Y wolde þat þin hondmayde fynde
Effraym. grace in þin iȝen. And þe womman ȝede in to hir weie,
ii And Helchana hadde twei wyues; þe name `to oon and eet; and hir cheris weren no more chaungid
was Anna, and þe `name of þe ſecounde was Fenenna; dyuerſly.
and ſones weren to Feuenna; forſoþe fre children `weren xix And `þei ryſeden eerly, and worſchipiden bifore þe
not to Anna. Lord; and þei turneden aȝen, and camen in to hir hows
iii And þilke man ſtyede fro his citee in daies ordeyned, in Ramatha. Forſoþe Helchana knew fleiſchli Anna, his
to worſchipe and offre ſacrifice to þe Lord of ooſtis in wijf; and þe Lord þouȝte on hir.
Silo. Forſoþe twei ſones of Heli weren þere, Ophym and xx And it was doon after þe cumpas of daies, Anna
Fynees, preeſtis of þe Lord. conſeyuede, and childide a ſone, and ſche clepide his
iiii Þerfor þe dai cam, and Helcana offride, and ȝaf partis name Samuel; for ſche hadde axid hym of þe Lord.
to Fenenna, his wijf, and to alle hiſe ſones and douȝtris; xxi Forſoþe hir hoſebonde Helcana ſtiede, and al his
v forſoþe he ȝaf ſoreufuly o part to Anna, for he louyde hows, to offre a ſolempne ſacrifice, and his avow to þe
Anna; forſoþe þe Lord hadde cloſid hir wombe. Lord.
vi And hir enemy turmentide `hir, and angwiſchide xxii And Anna ſtiede not, for ſche hadde ſeid to hir
greetly, in ſo myche þat ſche vpbreidide, þat þe Lord hoſebonde, Y ſchal not go, til þe ȝonge child be wenyd,
hadde cloſid hir wombe. and til Y lede hym, and he appere bifor þe `ſiȝt of þe
vii And ſo ſche dide `bi alle ȝeeris, whanne `in tyme Lord, and dwelle þere contynueli.
xxiii And Helcana, hir hoſebonde, ſeide to hir, Do þou
comynge aȝen, þei ſtieden in to þe hows of þe Lord; and
ſo ſche terride Anna. Forſoþe Anna wepte, and took not þat þat ſemeþ good to þee, and dwelle þou til þou wene
mete. hym; and Y biſeche, þat þe Lord fille his word. Þerfor
viii Þerfor Helcana, hir hoſebonde, ſeide to hir, Anna, þe womman dwellide, and ȝaf mylk to hir ſone, til ſche
whi wepiſt þou, and whi etiſt þou not, and whi is þin remouyde hym fro mylk.
xxiiii And ſche brouȝte hym wiþ hir, aftir þat ſche hadde
herte turmentid? Wheþer Y am not betere to þee þan
ben ten ſones? wened hym, wiþ þre caluys, and þre buyſchelis of mele,
ix `Soþeli Anna roos, aftir þat ſche hadde ete and drunke and amfore, `eþer a pot, of wyn; and ſche brouȝte hym
in Silo. `And þe while Hely was on his greet ſeete, bifor to þe hows of þe Lord in Silo. Forſoþe þe child was ȝit
þe poſtis of þe `hows of þe Lord, ful ȝonge.
x whanne Anna was in bittere ſoule, ſche preyede þe xxv And þei ſacrifieden a calf, and þei offriden þe child

Lord, and wepte largeli; to Hely.

xi and made a vow, and ſeide, Lord God of ooſtis, if þou xxvi And Anna ſeide, My lord, Y biſeche, þat is, þat þis

biholdiſt, and ſeeſt þe turment of þi ſeruaunteſſe, and child be þi `diſciple and ſeruaunt, þi ſoule lyueþ; Y am
haſt mynde of me, and forȝetis not þin handmayde, and þat womman, þat ſtood bifor þee here, and preiede þe
ȝyueſt to þi ſeruaunteſſe `a male kynde, Y ſchal ȝyue Lord;
xxvii for þis child Y preiede, and þe Lord ȝaf to me myn
hym to þe Lord in alle daies of his lijf, and a raſour
ſchal not ſtie on his heed. axyng which Y axide hym;
xii Forſoþe it was doon, whanne ſche multipliede xxviii þerfor Y haue ȝoue hym to þe Lord `in alle daies,
preieris bifor þe Lord, þat Ely aſpiede hir mouþ. in whiche he is ȝouun to þe Lord. And þei worſchypiden
xiii Forſoþe Anna ſpak in hir herte, and oneli hir lippis þere þe Lord.
weren mouyd, and outerly hir vois was not herd. Þerfor
Hely geſſide hir drunkun, CAP. II
xiiii and he ſeide to hyr, Hou longe ſchalt þou be i And Anna worſchipide, and ſeide, Myn herte fulli

drunkun? Difye þou a litil þe wyn, `bi which þou art ioiede in þe Lord, and myn horn is reiſid in my God;
moiſt. my mouþ is alargid on myn enemyes, for Y was glad in
xv Anna anſweride, and ſeide, Nay, my lord, for Y am `a þin helþe.
ii Noon is hooli as þe Lord is; `for noon oþer is, outakun
wretchid womman greetli; Y `drank not wyn `and al
þee, and noon is ſtrong as oure God.

iii Nyle ȝe multiplie to ſpeke hiȝe þingis, and haue xix And his moder made to hym a litil coote, which ſche
glorie; elde þingis go awey fro ȝoure mouþ; for God is brouȝte in daies ordeyned, and ſtiede wiþ hir hoſebonde,
Lord of kunnyngis, and þouȝtis ben maad redi to hym. þat he ſchulde offre a ſolempne offryng, and his auow.
iiii Þe bouwe of ſtrong men is ouercomun, and ſijk men xx And Heli bleſſide Helcana and his wijf; and Heli
ben gird wiþ ſtrengþe. ſeide `to hym, Þe Lord ȝelde to þee ſeed of þis
v Men fillid bifore ſettiden hem ſilf to hire for looues, womman, for þe ȝifte which þou haſt ȝoue to þe Lord.
and hungri men ben fillid; while þe bareyn womman And þei ȝeden in to her place.
childide ful manye, and ſche þat hadde many ſones, was xxi Þerfor þe Lord viſitide Anna, and ſche conſeyuede,
ſijke. and childide þre ſones and twei douȝtris. And þe child
vi Þe Lord ſleeþ, and quikeneþ; he lediþ forþ to hellis, Samuel was `magnyfied at þe Lord.
and bryngiþ aȝen. xxii Forſoþe Hely was ful eld, and he herde alle `þingis
vii Þe Lord makiþ pore, and makiþ riche; he makiþ low, whiche hiſe ſones diden in al Iſrael, and hou þei ſlepten
and reiſiþ. wiþ wymmen, þat awaitiden at þe dore of þe tabernacle.
viii He reiſiþ a nedi man fro poudur, and `he reiſiþ a pore xxiii And he ſeide to hem, Whi doen ȝe ſiche þingis, þe

man fro dryt, þat he ſitte wiþ princes, and holde þe ſeete worſte þingis whiche Y here of al þe puple?
of glorie; for þe endis of erþe ben of þe Lord, and he xxiiii Nyle ȝe, my ſones; it is not good fame, which Y
haþ ſet þe world on þo. here, þat ȝe make þe `puple of þe Lord to do treſpas.
ix He ſchal kepe `þe feet of hiſe ſeyntis, and wickid men xxv If a man ſynneþ aȝens a man, God may be pleſid to
ſchulen be ſtille to gidere in derkneſſis; for a man ſchal him; forſoþe if a man ſynneþ aȝens þe Lord, who ſchal
not be maad ſtrong in his owne ſtrengþe. preye for hym? And þei herden not þe vois of her fadir,
x Aduerſaries of þe Lord ſchulen drede hym, and in for God wolde ſle hem.
heuenes he ſchal þundre on hem; þe Lord ſchal deme þe xxvi Forſoþe þe child Samuel profitide, and encreeſſyde,
endis of erþe, and he ſchal ȝyue lordſchip to his kyng, and pleſide boþe God and men.
and he ſchal enhaunſe þe horn, `þat is, power, of his xxvii Soþeli a man of God cam to Hely, and ſeide to
Criſt. hym, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Wheþer Y was not
xi And Helcana ȝede in to Ramatha, in to his hows; ſchewid apertli to þe hows of þi fadir, whanne he was in
forſoþe þe child was ſeruaunt in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord bifor Egipt, in þe hows of Farao?
þe face of Ely þe preeſt. xxviii And Y chees hym of alle lynagis of Iſrael `in to
xii Forſoþe þe ſones of Hely weren ſones of Belial, preeſt to me, þat he ſchulde ſtie to myn auter, and
xiii and knewen not þe Lord, neþer þe office of preeſtis ſchulde brenne encenſe to me, and þat he ſchulde bere
to þe puple; but who euer hadde offrid ſacrifice, þe bifor me preeſtis cloþ; and Y ȝaf to `þe hows of þi fadir
child of þe preeſt cam, while þe fleiſchis weren in alle þingis of þe ſacrifices of þe ſones of Iſrael.
ſeþing, and he hadde a fleiſchhook wiþ þre teeþ in his xxix Whi haſt þou caſt awey wiþ þe heele my ſacrifice,
hond; and my ȝiftis, whiche Y comaundide to be offrid in þe
xiiii and he ſente it in to þe `grete veſſel of ſtoon, eþir in temple; and þou onouridſt more þi ſones þan me, þat ȝe
to þe caudrun, eþir in to þe pot, eþir in to þe panne; and eeten þe principal partis of ech ſacrifice of `Iſrael, my
what euer þing þe fleiſchhook reiſide, þe preeſt took to puple?
hym ſilf; ſo þei diden to al Iſrael of men comynge in to xxx Þerfor þe Lord God of Iſrael ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Y
Silo. ſpekynge ſpak, þat þin hows and `þe hows of þi fadir
xv Ȝhe bifor þat `þe ſones of Hely brenten þe ynnere ſchulde mynyſtre in my ſiȝt til in to wiþ outen ende;
fatneſſe, þe `child of þe preeſt cam, and ſeyde to þe `now forſoþe þe Lord ſeiþ, Fer be þis fro me; but who
offerere, Ȝyue `þou fleiſch to me, þat Y ſeþe to þe euere onouriþ me, Y ſchal glorifie hym; forſoþe þei þat
preeſt; for Y ſchal not take of þee ſodun fleiſch, but raw. diſpiſen me, ſchulen be vnnoble.
xvi And `þe offrere ſeide to hym, Þe ynnere fatneſſe be xxxi Lo! daies comen, and Y ſchal kitte awei þin arm,

brent firſt to day bi þe cuſtom, and take þou to þee hou and þe arm of þe hows of þi fadir, þat an eld man be not
myche euer þi ſoule deſiriþ. Whiche anſweride, and in þin hows.
ſeide to hym, Nay, for þou ſchalt ȝyue now; ellis Y ſchal xxxii And þou ſchalt ſe þin enemy in þe temple, in alle
take bi violence. proſperitees of Iſrael; and an eld man ſchal not be in þin
xvii Þerfor þe ſynne of þe children was ful greuouſe hows in alle daies.
bifor þe Lord; for þei wiþdrowen men fro þe `ſacrifice xxxiii Neþeles Y ſchal not outerli take awei of þee a man
of þe Lord. fro myn auter, but þat þin iȝen faile, and þi ſoule faile;
xviii `Forſoþe Samuel, a child gird wiþ a lynnun clooþ, and greet part of þin hows ſchal die, whanne it ſchal
mynyſtride bifor þe face of þe Lord. come to mannus age.

xxxiiii Forſoþeþis ſchal be ſigne, þat ſchal come to þi xiiii Þerfor Y ſwoor to þe hows of Heli, þat þe
twei ſones Ophym and Fynees, boþe ſchulen die in o wickidneſſe of his hows ſchal not be clenſid bi ſacrifices
dai. and ȝiftis til in to wiþ outen ende.
xxxv And Y ſchal reiſe to me a feiþful preeſt, þat ſchal do xv Forſoþe Samuel ſlepte til þe morewtid, and he
bi myn herte and my ſoule; and Y ſchal bilde to hym a openyde þe doris of þe hows of þe Lord; and Samuel
feiþful hows, and he ſchal go bifore my Criſt in alle dredde to ſchewe þe reuelacioun to Heli.
daies. xvi Þerfor Heli clepide Samuel, and ſeide, Samuel, my
xxxvi Forſoþe it ſchal come, þat who euer dwelliþ in þin ſone. And he anſweride and ſeide, Y am redi.
hows, he come þat `me preie for him, and þat he offre a xvii And Heli axide hym, What is þe word which þe
peny of ſiluer, and a cake of breed, and ſeie, Y biſeche, Lord ſpak to þee? Y preye þee, hide þou not fro me;
ſuffre þou me to o `part of þe preeſt, þat Y ete a muſſel God do to þee `þeſe þingis, and encreeſſe þeſe þingis, if
of breed. þou hidiſt fro me a word of alle wordis þat ben ſeid to
CAP. III xviii And Samuel ſchewide to hym alle þe wordis, and
i Forſoþe þe child Samuel `mynyſtride to þe Lord bifor
`hidde not fro hym. And Heli anſweride, He is þe Lord;
Heli, and þe word of þe Lord was preciouſe; in þo daies do he þat, þat is good in hiſe iȝen.
was noon opyn reuelacioun. xix Forſoþe Samuel encreeſide, and þe Lord was wiþ
ii Þerfor it was doon in a dai, Heli lay in his bed, and
hym, and noon of alle hiſe wordis felde in to erþe.
hiſe iȝen daſewiden, and he myȝte not ſe þe lanterne of xx And al Iſrael fro Dan to Berſabee knew, þat feiþful
God, bifor þat it was quenchid. Samuel was a profete of þe Lord.
iii Forſoþe Samuel ſlepte in þe temple of þe Lord, where xxi And þe Lord addide `þat he ſchulde appere in Silo,
þe ark of God was. for þe Lord was ſchewid to Samuel in Silo bi þe `word
iiii And þe Lord clepide Samuel; and he anſweride and
of þe Lord; and þe word of Samuel cam to al Iſrael.
ſeide, Lo!
v Y. And he ran to Hely, and ſeide to hym, Lo! Y; for CAP. IIII
þou clepidiſt me. Which Hely ſeide, Y clepide not þee; i And it was doon in þo daies Filiſteis camen to gidere
turne þou aȝen and ſlepe. in to batel; for Iſrael ȝede out aȝens Filiſteis in to batel,
vi And he ȝede and ſlepte. And þe Lord addide eft to and ſettiden tentis biſidis þe ſtoon of help. Forſoþe
clepe Samuel; and Samuel roos, and ȝede to Hely, and Filiſteis camen in to Aphet,
ſeide, Lo! Y; for þou clepidiſt me. And Heli anſweride, ii and maden redi ſcheltrun aȝens Iſrael. Soþeli whanne
Y clepide not þee, my ſone; turne þou aȝen and ſlepe. þe batel was bigunnun, Iſrael turned backis to Filiſteis;
vii Forſoþe Samuel knew not ȝit þe Lord, neþer þe `word and as foure þouſynde of men weren ſlayn in þat batel
of þe Lord was ſhewid to hym. `euery where bi feeldis; and þe puple of Iſrael turnede
viii And þe Lord addide, and clepide ȝit Samuel þe aȝen to tentis. And þe grettere men in birþe of Iſrael
þridde tyme; `which Samuel roos and ȝede to Heli, ſeiden, Whi haþ þe Lord ſmyte vs to dai bifore Filiſteis?
ix and ſeide, Lo! Y; for þou clepidiſt me. Þerfor Heli Brynge we to vs fro Silo þe arke of boond of pees of þe
vndirſtood, þat þe Lord clepide þe child; and Heli ſeide Lord, and come it in to þe myddis of vs, þat it ſaue vs
to Samuel, Go and ſlepe; and if he clepiþ þee aftirward, fro þe hond of oure enemyes.
iiii Þerfor þe puple ſente in to Silo, and þei token fro
þou ſchalt ſeie, Speke þou, Lord, for þi ſeruaunt heriþ.
Þerfor Samuel ȝede and ſlepte in his place. þennus þe arke of boond of pees of þe Lord of ooſtis,
x And þe Lord cam, and ſtood, and clepide as he hadde `þat ſat on cherubyn. And Ophym and Fynees, twei
clepid þe ſecunde tyme, Samuel, Samuel. And Samuel ſones of Heli, weren wiþ þe arke of boond of pees of þe
ſeide, Speke þou, Lord, for þi ſeruaunt heriþ. Lord.
xi And þe Lord ſeide to Samuel, Lo! Y make a word in v And whanne þe arke of boond of pees of þe Lord

Iſrael, which word who euer ſchal here, boþe hiſe eeris hadde come in to þe caſtels, al Iſrael criede wiþ grete
ſchulen rynge. cry, and þe erþe ſownede.
xii In þat dai Y ſchal reiſe aȝens Heli alle þingis, whiche vi And Filiſteis herden þe vois of cry, and ſeiden, What

Y ſpak on his hows; Y ſchal bigynne, and Y ſchal ende. is þis vois of greet cry in þe caſtels of Ebrews? And þei
xiii For Y biforſeide to hym, þat Y ſchulde deme his knewen, þat þe arke of boond of pees of þe Lord hadde
hows wiþ outen ende for wickidneſſe; for he knew, þat come in to caſtels.
vii And Filiſteis dredden, and ſeiden, God is come in to
hiſe ſones diden vnworþili, and he chaſtiſide not hem.
`þe caſtels; and þei weiliden, and ſeiden, Wo to vs!
viii for ſo greet ful ioiyng was not ȝiſtirdai, and þe þridde
day paſſid; wo to vs! who ſchal kepe vs fro þe hond of

`þeſe hiȝe goddis? þeſe ben þe goddis, þat ſmytiden CAP. V
Egipt wiþ al veniaunce in deſeert. i Forſoþe Filiſteis token þe arke of God, and baren awey
ix Filiſteis, be ȝe coumfortid, and be ȝe men, ſerue ȝe not it fro þe ſtoon of help in to Azotus.
Ebrews, as þei ſerueden vs; be ȝe coumfortid, and fiȝte ii And Filiſteis tokun þe arke of God, and brouȝten it to
ȝe. þe temple of Dagon, and ſettiden it biſidis Dagon.
x Þerfor Filiſteis fouȝten, and Iſrael was ſlayn, and ech iii And whanne men of Azotus hadden riſe eerli in þe
man flei in to his tabernacle; and a ful greet veniaunce todir dai, lo! Dagon lay low in þe erþe bifor þe arke of
was maad, and þretti þouſynde of foot men of Iſrael þe Lord. And þei token Dagon, and reſtoriden hym in
felden doun. his place.
xi And þe arke of God was takun; and, twei ſones of iiii And eft þei riſiden eerli in þe toþir day, and founden
Heli, Ophym and Fynees, weren deed. Dagon liggynge on his face on þe erþe bifor þe arke of
xii Soþeli a man of Beniamyn ran fro þe ſcheltrun, and þe Lord. Forſoþe þe heed of Dagon, and twei pawmes
cam in to Silo in þat dai, wiþ his cloþ torent and his of his hondis weren kit of on þe þreisfold;
heed biſpreynt wiþ duſt; and whanne he was comen, v certis þe ſtok aloone of Dagon lefte in his place. For
xiii Heli ſat `on an hiȝe ſeete, `and bihelde aȝens þe þis cauſe þe preeſtis of Dagon, and alle þat entren in to
weie; for his herte was dredyng for þe arke of þe Lord. his temple, treden not on þe þreisfold of Dagon in
Soþeli aftir þat þilke man entride, he telde to þe citee, Azotus til in to þis dai.
and al þe citee ȝellide. vi Forſoþe þe hond of þe Lord was maad greuouſe on
xiiii And Heli herde þe ſoun of cry, and ſeide, What is men of Azotus, and he diſtriede hem, and he ſmoot
þis ſown of þis noiſe? And he haſtide, and cam, and Azotus and þe cooſtis þerof in þe priuyere part of
telde to Heli. buttokis; and townes and feeldis in þe myddis of þat
xv Forſoþe Heli was of foure ſcore ȝeer and eiȝtene, and cuntrey buyliden out, and myis camen forþ; and greet
hiſe iȝen daſiwiden, and he myȝte not ſe. confuſioun of deþ was maad in þe citee.
xvi And he ſeide to Heli, Y am þat cam fro batel, and Y vii Soþeli men of Azotus ſien ſiche a veniaunce, and

am þat flei to dai fro þe ſcheltrun. To whom Ely ſeide, ſeiden, Þe arke of God of Iſrael dwelle not at vs; for his
My ſone, what is doon? hond is hard on vs, and on Dagon oure god.
xvii Forſoþe he þat telde anſweride, and ſeide, Iſrael flei viii And þei ſenten, and gaderiden alle þe wiſe men,

bifor Filiſteis, and a greet fal is maad in þe puple; `eþer princes, of Filiſteis `to hem, and ſeiden, What
ferþermore and þi twey ſones, Ophym and Fynees, ben ſchulen we do of þe arke of God of Iſrael? And men of
deed, and þe arke of God is takun. Geth anſweriden, Þe arke of God of Iſrael be led aboute;
xviii And whanne he hadde nemyd þe arke of God, Hely and þei ledden aboute þe arke of God of Iſrael.
ix Forſoþe while þei ledden it aboute, þe hond of þe
felde fro `þe hiȝe ſeete bacward biſidis þe dore, and
`was deed; for þe nollis weren brokun. For he was an Lord `of ful greet ſleyng was maad on alle citees; and
eld man, and of greet age; and he demyde Iſrael bi he ſmoot men of ech citee fro a litil man til to `þe more,
fourti ȝeer. and þe lowere entraylis `of hem wexiden rotun, and
xix Forſoþe his douȝter in lawe, `þe wijf of Finees, was camen forþ; and men of Geth token counſel, and maden
wiþ childe, and niȝ þe child bering; and whanne `þe to hem ſeetis of ſkynnes, eþir cuyſchuns.
x Þerfor þei ſenten þe arke of þe Lord in to Accoron.
meſſage was herd þat þe arke of God was takun, and þat
hir fadir in lawe was deed, and hir hoſebonde, ſche And whanne þe arke of þe Lord hadde come in to
bowide hir ſilf, and childide; for ſodeyn ſorewis felden Accoron, men of Accoron crieden, and ſeiden, Þei han
in to hir. brought to vs þe arke of God of Iſrael, þat he ſle vs and
xx Soþeli in þat moment of hir deeþ, wymmen þat oure puple.
xi Þerfor þei ſenten, and gaderiden alle þe wiſe men,
ſtoden aboute hir, ſeiden to hir, Drede þou not, for þou
haſt childid a ſone. And ſche anſweride not to hem, for `eþir princes, of Filiſteis; whiche ſeiden, Delyuere ȝe þe
neþer `ſche perſeyuede. arke of God of Iſrael, and turne it aȝen in to his place,
xxi And ſche clepide þe child Ichaboth, and ſeide, Þe and ſle not vs wiþ oure puple.
xii For dreed of deeþ was maad in alle citees, and þe
glorie of þe Lord is tranſlatid fro Iſrael, for þe arke of
God is takun; and for hir fadir in lawe and for hir hond of þe Lord was `greuouſe greetli. Alſo þe men, þat
hoſebonde ſche ſeide, weren not deed, weren ſmytun in þe priuy part of
xxii Þe glorie of God is tranſlatid fro Iſrael, for þe arke buttokis, and þe ȝelling of ech citee ſtiede in to heuene.
of God is takun.
i Þerfor þe arke of þe Lord was in þe cuntrei of Filiſteis
bi ſeuene moneþis;

ii and aftir þeſe þingis Filiſteis clepiden preeſtis and falſe men of Bethſames offriden brent ſacrifices, and offriden
dyuynours, and ſeiden, What ſchulen we do of þe arke ſlayn ſacrifices in þat dai `to þe Lord.
of God? Shewe ȝe to vs, hou we ſchulen ſende it in to xvi And fyue princes of Filiſteis ſien, and turneden aȝen
his place. in to Accoron in þat dai.
iii Whiche ſeiden, If ȝe ſenden aȝen þe arke of God of xvii Soþeli þeſe ben þe goldun erſis, whiche þe Filiſteis
Iſrael, nyle ȝe delyuere it voide, but ȝelde ȝe to hym þat, ȝeldiden to þe Lord for treſpas; Azotus ȝeldide oon;
þat ȝe owen for ſynne; and þanne ȝe ſchulen be heelid, Gaza ȝeldide oon; Aſcolon ȝeldide oon; Geth ȝeldide
and ȝe ſchulen wite, whi `his hond goiþ not awei fro oon; Accaron ȝeldide oon;
ȝou. xviii and Filiſteis ȝeldiden golden myis bi þe noumbre of
iiii And þei ſeiden, What is it, þat we owen to ȝelde to `citees of Filiſteis of fyue prouynces, fro a wallid citee
hym for treſpas? `til to `a town þat was wiþ out wal, and `til to þe greet
v And þei anſweriden to hem, Bi þe noumbre of Abel, `on which þei puttiden þe arke of þe Lord, þat
prouynces of Filiſteis ȝe ſchulen make fyue goldun erſis, was þere `til in þat dai in þe feeld of Joſue of
and fyue goldun myis; for o veniaunce was to alle ȝou Bethſames.
and to ȝoure `wiſe men, eþer princes. And ȝe ſchulen xix Forſoþe þe Lord ſmoot of þe men of Bethſames, for
make þe licneſſe of ȝoure erſis, and þe licneſſe of myis þei hadden ſeyn þe arke of þe Lord, and he ſmoot of þe
þat diſtriede ȝoure lond; and ȝe ſchulen ȝyue glorie to puple ſeuenti men, and fifty þouſynde of þe porail. And
God of Iſrael, if in hap he wiþdrawe his hond fro ȝou, þe puple morenyde, for þe Lord hadde ſmyte `þe puple
and fro ȝoure goddis, and fro ȝoure lond. wiþ greet veniaunce.
vi Whi maken ȝe heuy ȝoure hertis, as Egipt, and Farao xx And men of Bethſames ſeiden, Who ſchal now ſtonde
`made heuy his herte? Wheþer not after þat he was in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord God of þis hooli þing, and to whom
ſmytun, þanne he delyuerede hem, and þei ȝeden forþ? ſchal it ſtie fro vs?
vii Now þerfor take ȝe, and make o newe wayn, and xxi And þei ſenten meſſangeris to þe dwelleris of
ioyne ȝe twei kien hauynge caluys, on whiche kyen no Cariathiarym, and ſeiden, Filiſteis han brouȝt aȝen þe
ȝok was put; and cloſe ȝe her calues at hoome. arke of þe Lord; come ȝe doun, and lede it aȝen to ȝou.
viii And ȝe ſchulen take þe arke of þe Lord, and ȝe
ſchulen ſette in þe wayn; and ȝe ſchulen put in a panyere CAP. VII
at þe ſide þerof þe goldun veſſels, whiche ȝe paȝeden to i Þerfor men of Cariathiarym camen, and ledden aȝen þe
hym for treſpas; and delyuere ȝe þe arke, þat it go. arke of þe Lord, and brouȝten it in to þe hows of
ix And ȝe ſchulen biholde, and ſoþeli if it ſtieþ aȝens Amynadab in Gabaa. Soþeli þei halewiden Eleazar his
Bethſames bi þe weie of `hiſe cooſtis, `he dide to ȝou ſone, þat he ſchulde kepe þe ark of þe Lord.
þis greet yuel; but if nay, we ſchulen wite `for his hond ii And it was doon, fro which dai `þe arke of þe Lord
touchide not vs, but `if it bifelde bi hap. dwellide in Caryathiarym, daies weren multiplied; for
x Þerfor þei diden in þis manere; and þei token twei þe twentiþe ȝeer was now, after þat Samuel bigan to
kien þat ȝauen mylk to caluys, and ioyneden to þe teche þe puple; and al Iſrael reſtide aftir þe Lord.
wayn; and þei cloſiden her caluys at hoome. iii Forſoþe Samuel ſpak to al þe hows of Iſrael, and
xi And þei puttiden þe arke of God on þe wayn, and `þei ſeide, If in al ȝoure herte ȝe turnen aȝen to þe Lord, do
puttiden þe panyere, þat hadde þe goldun myis, and þe ȝe awei alien goddis, Balym and Aſtaroth, fro þe
licneſſe of erſis `on þe wayn. myddis of ȝou; and make ȝe redi ȝoure hertis to þe
xii Soþeli þe kien ȝeden ſtreiȝtli bi þe weie þat lediþ to Lord, and ſerue ȝe hym aloone; and he ſchal delyuere
Bethſames; and þo ȝeden in o weie goynge and ȝou fro þe hond of Filiſteis.
iiii Þerfor þe ſones of Iſrael diden awey Baalym and
lowynge, and bowiden not neþer to þe riȝt ſide neþer to
þe left ſide; but alſo þe wiſe men of Filiſteis ſueden `til Aſtoroth, and ſerueden þe Lord aloone.
to þe termes of Bethſames. v Forſoþe Samuel ſeide, Gadere ȝe al Iſrael in to
xiii Forſoþe men of Bethſames repiden whete in þe Maſphat, þat Y preie þe Lord for ȝou.
valey, and þei reiſiden þe iȝen, and ſien þe arke, and þei vi And þei camen togidere in to Maſphat, and þei
weren ioyful, whanne þei hadden ſien `þe arke. drowen watir, and ſhedden out in þe `ſiȝt of þe Lord;
xiiii And þe wayn cam in to þe feelde of Joſue of and þei faſtiden in þat day, and ſeiden, Lord, we
Bethſames, and ſtood þere. Forſoþe a greet ſtoon was ſynneden to þee. And Samuel demyde þe ſones of Iſrael
þere; and þei kittiden `þe trees of þe wayn, and puttiden in Maſphat.
þe kien `on þo trees, a brent ſacrifice to þe Lord. vii And Filiſteis herden þat þe ſones of Iſrael weren
xv Soþeli dekenes token doun þe arke of God, and þe gaderid in Maſphat; and þe princes of Filiſteis ſtieden to
panyere, þat was biſidis it, where ynne þe goldun veſſels Iſrael. And whanne þe ſones of Iſrael hadden herd þis,
weren; and þei ſettiden on þe greet ſtoon. Forſoþe þe þei dredden of þe face of Filiſteis.

viii And `þei ſeiden to Samuel, Ceeſſe þou not to crye viii Bi alle her werkis whiche þei diden, fro þe day in
for vs to oure Lord God, þat he ſaue vs fro þe `hoond of whiche Y ledde hem out of Egipt `til to þis dai, as þei
Filiſteis. forſoken me, and ſeruyden alien goddis, ſo þei doon alſo
ix Forſoþe Samuel took o ſoukynge lomb, and offride to þee.
þat hool in to brent ſacrifice to þe Lord. And Samuel ix Now þerfor here þou her vois; neþeles witneſſe þou to
criede to þe Lord for Iſrael; and þe Lord herde hym. hem; biforſeie þou to hem þe riȝt of þe kyng, þat ſchal
x Forſoþe it was doon, whanne Samuel offryde brent regne on hem.
ſacrifice, þat Filiſteis bigunnen batel aȝens Iſrael. Soþeli x Þerfor Samuel ſeide alle þe wordis of þe Lord to þe
þe Lord þundride wiþ greet þundur in þat dai on puple, þat hadde axid of him a king; and he ſeide,
Filiſteis, and made hem aferd; and þei weren ſlayn of þe xi Þis ſchal be þe `riȝt of þe kyng, þat ſchal comaunde to
ſones of Iſrael. ȝou; he ſchal take ȝoure ſones, and ſchal ſette in hiſe
xi And þe ſones of Iſrael ȝeden out of Maſphat, and charis;
purſueden Filiſteis, and ſmytiden hem `til to þe place þat xii and he ſchal make hem `to hym ſilf rideris, and
was vndur Bethachar. biforegoeris of hiſe cartis; and he ſchal ordeyne to hym
xii Forſoþe Samuel took o ſtoon, and puttide it bitwixe tribunes, `þat is, ſouereyns of a þouſynd, and
Maſphat, and bitwixe Sen; and he clepide þe name of centuriouns, `þat is, ſouereyns of an hundrid, and
þat place Þe ſtoon of help. And he ſeide, Hidir to þe eereris of hiſe feeldis, and reperis of cornes, and ſmyþis
Lord helpide vs. of hiſe armeris, and charis.
xiii And Filiſteis weren maad low, and addiden no more xiii Alſo he ſchal make ȝoure douȝtris makeris of
to come in to þe termes of Iſrael. And ſo þe `hond of þe `oynementis to hym ſilf, and fueris, and bakeris.
Lord was maad on Filiſteis in alle þe daies of Samuel. xiiii And he ſchal take ȝoure feeldis and vyneris and þe
xiiii And þe citees whiche þe Filiſteis token fro Iſrael, beſte places of olyues, and ſchal ȝyue to hiſe ſeruauntis.
weren ȝoldun to Iſrael, fro Accaron `til to Geth and `hiſe xv But alſo he ſchal take þe tenþe part of ȝoure cornes,
termes; and þe Lord delyuerede Iſrael fro þe hond of and rentis of vyneris, þat he ȝyue to his chaumberleyns
Filiſteis; and pees was bitwixe Iſrael and Ammorrey. and ſeruauntis.
xv Alſo Samuel demyde Iſrael in alle þe daies of his lijf, xvi Soþeli he ſchal take awey ȝoure ſeruauntis and
þat is, `til to þe ordeynyng `and confermyng of Saul; handmaydes, and beſte ȝong men, and aſſis, and ſchal
xvi and he ȝede bi `alle ȝeeris, and cumpaſſide Bethel, ſette in his werk.
and Galgal, and Maſphat, and he demyde Iſrael in þe xvii Alſo he ſchal take þe tenþe part of ȝoure flockis, and
forſeid places. ȝe ſchulen be `ſeruauntis to hym.
xvii And he turnede aȝen in to Ramatha, for his hows xviii And ȝe ſchulen crye in þat dai fro þe face of ȝoure
was þere; and he demyde Iſrael þere, and he bildide kyng, whom ȝe han choſe to ȝou; and þe Lord ſchal not
þere alſo an auter to þe Lord. here ȝou in þat dai; for ȝe axiden a kyng to ȝou.
xix Soþeli þe puple nolde here þe vois of Samuel, but
CAP. VIII þei ſeiden, Nay for a kyng ſchal be on vs;
i Forſoþe it was don, whanne Samuel hadde wexide eld, xx and we alſo ſchulen be as alle folkis, and oure kyng
he ſettide hiſe ſones iugis on Iſrael. ſchal deme vs, and he ſchal go out bifor vs, and he ſchal
ii And þe name of his firſte gendrid ſone was Johel, and
fiȝte oure batel for vs.
þe name of þe ſecounde was Abia, iugis in Berſabee. xxi And Samuel herde alle þe wordis of þe puple, and
iii And hiſe ſones ȝeden not in `þe weies of hym, but þei
`ſpak þo in þe eeris of þe Lord.
bowiden after aueryce, and þei token ȝiftis, and xxii Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Samuel, Here þou `þe vois
peruertiden doom. of hem, and ordeyne þou a kyng on hem. And Samuel
iiii Þerfor alle þe grettere men in birþe of Iſrael weren
ſeide to þe men of Iſrael, Ech man go in to his citee.
gaderid, and camen to Samuel in to Ramatha.
v And þei ſeiden to hym, Lo! þou haſt wexid eld, and þi CAP. IX
ſones goen not in þi weies; ordeyne þou a kyng to vs, i And `a man was of Beniamyn, `Cys bi name, þe ſone
`þat he deme vs, as alſo alle naciouns han. of Abiel, ſone of Seor, ſone of Bethor, ſone of Aphia,
vi And þe word diſpleſide in þe iȝen of Samuel, for þei ſone of þe man Gemyny, ſtrong in bodili myȝt.
hadden ſeid, Ȝyue þou to vs a kyng, þat he deme vs. ii And to hym was a ſone, Saul bi name, choſun and
And Samuel preiede to þe Lord. good; and no man of þe ſones of Iſrael was betere þan
vii Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Samuel, Here þou þe vois of he; fro þe ſchuldur and aboue he apperide ouer al þe
þe puple in alle þingis whiche þei ſpeken to þee; for þei puple.
han not caſte awey þee, but me, þat Y regne not on hem.

iii Soþeli þe femal aſſis of Cys, þe fadir of Saul, ſchal ſaue my puple fro þe hond of Filiſteis; for Y haue
periſchyden. And Cys ſeide to Saul his ſone, Take wiþ biholde my puple, for `þe cry of hem cam to me.
þee oon of þe children, and riſe þou, and go, and ſeke þe xvii And whanne Samuel hadde biholde Saul, þe Lord
femal aſſis. And whanne þei hadden go bi þe hil of ſeide to Samuel, Lo! þe man, whom Y ſeide to þee; þis
Effraym, man ſchal be lord of my puple.
iiii and bi þe lond of Saliſa, and hadden not foundun, þei xviii Forſoþe Saul neiȝede to Samuel in þe myddis of þe
paſſiden alſo bi þe lond of Salym, and þo weren not ȝate, and ſeide, Y preye, ſchewe þou to me, where is þe
þere; but alſo `þei paſſiden bi þe lond of Gemyny, and hows of þe ſeere?
founden not. xix And Samuel anſweride to Saul, and ſeide, Y am þe
v Soþeli whanne þei hadden come in to þe lond of Suph, ſeere; ſtie þou bifor me in to þe hiȝ place, þat þou ete
and hadden not founde, Saul ſeide to his child þat was wiþ me to dai, and Y ſchal delyuere þee in þe morewtid,
wiþ hym, Come þou, and turne we aȝen; leſt and Y ſchal ſchewe to þee alle þingis þat ben in þin
perauenture my fadir haþ lefte þe femal aſſis, and is biſy herte.
for vs. xx And be þou not biſy of þe femal aſſis, whiche þou
vi Which child ſeide to hym, Lo! þe man of God is in loſtiſt þe þridde dai agoon, for þo ben foundun; and
þis citee, a noble man; al þing þat he ſpekiþ, comeþ wiþ whoſe ſchulen be alle þe beſte þingis of Iſrael, wheþer
out doute. Now þerfor go we þidir, if perauenture he not to þee, and to al þe hows of þi fader?
ſchewe to vs of oure weie, for which we camen. xxi Soþeli Saul anſweride, and ſeide, Wheþer Y am not a
vii And Saul ſeide to his child, Lo! we ſchulen go; what ſone of Gemyny, of þe leeſte lynage of Iſrael, and my
ſchulen we bere to þe man of God? Breede failide in kynrede is þe laſte among alle þe meynees of þe lynage
oure ſcrippis, and we han no preſent, þat we ȝyue to þe of Beniamyn? Whi þerfor haſt þou ſpoke to me þis
man of God, `neþer ony oþir þing. word?
viii Eft þe child anſweride to Saul, and ſeide, Lo! þe xxii Þerfor Samuel took Saul, and his child, and ledde
fourþe part of `a ſtater, þat is, a cicle, of ſiluer is hem in to þe chaumbur of þre ordris, and he ȝaf to hem
foundun in myn hond; ȝyue we to þe man of God, þat a place in þe bigynnyng of hem þat weren clepid; for
he ſchewe to vs oure weie. þei weren as þretti men.
ix Sumtyme in Iſrael ech man goynge to counſel God xxiii And Samuel ſeide to þe cook, Ȝyue þou þe part,
ſpak þus, Come ȝe, and go we to þe ſeere; for he, þat is which Y ȝaf to þee, and comaundide, þat þou ſchuldiſt
ſeid `to dai a profete, was clepid ſumtyme a ſeere. kepe bi it ſilf anentis þee.
x And Saul ſeide to his child, `Þi word is þe beſte; come xxiiii Soþeli þe cook reiſide þe ſchuldir, and ſettide bifor
þou, go we. And þei ȝeden in to þe citee, `in which þe Saul. And Samuel ſeide, Lo! þat, þat lefte, `ſette þou
man of God was. bifor þee, and ete; for of purpos it was kept to þee,
xi And whanne þei ſtieden in to þe hiȝneſſe of þe citee, whanne Y clepide þe puple. And Saul eet wiþ Samuel in
þei founden dameſels goynge out to drawe watir, and þat dai.
þei ſeiden to þe dameſelis, Wheþer þe ſeere is here? xxv And þei camen doun fro þe hiȝ place in to þe citee;
xii Whiche dameſelis anſweriden, and ſeiden to hem, He and Samuel ſpak wiþ Saul in þe ſoler, and Saul `araiede
is here; lo! he is bifor þee; `haſte þou now, for to day he a bed in þe ſoler, and ſlepte.
cam in to þe citee; for to dai is ſacrifice of þe puple in xxvi And whanne þei hadden riſe eerli, and `now it bigan
þe hiȝ place. to be cleer, Samuel clepide Saul in to þe ſoler, and ſeide,
xiii Ȝe ſchulen entre in to þe citee, and anoon ȝe ſchulen Riſe þou, þat Y delyuere þee. And Saul roos, and boþe
fynde hym, bifor þat he ſtie in to þe hiȝ place to ete; for ȝeden out, þat is, he, and Samuel.
þe puple ſchal not ete til he come, for he ſchal bleſſe þe xxvii And whanne þei ȝeden doun in þe laſte part of þe
ſacrifice, and afterward þei ſchulen ete þat ben clepid. citee, Samuel ſeide to Saul, Seie þou to þe child, þat he
Now þerfor ſtie ȝe, for to day ȝe ſchulen fynde hym. go bifor vs, and paſſe; forſoþe ſtonde þou a litil, þat Y
xiiii And þei ſtieden in to þe citee. And whanne þei ſchewe to þee þe word of þe Lord.
ȝeden in þe myddis of þe citee, Samuel apperide
goynge out aȝens hem, þat he ſchulde ſtie in to þe hiȝ CAP. X
place. i Forſoþe Samuel took `a veſſel of oyle, and ſchedde out
xv Forſoþe þe Lord `hadde maad reuelacioun in þe eere on þe heed of Saul, and kiſſide hym, and ſeide, Lo! þe
of Samuel `bifor o dai, þat Saul cam, and ſeide, Lord haþ anoyntid þee in to prince on hys eritage; and
xvi In þis ſame our which is now to morewe, Y ſchal þou ſchalt delyuere his puple fro þe hond of his
ſende to þee a man of þe lond of Beniamyn, and þou enemyes, þat ben `in his cumpas. And þis a tokene to
ſchalt anoynte hym duyk on my puple Iſrael, and he þee, þat þe Lord haþ anoyntid þee in to prince;

ii whanne þou ſchalt go fro me to day, þou ſchalt fynde xvi And Saul ſeide to `þe broþer of hys fadir, He
twei men biſidis `þe ſepulcre of Rachel, in `þe endis of ſchewide to vs, þat þe femal aſſis weren foundun. Soþeli
Beniamyn, in myddai, clenſynge grete dichis; and þei Saul ſchewide not to hym of þe word of rewme, `which
ſchulen ſeie to þee, Þe femel aſſis ben foundun, whiche word Samuel ſpak to hym.
þou ȝediſt to ſeke; and while þe aſſis ben lefte, þi fadir is xvii And Samuel clepide togidere þe puple to þe Lord in
biſy for ȝou, and ſeiþ, What ſchal Y do of my ſone? Maſphat;
iii And whanne þou haſt go fro þennus, and haſt paſſid xviii and he ſeide to þe ſones of Iſrael, Þe Lord God of
ferþere, and haſt come to þe ook of Tabor, þre men, Iſrael ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Y ledde Iſrael out of þe lond of
ſtiynge to God in to Bethel, ſchulen fynde þee þere, o Egipt, and Y delyuerede ȝou fro þe hond of Egipcians,
man berynge þre kydis, and anoþer man berynge þre and fro þe hond of alle kyngis þat turmentiden ȝou.
kakis of breed, and an oþer man berynge a galoun of xix Forſoþe to day ȝe han caſte awei ȝoure Lord God,
wyn. which aloone ſauyde ȝou fro alle ȝoure yuelis and
iiii And whanne þei han gret þee, þei ſchulen ȝyue to þee
tribulaciouns; and ȝe ſeiden, Nay, but ordeyne þou a
twei loues, and þou ſchalt take of `þe hond of hem. kyng on vs. Now þerfor ſtonde ȝe bifor þe Lord bi ȝoure
v After þeſe þingis þou ſchalt come in to þe `hil of þe lynagis, and bi meynees.
Lord, where is þe ſtondyng, þat is, forſelet, of Filiſteis; xx And Samuel ſettide to gidere alle þe lynages of Iſrael,
and whanne þou ſchalt entre in to þe citee, þere þou and lot felde on þe lynage of Beniamyn.
ſchalt haue metynge þee þe flok of prophetis comynge xxi And he ſettide togidere þe lynage of Beniamyn, and
doun fro þe hiȝ place, and a ſautree, and tympane, and þe meynees þerof; and lot felde on þe meynees of
pipe, and harpe bifor hem, and hem propheſiynge. Mathri, and it cam `til to Saul, þe ſon of Cys. Þerfor þei
vi And þe Spirit of þe Lord ſchal ſkippe in to þee, and
ſouȝten hym, and he was not foundun þere.
þou ſchalt prophecie wiþ hem, and þou ſchalt be xxii And aftir þeſe þingis þei counſeliden þe Lord,
chaungid in to anoþer man. wheþer Saul ſchulde come þidur. And þe Lord
vii Þerfor whanne alle þeſſe ſignes bifallen to þee, do
anſweride, Lo! he is hid at hoom.
þou, what euer þingis þin hond fyndiþ, `þat is, diſpoſe xxiii Þerfor þei runnen, and token hym fro þennus; and
þee to regne comelili and myȝtily, for þe Lord is wiþ he ſtood in þe myddil of þe puple, and was hiȝere þan al
þee. þe puple fro þe ſchulder and `aboue.
viii And þou ſchalt go doun bifor me in to Galgala; for Y xxiiii And Samuel ſeide to al þe puple, Certis ȝe ſeen
ſchal come doun to þee, þat þou offre an offryng, and whom þe Lord haþ choſe; for noon in al þe puple is lijk
offre peſible ſacrifices; bi ſeuene daies þou ſchalt abide, hym. And al þe puple cryede, and ſeide, Lyue þe kyng!
til I come to þee, and ſhewe to þee what þou ſchal do. xxv Forſoþe Samuel ſpak to þe puple þe lawe of rewme,
ix Þerfor whanne Saul hadde turnede awei his ſchuldre
and wroot in a book, and puttide vp bifor þe Lord. And
to go fro Samuel, God chaungide anoþer herte to Saul, Samuel dilyuerede al þe puple, ech man in to his hows;
and alle þeſe ſignes camen in þat dai. xxvi but alſo Saul ȝede in to his hous in to Gabaath; and
x And þei camen to þe forſeid hil, and lo! a cumpeny of
þe part of þe ooſt ȝede wiþ hym, whoſe hertis God
prophetis metynge hym; and þe Spirit of þe Lord hadde touchid.
`ſcippide on hym, and he propheciede in þe myddis of xxvii Forſoþe þe ſones of Belyal ſeiden, Wheþer þis man
hem. may ſaue vs? And þei diſpiſiden hym, and brouȝten not
xi Soþeli alle men, þat knewen hym ȝiſterdai and þe þrid
ȝiftis, `þat is, preiſyngis, to him; forſoþe he `diſſymelide
dai ago, ſien þat he was wiþ þe prophetis, and þat he hym to here.
propheſiede, and þei ſeiden togidere, What þing bifelde
to þe ſone of Cys? Wheþer alſo Saul is among CAP. XI
prophetis? i And it was don as aftir a moneþe, Naas of Amon
xii And o man anſweride to anoþer man, and ſeide, And
ſtiede, and bigan to fiȝte aȝens Jabes of Galaad. And
who is `his fadir? Þerfor it was turned in to a prouerbe, alle þe men of Jabes ſeiden to Naas, Haue þou vs
Wheþer alſo Saul is among prophetis? boundun in pees, and we ſchulen ſerue þee.
xiii Forſoþe Saul ceſide to propheſie, and he cam to an ii And Naas of Amon anſweride to hem, In þis Y ſchal
hiȝ place. ſmyte boond of pees wiþ ȝou, þat Y putte out þe riȝt
xiiii And þe broþir of `þe fadir of Saul ſeide to hym, and
iȝen of alle ȝou, and þat Y ſette ȝou ſchenſchip in al
to his child, Whidur ȝeden ȝe? And þei anſweriden, To Iſrael.
ſeke þe femal aſſis; and whanne we founden `not þoo, iii And þe eldere men of Jabes ſeiden to him, Graunte
we camen to Samuel. þou to vs ſeuene daies, þat we ſenden meſſangeris to
xv And þe broþer of his fadir ſeide to hym, Schewe þou
alle þe termes of Iſrael; and if noon be þat defende vs,
to me what Samuel ſeide to þee. we ſchulen go out to þee.

iiii Þerformeſſangeris camen in to Gabaad of Saul, and ony man; if Y took ȝifte of `þe hond of ony man; and Y
ſpaken þeſe wordis, `while þe puple herde; and al þe ſchal `diſpiſe it to dai, and Y ſchal reſtore to ȝou.
puple reiſide her vois, and wepte. iiii And þei ſeiden, Þou haſt not falſly chalengid vs,
v And lo! Saul cam, `and ſuede oxis fro þe feeld; and he neþer haſt oppreſſid vs, neþer haſt take ony þing of `þe
ſeide, What haþ þe puple, for it wepiþ? And þei telden hond of ony man.
to hym þe wordis of men of Jabes. v And he ſeide to hem, Þe Lord is witneſſe aȝens ȝou,
vi And þe Spirit of þe Lord ſkippide in to Saul, whanne and his criſt is witneſſe in þis day; for ȝe han not founde
he hadde herd þeſe wordis, and his woodneſſe was ony þing in myn hond. And þei ſeiden, Witneſſe.
`wrooþ greetli. vi And Samuel ſeide to þe puple, Þe Lord, þat made
vii And he took euer eiþer oxe, and kittide in to gobetis, Moiſes and Aaron, and ledde ȝoure fadris out of þe lond
and ſente in to alle þe termes of Iſrael, bi þe hondis of of Egipt, is preſent;
meſſangeris; and ſeide, Who euer goiþ not out, and ſueþ vii now þerfor ſtonde ȝe, þat Y ſtryue bi doom aȝens ȝou
not Saul and Samuel, ſo it ſchal be don to hiſe oxun. bifor þe Lord, of alle þe mercyes of þe Lord, whiche he
Þerfor þe drede of þe Lord aſailide þe puple, and þei dide wiþ ȝou, and wiþ ȝoure fadris.
ȝeden out as o man. viii Hou Jacob entride in to Egipt, and ȝoure fadris
viii And he noumbride hem in Beſech; and þre hundrid crieden to þe Lord; and þe Lord ſente Moiſes and
þouſynd weren of þe ſones of Iſrael; forſoþe of þe men Aaron, and ledde ȝoure fadris out of Egipt, and ſettide
of Juda weren þretti þouſynde. hem in þis place.
ix And þei ſeiden to þe meſſangeris þat camen, Þus ȝe ix Whiche forȝaten her Lord God; and he bitook hem in
ſchulen ſeie to þe men þat ben in Jabes of Galaad, To þe hond of Siſara, mayſtir of þe chyualrie of Aſor, and
morew ſchal be helþe to ȝou, whanne þe ſunne is hoot. in þe hond of Filiſteis, and in þe hond of þe kyng of
Þerfor þe meſſangeris camen, and telden to þe men of Moab; and þei fouȝten aȝens hem.
Jabes; whiche weren glad, x Soþeli afterward þei crieden to þe Lord, and ſeiden,
x and ſeiden, Eerli we ſchulen go out to ȝou, and ȝe We ſynneden, for we forſoken þe Lord, and ſeruyden
ſchulen do to vs al þat pleſiþ ȝou. Baalym and Aſtroth; now þerfor delyuere þou vs fro `þe
xi And it was don, whanne þe morewe dai cam, Saul hond of oure enemyes, and we ſchulen ſerue þee.
ordeynede þe puple in to þre partis; and he entride in to xi And þe Lord ſente Gerobaal, and `Bedan, þat is,
þe myddil tentis `in þe wakyng of þe morewtid, and he Sampſon, and Barach, and Jepte, and Samuel, and
ſmoot Amon til þe dai `was hoot; `forſoþe þe reſidues delyuerede ȝou fro þe hond of ȝoure enemyes bi
weren ſcaterid, ſo þat tweyne togidere weren not left in cumpaſs; and ȝe dwelliden triſtili.
hem. xii Forſoþe ȝe ſien, þat Naas, kyng of þe ſones of Amon,
xii And þe puple ſeide to Samuel, Who is þis, þat ſeide, cam aȝens ȝou; and ȝe ſeiden to me, counſeilynge to axe
Saul ſchal not regne on vs? Ȝyue ȝe þe men, and we noon oþer kyng þan God, Nay, but a kyng ſchal
ſchulen ſle hem. comaunde to vs; whanne `ȝoure Lord God regnede in
xiii And Saul ſeide, No man ſchal be ſlayn in þis dai, for ȝou.
to dai þe Lord made helþe in Iſrael. xiii Now þerfor ȝoure kyng is redi, whom ȝe han choſe
xiiii Forſoþe Samuel ſeide to þe puple, Come ȝe, and go and axid; lo! þe Lord ȝaf to ȝou a kyng.
we in to Galgala, and renule we þere þe rewme. xiiii If ȝe dreden þe Lord, and ſeruen hym, and heren his
xv And al þe puple ȝede in to Galgala, and þere þei vois, and wraþþen not þe `mouþ of þe Lord; ȝe and
maden Saul kyng bifor þe Lord `in Galgala; and þei ȝoure kyng, þat comaundiþ to ȝou, ſchulen ſue ȝoure
offriden peſible ſacrifices bifor þe Lord. And Saul was Lord God.
glad þere, and alle þe men of Iſrael greetli. xv Forſoþe if ȝe heren not þe vois of `þe Lord, but
wraþþen his word, þe hond of þe Lord ſchal be on ȝou,
CAP. XII and on ȝoure fadris.
i Forſoþe Samuel ſeide to al Iſrael, Lo! Y herde ȝoure xvi But alſo now ſtonde ȝe, and ſe þis gret þing which þe
vois bi alle þingis whiche ȝe ſpaken to me, and Y Lord ſchal make in ȝoure ſiȝt.
ordeynede a kyng on ȝou; xvii Wheþer herueſt of whete is not `to dai? I ſchal
ii and now þe king goiþ bifor ȝou. Soþeli Y wexide eld inwardli clepe þe Lord, and he ſchal ȝyue voices, `þat
and hoor; forſoþe my ſones ben wiþ ȝou; þerfor Y is, þundris, and reynes; and ȝe ſchulen wite, and ſchulen
lyuyde bifor ȝou fro my ȝong wexynge age `til to þis ſe, for ȝe axynge a kyng on ȝou han do greuouſe yuel to
dai. And lo! ȝou in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord.
iii Y am redi; ſpeke ȝe to me bifor þe Lord, and bifor `þe xviii And Samuel criede to þe Lord, and þe Lord ȝaf
criſt of hym; wheþer Y took `þe oxe of ony man, eþer voices and reynes in þat dai.
þe aſſe; if Y falſly chalengide ony mon; yf Y oppreſſide

xix And al þe puple dredde greetli þe Lord and Samuel; ix Þerfor Saul ſeide, Brynge ȝe to me brent ſacrifice, and
and al þe puple ſeide to Samuel, Preye þou for þi peſible ſacrifices; and he offride brent ſacrifice.
ſeruauntis to þi Lord God, þat we die not; for we x And whanne he hadde endid offrynge brent ſacrifice,
addiden yuel to alle oure ſynnes, þat we axiden a kyng lo! Samuel cam; and Saul ȝede out aȝens hym, to greete
to vs. Samuel.
xx Forſoþe Samuel ſeide to þe puple, `Nyle ȝe drede; ȝe xi And Samuel ſpak to hym, What haſt þou do? Saul
han do al þis yuel; neþeles `nyle ȝe go awey fro þe bak anſweride, For Y ſiȝ þat þe puple ȝede awei fro me, and
of þe Lord, but ſerue ȝe þe Lord in al ȝoure herte; þou cameſt not bi þe daies of couenaunt; certis Filiſteis
xxi and nyle ȝe bowe aftir veyn þingis, þat ſchulen not weren gaderid in Machynas;
profite to ȝou, neþer ſchulen delyuere ȝou; for þo ben xii Y ſeide, Now Filiſteis ſchulen come doun to me in to
veyn þingis. Galgala, and Y haue not pleſyd þe face of þe Lord; Y
xxii And þe Lord ſchal not forſake his puple for his grete was compellid bi nede, and Y offryde brent ſacrifice to
name; for þe Lord ſwoor to make ȝou a puple to hym þe Lord.
ſilf. xiii And Samuel ſeide to Saul, Þou haſt do folili, and þou
xxiii Forſoþe þis ſynne be fer fro me in þe Lord, þat Y `keptiſt not þe heeſtis of þi Lord God, whiche he
ceeſſe to preye for ȝou; and Y ſchal teche ȝou a riȝtful comaundide to þee; and if þou haddiſt not do þis þing,
weie and good. riȝt now þe Lord hadde maad redi þi rewme on Iſrael
xxiiii Þerfor drede ȝe þe Lord, and `ſerue ȝe hym in wiþ outen ende;
treuþe, and of al ȝoure herte; for ȝe ſien þo grete þingis, xiiii but þi rewme ſchal not riſe ferþere. Þe Lord haþ
whiche he `dide in ȝou; ſouȝt a man to hym ſilf after his herte; and þe Lord
xxv þat if ȝe contynuen in malice, boþe ȝe and ȝoure comaundide to hym, þat he ſchulde be duyk on his
kyng ſchulen periſche to gidere. puple, for þou keptiſt not þo þingis whiche þe Lord
CAP. XIII xv Forſoþe Samuel roos, and ſtiede fro Galgala in to
i Saul was a child of o ȝeer whanne he bigan to regne; Gabaa of Beniamyn; and þe `reſidue puplis ſtieden after
forſoþe he regnede on Iſrael twei ȝeer. Saul aȝens þe puple which fouȝten aȝens hem; and þei
ii And Saul chees to hym þre þouſynde of Iſrael, and camen fro Galgala in to Gabaa, in þe hil of Beniamyn.
twei þouſynde weren wiþ Saul in Machynas, in þe hil of And Saul noumbride þe puple, þat weren foundun wiþ
Bethel; forſoþe a þouſynde weren wiþ Jonathas in hym as ſixe hundrid men.
xvi And Saul, and Jonathas his ſone, and þe puple þat
Gabaath of Beniamyn; ſoþeli he ſente aȝen þe toþer
puple ech man in to `hiſe tabernaclis. was foundun wiþ hem, was in Gabaa of Beniamyn;
iii And Jonathas ſmoot þe ſtacioun of Filiſteis, þat was in forſoþe Filiſteis ſaten togidere in Machynas.
xvii And þre cumpanyes ȝeden out of þe `caſtels of
Gabaa. And whanne Filiſteis hadden herd þis, Saul
ſownede wiþ a clarioun in al þe lond, and ſeide, Ebreys Filiſteis to take prey; o cumpany ȝede aȝens þe weie of
here. Effraym to þe lond of Saul;
iiii And al Iſrael herde ſiche a fame, Saul ſmoot þe xviii ſoþely an oþer cumpeny entride bi þe weie of

ſtacioun of Filiſteis; and Iſrael reiſide hym ſilf aȝens Bethoron; forſoþe þe þridde cumpenye turnede it ſilf to
Filiſteis; þerfor þe puple criede after Saul in Galgala. þe weie of þe terme in þe lond of Sabaa; and þat terme
v And Filiſteis weren gaderid to fiȝte aȝens Iſrael; `of neiȝeþ to þe valey of Seboym aȝens þe deſeert.
xix Forſoþe `no ſmyȝþ of yrun was foundun in al þe lond
Filiſteis weren þretti þouſynde of charis, and ſixe
þouſynde of knyȝtis, and þe toþer comyn puple, as of Iſrael; for Filiſteis `weren war, eþer eſchewiden, leſt
grauel `which is ful myche in þe brynke of þe ſee; and perauenture Ebreis maden a ſwerd eþer a ſpere.
þei ſtieden, and ſettiden tentis in Machynas, at þe eeſt of xx Þerfor al Iſrael ȝede doun to Filiſteis, þat ech man
Bethauen. ſchulde ſcharpe his ſchar, and picoiſe, and ax, `and
vi And whanne men of Iſrael hadden ſeyn þis, þat þei ſarpe;
weren ſet in ſtreiȝtneſſe, for þe puple was turmentid, þei xxi `and ſo alle egis weren bluntid `of ſcharris, and of
hidden hem ſilf in dennes, and in priuey places, and in picoiſis, and of `forkis of þre teeþ, and of axis, `til to a
ſtonys, and in dychis, and in ciſternes. pricke to be amendid.
vii Soþeli Ebreis paſſiden Jordan in to þe lond of Gad xxii And whanne þe dai of batel cam, no ſwerd and ſpere
and of Galaad. And whanne Saul was ȝit in Galgala, al was foundun in þe hond of al þe puple þat was wiþ Saul
þe puple was aferd þat ſuede hym. and Jonathas, outakun Saul, and Jonathas his ſone.
viii And ſeuene daies he abood Samuel bi couenaunt, xxiii Forſoþe þe ſtacioun of Filiſteis ȝede out, þat it
and Samuel cam not in to Galgala; and þe puple ȝede a ſchulde paſſe in to Machynas.
wei fro Saul.

CAP. XIIII xvi And aſpyeris of Saul bihelden, þat weren in Gabaa of
i And it bifelde in a day, þat Jonathas, þe ſone of Saul, Beniamyn, and lo! a multitude caſt doun, and fleynge
ſeide to his ſquyer, a ȝong man, Come þou, and paſſe we awei hidur and þidur.
to þe ſtaciouns of þe Filiſteis, which is biȝende þat xvii And Saul ſeide to þe puple þat weren wiþ hym, Seke
place; `ſoþeli he ſchewide not þis ſame þing to his fadir. ȝe, and ſe ȝe, who ȝede awei fro vs. And whanne þei
ii Soþeli Saul dwellide in þe laſte part of Gabaa, vndur a hadden ſouȝt, it was foundun, þat Jonathas and his
pumgarnarde tre, þat was in þe feeld of Gabaa; and þe ſquyer weren not preſent.
puple as of ſixe hundrid men was wiþ hym. xviii And Saul ſeide to Achias, Brynge þe arke of þe
iii And Achias, ſone of Achitob, broþer of Icaboth, ſone Lord; for þe arke of God was þere in þat dai wiþ þe
of Fynees, þat was gendrid of Ely, preeſt of þe Lord in ſones of Iſrael.
Silo, bar ephod, `þat is, þe preeſtis cloþ; but alſo þe xix And whanne Saul ſpak to þe preeſt, a grete noiſe roos
puple wiſte not whidur Jonathas hadde go. in þe caſtelis of Filiſteis; and it encreſſide litil and litil,
iiii Soþeli bitwixe þe ſtiyngis, bi whiche Jonathas and ſownede cleerliere. And Saul ſeide to þe preeſt,
enforſide to paſſe to þe ſtacioun of Filiſteis, weren Wiþdraw þin hond.
ſtonys ſtondynge forþ on euer eiþer ſide, and ſcarris xx Þerfor Saul criede, and al þe puple þat was wiþ hym;
brokun bifore bi þe maner of teeþ on ech ſyde; name to and þei camen `til to þe place of batel, and, lo! þe ſwerd
oon was Boſes, and name to `þe toþer was Sene; of ech man was turned to his neiȝbore, and a ful grete
v o ſcarre was ſtondynge forþ to þe norþ aȝens ſleynge was.
Machynas, and þe toþer ſcarre to þe ſouþ aȝens Gabaa. xxi But alſo Ebreis þat weren wiþ Filiſteis ȝiſtirday and
vi Forſoþe Jonathas ſeide to his ȝong ſquyer, Come þou, þe þridde dai ago, and hadde ſtied wiþ hem in caſtels,
paſſe we to þe ſtacioun of þeſe vncircumciſid men, if in turneden aȝen to be wiþ Iſrael, þat weren wiþ Saul and
hap þe Lord do for vs; for it is not hard to þe Lord to Jonathas.
ſaue, eþir in manye eþir in fewe. xxii Alſo alle men of Iſrael, þat hadden hid hem ſilf in þe
vii And his ſquyer ſeide to hym, Do þou alle þingis þat hil of Effraym, herden þat Filiſteis hadden fled; and þei
pleſen þi ſoule; go whidur þou coueitiſt, Y ſchal be wiþ felouſchipiden hem ſilf wiþ her men in batel, and as ten
þee, where euer þou wolt. þouſynde of men weren wiþ Saul.
viii And Jonathas ſeide, Lo! we paſſen to þeſe men; and xxiii And þe Lord ſauyde Iſrael in þat day. Soþeli þe
whanne we apperen to hem, batel cam til to Bethauen.
ix if þei ſpeken þus to vs, Dwelle ȝe, til we comen to xxiiii And men of Iſrael weren felouſchipid to hem ſilf in
ȝou; ſtonde we in oure place, and ſtie we not to hem. þat dai; forſoþe Saul ſwoor to þe puple, and ſeide,
x Soþeli if þei ſeien, Stye ȝe to vs; ſtie we, for þe Lord Curſid be þe man, þat etiþ breed `til to euentid, til `Y
haþ bitake hem in oure hondis; þis ſchal be a ſigne to venge me of myn enemyes.
vs. xxv And al þe puple ete not breed. And al þe comyn
xi `Þerfor euer eiþer apperide to þe ſtacioun of Filiſteis; puple of þe lond cam in to a foreſt, in which was hony
and Filiſteis ſeiden, Lo! Ebreis goen out of caues, in on þe `face of erþe.
whiche þei weren hid. xxvi And ſo þe puple entride in to þe foreſt, and
xii And men of þe ſtacioun ſpaken to Jonathas and to his flowynge hony apperide; and no man puttide hond to
ſquyer, and ſeiden, Stie ȝe to vs, and we ſchulen ſchewe his mouþ, for þe puple dredde þe ooþ.
to ȝou a þing. And Jonathas ſeide to his ſquyer, `Stie we, xxvii Forſoþe Jonathas herde not, whanne his fadir ſwoor
ſue þou me; for þe Lord haþ bitake hem in to þe hondis to þe puple; and he helde forþ þe ende of a litil ȝerde,
of Iſrael. whiche he hadde in þe hond, and dippide in to `a coomb
xiii Forſoþe Jonathas ſtiede crepynge on hondis and feet, of hony; and he turnede his hond to his mouþ, and hiſe
and his ſquyer after hym; and whanne þei hadden ſeyn iȝen weren liȝtned.
þe face of Jonathas, ſumme felden doun bifor Jonathas, xxviii And oon of þe puple anſweride, and ſeide, Þi fader
his ſquier killed oþere, and ſuede hym. boond þe puple wiþ an ooþ, and ſeide, Curſid be þe man
xiiii And þe firſte wounde was maad, which Jonathas þat etiþ breed to dai. Forſoþe þe puple was feynt.
and his ſquyer ſmoot, as of twenti men, in `þe myddil xxix And Jonathas ſeide, My fadir haþ diſturblid þe lond;
part of lond which a peire of oxun was wont to ere in þe ȝe ſien, þat myn iȝen ben liȝtned, for Y taſtide a litil of
dai. þis hony;
xv And a myracle was don in þe caſtels, and bi þe xxx hou myche more if þe puple hadde ete þe prey of
feeldis, but alſo al þe puple of þe `ſtacioun of hem þat hiſe enemyes, which `prey it foond; wheþer not gretter
ȝeden out to take prey, dredde, and `þe caſtels weren veniaunce hadde be maad in Filiſteis?
diſturblid; and it bifelde as a myracle of God.

xxxi Þerfore þei ſmytiden Filiſteis in þat dai fro xlv And þe puple ſeide to Saul, `Þerfor wheþir Jonathas
Machynas `til in to Hailon. Forſoþe þe puple was maad ſchal die, þat dide þis greet helþe in Iſrael? þis is
ful wery; vnleueful; þe Lord lyueþ; noon heer of his heed ſchal
xxxii and þe puple turnede to prey, and took ſcheep and falle in to erþe; for he wrouȝte wiþ God to dai. Þerfor
oxun, and calues; and þei killiden in þe erþe; and þe þe puple delyuerede Jonathas, þat he diede not.
puple eet wiþ blood. xlvi And Saul ȝede a wey, and purſuede not Filiſteis;
xxxiii And þei telden to Saul, and ſeiden, þat þe puple ſoþeli Filiſteys ȝeden in to her places.
etynge wiþ blood hadde ſynned to þe Lord. And Saul xlvii And Saul, whanne þe rewme was `confermyd on
ſeide, Ȝe han treſpaſſid; walewe ȝe to me `riȝt now a Iſrael, fauȝt bi cumpas aȝens alle hiſe enemyes, aȝens
greet ſtoon. Moab, and þe ſones of Amon, and Edom, and aȝens þe
xxxiiii And Saul ſeyde, `Be ȝe ſpred abrood in to þe kyngis of Soba, and aȝens Filiſteis; and whidur euer he
comyn puple, and ſeie ȝe to hem, þat ech man brynge to turnede hym, he ouercam.
me his oxe and ram; and ſle ȝe on þis ſtoon, and ete ȝe, xlviii And whanne þe ooſt was gaderid, he ſmoot
and ȝe ſchulen not do ſynne to þe Lord, `and ete wiþ Amalech; and delyuerede Iſrael fro þe hond of hiſe
blood. Þerfor al þe puple brouȝte ech man an oxe in his diſtrieris.
hond `til to nyȝt, and þei killiden þere. xlix Forſoþe þe ſones of Saul weren Jonathas, and Jeſuy,
xxxv Soþeli Saul bildide an auter to þe Lord; and þanne and Melchiſua; þe names of hiſe twei douȝtris, name of
firſte he bigan to bilde an auter to þe Lord. þe firſte gendrid douȝter was Merob, and name `of þe
xxxvi And Saul ſeide, Falle we on þe Filiſteis in þe nyȝt, leſſe douȝter was Mycol.
and waſte we hem til þe morewtid ſchyne; and leeue we l And name of `þe wijf of Saul was Achynoem, þe
not of hem a man. And þe puple ſeide, Do þou al þing douȝtir of Achymaas; and þe name of þe prince of his
þat ſemeþ good to þee in þin iȝen. And þe preeſt ſeide, chyualrye was Abner, ſone of Ner, broþer of þe fadir of
Neiȝe we hidur to God. Saul.
xxxvii And Saul counſelide þe Lord, and ſeide, Wheþer Y li Forſoþe Cys was þe fadir of Saul; and Ner, þe ſone of
ſchal purſue Filiſteis? wheþer þou ſchalt bitake hem in Abiel, was fadir of Abner.
to þe hondis of Iſrael? And þe Lord anſweride not to lii Soþeli myȝti batel was aȝens Filiſteis in alle þe daies
him in þat dai. of Saul; for whom euere Saul ſiȝ a ſtrong man and
xxxviii And Saul ſeide, Brynge ȝe hidur alle þe corneris ſchapli to batel, Saul felouſchipide to him ſilf þat man.
of þe puple, and wite ȝe, and ſe, bi whom þis ſynne
bifelde to dai. CAP. XV
xxxix Þe Lord ſauȝour of Iſrael lyueþ; for if `it is don bi i And Samuel ſeide to Saul, Þe Lord ſente me, þat Y
Jonathas my ſone, he ſchal die wiþ out aȝen drawyng. ſchulde anoynte þee in to `kyng on his puple Iſrael; now
At which ooþ no man of al þe puple aȝenſeide hym. þerfor here þou þe vois `of þe Lord.
xl And he ſeide to al Iſrael, Be ȝe departid in to o part, ii Þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þes þingis, Y haue rikenyd what
and Y wiþ my ſone Jonathas ſchal be in þe toþir part. euer þingis Amalech dide to Iſrael; hou Amalech
And þe puple anſweride to Saul, Do þou þat, þat ſemeþ aȝenſtood Iſrael in þe weie, whanne he ſtiede from
good in þin iȝen. Egipt.
xli And Saul ſeide to þe Lord God of Iſrael, Lord God of iii Now þerfor go þou, and ſle Amalech, and diſtruye
Iſrael, ȝyue þou doom, what is, þat þou anſweriſt not to þou alle `þingis of hym; ſpare þou not hym, and coueyte
dai to þi ſeruaunt? If þis wickidneſs is in me, eþer in þou not ony þing of hiſe þingis; but ſle þou fro man `til
Jonathas my ſone, ȝyue þou ſchewyng; eþer if þis to womman, and a litil child, and ſoukynge, an oxe, and
wickidneſſe is in þi puple, ȝyue þou hoolyneſſe. And ſcheep, and camel, and aſſe.
Jonathas was takun, and Saul; forſoþe þe puple ȝede iiii Þerfor Saul comaundide to þe puple, and he
out. noumbride hem as lambren twei hundrid þouſynde of
xlii And Saule ſeide, Sende ȝe lot bitwixe me and foot men, and ten þouſynde of men of Juda.
Jonathas my ſone. And Jonathas was takun `bi lot. v And whanne Saul cam to þe citee of Amalech, he
xliii Forſoþe Saul ſeide to Jonathas, Schewe þou to me, made redi buyſchementis in þe ſtronde.
what þou didiſt. And Jonathas ſchewide to hym, and vi And Saul ſeide to Cyney, Go ȝe, departe ȝe, and go ȝe
ſeide, Y taſtynge taſtide a litil of hony `in þe ende of þe awei fro Amalech, leſt perauenture Y wlappe þee in wiþ
ȝerde, þat was in myn hond; and lo! hem; for þou didiſt mercy wiþ alle þe ſones of Iſrael,
xliiii Y die. And Saul ſeide, God do to me þeſe þingis, whanne þei ſtieden fro Egipt. And Cyney departide fro
and adde `þeſe þingis, for þou, Jonathas, ſchalt die bi þe myddis of Amalech.
deeþ. vii And Saul ſmoot Amalech fro Euila, til þou come to
Sur, which is aȝens Egipt.

viii And he took Agag quyke, þe kyng of Amalech; xxiii forit is as þe ſynne of mawmetrie to `fiȝte aȝens
ſoþeli he killide bi þe ſcharpneſſe of ſwerd alle þe Goddis heeſt, and it is as þe wickidneſſe of ydolatrie to
comyn puple. nyle `aſcente to Goddis heeſt. Þerfor for þat, þat þou
ix And Saul and þe puple ſparide Agag, and þe beſte caſtidiſt awey þe word of þe Lord, þe Lord caſtide þee
flockis of ſcheep, and of grete beeſtis, and cloþis, and awei, þat þou be not kyng.
rammes, and alle þingis þat weren faire; and þei nolden xxiiii And Saul ſeide to Samuel, Y ſynnede, for Y brak þe
deſtrie þo; ſoþeli what euer þing was vijl, and word of þe Lord, and þi wordis; `and Y dredde þe
repreuable, þei diſtrieden þis. puple, `and obeiede to `þe vois of hem; but now,
x Forſoþe þe word of þe Lord was maad to Samuel, xxv Y biſeche, bere þou my ſynne, and turne þou aȝen
xi and ſeide, It repentiþ me, þat Y made Saul kyng; for wiþ me, þat Y worſchipe þe Lord.
he forſook me, and fillide not my wordis in werk. And xxvi And Samuel ſeide to Saul, Y ſchal not turne aȝen
Samuel was ſory, and he criede to þe Lord in al þe nyȝt. wiþ þee, for þou caſtidiſt awey þe word of þe Lord, and
xii And whanne Samuel hadde riſe bi nyȝt to go eerly to þe Lord caſtide awei þee, þat þou be not king on Iſrael.
Saul, it was teld to Samuel, þat Saul hadde come in to xxvii And Samuel turnede to go a wey; ſoþeli Saul took
Carmel, and hadde reiſid to hym a ſigne of victorye; and þe ende of þe mentil of Samuel, which alſo was to-rent.
þat he hadde turned aȝen, and hadde paſſid, and hadde xxviii And Samuel ſeide to hym, Þe Lord haþ kit þe
go doun in to Galgala. Þerfor Samuel cam to Saul, and rewme of Iſrael fro þee to dai, and ȝaf it to þi neiȝbore
Saul offride brent ſacrifice to þe Lord of þe cheef þingis betere þan þou;
of preies, whiche he hadde brouȝt fro Amalech. xxix certis þe ouercomere in Iſrael ſchal not ſpare, and he
xiii And þe while Samuel cam to Saul, Saul ſeide to
ſchal not be bowid bi repentaunce; for he is not man,
hym, Bleſſid be þou of þe Lord, Y haue fillid þe `word `þat is, chaungeable, þat he do repentaunce.
of þe Lord. xxx And Saul ſeide, Y ſynnede; but now onoure þou me
xiiii And Samuel ſeide, And what is þe vois of flockis,
bifor þe eldere men of my puple, and bifor Iſrael, and
þat ſowneþ in myn eeris, and of grete beeſtis, whiche Y turne þou aȝen wiþ me, þat Y worſchipe þi Lord God.
here? xxxi Þerfor Samuel turnede aȝen, and ſuede Saul, and
xv And Saul ſeide, Þei brouȝten þo fro Amalech, for þe
Saul worſchipide þe Lord.
puple ſparide þe betere ſcheep and grete beeſtis, þat þo xxxii And Samuel ſeide, Brynge ȝe to me Agag, þe kyng
ſchulden be offrid to þi Lord God; ſoþeli we killiden þe of Amalech. And Agag `mooſt fat tremblynge was
toþere beeſtis. brouȝt to hym. And Agag ſeide, Wheþer þus departiþ
xvi Forſoþe Samuel ſeide to Saul, Suffre þou me, and Y
bitter deeþ?
ſchal ſchewe to þee what þingis þe Lord ſpak to me in xxxiii And Samuel ſeide, As þi ſwerd made wymmen wiþ
þe nyȝt. And he ſeide to Samuel, Speke þou. out fre children, ſo þi modir ſchal be wiþ out fre
xvii And Samuel ſeide, Wheþer not, whanne þou were
children among wymmen. And Samuel kittide hym in
litil in þin iȝen, þou were maade heed in þe lynages of to gobetis bifor þe Lord in Galgalis.
Iſrael, and þe Lord anoyntide þee in to kyng on Iſrael; xxxiiii Forſoþe Samuel ȝede in to Ramatha; ſoþeli Saul
xviii and þe Lord ſente þee in to þe weie, and ſeide, Go
ſtiede in to his hows in Gabaa.
þou, and ſle þe ſynneris of Amalech, and þou ſchalt fiȝte xxxv And Samuel ſiȝ no more Saul `til to þe dai of his
aȝens hem `til to ſleyng of hem. deeþ; neþeles Samuel biweilide Saul, for it repentide þe
xix Whi þerfor herdiſt þou not þe vois of þe Lord, but
Lord, þat he hadde ordeyned Saul kyng on Iſrael.
þou were turned to prey, and didiſt yuel in þe `iȝen of þe
Lord? CAP. XVI
xx And Saul ſeide to Samuel, Ȝhis, Y herde þe `vois of i And þe Lord ſeide to Samuel, Hou long biweiliſt þou
þe Lord, and Y ȝede in þe weie, bi which þe Lord ſente Saul, ſiþen Y caſtide hym awey, þat he regne not on
me, and Y haue brouȝt Agag, þe kyng of Amalech, and Iſrael; fille þin horn wiþ oile, and come, þat Y ſende þee
Y killide Amalech. to Yſay of Bethleem; for among hiſe ſones Y haue
xxi Forſoþe þe puple took of þe prey, ſcheep and oxun, purueide a king to me.
þe firſte fruytis of þo þingis, þat ben ſlayn, þat þei make ii And Samuel ſeide, Hou ſchal Y go? for Saul ſchal
ſacrifice to her Lord God in Galgalis. here, and he ſchal ſle me. And þe Lord ſeide, Þou ſchalt
xxii And Samuel ſeide, Wheþer þe Lord wole brent take a calf of þe droue in þi hond, and þou ſchalt ſeye, Y
ſacrifices, eþir ſlayn ſacrifices, and not more þat me cam to make ſacrifice to þe Lord.
obeie to þe vois of þe Lord? For obedience is betere þan iii And þou ſchalt clepe Yſay to þe ſacrifice, and Y ſchal
ſacrifices, and to `herkene Goddis word is more þan to ſchewe to þee, what þou ſchalt do; and þou ſchalt
offre þe ynnere fatneſſe of rammes; anoynte, whom euere Y ſchal ſchewe to þee.

iiii ÞerforSamuel dide, as þe Lord ſpak to hym; and he xxi And Dauid cam to Saul, and ſtood bifor hym; and
cam in to Bethleem, and þe eldere men of þe citee Saul louyde hym greetli, and he was maad `his ſquyer.
wondriden, and camen to hym, and ſeiden, Wheþer þin xxii And Saul ſente to Iſay, and ſeide, Dauid ſtonde in
entryng is peſible? my ſiȝt, for he foond grace in myn iȝen.
v And he ſeide, It is peſible; Y cam to make ſacrifice to xxiii Þerfor whanne euer þe wickid ſpirit of þe Lord took
þe Lord; be ȝe halewid, and come ȝe wiþ me, þat Y Saul, Dauid took þe harpe, and ſmoot wiþ his hond, and
make ſacrifice. Þerfor he halewide Yſai, and hiſe ſones, Saul was coumfortid, and he hadde liȝtere; for þe
and clepide hem to þe ſacrifice. wickid ſpirit ȝede awey fro hym.
vi And whanne þei hadden entrid, he ſiȝ Eliab, and ſeide,
Wheþer bifor þe Lord is his criſt? CAP. XVII
vii And þe Lord ſeide to Samuel, Biholde þou not his i Forſoþe Filiſteis gaderiden her cumpenyes in to batel,
cheer, neþir hiȝneſſe of his ſtature; for Y caſtide hym and camen togidere in Socoth of Juda, and ſettiden
awei, and Y demyde not bi `þe ſiȝt of man; for a man tentis bitwixe Socoth and Azecha, in þe cooſtis of
ſeeþ þo þingis þat ben opyn, but þe Lord biholdiþ þe Domyn.
herte. ii Soþeli Saul and þe men of Iſrael weren gaderid, and
viii And Yſai clepide Amynadab, and brouȝte hym bifor camen in to þe valey of Terebynte, and dreſſiden
Samuel; which ſeide, Neþer þe Lord haþ choſe þis. ſcheltrun to fiȝte aȝens Filiſteis.
ix Forſoþe Iſay brouȝte Samma; of whom Samuel ſeide, iii And Filiſteis ſtoden aboue þe hil on þis part, and
Alſo þe Lord haþ not choſe þis. Iſrael ſtood on þe hil on þe toþer part of þe valey, þat
x Þerfor Iſai brouȝte hiſe ſeuene ſones bifor Samuel; and was bitwixe hem. And a man, `ſone of a widewe, whos
Samuel ſeide to Yſai, Þe Lord haþ `not choſe of þeſe. fadir was vncerteyn, ȝede out of þe `caſtels of Filiſteis,
xi And Samuel ſeide to Iſai, Wheþer þi ſones ben now Goliath bi name of Geth, of ſixe cubitis heiȝ and a
fillid? And Iſai anſweride, Ȝit `anoþer is, a litil child, ſpanne; and a braſun baſynet on his heed;
v and he was cloþid wiþ `an haburioun hokid, eþer
and liſewiþ ſcheep. And Samuel ſeide to Iſai, Sende þou,
and brynge hym; for we ſchulen not ſitte to mete, bifor mailid; forſoþe þe weiȝte of his haburioun was fyue
þat he come hidur. þouſynde ſiclis of bras;
xii Þerfor Yſai ſente, and brouȝte hym; ſoþeli he was vi and he hadde `bootis of bras in þe hipis, and a `ſcheld

rodi, and fair in ſiȝt, and of ſemely face. And þe Lord of bras hilide hiſe ſchuldris.
ſeide, Riſe þou, and anoynte hym; for it is he. vii Forſoþe `þe ſchaft of his ſpere was as þe beem of
xiii Þerfor Samuel took þe horn of oyle, and anoyntid webbis; forſoþe þilke yrun of his ſpere hadde ſixe
hym in þe myddis of his briþeren; and þe Spirit of þe hundrid ſiclis of yrun; and his ſquier ȝede bifor hym.
Lord was dreſſid in to Dauid fro þat day `and afterward. viii And he ſtood, and cried aȝens þe cumpenyes of
And Samuel roos, and ȝede in to Ramatha. armed men of Iſrael, and ſeide to hem, Why camen ȝe
xiiii And ſo þe Spirit of þe Lord ȝede awei fro Saul, and redi to batel? Wheþer Y am not a Filiſtei, and ȝe ben þe
a wickid ſpirit of þe Lord trauelide Saul. ſeruauntis of Saul? Cheſe ȝe a man of ȝou, and come he
xv And þe ſeruauntis of Saul ſeiden to hym, Lo! an yuel doun to ſyngulere batel;
ix if he may fiȝte wiþ me, and ſleeþ me, we ſchulen be
ſpirit of þe Lord traueiliþ þee;
xvi oure lord þe kyng comaunde, and þi ſeruauntis þat `ſeruauntis to ȝou; forſoþe if Y haue þe mayſtry, and ſle
ben bifore þee, ſchulen ſeke a man, þat kan ſynge wiþ hym, ȝe ſchulen be boonde, and `ȝe ſchulen ſerue vs.
x And `þe Filiſtei ſeide, Y haue `ſeyd ſchenſchip to dai to
an harpe, þat whanne þe yuel ſpirit of þe Lord takiþ þee,
he harpe wiþ his hond, and þou bere eſiliere. And Saul þe cumpenyes of Iſrael; ȝyue ȝe a man, and bigynne he
ſeide to hiſe ſeruauntis, Puruey ȝe to me ſum man `ſynguler batel wiþ me.
ſyngynge wel, and brynge ȝe hym to me. xi Soþeli Saul and alle men of Iſrael herden ſiche wordis
xviii And oon of þe children anſweride and ſeide, Lo! Y of `þe Filiſtey, and þei weren aſtonyed, and dredden
ſiȝ þe ſone of Yſai of Bethleem, kunnynge to ſynge, and greetli.
`ſtrongeſte in myȝt, and `a man able to batel, and xii Forſoþe Dauid was `þe ſone of a man of Effrata, of
prudent in wordis, and a feir man; and þe Lord is wiþ whom it is `biforſeid, of Bethleem of Juda, to `which
hym. man þe name was Iſay, which hadde eiȝte ſones; and `þe
xix Þerfor Saul ſente meſſangeris to Yſay, and ſeide, man was eld in þe daies of Saul, and of greet age
Sende þou to me Dauid þi ſone, `which is in þe leſewis. among men.
xx Þerfor Iſai took an aſſe `ful of looues, and a galoun of xiii Soþeli þre grettere ſones of Yſai ȝeden after Saul in

wyn, and a `kyde of geet; and ſente bi þe hond of Dauid to batel; and þe names of hiſe þre ſones, þat ȝeden to
his ſone to Saul. batel, Heliab, þe firſte gendryd, and þe ſecounde,
Amynadab, and þe þridde, Samma.

xiiii Forſoþe Dauid was þe leeſte. Þerfor while þre xxix And Dauid ſeide, What haue Y do? Wheþer it is not
grettere ſueden Saul, Dauid ȝede, a word?
xv and turnede aȝen fro Saul, þat he ſchulde kepe þe floc xxx And Dauid bowide a litil fro hym to anoþer man;
of his fadir in Bethleem. and Dauid ſeide þe ſame word, and þe puple anſweride
xvi Forſoþe þe Filiſtey cam forþ in þe morewtid, and to hym al word as bifore.
euentid; and ſtood `bi fourti daies. xxxi Forſoþe þeſe wordis weren herd, whiche Dauid
xvii Soþeli Yſai ſeide to Dauid his ſone, Take þou to þi ſpak, and weren teld `in þe ſiȝt of Saul.
briþeren meete maad of meele, þe meſure of ephi, and xxxii And whanne Dauyd was brouȝt to Saul, Dauyd
þeſe ten looues, and renne þou in to þe caſtels to þi ſpak to hym, Þe herte of ony man falle not doun for `þat
briþeren; Filiſtei, Y þi ſeruaunt ſchal go, and `Y ſchal fiȝte aȝens
xviii and þou ſchalt bere to þe tribune þeſe ten `litil þe Filiſtei.
formes of cheſe; and þou ſchalt viſite þi briþeren, xxxiii And Saul ſeide to Dauid, Þou maiſt not aȝenſtonde
wheþer þei doon riȝtli, and lurne þou, wiþ whiche men þis Filiſtei, neþer fiȝte aȝens hym, for þou art a child;
þei ben ordeyned. forſoþe þis man is a werriour fro his ȝong wexynge age.
xix Forſoþe Saul, and þei, and alle þe ſones of Iſrael in xxxiiii And Dauid ſeide to Saul, Þi ſeruaunt kepte `þe
þe valei of Terebynte fouȝten aȝens Filiſteis. floc of his fadir, and a lioun cam, eþer a bere, and took
xx Þerfor Dauid roos eerli, and bitook þe floc to þe awei a ram fro þe myddis of þe floc;
kepere, and he ȝede chargid, as Yſai `hadde comaundid xxxv Y purſuede, and killide hem, and rauyſchide fro `þe
to hym; and he cam to þe place Magala, and to þe ooſt, mouþ of hem; and þei riſiden aȝens me, and I took þe
which ooſt ȝede out to þe batel, and criede in `þe batel. neþer chaule `of hem, and Y ſtranglide, and killide hem.
xxi For Iſrael hadde dreſſid ſcheltrun; `but alſo Filiſteis xxxvi For Y þi ſeruaunt killide boþe a lioun and a bere;
weren maad redi `euen aȝens. þerfor and þis Filiſtei vncircumcidid ſchal be as oon of
xxii Þerfor Dauid lefte þe veſſels, whiche he hadde hem. Now Y ſchal go, and Y ſchal do awey þe
brouȝt, vndur þe hond of a kepere `at þe fardels, and he ſchenſchip of þe puple; for who is þis Filiſtei
ran to þe place of batel, and he axyde, if alle þingis vncircumcidid, þat was hardi to curſe þe ooſt of God
weren `doon riȝtli anentis hiſe briþeren. lyuynge?
xxiii And whanne he ſpak ȝit to hem, þilke baſtard xxxvii And Dauid ſeide, Þe Lord þat delyuerede me fro

apperide, Goliath bi name, a Filiſtei of Geth, and ſtiede þe `mouþ of þe lioun, and fro þe `hond, þat is, power, of
fro þe caſtels of Filiſteis; and `while he ſpak þeſe ſame þe bere, he ſchal delyuere me fro þe hond of þis Filiſtei.
wordis, Dauid herde. Forſoþe Saul ſeide to Dauid, Go þou, and þe Lord be
xxiiii And whanne alle men of Iſrael hadden ſeyn `þe wiþ þee.
xxxviii And Saul cloþide Dauid wiþ hiſe cloþis, and
man, þei fledden fro his face, and dredden hym greetli.
xxv And ech man of Iſrael ſeide, Wheþer þou haſt ſeyn puttide a braſun baſynet on his heed, and cloþide hym
þis man þat ſtiede? for he ſtiede to ſeie ſchenſhip to wiþ an haburioun.
xxxix Þerfor Dauid was gird wiþ his ſwerd on his cloþ,
Iſrael; þerfor þe kyng ſchal make riche wiþ greet
richeſſis `þe man þat ſleeþ þilke Filiſtei; and þe kyng and bigan to aſaie if he myȝte go armed; for he hadde
ſchal ȝyue his douȝter to þat man, and ſchal make þe not cuſtom. And Dauid ſeide to Saul, Y may not go ſo,
hows of his fader wiþ out `tribut in Iſrael. for Y haue not vſs. And Dauid puttide awei þo,
xxvi And Dauyd ſpak to þe men þat ſtoden wiþ hym, and xl and he took his ſtaaf, which he hadde euere in þe

ſeide, What ſchal be ȝouun to þe man þat ſleeþ þis hondis. And he chees to hym fyue clereſte ſtonys, þat is,
Filiſtei, and doiþ awei ſchenſchip fro Iſrael? for who is harde, pleyn, and rounde, of þe ſtronde; and he ſente þo
þis Filiſtei vncircumcidid, þat diſpiſide þe ſcheltruns of in to þe ſchepherdis ſcrippe, which he hadde wiþ hym;
God lyuynge? and he took þe ſlynge in þe hond, and ȝede forþ aȝens
xxvii Forſoþe þe puple tolde to hym þe ſame word, and þe Filiſtei.
xli Soþeli þe Filiſtei ȝede, `goynge and neiȝyng aȝens
ſeide, Þeſe þingis ſchulen be ȝouun to þe man þat ſleeþ
hym. Dauid; and his ſquyer ȝede bifor hym.
xxviii And whanne Heliab, `his more broþer, had herd xlii And whanne `þe Filiſtei hadde biholde Dauid, and

þis, while he ſpak wiþ oþere men, he was wrooþ aȝens hadde ſeyn hym, he diſpiſide Dauid; forſoþe Dauid was
Dauid, and ſeide, Whi cameſt þou, and whi `leftiſt þou a ȝong wexynge man, rodi, and feir in ſiȝt.
þo fewe ſcheep in deſeert? Y knowe þi pride, and þe xliii And `þe Filiſtei, ſeide to Dauid, Wheþer Y am a
wewardneſſe of þin herte; for þou cameſt doun to ſe þe dogge, for þou comeſt to me wiþ a ſtaf? And `þe Filiſtei
batel. curſide Dauid in hiſe goddis; and he ſeide to Dauid,

xliiii Come þou to me, and Y ſchal ȝyue þi fleiſchis to þe CAP. XVIII
`volatilis of heuene, and to þe beeſtis of erþe. i And it was doon, whanne Dauid `hadde endid to ſpeke
xlv Soþeli Dauid ſeide to `þe Filiſtei, Þou comeſt to me to Saul, þe ſoule of Jonathas was glued togidre to þe
wiþ ſwerd, and ſpere, and ſcheeld; but Y come to þee in ſoule of Dauid, and Jonathas louyde hym as his owne
þe name of þe Lord God of ooſtis, of God of þe ſoule.
cumpanyes of Iſrael, to whiche þou ſeidiſt ſchenſchip to ii And Saul took Dauid in þat dai, and grauntide not `to
dai. hym, `þat he ſchulde turne aȝen in to `þe hows of his
xlvi And þe Lord ſchal ȝyue þee in myn hond, and Y fadir.
ſchal ſle þee, and Y ſchal take awey þin heed fro þee; iii Forſoþe Jonathas and Dauid maden boond of pees,
and I ſchal ȝyue þe deed bodies of þe caſtels of Filiſteis `þat is, ſwerynge euerlaſtynge frenſchip; for Jonathas
`to day to þe volatils of heuene, and to þe beeſtis of louyde Dauid as his owne ſoule;
erþe; þat al þe erþe wite, þat þe Lord God is in Iſrael, iiii for whi Jonathas diſpuylide him ſilf fro þe coote `in
xlvii and þat al þis chirche knowe, þat þe Lord ſaueþ not which he was cloþid, and ȝaf it to Dauid, and hiſe oþere
in ſwerd neþer in ſpere; for þe batel is his, and he ſchal cloþis, `til to his ſwerd and bouwe, and `til to þe girdil.
bitake ȝou in to oure hondis. v Alſo Dauid ȝede out to alle þingis, to what euer þingis
xlviii Þerfor whanne þe Filiſtei hadde riſe, and cam, and Saul `hadde ſent hym, and he gouernede hym ſilf
neiȝede aȝens Dauid, Dauid haſtide, and ran to batel prudentli; and Saul ſettide hym ouer þe men of batel,
aȝens `þe Filiſtei. and `he was acceptid, `eþer pleſaunt, in þe iȝen of al þe
xlix And Dauid putte his hond `in to his ſcrippe, and he puple, and mooſt in þe ſiȝt of `þe ſeruauntis of Saul.
took o ſtoon, and he caſtide wiþ þe ſlynge, `and ledde vi Forſoþe whanne Dauid turnede aȝen, whanne `þe
aboute, and ſmoot `þe Filiſtei in þe forheed; and þe Filiſtei was ſlayn, and bar þe heed of `þe Filiſtei in to
ſtoon was faſtned in his forheed, and he felde doun in to Jeruſalem, wymmen ȝeden out of alle þe citees of Iſrael,
his face on þe erþe. and ſungen, and ledden queris, aȝens þe comyng of king
l And Dauid hadde þe maiſtrie aȝens `þe Filiſtei `in a Saul, in tympans of gladneſſe, and in trumpis.
ſlyng and ſtoon, and he killide `þe Filiſtei ſmytun. And vii And þe wymmen ſungen, pleiynge, and ſeiynge, Saul
whanne Dauid hadde no ſwerd in þe hond, ſmoot a þouſynde, and Dauid ſmoot ten þouſynde.
li he ran, and ſtood on `þe Filiſtei, and took his ſwerd; viii Saul was wrooþ greetli, and þis word diſpleſide `in
and Dauid drow out þe ſwerd of his ſcheþe, and `killide his iȝen; and he ſeide, Þei ȝauen ten þouſynde to Dauid,
him, and kittide awei his heed. Forſoþe þe Filiſteis ſien, and `þei ȝauen a þouſynde to me; what leeueþ to hym,
þat þe ſtrongeſte of hem was deed, and þei fledden. no but þe rewme aloone?
lii And þe ſones of Iſrael and of Juda riſiden to gidere, ix Þerfor Saul bihelde Dauid not wiþ `riȝtful iȝen, `fro
and crieden, and purſueden Filiſteis, `til þe while þei þat dai and afterward.
camen in to þe valei, and `til to þe ȝate of Accaron. And x Soþeli aftir þe toþer dai a wickid ſpirit of God aſailide
woundid men of Filiſteis felden in þe weye of Sarym, Saul, and he propheciede in þe myddis of his hows.
and `til to Geth, and `til to Accaron. xi Forſoþe Dauid harpide wiþ his hond, as bi alle daies;
liii And þe ſones of Iſrael turneden aȝen, aftir þat þei
and Saul helde a ſpere, and caſte it, and geſſide þat he
hadden purſuede Filiſteis, and þei aſſailiden `þe tentis of myȝte prene Dauid wiþ þe wal, þat is, perſe wiþ þe
hem. ſpere, ſo þat it ſchulde paſſe til to þe wal; and Dauid
liiii Forſoþe Dauid took þe heed of `þe Filiſtei, and bowide `fro his face þe ſecounde tyme.
brouȝte it in to Jeruſalem; ſoþeli he puttide hiſe armeris xii And Saul dredde Dauid, for þe Lord was wiþ hym,
in þe `tabernacle of þe Lord. and hadde go awei fro him ſilf.
lv Forſoþe in þat tyme in which Saul ſiȝ Dauid goynge xiii Þerfor Saul remouide Dauid fro hym ſilf, and made
out aȝens `þe Filiſtei, he ſeide to Abner, prince of his hym tribune on a þouſynde men; and Dauid ȝede out
chiualrie, Abner, of what generacioun `cam forþ þis and entride in `þe ſiȝt of þe puple.
ȝong waxynge man? And Abner ſeide, Kyng, þi ſoule xiiii And Dauid dide warli in alle hiſe weies, and þe
lyueþ, I knowe not. Lord was wiþ hym;
lvi And þe kyng ſeide, Axe þou, whos ſone þis child is. xv and ſo Saul ſiȝ þat Dauid was ful prudent, and he
lvii And whanne Dauid hadde come aȝen, whanne `þe
bigan to ȝe war of Dauid.
Filiſtei was ſlayn, Abner took Dauid, and brouȝte hym xvi Forſoþe al Iſrael and Juda louyden Dauid; for he
in, hauynge in þe hond þe heed of `þe Filiſtei, `bifor entride and ȝede out bifor hem.
Saul. xvii And Saul ſeide to Dauid, Lo! `my more douȝtir
lviii And Saul ſeide to hym, Of what generacioun art
Merob, Y ſchal ȝiue her wijf to þee; oneli be þou a
þou, ȝong waxynge man? And Dauid ſeide, Y am þe ſtrong man, and fiȝte þou þe `batels of þe Lord. Forſoþe
ſone of þi ſeruaunt, Iſai of Bethleem.

Saul `arettide, and ſeide, Myn hond be not in hym, but ii And Jonathas ſchewide to Dauid, and ſeide, Saul, my
þe hond of Filiſteis be on hym. fadir, ſekiþ to ſle þee, wherfor, Y biſeche, kepe `þou þee
xviii Soþeli Dauid ſeide to Saul, Who am Y, eþer what is eerli; and þou ſchalt dwelle priueli, and þou ſchalt be
my lijf, eþer þe meynee of my fadir in Iſrael, þat Y be hid.
maad þe `ſone in lawe of þe kyng? iii Soþeli Y ſchal go out, and ſtonde biſidis my fadir in
xix Forſoþe þe tyme `was maad whanne Merob, þe þe feeld, where euer he ſchal be; and Y ſchal ſpeke of
douȝter of Saul, `ouȝte to be ȝouun to Dauid, ſche was þee to my fadir, and what euer þing Y ſhal ſe, Y ſchal
ȝouun wijf to Hadriel Molatite. telle to þee.
xx Forſoþe Dauid louide Mychol, þe douȝtir of Saul; and iiii Þerfor Jonathas ſpak good þingis of Dauid to Saul,
it was teld to Saul, and it pleſide hym. his fadir, and ſeide to hym, Kyng, do þou not ſynne
xxi And Saul ſeide, Y ſchal ȝyue hir to hym, þat it be to aȝens þi ſeruaunt Dauid, for he `ſynnede not to þee, and
hym in to ſclaundir, and þe hond of Filiſteis be on hym. hiſe werkis ben ful good to þee;
Þerfor Saul ſeide to Dauid, In `twei douȝtris þou ſchalt v and he puttide his lijf in his hond, and he killide þe
be my ſone in lawe to dai. Filiſtei. And þe Lord made greet heelþe to al Iſrael; þou
xxii And Saul comaundide to hiſe ſeruauntis, Speke ȝe to ſiȝ, and were glad; whi þerfor ſynneſt þou in giltles
Dauid, while it `is hid fro me, and ſeie ȝe, Lo! þou blood, and ſleeſt Dauid, which is wiþ out gilt?
pleſiſt þe king, and alle hiſe ſeruauntis louen þee; now vi And whanne Saul hadde herd þis, he was pleſid wiþ
þerfor be þou hoſebonde of þe `douȝtir of þe kyng. þe vois of Jonathas, and ſwoor, `Þe Lord lyueþ, `þat is,
xxiii And þe ſeruauntis of Saul ſpaken alle þeſe wordis in bi þe Lord lyuynge, for Dauid ſchal not be ſlayn.
þe eeris of Dauid. And Dauid ſeide, Wheþer it ſemeþ vii Þerfor Jonathas clepide Dauid, and ſchewide to hym
litil to ȝou `to be ſone in lawe of þe kyng? Forſoþe Y am alle þeſe wordis. And Jonathas brouȝte in Dauid to Saul,
a pore man, and a feble. and he was bifor hym as `ȝiſtirdai and þe þridde dai
xxiiii And þe ſeruauntis telden to Saul, and ſeiden, Dauid ago.
ſpak ſiche wordis. viii Forſoþe batel was moued eft; and Dauyd ȝede out,
xxv Soþeli Saul ſeide, Þus ſpeke ȝe to Dauid, Þe kyng and fauȝt aȝens Filiſteis, and he ſmoot hem wiþ a greet
haþ no nede to ȝiftis for ſpowſails, no but onely to an wounde, and þei fledden fro his face.
hundrid prepucies, `þat is, mennus ȝerdis ix And þe yuel ſpirit of þe Lord was maad on Saul;
vncircumcidid, `of Filiſteis, þat veniaunce be maad of ſoþeli he ſat in his hows, and helde a ſpere; certis Dauid
þe kyngis enemyes. Certis Saul þouȝte to bitake Dauid harpide in his hond.
in to þe hondis of Filiſteis. x And Saul enforſide to prene wiþ þe ſpere Dauid in þe
xxvi And whanne þe ſeruauntis of Saul hadden teld to wal; and Dauid bowide fro `þe face of Saul; forſoþe þe
Dauid þe wordis, whiche Saul hadde ſeid, þe word ſpere `wiþ voide wounde was borun in to þe wal; and
pleſide `in þe iȝen of Dauid, þat he ſchulde be maad þe Dauid fledde, and was ſaued in þat niȝt.
kyngis ſon in lawe. xi Þerfor Saul ſente hiſe knyȝtis in þe nyȝt in to þe hows
xxvii And aftir a fewe daies Dauid roos, and ȝede in to of Dauid, þat þei ſchulden kepe hym, and þat he
Acharon, wiþ þe men þat weren wiþ hym, and he killide `ſchulde be ſlayn in þe morewtide. And whanne
of Filiſteis twei hundrid men; and brouȝte `þe prepucies Mychol, þe wijf of Dauid, hadde teld þis to Dauid, and
of hem, and noumbride þo to þe kyng, þat he ſchulde be ſeide, If þou ſaueſt not þee in þis nyȝt, þou ſchalt die to
þe kyngis ſone in lawe. And ſo Saul ȝaf Mycol, his morew;
douȝter, wiif to hym. xii ſche puttide hym doun bi a wyndow. Forſoþe he ȝede,
xxviii And Saul ſiȝ, and vndirſtood, þat þe Lord was wiþ and fledde, and was ſauyd.
Dauid. xiii Soþeli Mychol took an ymage, and puttide it on þe
xxix Forſoþe Mychol, `þe douȝter of Saul, louide Dauid, bed, and puttide `an heeri ſkyn of geet at þe heed þerof,
and Saul bigan more to drede Dauid; and Saul was and hilide it wiþ cloþis.
maad enemye to Dauid in alle daies. xiiii Forſoþe Saul ſente ſergeauntis, `þat ſchulden
xxx And þe princes of Filiſteis ȝeden out; forſoþe fro þe rauyſche Dauid, and it was anſweride, þat he was ſijk.
bigynnyng of her goyng out Dauyd bar hym ſilf more xv And eft Saul ſente meſſangeris, þat þei ſchulden ſe
warli þan alle þe men of Saul; and þe name of Dauid Dauid, and he ſeide, Brynge ȝe hym to me in þe bed, þat
was maad ful ſolempne. he be ſlayn.
xvi And whanne þe meſſangeris hadden come, `a
CAP. XIX ſymylacre was foundun on þe bed, and `ſkynnes of geet
i Forſoþe Saul ſpak to Jonathas, his ſone, and to alle hiſe
at þe heed þerof.
ſeruauntis, þat þei ſchulden ſle Dauid; certis Jonathas,
þe ſone of Saul, louyde Dauid greetli.

xvii And Saul ſeide to Mychol, Whi ſcornediſt þou me vi If þi fadir biholdiþ, and axiþ me, þou ſchalt anſwere
ſo, and `delyuerediſt myn enemy, þat he fledde? And to hym, Dauid preiede me, þat he ſchulde go ſwiftli into
Mychol anſweride to Saul, For he ſpak to me, and ſeide, Bethleem, his citee, for ſolempne ſacrifices ben þere to
Delyuere þou me, ellis Y ſchal ſlee þee. alle þe men of his lynage.
xviii Forſoþe Dauid fledde, and was ſauyd; and he cam vii If he ſeiþ, Wel, pees ſchal be to þi ſeruaunt; forſoþe if
to Samuel in to Ramatha, and telde to hym alle þingis he is wrooþ, wite þou, þat his malice is fillid.
which Saul hadde do to hym; and he and Samuel ȝeden, viii Þerfor do þou mercy in to þi ſeruaunt, for þou madiſt
and dwelliden in Naioth. me þi ſeruaunt to make wiþ þee þe boond of pees of þe
xix Forſoþe it was teld to Saul of men, ſeiynge, Lo! Lord; ſoþeli if ony wickidneſſe is in me, ſle þou me, and
Dauid is in Naioth in Ramatha. brynge þou not in me to þi fadir.
xx Þerfor Saul ſente ſleeris, þat þei ſchulden rauyſche ix And Jonathas ſeide, Fer be þis fro me, for it mai not
Dauid; and whanne þei hadden ſeyn þe cumpeny of be doon, þat Y telle not to þee, if Y knowe certeynli, þat
profetis profeciynge, and Samuel ſtondynge ouer hem, þe malice of my fadir is fillid aȝens þee.
þe Spirit of þe Lord, `þat is, þe ſpirit of deuocioun, was x And Dauid anſweride to Jonathas, Who ſchal telle to
maad in hem, and þei alſo bigunnen to prophecie. me, if in caas þi fadir anſweriþ harde ony þing of me?
xxi And whanne þis was teld to Saul, he ſente alſo oþere xi And Jonathas ſeide to Dauid, Come þou, and go we
meſſangeris; `ſoþeli and þei profeſieden. And eft Saul forþ in to þe feeld. And whanne boþe hadden go in to
ſente þe þridde meſſangeris, and þei prophecieden. And þe feeld,
Saul was wrooþ `wiþ irefulneſſe; xii Jonathas ſeide to Dauid, Lord God of Iſrael, if Y
xxii and he alſo ȝede in to Ramatha, and he cam `til to þe
enquere þe ſentence of my fadir to morewe, eþer in þe
greet ciſterne, which is in Socoth, and he axide, and nexte dai aftir, and ony `þing of good is of Dauid, and Y
ſeide, In what place ben Samuel and Dauid? And it was ſende not anoon to þee,
ſeid to hym, Lo! þei ben in Naioth in Ramatha. xiii and make knowun to þee, God do þeſe þingis to
xxiii And he ȝede in `to Naioth in Ramatha; and þe Spirit
Jonathas, and `adde þeſe þingis. Forſoþe if þe malice of
of þe Lord was maad alſo on him; and he `ȝede, and my fadir contynueþ aȝens þee, Y ſchal ſchewe to þin
entride, and propheciede, `til þe while he cam `in to eere, and Y ſchal delyuere þee, þat þou go in pees; and
Naioth in Ramatha. þe Lord be wiþ þee, as he was wiþ my fadir.
xxiiii And `he alſo diſpuylide him ſilf of hiſe cloþis, and xiiii And if Y lyue, do þou þe mercies of þe Lord to me;
propheciede wiþ oþere men bifor Samuel, and he xv forſoþe if Y am deed, `þou ſchalt not take awei þi
profeciede nakid in al þat dai and nyȝt. Wherfor `a mercy fro myn hows `til in to wiþ outen ende; `and ȝif
prouerbe, þat is, a comyn word, ȝede out, Wheþer and Y do it not, whanne þe Lord ſchal drawe out bi þe roote
Saul among prophetis? þe enemyes of Dauid, ech man fro þe lond, take he awei
Jonathas fro his hows, and ſeke þe Lord of þe hond of
CAP. XX þe enemyes of Dauid.
i Forſoþe Dauid fledde fro Naioth, which is in Ramatha, xvi Þerfor Jonathas made boond of pees wiþ þe hows of
and cam and ſpak bifor Jonathas, What haue Y do? what Dauid, and þe Lord ſouȝte of þe hond of enemyes of
is my wickidneſſe, and what is my ſynne aȝens þi fadir, Dauid.
for he ſekiþ my lijf? xvii And Jonathas addide to ſwere ſtedfaſtli to Dauid, for
ii And Jonathas ſeide to hym, Fer be it fro þee, þou
he louyde Dauid; for he louyde ſo Dauid, as his owne
ſchalt not die, for my fadir ſchal not do ony þing greet ſoule.
eþer litil, `no but he ſchewe firſte to me; þerfor my fadir xviii And Jonathas ſeide to hym, `Calendis ben to
kepte preuy fro me þis word oneli, forſoþe it ſchal not morewe, and þou ſchalt be ſouȝt;
be. xix for þi ſittyng ſchal be ſouȝt til after to morewe.
iii And eft he ſwoor to Dauid. And Dauid ſeide, Treuli þi
Þerfor þou ſchalt go doun haſtili, and þou ſchalt come in
fadir woot, þat Y haue founde grace `in þin iȝen, and he to þe place, where þou ſchalt be hid in þe day, whanne it
ſchal ſeie, Jonathas wite not þis, leſt perauenture he be is leueful to worche; and þou ſchalt ſitte biſidis þe ſtoon,
ſory; certis þe Lord lyueþ, `and þi ſoule lyueþ, for, þat Y `to which þe name is Ezel.
ſeie ſo, Y and deeþ ben departid oneli bi o degree. xx And Y ſchal ſende þre arowis biſidis þat ſtoon, and Y
iiii And Jonathas ſeide to Dauid, What euer þing þi ſoule
ſchal caſte as `excerciſynge eþer pleiynge me at a ſigne.
ſchal ſeie to me, Y ſchal do to þee. xxi Y ſchal ſende alſo and my child, and Y ſchal ſeie to
v And Dauid ſeide to Jonathas, Lo! calendis ben to
hym, Go þou, and brynge to me þe arewis.
morewe, and bi cuſtom Y am wont to ſitte bi þe kyng to xxii If Y ſeie to þe child, Lo! þe arewis ben `wiþ ynne
ete; þerfor ſuffre þou me, `þat Y be hid in þe feeld `til to
þee, take þou þo; come þou to me, for pees is to þee,
euentid of þe þridde dai.

and no þing is of yuel, þe Lord lyueþ. Soþeli if Y ſpeke xxxviii And Jonathas criede eft bihynde þe bak of þe
þus to þe child, Lo! þe arowis ben biȝende þee; go þou child, `and ſeide, Haſte þou ſwiftli, ſtonde þou not.
in pees, for þe Lord deliuerede þee. Þerfor þe child gaderide þe arowis of Jonathas, and
xxiii Forſoþe of þe word, which þou and Y han ſpoke, þe brouȝte to his lord,
Lord be bitwixe me and þee til in to wiþ outen ende. xxxix and outerli he wiſte not what was doon; for oonli
xxiiii Þerfor Dauid was hid in þe feeld; and þe `calendis Jonathas and Dauid knewen þe þing.
camen, and þe kyng ſat to ete breed. xl Þerfor Jonathas ȝaf hiſe armeris to þe child, and ſeide
xxv And whanne þe kyng hadde ſeete on his chaier bi to hym, Go þou, bere in to þe citee.
cuſtom, `which chaier was biſidis þe wal, Jonathas roos, xli And whanne þe child hadde go, Dauid roos fro þe
and ſat `aftir Abner, and Abner ſat at þe ſide of Saul, and place þat `ȝede to þe ſouþ; and he felde low `in to þe
þe place of Dauid apperide voide. erþe, and worſchipide þe þridde tyme, and þei kiſſiden
xxvi And Saul ſpak not ony þing in þat dai; for he hem ſilf to gidere, and `wepten to gidere; forſoþe Dauid
þouȝte, þat `in hap it bifelde to hym, þat he was not wepte more.
clene `neþer purified. xlii Þerfor Jonathas ſeide to Dauid, Go þou in pees; what
xxvii And whanne þe ſecounde dai aftir þe calendis euer þingis we boþe han ſwoore in þe `name of þe Lord,
hadde ſchyned, eft þe place of Dauid apperide voide. `and ſeiden, `Þe Lord be bitwixe me and þee, and
And Saul ſeide to Jonathas his ſone, Whi comeþ not þe bitwixe my ſeed and þi ſeed til in to wiþ outen ende, `be
ſone of Iſai, neþer ȝiſterdai, neþer to dai to ete? ſtidfaſt. And Dauid roos, and ȝede, but alſo Jonathas
xxviii And Jonathas anſweride to Saul, He preiede me entride in to þe citee.
mekeli, þat he ſchulde go in to Bethleem;
xxix and he ſeide, Suffre þou me, for ſolempne ſacrifice CAP. XXI
i Forſoþe Dauid cam in to Nobe to Achimelech preeſt;
is in my citee; oon of my briþeren clepide me; now
þerfor if Y foond grace `in þin iȝen, Y ſchal go ſoone, and Achymelech wondrid, for Dauid `hadde come; and
and `Y ſchal ſe my briþeren; for þis cauſe he comeþ not he ſeide to Dauid, Whi art þou aloone, and no man is
to þe `table of þe kyng. wiþ þee?
xxx Forſoþe Saul was wrooþ aȝens Jonathas, and ſeide to ii And Dauid ſeide to Achymelech preeſt, Þe kyng

hym, Þou ſone of a womman `rauyſchynge at her owne comaundide to me a word, and ſeide, No man wite þe
wille a man, wheþer Y woot not, þat þou loueſt þe ſone þing, for which þou art ſent fro me, and what maner
of Yſay in to þi confuſioun, and in to þe confuſioun of comaundementis Y ȝaf to þee; for Y ſeide alſo to
þi ſchendful modir? children, þat þei ſchulden go in to þat `and þat place;
xxxi For in alle þe daies in whiche þe ſone of Iſai lyueþ iii now þerfor if þou haſt ony þing at hond, eþer fyue

on erþe, þou ſchalt not be ſtabliſchid, neþer þi rewme; looues, ȝyue þou to me, eþer what euer þing þou
þerfor `riȝt now ſende þou, and brynge hym to me, for fyndiſt.
he is þe ſone of deeþ. iiii And þe preeſt anſweride to Dauid, and ſeide to hym,
xxxii Soþeli Jonathas anſweride to Saul his fadir, and Y haue `not lewid, `þat is, comyn, looues at hoond, but
ſeide, Whi ſchal he die? what haþ he do? oneli hooli breed; wheþer þe children ben clene, and
xxxiii And Saul took þe ſpere, þat he ſchulde ſmyte hym, mooſt of wymmen?
v And Dauid anſweride to þe preeſt, and ſeide to hym,
and Jonathas vndirſtood, þat it was determynd of his
fadir, þat Dauid ſchulde be ſlayn. And ſoþeli if it is doon of wymmen, we abſteyneden vs
xxxiiii Þerfor Jonathas roos fro þe table in `þe ire of fro ȝiſtirdai and þe þridde dai ago, whanne we ȝeden
woodneſſe, and he ete not breed in þe ſecounde dai of out, and þe `veſſels, þat is, bodies, of þe children weren
calendis; for he was ſori on Dauid, for his fadir hadde cleene; forſoþe þis weie is defoulyd, but alſo þat ſchal
ſchent him. be halewid to dai in þe veſſels.
xxxv And whanne þe morewtid `hadde ſchyned, Jonathas vi Þerfor þe preeſt ȝaf to hym halewid breed, for noon

cam in to þe feeld, and a litil child wiþ hym, bi þe oþer breed was þere, no but oneli looues of ſettyng forþ,
couenaunt of Dauid. þat weren takun awey fro þe face of þe Lord, þat hoote
xxxvi And Jonathas ſeide to his child, Go þou, and looues ſchulen be ſet.
vii Forſoþe ſum man of þe ſeruauntis of Saul was þere
brynge to me þe arowis whiche Y caſte. And whanne þe
child hadde runne, he caſtide anoþer arowe biȝende þe wiþ ynne in þe tabernacle of þe Lord; and his name was
child. Doech of Ydumee, þe myȝtieſt of þe ſcheepherdis, `þat
xxxvii Þerfor þe child cam to þe place of þe arowe which is, iugis, of Saul.
viii Forſoþe Dauid ſeide to Achymelech, If þou haſt
Jonathas hadde ſent; and Jonathas criede bihynde þe
`bak of þe child, and ſeide, Lo! þe arowe is not þere, `here at hond ſpere, eþer ſwerd, ȝyue to me; for Y took
certis it is biȝende þee.

not wiþ me my ſwerd and myn armeris; for þe `word of ſchal ȝyue to alle ȝou feeldis and vyneris, and ſchal
þe kyng conſtreynede me. make alle ȝou tribunes and centuriouns?
ix And þe preeſt ſeide, Lo! here þe ſwerd of Goliath viii For alle ȝe han ſwore, eþer conſpirid, togidere aȝens
Filiſtei, whom þou killidſt in þe valey of Terebynte, is me, and noon is þat telliþ to me; mooſt ſiþen alſo my
wlappid in a cloþ aftir ephoth; if þou wolt take þis, take ſone haþ ioyned boond of pees wiþ þe ſone of Yſai;
þou; for here is noon oþer outakun þat. And Dauid noon is of ȝou, þat ſorewiþ `for my ſtide, neþer þat telliþ
ſeide, Noon oþer is lijk þis, ȝyue þou it to me. to me, for my ſone haþ reiſid my ſeruaunt aȝens me,
x Þerfor Dauid roos, `and fledde in þat dai fro þe face of ſettynge treſoun to me `til to dai.
Saul, and cam to Achis, þe kyng of Geth. ix Soþeli Doech of Ydumye anſweride, þat ſtood nyȝ,
xi And þe ſeruauntis of Achis ſeiden to hym, whanne þei and was þe firſte among `þe ſeruauntis of Saul, and
hadden ſeyn Dauid, Wheþer þis is not Dauid, kyng of ſeide, Y ſiȝ `þe ſone of Yſai in Nobe, at Achymelech,
þe lond? Wheþer þei ſungen not to hym bi queeris, and preeſt, þe ſone of Achitob;
ſeiden, Saul ſmoot a þouſynde, and Dauid ſmoot ten x which counſeilide þe Lord for Dauid, and ȝaf meetis
þouſynde? `to hym, but alſo he ȝaf to Dauid þe ſwerd of Goliath
xii Soþeli Dauid puttide þeſe wordis `in his herte, and he Filiſtei.
dredde greetli of þe face of Achis, kyng of Geth. xi Þerfor þe kyng ſente to clepe Achymelech, þe preeſt,
xiii And Dauid chaungide his mouþ bifor Achis, and `þe ſone of Achitob, and al þe hows of his fadir, of
felde doun bitwixe her hondis, and he hurtlide aȝens þe preeſtis þat weren in Nobe; whiche alle camen to þe
doris of þe ȝate, and his drauelis, `þat is, ſpotelis, kyng.
flowiden doun in to þe beerd. xii And Saul ſeide to Achymelech, Here, þou ſone of
xiiii And Achis ſeide to hiſe ſeruauntis, Seen ȝe þe wood Achitob.
man? why brouȝten ȝe hym to me? wheþer wood men xiii Which anſweride, Lord, Y am redi. And Saul ſeide to
failen to vs? whi han ȝe brouȝt in hym, þat he ſchulde hym, Whi haſt þou conſpirid aȝens me, þou, and þe ſone
be wood, while Y am preſent? Delyuere ȝe hym fro of Yſai, and ȝaueſt looues and a ſwerd to hym, and
hennus, leſt he entre in to myn hows. councelidiſt þe Lord for hym, þat he ſchulde riſe aȝens
me, and he dwelliþ a tretour `til to dai?
CAP. XXII xiiii And Achymelech anſweride to þe kyng, and ſeide,
i Þerfor Dauid ȝede fro þennus, and fledde in to þe And who among alle þi ſeruauntis is as Dauid feiþful,
denne of Odollam; and whanne hiſe briþeren, and al þe and þe ſone in lawe `of þe kyng, and goynge at þi
hows of his fadir hadden herd þis, þei camen doun comaundement, and gloriouſe in þin hows?
þidur to hym. xv Wheþer Y bigan to dai to counſele þe Lord for hym?
ii And alle men þat weren ſet in angwiſch, and oppreſſid Fer be þis fro me; ſuppoſe not þe kyng aȝens his
wiþ oþere mennus dette, and in bittir ſoule, camen ſeruaunt `ſiche a þing in al `þe hows of my fadir; for þi
togidere to hym; and he was maad þe prince `of hem, ſeruaunt knew not ony þing, eþer litil eþir greet, of þis
and as foure hundrid men weren wiþ hym. cauſe.
iii And Dauid ȝede forþ fro þennus in to Maſphat, which xvi And þe kyng ſeide, Achymelech, þou ſchalt die bi
is of Moab; and he ſeide to þe kyng of Moab, Y preye, deeþ, þou, and al þe hows of þi fadir.
dwelle my fadir and my modir wiþ ȝou, til Y wite what xvii And þe kyng ſeide to men able to be ſent out, þat
þing God ſchal do to me. ſtoden aboute hym, Turne ȝe, and ſle þe preeſtis of þe
iiii And he lefte hem bifor þe face of þe kyng of Moab; Lord, for þe hond of hem is wiþ Dauid; and þei wiſten
and þei dwelliden at hym in alle daies, `in whiche þat he fledde, and þei ſchewiden not to me. Soþeli þe
Dauid was in `þe forſelet, eþer ſtronghold. ſeruauntis of þe kyng nolden holde forþ her hond in to
v And Gad, þe profete, ſeide to Dauid, Nyle þou dwelle þe preeſtis of þe Lord.
in `þe forſelet; go þou forþ, and go in to þe lond of xviii And þe kyng ſeide to Doech, Turne þou, and hurle
Juda. And Dauid ȝede forþ, and cam in to þe foreſt of in to þe preeſtis of þe Lord. And Doech of Ydumee
Areth. turnede, and hurlide in to þe preeſtis, and ſtranglide in
vi And Saul herde, þat Dauid apperide, and þe men þat þat dai foure ſcore and fyue men, cloþid wiþ `ephoth of
weren wiþ hym. Forſoþe whanne Saul dwellide in lynnun cloþ.
Gabaa, and was in þe wode which is in Rama, and xix Forſoþe he ſmoot Nobe, þe citee of preeſtis, by þe
`helde a ſpere in þe hond, and alle hiſe ſeruauntis ſtoden ſcharpneſſe of ſwerd, men and wymmen, litle children
aboute hym, and ſoukynge, and oxe, and aſſe, and ſheep, bi þe
vii he ſeide to hiſe ſeruauntis þat ſtoden nyȝ hym, Þe ſcharpneſſe of ſwerd.
ſones of Gemyny, here me now; wheþer þe ſone of Yſai

xx Forſoþe o ſone of Achymelech, ſone of Achitob, xii And Dauid ſeide eft, Wheþer þe men of Seila ſchulen
aſcapide, of which ſone þe name was Abiathar; and he bitake me, and þe men þat ben wiþ me, in to þe hondis
fledde to Dauid, of Saul? And þe Lord ſeide, Þei ſchulen bitake, `þat is,
xxi and telde to hym þat Saul hadde ſlayn þe preeſtis of if þou dwelliſt in þe citee, and Saul come þidur.
þe Lord. xiii Þerfor Dauid roos, and hiſe men, as ſixe hundrid;
xxii And Dauid ſeide to Abiathar, Soþeli Y wiſte, `þat is, and þei ȝeden out of Seila, and wandriden vncerteyn
Y coniectide, eþer dredde, in þat dai, þat whanne Doech hidur and þidur. And it was telde to Saul, þat Dauid
of Ydumee was þere, he wolde telle wiþ out doute to hadde fledde fro Seila, and was ſaued; wherfor Saul
Saul; Y am gilti of alle þe lyues of þi fadir. diſſymylide to go out.
xxiii Dwelle þou wiþ me, drede þou not; if ony man xiiii Forſoþe Dauid dwellide in þe deſeert, in ſtrongeſte

ſekiþ þi lijf, he ſchal ſeke alſo my lijf, and þou ſchalt be places, and he dwellide in þe hil of wildirneſſe of Ziph,
kept wiþ me. in a derk hil; neþeles Saul ſouȝte hym in alle daies, and
þe Lord bitook not hym in to þe hondis of Saul.
CAP. XXIII xv And Dauid ſiȝ, þat Saul ȝede out, þat he ſchulde ſeke
i And þei telden to Dauid, and ſeiden, Lo! Filiſteis fiȝten his lijf. Forſoþe Dauid was in þe deſeert of Ziph, in a
aȝens Seila, and rauyſchen þe corn floris. wode.
ii Þerfor Dauid councelide þe Lord, and ſeide, Wheþer Y xvi And Jonathas, þe ſone of Saul, roos, and ȝede to

ſchal go, and ſmyte Filiſteis? And þe Lord ſeide to Dauid in to þe wode, and coumfortide hiſe hondis in
Dauid, Go þou, and þou ſchalt ſmyte Filiſteis, and þou God.
ſchalt ſaue Seila. xvii And he ſeide to Dauid, Drede þou not; for þe hond
iii And men, þat weren wiþ Dauid, ſeiden to him, Lo! of Saul my fadir ſchal not fynde þee, and þou ſchalt
we ben heere in Judee, and dredden; hou myche more, regne on Iſrael, and Y ſchal be þe ſecounde to þee; but
if we ſchulen go in to Seila aȝens þe cumpanyes of alſo Saul my faþer woot þis.
Filiſteis. xviii Þerfor euer eiþir ſmoot boond of pees bifor þe Lord.
iiii Þerfor eft Dauid councelide þe Lord; which And Dauid dwellide in þe wode; forſoþe Jonathas
anſweride, and ſeide to Dauid, Riſe þou, and go `in to turnede aȝen in to his hows.
Seila; for Y ſchal bitake Filiſteis in þin hond. xix Forſoþe men of Ziph ſtieden to Saul in Gabaa, and
v Þerfor Dauid ȝede, and hiſe men, in to Seila, and fauȝt ſeiden, Lo! wheþer not Dauid is hid at vs in þe ſikireſte
aȝens Filiſteis; and he droof awey her werk beeſtis, and places of þe wode, in þe hille of Achille, which is at þe
ſmoot hem wiþ greet wounde; and Dauid ſauyde þe riȝt ſyde of deſeert?
dwelleris of Seila. xx Now þerfor come þou doun, as þi ſoule deſiride, þat
vi Forſoþe in þat tyme, `wher ynne Abiathar, ſone of þou ſchuldiſt come doun; forſoþe it ſchal be oure, þat
Achymelech, fledde to Dauid in to Seile, he cam doun, we bitake hym in to þe hondis of þe kyng.
and hadde wiþ hym `ephoth, þat is, þe cloþ of þe hiȝeſte xxi And Saul ſeide, Bleſſid be ȝe of þe Lord, for ȝe
preeſt. ſorewiden `for my ſtide.
vii Forſoþe it was teld to Saul, þat Dauid hadde come in xxii Þerfor, Y preie, go ȝe, and make redi more diligentli,
to Seila; and Saul ſeide, Þe Lord haþ take hym in to and do ȝe more curiouſli eþer intentifli, and biholde ȝe
myn hondis, and he `is cloſid, and entride in to a citee, ſwiftly, where his foot is, eþir who ſiȝ hym þere, where
in which ben ȝatis and lockis. ȝe ſeiden; for he þenkiþ on me, þat felli Y aſpie hym.
viii And Saul comaundide to al þe puple, þat it ſchulde xxiii Biholde ȝe, and ſe alle his hidyng places, in whiche
go doun to batel in to Seila, and biſege Dauid and hiſe he is hid, and turne ȝe aȝen to me at a certeyn þing, þat
men. Y go wiþ ȝou; þat if he cloſiþ hym ſilf ȝhe in to erþe, Y
ix And whanne Dauid perceyuede, þat Saul made redi ſchal ſeke hym wiþ alle þe þouſyndis of Juda.
yuel priueli to hym, he ſeide to Abiathar, preeſt, Brynge xxiiii And þei riſiden, and ȝeden in to Ziph bifor Saul.
hidur ephoth. Forſoþe Dauid and hiſe men weren in þe deſeert of
x And Dauid ſeide, Lord God of Iſrael, þi ſeruaunt Maon, in þe feldi places, at þe riȝt half of Jeſymyth.
`herde fame, þat Saul diſpoſiþ to come to Seila, þat he xxv Þerfor Saul ȝede and hiſe felowis to ſeke Dauid, and
diſtrie þe citee for me; it was teld to Dauid; and anoon he ȝede doun to þe
xi if þe men of Seila ſchulen bitake me in to hiſe hondis, ſtoon, and lyuyde in þe deſeert of Maon; and whanne
and if Saul ſchal come doun, as þi ſeruaunt herde, þou Saul hadde herd þis, he purſuede Dauid in þe deſeert of
Lord God of Iſrael ſchewe to þi ſeruaunt? And þe Lord Maon.
ſeide, He ſchal come doun. xxvi And Saul ȝede and hiſe men at þe ſide of þe hil `on
o part; forſoþe Dauid and hiſe men weren in þe ſide of
þe hil on þe toþer part; ſoþeli Dauid diſpeiride, þat he

myȝte aſcape fro þe face of Saul. And ſo Saul and hiſe hemme of þi mentil, Y nolde holde forþ myn hond in
men cumpaſſiden bi þe maner of a coroun Dauid and þee; perſeyue þou, and ſee, for neþer yuel neþer
hiſe men, þat þei ſchulden take hem. wickidneſſe is in myn hond, neþer Y ſynnede aȝens þee;
xxvii And a meſſanger cam to Saul, and ſeide, Haſte þou, but þou aſpieſt my lijf, þat þou do it awei.
and come, for Filiſteis han ſpred hem ſilf on þe lond. xiii Þe Lord deme bitwixe me and þee, and þe Lord
xxviii Þerfor Saul turnede aȝen, and ceeſſide to purſue venge me of þee; but myn hond be not in þee,
Dauid; and ȝede aȝens þe comyng of Filiſteis. For þis xiiii as it is ſeid alſo in eld prouerbe, Wickidneſſe ſchal
þing þei clepen þat place þe Stoon Departynge. go out of wickid men; þerfor myn hond be not in þee.
xv `Whom purſueſt þou, kyng of Iſrael, whom purſueſt
CAP. XXIIII þou? Þou purſueſt a deed hound, and a quyk fle.
i Þerfor Dauid ſtiede fro þennus, and dwellide in þe xvi Þe Lord be iuge, and þe Lord deme bitwixe me and
ſykireſte places of Engaddi. þee, and ſe, and deme my cauſe, and delyuere me fro
ii And whanne Saul turnede aȝen, aftir þat he purſuede þin hond.
Filiſteis, þei telden to hym, and ſeiden, Lo! Dauid is in xvii Soþeli whanne Dauid hadde fillid ſpekynge ſiche
þe deſeert of Engaddi. wordis to Saul, Saul ſeide, Wheþer þis is þi vois, my
iii Þerfor Saul took þree þouſinde of choſun men of al ſone Dauid? And Saul reiſide his vois, and wepte.
Iſrael, and ȝede to ſeke Dauid and hiſe men, ȝhe on xviii And he ſeide to Dauid, Þou art more iuſt þan Y; for
mooſt brokun rochis, þat ben `able to weie to wield geet þou ȝaueſt goodis to me; forſoþe Y ȝeldide yuelis to þee.
aloone. xix And þou ſchewidiſt to me to dai, what goodis þou
iiii And he cam to þe fooldis of ſcheep, þat offriden hem
haſt do to me, how þe Lord bitook me in þin hond, and
ſilf to þe wei goere. And þere was a denne, in to which þou killidiſt not me.
denne Saul entride, þat he ſchulde purge þe wombe; xx For who, `whanne he fyndiþ his enemy, ſchal
forſoþe Dauid and hiſe men weren hid in þe ynnere part delyuere hym in good weie? But þe Lord ȝelde to þee
of þe denne. þis while, for þat, þat þou wrouȝtiſt to dai in me.
v And þe ſeruauntis of Dauid ſeiden to hym, Lo! þe dai xxi And now, for Y woot, þat þou ſchalt regne mooſt
of which þe Lord ſpak to þe, Y ſchal bitake to þee þin certeynli, and ſchalt haue in þin hond þe rewme of
enemy, þat þou do to hym as it pleſiþ in þin iȝen. Þerfor Iſrael, ſwere þou to me in þe Lord,
Dauid roos, and kittide þe hemme of þe mentil of Saul xxii þat þou do not a wei my ſeed aftir me, neþer take a
priuely. wey my name fro þe hows of my fadir.
vi Aftir þeſe þingis Dauid ſmoot his herte, for he hadde
xxiii And Dauid ſwoor to Saul. Þerfor Saul ȝede in to his
kit awei þe hemme of þe mentil of Saul. hows, and Dauid and hiſe men ſtieden to ſikire placis.
vii And Dauid ſeide to hiſe men, Þe Lord be merciful to
me, leſt Y do þis þing to my lord, þe criſt of þe Lord, CAP. XXV
þat Y ſende myn hond `in to hym, for he is þe criſt of þe i Forſoþe Samuel was deed; and al Iſrael was gaderid to
Lord. Þe Lord lyueþ, for no but þe Lord ſmyte hym, gidere, and þei biweiliden hym greetly, and birieden
eþer his dai come, þat he die, eþer he go doun in to hym in his hows in Ramatha. And Dauid roos, and ȝede
batel and periſche, þe Lord be merciful to me, þat Y doun in to deſeert of Faran.
ſende not myn hond in to þe criſt of þe Lord. ii Forſoþe a `man was in Maon, and his poſſeſſioun was
viii Forſoþe Saul roos out of þe denne, and ȝede in þe
in Carmele, and þilke man was ful greet, and þre
weie bigunnun. þouſynde ſcheep and a þouſynde geet `weren to hym;
ix Soþeli Dauid roos aftir hym, and he ȝede out of þe
and it bifelde þat his flocke was clippid in Carmele.
denne, and criede aftir þe bak of Saul, and ſeide, My iii Forſoþe þe name of þat man was Nabal, and þe name
lord, þe kyng! And Saul bihelde bihinde him ſilf; and of his wijf was Abigail; and þilke womman was mooſt
Dauid bowide hym ſilf lowe to þe erþe, and prudent and fair; forſoþe hir hoſebond was hard and ful
worſchipide. wickid and malicious; ſoþeli he was of þe kyn of
x And he ſeide to Saul, Whi heriſt þou þe wordis of men
ſpekynge, Dauid ſekiþ yuel aȝens þee? iiii Þerfor whanne Dauid hadde herde in deſeert, þat
xi Lo! to dai þin iȝen ſiȝen, þat þe Lord bitook þee in
Nabal clippide his floc,
myn hond in þe denne, and Y þouȝte þat Y wolde ſle v he ſente ten ȝonge men, and ſeide to hem, Stie ȝe in to
þee, but myn iȝe ſparide þee; for Y ſeide, Y ſchal not Carmele, and ȝe ſchulen come to Nabal, and ȝe ſchulen
holde forþ myn hond in to my lord, which is þe criſt, grete hym of my name peſibli;
`þat is, anoyntid, of þe Lord.
xii But raþere, my fadir, ſe þou, and knowe þe hemme of
þi mentil in myn hond, for whanne Y kittide aweie þe

vi and ȝe ſchulen ſeie þus, Pees be to my briþeren and to xxi And Dauid ſeide, Verili in veyn Y haue kept alle
þee, and pees be to þin hows, and pees be to alle þingis, þingis þat weren of þis Nabal in þe deſeert, and no þing
`what euer þingis þou haſt. periſchide of alle þingis þat perteyneden to hym, and he
vii Y herde þat þi ſcheepherdis, þat weren wiþ vs in haþ ȝolde to me yuel for good.
deſeert, clippiden þi flockis; we weren neuere diſeſeful xxii Þe Lord do þeſe þingis, and adde þeſe þingis to þe
to hem, neþer ony tyme ony þing of þe floc failide to enemyes of Dauid, if Y ſchal leeue of alle þingis þat
hem, in al time in which þei weren wiþ vs in Carmele; perteynen to him til þe morewe a piſſer to þe wal.
viii axe þi children, and þei ſchulen ſchewe to þee. Now xxiii Soþeli whanne Abigail ſiȝ Dauid, ſche haſtide, and
þerfor þi children fynde grace in þin iȝen; for in a good ȝede doun of þe aſſe; and ſche fel doun bifor Dauid on
dai we camen to þee; what euer þing þin hond fyndiþ, hir face, and worſchipide on þe erþe.
ȝyue to þi ſeruauntis, and to þi ſone Dauid. xxiiii And ſche felde doun to hiſe feet, and ſeide, My lord
ix And whanne þe children of Dauid hadden come, þei þe kyng, þis wickydneſſe be in me; Y biſeche, ſpeke þin
ſpaken to Nabal alle þeſe wordis in þe name of Dauid, handmayden in þin eeris, and here þou þe wordis of þi
and helden pees. ſeruaunteſſe;
x Forſoþ Nabal anſweride to þe children of Dauid, and xxv Y preie, my lord þe kyng, ſette not his herte on þis
ſeide, Who is Dauiþ? and who is þe ſone of Iſai? To dai wickid man Nabal, for bi his name he is a fool, and foli
ſeruauntis encreeſiden þat fleen her lords. is wiþ hym; but, my lord, Y þin handmayde ſiȝ not þi
xi Þerfor ſchal Y take my looues and my watris, and þe children, whiche þou ſentiſt.
fleiſchis of beeſtis, whiche Y haue ſlayn to my ſchereris, xxvi Now þerfor, my lord, þe Lord lyueþ, and þi ſoule
and ſchal Y ȝyue to men, whiche Y knowe not of lyueþ, which Lord forbeed þee, leſt þou ſchuldiſt come
whennus þei ben? in to blood, and he ſauede þi ſoule to þee; and now þin
xii Þerfor þe children of Dauid ȝeden aȝen bi her weie; enemyes, and þei þat ſeken yuel to my lord, be maad as
and þei turneden aȝen, and camen, and telden to hym Nabal.
alle wordis whiche Nabal hadde ſeid. xxvii Wherfor reſſeyue þou þis bleſſyng, which þin
xiii Þanne Dauid ſeide to hiſe children, Ech man be gird handmaide brouȝte to þee, my lord, and ȝyue þou to þe
wiþ his ſwerd. And alle men weren gird wiþ her children þat ſuen þee, my lord.
ſwerdis, and Dauid alſo was gird wiþ his ſwerd; and as xxviii Do þou awey þe wickidneſſe of þi ſeruaunteſſe; for
foure hundrid men ſueden Dauid, forſoþe two hundrid þe Lord makynge ſchal make a feiþful hows to þee, my
leften at þe fardels. lord, for þou, my lord, fiȝtiſt þe batels of þe Lord;
xiiii Forſoþe oon of hiſe children telde to Abigail, wijf of þerfor malice be not foundun in þee in alle dais of þi
Nabal, and ſeide, Lo! Dauid ſente meſſangeris fro lijf.
deſeert, þat þei ſchulden bleſſe oure lord, and he turnede xxix For if a man riſiþ ony tyme, and purſueþ þee, and
hem awey; ſekiþ þi lijf, þe lijf of my lord ſchal be kept as in a
xv þeſe men weren good ynow, and not diſeſeful to vs, bundel of lyuynge trees, at þi Lord God; forſoþe þe
and no þing periſchide `in ony tyme in al þe tyme in ſoule of þin enemyes ſchal be hurlid round aboute as in
which we lyueden wiþ hem in deſeert; feerſneſſe, and ſercle of a ſlynge.
xvi þei weren to vs for a wal, boþe in niȝt and in dai, in xxx Þerfor whanne þe Lord haþ do to þee, my lord, alle

alle daies in whiche we leſewiden flockis at hem. þeſe goode þingis, whiche he ſpak of þee, and haþ
xvii Wherfor biholde þou, and þenke, what þou ſchalt ordeyned þee duyk on Iſrael,
xxxi þis ſchal not be in to ſiȝyng and in to doute of herte
do; for malice is fillid aȝens þin hoſebonde, and aȝens
`þin hows; and he is þe ſone of Belial, ſo þat no man to þee, my lord, þat þou haſt ſched out giltles blood,
may ſpeke to him. eþer þat þou haſt vengid þee. And whanne þe Lord haþ
xviii Þerfor Abigail haſtide, and took two hundrid do wel to þee, my lord, þou ſchalt haue mynde on þin
looues, and two veſſels of wyn, and fyue wheþeris handmaide, and þou ſchalt do wel to hir.
xxxii And Dauid ſeide to Abigail, Bleſſid be þe Lord God
ſodun, and ſeuene buyſchelis and an half of flour, and
an hundrid bundles of dried grape, and two hundrid of Iſrael, þat ſente þee to dai in to my comyng, and
gobetis of dried figus; and puttide on aſſis, bleſſid be þi ſpeche;
xix and ſeide to hir children, Go ȝe bifor me; lo! Y ſchal xxxiii and bleſſid be þou, þat haſt forbede me, leſt Y ȝede

ſue ȝou `aftir þe bak. Forſoþe ſche ſchewide not to hir to blood, and vengide me wiþ myn hond;
hoſebonde Nabal. xxxiiii ellis þe Lord God of Iſrael lyueþ, which forbeed
xx Þerfor whanne ſche hadde ſtied on þe aſſe, and cam me, `leſt Y dide yuel to þee, if þou haddiſt not ſoone
doun `at þe roote of þe hil, and Dauid and hiſe men come in to `metyng to me, a piſſere to þe wal ſchulde
camen doun in to þe comyng `of hir; whiche alſo ſche not haue left to Nabal til to þe morewe lyȝt.

xxxv Þerfor Dauid reſſeyuede of hir hond alle þingis toþer comyn puple bi his cumpas, Dauid ſeide to
whiche ſche hadde brouȝt to hym; and he ſeide to hir, Achymelech,
Go þou in pees in to þin hows; lo! Y herde þi vois, and vi Ethey, and to Abiſai, ſone of Saruye, þe broþer of
Y onouride þi face. Joab, `and ſeide, Who ſchal go doun wiþ me to Saul in
xxxvi Forſoþe Abigail cam to Nabal; and, lo! a feeſte was to `þe caſtels? And Abiſai ſeide, Y ſchal go doun wiþ
to him in his hows, as þe feeſte of a kyng; and þe herte þee.
of Nabal was iocounde, for he was `drunkun greetli; vii Þerfor Dauid and Abiſai camen to þe puple in þe
and ſche ſchewide not to hym a word litil eþer greet til nyȝt, and þei founden Saul lyggynge and ſlepynge in
þe morewe. `þe tente, and a ſpere ſette faſte in þe erþe at his heed;
xxxvii Forſoþe in þe morewtid, whanne Nabal hadde `forſoþe þei founden Abner and þe puple ſlepynge in his
defied þe wiyn, his wijf ſchewide to hym alle þeſe cumpas.
wordis; and his herte was almeſt deed wiþ ynne, and he viii And Abiſay ſeide to Dauid, God haþ cloſid to dai þin
was maad as a ſtoon. enemy in to þin hondis; now þerfor Y ſchal peerſe hym
xxxviii And whanne ten daies hadden paſſid, þe Lord wiþ a ſpere onys in þe erþe, and `no nede ſchal be þe
ſmoot Nabal, and he was deed. ſecounde tyme.
xxxix Which þing whanne Dauid hadde herd, Nabal ix And Dauid ſeide to Abyſai, Sle þou not hym, for who

deed, he ſeide, Bleſſid be þe Lord God, þat vengide þe ſchal holde forþ his hond into þe criſt of þe Lord, and
cauſe of my ſchenſchip of þe hond of Nabal, and kepte ſchal be innocent?
his ſeruaunt fro yuel, and þe Lord ȝeldide þe malice of x And Dauid ſeide, Þe Lord lyueþ, for no but þe Lord
Nabal in to þe heed of hym. Þerfor Dauid ſente, and ſmyte hym, eþer his dai come þat he die, eþer he go
ſpak to Abigail, þat he wolde take hir wijf to hym. doun in to batel and periſche;
xl And þe children of Dauid camen to Abigail in to xi þe Lord be merciful to me, þat Y holde not forþ myn
Carmele, and ſpaken to hir, and ſeiden, Dauid ſente vs hond in to þe criſt of þe Lord; now þerfor take þou þe
to þee, þat he take þee in to wijf to hym. ſpere, which is at his heed, and `take þou þe cuppe of
xli And ſche roos, and worſchipide lowe to erþe, and watir, and go we awei.
ſeide, Lo! þi ſeruaunteſſe be in to an handmayde, þat xii Dauid took þe ſpere, and þe cuppe of watir, þat was
ſche waiſche þe feet of þe ſeruauntis of my lord. at þe heed of Saul, and þei ȝeden forþ, and no man was
xlii And Abigail haſtide, and roos, and ſtiede on an aſſe; þat ſiȝ, and vndirſtood, and wakide, but alle men
and fyue dameſels, ſueris of hir feet, ȝeden wiþ hir, and ſlepten; for þe ſleep of þe Lord `hadde feld on hem.
ſche ſuede þe meſſangeris of Dauid, and was maad wijf xiii And whanne Dauid hadde paſſid euene aȝens, and
to hym. hadde ſtonde on þe cop of þe hil afer, and a greet ſpace
xliii But alſo Dauid took Achynoem of Jezrael, and euer was bitwixe hem,
eiþir was wijf to hym; xiiii Dauid criede to þe puple, and to Abner, þe ſone of
xliiii forſoþe Saul ȝaf Mycol his douȝtir, wijf of Dauid, to Ner, and ſeide, Abner, wheþer þou ſchalt not anſwere?
Phalti, þe ſone of Lais, þat was of Gallym. And Abner anſweride, and ſeide, Who art þou, þat
crieſt, and diſeſiſt þe kyng?
CAP. XXVI xv And Dauiþ ſeide to Abner, Wheþer þou art not a man,
i And Zipheis camen to Saul in to Gabaa, and ſeiden, and what oþer man is lijk þee in Iſrael? whi þerfor
Lo! Dauid is hidde in þe hille of Achille, which is `kepiſt þou not þi lord þe kyng? `For o man of þe
`euene aȝens þe wildirneſſe. cumpanye entride, þat he ſchulde ſle þi lord þe kyng;
ii And Saul roos, and ȝede doun in to deſeert of Ziph, xvi þis þat þou haſt doon, is not good; þe Lord lyueþ, for

and wiþ hym þre þouſynde of men of þe choſun of ȝe ben ſones of deeþ, þat kepten not ȝoure lord, þe criſt
Iſrael, þat he ſchulde ſeke Dauid in þe deſert of Ziph. of þe Lord. Now þerfor ſe þou, where is þe ſpere of þe
iii And Saul ſettide tentis in Gabaa of Achille, þat was kyng, and where is þe cuppe of watir, þat weren at his
euen aȝens þe wildirneſſe in þe weie. Soþeli Dauid heed.
xvii Forſoþe Saul knew þe vois of Dauid, and ſeide,
dwellide in deſeert. Forſoþe Dauid ſiȝ þat Saul hadde
come aftir hym in to deſeert; Wheþer þis vois is þin, my ſone Dauid? And Dauid
iiii and Dauid ſente aſpieris, and lernede mooſt certeynli, ſeide, My lord þe kyng, it is my vois.
xviii And Dauid ſeide, For what cauſe purſueþ my lord
þat Saul hadde come þidur.
v And Dauid roos priueli, and cam to þe place where his ſeruaunt? What haue Y do, eþer what yuel is in myn
Saul was. And whanne Dauid hadde ſeyn þe place, wher hond? Now þerfor,
xix my lord þe kyng, Y preye, here þe wordis of þi
ynne Saul ſlepte, and Abner, þe ſone of Ner, þe prince
of his chyualrye, and Saul ſlepynge in þe tente, and þe ſeruaunt; if þe Lord ſtiriþ þee aȝens me, þe ſacrifice be
ſmellid; forſoþe if ſones of men ſtiren þee, þei ben

curſid in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, whiche han caſt me out `to oxun, and aſſis, and camels, and cloþis, and turnede
dai, þat Y dwelle not in þe erytage of þe Lord, and aȝen, and cam to Achis.
ſeien, Go þou, ſerue þou alien goddis. x Soþeli Achis ſeide to hym, `In to whom `hurliden ȝe to
xx And now my blood be not ſched out in þe erþe bifor dai? Dauid anſweride, Aȝens þe ſouþ of Juda, and aȝens
þe Lord; for þe kyng of Iſrael ȝede out, þat he ſeke a þe ſouþ of Hiramel, and aȝens þe ſouþ of Ceney.
quike fle, as a partrich is purſuede in hillis. xi Dauid left not quik man and womman, neþer brouȝte
xxi And Saul ſeide, Y ſynnede; turne aȝen, my ſone `in to Geth, and ſe ide, Leſt perauenture þei ſpeken
Dauid, for Y ſchal no more do yuel to þee, for my lijf aȝens vs. Dauid dide þeſe þingis, and þis was his doom,
was precious to day in þin iȝen; for it ſemeþ, þat Y dide in alle daies in whiche he dwellide in þe cuntrei of
folili, and Y vnknew ful many þingis. Filiſteis.
xxii And Dauid anſweride and ſeide, Lo! þe ſpere of þe xii Þerfor Achis bileuyde to Dauid, and ſeide, Forſoþe he
kyng, oon of þe `children of þe kyng paſſe, and take it; wrouȝte many yuelis aȝens his puple Iſrael, þerfor he
forſoþe þe Lord ſchal ȝelde to ech man bi his riȝtfulneſſe ſchal be euerlaſtynge ſeruaunt to me.
and feiþ;
xxiii for þe Lord bitook þee to dai in to myn hond, and Y CAP. XXVIII
nolde holde forþ myn hond in to þe criſt of þe Lord; i Forſoþe it was doon in þo daies, Filiſteis gaderiden her
xxiiii and as þi lijf is magnified to dai in myn iȝen, ſo my cumpenyes, þat þei ſchulden be maad redi aȝens Iſrael
lijf be magnyfied in þe iȝen of þe Lord, and delyuere he to batel. And Achis ſeide to Dauid, Þou witynge `wite
me fro al angwiſch. now, for þou ſchalt go out wiþ me in caſtels, þou and þi
xxv Þerfor Saul ſeide to Dauid, Bleſſid be þou, my ſone men.
ii And Dauid ſeide to Achis, Now þou ſchalt wyte what
Dauid; and ſoþeli þou doynge ſchalt do, and þou myȝti
ſchalt be myȝti. Þerfor Dauid ȝede in to his weie, and þingis þi ſeruaunt ſchal do. And Achis ſeide to Dauid,
Saul turnede aȝen in to his place. And Y ſchal ſette þee kepere of myn heed in alle dayes.
iii Forſoþe Samuel was deed, and al Iſrael biweilide
CAP. XXVII hym, and þei birieden hym in Ramatha, his citee. And
i And Dauid ſeide in his herte, Sumtyme Y ſchal falle in Saul dide awey fro þe lond witchis and fals dyuynours,
o dai in þe hond of Saul; wheþer it is not betere, þat Y `and he ſlouȝ hem þat hadden `charmers of deuelis `in
fle, and be ſauyd in þe lond of Filiſteis, þat Saul her wombe.
diſpeire, and ceſſe to ſeke me in alle þe endis of Iſrael; iiii And Filiſteis weren gaderid, and camen, and ſettiden
þerfor fle we hiſe hondis. tentis in Sunam; ſoþeli and Saul gaderide al Iſrael, and
ii And Dauid roos, and ȝede, he and ſixe hundrid men cam in to Gelboe.
wiþ hym, to Achis, þe ſone of Maoth, kyng of Geth. v And Saul ſiȝ þe caſtels of Filiſteis, and he dredde, and
iii And Dauid dwellide wiþ Achis in Geth, he, and hiſe his herte dredde greetli.
men, and his hows; Dauid, and hiſe twei wyues, vi And he counſelide þe Lord; and þe Lord anſweride
Achynoem of Jezrael, and Abigail, þe wijf of Nabal of not to hym, neþer bi preeſtis, neþer bi dremes, neþer bi
Carmele. profetis.
iiii And it was teld to Saul, þat Dauid fledde in to Geth; vii And Saul ſeide to hiſe ſeruauntis, Seke ȝe to me a
and he addide no more `þat he ſchulde ſeke Dauid. womman hauynge a feend ſpekynge in þe wombe; and
v Forſoþe Dauid ſeide to Achis, If Y haue founden grace Y ſchal go to hir, and Y ſchal axe bi hir. And hiſe
in þin iȝen, a place be ȝouun to me in oon of þe citees of ſeruauntis ſeiden to hym, A womman hauynge a feend
þis cuntrey, þat Y dwelle þere; for whi dwelliþ þi ſpekynge in þe wombe is in Endor.
ſeruaunt in þe citee of þe kyng wiþ þee? viii Þerfor Saul chaungide his cloþing, and he was
vi Þerfor Achis ȝaf to hym Sichelech in þat dai, for cloþid wiþ oþere cloþis; and he ȝede, and twei men wiþ
which cauſe Sichelech was maad in to þe poſſeſſioun of hym; and þei camen to þe womman in þe nyȝt. And he
þe kyngis of Juda `til in to þis dai. ſeyde, Dyuyne þou to me in a fend ſpekynge in þe
vii Forſoþe þe noumbre of daies, in whiche Dauid wombe, and reiſe þou to me whom Y ſchal ſeie to þee.
ix And þe womman ſeide to hym, Lo! þou wooſt hou
dwellide in þe cuntrei of Filiſteis, was of foure moneþis.
viii And Dauid ſtiede, and hiſe men, and token preies of grete þingis Saul haþ do, and hou he dide awei fro þe
Gethſuri, and of Gethri, and of men of Amalech; for lond witchis, and fals dyuynours; whi þerfor ſettiſt þou
þeſe townes weren enhabitid bi eld tyme in þe lond, to treſoun to my lijf, þat Y be ſlayn?
x And Saul ſwoor to hir in þe Lord, and ſeide, Þe Lord
men goynge to Sur, `til to þe lond of Egipt.
ix And Dauid ſmoot al þe lond of hem, and lefte not lyueþ; for no þing of yuel ſchal come to þee for þis
man `lyuynge and womman; and he took ſcheep, and þing.

xi And þe womman ſeide to hym, Whom ſchal Y reiſe to CAP. XXIX
þee? And he ſeide, Reiſe þou Samuel to me. i Þerfor alle þe cumpenyes of Filiſteis weren gaderid in
xii Soþeli whanne þe womman hadde ſeyn Samuel, ſche Aphec, but alſo Iſrael ſettide tentis aboue þe welle þat
criede wiþ greet vois, and ſeide to Saul, Whi haſt þou was in Jezrael.
diſſeyued me? for þou art Saul. ii And ſoþeli þe princis of Filiſteis ȝeden in cumpenyes
xiii And þe kyng ſeide to hir, Nyl þou drede; what haſt of an hundrid, and in þouſyndis; forſoþe Dauid and hiſe
þou ſeyn? And þe womman ſeide to Saul, Y ſiȝ goddis men weren in þe laſte cumpenye wiþ Achis.
ſtiynge fro erþe. iii And þe princes of Filiſteis ſeiden to Achis, What
xiiii And Saul ſeide to hir, What maner forme is of hym? wolen þeſe Ebreis to hem ſilf? And Achis ſeide to þe
And ſche ſeide, An eld man ſtieþ, and he is cloþid wiþ a princes of Filiſteis, Wheþer ȝe knowen not Dauid, þat
mentil. And Saul vndirſtood þat it was Samuel; and Saul was þe ſeruaunt of Saul, kyng of Iſrael? and he was wiþ
bowide hym ſilf on his face to þe erþe, and worſchipide. me in many daies, `eþer ȝeeris, and Y foond not in hym
xv Soþeli Samuel ſeide to Saul, Whi haſt þou diſeſid me, ony þing, fro þe dai, in which he fledde to me `til to þis
þat Y ſchulde be reiſid? And Saul ſeide, Y am dai.
iiii Soþeli þe princes of Filiſteis weren wrooþ aȝens
conſtreyned greetli; for Filiſteis fiȝten aȝens me, and
God ȝede awei fro me, and he nolde here me, neþer bi hym, and ſeiden to hym, Þe man turne aȝen, and ſitte in
þe hond of profetis, neþer bi dremes; þerfor Y clepide his place, in which þou haſt ordened hym, and come he
þee, þat þou ſchuldiſt ſchewe to me what Y ſchal do. not down wiþ vs in to batel, leſt he be maad aduerſarie
xvi And Samuel ſeide, What axiſt þou me, whanne God to vs, whanne we han bigunne to fiȝte; for hou mai he
haþ go awei fro þee, and paſſide to þin enemy? pleſe his lord in oþer maner, no but in oure heedis?
xvii For þe Lord ſchal do to þee as he ſpak in myn hond, v Wheþer þis is not Dauid, to whom þei ſungen in

and he ſchal kitte awey þi rewme fro þin hond, and he daunſis, and ſeiden, Saul ſmoot in þouſyndis, and Dauid
ſchal ȝyue it to Dauid, þi neiȝbore; ſmoot in hiſe ten þouſyndis?
xviii for þou obeiediſt not to þe vois of þe Lord, neþer vi Þerfor Achis clepide Dauid, and ſeide to hym, Þe

didiſt þe `ire of hys ſtrong veniaunce in Amalech. Þerfor Lord lyueþ; for þou art riȝtful, and good in my ſiȝt, and
þe Lord haþ do to þee to day þat þat þou ſuffriſt; þi goyng out and `þin entryng is wiþ me in caſtels, and
xix and þe Lord ſchal ȝyue alſo Iſrael wiþ þee in þe hond Y `foond not in þee ony þing of yuel, fro þe day in
of Filiſteis. Forſoþe to morewe þou and þi ſones ſchulen which þou cameſt to me til to þis dai; but þou pleſiſt not
be wiþ me; but alſo þe Lord ſchal bitake þe caſtels of þe princis.
vii Þerfor turne þou aȝen, and go in pees, and offende
Iſrael in þe hond of Filiſtiym.
xx And anoon Saul felde ſtretchid forþ to erþe; for he þou not þe iȝen of princis of Filiſteis.
viii And Dauid ſeide to Achis, Forſoþe what `dide Y, and
dredde þe wordis of Samuel, and ſtrengþe was not in
hym, for he hadde not ete breed in al þat dai and al nyȝt. what haſt þou founde in me þi ſeruaunt, fro þe dai in
xxi Þerfor þilke womman entride to Saul, and ſeide; for which Y was in þi ſiȝt til in to þis dai, þat Y come not,
he was diſturblid greetli; and ſche ſeide to hym, Lo! þin and fiȝte aȝens þe enemyes of my lord þe kyng?
ix Forſoþe Achis anſweride, and ſpak to Dauid, Y woot
handmayde obeiede to þi vois, and Y haue put my lijf in
myn hond, and Y herde þi wordis, whiche þou ſpakiſt to þat þou art good, and as þe aungel of God in my iȝen;
me. but þe princes of Filiſteis ſeyden, He ſchal not ſtie wiþ
xxii Now þerfor and þou here þe vois of þin handmaide, vs in to batel.
x Þerfor riſe þou eerli, þou, and þi ſeruauntis þat camen
and Y ſchal ſette a muſſel of breed bifor þee, and þat
þou etynge wexe ſtrong, and maiſt do þe iourney. wiþ þee; and whanne ȝe han ryſe bi nyȝt, and it
xxiii And he forſook, and ſeide, Y ſchal not ete. Soþely bigynneþ to be cleer, go ȝe.
xi Þerfor Dauid roos bi nyȝt, he and hiſe men, þat þei
hiſe ſeruauntis and þe womman compelliden hym; and
at þe laſte, whanne þe vois of hem was herd, he roos fro ſchulden go forþ eerli, and turne aȝen to þe lond of
þe erþe, and ſat on þe bed. Fyliſteis; ſoþeli Filiſteis ſtieden in to Jezrael.
xxiiii Soþeli þilke womman hadde a fat calf in þe hows,
and `ſche haſtide, and killide hym; and ſche took mele, CAP. XXX
i And whanne Dauid and hiſe men hadden come `in to
and meddlide it, and made þerf breed;
xxv and ſettide bifor Saul and bifor hiſe ſeruauntis, and Sichelech in þe þridde dai, men of Amalech hadden
whanne þei hadden ete, þei riſiden, and walkiden bi al maad aſauȝt on þe ſouþ part in Sichelech; and þei
þat nyȝt. ſmytiden Sichelech, and brenten it bi fier.
ii And þei ledden þe wymmen priſoneris fro þennus, fro
þe leeſte `til to þe grete; and þei hadden not ſlayn ony,
but þei ledden wiþ hem, and ȝeden in her weie.

iii Þerfor whanne Dauid and hiſe men hadde come to þe xvii And Dauid ſmoot hem fro euentid `til to euentid of
citee, and hadden founde it brent bi fier, and þat her þe toþir dai, and not ony of hem eſcapide, no but foure
wyues, and her ſones, and douȝtris weren led priſoneris, hundrid ȝonge men, þat ſtieden on camels, and fledden.
iiii Dauid and þe puple þat was wiþ hym reiſiden her xviii Forſoþe Dauid delyuerede alle þingis whiche þe
voices, and weiliden, til teeris failiden in hem. men of Amalech token, and he delyuerede hiſe twei
v Forſoþe alſo twei wyues of Dauid weren led wyues;
priſoneris, Achynoem of Jezrael, and Abigail, þe wijf of xix neþer ony of hem failide fro litil `til to greet, as wel
Nabal of Carmele. of ſones as of douȝtris, and of ſpuylis; and what euer
vi And Dauid was ful ſori; forſoþe al þe puple wold þingis þei hadden rauyſchid, Dauid ledde aȝen alle
ſtone hym, for þe ſoule of ech man was bittir on her þingis;
ſones and douȝtris. Forſoþe Dauid was coumfortid in his xx and he took alle flockis and grete beeſtis, and droof
Lord God. bifor his face. And þei ſeiden, Þis is þe prey of Dauid.
vii And he ſeide to Abiathar, preeſt, þe ſone of xxi Forſoþe Dauid cam to twei hundrid men, þat weren
Achymelech, Bringe þou ephoth to me. And Abiathar weeri, and abididen, and myȝten not ſue Dauid; and he
brouȝte ephoth to Dauid; and Dauid councelide þe hadde comaundid hem to ſitte in þe ſtronde of Beſor;
Lord, whiche ȝeden out aȝens Dauid, and þe puple þat was
viii and ſeide, Schal Y purſue, eþer nay, `þeſe þeues? and wiþ hym. Forſoþe Dauid neiȝede to þe puple, and grette
ſchal Y take hem? And þe Lord ſeide to hym, Purſue it peſibli.
þou; for wiþ out doute þou ſchalt take hem, and þou xxii And o man, þe werſte and vniuſt of þe men þat
ſchalt take awey þe prey. weren wiþ Dauid, anſweride, and ſeide, For þei camen
ix Þerfor Dauid ȝede, he and ſixe hundrid men þat weren not wiþ vs, we ſchulen not ȝyue to hem ony þing of þe
wiþ hym, and þei camen `til to þe ſtronde of Beſor; and prey, which we rauyſchiden, but his wijf and children
ſoþeli þe wery men abididen. `ſuffice to ech man; and whanne þei han take hem, go
x Forſoþe Dauid purſuede, he and foure hundrid men; þei awei.
xxiii Forſoþe Dauid ſeide, My briþeren, ȝe ſchulen not do
for twei hundrid abididen, þat weren weeri, and myȝten
not paſſe þe ſtronde of Beſor. ſo of þeſe þingis, whiche þe Lord ȝaf to vs, and kepte
xi And þei founden a man of Egipte in þe feeld, and þei vs, and ȝaf þe þeues, þat braken out aȝens vs, in to oure
brouȝten hym to Dauid; and þei ȝauen `breed to hym, hondis;
xxiiii neþer ony man ſchal here vs on þis word. For
þat he ſchulde ete, and `ſchulde drynke watir;
xii but alſo þei ȝauen to hym a gobet of a bundel of drye euene part ſchal be of him þat goiþ doun to batel, and of
figis, and twei byndyngis of dried grapis. And whanne hym þat dwelliþ at þe fardelis; and in lijk maner þei
he hadde ete þo, his ſpirit turnede aȝen, and he was ſchulen departe.
xxv And þis was maad a conſtitucioun and doom fro þat
coumfortid; for he hadde not ete breed, neþer hadde
drunk watir in þre daies and þre nyȝtis. dai and afterward, and as a lawe in Iſrael til in to þis
xiii Þerfor Dauid ſeide to hym, Whos man art þou, eþir dai.
xxvi Þerfor Dauid cam in to Sichelech, and ſente ȝiftis of
fro whennus and whidur goiſt þou? And he ſeide, Y am
a child of Egipt, þe ſeruaunt of a man of Amalech; þe prey to þe eldere men of Juda, hiſe neiȝboris, and
forſoþe my lord forſook me, for Y bigan to be ſijk þe ſeide, Take ȝe bleſſyng of þe prey of enemyes of þe
þridde dai ago. Lord;
xiiii Soþeli we braken out to þe ſouþ cooſt of Cerethi, xxvii to hem þat weren in Bethel, and þat weren in

and aȝens Juda, and to þe ſouþ of Caleb, and we brenten Ramoth, at þe ſouþ,
Sichelech bi fier. xxviii and þat weren in Jether, and þat weren in Aroer,
xv And Dauid ſeide to hym, Maiſt þou lede me to þis and þat weren in Sephamoth, and þat weren in Eſcama,
cumpeny? Which ſeide, Swere þou to me bi God, þat and þat weren in Rethala,
þou ſchalt not ſle me, and ſchalt not bitake me in to þe xxix and þat weren in þe citees of Jeramel, and þat
hondis of my lord; and Y ſchal lede þee to þis cumpeny. weren in þe citees of Ceny,
And Dauid ſwoor to hym. xxx and þat weren in Arama, and þat weren in
xvi And whanne þe child hadde ledde hym, lo! þei ſaten Lautuaſam, and þat weren in Athec,
at þe mete, on þe face of al þe erþe, etynge and xxxi and þat weren in Ebron, and to oþere men, þat
drynkynge, and as halewynge a feeſte, for al þe prey weren in þeſe places, in whiche Dauid dwellide and hiſe
and ſpuylis whiche þei hadden take of þe lond of men.
Filiſteis, and of þe lond of Juda.

i Forſoþe Filiſteis fouȝten aȝens Iſrael, and þe men of
Iſrael fledden bifor þe face of Filiſteis, and felden ſlayn
in þe hil of Gelboe.
ii And Filiſteis hurliden on Saul, and on hiſe ſones, and
ſmytiden Jonathas, and Amynadab, and Melchiſua,
ſones of Saul.
iii And al þe weiȝte of batel was turned `in to Saul; and
men archeris purſueden hym, and he was woundid
greetli of þe archeris.
iiii And Saul ſeide to his ſquyer, Drawe out þi ſwerd, and
ſle me, leſt perauenture þeſe vncircumcidid men come,
and ſle me, and ſcorne me. And his ſquyer nolde, for he
was aferd bi ful grete drede; þerfor Saul took his ſwerd,
and felde þeronne.
v And whanne his ſquyer hadde ſeyn þis, `þat is, þat
Saul was deed, alſo he felde on his ſwerd and was deed
wiþ hym.
vi Þerfor Saul was deed, and hiſe þre ſones, and his
ſquyer, and alle his men in þat dai togidere.
vii Forſoþe þe ſones of Iſrael, þat weren biȝendis þe
valei, and biȝendis Jordan, ſien þat þe men of Iſrael
hadden fled, and þat Saul was deed, and hiſe ſones, and
þei leften her citees and fledden; and Filiſteis camen,
and dwelliden þere.
viii Forſoþe in `þe toþer dai maad, Filiſteis camen, þat
þei ſchulden diſpuyle þe ſlayn men, and þei founden
Saul, and hiſe þre ſones, liggynge in þe hil of Gelboe;
and þei kittiden awei þe heed of Saul,
ix and diſpuyliden hym of armeris; and ſenten in to þe
lond of Filiſteis bi cumpas, þat it ſchulde be teld in þe
temple of idols, and in þe puplis.
x And þei puttiden hiſe armeris in þe temple of Aſtoroth;
ſoþeli þei hangiden his bodi in þe wal of Bethſan.
xi And whanne þe dwellers of Jabes of Galaad hadden
herd þis, what euer þingis Filiſteis hadden do to Saul,
xii alle þe ſtrongeſte men riſiden, and ȝeden in al þat
nyȝt, and token þe deed bodi of Saul, and þe deed
bodies of hiſe ſones fro þe wal of Bethſan; and þe men
of Jabes of Galaad camen, and brenten þo deed bodies
bi fier.
xiii And þei token þe boonus of hem, and birieden in þe
wode of Jabes, and faſtiden bi ſeuene daies.
Here endiþ þe firſte book of Kyngis, and here
bigynneþ þe ſecounde.

xvii Forſooþ Dauid biweilide ſych a weilyng on Saul,
II KINGIS and on Jonathas, his ſone;
Heere bigynniþ þe ſecunde book of Kyngis. xviii and comaundide, þat þei ſchulden teche þe ſones of
Juda weilyng, as it is writun in þe Book of Juſt Men.
CAP. I And Dauid ſeyde, Iſrael, biholde þou, for þeſe men þat
i Forſoþe it was doon, after þat Saul was deed, þat ben deed, woundid on þin hiȝe placis;
Dauid turnede aȝen fro þe ſleyng of Amalech, and xix þe noble men of Iſrael ben ſlayn on þin hillis.
dwellide twei daies in Sichelech. xx Hou felden ſtronge men? nyle ȝe telle in Geth, neþer
ii Forſoþe in þe þridde dai a man apperide, comynge fro telle ȝe in þe weilottis of Aſcolon; leſt perauenture þe
þe caſtels of Saul wiþ þe cloþ to-rent, and his heed douȝtris of Filiſteis be glad, leſt þe douȝtris of
ſpreynt wiþ duſt; and as he cam to Dauid, he felde on vncircumcidid men `be glad.
his face, and worſchipide. xxi Hillis of Gelboe, neiþer dew neþir reyn come on ȝou,
iii And Dauid ſeide to hym, Fro whennus comeſt þou? neþer þe feeldis of firſte fruytis be; for þe ſcheeld of
Which ſeide to Dauid, Y fledde fro þe caſtels of Iſrael. ſtronge men was caſt awey þere, þe ſcheeld of Saul, as
iiii And Dauid ſeide to hym, What is þe word which is `if he were not anoyntid wiþ oile.
doon; ſchewe þou to me. And he ſeide, Þe puple fledde xxii Of þe blood of ſlayn men, of þe fatneſſe of ſtrong
fro þe batel, and many of þe puple felden, and ben men, þe arewe of Jonathas ȝede neuer abak, and þe
deed; but alſo Saul, and Jonathas, his ſonne, ſwerd of Saul turnede not aȝen void.
periſchyden. xxiii Saul and Jonathas amyable, and fair in her lijf,
v And Dauid ſeide to þe ȝong man, þat telde to hym, weren not departid alſo in deeþ; þei weren ſwiftere þan
Wherof wooſt þou, þat Saul is deed, and Jonathas, his eglis, ſtrongere þan liouns.
ſonne? xxiiii Douȝtris of Iſrael, wepe ȝe on Saul, þat cloþide ȝou
vi And þe ȝong man ſeide, þat telde to hym, Bi hap Y wiþ fyn reed colourid in delicis, þat ȝaf goldun
cam in to þe hil of Gelboe, and Saul lenyde on his ournementis to ȝoure atyre.
ſpere; forſoþe charis and knyȝtis neiȝiden to hym; xxv Hou `felden doun ſtronge men in batel?
vii and he turnede bihynde his bak, `and ſiȝ me, and xxvi Jonathas was ſlayn in þe hiȝe places. Y make ſorewe
clepide. To whom whanne Y hadde anſweride, Y am on þee, my broþer Jonathas, ful fair, `and amyable more
preſent; he ſeide to me, Who art þou? þan þe loue of wymmen; as a modir loueþ oon aloone
viii And Y ſeide to hym, Y am a man of Amalech. ſone, ſo Y louyde þee.
ix And he ſpak to me, Stonde þou on me, and ſle me; for xxvii Hou þerfor `felden doun ſtronge men, and armeris
angwiſchis holden me, and ȝit al my lijf is in me. of batel periſchide?
x And Y ſtood on hym, and Y killide hym; for Y wiſte
þat he myȝte not lyue aftir þe fallyng; and Y took þe CAP. II
diademe, þat was in his heed, and þe bye fro his arm, i Þerfor aftir þeſe þingis Dauid counſeilide þe Lord, and
and Y brouȝte hidur to þee, my lord. ſeide, Wheþer Y ſchal ſtie in to oon of þe citees of Juda?
xi Forſoþe Dauid took and to-rente hiſe cloþis, and þe And þe Lord ſeide to hym, Stie þou. And Dauid ſeide to
men þat weren wiþ hym; þe Lord, Whidur ſchal Y ſtie? And þe Lord anſweride to
xii and þei weiliden, and wepten, and faſtiden `til to hym, In to Ebron.
euentid, on Saul, and Jonathas, his ſone, and on þe ii Þerfor Dauid ſtiede, and hiſe twei wyues, Achynoem
puple of þe Lord, and on þe hows of Iſrael, for þei of Jezrael, and Abigail, þe wijf of Nabal of Carmele.
hadden feld bi ſwerd. iii But alſo Dauid ledde þe men þat weren wiþ hym, ech
xiii And Dauid ſeide to þe ȝong man, þat telde to him, man wiþ his hows; and þei dwelliden in þe townes of
Of whennus art þou? And he anſweride, Y am þe ſone Ebron.
of a man comelyng, of a man of Amalech. iiii And þe men of Juda camen, and anoyntiden þere
xiiii And Dauid ſeide to him, Whi dreddiſt þou not to Dauid, þat he ſchulde regne on þe hows of Juda. And it
ſende þine hond, þat þou ſchuldiſt ſle þe criſt of þe was teld to Dauid, þat men of Jabes of Galaad hadden
Lord? biried Saul.
xv And Dauid clepide oon of hiſe children, and ſeide, v Þerfor Dauid ſente meſſangeris to þe men of Jabes of
Go þou, and falle on hym. Which ſmoot þat ȝong man, Galaad, and ſeide to hem, Bleſſid be ȝe of þe Lord, þat
and he was deed. diden þis mercy wiþ ȝour lord Saul, and birieden hym.
xvi And Dauid ſeide to hym, Þi blood be on þin heed; vi And now ſoþeli þe Lord ſchal ȝelde to ȝou merci and
for þi mouþ ſpak aȝens þee, and ſeide, Y killide þe criſt treuþe, but alſo Y ſchal ȝelde þankyng, for ȝe diden þis
of þe Lord. word.

vii Ȝoure hondis be coumfortid, and be ȝe ſones of place; and alle men þat paſſiden bi þe place, in which
ſtrengþe; for þouȝ ȝoure lord Saul is deed, neþeles þe place Aſahel felde doun, and was deed, ſtoden ſtille.
hows of Juda anoyntide me kyng to `hym ſilf. xxiiii Forſoþe while Joab and Abiſai purſueden Abner
viii Forſoþe Abner, þe ſone of Ner, prince of þe ooſt of fleynge, þe ſunne ȝede doun; and þei camen til to þe litil
Saul, took Iſboſech, þe ſone of Saul, and ledde hym hil of þe water cundiȝt, which is euene aȝens þe valey,
aboute bi þe caſtels, and þe weie of deſeert in Gabaon.
ix and made him kyng on Galaad, and on Gethſury, and xxv And þe ſones of Beniamyn weren gaderid to Abner,

on Jezrael, and on Effraym, and on Beniamyn, and on and þei weren gaderid togidere in to o cumpeny, and
al Iſrael. ſtoden in þe hiȝneſſe of oon heep of erþe.
x Iſboſech, þe ſone of Saul, was of fourti ȝeer, whanne xxvi And Abner criede to Joab, and ſeide, Wheþer þi

he began to regne on Iſrael; and he regnede twei ȝeer. ſwerd ſchal be feers `til to ſleyng? Wheþer þou knowiſt
Soþeli þe hous aloone of Juda ſuede Dauid. not, þat diſpeir is perelouſe? Hou longe ſeiſt þou not to
xi And þe noumbre of daies, bi whiche Dauid dwellide þe puple, þat it ceeſſe to purſue hiſe briþeren?
xxvii And Joab ſeyde, Þe Lord lyueþ, for if þou haddiſt
regnynge in Ebron on þe hows of Juda, was of ſeuene
ȝeer and ſixe moneþis. ſpoke eerli, þe puple purſuynge his broþer hadde go
xii And Abner, þe ſone of Ner, ȝede out, and þe children awey.
xxviii And Joab ſownede wiþ a clarioun, and al þe ooſt
of Iſboſech, ſone of Saul, fro þe caſtels in Gabaon.
xiii Forſoþe Joab, þe ſone of Saruye, and þe children of ſtood; and þei purſueden no ferþere Iſrael, neþer
Dauid ȝeden out, and camen to hem biſidis þe ciſterne bigunnen batel.
xxix Forſoþe Abner and hiſe men ȝeden by þe feeldi
in Gabaon. And whanne þei hadden come togidere in to
o place euene aȝens, þeſe ſaten on o part of þe ciſterne, places of Moab in al þat nyȝt, and paſſiden Jordan; and
and þei on þe toþer. whanne al Bethoron was compaſſid, þei camen to þe
xiiii And Abner ſeide to Joab, `Þe children riſe, and plei caſtels.
xxx Soþeli whanne Abner was left, Joab turnede aȝen,
befor us. And Joab anſweride, Riſe þei.
xv Þerfor þei riſiden, and paſſiden twelue in noumbre of and gaderide togidere al þe puple; and ten men and
Beniamyn, of þe part of Iſboſech, ſone of Saul; and nyne, outakun Aſahel, failiden of þe children of Dauid.
xxxi Forſoþe þe ſeruauntis of Dauid ſmytiden of
twelue of þe children of Dauid.
xvi And ech man, whanne `þe heed of his felowe was Beniamyn, and of þe men þat weren wiþ Abner, þre
takun, faſtnede þe ſwerde in to þe ſide of `þe contrarye; hundrid men and ſixti, whiche alſo weren deed.
xxxii And þei token Aſahel, and birieden hym in þe
and þei felden doun togidere. And þe name of þat place
was clepid Þe Feeld of ſtronge men in Gabaon. ſepulcre of his fadir in Bethleem. And Joab, and þe men
xvii And `batel hard ynow roos in þat dai; and Abner and þat weren wiþ hym, ȝeden in al þat nyȝt, and in þilke
þe ſones of Iſrael `weren dryuun of þe children of morewtid þei camen in to Ebron.
xviii Forſoþe þre ſones of Saruye weren þere, Joab, and CAP. III
i Þerfor long ſtrijf was maad bitwixe þe hows of Dauid
Abiſai, and Aſahel; forſoþe Aſahel was a `rennere mooſt
ſwift, as oon of þe capretis þat dwellen in woodis. and `bitwixe þe hows of Saul; and Dauid profitide and
xix Forſoþe Aſahel purſuede Abner, and bowide not, euere was ſtrongere þan hym ſilf, forſoþe þe hows of
neþer to þe riȝt ſide neþer to þe left ſide, ceeſſynge to Saul decreeſſide ech dai.
ii And ſones weren borne to Dauid in Ebron; and his
purſue Abner.
xx Þerfor Abner bihelde bihynde his bac, and ſeide, firſte gendrid ſone was Amon, of Achynoem of Jezrael;
iii and aftir hym was Celeab, of Abigail, wijf of Nabal
Wheþer þou art Aſahel?
xxi Which anſweride, Y am. And Abner ſeide to hym, of Carmele; ſoþeli þe þrydde was Abſolon, þe ſone of
Go to þe riȝtſide, eþer to þe lefte ſide; and take oon of Maacha, douȝtir of Tholomay, kyng of Geſſur;
iiii forſoþe þe fourþe was Adonyas, þe ſone of Agith;
þe ȝonge men, and take to þee hiſe ſpuylis. Soþeli
Aſahel nolde ceeſſe, þat ne he purſuede hym. and þe fyueþe was Saphacias, þe ſone of Abitail; and þe
xxii And eft Abner ſpak to Aſahel, Go þou awei; nyle ſixte was Gethraam of Egla,
v þe wijf of Dauid. Þeſe weren borne to Dauid in Ebron.
þou purſue me, leſt Y be compellid to peerſe þee in to
vi Þerfor whanne batel was bytwixe þe hows of Saul
erþe, and Y ſchal not mowe reiſe my face to Joab, þi
broþer. and þe hows of Dauid, Abner, þe ſone of Ner,
xxiii And Aſahel diſpiſide to here, and nolde bowe awey. gouernyde þe hows of Saul.
Þerfor Abner ſmoot him `wiþ þe ſpere turned awei in þe
ſchar, and roof þorouȝ, and he was deed in þe ſame

vii Soþeli a concubyn, þat is, a ſecoundarie wijf, Reſpha xxii anoon þe children of Dauid and Joab camen wiþ a
bi name, þe douȝtir of Achia, `was to Saul; and Abner ful grete prey, whanne þeues weren ſlayn; ſoþeli Abner
entride to hir. was not wiþ Dauid, in Ebron, for Dauid hadde left hym,
viii And Iſboſech ſeide to Abner, Whi `entridiſt þou to þe and he ȝede forþ in pees.
concubyn of my fadir? Which was wrooþ greetli for þe xxiii And Joab, and þe ooſtis þat weren wiþ hym, camen
wordis of Iſboſech, and ſeide, Wheþer Y am þe heed of aftirward; þerfor it was teld to Joab of telleris, Abner,
a dogge aȝens Juda to dai, and Y haue do merci on þe þe ſone of Ner, cam to þe kyng, and þe kyng lefte hym,
hous of Saul, þi fadir, and on hiſe briþeren, and and he ȝede in pees.
neiȝboris, and Y bitook not þee in to þe hondis of xxiiii And Joab entride to þe kyng, and ſeide, What haſt
Dauid, and þou haſt ſouȝt in me þat, þat þou ſchuldiſt þou do? Lo! Abner cam to þee; whi leftiſt þou hym, and
repreue me for a womman to dai? he ȝede, and departide?
ix God do þeſe þingis to Abner, and adde þeſe þingis to xxv Knowiſt þou not Abner, þe ſone of Ner, for herto he
hym, no but as þe Lord ſwoor to Dauid, `ſo Y do wiþ cam to þee, þat he ſchulde diſſeyue þee, and þat he
hym, ſchulde knowe þi going out and þin entryng, and
x þat þe rewme be tranſlatid fro þe hous of Saul, and þe ſchulde knowe alle þingis whiche þou doiſt?
trone of Dauid be reiſid on Iſrael and on Juda, fro Dan xxvi Þerfor Joab ȝede out fro Dauid, and ſente
`til to Berſabee. meſſangeris aftir Abner; and `ledde hym aȝen fro þe
xi And Iſboſech myȝte not anſwere ony þing to Abner, ciſterne of Cyrie, `while Dauid knew not.
for he dredde Abner. xxvii And whanne Abner hadde come aȝen in to Ebron,
xii Þerfor Abner ſente meſſangeris to Dauid, and þei Joab ledde hym aſidis half to `þe myddil of þe ȝate, þat
ſeiden `for hym, Whos is þe lond? and þat þe he ſchulde ſpeke to hym in gile; and he ſmoot Abner
meſſangeris ſchulden ſpeke, Make þou frenſchipis wiþ þere in þe ſchar, and he was deed, in to þe veniaunce of
me, and myn hond ſchal be wiþ þee, and Y ſchal brynge þe blood of his broþer Aſahel.
al Iſrael to þee. xxviii Þat whanne Dauid hadde herd þe þing doon, he
xiii And Dauid ſeide, Beſt Y ſchal make frenſchipis wiþ ſeide, Y am clene and my rewme anentis God til in to
þee, but Y axe of þee o þing, and ſeie, Þou ſchalt not ſe wiþ outen ende fro þe blood of Abner, ſone of Ner;
my face, bifore þat þou brynge Mycol, þe douȝter of xxix and come it on þe heed of Joab, and on al þe hows
Saul, and ſo þou ſchalt come, and ſchalt ſe me. of his fadir; a man ſuffrynge flux of ſeed, and a leprouſe
xiiii Þerfor Dauid ſente meſſangeris to Iſboſech, þe ſone man, holdynge ſpyndil, and fallynge bi ſwerd, and
of Saul, and ſeide, Ȝelde þou my wijf Mycol, whom Y hauynge nede to breed, `þat is, ſuffrynge hungur, `faile
ſpouſide to me for an hundryd prepucies of Filiſteis. not of þe hows of Joab.
xv Þerfor Iſboſech ſente, and took hir fro hir hoſebonde, xxx Þerfor Joab, and Abiſay, his broþer, killiden Abner,
Faltiel, ſon of Lais; for he hadde ſlayn Aſahel, her broþer, in Gabaon, in
xvi and hir hoſebonde ſuede hir and wepte til Bahurym. batel.
And Abner ſeide to hym, Go þou, and turne aȝen; and xxxi Forſoþe Dauid ſeide to Joab, and to al þe puple þat
he turnede aȝen. was wiþ hym, To rende ȝe ȝour cloþis, and be ȝe gird
xvii Alſo Abner brouȝte in a word to þe eldere men of wiþ ſackis, and biweile ȝe bifor þe heerſis, `eþer dirige,
Iſrael, and ſeide, Boþe ȝiſtirdai and þe þridde dai ago ȝe of Abner. Forſoþe kyng Dauid ſuede þe beere.
ſouȝten Dauid, þat he ſchulde regne on ȝou. xxxii And whanne þei hadden biried Abner in Ebron,
xviii Now þerfor do ȝe; for þe Lord ſpak to Dauid, and kyng Dauid reiſide his vois, and wepte on þe biriel of
ſeide, In þe hond of my ſeruaunt Dauid Y ſchal ſaue my Abner; `forſoþe and al þe puple wepte.
puple Iſrael fro þe hond of Filiſteis, and of alle his xxxiii And þe kyng biweilide, and bymorenyde Abner,
enemyes. and ſeide, Abner, þou diediſt not as dredeful men, `eþir
xix Forſoþe Abner ſpak alſo to Beniamyn, and he ȝede, cowardis, ben wont to die.
þat he ſchulde ſpeke to Dauid, in Ebron, alle þingis þat xxxiiii Þin hondis weren not boundun, and þi feet weren
pleſiden Iſrael and al Beniamin. not greuyd wiþ ſtockis, but þou feldiſt doun, as men ben
xx And he cam to Dauid in Ebron wiþ twenti men. And wont to falle bifor þe ſones of wickidneſſe. And al þe
Dauid made a feeſte to Abner, and to þe men þat camen puple doublide togidere, and wepte on hym.
wiþ hym. xxxv And whanne al þe multitude cam to take mete wiþ
xxi And Abner ſeide to Dauid, Y ſchal riſe, þat Y gadere Dauid, while þe dai was ȝit cleer, Dauid ſwoor, and
al Iſrael to þee, my lord þe kyng, and þat Y make boond ſeide, God do to me þeſe þingis, and adde þeſe þingis, if
of pees wiþ þee, and þat þou regne on alle, as þi ſoule Y ſchal taaſt breed eþir ony oþir þing bifor þe going
deſiriþ. Þerfor whanne Dauid hadde ledde forþ Abner, doun of þe ſune.
and he hadde go in pees,

xxxvi And al þe puple herde; and alle þingis which þe xi hou myche more now, whanne wickid men han ſlayn
kyng dide in þe ſiȝt of al þe puple pleſiden hem; a giltles man in his hows on his bed, ſchal I not ſeke his
xxxvii and al þe comyn puple and al Iſrael knewe in þat blood of ȝoure hond, and ſchal Y do awey ȝou fro erþe?
day, þat it was not doon of þe kyng, þat Abner, þe ſone xii Þerfor Dauid comaundide to his children, and þei
of Ner, was ſlayn. killiden hem; and þei kittiden awei þe hondis and `feet
xxxviii Alſo þe kyng ſeide to hiſe ſeruauntis, Wheþer ȝe of hem, and hangiden hem ouer þe ciſterne in Ebron.
witen not, þat þe prince and gretteſte felde doun to dai Forſoþe þei token þe heed of Iſboſech, and birieden in
in Iſrael? þe ſepulcre of Abner, in Ebron.
xxxix Forſoþe Y am `delicat, eþer tendir, ȝit and anoyntid
kyng; ſoþeli þeſe ſones of Saruye ben hard to me; þe CAP. V
i And alle þe lynagis of Iſrael camen to Dauid, in Ebron,
Lord ȝelde to hym þat doiþ yuel bi his malice.
and ſeiden, Lo! we ben þi boon and þi fleiſch.
CAP. IIII ii But alſo ȝiſtirdai and þe þridde day ago, whanne Saul
i Forſoþe Iſboſech, þe ſone of Saul, herde þat Abner was kyng on vs, þou leddiſt out, and leddiſt aȝen Iſrael;
hadde falde doun in Ebron; and `hiſe hondis weren forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to þee, Þou ſchalt fede my puple
diſcoumfortid, and al Iſrael was diſturblid. Iſrael, and þou ſchalt be duyk on Iſrael.
ii Forſoþe twei men, princes of þeues, weren to þe ſone iii Alſo and þe eldere men of Iſrael camen to þe kyng, in

of Saul; name to oon was Baana, and name to þe toþer Ebron; and kyng Dauid ſmoot wiþ hem boond of pees
was Rechab, þe ſones of Remmon Berothite, of þe ſones in Ebron, bifor þe Lord; and þei anoyntiden Dauid in to
of Beniamyn; for alſo Beroth is arettid in Beniamyn. kyng on Iſrael.
iii And men of Beroth fledden in to Gethaym; and þei iiii Dauid was a ſone of þretti ȝeer, whanne he bigan to

weren comelyngis þere `til to þat tyme. regne, and he regnyde fourti ȝeer in Ebron;
iiii Forſoþe a ſone feble in feet was to Jonathas, þe ſone v he regnede on Juda ſeuene ȝeer and ſixe moneþis;

of Saul; forſoþe he was fyue ȝeer eld, whanne þe forſoþe in Jeruſalem he regnede þretti and þre ȝeer, on
meſſanger cam fro Saul and Jonathas, fro Jezrael. Þerfor al Iſrael and Juda.
his nurſe took hym, and fledde; and whanne ſche haſtide vi And þe kyng ȝede, and alle men þat weren wiþ hym,
to fle, ſche felde doun, and þe child was maad lame; in to Jeruſalem, to Jebuſey, dweller of þe lond. And it
and `he hadde a name Myphiboſech. was ſeide of hem to Dauid, Þou ſchalt not entre hidur,
v Þerfor Rechab and Baana, ſones of Remmon of no but þou do awei blynde men and lame, ſeiynge,
Beroth, camen, and entriden in þe hoot dai in to þe Dauid ſchal not entre hydur.
hows of Iſboſech, þat ſlepte on his bed in myd dai, `and vii Forſoþe Dauid took þe tour of Syon; þis is þe citee of
þe womman oiſcher of þe hous clenſynge wheete, ſlepte Dauid.
ſtrongli. viii For Dauid hadde `ſette forþ meede in þat dai to hym,
vi Forſoþe þei entriden into þe hows pryueli, and token þat hadde ſmyte Jebuſei, and hadde touchid þe goteris
eeris of whete; and Rechab, and Baana, his broþer, of roouȝs, and hadde take awey lame men and blynde,
ſmytiden Iſboſech in þe ſchar, and fledden. hatynge þe lijf of Dauid. Þerfor it is ſeid in prouerbe, A
vii Soþeli whanne þei hadden entrid in to þe hous, he blynde man and lame ſchulen not entre in to þe temple.
ſlepte on his bedde in a cloſet; and þei ſmytiden and ix Forſoþe Dauid dwellide in þe tour, and clepide it þe
killiden hym; and whanne `his heed was takun, þei citee of Dauid; and he bildide bi cumpas fro Mello, and
ȝeden bi þe weie of deſeert in al þe nyȝt. wiþ ynne.
viii And þei brouȝten þe heed of Iſboſech to Dauid, in x And he entride profitynge and encreeſſynge; and þe
Ebron, and þei ſeiden to þe kyng, Lo! þe heed of Lord God of ooſtis was wiþ hym.
Iſboſech, ſone of Saul, þin enemy, þat ſouȝte þi lijf; and xi Alſo Hyram, kyng of Tire, ſent meſſangeris to Dauid,
þe Lord ȝaf to dai to oure lord þe kyng veniaunce of and cedre trees, and crafti men of trees, and crafti men
Saul and of his ſeed. of ſtoonus to wallis; and þei bildiden þe hows of Dauid.
ix Forſoþe Dauid anſweride to Rechab, and Baana, his xii And Dauid knew, þat þe Lord hadde confermed hym
broþer, þe ſones of Remmon of Beroth, and ſeide to kyng on Iſrael, and þat he hadde enhaunſid his rewme
hem, Þe Lord lyueþ, þat delyueride my lijf fro al on his puple Iſrael.
angwiſch; xiii Þerfor Dauid took ȝit concubyns, and wyues of
x for Y helde hym þat telde to me, and ſeide, Saul is
Jeruſalem, after þat he cam fro Ebron; and alſo oþere
deed, which man geſſide hym ſilf to telle proſperitees, ſones and douȝtris weren borun to Dauid.
and Y killide hym in Sichelech, to whom it bihofte me xiiii And þeſe ben þe names of hem þat weren borun to
ȝyue meede for meſſage; hym in Jeruſalem; Samua, and Sobab, and Nathan,

xv and Salomon, and Jobaar, and Heliſua, vi Forſoþe after þat þei camen to þe corn floor of
xvi and Repheg, and Japhia, and Helyſama, and Holida, Nachor, Oza helde forþ þe hond to þe arke of God, and
and Heliphelech. helde it, for þe oxun kikiden, and bowiden it.
xvii Þerfor Filiſteis herden, þat þei hadden anoyntid vii And þe Lord was wrooþ bi indignacioun aȝens Oza,

Dauid kyng on Iſrael, and alle Filiſteis ſtieden to ſeke and ſmoot hym on `þe foli; and he was deed þere biſidis
Dauid. And whanne Dauid hadde herd þis, he ȝede doun þe arke of God.
into a ſtrong hold. viii Forſoþe Dauid was ſori, for þe Lord hadde ſmyte
xviii Forſoþe Filiſteis camen, and weren ſpred abrood in Oza; and þe name of þat place was clepid þe Smytyng
þe valei of Raphaym. of Oza `til in to þis dai.
xix And Dauid counſeilide þe Lord, and ſeide, Wheþer Y ix And Dauid dredde þe Lord in þat dai, and ſeide, Hou

ſchal ſtie to Filiſties, and wheþer þou ſchalt ȝyue hem in ſchal þe arke of þe Lord entre to me?
myn hond? And þe Lord ſeide to Dauid, Stie þou, for Y x And he nolde turne þe arke of þe Lord to hym ſilf in to
ſchal bitake, and Y ſchal ȝyue Filiſteis in þin hond. þe citee of Dauid, but he turnede it in to þe hows of
xx Þerfor Dauid cam in to Baal Faraſym, and ſmoot hem Obethedom of Geth.
þere, and ſeide, Þe Lord departide myn enemyes bifor xi And þe arke of þe Lord dwellide in þe hows of
me, as watris ben departid. Þerfor þe name of þat place Obethedom of Geth þre moneþis; and þe Lord bleſſid
was clepid Baal Faraſym. Obethedom, and al his hows.
xxi And þei leften þere her ſculptils, whiche Dauid took, xii And it was teld to kyng Dauid, þat þe Lord hadde
and hiſe men. bleſſid Obethedom, and alle `þingis of hym, for þe arke
xxii And Filiſteis addiden ȝit, þat þei ſchulden ſtie, and of God. And Dauid ſeide, Y ſchal go, and brynge þe
þei weren ſpred abrood in þe valey of Raphaym. arke wiþ bleſſyng in to myn hows. Þerfor Dauid ȝede,
xxiii Soþeli Dauid councelide þe Lord, and ſeide, and brouȝte þe arke of God fro þe hows of Obethedom
Wheþer Y ſchal ſtie agens Filiſties, and wheþer þou in to þe citee of Dauid wiþ ioye; and þer weren wiþ
ſchalt bitake hem in to myn hondis? Which anſweride, Dauid ſeuen cumpanyes, and þe ſlain ſacrifice of a calff.
xiii And whanne þei, þat baren þe arke of þe Lord,
Þou ſchalt not ſtie aȝens hem, but cumpaſſe þou bihynde
her bak, and þou ſchalt come to hem on þe contrarie hadden ſtied ſix paaces, þei offriden an oxe and a ram.
ſide of þe pere trees. And Dauid ſmoot in organs boundun to þe arm;
xxiiii And whanne þou ſchalt here þe ſown of cry goynge xiiii and daunſide wiþ alle ſtrengþis bifor þe Lord; ſoþeli

in þe cop of `pere trees, þanne þou ſchalt biginne batel; Dauid was cloþid wiþ a lynnun ſurplis.
for þanne þe Lord ſchal go out befor þi face, þat he xv And Dauid, and al þe hows of Iſrael, ledden forþ þe
ſmyte þe caſtels of Filiſteis. arke of teſtament of þe Lord in hertli ſong, and in ſown
xxv Þerfor Dauid dide as þe Lord comaundide to hym; of trumpe.
and he ſmoot Filiſteys fro Gabaa til `þe while þei camen xvi And whanne þe arke of þe Lord hadde entride in to
to Jezer. þe citee of Dauid, Mychol, þe douȝtir of Saul, bihelde
bi a wyndow, and ſche ſiȝ þe kyng ſkippynge and
CAP. VI daunſynge bifor þe Lord; and ſche diſpiſide hym in hir
i Forſoþe Dauid gaderide eft alle þe choſun men of herte.
Iſrael, þritti þouſynde. xvii And þei brouȝten in þe arke of þe Lord, and ſettiden
ii And Dauid roos, and ȝede, and al þe puple þat was it in his place, in þe myddis of tabernacle, which
wiþ hym of þe men of Juda, to brynge þe arke of God, tabernacle Dauid hadde maad `redy þerto; and Dauid
on which þe name of þe Lord of ooſtis, ſittynge in offride brent ſacrifices and peſible bifor þe Lord.
cherubyn on þat arke, was clepid. xviii And whanne Dauid hadde endid þo, and hadde
iii And þei puttiden þe arke of God on a newe wayn, and offrid brent ſacrifices and peſible, he bleſſide þe puple
þei token it fro þe hows of Amynadab, þat was in in þe name of þe Lord of ooſtis.
Gabaa. Forſoþe Oza and Haio, þe ſons of Amynadab, xix And he ȝaf to al þe multitude of Iſrael, as wel to man
dryueden þe newe wayn. as to womman, to ech `o þinne loof, and o part roſtid of
iiii And whanne þei hadden take it fro þe hows of bugle fleiſch, and flour of wheete fried wiþ oile; and al
Amynadab, þat was in Gabaa, and kepte þe arke of þe puple ȝede, ech man in to his hows.
God, Haio ȝede bifor þe arke. xx And Dauid turnede aȝen to bleſſe his hows, and
v Forſoþe Dauid and al Iſrael pleieden byfor þe Lord, in Mychol, þe douȝtir of Saul, ȝede out in to þe comyng of
alle `trees maad craftili, and harpis, and ſitols, and Dauid, and ſeide, Hou glorious was þe kyng of Iſrael to
tympans, and trumpis, and cymbalis. day vnhilynge hym ſilf bifor þe handmaidis of hiſe
ſeruauntis, and he was maad nakid, as if oon of þe
harlotis be maad nakid?

xxi And Dauid ſeide to Mychol, Þe Lord lyueþ, for Y xiii He ſchal bilde an hows to my name, and Y ſchal
ſchal pley bifor þe Lord, þat chees me raþere þan þi make ſtable þe troone of his rewme til in to wiþ outen
fadir, and þan al þe hows of hym, and comaundide to ende;
me, þat Y ſchulde be duyk on þe puple `of þe Lord of xiiii Y ſchal be to hym in to fadir, and he ſchal be to me
Iſrael; in to a ſone; and if he ſchal do ony þing wickidli, Y
xxii and Y ſchal pleie, and Y ſchal be maad `vilere more ſchal chaſtiſe hym in þe ȝerde of men, and in þe
þan Y am maad, and Y ſchal be meke in myn iȝen, and woundis of þe ſones of men.
Y ſchal appere gloriouſere wiþ þe handmaydys, of xv Forſoþe Y ſchal not do awey my mercy fro hym, as Y
whiche þou ſpakiſt. dide awei fro Saul, whom Y remouede fro my face.
xxiii Þerfor a ſone was not borun to Mychol, þe douȝtir xvi And þin hows ſchal be feiþful, and þi rewme ſchal be
of Saul, til in to þe dai of hir deeþ. til in to wiþ outen ende bifor my face, and þi trone ſchal
be ſtidfaſt contynueli.
CAP. VII xvii By alle þeſe wordys, and bi al þis reuelacioun, ſo
i Forſoþe it was doon, whanne þe kyng Dauid hadde ſete
Nathan ſpak to Dauid.
in his hows, and þe Lord hadde ȝoue reſte to hym on xviii Forſoþe Dauid þe kyng entride, and ſatt bifor þe
ech ſide fro alle hiſe enemyes, Lord, and ſeide, Who am Y, my Lord God, and what is
ii he ſeyde to Nathan þe prophete, Seeſt þou not, þat Y
myn hows, þat þou brouȝtiſt me hidur to?
dwelle in an hows of cedre, and þe arke of God is put in xix But alſo þis is ſeyn litil in þi ſiȝt, my Lord God; no
þe myddis of ſkynnys? but þou ſchuldiſt ſpeke alſo of þe hows of þi ſeruaunt in
iii And Nathan ſeide to þe kyng, Go þou, and do al þing
to long tyme. Forſoþe þis is þe lawe of Adam, Lord
which is in þin herte, for þe Lord is wiþ þee. God;
iiii Forſoþe it was don in þat niȝt, and lo! þe word of þe xx what þerfor may Dauid adde ȝit, þat he ſpeke to þee?
Lord, ſeiynge to Nathan, Go þou, For þou, Lord God, knowiſt þi ſeruaunt; þou haſt do alle
v and ſpeke to my ſeruaunt Dauid, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þeſe grete þingis,
þingis, Wheþer þou ſchalt bilde to me an hows to xxi for þi word, and bi þin herte, ſo þat þou madiſt
dwelle ynne? knowun to þi ſeruaunt.
vi For Y `dwellide not in an hows fro þe dai in which Y xxii Herfor, Lord God, þou art magnyfied, for noon is
ledde þe ſones of Iſrael out of þe lond of Egipt til in to lijk þee, ne þere is no God outakun þee, in alle þingis
þis dai; but Y ȝede in tabernacle and in tent, whiche we herden wiþ oure eeris.
vii bi alle places, to whiche Y paſſyde wiþ alle þe ſones xxiii Soþeli what folk in erþe is as þe puple of Iſrael, for
of Iſrael? Wheþer Y ſpekynge ſpak to oon of þe lynagis which þe Lord God ȝede, þat he ſchulde aȝenbie it to
of Iſrael, to whom Y comaundyde, þat he ſchulde feede him in to a puple, and ſchulde ſette to hym ſilf a name,
my puple Iſrael, and ſeide, Whi `bildidiſt þou not an and ſchulde do to it grete þingis, and orible on erþe, in
hows of cedre to me? caſtinge out þerof þe folk and `goddis þerof fro þe face
viii And now þou ſchalt ſeie þeſe þingis to my ſeruaunt of þi puple, which þou `aȝen bouȝtiſt to þee fro Egipt?
Dauid, Þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Y took þee fro xxiiii And þou confermidiſt to þee þi puple Iſrael in to a
leſewis ſuynge flockis, þat þou ſchuldiſt be duyk on my puple euerlaſtynge, and þou, Lord, art maad in to God
puple Iſrael, and Y was wiþ þee in alle þingis, to hem.
ix where euere þou ȝediſt, and Y killide alle þin enemyes xxv Now þerfor, Lord God, reiſe þou wiþouten ende þe
fro þi face, and Y made to þee a greet name bi þe name word þat þou haſt ſpoke on þi ſeruaunt and on his hows,
of grete men þat ben in erþe; and do as þou haſt ſpoke;
x and Y ſchall ſette a place to my puple Iſrael, and Y xxvi and þy name be magnyfied til in to wiþouten ende,
ſchal plaunte hym, and Y ſchal dwelle wiþ hym, and he and be it ſeid, Þe Lord of ooſtis is God on Iſrael; and þe
ſchal no more be troblid, and þe ſones of wickidneſſe hows of þi ſeruaunt Dauid ſchal be ſtabliſchid byfor þe
ſchulen not adde, þat þei turmente hym as bifor, Lord;
xi fro þe dai in which Y ordenede iugis on my puple xxvii for þou, Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, haſt maad
Iſrael; and Y ſchal ȝyue reſte to þee fro alle þin reuelacioun to þe eere of þi ſeruaunt, and ſeidiſt, Y ſchal
enemyes. And þe Lord biforſeiþ to þee, þat `þe Lord bilde an hows to þee; þerfor þi ſeruaunt foond his herte,
ſchal mak an hows to þee; þat he ſchulde preie þee bi þis preier.
xii and whanne þi daies be fillid, and þou haſt ſlept wiþ xxviii Now þerfor, Lord God, þou art veri God, and þi
þi fadris, Y ſchal reyſe þi ſeed aftir þee, which ſchal go wordis ſchulen be trewe; for þou haſt ſpoke þeſe goodis
out of þi wombe, and Y ſchal make `ſtidfaſt his rewme. to þi ſeruaunt;

xxix þerforbigynne þou, and bleſſe þe hows of þi xiiii And he ſettide keperis in Ydumee, and ordeinede
ſeruaunt, þat it be wiþouten ende bifor þee; for þou, ſtrong hold, and al Ydumee was maad ſeruynge to
Lord God, haſt ſpoke þeſe þingis, and bi þi bleſſyng þe Dauid; and þe Lord kepte Dauid in alle þingis, to
hows of þi ſeruaunt ſchal be bleſſid wiþouten ende. whateuer þingis he ȝede forþ.
xv And Dauid regnede on al Iſrael, and Dauid dide
CAP. VIII doom, and riȝtfulneſſe to al his puple.
i Forſoþe it was doon aftir þeſe þingis, Dauid ſmoot xvi Forſoþe Joab, þe ſone of Saruy, was ouer þe ooſt;
Filiſteis, and made low hem; and Dauid took awei þe ſoþeli Joſaphat, ſone of Achilud, was chaunceler; and
bridil of tribute fro þe hond of Filiſteis. Sadoch,
ii And Dauid ſmoot Moab, and mat hem wiþ a coorde, xvii ſone of Achitob, and Achymelech, ſone of Abiathar,
and made euene to þe erþe; forſoþe `he mat twey cordis, weren preeſtis; and Saraye was ſcryuyn.
oon to ſle, and oon to quikene. And Moab ſeruyde xviii Forſoþe Bananye, ſone of Joiada, was ouer Cerethi
Dauid vndur tribute. and Pherethi, þat is, ouer archeris and arblaſteris; ſoþeli
iii And Dauid ſmoot Adadezer, ſone of Roob, kyng of
þe ſones of Dauid weren preſtis.
Soba, whanne he ȝede forþ to be lord ouer þe flood
Eufrates. CAP. IX
iiii And whanne a þouſynde and ſeuene hundrid kniȝtis i And Dauid ſeide, Wheþer ony man is, þat lefte of þe
of his part weren takun, and twenti þouſynde of foot hows of Saul, þat Y do mercy wiþ hym for Jonathas?
men, Dauid hoxide alle `drawynge beeſtis in charis; but ii Forſoþe a ſeruaunt, Siba bi name, was of þe hous of
Dauid lefte of þo an hundrid charis, þat is, þe horſis of Saul; whom whanne þe kyng hadde clepid to hym ſilf,
an hundrid charis. `þe kyng ſeide to hym, Wheþir þou art not Siba? And he
v Alſo Sirie of Damaſk cam, þat it ſchulde bere help to
anſweride, Y am þi ſeruaunt.
Adadezer, kyng of Soba; and Dauid ſmoot of Sirie two iii And þe kyng ſeide, Wheþer ony man lyueþ of þe
and twenti þouſynde of men. hows of Saul, þat Y do wiþ hym þe mercy of God? And
vi And Dauid ſettide ſtrengþe in Sirie of Damaſk, and
Siba ſeide to þe kyng, A ſone of Jonathas lyueþ, feble in
Sirie was maad ſeruynge Dauid vndur tribute. And þe þe feet.
Lord kepte Dauid in alle þingis, to what euer þingis he iiii Þe kyng ſeide, Where is he? And Siba ſeide to þe
ȝede forþ. kyng, Lo! he is in þe hows of Machir, ſone of Amyel, in
vii And Dauid took goldun armeris and bies, whiche þe
ſeruauntis of Adadezer hadden, and he brouȝte þo in to v Þerfor `Dauid þe kyng ſente, and took hym fro þe
Jeruſalem. hows of Machir, ſone of Amyel, fro Lodobar.
viii And of Bethe, and of Beroth, citees of Adadezer, vi Forſoþe whanne Myphiboſech, þe ſone of Jonathas,
Dauiþ þe kyng took ful myche metal; `of þe whiche ſone of Saul, hadde come to Dauid, he felde in to his
Salomon made alle þe braſen veſſels in þe temple, and face, and worſchipide. And Dauid ſeide, Myphiboſech!
þe braſen ſee, and þe pilers, and þe auter. Which anſweride, Y am preſent, þi ſeruaunt.
ix Forſoþe Thou, kyng of Emath, herde þat Dauid hadde vii And Dauid ſeide to hym, Drede þou not, for Y
ſmyte al þe ſtrengþe of Adadezer. doynge ſchal do merſi to þee for Jonathas, þi fadir; and
x And Thou ſente Joram, his ſone, to `kyng Dauid, þat
Y ſchal reſtore to þee alle þe feeldis of Saul, þi fadir,
he ſchulde grete hym, and þanke, and do þankyngis, for and þou ſchalt ete breed in my boord euere.
he hadde ouercome Adadezer, and hadde ſmyte hym; viii Which worſchipide him, and ſeide, Who am Y, þi
for Thou was enemy to Adadeſer; and veſſels of ſiluer, ſeruaunt, for þou haſt biholde on a deed dogge lijk me?
and veſſels of gold, and veſſels of bras weren in his ix Þerfor þe kyng clepide Siba, þe child of Saul; and
hond. ſeide to hym, Y haue ȝoue to þe ſone of þi lord alle
xi And þe ſame veſſels kyng Dauid halewid `to þe Lord,
þingis, which euer weren of Saul, and al þe hows of
wiþ þe ſiluer and gold, whiche he hadde halewid of alle hym;
heþene men, whiche `heþene men he made ſuget of x þerfor worche þou þe lond to hym, þou, and þi ſones,
Sirye, and þi ſeruauntis, and þou ſchalt brynge in meetis to þe
xii and Moab, and þe ſones of Amon, and Filiſteis, and
ſone of þi lord, þat he be fed; forſoþe Myphiboſech,
Amalech, and of þe ſpuylis of Adadezer, ſone of Roob, ſone of þi lord, ſchal ete euer breed on my bord. Soþeli
kyng of Soba. fiftene ſones and twenti ſeruauntis weren to Siba.
xiii Alſo Dauid made to hym a name, whanne he turnede xi And Siba ſeyde to þe kyng, As þou, my lord kyng,
aȝen, whanne Sirie was takun, for eiȝtene þouſynde haſt comaundid to þi ſeruaunt, ſo þi ſeruaunt ſchal do;
weren ſlayn in þe valey, where ſalt is maad, and in
Gebelem, to þre and twenti þouſynde.

and Myphiboſech, as oon of þe ſones of þe kyng, ſchal xii be þou a ſtrong man, and fiȝte we for oure puple, and
ete on þi boord. for þe citee of oure God; forſoþe þe Lord ſchal do þat,
xii Forſoþe Myphiboſech hadde a litil ſone, Mycha bi þat is good in his ſiȝt.
name; ſoþeli al þe meyne of þe hows of Siba ſeruyde xiii Þerfor Joab and his puple þat was wiþ hym, bigan
Myphiboſech. batel aȝens men of Sirie, whiche fledden anoon fro his
xiii Forſoþe Myphiboſech dwellide in Jeruſalem; for he face.
eet contynueli of þe kingis boord, and was crokid on xiiii Forſoþe þe ſones of Amon ſien, þat men of Sirie
eiþer foot. hadden fled; and þei fledden alſo fro þe face of Abiſai,
and entriden in to þe citee; and Joab turnede aȝen fro þe
CAP. X ſones of Amon, and cam in to Jeruſalem.
i Forſoþe it was doon aftir þeſe þingis, þat Naas, kyng of xv Forſoþe men of Sirye ſien þat þei hadden feld bifor
þe ſones of Amon, diede; and Anoon, his ſone, regnede Iſrael, and þei weren gaderid to gidere.
for hym. And Dauid ſeide, xvi And Adadezer ſente, and ledde out men of Sirie þat
ii Y ſchal do mercy wiþ Anon, þe ſone of Naas, as his
weren biȝende þe flood, and he brouȝte þe ooſt of hem;
fadir dide mercy wiþ me. Þerfor Dauid ſente ſoþeli Sobach, mayſter of þe chyualrie of Adadezer, was
coumfortynge hym by hiſe ſeruauntis on þe deeþ of þe þe prince of hem.
fadir. Soþeli whanne þe ſeruauntis of Dauid hadden xvii And whanne þis was teld to Dauid, he drow togidere
come in to þe lond of þe ſones of Amon, al Iſrael, and paſſide Jordan, and cam in to Helama. And
iii princes of þe ſones of Amon ſeiden to Anon, her lord,
men of Sirie dreſſiden ſcheltrun aȝens Dauid, and
Geſſiſt þou þat for þe onour of þi fadir Dauid ſente fouȝten aȝens hym.
coumfortouris to þee; and not herfor Dauid ſente hiſe xviii And Sireis fledden fro þe face of Iſrael; and Dauid
ſeruauntis to þee, þat he ſchulde aſpie, and enſerche þe killide of Sireis ſeuene hundrid charis, and fourti
citee, and diſtrie it? þouſynde of knyȝtis; and he ſmoot Sobach, þe prince of
iiii Þerfor Anoon took þe ſeruauntis of Dauid, and
chyualrie, which was deed anoon.
ſchauyde half þe part of `þe beerd of hem, and he kittide xix Forſoþe alle kyngis, þat weren in þe help of
awey þe myddil cloþis of hem `til to þe buttokis; and Adadezer, ſiȝen þat þei weren ouercomun of Iſrael, and
lefte hem. þei maden pees wiþ Iſrael, and ſerueden hem; and Sireis
v And whanne þis was teld to Dauid, he ſente in to þe
dredden to ȝyue help to þe ſones of Amon.
comyng of hem, for þe men weren ſchent ful vilenſly.
And Dauid comaundide to hem, Dwelle ȝe in Jerico, til CAP. XI
ȝoure beerd wexe, and þanne turne ȝe aȝen. i Forſoþe it was doon, whanne þe ȝeer turnede aȝen in
vi Soþeli þe ſones of Amon ſien, þat þei hadden do
þat tyme wherynne kyngis ben wont to go forþ to
wrong to Dauid, and þei ſenten, and hiriden bi meede batels, Dauid ſente Joab, and wiþ hym hiſe ſeruauntis,
Roob of Sirye, and Soba of Sirie, twenti þouſynde of and al Iſrael; and þei diſtrieden þe ſones of Amon, and
foot men, and of kyng Maacha, a þouſynde men, and of biſegiden Rabath; forſoþe Dauid dwellide in Jeruſalem.
Iſtob twelue þouſynde of men. ii While þeſe þingis weren doon, it befelde, þat Dauid
vii And whanne Dauid hadde herd þis, he ſent Joab and
roos in a dai fro his bed after mydday, and walkide in
al þe ooſt of fiȝteris. þe ſoler of þe kyngis hows; and he ſiȝ a womman
viii Þerfor þe ſones of Amon ȝeden out, and dreſſiden waiſchynge hir ſilf euen aȝens on hir ſoler; ſoþeli þe
ſcheltrun bifor hem in þe entryng of þe ȝate. Forſoþe womman was ful fair.
Soba, and Roob of Sirie, and Iſtob, and Maacha weren iii Þerfor þe kyng ſente, and enqueride, what womman it
aſidis half in þe feeld. was; and it was teld to hym, þat ſche was Berſabee, þe
ix Þerfor Joab ſiȝ, þat batel was maad redi aȝens hym, douȝtir of Heliam, and was þe wijf of Vrye Ethei.
boþe euene aȝens and bihynde þe bak; and he chees to iiii Þerfor bi meſſangeris ſent Dauid took hir; and
hym ſilf of alle þe choſun men of Iſrael, and ordeynede whanne ſche entride to hym, he ſlepte wiþ hir, and
ſcheltrun aȝens Sirus. anoon ſche was halewid fro hir vncleneſſe.
x Forſoþe he bitook to Abiſai, his broþir, þe toþer part of v And ſche turnede aȝen in to hir hows, wiþ child
þe puple, which dreſſide ſcheltrun aȝens þe ſones of conſeyued; and ſche ſente, and telde to Dauid, and ſeide,
Amon. Y haue conſeyued.
xi And Joab ſeide, If men of Sirie han þe maiſtrie aȝens vi Forſoþe Dauid ſente to Joab, and ſeide, Sende þou
me, þou ſchalt be to me in to help; ſoþeli if þe ſones of Vrye Ethei to me; and Joab ſente Vrye to Dauid.
Amon han þe maiſtrie aȝens þee, Y ſchal helpe þee; vii And Vrie cam to Dauid; and Dauid axide, hou riȝtfuli
Joab dide and þe puple, and hou þe batel was mynyſtrid.

viii And Dauid ſeide to Vrye, Go in to þin hows, and xxiiii Andarcheris ſenten dartis to þi ſeruauntis fro þe
waiſche þi feet. Vrye ȝede out fro þe hows of þe kyng, wal aboue, and ſumme of þe `kyngis ſeruauntis ben
and þe kyngis mete ſuede hym. deed; forſoþe alſo þi ſeruaunt, Vrye Ethei, is deed.
ix Soþeli Vrye ſlepte bifor þe ȝate of þe kyngis hows xxv And Dauid ſeide to þe meſſanger, Þou ſchalt ſeie
wiþ oþere ſeruauntis of his lord, and ȝede not doun to þeſe þingis to Joab, Þis þing breke not þee; for þe
his hows. bifallyng of batel is dyuerſe, and ſwerd waſtiþ now þis
x And it was teld to Dauid of men, ſeiynge, Vrye `ȝede man, now þat man; coumforte þi fiȝteris aȝens þe citee,
not to his hows. And Dauid ſeide to Vrye, Wheþer þou þat þou diſtrye it, and excite þou hem.
cameſt not fro þe weye? whi ȝediſt þou not doun in to xxvi Forſoþe þe wijf of Vrye herde, þat Vrye hir
þin hows? hoſebond was deed, and ſche biweilide hym.
xi And Vrie ſeide to Dauid, Þe arke of God, Iſrael and xxvii And whanne þe morenyng was paſſid, Dauid ſente,
Juda dwellen in tentis, and my lord Joab, and þe and brouȝte hir in to his hows; and ſche was maad wijf
ſeruauntis of my lord dwellen on þe face of erþe, and to hym, and ſche childide a ſone to hym. And þis word
ſchal Y go in to myn hows, to ete and drynke, and ſlepe which Dauid hadde do diſpleſide bifor þe Lord.
wiþ my wijf? Bi þin helþe, and bi þe helþe of þi ſoule,
Y ſchal not do þis þing. CAP. XII
xii Þerfor Dauid ſeide to Vrye, Dwelle þou here alſo to i Þerfor þe Lord ſente Nathan to Dauid; and whanne he
dai, and to morewe Y ſchal delyuere þee. Vrie dwellide hadde come to Dauid, he ſeide to Dauid, Anſwere þou
in Jeruſalem in þat day and þe toþir. doom to me; twei men weren in o citee; o man was
xiii And Dauid clepide hym, þat he ſchulde ete and riche, and þe toþer was pore.
drynke bifor hym, and Dauid made drunkun Vrye; and ii Þe riche man hadde ful many ſcheep, and oxun;
he ȝede out in þe euentid, and ſlepte in his bed wiþ þe iii ſoþeli þe pore man hadde vttirli no þing, outakun o
ſeruauntes of his lord; and ȝede not doun in to his hows. litil ſcheep, which he hadde bouȝt, and nurſchid, and
xiiii Þerfor þe morewtid was maad, and Dauid wroot which `hadde wexid at hym wiþ hiſe ſones, and eet
epiſtle to Joab, and ſente bi þe hond of Vrye, togidere of his breed, and drank of his cuppe, and ſlepte
xv and wroot in þe piſtle, Sette ȝe Vrye euene aȝens þe in his boſum; and it was as a douȝter to hym.
batel, where þe batel is ſtrongeſte, `þat is, where þe iiii Forſoþe whanne a pilgrym `hadde come to þe riche
aduerſaries ben ſtronge, and forſake ȝe hym, þat he be man, he ſparide to take of hiſe ſcheep and oxun, þat he
ſmitun and periſche. ſchulde make a feeſte to þat pilgrym, þat cam to hym;
xvi Þerfor whanne Joab biſegide þe citee, he ſettide Vrie and he took þe ſcheep of þe pore man, and `made redi
in þe place where he wiſte þat ſtrongeſte men weren. metis to þe man þat cam to hym.
xvii And men ȝeden out of þe citee, and fouȝten aȝens v Forſoþe Dauid was ful wrooþ wiþ indignacioun aȝens

Joab, and þei killiden of þe puple of ſeruauntis of þat man, and ſeide to Nathan, Þe Lord lyueþ, for þe man
Dauid, and alſo Vrye Ethei was deed. þat dide þis is þe ſone of deeþ;
xviii Þerfor Joab ſente, and telde alle þe wordis of þe vi he ſchal ȝelde þe ſcheep in to foure folde, for he dide

batel; þis word, and ſparide not.

xix and he comaundyde to þe meſſanger, and ſeide, vii Forſoþe Nathan ſeide to Dauid, Þou art þilke man,
Whanne þou haſt fillid alle wordis of þe batel to þe þat haſt do þis þing. Þe Lord God of Iſrael ſeiþ þeſe
kyng, þingis, Y anoyntide þee `in to kyng on Iſrael, and Y
xx if þou ſeeſt, þat he is wrooþ, and ſeiþ, Whi neiȝiden delyuerede þee fro þe hond of Saul,
viii and Y ȝaf to þee þe hows of þi lord, and þe wyues of
ȝe to þe wal to fiȝte? wheþer ȝe wiſten not, þat many
dartis ben ſent `fro aboue fro þe wal? þi lord in þi boſum, and Y ȝaf to þee þe hows of Iſrael,
xxi who ſmoot Abymelech, ſone of Gerobaal? wheþer and of Juda; and if þeſe þingis ben litil, Y ſchal adde to
not a womman ſente on hym a gobet of a mylneſtoon þee myche grettere þingis.
ix Whi þerfor haſt þou diſpiſid þe word of þe Lord, þat
fro þe wal, and killide hym in Thebes? whi neiȝiden ȝe
biſidis þe wal? þou ſchalt ſeie, Alſo þi ſeruaunt, Vrye þou didiſt yuels in my ſiȝt? Þou haſt ſmyte by ſwerd
Ethei, diede. Vrye Ethei, and þou haſt take his wijf in to wijf to þee,
xxii Þerfor þe meſſanger ȝede, and telde to Dauid alle and þou haſt ſlayn hym wiþ þe ſwerd of þe ſones of
þingis whiche Joab hadde comaundid to hym. Amon.
xxiii And þe meſſanger ſeide to Dauid, `Men hadden þe x Wherfor ſwerd ſchal not go awey fro þin hows til in to

maiſtri aȝens us, and þei ȝeden out to vs in to þe feeld; wiþ outen ende; for þou diſpyſidiſt me, and tokiſt þe
ſoþeli bi `ferſneſſe maad we purſueden hem `til to þe wijf of Vrye Ethei, þat ſche ſchulde be þi wijf.
xi Þerfor þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal reiſe on
ȝate of þe citee.
þee yuel of þin hows, and Y ſchal take þi wyues in `þin

iȝen, and Y ſchal ȝyue to þi neiȝbore, and he ſchal ſlepe xxvi Þerfor Joab fauȝt aȝens Rabath, of þe ſones of
wiþ þi wyues in þe iȝen of þis ſunne, `þat is, opynli Amon, and he fauȝt aȝens þe `kyngis citee.
bifor alle men, as in xv. chapitre. xxvii And Joab ſente meſſangeris to Dauid, and ſeide, Y
xii For þou haſt do priueli; forſoþe Y ſchal do þis word
fauȝte aȝens Rabath, and þe citee of watris ſchal be
in þe ſiȝt of al Iſrael, and in þe ſiȝt of þis ſunne. takun.
xiii And Dauid ſeide to Nathan, Y haue ſynned to þe xxviii Now þerfor gadere þou þe toþer part of þe puple,
Lord. And Nathan ſeide to Dauid, Alſo þe Lord haþ and biſege þou þe citee, and take þou it, leſt whanne þe
turned awei þi ſynne; þou ſchalt not die. citee is waſtid of me, þe victorie be arettid to my name.
xiiii Neþeles for þou madiſt enemyes to blasfeme þe xxix Þerfor Dauid gaderide al þe puple, and he ȝede forþ
name of þe Lord, for þis word þe child which is borun aȝens Rabath; and whanne he hadde fouȝte, he took it.
to þee ſchal die bi deeþ. xxx And he took þe diademe of þe kyng of hem fro his
xv And Nathan turnede aȝen in to his hows. And þe
heed, bi weiȝte a talent of gold, hauynge preciouſeſte
Lord ſmoot þe litil child, whom þe wijf of Vrye childide peerlis; and it was put on þe heed of Dauid, `þat is, aftir
to Dauid, and he diſpeiride. þat it was weldid and purgid bi fier; but alſo Dauid bar
xvi And Dauid preiede þe Lord for þe litil child; and awey ful myche prey of þe citee.
Dauid faſtide bi faſtyng, and entride aſidis half, and lai xxxi Alſo he ledde forþ þe puple þerof, and ſawide, and
on þe erþe. `dide aboute hem `yrun inſtrumentis of turment, and
xvii Soþeli þe eldere men of his hows camen, and departide wiþ knyues, and `ledde ouer bi þe licneſſe of
conſtreyneden hym `bi meke preieris, þat he ſchulde riſe tijl ſtoonus; ſo he dide to alle þe citees of þe ſones of
fro þe erþe; and he nolde, neþir he eet mete wiþ hem. Amon. And Dauid turnede aȝen, and al his ooſt, in to
xviii Forſoþe it bifelde in þe ſeuenþe dai, þat þe ȝong Jeruſalem.
child diede; and þe ſeruauntis of Dauid dredde to telle
to hym, þat þe litil child was deed; for þei ſeiden, Lo! CAP. XIII
whanne þe litil child lyuede ȝit, we ſpaken to hym, and i Forſoþe it was doon aftir þeſe þingis, þat Amon, þe
he herde not oure vois; hou myche more, if we ſeien þe ſone of Dauid, louyde þe faireſte ſiſtir, Thamar bi name,
child is deed, he ſchal turment himſilf? of Abſolon, ſone of Dauid.
xix Þerfore whanne Dauid hadde herd his ſeruauntis ii And Amon periſchide greetli for hir, ſo þat he was ſijk
ſpekynge priueli, `eþer moterynge, he underſtood þat þe for `þe loue of hir. For whanne ſhe was a virgyn, it
ȝong child was deed; `and he ſeyde to his ſeruauntis, ſemyde hard to hym, þat he ſchulde do ony þing
Wheþer þe child is deed? Whiche anſweriden to hym, vnoneſtli wiþ hir.
He is deed. iii Forſoþe a freend, Jonadab bi name, ſone of Semmaa,
xx Þerfor Dauid roos fro þe erþe, and was waiſchid, and broþer of Dauid, `was to Amon; Jonadab was a ful
anoyntid; and whanne he hadde chaungid cloþ, he prudent man.
entride in to þe hows of þe Lord, and worſchipide, and iiii Which ſeide to Amon, Sone of þe kyng, whi art þou
cam in to his hows; and he axide, þat þei ſchulden ſette maad feble ſo bi leeneſſe bi alle daies? whi ſchewiſt þou
breed to hym, and he eet. not to me? And Amon ſeide to him, Y loue Thamar, þe
xxi Soþely his ſeruauntis ſeiden to hym, What is þe word ſiſter of my broþer Abſolon.
which þou haſt do? Þou faſtidiſt, and weptiſt for þe ȝong v And Jonadab anſweride to hym, Li þou on þi bed, and
child, whanne he lyuede ȝit; ſoþeli whanne þe child was feyne þou ſikeneſſe; and whanne þi fadir comeþ, þat he
deed, þou riſidiſt and etiſt breed? viſyte þee, ſeie þou to hym, Y preye, come Thamar, my
xxii And Dauid ſeide, Y faſtide and wepte for þe ȝong ſiſter, þat ſche ȝyue mete to me, and make a ſeew, þat Y
child, whanne he lyuyde ȝit; for Y ſeide, Who woot, if ete of hir hond.
perauenture þe Lord ȝyue hym to me, and þe ȝong child vi Þerfor Amon lay doun, and `bigan as to be ſijk. And
lyue? whanne þe kyng hadde come to viſite him, Amon ſeide
xxiii `Now forſoþe for he is deed, whi `faſt Y? wheþer Y to þe kyng, Y biſeche, come Thamar, my ſiſtir, þat ſche
ſchal mow aȝen clepe hym more? Y ſchal `go more to make twei ſoupyngis bifor my iȝen, and þat Y take of
hym, but he ſchal not turne aȝen to me. hir hond meete maad redi.
xxiiii And Dauid coumfortid Berſabee, his wijf; and he vii Þerfor Dauid ſente to þe hows of Thamar, and ſeide,
entride to hir, and ſlepte wiþ hir. And ſche gendride a Come þou in to þe hows of Amon, þi broþer, and make
ſone, and Dauid clepide his name Salomon; and þe Lord þou ſeew to hym.
louyde hym. viii And Thamar cam in to þe hows of Amon, hir broþer.
xxv And he ſente Salomon in þe hond of Nathan, þe Soþeli he lai; and ſche took mele, and medlide, and
prophete; and he clepide his name Amyable to þe Lord, made moiſt bifor hiſe iȝen, and ſeþide ſoupyngis;
for þe Lord louyde hym.

ix and ſche took þat, þat ſche hadde ſode, and helde out, xxiiii And he cam to þe kyng, and ſeide to hym, Lo! þe
and ſettide byfor hym, and he nolde ete. And Amon ſcheep of þi ſeruaunt ben ſchorun; Y preye, come þe
ſeide, Putte ȝe out alle men fro me. And whanne þei king wiþ hiſe ſeruauntis to his ſeruaunt.
hadden put out alle men, xxv And þe kyng ſeide to Abſolon, Nyle þou, my ſone,
x Amon ſeide to Thamar, Bere þe mete in to þe cloſet, nyle þou preye, þat alle we come, and greeue þee.
þat Y ete of þin hond. Þerfor Thamar took þe ſoupingis Forſoþe whanne he conſtreynede Dauid, and he nolde
whiche ſche hadde maad, and brouȝte in to Amon, hir go, he bleſſide Abſolon.
broþer, in þe cloſet. xxvi And Abſolon ſeide to Dauid, If þou nylt come, Y
xi And whanne ſche hadde proferid mete to hym, he byſeche, come nameli Amon, my broþer, wiþ vs. And
took hir, and ſeide, Come þou, my ſiſtir, li þou wiþ me. þe kyng ſeide to hym, It is no nede, þat he go wiþ þee.
xii And ſche anſweride to hym, My broþer, nyle þou, xxvii Þerfor Abſolon conſtreynede hym; and he
nyle þou oppreſſe me, for þis is not leueful in Iſrael; delyuerede wiþ him Amon, and alle þe ſones of þe
nyle þou do þis foli. kyng. And Abſolon hadde maad a feeſte as þe feeſte of a
xiii For Y ſchal not mow bere my ſchenſchip, and þou kyng.
ſchalt be as oon of þe vnwiſe men in Iſrael; but raþer xxviii Soþeli Abſolon comaundide to hiſe children, and
ſpeke þou to þe kyng, and he ſchal not denye me to þee. ſeide, Aſpie ȝe, whanne Amon is drunkun of wyn, and Y
xiiii Soþeli he nolde aſſente to hir preieris; but he was ſeie to ȝou, Smyte ȝe, and ſle hym. Nyle ȝe drede, for Y
ſtrengere in myȝtis, and oppreſſide hir, and lay wiþ hir. am þat comaunde to ȝou; be ȝe ſtrengþid, and be ȝe
xv And `Amon hadde hir hateful bi ful grete haterede, ſo ſtronge men.
xxix Þerfor þe children of Abſolon diden aȝens Amon, as
þat þe hatrede was gretter, bi which he hatide hir, þan
þe loue bi which he louyde hir bifor. And Amon ſeide to Abſolon hadde comaundide to hem; and alle þe ſones of
hir, Riſe þou, and go. þe kyng riſiden, and ſtieden ech on his mule, and
xvi And ſche anſweride to hym, Þis yuel is more which fledden.
xxx And whanne þei ȝeden ȝit in þe weie, fame cam to
þou doiſt now aȝens me, and puttiſt me out, þan þat, þat
þou didiſt bifore. And he nolde here hir; but whanne þe þe kyng, and ſeide, Abſolon haþ kild alle þe ſones of þe
child was clepide, king, and `nameli not oon lefte of hem.
xvii þat mynyſtride to hym, he ſeide, Putte þou out þis xxxi Þerfor þe kyng roos, and to-rente hiſe cloþis, and

womman fro me, and cloſe þou þe dore aftir hir. felde doun on þe erþe; and alle hiſe ſeruauntis þat ſtoden
xviii And ſche was cloþid wiþ a coote doun to þe heele; nyȝ to hym, to-renten her cloþis.
xxxii Soþeli Jonadab, ſone of Semmaa, broþer of Dauid,
for þe kyngis douȝtris virgyns vſiden ſiche cloþis.
Þerfor þe mynyſtre of Amon puttide hir out, and cloſide anſweride and ſeide, My lord þe kyng, geſſe not, þat alle
þe dore aftir hir. þe children, and ſones of þe kyng, ben ſlayn; Amon
xix And ſche ſpreynte aiſche to hir heed, whanne þe aloone is deed, for he was ſet in hatrede to Abſolon, fro
coote to `þe heele was to-rent, and whanne þe hondis þe day in which he oppreſſide Thamar, his ſiſtir.
xxxiii Now þerfor, my lord þe kyng, ſet not þis word on
weren put on hir heed, and ſche ȝede entrynge and
criynge. his herte, and ſeie, Alle þe ſones of þe kyng ben ſlayn;
xx Forſoþe Abſolon, hir broþer, ſeide to hir, Wheþer for Amon aloone is deed.
xxxiiii Forſoþe Abſolon fledde. And a child aſpiere
Amon, þi broþir, haþ leyn wiþ þee? But `now, ſiſter, be
ſtille; he is þi broþer, and turmente not þin herte for þis reiſide hiſe iȝen, and bihelde, and lo! myche puple cam
þing. Þerfor Thamar dwellide morenynge in þe hows of bi a weye out of þe comyn weie bi þe ſide of þe hil.
Abſolon, hir broþir. xxxv And Jonadab ſeide to þe kyng, Lo! þe ſones of þe
xxi Forſoþe whanne `kyng Dauid hadde herd þeſe kyng comen; bi þe word of þi ſeruaunt, ſo it is doon.
wordis, he was ful ſori, and he nolde make ſore þe ſpyrit xxxvi And whanne he hadde ceeſſid to ſpeke, alſo þe
of Amon, his ſone; for he louyde Amon, for he was þe ſones of þe kyng apperiden; and þei entriden, and
firſte gendrid `to hym. reiſiden her vois, and wepten; but alſo þe kyng and alle
xxii Forſoþe Abſolon ſpak not to Amon, neþer yuel neþer his ſeruauntis wepten bi ful greet wepyng.
good; for Abſolon hatide Amon, for he hadde defoulid xxxvii Forſoþe Abſolon fledde, and ȝede to Tholmai, ſone
Thamar, his ſiſtir. of Amyur, þe kyng of Geſſur. Þerfor Dauid biweilide his
xxiii Forſoþe it was doon aftir þe tyme of twei ȝeer, þat ſone Amon in many daies.
þe ſcheep of Abſolon weren ſhorun in Baalaſor, which is xxxviii Forſoþe Abſolon, whanne he hadde fled, and
biſidis Effraym. And Abſolon clepide alle þe ſones of þe hadde come in to Geſſur, was þere þre ȝeer.
kyng. xxxix And Dauid ceeſſide to purſue Abſolon, for he was
coumfortid on þe deeþ of Amon.

CAP. XIIII xvi And þe kyng herde þe wordis, þat he ſchulde
i Forſoþe Joab, þe ſone of Saruye, vndirſtood, þat þe delyuere his handmayde fro þe hondis of alle men, þat
herte of þe kyng was turned to Abſolon; wolden do awei me, and my ſone to gidere, fro þe
ii and he ſente to Thecua, and took fro þennus a wiſe eritage of þe Lord.
womman, and he ſeide to hir, Feyne þee to morene, and xvii Þerfor þin hand mayde ſeie, þat þe word of my lord
be þou cloþid wiþ clooþ of duyl, and be þou anoyntid þe kyng be maad as ſacrifice, `þat is, þat þe ſentence
wiþ oile, þat þou be as a womman by morenynge `now ȝouun of hym be pleſaunt to God, as ſacrifice pleſiþ
in ful myche tyme a deed man. God; for as an aungel of þe Lord, ſo is my lord þe kyng,
iii And þou ſchalt entre to þe kyng, and þou ſchalt ſpeke þat he be not mouyd bi bleſſyng neþer bi curſyng.
to hym ſiche wordis. Soþeli Joab puttide þe wordis in Wherfor and þi Lord God is wiþ þee.
hir mouþ. xviii And þe kyng anſweride, and ſeide to þe womman,
iiii Þerfor whanne þe womman of Þecua hadde entrid to Hide þou not fro me þe word which Y axe þee. And þe
þe kyng, ſche felde bifor hym on þe erþe, and womman ſeide to hym, Speke þou, my lord þe kyng.
worſchipide, and ſeide, A! kyng, kepe me. xix And þe kyng ſeide, Wheþer þe hond of Joab is wiþ
v And þe kyng ſeide to hir, What haſt þou of cauſe? And þee in alle þeſe þingis? Þe womman anſweride, and
ſche anſweride, Alas! Y am a womman widewe, for ſeide, Bi þe helþe of þi ſoule, my lord þe kyng, neþer to
myn hoſebonde is deed; þe left ſide neþer to þe riȝt ſide is ony þing of alle þeſe
vi and tweyne ſones weren of þin handmayde, whiche þingis, whiche my lord þe kyng ſpak. For þi ſeruaunt
debatiden aȝens hem ſilf in þe feeld, and `noon was þat Joab hym ſilf comaundide to me, and he puttide alle
myȝte forbede hem, and oon ſmoot `þe toþer, and killide þeſe wordis in to þe mouþ of þin handmaide,
xx þat Y ſchulde turne þe figure of þis word; for þi
vii And lo! al þe kynrede riſiþ aȝens þin handmayde, and ſeruaunt Joab comaundide þis þing. Forſoþe þou, my
ſeiþ, Ȝyue þou hym þat killide his broþir, þat we ſle lord þe kyng, art wijs, as an aungel of God haþ wiſdom,
hym for þe lijf of his broþer whom he killide, and þat þat þou vnderſtonde alle þingis on erþe.
xxi And þe kyng ſeide to Joab, Lo! Y am pleſid, and Y
we do awei þe eir; and þei ſeken to quenche my ſparcle
whych is lefte, þat name dwelle not to myn hoſebonde, haue do þi word; þerfor go þou, and aȝen clepe þou þe
and relikis, `eþir remenauntis, be not to him on erþe. child Abſolon.
viii And þe kyng ſeide to þe womman, Go in to þin xxii And Joab felde on his face to erþe, and worſchipide,

hows, and Y ſchal comaunde for þee. and bleſſide þe kyng; and Joab ſeide, Þi ſeruaunt haþ
ix And þe womman of Thecua ſeide to þe kyng, My lord vndirſtonde to dai, þat Y foond grace in þin iȝen, my
þe kyng, þis wickidneſſe be on me, and on þe hows of lord þe kyng, for þou haſt do þe word of þi ſeruaunt.
xxiii Þerfor Joab roos, and ȝede in to Geſſur, and brouȝte
my fadir; forſoþe þe kyng and his trone be innocent.
x And þe kyng ſeide, Brynge þou hym to me, þat Abſolon in to Jeruſalem.
xxiiii Forſoþe þe kyng ſeide, Turne he aȝen in to his
aȝenſeiþ þee, and he ſchal no more adde þat he touche
þee. hows, and ſe not he my face.
xi And ſche ſeide, Þe kyng haue mynde on his Lord xxv Þerfor Abſolon turnede aȝen in to his hows, and ſiȝ

God, and þe nexte men of blood to take veniaunce be not þe face of þe kyng. Soþeli no man in al Iſrael was ſo
not multiplied, and `þei ſchulen not ſle my ſone. And þe fair as Abſolon, and ful comeli; fro þe ſtep of þe foot `til
kyng ſeide, Þe Lord lyueþ, for noon of þe heeris of þi to þe top, `no wem was in hym;
ſone ſchal falle on þe erþe. xxvi and in as myche as `he clippide more þe heeris, bi
xii Þerfor þe womman ſeide, Þin handmayde ſpeke a ſo myche þei wexiden more; forſoþe he was clippid
word to my lord þe kyng. And þe kyng ſeide, Speke onys in þe ȝeer, for þe heer greuede him. And whanne
þou. he clippide þe heeris, he weiȝide `þe heeris of his heed
xiii And þe womman ſeide, Whi `þouȝtiſt þou ſich a þing bi twei hundrid ſiclis wiþ comyn weiȝte.
xxvii Forſoþe þre ſones, and a douȝter, Thamar bi name,
aȝens þe puple of God? and þe kyng ſpak þis word, þat
he do ſynne, and brynge not aȝen his ſone caſt out? of `excellent forme weren borun to Abſolon.
xiiii Alle we dyen, and as watris þat ſchulen not turne xxviii And Abſolon dwellide in Jeruſalem twei ȝeer, and

aȝen, we ſliden in to erþe; and God nyl þat a ſoule he ſiȝ not þe face of þe kyng.
periſche, but he wiþdrawiþ, and þenkiþ leſt he periſche xxix Þerfor he ſente to Joab, þat he ſchulde ſende hym to
outirly, which is caſt awey. þe kyng; which Joab nolde come to hym. And whanne
xv Now þerfor come þou, þat Y ſpeke to my lord þe he hadde ſent þe ſecounde tyme, and Joab nolde come,
kyng þis word, while þe puple is preſent; and þin xxx Abſolon ſeide to hiſe ſeruauntis, Ȝe knowen þe feeld
handmaide ſeide, Y ſchal ſpeke to þe kyng, if in ony of Joab biſidis my feeld hauynge ripe barli; þerfor go
maner þe kyng do þe word of his handmayde. ȝe, and brenne ȝe it wiþ fier. Þerfor þe ſeruauntis of

Abſolon brenten þe corn wiþ fier. And þe ſeruauntis of offride ſacrifices a ſtrong ſwerynge togidere was maad,
Joab camen wiþ her cloþis to-rent, and ſeiden, Þe and þe puple rennynge togidere was encreeſſid wiþ
ſeruauntis Abſolon.
xxxi of Abſolon han brent þe part of feeld bi fier. And xiii Þerfor a meſſanger cam to Dauid, and ſeide, Wiþ al
Joab roos, and cam to Abſolon in to his hows, and ſeide, herte al Iſrael ſueþ Abſolon.
Whi xiiii And Dauid ſeide to hiſe ſeruauntis þat weren wiþ
xxxii han þi ſeruauntis brent my corn bi fier? And hym in Jeruſalem, Riſe ȝe, and flee we; for noon
Abſolon anſweride to Joab, Y ſente to þee, and biſouȝte aſcaping ſchal be to us fro þe face of Abſolon; þerfor
þat þou ſchuldiſt come to me, and þat Y ſchulde ſende haſte ȝe to go out, leſt he come, and ocupie vs, and fille
þee to þe kyng, þat þou ſchuldiſt ſeie to hym, Whi cam on vs fallynge, and ſmyte þe citee bi þe ſcharpneſſe of
Y fro Geſſur? It was betere to me to be þere; þerfor Y ſwerd.
biſeche, þat Y ſe þe face of þe kyng, þat if he is xv And þe ſeruauntis of þe kyng ſeiden to hym, We þi
myndeful of my wickidneſſe, ſle he me. ſeruauntis ſchulen performe gladli alle þingis, what euer
xxxiii Joab entride to þe kyng, and telde to hym. And þingis oure lord þe kyng ſchal comaunde.
Abſolon was clepid, and entryde to þe kyng, and xvi Þerfor þe kyng ȝede out, and al his hous, on her feet;
worſchipide on þe face of erþe bifor hym, and þe kyng and þe king lefte ten wymmen concubyns, `þat is,
kiſſide Abſolon. ſecundarie wyues, to kepe þe hous.
xvii And þe king ȝede out, and al Iſrael, on her feet, and
CAP. XV þe kyng ſtood fer fro þe hous.
i Þerfor aftir þeſe þingis Abſolon made a chaar to hym, xviii And alle hiſe ſeruauntis ȝeden biſidis him, and þe
and knyȝtis, and fifti men, þat ſchulden go bifor hym. legiouns of Cerethi and of Ferethi, and alle men of Geth
ii And Abſolon roos eerli, and ſtood biſidis þe entryng of
`ſtrong fiȝters, ſixe hundrid men, þat ſueden him fro
þe ȝate in þe weie; and Abſolon clepide to hym ech Geth, ȝeden on foote bifor þe kyng.
man, þat hadde a cauſe þat he ſchulde come to þe doom xix Forſoþe þe kyng ſeide to Ethai of Geth, Whi comeſt
of þe kyng, and Abſolon ſeide, Of what citee art þou? þou wiþ vs? Turne þou aȝen, and dwelle wiþ þe kyng,
Which anſweride, and ſeide, Of o lynage of Iſrael Y am, for þou art a pilgrym, and þou ȝediſt out fro þi place.
þi ſeruaunt. xx Þou cameſt ȝiſtirdai, and to dai þou art compellid to
iii And Abſolon anſweride to hym, Þi wordis ſemen to
go out wiþ vs. Soþeli Y ſchal go, whidur Y ſchal go;
me good and iuſt, but noon is ordeyned of þe kyng to turne aȝen, and lede aȝen þi briþeren wiþ þee, and þe
here þee. And Abſolon ſeide, Who ſchal ordeyne me Lord do mercy and treuþe wiþ þee, for þou ſchewidiſt
iuge on þe lond, grace and feiþ.
iiii þat alle men þat han cauſe come to me, and Y deme xxi And Ethai anſweride to þe kyng, and ſeide, Þe Lord
iuſtly? lyueþ, and my lord þe kyng lyueþ, for in what euer
v But whanne a man cam to Abſolon to greete hym, he
place þou ſchalt be, my lord þe kyng, eþer in deeþ eþir
helde forþ þe hond, and took, and kiſſide þat man; in lijf, þere þi ſeruaunt ſchal be.
vi and Abſolon dide þis to al Iſrael, þat cam to doom to xxii And Dauid ſeide to Ethay, Come þou, and paſſe.
be herd of þe kyng; and Abſolon drow awei þe hertis of And Ethai of Geth paſſide, and þe kyng, and alle men
men of Iſrael. þat weren wiþ hym, and þe toþer multitude.
vii Forſoþe aftir foure ȝeer Abſolon ſeide to kyng Dauid, xxiii And alle men wepten wiþ greet vois, and al þe
Y ſchal go, and Y ſchal ȝelde my vowis, whiche Y puple paſſide; and þe kyng ȝede ouer þe ſtrond of
vowide to þe Lord in Ebron; Cedron, and al þe puple ȝede aȝens þe weie of þe olyue
viii for þi ſeruaunt vowynge vowide, whanne he was in tree, þat biholdiþ to deſeert.
Geſſur of Sirie, and ſeide, If þe Lord bryngiþ aȝen me in xxiiii Forſoþe and Sadoch þe preeſt cam, and alle þe
to Jeruſalem, Y ſchal make ſacrifice to þe Lord. dekenes wiþ hym, and þei baren þe arke of boond of
ix And þe kyng ſeide to hym, Go þou in pees. And pees of God, and þei diden doun þe arke of God; and
Abſolon roos, and ȝede in to Ebron. Abiathar ſtiede, til al þe puple was paſſid þat ȝede out of
x Forſoþe Abſolon ſente aſpieris in to al þe lynage of þe citee.
Iſrael, and ſeide, Anoon as ȝe heren þe ſown of clarioun, xxv And þe kyng ſeide to Sadoch, Bere aȝen þe arke of
ſeye ȝe, Abſolon ſchal regne in Ebron. God in to þe citee; if Y ſchal fynde grace in þe iȝen of
xi Forſoþe twei hundrid men clepid of Jeruſalem ȝeden þe Lord, he ſchal lede me aȝen, and he ſchal ſchewe to
wiþ Abſolon, and ȝede wiþ ſymple herte, and outirli þei me þat arke and his tabernacle.
knewen not þe cauſe. xxvi Soþeli if þe Lord ſeiþ, Þou pleſiſt not me; Y am
xii Alſo Abſolon clepide Achitofel of Gilo, þe redi, do he þat, þat is good bifor hym ſilf.
councelour of Dauid, fro his citee Gilo. And whanne he

xxvii And þe kyng ſeide to Sadoch, preeſt, A! þou ſeere, iiii And þe kyng ſeide to Siba, Alle þingis þat weren of
`þat is, profete, turne aȝen in to þe citee, wiþ pees; and Myſphiboſech ben þine. And Siba ſeide, Y preye, fynde
Achymaas, þi ſone, and Jonathas, þe ſone of Abiathar, Y grace bifor þee, my lord þe kyng.
ȝoure twei ſones, be wiþ ȝou. v Þerfor kyng Dauid cam `til to Bahurym, and lo! a man
xxviii Lo! Y ſchal be hid in þe feeldi places of deſeert, til of þe meynee of þe hows of Saul, Semey bi name, ſone
word come fro ȝou, and ſchewe to me. of Gera, ȝede out fro þennus; he ȝede forþ goynge out,
xxix Þerfor Sadoch and Abiathar baren aȝen þe arke of and curſide.
God in to Jeruſalem, and dwelliden þere. vi And he ſente ſtoonys aȝens Dauid, and aȝens alle
xxx Forſoþe Dauid ſtiede on þe hil of olyue trees, ſtiynge ſeruauntis of kyng Dauid; forſoþe al þe puple, and alle
and wepynge, wiþ þe heed hilyd, and `goynge wiþ fiȝteris ȝeden at þe riȝtſide and at þe left ſide of þe king.
nakid feet; but alſo al þe puple þat was wiþ hym, ſtiede vii Soþeli Semey ſpak ſo, whanne he curſide þe kyng,
wiþ þe heed hilid, and wepte. Go out, go out, þou man of bloodis, and man of Belial!
xxxi Forſoþe it was teld to Dauid, þat Achitofel was in viii Þe Lord haþ ȝolde to þee al þe blood of þe hows of
þe ſweryng togidere wiþ Abſolon; and Dauid ſeide, Saul, for þou rauyſchediſt þe rewme fro hym; and þe
Lord, Y byſeche, make þou fonned þe counſel of Lord ȝaf þe rewme in to þe hond of Abſolon, þi ſone;
Achitofel. and lo! þin yuels oppreſſen þee, for þou art a man of
xxxii And whanne Dauid ſtiede in to þe hiȝeneſſe of þe blodis.
hil, in which he ſchulde worſchipe þe Lord, lo! Cuſi of ix Forſoþe Abiſay, þe ſone of Saruye, ſeide to þe kyng,
Arath, wiþ þe cloþ to-rent, and wiþ þe heed ful of erþe, Whi curſiþ þis dogge, þat ſchal die, my lord þe kyng? Y
cam to hym. ſchal go, and Y ſchal girde of his heed.
xxxiii And Dauid ſeide to hym, If þou comeſt wiþ me, x And þe kyng ſeide, Ȝe ſones of Saruye, what is to me
þou ſchalt be to me to charge; ſoþeli if þou turneſt aȝen and to ȝou? Suffre ȝe hym, þat he curſe; for þe Lord
in to þe citee, comaundide to hym, þat he ſchulde curſe Dauid; and
xxxiiii and ſeiſt to Abſolon, Y am þi ſeruaunt, kyng, ſuffre who is he þat dare ſeie, Whi dide he ſo?
þou me to lyue; as Y was þe ſeruaunt of þi fadir, ſo Y xi And þe kyng ſeide to Abyſay, and to alle hiſe
ſchal be þi ſeruaunt; þou ſchalt diſtrye þe counſel of ſeruauntis, Lo! my ſone, þat ȝede out of my wombe,
Achitofel. ſekiþ my lijf; hou myche more now þis ſone of
xxxv Forſoþe þou haſt wiþ þee Sadoch and Abiathar, Gemyny? Suffre ȝe hym, þat he curſe bi comaundement
preeſtis; and `þou ſchalt ſchewe ech word, what euer of þe Lord;
word þou ſchalt here in þe hows of þe kyng, to Sadoch xii if in hap þe Lord biholde my turmentyng, and ȝelde
and Abiathar, preeſtis. good to me for þis `curſyng of þis dai.
xxxvi Soþeli twei ſones `of hem ben wiþ hem, xiii Þerfor Dauid ȝede, and hiſe felowis, bi þe weie wiþ
Achymaas, ſone of Sadoch, and Jonathan, ſone of hym; forſoþe Semey ȝede bi þe ſlade of þe hil `bi þe ſide
Abiathar; and ȝe ſchulen ſende bi hem to me ech word aȝens hym; and curſide, and ſente ſtoonus aȝens him,
which ȝe ſchulen here. and ſpreynte erþe.
xxxvii Þerfor whanne Chuſi, freend of Dauid, cam in to xiiii And ſo `Dauid þe king cam, and al þe puple weery
þe citee, alſo Abſolon entryde in to Jeruſalem. wiþ hym, and þei weren refreiſchid þere.
xv Forſoþe Abſolon, and al þe puple of Iſrael entriden in
CAP. XVI to Jeruſalem, but alſo Achitofel wiþ hym.
i And whanne Dauid hadde paſſid a litil þe cop of þe hil, xvi Soþeli whanne Chuſi of Arath, þe frend of Dauid,
Siba, þe child of Myſphoboſech, apperide in to his hadde come to Abſolon, he ſpak to Abſolon, Heil, kyng!
comyng, wiþ tweyne aſſis, þat weren chargid wiþ twei heil, kyng!
hundrid looues, and wiþ an hundrid bundels of dried xvii To whom Abſolon ſeide, Þis is þi grace to þi freend;
grapis, and wiþ an hundrid gobetis of preſſid figus, and whi ȝediſt þou not wiþ þi freend?
wiþ twei veſſels of wyn. xviii And Chuſi anſweride to Abſolon, Nay, for Y ſhal be
ii And þe kyng ſeide to Siba, What wolen þeſe þingis to
ſeruaunt of hym, whom þe Lord haþ choſe, and al þis
hem ſilf? And Siba anſweride, My lord þe kyng, þe aſſis puple, and al Iſrael; and Y ſchal dwelle wiþ him.
ben to þe meyneals of þe kyng, þat þei ſitte; þe looues xix But þat Y ſeie alſo þis, to whom ſchal Y ſerue?
and `figis preſſid ben to þi children to ete; forſoþe þe wheþir not to þe ſone of þe kyng? as Y obeiede to þi
wyn is, þat if ony man faile in deſeert, he drynke. fadir, ſo Y ſchal obeie to þee.
iii And þe kyng ſeide, Where is þe ſone of þi lord? And
xx Forſoþe Abſolon ſeide to Achitofel, Take ȝe counſel,
Siba anſweride to þe kyng, He dwellide in Jeruſalem, what we owen to do.
`and ſeide, To dai þe Lord of þe hows of Iſrael ſchal
reſtore to me þe rewme of my fadir.

xxi And Achytofel ſeide to Abſolon, Entre þou to þe xiii `Þatif he entriþ in to ony citee, al Iſrael ſchal
concubyns of þi fadir, whiche he lefte to kepe þe hows; cumpaſſe þat citee wiþ roopis, and we ſchulen drawe it
þat whanne al Iſrael heriþ, þat þou haſt defoulid þi fadir, in to þe ſtronde, þat no þing be foundun, ſoþeli not a litil
þe hondis of hem be ſtrengþid wiþ þee. ſtoon þerof.
xxii Þerfor þei tildeden Abſolon a tabernacle in þe ſoler, xiiii And Abſolon ſeide, and alle þe men of Iſrael, Þe
and he entride to þe concubyns of his fadir bifor al counſel of Chuſi of Arath is betere þan þe counſel of
Iſrael. Achitofel; ſoþeli þe profitable counſel of Achitofel was
xxiii Soþeli þe counſel of Achitofel, which he ȝaf in þo deſtried bi Goddis wille, þat þe Lord ſchulde brynge in
daies, was as if a man counſelide God; ſo was al þe yuel on Abſolon.
counſel of Achitofel, boþe whanne he was wiþ Dauid, xv And Chuſi ſeide to Sadoch and to Abiathar, preeſtis,
and whanne he was wiþ Abſolon. Achitofel ȝaf counſel to Abſolon, and to þe eldere men
of Iſrael in þis and þis maner, and Y ȝaf ſich and ſich
CAP. XVII counſel.
i Þerfor Achitofel ſeide to Abſolon, Y ſchal cheſe twelue xvi Now þerfor ſende ȝe ſoone, and telle ȝe to Dauid,
þouſynde of men `to me, and Y ſchal riſe, and purſue and ſeie ȝe, Dwelle þou not þis nyȝt in þe feeldi places
Dauid in þis nyȝt. of deſeert, but paſſe þou wiþ out delay; leſt perauenture
ii And Y ſchal falle on hym, for he is wery, and wiþ þe kyng be deſtried, and al þe puple which is wiþ hym.
vnboundun hondis Y ſchal ſmyte hym. And whanne al xvii Forſoþe Jonathas and Achymaas ſtoden biſidis þe
þe puple fleeþ which is wiþ hym, Y ſchal ſmyte þe kyng welle of Rogel; an handmaide ȝede, and telde to hem,
`deſolat, eþer left aloone. and þei ȝeden forþ to telle þe meſſage to kyng Dauid;
iii And Y ſchal lede aȝen al þe puple, as o man is wont for þei myȝten not be ſeyn, neþer entre in to þe citee.
to turne aȝen; for þou ſekiſt o man, and al þe puple ſchal xviii Forſoþe a child ſiȝ hem, and he ſchewide to
be in pees. Abſolon; ſoþeli þei entriden wiþ ſwift goyng in to þe
iiii And þe word of him pleſyde Abſolon, and alle þe hows of `ſum man in Bahurym, þat hadde a pit in his
grete men in birþe of Iſrael. place, and þei ȝeden doun in to þat pit.
v Forſoþe Abſolon ſeide, Clepe ȝe alſo Chuſy of Arath, xix Forſoþe a womman took, and ſpred abrood an hilyng

and here we what alſo he ſeiþ. of þe mouþ of þe pit as driynge `barli wiþ þe pile takun
vi And whanne Chuſi hadde come to Abſolon, Abſolon a wey, and ſo þe þing was hid.
xx And whanne þe ſeruauntis of Abſolon hadde come in
ſeide to hym. Achitofel ſpak ſiche a word; owen we do,
eþir nay? what counſel ȝyueſt þou? to þe hows, þei ſeiden to þe womman, Where is
vii And Chuſi ſeide to Abſolon, Þis is not good counſel, Achymaas and Jonathas? And þe womman anſweride to
which Achitofel ȝaf in þis tyme. hem, Þei paſſiden haſtily, whanne `watir was taſtid a
viii And eft Chuſi ſeide, Þou knowiſt, þat þi fadir, and þe litil. And whanne þei þat ſouȝten hem hadden not
founde, þei turneden aȝen in to Jeruſalem.
men þat ben wiþ him, ben mooſt ſtronge, and in bitter xxi And whanne þei `þat ſouȝten hadden go, þei ſtieden
ſoule, as if a femal bere is fers in þe foreſt, whanne þe
whelpis ben rauyſchid; but alſo þi fader is a man fro þe pit; and þei ȝeden, and telden to kyng Dauid, and
werriour, and he ſchal not dwelle wiþ þe puple. ſeiden, Riſe ȝe, paſſe ȝe ſoone þe flood, for Achitofel ȝaf
ix In hap now he is hid in þe dichis, eþir in o place, in ſich counſel aȝens ȝou.
xxii Þerfor Dauid roos, and al þe puple þat was wiþ hym,
which he wole; and whanne ony man falliþ in þe
bigynnyng, who euer ſchal here, he ſchal here, and ſchal and þei paſſiden Jordan, til it was cleer dai, bifor þat þe
ſeie, Wounde is maad in þe puple þat ſuede Abſolon. word was puppliſchid; and ſoþeli not oon was left, þat
x And ech ſtrongeſte man, whos herte is as `þe herte of a `paſſide not þe flood.
xxiii Forſoþe Achitofel ſiȝ, þat his counſel was not doon,
lioun, ſchal be diſcoumfortid for drede; for al þe puple
of Iſrael knowiþ, þat þi fadir is ſtrong, and þat alle men and he ſadlide his aſſe, and roos, and ȝede in to his
ben ſtronge, þat ben wiþ him. hows, and in to his citee; and whanne his hows was
xi But þis ſemeþ to me to be riȝtful counſel; al Iſrael be diſpoſid, he periſchide bi hangyng, and he was biried in
þe ſepulcre of his fadir.
gaderid to þee, fro Dan `til to Berſabee, vnnoumbrable xxiiii Soþeli Dauid cam in to þe caſtels, and Abſolon
as þe ſoond of þe ſee; and þou ſchalt be in þe myddis of
hem. paſſide Jordan, he and alle þe men of Iſrael wiþ hym.
xii And we ſchulen falle on hym, in what euer place he xxv Forſoþe Abſolon ordeynede Amaſan for Joab on þe

is foundun, and we ſchulen hile hym, as dew is wont to ooſt; forſoþe Amaſan was þe ſone of a man þat was
falle on þe erþe; and we ſchulen not leeue of þe men þat clepid Jethra of Jeyrael, which entride to Abigail,
ben wiþ hym, `ſoþeli not oon. douȝter of Naas, þe ſiſtir of Saruye, þat was þe modir of

xxvi And Iſrael ſettide tentis wiþ Abſolon in þe lond of xi And Joab ſeide to þe man þat `hadde telde to hym, If
Galaad. þou ſiȝeſt, whi perſidiſt þou not hym to þe erþe, and Y
xxvii And whanne Dauid hadde come in to caſtels, Sobi, ſchulde haue ȝoue `to þee ten ſiclis of ſiluer, and a
þe ſone of Naas of Rabath, of þe ſones of Amon, and girdil?
Machir, þe ſone of Amyel, of Lodobar, and Berzellai, of xii And he ſeide to Joab, Þouȝ þou paiediſt in myn
Galaad, hondis a þouſynde platis of ſiluer, Y nolde ſende myn
xxviii of Rogelym, brouȝten to hym beddyngis, and hond in to þe ſone of þe king; for þe while we herden,
tapitis, and erþun veſſels, wheete, and barli, and mele, þe kyng comaundide to þee, and to Abiſai, and to Ethai,
and flour, and benys, and lente, and fried chichis, and and ſeide, Kepe ȝe to me þe child Abſolon.
hony, xiii But and if Y hadde do aȝens my lijf hardili, þis
xxix and botere, and ſcheep, and fatte calues. And þei myȝte not be hid fro þe kyng, and þou woldiſt ſtonde on
ȝauen to Dauid, and to þe puple þat weren wiþ hym, to þe contrarye ſide.
ete; for þei ſuppoſiden þe puple to be maad feynt for xiiii And Joab ſeide, Not as þou wolt, `Abſolon ſchal be
hungur and þirſt in deſeert. kept, but Y ſchal aſaile hym bifor þee. Þerfore Joab took
þre ſperis in his hond, and fitchide þo in þe herte of
CAP. XVIII Abſolon. And whanne he ſpraulide, ȝit cleuynge in þe
i Þerfor Dauid, whanne þe puple `was biholdun, ook,
ordeynede tribunes and centuriouns on hem. xv ten ȝonge ſquieris of Joab runnen, and ſmytiden, and
ii And he ȝaf þe þridde part of þe puple vndur þe hond killiden hym.
of Joab; and þe þridde part vndur þe hond of Abiſai, xvi Soþeli Joab ſownede wiþ a clarioun, and wiþhelde
ſone of Saruye, broþer of Joab; and þe þridde part vndur þe puple, leſt it purſuede Iſrael fleynge, and he wolde
þe hond of Ethai, þat was of Geth. And þe kyng ſeide to ſpare þe multitude.
þe puple, Alſo Y ſchal go out wiþ ȝou. xvii And þei token Abſolon, and caſtiden forþ him in to a
iii And þe puple anſweride, Þou ſchalt not go out; for greet dich in þe foreſt, and baren togidere a ful greet
wheþer we fleen, it ſchal not perteyne to hem bi greet heep of ſtoonys on hym; forſoþe al Iſrael fledde in to his
werk of vs; wheþer half þe part falliþ doun of vs, þei tabernaclis.
ſchulen not recke ynow, for þou art rekynyd for ten xviii Forſoþe Abſolon, while he lyuyde ȝit, hadde reiſid
þouſynde; þerfor it is betere, þat þou be to vs in þe citee to hym a memorial, which is in þe valey of þe kyng; for
in ſtronge hold. he ſeide, Y haue no ſone, and þis ſchal be þe mynde of
iiii `To whiche þe kyng ſeide, Y ſchal do þis, þat ſemeþ my name; and he clepide `þe memorial bi his name, and
riȝtful to ȝou. Þerfor þe kyng ſtood biſidis þe ȝate, and it is clepid þe Hond, `þat is, werk, of Abſolon `til to þis
þe puple ȝede out bi her cumpenyes, bi hundridis and bi dai.
þouſyndis. xix Forſoþe Achymaas, ſone of Sadoch, ſeide, Y ſchal
v And þe king comaundide to Joab, and to Abiſai, and renne, and Y ſchal telle to þe kyng, þat þe Lord haþ
Ethai, and ſeyde, Kepe ȝe to me þe child Abſolon. And maad doom to hym of þe hond of hiſe enemyes.
al þe puple herde þe kyng comaundinge to alle þe xx To whom Joab ſeide, Þou ſchalt not be meſſanger in
princes for Abſolon. þis dai, but þou ſchalt telle in anoþer dai; I nyle þat þou
vi Þerfor þe puple ȝede out in to þe feeld aȝens Iſrael; telle to dai, for þe ſone of þe kyng is deed.
and þe batel was maad in þe foreſt of Effraym. xxi And Joab ſeide to Chuſi, Go þou, and telle to þe
vii And þe puple of Iſrael was ſlayn þere of þe ooſt of kyng þo þingis þat þou haſt ſeyn. Chuſi worſchypide
Dauid, and a greet ſleyng of twenti þouſynde was maad Joab, and ran.
in þat dai. xxii Eft Achymaas, ſone of Sadoch, ſeide to Joab, What
viii Forſoþe þe batel was ſcaterid þere on þe face of al lettiþ, if alſo Y renne aftir Chuſi? And Joab ſeide to
erþe, and many mo weren of þe puple whiche þe foreſt hym, What wolt þou renne, my ſone? Come þou hidur,
waſtide, þan þei whiche þe ſwerd deuourid in þat dai. þou ſchalt not be a berere of good meſſage.
ix Soþeli it bifeld, þat Abſalon ſittinge on a mule, cam xxiii Which anſweride, `What ſoþeli if Y ſchal renne?
aȝens þe ſeruauntis of Dauid; and whanne þe mule And Joab ſeide to hym, Renn þou. Þerfor Achymaas ran
hadde entrid vndur a þicke ook, and greet, þe heed of bi þe weie of ſchortneſſe, `and ſped, and paſſide Chuſi.
Abſolon cleuyde to þe ook; and whanne he was hangid xxiiii Forſoþe Dauid ſat bitwixe twei ȝatis; ſoþeli þe
bitwixe heuene and erþe, þe mule, on which he ſat, ſpiere, þat was in þe hiȝneſſe of þe ȝate on þe wal,
paſſide. reiſide þe iȝen, and ſiȝ a man aloone rennynge;
x Soþeli `ſum man ſiȝ þis, and telde to Joab, and ſeide, Y xxv and þe ſpiere criede, and ſchewide to þe kyng. And
ſiȝ Abſolon hange on an ook. þe kyng ſeide to hym, If he is aloone, good meſſage is in
his mouþ.

xxvi Soþeli while he haſtide, and neiȝede neer, þe ſpiere vii Now þerfor ryſe þou, and go forþ, and ſpeke þou, and
ſiȝ anoþer man rennynge; and þe ſpiere criede `in þe make ſatisfaccioun to þi ſeruauntis; for Y ſwere to þee
hiȝneſſe, and ſeide, Anoþer man rennynge aloone bi þe Lord, þat if þou ſchalt not go out, ſoþeli not o man
apperiþ to me. And þe kyng ſeide to hym, And þis man ſchal dwelle wiþ þee in þis nyȝt; and þis ſchal be worſe
is a good meſſanger. to þee, þan alle yuels þat camen on þee fro þi ȝong
xxvii Soþeli þe ſpiere ſeide, Y biholde þe rennyng of þe wexynge age til in to preſent tyme.
formere, as þe rennyng of Achymaas, ſone of Sadoch. viii Þerfor þe kyng roos, and ſat in þe ȝate; and it was
And þe kyng ſeide, He is a good man, and he comeþ teld to al þe puple, þat þe kyng ſat in þe ȝate, and al þe
bryngynge a good meſſage. multitude cam bifor þe kyng. Forſoþe Iſrael fledde in to
xxviii Forſoþe Achymaas criede, and ſeide to þe kyng, hiſe tabernaclis.
Heil kyng! And he worſchipide þe kyng lowli bifor hym ix And al þe puple ſtryuede in al þe lynagis of Iſrael, and
to erþe, and ſeide, Bleſſid be þi Lord God, þat cloſide ſeide, Þe kyng delyuerede vs fro þe hond of alle oure
togidere þe men, þat reiſyden her hondis aȝens my lord enemyes, and he ſauide vs fro þe hond of Filiſteis; and
þe kyng. now `he fleeþ fro þe lond for Abſolon.
xxix And þe kyng ſeide, Wheþer pees is to þe child x Forſoþe Abſolon, whom we anoyntiden on vs, is deed
Abſolon? And Achymaas ſeide, Y ſiȝ, `þat is, Y herde, a in batel; hou longe ben ȝe ſtille, `þat is, fro
great noiſe, whanne Joab, þi ſeruaunt, þou kyng, ſente knowlechyng of ſynne, and fro axyng of forȝyueneſſe,
me þi ſeruaunt; Y kan noon oþir þing. and bryngen not aȝen þe kyng? And þe counſel of al
xxx To whom þe kyng ſeide, Paſſe þou, and ſtonde here. Iſrael cam to þe kyng.
And whanne he hadde paſſid, and ſtood, Chuſi apperide; xi Forſoþe kyng Dauid ſente to Sadoch and to Abiathar,
xxxi and he cam and ſeide, My lord þe kyng, Y brynge preeſtis, and ſeide, Speke ȝe to þe grettere men in birþe
good meſſage; for þe Lord haþ demed to dai for þee of of Juda, and ſeie ȝe, Whi camen ȝe þe laſte to brynge
þe hond of alle men þat riſiden aȝens þee. aȝen þe kyng in to his hows? Soþeli þe word of al Iſrael
xxxii Forſoþe þe kyng ſeide to Chuſi, Wheþer pees is to cam to þe kyng, þat þei wolden brynge hym aȝen in to
þe child Abſolon? To whom Chuſi anſweride, and ſeide, his hows. For þe kyng ſeide, Ȝe ſchulen ſeie þeſe þingis
Þe enemyes of my lord þe kyng, and alle men þat to þe puple,
xii Ȝe ben my briþeren, ȝe ben my boon and my fleiſch;
riſiden aȝens hym in to yuel, be maad as þe child.
xxxiii Þerfor þe kyng was ſory, and ſtiede in to þe ſoler of whi þe laſte bryngen ȝe aȝens þe kyng?
xiii And ſeie ȝe to Amaſa, Wheþer þou art not my boon
þe ȝate, and wepte, and ſpak þus goynge, My ſone,
Abſolon! Abſolon, my ſone! who ȝyueþ to me, þat Y die and my fleiſch? God do þeſe þingis to me, and adde
for þee? Abſolon, my ſone! my ſone, Abſolon! þeſe þingis, if þou ſchalt not be maiſtir of chyualrye
bifore me in al tyme aftir Joab.
CAP. XIX xiiii And Dauid bowide þe herte of alle men of Juda as
i Forſoþe it was teld to Joab, þat þe kyng wepte, and of o man; and þei ſenten to þe kyng, and ſeiden, Turne
biweilide his ſone; þou aȝen, and alle þi ſeruauntis.
ii and þe victorie in þat dai was turned in to morenyng xv And þe kyng turnede aȝen, and cam `til to Jordan;

to al þe puple; for þe puple herde, þat it was ſeid in þat and al Juda cam til in to Galgala to mete þe kyng, and
dai, Þe kyng makiþ ſorewe on his ſone. lede hym ouer Jordan.
iii And þe puple eſchewide to entre in to þe citee in þat xvi Forſoþe Semei, þe ſone of Gera, ſone of Gemyny, of

dai, as þe puple turned and fleynge fro batel is wont to Bahurym, haſtide, and cam doun wiþ þe men of Juda in
bowe awey. to þe metyng of kyng Dauid,
iiii Soþeli þe kyng hilide his heed, and criede wiþ greet xvii wiþ a þouſynde men of Beniamyn; and Siba, a child

vois, My ſone, Abſolon! of þe hows of Saul, and fiftene ſones of hym, and twenti
v Abſolon, my ſone! Þerfor Joab entride to þe kyng in to ſeruauntis weren wiþ hym; and þei braken in to Jordan,
þe hows, and ſeide, Þou haſt ſchent to dai þe cheris of bifor þe kyng,
xviii and paſſide þe forþis, þat þei ſchulden lede ouer þe
alle þi ſeruauntis, þat han maad ſaaf þi lijf, and þe lijf of
þi ſones and of þi douȝtris, and þe lijf of þi wyues, and hows of þe kyng, and ſchulden do bi þe comaundement
þe lijf of þi ſecoundarie wyues. of þe kyng. Soþeli Semei, þe ſone of Gera, knelide bifor
vi Þou loueſt hem þat haten þee, and þou hatiſt hem þat þe king, whanne he hadde paſſid now Jordan, and ſeide
louen þee; and þou ſchewidiſt to dai þat þou reckiſt not to þe kyng,
xix My lord þe kyng, arette þou not wickidneſſe to me,
of þi duykis and of þi ſeruauntis; and verily Y haue
knowe now, þat if Abſolon lyuede, and alle we hadden neþer haue þou mynde of þe wrongis of þi ſeruaunt in
be deed, þanne it ſchulde pleſe þee. þe dai, in which þou, my lord þe kyng, ȝediſt out of

Jeruſalem, neþer ſette þou, kyng, in þin herte; for Y þi xxxv Y am of foure ſcore ȝeer to dai; wheþer my wittis
ſeruaunt knoleche my ſynne; ben quike to deme ſwete þing eþir bittir, eþer mete and
xx and þerfor to dai Y cam þe firſte of al þe hows of drynk may delite þi ſeruaunt, eþer may Y here more þe
Joſeph, and Y cam doun in to þe meetyng of my lord þe vois of ſyngeris eþer of ſyngſters? Whi is þi ſeruaunt to
kyng. charge to my lord þe kyng?
xxi Forſoþe Abiſai, þe ſone of Saruye, anſweride and xxxvi Y þi ſeruaunt ſchal go forþ a litil fro Jordan wiþ
ſeide, Wheþer Semei, þat curſide þe criſt of þe Lord, þee, Y haue no nede to þis ȝeldyng;
ſchal not be ſlayn for þeſe wordis? xxxvii but Y biſeche, þat Y þi ſeruaunt turne aȝen, and die
xxii And Dauid ſeide, What is to me and to ȝou, ȝe ſones in my citee, and be biried biſidis þe ſepulcre of my fadir
of Saruye? Whi ben ȝe maad to me to dai in to Sathan? and of my modir; forſoþe Chamaam is þi ſeruaunt, my
Þerfor wheþer a man ſchal be ſlayn to dai in Iſrael? lord þe kyng, go he wiþ þee, and do þou to hym þat þat
Wheþer Y knowe not me maad kyng to dai on Iſrael? ſemeþ good to þee.
xxiii And þe kyng ſeide to Semey, Þou ſchalt not die; and xxxviii Þerfor þe kyng ſeide to hym, Chamaam paſſe wiþ
þe kyng ſwoor to hym. me; and Y ſchal do to hym what euer þing pleſiþ þee,
xxiiii Alſo Myphiboſech, ſone of Jonathas, ſone of Saul, and þou ſchalt gete al þing, which þou axiſt of me.
cam doun wiþ vnwaiſchun feet, and wiþ berd vnclippid, xxxix And whanne al þe puple and þe kyng hadden
in to þe comyng of þe kyng. And Myſphiboſech hadde paſſid Jordan, þe kyng abood; and `þe kyng kiſſide
not waiſche hiſe cloþis, fro þe dai in which þe kyng Berzellai, and bleſſide hym; and he turnede aȝen in to
ȝede out of Jeruſalem til to þe dai of his turnyng aȝen in his place.
pees. xl Þerfor þe kyng paſſide in to Galgala, and Chamaam
xxv And whanne at Jeruſalem he hadde come to þe wiþ hym. Soþeli al þe puple of Juda hadde ledde þe
kyng, þe kyng ſeide to him, Myphiboſech, whi cameſt kyng ouer, and þe half part oneli of þe puple of Iſrael
þou not wiþ me? was preſent.
xxvi And he anſweride and ſeide, My lord þe kyng, my xli Þerfor alle þe men of Iſrael camen togidere to þe
ſeruaunt diſpiſide me; and Y þi ſeruaunt ſeide to hym, king, and ſeiden to hym, Whi han oure briþeren, þe men
þat he ſchulde ſadle þe aſſe to me, and Y ſchulde ſtie, of Juda, ſtole þee, and han led þe kyng and his hows
and Y ſchulde go wiþ þe king; for Y þi ſeruaunt am ouer Jordan, and alle þe men of Dauid wiþ hym?
crokid. xlii And ech man of Juda anſweride to þe men of Iſrael,
xxvii More ouer and he accuſide me, þi ſeruaunt, to þee, For þe kyng is neer to me; whi art þou wrooþ on þis
my lord þe kyng; forſoþe þou, my lord `þe kyng, art as þing? Wheþer we han ete ony þing of þe kyng, eþer
þe aungel of God; do þou þat, þat is pleſaunt to þee. ȝiftis ben ȝouun to vs?
xxviii For þe hows of my fadir was not no but gilti of xliii And a man of Iſrael anſweride to þe men of Juda,
deeþ to my lord þe kyng; ſoþeli þou haſt ſet me þi and ſeide, Y am grettere bi ten partis at þe kyng, and
ſeruaunt among þe geſtis of þi boord; what þerfor haue Dauiþ perteyneþ more to me þan to þee; whi haſt þou
Y of iuſt pleynt, eþer what may Y more crye to þe do wrong to me, and `it was not teld to `me þe formere,
kyng? þat Y ſchulde brynge aȝen my kyng? Forſoþe þe men of
xxix Soþeli þe kyng ſeide to hym, What ſpekiſt þou Juda anſweryden hardere to þe men of Iſrael.
more? þat þat Y haue ſpoke is ſtidefaſt; þou and Siba
depart poſſeſſyouns. CAP. XX
xxx And Myphiboſech anſweride to þe kyng, Ȝhe, take i Alſo it bifelde, þat a man of Belial was þere, Siba bi

he alle þingis, aftir þat my lord þe kyng turnede aȝen name, þe ſone of Bothri, a man of þe generacioun of
peſibli in to his hows. Gemyny; and he ſownede wiþ a clarioun, and ſeide, No
xxxi Alſo Berzellai of Galaad, a ful eld man, cam doun part is to vs in Dauid, neþer eritage in þe ſone of Yſai;
fro Rogelym, and ledde þe kyng ouer Jordan, redi alſo þou, Iſrael, turne aȝen in to þi tabernaclis.
ii And al Iſrael was departid fro Dauid, and ſuede Siba,
to ſue hym ouer þe flood.
xxxii Forſoþe Berzellai of Galaad was ful eld, þat is, of þe ſone of Bothri; forſoþe þe men of Juda cleuyden to
foure ſcore ȝeer, and he ȝaf metis to þe kyng, whanne þe her kyng, fro Jordan `til to Jeruſalem.
iii And whanne þe kyng hadde come in to his hows in
kyng dwellyde in caſtels; for Berzellai was a ful riche
man. Jeruſalem, he took ten wymmen, hiſe ſecundarie wyues,
xxxiii Þerfor þe kyng ſeide to Berzellai, Come þou wiþ whiche he hadde left to kepe þe hous, and he bitook
me, þat þou reſte ſikirli wiþ me in Jeruſalem. hem in to keping, and ȝaf mete to hem; and he entride
xxxiiii And Berzellai ſeide to þe kyng, Hou manye ben not to hem; but þei weren cloſid `til to þe dai of her
þe daieſt of ȝeeres of my lijf, þat Y ſtie wiþ þe kyng in deeþ, and lyueden in widewehed.
to Jeruſalem?

iiii Forſoþe Dauid ſeide to Amaſa, Clepe þou to gidere to ſche ſpak þus, Here þou þe wordis of þin handmayde.
me alle þe men of Juda in to þe þridde dai, and be þou Which Joab anſweride, Y here.
preſent. xviii And eft ſche ſeide, A word was ſeid in eld prouerbe,
v Þerfor Amaſa ȝede, þat he clepe to gidere þe puple of Þei þat axen, axe in Habela; and ſo þei profitiden.
Juda; and he dwellide ouer þe couenaunt, which þe xix Wheþir Y am not, þat anſwere treuþe to Iſrael? and
kyng hadde ſet to hym. ſekiſt þou to diſtrie a citee, and to diſtrie a modir citee in
vi Soþeli Dauid ſeide to Abiſai, Now Siba, þe ſone of Iſrael? whi caſtidiſt þou doun þe eritage of þe Lord?
Botri, ſchal turmente vs more þan Abſolon dide; þerfor xx And Joab anſweride, and ſeide, Fer be, fer be þis fro
take þe ſeruauntis of þi lord, and purſue hym, leſt in hap me; Y `caſte not doun, neþer Y diſtrye.
he fynde ſtrengþid citees, and aſcape vs. xxi Þe þing haþ not ſo it ſilf; but a man of þe hil of
vii Þerfor þe men of Joab ȝeden out wiþ Abiſai, and Effraym, Siba, ſone of Bochri, bi ſurname, reiſide his
Cerethi and Ferethi, and alle ſtronge men ȝeden out of hond aȝens kyng Dauid; bitake ȝe him aloone, and we
Jeruſalem to purſue Siba, þe ſone of Bochry. ſchulen go awei fro þe citee. And þe womman ſeide to
viii And whanne þei weren biſidis þe greet ſtoon, which Joab, Lo! his heed ſchal be ſent to þee bi þe wal.
is in Gabaon, Amaſa cam, and ran to hem; forſoþe Joab xxii Þerfor þe womman entride to al þe puple, and ſche
was cloþid wiþ a ſtreit coote at þe meſure of his abit, ſpak to hem wiſeli; whiche `caſtiden forþ to Joab þe
and was gird aboue wiþ a ſwerd, `eþer dagger, heed of Siba, ſone of Bochri, gird of. And Joab ſownede
hangynge doun `til to þe entrayls in a ſcheþe, `which wiþ a trumpe, and þei departiden fro þe citee, ech man
ſwerd maad `craftily myȝte go out bi lyȝt touchyng, and in to hiſe tabernaclis; forſoþe Joab turnede aȝen to
ſmyte. Þerfor Joab ſeide to Amaſa, Jeruſalem to þe kyng.
ix Heil, my broþer! And he helde wiþ þe riȝt hond þe xxiii Þerfor Joab was on al þe ooſt of Iſrael; forſoþe
chyn of Amaſa, as kiſſinge him. Benanye, ſone of Joiada, was on Cerethi and Ferethi;
x Forſoþe Amaſa took not kepe of þe ſwerd, `which xxiiii forſoþe Adhuram was on tributis; forſoþe Joſaphat,
ſwerd Joab hadde, and Joab ſmoot Amaſa in þe ſide, and ſone of Achilud, was chaunceler; forſoþe Siba was
ſchedde out his entrailis in to þe erþe, and Amaſa was ſcryueyn;
deed; and Joab addide not `þe ſecounde wounde. xxv forſoþe Sadoch and Abiathar weren preeſtis;
Forſoþe Joab and Abiſai, his broþer, purſueden Siba, þe xxvi forſoþe Hira of Hiarith was preeſt of Dauid.
ſone of Bochri.
xi In þe meene tyme whanne `ſum men of þe children of
Dauid, of þe felowis of Joab, hadden ſtonde biſidis þe i Alſo hungur was maad in þe lond of Iſrael in þe daies
deed bodi of Amaſa, þei ſeiden, Lo! he þat wolde be þe of Dauid, bi þre ȝeer contynueli. And Dauid counſelide
felowe of Dauid for Joab. þe anſwere of þe Lord; and þe Lord ſeide, For Saul, and
xii Forſoþe Amaſa was biſpreynt wiþ blood, and lay in
his hows, and blood, for he killide men of Gabaon.
þe myddil of þe weie. Sum man ſiȝ þis, þat al þe puple ii Þerfor whanne Gabaonytis weren clepid, þe kyng
abood to ſe Amaſa, and he remouyde Amaſa fro þe weie ſeide to hem; ſoþeli Gabaonytis ben not of þe ſones of
in to þe feeld, and he hilide Amaſa wiþ a cloþ, leſt men Iſrael, but þei ben þe relikys of Ammorreis; and þe
paſſynge ſchulden abide for hym. ſones of Iſrael hadden ſwore to hem, `þat is, þat þei
xiii Þerfor whanne he was remouyd fro þe weie, ech
ſchulden not `be ſlayn, and Saul wolde ſmyte hem for
man paſſide ſuynge Joab to purſue Siba, þe ſone of feruent loue, as for þe ſones of Iſrael and of Juda;
Bochri. iii þerfor Dauid ſeide to Gabaonytis, What ſchal Y do to
xiiii Forſoþe Siba hadde paſſide bi alle þe lynagis of
ȝou, and what ſchal be ȝoure amendis, þat ȝe bleſſe þe
Iſrael til in to Habela, and in to Bethmacha; and alle eritage of þe Lord?
choſun men weren gaderid to hym. iiii And Gabaonytis ſeiden to hym, No queſtioun is to vs
xv Þerfor þei camen, and fouȝten aȝens hym in Habela,
on gold and ſiluer, but aȝens Saul, and aȝens his hows;
and in Bethmacha, and cumpaſſiden þe citee wiþ neþer we wolen, þat a man of Iſrael be ſlayn. To whiche
ſtrengþingis; and þe citee was biſegid. Soþeli al þe þe kyng ſeide, What þerfor wolen ȝe, þat Y do to ȝou?
cumpany, þat was wiþ Joab, enforſide to diſtrie þe v Whiche ſeiden to þe king, We owen to do awei ſo þe
wallis. man, þat `al to brak eþir defoulide vs, and oppreſſide
xvi And a wijs womman of þe citee criede an hiȝ, Here
wickidli, þat not oon ſoþeli be reſidue of his
ȝe! here ȝe! ſeie ȝe to Joab, Neiȝe þou hidur, and Y ſchal generacioun in alle þe cooſtis of Iſrael.
ſpeke wiþ þee. vi Seuene men of hiſe ſones be ȝouun to vs, þat we
xvii And whanne he hadde neiȝed to hir, ſche ſeide to
`crucifie hem to þe Lord in Gabaa of Saul, ſum tyme þe
hym, Art þou Joab? And he anſweride, Y am. To whom choſun man of þe Lord. And þe kyng ſeide, Y ſchal

vii And þe kyng ſparide Myphiboſech, ſone of Jonathas, xxi and he blasfemyde Iſrael; ſoþeli Jonathan, ſone of
ſone of Saul, for þe ooþ of þe Lord, þat was bitwixe Samaa, broþer of Dauid, killide hym.
Dauid and bitwixe Jonathas, ſone of Saul. xxii Þeſe foure weren borun of Arapha in Geth, and þei
viii Þerfor þe kyng took twei ſones of Reſpha, douȝter of felden doun in þe hond of Dauid, and of hiſe ſeruauntis.
Ahira, whiche ſche childide to Saul, Armony, and
Myſphiboſech; and he took fyue ſones of Mychol, CAP. XXII
douȝter of Saul, whiche ſche gendride to Adriel, ſone of i Forſoþe Dauid ſpak to þe Lord þe wordis of þis ſong,
Berzellai, þat was of Molaty. in þe dai in which þe Lord delyuerede hym fro þe hond
ix And he ȝaf hem in to þe hondis of Gabaonytis, of alle hiſe enemyes, and fro þe hond of Saul.
whiche crucifieden þo ſones in þe hil bifor þe Lord; and ii And Dauid ſeide, Þe Lord is my ſtoon, and my
þeſe ſeuene felden ſlayn togidere in þe daies of þe firſte ſtrengþe, and my ſauȝour;
rep, whanne þe repyng of barli bigan. iii my God, my ſtronge, I ſchal hope in to hym; my
x Forſoþe Reſpha, douȝtir of Ahia, took an heire, and
ſcheeld, and þe horn of myn helþe, `my reiſere, and my
`araiede to hir ſilf a place aboue þe ſtoon, fro þe refuyt; my ſauȝour, þou ſchalt delyuere me fro
bigynnyng of herueſt til watir droppide `on hem fro wickidneſſe.
heuene; and ſche ſuffride not briddis to tere hem bi dai, iiii Y ſchal inwardly clepe þe Lord worþi to be preiſid;
neþer beeſtis bi nyȝt. and Y ſchal be ſaaf fro myn enemyes.
xi And þo þingis whiche Reſpha, ſecoundarie wijf of v For þe ſorewis of deeþ cumpaſſide me; þe ſtrondis of
Saul, douȝtir of Ahia, hadde do, weren teld to Dauid. Belial maden me aferd.
xii And Dauid ȝede, and took þe boonys of Saul, and þe vi Þe coordis of helle cumpaſſiden me; þe ſnaris of deeþ
boonys of Jonathas, his ſone, of þe men of Jabes of camen bifor me.
Galaad; þat hadden ſtole þo boonys fro þe ſtreet of vii In tribulacioun Y ſchal clepe, `þat is, Y clepide þee,
Bethſan, in which ſtreet þe Filiſteis hadden hangid hem,
Lord, and Y ſchal crie to my God; and he herd fro his
whanne þei hadden ſlayn Saul in Gelboe.
xiii And Dauid bar out fro þennus þe boonys of Saul,
holi temple my vois, and my crye ſchal come to hiſe
and þe boonys of Jonathas, his ſone; and þei gaderiden viii Þe erþe was mouyd, and tremblide; þe foundementis
þe boonys of hem þat weren crucified, and birieden þo
of hillis weren ſmytun and ſchakun togidere, for þe
wiþ þe boonys of Saul and of Jonathas, his ſone, in þe
Lord was wrooþ to hem.
lond of Beniamyn, in þe ſide of þe ſepulcre of Cys, fadir ix Smoke ſtiede fro hiſe noſeþirlis, and fier of his mouþ
of Saul.
xiiii And þei diden al þingis, what euer þingis þe kyng ſchal deuoure; colis weren kyndlid of it.
x And he bowide heuenes, and cam doun; and myiſt
comaundide; and þe Lord dide mercy to þe lond aftir
þeſe þingis. vndur hiſe feet.
xi And he ſtiede on cherubyn, and fliy; and he ſlood on
xv Forſoþe batel of Filiſteis was maad eft aȝens Iſrael;
and Dauid ȝede doun, and hiſe ſeruauntis wiþ hym, and þe pennys of wynd.
xii He puttide derkneſſis hidyng place in his cumpas,
fouȝten aȝen Filiſteis.
xvi Soþeli whanne Dauid failide, Jeſbydenob, þat was of and riddlide watris fro þe cloudis of heuenes;
xiii for briȝtneſſe in his ſiȝt colis of fier weren kyndelid.
þe kyn of Arapha, þat is, of giauntis, and þe yrun of his
xiiii Þe Lord ſchal þundur fro heuene; and hiȝ God ſchal
ſpere peiſide þre hundrid ouncis, and he was gird wiþ a
newe ſwerd, enforſide to ſmyte Dauid. ȝyue his vois.
xvii And Abiſai, ſone of Saruye, was in help to Dauid; xv He ſente hiſe arowis, and ſcateride hem; he ſente

and he ſmoot and killide þe Filiſtei. Þan þe men of leitis, and waſtide hem.
Dauid ſworen, and ſeiden, Now þou ſchalt not go out xvi And þe ſchedyngis out of þe ſee apperiden, and þe
wiþ vs in to batel, leſt þou quenche þe lanterne of Iſrael. foundementis of þe world weren ſchewid; fro þe
xviii Alſo þe ſecounde batel was in Gob aȝens Filiſteis; blamyng of þe Lord, fro þe breþing of þe ſpirit of his
þanne Sobothai of Oſothai ſmoot Zephi, of þe ſtrong veniaunce.
generacioun of Arapha, of þe kyn of giauntis. xvii He ſente fro heuene, and took me; and drow me out
xix Alſo þe þridde batel was in Gob aȝens Filiſteis; in of manye watris.
which batel a man ȝouun of God, þe ſone of foreſt, a xviii He delyuerede me fro my myȝtieſt enemy, and fro
broiderer, a man of Bethleem, ſmoot Golyath of Geth, hem þat hatiden me; for þei weren ſtrongere þan Y.
whos `ſchaft of ſpere was as a beem of webbis. xix Þei camen bifore me in þe dai of my turmentyng;
xx Þe fourþe batel was in Geth; where ynne was an hiȝ and þe Lord was maad my ſtidfaſtneſſe.
man, þat hadde ſixe fyngris in þe hondis and feet, þat is, xx And he ledde me out in to largeneſſe, and he
foure and twenti; and he was of þe kyn of Arapha; delyuerede me; for Y pleſide hym.

xxi Þe Lord ſchal ȝelde to me vp my riȝtfulneſſe; and he xliii Y ſchal do awei hem as þe duſt of erþe; Y ſchal
ſchal ȝelde to me vp, `eþir aftir, þe clenneſſe of myn `powne hem, and Y ſchal do awei as þe clei of ſtretis.
hondis. xliiii Þou ſchalt ſaue me fro aȝenſeiyngis of my puple;
xxii For Y kepte þe weies of þe Lord; and Y dide not þou ſchalt kepe me in to þe heed of folkis; þe puple,
wickidli fro my God. whom Y knowe not, ſchal ſerue me.
xxiii For alle hiſe domes weren in my ſiȝt; and Y dide not xlv Alien ſones ſchulen aȝenſtonde me; bi heryng of eere
awei fro me hiſe heeſtis. þei ſchulen obeie to me.
xxiiii And Y ſchal be perfit wiþ hym; and Y ſchal kepe xlvi Alien ſones fletiden awei; and þei ſchulen be
me fro my wickidneſſe. drawun togidere in her angwiſchis.
xxv And þe Lord ſchal reſtore to me vpe my riȝtfulneſſe; xlvii Þe Lord lyueþ, and my God is bleſſid; and þe
and vp þe clenneſſe of myn hondis in þe ſiȝt of hiſe iȝen. ſtronge God of myn helþe ſchal be enhaunſid.
xxvi Wiþ þe hooli þou ſchalt be hooli, and wiþ þe xlviii God, þat ȝyueſt veniauncis to me; and haſt caſt
ſtronge, `þat is, to ſuffre aduerſitees pacientli, þou ſchalt doun puplis vndur me.
be perfit; xlix Which lediſt me out fro myn enemyes, and reiſiſt me
xxvii and wiþ a choſun man `to blis þou ſchalt be choſun, fro men aȝenſtondinge me; þou ſchalt deliuere me fro þe
and wiþ a weiward man þou ſchalt be maad weiward, wickid man.
`þat is, in ȝeldynge iuſtli peyne to hym vpe his l Þerfor, Lord, Y ſchal knowleche to þee in heþene men;
weiwardneſſe. and Y ſchal ſynge to þi name.
xxviii And þou ſchalt make ſaaf a pore puple; and wiþ li And he magnyfieþ þe helþis of his kyng; and doiþ
þin iȝen þou ſchalt make lowe hem þat ben hiȝe. mercyes to his criſt Dauid, and to his ſeed til in to
xxix For þou, Lord, art my lanterne, and þou, Lord, wiþouten ende.
ſchalt liȝtne my derkneſſis.
xxx For Y gird, `þat is, maad redi to batel, ſchal renne in CAP. XXIII
þee, `þat is, in þi vertu; and in my God Y ſchal `ſcippe i Forſoþe þeſe ben þe laſte wordis, whiche Dauid, þe
ouer þe wal. ſone of Yſai, ſeide. Þe man ſeide, to whom it is
xxxi `God his weie is `wiþ out wem; þe ſpeche of þe ordeyned of Criſt, of þe God of Jacob, þe noble ſalm
Lord is examynyd bi fier, `þat is, is pure and clene as makere of Iſrael;
metal preuyd in þe furneys; he is a ſcheeld of alle men ii Þe ſpiryt of þe Lord ſpak bi me, and his word bi my
hopynge in hym. tunge.
xxxii For who is God, outakun þe Lord; and who is iii Dauid ſeide, God of Iſrael ſpak to me, þe ſtronge of
ſtrong, outakun oure God? Iſrael, þe `iuſt Lord of men, `is Lord in þe drede of God.
xxxiii God, þat haþ gird me wiþ ſtrengþe, and haþ maad iiii As þe lyȝt of þe morewtid, whanne þe ſunne riſiþ
pleyn my perfit weie; eerli, is briȝt wiþ out cloudis; and as an erbe comeþ forþ
xxxiiii and he made euene my feet wiþ hertis, and ſettide of þe erþe bi reynes.
me on myn hiȝe þingis; v And myn hows is not ſo greet anentis God, þat he
xxxv and he tauȝte myn hondis to batel, and made myn ſchulde make wiþ me euerlaſtynge couenaunt, ſtidefaſt
armes as a braſun bouwe. and maad ſtrong in alle þingis; for al myn helþe hangiþ
xxxvi Þou haſt ȝoue to me þe ſheeld of þin heelþe; and of him, and al þe wille `þat is, al my deſir, goiþ in to
my myldeneſſe multipliede me. hym, and no þing is þerof, þat makiþ not fruyt.
xxxvii Þou ſchalt alarge my ſteppis vndur me; and myn vi Forſoþe alle treſpaſſouris ſchulen be drawun out as

heelis ſchulen not faile. þornes, þat ben not takun wiþ hondis.
xxxviii Y ſchal purſue myn enemyes, and Y ſchal al to- vii And if ony man wole touche þo, he ſchal be armed

breke hem; and Y ſchal not turne aȝen, til Y waſte hem. wiþ irun, and wiþ tre formed in to ſpere; and þe þornes
xxxix Y ſchal waſte hem, and Y ſchal breke, þat þei riſe ſchulen be kyndlid, and ſchulen be brent `til to nouȝt.
viii Þeſe ben þe names of þe ſtronge men of Dauid.
not; þei ſchulen falle vndur my feet.
xl Þou haſt gird me wiþ ſtrengþe to batel; þou haſt bowid Dauid ſittiþ in þe chaier, þe wiſeſte prince among þre;
vnder me hem þat aȝenſtoden me. he is as a mooſt tendir worm of tree, þat killide eiȝte
xli Þou haſt ȝoue myn enemyes abac to me, men hatynge hundrid wiþ o ferſneſſe.
ix Aftir hym was Eleazar, þe ſone of his fadirs broþer
me; and Y ſchal diſtrie hem.
xlii Þei ſchulen crye, `þat is, to ydols eþer to mennus Abohi; among þre ſtronge men, þat weren wiþ Dauid,
whanne þei ſeiden ſchenſchip to Filiſteis, and weren
help, and noon ſchal be þat ſchal ſaue; `þei ſchulen crie
gaderid þidir in to batel.
to þe Lord, and he ſchal not here hem.

x And whanne þe men of Iſrael hadden ſtied, he ſtood, xxv Elcha, of Arodi; Helas, of Phelti;
and ſmoot Filiſties, til his hond failide, and was ſtarke xxvi Hira, ſone of Aches, of Thecua; Abiezer, of
wiþ þe ſwerd. And þe Lord made greet helþe in þat dai; Amatoth;
and þe puple þat fledde turnede aȝen to drawe awei þe xxvii Mobannoy, of Coſathi; Selmon, of Achotes;
ſpuylis of ſlayn men. xxviii Macharai, of Nethopath;
xi And aftir hym was Semma, þe ſone of Age, of Arari.
xxix Heled, þe ſone of Baana, and he was of Netophath;
And Filiſteis weren gaderid in þe ſtacioun; forſoþe þere Hiray, ſone of Rabai, of Gebeeth, of þe ſones of
was a feeld ful of lente; and whanne þe puple fledde fro Beniamyn; Banay, of Effrata;
þe face of Filiſteis, xxx Hedday, of þe ſtronde of Gaas;
xii he ſtood in þe myddis of þe feeld, and bihelde it; and
xxxi Abiadon, of Arbath; Aſmaneth, of Berromy;
he ſmoot Filiſteis, and þe Lord made greet helþe. xxxii Eliaba, of Sabony; ſones of Aſſen, Jonathan, and
xiii Alſo and þre men ȝeden doun bifore, þat weren
Jaſan; Semma, of Herodi;
princes among þretti, and camen to Dauid in þe tyme of xxxiii Hayam, ſone of Sarai, of Zaroth;
reep in to þe denne of Odollam. Forſoþe þe caſtels of
xxxiiii Eliphelech, ſone of Saalbai, þe ſone of Maachati;
Filiſteis weren ſet in þe valei of giauntis.
xiiii And Dauid was in a ſtrong hold; ſoþeli þe ſtacioun Heliam, ſone of Achitofel, of Gilo;
xxxv Eſrai, of Carmele; Pharai, of Arbi;
of Filiſteis was þanne in Bethleem.
xv Þerfor Dauid deſiride water of þe lake, and ſeide, If xxxvi Ygaal, ſone of Nathan, of Soba;
xxxvii Bonny, of Gaddi; Silech, of Ammony; Naarai, of
ony man wolde ȝyue to me drynk of watir of þe
ciſterne, which is in Bethleem, biſidis þe ȝate. Beroth, þe ſquyer of Joab, þe ſone of Saruye;
xvi Þerfor þre ſtronge men braken in to þe caſtels of xxxviii Haray, of Jethri; Gareb, and he was of Gethri;
Filiſteis, and drowen watir of þe ciſterne of Bethleem, xxxix Vrye, of Ethei; alle weren ſeuene and þretti men.
þat was biſidis þe ȝate, and brouȝten to Dauid; and he
nolde drinke, CAP. XXIIII
xvii but offride it to þe Lord, and ſeide, Þe Lord be i And þe ſtrong veniaunce of þe Lord addide to be
merciful to me, þat Y do not þis; wheþer Y ſchal drynke wrooþ aȝens Iſrael (Note: of þis þat þe Lord wolde
þe blood of þeſe men, þat ȝeden forþ, and þe perel of punyſche þe puple, he ſuffride Dauyþ to be reiſid bi
ſoulis? Þerfor he nolde drynke. Þre ſtrongeſte men diden pride to þe noumbring of þe puple; wherfor þe gloſs of
þes þingis. Gregre on þis place ſeiþ þus, Þe dedis of gouernours
xviii Alſo Abiſay, broþer of Joab, þe ſone of Saruye, was ben diſpoſid for þe maneris of ſugetis, þat ofte for þe
prince of þre; he it is þat reiſide his ſchaft aȝens þre yuel of þe floc, þe liyf ȝhe of a good ſchepparde
hundrid men, whiche he killide; `he was nemid among treſpaſſiþ, for Dauyþ was preiſid bi God witneſſe, and he
þre, was blowun wiþ þe bolnyng of ſudeyn pride, and
xix and was þe noblere among þre, and he was þe prince ſynnede in noumbringe puple, and þe puple reſſeyuede
of hem; but he cam not to þe þre firſte men. peyne; for þe hertis of gouernours ben diſpoſid, vp þe
xx And Banaye, þe ſone of Joiada, ſtrongeſte man of meritis of þe puplis. Þe ſynne of þe puple for which it
grete werkis, of Capſeel, he ſmoot twei liouns of Moab, was punyſchid, is not expreſſid in þe text, but in þe
`þat is, twei knyȝtis hardi as liouns; and he ȝede doun, book of Ebreu queſtiouns it is ſeid, þat þis was herfor,
and ſmoot a lioun in þe myddil ciſterne in þe daies of for þe puple aȝen ſtood not Dauyþ as it ouȝte, in þe dede
ſnow. of Vrie, but for þis dede was priuy til it was al doon; þe
xxi Alſo he killide a man of Egipt, a man worþi of puple myȝte not wiþſtonde Dauyþ in þe ſynne to be
ſpectacle, hauynge a ſpere in þe hond; þerfor whanne he lettid, and aftir þat þis ſynne cam in to þe knowing of þe
hadde come doun wiþ a ȝerde to þat man, bi miȝt he puple, þe puple ouȝte not to punyſche it, for þe peyne
wrooþ out þe ſpere fro þe hond of þe man of Egipt, and was determynd þanne of God, as it is opin in xii. co. bi
killide hym wiþ his owne ſpere. þe wordis of Nathan, þerfor it is ſeid betere, þat þe
xxii Banaye, ſone of Joiada, dide þeſe þingis; ſynne of þe puple, was þe rebelte þerof aȝenus Dauyþ in
xxiii and he was nemyed among þre ſtronge men, þat
ſuynge Siba, ſone of Bothry, þat was þe worſte man and
ful of diſſencioun, and Siba aloone was punyſchid for
weren among þe þretti noblere men; neþeles he cam not þis rebelte. ), and he ſtiride in hem Dauid, ſeiynge to
til to þe þre. And Dauid made hym a counſelour of Joab, Go þou, and noumbre þou Iſrael and Juda.
priuyte to hym ſilf. ii And þe kyng ſeide to Joab, þe prince of his ooſt, Go
xxiiii Aſahel, þe broþer of Joab, was among þretti men;
þou bi alle lynagis of Iſrael fro Dan `til to Berſabee, and
Eleanan, þe ſone of his fadris broþer, of Bethleem; noumbre þou þe puple, þat Y wite þe noumbre þerof.
Semma, of Arari;

iii And Joab ſeide to þe kyng, Þi Lord God encreſſe to enemyes, he and myȝty men ſchulden haue be defendid
þis puple, `hou greet it is now, and eft multiplie he an and pore men ſlayn, þerfor he chees peſtilence, comyn
hundrid fold in þe ſiȝt of my lord þe kyng; but what peyne to alle, for he triſtide in Goddis merſi. ), for his
wole my lord þe kyng to hym ſilf in ſich a þing? emercies ben manye, þan in þe hondis of men.
iiii Soþeli þe word of þe kyng ouer cam þe wordis of xv And þe Lord ſente peſtilence in to Iſrael fro þe

Joab, and of þe princes of þe ooſt; and Joab ȝede out, morewtid `til to þe tyme ordeyned (Note: þat is, til to þe
and þe princes of þe knyȝtis, fro þe face of þe kyng, þat oure of ſacrifice of euentid; þe ii. laſte dayes of
þei ſchulden noumbre þe puple of Iſrael. peſtilence, weren ſeid bi manaſſing, and weren releeſſid
v And whanne þei hadden paſſid Jordan, þei camen in to for þe penaunce of Dauyþ. ); and ſeuenti þouſynde of
Aroer, to þe riȝt ſide of þe citee which is in þe valei of men weren deed of þe puple fro Dan `til to Berſabee.
xvi And whanne þe aungel of þe Lord hadde holde forþ
vi and þei paſſiden bi Jazer in to Galaad, and in to þe his hond ouer Jeruſalem, þat he ſchulde diſtrie it, þe
lowere lond of Odſi, and camen in to þe wodi places of Lord hadde mercy on þe turmentyng; and ſeide to þe
Dan; and þei cumpaſſiden biſidis Sidon, aungel ſmytynge þe puple, It ſufficiþ now; wiþholde þin
vii and paſſiden nyȝ þe wallis of Tire, and nyȝ al þe lond hond. Forſoþe þe aungel of þe Lord was biſidis þe corn
of Euei, and of Chananei; and þei camen to þe ſouþ of floor of Areuna Jebuſey.
xvii And Dauid ſeide to þe Lord, whanne he hadde ſeyn
Juda, in Berſabee.
viii And whanne al þe lond was cumpaſſid, þei camen þe aungel ſleynge þe puple, Y am he þat `haue ſynned,
aftir nyne moneþis and twenti daies in to Jeruſalem. and Y dide wickidli; what han þeſe do, þat ben ſcheep?
ix Þerfor Joab ȝaf þe noumbre of diſcriuyng of þe puple Y biſeche, þin hond be turned aȝens me, and aȝens þe
hows of my fadir.
to þe kyng. And of Iſrael weren foundun nyne hundryd xviii Forſoþe Gad, þe prophete, cam to Dauid in þat dai,
þouſynd (Note: in I. book of Paralip. xxi. co. is a
þouſinde, and an hundrid þouſinde; here is ſet þe leſſe and ſeide to hym, Stie þou, and ordeyne an auter to þe
noumbre, and þere þe gretter noumbre, and of Juda is Lord in þe corn floor of Areuna Jebuſei.
xix And Dauid ſtiede, vpe þe word of Gad, which þe
ſet þere þe leſſe noumbre, and here þe gretter. ) of
ſtronge men, þat drewen out ſwerd; and of Juda fyue Lord hadde comaundid to hym.
xx And Areuna bihelde, and perſeyuede, þat þe kyng and
hundrid þouſynde of fiȝteris.
x Forſoþe þe herte of Dauid ſmoot hym, `þat is, his hiſe ſeruauntis paſſiden to hym;
xxi and he ȝede out, and worſchipide þe kyng bi low
concience repreuyde hym, aftir þat þe puple was
noumbrid; and Dauid ſeide to þe Lord, Y ſynnede cheer to þe erþe; and ſeide, What `cauſe is, þat my lord
greetli (Note: in pride, and in breking of Goddis heeſt, þe kyng comeþ to his ſeruaunt? To whom Dauid ſeide,
for in xxxi. co. of Exody, whanne þe ſones of Iſrael Þat Y bie of þee þe corn floor, and bilde an auter to þe
weren noumbrid, ech man ſchulde (offre) to þe Lord Lord, and þe ſleynge ceeſſe, which is cruel in þe puple.
half a ſicle, and þis was not doon here. ) in þis dede; xxii And Areuna ſeide to Dauid, My lord þe kyng take,
but, Lord, Y preye þat þou turne awei þe wickidneſſe of and offre, as it pleſiþ hym; þou haſt oxis in to brent
þi ſeruaunt, for Y dide ful folili. ſacrifice, and a wayn and ȝockis of oxis in to vſs of
xi Þerfor Dauid roos eerli, and þe word of þe Lord was wode.
maad to Gad, þe prophete and ſeere, and ſeide, Go þou, xxiii Areuna ȝaf alle þingis (Note: þat is, wolde ȝyue. )
xii and ſpeke to Dauid, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þe to þe king. And Areuna ſeide to þe king, Þi Lord God
cheſyng of þre þingis is ȝouun to þee; cheſe þou oon, reſeyue þi vow.
which þou wolt of þeſe, þat Y do to þee. xxiiii To whom þe king anſweride, and ſeide, Not as þou
xiii And whanne Gad hadde come to Dauid, he telde to wolt, but Y ſchal bie of þee for prijs, and Y ſchal not
Dauid, and ſeide, Eþer hungur ſchal come to þee in þi offre to `my Lord God brent ſacrifices ȝouun freli.
lond ſeuene ȝeer; eþir þre moneþis þou ſchalt fle þin Þerfor Dauid bouȝte þe corn floor (Note: for vi. hundrid
aduerſaries, and þei ſchulen purſue þee; eþer certis þre ſiclis of gold, in þe firſte book of Paralip. xxi. co. ), and
daies peſtilence ſchal be in þi lond; now þerfor delyuere `he bouȝte oxis for fifti ſiclis of ſiluer.
þou, `eþer auyſe þou, and ſe, what word Y ſchal anſwere xxv And Dauid bildide þere an auter to þe Lord, and
to hym þat ſente me. offride brent ſacrifices and peſible ſacrifices; and þe
xiiii Forſoþe Dauid ſeide to Gad, Y am conſtreyned on Lord dide merci to þe lond, and þe veniaunce was
ech ſide greetli; but it is betere þat Y falle in to þe refreyned fro Iſrael.
hondis of þe Lord (Note: if Dauyþ hadde choſe huugur Here endiþ þe ſecounde book of Kyngis, and here
of vii. ȝeer, he and riche men wolden haue purueyed to bigynneþ þe þridde.
hem ſilf of liyflode, and pore men ſchulden haue be
turmentid gretly; and if he hadde choſe fliȝt bifor

xvi Berſabee bowide hir ſilf, and worſchipide þe kyng; to
III KINGIS whom þe kyng ſeide, What wolt þou to þee?
Here beginneþ þe þridde book of Kyngis. xvii And ſche anſweride, and ſeide, My lord þe kyng,
þou haſt ſwore to þin handmaide bi þi Lord God,
CAP. I Salomon þy ſone ſchal regne aftir me, and he ſchal ſitte
i And kyng Dauid wax eld, and hadde ful many daies of in my trone;
age; and whanne he was hilid wiþ cloþis, he was not xviii and lo! Adonye haþ regnede now, `while þou, my
maad hoot. lord þe kyng, knowiſt not;
ii Þerfor hiſe ſeruauntis ſeiden to hym, Seke we to oure xix he haþ ſlayn oxis, and alle fatte þingis, and ful many
lord þe kyng a ȝong wexynge virgyn; and ſtonde ſche rammes; and he clepide alle þe ſones of þe king, alſo
bifor þe kyng, and nurſche ſche hym, and ſlepe in his `Abiathar preeſt, and Joab, þe prince of chyualri; but he
boſum, and make hoot oure lord þe kyng. clepide not Salomon, þi ſeruaunt.
iii Þerfor þei ſouȝten a ȝong wexyng virgyn, fair in alle xx Neþeles, my lord þe kyng, þe iȝen of al Iſrael
þe cooſtis of Iſrael; and þei founden Abiſag of Sunam, biholden in to þee, þat þou ſchewe to hem, who owiþ to
and þei brouȝten hir to þe kyng. ſitte in þi trone, my lord þe kyng, aftir þee;
iiii Forſoþe þe damyſel was ful fair, and ſche ſlepte wiþ xxi and it ſchal be, whanne my lord þe kyng haþ ſlepte
þe kyng, and mynyſtride to hym; forſoþe þe king knew wiþ hiſe fadris, Y and my ſone Salomon ſchulen be
not hir fleiſchli. ſynneris.
v Soþeli Adonye, ſone of Agith, was reiſid, and ſeide, Y xxii `While ſche ſpak ȝit wiþ þe king, Nathan, þe
ſchal regne. And he made to hym a chare, and knyȝtis, prophete, cam.
and fifti men, þat runnen bifor hym. xxiii And þei telden to þe kyng, and ſeiden, Nathan, þe
vi Neþer his fadir repreuyde hym ony tyme, and ſeide, prophete, is preſent. And whanne he hadde entrid in þe
Whi `didiſt þou þis? Forſoþe alſo he was ful fair, þe ſiȝt of þe kyng, and hadde worſchipide hym lowli to
ſecounde child aftir Abſolon; and his word was wiþ erþe,
Joab, xxiiii Nathan ſeide, My lord þe kyng, ſeidiſt þou, Adonye
vii ſone of Saruye, and wiþ `Abiathar, preeſt, þat regne aftir me, and ſitte he on my trone?
helpiden þe partis of Adonye. xxv For he cam doun to dai, and offride oxis, and fatte
viii Soþeli Sadoch, þe preeſt, and Banaie, ſone of Joiada, þingis, and ful many weþeris; and he clepide alle þe
and Nathan, þe prophete, and Semey, and Cerethi, and ſones of þe kyng, alſo Abiathar, preeſt; and whanne þei
Ferethi, and al þe ſtrengþe of þe ooſt of Dauid, weren eten, and drunken bifor hym, and ſeiden, Kyng Adonye
not wiþ Adonye. lyue;
ix Þerfor whanne rammes weren offrid, and caluys, and xxvi he clepide not me, þi ſeruaunt, and Sadoch, preeſt,
alle fatte þingis, biſidis þe ſtoon Zoelech, þat was nyȝ þe and Banaie, ſone of Joiada, and Salomon, þi ſone.
welle of Rogel, Adonye clepide alle hiſe briþeren, ſones xxvii Wheþer þis word ȝede out fro my lord þe kyng, and
of þe kyng, and alle þe men of Juda, ſeruauntis of þe þou ſchewidiſt not to me, þi ſeruaunt, who ſchulde ſitte
kyng. on þe trone of my lord þe king after hym?
x Soþeli `he clepide not Nathan, þe profete, and Banaie, xxviii And kyng Dauid anſweride, and ſeide, Clepe ȝe
and alle ſtronge men, and Salomon, his broþir. Berſabee to me. And whanne ſche hadde entrid bifor þe
xi Þerfor Nathan ſeide to Berſabee, modir of Salomon, kyng, and hadde ſtonde bifor hym, þe kyng ſwoor,
Wheþer þou herdiſt, þat Adonye, ſone of Agith, xxix and ſeide, Þe Lord lyueþ, þat delyueryde my lijf fro
regnede, and oure lord Dauid knoweþ not þis? al angwiſch;
xii Now þerfor come þou, take þou counſel of me, and xxx for as Y ſwore to þee bi þe Lord God of Iſrael, and
ſaue þi lijf, and of Salomon þi ſone. ſeide, Salomon, þi ſone, ſchal regne after me, and he
xiii Go þou, and entre to kyng Dauid, and ſeie þou to ſchal ſitte on my trone for me, ſo Y ſchal do to dai.
hym, Wheþer not þou, my lord þe kyng, haſt ſwore to xxxi And Berſabee, wiþ þe cheer caſt doun in to erþe,
me, þin handmaide, and ſeidiſt, þat Salomon þi ſone worſchipide þe kyng, and ſeide, My lord þe kyng Dauid
ſchal regne aftir me, and he ſchal ſitte in my trone? lyue wiþ outen ende.
xiiii Whi þerfor regneþ Adonye? And ȝit while þou ſchalt xxxii And kyng Dauid ſeide, Clepe ȝe Sadoch, þe preeſt,
ſpeke þere wiþ þe kyng, Y ſchal come aftir þee, and `Y to me, and Nathan, þe prophete, and Banaie, ſone of
ſchal fille þi wordis. Joiada. And whanne þei hadden entrid bifor þe kyng,
xv Þerfor Berſabee entride to þe kyng in þe cloſet; xxxiii þe kyng ſeide to hem, Take wiþ ȝou þe ſeruauntis
forſoþe þe kyng was ful eeld, and Abiſag of Sunam of ȝoure lord, and putte ȝe my ſone Salomon on my
`mynyſtride to hym. mule, and lede ȝe hym in to Gyon.

xxxiiii And Sadoch, þe preeſt, and Nathan, þe profete, xlix Þerfor alle, þat weren clepid of Adonye to feeſte,
anoynte hym in to kyng on Iſrael and Juda; and ȝe weren aferd, and riſiden, and ech man ȝede in to his
ſchulen ſynge wiþ a clarioun, and ȝe ſchulen ſeie, Lyue weie.
kyng Salomon! l Soþeli Adonye dredde Salomon, and roos, and ȝede in
xxxv Ȝe ſchulen ſtie aftir hym, and ȝe ſchulen come to to þe tabernacle of þe Lord, and helde þe horn of þe
Jeruſalem; and he ſchal ſitte on my trone, and he ſchal auter.
regne for me; and Y ſchal comaunde to hym, þat he be li And þei telden to Salomon, and ſeiden, Lo! Adonye
duyk on Iſrael and on Juda. drediþ þe kyng Salomon, and holdiþ þe horn of þe
xxxvi And Banaie, ſone of Joiada, anſweride to þe kyng, auter, and ſeiþ, Kyng Salomon ſwere to me to dai, þat
and ſeide, Amen, `þat is, ſo be it, eþer verili, eþer he ſchal not ſle his ſeruaunt bi ſwerd.
feiþfuli; ſo ſpeke þe Lord God of my lord þe kyng. lii And Salomon ſeide, If he is a good man, ſoþeli not
xxxvii As þe Lord was wiþ my lord þe kyng, ſo be he oon heer of hym ſchal falle in to erþe; but if yuel be
wiþ Salomon, and make he þe trone of Salomon heiȝere foundun in hym, he ſchal die.
þan þe trone of my lord þe kyng Dauid. liii Þerfor kyng Salomon ſente, and ledde `hym out fro
xxxviii Þerfor Sadoch, þe preeſt, ȝede doun, and Nathan, þe auter; and he entride, and worſchipide kyng
þe prophete, and Banaie, ſone of Joiada, and Cerethi, Salomon; and Salomon ſeide to hym, Go in to þin hows.
and Ferethi; and þei puttiden Salomon on þe mule of
Dauid, þe kyng, and þei brouȝten hym in to Gion. CAP. II
xxxix And Sadoch, þe preeſt, took an horn of oile of þe i Forſoþe þe daies of Dauid neiȝiden, þat he ſchulde die;
tabernacle, and anoyntide Salomon; and þei ſungen wiþ and he comaundide to Salomon, his ſone, and ſeide, Lo!
a clarioun; and al þe puple ſeide, Lyue kyng Salomon! ii Y entre in to þe weie of al erþe; be þou coumfortid,
xl And al þe multitude ſtiede after hym, and þe puple of and be þou a ſtrong man.
men ſyngynge wiþ pipis, and `of men beynge glad wiþ iii And kepe þou þe kepyngis and heeſtis of þi Lord
greet ioye, `ſtiede aftir hym; and þe erþe ſownede of þe God, þat þou go in hiſe weies, and kepe hiſe
cry of hem. cerymonyes, and hiſe heeſtis, and hiſe domes, and
xli Forſoþe Adonye herde, and alle þat weren clepid of witneſſyngis, as it is writun in þe lawe of Moiſes; þat
hym to feeſte; and þanne þe feeſte was endid. But alſo þou vndurſtonde alle þingis whiche þou doiſt, and
Joab ſeide, whanne þe vois of trumpe was herd, What whidur euer þou ſchalt turne þee.
wole it to it ſilf þe cry of þe citee makynge noiſe? iiii Þat þe Lord conferme hiſe wordis, whiche þe Lord
xlii Ȝit þe while he ſpak, Jonathan, ſone of Abiathar, þe ſpak of me, and ſeide, If þi ſones kepen my weies, and
preeſt, cam; to whom Adonye ſeide, Entre þou, for þou goen bifor me in treuþe, in al her herte, and in al her
art a ſtrong man, and tellynge goode þingis. ſoule, a man ſchal not be takun awei of þee fro þe trone
xliii And Jonathan anſweride to Adonye, Nay; for oure of Iſrael.
lord þe kyng Dauid haþ ordeyned Salomon kyng; v Alſo þou knowiſt what þingis Joab, þe ſone of Saruye,
xliiii and Dauid ſente wiþ Salomon Sadoch, þe preeſt, dide to me; what þingis he dide to twey princis of þe
and Nathan, þe prophete, and Banaie, ſone of Joiada, ooſt of Iſrael, to Abner, ſone of Ner, and to Amaſa, ſone
and Cerethi, and Ferethi; and þei puttiden Salomon on of Jether, whiche he killide, and ſchedde þe blood of
þe mule of þe kyng. batel in pees; and puttide þe blood of batel in his girdil,
xlv And Sadoch, þe preeſt, and Nathan, þe prophete, þat was aboute hiſe leendis, and in his ſcho, þat was in
anoyntiden hym kyng in Gion; and þei camen doun fro hiſe feet.
vi Þerfor þou ſchalt do by þi wiſdom, and þou ſchalt not
þennus beynge glad, and þe citee ſownede; þis is þe
vois which ȝe herden. lede forþ his hoorneſſe peſibli to hellis.
xlvi But alſo Salomon ſittiþ on þe trone of rewme; vii But alſo þou ſchalt ȝelde grace to þe ſones of
xlvii and þe ſeruauntis of þe kyng entriden, and bleſſiden Berſellai of Galaad, and þei ſchulen be eetynge in þi
oure lord þe kyng Dauid, and ſeiden, God make large þe boord; for þei metten me, whanne Y fledde fro þe face
name of Salomon aboue þi name, and magnyfye his of Abſolon, þi broþer.
viii Alſo þou haſt anentis þee Semey, ſone of Gera, ſone
trone aboue þi trone. And kyng Dauid worſchipide in
his bed; of Gemyny, of Bahurym, which Semei curſide me bi þe
xlviii and ferþermore he ſpak þeſe þingis, Bleſſid be þe worſte curſyng, whanne Y ȝede to `þe caſtels; but for he
Lord God of Iſrael, þat ȝaf to dai a ſittere in my trone, cam doun to me in to metyng, whanne Y paſſide Jordan,
while myn iȝen ſeen. and Y ſwoor to him bi þe Lord, and ſeide, Y ſchal not
ſlee þee bi ſwerd,
ix nyle þou ſuffre hym to be vnpunyſchid; forſoþe þou
art a wiſe man, and þou ſchalt wite what þou ſchalt do

to hym, and þou ſchalt lede forþ hiſe hoor heeris wiþ `þat is, worþi þe deeþ, for conſpiryng aȝens me, and þe
blood to hellis. ordynaunce of God, and of my fadir; but to dai Y ſchal
x Soþeli Dauid ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris, and was biriede in not ſle þee, for þou bariſt þe arke of þe Lord God bifor
þe citee of Dauid. Dauid, my fadir, and þou ſuffridiſt trauele in alle þingis,
xi Forſoþe þe daies, in whiche Dauid regnede on Iſrael, in whiche my fadir trauelide.
xxvii Þerfor Salomon puttide out Abiathar, þat he ſchulde
ben fourti ȝeer; in Ebron he regned ſeuene ȝeer, in
Jeruſalem þre and þretti ȝeer. not be preeſt of þe Lord, þat þe word of þe Lord were
xii Forſoþe Salomon ſat on þe trone of Dauid, his fadir, fillid, which he ſpak on þe hows of Heli, in Silo.
xxviii Forſoþe a meſſager cam to Salomon, þat Joab
and his rewme was maad ſtidfaſt greetli.
xiii And Adonye, ſone of Agith, entride to Berſabee, hadde bowid aftir Adonye, and þat he hadde not bowid
modir of Salomon; and ſche ſeide to hym, Wheþer þin after Salomon. Þerfor Joab fledde in to þe tabernacle of
entryng is peſible? And he anſweride, It is peſible. þe Lord, and took þe horn of þe auter.
xiiii And he addide, A word of me is to þee. `To whom xxix And it was teld to kyng Salomon, þat Joab hadde

ſche ſeide, Speke þou. fledde in to þe tabernacle of þe Lord, and was biſidis þe
xv And he ſeide, Þou knowiſt þat þe rewme was myn, auter; and Salomon ſente Banaie, ſone of Joiada, and
and al Iſrael purpoſide to make me in to king to hem; ſeide, Go þou, and ſle hym.
xxx And Banaie cam to þe tabernacle of þe Lord, and
but þe rewme is tranſlatid, and is maad my broþeris; for
of þe Lord it is ordeyned to hym. ſeide to Joab, Þe kyng ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Go þou out. And
xvi Now þerfor Y preye of þe oon axyng; ſchende þou he ſeide, Y ſchal not go out, but Y ſchal die here. Banaie
not my face. And ſche ſeide to hym, Speke þou. And he telde þe word to þe kyng, and ſeide, Joab ſpak þes
ſeide, Y preie, þingis, and anſweride þeſe þingis to me.
xxxi And þe kyng ſeide to Banaie, Do þou as he ſpak,
xvii þat þou ſeie to Salomon þe king; for he may not
denye ony þing to þee; þat he ȝyue to me Abiſag of and ſle þou hym, and birie him; and þou ſchalt remoue
Sunam wijf. þe innocent blood, þat was ſched out of Joab, fro me,
xviii And Berſabee ſeide, Wel, Y ſchal ſpeke for þee to þe and fro þe hows of my fadir.
xxxii And þe Lord ȝelde on his heed his blood, for he
xix Þerfor Berſabee cam to kyng Salomon, to ſpeke to killide twei iuſt men, and betere þan hym ſilf, and he
killide hem bi ſwerd, while Dauid, my fadir, `wiſte not,
hym for Adonye; and þe kyng roos aȝens þe comyng of
Abner, þe ſone of Ner, þe prince of þe chyualrie of
hir, and worſchipide hir, and `ſat on his trone; and a
Iſrael, and Amaſa, ſone of Jether, þe prince of þe ooſt of
trone was ſet to þe modir of þe kyng, and ſche ſat at his
riȝt ſide. xxxiii And þe blood of hem ſchal turne aȝen in to þe heed
xx And ſche ſeide to hym, Y preie of þee o litil axyng;
of Joab, and in to þe heed of his ſeed wiþ outen ende;
ſchende þou not my face. And þe kyng ſeide to hir, My
forſoþe pees be of þe Lord til in to wiþ outen ende to
modir, axe þou; for it is not leueful þat Y turne awei þi
Dauid, and to his ſeed, and to þe hous and trone of hym.
face. xxxiiii Þerfor Banaie, ſone of Joiada, ſtiede, and aſailide,
xxi And ſche ſeide, Abiſag of Sunam be ȝouun wijf to
and killide Joab; and Joab was biried in his hows in
Adonye, þi broþer.
xxii And kyng Salomon anſweride, and ſeide to his
xxxv And þe kyng ordeynede Banaie, ſone of Joiada, on
modir, Whi axiſt þou Abiſag of Sunam to Adonye? Axe
þe ooſt for hym; and þe kyng puttide Sadoch preeſt for
þou to hym alſo þe rewme; for he is `my gretter broþir,
and he haþ Abiathar, preeſt, and Joab, ſone of Saruye. xxxvi Alſo þe kyng ſente, and clepide Semey, and ſeide
xxiii Þerfor kyng Salomon ſwoor bi þe Lord, and ſeide,
to hym, Bilde to þee an hows in Jeruſalem, and dwelle
God do to me þeſe þingis, and adde þeſe þinges, for
þou þere, and þou ſchalt not go out fro þennus hidur and
Adonie ſpak þis word aȝens his lijf.
xxiiii And now þe Lord lyueþ, þat confermede me, and
xxxvii ſoþeli in what euer dai þou goiſt out, and paſſiſt þe
haþ ſet me on þe trone of my fadir, and þat haþ maad to
ſtronde of Cedron, wite þou þee worþi to be ſlayn; þi
me an hows, as he ſpak, for Adonye ſchal be ſlayn to
blood ſchal be on þin heed.
dai. xxxviii And Semei ſeide to þe kyng, Þe word of þe kyng
xxv And kyng Salomon ſente bi þe hond of Banaie, ſone
is good; as my lord þe kyng ſpak, ſo þi ſeruaunt ſchal
of Joiada; which Banaie killide Adonye, and he was
do. Þerfor Semey dwellide in Jeruſalem in many daies.
deed. xxxix Forſoþe it was doon after þre ȝeer, þat þe
xxvi Alſo þe kyng ſeide to Abiathar, preeſt, Go þou in to
ſeruauntis of Semei fledden to Achis, ſone of Maacha,
Anatot, to þi feeld; and ſoþeli þou art a man of deeþ,

þe kyng of Geth; and it was teld to Semey, þat hiſe viii And þi ſeruaunt is in þe myddis of þe puple, which
ſeruauntis hadden go in to Geth. þou haſt choſe, of puple wiþ outen noumbre, þat may
xl And Semey roos, and ſadlide his aſſe, and ȝede to not be noumbrid and rikened, for multitude.
Achis, in to Geth, to ſeke hiſe ſeruauntis; and brouȝte ix Þerfor þou ſchalt ȝyue to þi ſeruaunt an herte able to
hem aȝen fro Geth. be tauȝt, `þat is, liȝtned of þee, þat he may deme þe
xli Forſoþe it was teld to kyng Salomon, þat Semey puple, and iuge bitwixe good and yuel; for who may
hadde go to Geth fro Jeruſalem, and hadde come aȝen. deme þis puple, þi puple, þis miche puple?
xlii And Salomon ſente, and clepide hym, and ſeide to x Þerfor þe world pleſide bifore þe Lord, þat Salomon
hym, Wheþer Y witneſſede not to þee bi þe Lord, and hadde axid ſich a þing.
bifor ſeide to þee, In what euer dai þou ſchalt go out xi And þe Lord ſeide to Salomon, For þou axidiſt þis
hidur and þidur, wite þou þat þou ſchalt die; and þou word, and axidiſt not to þee many daies, neþer richeſſis,
anſweridiſt to me, Þe word is good, which Y herde? neþer þe lyues of þin enemyes, but þou axidiſt to þee
xliii Whi þerfor keptiſt þou not þe ooþ of þe Lord, and wiſdom to deme doom, lo!
þe comaundement which Y comaundide to þee? xii Y haue do to þee vpe þi wordis, and Y haue ȝoue to
xliiii And þe kyng ſeide to Semei, Þou knowiſt al þe þee a wyſe herte and vndirſtondynge, in ſo myche þat
yuel, of which þin herte is gilti to þee, which yuel þou no man bifor þee was lijk þee, neþer ſchal riſe aftir þee.
didiſt to my fadir; þe Lord haþ ȝolde þi malice in to þin xiii But alſo Y haue ȝoue to þee þeſe þingis, whiche þou
heed. axidiſt not, þat is, richeſſis, and glorie, þat no man be
xlv And kyng Salomon ſchal be bleſſid; and þe trone of lijk þee in kyngis in alle tymes aftirward.
Dauid ſchal be ſtable bifor þe Lord til in to wiþ outen xiiii Forſoþe if þou goiſt in my weies, and kepiſt my
ende. biddyngis and comaundementis, as þi fadir ȝede, Y
xlvi Þerfor þe kyng comaundide to Banaie, ſone of ſchal make þi daies long.
Joiada; and he aſſailide, and ſmoot Semey, and he was xv Þerfor Salomon wakide, and vndirſtood what þe
deed. ſweuen was. And whanne he hadde come to Jeruſalem,
he ſtood bifor þe arke of boond of pees of þe Lord, and
CAP. III he offride brent ſacrifices, and made peſible ſacrifices,
i Þerfor þe rewme was confermyd in to þe hondis of and a greet feeſte to alle hiſe meynees.
Salomon; and bi affynyte, `eþer aliaunce, he was ioyned xvi Þanne twei wymmen hooris camen to þe kyng, and
to Pharao, kyng of Egipt; for he took þe douȝter of ſtoden bifor hym;
Farao, and brouȝte in to þe citee of Dauid, til he `fillide xvii of whiche oon ſeide, My lord, Y biſeche, Y and þis
bildynge his hows, and þe hows of þe Lord, and þe wal womman dwelliden in oon hows, and Y childide at hir
of Jeruſalem bi cumpas. in a couche.
ii Neþeles þe puple offride in hiȝe places; for þe temple xviii Soþeli in þe þridde dai aftir þat Y childide, alſo þis
was not bildid to þe name of þe Lord til in to þat dai. womman childide; and we weren togidere in þe hows,
iii Forſoþe Salomon louyde þe Lord, and ȝede in þe
and noon oþer was wiþ vs in þe hows, outakun vs
comaundementis of Dauid, his fadir, out takun þat tweyne.
Salomon offride in hiȝe placis, and brente encenſe `in xix Forſoþe þe ſone of þis womman was deed in þe nyȝt,
hiȝe places. for ſche ſlepte, and oppreſſide hym;
iiii Þerfor Salomon ȝede in to Gabaon, to offre þere; for xx and ſche roos in þe fourþe part of þe nyȝt in ſilence,
þilke was þe mooſt hiȝ place. Salomon offride on þat and took my ſone fro þe ſide of me, þin handmaide
auter in Gabaon a þouſynde offryngis in to brent ſlepynge, and ſettide in hir boſum; forſoþe ſche puttide
ſacrifice. in my boſum hir ſone, þat was deed.
v Soþeli þe Lord apperide to Salomon bi ſleep in þe xxi And whanne Y hadde ryſe eerli, to ȝyue mylk to my
nyȝt, and ſeide, Axe þou `þat, þat þou wolt, þat Y ȝyue ſone, he apperide deed; whom Y bihelde diligentlier bi
to þee. cleer lyȝt, and Y perſeyuede, þat he was not myn, whom
vi And Salomon ſeide, Þou haſt do greet merci wiþ þi
Y hadde gendrid.
ſeruaunt Dauid, my fadir, as he ȝede in þi ſiȝt, in treuþe, xxii Þe toþer womman anſweride, It is not ſo as þou ſeiſt,
and riȝtfulneſſe, and riȝtful herte wiþ þee; þou haſt kepte but þi ſone is deed; forſoþe `my ſone lyueþ. Aȝenward
to hym þi greet merci, and haſt ȝouun to hym a ſone, ſche ſeide, Þou lieſt; for my ſone lyueþ, and þi ſone is
ſittynge on his trone, as it is to dai. deed. And bi þis maner þei ſtryueden bifore þe kyng.
vii And now, Lord God, þou haſt maad þi ſeruaunt to xxiii Þanne þe kyng ſeide, Þis womman ſeiþ, My ſone
regne for Dauid, my fadir; forſoþe Y am a litil child, lyueþ, and þi ſone is deed; and þis womman anſweriþ,
and not knowynge myn outgoynge and entryng. Nay, but þi ſone is deed; forſoþe my ſone lyueþ.

xxiiii Þerforþe kyng ſeide, Brynge ȝe to me a ſwerd. And xv Achymaas was in Neptalym, but alſo he hadde
whanne þei hadden brouȝt a ſwerd bifor þe kyng, Bachſemath, douȝter of Salomon, in wedloc;
xxv he ſeide, Departe ȝe þe quyk ȝong child in to twei xvi Banaa, ſone of Huſy, was in Aſer, and in Balod;
partis, and ȝyue ȝe þe half part to oon, and þe half part xvii Joſephat, ſone of Pharue, was in Yſachar; Semey,
to þe toþer. ſone of Hela, was in Beniamyn;
xxvi Forſoþe þe womman, whos ſone was quik, ſeide to xviii Gaber,
þe kyng; for her entrailis weren mouyd on hir ſone; xix ſone of Sury, was in þe lond of Galaad, and in þe
Lord, Y biſeche, ȝyue ȝe to hir þe quik child, and nyle lond of Seon, kyng of Amorrey, and of Og, kyng of
ȝe ſle hym. Aȝenward ſche ſeide, Be he neþir to me, Baſan, on alle þingis, þat weren in þat lond.
neþer to þee, but be he departid. xx Juda and Iſrael weren vnnoumbrable, as þe ſoond of
xxvii Þe kyng anſweride, and ſeide, Ȝyue ȝe to þis
þe ſee in multitude, etynge, and drynkynge, and beynge
womman þe ȝong child quyk, and be he not ſlayn; glad.
forſoþe þis is `his modir. xxi Forſoþe Solomon was in his lordſchip, and hadde
xxviii Þerfor al Iſrael herde þe doom, which þe kyng
alle rewmes, as fro þe flood of þe lond of Filiſteis `til to
hadde demyd; and þei dredden þe kyng, and ſien, þat þe þe laſte part of Egipt, of men offrynge ȝiftis to hym, and
wiſdom of God was in hym, to make doom. ſeruynge to hym, in alle þe daies of his lijf.
xxii Forſoþe þe mete of Salomon was bi ech day, þritti
CAP. IIII chorus of clene flour of whete, and ſixti chorus of mele,
i `Forſoþe kyng Salomon was regnynge on al Iſrael.
xxiii ten fatte oxis, and twenti oxis of leſewe, and an
ii And þeſe weren þe princes which he hadde; Azarie,
hundrid weþeris, outakun huntyng of hertys, of geet,
ſone of Sadoch, preeſt; and of buglis, and of briddis maad fat.
iii Helioreb, and Haia, ſones of Sila, `weren ſcryueyns; xxiiii For he helde al þe cuntrei þat was biȝende þe flood,
Joſophat, ſone of Achilud, was chaunſeler; as fro Caphſa `til to Gaſa, and alle þe kyngis of þo
iiii Banaie, ſone of Joiada, was on þe ooſt; forſoþe
cuntreis; and he hadde pees bi ech part in cumpas.
Sadoch and Abiathar weren preeſtis; xxv And Juda and Iſrael dwelliden wiþouten ony drede,
v Azarie, ſone of Nathan, was on hem þat ſtoden niȝ þe
ech man vndur his vyne, and vndur his fige tree, fro
kyng; Zabul, þe ſone of Nathan, was preeſt, `þat is, Dan `til to Berſabe, in alle þe daies of Salomon.
greet and worſchipful, a freend of þe kyng; xxvi And Salomon hadde fourty þouſynd cratchis of
vi and Ahiaſar was ſtiward of þe hows; and Adonyram,
horſis for charis, and twelue þouſynde of roode horſis;
ſone of Adda, was on þe tributis. and þe forſeid prefectis nurſhiden þo horſis.
vii Forſoþe Salomon hadde twelue `prefectis, eþer cheef xxvii But alſo wiþ greet biſyneſſe þei ȝauen neceſſaries to
minyſtrys, on al Iſrael, þat ȝauen lijflode to þe kyng, and þe boord of kyng Salomon in her tyme;
to his hows; ſoþeli bi ech moneþe bi it ſilf in þe ȝeer, xxviii alſo þei brouȝten barli, and forage of horſis and
ech prefect bi hym ſilf mynyſtride neceſſaries. werk beeſtis, in to þe place where þe king was, `bi
viii And þeſe ben þe names of hem; Benhur, in þe hil of
ordenaunce to hem.
Effraym; xxix Alſo God ȝaf to Salomon wiſdom, and prudence ful
ix Bendechar, in Macces, and in Salebbym, and in
myche, and largeneſſe of herte, as þe ſoond which is in
Bethſames, and in Helon, and in Bethanan; þe brenke of þe ſee.
x Beneſeth, in Araboth; forſoþe Socco, and al þe lond of xxx And þe wiſdom of Solomon paſſide þe wiſdom of
Epher was his; alle eeſt men, and Egipcians;
xi Benabidanab, whos was al Neptad, hadde xxxi and he was wiſere þan alle men; he was wiſere þan
Dortaphaed, `Solomons douȝter, to wijf. Ethan Eſraite, and þan Eman, and þan Cacal, and þan
xii Bena, ſone of Achilud, gouernyde Thaneth, and Dorda, þe ſones of Maol; and he was named among alle
Mageddo, and al Bethſan, which is biſidis Sarthana, folkis bi cumpas.
vndur Jezrael, fro Bethſan `til to Abelmeula, euene xxxii And Salomon ſpak þre þouſynde parablis, and hiſe
aȝens Zelmaan. ſongis weren fyue þouſynde;
xiii Bengaber in Ramoth of Galaad hadde Anothiair, of xxxiii and he diſputide of trees fro a cedre which is in þe
þe ſone of Manaſſes, in Galaad; he was ſouereyn in al þe Lyban, `til to þe yſope þat goiþ out of þe wal; he
cuntrey of Argob, which is in Baſan, to ſixti greet citees diſputide of werk beeſtis, and briddis, and crepynge
and wallid, þat hadden braſun lockis. beeſtis, and fiſchis.
xiiii Achymadab, ſone of Addo, was ſouereyn in xxxiiii And þei camen fro alle puplis to here þe wiſdom
Manaym; of Salomon, and fro alle kyngis of erþe, þat herden his

CAP. V xvi þat weren maiſtris of alle werkis, bi þe noumbre of
i Alſo Hiram, kyng of Tire, ſente hiſe ſeruauntis to þre þouſynde and þre hundrid, comaundynge to þe
Salomon; for he herde þat þei hadden anoyntide hym puple, and to hem þat maden werk.
kyng for his fadir; for Hiram was frend of Dauid in al xvii And þe kyng comaundide, þat þei ſchulden take
time. greete ſtonys, `and preciouſe ſtonys, in to þe
ii Soþeli alſo Salomon ſente to Hiram, foundement of þe temple, and þat þei ſchulden make þo
iii and ſeide, Þou knowiſt þe wille of Dauid, my fadir, ſquare;
and for he miȝte not bilde an hows to þe name of his xviii whiche ſtoonys þe maſouns of Salomon, and þe
God, for batels neiȝynge bi cumpas, til þe Lord ȝaf hem maſouns of Hyram, hewiden. Forſoþe Biblies maden
vndur þe ſtep of hiſe feet. redi trees and ſtonus, to þe hows to be bildid.
iiii Now forſoþe my Lord God ȝaf reſte to me bi cumpas,
and noon aduerſarie is, neþir yuel aſailyng; CAP. VI
v wherfor Y þenke to buylde a temple to þe name of my i Forſoþe it was doon in þe fourþe hundrid and

Lord God, as God ſpak to Dauid, my fadir, and ſeide, Þi foureſcore ȝeer of þe goynge out of þe ſones of Iſrael fro
ſone, whom Y ſchal ȝyue to þee for þee on þi trone, he þe lond of Egipt, in þe fourþe ȝeer, in þe moneþe Zio;
ſchal bilde an hows to my name. þilke is þe ſecounde moneþe of þe rewme of Salomon
vi Þerfor comaunde þou, þat þi ſeruauntis hewe doun to on Iſrael; he bigan to bilde an hows to þe Lord.
ii Forſoþe þe hows which kyng Salomon bildide to þe
me cedris of þe Liban; and my ſeruauntis be wiþ þi
ſeruauntis; ſoþeli Y ſchal ȝyue to þee þe meede of þi Lord, hadde ſexti cubitis in lengþe, and twenti cubitis in
ſeruauntis, what euere meede þou ſchalt axe; for þou breede, and þretti cubitis in heiȝþe.
wooſt, þat in my puple is not a man þat kan hewe trees, iii And a porche was bifor þe temple of twenti cubitis of
as Sidonyes kunnen. lengþe, by þe meſure of þe breed of þe temple; and þe
vii Þerfor whanne Hiram hadde herde þe wordis of porche hadde ten cubitis of breede, bifor þe face of þe
Salomon, he was ful glad, and ſeide, Bleſſid be þe Lord temple.
God to dai, þat ȝaf to Dauid a ſone mooſt wijs on þis iiii And Salomon made in þe temple `wyndows ſtreyte
puple ful myche. wiþoutforþ, and large wiþ ynne.
viii And Hiram ſente to Salomon, and ſeide, Y haue v And he bildide on þe wal of þe temple bildyngis of
herde what euer þingis þou ſentiſt to me; Y ſchal do al tablis bi cumpas, in þe wallis of þe hows, `bi cumpas of
þi wille, in trees of cedres, and of beechis. þe temple, and of Goddis anſweryng place; and he made
ix My ſeruauntis ſchulen putte doun þo trees fro þe ſidis in þe cumpas.
Liban to þe ſee, and Y ſchal araye þo trees in ſchippis in vi Þe bildyng of tablis, þat was vndur, hadde fyue
þe ſee, `til to þe place which þou ſchalt ſignyfie to me; cubitis of breede; and þe myddil bildyng of tablis was
and Y ſchal dreſſe þo þere, þat þou take þo; and þou of ſixe cubits of breede; and þe þridde bildyng of tablis
ſchalt ȝyue neceſſaries to me, þat mete be ȝouun to myn was hauynge ſeuene cubitis of breede. Soþeli he puttide
hows. beemys in þe hous bi cumpas wiþ outforþ, þat þo
x Þerfor Hiram ȝaf to Salomon `trees of cedres, and cleuiden not to þe wallis of þe temple.
`trees of beechis, bi al his wille; vii Forſoþe whanne þe hows was bildid, it was bildid of
xi forſoþe Salomon ȝaf to Hiram twenti þouſynde chorus `ſtoonys hewid and perfit; and an hamer, and ax, and al
of wheete, in to meete to his hows, and twenti chorus of þing maad of yrun, weren not herd in þe hows, while it
pureſte oile; Salomon ȝaf þeſe þingis to Hiram bi alle was in bildyng.
ȝeeris. viii Þe dore of þe myddil ſide was in þe wal of þe riȝthalf
xii Alſo þe Lord ȝaf wiſdom to Salomon, as he ſpak to hows; and bi a vijs þei ſtieden in to þe myddil ſoler, and
hym; and pees was bitwixe Hiram and Salomon, and fro þe myddil ſoler in to þe þridde ſoler.
boþe ſmytiden boond of pees. ix And Salomon bildide þe hows, and endide it. Alſo
xiii And kyng Salomon chees werk men of al Iſrael; and Salomon hilide þe hows wiþ couplis of cedre,
þe ſumme was þretti þouſynde of men. x and bildide a bildyng of tablis ouer al þe hows, bi fyue
xiiii And `Salomon ſente hem in to þe Liban, ten cubitis of heiȝþe, and hilide þe hows wiþ `trees of
þouſynde bi ech moneþe bi whilis, ſo þat in twei cedre.
moneþis bi whilis þei weren in her howſis; and xi And þe word of þe Lord was maad to Salomon, and
Adonyram was on ſich a ſumme. ſeide,
xv Þerfor ſeuenti þouſynde of hem, þat baren burþuns, xii Þis is þe hows, which þou bildiſt; if þou goſt in myn
weren to Salomon, and foure ſcore þouſynde of heeſtis, and doſt my domes, and kepiſt alle my
maſouns in þe hil, wiþ out þe ſouereyns, comaundementis, and goiſt bi þo, Y ſchal make ſtidefaſt
my word to þee, `which word Y ſpak to Dauid, þi fadir;

xiii and Y ſchal dwelle in þe myddis of þe ſones of Iſrael, xxx But alſo he hilide wiþ gold þe pawment of þe hows,
and Y ſchal not forſake my puple Iſrael. wiþynne and wiþ outforþe.
xiiii Þerfor Salomon bildide þe hows, and endide it; xxxi And in þe entryng of `Goddis anſwering place he
xv and he bildide þe wallis of þe hows wiþ ynne wiþ made twei litil doris of þe trees of olyues; and he made
tablis of cedre, fro þe pawment of þe hows `til to þe poſtis of fyue corneris,
heiȝneſſe of þe wal, and `til to þe couplis; and hilide wiþ xxxii and twei doris of þe trees of olyues; and grauyde in
trees of cedre wiþ ynne; and he hilide þe pawment of þe þo þe peynture of cherubyns, and þe licneſſis of palmes,
hows wiþ tablis of beeche. and grauyngis aboue ſtondynge forþ gretli; and he hilide
xvi And he bildide a wal of tablis of cedre of twenti þo wiþ gold; and he hilide as wel þe cherubyns, as
cubitis at þe hyndrere part of þe temple, fro þe pawment palmes, and oþere þingis wiþ gold.
`til to þe hiȝere partis; and he made þe ynnere hows of xxxiii And in þe entring of þe temple he made poſtis
Goddis anſweryng place, in to þe hooli of hooli þingis. foure cornerid of þe trees of olyues;
xvii Soþeli þilke temple bifor þe doris of Goddis xxxiiii and he made twei doris of þe trees of beech, ech
anſwering place was of fourti cubitis. aȝens oþer; and euer eiþer dore was double, and it was
xviii And al þe hows wiþ ynne was cloþid wiþ cedre, openyd holdynge it ſilf togidere.
and hadde hiſe ſmeþeneſſis, and hiſe ioynyngis maad xxxv And he grauyde cherubyns, and palmes, and
ſuteli, and grauyngis apperynge aboue; alle þingis grauyngis apperynge greetli; and he hilide alle þingis
weren cloþid wiþ tablis of cedre, and outirli a ſtoon wiþ goldun platis, bi ſquare werk at reule.
miȝte not appere in þe wal. xxxvi And he bildide a large ſtreet wiþ ynne, bi þre
xix Forſoþe Salomon made Goddis anſweryng place in ordris of ſtoonys maad fair, and bi oon ordre of trees of
þe myddis of þe hows, in þe ynnere part, þat he ſchulde cedre.
ſette þere þe arke of boond of pees of þe Lord. xxxvii Þe hows of þe Lord was foundid in þe fourþe ȝeer,
xx Soþeli Goddis anſweryng place hadde twenti cubitis in þe moneþe Zio;
of lengþe, and twenti cubitis of breede, and twenti xxxviii and þe hows was maad perfit in al his werk, and
cubitis of hiȝte; and he hilide, and cloþide it wiþ pureſte in alle veſſels, eþer `purtenauncis, in þe eleuenþe ȝeer,
gold; but alſo he cloþide þe auter wiþ cedre. in þe moneþe Zebul; þilke is þe eiȝþe moneþe; and he
xxi Alſo he hilide wiþ pureſte gold þe hows bifor bildide þat hows in ſeuene ȝeer.
`Goddis anſweryng place, and faſtnyde platis wiþ
goldun nailis. CAP. VII
xxii No þing was in þe temple, `which þing was not hilid i Forſoþe Salomon bildide his owne hows in þrittene
wiþ gold; but alſo he hilid wiþ gold al þe auter of ȝeer, and brouȝte it til to perfeccioun.
Goddis anſweryng place. ii He bildide an hows of þe foreſt of Liban, of an
xxiii And he made in `Goddis anſweryng place twey hundrid cubitis of lengþe, and of fifti cubitis of breede,
cherubyns of þe trees of olyues, of ten cubits of heiȝte; and of þretti cubitis of hiȝþe; and he bildide foure aleis
xxiiii o wynge of cherub was of fyue cubitis, and þe bitwixe þe pilers of cedre; for he hadde hewe doun trees
toþer wynge of cherub was of fyue cubitis, þat is, of cedres in to pilers.
hauynge ten cubitis, fro þe heiȝneſſe of `þe o wynge `til iii And he cloþide al þe chaumbir wiþ wallis of cedris;
to þe hiȝneſſe of þe toþer wynge. which chaumbir was ſuſteyned wiþ fyue and fourti
xxv And þe ſecunde cherub was of ten cubitis in euene pileris. Soþeli oon ordre hadde fiftene pileris, ſet aȝens
meſure; and o werk was in þe twey cherubyns, hem ſilf togidere,
xxvi þat is, o cherub hadde þe hiȝþe of ten cubitis, and in iiii and biholdynge hem ſilf euene aȝens, bi euene ſpace

lijk maner þe toþer cherub. bitwixe þe pilers;

xxvii And he ſettide cherubyns in þe myddis of þe v and on þe pilers weren foure ſquare trees, euene in alle

ynnere temple; forſoþe þe cherubyns helden forþ her þingis.

wyngis, and o wenge touchide þe wal, and þe wynge of vi And he made a porche of pilers of fifti cubitis of
þe ſecunde cherub touchide þe toþer wal; forſoþe þe lengþe, and of þritti cubitis of breede; and `he made an
oþere wyngis in þe middil part of þe temple touchiden oþer porche in þe face of þe gretter porche; and he
hem ſilf togidere. made pileris, and pomels on þe pileris.
xxviii And he hilide þe cherubyns wiþ gold, vii Alſo he maad a porche of þe kyngis ſeete, in which
xxix and alle þe wallis of þe temple `bi cumpas; and þe ſeete of doom was; and he hilide wiþ trees of cedre,
grauyde wiþ dyuerſe grauyngis and ſmeþeneſſe; and he fro þe pawment `til to þe hiȝneſſe.
made in þo wallys cherubyns, and palmes, and dyuerſe viii And a litil hows, in which he ſat to deme, was in þe
peynturis, as ſtondinge forþ and goynge out of þe wal. myddil porche, bi lijk werk. Alſo Salomon made an

hows to þe douȝter of Farao, whom he hadde weddid, bi xxiiii And grauyng vndir þe brynke cumpaſſide it, and
ſich werk, bi what maner werk he made and þis porche. cumpaſſide þe ſee bi ten cubitis; tweyne ordris of
ix He made alle þingis of preciouſe ſtoonys, þat weren grauyngis conteynynge ſumme ſtories weren ȝotun, and
ſawid at ſum reule and meſure, boþe wiþ ynne and wiþ ſtoden on twelue oxis;
outforþ, fro þe foundement `til to þe hiȝneſſe of wallis, xxv of whiche oxis þre bihelden to þe norþ, and þre to
and wiþ ynne and `til to þe gretter ſtreet, eþir court. þe weſt, and þre to þe ſouþ, and þree to þe eeſt; and þe
x Soþeli þe foundementis weren of preciouſe ſtoonys, ſee was aboue on þo oxis, of whiche alle þe hyndere
grete ſtoonys of ten, eþir of eiȝte cubitis; þingis weren hid `wiþ ynne.
xi and preciouſe ſtoonys hewun of euene meſure weren xxvi Soþeli þe þickneſſe of þe ſee was of þre ounces, and
aboue; in lijk maner and of cedre. þe brynke þerof was as þe brynke of a cuppe, and as þe
xii And þe gretter court, `eþir voide ſpace, was round, of leef of a lilie crokid aȝen; þe ſee took twei þouſynde
þre ordris of hewun ſtonus, and of oon ordre of hewun baþus, þre þouſynde metretis.
cedre; alſo and in þe ynnere large ſtrete of þe hows of xxvii And he made ten braſun foundementes, ech
þe Lord, and in þe porche of þe hows of þe Lord. foundement of foure cubites of lengþe, and of foure
xiii Alſo kyng Salomon ſente, and brouȝte fro Tire cubitis of brede, and of þre cubitis of hiȝnes.
Hiram, þe ſone of a womman widewe, xxviii And þilke werk of foundementis was raſid bitwixe;
xiiii of þe lynage of Neptalym, of þe fadir a man of Tyre, and grauyngis weren bitwixe þe ioynturis.
Hiram, a crafty man of braſſe, and ful of wiſdom, and xxix And bitwixe þe litil corouns and ſerclis weren
vndirſtondynge, and doctryn, to make al werk of bras. liouns, oxis, and cherubyns; and in þe ioynturis in lijk
And whanne he hadde come to kyng Salomon, he made maner aboue; and vndir þe lyouns and oxis weren as
al hys werk. reynes of bridels of bras hangynge doun.
xv And he made twey pilers of bras, o piler of eiȝtene xxx And bi ech foundement weren foure wheelis, and
cubitis of hiȝþe; and a lyne of twelue cubitis cumpaſſide braſun extrees; and bi foure partis weren as litle
euer eiþer piler. ſchuldryngis vndir þe waiſchyng veſſel, `þe ſchuldryngis
xvi Alſo he made twei pomels, ȝotun of bras, þat weren ȝotun, and biholdynge aȝens hemſilf togidere.
ſet on þe heedis of þe pilers; o pomel of fyue cubitis of xxxi And þe mouþ of þe waiſchyng veſſel wiþ ynne was
hiȝþe, and þe toþir pomel of fyue cubitis of heiȝþe; and in þe hiȝneſſe of þe heed, and þat, þat apperide wiþ
bi þe maner of a net, outforþ, was of o cubit, and it was al round, and hadde
xvii and of chaynes knyt to gidere to hem, bi wonderful togidere o cubit and an half; ſoþeli dyuerſe grauyngis
werk. Euer eiþer pomel of þe pilers was ȝotun; ſeuen weren in þe corneris of pilers, and þe mydil piler
werkis lijk nettis of orders weren in o pomel, and ſeuen bitwixe was ſquare, not round.
werkis lijk nettis weren in þe toþer pomel. xxxii And þe foure wheelis, þat weren bi foure corneris
xviii And he made perfitli þe pilers, and twei ordris `bi of þe foundement, cleuyden togidere to hem ſilf vndir
cumpas of alle werkis lijk nettis, þat þo ſchulden hile þe þe foundement; o wheele hadde o cubit and an half of
pomels, þat weren on þe hiȝneſſe of pumgarnadis; in þe hiȝþe.
ſame maner he dide alſo to þe ſecounde pomel. xxxiii Soþeli þe wheelis weren ſiche, whiche maner
xix Soþeli þe pomels, þat weren on þe heedis of þe wheelis ben wont to be maad in a chare; and þe extrees,
pilers in þe porche, weren maad as bi þe werk of lilye, and þe `naue ſtockis, and þe ſpokis, and dowlis of þo
of foure cubitis; wheelis, alle þingis weren ȝotun.
xx and eft oþere pomels in þe hiȝneſſe of pilers aboue, bi xxxiiii For alſo þe foure litle ſchuldryngis, bi alle þe

þe meſure of þe piler, aȝens þe werkis lijk nettis; forſoþe corners of o foundement, weren ioyned to gidere, and
twey hundrid ordris of pumgarnadis weren in þe ȝotun of þat foundement.
cumpas of þe ſecounde pomel. xxxv Soþeli in þe hiȝneſſe of þe foundement was ſum
xxi And he ſettide þe twey pilers in þe porche of þe roundeneſſe, of o cubite and an half, ſo maad craftili,
temple; and whanne he hadde ſet þe riȝthalf pilere, he þat þe waiſchyng veſſel myȝte be ſet aboue, hauynge his
clepide it bi name Jachym; in lijk maner he reiſide þe purtreiyngis, and dyuerſe grauyngis of it ſilf.
ſecounde pilere, and he clepide þe name þerof Booz. xxxvi Alſo he grauyde in þo wallis, þat weren of bras,
xxii And he ſettide on þe heedis of þe pilers a werk bi þe and in þe corneris, cherubyns, and liouns, and palmes,
maner of a lilie; and þe werk of þe pilers was maad as bi þe licneſſe of a man ſtondynge, þat þo ſemeden not
perfit. grauun, but put to bi cumpas.
xxiii Alſo he made a ȝotun ſee, þat is, a waiſching veſſel xxxvii Bi þis maner he made ten foundementis, bi o

for preeſtis, round in cumpas, of ten cubitis fro brynke ȝetyng and meſure, and lijk grauyng.
til to þe brinke; þe heiȝneſſe þerof was of fyue cubitis; xxxviii Alſo he made ten waiſchyng veſſels of bras; o
and a corde of þretti cubitis ȝede aboute it bi cumpas. waiſchyng veſſel took fourti baþus, and it was of foure

cubitis; and he puttide ech waiſchyng veſſel bi it ſilf bi iii And alle þe elde men of Iſrael camen; and þe preeſtis
ech foundement bi it ſilf, þat is, ten. token þe arke,
xxxix And he made ten foundementis, fyue at þe riȝt half iiii and baren þe arke of þe Lord, and þe tabernacle of
of þe temple, and fyue at þe left half; ſoþeli he ſettide þe boond of pees, and alle veſſels of þe ſeyntuarye, þat
ſee at þe riȝt half of þe temple, aȝens þe eeſt, at þe ſouþ. weren in þe tabernacle; and þe preeſtis and dekenes
xl Alſo Hiram made cawdrouns, and pannes, and wyn baren þo.
veſſels; and he made perfitli al þe werk of kyng v Soþeli kyng Salomon, and al þe multitude of Iſrael,
Salomon in þe temple of þe Lord. þat camen togidere to hym, ȝede wiþ hym bifor þe arke;
xli He made twey pilers, and twei cordis of pomels on and þei offriden ſcheep and oxis, wiþ out geſſyng and
þe pomels of pilers, and twei werkis lijk nettis, þat þo noumbre.
ſchulden hile twey cordis, þat weren on þe heedis of vi And preſtis brouȝten þe arke of boond of pees of þe
pileris. Lord in to his place, in to Goddis anſwerynge place of
xlii And `he made pumgarnadis foure hundrid in twey þe temple, in to þe hooli of hooli þingis, vndur þe
werkis lijk nettis; `he made tweyne ordris of wengis of cherubyns.
pumgarnadis in ech werk lijk a net, to hile þe cordis of vii Forſoþe cherubyns ſpredden forþ wengis ouer þe
þe pomels, þat weren on þe heedis of pilers. place of þe arke; and hiliden þe arke, and þe barris
xliii And he made ten foundementis, and ten waiſchyng þerof aboue.
veſſels on þe foundementis; viii And whanne þe barris ſtoden forþ, and þe hiȝneſſe of
xliiii and o ſe, `þat is, a waiſchyng veſſel for preeſtis, and þo apperiden wiþ out þe ſeyntuarye, bifor `Goddis
twelue oxis vndur þe ſee; anſwerynge place, þo apperyden no ferþer wiþ outforþ;
xlv and `he made cawdruns, and pannys, and wyn whiche barris alſo weren þere `til in to preſent day.
veſſels. Alle veſſels, whiche Hiram made to kyng ix Forſoþe in þe arke is noon oþer þing, no but twei
Salomon in þe hows of þe Lord, weren of latoun. tablis of ſtoon, whiche tablis Moyſes in Oreb hadde put
xlvi And þe kyng ȝetide þo veſſels in þe feeldi cuntrey of in þe ark, whanne þe Lord made boond of pees wiþ þe
Jordan, in cleyi lond, bitwixe Sochot and Sarcham. ſones of Iſrael, whanne þei ȝeden out of þe loond of
xlvii And Salomon ſettide alle þe veſſels; forſoþe for Egipt.
x Forſoþe it was doon whanne þe preeſtis hadden go out
greet multitude no weiȝte was of bras, `þat is, it paſſide
al comyn weiȝte. of þe ſeyntuarie, a cloude fillide þe hows of þe Lord;
xlviii And Salomon made alle veſſels in þe hows of þe xi and þe preeſtis myȝten not ſtonde and mynyſtre, for þe

Lord; ſoþeli he made þe golden auter, `þat is, þe auter of cloude; for whi þe glorye of þe Lord hadde fillid þe
encenſe, þat was wiþ ynne þe temple, and þe goldun hows of þe Lord.
boord, on whych þe loouys of ſettynge forþ weren ſet; xii Þanne Salomon ſeide, Þe Lord ſeide, þat he wolde
xlix and he made goldun candilſtikis, fyue at þe riȝt half, dwelle in a cloude.
and fyue at þe left half, aȝens Goddis anſwerynge place, xiii Y bildynge haue bildid an hows in to þi dwelling
`of pureſt gold; and he made as þe flouris of a lilie, and place, in to þi mooſt ſtidefaſt trone wiþ outen ende.
goldun lanterns aboue, and goldun tongis; and pottis, xiiii And þe kyng turnede his face, and bleſſide al þe
l and hokis, and violis, and morteris, and cenſeris of chirche in Iſrael; for al þe chirche of Iſrael ſtood.
pureſte gold; and þe herris, eþer heengis, of þe doris of xv And Salomon ſeide, Bleſſid be þe Lord God of Iſrael,
þe ynnere hows of þe hooli of hooli þingis, and of þe þat ſpak wiþ his mouþ to Dauid, my fadir, and
doris of þe hows of þe temple weren of gold. performyde in hiſe hondis, and ſeide,
li And Salomon performyde al þe werk, which he made xvi Fro þe dai in which Y ledde my puple Iſrael out of
in þe hows of þe Lord; and he brouȝte ynne þe þingis, Egipt, Y chees not a citee of alle þe lynagis of Iſrael, þat
whiche Dauid, his fadir, hadde halewid; ſiluer, and gold, an hows ſchulde be bildid, and my name ſchulde be
and veſſels; and he kepte in þe treſours of þe hows of þe þere; but Y chees Dauid, þat he ſchulde be ouer my
Lord. puple Iſrael.
xvii And Dauid, my fadir, wolde bilde an hows to þe
CAP. VIII name of þe Lord God of Iſrael.
i Þanne alle þe gretter men in birþe in Iſrael, wiþ þe xviii And þe Lord ſeide to Dauid, my fadir, Þat þou
princes of lynagis, and þe duykis of meynees of þe þouȝtiſt in þin herte to bilde an hows to my name, þou
ſones of Iſrael, weren gaderid to kyng Salomon, in to didiſt wel, tretynge þis ſame þing in ſoule;
Jeruſalem, þat þei ſchulden bere þe arke of boond of xix neþeles þou ſchalt not bilde an hows to me, but þi
pees of þe Lord fro þe citee of Dauid, þat is, fro Syon. ſone, þat ſchal go out of þi reynes, he ſchal bilde an
ii And al Iſrael cam to gidere in þe moneþ Bethanym, in
hows to my name.
þe ſolempne dai; þilke is þe ſeuenþe moneþ.

xx Þe Lord haþ confermyd his word, which he ſpak; and knoulechen to þi greet name, and comen, and
Y ſtood for Dauid, my fadir, and Y ſat on þe trone of worſchipen, and biſechen þee in þis hows,
Iſrael, as þe Lord ſpak; and Y haue bildid an hows to þe xxxiiii here þou in heuene, and forȝyue þou þe ſynne of
name of þe Lord God of Iſrael. þi puple; and þou ſchalt lede hem aȝen in to þe lond,
xxi And Y haue ordeyned þere a place of þe arke, in which þou haſt ȝoue to þe fadris of hem.
which arke þe boond of pees of þe Lord is, which he xxxv If heuene is cloſid, and reyneþ not for þe ſynnes of
ſmoot wiþ oure fadris, whanne þei ȝeden out of þe lond hem, and þei preyen in þis place, and doen penaunce to
of Egipt. þi name, and ben conuertid fro her ſynnes for her
xxii Forſoþe Salomon ſtood bifoor þe auter of þe Lord, turment,
in þe ſiȝt of þe chirch of Iſrael; and he helde forþ hiſe xxxvi here þou hem in heuene, and forȝyue þou þe
hondis aȝens heuene, ſynnes of þi ſeruauntis, and of þi puple Iſrael, and
xxiii and ſeide, Lord God of Iſrael, no God in heuene ſchewe þou to hem good weie, bi which þei ſchulen go,
aboue, neþer on erþe byneþe, is lijk þee, which kepiſt and ȝyue þou reyn to hem on þe lond, which þou haſt
couenaunt and mercy to þi ſeruauntis, þat goon bifor ȝoue to hem in to poſſeſſioun.
þee in al her herte; xxxvii If hungur riſiþ in þe lond, eþer peſtilence is, eþer
xxiiii and þou kepiſt to Dauid, my fadir, þi ſeruaunt, þo corrupt eyr is, eþer ruſt, eþer locuſte, eþer myldew, and
þingis whiche þou haſt ſpoke to him; bi mouþ þou haſt his enemy turmentiþ hym, and biſegiþ þe ȝatis, al
ſpoke, and bi hondis þou haſt fillid, as þis day preueþ. wounde, al ſikeneſſe, al curſyng,
xxv Now þerfor, Lord God of Iſrael, kepe þou to þi xxxviii and wichyng of yuel, þat bifalliþ to ech man of þi

ſeruaunt Dauid, my fadir, þo þingis whiche þou ſpakiſt puple Iſrael, if ony man knowiþ þe wounde of his herte,
to hym, and ſeidiſt, A man of þee ſchal not be taken and holdiþ forþ hiſe hondis in þis hows,
awei bifor me, which man ſchal ſitte on þe trone of xxxix þou ſchalt here in heuene, in þe place of þi
Iſrael, ſo neþeles if þi ſones kepen þi weye, þat þei go dwellyng, and þou ſchalt do mercy, and þou ſchalt do
bifor me, as þou ȝediſt in my ſiȝt. þat þou ȝyue to ech man vpe alle hiſe weies, as þou ſeeſt
xxvi And now, Lord God of Iſrael, þi wordis be maad his herte; for þou aloone knowiſt þe herte of alle þe
ſtidfaſt, whiche þou ſpakiſt to þi ſeruaunt Dauid, my ſones of men,
fadir. xl þat þei drede þee in alle daies in whiche þei lyuen on
xxvii Þerfor wheþer it is to geſſe, þat God dwelliþ verily þe face of þe lond, which þou haſt ȝoue to oure fadrys.
on erþe; for if heuene, and heuene of heuenes moun not xli Ferþermore and whanne an alien, which is not of þi
take þee, how myche more þis hows, which Y bildid to puple Iſrael, comeþ fro a fer lond for þi name; for þi
þee, `mai not take þee. grete name, and þi ſtrong hond,
xxviii But, my Lord God, biholde þou to þe preiere of þi xlii and þin arm `holdun forþ ſchal be herd euery where;
ſeruaunt, and to þe biſechyngis of hym; here þou þe þerfor whanne he comeþ, and preieþ in þis place,
`ympne, eþer preyſing, and preiere, which þi ſeruaunt xliii þou ſchalt here in heuene, in þe firmament of þi
preieþ bifor þee to day; dwellyng place, and þou ſchalt do alle þingis, for
xxix þat þin iȝen be openyd on þis hows bi niȝt and dai, whiche þe alien clepiþ þee, þat alle puplis of londis
on þe hows, of which þou ſeidiſt, My name ſchal be lerne to drede þi name, as þi puple Iſrael doiþ, and
þere; þat þou here þe preier, which þi ſeruaunt preieþ to preue, þat þi name is clepid on þis hows, which Y
þee in þis place; þat þou here þe biſechyng of þi bildide.
ſeruaunt, xliiii If þi puple goiþ out to batel aȝens hiſe enemyes, bi
xxx and of þi puple Iſrael, what euer þing he preieþ in þe weie whidir euer þou ſendiſt hem, þei ſchulen preye
þis place, and here þou in þe place of þi dwellyng in þee aȝens þe weie of þe citee which þou haſt choſe, and
heuene; and whanne þou haſt herd, þou ſchalt be aȝens þe hows which Y bildide to þi name,
mercyful. xlv and þou ſchalt here in heuene þe preyeris of hem,
xxxi If a man ſynneþ aȝens a man, and haþ ony ooþ, bi and þe biſechyngis of hem, and þou ſchalt make þe
which he is holdun boundun, and comeþ for þe ooþ in doom of hem.
to þin hows, bifor þin auter, þou ſchalt here in heuene, xlvi Þat if þei ſynnen to þee, for no man is þat ſynneþ
xxxii and þou ſchalt do, and þou ſchalt deme þi not, and þou art wrooþ, and bitakiſt hem to her
ſeruauntis; and þou ſchalt condempne þe wickid man, enemyes, and þei ben led priſoneris in to þe lond of
and ſchalt ȝelde his weie on his heed, and þou ſchalt enemyes,
iuſtifie þe iuſt man, and ſchalt ȝelde to hym vp his xlvii fer eþer nyȝ, and þei doon penaunce in her herte in
riȝtfulneſſe. þe place of priſonyng, and ben conuertid, and biſechen
xxxiii If þi puple Iſrael fleeþ hiſe enemyes, for he ſchal in her priſonyng, and ſeien, We han ſynned, we han do
do ſynne to þee, and þei doen penaunce, and wickidli, we han do vnfeiþfuli;

xlviii and þei turnen aȝen to þee in al her herte and al her and of ſcheep ſixe ſcore þouſynde; and þe king and þe
ſoule, in þe lond of her enemyes, to which þei ben led ſones of Iſrael halewiden þe temple of þe Lord.
priſoneris, and þei preyen þee aȝens þe weie of her lond lxiiii In þat dai þe kyng halewide þe myddil of þe greet
which þou haſt ȝoue to her fadris, and of þe citee which ſtreet, þat was bifor þe hows of þe Lord; for he made
þou haſt choſe, and of þe temple which Y bildide to þi þere brent ſacrifice, and ſacrifice, and þe innere fatneſſe
name, þou ſchalt here in heuene, of peſible þingis; for þe braſun auter þat was bifor þe
xlix in þe firmament of þi ſeete, þe preiers of hem, and Lord, was to litil, and myȝte not take þe brent ſacrifice,
þe biſechingis of hem, and þou ſhalt make þe doom of and þe ſacrifice, and þe ynnere fatneſſe of peſible
hem; þingis.
l and þou ſchalt be merciful to þi puple, þat ſynnede to lxv Þerfor Salomon made in þat tyme a ſolempne feeſte,

þee, and to alle þe wickidneſſis, bi whiche þei and al Iſrael wiþ hym, a grete multitude, fro þe entryng
treſpaſſiden aȝens þee; and þou ſchalt do merci bifor þo of Emath `til to þe ſtronde of Egipt, bifor oure Lord
men, þat hadden hem priſoneris, þat þo men do mercy God, in ſeuene daies and ſeuene daies, þat is, fourtene
to hem. daies.
li For it is þi puple, and þin erytage, whiche þou leddiſt lxvi And in þe eiȝþe day he delyueryde þe puplis,

out of þe lond of Egipt, fro þe myddis of yrone furneis; whiche bleſſiden þe kyng, and ȝeden forþ in to her
lii þat þin yȝen be opyn to þe biſechyng of þi ſeruaunt, tabernaclis, and weren glade and of ioyful herte on alle
and of þi puple Iſrael; and þou ſchalt here hem in alle þe goodis whiche God hadde do to Dauid, his ſeruaunt,
þingis, for whiche þei clepen þee. and to Iſrael, his puple.
liii For þou haſt departid hem to þee in to heritage fro
alle þe puplis of erþe, as þou ſpakiſt bi Moyſes, þi CAP. IX
i Forſoþe it was doon, whanne Salomon had perfourmed
ſeruaunt, whanne þou, Lord God, leddiſt oure fadris out
of Egipt. þe bildyng of þe hows of þe Lord, and þe bildyng of þe
liiii Forſoþe it was don, whanne Salomon, preiynge þe kyng, and al þing þat he coueitide, and wolde make,
ii þe Lord apperide to Salomon þe ſecunde tyme, as he
Lord, hadde fillid al þis preier and biſechyng, he roos
fro þe ſiȝt of þe auter of þe Lord; for he hadde ſet faſt apperide to hym in Gabaon.
iii And þe Lord ſeide to hym, Y haue herd þi preier, and
euer eiþer kne to þe erþe, and hadde holde forþ þe
hondis to heuene. þi biſechyng, which þou biſouȝtiſt bifor me; Y haue
lv Þerfor he ſtood, and bleſſide al þe chirche of Iſrael, halewid þis hows, which þou bildidiſt, þat Y ſchulde
and ſeide wiþ greet vois, ſette þere my name wiþ outen ende; and myn iȝen and
lvi Bleſſid be þe Lord God of Iſrael, þat ȝaf reſte to his myn herte ſchulen be þere in alle daies.
iiii Alſo if þou goiſt bifore me, as þi fadir ȝede, in
puple Iſrael, bi alle þingis whiche he ſpak; a word felde
not doun, ſoþeli neþer oon, of alle goodis whiche he ſimpleneſſe of herte, and in equite, and doiſt alle þingis
ſpak bi Moiſes, his ſeruaunt. whiche Y comaundide to þee, and kepiſt my domes, and
lvii Oure Lord God be wiþ vs, as he was wiþ oure fadris, my lawful þingis,
v Y ſchal ſette þe trone of þi rewme on Iſrael wiþ outen
and forſake not vs, neþer caſte awey;
lviii but bowe he oure hertis to hym ſilf, þat we go in alle ende, as Y ſpak to Dauid, þi fadir, and ſeide, A man of
hiſe weies, and kepe hiſe comaundementis, and þi kyn ſchal not be takun awei fro þe trone of Iſrael.
vi Forſoþe if bi turnyng awei ȝe and ȝoure ſones turnen
cerymonyes, and domes, whiche euere he comaundide
to oure fadris. awey, and ſuen not me, and kepen not myn heſtis and
lix And þeſe wordis of me, bi whiche Y preiede bifor þe cerymonyes, whiche Y ſettide forþ to ȝou, but ȝe goen,
Lord, be neiȝynge to oure Lord God bi dai and niȝt, þat and worſchipen alien goddis, and onouren hem `bi
he make doom to his ſeruaunt, and to his puple Iſrael bi outward reuerence,
vii Y ſchal do awei Iſrael fro þe face of þe lond which Y
alle daies;
lx and alle þe puplis of erþe wite, þat þe Lord hym ſilf is ȝaue to hem; and Y ſchal caſte awei fro my ſiȝt þe
God, and noon `is ouer `wiþ out hym. temple, which Y halewid to my name; and Iſrael ſchal
lxi Alſo oure herte be perfit wiþ oure Lord God, þat we be in to a prouerbe and in to a fable, to alle puplis.
viii And þis hows ſchal be in to enſaumple of Goddis
go in hiſe domes, and kepe hiſe comaundementis, as
and to dai. offence; ech man þat ſchal paſſe bi it, ſchal wondre, and
lxii Þerfor þe kyng, and al Iſrael wiþ hym, offriden ſchal hiſſe, and ſchal ſeye, Whi haþ þe Lord do þus to
þis lond, and to þis hows?
ſacrifices bifor þe Lord. ix And þei ſchulen anſwere, For þei forſoken her Lord
lxiii And Salomon killide peſible ſacrifices, whiche he
God, þat ladde þe fadris of hem out of Egipt; and þei
offride to þe Lord; of oxis two and twenti þouſynde,
ſueden alien goddis, and worſchipiden hem, and

onouriden hem; þerfor þe Lord brouȝte in on hem al þis he hadde bildid to þe Lord; and he brente encenſe bifor
yuel. þe Lord, and þe temple was performed.
x Soþeli whanne twenti ȝeer weren fillid, aftir þat xxvi Alſo king Salomon made `o ſchip in Aſiongaber,
Salomon hadde bildid tweyne houſis, þat is, þe hows of which is biſidis Haila, in þe brenke of þe Reed ſea, and
þe Lord, and þe hows of þe kyng, while Hiram, in þe lond of Idumee.
xi kyng of Tire, ȝaf to Salomon trees of cedre, and of xxvii And Iram ſente in þat ſchip hiſe ſeruauntis,
beech, and gold, bi al þing þat he hadde nedeful; þanne ſchipmen, and kunnynge of þe ſee, wiþ þe ſeruauntis of
Salomon ȝaf to Hiram twenti citees in þe lond of Galile. Salomon;
xii And Hiram ȝede out of Tyre þat he ſchulde ſe þe xxviii and whanne þei hadden come in to Ophir, þei
citees, whiche Salomon hadde ȝoue to hym, and þo brouȝten fro þennus gold of foure hundrid and twenti
pleſiden not hym; talentis to kyng Salomon.
xiii and he ſeide, Wheþir þes ben þe citees, whiche þou,
broþer, haſt ȝoue to me? And he clepide þo citees þe CAP. X
lond of Chabul, `til in to þis dai. i But alſo þe queen of Saba, whanne þe fame of
xiiii Alſo Hiram ſente to king Salomon ſixe ſcore talentis Salomon was herd, cam in þe name of þe Lord to
of gold. tempte hym in derk and douti queſtiouns.
xv Þis is þe ſumme of `coſtis, which ſumme Salomon þe ii And ſche entride wiþ myche felouſchipe and richeſſis

kyng ȝaf to bilde þe hows of þe Lord, and his houſe in to Jeruſalem, and wiþ camels berynge ſwete
Mello, and þe wal of Jeruſalem, and Ezer, and ſmellynge þingis, and gold greetli wiþ out noumbre, and
Maggeddo, and Gazer. preciouſe ſtoonys; and ſche cam to king Salomon, and
xvi Farao, kyng of Egipt, ſtiede, and took Gazer, and ſpak to hym alle þingis whiche ſche hadde in hir herte.
iii And Salomon tauȝte hir alle wordis whiche ſche
brente it bi fier; and he killide Chananei, þat dwellide in
þe citee, and ȝaf it in to dower to his douȝtir, þe wijf of hadde put forþ; no word was, þat myȝte be hid fro þe
Salomon. kyng, and which he anſweryde not to hir.
xvii Þerfor Salomon bildide Gazer, and þe lower iiii Forſoþe þe queen of Saba ſiȝ al þe wiſdom of

Bethoron, Salomon, and þe hows which he hadde bildid,

xviii and Balaath, and Thalmyra in þe lond of v and þe metis of his table, and þe dwellyng places of

wildirneſſe; hiſe ſeruauntis, and þe ordris of mynyſtris, and þe cloþis

xix and he made ſtrong alle þe townes, þat perteyneden of hem, and þe boteleris, and þe brent ſacrifices whiche
to hym, and weren wiþ out wal, and þe citees of chaaris, he offride in þe hows of þe Lord; and ſche hadde no
and þe citees of knyȝtis, and what euer þing pleſide hym more ſpirite.
vi And ſche ſeide to þe kyng, Þe word is trewe, which Y
to bilde in Jeruſalem, and in þe Liban, and in al þe lond
of his power. herde in my lond, of þi wordis, and of þi wiſdom;
xx Salomon made tributaries `til to þis dai al þe puple, vii and Y bileuyde not to men tellynge to me, til Y my

þat lefte of Ammorreis, Etheis, and Fereſeis, and Eueys, ſilf cam, and ſiȝ wiþ myn iȝen, and preuede þat þe half
and Jebuſeys, þat ben not of þe ſones of Iſrael, part was not teld to me; þi wiſdom is more and þi
xxi þe ſones of þeſe heþen men, þat dwelliden in þe werkis, þan þe tale which Y herde.
viii Þi men ben bleſſid, and þi ſeruauntis ben bleſſid, þeſe
lond, þat is, whiche þe ſones of Iſrael myȝten not
diſtrye. þat ſtonden bifor þee euere, and heren þi wiſdom.
xxii Soþeli kyng Salomon ordeynede not ony man of þe ix Bleſſid be þi Lord God, whom þou pleſediſt, and haþ

ſones of Iſrael to ſerue, but þei weren men werriours, ſet þee on þe trone of Iſrael; for þe Lord louyde Iſrael
and mynyſtris of him, and princes, and dukis, and wiþ outen ende, and haþ ordeynyd þee kyng, þat þou
prefectis of his chares and horſis. ſchuldiſt do doom and riȝtfulneſſe.
xxiii Soþeli fyue hundrid and fifti `ſouereynes weren x Þerfor ſche ȝaf to þe kyng ſixe ſcore talentis of gold,

princes ouer alle þe werkis of Salomon, whiche princes and ful many ſwete ſmellynge þingis, and precious
hadden þe puple ſuget, and comaundiden to werkis ſtoonus; ſo many ſwete ſmellynge þingis weren no more
ordeyned. brouȝt, as þo which þe queen of Saba ȝaf to kyng
xxiiii Soþeli þe douȝter of Farao ſtiede fro þe citee of Salomon.
xi But alſo þe ſchip of Hiram, þat brouȝte gold fro
Dauid in to hir hows, `which hows Salomon hadde
bildid to hir; þanne he bildide Mello. Ophir, brouȝte fro Ophir ful many trees of tyme, and
xxv Alſo Salomon offride in þre tymes bi alle ȝeeris preciouſe ſtoonys.
xii And kyng Salomon made of þe trees of tyme vndir
brent ſacrifices and peſible ſacrifices, on þe auter which
ſettyngis of þe hows of þe Lord, and of þe kyngis hows,

and harpis, and ſitols to ſyngeris; ſiche trees of tyme ȝaf þe multitude of cedris as ſicomoris, þat growen in
weren not brouȝt neþer ſeyn, til in to preſent dai. feeldy places.
xiii Soþeli kyng Salomon ȝaf to þe queen of Saba alle xxviii And þe horſis of Salomon weren led out of Egipt,
þingis whiche ſche wolde, and axide of hym, outakun and of Coa; for þe marchauntis of þe kyng bouȝten of
þeſe þingis whiche he hadde ȝoue to hir bi þe kyngis Coa, and brouȝten for prijs ordeyned.
ȝifte wilfuli; and ſche turnede aȝen, and ȝede in to hir xxix Forſoþe a chare ȝede out of Egipt for ſixe hundrid
lond wiþ hir ſeruauntis. ſiclis of ſiluer, and an hors for an hundrid and fifti ſiclis;
xiiii Forſoþe þe weyte of gold, þat was offrid to Salomon and bi þis maner alle þe kyngis of Etheis and of Sirye
bi ech ȝeer, was of ſixe hundrid and ſixe and ſixti ſeelden horſis.
talentis of gold,
xv outakun þat which men þat weren on þe talagis, `þat CAP. XI
is, rentis for þingis borun aboute in þe lond, and i Forſoþe kyng Salomon louyde brennyngli many alien
marchauntis, and alle men ſillynge ſcheeldys, and alle wymmen, and þe douȝtir of Pharao, and wymmen of
þe kyngis of Arabie, and dukis of erþe ȝauen. Moab, and Amonytis, and Ydumeis, and Sydoneis, and
xvi And kyng Salomon made two hundrid ſcheeldis of Etheis;
pureſte gold; he ȝaf ſixe hundrid ſiclis of gold in to þe ii of þe folkis of whiche þe Lord ſeide to þe ſones of
platis of oo ſcheeld; Iſrael, Ȝe ſchulen not entre to þo folkis, neþer ony of
xvii and he made þre hundrid of bokeleris of preued hem ſchulen entre to ȝou; for moſt certeynli þei ſchulen
gold; þre hundrid talentis of gold cloþiden o bokeler. turne awei ȝoure hertis, þat ȝe ſue þe goddis of hem.
And þe kyng puttide þo in þe hows of þe foreſt of Þerfor kyng Salomon was couplid to þeſe wymmen, bi
Lyban. mooſt brennyng loue.
xviii Alſo kyng Salomon made a greet trone of yuer, and iii And wyues as queenys weren ſeuene hundrid to hym,

cloþide it wiþ ful fyn gold; and þre hundrid ſecundarie wyues; and þe wymmen
xix which trone hadde ſixe grees; and þe hiȝneſſe of þe turneden awey his herte.
iiii And whanne he was þanne eld, his herte was
trone was round in þe hynderere part; and tweine
hondis on þis ſide and on þat ſide, holdynge þe ſeete, biſchrewid bi wymmen, þat he ſuede alien goddis; and
and twei lyouns ſtoden biſidis ech hond; his herte was not perfit wiþ his Lord God, as þe herte of
xx and twelue litil liouns ſtondynge on ſixe grees on þis Dauid, his fadir, `was perfit.
v But Salomon worſchipide Aſtartes, þe goddeſſe of
ſide and on þat ſide; ſiche a werk was not maad in alle
rewmes. Sidoneis, and Chamos, þe god of Moabitis, and
xxi But alſo alle þe veſſels, of which kyng Salomon Moloch, þe idol of Amonytis;
vi and Salomon dide þat, þat pleſide not bifor þe Lord,
drank, weren of gold, and alle þe purtenaunce of þe
hows of þe foreſt of Liban was of pureſte gold; ſiluer and he fillide not þat he ſuede þe Lord, as Dauid, his
was not, neþer it was arettid of ony prijs in þe daies of fadir, dide.
Salomon. vii Þanne Salomon bildide a temple to Chamos, þe idol
xxii For þe ſchip of `þe kyng wente onys bi þre ȝeer wiþ of Moab, in þe hil which is aȝens Jeruſalem, and to
þe ſchip of Hiram in to Tharſis, and brouȝte fro þennus Moloch, þe idol of þe ſones of Amon.
gold, and ſiluer, and teeþ of olifauntis, and apis, and viii And bi þis maner he dide to alle hiſe alien wyues,
pokokis. þat brenten encencis, and offriden to her goddis.
xxiii Þerfor kyng Salomon was magnified aboue alle ix Þerfor þe Lord was wrooþ to Salomon, for his ſoule
kyngis of erþe in richeſſis and wiſdom. was turned awei fro þe Lord God of Iſrael; þat apperide
xxiiii And al erþe deſiride to ſe þe cheer of Salomon, to to Salomon þe ſecounde tyme,
here þe wiſdom of him, which wiſdom God hadde ȝoue x and comaundide of þis word, þat he ſchulde not ſue
in his herte. alien goddis; and he kepte not þo þingis, whiche þe
xxv And alle men brouȝten ȝiftis to hym, veſſels of gold, Lord comaundide to hym.
and of ſiluer, cloþis, and armeris of batel, and ſwete xi Þerfor þe Lord ſeide to Salomon, For þou haddiſt þis
ſmellynge þingis, and horſis, and mulis, bi ech ȝeer. þing anentis þee, and keptiſt not my couenaunt, and
xxvi And Salomon gaderide togidere charis, and knyȝtis; myn heeſtis, whiche Y comaundide to þee, Y ſchal
and a þouſinde and foure hundrid charis weren maad to breke, and Y ſchal departe þi rewme, and Y ſchal ȝyue it
hym, and twelue þouſynde `of knyȝtis; and he diſpoſide to þi ſeruaunt.
hem bi ſtrengþid citees, and wiþ þe kyng in Jeruſalem. xii Neþeles Y ſchal not do in þi daies, for Dauid, þi
xxvii And he made, þat ſo greet aboundaunce of ſiluer fadir; Y ſchal kitte it fro þe hond of þi ſone;
was in Jeruſalem, how greet was alſo of ſtoonys; and he

xiii neþer Y ſchal do a wey al þe rewme, but Y ſchal and witti in þingis to be doon, and Salomon made hym
ȝyue o lynage to þi ſone, for Dauid, my ſeruaunt, and `prefect, eþer ſouereyn, on þe tributis of al þe hows of
for Jeruſalem, which Y cheſs. Joſeph.
xiiii Forſoþe þe Lord reiſide to Solomon an aduerſarie, xxix Þerfor it was doon in þat tyme, þat Jeroboam ȝede

Adad Ydumey, of þe kyngis ſeed, þat was in Edom. out of Jeruſalem; and Ahias of Sylo, a profete, hilid wiþ
xv For whanne Dauid was in Ydumee, and Joab, þe a newe mentil, foond hym in þe weie; ſoþeli þei tweyne
prince of chyualrie, hadde ſtied to birie hem þat weren weren oneli in þe feeld.
xxx And Ahias took his newe mentil, wiþ which he was
ſlayn, and he hadde ſlayn ech male kynde in Ydumee;
xvi for Joab, and al Iſrael dwelliden þere bi ſixe hilid, and kittide in to twelue partis;
xxxi and ſeide to Jeroboam, Take to þee ten kyttyngis;
moneþis, til þei killiden ech male kynde in Ydumee;
Adad hym ſilf fledde, for þe Lord God of Iſrael ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal
xvii and men of Ydumee, of `þe ſeruauntis of his fadir, kytte þe rewme fro þe hond of Salomon, and Y ſchal
wiþ hym, þat he ſchulde entre in to Egipt; ſoþeli Adad ȝyue to þee ten lynagis;
xxxii forſoþe o lynage ſchal dwelle to hym, for Dauid,
was a litil child.
xviii And whanne þei hadden riſe fro Madian, þei camen my ſeruaunt, and for Jeruſalem, þe citee which Y chees
in to Faran; and þei token wiþ hem men of Faran, and of alle þe lynagis of Iſrael;
xxxiii þis kittyng ſchal be; for Salomon forſook me, and
entriden in to Egipt, to Pharao, kyng of Egipt; which
Farao ȝaf an hows to hym, and ordeynede metis, and worſchipide Aſtartes, goddeſſe of Sidoneis, and
aſſignede lond. Chamos, þe god of Moab, and Moloch, þe god of þe
xix And Adad foond grace bifor Farao greetli, in ſo ſones of Amon; and ȝede not in my weies, þat he dide
myche þat Farao ȝaf to hym a wijf, þe ſiſter of his wijf, riȝtwiſneſſe bifor me, and myn heeſtis, and my domes,
ſiſter of þe queen, of Taphnes. as Dauid, his fadir, dide.
xx And þe ſiſtir of Taphnes gendrid to hym a ſone, xxxiiii And Y ſchal not take awey al þe rewme fro `his

Genebath; and Taphnes nurſchide hym in þe hows of hond, but Y ſchal putte hym duyk in alle þe daies of his
Farao; and Genebath dwellide bifor Farao, wiþ hiſe lijf, for Dauid, my ſeruaunt, whom Y chees, which
ſones. Dauid kepte myn heeſtis, and my comaundementis.
xxi And whanne Adad hadde herd in Egipt, þat Dauid xxxv Soþeli Y ſchal take awey þe rewme fro þe hond of

ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris, and þat Joab, þe prince of `his ſone, and Y ſchal ȝyue ten lynagis to þee;
xxxvi forſoþe Y ſchal ȝyue o lynage to `his ſone, þat a
chyualrie, was deed, he ſeide to Farao, Suffre þou me,
þat Y go in to my lond. lanterne dwelle to Dauid, my ſeruaunt, in alle daies
xxii And Farao ſeide to hym, For of what þing haſt þou bifor me in Jeruſalem, þe citee which Y chees, þat my
nede at me, þat þou ſekiſt to go to þi lond? And he name ſchulde be þere.
xxxvii Forſoþe Y ſchal take þee, and þou ſchalt regne on
anſweride, Of no þing; but Y biſeche þee, þat þou
`delyuere me. alle þingis whiche þi ſoule deſiriþ, and þou ſchalt be
xxiii Alſo God reiſide an aduerſarie to Salomon, Raſon, kyng on Iſrael.
xxxviii Þerfor if þou ſchalt here alle þingis whiche Y
ſone of Eliadam, þat fledde Adadezer, kyng of Soba, his
lord; ſchal comaunde to þee, and if þou ſchalt go in my
xxiiii and gaderide men aȝens hym, and was maad þe weies, and if þou ſchalt do þat, þat is riȝtful bifore me,
prince of þeuys, whanne Dauid killide hem; and þei and if þou ſchalt kepe my comaundementis, and myn
ȝeden to Damaſk, and dwelliden þere; and þei maden heeſtis, as Dauid, my ſeruaunt, dide, Y ſchal be wiþ þee,
hym kyng in Damaſk. and Y ſchal bilde a feiþful hows to þee, as Y bildide an
xxv And he was aduerſarie of Iſrael in alle þe daies of hows to Dauid, and Y ſchal ȝyue Iſrael to þee;
xxxix and Y ſchal turmente þe ſeed of Dauid on þis þing,
Salomon; and þis is þe yuel of Adad, and þe hatrede
aȝens Iſrael; and he regnede in Sirie. neþeles not in alle daies.
xxvi Alſo Jeroboam, ſone of Nabath, of Effraym of xl Þerfor Salomon wolde ſle Jeroboam, which roos, and

Saredera, þe ſeruaunt of Salomon, of which Jeroboam, a fledde in to Egipt, to Suſach, kyng of Egipt; and he was
womman widewe, Serua bi name, was modir, reiſyde in Egipt `til to þe deeþ of Salomon.
xli Forſoþe þe reſidue of þe wordis of Salomon, and alle
hond aȝens þe kyng.
xxvii And þis was cauſe of rebelte aȝens þe kyng; for þingis whiche he dide, and his wiſdom, lo! alle þingis
Salomon bildide Mello, and made euene þe ſwolowe of ben writun in þe book of wordis of daies of Salomon.
xlii Soþeli þe daies bi whiche Salomon regnede in
þe citee of Dauid, his fadir.
xxviii Forſoþe Jeroboam was a miȝti man and ſtrong; and Jeruſalem on al Iſrael, ben fourti ȝeer.
Salomon ſiȝ þe ȝong wexynge man of good kynrede,

xliii And Salomon ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris, and was biriede xv And þe kyng aſſentide not to þe puple, for þe Lord
in þe citee of Dauid, his fadir; and Roboam, his ſone, hadde turned awey, `eþer hadde wlatid hym, þat þe
regnede for hym. Lord ſchulde reiſe his word, which he hadde ſpoke in þe
hond of Ahias of Silo to Jeroboam, ſone of Nabath.
CAP. XII xvi Þerfor þe puple ſiȝ, þat þe kyng nolde here hem; and
i Forſoþe Roboam cam in to Sichem; for al Iſrael was þe puple anſweride to þe kyng, and ſeide, What part is
gaderid þidur to make hym kyng. to vs in Dauid, eþer what eritage in þe ſone of Yſay?
ii `And ſoþeli Jeroboam, ſone of Nabath, whanne he was Iſrael, turne þou aȝen in to þi tabernaclis; now, Dauid, ſe
ȝit in Egipt, and fledde fro þe face of kyng Salomon, þou þin hows. And Iſrael ȝede in to hiſe tabernaclis.
turnede aȝen fro Egipt, for þe deeþ of Salomon was xvii Forſoþe Roboam regnede on þe ſones of Iſrael,
herd; whiche euere dwelliden in þe citees of Juda.
iii and þei ſenten, and clepiden hym. Þerfor Jeroboam xviii Þerfore kyng Roboam ſente Adhuram, þat was on
cam, and al þe multitude of Iſrael, and þei ſpaken to þe tributis; and al þe puple of Iſrael ſtonyde hym, and he
Roboam, was deed.
iiii and ſeiden, Þi fadir puttide hardeſte ȝok on vs, þerfor xix Forſoþe kyng Roboam ſtiede haſtili on þe chare, and
abate þou a litil now of þe hardeſt comaundement of þi fledde in to Jeruſalem; and Iſrael departide fro þe hows
fadir, and of þe greuouſiſte ȝok which he puttide on vs, of Dauid, til in to preſent dai.
and we ſchulen ſerue to þee. xx Forſoþe it was doon, whanne al Iſrael hadde herd þat
v Which Roboam ſeide to hem, Go ȝe `til to þe þridde Jeroboam turnede aȝen, þei ſenten, and clepiden hym,
dai, and turne ȝe aȝen to me. whanne þe cumpany was gaderid togidere, and þei
vi And whanne þe puple hadde go, kyng Roboam took maden hym kyng on al Iſrael; and no man ſuede þe
counſel wiþ þe eldere men, þat ſtoden bifor Salomon, hows of Dauid, outakun þe lynage aloone of Juda.
his fadir, while he lyuyde ȝit; and Roboam ſeide, What xxi Forſoþe Roboam cam to Jeruſalem, and gaderide al
counſel ȝyue ȝe to me, þat Y anſwere to þe puple? þe hows of Juda, and þe lynage of Beniamyn, an
vii Whiche ſeiden to hym, If þou obeieſt to dai to þis hundrid and foureſcore þouſynde of choſun men and
puple, and ſerueſt þis puple, and ȝyueſt ſtide to her weriours, þat þei ſchulden fiȝte aȝens þe hows of Iſrael,
axyng, and ſpekiſt to hem liȝte wordis, þei ſchulen be and ſchulden brynge aȝen þe rewme to Roboam, ſone of
ſeruauntis to þee in alle daies. Solomon.
viii Which Roboam forſook þe counſel of elde men, xxii Forſoþe þe word of God was made to Semeia, þe

which þei ȝauen to hym, and took ȝonge men, þat weren man of God, and ſeide,
nurſchid wiþ hym, and ſtoden nyȝ him; xxiii Speke þou to Roboam, ſone of Salomon, þe kyng of
ix and he ſeide to hem, What counſel ȝyue ȝe to me, þat Juda, and to al þe hows of Juda and of Beniamyn, and
Y anſwere to þis puple, þat ſeiden to me, Make þou to þe reſidue of þe puple, and ſeie þou, Þe Lord ſeiþ þes
eſȝere þe ȝok which þi fadir puttide on vs? þingis,
x And þe ȝonge men, þat weren nurſchid wiþ hym, xxiiii Ȝe ſchulen not ſtie, neþer ȝe ſchulen fiȝte aȝens

ſeiden to hym, Þus ſpeke þou to þis puple, þat ſpaken to ȝoure briþeren, þe ſones of Iſrael; `a man turne aȝen in
þee, and ſeiden, Þi fadir made greuouſe oure ȝok, to his hows, for þis word is doon of me. Þei herden þe
releeue þou vs; þus þou ſchalt ſpeke to hem, My leeſt word of þe Lord, and þei turneden aȝen fro þe iurney, as
fyngur is grettere þan þe bak of my fader; þe Lord comaundide to hem.
xi and now my fadir puttide on ȝou a greuouſe ȝok, xxv Forſoþe Jeroboam bildide Sichem, in þe hil of

forſoþe Y ſchal adde on ȝoure ȝok; my fadir beet ȝou Effraym, and dwellide þere; and he ȝede out fro þennus,
wiþ ſcourgis, forſoþe Y ſchal bete ȝou wiþ ſcorpiouns. and bildide Phanuel.
xii Þerfor Jeroboam, and al þe puple, cam to Roboam, in xxvi And Jeroboam ſeide in his herte, Now þe rewme

þe þridde dai, as þe kyng ſpak, ſeiynge, Turne ȝe aȝen to ſchal turne aȝen to þe hows of Dauid,
me in þe þridde dai. xxvii if þis puple ſtieþ to Jeruſalem, þat it make ſacrifices
xiii And þe kyng anſweride harde þingis to þe puple, in þe hows of þe Lord in Jeruſalem; and þe herte of þis
while þe counſel of eldere men was forſakun, which þei puple ſchal turne to her lord, Roboam, kyng of Juda;
hadden ȝoue to hym; and þei ſchulen ſle me, and ſchulen turne aȝen to hym.
xiiii and he ſpak to hem bi þe counſel of ȝonge men, and xxviii And by counſel þouȝt out, he made tweyne goldun

ſeide, My fadir made greuouſe ȝoure ȝok, forſoþe Y caluys, and ſeide to hem, Nyle ȝe ſtie more in to
ſchal adde to ȝoure ȝok; my fadir beet ȝou wiþ ſcourgis, Jeruſalem; Iſrael, lo! þi goddis, þat ledden þee out of þe
forſoþe Y ſchal bete ȝou wiþ ſcorpiouns. lond of Egipt.
xxix And he ſettide oon in Bethel, and þe toþer in Dan.

xxx And þis word was maad to Iſrael in to ſynne; for þe drynke water, neþer þou ſchalt turne aȝen bi þe weie bi
puple ȝede til in to Dan, to worſchipe þe calf. which þou cameſt.
xxxi And Jeroboam made templis in hiȝe placis, and `he x Þerfor he ȝede bi anoþer weie, and turnede not aȝen bi

made preeſtis of þe laſte men of þe puple, þat weren not þe weie, bi which he cam in to Bethel.
of þe ſones of Leuy. xi Forſoþe ſum elde profete dwellide in Bethel, to whom
xxxii And he ordeynede a ſolempne dai in þe eiȝþe hiſe ſones camen, and telden to hym alle þe werkis
moneþe, in þe fiftenþe dai of þe moneþe, bi þe licneſſe whiche þe man of God hadde do in þat dai in Bethel;
of ſolempnyte which was halewid in Juda. And he and þei telden to her fader þe wordis whiche he ſpak to
ſtiede, and made in lijk maner an auter in Bethel, þat he þe kyng.
ſchulde offre to þe calues, whiche he hadde maad; and xii And þe fadir of hem ſeide to hem, Bi what weie ȝede
he ordeynede in Bethel preeſtis of þe hiȝe places, he? Hiſe ſones ſchewiden to hym þe weie, bi which þe
whiche he hadde maad. man of God ȝede, þat cam fro Juda.
xxxiii And he ſtyede on þe auter, which he hadde bildid xiii And he ſeide to hiſe ſones, Sadle ȝe an aſſe to me.
in Bethel, in þe fiftenþe day of þe eiȝþe moneþe, which And whanne þei hadden ſadlid,
he hadde feyned of his herte; and he made ſolempnyte xiiii he ſtiede, and ȝede after þe man of God, and foond
to þe ſones of Iſrael, and he ſtiede on þe auter, þat he hym ſittyng vndur a terebynte. And he ſeide to þe man
ſchulde brenne encence. of God, Wheþer þou art þe man of God, þat cameſt fro
Juda? He anſweride, Y am.
CAP. XIII xv And he ſeide to hym, Come þou wiþ me hoom, þat
i And lo! a man of God cam fro Juda, bi þe word of þe
þou ete breed.
Lord, in to Bethel, while Jeroboam ſtood on þe auter, xvi And he ſeide, Y may not turne aȝen, neþer come wiþ
`and caſtide encence. þee, neþer Y ſchal ete breed, neþer Y ſchal drynke water
ii And `þe man of God criede aȝens þe auter, bi þe word
in þis place;
of þe Lord, and ſeide, Auter! auter! þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe xvii for þe Lord ſpak to me in þe word of þe Lord, and
þingis, Lo! a ſone, Joſias by name, ſhal be borun to þe ſeide, Þou ſchalt not ete breed, and þou ſchalt not
hows of Dauid; and he ſchal offre on þee þe preeſtis of drynke water þere, neþer þou ſchalt turne aȝen bi þe
hiȝe þingis, þat brennen now encenſis yn þee, and he weie bi which þou ȝediſt.
ſchal brenne þe bonys of men on þee. xviii Which ſeide to hym, And Y am a profete lijk þee;
iii And he ȝaf a ſigne in þat dai, `and ſeide, Þis ſchal be
and an aungel ſpak to me bi þe word of þe Lord, and
`þe ſigne þat þe Lord ſpak, Lo! þe auter ſchal be kit, and ſeide, Lede aȝen hym in to þin hows, þat he ete breed,
þe aiſche which is `þere ynne, ſchal be ſched out. and drynke watir. He diſſeyuede þe man of God,
iiii And whanne þe kyng hadde herd þe word of þe man xix and brouȝte him aȝen wiþ hym. Þerfor he ete breed
of God, which word he hadde cried aȝens þe auter in in his hows, and drank watir.
Bethel, þe kyng helde forþ his hond fro þe auter, and xx And whanne he ſat at þe table, þe word of þe Lord
ſeide, Take ȝe hym. And his hond driede, which he was maad to þe prophete þat brouȝte hym aȝen;
hadde holde forþ, and he myȝte not drawe it aȝen to xxi and he criede to þe man of God þat cam fro Juda,
hym ſilf.
v Alſo þe auter was kit, and þe aiſche was ſched out of and ſeide, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For þou obeidiſt not
to þe mouþ of þe Lord, and keptiſt not þe
þe auter, bi þe ſigne which þe man of God bifor ſeide, in comaundement which þi Lord God comaundide to þee,
þe word of þe Lord. xxii and þou turnediſt aȝen, and etiſt breed, and drankiſt
vi And þe kyng ſeide to þe man of God, Biſeche þou þe
watir in þe place in which Y comaundide to þee, þat
face of þi Lord God, and preie þou for me, þat myn þou ſchuldiſt not ete breed, neþer ſchuldiſt drynke watir,
hond be reſtorid to me. And þe man of God preiede þe þi deed bodi ſchal not be borun in to þe ſepulcre of þi
face of God; and þe hond of þe king turnede aȝen to fadris.
hym, and it was maad as it was bifore. xxiii And whanne he hadde ete and drunke, þe prophete,
vii Soþeli þe kyng ſpak to þe man of God, Come þou
whom he hadde brouȝt aȝen, ſadlide his aſſe.
hoom wiþ me, þat þou ete, and Y ſchal ȝyue ȝiftis to xxiiii And whanne he hadde go, a lioun foond hym in þe
viii And þe man of God ſeide to þe kyng, Þouȝ þou weye, and killide hym. And his deed bodi was caſt forþ
in þe weie; ſoþeli þe aſſe ſtood biſydis hym, and þe
ſchalt ȝyue to me þe half part of þin hows, Y ſchal not lioun ſtood biſidis þe deed bodi.
come wiþ þee, neþer Y ſchal ete breed, neþer Y ſchal xxv And lo! men paſſynge ſien þe deed bodi caſt forþ in
drynke watir in þis place;
ix `for ſo it is comaundid to me bi þe word of þe Lord, þe weye, and þe lyoun ſtondynge biſidis þe deed bodi;
comaundinge, Þou ſchalt not ete breed, neþer þou ſchalt

and þei camen, and puppliſchiden in þe citee, in which feyneſt þou þee to bee an oþer womman? Forſoþe Y am
þilke eeld prophete dwellide. ſent an hard meſſanger to þee.
xxvi And whanne þilke prophete, þat brouȝte hym aȝen vii Go þou, and ſeie to Jeroboam, Þe Lord God of Iſrael
fro þe weye, hadde herd þis, he ſeide, It is þe man of ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For Y enhaunſide þee fro þe myddis of
God, þat was vnobedient to þe mouþ of God; and þe þe puple, and Y ȝaf þee duyk on my puple Iſrael,
Lord bitook hym to þe lioun, þat brak hym, and killide viii and Y kittide þe rewme of þe hows of Dauid, and Y
hym, bi þe word of þe Lord which he ſpak to hym. ȝaf it to þee, and þou were not as my ſeruaunt Dauid,
xxvii And he ſeide to hiſe ſones, Sadle ȝe an aſſe to me. þat kepte myn heeſtis, and ſuede me in al his herte, and
xxviii And whanne þei hadden ſadlid, and he hadde go, dide þat þat was pleſaunt in my ſiȝt;
he foond his deed bodi caſt forþ in þe weie, and þe aſſe ix but þou wrouȝtiſt yuel, ouer alle men þat weren bifore
and þe lioun ſtondinge biſidis þe deed bodi; and þe þee, and madiſt to þee alien goddis, and wellid to
lioun eet not þe deed bodi, neþer hirtide þe aſſe. gidere, þat þou ſchuldiſt excite me to wraþfulneſſe,
xxix Þerfor þe profete took þe deed bodi of þe man of ſoþeli þou haſt caſt forþ me bihyndis þi bak.
God, and puttide it on þe aſſe; and he turnede aȝen, and x Þerfor lo! Y ſchal brynge in yuels on þe hows of
brouȝte it in to þe cyte of þe eeld prophete, þat he Jeroboam, and Y ſchal ſmyte of Jeroboam `til to a
ſchulde biweile hym. piſſere to þe wal, and priſoned, and þe laſte in Iſrael; and
xxx And he puttide his deed bodi in his ſepulcre, and þei Y ſchal clenſe þe relikis of þe hows of Jeroboam, as
biweiliden him, Alas! alas! my broþer! dung is wont to be clenſid `til to þe purete, `eþer
xxxi And whanne þei hadden biweilid hym, he ſeide to clenneſſe;
xi ſoþeli doggis ſchulen ete hem, þat ſchulen die of þe
hiſe ſones, Whanne Y ſchal be deed, birie ȝe me in þe
ſepulcre, in which þe man of God is biried; putte ȝe my hows of Jeroboam in citee; forſoþe briddis of þe eyr
bonys biſidis hiſe bonys. ſchulen deuoure hem, þat ſchulen die in þe feeld; for þe
xxxii For ſoþeli þe word ſchal come, which he bifor ſeide Lord ſpak.
xii Þerfor riſe þou, and go in to þin hows; and in þilke
in þe word of þe Lord, aȝens þe auter which is in
Bethel, and aȝens alle þe templis of hiȝ placis, þat ben entryng of þi feet in to þe citee þe child ſchal die.
in þe citees of Samarie. After þeſe wordis Jeroboam xiii And al Iſrael ſchal biweile him, and ſchal birie; for
turnede not aȝen fro his werſte weie, but aȝenward of þe þis child aloone of Jeroboam ſchal be borun in to
laſte puplis he made preeſtis of hiȝe places; who euer ſepulcre, for a good word is foundun on hym of þe Lord
wolde, fillide his hond, and he was maad preeſt of hiȝ God of Iſrael, in þe hows of Jeroboam.
placis. xiiii Forſoþe þe Lord ſchal ordeyne to hym a kyng on
xxxiii And for þis cauſe þe hows of Jeroboam ſynnede, Iſrael, þat ſchal ſmyte þe hows of Jeroboam, in þis dai
and it was diſtried, and doon awey fro þe face of erþe. and in þis tyme;
xv and þe Lord God of Iſrael ſchal ſmyte, as a reed in þe
CAP. XIIII water is wont to be mouyd; and he ſchal drawe out
i In þat tyme Abia, ſone of Jeroboam, was ſijk. Iſrael fro þis good lond, which he ȝaf to her fadris, and
ii And Jeroboam ſeide to his wijf, Riſe þou, and chaunge he ſchal wyndewe hem ouer þe flood, for þei maden to
cloþing, þat þou be not knowun, þat þou art þe wijf of hem woodis, þat þei ſchulden terre þe Lord to ire.
Jeroboam; and go þou in to Silo, where Ahia, þe xvi And þe Lord God ſchal bitake Iſrael to hiſe enemyes,
prophete, is, which ſpak to me, þat Y ſchulde regne on for þe ſynnes of Jeroboam, þat ſynnede, and made Iſrael
þis puple. to do ſynne.
iii Alſo take þou in þe hond ten looues, and a cake, and a xvii Þerfor þe wijf of Jeroboam roos, and ȝede, and cam
veſſil of hony, and go þou to hym; for he ſchal ſchewe in to Therſa; whanne ſche entride in to þe þreſchfold of
to þee, what ſchal bifalle to þis child. þe hows, þe child was deed.
iiii Þe wijf of Jeroboam dide as he ſeide, and ſche roos, xviii And þei birieden hym; and al Iſrael biweilide hym,
and ȝede in to Silo, and cam in to þe hows of Ahia; and bi þe word of þe Lord, which he ſpak in þe hoond of his
he miȝte not ſe, for hiſe iȝen daſewiden for eelde. ſeruaunt, Ahia þe prophet.
v Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Ahia, Lo! þe wijf of xix Forſoþe, lo! þe reſidue of wordis of Jeroboam, how
Jeroboam entriþ, þat ſche counſele þee on hir ſone, he fauȝt, and how he regnede, ben writun in þe book of
which is ſijk; þou ſchalt ſpeke þeſe and þeſe þingis to wordis of þe daies of kyngis of Iſrael.
hir. Þerfor whanne ſche hadde entrid, and hadde feyned xx Forſoþe þe daies, in whiche Jeroboam regnede, ben
hir ſilf to be þat `womman which ſche was not, two and twenti ȝeer; and Jeroboam ſlepte wiþ hiſe
vi Ahia herde þe ſoune of þe feet of hir entrynge bi þe fadris, and Nadab, his ſone, regnede for hym.
dore, and he ſeide, Entre þou, þe wijf of Jeroboam; whi xxi Forſoþe Roboam, þe ſone of Salomon, regnede in
Juda; Roboam was of oon and fourti ȝeer, whanne he

bigan to regne, and he regnede ſeuentene ȝeer in vi Neþeles batel was bitwix Abia and Jeroboam, in al þe
Jeruſalem, þe citee which þe Lord chees of alle þe tyme of his lijf.
lynagis of Iſrael, þat he ſchulde ſette his name þere. vii Soþeli þe reſidue of wordis of Abia, and alle þinges
Soþeli þe name of his moder was Naama Amanyte. whiche he dide, wheþer þeſe ben not writun in þe book
xxii And Juda dide yuel bifor þe Lord, and þei terriden
of wordis of daies of þe kyngys of Juda? And batel was
hym to ire on alle þingis, whiche her fadris diden in her bitwixe Abia and Jeroboam.
ſynnes, bi whiche þei ſynneden. viii And Abia ſlepte wiþ his fadris; and þei birieden hym
xxiii For alſo þei bildiden to hem ſilf auters, and ymagis,
in þe citee of Dauid; and Aſa, his ſone, regnede for hym.
and wodis, on eche hiȝ hil, and vndur ech tree ful of ix Soþeli Aſa, king of Jude, regnede in þe twentiþe ȝeer
bowis. of Jeroboam, kyng of Iſrael;
xxiiii But alſo `men of wymmens condiciouns weren in x and Aſa regnede oon and fourti ȝeer in Jeruſalem. Þe
þe lond, and þei diden alle abhominaciouns of heþene name of his modir was Maacha, douȝter of Abeſſalon.
men, whiche þe Lord al to-brak bifor þe face of þe xi And Aſa dide riȝtfulneſſe in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, as
ſones of Iſrael. Dauid, his fadir, dide;
xxv Forſoþe in þe fifþe ȝeer of þe rewme of Roboam,
xii and he took awey fro þe loond men of wymmens
Seſach, þe kyng of Egipt, ſtyede in to Jeruſalem; condiciouns, and he purgide alle þe filþis of idols,
xxvi and he took þe treſouris of þe hows of þe Lord, and
whiche his fadris maden.
þe kyngis treſouris, and he rauiſchide alle þingis; alſo xiii Ferþermore and he remouyde Maacha, his modir, þat
`he rauiſchide þe goldun ſcheeldis, whiche Salomon ſche ſchulde not be princeſſe in þe ſolempne þingis of
made. Priapus, and in his wode which ſche hadde halewid; and
xxvii For whiche kyng Roboam made braſun ſcheeldis,
he diſtriede þe denne of hym, and he brak þe fouleſt
and ȝaf þo in þe hondis of duykis of ſcheeld makeris, ſymylacre, and brente in þe ſtronde of Cedron;
and of hem þat wakiden bifor þe dore of þe hows of þe xiiii ſoþeli he dide not awei hiȝ þingis; neþeles þe herte
Lord. of Aſa was perfit wiþ hys Lord God, in alle hiſe daies.
xxviii And whanne þe kyng entride in to þe hows of þe
xv And he brouȝte in to þe hous of þe Lord þo þingis,
Lord, þei þat hadden office to go bifore, baren þo, and whiche his fadir hadde halewid and auowid, ſiluer, and
baren aȝen to þe place of armer of ſcheeld makeris. gold, and veſſel.
xxix Forſoþe, lo! þe reſidue of wordis of Roboam, and
xvi Forſoþe batel was bitwixe Aſa and Baaſa, kyng of
alle þingis whiche he dide, ben writun in þe book of Iſrael, in alle þe daies of hem.
wordis of daies of kyngis of Juda. xvii And Baaſa, kyng of Iſrael, ſtiede in to Juda, and
xxx And batel was bitwixe Roboam and Jeroboam, in
bildide Rama, þat no man of þe part of Aza, kyng of
alle daies. Juda, myȝte go out, eþer go yn.
xxxi And Roboam ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris, and was biried
xviii Þerfor Aſa took al þe ſiluer and gold, þat lefte in þe
wiþ hem in þe citee of Dauid. Forſoþe þe name of his treſouris of þe hows of þe Lord, and in þe treſouris of þe
modir was Naama Amanyte; and Abia, his ſone, kyngis hows, and ȝaf it in to þe hondis of hiſe
regnede for hym. ſeruauntis; and ſente to Benadab, ſone of Tabrennon,
ſone of Ozion, þe kyng of Sirie, þat dwellide in
CAP. XV Damaſk, and ſeide,
i Þerfor in þe eiȝtenþe ȝeer of þe rewme of Jeroboam,
xix Boond of pees is bitwixe me and þee, and bitwixe
ſone of Nabath, Abia regnede on Juda. my fadir and þi fadir, and þerfor Y ſente to þee ȝiftis,
ii Þre ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem; þe name of his
gold, and ſiluer; and Y axe, þat þou come, and make
modir was Maacha, douȝter of Abeſſalon. voide þe boond of pees, which þou haſt wiþ Baaſa, kyng
iii And he ȝede in alle þe ſynnes of his fadir, which he
of Iſrael, and þat he go awey fro me.
dide bifor hym; and his herte was not perfit wiþ his xx Benadab aſſentide to kyng Aſa, and ſente þe princes
Lord God, as þe herte of Dauid, his fadir, `was perfit. of his ooſt in to þe citees of Iſrael; and þei ſmytiden
iiii But for Dauid his Lord God ȝaf to hym a lanterne in
Ahion, and Dan, and Abel, þe hows of Maacha, and al
Jeruſalem, þat he ſchulde reiſe his ſone after hym, and Cenoroth, þat is, al þe lond of Neptalym.
þat he ſchulde ſtonde in Jeruſalem; xxi And whanne Baaſa hadde herd þis þing, he lefte to
v for Dauid hadde do riȝtfulneſſe in þe iȝen of þe Lord,
bilde Rama, and turnede aȝen in to Therſa.
and hadde not bowid fro alle þingis whiche þe Lord xxii Forſoþe kyng Aſa ſente meſſage in to al Juda, and
hadde comaundid to him, in alle þe daies of his lijf, ſeide, No man be excuſid. And þei token þe ſtoonys of
outakun þe word of Vrie Ethei. Rama, and þe trees þerof, bi whiche Baaſa hadde bildid;

and kyng Aſa bildide of þe ſame `ſtoonys and trees iiii Doggis ſchulen ete þat man of Baaſa, þat ſchal be
Gabaa of Beniamyn, and Maſpha. deed in citee, and briddis of þe eyr ſchulen ete þat man
xxiii Soþeli þe reſidue of alle wordis of Aſa, and of al his of Baaſa, þat ſchal die in þe feeld.
ſtrengþe, and alle þingis whiche he dide, and þe citees v Soþeli þe reſidue of wordis of Baaſa, and what euer
whiche he bildide, wheþer þeſe ben not writun in þe þingis he dide, and hiſe batels, wheþer þeſe ben not
book of wordis of daies of kingis of Juda? Neþeles Aſa writun in þe book of wordis of daies of þe kynges of
hadde ache in feet Iſrael?
xi, in þe tyme of his eelde. vi Þerfor Baaſa ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris, and he was biried
xxiiii And Aſa ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris, and he was biried
in Therſa; and Hela, his ſone, regnede for hym.
wiþ hem in þe citee of Dauid, his fader; and Joſophat, vii Forſoþe whanne þe word of þe Lord was maad in þe
his ſone, regnede for him. hond of Hieu, ſone of Anany, aȝens Baaſa, and aȝens his
xxv Forſoþe Nadab, þe ſone of Jeroboam, regnede on
hows, and aȝens al yuel which he dide bifor þe Lord, to
Iſrael, in þe ſecunde ȝeer of Aſa, king of Juda; and he terre hym to ire in þe werkis of hiſe hondis, þat he
regnede on Iſrael two ȝeer. ſchulde be as þe hows of Jeroboam, for þis cauſe he
xxvi And he dide þat, þat was yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, killide hym, þat is, Hieu, þe prophete, þe ſone of Anany.
and he ȝede in þe weies of his fadir, and in þe ſynnes of viii In þe ſixe and twentiþe ȝeer of Aza, kyng of Juda,
hym, in whiche he made Iſrael to do ſynne. Hela, þe ſone of Baaſa, regnyde on Iſrael, in Therſa,
xxvii Forſoþe Baaſa, þe ſone of Ahia, of þe hows of twei ȝeer.
Yſachar, ſettide treſoun to hym, and ſmoot him in ix And Zamry, `his ſeruaunt, duyk of þe half part of
Gebethon, which is a citee of Filiſteis; ſoþely Nadab knyȝtis, rebellide aȝens hym; ſoþeli Hela was in Therſa,
and al Iſrael biſegiden Gebethon. and drank, and was drunkun in þe hows of Arſa, prefect
xxviii Þerfor Baaſa killide hym, in þe þridde ȝeer of Aſa, of Therſa.
king of Juda, and regnede for hym. x Þerfor Zamri felde in, and ſmoot, and killide hym, in
xxix And whanne he hadde regnede, he ſmoot al þe þe ſeuene and twentiþe ȝeer of Aſa, kyng of Juda; and
hows of Jeroboam; he lefte not ſoþeli not o man of his regnede for hym.
ſeed, til he dide awei hym, bi þe word of þe Lord, xi And whanne he hadde regned, and hadde ſetun on his
which he ſpak in þe hond of his ſeruaunt, Ahia of Silo, a trone, he ſmoot al þe hows of Baaſa, and he lefte not
profete, þerof a piſſere to þe wal, and hiſe kynneſmen, and
xxx for þe ſynnes of Jeroboam whiche he ſynnede, and frendis.
in whiche he made Iſrael to do ſynne, and for þe treſpas, xii And Zamri dide awey al þe hows of Baaſa, bi þe
bi which he wraþþide þe Lord God of Iſrael. word of þe Lord, which he ſpak to Baaſa, in þe hond of
xxxi Soþeli þe reſidue of wordis of Nadab, and alle Hieu, þe prophete, for alle þe ſynnes of Baaſa,
þingis whiche he wrouȝte, wheþer þeſe ben not writun xiii and for þe ſynnes of Hela, his ſone, whiche
in þe book of wordis of daies of þe kyngis of Iſrael? ſynneden, and maden Iſrael to do ſynne, and wraþþiden
xxxii And batel was bitwixe Aſa and Baaſa, kyng of þe Lord God of Iſrael in her vanytees.
Iſrael, in al þe daies of hem. xiiii Soþeli þe reſidue of þe wordis of Hela, and alle
xxxiii In þe þridde ȝeer of Aſa, kyng of Juda, Baaſa, ſone þingis whiche he dide, wheþer þeſe ben not writun in þe
of Ahia, regnede on al Iſrael, in Therſa, foure and twenti book of wordis of daies of þe kyngis of Iſrael?
ȝeer. xv In þe ſeuene and twentiþe ȝeer of Aza, kyng of Juda,
xxxiiii And he dide yuel bifor þe Lord, and he ȝede in þe Zamri regnede ſeuene daies in Tharſa; forſoþe þe ooſt
weies of Jeroboam, and in hiſe ſynnes, bi whiche he biſegide Gebethon, þe citee of Philiſteis.
made Iſrael to do ſynne. xvi And whanne it hadde herd, þat Zamri hadde rebellid,
and hadde ſlayn þe kyng, al Iſrael made Amry kyng to
CAP. XVI hem, þat was prince of þe chyualrye, on Iſrael, in þat
i Forſoþe þe word of þe Lord was maad to Hieu, ſone of dai, in `þe caſtels.
Anany, aȝens Baaſa, and ſeide, xvii Þerfor Amry ſtiede, and al Iſrael wiþ hym, fro
ii For þat þat Y reiſide þee fro duſt, and ſettide þee duyk Gebethon, and biſegide Therſa.
on Iſrael, my puple; ſoþeli þou ȝediſt in þe weie of xviii Soþely Zamri ſiȝ, þat þe citee ſchulde be
Jeroboam, and madiſt my puple Iſrael to do ſynne, þat ouercomun, and he entride in to þe palis, and brente
þou ſchuldiſt terre me to ire, in þe ſynnes of hem; lo! hym ſilf wiþ þe kyngis hows;
iii Y ſchal kitte awey þe hyndrere þingis of Baaſa, and xix and he was deed in hiſe ſynnes whiche he ſynnede,
þe hyndrere þingis of `his hows, and Y ſchal make þin doynge yuel bifor þe Lord, and goynge in þe weie of
hows as þe hows of Jeroboam, ſone of Nabath.

Jeroboam, and in hiſe ſynnes, bi whiche he made Iſrael CAP. XVII
to do ſynne. i And Elie `of Theſbi, of þe dwelleris of Galaad, ſeide to
xx Soþeli þe reſidue of wordis of Zamri, and of his Achab, Þe Lord God of Iſrael lyueþ, in whos ſiȝt Y
treſouns, and tyrauntrie, wheþer þeſe ben not writun in ſtonde, deeu and reyn ſchal not be in þeſe ȝeeris, no but
þe book of wordis of daies of þe kyngis of Iſrael? bi þe wordis of my mouþ.
xxi Þanne þe puple of Iſrael was departid in to twei ii And þe word of þe Lord was maad to hym, and ſeide,
partis; þe half part of þe puple ſuede Thebny, ſone of iii Go þou awey fro hennus, and go aȝens þe eeſt, and be
Geneth, to make hym kyng, and þe half part ſuede þou hid in þe ſtronde of Carith, which is aȝens Jordan,
Amry. iiii and þere þou ſchalt drynke of þe ſtronde; and Y
xxii Soþeli þe puple þat was wiþ Amry, hadde mayſtry
comaundide to crowis, þat þei feede þee þere.
ouer þe puple þat ſuede Thebny, þe ſone of Geneth; and v Þerfor he ȝede, and dide bi þe word of þe Lord; and
Thebny was deed, and Amri regnede. whanne he hadde go, he ſat in þe ſtronde of Carith,
xxiii In þe oon and þrittiþe ȝeer of Aza, kyng of Juda,
which is aȝens Jordan.
Amri regnede on Iſrael, twelue ȝeer; in Therſa he vi And crowis baren to hym breed and fleiſch eerli; in
regnede ſixe ȝeer. lijk maner in þe euentid; and he drank of þe ſtronde.
xxiiii And he bouȝte of Soomeer, for twei talentis of vii Forſoþe after ſumme daies þe ſtronde was dried; for it
ſiluer, þe hil of Samarie, and `bildide þat hil; and he hadde not reynede on þe erþe.
clepide þe name of þe citee, which he hadde bildid, bi viii Þerfor þe word of þe Lord was maad to hym, and
þe name of Soomer, lord of þe hil of Samarie. ſeide,
xxv Forſoþe Amry dide yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, and
ix Riſe þou, and go in to Serepta of Sydoneis, and þou
wrouȝte weiwardli, ouer alle men þat weren bifor hym. ſchalt dwelle þere; for Y comaundide to a womman,
xxvi And he ȝede in al þe weie of Jeroboam, ſone of
widewe þere, þat ſche feede þee.
Nabath, and in hiſe ſynnes, bi whiche he made Iſrael to x He roos, and ȝede in to Sarepta of Sidoneis; and
do ſynne, þat he ſchulde terre to ire, in his vanytees, þe whanne he hadde come to þe ȝate of þe citee, a
Lord God of Iſrael. womman widewe gaderynge ſtickis apperide to hym;
xxvii Forſoþe þe reſidue of wordis of Amry, and hiſe
and he clepide hir, and ſeide to hir, Ȝyue þou to me a
batels, which he dide, wheþer þeſe ben not writun in þe litil of water in a veſſel, þat Y drynke.
book of wordis of daies of þe kyngis of Iſrael? xi And whanne ſche ȝede to bringe, he criede bihynde
xxviii And Amry ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris, and was biried in
hir bac, and ſeide, Y biſeche, bringe þou to me alſo a
Samarie; and Achab, his ſone, regnede for hym. muſſel of breed in þin hond.
xxix Forſoþe Achab, þe ſone of Amry, regnede on Iſrael, xii And ſche anſweride, Þi Lord God lyueþ, for Y haue
in þe `eiȝte and þrittiþe ȝeer of Aſa, kyng of Juda; and no breed, no but as myche of mele in a pot, as a fiſt may
Achab, ſone of Amry, regnede on Iſrael, in Samarie, two take, and a litil of oile in a veſſel; lo! Y gadere twei
and twenti ȝeer. ſtickis, þat Y entre, and make it to me, and to my ſone,
xxx And Achab, ſone of Amry, dide yuel in þe ſiȝte of þe
þat we ete and die.
Lord, ouer alle men þat weren bifor hym; xiii And Elie ſeide to hir, Nyle þou drede, but go, and
xxxi and it ſuffiſide not to hym þat he ȝede in þe ſynnes
make as þou ſeidiſt; neþeles make þou firſte to me of
of Jeroboam, ſone of Nabath, ferþermore and he þat litil mele a litil loof, bakun vndur þe aiſchis, and
weddide a wijf, Jezabel, þe douȝter of Methaal, kyng of brynge þou to me; ſoþeli þou ſchalt make afterward to
Sydoneis; and he ȝede, and ſeruyde Baal, and þee and to þi ſone.
worſchipide hym. xiiii Forſoþe þe Lord God of Iſrael ſeiþ þes þingis, Þe pot
xxxii And he ſettide an auter to Baal in þe temple of
of mele ſchal not faile, and þe veſſel of oile ſchal not be
Baal, which he hadde bildid in Samarie, and he abatid, til to þe dai in which þe Lord ſchal ȝyue reyn on
plauntide a wode; þe face of erþe.
xxxiii and Achab addide in his werk, and terride to ire þe xv And ſche ȝede, and dide bi þe word of Elie; and he
Lord God of Iſrael, more þanne alle kyngis of Iſrael þat eet, and ſche, and hir hows.
weren bifor hym. xvi And fro þat dai þe pot of mele failide not, and þe
xxxiiii Forſoþe in hiſe daies Ahiel of Bethel bildide
veſſel of oile was not abatid, bi þe word of þe Lord,
Jerico; in Abiram, his firſte ſone, he foundide it, in which he hadde ſpoke in þe hond of Elie.
Segub, his laſte ſone, he ſettide ȝatis þerof, bi þe word xvii Forſoþe it was doon aftir þeſe wordis, þe ſone of a
of þe Lord, which he hadde ſpoke in þe hond of Joſue, womman hoſewijf was ſijk, and þe ſijkneſſe was mooſt
ſone of Nun. ſtrong, ſo þat breeþ dwellide not in hym.

xviii Þerfor ſche ſeide to Elie, What to me and to þee, rewmes and folkis, for þou were not foundun; and now
þou man of God? Entridiſt þou to me, þat my þou ſeiſt to me,
wickidneſſis ſchulden be remembrid, and þat þou xi Go, and ſeie to þi lord, Elie is preſent.
ſchuldiſt ſle my ſone? xii And whanne Y ſchal departe fro þee, þe Spirit of þe
xix And Elie ſeide to hir, Ȝyue þi ſone to me. And he Lord ſchal bere þee awey in to a place which Y knowe
took `þat ſone fro hir boſum, and bar in to þe ſoler, not; and Y ſchal entre, and `Y ſchal telle to Achab, and
where he dwellide; and he puttide hym on his bed. he ſchal not fynde þee, and he ſchal ſle me; forſoþe þi
xx And he criede to þe Lord, and ſeide, My Lord God, ſeruaunt drediþ þe Lord fro his ȝong childhod.
wheþer þou haſt turmentid alſo þe widewe, at whom Y xiii Wheþer it is not ſchewid to þee, my lord, what Y
am ſuſteyned in al maner, þat þou killidiſt hir ſone? dide, whanne Jeſabel killide þe prophetis of þe Lord,
xxi He ſprad abrood hym ſilf, and mat on þe child bi þre þat Y hidde of þe prophetis of þe Lord an hundrid men,
tymes; and he cryede to þe Lord, and ſeide, My Lord bi fifty and bi fifti, in dennes, and Y fedde hem wiþ
God, Y biſeche, þe ſoule of þis child turne aȝen in to þe breed and watir?
entrailis of hym. xiiii And now þou ſeiſt, Go, and ſeie to þi lord, Elie is
xxii Þe Lord herde þe vois of Elie, and þe ſoule of þe preſent, þat he ſle me.
child turnede aȝen wiþ ynne hym, and he lyuede aȝen. xv And Elie ſeide, Þe Lord of ooſtis lyueþ, bifor whos
xxiii And Elie took þe child, and puttide hym doun of þe ſiȝt Y ſtonde, for to dai Y ſchal appere to hym.
ſoler in to þe lower hows, and bitook him to his modir; xvi Þerfor Abdie ȝede in to þe metyng of Achab, and
and he ſeide to hir, Lo! þi ſone lyueþ. ſchewide to hym; and Achab cam in to þe meetyng of
xxiiii And þe womman ſeide to Elie, Now in þis Y haue Elie.
knowe, þat þou art þe man of God, and þe word of God xvii And whanne he hadde ſeyn Elie, he ſeide, Wheþer
is ſoþ in þi mouþ. þou art he, þat diſturbliſt Iſrael?
xviii And he ſeide, Not Y diſturble Iſrael, but þou, and þe
CAP. XVIII hows of þi fadir, whiche han forſake þe
i Aftir many daies þe word of þe Lord was maad to Elie, comaundementis of þe Lord, and ſueden Baalym,
in þe þridde ȝeer, and ſeide, Go, and ſchewe þee to `diſturbliden Iſrael.
Achab, þat Y ȝyue reyn on þe face of erþe. xix Neþeles now ſende þou, and gadere to me al Iſrael,
ii Þerfor Elie ȝede to ſchewe hym ſilf to Achab; forſoþe in þe hil of Carmele, and foure hundrid and fifti
greet hungur was in Samarie. prophetis of Baal, and foure hundrid prophetis of
iii And Achab clepide Abdie, diſpendere, eþer ſtiward, woodis, þat eten of þe table of Jezabel.
of his hows; forſoþe Abdie dredde greetli þe Lord God xx Achab ſente to alle þe ſones of Iſrael, and gaderide
of Iſrael. prophetis in þe hil of Carmele.
iiii For whanne Jezabel killide þe prophetis of þe Lord, xxi Forſoþe Elie neiȝede to al þe puple of Iſrael, and
he took an hundrid prophetis, and hidde hem, bi fifties ſeide, Hou long halten ȝe in to twey partis? If þe Lord is
and fifties, in dennes, and fedde hem wiþ breed and God, ſue ȝe hym; forſoþe if Baal is God, ſue ȝe hym.
watir. And þe puple anſweride not o word to hym.
v Þerfor Achab ſeide to Abdie, Go þou in to þe lond, to xxii And Elie ſeide eft to þe puple, Y dwellide aloone a
alle wellis of watris, and in to alle valeis, if in hap we prophete of þe Lord; ſoþeli þe prophetis of Baal ben
moun fynde gras, and ſaue horſis and mulis; and werk foure hundrid and fifti, and þe prophetis of woodis ben
beeſtis periſche not outirli. foure hundrid men.
vi Þerfor þei departiden þe cuntreis to hem ſilf, þat þei xxiii Tweyne oxis be ȝouun to us; and cheſe þei oon oxe,
ſchulden cumpaſſe þo; Achab ȝede bi o weye, and Abdie and þei ſchulen kitte in to gobetis, and ſchulen putte on
ȝede bi anoþer weie, `bi hym ſilf. trees, but putte þei not fier vndur; and Y ſchal make þe
vii And whanne Abdie was in þe weie, Elie mette hym; toþer oxe in to ſacrifice, and Y ſchal putte on þe trees,
and whanne he hadde knowe Elie, he felde on his face, and Y ſchal not putte fier vnder.
and ſeide, Wheþir þou art my lord Elie? xxiiii Clepe ȝe þe name of ȝoure goddis, and Y ſchal
viii To whom he anſweride, Y am. And Elie ſeide, Go clepe þe name of my God; and þe God þat heriþ bi fier,
þou, and ſeie to þi lord, Elie is preſent. be he God. And al þe puple anſweride, and ſeide, Þe
ix And Abdie ſeide, What `ſynnede Y, for þou bitakiſt reſoun is beſt, `which reſoun Elie ſpak.
xxv Þerfor Elie ſeide to þe prophetis of Baal, Cheſe ȝe
me in þe hond of Achab, þat he ſle me?
x Þi Lord God lyueþ, for no folk eþir rewme is, whidur oon oxe to ȝou, and make ȝe firſt, for ȝe ben þe mo; and
my lord, ſekynge þee, ſente not; and whanne alle men clepe ȝe þe names of ȝoure goddis, and putte ȝe not fier
anſweriden, He is not here, he chargide greetli alle vnder.

xxvi And whanne þei hadden take þe oxe, whom Elie ȝaf xli And Elie ſeide to Achab, Stie þou, ete, and drynke,
to hem, þei maden ſacrifice, and clepiden þe name of for þe ſown of myche reyn is.
Baal, fro þe morewtid `til to myddai, and ſeiden, Baal, xlii Achab ſtiede to ete and drynke; forſoþe Elie ſtiede in
here vs! And no vois was, neþer ony þat anſwerd; and to þe hil of Carmele, and he ſettide lowli his face to þe
þei ſkippiden ouer þe auter, which þei hadden maad. erþe, bitwixe hiſe knees;
xxvii And whanne it was þanne myddai, Elie ſcornede xliii and ſeide to his child, Stie þou, and biholde aȝens þe
hem, and ſeide, Crie ȝe wiþ gretter vois, for Baal is ſee. And whanne he hadde ſtied, and hadde biholde, he
ȝoure god, and in hap he ſpekiþ wiþ an oþer, eþir he is ſeide, No þing is. And eft Elie ſeide to hym, Turne þou
in a herborgerie, eþer in weie, eþer certis he ſlepiþ, þat aȝen bi ſeuene tymes.
he be reiſid. xliiii Soþeli in þe ſeuenþe tyme, lo! a litil cloude as þe
xxviii Þerfor þei crieden wiþ greet vois, and þei kerueden
ſtep of a man ſtiede fro þe ſee. And Elie ſeide, Stie þou,
hem ſilf wiþ knyues and launcetis, bi her cuſtom, til þei and ſeie to Achab, Ioyne þi chare, and go doun, leſt þe
weren biſched wiþ blood. reyn byfor ocupie þee.
xxix Soþeli after þat mydday paſſide, and while þei xlv And whanne þei turneden hem hidur and þidur, lo!
propheſieden, þe tyme cam, in which þe ſacrifice is heuenes weren maad derk, and cloud, and wynd, and
wont to be offrid, neþer vois was herd `of her goddis, greet reyn was maad. Þerfor Achab ſtiede, and ȝede in
neþer ony anſweride, neþer perceyuede hem preiynge. to Jezrael;
xxx Elie ſeide to al þe puple, Come ȝe to me. And xlvi and þe hond of þe Lord was maad on Elie, and
whanne þe puple cam to him, he arrayede þe auter of þe whanne þe leendis weren gird, he ran bifor Achab, til he
Lord, þat was diſtried. cam in to Jezrael.
xxxi And he took twelue ſtonys, bi þe noumbre of
lynagis of ſones of Jacob, to which Jacob þe word of þe CAP. XIX
Lord was maad, and ſeide, Iſrael ſchal be þi name. i Forſoþe Achab telde to Jezabel alle þingis whiche Elie
xxxii And he bildide an auter of ſtonys, in þe name of þe hadde do, and how he hadde ſlayn by ſwerd alle þe
Lord, and he made a ledyng to of watir, `eþer a dich, as prophetis of Baal.
bi twei litle dichis in þe cumpas of þe auter. ii And Jezabel ſente a meſſanger to Elie, and ſeide,
xxxiii And he dreſſide trees, and he departide þe oxe bi Goddis do þeſe þingis to me, and adde þeſe þingis, no
membris, and puttide on þe trees, but to morewe in þis our Y ſchal putte þi lijf as þe lijf of
xxxiiii and ſeide, Fille ȝe foure pottis wiþ watir, and oon of hem.
ſchede ȝe on þe brent ſacrifice, and on þe trees. And eft iii Þerfor Elie dredde, and roos, and ȝede whidur euer
he ſeide, Alſo þe ſecounde tyme do ȝe þis. `And þei wille bar hym; and he cam in to Berſabe of Juda, and he
diden þe ſecounde tyme. And he ſeide, Do ȝe þe ſame lefte þere his child;
þing þe þridde tyme; and þei diden þe þridde tyme. iiii and ȝede in to deſeert, þe weie of o dai. And whanne
xxxv And þe watris runnen aboute þe auter, and þe dich he cam, and ſat vndir o iunypere tre, he axide to his
of ledyng to `of watir was fillid. ſoule, þat he ſchulde die; and he ſeide, Lord, it ſuffiſiþ to
xxxvi And whanne þe tyme was þanne, þat þe brent me, take my ſoule; for Y am not betere þan my fadris.
ſacrifice ſchulde be offrid, Elye þe prophete neiȝede, v And he caſtide forþ hym ſilf, and ſlepte in þe ſchadewe
and ſeide, Lord God of Abraham, of Iſaac, and of Iſrael, of þe iunypere tree. And lo! þe aungel of þe Lord
ſchewe þou to dai þat þou art God of Iſrael, and þat Y touchide hym, and ſeide to hym, Riſe þou, and ete.
am þi ſeruaunt, and haue do alle þeſe wordis bi þi vi He bihelde, and, lo! at his heed was a loof bakun
comaundement. vndur aiſchis, and a veſſel of watir. Þerfor he ete, and
xxxvii Lord, here þou me; Lord, here þou me; þat þis drank, and ſlepte eft.
puple lerne, þat þou art þe Lord God, and þat þou haſt vii And þe aungel of þe Lord turnede aȝen þe ſecounde
conuertid eft þe herte of hem. tyme, and touchide hym; and `þe aungel ſeide to hym,
xxxviii Soþeli fier of þe Lord felde doun, and deuouride Riſe þou, and ete; for a greet weie is to þee.
brent ſacrifice, and trees, and ſtonus, and lickide vp alſo viii And whanne he hadde riſe, he ete, and drank; and he
þe poudre, and þe water þat was in þe `leding of water. ȝede in þe ſtrengþe of þat mete bi fourti dayes and fourti
xxxix And whanne al þe puple hadde ſeyn þis, it felde in nyȝtis, `til to Oreb, þe hil of God.
to his face, and ſeide, Þe Lord he is God; þe Lord he is ix And whanne he hadde come þidur, he dwellide in a
God. denne; and lo! þe word of þe Lord `was maad to him,
xl And Elie ſeide to hem, Take ȝe þe prophetis of Baal; and ſeide to hym, Elie, what doiſt þou here?
not oon ſoþeli aſcape of hem. And whanne þei hadden x And he anſweride, Bi feruent loue Y louede feruentli,
take hem, Elie ledde hem to þe ſtronde of Ciſon, and for þe Lord God of ooſtis; for þe ſones of Iſrael forſoken
killide hem þere.

þe couenaunt of þe Lord; þei deſtrieden þin auters, and charis; and he ſtiede aȝens Samarie, and fauȝt, and
killiden bi ſwerd þi prophetis; and Y am left aloone, and biſegide it.
þei ſeken my lijf, þat þei do it awei. ii And he ſente meſſangeris to Achab, kyng of Iſrael, in
xi And he ſeide to Elie, Go þou out, and ſtonde in þe hil, to þe citee,
bifor þe Lord. And lo! þe Lord paſſiþ, and a greet iii and ſeide, Benadab ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þi ſiluer and þi
wynde, and ſtrong, turnynge vpſodoun hillis, and al to gold is myn, and þi wyues, and þi beſte ſones ben myn.
brekinge ſtonys bifor þe Lord; not in þe wynde ys þe iiii And þe kyng of Iſrael anſweride, Bi þi word, my lord
Lord. And aftir þe wynd is a ſtirynge; not in þe ſtiryng þe kyng, Y am þin, and alle my þingis `ben þine.
is þe Lord. v And þe meſſangeris turneden aȝen, and ſeiden,
xii And aftir þe ſtiryng is fier; not in þe fier is þe Lord.
Benadab, þat ſente vs to þee, ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þou ſchalt
And aftir þe fier is þe iſſyng of þinne wynd; þere is þe ȝyue to me þi ſiluer, and þi gold, and þi wyues, and þi
Lord. ſones.
xiii And whanne Elie hadde herd þis, he hilide his face vi Þerfor to morewe, in þis ſame our, Y ſchal ſende my
wiþ a mentil, and he ȝede out, and ſtood in þe dore of þe ſeruauntis to þee, and þei ſchulen ſeke þin hows, and þe
denne. And a vois ſpak to hym, and ſeide, Elie, what hows of þi ſeruauntis; and þei ſchulen putte in her
doiſt þou here? hondis, and take awey al þing þat ſchal pleſe hem.
xiiii And he anſweride, Bi feruent loue Y louede vii Forſoþe þe kyng of Iſrael clepide alle þe eldere men
feruentli, for þe Lord God of ooſtis; for þe ſones of of þe lond, and ſeide, Perſeyue ȝe, and ſe, þat he ſettiþ
Iſrael forſoken þi couenaunt; þei diſtrieden þin auteris, treſoun to vs; for he ſente to me for my wyues, and
and þei killiden bi ſwerd þi prophetis; and Y am left ſones, and for ſiluer, and gold, and Y forſook not.
aloone, and þei ſeken my lijf, þat þei do it awey. viii And alle þe gretter men in birþe, and al þe puple
xv And þe Lord ſeide to hym, Go, and turne aȝen in to þi
ſeiden to hym, Here þou not, neþer aſſente þou to hym.
weie, bi þe deſeert, in to Damaſk; and whanne þou ix And he anſweride to þe meſſangeris of Benadab, Seie
ſchalt come þidur, þou ſchalt anoynte Aſahel kyng on ȝe to my lord þe kyng, Y ſchal do alle þingis, for whiche
Sirie; þou ſentiſt in þe bigynnyng to me, þi ſeruaunt; forſoþe Y
xvi and þou ſchalt anoynte kyng on Iſrael Hieu, þe ſone
may not do þis þing.
of Namſi; ſoþeli þou ſchalt anoynte prophete for þee, x And þe meſſangeris turneden aȝen, and telden alle
Eliſe, ſone of Saphat, which is of Abelmeula. þingis to hym. Which ſente aȝen, and ſeide, Goddis do
xvii And it ſchal be, who euer ſchal fle þe ſwerd of
þeſe þingis to me, and adde þeſe þingis, if þe duſt of
Aſahel, Hieu ſchal ſle hym; and who euer ſchal fle þe Samarie ſchal ſuffice to þe fiſtis of al þe puple þat ſueþ
ſwerd of Hieu, Eliſe ſchal ſle hym. me.
xviii And Y ſchal leeue to me in Iſrael ſeuene þouſynde xi And þe kyng of Iſrael anſweride, and ſeide, Seie ȝe to
of men, of whiche þe knees ben not bowid bifor Baal, hym, A gird man, `þat is, he þat goiþ to batel, haue not
and ech mouþ þat worſchipide not hym, and kiſſide glorie euenli as a man vngird.
hond. xii Forſoþe it was doon, whanne Benadab hadde herd þis
xix Þerfor Elie ȝede forþ fro þennus, and foond Eliſe,
word, he drank, and þe kyngis, in ſchadewyng places;
ſone of Saphat, erynge in twelue ȝockis of oxis; and he and he ſeide to hiſe ſeruauntis, Cumpaſſe ȝe þe citee.
was oon in þe twelue ȝockis of oxys, erynge. And xiii And þei cumpaſſiden it. And lo! o prophete neiȝede
whanne Elie hadde come to hym, Elie caſtide his mentil to Acab, kyng of Iſrael, and ſeide to hym, Þe Lord God
on hym. ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Certis þou haſt ſeyn al þis multitude ful
xx Which ran anoon after Elie, whanne þe oxis weren
greet; lo! Y ſchal bitake it in to þin hond to dai, þat þou
left, and ſeide, Y preie þee, kyſſe Y my fadir and my wite þat Y am þe Lord.
modir, and ſo Y ſchal ſue þee. And Elie ſeide to hym, xiiii And Achab ſeide, Bi whom? And he ſeide to Achab,
Go þou, and turne aȝen, for Y haue do to þee þat þat Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Bi þe ſquyeris of þe princes of
was myn. prouynces. And Achab ſeide, Who ſchal bigynne to
xxi `Soþeli he turnede aȝen fro Elie, and took tweine
fiȝte? And þe prophete ſeide, Þou.
oxis, and killide hem; and wiþ þe plow of oxis he ſeþide xv Þerfor he noumbryde þe children of þe princes of
þe fleiſchis, and ȝaf to þe puple, and þei eeten; and he prouynces, and he foond þe noumbre of twei hundrid
roos, and ȝede, and ſuede Elie, and `mynyſtride to hym. and two and þretti; and aftir hem he noumbride þe
puple, alle þe ſones of Iſrael, ſeuene þouſynde.
CAP. XX xvi And þei ȝeden out in myddai. Forſoþe Benadab
i Forſoþe Benadab, kyng of Sirye, gaderide al his ooſt,
drank, and was drunkun in his ſchadewyng place, and
and two and þritti kyngis wiþ hym, and horſis, and two and þretti kyngis wiþ hym, þat camen to þe help of

xvii Soþeli þe children of princes of prouynces ȝeden out we ſackis in oure leendis, and cordis in oure heedis, and
in þe firſte frount. Þerfor Benadab ſente men, whiche go we out to þe kyng of Iſrael; in hap he ſchal ſaue oure
telden to hym, and ſeide, Men ȝeden out of Samarie. lyues.
xviii And he ſeide, Wheþer þei comen for pees, take ȝe xxxii Þei girdiden her leendis wiþ ſackis, and puttiden

hem quyke; wheþer to fiȝte, take ȝe hem quyke. coordis in her heedis, and þei camen to þe kyng of
xix Þerfor þe children of prynces of prouynces ȝeden Iſrael, and ſeiden to hym, Þi ſeruaunt Benadab ſeiþ, Y
out, preye þee, lete `my ſoule lyue. And he ſeide, If Benadab
xx and þe reſidue ooſt ſuede; and ech ſmoot þe man þat lyueþ ȝit, he is my broþer.
xxxiii Which þing þe men of Sirie token for a graciouſe
cam aȝens hym. And men of Sirie fledden, and Iſrael
purſuede hem; alſo Benadab, kyng of Sirie, fledde on an word, and rauyſchiden haſtily þe word of his mouþ, and
hors wiþ his kniȝtis. ſeiden, Þi broþer Benadab lyueþ. And Achab ſeide to
xxi Alſo þe king of Iſrael ȝede out, and ſmoot horſis and hem, Go ȝe, and brynge ȝe hym to me. Þerfor Benadab
charis, and he ſmoot Sirie wiþ a ful greet veniaunce. ȝede out to hym, and he reiſide Benadab in to his chare.
xxxiiii `Which Benadab ſeide to hym, Y ſchal ȝelde þe
xxii Forſoþe a prophete neiȝede to þe kyng of Iſrael, and
ſeide, Go þou, and be coumfortid, and wyte, and ſe, citees whiche my fadir took fro þi fadir, and make þou
what þou ſchalt do; for þe kyng of Sirie ſchal ſtie aȝens ſtretis to þee in Damaſk, as my fadir made in Samarie;
þee in þe ȝeer ſuynge. and Y ſchal be boundun to pees, and Y ſchal departe fro
xxiii Soþeli þe ſeruauntis of þe kyng of Sirie ſeiden to þee. Þerfor he made boond of pees, and delyuerede
hym, Þe Goddis of hillis ben þe Goddis of þe ſones of xxxv Þanne ſum man of þe ſones of prophetis ſeide to his
Iſrael, þerfor þei ouercamen vs; but it is betere þat we
fiȝte aȝens hem in feeldi placis, and we ſchulen geet felowe, in þe word of þe Lord, Smyte þou me. And he
hem. nolde ſmyte.
xxxvi To `whiche felowe he ſeide, For þou noldiſt here
xxiiii Þerfor do þou þis word; remoue þou alle kyngis fro
þin ooſt, and ſette þou princis for hem; þe vois of þe Lord, lo! þou ſchalt go fro me, and a lioun
xxv and reſtore þou þe noumbre of knyȝtis, þat felden of ſchal ſmyte þee. And whanne he hadde go a litil fro
hym, a lioun foond hym, and ſlowȝ hym.
þine, and horſis bi þe formere horſis, and reſtore þou xxxvii But alſo þe prophete foond anoþer man, and he
charis, bi þe charis whiche þou haddiſt bifore; and we
ſchulen fiȝte aȝens hem in feeldy places, and þou ſchalt ſeide to þat man, Smyte þou me. Which ſmoot him, and
ſe, þat we ſchulen gete hem. He bileuyde to þe counſel woundide him.
xxxviii Þerfor þe prophete ȝede, and mette þe kyng in þe
of hem, and dide ſo.
xxvi Þerfor after þat þe ȝeer hadde paſſid, Benadab weie; and he chaungide his mouþ and iȝen, by
noumbride men of Sirie, and he ſtiede in to Affech, to ſprynging of duſt.
xxxix And whanne þe kyng hadde paſſid, he criede to þe
fiȝte aȝens Iſrael.
xxvii Forſoþe þe ſones of Iſrael weren noumbrid; and kyng, and ſeide, Þi ſeruaunt ȝede out to fiȝte anoon, and
whanne meetis weren takun, þei ȝeden forþ euene whanne o man hadde fledde, ſum man brouȝte hym to
aȝens, and þei, as twey litle flockis of geet, ſettiden me, and ſeide, Kepe þou þis man; and if he aſchapiþ, þi
tentis aȝens men of Sirie. Forſoþe men of Sirie filliden lijf ſchal be for his lijf, eþer þou ſchalt paye a talent of
þe erþe. ſiluere.
xl Soþeli while Y was troblid, and turnede me hidur and
xxviii And o prophete of God neiȝede, and ſeide to þe
kyng of Iſrael, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For men of þidur, ſodeynly he apperide not. And þe kyng of Iſrael
Sirie ſeiden, God of hillis is þe Lord of hem, and he is ſeide to hym, Þis is þi doom which þou haſt demed.
xli And anoon he wipide awey þe duſt fro his face, and
not God of valeis, Y ſchal ȝyue al þis greet multitude in
þin hond, and ȝe ſchulen wite þat Y am þe Lord. þe kyng of Iſrael knew him, þat he was of þe prophetis.
xxix In ſeuene daies þeſe and þei dreſſiden ſcheltruns xlii Which ſeide to þe kyng, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis,

euene aȝens; forſoþe in þe ſeuenþe dai þe batel was For

joyned togidere, and þe ſones of Iſrael ſmytiden of men þou deliueridiſt fro þin hond a man worþi þe deeþ, þi
of Syrie an hundrid þouſynde of foot men in o dai. lijf ſchal be for his lijf, and þi puple `ſchal be for his
xxx Forſoþe þei þat leften fledden in to þe citee of puple.
xliii Þerfor þe kyng of Iſrael turnede aȝen in to his hows,
Affech, and þe wal felde doun on ſeuene and twenti
þouſynde of men þat leften. Forſoþe Benadab fledde, and diſpiſide to here, and cam wod in to Samarie.
and entride in to þe citee, in to a cloſet þat was wiþ
ynne a cloſet;
xxxi and hiſe ſeruauntis ſeiden to him, We herden þat þe
kyngis of þe hows of Iſrael ben merciful, þerfor putte

CAP. XXI xiiii And þei ſenten to Jezabel, and ſeiden, Naboth is
i Forſoþe after þeſe wordis, in þat tyme, þe vyner of ſtoonyd, and is deed.
Naboth of Jezrael, `þat was in Jezrael, was biſidis þe xv Forſoþe it was doon, whanne Jezabel hadde herd
paleis of Achab, kyng of Samarye. Naboth ſtonyd and deed, ſche ſpak to Achab, Riſe þou,
ii Þerfor Achab ſpak to Naboth, and ſeide, Ȝyue þou to take þou in poſſeſſioun þe vyner of Naboth of Jezrael,
me þe vyner, þat Y make to me a gardyn of wortis, for it which nolde aſſente to þee, and ȝyue it for money takun;
is nyȝ, and nyȝ myn hows; and Y ſchal ȝyue to þee a for Naboth lyueþ not, but is deed.
betere vyner for it; eþir if þou geſſiſt it more profitable xvi And whanne Achab hadde herd þis, þat is, Naboth
to þee, Y ſchall ȝyue þe prijs of ſiluer, as myche as it is deed, he roos, and ȝede doun in to þe vyner of Naboth
worþ. of Jezrael, to haue it in poſſeſſioun.
iii To whom Naboth anſweride, Þe Lord be merciful to xvii Þerfor þe word of þe Lord was maad to Elie of
me, þat Y ȝyue not to þee þe eritage of my fadris. Theſbi,
iiii Þerfor Acab cam in to his hows, hauynge xviii and ſeide, Riſe þou, go doun in to þe comyng of
indignacioun, and gnaſtyng on þe word which Naboth Achab, kyng of Iſrael, which is in Samarie; lo! he goiþ
of Jezrael hadde ſpoke to him, and ſeide, Y ſchal not doun to þe vyner of Naboth, þat he haue it in
ȝyue to þee þe eritage of my fadirs. And Achab caſtide poſſeſſioun.
doun him ſilf in to his bed, and turnede awei his face to xix And þou ſchalt ſpeke to hym, and `þou ſchalt ſeie, Þe
þe wal, and ete not breed. Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þou haſt ſlayn, ferþermore
v Forſoþe Jezabel, his wijf, entride to hym, and ſeide to
and þou haſt take in poſſeſſioun; and aftir þeſe þingis
hym, What is þis þing, wherof þi ſoule is maad ſory? þou ſchalt adde, In þis place, wherynne doggis lickiden
and whi etiſt þou not breed? þe blood of Naboth, þei ſchulen licke alſo þi blood.
vi Which anſweride to hir, Y ſpak to Naboth of Jezrael, xx And Achab ſeyde to Elie, Wheþer þou haſt founde me
and Y ſeide to hym, Ȝyue þi vyner to me for money þin enemy? Which Elie ſeide, Y haue founde, for þou
takun, eþir if it pleſiþ þee, Y ſchal ȝyue to þee a betere art ſeeld þat þou ſchuldiſt do yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord.
vyner for it. And he ſeide, Y ſchal not ȝyue to þee my xxi Þerfor þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal brynge
vyner. yn on þee yuel, and Y ſchal kitte awey þin hyndrere
vii Þerfor Jezabel, his wijf, ſeide to hym, Þou art of greet
þingis, and Y ſchal ſle of Achab a piſſere to þe wal, and
auctorite, and þou gouerneſt wel Iſrael; riſe þou, and ete priſoned, and þe laſte in Iſrael;
breed, and be þou `pacient, eþir coumfortid; Y ſchal xxii and Y ſchal ȝyue þin hows as þe hows of Jeroboam,
ȝyue to þee þe vyner of Naboth of Jezrael. ſone of Naboth, and as þe hows of Baaſa, ſone of Ahia;
viii Þerfor ſche wroot lettris in þe name of Achab, and
for þou didiſt to excite me to wraþfulneſſe, and madiſt
ſeelide þo wiþ þe ryng of hym; and ſche ſente to þe Iſrael to do ſynne.
grettere men in birþe, and to þe beſte men, þat weren in xxiii But alſo þe Lord ſpak of Jezabel, and ſeide, Doggis
þe citee of hym, and dwelliden wiþ Naboth. ſchulen ete Jezabel in þe feeld of Jeſrael;
ix Soþeli þis was þe ſentence of þe lettre; Preche ȝe xxiiii if Achab ſchal die in þe citee, doggis ſchulen ete
faſtyng, and make ȝe Naboth to ſitte among þe firſte hym; ſoþeli if he ſchal die in þe feeld, briddis of þe eyr
men of þe puple; ſchulen ete hym.
x and ſende ȝe priueli twei men, þe ſones of Belial, xxv Þerfor noon oþer was ſich as Achab, þat was ſeeld to
aȝens hym, and ſey þei fals witneſſyng, Naboth bleſſide do yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord; for Jezabel his wijf
God and þe kyng; and lede ȝe out hym, and ſtoon ȝe excitide hym;
him, and die he ſo. xxvi and he was maad abhomynable, in ſo myche þat he
xi Þerfor hiſe citeſeyns, þe grettere men in birþe, and þe
ſuede þe ydols þat Ammorreis maden, which
beſte men þat dwelliden wiþ hym in þe citee, diden as Ammorreis þe Lord waſtide fro þe face of þe ſones of
Jezabel hadde comaundid, and as it was writun in þe Iſrael.
lettris, whiche ſche hadde ſent to hem. xxvii Þerfor whanne Achab hadde herd þeſe wordis, he
xii Þei prechiden faſtyng, and maden Naboth to ſitte
to-rente his cloþ, and hilide his fleiſch wiþ an hayre,
among þe firſte men of þe puple; and he faſtide, and ſlepte in a ſak, and ȝede wiþ þe heed
xiii and whanne twey men, ſones of þe deuel, weren
caſt doun.
brouȝt, þei maden hem to ſitte aȝens hym, and þei, þat xxviii Þe word of þe Lord was maad to Elie of Theſbi,
is, as men of þe deuel, ſeiden witneſſyng aȝens him and ſeide, Wheþir þou haſt not ſeyn Achab maad low
bifor al þe multitude, Naboth bleſſide God and þe kyng; bifor me? Þerfor for he is maad low for þe cauſe of me,
for which þing þei ledden hym wiþ out þe citee, and Y ſchal not brynge yn yuel in hiſe daies, but in þe daies
killiden him wiþ ſtoonys. of his ſone Y ſchal bryng yn yuel to his hows.

CAP. XXII xvi Forſoþe þe kyng ſeide to hym, Eft and eft Y coniure
i Þerfor þre ȝeeris paſſiden wiþ out batel bitwixe Sirie þee, þat þou ſpeke not to me, not but þat þat is ſoþ in þe
and Iſrael. name of þe Lord.
ii Forſoþe in þe þridde ȝeer Joſephat, king of Juda, ȝede xvii And he ſeide, Y ſiȝ al Iſrael ſcaterid in þe hillis, as
doun to þe kyng of Iſrael. ſcheep not hauynge a ſcheepherde; and þe Lord ſeide,
iii And þe kyng of Iſrael ſeide to hiſe ſeruauntis, Witen Þeſe han no lord, ech man turne aȝen in to his hows in
ȝe not, þat Ramoth of Galaad is oure, and we ben pees.
necgligent to take it fro þe hoond of þe kyng of Sirie? xviii Þerfor þe kyng of Iſrael ſeide to Joſaphat, Wheþir Y
iiii And he ſeide to Joſaphat, Wheþer þou ſchalt come ſeide not to þee, þat he prophecieþ not good to me, but
wiþ me to fiȝte in to Ramoth of Galaad? euere yuel?
v And Joſophat ſeide to þe kyng of Iſrael, As Y am, ſo xix Soþeli þilke Mychee addide, and ſeide, Þerefore here

and þou; my puple and þi puple ben oon; and my þou þe word of þe Lord; Y ſiȝ þe Lord ſittynge on his
knyȝtis and þy knyȝtis `ben oon. And Joſephat ſeide to trone, and Y ſiȝ al þe ooſt of heuene ſtondynge nyȝ hym,
þe kyng of Iſrael, Y preie þee, axe þou to dai þe word of on þe riȝt ſide and on þe left ſide.
þe Lord. xx And þe Lord ſeide, Who ſchal diſſeyue Achab, kyng
vi Þerfor þe kyng of Iſrael gaderide prophetis aboute of Iſrael, þat he ſtye, and falle in Ramoth of Galaad?
foure hundrid men, and he ſeide to hem, Owe Y to go in And oon ſeide ſiche wordis, and anoþer in anoþir
to Ramoth of Galaad to fiȝte, eþir to reſte? Whiche maner.
anſweriden, Stie þou, and þe Lord ſchal ȝyue it in þe xxi Soþeli a ſpirit ȝede out, and ſtood bifor þe Lord, and
hond of þe kyng. ſeide, Y ſchal diſſeyue hym. To whom þe Lord ſpak, In
vii Forſoþe Joſephat ſeide, Is not here ony profete of þe what þing?
Lord, þat we axe bi hym? xxii And he ſeide, Y ſchal go out, and Y ſchal be a ſpirit
viii And þe kyng of Iſrael ſeide to Joſephat, O man, of leeſyng in þe mouþ of alle hiſe prophetis. And þe
Mychee, ſone of Hiemla, is left, bi whom we moun axe Lord ſeide, Þou ſchalt diſſeyue, and ſchalt haue þe
þe Lord; but Y hate hym, for he propheſieþ not good to mayſtry; go þou out, and do ſo.
me, but yuel. To whome Joſephat ſeide, Kyng, ſpek þou xxiii Now þerfor, lo! þe Lord ȝaf a ſpirit of leeſyng in þe
not ſo. mouþ of alle prophetis þat ben here; and þe Lord ſpak
ix Þerfor þe kyng of Iſrael clepide ſumme yuel aȝens þee.
chaumburleyn, and ſeide to hym, Haſte þou to brynge xxiiii Forſoþe Sedechie, ſone of Canaan, neiȝede, and
Mychee, ſone of Hiemla. ſmoot Mychee on þe cheke, and ſeide, Wheþer þe Spirit
x Forſoþe þe kyng of Iſrael, and Joſephat, kyng of Juda, of þe Lord forſook me, and ſpak to þee?
ſaten, ech in his trone, cloþid wiþ kyngis ournement, in xxv And Mychee ſeide, Þou ſchalt ſe in þat dai, whanne
þe large hows biſidis þe dore of þe ȝate of Samarie; and þou ſchalt go in to cloſet wiþ ynne cloſet, þat þou be
alle prophetis prophecieden in þe ſiȝt of hem. hid.
xi Alſo Sedechie, ſone of Chanaan, made to hym ſilf xxvi And þe kyng of Iſrael ſeide, Take ȝe Mychee, and
hornes of yrun, and ſeide, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, dwelle he at Amon, prince of þe citee, and at Joas, þe
Wiþ þeſe þou ſchalt ſcatere Sirye, til þou do awei it. ſone of Amalech;
xii And alle prophetis prophecieden in lijk maner, and xxvii and ſeie ȝe to hem, Þe kyng ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Sende
ſeiden, Stye þou in to Ramoth of Galaad, and go þou ȝe þis man in to priſoun, and ſuſteyne ȝe hym wiþ breed
wiþ proſperite; and þe Lord ſchal bitake þin enemyes in of tribulacioun, and wiþ watir of angwiſch, til Y turne
þe hond of þe kyng. aȝen in pees.
xiii Soþeli þe meſſanger, þat ȝede to clepe Mychee, ſpak xxviii And Mychee ſeide, If þou ſchalt turne aȝen in pees,
to hym, and ſeide, Lo! þe wordis of prophetis wiþ o þe Lord ſpak not in me. And he ſeide, Here ȝe, alle
mouþ prechen goodis to þe kyng; þerfor þi word be lijk puplis.
hem, and ſpeke þou goodis. xxix Þerfor þe kyng of Iſrael ſtiede, and Joſaphat, kyng
xiiii To whom Mychee ſeide, Þe Lord lyueþ, for what of Juda, in to Ramoth of Galaad.
euer þing þe Lord ſchal ſeie to me, Y ſchal ſpeke þis. xxx Þerfor þe kyng of Iſrael ſeide to Joſephat, Take þou
xv Þerfor he cam to þe kyng. And þe kyng ſeide to hym, armeris, and entre þou in to batel, and be þou cloþid in
Mychee, owen we go in to Ramoth of Galaad to fiȝte, þi cloþis, þat is, noble ſignes of þe kyng. Certis þe kyng
eþer ceeſſe? To which kyng he anſweride, Stie þou, and of Iſrael chaungide hiſe cloþing, and entride in to batel.
go in proſperite; and þe Lord ſchal bitake it `in to þe xxxi Soþeli þe kyng of Sirie hadde comaundid to two
hond of þe kyng. and þritti princes of charis, and ſeide, Ȝe ſchulen not

fiȝte aȝens ony man leſſe, eþir more, no but aȝens þe xlix Forſoþe king Joſephat made ſchippis in þe ſee, þat
kyng of Iſrael oonli. ſchulden ſeile in to Ophir for gold, and þo myȝten not
xxxii Þerfor whanne þe princes of charis hadden ſeyn go, for þei weren brokun in Aſiongaber.
Joſephat, þei ſupoſiden þat he was king of Iſrael, and bi l Þanne Ocozie, ſone of Achab, ſeide to Joſephat, My
feerſneſſe maad þei fouȝten aȝens hym. ſeruauntis go wiþ þine in ſchippis.
xxxiii And Joſephat criede; and þe princis of charis li And Joſephat nolde. And Joſephat ſlepte wiþ hiſe
vndurſtoden, þat it was not þe king of Iſrael, and þei fadris, and was biried wiþ hem in þe citee of Dauid, his
ceeſſiden fro hym. fadir; and Joram, his ſone, regnede for hym.
xxxiiii Soþeli ſum man bente a bowe, and dreſſide an lii Forſoþe Ocozie, ſone of Achab, bigan to regne on
arowe in to vncerteyn, and bi hap he ſmoot þe kyng of Iſrael, in Samarie, in þe ſeuenetenþe ȝeer of Joſephat,
Iſrael bitwixe þe lunge and þe ſtomak. And þe kyng kyng of Juda; and Ocozie regnede on Iſrael twei ȝeer.
ſeide to his charietere, Turne þin hond, and caſt me out liii And he dide yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, and ȝede in þe
of þe ooſt, for Y am woundid greuouſli. wey of his fadir, and of his modir, and in þe weie of
xxxv Þerfor batel was ioyned in þat dai, and þe kyng of
Jeroboam, ſone of Nabath, þat made Iſrael to do ſynne.
Iſrael ſtood in his chare aȝens men of Sirie, and he was liiii And he ſeruyde Baal, and worſchipide hym, and
deed at euentid. Forſoþe þe blood of þe wounde fletide wraþþide þe Lord God of Iſrael, bi alle þingis whiche
doun in to þe boþome of þe chare. his fadir hadde do.
xxxvi And a criere ſownede in al þe ooſt, before þat þe
Here endiþ þe þridde book of Kyngis, and here
ſunne ȝede doun, and ſeide, Ech man turne aȝen in to his bigynneþ þe fourþe.
citee, and in to his lond.
xxxvii Forſoþe þe kyng was deed, and was borun in to
Samarie; and þei birieden þe kyng of Samarie.
xxxviii And þei waiſchiden his chare in þe ciſterne of
Samarie, and doggis lickiden his blood, and þei
wayſchiden þe reynes, bi þe word of þe Lord whiche he
hadde ſpoke.
xxxix Soþeli þe reſidue of wordis of Achab, and alle
þingis whiche he dide, and þe hows of yuer which he
bildide, and of alle citees whiche he bildide, wheþer
þeſe ben not writun in þe book of wordis of daies of þe
kyngis of Iſrael?
xl Þerfor Achab ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris, and Ocozie, his
ſone, regnede for hym.
xli Forſoþe Joſephat, ſone of Aſa, bigan to regne on Juda
in þe fourþe ȝeer of Achab, kyng of Iſrael.
xlii Joſephat was of fyue and þretti ȝeer, whanne he
bigan to regne, and he regnede fyue and twenti ȝeer in
Jeruſalem; þe name of his modir was Azuba, douȝter of
xliii And he ȝede in al þe weye of Aſa, his fadir, and
bowide not fro it; and he dide þat, þat was riȝtful in þe
ſiȝt of þe Lord.
xliiii Neþeles he dide not awey hiȝ þingis, for ȝit þe
puple made ſacrifice, and brente encenſe in hiȝ places.
xlv And Joſephat hadde pees wiþ þe king of Iſrael.
xlvi Soþeli þe reſidue of wordis of Joſephat, and þe
werkis and batels, whiche he dide, wheþir þeſe ben not
writun in þe book of wordis of daies of þe kyngis of
xlvii But alſo he took awey fro þe loond þe relikis of
men turned in to wymmens condiciouns, þat leften in þe
daies of Aza, his fadir.
xlviii Neþir a kyng was ordeyned þanne in Edom.

xiiii Lo!fier cam doun fro heuene, and deuouride
IIII KINGIS tweyne, þe firſte princis of fifti men, and þe fifti men
Here biginneþ þe ferþe book of Kingis. þat weren wiþ hem; but now, Y biſeche, þat þou haue
mercy on my lijf.
CAP. I xv Forſoþe þe aungel of þe Lord ſpak to Helie of Theſbi,
i Forſoþe Moab treſpaſſide aȝens Iſrael, after þat Achab and ſeide, Go þou doun wiþ hym; drede þou not. Þerfor
was deed. Elie roos, and cam doun wiþ hym to þe kyng;
ii And Ocozie felde þorou þe aleris of his ſoler, which xvi and he ſpak to þe kyng, Þe Lord ſeiþ þes þingis, For
he hadde in Samarie, and was ſijk; and he ſente þou ſentiſt meſſangeris to counſele Belzebub, god of
meſſangeris, and ſeide to hem, Go ȝe, and councele Acharon, as if no God were in Iſrael, of whom þow
Belzebub, god of Acharon, wheþer Y may lyue after þis myȝtiſt axe a word; þerfor þou ſchalt not go doun of þe
ſijkneſſe of me. bed, on which þou ſtiediſt, but þou ſchalt die bi deeþ.
iii Forſoþe þe aungel of þe Lord ſpak to Elye of Theſbi, xvii Þerfor he was deed bi þe word of þe Lord, which
and ſeide, Riſe þou, and go doun into þe metynge of þe word Elie ſpak; and Joram, hys broþir, regnyde for
meſſangeris of þe kyng of Samarie; and þou ſchalt ſeie hym, in þe ſecounde ȝeer of Joram, þe ſone of Joſephat,
to hem, Wheþer God is not in Iſrael, þat ȝe go to counſel kyng of Juda; for Ocozie hadde no ſone.
Belzebub, god of Acharon? xviii Soþeli þe reſidue of wordis of Ocozie, whiche he
iiii For which þing þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þou ſchalt wrouȝte, wheþer þeſe ben not writun in þe book of
not go doun of þe bed, on which þou ſtiediſt. wordis of daies of þe kyngis of Iſrael?
v And Elie ȝede. And þe meſſangeris turneden aȝen to
Ocozie. And he ſeide to hem, Whi turneden ȝe aȝen? CAP. II
vi And þei anſweriden to hym, A man mette vs, and i Forſoþe it was don, whanne þe Lord wolde reiſe Elie

ſeide to vs, Go ȝe, turne ȝe aȝen to þe kyng, þat ſente bi a whirlewynd in to heuene, Elie and Eliſee ȝeden fro
ȝou; and ȝe ſchulen ſeie to him, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Galgalis.
Wheþer for God was not in Iſrael, þou ſendiſt, þat ii And Elie ſeide to Eliſee, Sitte þou here, for þe Lord
Belzebub, god of Acharon, be counſelid? Þerfor þou ſente me til into Bethel. To whom Eliſee ſeide, Þe Lord
ſchalt not go doun of þe bed, on which þou ſtiediſt, but lyueþ and þi ſoule lyueþ, for Y ſchal not forſake þee.
þou ſchalt die bi deeþ. And whanne þei hadden come doun to Bethel,
vii Which Ocozie ſeide to hem, Of what figure and abite iii þe ſones of prophetis, þat weren in Bethel, ȝeden out
is þat man, þat mette ȝou, and ſpak to ȝou þeſe wordis? to Eliſee, and ſeiden to hym, Wheþer þou knowiſt, þat
viii And þei ſeiden, An heeri man, and gird wiþ a girdil þe Lord ſchal take awey þi lord to dai fro þee? Which
of ſkyn in þe reynes. Which ſeide to hem, It is Elie of anſweride, And I knowe; be ȝe ſtille.
Theſbi. iiii Forſoþe Elie ſeide to Eliſee, Sitte þou here, for þe
ix And he ſente to Elie a prince of fifti, and fifti men þat Lord ſente me into Jerico. And he ſeide, Þe Lord lyueþ
weren vndur hym. Which prince ſtiede to hym, and and þi ſoule lyueþ, for Y ſchal not forſake þee. And
ſeide to hym, ſittynge in þe cop of þe hil, Man of God, whanne þei hadden come to Jerico,
þe kyng comaundiþ, þat þou come doun. v þe ſones of prophetis, þat weren in Jerico, neiȝiden to
x And Elie anſweride, and ſeide to þe prince of fifti Eliſee, and ſeiden to hym, Wheþer þou knowiſt, þat þe
men, If Y am þe man of God, fier come doun fro Lord ſchal take awei þi lord to dai fro þee? And he
heuene, and deuoure þee and þi fifti men. Þerfor fier ſeide, Y knowe; be ȝe ſtille.
cam doun fro heuene, and deuouride hym, and þe fifti vi Forſoþe Elie ſeide to Eliſee, Sitte þou here, for þe
men þat weren wiþ hym. Lord ſente me `til to Jordan. Which ſeide, Þe Lord lyueþ
xi Eft he ſente to Elie anoþer prince of fifti, and fifti and þi ſoule lyueþ, for Y ſchal not forſake þee. Þerfor
men wiþ hym, which ſpak to Helye, Man of God, þe boþe ȝeden togidere;
kyng ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Haſte þou, come þou doun. vii and fifti men of þe ſones of prophetis ſueden, which
xii Elie anſweride, and ſeide, If Y am þe man of God, alſo ſtoden fer euen aȝens; ſoþely þei boþe ſtoden ouer
fier come doun fro heuene, and deuoure þee and þi fifti Jordan.
men. Þerfor þe fier of God cam doun fro heuene, and viii And Elie took his mentil, and wlappide it, and ſmoot
deuouride hym and hiſe fifti men. þe watris; whiche weren departid `into euer eþir part,
xiii Eft he ſente þe þridde prince of fifti men, and fifti and boþe ȝeden bi þe drie.
men þat weren wiþ hym. And whanne þis prynce hadde ix And whanne þei hadden paſſid, Elie ſeide to Eliſee,
come, he bowide þe knees aȝens Elie, and preiede hym, Axe þou þat, þat þou wolt þat Y do to þee, bifor þat Y
and ſeide, Man of God, nyle þou diſpiſe my lijf, and þe be takun awey fro þee. And Eliſee ſeide, Y biſeche, þat
lyues of þi ſeruauntis þat ben wiþ me. þi double ſpirit be `maad in me.

x Which Elie anſweride, Þou axiſt an hard þing; neþeles xxv SoþeliEliſee wente fro þennus in to þe hil of
if þou ſchalt ſe me, whanne Y ſchal be takun awei fro Carmele, and fro þennus he turnede `aȝen to Samarie.
þee, þat þat þou axidiſt ſchal be; ſoþeli, if þou ſchalt not
ſe, it ſchal not be. CAP. III
xi And whanne þei ȝeden, and ſpaken goynge, lo! a i Forſoþe Joram, ſone of Achab, regnede on Iſrael, in
chare of fier and horſys of fier departiden euer eiþer; Samarie, in þe eiȝtenþe ȝeer of Joſephat, kyng of Juda.
and Elie ſtiede bi a whirlewynd in to heuene. And he regnede twelue ȝeer,
xii Forſoþe Eliſe ſiȝ, and criede, My fadir! my fadir! þe ii and he dide yuel bifor þe Lord, but not as his fader
chare of Iſrael, and þe charietere þerof. And he ſiȝ no and modir;
more Elie. And he took hiſe cloþis, and to-rente þo in to iii for he took awei þe ymagis of Baal, whiche his fadir
twei partis. hadde maad, neþeles in þe ſynnes of Jeroboam, ſone of
xiii And he reiſide þe mentil of Elie, þat felde doun to Nabath, þat made Iſrael to do ſynne, `he cleuyde, and
hym; and he turnede aȝen, and ſtood ouer þe ryuer of ȝede not awei fro þo.
Jordan. iiii Forſoþe Meſa, kyng of Moab, nurſchide many
xiiii And wiþ þe mentil of Elie, þat felde doun to hym, beeſtis, and paiede to þe kyng of Iſrael an hundrid
he ſmoot þe watris, whiche weren not departid. And he þouſynde of lambren, and an hundrid þouſynde of
ſeide, Where is God of Elie alſo now? And he ſmoot þe weþeris, wiþ her fleeſis.
watris, and þo weren departid hidur and þidur; and v And whanne Achab was deed, he brak þe boond of
Eliſee paſſide. pees, which he hadde wiþ þe kyng of Iſrael.
xv Soþeli þe ſones of prophetis, þat weren in Jerico vi Þerfor kyng Joram ȝede out of Samarie in þat dai, and
euene aȝens, ſiȝen, and ſeiden, Þe ſpirit of Elie reſtide on noumbride al Iſrael.
Eliſee. And þei camen in to þe meetyng of hym, and vii And he ſente to Joſephat, kyng of Juda, and ſeide, Þe
worſchipiden hym lowli to erþe. kyng of Moab ȝede awei fro me; come þou wiþ me
xvi And þei ſeiden to hym, Lo! wiþ þi ſeruauntis ben
aȝens him to batel. Which Joſephat anſweride, Y ſchal
fifti ſtronge men, þat moun go, and ſeke þi lord, leſt ſtie; he þat is myn, is þin; my puple is þi puple; and
perauenture þe Spirit of þe Lord haþ take hym, and haþ myn horſis ben þin horſis.
caſt forþ hym in oon of þe hillis, eþir in oon of þe viii And he ſeide, Bi what weie ſchulen we ſtie? And he
valeys. anſweride, Bi þe deſeert of Ydumee.
xvii Which ſeide, `Nyle ȝe ſende. And þei conſtreyneden ix Þerfor þe kyng of Iſrael, and þe kyng of Juda, and þe
hym, til he aſſentide to hem, and ſeide, Sende ȝe. And kyng of Edom, ȝeden forþ, and cumpaſſiden bi þe weie
þei ſenten fifti men; and whanne þei hadden ſouȝt bi þre of ſeuene daies; and `watir was not to þe ooſt, and to þe
daies, þei founden not. beeſtis, þat ſueden hem.
xviii And þei turneden aȝen to hym; and he dwelide in x And þe kyng of Iſrael ſeide, Alas! alas! alas! þe Lord
Jerico. And he ſeide to hem, Wheþer Y ſeide not to ȝou, haþ gaderide vs þre kyngis to bitake vs in þe hond of
Nyle ȝe ſende? Moab.
xix Þerfor þe men of þe citee ſeiden to Eliſee, Lo! þe xi And Joſephat ſeide, Wheþer ony prophete of þe Lord
dwellyng of þis cite is ful good, as þou þi ſilf, lord, is here, þat we biſeche þe Lord bi hym? And oon of þe
ſeeſt; but þe watris ben ful yuele, and þe lond is bareyn. ſeruauntis of þe kyng of Iſrael anſweride, Eliſee, þe ſone
xx And he ſeide, Brynge ȝe to me a newe veſſel, and
of Saphat, is here, þat ſchedde watir on þe hondis of
ſende ȝe ſalt in to it. And whanne þei hadden brouȝt it, Elie.
xxi he ȝede out to þe welle of watris, and ſente ſalt in to xii And Joſephat ſeide, Is þe word of þe Lord at hym?
it, and ſeide, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Y haue helid þeſe Whiche ſeiden, `It is. And þe kyng of Iſrael, and
watris, and neþir deeþ, neþer bareyneſſe, ſchal be more Joſephat, kyng of Juda, and þe kyng of Edom, ȝeden
in þo. doun to hym.
xxii Þerfor þe watris weren heelid til in to þis dai, bi þe xiii Forſoþe Eliſe ſeide to þe kyng of Iſrael, What is to
word of Eliſee, which he ſpak. me and to þee? Go þou to þe prophetis of þi fadir and of
xxiii Forſoþe Eliſee ſtiede fro þennus in to Bethel; and þi modir. And þe kyng of Iſrael ſeide to hym, Whi haþ
whanne he ſtiede bi þe weie, litle children ȝeden out of þe Lord gaderid þeſe þre kyngis, to bitake hem into þe
þe citee, and ſcorneden hym, and ſeiden, Stie, þou hondis of Moab?
ballard! ſtie, þou ballard! xiiii And Eliſee ſeide to hym, Þe Lord of ooſtis lyueþ, in
xxiiii And whanne he hadde biholde, he ſiȝ hem, and whos ſiȝt Y ſtonde, if Y were not aſchamed of þe cheer
curſide hem in þe name of þe Lord. And twey beeris of Joſephat, king of Juda, treuli Y hadde not perſeyued,
ȝeden out of þe foreſt, and to-rente fourti children of neþir Y hadde biholde þee.

xv Now forſoþe brynge ȝe to me a ſautrere. And whanne ii To whom Eliſee ſeide, What wolt þou þat Y do to þee?
þe ſautrere ſong, þe hond of þe Lord was maad on hym, ſeie þou to me, what haſt þou in þin hows? And ſhe
and he ſeide, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, anſweride, Y þin handmayde haue not ony þing in myn
xvi Make ȝe þe wombe, eþer depþe, of þis ſtronde dichis hows, no but a litil of oile, bi which Y ſchal be
and dichis. anoyntid.
xvii For þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Ȝe ſchulen not ſe iii To whom he ſeide, Go þou, and axe bi borewyng of

wynd, neþir reyn, and þis depþe ſchal be fillid wiþ alle þi neiȝboris voide veſſels not fewe.
watris, and ȝe ſchulen drynke, and ȝoure meynees, and iiii And entre, and cloſe þi dore, whanne þou art wiþ
ȝoure beeſtis. ynne, þou and þi ſones; and putte ȝe þerof in to alle þeſe
xviii And þis is litil in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord. Ferþermore alſo veſſels; and whanne þo ſchulen be ful, þou ſchalt take
he ſchal bitake Moab in to ȝoure hondis; awei.
xix and ȝe ſchulen ſmyte ech ſtrengþid citee, and ech v Þerfor þe womman ȝede, and cloſide þe dore on hir ſilf

choſun citee, and ȝe ſchulen kitte doun ech tre berynge and on hir ſones, þei brouȝten veſſels, and ſche `heldide
fruyt, and ȝe ſchulen ſtoppe alle þe wellis of watris, and in.
ȝe ſchulen hile wiþ ſtonys ech noble feeld. vi And whanne þe veſſels weren fulle, ſche ſeide to hir
xx Þerfor it was doon eerli, whanne ſacrifice is wont to ſone, Brynge þou ȝit a veſſel to me. And he anſweride, Y
be offrid, and, lo! watris camen bi þe weie of Edom, haue not. And þe oyle ſtood.
and þe lond was fillid wiþ watris. vii Forſoþe ſche cam, and ſchewide to þe man of God;
xxi Soþeli alle men of Moab herden, þat kyngis hadden and he ſeide, Go þou, ſil þou þe oile, and ȝelde to þi
ſtied to fiȝte aȝens hem; `and men of Moab clepiden creauncer; forſoþe þou and þi children lyue of þe
togidere alle men, þat weren gird wiþ girdil aboue, and reſidue.
þei ſtoden in þe termes. viii Forſoþe ſum day was maad, and Eliſee paſſide bi a
xxii And men of Moab riſiden ful eerli, and whanne þe citee, Sunam; ſoþeli a greet womman was þere, which
ſunne was riſun þanne euen aȝens þe watris, þei ſien þe helde hym, þat he ſchulde ete breed. And whanne he
watris reed as blood euene aȝens. paſſide ofte þerbi, `he turnede to hir, þat he ſchulde ete
xxiii And þei ſeiden, It is þe blood of ſwerd, `þat is, breed.
ix `Which womman ſeide to hir hoſebonde, Y perſeyue
ſched out bi ſwerd; kyngis fouȝten aȝens hem ſilf, and
þei ben ſlayn togider; now go þou, Moab, to þe prey. þat þis is an hooli man of God, þat paſſiþ ofte bi vs;
xxiiii And þei ȝeden in to þe caſtels of Iſrael; forſoþe x þerfor make we a litil ſoler to hym, and putte we

Iſrael roos, and ſmoot Moab, and þei fledden bifor men þerynne a litil bed to hym, and a boord, and a chaier,
of Iſrael. Þerfor þei þat hadden ouercome, camen, and and a candilſtike; þat whanne he comeþ to vs, he dwelle
ſmytiden Moab, and deſtrieden cytees; þere.
xxv and alle men ſendynge ſtoonys filliden ech beſte xi Þerfor ſum dai was maad, and he cam, and turnede in

feeld, and ſtoppiden alle þe wellis of watris, and to þe ſoler, and reſtide þere.
kittiden doun alle trees berynge fruyt, ſo þat oneli xii And he ſeide to Giezi, his child, Clepe þou þis
`wallis maad of erþe weren left; and þe citee was Sunamyte. And whanne he hadde clepid hir, and ſche
cumpaſſid of men ſettinge engynes, and was ſmytun bi hadde ſtonde
greet part. xiii bifor hym, he ſeide to his child, Speke þou to hir,
xxvi And whanne þe kyng of Moab hadde ſeyn þis, þat Lo! þou haſt mynyſtride to vs biſili in alle þingis; what
is, þat þe enemyes hadden þe maiſtrie, he took wiþ hym wolt þou þat Y do to þee? Wheþer þou haſt a cauſe, and
ſeuene hundrid men drawynge ſwerdis, þat þei ſhulden wolt þat Y ſpeke to þe kyng, eþer to þe prince of þe
breke in to þe kyng of Edom; and þei myȝten not. chyualrye? And ſche anſweride, I dwelle in þe myddis
xxvii And he took his firſte gendrid ſone, þat ſchulde of my puple.
regne for hym, and offride brent ſacrifice on þe wal; xiiii And he ſeide, What þerfor wole ſche þat Y do to
and greet indignacioun was maad in Iſrael; and anoon hir? Giezi ſeide to hym, Axe þou not, for ſhe haþ no
þei ȝeden awei fro hym, and turneden aȝen in to her ſone, and hir hoſebonde is eeld.
lond. xv Þerfor Eliſee comaundide, þat he ſchulde clepe hir.
And whanne ſche was clepid, and ſtood bifor þe dore,
CAP. IIII xvi he ſeide to hir, In þis tyme and in þis ſame our, if lijf
i Forſoþe ſum womman of þe wyues of prophetys criede
ſchal be felow, þou ſchalt haue a ſone in þe wombe. And
to Eliſee, and ſeide, Þi ſeruaunt, myn hoſebonde, is ſche anſweride, Nyle þou, my lord, þe man of God, Y
deed, and þou knowiſt þat þi ſeruaunt dredde God; and biſeche, nyle þou lye to þin hondmaide.
lo! þe creaunſer, `þat is, he to whom þe dette is owid,
comeþ to take my two ſones to ſerue hym.

xvii And þe womman conſeyuede, and childide a ſone in xxxiiii And he ſtiede, and lay on þe child; and he puttide
þe tyme, and in þe ſame our, in which Eliſee hadde ſeid. his mouþ on þe mouþ of þe child, and hiſe iȝen on þe
xviii Soþeli þe child encreeſide; and whanne ſum day iȝen of þe child, and hiſe hondis on þe hondis of þe
was, and þe child was goon out, and ȝede to his fadir, child. And he bouwide hym ſilf on þe child; and þe
xix and to þe repers, he ſeide to his fadir, Myn heed fleiſch of þe child was maad hoot.
xxxv And he turnede aȝen, and walkide in þe hows onys
akiþ, myn heed akiþ. And he ſeide to a child, Take, and
lede hym to his modir. hidur and þidur; and Eliſee ſtiede, and lai on þe child,
xx And whanne he hadde take, and hadde brouȝt hym to and þe child ȝoxide ſeuene ſiþis, and openyde þe iȝen.
xxxvi And he clepide Giezi, and ſeide to hym, Clepe þou
his modir, ſche ſettide hym on hir knees `til to myddai,
and he was deed. þis Sunamyte. And ſche was clepid, and entride to hym.
xxi Soþeli ſhe ſtiede, and leide hym on þe litil bed of þe And he ſeide, Take þi ſone.
xxxvii She cam, and felde doun to his feet, and
man of God, and cloſide þe dore.
xxii And ſche ȝede out, and clepide hir hoſebonde, and worſchipide on erþe; and ſche took hir ſone, and ȝede
ſeide, Y biſeche, ſende þou wiþ me oon of þe children, out.
xxxviii And Eliſee turnede aȝen in to Galgala. Forſoþe
and an aſſe, and Y ſchal renne out `til to þe man of God,
and Y ſchal turne aȝen. hungur was in þe lond, and þe ſones of prophetis
xxiii And he ſeide to hir, For what cauſe goiſt þou to dwelliden bifor hym. And Eliſee ſeide to oon of his
hym? to dai ben not calendis, neþer ſabat. And ſhe children, Set þou a greet pot, and ſeþe þou potage to þe
anſweride, Y ſchal go. ſones of prophetis.
xxiiii And ſche ſadlide þe aſſe, and comaundide to þe xxxix And oon ȝede out in to þe feeld to gadere eerbis of

child, Dryue þou, and haaſte; make þou not tariyng to þe feeld; and he foond as a wilde vyne, and he gaderide
me in goyng, and do þou þis þing which Y comaunde to þerof gourdis of þe feeld. And he fillide his mentil, and
þee. he turnede aȝen, and ſchredde in to þe pot of potage; for
xxv Þerfor ſche ȝede forþ, and cam to þe man of God, in he wiſte not what it was.
xl Þerfor þei helden yn to felowis to ete; and whanne þei
to þe hil of Carmele. And whanne þe man of God hadde
ſeyn hir euene aȝen, he ſeide to Giezi, his child, Lo! hadden taaſtid of þe ſeþing, þei crieden out, and ſeiden,
þilke Sunamyte; go þou þerfor in to þe metyng of hir, Deþ in þe pot! deeþ in þe pot! þou man of God. And þei
xxvi and ſeie þou to hir, Wheþer it is doon riȝtfuli aboute miȝten not ete. And he ſeide, Brynge ȝe meele.
xli And whanne þei hadden brouȝt, he puttide in to þe
þee, and aboute þin hoſebonde, and aboute þi ſone? And
ſche anſweride, Riȝtfuli. pot, and ſeide, Helde ȝe to þe cumpany, þat þei ete; and
xxvii And whanne ſche hadde come to þe man of God, in ony þing of bitterneſſe was nomore in þe pot.
xlii Forſoþe ſum man cam fro þe pleyn of Saliſa, and bar
to þe hil, ſche took his feet; and Giezi neiȝede, þat he
ſchulde remoue hir. And þe man of God ſeide, Suffre to þe man of God looues of þe firſte fruytis, ten looues
þou hir; for hir ſoule is in bitterneſſe, and þe Lord helde of barli, and newe wheete, in his ſcrippe. And þe man of
priuy fro me, and ſchewide not to me. God ſeide, Ȝyue þou to þe puple, þat it ete.
xxviii And ſche ſeide to hym, Wheþer I axide my ſone of xliii And his mynyſtre anſweride to hym, `Hou myche is

my lord? Wheþer Y ſeide not to þee, Scorne þou not þis, þat Y ſette bifor an hundrid men? Eft Eliſee ſeide,
me? Ȝyue þou to þe puple, þat it ete; for þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe
xxix And he ſeide to Giezi, Girde þi leendis, and take my þingis, Þei ſchulen ete, and it ſhal leeue.
xliiii Þerfor he puttide bifor hem, whiche eeten; and it
ſtaf in þin hond, and go; if a man metiþ þee, grete þou
not hym; and if ony man gretiþ þee, anſwere þou not lefte, bi þe word of þe Lord.
hym; and putte þou my ſtaf on þe face of þe child.
xxx Forſoþe þe `modir of þe child ſeide, Þe Lord lyueþ CAP. V
i Naaman, prince of þe chyualrye of þe kyng of Syrie,
and þi ſoule lyueþ, Y ſchal not leeue, `eþer forſake, þee.
Þerfor he roos, and ſuede hir. was a greet man, and worſchipid anentis his lord; for bi
xxxi Soþeli Giezi ȝede bifor hem, and puttide þe ſtaaf on hym þe Lord ȝaf helþe to Sirie; ſoþeli he was a ſtrong
þe face of þe child; and `vois was not, neþer wit. And man and riche, but leprouſe.
ii Forſoþe þeues ȝede out of Sirie, and ledden priſonere
Giezi turnede aȝen to þe meetyng of hym; and telde to
him, and ſeyde, Þe child `roos not. fro þe lond of Iſrael a litil damyſele, þat was in þe
xxxii Þerfor Eliſee entride in to þe hows, and, lo! þe deed ſeruyce of þe wijf of Naaman.
iii `Which damyſele ſeide to hir ladi, `Y wolde, þat my
child lai in his bed.
xxxiii And he entride, and cloſide þe dore on hym ſilf, lord hadde be at þe prophete which is in Samarie; ſoþeli
and on þe child; and preiede to þe Lord. þe prophete ſchulde haue curid hym of þe lepre which
he haþ.

iiii ÞerforNaaman entride to his lord, and telde to hym, birþun of twei burdones; for þi ſeruaunt ſchal no more
and ſeide, A damyſel of þe lond of Iſrael ſpak ſo and ſo. make brent ſacrifice, eþer ſlayn ſacrifice, to alien
v Þerfor þe kyng of Syrie ſeide to hym, Go þou, and Y goddis, no but to þe Lord.
xviii Forſoþe þis þing is oneli, of which þou ſchalt preie
ſchal ſende lettris to þe kyng of Iſrael. And whanne he
hadde go forþ, and hadde take wiþ hym ten talentis of þe Lord for þi ſeruaunt, whanne my lord ſhal entre into
ſiluer, and ſixe þouſynde goldun platis, `eþer floreyns, þe temple of Remmon, þat he worſchipe, and while he
and ten chaungyngis of cloþis, `ſchal lene on myn hond, if Y worſchipe in þe temple of
vi he brouȝte lettris to þe kyng of Iſrael bi þeſe wordis; Remmon, while he worſchipiþ in þe ſame place, þat þe
Whanne þou haſt take þis piſtle, wite þou, þat Y haue Lord forȝyue to þi ſeruaunt for þis þing.
xix Which Eliſee ſeide to hym, Go þou in pees. `Þerfor
ſent to þee Naaman, my ſeruaunt, þat þou cure hym of
his lepre. he ȝede fro Eliſee in a choſun tyme of þe lond.
vii And whanne þe kyng of Iſrael hadde red þe lettris, he xx And Giezi, þe child of þe man of God, ſeide, My lord

to-rente his cloþis, and ſeide, Wheþer Y am God, þat ſparide þis Naaman of Syrie, þat he took not of hym
may ſle and quykene, for þis kyng ſente to me, þat Y þat, þat he brouȝte; þe Lord lyueþ, for Y ſchal renne
cure a man of his lepre? Perſeyue ȝe, and ſe, þat he ſekiþ aftir hym, and Y ſchal take of hym ſum þing.
occaſiouns aȝens me. xxi And Giezi ſuede aftir þe bak of Naaman; and
viii And whanne Eliſee, þe man of God, hadde herd þis, whanne Naaman hadde ſeyn Giezi rennynge to hym, he
þat is, þat þe kyng of Iſrael hadde to-rente hiſe cloþis, ſkippide doun of þe chare in to þe metyng of Giezi; and
he ſente to þe kyng, and ſeide, Whi to-rentiſt þou þi ſeide, Wheþer alle þingis ben riȝtfuli?
cloþis? come he to me, and wite he, þat a prophete is in xxii And he ſeide, Riȝtfuli; my lord ſente me to þee, and
Iſrael. ſeide, Twey ȝonge men of þe hille of Effraym, of þe
ix Þerfor Naaman cam wiþ horſis and charis, and ſtood ſones of prophetis, camen now to me; ȝyue þou to hem
at þe dore of þe hows of Eliſee. a talent of ſiluer, and double chaungyng cloþis.
x And Eliſee ſente to hym a meſſanger, and ſeide, Go xxiii And Naaman ſeide, It is betere þat þou take twei

þou, and be þou waiſchun ſeuenſiþis in Jordan; and þi talentis. And Naaman conſtreynede hym; and Naaman
fleiſch ſhal reſſeyue helþe, and þou ſchalt be clenſid. boond twei talentis of ſiluer in twei ſackis, and double
xi Naaman was wrooþ, and ȝede awei, and ſeide, Y cloþis, and puttide on his twey children, `þat is,
geſſide, þat he ſchulde go out to me, and þat he ſchulde ſeruauntis, whiche alſo baren bifor Giezi.
xxiiii And whanne he hadde come þanne in þe euentid,
ſtonde, and clepe þe name of `þe Lord his God, and þat
he ſchulde touche wiþ his hond þe place of lepre, and he took fro þe hond of hem, and leide vp in þe hows;
ſchulde cure me. and he delyuerede þe men, and þei ȝeden.
xii Wheþer Abana and Pharphar, floodis of Damaſk, ben xxv Forſoþe Giezi entride, and ſtood bifor his lord. And

not betere þan alle þe watris of Iſrael, þat Y be waiſchun Eliſe ſeide, Giezi, fro whennus comeſt þou? Which
in þo, and be clenſid? anſweride, Þi ſeruaunt ȝede not to ony place.
xiii Þerfor whanne he hadde turned hym ſilf, and ȝede xxvi And Eliſe ſeide, Wheþer myn herte was not in

awei, hauynge indignacioun, hiſe ſeruauntis neiȝiden to preſent, whanne þe man turnede aȝen fro his chare in to
hym, and ſpaken to hym, Fadir, þouȝ þe prophete hadde þe metyng of þee? Now þerfor þou haſt take ſiluer, and
ſeid to þee a greet þing, certis þou owiſt to do; hou þou haſt take cloþis, þat þou bie places of olyues, and
myche more for now he ſeide to þee, Be þou waiſchun, vyneris, and ſcheep, and oxis, and ſeruauntis, and
and þou ſchalt be clenſid. handmaydis;
xiiii He ȝede doun, and waiſchide hym ſeuenſiþis in xxvii but alſo þe lepre of Naaman ſchal cleue to þee, and

Jordan, bi þe word of þe man of God; and his fleiſch to þi ſeed wiþouten ende. And Giezi ȝede leprouſe as
was reſtored as þe fleiſch of a litil child, and he was ſnow, `fro hym.
xv And he turnede aȝen wiþ al his felouſchipe to þe man CAP. VI
i Forſoþe þe ſones of prophetis ſeiden to Eliſee, Lo! þe
of God, and cam, and ſtood bifor hym; and ſeide, Verili
Y knowe, þat noon oþer God is in al erþe, no but oneli place in which we dwellen bifor þee, is ſtreiȝt to vs;
God of Iſrael; þerfor, Y biſeche, þat þou take bleſſyng of ii go we `til to Jordan, and ech man take of þe wode `a
þi ſeruaunt. mater for hym ſilf, þat we bild to vs here a place to
xvi And he anſweride, Þe Lord lyueþ bifor whom Y dwelle.
ſtonde, for Y ſchal not take. And whanne he made iii Which Eliſee ſeide, Go ȝe. And oon of hem ſeide,
`ſtrengþe, þat is, greet preier, Eliſee aſſentide not outirli. Þerfor `and þou come wiþ þi ſeruauntis. He anſweride,
xvii Þerfor Naaman ſeide, As þou wolt; but, I biſeche, Y ſchal come. And he ȝede wiþ hem.
graunte þou to me, þi ſeruaunt, þat Y take of `þe lond þe

iiii And whanne þei `hadden come to Jordan, þei xx And whanne þei hadden entrid into Samarie, Eliſee
hewiden trees. ſeide, Lord, opene þou þe iȝen of þeſe men, þat þei ſee.
v Soþeli it bifelde, þat whanne `o man hadde kit doun And þe Lord openyde her iȝen, and þei ſiȝen, þat þei
mater, þe yrun of þe axe felde in to þe watir; and he weren in þe myddis of Samarie.
criede, and ſeide, Alas! alas! alas! my lord, and Y hadde xxi And þe kyng of Iſrael, whanne he hadde ſeyn hem,
take þis ſame þing bi borewing. ſeide to Eliſee, My fadir, wheþer Y ſchal ſmyte hem?
vi Soþeli þe man of God ſeide, Where felde it? And he xxii And he ſeide, Þou ſchalt not ſmyte hem, for þou haſt
ſchewide to hym þe place. Þerfor he kittide doun a tree, not take hem bi þi ſwerd and bouwe, þat þou ſmyte
and ſente þidur; and þe yrun fletide. hem; but ſette þou breed and watir bifor hem, þat þei ete
vii And he ſeide, Take þou. Which helde forþ þe hond, and drynke, and go to her lord.
and took it. xxiii And `greet makyng redi of metis was ſet forþ to
viii Forſoþe þe kyng of Syrie fauȝte aȝens Iſrael; and he hem; and þei eten, and drunken. And þe kyng lefte hem,
took counſeil wiþ hiſe ſeruauntis, and ſeide, Sette we and þei ȝeden to her lord; and þeues of Sirie camen no
buſchementis in þis place and þat. more in to þe lond of Iſrael.
ix Þerfor þe man of God ſente to þe kyng of Iſrael, and xxiiii Forſoþe it was don after þeſe þingis, Benadab, king

ſeide, Be war, leſt þou paſſe to þat place, for men of of Sirie, gaderide alle his ooſt, and ſtiede, and biſegide
Sirie ben þere in buſchementis. Samarie.
x Þerfor þe kyng of Iſrael ſente to þe place, which þe xxv And greet hungur was maad in Samarie; and ſo long

man of God hadde ſeid to him, and bifor ocupiede it, it was biſegid, til þe heed of an aſſe were ſeeld for
and kepte hym ſilf þere not onys, neþer twies. foureſcore platis of ſiluer, and þe fourþe part of a
xi And þe herte of þe kyng of Sirie was diſturblid for þis meſure clepid cabus of þe crawe of culueris was ſeeld
þing; and whanne hiſe ſeruauntis weren clepide for fyue platis of ſiluer.
xxvi And whanne þe kyng of Iſrael paſſide bi þe wal,
togidere, he ſeide, Whi ſchewen ȝe not to me, who is my
tretour anentis þe kyng of Iſrael? ſum womman criede to hym, and ſeide, My lord þe
xii And oon of hiſe ſeruauntis ſeide, Nay, my lord þe kyng, ſaue þou me.
xxvii Which ſeide, Nai, þe Lord ſaue þee; wherof may Y
kyng, but Eliſee, þe prophete, which is in Iſrael, ſchewiþ
to þe kyng of Iſrael alle þingis, what euer þingis þou ſaue þee? of cornfloor, eþir of preſſour? And þe kyng
ſpekiſt in þi cloſet. ſeide to hir, What wolt þou to þee?
xiii And þe kyng ſeide to hem, `Go ȝe, and ſe, where he xxviii And ſche anſweride, Þis womman ſeide to me,

is, þat Y ſende, and take hym. And þei telden to him, Ȝyue þi ſone, þat we ete hym to dai, and we ſchulen ete
and ſeiden, Lo! he dwelliþ in Dothaym. my ſone to morewe.
xiiii And þe kyng ſente þidur horſis, and charis, and þe xxix Þerfor we ſeþeden my ſone, and eten him. And Y

ſtrengþe of þe ooſt; whiche, whanne þei hadden come bi ſeide to hir in þe toþer day, Ȝyue þi ſone, þat we ete
nyȝt, cumpaſſiden þe citee. hym; and ſhe hidde hir ſone.
xv Soþeli þe mynyſtre of þe man of God roos eerli, and xxx And whanne þe kyng hadde herd þis, he to-rente

ȝede out, and he ſiȝ an ooſt in þe cumpas of þe citee, hiſe cloþis, and paſſide bi þe wal; and al þe puple ſiȝ þe
and horſis, and charis. And he telde to þe man of God, heire, `wiþ which þe kyng was cloþid at þe fleiſch wiþ
and ſeide, Alas! alas! alas! my lord, what ſchulen we ynne.
do? xxxi And þe kyng ſeide, God do to me þeſe þingis, and
xvi And he anſweride, Nile þou drede; for mo ben wiþ adde þeſe þingis, if þe heed of Eliſe, ſone of Saphat,
vs þan wiþ hem. ſchal ſtonde on hym to dai.
xvii And whanne Eliſee hadde preied, he ſeide, Lord, xxxii Soþeli Eliſee ſat in his hows, and elde men ſaten

opene þou þe iȝen of þis child, þat he ſe. And þe Lord wiþ hym; `þerfor he biforſente a man, and bifor þat
openyde þe iȝen of þe child, and he ſiȝ. And, lo! þe hil þilke meſſanger cam, Eliſee ſeide to þe elde men,
ful of horſis, and of charis of fier, in þe cumpas of Wheþer ȝe witen, þat þe ſone of manquellere ſente
Eliſee. hidur, þat myn heed be gird of? Þerfor ſe ȝe, whanne þe
xviii Soþeli þe enemyes camen doun to hym; forſoþe meſſanger comeþ, cloſe ȝe þe dore, and `ſuffre ȝe not
Eliſee preiede to þe Lord, and ſeide, Y biſeche, ſmyte hym to entre; for, lo! þe ſown of þe feet of his lord is
þou þis folc wiþ blyndeneſſe. And þe Lord ſmoot hem, bihynde hym.
xxxiii And ȝit `while he ſpak to hem, þe meſſanger þat
þat þei ſien not, bi þe word of Eliſee.
xix Forſoþe Eliſee ſeide to hem, Þis is not þe weie, neþer cam to hym apperide; and þe kyng ſeide, Lo! ſo greet
þis is þe citee; ſue ȝe me, and Y ſchal ſchewe to ȝou þe yuel is of þe Lord; ſoþeli what more ſchal Y abide of þe
man, whom ȝe ſeken. And he ledde hem into Samarie. Lord?

CAP. VII hem quyk, and þanne we ſchulen mowe entre in to þe
i Forſoþe Eliſee ſeide, Here ȝe þe word of þe Lord; þe citee.
Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, In þis tyme to morewe a buſchel xiii Forſoþe oon of his ſeruauntis anſweride, Take we
of flour ſchal be for a ſtater, and twei buſchels of barli fyue horſis, þat leften in þe citee; for þo ben oonli in al
for a ſtater, in þe ȝate of Samarie. þe multitude of Iſrael, for oþere horſis ben waſtid; and
ii And oon of þe duykis, on whos hond þe kyng lenyde, we ſendynge moun aſpie.
anſweride to þe man of God, and ſeide, Þouȝ `alſo þe xiiii Þerfor þei brouȝten forþ twei horſis; and þe kyng
Lord make þe goteris of heuene to be openyd, wheþer ſente in to þe caſtels of men of Sirie, and ſeide, Go ȝe,
þat, þat þou ſpekiſt, mai be? Which Eliſee ſeide, Þou and ſe.
ſchalt ſe wiþ þin iȝen, and þou ſchalt not ete þerof. xv Whiche ȝeden after hem `til to Jordan; lo! forſoþe al
iii Þerfor foure leprouſe men weren biſidis þe entryng of þe weie was ful of cloþis, and of veſſels, whiche þe men
þe ȝate, whiche ſeiden togidere, What wolen we be of Sirie caſtiden forþ, whanne þei weren diſturblid. And
here, til we dien? þe meſſangeris turneden aȝen, and ſchewiden to þe
iiii Wheþer we wolen entre in to þe citee, we ſchulen die kyng.
for hungur; wheþer we dwellen here, we ſchulen die. xvi And þe puple ȝede out, and rauyſchide þe caſtels of
Þerfor come ȝe, and fle we ouer to þe caſtels of Sirie; if Sirie; and a buyſchel of flour was maad for o ſtater, and
þei ſchulen ſpare vs, we ſchulen lyue; ſoþeli if þei wolen twei buyſchels of barli for o ſtater, bi þe word of þe
ſle, neþeles we ſchulen die. Lord.
v Þerfor þei riſiden in þe euentide to come to þe caſtels xvii Forſoþe þe kyng ordeynede at þe ȝate þat duyk, in
of Sirie; and whanne þei hadden come to þe bigynnyng whos hond þe kyng lenyde; whom þe cumpeny to-trad
of þe caſtels of Sirie, þei founden not ony man þere. wiþ her feet, and he was deed, bi þe word, which þe
vi Forſoþe þe Lord hadde maad a ſown of charis, and of man of God ſpak, whanne þe kyng cam doun to hym.
horſis, and of ful myche ooſt to be herd in þe caſtels of xviii And it was doon bi þe word of þe man of God,
Sirie; and þei ſeiden togidere, Lo! þe kyng of Iſrael haþ which he ſeide to þe kyng, whanne he ſeide, Twei
hirid bi meede aȝens vs þe kyngis of Etheis and of buyſchels of barli ſhulen be for a ſtatir, and a buyſchel
Egipcians; and þei camen on vs. of wheete flour for a ſtater, in þis ſame tyme to morewe
vii Þerfor þei riſiden, and fledden in derkneſſis, and in þe ȝate of Samarie;
leften her tentis, and horſis, and mulis, and aſſis, in þe xix whanne þilke duyk anſweride to þe man of God, and
caſtels; and þei fledden, couetynge to ſaue her lyues ſeide, Ȝhe, þouȝ þe Lord ſchal make þe goteris in
oonli. heuene to be openyd, wheþer þis þat þou ſpekiſt may
viii Þerfor whanne þilke leprouſe men hadden come to be? and þe man of God ſeide, Þou ſchalt ſe wiþ þin iȝen,
þe bigynnyng of þe caſtels, þei entriden into o and þou ſchalt not ete þerof.
tabernacle, and eetun, and drunken; and þei token fro xx Þerfore it bifelde to hym, as it was biforſeid; and þe
þennus ſiluer, and gold, and cloþis; and ȝeden, and puple to-trad hym wiþ feet in þe ȝate, and he was deed.
hidden; and eft þei turneden aȝen to anoþir tabernacle,
and in lijk maner þei token awei fro þennus, and CAP. VIII
hidden. i Forſoþe Eliſee ſpak to þe womman, whoſe ſone he
ix And þei ſeiden togidere, We doen not riȝtfuli, for þis made to lyue, and he ſeide, Riſe þou, and go, boþe þou
is a dai of good meſſage; if we holden ſtille, and nylen and þin hows, and `go in pilgrimage, where euer þou
telle til þe morewtid, we ſchulen be repreued of ſchalt fynde; for þe Lord ſchal clepe hungur, and it ſchal
treſpaſſyng; come ȝe, go we, and telle in þe `halle of þe come on þe lond bi ſeuene ȝeer.
kyng. ii And ſche roos, and dide bi þe word of þe man of God;
x And whanne þei hadden come to þe ȝate of þe citee, and ſche ȝede wiþ hir hows, and was in pilgrimage in þe
þei telden to hem, and ſeiden, We ȝeden to þe caſtels of lond of Philiſtym many daies.
Sirie, and we founden not ony man þere, no but horſis iii And whanne ſeuene ȝeer weren endid, þe womman
and aſſis tied, and tentis faſtned. turnede aȝen fro þe lond of Philiſteis; and ſche ȝede out,
xi Þerfor þe porteris ȝeden, and telden in þe paleis of þe to axe þe kyng for her hows, and hir feeldis.
kyng wiþ ynne. iiii Soþeli þe kyng ſpak wiþ Giezi, child of þe man of
xii Which king roos bi niȝt, and ſeide to hiſe ſeruauntis, God, and ſeide, Telle þou to me alle þe grete dedis
Y ſeie to ȝou, what þe men of Sirie han do to vs; þei whiche Eliſee dide.
witen, þat we trauelen wiþ hungur, þerfor þei ȝeden out v And whanne he telde to þe kyng, hou Eliſee hadde
of þe caſtels, and ben hid in þe feeldis, and ſeien, reiſide a deed man, þe womman apperide, whos ſone he
Whanne þei ſchulen go out of þe citee, we ſchulen take hadde maad to lyue, and ſche criede to þe kyng for hir
hows, and for hir feeldis. And Gieſi ſeide, My lord þe

king, þis is þe womman, and þis is hir ſone, whom xx In þo daies Edom, `þat is, Ydumee, ȝede awei, þat it
Eliſee reiſide. ſchulde not be vndur Juda; and made a kyng to it ſilf.
vi And þe kyng axide þe womman, and ſche tolde to xxi And Joram cam to Seira, and alle þe charis wiþ hym;
hym, þat þe þingis weren ſoþe. And þe kyng ȝaf to hir o and he roos bi nyȝt, and ſmoot Ydumeis, þat
chaumburleyn, and ſeide, Reſtore þou to hir alle þingis cumpaſſiden hym, and þe princis of charis; ſoþeli þe
þat ben hern, and alle fruytis of þe feeldis, fro þe dai in puple fledde in to her tabernaclis.
which ſhe left þe lond `til to preſent tyme. xxii Þerfor Edom ȝede awei, þat it was not vndur Juda
vii Alſo Eliſee cam to Damaſk, and Benadab, kyng of
`til to þis day; þanne alſo Lobna ȝede awey in þat tyme.
Sirie, was ſijk; and þei telden to hym, and ſeiden, Þe xxiii Forſoþe þe reſidues of wordis of Joram, and alle
man of God cam hidur. þingis whiche he dide, wheþer þeſe ben not writun in þe
viii And þe kyng ſeide to Azael, Take wiþ þee ȝiftis, and
book of wordis of daies of þe kingis of Juda?
go þou in to þe meetyng of þe man of God, and xxiiii And Joram ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris, and was biried
`counſele þou bi hym þe Lord, and ſeie þou, Wheþer Y wiþ hem in þe citee of Dauid; and Ocozie, his ſone,
may aſcape fro þis `ſikeneſſe of me? regnede for hym.
ix Þerfor Azael ȝede in to þe meetyng of hym, and xxv In þe twelueþe ȝeer of Joram, ſone of Achab, kyng
hadde wiþ hym ſilf ȝiftis, and alle þe goodis of Damaſk, of Iſrael, Ocozie, ſone of Joram, kyng of Juda, regnede.
þe burþuns of fourti camels. And whanne he hadde xxvi Ocozie, þe ſone of Joram, was of two and twenti
ſtonde bifor Eliſee, he ſeide, Þi ſone, Benadab, kyng of ȝeer whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnede o ȝeer in
Sirie, ſente me to þee, and ſeide, Wheþer Y may be Jeruſalem; þe name of his moder was Athalia, þe
helid of þis `ſikeneſſe of me? douȝter of Amry, kyng of Iſrael.
x And Eliſee ſeide, Go þou, and ſeye to hym, Þou ſchalt
xxvii And he ȝede in þe waies of þe hows of Achab, and
be heelid; forſoþe þe Lord ſchewide to me þat he ſchal dide þat, þat is yuel, bifor þe Lord, as þe hows of Achab
die bi deþ. dide; for he was hoſebonde of a douȝter of þe hows of
xi And he ſtood wiþ hym, and he was diſturblid, `til to
þe caſtyng doun of cheer; and þe man of God wepte. xxviii Alſo he ȝede wiþ Joram, ſone of Achab, to fiȝt
xii `To whom Azael ſeide, Whi wepiþ my lord? And he
aȝens Azael, kyng of Sirie, in Ramoth of Galaad; and
anſweride, For Y woot what yuelis þou ſchalt do to þe men of Sirie woundiden Joram.
ſones of Iſrael; þou ſchalt brenne bi fier þe ſtrengþid xxix Which turnede aȝen, to be heelid in Jezrael; for men
citees of hem, and þou ſchalt ſle bi ſwerd þe ȝonge men of Sirie woundiden hym in Ramoth, fiȝtynge aȝens
of hem, and þou ſchalt hurtle doun þe litle children of Azael, kyng of Sirye. Forſoþe Ocozie, ſone of Joram, þe
hem, and þou ſchalt departe þe women wiþ childe. kyng of Juda, cam doun to ſe Joram, ſone of Achab, in
xiii And Azael ſeide, What ſoþeli am Y, þi ſeruaunt, a
to Jezrael, þat was ſijk þere.
dogge, þat Y do þis grete þing? And Eliſee ſeide, Þe
Lord ſchewide to me þat þou ſchalt be kyng of Sirie. CAP. IX
xiiii And whanne he hadde departid fro Eliſee, he cam to i Forſoþe Eliſee, þe prophete, clepide oon of þe ſones of
his lord; which ſeide to Azael, What ſeide Eliſee to þee? prophetis, and ſeide to hym, Girde þi leendis, and take
And he anſweride, Eliſee ſeide to me, Þou ſchalt þis veſſel of oile in þin hond, and go in to Ramoth of
reſſeyue helþe. Galaad.
xv And whanne `þe toþer day hadde come, Azael took ii And whanne þou ſchalt come þidur, þou ſchalt ſe
þe cloþ on þe bed, and biſchedde wiþ watir, and ſpredde Hieu, ſone of Joſephat, ſone of Namſi; and þou ſchalt
abrood on þe face of hym; and whanne he was deed, entre, and ſchalt reiſe hym fro þe myddis of hiſe
Azael regnede for hym. briþeren, and þou ſchalt lede hym in to þe ynnere cloſet.
xvi In þe fyueþe ȝeer of Joram, ſone of Achab, kyng of iii And þou ſchalt holde þe veſſel of oile, and ſchalt
Iſrael, and of Joſephat, kyng of Juda, Joram, ſone of ſchede on his heed, and ſchalt ſeie, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe
Joſephat, kyng of Juda, regnede. þingis, I haue anoyntid þee in to kyng on Iſrael; and þou
xvii He was of two and þretti ȝeer whanne he bigan to
ſchalt opene þe dore, and ſchalt flee, and ſchalt not
regne, and he regnede eiȝte ȝeer in Jeruſalem. abide þere.
xviii And he ȝede in þe weies of þe kyngis of Iſrael, as iiii Þerfor þe ȝong wexynge man, þe child of þe
þe hows of Achab hadde go; for þe douȝter of Achab prophete, ȝede in to Ramoth of Galaad, and entride
was his wijf; and he dide þat, þat is yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe þidur.
Lord. v Lo! ſoþeli þe princes of þe ooſt ſaten; and he ſeide, A!
xix Forſoþe þe Lord nolde diſtrie Juda, for Dauid, his
prince, Y haue a word to þee. And Hieu ſeide, To whom
ſeruaunt, as he `hadde bihiȝt to Dauid, þat he ſchulde of alle vs? And he ſeide, To þee, þou prince.
ȝyue to hym a lanterne, and to hiſe ſones in alle daies.

vi And he roos, and entride into þe cloſet. And þilk child Wheþer pees is? And Hieu ſeide, What to þee and to
ſchedde oile on þe heed of hym, and ſeide, Þe Lord God pees? Paſſe þou, and ſue me.
of Iſrael ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Y haue anointid þee in to kyng xx Soþeli þe aſpiere telde, and ſeide, He cam `til to hem,
on þe puple of þe Lord of Iſrael; and þou ſchalt ſmyte þe and he turneþ not aȝen; forſoþe þe goyng is as þe goyng
hows of Achab, of Hieu, ſone of Namſi; ſoþely he goiþ faſte.
vii þi lord, þat Y venge þe blood of my ſeruauntis xxi And Joram ſeide, Ioyn ȝe a chare. And þei ioyneden
prophetis, and þe blood of alle þe ſeruauntis of þe Lord, his chare. And Joram, kyng of Iſrael, ȝede out, and
of þe hond of Jezabel. Ocozie, kyng of Juda, ȝede out, ech in his chare; and
viii And Y ſchal leſe al þe hows of Achab, and Y ſchal ſle þei ȝeden out in to þe meetyng of Hieu, and þei founden
of þe hows of Achab a piſſere to þe wal, and cloſid, and hym in þe feeld of Naboth of Jezrael.
þe laſte in Iſrael. xxii And whanne Joram hadde ſeyn Hieu, he ſeide, Hieu,
ix And Y ſchal ȝyue þe hows of Achab as þe hows of `is pees? And he anſweride, What pees? Ȝit þe
Jeroboam, ſone of Nabat, and as þe hous of Baaſa, ſone fornycaciouns of Jezabel, þi modir, and many
of Ahia. poiſenyngis of hir ben in ſtrengþe.
x Alſo doggis ſchulen ete Jezabel in þe feeld of Jezrael; xxiii Forſoþe Joram turnede his hond, and fledde, and

and `noon ſchal be þat ſchal birie hir. And `þe child ſeide to Ocozie, Treſouns! treſouns!
openyde þe dore, and fledde. xxiiii Ocozie. Forſoþe Hieu bente a bouwe wiþ þe hond,
xi Forſoþe Hieu ȝede out to þe ſeruauntis of his lord, and ſmoot Joram bitwixe þe ſchuldris, and þe arowe
whiche ſeiden to hym, Wheþer alle þingis ben riȝtfuli? ȝede out þoruy his herte; and anoon he felde doun in his
What cam þis wood man to þee? Which ſeide to hem, chare.
Ȝe knowen þe man, and what he ſpak. xxv And Hieu ſeide to Badacher duyk, Take þou awei,
xii And þei anſweriden, It is fals; but more telle þou to caſt forþ hym in þe feeld of Naboth of Jezrael; for Y
vs. Which ſeide to hem, He ſpak þeſe and þeſe þingis to haue mynde, whanne Y and þou ſaten in þe chare, and
me, and ſeide, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Y haue anoyntid ſuede Achab, þe fadir of hym, þat þe Lord reiſide on
þee kyng on Iſrael. hym þis birþun, and ſeide, If not for þe blood of
xiii Þerfor þei haſtiden, and ech man took his mentil, and Naboth,
xxvi and for þe blood of hiſe ſones, which Y ſiȝ ȝiſtirdai,
puttide vndir hiſe feet bi þe licneſſe of a trone. And þei
ſungen wiþ a trumpe, and ſeiden, Hieu ſchal regne. ſeiþ þe Lord, Y ſchal ȝeeld to þee in þis feeld, ſeiþ þe
xiiii Þerfor Hieu, ſone of Joſephat, ſone of Namſi, ſwoor Lord. Now þerfor do awei him, and caſt forþ him in þe
to gidere aȝens Joram. Forſoþe Joram hadde biſegid feeld, bi þe word of þe Lord.
xxvii Forſoþe Ocozie, king of Juda, ſiȝ þis, and fledde bi
Ramoth of Galaad, he and al Iſrael, aȝens Azael, kyng
of Sirie. þe weie of þe hows of þe gardyn; and Hieu purſuede
xv And he turnede aȝen to be heelid in Jezrael for hym, and ſeide, Alſo ſmyte ȝe þis man in his chare. And
woundis; for men of Sirie hadden ſmyte hym fiȝtynge þei ſmytiden hym in þe ſtiyng of Gaber, which is biſidis
aȝens Azael, kyng of Sirie. And Hieu ſeide, If it pleſiþ Jeblaam; and he fledde into Mageddo, and was deed
ȝou, no man go out fleynge fro þe citee, leſt he go, and þere.
xxviii And hiſe ſeruauntis puttiden hym on his chare, and
telle in Jezrael.
xvi And he ſtiede, and ȝede forþ in to Jezrael; for Joram brouȝten hym in to Jeruſalem; and þei birieden hym in a
was ſijk þere, and Ocozie, kyng of Juda, cam doun to ſepulcre wiþ hiſe fadris, in þe citee of Dauid.
xxix In þe eleuenþe ȝeer of Joram, ſone of Achab, kyng
viſite Joram.
xvii Þerfor a ſpiere, þat ſtood aboue a tour of Jezrael, ſiȝ of Iſrael, Ocozie regnede on Juda.
xxx And Hieu cam in to Jezrael. Forſoþe whanne his
þe multitude of Hieu comynge, and he ſeide, Y ſe a
multitude. And Joram ſeide, Take þou a chare, and entryng was herd, Jezabel peyntide hir iȝen wiþ
ſende in to þe metyng of hem; and ſeie þe goere, oynement of wymmen, and ournede hir heed;
Wheþer alle þingis ben riȝtfuli? xxxi and ſche bihelde bi a wyndow Hieu entrynge bi þe
xviii Þerfor he, þat ſtiede on þe chare, ȝede in to þe ȝate, and ſche ſeide, Wheþer pees may be to Zamri, þat
meetyng of hym, and ſeide, Þe kyng ſeiþ þeſe þingis, kyllide his lord?
Wheþer alle þingis ben peeſid? And Hieu ſeide to hym, xxxii And Hieu reiſide his face to þe wyndow, and ſeide,
What to þee and to pees? Paſſe þou, and ſue me. And þe What womman is þis? And tweyne eþer þre
aſpiere telde, and ſeide, þe meſſanger cam to hem, and chaumbirleyns bowiden hem ſilf to hym, and ſeiden to
he turneþ not aȝen. hym, Þis is þilke Jezabel.
xix Alſo þe kyng ſente þe ſecounde chare of horſis, and xxxiii And he ſeide to hem, Caſte ȝe hir doun. And þei
he cam to hem, and ſeide, Þe kyng ſeiþ þeſe þingis, `caſtiden doun hir; and þe wal was biſpreynt wiþ blood,
and þe howues of horſis, þat `to tredden hir.

xxxiiii And whanne he hadde entrid to ete and drynke, he hows of Achab; and þe Lord haþ do þat, þat he ſpak in
ſeide, Go ȝe, and ſe þilke curſid womman, and birie ȝe þe hond of his ſeruaunt, Elie.
hir, for ſche is a kyngis douȝter. xi Þerfor Hieu ſmoot alle þat weren reſidue of þe hows
xxxv And whanne þei hadden go to birie hir, þei founden of Achab in Jezrael, and alle þe beſte men of hym, and
not, no but þe ſculle, and þe feet, and þe endis of knowun men, and preeſtis, til no relikis of hym leften.
hondis; xii And he roos, and cam in to Samarie; and whanne he
xxxvi and þei turneden aȝen, and telden to hym. And hadde come to þe chaumbir of ſchepherdis in þe weie,
Hieu ſeide, It is þe word of þe Lord, which he ſpak bi xiii he foond þe briþeren of Ocozie, kyng of Juda; and
his ſeruaunt, Elie `of Theſbi, and ſeide, Doggis ſchulen he ſeide to hem, Who ben ȝe? And þei anſweriden, We
ete þe fleiſch of Jezabel in þe feeld of Jezrael; ben þe briþeren of Ocozie, and we comen doun to grete
xxxvii and þe fleiſchis of Jezabel ſchulen be as `a toord þe ſones of þe kyng and þe ſones of þe queen.
on þe face of erþe in þe feeld of Jezrael, ſo þat men xiiii Which Hieu ſeide, Take ȝe hem quyke. And whanne
paſſynge forþ ſeie, Lo! þis is þilke Jezabel. þei hadden take hem quyke, þei ſtrangliden hem in þe
ciſterne, biſidis þe chaumbre, two and fourti men; and
CAP. X he lefte not ony of hem.
i Forſoþe ſeuenti ſones in Samarie weren to Achab. xv And whanne he hadde go fro þennus, he foond
Þerfor Hieu wroot lettris, and ſente in to Samarie to þe Jonadab, þe ſone of Rechab, in to meetyng of hym; and
beſte men of þe citee, and to þe gretter men in birþe, he bleſſide hym. And Hieu ſeide to hym, Wheþer þin
and to alle þe nurſchis of Achab, and ſeide, herte is riȝtful wiþ myn herte, as myn herte is wiþ þin
ii Anoon as ȝe han take þeſe lettris, ȝe þat han þe ſones herte? And Jonadab ſeide, It is. Hieu ſeide, If `it is, ȝyue
of ȝoure lord, and þe charis, and horſis, and ſtronge þin hond. Which ȝaf his hond to hym; and he reiſide
citees, and armeris, hym to hym ſilf in to þe chare.
iii cheſe þe beſte, and hym þat pleſiþ to ȝou of þe ſones xvi And he ſeide to hym, Come þou wiþ me, and ſe my

of ȝoure lord, and ſette ȝe him on þe trone of his fadir, feruent loue for þe Lord.
and fiȝte ȝe for þe hows of ȝoure lord. xvii And he ledde hym, put in hys chare, in to Samarie.
iiii And þei dredden greetli, and ſeiden, Lo! twei kyngis And he killide alle men þat weren reſidue of Achab in
myȝten not ſtonde bifor hym, and how ſchulen we Samarie `til to oon, bi þe word of þe Lord, which he
mowe aȝenſtonde hym? ſpak bi Elie.
v Þerfor þe ſouereyns of þe hows, and þe prefect of þe xviii Þerfor Hieu gaderide to gidere alle þe puple, and

citee, and þe grettere men in birþe, and þe nurchis ſeide to hem, Achab worſchipide Baal a litil, but Y ſchal
ſenten to Hieu, and ſeiden, We ben þi ſeruauntis; what worſchipe hym more.
euer þingis þou comaundiſt, we ſchulen do, and we xix Now þerfor clepe ȝe to me alle þe prophetis of Baal,
ſchulen not make a kyng to vs; do þou what euer þing and alle hiſe ſeruauntis, and alle hiſe preeſtis; `noon be
pleſiþ þee. þat come not, for grete ſacrifice is of me to Baal; who
vi Forſoþe he wroot aȝen to hem lettris þe ſecunde tyme, euer ſchal faile, he ſchal not lyue. Forſoþe Hieu dide þis
and ſeide, If ȝe ben myne, and obeien to me, take ȝe þe bi treſoun, þat he ſchulde diſtrie alle þe worſchipers of
heedis of þe ſones of ȝoure lord, and come ȝe to me in Baal.
þis ſame our to morewe in to Jezrael. Soþeli þe ſones of xx And he ſeide, Halewe ȝe a ſolempne day to Baal.
þe kyng, ſeuenti men, weren nurſchid at þe beſte men of xxi And he clepide, and ſente in to alle þe termes of
þe citee. Iſrael; and alle þe ſeruauntis of Baal camen, `noon was
vii And whanne þe lettris hadden come to hem, þei reſidue, and ſoþeli `not oon was þat cam not. And þei
token þe ſones of þe kyng, and killiden ſeuenti men, and entriden in to þe temple of Baal; and þe hows of Baal
puttiden þe heedis of hem in coffyns; and ſenten to hym was fillid, fro oon ende `til to `þe toþir.
in to Jezrael. xxii And he ſeide to hem þat weren ſouereyns ouer þe
viii Forſoþe a meſſanger cam to hym, and ſchewide to cloþis, Bringe ȝe forþ cloþis to alle þe ſeruauntis of
hym, and ſeide, Þei han brouȝt þe heedis of þe ſones of Baal; and þei brouȝten forþ cloþis to hem.
þe king. Which anſweride, Putte ȝe þo heedis to tweyne xxiii And Hieu entride, and Jonadab, þe ſone of Rechab,
hepis, biſidis þe entring of þe ȝate, til þe morewtid. in to þe temple of Baal. And Hieu ſeide to þe
ix And whanne it was cleer dai, he ȝede out, and ſtood, worſchiperis of Baal, Enquere ȝe, and ſe, leſt
and ſeide to al þe puple, Ȝe ben iuſt men; if Y conſpiride perauenture ony of þe ſeruauntis of þe Lord be wiþ ȝou;
aȝens my lord, and killide hym, who killide alle þeſe? but þat þe ſeruauntis be aloone of Baal.
x Þerfor ſe ȝe now, þat noon of þe wordis of þe Lord xxiiii Þerfor þei entriden, to make ſlayn ſacrifices, and
felde doun in to þe erþe, whiche þe Lord ſpak on þe brent ſacrifices. Soþeli Hieu hadde maad redi to hym
wiþ outforþ foure ſcoore men, and hadde ſeid to hem,

Who euer ſchal fle of alle þeſe, whiche Y ſchal brynge iiii Forſoþe in þe ſeuenþe ȝeer Joiada ſente, and took
in to ȝoure hondis, þe lijf of hym ſchal be for þe lijf of centuriouns, and knyȝtis, and brouȝte to hym in to þe
hym þat aſcapiþ. temple of þe Lord; and couenauntide wiþ hem boond of
xxv Forſoþe it was don, whanne þe brent ſacrifice was pees, and he made hem to ſwere in þe temple of þe
fillid, Hieu comaundide to hiſe knyȝtis and duykis, Lord, and ſchewide to hem þe ſone of þe kyng.
Entre ȝe, and ſle hem, þat noon aſcape. And þe knyȝtis v And he comaundide to hem, and ſeide, Þis is þe word,
and duykis ſmytiden `hem bi þe ſcharpneſſe of ſwerd, which ȝe owen to do;
and caſtiden forþ. And `þei ȝeden into þe citee of þe vi þe þridde part of ȝou entre in þe ſabat, and kepe þe
temple of Baal, wakyngis of þe `hows of þe kyng; ſoþely þe þridde part
xxvi and þei brouȝten forþ þe ymage fro þe temple of
be at þe ȝate of Seir; and þe þridde part be at þe ȝate
Baal, which is bihynde þe dwellyng place of þe makeris of
xxvii and brenten it, and al to braken it. Alſo þei ſcheeldis; and ȝe ſchulen kepe þe wakyngis of þe hows
deſtrieden þe hows of Baal, and maden priuyes for it `til of Meſſa.
in to þis dai. vii Forſoþe twei partis of ȝou alle goynge out in þe ſabat,
xxviii Þerfor Hieu dide awei Baal fro Iſrael; kepe ȝe þe wakyngis of þe hows of þe Lord aboute þe
xxix neþeles he ȝede not awei fro þe ſynnes of Jeroboam, kyng.
ſone of Nabath, þat made Iſrael to do ſynne, neþer he viii And ȝe ſchulen cumpaſſe hym, and ȝe ſchulen haue
forſook þe goldun caluys, þat weren in Bethel and in armeris in ȝoure hondis; forſoþe if ony man entriþ in to
Dan. þe cloſyng of þe temple, be he ſlayn; and ȝe ſchulen be
xxx Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Hieu, For þou didiſt biſili wiþ þe kyng goynge in and goynge out.
þat þat was riȝtful, and pleſide in myn yȝen, and haſt do ix And þe centuriouns diden bi alle þingis whiche
aȝens þe hows of Achab alle þingis þat weren in myn Joiada, þe preeſt, hadde comaundid to hem; and alle
herte, þi ſones `til to þe fourþe generacioun ſchulen ſitte takynge her men þat entriden to þe ſabat, wiþ hem þat
on þe trone of Iſrael. ȝeden out fro þe ſabat, camen to Joiada, þe preeſt.
xxxi Forſoþe Hieu kepte not, þat he ȝede in þe lawe of þe x Which ȝaf to hem ſperis, and armeris of kyng Dauid,
Lord God of Iſrael in al his herte; for he ȝede not awei þat weren in þe hows of þe Lord.
fro þe ſynnes of Jeroboam, þat made Iſrael to do ſynne. xi And alle ſtoden hauynge armeris in her hond, fro þe
xxxii In þo daies þe Lord bigan to be anoyed on Iſrael; riȝt ſide of þe temple `til to þe left ſide of þe auter and
and Aſahel ſmoot hem in alle þe cooſtis of Iſrael, of þe hows, aboute þe kyng.
xxxiii fro Jordan aȝens þe eeſt cooſt, al þe lond of xii And he brouȝte forþ þe ſone of þe kyng, and puttide
Galaad, and of Gad, and of Ruben, and of Manaſſes, fro on hym a diademe, and witneſſyng; and þei maden hym
Aroer which is on þe ſtronde of Arnon, and Galaad, and kyng, and anoyntiden hym; and þei beeten wiþ þe
Baaſan. hoond, and ſeiden, Þe kyng lyue!
xxxiiii Forſoþe þe reſidue of wordis of Hieu, and alle xiii Forſoþe Athalia herde þe vois of þe puple rennynge,
þingis whiche he dide, and his ſtrengþe, wheþer þeſe and ſche entride to þe cumpenyes in to þe temple of þe
ben not writun in þe book of wordis of daies of þe Lord,
kyngis of Iſrael? xiiii and ſche ſiȝ þe kyng ſtondynge on þe trone bi
xxxv And Hieu ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris; and þei birieden cuſtom, and ſyngeris, and cumpenyes nyȝ hym, and al
hym in Samarie; and Joachaz, his ſone, regnyde for þe puple of þe lond beynge glad, and ſyngynge wiþ
hym. trumpis. And ſche to-rente hir cloþis, and criede,
xxxvi Forſoþe þe daies, in whiche Hieu regnede on Iſrael `Swerynge togidere! ſwerynge togidere! eþer treſoun.
in Samarie, ben eiȝte and twenti ȝeer. xv Forſoþe Joiada comaundide to þe centuriouns, þat
weren on þe ooſt, and ſeide to hem, Lede ȝe hir out of
CAP. XI þe cloſyngis of þe temple; and who euer ſueþ hir, be
i Forſoþe Athalie, modir of Ocozie, ſiȝ hir ſone deed, ſmytun wiþ ſwerd. Forſoþe þe preeſt ſeide, Be ſche not
and ſche roos, and killide al þe ſeed of þe kyng. ſlayn in þe temple of þe Lord.
ii Soþeli Joſaba, douȝter of kyng Joram, þe ſiſtir of xvi And þei puttiden hondis on hir, and hurliden hir bi

Ocozie, took Joas, ſone of Ocozie, and ſtal him fro þe þe weie of þe entryng of horſis biſidis þe paleis; and
myddis of þe ſones of þe kyng, þat weren ſlayn; and ſche was ſlayn þere.
ſche took þe nurſche of hym fro þe hows of þre ſtagis; xvii Þerfor Joiada made boond of pees bitwixe þe Lord
and ſche hidde hym fro þe face of Athalie, þat he were and þe kyng, and bitwixe þe puple, þat it ſchulde be þe
not ſlayn. puple of þe Lord; and bitwixe þe kyng and þe puple.
iii And he was wiþ hir in þe hows of þe Lord priueli ſixe xviii Al þe puple of þe lond entride in to þe temple of
ȝeer. Forſoþe Athalia regnede on þe lond ſixe ȝeer. Baal; and þei diſtrieden þe auteris of hym, and al

tobraken ſtrongli þe ymagis; and þei killiden bifore þe xii and maden þe hilyngis, and in þeſe men þat hewiden
auter Mathan, þe preeſt of Baal. And þe preeſt ſettide ſtoonys; and þat þei ſchulden bie trees and ſtoonys, þat
kepyngis in þe hows of þe Lord; and he took weren hewid doun; ſo þat þe reparacioun of þe hows of
centuriouns, and þe legiouns of Cerethi and Pherethi, þe Lord was fillid in alle þingis, þat nediden coſt to
and al þe puple of þe lond. make ſtrong þe hows.
xix And þei ledden forþ þe kyng fro þe hows of þe Lord; xiii Neþeles water pottis of þe temple of þe Lord weren
and þei camen bi þe weie of þe ȝate of makeris of not maad of þe ſame money, and fleiſchokis, and
ſcheldis in to þe paleis; and he ſat on þe trone of kyngis. cenſeris, and trumpis; ech veſſel of gold and of ſiluer
xx And al þe puple of þe lond was glad, and þe citee weren not maad of þe money, þat was brouȝt in to þe
reſtide. Forſoþe Athalia was ſlayn bi ſwerd in þe hows temple of þe Lord.
of þe kyng. xiiii For it was ȝouun to hem þat maden werk, þat þe
xxi And Joas was of ſeuen ȝeer, whanne he bigan to temple of þe Lord ſchulde be reparelid.
regne. xv And rekenyng was not maad to þeſe men þat token
monei, þat þei ſchulden deele it to crafti men; but þei
CAP. XII tretiden it in feiþ.
i Joas regnede in þe ſeuenþe ȝeer of Hieu; Joas regnede xvi Soþeli þei brouȝten not in to þe temple of þe Lord þe
fourti ȝeer in Jeruſalem; þe name of his modir was money for treſpas, and þe money for ſynnes, for it was
Sebia of Berſabee. þe preeſtis.
ii And Joas dide riȝtfulneſſe bifor þe Lord in alle þe xvii Þanne Aſael, kyng of Sirie, ſtiede, and fauȝte aȝen
daies, in whiche Joiada, þe preeſt, tauȝte hym. Geth; and he took it, and dreſſide his face, þat he
iii Neþeles he dide noȝt awey hiȝ þingis; for ȝit þe puple ſchulde ſtie in to Jeruſalem.
made ſacrifice, and brente encenſe in hiȝe þingis. xviii Wherfor Joas, kyng of Juda, took alle `þingis
iiii And Joas ſeide to þe preeſtis, `Preeſtis bi her ordre halewid, whiche Joſephat hadde halewid, and Joram,
take al þat money of hooli þingis, which is brouȝt of and Ocozie, fadris of hym, kyngis of Juda, and whiche
men paſſyng forþ in to þe temple of þe Lord, `which þingis he hadde offrid, and al þe ſiluer, þat myȝte be
money is offrid for þe prijs of ſoule, and `which money foundun in þe treſours of þe temple of þe Lord, and in
þei bryngen wilfuli, and bi þe fredom of her herte, in to þe paleis of þe kyng.
þe temple of þe Lord. xix And he ſente to Aſael, kyng of Sirie; and he ȝede
v And `þe preeſtis reparele þe hilyngis of þe hows, if þei awei fro Jeruſalem. Soþeli þe reſidue of wordis of Joas,
ſeen ony þing nedeful in reparelyng. and alle þingis whiche he dide, wheþer þeſe ben not
vi Þerfor þe preeſtis repareliden not þe hilyngis of þe writun in þe book of wordis of daies of þe kyngis of
temple, `til to þe þre and twentiþe ȝeer of kyng Joas. Juda?
vii And Joas, þe kyng, clepide Joiada, þe biſchop, and þe xx Forſoþe hiſe ſeruauntis riſiden, and ſworen togidere

preſtis, and ſeide to hem, Whi han ȝe not reparelid þe bitwixe hem ſilf, and ſmytiden Joas in þe hows Mello,
hilyngis of þe temple? Þerfor nyle ȝe more take money and in þe goyng doun of Sela.
bi ȝoure ordre, but ȝelde it to þe reparacioun of þe xxi For Jozachat, ſone of Semath, and Joiadath, ſone of
temple. Soomer, hiſe ſeruauntis, ſmytiden him, and he was deed;
viii And þe preſtis weren forbodun to take more þe and þei birieden hym wiþ hiſe fadris in þe citee of
money of þe puple, and to reparele þe hilyngis of þe Dauid; and Amaſie, his ſone, regnyde for hym.
ix And Joiada, þe biſchop, took a cofere of treſorie, and CAP. XIII
i In þe þre and twentiþe ȝeer of Joas, ſone of Ocozie,
openyde an hole aboue, and ſettide it biſidis þe auter, at
þe riȝtſide of men entrynge in to þe hows of þe Lord; kyng of Juda, Joachaz, ſone of Hieu, regnede on Iſrael,
and preeſtis, þat kepten þe doris, ſenten in it al þe in Samarie ſeuentene ȝeer.
money þat was brouȝt to þe temple of þe Lord. ii And he dide yuel bifor þe Lord, and he ſuede þe
x And whanne þei ſien þat ful myche money was in þe ſynnes of Jeroboam, ſone of Nabath, þat made Iſrael to
treſorie, þe ſcryuen of þe kyng and þe biſchop ſtieden, do ſynne; and he bowide not awei fro þo.
and ſchedden it out, and þei noumbriden þe money þat iii And þe ſtrong veniaunce of þe Lord was wrooþ aȝens
was founden in þe hous of þe Lord. Iſrael, and he bitook hem in to þe hondis of Azael, kyng
xi And þei ȝauen it bi noumbre and meſure in þe hond of of Sirie, and in þe hond of Benadab, ſone of Aſael, in
hem, þat weren ſouereyns to þe maſouns of þe hows of alle daies.
þe Lord, whiche `ſpendiden þat money in `crafti men of iiii Forſoþe Joachaz biſouȝte þe face of þe Lord, and þe
trees, and in þeſe maſouns, þat wrouȝten in þe hous of Lord herde hym; for he ſiȝ þe anguyſch of Iſrael, for þe
þe Lord, kyng of Sirie hadde al to brokun hem.

v And þe Lord ȝaf a ſauȝour to Iſrael, and he was ſiþis, eþir ſeuen ſiþis, þou ſchuldiſt haue ſmyte Sirie `til
delyuered fro þe hond of þe kyng of Sirie; and þe ſones to þe endyng; now forſoþe þou ſchalt ſmyte it þre ſiþis.
of Iſrael dwelliden in her tabernaclis, as ȝiſtirdai and þe xx Þerfor Eliſee was deed, and þei birieden hym. And þe
þridde dai ago. þeuys of Moab camen in to þe lond in þat ȝeer.
vi Neþeles þei departiden not fro þe ſynnes of þe hows xxi Forſoþe ſum men birieden a man, and þei ſiȝen þe
of Jeroboam, þat made Iſrael to do ſynne; þei ȝeden in þeues, and þei caſtiden forþ þe deed bodi in þe ſepulcre
þo ſynnes; ſoþeli alſo þe wode dwellide in Samarie. of Eliſee; and whanne it hadde touchid þe bonys of
vii And to Joacham weren not left of þe puple, no but Eliſee, þe man lyuede aȝen, and ſtood on his feet.
fyue hundrid kniȝtis, and ten charis, and ten þouſynde xxii Þerfor Azael, kyng of Sirie, turmentide Iſrael in alle
of foot men; for þe kyng of Sirie hadde ſlayn hem, and þe daies of Joachaz.
hadde dryue hem as in to poudur in þe þreiſchyng of a xxiii And þe Lord hadde merci on hem, and turnede aȝen
cornfloor. to hem for his couenaunt, which he hadde wiþ
viii Forſoþe þe reſidue of wordis of Joachaz, and alle Abraham, Iſaac, and Jacob; and he nolde diſtrie hem,
þingis whiche he dide, and þe ſtrengþ of hym, wheþer neþer caſt awei outirli, til in to preſent tyme.
þeſe ben not wrytun in þe book of wordis of daies of þe xxiiii Forſoþe Azael, kyng of Sirie, diede; and Benadad,
kyngis of Iſrael? his ſone, regnede for hym.
ix And Joachaz ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris, and þei birieden xxv Forſoþe Joas, ſone of Joachas, took awei citees fro
hym in Samarie; and Joas, his ſone, regnyde for hym. þe hond of Benadad, ſone of Aſael, which he hadde take
x In þe ſeuenþe and þrettiþe ȝeer of Joas, king of Juda, bi þe riȝt of batel fro þe hoond of Joachaz, his fadir;
Joas, ſone of Joachaz, regnede on Iſrael in Samarie Joas ſmoot hym þre tymes, and he ȝeldide þe citees of
ſixtene ȝeer. Iſrael.
xi And he dide þat, þat is yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord; for
he bowide not awei fro alle þe ſynnes of Jeroboam, ſone CAP. XIIII
of Nabath, þat made Iſrael to do ſynne; he ȝede in þo i Yn þe ſecounde ȝeer of Joas, ſone of Joachas, kyng of
ſynnes. Iſrael, Amaſie, ſone of Joas, kyng of Juda, regnyde.
xii Forſoþe þe reſidue of wordis of Joas, and alle þingis ii Amaſie was of fyue and twenti ȝeer, whanne he bigan
whiche he dide, but alſo his ſtrengþe, hou he fauȝt aȝens to regne; forſoþe he regnyde in Jeruſalem nyne and
Amaſie, kyng of Juda, wheþer þeſe ben not writun in þe twenti ȝeer; þe name of his modir was Joade of
book of wordis of daies of þe kyngis of Iſrael? Jeruſalem.
xiii And Joas ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris; forſoþe Jeroboam ſat iii And he dide riȝtfulneſſe bifor þe Lord, neþeles not as
on his trone. Soþeli Joas was biried in Samarie wiþ þe Dauid, his fadir; he dide bi alle þingis whiche Joas, his
kyngis of Iſrael. fadir, dide, no but þis oonli,
xiiii Forſoþe Eliſee was ſijk in ſikeneſſe, bi which and he iiii þat he dide not awei hiȝ þingis; for ȝit þe puple made
was deed; and Joas, kyng of Iſrael, ȝede doun to hym, ſacrifice, and brent encence in hiȝ þingis.
and wepte bifor hym, and ſeide, My fadir! my fadir! þe v And whanne he hadde gete þe rewme, he ſmoot hiſe
chare of Iſrael, and þe charietere þerof! ſeruauntis, þat hadden killid þe kyng, his fadir;
xv And Eliſee ſeide to hym, Brynge þou a bouwe and vi but he killide not þe ſones of hem þat hadden ſlayn
arowis. And whanne he hadde brouȝte to Eliſee a bouwe `þe kyng, bi þat þat is writun in þe book of þe lawe of
and arowis, Moyſes, as þe Lord comaundide to Moiſes, and ſeide,
xvi he ſeide to þe kyng of Iſrael, Set þin hond on þe Fadris ſchulen not die for þe ſones, neþir þe ſones for þe
bouwe. And whanne he hadde ſet his hond, Eliſee fadris, but eche man ſchal die in his owne ſynne.
ſettide his hondis on þe hondis of þe vii He ſmoot Edom in þe valey of makyngis of ſalt, `he
xvii kyng, and ſeide, Opene þou þe eeſt wyndow. And ſmoot ten þouſynde, and took `þe Stoon in batel; and he
whanne he hadde openyd, Eliſee ſeide, Schete þou an clepide þe name þerof Jethel, `til in to preſent dai.
arewe; and he ſchete. And Eliſee ſeide, It is an arewe of viii Þanne Amaſie ſente meſſangeris to Joas, ſone of
helþe of þe Lord, and an arowe of helþe aȝens Sirie; Joachaz, ſone of Hieu, kyng of Iſrael, and ſeide, Come
and þou ſchalt ſmyte Sirie in Affeth, til þou waſte it. þou, and ſe we vs `in batel.
xviii And Eliſee ſeide, Take awei þe arowis. And whanne ix And Joas, kyng of Iſrael, ſente aȝen to Amaſie, kyng
he hadde take awei, Eliſee ſeide eft to him, Smyte þou of Juda, and ſeide, Þe cardue, `þat is, a low eerbe, and
þe erþe wiþ a dart. And whanne he hadde ſmyte þre ful of þornes, of þe Liban ſente to þe cedre, which is in
tymes, þe Liban, and ſeide, Ȝyue þi douȝtir wijf to my ſone;
xix and hadde ſtonde, þe man of God was wrooþ aȝens and þe beeſtis of þe foreſt, þat ben in þe Liban, paſſiden,
hym, and ſeide, If þou haddiſt ſmyte fyue ſiþis, eþer ſixe and tredden doun þe cardue.

x Þou haſt ſmyte, and haddiſt þe maiſtri on Edom, and xxvi For þe Lord ſiȝ þe ful bittir turment of Iſrael, and
þin herte haþ reiſid þee; be þou apaied wiþ glorie, and þat þei weren waſtid `til to þe cloſid men of priſoun, and
ſitte in þin hows; whi excitiſt þou yuel, þat þou falle, þe laſte men, and `noon was þat helpide Iſrael.
and Juda wiþ þee? xxvii And þe Lord ſpak not, þat he ſchulde do awei Iſrael
xi And Amaſie aſſentide not `to be in pees; and Joas, fro vndur heuene, but he ſauyde hem in þe hond of
kyng of Iſrael, ſtiede, and he and Amaſie, kyng of Juda, Jeroboam, ſone of Joas.
ſien hem ſilf in Bethſames, a citee of Juda. xxviii Forſoþe þe reſidue of wordis of Jeroboam, and alle
xii And Juda was ſmytun bifor Iſrael; and þei fledden þingis whiche he dide, and þe ſtrengþe of hym, bi which
ech man in to his tabernaclis. he fauȝt, and hou he reſtoride Damaſk, and Emath of
xiii Soþeli Joas, kyng of Iſrael, took in Bethſames Juda, in Iſrael, wheþer þeſe ben not wrytun in þe book
Amaſie, kyng of Juda, þe ſone of Joas, ſone of Ocozie, of wordis of daies of þe kyngis of Iſrael?
and brouȝte hym in to Jeruſalem; and he brak þe wal of xxix And Jeroboam ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris, þe kyngis of
Jeruſalem, fro þe ȝate of Effraym `til to þe ȝate of þe Iſrael; and Azarie, his ſone, regnede for hym.
corner, bi foure hundrid cubitis.
xiiii And he took al þe gold and ſiluer, and alle veſſels, CAP. XV
þat weren foundun in þe hows of þe Lord, and in þe i In þe ſeuenþe and twentiþe ȝeer of Jeroboam, king of
treſours of þe kyng; and he took oſtagis, and turnede Iſrael, Azarie, ſone of Amaſie, kyng of Juda, regnede;
aȝen in to Samarie. ii he was of ſixtene ȝeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and
xv Soþeli þe reſydue of wordis of Joas, whiche he dide, he regnede two and fifti ȝeer in Jeruſalem; þe name of
and his ſtrengþe, bi which he fauȝt aȝens Amaſie, kyng his modir was Jecelia of Jeruſalem.
of Juda, wheþer þeſe ben not writun in þe book of iii And he dide þat, þat was pleſaunt bifor þe Lord, bi
wordis of dayes of þe kyngis of Iſrael? alle þingis which Amaſie, his fadir, hadde do;
xvi And Joas ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris, and was biried in iiii neþeles he diſtriede not hiȝ þingis; ȝit þe puple made
Samarie wiþ þe kyngis of Iſrael; and Jeroboam, his ſacrifice, and brente encenſe in hiȝe þingis.
ſone, regnede for hym. v Forſoþe þe Lord ſmoot þe kyng, and he was leprouſe
xvii Forſoþe Amaſie, ſone of Joas, kyng of Juda, lyuede
til in to þe day of his deeþ; and he dwellide in an hous
fyue and twenti ȝeer, after þat Joas, ſone of Joachaz, freli bi hym ſilf. Soþeli Joathas, ſone of þe kyng,
kyng of Iſrael, was deed. gouernde þe palis, and demyde þe puple of þe lond.
xviii Forſoþe þe reſidue of wordis of Amaſie, wheþer vi Forſoþe þe reſidue of þe wordis of Azarie, and alle
þeſe ben not writun in þe book of wordis of daies of þe þingis whiche he dide, wheþer þeſe ben not writun in þe
kyngis of Juda? book of wordis of daies of þe kyngis of Juda?
xix And `ſweryng togidir in Jeruſalem was maad aȝens vii And Azarie ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris; and þei birieden
hym, and he fledde in to Lachis; and þei ſenten aftir hym wiþ hiſe eldre men in þe citee of Dauid; and
hym in to Lachis, and killiden hym þere. Joathas, his ſone, regnede for hym.
xx And þei baren out hym in horſis, and he was biried in viii In þe eiȝte and þrettiþe ȝeer of Azarie, kyng of Juda,
Jeruſalem wiþ hiſe fadris, in þe citee of Dauid. Zacharie, ſone of Jeroboam, regnede on Iſrael in
xxi Forſoþe al þe puple of Juda took Azarie, hauynge Samarie ſixe moneþis.
ſixtene ȝeer; and maden hym king for his fadir Amaſie. ix And he dide þat, þat was yuel bifor þe Lord, as his
xxii And he bildide Ahila, and reſtoride it to Juda, after fadris diden; he departide not fro þe ſynnes of
þat `þe kyng ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris. Jeroboam, ſone of Nabath, þat made Iſrael to do ſynne.
xxiii In þe fifteneþe ȝeer of Amaſie, ſone of Joas, kyng of x Forſoþe Sellum, þe ſone of Jabes, conſpiride aȝens
Juda, Jeroboam, ſone of Joas, kyng of Iſrael, regnyde in hym in Samarie; and Sellum ſmoot hym opynli, and
Samarie oon and fourti ȝeer; killide hym, and regnede for hym.
xxiiii and dide þat, þat is yuel bifor þe Lord; he ȝede not xi Soþeli þe reſidue of þe wordis of Zacharie, wheþir
awei fro alle þe ſynnes of Jeroboam, ſone of Nabath, þat þeſe ben not writun in þe book of wordis of daies of þe
made Iſrael to do ſynne. kyngis of Iſrael?
xxv He reſtoride þe termes of Iſrael, fro þe entryng of xii Þilke is þe word of þe Lord, which he ſpak to Hieu,
Emath `til to þe ſee of wildirneſſe, bi þe word of þe and ſeide, `Þi ſones `til to þe fourþe generacioun ſchulen
Lord God of Iſrael, which he ſpak bi his ſeruaunt Jonas, ſitte `of þee on þe trone of Iſrael; and it was doon ſo.
ſone of Amathi, bi Jonas, þe prophete, þat was of Jeth, xiii Sellum, ſone of Jabes, regnede in þe nynþe and
`which Jeth is in Ophir. þritty ȝeer of Azarie, kyng of Juda; ſoþeli he regnyde o
moneþe in Samarie.

xiiii And Manaheu, þe ſone of Gaddi, ſtyede fro Therſa, xxix In þe daies of Phacee, kyng of Iſrael, Teglat
and cam in to Samarie; and he ſmoot Sellum, ſone of Phalaſar, kyng of Aſſur, cam, and took Aion, and Aibel,
Jabes, in Samarie, and killide hym, and regnede for þe hows of Maacha, and Janoe, and Cedes, and Aſor,
hym. and Galaad, and Galilee, and al þe lond of Neptalym;
xv Soþeli þe reſidue of wordis of Sellum, and his and tranſlatide hem in to Aſſiriens.
conſpiraſie, bi which he ſettide treſouns, wheþer þeſe xxx Forſoþe Oſee, ſone of Hela, conſpiride, and ſettide
ben not writun in þe book of wordis of daies of þe treſouns aȝens Phaſee, ſone of Romelie, and ſmoot hym,
kyngis of Iſrael. and killide hym; and he regnyde for hym, in þe
xvi Þanne Manaheu ſmoot Capham, and alle men þat twentiþe ȝeer of Joathan, ſone of Ozie.
weren þereynne, and þe termes þerof fro Therſa, for þei xxxi Forſoþe þe reſidue of wordis of Phacee, and alle
nolden opyn to hym; and he killide alle wymmen þerof þingis whiche he dide, wheþer þeſe ben not writun in þe
wiþ child, and karf hem. book of wordis of daies of þe kyngis of Iſrael?
xvii In þe nynþe and þrittiþe ȝeer of Azarie, kyng of xxxii In þe ſecounde ȝeer of Phacee, ſone of Romelie,
Juda, Manaheu, ſone of Gaddi, regnede on Iſrael ten kyng of Iſrael, Joathan, ſone of Ozie, kyng of Juda,
ȝeer in Samarie. regnyde;
xviii And he dide þat, þat was yuel bifor þe Lord; he xxxiii he was of fyue and twenti ȝeer, whanne he bigan
departide not fro þe ſynnes of Jeroboam, ſone of to regne, and he regnede ſixtene ȝeer in Jeruſalem; þe
Nabath, þat made Iſrael to do ſynne. name of his modir was Jeruſa, þe douȝter of Sadoch.
xix In alle þe daies of hym Phul, þe kyng of Aſſiries, xxxiiii And he dide þat, þat was pleſaunt bifor þe Lord;
cam in to Therſa. And Manaheu ȝaf to Phul a þouſynde he wrouȝte bi alle þingis, whiche his fadir Ozie hadde
talentis of ſiluer, þat he ſchulde be to hym in to help, do;
and ſchulde make ſtidefaſt his rewme; xxxv neþeles he dide not awey hiȝ þingis; ȝit þe puple
xx and Manaheu ſettide taliage of ſiluer on Iſrael to alle made ſacrifice, and brente incenſe in hiȝ þingis; he
myȝti men and riche, þat he ſchulde ȝyue to þe kyng of bildide þe hiȝeſte ȝate of þe hows of þe Lord.
Aſſiries; he ſettide fifti ſiclis of ſiluer bi alle men; and þe xxxvi Forſoþe þe reſidue of wordis of Joathan, and alle
king of Aſſiries turnede aȝen, and dwellide not in þingis whiche he dide, wheþer þeſe ben not writun in þe
Therſa. book of wordis of daies of þe kyngis of Juda?
xxi Forſoþe þe reſidue of wordis of Manaheu, and alle xxxvii In þo daies þe Lord bigan to ſende in to Juda
þingis whiche he dide, wheþer þeſe ben not wrytun in Raſyn, þe kyng of Sirie, and Phacee, þe ſone of
þe book of wordis of daies of þe kyngis of Iſrael? Romelie.
xxii And Manaheu ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris; and Phaceia, xxxviii And Joathan ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris, and was biried
his ſone, regnyde for hym. wiþ hem in þe citee of Dauid, his fadir; and Achaz, his
xxiii In þe fiftiþe ȝeer of Azarie, kyng of Juda, Phaceia, ſone, regnyde for hym.
ſone of Manaheu, regnede on Iſrael in Samarie twei
ȝeer. CAP. XVI
xxiiii And he dide þat, þat was yuel bifor þe Lord; he i In þe ſeuentenþe ȝeer of Phacee, ſone of Romelie,
departide not fro þe ſynnes of Jeroboam, ſone of Achaz, þe ſone of Joathan, kyng of Juda, regnyde.
Nabath, þat made Iſrael to do ſynne. ii Achaz was of twenti ȝeer, whanne he bigan to regne,
xxv Forſoþe Phacee, ſone of Romelie, duyk of his ooſt, and he regnyde ſixtene ȝeer in Jeruſalem; he dide not
conſpiride aȝens hym, and ſmoot hym in Samarie, in þe þat, þat was pleſaunt in þe ſiȝt of his Lord God, as
tour of þe kyngis hous, biſidis Argob, and biſidis Arib; Dauid, his fadir dide, but he ȝede in þe weie of þe
`and he ſmoot hym wiþ fifti men of þe ſones of kyngis of Iſrael.
Galaditis; and Phacee killide hym, and regnede for iii Ferþermore and he halewide his ſone, and bar þorouȝ
hym. þe fier, bi þe idols of heþene men, whiche þe Lord
xxvi Soþeli þe reſidue of wordis of Phacee, and alle diſtriede bifore þe ſones of Iſrael.
þingis whiche he dide, wheþer þeſe ben not writun in þe iiii And he offride ſacrifices, and brente encenſe in hiȝ
book of wordis of daies of þe kyngis of Iſrael? placis, and in hillis, and vndur ech tree ful of bowis.
xxvii In þe two and fiftiþe ȝeer of Azarie, kyng of Juda, v Þanne Raſyn, kyng of Sirye, and Phacee, ſone of
Phaſee, ſone of Romelie, regnyde in Samarie twenti Romelie, kyng of Iſrael, ſtiede in to Jeruſalem to fiȝte;
ȝeer. and whanne þei biſegide Achaz, þei miȝten not
xxviii And he dide þat, þat was yuel bifor þe Lord; and ouercome hym.
he departide not fro þe ſynnes of Jeroboam, ſone of vi In þat tyme Raſyn, kyng of Sirie, reſtoride Ahila to
Nabath, þat made Iſrael to do ſynne. Sirie, and caſtide out Jewis fro Ahila; and Ydumeis and

men of Sirie camen into Ahila, and dwelliden þere til in xix Forſoþeþe reſidue of wordis of Achaz, and alle
to þis dai. þingis whiche he dide, wheþer þeſe ben not writun in þe
vii Forſoþe Achaz ſente meſſangeris to Teglat Phalaſar, book of wordis of daies of þe kyngis of Juda?
kyng of Aſſiriens, and ſeide, Y am þi ſeruaunt and þi xx And Achaz ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris, and was biried wiþ
ſone; ſtie þou, and make me ſaaf fro þe hond of þe kyng hem in þe citee of Dauid; and Ezechie, his ſone,
of Sirie, and fro þe hond of þe kyng of Iſrael, þat han regnede for hym.
riſe togidere aȝens me.
viii And whanne Achaz hadde gaderide togidere ſiluer CAP. XVII
and gold, þat myȝte be foundun in þe hows of þe Lord, i Yn þe twelueþe ȝeer of Achaz, kyng of Juda, Oſee,
and in þe treſours of þe kyng, he ſente ȝiftis to þe kyng ſone of Hela, regnyde in Samarie on Iſrael nyne ȝeer.
of Aſſiriens; ii And he dide yuel bifor þe Lord, but not as þe kyngis
ix whiche aſſentide to his wille. Soþeli þe kyng of
of Iſrael, þat weren bifor hym.
Aſſeriens ſtiede in to Damaſk, and waſtide it, and iii Salmanaſar, kyng of Aſſiriens, ſtiede aȝens þis Oſee,
tranſlatide þe dwelleris þerof to Sirenen; ſoþeli he and Oſee was maad ſeruaunt to hym, and ȝildide tributis
killide Raſyn. to hym.
x And kyng Achaz ȝede in to metyng to Teglat iiii And whanne þe kyng of Aſſiriens hadde perſeyued,
Phalaſaar, kyng of Aſſiriens; and whanne kyng Achaz þat Oſee he enforſide to be rebelle, and hadde ſent
hadde ſeyn þe auter of Damaſk, he ſent to Vrie, þe meſſangeris to Sua, kyng of Egipt, þat he ſchulde not
preeſt, þe ſaumpler and licneſſe þerof, bi al þe werk ȝyue tributis to þe kyng of Aſſiriens, as he was wont bi
þerof. alle ȝeeris, `þe kyng of Aſſiriens biſegide hym, and ſente
xi And Vrie, þe preeſt, bildide an auter bi alle þingis
him boundun in to priſoun.
whiche king Achaz hadde comaundid fro Damaſk, ſo v And he ȝede þoruy al þe lond, and he ſtiede to
dide þe preeſt Vrie, til kyng Achaz cam fro Damaſk. Samarie, and biſegide it bi þre ȝeer.
xii And whanne þe king cam fro Damaſk, he ſiȝ þe auter, vi Forſoþe in þe nynþe ȝeer of Oſee, þe kyng of Aſſiriens
and worſchipide it; and he ſtiede, and offride brent took Samarie, and tranſlatide Iſrael in to Aſſiriens; and
ſacrifices, and his ſacrifice; he puttide hem in Hela, and in Thabor, biſidis þe flood
xiii and he offride moiſt ſacrifices, and he ſchedde þe
Gozam, in þe citee of Medeis.
blood of peſible þingis, which he hadde offrid on þe vii Forſoþe it was don, whanne þe ſones of Iſrael hadden
auter. ſynned bifor her Lord God, þat ledde hem out of þe
xiiii Forſoþe he dide awei þe braſun auter, þat was bifor
lond of Egipt, fro þe hond of Farao, kyng of Egipt, þei
þe Lord, fro þe face of þe temple, and fro þe place of þe worſchipeden alien goddis;
auter, and fro þe place of þe temple of þe Lord; and viii and ȝeden bi þe cuſtom of heþene men, whiche þe
ſettide it on þe ſide of þe auter `at þe norþ. Lord hadde waſtid in þe ſiȝt of þe ſones of Iſrael, and of
xv Alſo kyng Achaz comaundide to Vrie, þe preeſt, and
þe kyngis of Iſrael, for þei hadden do in lijk maner.
ſeide, Offre þou on þe more auter þe brent ſacrifice of ix And þe ſones of Iſrael offendiden her Lord God bi
þe morewtid, and þe ſacrifice of euentid, and þe brent wordis not riȝtful, and þei bildiden to hem ſilf hiȝ þingis
ſacrifice of þe king, and þe ſacrifice of hym, and þe in alle her citees, fro þe tour of keperis `til to a ſtrengþid
brent ſacrifice of al þe puple of þe lond, and þe citee.
ſacrifices of hem, and þe moiſt ſacrifices of hem; and x And þei maden to hem ymagis, and wodis, in ech hiȝ
þou ſchalt ſchede out on þat al þe blood of brent
hil, and vndur ech tree ful of bowis;
ſacrifice, and al þe blood of ſlayn ſacrifice; ſoþeli þe xi and þei brenten þere encence on þe auteris bi þe
braſun auter ſchal be redi at my wille.
xvi Þerfor Vrie, þe preeſt, dide bi alle þingis whiche cuſtom of heþene men, whiche þe Lord hadde tranſlatid
fro þe face of hem. And þei diden werſte wordis, and
kyng Achaz hadde comaundid to hym.
xvii Forſoþe kyng Achaz took þe peyntid foundementis,
þei wraþþiden þe Lord;
xii and worſchipiden vncleneſſes, of whiche þe Lord
and þe waiſchyng veſſel, þat was aboue, and he puttide
comaundide to hem, þat þei ſchulden not do þis word.
doun þe ſee, þat is, þe waiſchung veſſel `for preeſtis, fro xiii And þe Lord witneſſide in Iſrael and in Juda, bi þe
þe braſun oxis, þat ſuſteyneden it, and he ſettide on þe
pawment araied wiþ ſtoon. hond of alle prophetis and ſeeris, and ſeide, Turne ȝe
xviii Alſo he turnede þe treſorie of ſabat, which he hadde aȝen fro ȝoure werſte weies, and kepe ȝe my
comaundementis, and ceremonyes, bi al þe lawe whiche
bildid in þe temple, and `he turnede þe entryng of þe
Y comaundide to ȝoure fadris, and as Y ſente to ȝou in
kyng wiþ outforþ, in to þe temple of þe Lord for þe
þe hond of my ſeruauntis prophetis.
kyng of Aſſiriens.

xiiii Whiche herden not, but maden hard her nol bi þe xxviii Þerfor whanne oon of þeſe preeſtis had come, þat
nol of her fadris, þat nolden obeie to her Lord God. weren led priſoneris fro Samarie, he dwellide in Bethel,
xv And þei caſtiden, awei þe lawful þingis of hym, and and tauȝte hem, how þei ſchulden worſchipe þe Lord.
þe couenaunt which he couenauntide wiþ her fadris, xxix And ech folk made his god, and þei ſettiden þo
and þe witneſſyngis bi whiche he witneſſide to hem; and goddis in þe hiȝ templis, whiche þe men of Samarie
þei ſueden vanytees, `þat is, idols, and diden veynli; and hadden maad, folk and folk in her citees, in whiche þei
ſueden heþene men, þat weren `bi þe cumpas of hem; of dwelliden.
whiche vanytees þe Lord comaundide to hem, þat þei xxx For men of Babiloyne maden Socoth Benoth;
ſchulden not do as alſo þo heþene men diden. forſoþe men of Cutha maden Vergel; and men of Emath
xvi And þei forſoken alle þe comaundementis of her maden Aſyma;
Lord God, and þei maden to hem twei ȝotun calues, and xxxi forſoþe Eueis maden Nabaath and Tharcha; ſoþeli
wodis, and worſchipiden al þe knyȝthod of heuene; and þei þat weren of Sepharuaym brenten her ſones in fier
þei ſeruyden Baal, and halewiden to hym her ſones, to Adramelech and Anamelech, goddis of Sepharuaym.
xvii and her douȝtris þoruy fier, and þei ſeruyden to fals xxxii And neþeles þei worſchipiden þe Lord; forſoþe of
dyuynyng, and to dyuynyng bi chiterynge of briddis; þe laſte men þei maden preeſtis of þe hiȝe þingis, and
and þei ȝauen hem ſilf to do yuel bifor þe Lord, and þei ſettiden hem in hiȝe templis.
wraþþiden hym. xxxiii And whanne þei worſchipiden God, þei ſerueden
xviii And þe Lord was wrooþ greetli to Iſrael; and he
alſo her goddis, bi þe cuſtom of heþene men, fro whiche
took awei hem fro his ſiȝt, and noon lefte, no but þe þei weren tranſlatid to Samarie;
lynage of Juda oneli. xxxiiii `til in to preſent dai þei ſuen þe eld cuſtom; þei
xix But neþer Juda hym ſilf kepte þe heeſtis of `his Lord
dredden not þe Lord, neþir þei kepen hiſe cerymonyes,
God, neþeles he erride, and ȝede in þe errour of Iſrael, and domes, and lawe, and comaundement, which þe
whiche it wrouȝte. Lord comaundide to þe ſones of Jacob, whom he
xx And þe Lord caſtide awei al þe ſeed of Iſrael, and nemyde Iſrael;
turmentide hem, and bitook hem in þe hond of xxxv and he ſmoot a couenaunt wiþ hem, and
rauynouris; til he caſtide awei hem fro his face, comaundide to hem, and ſeide, Nyle ȝe drede alien
xxi fro þat tyme in which Iſrael was departid fro þe hous goddis, and onoure ȝe not outwardli hem, neþir
of Dauid, and maden to hem a kyng, Jeroboam, ſone of worſchipe ȝe inwardli hem, and make ȝe not ſacrifice to
Nabath. For Jeroboam departide Iſrael fro þe Lord, and hem;
made hem to do a greet ſynne. xxxvi but ȝoure Lord God, þat ledde ȝou out of þe lond
xxii And þe ſones of Iſrael ȝeden in alle þe ſynnes of of Egipt in greet ſtrengþe, and in arm holdun forþ, drede
Jeroboam, whiche he hadde do; and þei departiden not ȝe hym, and worſchipe ȝe hym, and make ȝe ſacrifice to
fro þo ſynnes, hym.
xxiii til þe Lord dide awei Iſrael fro his face, as he ſpak xxxvii And kepe ȝe þe cerymonyes, and domes, and þe
in þe hond of alle hiſe ſeruauntis prophetis; and Iſrael lawe, and comaundement, which he wroot to ȝou, þat ȝe
was tranſlatid fro his lond in to Aſſiriens til in to þis dai. do in alle daies; and drede ȝe not alien goddis.
xxiiii Forſoþe þe kyng of Aſſiriens brouȝte puple fro xxxviii And nyle ȝe forȝete þe couenaunt, which he
Babiloyne, and fro Cutha, and fro Hailath, and fro ſmoot wiþ ȝou, neþer worſchipe ȝe alien goddis;
Emath, and fro Sepharuaym, and ſettide hem in þe xxxix but drede ȝe ȝoure Lord God, and he ſchal delyuere
citees of Samarie for þe ſones of Iſrael; whiche hadden ȝou fro þe hond of alle ȝoure enemyes.
in poſſeſſioun Samarie, and dwelliden in þe citees þerof. xl Forſoþe þei herden not, but diden bi her formere
xxv And whanne þei bigunnen to dwelle þere, þei
dredden not þe Lord; and þe Lord ſente to hem liouns, xli Þerfor þeſe heþene men dredden ſoþeli God; but
þat killiden hem. neþeles þei ſerueden alſo her idols, for boþe her ſones
xxvi And it was teld to þe kyng of Aſſiriens, and was
and þe ſones of ſones doen ſo, til in to preſent dai, as her
ſeid, Þe folkis whiche þou tranſlatidiſt, and madiſt to fadris diden.
dwelle in þe citees of Samarie, kunnen not þe lawful
þingis of God of þe lond; and þe Lord ſente liouns in to CAP. XVIII
hem, and lo! liouns ſleen hem; for þei kunnen not þe i In þe þridde ȝeer of Oſee, ſone of Hela, kyng of Iſrael,
cuſtom of God of þe lond. regnyde Ezechie, ſone of Achaz, kyng of Juda.
xxvii Soþeli þe kyng of Aſſiriens comaundide, and ſeide, ii He was of fyue and twenti ȝeer, whanne he bigan to
Lede ȝe þidur oon of þe preeſtis, whiche ȝe brouȝten regne, and he regnyde in Jeruſalem nyne and twenti
priſoneris fro þennus, þat he go, and dwelle wiþ hem,
and teche hem þe lawful þingis of God of þe lond.

ȝeer; þe name of his modir was Abiſa, douȝter of hiȝere ciſterne, which is in þe weie of þe fullere, `eþir
Zacharie. toukere.
iii And he dide þat, þat was good bifor þe Lord, bi alle xviii And þei clepiden þe kyng; ſoþeli Eliachym, ſone of
þingis, which Dauid, his fadir, hadde do. Elchie, þe ſouereyn of þe hows, and Sobna, ſcryueyn,
iiii And he diſtriede hiȝe places, and al to-brak ymagis, and Joahe, chaunſeler, þe ſone of Aſaph, ȝeden out to
and kittide doun wodis, and he brak þe braſun ſerpent, hem.
whom Moyſes hadde maad; for `til to þat tyme þe ſones xix And Rabſaces ſeide to hem, Speke ȝe to Ezechie, Þe
of Iſrael brenten encenſe to it; and he clepide þe name grete kyng, þe kyng of Aſſiriens, ſeiþ þeſe þingis, What
þerof Noeſtam. is þis triſt, in which þou enforſiſt?
v And he hopide in þe Lord God of Iſrael; þerfor aftir xx In hap þou haſt take counſel, þat þou woldiſt make
hym noon was lijk hym of alle þe kyngis of Juda, but þee redi to batel. In whom triſtiſt þou, þat þou be hardi
`and neþer in þo kyngis þat weren bifor hym. to rebelle?
vi And he cleuyde to þe Lord, and ȝede not awei fro hiſe xxi Wheþir þou hopiſt in a `ſtaf of rehed and brokun,
ſteppis, and he dide þe comaundementis of þe Lord, Egipt, on which, if a man leniþ, it ſchal be brokun, and
whiche þe Lord comaundide to Moiſes; ſchal entre in to hys hond, and ſchal peerſe it? So is
vii wherfor and þe Lord was wiþ hym, and he gouernede Farao, kyng of Egipt, to alle men þat triſten on hym.
wiſeli hym ſilf in alle þingis, to whiche he ȝede forþ. xxii Þat if þou ſeiſt to me, We han triſt in `oure Lord
Alſo he rebellide aȝens þe kyng of Aſſiriens, and þerfor God; wheþer þis is not he, whos hiȝe þingis and auteris
he ſeruede not to `þat kyng of Aſſeriens; Ezechie took awei, and comaundide to Juda and to
viii and he ſmoot Philiſteis `til to Gazam, and alle þe Jeruſalem, Ȝe ſchulen worſchipe bifor þis auter in
termes of hem, fro þe tour of keperis `til to a citee maad Jeruſalem?
ſtrong. xxiii Now þerfor paſſe ȝe to my lord, þe kyng of
ix In þe fourþe ȝeer of kyng Ezechie, þat was þe ſeuenþe Aſſiriens, and Y ſchal ȝyue to ȝou twei þouſynde of
ȝeer of Oſee, ſone of Hela, kyng of Iſrael, Salmanazar, horſis, and ſe ȝe, wheþer ȝe moun haue rideris of `þo
kyng of Aſſiriens, ſtiede to Samarie, horſis?
x and fauȝt aȝens it, and took it. For after þre ȝeer, in þe xxiiii And hou moun ȝe wiþſtonde bifor o prince of þe

ſixte ȝeer of Ezechie, þat is, in þe nynþe ȝeer of Oſee, leſte ſeruauntis of my lord? Wheþer þou haſt triſt in
kyng of Iſrael, Samarie was takun; Egipt, for charis and knyȝtis?
xi and þe kyng of Aſſiriens tranſlatide Iſrael in to xxv Wheþer Y ſtiede wiþ outen `Goddis wille to þis

Aſſiriens, and ſettyde hem in Haila, and in Habor, place, þat Y ſchulde diſtrie it? `Þe Lord ſeide to me,
ryueris of Gozam, in þe citees of Medeis; `Stie þou to þis lond, and diſtrie þou it.
xii for þei herden not þe vois of her Lord God, but þei xxvi Forſoþe Eliachym, ſone of Elchie, and Sobna, and

braken his couenaunt; þei herden not, neþer diden alle Joahe, ſeiden to Rabſaces, We preien, þat þou ſpeke bi
þingis, whiche Moiſes, þe ſeruaunt of þe Lord, þe langage of Sirie to vs, þi ſeruauntis; for we
comaundide. vndirſtondun þis langage; and þat þou ſpeke not to vs bi
xiii In þe fourtenþe ȝeer of kyng Ezechie, Senacherub, þe langage of Juwis, while þe puple heriþ, which is on
kyng of Aſſiryens, ſtiede to alle þe ſtrengþide citees of þe wal.
xxvii And Rabſaces anſweride, `and ſeide, Wheþir my
Juda, and took þo.
xiiii Þanne Ezechie, kyng of Juda, ſente meſſangeris to lord ſente me to þi lord and to þee, þat Y ſchulde ſpeke
þe kyng of Aſſiriens in to Lachis, and ſeide, Y haue þeſe wordis, and not raþer to þe men `þat ſitten on þe
ſynned; go awei fro me, and Y ſchal bere `al þing, wal, þat þei ete her toordis, and drynke her piſſe wiþ
which þou ſchalt putte to me. Þerfor þe kyng of ȝou?
xxviii Þerfor Rabſaces ſtood, and criede wiþ greet vois bi
Aſſeriens puttide on Ezechie, kyng of Juda, þre hundrid
talentis of ſiluer, and þretti talentis of gold. langage of Jewis, and ſeide, Here ȝe þe wordis of þe
xv And Ezechie ȝaf al þe ſiluer, þat was foundun in þe greet kyng, þe kyng of Aſſiriens.
xxix Þe kyng ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Ezechie diſceyue not ȝou,
hows of þe Lord, and in þe kyngis treſories.
xvi In þat tyme Ezechie brak þe ȝatis of þe temple of þe for he may not delyuere ȝou fro myn hond;
xxx neþer ȝyue he triſt to ȝou on þe Lord, and ſeie, Þe
Lord, and þe platis of gold, whiche he hadde faſtned,
and he ȝaf þo to þe kyng of Aſſiriens. Lord delyuerynge ſchal delyuere vs, and þis citee ſhal
xvii Forſoþe þe kyng of Aſſiriens ſente Thercha and not be bitakun in þe hond of þe kyng of Aſſiriens;
xxxi nyle ȝe here Ezechie. For þe kyng of Aſſiriens ſeiþ
Rabſaces fro Lachis to kyng Ezechie, wiþ ſtrong hond
to Jeruſalem; and whanne þei hadden ſtied, þei camen to þeſe þingis, Do ȝe wiþ me þat, þat is profitable to ȝou,
Jeruſalem, and ſtoden biſidis þe water cundijt of þe and go ȝe out to me; and eche man ſchal ete of his

vyner, and of his fige tree, and ȝe ſchulen drynke watris aȝens þee; þat he ſchulde go aȝens `þat kyng, he ſente
of ȝoure ciſternes, meſſangeris to Ezechie,
xxxii til Y come, and tranſlate ȝou in to a lond which is x and ſeide, Seie ȝe þeſe þingis to Ezechie, kyng of
lijk ȝoure lond, in to a fruytful lond, and plenteuouſe of Juda, Þi Lord God, in whom þou haſt triſt, diſſeyue not
wyn, a lond of breed, and of vineris, a lond of olyue þee, neþer ſeie þou, Jeruſalem ſchal not be `bitakun in to
trees, and of oile, and of hony; and ȝe ſchulen lyue, and þe hondis of þe kyng of Aſſiriens;
ȝe ſchulen not die. Nyle ȝe here Ezechie, þat diſſeyueþ xi for þou þi ſilf herdiſt what þingis þe kyngis of
ȝou, and ſeiþ, Þe Lord ſchal delyuere ȝow. Aſſiriens diden in alle londis, hou þei waſtiden þo;
xxxiii Wheþer þe goddis of heþene men delyueriden her wheþer þerfor þou aloone maiſt be delyuered?
lond fro þe hond of þe kyng of Aſſiriens? xii Wheþer þe goddis of heþene men delyueriden alle
xxxiiii Where is god of Emath, and of Arphat? Where is men whiche my fadris diſtrieden, þat is, Gozam, and
god of Sapharuaym, of Ana, and of Aua? Wheþer þei Aran, and Reſeph, and þe ſones of Eden, þat weren in
delyueriden Samarie fro myn hond? Thelaſſar?
xxxv For who ben þei in alle goddis of londis, þat xiii Where is þe kyng of Emath, and þe kyng of Arphat?
delyueriden her cuntrey fro myn hond, þat þe Lord may and þe kyng of þe cytee of Sepharuaym, of Ana, and of
delyuere Jeruſalem fro myn hoond? Aua?
xxxvi Þerfor þe puple was ſtille, and anſweride not ony xiiii Þerfor whanne Ezechie hadde take þe lettris fro þe
þing to hym; for þei hadden take comaundement of þe hond of meſſangeris, and hadde red þo, he ſtiede in to
kyng, þat þei ſchulden not anſwere to hym. þe hows of þe Lord, and ſpredde abrood þo bifor þe
xxxvii And Eliachym, ſone of Elchie, þe ſouereyn of þe Lord;
hows, and Sobna, ſcryuen, and Joahe, chaunceler, þe xv and preiede in his ſiȝt, and ſeide, Lord God of Iſrael,
ſone of Aſaph, camen wiþ to-rent cloþis to Ezechie; and þat ſittiſt on cherubym, þou art God aloone of alle
telden to hym þe wordis of Rabſaces. kyngis of erþe; þou madiſt heuene and erþe.
xvi Bowe þin eere, and here; opyn þin iȝen, Lord, and ſe;
CAP. XIX and here alle þe wordis of Senacherib, which ſente, þat
i And whanne kyng Ezechie hadde herd þeſe þingis, he he ſchulde diſpiſe `to vs `God lyuynge.
to-rente his cloþis, and was hilid wiþ a ſak; and he xvii Verili, Lord, þe kynges of Aſſiriens diſtrieden
entride in to þe hous of þe Lord. heþene men, and þe londis of alle men,
ii And he ſente Eliachym, ſouereyn of þe hous, and xviii and ſenten þe goddis of hem in to fier; for þei
Sobna, ſcryueyn, and elde men of þe preeſtis, hilid wiþ weren not goddis, but werkis of `hondis of men, of tre
ſackis, to Yſaie, þe prophete, ſone of Amos. and ſtoon; and þei loſten `þo goddis.
iii Whiche ſeiden, Ezechie ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þis dai is a xix Now þerfor, oure Lord God, make vs ſaaf fro þe
dai of tribulacioun, and of blamyng, and of blasfemye; hond of hem, þat alle rewmes of erþe wite þat þou art
ſones camen `til to þe childberyng, and þe `traueler of þe Lord God aloone.
childe haþ not ſtrengþis. xx Forſoþe Iſaie, ſone of Amos, ſente to Ezechie, and
iiii If perauenture þi Lord God here alle þe wordis of
ſeide, Þe Lord God of Iſrael ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Y haue
Rabſaces, whom þe kyng of Aſſiryens, his lord ſente, þat herd þo þingis, whiche þou preidiſt me on Sennacherib,
he ſchulde diſpiſe þe Lord lyuynge, and repreue bi king of Aſſiriens.
wordis, whiche þi Lord God herde; and make þou preier xxi Þis is þe word, which þe Lord ſpak of hym, Þou
for þeſe relikis, þat ben foundun. virgyn douȝtir of Syon, he diſpiſide þee, and ſcornyde
v Þerfor þe ſeruauntis of kyng Ezechie camen to Iſaie;
þee; þou douȝter of Jeruſalem, he mouyde his heed aftir
vi and Iſaie ſeide to hem, Seie ȝe þeſe þingis to ȝoure þi bak.
lord, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Nyle þou drede of þe xxii Sennacherib, whom `diſpiſidiſt þou, and whom
face of wordis whiche þou herdiſt, bi whiche þe `blasfemediſt þou? Aȝens whom haſt þou reiſid þi vois,
children of þe kyng of Aſſiriens blasfemeden me. and haſt reiſid þin iȝen an hiȝe? Aȝens þe hooli of Iſrael.
vii Lo! Y ſchal ſende to hym a ſpirit, and he ſchal here a xxiii Bi þe hond of þi ſeruauntis þou diſpiſidiſt þe Lord,
meſſanger, and he ſchal turne aȝen in to his lond; and Y and ſeidiſt, In þe multitude of my charys Y ſtiede in to
ſchal caſte hym doun bi ſwerd in his owne lond. þe hiȝe þingis of hillis, in þe hiȝneſſe of Liban, and
viii Þerfor Rabſaces turnede aȝen, and foond þe kyng of kittide doun þe hiȝe cedris þerof, and þe choſyn beechis
Aſſiriens fiȝtynge aȝens Lobna; for he hadde herd, þat þerof; and Y entride `til to þe termes þerof,
þe kyng hadde go awei fro Lachis. xxiiii and Y kittide doun þe foreſt of Carmele þerof; and
ix And whanne he hadde herd of Theracha, kyng of Y drank alien watris, and Y made drie wiþ þe ſteppis of
Ethiope, `men ſeyynge, Lo! he ȝede out, þat he fiȝte `þe feet of myn `alle watris cloſid.

xxv Wheþer þou herdiſt not, what Y made at þe iii and ſeide, Y biſeche, Lord, haue mynde, hou Y ȝede
bigynnyng? Fro elde daies Y made it, and now Y haue bifor þee in treuþe, and in a parfit herte, and Y dide þat,
brouȝt forþ; and ſtrengþid citees of fiȝteris ſchulen be in þat was pleſaunt bifor þee. Þerfor Ezechie wepte bi
to fallyng of hillis. greet wepyng.
xxvi And þei þat ſitten meke of hond in þo, trembliden iiii And bifor þat Yſaie ȝede out half þe part of þe court,
togidere, and ben ſchent; þei ben maad as þe hei of þe þe word of þe Lord was maad to Iſaie, and ſeide,
feeld, and as grene eerbe of roouȝs, which is dried, bifor v Turne þou aȝen, and ſeie to Ezechie, duyk of my
þat it cam to ripeneſſe. puple, Þe Lord God of Dauid, þi fadir, ſeiþ þes þingis, Y
xxvii And Y bifor knew þi dwellyng, and þi goyng out, herde þi preiere, and Y ſiȝ þi teer, and, lo! Y heelide
and þin entryng, and þi weie, and þi woodneſſe aȝens þee. In þe þridde dai þou ſchalt ſtie in to þe temple of þe
me. Lord,
xxviii Þou were wood aȝens me, and þi pride ſtide in to vi and Y ſchal adde fiftene ȝeer to þi daies; but alſo Y
myn eeris; þerfor Y ſchal putte a cercle in þi noſeþirlis, ſchal delyuere þee and þis citee fro þe hond of þe kyng
and a bernacle in þi lippis, and Y ſchal lede þee aȝen in of Aſſiriens, and Y ſchal defende þis citee for me, and
to þe weie bi which þou cameſt. for Dauid, my ſeruaunt.
xxix Forſoþe, Ezechie, þis ſchal be a ſigne `to þee; ete vii And Yſaie ſeide, Brynge ȝe to me a gobet of figis.
þou in þis ȝeer þat, þat þou fyndiſt; forſoþe in þe And whanne þei hadden brouȝte it, and hadde putte on
ſecounde ȝeer þo þingis, þat growen bi her owne wille; `his botche, he was heelid.
ſoþeli in þe þridde ȝeer ſowe ȝe, and repe ȝe, plaunte ȝe viii Forſoþe Ezechie ſeide to Iſaie, What ſchal be þe
vyneris, and ete þe fruytis of þo. ſigne, þat þe Lord ſchal heele me, and þat in þe þridde
xxx And what euer þing ſchal be reſidue of þe hows of dai Y ſchal ſtie in to þe temple of þe Lord?
Juda, it ſchal ſende root dounward, and ſchal make fruyt ix To whom Yſaie ſeide, Þis ſchal be `a ſigne of þe Lord,
vpward. þat þe Lord ſchal do þe word which he ſpak; wolt þou,
xxxi For relikis ſchulen go out of Jeruſalem, and þat, þat þat þe ſchadewe ſtie by ten lynes, eþir turne aȝen bi ſo
ſchal be ſauyd, `ſchal go out of þe hil of Syon; þe many degrees?
feruent loue of þe Lord of ooſtis ſchal do þis. x And Ezechie ſeide, It is eſy þat þe ſchadewe encreeſſe
xxxii Wherfor þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis of þe kyng of bi ten lynes, neþir Y wole þat þis be doon, but þat it
Aſſiriens, He ſchal not entre in to þis citee, neþir he turne aȝen bacward bi ten degrees.
ſchal ſende an arowe in to it, neþer ſcheeld ſhal occupie xi Þerfor Yſaie, þe prophete, clepide inwardli þe Lord,
it, neþer ſtrengþing, eþir biſegyng, ſchal cumpaſſe it. and brouȝte aȝen bacward bi ten degrees þe ſchadewe bi
xxxiii He ſchal turne aȝen bi þe weie `bi which he cam, lynes, bi whiche it hadde go doun þanne in þe orologie
and he ſchal not entre in to þis citee, ſeiþ þe Lord; of Achaz.
xxxiiii and Y ſchal defende þis citee, and Y ſchal ſaue it xii In þat tyme Beradacbaladan, ſone of Baladam, þe
for me, and for Dauid, my ſeruaunt. kyng of Babiloyne, ſente lettris and ȝiftis to Ezechie; for
xxxv Þerfor it was don, in þat niȝt þe aungel of þe Lord he hadde herd þat Ezechie was ſijk, and hadde couerid.
cam, and ſmoot in þe caſtels of Aſſiryens an hundrid xiii Forſoþe Ezechie was glad in þe comyng of hem, and
foure ſcore and fyue þouſynde. And whanne he ſchewide to hem þe hows of ſpyceries, and gold, and
Sennacherib hadde riſe eerli, he ſiȝ alle bodies of deed ſiluer, and dyuerſe pymentis, alſo oynementis, and þe
men; and he departide, and ȝede awei. hows of hiſe veſſels, and alle þingis whiche he myȝte
xxxvi And Sennacherib, þe kyng of Aſſiriens, turnede haue in hiſe treſouris; `no word was, `which Ezechie
aȝen, and dwellide in Nynyue. ſchewide not to hem in his hows, and in al his power.
xxxvii And whanne he worſchipide in þe temple Neſtrach xiiii Soþeli Yſaie, þe prophete, cam to þe kyng Ezechie,

his god, Adramelech and Siraſar, his ſones, killide hym and ſeide to hym, What ſeiden þeſe men, eþer fro
wiþ ſwerd; and þei fledden in to þe lond of Armenyes; whennus camen þei to þe? To whom Ezechie ſeide, Þei
and Aſaradon, his ſone, regnyde for hym. camen to me fro a fer lond, fro Babiloyne.
xv And he anſweride, What `ſien þei in þin hows?
CAP. XX Ezechie ſeide, Þei ſien alle þingis, what euer þingis ben
i In þo daies Ezechie was ſijk `til to þe deeþ; and Iſaie, in myn hows; no þing is in my treſouris, which Y
þe prophete, ſone of Amos, cam to hym, and ſeide to ſchewide not to hem.
hym, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Comaunde to þin xvi Þerfor Iſaie ſeide to Ezechie, Here þou þe word of þe
hows, for þou ſchalt die, and þou ſchalt not lyue. Lord.
ii Which Ezechie turnyde his face to þe wal, and xvii Lo! dayes comen, and alle þingis þat ben in þin
worſchipide þe Lord, hows, and `whiche þingis þi fadris maden til in to þis

dai, ſchulen be takun awey into Babiloyne; `not ony x And þe Lord ſpak in þe hond of his ſeruauntis
þing ſchal dwelle, ſeiþ þe Lord. prophetis, and ſeide,
xviii But alſo of þi ſones, þat ſchulen go out of þee, xi For Manaſſes, kyng of Juda, dide þeſe worſte
whiche þou ſchalt gendere, ſchulen be takun, and þei abhomynaciouns ouer alle þingis which Ammorreis
ſchulen be geldyngis in þe paleis of þe king of diden bifor hym, and maden alſo þe puple of Juda to do
Babiloyne. ſynne in hiſe vnclenneſſis;
xix Ezechie ſeide to Iſaie, Þe word of þe Lord, `which he xii þerfor þe Lord God of Iſrael ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y
ſpak, is good; ooneli pees and treuþe be in my daies. ſchal brynge in yuelis on Jeruſalem and Juda, þat who
xx Forſoþe þe reſidue of wordis of Ezechie, and al his euer heriþ, boþe hiſe eeris tyngle;
ſtrengþe, and hou he made a ciſterne, and a watir xiii and Y ſchal holde forþ on Jeruſalem þe corde of
cundijt, and brouȝte watris, `in to þe citee, wheþer þeſe Samarie, and þe birþun of þe hows of Achab, and Y
ben not writun in þe book of wordis of daies of þe ſchal do awei Jeruſalem, as tablis ben wont to be doon
kyngis of Juda? awei; and Y ſchal do awey and turne it, and Y ſchal lede
xxi And Ezechie ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris, and Manaſſes, his ful ofte þe poyntel on þe face þerof.
ſone, regnyde for hym. xiiii Forſoþe Y ſchal leeue relikis of myn eritage, and Y
ſchal bitake hem in to þe hond of enemyes þerof; and
CAP. XXI þei ſchulen be in diſtriynge, and in raueyn to alle her
i Manaſſes was of twelue ȝeer, whanne he bigan to aduerſaries;
regne, and he regnyde fyue and fifti ȝeer in Jeruſalem; xv for þei diden yuel bifor me, and þei continueden
þe name of his modir was Aſiba. terrynge me to ire, fro þe dai in which her fadris ȝeden
ii And he dide yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, bi þe idols of out of þe lond of Egipt `til to þis day.
heþene men, whiche heþene men þe Lord dide awei fro xvi Ferþermore alſo Manaſſes ſchedde ful myche
þe face of þe ſones of Iſrael. ynnocent blood, til he fillide Jeruſalem `til to þe mouþ,
iii And he was turned, and bildide hiȝe þingis, whiche wiþ outen hiſe ſynnes bi whiche he made Juda to do
Ezechie, his fadir, diſtriede; and he reiſide auteris of ſynne, to do yuel bifor þe Lord.
Baal, and he made woodis, as Achab kyng of Iſrael xvii Forſoþe þe reſidue of þe wordis of Manaſſes, and
hadde do; and he worſchipide `wiþ out forþ al þe alle þingis whiche he dide, and his ſynne whiche he
knyȝthod of heuene, and worſchipide it in herte. ſynnede, wheþer þeſe ben not writun in þe book of
iiii And he bildide auteris in þe hows of þe Lord, of wordis of daies of þe kyngis of Juda?
which þe Lord ſeide, Y ſchal ſette my name in xviii And Manaſſes ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris, and was biried
Jeruſalem. in þe gardyn of his hows, in þe gardyn of Azam; and
v And he bildide auteris to al þe knyȝthod of heuene in Amon, his ſone, regnyde for hym.
þe twei large places of þe temple of þe Lord; xix He was of two and twenti ȝeer, whanne he bigan to
vi and he `ledde ouer his ſone þorouȝ þe fier; and he regne; and he regnede twei ȝeer in Jeruſalem; þe name
vſide falſe dyuynyngis in auteris, on whiche ſacrifice of his modir was Meſalamech, þe douȝter of Arus of
was maad to feendis, and he kepte falſe dyuynyngis bi Gethela.
chiteryng of bryddis; and he made men to haue yuele xx And he dide yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, as Manaſſes,
ſpiritis ſpekynge in þe wombe, and he multipliede falſe his fader, hadde do.
dyuynours in entraylis of beeſtis ſacrified to feendis, þat xxi And he ȝede in al þe weie, bi which his fader hadde
he ſchulde do yuel bifor þe Lord, and terre hym to ire. go, and he ſeruide to vnclenneſſis, to whiche his fadir
vii And he ſettide an ydol of wode, which he hadde
hadde ſeruyd, and he worſchipide þo; and he forſook þe
maad, in þe temple of þe Lord, `of which temple þe Lord God of hiſe fadris,
Lord ſpak to Dauid, and to Salomon, his ſone, Y ſchal xxii and he ȝede not in þe weye of þe Lord.
ſette my name wiþouten ende in þis temple, and in xxiii And hiſe ſeruauntis ſettiden treſouns to hym, and
Jeruſalem which Y chees of alle þe lynagis of Iſrael. killiden þe kyng in hiſe hows.
viii And Y ſchal nomore make þe foot of Iſrael to be
xxiiii Soþely þe puple of þe Lord ſmoot alle men, þat
moued fro þe lond which Y ȝaf to þe fadris of hem; ſo hadden conſpirid aȝens kyng Amon, and þei ordeyneden
neþeles if þei kepen in werk alle þingis whiche Y to hem a kyng, Joſias, `his ſone, for hym.
comaundide to hem, and al þe lawe whiche Moiſes, my xxv Forſoþe þe reſidue of wordis of Amon, whiche he
ſeruaunt, comaundide to hem.
ix Soþeli þei herden not, but weren diſſeyued of dide, wheþer þeſe ben not writun in þe book of wordis
of daies of þe kyngis of Juda?
Manaſſes, þat þei diden yuel ouer heþene men, whiche
þe Lord al to-brak fro þe face of þe ſones of Iſrael.

xxvi And he ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris, and þei birieden hym wijf of Sellum, ſone of Thecue, ſone of Aras, kepere of
in his ſepulcre in þe gardyn of Azam; and Joſias, his þe cloþis, which Olda dwellide in Jeruſalem, in þe
ſone, regnede for him. ſecounde dwellyng; and þei ſpaken to hir.
xv And ſche anſweride to hem, Þe Lord God of Iſrael
CAP. XXII ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Seie ȝe to þe man,
i Joſias was of eiȝte ȝeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and xvi þat ſente ȝou to me, Þe Lord God of Iſrael ſeiþ þeſe
he regnyde oon and þritti ȝeer in Jeruſalem; þe name of þingis, Lo! Y ſchal brynge yuelis on þis place, and on
his modir was Ydida, þe douȝtir of Phadaia of þe dwelleris þerof, alle þe wordis `of þe lawe, whiche
Beſechath. þe kyng of Juda redde;
ii And he dide þat, þat was pleſaunt bifor þe Lord, and xvii for þei forſoken me, and maden ſacrifice to alien
he ȝede be alle þe wayes of Dauid, his fadir; he bowide goddis, and terriden me to ire in alle þe werkis of her
not, neþir to þe riȝtſide, neþir of þe leftſide. hondis; and myn indignacioun ſchal be kyndlid in þis
iii Forſoþe in þe eiȝtenþe ȝeer of kyng Joſias, þe kyng place, and ſchal not be quenchid.
ſente Saphan, ſone of Aſua, þe ſone of Meſulam, xviii Soþeli to þe kyng of Juda, þat ſente ȝou, þat ȝe
ſcryueyn, eþir doctour, of þe temple of þe Lord, ſchulen `counſele þe Lord, ȝe ſchulen ſeie þus, Þe Lord
iiii and ſeide to him, Go þou to Elchie, þe grete preeſt, God of Iſrael ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For þou herdiſt þe wordis
þat þe money, which is borun in to þe temple of þe of þe book,
Lord, be ſpendid, which money þe porteris of þe temple xix and þin herte was aferd, and þou were maad meke
han gaderid of þe puple; bifor þe Lord, whanne þe wordis weren herd aȝens þis
v and þat it be ȝouun to crafti men bi þe ſouereyns of þe place and aȝens þe dwelleris þerof, þat is, þat þei
hows of þe Lord; which alſo departide þat money to ſchulden be maad in to wondryng, and in to curſyng,
hem þat worchen in þe temple of þe Lord, to reparele þe and þou to-rentiſt þi cloþis, and weptiſt bifor me, and Y
rooues of þe temple of þe Lord, herde, ſeiþ þe Lord;
vi þat is, to carpenteris, and to maſouns, and to hem þat xx herfor Y ſchal gadere þee to þi fadris, and þou ſchalt

maken brokun þingis, and þat trees and ſtoonus of be gaderid to þi ſepulcre in pees; þat þin iȝen ſe not alle
quarieris be bouȝt, to reparele þe temple of þe Lord; þe yuelis, whiche Y ſchal brynge yn on þis place.
vii neþeles ſiluer, which þei taken, be not rekynyd to
hem, but haue þei in power, and in feiþ. CAP. XXIII
viii Forſoþe Helchie, þe biſchop, ſeide to Saphan, þe i And þei telden to þe kyng þat, þat ſche ſeide; `which

ſcryuen, Y haue founde þe book of þe lawe in þe hows kyng ſente, and alle þe elde men of Juda, and of
of þe Lord. And Elchie ȝaf þe book to Saphan, þe Jeruſalem, weren gaderid to hym.
ii And þe kyng ſtiede in to þe temple of þe Lord, and
ſcryuen, which alſo redde it.
ix Alſo Saphan, þe ſcryuen, cam to þe kyng, and telde to alle þe men of Juda, and alle men þat dwelliden in
hym þo þingis, whiche Elchie hadde comaundid, and he Jeruſalem wiþ hym, þe preeſtis, and þe prophetis, and al
ſeide, Þi ſeruauntis han ſpendid þe monei, which was þe puple, fro litil `til to greet; and he redde, while alle
foundun in þe hows of þe Lord, and ȝauen, þat it men herden, alle þe wordis of þe book of boond of pees
ſchulde be departid to crafti men of þe ſouereyns of of þe Lord, which book was foundun in þe hows of þe
werkis of þe temple of þe Lord. Lord.
x Alſo Saphan, þe ſcriueyn, telde to þe kyng, and ſeide, iii And þe kyng ſtood on þe grees; and he ſmoot boond

Helchie, þe preeſt of God, ȝaf to me a book; and of pees bifor þe Lord, þat þei ſchulden go aftir þe Lord,
whanne Saphan hadde red þat book bifor þe kyng, and kepe hiſe comaundementis and witneſſyngis and
xi and þe kyng hadde herd þe wordis of þe book of þe cerymonyes in al þe herte and in al þe ſoule, þat þei
lawe of þe Lord, he to-rente hiſe cloþis. ſchulden reiſe þe wordis of þis boond of pees, þat weren
xii And he comaundide to Elchie, þe preeſt, and to writun in þat book; and þe puple aſſentide to þe
Aicham, ſone of Saphan, and to Achabor, ſone of iiii And þe kyng comaundide to Helchie, þe biſchop, and
Mycha, and to Saphan, þe ſcryuen, and to Achia,
ſeruaunt of þe kyng, to þe preeſtis of þe ſecounde ordre, and to þe porteris,
xiii and ſeide, Go ȝe, and `counſele ȝe þe Lord on me, þat þei ſchulden caſte out of þe temple alle þe veſſelis,
þat weren maad to Baal, and in þe wode, and to al þe
and on þe puple, and on al Juda, of þe wordis of þis
knyȝthod of heuene; and he brente þo veſſels wiþ out
book, which is foundun; for greet ire of þe Lord is
Jeruſalem, in þe euene valey of Cedron, and he bar þe
kyndlid aȝens vs, for oure fadris herden not þe wordis
poudir of þo `veſſels in to Bethel.
of þis book, to do al þing which is writun to vs. v And he dide awei falſe dyuynours `þat dyuynyden in
xiiii Þerfor Helchie, þe preeſt, and Aicham, and Achabor,
þe entrailis of beeſtis ſacrified to idols, whiche þe kingis
and Saphan, and Aſia, ȝeden to Olda, þe propheteſſe, þe

of Juda hadden ſett to make ſacrifice in hiȝ þingis bi þe xvii And þe kyng ſeide, What is þis biriel, which Y ſe?
citees of Juda, and in þe cumpas of Jeruſalem; and he And þe citeſeyns of þat citee anſweriden to hym, It is þe
dide awey hem þat brenten encenſe to Baal, and to þe ſepulcre of þe man of God, þat cam fro Juda, and
ſunne, and to þe moone, and to twelue ſignes, and to al biforſeide þeſe wordis, whiche þou haſt doon on þe
þe knyȝthod of heuene. auter of Bethel.
vi And he made þe wode to be borun out of þe hows of xviii And þe kyng ſeide, Suffre ȝe hym; no man moue
þe Lord wiþout Jeruſalem in þe euene valey of Cedron, hiſe boonys. And hiſe boonys dwelliden vntouchid wiþ
and he brente it þere; and he droof it in to poudir, and þe boones of þe prophete, þat cam fro Samarie.
caſtide it forþ on þe ſepulcris of þe comyn puple. xix Ferþermore alſo Joſias dide awei alle þe templis of
vii Alſo he diſtriede þe litle houſis of `men turnyd into
hiȝe þingis, þat weren in þe citees of Samarie, whiche
wommens condiciouns, whiche houſis weren in þe þe kyngis of Iſrael hadden maad to terre þe Lord to ire;
hows of þe Lord; for whiche þe wymmen `maden as and he dide to þo templis bi alle þingis whiche he hadde
litil howſis of þe wode. do in Bethel.
viii And he gaderide alle þe preeſtis fro þe citees of xx And he killide alle þe preeſtis of hiȝe þingis, þat
Juda, and he defoulide þe hiȝe þingis, where þe preeſtis weren þere on þe auteris, and he brente mennus boonus
maden ſacrifice, fro Gabaa `til to Berſabee; and he on þo auteris; and he turnede aȝen to Jeruſalem;
diſtriede þe auters of ȝatis in þe entryng of þe dore of xxi and comaundide to al þe puple, and ſeide, Make ȝe
Joſie, prince of a citee, which dore was at þe lift half of paſk to `ȝoure Lord God, vp þat, þat is writun in þe
þe ȝate of þe cytee. book of þis boond of pees.
ix Neþeles þe preeſtis of hiȝe þingis ſtieden not to þe xxii Forſoþe ſich paſk was not maad, fro þe daies of iugis
auter of þe Lord in Jeruſalem, but oneli þei eten þerf þat demyden Iſrael, and of alle daies of þe kyngis of
looues in þe myddis of her briþeren. Iſrael and of Juda,
x Alſo he defoulide Tophet, which is in þe euene valey xxiii as þis paſk was maad to þe Lord in Jeruſalem in þe
of þe ſone of Ennon, þat no man ſchulde halewe his eiȝtenþe ȝeer of kyng Joſias.
ſone eþer his douȝtir bi fier to Moloch. xxiiii But alſo Joſias dide awei men hauynge fendis
xi Alſo he dide awei horſis, whiche þe kyngis of Juda
ſpekinge in her wombis, and falſe diuinouris in auteris,
hadden ȝoue to þe ſunne, in þe entryng of þe temple of and `he dide awei þe figuris of idols, and alle
þe Lord, biſidis þe chaumbir of Nathanmalech, geldyng, vnclenneſſis, and abhomynaciouns, þat weren in þe lond
þat was in Pharurym; forſoþe he brente bi fier þe charis of Juda and in Jeruſalem, þat he ſchulde do þe wordis of
of þe ſunne. þe lawe, þat weren writun in þe book, `which book
xii Alſo þe kyng diſtriede þe auteris, þat weren on þe
Elchie, þe preeſt, foond in þe temple of þe Lord.
roouȝs of þe ſoler of Achaz, whiche auteris þe kyngis of xxv No kyng bifor him was lijk hym, `þat turnede aȝen
Juda hadden maad; and þe kyng diſtriede þe auteris, to þe Lord in al his herte, and in al his ſoule, and in al
whiche Manaſſes hadde maad in þe twei grete placis of his vertu, bi al þe lawe of Moiſes; neþer aftir hym roos
þe temple of þe Lord; and he ran fro þennus, and ony lijk hym.
ſcateride þe aſkis of þo in to þe ſtrond of Cedron. xxvi Neþeles þe Lord was not turned awei fro þe ire of
xiii Alſo þe kyng defoulide þe hiȝe þingis, þat weren in
his greet veniaunce, bi which his ſtrong veniaunce was
Jeruſalem at þe riȝt part of þe hil of offencioun, whiche wrooþ aȝens Juda, for þe terryngis to ire by whiche
Salomon, kyng of Iſrael, hadde bildid to Aſtroth, þe Manaſſes hadde terrid hym to ire.
ydol of Sidoneis, and to Chamos, þe offencioun of xxvii Þerfor þe Lord ſeide, Y ſchal do awei alſo Juda fro
Moab, and to Melchon, abhominacioun of þe ſones of my face, as Y dide awei Iſrael; and Y ſchal caſte awei
Amon; þis citee, which Y chees, Jeruſalem, and þe hows `of
xiiii and he al to-brak ymagis, and kittide doun wodis,
which Y ſeide, My name ſchal be þere.
and fillide þe places of þo wiþ þe boonys of deed men. xxviii Forſoþe þe reſidue of wordis of Joſias, and alle
xv Ferþermore alſo he diſtriede þe auter þat was in
þingis whiche he dide, wheþer þeſe ben not writun in þe
Bethel, and `he diſtriede þe hiȝe þing, which Jeroboam, book of wordis of daies of þe kyngis of Juda?
ſone of Nabath, hadde maad, þat made Iſrael to do xxix In þe daies of hym Farao Nechao, kyng of Egipt,
ſynne; and he diſtriede þat hiȝ autir, and brente it, and al ſtiede aȝens þe kyng of Aſſiriens, to þe flood Eufrates;
to brak it in to poudir, and kittide doun alſo þe wode. and Joſias, kyng of Juda, ȝede in to metyng of hym, and
xvi And Joſias turnyde, and ſiȝ þere ſepulcris þat weren
Joſias was ſlayn in Magedo, whanne he hadde ſeyn
in þe hil; and he ſente, and took þe boonys fro þe hym.
ſepulcris, and brente þo on þe auter, and defoulide it bi xxx And `hiſe ſeruauntis baren hym deed fro Magedo,
þe word of þe Lord, which word þe man of God ſpak, and brouȝte him in to Jeruſalem, and birieden hym in
þat biforſeide þeſe wordis. his ſepulcre; and þe puple of þe lond took Joachaz, ſone

of Joſias, and anoyntiden hym, and maden hym kyng þingis þat weren þe kyngis of Egipt, fro þe ſtrond of
for his fadir. Egipt `til to þe flood Eufrates.
xxxi Joachaz was of þre and twenti ȝeer, whanne he viii Joakyn was of eiȝtene ȝeer, whanne he bigan to
bigan to regne, and he regnede þre moneþis in regne, and he regnyde þre moneþis in Jeruſalem; þe
Jeruſalem; þe name of his modir was Amychal, douȝter name of his modir was Naheſta, douȝtir of Helnathan of
of Jeremye of Lobna. Jeruſalem.
xxxii And he dide yuel bifor þe Lord, bi alle þingis ix And he dide yuel bifor þe Lord, bi alle þingis whiche
which hiſe fadris hadden do. hiſe fadir hadde do.
xxxiii And Farao Nechao boond hym in Reblatha, which x In þat tyme þe ſeruauntis of Nabugodonoſor, kyng of
is in þe lond of Emath, þat he ſchulde not regne in Babiloyne, ſtieden `in to Jeruſalem, and þe citee was
Jeruſalem; and he ſettide `peyne, eþer raunſum, to þe cumpaſſid wiþ biſegyngis.
lond, in an hundrid talentis of ſiluer, and in a talent of xi And Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babiloyne, cam to þe
gold. citee wiþ hiſe ſeruauntis, þat he ſchulde fiȝte aȝens it.
xxxiiii And Farao Nechao made kyng Eliachim, ſone of xii And Joakyn, kyng of Juda, ȝede out to þe king of
Joſias, for Joſias, his fadir; and he turnede þe name of Babiloyne, he, and his modir, and hiſe ſeruauntis, and
hym Joachym; forſoþe Farao took Joachaz, and ledde hiſe princis, and hiſe chaumburleyns; and þe king of
hym in to Egipt. Babiloyne reſſeyuede him, in þe eiȝþe ȝeer of `his
xxxv Soþeli Joachym ȝaf ſiluer and gold to Farao, rewme.
whanne he hadde comaundid to þe lond bi alle ȝeeris, xiii And he brouȝte forþ fro þens alle þe treſours of þe
þat it ſchulde be brouȝt, bi þe comaundement of Farao; `hous of þe Lord, and þe treſours of þe kingis hous; and
and he reiſide of ech man bi hiſe myȝtis boþe ſiluer and he beet togider alle þe goldun veſſels, whiche Salomon,
gold, of þe puple of þe lond, þat he ſchulde ȝyue to king of Iſrael, hadde maad in þe temple of þe Lord, bi
Pharao Nechao. þe `word of þe Lord.
xxxvi Joachym was of fyue and twenti ȝeer, whanne he xiiii And he tranſlatide al Jeruſalem, and alle þe princis,
bigan to regne, and he regnede eleuene ȝeer in and alle þe ſtrong men of þe ooſt, ten þouſynde, in to
Jeruſalem; þe name of his modir was Zebida, douȝter of caitiftee, and ech crafti man, and goldſmyȝt; and no
Phadaia of Ruma. þing was left, outakun þe pore puplis of þe lond.
xxxvii And he dide yuel bifor þe Lord, bi alle þingis xv Alſo he tranſlatide Joakyn in to Babiloyne, and þe
which hiſe fadris hadden do. moder of þe king, `þe wyues of þe king, and þe
chaumburleyns of þe king; and he ledde þe iugis of þe
CAP. XXIIII lond in to caitifte fro Jeruſalem in to Babiloyne;
i In þe daies of hym Nabugodonoſor, kyng of xvi and alle ſtronge men, ſeuene þouſynde; and crafti
Babiloyne, ſtiede, and Joachym was maad ſeruaunt to men and goldſmyȝþis, a þouſynde; alle ſtronge men and
hym by þre ȝeeris; and eft Joachym rebellide aȝens werriouris; and þe king of Babiloyne ledde hem
hym. priſoners in to Babiloyne.
ii And þe Lord ſente to hym þeuys of Caldeis, and þeuys xvii And he ordeynede Mathanye, þe broþer of his fadir,
of Sirie, and þeuys of Moab, and þeuys of þe ſones of for hym; and puttide to hym þe name Sedechie.
Amon; and he ſente hem `in to Juda, þat he ſchulde xviii Sedechie hadde þe oon and twentiþe ȝeer of age,
deſtrie it, bi þe word of þe Lord, which he ſpak bi hiſe whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnyde eleuene ȝeer
ſeruauntis prophetis. in Jeruſalem; þe name of his modir was Amychal,
iii Forſoþe þis was doon bi þe word of þe Lord aȝens
douȝter of Jeremye of Lobna.
Juda, þat he ſchulde do awei it bifor him ſilf, for þe xix And he dide yuel bifor þe Lord, bi alle þingis which
ſynnes of Manaſſes, and alle þingis whiche he dide, Joachym hadde do.
iiii and for þe giltles blood which he ſched out; and he xx For þe Lord was wrooþ aȝens Jeruſalem, and aȝens
fillide Jeruſalem wiþ þe blood of innocentis; and for þis Juda, til he caſte hem awey fro his face; and Sedechie
þing þe Lord nolde do mercy. ȝede awei fro þe king of Babiloyne.
v Forſoþe þe reſidue of wordis of Joachim, and alle
þingis whiche he dide, wheþer þeſe ben not writun in þe CAP. XXV
book of wordis of daies of þe kyngis of Juda? i Forſoþe it was don in þe nynþe ȝeer of his rewme, in
vi And Joachym ſlept wiþ hiſe fadris, and Joakyn, his
þe tenþe moneþ, in þe tenþe dai of þe moneþ,
ſone, regnyde for him. Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babiloyne, cam, he, and al his
vii And þe kyng of Egipt addide no more to go out of ooſt, in to Jeruſalem; and þei cumpaſſiden it, and
hys lond; for þe kyng of Babiloyne hadde take alle bildiden `ſtronge þingis in þe cumpaſs þerof.

ii And þe citee was cloſid, and cumpaſſid, `til to þe xix and þre porteris, and oon oneſt ſeruaunt of þe citee,
eleuenþe ȝeer of king Sedechie, þat was a ſouereyn ouer men werriours, and fyue men
iii in þe nynþe day of þe moneþe; and hungur `hadde `of hem þat ſtoden bifor þe king, whiche he foond in þe
maiſtrie in þe citee, and `breed was not to þe puple of citee; and he took Sopher, þe prince of þe ooſt, þat
þe lond. preuide ȝonge knyȝtis, `eþer men able to batel, of þe
iiii And þe citee was brokun, and alle men werriours puple of þe lond, and ſixe men of þe comyns, þat weren
fledden in þe niȝt bi þe weie of þe ȝate, which is bitwixe foundyn in þe citee;
xx whiche Nabuzardan, prince of þe chyualrie, took, and
þe double wal, to þe gardyn of þe kyng; ſoþeli Caldeis
biſegiden þe citee `bi cumpas. Þerfor Sedechie fledde bi ledde to þe king of Babiloyne, in to Reblatha.
þe weie þat lediþ to þe feeldi placis of þe wildirneſſe; xxi And þe kyng of Babiloyne ſmoot hem, and killide
v and þe ooſt of Caldeis purſuede þe king, and it took hem in Reblatha, in þe lond of Emath; and Juda was
him in þe pleyn of Jerico; and alle þe werriours, þat tranſlatid fro his lond.
weren wiþ him, weren ſcaterid, and leften him. xxii Soþeli he made ſouereyn Godolie, ſone of Aicham,
vi Þerfor þei ledden þe king takun to þe king of ſone of Saphan, to þe puple þat was left in þe lond of
Babiloyne, in to Reblatha, which ſpak dom wiþ him, Juda; which puple Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne,
`þat is, wiþ Sedechie. hadde left.
vii Soþeli he killide þe ſones of Sedechie bifor him, and xxiii And whanne alle þe duykis of knyȝtis hadde herd

puttide out his iȝen, and boond him wiþ chaynes, and þeſe þingis, þei, and þe men þat weren wiþ hem, þat is,
ledde him in to Babiloyne. þat þe king of Babiloyne hadde ordeyned Godolie, þei
viii In þe fifþe moneþe, in þe ſeuenþe dai of þe moneþe, camen `to Godolie, in Maſpha, Iſmael, ſone of
þilke is þe nyntenþe ȝeer of þe king of Babiloyne, Nathanye, and Johannan, ſone of Charee, and Saraie,
Nabuzardan, prince of þe ooſt, ſeruaunt of þe king of ſone of Thenameth of Nechophat, and Jeconye, ſone of
Babiloyne, cam in to Jeruſalem; Machati, þei, and Machat, and þe felowis of hem.
ix and he brente þe hows of þe Lord, and þe hows of þe xxiiii And Godolie ſwoor to hem, and to þe felowis of

king, and þe houſis of Jeruſalem, and he brente bi fier hem, and ſeide, Nyle ȝe drede to ſerue þe Caldeis;
ech hows; dwelle ȝe in þe lond, and ſerue ȝe þe king of Babiloyne,
x and al þe ooſt of Caldeis, þat was wiþ þe prince of and it ſchal be wel to ȝou.
xxv Forſoþe it was don in þe ſeuenþe moneþe, `þat is,
knyȝtis, diſtriede þe wallis of Jeruſalem `in cumpas.
xi Forſoþe Nabuzardan, prince of þe chyyualrie, ſiþen Godolie was maad ſouereyn, Hiſmael, þe ſone of
tranſlatide þe toþer part of þe puple, þat dwellide in þe Nathanye, ſone of Elyſama, of þe `kyngis ſeed, cam,
citee, and þe fleeris, þat hadden fled ouer to þe king of and ten men wiþ hym, and þei ſmytiden Godolie, which
Babiloyne, and þe reſidue comyn puple; diede; but alſo þei ſmytiden Jewis and Caldeis, þat
xii and he lefte of þe pore men of þe lond vyntilieris, weren wiþ hym in Maſpha.
xxvi And al þe puple roos fro litil `til to greet, and þe
and erþe tilieris.
xiii Soþeli Caldeis braken þe braſun pilers, þat weren in prynces of knyȝtis, and camen in to Egipt, and dredden
þe temple, and þe foundementis, and þe ſee of bras, þat xxvii Þerfor it was doon in þe ſeuenþe and þrettiþe ȝeer
was in þe hous of þe Lord; and þei tranſlatiden al þe
metal in to Babiloyne. of tranſmigracioun, `eþer paſſyng ouer, of Joakyn, kyng
xiiii And þei token þe pottis of bras, and trullis, and of Juda, in þe twelueþe moneþe, in þe ſeuene and
twentiþe dai of þe moneþe, Euylmeradach, kyng of
fleiſch hokis, and cuppis, and morteris, and alle braſun
Babiloyne, in þe ȝeer in which he bigan to regne, reiſide
veſſels, in whiche þei mynyſtriden;
xv alſo and cenſeris, and violis. Þe prince of þe chyualrie
þe heed of Joakyn, kyng of Juda,
xxviii fro priſoun, and ſpak to hym benygneli; and he
took þo þat weren of gold, and þo þat weren of ſiluer,
xvi þat is, twei pileris, o ſee, and þe foundementis,
ſettide þe trone of Joakyn aboue þe trone of kyngis, þat
weren wiþ hym in Babilonye.
whiche king Salomon hadde maad `in to þe temple of xxix And he chaungide `hiſe cloþis, whiche he hadde in
þe Lord; and no weiȝte was of metal of alle þe veſſels.
xvii O piler hadde eiȝten cubitis of hiȝte, and a braſun
priſoun; and he eet breed euer in þe ſiȝt of
Euylmeradach, in alle þe daies of his lijf.
pomel on it of þe heiȝte of þre cubitis, and a werk lijk a xxx Alſo Euylmeradach ordeynede ſuſtenaunce `to hym
net, and pomgarnadis on þe pomel of þe piler, alle
wiþ out ceeſſyng; which ſuſtenaunce alſo was ȝouun of
þingis of bras; and þe ſecounde piler hadde lijk
þe kyng to hym bi alle daies, and in alle þe daies of his
xviii Alſo þe prince of þe chyualrie took Saraie, þe firſte
preeſt, and Sophony, þe ſecunde preſt,

Here endiþ þe fourþe book of Kingis; and here
bigynneþ þe firſte book of Paralipomenon, þat is, of
wordis of daies.

xxix And þeſe þe generaciouns of hem; þe firſte gendrid
I PARALIPOMENON of Iſmael Nabioth, and Cedar, and Abdahel, and
Here bigynneþ þe firſte book of Parolipominon, þat Mapſam,
is, of words of daies. xxx and Maſma, and Duma, and Maſſa, Adad, and
Themar, Jahur, Naphis, Cedma;
CAP. I xxxi þeſe ben þe ſones of Iſmael.
i Adam gendride Seth; Enos, xxxii Forſoþe þe ſones of Cethure, ſecoundarie wijf of
ii Chaynan, Malaleel, Jared, Abraham, whiche ſche gendride, weren Zamram, Jerſan,
iii Enoch, Matuſſale, Lameth; Madan, Madian, Jelboe, Sue. Soþeli þe ſones of Jerſan
iiii Noe gendride Sem, Cham, and Japhet. weren Saba, and Dadan. Forſoþe þe ſones of Dadan
v Þe ſones of Japhat weren Gomer, Magog, Magdai, and weren Aſſurym, and Latuſym, and Laomym.
xxxiii Soþeli þe ſones of Madian weren Epha, Ethei, and
Jauan, Tubal, Moſoch, and Tiras.
vi Forſoþe þe ſones of Gomer weren Aſceneth, and Enoch, and Abdia, and Heldaa. Alle þeſe weren þe ſones
Riphat, and Thogorma. of Cethure.
xxxiiii Forſoþe Abraham gendride Iſaac; whoſe ſones
vii Soþeli þe ſones of Jauan weren Heliſa, and Tharſis,
Cethym, and Dodanym. weren Eſau and Iſrael.
xxxv Þe ſones of Eſau weren Eliphat, Rahuel, Semyaus,
viii Þe ſones of Cham weren Chus, and MEffraym,
Thuth, and Chanaan. and Elam, and Chore.
xxxvi Þe ſones of Eliphath weren Theman, Omer, Sephi,
ix Soþeli þe ſones of Chus weren Saba, and Euila,
Sabatha, and Regma, and Sabathaca. Forſoþe þe ſones Gethem, Genez, Cenez, Thanna, Amalech.
xxxvii Þe ſones of Rahuel weren Naab, Gazara, Samma,
of Regma weren Saba, and Dadan.
x Soþeli Chus gendride Nemroth; þis Nemroth bigan to Maſa.
xxxviii Þe ſones of Seir weren Lothan, Sobal, Sebeon,
be myȝti in erþe.
xi Forſoþe MEffraym gendride Ludym, and Ananyn, Ana, Diſon, Eſer, Diſan.
xxxix Þe ſones of Lothan weren Horry, Huma; ſoþeli þe
and Labaym,
xii and Neptoym, and Phetruſym, and Caſluym, of ſiſtir of Lothan was Thanna.
xl Þe ſones of Sobal weren Alian, and Manaath, and
whiche þe Philiſteis and Capthureis ȝeden out.
xiii Soþeli Chanaan gendride Sidon his firſt gendrid Ebal, and Sephi, and Onam. Þe ſones of Sebeon weren
ſone, Ana, and Anna. Þe ſone of Ana was Diſon.
xli Þe ſones of Diſon weren Amaram, and Heſabam, and
xiiii and Ethei, and Jebuſei, and Ammorrei, and Gergeſei,
xv and Euei, and Arachei, and Synei, Lecram, and Caram.
xlii Þe ſones of Eſer weren Balaam, and Jaban, and
xvi and Aradye, and Samathei, and Emathei.
xvii Þe ſones of Sem weren Elam, and Aſſur, and Jeſan. Þe ſones of Diſan weren Hus and Aram.
xliii Þeſe ben þe kyngis þat regneden in þe lond of
Arphaxat, and Luth, and Aram. Forſoþe þe ſones of
Edom, bifor þat a kyng was on þe ſones of Iſrael. Bale,
Aram weren Hus, and Hul, and Gothor, and Moſoch.
xviii Forſoþe Arphaxat gendride Sale; which hym ſilf þe ſone of Beor; and þe name of his citee was Danaba.
xliiii Soþeli Bale was deed; and Jobab, ſone of Zare of
gendride Heber.
xix Soþeli to Heber weren borun twei ſones; name of Baſra, regnyde for hym.
xlv And whanne Jobab was deed, Huſam of þe lond of
oon was Phaleg, for þe lond was departid in hiſe daies;
Themayns regnede for hym.
and þe name of his broþer was Jectan. xlvi And Huſam diede; and Adad, ſone of Badad, þat
xx Forſoþe Jectan gendride Elmodad, and Salech, and
ſmoot Madian in þe lond of Moab, regnyde for hym;
xxi and Jare, and Adoram, and Vzal, and þe name of þe citee of `hym, þat is, of Adad, was
xxii and Deda, Hebal, and Ameth, and Abymael,
xlvii And whanne Adad was deed, Semela of Maſerecha,
xxiii and Saba, alſo and Ophir, and Euila, and Jobab; alle
regnede for hym.
þeſe weren þe ſones of Jectan. xlviii But alſo Semela was deed, and Saul of Robooth,
xxiiii Sem, Arphaxat, Sale,
which is ſet biſidis þe ryuer, regnyde for hym.
xxv Heber, Phalech, Ragau, xlix Alſo whanne Saul was deed, Balanam, þe ſone of
xxvi Seruth, Nachor, Thare, Abram;
Achabor, regnyde for him.
xxvii forſoþe þis is Abraham. l But alſo he was deed, and Adad, þe name of whos
xxviii Þe ſones of Abraham weren Iſaac and Iſmael. citee was Phou, regnede for hym; and his wijf was

clepid Metheſael, þe douȝter of Mathred, douȝter of xxi After þeſe þingis Eſrom entride to þe douȝtir of
Mezaab. Machir, fadir of Galaad, and he took hir, whanne he was
li Forſoþe whanne Adad was deed, dukis bigunnen to be of ſixti ȝeer; and ſche childide Segub to hym.
in Edom for kyngis; duyk Thanna, duyk Alia, duyk xxii But alſo Segub gendride Jair; and he hadde in
Jetheth, poſſeſſioun þre and twenti citees in þe lond of Galaad;
lii duyk Olibama, duyk Ela, duyk Phynon, xxiii and he took Geſſur, and Aran, þe citees of Jair, and
liii duik Ceneth, duyk Theman, duyk Mabſar, Chanath, and þe townes þerof of ſeuenti citees. Alle
liiii duyk Magdiel, duyk Iram. Þeſe weren þe duykis of þeſe weren þe ſones of Machir, fadir of Galaad.
Edom. xxiiii Soþeli whanne Eſrom was deed, Caleph entride in
to Effrata. And Eſrom hadde a wijf Abia, which childide
CAP. II to hym Aſſir, fadir of Thecue.
i Forſoþe þe ſones of Iſrael weren Ruben, Symeon, xxv Forſoþe ſones weren borun of Jezrameel, þe firſte
Leuy, Juda, Iſachar, and Zabulon, gendrid of Eſrom; Ram, þe firſt gendrid of hym, and
ii Dan, Joſeph, Beniamyn, Neptalym, Gad, Aſer. Aran, and Aſon, and Achia.
iii Þe ſones of Juda weren Her, Onam, Sela; þeſe þre xxvi Alſo Jezrameel weddide anoþir wijf, Athara bi

weren borun to hym of Sue, a douȝter of Canaan. Soþeli name, þat was þe modir of Onam.
Her, þe firſt gendrid ſone of Juda, was yuel bifor þe xxvii But and þe ſones of Ram, þe firſte gendrid of
Lord, and he killide hym. Jezrameel, weren Mohas, and Jamyn, and Achaz.
iiii Forſoþe Thamar, wijf of þe ſone of Judas, childide to xxviii Forſoþe Onam gendride ſones, Semey, and Juda.
hym Phares, and Zaram; þerfor alle þe ſones of Judas Soþeli þe ſones of Semei weren Nadab, and Abiſur;
weren fyue. xxix forſoþe þe name of þe wijf of Abiſur was Abigail,
v Soþeli þe ſones of Phares weren Eſrom, and Chamul. þat childide to hym Haaobban, and Molid.
vi And þe ſones of Zare weren Zamry, and Ethen, and xxx Soþeli þe ſones of Nadab weren Saled and
Eman, and Calchab, and Dardan; fyue togidere. Apphaym; forſoþe Saled diede wiþout children.
vii Þe ſone of Charmy was Achar, þat diſturblide Iſrael, xxxi Soþeli þe ſone of Apphaym was Jeſi, which Jeſi
and ſynnede in þe þeft of þing halewid to þe Lord. gendride Seſan; ſoþeli Seſan gendride Oholi.
viii Þe ſone of Ethan was Azarie. xxxii Forſoþe þe ſones of Jada, broþer of Semei, weren
ix Soþeli þe ſones of Eſrom, þat weren borun to hym, Jether and Jonathan; but Jether diede wiþ out ſones;
weren Jeramael, and Aram, and Calubi. treuli Jonathan gendride Phalech,
x Forſoþe Aram gendryde Amynadab. Soþeli Amynadab xxxiii and Ziza. Þeſe ben þe ſones of Jerameel.

gendride Naaſon, þe prince of þe ſones of Juda. xxxiiii Forſoþe Seſan hadde not ſones, but douȝtris, and a
xi And Naaſon gendride Salmon; of which Salmon Booz ſeruaunt of Egipt, Jeraa bi name;
was borun. xxxv and he ȝaf his douȝter to wijf to Jeraa, whiche
xii Soþeli Booz gendride Obeth; which hym ſilf childide Ethei to hym.
gendride Yſay. xxxvi Forſoþe Ethei gendride Nathan, and Nathan
xiii Forſoþe Yſai gendride þe firſte gendride ſone, Elyab, gendride Zadab.
þe ſecounde, Amynadab; þe þridde, Samaa; xxxvii Alſo Zadab gendride Ophial, and Ophial gendride
xiiii þe fourþe, Nathanael; Obed.
xv þe fyueþe, Sadai; þe ſixte, Aſom; xxxviii Obed gendride Yeu, Yeu gendride Azarie,
xvi þe ſeuenþe, Dauyd; whoſe ſiſtris weren Saruya, and xxxix Azarie gendride Helles, Helles gendride Elaſa,

Abigail. Þe ſones of Saruye weren þre, Abiſai, Joab, and xl Elaſa gendride Seſamoy, Seſamoy gendride Sellum,
Aſahel. xli Sellum gendride Jecamya, Jecamia gendride Eliſama.
xvii Forſoþe Abigail childide Amaſa, whos fadir was xlii Forſoþe þe ſones of Caleph, broþir of Jerameel,
Gether Hiſmaelite. weren Moſa, þe firſte gendrid ſone of hym; þilke is þe
xviii Soþeli Caleph, ſone of Eſrom, took a wijf, Azuba bi fadir of Ziph; and þe ſones of Mareſa, þe fadir of
name, of whom he gendride Jerioth; and hiſe ſones Hebron.
weren Jeſar, and Sobab, and Ardon. xliii Certis þe ſones of Ebron weren Chore, and Raphu,
xix And whanne Azuba was deed, Caleph took a wijf Recem, and Samma.
Effrata, whiche childide Hur to hym. xliiii Forſoþe Samma gendride Raam, þe fadir of
xx Forſoþe Hur gendride Hury; Hury gendride Beſeleel. Jerechaam; and Recem gendride Semei.
xlv Þe ſone of Semei was Maon; and Maon was þe fadir
of Bethſur.

xlvi Soþeli Epha, þe ſecundarie wijf of Caleph, childide xi and Joſephat, þe fadir of Joram, was borun of þis Aſa;
Aram, and Muſa, and Theſer; forſoþe Aram gendride which Joram gendride Ocozie, of whom Joas was
Jezen. borun.
xlvii Þe ſones of Jadai weren Regon, and Jethon, and xii And Amaſie, þe ſone of þis Joas, gendride Azarie;
Zeſum, Phalez, and Epha, and Saaph. ſoþeli Azarie, þe ſone of Joathan,
xlviii Matha, þe ſecoundarie wijf of Caleph, childide xiii gendride Achaz, þe fadir of Ezechie; of whom
Zaber, and Tharana. Manaſſes was borun.
xlix Forſoþe Saaph, þe fadir of Madmenas, gendride xiiii But alſo Manaſſes gendride Amon, þe fadir of Joſias.
Sue, þe fadir of Magbena, and þe fader of Gabaa; ſoþeli xv Forſoþe þe ſones of Joſias weren, þe firſte gendrid
þe douȝter of Caleph was Axa. ſone, Johannan; þe ſecounde, Joachym; þe þridde,
l Þeſe weren þe ſones of Caleph. Þe ſones of Hur, þe Sedechie; þe fourþe, Sellum.
firſte gendrid ſone of Effrata, weren Sobal, þe fader of xvi Of Joachym was borun Jechonye, and Sedechie.
Cariathiarim; xvii Þe ſones of Jechonye weren Aſir,
li Salma, þe fader of Bethleem; Ariph, þe fader of xviii Salatiel, Melchiram, Phadaie, Sennaſer, and Jech,
Bethgader. Semma, Sama, and Nadabia.
lii Soþeli þe ſones of Sobal, fader of Cariatiarim, þat ſiȝ xix Of Phadaie weren borun Zorobabel, and Semey.
þe myddil of reſtingis, Zorobabel gendryde Moſolla, Ananye, and Salomyth,
liii and was of þe kynrede of Caryathiarym, weren
þe ſiſter of hem; and Aſaba,
Jethrey, and Aphutei, and Samathei, and Maſerathei. Of xx and Ochol, and Barachie, and Aſadaie, and Joſabeſed,
þeſe weren borun Sarytis, and Eſchaolitis. fyue.
liiii Þe ſones of Salma, fadir of Bethleem, and of xxi Forſoþe þe ſone of Ananye was Falcias, þe fadir of
Netophati, weren þe corouns of þe hows of Joab, and þe Jeſeie, whoſe ſone was Raphaie. And þe ſone of him
half of reſtyng of Sarai. was Arnan, of whom was borun Abdia, whos ſone was
lv And þe kynredis of ſcryuens, dwellynge in Jabes,
ſyngynge, and ſownynge, and dwellynge in tabernaclis. xxii Þe ſone of Sechema was Semeia, whoſe ſones weren
Þeſe ben Cyneis, þat camen of þe heete of þe fadir of þe Archus, and Gegal, and Baaria, and Naaria, and Saphat,
hows of Rechab. and Sela; ſixe in noumbre.
xxiii Þe ſones of Naaria weren þre, Helionai, and
CAP. III Ezechie, and Zichram.
i Forſoþe Dauid hadde þeſe ſones, þat weren borun to
xxiiii Þe ſones of Helionai weren ſeuene, Odyna, and
hym in Ebron; þe firſte gendrid ſone, Amon, of Eliaſub, and Pheleia, and Accub, and Johannan, and
Achynoem of Jezrael; þe ſecounde ſone, Danyel, of Dalaia, and Anani.
Abigail of Carmele;
ii þe þridde, Abſolon, þe ſone of Maacha, douȝter of
Tolomei, kyng of Geſſuri; þe fourþe, Adonye, ſone of i Þe ſones of Juda weren Phares, and Eſrom, and Carmy,
Agith; and Hur, and Sobal.
iii þe fyueþe, Saphacie, of Abithal; þe ſixte, Jethraan, of
ii Forſoþe Reaia, þe ſone of Sobal, gendride Geth; of
Egla his wijf. whom weren borun Achymai, and Laed. Þeſe weren þe
iiii Þerfor ſixe ſones weren borun to hym in Ebron,
kynredis of Sarathi.
where he regnede ſeuene ȝeer and ſixe moneþis; ſoþeli iii And þis is þe generacioun of Ethan; Jeſrael, Jezema,
he regnyde þre and þritti ȝeer in Jeruſalem. and Jedebos; and þe name of þe ſiſtir of hem was
v Forſoþe foure ſones, Sama, and Sobab, and Nathan,
and Salomon, weren borun of Berſabee, þe douȝter of iiii Soþeli Phunyel was þe fadir of Gedor, and Ezer was
Amyhel, to hym in Jeruſalem; þe fadir of Oſa; þeſe ben þe ſones of Hur, þe firſte
vi alſo Jabaar, and Eliſama, and Eliphalech,
gendrid ſone of Effrata, þe fadir of Bethleem.
vii and Noge, and Napheth, and Japhie, v Soþeli Aſſur, þe fadir of Thecue, hadde twei wyues,
viii alſo and Eliſama, and Eliade, and Eliphalech, nyne.
Haala, and Naara;
ix Alle þeſe weren þe ſones of Dauid, wiþ out þe ſones vi forſoþe Naara childide to hym Oozam, and Epher,
of ſecoundarie wyues; and þei hadden a ſiſtir, Thamar. and Theman, and Aſchari; þeſe ben þe ſones of Naara.
x Soþeli þe ſone of Salomon was Roboam, whos ſone vii Forſoþe þe ſones of Haala weren Sereth, Iſaar, and
Abia gendride Aſa; Ethan.
viii Forſoþe Chus gendride Anob, and Sobala, and þe
kynredis of Arab, ſone of Arym.

ix Forſoþe Jabes was noble byfor alle hiſe briþeren; and xxvi Þe ſones of Maſma; Amuel, his ſone; and Zaccur,
his modir clepide his name Jabes, and ſeide, For Y his ſone; Semey, his ſone.
childide hym in ſorewe. xxvii Þe ſones of Semey weren ſixtene, and ſixe douȝtris;
x Soþeli Jabes clepide inwardli God of Iſrael, and ſeide, ſoþeli hiſe briþeren hadden not many ſones, and al þe
Yf þou bleſſynge ſchal bleſſe me, and ſchalt alarge my kynrede myȝte not be euene to þe ſumme of þe ſones of
termes, and if þin hond ſchal be wiþ me, and þou ſchalt Juda.
make me to be not oppreſſid of malice. And God ȝaf to xxviii Forſoþe þei dwelliden in Berſabee, and in Molada,
hym þat þing, þat he preiede. and in Aſarſual,
xi Forſoþe Caleph, þe broþer of Sua, gendride Machir, xxix and in Balaa, and in Aaſon, and in Tholat,
þat was þe fadir of Eſton; xxx and in Bathuel, and in Horma,
xii ſoþeli Eſton gendride Beth, Rapha, and Pheſe, and xxxi and in Sicheloch, and in Betmarchaboth, and in
Thena, þe fadir of þe citee Naas. Þeſe ben þe ſones of Archaſuſym, and in Bethbaray, and in Saarym; þeſe
Recha. weren þe citees of hem, `til to þe kyng Dauid.
xiii Forſoþe þe ſones of Cenez weren Othonyel, and xxxii Alſo þe townes of hem weren Ethan, and Aen, and
Saraia. Remmon, and Techen, and Aſan; fyue citees.
xiiii Soþeli þe ſones of Othonyel weren Athiath, and xxxiii And alle þe vilagis of hem bi þe cumpas of þeſe
Maonaththa, þat gendride Opham. Forſoþe Saraia citees, `til to Baal; þis is þe dwellyng of hem, and þe
gendride Joab, þe fadir of þe valey of crafti men; for departyng of ſeetis.
þere weren crafti men. xxxiiii Alſo Moſobaly, and Jemlech, and Joſa, þe ſone of
xv Soþeli þe ſones of Caleph, ſone of Jephone, weren
Hyn, and Helam, and Nahemi. And þe ſones of Helam xxxv and Johel, and Jehu, þe ſone of Joſabie, and þe
weren Cenez. ſones of Saraie, þe ſones of Aſiel,
xvi Alſo þe ſones of Jaleel weren Zeph, and Zipha, Tiria,
xxxvi and Helioneai, and Jacoba, and Sucua, and Aſaia,
and Aſrael. and Adihel, and Hiſemeel, and Banaia;
xvii And þe ſones of Eſra weren Chether, and Merid, and
xxxvii and Ziza, þe ſone of Sephei, þe ſone of Allon, ſone
Epher, and Jalon; and he gendride Marie, and Semmai, of Abdaia, ſone of Semry, ſone of Samaia.
and Jeſba, þe fadir of Eſchamo. xxxviii Þeſe ben princis nemyd in her kynredis, and ben
xviii Alſo Judaia, hys wijf, childide Jared, þe fadir of
multiplied greetli in þe hows of her alies.
Gedor; and Heber, þe fadir of Zocho; and Hieutihel, þe xxxix And þei ȝeden forþ to entre in to Gador, `til to þe
fadir of Janon. Soþeli þeſe weren þe ſones of Bethie, þe
eeſt of þe valei, and to ſeke paſturis to her ſcheep.
douȝter of Pharao, whom Mered took to wijf. xl And þei fonden paſturis ful plenteuouſe, and ful
xix And þe ſones of þe wijf of Odoie, ſiſter of Nathan,
goode, and a ful large lond, and reſtful, and plenteuouſe,
fadir of Ceila, weren Garmy, and Eſcamo, þat was of
wherynne men of þe generacioun of Cham hadden
xx Alſo þe ſones of Symeon weren Amon and Rena; þe dwellid bifore.
xli Þerfor þeſe men, whiche we diſcryueden bifore `bi
ſone of Anam was Chilon; and þe ſones of Geſi weren
name, camen in þe daies of Ezechie, kyng of Juda; and
Zoeth, and Benzoeth.
xxi Þe ſones of Cela, ſone of Juda, weren Her, þe fadir of ſmytiden þe tabernaclis of hem, and þe dwelleris þat
weren foundun þere; and þei `diden awei hem `til in to
Lecha, and Laada, þe fadir of Maraſa; and þeſe weren preſent dai; and þei dwelliden for hem, for þei founden
þe kynredis of þe hows of men worchynge biys in þe þere ful plenteuouſe paſturis.
hows of an ooþ, xlii Alſo fyue hundrid men of þe ſones of Symeon ȝeden
xxii and which made þe ſunne to ſtonde, and þe men of
in to þe hil of Seir, and þei hadden princes Faltias, and
leeſyng, ſikir, and goynge, þat weren princes in Moab, Narias, and Raphaias, and Oziel, þe ſones of Jeſi;
and þat turneden aȝen in to Bethleem; forſoþe þeſe ben xliii and þei ſmytiden þe relifs of Amalechites, þat
elde wordis.
xxiii Þeſe ben potteris dwellinge in plauntyngis, and in myȝten aſcape; and þei dwelliden þere for hem `til to
þis day.
heggis, anentis kyngis in her werkis; and þei dwelliden
xxiiii Þe ſones of Symeon weren Namyhel, and Jamyn,
i Alſo þe ſones of Ruben, þe firſte gendrid ſone of Iſrael;
Jarib, Zara, Saul.
xxv Sellum was his ſone; Mapſan was his ſone; Maſma
for he was þe firſt gendrid ſone of Iſrael, but whanne he
hadde defoulid þe bed of his fadir, þe dignitye of his
was his ſone. firſte gendryng was ȝouun to þe ſones of Joſeph, þe ſone

of Iſrael; and Ruben was not arettid in to þe firſte xx and Nadab, ȝauen help to hem; and Agarenus, and
gendrid ſone. alle men þat weren wiþ hem, weren bitakun in to þe
ii Forſoþe Judas, þat was þe ſtrongeſte among hiſe hondis of Ruben, and Gad, and Manaſſes; for þei
briþeren, prynces weren gaderid of his generacioun; clepiden inwardli þe Lord, while þei fouȝten, and þe
forſoþe þe `riȝt of firſte gendryng was arettid to Joſeph. Lord herde hem, for þei `hadden bileuyd in to him.
iii Þerfor þe ſones of Ruben, þe firſte gendrid ſone of xxi And þei token alle þingis whiche Agarenus hadden
Iſrael, weren Enoch, and Phallu, Eſrom, and Charmy. in poſſeſſioun, fifti þouſynde of camels, and twei
iiii Þe ſones of Johel weren Samaie; his ſone, Gog; his hundrid and fifty þouſynde of ſcheep, twei þouſynde of
ſone, Semey; aſſis, and an hundrid þouſynde perſoones of men;
v his ſone, Mycha; his ſone, Rema; his ſone, Baal; xxii for many men weren woundid and felden doun; for
vi his ſone, Bera; whom Theglatphalaſſar, kyng of it was þe batel of þe Lord. And þei dwelliden for
Aſſyriens, ledde priſoner; and he was prince in þe Agarenus til to þe conqueſt.
xxiii Alſo þe ſones of þe half lynage of Manaſſes hadden
lynage of Ruben.
vii Soþeli hiſe briþeren, and al þe kynrede, whanne þei in poſſeſſioun þe lond, fro þe endis of Baſan til to Baal
weren noumbrid bi her meynees, hadden princes Jehiel, Hermon, and Sanyr, and þe hil of Hermon; for it was a
and Zacharie. greet noumbre.
viii Forſoþe Bala, þe ſone of Achaz, ſone of Sama, ſone xxiiii And þeſe weren þe princes of þe hows of her

of Johel, he dwellide in Aroer til to Nebo and kynrede; Epher, and Jeſi, and Heliel, and Eſryel, and
Beelmoon; Jeremye, and Odoie, and Jedihel, ſtrongeſte men and
ix and he dwellide aȝens þe eeſt cooſt, til to þe ende of myȝti, and nemyd duykis in her meynees.
xxv Forſoþe þei forſoken þe God of her fadris, and diden
deſeert, `and to þe flood Eufrates. And he hadde in
poſſeſſioun myche noumbre of beeſtis in þe lond of fornycacioun after þe goddis of puplis of þe lond,
Galaad. whiche þe Lord took awei bifor hem.
x Forſoþe in þe daies of Saul þe ſones of Ruben fouȝten xxvi And þe Lord God of Iſrael reiſide þe ſpirit of Phul,

aȝens Agarenus, and killide hem; and dwelliden for hem kyng of Aſſiriens, and þe ſpirit of Theglatphalaſſer, kyng
in þe tabernaclis of hem, in al þe cooſt þat biholdiþ to of Aſſur; and he tranſlatide Ruben, and Gad, and þe half
þe eeſt of Galaad. lynage of Manaſſes, and brouȝte hem in to Ale, and
xi Soþeli þe ſones of Gad euene aȝens hem dwelliden in Abor, and Aram, and in to þe ryuer of Gozam, til to þis
þe lond of Baſan til to Selca; dai.
xii Johel was in þe bygynnyng, and Saphan was þe
ſecounde; alſo Janahi and Saphan weren in Baſan. i Þe ſones of Leuy weren Gerſon, Caath, and Merary.
xiii Alſo her briþeren bi þe houſis of her kynredis,
ii Þe ſones of Chaath weren Amram, Iſaar, Ebron, and
Mychael, and Moſollam, and Sebe, and Jore, and
Jachan, and Zie, and Heber, ſeuene. Oziel.
iii Þe ſones of Amram weren Aaron, Moyſes, and Marie.
xiiii Þeſe weren þe ſones of Abiahel, þe ſone of Vry, ſone
of Jaro, ſone of Galaad, ſone of Mychael, ſone of Effeſi, Þe ſones of Aaron weren Nadab,
iiii and Abyu, Eleazar, and Ythamar. Eleazar gendride
ſone of Jeddo, ſone of Buz.
xv Alſo þe briþeren of þe ſone of Abdiel, ſone of Gumy, Phynees, and Phynees gendride Abiſue,
v Abiſue gendride Bocci, and Bocci gendride Ozi,
was prince of þe hows in hiſe meynees.
xvi And þei dwelliden in Galaad, and in Baſan, and in þe vi Ozi gendride Zaraie, and Zaraie gendride Meraioth.
vii Forſoþe Meraioth gendride Amarie, Amarie gendride
townes þerof, in alle þe ſubarbis of Arnon, til to þe
endis. Achitob,
xvii Alle þeſe weren noumbrid in þe daies of Joathan, viii Achitob gendride Sadoch, Sadoch gendride

kyng of Juda, and in þe daies of Jeroboam, kyng of Achymaas, Achymaas gendride Azarie,
Iſrael. ix Azarie gendride Johannam,
xviii Þe ſones of Ruben, and of Gad, and of half þe x Johannam gendride Azarie; he it is þat was ſet in
lynage of Manaſſes, weren men werriours, berynge preeſthod, in þe hows which Salomon bildide in
ſcheeldis and ſwerdis, and beendynge bouwe, and tauȝt Jeruſalem.
to batels, foure and fourti þouſynde ſeuene hundrid and xi Forſoþe Azarie gendride Amarye, and Amarie
ſixti, gendride Achitob,
xix and þei ȝeden forþ to batel, and fouȝten aȝens xii Achitob gendride Sadoch, Sadoch gendride Sellum,
Agarenus. Forſoþe Ethureis, and Napheis, xiii Sellum gendride Helchie,

xiiii Helchie gendride Azarie, Azarie gendride Saraie, xxxix And hiſe briþeren; Aſaph, þat ſtood at þe riȝthalf of
Saraie gendride Joſedech. hym, Aſaph, þe ſone of Barachie,
xv Forſoþe Joſedech ȝede out, whanne þe Lord xl ſone of Samaa, ſone of Mychael, ſone of Baſȝe, ſone
tranſlatide Juda and Jeruſalem bi þe hondis of of Melchie, ſone of Atthay,
Nabugodonoſor kyng. xli ſone of Zara, ſone of Adala,
xvi Þerfor þe ſones of Leuy weren Gerſon, Caath, and xlii ſone of Edan, ſone of Zama, ſone of Semey,
Merary. xliii ſone of Geth, ſone of Gerſon, ſone of Leuy.
xvii And þeſe weren þe names of þe ſones of Gerſon; xliiii Forſoþe þe ſones of Merary, þe briþeren of hem,
Lobeni, and Semei. weren at þe leftſide; Ethan, þe ſone of Chuſi, ſone of
xviii Þe ſones of Caath weren Amram, and Iſaar, and
Abdi, ſone of Moloch, ſone of Aſabie,
Ebron, and Oziel. xlv ſone of Amaſie, ſone of Helchie,
xix Þe ſones of Merari weren Moli, and Muſi. Soþeli xlvi ſone of Amaſay, ſone of Bonny, ſone of Soomer,
þeſe weren þe kynredis of Leuy bi þe meynees of hem; xlvii ſone of Moli, ſone of Muſi, ſone of Merarie, ſone of
xx Gerſon; Lobony, his ſone; Jaath, his ſone; Zama, his
ſone; xlviii And dekenes, þe briþeren of hem, þat weren
xxi Joaith, his ſone; Addo, his ſone; Zara, his ſone;
ordeyned in to al þe ſeruyce of þe tabernacle of þe hows
Jethrai, his ſone. of þe Lord.
xxii Þe ſones of Caath; Amynadab, his ſone; Chore, his xlix Forſoþe Aaron and hiſe ſones brenten encenſe on þe
ſone; auter of brent ſacrifices, and on þe auter of encenſe, in
xxiii Azyra, his ſone; Helcana, his ſone; Abiaſaph, his
to al þe werk `of þe hooli of hooli þingis; and þat þei
ſone; ſchulden preie for Iſrael, by alle þingis whiche Moiſes,
xxiiii Aſer, his ſone; Caath, his ſone; Vriel, his ſone; þe ſeruaunt of God, comaundide.
Azias, his ſone; Saul, his ſone. l Soþeli þeſe ben þe ſones of Aaron; Eleazar, his ſone;
xxv Þe ſones of Helchana weren Amaſay, and Achymoth, Phynes, his ſone;
and Helcana. li Abiſue, his ſone; Bocci, his ſone; Ogzi, his ſone; Zara,
xxvi Þe ſones of Helcana; Saphay, his ſone; his ſone; Meraioth, his ſone;
xxvii Naath, his ſone; Heliab, his ſone; Heroam, his ſone; lii Amarias, his ſone; Achitob, his ſone;
Helcana, his ſone. liii Sadoch, his ſone; Achimaas, his ſone.
xxviii Þe ſones of Samuel; þe firſte gendrid Naſen, and liiii And þeſe weren þe dwelling places, bi þe townes
Abia. and cooſtis of hem, þat is, of þe ſones of Aaron, bi þe
xxix Soþeli þe ſones of Merari; Moli, his ſone; Lobeny, kynredis of Caathitis; for þo bifelden to hem bi lot.
his ſone; Semey, his ſone; lv Þerfor þe children of Iſrael ȝauen to hem Ebron in þe
xxx Oza, his ſone; Sama, his ſone; Aggias, his ſone; lond of Juda, and þe ſubarbis þerof bi cumpas;
Azaya, his ſone; lvi ſoþeli þei ȝauen þe feeldis and townes of þe citees to
xxxi Þeſe it ben whiche Dauid ordeynede on þe ſyngeris Caleph, ſone of Jephone.
of þe hows of þe Lord, ſiþen þe arke of þe Lord was ſet; lvii Forſoþe þei ȝauen citees to þe ſones of Aaron, Ebron
xxxii and þei mynyſtriden bifor þe tabernacle of to refuyt; and þei ȝauen Lobna,
witneſſyng, and ſungun, til Salomon bildide þe hows of lviii wiþ hiſe ſubarbis, and Jether, and Eſcamo, wiþ her
þe Lord in Jeruſalem; forſoþe þei ſtoden bi her ordre in ſubarbis, but alſo Helon, and Dabir, wiþ her ſubarbis;
ſeruyce. alſo þei ȝauen Aſan,
xxxiii Soþeli þes it ben þat ſtoden nyȝ wiþ her ſones. Of lix and Bethſames, and þe ſubarbis of þo.
þe ſones of Caath; Heman þe chauntor, þe ſone of Joel, lx Soþeli of þe lynage of Beniamyn þei ȝauen Gabee,
ſone of Samuel, and þe ſubarbis þerof, and Alamach wiþ hiſe ſubarbis,
xxxiiii ſone of Helcana, ſone of Joroam, ſone of Heliel,
Anathot alſo wiþ hiſe ſubarbis; alle þe citees weren
xxxv ſone of Thou, ſone of Suph, þrettene wiþ her ſubarbis, bi þe kynredis of hem.
xxxvi ſone of Helcana, ſone of Mabath, ſone of Amaſi, lxi Forſoþe to þe ſones of Caath, reſidues of her kynrede,
ſone of Helcana, ſone of Joel, ſone of Azarie, ſone of þei ȝauen of þe half lynage of Manaſſes ten citees `in to
Sophonye, ſone of Caath, poſſeſſioun.
xxxvii ſone of Aſyr, ſone of Abiaſaph, lxii Soþeli to þe ſones of Gerſon bi her kynredis þei
xxxviii ſone of Chore, ſone of Iſaar, ſone of Caath, ſone ȝauen fourtene citees in Baſan, of þe lynage of Yſacar,
of Leuy, ſone of Iſrael. and of þe lynage of Aſer, and of þe lynage of Neptalym,
and of þe lynage of Manaſſes.

lxiii Forſoþe to þe ſones of Merary by her kynredis þei CAP. VII
ȝauen bi lottis twelue citees, of þe lynage of Ruben, of i Forſoþe þe ſones of Iſachar weren foure; Thola, and
þe lynage of Gad, and of þe lynage of Zabulon. Phua, Jaſub, and Sameron.
lxiiii And þe ſones of Iſrael ȝauen to dekenes citees and ii Þe ſones of Thola weren Ozi, and Raphaia, and
ſubarbis of þo; Jerihel, and Jemay, and Jepſen, and Samuel, princis bi
lxv and þei ȝauen bi lot, of þe ſones of þe lynage of þe houſis of her kynredis. Of þe generacioun of Thola,
Juda, and of þe lynage of þe ſones of Symeon, and of þe weren noumbrid ſtrongeſte men in þe daies of Dauid,
lynage of þe ſones of Beniamyn, þeſe citees, which þe two and twenti þouſynde and ſixe hundrid.
dekenes clepiden bi her names; iii Þe ſones of Ozi weren Jezraie; of whom weren borun
lxvi and of hem þat weren of þe kynrede of þe ſones of Mychael, and Obadia, and Johel, and Jezray, fyue, alle
Caath, and in þe termes of hem weren þe citees of þe princes.
lynage of Effraym. iiii And wiþ hem weren bi her meynees and puplis, ſixe
lxvii And þe ſones of Iſrael ȝauen to hem citees of refuyt; and þretti þouſynde ſtrongeſte men gird to batel; for þei
Sichem wiþ hiſe ſubarbis in þe hil of Effraym, and hadden many wyues and ſones.
Gazer wiþ hiſe ſubarbis, alſo Hicmaan wiþ hiſe ſubarbis, v And her briþeren by alle þe kynredis of Iſachar `mooſt
lxviii and Betheron alſo. ſtronge to fiȝte weren noumbrid foure ſcoore and ſeuene
lxix Alſo of þe lynage of Dan þei ȝauen Ebethe, þouſynde.
vi Þe ſones of Beniamyn weren Bale, and Bothor, and
Gebethor, and Heialan, and Helon, wiþ her ſubarbis,
and Gethremon bi þe ſame maner. Adiel, þre.
lxx Forſoþe of þe half lynage of Manaſſes þei ȝauen vii Þe ſones of Bale weren Eſbon, and Ozi, and Oziel,

Aner, and þe ſubarbis þerof, Balaam, and þe ſubarbis and Jerymoth, and Vray, fyue, princes of meynees,
þerof; þat is, to hem þat weren reſidue of þe kynrede of mooſte ſtronge to fiȝte; for þe noumbre of hem was two
þe ſones of Caath. and twenti þouſynde and foure and þretti.
lxxi Soþeli to þe ſones of Gerſon þei ȝauen of þe kynrede viii Forſoþe þe ſones of Bochor weren Samara, and Joas,

of half þe lynage of Manaſſes, Gaulon in Baſan, and þe and Eliezer, and Elioenai, and Zamri, and Jerimoth, and
ſubarbis þerof, and Aſtoroth wiþ hiſe ſubarbis. Abia, and Anathoth, and Almachan; alle þeſe weren þe
lxxii Of þe lynage of Iſachar þei ȝauen Cedes, and þe ſones of Bochor.
ix Soþeli þe princes of kynredis weren noumbrid bi her
ſubarbis þerof, and Daberith wiþ hiſe ſubarbis; alſo
Samoth, meynees twenti þouſynde and two hundrid mooſt
lxxiii and his ſubarbis, `and Anem wiþ hiſe ſubarbis. ſtronge men to batels.
lxxiiii Alſo of þe linage of Aſer þei ȝauen Maſal wiþ hiſe x Forſoþe þe ſones of Ledihel weren Balan; ſoþeli þe

ſubarbis, and Abdon alſo, ſones of Balan weren Jheus, and Beniamyn, and Aoth,
lxxv and Aſach, and þe ſubarbis þerof, and Roob wiþ hiſe and Camana, and Jothan, and Tharſis, and Thaſaar.
xi Alle þeſe þe ſones of Ledihel weren princes of her
lxxvi Soþeli of þe lynage of Neptalym þei ȝauen Cedes meynees, ſeuentene þouſynde and two hundrid,
in Galilee, and þe ſubarbis þerof, Amon wiþ hiſe ſtrongeſte men goynge forþ to batel.
xii Alſo Saphan and Apham weren þe ſones of Hir; and
ſubarbis, and Cariathiarym, and ſubarbis þerof.
lxxvii Soþeli to þe reſidue ſones of Merary þei ȝauen of Baſym was þe ſone of Aſer.
xiii Forſoþe þe ſones of Neptalym weren Jaſiel, and
þe lynage of Zabulon, Remon, and ſubarbis þerof, and
Thabor wiþ hiſe ſubarbis. Guny, and Aſer, and Sellum; þe ſones of Bale.
lxxviii Alſo biȝende Jordan, euene aȝens Jerico, aȝens þe xiiii Soþeli þe ſone of Manaſſes was Eſriel; and Sira his

eeſt of Jordan, þei ȝauen of þe lynage of Ruben, Boſor ſecundarie wijf childide Machir, þe fadir of Galaad.
xv And Machir took wyues to hiſe ſones Huphyn and
in þe wildirneſſe wiþ hiſe ſubarbis, and Jaſa wiþ hiſe
ſubarbis, Suphyn; and he hadde a ſiſter Maacha bi name; and þe
lxxix alſo Cademoth, and hiſe ſubarbis, and Myphaat wiþ name of þe ſecounde ſone was Salphaath, and douȝtris
hiſe ſubarbis. weren borun to Salphaath.
lxxx Alſo and of þe lynage of Gad þei ȝauen Ramoth in xvi And Maacha, þe wijf of Machir, childide a ſone, and

Galaath, and þe ſubarbis þerof, Manaym wiþ hiſe clepide his name Phares; forſoþe þe name of his broþir
ſubarbis, was Sares; and hiſe ſones weren Vlam and Recem.
lxxxi but alſo Eſebon wiþ hiſe ſubarbis, and Jezer wiþ xvii Soþeli þe ſone of Vlam was Baldan. Þeſe weren þe

hiſe ſubarbis. ſones of Galaad, ſone of Machir, ſone of Manaſſes;

xviii forſoþe Regma his ſiſtir childide a feir man,
Abiezer, and Mola.

xix Forſoþe þe ſones of Semyda weren Abym, and CAP. VIII
Sichem, and Liey, and Amany. i Forſoþe Beniamyn gendride Bale his firſte gendrid
xx Soþeli þe ſones of Effraym weren Suchaba; Bareth, ſone, Aſbaal þe ſecounde, Othora þe þridde,
his ſone; Caath, his ſone; Elda, his ſone; and Thaath, his ii Naua þe fourþe, and Rapha þe fyueþe.
ſone; and Zadaba, his ſone; iii And þe ſones of Bale weren Addoar, and Jera, and
xxi and Suthala, his ſone; and Ezer, and Elad, his ſones. Abyud, and Abiſue,
Forſoþe men of Geth borun in þe lond killiden hem, for iiii and Noemany, and Acte,
þei ȝeden doun to aſſaile her poſſeſſiouns. v but alſo Gera, and Sophupham, and Vram.
xxii Þerfor Effraym, þe fadir of hem, weilide bi many vi Þeſe ben þe ſones of Haoth, princes of kynredis
daies; and hiſe briþeren camen to coumforte hym. dwellynge in Gabaa, þat weren tranſlatid in to Manath.
xxiii And he entride to his wijf, which conſeyuede, and vii Forſoþe Noaman, and Achia, and Jera, `he tranſlatide
childide a ſone; and he clepide his name Beria, for he hem, and gendride Oza and Abyud;
was borun in þe yuelis of his hows. viii forſoþe `Saarym gendride in þe cuntrey of Moab,
xxiiii Soþeli his douȝtir was Sara; þat bildide Betheron,
aftir þat he lefte Vrym and Bara, hiſe wyues;
þe lowere and þe hiȝere, and Ozen, and Sara. ix ſoþeli he gendride of Edes, his wijf, Jodab, and Sebia,
xxv Forſoþe his ſone was Rapha, and Reſeph, and Thale;
and Moſa, and Molchon, alſo Jebus, and Sechia, and
xxvi of whom was borun Thaan, þat gendride Laodon;
and Amyud, þe ſone of hym, gendride Elyſama; x þo ben þe ſones of hym, prynces in her meynees.
xxvii of whom was borun Nun; þat hadde a ſone Joſue. xi Forſoþe Muſyn gendride Achitob, and Elphaal.
xxviii Soþeli þe poſſeſſioun and `dwellyng place of hem xii Soþeli þe ſones of Elphaal weren Heber, and
was Bethil wiþ hiſe villagis, and aȝens þe eeſt, Noram; Muſaam, and Samaath; he bildide Ono, and Lod, and
at þe weſt cooſt, Gazer, and hiſe villagis, alſo Sichem hiſe villagis;
wiþ hiſe villagis, and Aza wiþ hiſe villagis. xiii forſoþe Bara and Sama weren princes of kynredis
xxix Alſo biſidis þe ſones of Manaſſes, Bethſan, and hiſe
dwellynge in Hailon; þeſe dryueden awei þe dwelleris
townes, Thanach and hiſe townes, Maggeddo, and hiſe of Geth;
townes, Dor, and hiſe townes; þe ſones of Joſeph ſone of xiiii and Haio, and Seſath, and Jerymoth,
Iſrael dwelliden in þeſe townes. xv and Zadabia, and Arod, and Heder,
xxx Þe ſones of Aſer weren Sona, and Jeſua, and Iſuy,
xvi and Mychael, and Jeſpha helpiden hem `aȝens men
and Baria; and Sara was þe ſiſter of hem.
xxxi Soþeli þe ſones of Baria weren Heber, and of Geth; þe ſones of Abaria,
xvii and Zadabia, and Moſollam, and Ezethi,
Melchiel; he is þe fadir of Barſath. xviii and Heber, and Jeſamary, and Jezlia, and Jobab
xxxii Soþeli Heber gendride Ephiath, and Soomer, and
helpiden `in þis iurney aȝens men of Geth. Þe ſones of
Otham, and Sua, þe ſiſter of hem.
xxxiii Forſoþe þe ſones of Jephiath weren Phoſech, and Elphaal weren Jachym,
xix and Jechri,
Camaal, and Jaſoph; þeſe weren þe ſones of Jephiath. xx and Zabdi, and Helioenay, and Selettay,
xxxiiii Soþeli þe ſones of Soomer weren Achi, and
xxi and Henelech, and Adaia, and Baraſa, and Samarath;
Roaga, and Jaba, and Aram.
xxxv Soþeli þe ſones of Helem, his broþer, weren Supha, þe ſones of Semey weren Jeſphan,
xxii and Heber, and Eſiel, and Abdon,
and Jema, and Selles, and Amal.
xxxvi Þe ſones of Supha weren Sue, Arnapheth, and xxiii and Zechry, and Canaan, and Anany, and Jalam,
xxiiii and Anathotia, and Jephdaia, and Phanuel;
Sual, and Bery,
xxxvii and Jamra, and Boſor, and Ador, and Sama, and xxv þe ſones of Seſac weren Sampſaray,
xxvi and Scoria, and Otholia, and Jerſia,
Saluſa, and Jethram, and Beram.
xxxviii Þe ſones of Ether weren Jephone, and Phaſpha, xxvii and Helia, and Zechri, þe ſones of Jeream.
and Ara. xxviii Þeſe weren patriarkis and princes of kynredis, þat
xxxix Soþeli þe ſones of Ollaa weren Areth, and Aniel, dwelliden in Jeruſalem.
and Reſia. xxix Forſoþe in Gabaon dwelliden Abigabaon, and
xl Alle þeſe weren þe ſones of Aſer, princes of kynredis, Maacha þe name of his wijf;
choſun men and ſtrongeſte duykis of duykis; forſoþe þe xxx and his firſte gendrid ſone Abdon, and Sur, and Cys,
noumbre, of þe age of hem þat weren abel to batel, was and Baal, and Ner, and Nadab,
ſixe and twenti þouſynde. xxxi and Geddo, and Haio, and Zacher, and Macelloth.

xxxii Forſoþe Marcelloth gendride Samaa; and þei xii Forſoþe Adaias, ſone of Jeroam, ſone of Phaſor, ſone
dwelliden euene aȝens her briþeren in Jeruſalem wiþ of Melchia, and Maſaia, ſone of Adihel, ſone of Jezra,
her briþeren. ſone of Moſollam, ſone of Moſſelamoth, ſone of
xxxiii Forſoþe Ner gendride Cys, and Cys gendride Saul; Emyner,
forſoþe Saul gendride Jonathan, and Melchiſue, and xiii alſo her briþeren, prynces bi her meynees, weren a
Abynadab, and Iſbaal. þouſynde ſeuene hundrid and foureſcoore, men
xxxiiii Soþeli þe ſone of Jonathan was Myphibaal; and ſtrongeſte in bodili myȝt, to make þe werk of ſeruyce in
Myphibaal gendride Micha. þe hows of þe Lord.
xxxv Þe ſones of Micha weren Phiton, and Melech, and xiiii Forſoþe of dekenes, Semeya, þe ſone of Aſſub, ſone

Thara, and Ahaz. of Ezricam, ſone of Aſebyn, of þe ſones of Merary;

xxxvi And Ahaz gendride Joiada; and Joiada gendride xv alſo Balthaſar þe carpenter, and Galebeth, and

Almoth, and Azimoth, and Zamry. Machama, ſone of Mycha, ſone of Zechri, ſone of
xxxvii Forſoþe Zamri gendride Mooſa, and Mooſa Aſaph,
xvi and Obdias, ſone of Semey, ſone of Calaal, ſone of
gendride Banaa, whos ſone was Raphaia, of whom was
gendrid Eleſa, þat gendride Aſel. Idithum, and Barachie, þe ſone of Aſa, ſone of Helcana,
xxxviii Soþeli Aſel hadde ſixe ſones bi þeſe names, þat dwellide in þe porchis of Methophati.
xvii Soþeli þe porteris weren Sellum, and Achub, and
Eſricham, Bochru, Iſmael, Saria, Abadia, Aman; alle
þeſe weren þe ſones of Aſel. Thelmon, and Achyman, and þe briþeren of hem;
xxxix Forſoþe þe ſones of Aſa, his broþir, weren Vlam, Sellum was þe prince;
xviii til to þat tyme þei kepten bi her whilis in þe ȝate of
þe firſte gendride ſone, and Hus, þe ſecounde, and
Eliphales, þe þridde. þe kyng at þe eeſt, of þe ſones of Leuy.
xl And þe ſones of Vlam weren ſtrongeſte men, and xix Sellum forſoþe, þe ſone of Chore, ſone of Abiaſaph,

beendynge a bouwe wiþ greet ſtrengþ, and hauynge ſone of Chore, wiþ hiſe briþeren, and wiþ þe hows of
many ſones, and ſones of ſones, til to an hundrid and his fadir; þeſe ben þe ſones of Chore on þe werkis of þe
fifti. Alle þeſe weren þe ſones of Beniamyn. ſeruyce, keperis of þe porchis of þe tabernacle, and þe
meynees of hem kepten bi whilis þe entryng of þe
CAP. IX caſtelis of þe Lord.
i Þerfor al Iſrael was noumbrid, and þe ſumme of hem xx Forſoþe Phynees, þe ſone of Eleazar, was þe duyk of

was writun in þe book of kyngis of Iſrael and of Juda; hem bifor þe Lord.
and þei weren tranſlatid in to Babiloyne for her ſynne. xxi Soþeli Zacarie, þe ſone of Moſollam, was porter of
ii Soþeli þei þat dwelliden firſt in her citees, and in þe þe ȝate of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng.
poſſeſſiouns of Iſrael, and þe preeſtis, and þe dekenes, xxii Alle þeſe choſun in to porteris bi ȝatis weren twei
and Natyneys, dwelliden in Jeruſalem. hundrid and twelue, and weren diſcryued in her owne
iii Of þe ſones of Juda, and of þe ſones of Beniamyn, townes, which dekenes Dauid and Samuel, þe prophete,
alſo of þe ſones of Effraym, and of Manaſſes; ordeyneden in her feiþ,
iiii Othi, þe ſone of Amyud, ſone of Semry, ſone of xxiii boþ hem and þe ſones of hem in þe doris of þe

Omroy, ſone of Bonny, of þe ſones of Phares, þe ſone of hows of þe Lord, and in þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, bi
Juda; her whiles.
v and of Sylom, Aſia, þe firſte gendrid, and his ſones; xxiiii Porteris weren bi foure cooſtis, þat is, at þe eeſt,
vi ſoþeli of þe ſones of Zaray, Heuel, and hiſe briþeren; and at þe weſt, and at þe norþ, and at þe ſouþ.
xxv Forſoþe her briþeren dwelliden in townes, and
ſixe hundrid foureſcore and ten.
vii Forſoþe of þe ſones of Beniamyn; Salo, þe ſone of camen in her ſabatis fro tyme til to tyme.
xxvi Al þe noumbre of porteris was bitakun to þeſe foure
Moſollam, þe ſones of Odoia, þe ſones of Aſana,
viii and Jobanya, þe ſone of Jerobam, and Ela, þe ſone of dekenes, and þei kepten þe chaumbris, and þe treſours
Ozi, þe ſones of Mochozi, and Moſollam, þe ſone of of þe hows of þe Lord.
xxvii Alſo þei dwelliden in her kepyngis bi þe cumpas of
Saphacie, ſone of Rahuel, ſone of Jebanye, and þe
briþeren of hem, þe temple of þe Lord, þat whanne tyme were, þei
ix bi her meynees; nyne hundrid ſixe and fifti. Alle þeſe ſchulden opene þe ȝatis eerli.
xxviii Men of her kyn weren alſo on þe veſſels of
weren princes of her kynredis by þe houſis of her fadris.
x Forſoþe of þe preeſtis, Joiada, Jozarib, and Jachym; ſeruyce; for þe veſſels weren borun in at noumbre, and
xi and Azarie, þe ſone of Helchie, ſone of Moſollam, weren borun out of hem.
ſone of Sadoch, ſone of Maraioth, ſone of Achitob, was
biſchop of þe hows of þe Lord.

xxix And þei þat hadden þe veſſelis of ſeyntuarie bitakun ſcorne me. Soþli his ſquyer was aferd bi drede, and
to her kepyng, weren ſouereyns on flour, and wyn, and nolde do þis; þerfor Saul took a ſwerd, and felde on it.
oile, and encenſe, and ſwete ſmellinge ſpyceries. v And whanne his ſquyer hadde ſeyn þis, þat is, þat Saul
xxx Soþeli þe ſones of preeſtis maden oynementis of was deed, he felde alſo on his ſwerd, and was deed.
ſwete ſmellynge ſpiceries. vi Þerfor Saul periſchide, and hiſe þre ſones, and al his
xxxi And Mathatias dekene, þe firſte gendrid ſone of hows felde doun togidere.
Sellum of þe kynrede of Chore, was þe ſouereyn of alle vii And whanne þe men of Iſrael, þat dwelliden in feeldi
þingis þat weren fried in þe friyng panne. places, hadden ſeyn þis, þei fledden; and whanne Saul
xxxii Soþeli men of þe ſones of Caath, þe briþeren of and hiſe ſones weren deed, þei forſoken her citees, and
hem, weren on þe looues of ſettyng forþ, þat þei weren ſcaterid hidur and þidur; and Filiſteis camen, and
ſchulden make redi euere newe looues bi ech ſabat. dwelliden in þo.
xxxiii Þeſe ben þe princis of chauntouris bi þe meynees viii Þerfor in þe toþer day Filiſteis drowen awei þe

of Leuytis, þat dwelliden in chaumbris, ſo þat þei ſpuylis of ſlayn men, and founden Saul and hiſe ſones
ſchulden ſerue contynueli dai and nyȝt in her ſeruyce. liggynge in þe hil of Gelboe.
xxxiiii Þe heedis of Leuitis bi her meynees, þe princes, ix And whanne þei hadden ſpuylid hym, and hadden

dwelliden in Jeruſalem. gird of þe heed, and hadden maad hym nakid of

xxxv Forſoþe þere dwelliden in Gabaon; Jaiel, þe fadir of armeris, þei ſenten in to her lond, þat it ſchulde be
Gabaon, and þe name of his wijf Maacha; borun aboute, and ſchulde be ſchewid in þe templis of
xxxvi Abdon, his firſte gendrid ſone, and Sur, and Cys, idols and to puplis;
x forſoþe þei halewiden his armeris in þe temple of her
and Baal,
xxxvii and Ner, and Nadab, and Gedor, and Ahaio, and god, and þei ſettiden þe heed in þe temple of Dagon.
xi Whanne men of Jabes of Galad hadden herd þis, þat
Zacharie, and Macelloth; forſoþe Macelloth gendride
Semmaa; is, alle þingis whiche þe Filiſteis diden on Saul,
xxxviii þeſe dwelliden euene aȝens her briþeren in xii alle ſtronge men riſiden togidere, and took þe deed

Jeruſalem, wiþ her briþeren. bodies of Saul and of hiſe ſones, and brouȝten þo in to
xxxix Soþeli Ner gendride Cys, and Cys gendride Saul, Jabes; and þei birieden þe boonus of hem vndur an ook,
and Saul gendride Jonathan, and Melchiſue, and þat was in Jabes; and þei faſtiden ſeuene daies.
xiii Þerfor Saul was deed for hiſe wickidneſſis, for he
Abynadab, and Hiſbaal.
xl Forſoþe þe ſone of Jonathan was Myribaal, and brak þe comaundement of þe Lord, whiche he
Myribaal gendride Mycha. comaundide, and kepte not it, but ferþirmore alſo he
xli Soþeli þe ſones of Micha weren Phiton, and Malech, took counſel at a womman hauynge a feend ſpekynge in
þe wombe, and he hopide not in þe Lord;
and Thara; xiiii for which þing boþ þe Lord killide hym, and
xlii forſoþe Aaz gendride Jara, and Jara gendride
tranſlatide his rewme to Dauid, ſone of Yſay.
Alamath, and Azmoth, and Zamri; and Zamri gendride
xliii ſoþeli Mooſa gendride Baana, whoſe ſone Raphaia CAP. XI
i Þerfor al Iſrael was gaderid to Dauid in Ebron, and
gendride Eliſa, of whom Eſel was gendrid.
xliiii Forſoþe Eſel hadde ſixe ſones bi þeſe names, ſeide, We ben þi boon and þi fleiſch;
ii alſo ȝiſterdai and þe þridde dai ago, whanne Saul
Ezricam, Bochru, Hiſmael, Saria, Obdia, Anan; þeſe
regnede ȝit on Iſrael, þou it were þat leddiſt out and
weren þe ſones of Heſel.
leddiſt in Iſrael; for `þi Lord God ſeide to þee, Þou
ſchalt fede my puple Iſrael, and þou ſchalt be prince on
i Forſoþe Filiſteis fouȝten aȝens Iſrael, and þe ſones of
iii Þerfor alle þe gretter in birþe of Iſrael camen to þe
Iſrael fledden Paleſtyns, and felden doun woundid in þe
kyng in Ebron; and Dauid maad wiþ hem a boond of
hil of Gelboe.
ii And whanne Filiſteis hadde neiȝed purſuynge Saul
pees bifor þe Lord, and þei anoyntiden hym kyng on
Iſrael, bi þe word of þe Lord, which he ſpak in þe hond
and hiſe ſones, þei killiden Jonathan, and Abynadab, of Samuel.
and Melchiſue, þe ſones of Saul. iiii Þerfor Dauid ȝede, and al Iſrael, in to Jeruſalem; þis
iii And þe batel was agreggid aȝens Saul; and men
Jeruſalem is Jebus, where Jebuſeis enhabiteris of þe
archeris foundun hym, and woundiden hym wiþ dartis. lond weren.
iiii And Saul ſeide to his ſquiere, Drawe out þi ſwerd, v And þei þat dwelliden at Jebus ſeiden to Dauid, Þou
and ſle me, leſte þeſe vncircumcidid men come, and ſchalt not entre hidur. Forſoþe Dauid took þe hiȝ tour of
Syon, which is þe citee of Dauid;

vi and he ſeide, Ech man þat `ſleeþ firſt Jebuſei, ſchal be xxiii and he killide a man of Egipt, whos ſtature was of
prince and duyk. Þerfor Joab, ſone of Saruye, ſtiede fyue cubitis, and he hadde a ſpere as þe beem of
firſt, and was maad prince. webbis; þerfor Banaye ȝede doun to hym wiþ a ȝerde,
vii Soþeli Dauid dwellide in þe hiȝ tour, and þerfor it and rauyſchide þe ſpere, which he held in þe hond, and
was clepid þe cytee of Dauid; killide hym wiþ his owne ſpere.
viii and he bildide þe citee in cumpas fro Mello til to þe xxiiii Banaye, þe ſone of Joiada, dide þeſe þingis, þat

cumpas; forſoþe Joab bildide þe toþer part of þe citee. was mooſt named among þre ſtronge men, and was þe
ix And Dauid profitide goynge and wexynge, and þe firſte among þretti;
xxv neþeles he cam not til to þe þre; ſoþeli Dauid ſettide
Lord of ooſtis was wiþ hym.
x Þeſe ben þe princes of þe ſtronge men of Dauid, þat hym at his eere.
xxvi Forſoþe þe ſtrongeſte men `in þe ooſt weren Aſael,
helpiden hym, þat he ſchulde be kyng on al Iſrael, bi þe
word of þe Lord which he ſpak to Iſrael. þe broþer of Joab, and Eleanan, þe ſone of his fadris
xi And þis is þe noumbre of þe ſtronge men of Dauid; broþir of Bethleem,
xxvii Semynoth Arorites, Helles Phallonytes, Iras,
Jeſbaam, þe ſone of Achamony, was prince among
þretti; þis reiſide his ſchaft eþir ſpere on þre hundrid xxviii þe ſone of Acces of Thecue, Abieſer of Anathot,
woundid men in o tyme. xxix Sobochay Sochites, Ylai Achoytes,
xii And after hym was Eleazar, þe ſone of his fadris xxx Maray Nethophatithes, Heles, þe ſone of Banaa,
broþir, and was `a man of Ahoit, which Eleazar was Nethophatithes, Ethaa,
among þre miȝti men. xxxi þe ſone of Rabai, of Gabaath of þe ſones of
xiii Þis was wiþ Dauid in Apheſdomyn, whanne Filiſteis
Beniamyn; Banaye Pharatonythes, men of þe ſtronde
weren gaderid to o place in to batel; and a feeld of þat Gaas,
cuntrey was ful of barli, and þe puple fledde fro þe face xxxii Abihel Arabatithes, Azmoth Baruanythes, Eliaba
of Filiſteis. Salaonythes,
xiiii Þis Eleazar ſtood in þe myddis of þe feeld, and xxxiii þe ſones of Aſſem Geſonythes, Jonathan, þe ſone
defendide it; and whanne he hadde ſlayn Filiſteis, þe of Saga, Ararithes, Achiam,
Lord ȝaf greet helþe to his puple. xxxiiii þe ſone of Achar, Ararites,
xv Soþeli þre of þritti princes ȝeden doun to þe ſtoon,
xxxv Eliphal, þe ſone of Mapher,
wher ynne Dauid was, to þe denne of Odolla, whanne xxxvi Mechoratithes, Ahya Phellonythes,
Filiſteis ſettiden tentis in þe valey of Raphaym. xxxvii Aſrahi Carmelites, Neoray,
xvi Forſoþe Dauid was in a ſtrong hold, and þe ſtacioun,
xxxviii þe ſone of Thaſbi, Johel, þe broþer of Nathan,
`þat is, þe ooſt gaderid, of Filiſteis was in Bethleem.
xvii Þerfor Dauid deſiride watir, and ſeide, Y wolde, þat Mabar, þe ſone of Aggaray, Selech Ammonythes,
xxxix Nooray Berothites, þe ſquyer of Joab, ſone of
ſum man ȝaf to me water of þe ciſterne of Bethleem,
which is in þe ȝate. Saruye,
xviii Þerfor þeſe þre ȝeden þoruy þe myddil of þe caſtelis xl Iras Jetreus, Gareb Jethreus,
xli Vrie Ethei, Sabab,
of Filiſteis, and drowen watir of þe ciſterne of
xlii þe ſone of Ooli, Adyna, þe ſone of Segar Rubenytes,
Bethleem, þat was in þe ȝate, and þei brouȝten to Dauid,
þat he ſchulde drynke; and Dauid nolde `drynke it, but prince of Rubenytis, and þritti men wiþ hym;
raþer he offride it to þe Lord, and ſeide, Fer be it, xliii Hanan, þe ſone of Macha, and Joſaphath
xix þat Y do þis þing in þe ſiȝt of my God, and þat Y Mathanythes, Ozias Aſtarothites,
drynke þe blood of þeſe men, for in þe perel of her xliiii Semma and Jahel, þe ſones of Hotayn Aroerites,
lyues þei brouȝten watir to me; and for þis cauſe he xlv Ledihel, þe ſone of Zamri, and Joha, his broþer,
nolde drynke. Þre ſtrongeſte men diden þeſe þingis. Thoſaythes,
xx Alſo Abiſai, þe broþer of Joab, he was þe prince of xlvi Hehiel Maanytes, Jerybay and Joſia, þe ſones of
þre men, and he reiſide his ſchaft aȝens þre hundrid Helnaen, Jethma Moabites, Heliel, and Obed, and
woundid men; and he was mooſt named among þre, Jaſihel of Maſobia.
xxi among þe ſecounde þre he was noble, and þe prince
of hem; neþeles he cam not til to þe firſte þre. CAP. XII
xxii Banaye, þe ſone of Joiada, ſtrongeſt man of Capſael, i Alſo þeſe camen to Dauid in Sichelech, whanne he
þat dide many werkis; he killide two ſtronge men of fledde ȝit fro Saul, þe ſone of Cys; whiche weren
Moab; and he ȝede doun, and killide a lioun in þe ſtrongeſte men and noble fiȝterys,
myddil of a ciſterne, in þe tyme of ſnow;

ii beendynge bouwe, and caſtynge ſtoonys wiþ ſlyngis Jozabad, Jedihel, and Mychael, and Naas, and Jozabath,
wiþ euer eiþer hond, and dreſſynge arowis; of þe and Helyu, and Salathi, princes of knyȝtis in Manaſſes.
briþeren of Saul of Beniamyn, xxi Þeſe men ȝauen help to Dauid aȝens þeues; for alle
iii þe prince Achieſer, and Joas, þe ſones of Samaa of weren ſtrongeſte men, and þei weren maad prynces in
Gabaath, and Jazachel, and Phallech, þe ſones of þe ooſt.
Azmod, and Barachie, and Jehu of Anathot; xxii But alſo bi ech dai men camen to Dauid, for to helpe
iiii alſo Samay of Gabaon was þe ſtrongeſte among þretti hym, til þat þe noumbre was maad greet as þe ooſt of
and aboue þretti; Jeremy, and Jezihel, and Johannan, God.
and Zebadga Zerothites, xxiii Alſo þis is þe noumbre of princes of þe ooſt þat
v Eluſay, and Jerymoth, and Baalia, and Samaria, and camen to Dauid, whanne he was in Ebron, þat þei
Saphia Araphites, ſchulden tranſlate þe rewme of Saul to hym, bi þe word
vi Elchana, and Jeſia, and Azrahel, and Jezer, and of þe Lord; þe ſones of Juda,
xxiiii berynge ſcheeld and ſpere, ſixe þouſynde and eiȝte
Jeſbaam of Taremy,
vii and Joelam, and Sabadia, þe ſones of Jeroam of hundrid, redi to batel;
xxv of þe ſones of Simeon, ſeuene þouſinde and an
viii But alſo of Gaddi ſtrongeſte men, and beſte fiȝteris, hundrid, of ſtrongeſte men to fiȝte;
xxvi of þe ſones of Leuy, foure þouſynde and ſixe
holdynge ſcheld and ſpere, fledden ouer to Dauid,
whanne he was hid in deſeert; þe faces of hem as þe hundrid;
face of a lioun, and þei weren ſwift as capretis in hillis. xxvii alſo Joiada, prince of þe generacioun of Aaron, and
ix Ozer was þe prince, Obdias þe ſecounde, Eliab þe þre þouſynd and ſeuene hundrid wiþ hym;
þridde, xxviii alſo Sadoch, a child of noble wit, and þe hows of
x Maſmana þe fourþe, Jeremye þe fyueþe, his fadir, twei and twenti princes;
xi Becchi þe ſixte, Heliel þe ſeuenþe, xxix forſoþe of þe ſones of Beniamyn, briþeren of Saul,
xii Johannan þe eiȝþe, Helzedad þe nynþe, þre þouſynde; for a greet part of hem ſuede ȝit þe hows
xiii Jeremye þe tenþe, Bachana þe euleuenþe; of Saul;
xxx forſoþe of þe ſones of Effraym, twenti þouſynde and
xiiii þeſe of þe ſones of Gad weren princes of þe ooſt; þe
laſte was ſouereyn ouer an hundrid knyȝtis, and þe eiȝte hundrid, ſtrongeſte men in bodili myȝt, men named
mooſt was ſouereyn ouer a þouſynde. in her meynees;
xxxi and of þe half part of þe lynage of Manaſſes, eiȝtene
xv Þeſe it ben þat paſſiden ouer Jordan in þe firſte
moneþe, whanne it was wont to flowe ouer hiſe brynkis; þouſynde; alle camen bi her names, to make Dauid
and þei dryueden awei alle men þat dwelliden in þe kyng;
xxxii alſo of þe ſones of Yſacar, two hundrid princes,
valeis at þe eeſt cooſt and weſt cooſt.
xvi Soþeli alſo men of Beniamyn and of Juda camen to lernd men, þat knewen ech tyme to comaunde what þe
þe ſtronge hoold, whereyn Dauid dwellide. puple of Iſrael ouȝt to do; ſoþeli al þe reſidue lynage
xvii And Dauid ȝede out aȝens hem, and ſeide, If ȝe `ben ſuede þe counſeils of hem;
xxxiii forſoþe of Zabulon camen fifti þouſynde in to
comyn peſible to me, for to helpe me, myn herte be
ioyned to ȝou; forſoþe if ȝe ſetten aſpies to me for myn helpe, not in double herte, which ȝeden out to batel, and
aduerſaries, ſiþen Y haue not wickidneſſe in þe hondis, ſtoden in þe ſcheltrun, and weren maad redi wiþ armuris
God of our fadris ſe and deme. of batel;
xxxiiii and of Neptalym a þouſynde prynces, and wiþ
xviii Forſoþe þe ſpirit cloþide Amaſay, þe prynce among
þritti, and he ſeide, A! Dauid, we ben þin, and þou, ſone hem camen ſeuene and þritti þouſynde men, arayed wiþ
of Yſai, we ſchulen be wiþ þee; pees, pees to þee, and ſcheeld and ſpeere;
xxxv alſo of Dan, eiȝte and twenti þouſynde and ſixe
pees to þin helperis, for þi Lord God helpiþ þee. Þerfor
Dauid reſſeyuede hem, and made princes of þe hundrid men, maad redi to batel;
xxxvi and of Aſer fourti þouſynde men, goynge out to
xix Forſoþe men of Manaſſes fledden ouer to Dauid, batel, and ſtirynge to batel in þe ſcheltrun.
xxxvii Forſoþe biȝende Jordan, of þe ſones of Ruben, and
whanne he cam wiþ Filiſteis to fiȝte aȝens Saul, and he
fauȝte not wiþ hem, for after þat þe princes of Filiſteis of Gad, and of þe half part of þe lynage of Manaſſes,
hadden take counſel, þei ſenten hym aȝen, and ſeiden, ſixe ſcoore þouſynde men, araied wiþ armuris of batel.
Wiþ perel of oure heed he ſchal turne aȝen to Saul his xxxviii Alle þeſe men werriouris and redi to batel camen
lord. wiþ perfit herte in to Ebron, to make Dauid kyng on al
xx Þerfor whanne Dauid turnede aȝen in to Sichelech, Iſrael; but alſo alle þe reſidue of Iſrael weren of oon
men of Manaſſes fledden ouer to hym, Eduas, and herte, þat Dauid ſchulde be maad king on al Iſrael.

xxxix And þei weren þer at Dauid þre daies, and eten and CAP. XIIII
drunken; for her briþeren hadden maad redi to hem; i And Iram, þe kyng of Tyre, ſente meſſageris to Dauid,
xl but alſo þei þat weren niȝ hem, til to Iſacar and and `he ſente trees of cedre, and werk men of wallis and
Zabulon and Neptalym, brouȝten looues on aſſis, and of trees, þat þei ſchulden bilde to hym an hows.
camelis, and mulis, and oxis, for to ete; mele, bundelis ii And Dauid knewe þat þe Lord hadde confermyd hym
of preſſid figis, dried grapis, wyn, oile, oxis and in to kyng on Iſrael; and þat his rewme was reiſid on his
weþeres, to al plentee; for ioy was in Iſrael. puple Iſrael.
iii And Dauid took oþere wyues in Jeruſalem, and
CAP. XIII gendride ſones and douȝtris.
i Forſoþe Dauid took counſel wiþ tribunes, and iiii And þeſe ben þe names of hem þat weren borun to
centuriouns, and alle princes; hym in Jeruſalem; Sammu, and Sobab, Nathan, and
ii and ſeide to alle þe cumpeny of þe ſones of Iſrael, If it Salomon,
pleſiþ ȝou, and if þe word which Y ſpeke goiþ out fro v Jeber, and Eliſu, and Heli, and Eliphalech,
oure Lord God, ſende we to `oure reſidue briþeren to vi and Noga, and Napheg, and Japhie,
alle þe cuntrees of Iſrael, and to preeſtis and dekenes þat vii and Eliſama, and Baliada, and Eliphelech.
dwellen in þe ſubarbis of citees, þat þei be gaderid to viii Forſoþe þe Filiſteis herden þat Dauid was anoyntid
iii and þat we brynge aȝen to vs þe arke of oure God; for `in to kyng on al Iſrael, and alle ſtieden to ſeke Dauid.
And whanne Dauid hadde herd þis þing, he ȝede out
we ſouȝten not it in þe daies of Saul. aȝens hem.
iiii And al þe multitude anſweride, þat it ſchulde be don
ix Forſoþe Filiſteis camen, and weren ſpred abrood in þe
ſo; for þe word pleſide al þe puple. valey of Raphaym;
v Þerfor Dauid gaderide togidere al Iſrael, fro Sior of
x and Dauid counſelide þe Lord, and ſeide, Wheþer Y
Egipt til þou entre in to Emath, þat he ſchulde brynge þe ſchal ſtie to Filiſteis? and wheþer þou ſchalt bitake hem
arke of God fro Cariathiarim. in to myn hondis? And þe Lord ſeide to hym, Stie þou,
vi And Dauid ſtiede, and alle þe men of Iſrael, to þe hil
and Y ſchal bitake hem in þin hond.
of Cariathiarym, which is in Juda, þat he ſchulde brynge xi And whanne þei hadden ſtyed in to Baal Pharaſym,
fro þennus þe arke of þe Lord God ſittynge on Dauid ſmoot hem þere, and ſeide, God haþ departid
cherubyn, where his name was clepid. myn enemyes bi myn hond, as watris ben departid. And
vii And þei puttiden þe arke of þe Lord God on a newe
þerfor þe name of þat place was clepid Baal Pharaſym;
wayn fro þe hous of Amynadab; forſoþe Oza and hiſe and þei leften þere her goddis,
briþeren driueden þe wayn. xii which Dauid comaundide to be brent.
viii Forſoþe Dauid and al Iſrael pleieden bifor þe Lord,
xiii Forſoþe anoþer tyme Filiſteis felden in, and weren
wiþ al miȝt, in ſongis, and in harpis, and ſautries, and ſpred abrood in þe valei;
tympans, and cymbalis, and trumpis. xiiii and eft Dauid counſeilide þe Lord, and þe Lord
ix Forſoþe whanne þei hadden come to þe cornfloor of
ſeide to hym, Þou ſchalt not ſtie aftir hem; go awei fro
Chidon, Oza ſtrechide forþ his hond to ſuſteyne þe arke; hem, and þou ſchalt come aȝens hem euen aȝens þe pere
for þe oxe wexynge wielde hadde bowid it a litil. trees.
x Þerfor þe Lord was wrooþ aȝens Oza, and ſmoot hym,
xv And whanne þou ſchalt here þe ſowun of a goere in
for he hadde touchide þe ark; and he was deed þere þe cop of þe pere trees, þanne þou ſchalt go out to batel;
bifor þe Lord. for þe Lord is go out byfor þee, to ſmyte þe caſtels of
xi And Dauid was ſori, for þe Lord hadde departid Oza;
and he clepide þat place Þe Departyng of Oza `til in to xvi Þerfor Dauid dide as God comaundide to hym, and
preſent dai. he ſmoot þe caſtels of Filiſteis fro Gabaon `til to Gazara.
xii And Dauid dredde þe Lord in þat tyme, and ſeide,
xvii And þe name of Dauid was pupliſchid in alle
How may Y brynge in to me þe arke of þe Lord? cuntreis, and þe Lord ȝaf his drede on alle folkis.
xiii And for þis cauſe he brouȝte not it to hym, þat is, in
to þe citee of Dauid, but he turnede it in to þe hows of CAP. XV
Obededom of Geth. i And he made to hym houſis in þe citee of Dauid, and
xiiii Þerfor þe arke of God dwellide in þe hous of
he bildide `a place to þe arke of þe Lord, and araiede a
Obededom of Geth þre moneþis; and þe Lord bleſſid his tabernacle to it.
hows, and `alle þingis þat he hadde. ii Þanne Dauid ſeide, It is vnleueful, þat þe arke of God
be borun of `ony þing no but of þe dekenes, whiche þe

Lord chees to bere it, and `for to mynyſtre to hym `til in xxi and Eliphalu, and Mathenye, and Obededom, and
to wiþ outen ende. Jehiel, and Ozazym, ſungen in harpis for þe eiȝtiþe, and
iii And he gaderide togidere al Iſrael in to Jeruſalem, þat epynychion, `þat is, victorie `be to God ouercomere;
þe arke of God ſchulde be brouȝt in to `his place, which xxii forſoþe Chinonye, þe prince of dekenes, and of
he hadde maad redy to it; profecie, was ſouereyn to biforſynge melodie, for he
iiii alſo and he gaderide togidere þe ſones of Aaron, and was ful wijs;
þe dekenes; xxiii and Barachie, and Elchana, weren porters of þe
v of þe ſones of Caath Vriel was prince, and hiſe arke; forſoþe Sebenye,
briþeren two hundrid and twenti; xxiiii and Joſaphath, and Mathanael, and Amaſaye, and
vi of þe ſones of Merari Aſaya was prince, and hiſe Zacarie, and Banaye, and Eliezer, preeſtis, ſowneden
briþeren two hundrid and þritti; wiþ trumpis bifor þe arke of þe Lord; and Obededom,
vii of þe ſones of Gerſon þe prince was Johel, and hiſe and Achymaas, weren porteris of þe arke.
briþeren an hundrid and þretti; xxv Þerfor Dauid, and þe grettere men in birþe of Iſrael,
viii of þe ſones of Eliſaphan Semei was prynce, and hiſe and þe tribunes, ȝeden to brynge þe arke of boond of
briþeren two hundrid; pees of þe Lord fro þe hows of Obededom wiþ
ix of þe ſones of Ebroun Heliel was prince, and hiſe gladneſſe.
xxvi And whanne God hadde helpid þe dekenes þat
briþeren foure ſcore;
x of þe ſones of Oziel Amynadab was prince, and hiſe baren þe arke of boond of pees of þe Lord, ſeuene bolis
briþeren an hundrid and twelue. and ſeuene rammes weren offrid.
xi And Dauid clepide Sadoch and Abiathar preeſtis, and xxvii Forſoþe Dauid was cloþid wiþ a white ſtole, and

þe dekenes Vriel, Aſaie, Johel, Semeie, Eliel, and alle þe dekenes þat baren þe arke, and þe ſyngeris, and
Amynadab; and ſeide to hem, Chononye, þe prince of profecie among ſyngeris, weren
xii Ȝe þat ben princes of þe meynees of Leuy, be cloþid in white ſtolis; forſoþe alſo Dauid was cloþid wiþ
halewid wiþ ȝoure briþeren, and brynge ȝe þe arke of þe a lynun ſurplijs.
xxviii And al Iſrael ledden forþ þe arke of boond of pees
Lord God of Iſrael to þe place, which is maad redi to it;
xiii leſt, as at þe bigynnyng, for ȝe weren not preſent, þe of þe Lord, and ſowneden in ioiful ſong, and in ſown of
Lord ſmoot vs, and now it be don, if we don ony clariouns, and in trumpis, and cymbalis, and giternis,
vnleueful þing. and harpis.
xxix And whanne þe arke of boond of pees of þe Lord
xiiii Þerfor þe preeſtis and dekenes weren halewid, þat
þei ſchulden bere þe arke of þe Lord God of Iſrael. hadde come to þe citee of Dauid, Mychol, þe douȝtir of
xv And þe ſones of Leuy token þe arke of God wiþ Saul, bihelde forþ bi a wyndowe, and ſche ſiȝ king
Dauyd daunſynge and pleiynge; and ſche diſpiſide hym
barris on her ſchuldris, as Moiſes comaundide bi þe
in hir herte.
word of þe Lord.
xvi And Dauid ſeide to þe princes of dekenes, þat þei
ſchulden ordeyne of her briþeren ſyngeris in orguns of i Þerfor þei brouȝten þe arke of God, and ſettiden it in
muſikis, þat is, in giternes, and harpis, and ſymbalis; þat
þe myddis of þe tabernacle, þat Dauid hadde araied
þe ſown of gladneſſe ſchulde ſowne an hiȝ.
xvii And þei ordeyneden dekenes, Heman, þe ſone of þerto; and þei offriden brent ſacrifices and peſible
ſacrifices bifor þe Lord.
Johel, and of hiſe briþeren, Aſaph, þe ſone of Barachie; ii And whanne Dauid offrynge brent ſacrifices and
ſoþeli of þe ſones of Merary, briþeren of hem, þei
peſible ſacrifices hadde fillid, he bleſſide þe puple in þe
ordeyneden Ethan,
xviii þe ſone of Caſaye, and þe briþeren of hem wiþ hem; name of þe Lord;
iii and departide to alle to ech bi hym ſilf fro a man til to
in þe ſecunde ordre `þei ordeyneden Zacarie, and Ben,
a womman o cake of breed, and a part of roſtid fleiſch
and Jazihel, and Semyramoth, and Jahiel, `and Am,
of a bugle, and flour fried in oile.
Heliab, and Benaye, and Maaſie, and Mathathie, and iiii And he ordeynede bifor þe arke of þe Lord, of þe
Eliphalu, and Mathenye, and Obededon, and Jehiel,
porteris; Leuytis, þat ſchulden mynyſtre, and haue mynde of þe
xix forſoþe `þei ordeyneden þe ſyngeris Eman, Aſaph, werkis of þe Lord, and glorifie and preyſe þe Lord God
of Iſrael;
and Ethan, ſownynge in braſun cymbalis; v `he ordeynede Aſaph þe prince, and Zacharie his
xx ſoþeli Zacarie, and Oziel, and Semyramoth, and
ſecounde; forſoþe `he ordeynede Jahiel, and
Jahihel, and Ham, and Eliab, and Maaſie, and Banaie,
Semiramoth, and Jahel, and Mathathie, and Eliab, and
ſungun pryuetees in giternes; forſoþe Mathathie,
Banaye, and Obededom, and Jehiel, on þe orguns, on þe

ſautrie, and on þe harpis; but he ordeynede Aſaph to xxx Al erþe be mouyd fro his face; for he foundide þe
ſowne wiþ cymbalis; world vnmouable.
vi ſoþeli he ordeynede Banaye and Aziel, preeſtis, bifor xxxi Heuenes be glad, and þe erþe `ioy fulli; and ſeie þei
þe arke of þe boond of pees of þe Lord, for to trumpe among naciouns, Þe Lord ſchal regne.
contynueli. xxxii Þe ſee þundre, and his fulneſſe; þe feeldis fulli ioye,
vii In þat dai Dauid made Aſaph prince, and hiſe
and alle þingis þat ben in þo.
briþeren, for to knowleche `to þe Lord. xxxiii Þanne þe trees of þe foreſt ſchulen preyſe bifor þe
viii Knowleche ȝe to þe Lord, and inwardli clepe ȝe his
Lord; for he comeþ to deme þe erþe.
name; make ȝe hiſe fyndyngis knowun among puplis. xxxiiii Knouleche ȝe to þe Lord, for he is good; for his
ix Synge ȝe to hym, and ſeie ȝe ſalm to hym, and telle ȝe
merſi is wiþouten ende.
alle his merueylis. xxxv And ſeie ȝe, Þou God oure ſauȝour, ſaue vs, and
x Preiſe ȝe his hooli name; þe herte of men ſekynge þe
gadere vs, and delyuere vs fro heþen men; þat we
Lord be glad. knowleche to þin hooli name, and be fulli glade in þi
xi Seke ȝe þe Lord and his vertu; ſeke ȝe euere his face. ſongis.
xii Haue ȝe mynde of hiſe merueilis whiche he dide; of xxxvi Bleſſid be þe Lord God of Iſrael fro wiþ oute
hiſe ſignes, and of þe domes of his mouþ. bigynnyng and til `in to wiþ outen ende; and al þe puple
xiii Þe ſeed of Iſrael, his ſeruaunt, preiſe þou God; þe ſeie, Amen, and ſeie heriyng to God.
ſones of Jacob, his choſun, preiſe ȝe God. xxxvii Þerfor Dauid lefte þere, bifor þe arke of boond of
xiiii He is `oure Lord God; hiſe domes ben in ech lond. pees of þe Lord, Aſaph and hiſe briþeren, for to
xv Haue ȝe mynde wiþ outen ende of his couenaunt; of mynyſtre in þe ſiȝt of þe arke contynueli bi alle daies
þe word whiche he couenauntide `in to a þouſynde and her whilis.
xxxviii Forſoþe he ordeynede porteris, Obededom and
xvi Which word he couenauntide wiþ Abraham; and of hiſe briþeren, eiȝte and ſixti, and Obededom, þe ſone of
his ooþ to Yſaac. Idithum, and Oza.
xvii And he ordeynede þat to Jacob in to a xxxix Soþeli `he ordeynede Sadoch preeſt, and hiſe

comaundement; and to Iſrael in to euerlaſtynge briþeren, preeſtis bifor þe tabernacle of þe Lord, in þe

couenaunt. hiȝ place þat was in Gabaon,
xviii And ſeide, To þee Y ſchal ȝyue þe lond of Canaan; xl for to offre brent ſacrifices to þe Lord on þe auter of

þe part of ȝoure erytage. brent ſacrifice contynueli, in þe morwetid and euentid,

xix Whanne þei weren fewe in noumbre; litle, and bi alle þingis þat ben writun in þe lawe of þe Lord,
pilgrims þerof. which he comaundide to Iſrael.
xli And aftir hym Dauyd ordeynede Eman, and Idithum,
xx And þei paſſiden fro folk in to þe folk; and fro a
rewme to anoþer puple. and oþer choſene, ech man bi his name, for to
xxi He ſuffride not ony man falſeli chalenge hem; but he knowleche to þe Lord; for his mercy is wiþouten ende.
xlii Alſo he ordeynede Eman, and Idithum, trumpynge,
blamyde kyngis for hem.
xxii Nyle ȝe touche my criſtis; and nyle ȝe do wickidli and ſchakynge cymbalis, and alle orguns of muſikis, for
to ſynge to God; forſoþe he made þe ſones of Idithum to
aȝens my prophetis.
xxiii Al erþe, ſinge ȝe to þe Lord; telle ȝe fro dai into dai
be portours, `eþer bereris.
xliii And al þe puple turnede aȝen in to her hows, and
his helþe.
xxiiii Telle ȝe among heþen men his glorie; hiſe
Dauid turnede aȝen, to bleſſe alſo his hows.
merueylis among alle puplis. CAP. XVII
xxv For þe Lord is greet, and worþi to be preiſid ful
i Forſoþe whanne Dauid dwellide in his hows, he ſeide
myche; and he is orible, `eþir griſeful, ouer alle goddis. to Nathan, þe prophete, Lo! Y dwelle in an hows of
xxvi For alle þe goddis of puplis ben idols; but þe Lord
cedris; ſoþeli þe arke of boond of pees of þe Lord is
made heuenes. vndur ſkynnys.
xxvii Knoulechyng and greet doyng ben bifor hym; ii And Nathan ſeide to Dauid, Do þou alle þingis þat ben
ſtrengþe and ioy ben in þe place of hym. in þin herte, for God is wiþ þee.
xxviii Ȝe meynees of puplis, `bringe ȝe to þe Lord; iii Þerfor in þat nyȝt þe word of þe Lord was maad to
brynge ȝe to þe Lord glorie and empire. Nathan,
xxix Ȝyue ȝe glorie to his name, reiſe ȝe ſacrifice, and iiii and ſeide, Go þou, and ſpeke to Dauid, my ſeruaunt,
come ȝe in his ſiȝt; and worſchipe ȝe þe Lord in hooli Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þou ſchalt not bilde to me an
fairneſſe. hows to dwelle in;

v for Y `dwellide not in an hows, fro þat tyme in which ſilf, and to caſte out bi his greetneſſe and dredis
Y ledde Iſrael out of þe lond of Egipt til to þis dai, but naciouns fro þe face þerof, which he delyuerede fro
euere Y chaungide places of tabernacle, and dwellide in Egipt?
a tente wiþ al Iſrael. xxii And þou haſt ſet þi puple Iſrael in to a puple to þee
vi Where I ſpak nameli to oon of þe iugis of Iſrael, to til in to wiþ outen ende, and þou, Lord, art maad þe
which I comaundide þat þei ſchulde fede my puple, and God þerof.
ſeide, Whi `bildidiſt þou not to me an hous of cedre? xxiii Now þerfor, Lord, þe word which þou haſt ſpoke to
vii Now þerfor þou ſchalt ſpeke þus to my ſeruaunt þi ſeruaunt, and on his hows, be confermed wiþ outen
Dauid, Þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Y took þee, ende, and do, as þou ſpake;
whanne þou ſuediſt þe floc in þe leſewis, þat þou xxiiii and þi name dwelle, and be magnefied `wiþ outen
ſchuldiſt be duyk on my puple Iſrael; ende; and be it ſeid, Þe Lord of ooſtis is God of Iſrael,
viii and Y was wiþ þee whidur euere þou ȝediſt, and Y and þe hous of Dauid, his ſeruaunt, dwellynge bifor
killide alle þin enemyes bifor þee, and Y made to þee an hym.
name as of oon of þe grete men þat ben maad xxv For þou, my Lord God, haſt maad reuelacioun to þe
worſchipful, eþer `famouſe, in erþe. eere of þi ſeruaunt, þat þou woldiſt bilde to hym an
ix And Y ȝaf a place to my puple Iſrael; it ſchal be hous; and þerfor þi ſeruaunt foond triſt, þat he preie
plauntid, and ſchal dwelle þere ynne, and it ſchal no bifor þee.
more be moued, and þe ſones of wickydneſſe ſchulen xxvi Now þerfor, Lord, þou art God, and haſt ſpoke to þi
not defoule hem, ſeruaunt ſo grete benefices;
x as fro þe bigynnyng, fro þe daies in whiche Y ȝaf iugis xxvii and þou haſt bigunne to bleſſe þe hous of þi
to my puple Iſrael; and Y made lowe alle þin enemyes. ſeruaunt, þat it be euer bifore þee; for, Lord, for þou
Þerfor Y telle to þee, þat þe Lord ſchal bilde an hows to bleſſiſt, it ſchal be bleſſid wiþ outen ende.
xi And whanne þou haſt fillid þi daies, þat þou go to þi CAP. XVIII
fadris, Y ſchal reiſe þi ſeed after þee, þat ſchal be of þi i Forſoþe it was doon aftir þeſe þingis, þat Dauid ſmoot
ſones, and Y ſchal ſtabliſche his rewme; Filiſteis, and made hem lowe, and took awey Geth and
xii he ſchal bilde to me an hows, and Y ſchal make vilagis þerof fro þe hond of Filiſteis;
ſtidefaſt his ſeete til in to wiþ outen ende. ii and þat he ſmoot Moab; and Moabitis weren maad
xiii Y ſchal be to hym in to a fadir, and he ſchal be to me ſeruauntis of Dauid, and brouȝten ȝiftis to hym.
in to a ſone; and Y ſchal not do my merſi fro hym, as Y iii In þat tyme Dauid ſmoot alſo Adadezer, kyng of
took awei fro hym þat was bifore þee; Soba, of þe cuntrey of Emath, whanne he ȝede for to
xiiii and Y ſchal ordeyne hym in myn hows and in my alarge his empire til to þe flood Eufrates.
rewme til in to wiþ outen ende; and his trone ſchal be iiii Þerfor Dauid took a þouſynde foure horſid cartis of
mooſt ſtidefaſt wiþ outen ende. his, and ſeuene þouſynde of horſmen, and twenti
xv Bi alle þeſe wordis, and bi al þis reuelacioun, ſo þouſynde of foot men; and he hoxide alle þe horſis of
Nathan ſpak to Dauid. charis, outakun an hundrid foure horſid cartis, whiche
xvi And whanne kyng Dauid hadde come, and hadde he kepte to hym ſilf.
v Forſoþe alſo Sirus of Damaſk cam aboue, to ȝyue help
ſete bifore þe Lord, he ſeide, Lord God, who am Y, and
what is myn hows, þat þou ſchuldiſt ȝyue ſiche þingis to to Adadezer, kyng of Soba, but Dauid ſmoot alſo of hiſe
me? two and twenti þouſynde of men;
xvii But alſo þis is ſeyn litil in þi ſiȝt, and þerfor þou vi and he ſettide kniȝtis in Damaſk, þat Sirie alſo ſchulde

ſpakeſt on þe hows of þi ſeruaunt, ȝhe, in to tyme to ſerue hym, and brynge ȝiftis. And þe Lord helpide hym
comynge; and haſt maad me worþi to be biholdun ouer in alle þingis to whiche he ȝede.
alle men. vii And Dauid took goldun arowe caaſis, whiche þe
xviii My Lord God, what may Dauid adde more, ſiþen ſeruauntis of Adadezer hadden, and he brouȝte þo in to
þou haſt ſo glorified þi ſeruaunt, and haſt knowe hym? Jeruſalem;
xix Lord, for þi ſeruaunt þou haſt do bi þin herte al þis viii alſo and of Thebath and of Chum, þe citees of

grete doyng, and woldiſt þat alle grete þingis be Adadezer, he took ful myche of bras, wherof Salomon
knowun. made þe braſun ſee, `þat is, waiſchynge veſſel, and
xx Lord, noon is lijk þee, and noon oþer God is wiþ oute pileris, and braſun veſſels.
ix And whanne Thou, kyng of Emath, hadde herd þis
þee, of alle whiche we herden wiþ oure eeris.
xxi For who is anoþir as þi puple Iſrael, o folc in erþe, to þing, `þat is, þat Dauid hadde ſmyte al þe ooſt of
whom God ȝede, to delyuere and make a puple to hym Adadezer, kyng of Soba,

x he ſente Aduram, his ſone, to Dauid þe kyng, for to whanne þei weren comen, þei ſettiden tentis euene
axe of hym pees, and for to þanke hym, for he hadde aȝens Medaba; and þe ſones of Amon weren gaderid fro
ouercome and hadde ſmyte Adadezer; for whi king her citees, and camen to batel.
Adadezer was aduerſarie of Thou. viii And whanne Dauid `hadde herd þis, he ſente Joab,
xi But alſo kyng Dauid halewide to þe Lord alle þe and al þe ooſt of ſtronge men.
veſſels of gold, and of ſiluer, and of bras; and þe ſiluer, ix And þe ſones of Amon ȝeden out, and dreſſiden
and þe gold, which þe kyng hadde take of alle folkis, as ſcheltrun biſidis þe ȝate of þe citee; but þe kyngis, þat
wel of Idumee and Moab, and of þe ſones of Amon, as weren comen to helpe, ſtoden aſidis half in þe feeld.
of Filiſteis and Amalech. x Þerfor Joab vndurſtood, þat batel was maad aȝens hym
xii Forſoþe Abiſai, þe ſone of Saruye, ſmoot Edom in þe `euene aȝens and bihynde þe bak, and he chees þe
valei of ſalt pittis, `ten and eiȝte þouſynde. ſtrongeſte men of al Iſrael, and ȝede aȝens Sirus;
xiii And he ſettide ſtrong hold in Edom, þat Ydumei xi ſoþeli he ȝaf þe reſidue part of þe puple vnder þe hond
ſchulde ſerue Dauid. And þe Lord ſauide Dauid in alle of Abiſai, his broþer; and þei ȝeden aȝens þe ſones of
þingis, to whiche he ȝede. Amon.
xiiii Þerfor Dauid regnede on al Iſrael, and dide doom xii And Joab ſeide, If Sirus ſchal ouercome me, þou
and riȝtwiſneſſe to al his puple. ſchalt helpe me; ſoþeli if þe ſones of Amon ſchulen
xv Forſoþe Joab, þe ſone of Saruye, was `on þe ooſt; and ouercome þee, Y ſchal helpe þee; be þou coumfortid,
Joſaphat, þe ſone of Ayluth, was chaunceler; xiii and do we manli for oure puple, and for þe citees of
xvi forſoþe Sadoch, þe ſone of Achitob, and oure God; forſoþe þe Lord do þat, þat is good in his ſiȝt.
Achymalech, þe ſone of Abyathar, weren preeſtis; and xiiii Þerfor Joab ȝede, and þe puple þat was wiþ hym,
Suſa was ſcribe; aȝens Sirus to batel, and he droof hem awei.
xvii and Banaye, þe ſone of Joiada, was on þe legiouns xv Soþeli þe ſones of Amon ſien, þat Sirus hadde fled,
Cerethi and Phelethi; ſoþeli þe ſones of Dauid weren þe and þei fledden fro Abiſay, his broþer, and entriden in to
firſte at þe hond of þe kyng. þe citee; and Joab turnede aȝen in to Jeruſalem.
xvi Forſoþe Sirus ſiȝ, þat he felde doun bifor Iſrael, and
CAP. XIX he ſente meſſageris, and brouȝte Sirus, þat was biȝende
i Forſoþe it bifelde, þat Naas, kyng of þe ſones of þe flood; ſoþeli Sophath, þe prynce of chyualrie of
Amon, diede, and his ſone regnyde for him. Adadezer, was þe duyk of hem.
ii And Dauid ſeide, Y ſchal do mercy wiþ Anoon, þe xvii And whanne þis was teld to Dauid, he gaderide al
ſone of Naas; for his fadir ȝaf merci to me. And Dauid Iſrael, and paſſide Jordan; and he felde in on hem, and
ſente meſſageris, to coumforte hym on þe deeþ of his dreſſide ſcheltrun euene aȝens hem, fiȝtynge aȝenward.
fadir. And whanne þei weren comen in to þe lond of þe xviii `Forſoþe Sirus fledde fro Iſrael, and Dauid killide of
ſones of Amon, men of Sirie ſeuene þouſynde of charis, and fourti
iii for to coumforte Anon, þe princes of þe ſones of þouſynde of foot men, and Sophath, þe prince of þe
Amon ſeiden to Anon, In hap þou geſſiſt, þat Dauid for ooſt.
cauſe of onour in to þi fadir ſente men, þat ſchulden xix Soþeli þe ſeruauntis of Adadezer ſiȝen, þat þei weren
coumforte þee; and þou perſeyueſt not, þat hiſe ouercomun of Iſrael, and þei fledden ouer to Dauid, and
ſeruauntis ben comen to þee to aſpie, and enquere, and ſeruiden hym; and Sirie wolde no more ȝyue helpe to þe
ſeche þi lond. ſones of Amon.
iiii Þerfor Anoon made ballid and ſchauyde þe children
of Dauid, and kittide þe cootis of hem fro þe buttokis of CAP. XX
hem til to þe feet; and lefte hem. i Forſoþe it was doon after þe ende of a ȝeer, in þat tyme
v And whanne þei hadden go, and hadden ſent þis to wherinne kyngis ben wont to go forþ to batels, Joab
Dauid, he ſente in to þe meting of hem; for þei hadden gederide þe ooſt, and þe ſtrengþe of chyualrie, and he
ſuffrid greet diſpit; and he comaundide, þat þei ſchulden waſtide þe lond of þe ſones of Amon, and ȝede, and
dwelle in Gerico, til her berde wexide, and þanne þei biſegide Rabath; forſoþe Dauid dwellide in Jeruſalem,
ſchulden turne aȝen. whanne Joab ſmoot Rabath, and diſtriede it.
vi Forſoþe þe ſones of Amon ſien, þat þei hadden do ii Forſoþe Dauid took þe coroun of Melchon fro his
wrong to Dauid, boþe Anoon and þe toþer puple, and heed, and foond þerynne þe weiȝt of gold a talent, and
þei ſenten a þouſynde talentis of ſiluer, for to hire to mooſt precious iemmes, and he made þerof a diademe
hem charis and horſmen of Meſopotanye and Sirie, of to hym ſilf; alſo he took ful many ſpuylis of þe citee.
Maacha and of Soba; iii Soþeli he ledde out þe puple þat was þerynne, and
vii and þei hiriden to hem two and þretti þouſynde of made breris, `eþir inſtrumentis bi whiche cornes ben
charis, and þe kyng of Maacha wiþ his puple. And brokun, and ſleddis, and irone charis, to paſſe on hem,

ſo þat alle men weren kit in to dyuerſe partis, and weren xii eþer þat þre moneþis þou fle þin enemyes and mow
al to-brokun; Dauid dide þus to alle þe `cytees of þe not aſcape her ſwerd, eþer þat þe ſwerd of þe Lord and
ſones of Amon, and turnede aȝen wiþ al his puple in to deeþ regne þre daies in þe lond, and þat þe aungel of þe
Jeruſalem. Lord ſlee in alle þe cooſtis of Iſrael. Now þerfor ſe þou,
iiii Aftir þeſe þingis a batel was maad in Gazer aȝens what Y ſchal anſwere to hym þat ſente me.
Filiſteis, wherynne Sobochai Vſachites ſlow Saphai of xiii And Dauid ſeide to Gad, Angwiſchis oppreſſe me on
þe kyn of Raphym, and mekide hem. ech part, but it is betere to me, þat Y falle in to þe
v Alſo anoþer batel was don aȝens Filiſteis, in which a hondis of þe Lord, for his merciful doynges ben manye,
man ȝouun of God, þe ſone of foreſt, a man of þan in to þe hondis of men.
Bethleem, killide Goliath of Geth, þe broþer of giauntis, xiiii Þerfor þe Lord ſente peſtilence in to Iſrael, and
of whos ſchaft þe tre was as þe beem of webbis. ſeuenti þouſynde of men felden doun of Iſrael.
vi But alſo anoþer batel bifelde in Geth, in which a ful xv Alſo he ſente an aungel in to Jeruſalem, þat he
long man was, hauynge ſixe fyngris, þat is, togidere ſchulde ſmyte it; and whanne it was ſmytun, þe Lord ſiȝ,
foure and twenti, and he was gendrid of þe generacioun and hadde merci on þe greetneſſe of yuel; and
of Raphaym; comaundide to þe aungel þat ſmoot, It ſuffiſiþ, now þin
vii he blasfemyde Iſrael, and Jonathan, þe ſone of hond ceeſſe. Forſoþe þe aungel of þe Lord ſtood biſidis
Samaa, broþer of Dauid, killide hym. Þeſe ben þe ſones þe cornfloor of Ornam Jebuſey.
of Raphaym in Geth, þat felden doun in þe hond of xvi And Dauid reiſide hiſe iȝen, and ſiȝ þe aungel of þe
Dauid and of hiſe ſeruauntis. Lord ſtondynge bitwixe heuene and erþe, and a drawun
ſwerd in his hond, and turnede aȝens Jeruſalem. And
CAP. XXI boþe he and þe grettere men in birþe weren cloþid wiþ
i Soþeli Sathan roos aȝens Iſrael, and ſtiride Dauid for to heiris, and felden doun lowe on þe erþe.
noumbre Iſrael. xvii And Dauid ſeide to þe Lord, Wheþer Y am not þat
ii And Dauid ſeide to Joab, and to þe princes of þe comaundide þat þe puple ſchulde be noumbrid? Y it am
puple, Go ȝe, and noumbre Iſrael fro Berſabe til to Dan, þat ſynnede, Y it am þat dide yuel; what diſſeruid þis
and brynge ȝe þe noumbre to me, þat Y wite. floc? My Lord God, Y biſeche, þin hond be turned `in
iii And Joab anſweride, Þe Lord encreſſe his puple an to me, and `in to þe hows of my fadir; but þi puple be
hundrid fold more þan þei ben; my lord þe kyng, not ſmytun.
wheþer alle ben not þi ſeruauntis? Whi ſekiþ my lord xviii Forſoþe an aungel of þe Lord comaundide Gad, þat
þis þing, þat ſchal be arettid in to ſynne to Iſrael? he ſchulde ſeie to Dauid, `þat he ſchulde ſtie, and bilde
iiii But þe word of þe kyng hadde more þe maiſtrie; and an auter to þe Lord God in þe cornfloor of Ornam
Joab ȝede out, and cumpaſſide al Iſrael, and turnede Jebuſei.
aȝen in to Jeruſalem. xix Þerfor Dauid ſtiede bi þe word of Gad, which he
v And he ȝaf to Dauid þe noumbre of hem, which he ſpak to hym bi þe word of þe Lord.
hadde cumpaſſid; and al þe noumbre of Iſrael was xx Forſoþe whanne Ornam hadde `biholde, and hadde
foundun a þouſynde þouſande, and an hundrid þouſynde ſeyn þe aungel, and hiſe foure ſones `wiþ hym `hadde
of men, drawynge out ſwerd; forſoþe of Juda weren þre ſeyn, þei hidden hem, for in þat tyme he þreiſchide
hundrid þouſynde, and ſeuenti þouſynde of werriouris. whete in þe cornfloor.
vi For Joab noumbride not Leuy and Beniamyn, for xxi Þerfor whanne Dauid cam to Ornam, Ornam bihelde
aȝens his wille he dide þe comaundement of þe kyng. Dauid, and ȝede forþ fro þe cornfloor aȝens hym, and
vii Forſoþe þat þat was comaundid diſpleſide þe Lord, worſchipide hym, lowli on þe ground.
and he ſmoot Iſrael. xxii And Dauid ſeide to hym, Ȝyue þe place of þi
viii And Dauid ſeide to God, Y ſynnede greetli þat Y cornfloor to me, þat Y bilde þer ynne an auter to þe
wolde do þis; Y biſeche, do þou awey þe wickidneſſe of Lord; ſo þat þou take as myche ſiluer as it is worþ, and
þi ſeruaunt, for Y dide folili. þat þe veniaunce ceeſſe fro þe puple.
ix And þe Lord ſpak to Gad, þe profete of Dauid, xxiii Forſoþe Ornam ſeide to Dauid, Take þou, and my
x and ſeide, Go þou, and ſpeke to Dauid, and ſeie to lord þe kyng do what euer þing pleſiþ hym; but alſo Y
him, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Y ȝeue to þee þe cheſyng ȝyue oxis in to brent ſacrifice, and inſtrumentis of tree,
of þre þingis; cheſe þou oon which þou wolt, þat Y do wherbi cornes ben þroiſchun, in to trees, and wheete in
to þee. to ſacrifice; Y ȝyue alle þingis wilfully.
xi And whanne Gad was comen to Dauid, he ſeide to xxiiii And `Dauid þe kyng ſeide to hym, It ſchal not be

Dauid, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Cheſe þou þat þat þou don ſo, but Y ſchal ȝyue ſiluer as myche as it is worþ;
wolt, eþer peſtilence þre ȝeer, for Y owe not take awei fro þee, and offre ſo to þe Lord
brent ſacrifices freli ȝouun.

xxv Þerfor Dauid ȝaf to Ornam for þe place ſixe hundrid ſchal make ſtidefaſt þe ſeete of his rewme on Iſrael
ſiclis of gold of moſt iuſt weiȝte. wiþouten ende.
xxvi And he bildide þere an auter to þe Lord, and he xi Now þerfor, my ſone, þe Lord be wiþ þee, and haue

offride brent ſacrifice and peſible ſacrifices, and he þou proſperite, and bilde þou an hows to `þi Lord God,
inwardli clepide God; and God herde hym in fier fro as he ſpak of þee.
heuene on þe auter of brent ſacrifice. xii And þe Lord ȝyue to þee prudence and wit, þat þou
xxvii And þe Lord comaundide to þe aungel, and he mow gouerne Iſrael, and kepe þe lawe of `þi Lord God.
turnede his ſwerd in to þe ſcheþe. xiii For þanne þou maiſt profite, if þou kepiſt þe
xxviii Þerfor anoon Dauid ſiȝ, þat þe Lord hadde herd comaundementis and domes, whiche þe Lord
hym in þe corn floor of Ornam Jebuſey, and he offride comaundide to Moiſes, þat he ſchulde teche Iſrael; be
þere ſlayn ſacrifices. þou coumfortid, and do manli, drede þou not `wiþ
xxix Forſoþe þe tabernacle of þe Lord, þat Moyſes hadde outforþ, neþer drede þou `wiþ ynne.
xiiii Lo! in my pouert Y haue maad redi þe coſtis of þe
maad in þe deſeert, and þe auter of brent ſacrifices, was
in þat tempeſt in þe hiȝ place of Gabaon; hows of þe Lord; an hundrid þouſinde talentis of gold,
xxx and Dauid myȝte not go to þe auter, to biſeche God and a þouſynde þouſynde talentis of ſiluer; ſoþeli of bras
þere, for he was aferd bi ful greet drede, ſeynge þe and irun is no weiȝte, for þe noumbre is ouercomun bi
ſwerd of þe `aungel of þe Lord. greetneſſe; Y haue maad redi trees and ſtoonys to alle
xv Alſo þou haſt ful many crafti men, maſouns, and
i And Dauid ſeide, Þis is þe hows of God, and þis auter leggeris of ſtonys, and crafti men of trees, and of alle
is in to brent ſacrifice of Iſrael. craftis,
ii And he comaundide þat alle conuerſis fro heþeneſſe to xvi moſt prudent to make werk, in gold, and ſiluer, and

þe lawe of Iſrael `ſchulden be gaderid `of þe lond of bras, and in yrun, of which is no noumbre; þerfor riſe
Iſrael; and he ordeynede of hem maſouns for to kytte þou, and make, and þe Lord ſchal be wiþ þee.
xvii Alſo Dauid comaundide to alle þe princis of Iſrael,
ſtoonys and for to poliſche, þat þe hows of þe Lord
ſchulde be bildid; þat þei ſchulden helpe Salomon,
iii alſo Dauid made redy ful myche yrun to þe nailes of xviii his ſone, and ſeide, Ȝe ſeen, þat `ȝoure Lord God is

þe ȝatis, and to þe medlyngis and ioyntouris, and wiþ ȝou, and haþ ȝoue to ȝou reſte `by cumpas, and haþ
vnnoumbrable weiȝte of bras; bitake alle enemyes in ȝoure hoond, and þe erþe is ſuget
iiii alſo þe trees of cedre myȝten not be geſſid, whiche þe bifor þe Lord, and bifor his puple.
xix Þerfor ȝyue ȝoure hertis and ȝoure ſoulis, þat ȝe ſeke
men of Sidonye and þe men of Tyre brouȝten to Dauid.
v And Dauid ſeide, Salomon, my ſone, is a litil child and `ȝoure Lord God; and riſe ȝe togidere, and bilde ȝe a
delicat; ſoþeli þe hows, which Y wole be bildid to þe ſeyntuarie to `ȝoure Lord God, þat þe arke of boond of
Lord, owiþ to be ſich, þat it be named in alle cuntrees; pees of þe Lord be brouȝt in, and þat veſſels halewid to
þerfor Y ſchal make redi neceſſaries to hym. And for þis þe Lord be brouȝt in to þe hows, which is bildid to þe
cauſe Dauid bifor his deeþ made redi alle coſtis. name of þe Lord.
vi And he clepide Salomon, his ſone, and comaundide to
hym, þat he ſchulde bilde an hows to þe Lord God of CAP. XXIII
i Þerfor Dauid was eld and ful of daies, and ordeynede
vii And Dauid ſeide to Salomon, My ſone, it was my Salomon, his ſone, kyng on Iſrael.
ii And he gaderide togidere alle þe princes of Iſrael, and
wille to bilde an hows to þe name of `my Lord God;
viii but þe word of þe Lord was made to me, and ſeide, þe preeſtis, and dekenes;
iii and þe dekenes weren noumbrid fro twenti ȝeer and
Þou haſt ſched out myche blood, and þou haſt fouȝt ful
many batels; þou mayſt not bilde an hows to my name, aboue, and eiȝte and þretti þouſynde of men weren
for þou haſt ſched out ſo myche blood bifor me; foundun.
ix þe ſone þat ſchal be borun to þee, ſchal be a man moſt iiii And foure and twenty þouſynde men weren choſun

peſible, for Y ſchal make hym to haue reſte of alle hiſe of hem, and weren departid in to þe ſeruyce of þe hows
enemyes bi cumpas, and for þis cauſe he ſchal be clepid of þe Lord; ſoþeli of ſouereyns, and iugis, ſixe
peſible, and Y ſchal ȝyue pees and reſte in Iſrael in alle þouſynde;
v forſoþe foure þouſynde `porteris weren, and ſo many
hiſe daies.
x He ſchal bilde an hows to my name; he ſchal be to me ſyngeris, ſyngynge to þe Lord in orguns, whiche Dauid
in to a ſone, and Y ſchal be to hym in to a fadir, and Y hadde maad for to ſynge.
vi And Dauid departide hem bi þe whilis of þe ſones of
Leuy, þat is, of Gerſon, and of Caath, and Merary.

vii And þe ſones of Gerſon weren Leedan and Semeye. porchis, and in chaumbris, and in þe place of clenſyng,
viii Þe ſones of Leedan weren þre, þe prince Jehiel, and and in þe ſeyntuarie, and in alle werkis of þe ſeruyce of
Ethan, and Johel. þe temple of þe Lord.
ix Þe ſones of Semei weren þre, Salamyth, and Oziel, xxix Forſoþe preeſtis ſchulen be ouer þe looues of

and Aram; þeſe weren þe princes of þe meynees of propoſicioun, and to þe ſacrifice of flour, and to þe
Leedan. paſtis ſodun in watir, and to þe þerf looues, and friyng
x Forſoþe þe ſones of Semeye weren Leeth, and Ziza, panne, and to hoot flour, and to ſeenge, and ouer al
and Yaus, and Baria, þeſe foure weren þe ſones of weiȝte and meſure.
xxx Forſoþe þe dekenes ſchulen be, þat þei ſtonde eerli,
xi Soþeli Leeth was þe formere, and Ziza þe ſecounde; for to knowleche and ſynge to þe Lord, and lijk maner
forſoþe Yaus and Baria hadden not ful many ſones, and at euentide,
xxxi as wel in þe offryng of brent ſacrifices of þe Lord,
þerfor þei weren rikenyd in o meynee and oon hows.
xii Þe ſones of Caath weren foure, Amram, and Yſaac, as in ſabatis, and kalendis, and oþere ſolempnytees, bi
Ebron, and Oziel. þe noumbre and cerymonyes of eche þing contynueli
xiii Þe ſones of Amram weren Aaron and Moyſes; and bifor þe Lord;
xxxii and þat þei kepe þe obſeruaunces of þe tabernacle
Aaron was departid, þat he ſchulde mynyſtre in þe hooli
þing of hooli þingis, he and hiſe ſones wiþ outen ende, of þe boond of pees of þe Lord, and þe cuſtum of þe
and to brenne encenſe to þe Lord bi his cuſtom, and to ſeyntuarie, and þe obſeruaunce of þe ſones of Aaron, her
bleſſe his name wiþ outen ende. briþeren, þat þei mynyſtre in þe hows of þe Lord.
xiiii Alſo þe ſones of Moyſes, man of God, weren
noumbrid in þe lynage of Leuy. i Forſoþe to þe ſones of Aaron þeſe porciouns ſchulen
xv Þe ſones of Moiſes weren Gerſon and Elieſer.
xvi Þe ſones of Gerſon; `Subuhel þe firſte. be; þe ſones of Aaron weren Nadab, and Abyud,
Eleazar, and Ythamar;
xvii Soþeli þe ſones of Eliezer weren Roboya þe firſte,
ii but Nadab and Abyud weren deed wiþ out fre children
and oþere ſones weren not to Eliezer; forſoþe þe ſones bifor her fadir, and Eleazar and Ythamar weren ſet in
of Roboia weren multipliede ful miche. preſthod.
xviii Þe ſones of Iſaar; `Salumuth þe firſte.
iii And Dauiþ departide hem, þat is, Sadoch, of þe ſones
xix Þe ſones of Ebron; `Jerian þe firſte, Amarias þe
of Eleazar, and Achymelech, of þe ſones of Ithamar, by
ſecounde, Jaziel þe þridde, Jethamaan þe fourþe. her whiles and ſeruyce;
xx Þe ſones of Oziel; `Mycha þe firſte, Jeſia þe iiii and þe ſones of Eleazar weren founden many mo in
ſecounde. þe men princes, þan þe ſones of Ythamar. Forſoþe he
xxi Þe ſones of Merari weren Mooli and Muſi. Þe ſones
departide to hem, þat is, to þe ſones of Eleazar, ſixtene
of Mooli weren Eleazar, and Cys. prynces bi meynees; and to þe ſones of Ythamar eiȝte
xxii Soþeli Eleazar was deed, and hadde not ſones, but prynces bi her meynees and howſis.
douȝtris; and þe ſones of Cys, þe briþeren of hem, v Soþeli he departide euer eiþir meynees among hem ſilf
weddiden hem. bi lottis; for þere weren princes of þe ſeyntuarye, and
xxiii Þe ſones of Muſi weren þre, Mooli, and Heder, and princes of þe hows of God, as wel of þe ſones of
Jerymuth. Eleazar as of þe ſones of Ithamar.
xxiiii Þeſe weren þe ſones of Leuy in her kynredis and vi And Semeye, þe ſone of Nathanael, a ſcribe of þe
meynees, prynces bi whilis, and noumbre of alle heedis, lynage of Leuy, diſcriuede hem bifore þe king and
þat diden þe trauel of þe ſeruyce of þe hows of þe Lord, pryncis, and bifor Sadoch, þe preeſt, and Achymelech,
fro twenti ȝeer and aboue. þe ſone of Abiathar, and to þe prynces of meynees of þe
xxv For Dauid ſeide, Þe Lord God of Iſrael haþ ȝoue preeſtis and of þe dekenes; he diſcriuyde oon hows of
reſte to his puple, and a dwellyng in Jeruſalem til in to Eleazar, þat was ſouereyn to oþere, and `þe toþer hows
wiþ outen ende; of Ithamar, þat hadde oþere vndir hym.
xxvi and it ſchal not be þe office of dekenes for to bere vii Forſoþe þe firſte lot ȝede out to Joiarib, þe ſecounde

more þe tabernacle, and alle veſſels þerof for to to Jedeie,

mynyſtre. viii þe þridde to Aharym, þe fourþe to Seorym,
xxvii Alſo bi þe laſte comaundementis of Dauid þe ix þe fyueþe to Melchie,
noumbre of þe ſones of Leuy ſchulen be rikened fro x þe ſixte to Maynan, þe ſeuenþe to Accos,
twenti ȝeer and aboue; xi þe eiȝþe to Abia, þe nynþe to Hieuſu, þe tenþe to
xxviii and þei ſchulen be vndir þe hond of þe ſones of
Sechema, þe elleuenþe to Eliaſib,
Aaron in to þe worſchipe of þe hows of þe Lord, in

xii þe twelueþe to Jacyn, vndur þe hond of hir fadir Idithum, þat profeſiede in an
xiii þe þrittenþe to Opha, þe fourtenþe to Iſbaal, harpe on men knoulechynge and preyſynge þe Lord.
xiiii þe fiftenþe to Abelga, þe ſixtenþe to Emmer, iiii Alſo þe ſones of Heman weren Heman, Boccia,

xv þe ſeuentenþe to Ezir, þe eiȝtenþe to Ahapſes, þe Mathanya, Oziel, Subuhel, and Jerymoth, Ananye,
nyntenþe to Pheſeye, Anan, Elyatha, Gaeldothi, and Romenthi, Ezer, and
xvi þe twentiþe to Jezechel, Jeſbacaſi, Melothy, Othir, Mazioth;
v alle þeſe ſones of Heman weren profetis of þe kyng in
xvii þe oon and twentiþe to Jachym, þe two and twentiþe
þe wordis of God, þat he ſchulde enhaunſe þe horn. And
to Gamul, þe þre and twentiþe to Dalayam,
xviii þe foure and twentiþe to Mazzian.
God ȝaf to Heman fourtene ſones, and þre douȝtris.
vi Alle vndur þe hond of her fadir weren `delid, eþir
xix Þeſe weren þe whilis of hem bi her mynyſteries, þat
aſigned, to ſynge in þe temple of þe Lord, in cymbalis,
þei entre in to þe hows of God, and bi her cuſtom vndur and ſawtrees, and harpis, in to þe ſeruyces of þe hows of
þe hond of Aaron, her fadir, as þe Lord God of Iſrael þe Lord nyȝ þe kyng, þat is to ſeie, Aſaph, and Idithum,
comaundide. and Heman.
xx Forſoþe Sebahel was prince of þe ſones of Leuy þat vii Soþeli þe noumbre of hem wiþ her briþeren, þat
weren reſydue, of þe ſones of Amram; and þe ſone of tauȝten þe ſonge of þe Lord, alle þe techeris, was twey
Sebahel was Jedeie; hundrid `foure ſcoor and eiȝte.
xxi alſo Jeſie was prince of þe ſones of Roobie. viii And þei ſenten lottis bi her whiles euenli, as wel þe
xxii Soþeli Salomoth was prince of Iſaaris; and þe ſone
gretter as þe leſſe, alſo a wijs man and vnwijs.
of Salamoth was Janadiath; ix And þe firſte lot ȝede out to Joſeph, þat was of Aſaph;
xxiii and his firſte ſone was Jeriuans, `Amarie þe
þe ſecounde to Godolie, to hym, and hiſe ſones and hiſe
ſecounde, Azihel þe þridde, `Jethmoan þe fourþe. briþeren twelue;
xxiiii Þe ſone of Ozihel was Mycha; þe ſone of Mycha x þe þridde to Zaccur, to hiſe ſones and hiſe breþeren
was Samyr; twelue;
xxv þe broþer of Mycha was Jeſia; and þe ſone of Jeſia xi þe fourþe to Iſary, to hiſe ſones and hiſe briþeren
was Zacharie. twelue; þe fyueþe to Nathanye,
xxvi Þe ſones of Merary weren Mooli and Muſi; þe ſone xii to hiſe ſones and hiſe briþeren twelue;
of Joſyan was Bennon; xiii þe ſixte to Boccian, to hiſe ſones and hiſe briþeren
xxvii and þe ſone of Merarie was Ozian, and Soen, and
Zaccur, and Hebri. xiiii þe ſeuenþe to Iſrahela, to hiſe ſones and briþeren
xxviii Soþeli þe ſone of Mooli was Eleazar, þat hadde not
fre ſones; forſoþe þe ſone of Cys was Jeremyhel; xv þe eiȝþe to Iſaie, to his ſones and briþeren twelue;
xxix þe ſones of Muſy weren Mooli, xvi þe nynþe to Mathany, to his ſones and briþeren
xxx Eder, Jerymuth. Þeſe weren þe ſones of Leuy, bi þe
houſis of her meynees. xvii þe tenþe to Semei, to his ſones and briþeren twelue;
xxxi Alſo and þei ſenten lottis aȝens her briþeren, þe xviii þe elleuenþe to Ezrahel, to hiſe ſones and briþeren
ſones of Aaron, bifor Dauid þe kyng, and bifor Sadoch, twelue;
and Achymelech, and þe princes of meynees of preeſtis xix þe twelueþe to Aſabie, to his ſones and briþeren
and of dekenes; lot departide euenli alle, boþe þe gretter
and þe leſſe. xx þe þrittenþe to Subahel, to hiſe ſones and briþeren
CAP. XXV xxi þe fourtenþe to Mathathatie, to hiſe ſones and
i Þerfor Dauid, and þe mageſtratis of þe ooſt, departiden
briþeren twelue; þe fiftenþe to Jerymoth,
in to þe ſeruyce þe ſones of Aſaph, and of Eman, and of xxii to hiſe ſones and briþeren twelue;
Idithum, whiche ſchulden profecye in harpis, and
xxiii þe ſixtenþe to Ananye, to hiſe ſones and briþeren
ſawtrees, and cymbalis, bi her noumbre, and ſerue þe
office halewid to hem. twelue;
ii Of þe ſones of Aſaph; Zaccur, and Joſeph, and xxiiii þe ſeuentenþe to Jeſbocaſe, to hiſe ſones and

Nathania, and Aſarela; ſoþeli þe ſones of Aſaph vndir þe briþeren twelue;

hond of Aſaph profeſieden biſidis þe kyng. xxv þe eiȝtenþe to Annam, to hiſe ſones and briþeren
iii Forſoþe þe ſones of Idithum weren þeſe; Idithum, twelue;
Godolie, Sori, Jeſie, and Sabaie, and Mathatie, ſixe; xxvi þe nyntenþe to Mollothi, to hiſe ſones and briþeren
twelue; þe twentiþe to Eliatha,

xxvii to hiſe ſones and briþeren twelue; xvii Soþeli at þe eeſt weren ſixe dekenes, and at þe norþ
xxviii þe oon and twentiþe to Othir, to hiſe ſones and weren foure bi dai; and at þe ſouþ alſo weren foure at þe
briþeren twelue; myddai; and, where þe counſel was, weren tweyne and
xxix þe two and twentiþe to Godoliathi, to hiſe ſones and tweyne.
xviii And in þe ſellis, eþir `litle houſis, of porteris at þe
briþeren twelue; þe þre and twentiþe to Mazioth,
xxx to hiſe ſones and briþeren twelue; weſt, weren foure in þe weie, and tweyne bi þe ſellis.
xxxi þe foure and twentiþe to Romonathiezer, to his xix Þeſe weren þe departyngis of porteris, of þe ſones of

ſones and briþeren twelue. Chore and of Merary.

xx Forſoþe Achias was ouer þe treſours of þe hows of þe

CAP. XXVI Lord, and ouer þe veſſels of hooli þingis.

i Forſoþe þeſe weren þe departingis of porteris; of þe xxi Þe ſones of Leedan, þe ſone of Gerſon; of Leedan

ſones of Chore, Melleſemye was þe ſone of Chore, of þe weren þe princis of meynees of Leedan, and of Gerſon,
ſones of Aſaph. and of Jehiel.
ii Þe ſones of Melleſemie weren Zacharie þe firſte xxii Þe ſones of Jehiel weren, Zethan, and Johel, his

gendrid, Jedihel þe ſecounde, Zabadie þe þridde, broþer, ouer þe treſours of þe hows of þe Lord,
Yathanyel þe fourþe, xxiii Amramytis, and Iſaaritis, and Ebronytis, and
iii Aylam þe fifþe, Johannan þe ſixte, Helioenay þe Ezielitis.
ſeuenþe. xxiiii Forſoþe Subahel, þe ſone of Gerſon, ſone of
iiii Forſoþe þe ſones of Ebededom weren þeſe; Semey þe Moiſes, was ſouereyn of þe treſour;
firſte gendrid, Jozabab þe ſecounde, Joaha þe þridde, xxv and his broþer, Eliezer; whos ſone was Raabia; and
Seccar þe fourþe, Nathanael þe fyueþe, his ſone was Aſaye; his ſone was Joram; and his ſone
v Amyhel þe ſixte, Iſachar þe ſeuenþe, Pollathi þe eiȝþe, was Zechry; but and his ſone was Selemith.
for þe Lord bleſſide hym. xxvi Þilke Selemith, and his briþeren, weren ouer þe
vi Forſoþe to Semeye, his ſone, weren borun ſones, treſours of hooli þingis, whiche `Dauid þe kyng
ſouereyns of her meynees; for þei weren ful ſtronge halewide, and þe princes of meynees, and þe tribunes,
men. and þe centuriouns, and þe duykis of þe ooſt,
vii Þerfor þe ſones of Semeye weren Othyn, and xxvii of þe batels, and of þe ſpuylis of batels, whiche þei

Raphael, and Obediel, and Zadab; and hiſe briþeren, ful halewiden to þe reparacioun and purtenaunce of þe
ſtronge men; alſo Helyu, and Samathie. temple of þe Lord.
viii Alle þeſe weren of þe ſones of Obededom; þei and xxviii Forſoþe Samuel, þe prophete, halewide alle þeſe

her ſones and briþeren, ful ſtronge men for to ſerue, two þingis, and Saul, þe ſone of Cys, and Abner, þe ſone of
and ſixti of Obededom. Ner, and Joab, þe ſone of Saruye; and alle halewiden þo
ix Soþeli of Melleſemeye, þe ſones and briþeren, ful þingis bi þe hond of Salemyth, and of his briþeren.
xxix Soþeli Chonenye was ſouereyn and hiſe ſones to
ſtronge, `weren eiȝtene.
x Forſoþe of Oza, þat is, of þe ſones of Merarie, Sechri Iſaaritis, to þe werkis wiþ outforþ on Iſrael, to teche and
was prince; for he hadde no firſte gendrid, and þerfor to deme hem.
xxx Soþeli of Ebronytis, Aſabie, and Sabie, and hiſe
his fadir ſettide hym in to prince;
xi and Elchias þe ſecounde, Thebelias þe þridde, Zacarie briþeren, ful ſtronge men, a þouſynde and ſeuene
þe fourþe; alle þeſe þrettene weren þe ſones and hundrid, weren ſouereyns on Iſrael biȝende Jordan aȝens
briþeren of Oſa. þe weſte, in alle þe werkis of þe Lord, and in to þe
xii Þeſe weren departid in to porteris, þat euere þe ſeruyce of þe kyng.
xxxi Forſoþe Herie was prynce of Ebronytis, bi her
princes of kepyngis, as alſo her briþeren, ſchulden
mynyſtre in þe hows of þe Lord. meynees and kynredis. In þe fourtiþe ȝeer of þe rewme
xiii Þerfor lottis weren ſent euenly, boþe to þe litle and of Dauid þere weren noumbred and foundun ful ſtronge
men in Jazer Galaad;
to þe grete, bi her meyneeis, in to ech of þe ȝatis. xxxii and hiſe briþeren, of ſtrongere age, twei þouſynde
xiiii Þerfor þe lot of þe eeſt bifelde to Semelie; forſoþe
and ſeuene hundrid, princes of meynees. Soþeli `Dauid
þe norþ cooſt bifelde bi lot to Zacarie, his ſone, a ful
þe kyng made hem ſouereyns of Rubenytis and Gaditis,
prudent man and lernd;
xv ſoþeli to Obededom and hiſe ſones at þe ſouþe, in and of þe half lynage of Manaſſes, `in to al þe ſeruyce
of God and of þe kyng.
which part of þe hows þe counſel of þe eldre men was;
xvi Sephyma and Thoſa weren at þe weſt, biſidis þe ȝate
þat lediþ to þe weie of ſtiyng, kepyng aȝens kepyng.

CAP. XXVII xvii Aſabie, þe ſone of Chamuel, was ſouereyn to
i Forſoþe þe ſones of Iſrael bi her noumbre, þe princes Leuytis; Sadoch `was ſouereyn to Aaronytis;
of meynees, þe tribunes, and centuriouns, and prefectis, xviii Elyu, þe broþir of Dauid, `was ſouereyn to þe
þat mynyſtriden to þe kyng bi her cumpenyes, entrynge lynage of Juda; Amry, þe ſone of Mychael, `was
and goynge out bi ech moneþe in þe ȝeer, weren ſouereyn to Iſacharitis;
ſouereyns, ech bi hym ſilf, on foure and twenti xix Jeſmaye, þe ſone of Abdie, was ſouereyn to
þouſynde. Zabulonytis; Jerymuth, þe ſone of Oziel, `was ſouereyn
ii Iſiboam, þe ſone of Zabdihel, was ſouereyn of þe firſte
to Neptalitis;
cumpenye in þe firſte moneþe, and vndur hym weren xx Ozee, þe ſone of Ozazym, `was ſouereyn to þe ſones
foure and twenti þouſynde; of Effraym; Johel, þe ſone of Phatae, was ſouereyn to þe
iii of þe ſones of Fares was þe prince of alle princes in
half lynage of Manaſſes;
þe ooſt, in þe firſte moneþe. xxi and Jaddo, þe ſone of Zacarie, `was ſouereyn to þe
iiii Dudi Achoites hadde þe cumpany of þe ſecounde
half lynage of Manaſſes in Galaad; ſoþeli Jaſihel, þe
moneþe, and aftir hym ſilf he hadde anoþer man, ſone of Abner, `was ſouereyn to Beniamyn; forſoþe
Macelloth bi name, þat gouernede a part of þe ooſt of Ezriel,
foure and twenti þouſynde. xxii þe ſone of Jeroam, was ſouereyn to Dan; þeſe weren
v And Bananye, þe ſone of Joiada, þe preeſt, was duyk
þe princes of þe ſones of Iſrael.
of þe þridde cumpenye in þe þridde moneþe, and four xxiii Forſoþe Dauid nolde noumbre hem wiþ ynne twenti
and twenti þouſynde in his departyng; ȝeer, for þe Lord ſeide, þat he wolde multiplie Iſrael as
vi þilke is Bananye, þe ſtrongeſt among þritti, and aboue
þe ſterris of heuene.
þritti; forſoþe Amyzadath, his ſone, was ſouereyn of his xxiiii Joab, þe ſone of Saruye, bigan for to noumbre, and
cumpenye. he fillide not; for ire fel on Iſrael for þis þing, and
vii In þe fourþe moneþe, þe fourþe prince was Aſahel,
þerfor þe noumbre of hem, þat weren noumbrid, was
þe broþer of Joab, and Zabadie, his ſone, aftir hym, and not teld in to þe bookis of cronyclis of kyng Dauid.
foure and twenti þouſynde in his cumpeny. xxv Forſoþe Azymoth, þe ſone of Adihel, was on þe
viii In þe fifþe moneþe, þe fifþe prince was Samoth
treſouris of þe kyng; but Jonathan, þe ſone of Ozie, was
Jezarites, and foure and twenti þouſynde in his ſouereyn of þeſe treſours, þat weren in cytees, and in
cumpenye. townes, and in touris.
ix In þe ſixte moneþe, þe ſixte prince was Ira, þe ſone of xxvi Soþeli Ezri, þe ſone of Chelub, was ſouereyn on þe
Actes, Techuytes, and foure and twenti þouſynde in his werk of hoſebondrie, and on erþe tiliers, þat tiliden þe
cumpeny. lond;
x In þe ſeuenþe moneþe, þe ſeuenþe prince was Helles xxvii and Semeye Ramathites was ſouereyn on tilieris of
Phallonites, of þe ſones of Effraym, and foure and vyneris; ſoþeli Zabdie Aphonytes was ſouereyn on þe
twenti þouſynde in his cumpeny. wyn celeris;
xi In þe eiȝþe moneþe, þe eiȝþe prince was Sobothai xxviii for Balanam Gadaritis was on þe olyue placis, and
Aſſothites, of þe generacioun of Zarai, and foure and fige places, þat weren in þe feeldi places; ſoþeli Joas
twenti þouſynde in his cumpeny. was on þe ſchoppis, `eþer celeris, of oile;
xii In þe nynþe moneþe, þe nynþe prince was Abiezer xxix forſoþe Cethray Saronytis `was ſouereyn of þe
Anathotites, of þe generacioun of Gemyny, and foure droues, þat weren leſewid in Sarena; and Saphat, þe
and tweynti þouſynde in his cumpeny. ſone of Abdi, was ouer þe oxis in valeys;
xiii In þe tenþe moneþe, þe tenþe prince was Maray, and xxx ſoþeli Vbil of Iſmael was ouer þe camelis; and Jadye
he was Neophatites, of þe generacioun of Zaray, and Meronathites was ouer þe aſſis; and Jazir Aggarene was
foure and twenti þouſynde in his cumpany. ouer þe ſcheep;
xiiii In þe elleuenþe moneþe, þe elleuenþe prince was xxxi alle þeſe weren princes of þe catel of kyng Dauid.
Banaas Pharonytes, of þe ſones of Effraym, and foure xxxii Forſoþe Jonathas, broþer of `Dauiþis fader, was a
and twenti þouſynde in his cumpeny. councelour, a myȝti man, and prudent, and lettrid; he
xv In þe twelueþe moneþe, þe twelueþe prince was
and Jahiel, þe ſone of Achamony, weren wiþ þe ſones of
Holdia Nethophatites, of þe generacioun of Gothonyel, þe kyng.
and foure and twenti þouſynde in his cumpeny. xxxiii Alſo Achitofel was a counſelour of þe kyng; and
xvi Forſoþe þeſe weren ſouereyns of þe lynages of Iſrael;
Chuſi Arachites was a frend of þe kyng.
duyk Eliezer, ſone of Zechri, was ſouereyn to xxxiiii Aftir Achitofel was Joiada, þe ſone of Banaye,
Rubenytis; duyk Saphacie, ſone of Maacha, was and Abyathar; but Joab was prince of þe ooſt of þe
ſouereyn to Symeonytis; kyng.

CAP. XXVIII xiiii Of gold in weiȝte bi ech veſſel of þe ſeruyce, and of
i Þerfor Dauid clepide togidere alle þe princes of Iſrael, ſiluer, for dyuerſitee of veſſels, and of werkis;
þe duykis of lynagis, and þe ſouereyns of cumpenyes, xv but alſo to goldun candilſtikis, and to her lanternes,
þat `mynyſtriden to þe kyng, alſo þe tribunes, and he ȝaf gold, for þe meſure of ech candilſtike and
centuriouns, and hem þat weren ſouereyns ouer þe catel lanternes; alſo and in ſilueren candilſtikis, and in her
and poſſeſſiouns of þe kyng, and hiſe ſones, wiþ lanternes, he bitook þe weiȝte of ſiluer, for þe dyuerſite
`nurchis, and techeris, and alle þe myȝti and ſtrongeſte of meſure.
men in þe ooſt of Jeruſalem. xvi Alſo and he ȝaf gold in to þe bord of ſettyng forþ, for
ii And whanne þe kyng hadde riſe, and `hadde ſtonde,
þe dyuerſite of meſure, alſo and he ȝaf ſiluer in to oþere
he ſeide, My briþeren and my puple, here ȝe me. Y ſiluerne boordis;
þouȝte for to bilde an hows, wherynne þe arke of boond xvii alſo to fleiſch hookis, and viols, and cenſeris of
of pees of þe Lord, and þe ſtool of þe feet of oure God pureſte gold; and to litle goldun lyouns, for þe maner of
ſchulde reſte; and Y made redi alle þingis to bilde. meſure, he departide a weiȝte in to a litil lyoun and a
iii But God ſeide to me, Þou ſchalt not bilde an hows to
litil lioun; alſo and in to ſiluerne liouns he departide
my name, for þou art a man werriour, and haſt ſched dyuerſe weiȝte of ſiluer.
blood. xviii Forſoþe he ȝaf pureſte gold to þe auter, wherynne
iiii But þe Lord God of Iſrael chees me of al þe hows of
encenſe was brent, þat a lickeneſſe of þe cart of
my fadir, þat Y ſchulde be kyng on Iſrael wiþ outen cherubyns, holdinge forþ wyngis, and hilynge þe arke
ende; for of Juda he chees princes, ſoþeli of þe hows of of boond of pees of þe Lord, ſchulde be maad þerof.
Juda he chees þe hows of my fadir, and of þe ſones of xix Dauid ſeide, Alle þingis camen writun bi þe hond of
my fadir it pleſide hym to cheſe me kyng on al Iſrael. þe Lord to me, þat Y ſchulde vndirſtonde alle þe werkis
v But alſo of my ſones, for þe Lord ȝaf to me many
of þe ſaumpler.
ſones, he chees Salomon, my ſone, þat he ſchulde ſitte xx And Dauid ſeide to Salomon, his ſone, Do þou manli,
in þe troone of þe rewme of þe Lord on Iſrael. and be þou coumfortid, and make; drede þou not `wiþ
vi And he ſeide to me, Salomon, þi ſone, ſchal bilde myn
outforþ, neþer drede þou `wiþ ynne; for `my Lord God
hows, and myn auters; for Y haue choſe hym to me in to ſchal be wiþ þee, and he ſchal not leeue þee, neþer ſchal
a ſone, and Y ſchal be to hym in to a fadir; forſake þee, til þou performe al þe werk of þe ſeruyce of
vii and Y ſchal make ſtidefaſt his rewme til in to wiþ þe hows of þe Lord.
outen ende, if he ſchal contynue to do myn heeſtis and xxi Lo! þe departyngis of preſtis and of dekenes, in to al
domes, as and to dai. þe werk of þe ſeruyce of þe hows of þe Lord, ſchulen
viii Now þerfor bifor al þe cumpeny of Iſrael, `Y ſeie ſtonde niȝ þee; and þei ben redi, and boþe þe princes
þeſe þingis þat ſuen in þe heryng of God, kepe ȝe and and þe puple kunnen do alle þi comaundementis.
ſeke ȝe alle þe comaundementis of `ȝoure Lord God, þat
ȝe haue in poſſeſſioun a good lond, and þat ȝe leeue it to CAP. XXIX
ȝoure ſones aftir ȝou til in to wiþ outen ende. i And kyng Dauid ſpak to al þe chirche, God haþ choſe
ix But þou, Salomon, my ſone, knowe þe God of þi Salomon, my ſone, ȝit a child and tendre; forſoþe þe
fadir, and ſerue þou hym wiþ perfit herte, and wilful werk is greet, and a dwellyng is not maad redi to man
ſoule; for þe Lord ſerchiþ alle hertis, and vndirſtondiþ but to God.
alle þouȝtis of ſoulis; if þou ſekiſt hym, þou ſchalt fynde ii Soþeli Y in alle my myȝtis haue maad redi þe coſtis of
hym; forſoþe if þou forſakiſt hym, he ſchal caſte þee þe hows of my God; gold to goldun veſſels, ſiluer in to
awei wiþ outen ende. ſiluerne veſſels, bras in to braſun veſſels, irun in to irun
x Now þerfor, for þe Lord chees þee, for to bilde þe veſſels, tre in to trenun veſſels, onychyn ſtonys, and
hows of ſeyntuarie, be þou coumfortid, and parforme. ſtonys as of þe colour of wymmens oynement, and ech
xi Forſoþe Dauid ȝaf to Salomon, his ſone, þe precious ſtoon of dyuerſe colouris, and marbil of
diſcryuyng, `eþer enſaumple, of þe porche, and of þe dyuerſe colouris, moſt plenteuouſly.
temple, and of celeris, and of þe ſoler, and of cloſetis in iii And ouer þeſe þingis Y ȝyue gold and ſiluer in to þe
pryuy places, and of þe hows of propiciacioun, `þat is, temple of my God, whiche Y offride of my propir catel
of merſi; in to þe hows of my God, outakun þeſe þingis whiche Y
xii alſo and of alle þingis whiche he þouȝte of þe large made redi in to þe hooli hows,
places, and of chaumbris bi cumpas, in to þe treſours of iiii þre þouſynde talentis of gold, of þe gold of Ophir,
þe hows of þe Lord, and `in to þe treſours of holi þingis, and ſeuene þouſynde of talentis of ſiluer moſt preuyd, to
xiii and of þe departyngis of preeſtis and of dekenes, in ouergilde þe wallis of þe temple;
to alle þe werkis of þe hows of þe Lord, and alle veſſels v and werkis be maad bi þe hondis of crafti men, where
of þe ſeruyce of þe temple of þe Lord. euere gold is nedeful, of gold, and where euere ſiluer is

nedeful, of ſiluer; and if ony man offriþ bi his fre wille, of her fadris, and þei bowiden hem ſilf, and
fille he his hond to dai, and offre he þat þat he wole to worſchipiden God, aftirward þe kyng.
þe Lord. xxi And þei offriden ſlayn ſacrifices to þe Lord, and þei
vi Þerfor þe princes of meynees, and þe duykis of þe offriden brent ſacrifices in þe dai ſuynge; a þouſynde
lynagis of Iſrael, and þe tribunes, and þe centuriouns, boolis, and a þouſynde rammes, and a þouſynde
and þe princes of þe poſſeſſiouns of þe kyng, bihiȝten; lambren, wiþ her fletynge ſacrifices, and al þe cuſtom,
vii and þei ȝauen in to þe werkis of þe hows of þe Lord, moſt plenteuouſly, in to al Iſrael.
fyue þouſynde talentis of gold, and ten þouſynde xxii And þei eten and drunken bifor þe Lord in þat dai,
ſchyllyngis; ten þouſynde talentis of ſiluer, and eiȝtene wiþ greet gladneſſe. And þei anoyntiden þe ſecounde
þouſynde talentis of bras, and an hundrid þouſynde of tyme Salomon, þe ſone of Dauid; and þei anoyntiden
talentis of irun. hym in to prince to þe Lord, and Sadoch in to biſchop.
viii And at whom euere ſtoonys were foundun, þei ȝauen xxiii And Salomon ſat on þe trone of þe Lord in to kyng,
in to þe treſour of þe hows of þe Lord, bi þe hond of for Dauid, his fadir; and it pleſide alle men, and al Iſrael
Jehiel Gerſonyte. obeiede to hym.
ix And þe puple was glad, whanne þei bihiȝten avowis xxiiii But alſo alle princes, and myȝti men, and alle þe
bi her fre wille, for wiþ al þe herte þei offriden þo to þe ſones of kyng Dauid, ȝauen hond, and weren ſuget to
Lord. But alſo kyng Dauid was glad wiþ greet ioye, and `Salomon þe kyng.
bleſſide þe Lord bifor al þe multitude, xxv Þerfor þe Lord magnefiede Salomon on al Iſrael,
x and ſeide, Lord God of Iſrael, oure fadir, þou art and ȝaue to hym glorie of þe rewme, what maner glorie
bleſſid fro wiþ outen bigynnyng in to wiþ outen ende; no kyng of Iſrael hadde bifor hym.
xi Lord, worþi doyng is þin, and power, and glorie, and xxvi Þerfor Dauid, þe ſone of Yſai, regnede on al Iſrael;
victorie, and heriyng is to þee; for alle þingis þat ben in xxvii and þe daies in whiche he regnede on Iſrael weren
heuene and in erþe ben þine; Lord, þe rewme is þin, and fourti ȝeer; in Ebron he regnede ſeuene ȝeer, and in
þou art ouer alle princes; ritcheſſis ben þin, and glorie is Jeruſalem þre and þretti ȝeer.
þin; xxviii And he diede in good eelde, and was ful of daies,
xii þou art Lord of alle; in þin hond is vertu, and power,
and richeſſis, and glorie; and Salomon, his ſone,
and in þin hond is greetneſſe, and lordſchipe of alle. regnede for hym.
xiii Now þerfor, oure God, we knoulechen to þee, and xxix Forſoþe þe formere and þe laſte dedis of Dauid ben
we herien þi noble name. writun in þe book of Samuel, þe prophete, and in þe
xiiii Who am Y, and who is my puple, þat we moun book of Nathan, prophete, and in þe book of Gad, þe
bihete alle þeſe þingis to þee? Alle þingis ben þine, and prophete;
we han ȝoue to þee þo þingis, whiche we token of þin xxx and of al his rewme, and ſtrengþe, and tymes, þat
hond. paſſiden vndur hym, eþir in Iſrael, eþir in alle rewmes of
xv For we ben pilgrimes and comelyngis bifor þee, as londis.
alle oure fadris; oure daies ben as ſchadewe on þe erþe, Here endiþ þe firſte booke of Paralipomenon, and
and `no dwellyng is. here bigynneþ þe ſecounde book of Paralipomenon.
xvi Oure Lord God, al þis plentee which we han maad
redi, þat an hows ſchulde be byldid to þin hooli name, is
of þin hond; and alle þingis ben þin.
xvii My God, Y woot, þat þou preueſt hertis, and loueſt
ſympleneſſe of herte; wherfor and Y, in þe ſympleneſſe
of myn herte, haue offrid gladli alle þeſe þingis; and Y
ſiȝ wiþ greet ioye þi puple, which is foundun here, offre
ȝiftis to þee.
xviii Lord God of Abraham, and of Yſaac, and of Iſrael,
oure fadris, kepe þou wiþ outen ende þis wille of her
hertis; and þis mynde dwelle euere in to þe worſchipyng
of þee.
xix Alſo ȝyue þou to Salomon, my ſone, a perfit herte,
þat he kepe þin heeſtis, and witneſſyngis, and þi
ceremonyes; and do alle þingis, and þat he bilde þe
hows, whoſe coſtis Y haue maad redi.
xx Forſoþe Dauid comaundide to al þe chirche, Bleſſe ȝe
`oure Lord God. And al þe chirche bleſſide þe Lord God

xv And þe kyng ȝaf in Jeruſalem gold and ſiluer as
II PARALIPOMENON ſtoonys, and cedris as ſicomoris, þat comen forþ in
Heere biginniþ þe ſecounde book of Paralipomynon. feeldi places in greet multitude.
xvi Forſoþe horſis weren brouȝt to hym fro Egipt, and
CAP. I fro Choa, bi þe marchauntis of þe kyng, whiche ȝeden,
i Þerfor Salomon, þe ſone of Dauid, was coumfortid in and bouȝten bi prijs,
his rewme, and þe Lord was wiþ hym, and magnefiede xvii `a foure `horſid carte for ſixe hundrid platis of ſiluer,
hym an hiȝ. and an hors for an hundrid and fifti. In lijk maner biyng
ii And Salomon comaundide to al Iſrael, to tribunes, and was maad of alle þe rewmes of citees, and of þe kingis
centuriouns, and to duykis, and domeſmen of al Iſrael, of Sirie.
and to þe princes of meynees;
iii and he ȝede wiþ al þe multitude in to þe hiȝ place of CAP. II
Gabaon, where þe tabernacle of boond of pees of þe i Forſoþe Salomon demyde to bilde an hows to þe name
Lord was, which tabernacle Moyſes, þe ſeruaunt of þe of þe Lord, and a paleis to hym ſilf.
Lord, made in wildirneſſe. ii And he noumbride ſeuenti þouſynde of men berynge
iiii Forſoþe Dauid hadde brouȝt þe arke of God fro in ſchuldris, and foureſcore þouſynde þat ſchulden kitte
Cariathiarym in to þe place which he hadde maad redy ſtoonys in hillis; and þe ſouereyns of hem þre þouſynde
to it, and where he hadde ſet a tabernacle to it, þat is, in and ſixe hundrid.
to Jeruſalem. iii And he ſente to Iram, kyng of Tire, and ſeide, As þou
v And þe braſun auter, which Beſeleel, þe ſone of Vri, didiſt wiþ my fadir Dauid, and ſentiſt to hym trees of
ſone of Vr, hadde maad, was þere bifor þe tabernacle of cedre, þat he ſchulde bilde to hym an hows, in which
þe Lord; whiche alſo Salomon and al þe chirche ſouȝte. alſo he dwellide;
vi And Salomon ſtiede to þe braſun autir, bifor þe iiii ſo do þou wiþ me, þat Y bilde an hows to þe name of
tabernacle of boond of pees of þe Lord, and offride in it `my Lord God, and þat Y halewe it, to brenne encenſe
a þouſynde ſacrifices. bifor hym, and to make odour of ſwete ſmellynge
vii Lo! `forſoþe in þat nyȝt God apperide to hym, `and ſpiceries, and to euerlaſtynge ſettynge forþ of looues,
ſeide, Axe þat þat þou wolt, þat Y ȝyue to þee. and to brent ſacrifices in þe morewtid and euentid, and
viii And Salomon ſeide to God, Þou haſt do greet merſi in ſabatis, and neomenyes, and ſolempnytees of `oure
wiþ Dauid, my fadir, and haſt ordeyned me kyng for Lord God in to wiþ outen ende, þat ben comaundid to
hym. Iſrael.
ix Now þerfor, Lord God, þi word be fillid, which þou v For þe hows which Y coueyte to bilde is greet; for

bihiȝtiſt to Dauid, my fadir; for þou haſt maad me kyng `oure Lord God is greet ouer alle goddis.
vi Who þerfor may haue myȝt to bilde a worþi hows to
on þi greet puple, which is ſo vnnoumbrable as þe duſt
of erþe. hym? For if heuene and þe heuenes of heuenes moun
x Ȝiue þou to me wiſdom and vndurſtondyng, þat Y go not take hym, hou greet am Y, þat Y may bilde `an hows
in and go out bifor þi puple; for who may deme worþili to hym, but to þis þing oonli, þat encenſe be brent bifor
þis þi puple, which is ſo greet? hym?
xi Soþeli God ſeide to Salomon, For þis þing pleſide vii Þerfor ſende þou to me a lernd man, þat can worche

more þin herte, and þou axidiſt not richeſſis, and catel, in gold, and ſiluer, bras, and yrun, purpur, rede ſilke,
and glorie, neþer þe lyues of þem þat hatiden þee, but and iacynct; and þat can graue in grauyng wiþ þeſe
neþer ful many daies of lijf; but þou axidiſt wiſdom and crafti men, which Y haue wiþ me in Judee and
kunnyng, þat þou maiſt deme my puple, on which Y Jeruſalem, whiche Dauid, my fadir, made redi.
viii But alſo ſende þou to me cedre trees, and pyne trees,
ordeynede þee kyng,
xii wiſdom and kunnyng ben ȝouun to þee; forſoþe Y and þyne trees of þe Liban; for Y woot, þat þi ſeruauntis
ſchal ȝyue to þee richeſſis, and catel, and glorie, ſo þat kunnen kitte trees of þe Liban; and my ſeruauntis
noon among kyngis, neþer bifor þee neþir aftir þee, be ſchulen be wiþ þi ſeruauntis,
ix þat ful many trees be maad redi to me; for þe hows
lijk þee.
xiii Þerfor Salomon cam fro þe hiȝ place of Gabaon in to which Y coueyte to bilde is ful greet and noble.
x Ferþermore to þi ſeruauntis, werk men þat ſchulen
Jeruſalem, bifor þe tabernacle of boond of pees, and he
regnede on Iſrael. kitte trees, Y ſchal ȝyue in to meetis twenti þouſynde
xiiii And he gaderide to hym chaaris and knyȝtis, and a chorus of whete, and ſo many chorus of barli, and
þouſynde and foure hundrid charis weren maad to hym, twenti þouſynde meſuris of oile, þat ben clepid ſata.
and twelue þouſynde of knyȝtis; and he made hem to be
in þe citees of cartis, and wiþ þe kyng in Jeruſalem.

xi Forſoþe Iram, king of Tire, ſeide bi lettris whiche he vi And he arayede þe pawment of þe temple wiþ moſt
ſente to Salomon, For þe Lord louyde his puple, þerfor preciouſe marble, in myche faireneſſe.
he made þee to regne on it. vii Forſoþe þe gold was mooſt preued, of whoſe platis he
xii And he addide, ſeiynge, Bleſſid be þe Lord God of hilide þe hows, and þe beemys þerof, and þe poſtis, and
Iſrael, þat made heuene and erþe, which ȝaf to `Dauid þe wallis, and þe doris; and he grauyde cherubyns in þe
þe kyng a wijs ſone, and lernd, and witti, and prudent, wallis.
þat he ſchulde bilde an hows to þe Lord, and a paleis to viii Alſo he made an hows to þe holi of holi þingis, in
hym ſilf. lengþe bi þe breede of þe hows, of twenti cubitis, and
xiii Þerfor Y ſente to þee a prudent man and mooſt þe breed alſo of twenti cubitis; and he hilide it wiþ
kunnynge, Iram, goldun platis, as wiþ ſixe hundrid talentis.
xiiii my fadir, þe ſone of a womman of þe lynage of Dan, ix But alſo he made goldun nailis, ſo þat ech nail peiſide
whos fadir was a man of Tire; whiche Iram can worche fifti ſiclis; and he hilide þe ſolers wiþ gold.
in gold, and ſiluer, bras, and irun, and marble, and trees, x Alſo he made in þe hows of þe hooli of hooli þingis
alſo in purpur, and iacynct, and bijs, and rede ſilke; and twei cherubyns bi þe werk of an ymage makere, and
which Iram can graue al grauyng, and fynde prudentli, hilide hem wiþ gold.
what euer þing is nedeful in werk wiþ þi crafti men, and xi Þe wyngis of cherubyns weren holdun forþ bi twenti
wiþ þe crafti men of my lord Dauid, þi fadir. cubitis, ſo þat o wynge hadde fyue cubitis, and touchide
xv Þerfor, my lord, ſende þou to þi ſeruauntis þe whete,
þe wal of þe hows; and þe toþer wynge hadde fyue
and barli, and oyle, and wyn, whiche þou bihiȝtiſt. cubitis, and touchide þe wynge of þe toþer cherub.
xvi Soþeli we ſchulen kitte trees of þe Liban, how many xii In lijk maner þe wynge of þe toþer cherub hadde
euere þou haſt nedeful; and we ſchulen brynge þo in fyue cubitis, and touchide þe wal, and þe toþer wynge
ſchippis bi þe ſee in to Joppe; forſoþe it ſchal be þin to þerof of fyue cubitis touchide þe wynge of þe toþir
lede þo ouer in to Jeruſalem. cherub.
xvii Þerfor Salomon noumbride alle men conuertid fro xiii Þerfor þe wyngis of euer eiþir cherub weren ſpred
heþeneſſe, þat weren in þe lond of Iſrael, aftir þe abrood, and weren holdun forþ bi twenti cubitis; ſoþeli
noumbryng which Dauid, his fadir, noumbride; and an þilke cherubyns ſtoden on þe feet reiſid, and her faces
hundrid þouſynde and þre and fifti þouſynde and ſixe weren turned to þe outermere hows.
hundrid weren foundun. xiiii Alſo he made a veil of iacynct and purpur, of reed
xviii And he made of hem ſeuenti þouſynde, þat ſchulden
ſeelk and bijs; and weuyde cherubyns þerynne.
bere birþuns in ſchuldris, and `foure ſcore þouſynde, þat xv Alſo bifor þe ȝate of þe temple he made twei pilers,
ſchulden kitte ſtonys in hillis; ſoþeli he made þre þat hadden fyue and þretti cubitis of heiȝþe; forſoþe þe
þouſynde and ſixe hundrid ſouereyns of werkis of þe heedis of þo weren of fyue cubitis.
puple. xvi Alſo he made and as litle chaynes in Goddis
anſweryng place, and puttide þo on þe heedis of þe
CAP. III pilers; alſo he made an hundrid pumgarnadis, whiche he
i And Salomon bigan to bilde þe hows of þe Lord in
ſettide bitwixe þe litle chaynes.
Jeruſalem, in þe hil of Moria, þat was ſchewid to Dauid, xvii And he ſettide þo pilers in þe porche of þe temple,
his fadir, in þe place which Dauid hadde maad redi in oon at þe riȝtſide, and þe toþer at þe leftſide; he clepide
þe corn floor of Ornam Jebuſei. þat þat was at þe riȝtſide Jachym, and þat þat was at þe
ii Forſoþe he bigan to bilde in þe ſecounde moneþe, in
leftſide he clepide Booz.
þe fourþe ȝeer of his rewme.
iii And þeſe weren þe foundementis, whiche Salomon
ſettide, þat he ſchulde bilde þe hous of God; ſixti cubitis i Alſo he made a braſun auter of twenti cubitis of
of lengþe in þe firſte meſure, twenti cubitis of breede. lengþe, and of twenti cubitis of breede, and of ten
iiii Forſoþe he bildide a porche bifor þe frount, þat was
cubitis of heiȝþe;
ſtretchid forþ along biſidis þe meſure of þe breede of þe ii he made alſo a ȝotun ſee of ten cubitis fro brynke til to
hows, of twenti cubitis, ſoþeli þe hiȝneſſe was of an brynke, round bi cumpas; it hadde fyue cubitis of
hundrid and twenti cubitis; and he ouergilde it wiþ inne heiȝþe; and a coorde of þritti cubitis cumpaſſide þe
wiþ clenneſt gold. cumpas þerof.
v Alſo he hilide þe gretter hows wiþ tablis of beech, and iii And þe licneſſe of oxis was vndur it, and bi ten
he faſtnede platis of gold of beſte colour al aboute; and cubitis ſumme grauyngis wiþ outforþ cumpaſſiden þe
he grauyde þerynne palmtrees, and as ſmale chaynes brynke of þe ſee as wiþ tweyne ordris; ſoþeli þe oxis
biclipynge hem ſilf togidere. weren ȝotun.

iiii And þilke ſee was ſet on twelue oxis, of whiche oxis grauyde doris of þe ynnere temple, þat is, in þe hooli of
þre bihelden to þe norþ, and oþere þre to þe weſt, ſoþeli hooli þingis, and þe goldun doris of þe temple wiþ out
þre oþere bihelden þe ſouþ, and þre `þat weren reſidue forþ; and ſo al þe werk was fillid þat Salomon made in
bihelden þe eeſt, and hadden þe ſee ſet aboue; but þe þe hows of þe Lord.
hyndrere partis of þe oxis weren wiþ ynne vndur þe ſee.
v Soþeli þe þickneſſe þerof hadde þe meſure of a pawm CAP. V
i Þerfor Salomon brouȝte in alle þingis, ſiluer and gold,
of þe hond, and þe brynke þerof was as þe brynke of a
cuppe, eþir of a lilie crokid aȝen, and it took þre whiche Dauid, his fadir, hadde avowid; and he puttide
þouſynde metretis of meſure. alle veſſelis in þe treſouris of þe hows of þe Lord.
vi Alſo he made ten holowe veſſels, and ſettide fyue at ii After whiche þingis he gaderide togidere alle þe

þe riȝtſide, and fyue at þe leftſide, þat þei ſchulden grettere men in birþe of Iſrael, and alle þe princes of
waiſche in þo alle þingis, whiche þei ſchulden offre in lynagis, and þe heedis of meynees, of þe ſones of Iſrael,
to brent ſacrifice; ſoþeli þe preeſtis weren waiſchun in in to Jeruſalem, þat þei ſchulden brynge þe arke of
þe ſee. boond of pees of þe Lord fro þe citee of Dauid, which is
vii Soþeli he made ten goldun candilſtikis bi þe lickneſſe Syon.
iii Þerfor alle men of Iſrael camen to þe kyng, in þe
which he hadde comaundid to be maad, and he ſettide
þo in þe temple, fyue at þe riȝtſide and fyue at þe leftſid. ſolempne dai of þe ſeuenþe moneþe.
viii And he made alſo ten boordis, and ſettide þo in þe iiii And whanne alle þe eldre men of Iſrael `weren

temple, fyue at þe riȝtſide and fyue at þe leftſide. comen, þe dekenes baren þe arke,
ix Alſo he made an hundrid goldun viols. `Alſo he made v and brouȝten it in, and al þe aray of þe tabernacle.

a large place of preeſtis, and a greet hows, and doris in Forſoþe þe preeſtis wiþ þe dekenes baren þe veſſels of
þe greet hows, which he hilide wiþ bras. ſeyntuarie, þat weren in þe tabernacle.
x Forſoþe he ſettide þe ſee in þe riȝtſyde aȝens þe eeſt at vi Soþeli kyng Salomon, and alle þe cumpenyes of

þe ſouþ. Iſrael, and alle þat weren gaderid to gidere, offriden

xi Alſo Iram made cawdruns, and fleiſchokis, and viols, bifor þe arke weþeris and oxis wiþ outen ony noumbre;
and he fillide al þe werk of þe kyng in þe hows of God, for þe multitude of ſlayn ſacrifices was `ſo greet.
xii þat is, twei pilers, and pomels, and heedis, and as vii And preeſtis brouȝten þe arke of boond of pees of þe

ſumme nettis, þat hiliden þe heedis aboue þe pomels; Lord in to his place, þat is, to Goddis anſweryng place
xiii alſo he made fourti pumgarnadis, and twei werkis of þe temple, in to þe hooli of hooli þingis, vndur þe
lijk nettis, ſo þat two ordris of pumgarnadis weren wyngis of cherubyns;
viii ſo þat cherubyns ſpredden forþ her wyngis ouer þe
ioyned to ech werk like nettis, which hiliden þe pomels,
and heedis of þe pilers. place, in which þe arke was put, and hiliden þilke arke
xiiii He made alſo foundementis, and holow veſſels, wiþ hiſe barris.
ix Soþeli þe heedis, by which þe arke was borun, weren
whiche he ſettide on þe foundementis;
xv he made o ſee, and twelue oxis vndur þe ſee, opyn bifor Goddis anſweryng place, for þo heedis
xvi and caudruns, and fleiſchookis, and viols. Iram, þe weren a litil lengere; but if a man hadde be a litil wiþ
out forþ, he myȝt not ſe þo barris. Þerfor þe arke was
fadir of Salomon, made to hym alle veſſels in þe hows
þere til in to preſent dai;
of þe Lord of clenneſt bras. x and noon oþer þing was in þe arke, no but twei tablis,
xvii Þe kyng ȝetide þo in þe cuntrey of Jordan, in cleiy
whiche Moyſes hadde put in Oreb, whanne þe Lord ȝaf
lond bitwixe Socoth and Saredata.
xviii Forſoþe þe multitude of veſſels was vnnoumbrable, þe lawe to þe ſones of Iſrael goynge out of Egipt.
xi Forſoþe þe preſtis ȝeden out of þe ſeyntuarie, for alle
ſo þat þe weiȝte of bras was not knowun.
xix And Salomon made alle þe veſſels of Goddis hows, preeſtis, þat myȝten be foundun þere, weren halewid,
and þe whiles, and þe ordre of ſeruyces among hem was
þe goldun auter, `and bordis, and loouys of ſettyng forþ not departid ȝit in þat tyme;
on þo; xii boþe dekenes and ſyngeris, þat is, boþe þei þat weren
xx and candilſtikis of pureſt gold, wiþ her lanternes, þat
vndur Aſaph, and þei þat weren vndur Eman, and þei
þo ſchulden ſchyne bifor Goddis anſwering place bi þe þat weren vndur Idithum, her ſones and briþeren, cloþid
cuſtom; wiþ white lynun cloþis, ſownyden wiþ cymbalis and
xxi and he made ſumme werkis lijk flouris, and
ſautrees and harpis, and ſtoden at þe weſt cooſt of þe
lanternes, and goldun tongis; alle þingis weren maad of auter, and wiþ hem weren ſixe ſcore preeſtis trumpynge.
clenneſt gold; xiii Þerfor whanne alle ſungen togidur boþ wiþ trumpis,
xxii alſo he made pannes for colis to brenne encenſe, and
and vois, and cymbalis, and orguns, and of dyuerſe
cenſeris, and viols, and morters, of pureſte gold. And he kynde of muſikis, and reiſiden þe vois an hiȝ, þe ſown

was herd fer, ſo þat whanne þei hadden bigunne to xv which haſt ȝoue to Dauid þi ſeruaunt, my fadir, what
preyſe þe Lord, and to ſeie, Knouleche ȝe to þe Lord, euer þingis þou haſt ſpoke to hym, and þow haſt fillid in
for he is good, for his mercy is in to þe world, `eþer, werk þo þingis, whiche þou bihiȝtiſt bi mouþ, as alſo
wiþ outen ende; þe hows of God was fillid wiþ a preſent tyme preueþ.
cloude, xvi Now þerfor, Lord God of Iſrael, fille þou to þi
xiiii and þe preeſtis miȝten not ſtonde and ſerue for þe
ſeruaunt my fadir Dauid, what euer þingis þou haſt
derkneſſe; for þe glorie of þe Lord hadde fillid þe hows ſpoke, ſeiynge, A man of þee ſchal not faile bifor me,
of þe Lord. þat ſchal ſitte on þe trone of Iſrael; ſo neþeles if þi ſones
kepen my weies, and goon in my lawe, as and þou haſt
CAP. VI go bifor me.
i Þanne Salomon ſeide, Þe Lord bihiȝte, þat he wolde xvii And now, Lord God of Iſrael, þi word be maad
dwelle in derkneſſe; ſtidefaſt, which þou ſpakiſt to þi ſeruaunt Dauid.
ii forſoþe I haue bilde an hows to his name, þat he xviii Þerfor wheþer it is leueful, þat þe Lord dwelle wiþ
ſchulde dwelle þere wiþ outen ende. men on erþe? If heuene and þe heuenes of heuenes
iii And Salomon turnede his face, and bleſſide al þe `taken not þee, how myche more þis hows, which Y
multitude of Iſrael; for al þe cumpeny ſtood ententif; haue bildid?
and he ſeide, xix But herto oneli it is maad, þat þou, my Lord God,
iiii Bleſſid be þe Lord God of Iſrael, for he fillide in biholde þe preier of þi ſeruaunt, and þe biſechyng of
werk þat þing, þat he ſpak to Dauid, my fadir, and ſeide, hym, and þat þou here þe preieris, whiche þi ſeruaunt
v Fro þe dai in which Y ledde my puple out of þe lond ſchediþ bifor þee;
of Egipt, Y chees not a citee of alle þe lynagis of Iſrael, xx þat þou opyne þin iȝen on þis hows bi dayes and
þat an hows ſchulde be bildid þerynne to my name, nyȝtis, on þe place in which þou bihiȝtiſt, þat þi name
neþer Y chees ony oþer man, þat he ſchulde be duyk on ſchulde be clepid,
my puple Iſrael; xxi and þat þou woldiſt here þe preier, which þi ſeruaunt
vi but Y chees Jeruſalem, þat my name be þerynne, and preieþ þerynne. Here þou þe preieris of þi ſeruaunt, and
Y chees Dauid, to ordeyne hym on my puple Iſrael. of þi puple Iſrael; who euer preieþ in þis place, here þou
vii And whanne it was of þe wille of Dauid, my fadir, to fro þi dwellyng place, þat is, fro heuenes, and do þou
bilde an hows to þe name of þe Lord God of Iſrael, merci.
viii þe Lord ſeide to hym, For þis was þi wille, `þat þou xxii If ony man ſynneþ aȝens his neiȝbore, and comeþ

woldiſt bilde an hows to my name, ſoþeli þou didiſt wel, redi to ſwere aȝens him, and byndiþ hym ſilf wiþ
ix hauynge ſuche a wil, but þou ſchalt not bilde an hows curſyng bifor þe auter in þis hows,
xxiii þou ſchalt here fro heuene, and ſchalt do þe doom
to me; neþeles þe ſone, þat ſchal go out of þi leendis, he
ſchal bilde an hows to my name. of þi ſeruauntis; ſo þat þou ȝelde to þe wickid man his
x Þerfor þe Lord haþ fillid his word, which he ſpak; and weie in to his owne heed, and þat þou venge þe iuſt
Y roos for Dauid, my fader, and Y ſat on þe trone of man, and ȝelde to hym after his riȝtfulneſſe.
xxiiii If þi puple Iſrael is ouercomen of enemyes, for þei
Iſrael, as þe Lord ſpak, and Y bildide an hous to þe
name of þe Lord God of Iſrael; ſchulen do ſynne aȝens þee, and if þei conuertid doen
xi and I haue put þerynne þe arke, in which is þe penaunce, and biſechen þi name, and preien in þis
couenaunt of þe Lord, which he `couenauntide wiþ þe place,
xxv þou ſchalt here fro heuene, and do þou mercy to þe
ſones of Iſrael.
xii Þerfor Salomon ſtood bifor þe auter of þe Lord euene ſynne of þi puple Iſrael, and brynge hem aȝen `in to þe
aȝens al þe multitude of Iſrael, and ſtretchide forþ his lond, which þou haſt ȝoue to hem, and to `þe fadris of
hondis. hem.
xiii For Salomon hadde maad a braſun foundement, and xxvi If whanne heuene is cloſid, reyn come not doun for

hadde ſet it in þe myddis of þe greet hows, and it hadde þe ſynne of þi puple, and þei biſechen þee in þis place,
fyue cubitis of lengþe, and fyue of breede, and þre and knowlechen to þi name, and ben turned fro her
cubitis of heiȝþe, and he ſtood þeron; and fro þat tyme ſynnes, whanne þou haſt turmentid hem,
xxvii here þou, Lord, fro heuene, and forȝyue þou ſynnes
he knelide aȝens al þe multitude of Iſrael, and reiſide þe
hondis in to heuene, to þi ſeruauntis, and to þi puple Iſrael, and teche þou
xiiii and ſeide, Lord God of Iſrael, noon is lijk þee; `þou hem a good weie, bi which þei ſchulen entre, and ȝyue
art God in heuene and in erþe, which kepiſt couenaunt þou reyn to þe lond, which þou haſt ȝoue to þi puple to
and mercy wiþ þi ſeruauntis, þat goon bifor þee in al her haue in poſſeſſioun.
xxviii If hungur riſiþ in þe lond, and peſtilence, and ruſt,
and wynd diſtriynge cornes, and a locuſte, and bruke

comeþ, and if enemyes biſegen þe ȝatis of þe citee, aftir xlii Lord
God, turne þou not a weie þe face of þi criſt;
þat þe cuntreis ben diſtried, and al veniaunce and haue þou mynde on þe mercyes of Dauid þi ſeruaunt.
ſikeneſſe oppreſſiþ;
xxix if ony of þi puple Iſrael biſechiþ, and knowiþ his CAP. VII
veniaunce and ſikeneſſe, and if he ſprediþ abrood hiſe i And whanne Salomon ſchedynge preyeris hadde fillid,
hondis in þis hows, fier cam doun fro heuene, and deuouride brent
xxx þou ſchalt here fro heuene, þat is, fro þin hiȝe ſacrifices, and ſlayn ſacrifices; and þe maieſte of þe
dwellyng place, and do þou mercy, and ȝelde þou to ech Lord fillide þe hows.
man aftir hiſe weies, whiche þou knowiſt, þat he haþ in ii And preeſtis myȝten not entre in to þe temple of þe
his herte; for þou aloone knowiſt þe hertis of þe ſones of Lord; for þe maieſte of þe Lord hadde fillid þe temple
men; of þe Lord.
xxxi þat þei drede þee, and go in þi weies in alle daies, iii But alſo alle þe ſones of Iſrael ſien fier comynge
in which þei lyuen on þe face of erþe, which þou haſt doun, and þe glorie of þe Lord on þe hows, and þei
ȝoue to oure fadris. felden down lowe to þe erþe on þe pawment araied wiþ
xxxii Alſo þou ſchalt here fro heuene, þi mooſt ſtidfaſt ſtoon, and þei worſchipiden, and preiſiden þe Lord, For
dwellyng place, a ſtraunger, which is not of þi puple he is good, for his merci is in to al þe world.
Iſrael, if he comeþ fro a fer lond for þi greet name, and iiii Forſoþe þe kyng and al þe puple offriden ſlayn
for þi ſtronge hond, and arm holdun forþ, `and preye in ſacrifices bifor þe Lord.
þis place; v Þerfor king Salomon killide ſacrifices of oxis two and
xxxiii and þou ſchalt do alle þingis, for which þilke
twenti þouſynd, of weþeris ſixe ſcore þouſynde; and þe
pilgrym `inwardli clepiþ þee, þat alle þe puplis of erþe kyng and al þe puple halewiden þe hows of God.
knowe þi name, and drede þee, as þi puple Iſrael doiþ; vi Forſoþe þe preeſtis ſtoden in her offices, and dekenes
and þat þei knowe, þat þi name is clepid on þis hows, in orguns of ſongis of þe Lord, whiche kyng Dauid
which Y haue bildid to þi name. made to preiſe þe Lord, For his merci is in to þe world;
xxxiiii If þi puple goiþ out to batel aȝens hiſe aduerſaries,
and þei ſungen þe ympnes of Dauid bi her hondis; ſoþeli
bi þe weie in which þou ſendiſt hem, þei ſchulen þe preſtis ſungen wiþ trumpis bifor hem, and al þe puple
worſchipe þee aȝens þe weie in which þis citee is, of Iſrael ſtood.
which þou haſt choſe, and þe hows which Y bildide to vii Þerfor Salomon halewide þe myddil of þe large place
þi name, bifor þe temple of þe Lord; for he hadde offrid þere
xxxv þat þou here fro heuene her preieris and biſechyng,
brent ſacrifices, and þe ynnere fatneſſes of peſible
and do veniaunce. ſacrifices, for þe braſun auter which he hadde maad
xxxvi Forſoþe if þei ſynnen aȝens þee, for no man is þat myȝte not ſuſteyne þe brent ſacrifices, and ſacrifices,
ſynneþ not, and if þou art wrooþ to hem, and bitakiſt and þe innere fatneſſis of peſible ſacrifices.
hem to enemyes; and enemyes leden hem priſoneris in viii Þerfor Salomon made a ſolempnyte in þat tyme in
to a fer lond, eþer certis which lond is nyȝ; ſeuene dayes, and al Iſrael wiþ hym, a ful greete
xxxvii and if þei ben conuertid in her herte in þe lond, to chirche, fro þe entryng of Emath `til to þe ſtronde of
which þei ben led priſoneris, and þei don penaunce, and Egipt.
biſechen þee in þe lond of her caitifte, and ſeien, We ix And in þe eiȝþe dai he made a gaderyng of money,
han ſynned, we han do wickidly, we diden vniuſtli; `þat is, for neceſſaries of þe temple, for he hadde
xxxviii and if þei turnen aȝen to þee in al her herte, and in halewid þe auter in ſeuene daies, and `hadde maad
al her ſoule, in þe lond of her caitifte, to which þei ben ſolempnytee in ſeuene daies.
led, þei ſchulen worſchipe þee aȝens þe weie of her x Þerfor in þe þre and twentiþe dai of þe ſeuenþe
lond, which þou haſt ȝoue to þe fadris of hem, and of þe moneþe he lete þe puplis go to her tabernaclis, ioiynge
citee which þou haſt choſe, and of þe hows which Y and gladynge on þe good þat God hadde do to Dauid,
bildide to þi name; þat þou here fro heuene, and to Salomon, and to his puple Iſrael.
xxxix þat is, fro þi ſtidefaſt dwellyng place, þe preieris of xi And Salomon parformyde þe hows of þe Lord, and þe
hem, and þat þou make dom, and forȝyue to þi puple, hows of þe kyng, and alle þingis which he hadde
þouȝ `it be ſynful; for þou art my God; diſpoſid in his herte for to do in þe hows of þe Lord and
xl Y biſeche, be þin iȝen openyd, and þin eeris be in his owne hows; and he hadde proſperite.
ententif to þe preier which is maad in þis place. xii Forſoþe þe Lord aperide to hym in þe nyȝt, and ſeide,
xli Now þerfor, Lord God, riſe in to þi reſte, þou and þe Y haue herd þi preiere, and Y haue choſe þis place to
arke of þi ſtrengþe; Lord God, þi preeſtis be cloþid wiþ me in to an hows of ſacrifice.
helþe, and þi hooli men be glad in goodis.

xiii If Y cloſe heuene, and reyn comeþ not doun, and if Y alle þingis whiche euere he wolde, in Jeruſalem, and in
ſende, and comaunde to a locuſte, þat he deuoure þe þe Liban, and in al þe lond of his power.
lond, and if Y ſend peſtilence in to my puple; vii Salomon made ſuget in to tributaries til in to þis dai
xiiii forſoþe if my puple is conuertid, on whiche my al þe puple þat was left of Etheis, and Amorreis, and
name is clepid, and if it biſechiþ me, and ſekiþ my face, Phereſeis, and Eueis, and of Jebuſeis, þat weren not of
and doiþ penaunce of hiſe werſte weies, Y ſchal here fro þe generacioun of Iſrael, and of þe ſones of hem,
heuene, and Y ſchal be merciful to þe ſynnes of hem, viii and of þe aftircomers of hem, whiche þe ſones of
and Y ſchal heele þe lond of hem. Iſrael hadden not ſlayn.
xv And myn iȝen ſchulen be openyd, and myn eeren ix Soþeli of þe ſones of Iſrael he ſettide not, þat þei
ſchulen be reiſid to þe preiere of hym, þat preieþ in þis ſchulden ſerue þe werkis of þe kyng; for þei weren men
place; werriours, and þe firſte duykis, and princes of charis,
xvi for Y haue choſe, and halewid þis place, þat my and of hiſe knyȝtis;
name be þere wiþ outen ende, and þat myn iȝen and x forſoþe alle þe princes of þe ooſt of kyng Salomon
myn herte dwelle þere in alle daies. weren two hundrid and fifti, þat tauȝten þe puple.
xvii Alſo if þou goſt bifore me, as Dauid þi fadir ȝede, xi Soþeli he tranſlatide þe douȝter of Farao fro þe citee
and doiſt bi alle þingis whiche Y comaundide to þee, of Dauid in to þe hows, which he hadde bildid to hir;
and kepiſt my riȝtwiſneſſis and domes, Y ſchal reiſe þe for þe kyng ſeide, My wijf ſchal not dwelle in þe hows
trone of þi rewme, of Dauid, kyng of Iſrael, for it is halewid, for þe arke of
xviii as Y bihiȝte to Dauid þi fadir, and ſeide, A man of þi þe Lord entride in to þat hows.
generacioun ſchal not be takun awei, þat ſchal be prince xii Þanne Salomon offride brent ſacrifices to þe Lord on
in Iſrael. þe auter of þe Lord, which he hadde bildid bifor þe
xix But if ȝe turnen awey, and forſake my riȝtwiſneſſis porche,
and my comaundementis whiche Y ſettide forþ to ȝou, xiii þat bi alle daies me ſchulde offre in it, bi þe
and ȝe goen, and ſeruen alien goddis, and worſchipen comaundement of Moiſes, in ſabatis, and in kalendis,
hem, and in feeſte daies, þries bi þe ȝeer, þat is, in þe
xx Y ſchal drawe ȝou awey fro my lond, which Y ȝaf to ſolempnyte of þe þerflooues, and in þe ſolempnyte of
ȝou, and Y ſchal caſte awey fro my face þis hows which woukis, and in þe ſolempnyte of tabernaclis.
Y haue bildid to my name, and Y ſchal ȝyue it in to a xiiii And he ordeynede bi þe ordynaunce of Dauid, his
parable, and in to enſaumple to alle puplis. fadir, þe officis of preeſtis in her ſeruyces, and þe
xxi And þis hows ſchal be in to a prouerbe to alle men dekenes in her ordre, þat þei ſchulden preiſe and
paſſynge forþ; and þei ſchulen ſeie, wondringe, Whi mynyſtre bifor preeſtis bi þe cuſtom of ech dai; and he
dide þe Lord ſo to þis lond, and to þis hows? ordeynede porteris in her departyngis bi ȝate and ȝate.
xxii And þei ſchulen anſwere, For þei forſoken þe Lord For Dauid, þe man of God, hadde comaundid ſo;
xv and boþe preeſtis and dekenes paſſiden not fro þe
God of her fadris, þat ledde hem out of þe lond of
Egipt, and þei token alien goddis, and worſchipiden, comaundementis of þe kyng of alle þingis whiche he
and herieden hem; þerfor alle þeſe yuelis camen on hadde comaundid.
hem. xvi And Salomon hadde alle coſtis maad redi in þe
kepingis of treſouris, fro þat dai in whiche he foundide
CAP. VIII þe hows of þe Lord til in to þe dai in which he
i Forſoþe whanne twenti ȝeer weren fillid, aftir þat perfourmyde it.
Salomon bildide þe hows of þe Lord, xvii Þanne Salomon ȝede in to Aſiongaber, and in to
ii and his owne hows, he bildide þe citees, whiche Iram Hailath, at þe brynke of þe reed ſee, which is in þe lond
hadde ȝoue to Salomon; and he made þe ſones of Iſrael of Edom.
to dwelle þere. xviii Þerfor Iram ſente to hym, by þe hondis of his
iii Alſo he ȝede in to Emath of Suba, and gat it. ſeruauntis, ſchippis, and ſchippe men kynnyng of þe ſee,
iiii And he bildide Palmyram in deſeert, and he bildide and þei ȝeden wiþ þe ſeruauntis of Salomon in to Ophir,
oþere `citees maad ful ſtronge in Emath. and þei token fro þennus foure hundrid and fifti talentis
v And he bildide þe hiȝere Betheron and þe lowere of gold, and brouȝten to kyng Salomon.
Betheron, wallid citees, hauynge ȝatis and lockis and
barris; CAP. IX
i Alſo þe queen of Saba, whanne ſche hadde herd þe
vi alſo he bildide Balaath, and alle `citees ful ſtronge þat
weren of Salomon; and alle þe citees of cartis, and þe fame of Salomon, cam to tempte hym in derk figuris `in
citees of knyȝtis kyng Salomon bildide, and diſpoſide to Jeruſalem, wiþ grete ritcheſſis, and camels, þat baren
ſwete ſmellynge ſpices, and ful myche of gold, and

preciouſe iemmes, `eþer peerlis. And whanne ſche was þe kyng puttide þo in þe armure place, þat was ſet in þe
comun to Salomon, ſche ſpak to hym what euer þingis wode.
weren in hir herte. xvii Alſo þe kyng made a greet ſeete of yuer, and cloþide
ii And Salomon expownede to hir alle þingis whiche it wiþ clenneſt gold;
ſche hadde put forþ, and no þing was, which he made xviii and he made ſixe grees, bi whiche me ſtiede to þe
not opyn to hir. ſeete, and a goldun ſtool, and tweyne armes, oon aȝens
iii And aftir þat ſche ſiȝ þeſe þingis, þat is, þe wiſdom of `þe toþer, and twei liouns ſtondynge biſidis þe armes;
Salomon, and þe hows which he hadde bildid, xix but alſo he made twelue oþere litle liouns ſtondynge
iiii alſo and þe metis of his boord, and þe dwellyng on ſixe grees on euer eiþer ſide. Siche a ſeete was not in
places of ſeruauntis, and þe offices of hiſe mynyſtris, alle rewmes.
and þe cloþis of hem, and þe boteleris, and her cloþis, xx And alle þe veſſels of þe feeſte of þe kyng weren of
and þe ſacrifices whiche he offride in þe hows of þe gold, and þe veſſels of þe hows of þe foreſt of þe Liban
Lord, ſpirit was no more in hir for wondryng. weren of pureſte gold; for ſiluer in þo daies was arettid
v And ſche ſeide to þe kyng, Þe word `is trewe, which Y for nouȝt.
herde in my lond, of þi vertues and wiſdom; xxi For alſo þe ſchippis of þe kyng ȝeden in to Tharſis
vi Y bileuyde not to telleris, til Y my ſilf hadde come, wiþ þe ſeruauntis of Iram onys in þre ȝeer, and brouȝten
and myn yȝen hadden ſeyn, and Y hadde preued þat fro þennus gold, and ſiluer, and yuer, and apis, and
vnneþis þe half of þi wiſdom was teld to me; þou haſt pokokis.
ouercome þe fame bi þi vertues. xxii Þerfor kyng Salomon was magnyfied ouer alle
vii Bleſſid ben þi men, and bleſſid ben þi ſeruauntis, þeſe kyngis of erþe for richeſſis and glorie.
þat ſtonden bifor þee in al tyme, and heren þi wiſdom. xxiii And alle þe kyngis of londis deſireden to ſe þe face
viii Bleſſid be `þi Lord God, þat wolde ordeyne þee on of Salomon, for to here þe wiſdom which God hadde
his trone kyng of þe puple of `þi Lord God; treuli for ȝoue in his herte; and þei brouȝten to hym ȝiftis,
God loueþ Iſrael, and wole ſaue hym wiþ outen ende, xxiiii veſſels of ſiluer and of gold, cloþis and armuris,
þerfor he haþ ſet þee kyng on hym, þat þou do domes and ſwete ſmellynge ſpices, horſis and mulis, bi ech
and riȝtfulneſſe. ȝeer.
ix Forſoþe ſche ȝaf to þe kyng ſixe ſcoore talentis of xxv Alſo Salomon hadde fourti þouſynde of horſis in
gold, and ful many ſwete ſmellynge ſpices, and mooſt ſtablis, and twelue þouſynde of charis and of knyȝtis;
preciouſe iemmes; þer weren not ſiche ſwete ſmellynge and `he ordeynede hem in þe citees of charis, and where
ſpices, as þeſe whiche þe queen of Saba ȝaf `to kyng þe kyng was in Jeruſalem.
Salomon. xxvi Forſoþe he vſide power on alle þe kyngis, fro þe
x But alſo þe ſeruauntis of Iram wiþ þe ſeruauntis of
flood Eufrates `til to þe lond of Filiſteis, and `til to þe
Salomon brouȝten gold fro Ophir, and trees of þyne, termes of Egipt.
and moſt preciouſe iemmes; of whiche, xxvii And he ȝaf ſo greet plente of ſiluer in Jeruſalem, as
xi þat is, of þe trees of þyne, þe kyng made grees in þe
of ſtoonys, and ſo greet multitude of cedris, as of
hows of þe Lord, and in þe hows of þe kyng, `harpis ſycomoris þat growen in feeldi places.
alſo, and ſautrees to ſyngeris; ſiche trees weren neuere xxviii Forſoþe horſis weren brouȝt fro Egipt, and fro alle
ſeyn in þe lond of Juda. cuntreis.
xii Forſoþe Salomon ȝaf to þe queen of Saba alle þingis xxix Soþeli þe reſidue of þe formere werkis and þe laſte
whiche ſche wolde, and whiche ſche axide, many moo of Salomon ben writun in þe wordis of Nathan, þe
þan ſche hadde brouȝt to hym. And ſche turnede aȝen, prophete, and in þe wordis of Achie of Silo, and in þe
and ȝede in to hir lond wiþ hir ſeruauntis. viſioun, `eþer propheſie, of Addo, þe prophete, aȝens
xiii Forſoþe þe weiȝt of gold, þat was brouȝt to Salomon
Jeroboam, ſone of Nabath.
bi ech ȝeer, was ſixe hundrid and ſixe and ſixti talentis xxx Soþeli Salomon regnede in Jeruſalem on al Iſrael
of gold, fourti ȝeer, and he ſlepte wiþ his fadris; and þei birieden
xiiii outakun þat ſumme whiche þe legatis of dyuerſe
hym in þe citee of Dauid, and Roboam, his ſone,
folkis, and marchauntis weren wont to brynge, and alle regnyde for hym.
þe kyngis of Arabie, and þe princes of londis, þat
brouȝten togidere gold and ſiluer to Salomon. CAP. X
xv Þerfor kyng Salomon made two hundrid goldun i Forſoþe Roboam ȝede forþ in to Sichem; for al Iſrael
ſperis of þe ſumme of ſixe hundrid `floreyns, eþer peeſis came togidere þidur to make hym kyng.
of gold, þat weren ſpendid in ech ſpere;
xvi and he made þre hundrid goldun ſcheeldis of þre
hundrid floreyns, wiþ whiche ech ſcheeld was hilid; and

ii And whanne Jeroboam, þe ſone of Nabath, þat was in ſtonyden hym, and he was deed. Certis kyng Roboam
Egipt, `for he fledde þidur bifor Salomon, hadde herd haſtide to ſtie in to þe chare, and fledde in to Jeruſalem.
þis, he turnyde aȝen anoon. xix And Iſrael ȝede awei fro þe hows of Dauid `til to þis
iii And þei clepiden hym, and he cam wiþ al Iſrael, and dai. Forſoþe it was doon, whanne al Iſrael hadde herd,
þei ſpaken to Roboam, and ſeiden, þat Jeroboam turnede aȝen, þei ſenten, and clepiden
iiii Þi fadir oppreſſide vs wiþ ful hard ȝok; comaunde hym, whanne þe cumpeny was gaderid, and þei
þou liȝtere þingis þan þi fader, þat ſettide on vs a ordeyneden him king on al Iſrael; and no man, outakun
greuouſe ſeruage; and releeſe þou a litil of `þe birþun, þe lynage of Juda aloone, ſuede `þe hows of Dauid.
þat we ſerue þee. And he ſeide,
v After þre daies turne ȝe aȝen to me. And whanne þe CAP. XI
i Forſoþe Roboam cam in to Jeruſalem, and clepide
puple was goon, he took counſel wiþ elde men,
vi þat ſtoden bifor his fadir Salomon, while he lyuyde togidere al þe hows of Juda and of Beniamyn, `til to
ȝit, and ſeide, What counſel ȝyuen ȝe, þat Y anſwere to nyne ſcoore þouſynde of choſen men and werriouris, for
þe puple? to fiȝte aȝens Iſrael, and for to turne his rewme to hym.
ii And þe word of þe Lord was maad to Semeye, þe man
vii And þei ſeiden to hym, If þou pleſiſt þis puple, and
makiſt hem ſofte bi meke wordis, þei ſchulen ſerue þee of God,
iii and ſeide, Speke þou to Roboam, þe ſone of Salomon,
in al tyme.
viii And he forſook þe counſel of elde men, and bigan to kyng of Juda, and to al Iſrael, which is in Juda and
trete wiþ ȝonge men, þat weren nuriſchid wiþ hym, and Beniamyn; Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis,
iiii Ȝe ſchulen not ſtie, neþir ȝe ſchulen fiȝte aȝens ȝoure
weren in his cumpenye.
ix And he ſeide to hem, What ſemeþ to ȝou? eþer what briþeren; ech man turne aȝen in to his hows, for þis
owe Y anſwere to þis puple, þat ſeide to me, Releeſe þing is doon bi my wille. And whanne þei hadden herd
þou þe ȝok, which þi fadir puttide on vs? þe word of þe Lord, þei turneden aȝen, and ȝeden not
x And þei anſweriden, as ȝonge men and nurſchyd wiþ aȝens kyng Jeroboam.
v Forſoþe Roboam dwellide in Jeruſalem, and he bildide
hym in delicis, and ſeiden, Þus þou ſchalt ſpeke to þe
puple þat ſeide to þee, Þi fadir made greuouſe oure ȝok, wallid citees in Juda;
vi and bildide Bethleem, and Ethan, and Thecue, and
releeſe þou; and þus þou ſchalt anſwere to hem, My
leeſte fyngur is gretter þan þe leendis of my fader; Bethſur;
xi my fadir puttide on ȝou a greuouſe ȝok, and Y ſchal vii and Sochot, and Odollam;
viii alſo and Jeth, and Mareſa, and Ziph;
leie to a gretter birþun; my fadir beet ȝou wiþ ſcourgis,
forſoþe Y ſchal bete ȝou wiþ `ſcorpiouns, þat is, hard ix but alſo Huram, and Lachis, and Azecha;
knottid roopis. x and Saraa, and Hailon, and Ebron, þat weren in Juda
xii Þerfor Jeroboam and al þe puple cam to Roboam in and Beniamyn, ful ſtrong citees.
þe þridde dai, as he hadde comaundid to hem. xi And whanne he hadde cloſid þo wiþ wallis, he ſettide
xiii And `þe kyng anſweride harde þingis, after þat he `in þo citees princes, and bernes of metis, þat is, of oile,
hadde forſake þe counſel of þe eldere men, and of wyn.
xiiii and he ſpak bi þe wille of þe ȝonge men, My fadir xii But alſo in ech citee he made placis of armuris of
puttide on ȝou a greuouſe ȝok, which Y ſchal make ſcheeldis, and ſperis, and he made þo ſtrong wiþ moſt
greuouſere; my fadir beet ȝou wiþ ſcourgis, ſoþeli Y diligence; and he regnyde on Juda and Beniamyn.
ſchal bete ȝou wiþ ſcorpiouns. xiii Soþeli þe preeſtis and dekenes, þat weren in al Iſrael,
xv And he aſſentide not to þe preieris of þe puple; for it camen to hym fro alle her ſeetis,
was þe wille of God, þat his word ſchulde be fillid, xiiii and forſoken her ſubarbis and poſſeſſiouns, and þei
which he hadde ſpoke bi þe hond of Ahie of Silo to paſſiden to Juda and to Jeruſalem; for Jeroboam and hiſe
Jeroboam, ſone of Nabath. aftir comeris hadden caſt hem a wey, þat þei ſchulden
xvi Soþeli whanne þe kyng ſeide hardere þingis, al þe not be ſet in preeſthod of þe Lord;
puple ſpak þus to hym, No part is to vs in Dauid, neþer xv which Jeroboam made to hym preeſtis of hiȝe places,
eritage in þe ſone of Iſai; Iſrael, turne þou aȝen in to þi and of feendis, and of caluys, which he hadde maad.
tabernaclis, ſoþeli þou, Dauid, feede þin hows. And xvi But alſo of alle þe linagis of Iſrael, whiche euer
Iſrael ȝede in to hiſe tabernaclis. ȝauen her herte to ſeke þe Lord God of Iſrael, þei camen
xvii Forſoþe Roboam regnede on þe ſones of Iſrael, þat
to Jeruſalem for to offre her ſacrifices bifor þe Lord
dwelliden in þe citees of Juda. God of her fadris.
xviii And kyng Roboam ſente Adhuram, þat was xvii And þei ſtrengþiden þe rewme of Juda, and
ſouereyn ouer þe tributis; and þe ſones of Iſrael ſtrengþiden Roboam, þe ſone of Salomon, bi þre ȝeer;

for þei ȝeden in þe weies of Dauid, and of Salomon, alle þingis wiþ hym, and þe goldun ſcheeldis whiche
oneli bi þre ȝeer. Salomon hadde maad,
xviii Forſoþe Roboam weddide a wijf Malaoth, þe x for whiche þe kyng made braſun ſcheeldis, and took
douȝtir of Jerymuth, ſone of Dauid, and Abiail, þe þo to þe princes of ſcheeld makeris, þat kepten þe
douȝtir of Heliab, ſone of Yſaye; porche of þe paleis.
xix and ſche childide to hym ſones, Yeus, and Somorie, xi And whanne þe kyng entride in to þe hows of þe
and Zerei. Lord, þe ſcheeldmakeris camen, and token þo, and eft
xx Alſo after þis wijf he took Maacha, þe douȝter of brouȝten þo to his armure place.
Abiſſalon, and ſche childide to hym Abia, and Thai, and xii Neþeles for þei weren mekid, þe ire of þe Lord was
Ziza, and Salomyth. turned a wei fro hem, and þei weren not don a wei
xxi Forſoþe Roboam louyde Maacha, þe douȝtir of outirli; for good werkis weren foundyn alſo in Juda.
Abiſſalon, aboue alle hiſe wyues and ſecundarie wyues. xiii Þerfor kyng Roboam was coumfortid in Jeruſalem,
Forſoþe he hadde weddid eiȝtene wyues, ſoþeli ſixti and regnede. Forſoþe he was of oon and fourti ȝeer,
ſecundarie wyues; and he gendride eiȝte and twenti whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnyde ſeuentene
ſones, and ſixti douȝtris. ȝeer in Jeruſalem, þe citee which þe Lord chees of alle
xxii Soþeli he ordeynede Abia, þe ſone of Maacha, in þe þe lynagis of Iſrael, þat he ſchulde conferme his name
heed, duyk ouer alle hiſe briþeren; for he þouȝte to þere. Forſoþe þe name of his modir was Naama
make Abia kyng, Amanytis.
xxiii for he was wiſere and myȝtiere ouer alle hiſe ſones, xiiii And he dide yuel, and he made not redi his herte to

and in alle þe cooſtis of Juda and of Beniamyn, and in ſeke God.

alle wallid citees; and he ȝaf to hem ful many metis, and xv Soþeli þe firſte and þe laſte werkis of Roboam ben
he had many wyues. writun, and diligentli declarid in þe bookis of Semei þe
profete, and of Abdo þe profete.
CAP. XII xvi And Roboam and Jeroboam fouȝten in alle daies
i And whanne þe rewme of Roboam was maad ſtrong aȝens hem ſilf. And Roboam ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris, and
and coumfortid, he forſook þe lawe of þe Lord, and al was biried in þe citee of Dauid; and Abia, his ſone,
Iſrael wiþ hym. regnede for hym.
ii Soþeli in þe fyueþe ȝeer of þe rewme of Roboam
Seſach, þe kyng of Egipt, ſtiede in to Jeruſalem, for þei CAP. XIII
ſynneden aȝens þe Lord; i Yn þe eiȝtenþe ȝeer of kyng Jeroboam Abia regnede
iii and he ſtiede wiþ a þouſynde and two hundrid charys, on Juda;
and wiþ ſixti þouſynde of horſe men, and no noumbre ii he regnede þre ȝeer in Jeruſalem; and þe name of hiſe
was of þe comyn puple, þat cam wiþ hym fro Egipt, þat modir was Mychaie, þe douȝter of Vriel of Gabaa. And
is, Libiens, and Trogoditis, and Ethiopiens. batel was bitwixe Abia and Jeroboam.
iiii And he took ful ſtronge citees in Juda, and he cam iii And whanne Abia hadde bigunne batel, and hadde
`til to Jeruſalem. moſt chyualrouſe men, and four hundrid þouſynde of
v Forſoþe Semei, þe prophete, entride to Roboam, and choſun men, Jeroboam arayede aȝenward þe ſcheltroun
to þe princes of Juda, whiche fleynge fro Seſach weren wiþ eiȝte hundrid þouſynde of men, and þei weren
gaderid togidere `in to Jeruſalem. And he ſeide to hem, choſun men and moſt ſtronge to batels.
Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Ȝe han forſake me, and Y haue iiii Þerfor Abia ſtood on þe hil Semeron, þat was in
forſake ȝou in þe hond of Seſach. Effraym, and ſeide, Here þou, Jeroboam and al Iſrael;
vi And þe princes of Iſrael and þe kyng weren aſtonyed, v wheþer ȝe knowen not, þat þe Lord God of Iſrael ȝaf
and ſeiden, Þe Lord is iuſt. to Dauid þe rewme on Iſrael wiþ outen ende, to hym
vii And whanne þe Lord hadde ſeyn þat þei weren and to hiſe ſones in to þe couenaunt of ſalt, `þat is,
mekid, þe word of þe Lord was maad to Semey, and ſtidefaſt and ſtable?
ſeide, For þei ben mekid, Y ſchal not diſtrie hem, and Y vi And Jeroboam, þe ſone of Nabath, þe ſeruaunt of
ſchal ȝyue to hem a litil help, and my ſtronge veniaunce Salomon, ſone of Dauid, roos, and rebellide aȝens his
ſchal not droppe on Jeruſalem bi þe hond of Seſach. lord.
viii Neþeles þei ſchulen ſerue hym, þat þei knowe þe vii And moſt veyn men and þe ſones of Belial weren
dyuerſitee of my ſeruyce and of þe ſeruyce of þe rewme gaderid to hym, and þei hadden myȝt aȝens Roboam, þe
of londis. ſone of Salomon. Certis Roboam was buyſtuouſe, `eþer
ix Þerfor Seſach, þe kyng of Egipt, ȝede a wey fro fonne, and of feerdful herte, and myȝte not aȝenſtonde
Jeruſalem, aftir þat he hadde take awei þe treſouris of þe hem.
hows of þe Lord, and of þe kyngis hows; and he took

viii Now þerfor ȝe ſeien, þat ȝe moun aȝenſtonde þe CAP. XIIII
rewme of þe Lord, which he holdiþ in poſſeſſioun bi þe i Forſoþe Abia ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris, and þei birieden
ſones of Dauid; and ȝe han a greet multitude of puple, hym in þe citee of Dauid; and Aſa, his ſone, regnede for
and goldun caluys, whiche Jeroboam made in to goddis hym. In whos daies þe lond reſtide ten ȝeer.
to ȝou. ii And Aſa dide þat, þat was good and pleſaunt in þe ſiȝt
ix And ȝe han caſte a wei þe preeſtis of þe Lord, þe of his God, and he deſtriede þe auteris of ſtraunge
ſones of Aaron, and dekenes, and ȝe han maad preeſtis worſchipyng, and `he deſtriede hiȝ places,
to ȝou, as alle þe puplis of londis han preeſtis; who euer iii and brak ymagis, and kittide doun woodis;
comeþ and halewiþ his hond in a bole, in oxis, and in iiii and he comaundide Juda to ſeke þe Lord God of her
ſeuene weþeris, anoon he is maad preeſt of hem þat ben fadris, and to do þe lawe and alle comaundementis.
not goddis. v And he took awei fro alle þe citees of Juda auteris and
x But oure Lord is God, whom we forſaken not; and
templis of idols, and he regnede in pees.
preeſtis of þe ſones of Aaron mynyſtren to þe Lord, and vi And he bildide ſtronge cytees in Juda; for he was in
dekenes ben in her ordre; reſte, and no batels riſiden in his tymes, for þe Lord ȝaf
xi and þei offren brent ſacrifices to þe Lord bi ech dai in
þe morewtid and euentid, and encenſe maad bi vii Forſoþe he ſeide to Juda, Bilde we þeſe cytees, and
comaundementis of þe lawe; and loues ben ſet forþ in a cumpaſſe we wiþ wallis, and ſtrengþe we wiþ touris and
mooſt clene boord; and at vs is þe goldun candilſtik and ȝatis and lockis, as longe as alle þingis ben reſtful fro
his lanterne, þat it be teendid euere at euentid; forſoþe batel; for we han ſouȝte þe Lord God of oure fadris, and
we kepen þe comaundementis of our God, whom ȝe han he haþ ȝoue to vs pees bi cumpas. Þerfor þei bildiden,
forſake. and no lettyng was in bildyng.
xii Þerfor God is duyk in oure ooſt, and hiſe preeſtis, þat
viii Soþeli Aſa hadde in his ooſt þre hundrid þouſynde of
trumpen and ſownen aȝens ȝou; nyle ȝe, ſones of Iſrael, men of Juda berynge ſcheldis and ſperis, ſoþeli of
fiȝte aȝens þe Lord God of ȝoure fadris, for it ſpediþ not Beniamyn he hadde two hundrid þouſynde and
to ȝou. fourſcoore þouſynde of ſcheeld beeris and of archeris;
xiii While he ſpak þeſe þingis, Jeroboam made redi
alle þeſe weren ful ſtronge men.
treſouns bihynde; and whanne he ſtood euene aȝens þe ix Forſoþe Zara of Ethiop ȝede out aȝens hem wiþ his
enemyes, he cumpaſſide wiþ his ooſt Juda vnwitynge. ooſt ten `ſiþis an hundrid þouſynde, and wiþ þre hundrid
xiiii And Juda bihelde, and ſiȝ batel neiȝ euene aȝens,
charis, and cam `til to Maſera.
and bihynde þe bak; and he criede to þe Lord, and x Certis Aza ȝede aȝens hem, and araiede ſcheltrun to
preeſtis bigunnen for to trumpe. batel in þe valei Sephata, which is biſidis Maſera. And
xv And alle þe men of Juda crieden, and, lo! while þei
he inwardli clepide þe Lord God,
crieden, God made aferd Jeroboam and al Iſrael, þat xi and ſeide, Lord, no dyuerſitee is anentis þee, wheþer
ſtood euen aȝens Juda and Abia. þou helpe in fewe, eþir in manye; oure Lord God, helpe
xvi And þe men of Iſrael fledden fro Juda, and God
þou vs, for we han triſt in þee and in þi name, and
bitook hem in to þe hondis of men of Juda. camen aȝens þis multitude; Lord, þou art oure God, a
xvii Þerfor Abia and his puple ſmoot hem wiþ a greet
man haue not þe maiſtrye aȝens þee.
wounde, and þere felden doun of hem fyue hundrid xii Þerfor þe Lord made aferd Ethiopens bifor Aſa and
þouſynde of ſtronge men woundid. Juda, and Ethiopens fledden; and Aſa and his puple,
xviii And þe ſones of Iſrael weren maad lowe in þat xiii þat was wiþ hym, purſuede hem `til to Gerare. And
tyme, and þe ſones of Juda weren coumfortid ful greetli, Ethiopens felden doun `til to deeþ, for þei weren al to-
for þei hadden hopid in þe Lord God of her fadris. brokun bi þe Lord ſleynge, and bi his ooſt fiȝtynge.
xix Forſoþe Abia purſuede Jeroboam fleynge, and took
Þerfor þei token many ſpuylis,
hiſe cytees, Bethel and hiſe vilagis, and Jeſana wiþ hiſe xiiii and ſmitiden alle þe citees `bi þe cumpas of Gerare;
vilagis, and Ephron and hiſe vilagis; for greet drede hadde aſſailid alle men. And þei rifliden
xx and Jeroboam miȝte no more aȝenſtonde in þe daies
cytees, and baren a weye myche prey;
of Abia, whom þe Lord ſmoot, and he was deed. xv but alſo þei deſtrieden þe fooldis of ſcheep, and token
xxi Þerfor Abia, whanne his empire was coumforted,
multitude wiþout noumbre of ſcheep and of camels, and
took fourtene wyues, and he gendride two and twenti turneden aȝen in to Jeruſalem.
ſones, and ſixtene douȝtris.
xxii Þe reſidue of wordis of Abia and of his weyes and CAP. XV
werkis, ben writun ful diligentli in þe book of Abdo, þe i Forſoþe Azarie, þe ſone of Obeth, whanne þe ſpirit of
profete. þe Lord was comyn in to hym,

ii ȝede out in to þe metyng of Aſa; and ſeide to hym, Aſa xviii And he brouȝte in to þe hows of þe Lord þo þingis
and al Juda and Beniamyn, here ȝe me; þe Lord is wiþ þat his fadir avowide, ſiluer and gold, and dyuerſe
ȝou, for ȝe weren wiþ hym; if ȝe ſeken hym, ȝe ſchulen purtenaunce of veſſels;
fynde hym; ſoþeli if ȝe forſaken hym, he ſchal forſake xix ſoþeli batel was not `til to þe þrettiþe ȝeer of þe
ȝou. rewme of Aſa.
iii Forſoþe many daies ſchulen paſſe in Iſrael wiþ outen
veri God, and wiþout preeſt, and wiþout techere, and CAP. XVI
wiþout lawe. i Forſoþe in þe ſixe and þrittiþe ȝeer of his rewme Baaſa,
iiii And whanne þei turnen aȝen in her angwiſch, and þe kyng of Iſrael, ſtiede in to Juda, and cumpaſſide
crien to þe Lord God of Iſrael, and ſeken hym, þei Rama wiþ a wal, þat no man of þe rewme of Aſa myȝte
ſchulen fynde hym. go out eþer entre ſikirli.
v In þat tyme ſchal not be pees to go out and to go in, ii Soþeli Aſa brouȝte forþ gold and ſiluer fro þe treſours
but dredis on al ſide on alle þe dwelleris of londis. of þe hows of þe Lord, and fro þe kyngis treſouris; and
vi For a folk ſchal fiȝte aȝens folk, and a citee aȝens a ſente to Benadab, kyng of Sirie, þat dwellide in
citee, for þe Lord ſchal diſturble hem in al anguyſch; Damaſk,
vii but be ȝe coumfortid, and ȝoure hondis be not ſlakid; iii and ſeide, Boond of pees is bitwixe me and þee, and

for mede ſchal be to ȝoure werk. my fadir and þi fadir hadden acordyng; wherfor Y ſente
viii And whanne Aſa hadde herd þis þing, þat is, þe to þee ſiluer and gold, þat whanne þou haſt broke þe
wordis and profeſȝe of Aſarie, þe ſone of Obed, þe boond of pees, which þou haſt wiþ Baaſa, king of Iſrael,
profete, he was coumfortid, and he dide a wei alle þe þou make hym to go awei fro me.
iiii And whanne þis was foundun, Benadab ſente princes
idols fro al þe lond of Juda and of Beniamyn, and fro þe
citees whiche he hadde take of þe hil of Effraym. And of hiſe ooſtis to þe citees of Iſrael, whiche ſmytiden
he halewide þe auter of þe Lord, þat was bifor þe Ahion, and Dan, and Abelmaym, and alle þe wallid
porche of þe hows of þe Lord. citees of Neptalym.
ix And he gaderide togidere al Juda and Beniamyn, and v And whanne Baaſa hadde herd þis, he ceeſſide to bilde

wiþ hem þe comelyngis of Effraym, and of Manaſſes, Rama, and left his werk.
and of Symeon; for manye of Iſrael, ſeynge þat his Lord vi Forſoþe kyng Aſa took al Juda, and þei token fro
God was wiþ hym, fledden ouer to hym. Rama þe ſtonys and trees, whiche Baaſa hadde maad
x And whanne þei hadden comun in to Jeruſalem, in þe redi to bildyng; and he bildide of þo Gabaa, and
þridde moneþe, in þe fiftenþe ȝeer of þe rewme of Aſa, Maſpha.
xi þei offriden `to þe Lord in þat dai, boþe of þe ſpuylis vii In þat tyme Anany, þe profete, cam to Aſa, kyng of

and of þe prey, which þei hadden brouȝt, ſeuene hundrid Juda, and ſeide to hym, For þou haddiſt triſt in þe kyng
oxis, and ſeuene þouſynde weþeris. of Sirie, and not in `þi Lord God, herfor þe ooſt of `þe
xii And Aſa entride bi cuſtom to make ſtrong þe boond kyng of Sirie aſchapide fro þin hond.
viii Wheþer `Ethiopiens and Libiens weren not many mo
of pees, þat þei ſchulden ſeke þe Lord God of her fadris
in al her herte, and in al her ſoule. in charis, and knyȝtis, and ful greet multitude; whiche
xiii Soþeli he ſeide, If ony man ſekiþ not þe Lord God of whanne þou haddiſt bileuyd to þe Lord, he bitook in to
Iſrael, die he, fro þe leeſte `til to þe mooſte, fro man `til þin hondis?
ix For þe iȝen of þe Lord biholden al þe erþe, and ȝyuen
to womman.
xiiii And alle þat weren in Juda ſworen wiþ curſyng to þe ſtrengþe to hem, þat wiþ perfit herte bileuen in to hym.
Lord, wiþ greet vois, in hertli ſong, and in ſown of Þerfor þou haſt do folili, and for þis, ȝhe, in preſent
trumpe, and in ſown of clariouns; tyme batels ſchulen riſe aȝens þee.
xv for þei ſworen in al her herte, and in al þe wille þei x And Aſa was wrooþ aȝens þe prophete, and

ſouȝten hym, and founden hym; and þe Lord ȝaf to hem comaundide hym to be ſent in to ſtockis. Forſoþe þe
reſte bi cumpas. Lord hadde indignacioun greetli on þis þing, and killide
xvi But alſo he puttide doun Maacha, þe modir of `Aſa ful many of þe puple in þat tyme.
xi Soþeli þe firſte and þe laſte werkis of Aſa ben writun
þe kyng, fro þe ſtreit empire, for ſche hadde made in a
wode þe ſymylacre, `eþer licneſſe, of a mannus ȝerde; in þe book of kyngis of Juda and of Iſrael.
xii Forſoþe Aſa was ſijk ful gretli in þe akynge of feet, in
and he al to-brak al `þat ſymylacre, and pownede it in to
gobetis, and `brente it in þe ſtronde of Cedron. þe nyne and þrittiþe ȝeer of his rewme; and neþer in his
xvii But hiȝ places weren left in Iſrael; neþeles þe herte ſikeneſſe he ſouȝte þe Lord, but triſtide more in þe craft
of Aſa was riȝtful in alle hiſe daies. of lechis.
xiii And Aſa ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris, and he was deed in þe
oon and fourtiþe ȝeer of his rewme.

xiiii Andþei birieden him in his ſepulcre, which he ooſt, and wiþ hym weren þre hundrid þouſynde ful
hadde maad to hym ſilf in þe cytee of Dauid; and þei ſtronge men.
puttiden hym on his bed ful of ſwete ſmellynge ſpices xv Aftir hym was Johannan prince, and wiþ hym weren
and oynementis of hooris, þat weren `maad togidere bi two hundrid þouſynde and foure ſcoore þouſynde.
þe craft of oynement makeris, and þei brenten on hym xvi After þis alſo Amaſȝe, þe ſone of Zechri, was
wiþ ful greet coſt. halewid to þe Lord, and wiþ hym weren two hundrid
þouſynde of ſtronge men.
CAP. XVII xvii Eliada myȝti to batels ſuede þis Amaſie, and wiþ
i Forſoþe Joſaphat, his ſone, regnyde for hym; and he
hym weren two hundrid þouſynde of men holdynge
hadde þe maiſtrye aȝens Iſrael. bouwe and ſcheeld.
ii And he ſettide noumbris of knyȝtis in alle þe citees of xviii Aftir þis was alſo Joſaphat, and wiþ hym weren an
Juda, þat weren cumpaſſid wiþ wallis, and he diſpoſide hundrid þouſynde and foure ſcoore þouſynde of redi
ſtrong holdis in þe lond of Juda, and in þe citees of knyȝtis.
Effraym, whiche Aſa, his fadir, hadde take. xix Alle þeſe weren at þe hond of þe kyng, outakun
iii And þe Lord was wiþ Joſaphat, whiche ȝede in þe
oþere, whiche he hadde put in wallid cytees and in al
firſte weies of Dauid, his fadir; he hopide not in Juda.
iiii but in þe Lord God of Dauid, his fadir, and he ȝede in CAP. XVIII
þe comaundementis of God, and not bi þe ſynnes of i Þerfor Joſaphat was riche and ful noble, and bi
Iſrael. affynyte, `eþir alie, he was ioyned to Achab.
v And þe Lord confermyde þe rewme in his hond; and ii And aftir ȝeeris he cam doun to hym in to Samarie; at
al Juda ȝaf ȝiftis to Joſaphat, and ritcheſſis wiþ outen whos comyng Achab killide ful many weþeris and oxis,
noumbre, and myche glorie weren maad to hym. and to þe puple þat cam wiþ hym; and he counſeilide
vi And whanne his herte hadde take hardyneſſe for þe hym to ſtie in to Ramoth of Galaad.
weies of þe Lord, he took awei alſo hiȝ placis and wodis iii And Achab, þe kyng of Iſrael, ſeide to Joſaphat, kyng
fro Juda. of Juda, Come þou wiþ me in to Ramoth of Galaad. To
vii Forſoþe in þe þridde ȝeer of his rewme he ſente of whom he anſweride, As and Y am, þou art; as þi puple,
hiſe princes Benail, and Abdie, and Zacarie, and ſo and my puple; and we ſchulen be wiþ þee in batel.
Nathanael, and Mychee, þat þei ſchulden teche in þe iiii And Joſaphat ſeide to þe kyng of Iſrael, Y biſeche,
citees of Juda; counſele þou in preſent tyme þe word of þe Lord.
viii and wiþ hem he ſente dekenes Semeye, and v Þerfor þe kyng of Iſrael gaderide togidere foure
Nathanye, and Zabadie, and Azahel, and Semyramoth, hundrid `men of prophetis, and ſeide to hem, Owen we
and Jonathan, and Adonye, and Thobie, and Abadonye, to go in to Ramath of Galaad for to fiȝte, eþir `take
dekenes; and wiþ hem `he ſente Eliſama and Joram, reſte? And þei ſeiden, Stie ȝe, and God ſchal bitake in þe
preeſtis; hond of þe king.
ix and þei tauȝten þe puple in Juda, and hadden þe book vi And Joſaphat ſeide, Wheþer no profete of þe Lord is
of þe lawe of þe Lord; and þei cumpaſſiden alle þe here, þat we `axe alſo of hym?
citees of Juda, and tauȝten al þe puple. vii And þe kyng of Iſrael ſeide to Joſaphat, O man is, of
x Þerfor þe drede of þe Lord was maad on al þe rewmes
whom we `moun axe þe wille of þe Lord, but and Y
of londis, þat weren `bi cumpas of Juda; and þo durſten hate hym, for he prophecieþ not good, but yuel to me in
not fiȝte aȝens Joſaphat. al tyme; ſoþely it is Mychee, þe ſone of Jebla. And
xi But alſo Filiſteis brouȝten ȝiftis to Joſaphat, and tol of Joſaphat ſeide to hym, Kyng, ſpeke þou not in þis
ſiluer; and men of Arabie brouȝten ſcheep ſeuene maner.
þouſynde, and ſeuene hundrid of weþeris, and ſo many viii Þerfor þe kyng of Iſrael clepide oon of þe geldyngis,
buckis of geet. and ſeide to hym, Clepe þou ſoone Mychee, þe ſone of
xii Þerfor Joſaphat encreeſſide, and was magnified `til in Jebla.
to an hiȝ; and he bildide in Juda houſis at þe licneſſe of ix Forſoþe þe kyng of Iſrael and Joſaphat, þe kyng of
touris, and ſtronge citees; Juda, ſaten euer eiþir in his ſeete, and weren cloþid in
xiii and he made redi many werkis in þe citees of Juda. kyngis aray; forſoþe þei ſaten in þe cornfloor, `eþer
Alſo men werriouris and ſtronge men weren in large hows, biſidis þe ȝate of Samarie; and alle þe
Jeruſalem; prophetis profeſieden bifor hem.
xiiii of whiche þis is þe noumbre, `bi þe houſis and x Forſoþe Sedechie, þe ſone of Cananee, made to hym
meynees of alle in Juda. Duyk Eduas was prince of þe yrone hornes, and ſeide, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Wiþ
þeſe þou ſchalt wyndewe Sirie, til þou al to-brake it.

xi And alle prophetis profeſieden in lijk maner, and xxvi and ȝe ſchulen ſeie, Þe kyng ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Sende
ſeiden, Stie þou in to Ramoth of Galaad, and þou ſchalt ȝe þis man in to priſoun, and ȝyue ȝe to hym a litil of
haue proſperite; and þe Lord ſchal bitake hem in to þe breed, and a litil of watir, til Y turne aȝen in pees.
hondis of þe kyng. xxvii And Mychee ſeide, If þou turneſt aȝen in pees, þe
xii Forſoþe þe meſſanger, þat ȝede to clepe Mychee, Lord ſpak not in me. And he ſeide, Alle `puplis here ȝe.
ſeide to hym, Lo! þe wordis of alle prophetis tellen wiþ xxviii Þerfor þe kyng of Iſrael, and Joſaphat, þe kyng of
o mouþ goodis to þe kyng; þerfor, Y preye þee, þat þi Juda, ſtieden in to Ramoth of Galaad.
word diſente not fro hem, and þat þou ſpeke xxix And þe kyng of Iſrael ſeide to Joſaphat, Y ſchal
proſperitees. chaunge cloþing, and ſo Y ſchal go to fiȝte; but be þou
xiii To whom Mychee anſweride, Þe Lord lyueþ, for
cloþid in þi cloþis. Þerfor whanne þe kyng of Iſrael
what euer þingis my Lord ſpekiþ to me, Y ſchal ſpeke hadde chaungid cloþing, he cam to batel.
þeſe þingis. Þerfor he cam to þe kyng. xxx Forſoþe þe kyng of Sirie comaundide to þe duykis
xiiii To whom þe kyng ſeide, Mychee, owen we go in to
of his multitude of knyȝtis, and ſeide, Fiȝte ȝe not aȝens
Ramoth of Galaad to fiȝte, eþer take reſte? To whom he þe leeſte, neþer aȝens þe mooſte; no but aȝens þe kyng
anſweride, Stie ȝe, for alle proſperitees ſchulen come, aloone of Iſrael.
and enemyes ſchulen be bitakun in to ȝoure hondis. xxxi Þerfor whanne þe princes of þe multitude of knyȝtis
xv And þe kyng ſeide, Eft and eft Y charge þee, þat þou
hadden ſeyn Joſaphat, þei ſeiden, Þis is þe kyng of
ſpeke not to me no but þat þat is ſoþ in þe name of þe Iſrael; and þei cumpaſſiden hym, and fouȝten. And he
Lord. criede to þe Lord; and þe Lord helpide hym, and
xvi And he ſeide, Y ſiȝ al Iſrael ſcaterid in þe hillis, as turnede hem awey fro hym.
ſcheep wiþ out ſcheepherde. And þe Lord ſeide, Þeſe xxxii Soþeli whanne þe duykis of þe multitude of knyȝtis
men han not lordis; ech man turne aȝen in to his hows hadden herd, þat it was not þe kyng of Iſrael, þei leften
in pees. hym.
xvii Þe kyng of Iſrael ſeide to Joſaphat, Wheþer Y ſeide xxxiii Forſoþe it bifelde, þat oon of þe puple ſchette an
not to þee, þat he profeſiede not ony good to me, but þo arewe in to vncerteyn, and ſmoot þe kyng of Iſrael
þingis þat ben yuele? bitwixe þe necke and þe ſchuldris. And he ſeide to his
xviii And þerfor Mychee ſeide, Here ȝe þe word of þe charietere, Turne þin hond, and lede me out of þe
Lord. Y ſiȝ þe Lord ſittynge in his trone, and al þe ooſt ſcheltrun; for Y am woundid.
of heuene ſtondynge nyȝ him at þe riȝtſide and `leftſide. xxxiiii And þe batel was endid in þat dai. Certis þe kyng
xix And þe Lord ſeide, Who ſchal diſſeyue Achab, þe of Iſrael ſtood in his chare aȝens men of Sirye `til to
kyng of Iſrael, þat he ſtie, and falle doun in Ramoth of euentid, and he diede, whanne þe ſunne ȝede doun.
Galaad? And whanne oon ſeide in þis maner, and
anoþer ſeide in anoþer maner, a ſpirit cam forþ, CAP. XIX
xx and ſtood bifor þe Lord, and ſeide, Y ſchal diſſeyue i Forſoþe Joſaphat, kyng of Juda, turnede aȝen peſibli in
hym. To whom þe Lord ſeide, `Wherynne, þerfor ſchalt to his hows in to Jeruſalem.
þou diſſeyue? ii Whom þe profete Hieu, þe ſone of Ananye, mette, and
xxi And he anſweride, Y ſchal go out, and Y ſchal be a ſeide to hym, Þou ȝyueſt help to a wickid man, and þou
`fals ſpirit in þe mouþ of alle hiſe profetis. And þe Lord art ioyned bi frendſchip to hem þat haten þe Lord; and
ſeide, Þou ſchalt diſſeyue, and þou ſchalt haue þe þerfor ſoþeli þou deſeruediſt þe wraþþe of þe Lord;
mayſtri; go þou out, and do ſo. iii but good werkis ben foundyn in þee, for þou didiſt
xxii Now þerfor, lo! þe Lord haþ ȝoue a ſpirit of leeſyng awey wodis fro þe lond of Juda, and þou haſt maad redi
in þe mouþ of alle þi prophetis, and þe Lord ſpak yuels þin herte, for to ſeke þe Lord God of þi fadris.
of þee. iiii Þerfor Joſaphat dwellide in Jeruſalem; and eft he
xxiii Forſoþe Sedechie, þe ſone of Chananee, neiȝide, ȝede out to þe puple fro Berſabee til to þe hil of
and ſmoot `þe cheke of Mychee, and ſeide, Bi what Effraym, and he clepide hem aȝen to þe Lord God of
weye paſſide þe Spirit of þe Lord fro me to ſpeke to her fadris.
þee? v And he ordeynede iugis of þe lond in alle þe ſtrengþid
xxiiii And Mychee ſeide, Þou þi ſilf ſchalt ſe in þat dai, citees of Juda, bi ech place.
whanne þou ſchalt entre fro cloſet in to cloſet, þat þou vi And he comaundide to þe iugis, and ſeide, Se ȝe, what
be hid. ȝe doen; for ȝe vſen not þe doom of man, but of þe
xxv Soþeli þe kyng of Iſrael comaundide, ſeiynge, Take Lord; and what euere þing ȝe demen, ſchal turne `in to
ȝe Mychee, and lede ȝe hym to Amon, prince of þe ȝou;
citee, and to Joas, þe ſone of Amalech;

vii þe drede of þe Lord be wiþ ȝou, and do ȝe alle þingis ende in þi ſiȝt, in which hows þi name is clepid, and we
wiþ diligence; for anentis `ȝoure Lord God is no ſchulen crie to þee in oure tribulaciouns; and þou ſchalt
wickidneſſe, neþer takynge of perſoones, neþer coueitiſe here vs, and ſchalt make vs ſaaf.
of ȝiftis. x Now þerfor lo! þe ſones of Amon and of Moab and þe
viii Alſo in Jeruſalem Joſaphat ordeynede dekenes, and hil of Seir, bi whiche þou grauntidiſt not to þe ſones of
preeſtis, and þe princes of meynees of Iſrael, þat þei Iſrael for to paſſe, whanne þei ȝeden out of Egipt, but
ſchulden deme þe doom and cauſe of þe Lord to þe þei bowiden awei fro hem, and killiden not hem,
dwellers of it. xi þei doon aȝenward, and enforſen to caſte vs out of þe
ix And he comaundide to hem, and ſeide, Þus ȝe ſchulen poſſeſſioun, which þou, oure God, haſt ȝoue to vs;
do in þe drede of þe Lord, feiþfuli and in perfite herte. xii þerfor wheþer þou ſchalt not deme hem? Treuli in vs
x Ech cauſe þat comeþ to ȝou of ȝoure briþeren, þat is not ſo greet ſtrengþe, þat we moun aȝenſtonde þis
dwellen in her citees, bitwixe kynrede and kynrede, multitude, þat felde yn on vs; but ſiþen we witen not
where euere is queſtioun of þe lawe, of `þe what we owen to do, we `han oneli þis reſidue, þat we
comaundement, of cerymonyes, `eþer ſacrifices, of dreſſe oure iȝen to þee.
iuſtifyingis, ſchewe ȝe to hem, þat þei do not ſynne xiii Soþeli al Juda ſtood bifor þe Lord, wiþ her litle
aȝens þe Lord, and þat wraþþe com not on ȝou and on children and wyues and fre children.
ȝoure briþeren. Þerfor ȝe doynge þus ſchulen not do xiiii Forſoþe Hiaziel, þe ſone of Zacarie, ſone of Ananye,
ſynne. ſone of Hieyel, ſone of Machanye, was a dekene, and of
xi Forſoþe Amarie, ȝoure preeſt and biſchop, ſchal be þe ſones of Aſaph, on whom þe Spirit of þe Lord was
ſouereyn in þeſe þingis, þat perteynen to God. Soþeli maad in þe myddis of þe cumpeny,
Zabadie, þe ſone of Iſmael, which is duyk in þe hows of xv and he ſeide, Al Juda, and ȝe þat dwellen in
Juda, ſchal be on þo werkis þat perteynen to þe office of Jeruſalem, and þou, king Joſaphat, perſeyue ȝe, þe Lord
þe kyng, and ȝe han maiſtris dekenes bifor ȝou; be ȝe ſeiþ þeſe þingis to ȝou, Nyle ȝe drede, neþer be ȝe aferd
coumfortid, and do ȝe diligentli, and þe Lord ſchal be of þis multitude, for it is not ȝoure batel, but Goddis
wiþ ȝou in goodis. batel.
xvi To morewe ȝe ſchulen ſtie `aȝens hem; for þei
CAP. XX ſchulen ſtie bi þe ſide of þe hil, `bi name Seys, and ȝe
i Aftir þeſe þingis þe ſones of Moab, and þe ſones of
ſchulen fynde hem in þe hiȝneſſe of þe ſtronde, which is
Amon, and wiþ hem of Idumeis, weren gaderid togidere aȝens þe wildirneſſe of Jheruhel.
to Joſaphat, for to fiȝte aȝens hym. xvii For it ſchulen not be ȝe, þat ſchulen fiȝte; but oneli
ii And meſſangeris camen, and ſchewiden to Joſaphat,
ſtonde ȝe truſtili, and ȝe ſchulen ſe þe help of þe Lord on
ſeiden, A greet multitude of þo placis þat ben biȝondis ȝou. A! Juda and Jeruſalem, nyle ȝe drede, neþer be ȝe
þe ſee, and of Sirie, is comun aȝens þee; and, lo! þei aferd; to morewe ȝe ſchulen go out aȝens hem, and þe
ſtonden in Aſaſonthamar, which is Engaddi. Lord ſchal be wiþ ȝou.
iii Forſoþe Joſaphat was aferd by drede, and `ȝaf hym xviii Þerfor Joſaphat, and Juda, and alle þe dwelleris of
ſilf al for to preye `þe Lord, and prechide faſtynge to al Jeruſalem, felden lowli on þe erþe bifor þe Lord, and
Juda. worſchypiden hym.
iiii And Juda was gaderid togidere for to preye þe Lord, xix Forſoþe þe dekenes of þe ſones of Caath, and of þe
but alſo alle men camen fro her citees for to biſeche ſones of Chore, herieden þe Lord God of Iſrael wiþ
hym. greet vois an hiȝ.
v And whanne Joſaphat hadde ſtonde in þe myddis of þe xx And whanne þei hadden riſe eerli, þei ȝeden not bi þe
cumpeny of Juda and of Jeruſalem, in þe hows of þe deſeert of Thecue; and whanne þei `hadden gon forþ,
Lord, bifor þe newe large place, Joſaphat ſtood in þe myddis of hem, and ſeide, Juda and
vi he ſeide, Lord God of oure fadris, þou art God in alle þe dwelleris of Jeruſalem, here ȝe me; bileue ȝe in
heuene, and þou art lord of alle rewmes of folkis; `ȝoure Lord God, and ȝe ſchulen be ſikur; bileue ȝe to
ſtrengþe and power ben in þin hond, `and noon may hiſe prophetis, and alle proſperitees ſchulen come.
aȝenſtonde þee. xxi And he ȝaf counſel to þe puple, and he ordeynede þe
vii Wheþer not þou, oure God, haſt ſlayn alle þe ſyngeris of þe Lord, þat þei ſchulden herye hym in her
dwelleris of þis lond bifor þi puple Iſrael, and haſt ȝoue cumpanyes, and þat þei ſchulden go bifor þe ooſt, and
it to þe ſeed of Abraham, þi freend, wiþouten ende? ſeie wiþ acordynge vois, Knouleche ȝe to þe Lord, for
viii And þei dwelliden þerynne, and bildiden þerinne a he is good; for his merci is `in to þe world.
ſeyntuarie to þi name, and ſeiden, xxii And whanne þei bigunnen to ſynge heriyngis, þe
ix If yuelis comen on vs, þe ſwerd of doom, peſtilence, Lord turnede þe buyſchementis of hem `in to hem ſilf,
and hungur, we ſchulen ſtonde bifor þis hows wiþouten þat is, of þe ſones of Amon and of Moab and of þe hil

of Seir, þat ȝeden out to fiȝte aȝens Juda; and þei weren of pees wiþ Ocozie, þe Lord ſmoot þi werkis; and þe
ſlayn. ſchippis ben brokun, and myȝten not go in to Tharſis.
xxiii For whi þe ſones of Amon and of Moab riſiden
togidere aȝens þe dwelleris of þe hil of Seir, to ſle, and CAP. XXI
to do awey hem; and whanne þei hadden do þis in werk, i Forſoþe Joſaphat ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris, and was biried
þei weren `turned alſo `in to hem ſilf, and felden doun wiþ hem in þe citee of Dauid; and Joram, his ſone,
togidere bi woundis ech of oþere. regnede for hym.
xxiiii Certis whanne Juda was comun to þe denne, þat ii And he hadde briþeren, þe ſones of Joſaphat, Azarie,
biholdiþ þe wildirneſſe, he ſiȝ afer al þe large cuntrei ful Jahiel, and Zacarie, Anany, and Mychael, and Saphatie;
of deed bodies, and þat noon was left, þat miȝte aſcape alle þeſe weren þe ſones of Joſaphat, kyng of Juda.
deeþ. iii And her fadir ȝaf to hem many ȝiftis of gold and of
xxv Þerfor Joſaphat cam, and al þe puple wiþ hym, to ſiluer, and rentis, wiþ ſtrongeſte citees in Juda; but he
drawe awey þe ſpuylis of deed men, and þei founden ȝaf þe rewme to Joram, for he was þe firſte gendrid.
among þe deed bodies dyuerſe purtenaunce of houſhold, iiii Forſoþe Joram roos on þe rewme of his fadir; and
and cloþis, and ful preciouſe veſſels; and þei whanne he hadde confermyd hym ſilf, he killide alle
rauyiſchiden in dyuerſe maneres, ſo þat þei myȝten not hiſe briþeren bi ſwerd, and ſumme of þe princes of Juda.
bere alle þingis, neþer þei myȝten take awei þe ſpuylis v Joram was of two and þritti ȝeer, whanne he bigan to
bi þre daies, for þe greetneſſe of prey. regne; and he regnede eiȝte ȝeer in Jeruſalem.
xxvi Soþeli in þe fourþe dai þei weren gaderid togidere vi And he ȝede in þe weies of þe kyngis of Iſrael, as þe
in þe valey of Bleſſyng; `forſoþe for þei bleſſiden þe hows of Achab hadde do, for þe douȝter of Achab was
Lord þere, þei clepiden þat place þe valei of Bleſſyng his wijf; and he dide yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord.
`til in to preſent dai. vii But þe Lord nolde diſtrie þe hows of Dauid, for þe
xxvii And ech man of Juda turnede aȝen, and þe
couenaunt which he `hadde maad wiþ Dauid, and for he
dwelleris of Jeruſalem, and Joſaphat bifor hem, in to `hadde bihiȝte to ȝyue to hym a lanterne, and to hiſe
Jeruſalem wiþ greet gladneſſe; for þe Lord God hadde ſones in al tyme.
ȝoue to hem ioye of her enemyes. viii In þo daies Edom rebellide, þat it was not ſuget to
xxviii And þei entriden in to Jeruſalem wiþ ſawtrees, and
Juda, and it ordeynede a kyng to it ſilf.
harpis, and trumpis, in to þe hows of þe Lord. ix And whanne Joram hadde paſſide wiþ hiſe princes,
xxix Forſoþe þe drede of þe Lord felde on alle þe
and al þe multitude of knyȝtis, þat was wiþ hym, he
rewmes of londis, whanne þei hadden herd, þat þe Lord roos bi niȝt, and ſmoot Edom, þat cumpaſſide him, and
hadde fouȝte aȝens þe enemies of Iſrael. alle hiſe duykis of his multitude of knyȝtis.
xxx And þe rewme of Joſaphat reſtide; and þe Lord ȝaf x Neþeles Edom rebellide, þat it was not vndir þe
`pees to hym `bi cumpas. lordſchip of Juda `til to þis dai. In þat tyme alſo Lobna
xxxi Þerfor Joſaphat regnede on Juda; and he was of
ȝede awei, þat it was not vndur þe hond of hym; for he
fyue and þritti ȝeer, whanne he bigan to regne; ſoþeli he hadde forſake þe Lord God of hiſe fadris.
regnede fyue and twenti ȝeer in Jeruſalem; and þe name xi Ferþermore he made hiȝe places in þe citees of Juda,
of his modir was Azuba, þe douȝtir of Selathi. and made þe dwelleris of Jeruſalem to do fornycacioun,
xxxii And he ȝede in þe weie of Aſa his fadir, and
`þat is, idolatrie, and Juda to breke þe lawe.
bowide not fro it, and he dide what euer þingis weren xii Forſoþe lettris weren brouȝt to hym fro Elie, þe
pleſaunt bifor þe Lord. prophete, in whiche it was writun, Þe Lord God of
xxxiii Neþeles he dide not awei hiȝ þingis; ȝit þe puple
hadde not dreſſid her herte to þe Lord God of her fadris. xiii þi fadir, ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For þou `ȝediſt not in þe
xxxiiii Forſoþe þe reſidue of þe formere and þe laſte
weies of Joſaphat, þi fadir, and in þe weie of Aſa, kyng
dedis of Joſaphat ben writun in þe book of Hieu, þe ſone of Juda, but þou ȝediſt bi þe weie of þe kyngis of Iſrael,
of Anany, which he ordeynede in þe book of kyngis of and madiſt Juda and þe dwelleris of Jeruſalem to do
Iſrael. fornicacioun, and ſuediſt þe fornicacioun of þe hows of
xxxv After þeſe þingis Joſaphat, kyng of Juda, made Achab; ferþermore and þou haſt ſlayn þi briþeren and
frendſchipis wiþ Ocozie, kyng of Iſrael, whoſe werkis þe hows of þi fadir, `þat weren betere þan þou; lo!
weren ful yuele; xiiii þe Lord ſchal ſmyte þee wiþ a greet veniaunce, and
xxxvi and he was parcener þat þei maden ſchippis, þat þi puple, and þi ſones, and wyues, and al þi catel;
ſchulden go in to Tharſis; and þei maden o ſchip in to xv ſoþeli þou ſchalt be ſijk `wiþ þe worſte ſorewe of
Aſiongaber. wombe, til þin entrailis go out litil and litil bi ech dai.
xxxvii Soþeli Eliezer, ſone of Dodan, of Mareſa,
profeſiede to Joſaphat, and ſeide, For þou haddiſt boond

xvi Þerfor þe Lord reiſide aȝens Joram þe ſpirit of Joſaphat, þat hadde ſouȝt God in al his herte. And noon
Filiſteis and Arabeis, þat marchen wiþ Ethiopiens; and hope was more, þat ony of þe generacioun of Ocozie
þei ſtieden in to þe lond of Juda, ſchulde regne.
xvii and waſtiden it, and þei token awei al þe catel, þat x For Athalia, his modir, ſiȝ, þat hir ſone was deed, and

was foundun in þe hows of þe kyng, ferþermore and ſche roos, and killide alle þe kyngis generacioun of þe
hiſe ſones, and wyues; and no ſone was left to hym, no hows of Joram.
but Joachaz, þat was þe leeſte in birþe. xi Forſoþe Joſabeth, þe douȝter of þe kyng, took Joas, þe
xviii And ouer alle þeſe þingis þe Lord ſmoot hym wiþ ſone of Ocozie, and ſtal hym fro þe myddis of þe ſones
vncurable ſorewe of þe wombe. of þe kyng, whanne þei weren ſlayn; and ſche hidde
xix And whanne dai cam aftir a dai, and þe ſpaces of hym wiþ his nurſe in þe cloſet of beddis. Forſoþe
tymes weren turned aboute, þe cours of twey ȝeer was Joſabeth, þat `hadde hid hym, was þe douȝtir of kyng
fillid; and ſo he was waſtid `bi long rot, ſo þat he caſtide Joram, and wijf of Joiada, þe biſchop, and þe ſiſter of
out alſo his entrailis, and ſo he wantide ſorewe and liyf Ocozie; and þerfor Athalia killide not hir.
xii Þerfor he was hid wiþ hem in þe hows of God ſixe
togidere, and he was deed in þe werſte ſikeneſſe. And þe
puple dide not to hym ſeruyce of deed men bi þe cuſtom ȝeer, in whiche Athalia regnede on þe lond.
of brennyng, as it hadde do to hiſe grettere, `eþer
auncetris. CAP. XXIII
xx He was of two and þritti ȝeer whanne he bigan to i Forſoþe in þe ſeuenþe ȝeer Joiada was coumfortid, and

regne, and he regnede eiȝte ȝeer in Jeruſalem, and he took centuriouns, þat is, Azarie, ſone of Jeroboam, and
ȝede not riȝtfuli; and þei birieden hym in þe citee of Iſmael, þe ſone of Johannam, and Azarie, þe ſone of
Dauid, neþeles not in þe ſepulcre of kingis. Obeth, and Maaſie, þe ſone of Adaie, and Eliſaphat, þe
ſone of Zechri; and he made wiþ hem a counſel and a
CAP. XXII boond of pees.
i Forſoþe þe dwelleris of Jeruſalem ordeyneden Ocozie, ii Which cumpaſſiden Juda, and gaderiden togidere

`his leeſte ſone, kyng for hym; for þeues of Arabeis, þat dekenes of alle þe citees of Juda, and þe princes of þe
felden in to þe caſtels, hadden ſlayn alle þe grettere `in meynees of Iſrael, and camen in to Jeruſalem.
birþe, þat weren bifor hym. And Ocozie, þe ſone of iii Þerfor al þe multitude made couenaunt in þe hows of
Joram, kyng of Juda, regnede. þe Lord wiþ þe kyng. And Joiada ſeide to hem, Lo! þe
ii Ocozie was of two and fourti ȝeer, whanne he bigan to ſone of þe kyng ſchal regne, as þe Lord ſpak on þe ſones
regne, and he regnede o ȝeer in Jeruſalem; þe name of of Dauid.
his modir was Athalia, þe douȝter of Amry. iiii Þerfor þis is þe word, which ȝe ſchulen do.
iii But he entride bi þe weie of þe hows of Achab; for v Þe þridde part of ȝou þat ben comun to þe ſabat, of
his modir compellide hym to do yuele. preeſtis, and of dekenes, and of porterys, ſchal be in þe
iiii Þerfor he dide yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, as þe hows ȝatis; ſoþeli þe þridde part ſchal be at þe hows of þe
of Achab; for þei weren counſelouris to hym in to his kyng; and þe þridde part ſchal be at þe ȝate, which is
periſchyng, aftir þe deþ of his fadir; clepid of þe foundement. Forſoþe al þe toþer comyn
v and he ȝede in þe counſele of hem. And he ȝede wiþ puple be in þe large places of þe hows of þe Lord;
vi and noon oþer man entre in to þe hows of þe Lord, no
Joram, þe ſone of Achab, kyng of Iſrael, in to batel
aȝens Azahel, kyng of Sirye, in to Ramoth of Galaad. but preeſtis, and þei þat mynyſtren of þe dekenes; oneli
And men of Sirie woundiden Joram; entre þei, þat ben halewid, and al þe toþer comyn puple
vi which turnede aȝen for to be heelid in Jezrahel; for he kepe þe kepyngis of þe Lord.
vii Forſoþe þe dekenes cumpaſſe þe kyng, and ech man
hadde take many woundis in þe forſeid batel. Þerfor
Ocozie, kyng of Juda, þe ſone of Joram, ȝede doun to haue hiſe armuris; and if ony oþere man entriþ in to þe
viſite Joram, þe ſone of Achab, ſijk in Jezrahel; temple, be he ſlayn; and be þei wiþ þe kyng entrynge
vii for it was Goddis wille aȝens Ocozie, þat he cam to and goynge out.
viii Þerfor þe dekenes and al Juda diden bi alle þingis,
Joram. And whanne he was comun, he ȝede out wiþ
hym aȝens Hieu, þe ſone of Namſi, whom God which Joiada, þe biſchop, hadde comaundid; and alle
anoyntide, þat he ſchulde do awey þe hows of Achab. token þe men, þat weren wiþ hem, and camen bi þe
viii Þerfor whanne Hieu deſtriede þe hows of Achab, he ordre of ſabat wiþ hem, þat hadden `fillid now þe ſabat,
foond þe princis of Juda, and þe ſones of þe briþeren of and ſchulen go out.
ix For Joiada, þe biſchop, ſuffride not þe cumpenyes to
Ocozie, þat `mynyſtriden to hym; and he killide hem.
ix And he ſouȝte þilke Ocozie, and cauȝte him hid in go awei, þat weren wont to come oon after `þe toþer bi
Samarie, and after þat he was brouȝt to Hieu, Hieu ech wouke. And Joiada, þe preeſt, ȝaf to þe centuriouns
killide hym; and þei birieden hym, for he was þe ſone of

ſperis, and ſcheeldis, and bokeleris of kyng Dauid, CAP. XXIIII
whiche he hadde halewid in to þe hows of þe Lord. i Joas was of ſeuene ȝeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and
x And he ordeynede al þe puple, of hem `þat helden he regnyde fourti ȝeer in Jeruſalem; þe name of his
ſwerdis, at þe riȝt ſide of þe temple `til to þe left ſide of modir was Sebia of Berſabee.
þe temple, bifor þe auter and þe temple, bi cumpas of ii And he dide þat, þat was good bifor þe Lord, in alle
þe king. þe daies of Joiada, þe preeſt.
xi And þei ledden out þe ſone of þe kyng, and ſettiden a iii Soþeli and Joas took twei wyues, of whyche he
diademe on hym; and þei ȝauen to hym in his hond þe gendride ſones and douȝtris.
lawe to be holdun, and þei maden hym kyng. And iiii After whiche þingis it pleſide Joas to reparele þe
Joiada, þe biſchop, and his ſones anoyntiden hym; and hows of þe Lord.
þei preiden hertli, and ſeiden, Þe kyng lyue! v And he gaderide togidere preeſtis and dekenes, and
xii And whanne Athalia hadde herd þis þing, þat is, þe
ſeide to hem, Go ȝe out to þe citees of Juda, and gadere
vois of men rennynge and preiſynge þe kyng, ſche ȝe of al Iſrael money, to þe reparelyng of þe temple of
entride to þe puple, in to þe temple of þe Lord. `ȝoure Lord God, bi ech ȝeer; and do ȝe þis hiȝyngli.
xiii And whanne ſche hadde ſeyn þe kyng ſtondynge on vi Certis þe dekenes diden necgligentli. And þe kyng
þe grees in þe entryng, and þe princes and cumpenyes clepide Joiada, þe prince, and ſeide to hym, Whi was it
of knyȝtis aboute hym, and al þe puple of þe lond not charge to þee, to conſtreyne þe dekenes to brynge
ioiynge, and ſownynge wiþ trumpis, and ſyngynge yn money of Juda and of Jeruſalem, which money was
togidere wiþ orguns of dyuerſe kynde, and þe vois of ordeyned of Moiſes, þe ſeruaunt of `þe Lord, þat al þe
men preiſynge, ſche to-rente hir cloþis, and ſeide, multitude of Iſrael ſchulde brynge it in to þe tabernacle
Treſouns! treſouns! of witneſſyng?
xiiii Soþeli Joiada, þe biſchop, ȝede out to þe vii For þe worſte Athalia, and hir ſones, diſtrieden þe
centuriouns, and princes of þe ooſt, and ſeide to hem, hows of God; and of alle þingis, þat weren halewid to
Lede ȝe hir wiþ out þe `purſeyntis, eþir cloſyngis, of þe þe temple of þe Lord, þei ourneden þe temple of
temple, and be ſche ſlayn wiþ outforþ bi ſwerd; and þe Baalym.
preeſt comaundide, þat ſche ſchulde not be ſlayn in þe viii Þerfor þe kyng comaundide, and þei maden an arke,
hows of þe Lord. and ſettiden it biſidis þe ȝate of þe Lord wiþ out forþ.
xv And þei ſettiden hondis on hir nol; and whanne ſhe
ix And it was prechid in Juda and Jeruſalem, þat ech
hadde entrid in to þe ȝate of þe horſis, of þe kyngis man ſchulde brynge to þe Lord þe prijs, which Moyſes,
hows, þei killiden hir þere. þe ſeruaunt of God, ordeynede on al Iſrael, in deſeert.
xvi Forſoþe Joiada couenauntide a boond of pees
x And alle þe princes and al þe puple weren glad, and
bitwixe him ſilf and al þe puple and þe kyng, þat it þei entriden, and brouȝten, and ſenten in to þe arke of
ſchulde be þe puple of þe Lord. þe Lord, ſo þat it was fillid.
xvii Þerfor al þe puple entride in to þe hows of Baal, and
xi And whanne it was tyme, þat þei ſchulden bere þe
diſtrieden it, and braken þe auteris and ſymylacris þerof; arke bifor þe kyng bi þe hondis of dekenes, for þei ſien
but þei killiden bifor þe auteris Mathan, þe preeſt of myche money, þe clerk of þe kyng entride, and he
Baal. whom þe firſte preeſt hadde ordeynede, and þei
xviii Forſoþe Joiada ordeynede ſouereyns in þe hows of
ſchedden out þe money, þat was in þe arke; ſoþeli þei
þe Lord, þat vndur þe hondis of preeſtis, and of baren aȝen þe arke to `his place. And ſo þei diden bi alle
dekenes, whiche Dauid departide in þe hows of þe daies, and money wiþ out noumbre was gaderid
Lord, þei ſchulden offre brent ſacrifices to þe Lord, as it togidere;
is writun in þe book of Moiſes, in ioie and ſongis, by þe xii which þe kyng and Joiada ȝauen to hem þat weren
ordynaunce of Dauid. ſouereyns of þe werkis of þe hows of þe Lord. And þei
xix Alſo he ordeynede porteris in þe ȝatis of þe hows of
hiriden þerof kitteris of ſtonys, and crafti men of alle
þe Lord, þat an vnclene man in ony þing ſchulde not werkis, þat þei ſchulden reparele þe hows of þe Lord;
entre in to it. alſo þei hiriden ſmyþis of yrun, and of bras, þat þat þing
xx And he took þe centuriouns, and ſtrongeſte men, and
ſchulde be vndurſet, þat bigan to falle.
princes of þe puple, and al þe comyn puple of þe lond. xiii Þei þat wrouȝten diden craftili, and þe craſyng of þe
And þei maden þe kyng to go doun fro þe hows of þe wallis was ſtoppid bi þe hondis of hem; and þei reiſiden
Lord, and to entre bi þe myddis of þe hiȝere ȝate in to þe hows of þe Lord in to þe formere ſtaat, and maden it
þe hows of þe kyng; and þei ſettiden hym in þe kyngis to ſtonde ſtidfaſtli.
trone. xiiii And whanne þei hadden fillid alle werkis, þei
xxi And al þe puple of þe lond was glad, and þe citee
brouȝten bifor þe kyng and Joiada þe toþer part of þe
reſtide; forſoþe Athalia was ſlayn bi ſwerd. money, of which money veſſels weren maad in to þe

ſeruyce of þe temple, and to brent ſacrifices; alſo viols, CAP. XXV
and oþere veſſels of gold and of ſiluer `weren maad i Forſoþe Amaſie, `his ſone, regnede for hym; Amaſie
þerof. And brent ſacrifices weren offrid in þe hows of was of fyue and twenti ȝeer, whanne he bigan to regne,
þe Lord contynueli, in alle þe daies of Joiada. and he regnyde nyne and twenti ȝeer in Jeruſalem; þe
xv Forſoþe Joiada ful of daies wexide eld, and he was name of his modir was Joiaden, of Jeruſalem.
deed, whanne he was of an hundrid ȝeer and þritti; ii And he dide good in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, neþeles not in
xvi and þei birieden hym in þe citee of Dauid wiþ perfit herte.
kyngis; for he hadde do good wiþ Iſrael, and wiþ his iii And whanne he ſiȝ þe empire ſtrengþid to hym ſilf, he
hows. ſtranglide þe ſeruauntis, þat killiden þe kyng, his fadir;
xvii But aftir þat Joiada diede, þe princes of Juda iiii but he killide not þe ſones of hem; as it is writun in
entriden, and worſchipiden þe kyng, which was flaterid þe book of þe lawe of Moiſes, where þe Lord
wiþ her ſeruices, and aſſentide to hem. comaundide, ſeiynge, Fadris ſchulen not be ſlayn for þe
xviii And þei forſoken þe temple of þe Lord God of her ſones, neþer þe ſones for her fadris; but ech man ſchal
fadris, and ſeruyden idols in wodis, and grauen ymagis; die in his owne ſynne.
and þe ire of þe Lord was maad aȝens Juda and v Þerfor Amaſie gaderide togidere Juda, and ordeynede
Jeruſalem for þis ſynne. hem bi meynees and tribunes and centuriouns, in al
xix And he ſente to hem profetis, þat þei ſchulen turne Juda and Beniamyn; and he noumbride fro twenti ȝeer
aȝen to þe Lord; whiche profetis witneſſynge þei nolden and aboue, and he foonde þritti þouſynde of ȝonge men,
here. þat ȝeden out to batel, and helden ſpere and ſcheeld.
xx Þerfor þe Spirit of þe Lord cloþide Zacharie, þe vi Alſo for mede he hiride of Iſrael an hundrid þouſynde
preeſt, þe ſone of Joiada; and he ſtood in þe ſiȝt of þe of ſtronge men, for an hundrid talentis of ſiluer, þat þei
puple, and ſeide to hem, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Whi ſchulden fiȝte aȝens þe ſones of Edom.
breken ȝe þe comaundement of þe Lord, `which þing vii Forſoþe a man of God cam to hym, and ſeide, A!
ſchal not profite to ȝou, and ȝe han forſake þe Lord, þat kyng, þe ooſt of Iſrael go not out wiþ þee, for þe Lord is
he ſchulde forſake ȝou? not wiþ Iſrael and wiþ alle þe ſones of Effraym;
xxi Whiche weren gaderide togidere aȝens hym, and viii for if þou geſſiſt þat batels ſtonden in þe myȝt of ooſt,
ſenten ſtonys, bi comaundement `of þe kyng, in þe large þe Lord ſchal make þee to be ouercomun of enemyes,
place of þe hows of þe Lord. for it is of God for to helpe, and to turne in to fliȝt.
xxii And kyng Joas hadde not mynde on þe merci which ix And Amaſie ſeide to þe man of God, What þerfor
Joiada, þe fadir of Zacharie, hadde doon wiþ hym; but ſchal be doon of þe hundrid talentis, which Y ȝaf to þe
he killide þe ſone of Joiada. And whanne Zacharie knyȝtis of Iſrael? And þe man of God anſweride to hym,
diede, he ſeide, Þe Lord ſe, and ſeke. Þe Lord haþ, wherof he may ȝelde to þee myche mo
xxiii And whanne a ȝeer was turned aboute, `eþer endid, þingis þan þeſe.
þe ooſt of Sirie ſtiede aȝens Joas, and it cam in to Juda x Þerfor Amaſie departide þe ooſt þat cam to hym fro
and in to Jeruſalem, and it killide alle þe princes of þe Effraym, þat it ſchulde turne aȝen in to his place; and
puple; and þei ſenten al þe prey to þe kyng, to Damaſk. þei weren wrooþ greetli aȝens Juda, and turneden aȝen
xxiiii And certeyn, whanne a ful litle noumbre of men of in to her cuntrei.
Sirie was comun, þe Lord bitook in her hondis a xi Forſoþe Amaſie ledde out triſtili his puple, and ȝede in
multitude wiþ out noumbre, for þei hadden forſake þe to þe valei of makyngis of ſalt, and he killide of þe
Lord God of her fadris. Alſo þei vſiden ſchameful ſones of Seir ten þouſynde.
domes in Joas; xii And þe ſones of Juda token oþere ten þouſynde of
xxv and þei ȝeden awei, and leften hym in grete ſorewis.
men, and brouȝten to þe hiȝ ſcarre of ſumme ſtoon; and
Soþeli hiſe ſeruauntis riſiden aȝens hym, in to veniaunce caſtiden hem doun fro þe hiȝeſte in to þe pit; whiche
of þe blood of þe ſone of Joiada, preeſt; and killiden alle braken.
hym in his bed, and he was deed. And þei birieden hym xiii And þilke ooſt whom Amaſie hadde ſent aȝen, þat it
in þe citee of Dauid, but not in þe ſepulcris of kyngis. ſchulde not go wiþ him to batel, was ſpred abrood in þe
xxvi Forſoþe Sabath, þe ſone of Semath of Amon, and
citees of Juda fro Samarie `til to Betheron; and aftir `þat
Joſabeth, þe ſone of Semarith of Moab, ſettiden treſouns it hadde ſlayn þre þouſynde, it took awey a greet preie.
to hym. xiiii And Amaſie, after þe ſleyng of Idumeis, and after
xxvii Soþeli hiſe ſones, and þe ſumme of money þat was
þat he hadde brouȝt þe goddis of þe ſones of Seir,
gaderid vndur hym, and þe reparelyng of þe hows of ordeynede hem `in to goddis to hym ſilf, and
God, ben writun diligentli in þe book of Kyngis. worſchipide hem, and brente encenſe to hem.

xv Wherfor þe Lord was wrooþ aȝens Amaſie, and ſente ii He bildide Hailath, and reſtoride it to þe lordſchipe of
to hym a profete, þat ſeide to hym, Whi worſchipiſt þou Juda, after þat þe kyng ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris.
goddis þat `delyueriden not her puple fro þin hond? iii Ozie was of ſixtene ȝeer, whanne he bigan to regne;
xvi Whanne þe profete ſpak þeſe þingis, Amaſie and he regnede two and fifti ȝeer in Jeruſalem; þe name
anſweride to hym, Wheþer þou art a counſelour of þe of his modir was Hiechelia, of Jeruſalem.
king? ceeſſe þou, leſt perauenture Y ſle þee. Þerfor þe iiii And he dide þat, þat was riȝtful in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord,
profete ȝede awei, and ſeide, Y woot, þat þe Lord bi alle þingis whiche Amaſie, his fadir, hadde do.
þouȝte to ſle þee; for þou didiſt þis yuel, and ferþermore v And he ſouȝte þe Lord in þe daies of Zacarie,
þou aſſentidiſt not to my counſel. vndurſtondynge and ſeynge God; and whanne he ſouȝte
xvii Þerfor Amaſie, þe king of Juda, whanne he hadde
God, God reulide hym in alle þingis.
take a ful yuel counſel, ſente to þe kyng of Iſrael Joas, vi Forſoþe he ȝede out, and fauȝt aȝens Filiſteis, and
þe ſone of Joachaz, þe ſone of Hieu, and ſeide, Come diſtriede þe wal of Geth, and þe wal of Jabyne, and þe
þou, ſe we vs togidere. wal of Azotus; and he bildide ſtronge places in Azotus
xviii And he ſente aȝen meſſangeris, and ſeide, A `cardue,
and in Filiſtiym.
eþer a taſil, which is in þe Liban ſente to þe cedre of þe vii And þe Lord helpide hym boþe aȝens Filiſteis, and
Liban, and ſeide, Ȝyue þi douȝter a wijf to my ſone; and aȝens Arabeis þat dwelliden in Garbahal, and aȝenus
lo! beeſtis þat weren in þe wode of þe Liban ȝeden and Amonytis.
defouliden þe cardue. viii Amonytis paieden ȝiftis to Ozie, and his name was
xix Þou ſeidiſt, Y haue ſmyte Edom, and þerfor þin herte
puppliſchid `til to þe entryng of Egipt for ofte victories.
is reyſid in to pride; ſitte þou in þin hows; whi ſtiriſt þou ix And Ozie bildide touris in Jeruſalem ouer þe ȝate of
yuel aȝens þee, þat þou falle, and Juda wiþ þee? þe corner, and ouer þe ȝate of þe valey, and oþere touris
xx Amaſie nolde here, for it was þe wille of þe Lord, þat
in þe ſame ſide of þe wal; and made þo ſtidefaſt.
he ſchulde be bitakun in to þe hondis of enemyes, for þe x Alſo he bildide touris in þe wildirneſſe, and he diggide
goddis of Edom. ful many ciſternes; for he hadde many beeſtis as wel in
xxi Þerfor Joas, kyng of Iſrael, ſtiede, and þei ſiȝen hem
þe feeldi places as in þe waſtneſſe of deſeert. Alſo he
ſilf togidere. Soþeli Amaſie, þe kyng of Juda, was in hadde vyneris and tiliers of vynes in þe hilles, and in
Bethſames of Juda; Carmele; for he was a man ȝouun to erþetilþe.
xxii and Juda felde doun bifor Iſrael, and fledde in to his xi Forſoþe þe ooſt of hiſe werriours, þat ȝeden forþ to
tabernaclis. batels, vndur þe hond of Heiel, ſcribe, and of Maſie,
xxiii Certis þe kyng of Iſrael took in Bethſames Amaſie,
techere, and vndur þe hond of Ananye þat was of þe
þe kyng of Juda, þe ſone of Joas, ſone of Joachaz, and duykis of þe kyng; and al þe noumbre of princes, by her
brouȝte in to Jeruſalem; and he deſtriede þe wallis þerof meynees, was of ſtronge men two þouſynde and ſixe
fro þe ȝate of Effraym `til to þe ȝate of þe corner, bi hundrid.
foure hundrid cubitis. xiii And vndur hem was al þe ooſt, þre hundrid þouſynde
xxiiii And be ledde aȝen in to Samarie al þe gold and
and ſeuen þouſynde and fyue hundrid, þat weren able to
ſiluer, and alle veſſels whiche he foond in þe hows of þe batel, and fouȝten for þe king aȝens aduerſaries.
Lord, and at Obededom, in þe treſouris alſo of þe kyngis xiiii And Ozie made redi to hem, þat is, to al þe ooſt,
hows, alſo and þe ſones of oſtagis. ſcheldis, and ſperis, and baſynetis, and haburiouns, and
xxv Forſoþe Amaſie, kyng of Juda, þe ſone of Joas,
bouwis, and ſlyngis to caſte ſtonys.
lyuede fiftene ȝeer aftir þat Joas, kyng of Iſrael, þe ſone xv And he made in Jeruſalem engynes of dyuerſe kynde,
of Joachaz, was deed. which he ſettide in touris, and in þe corneris of wallis,
xxvi Soþeli þe reſidue of þe formere and þe laſte wordis
þat þo ſchulden caſte arowis and grete ſtoonys; and his
of Amaſie ben writun in þe book of kyngis of Juda and name ȝede out fer, for þe Lord helpide hym, and hadde
of Iſrael. maad him ſtrong.
xxvii And aftir þat he ȝede awei fro þe Lord, þei ſettiden xvi But whanne he was maad ſtrong, his herte was reiſid
to hym treſouns in Jeruſalem; and whanne he hadde in to his periſchyng; and he diſpiſide `his Lord God; and
fledde to Lachis, þei ſenten and killiden hym þere; he entride in to þe temple of þe Lord, and wolde brenne
xxviii and þei brouȝten aȝen on horſis, and birieden hym encenſe on þe auter of encenſe.
wiþ his fadris in þe citee of Dauid. xvii And anoon Azarie, þe preeſt, entride after hym, and
wiþ hym þe preeſtis of þe Lord, ſeuenti `men ful noble;
CAP. XXVI xviii whiche aȝenſtoden þe kyng, and ſeiden, Ozie, it is
i Forſoþe al þe puple of Juda made kyng, Ozie, his ſone,
not of þin office, þat þou brenne encenſe to þe Lord, but
`of ſixtene ȝeer, for his fader Amaſie. of þe preeſtis of þe Lord, þat is, of þe ſones of Aaron,

þat ben halewid to ſiche ſeruyce; go þou out of þe CAP. XXVIII
ſeyntuarye; diſpiſe þou not; for þis þing ſchal not be i Achaz was of twenti ȝeer, whanne he bigan to regne,
arettid of þe Lord God to þee in to glorie. and he regnede ſixtene ȝeer in Jeruſalem; he dide not
xix And Ozie was wrooþ, and he helde in þe hond þe riȝtfulneſſe in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, as Dauid, his fadir,
cenſere for to offre encence, and manaaſſide þe preeſtis; dide;
and anoon lepre was ſprungun forþ in his forheed, bifor ii but he ȝede in þe weies of þe kyngis of Iſrael.
þe preeſtis in þe hows of þe Lord on þe auter of Ferþermore and he ȝetyde ymagis to Baalym.
encenſe. iii He it is þat brente encenſe in þe valey of Beennon,
xx And whanne Azarie, þe biſchop, hadde biholde hym,
and purgide hiſe ſones bi fier bi þe cuſtom of heþene
and alle oþere preeſtis `hadden biholde him, þei ſien men, whiche þe Lord killide in þe comyng of þe ſones
lepre in his forheed, and hiyngli þei puttiden hym out; of Iſrael.
but alſo he was aferd, and haſtide to go out; for he iiii Alſo he made ſacrifice, and brente encenſe in hiȝ
feelide anoon þe veniaunce of þe Lord. places, and in hillis, and vndur ech tree ful of bowis.
xxi Þerfor kyng Ozie was leprouſe `til to þe dai of his v And `his Lord God bitook hym in þe hond of þe kyng
deeþ, and dwellide in an hows bi it ſilf, and he was ful of Sirie, which ſmoot Achaz, and took a greet preie of
of lepre; `for which he was caſt out of þe hows of þe his empire, and brouȝten in to Damaſk. Alſo Achaz was
Lord. Forſoþe Joathan, his ſone, gouernyde þe hows of bitakun to þe hondis of þe kyng of Iſrael, and was
þe kyng, and demyde þe puple of þe lond. ſmytun wiþ a greet wounde.
xxii Soþeli Yſaie, þe prophete, þe ſone of Amos, wroot vi And Facee, þe ſone of Romelie, killide of Juda ſixe
þe reſidue `of þe formere and of þe laſte wordis of Ozie. ſcoore þouſynde in o dai, alle þe men werriours; for þei
xxiii And Ozie ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris, and þei birieden not
hadden forſake þe Lord God of her fadris.
hym in þe feeld of þe kyngis ſepulcris, for he was vii In þe ſame tyme Zechry, a myȝti man of Effraym,
leprouſe; and Joathan, his ſone, regnyde for hym. killide Maaſie, þe ſone of Rogloth, þe kyng; and `he
killide Ezrica, þe duyk of his hows, and Elcana, þe
CAP. XXVII ſecounde fro þe kyng.
i Joathan was of fyue and twenti ȝeer, whanne he bigan viii And þe ſones of Iſrael token of her briþeren two
to regne, and he regnede ſixtene ȝeer in Jeruſalem; þe hundrid þouſynde of wymmen and of children and of
name of his modir was Jeruſa, þe douȝter of Sadoch. damyſels, and prey wiþ out noumbre; and baren it in to
ii He dide þat, þat was riȝtful bifor þe Lord, bi alle
þingis whiche Ozie, his fadir, hadde do; outakun þat he ix In þat tempeſt a profete of þe Lord, Obed bi name,
entride not in to þe temple of þe Lord, and þe puple was þere, which ȝede out aȝens þe ooſt comynge in to
treſpaſſide ȝit. Samarie, and ſeide to hem, Lo! þe Lord God of ȝoure
iii He bildide þe hiȝ ȝate of þe hous of þe Lord, and he
fadris was wrooþ aȝens Juda, and bitook hem in ȝoure
bildide manye þingis in þe wal of Ophel; hondis; and ȝe han ſlayn hem crueli, ſo þat ȝoure cruelte
iiii alſo he bildide citees in þe hillis of Juda, and he ſtretchide forþ in to heuene.
bildide caſtels and touris in foreſtis. x Ferþermore ȝe wolen make ſuget to ȝou þe ſones of
v He fauȝt aȝens þe kyng of þe ſones of Amon, and Juda and of Jeruſalem in to ſeruauntis and handmaidis;
ouercam hym; and þe ſones of Amon ȝauen to hym in which þing is not nedeful to be doon; for ȝe han ſynned
þat tyme an hundrid talentis of ſiluer, and ten þouſynde on þis þing to `ȝoure Lord God.
choris of barli, and ſo many of wheete; þe ſones of xi But here ȝe my councel, and lede aȝen þe
Amon ȝauen þeſe þingis to hym in þe ſecounde and in priſounneris, whyche ȝe han brouȝt of ȝoure briþeren;
þe þridde ȝeer. for greet veniaunce of þe Lord neiȝiþ to ȝou.
vi And Joathan was maad ſtrong, for he hadde dreſſid xii Þerfor men of þe princes of þe ſones of Effraym,
hiſe weies bifor `his Lord God. Azarie, þe ſone of Johannan, Barachie, þe ſone of
vii Forſoþe þe reſidue of wordis of Joathan, and alle hiſe Moſollamoth, Jeſechie, þe ſone of Sellum, and Amaſie,
batels, and werkis, ben writun in þe book of kyngis of þe ſone of Adali, ſtoden aȝens hem þat camen fro þe
Iſrael and of Juda. batel;
viii He was of fyue and twenti ȝeer, whanne he bigan to xiii and ſeiden to hem, Ȝe ſchulen not brynge in hidur þe
regne, and he regnede ſixtene ȝeer in Jeruſalem. priſoneris, leſt we doen ſynne aȝens þe Lord; whi wolen
ix And Joathan ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris, and þei birieden ȝe `ley to on ȝoure ſynnes, and heepe elde treſpaſſis? For
hym in þe citee of Dauid; and Achaz, his ſone, regnede it is greet ſynne; þe ire of þe ſtrong veniaunce of þe
for him. Lord neiȝeþ on Iſrael.

xiiii And þe men werriouris leften þe prey, and alle CAP. XXIX
þingis whiche þei hadden take, bifor þe princes and al i Þerfor Ezechie bigan to regne, whanne he was of fyue
þe multitude. and twenti ȝeer, and he regnede in Jeruſalem nyne and
xv And þe men ſtoden, whiche we remembriden bifore, twenti ȝeer; þe name of his modir was Abia, þe douȝtir
and þei token þe priſounneris, and cloþiden of þe of Zacharie.
ſpuylis alle þat weren nakid; and whanne þei hadden ii And he dide þat, þat was pleaſaunt in þe ſiȝt of þe
cloþid hem, and hadden ſchod, and hadden refreſchid Lord, bi alle þingis whiche Dauid, his fadir, hadde do.
wiþ mete and drynke, and hadden anoyntid for trauel, iii In þat ȝeer and þe firſte moneþe of his rewme he
and hadden ȝoue cure, `eþer medecyn, to hem; `þei openyde þe ȝatis of þe hows of þe Lord, and reſtoride
puttiden hem on horſis, whiche euere ` myȝten not go, þo;
and weren feble `of bodi, and brouȝten to Jerico, a citee iiii and he brouȝte þe preeſtis and dekenes, and gaderide
of palmes, to `þe briþeren of hem; and þei turneden hem in to þe eeſt ſtrete,
aȝen in to Samarie. v and ſeide to hem, Sones of Leuy, here ȝe me, and be ȝe
xvi In þat tyme kyng Achaz ſente to þe kyng of Aſſiriens,
halewid; clenſe ȝe þe hows of þe Lord God of ȝoure
and axide help. fadris; do ȝe awei al vnclenneſſe fro þe ſeyntuarie.
xvii And Ydumeis camen, and killiden many men of vi Oure fadris ſynneden, and diden yuel in þe ſiȝt of
Juda, and token greet prey. `oure Lord God, and forſoken hym; þei turneden awei
xviii Alſo Filiſteis weren ſpred abrood bi citees of þe
her faces fro þe tabernacle of `oure Lord God, and
feeldis, and at þe ſouþ of Juda; and þei token ȝauen þe bak.
Bethſames, and Hailon, and Gaderoth, and Socoth, and vii Þei cloſiden þe doris þat weren in þe porche, and
Thannan, and Zamro, wiþ her villagis; and dwelliden in quenchiden þe lanternes; and þei brenten not encenſe,
þo. and þei offriden not brent ſacrifices in þe ſeyntuarie of
xix For þe Lord made low Juda for Achaz, þe kyng of
God of Iſrael.
Juda; for he hadde maad him nakid of help, and hadde viii Þerfor þe ſtronge veniaunce of þe Lord was reiſid on
diſpiſid þe Lord. Juda and Jeruſalem; and he ȝaf hem in to ſtiryng, and in
xx And þe Lord brouȝte aȝens him Teglat Phalaſar, kyng
to periſchyng, and in to `hiſſhing, eþer ſcornyng, as ȝe
of Aſſiriens, þat turmentide hym, and waaſtide hym, ſeen wiþ ȝoure iȝen.
while no man aȝenſtood. ix Lo! oure fadris felden doun bi ſwerdis; oure ſones,
xxi Þerfor Achaz, after þat he hadde ſpuylid þe hows of
and oure douȝtris, and wyues ben led priſouneris for þis
þe Lord, and þe hows of þe kyng and of princes, ȝaf greet treſpas.
ȝiftis to þe kyng of Aſſiriens, and neþeles it profitide `no x Now þerfor it pleſiþ me, þat we make a boond of pees
þing to hym. wiþ þe Lord God of Iſrael, and þat he turne fro vs þe
xxii Ferþermore alſo in þe tyme of his angwiſch he
ſtronge veniaunce of his ire.
encreeſſide diſpit aȝens God; þilke kyng Achaz bi xi My ſones, nyle ȝe be reccheles; þe Lord haþ choſe
xxiii hym ſilf offride ſacrifices to þe goddis of Damaſk,
ȝou, þat ȝe ſtonde bifor hym, and ſerue hym, þat ȝe herie
hiſe ſmyteris, and ſeide, Þe goddis of þe kyngis of Sirie hym, and brenne encenſe to hym.
helpen hem, whiche goddis Y ſchal pleſe bi ſacrifices, xii Þerfor þe dekenes riſiden, Mahat, þe ſone of Amaſie,
and þei ſchulen help me; whanne aȝenward þei weren and Johel, þe ſone of Azarie, of þe ſones of Caath;
fallyng to hym, and to al Iſrael. ſoþeli of þe ſones of Merarye, Cys, þe ſone of Abdai,
xxiiii Þerfor aftir þat Achaz hadde take awei, and broke
and Azarie, þe ſone of Jelaleel; forſoþe of þe ſones of
alle þe veſſels of þe hows of God, he cloſide þe ȝatis of Jerſon, Joha, þe ſone of Zemma, and Hedem, þe ſone of
Goddis temple, and made auteris to hym ſilf in alle þe Johaa;
corneris of Jeruſalem. xiii and ſoþeli of þe ſones of Eliſaphan, Samri, and
xxv And in alle citees of Juda he bildide auteris to
Jahiel; and of þe ſones of Aſaph, Zacharie, and
brenne encence, and he ſtiride þe Lord God of hiſe Mathanye;
fadris to wraþfulneſſe. xiiii alſo of þe ſones of Heman, Jahiel, and Semei; but
xxvi Soþeli þe reſidue of hiſe wordis and of alle hiſe
alſo of þe ſones of Iditum, Semei, and Oziel.
werkis, þe formere and þe laſte, ben writun in þe book xv And þei gaderiden to gidere her briþeren, and weren
of kyngis of Juda and of Iſrael. halewid; and þei entriden bi comaundement of þe kyng,
xxvii And Achaz ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris, and þei birieden
and bi comaundement of þe Lord, for to clenſe þe hows
hym in þe citee of Jeruſalem; for þei reſſeyueden not of þe Lord.
hym in þe ſepulcris of þe kyngis of Iſrael; and Ezechie, xvi Alſo preeſtis entriden in to þe temple of þe Lord, for
his ſone, regnede for hym. to halewe it, and þei baren out al vnclenneſſe, which þei

founden þer ynne in þe porche, `eþir large place, of þe xxix And whanne þe offryng was endid, þe kyng was
hows of þe Lord; which vnclenneſſe þe dekenes token, bowid, and alle þat weren wiþ hym, and þei
and baren out to þe ſtronde of Cedron wiþ outforþ. worſchipiden God.
xvii Soþeli þei bigunnen to clenſe in þe firſte dai of þe xxx And Ezechie and þe princes comaundiden to þe
firſte moneþe, and in þe eiȝte dai of þe ſame moneþe þei dekenes, þat þei ſchulden preiſe þe Lord wiþ þe wordis
entriden in to þe porche of þe hows of þe Lord, and þei of Dauiþ, and of Aſaph, þe profete; whiche preiſiden
clenſiden þe temple eiȝte daies; and in þe ſixtenþe dai of hym wiþ greet gladneſſe, and kneliden, and
þe ſame moneþe þei filliden þat, þat þei hadden worſchipiden.
bigunne. xxxi Soþely Ezechie addide alſo þeſe þingis, Ȝe han fillid
xviii And þei entriden to Ezechie, þe king, and ſeiden to
ȝoure hondis to þe Lord; neiȝe ȝe, and offre ſacrifices
hym, We han halewid al þe hows of þe Lord, and þe and preiſyngis in þe hows of þe Lord.
auter of brent ſacrifice þerof, and þe veſſels þerof, alſo xxxii Þerfor al þe multitude offride wiþ deuoute ſoule
and þe boord of ſettyngforþ wiþ alle hiſe veſſels, ſacrifices, and preiſyngis, and brent ſacrifices. Soþeli þis
xix and al þe purtenaunce of þe temple, `which
was þe noumbre of brent ſacrifices, whiche þe
purtenaunce king Achaz hadde defoulid in his rewme, multitude offride; ſeuenti bolis, and an hundrid rammes,
aftir þat he brak þe lawe; and lo! alle þingis ben ſet forþ two hundrid lambren.
bifor þe auter of þe Lord. xxxiii Alſo þei halewiden to þe Lord ſixe hundrid oxis,
xx And Ezechie, þe kyng, roos in þe morwetid, and
and þre þouſynde ſheep.
gaderide togidere alle þe princes of þe citee, and ſtiede xxxiiii Forſoþe þe preeſtis weren fewe, and myȝten not
in to þe hows of þe Lord; ſuffice for to `drawe awei þe ſkynnes of brent ſacrifices;
xxi and þei offriden togidere ſeuene bolis, and ſeuene
wherfor and þe dekenes her briþeren helpiden hem, til
rammes, ſeuene lambren, and ſeuene buckis of geet, for þe werk was fillid, and þe preeſtis weren halewid; for
ſynne, for þe rewme, for þe ſeyntuarye, and for Juda. þe dekenes ben halewid bi liȝtere cuſtom þan þe
And he ſeide to preeſtis, þe ſones of Aaron, þat þei preeſtis.
ſchulden offre on þe auter of þe Lord. xxxv Þerfor þere weren ful many brent ſacrifices, ynnere
xxii Þerfor þei killiden bolis, and `þe preeſtis tooken þe
fatneſſis of peſible ſacrifices, and þe moyſte ſacrifices of
blood, and ſchedden it on þe auter; alſo þei killiden brent ſacrifices, and þe worſchip, `eþir ournyng, of þe
rammes, and `þe preeſtis ſchedden þe blood of þo on þe `Lordis hows was fillid.
auter; þei offriden lambren, and `þe preeſtis ſchedden þe xxxvi And Ezechie was glad, and al þe puple, for þe
blood on þe auter. ſeruyce of þe Lord was fillid; for it pleſide, þat þis was
xxiii And þei brouȝten buckis of geet `for ſynne bifor þe
doon ſodeynly.
kyng and al þe multitude, and þei ſettiden her hondis on
þo; CAP. XXX
xxiiii and þe preeſtis offriden þo, and ſpreynten þe blood i And Ezechie ſente to al Iſrael and to Juda, and he
of þo bifor þe auter, for þe clenſyng of al Iſrael. For þe wroot piſtlis to Effraym and to Manaſſes, þat þei
king comaundide, þat brent ſacrifice ſhulde be made for ſchulden come in to þe hous of þe Lord in Jeruſalem,
al Iſrael, and for ſynne. and make paſke to þe Lord God of Iſrael.
xxv Alſo he ordeynede dekenes in þe hows of þe Lord, ii Þerfor whanne counſeil was takun of þe kyng, and of
wiþ cymbalis, and ſawtrees, and harpis, bi þe princes, and of al þe cumpeny of Jeruſalem, þei
ordenaunce of `Dauid þe kyng, and of Gad, þe profete, demyden to make paſke in þe ſecounde moneþ.
and of Nathan, þe profete; for it was þe comaundement iii For þei demyden not to do in his tyme; for þe preeſtis
of þe Lord bi þe hond of hiſe prophetis. þat myȝten ſuffice weren not halewid, and þe puple was
xxvi And þe dekenes ſtoden, and helden þe orguns of
not ȝit gaderid in to Jeruſalem.
Dauid; and preeſtis helden trumpis. iiii And þe word pleſide þe king, and al þe multitude.
xxvii And Ezechie comaundide, þat þei ſchulden offre v And þei demyden to ſende meſſangeris in to al Iſrael,
brent ſacrifices on þe auter; and whanne brent ſacrifices fro Berſabee `til to Dan, þat þei ſchulden come, and
weren offrid, þei bigunnen to ſynge preiſyngis to þe make paſk to þe Lord God of Iſrael in Jeruſalem; for
Lord, and to ſowne wiþ trumpis, and in dyuerſe orguns, many men hadden not do, as it is bifor writun in þe
whiche Dauid, þe kyng of Iſrael, hadde maad redi for to lawe.
ſowne. vi And corouris ȝeden forþ wiþ piſtlis, bi comaundement
xxviii Forſoþe whanne al þe cumpenye worſchipide,
of þe kyng and of hiſe princis, in to al Iſrael and Juda,
ſyngeris and þei þat helden trumpis weren in her office, and prechiden bi þat, þat þe kyng hadde comaundid,
til þe brent ſacrifice was fillid. Sones of Iſrael, turne ȝe aȝen to þe Lord God of
Abraham, and of Iſaac, and of Iſrael; and he ſchal turne

aȝen to þe reſidue men, þat aſcapiden þe hondis of þe daies in greet gladneſſe, and herieden þe Lord bi ech
kyng of Aſſiriens. dai; and dekenes and preeſtis `preiſiden þe Lord bi
vii Nyle ȝe be maad as ȝoure fadris and briþeren, þat orguns, þat acordiden to her offices.
ȝeden awei fro þe Lord God of her fadris; and he ȝaue xxii And Ezechie ſpak to þe herte of alle þe dekenes, þat
hem in to periſchyng, as ȝe ſeen. hadden good vndurſtondyng of þe Lord; and þei eeten
viii Nyle ȝe make hard ȝoure nollis, as ȝoure fadris bi ſeuene daies of þe ſolempnyte, offrynge ſacrifices of
diden; ȝyue ȝe hondis to þe Lord, and come ȝe to his peſible þingis, and heriynge þe Lord God of her fadris.
ſeyntuarie, which he halewide wiþouten ende; ſerue ȝe xxiii And it pleſide al þe multitude to halewe alſo oþere
þe Lord God of ȝoure fadris, and þe ire of his ſtrong ſeuene daies; which þing alſo þei diden wiþ greet ioye.
veniaunce ſchal `be turned awey fro ȝou. xxiiii Forſoþe Ezechie, kyng of Juda, ȝaf to þe multitude
ix For if ȝe turnen aȝen to þe Lord, ȝoure briþeren and a þouſynde bolis, and ſeuene þouſynde of ſcheep; ſoþeli
ȝoure ſones ſchulen haue mercy, bifor her lordis þat þe princes ȝauen to þe puple a þouſynde bolis, and ten
ledden hem priſoneris; and þei ſchulen turne aȝen in to þouſynde ſcheep. Þerfor ful greet multitude of preeſtis
þis lond. For `oure Lord God is pitouſe, `eþir benygne, was halewid;
and merciful; and he ſchal not turne awey his face fro xxv and al þe cumpany of Juda was fillid wiþ gladneſſe,
ȝou, if ȝe turne aȝen to hym. as wel of preeſtis and dekenes, as of al þe multitude, þat
x Þerfor þe corours ȝeden ſwiftli fro cytee in to citee camen fro Iſrael, and `of conuerſis of þe lond of Iſrael,
þorou þe lond of Effraym and of Manaſſes `til to and of dwelleris in Juda.
Zabulon, while þei ſcorniden and bimowiden hem. xxvi And greet ſolempnytee was maad in Jeruſalem,
xi Neþeles ſum men of Aſer, and of Manaſſes, and of which maner ſolempnyte was not in þat citee fro þe
Zabulon, aſſentiden to þe counſel, and camen in to daies of Salomon, ſone of Dauid, kyng of Iſrael.
Jeruſalem. xxvii Soþeli preeſtis and dekenes ryſyden, and bleſſiden
xii Forſoþe þe hond of þe Lord was maad in Juda, þat he þe puple; and þe vois of hem was herd, and þe preier
ȝaf to hem oon herte, and þat þei diden þe word of þe cam in to þe hooli dwelling place of heuene.
Lord, bi þe comaundement of þe kyng and of þe
princes. CAP. XXXI
xiii And many puplis weren gaderid in to Jeruſalem, for i And whanne þeſe þingis weren doon riȝtfuli, al Iſrael
to make þe ſolempnyte of þerf looues in þe ſecounde ȝede out, þat was foundun in þe citees of Juda; and þei
moneþe. braken ſimylacris, and kittiden doun woodis, and
xiiii And þei riſiden, and deſtrieden þe auteris, þat weren waſtiden hiȝ places, and diſtrieden auteris, not oneli of
in Jeruſalem; and `þei deſtriynge alle þingis in whiche al Juda and Beniamyn, but alſo and of Effraym and
encenſe was brent to idols, caſtiden forþ in to þe ſtronde Manaſſes, til þei diſtrieden outirli. And alle þe ſones of
of Cedron. Iſrael turneden aȝen in to her poſſeſſiouns and citees.
xv Forſoþe þei offriden paſk in þe fourtenþe dai of þe ii Forſoþe Ezechie ordeynede cumpenyes of preeſtis and

ſecounde moneþe; alſo þe preeſtis and þe dekenes weren of dekenes bi her departyngis, ech man in his owne
halewid at þe laſte, and offriden brent ſacrifices in þe office, þat is, as wel of preeſtis as of dekenes, to brent
hows of þe Lord. ſacrifices and peſible ſacrifices, þat þei ſchulden
xvi And þei ſtoden in her ordre, bi þe ordynaunce and mynyſtre, and knowleche, and ſynge in þe ȝatis of þe
lawe of Moiſes, þe man of God. Soþely þe preeſtis caſtels of þe Lord.
iii Soþeli þe part of þe kyng was, þat of his owne catel
token of þe hondis of dekenes þe blood to be ſched out,
xvii for myche cumpeny was not halewid; and þerfor þe brent ſacrifice ſchulde be offrid euere in þe morewtid
dekenes offriden paſk for hem, þat myȝten not be and euentide, alſo in ſabatis, and calendis, and oþere
halewid to þe Lord. ſolempnytees, as it is writun in þe lawe of Moiſes.
xviii Alſo a greet part of þe puple of Effraym, and iiii Alſo he comaundide to þe puple of hem þat

Manaſſes, and of Yſachar, and of Zabulon, þat was not dwelliden in Jeruſalem, to ȝyue partis to þe preeſtis and
halewid, eet paſk not bi þat þat is writun. And Ezechie dekenes, þat þei myȝten ȝyue tent to þe lawe of þe Lord.
v And whanne þis was knowun in þe eeris of þe
preyde for hem, and ſeide, Þe good Lord ſchal do mercy
to alle men, multitude, þe ſones of Iſrael offriden ful many firſte
xix þat ſeken in al þe herte þe Lord God of her fadris; fruytis of wheete, of wyn, of oyle, and of hony; and of
and it ſchal not be arettid to hem, þat þei ben not alle þingis whiche þe erþe bringiþ forþ, þei offriden
halewid. tiþis.
xx And þe Lord herde hym, and was pleſid to þe puple. vi But alſo þe ſones of Iſrael and of Juda, þat dwelliden
xxi And þe ſones of Iſrael, þat weren founden in in þe citees of Juda, offriden tiþis of oxis and of ſcheep,
Jeruſalem, maden ſolempnyte of þerf looues ſeuene and þe tiþis of holi þingis, whiche þei avowiden to `her

Lord God, and þei brouȝten alle þingis, and maden ful xx Þerfor Ezechie dide alle þingis, whiche we ſeiden, in
many heepis. al Juda, and he wrouȝte þat, þat was riȝtful and good
vii In þe þridde moneþe þei bigunnen to leie þe and trewe bifor `his Lord God,
foundementis of þe heepis, and in þe ſeuenþe moneþe xxi in al þe religioun of þe ſeruyce of þe hows of þe
þei filliden þo heepis. Lord, bi þe lawe and cerymonyes; and he wolde ſeke
viii And whanne Ezechie and hiſe princes hadden entrid, his Lord God in al his herte, and he dide, and hadde
þei ſiȝen þe heepis, and bleſſiden þe Lord, and þe puple proſperite.
of Iſrael.
ix And Ezechie axide þe preeſtis and dekenes, whi þe CAP. XXXII
heepis laien ſo. i Aftir whiche þingis and ſich treuþe, Senacherib, þe
x Azarie, þe firſte preeſt of þe generacioun of Sadoch, kyng of Aſſiriens, cam and entride in to Juda; and he
anſweride to hym, and ſeide, Siþen þe firſte fruytis biſegide ſtronge citees, and wolde take þo.
bigunnen to be offrid in þe hows of þe Lord, we han ete ii And whanne Ezechie hadde herd þis þing, þat is, þat
and ben fillid, and ful many þingis ben left; for þe Lord Senacherib was comun, and þat al þe ferſneſſe of batel
haþ bleſſid his puple; ſoþeli þis plentee, which þou ſeeſt, was turned aȝens Jeruſalem,
is of þe relifs. iii he took counſel wiþ þe princes and ſtrongeſt men, þat
xi Þerfor Ezechie comaundide, þat þei ſchulden make þei ſchulden ſtoppe þe heedis of wellis, þat weren
redi bernes in þe hows of þe Lord; and whanne þei wiþout þe citee; and whanne þe ſentence of alle men
hadden do þis þing, demyde þis,
xii þei brouȝten in feiþfuly boþe þe firſte fruytis, and iiii he gaderide togidere a ful greet multitude, and þei
tiþis, and what euere þingis þei hadden avowid. Forſoþe ſtoppiden alle þe wellis, and þe ryuer, þat flowide in þe
Chonenye, þe dekene, was þe ſouereyn of þo; and myddis of þe lond; and ſeiden, Leſt þe kyngis of
Semei his broþer was þe ſecounde; Aſſiriens comen, and fynden abundance of watris.
xiii aftir whom Jehiel, and Azarie, and Nabath, and v Alſo he dide wittili, and bildide al þe wal þat was
Aſahel, and Jerimoth, `and Jozabad, and Helyel, and diſtride, and he bildide touris aboue, and an oþer wal
Jeſmahie, and Maath, and Banaie, weren ſouereyns wiþoutforþ. And he reparilide Mello in þe citee of
vndur þe hondis of Chonenye and Semei, his broþer, bi Dauid; and made armure of al kynde, and ſcheldis.
þe comaundement of `Ezechie þe kyng, and of Azarie, vi And he ordeynede princes of werriouris in þe ooſt;
þe biſchop of þe hows of þe Lord, to whiche alle þingis and he clepide togidere alle men in þe ſtreet of þe ȝate
perteyneden. of þe citee, and ſpake to þe herte of hem,
xiiii But Chore, þe ſone of Jemnya, dekene and portere vii and ſeide, Do ȝe manli, and be ȝe coumfortid; nyle ȝe
of þe eeſt ȝate, was ſouereyn of þo þingis þat weren drede, neþer be ȝe aferd of þe kyng of Aſſiriens, and of
offrid bi fre wille to þe Lord, and of þe firſte fruytis, al þe multitude which is wiþ him; for many mo ben wiþ
and of þingis halewid in to hooli þingis of þe noumbre vs þan wiþ him.
of hooli þingis; viii Fleiſchli arm is wiþ him; `oure Lord God is wiþ vs,
xv and vndur his cure weren Eden, and Beniamyn,
which is oure helpere, and ſchal fiȝte for vs. And þe
Jeſue, and Semeye, and Amarie, and Sechenye, in þe puple was coumfortid wiþ ſich wordis of Ezechie, kyng
citees of preeſtis, þat þei ſchulden departe feiþfuli to her of Juda.
briþeren þe partis, to þe leſſe and þe grettere, ix And aftir þat þeſe þingis weren doon, Sennacherib
xvi outakun malis fro þree ȝeer and aboue, þeſe þingis to
ſente hiſe ſeruauntis to Jeruſalem; for he `wiþ al þe ooſt
alle þat entriden in to þe temple of þe Lord, and what biſegide Lachis. He ſente to Ezechie, kyng of Juda, and
euer þing bi ech dai was hirid in þe ſeruyce and to al þe puple þat was in þe citee,
obſeruaunces bi her departyngis. x and ſeide, Sennacherib, þe kyng of Aſſiriens, ſeiþ þeſe
xvii To preeſtis bi meynees, and to dekenes fro `þe
þingis, In whom han ȝe triſt, and ſitten biſegid in
twentiþe ȝeer and aboue bi her ordris and cumpenyes, Jeruſalem?
and to alle þe multitude, xi Wheþer Ezechie diſſeyueþ ȝou, þat he bitake ȝou to
xviii boþe to þe wyues and fre children of hem of euer
deeþ in hungur and þirſt, and affermeþ, þat `ȝoure Lord
eiþer kynde, metis weren ȝouun feiþfuli of þeſe þingis God ſchal delyuere ȝou fro þe hond of þe kyng of
þat weren halewid. Aſſyriens?
xix But alſo men of þe ſones of Aaron weren ordeyned bi xii Wheþer not þis is Ezechie, þat diſtriede hiȝ places,
þe feeldis and ſubarbis of alle citees, whyche men and auteris of hym, and comaundide to Juda and to
ſchulden dele partis to al þe male kynde of preeſtis and Jeruſalem, and ſeide, Ȝe ſchulen worſchipe bifor oon
dekenes. auter, and þerynne ȝe ſchulen brenne encenſe?

xiii Wheþer ȝe witen not what þingis Y haue do, and my and of preciouſe ſtoon, of ſwete ſmellynge ſpices, and of
fadir, to alle þe puplis of londis? Wheþer þe goddis of armuris of al kynde, and of veſſels of greet prijs.
folkis and of alle londis myȝten delyuere her cuntrei fro xxviii Alſo he bildide large houſis of wheete, of wyn, and
myn hond? of oile, and cratchis of alle beeſtis,
xiiii Who is of alle goddis of folkis, whiche my fadris xxix and fooldis to ſcheep, and ſixe citees. For he hadde
diſtrieden, þat myȝte delyuere his puple fro myn hond, vnnoumbrable flockis of ſcheep and of grete beeſtis; for
þat alſo ȝoure God may delyuere ȝou fro þis hond? þe Lord hadde ȝoue to hym ful myche catel.
xv Þerfor Ezechie diſſeyue not ȝou, neþer ſcorne bi veyn xxx Þilke is Ezechie, þat ſtoppide þe hiȝere welle of þe
counſelyng, neþir bileue ȝe to hym; for if no god of alle watris of Gion, and turnede þo awei vndur þe erþe at þe
folkis and cuntreis myȝte delyuere his puple fro myn weſt of þe citee of Dauid; in alle hiſe werkis he dide `bi
hond, and fro þe hond of my fadris, ſuyngli neþer ȝoure proſperite, what euer þing he wolde.
God ſchal mowe delyuere ȝou fro þis myn hond. xxxi Neþeles in þe meſſage of þe princes of Babiloyne,
xvi But alſo hiſe ſeruauntis ſpaken many oþir þingis þat weren ſent to hym for to axe of þe grete wondir, þat
aȝenus þe Lord God, and aȝens Ezechie, his ſeruaunte. bifelde on þe lond, God forſook hym, þat he were
xvii Alſo he wroot epiſtlis ful of blasfemye aȝens þe temptid, and þat alle þingis weren knowun þat weren in
Lord God of Iſrael, and he ſpak aȝens God, As þe his herte.
goddis of oþere folkis myȝten not delyuere her puple xxxii Soþeli þe reſidue of wordis of Ezechie, and of hiſe
fro myn hond, ſo and þe God of Ezechie may not mercies, ben writun in þe profeſie of Yſaie, þe profete,
delyuere his puple fro myn hond. ſone of Amos, and in þe book of kyngis of Juda and of
xviii Ferþermore and wiþ greet cry in þe langage of Iſrael.
Jewis he ſownede aȝens þe puple, þat ſat on þe wallis of xxxiii And Ezechie ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris, and þei
Jeruſalem, to make hem aferd, and to take þe citee. birieden hym aboue þe ſepulcris of þe ſones of Dauid.
xix And he ſpake aȝens God of Iſrael, as aȝens þe goddis And al Juda and alle þe dwelleris of Jeruſalem maden
of þe puplis of erþe, þe werkis of mennus hondis. ſolempne þe ſeruyces of his biriyng; and Manaſſes, his
xx Þerfor Ezechie, þe kyng, and Yſaie, þe profete, þe ſone, regnide for him.
ſone of Amos, preieden aȝens þis blasfemye, and
crieden til in to heuene. CAP. XXXIII
xxi And þe Lord ſente his aungel, þat killide ech ſtrong i Manaſſes was of twelue ȝeer, whanne he bygan to

man and werriour, and þe prince of þe ooſt of þe kyng regne, and he regnyde in Jeruſalem fyue and fifti ȝeer.
ii Forſoþe he dide yuel bifor þe Lord bi
of Aſſiriens; and he turnede aȝen wiþ ſchenſhip `in to
his lond. And whanne he hadde entrid in to þe hows of abhomynaciouns of heþene men, whiche þe Lord
his god, þe ſones, þat ȝeden out of his wombe, killiden deſtriede bifor þe ſones of Iſrael.
hym wiþ ſwerd. iii And he turnede, and reſtoride þe hiȝe places, whiche
xxii And þe Lord ſauyde Ezechie, and þe dwelleris of Ezechie, his fadir, hadde deſtried. And he bildide auteris
Jeruſalem, fro þe hond of Senacherib, kyng of Aſſiriens, to Baalym, and made wodis, and worſchipide al þe
and fro þe hond of alle men; and ȝaf to hem reſte bi knyȝthod of heuene, and heriede it.
cumpas. iiii And he bildide auteris in þe hows of þe Lord, of
xxiii Alſo many men brouȝten offryngis and ſacrifices to which þe Lord hadde ſeid, My name ſchal be in
þe Lord in to Jeruſalem, and ȝiftis to Ezechie, kyng of Jeruſalem wiþ outen ende.
Juda; which was enhaunſid aftir þeſe þingis bifor alle v Soþeli he bildide þo auteris to al þe knyȝthod of
folkis. heuene in þe twei large places of þe hows of þe Lord.
xxiiii In þo daies Ezechie was ſijk `til to þe deþ, and he vi And he made hiſe ſones to paſſe þorouȝ þe fier in þe
preiede þe Lord; and he herde hym, and ȝaf to hym a valei of Beennon; he kepte dremes; he ſuede fals
ſigne; diuynyng bi chiteryng of briddis; he ſeruyde witche
xxv but he ȝeldide not bi þe benefices whiche he hadde craftis; he hadde wiþ hym aſtronomyeris and
take, for his herte was reiſid; and ire was maad aȝens enchaunteris, `eþir trigetours, þat diſſeyuen mennus
hym, and aȝens Juda, and aȝens Jeruſalem. wittis, and he wrouȝte many yuelis bifor þe Lord to
xxvi And he was mekid aftirward, for his herte was terre hym to wraþþe.
vii Alſo he ſettide a grauun ſigne and a ȝotun ſigne in þe
reiſid; boþe he was mekid, and þe dwelleris of
Jeruſalem; and þerfor þe ire of þe Lord cam not on hem hows of þe Lord, of which hows God ſpak to Dauid,
in þe daies of Ezechie. and to Salomon, his ſone, and ſeide, Y ſchal ſette my
xxvii Forſoþe Ezechie was riche, and ful noble, and name wiþ outen ende in þis hows and in Jeruſalem,
gaderide to hym ſilf ful many treſours of ſiluer, of gold, which Y chees of alle þe lynagis of Iſrael;

viii and Y ſchal not make þe foot of Iſrael to moue fro þe xxiii And he reuerenſide not þe face of þe Lord, as
lond which Y ȝaf to her fadris, ſo oneli if þei kepen to Manaſſes, `his fadir, reuerenſide; and he dide mych
do þo þingis whiche Y comaundide to hem, and al þe gretter treſpaſſis.
lawe, and cerymonyes, and domes, bi þe hond of xxiiii And whanne his ſeruauntis `hadden ſwore to gyder
Moiſes. aȝens hym, þei killiden hym in his hows.
ix Þerfor Manaſſes diſſeyuede Juda, and þe dwelleris of xxv Soþeli þe reſidue multitude of þe puple, aftir þat þei
Jeruſalem, þat þei diden yuel, more þan alle heþene hadden ſlayn hem þat `hadden ſlayn Amon, ordeyneden
men, whiche þe Lord hadde diſtriede fro þe face of þe Joſie, his ſone, kyng for hym.
ſones of Iſrael.
x And þe Lord ſpak to hym, and to his puple; and þei CAP. XXXIIII
nolden take heed. i Joſie was of eiȝte ȝeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and
xi Þerfor þe Lord brouȝte on hem þe princes of þe ooſt he regnede in Jeruſalem oon and þritti ȝeer.
of þe kyng of Aſſiriens; and þei token Manaſſes, and ii And he dide þat, þat was riȝtful in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord;
bounden hym wiþ chaynes, and ſtockis, and ledden hym and ȝede in þe waies of Dauid, his fadir, and bowide not
in to Babiloyne. to þe riȝt ſide neþer to þe left ſide.
xii And aftir þat he was angwiſchid, he preiede `his Lord iii Forſoþe in þe eiȝteþe ȝeer of þe rewme of his empire,
God, and dide penaunce gretli bifor þe God of hiſe whanne he was ȝit a child, he bigan to ſeke God of his
fadris. fadir Dauid; and in þe twelueþe ȝeer after þat he bigan,
xiii And he preiede God, and biſechide ententifli; and he clenſide Juda and Jeruſalem fro hiȝ places, and
God herde his preier, and brouȝte hym aȝen `in to wodis, and ſimilacris, and grauun ymagis.
Jeruſalem in to his rewme; and Manaſſes knew, þat þe iiii And þei deſtrieden bifor hym þe auteris of Baalym,
Lord hym ſilf is God. and þei deſtrieden þe ſymylacris, þat weren put aboue.
xiiii Aftir þeſe þingis he bildide þe wal wiþ out þe citee Alſo he hewide doun þe wodis, and grauun ymagis, and
of Dauid, at þe weſt of Gion, in þe valei, fro þe entryng brak to ſmale gobetis; and ſcateride abrood `þe ſmale
of þe ȝate of fiſchis, bi cumpas `til to Ophel; and he gobetis on þe birielis of hem, þat weren wont to offre
reiſide it gretli; and he ordeynede princes of þe ooſt in `to þo.
alle þe ſtronge citees of Juda. v Ferþermore he brente þe boonys of preeſtis in þe
xv And he dide awei alien goddis and ſymylacris fro þe auteris of idols, and he clenſide Juda and Jeruſalem.
hows of þe Lord; and he dide awei þe auteris, whiche vi But alſo he deſtriede alle idols in þe citees of
he hadde maad in þe hil of þe hows of þe Lord, and in Manaſſes, and of Effraym, and of Symeon, `til to
Jeruſalem, and he caſtide awei alle wiþ out þe citee. Neptalym.
xvi Certis he reſtoride þe auter of þe Lord, and offride vii And whanne he hadde ſcateride þe auteris, and hadde
þeronne ſlayn ſacrifices, and peſible ſacrifices, and al to-broke in to gobetis þe wodis, and grauun ymagis,
preiſyng; and he comaundide Juda to ſerue þe Lord God and hadde deſtried alle templis of ydols fro al þe lond of
of Iſrael. Iſrael, he turnede aȝen in to Jeruſalem.
xvii Neþeles þe puple offride ȝit in hiȝ places to `her viii Þerfor in þe eiȝtenþe ȝeer of his rewme, whanne þe
Lord God. lond and temple `of þe Lord was clenſid nowe, he ſente
xviii Forſoþe þe reſidue of dedis of Manaſſes, and his Saphan, þe ſone of Helchie, and Maſie, þe prince of þe
biſechyng to `his Lord God, and þe wordis of profetis, citee, and Joa, þe ſone of Joachaz, chaunceler, þat þei
þat ſpaken to hym in þe name of þe Lord God of Iſrael, ſchulden reparele þe hous `of his Lord God.
ben conteyned in þe wordis of þe kyngis of Iſrael. ix Whiche camen to Helchie, þe grete preeſt; and
xix And his preier, and þe heryng, and alle ſynnes, and whanne þei hadden take of hym þe money, which was
diſpiſyng, alſo þe places in whiche he bildide hiȝ þingis, brouȝt in to þe hows of þe Lord; and which monei þe
and made wodis and ymagis, bifor þat he dide dekenes and porteris hadden gaderid of Manaſſes, and
penaunce, ben writun in þe bokis of Ozai. of Effraym, and of alle þe reſidue men of Iſrael, and of
xx Forſoþe Manaſſes ſlepte wiþ hiſe fadris, and þei al Juda and Beniamyn, and of þe dwelleris of Jeruſalem,
birieden hym in his hows; and Amon, his ſone, regnyde x þei ȝauen it in þe hondis of hem þat weren ſouereyns
for hym. of þe werk men in þe hows of þe Lord, þat þei ſchulden
xxi Amon was of two and twenti ȝeer, whanne he bigan reſtore þe temple, and reparele alle feble þingis.
to regne; and he regnyde twei ȝeer in Jeruſalem. xi And þei ȝauen þat monei to þe crafti men and
xxii And he dide yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, as Manaſſes, maſouns, for to bie ſtoonys hewid out of þe `delues,
his fadir, hadde do; and he offride, and ſeruyde to alle eþer quarreris, and trees to þe ioynyngis of þe bildyng,
þe idols, whiche Manaſſes hadde maad. and to þe coupling of houſis, whiche þe kingis of Juda
hadden deſtried.

xii Whiche men diden feiþfuli alle þingis. Soþeli þe xxvii and þin herte is maad neiſch, and þou art mekid in
ſouereyns of worcheris weren Jabath, and Abdie, of þe þe ſiȝt of þe Lord of þeſe þingis þat ben ſeide aȝens þis
ſones of Merari; Zacarie, and Moſallam, of þe ſones of place and þe dwelleris of Jeruſalem, and þou haſt
Caath; whiche haſtiden þe werk; alle weren dekenes, reuerenſid my face, and haſt to-rente þi cloþis, and haſt
kunnynge to ſynge wiþ orguns. wepte bifor me; alſo Y haue herd þee, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xiii Soþeli ouer þem þat baren birþuns to dyuerſe vſis xxviii For now Y ſchal gadere þee to þi fadris, and þou
weren þe ſcribis, and maiſtris of þe dekenes, and ſchalt be borun in to þi ſepulcre in pees; and þin iȝen
porteris. ſchulen not ſe al yuel, which Y ſchal brynge yn on þis
xiiii And whanne þei baren out þe monei, þat was borun place, and on þe dwelleris þerof. Þerfor þei telden to þe
in to þe temple of þe Lord, Helchie, `þe preeſt, foond þe king alle þingis, whiche Olda hadde ſeid.
book of þe lawe of þe Lord bi þe hond of Moiſes. xxix And aftir þat he hadde clepid togidere alle þe eldere
xv And he ſeide to Saphan, þe writere, Y haue founde þe men of Juda and of Jeruſalem,
book of þe lawe in þe hows of þe Lord. xxx he ſtiede in to þe hows of þe Lord, and togidere alle
xvi And Helchie took to Saphan, and he bar in þe book þe men of Juda, `and þe dwelleris of Jeruſalem, preeſtis,
to þe king; and telde to hym, and ſeide, Lo! alle þingis and dekenes, and al þe puple, fro þe leeſte `til to þe
ben fillid, moſte; to whiche herynge in þe hows of þe Lord, þe
whiche þou haſt ȝoue in to þe hondis of þi ſeruauntis. kyng redde alle þe wordis of þe book.
xvii Þei han wellyd togidere þe ſiluere, which is foundun xxxi And he ſtood in his trone, and ſmoot a boond of

in þe hous of þe Lord; and it is ȝouun to þe ſouereyns of pees bifor þe Lord, for to `go aftir hym, and to kepe þe
þe crafti men, and makynge dyuerſe werkis; comaundementis, and witneſſyngis, and iuſtifiyngis of
xviii ferþermore Helchie, þe preeſt, took to me þis book. hym, in al his herte and in al his ſoule; and to do þo
And whanne he hadde reherſid þis book in þe preſence þingis þat weren writun in þat book, which he hadde
of þe kyng, red.
xix and he hadde herd þe wordis of þe lawe, he to-rente xxxii And he chargide greetli on þis þing alle men, þat

hiſe cloþis; and he comaundide to Helchie, weren foundun in Jeruſalem and Beniamyn; and þe
xx and to Aichan, þe ſone of Saphan, and to Abdon, þe dwellers of Jeruſalem diden aftir þe couenaunt of þe
ſone of Mycha, and to Saphan, þe ſcryuen, and to Aſaie, Lord God of her fadris.
xxxiii Þerfor Joſie dide awei alle abhomynaciouns fro
þe ſeruaunt of þe kyng,
xxi and ſeide, Go ȝe, and preie þe Lord for me, and for alle þe cuntreis of þe ſones of Iſrael; and he made alle
þe reſydue men of Iſrael and of Juda, on alle þe wordis men, þat weren reſidue in Iſrael, to ſerue her Lord God;
of þis book, which is foundun. For greet veniaunce of in alle þe daies of his lijf þei ȝeden not awei fro þe Lord
þe Lord haþ droppid on vs, for oure fadris kepten not þe God of her fadris.
wordis of þe Lord, to do alle þingis þat ben writun in
þis book. CAP. XXXV
i Forſoþe Joſie made paſk to þe Lord in Jeruſalem, þat
xxii Þerfor Helchie ȝede, and þei þat weren ſent togidere
of þe king, to Olda, þe propheteſſe, þe wijf of Sellum, was offrid in þe fourtenþe dai of þe firſte moneþe;
ii and he ordeynede preſtis in her offices; and he
ſone of Thecuath, ſone of Aſra, kepere of cloþis, which
Olda dwellide in Jeruſalem in þe ſecounde warde; and comaundide hem for to mynyſtre in þe hows of þe Lord.
iii And he ſpak to þe dekenes, at whos techyng al Iſrael
þei ſpaken to hir þe wordis, whiche we telden bifore.
xxiii And ſche anſweride to hem, Þe Lord God of Iſrael was halewid to þe Lord, Sette ȝe þe arke in þe
ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Seie ȝe to þe man, þat ſente ȝou to me, ſeyntuarie of þe temple, which Salomon, kyng of Iſrael,
xxiiii Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal brynge ynne þe ſone of Dauid, bildide; for ȝe ſchulen no more bere
yuels on þis place, and on þe dwelleris þerof, and alle it. But now ſerue `ȝoure Lord God and his puple Iſrael,
iiii and make ȝou redi bi ȝoure houſis and meynees in þe
þe curſyngis þat ben writun in þis book, which þei
redden bifor þe kyng of Juda. departyngis of ech bi hym ſilf, as Dauid, king of Iſrael,
xxv For þei han forſake me, and han ſacrified to alien comaundide, and Salomon, his ſone, diſcryuede;
v and ſerue ȝe in þe ſeyntuarie bi þe meynees and
goddis, for to terre me to wraþfulneſſe in alle þe werkis
of her hondis; þerfor my ſtrong veniaunce ſchal droppe cumpenyes of dekenes,
vi and be ȝe halewid, and offre ȝe paſk; alſo `make redi
on þis place, and it ſchal not be quenchid.
xxvi But ſpeke ȝe þus to þe kyng of Juda, þat ſente ȝou to ȝoure briþeren, þat þei moun `do bi þe wordis, whiche
preye þe Lord, Þe Lord God of Iſrael ſeiþ þeſe þingis, þe Lord ſpak in þe hond of Moyſes.
vii Ferþermore Joſie ȝaf to al þe puple, þat was foundun
For þou herdiſt þe wordis of þe book,
þere in þe ſolempnytee of paſk, lambren, and kidis of þe
flockis, and of reſidue ſcheep `he ȝaf þritti þouſynde,

and of oxis þre þouſynde; þeſe þingis of al þe catel of þe xxi And he ſeide bi meſſangeris ſent to hym, Kyng of
kyng. Juda, what is to me and to þee? Y come not aȝens þee to
viii And hiſe duykis offriden þo þingis whiche þei dai, but Y fiȝte aȝens anoþer hows, to which God bad
avowiden bi fre wille, as wel to þe puple as to preſtis me go in haſte; ceeſſe þou to do aȝens God, which is
and dekenes. Forſoþe Elchie, and Zacharie, and Jehiel, wiþ me, leſt he ſle þee.
princes of þe hows of þe Lord, ȝauen to preeſtis, to xxii Joſie nolde turne aȝen, but made redi batel aȝens
make paſk in comyn, two þouſynde and ſixe hundrid hym; and he aſſentide not to þe wordis of Nechao, bi
ſcheep, and þre hundrid oxis. Goddis mouþ, but he ȝede for to fiȝte in þe feeld of
ix Forſoþe Chononye, and Semei, and Nathanael and Magedo.
hiſe briþeren, alſo Aſabie, Jahiel, and Joſabaz, princis of xxiii And þere he was woundide of archeris, and ſeide to
dekenes, ȝauen to oþere dekenes, to make paſk, fyue hiſe children, `Lede ȝe me out of þe batel, for Y am
þouſynde of ſcheep, and fyue hundrid oxis. woundid greetli.
x And þe ſeruyce was maad redi; and preeſtis ſtoden in xxiiii Whiche baren hym ouer fro þe chare in to an oþer
her office, and dekenes in cumpenyes, bi chare, þat ſuede hym, bi cuſtom of þe kyng, and `baren
comaundement of þe kyng; and paſk was offrid. out hym in to Jeruſalem; and he diede, and was biried in
xi And preeſtis ſpreynten her hondis wiþ blood, and þe ſepulcre of hiſe fadris. And al Juda and Jeruſalem
dekenes drowen of þe ſkynnes of ſacrifices, and biweiliden hym,
departiden þo ſacrificis, xxv Jeremye mooſt, of whom alle ſyngeris and
xii for to ȝyue bi þe houſis and meyneis of alle men; and ſyngereſſis `til in to preſent dai reherſen `lamentaciouns,
þat þo ſchulden be offrid to þe Lord, as it is writun in þe eþer weilyngis, on Joſie; and it cam forþ as a lawe in
book of Moiſes; and of oxis þei diden in lijk maner. Iſrael, Lo! it is ſeid writun in Lamentaciouns. Forſoþe
xiii And þei roſtiden paſk on þe fier, bi þat þat is writun þe reſidue of wordis of Joſie, and of hiſe mercies, þat
in þe lawe. Soþeli þei ſeþiden peſible ſacrifices in ben comaundid in þe lawe of þe Lord, and hiſe werkis,
pannes, and cawdruns, and pottis, and in haſte þei `þe firſte and þe laſte, ben wryten in þe book of kyngis
deliden to al þe puple; of Iſrael and of Juda.
xiiii but þei maden redi aftirward to hem ſilf, and to
preſtis; for preeſtis weren occupied `til to nyȝt in þe CAP. XXXVI
i Þerfor þe puple of þe lond took Joachaz, þe ſone of
offryng of brent ſacrifices and of ynnere fatneſſis.
Wherfor dekenes maden redi to hem ſilf and to preeſtis, Joſie, and ordeynede hym kyng for his fadir in
þe ſones of Aaron, `þe laſte. Jeruſalem.
xv Forſoþe ſyngeris, þe ſones of Aſaph, ſtoden in her ii Joachaz was of þre and twenti ȝeer, whanne he bigan

ordre, bi þe comaundement of Dauid, and of Aſaph, and to regne, and he regnede þre moneþis in Jeruſalem.
of Eman, and of Yditum, þe profetis of þe kyng; but þe iii Soþeli þe kyng of Egipt, `whan he hadde come to
porteris kepten bi ech ȝate, ſo þat þei ȝeden not awei fro Jeruſalem, remouyde hym, and condempnede þe lond in
þe ſeruice, ſoþeli in a poynt; wherfor and dekenes, her an hundrid talentis of ſiluer and in a talent of gold.
briþeren, maden redi metis to hem. iiii And he ordeynede for hym Eliachim, his broþer,
xvi Þerfor al þe religioun of þe Lord was fillid riȝtfuli in kyng on Juda and Jeruſalem; and turnede his name
þat day, þat þei maden paſk, and offriden brent Joakym. Soþeli he took þilk Joachaz wiþ hym ſilf, and
ſacrifices on þe auter of þe Lord, bi þe comaundement brouȝte in to Egipt.
of kyng Joſie. v Joakym was of fyue and twenti ȝeer, whanne he bigan
xvii And þe ſones of Iſrael, þat weren foundun þere, to regne, and he regnyde eleuene ȝeer in Jeruſalem, and
maden paſk in þat tyme, and þe ſolempnite of þerf he dide yuel bifor `his Lord God.
looues ſeuene daies. vi Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Caldeis, ſtyede aȝens þis
xviii No paſk was lijk þis in Iſrael, fro þe daies of Joakym, and ledde hym boundun wiþ chaynes in to
Samuel, þe prophete; but neþir ony of þe kyngis of Babiloyne.
Iſrael made paſk as Joſie dide, to preeſtis and dekenes, vii To which Babiloyne he tranſlatide alſo þe veſſels of
and to al Juda and Iſrael, þat was foundun, and to þe þe Lord, and ſettide þo in his temple.
dwelleris of Jeruſalem. viii Soþeli þe reſidue of wordis of Joakym, and of hiſe
xix Þis paſk was halewid in þe eiȝtenþe ȝeer of `þe
abhomynaciouns whiche he wrouȝte, and þat weren
rewme of Joſie. foundun in hym, ben conteyned in þe book of kyngis of
xx Aftir þat Joſie hadde reparelid þe temple, Nechao, þe Iſrael and of Juda. Þerfor Joachym, his ſone, regnede for
kyng of Egipt, ſtiede to fiȝte in Carcamys biſidis hym.
Eufrates; and Joſie ȝede forþ in to his metyng.

ix Joachym was of eiȝte ȝeer, whanne he bigan to regne, king of Perſis, þat comaundide to be prechid in al his
and he regnede þre moneþis and ten daies in Jeruſalem, rewme, ȝhe, bi ſcripture, and ſeide, Cirus,
and he dide yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord. xxiii þe king of Perſis, ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þe Lord God of
x And whanne þe cercle of þe ȝeer was turned aboute, heuene ȝaf to me alle þe rewmes of erþe, and he
Nabugodonoſor þe kynge ſente men, whiche alſo comaundide to me, þat Y ſchulde bilde to hym an hows
brouȝten hym in to Babiloyne, whanne þe mooſt in Jeruſalem, which is in Judee. Who of ȝou is in al his
preciouſe veſſels of þe hows of þe Lord weren borun out puple? `his Lord God be wiþ hym, and ſtie he `in to
togidir. Soþeli he ordeynede Sedechie, his fadris broþer, Jeruſalem.
kyng on Juda and Jeruſalem.
xi Sedechie was of oon and twenti ȝeer, whanne he CAP. XXXVII
i Lord God Almyȝti of our fadris, Abraham, Iſaac, and
bigan to regne, and he regnede eleuene ȝeer in
Jeruſalem. Jacob, and of her iuſt ſeed, which madiſt heuene and
xii And he dide yuel in þe ſiȝt of `his Lord God, and he erþe wiþ al þe ournyng of þo, which haſt markid þe ſee
was not aſchamed of þe face of Jeremye, þe prophete, bi þe word of `þi comaundement, which haſt cloſid to
ſpekynge to hym bi þe mouþ of þe Lord. gidere þe depþe of watris, and haſt markid to þi ferdful
xiii Alſo he ȝede awey fro þe kyng Nabugodonoſor, þat and preyſable name, which alle men dreden, `and
hadde made hym to ſwere bi God; and he made hard his tremblen of þe cheer of þi vertu, and þe ire of þi
nol and herte, þat he nolde turne aȝen to þe Lord of manaſſyng on ſynneris `is vnſuffrable, `eþer may not be
Iſrael. ſuſteyned. Soþeli þe merci of þi biheeſt is fulgreet and
xiiii But alſo alle þe princes of preeſtis and þe puple `vnſerchable, eþer may not be comprehendid `bi
mannus wit; for `þou art þe Lord mooſt hiȝ ouer al erþe;
treſpaſſiden wickidli, bi alle abhomynaciouns of heþene
þou art pacient, and myche merciful, and `doynge
men; and þei defouliden þe hows of þe Lord, which he
penaunce on þe malices of men. Treuli, Lord, þou bi þi
halewide to hym ſilf in Jeruſalem.
xv Forſoþe þe Lord God of her fadris ſente to hem bi þe goodneſſe haſt bihiȝt penaunce of forȝyueneſſe of
ſynnes; and þou, God of iuſt men, haſt not ſet penaunce
hond of hiſe meſſangeris, and roos bi nyȝt, and to iuſt men, to Abraham, Yſaac, and Jacob, to hem þat
amoneſtide ech day; for he ſparide his puple and ſynneden not aȝens þee. For Y haue ſynned more þan þe
dwellyng place. noumbre is of þe grauel of þe ſee; my wickidneſſis ben
xvi And þei ſcorneden þe meſſangeris of God, and
multiplied. Y am bowid wiþ myche boond of yrun, and
diſpiſiden hiſe wordis, and ſcorneden hiſe prophetis; til no breþing is to me; for Y haue ſtirid þi wraþfulneſſe,
þe greet veniaunce of þe Lord ſtiede on his puple, and and Y haue doon yuel bifor þee, `and Y haue ſet
noon heelyng were. abhomynaciouns, and `Y haue multiplied offenſiouns.
xvii And he brouȝte on hem þe kyng of Caldeis; and
And now Y bowe þe knees of myn herte, and biſeche
killide þe ȝonge men of hem `bi ſwerd in þe hows of goodneſſe of þee, Lord. Y haue ſynned, Lord; Y haue
ſeyntuarie; `he hadde not merci of a ȝong `man, and of a ſynned, and Y knowleche my wickidneſſe. Y axe, and
vergyn, and of an eld man, and ſoþeli neþer of a man preye þee, Lord; forȝyue þou to me, forȝyue þou to me;
niȝ þe deþ for eldneſſe, but he bitook alle in þe hond of leeſe þou me
þat king of Caldeis. not togidire wiþ my wickidneſſis, neþer reſerue þou
xviii And he tranſlatide in to Babiloyne alle þe veſſels of yuels to me wiþouten ende. For, Lord, bi þi greet merci
þe hows of þe Lord, boþe þe grettere and þe laſſe þou ſchalt ſaue me vnworþi, and Y ſchal herie þee euere
veſſels, and þe treſours of þe temple, and of þe kyng, in alle þe daies of my lijf; for al þe vertu of heuenes
and of þe princes. herieþ þee, and to þee is glorie in to worldis of worldis.
xix Enemyes brenten þe hows of þe Lord; þei diſtrieden Amen.
þe wal of Jeruſalem; þei brenten alle þe touris; and þei Here endiþ þe ſecounde book of Paralipomenon, and
diſtrieden what euer þing was preciouſe. here bigynneþ þe firſte book of Eſdre.
xx If ony man aſcapide þe ſwerd, he was led in to
Babiloyne, and ſeruyde þe kyng and hiſe ſones; til þe
kyng of Peerſis regnyde,
xxi and þe word of þe Lord bi þe mouþ of Jeremye was
fillid, and til þe lond halewide hiſe ſabatis. For in alle þe
daies of deſolacioun it made ſabat, til þat ſeuenti ȝeer
weren fillid.
xxii Forſoþe in þe firſte ȝeer of Cyrus, kyng of Perſis, to
fille þe word of þe Lord, which he hadde ſpoke bi þe
mouþ of Jeremye, þe Lord reiſide þe ſpirit of Cirus,

ii Jeſua, Neemie, Saray, Rahelaie, Mardochaa, Belſan,
I ESDRE Mesfar, Begnay, Reum, Baana. Þis is þe noumbre of
Here bigynneþ þe firſte book of Eſdre. men of þe ſones of Iſrael; þe ſones of Phares,
iii two þouſynde an hundrid and two and ſeuenti; þe
CAP. I ſones of Arethi, ſeuene hundrid and fyue and ſeuenti;
i In þe firſte ȝeer of Cirus, kyng of Perſis, þat þe word of iiii þe ſones of Sephezie, þre hundrid and two and
þe Lord bi þe mouþ of Jeremye ſchulde be fillid, þe ſeuenti;
Lord reiſide þe ſpirit of Cyrus, kyng of Perſis; and he v þe ſones of Area, ſeuene hundrid and fyue and ſeuenti;
puppliſchide a vois in al his rewme, ȝe, bi þe ſcripture, vi þe ſones of Phe and of Moab, ſones of Joſue and of
and ſeide, Cirus, Joab, twei þouſynde nyne hundrid and twelue;
ii þe kyng of Perſis, ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þe Lord God of vii þe ſones of Helam, a þouſynde two hundrid and foure
heuene ȝaf to me alle þe rewmes of erþe, and he and fifti;
comaundide to me, þat Y ſchulde bilde to hym an hows viii þe ſones of Zechua, nyne hundrid and fyue and
in Jeruſalem, which is in Judee.
iii Who is among ȝou of al his puple? his God be wiþ
ix þe ſones of Zahai, ſeuene hundrid and ſixti;
hym; ſtie he in to Jeruſalem, which is in Judee, and x þe ſones of Bany, ſixe hundrid and two and fourti;
bilde he þe hows of þe Lord God of Iſrael; he is God, xi þe ſones of Bebai, ſixe hundrid and þre and twenti; þe
which is in Jeruſalem.
iiii And alle oþere men, `þat dwellen where euere in alle ſones of Azgad,
xii a þouſynde two hundrid and two and twenti;
places, helpe hym; þe men of her place helpe in ſiluer,
xiii þe ſones of Adonycam, ſixe hundrid and ſixe and
and gold, and catel, and ſcheep, outakun þat þat þei
offren wilfulli to þe temple of God, which is in ſixti;
Jeruſalem. xiiii þe ſones of Beguai, two þouſynde two hundrid and
v And þe princis of fadris of Juda and of Beniamyn ſixe and fifti; þe ſones of Adyn,
riſiden, and þe preeſtis, and dekenes, and ech man whos xv foure hundrid and foure and fifti;
ſpirit God reiſide, for to ſtie to bilde þe temple of þe xvi þe ſones of Ather, þat weren of Ezechie, nynti and
Lord, þat was in Jeruſalem. eiȝte;
vi And alle men þat weren `in cumpas helpiden þe xvii þe ſones of Beſai, þre hundrid and þre and twenti;
hondis of hem, in veſſelis of ſiluer, and of gold, `in xviii þe ſones of Jora, an hundrid and twelue;
catel, in purtenaunce of houſhold, and in alle werk xix þe ſones of Aſom, two hundrid and þre and þritti;
beeſtis, outakun þeſe þingis which þei offriden bi fre xx þe ſones of Gebar weren nynti and fyue;
wille. xxi þe ſones of Bethleem weren an hundrid and eiȝte and
vii Forſoþe kyng Cyrus brouȝte forþ þe veſſels of þe
temple of þe Lord, whiche Nabugodonoſor hadde take xxii þe men of Nechopha, ſixe and fifti;
fro Jeruſalem, and hadde ſet þo in þe temple of his god.
viii Soþeli Cyrus, þe kyng of Perſis, brouȝte forþ þo bi xxiii þe men of Anathot, an hundrid and eiȝte and twenti;
xxiiii þe ſones of Aſmaneth, two and fourti;
þe hond of Mytridatis, ſone of Gazabar; and noumbride
xxv þe ſones of Cariathiarym, Cephiara, and Berhoc,
þo to Saſabazar, þe prince of Juda.
ix And þis is þe noumbre of þo veſſels; goldun violis, ſeuene hundrid and þre and fourti;
xxvi þe ſones of Arama and of Gaba, ſixe hundrid and
þritti; ſiluerne viols, a þouſynde; `grete knyues, nyne
and twenti; goldun cuppis, þritti; ſiluerne cuppis, oon and twenti;
x two þouſynde foure hundrid and ten; oþere veſſels, a xxvii men of `Mathmas, an hundrid and two and twenti;
þouſynde; men of Bethel and of Gay,
xi alle þe veſſels of gold and ſiluere weren fyue xxviii two hundrid and þre and twenti;
þouſynde foure hundrid. Saſabazar took alle veſſels, wiþ xxix þe ſones of Nebo, two and fifti;
hem þat ſtieden fro þe tranſmygracioun of Babiloyne, in xxx þe ſones of Nebgis, an hundrid and ſixe and fifti;
to Jeruſalem. xxxi þe ſones of þe toþer Helam, a þouſynde two hundrid
and foure and fifti;
CAP. II xxxii þe ſones of Arym, þre hundrid and twenti;
i Forſoþe þeſe ben þe ſones of prouynce, þat ſtieden fro
xxxiii þe ſones of Loradid and of Ono, ſeuene hundrid
þe caitifte, which Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babiloyne, and fyue and twenti;
hadde tranſlatid in to Babiloyne; and þei turneden aȝen xxxiiii þe ſones of Jerico, þre hundrid and fyue and
in to Jeruſalem and in to Juda, ech man in to his citee,
þat camen wiþ Zorobabel;

xxxv þe ſones of Sanaa, þre þouſynde ſixe hundrid and lxiii And Atterſatha ſeide to hem, þat þei ſchulden not ete
þritti; of þe hooli of hooli þingis, til a wijs preeſt and perfit
xxxvi preeſtis, þe ſones of Idaie, in þe hows of Jeſue, roos.
nyne hundrid and þre and ſeuenti; lxiiii Al þe multitude as o man, two and fourti þouſynde
xxxvii þe ſones of Emmeor, a þouſynde and two and fifti; þre hundrid and ſixti,
þe ſones of Pheſur, lxv outakun þe ſeruauntis of hem and `þe handmaydis,
xxxviii a þouſynde two hundrid and ſeuene and fourti; þat weren ſeuene þouſynde þre hundrid and ſeuene and
xxxix þe ſones of Arym, a þouſynde and ſeuentene; þretti; and among hem weren ſyngeris and ſyngereſſis
dekenes, twei hundrid.
xl þe ſones of Jeſue and of Cedynyel, ſones of Odonye, lxvi Þe horſis of hem weren ſixe hundrid and ſixe and

foure and ſeuenti; ſyngeris, þritti; þe mulis of hem weren foure hundrid and fyue
xli þe ſones of Aſaph, an hundrid and eiȝte and twenti; and fourti;
lxvii þe camels of hem weren foure hundrid and fyue
xlii þe ſones of porteris, ſones of Sellum, ſones of Ather,
ſones of Thelmon, ſones of Accub, ſones of Aritha, and þritti; þe aſſis of hem weren ſixe þouſynde ſeuene
ſones of Sobar, ſones of Sobai, alle weren an hundrid hundrid and twenti.
lxviii And of þe princes of fadris, whanne þei entriden in
and eiȝte and þritty;
xliii Nathynneis, þe ſones of Oſai, ſones of Aſupha, ſones to þe temple of þe Lord, which is in Jeruſalem, þei
of Thebaoth, ſones of Ceros, offriden of fre wille in to þe hows of God, to bilde it in
xliiii ſones of Siſaa, ſones of Phadon, his place;
lxix þei ȝauen `bi her myȝtes þe coſtis of þe werk, oon
xlv ſones of Jebana, ſones of Agaba, ſones of Accub,
xlvi ſones of Accab, ſones of Selmai,
and fourti þouſynde platis of gold; fyue þouſynde
beſauntis of ſiluer; and preeſtis cloþis an hundrid.
xlvii ſones of Annam, ſones of Gaddel, ſones of Gaer, lxx Þerfor preeſtis and dekenes of þe puple, and ſyngeris,
xlviii ſones of Rahaia, ſones of Raſyn, ſones of Nethoda,
and porteris, and Nathynneis dwelliden in her citees,
ſones of Gazem, ſones of Aſa, and al Iſrael in her cytees.
xlix ſones of Phaſea, ſones of Beſee,
l ſones of Aſennaa, ſones of Numyn, ſones of Nethuſym, CAP. III
li ſones of Bethuth, ſones of Acupha, ſones of Aryn, i And þanne þe ſeuenþe moneþe was comun, and þe
ſones of Beſluth, ſones of Iſrael weren in her citees.
lii ſones of Maida, ſones of Arſa, ii Þerfor þe puple was gaderid as o man in to Jeruſalem.
liii ſones of Bercos, ſones of Siſara, ſones of Thema, And Joſue, þe ſone of Joſedech, roos, and hiſe briþeren,
liiii ſones of Naſia, ſones of Acupha, preſtis, and Zorobabel, þe ſone of Salatiel, and hiſe
lv þe ſones of þe ſeruauntis of Salomon, þe ſones of briþeren, and þei bildiden þe auter of God of Iſrael for
to offre þerynne brent ſacrifices, as it is writun in þe
Sothelthei, þe ſones of Soforeth, þe ſones of Pharuda, þe
lawe of Moiſes, þe man of God.
ſones of Aſa, iii Forſoþe þei ſettiden þe auter on his foundementis,
lvi þe ſones of Delcon, þe ſones of Gedeb,
lvii þe ſones of Saphata, þe ſones of Atil, þe ſones of while þe puplis of londis bi cumpas maden hem aferd,
and þei offriden on þat auter brent ſacrifice to þe Lord
Phecerethi, þat weren of Aſebam, þe ſones of Ammy;
lviii alle þe Nathyneis, and þe ſones of þe ſeruauntis of
in þe morewtid and euentid.
iiii And þei maden ſolempnytee of tabernaclis, as it is
Salomon weren þre hundrid nynti and tweyne. writun, and brent ſacrifice ech dai bi ordre, `bi þe werk
lix And þei þat ſtieden fro Thelmela, Thelerſa, Cherub,
of þe dai comaundid in his dai.
and Don, and Mey, and myȝten not ſchewe þe hows of v And after þis þei offriden contynuel brent ſacrifice,
her fadris and her ſeed, wheþer þei weren of Iſrael; boþe in calendis and in alle ſolempnytees of þe Lord,
lx þe ſones of Delaya, þe ſones of Thobie, þe ſones of
þat weren halewid, and in alle ſolempnytees, in which
Nethoda, ſixe hundrid and two and fifti; ȝifte was offrid to þe Lord bi fre wille.
lxi and of þe ſones of preſtis, þe ſones of Obia, ſones of vi In þe firſte dai of þe ſeuenþe moneþe þei bigunnen to
Accos, ſones of Berzellai, which took a wijf of þe offre brent ſacrifice to þe Lord; certis þe temple of God
douȝtris of Berſellai Galadite, and was clepid bi þe was not foundid ȝit.
name of hem; vii But þei ȝauen monei to heweris of ſtoon, and to
lxii þeſe ſouȝten þe ſcripture of her genologie, and
liggeris of ſtoon, and þei ȝauen mete, and drynke, and
founden not, and þei weren caſt out of preeſthod. oile, to men of Sidon, and `to men of Tire, þat þei
ſchulden brynge cedre trees fro þe Liban to þe ſee of

Joppe, bi þat þat Cirus, kyng of Perſis, hadde vi Forſoþe in þe rewme of Aſſueris, he is Artaxerſis, in
comaundid to hem. þe bigynnyng of his rewme, þei writiden accuſing aȝens
viii Forſoþe in þe ſecounde ȝeer of her comyng to þe þe dwellers of Juda and of Jeruſalem;
temple of God in Jeruſalem, in þe ſecounde moneþe, vii and in þe daies of Artaxarſes, Beſellam wroot,
Zorobabel, þe ſone of Salatiel, and Joſue, Mytridates, and Thabel, and oþere, þat weren in þe
ix þe ſone of Joſedech, and oþere of her briþeren, counſel of hem, to Artaxarſes, kyng of Perſis. For þe
preeſtis and dekenes, and alle þat camen fro þe caitifte piſtle of accuſyng was writun in langage of Sirie, and
in to Jeruſalem, bigunnen; and þei ordeyneden dekenes, was red in word of Sirie.
fro twenti ȝeer and aboue, for to haſte þe werk of þe viii Reum, Beel, Theem, and Samſai, þe ſcryuen, writen
Lord; and Joſue ſtood, and hiſe ſones, and hiſe briþeren, ſich oon epiſtle fro Jeruſalem to þe kyng Artaxerſes;
Cedynyel and hiſe ſones, and þe ſones of Juda, as o Reum,
man, to be biſi ouer hem þat maden þe werk in þe ix Beel, Theem, and Samſai, þe writere, and oþere
temple of God; þe ſones of Benadab, her ſones and her counſelouris of hem, Dyney, Pharſathei, and Therphalei,
briþeren, dekenes, `weren biſy. Arphaſei, Harthuei, men of Babiloyne, Suſanne, Thanei,
x Þerfor whanne þe temple `of þe Lord was foundid of
Dacei, men of Helam,
ſtoon leggeris, preſtis ſtoden in her ournement wiþ x and oþere of heþene men, whiche þe grete and
trumpis, and dekenes, þe ſones of Aſaph, in cymbalis, gloriouſe Aſennaphar tranſlatide, and made hem to
for to herie God bi þe hond of Dauid, kyng of Iſrael. dwelle in þe citees of Samarie, and in oþere cuntrees
xi And þei ſungen togidere in ympnes and knoulechyng
biȝonde þe flood, `in pees.
to þe Lord, For he is good, for his merci is wiþ outen xi Þis is þe ſaumplere of þe piſtle, which þei ſenten to þe
ende on Iſrael. And al þe puple criede wiþ greet cry, in kyng. `To Artaxerſes, king, þi ſeruauntis, men `þat ben
preiſynge þe Lord, for þe temple of þe Lord was biȝende þe flood, ſeyn helþe.
foundid. xii Be it knowun to þe kyng, þat þe Jewis, þat ſtieden fro
xii Alſo ful manye of þe preeſtis, and of þe dekenes, and
þee, ben comun to vs `in to Jeruſalem, þe rebel and
þe princes of fadris, and þe eldre men, þat hadden ſeyn worſte citee, which þei bilden, and þei maken þe ground
þe formere temple, whanne it was foundid, and þis wallis þerof, and arayen þe wallis aboue.
temple bifor her iȝen, wepten wiþ greet vois, and many xiii Nou þerfor be it knowun to þe kyng, þat if þilke
men criynge in gladneſſe reiſiden þe vois; citee be bildid, and þe wallis þerof be reſtorid, þei
xiii and no man myȝte knowe þe vois of cry of men
ſchulen not ȝyue tribut, and tol, and annuel rentis, and
beynge glad, and þe vois of wepyng of þe puple; for þe þis treſpas ſchal come `til to þe kyng.
puple criede togidere wiþ greet cry, and þe vois was xiiii Þerfor we ben myndeful of þe ſalt, which we eeten
herd afer. in þe paleis, and for we holden it vnleueful to ſe þe
harmes of þe kyng, þerfor we han ſent and teld to þe
CAP. IIII kyng;
i Forſoþe þe enemyes of Juda and of Beniamyn herden,
xv þat þou acounte in þe bokis of ſtories of þi fadris, and
þat þe ſones of caitifte bildiden a temple to þe Lord God þou ſchalt fynde writun in cronyclis, and þou ſchalt
of Iſrael; wite, þat þilke citee is a rebel citee, and þat it anoieþ
ii and þei neiȝeden to Zorobabel, and to þe princes of
kyngis and prouynces, and batels ben reiſid þerynne of
fadris, and ſeiden to hem, Bilde we wiþ ȝou, for ſo as elde daies; wherfor alſo þilke citee was diſtried.
ȝe, we ſeken ȝoure God; lo! we han offrid ſacrificis fro xvi We tellen to þe kyng, þat if þilke citee be bildid, and
þe daies of Aſſoraddon, kyng of Aſſur, þat brouȝte vs þe wallis þerof be reſtorid, þou ſchalt not haue
hidur. poſſeſſioun biȝende þe flood.
iii And Zorobabel, and Joſue, and þe oþere princes of þe
xvii Þe kyng ſente word to Reum, Beel, Theem, and to
fadris of Iſrael, ſeiden to hem, It is not to vs and to ȝou, Samſai, þe ſcryuen, and to oþere þat weren in þe counſel
þat we bilde an hows to oure God; but we vs ſilf aloone of hem, to þe dwelleris of Samarie, and to oþere
ſchulen bilde to `oure Lord God, as Cirus, þe kyng of biȝendis þe flood, and ſeide, Helþe and pees.
Perſis, comaundide to vs. xviii Þe accuſyng, which ȝe ſenten to vs, was red opynli
iiii Forſoþe it was doon, þat þe puple of þe lond lettide
bifor me;
þe hondis of þe puple of Juda, and trobliden hem in xix and it was comaundid of me, and þei rekenyden, and
v And þei hiriden counſelouris aȝens þe Jewis, þat þei þei foundun, þat þilke citee rebelliþ of elde daies aȝens
kyngis, and diſſenciouns and batels ben reiſid þerynne;
ſchulden deſtrie þe counſeil of þe Jewis, in alle þe daies xx for whi `and ful ſtronge kyngis weren in Jeruſalem,
of Cirus, king of Perſis, and `til to þe rewme of Darius,
which alſo weren lordis of al þe cuntrei which is
king of Perſis.

biȝende þe flood; alſo þei token tribut, and tol, and xi Soþeli þei anſweriden bi ſich word, and ſeiden, We
rentis. ben þe ſeruauntis of God of heuene and of erþe; and we
xxi Now þerfor here ȝe þe ſentence, þat ȝe forbede þo bilden þe temple þat was bildid bifor þeſe many ȝeeris,
men, and þat þilke citee be not bildid, til if perauenture and `which temple þe greet kyng of Iſrael `hadde bildid,
it be comaundid of me. and maad.
xxii Se ȝe, þat þis be not fillid necgligentli, and yuel xii But aftir þat oure fadris ſtiryden God of heuene and
encreeſſe litil `and litil aȝens kyngis. of erþe to wraþfulneſſe, boþe he bitook hem in þe hond
xxiii Þerfor þe ſaumple of þe comaundement of kyng of Nabugodonoſor, Caldey, kyng of Babiloyne; and he
Artaxarſes was red bifor Reum, Beel, Theem, and diſtriede þis hows, and tranſlatide þe puple þerof in to
Samſai, þe ſcryueyn, and her counſeleris; and þei ȝeden Babiloyne.
haſtili in to Jeruſalem to þe Jewis, and forbediden hem xiii Forſoþe in þe firſte ȝeer of Cirus, king of Babiloyne,
wiþ arm and myȝt. Cirus, þe king of Babiloyne, ſettide forþ `a
xxiiii Þanne þe werk of Goddis hows in Jeruſalem was comaundement, þat þe hows of God ſchulde be bildid.
left, and it was not maad til to þe ſecounde ȝeer of xiiii For whi kyng Cirus brouȝte forþ `fro þe temple of
Darius, king of Perſis. Babiloyne alſo þe goldun and ſiluerne veſſels of Goddis
temple, whiche Nabugodonoſor hadde take fro þe
CAP. V temple, þat was in Jeruſalem, and hadde bore þo awei in
i Forſoþe Aggei, þe prophete, and Zacharie, þe to þe temple of Babiloyne; and þo veſſels weren ȝouun
prophete, þe ſone of Ado, propheſieden, propheſiynge in to Saſabazar bi name, whom `he made alſo prince. And
þe name of God of Iſrael, to þe Jewis þat weren in Juda Cirus ſeide to hym, Take þeſe veſſels,
and Jeruſalem. xv and go, and ſette þo in þe temple, which is in
ii Þanne Zorobabel, þe ſone of Salatiel, and Joſue, þe Jeruſalem; and þe hows of God be bildid in `his place.
ſone of Joſedech, riſiden, and bigunnen to bilde þe xvi Þerfor þanne þilke Saſabazar cam, and ſettide þe
temple of God in Jeruſalem; and wiþ hem ryſyden þe foundementis of Goddis temple in Jeruſalem; and fro
prophetis of God, helpynge hem. þat tyme `til to now it is bildid, and is not ȝit fillid.
iii Forſoþe in þat tyme Tatannai, þat was duyk biȝende xvii Now þerfor if it `ſemeþ good to þe king, rikene he in
þe flood, and Starbuſannay, and þe counſelouris of hem, þe biblet of þe kyng, which is in Babiloyne, wheþer it
camen to hem, and ſeiden þus to hem, Who ȝaf counſel be comaundid of kyng Cyrus, þat Goddis hows ſchulde
to ȝou to bilde þis hows, and to reſtore þeſe wallis? be bildid in Jeruſalem; and ſende he to vs þe wille of þe
iiii To which þing we anſweriden to hem, whiche weren kyng `on þis þing.
þe names of men, autours of þat bildyng.
v Forſoþe þe iȝe of God of hem was maad on þe elde CAP. VI
i Þanne kyng Darius comaundide, and þei rekenyden in
men of Jewis, and þei myȝten not forbede þe Jewis; and
it pleſide þat þe þing ſchulde be teld to Darius, and þe biblet of bokis, þat weren kept in Babiloyne.
þanne þei ſchulden make ſatisfaccioun aȝens þat ii And o book was foundun in Egbatanys, which is a
accuſyng. caſtel in þe prouynce of Medena, and ſich a ſentence of
vi Þis is þe ſaumpler of þe piſtle, which Tathannai, duyk þe kyng was writun þerynne.
of þe cuntrey biȝende þe flood, and Starburſannai, and iii In þe firſt ȝeer of kyng Cirus, Cirus þe kyng demyde,
hiſe counſelouris, Arphaſacei, þat weren biȝende þe þat, `Goddis hows, which is in Jeruſalem, ſchulde be
flood, ſenten to kyng Darius. bildid in þe place where þei offren ſacrifices, and þat
vii Þe word which þei ſenten to hym was writun þus; Al þei ſette foundementis ſupportynge þe heiȝþe of ſixti
pees be to þe kyng Darius. cubitis, and þe lengþe of ſixti cubitis, þre ordris of
viii Be it knowun to þe kyng, þat we ȝeden to þe ſtonys vnpoliſchid,
iiii and ſo ordris of newe trees. Soþeli coſtis ſchulen be
prouince of Judee, to þe hows of greet God, which is
bildid wiþ ſtoon vnpoliſchid, and trees ben ſet in þe ȝouun of þe kyngis hows.
wallis, and þilke werk is bildid diligently, and encreeſſiþ v But alſo þe goldun and ſiluerne veſſels of Goddis
in þe hondis of hem. temple, whiche Nabugodonoſor took fro þe temple of
ix Þerfor we axiden þo elde men, and þus we ſeiden to Jeruſalem, and brouȝte þo in to Babiloyne, be ȝoldun,
hem, Who ȝaf to ȝou power to bilde þis hows, and to and borun aȝen in to þe temple of Jeruſalem, and in to
reſtore þeſe wallis? her place, whiche alſo be ſet in þe temple of God.
x But alſo we axiden of hem þe names `of hem, þat we vi Now þerfor Tathannai, duyk of þe cuntrei which is

ſchulden telle to þee; and we han write þe names of biȝende þe flood, and Starbuſannai, and ȝoure
men, whiche þei ben, þat ben princes among hem. counſeleris, Arphaſacei, þat ben byȝende þe flood,
departe ȝe fer fro hem;

vii and ſuffre ȝe, þat þilke temple of God be maad of þe xxi And þe ſones of Iſrael eeten, þat turneden aȝen fro
duyk of Jewis, and of þe eldre men of hem; and þat þei tranſmygracioun, and ech man eet, þat hadde departid
bilde þat hows of God in his place. hym ſilf fro al þe defoulyng of heþene men of þe lond,
viii But alſo it is comaundid of me, þat þat bihoueþ to be for to ſeke þe Lord God of Iſrael.
maad of þo preeſtis of Jewys, þat þe hows of God be xxii And þei maden ſolempnyte of þerf looues ſeuene
bildid, þat is, þat coſtis be ȝouun biſili to þo men of þe daies in gladneſſe; for þe Lord hadde maad hem glad,
arke of þe kyng, þat is, of tributis, þat ben ȝouun of þe and hadde turned þe herte of þe kyng of Aſſur to hem,
contrei biȝende þe flood, leſt þe werk be lettid. þat he wolde helpe `her hondis in þe werk of þe hows of
ix Þat if it be nede, ȝyue þei boþe calues, and lambren, þe Lord God of Iſrael.
and kidis in to brent ſacrifice to God of heuene; wheete,
ſalt, and wyn, and oile, bi þe cuſtom of preeſtis þat ben CAP. VII
in Jeruſalem, be ȝouun to hem bi ech dai, þat no pleynt i Forſoþe aftir þeſe wordis Eſdras, þe ſone of Saraie,
be in ony þing. ſone of Azarie, ſone of Helchie,
x And offre þei offryngis to God of heuene; and preye ii ſone of Sellum, ſone of Sadoch, ſone of Achitob,
þei for þe lijf of þe kyng and of hiſe ſones. iii ſone of Amarie, ſone of Azarie,
xi Þerfor þe ſentence is ſet of me, þat if ony man iiii ſone of Maraioth, ſone of Saraie, ſone of Ozi,
chaungiþ þis comaundement, a tre be takun of his hows, v ſone of Bocci, ſone of Abiſue, ſone of Phynees, ſone of
and be reiſid, and be he hangid þerynne; ſoþeli his hows Eleazar, ſone of Aaron, preeſt at þe bigynnyng, was in
be forfetid. þe rewme of Artaxerſes, king of Perſis; þilke Eſdras
xii Forſoþe God, þat makiþ his name to dwelle þere,
ſtiede fro Babiloyne,
diſtrie alle rewmes and puple, þat holdiþ forþ her hond vi and he was a ſwift writere in þe lawe of Moiſes,
to impugne and deſtrie þilke hows of God, which is in which þe Lord God of Iſrael ȝaf; and þe kyng ȝaf to
Jeruſalem. I Darius haue demyd þe ſentence, which Y hym al his axyng, by þe goode hoond of his Lord God
wole be fillid diligentli. on hym.
xiii Þerfor Tathannai, duyk of þe `cuntrei biȝende þe vii And þere ſtieden of þe ſones of Iſrael, and of þe ſones
flood, and Starbuſannai, and hiſe counſeleris, diden of preeſtis, and of þe ſones of dekenes, and of þe
execucioun, `eþer filliden, ſo diligentli, bi þat þat kyng ſyngeris, and of þe porteris, and of Nathyneis, `in to
Darius hadde comaundid. Jeruſalem in þe ſeuenþe ȝeer of Artaxerſes, kyng.
xiiii Soþeli þe eldre men of Jewis bildiden, and hadden viii And þei camen in to Jeruſalem in þe fyueþe moneþe;
proſperite, bi þe profeſie of Aggey, þe profete, and of þilke is þe ſeuenþe of þe kyng.
Zacarie, þe ſone of Ado; and þei bildiden, and maden, ix For in þe firſte dai of þe firſte moneþe he bigan to ſtie
for God of Iſrael comaundide, and for Cirus, and
fro Babiloyne, and in þe firſte dai of þe fyueþe moneþe
Darius, and Artaxerſes, kyngis of Perſis, comaundiden;
xv and þei performyden þis hows of God `til to þe
he cam in to Jeruſalem, bi þe good hond of his God on
hym. Forſoþe
þridde dai of þe moneþe Adar, which is þe ſixte ȝeer of x Eſdras made redi his herte to enquere þe lawe of þe
þe rewme of king Darius.
xvi Forſoþe þe ſones of Iſrael, þe preeſtis and dekenes,
Lord, and to do, and teche in Iſrael þe comaundement
and doom.
and þe oþere of þe ſones of tranſmygracioun, `þat is, þat xi Soþeli þis is þe ſaumpler of þe piſtle of þe
camen fro tranſmigracioun, `eþer caitifte, maden þe
comaundement, which þe kyng Artaxerſes ȝaf to Eſdras,
halewyng of Goddis hows in ioie;
xvii and offriden, `in þe halewyng of Goddis hows, an
preeſt, writere lerud in þe wordis and comaundementis
of þe Lord, and in hiſe cerymonyes in Iſrael.
hundrid caluys, twei hundryd weþeris, foure hundrid xii Artaxerſes, kyng of kyngis, deſiriþ helþe to Eſdras,
lambren, twelue buckis of geet for þe ſynne of al Iſrael,
þe preeſt, mooſt wijs writere of þe lawe of God of
bi þe noumbre of lynagis of Iſrael.
xviii And þei ordeyneden preeſtis in her ordris, and
xiii It is demyd of me, þat whom euer it pleſiþ in my
dekenes in her whilis, on þe werkis of God in
rewme of þe puple of Iſrael, and of hiſe preeſtis, and
Jeruſalem, as it is writun in þe book of Moiſes.
xix Forſoþe þe ſones of tranſmygracioun maden paſk, in
dekenes, to go in to Jeruſalem, go he wiþ þee.
xiiii For þou art ſent fro þe face of þe kyng and of hiſe
þe fourtenþe dai of þe firſte moneþe.
xx For þe preeſtis and dekenes as o man weren clenſid,
ſeuene counſeleris, þat þou viſite Judee and Jeruſalem in
þe lawe of þi God, which is in þin hond;
alle weren clene for to offre paſk to alle þe ſones of xv and þat þou bere ſiluer and gold, which þe kyng and
tranſmygracioun, and to her briþeren preeſtis, and to
hiſe counſeleris han offrid bi fre wille to God of Iſrael,
hem ſilf.
whos tabernacle is in Jeruſalem.

xvi And take þou freli al ſiluer and gold, which euer þou gederide of þe ſones of Iſrael princes, þat ſtieden wiþ
fyndiſt in al þe prouynce of Babiloyne, and þe puple me.
wole offre, and of preeſtis þat offriden bi fre wille to þe
hows of her God, which is in Jeruſalem; CAP. VIII
xvii and bie þou biſili of þis monei calues, rammes, i Þerfor þeſe ben þe princes of meynees, and þis is þe

lambren, and ſacrifices, and moiſte ſacrifices of þo; and genologie of hem, whiche beynge in þe rewme of
offre þou þo on þe auter of þe temple of ȝoure God, Artaxerſes, kyng, ſtieden wiþ me fro Babiloyne.
which temple is in Jeruſalem. ii Of þe ſones of Phynees, Gerſon; of þe ſones of
xviii But alſo if ony þing pleſiþ to þee, and to þi Ythamar, Danyel; of þe ſones of Dauid, Arcus;
briþeren, for to do of þe reſidue ſiluer and gold, do ȝe bi iii of þe ſones of Sechemye and of þe ſones of Pharos,
þe wille of ȝoure God; Zacarie, and wiþ hym weren noumbrid an hundrid and
xix alſo bitake þou in þe ſiȝt of God in Jeruſalem þe fifti men;
veſſels, þat ben ȝouun in to þe ſeruyce of þe hows of þi iiii of þe ſones of Phet, Moab, and Elioneay, þe ſone of
God. Zacharie, and wiþ hym two hundrid men;
xx But alſo þou ſchalt ȝyue of þe treſouris of þe kyng, v of þe ſones of Sechemye, þe ſone of Ezechiel, and wiþ
and of þe comyn arke, `eþir purſe, and of me `oþere hym þre hundrid men;
þingis, þat ben nedeful in þe hows of þi God, as myche vi of þe ſones of Addam, Nabeth, þe ſone of Jonathan,
euere as is nedeful, þat þou ſpende. and wiþ hym fifti men;
xxi Y Artaxerſes, kyng, haue ordeyned, and demyd to vii of þe ſones of Elam, Yſaie, þe ſone of Italie, and wiþ
alle þe keperis of þe comyn arke, þat ben biȝende þe him ſeuenti men;
flood, þat what euer þing Eſdras, þe preeſt, writere of þe viii of þe ſones of Saphacie, Zebedie, þe ſone of Mycael,
lawe of God of heuene, axiþ of ȝou, ȝe ȝyue wiþ out and wiþ him foureſcore men;
tariyng, ix of þe ſones of Joab, Obedie, þe ſone of Jehiel, and
xxii `til to an hundrid talentis of ſiluer, and to an hundrid
wiþ him two hundrid and eiȝtene men;
`meſuris clepid chorus of wheete, and til an hundrid x of þe ſones of Salomyth, þe ſone of Joſphie, and wiþ
meſuris clepid baþus of wyn, and `til to an hundrid
hym an hundrid and ſixti men; of þe ſones of Belbai,
`meſuris clepid baþus of oile, ſalt forſoþe wiþout xi Zacarie, þe ſone of Belbai, and wiþ hym twenti and
xxiii Al þing þat perteyneþ to þe cuſtom, `eþir religioun, eiȝte men;
xii of þe ſones of Ezead, Johannam, þe ſone of Ezethan,
of God of heuene, be ȝouun diligentli in þe hows of
God of heuene, leſt perauenture he be wrooþ aȝens þe and wiþ hym an hundrid and ten men;
xiii of þe ſones of Adonycam, þat weren þe laſte, and
rewme of þe kyng and of hiſe ſones.
xxiiii Alſo we make knowun to ȝou of alle þe preeſtis, þeſe ben þe names of hem, Eliphelech, and Eihel, and
and dekenes, ſyngeris, and porteris, and Nathyneis, and Samaie, and wiþ hem weren ſexti men;
xiiii of þe ſones of Beguy, Vtai, and Zaccur, and wiþ
mynyſtris of þe hows of þis God, `þat ȝe han not power
to put on hem tol, and tribute, and coſtis for keperis of hem weren ſeuenti men.
xv Forſoþe Y gaderide hem togidere at þe flood, þat
þe lond.
xxv Forſoþe þou, Eſdras, bi þe wiſdom of þi God, which renneþ doun to Hanna; and we dwelliden þere þre daies.
is in þin hond, ordeyne iugis and gouernouris, þat þei And `Y ſouȝte in þe puple, and in þe preſtis of þe ſonus
deme to þe puple, which is biȝende þe flood, þat is, to of Leuy, and Y fonde not þere.
xvi Þerfor Y ſente Eliezer, and Ariehel, and Semeam,
hem þat kunnen þe lawe of þi God, and þe lawe of þe
kyng; but alſo teche ȝe freli vnkunnynge men. and Helnathan, and Jaubeth, and an oþer Helnathan,
xxvi And ech man, þat doþ not þe lawe of þi God, and and Nathan, and Zacharie, and Meſollam, princes; and
þe lawe of þe kyng diligentli, doom ſchal be of hym, Joarib, and Elnathan, wiſe men;
xvii and Y ſente hem to Heldo, which is `þe firſte in þe
eþir in to þe deeþ, eþir in to exilyng, eþir in to
condempnyng of his catel, eþir certis in to priſoun. And place of Caſphie, and Y puttide in þe mouþ of hem
Eſdras, þe writere, ſeide, Bliſſid be þe Lord God of oure wordis, whiche þei ſchulden ſpeke to Heldo, and to hiſe
fadris, briþeren, Natynneis, in þe place of Caſphie, for to
xxvii þat ȝaf þis þing in þe herte of þe kyng, þat he brynge to vs þe mynyſtris of þe hows of oure God.
xviii And `þei brouȝten to vs, bi þe good hoond of oure
ſchulde glorifie þe hows of þe Lord,
xxviii which is in Jeruſalem, and bowide his mercy in to God on vs, a ful wijs man of þe ſones of Mooli, þe ſone
me bifor þe kyng, and hiſe counſeleris, and bifore alle of Leuy, ſone of Iſrael; and Sarabie, and his ſones
þe myȝti princes of þe kyng. And Y was coumfortid bi twenti, and his briþeren eiȝtene;
þe hond of `my Lord God, þat was in me, and Y

xix and Azabie, and Iſaie, wiþ him of þe ſones of Merari, Vrie, preeſt; and wiþ him was Eleazar, þe ſone of
þei brouȝten his briþeren, and his ſones, twenti; Phynees, and wiþ him weren Jozaded, þe ſone of Joſue,
xx and of Nathynneis, whiche Dauid and þe princis and Noadaie, þe ſone of Bennoy, dekenes;
xxxiiii and al þe weiȝte was diſcriued in þat tyme.
hadden ȝoue to þe ſeruyces of dekenes, þei brouȝten
two hundrid and twenti Nathynneis; alle þeſe weren xxxv But alſo þe ſones of tranſmygracioun, þat camen fro
clepid bi her names. caitifte, offriden brent ſacrifices to þe Lord God of
xxi And `Y prechide þere faſtyng biſidis þe flood of Iſrael, `twelue calues for al þe puple of Iſrael, nynti and
Hanna, þat we ſchulden be turmentid bifor `oure Lord ſixe rammes, ſeuene and ſeuenti lambren, twelue buckis
God, and þat we ſchulden axe of him þe riȝtful weie to of geet for ſynne; alle þingis in to brent ſacrifice to þe
vs, and to oure ſones, and to al oure catel. Lord.
xxii For Y ſchamede to axe of þe kyng help, and horſe xxxvi Forſoþe þei ȝauen þe comaundementis of þe kyng

men, þat ſchulden defende vs fro enemyes in þe weie, to þe princes, þat weren of þe ſiȝt of þe king, and to þe
for we hadden ſeid to þe king, Þe hond of oure God is duykis biȝende þe flood; and þei reiſiden þe puple, and
on alle men þat ſeken hym in goodneſſe; and his þe hows of God.
lordſchip, and his ſtrengþe, and ſtrong veniaunce ben on
alle men þat forſaken hym. CAP. IX
xxiii Forſoþe we faſtiden, and preieden oure God for þis i Forſoþe after þat þeſe þingis weren fillid, þe princes

þing, and it bifelde to vs `bi proſperite. neiȝeden to me, and ſeiden, Þe puple of Iſrael, and þe
xxiiii And `Y departide twelue of þe princes of preſtis, preſtis, and dekenes, ben not depertid fro þe `puplis of
Sarabie, and Aſabie, and ten of her briþeren wiþ hem; londis, and fro abhominaciouns of hem, þat is, of
xxv and Y bitook vndur certeyn weiȝte and noumbre to Cananei, of Ethei, and of Phereſei, and of Jebuſei, and
hem þe ſiluer and gold, and þe halewid veſſels of þe of Amonytis, and of Moabitis, and of Egipcians, and of
hows of oure God, whiche þe kyng hadde offrid, and Ammorreis.
ii For þei han take `of her douȝtris wyues to hem ſilf,
hiſe counſeleris, and hiſe princes, and `al Iſrael, of hem
þat weren foundun. and to her ſones, and þei han medlid hooli ſeed wiþ þe
xxvi And Y bitook vndur certeyn weiȝte and noumbre in puplis of londis; alſo þe hond of princes and of
þe hondis of hem ſixe hundrid and fifti talentis of ſiluer, magiſtratis was þe firſte in þis treſpaſſyng.
iii And whanne Y hadde herd þis word, Y torente my
and an hundrid ſiluerne veſſels; an hundrid talentis of
gold, mentil and coote, and Y pullide awei þe heeris of myn
xxvii and twenti goldun cuppis, þat hadden a þouſynde heed and berd, and Y ſat morenynge.
iiii Forſoþe alle þat dredden þe word of God of Iſrael
peeſis of gold; and twei faire veſſels of beſt bras,
ſchynynge as gold. camen togidere to me, for þe treſpaſſyng of hem þat
xxviii And Y ſeide to hem, Ȝe ben þe hooli men of þe weren comun fro caitifte; and Y ſat ſori `til to þe
Lord, ſacrifice of euentid.
v And in þe ſacrifice of euentid Y roos fro myn
xxix and wake ȝe, and kepe þe hooli veſſels, and ſiluer
and gold, which is offrid bi fre wille to þe Lord God of afflicioun, and aftir þat Y to-rente þe mentil and coote,
oure fadris, til ȝe ȝelde vndur certeyn weiȝte and Y bowide my knees, and I ſpredde abrood myn hondis
noumbre biforþ princes of preſtis, and of dekenes, and to `my Lord God,
vi and Y ſeide, My God, Y am confoundid and aſchamed
bifor þe duykis of meynees of Iſrael in Jeruſalem, in to
þe treſour of Goddis hows. to reiſe my face to þee, for oure wickidneſſis ben
xxx Soþeli þe preeſtis and dekenes token þe weiȝte of multiplied `on myn heed, and oure treſpaſſis
ſiluer, and of gold, and of veſſels, for to bere in to encreeſſiden `til to heuene,
vii fro þe daies of oure fadris; but alſo we vs ſilf han
Jeruſalem, in to þe hows of oure God.
xxxi Þerfor we mouyden forþ fro þe flood of Hanna, in ſynned greuouſli `til to þis dai, and for our wickidneſſis
þe twelueþe dai of þe firſte moneþe, for to go in to we, and oure kyngis, and oure preſtis ben bitakun in þe
Jeruſalem; and þe hond of oure God was on vs, and hondis of kyngis of londis, boþe in to ſwerd, and in to
delyuerde vs fro þe hond of enemye and of aſpiere in þe caitifte, in to raueyn, and in to ſchenſhip of cheer, as
weie. alſo in þis dai.
viii And now as at a litil and at a moment oure preier is
xxxii And we camen to Jeruſalem, and we dwelliden
þere þre daies. maad anentis `oure Lord God, þat relikis ſchulden be
xxxiii Forſoþe in þe fourþe dai þe ſiluer was ȝoldun left to vs, and þat `his pees ſchulde be ȝouun in his hooli
place, and þat oure God ſchulde liȝtne oure iȝen, and
vndur certeyn weiȝte and noumbre, and þe gold, and þe
ȝyue to vs a litil lijf in oure ſeruage.
veſſels, `in þe hows of oure God, by þe noumbre and
weiȝte of alle þingis, bi þe hond of Remmoth, `ſone of

ix For we ben ſeruauntis, and oure God forſoke vs not in v Þerfor Eſdras roos, and chargide greetli þe princes of
oure ſeruage; and he bowide merci on vs bifor þe king preſtis, and of dekenes, and of al Iſrael, to do after þis
of Perſis, þat he ſchulde ȝyue lijf to vs, and enhaunſe þe word; and þei ſworen.
hows of oure God, and þat he ſchulde bilde þe vi And Eſdras roos bifor þe hows of God, and he ȝede to
wilderneſſis þerof, and ȝyue to vs hope in Juda and in þe bed of Johannan, ſone of Eliaſiph, and entride þidur;
Jeruſalem. he eet not breed, and drank not watir; for he biweilide
x And now, `oure Lord God, what ſchulen we ſeie after þe treſpaſſing of hem, þat weren comun fro þe caitifte.
þeſe þingis? For we han forſake þi comaundementis, vii And a vois of hem was ſent in to Juda and Jeruſalem,
xi whiche þou comaundidiſt in þe hond of þi ſeruauntis to alle þe ſones of tranſmygracioun, þat þei ſchulden be
profetis, and ſeidiſt, Þe lond, to which ȝe ſchulen entre, gaderid in to Jeruſalem;
to holde it in poſſeſſioun, is an vnclene lond, bi þe viii and ech man þat comeþ not in þre daies, bi þe
vnclenneſſe of puplis, and of oþere londis, in þe counſel of þe princes and of eldre men, al his catel ſchal
abhomynaciouns of hem, þat filliden it wiþ her be takun awey fro him, and he ſchal be caſt awei fro þe
defoulyng, fro þe mouþ `til to þe mouþ. cumpeny of tranſmygracioun.
xii Now þerfor ȝiue ȝe not ȝoure douȝtris to her ſones, ix Þerfor alle þe men of Juda and of Beniamyn camen
and take ȝe not her douȝtris to ȝoure ſones; and ſeke ȝe togidere in to Jeruſalem in þre daies; þilke is þe nynþe
not þe pees of hem and þe proſperite `of hem `til in to moneþe, in þe twentiþe dai of þe moneþe; and al þe
wiþ outen ende; þat ȝe be coumfortid, and ete þe puple ſat in `þe ſtreet of Goddis hows, and trembliden
goodis, þat ben of þe lond, and þat ȝe haue eiris, ȝoure for ſynne and reyn.
ſones, `til in to `þe world. x And Eſdras, þe preeſt, roos, and ſeide to hem, Ȝe han
xiii And after alle þingis þat camen on vs in oure werſte
treſpaſſid, and han weddid wyues, alien wymmen, þat ȝe
werkis, and in oure grete treſpas, for þou, oure God, haſt ſchulden `leie to on þe treſpas of Iſrael.
delyuered vs fro oure wickidneſſe, and haſt ȝoue helþe xi And now ȝyue ȝe knowlechyng to þe Lord God of
to vs, oure fadris, and do ȝe his pleaſaunce, and be ȝe departid
xiiii as `it is to dai, þat we ſchulden not be turned, and
fro þe puplis of þe lond, and fro `wyues aliens.
make voide þi comaundementis, and þat we ſchulden xii And al þe multitude anſweride, and ſeide wiþ greet
not ioyne matrimonyes wiþ þe puplis of þeſe vois, Bi þi word to vs, ſo be it doon.
abhomynacouns. Wheþer þou art wrooþ to vs `til to þe xiii Neþeles for þe puple is myche, and þe tyme of reyn
endyng, þat þou ſchuldiſt not leeue to us remenauntis, is, and we ſuffren not to ſtonde wiþoutforþ, and it is not
and helþe? werk of o dai, neþer of tweyne; for we han ſynned
xv Lord God of Iſrael, þou art iuſt; for we ben left, þat
greetli in þis word;
ſchulden be ſauyd as in þis day, lo! we ben bifor þee in xiiii `princes be ordeyned in al þe multitude, and alle
oure ſynne; for me may `not ſtonde bifor þee on þis men in oure citees, þat han weddid `wyues aliens, come
þing. in tymes ordeyned, and wiþ hem come þe eldere men,
bi citee and citee, and þe iugis þerof, til þe ire of oure
CAP. X God be turned awei fro vs on þis ſynne.
i Þerfor while Eſdras preiede ſo, and biſouȝte God, and
xv Þerfor Jonathan, þe ſone of Aſahel, and Jaazie, þe
wepte, and lai bifor þe temple of God, a ful greet ſone of Thecue, ſtoden on þis þing; and Moſollam, and
cumpenye of Iſrael, of men, and of wymmen, and of Sebethai, dekenes, helpiden hem.
children, was gaderid to him; and þe puple wepte bi xvi And þe ſones of tranſmygracioun diden ſo. And
myche weping.
ii And Sechenye, þe ſone of Jehiel, of þe ſones of Eſdras, þe preſt, and men, princes of meynees, ȝeden
into þe howſis of her fadris, and alle men bi her names;
Helam, anſweride, and ſeide to Eſdras, We han and þei ſaten in þe firſte dai of þe tenþe moneþe, for to
treſpaſſide aȝens oure God, and han weddid wyues, ſeke þe þing.
alien wymmen, of `þe puplis of þe lond. And now, for xvii And alle men weren endid, þat hadden weddid
penaunce is in Iſrael on þis þing,
iii ſmyte we boond of pees wiþ `oure Lord God, and `wyues aliens, `til to þe firſte dai of þe firſte moneþe.
xviii And þere weren foundun of þe ſones of preeſtis, þat
caſte we awei alle `wyues aliens, and hem þat ben
weddiden `wyues aliens; of þe ſones of Joſue, þe ſone of
borun of þo wyues, bi þe wille of þe Lord; and of hem
Joſedech, and hiſe briþeren, Maaſie, and Eliezer, and
þat dreden þe comaundement of oure God, `be it don bi
Jarib, and Godolie.
þe lawe. xix And þei ȝauen her hondis, þat þei ſchulden caſte out
iiii Riſe þou, it `is þin office to deme, and we ſchulen be
her wyues, and offre for her treſpas a ram of þe ſcheep.
wiþ þee; be þou coumfortid, and do. xx And of þe ſones of Semmer; Anam, and Zebedie.

xxi And of þe ſones of Serym; Maaſie, and Helie, and
Semeie, and Jehiel, and Ozie.
xxii And of þe ſones of Pheſſur; Helioneai, Maaſie,
Hiſmael, Nathanael, and Jozabet, and Elaſa.
xxiii And of þe ſones of dekenes; Joſabeth, and Semey,
and Elaie; he is Calithaphataie; Juda, and Elezer.
xxiiii And of ſyngeris, Eliazub; and of porteris, Sellum,
and Thellem, and Vry.
xxv And of Iſrael, of þe ſones of Pharos; Remea, and
Ezia, and Melchia, and Vnanym, and Eliezer, and
Melchia, and Banea.
xxvi And of þe ſones of Elam; Mathanye, and Zacharie,
and Jehil, and Abdi, and Rymoth, and Helia.
xxvii And of þe ſones of Zechua; Helioneay, Heliaſib,
Mathanye, and Jerymuth, and Zaeth, and Aziza.
xxviii And of þe ſones of Bebai; Johannan, Ananye,
Zabbai, Athalia.
xxix And of þe ſones of Beny; Moſallam, and Melue,
and Azaie, Jaſub, and Saal, and Ramoth.
xxx And of þe ſones of Phaeth; Moab, Edua, and Calal,
Banaie, and Maſſie, Mathanye, Beſeleel, and Bennun,
and Manaſſe.
xxxi And of þe ſones of Erem; Elieer, Jeſue, Melchie,
Semeye, Symeon, Beniamyn, Maloth, Samarie.
xxxii And of þe ſones of Aſom; Mathanai, Mathetha,
xxxiii Zabeth, Eliphelech, Jermai, Manaſſe, Semei.
xxxiiii Of þe ſones of Bany; Maddi, Amram,
xxxv and Huel, Baneas, and Badaie, Cheilian,
xxxvi Biamna, Marymuth, and Eliaſiph, Mathanye,
xxxvii and Jaſy, and Bany, and Bennan,
xxxix and Semei, and Salymas, and Nathan, and Daias,
xl Metuedabai, Siſai, Sarai, Ezrel,
xli and Seloman, Semerie, Sellum,
xlii Amarie, Joſeph.
xliii Of þe ſones of Nebny; Aiel, Mathatie, Zabed,
Zabina, Jebdu, and Johel, Banai.
xliiii Alle þeſe hadden take `wyues aliens, and of hem
weren wymmen, þat hadden bore children.
Here eendiþ þe firſte book of Eſdras, and here
bigynneþ þe ſecound book.

ii And þe kyng ſeide to me, Whi is þi cheer ſory, ſiþen Y
II ESDRE ſe not þee ſijk? Þis is not wiþout cauſe; but `yuel, Y not
Here bigynneþ þe ſecounde book of Eſdre. what, is in þin herte. And Y dredde ful greetli;
iii and ſeide to þe kyng, Kyng, lyue þou wiþouten ende;
CAP. I whi moreneþ not my cheer? for þe citee of þe hows of
i Þe wordis of Neemye, þe ſone of Helchie. And it was þe ſepulcris of my fadir is deſert, `eþer forſakun, and þe
doon in þe moneþe Caſleu, in þe twentiþe ȝeer, and Y ȝatis þerof ben brent wiþ fier.
was in þe caſtel Suſis; iiii And þe kyng ſeide to me, For what þing axiſt þou?
ii and Ananye, oon of my briþeren, cam to me, he and And Y preiede God of heuene,
men of Juda; and Y axide hem of þe Jewis, þat weren v and ſeide to þe kyng, If it ſemeþ good to þe kyng, and
left, and weren alyue of þe caitifte, and of Jeruſalem. if it pleſiþ þi ſeruauntis bifor þi face, Y biſeche, þat þou
iii And þei ſeiden to me, Þei þat `dwelliden, and ben left ſende me in to Judee, to þe citee of þe ſepulcre of my
of þe caitifte þere in þe prouynce, ben in greet turment, fadir, and Y ſchal bilde it.
and in ſchenſhip; and þe wal of Jeruſalem is deſtried, vi And þe kyng ſeide to me, and þe queen ſat biſidis
and þe ȝatis þerof ben brent wiþ fier. him, `Til to what tyme ſchal þi weie be, and whanne
iiii And whanne Y hadde herd ſiche wordis, Y ſat and ſchalt þou turne aȝen? And Y pleſide `bifor þe cheer of
wepte, and morenede many daies, and Y faſtide, and þe kyng, and he ſente me, and Y ordeynede to hym a
preiede bifor þe face of God of heuene; time;
v and Y ſeide, Y biſeche, Lord God of heuene, ſtrong, vii and Y ſeide to `þe kyng, If it ſemeþ good to kyng,
greet, and ferdful, which kepiſt couenaunt and merci ȝyue he piſtlis to me to þe duykis of þe cuntrey biȝende
wiþ hem, þat louen þee, and kepen þin heeſtis; þe flood, þat þei lede me ouer, til Y come in to Judee;
vi þin eere be maad herknynge, and þin iȝen openyd, þat viii `and a piſtle to Aſaph, kepere of þe kyngis foreſt, þat
þou here þe preier of þi ſeruaunt, bi which Y preie bifor he ȝyue trees to me, þat Y may hile þe ȝatis of þe tour of
þee `to dai, bi nyȝt and dai, for þe ſones of Iſrael, þi þe hows, and of þe wal of þe citee, and þe hows, into
ſeruauntis, and `Y knouleche for þe ſynnes of þe ſones which Y ſchal entre. And `þe kyng ȝaf to me, bi þe good
of Iſrael, bi which þei han ſynned to þee; boþe Y and þe hond of my God wiþ me.
hows of my fadir han ſynned; we weren diſſeyued bi ix And Y cam to þe duykis of þe cuntrei biȝende þe
vanyte, flood, and Y ȝaf to hem þe piſtlis of þe kyng. Soþeli þe
vii and we `kepten not `þi comaundement, and kyng `hadde ſent wiþ me þe princes of knyȝtis, and
cerymonyes, and domes, which þou comaundidiſt to horſemen.
Moiſes, þi ſeruaunt. x And Sanaballath Oronythes, and Tobie, þe ſeruaunt
viii Haue mynde of þe word, which þou comaundidiſt to Amanytes, herden, and þei weren ſoreuful bi greet
þi ſeruaunt Moiſes, and ſeidiſt, Whanne ȝe han turment, for a man was comun, þat ſouȝte proſperite of
treſpaſſid, Y ſchal ſcatere ȝou in to puplis; þe ſones of Iſrael.
ix and if ȝe turnen aȝen to me, þat ȝe kepe myn heeſtis, xi And Y cam in to Jeruſalem, and Y was þere þre daies.
and do þo, ȝhe, þouȝ ȝe ben led awei to þe ferþeſte xii And Y roos bi nyȝt, Y and a fewe men wiþ me, and Y
þingis of heuene, fro þennus Y ſchal gadere ȝou ſchewide not to ony man, what þing God hadde ȝoue in
togidere, and Y ſchal brynge ȝou in to þe place, which Y myn herte, þat Y wolde do in Jeruſalem; and no werk
chees, þat my name ſchulde dwelle þere. beeſt was wiþ me, no but þe beeſte, `on which Y ſat.
x And we ben þi ſeruauntis, and þi puple, whiche þou xiii And Y ȝede out bi þe ȝate of þe valei bi nyȝt, and
`aȝen bouȝtiſt in þi greet ſtrengþe, and in þi ſtrong hond. bifor þe welle of dragoun, and to þe ȝat of drit; and Y
xi Lord, Y biſeche, `þin eere be ententif to þe preier of þi bihelde þe wal of Jeruſalem diſtried, and þe ȝatis þerof
ſeruaunt, and to þe preier of þi ſeruauntis, þat wolen waſtid bi fier.
drede þi name; and dreſſe þi ſeruaunt to dai, and ȝiue xiiii And Y paſſid to þe ȝate of þe welle, and to þe watir
þou merci to him bifor þis man. For Y was þe boteler of cundit of þe kyng, and no place was to þe hors, `on
þe kyng. which Y ſat `for to paſſe;
xv and Y ſtiede bi þe ſtronde `in nyȝt, and Y bihelde þe
CAP. II wal, and Y turnede aȝen, and cam to þe ȝate of þe valei,
i Forſoþe it was doon in þe moneþe Nyſan, in þe and Y ȝede aȝen.
twentiþe ȝeer of Artaxerſes, kyng, and wyn was bifor xvi Forſoþe þe magiſtratis wiſten not, whidir Y hadde go,
hym, and Y reyſide þe wyn, and ȝaf to þe kyng, and Y eþir what Y wolde do; but alſo Y hadde not ſchewid ony
was as langwiſchynge bifor his face. þing to þe Jewis, and preſtis, and to þe beſt men, and
mageſtratis, and to oþere men þat maden þe werk, `til to
þat `place, þat is, til to þat tyme.

xvii And Y ſeide to hem, Ȝe knowen þe turment, in xii Sellum, þe ſone of Aloes, prince of þe half part of a
which we ben, for Jeruſalem is deſeert, and þe ȝatis ſtreet of Jeruſalem, bildide biſidis hym, he and hiſe
þerof ben waſtid wiþ fier; come ȝe, bilde we þe wallis ſones.
of Jeruſalem, and be we no more ſchenſhip. xiii And Amram, and þe dwelleris of Zanoe, bildiden þe
xviii And Y ſchewide to hem þe hond of my God, þat it ȝate of þe valei; þei bildiden it, and ſettiden þe ȝatis
was good wiþ me, and þe wordis of þe kyng, whiche he þerof, and lockis, and barris þerof; and þei bildiden a
ſpak to me; and Y ſeide, Riſe we, and bilde we; and þe þouſynde cubitis in þe wal `til to þe ȝate of þe dunghil.
hondis of hem weren coumfortid in good. xiiii And Melchie, þe ſone of Rechab, prynce of a ſtreet
xix Forſoþe Sanballath Oronytes, and Tobie, þe ſeruaunt of Bethacarem, bildide þe ȝate of þe dunghil; he bildide
Amanytes, and Goſem Arabs, herden, and ſcorneden vs, it, and ſettide, and hilide þe ȝatis þerof, and lockis, and
and diſpiſiden; and ſeiden, What is þis þing, which ȝe barris.
doon? wheþer ȝe rebellen aȝens þe kyng? xv And Sellum, þe ſone of Colozai, prince of a toun
xx And Y ȝeldide to hem a word, and ſeide to hem, God Maſpha, bildide þe ȝate of þe welle; he bildide it, and
hym ſilf of heuene helpiþ vs, and we ben hiſe hilide, and ſettide þe ȝatis þerof, and lockis, and barris;
ſeruauntis; riſe we, and bilde; forſoþe part and and he bildide þe wallis of þe ciſterne of Ciloe `til in to
riȝtfulneſſe and mynde in Jeruſalem is not to ȝou. þe orchard of þe kyng, and `til to þe greces of þe kyng,
þat comen doun fro þe citee of Dauid.
CAP. III xvi Nemye, þe ſone of Azboch, prince of þe half part of
i And Eliaſiph, þe greet preeſt, roos, and hiſe briþeren, þe ſtreet of Bethſury, bildide after hym til aȝens þe
and preſtis, and þei bildiden þe ȝate of þe floc; þei ſepulcre of Dauid, and `til to þe ciſterne, which is
maden it ſtidfaſt; and ſettiden þe ȝatis þerof, and `til to bildide wiþ greet werk, and `til to þe hous of ſtronge
þe tour of an hundrid cubitis, þei maden it ſtidfaſt, `til to men.
þe tour of Ananehel. xvii Dekenes bildiden after hym; and Reum, þe ſone of
ii And biſidis hym þe men of Jerico bildiden; and biſidis Beny, bildide aftir hem. Aſebie, þe prince of half part of
hem Zaccur, þe ſone of Amry, bildide. þe ſtreet of Cheile, bildide in his ſtreet aftir hym.
iii Forſoþe þe ſones of Aſamaa bildiden þe ȝatis of xviii Þe briþeren of hem, Bethyn, þe ſone of Enadab,
fiſchis; þei hiliden it, and ſettiden þe ȝatis þerof, and prince of þe half part of Cheyla, bildiden after hym.
lockis, and barris. And Marymuth, ſone of Vrye, þe ſone xix And Aſer, þe ſone of Joſue, prince of Maſpha, bildide
of Accus, bildide biſidis hem. biſidis hym þe ſecounde meſure aȝens þe ſtiyng of þe
iiii And Moſolla, ſone of Barachie, þe ſone of Meſeze, `mooſt ſtidefaſt corner.
bildide biſidis hym. And Sadoch, þe ſone of Baana, xx Baruch, þe ſone of Zachay, bildide aftir hym in þe hil
bildide biſidis him. þe ſecounde meſure fro þe corner `til to þe ȝate of þe
v And men of Thecue bildiden biſidis hym; but þe hows of Eliaſiph, þe greet preſt.
principal men of hem puttiden not her neckis vndur in xxi Marymuth, þe ſone of Vrie, ſone of Zaccur, bildide
þe werk of her Lord God. after hym þe ſecounde meſure fro þe ȝate of Eliaſiph, as
vi And Joiada, þe ſone of Phaſea, and Moſollam, þe ſone fer as þe hows of Eliaſiph was ſtretchid forþ.
of Beſoyda, bildiden þe elde ȝate; þei hiliden it, and xxii And preſtis, men of þe feeldi places of Jordan,
ſettiden þe ȝatis þerof, and lockis, and barris. bildiden aftir hym.
vii And Melchie Gabaonyte, and Jaddon Methonatite, xxiii Beniamyn and Aſub bildiden after hem aȝens her
men of Gabaon and of Maſpha, bildiden biſidis hem, for hows; and Azarie, þe ſone of Maaſie, ſone of Ananye,
þe duyk þat was in þe cuntrei biȝende þe flood. bildide aftir hym aȝens his owne hows.
viii And Eziel, goldſmyȝt, þe ſone of Araie, bildide xxiiii Bennuy, þe ſone of Senadad, bildide after hym þe
biſidis hym; and Annany, þe ſone of `a makere of ſecounde meſure fro þe hows of Azarie `til to þe
oynement, bildide biſidis him; and þei leften Jeruſalem bowyng and `til to þe corner.
`til to þe wal of þe largere ſtreet. xxv Phalel, þe ſone of Ozi, bildide aȝens þe bowyng, and
ix And Raphaie, þe ſone of Hahul, prince of a ſtreet of
þe tour þat ſtondiþ forþ, fro þe hiȝ hows of þe kyng, þat
Jeruſalem, bildide biſidis him. is in þe large place of þe priſoun; Phadaie, þe ſone of
x And Jeieda, þe ſone of Aramath, bildide biſidis him Pheros, bildide after hym.
aȝens his owne hous; and Accus, þe ſone of Aſebonye, xxvi Forſoþe Nathynneis dwelliden in Ophel til aȝens þe
bildide biſidis hym. ȝate of watris at þe eeſt, and þe tour þat apperide.
xi Forſoþe Melchie, þe ſone of Herem, and Aſub, þe ſone xxvii Aftir hym men of Thecue bildiden þe ſecounde
of Phet Moab, bildiden þe half part of þe ſtreet, and þe meſure euene aȝens, fro þe greet tour and apperynge `til
tour of ouenys. to þe wal of þe temple.

xxviii Forſoþe preſtis bildiden aboue at þe ȝate of horſis, xiii Y ordeynede þe puple in ordre, wiþ her ſwerdis, and
ech man aȝens his hows. Seddo, þe ſone of Enner, ſperis, and bouwis, in a place bihynde þe wal bi
bildide aȝens his hows aftir hem. cumpas.
xxix And Semeie, þe ſone of Sechenye, þe kepere of þe xiiii Y bihelde, and roos, and ſeide to þe principal men,
eeſt ȝate, bildide after hym. and magiſtratis, and to `þe toþer part of þe comyn
xxx Ananye, þe ſone of Selemye, and Anon, þe ſixte puple, Nyle ȝe drede of her face; haue ȝe mynde of þe
ſone of Selon, bildide aftir hym þe ſecounde meſure. greet Lord, and ferdful, and fiȝte ȝe for ȝoure briþeren,
Moſallam, þe ſone of Barachie, bildide aȝenus his and ȝoure ſones, and ȝoure douȝtris, for ȝoure wyues,
treſorie after hym. Melchie, þe ſone of a goldſmiȝt, and houſis.
bildide aftir hym `til to þe hows of Nathynneis, and of xv Forſoþe it was doon, whanne oure enemyes hadden
men ſillynge ſcheldis aȝens þe ȝate of iugis, and `til to herd þat it was teld to vs, God diſtriede her counſel; and
þe ſoler of þe corner. alle we turneden aȝen to þe wallis, ech man to his werk.
xxxi And crafti men and marchauntis bildiden wiþ ynne xvi And it was doon fro þat dai, þe half part of ȝonge
þe ſoler of þe corner and þe ȝate of þe kyng. men made werk, and þe half part was redi to batel; `and
ſperis, and ſcheldis, and bouwis, and harburiouns, and
CAP. IIII princes aftir hem, in al þe hows of men of Juda,
i Forſoþe it was doon, whanne Sanaballath hadde herd, xvii bildynge in þe wal, and berynge birþuns, and
þat we bildiden þe wal, he was ful wrooþ, and he was puttynge on; wiþ her oon hond þei maden werk, and
ſtirid greetli, and ſcornede þe Jewis. wiþ þe toþer þei helden ſwerd.
ii And he ſeide bifor hiſe briþeren, and þe multitude of xviii For ech of þe bilderis was gird wiþ þe ſwerd on þe
Samaritans, What doen þe feble Jewis? Wheþer heþene reynes; and þei bildiden, and ſowneden wiþ clariouns
men ſchulen ſuffre hem? Wheþer þei ſchulen fille, and biſidis me.
make ſacrifice in o dai? Wheþer þei moun bilde ſtonys xix And Y ſeide to þe principal men, and magiſtratis, and
of þe heepis of þe duſt, þat ben brent? to þe toþir part of þe comyn puple, Þe werk is greet and
iii But alſo Tobie Amanytes, his neiȝbore, ſeide, Bilde brood, and we ben departid fer in þe wal, oon from
þei; if a fox ſtieþ, he ſchal `ſkippe ouer þe ſtony wal `of anoþir;
hem. xx in what euer place ȝe heren þe ſown of þe trumpe,
iiii And Neemye ſeide, Oure God, here þou, for we ben renne ȝe togidere þidur to vs; for oure God ſchal fiȝte
maad diſpiſing; turne þou þe ſchenſchip on her heed, for vs.
and ȝyue þou hem in to diſpiſyng in þe lond of caytifte; xxi And we `vs ſilf ſchal make þe werk, and þe half part
v hile þou not þe wickidneſſe of hem, and her ſynnes be of vs holde ſperis, fro `þe ſtiyng of þe moreutid til þat
not doon awei bifor þi face; for þei ſcorneden bilderis. ſterris go out.
vi Þerfor we bildiden þe wal, and ioyneden togidere al xxii And `in þat tyme Y ſeide to þe puple, Ech man wiþ
`til to þe half part, and þe herte of þe puple was exitid to his child dwelle in þe myddil of Jeruſalem, and whilis
worche. be to vs `bi nyȝt and dai to worche.
vii Forſoþe it was doon, whanne Sanaballat `hadde herd, xxiii But Y, and my briþeren, and my keperis, and
and Tobie, and Arabiens, and Amanytys, and men of children, þat weren after me, diden not of oure cloþis;
Azotus hadden herd, þat þe brekyng of þe wal of ech man was maad nakid oneli to waiſchyng.
Jeruſalem was ſtoppid, and þat þe craſyngis hadden
bigunne to be cloſid togidere, þei weren ful wroþe. CAP. V
viii And alle weren gaderid togidere to come and fiȝte i And greet cry of þe puple and of her wyues was maad
aȝens Jeruſalem, and to caſte treſouns. aȝens her briþeren Jewis.
ix And we preieden oure Lord God, and we ſettiden ii And þere weren þat ſeiden, Oure ſones and oure
keperis on þe wal bi dai and niȝt aȝens hem. douȝtris ben ful manye; take we wheete for þe prijs of
x Forſoþe Juda ſeide, Þe ſtrengþe of þe berere is maad hem, and ete we, and lyue.
feble, and þe erþe is ful myche, and we moun not bilde iii And þere weren þat ſeiden, Sette we forþ oure feeldis,
þe wal. and vyneris, and oure howſis, and take we wheete in
xi And oure enemyes ſeiden, Wite þei not, and knowe hungur.
þei not, til we comen in to þe myddil of hem, and ſleen iiii And oþere men ſeiden, Take we money bi borewyng
hem, and maken þe werk to ceeſſe. in to þe tributis of þe kyng, and ȝyue oure feeldis and
xii Forſoþe it was doon, whanne Jewis came, þat vyneris.
dwelliden biſidis hem, and ſeiden to vs `bi ten tymes, v And now as þe fleiſchis of oure briþeren ben, ſo and
fro alle places fro whiche þei camen to vs, oure fleiſchis ben; and as ben þe ſones of hem, ſo and

oure ſones ben; lo! we han maad ſuget oure ſones and daies dyuerſe wynes; and Y ȝaf many oþere þingis;
oure douȝtris in to ſeruage, and ſeruauntiſſis ben of oure ferþermore and Y axide not þe ſuſtenauncis of my
douȝtris, and we han not wherof þei moun be duchee; for þe puple was maad ful pore.
aȝenbouȝt; and oþere men han in poſſeſſioun oure xix My God, haue þou mynde of me in to good, bi alle
feeldis, and oure vyneris. þingis whiche Y dide to þis puple.
vi And Y was ful wrooþ, whanne Y hadde herde þe cry
of hem bi þeſe wordis. CAP. VI
vii And myn herte þouȝte wiþ me, and Y blamede þe i Forſoþe it was doon, whanne Sanaballath hadde herd,
principal men and magiſtratis; and Y ſeide to hem, Axe and Tobie, and Goſem of Arabie, and oure oþer
ȝe not vſuris, `ech man of ȝoure briþeren. And Y enemyes, þat Y hadde bildide þe wal, and nomore
gaderide togidire a greet cumpeny aȝens hem, brekyng was þerynne; ſoþeli `til to þat tyme Y hadde
viii and Y ſeide to hem, As ȝe witen, we bi oure power not ſet leeuys of ſchittyng in þe ȝatis;
aȝenbouȝten oure briþeren Jewis, þat weren ſeeld to ii Sanaballath, and Tobie, and Goſem of Arabie ſenten to
heþene men; and ȝe þerfor ſillen ȝoure briþeren, and me, and ſeiden, Come þou, and ſmyte we boond of pees
ſchulen we aȝenbie hem? And þei holden ſilence, and in calues, `in o feeld; forſoþe þei þouȝten for to do yuel
founden not what þei ſchulen anſwere. to me.
ix And Y ſeide to hem, It is not good þing, which ȝe iii Þerfor Y ſente meſſangeris to hem, and Y ſeide, Y
doon; whi goen ȝe not in þe drede of oure God, and make a greet werk, and Y mai not go doun, leſt
repreef be not ſeid to vs of heþene men, oure enemyes? perauenture it be doon retcheleſli, whanne Y come, and
x Boþe Y and my briþeren, and my children, han lent to go doun to ȝou.
ful many men monei and wheete; in comyn axe we not iiii Soþeli þei ſenten to me `bi þis word bi foure tymes,
þis aȝen; forȝyue we alien money, which is due to vs. and Y anſweride to hem by þe formere word.
xi Ȝelde ȝe to hem to dai her feeldis, and her vyneris, v And Sanaballath ſente to me þe fyueþe tyme bi þe
her olyue places, and her houſis; but raþer ȝyue ȝe for formere word his child; and he hadde in his hond a
hem boþe þe hundrid part `of money of wheete, of wyn, piſtle writun in þis maner;
and of oile, which we weren wont to take of hem. vi It is herd among heþene men, and Goſem ſeide, þat
xii And þei ſeiden, We ſchulen ȝelde, and we ſchulen axe þou and þe Jewis þenken for to rebelle, and þerfor ȝe
no þing of hem; and we ſchulen do ſo as þou ſpekiſt. bilden, and þou wolt `reiſe þee king on hem;
And Y clepide þe preeſtis, and Y made hem to ſwere, vii for which cauſe alſo þou haſt ſet profetis, þat prechen
þat þei ſchulden do aftir þat, þat Y hadde ſeid. of þee in Jeruſalem, and ſeien, A king is in Jeruſalem; þe
xiii Ferþermore Y ſchook my boſum, and Y ſeide, So king ſchal here þeſe wordis; þerfor come þou now, þat
God ſchake awei ech man, `þat filliþ not þis word fro we take counſel togidere.
his hows, and hiſe trauels; and be he ſchakun awei, and viii And Y ſente to hem, and ſeide, It is not doon bi þeſe
be he maad voide. And al þe multitude ſeide, Amen; and wordis whiche þou ſpekiſt; for of þin herte þou makiſt
þei herieden God. Þerfor þe puple dide, as it was ſeid. þeſe þingis.
xiiii Forſoþe fro þat dai in which þe kyng hadde ix Alle þeſe men maden vs aferd, and þouȝten þat oure
comaundid to me, þat Y ſchulde be duyk in þe lond of hondis ſchulden ceeſſe fro werkis, þat we ſchulden reſte;
Juda, fro þe twentiþe ȝeer `til to þe two and þrettiþe for which cauſe Y coumfortide more myn hond.
ȝeer of Artaxerſes kyng, bi twelue ȝeer, Y and my x And Y entride priueli in to þe hows of Samaie, ſone of
briþeren eeten not ſuſtenauncis, þat weren due to Dalie, þe ſone of Methabehel, which ſeide, Trete we wiþ
duykis. vs ſilf in þe hows of God, in þe myddis of þe temple,
xv But þe firſte duykis, þat weren bifor me, greuyden þe
and cloſe we þe ȝatis of þe hows; for þei ſchulen come
puple, and token of hem in breed, and in wiyn, and in to ſle þee, `and þei ſchulen come `bi niȝt to ſle þee.
monei, ech dai fourti ſiclis; but alſo her myniſtris xi And Y ſeide, Wheþer ony man lijk me fledde, and
oppreſſiden þe puple. Forſoþe Y dide not ſo, for þe who as Y ſchal entre in to þe temple, and ſchal lyue?
drede of God; xii Y ſchal not entre. And Y vndurſtood þat God `hadde
xvi but raþer Y bildide in þe werk of þe wal, and Y
not ſent hym, but `he ſpak as profeſiynge to me; and
bouȝte no feeld, and alle my children weren gaderid to Tobie and Sanaballath `hadden hirid hym for meede.
þe werk. xiii For he hadde take prijs, þat Y ſchulde be aferd, and
xvii Alſo `Jewis and þe magiſtratis of hem, an hundrid
do, and þat Y ſchulde do ſynne; and þei ſchulden haue
and fifti men; and þei þat camen to me fro heþene men, yuel, which þei ſchulden putte to me wiþ ſchenſchip.
þat ben in oure cumpas, weren in my table. xiiii Lord, haue mynde of me, for Tobye and
xviii Forſoþe bi ech dai oon oxe was maad redi to me,
Sanaballath, bi ſiche werkis `of hem; but alſo of Noadie,
ſixe choſun weþeris, outakun volatils, and wiþynne ten þe profete, and of oþere profetis, þat maden me aferd.

xv Forſoþe þe wal was fillid in þe fyue and twentiþe dai xii þe ſones of Helam, a þouſynde eiȝte hundrid and
of þe moneþe Ebul, in two and fifti daies. foure and fifti;
xvi Soþeli it was doon, whanne alle oure enemyes xiii þe ſones of Ezecua, eiȝte hundrid and fyue and
hadden herd, þat alle heþene men dredden, þat weren in fourti;
oure cumpas, and þei felden doun wiþ ynne hem ſilf, xiiii þe ſones of Zachai, ſeuene hundrid and ſixti;
and wiſte, þat þis work was maad of God. xv þe ſones of Bennuy, ſixe hundrid and eiȝte and fourti;
xvii But alſo in þo daies many piſtlis of þe principal men xvi þe ſones of Hebahi, ſixe hundrid and eiȝte and
of Jewis weren ſent to Tobie, and camen fro Tobie to twenti;
hem. xvii þe ſones of Degad, two þouſynde þre hundrid and
xviii For many men weren in Judee, and hadden his ooþ;
two and twenti;
for he hadde weddid þe douȝter of Sechenye, þe ſone of xviii þe ſones of Azonicam, ſixe hundrid and ſeuene and
Rotel; and Johannam, his ſone, hadde take þe douȝter of ſixti;
Moſallam, ſone of Barachie. xix þe ſones of Bagoamy, two þouſynde and ſeuene and
xix But alſo þei preiſiden hym bifor me, and telden my
wordis to hym; and Tobie ſente lettris, for to make me xx þe ſones of Adyn, ſixe hundrid and fiue and fifti;
aferd. xxi þe ſones of Azer, ſone of Ezechie, eiȝte and twenti;
xxii þe ſones of Aſem, þre hundrid and eiȝte and twenti;
i Forſoþe aftir þat þe wal of Jeruſalem was bildid, and Y þe ſones of Bethſai,
xxiii þre hundrid and foure and twenti;
hadde ſet ȝatis, and Y hadde noumbrid porters, and
xxiiii þe ſones of Areph, an hundrid and ſeuene and
ii and dekenys, Y comaundide to Aneny, my broþer, and twenti;
xxv þe ſones of Zabaon, fyue and twenti;
to Ananye, þe prince of þe hows of Jeruſalem; for he
ſemyde a ſoþefaſt man, and dredynge God more þan xxvi þe men of Bethleem and of Necupha, an hundrid
oþere men diden; foure ſcore and eiȝte;
iii `and Y ſeide `to hem, Þe ȝatis of Jeruſalem ben not xxvii þe men of Anatoth, an hundrid and eiȝte and
openyd `til to þe heete of þe ſunne; and, whanne Y was twenti;
ȝit preſent, þe ȝatis weren cloſid, and lockid. And Y xxviii þe men of Bethamoth, two and fourti;
ſettide keperis of þe dwelleris of Jeruſalem, alle men bi xxix þe men of Cariathiarym, of Cephura, and Beroth,
her whilis, and ech man aȝens his hows. ſeuene hundrid and þre and fourti;
iiii Soþeli þe citee was ful brood and greet, and litil xxx þe men of Rama and of Gabaa, ſixe hundrid and oon
puple was in myddis þerof, and houſis weren not bildid. and twenti; þe men of Machimas,
v Forſoþe God ȝaf in myn herte, and Y gaderide togidere xxxi two hundrid and two and twenti;
þe principal men, and magiſtratis, and þe comyn puple, xxxii þe men of Bethel and of Hay, an hundrid and þre
for to noumbre hem; and Y foond þe book of þe
and twenti; þe men of þe toþer Nebo,
noumbre of hem, þat hadden ſtied firſt. And it was xxxiii two and fifti;
foundun writun þer ynne, xxxiiii þe men of þe toþer Helam, a þouſynde two
vi Þeſe ben þe ſones of þe prouynce, `þat ſtieden fro þe
hundrid and foure and fifti;
caitifte of men paſſynge ouer, whiche Nabugodonoſor, xxxv þe ſones of Arem, þre hundrid and twenti;
þe kyng of Babiloyne, hadde `tranſlatid, eþer led ouer;
vii and þei þat weren comun wiþ Zorobabel turneden xxxvi þe ſones of Jerico, þre hundrid and fyue and fourti;
xxxvii þe ſones of Joiadid and Anon, ſeuene hundrid and
aȝen in to Jeruſalem and in to Judee, ech man in to his
citee; Joſue, Neemye, Azarie, Raanye, Naanum, oon and twenti;
Mardochee, Bethſar, Meſpharath, Beggaay, Naum, xxxviii þe ſones of Senaa, þre þouſynde nyne hundrid and
Baana. Þe noumbre of men of þe puple of Iſrael; þritti; preeſtis,
viii þe ſones of Pharos, two þouſynde an hundrid and xxxix þe ſones of Idaie, in þe hous of Joſua, nyne
two and ſeuenti; þe ſones of Saphaie, hundrid and foure and ſeuenti; þe ſones of Emmer,
ix þre hundrid and two and ſeuenti; xl a þouſynde and two and fifti;
x þe ſones of Area, ſixe hundrid and two and fifti; þe xli þe ſones of Phaſſur, a þouſynd two hundrid and
ſones of Phaeth Moab, `ſeuene and fourti;
xi of þe ſones of Joſue and of Joab, two þouſynde eiȝte xlii þe ſones of Arem, a þouſynde and eiȝtene;
hundrid and eiȝtene; xliii dekenes, þe ſones of Joſue and of Gadymel,
xliiii ſones of Odyna, foure and ſeuenti;

xlv ſyngeris, þe ſones of Aſaph, an hundrid and ſeuene treſour, a þouſynde dragmes of gold, fifti viols, fyue
and fourti; hundrid and þritti cootis of preſtis.
xlvi porteris, þe ſones of Sellum, ſones of Ater, ſones of lxxi And of þe prynces of meynees þei ȝauen in to þe

Thelmon, ſones of Accub, ſones of Accita, ſones of treſour of þe werk, twenti þouſynde dragmes of gold,
Sobai, an hundrid and eiȝte and þretti; and two þouſynde and two hundrid beſauntis of ſiluer.
xlvii Nathynneis, ſones of Soa, ſones of Aſpha, ſones of lxxii And þat þat þe reſidue puple ȝaf, twenti þouſynde

Thebaoth, ſones of Cheros, dragmes of gold, and two þouſynde beſauntis of ſiluer,
xlviii ſones of Sicca, ſones of Phado, ſones of Lebana, and ſeuene and ſixti cootis of preſtis. Soþeli preſtis, and
ſones of Agaba, ſones of Selmon, dekenes, and porteris, and ſyngeris, and þe reſidue
xlix ſones of Anan, ſones of Geddel, puple, and Natynneis, and al Iſrael dwelliden in her
l ſones of Gaer, ſones of Raaie, ſones of Raſym, citees.
li ſones of Necuda, ſones of Jezem, ſones of Aſa, ſones
of Phaſcha, ſones of Beſai, i And þe ſeuenþe moneþe `was comun vndur Eſdras and
lii ſones of Mynum, ſones of Nephuſym,
Neemye; ſoþeli þe ſones of Iſrael weren in her cytees.
liii ſones of Bechue, ſones of Acupha, ſones of Aſſur,
And al þe puple was gaderid togydere as o man, to þe
liiii ſones of Belloth, ſones of Meida,
ſtreet which is bifor þe ȝate of watris. And þei ſeiden to
lv ſones of Arſa, ſones of Berchos, ſones of Siſara, Eſdras, þe ſcribe, þat he ſchulde brynge þe book of þe
lvi ſones of Thema, ſones of Neſia, lawe of Moiſes, which þe Lord hadde comaundid to
lvii ſones of Atipha, ſones of þe ſeruauntis of Salomon, Iſrael.
ii Þerfor Eſdras, þe preeſt, brouȝte þe lawe bifor þe
ſones of Sothai, ſones of Sophoreth,
lviii ſones of Pherida, ſones of Jacala, ſones of Dalcon, multitude of men and of wymmen, and bifor alle þat
ſones of Geddel, ſones of Saphatie, myȝten vndurſtonde, `in þe firſte day of þe ſeuenþ
lix ſones of Atthal, þe ſones of Phetereth, `þat was borun moneþe.
iii And he redde in it opynli in þe ſtreet þat was bifor þe
of Abaim, ſone of Amon;
lx alle Natynneis, and þe ſones of þe ſeruauntis of ȝate of watris, fro þe morewtid `til to myddai, in þe ſiȝt
of men and of wymmen and of wiſe men; and þe eeris
Salomon, weren þre hundrid and two and twenti.
lxi Forſoþe þeſe it ben þat ſtieden, Dethemel, Mela, of al þe puple weren reiſid to þe book.
iiii Forſoþe Eſdras þe writere ſtood on þe grees of tree,
Thelarſa, Cherub, Addo, and Emmer, and myȝten not
which he hadde maad to ſpeke þeron; and Mathatie, and
ſchewe þe hows of her fadris, and her ſeed, wheþer þei
Semma, and Ananye, and Vrie, and Elchie, and Maaſie
weren of Iſrael; þe ſones of Dalaie,
lxii þe ſones of Tobie, þe ſones of Nethoda, ſixe hundrid ſtoden biſidis hym at his riȝt half; and Phadaie, Myſael,
and Melchie, Aſſum, and Aſeph, Dana, and Zacharie,
and two and fourti;
lxiii and of preſtis, þe ſones of Abia, þe ſones of Achos,
and Moſollam ſtoden at þe left half.
v And Eſdras openyde þe book bifor al þe puple; for he
þe ſones of Berzellai, þat took a wijf of þe douȝtris of apperide ouer al þe puple; and whanne he hadde openyd
Berzellai of Galaad, and was clepid bi þe name of hem;
lxiiii þeſe ſouȝten þe ſcripture of her genelogie, and
þe book, al þe puple ſtood.
vi And Eſdras bleſſide þe Lord God wiþ greet vois; and
founden not, and weren caſt out of preſthod. al þe puple anſweride, Amen, Amen, reiſynge her
lxv And Atherſata ſeide to hem, þat þei ſchulden not eete
hondis. And þei weren bowid, and þei worſchipiden
of þe hooli þingis of hooli men, til a wijs preſt `and God, lowli on þe erþe.
lerud roos. vii Forſoþe Joſue, and Baany, and Serebie, Jamyn, Acub,
lxvi Al þe multitude as o man, two and fourti þouſynde
Septhai, Odia, Maaſie, Celitha, Ayarie, Jozabeth, Anan,
ſixe hundrid and ſixti, Phallaie, dekenes, maden ſilence in þe puple for to here
lxvii outakun þe ſeruauntis and handmaidis of hem, þat
þe lawe. Soþeli þe puple ſtood in her degree.
weren ſeuene þouſynde þre hundrid and ſeuene and viii And þei redden in þe book of Goddis lawe diſtinctli,
þretti; and among þe ſyngeris and ſyngereſſis, ſixe `eþer atreet, and opynli to vndurſtonde; `and þei
hundrid and fyue and fourti. vndurſtoden, whanne it was red.
lxviii Þe horſis of hem, ſixe hundrid and ſixe and þritti; ix Forſoþe Neemye ſeide, he is Atherſata, and Eſdras, þe
þe mulis of hem, two hundrid and fyue and fourti; preeſt and writere, and þe dekenes, expownynge to al þe
lxix þe camels of hem, foure hundrid and fyue and þritti;
puple, It is a dai halewid to `oure Lord God; nyle ȝe
þe aſſis of hem, ſixe þouſynde eiȝte hundrid and þritti. morne, and nyle ȝe wepe. For al þe puple wepte,
lxx Forſoþe ſumme of þe princes of meynees ȝauen whanne it herde þe wordis of þe lawe.
coſtis in to þe werk of God; Atherſata ȝaf in to þe

x And he ſeide to hem, Go ȝe, and `ete ȝe fatte þingis, v And þe dekenes crieden wiþ grete vois to her Lord
and drynke ȝe wiyn `maad ſwete wiþ hony, and ſende ȝe God. And Jeſue, and Cedyniel, Bonny, Aſſebie, Serebie,
partis to hem, þat maden not redi to hem ſilf, for it is an Arabie, Odaie, Sebua, and Facaia, ſeiden, Riſe ȝe, and
hooli dai of þe Lord; `nyle ȝe be ſory, for þe ioye of þe bleſſe ȝe `ȝoure Lord God fro wiþout bigynnyng and til
Lord is ȝoure ſtrengþe. in to wiþ outen ende; and bleſſe þei þe hiȝe name of þi
xi Soþeli þe dekenes maden ſilence in al þe puple, and glorie in al bleſſyng and preyſyng.
ſeiden, Be ȝe ſtille, for it is an hooli dai, and `nyle ȝe vi And Eſdras ſeide, Þou þi ſilf, Lord, art aloone; þou
make ſorewe. madiſt heuene and þe heuene of heuenes, and al þe ooſt
xii Þerfor al þe puple ȝede for to ete, and drynke, and to of þo heuenes; þou madiſt þe erþe and alle þingis þat
ſende partis, and `to make greet gladneſſe; for þei ben þere ynne; `þou madiſt þe ſees and alle þingis þat
vndurſtoden þe wordis, whiche he hadde tauȝt hem. ben in þo; and þou quikenyſt alle þeſe þingis; and þe
xiii And in þe ſecound dai þe princes of meynees, alle þe ooſt of heuene worſchipiþ þee.
vii Þou þi ſilf art þe Lord God, þat cheſidiſt Abram, and
puplis, preſtis, and dekenes, weren gaderid togidere to
Eſdras, þe writere, þat he ſchulde expowne to hem þe leddiſt hym out of þe fier of Caldeis, and ſettidiſt his
wordis of þe lawe. name Abraham;
xiiii And þei foundun writun in þe lawe, þat þe Lord viii and foundiſt his herte feiþful bifor þee, and þou haſt

comaundide `in þe hond of Moyſes, þat þe ſones of ſmyte wiþ hym a boond of pees, þat þou woldiſt ȝyue to
Iſrael dwelle in tabernaclis in þe ſolempne dai, in þe hym þe lond of Cananei, of Ethei, of Euey, and of
ſeuenþe moneþ; Ammorrei, and of Pherezei, and of Jebuzei, and of
xv and þat þei preche, and puppliſche a vois in alle her Gergeſei, þat þou woldiſt ȝyue it to his ſeed; and þou
citees, and in Jeruſalem; and ſeie, Go ȝe out in to þe hil, haſt fillid þi wordis, for þou art iuſt.
ix And þou haſt ſeyn þe turment of oure fadris in Egipt,
and brynge ȝe bowis of olyue, and bowis of þe faireſte
tree, þe bowis of a myrte tree, and þe braunchis of a and þou herdiſt þe cry of hem on þe reed ſee.
palm tree, and þe bowis of a `tree ful of wode, þat x And þou haſt ȝoue ſignes and grete wondris in Farao,
tabernaclis be maad, as it is writun. and in alle hiſe ſeruauntis, and in al þe puple of þat
xvi And al þe puple ȝede out, and þei brouȝten, and lond; for þou knowiſt, þat þei diden proudli aȝens oure
maden to hem ſilf tabernaclis, `ech man in `his hows fadris; and þou madiſt to þee a name, as alſo in þis dai.
roof, and in her ſtretis, `eþer forȝerdis, and in þe large xi And þou departidiſt þe ſee bifor hem, and þei paſſiden
placis of Goddis hows, and in þe ſtreet of þe ȝate of þorou þe `myddis of þe ſee in þe drie place; forſoþe þou
watris, and in þe ſtreet of þe ȝate of Effraym. caſtidiſt doun þe purſueris of hem into depþe, as a ſtoon
xvii Þerfor al þe chirche of hem, þat camen aȝen fro in ſtrong watris.
caytifte, made tabernaclis, and þei dwelliden in xii And in a piler of cloude þou were þe ledere of hem bi
tabernaclis. For þe ſones of Iſrael hadden not do ſiche dai, and in a piler of fier bi nyȝt, þat þe weie, bi which
þingis fro þe daies of Joſue, ſone of Nun, `til to þat dai; þei entriden, ſchulde appere to hem.
and ful greet gladneſſe was. xiii Alſo þou cameſt doun at þe hil of Synai, and ſpakiſt
xviii Forſoþe Eſdras radde in þe book of Goddis lawe bi wiþ hem fro heuene, and þou ȝaueſt to hem riȝtful
alle daies, fro þe firſte dai `til to þe laſte dai; and þei domes, and þe lawe of trewþe, cerymonyes, and goode
maden ſolempnytee bi ſeuene daies, and in þe eiȝte day comaundementis.
þei maden a gaderyng of ſiluer, `bi þe cuſtom. xiiii And þou ſchewidiſt to hem an halewid ſabat; and
þou comaundidiſt `to hem comaundementis, and
CAP. IX cerymonyes, and lawe, in þe hond of Moiſes, þi
i Forſoþe in þe foure and twentiþe dai of þis moneþe, þe ſeruaunt.
ſones of Iſrael camen togidere in faſtyng, xv Alſo þou ȝaueſt to hem breed fro heuene in her
ii and in ſackis, and `erþe was on hem. And þe ſeed of hungur; and þou leddiſt out of þe ſtoon watir to hem
þe ſones of Iſrael was departid fro ech alien ſone. And þirſtinge; and þou ſeidiſt to hem, þat þei ſchulden entre,
þei ſtoden bifor þe Lord, and knoulechiden her ſynnes, and haue in poſſeſſioun þe lond, on which lond þou
and þe wickidneſſis of her fadris. reiſidiſt þin hond, þat þou ſchuldiſt ȝyue it to hem.
iii And þei riſiden togidere to ſtonde; and þei redden in xvi But `þei and oure fadris diden proudli, and maden
þe book of þe lawe of `her Lord God foureſiþis in þe hard her nollis, and herden not þi comaundementis.
dai, and foureſiþis in þe niȝt; þei knoulechiden, and xvii And þei nolden here; and þei hadden not mynde of
herieden `her Lord God. þi merueils, which þou haddiſt do to hem; and þei
iiii Forſoþe `þei riſiden on þe degree, of dekenes, Jeſuy, maden hard her nollis; and þei ȝauen þe heed, þat þei
and Bany, Cedynyel, Remmy, Abany, Sarabie, Bany, `weren al turned to her ſeruage as bi ſtrijf; but þou art
and Chanany. God helpful, meke, and merciful, abidynge longe, `eþer

pacient, and of myche merciful doyng, and forſokiſt not þin heeſtis, and ſynneden in þi domes, whiche a man þat
hem; ſchal do ſchal lyue in þo; and þei ȝauen þe ſchuldre
xviii and ſoþeli whanne þei hadden maad to hem a ȝotun goynge awei, and þei maden hard her nol.
calf, as bi ſtrijf, and hadden ſeid, Þis is þi God, þat iii And þou drowiſt along many ȝeeris on hem, and þou
`ledde þee out of Egipt, and þei diden grete blasfemyes. witneſſidiſt to hem in þi Spirit bi þe hond of þi
xix But þou in þi many mercyes leftiſt not hem in prophetis; and þei herden not; and þou ȝaueſt hem in to
deſeert; for a piler of cloude ȝede not awei fro hem bi þe þe hond of þe puplis of londis.
dai, þat it ſchulde lede hem in to þe weie; and a piler of xxxi But in þi mercies ful manye þou madiſt not hem in
fier ȝede not awei `fro hem bi nyȝt, þat it ſchulde to waſtyng, neþir þou forſokiſt hem; for þou art God of
ſchewe to hem þe weie, bi which þei ſchulden entre. merciful doynges, and meke.
xx And þou ȝaueſt to hem þi good Spirit, þat tauȝte hem; xxxii Now þerfor, oure Lord God, greet God, ſtrong, and
and þou forbediſt not þin aungels mete fro her mouþ, ferdful, kepynge couenaunt and merci, turne þou not
and þou ȝaueſt to hem water in þirſt. awei þi face in al þe trauel þat foond vs, oure kyngis,
xxi Fourti ȝeer þou feddiſt hem in deſeert, and no þing and oure princes, and oure fadris, and oure preeſtis, and
failide to hem; her cloþis wexiden not elde, and her feet oure profetis, and al þi puple, fro þe daies of kyng Aſſur
weren not hirt. til to þis dai.
xxii And þou ȝaueſt to hem rewmes, and puplis; and þou xxxiii And þou art iuſt in alle þingis, þat camen on vs, for

departidiſt lottis, `eþer eritagis, to hem, and þei hadden þou didiſt trewþe to vs; but we han do wickidli.
in poſſeſſioun þe lond of Seon, and þe lond of þe kyng xxxiiii Oure kyngis, and oure princes, oure preſtis, and
of Eſebon, and þe lond of Og, kyng of Baſan. fadris `diden not þi lawe; and þei perſeyueden not þin
xxiii And þou multipliediſt þe ſones of hem, as þe ſterris heeſtis and witneſſyngis, whiche þou witneſſidiſt in
of heuene; and þou brouȝtiſt hem to þe lond, of which hem.
þou ſeidiſt to her fadris, þat þei ſchulden entre, and xxxv And þei in her good rewmes, and in þi myche
holde it in poſſeſſioun. goodneſſe, which þou ȝaueſt to hem, and in þe largeſt
xxiiii And þe ſones of Iſrael camen, and hadden þe lond lond and fat, whych þou haddiſt ȝoue in þe ſiȝt of hem,
in poſſeſſioun; and bifor hem þou madiſt low þe ſerueden not þee, neþer turneden aȝen fro her werſte
dwellers of þe lond, Cananeis; and þou ȝaueſt hem in to ſtudies.
þe hondis of þe ſones of Iſrael, and þe kyngis of hem, xxxvi Lo! we `vs ſilf ben þrallis to dai; and þe lond
and þe puplis of þe lond, þat þei diden to hem, as it which þou ȝaueſt to oure fadris, þat þei ſchulden ete þe
pleſide hem. breed þerof, and þe goodis þat ben þerof, `is þral; and
xxv And þei token citees maad ſtrong, and fat erþe; and we `vs ſilf ben þrallis, `eþir boonde men, in þat lond.
þei hadden in poſſeſſioun houſis fulle of alle goodis, xxxvii And þe fruytis þerof ben multiplied to kyngis,
ciſternes maad of oþere men, vineris, and places of whiche þou haſt ſet on vs for oure ſynnes; and þei ben
olyues, and many apple trees. And þei eeten, and weren lordis of oure bodies, and of oure beeſtis, bi her wille,
fillid, and weren maad fat; and hadden plentee of and we ben in greet tribulacioun.
ritcheſſis `in þi greet goodneſſe. xxxviii Þerfor on alle þeſe þingis we `vs ſilf ſmyten and
xxvi Soþeli þei terriden þee to wraþfulneſſe, and ȝeden writen boond of pees, and oure princes, oure dekenes,
awei fro þee, and caſtiden awei þi lawe bihynde her and oure preſtis aſeelen.
backis; and þei killiden þi prophetis, þat witneſſiden to
hem, þat þei ſchulden turne aȝen to þee; and þei diden CAP. X
grete blasfemyes. i Forſoþe þe ſeeleris weren Neemye, Atherſata, þe ſone
xxvii And þou ȝaueſt hem in to þe hond of her enemyes; of Achilai,
and þei turmentiden hem; and in þe tyme of her ii and Sedechie, Saraie, Azarie, Jeremye, Phaſur,
tribulacioun þei crieden to þee; and þou herdiſt þem fro iii Amarie, Melchie,
heuyn, and bi þi many merciful doyngis þou ȝaueſt hem iiii Accus, Sebenye,
ſauȝours, þat ſauyden hem fro þe hond of her enemyes. v Mellucarem, Nerymuth, Oddie, Danyel,
xxviii And whanne þei hadden reſtid, þei turneden aȝen
vi Genton, Baruc, Moſollam, Abia,
to do yuel in þi ſiȝt; and þou forſokiſt hem in þe hond of vii Mianymy, Mazie, Belga, and Semeie;
her enemyes, and enemyes hadden hem in poſſeſſioun;
viii þeſe weren preſtis.
and þei weren conuertid, and þei crieden to þee; forſoþe
þou herdiſt hem fro heuene, and delyueridiſt hem `in þi ix Forſoþe dekenes weren Joſue, þe ſone of Azarie,
mercies in many tymes. Bennuy, of þe ſones of Ennadab,
xxix And þou witneſſidiſt to hem, þat þei ſchulden turne x Cedinyel, and hiſe briþeren, Sethenye, Odenmye,
aȝen to þi lawe; but þei diden proudli, and herden not Telita, Phalaie, Anam,

xi Myca, Roob, Aſebie xxxv and þat we bringe þe firſte gendrid þingis of oure
xii Zaccur, Serebie, Sabanye, lond, and þe firſte fruytis of al fruyt of ech tree, fro ȝeer
xiii Odias, Bany, Hamyn. in to ȝeer,
xiiii Þe heedis of þe puple, Phetos, Moab, Elam, xxxvi in to þe hows of þe Lord, and þe firſte gendrid

xv Zecu, Banny, Bonny, Azgad, Bebay, þingis of oure ſones, and of oure beeſtis, as it is writun
xvi Donai, Bogoia, Adyn, in þe lawe, and þe firſte gendrid þingis of oure oxis, and
xvii Ather, Azochie, Azur,
of oure ſcheep, þat þo be offrid in þe hows of oure God,
to preſtis þat mynyſtren in þe hows of oure God;
xviii Odenye, Aſſuyn, Beſſaie, xxxvii and we ſchulen brynge þe firſte fruytis of oure
xix Ares, Anatoth, Nebai,
metis, and of oure moiſte ſacrifices, and þe applis of ech
xx Methpie, Moſollam, Azir, tre, and of vendage, and of oile, to `preſtis, at þe treſerie
xxi Meizabel, Sadoch, Reddua, of þe Lord, and þe tenþe part of oure lond to dekenes;
xxii Pheltie, Ananye, Oſee, þilke dekenes ſchulen take tiþis of alle þe citees of oure
xxiii Anaie, Azub, Aloes, werkis.
xxxviii Soþeli a preſt, þe ſone of Aaron, ſchal be wiþ þe
xxiiii Phaleam, Sobeth,
xxv Reu, Aſebyne, Mathſie, dekenes in þe tiþis of dekenes; and þe dekenes ſchulen
xxvi Ethaie, Anam, offre þe tenþe part of her tiþe in þe hows of oure God,
`at þe treſorie, in þe hows of treſour.
xxvii Mellucarem, Baana;
xxxix For þe ſones of Iſrael and þe ſones of Leuy ſchulen
xxviii and oþere of þe puple, preſtis, dekenes, porteris,
brynge þe firſte fruytis of wheete, of wiyn, and of oile;
and ſyngeris, Natynneis, and alle men þat departiden and halewid veſſels ſchulen be þere, and preſtis, and
hem ſilf fro þe puplis of londis to þe lawe of God, þe ſyngeris, and porteris, and mynyſtris; and we ſchulen
wyues of hem, and `þe ſones of hem, and þe douȝtris of not forſake þe hows of `oure God.
xxix alle þat myȝten vndurſtonde, bihetynge for her
briþeren, þe principal men of hem, `and þei þat camen i Forſoþe þe princis of þe puple dwelliden in Jeruſalem;
to biheete, and to ſwere, þat þei ſchulden go in þe lawe þe principal men dwelliden in þe myddis of þe puple
of þe Lord, which he `hadde ȝoue bi þe hond of Moyſes, wiþ out lot; but þe reſidue puple ſente lot, for to take o
his ſeruaunt, þat þei ſchulden do and kepe alle þe heeſtis part of ten, `whiche ſchulden dwelle in Jeruſalem, in þe
of `oure Lord God, and hiſe domes, and hiſe hooli citee; þe tenþe part of þe puple is choſun for to
cerymonyes; and þat we ſchulden not ȝyue dwelle in Jeruſalem, for þe citee was voide; forſoþe þe
xxx oure douȝtris to þe puple of þe lond, and þat we
nyne partis dwelliden in citees.
ſchulden not take her douȝtris to oure ſones. ii Forſoþe þe puple bleſſide alle men, þat profriden hem
xxxi Alſo þe puplis of þe lond, `þat bryngen in þingis ſet
ſilf bi fre wille to dwelle in Jeruſalem.
to ſale, and alle þingis to vſs, bi þe dai of ſabat, for to iii And ſo þeſe ben þe princes of prouynce, þat
ſille, we ſchulen not take of hem in þe ſabat, and in a dai dwelliden in Jeruſalem, and in þe citees of Juda; ſoþely
halewid; and we ſchulen leeue þe ſeuenþe ȝeer, and þe ech man dwellide in his poſſeſſioun, in her citees of
axynge of al hond. Iſrael, preſtis, dekenes, Nathynneis, and þe ſones of þe
xxxii And we ſchulen ordeyne comaundementis `on vs,
ſeruauntis of Salomon.
þat we ȝyue þe þridde part of a ſicle `bi þe ȝeer to þe iiii And men of þe ſones of Juda, and of þe ſones of
werk of `oure Lord God, Beniamyn dwelliden in Jeruſalem; of þe ſones of Juda,
xxxiii to þe looues of ſettyngforþ, and to þe euerlaſtynge
Athaie, þe ſone of Aziam, ſone of Zacarie, ſone of
ſacrifice, `and in to brent ſacrifice euerlaſtynge, in Amarie, ſone of Saphie, ſone of Malaleel;
ſabatis, in calendis, `þat is, bigynnyngis of moneþis, in v of þe ſones of Phares, Amaſie, þe ſone of Baruch, þe
ſolempnytees, in halewid daies, and for ſynne, þat `me ſone of Colozay, þe ſone of Azie, þe ſone of Adaie, þe
preie for Iſrael, and in to al þe vſs of þe hows of oure ſone of Jozarib, þe ſone of Zacarie, þe ſone of
God. Salonytes; alle þe ſones of Phares,
xxxiiii `Þerfor we ſenten `lottis on þe offryng of trees, vi þat dwelliden in Jeruſalem, weren foure hundrid eiȝte
bitwixe preſtis and dekenes and þe puple, þat þo and ſixti, ſtronge men.
ſchulden be brouȝt in to þe hows of oure God, bi þe vii Soþeli þeſe ben þe ſones of Beniamyn; Sellum, þe
houſis of oure fadris bi tymes, fro þe tymes of a ȝeer `til ſone of Moſollam, þe ſone of Joedi, þe ſone of Sadaie,
to a ȝeer, þat `þo ſchulden brenne on þe auter of `oure þe ſone of Colaie, þe ſone of Maſie, þe ſone of Ethel, þe
Lord God, as it is writun in þe lawe of Moyſes; ſone of Saie;

viii and aftir hym Gabai, Sellai, nynti and eiȝte and xxvi and in Jeſue, and in Molada, and in Bethpheleth,
twenti; and Johel, þe ſone of Zechri, was þe ſouereyn of xxvii and in Aſerſual, and in Berſabee, and in þe vilagis
hem, and Judas, þe ſone of Semyna, was þe ſecounde þerof;
man on þe citee. xxviii and in Sicheleg, and in Mochone, and in þe vilagis
x And of preſtis; Idaie,
xi ſone of Joarib, Jachyn, Saraie, þe ſone of Helchie, þe xxix and in Remmon, and in Sara,
ſone of Moſſollam, þe ſone of Sadoch, þe ſone of xxx and in Jerymuth, Zonocha, Odollam, and in þe
Meraioth, þe ſone of Achitob, `þe princis of `Goddis townes `of þo; in Lachis, and in þe cuntreis þerof; in
hows, Azecha and þe vilagis þerof; and þei dwelliden in
xii and her briþeren, makynge þe werkis of þe temple,
Berſabee `til to þe valei of Ennon.
weren eiȝte hundrid and two and twenti. And Adaie, þe xxxi Forſoþe þe ſones of Beniamyn dwelliden in Areba,
ſone of Jeroam, þe ſone of Pheler, þe ſone of Amſi, þe Mechynas, and Aia, and Bethel and vilagis þerof;
ſone of Zacarie, þe ſone of Pheſſur, xxxii in Anatoth, Nob, Ananya,
xiii þe ſone of Melchie, and þe briþeren of hem, þe
xxxiii Aſor, Rama, Jethaym,
princes of fadris, weren two hundrid and two and fourti. xxxiiii Adid, Soboym,
And Amaſie, þe ſone of Azrihel, þe ſone of Azi, þe ſone xxxv Nebollaloth, and in Onam, þe valei of crafti men.
of Moſollamoth, þe ſone of Semyner,
xiiii and her briþeren, ful myȝti men, weren an hundrid xxxvi And of dekenes, `þe porciouns of Juda and of

and eiȝte and twenti; and þe ſouereyn of hem was Beniamyn.

Zebdiel, þe ſone of myȝty men.
xv And of dekenes; Sechenye, þe ſone of Azab, þe ſone CAP. XII
i Soþeli þeſe weren preſtis and dekenes, þat ſtieden wiþ
of Azarie, þe ſone of Azabie, þe ſone of Bone, and
Sabathai; Zorobabel, þe ſone of Salatiel, and wiþ Joſue; Saraie,
xvi and Jozabed was ordened of þe princes of dekenes, Jeremye,
ii Eſdras, Amarie, Melluch, Accus,
on alle þe werkis þat weren wiþ out forþ in Goddis
iii Sechenye, Reum, Merymucth,
xvii And Mathanye, þe ſone of Mycha, þe ſone of iiii Addo, Jethon, Myomyn,

Zebdai, þe ſone of Aſaph, was prince, to herie and to v Abia, Meldaa, Belga, Semeie, and Joarib,
knowleche in preier; and Bethechie was þe ſecounde of vi Adaie, Sellum, Amoe, Elceia, and Jadie;
hiſe briþeren, and Abdie, þe ſone of Sammya, þe ſone of vii þeſe weren þe princes of preſtis `and her briþeren, in
Galal, þe ſone of Iditum. þe daies of Joſue.
xviii Alle þe dekenes in þe hooli citee, weren two viii Certis dekenes; Jeſua, Bennuy, Cedynyel, Serabie,
hundrid and foure ſcore and foure. Juda, Mathanye, `weren ouer þe ympnes, `þei and her
xix And þe porteris, Accub, Thelmon, and þe briþeren of
hem, þat kepten þe doris, weren an hundrid `and two ix and Bezechie, and Ezanny, and þe briþeren of hem,
and ſeuenti. ech man in his office.
xx And oþere men of Iſrael, preſtis, and dekenes, in alle x Soþeli Joſue gendride Joachym, and Joachym
þe citees of Juda, ech man in his poſſeſſioun. gendride Eliaſib, and Eliaſib gendride Joiada,
xxi And Natynneis, þat dwelliden in Ophel, and Siacha, xi and Joiada gendride Jonathan, and Jonathan gendride
and Gaſpha; of Natynneis. Jeddaia.
xxii And biſchopis of dekenes in Jeruſalem; Azi, þe ſone xii Forſoþe in þe daies of Joachym weren preſtis, and
of Bany, þe ſone of Aſabie, þe ſone of Mathanye, þe princis of meynees of preſtis, Saraie, Amarie, Jeremye,
ſone of Mychee. Of þe ſones of Aſaph, ſyngeris in þe Ananye, Eſdre,
ſeruyce of Goddis hows. xiii Moſollam, Amarie, Johannam,
xxiii For þe comaundement of þe kyng was on hem, and
xiiii Mylico, Jonathan, Sebenye,
ordre was in ſyngeris bi alle daies; xv Joſeph, Aram, Edua,
xxiiii and Aphataie, þe ſone of Moſezehel, of þe ſones of
xvi Maraioth, Elchie, Addaie, Zacharie, Genthon,
Zara, ſone of Juda, in þe hond of þe kyng, bi ech word xvii Moſollam, Abie, Zecherie, Myamyn, and Moadie,
of þe puple;
xviii Phelti, Belge, Sannya, Semeie,
xxv and in þe houſis bi alle þe cuntreis of hem. Of þe
xix Jonathan, Joarib, Mathanye, Jodaie, Azi,
ſones of Juda dwelliden in Cariatharbe, and in þe vilagis
xx Sellaye, Mochebor, Helchie,
þerof, and in Dibon, and in þe vilagis þerof, and in
Capſeel, and in þe townes þerof; xxi Aſebie, Idaie, Nathanael.

xxii Dekenes in þe daies of Eliaſib, and of Joiada, and of xxxviii and on þe ȝate of Effraym, and on þe elde ȝate,
Jonam, and of Jedda, weren writun princes of meynees, and on þe ȝate of fiſchis, and on þe toure of Ananeel,
`and preſtis in þe rewme of Darius of Perſis. and on þe tour of Emath, and þei camen `til to þe ȝate of
xxiii Þe ſones of Leuy, princes of meynees, weren writun þe floc;
in þe book of wordis of daies, and `til to þe daies of xxxix and þei ſtoden in þe ȝate of kepyng. And twei
Jonathan, ſone of Eliaſib. queeris of men heriynge ſtoden in þe hows of God, and
xxiiii `And þe princes of dekenes weren Aſebie, Serebie, Y and þe half part of magiſtratis wiþ me.
and Jeſue, þe ſone of Cedynyel; and þe briþeren of hem xl And þe preſtis, Eliachym, Maaſie, Myamyn, Mychea,
bi her whiles, þat þei ſchulden herie and knowleche bi Helioneai, Zacharie, Ananye, in trumpis;
þe comaundement of kyng Dauid, þe man of God, and xli and Maaſie, and Senea, and Eleazar, and Azi, and
þei ſchulden kepe euenli bi ordre. Johannan, and Melchia, and Elam, and Ezer; and þe
xxv Mathanye, and Bethbecie, and Obedie, Moſollam, ſyngeris ſungen clereli, and Jezraie, þe ſouereyn.
Thelmon, Accub, weren keperis of þe ȝatis, and of þe xlii And þei offriden in þat dai grete ſacrifices, and
porchis bifor þe ȝatis. weren glad; `for God `hadde maad hem glad wiþ grete
xxvi Þeſe weren in þe daies of Joachym, ſone of Joſue, gladneſſe. But alſo her wyues and lawful childre weren
ſone of Joſedech, and in þe daies of Neemye, duyk, and ioiful, and þe gladneſſe of Jeruſalem was herd fer.
of Eſdras, þe preſt and writere. xliii Alſo þei noumbriden in þat dai men ouer þe keping
xxvii Forſoþe in þe halewyng of þe wal of Jeruſalem þei places of treſour, to moiſte ſacrifices, and to þe firſte
ſouȝten dekenes of alle her places, to bryng hem in to fruytis, and to tiþis, þat þe princes of þe citee ſchulden
Jeruſalem, and to make þe halewyng in gladneſſe, in þe brynge in bi hem, `in þe faireneſſe of doyng of
doyng of þankyngis, and in ſong, and in cymbalis, and þankyngis, preſtis and dekenes; for Juda was glad in
in ſautrees, and in harpis. preſtis and dekenes preſent.
xxviii Soþeli þe ſones of ſyngeris weren gaderid boþe fro xliiii And þei kepten þe kepyng of her God, þe kepyng
þe feeldi places aboute Jeruſalem, and fro þe townes of of clenſyng; and ſyngeris, and porteris, bi þe
Nethophati, comaundement of Dauid and of Salomon, his ſone;
xxix and fro þe hows of Galgal, and fro þe cuntreis of xlv for in þe daies of Dauid and of Aſaph fro þe
Gebez, and of Amanech; for ſyngeris hadden bildid bigynnyng princes of ſyngeris weren ordeyned, heriyng
townes to hem ſilf in þe cumpas of Jeruſalem. in ſong, and knoulechynge to God.
xxx And preſtis and dekenes weren clenſid, and þei xlvi And al Iſrael, in þe daies of Zorobabel, and in þe
clenſiden þe puple, and þe ȝatis, and þe wal. daies of Neemye, ȝauen partis to ſyngeris and to
xxxi Forſoþe Y made þe princes of Juda to ſtie on þe wal, porteris bi alle `þe daies; and þei halewiden dekenes,
and Y ordeynede twei greete queris of men heriynge; and þe dekenes halewiden þe ſones of Aaron.
and þei ȝeden to þe riȝt ſide on þe wal, to þe ȝate of þe
dunghil. CAP. XIII
xxxii And Oſaie ȝede aftir hem, and þe half part of i Forſoþe in þat dai it was red in þe book of Moiſes, in

prynces of Juda, heryng of þe puple; and it was foundun writun þer

xxxiii and Azarie, Eſdras, and Moſollam, Juda, and ynne, þat Amonytis and Moabitis owen not entre in to
Beniamyn, and Semeye, and Jeremye `ȝeden aftir hem. þe chirche of God til in to wiþ outen ende;
xxxiiii And of þe ſones of preſtis ſyngynge in trumpis; ii for þei metten not þe ſones of Iſrael wiþ breed and

Zacharie, þe ſone of Jonathan, þe ſone of Semeie, þe watir, and þei hiriden aȝens þe ſones of Iſrael Balaam,
ſone of Mathanye, þe ſone of Machaie, þe ſone of for to curſe hem; and oure God turnede þe curſyng in to
Zeccur, þe ſone of Aſaph. bleſſyng.
xxxv And hiſe briþeren; Semeie, and Azarel, Malalai, iii Soþeli it was doon, whanne `þei hadden herd þe lawe,

Galalai, Maai, Nathanael, and Juda, and Amany, in þe þei departiden ech alien fro Iſrael.
iiii And upon þeſe þingis Eliaſib, þe preſt, `was
inſtrumentis of ſong of Dauid, þe man of God; and
Eſdras, þe wrytere, bifor hem, in þe ȝate of þe welle. blameful, þat was þe ſouereyn in þe treſorie of þe hows
xxxvi And þei ſtieden aȝens hem in þe greis of þe citee of of oure God, and was þe neiȝbore of Tobie.
v Þerfor he made to him a grete treſerie, `þat is, in þe
Dauid, in þe ſtiyng of þe wal, on þe hows of Dauid, and
`til to þe ȝate of watris at þe eeſt. hows of God; and men kepynge ȝiftis, and encence, and
xxxvii And þe ſecounde queer of men tellynge þankyngis veſſels, and þe tiþe of wheete, of wyn, and of oile, þe
ȝede euene aȝens, and Y aftir hym; and þe half part of partis of dekenes, and of ſyngeris, and of porteris, and
þe puple was on þe wal, and on þe tour of ouenys, and þe firſte fruytis of preſtis, `weren þere bifor him.
vi Forſoþe in alle þeſe þingis Y was not in Jeruſalem; for
`til to þe broddeſte wal;
in þe two and þrittiþe ȝeer of Artaxerſes, kyng of

Babiloyne, Y cam to þe kyng, and in þe ende of daies Y xxi And Y areſonyde hem, and Y ſeide to hem, Whi
preiede þe kyng. dwellen ȝe euene aȝens þe wal? If ȝe doon þis þe
vii And Y cam in to Jeruſalem, and Y vndurſtood þe ſecounde tyme, Y ſchal ſette hond on ȝou. Þerfor fro þat
yuel, which Eliaſib hadde do to Tobie, to make to hym a tyme þei camen not in þe ſabat.
treſour in þe porchis of Goddis hows; and to me it xxii Alſo Y ſeide to dekenes, þat þei ſchulden be clenſid,
ſemede ful yuel. and þat þei ſchulden come to kepe þe ȝatis, and to
viii And Y caſtide forþ þe veſſels of þe hows of Tobie halowe þe dai of ſabat. And þerfor for þis þing, my
out of þe treſorie; God, haue mynde of me, and ſpare me bi þe mychilneſſe
ix and Y comaundide, and þei clenſiden þe treſories; and of þi merciful doyngis.
Y brouȝte aȝen þere þe veſſels of Goddis hous, ſacrifice, xxiii But alſo in þo daies Y ſiȝ Jewys weddinge wyues,
and encence. wymmen of Azotus, and wymmen of Amonytis, and
x And Y knew þat þe partes of dekenes weren not wymmen of Moabitis.
ȝouun, and þat ech man of þe dekenes and of þe xxiiii And her children ſpaken half part bi þe ſpeche of
ſyngeris, and of hem þat mynyſtriden hadde fledde in to Ayotus, and kouden not ſpeke bi þe ſpeche of Jewis, and
his cuntrei; þei ſpaken bi þe langage of puple and of puple.
xi and Y dide þe cauſe aȝens magiſtratis, and Y ſeide, xxv And Y rebuykide hem, and Y curſide; and Y beet þe
Whi `forſaken we þe hous of God? And Y gaderide hem men `of hem, and Y made hem ballid, and Y made hem
togidere, `þat is, dekenes and mynyſtris `þat hadden go to ſwere bi þe Lord, þat þei ſchulden not ȝyue her
awei, and Y made hem to ſtonde in her ſtondyngis. douȝtris to þe ſones of `þo aliens, and þat þei ſchulden
xii And al Juda brouȝte þe tiþe of wheete, of wiyn, and not take of þe douȝtris of `þo aliens to her ſones, and to
of oile, in to bernes. hem ſilf;
xiii And we ordeyneden on þe bernes, Selemye, þe preſt, xxvi and Y ſeide, Wheþer Salomon, þe kyng of Iſrael,

and Sadoch, þe writere, and Phadaie, of þe dekenes, and ſynnede not in ſiche a þing? And certis in many folkis
biſidis hem, Anan, þe ſone of Zaccur, þe ſone of was no kyng lijk hym, and he was loued of his God, and
Mathanye; for þei weren preued feiþful men, and þe God ſettide hym kyng on al Iſrael, and þerfor alien
partis of her briþeren weren bitakun to hem. wymmen brouȝten hym to ſynne.
xiiii My God, haue mynde of me for þis þing, and do xxvii Wheþer alſo we vnobedient ſchulden do al þis grete

þou not awei my merciful doyngis, whiche Y dide in þe yuel, þat we treſpaſſe aȝens `oure Lord God, and wedde
hows of my God, and in hiſe cerymonyes. alien wyues?
xv Yn þo daies Y ſiȝ in Juda men tredinge preſſours in xxviii Forſoþe Sanabalath Horonyte hadde weddid a

þe ſabat, `men bryngynge hepis, and chargynge on aſſis douȝter of þe ſones of Joiada, ſone of Eliaſib, þe grete
wiyn, and grapis, and figis, and al birþun, and preſt, which Sanaballath Y droof awei fro me.
`bringynge in to Jeruſalem in þe dai of ſabat; and Y xxix My Lord God, haue mynde aȝens hem, þat defoulen
witneſſide to hem, þat þei ſchulden ſille in þe dai, in preſthod, and þe riȝt of preſtis and of dekenes. Þerfor I
which it was leueful to ſille. clenſide hem fro alle aliens, and I ordeynede ordris of
xvi And men of Tire dwelliden `in it, and brouȝten in preſtis and of dekenes,
fiſchis, and alle þingis ſet to ſale, and þei ſelden `in þe xxx ech man in his ſeruice, and in þe offring,
ſabatis to þe ſones of Juda and of Jeruſalem. xxxi þat is, dreſſing, of trees in tymes ordeyned, and in
xvii And Y rebuykide þe principal men of Juda, and Y þe firſte fruytis. My God, haue mynde of me in to good.
ſeide to hem, What is þis yuel þing which ȝe doen, and Here eendiþ þe ſecunde book of Eſdre, and here
maken vnhooli þe daie of þe ſabat? biginneþ þe book of Tobie.
xviii Wheþer oure fadris diden not þeſe þingis, and oure
God brouȝte on vs al þis yuel, and on þis citee? and `ȝe
encreeſſen wraþfulneſſe on Iſrael, in defoulynge þe
xix Forſoþe it was doon, whanne þe ȝatis of Jeruſalem
hadden reſtid in þe dai of ſabat, Y ſeide, Schitte ȝe þe
ȝatis; and þei ſchittiden þe ȝatis; and I comaundide, þat
þei ſchuden not opene þo ȝatis til aftir þe ſabat. And of
my children Y ordeynede noumbris on þe ȝatis, þat no
man ſchulde brynge in a birþun in þe dai of ſabat.
xx And marchauntis, and men ſillinge alle þingis ſet to
ſale dwelliden wiþ out Jeruſalem onys and twies.

xix Tobie ȝede ech dai bi al his kynrede, and
TOBIE coumfortide hem, and departide of hiſe catels to ech
Here bigynneþ þe book of Tobie. man, as he myȝte;
xx he fedde hungri men, and ȝaf cloþis to nakid men,
CAP. I and he `ȝaf biſili ſepulture to deed men and ſlayn.
i Tobie was of þe lynage and citee of Neptalym, which xxi Soþeli whanne þe kyng Senacherib turnede aȝen,
is in þe hiȝere partis of Galilee, aboue Naaſon, bihynde fleynge fro Judee þe veniaunce þat God `hadde do
þe weie þat lediþ to þe weſt, and haþ in þe lefte ſide þe aboute hym for his blasfemye, and he was wrooþ, and
citee of Sapheth, killide many of þe ſones of Iſrael, Tobie biriede `þe
ii whanne he was takun in þe daies of Salmanazar, kyng bodies of hem.
of Aſſiriens, neþeles he ſet in caytifte, `eþer takun xxii And aftir þat it was teld to þe kyng, he comaundide
priſoner, forſook not þe weie of treuþe, Tobie to be ſlayn, and he took awei al his catel.
iii ſo þat he departide ech dai alle þingis whiche he xxiii Soþeli Tobie fledde wiþ his ſone and wiþ his wijf,
myȝte haue, wiþ caitif briþeren þat weren of his kyn. and was hid nakid, for many men loueden hym.
iiii And whanne he was ȝongere þan alle in þe lynage of xxiiii Forſoþe after fyue and fourti daies, þe ſones of þe
Neptalym, neþeles he dide no childiſche þing in werk. kyng kyilliden þe kyng; and Tobie turnede aȝen to his
v Forſoþe whanne alle Jewis ȝeden to þe goldun calues, hows,
whiche Jeroboam, þe kyng of Iſrael, made, þis Tobie xxv and al his catel was reſtorid to hym.
aloone fledde þe cumpenyes of alle men;
vi and he ȝede to Jeruſalem, to þe temple of þe Lord, CAP. II
and þere he worſchipide þe Lord God of Iſrael; and he i Forſoþe aftir þeſe þingis, whanne a feeſte dai of þe
offride feiþfuly alle hiſe firſte fruytis, and hiſe tiþis; Lord was, and a good meete was maad in þe hows of
vii ſo þat in þe þridde ȝeer he mynyſtride al þe tiþe to Tobie, he ſeide to his ſone,
conuerſis and comlyngis. ii Go þou, and brynge ſum men of oure lynage, `þat
viii Þe ȝonge man kepte þeſe þingis, and þingis lijk þeſe, dreden God, þat þei ete wiþ vs.
bi þe lawe of God of heuene. iii And whanne he was goon, he turnede aȝen, and telde
ix Soþeli whanne he was maad a man, he took a wijf, to hym, þat oon of þe ſones of Iſrael lai ſtranglid in þe
Anne, of his lynage; and he gendride of hir a ſone, and ſtreet; and anoon `he ſkippide fro his ſittyng place, and
puttide his owne name to hym; lefte þe mete, and cam faſtynge to þe bodi; and he took
x whom he tauȝte fro ȝong childhed for to drede God, it,
and for to abſteyne fro al ſynne. iiii and bar to his hows pryuely, for to birie hym warli,
xi Þerfor whanne bi caitifte he was comun, wiþ his wijf whanne þe ſunne was go doun.
and ſone, in to þe citee Nynyue, v And whanne he hadde hid þe bodi, he eet breed wiþ
xii wiþ al his lynage, and alle men eeten of þe meetis of morenyng and tremblyng,
heþene men, þis Tobie kepte his ſoule, and was neuere vi and remembride þat word, which þe Lord ſeide bi
defoulid in þe metis of hem. Amos, þe prophete, Ȝoure feeſte daies ſchulen be turned
xiii And for he was myndeful of þe Lord in al his herte, in to morenyng and `lamentacioun, eþer weilyng.
God ȝaf grace to hym in þe ſiȝt of Salamanazar, þe vii Soþeli whanne þe ſunne was go doun, Tobie ȝede,
kyng; and biriede hym.
xiiii and he ȝaf to Tobie power to go whidur euer he viii Forſoþe alle hiſe neiȝboris blameden hym, and
wolde, and he hadde fredom to do what euer þingis he ſeiden, Now for þe cauſe of þis þing þou were
wolde. comaundid to be ſlayn, and vnneþis þou aſcapidiſt þe
xv Þerfor he ȝede bi alle men þat weren in caitifte, and comaundement of deeþ, and eft `birieſt þou deed men?
ȝaf to hem þe heeſtis of helþe. ix But Tobie dredde more God þan þe kyng, and took
xvi Soþeli whanne he was comyn in to Rages, a citee of awei þe bodies of ſlayn men, and hidde in his hows, and
Medeis, and hadde ten talentis of ſiluer, of þeſe þingis biriede þo in þe myddil of nyȝtis.
bi whiche he was onourid of þe kyng; x Soþeli it bifelde, þat in ſum day he was maad wery of
xvii and ſiȝ Gabelus nedi, þat was of his lynage, wiþ biriyng; and he cam hoom, and leide hym ſilf biſidis a
myche cumpeny of his kyn, Tobie ȝaf to hym, vndur an wal, and ſlepte;
obligacioun, þe forſeid weiȝte of ſiluer. xi and while he ſlepte, hoote ordures `fellen doun fro þe
xviii Forſoþe after myche tyme, aftir þat Salamanazar, þe neſt of ſwalewis on hiſe iȝen; and he was maad blynd.
kyng, was deed, whanne Senacherib, his ſone, regnyde
for hym, and hadde þe ſones of Iſrael hateful in his ſiȝt,

xii Forſoþe herfor þe Lord ſuffride þis temptacioun viii for ſche was ȝouun to ſeuene hoſebondis, and a
bifalle to hym, þat þe ſaumple of his pacience, `as alſo feend, Aſmodeus bi name, killide hem, anoon as þei
of ſeynt Job, ſchulde be ȝouun to `after comeris. hadden entrid to hir.
xiii For whi whanne he dredde God euere fro his ȝong ix Þerfor whanne ſche blamyde `þe damyſele for her
childhed, and kepte hiſe comaundementis, he was not gilt, þe damiſele anſweride to hir, and ſeide, Þou
ſory aȝens God, for þe ſikeneſſe of blyndneſſe cam to ſleereſſe of þin hoſebondis, ſe we `no more a ſone eþer a
hym; douȝter of þee `on erþe;
xiiii but he dwellide vnmouable in þe drede of God, and x wheþer alſo þou wolt ſle me, as alſo þou haſt ſlayn
dide þankyngis to God in alle þe dais of his lijf. ſeuene men? At þis vois ſche ȝede in to þe hiȝere cloſet
xv For whi as kyngis vpbreididen ſeynt Job, ſo it bifelde of hir hows, and þre daies and þre nyȝtis ſche eet not,
to þis Tobie, hiſe eldris and kyneſmen ſcorneden his lijf, neþer drank;
xvi and ſeiden, Where is þin hope, for which þou didiſt xi but ſche contynuede in preier wiþ teeris, and biſouȝte

almes dedis and biriyngis? God, þat he ſchulde delyuere hir fro þis ſchenſchip.
xvii Soþeli Tobie blamyde hem, and ſeide, xii Forſoþe it was doon in þe þridde dai, while ſche
xviii Nyle ȝe ſpeke ſo, for we ben þe ſones of hooli men, hadde fillid þe preier,
xiii ſche bleſſide þe Lord, and ſeide, God of oure fadris,
and we abiden þat lijf, which God ſchal ȝyue to hem þat
chaungen neuere her feiþ fro hym. þi name is bleſſid, which whanne þou haſt be wrooþ,
xix Forſoþe Anne, his wijf, ȝede ech dai to þe `werk of ſchalt do merci, and in tyme of tribulacioun forȝyueſt
weuyng, and brouȝte lyuelode, which ſche myȝte gete ſynnes to hem, þat inwardli clepen þee.
xiiii Lord, to þee Y turne togidere my face; to þee `Y
of þe trauel of hir hondis.
xx Wherof it `was doon, þat ſche took a kide of geet, reiſe `myn iȝen.
xv Lord, Y axe, þat þou aſſoile me fro þe boond of þis
and brouȝte hoom.
xxi And whanne hir hoſebonde hadde herd þe vois of þis ſchenſchip, eþer certis þat þou take me awei fro aboue
kide bletynge, he ſeide, Se ȝe, leſt perauenture it be of þe erþe.
xvi Lord, þou woſt, þat Y neuere coueitide man, and Y
þefte, but `ȝelde ȝe it to `hiſe lordis; for it is not leueful
`to vs, eþir to ete eþer to touche ony þing of þefte. haue kept my ſoule cleene fro al coueitiſe.
xxii At þeſe þingis his wijf was wrooþ, and anſweride, xvii Y medlide me neuere wiþ pleieris, neþer Y ȝaf me

Opynli þin hope is maad veyn, and þin almes dedis parcener wiþ hem þat goon in vnſtableneſſe.
apperiden now. xviii But Y conſentide to take an hoſebonde wiþ þi drede,
xxiii And bi þeſe and `oþere ſiche wordis ſche ſeide not wiþ my luſt.
ſchenſchip to hym. xix And eþer Y was vnworþi to hem, eþer þei
perauenture weren not worþi to me; for in hap þou haſt
CAP. III kept me to anoþer hoſebonde.
i Þanne Tobie inwardli ſorewide, and bigan to preye wiþ xx For þi councel is not in þe power of man.
teeris, and ſeide, Lord, xxi Forſoþe ech þat worſchipiþ þee haþ þis for a certeyn,
ii þou art iuſt, and alle þi domes ben iuſt, and alle þi þat if his lijf is in preuyng, he ſchal be corowned; ſoþeli
weies ben mercy, and treuþe, and doom. if he is in tribulacioun, he ſchal be delyuerid; and if he
iii And now, Lord, haue þou mynde of me, and take þou is in chaſtiſyng, it ſchal be leueful to come to þi merci.
not veniaunce of my ſynnes, neþer haue þou mynde of xxii For þou delitiſt not in oure loſſis; for after tempeſt
my treſpaſſis, eþir of my fadris. þou makiſt peſible, and after morenyng and wepyng þou
iiii For we `obeieden not to `þi comaundementis, and we bryngiſt yn ful ioye.
ben takun in to rifelyng, and in to caitifte, and in to deþ, xxiii God of Iſrael, þi name be bleſſid `in to worldis, þat
and in to `a fable, and in to ſchenſchip to alle naciouns, is, til in to wiþouten ende.
among whiche þou haſt ſcaterid vs. xxiiii In þat tyme þe preieris of boþe weren herd in þe
v And now, Lord, þi domes ben grete; for we han not do ſiȝt of glorie of hiȝeſte God; and Raphael,
aftir `þi comaundementis, and we han not go clenli xxv þe hooli aungel of þe Lord, was ſent for to heele
bifor þee. hem boþe, whoſe preyeris weren reherſid in o tyme in
vi And now, Lord, bi þi wille do þou merci wiþ me, and þe ſiȝt of þe Lord.
comaunde þou my ſpirit to be reſſeyued in pees; for it
ſpediþ more to me to die þan to lyue. CAP. IIII
vii And ſo it bifelde in þe ſame dai, þat Sare, þe douȝter i Þerfor whanne Tobie geſſide his preier to be herd, þat
of Raguel, was in Rages, a citee of Medeis, and ſche he myȝte die, he clepide Tobie,
herd ſchenſchip of oon of þe handmaidis of hir fadir;

ii his ſone, to hym ſilf, and ſeide to hym, My ſone, here xxiii My ſone, nyle þou drede; forſoþe we leden a pore
þou þe wordis of my mouþ, and bilde þou þo as lijf, but we ſchulen haue many goodis, if we dreden
foundementis in þin herte. God, and goen awei fro al ſynne, and doen wel.
iii Whanne God haþ take my ſoule, byrie þou my bodi;
and `þou ſchal haue onour to þi modir in alle þe daies of CAP. V
hir lijf; i Þanne Tobie anſweride to his fadir, and ſeide, Fadir, Y
iiii for þou owiſt to be myndeful, what perels and how ſchal do alle þingis, which euer þou comaundidiſt to
grete ſche ſuffride for þee in hir wombe. me;
v Forſoþe whanne alſo ſche haþ fillid þe tyme of hir lijf, ii but Y noot, hou Y ſchal gete þis money; he knowiþ not

þou ſchalt birie hir biſidis me. me, and Y knowe not him; what tokyn ſchal Y ȝyue to
vi Soþeli in alle þe daies of þi lijf haue þou God in hym? but neþer Y knew ony tyme þe weie, bi which me
mynde, and be þou war, leſt ony tyme þou conſente to goiþ þidur.
iii Þanne his fadir anſwerid to hym, and ſeide, Soþeli Y
ſynne, and forſake þe heeſtis of oure God.
vii Of þi catel do þou almes, and nyle þou turne awei þi haue þis obligacioun at me, which þe while þou
face fro ony pore man; for ſo it ſchal be doon, þat þe ſchewiſt to him, he ſchal reſtore anoon þe monei.
iiii But go now, and enquere to þee ſum feiþful man, þat
face of þe Lord be not turned awei fro þee.
viii As þou maiſt, ſo be þou merciful. ſchal go wiþ þee for his hire ſaf, `þe while Y lyue ȝit,
ix If þou haſt myche, ȝyue þou plenteuouſli; if þou haſt a þat þou reſſeyue þat monei.
v Þanne Tobie ȝede out, and foond a ȝong oon
litil, alſo be þou biſi to departe wilfuli a litil.
x For þou treſoriſt to þee a good meede in þe dai of ſtondynge, `ſchynynge, and gird, and as redi to go;
vi and he wiſte not, þat it was þe angel of God. And he
xi for whi almes delyuereþ fro al ſynne and fro deeþ, grette þe ȝong oon, and ſeide, Of whennus han we þee,
and ſchal not ſuffre þe ſoule to go in to derkneſſis. goode ȝonge man?
vii And he anſweride, Of þe ſones of Iſrael. And Tobie
xii Almes ſchal be grete triſt bifor þe hiȝeſte God to alle
men doynge it. ſeide to hym, Knowiſt þou þe weie, þat lediþ in to þe
xiii Sone, take heede to þi ſilf, and fle fro al cuntrei of Medeis?
viii To whom he anſweride, Y knowe, and Y haue go
fornicacioun, and, `outakun þi wijf, ſuffre þou neuere to
know ſynne. ofte alle þe weies þerof, and Y haue dwellid at Gabelus,
xiiii Suffre þou neuere pride to haue lordſchip in þi wit, ȝoure broþer, þat dwelliþ in Rages, a citee of Medeis,
which is ſet in `þe hil of Echbathanis.
neþer in þi word; for al `los, eþer dampnacioun, took ix To whom Tobie ſeide, Y biſeche, abide þou me, til Y
biginnyng in þat pride.
xv Who euere worchiþ ony þing to þee, ȝelde þou anoon telle þeſe þingis to my fader.
x Þanne Tobie entride, and telde alle þeſe þingis to his
his mede, and outirli þe hire of `þin hirid man dwelle
not at þee. fader; on which þingis þe fader wondride, and preiede,
xvi Þat þat þou hatiſt to be doon to þee of anoþer man, ſe þat he wolde entre to him.
xi Þerfor he entride, and grette Tobie, and ſeide, Ioie be
þou, leſt ony tyme þou do to anoþer man.
xvii Ete þi breed wiþ hungri men and nedi, and wiþ þi euere to þee!
xii And Tobie ſeide, What maner ioie ſchal be to me, þat
cloþis hile þou nakid men.
xviii Ordeyne þi breed and þi wiyn on þe ſepulture of a ſitte in derkneſſis, and ſe not `þe lyȝt of heuene?
xiii To whom þe ȝong oon ſeide, Be þou of ſtrong wit; it
iuſt man, and nyle þou ete and drynke þerof wiþ
ſynneris. is in þe nexte þat þou be heelid of God.
xiiii Þerfor Tobie ſeide to hym, Wheþer þou maiſt lede
xix Euere ſeke þou perfitli a counſel of a wijs man.
xx Al tyme bleſſe þou God, and axe þou of hym, þat he my ſone to Gabelus in to Rages, þe citee of Medeis, and
whanne þou comeſt aȝen, Y ſchal reſtore þi mede to
dreſſe þi weies, and alle þi counſels dwelle in hym.
xxi Alſo, my ſone, Y ſchewe to þee, þat þe while þou þee?
xv And þe aungel ſeide to hym, Y ſchal lede, and bringe
were ȝit a litil child, Y ȝaf ten talentis of ſiluer to
aȝen him hool to þee.
Gabelus, in Rages, a citee of Medeis; and Y haue his xvi To whom Tobie anſweride, Y preie þee, ſchewe to
obligacioun anentis me;
xxii and þerfor perfitli enquere þou, hou þou ſchalt come me, of what hows, eþer of what lynage þou art?
xvii To whom Raphael, þe aungel, ſeide, Axiſt þou þe
to hym, and reſſeyue of hym þe forſeid weiȝte of ſiluer,
and reſtore to hym his obligacioun. kyn of þe hirid man, eþir þe hirid man hym ſilf, þat
ſchal go wiþ þi ſone?

xviii But leſt perauenture Y make þee douteful, Y am þerof dryueþ awei al þe kynde of feendis, eþir fro man
Azarie, þe ſone of grete Ananye. eþer fro womman, ſo þat it neiȝe no more to hem.
xix And Tobie anſweride, Þou art of greet kyn; but Y ix And þe galle is myche worþ to anoynte iȝen, in

axe, þat þou be not wrooþ, þat Y wolde knowe þi kyn. whiche is a web, and þo ſchulen be heelid.
xx Forſoþe þe aungel ſeide to hym, Y ſchal lede þi ſone x And Tobie ſeide to him, Where wolt þou, þat we

hool, and Y ſchal bring aȝen to þee `þi ſone hool. dwelle?
xxi Soþeli Tobie anſweride, and ſeide, Wel `go ȝe, and þe xi And þe aungel anſweride, and ſeide, Here is a man,

Lord be in ȝoure weie, and his aungel go wiþ ȝou. Raguel bi name, a nyȝ man of þi lynage, and he haþ a
xxii Þanne whanne alle þingis weren redi, þat ſchulden douȝtir, Sare bi name; but neþer he haþ male neþir ony
be borun in þe weie, Tobie made `farewel to his fadir oþer femal, outakun hir.
xii Al his catel is due to þee; and it bihoueþ þee haue hir
and his modir; and `boþe ȝeden togidere.
xxiii And whanne þei weren goon forþ, his modir bigan to wijf.
xiii Þerfor axe þou hir of hir fadir; and he ſchal ȝyue `hir
to wepe, and to ſeie, Þou haſt take þe ſtaf of oure eelde,
and haſt ſent awey fro vs; a wijf to þee.
xxiiii `Y wolde þilke monei were neuere, `for which þou xiiii Þanne Tobie anſweride, and ſeide, Y haue herd, þat

ſentiſt him; ſche was ȝouun to ſeuene hoſebondis, and þei ben deed;
xxv oure pouert ſufficide to vs, þat we ſchulden arette þis but alſo Y herde þis, þat a fend killide hem.
xv Þerfor Y dredde, leſt perauenture alſo þeſe þingis
richeſſis, þat we ſien oure ſone.
xxvi And Tobie ſeide to hir, `Nyle þou wepe; oure ſone bifalle to me; and ſiþen Y am oon aloone to my fadir
ſchal come ſaaf, and he ſchal turne aȝen ſaaf to vs, and and modir, Y putte doun `wiþ ſorewe her eelde to hellis.
xvi Þanne þe aungel Raphael ſeide to hym, Here þou me,
þin iȝen ſchulen ſe hym.
xxvii For Y bileue, þat þe good aungel of God goiþ wiþ and Y ſchal ſchewe to þee, `whiche it ben, ouer whiche
him, and he ſchal diſpoſe wel alle þingis, þat ben doon þe fend haþ maiſtrie; ouer hem,
xvii þat taken ſo weddyngys, þat þei cloſe out God fro
aboute hym, ſo þat he turne aȝen wiþ ioie to vs.
xxviii At þis vois his moder ceeſſide to wepe, and was hem and fro her mynde; `þe fend haþ power ouer hem,
ſtille. þat ȝyuen ſo tent to her letcherie, as an hors and mule
doon, `þat han noon vndurſtondyng.
xviii But whanne þou haſt take hir, entre þou in to þe
i Forſoþe Tobie ȝede forþ, and `a dogge ſuede hym, and bed, and bi þre daies be þou continent `fro hir, and to
he dwellide in þe firſte dwellyng biſidis þe flood of noon oþer þing þou ſchalt ȝyue tent wiþ hir, no but to
Tigrys. preieris.
ii And he `ȝede out to waiſche hiſe feet; and lo! a greet xix Forſoþe in þat firſte niȝt, whanne þe mawe of þe

fiſch ȝede out to deuoure hym. fiſch is brent, þe fend ſchal be dryuun awei.
iii Which fiſch Tobie dredde, and criede wiþ greet vois, xx Soþeli in þe ſecounde nyȝt þou ſchalt be reſſeyued in

and ſeide, Sire, he aſſailiþ me. þe couplyng of hooli patriarkis.

iiii And þe aungel ſeide to hym, Take `þou his gile, `eþer xxi Forſoþe in þe þridde nyȝt þou ſchalt gete bleſſyng,

iowe, and drawe hym to þee. And whanne he hadde do þat hoole ſones be gendrid of ȝou.
xxii But whanne þe þridde niȝt is paſſid, þou ſchalt take
þis þing, he drow it in to þe drie place, and it bigan to
ſpraule bifor hiſe feet. þe virgyn wiþ þe drede of þe Lord, and þou ſchalt be
v Þanne þe aungel ſeide to hym, Drawe out þe entrails led more bi þe loue of children þan of luſt, þat in þe
of þis fiſch, and kepe to þee his herte and galle and ſeed of Abraham þou gete bleſſyng in ſones.
mawe; for þeſe þingis ben nedeful to medicyns
profitabli. CAP. VII
vi And whanne he hadde do þis þing, he roſtide `hiſe i `Forſoþe þei entriden to Raguel; and Raguel reſſeyuede

fleiſchis, and þei token `wiþ hem in þe weie; þei hem wiþ ioie.
ii And Raguel bihelde Tobie, and ſeide to Anne, his wijf,
ſaltiden oþere þingis, þat ſchulde ſuffice to hem in þe
weie, til þei camen in to Rages, þe citee of Medeis. Þis ȝong man is ful lijk my ſiſter ſone.
vii Þanne Tobie axide þe aungel, and ſeide to hym, iii And whanne he hadde ſeid þeſe þingis, he ſeide, Of

Azarie, broþer, Y biſeche þee, þat þou ſeie to me, what whennus ben ȝe, ȝonge men, oure briþeren? And þei
remedie þeſe þingis ſchulen haue, whiche þou ſeiden, We ben of þe lynage of Neptalym, of þe caitifte
comaundidiſt to be kept of þe fiſch. of Nynyue.
viii And þe aungel anſweride, and ſeide to hym, If þou iiii And Raguel ſeide to hem, Knowen ȝe Tobi, my

puttiſt a lytil part of his herte on þe coolis, þe ſmoke broþer? Whiche anſweriden, We knowen him.

v And `whanne he ſpak manye good þingis of Tobie, þe iiii Þanne Tobie moneſtide þe virgyn, and ſeide to hir,
aungel ſeide to Raguel, Tobie, of whom þou axiſt, is þe Sare, riſe vp, and preye we God to dai, and to morewe,
fadir of þis man. and `þe ſecounde morewe; for in þeſe þre nyȝtis we ben
vi Þanne Raguel bowede doun hym ſilf, and wiþ teeris ioyned to God; ſoþeli whanne þe þridde nyȝt is paſſid,
he kiſſide Tobie, and he wepte on his necke, we ſchulen be in oure mariage;
vii and ſeide, My ſone, bleſſyng be to þee; for þou art þe v for we ben þe children of hooli men, and we moun not

ſone of a good and `a ful noble man. ſo be ioyned togidere as alſo heþene men, þat knowen
viii And Anne, `his wijf, and Sare, `þe douȝtir of hem, not God.
vi Soþeli þei riſiden togidere, and boþe preȝeden
ix Forſoþe after þat þei hadden ſpoke, Raguel togidere biſili, þat helþe ſchulde be ȝouun to hem.
vii And Tobie ſeide, Lord God of oure fadris, heuenes,
comaundide a weþir to be ſlayn, and a feeſte to be maad
redi. And whanne he excitide hem to ſitte doun to mete, and londis, and þe ſee, and wellis, and floodis, and ech
Tobie ſeide, creature of þin, which is in þo, bleſſe þee; þou madiſt
x Y ſchal not ete, neþir drynke here to dai, no but þou Adam of þe ſliym of erþe,
viii and ȝaueſt to hym an help, Eue.
conferme firſt myn axyng, and biheete to ȝyue to me
Sare, þi douȝter. ix And now, Lord, þou wooſt, þat Y take my ſiſtir not for
xi And whanne þis word was herd, Raguel dredde, cauſe of letcherie, but for loue aloone of eeris, in
witynge what bifelde to þo ſeuene men; and he bigan whiche þi name be bleſſid in to worldis of worldis.
for to drede, leſt perauenture it ſchulde bifalle in lijk x Þerfor Sare ſeide, Lord, haue þou mercy on vs, haue
maner to þis Tobie. And whanne he doutide, and ȝaf þou merci on vs, and waxe we boþe eelde togidere
noon anſwere to þe axere, hoole.
xii þe aungel ſeide to hym, Nyle þou drede to ȝyue hir to xi And it was doon aboute þe `cockis crowyng, Raguel
þis man; for þi douȝter `is due wiyf to þis man dredynge made hiſe ſeruauntis to be clepid, and þei ȝeden wiþ
God; þerfor anoþer man myȝte not haue hir. hym to digge a ſepulcre.
xiii Þanne Raguel ſeide, Y doute not, þat God haþ xii For he dredde, leſt it bifelde in lijk maner to hym, þat
reſſeyued my preieris and teeris in his ſiȝt. bifelde alſo to `ſeuene oþere men, þat entriden to hir.
xiiii And Y bileue, þat herfor þe Lord made ȝou come to xiii And whanne þei hadden maad redi a pit, Raguel
me, þat alſo þis womman ſchulde be ioyned to her ȝede aȝen to his wijf, and ſeide to hir,
kynrede bi þe lawe of Moiſes; and now nyle þou bere xiiii Sende oon of þin handmaydis, and ſe ſche, wheþer
doute, þat Y ſchal ȝyue hir to þee. `he is deed, þat Y byrie hym, bifor þat þe lyȝt come.
xv And he took þe riȝt hond of his douȝter, and ȝaf to þe xv And ſche ſente oon of hir handmaidis, which entride
riȝt hond of Tobie, and ſeide, God of Abraham, and God in to þe cloſet, and foond hem ſaaf and ſounde, ſlepynge
of Iſaac, and God of Jacob, be wiþ ȝou, and he ioyne togidir wiþ hem ſilf.
ȝou togidere, and `he fille his bleſſyng in ȝou. xvi And ſche turnede aȝen, and teld good maſſage. And
xvi And whanne a chartere `was takun, þei maden
þei bleſſiden þe Lord, þat is, Raguel and Anne,
`writyng togidere of þe mariage. xvii his wijf, and ſeiden, Lord God of Iſrael, we bleſſen
xvii And aftir þeſe þingis þei eten, and bleſſiden God.
þee, for it `bifelde not to vs, as we geſſiden;
xviii And Raguel clepide to hym Anne, his wijf, and xviii for þou haſt do þi merci wiþ vs, and haſt ſchit out
comaundide hir to make redi anoþer bed. fro vs þe enemy purſuynge vs.
xix And ſche ledde Sare, hir douȝtir, in to it, and ſche xix Soþeli þou haſt do merci `to tweyne aloone. My
wepte; and Anne ſeide to hir, My douȝter, be þou of Lord, make þou hem to bleſſe þee fulliere, and for to
ſtrong wit; þe Lord of heuene ȝyue to þee ioie, for þe offre to þee þe ſacrifice of þi preiſyng, and of her helþe,
anoie þat þou ſuffridiſt. þat þe vnyuerſite of folkis knowe, þat þou art God
aloone in al erþe.
CAP. VIII xx And anoon Raguel comaundide hiſe ſeruauntis to fille
i Forſoþe aftir þat þei hadden ſoupid, þei brouȝten in þe
þe pit, which þei hadden maad, bifor þat þe lyȝt cam.
ȝong man to hir. xxi `Forſoþe he ſeide to his wijf, þat ſche ſchulde araie a
ii Þerfor Tobie biþouȝte of þe wordis of þe aungel, and
feeſte, and make redi alle þingis, þat weren nedeful to
`brouȝte forþ of his ſcrippe a part of þe mawe, and men makynge iournei.
puttide it on quike coolis. xxii Alſo he made to be ſlayn twei fatte kien, and foure
iii Þanne Raphael, þe aungel, took þe fend, and boond
weþeris, and metis to be maad redi to alle hiſe neiȝboris,
hym in þe deſert of hiȝere Egipte. and alle hiſe frendis.

xxiii And Raguel made Tobie to ſwere, þat he ſchulde iii `Forſoþe he bigan to be `ſorie ful myche, and Anne,
`dwelle twei woukis at Raguel. his wijf, wiþ hym; and boþe bigunnen to wepe togidere,
xxiiii Soþeli of alle þingis, whiche Raguel hadde in for her ſone turnede not aȝen to hem `in þe dai ſet.
poſſeſſioun, he ȝaf þe half part to Tobie; and he made iiii Þerfor his modir wepte wiþ teeris wiþouten remedie,
þis ſcripture, þat þe half part, þat was left, ſchulde come and ſeide, Alas to me! my ſone, whi ſenten we þee a
to þe lordſchip of Tobie aftir þe deeþ of hem. pilgrimage, þe lyȝt of oure iȝen, þe ſtaf of oure eelde, þe
ſolace of oure lijf, þe hope of oure eiris?
CAP. IX v We hadden alle þingis togidere in þee oon, and ouȝte
i Þanne Tobie clepide to hym þe aungel, whom ſoþeli he not leete þee go fro vs.
geſſide a man. And Tobie ſeide to hym, Azarie, broþer, vi To whom Tobie ſeide, Be ſtille, and nyle þou be
Y axe, þat þou herkne my wordis. troblid; oure ſone is hool; þilke man is feiþful ynow,
ii Þouȝ Y bitake my ſilf ſeruaunt to þee, Y ſchal not be wiþ whom we ſenten hym.
euene worþi to þi puruyaunce. vii Forſoþe ſche myȝte not be coumfortid in ony maner,
iii Neþeles Y biſeche þee, þat þou take to þee beeſtis, but ech dai ſche `ſkippide forþe, and lokide aboute, and
eþir ſeruyces, and go þou to Gabelus `in to Rages, a cumpaſſide alle þe weies, bi whiche þe hope of
citee of Medeis, and ȝelde to hym his obligacioun; and `comyng aȝen was ſeyn, to ſe hym comynge afer, if it
take of hym þe money, and preie hym to come to my myȝte be doon.
weddyngis. viii And ſoþeli Raguel ſeide to `þe hoſebonde of his
iiii For þou wooſt, þat my fadir noumbriþ þe daies, and douȝtir, Dwelle þou here, and Y ſchal ſende a meſſanger
yf Y tarie o dai more, his ſoule ſchal be maad ſorie. of helþe `of þee to Tobie, þi fadir.
v And certis þou ſeeſt, hou Raguel haþ chargid me, ix To whom Tobie ſeide, Y knowe, þat my fadir and my
whos chargyng Y mai not diſpiſe. modir rekynen now þe daies, and her ſpirit is turmentid
vi Þanne Raphael took foure of þe ſeruauntis of Raguel, in hem.
and twei camels, and ȝede in to Rages, a citee of x And whanne Raguel preiede Tobie wiþ many wordis,
Medeis, and he foond Gabelus, and ȝaf to hym his and he `nolde here Raguel bi ony reſoun, Raguel bitook
obligacioun, and reſſeyuede of hym al þe monei; to hym Sare, and half `þe part of al his catel, in children
vii and he ſchewide to hym of Tobie, þe ſone of Tobie, and damyſels, in þe ſcheep and camels, and in kiyn, and
alle þingis þat weren doon. And he made Gabelus come in myche monei; and he delyueride fro hym ſilf Tobie
wiþ hym to þe weddyngis. ſaaf and ioiynge,
viii And whanne he entride in to þe hows of Raguel, he xi and ſeide, Þe hooli aungel of þe Lord be in ȝoure

foond Tobie ſittynge at þe mete; and `he ſkippide vp, weie, and brynge ȝou ſounde, and fynde ȝe alle þingis
and þei kiſſiden hem ſilf togidere. riȝtfuli aboute ȝoure fadir and modir,
ix And Gabelus wepte, and bleſſide God, and ſeide, Þe xii and myn iȝen ſe ȝoure ſones, bifor þat Y die. And þe

Lord God of Iſrael bleſſe þee, for þou art þe ſone of a ful fadir and modir token `her douȝter, and kiſſiden hir,
good man, and iuſt, and dredynge God, and doynge xiii and leeten hir go, and moneſtiden hir to onour þe
almeſdedis; fader and modir of hir hoſebonde, to loue þe hoſebonde,
x and bleſſing be ſeid on þi wijf, and on ȝoure fadris and to reule þe meynee, to gouerne þe hows, and to ſchewe
modris, hir ſelf vnrepreuable.
xi and ſe ȝe ȝoure ſones, and þe ſones of ȝoure ſones, til
in to þe þridde and þe fourþe generacioun; and ȝoure CAP. XI
i And whanne `þei turneden aȝen, þei camen to Carram,
ſeed be bleſſid of God of Iſrael, þat regneþ in `to þe
worldis of worldis. which is in þe myddil of þe weie aȝens Nynyue, `in þe
xii And whanne alle men hadden ſeid Amen, þei ȝeden eleuenþe dai.
ii And þe aungel ſeide, Tobie broþer, þou wooſt, hou
to `þe feeſte; but alſo þei vſiden þe feeſte of weddyngis
wiþ þe drede of þe Lord. þou leftiſt þi fadir.
iii Þerfor if it pleſiþ þee, go we bifore; and þe meineis,
CAP. X wiþ þi wijf togidere and wiþ þe beeſtis, ſue oure weie
i Soþeli whanne Tobie made tariyngis for `þe cauſe of wiþ ſoft goynge.
weddyngis, `Tobie his fadir was angwiſched, ſeiynge, iiii And whanne þis pleſide, þat þei ſchulden go, Raphael
Geſſiſt þou, whi my ſone tarieþ, eþir whi he is ſeide to Tobie, Take wiþ þee of þe galle of þe fiſch, for
`wiþoldun þere? it ſchal be nedeful. Þerfor Tobie took of þat galle, and
ii Geſſiſt þou, wheþer Gabelus is deed, and no man þei ȝeden forþ.
ȝeldiþ to hym þe monei?

v Forſoþe Anne ſat biſidis þe weie ech dai in þe cop of ii Tobie anſweride, and ſeide to his fadir, Fadir, what
þe hil, fro whennus ſche myȝte biholde fro afer. meede ſchulen we ȝyue to hym, eþer what mai be worþi
vi And while ſche bihelde fro þe ſame place þe comyng to hiſe benefices?
of hym, ſche ſiȝ a fer, and knew anoon hir ſone iii He ledde, and `brouȝte me hool aȝen; he reſſeyuede of
comynge; and ſche ran, and telde to hir hoſebonde, and Gabelus þe monei; he made me to haue a wijf, and he
ſeide, Lo! þi ſone comeþ. droof awei þe feend fro hir; he made ioie to hir fadir
vii And Raphael ſeide to Tobie, And whanne þou haſt and moder; he delyuerede `my ſilf fro þe deuouryng of
entrid in to þin hows, anoon worſchipe `þi Lord God, a fiſch; and he made þee to ſe þe lyȝt of heuene; and we
and do þou þankyngis to hym, and neiȝe to þi fadir, and ben fillid wiþ alle goodis bi hym; what þing worþi to
kiſſe hym. þeſe þingis moun we ȝyue to hym?
viii And anoon anoynte on hiſe iȝen of þis galle of þe iiii But, fadir, Y axe þee, þat þou preie hym, if

fiſch, which galle þou beriſt wiþ þee; for `whi wite þou, perauenture he ſchal vouche ſaaf to take to hym þe half
þat anoon hiſe iȝen ſchulen be openyd, and `þi fadir of alle þingis, what euer þingis ben brouȝt.
ſchal ſe þe lyȝt of heuene, and he ſchal be ioiful in þi v And þe fadir and þe ſone clepiden hym, and token
ſiȝt. hym aſidis half, and bigunnen to preie, þat he wolde
ix Þanne þe dogge `ran bifore, `þat was togidere in þe vouche ſaaf to haue acceptable þe half part of alle
weie, and made ioie wiþ þe faunyng of his tail, as a þingis, whiche þei hadden brouȝt.
meſſanger comynge. vi Þanne he ſeide to hem priueli, Bleſſe ȝe God of
x And his blynde fadir roos vp, and bigan to renne, heuene, and knouleche ȝe to hym bifor alle men
hirtynge `in þe feet, and whanne he hadde ȝoue hond to lyuynge, for he haþ do his merci wiþ ȝou.
a child, he ran aȝens his ſone. vii For it is good to hide þe priuyte of a kyng; but it is
xi And he reſſeyuede and kiſſide hym, `wiþ his wijf, and worſchipful to ſchewe and knowleche þe werkis of God.
boþe bigunnen to wepe for ioie. viii Preier is good wiþ faſtyng, and almes, more þan to
xii And whanne þei hadden worſchipid God, and hadden hide treſouris of gold;
do þankyngis, þei ſaten togidere. ix for whi almes delyuereþ fro deþ, and þilke almes it is
xiii Þanne Tobie took of þe galle of þe fiſch, and þat purgiþ ſynnes, and makiþ to fynde euerlaſtynge lijf.
anoyntide þe iȝen of his fadir. x Forſoþe þei þat doon ſynne and wickidneſſe, ben
xiiii And he abood as half an our almeſt, and þe web, as enemyes of her ſoule.
þe litil ſkyn of an ey, bigan to go out of hiſe iȝen. xi Þerfor Y ſchewe trewþe to ȝou, and Y ſchal not hide
xv Which web Tobie took, and drow fro hiſe iȝen, and fro ȝou a pryuy word.
anoon he reſſeyuede ſiȝt. xii Whane þou preyediſt wiþ teeris, and biryediſt deed
xvi And þei glorifieden God, þat is, he, and his wijf, and men, and `forſokiſt þe meete, and hiddiſt deed men bi
alle þat knewen hym. dai in þin hows, and biriediſt `in þe nyȝt, Y offride þi
xvii And Tobie ſeide, Lord God of Iſrael, Y bleſſe þee, preier to þe Lord.
xiii And for þou were acceptable to God, it was nedeful
for þou haſt chaſtiſid me, and þou haſt ſaued me; and lo!
Y ſe Tobie, my ſone. þat temptacioun ſchulde preue þee.
xviii Alſo Sare, þe wijf of his ſone, entride aftir ſeuene xiiii And now þe Lord ſente me `for to cure þee, and to

daies, and alle þe meynees, and þe beeſtis hoole, and delyuere Sare, þe wijf of þi ſone, fro þe fend.
camels, and miche monei of þe wijf, but alſo þe money xv For Y am Raphael, þe aungel, oon of þe ſeuene þat
which `he hadde reſſeyued of Gabelus. ben preſent bifor þe Lord.
xix And he telde to his fadir and modir alle þe benefices xvi And whanne þei hadden herd þis, þei weren
of God, whiche he hadde do aboute hym bi þe man, þat diſturblid, and felden tremblynge on her face.
hadde led hym. xvii And þe aungel ſeide to hem, Pees be to ȝou, nyle ȝe
xx And Achior and Nabath, þe `ſiſtir ſones of Tobie, drede;
camen ioiful to Tobie, and þankiden hym of alle þe xviii for whanne Y was wiþ ȝou, Y was bi Goddis wille.
`goodis, whiche God hadde ſchewid aboute hym. Bleſſe ȝe hym, and ſynge ȝe to hym.
xxi And bi ſeuene daies þei eeten, and ioyden wiþ greet xix Soþeli Y ſemyde to ete and drynke wiþ ȝou; but Y
ioye. vſe vnuyſible meete, and drynk þat mai not be ſeyn of
CAP. XII xx Þerfor it is tyme, þat Y turne aȝen to hym, þat ſente
i Þanne Tobie clepide to hym his ſone, and ſeide to hym,
me; but bleſſe ȝe God, and telle ȝe out alle hiſe
What moun we ȝyue to þis hooli man, þat cam wiþ þee? merueils; bleſſe ȝe hym, and ſynge ȝe to hym.

xxi And whanne he hadde ſeide þeſe þingis, he was xix My ſoule, bleſſe þou þe Lord, for `oure Lord God
takun awei fro her ſiȝt; and þei myȝten no more ſe hym. haþ delyuered Jeruſalem, his citee, fro alle tribulaciouns
xxii Þanne þei felden doun `bi þre ouris on þe face, and þerof.
bleſſiden God; and þei riſynge vp telden alle hiſe xx Y ſchal be bleſſid, if þe relikis of my ſeed ſchulen be
merueils. to ſe þe clereneſſe of Jeruſalem.
xxi Þe ȝatis of Jeruſalem ſchulen be bildid of ſaphire and
CAP. XIII ſmaragde, and of preciouſe ſtoon; al þe cumpas of wallis
i Forſoþe þe eldere Tobie openyde his mouþ, and þerof ſchal be of white and clene ſtoon.
bleſſide God, and ſeide, Lord, þou art greet wiþ outen xxii Alle þe ſtretis þerof ſchulen be ſtrewid; and alleluya,
ende, and þi rewme is in to `alle worldis; `þat is, þe heriyng of God, ſchal be ſungun bi þe ſtretis
ii for þou betiſt, and makiſt ſaaf; þou lediſt doun to þerof.
hellis, and `lediſt aȝen; and noon is þat aſcapiþ þin xxiii Bleſſid be þe Lord, þat enhaunſide it, þat his rewme
hoond. be on it in to worldis of worldis. Amen.
iii Sones of Iſrael, knowleche ȝe to þe Lord, and herye
ȝe hym in þe ſiȝt of heþene men; CAP. XIIII
iiii for herfor he ſcateride ȝou among heþene men, þat i And þe wordis of Tobie (Note: Tobie Þe preiſable
knowen not God, þat ȝe telle out his merueils, and make knowleching of Tobie, and his profecie of heuenli
hem to wite, þat noon oþere God is almyȝti outakun Jeruſalem. ) weren endid; and aftir þat he was liȝtned,
hym. he lyuede two and fourti ȝeer, and ſiȝ þe ſones of hiſe
v He chaſtiſide vs for oure wickidneſſis; and he ſchal ſones ſones.
ſaue vs for his mercy. ii For whanne an hundrid ȝeer and tweyn weren fillid,
vi Þerfor biholde ȝe, what þingis he haþ do wiþ ȝou, and he was biried worſchipfuli in Nynyue.
knouleche ȝe to hym wiþ drede and tremblyng; and iii `For he of ſixe and fifti ȝeer loſte þe lyȝt of iȝen;
enhaunſe ȝe þe kyng of worldis in ȝoure werkis. ſoþeli he ſixti ȝeer eeld reſſeyuede `þat lyȝt.
vii Forſoþe Y in þe lond of my caitifte ſchal knouleche iiii Forſoþe þe reſidue of his lijf was in ioie, and he ȝede
to hym; for he ſchewide his maieſte on a ſynful folc. in pees wiþ good encreſyng of Goddis drede.
viii Þerfor, ſynneris, be ȝe conuertid, and do ȝe v Forſoþe in þe our of his deeþ he clepide to hym Tobie,
riȝtfulneſſe bifor God, and bileue ȝe, þat he ſchal do his his ſone, and ſeuene ȝonge ſones of hym, hiſe ſones
merci wiþ ȝou. ſones,
ix Soþeli Y and my ſoule ſchulen be glad in hym. vi and ſeide to hem, Þe periſchyng of Nynyue ſchal be
x Alle choſun of þe Lord, bleſſe ȝe hym; make ȝe þe niȝ, for þe word of God ſchal not falle doun (Note: ſum
daies of gladneſſe, and knouleche ȝe to hym. is profeſie of manaas, and þis is chaungid, as þe meritis
xi Jeruſalem, þe citee of God, þe Lord haþ chaſtiſid þee of men chaungen; and in þis maner Jonas profeciede þe
for þe werkis of þin hondis. diſtriyng of Nynyue, but for þei diden penaunce, þis
xii Knouleche þou to God in þi goodis, and bleſſe þou peyne was delayed; and whanne þei turneden aȝen to
God of worldis, þat he bilde aȝen in þee his tabernacle, her ſynnes, God ȝaf ful doom of diſtriynge of Nynyue bi
and aȝen clepe to þee alle þi priſoneris; and þat þou profeſie of predeſtynacioun eþer of ful doom, as it is in
haue ioie in to alle worldis of worldis. Goddis knowyng, and þis profeſie eþer doom is neuere
xiii Þou ſchalt ſchyne wiþ briȝt lyȝt, and alle þe cooſtis chaungid. ); and ȝoure briþeren, þat ben ſcaterid fro þe
lond of Iſrael, ſchulen turne aȝen to it.
of erþe ſchulen worſchipe þee. vii Soþeli al deſeert lond þerof ſchal be fillid, and þe
xiiii Naciouns ſchulen come fro fer to þee, and þei
hows of God, which is brent þer ynne, ſchal be bildid
ſchulen brynge ȝiftis, and ſchulen worſchipe þe Lord in
aȝen, and alle þat dreden God ſchulen turne aȝen þidur.
þee, and þei ſchulen haue þi lond in to halewyng; viii And heþene men ſchulen forſake her idols (Note: þis
xv for þei ſchulen `clepe in þee þe grete name.
xvi And þei ſchulen be curſid, þat diſpiſen þee, and þei
profeſie was fillid in part, whanne þe Jewis turneden
aȝen fro Babiloyne; but more perfitly it was fillid in þe
ſchulen be dampned, þat blasfemen þee; and þei ſchulen tyme of Criſt and hiſe apoſtlis, whanne heþen men
be bleſſid, þat bilden þee. forſoken her idols, and camen to criſten feiþ, and
xvii Forſoþe þou ſchalt be glad in þi ſones, for alle
ſerueden Criſt truly, King of Iſrael. ), and ſchulen come
ſchulen be bleſſid, and ſchulen be gaderid togidere to þe to Jeruſalem, and ſchulen `enhabite it.
Lord. ix And alle þe kyngis of erþe ſchulen haue ioie þer ynne,
xviii Bleſſid ben alle þat louen þee, and þat han ioie on þi
and ſchulen worſchipe þe kyng of Iſrael.

x Þerfor, my ſones, here ȝe ȝoure fadir; ſerue ȝe þe Lord
in drede and treuþe; and enquere ȝe to do þo þingis þat
ben pleſaunt to hym.
xi And comaunde ȝe ȝoure ſones to do riȝtfulneſſis and
almeſdedis; þat þei be myndeful of God, and bleſſe God
in al tyme, in treuþe and in al her vertu.
xii Now þerfor, my ſones, here ȝe me, and nyle ȝe dwelle
here, but in what euer dai ȝe han biried ȝoure modir
biſide me in o ſepulcre, fro þat dai dreſſe ȝe ȝoure
ſteppis, þat ȝe go out fro hennus;
xiii for Y ſe þat þe wickidneſſe þerof ſchal `ȝyue an ende
xiiii Forſoþe it was doon aftir þe deeþ of his modir,
Tobie ȝede awei fro Nynyue, wiþ his wijf, and ſones,
and wiþ þe ſones of ſones, and turnede aȝen to þe fadir
and modir of his wijf.
xv And he foond hem ſounde in good eelde. And he dide
þe cure of hem, and he cloſide her iȝen; and he took al
þe erytage of þe hows of Raguel, and he ſiȝ þe fyueþe
generacioun, þe ſones of hiſe ſones.
xvi And whanne nynti ȝeer and nyne weren fillid in þe
drede of þe Lord, þei birieden hym wiþ ioie.
xvii Forſoþe al his kynrede, and al his generacioun,
dwellide perfitli in good lijf, and in hooli
conuerſacioun, ſo þat þei weren acceptable boþe to God
and to men, and to alle enhabitynge þe erþe.
Here endiþ þe book of Tobie, and here bigynneþ þe
book of Judith.

v and ſeide to hym, Go þou out aȝens ech rewme of þe
JUDITH weſt, and aȝens hem principali, þat diſpiſiden `my
Here biginneþ þe bok of Judith. comaundement.
vi Þin iȝen ſchal not ſpare ony rewme, and þou ſchalt
CAP. I make ſuget to me ech ſtrengþid citee.
i `And ſo Arphaxat, kyng of Medeis, hadde maad ſuget vii Þanne Holofernes clepide þe duykis and magiſtratis
many folkis to his empire; and he bildide a ful myȝti of þe vertu of Aſſiriens, and he noumbride men in to þe
citee, which he clepide Egbathanys. makyng redi, as þe kyng `comaundide to hym, ſixe
ii Of ſquarid ſtonys and korfe he made þe wallis þerof, ſcore þouſynde of foot men fiȝteris, and twelue
in þe heiȝþe of þre ſcore cubitis and ten, and in þe þouſynde horſe men and archeris.
breede of þritti cubitis. Soþeli he ſettide þe touris þerof viii And he made al his puruyaunce to go bifore in
in þe heiȝþe of an hundrid cubitis. multitude of vnnoumbrable camels, wiþ þeſe þingis þat
iii Forſoþe bi þe ſquare of þo touris euer eiþer ſide was ſuffiſiden plenteuouſli to þe ooſtis, and droues of oxis,
ſtretchid forþ, bi þe ſpace of twenti feet; and he ſettide and flockis of ſcheep, of which was noon noumbre.
þe ȝatis of þat citee in þe heiȝþe of þe touris. ix He ordeynede whete to be maad redi of al Sirie `in his
iiii And he hadde glorie, as miȝti in þe power of his ooſt, paſſage.
and in þe glorie of hiſe charis. x And he took ful myche gold and ſiluer of þe kyngis
v Þerfor Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Aſſyriens, þat regnede hows.
in þe grete citee Nynyue, fauȝt in þe twelueþe ȝeer of xi And he, and al his ooſt, ȝede forþ wiþ charis, and
his rewme aȝens Arphaxat, and gat him in þe greet horſe men, and archeris, whiche hiliden þe face of þe
feeld, erþe, as locuſtis doon.
vi `which is clepid Ragau, biſidis Eufrates, and Tigris, xii And whanne he hadde paſſid þe endis of Aſſiriens, he
and Jadaſa, in þe feeld of Erioch, kyng of Elichoris. came to þe grete hillis Auge, þat ben at þe lift half of
vii Þanne þe rewme of Nabugodonoſor was enhaunſid, Cilicie; and he ſtiede in to alle þe caſtels of hem, and he
and his herte was reiſid; and he ſente to alle men, þat gat ech ſtrong place.
dwelliden in Cilicie, and in Damaſk, and in Liban, xiii Forſoþe he brak þe richeſte, eþir famouſe, citee
viii and to folkis, þat weren in Carmele, and in Cedar, Melothi, and robbide alle þe ſones of Tharſis, and þe
and to men dwellynge in Galile, and in þe grete feeld of ſones of Iſmael, þat weren aȝens þe face of deſert, and at
Eſdrolon, and to alle men, þe ſouþ of þe lond Celeon.
ix þat weren in Samarie, and biȝende þe flood Jordan, xiiii And he paſſide Eufrates, and cam in to
`til to Jeruſalem; and to al þe lond of Jeſſe, til me come Meſopotanye, and he brak alle hiȝe citees þat weren
to þe hillis of Ethiope. þere, fro þe ſtronde Manbre til `me come to þe ſee.
x Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Aſſiriens, ſente meſſangeris xv And he occupiede þe endis þerof fro Cilicie `til to þe
`to alle þeſe men; `which alle aȝenſeiden wiþ o wille, endis of Japhet, þat ben at þe ſouþ.
and ſenten aȝen hem voide, and caſtiden awei wiþ out xvi And he brouȝte alle þe ſones of Madian, and he
onour. `robbide al þe richeſſis of hem; and he killide `bi þe
xii Þanne kyng Nabugodonoſor was wrooþ to al þat ſcharpneſſe of ſwerd alle men aȝenſtondynge hym.
lond, and ſwoor bi his rewme and trone, þat he wolde xvii And after þeſe þingis he cam doun in to þe feeldis of
defende him fro alle þeſe cuntreis. Damaſk, in þe daies of ripe corn, and he brente alle
cornes, and he made alle trees and vynes to be kit doun;
CAP. II xviii and his drede `felde on alle men `enhabitynge þe
i In þe þrittenþe ȝeer of kyng Nabugodonoſor, in þe two lond.
and twentiþe dai of þe firſte moneþe, a word was maad
in þe hows of Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Aſſiriens, þat he CAP. III
wolde defende hym. i Þanne kyngis and princes of alle citees and prouynces,
ii And he clepide to hym alle þe eldere men, and alle þat is, of Cirie, of Meſopotanye, and of Sirie Sobal, and
duykis, hiſe werriouris; and hadde wiþ hem þe priuete of Libie, and of Cilicie, ſente her meſſangeris. `Whiche
of his counſel. comynge to Holofernes, ſeiden,
iii And he ſeide, þat his þouȝte was in þat þing, to make ii Þin indignacioun ceeſſe aboute vs; for it is betere, þat
ſuget ech lond to his empire. we lyue and ſerue Nabugodonoſor, þe grete kyng, and
iiii And whanne þis ſeiyng hadde pleſid alle men, `kyng be ſuget to þee, þan þat we die, and ſuffre wiþ oure
Nabugodonoſor clepide Holofernes, prince of his periſchyng þe harmes of oure ſeruage.

iii Ech citee of oure, al poſſeſſioun, alle munteyns, and vii And þe ſones of Iſrael diden aftir þis, þat Eliachym,
litle hillis, and feeldis, and droues of oxes, and flockis preſt of þe Lord, hadde ordeyned to hem.
of ſcheep, and of geet, viii And al þe puple criede to þe Lord wiþ greet
iiii and of horſis, and of camels, and alle oure richeſſis inſtaunce, and þei and þe wymmen of hem mekiden her
and meyneis ben in þi ſiȝt; alle þingis be vndur þi lawe. ſoulis in faſtyngis.
v Alſo we and oure children ben þi ſeruauntis. ix And þe preſtis cloþiden hem ſilf wiþ heyris, and
vi Come þou a peſible lord to vs, and vſe þou oure ȝonge children boweden hem ſilf aȝens þe face of þe
ſeruyce, as it pleſiþ þee. temple of þe Lord, and þei hiliden þe auter of þe Lord
vii Þanne he cam doun fro þe hillis, wiþ knyȝtis in greet wiþ an heire.
x And þei crieden togidere to þe Lord God of Iſrael, leſt
`vertu, þat is, ſtrengþe, and gat ech citee, and ech man
`enhabitynge þe lond. þe children of hem ſchulden be ȝouun in to prey, and þe
viii Forſoþe of alle citees he took to hym helperis, wyues of hem in to departyng, and her citees in to
ſtronge men and choſun to batel. diſtriyng, and her hooli þingis in to defoulyng.
ix And ſo grete drede lay on alle prouynces, þat xi Þanne Eliachym, þe grete preſt of þe Lord,

enhabiteris of alle citees, princes and `onourid men, cumpaſſide al Iſrael,

xii and ſpak to hem, and ſeide, Wite ȝe, þat þe Lord ſchal
ȝeden togidere out wiþ puplis to meete hym comynge,
x and `reſſeyueden hym wiþ corouns and laumpis, and here ȝoure preieris, if ȝe dwellinge dwellen perfitli in
ledden daunſis wiþ pipis and tympans. faſtyngis and preieris in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord.
xi Neþeles þei doynge þeſe þingis myȝten not ſwage þe xiii Be ȝe myndful of Moiſes, þe ſeruaunt of þe Lord,

ferſneſſe of his herte; which not in fiȝtynge wiþ irun, but in preiynge wiþ
xii for whi boþe he diſtriede her citees, and hew doun hooli preieris, caſtide doun Amalech triſtinge in his
her wodis. vertu, and in his power, and in his ooſt, and in hiſe
xiii For kyng Nabugodonoſor hadde comaundid to hym, ſcheldis, and in hiſe charis, and in hiſe knyȝtis;
xiiii ſo alle þe enemyes of Iſrael ſchulen be caſt doun, if
þat he ſchulde diſtrie alle þe goddis of erþe, þat is, þat
he aloone ſchulde be ſeid god of alle þeſe naciouns, þat ȝe continuen in þis werk, which ȝe han bigunne.
xv Þerfor at þis excityng of hym þei preieden hertli þe
myȝten be maad ſuget bi þe power of Holofernes.
xiiii Forſoþe he paſſide al Sirie Sobal, and al Appanye, Lord, `and dwelliden in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, ſo þat alſo
and al Meſopotanye, and cam to Idumeis `in to þe lond þei,
xvi þat offriden brent ſacrifices to þe Lord, weren gird
of Gabaa;
xv and he took þe citees of hem, and dwellide þere bi wiþ heiris, and þei offriden ſacrifices to þe Lord, and
þritti daies, in whiche daies he comaundide al þe ooſt of `aiſche was on her heedis.
xvii And alle men of al her herte preieden God, þat he
his power to be gaderid togidere.
wolde viſite his puple Iſrael.
i Þanne þe ſones of Iſrael, þat dwelliden in þe lond of CAP. V
i And it was teld to Holofernes, prince of þe chiualrie of
Juda, herden þeſe þingis, and dredden greetli of `his
face. Aſſiriens, þat þe children of Iſrael maden redi hem ſilf
ii Alſo tremblyng and hidouſneſſe aſailide þe wittis of to aȝenſtonde, and þat þei hadden cloſid togidere þe
hem, leſt he ſchulde do þis þing to Jeruſalem and to þe weies of hillis.
ii And bi ouer greet woodneſſe he brente out in to greet
temple of þe Lord, which þing he hadde do to oþere
citees and templis of þo. wraþfulneſſe; and he clepide alle þe princes of Moab,
iii And þei ſenten in to al Samarie, bi cumpas `til to and þe duykis of Amon,
iii and ſeide to hem, Seie ȝe to me, who þis puple is, þat
Jerico, and bifore ocupieden alle þe coppis of hillis;
iiii and þei cumpaſſiden her townes wiþ wallis, and biſegiþ þe hilli places; eþir whiche, and what maner,
gaderiden togidere wheete in to making redi of batel. and hou grete ben her citees; alſo what is þe vertu of
v Alſo þe preſt Eliachym wroot to alle men, `þat weren hem, eþer what is þe multitude of hem, eþir who is þe
kyng of her chyualrie;
aȝenus Eſdrelon, which is aȝenus þe face of þe grete iiii and whi bifor alle men, þat dwellen in þe eeſt, han
feeld biſidis Dotaym, and to alle men bi whiche paſſage
myȝte be, þeſe men diſpiſid me, and þei han not go out to reſſeyue
vi þat þei ſchulden holde þe ſtiyngis of hillis, bi whiche vs wiþ pees?
v Þan Achior, duyk of alle þe ſones of Amon, anſwerde
weie myȝte be to Jeruſalem, and þat þei ſchulden kepe
þere, where ſtreyt weie miȝte be among hillis. and ſeide, My lord, if þou vouchiſt ſaaf to here, Y ſchal

ſeie treuþe in þi ſiȝt of þis puple þat dwelliþ in þe hilli xxi and til þat þei hadden ſynned in þe ſiȝt of her God,
places, and a fals word ſchal not go out of my mouþ. good þingis weren wiþ hem, for þe God of hem hatiþ
vi Þis puple is of þe generacioun of Caldeis; wickidneſſe.
vii þis puple dwellide firſte in Meſopotanye; for þei xxii For whi and bifor þeſe ȝeeris, whanne þei hadden go
nolden ſue þe goddis of her fadris, þat weren in þe lond awei fro þe weie which God hadde ȝoue to hem, þat þei
of Caldeis. ſchulden go þer ynne, þei weren diſtried of naciouns bi
viii Þerfor þei forſoken þe cerymonyes of her fadris, þat many batels, and ful many of hem weren led priſoneris
weren wiþ þe multitude of goddis, in to a lond not hern.
ix and worſchipiden o God of heuene, which alſo xxiii Forſoþe a while agoon þei turneden aȝen to `her

comaundide to hem to go out fro þennus, and to dwelle Lord God, and weren gaderid togidere fro þe ſcateryng,
in Carram. And whanne hungur hadde hilid al þe lond, in which þei weren ſcaterid; and þei ſtieden in to alle
þei ȝeden doun in to Egipt, and þere þei weren ſo þeſe hilli places, and eft þei han Jeruſalem in
multiplied bi foure hundrid ȝeer, þat þe ooſt of hem poſſeſſioun, where þe hooli of hooli þingis ben.
myȝte not be noumbrid. xxiiii Now þerfor, my lord, enquere þou perfitli, if ony
x And whanne þe kyng of Egipt hadde greuyd hem, and wickidneſſe of hem is in þe ſiȝt of her God, and ſtie we
hadde maad hem ſugetis in þe bildyngis of hiſe citees in to hem; for her God bitakynge ſchal bitake hem to þee,
cley and tijl ſtoon, þei crieden to her God, and he ſmoot and þei ſchulen be maad ſuget vndur þe ȝok of þi myȝt.
al þe lond of Egipt wiþ dyuerſe veniaunces. xxv Trewli if noon offenſe of þis puple is bifor her God,
xi And whanne Egipcians hadden caſtid out `hem fro we moun not aȝenſtonde hem; for þe God of hem ſchal
hem ſilf, and þe veniaunce hadde ceeſſid fro hem, and defende hem, and we ſchulen be in to ſchenſchip to al
efte wolden take hem, and aȝen clepe to her ſeruyce, erþe.
xii God of heuene openyde þe ſee to þeſe men fleynge, xxvi And it was doon, whanne Achior hadde ceeſſid to

ſo þat on þis ſide and þat ſide þe watris weren maad ſad ſpeke þeſe wordis, alle þe grete men of Holofernes
as wallis, and þeſe men wiþ dry foot paſſiden `in weren wroþe, and þei þouȝten to ſle hym,
walkynge bi þe depþe of þe ſee. xxvii and ſeiden togidere, Who is þis þat ſeiþ, þat þe
xiii In which place þe while vnnoumbrable ooſt of ſones of Iſrael, men wiþ outen armure, and wiþ out
Egipcians purſuede hem, it was ſo kyueryd wiþ watris, vertu, and wiþ out kunnyng of þe craft of fiȝtynge,
þat þere dwellide not nameli oon, þat ſchulde telle þe moun aȝenſtonde kyng Nabugodonoſor and hiſe ooſtis?
dede to aftir comeris. xxviii Þerfor þat Achior knowe, þat he diſſeyueþ vs, ſtie
xiiii Alſo þei ȝeden out of þe Reed See, and ocupieden we in to þe hilli places; and whanne þe myȝti men of
þe deſertis of þe hil Sina, in whiche `neuere man myȝte hem ben takun, þanne he ſchal be perſid wiþ ſwerd wiþ
dwelle, neþir þe ſone of man reſtyde. þe ſame men;
xv Þere bittir wellis weren maad ſwete to hem for to xxix `þat ech folk knowe, þat Nabugodonoſor is god of

drynke; and bi fourti ȝeer þei gaten lyuelode fro heuene. erþe, and outakun hym `noon oþer is.
xvi Where euere þei entriden, her God fauȝt for hem,
and ouer cam wiþ out bouwe and arowe, and wiþout CAP. VI
i Forſoþe it was doon, whanne þei hadden ceeſſid to
ſcheld and ſwerd.
xvii And `noon was þat caſtide doun þis puple, no but ſpeke, Holofernes hadde dedeyn gretli,
ii and ſeide to Achior, For þou propheciediſt to vs, and
whanne it ȝede awey fro þe worſchipyng of her Lord
God. ſeidiſt, þat þe folk of Iſrael is defendid of her God, þat Y
xviii Soþeli as ofte euere as þei worſchipiden an oþer ſchewe to þee, þat no god is no but Nabugodonoſor;
iii whanne we han ſlayn `hem alle as o man, þanne alſo
outakun þilke her God, þei weren ȝouun in to preye,
and in to ſwerd, and in to ſchenſchip. þou ſchalt periſche wiþ hem bi þe ſwerd of Aſſiriens,
xix But as ofte euere as þei repentiden þat þei hadden go and al Iſrael ſchal periſche dyuerſeli wiþ þee in
awei fro þe worſchipyng of her God, God of heuene ȝaf perdicioun; and þou ſchalt preue,
iiii þat Nabugodonoſor is lord of al erþe; and þanne þe
to hem vertue to aȝenſtonde.
xx Forſoþe þei caſtiden doun þe kyng Cananei, and ſwerd of my chyualrie ſchal paſſe þorouȝ þi ſidis, and
Jebuſei, and Phereſei, and Ethei, and Euey, and þou ſchalt be perſid, and ſchalt falle among þe woundid
Ammorrei, and alle þe myȝti men of Eſebon, and þei men of Iſrael, and þou ſchalt no more breþe aȝen, til þou
hadden in poſſeſſioun þe londis of hem, and þe citees of be diſtried wiþ hem.
v But certis if þou geſſiſt þi profecie ſoþe, þi cheer falle
not doun; and þe paleneſſe þat haþ gete þi face, go awey
fro þee, if þou geſſiſt þat þeſe my wordis moun not `be

vi But þat þou knowe, þat þou ſchalt feele þis þing xix Þanne after þat þe counſel was endid, Ozias
togidere wiþ hem, lo! fro þis our þou ſchalt be reſſeyuede hym in to his hows, and made a greet ſoper
felouſchipid to þe puple of hem, þat whanne þei han to hym.
take worþi peynes of my ſwerd, þou be ſuget to lijk xx And whanne alle þe preſtis weren clepid togidere,
veniaunce. aftir þat þe faſtyng was fillid, þei refreiſchiden Achior
vii Þanne Olofernes comaundide hiſe ſeruauntis to take `and hem ſilf.
Achior, and to lede hym in to Bethulia, and to bitake xxi Forſoþe aftirward al þe puple was clepid togidere,
hym in to þe hondis of þe ſones of Iſrael. and þei preieden bi al þe niȝt wiþ ynne þe chirche, and
viii And þe ſeruauntis of Olofernes token him, and ȝeden axiden help of God of Iſrael.
forþ bi þe feeldi places, but whanne þei hadden neiȝid
to þe hilli places, ſlingeris ȝeden out aȝens hem. CAP. VII
ix Soþeli þei turneden awei fro þe ſide of þe hil, and i Forſoþe in `þe toþer dai Holofernes comaundide hiſe
bounden Achior to a tre bi hondis and feet, and ſo þei ooſtis to ſtie aȝens Bethulia.
leften hym boundun wiþ wiþþis, and turneden aȝen to ii Forſoþe þere weren ſixe ſcore þouſynde `foot men of
her lord. fiȝteris, and twelue þouſynde knyȝtis, `outakun þe
x Certis þe ſones of Iſrael ȝeden doun fro Bethulia, and makyng redi of þo men, whiche caitifte hadde ocupied,
camen to hym, whom þei vnbounden, and ledden to and weren brouȝt fro prouynces and citees, of alle
Bethulia, and þei ſettiden hym in to þe myddis of þe ȝongþe.
puple, and axiden, what manere of þinges bifel, þat iii Alle togidere maden hem redi to batel aȝens þe ſones
Aſſiriens hadden left hym boundun. of Iſrael; and þei camen bi þe ſide of þe hil `til to þe
xi In þo daies princes weren þere, Ozias, þe ſone of cop, þat biholdiþ Dothaym, fro þe place which is ſeid
Mycha, of þe lynage of Symeon, and Charmy, which is Belma `til to Selmon, which is aȝens Eſdrolon.
alſo Gothonyel. iiii Forſoþe þe ſones of Iſrael, as þei ſien þe multitude of
xii Þerfor in þe myddis of eldere men, and in þe ſiȝt of hem, bowiden doun hem ſilf on þe erþe, and ſenten
alle men, Achior ſeide alle þingis, whiche he was axid aiſche on her heedis, and preiden wiþ o wille, þat God
of Holofernes, and hadde ſpoke, and hou þe puple of of Iſrael ſchulde ſchewe his merci on his puple.
Holofernes wolde ſle hym for þis word, v And þei token her armuris of batel, and ſaten bi þe
xiii and hou Holofernes hym ſilf was wrooþ, and places `þat dreſſen þe paþ of ſtreyt weie bitwixe hilli
comaundide hym to be bitakun for þis cauſe to men of places, and þei kepten þo places al þe dai and nyȝt.
Iſrael, þat þe while he ouercam þe ſones of Iſrael, þanne vi Certis Holofernes, þe while he ȝede aboute bi
he comaundide þat alſo þilk Achior periſche bi dyuerſe cumpas, foonde þat þe welle, þat flowide in to þe watir
turmentis, for þis þat he hadde ſeid, God of heuene is þe cundit of hem, was dreſſid at þe ſouþ part wiþ out þe
defendere of hem. citee, and he comaundide her watir cundit to be kit.
xiiii And whanne Achior hadde expowned alle þingis, al vii Neþeles wellis weren not fer fro þe wallis, of whiche
þe puple felde doun on þe face, and worſchipide þe wellis þei weren ſeyn to drawe watir bi þefte, raþer to
Lord; and wiþ comyn weilyng and wepyng þei refreiſche þan to drynke.
ſchedden out to þe Lord her preyeris of o wille, viii But þe ſones of Amon and of Moab neiȝiden to
xv ſeiynge, Lord God of heuene and of erþe, biholde þe
Holofernes, and ſeiden, Þe ſones of Iſrael triſten not in
pride of hem, and biholde þou to oure mekeneſſe, and ſpere and arowe, but hillis defenden hem, and litle hillis
perſeyue þe face of þi ſeyntis, and ſchewe þat þou ſet in þe rooche of ſtoon maken hem ſtronge.
forſakiſt not men triſtynge of þee, and þou makiſt low ix Þerfor þat þou maiſt ouercome hem wiþout aſailyng
men triſtynge of hem ſilf, and `men hauynge glorie of of batel, ſette þou keperis of wellis, þat þei drawe not of
her vertu. þo; and þou ſchalt ſle hem wiþout ſwerd, eþir certis þei
xvi Þerfor whanne þe wepyng was endid, and þe preier
maad feynt ſchulen bitake her citee, which þei geſſen `to
of þe puple bi al þe dai was fillid, mow not be ouercomun `in þe hillis.
xvii þei coumfortiden Achior, and ſeiden, God of oure x And þeſe wordis pleſiden bifor Holofernes, and bifor
fadris, whos vertu þou prechidiſt, he is rewardere, and alle hiſe knyȝtis; and he ordeynede bi cumpas bi ech
ſchal ȝyue to þee þis while, þat þou ſe more þe welle an hundrid men.
periſchyng of hem. xi And whanne `þis kepyng was fillid bi twenti daies,
xviii Forſoþe whanne `oure Lord God haþ ȝoue þis
ciſternes and gaderyngis of watris fayliden to alle men
fredom to hiſe ſeruauntis, alſo þe Lord be wiþ þee in þe dwellynge in Bethulia, ſo þat þere was not wiþ ynne þe
myddis of vs, þat as it pleſiþ þee, ſo þou lyue wiþ `alle citee, wherof þei ſchulden be fillid, nameli o dai, for þe
þi þingis. watir was ȝouun at meſure to þe puplis ech dai.

xii Þanne alle men and wymmen, ȝonge men and elde, ii And hir hoſebonde was Manaſſes, þat was deed in þe
and litle children, weren gaderid togidere to Ozie, and daies of barli herueſt;
alle þei ſeiden to gidere wiþ o vois, iii for he ſtood biſili ouer men byndynge togidere reepis
xiii Þe Lord deme bitwixe vs and þee, for þou, not in þe feeld, and heete cam on his heed, and he was deed
wyllynge ſpeke peſibli wiþ Aſſiriens, haſt `do yuels in Bethulia his citee, and was biried þere wiþ hiſe
aȝenus vs, and for þis þing God haþ ſeld vs in þe hondis fadris.
of hem. iiii Soþeli Judith left of hym was widewe þanne þre ȝeer
xiiii And þerfor `noon is þat helpiþ, whanne we ben caſt and ſixe moneþis. And in þe hiȝere partis of hir hows
doun in þirſt, and in greet los bifor her iȝen. ſche made to hir a priuy cloſet, in which ſche dwellide
xv And now gadere ȝe togidere alle men, þat ben in þe cloos wiþ hir dameſels;
citee, þat alle we puplis bitake vs bi fre wille to vi and ſche hadde an heire on her leendis, and faſtide
Holofernes. alle þe daies of hir lijf, outakun ſabatis, and þe
xvi It is betere þat we priſoneris bleſſe God and lyue, þan `bigynnyngis of moneþis, and þe feeſtis of þe hows of
þat we die, and be ſchenſchip to ech man, ſiþen we ſeen Iſrael.
þat oure wyues and oure ȝonge children dien bifor oure vii Soþeli ſche was of ful ſemeli biholdyng, to whom hir
iȝen. hoſebonde hadde left many richeſſis, and plenteuouſe
xvii We clepen in to witneſſyng to dai heuene and erþe, meynee, and poſſeſſiouns ful of droues of oxis, and of
and þe God of oure fadris, þat puniſchiþ vs aftir oure flockis of ſcheep.
ſynnes, þat nowe ȝe bitake þe citee in to þe hondis of þe viii And þis Judith was mooſt famouſe among alle men;
chyualrie of Holofernes, and oure ende be ſchort in þe for ſche dredde God greetli, neþir ony was þat ſpak of
ſcharpneſſe of ſwerd, which ende is maad lengere in þe hir an yuel word.
dryneſſe of þirſt. ix Þerfor whanne þis Judith hadde herd, þat Ozie hadde
xviii And whanne þei hadden ſeid þeſe þingis, greet bihiȝte, þat whanne þe fyueþe day was paſſid, he wolde
wepyng and ȝellyng was maad of alle men in þe grete bitake þe citee, ſche ſente to þe preſtis Cambri and
chirche, and bi many ouris þei crieden `wiþ o vois to þe Carmy.
Lord, x And þei camen to hir; and ſche ſeide to hem, What is
xix and ſeiden, We and oure fadris han ſynned, we han þis word, in which Ozie conſentide to bitake þe citee to
do vniuſtli, we diden wickidneſſe. Aſſiriens, if wiþ ynne fyue daies help comeþ not to vs?
xx Þou, for þou art mercyful, haue mercy on vs, and xi And who ben ȝe þat tempten þe Lord?
venge oure wickidneſſis in þi ſcourge; and nyle þou xii Þis `word is not þat ſtiriþ merci; but raþer þat ſtiriþ
bitake men knoulechynge þee to a puple þat knowiþ not ire, and kyndliþ woodneſſe.
þee, xiii Han ȝe ſet tyme of þe merciful doynge of þe Lord,
xxi þat þei ſeie not amonge heþene men, Where is þe
and in ȝoure wille `ȝe han ſet a dai to hym?
God of hem? xiiii But for þe Lord is pacient, do we penaunce for þis
xxii And whanne þei weren maad feynt wiþ þeſe cries,
ſynne, and axe we wiþ teeris his forȝyueneſſe;
and weren maad wery wiþ þeſe wepyngis, and weren xv for God ſchal not manaaſſe ſo as man, neþir as `a ſone
ſtille, of man he ſchal be enflawmed to wraþfulneſſe.
xxiii Ozie roos up, biſched wiþ teeris, and ſeide, xvi And þerfor meke we oure ſoulis to hym, and in
Briþeren, be ȝe pacient, and bi þeſe fyue daies abide we contrit ſpirit and maad meke ſerue we hym;
mercy of þe Lord; xvii and ſeie we wepynge to þe Lord, þat aftir his wille
xxiiii for in hap he ſchal kitte a wei his indignacioun, and
ſo he do his merci wiþ vs; and as oure herte is troblid in
ſchal ȝyue glorie to his name. þe pride of hem, ſo haue we glorie `alſo of oure
xxv Soþeli if whanne þeſe fyue daies ben paſſid, help
comeþ not, we ſchulen do þeſe wordis whiche ȝe han xviii For we `ſueden not þe ſynnes of oure fadris, þat
ſpoke. forſoken her God, and worſchipiden alien goddis;
xix for which greet treſpas þei weren ȝouun to her
CAP. VIII enemyes in to ſwerd, and in to raueyn, and in to
i And it was doon, whanne Judith, þe widowe, had herd
confuſioun; but we knowen not an oþir God outakun
þeſe wordis, whiche Judith was þe douȝter of Merary, hym.
þe ſone of Idor, þe ſone of Joſeph, þe ſone of Ozie, þe xx `Abide we meke his coumfort, and he ſchal ſeke oure
ſone of Elai, þe ſone of Jamnor, þe ſone of Jedeon, þe blood of þe turmentis of oure enemies; and he ſchal
ſone of Raphony, þe ſone of Achitob, þe ſone of make meke alle folkis, whiche euer riſen aȝens vs; and
Melchie, þe ſone of Euam, þe ſone of Mathanye, þe oure Lord God ſchal make hem wiþout onour.
ſone of Salatiel, þe ſone of Symeon, þe ſone of Ruben.

xxi And now, briþeren, for ȝe ben preſtis in þe puple of iiii For þou madiſt þe formere þingis, and þouȝtiſt þo
God, and þe ſoule of hem hangiþ of ȝou, reiſe ȝe her þingis aftir þo, and þis þing is maad, which þou woldiſt.
hertis at ȝoure ſpeche, þat þei be myndeful, þat oure v For alle þi weies ben redi, and þou has ſet þi domes in
fadris weren temptid, þat þei ſchulden be preued, þi puruyaunce.
wheþir þei worſchipiden God verili. vi Biholde þou þe caſtels of Aſſiriens now, as þou
xxii Þei owen to be myndeful, hou oure fadir Abraham
vouchidiſt ſaaf to biholde þanne þe caſtels of Egipcians,
was temptid, and he was preuyd bi many tribulaciouns, whanne þei runnen armed after þi ſeruauntis, and
and was maad þe frend of God. triſtiden in charis, and in multitude of her knyȝtis, and
xxiii So Iſaac, ſo Jacob, ſo Moyſes, and alle þat pleſiden in multitude of werriours.
`þe Lord, paſſiden feiþful bi many tribulaciouns. vii But þou biheldiſt on þe caſtels of hem, and derkneſſis
xxiiii Soþeli þei þat reſſeyueden not temptaciouns wiþ þe maden hem feynt; þe botme of þe ſee helde her feet,
drede of þe Lord, and brouȝten forþ her vnpacience, and viii and watris hiliden hem.
þe ſchenſchip of her grutchyng `aȝens þe Lord, ix Lord, `alſo þeſe men be maad ſo, þat triſten in her
xxv weren diſtried of a diſtriere, and periſchiden of
multitude, and in her charis, and in ſcharp ſchaftis wiþ
ſerpentis. oute irun, and in her arowis; and han glorie in her
xxvi And þerfor venge we not vs for þeſe þingis whiche ſperis;
we ſuffren; x and witen not, þat þou þi ſilf art oure God, þat `al to-
xxvii but arette we, þat þeſe ſame turmentis ben leſſe þan brekiſt batels fro þe bigynnyng, and þe Lord is name to
oure ſynnes, and bileue we, as ſeruauntis of þe Lord þat þee.
ben chaſtiſid, þat þe betyngis of þe Lord ben comun to xi Reiſe þin arm as at þe bigynnyng, and hurle doun þe
amendyng, and not to oure perdicioun. power of hem `in þi vertu; þe power of hem falle doun
xxviii And Ozie and þe preſtis ſeiden to hir, Alle þingis, in þi wraþfulneſſe, whiche biheten hem to defoule `þin
whiche þou haſt ſpoke, ben ſoþe, and no repreuyng is in hooli þingis, and to defoule þe tabernacle of þi name,
þi wordis. and to caſt doun wiþ her ſwerd þe horn of þin auter.
xxix Now þerfor preie þou for vs, for þou art an hooli xii Lord, make þou þat þe pride of hem be kit of wiþ her
womman, and dredynge God. owne ſwerd;
xxx And Judith ſeide to hem, As ȝe knowen, þat þis, þat xiii be he takun wiþ þe ſnare of hiſe iȝen in me; and þou
Y myȝte ſpeke, is of God, ſchalt ſmyte hym wiþ þe lippis of my charite.
xxxi ſo preue ȝe, if þis þat Y purpoſide to do, is of God; xiiii Ȝyue þou to me ſtidfaſtneſſe in ſoule, þat Y diſpiſe
and preie ȝe, þat God make ſtidfaſt my counſel. hym and his vertu, and diſtrie hym.
xxxii Ȝe ſchulen ſtonde at þe ȝate þis niȝt, and Y ſchal go xv For it ſchal be a memorial of þi name, whanne þe
out wiþ my fre handmayde; and preie ȝe, þat, as ȝe hondis of a womman han caſt hym doun.
ſeiden, þe Lord biholde his puple Iſrael in fyue daies. xvi For whi, Lord, þi vertu is not in multitude, neþer þi
xxxiii But Y nyle, þat ȝe enquere my doyng, and til þat Y wille is in þe ſtrengþis of horſis; and proude ſpiritis
telle to ȝou, `noon oþir þing be doon, no but preier for pleſiden not þee at þe bigynnyng, but þe preier of meke
me to oure Lord God. men and mylde `pleſide euere þee.
xxxiiii And Ozie, þe prince of Juda, ſeide to hir, Go þou xvii God of heuenes, þe creatour of watris, and Lord of
in pees, and þe Lord be wiþ þee in þe veniaunce of oure alle creature, here þou me wretchid womman preiynge
enemyes. And þei turneden aȝen, and ȝeden awey. and triſtynge of þi merci.
xviii Lord, haue þou mynde of þi teſtament, and ȝyue
CAP. IX þou a word in my mouþ, and make þou ſtrong þe
i And while þei ȝeden awei, Judith entride in to hir counſel in myn herte, þat þin hows dwelle perfitly in
oratorie, and ſche cloþide hir ſilf wiþ an heire, and þin halewyng;
puttide aiſche on hir heed; and ſche bowide doun hir ſilf xix and þat alle folkis knowe, þat þou art God, and noon
to þe Lord, and criede to þe Lord, and ſeide, oþer is outakun þee.
ii Lord God of my fadir Symeon, which ȝaueſt to hym a
ſwerd in to defence of aliens, þat weren defouleris in CAP. X
her defoulyng, and maden nakid þe hipe of a virgyn in i Forſoþe it was doon, whanne ſche hadde ceeſſid to crie
to confuſioun; to þe Lord, ſche roos fro þe place, in which ſche lay
iii and þou ȝaueſt þe wymmen of hem in to prey, þe bowid doun to þe Lord.
douȝtris of hem in to caitifte, and al þe prey in to ii And ſche clepide hir fre handmaide, and cam doun in
departyng to þi ſeruauntis, þat loueden feruentli þi to hir hows; and ſche took awei fro hir þe heire, and
feruent loue; Lord, Y biſeche, helpe þou me a widewe. vncloþide hir ſilf fro þe cloþing of hir widewehod.

iii And ſche waiſchide hir bodi, and anoyntide hir wiþ xviii And hiſe knyȝtis ſeiden to hym, Who ſchal diſpiſe
beſte myrre, and ſche ſchedide þe heer of hir heed, and þe puple of Jewis, whiche han ſo faire wymmen, þat we
ſettide a mytre on hir heed, and ſche cloþide hir wiþ þe owen not to fiȝte ſkilfuli aȝenus hem for þeſe wymmen?
cloþis of hyr gladneſſe, and cloþide hir feet wiþ xix Þerfor Judith ſiȝ Holofernes ſittynge in a curteyn,
ſandalies; and ſche took ournementis of þe armes, and round byneþe and ſcharp aboue, þat was wouun of
lilies, and eeryngis, and ryngis, and ournede hir ſilf wiþ purpur, and gold, and ſmaragde, and mooſt preciouſe
alle hir ournementis. ſtoonys,
iiii To whom alſo þe Lord ȝaf briȝtneſſe, for al þis xx and whanne ſche hadde lokid in to his face, ſche
ourenement hangide not of letcherie, but of vertu; and worſchipide hym, and bowide doun hir ſilf on þe erþe;
þerfor þe Lord `made large þis fairneſſe on hir, þat bi and þe ſeruauntis of Holofernes reiſiden hir, for her lord
`vncomparable fairneſſe ſche apperide to þe iȝen of alle comaundide.
v Þerfor ſche puttide on hir fre handmaide a botel of CAP. XI
wyn, and a veſſel of oile, and meet maad of meele, and i Þanne Holofernes ſeide to hir, Be þou coumfortid, and
dried figus, and looues, and cheeſe, and ȝeden forþ. nyle þou drede in þin herte, for Y neuere anoyede man,
vi And whanne þei weren comen to þe ȝate of þe citee, þat wolde ſerue Nabugodonoſor, þe kyng.
þei founden Ozie and þe preſtis of þe citee abidynge hir. ii Soþeli if þi puple hadde not diſpiſid me, Y hadde not
vii And whanne þei hadden ſeyn hir, þei weren aſtonyed, reiſid `myn hond on it.
and wondriden ful myche on hir fairneſſe. iii But `now ſeie to me, for what cauſe ȝediſt þou awei
viii Neþeles þei axiden hir no þing, and leeten paſſe, and fro hem, and it pleſide þee to come to vs.
ſeiden, Þe God of oure fadris ȝyue grace to þee, and iiii And Judith ſeide, Take þou þe wordis of þin
make ſtrong wiþ his vertu al þe counſel of þin herte, and handmaide; for, if þou ſueſt þe wordis of þin
Jeruſalem haue glorie on þee, and þi name be in þe handmaide, þe Lord ſchal make a perfit þing wiþ þee.
noumbre of hooli and iuſt men. v Forſoþe Nabugodonoſor, þe kyng of erþe, lyueþ, and
ix And alle þei, þat weren þere, ſeiden wiþ o vois, Be it
his vertu lyueþ, which is in þee to þe chaſtiſyng of alle
doon! be it doon! ſoulis errynge; for not oneli men ſchulen ſerue hym `bi
x Þerfor Judith preiede þe Lord, and paſſide þorouȝ þe þee, but alſo beeſtis of þe feeld obeien to hym.
ȝatis, ſche and hir fre handmayde. vi For þe prudence of þi ſoule is teld to alle folkis; and it
xi Forſoþe it was doon, whanne ſche cam doun of þe hil is ſchewid to al þe world, þat þou aloon art good and
aboute þe riſynge of þe dai, þe aſpieris of Aſſiriens myȝti in al his rewme; and þi techyng is prechid in alle
metten hir, and helden hir, and ſeiden, Fro whennus prouyncis.
comeſt þou, eþer whidur goiſt þou? vii Neþer þis þing is hid, which Achior ſpak, neþer þat
xii And ſche anſweride, Y am a douȝter of Ebreis, and þing is vnknowun, which þou comaundidiſt to bifalle to
þerfor Y fledde fro þe face of hem, for Y knew, þat it hym.
ſchal come, þat þei ſchulen be ȝouun to ȝou in to prey, viii For it is knowun, þat oure God is ſo offendid bi
for þei diſpiſiden ȝou, and nolde bitake hem ſilf wilfuli, ſynnes, þat he ſente bi hiſe profetis to þe puple, þat he
þat þei ſchulden fynde grace in ȝoure ſiȝt. wolde bitake hem for her ſynnes.
xiii For þis cauſe Y þouȝte wiþ me, and ſeide, Y ſchal go ix And for þe ſones of Iſrael witen, þat þei han offendid
to þe face of þe prynce Holofernes, for to ſchewe to `her Lord God, þe tremblyng of hym is on hem.
hym þe priuytees of hem, and Y ſchal ſchewe to hym, bi x Ferþermore alſo hungur haþ aſailid hem, and for
what entryng he mai gete hem, ſo þat not o man of his dryneſſe of watir þei ben rikenyd now among deed men.
ooſt falle doun. xi Forſoþe þei ordeynen þis, þat þei ſle her beeſtis, and
xiiii And whanne þo men hadden herd þe wordis of hir,
drynke her blood;
þei bihelden hir face, and wondryng was in her iȝen, for xii and þei þouȝten to ȝyue þeſe hooli þingis `of her Lord
þei wondriden greetli on hir fairneſſe.
xv And þei ſeiden to hir, Þou haſt kept þi lijf, for þou
in wheete, wyn, and oile, whiche God comaundide to be
not touchid, and þei wolen waſte þe þingis, which þei
haſt founde ſich a counſel, þat þou woldiſt come doun to ouȝten not touche wiþ hondis; þerfor for þei doen þeſe
oure lord. þingis, it is certeyn þat þei ſchulen be ȝouun in to
xvi Soþeli wite þou þis, þat, whanne þou `haſt ſtonde in
his ſiȝt, he ſchal do wel to þee, and þou ſchalt be mooſt xiii Which þing Y, þin handmaide, knew, and fledde fro
acceptable in his herte. And þei ledden hir to þe hem, and þe Lord ſente me to telle þeſe ſame þingis to
tabernacle of Holofernes, and þei ſchewiden hir to hym. þee.
xvii And whanne ſche hadde entrid bifor his face, anoon
Holofernes was takun bi hiſe iȝen.

xiiii For Y,þin handmaide, worſchipe God, alſo now at ix And ſche entride, and dwellide clene in þe tabernacle,
þee; and þin handmaide ſchal go out, and Y ſchal preie til þat ſche took hir mete in þe euentid.
God; x And it was doon in þe fourþe dai, Holofernes made a
xv and he ſchal ſeie to me, whanne he ſchal ȝelde to hem ſoper to hiſe ſeruauntis, and he ſeide to Vagao, þe
her ſynne; and Y ſchal come, and telle to þee, ſo þat Y chaumburleyn, Go þou, and councele þat Ebrew
brynge þee þorouȝ þe myddis of Jeruſalem, and þou womman, þat ſche conſente wilfuli to dwelle wiþ me.
ſchalt haue al þe puple of Iſrael as ſcheep `to whiche is xi For it is foul anentis Aſſiriens, if a womman ſcorne a
no ſcheepherde, and þer ſchal not berke aȝens þee man, in doynge þat ſche paſſe `wiþ out part fro hym.
nameli oon; xii Þanne Vagao entride to Judith, and ſeide, A good
xvi for þeſe þingis ben ſeid to me bi þe puruyaunce of
dameſele be not aſchamed to entre to my lord, þat ſche
God. be onourid bifor his face, and þat ſche eete wiþ hym,
xvii And for God is wrooþ to hem, Y am ſente to telle to and drynke wiyn wiþ gladneſſe.
þee þeſe ſame þingis. xiii To whom Judith anſweryde, Who am Y, þat Y
xviii Soþeli alle þeſe wordis pleſiden bifor Holofernes, aȝenſeie my lord?
and bifore hiſe children; and þei wondriden at þe xiiii Y ſchal do al þing, þat ſchal be good and beſt bifor
wiſdom of hir; and oon ſeide to anoþer, hiſe iȝen. Soþeli what euer þing pleſiþ hym, þis ſchal be
xix Þer is not ſich a womman on erþe in ſiȝt, in beſt to me in alle þe daies of my lijf.
faireneſſe, and in wit of wordis. xv And ſche roos, and ournede hir ſilf wiþ hir cloþis, and
xx And Holofernes ſeide to hir, God dide wel, þat ſente entride, and ſtood bifor `his face.
þee bifor þe puple, þat þou ȝyue it in myn hondis; xvi Forſoþe þe herte of Holofernes was ſtirid; for he was
xxi and for þi biheeſt is good, if þi God doiþ þeſe þingis brennynge in þe coueitiſe of hir.
to me, he ſchal be alſo my God, and þow ſchalt be greet xvii And Holofernes ſeide to hir, Drynke þou now, and
in þe hows of Nabugodonoſor, and þi name ſchal be take mete in gladneſſe; for þou haſt founde grace bifor
nemyd in al erþe. me.
xviii And Judith ſeide, Lord, Y ſchal drynke, for my
CAP. XII ſoule is magnyfied to dai bifor alle þe daies of my lijf.
i Þanne Holofernes comaundide hir to entre, where his xix And ſche took, and eet, and drank bifor hym þo
treſouris weren kept, and he comaundide hir to dwelle þingis, whiche hir handmayde hadde maad redi to hir.
þere; and he ordeynede, what ſchulde be ȝouun to hir of xx And Holofernes was maad glad `to hir, and he drank
his feeſte. ful myche wiyn, hou myche he hadde neuere drank in o
ii To whom Judith anſweride, and ſeide, Now Y may not
dai in his lijf.
ete of þeſe þingis, which þou comaundidiſt to be ȝouun
to me, leſt offence come on me; but Y ſchal ete of þeſe CAP. XIII
þingis, whiche Y brouȝte wiþ me. i Forſoþe as euentid was maad, hiſe ſeruauntis haſtiden
iii To whom Holofernes ſeide, If þeſe þingis failen,
to her ynnes; and Vagao cloſid togidere þe doris of þe
whiche þou brouȝtiſt wiþ þee, what ſchulen we do to cloſet, and ȝede forþ.
þee? ii For alle men weren maad feynt of wiyn;
iiii And Judith ſeide, Lord, þi ſoule lyueþ, for þin
iii and Judith aloone was in þe cloſet.
handmaide ſchal not ſpende alle þeſe þingis, til God iiii Certis Holofernes lai in þe bed, aſlepid wiþ ful
ſchal do in myn hondis þeſe þingis which Y þouȝte. And
myche drunkeneſſe.
hiſe ſeruauntis ledden hir in to þe tabernacle, whidur he v And Judith ſeide to hir dameſele, þat ſche ſchulde
hadde comaundid.
v And ſche axide, þe while ſche entride, þat fredom ſtonde wiþ outforþ bifor þe dore of þe cloſet, and aſpie.
vi And Judith ſtood bifor þe bed, preiynge wiþ teeris,
ſchulde be ȝouun to hir to go out to preier, in þe nyȝt,
and bifor þe lyȝt, and to biſeche þe Lord. and wiþ ſtiryng of lippis `in ſilence,
vi And he comaundide to his chaumberleyns, þat, as it vii ſeiynge, Lord God of Iſrael, conferme me, and

pleſide hir, ſche ſchulde go out, and entre, for to preie biholde in þis our to þe werkis of myn hondis, þat, as
hir God bi þre daies. þou bihiȝtiſt, þou reiſe Jeruſalem þi citee; and þat Y
vii And ſche ȝede out in nyȝtis in to þe valei of Bethulia, performe þis þing, which þing Y bileuynge þouȝte to
mow be doon bi þee.
and waiſchide hir ſilf in þe welle of watir. viii And whanne ſche hadde ſeid þis, ſche neiȝede to þe
viii And as ſche ſtiede, ſche preiede þe Lord God of
piler þat was at þe heed of his bed, and ſche loſide his
Iſrael, þat he wolde dreſſe hir weie to þe delyueraunce
ſwerd, þat hangide boundun `þer ynne.
of his puple.

ix And whanne ſche hadde drawe out of þe ſcheeþ þilke xxv for to dai he haþ magnefied ſo þi name, þat þi
ſwerd, ſche took þe heer of his heed; and ſeide, Lord preiſyng go not awei fro þe mouþ of men, þat ſchulen
God of Iſrael, conferme me in þis our. be myndeful of þe vertu of þe Lord wiþ outen ende; for
x And ſche ſmoot twies on his necke, and kittide awei whiche þou ſparidiſt not þi lijf for þe angwiſchis and
his heed; and ſche took awei his curteyn fro þe pileris, tribulaciouns of þi kyn, but helpidiſt þe fallinge bifor þe
and walewide awei his bodi heedles. ſiȝt of oure God.
xi And aftir a litil ſche ȝede out, and bitook þe heed of xxvi And al þe puple ſeide, `Be it! be it!

Holofernes to hir handmaide, and comaundide, þat ſche xxvii Forſoþe Achior was clepid, and cam; and Judith
ſchulde putte it in to hir ſcrippe. ſeide to hym, Þilke God of Iſrael, to whom þou ȝaueſt
xii And þe twei wymmen ȝeden out `bi her cuſtom as to witneſſyng, þat he auengiþ hym of hiſe enemyes, haþ kit
preier, and paſſiden þe caſtels of Aſſiriens, and þei of þe heed of alle vnbileueful men in þis niȝt bi myn
cumpaſſiden þe valei, and camen to þe ȝate of þe citee. hond.
xiii And Judith ſeide afer to þe keperis of þe wallis, xxviii And þat þou preue þat it is ſo, lo! þe heed of

`Opene ȝe þe ȝatis, for God is wiþ vs, þat haþ do greet Holofernes, which in þe diſpit of his pride diſpiſide God
vertu in Iſrael. of Iſrael, and manaaſſide deþ to þee, and ſeide, Whanne
xiiii And it was doon, whanne þe men hadden herd `her þe puple of Iſrael is takun, Y ſchal comaunde þi ſidis to
vois, þei clepiden þe preſtis of þe citee. be perſid wiþ a ſwerd.
xv And alle men fro þe leeſt `til to þe mooſte runnen to xxix Soþeli Achior ſiȝ þe heed of Holofernes, and was

hir; for þei hopiden not, þat ſche ſchulde come now. angwiſchid for drede, and felde doun on his face on þe
xvi And þei teendiden liȝtis, and alle men cumpaſſiden erþe, and his ſoule ſuffride eneyntiſyng.
xxx Soþeli aftir þat he hadde take aȝen ſpirit, and was
aboute hir. Soþeli ſche ſtiede in to an hiȝere place, and
comaundide ſilence to be maad. And whanne alle men coumfortid, he felde doun at `hir feet, and worſchipide
weren ſtille, hir,
xvii Judith ſeide, Herie ȝe `oure Lord God, þat haþ not xxxi and ſeide, Bleſſid art þou of þi God in al þe

forſake hem þat hopen in hym, tabernacle of Jacob; for in ech folk, þat ſchal here þi
xviii and bi me, his handmaide, he haþ fillid his merci, name, God of Iſrael ſchal be magnyfied in þee.
which he bihiȝte to þe hows of Iſrael, and haþ ſlayn in
myn hond þe enemye of his puple `in þis niȝt. CAP. XIIII
i Forſoþe Judith ſeide to al þe puple, Briþeren, here ȝe;
xix And ſche `brouȝte forþ of þe ſcrippe þe heed of
Holofernes, and ſchewide it to hem, and ſeide, Lo! þe hang ȝe þis heed on ȝoure wallis.
ii And it ſchal be, whanne þe ſunne `goiþ out, ech man
heed of Holofernes, prince of þe chiualrie of Aſſiriens;
and, lo! his curteyn, in which he lay in his drunkeneſſe, take hiſe armuris, and go ȝe out wiþ feerſneſſe, not þat
where alſo oure Lord God killide hym bi þe hond of a ȝe go doun bineþe, but as makyng aſauȝt.
iii Þanne it ſchal be nede, þat þe ſpieris of þe lond fle to
xx Forſoþe þe Lord God lyueþ, for his aungel kepte me, reiſe her prynce to batel.
iiii And whanne þe duykis of hem rennen togidere to þe
boþe goynge fro hennus, and dwellynge þere, and
turnynge aȝen fro þennus hidur; and þe Lord `ſuffride tabernacle of Holofernes, and fynden hym heedles,
not his handmaide to be defoulid, but wiþ out defoulyng waltrid in his blood, dreed ſchal falle doun on hem.
of ſynne he aȝen clepid me to ȝou, and Y haue ioie in v And whanne ȝe knowen þat þei fleen, go ȝe ſikirli aftir
his victorie, and in `my ſcapyng, and in ȝoure hem, for God ſchal al to-breke hem vndur ȝoure feet.
delyueraunce. vi Þanne Achior ſiȝ þe vertu þat God of Iſrael hadde do,
xxi Knouleche ȝe alle to hym, for he is good, for his and he forſook þe cuſtom of heþeneſſe, and bileuede to
mercy is in to `þe world. God; and he circumcidede þe fleiſch of his ȝerde, and
xxii Soþeli alle men worſchipiden þe Lord, and ſeiden to he was put to þe puple of Iſrael, and al þe aftircomyng
hir, Þe Lord haþ bleſſid þee in his vertu, for bi þee he of his kyn `til in to þis dai.
haþ brouȝt to nouȝt oure enemyes. vii Forſoþe anoon as þe dai roos, þei hangiden þe heed
xxiii Certis Ozie, prince of þe puple of Iſrael, ſeide to hir, of Holofernes on þe wallis; and ech man took his
Douȝtir, þou art bleſſid of þe hiȝ Lord God, bifor alle armuris, and þei ȝeden out wiþ grete noiſe and ȝellyng.
wymmen on erþe. viii Which þing þe aſpieris ſien, and runnen to þe
xxiiii Bleſſid be þe Lord, þat made heuene and erþe, and tabernacle of Holofernes.
þat dreſſide þee in to þe woundis of þe heed of þe prince ix Certis þei, þat weren in þe tabernacle, camen, and
of oure enemyes; maden noiſe bifore þe entryng of þe bed, and
ymagyneden by craft vnreſtfulneſſe for cauſe of reiſyng,

þat Holofernes ſchulde awake not of þe reiſeris, but of vii Forſoþe þe reſidue men, þat weren in Bethulia,
ſowneris. entriden in to þe tentis of Aſſiriens, and token awey wiþ
x For no man was hardi to opene þe tabernacle of þe hem þe prey, which Aſſiriens fleynge hadden left, and
vertu of Aſſiriens bi knockyng eþir bi entryng. þei weren chargid gretli.
xi But whanne hiſe duykis, and tribunes, and alle þe viii But þei þat weren ouercomerys, turneden aȝen to
grettere men of þe ooſt of þe kyng of Aſſiriens weren Bethulia, and þei token awei wiþ hem alle þingis which
comen, þei ſeiden to þe chaumburleyns, Entre ȝe, and euer weren of þo Aſſiriens, ſo þat no noumbre was in
reiſe ȝe hym; ſcheep, and beeſtis, and in alle mouable þingis of hem,
xii for myis ben goon out of her caues, and doren excite þat fro þe leeſte `til to þe mooſte alle men weren maad
vs to batel. riche of her preies.
xiii Þanne Vagao entride in to his cloſet, and ſtood bifor ix Forſoþe Joachym, þe hiȝeſte biſchop, cam fro

þe curtyn, and made betyng togidere wiþ hiſe hondis; Jeruſalem in to Bethulia wiþ alle þe preſtis, to ſe Judith.
for he ſuppoſide hym to ſlepe wiþ Judith. x And whanne ſche hadde goon out to hym, alle
xiiii But whanne he perſeyuede not `wiþ wit of eeris ony bleſſiden hir wiþ o vois, and ſeiden, Þou art þe glorie of
ſtiryng of Holofernes liggynge, he cam neiȝynge to þe Jeruſalem, and þou art þe gladneſſe of Iſrael, þou art þe
curtyn, and he `reiſide it, and ſiȝ þe deed bodi wiþ out onour of oure puple,
þe heed `of Holofernes `maad ſlow in his blood ligge on xi which haſt do manli, and þin herte was coumfortid,
þe erþe, and he criede bi grete vois wiþ weping, and to- for þou louediſt chaſtite, and aftir þin hoſebonde þou
rente hiſe cloþis. knowiſt not anoþer; þerfor and þe hond of þe Lord
xv And he entride in to þe tabernacle of Judith, and coumfortide þee, and þerfor þou ſchalt be bleſſid wiþ
foond not hir, and he ſkippide out to þe puple, outen ende.
xvi and ſeide, Oon Ebrew womman haþ maad xii And al þe puple ſeide, `Be it! be it!

confuſioun in þe hows of kyng Nabugodonoſor; for lo! xiii Forſoþe bi þritti daies vnneþis þe ſpuylis of Aſſiriens
Holofernes liggiþ in þe erþe, and his heed is not in hym. weren gaderid of þe puple of Iſrael.
xvii And whanne þe prynces of þe vertu of Aſſiriens xiiii Certis þei ȝauen to Judith alle þingis, þat weren
hadden herd þis þing, alle þei to-renten her cloþis, and preued to be propir, `eþer ſynguler, of Holofernes, in
vnſuffrable drede and tremblyng felde doun on hem, gold, and ſiluer, and in cloþis, and in gemmes, and in
and her ſoulis weren troblid greetli. alle purtenaunce of houſhold; and alle þingis weren
xviii And `vncomparable cry was maad `bi þe myddil of ȝouun to hir of þe puple.
her tentis. xv And alle puplis `maden ioye, wiþ wymmen, and
vergynes, and ȝonge men, in organs and harpis.
i And whanne al þe ooſt hadde herd Holofernes CAP. XVI
biheedid, mynde and councel fledde fro hem, and þei i Þanne Judith ſong `þis ſong to þe Lord, and ſeide,
`ſchakun bi tremblyng and drede aloone token þe help Bigynne ȝe in tympans;
of fliȝt, ii ſynge ȝe to þe Lord in cymbalis; ſynge ȝe ſwetli a
ii ſo þat no man ſpak wiþ his neiȝbore; but `whanne þe newe ſalm to hym; fulli make ȝe ioye, and inwardli
heed was bowid doun, and alle þingis `weren forſakun, clepe ȝe his name.
þei weren biſy to aſcape Ebreis, which þei hadden herd iii Þe Lord al to-brekiþ batels, þe Lord is name to hym;
to come armed on hem; and þei fledden bi þe weies of iiii þat haþ ſet hiſe caſtels in þe myddis of his puple, for
feeldis, and bi þe paþis of litle hillis. to deliuere vs fro þe hond of alle oure enemyes.
iii Þerfor þe ſones of Iſrael ſiȝen Aſſiriens fleynge, and v Aſſur cam fro þe hillis, fro þe norþ, in þe multitude of
ſueden hem, and camen doun, and ſowneden wiþ his ſtrengþe; whoſe multitude ſtoppide ſtrondis, and þe
trumpis, and ȝelliden aftir hem. horſis of hem hiliden valeis.
iiii And for Aſſiriens not gaderid togidere ȝeden vi And he ſeide, þat he ſchulde brenne my cooſtis, and
heedlyng in to fliȝt, forſoþe þe ſones of Iſrael purſuynge ſle my ȝonge men bi ſwerd, to ȝiue my ȝonge children in
wiþ o cumpeny maden feble alle, whiche þei myȝten to prei, virgyns in to caitifte.
fynde. vii But þe Lord Almyȝti anoiede hym, and bitook hym in
v And Ozie ſente meſſangeris bi alle þe citees and
to þe hondis of a womman, and ſchente hym.
cuntreis of Iſrael. viii For þe myȝti of hem felde not doun of ȝonge men,
vi Þerfor ech cuntrei and ech citee ſente choſun ȝonge
neþer þe ſones of giauntis killiden hym, neþer hiȝe
men armed after hem; and þei purſueden `þilke Aſſiriens giauntis puttiden hem ſilf to hym; but Judith, þe douȝtir
wiþ þe ſcharpneſſe of ſwerd, til þei camen to þe laſte of Merari, ouercam hym bi þe fairneſſe of hir face.
part of her cooſtis.

ix For ſche vncloþide hir fro þe cloþ of widewehod, and fre. And ſche was deed, and biried wiþ hir hoſebonde in
cloþide hir wiþ þe cloþ of gladneſſe, in þe ful ioiyng of Bethulia;
þe ſones of Iſrael. xxix and al þe puple biweilide hir ſeuene daies.
x Sche anoyntide hir face wiþ oynement, and boond xxx Forſoþe in al þe ſpace of her lijf noon `was
togidere þe treſſis of hir heeris wiþ a coronal, to diſturblide Iſrael, and many ȝeeris aftir hir deeþ.
diſſeyue hym. xxxi Soþeli þe day of þe victorie of þis feeſte is takun of
xi `Hir ſandalies rauyſchiden hiſe iȝen, hir fairneſſe made Ebreis in þe noumbre of hooli daies, and it is
his ſoule caitif; wiþ a ſwerd ſche kittide of his necke. worſchipid of þe Jewis fro þat tyme til in to preſent day.
xii Men of Perſis hadden hidouſneſſe of hir ſtidfaſtneſſe,
Here endiþ þe book of Judith.
and Medeis of hyr hardyneſſe.
xiii Þanne þe caſtels of Aſſiriens ȝelliden, whanne my
meke men, wexinge drie for þirſt, apperiden.
xiiii Þe ſones of dameſels prickiden hem, and killiden
hem as children fleynge; þei periſchiden in batel fro þe
face of my God.
xv `Synge we an ympne to þe Lord, ſynge we a newe
ympne to oure God.
xvi Lord, Lord God, þou art grete, and ful cleer in þi
vertu, and whom no man may ouercome.
xvii Ech creature of þin ſerue þee, for þou ſeidiſt, and
þingis weren maad; þou ſentiſt þi ſpirit, and þingis
weren maad of nouȝt; and noon is þat aȝenſtondiþ þi
xviii Hillis ſchulen be moued fro foundementis wiþ
watris; ſtonys ſchulen flete a brood as wex bifor þi face.
xix Soþeli þei þat dreden þee, ſchulen be grete anentis
þee bi alle þingis.
xx Woo to þe folk ryſynge on my kyn; for þe Lord
Almyȝti ſchal take veniaunce in hem, in þe dai of doom
he ſchal viſite hem.
xxi For he ſchal ȝyue fier and wormes in þe fleiſchis of
hem, þat þei be brent, and lyue, and feele til in to wiþ
outen ende.
xxii And it was doon aftir þeſe þingis, al þe puple aftir
þe victorie cam to Jeruſalem to worſchipe þe Lord; and
anoon as þei weren clenſid, alle men offriden brent
ſacrifices, and a vowis, and her biheeſtis.
xxiii Certis Judith ȝaf in to þe curſyng of forȝetyng alle
þe armuris of batel of Holofernes, whiche þe puple ȝaf
to hir, and þe curteyn, which ſche hadde take awei.
xxiiii Forſoþe al þe puple was myrie aftir þe face of hooli
men; and bi þre moneþis þe ioye of þis victorie was
halewid wiþ Judith.
xxv Soþeli aftir þo daies ech man ȝede aȝen in to his
owne; and Judith was maad greet in Bethulia, and ſche
was more cleer þanne alle wymmen of þe lond of Iſrael.
xxvi For chaſtite was ioyned to hir vertu, ſo þat ſche
knewe not man alle þe daies of hir lijf, ſiþen Manaſſes,
hir hoſebonde, was deed.
xxvii Soþeli in `feeſte daies ſche cam forþ wiþ greet
xxviii Forſoþe ſche dwellide in þe hows of hir hoſebonde
an hundrid ȝeer and fyue; and ſche lefte hir handmaide

wrooþ, and kyndlid bi fulgreet woodneſſe; and he axide
HESTER þe wiſe men,
Here bigynneþ þe book of Heſter. xiii whiche bi þe `kyngis cuſtom weren euere wiþ hym,
and he dide alle þingis bi þe counſel of hem, kunnynge
CAP. I þe lawis and ritis of grettere men;
i In þe daies of kyng Aſſuerus, þat regnede fro Ynde `til xiiii forſoþe þe firſte and þe nexte weren Carſena, and
to Ethiopie, on an hundrid and ſeuene and twenti Sechaaba, Admatha, and Tharſis, and Mares, and
prouynces, whanne he ſat in þe ſeete of his rewme, Marſana, and Manucha, ſeuene duykis of Perſis and of
ii þe citee Suſa was þe bigynnyng of his rewme. Medeis, þat ſien þe face of þe kyng, and weren wont to
iii Þerfor in þe þridde ȝeer of his empire he made a greet ſitte þe firſte aftir hym;
xv `þe kyng axide hem, to what ſentence þe queen Vaſthi
feeſte to alle hiſe princes and children, þe ſtrongeſte
men of Perſis, and to þe noble men of Medeis, and to þe ſchulde be ſuget, þat nolde do þe comaundement of
prefectis of prouynces, bifor him ſilf, kyng Aſſuerus, which he hadde ſent bi þe oneſt and
iiii to ſchewe þe richeſſis of þe glorie of his rewme, and chaſt ſeruauntis.
xvi And Manucha anſweride, in audience of þe kyng and
þe gretneſſe, and booſt of his power in myche tyme, þat
is, an hundrid and `foure ſcoor daies. of þe pryncis, Þe queen Vaſthi haþ not oneli diſpiſid þe
v And whanne þe daies of þe feeſte weren fillid, he kyng, but alle þe pryncis and puplis, þat ben in alle
clepide to feeſte al þe puple þat was foundun in Suſa, prouynces of kyng Aſſuerus.
xvii For þe word of þe queen ſchal go out to alle
fro þe mooſt `til to þe leeſte; and he comaundide þe
feeſte to be maad redi bi ſeuene daies in þe porche of þe wymmen, þat þei diſpiſe her hoſebondis, and ſeie, Kyng
orcherd and wode, þat was ſet wiþ þe kyngis ournement Aſſuerus comaundide, þat þe queen Vaſthi ſchulde entre
and hond. to hym, and ſche nolde.
vi And tentis of `þe colour of þe eir, and of gold, and of xviii And bi þis ſaumple alle þe wyues of prynces of

iacynct, ſuſteyned wiþ coordis of bijs, and of purpur, Perſis and of Medeis ſchulen diſpiſe þe comaundementis
hangiden on ech ſide, whiche weren ſet in cerclis of of hoſebondis; wherfor þe indignacioun of þe kyng is
yuer, and weren vndur ſet wiþ pilers of marble; alſo iuſt.
xix If it pleſiþ to þee, `a comaundement go out fro þi
ſeetis at þe maner of beddis of gold and of ſiluer `weren
diſpoſid on þe pawment arayede wiþ ſmaragde and face, and `be writun bi þe lawe of Perſis and of Medeis,
dyuerſe ſtoon; which pawment peynture made fair bi which it is vnleueful to be paſſid, þat Vaſthi entre no
wondurful dyuerſite. more to þe kyng, but anoþir womman, which is betere
vii Soþeli þei, þat weren clepid to meet, drunkun in þan ſche, take `þe rewme of hir.
xx And be þis pupliſchid in to al þe empire of þi
goldun cuppis, and metes weren borun in wiþ oþere
`and oþere veſſels; alſo plenteuouſe wiyn, and `þe beſt prouynces, which is ful large, þat alle wyues, boþ of
was ſet, as it was worþi to þe greet doyng of þe kyng. grettere men and of leſſe, ȝyue onour to her hoſebondis.
viii And `noon was þat conſtreynede `men not willynge xxi His counſel pleſide þe kyng and þe prynces, and þe
to drynke; but ſo þe kyng hadde ordeyned, `makynge kyng dide bi þe counſel of Manucha;
ſouereyns of hiſe princes `to alle boordis, þat ech man xxii and he ſente piſtlis bi alle þe prouyncis of his
ſchulde take þat, þat he wolde. rewme, as ech folk myȝte here and rede, in dyuerſe
ix Alſo Vaſthi, þe queen, made a feeſte of wymmen in þe langagis and lettris, þat hoſebondis ben prynces and þe
paleis, where kyng Aſſuerus was wont to dwelle. grettere in her houſis; and `he ſente, þat þis be
x Þerfor in þe ſeuenþe dai, whanne þe kyng was puppliſchid bi alle puplis.
gladdere, and was hoot of wiyn aftir ful myche
drinkyng, he comaundide Nauman, and Baracha, and CAP. II
Arbana, and Gabatha, and Zarath, and Abgatha, and i Þerfor whanne þeſe þingis weren doon, aftir þat þe
Charchas, ſeuene oneſte and chaſt ſeruauntis, `þat indignacioun of kyng Aſſuerus was coold, he biþouȝte
myniſtriden in his ſiȝt, of Vaſthi, and what þingis ſche hadde do, eþir what
xi þat þei ſchulden brynge in bifor þe kyng þe queen þingis ſche ſuffride.
Vaſti, wiþ a diademe ſet on hir heed, to ſchewe hir ii And þe children and þe mynyſtris of þe kyng ſeiden to
fairneſſe to alle þe puplis and prynces; for ſche was ful `þe kyng, Damyſelis, virgyns `and faire, be ſouȝt to þe
fair. kyng; and `men ben ſent,
xii And ſche forſook, and diſpiſide to come at þe iii þat ſchulen biholde bi alle prouinces dameſels faire
comaundement of þe kyng, which he hadde ſent bi þe and virgyns; and brynge þei hem to þe citee Suſa, and
oneſte and chaſt ſeruauntes. Wherfor þe kyng was bitake þei in to þe hows of wymmen, vndur þe hond of
Egei, þe oneſt ſeruaunt and chaſt, which is þe ſouereyn

and kepere of þe kyngis wymmen; and take þe dameſels xv Soþeli whanne þe tyme was turned aboute bi ordre,
ournement of wymmen, and oþer þingis nedeful to vſis. þe dai neiȝede, wherynne Heſter, þe douȝter of Abiahel,
iiii And which euer dameſele among alle pleſiþ þe iȝen broþer of Mardoche, `whom he hadde purchaſid in to a
of þe kyng, regne ſche for Vaſti. Þe word pleſide þe douȝter to hym ſilf, ouȝte entre to þe kyng; and ſche
kyng; and he comaundide to be don ſo, as þei axide not wymmenus ournement, but what euer þingis
counceliden. Egei, þe oneſt ſeruaunt and chaſt, kepere of virgyns,
v Forſoþe a man, a Jew, was in þe citee Suſa, Mardoche wolde, he ȝaf þeſe þingis to hir to ournement; for ſche
bi name, þe ſone of Jair, ſone of Semei, ſone of Cys, of was ful ſchapli, and of fairneſſe þat may not liȝtli be
þe generacioun of Gemyny; bileuyd, and ſche ſemyde graciouſe and amyable to þe
vi þat was tranſlatid fro Jeruſalem in þat tyme, wherynne iȝen of alle men.
xvi Þerfor ſche was lad to þe bed of kyng Aſſuerus, in þe
Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babiloyne, hadde tranſlatid
Jechonye, kyng of Juda; tenþe moneþe, which is clepid Cebeth, in þe ſeuenþe
vii which Mardoche was þe nurſchere of Ediſſa, þe ȝeer of his rewme.
xvii And þe kyng feruentli louyde hir more þan alle
douȝter of his broþir, which douȝtir was clepid Heſter bi
anoþir name, and ſche hadde loſt boþe fadir and modir; wymmen, and ſche hadde grace and mercy bifor hym
ſche was ful fair, and ſemeli of face; and whanne hir ouer alle wymmen; and he ſettide þe diademe of rewme
fadir and modir weren deed, Mardoche `purchaſide hir `on hir heed, and he made hir to regne in þe ſtide of
in to a douȝtir to hymſilf. Vaſthi.
viii And whanne þe comaundement of þe kyng was ofte xviii And he comaundide a ful worſchipful feeſte to be

puppliſchid, and bi his comaundement many faire maad redi to alle hiſe princes and ſeruauntis, for þe
virgyns weren brouȝt to Suſa, and weren bitakun to ioynyng togidere and þe weddyngis of Heſter; and he
Egey, þe oneſt ſeruaunt and chaſt, alſo Heſter among ȝaf reſt to alle prouynces, and ȝaf ȝiftis aftir þe
oþere dameſels was bytakun to hym, þat ſche ſchulde be worſchipful doyng of a prynce.
kept in þe noumbre of wymmen. xix And whanne virgyns weren ſouȝt alſo þe ſecounde
ix And ſche pleſide hym, and foond grace in his ſiȝt, þat tyme, and weren gaderid togidere, Mardochee dwellide
he haſtide þe ournement of wymmen, and bitook to hir at þe ȝate of þe kyng.
her partis, and ſeuene þe faireſte dameſels of þe kyngis xx Heſter hadde not ȝit ſchewid hir cuntrei and puple, bi
hows; and he ournede and araiede boþe hir and comaundement of hym; for whi what euer þing he
dameſels ſuynge hir feet. comaundide, Heſter kepte, and ſche dide ſo alle þingis,
x And `ſche nolde ſchewe to hym hir puple and hir as ſche was wont in þat tyme, in which he nurſchide hir
cuntrei; for Mardoche hadde comaundid to hir, þat in al a litil child.
maner ſche ſchulde be ſtille of þis þing. xxi Þerfor in þat tyme, wherynne Mardochee dwellide at
xi And he walkide ech dai bifor þe porche of þe dore, in þe `ȝate of þe king, Bagathan and Thares, twei
which þe choſun virgyns weren kept, and he dide þe ſeruauntis of þe kyng, weren wroþe, `þat weren porteris,
cure of þe helþe of Heſter, and wolde wite, what bifelde and ſaten in þe firſt þreisfold of þe paleis; and þei
to hyr. wolden riſe aȝens þe kyng, and ſle hym.
xii And whanne þe tyme of alle dameſels bi ordre was xxii Which þing was not hid fro Mardochee, and anoon

comun, þat þei ſchulden entre to þe kyng, whanne alle he telde to þe queen Heſter, and ſche to þe kyng, bi þe
þingis weren fillid þat perteyneden to wymmens atire, name of Mardochee, þat hadde teld þe þing to hir.
þe twelueþe moneþe was turned; ſo oneli þat þei weren xxiii It was ſouȝt, and it was foundun, and ech of hem
anoyntid wiþ oile of `myrte tre bi ſixe moneþis, and bi was hangid in a iebat; and `it was ſent to ſtoryes, and
oþere ſixe moneþis `þei vſiden ſumme pymentis and was bitakun to bookis of ȝeeris, `bifor þe kyng.
ſwete-ſmellynge oynementis.
xiii And þei entriden to þe kyng, and what euer þing CAP. III
perteynynge to ournement þei axiden, þei token; and i Aftir þeſe þingis kyng Aſſuerus enhaunſide Aaman, þe
þei weren araied as it pleſide hem, and paſſiden fro þe ſone of Amadathi, þat was of þe kynrede of Agag, and
chaumbre of wymmen to þe kyngis bed. ſettide his trone aboue alle þe princes whiche he hadde.
xiiii And ſche þat hadde entrid in þe euentid, ȝede out in ii And alle þe ſeruauntis of þe kyng, þat lyuyden in þe
þe morwetid; and fro þennus þei weren led forþ in to þe ȝatis of þe paleis, kneliden, and worſchipiden Aaman;
ſecounde houſis, þat weren vndur þe hond of Sagazi, for þe emperour hadde comaundid ſo to hem;
oneſt ſeruaunt and chaſt, þat was gouernour of þe kyngis Mardochee aloone bowide not þe knees, neþir
concubyns; and ſche hadde not power to go aȝen more worſchipide hym.
to þe kyng, no but þe kyng wolde, `and had comaundid iii `To whom þe children of þe kyng ſeiden, þat ſaten
hir to come bi name. bifore at þe ȝatis of þe paleis, Whi kepiſt `þou not þe

comaundementis of þe kyng, oþere wiſe þan oþere CAP. IIII
men? i And whanne Mardochee hadde herd þeſe þingis, he to-
iiii And whanne þei ſeiden ful ofte þeſe þingis, and he rente hiſe cloþis, and he was cloþid in a ſak, and ſpreynt
nolde here, þei tolden to Aaman, `and wolden wite, aiſche on þe heed, and he criede wiþ greet vois in þe
wheþer he contynuede in ſentence; for he hadde ſeid to ſtreet of þe myddis of þe citee, and ſchewide þe
hem, þat he was a Jew. bitterneſſe of his ſoule,
v And whanne Aaman hadde herd þis þing, and hadde ii and he ȝede wiþ þis ȝellyng `til to þe ȝatis of þe paleis;
preued `bi experience, þat Mardochee bowide not þe for it was not leueful a man cloþid wiþ a ſak to entre in
kne to hym, neþir worſchipide hym, he was ful wrooþ, to þe halle of þe kyng.
vi and he ledde for nouȝt to ſette hiſe hondis on iii Alſo in alle prouynces, citees, and places, to which þe
Mardochee aloone; for he hadde herd, þat Mardochee cruel ſentence of þe king was comun, was greet
was of þe folc of Jewis, and more he wolde leeſe al þe weilyng, faſtyng, ȝellyng, and wepyng anentis þe Jewis,
nacioun of Jewis, þat weren in þe rewme of Aſſuerus. and many Jewis vſiden ſak and aiſche for bed.
vii In þe firſte moneþe, whos nam is Nyſan, in þe iiii Soþeli þe dameſelis and oneſt ſeruauntis and chaſt of
twelueþe ȝeer of þe rewme of Aſſuerus, lot was ſent in Heſter entriden, and telden to hir; which þing ſche
to a veſſel, which lot is ſeid in Ebrew phur, `bifor herde, and was aſtonyed; and ſche ſente a cloþ to
Aaman, in what dai and in what moneþe þe folk of Mardochee, þat whanne þe ſak was takun a wei, he
Jewis ouȝte to be ſlayn; and þe twelueþe moneþe ȝede ſchulde cloþe hym þerynne; which cloþ he nolde take.
out, which is clepid Adar. v And aftir þat Athac, þe oneſt ſeruaunt and chaſt, `was
viii And Aaman ſeide to þe king Aſſuerus, A puple is clepid, whom þe kyng hadde ȝoue a mynyſtre to hir,
ſcaterid bi alle þe prouynces of þi rewme, and is ſche comaundide, þat he ſchulde go to Mardochee, and
departid fro it ſilf togidere, and vſiþ newe lawis and lerne of hym, whi he dide þis þing.
cerymonyes, and ferþermore it diſpiſiþ alſo þe vi And Athac ȝede out, and ȝede to Mardochee
comaundementis of þe kyng; and þou knoweſt beſt, þat ſtondynge in þe ſtreet of þe citee, bifor þe dore of þe
it ſpediþ not to þi rewme, `þat it encreeſſe in malice bi paleis;
licence. vii which ſchewide to Athac alle þingis þat bifelden, hou
ix If it pleſiþ þee, `deme þou þat it periſch, and Y ſchal
Aaman hadde bihiȝt to bryng ſiluer in to treſours of þe
paie ten þouſynde of talentis to þe keperis of þi treſour. kyng for þe deeþ of Jewis.
x Þerfor þe kyng took `fro his hond þe ryng which he viii Alſo he ȝaf to Athac þe copie of þe comaundement,
vſide, and ȝaf it to Aaman, þe ſone of Amadathi, of þe þat hangide in Suſa, to ſchewe to þe queen, and to
kynrede of Agag, to þe enemy of Jewis. moneſte hir for to entre to þe kyng, and to biſeche hym
xi And þe kyng ſeide to hym, Þe ſiluer, which þou for hir puple.
bihiȝtiſt, be þin; do þou of þe puple þat, þat pleſiþ þee. ix And Athac ȝede aȝen, and telde to Heſter alle þingis,
xii And þe ſcryuens of þe kyng weren clepid in þe firſte whiche Mardochee hadde ſeid.
moneþe Nyſan, in þe þrettenþe dai of þe ſame moneþe; x And ſche anſweryde to hym, and ſeide, þat he ſchulde
and it was writun, as Aaman hadde comaundid, to alle ſeie to Mardochee, Alle þe ſeruauntis of þe kyng,
prynces of þe kyng, and to domeſmen of prouynces and xi and alle prouyncis þat ben vndur his lordſchip,
of dyuerſe folkis, þat ech folk myȝte rede and here, `for knowen, þat wheþer a man eþer a womman not clepid
dyuerſite of langagis, bi þe name of kyng Aſſuerus. And entriþ in to þe ynnere halle of þe kyng, he ſchal be ſlayn
lettris aſeelid wiþ anoon wiþ outen ony tariyng, no but in hap þe kyng
xiii þe ring of þe kyng weren ſent bi þe corouris of þe
holdiþ forþ þe goldun ȝerde `to hym for `þe ſigne of
kyng to alle hiſe prouynces, þat þei ſchulden ſle, and `do merci, and he mai lyue ſo; þerfor hou mai Y entre to þe
awei alle Jewis, fro a child to an eld man, litle children kyng, which am not clepid to hym now bi þritti daies?
and wymmen, in o dai, þat is, in þe þrittenþe dai of þe xii And whanne Mardochee hadde herd `þis þing, he
twelueþe moneþe, which is clepid Adar; and þat þei ſente efte to Heſter,
ſchulden take awei þe goodis of Jewis. xiii and ſeide, Geſſe þou not, þat þou ſchalt delyuer oonli
xiiii Forſoþe þe ſentence `in ſchort of þe piſtlis was þis,
þi lijf, for þou art in þe hows of þe kyng, bifor alle
þat alle prouyncis ſchulden wite, and make hem redi to Jewis;
þe forſeid dai. And þe coroures, þat weren ſent, haſtiden xiiii for if þou art ſtille now, Jewis ſchulen be delyuered
to fille þe comaundement of þe kyng; and anoon þe bi anoþer occaſioun, and þou and þe hows of þi fadir
comaundement hangide in Suſa, `while þe kyng and ſchulen periſche; and who knowiþ, wheþer herfor þou
Aaman maden feeſte, and `þe while þat alle Jewis camiſt to þe rewme, þat þou ſchuldiſt be maad redi in
wepten, þat weren in þe citee. ſich a tyme?
xv And eft Heſter ſente þeſe wordis to Mardochee,

xvi Go þou, and gadere togidere alle Jewis, whiche þou outakun me, anentis `which queen Y ſchal ete alſo to
fyndiſt in Suſa, and preie ȝe for me; ete ȝe not, neþer morewe wiþ þe kyng.
drynke ȝe in þre daies and þre nyȝtis, and Y wiþ myn xiii And whanne Y haue alle þeſe þingis, Y geſſe þat Y
handmaydis ſchal faſt in lijk maner; and þanne Y not haue no þing, as long as Y ſe Mardochee, Jew, ſittynge
clepid ſchal entre to þe kyng, and Y ſchal do aȝens þe bifor þe `kyngis ȝatis.
lawe, and Y ſchal bitake me to deþ and to perel. xiiii And Zares, his wijf, and oþere frendis anſweriden to
xvii Þerfor Mardochee ȝede, and dide alle þingis, whiche hym, Comaunde þou an hiȝ beem to be maad redi,
Heſter hadde comaundid to hym. hauynge fifti cubitis of heiȝþe; and ſeie þou eerly to þe
kyng, þat Mardochee be hangid þeronne; and ſo þou
CAP. V ſchalt go glad wiþ þe kyng to þe feeſte.
i Forſoþe in þe þridde dai Heſter was cloþid in `þe xv And þe counſel pleſyde him, and he comaundide an
kyngis cloþis, and ſtood in þe porche of þe kyngis hiȝ cros to be maad redi.
hows, þat was `þe ynnere aȝens þe kyngis halle; and he
ſat on his trone, in þe conſiſtorie of þe paleis, aȝens þe CAP. VI
dore of þe hows. i Þe kyng ledde þat nyȝt wiþ out ſleep, and he
ii And whanne he hadde ſeyn Heſter, þe queen, comaundide þe ſtories and þe bookis of ȝeeris `of
ſtondynge, ſche pleſide hiſe iȝen, and he helde forþ formere tymes to be brouȝt to hym. And whanne þo
aȝens hir þe goldun ȝerde, which he helde in þe hond; weren red in his preſenſe,
and ſche neiȝide, and kiſſide þe hiȝneſſe of his ȝerde. ii me cam to þe place, where it was writun, hou
iii And þe king ſeide to hir, Heſter, þe queen, what `wolt Mardochee hadde teld þe treſouns of Gabathan and
þou? what is þin axyng? Ȝhe, þouȝ þou axiſt þe half part Thares, oneſte ſeruauntis, couetynge to ſtrangle kyng
of my rewme, it ſchal be ȝouun to þee. Aſſuerus.
iiii And ſche anſweride, If it pleſiþ þe kyng, Y biſeche, iii And whanne þe kyng hadde herd þis, he ſeide, What
þat þou come to me to dai, and Aaman wiþ þee, to þe onour and meede gat Mardochee for þis feiþfulneſſe?
feeſte, which Y haue maad redi. And hiſe ſeruauntis and mynyſtris ſeiden to hym, Outirli
v And anoon þe king ſeide, Clepe ȝe Aaman ſoone, þat he took no meede.
he obeie to þe wille of Heſter. Þerfor þe kyng and iiii And anoon þe kyng ſeide, Who is in þe halle? Soþeli
Aaman camen to þe feeſte, which þe queen hadde maad Aaman hadde entrid in to þe ynnere halle of þe kyngis
redi to hem. hows, to make ſuggeſtioun to þe kyng, þat he ſchulde
vi And þe king ſeide to hir, aftir þat he hadde drunk comaunde Mardochee to be hangid on þe iebat, which
wiyn plenteuouſli, What axiſt þou, þat it be ȝouun to was maad redi to him.
þee, and for what þing axiſt þou? Ȝhe, þouȝ þou axiſt þe v And þe children anſweriden, Aaman ſtondiþ in þe
half part of my rewme, þou ſchalt gete. halle.
vii To whom Heſter anſweride, My axyng and preieris vi And þe kyng ſeide, Entre he. And whanne he was
ben þeſe. comun yn, þe kyng ſeide to hym, What owiþ to be don
viii If Y haue founde grace in þe ſiȝt of þe kyng, and if it to þe man, whom þe kyng deſiriþ onoure? Aaman
pleſiþ þe kyng, þat he ȝyue to me þat, þat Y axe, and þat þouȝte in his herte, and geſſide, þat þe kyng wolde
he fille myn axyng, þe kyng and Aaman come to þe onoure noon oþere man no but hym ſilf;
feeſte, which Y haue maad redi to hem; and to morewe vii and he anſweride, Þe man, whom þe kyng couetiþ to
Y ſchal opene my wille to þe kyng. onoure,
ix Þerfor Aaman ȝede out glad and ſwift `in þat dai. And viii owiþ to be cloþid wiþ þe kyngis cloþis, and to be ſet
whanne he hadde ſeyn Mardochee ſittynge bifor þe ȝatis on þe hors which is of þe kyngis ſadel, and to take þe
of þe paleys, and not oneli to haue not riſe to hym, but kyngis diademe on his heed;
ſoþeli neþer moued fro þe place of his ſittyng, he was ix and þe firſte of þe princes and ſtronge men of þe kyng
ful wrooþ; holde his hors, and go bi þe ſtretis of þe citee, and crie,
x and `whanne þe ire was diſſymelid, he turnede aȝen in and ſeie, Þus he ſchal be onourid, whom euer þe kyng
to his hows, and he clepide togidire `to him ſilf frendis, wole onoure.
and Zares, his wijf; x Þerfor þe kyng ſeide to hym, Haſte þou, and whanne
xi and he declaride to hem þe greetneſſe of his richeſſis, `a ſtoole and hors is takun, do þou, as þou haſt ſpoke, to
and þe cumpeny of children, and wiþ hou greet glorie Mardochee þe Jew, þat ſittiþ bifor þe ȝatis of þe paleis;
þe kyng hadde enhaunſid hym aboue alle hiſe princis be þou war, þat þou leeue not out ony þing of þeſe,
and ſeruauntis. whiche þou haſt ſpoke.
xii And he ſeide after þeſe þinges, Alſo þe queen Heſter xi Þerfor Aaman took `a ſtoole and hors, and ȝede, and
clepide noon oþer man wiþ þe kyng to þe feeſte, criede bifor Mardochee cloþid in þe ſtrete of þe citee,

and ſet on `þe hors, He is worþi þis onour, whom euer þat ſpak for þe kyng. To whom þe kyng ſeide, Hange ȝe
þe kyng wole onoure. Aaman in þat tre.
xii And Mardochee turnede aȝen to þe ȝate of þe paleis, x Þerfor Aaman was hangid in þe iebat, which he hadde
and Aaman haſtide to go in to his hows, morenynge, maad redi to Mardochee, and þe ire of þe kyng reſtide.
and wiþ þe heed hilid.
xiii And he teld to Zares, his wijf, and to frendis alle CAP. VIII
þingis þat hadden bifelde to hym. To whom þe wiſe i In þat dai kyng Aſſuerus ȝaf to Heſter, þe queen, þe
men, whiche he hadde in counſel, and his wijf, hows of Aaman, aduerſarie of Jewis. And Mardochee
anſweriden, If Mardochee, bifor whom þou haſt entride bifor þe face of þe kyng; for Heſter knoulechide
bigunne to falle, is of þe ſeed of Jewis, þou ſchalt not to hym, þat he was `hir fadris broþer.
mowe aȝenſtonde hym, but þou ſchalt falle in his ſiȝt. ii Þerfor þe kyng took þe ryng, which he hadde
xiiii Ȝit while þei ſpaken, þe oneſte ſeruauntis and chaſt comaundid to be reſſeyued fro Aaman, and ȝaf to
of þe kyng camen, and compelliden hym to go ſoone to Mardochee. Forſoþe Heſter ordeynede Mardochee ouer
þe feeſte, which þe queen hadde maad redi. hir hows.
iii And Heſter was not appaied wiþ þeſe þingis, and
CAP. VII felde doun to þe feet of þe kyng, and wepte, and ſpak to
i Þerfor þe kyng and Aaman entriden to þe feeſte, to hym, and preiede, þat he ſchulde comaunde þe malice
drynke wiþ þe queen. of Aaman of Agag, and hiſe worſte caſtis, whiche he
ii And þe kyng ſeide to hir, ȝhe, in þe ſecounde dai, aftir hadde þouȝte out aȝens Jewis, `to be maad voide.
þat he was hoot of þe wiyn, Heſter, what is þin axyng, iiii And þe kyng bi cuſtom helde forþ þe goldun ȝerde of
þat it be ȝouun to þee, and what wolt þou be doon? Ȝhe, þe kyng wiþ his hond, bi which þe ſigne of merci was
þouȝ þou axiſt þe half part of my rewme, þou ſchalt ſchewid. `Þerfor ſche roos vp,
gete. v and ſtood bifor hym, and ſeide, If it pleſiþ þe kyng,
iii To whom ſche anſweride, A! king, if Y haue founde and if Y haue founde grace bifor hiſe iȝen, and if my
grace in þin iȝen, and if it pleſiþ þee, ȝyue þou my lijf to preier is not ſeyn `to be contrarie to hym, Y biſeche, þat
me, for which Y preie, and my puple, for which Y þe elde lettris of Aaman, traitour and enemy of Jewis,
biſeche. by whiche he hadde comaundid hem to periſche in alle
iiii For Y and my puple ben ȝouun, þat we be defoulid, þe prouynces of þe kyng, be amendid bi newe piſtlis;
and ſtranglid, and þat we periſche; `and Y wolde, þat we vi for hou ſchal Y mowe ſuffre þe deþ, and þe ſleyng of
weren ſeeld in to ſeruauntis and ſeruaunteſſis, `and þe my puple?
yuel `were ſuffrable, and Y `were ſtille weilynge; but vii And kyng Aſſuerus anſweride to Heſter, þe queen,
now oure enemy is, whos cruelte turneþ `in to þe kyng. and to Mardochee, Jew, Y grauntide þe hows of Aaman
v And kyng Aſſuerus anſweride, and ſeide, Who is þis, to Heſter, þe queen, and Y comaundide hym to be
and of what power, þat he be hardi to do þeſe þingis? hangid `on þe cros, for he was hardi to ſette hond aȝens
vi And Heſter ſeide, Oure worſte aduerſarie and enemy þe Jewis.
is þis Aaman. Which þing he herde, and was aſtonyde viii Þerfor write ȝe to Jewis, as it pleſiþ to ȝou, `bi þe
anoon, and `ſuffride not to bere þe ſemelaunt of þe kyng name of þe kyng, and aſeele ȝe þe lettris wiþ my ring.
and of þe queen. For þis was þe cuſtom, þat no man durſte aȝenſeie þe
vii Forſoþe þe kyng roos wrooþ, and fro þe place of þe piſtlis, þat weren ſente in þe kyngis name, and weren
feeſte he entride in to a gardyn biſet wiþ trees. And aſeelid wiþ his ryng.
Aaman roos for to preie Heſter, þe queen, for his lijf; ix And whanne þe dyteris and `writeris of þe kyng
for he vndurſtood yuel maad redi of þe kyng to hym. weren clepid; `ſoþeli it was þe tyme of þe þridde
viii And whanne þe kyng turnede aȝen fro þe gardyn moneþe, which is clepid Siban, in þe þre and twentiþe
`biſet wiþ wode, and hadde entrid in to þe place of dai of þat moneþe; piſtlis weren writun, as Mardochee
feeſte he foond þat Aaman felde doun on þe bed, wolde, to Jewis, and to princes, and to procuratouris,
wherynne Heſter lai. And þe king ſeide, `Alſo he wole and to iugis, þat weren ſouereyns of an hundrid and
oppreſſe þe queen, while Y am preſent, in myn hows. Þe ſeuene and twenti prouynces, fro Iynde `til to Ethiope,
word was not ȝit goon out of þe kyngis mouþ, and to prouynce and to prouynce, to puple and to puple, bi
anoon þei hiliden his face. her langagis and lettris, and to Jewis, þat þei myȝten
ix And Arbona ſeide, oon of þe oneſt ſeruauntis and rede and here.
x And þo piſtlis, þat weren ſent `bi þe kyngis name,
chaſt, þat ſtoden in þe ſeruyce of þe kyng, Lo! þe tre
hauynge fifti cubitis of heiȝþe ſtondiþ in þe hows of weren aſeelid wiþ his ryng, and ſent bi meſſangeris,
Aaman, which tre he hadde maad redi to Mardochee, whiche runnen aboute bi alle prouynces, and camen wiþ
newe meſſagis bifor þe elde lettris.

xi To whiche þe kyng comaundide, þat þei ſchulden viii and Phorata, and Adalia, and Aridatha,
clepe togidere þe Jewis bi alle citees, `and comaunde to ix and Ephermeſta, and Ariſai, and Aridai, and Vaizatha.
be gaderid togidere, þat þei ſchulden ſtonde for her x And whanne þe Jewis hadden ſlayn hem, þei nolden
lyues; and ſchulden ſle, and do awei alle her enemyes, take preies of þe catels of hem.
wiþ her wyues and children, and alle howſis. xi And anoon þe noumbre of hem, þat weren ſlayn in
xii And o dai of veniaunce, þat is, in þe þrittenþe dai of
Suſa, was teld to þe kyng.
þe twelueþe moneþe Adar, was ordeined bi alle xii Which ſeide to þe queen, Jewis han ſlayn fyue
prouynces. hundrid men in þe citee of Suſa, and oþere ten ſones of
xiii And þe ſchort ſentence of þe piſtle was þis, þat it
Aaman; hou grete ſleyng geſſiſt þou, þat þei haunten in
were maad knowun in alle londis and puplis, þat weren alle prouynces? what axiſt þou more? and what wolt
ſuget to þe empire of kyng Aſſuerus, þat þe Jewis ben þou, þat Y comaunde to be doon?
redi to take veniaunce of her enemyes. xiii To whom ſche anſweride, If it pleſiþ þe kyng, power
xiiii And þe meſſangeris ȝeden out, bifor berynge ſwift
be ȝouun to þe Jewis, þat as þei han do to dai in Suſa, ſo
meſſages; and þe comaundement of þe kyng hangide in do þei alſo to morewe, and þat þe ten ſones of Aaman
Suſa. be hangid vp in iebatis.
xv Soþeli Mardochee ȝede out of þe paleis and of þe xiiii And þe kyng comaundide, þat it ſchulde be doon ſo;
kyngis ſiȝt, and ſchynede in þe kyngis cloþis, þat is, of and anoon þe comaundement hangide in Suſa, and þe
iacynct and of colour of þe eir, and he bar a goldun ten ſones of Aaman weren hangid.
coroun in his heed, and was cloþid wiþ a mentil of ſelk xv Þerfor whanne þe Jewis weren gaderid togidere, in þe
and of purpur; and al þe citee fulli ioiede, and was glad. fourtenþe dai of þe moneþe Adar, þre hundrid men
xvi Forſoþe a newe lyȝt ſemede to riſe to þe Jewis,
weren ſlayn in Suſa, and þe Jewis token not awei þe
xvii ioie, onour, and daunſyng, at alle puplis, citees, and
catel of þo men.
alle prouynces, whidur euere þe comaundementis of þe xvi But alſo bi alle þe prouynces, þat weren ſuget to þe
kyng camen, a wondurful ioie, metis, and feeſtis, and an lordſchip of þe kyng, Jewis ſtoden for her lyues,
hooli dai, in ſo myche, þat many of an oþer folk and ſect whanne her enemyes and purſueris weren ſlayn, in ſo
weren ioyned to þe religioun and cerymonyes of hem; myche, þat fyue and ſeuenti þouſynde of ſlayn men
for þe greet drede of þe name of Jewis `hadde aſaylid `weren fillid, and no man touchide ony þing of þe
alle hem. catelis of hem.
xvii Forſoþe þe þrittenþe dai of þe moneþe Adar was o
CAP. IX dai of ſleyng at alle Jewis, and in þe fourtenþe dai þei
i Þerfor in þe þrittenþe dai of þe twelueþe moneþe,
ceeſſiden to ſle; which þei ordeyneden to be ſolempne,
which we ſeiden now bifore to be clepid Adar, whanne þat þerynne in ech tyme aftirward þei ſchulden ȝyue
ſleyng was maad redi to alle Jewis, and her enemyes tent to metis, to ioye, and to feeſtis.
ſettiden treſoun to blood, aȝenward Jewes bigunnen to xviii And þei, þat hauntiden ſleyng in þe citee of Suſa,
be þe hiȝere, and to venge hem of aduerſaries. `lyueden in ſleyng in þe þrittenþe and fourtenþe dai of
ii And þei weren gaderid togidere bi alle citees, caſtels,
þe ſame moneþe. But in þe fiftenþe dai þei ceeſſiden to
and places, to ſtretche forþ hond aȝens her enemyes and ſle; and þerfor þei ordeyneden þe ſame dai ſolempne of
purſueris; and no man was hardi to aȝenſtonde, for þe feeſtis and of gladneſſe.
drede of her gretneſſe hadde perſid alle puplis. xix Forſoþe þeſe Jewis, þat dwelliden in borow townes
iii For whi boþe þe iugis, duykis, and procuratouris of
not wallid and vilagis, demeden þe fourtenþe dai of þe
prouynces, and ech dignyte, þat weren ſouereyns of alle moneþe Adar of feeſtis, and of ioie, ſo þat þei be ioiful
places and werkis, enhaunſiden Jewis, for þe drede of þerynne, and ſende ech to oþer partis of feeſtis and of
Mardochee, metis.
iiii whom þei knewen to be prince of þe paleis, and to xx Þerfor Mardochee wroot alle þeſe þingis, and ſente
mow do ful myche; and þe fame of his name encreeſide þeſe þingis comprehendid bi lettris to þe Jewis, þat
ech dai, and flei bi þe mouþis of alle men. dwelliden in alle prouynces of þe kyng, as wel to Jewis
v Þerfor þe Jewis ſmytiden her enemyes wiþ greet
ſet nyȝ as fer,
veniaunce, and killiden hem, and ȝeldiden to þo xxi þat þei ſchulden reſſeyue þe fourtenþe and þe
enemyes þat, þat þei hadden maad redi to do to `þe fiftenþe dai of þe moneþe Adar `for feeſtis, and euer
Jewis, whanne þe ȝeer turneþ aȝen, `þei ſchulden halowe wiþ
vi in ſo myche, þat alſo in Suſa þei killiden fyue hundrid
ſolempne onour;
men, wiþ out þe ten ſones of Aaman of Agag, þe xxii for in þo daies þe Jewis vengiden hem ſilf of her
enemye of Jewis, of whiche þeſe ben þe names; enemyes, and morenyng and ſorewe weren turned in to
vii Phaſandatha, Delphon, and Eſphata,
gladneſſe and ioie; and þeſe daies ſchulden be daies of

feeſtis, and of gladneſſe, and `þat þei ſchulden ſende ech ii whos ſtrengþe and empire and dignyte and hiȝneſſe,
to oþer partis of metis, and `ȝyue litle ȝiftis to pore men. by which he enhaunſide Mardochee, ben writun in þe
xxiii Forſoþe þe Jewis reſſeyueden in to ſolempne cuſtom bookis of Medeis and of Perſis;
alle þingis, whiche þei bigunnen to do in þat tyme, and iii and how Mardochee of þe kyn of Jewis was þe
whiche þingis Mardochee hadde comaundid bi lettris to ſecounde fro king Aſſuerus, and was greet anentis Jewis,
be doon. and acceptable to þe puple of hiſe briþeren, and he
xxiiii Soþeli Aaman, þe ſone of Amadathi, of þe kynrede ſouȝte goodis to his puple, and ſpak þo þingis, þat
of Agag, þe enemy and aduerſarie of Jewis, þouȝte yuel perteyneden to þe pees of his ſeed.
aȝens hem, to ſle hem and to do awei, and he ſente phur, Here endiþ þe text of Ebrew. I haue ſet opynli wiþ
which is interpretid in oure langage `in to lot. ful feiþ þo þingis, þat ben had in Ebrew; but Y foond
xxv And afterward Heſter entride to þe kyng, and
þeſe þingis, þat ſuen, writun in þe comyn
biſouȝte, þat `hiſe enforſyngis ſchulden be maad voide tranſlacioun, þat ben conteyned in þe langage and
bi þe lettris of þe kyng, and þat þe yuel, which he hadde lettris of Grekis; and in þe meene tyme þis chapitre
þouȝt aȝenus þe Jewis, ſchulde turne aȝen in to his heed. was ſeid after þe ende of þe book, `which chapitre we
`Forſoþe þei hangiden on þe cros `boþe hym and hiſe bi oure cuſtom han bifor markid `wiþ a ſpite.
ſones. iiii And
xxvi And fro þat tyme þeſe daies weren clepid `Phurym, Mardochee ſeide, Þeſe þingis ben doon of God.
v Y haue mynde on þe dreem, which `Y ſiȝ, ſignifiynge
þat is, of lottis, for `phur, þat is, lot, was ſent in to a
þeſe ſame þingis, and no þing of þo was voide.
veſſel; and þe Jewis reſſeyueden on hem ſilf, and on her vi A litil welle, þat wexide in to a flood, and was turned
ſeed, and on alle men þat wolden be couplid to her
religioun, alle þingis þat weren doon, and ben in to þe lyȝt and ſunne, and turnede aȝen in to ful many
conteyned in þe volym of þe piſtle, `þat is, of þis book, watris, is Heſter, whom þe kyng took in to wijf, and
xxvii and whiche þingis þei ſuffriden, and whiche þingis wolde þat ſche were his queen.
vii Soþeli twei dragouns, Y am and Aaman;
weren chaungid aftirward, þat it be not leueful to ony
viii folkis þat camen togidere, ben þeſe, þat enforſiden to
man to paſſe wiþ out ſolempnyte þeſe `daies, which þe
ſcripture witneſſiþ, and certeyn tymes axen, while þe do a wei þe name of Jewis.
ix Soþeli my folk Iſrael it is, þat criede to þe Lord; and
ȝeeris comen contynuely oon aftir an oþer.
xxviii Þeſe ben þe daies, whiche neuer ony forȝetyng þe Lord made ſaaf his puple, and delyueride vs fro alle
ſchal do awei, and bi alle generaciouns alle prouynces, yuels, and dide grete ſignes and wondris among heþene
þat ben in al þe world, ſchulen halewe; neþer `ony citee men;
x and he comaundide twei lottis to be, oon of Goddis
is, in which þe daies of Phurym, þat is, of lottis, ſchulen
not be kept of Jewis, and of þe generacioun of hem, puple, and þe toþer of alle heþene men.
which is bounden to þeſe cerymonyes. xi And euer eiþer lot cam in to `determynd dai þanne fro
xxix And Heſter, þe queen, þe douȝter of Abiahel, and þat tyme bifor God and alle folkis.
Mardochee, þe Jew, writiden alſo þe ſecounde piſtle, þat xii And þe Lord hadde mynde on his puple, and hadde
þis ſolempne dai ſchulde be halewid aftirward wiþ al merci on his eritage.
biſyneſſe. xiii And þeſe daies ſchulen be kept in þe moneþe Adar,
xxx And þei ſenten to þo Jewis, þat dwelliden in an in þe fourtenþe `and þe fiftenþe dai of þe ſame moneþe,
hundrid and ſeuene and twenti prouynces of kyng wiþ al biſyneſſe and ioie of þe puple gaderid in to o
Aſſuerus, þat þei ſchulden haue pees, and reſſeyue þe cumpenye, in to alle generaciouns of þe puple of Iſrael
trewþe, aftirward.
xxxi and kepe þe daies of lottis, and halewe wiþ ioie in
her tyme, as Mardochee and Heſter hadden ordeyned; CAP. XI
and þei reſſeiueden þe faſtyngis, and þe cries, and þe i In þe fourþe ȝeer, whanne Ptolome and Cleopatra
daies of lottis, to be kept of hem ſilf and of her ſeed, regneden, Doſitheus, þat ſeide hym ſilf to be a preſt and
xxxii and `þat þei ſchulden reſſeyue among hooli bookis of þe kyn of Leuy, and Ptolome, his ſone, brouȝten þis
alle þingis þat ben conteyned in þe ſtorie of þis book, piſtle of lottis in to Jeruſalem, which piſtle þei ſeiden,
which is clepid Heſter. þat Lyſimachus, þe ſone of Ptolome, tranſlatide.
Alſo þis bigynnyng was in þe comyn tranſlacioun,
CAP. X which bigynnyng is not teld in Ebreu, neþir at ony of
i Forſoþe kyng Aſſuerus made tributarye ech lond, and þe tranſlatouris.
alle þe ilis of þe ſee; ii In
þe ſecounde ȝeer, whanne Artaxerſes þe mooſt
regnyde, Mardochee, þe ſone of Jairy, ſone of Semei,

ſone of Cys, of þe lynage of Beniamyn, ſiȝ a dreem in Hidur to is þe prohemye; þo þingis, þat ſuen, weren
þe firſte dai of þe moneþe Nyſan; ſet in þat place, where it was writun in þe book, And
iii and Mardochee was a man Jew, þat dwellide in þe þei token awey þe goodis, eþer þe catels of hem;
citee of Suſa, a grete man, and amonge þe firſte men of whiche þingis we founden in þe comyn tranſlacioun.
þe kyngis halle. Soþeli þis was þe ſaumpler of þe piſtle.
iiii Soþeli he was of þat noumbre of priſoneris, which
Nabugodonoſor, þe kyng of Babiloyn, hadde tranſlatid CAP. XIII
i Þe gretteſte kyng Artaxerſes, fro Iynde `til to Ethiope,
fro Jeruſalem wiþ Jeconye, kyng of Judee.
v And þis was `his dreem. Voices and noiſes and þundris ſeiþ helþe to þe princes and duykys of an hundrid and
and erþemouyngis and troblyng apperiden on þe erþe. ſeuene and twenti prouynces, whiche princes and
vi And lo! twei grete dragouns, and maad redi aȝens duykis ben ſuget to his empire.
ii Whanne Y was lord of ful many folkis, and Y hadde
hem ſilf in to batel;
vii at þe cry `of which alle naciouns weren ſtirid maad ſuget al þe world to my lordſchip, Y wolde not
togidere, to fiȝte aȝens þe folc of iuſt men. myſuſe þe greetneſſe of power, but gouerne ſugetis bi
viii And þat was a day of derkneſſis, and of perel, of merci and ſoftneſſe, þat þei, ledynge lijf in ſilence wiþ
outen ony drede, ſchulden vſe pees couetid of alle
tribulacioun, and of angwiſch, and grete drede was on
deedli men.
erþe. iii Soþeli whanne Y axide of my counſelours, hou þis
ix And þe folc of iuſt men dredynge `her yuels was
myȝte be fillid, oon, Aaman bi name, þat paſſide oþere
diſturblid, and maad redi to deeþ.
x And þei crieden to God; and whanne þei crieden, a men in wiſdom and `feiþfulneſſe, and was þe ſecounde
aftir þe kyng,
litil welle encreeſſide in to a ful greet flood, and turnede iiii ſchewide to me, þat a puple was ſcaterid in al þe
aȝen in to ful many watris.
xi Þe lyȝt and þe ſunne roos; and meke men weren roundneſſe of londis, which puple vſide newe lawis, and
dide aȝens þe cuſtom of alle folkis, and diſpiſide þe
enhaunſid, and deuouriden noble men. comaundementis of kyngis, and defoulide bi his
xii And whanne Mardochee hadde ſeyn þis þing, and
diſcencioun þe acordyng of alle naciouns.
hadde riſe fro þe bed, he þouȝte, what God wolde do, v And whanne we hadden lerned þis þing, and ſien, þat
and he hadde faſt ſet in ſoule, and couetide to wite, what o folk rebel aȝens al þe kynde of men vſide weiward
þe dreem ſignyfiede. lawis, and was contrarie to oure comaundementis, and
diſturblide þe pees and acording of prouynces ſuget to
CAP. XII vs,
i Forſoþe Mardochee dwellide þat tyme in þe halle of þe vi `we comaundiden, þat whiche euere Aaman
kyng, wiþ Bagatha and Thara, oneſte ſeruauntis of þe `ſchewide, which is ſouereyn of alle prouynces, and is
kyng, þat weren porteris of þe paleis. þe ſecounde fro þe kyng, and whom we onouren in `þe
ii And whanne he hadde vndurſtonde þe þouȝtis of hem,
place of fadir, þei wiþ her wiues and children be doon
and hadde bifor ſeyn ful diligentli þe biſyneſſis, he awei of her enemyes, and noon haue merci on hem, in
lurnyde þat þei enforſiden to ſet hond on kyng þe fourtenþe dai of þe twelfiþe moneþe Adar, of preſent
Artaxerſes, and he telde of þat þing to þe kyng. ȝeer;
iii And whanne enqueryng was had of euer eiþir, þe vii þat curſid men go doun to hellis in o dai, and ȝelde
kyng comaundide hem, `þat knoulechiden, to be led to pees to oure empire, which þei hadden troblid.
iiii Forſoþe þe kyng wroot in bookis þat, þat was doon,
Hidur to is þe ſaumpler of þe piſtle; þeſe þingis, þat
ſuen, Y foond writun aftir þat place, where it is red
but alſo Mardochee bitook þe mynde of þe þing to And Mardochee ȝede, and dide alle þingis, whiche
lettris. Heſter hadde comaundide to hym; neþeles þo þingis
v And þe kyng comaundide hym, þat he ſchulde dwelle
ben not hadde in Ebrew, and outirli þo ben not ſeid
in þe halle of þe paleis, and ȝaf to hym ȝiftis for þe at ony of þe tranſlatours.
vi Forſoþe Aaman, þe ſone of Amadathi, a bugei, was
viii Forſoþe Mardochee biſouȝte þe Lord, and was
mooſt glorius bifor þe kyng, and he wolde anoye
myndeful of alle `hiſe werkys, and ſeide,
Mardochee, and his puple, for þe `tweyne oneſte ix Lord God, kyng almyȝti, alle þingis ben ſet in þi
ſeruauntis of þe king `þat weren ſlayn.
lordſchip, `eþir power, and `noon is, þat may aȝenſtonde
þi wille; if þou demeſt for to ſaue Iſrael, we ſchulen be
delyuered anoon.

x Þou madiſt heuene and erþe, and what euer þing is xi Lord, ȝyue þou not þi kyngis ȝerde to hem, þat ben
conteyned in þe cumpas of heuene. noȝt, leſt þei leiȝen at oure fallyng; but turne þou þe
xi Þou art Lord of alle þingis, and `noon is þat councel of hem on hem, and diſtrie þou hym, þat bigan
aȝenſtondiþ þi maieſte. to be cruel aȝens vs.
xii Þou knowiſt alle þingis, and wooſt, þat not for pride xii Lord, haue þou mynde, and ſchewe þee to vs in þe

and diſpit and ony coueytiſe of glorie Y dide þis þing, tyme of tribulacioun; and, Lord, kyng of goddis and of
þat Y worſchipide not Aaman mooſt proud; al power, ȝyue þou triſt to me;
xiii for Y was redi `wilfuli to kiſſe, ȝhe, þe ſteppis of hiſe xiii ȝyue þou a word wel dreſſid in my mouþ in þe ſiȝt of

feet for þe helþe of Iſrael, but Y dredde, þe lioun, and turne ouer his herte in to þe hatrede of
xiiii leſt Y ſchulde bere ouere to a man þe onour of my oure enemy, þat boþe he periſche, and oþere men þat
God, and leſt Y ſchulde worſchipe ony man outakun my conſenten to hym.
xiiii But delyuere vs in þin hond, and helpe me, hauynge
xv And now, Lord kyng, God of Abraham, haue þou noon oþere help no but þee, Lord, þat haſt þe kunnyng
merci on þi puple, for oure enemyes wolen leeſe vs, and of alle þingis;
xv and knowiſt þat Y hate þe glorie of wickid men, and
do awei þin eritage;
xvi diſpiſe not þi part, which þou aȝenbouȝtiſt fro Egipt. þat Y wlate þe bed of vncircumcidid men, and of ech
xvii Here þou my preier, and be þou merciful to þe lot, alien.
xvi Þou knowiſt my freelte and nede, þat Y holde
and þe part of þin eritage; and turne þou oure morenyng
in to ioie, þat we lyuynge herie þi name, Lord; and cloſe abhomynable þe ſigne of my pride and glorie, which is
þou not þe mouþis of men heriynge þee. on myn heed in þe daies of my ſchewyng, and þat Y
xviii And al Iſrael wiþ lijk mynde and biſechyng criede wlate it `as þe cloþ of a womman hauynge vncleene
to þe Lord, for certeyn deeþ neiȝede to hem. blood, and Y bere not in þe daies of my ſtilleneſſe,
xvii and þat Y eet not in þe boord of Aaman, neþer þe

CAP. XIIII feeſte of þe kyng pleſide me, and Y drank not þe wiyn
i Alſo þe queen Heſter fledde to þe Lord, and dredde þe of moiſte ſacrifices,
xviii and þat þin handmayde `was neuere glad, ſiþen Y
perel, þat neiȝede.
ii And whanne ſche hadde put awei þe kyngis cloþis, was tranſlatid hidur til in to preſent dai, no but in þee,
Lord God of Abraham.
ſche took cloþis couenable to wepyngis and morenyng; xix `God ſtronge aboue alle, here þou þe vois of hem,
and for dyuerſe oynementis ſche `fillide þe heed wiþ
aiſche and duſt, and `made meke hir bodi wiþ faſtyngys; þat han noon oþere hope, and delyuere þou vs fro þe
and wiþ tobreidyng awei of heeris, ſche fillide alle hond of wickid men, and delyuere þou me fro my
places, in which ſche was wont to be glad; drede.
iii and biſouȝte þe Lord God of Iſrael, and ſeide, My Alſo Y foond `þeſe wordis in þe comyn tranſlacioun.
Lord, which aloone art oure kyng, helpe me a womman
left aloone, and of whom noon oþere helpere is outakun CAP. XV
þee; i And `he ſente to hir, no doute þat ne Mardochee ſente
iiii my perel is in my hondis. to Heſter, þat ſche ſchulde entre to þe kyng, and preie
v Y haue herd of my fadir, þat þou, Lord, tokiſt awei for hir puple, and for hir cuntrei.
ii He ſeide, Be þou myndeful of þe daies of þi
Iſrael fro alle folkis, and oure fadris fro alle her grettere
men bifore, þat þou ſchuldiſt welde euerlaſtynge eritage; mekeneſſe, hou þou were nurſchid in myn hond; for
and þou haſt do to hem, as þou haſt ſpoke. Aaman, ordeyned þe ſecounde fro þe kyng, ſpak aȝens
vi We ſynneden in þi ſiȝt, and þerfor þou haſt bitake vs vs in to deþ;
iii and þou inwardli clepe þe Lord, and ſpeke to þe kyng
in to þe hondis of oure enemyes;
vii for we worſchipiden þe goddis of hem. for vs, and delyuere vs fro deeþ.
viii Lord, þou art iuſt; and now it ſuffiſiþ not to hem, þat iiii Forſoþe in þe þridde dai ſche `puttide of þe cloþis of

þei oppreſſen vs wiþ hardeſte ſeruage, but þei aretten þe hir ournyng, and was cumpaſſid wiþ hir glorie.
v And whanne ſche `ſchinede in þe kyngis cloþing, and
ſtrengþe of her hondis to þe power of idols,
ix and wolen chaunge þi biheeſtis, and do awei þin hadde inwardli clepid þe Gouernour of alle þingis and
eritage, and cloſe þe mouþis of men heriynge þee, and þe ſauȝour God, ſche took twei ſeruauntis,
vi and ſoþeli ſche leenyde on oon, as not ſuſteynynge to
quenche þe glorie of þi temple and auter,
x þat þei opene þe mouþis of heþene men, and preiſe þe bere hir body, for delices and ful greet tendirneſſe;
vii but þe toþer `of þe ſeruaunteſſis ſuede þe ladi, and bar
ſtrengþe of ydols, and preche a fleiſchli kyng wiþ outen
ende. vp þe cloþis fletinge doun `in to þe erþe.

viii `Soþeli ſche was biſched wiþ `colour of rooſis `in þe curteſie; but alſo þei demen, þat þei moun fle þe
cheer, and wiþ pleaſaunt and ſchynynge iȝen ſche hilide ſentence of God ſeynge alle þingis.
þe ſoreuful ſoule, and drawun togidere wiþ ful myche v And þei breken out in to ſo mych woodneſſe, þat þei
drede. enforſen wiþ þe roopis of leeſyngis to diſtrie hem, þat
ix Þerfor ſche entride þorouȝ alle þe doris bi ordre, and kepen diligentli offices bitakun to hem, and doen ſo alle
ſtood aȝens þe kyng, where he ſat on þe ſeete of his þingis, þat þei ben worþi þe preiſyng of alle men;
rewme, and was cloþid in þe kyngis cloþis, and vi while bi ſutil fraude `falſe men diſſeyuen þe ſymple
ſchynyde in gold and preciouſe ſtoonys, and was eeris of kyngis, `and geſſynge oþere men bi her owne
dredeful in ſiȝt. kynde.
x And whanne he hadde reiſid þe face, and hadde vii Which þing is preuyd boþe bi elde ſtories, and bi þeſe
ſchewid þe woodneſſe of herte wiþ brennynge iȝen, þe þingis þat ben doen ech dai; hou þe ſtudies of kyngis
queen felde doun; and whanne þe colour was chaungid ben maad ſchrewid bi yuele ſuggeſtiouns of ſummen.
in to paleneſſe, ſche reſtide þe heed ſlidun on þe viii Wherfor it is to purueye for þe pees of alle
handmaide. prouynces.
xi And God turnede þe ſpirit of þe kyng in to ix And þouȝ we comaunden dyuerſe þingis, ȝe owen not
myldeneſſe, and he haſtide, and dredde, `and ſkippyde to geſſe, þat it comeþ of þe vnſtableneſſe of oure ſoule;
out of þe ſeete; and he `ſuſteynede hir wiþ hiſe armes, til but þat we ȝyuen ſentence for þe maner and nede of
ſche cam aȝen to hir ſelf; and he ſpak faire bi þeſe tymes, as þe profit of þe comyn þing axiþ.
wordis, x And þat ȝe vndurſtonde opynliere þat, þat we ſeyen;
xii Heſter, what haſt þou? Y am þi broþer; nyle þou
Aaman, þe ſone of Amadathi, a man of Macedoyne bi
drede, þou ſchalt not die; ſoule and folk, and an alien fro þe blood of Perſis, and
xiii for þis lawe is not maad for þee, but for alle men. defoulynge oure pitee wiþ his cruelte, was a pilgrym,
xiiii Þerfor neiȝe þou, and touche þe ceptre, `þat is, þe eþir a ſtraunger, and was reſſeyued of vs;
kyngis ȝerde. xi and he feelide in hym ſilf ſo grete curteſie of vs, þat
xv And whanne ſche was ſtille, he took þe goldun ȝerde, he was clepid oure fadir, and was worſchipid of alle
and `puttide on hir necke; and he kiſſide hir, and ſeide, men þe ſecounde aftir þe kyng;
Why ſpekiſt þou not to me? xii which Aaman was reiſid in to ſo greet bolnyng of
xvi And ſche anſweride, Lord, Y ſiȝ þee as an aungel of pride, þat he enforſide to pryue us of þe rewme and
God, and myn herte was troblid for þe drede of þi ſpirit.
glorye; xiii For bi ſumme newe and vnherd caſtis he axide in to
xvii for, lord, þou art ful wondurful, and þi face is ful of deeþ Mardochee, bi whos feiþ and benefices we liuen,
graces. and þe felowe of oure rewme Heſter, wiþ al hir folk;
xviii And whanne ſche ſpak, eft ſche felde doun, and was xiiii and he þouȝte þeſe þingis, þat whanne þei weren

almeſt deed. ſlayn, he ſchulde ſette treſoun to `oure alooneneſſe, and

xix Soþeli þe kyng was troblid, and alle hiſe mynyſtris þat he ſchulde tranſlate þe rewme of Perſis in to
coumfortiden hir. Macedoynes.
xv Forſoþe we founden not þe Jewis in ony gilt outirli,
Þe ſaumpler of `þe lettre of þe kyng Artaxerſes,
which he ſente for þe Jewis to alle þe prouynces of þat weren ordeyned to deþ by þe worſte of deedli men;
his rewme; and þe ſame ſaumpler is not had in þe but aȝenward þat þei vſen iuſt lawis,
xvi and ben þe ſones of þe hiȝeſte and moſte God, and
book of Ebreu.
`euere lyuynge, bi whos benefice þe rewme was ȝouun
CAP. XVI boþe to oure fadris and to vs, and is kept `til to dai.
i Þe grete kyng Artaxerſes, fro Yinde `til to Ethiopie, xvii Wherfor wyte ȝe, þat þo lettris ben voide, whiche

ſeiþ helþe to þe duykis and pryncis of an hundrid and þilke Aaman ſente vndur oure name.
xviii For which greet treſpas boþe he þat ymagynede,
ſeuene and twenti prouynces, þat obeien to oure
comaundement. and al his kynrede, hangiþ in iebatis bifor þe ȝatis of þis
ii Many men myſuſen in to pride þe goodneſſe and citee, `þat is, Suſa; for not we, but God ȝeldide to hym
onour of princes, which is ȝouun to hem; þat, þat he deſſeruyde.
iii and not oneli þei enforſen to oppreſſe ſugetis to xix Forſoþe þis comaundement, which we ſenden now,

kyngis, but þei beren not glorie ȝouun to hem, and be ſet forþ in alle citees, þat it be leueful to Jewis to vſe
maken redy treſouns aȝens hem, þat ȝauen þe glorie. her lawis.
iiii And þei ben not apaied to do not þankyngis for xx `Whyche Jewis ȝe owen helpe, þat þei moun ſle hem,

benefices, and to defoule in hem ſilf þe lawis of þat maden hem ſilf redi to þe deeþ of Jewis, in þe

þrittenþe dai of þe twelueþe moneþe, which is clepyd
xxi for Almyȝti God turneþ þis dai of weilyng and
morenyng in to ioye to hem.
xxii Wherfor and ȝe han þis dai among oþere feeſte
daies, and halowe it wiþ al gladneſſe; þat it be knowun
xxiii þat alle men, þat obeien feiþfuli to Perſis, reſſeyuen
worþi meed for feiþ; ſoþeli þat þei, þat ſetten treſoun to
þe rewme of hem, periſchen for þe felony.
xxiiii Forſoþe ech prouynce and citee, þat wole not be
parcenere of þis ſolempnytee, periſche bi ſwerd and fier;
and be it `doon awey ſo, þat not oneli it be wiþ out weie
to men but alſo to beeſtis wiþ outen ende, for enſaumple
of diſpiſyng and vnobedience.
Here endiþ þe book of Heſter, and here bygynneþ þe
book of Job.

xvi And whanne he ſpak ȝit, anoþir cam, and ſeide, Fier
JOOB of God cam doun fro heuene, and waſtide ſcheep, and
Here bigynniþ þe bok of Joob. `children touchid; and Y aloone aſcapide for to telle `to
CAP. I xvii But ȝit þe while he ſpak, alſo anoþir cam, and ſeide,
i `A man, Joob bi name, was in þe lond of Hus; and Caldeis maden þre cumpenyes, and aſſailiden þe
þilke man was ſymple, and riȝtful, and dredynge God, camels, and token þo awei, and þei ſmytiden `alſo þe
and goynge awey fro yuel. children wiþ ſwerd; and Y aloone aſcapide to telle to
ii And ſeuene ſones and þre douȝtris weren borun to þee.
xviii And ȝit he ſpak, and, lo! anoþir entride, and ſeide,
iii and his poſſeſſioun was ſeuene þouſynde of ſcheep, While þi ſones and douȝtris eeten, and drunken wiyn in
and þre þouſynde of camels, and fyue hundrid ȝockis of þe hows of her firſte gendrid broþir,
xix a greet wynde felde yn ſudenli fro þe cooſt of deſert,
oxis, and fyue hundrid of femal aſſis, and ful myche
meynee; and `þilke man was grete among alle men of and ſchook foure corneris of þe hows, `which felde
þe eeſt. doun, and oppreſſide þi children, and þei ben deed; and
iiii And hiſe ſones ȝeden, and maden feeſtis bi houſis, Y aloone fledde to telle to þee.
xx Þanne Joob roos, and to-rente hiſe cloþis, and `wiþ
ech man in his day; and þei ſenten, and clepiden her þre
ſiſtris, `þat þei ſchulden ete, and drynke wiyn wiþ hem. pollid heed he felde doun on þe erþe, and worſchipide
v And whanne þe daies of feeſte hadden paſſid in to þe God,
xxi and ſeide, Y ȝede nakid out of þe wombe of my
world, Joob ſente to hem, and halewide hem, and he
roos eerli, and offride brent ſacrifices `bi alle. For he modir, Y ſchal turne aȝen nakid þidur; þe Lord ȝaf, þe
ſeide, Leſt perauenture my ſones do ſynne, and curſe Lord took awei; as it pleſide þe Lord, ſo `it is doon; þe
God in her hertis. Joob dide ſo in alle daies. name of þe Lord be bleſſid.
vi Forſoþe in ſum day, whanne þe ſones of God `weren xxii In alle þeſe þingis Joob ſynnede not in hiſe lippis,
comun to be preſent bifor þe Lord, alſo Sathan cam neþer ſpak ony fonned þing aȝens God.
among hem.
vii To whom þe Lord ſeide, Fro whennus comeſt þou? CAP. II
Which anſweride, and ſeide, Y haue cumpaſſid þe erþe, i Forſoþe it was doon, whanne in ſum dai þe ſones of
and Y haue walkid þorouȝ it. God `weren comun, and ſtoden bifor þe Lord, and
viii And þe Lord ſeide to hym, Wheþer þou haſt biholde Sathan `was comun among hem, and ſtood in his ſiȝt,
my ſeruaunt Joob, þat noon in erþe is lyik hym; he is a ii þat þe Lord ſeide to Sathan, Fro whennus comeſt þou?
ſymple man, and riȝtful, and dredynge God, and goynge Which anſweride, and ſeide, Y haue cumpaſſid þe erþe,
awei fro yuel? `and Y haue go þury it.
ix To whom Sathan anſweride, Wheþer Joob drediþ God iii And þe Lord ſeide to Sathan, Wheþir þou haſt biholde
veynli? my ſeruaunt Joob, þat noon in erþe is lijk hym; he is a
x Wheþir þou haſt not cumpaſſid hym, and his hows, ſymple man, and riȝtful, and dredynge God, and goynge
and al his catel bi cumpas? Þou haſt bleſſid þe werkis of awei fro yuel, and ȝit holdynge innocence? `But þou
hiſe hondis, and hiſe poſſeſſioun encreeſſide in erþe. haſt moued me aȝens him, þat `Y ſchulde turmente hym
xi But ſtretche forþ þin hond a litil, and touche þou alle in veyn.
iiii To whom Sathan anſweride, and ſeide, `A man ſchal
þingis whiche he haþ in poſſeſſioun; if he curſiþ not þee
`in þe face, `bileue not to me. ȝyue ſkyn for ſkyn, and alle þingis þat he haþ for his
xii Þerfor þe Lord ſeide to Sathan, Lo! alle þingis, lijf;
v `ellis ſende þin hond, and touche his boon and fleiſch,
whiche he haþ, ben in þin hond; oneli ſtretche þou not
forþ þin hond in to hym. And Sathan ȝede out fro þe and þanne þou ſchalt ſe, þat he ſchal curſe þee in þe
face of þe Lord. face.
xiii Soþeli whanne in ſum dai `hiſe ſones and douȝtris vi Þerfor þe Lord ſeide to Sathan, Lo! he is in `þin hond;

eeten, and drunken wiyn in þe hows of her firſte neþeles kepe þou his lijf.
gendrid broþir, vii Þerfor Sathan ȝede out fro þe face of þe Lord, and
xiiii a meſſanger cam to Job, `whiche meſſanger ſeide, ſmoot Joob wiþ `a ful wickid botche fro þe ſole of þe
Oxis eriden, and femal aſſis `weren leſewid biſidis þo; foot `til to his top;
xv and Sabeis felden yn, and token awey alle þingis, and viii which Joob ſchauyde þe quytere wiþ a ſchelle, `and

`ſmytiden þe children wiþ ſwerd; and Y aloone aſcapide ſat in þe dunghil.

for to telle to þee.

ix Forſoþe his wijf ſeide to hym, Dwelliſt þou ȝit in þi xvi eþir as a `þing hid not borun Y ſchulde not ſtonde,
ſympleneſſe? Curſe þou God, and die. eþir whiche conſeyued ſien not lyȝt.
x And Joob ſeide, Þou haſt ſpoke as oon of þe fonned xvii Þere wickid men ceeſſiden of noiſe, and þere men
wymmen; if we han take goodis of þe hond of þe Lord, maad wery of ſtrengþe reſtiden.
whi forſoþe ſuffren we not yuels? In alle þeſe þingis xviii And ſum tyme boundun togidere wiþ out diſeſe þei
Joob ſynnede not in hiſe lippis. herden not þe voys of þe wrongful axere.
xi Þerfor þre frendis of Joob herden al þe yuel, þat xix A litil man and greet man be þere, and a ſeruaunt
hadde bifelde to hym, and camen ech man fro his place, free fro his lord.
Eliphath Temanytes, and Baldach Suythes, and Sophar xx Whi is lyȝt ȝouun to þe wretche, and lijf to hem þat
Naamathites; for þei `hadden ſeide togidere to hem ſilf, ben in bitterneſſe of ſoule?
þat þei wolden come togidere, and viſite hym, and xxi Whiche abiden deeþ, and it comeþ not;
coumforte. xxii as men diggynge out treſour and ioien greetly,
xii And whanne þei hadden reiſid afer `her iȝen, þei
whanne þei han founde a ſepulcre?
knewen not hym; and þei crieden, and wepten, and to- xxiii Whi is lyȝt ȝouun to a man, whos weie is hid, and
renten her cloþis, and ſpreynten duſt on her heed `in to
God haþ cumpaſſid hym wiþ derkneſſis?
heuene. xxiiii Bifore þat Y ete, Y ſiȝhe; and as of watir flowynge,
xiii And þei ſaten wiþ hym in þe erþe ſeuene daies and
ſo is my roryng.
ſeuene nyȝtis, and no man ſpak a word to hym; for þei xxv For þe drede, which Y dredde, cam to me; and þat,
ſien, þat his ſorewe was greet.
þat Y ſchamede, bifelde.
xxvi Wheþer Y diſſymilide not? wheþer Y was not ſtille?
i Aftir þeſe þingis Joob openyde his mouþ, wheþer Y reſtide not? and indignacioun comeþ on me.
ii and curſide his dai, and ſeide, Periſche þe dai in which
Y was borun, i Forſoþe Eliphat Themanytes anſweride, and ſeide,
iii and þe nyȝt in which it was ſeid, Þe man is
ii If we bigynnen to ſpeke to þee, in hap þou ſchalt take
iiii Þilke dai be turnede in to derkneſſis; God ſeke not it it heuyli; but who may holde a word conſeyued?
iii Lo! þou haſt tauȝt ful many men, and þou haſt
aboue, and be it not in mynde, neþir be it liȝtned wiþ
lyȝt. ſtrengþid hondis maad feynt.
v Derkneſſis make it derk, and þe ſchadewe of deeþ and iiii Þi wordis confermyden men doutynge, and þou

myiſt occupie it; and be it wlappid wiþ bittirneſſe. coumfortidiſt knees tremblynge.
vi Derk whirlwynde holde þat niȝt; be it not rikynyd v But now a wounde is comun on þee, and þou haſt

among þe daies of þe ȝeer, neþir be it noumbrid among failid; it touchide þee, and þou art diſturblid.
vi Where is þi drede, þi ſtrengþe, and þi pacience, and
þe moneþes.
vii Þilke nyȝt be ſoleyn, and not worþi of preiſyng. þe perfeccioun of þi weies?
viii Curſe þei it, þat curſen þe dai, þat ben redi to reiſe vii Y biſeche þee, haue þou mynde, what innocent man

Leuyathan. periſchide euere, eþir whanne riȝtful men weren doon

ix Sterris be maad derk wiþ þe derkneſſe þerof; abide it awei?
viii Certis raþir Y ſiȝ hem, þat worchen wickidneſſe, and
lyȝt, and ſe it not, neþir þe bigynnyng of þe morwetid
riſyng vp. ſowen ſorewis,
x For it cloſide not þe doris of þe wombe, þat bar me, ix and repen þo, to haue periſchid bi God blowynge, and

neþir took awei yuels fro min iȝen. to be waſtid bi þe ſpirit of his ire.
xi Whi was not Y deed in þe wombe? whi ȝede Y out of x Þe roryng of a lioun, and þe vois of a lioneſſe, and þe

þe wombe, and periſchide not anoon? teeþ of `whelpis of liouns ben al to-brokun.
xii Whi was Y takun on knees? whi was Y ſuclid wiþ xi Tigris periſchide, for ſche hadde not prey; and þe

teetis? whelpis of a lioun ben diſtried.

xiii For now Y ſlepynge ſchulde be ſtille, and ſchulde xii Certis an hid word was ſeid to me, and myn eere took

reſte in my ſleep, as þeueli þe veynes of priuy noiſe þerof.

xiiii wiþ kyngis, and conſuls of erþe, þat bilden to hem xiii In þe hidouſneſſe of `nyȝtis ſiȝt, whanne heuy ſleep is

ſoleyn places; wont to occupie men,

xv eþir wiþ prynces þat han gold in poſſeſſioun, and xiiii drede and tremblyng helde me; and alle my boonys

fillen her houſis wiþ ſiluer; weren aferd.

xv And whanne þe ſpirit `ȝede in my preſence, þe heiris xvi And hope ſchal be to a nedi man, but wickidneſſe
of `my fleiſch hadden hidouſneſſe. ſchal drawe togidere his mouþ.
xvi Oon ſtood, whos chere Y knewe not, an ymage bifor xvii Bleſſid is þe man, which is chaſtiſid of þe Lord;
myn iȝen; and Y herde a vois as of ſofte wynd. þerfor repreue þou not þe blamyng of þe Lord.
xvii Wheþer a man ſchal be maad iuſt in compariſoun of xviii For he woundiþ, and doiþ medicyn; he ſmytiþ, and
God? eþir wheþir a man ſchal be clennere þan his hiſe hondis ſchulen make hool.
Makere? xix In ſixe tribulaciouns he ſchal delyuere þee, and in þe
xviii Lo! þei þat ſeruen hym ben not ſtidefaſt; and he ſeuenþe tribulacioun yuel ſchal not touche þee.
findiþ ſchrewidneſſe in hiſe aungels. xx In hungur he ſchal delyuere þee fro deeþ, and in batel
xix Hou myche more þei þat dwellen in houſis of cley, fro þe power of ſwerd.
þat han an erþeli foundement, ſchulen be waſtyd as of a xxi Þou ſchalt be hid fro þe ſcourge of tunge, and þou
mouȝte. ſchalt not drede myſeiſte, `eþir wretchidneſſe, whanne it
xx Fro morewtid til to euentid þei ſchulen be kit doun; comeþ.
and for no man vndurſtondiþ, þei ſchulen periſche wiþ xxii In diſtriyng maad of enemyes and in hungur þou
outen ende. ſchalt leiȝe, and þou ſchalt not drede þe beeſtis of erþe.
xxi Soþeli þei, þat ben reſidue, ſchulen be takun awei; xxiii But þi couenaunt ſchal be wiþ þe ſtonys of erþe,
þei ſchulen die, and not in wiſdom. and beeſtis of erþe ſchulen be peſible to þee.
xxiiii And þou ſchalt wite, þat þi tabernacle haþ pees,
CAP. V and þou viſitynge þi fairneſſe ſchalt not do ſynne.
i Þerfor clepe þou, if `ony is þat ſchal anſwere þee, and xxv And þou ſchalt wite alſo, þat þi ſeed ſchal be many
turne þou to ſumme of ſeyntis. fold, and þi generacioun ſchal be as an erbe of erþe.
ii Wraþfulneſſe ſleeþ `a fonned man, and enuye ſleeþ a xxvi In abundaunce þou ſchalt go in to þe ſepulcre, as an
litil child. heep of wheete is borun in his tyme.
iii Y ſiȝ a fool wiþ ſtidefaſt rote, and Y curſide his xxvii Lo! þis is ſo, as we han ſouȝt; which þing herd,
feirneſſe anoon. trete þou in minde.
iiii Hiſe ſones ſchulen be maad fer fro helþe, and þei
ſchulen be defoulid in þe ȝate, and `noon ſchal be þat CAP. VI
ſchal delyuere hem. i Forſoþe Joob anſweride, and ſeide,
v Whos ripe corn an hungri man ſchal ete, and an armed ii Y wolde, þat my ſynnes, bi whiche Y `deſſeruede ire,
man ſchal rauyſche hym, and þei, þat þirſten, ſchulen and þe wretchidneſſe which Y ſuffre, weren peiſid in a
drynke hiſe richeſſis. balaunce.
vi No þing is doon in erþe wiþ out cauſe, and ſorewe iii As þe grauel of þe ſee, þis wretchidneſſe ſchulde
ſchal not go out of þe erþe. appere greuouſere; wherfor and my wordis ben ful of
vii A man is borun to labour, and a brid to fliȝt.
viii Wherfor Y ſchal biſeche þe Lord, and Y ſchal ſette iiii For þe arowis of þe Lord ben in me, þe indignacioun
my ſpeche to my God. of whiche drynkiþ vp my ſpirit; and þe dredis of þe
ix Þat makiþ grete þingis, and þat moun not be ſouȝt out, Lord fiȝten aȝens me.
and wondurful þingis wiþ out noumbre. v Wheþer a feeld aſſe ſchal rore, whanne he haþ gras?
x Which ȝyueþ reyn on þe face of erþe, and moiſtiþ alle Eþir wheþer an oxe ſchal lowe, whanne he ſtondiþ byfor
þingis wiþ watris. a `ful cratche?
xi Which ſettiþ meke men an hiȝ, and reiſiþ wiþ helþe vi Eþer wheþir a þing vnſauery may be etun, which is
hem þat morenen. not maad ſauery bi ſalt? Eþer wheþer ony man may
xii Which diſtrieþ þe þouȝtis of yuel willid men, þat her taaſte a þing, which taſtid bryngiþ deeþ? For whi to an
hondis moun not fille þo þingis þat þei bigunnen. hungri ſoule, ȝhe, bittir þingis ſemen to be ſwete; þo
xiii Which takiþ cautelouſe men in þe felneſſe `of hem, þingis whiche my ſoule nolde touche bifore, ben now
and diſtrieþ þe counſel of ſchrewis. my meetis for angwiſch.
xiiii Bi dai þei ſchulen renne in to derkneſſis, and as in viii Who ȝyueþ, þat myn axyng come; and þat God ȝyue

nyȝt ſo þei ſchulen grope in myddai. to me þat, þat Y abide?

xv Certis God ſchal make ſaaf a nedi man fro þe ſwerd ix And he þat bigan, al to-breke me; releeſſe he his

of her mouþ, and a pore man fro þe hond of þe violent, hond, and kitte me doun?
x And `þis be coumfort to me, þat he turmente me wiþ
`eþir rauynour.
ſorewe, and ſpare not, and þat Y aȝenſeie not þe wordis
of þe hooli.

xi For whi, what is my ſtrengþe, þat Y ſuffre? eþir which v Mi fleiſch is cloþid wiþ rot, and filþis of duſt; my ſkyn
is myn ende, þat Y do pacientli? driede vp, and is drawun togidere.
xii Neþir my ſtrengþe is þe ſtrengþe of ſtoonus, neþer vi My daies paſſiden ſwiftliere þanne a web is kit doun
my fleiſch is of bras. `of a webſtere; and þo daies ben waſtid wiþ outen ony
xiii Lo! noon help is to me in me; alſo my meyneal hope.
frendis `ȝeden awey fro me. vii God, haue þou mynde, for my lijf is wynde, and myn
xiiii He þat takiþ awei merci fro his frend, forſakiþ þe iȝe ſchal not turne aȝen, þat it ſe goodis.
drede of þe Lord. viii Neþir þe ſiȝt of man ſchal biholde me; but þin iȝen
xv My briþeren paſſiden me, as a ſtronde doiþ, þat paſſiþ ben in me, and Y ſchal not `be in deedli lijf.
ruſchyngli in grete valeis. ix As a cloude is waſtid, and paſſiþ, ſo he þat goiþ doun
xvi Snow ſchal come on hem, þat dreden froſt. to helle, ſchal not ſtie;
xvii In þe tyme wherynne þei ben ſcaterid, þei ſchulen x neþer ſchal turne aȝen more in to his hows, and his

periſche; and as þei ben hoote, þei ſchulen be vnknyt fro place ſchal no more knowe hym.
her place. xi Wherfor and Y ſchal not ſpare my mouþ; Y ſchal
xviii Þe paþis of her ſteppis ben wlappid; þei ſchulen go ſpeke in þe tribulacioun of my ſpirit, Y ſchal talke
in veyn, and ſchulen periſche. togidere wiþ þe bitterneſſe of my ſoule.
xix Biholde ȝe þe paþis of Theman, and þe weies of xii Wheþer Y am þe ſee, eþir a whal, for þou haſt

Saba; and abide ȝe a litil. cumpaſſid me wiþ priſoun?

xx Þei ben ſchent, for Y hopide; and þei camen `til to xiii If Y ſeie, My bed ſchal coumfort me, and Y ſchal be

me, and þei ben hilid wiþ ſchame. releeuyd, ſpekynge wiþ me in my bed;
xxi Now ȝe ben comun, and now ȝe ſeen my wounde, xiiii þou ſchalt make me aferd bi dremys, and þou ſchalt

and dreden. ſchake me wiþ `orrour, eþir hidouſneſſe, `bi ſiȝtis.

xxii Wheþer Y ſeide, Brynge ȝe to me, and ȝiue ȝe of xv Wherfor my ſoule `chees hangyng, and my boonys

ȝoure catel to me? eþir, cheeſiden deþ.

xxiii Delyuere ȝe me fro þe hond of enemy, and rauyſche xvi `Y diſpeiride, now Y ſchal no more lyue; Lord, ſpare

ȝe me fro þe hond of ſtronge men? þou me, for my daies ben nouȝt.
xxiiii Teche ȝe me, and Y ſchal be ſtille; and if in hap Y xvii What is a man, for þou `magnifieſt hym? eþer what

vnknew ony þing, teche ȝe me. ſettiſt þou þin herte toward hym?
xxv Whi han ȝe depraued þe wordis of trewþe? ſiþen xviii Þou viſitiſt hym eerly, and ſudeynli þou preueſt

noon is of ȝou, þat may repreue me. hym.

xxvi Ȝe maken redi ſpechis oneli for to blame, and ȝe xix Hou long ſpariſt þou not me, neþer ſuffriſt me, þat Y

bryngen forþ wordis in to wynde. ſwolowe my ſpotele?

xxvii Ȝe fallen in on a fadirles child, and enforſen to xx Y haue ſynned; A! þou kepere of men, what ſchal Y

peruerte ȝoure frend. do to þee? Whi haſt þou ſet me contrarie to þee, and Y
xxviii Neþeles fille ȝe þat, þat ȝe han bigunne; ȝyue ȝe þe am maad greuouſe to my ſilf?
xxi Whi doiſt þou not awei my ſinne, and whi takiſt þou
eere, and ſe ȝe, wheþer Y lie.
xxix Y biſeche, anſwere ȝe wiþ out ſtrijf, and ſpeke ȝe, not awei my wickidneſſe? Lo! now Y ſchal ſlepe in duſt,
and deme ȝe þat, þat is iuſt. and if þou ſekiſt me eerli, Y ſchal not abide.
xxx And ȝe ſchulen not fynde wickidneſſe in my tunge,
neþir foli ſchal ſowne in my chekis. CAP. VIII
i Soþeli Baldath Suytes anſweride, and ſeide,
ii Hou longe ſchalt þou ſpeke ſiche þingis? Þe ſpirit of
i Knyȝthod is lijf of man on erþe, and his daies ben as þe word of þi mouþ is manyfold.
iii Wheþer God ſupplauntiþ, `eþir diſſeyueþ, doom, and
þe daies of an hired man.
ii As an hert deſireþ ſchadowe, and as an hirede man wheþer Almyȝti God diſtrieþ þat, þat is iuſt?
iiii Ȝhe, þouȝ þi ſones ſynneden aȝens hym, and he lefte
abideþ þe ende of his werk;
iii ſo and Y hadde voide moneþis, and Y noumbrede hem in þe hond of her wickidneſſe;
v neþeles, if þou riſiſt eerli to God, and biſechiſt
trauailous niȝtes to me.
iiii If Y ſchal ſlepe, Y ſchal ſeie, Whanne ſchal Y riſe? `Almyȝti God, if þou goiſt clene and riȝtful,
vi anoon he ſchal wake fulli to þee, and ſchal make
and eft Y ſchal abide þe euentid, and Y ſchal be fillid
wiþ ſorewis `til to derkneſſis. peſible þe dwellyng place of þi ryȝtfulneſſe;

vii in ſo miche þat þi formere þingis weren litil, and þat x Which makiþ grete þingis, and þat moun not be ſouȝt
þi laſte þingis be multiplied greetli. out, and wondurful þingis, of whiche is noon noumbre.
viii For whi, axe þou þe formere generacioun, and ſeke xi If he comeþ to me, `þat is, bi his grace, Y ſchal not ſe
þou diligentli þe mynde of fadris. For we ben men of hym; if he goiþ awey, `þat is, in wiþdrawynge his grace,
ȝiſtirdai, and `kunnen not; for oure daies ben as Y ſchal not vndurſtonde.
ſchadewe on þe erþe. xii If he axiþ ſodeynli, who ſchal anſwere to hym? eþir
x And þei ſchulen teche þee, þei ſchulen ſpeke to þee, who may ſeie to hym, Whi doiſt þou ſo?
and of her herte þei ſchulen bring forþ ſpechis. xiii `God is he, whos wraþþe no man may wiþſtonde;
xi Wheþer a ruſche may lyue wiþ out moyſture? eþir a and vndur whom þei ben bowid, þat beren þe world.
ſpier `may wexe wiþ out watir? xiiii Hou greet am Y, þat Y anſwere to hym, and ſpeke bi
xii Whanne it is ȝit in þe flour, neþir is takun wiþ hond, my wordis wiþ hym?
it wexeþ drie bifor alle erbis. xv Which alſo ſchal not anſwere, þouȝ Y haue ony þing
xiii So þe weies of alle men, þat forȝeten God; and þe iuſt; but Y ſchal biſeche my iuge.
hope of an ypocrite ſchal periſche. xvi And whanne he haþ herd me inwardli clepynge, Y
xiiii His cowardiſe ſchal not pleſe hym, and his triſt ſchal bileue not, þat he haþ herd my vois.
be as a web of yreyns. xvii For in a whirlewynd he ſchal al to-breke me, and he
xv He ſchal leene, `eþer reſte, on his hows, and it ſchal ſchal multiplie my woundis, ȝhe, wiþout cauſe.
not ſtonde; he ſchal vndurſette it, and it ſchal not riſe xviii He grauntiþ not, þat my ſpirit haue reſte, and he
togidere. filliþ me wiþ bittirneſſes.
xvi Þe ruſche ſemeþ moiſt, bifor þat þe ſunne come; and xix If ſtrengþe is ſouȝt, `he is mooſt ſtrong; if equyte of
in þe riſyng of þe ſunne þe ſeed þerof ſchal go out. doom is ſouȝt, no man dar ȝelde witneſſynge for me.
xvii Rootis þerof ſchulen be maad þicke on an heep of xx If Y wole make me iuſt, my mouþ ſchal dampne me;
ſtoonys, and it ſchal dwelle among ſtoonys. if Y ſchal ſchewe me innocent, he ſchal preue me a
xviii If a man drawiþ it out of `his place, his place ſchal ſchrewe.
denye it, and ſchal ſeie, Y knowe þee not. xxi Ȝhe, þouȝ Y am ſymple, my ſoule ſchal not knowe
xix For þis is þe gladneſſe of his weie, þat eft oþere þis ſame þing; and it ſchal anoye me of my lijf.
ruſchis ſpringe out of þe erþe. xxii O þing is, which Y ſpak, he ſchal waſte `bi deþ alſo
xx Forſoþe God ſchal not caſte a wei a ſymple man, þe innocent and wickid man.
neþir ſchal dreſſe hond to wickid men; xxiii If he betiþ, ſle he onys, and leiȝe he not of þe
xxi til þi mouþ be fillid wiþ leiȝtir, and þi lippis wiþ peynes of innocent men.
hertli ſong. xxiiii Þe erþe is ȝouun in to þe hondis of þe wickid; he
xxii Þei þat haten þee ſchulen be cloþid wiþ ſchenſchip; hiliþ þe face of iugis; þat if he is not, who þerfor is?
and þe tabernacle of wickid men ſchal not ſtonde. xxv Mi daies weren ſwiftere þan a corour; þei fledden,
and ſien not good.
CAP. IX xxvi Þei paſſiden as ſchippis berynge applis, as an egle
i Joob anſweride, and ſeide, Verili Y woot, þat it is ſo,
fleynge to mete.
ii and þat a man compariſound to God ſchal not be maad xxvii Whanne Y ſeie, Y ſchal not ſpeke ſo; Y chaunge my
iuſt. face, and Y am turmentid wiþ ſorewe.
iii If he wole ſtryue wiþ God, he may not anſwere to xxviii Y drede alle my werkis, witynge þat þou `woldiſt
God oon for a þouſynde. not ſpare þe treſpaſſour.
iiii He is wiys in herte, and ſtrong in myȝt; who xxix Soþeli if Y am alſo þus wickid, whi haue Y trauelid
aȝenſtood hym, and hadde pees? in veyn?
v Which bar hillis fro o place to anoþir, and þei wiſten xxx Þouȝ Y am waiſchun as wiþ watris of ſnow, and
not; whiche he diſtriede in his ſtrong veniaunce. þouȝ myn hondis ſchynen as mooſt cleene,
vi Which ſtiriþ þe erþe fro his place, and þe pilers þerof xxxi neþeles þou ſchalt dippe me in filþis, and my cloþis,
ſchulen `be ſchakun togidere. `þat is, werkis, ſchulen holde me abhomynable.
vii Which comaundiþ to þe ſunne, and it riſiþ not; and he xxxii Trewli Y ſchal not anſwere a man, which is lijk me;
cloſiþ þe ſterris, as vndur a ſignet. neþer þat may be herd euenli wiþ me in doom.
viii Which aloone ſtretchiþ forþ heuenes, and goiþ on þe xxxiii `Noon is, þat may repreue euer eiþir, and ſette his
wawis of þe ſee. hond in boþe.
ix Which makiþ Ariture, and Orionas, and Hiadas, `þat xxxiiii Do he awei his ȝerde fro me, and his drede make
is, ſeuene ſterris, and þe innere þingis of þe ſouþ. not me aferd.

xxxv Y ſchal
ſpeke, and Y ſchal not drede hym; for Y xxii whereis ſchadewe of deeþ, and noon ordre, but
may not anſwere dredynge. euerlaſtynge hidouſneſſe dwelliþ.

i Yt anoieþ my ſoule of my lijf; Y ſchal lete my ſpeche i Forſoþe Sophar Naamathites anſweride, and ſeide,
aȝens me, Y ſchal ſpeke in þe bitterneſſe of my ſoule. ii Wheþer he, þat ſpekiþ many þingis, ſchal not alſo
ii Y ſchal ſeie to God, Nyle þou condempne me; ſchewe here? eþer wheþir a man ful of wordis ſchal be maad
þou to me, whi þou demeſt me ſo. iuſt?
iii Wheþer it ſemeþ good to þee, if þou `falſli chalengiſt iii Schulen men be ſtille to þee aloone? whanne þou haſt
and oppreſſiſt me, þe werk of þin hondis; and if þou ſcorned oþere men, ſchalt þou not be ouercomun of ony
helpiſt þe counſel of wickid men? man?
iiii Wheþir fleiſchli iȝen ben to þee, eþir, as a man ſeeþ, iiii For þou ſeidiſt, My word is cleene, and Y am cleene
alſo þou ſchalt ſe? in þi ſiȝt.
v Wheþer þi daies ben as þe daies of man, and `þi ȝeeris v And `Y wolde, þat God ſpak wiþ þee, and openyde
ben as mannus tymes; hiſe lippis to þee;
vi þat þou enquere my wickidneſſe, and enſerche my vi to ſchewe to þee þe priuetees of wiſdom, and þat his
ſynne? lawe is manyfold, and þou ſchuldiſt vndurſtonde, þat
vii And wite, þat Y haue do no `wickid þing; ſiþen no þou art requirid of hym to paie myche leſſe þingis, þan
man is, þat may delyuere fro þin hond? þi wickidneſſe diſſerueþ.
viii Þin hondis han maad me, and han formed me al in vii In hap þou ſchalt comprehende þe ſteppis of God,

cumpas; and þou caſtiſt me doun ſo ſodeynli. and þou ſchalt fynde Almyȝti God `til to perfeccioun.
ix Y preye, haue þou mynde, þat þou madiſt me as cley, viii He is hiȝere þan heuene, and what ſchalt þou do? he

and ſchalt brynge me aȝen in to duſt. is deppere þan helle, and wherof ſchalt þou knowe?
x Wheþer þou haſt not mylkid me as mylk, and haſt ix His meſure is lengere þan erþe, and brodere þan þe

cruddid me togidere as cheeſe? ſee.

xi Þou cloþidiſt me wiþ ſkyn and fleiſch; þou haſt ioyned x If he diſtrieþ alle þingis, eþir dryueþ ſtreitli `in to oon,

me togidere wiþ boonys and ſenewis. who ſchal aȝenſeie hym? Eþir who may ſeie to hym,
xii Þou haſt ȝoue lijf and mercy to me, and þi viſiting Whi doeſt þou ſo?
xi For he knowiþ þe vanyte of men; and wheþer he
haþ kept my ſpirit.
xiii Þouȝ þou heliſt þeſe þingis in þin herte, neþeles Y ſeynge byholdiþ not wickidneſſe?
xii A veyn man is reiſid in to pride; and geſſiþ hym ſilf
woot, þat þou haſt mynde of alle þingis.
xiiii If Y dide ſynne, and þou ſparidiſt me at an our; whi borun fre, as þe colt of a wilde aſſe.
xiii But þou haſt maad ſtidefaſt þin herte, and haſt ſpred
ſuffriſt þou not me to be cleene of my wickidneſſe?
xv And if Y was wickid, wo is to me; and if Y was iuſt, abrood þin hondis to hym.
xiiii If þou doeſt awei `fro þee þe wickidneſſe, which is
Y fillid wiþ turment and wretchidneſſe `ſchal not reiſe
þe heed. in þin hond, and vnriȝtfulneſſe dwelliþ not in þi
xvi And if Y reiſe `þe heed for pride, þou ſchalt take me tabernacle,
xv þanne þou ſchalt mowe reiſe þi face wiþ out wem,
as a lioneſſe; and þou turneſt aȝen, and turmentiſt me
wondirli. and þou ſchalt be ſtidefaſt, and þou ſchalt not drede.
xvii Þou gaderiſt in ſtore þi witneſſis aȝens me, and þou xvi And þou ſchalt forȝete wretchidneſſe, and þou ſchalt

multiplieſt þin yre, `þat is, veniaunce, aȝens me; and not þenke of it, as of watris þat han paſſid.
peynes holden knyȝthod in me. xvii And as myddai ſchynynge it ſchal reiſe to þee at
xviii Whi haſt þou led me out of þe wombe? `And Y euentid; and whanne þou geſſiſt þee waſtid, þou ſchalt
wolde, þat Y were waſtid, leſt an iȝe `ſchulde ſe me. riſe vp as þe dai ſterre.
xix Þat Y hadde be, as if Y were not, and `were xviii And þou ſchalt haue triſt, while hope ſchal be ſet

tranſlatid, eþir borun ouer, fro þe wombe to þe ſepulcre. forþ to þee; and þou biried ſchalt ſlepe ſikurli.
xx Wheþer þe fewneſſe of my daies ſchal not be endid in xix Þou ſchalt reſte, and `noon ſchal be þat ſchal make

ſchort? Þerfor ſuffre þou me, þat Y biweile `a litil my þee aferd; and ful many men ſchulen biſeche þi face.
ſorewe, xx But þe iȝen of wickid men ſchulen faile; and ſocour
xxi bifor þat Y go, and turne not aȝen, to þe derk lond, ſchal periſche fro hem, and þe hope of hem ſchal be
and hilid wiþ þe derkneſſe of deþ, to þe lond of abhominacyioun of ſoule.
wrecchidneſſe and of derkneſſis;

CAP. XII xxiiii Which chaungiþ þe herte of princes of þe puple of
i Soþeli Joob anſweride, and ſeide, erþe; and diſſeyueþ hem, þat þei go in veyn out of þe
ii Þerfor ben ȝe men aloone, þat wiſdom dwelle wiþ weie.
ȝou? xxv Þei ſchulen grope, as in derkneſſis, and not in lyȝt;
iii And to me is an herte, as and to ȝou, and Y am not and he ſchal make hem to erre as drunken men.
lowere þan ȝe; for who knowiþ not þeſe þingis, whiche
ȝe knowen? CAP. XIII
iiii He þat is ſcorned of his frend, as Y am, ſchal inwardli i Lo! myn iȝe ſiȝ alle þingis, and myn eere herde; and Y

clepe God, and God ſchal here hym; for þe ſympleneſſe vndurſtood alle þingis.
of a iuſt man is ſcorned. ii Euene wiþ ȝoure kunnyng alſo Y kan, and Y am not
v A laumpe is diſpiſid at þe þouȝtis of riche men, and þe lowere þan ȝe.
laumpe is maad redi to a tyme ordeyned. iii But neþeles Y ſchal ſpeke to Almyȝti God, and Y
vi Þe tabernaclis of robberis ben plenteuouſe, `eþer ful coueite to diſpute wiþ God;
of goodis; and boldli þei terren God to wraþþe, whanne iiii and firſte Y ſchewe ȝou makeris of leeſyng, and
he haþ ȝoue alle þingis in to her hondis. louyeris of weyward techyngis.
vii No wondur, ax þou beeſtis, and þo ſchulen teche þee; v And `Y wolde þat ȝe weren ſtille, þat ȝe weren geſſid
and axe þou volatilis of þe eir, and þo ſchulen ſchewe to to be wiſe men.
þee. vi Þerfor here ȝe my chaſtiſyngis; and perſeyue ȝe þe
viii Speke þou to þe erþe, and it ſchal anſwere þee; and doom of my lippis.
þe fiſchis of þe ſee ſchulen telle þo þingis. vii Wheþer God haþ nede to ȝoure leeſyng, þat ȝe ſpeke
ix Who knowiþ not þat þe hond of þe Lord made alle gilis for hym?
þeſe þingis? viii Wheþer ȝe taken his face, and enforſen to deme for
x In whos hond þe ſoule is of ech lyuynge þing, and þe God?
ſpirit, `þat is, reſonable ſoule, of ech fleiſch of man. ix Eþir it ſchal pleſe hym, fro whom no þing mai be hid?
xi Wheþer þe eere demeþ not wordis, and þe chekis of Wheþer he as a man ſchal be diſſeyued wiþ ȝoure
þe etere demen ſauour? falſneſſis?
xii Wiſdom is in elde men, and prudence is in myche x He ſchal repreue ȝou; for ȝe taken his face in hiddlis.
tyme. xi Anoon as he ſchal ſtire hym, he ſchal diſturble ȝou;
xiii Wiſdom and ſtrengþe is at God; he haþ counſel and and his drede ſchal falle on ȝou.
vndurſtondyng. xii Ȝoure mynde ſchal be compariſound to aiſche; and
xiiii If he diſtrieþ, no man is þat bildiþ; if he ſchittiþ in a ȝoure nollis ſchulen be dryuun in to clei.
man, `noon is þat openiþ. xiii Be ȝe ſtille a litil, þat Y ſpeke, what euer þing þe
xv If he holdiþ togidere watris, alle þingis ſchulen be mynde haþ ſchewid to me.
maad drie; if he ſendiþ out þo watris, þo ſchulen diſtrie xiiii Whi to-rende Y my fleiſchis wiþ my teeþ, and bere
þe erþe. my lijf in myn hondis?
xvi Strengþe and wiſdom is at God; he knowiþ boþe xv Ȝhe, þouȝ God ſleeþ me, Y ſchal hope in hym;
hym þat diſſeyueþ and hym þat is diſſeyued. neþeles Y ſchal preue my weies in his ſiȝt.
xvii And he bryngiþ conſelours in to a fonned eende, and xvi And he ſchal be my ſauȝour; for whi ech ypocrite
iugis in to wondryng, eþir aſtonying. ſchal not come in his ſiȝt.
xviii He vnbindiþ þe girdil of kyngis, and girdiþ her xvii Here ȝe my word, and perſeyue ȝe wiþ eeris derke
reynes wiþ a coorde. and harde figuratif ſpechis.
xix He lediþ her preſtis wiþ out glorie, and he diſſeyueþ xviii Yf Y ſchal be demed, Y woot þat Y ſchal be
þe principal men, `eþir counſelours; foundun iuſt.
xx and he chaungiþ þe lippis of ſoþefaſt men, and takiþ xix Who is he þat is demed wiþ me? Come he; whi am Y
awei þe doctrine of elde men. ſtille, and am waſtid?
xxi He ſchediþ out diſpiſyng on princes, and releeueþ xx Do þou not to me twei þingis oneli; and þanne Y
hem, þat weren oppreſſid. ſchal not be hid fro þi face.
xxii Which ſchewiþ depe þingis fro derkneſſis; and xxi Make þin hond fer fro me; and þi drede make not me
bryngiþ forþ in to lyȝt þe ſchadewe of deeþ. aferd.
xxiii Which multiplieþ folkis, and leeſiþ hem, and xxii Clepe þou me, and Y ſchal anſwere þee; eþir certis Y
reſtoriþ hem deſtried in to þe hool. ſchal ſpeke, and þou ſchalt anſwere me.

xxiii Hou grete ſynnes and wickidneſſis haue Y? Schewe xvi Soþeli þou haſt noumbrid my ſteppis; but ſpare þou
þou to me my felonyes, and treſpaſſis. my ſynnes.
xxiiii Whi hidiſt þou þi face, and demeſt me þin enemy? xvii Þou haſt ſeelid as in a bagge my treſpaſſis, but þou
xxv Þou ſchewiſt þi myȝt aȝens a leef, which is rauyſchid haſt curid my wickidneſſe.
wiþ þe wynd; and þou purſueſt drye ſtobil. xviii An hil fallynge droppiþ doun; and a rooche of ſtoon
xxvi For þou writiſt bitterneſſis aȝens me; and wolt waſte is borun ouer fro his place.
me wiþ þe ſynnes of my ȝong wexynge age. xix Watris maken ſtoonys holowe, and þe erþe is waſtid
xxvii Þou haſt ſet my foot in a ſtok, and þou haſt kept alle litil and litil bi waiſchyng a wey of watir; and þerfor
my paþis; and þou haſt biholde þe ſteppis of my feet. þou ſchalt leeſe men in lijk maner.
xxviii And Y ſchal be waſtid as rot, and as a cloþ, which xx Þou madiſt a man ſtrong a litil, þat he ſchulde paſſe

is etun of a mouȝte. wiþ outen ende; þou ſchalt chaunge his face, and ſchalt
ſende hym out.
CAP. XIIII xxi Wheþer hiſe ſones ben noble, eþer vnnoble, he ſchal
i A man is borun of a womman, and lyueþ ſchort tyme, not vndurſtonde.
and is fillid wiþ many wretchidneſſis. xxii Neþeles his fleiſch, while he lyueþ, ſchal haue
ii Which goiþ out, and is defoulid as a flour; and fleeþ ſorewe, and his ſoule ſchal morne on hym ſilf.
as ſchadewe, and dwelliþ neuere perfitli in þe ſame
ſtaat. CAP. XV
iii And geſſiſt þou it worþi to opene þin iȝen on ſiche a i Forſoþe Eliphat Themanytes anſweride, and ſeide,

man; and to brynge hym in to doom wiþ þee? ii Wheþer a wiſe man ſchal anſwere, as ſpekynge aȝens
iiii Who may make a man clene conſeyued of vnclene þe wynd, and ſchal fille his ſtomac wiþ brennyng, `þat
ſeed? Wheþer not þou, which art aloone? is, ire?
v Þe daies of man ben ſchorte, þe noumbre of his iii For þou repreueſt hym bi wordis, which is not lijk

moneþis is at þee; þou haſt ſet, eþir ordeyned, hiſe þee, and þou ſpekiſt þat, þat ſpediþ not to þee.
termes, whiche moun not be paſſid. iiii As myche as is in þee, þou haſt avoidid drede; and
vi Þerfor go þou awey fro hym a litil, `þat is, bi þou haſt take awey preyeris bifor God.
wiþdrawyng of bodili lijf, þat he haue reſte; til þe v For wickidneſſe haþ tauȝt þi mouþ, and þou ſueſt þe
meede coueitid come, and his dai is as þe dai of an hirid tunge of blasfemeris.
man. vi Þi tunge, and not Y, ſchal condempne þee, and þi
vii A tree haþ hope, if it is kit doun; and eft it wexiþ lippis ſchulen anſwere þee.
greene, and hiſe braunches ſpreden forþ. vii Wheþer þou art borun þe firſte man, and art formed
viii If þe roote þerof is eeld in þe erþe, and þe ſtok þerof bifor alle little hillis?
is nyȝ deed in duſt; viii Wheþer þou herdiſt þe counſel of God, and his
ix it ſchal buriowne at þe odour of watir, and it ſchal wiſdom is lower þan þou?
make heer, as whanne it was plauntid firſt. ix What þing knowiſt þou, whiche we knowen not?
x But whanne a man is deed, and maad nakid, and What þing vndurſtondiſt þou, whiche we witen not?
waſtid; Y preye, where is he? x Boþe wiſe men and elde, myche eldre þan þi fadris,
xi As if watris goen awei fro þe ſee, and a ryuer maad ben among vs.
voide wexe drie, xi Wheþer it is greet, þat God coumforte þee? But þi
xii ſo a man, whanne he haþ ſlept, `þat is, deed, he ſchal ſchrewid wordis forbeden þis.
not riſe aȝen, til heuene be brokun, `þat is, be maad xii What reiſiþ þin herte þee, and þou as þenkynge grete
newe; he ſchal not wake, neþer he ſchal ryſe togidere þingis haſt iȝen aſtonyed?
fro his ſleep. xiii What bolneþ þi ſpirit aȝens God, þat þou brynge forþ
xiii Who ȝiueþ þis to me, þat þou defende me in helle,
of þi mouþ ſiche wordis?
and þat þou hide me, til þi greet veniaunce paſſe; and xiiii What is a man, þat he be wiþ out wem, and þat he
þou ſette to me a tyme, in which þou haue mynde on borun of a womman appere iuſt?
me? xv Lo! noon among hiſe ſeyntis is vnchaungable, and
xiiii Geſſiſt þou, wheþir a deed man ſchal lyue aȝen? In
heuenes ben not cleene in his ſiȝt.
alle þe daies, in whiche Y holde knyȝthod, now Y abide, xvi How myche more a man abhomynable and
til my chaungyng come. vnprofitable, þat drynkiþ wickidneſſe as water?
xv Þou ſchalt clepe me, and Y ſchal anſwere þee; þou
xvii I ſchal ſchewe to þee, here þou me; Y ſchal telle to
ſchalt dreſſe þe riȝt half, `þat is, blis, to þe werk of þin þee þat, þat Y ſiȝ.

xviii Wiſe men knoulechen, and hiden not her fadris. vi Y wolde make ȝou ſtronge bi my mouþ, and Y wolde
xix To whiche aloone þe erþe is ȝouun, and an alien moue lippis as ſparynge ȝou.
ſchal not paſſe bi hem. vii But what ſchal Y do? If Y ſpeke, my ſorewe reſtiþ
xx A wickid man is proud in alle hiſe daies; and þe not; and if Y am ſtille, it goiþ not awei fro me.
noumbre of hiſe ȝeeris and of his tirauntrie is vncerteyn. viii But now my ſorewe haþ oppreſſid me, and alle my
xxi Þe ſown of drede is euere in hiſe eeris, and whanne lymes ben dryuun in to nouȝt.
pees is, he ſuppoſiþ euere treſouns. ix My ryuelyngis ſeien witneſſyng aȝens me, and a fals
xxii He bileueþ not þat he may turne aȝen fro derkneſſis ſpekere is reiſid aȝens my face, and aȝenſeiþ me.
to lyȝt; and biholdiþ aboute on ech ſide a ſwerd. x He gaderide togidere his woodneſſe in me, and he
xxiii Whanne he ſtiriþ hym to ſeke breed, he woot, þat þe manaaſſide me, and gnaſtide aȝens me wiþ his teeþ;
dai of derkneſſis is maad redi in his hond. myn enemye bihelde me wiþ ferdful iȝen.
xxiiii Tribulacioun ſchal make hym aferd, and angwiſch xi Þei openyden her mouþis on me, and þei ſeiden

ſchal cumpas hym, as a kyng which is maad redi to ſchenſchip, and ſmytiden my cheke; and þei ben fillid
batel. wiþ my peynes.
xxv For he helde forþ his hond aȝens God, and he was xii God haþ cloſid me togidere at þe wickid, and haþ

maad ſtrong aȝens Almyȝti God. ȝoue me to þe hondis of wickid men.

xxvi He ran wiþ neck reiſid aȝens God, and he was xiii Y þilke riche man and famouſe ſum tyme, am al to

armed wiþ fat nol. brokun ſudeynli; `he helde my nol; he haþ broke me,
xxvii Fatneſſe, þat is, pride `comyng forþ of temporal and haþ ſet me as in to a ſigne.
xiiii He haþ cumpaſſide me wiþ hiſe ſperis, he woundide
aboundaunce, hilide his face, `þat is, þe knowyng of
vndurſtondyng, and outward fatneſſe hangiþ doun of his togidere my leendis; he ſparide not, and ſchedde out
ſidis. myn entrails in to þe erþe.
xxviii He ſchal dwelle in deſolat citees, and in deſeert, xv He beet me wiþ wounde on wounde; he as a giaunt

`eþir forſakun, houſis, þat ben turned in to biriels. felde in on me.

xxix He ſchal not be maad riche, neþer his catel ſchal xvi Y ſewide togidere a ſak on my ſkyn; and Y hilide my

dwelle ſtidefaſtli; neþer he ſchal ſende his roote in þe fleiſch wiþ aiſche.
erþe, xvii My face bolnyde of wepynge, and myn iȝeliddis
xxx neþer he ſchal go awei fro derkneſſis. Flawme ſchal wexiden derke.
make drie hiſe braunchis, and he ſchal be takun a wey bi xviii Y ſuffride þeſe þingis wiþ out wickidneſſe of myn
þe ſpirit of his mouþ. hond, `þat is, werk, whanne Y hadde cleene preieris to
xxxi Bileue he not veynli diſſeyued bi errour, þat he ſchal God.
be aȝenbouȝt bi ony prijs. xix Erþe, hile þou not my blood, and my cry fynde not
xxxii Bifor þat hiſe daies ben fillid, he ſchal periſche, and in þee a place of hidyng.
hiſe hondis ſchulen wexe drye; xx `For, lo! my witneſſe is in heuene; and þe knowere
xxxiii he ſchal be hirt as a vyne in þe firſte flour of his of my conſience is in hiȝe places.
grape, and as an olyue tre caſtinge awei his flour. xxi A! my frendis, ful of wordis, myn iȝe droppiþ to
xxxiiii For þe gaderyng togidere of an ipocrite is bareyn, God.
and fier ſchal deuoure þe tabernaclis of hem, þat taken xxii And `Y wolde, þat a man were demed ſo wiþ God,
ȝiftis wilfuli. as þe ſone of man is demed wiþ his felowe.
xxxv He conſeyuede ſorewe, and childide wickidneſſe, xxiii `For lo! ſchorte ȝeeris paſſen, and Y go a paþ, bi
and his wombe makiþ redi tretcheries. which Y ſchal not turne aȝen.


i Forſoþe Joob anſweride, and ſeide, Y `herde ofte ſiche i Mi ſpirit ſchal be maad feble; my daies ſchulen be
þingis; maad ſchort, and oneli þe ſepulcre is left to me.
ii alle ȝe ben heuy coumfortouris. ii Y haue not ſynned, and myn iȝe dwelliþ in bittirneſſis.
iii Wheþer wordis ful of wynd ſchulen haue an ende? iii Lord, delyuere þou me, and ſette þou me biſidis þee;
eþer ony þing is diſeſeful to þee, if þou ſpekiſt? and þe hond of ech fiȝte aȝens me.
iiii Alſo Y myȝte ſpeke þingis lijk to ȝou, and `Y wolde, iiii Þou haſt maad þe herte of hem fer fro doctryn, `eþir
þat ȝoure ſoule were for my ſoule; knowyng of treuþe; þerfor þei ſchulen not be enhaunſid.
v and Y wolde coumfort ȝou by wordis, and Y wolde v He bihetiþ prey to felowis, and þe iȝen of hiſe ſones
moue myn heed on ȝou; ſchulen faile.

vi He haþ ſet as in to a prouerbe of þe comyn puple, and xv Þe felowis of hym þat is not, dwelle in his tabernacle;
his ſaumple bifor hem. brymſton be ſpreynt in his tabernacle.
vii Myn `iȝe daſewide at indignacioun; and my membris xvi Þe rootis of hym be maad drie byneþe; ſoþeli his ripe
ben dryuun as in to nouȝt. corn be al to-brokun aboue.
viii Iuſt men ſchulen wondre on þis þing; and an xvii His mynde periſche fro þe erþe; and his name be not
innocent ſchal be reiſid aȝens an ypocrite. maad ſolempne in ſtretis.
ix And a iuſt man ſchal holde his weie, and he ſchal adde xviii He ſchal put hym out fro `lyȝt in to derkneſſis; and
ſtrengþe to clene hondis. he ſchal bere hym ouer fro þe world.
x Þerfor alle `ȝe be conuertid, and come ȝe; and Y ſchal xix Neþir his ſeed neþer kynrede ſchal be in his puple,
not fynde in ȝou ony wiys man. neþer ony relifs in hiſe cuntreis.
xi My daies ben paſſid; my þouȝtis ben ſcaterid, xx Þe laſte men ſchulen wondre in hiſe daies; and
turmentynge myn herte. hidouſneſſe ſchal aſaile þe firſte men.
xii Þo han turned þe nyȝt `in to day; and eft aftir xxi Þerfor þeſe ben þe tabernaclis of a wickid man; and
derkneſſis hope lyȝt. þis is þe place of hym, þat knowiþ not God.
xiii If Y `ſuſteyne, eþer ſuffre pacientli, helle is myn
hous; and Y haue arayede my bed in derkneſſis. CAP. XIX
xiiii Y ſeide to rot, Þou art my fadur; and to wormes, Ȝe i Forſoþe Joob anſweride, and ſeide, Hou long turmente
ben my modir and my ſiſter. ȝe my ſoule,
xv Þerfor where is now myn abidyng? and who biholdiþ ii and al to-breken me wiþ wordis?

my pacience? iii Lo! ten ſiþis ȝe ſchenden me, and ȝe ben not
xvi Alle my þingis ſchulen go doun in to deppeſte helle; aſchamed, oppreſſynge me.
geſſiſt þou, wheþer reſte ſchal be to me, nameli þere. iiii Forſoþe and if Y `koude not, myn vnkynnyng ſchal
be wiþ me.
CAP. XVIII v And ȝe ben reiſid aȝens me, and repreuen me wiþ my
i Forſoþe Baldach Suythes anſweride, and ſeide, ſchenſchipis.
ii `Til to what ende ſchalt þou booſte wiþ wordis? vi Nameli now vndurſtonde ȝe, þat God haþ turmentid
Vndurſtonde þou firſt, and ſo ſpeke we. me not bi euene doom, and haþ cumpaſſid me wiþ hiſe
iii Whi ben we arettid as beeſtis, and han we be foule betyngis.
bifor þee? vii Lo! Y ſuffrynge violence ſchal crye, and no man
iiii What leeſiſt þou þi ſoule in þi woodnes? Wheþer þe ſchal here; Y ſchal crye loude, and `noon is þat demeþ.
erþe ſchal be forſakun `for þee, and hard ſtoonys ſchulen viii He biſette aboute my paþ, and Y may not go; and he
be borun ouer fro her place? ſettide derkneſſis in my weie.
v Wheþir þe lyȝt of a wickid man ſchal not be quenchid; ix He haþ ſpuylid me of my glorye, and haþ take awey
and þe flawme of his fier ſchal not ſchyne? þe coroun fro myn heed.
vi Liȝt ſchal wexe derke in his tabernacle; and þe x He haþ diſtried me on ech ſide, and Y periſchide; and
lanterne, which is on hym, ſchal be quenchid. he haþ take awei myn hope, as fro a tre pullid vp bi þe
vii Þe ſteppis of his vertu ſchulen be maad ſtreit; and his roote.
counſel ſchal caſte hym doun. xi His ſtronge veniaunce was wrooþ aȝens me; and he
viii For he haþ ſent hiſe feet in to a net; and he goiþ in þe hadde me ſo as his enemye.
meſchis þerof. xii Hiſe þeues camen togidere, and `maden to hem a wei
ix His foot ſchal be holdun wiþ a ſnare; and þirſt ſchal bi me; and biſegiden my tabernacle in cumpas.
brenne out aȝens hym. xiii He made fer my briþeren fro me; and my knowun as
x Þe foot trappe of hym is hid in þe erþe, and his ſnare aliens ȝeden awei fro me.
on þe paþ. xiiii My neiȝboris forſoken me; and þei þat knewen me
xi Dredis ſchulen make hym aferd on ech ſide, and han forȝete me.
ſchulen biwlappe hiſe feet. xv Þe tenauntis of myn hows, and myn handmaydis
xii His ſtrengþe be maad feble bi hungur; and pouert hadden me as a ſtraunger; and Y was as a pilgrym bifor
aſaile hiſe ribbis. her iȝen.
xiii Deuoure it þe fairneſſe of his ſkyn; þe firſte gendrid xvi Y clepide my ſeruaunt, and he anſweride not to me;

deþ waſte hiſe armes. wiþ myn owne mouþ Y preiede hym.
xiiii His triſt be takun awei fro his tabernacle; and xvii My wijf wlatide my breeþ; and Y preiede þe ſones

periſchyng, as a kyng, aboue trede on hym. of my wombe.

xviii Alſo foolis diſpiſiden me; and whanne Y was goon xii For whanne yuel was ſwete in his mouþ, he hidde it
awei fro hem, þei bacbitiden me. vndur his tunge.
xix Þei, þat weren my counſelouris ſum tyme, hadden xiii He ſchal ſpare it, and ſchal not forſake it; and ſchal
abhomynacioun of me; and he, whom Y louede mooſt, hide in his þrote.
was aduerſarie to me. xiiii His breed in his wombe ſchal be turned in to galle
xx Whanne fleiſchis weren waſtid, my boon cleuyde to of ſnakis wiþynne.
my ſkyn; and `oneli lippis ben left aboute my teeþ. xv He ſchal ſpue out þe richeſſis, whiche he deuouride;
xxi Haue ȝe merci on me, haue ȝe merci on me, nameli, and God ſchal drawe þo ritcheſſis out of his wombe.
ȝe my frendis; for þe hond of þe Lord haþ touchid me. xvi He ſchal ſouke þe heed of ſnakis; and þe tunge of an
xxii Whi purſuen ȝe me, as God purſueþ; and ben fillid addre ſchal ſle hym.
wiþ my fleiſchis? xvii Se he not þe ſtremys of þe flood of þe ſtronde, of
xxiii Who ȝyueþ to me, þat my wordis be writun? Who hony, and of botere.
ȝyueþ to me, xviii He ſchal ſuffre peyne for alle þingis whiche he haþ
xxiiii þat þo be writun in a book wiþ an yrun poyntil, do, neþeles he ſchal not be waſtid; aftir þe multitude of
eþir wiþ a plate of leed; eþir wiþ a chiſel be grauun in a his fyndyngis, ſo and `he ſchal ſuffre.
flynt? xix For he brake, and made nakid þe hows of a pore
xxv For Y woot, þat myn aȝenbiere lyueþ, and in þe laſte man; he rauyſchide, and bildide it not.
dai Y ſchal riſe fro þe erþe; xx And his wombe was not fillid; and whanne he haþ
xxvi and eft Y ſchal be cumpaſſid wiþ my ſkyn, and in þat, þat he couetide, he may not holde in poſſeſſioun.
my fleiſch Y ſchal ſe God, my ſauȝour. xxi `No þing lefte of his mete; and þerfor no þing ſchal
xxvii Whom Y my ſilf ſchal ſe, and myn iȝen ſchulen dwelle of his goodis.
biholde, and not an oþer man. Þis myn hope is kept in xxii Whanne he is fillid, he ſchal be maad ſtreit; he ſchal
my boſum. `be hoot, and alle ſorewe ſchal falle in on hym.
xxviii Whi þerfor ſeien ȝe now, Purſue we hym, and xxiii `Y wolde, þat his wombe be fillid, þat he ſende out
fynde we þe roote of a word aȝens hym? in to hym þe ire of his ſtrong veniaunce, and reyne his
xxix Þerfor fle ȝe fro þe face of þe ſwerd; for þe ſwerd is batel on hym.
þe vengere of wickidneſſis, and wite ȝe, þat doom xxiiii He ſchal fle yrun armuris, and he ſchal falle in to a
ſchal be. braſun boowe.
xxv Led out, and goynge out `of his ſcheþe, and
CAP. XX ſchynynge, `eþer ſmytinge wiþ leit, `in to his bittirneſſe;
i Forſoþe Sophar Naamathites anſweride, and ſeide,
orrible fendis ſchulen go, and ſchulen come on hym.
ii Þerfor my þouȝtis dyuerſe comen oon aftir anoþir; and xxvi Alle derkneſſis ben hid in hiſe priuytees; fier, which
þe mynde is rauyiſchid in to dyuerſe þingis. is not teendid, ſchal deuoure hym; he ſchal be turmentid
iii Y ſchal here þe techyng, bi which þou repreueſt me; left in his tabernacle.
and þe ſpirit of myn vndurſtondyng ſchal anſwere me. xxvii Heuenes ſchulen ſchewe his wickidneſſe; and erþe
iiii Y woot þis fro þe bigynnyng, ſiþen man was ſet on ſchal riſe togidere aȝens hym.
erþe, xxviii Þe ſeed of his hows ſchal be opyn; it ſchal be
v þat þe preiſyng of wickid men is ſchort, and þe ioie of drawun doun in þe dai of þe ſtrong veniaunce of þe
an ypocrite is at þe licneſſe of a poynt. Lord.
vi Þouȝ his pride `ſtieþ in to heuene, and his heed xxix Þis is þe part of a wickid man, `which part is ȝouun
touchiþ þe cloudis, of God, and þe eritage of hiſe wordis of þe Lord.
vii he ſchal be loſt in þe ende, as a dunghil; and, þei þat
ſien hym, ſchulen ſeie, Where is he? CAP. XXI
viii As a dreem fleynge awei he ſchal not be foundun; he i Forſoþe Joob anſweride, and ſeide,

ſchal paſſe as `a nyȝtis ſiȝt. ii Y preye, here ȝe my wordis, and do ȝe penaunce.

ix Þe iȝe þat ſiȝ hym ſchal not ſe; and his place ſchal no iii Suffre ȝe me, þat Y ſpeke; and leiȝe ȝe aftir my
more biholde him. wordis, if it ſchal ſeme worþi.
x Hiſe ſones ſchulen be `al to-brokun wiþ nedyneſſe; and iiii Wheþer my diſputyng is aȝens man, þat ſkilfuli Y
hiſe hondis ſchulen ȝelde to hym his ſorewe. owe not to be ſori?
xi Hiſe boonys ſchulen be fillid wiþ þe vices of his ȝong v Perſeyue ȝe me, and be ȝe aſtonyed; and ſette ȝe
wexynge age; and ſchulen ſlepe wiþ hym in duſt. fyngur on ȝoure mouþ.
vi And whanne Y biþenke, Y drede, and tremblyng

ſchakiþ my fleiſch. xxxi Who ſchal repreue hiſe weies bifor hym? and who
vii Whi þerfor lyuen wickid men? Þei ben enhaunſid, ſchal ȝelde to hym þo þingis, whiche he haþ doon?
and coumfortid wiþ richeſſis. xxxii He ſchal be led to þe ſepulcris; and he ſchal wake
viii Her ſeed dwelliþ bifor hem; þe cumpeny of in þe heep of deed men.
kyneſmen, and of ſones of ſones dwelliþ in her ſiȝt. xxxiii He was ſwete to þe `ſtoonys, eþer filþis, of helle;
ix Her houſis ben ſikur, and peſible; and þe ȝerde of God and drawiþ ech man aftir hym, and vnnoumbrable men
is not on hem. bifor him.
x Þe cow of hem conſeyuede, and caluede not a deed xxxiiii Hou þerfor coumforten ȝe me in veyn, ſiþen ȝoure
calf; þe cow caluyde, and is not priued of hir calf. anſweris ben ſchewid to `repugne to treuþe?
xi Her litle children goen out as flockis; and her ȝonge
children `maken fulli ioye wiþ pleies. CAP. XXII
xii Þei holden tympan, and harpe; and ioien at þe ſoun of i Forſoþe Eliphat Themanytes anſweride, and ſeide,

orgun. ii Wheþer a man, ȝhe, whanne he is of perfit kunnyng,

xiii Þei leden in goodis her daies; and in a point þei goen mai be compariſound to God?
doun to hellis. iii What profitiþ it to God, if þou art iuſt? eþir what
xiiii Whiche men ſeiden to God, Go þou awei fro us; we ſchalt þou ȝyue to hym, if þi lijf is wiþout wem?
nylen þe kunnyng of þi weies. iiii Wheþer he ſchal drede, and ſchal repreue þee, and
xv Who is Almiȝti God, þat we ſerue him? and what ſchal come wiþ þee in to doom,
profitiþ it to vs, if we preien him? v and not for þi ful myche malice, and þi wickidneſſis
xvi Neþeles for her goodis ben not in her hond, `þat is, wiþ out noumbre, `þeſe peynes bifelden iuſtli to þee?
power, þe counſel of wickid men be fer fro me. vi For þou haſt take awei wiþ out cauſe þe wed of þi
xvii Hou ofte ſchal þe lanterne of wickid men be briþeren; and haſt ſpuylid nakid men of cloþis.
quenchid, and flowing ſchal come on hem, and God vii Þou ȝaueſt not watir to þe feynt man; and þou
ſchal departe þe ſorewis of his ſtronge veniaunce? wiþdrowiſt breed fro þe hungri man.
xviii Þei ſchulen be as chaffis bifor þe face of þe wynd; viii In þe ſtrengþe of þin arm þou haddiſt þe lond in
and as a deed ſparcle, whiche þe whirlewynd ſcateriþ poſſeſſioun; and þou mooſt myȝti heldiſt it.
abrood. ix Þou leftiſt widewis voide; and al to-brakiſt þe
xix God ſchal kepe þe ſorewe of þe fadir to hiſe ſones; ſchuldris of fadirles children.
and whanne he haþ ȝoldun, þanne he ſchal wite. x Þerfor þou art cumpaſſid wiþ ſnaris; and ſodeyn drede
xx Hiſe iȝen ſchulen ſe her ſleyng; and he ſchal drynke of diſturbliþ þee.
þe ſtronge veniaunce of Almyȝti God. xi And þou geſſidiſt, þat þou ſchuldiſt not ſe derkneſſis;
xxi For whi what perteyneþ it to hym of his hows aftir and þat þou ſchuldiſt not be oppreſſid wiþ þe ferſneſſe of
hym, þouȝ þe noumbre of his moneþis be half takun watris flowyng.
awey? xii Wheþer þou þenkiſt, þat God is hiȝere þan heuene,
xxii Wheþer ony man ſchal teche God kunnyng, which and is enhaunſid aboue þe coppe of ſterris?
demeþ hem þat ben hiȝe? xiii And þou ſeiſt, What ſoþeli knowiþ God? and, He
xxiii Þis yuel man dieþ ſtrong and hool, riche and demeþ as bi derkneſſe.
blesful, `þat is, myrie. xiiii A cloude is his hidyng place, and he biholdiþ not
xxiiii Hiſe entrails ben ful of fatneſſe; and hiſe boonys oure þingis, and he `goiþ aboute þe herris of heuene.
ben moiſtid wiþ merowis. xv Wheþer þou coueitiſt to kepe þe paþ of worldis,
xxv Soþeli anoþir wickid man dieþ in þe bittirneſſe of which wickid men han ofte go?
his ſoule, and wiþ outen ony richeſſis. xvi Whiche weren takun awei bifor her tyme, and þe
xxvi And neþeles þei ſchulen ſlepe togidere in duſt, and flood diſtriede þe foundement of hem.
wormes ſchulen hile hem. xvii Whiche ſeiden to God, Go þou awei fro vs; and as if
xxvii Certis Y knowe ȝoure wickid þouȝtis, and ſentenſis Almyȝti God may do no þing, þei geſſiden hym,
aȝens me. xviii whanne he hadde fillid her houſis wiþ goodis; þe
xxviii For ȝe ſeien, Where is þe hows of þe prince? and ſentence of whiche men be fer fro me.
where ben þe tabernaclis of wickid men? xix Iuſt men ſchulen ſe, and ſchulen be glad; and an
xxix Axe ȝe ech of `þe weie goeris; and ȝe ſchulen innocent man ſchal ſcorne hem.
knowe, þat he vndurſtondiþ þeſe ſame þingis, xx Wheþer þe reiſyng of hem is not kit doun, and fier
xxx þat an yuel man ſchal be kept in to þe dai of ſchal deuoure þe relifs of hem?
perdicioun, and ſchal be led to þe dai of woodneſſe.

xxi Þerfor aſſente þou to God, and haue þou pees; and bi xv And þerfor Y am diſturblid of his face, and Y
þeſe þingis þou ſchalt haue beſt fruytis. biholdynge hym am anguyſchid for drede.
xxii Take þou þe lawe of his mouþ, and ſette þou hiſe xvi God haþ maad neiſche myn herte, and Almyȝti God
wordis in þin herte. haþ diſturblid me.
xxiii If þou turneſt aȝen to Almyȝti God, þou ſchalt be xvii For Y periſchide not for derkneſſis neiȝynge; neþir
bildid; and þou ſchalt make wickidneſſe fer fro þi myiſt hilide my face.
xxiiii He ſchal ȝyue a flynt for erþe, and goldun ſtrondis CAP. XXIIII
for a flynt. i Tymes ben not hid fro Almyȝti God; ſoþeli þei þat
xxv And Almyȝti God ſchal be aȝens þin enemyes; and knowen hym, knowen not hiſe daies.
ſiluer ſchal be gaderid togidere to þee. ii Oþere men turneden ouer þe termes of neiȝboris
xxvi Þanne on Almyȝti God þou ſchalt flowe wiþ delicis; eritage, þei token awei flockis, and fedden þo.
and þou ſchalt reiſe þi face to God. iii Þei driueden awei þe aſſe of fadirleſſe children, and
xxvii Þou ſchalt preye hym, and he ſchal here þee; and token awei þe cow of a widewe for a wed.
þou ſchalt ȝelde þi vowis. iiii Þei diſtrieden þe weie of pore men, and þei
xxviii Þou ſchalt deme a þing, and it ſchal come to þee; oppreſſiden togidere þe mylde men of erþe.
and lyȝt ſchal ſchyne in þi weies. v Oþere men as wielde aſſis in deſeert goon out to her
xxix For he þat is mekid, ſchal be in glorie; and he þat werk; and þei waken to prey, and bifor maken redy
bowiþ doun hiſe iȝen, ſchal be ſaued. breed to her children.
xxx An innocent ſchal be ſaued; ſoþeli he ſchal be ſaued vi Þei kitten doun a feeld not hern, and þei gaderen

in þe clenneſſe of hiſe hondis. grapis of his vyner, whom þei han oppreſſid bi violence.
vii Þei leeuen men nakid, and taken awei þe cloþis, to
CAP. XXIII whiche men is noon hiling in coold;
i Soþeli Joob anſweride, and ſeide, viii whiche men þe reynes of munteyns weeten, and þei
ii Now alſo my word is in bitterneſſe, and þe hond of my han noon hilyng, and biclippen ſtoonys.
wounde is agreggid on my weilyng. ix Þei diden violence, and robbiden fadirles and
iii Who ȝyueþ to me, þat Y knowe, and fynde hym, and modirles children; and þei ſpuyliden, `eþer robbiden, þe
come `til to his trone? comynte of pore men.
iiii Y ſchal ſette doom bifor hym, and Y ſchal fille my x Þei token awey eeris of corn fro nakid men, and

mouþ wiþ blamyngis; goynge wiþ out cloþ, and fro hungry men.
v þat Y kunne þe wordis, whiche he ſchal anſwere to xi Þei weren hid in myddai among þe heepis of þo men,

me, and þat Y vnderſtonde, what he ſchal ſpeke to me. þat þirſten, whanne þe preſſes ben trodun.
vi Y nyle, þat he ſtryue wiþ me bi greet ſtrengþe, neþer xii Þei maden men of citees to weile, and þe ſoulis of

oppreſſe me wiþ þe heuyneſſe of his greetneſſe. woundid men ſchulen crye; and God ſuffriþ it not to go
vii Sette he forþ equite aȝens me, and my doom come awei vnpunyſchid.
xiii Þei weren rebel to lyȝt; þei knewen not þe weyes
perfitli to victorie.
viii If Y go to þe eeſt, God apperiþ not; if Y go to þe þerof, neþer þei turneden aȝen bi þe paþis þerof.
xiiii A manſleere riſiþ ful eerli, and ſleeþ a nedi man, and
weſt, Y ſchal not vndurſtonde hym; if Y go to þe left
ſide, a pore man; ſoþeli bi nyȝt he ſchal be as a nyȝt þeef.
ix what ſchal Y do? Y ſchal not take hym; if Y turne me xv Þe iȝe of avouter kepiþ derkneſſe, and ſeiþ, An yȝe

to þe riȝt ſide, Y ſchal not ſe hym. ſchal not ſe me; and he ſchal hile his face.
x But he knowiþ my weie, and he ſchal preue me as xvi Þei mynen houſis in derkneſſis, as þei ſeiden togidere

gold, þat paſſiþ þorouȝ fier. to hem ſilf in þe dai; and þei knewen not lyȝt.
xi My foot ſuede hiſe ſteppis; Y kepte his weie, and Y xvii If þe morewtid apperiþ ſudeynli, þei demen þe

bowide not awey fro it. ſchadewe of deþ; and ſo þei goon in derkneſſis as in
xii Y ȝede not awei fro þe comaundementis of hiſe lyȝt.
xviii He is vnſtablere þan þe face of þe water; his part in
lippis; and Y hidde in my boſum þe wordis of his mouþ.
xiii For he is aloone, and no man may turne awei hiſe erþe be curſid, and go he not bi þe weie of vyneris.
xix Paſſe he to ful greet heete fro þe watris of ſnowis,
þouȝtis; and what euer þing he wolde, his wille dide þis
þing. and þe ſynne of hym `til to hellis.
xiiii Whanne he haþ fillid his wille in me, alſo many
oþere lijk þingis ben redi to hym.

xx Merci forȝete hym; his ſwetneſſe be a worm; be he x He haþ cumpaſſid a terme to watris, til þat lyȝt and
not in mynde, but be he al to-brokun as `a tre derkneſſis be endid.
vnfruytful. xi Þe pilers of heuene tremblen, and dreden at his wille.
xxi For he fedde þe bareyn, and hir þat childiþ not, and xii In þe ſtrengþe of hym þe ſees weren gaderid togidere
he dide not wel to þe widewe. ſudeynly, and his prudence ſmoot þe proude.
xxii He drow doun ſtronge men in his ſtrengþe; and xiii His ſpiryt ournede heuenes, and þe crokid ſerpent
whanne he ſtondiþ in `greet ſtate, he ſchal not bileue to was led out bi his hond, ledynge out as a mydwijf lediþ
his lijf. out a child.
xxiii God ȝaf to hym place of penaunce, and he myſuffiþ xiiii Lo! þeſe þingis ben ſeid in partie of `hiſe weyes; and
þat in to pride; for þe iȝen of God ben in þe weies of þat whanne we han herd vnneþis a litil drope of his word,
man. who may ſe þe þundur of his greetneſſe?
xxiiii Þei ben reiſid at a litil, and þei ſchulen not ſtonde;
and þei ſchulen be maad low as alle þingis, and þei CAP. XXVII
ſchulen be takun awei; and as þe hyȝneſſis of eeris of i Alſo Joob addide, takynge his parable, and ſeide,
corn þei ſchulen be al to-brokun. ii God lyueþ, þat haþ take awey my doom, and Almyȝti
xxv Þat if it is not ſo, who may repreue me, þat Y liede,
God, þat haþ brouȝt my ſoule to bitterneſſe.
and putte my wordis bifor God? iii For as long as breeþ is in me, and þe ſpirit of God is
in my noſe þirlis,
CAP. XXV iiii my lippis ſchulen not ſpeke wickidneſſe, neþer my
i Forſoþe Baldach Suytes anſweride, and ſeide,
tunge ſchal þenke a leeſyng.
ii Power and drede is anentis hym, þat is, God, þat v Fer be it fro me, þat Y deme ȝou iuſt; til Y faile, Y
makiþ acordyng in hiſe hiȝe þingis. ſchal not go awei fro myn innocence.
iii Wheþer noumbre is of hiſe knyȝtis? and on whom vi Y ſchal not forſake my iuſtifiyng, which Y bigan to
ſchyneþ not his lyȝt? holde; for myn herte repreueþ me not in al my lijf.
iiii Wheþer a man compariſound to God mai be iuſtified, vii As my wickid enemy doþ; myn aduerſarie is as
eþer borun of a womman mai appere cleene? wickid.
v Lo! alſo þe moone ſchyneþ not, and ſterris ben not viii For what is þe hope of an ypocrite, if he rauyſchiþ
cleene in `his ſiȝt; gredili, and God delyueriþ not his ſoule?
vi hou miche more a man rot, and þe ſone of a man a ix Wheþer God ſchal here þe cry of hym, whanne
worm, is vncleene `and vile, if he is compariſound to angwiſch ſchal come on hym?
God. x eþer wheþer he may delite in Almyȝti God, and
inwardli clepe God in al tyme?
CAP. XXVI xi Y ſchal teche ȝou bi þe hond of God, what þingis
i Forſoþe Joob anſweride, and ſeide, Whos helpere art
Almyȝti God haþ; and Y ſchal not hide.
þou? xii Lo! alle ȝe knowen, and what ſpeken ȝe veyn þingis
ii wheþer `of þe feble, and ſuſteyneſte þe arm of hym,
wiþ out cauſe?
which is not ſtrong? xiii Þis is þe part of a wickid man anentis God, and þe
iii To whom haſt þou ȝoue counſel? In hap to hym þat
eritage of violent men, eþer rauenours, whiche þei
haþ not wiſdom; and þou haſt ſchewid ful myche ſchulen take of Almyȝti God.
prudence. xiiii If hiſe children ben multiplied, þei ſchulen be ſlayn
iiii Eþer whom woldiſt þou teche? wheþer not hym, þat
in ſwerd; and hiſe ſones ſones ſchulen not be fillid wiþ
made breþing? breed.
v Lo! giauntis weilen vnder watris, and þei þat dwellen
xv Þei, þat ben reſidue of hym, ſchulen be biried in
wiþ hem. periſchyng; and þe widewis of hym ſchulen not wepe.
vi Helle is nakid bifor hym, and noon hilyng is to
xvi If he gaderiþ togidere ſiluer as erþe, and makiþ redi
perdicioun. cloþis as cley;
vii Which God ſtretchiþ forþ þe norþ on voide þing, and
xvii ſoþeli he made redi, but a iuſt man ſchal be cloþid in
hangiþ þe erþe on nouȝt. þo, and an innocent man ſchal departe þe ſiluer.
viii `Which God byndiþ watris in her cloudis, þat þo
xviii As a mouȝte he haþ bildid his hous, and as a kepere
breke not out togidere dounward. he made a ſchadewyng place.
ix `Whych God holdiþ þe cheer of his ſeete, and ſprediþ
abrood þeron his cloude.

xix A riche man, whanne he ſchal die, ſchal bere no þing mynde in compariſoun þerof. Forſoþe wiſdom is drawun
wiþ hym; he ſchal opene hiſe iȝen, and he ſchal fynde of pryuy þingis;
no þing. xix topaſie of Ethiope ſchal not be maad euene worþ to
xx Pouert as water ſchal take hym; and tempeſte ſchal wiſdom, and mooſt preciouſe diyngis ſchulen not be ſet
oppreſſe hym in þe nyȝt. togidere in prijs, `eþer compariſound, þerto.
xxi Brennynge wynd ſchal take hym, and ſchal do awei; xx Þerfor wherof comeþ wiſdom, and which is þe place

and as a whirlewynd it ſchal rauyſche hym fro his place. of vndurſtondyng?

xxii He ſchal ſende out turmentis on hym, and ſchal not xxi It is hid fro þe iȝen of alle lyuynge men; alſo it is hid

ſpare; he fleynge ſchal `fle fro his hond. fro briddis of heuene.
xxiii He ſchal ſtreyne hiſe hondis on him, and he ſchal xxii Perdicioun and deeþ ſeiden, Wiþ oure eeris we

hiſſe on hym, and ſchal biholde his place. herden þe fame þerof.
xxiii God vndurſtondiþ þe weye þerof, and he knowiþ þe
CAP. XXVIII place þerof.
i Siluer haþ bigynnyngis of his veynes; and a place is to xxiiii For he biholdiþ þe endis of þe world, and biholdiþ
gold, in which it is wellid togidere. alle þingis þat ben vndur heuene.
ii Irun is takun fro erþe, and a ſtoon reſolued, `eþir xxv `Which God made weiȝte to wyndis, and weiede
meltid, bi heete, is turned in to money. watris in meſure.
iii God haþ ſet tyme to derkneſſis, and he biholdiþ þe xxvi Whanne he ſettide lawe to reyn, and weie to
ende of alle þingis. tempeſtis ſownynge;
iiii Alſo a ſtronde departiþ a ſtoon of derkneſſe, and þe xxvii þanne he ſiȝ wiſdom, and telde out, and made redi,
ſchadewe of deþ, fro þe puple goynge in pilgrymage; it and ſouȝte out.
departiþ þo hillis, whiche þe foot of a nedi man forȝat, xxviii And he ſeide to man, Lo! þe drede of þe Lord,
and hillis wiþ out weie. þilke is wiſdom; and to go awei fro yuel, is
v Þe erþe, wher of breed cam forþ in his place, is vndurſtondyng.
deſtried bi fier.
vi Þe place of ſaphir ben ſtoonys þerof, and þe clottis CAP. XXIX
þerof ben gold. i Alſo Joob addide, takynge his parable, and ſeide,
vii A brid knewe not þe weie, and þe iȝe of a vultur, eþir ii Who ȝyueþ to me, þat I be biſidis þe elde moneþis, bi
rauenouſe brid, bihelde it not. þe daies in whiche God kepte me?
viii Þe ſones of marchauntis tretiden not on it, and a iii Whanne his lanterne ſchynede on myn heed, and Y
lyoneſſe paſſide not þerbi. ȝede in derkneſſis at his lyȝt.
ix God ſtretchide forþ his hond to a flynt; he diſtriede iiii As Y was in þe daies of my ȝongþe, whanne in
hillis fro þe rootis. priuete God was in my tabernacle.
x He hewide doun ryuers in ſtoonys; and his iȝe ſiȝ al v Whanne Almyȝti God was wiþ me, and my children
precious þing. weren in my cumpas;
xi And he ſouȝte out þe depþis of floodis; and he brouȝte vi whanne Y waiſchide my feet in botere, and þe ſtoon
forþ hid þingis in to lyȝt. ſchedde out to me þe ſtremes of oile;
xii But where is wiſdom foundun, and which is þe place vii whanne Y ȝede forþ to þe ȝate of þe citee, and in þe
of vndurſtondyng? ſtreet þei maden redi a chaier to me.
xiii A man noot þe prijs þerof, neþer it is foundun in þe viii Ȝonge men, `þat is, wantoun, ſien me, and weren
lond of men lyuynge ſwetli, `eþer delicatli. hid, and elde men riſynge vp ſtoden;
xiiii Þe depþe of watris ſeiþ, It is not in me; and þe ſee ix princes ceeſſiden to ſpeke, and puttiden þe fyngur on
ſpekiþ, It is not wiþ me. her mouþ;
xv Gold ful cleene ſchal not be ȝouun for wiſdom, neþer x duykis refreyneden her vois, and her tunge cleuyde to
ſiluer ſchal be weied in þe chaungyng þerof. her þrote.
xvi It ſchal not be comparyſound to þe died colours of xi An eere herynge bleſſide me, and an iȝe ſeynge
Iynde, not to þe mooſt preciouſe ſtoon of ſardius, neþer ȝeldide witneſſyng to me;
to ſaphir. xii for Y hadde delyueride a pore man criynge, and a
xvii Neþer gold, neþer glas ſchal be maad euene worþ fadirles child, þat hadde noon helpere.
þerto; xiii Þe bleſſyng of a man `to periſche cam on me, and Y
xviii and hiȝe and fer apperynge veſſels of gold ſchulen coumfortide þe herte of a widewe.
not be chaungid for wiſdom, neþer ſchulen be had in

xiiii Y was cloþid wiþ riȝtfulneſſe; and Y cloþide me as xii At þe riȝtſide of þe eeſt my wretchidneſſis riſiden
wiþ a cloþ, and wiþ my `doom a diademe. anoon; þei turneden vpſedoun my feet, and oppreſſiden
xv Y was iȝe `to a blynde man, and foot to a crokyd wiþ her paþis as wiþ floodis.
man. xiii Þei deſtrieden my weies; þei ſettiden treſoun to me,
xvi Y was a fadir of pore men; and Y enqueride moſt and hadden þe maiſtri; and `noon was þat helpide.
diligentli þe cauſe, which Y knew not. xiiii Þei felden in on me as bi a brokun wal, and bi ȝate
xvii Y al tobrak þe grete teeþ of þe wickid man, and Y openyd, and weren ſtretchid forþ to my wretchidneſſis.
took awei prey fro hiſe teeþ. xv Y am dryuun in to nouȝt; he took awei my deſir as
xviii And Y ſeide, Y ſchal die in my neſt; and as a palm wynd, and myn helpe paſſide awei as a cloude.
tre Y ſchal multiplie daies. xvi But now my ſoule fadiþ in my ſilf, and daies of
xix My roote is openyde biſidis watris, and deew ſchal turment holden me ſtidfaſtly.
dwelle in my repyng. xvii In nyȝt my boon is perſid wiþ ſorewis; and þei, þat
xx My glorie ſchal euere be renulid, and my bouwe ſchal eten me, ſlepen not.
be aſtorid in myn hond. xviii In þe multitude of þo my cloþ is waſtid, and þei han
xxi Þei, þat herden me, abiden my ſentence; and þei gird me as wiþ coler of a coote.
weren ententif, and weren ſtille to my counſel. xix Y am compariſound to cley, and Y am maad lijk to a
xxii Þei durſten no þing adde to my wordis; and my deed ſparcle and aiſch.
ſpeche droppide on hem. xx Y ſchal cry to þee, and þou ſchalt not here me; Y
xxiii Þei abididen me as reyn; and þei openyden her ſtonde, and þou biholdiſt not me.
mouþ as to þe ſofte reyn `comynge late. xxi Þou art chaungid in to cruel to me, and in þe
xxiiii If ony tyme Y leiȝide to hem, þei bileueden not; hardneſſe of þin hond þou art aduerſarie to me.
and þe lyȝt of my cheer felde not doun in to erþe. xxii Þou haſt reiſid me, and haſt ſet as on wynd; and haſt
xxv If Y wolde go to hem, Y ſat þe firſte; and whanne Y hurtlid me doun ſtrongli.
ſat as kyng, while þe ooſt ſtood aboute, neþeles Y was xxiii Y woot, þat þow ſchalt bitake me to deeþ, where an
comfortour of hem þat morenyden. hows is ordeyned to ech lyuynge man.
xxiiii Neþeles þou ſendiſt not out þin hond to þe waſtyng
CAP. XXX of hem; and if þei fallen doun, þou ſchalt ſaue.
i But now ȝongere men in tyme ſcornen me, whos fadris xxv Y wepte ſum tyme on him, þat was turmentid, and
Y deymede not to ſette wiþ þe doggis of my flok. my ſoule hadde compaſſioun on a pore man.
ii Of whiche men þe vertu of hondis was for nouȝt to xxvi Y abood goodis, and yuelis ben comun to me; Y
me, and þei weren geſſid vnworþi to þat lijf. abood lyȝt, and derkneſſis braken out.
iii Þei weren bareyn for nedyneſſe and hungur; þat xxvii Myn ynnere þingis buyliden out wiþ outen my
gnawiden in wildirneſſe, and weren pale for pouert and reſte; daies of turment camen bifor me.
wretchidneſſe; xxviii Y ȝede morenynge, and Y roos wiþ out woodneſſe
iiii and eeten eerbis, aud þe ryndis of trees; and þe roote
in þe cumpenye, and criede.
of iunyperis was her mete. xxix Y was þe broþer of dragouns, and þe felow of
v Whiche men rauyſchiden þeſe þingis fro grete valeis;
and whanne þei hadden foundun ony of alle, þei runnen xxx My ſkyn was maad blak on me, and my boonys
wiþ cry to þo. drieden for heete.
vi Þei dwelliden in deſeertis of ſtrondis, and in caues of xxxi Myn harpe is turned in to morenyng, and myn
erþe, eþir on grauel, `eþir on cley. orgun in to þe vois of weperis.
vii Whiche weren glad among ſiche þingis, and arettiden
delices to be vndur buſchis. CAP. XXXI
viii Þe ſones of foolis and of vnnoble men, and outirli i I made couenaunt wiþ myn iȝen, þat Y ſchulde not
apperynge not in erþe. þenke of a virgyn.
ix But now Y am turned in to þe ſong of hem, and Y am ii For what part ſchulde God aboue haue in me, and
maad a prouerbe to hem. eritage Almyȝti God of hiȝe þingis?
x Þei holden me abhomynable, and fleen fer fro me, and iii Wheþer perdicioun is not to a wickid man, and
dreden not to ſpete on my face. alienacioun of God is to men worchynge wickidneſſe?
xi For God haþ openyd his arowe caas, and haþ iiii Wheþer he biholdiþ not my weies, and noumbriþ alle
turmentid me, and haþ ſet a bridil in to my mouþ. my goyngis?
v If Y ȝede in vanyte, and my foot haſtide in gile,

vi God weie me in a iuſt balaunce, and knowe my xxxi if þe men of my tabernacle ſeiden not, Who ȝyueþ,
ſympleneſſe. þat we be fillid of hiſe fleiſchis? a pilgryme dwellide
vii If my ſtep bowide fro þe weie; if myn iȝe ſuede myn not wiþ outforþ;
herte, and a ſpotte cleuede to myn hondis; xxxii my dore was opyn to a weiegoere;
viii ſowe Y, and anoþer ete, and my generacioun be xxxiii if Y as man hidde my ſynne, and helide my
drawun out bi þe root. wickidneſſe in my boſum;
ix If myn herte was diſſeyued on a womman, and if Y xxxiiii if Y dredde at ful greet multitude, and if diſpiſyng
ſettide aſpies at þe dore of my frend; my wijf be þe of neyȝboris made me aferd; and not more Y was ſtille,
hoore of anoþir man, and ȝede not out of þe dore;
x and oþir men be bowid doun on hir. xxxv who ȝyueþ an helpere to me, þat Almyȝti God here
xi For þis is vnleueful, and þe mooſt wickidneſſe. my deſire? þat he þat demeþ,
xii Fier is deourynge `til to waſtyng, and drawynge vp bi xxxvi write a book, þat Y bere it in my ſchuldre, and

þe roote alle generaciouns. cumpaſſe it as a coroun to me?

xiii If Y diſpiſide to take doom wiþ my ſeruaunt and myn xxxvii Bi alle my degrees Y ſchal pronounce it, and Y

hand mayde, whanne þei ſtryueden aȝens me. ſchal as offre it to þe prynce.
xiiii What ſoþeli ſchal Y do, whanne God ſchal riſe to xxxviii If my lond crieþ aȝens me, and hiſe forewis

deme? and whanne he ſchal axe, what ſchal Y anſwere wepen wiþ it;
to hym? xxxix if Y eet fruytis þerof wiþ out money, and Y
xv Wheþer he, þat wrouȝte alſo hym, made not me in þe turmentide þe ſoule of erþetileris of it;
wombe, and o God formede me in þe wombe? xl a brere growe to me for wheete, and a þorn for barli.
xvi If Y denyede to pore men þat, þat þei wolden, and if
Y made þe iȝen of a wydewe to abide; CAP. XXXII
xvii if Y aloone eet my muſſel, and a faderles child eet i Forſoþe þeſe þre men leften of to anſwere Joob, for he

not þerof; ſemyde a iuſt man to hem.

xviii for merciful doyng encreeſſide wiþ me fro my ȝong ii And Helyu, þe ſone of Barachel Buzites, of þe

childhed, and ȝede out of my modris wombe wiþ me; kynrede of Ram, was wrooþ, and hadde indignacioun;
xix if Y diſpiſide a man paſſynge forþ, for he hadde not a forſoþe he was wrooþ aȝens Joob, for he ſeide hym ſilf
cloþ, and a pore man wiþ out hilyng; to be iuſt bifor God.
xx if hiſe ſidis bleſſiden not me, and was not maad hoot iii Soþeli Helyu hadde indignacioun aȝens þe þre frendis

of þe fleeces of my ſcheep; of hym, for þei hadden not founde reſonable anſwere,
xxi if Y reiſide myn hond on a fadirles child, ȝhe, but oneli hadde condempned Joob.
iiii Þerfor Helyu abood Joob ſpekynge, for þei, þat
whanne Y ſiȝ me þe hiȝere in þe ȝate;
xxii my ſchuldre falle fro his ioynt, and myn arm wiþ ſpaken, weren eldere men.
v But whanne he hadde ſeyn, þat þre men myȝten not
hiſe boonys be al to-brokun.
xxiii For euere Y dredde God, as wawis wexynge gret on anſwere, he was wrooþ greetly.
vi And Helyu, þe ſone of Barachel Buzites, anſweride,
me; and `Y myȝte not bere his birþun.
xxiiii If Y geſſide gold my ſtrengþe, and if Y ſeide to and ſeyde, Y am ȝongere in tyme, ſoþeli ȝe ben eldere;
purid gold, Þou art my triſt; þerfor wiþ heed holdun doun Y dredde to ſchewe to ȝou
xxv if Y was glad on my many ritcheſſis, and for myn my ſentence.
vii For Y hopide þat lengere age ſchulde ſpeke, and þat
hond foond ful many þingis;
xxvi if Y ſiȝ þe ſunne, whanne it ſchynede, and þe moone þe multitude of ȝeeris ſchulden teche wiſdom.
viii But as Y ſe, ſpirit is in men, and þe enſpiryng `eþer
goynge clereli;
xxvii and if myn herte was glad in priuyte, and if Y reuelacioun, of Almyȝti God ȝyueþ vndurſtondyng.
ix Men of long lijf ben not wiſe, and elde men
kiſſide myn hond wiþ my mouþ;
xxviii which is þe mooſt wickidneſſe, and deniyng aȝens vndurſtonden not doom.
x Þerfor Y ſchal ſeie, Here ȝe me, and Y alſo ſchal
hiȝeſte God;
xxix if Y hadde ioye at þe fallyng of hym, þat hatide me, ſchewe my kunnyng to ȝou.
xi For Y abood ȝoure wordis, Y herde ȝoure prudence, as
and if Y ioide fulli, þat yuel hadde founde hym;
xxx for Y ȝaf not my þrote to do ſynne, þat Y ſchulde long as ȝe diſpuytiden in ȝoure wordis.
xii And as long as Y geſſide ȝou to ſeie ony þing, Y
aſaile and curſe his ſoule;
bihelde; but as Y ſe, `noon is of ȝou, þat may repreue
Joob, and anſwere to hiſe wordis;

xiii leſtperauenture ȝe ſeien, We han founde wiſdom; xvii þat he turne awei a man fro þeſe þingis whiche he
God, and not man, haþ caſt hym awei. made, and delyuere hym fro pride; delyuerynge his
xiiii Joob ſpak no þing to me, and Y not bi ȝoure wordis ſoule fro corrupcioun,
ſchal anſwere hym. xviii and his lijf, þat it go not in to ſwerd.
xv Þei dredden, and anſweriden no more, and token awei xix Alſo God blameþ a ſynnere bi ſorewe in þe bed, and
ſpeche fro hem ſilf. makiþ alle þe boonys of hym `to fade.
xvi Þerfor for Y abood, and þei ſpaken not, þei ſtoden, xx Breed is maad abhomynable to hym in his lijf, and
and anſweriden no more; alſo Y ſchal anſwere my part, mete deſirable `bifor to his ſoule.
xvii and Y ſchal ſchewe my kunnyng. xxi His fleiſch ſchal faile for rot, and hiſe boonys, þat
xviii For Y am ful of wordis, and þe ſpirit of my wombe, weren hilid, ſchulen be maad nakid.
`þat is, mynde, conſtreyneþ me. xxii His ſoule ſchal neiȝe to corrupcioun, and his lijf to
xix Lo! my wombe is as muſt wiþ out `ſpigot, eþer a þingis `bryngynge deeþ.
ventyng, þat brekiþ newe veſſels. xxiii If an aungel, oon of a þouſynde, is ſpekynge for
xx Y ſchal ſpeke, and breþe aȝen a litil; Y ſchal opene hym, þat he telle þe equyte of man, God ſchal haue
my lippis, and Y ſchal anſwere. mercy on hym,
xxi Y ſchal not take þe perſoone of man, and Y ſchal not xxiiii and ſchal ſeie, Delyuere þou hym, þat he go not

make God euene to man. doun in to corrupcioun; Y haue founde in what þing Y
xxii For Y woot not hou long Y ſchal abide, and if my ſchal do merci to hym.
xxv His fleiſch is waſtid of turmentis; turne he aȝen to þe
Makere take me awei `after a litil tyme.
daies of his ȝonge wexynge age.
CAP. XXXIII xxvi He ſchal biſeche God, and he ſchal be quemeful to
i Þerfor, Joob, here þou my ſpechis, and herkene alle my hym; and he ſchal ſe his face in hertly ioye, and he ſchal
wordis. ȝelde to man his riȝtfulneſſe.
ii Lo! Y haue openyd my mouþ, my tunge ſchal ſpeke in xxvii He ſchal biholde men, and he ſchal ſeie, Y haue

my chekis. ſynned, and verili Y haue treſpaſſid; and Y haue not

iii Of ſymple herte ben my wordis, and my lippis reſſeyued, as Y was worþi.
xxviii For he delyueride his ſoule, þat it ſchulde not go in
ſchulen ſpeke clene ſentence.
iiii Þe ſpirit of God made me, and þe breþing of Almyȝti to periſchyng, but þat he lyuynge ſchulde ſe lyȝt.
xxix Lo! God worchiþ alle þeſe þingis in þre tymes bi
God quykenyde me.
v If þou maiſt, anſwere þou to me, and ſtoonde þou alle men;
xxx þat he aȝen clepe her ſoulis fro corrupcioun, and
aȝens my face.
vi Lo! God made me as and þee; and alſo Y am formyd liȝtne in þe lyȝt of lyuynge men.
xxxi Þou, Joob, perſeyue, and here me, and be þou ſtille,
of þe ſame cley.
vii Neþeles my myracle make þee not afeerd, and myn þe while Y ſpeke.
xxxii Soþeli if þou haſt what þou ſchalt ſpeke, anſwere
eloquence be not greuouſe to þee.
viii Þerfor þou ſeidiſt in myn eeris, and Y herde þe vois þou to me, ſpeke þou; for Y wole, þat þou appere iuſt.
xxxiii Þat if þou haſt not, here þou me; be þou ſtille, and
of þi wordis;
ix Y am cleene, and wiþ out gilt, and vnwemmed, and Y ſchal teche þee wiſdom.
wickidneſſe is not in me.
x `For God foond querels in me, þerfor he demyde me CAP. XXXIIII
i And Helyu pronounſide, and ſpak alſo þeſe þingis,
enemy to hym ſilf.
xi He haþ ſet my feet in a ſtok; he kepte alle my paþis. ii Wiſe men, here ȝe my wordis, and lerned men, herkne

xii Þerfor þis þing it is, in which þou art not maad iuſt; Y ȝe me; for þe eere preueþ wordis,
iii and þe þrote demeþ metis bi taaſt.
ſchal anſwere to þee, þat God is more þan man.
xiii Þou ſtryueſt aȝenus God, þat not at alle wordis he iiii Cheſe we doom to vs; and ſe we among vs, what is

anſweride to þee. þe betere.

xiiii God ſpekiþ onys, and þe ſecounde tyme he reherſiþ v For Job ſeide, Y am iuſt, and God haþ diſtried my

not þe ſame þing. doom.

xv God ſpekiþ bi a dreem in þe viſioun of nyȝt, whanne vi For whi leſynge is in demynge me, and myn arowe is

ſleep falliþ on men, and þei ſlepen in þe bed. violent wiþ out ony ſynne.
xvi Þanne he openiþ þe eeris of men, and he techiþ hem, vii Who is a man, as Joob is, þat drynkiþ ſcornyng as

`and techiþ prudence; watir?

viii þat goiþ wiþ men worchynge wickidneſſe, and goiþ xxx Which makiþ `a man ypocrite to regne, for þe
wiþ vnfeiþful men? ſynnes of þe puple.
ix For he ſeide, A man ſchal not pleſe God, ȝhe, þouȝ he xxxi Þerfor for Y haue ſpoke to God, alſo Y ſchal not
renneþ wiþ God. forbede þee.
x Þerfor ȝe men hertid, `þat is, vndurſtonde, here ȝe me; xxxii If Y erride, teche þou me; if Y ſpak wickidneſſe, Y
vnpite, `eþir cruelte, be fer fro God, and wickidneſſe fro ſchal no more adde.
Almyȝti God. xxxiii Wheþer God axiþ þat wickidneſſe of þee, for it
xi For he ſchal ȝelde þe werk of man to hym; and bi þe diſpleſide þee? For þou haſt bigunne to ſpeke, and not
weies of ech man he ſchal reſtore to hym. Y; þat if þou knowiſt ony þing betere, ſpeke þou.
xii For verili God ſchal not condempne wiþ out cauſe; xxxiiii Men vndurſtondynge, ſpeke to me; and a wiſe
neþer Almyȝti God ſchal diſtrie doom. man, here me.
xiii What oþere man haþ he ordeyned on þe lond? eþer xxxv Forſoþe Joob ſpak folili, and hiſe wordis ſownen
whom haþ he ſet on þe world, which he made? not techyng.
xiiii If God dreſſiþ his herte to hym, he ſchal drawe to xxxvi My fadir, be Joob preuede `til to þe ende; ceeſſe
hym ſilf his ſpirit and blaſt. þou not fro þe man of wickidneſſe,
xv Ech fleiſch ſchal faile togidere; `and a man ſchal xxxvii `þat addiþ blasfemye ouer hiſe ſynnes. Be he
turne aȝen in to aiſch. conſtreyned among vs in þe meene tyme; and þanne bi
xvi Þerfor if þou haſt vndurſtondyng, here þou þat þat is hiſe wordis ſtire he God to þe doom.
ſeid, and herkne þe vois of my ſpeche.
xvii Wheþer he þat loueþ not doom may be maad hool? CAP. XXXV
i Þerfor Helyu ſpak eft þeſe þingis, Wheþir þi þouȝt
and hou condempneſt þou ſo myche him, þat is iuſt?
xviii Which ſeiþ to þe kyng, Þou art apoſtata; which ſemeþ euene,
ii `eþer riȝtful, to þee, þat þou ſchuldiſt ſeie, Y am
clepiþ þe duykis vnpitouſe, `eþir vnfeiþful.
xix `Which takiþ not þe perſoones of princes, neþer riȝtfulere þan God?
iii For þou ſeidiſt, Þat, þat is good, pleſiþ not þee; eþir
knew a tyraunt, whanne he ſtryuede aȝens a pore man;
for alle men ben þe werk of hiſe hondis. what profitiþ it to þee, if Y do ſynne?
xx Þei ſchulen die ſudeynli, and at mydnyȝt puplis iiii Þerfor Y ſchal anſwere to þi wordis, and to þi frendis

ſchulen be troblid, `eþir ſchulen be bowid, as oþere wiþ þee.

bookis han; and ſchulen paſſe, and ſchulen take `awei `a v Se þou, and biholde heuene, and biholde þou þe eir,
violent man wiþ out hond. þat God is hiȝere þan þou.
xxi For þe iȝen of God ben on þe weies of men, and vi If þou ſynneſt `aȝens hym, what ſchalt þou anoye
biholdiþ alle goyngis of hem. hym? and if þi wickidneſſis ben multiplied, what ſchalt
xxii No derkneſſis ben, and no ſchadewe of deeþ is, þat þou do aȝens hym?
þei, þat worchen wickidneſſe, be hid þere; vii Certis if þou doiſt iuſtli, what ſchalt þou ȝyue to hym;
xxiii for it is `no more in þe power of man, þat he come eþer what ſchal he take of þin hond?
to God in to doom. viii Þi wickidneſſe ſchal anoie a man, which is lijk þee;
xxiiii God ſchal al to-breke many men and and þi riȝtfulneſſe ſchal helpe þe ſone of a man.
vnnoumbrable; and ſchal make oþere men to ſtonde for ix Þei ſchulen cry for þe multitude of fals chalengeris,
hem. and þei ſchulen weile for þe violence of þe arm of
xxv For he knowiþ þe werkis of hem; þerfor he ſchal tirauntis.
brynge yn niȝt, and þei ſchulen be al to-brokun. x And Joob ſeide not, Where is God, þat made me, and
xxvi He ſmoot hem, as vnpitouſe men, in þe place of þat ȝaf ſongis in þe nyȝt?
ſeinge men. xi Which God techiþ vs aboue þe beeſtis of erþe, and he
xxvii Whiche ȝeden awei fro hym bi `caſtyng afore, and ſchal teche vs aboue þe briddis of heuene.
nolden vndurſtonde alle hiſe weies. xii Þere þei ſchulen crye, and God ſchal not here, for þe
xxviii Þat þei ſchulden make þe cry of a nedi man to pride of yuele men.
come to hym, and þat he ſchulde here þe vois of pore xiii For God ſchal not here wiþ out cauſe, and Almyȝti
men. God ſchal biholde þe cauſis of ech man.
xxix For whanne he grauntiþ pees, who is þat xiiii Ȝhe, whanne þou ſeiſt, He biholdiþ not; be þou
condempneþ? Siþen he hidiþ his cheer, who is þat ſeeþ demed bifor hym, and abide þou hym.
hym? And on folkis and on alle men `he haþ power `to xv For now he bryngiþ not in his ſtrong veniaunce,
do ſiche þingis. neþer vengiþ `greetli felonye.

xvi Þerfor
Joob openiþ his mouþ in veyn, and multiplieþ xxv Alle men ſeen God; ech man biholdiþ afer.
wordis wiþ out kunnyng. xxvi Lo! God is greet, ouercomynge oure kunnyng; þe
noumbre of hiſe ȝeeris is wiþ out noumbre.
CAP. XXXVI xxvii Which takiþ awei þe dropis of reyn; and ſchediþ
i Alſo Helyu addide, and ſpak þeſe þingis,
out reynes at þe licneſſe of floodȝatis,
ii Suffre þou me a litil, and Y ſchal ſchewe to þee; for ȝit xxviii whiche comen doun of þe cloudis, þat hilen alle
Y haue þat, þat Y ſchal ſpeke for God. þingis aboue.
iii Y ſchal reherſe my kunnyng fro þe bigynnyng; and Y xxix If he wole ſtretche forþe cloudis as his tente,
ſchal preue my worchere iuſt. xxx and leite wiþ his lyȝt fro aboue, he ſchal hile, ȝhe,
iiii For verili my wordis ben wiþ out leeſyng, and perfit xxxi þe herris of þe ſee. For bi þeſe þingis he demeþ
kunnyng ſchal be preued to þee. puplis, and ȝyueþ mete to many deedli men.
v God caſtiþ not awei myȝti men, ſiþen he is myȝti; xxxii In hondis he hidiþ lyȝt; and comaundiþ it, þat it
vi but he ſaueþ not wickid men, and he ȝyueþ dom to
come eft.
pore men. xxxiii He telliþ of it to his freend, þat it is his poſſeſſioun;
vii He takiþ not awei hiſe iȝen fro a iuſt man; and he
and þat he may ſtie to it.
ſettiþ kyngis in ſeete wiþ out ende, and þei ben reiſid
viii And if þei ben in chaynes, and ben boundun wiþ þe i Myn herte dredde of þis þing, and is moued out of his
roopis of pouert, place.
ix he ſchal ſhewe to hem her werkis, and her grete ii It ſchal here an heryng in þe feerdfulneſſe of his vois,
treſpaſſis; for þei weren violent, `eþir rauenours. and a ſown comynge forþ of his mouþ.
x Alſo he ſchal opene her eere, þat he chaſtiſe; and he iii He biholdiþ ouere alle heuenes; and his lyȝt is ouere
ſchal ſpeke, þat þei turne aȝen fro wickidneſſe. þe termes of erþe.
xi If þei heren, and kepen, þei ſchulen fille her daies in iiii Sown ſchal rore aftir hym, he ſchal þundre wiþ þe
good, and her ȝeris in glorie. vois of his greetneſſe; and it ſchal not be ſouȝt out,
xii Soþeli if þei heren not, þei ſchulen paſſe bi ſwerd, whanne his vois is herd.
and þei ſchulen be waſtid in foli. v God ſchal þundre in his vois wondurfulli, þat makiþ
xiii Feyneris and falſe men ſtiren þe ire of God; and þei grete þingis and þat moun not be ſouȝt out.
ſchulen not crye, whanne þei ben boundun. vi Which comaundiþ to þe ſnow to come doun on erþe,
xiiii Þe ſoule of hem ſchal die in tempeſt; and þe lijf of and to þe reynes of wijntir, and to þe reynes of his
hem among `men of wymmens condiciouns. ſtrengþe.
xv He ſchal delyuere a pore man fro his angwiſch; and vii Which markiþ in þe hond of alle men, þat alle men
he ſchal opene `þe eere of hym in tribulacioun. knowe her werkis.
xvi Þerfor he ſchal ſaue þee fro þe ſtreit mouþ of þe viii An vnreſonable beeſte ſchal go in to his denne, and
broddeſte tribulacioun, and not hauynge a foundement ſchal dwelle in his caue, `eþir derke place.
vndur it; ſoþeli þe reſt of þi table ſchal be ful of fatneſſe. ix Tempeſtis ſchulen go out fro þe ynnere þingis, and
xvii Þi cauſe is demed as þe cauſe of a wickid man; coold fro Arturus.
forſoþe þou ſchalt reſſeyue þi cauſe and doom. x Whanne God makiþ blowyng, froſt wexiþ togidere;
xviii Þerfor ire ouercome þee not, þat þou oppreſſe ony and eft ful brood watris ben ſched out.
man; and þe multitude of ȝiftis bowe þee not. xi Whete deſiriþ cloudis, and cloudis ſpreeden abrood
xix Putte doun þi greetneſſe wiþ out tribulacioun, and her lyȝt.
putte doun alle ſtronge men bi ſtrengþe. xii Whiche cloudes cumpaſſen alle þingis bi cumpas,
xx Dilaie þou not nyȝt, þat puplis ſtie for hem. whidur euere þe wil of þe gouernour lediþ þo, to al þing
xxi Be þou war, þat þou bowe not to wickidneſſe; for which he comaundiþ `to þo on þe face of þe world;
þou haſt bigunne to ſue þis wickidneſſe aftir xiii wheþer in o lynage, eþir in his lond, eþer in what
wretchidneſſe. euer place of his merci he comaundiþ þo to be foundun.
xxii Lo! God is hiȝ in his ſtrengþe, and noon is lijk hym xiiii Joob, herkene þou þeſe þingis; ſtonde þou, and
among þe ȝyueris of lawe. biholde þe meruels of God.
xxiii Who mai ſeke out þe weies of God? eþir who dar xv Wheþir þou wooſt, whanne God comaundide to þe
ſeie to hym, Þou haſt wrouȝt wickidneſſe? reynes, þat þo ſchulen ſchewe þe lyȝt of hiſe cloudis?
xxiiii Haue þou mynde, þat þou knowiſt not his werk, of xvi Wheþer þou knowiſt þe grete weies of cloudis, and
whom men ſungun. perfit kunnyngis?

xvii Wheþer þi clooþis ben not hoote, whanne þe erþe is xv Þe lyȝt of wickid men ſchal be takun awey fro hem,
blowun wiþ þe ſouþ? and an hiȝ arm ſchal be brokun.
xviii In hap þou madiſt wiþ hym heuenes, which mooſt xvi Wheþir þou entridiſt in to þe depþe of þe ſee, and
ſad ben foundid, as of bras. walkidiſt in þe laſte partis of þe occian?
xix Schewe þou to vs, what we ſchulen ſeie to hym; for xvii Wheþer þe ȝatis of deeþ ben openyd to þee, and
we ben wlappid in derkneſſis. `ſieſt þou þe derk doris?
xx Who ſchal telle to hym, what þingis Y ſpeke? ȝhe, if xviii Wheþir þou haſt biholde þe brede of erþe? Schewe
he ſpekiþ, a man ſchal be deuourid. þou to me, if þou knowiſt alle þingis,
xxi And now men ſeen not lyȝt; þe eir ſchal be maad xix in what weie þe lyȝt dwelliþ, and which is þe place
þicke ſudenli in to cloudis, and wynd paſſynge ſchal of derkneſſe;
dryue awei þo. xx þat þou lede ech þing to hiſe termes, and þou
xxii Gold ſchal come fro þe norþ, and ferdful preiſyng of vndurſtonde þe weies of his hows.
God. xxi Wiſtiſt þou þanne, þat þou ſchuldiſt be borun, and
xxiii For we moun not fynde him worþili; he is greet in knew þou þe noumbre of þi daies?
ſtrengþe, and in doom, and in riȝtfulneſſe, and may not xxii Wheþir þou entridiſt in to þe treſours of ſnow, eþer
be teld out. biheldiſt þou þe treſours of hail?
xxiiii Þerfor men ſchulen drede hym; and alle men, þat xxiii whiche þingis Y made redy in to þe tyme of an
ſemen to hem ſilf to be wiſe, ſchulen not be hardi to enemy, in to þe dai of fiȝtyng and of batel.
biholde. xxiiii Bi what weie is þe lyȝt ſpred abrood, heete is
departid on erþe?
CAP. XXXVIII xxv Who ȝaf cours to þe ſtrongeſte reyn,
i Forſoþe þe Lord anſweride fro þe whirlewynd to Joob,
xxvi and weie of þe þundur ſownynge? Þat it ſchulde
ii and ſeide, Who is þis man, wlappynge ſentences wiþ
reyne on þe erþe wiþ out man in deſert, where noon of
vnwiſe wordis? deedli men dwelliþ?
iii Girde þou as a man þi leendis; Y ſchal axe þee, and xxvii Þat it ſchulde fille a lond wiþ out weie and deſolat,
anſwere þou to me. and ſchulde brynge forþ greene eerbis?
iiii Where were þou, whanne Y ſettide þe foundementis xxviii Who is fadir of reyn, eþer who gendride þe dropis
of erþe? ſchewe þou to me, if þou haſt vndurſtondyng. of deew?
v Who ſettide meſures þerof, if þou knowiſt? eþir who xxix Of whos wombe ȝede out iys, and who gendride
ſtretchide forþ a lyne þeronne? froſt fro heuene?
vi On what þing ben þe foundementis þerof maad faſt? xxx Watris ben maad hard in þe licneſſe of ſtoon, and þe
eþer who ſente doun þe corner ſtoon þerof, ouer part of occian is ſtreyned togidere.
vii whanne þe morew ſterris herieden me togidere, and xxxi Wheþer þou ſchalt mowe ioyne togidere ſchynynge
alle þe ſones of God ſungun ioyfuli? ſterris Pliades, eþir þou ſchalt mowe diſtrie þe cumpas
viii Who cloſide togidere þe ſee wiþ doris, whanne it
of Arturis?
brak out comynge forþ as of þe wombe? xxxii Wheþer þou bryngiſt forþ Lucifer, `þat is, dai
ix Whanne Y ſettide a cloude þe hilyng þerof, and Y
ſterre, in his tyme, and makiſt euene ſterre to riſe on þe
wlappide it wiþ derkneſſe, as wiþ cloþis of ȝong ſones of erþe?
childhed. xxxiii Wheþer þou knowiſt þe ordre of heuene, and ſchalt
x Y cumpaſſide it wiþ my termes, and Y ſettide a barre,
ſette þe reſoun þerof in erþe?
and doris; xxxiiii Wheþir þou ſchalt reiſe þi vois in to a cloude, and
xi and Y ſeide, `Til hidur þou ſchalt come, and þou ſchalt
þe ferſneſſe of watris ſchal hile þee?
not go forþ ferþere; and here þou ſchalt breke togidere xxxv Wheþir þou ſchalt ſende leitis, and þo ſchulen go,
þi bolnynge wawis. and þo ſchulen turne aȝen, and ſchulen ſeie to þee, We
xii Wheþir aftir þi birþe þou comaundiſt to þe
ben preſent?
bigynnyng of dai, and ſchewidiſt to þe morewtid his xxxvi Who puttide wiſdoom in þe entrailis of man, eþir
place? who ȝaf vndurſtondyng to þe cok?
xiii Wheþir þou heldiſt ſchakynge togidere þe laſte partis xxxvii Who ſchal telle out þe reſoun of heuenes, and who
of erþe, and ſchakediſt awei wickid men þerfro? ſchal make acordyng of heuene to ſleep?
xiiii A ſeeling ſchal be reſtorid as cley, and it ſchal ſtonde xxxviii Whanne duſt was foundid in þe erþe, and clottis
as a cloþ. weren ioyned togidere?

xxxix Wheþer þou ſchalt take prey to þe lioneſſe, and xxii He diſpiſiþ ferdfulneſſe, and he ȝyueþ not ſtide to
ſchalt fille þe ſoulis of hir whelpis, ſwerd.
xl whanne þo liggen in caues, and aſpien in dennes? xxiii An arowe caas ſchal ſowne on hym; a ſpere and
xli Who makiþ redi for þe crowe his mete, whanne hiſe ſcheeld ſchal floriſche.
briddis crien to God, and wandren aboute, for þo han xxiiii He is hoot, and gnaſtiþ, and ſwolewiþ þe erþe; and
not meetis? he arettiþ not þat þe crie of þe trumpe ſowneþ.
xxv Whanne he heriþ a clarioun, he `ſeiþ, Joie! he
CAP. XXXIX ſmelliþ batel afer; þe excityng of duykis, and þe ȝellyng
i Wheþir þou knowiſt þe tyme of birþe of wielde geet in of þe ooſt.
ſtoonys, eþir haſt þou aſpied hyndis bryngynge forþ xxvi Wheþer an hauk ſpredinge abrood hiſe wyngis to þe
calues? ſouþ, bigynneþ to haue feþeris bi þi wiſdom?
ii Haſt þou noumbrid þe moneþis of her conſeyuyng, xxvii Wheþer an egle ſchal be reiſid at þi comaundement,
and haſt þou knowe þe tyme of her caluyng? and ſchal ſette his neſt in hiȝ places?
iii Þo ben bowid to þe calf, and caluen; and ſenden out xxviii He dwelliþ in ſtoonys, and he dwelliþ in flyntis
roryngis. brokun bifor, and in rochis, to whiche `me may not
iiii Her calues ben departid, and goen to paſture; þo goen neiȝe.
out, and turnen not aȝen to `þo hyndis. xxix Fro þennus he biholdiþ mete, and hiſe iȝen loken
v Who let go þe wielde aſſe fre, and who loſide þe fro fer.
boondis of hym? xxx Hiſe briddis ſouken blood, and where euere a careyn
vi To whom Y haue ȝoue an hows in wildirneſſe, and þe is, anoon he is preſent.
tabernacles of hym in þe lond of ſaltneſſe. xxxi And þe Lord addide, and ſpak to Joob,
vii He diſpiſiþ þe multitude of citee; he heriþ not þe cry xxxii Wheþer he, þat ſtryueþ wiþ God, ſchal haue reſt ſo
of an axere. liȝtli? Soþeli he, þat repreueþ God, owiþ for to anſwere
viii He lokiþ aboute þe hillis of his leſewe, and he ſekiþ to hym.
alle greene þingis. xxxiii Forſoþe Joob anſweride to þe Lord,
ix Wheþer an vnycorn ſchal wilne ſerue þee, eþir ſchal xxxiiii and ſeide, What may Y anſwere, which haue ſpoke
dwelle at þi cratche? liȝtli? Y ſchal putte myn hond on my mouþ.
x Wheþer þou ſchalt bynde þe vnicorn wiþ þi chayne, xxxv Y ſpak o þing, which þing Y wold, þat Y hadde not
for to ere, eþir ſchal he breke þe clottis of valeis aftir ſeid; and Y ſpak anoþir þing, to which Y ſchal no more
þee? adde.
xi Wheþer þou ſchalt haue triſt in his grete ſtrengþe, and
ſchalt þou leeue to hym þi traueils? CAP. XL
xii Wheþer þou ſchalt bileue to hym, þat he ſchal ȝelde i Forſoþe þe Lord anſweride to Joob fro þe whirlewynd,
ſeed to þee, and ſchal gadere togidere þi cornfloor? ii and ſeide, Girde þou as a man þi leendis, and Y ſchal
xiii Þe feþere of an oſtriche is lijk þe feþeris of a axe þee, and ſchewe þou to me.
gerfawcun, and of an hauk; iii Wheþer þou ſchalt make voide my doom, and ſchalt
xiiii which oſtrige forſakiþ hiſe eirun in þe erþe, in hap condempne me, þat þou be maad iuſt?
þou ſchalt make þo hoot in þe duſt. iiii And if þou haſt an arm, as God haþ, and if þou
xv He forȝetiþ, þat a foot trediþ þo, eþir þat a beeſte of þundriſt wiþ lijk vois, `take þou fairneſſe aboute þee,
þe feeld al tobrekiþ þo. v and be þou reiſid an hiȝ, and be þou gloriouſe, and be
xvi He is maad hard to hiſe briddis, as if þei ben not hiſe; þou cloþid `in faire cloþis.
he traueilide in veyn, while no drede conſtreynede. vi Diſtrie þou proude men in þi woodneſſe, and biholde
xvii For God haþ priued hym fro wiſdom, and `ȝaf not þou, and make lowe ech boſtere.
vnderſtondyng to hym. vii Biholde þou alle proude men, and ſchende þou hem;
xviii Whanne tyme is, he reiſiþ þe wengis an hiȝ; he and al to-breke þou wickid men in her place.
ſcorneþ þe hors, and his ridere. viii Hide þou hem in duſt togidere, and drenche doun her
xix Wheþer þou ſchalt ȝyue ſtrengþe to an hors, eþer faces in to a diche.
ſchal ȝyue neiyng `aboute his necke? ix And Y ſchal knowleche, þat þi riȝt hond may ſaue
xx Wheþer þou ſchalt reyſe hym as locuſtis? Þe glorie of þee.
hiſe noſeþirlis is drede. x Lo! behemot, whom Y made wiþ þee, ſchal as an oxe
xxi He diggiþ erþe wiþ þe foot, he `fulli ioieþ booldli; he ete hey.
goiþ aȝens armed men.

xi His ſtrengþe is in hiſe leendis, and his vertu is in þe vii Oon is ioyned to anoþer; and ſoþeli breþing goiþ not
nawle of his wombe. þorouȝ þo.
xii He ſtreyneþ his tail as a cedre; þe ſenewis of his viii Oon ſchal cleue to anoþir, and þo holdynge hem ſilf
`ſtones of gendrure ben foldid togidere. ſchulen not be departid.
xiii Hiſe boonys ben as þe pipis of bras; þe griſtil of hym ix His fneſynge is as ſchynynge of fier, and hiſe iȝen ben
is as platis of yrun. as iȝelidis of þe morewtid.
xiiii He is þe bigynnyng of þe weies of God; he, þat x Laumpis comen forþ of his mouþ, as trees of fier, þat
made hym, ſchal ſette his ſwerd to hym. ben kyndlid.
xv Hillis beren eerbis to þis behemot; alle þe beeſtis of xi Smoke comeþ forþ of hiſe noſeþirlis, as of a pot ſet on
þe feeld pleien þere. þe fier `and boilynge.
xvi He ſlepiþ vndur ſchadewe, in þe pryuete of rehed, in xii His breeþ makiþ colis to brenne, and flawme goiþ
moiſte places. out of his mouþ.
xvii Schadewis hilen his ſchadewe; þe ſalewis of þe xiii Strengþe ſchal dwelle in his necke, and nedyneſſe
ryuer cumpaſſen hym. ſchal go bifor his face.
xviii He ſchal ſoupe vp þe flood, and he ſchal not xiiii Þe membris of hiſe fleiſchis ben cleuynge togidere
wondre; he haþ triſt, þat Jordan ſchal flowe in to his to hem ſilf; God ſchal ſende floodis aȝens hym, and þo
mouþ. ſchulen not be borun to an oþer place.
xix He ſchal take hem bi `þe iȝen of hym, as bi an hook; xv His herte ſchal be maad hard as a ſtoon; and it ſchal
and bi ſcharpe ſchaftis he ſchal perſe hiſe noſeþirlis. be ſtreyned togidere as þe anefeld of a ſmiþ.
xx Wheþer þou ſchalt mowe drawe out leuyaþan wiþ an xvi Whanne he ſchal be takun awei, aungels ſchulen
hook, and ſchalt bynde wiþ a roop his tunge? drede; and þei aferd ſchulen be purgid.
xxi Wheþir þou ſchalt putte a ryng in hiſe noſeþirlis, eþir xvii Whanne ſwerd takiþ hym, it may not ſtonde, neþir
ſchalt perſe hyſe cheke wiþ `an hook? ſpere, neþer haburioun.
xxii Wheþer he ſchal multiplie preieris to þee, eþer ſchal xviii For he ſchal arette irun as chaffis, and bras as rotun
ſpeke ſofte þingis to þee? tre.
xxiii Wheþer he ſchal make couenaunt wiþ þee, and `þou xix A man archere ſchal not dryue hym awei; ſtoonys of
ſchalt take him a ſeruaunt euerlaſtinge? a ſlynge ben turned in to ſtobil to hym.
xxiiii Wheþer þou ſchalt ſcorne hym as a brid, eþir ſchalt xx He ſchal arette an hamer as ſtobil; and he ſchal ſcorne
bynde hym to þin handmaidis? a floriſchynge ſpere.
xxv Schulen frendis `kerue hym, ſchulen marchauntis xxi Þe beemys of þe ſunne ſchulen be vndur hym; and he
departe hym? ſchal ſtrewe to hym ſilf gold as cley.
xxvi Wheþer þou ſchalt fille nettis wiþ his ſkyn, and a xxii He ſchal make þe depe ſe to buyle as a pot; and he
`leep of fiſchis wiþ his heed? ſchal putte, as whanne oynementis buylen.
xxvii Schalt þou putte þin hond on hym? haue þou xxiii A paþ ſchal ſchyne aftir hym; he ſchal geſſe þe greet
mynde of þe batel, and adde no more to ſpeke. occian as wexynge eld.
xxviii Lo! his hope ſchal diſſeyue hym; and in þe ſiȝt of xxiiii No power is on erþe, þat ſchal be compariſound to
alle men he ſchal be caſt doun. hym; which is maad, þat he ſchulde drede noon.
xxv He ſeeþ al hiȝ þing; he is kyng ouer alle þe ſones of
CAP. XLI pride.
i I not as cruel ſchal reiſe hym; for who may aȝenſtonde
my face? CAP. XLII
ii And who `ȝaf to me bifore, þat Y ȝelde to hym? Alle i Forſoþe Joob anſweride to þe Lord, and ſeide,
þingis, þat ben vndur heuene, ben myne. ii Y woot, þat þou maiſt alle þingis, and no þouȝt is hid
iii Y ſchal not ſpare hym for myȝti wordis, and maad fro þee (Note: Joob wiſte wel, þat in remembringe his
faire to biſeche. riȝtfulneſſe he ſuffride ſum ſtiring of veynglorie, which
iiii Who ſchal ſchewe þe face of his cloþing, and who is wont to come liȝtly in ſiche þingis, ȝhe, in men þat
ſchal entre in to þe myddis of his mouþ? ben perfit. in preiſinge my riȝtfulneſſe. in enqueringe
v Who ſchal opene þe ȝatis of his cheer? ferdfulneſſe is ouer myche þe reſouns of Goddis domes. ).
iii Who is þis, þat heliþ counſel wiþ out kunnyng?
bi þe cumpas of hiſe teeþ.
vi His bodi is as ȝotun ſcheldys of bras, and ioyned Þerfor Y ſpak vnwiſeli, and þo þingis þat paſſiden ouer
togidere wiþ ſcalis ouerleiynge hem ſilf. meſure my kunnyng.

iiii Here þou, and Y ſchal ſpeke; Y ſchal axe þee, and Here endiþ þe book of Joob, and here bigynneþ þe
anſwere þou to me. Sauter, which is red comynli in chirchis.
v Bi heryng of eere Y herde þee, but now myn iȝe ſeeþ
vi Þerfor Y repreue me, and do penaunce in deed ſparcle
and aiſche.
vii Forſoþe aftir þat þe Lord ſpak þeſe wordis to Joob, he
ſeide to Eliphat Themanytes, My ſtronge veniaunce is
wrooþ aȝens þee, and aȝens þi twey frendis (Note: God
ſeiþ not aȝenus Helyu, eþer aȝenus Joob; for whi to do
ſynne bi preſumpcioun, eþer bi vnwar ſpeking, as Helyu
and Joob diden, is not ſo greuouſe ſynne as to do ſynne
bi afermyng of falſneſſe, which bifelde to þeſe þre men.
for he ſynnede liȝtly, and dide penaunce þerfor
perfitly. ); for ȝe `ſpaken not bifor me riȝtful þing, as my
ſeruaunt Joob dide.
viii Þerfor take ȝe to ȝou ſeuene bolis, and ſeuene
rammes; and go ȝe to my ſeruaunt Joob, and offre ȝe
brent ſacrifice for ȝou. Forſoþe Joob, my ſeruaunt, ſchal
preie for ȝou; Y ſchal reſſeyue his face, þat foli be not
arettid to ȝou (Note: to euerlaſtinge peyne. ); for ȝe
`ſpaken not bifor me riȝtful þing, as my ſeruaunt Joob
ix Þerfor Eliphat Themanytes, and Baldach Suythes, and
Sophar Naamathites, ȝeden, and diden, as þe Lord
hedde ſpoke to hem; and þe Lord reſſeyuede þe face of
x Alſo þe Lord was conuertid to þe penaunce of Joob,
whanne he preiede for hiſe frendis. And þe Lord addide
alle þingis double, whiche euere weren of Joob.
xi Soþeli alle hiſe briþeren, and alle hiſe ſiſtris, and alle
þat knewen hym bifore, camen to hym; and þei eeten
breed wiþ hym in his hows, and moueden þe heed on
hym; and þei coumfortiden hym of al þe yuel, which þe
Lord hadde brouȝt in on hym; and þei ȝauen to hym ech
man o ſcheep, and o goldun eere ring.
xii Forſoþe þe Lord bleſſide þe laſte þingis of Joob, more
þan þe bigynnyng of hym; and fouretene þouſynde of
ſcheep weren maad to hym, and ſixe þouſinde of
camels, and a þouſynde ȝockis of oxis, and a þouſynde
femal aſſis.
xiii And he hadde ſeuene ſones (Note: þe formere ſones
and douȝtris weren in þe weye of ſaluacioun, and ſo not
deed outirly. ), and þre douȝtris; and he clepide þe name
of o douȝtir Dai, and þe name of þe ſecounde douȝtir
Caſſia, and þe name of þe þridde douȝtir `An horn of
wymmens oynement.
xiiii `Soþeli no wymmen weren foundun ſo faire in al
erþe, as þe douȝtris of Joob; and her fadir ȝaf eritage to
hem among her briþeren.
xv Forſoþe Joob lyuede aftir þeſe betyngis an hundrid
and fourti ȝeer, and `ſiy hiſe ſones, and þe ſones of hiſe
ſones, `til to þe fourþe generacioun; and he was deed
eld, and ful of daies.

Þe title of þe þridde ſalm. `Þe ſalm of Dauid, whanne
Here bigynneþ þe Sauter, which is red comynly in he fledde fro þe face of Abſolon, his ſone.
chirchis. i Lord, whi ben þei multiplied þat diſturblen me? many
men ryſen aȝens me.
PSALM I ii Many men ſeien of my ſoule, Noon helþe is to hym in
Þe firſte ſalm. his God.
i Bleſſid is þe man, þat ȝede not in þe councel of wickid iii But þou, Lord, art myn vptakere; my glorye, and
men; and ſtood not in þe weie of ſynneris, and ſat not in enhaunſyng myn heed.
þe chaier of peſtilence. iiii Wiþ my vois Y criede to þe Lord; and he herde me
ii But his wille is in þe lawe of þe Lord; and he ſchal fro his hooli hil.
biþenke in þe lawe of hym dai and nyȝt. v I ſlepte, and `was quenchid, and Y roos vp; for þe
iii And he ſchal be as a tree, which is plauntid biſidis þe Lord reſſeyuede me.
rennyngis of watris; which tre ſchal ȝyue his fruyt in his vi I ſchal not drede þouſyndis of puple cumpaſſynge me;
tyme. And his leef ſchal not falle doun; and alle þingis vii Lord, riſe þou vp; my God, make þou me ſaaf. For
which euere he ſchal do ſchulen haue proſperite. þou haſt ſmyte alle men beynge aduerſaries to me wiþ
iiii Not ſo wickid men, not ſo; but þei ben as duſt, which
out cauſe; þou haſt al to-broke þe teeþ of ſynneris.
þe wynd caſtiþ awei fro þe face of erþe. viii Helþe is of þe Lord; and þi bleſſyng, Lord, is on þi
v Þerfor wickid men riſen not aȝen in doom; neþir
ſynneres in þe councel of iuſt men.
vi For þe Lord knowiþ þe weie of iuſt men; and þe weie
of wickid men ſchal periſche. Þe title of þe fourþe ſalm. `To þe victorie in orguns;
þe ſalm of Dauid.
PSALM II i Whanne Y inwardli clepid, God of my riȝtwiſneſſe
Þe ſecounde ſalm.
herde me; in tribulacioun þou haſt alargid to me. Haue
i Whi gnaſtiden wiþ teeþ heþene men; and puplis þou mercy on me; and here þou my preier.
þouȝten veyn þingis? ii Sones of men, hou long ben ȝe of heuy herte? whi
ii Þe kyngis of erþe ſtoden togidere; and princes camen louen ȝe vanite, and ſeken a leeſyng?
togidere aȝens þe Lord, and aȝens his Criſt? iii And wite ȝe, þat þe Lord haþ maad merueilous his
iii Breke we þe bondis of hem; and caſt we awei þe ȝok hooli man; þe Lord ſchal here me, whanne Y ſchal crye
of hem fro vs. to hym.
iiii He þat dwelliþ in heuenes ſchal ſcorne hem; and þe iiii Be ȝe wroþe, and nyle ȝe do ſynne; `and for þo þingis
Lord ſchal bimowe hem. whiche ȝe ſeien in ȝoure hertis and in ȝoure beddis, be
v Þanne he ſchal ſpeke to hem in his ire; and he ſchal ȝe compunct.
diſturble hem in his ſtronge veniaunce. v Sacrifie ȝe `þe ſacrifice of riȝtfulneſſe, and hope ȝe in
vi Forſoþe Y am maad of hym a kyng on Syon, his hooli þe Lord;
hil; vi many ſeien, Who ſchewide goodis to vs? Lord, þe lyȝt
vii prechynge his comaundement. Þe Lord ſeide to me, of þi cheer is markid on vs;
Þou art my ſone; Y haue gendrid þee to dai. vii þou haſt ȝoue gladneſſe in myn herte. Þei ben
viii Axe þou of me, and Y ſchal ȝyue to þee heþene men multiplied of þe fruit of whete, and of wyn; and of her
þin eritage; and þi poſſeſſioun þe termes of erþe. oile.
ix Þou ſchalt gouerne hem in an yrun ȝerde; and þou viii In pees in þe ſame þing; Y ſchal ſlepe, and take reſte.
ſchalt breke hem as þe veſſel of a pottere. For þou, Lord; haſt ſet me ſyngulerli in hope.
x And now, ȝe kyngis, vndurſtonde; ȝe þat demen þe
erþe, be lerud. PSALM V
xi Serue ȝe þe Lord wiþ drede; and make ȝe ful ioye to Þe title of þe fyueþe ſalm. To þe ouercomere on þe
hym wiþ tremblyng. eritagis, þe ſong of Dauid.
xii Take ȝe lore; leſt þe Lord be wrooþ ſumtyme, and leſt i Lord, perſeyue þou my wordis wiþ eeris; vndurſtonde
ȝe periſchen fro iuſt waie. Whanne his `ire brenneþ out þou my cry.
in ſchort tyme; bleſſed ben alle þei, þat triſten in hym. ii Mi kyng, and my God; ȝyue þou tent to þe vois of my

iii For, Lord, Y ſchal preie to þee; here þou eerly my PSALM VII
vois. Eerli Y ſchal ſtonde nyȝ þee, and Y ſchal ſe; Þe title of þe ſeuenþe ſalm. For þe ignoraunce of
iiii for þou art God not willynge wickidneſſe. Dauid, which he ſonge to þe Lord on þe wordis of
v Neþir an yuel willid man ſchal dwelle biſidis þee; Ethiopien, þe ſone of Gemyny.
neþir vniuſt men ſchulen dwelle bifor þin iȝen. Þou i Mi Lord God, Y haue hopid in þee; make þou me ſaaf
hatiſt alle þat worchen wickidneſſe; fro alle þat purſuen me, and delyuere þou me.
vi þou ſchalt leeſe alle þat ſpeken leeſyng. Þe Lord ſchal ii Leſt ony tyme he as a lioun rauyſche my ſoule; þe
holde abhomynable a manquellere, and gileful man. while noon is þat aȝenbieþ, neþer þat makiþ ſaaf.
vii But, Lord, in þe multitude of þi merci Y ſchal entre in iii Mi Lord God, if Y dide þis þing, if wickidneſſe is in
to þin hows; Y ſchal worſchipe to þin hooli temple in þi myn hondis;
drede. iiii if Y `ȝeldide to men ȝeldynge to me yuels, falle Y `bi
viii Lord, lede þou forþ me in þi riȝtfulneſſe for myn
diſſeruyng voide fro myn enemyes;
enemyes; dreſſe þou my weie in þi ſiȝt. v myn enemy purſue my ſoule, and take, and defoule my
ix For whi treuþe is not in her mouþ; her herte is veyn.
lijf in erþe; and brynge my glorie in to duſt.
Her þrote is an opyn ſepulcre, þei diden gilefuli wiþ her vi Lord, riſe þou vp in þin ire; and be þou reyſid in þe
tungis; cooſtis of myn enemyes. And, my Lord God, riſe þou in
x God, deme þou hem. Falle þei doun fro her þouȝtis, vp
þe comaundement, which þou `haſt comaundid;
þe multitude of her wickidneſſis caſte þou hem doun; vii and þe ſynagoge of puplis ſchal cumpaſſe þee. And
for, Lord, þei han terrid þee to ire. for þis go þou aȝen an hiȝ;
xi And alle þat hopen in þee, be glad; þei ſchulen make
viii þe Lord demeþ puplis. Lord, deme þou me bi my
fulli ioye wiþ outen ende, and þou ſchalt dwelle in hem. riȝtfulneſſe; and bi myn innocence on me.
And alle þat louen þi name ſchulen haue glorie in þee; ix Þe wickidneſſe of ſynneris be endid; and þou, God,
xii for þou ſchalt bleſſe a iuſt man. Lord, þou haſt
ſekyng þe hertis and reynes, ſchalt dreſſe a iuſt man.
corouned vs, as wiþ þe ſcheeld of þi good wille. x Mi iuſt help is of þe Lord; þat makiþ ſaaf riȝtful men
in herte.
PSALM VI xi Þe Lord is a iuſt iuge, ſtronge and pacient; wheþer he
Þe title of þe ſixte ſalm. To þe ouercomere in ſalmes, is wrooþ bi alle daies?
þe ſalm of Dauid, `on þe eiȝþe. xii If ȝe ben `not conuertid, he ſchal floriſche his ſwerd;
i Lord, repreue þou not me in þi ſtronge veniaunce; he haþ bent his bouwe, and made it redi.
neþer chaſtice þou me in þin ire. xiii And þerynne he haþ maad redi þe veſſels of deþ; he
ii Lord, haue þou merci on me, for Y am ſijk; Lord,
haþ fulli maad his arewis wiþ brennynge þingis.
make þou me hool, for alle my boonys ben troblid. xiiii Lo! he conſeyuede ſorewe; he peynfuli brouȝte forþ
iii And my ſoule is troblid greetli; but þou, Lord, hou
vnriȝtfulneſſe, and childide wickidneſſe.
long? xv He openide a lake, and diggide it out; and he felde in
iiii Lord, be þou conuertid, and delyuere my ſoule; make
to þe dich which he made.
þou me ſaaf, for þi merci. xvi His ſorewe ſchal be turned in to his heed; and his
v For noon is in deeþ, which is myndful of þee; but in
wickidneſſe ſchal come doun in to his necke.
helle who ſchal knouleche to þee? xvii I ſchal knouleche to þe Lord bi his riȝtfulneſſe; and
vi I traueilide in my weilyng, Y ſchal waiſche my bed bi
Y ſchal ſynge to þe name of þe hiȝeſte Lord.
ech nyȝt; Y ſchal moiſte, `eþer make weet, my bedſtre
wiþ my teeris. PSALM VIII
vii Myn iȝe is diſturblid of woodneſſe; Y waxe eld
Þe title of þe eiȝþe ſalm. To þe ouercomere, for
among alle myn enemyes. preſſours, þe ſalm of Dauid.
viii Alle ȝe þat worchen wickidneſſe, departe fro me; for
i Lord, þou art oure Lord; þi name is ful wonderful in al
þe Lord haþ herd þe vois of my wepyng.
ix Þe Lord haþ herd my biſechyng; þe Lord haþ erþe. For þi greet doyng is reiſid, aboue heuenes.
ii Of þe mouþ of ȝonge children, not ſpekynge and
reſſeyued my preier.
x Alle my enemyes be aſchamed, and be diſturblid ſoukynge mylk, þou madiſt perfitli heriyng, for þin
enemyes; þat þou deſtrie þe enemy and auengere.
greetli; be þei turned togidere, and be þei aſchamed ful iii For Y ſchal ſe þin heuenes, þe werkis of þi fyngris; þe
moone and ſterris, whiche þou haſt foundid.
iiii What is a man, þat þou art myndeful of hym; eþir þe
ſone of a virgyn, for þou viſitiſt hym?

v Þou haſt maad hym a litil leſſe þan aungels; þou haſt xviii For þe forȝetyng of a pore man ſchal not be in to þe
corouned hym wiþ glorie and onour, ende; þe pacience of pore men ſchal not periſche in to
vi and haſt ordeyned hym aboue þe werkis of þin þe ende.
hondis. xix Lord, riſe þou vp, a man be not coumfortid; folkis be
vii Þou haſt maad ſuget alle þingis vndur hiſe feet; alle demyd in þi ſiȝt.
ſcheep and oxis, ferþermore and þe beeſtis of þe feeld; xx Lord, ordeine þou a lawe makere on hem; wite folkis,
viii þe briddis of þe eir, and þe fiſchis of þe ſee; þat þat þei ben men.
paſſen bi þe paþis of þe ſee. xxi Lord, whi haſt þou go fer awei? þou diſpiſiſt `in
ix Lord, `þou art oure Lord; þi name `is wondurful in al couenable tymes in tribulacioun.
erþe. xxii While þe wickid is proud, þe pore man is brent; þei
ben taken in þe counſels, bi whiche þei þenken.
PSALM IX xxiii Forwhi þe ſynnere is preiſid in þe deſiris of his

Þe title of þe nynþe ſalm. In to þe ende, for þe ſoule; and þe wickid is bleſſid.

pryuytees of þe ſone, þe ſalm of Dauid. xxiiii Þe ſynnere `wraþþide þe Lord; vp þe multitude of

i Lord, Y ſchal knouleche to þee in al myn herte; Y ſchal his ire he ſchal not ſeke. God is not in his ſiȝt;
xxv hiſe weies ben defoulid in al tyme. God, þi domes
telle alle þi merueils.
ii Þou hiȝeſte, Y ſchal be glad, and Y ſchal be fulli ben takun awei fro his face; he ſchal be lord of alle hiſe
ioieful in þee; Y ſchal ſynge to þi name. enemyes.
xxvi For he ſeide in his herte, Y ſchal not be moued, fro
iii For þou turneſt myn enemy abac; þei ſchulen be maad
feble, and ſchulen periſche fro þi face. generacioun in to generacioun wiþout yuel.
xxvii `Whos mouþ is ful of curſyng, and of bitterneſſe,
iiii For þou haſt maad my doom and my cauſe; þou, þat
demeſt riȝtfulneſſe, `haſt ſet on þe trone. and of gyle; trauel and ſorewe is vndur his tunge.
xxviii He ſittiþ in aſpies wiþ ryche men in priuytees; to
v Þou blamediſt heþene men, and þe wickid periſchide;
þou haſt do awei þe name of hem in to þe world, and in ſle þe innocent man. Hiſe iȝen biholden on a pore man;
xxix he ſettiþ aſpies in hid place, as a lioun in his denne.
to þe world of world.
vi Þe ſwerdis of þe enemy failiden in to þe ende; and He ſettiþ aſpies, for to rauyſche a pore man; for to
þou haſt diſtried þe citees of hem. Þe mynde of hem rauyſche a pore man, while he drawiþ þe pore man. In
periſchide wiþ ſown; his ſnare he ſchal make meke þe pore man;
xxx he ſchal bowe hym ſilf, and ſchal falle doun, whanne
vii and þe Lord dwelliþ wiþ outen ende. He made redi
his trone in doom; he haþ be lord of pore men.
xxxi For he ſeide in his herte, God haþ forȝete; he haþ
viii and he ſchal deme þe world in equite, he ſchal deme
puplis in riȝtfulneſſe. turned awei his face, þat he ſe not in to þe ende.
xxxii Lord God, riſe þou vp, and þin hond be enhaunſid;
ix And þe Lord is maad refuyt, `eþer help, `to a pore
man; an helpere in couenable tymes in tribulacioun. forȝete þou not pore men.
xxxiii For what þing terride þe wickid man God to
x And þei, þat knowen þi name, haue hope in þee; for
þou, Lord, haſt not forſake hem þat ſeken þee. wraþþe? for he ſeide in his herte, God ſchal not ſeke.
xxxiiii Þou ſeeſt, for þou biholdiſt trauel and ſorewe; þat
xi Synge ȝe to þe Lord, þat dwelliþ in Syon; telle ȝe hiſe
ſtudyes among heþene men. þou take hem in to þin hondis. Þe pore man is left to
xii God forȝetiþ not þe cry of pore men; for he haþ þee; þou ſchalt be an helpere to þe fadirles and
mynde, and ſekiþ þe blood of hem. xxxv Al to-breke þou þe arme of þe ſynnere, and yuel
xiii Lord, haue þou merci on me; ſe þou my mekeneſſe
willid; his ſynne ſchal be ſouȝt, and it ſchal not be
of myn enemyes. Which enhaunſiſt me fro þe ȝatis of
deeþ; xxxvi Þe Lord ſchal regne wiþ outen ende, and in to þe
xiiii þat Y telle alle þi preiſyngis in þe ȝatis of þe douȝter
world of world; folkis, ȝe ſchulen periſche fro þe lond
of Syon. Y ſchal `be fulli ioyeful in þin helþe;
xv heþene men ben faſt ſet in þe periſching, which þei
of hym.
xxxvii Þe Lord haþ herd þe deſir of pore men; þin eere
maden. In þis ſnare, which þei hidden, þe foot of hem is
haþ herd þe makyng redi of her herte.
kauȝt. xxxviii To deme for þe modirles `and meke; þat a man
xvi Þe Lord makynge domes ſchal be knowun; þe
`leie to no more to `magnyfie hym ſilf on erþe.
ſynnere is takun in þe werkis of hiſe hondis.
xvii Synneris be turned togidere in to helle; alle folkis,
þat forȝeten God.

PSALM X v leſtony tyme myn enemye ſeie, Y hadde þe maiſtri
Þe title of þe tenþe ſalm. To þe victorie of Dauid. aȝens hym. Þei, þat troblen me, ſchulen haue ioie, if Y
iI ſchal be ſtirid; forſoþe Y hopide in þi merci.
triſte in þe Lord; hou ſeien ȝe to my ſoule, Paſſe þou vi Myn herte ſchal fulli haue ioie in þin helþe; Y ſchal
ouere in to an hil, as a ſparowe doiþ?
ii For lo! ſynneris han bent a bouwe; þei han maad redi ſynge to þe Lord, þat ȝyueþ goodis to me, and Y ſchal
ſeie ſalm to þe name of þe hiȝeſte Lord.
her arowis in an arowe caas; `for to ſchete in derkneſſe
riȝtful men in herte.
iii For þei han diſtryed, whom þou haſt maad perfit; but PSALM XIII
what dide þe riȝtful man? Þe `title of þe þrettenþe ſalm. To þe victorie of
iiii Þe Lord is in his hooli temple; he is Lord, his ſeete is Dauid.
i Þe vnwiſe man ſeide in his herte, God is not. Þei ben
in heuene. Hiſe iȝen biholden on a pore man; hiſe
iȝelidis axen þe ſones of men. corrupt, and ben maad abhomynable in her ſtudies;
v Þe Lord axiþ a iuſt man, and vnfeiþful man; but he, noon is þat doiþ good, noon is til to oon.
ii Þe Lord bihelde fro heuene on þe ſones of men; þat he
þat loueþ wickidneſſe, hatiþ his ſoule.
vi He ſchal reyne ſnaris on `ſynful men; fier, brymſton, ſe, if ony is vndurſtondynge, eþir ſekynge God.
iii Alle bowiden awei, togidere þei ben maad
and þe ſpirit of tempeſtis ben þe part of þe cuppe of
hem. vnprofitable; noon is þat doþ good, noon is `til to oon.
vii For þe Lord is riȝtful, and louede riȝtfulneſſis; his Þe þrote of hem is an open ſepulcre, þei diden gilefuli
cheer ſiȝ equite, `eþir euenneſſe. wiþ her tungis; þe venym of ſnakis is vndur her lippis.
Whos mouþ is ful of curſyng and bittirneſſe; her feet
PSALM XI ben ſwift to ſchede out blood. Sorewe and curſidneſſe is
in þe weies of hem, and þei knewen not þe weie of
Þe title of þe eleuenþe ſalm. To þe victorie on þe
pees; þe drede of God is not bifor her iȝen.
eiȝte, þe ſong of Dauid. iiii Wheþer alle men þat worchen wickidneſſe ſchulen
i Lord, make þou me ſaaf, for þe hooli failide; for not knowe; þat deuowren my puple, as mete of breed?
treuþis ben maad litle fro þe ſones of men. Þei clepeden not þe Lord;
ii Þei ſpaken veyn þingis, ech man to hys neiȝbore; þei v þei trembliden þere for dreed, where was no drede; for
han gileful lippis, þei ſpaken in herte and herte. þe Lord is in a riȝtful generacioun.
iii Þe Lord deſtrie alle gileful lippis; and þe greet vi Þou haſt ſchent þe counſel of a pore man; for þe Lord
ſpekynge tunge. is his hope.
iiii Whiche ſeiden, We ſchulen magnyfie oure tunge, our vii Who ſchal ȝyue fro Syon helþe to Iſrael? Whanne þe
lippis ben of vs; who is oure lord? Lord haþ turned awei þe caitifte of his puple; Jacob
v For þe wretchedneſſe of nedy men, and for þe weilyng
ſchal `fulli be ioiful, and Iſrael ſchal be glad.
of pore men; now Y ſchal ryſe vp, ſeiþ þe Lord. I ſchal
ſette inhelþe; Y ſchal do triſtili in hym. PSALM XIIII
vi Þe ſpechis of þe Lord ben chaſt ſpechis; ſiluer
Þe title of þe fourtenþe ſalm. Þe ſalm of Dauid.
examynyd bi fier, preued fro erþe, purgid ſeuen fold. i Lord,
vii Þou, Lord, ſchalt kepe vs; and þou `ſchalt kepe vs fro who ſchal dwelle in þi tabernacle; eþer who
ſchal reſte in þin hooli hil?
þis generacioun wiþ outen ende. ii He þat entriþ wiþ out wem; and worchiþ riȝtfulneſſe.
viii Wickid men goen in cumpas; bi þin hiȝneſſe þou haſt
Which ſpekiþ treuþe in his herte;
multiplied þe ſones of men. iii which dide not gile in his tunge. Neþir dide yuel to

PSALM XII his neiȝbore; and took not ſchenſchip aȝens hiſe
Þe title of þe twelfþe ſalm. To þe victorie of Dauid. iiii A wickid man is brouȝt to nouȝt in his ſiȝt; but he
i Lord, hou long forȝetiſt þou me in to þe ende? hou glorifieþ hem þat dreden þe Lord. Which ſweriþ to his
long turneſt þou awei þi face fro me? neiȝbore, and diſſeyueþ not;
ii Hou long ſchal Y ſette counſels in my ſoule; ſorewe in v which ȝaf not his money to vſure; and took not ȝiftis
my herte bi dai? on þe innocent. He, þat doiþ þeſe þingis, ſchal not be
iii Hou long ſchal myn enemy be reiſid on me? moued wiþ outen ende.
iiii My Lord God, biholde þou, and here þou me. Liȝtne
þou myn iȝen, leſt ony tyme Y ſlepe in deþ;

PSALM XV x þei han cloſide togidere her fatneſſe; þe mouþ of hem
Þe title of þe fiuetenþe ſalm. `Of þe meke and ſpak pride.
ſymple, þe ſalm of Dauid. xi Þei caſtiden me forþ, and han cumpaſſid me now; þei

i Lord, kepe þou me, for Y haue hopid in þee; ordeyneden to bowe doun her iȝen in to erþe.
xii Þei, as a lioun maad redi to prey, han take me; and as
ii Y ſeide to þe Lord, Þou art my God, for þou haſt no
nede of my goodis. þe whelp of a lioun dwellynge in hid places.
xiii Lord, riſe þou vp, bifor come þou hym, and diſſeyue
iii To þe ſeyntis þat ben in þe lond of hym; he made
wondurful alle my willis in hem. þou hym; delyuere þou my lijf fro þe `vnpitouſe,
xiiii delyuere þou þi ſwerd fro þe enemyes of þin hond.
iiii Þe ſikeneſſis of hem ben multiplied; aftirward þei
haſtiden. I ſchal not gadire togidere þe conuenticulis, Lord, departe þou hem fro a fewe men of `þe lond in þe
`eþir litle couentis, of hem of bloodis; and Y ſchal not lijf of hem; her wombe is fillid of þin hid þingis. Þei
be myndeful of her names bi my lippis. ben fillid wiþ ſones; and þei leften her relifis to her litle
v Þe Lord is part of myn eritage, and of my paſſion; þou children.
xv But Y in riȝtfulneſſe ſchal appere to þi ſiȝt; Y ſchal be
art, þat ſchalt reſtore myn eritage to me.
vi Coordis felden to me in ful clere þingis; for myn fillid, whanne þi glorie ſchal appere.
eritage is ful cleer to me.
vii I ſchal bleſſe þe Lord, þat ȝaf vndurſtondyng to me; PSALM XVII
ferþermore and my reynes blameden me `til to nyȝt. Þe title of þe ſeuenetenþe ſalm. To victorie, þe word
viii I purueide euere þe Lord in my ſiȝt; for he is on þe of þe Lord to Dauid; which ſpak þe wordis of þis
ſong, in þe dai in which þe Lord delyuerede hym fro
riȝthalf to me, þat Y be not moued.
ix For þis þing myn herte was glad, and my tunge þe hond of alle hiſe enemyes, and fro þe hond of
Saul; and he ſeide:
ioyede fulli; ferþermore and my fleiſch ſchal reſte in
i Lord, my ſtrengþe, Y ſchal loue þee; þe Lord is my
x For þou ſchalt not forſake my ſoule in helle; neþer þou ſtidfaſtneſſe, and my refuyt, and mi deliuerere.
ii Mi God is myn helpere; and Y ſchal hope in to hym.
ſchalt ȝyue þin hooli to ſe corrupcioun.
xi Þou haſt maad knowun to me þe weies of lijf; þou My defendere, and þe horn of myn helþe; and myn
ſchalt fille me of gladneſſe wiþ þi cheer; delityngis ben vptakere.
iii I ſchal preiſe, and ynwardli clepe þe Lord; and Y ſchal
in þi riȝthalf `til in to þe ende.
be ſaaf fro myn enemyes.
iiii Þe ſorewis of deþ cumpaſſiden me; and þe ſtrondis of
Þe title of þe ſixtenþe ſalm. Þe preier of Dauid. wickidneſſe diſturbliden me.
v Þe ſorewis of helle cumpaſſiden me; þe ſnaris of deeþ
i Lord, here þou my riȝtfulneſſe; biholde þou my preier. `bifor ocupieden me.
Perſeuye þou wiþ eeris my preier; not maad in gileful vi In my tribulacioun Y inwardli clepide þe Lord; and Y
ii Mi doom come `forþ of þi cheer; þin iȝen ſe equite.
criede to my God. And he herde my vois fro his hooli
temple; and my cry in his ſiȝt entride in to hiſe eeris.
iii Þou haſt preued myn herte, and haſt viſitid in niȝt; vii Þe erþe was mouede togidere, and tremblede
þou haſt examynyd me bi fier, and wickidneſſe is not togidere; þe foundementis of hillis weren troblid
foundun in me. togidere, and weren moued togidere; for he was wrooþ
iiii Þat my mouþ ſpeke not þe werkis of men; for þe
to hem.
wordis of þi lippis Y haue kept harde weies. viii Smoke ſtiede in þe ire of hym, and fier brente out fro
v Make þou perfit my goyngis in þi paþis; þat my
his face; coolis weren kyndlid of hym.
ſteppis be not moued. ix He bowide doun heuenes, and cam doun; and
vi I criede, for þou, God, herdiſt me; bowe doun þin eere
derkneſſe was vndur hiſe feet.
to me, and here þou my wordis. x And he ſtiede on cherubym, and flei; he fley ouer þe
vii Make wondurful þi mercies; þat makiſt ſaaf `men
pennes of wyndis.
hopynge in þee. xi And he ſettide derkneſſes his hidyng place, his
viii Kepe þou me as þe appil of þe iȝe; fro `men
tabernacle `in his cumpas; derk water was in þe cloudes
aȝenſtondynge þi riȝt hond. Keuere þou me vndur þe of þe lowere eir.
ſchadewe of þi wyngis; xii Ful cleer cloudis paſſiden in his ſiȝt; hail and þe
ix fro þe face of vnpitouſe men, þat han turmentid me.
coolis of fier.
Myn enemyes han cumpaſſid my ſoule;

xiii And þe Lord þundrid fro heuene; and þe hiȝeſte ȝaf xxxvi Þou alargidiſt my paaces vndur me; and my ſteppis
his vois, hail and þe coolis of fier `camen doun. ben not maad vnſtidefaſt.
xiiii And he ſente hiſe arowis, and diſtriede þo men; he xxxvii Y ſchal purſue myn enemyes, and Y ſchal take
multipliede leytis, and diſturblide þo men. hem; and Y ſchal not turne til þei failen.
xv And þe wellis of watris apperiden; and þe xxxviii I ſchal al to-breke hem, and þei ſchulen not mowe
foundementis of þe erþe weren ſchewid. Lord, of þi ſtonde; þei ſchulen falle vndur my feet.
blamyng; of þe breþing of þe ſpirit of þin ire. xxxix And þou haſt gird me wiþ vertu to batel; and þou
xvi He ſente fro þe hiȝeſte place, and took me; and he haſt `ſupplauntid, eþer diſſeyued, vndur me men riſynge
took me fro many watris. aȝens me.
xvii He delyuerede me fro my ſtrongeſte enemyes; and xl And þou haſt ȝoue myn enemyes abac to me; and þou
fro hem þat hatiden me, fro þei weren coumfortid on haſt diſtried `men hatynge me.
me. xli Þei crieden, and noon was þat maad hem ſaaf; `þei
xviii Þei camen bifor me in þe dai of my turment; and þe crieden to þe Lord, and he herde not hem.
Lord was maad my defendere. xlii And Y ſchal al to-breke hem, as duſt bifor þe face of
xix And he ledde out me in to breede; he maad me ſaaf, wynd; Y ſchal do hem awei, as þe cley of ſtretis.
for he wolde me. xliii Þou ſchalt delyuere me fro aȝenſeiyngis of þe puple;
xx And þe Lord ſchal ȝelde to me bi my riȝtfulneſſe; and þou ſchalt ſette me in to þe heed of folkis. e puple,
he ſchal ȝelde to me bi þe clenneſſe of myn hondis. which Y knewe not, ſeruede me;
xxi For Y kepte þe weies of þe Lord; and Y dide not xliiii Þin þe herynge of eere it obeiede to me. Alien ſones
vnfeiþfuli fro my God. lieden to me,
xxii For alle hiſe domes ben in my ſiȝt; and Y puttide not xlv alien ſones wexiden elde; and crokiden fro þi paþis.
awei fro me hiſe riȝtfulneſſis. xlvi Þe Lord lyueþ, and my God be bleſſid; and þe God
xxiii And Y ſchal be vnwemmed wiþ hym; and Y ſchal of myn helþe be enhaunſid.
kepe me fro my wickidneſſe. xlvii God, þat ȝaueſt veniaunces to me, and makiſt ſuget
xxiiii And þe Lord ſchal ȝelde to me bi my riȝtfulneſſe; puplis vndur me;
and bi þe clenneſſe of myn hondis in þe ſiȝt of hiſe iȝen. xlviii my delyuerere fro my wraþful enemyes. And þou
xxv Wiþ þe hooli, þou ſchalt be hooli; and wiþ `a man ſchalt enhaunſe me fro hem, þat riſen aȝens me; þou
innocent, þou ſchalt be innocent. ſchalt delyuere me fro a wickid man.
xxvi And wiþ a choſun man, þou ſchalt be choſun; and xlix Þerfor, Lord, Y ſchal knouleche to þee among
wiþ a weiward man, þou ſchalt be weiward. naciouns; and Y ſchal ſeie ſalm to þi name.
xxvii For þou ſchalt make ſaaf a meke puple; and þou l Magnyfiynge þe helþis of his kyng; and doynge merci
ſchalt make meke þe iȝen of proude men. to his criſt Dauid, and to his ſeed til in to þe world.
xxviii For þou, Lord, liȝtneſt my lanterne; my God, liȝtne
þou my derkneſſis. PSALM XVIII
xxix For bi þee Y ſchal be delyuered fro temptacioun; Þe title of þe eiȝtenþe ſalm. To victorie, þe ſalm of
and in my God Y ſchal `go ouer þe wal. Dauid.
xxx Mi God, his weie is vndefoulid, þe ſpeches of þe i Heuenes tellen out þe glorie of God; and þe firmament
Lord ben examyned bi fier; he is defendere of alle men telliþ þe werkis of hiſe hondis.
hopynge in hym. ii Þe dai telliþ out to þe dai a word; and þe nyȝt ſchewiþ
xxxi For whi, who is God out takun þe Lord? eþir who is
kunnyng to þe nyȝt.
God outakun oure God? iii No langagis ben, neþer wordis; of whiche þe voices
xxxii God þat haþ gird me wiþ vertu; and haþ ſet my
of hem ben not herd.
weie vnwemmed. iiii Þe ſoun of hem ȝede out in to al erþe; and þe wordis
xxxiii Which made perfit my feet as of hertis; and
of hem `ȝeden out in to þe endis of þe world. In þe
ordeynynge me on hiȝe þingis. ſunne he haþ ſet his tabernacle;
xxxiiii Which techiþ myn hondis to batel; and þou haſt v and he as a ſpouſe comynge forþ of his chaumbre. He
ſet myn armys as a braſun bouwe. fulli ioyede, as a giaunt, to renne his weie;
xxxv And þou haſt ȝoue to me þe kyueryng of þin helþe; vi his goynge out was fro hiȝeſte heuene. And his goyng
and þi riȝthond haþ vptake me. And þi chaſtiſyng aȝen was to þe hiȝeſte þerof; and noon is þat hidiþ hym
amendide me in to þe ende; and þilke chaſtiſyng of þee ſilf fro his heet.
ſchal teche me.

vii Þe lawe of þe Lord is wiþ out wem, and conuertiþ ii Þou haſt ȝoue to hym þe deſire of his herte; and þou
ſoulis; þe witneſſyng of þe Lord is feiþful, and ȝyueþ haſt not defraudid hym of þe wille of hiſe lippis.
wiſdom to litle children. iii For þou haſt bifor come hym in þe bleſſyngis of
viii Þe riȝtfulneſſis of þe Lord ben riȝtful, gladdynge ſwetneſſe; þou haſt ſet on his heed a coroun of preciouſe
hertis; þe comaundement of þe Lord is cleere, liȝtnynge ſtoon.
iȝen. iiii He axide of þee lijf, and þou ȝaueſt to hym; þe
ix Þe hooli drede of þe Lord dwelliþ in to world of lengþe of daies in to þe world, `and in to þe world of
world; þe domes of þe Lord ben trewe, iuſtified in to world.
hem ſilf. v His glorie is greet in þin helþe; þou ſchalt putte glorie,
x Deſirable more þan gold, and a ſtoon myche preciouſe; and greet fayrneſſe on hym.
and ſwettere þan hony and honycoomb. vi For þou ſchalt ȝyue hym in to bleſſing in to þe world
xi `Forwhi þi ſeruaunt kepiþ þoo; myche ȝeldyng is in of world; þou ſchalt make hym glad in ioye wiþ þi
þo to be kept. cheer.
xii Who vndurſtondiþ treſpaſſis? make þou me cleene fro vii For þe kyng hopiþ in þe Lord; and in þe merci of þe
my priuy ſynnes; hiȝeſte he ſchal not be moued.
xiii and of alien ſynnes ſpare þi ſeruaunt. `If þe forſeid viii Þyn hond be foundun to alle þin enemyes; þi
defautis ben not, Lord, of me, þan Y ſchal be wiþ out riȝthond fynde alle hem þat haten þee.
wem; and Y ſchal be clenſid of þe mooſte ſynne. ix Þou ſchalt putte hem as a furneis of fier in þe tyme of
xiiii And þe ſpechis of my mouþ ſchulen be, þat þo pleſe; þi cheer; þe Lord ſchal diſturble hem in his ire, and fier
and þe þenkynge of myn herte euere in þi ſiȝt. Lord, ſchal deuoure hem.
myn helpere; and myn aȝenbiere. x Þou ſchalt leeſe þe fruyt of hem fro erþe; and `þou
ſchalt leeſe þe ſeed of hem fro þe ſones of men.
PSALM XIX xi For þei bowiden yuels aȝens þee; þei þouȝten
Þe title of þe nyntenþe ſalm. To victorie, þe ſalm of counſeils, whiche þei myȝten not ſtabliſche.
Dauid. xii For þou ſchalt putte hem abac; in þi relifs þou ſchalt
i Þe Lord here þee in þe dai of tribulacioun; þe name of make redi þe cheer of hem.
xiii Lord, be þou enhaunſid in þi vertu; we ſchulen
God of Jacob defende þee.
ii Sende he helpe to þee fro þe hooli place; and fro Syon ſynge, and ſeie opinly þi vertues.
defende he þee.
iii Be he myndeful of al þi ſacrifice; and þi brent PSALM XXI
ſacrifice be maad fat. Þe `title of þe oon and twentiþe ſalm. To ouercome,
iiii Ȝyue he to þee aftir þin herte; and conferme he al þi for `þe morewtid hynd; þe ſalm of Dauid.
counſel. i God, my God, biholde þou on me, whi haſt þou forſake
v We ſchulen be glad in þin helþe; and we ſchulen be me? þe wordis of my treſpaſſis ben fer fro myn helþe.
magnyfied in þe name of oure God. Þe Lord fille alle ii Mi God, Y ſchal crye bi dai, and þou ſchalt not here;
þin axyngis; and bi nyȝt, and not to vnwiſdom to me.
vi nowe Y haue knowe, þat þe Lord haþ maad ſaaf his iii Forſoþe þou, þe preiſyng of Iſrael, dwelliſt in
criſt. He ſchal here hym fro his hooly heuene; þe helþe holyneſſe;
of his riȝt hond is in poweris. iiii oure fadris hopiden in þee, þei hopiden, and þou
vii Þes in charis, and þeſe in horſis; but we ſchulen
delyueridiſt hem.
inwardli clepe in þe name of oure Lord God. v Þei crieden to þee, and þei weren maad ſaaf; þei
viii Þei ben boundun, and felden doun; but we han riſe,
hopiden in þee, and þei weren not ſchent.
and ben reiſid. vi But Y am a worm, and not man; þe ſchenſchip of
ix Lord, make þou ſaaf þe kyng; and here þou vs in þe
men, and þe outcaſtyng of þe puple.
dai in which we inwardli clepen þee. vii Alle men ſeynge me ſcorneden me; þei ſpaken wiþ
lippis, and ſtiriden þe heed.
PSALM XX viii He hopide in þe Lord, delyuere he hym; make he
Þe title of þe twentiþe ſalm. To victorie, þe ſalm of hym ſaaf, for he wole hym.
Dauid. ix For þou it art þat drowiſt me out of þe wombe, þou art
i Lord, þe kyng ſchal be glad in þi vertu; and he ſchal myn hope fro þe tetis of my modir;
ful out haue ioye greetli on þin helþe. x in to þee Y am caſt forþ fro þe wombe. Fro þe wombe
of my modir þou art my God;

xi departe þou not fro me. For tribulacioun is next; for PSALM XXII
noon is þat helpiþ. Þe title of þe two and twentiþe ſalm. `Þe ſalm, eþer
xii Many calues cumpaſſiden me; fatte bolis biſegiden þe ſong of Dauid.
me. i Þe Lord gouerneþ me, and no þing ſchal faile to me;
xiii Þei openyden her mouþ on me; as doiþ a lioun
ii in þe place of paſture þere he haþ ſet me. He nurſchide
rauyſchynge and rorynge. me on þe watir of refreiſchyng;
xiiii I am ſched out as watir; and alle my boonys ben
iii he conuertide my ſoule. He ledde me forþ on þe paþis
ſcaterid. Myn herte is maad, as wex fletynge abrood; in of riȝtfulneſſe; for his name.
þe myddis of my wombe. iiii For whi þouȝ Y ſchal go in þe myddis of ſchadewe of
xv Mi vertu driede as a tiyl ſtoon, and my tunge cleuede
deeþ; Y ſchal not drede yuels, for þou art wiþ me. Þi
to my chekis; and þou haſt brouȝt forþ me in to þe duſt ȝerde and þi ſtaf; þo han coumfortid me.
of deþ. v Þou haſt maad redi a boord in my ſiȝt; aȝens hem þat
xvi For many doggis cumpaſſiden me; þe counſel of
troblen me. Þou haſt maad fat myn heed wiþ oyle; and
wickid men biſegide me. Þei delueden myn hondis and my cuppe, `fillinge greetli, is ful cleer.
my feet; vi And þi merci ſchal ſue me; in alle þe daies of my lijf.
xvii þei noumbriden alle my boonys. Soþeli þei lokiden,
And þat Y dwelle in þe hows of þe Lord; in to þe
and bihelden me; lengþe of daies.
xviii þei departiden my cloþis to hem ſilf, and þei ſenten
lot on my cloþ. PSALM XXIII
xix But þou, Lord, delaie not þin help fro me; biholde
Þe title of þe `þre and twentiþe ſalm. þe ſong of
þou to my defence. Dauid.
xx God, delyuere þou my lijf fro ſwerd; and delyuere
i Þe erþe and þe fulneſſe þerof is `þe Lordis; þe world,
þou myn oon aloone fro þe hond of þe dogge.
xxi Make þou me ſaaf fro þe mouþ of a lioun; and my and alle þat dwellen þerynne `is þe Lordis.
ii For he foundide it on þe ſees; and made it redi on
mekeneſſe fro þe hornes of vnycornes.
xxii I ſchal telle þi name to my briþeren; Y ſchal preiſe floodis.
iii Who ſchal ſtie in to þe hil of þe Lord; eþir who ſchal
þee in þe myddis of þe chirche.
xxiii Ȝe þat dreden þe Lord, herie hym; alle þe ſeed of ſtonde in þe hooli place of hym?
iiii Þe innocent in hondis, and in cleene herte; whiche
Jacob, glorifie ȝe hym. Al þe ſeed of Iſrael drede hym;
xxiiii for he forſook not, neþir diſpiſide þe preier of a took not his ſoule in veyn, neþer ſwoor in gile to his
pore man. Neþir he turnede awei his face fro me; and v `Þis man ſchal take bleſſyng of þe Lord; and mercy of
whanne Y criede to hym, he herde me.
xxv Mi preiſyng is at þee in a greet chirche; Y ſchal God his helþe.
vi Þis is þe generacioun of men ſekynge hym; of men
ȝelde my vowis in þe ſiȝt of men dredynge hym.
xxvi Pore men ſchulen ete, and ſchulen be fillid, and þei ſekynge þe face of God of Jacob.
vii Ȝe princes, take vp ȝoure ȝatis, and ȝe euerelaſtynge
ſchulen herie þe Lord, þat ſeken hym; þe hertis of hem
ſchulen lyue in to þe world of world. ȝatis, be reiſid; and þe kyng of glorie ſchal entre.
xxvii Alle þe endis of erþe ſchulen biþenke; and ſchulen viii Who is þis kyng of glorie? þe Lord ſtrong and myȝti,

be conuertid to þe Lord. And alle þe meynees of heþene þe Lord myȝti in batel.

ix Ȝe princes, take vp ȝoure ȝatis, and ȝe euerlaſtynge
men; ſchulen worſchipe in his ſiȝt.
xxviii For þe rewme is þe Lordis; and he ſchal be Lord of ȝatis, be reiſid; and þe kyng of glorie ſchal entre.
x Who is þis kyng of glorie? þe Lord of vertues, he is þe
heþene men.
xxix Alle þe fatte men of erþe eeten and worſchipiden; kyng of glorie.
alle men, þat goen doun in to erþe, ſchulen falle doun in
his ſiȝt. And my ſoule ſchal lyue to hym; PSALM XXIIII
xxx and my ſeed ſchal ſerue him. A generacioun to Þe title of þe foure and twentiþe ſalm. To Dauid.
comyng ſchal be teld to þe Lord; i Lord, to þee Y haue reiſid my ſoule;
xxxi and heuenes ſchulen telle his riȝtfulneſſe to þe puple ii my God, Y truſte in þee, be Y not aſchamed. Neþir
þat ſchal be borun, whom þe Lord made. myn enemyes ſcorne me;
iii for alle men þat ſuffren þee ſchulen not be ſchent.
Alle men doynge wickyd þingis ſuperfluli; be ſchent.

iiii Lord, ſchewe þou þi weies to me; and teche þou me vi I ſchal waiſche myn hondis among innocentis; and,
þi paþis. Lord, Y ſchal cumpaſſe þin auter.
v Dreſſe þou me in þi treuþe, and teche þou me, for þou vii Þat Y here þe vois of heriyng; and þat Y telle out alle
art God my ſauȝour; and Y ſuffride þee al dai. þi merueils.
vi Lord, haue þou mynde of þi merciful doyngis; and of viii Lord, Y haue loued þe fairneſſe of þin hows; and þe
þi mercies þat ben fro þe world. place of þe dwellyng of þi glorie.
vii Haue þou not mynde on þe treſpaſſis of my ȝongþe; ix God, leeſe þou not my ſoule wiþ vnfeiþful men; and
and on myn vnkunnyngis. Þou, Lord, haue mynde on my lijf wiþ men of bloodis.
me bi þi merci; for þi goodneſſe. x In whoſe hondis wyckidneſſis ben; þe riȝthond of hem
viii Þe Lord is ſwete and riȝtful; for þis he ſchal ȝyue a is fillid wiþ ȝiftis.
lawe to men treſpaſſynge in þe weie. xi But Y entride in myn innocens; aȝenbie þou me, and
ix He ſchal dreſſe deboner men in doom; he ſchal teche haue merci on me.
mylde men hiſe weies. xii Mi foot ſtood in riȝtfulneſſe; Lord, Y ſchal bleſſe þee
x Alle þe weies of þe Lord ben mercy and treuþe; to in chirchis.
men ſekynge his teſtament, and hiſe witneſſyngis.
xi Lord, for þi name þou ſchalt do merci to my ſynne; PSALM XXVI
for it is myche. Þe title of þe ſixe and twentiþe ſalm. To Dauid.
xii Who is a man, þat drediþ þe Lord? he ordeyneþ to
i Þe Lord is my liȝtnyng, and myn helþe; whom ſchal Y
hym a lawe in þe weie which he chees. drede? Þe Lord is defendere of my lijf; for whom ſchal
xiii His ſoule ſchal dwelle in goodis; and his ſeed ſchal
Y tremble?
enerite þe lond. ii Þe while noiful men neiȝen on me; for to ete my
xiiii Þe Lord is a ſadneſſe to men dredynge hym; and his
fleiſchis. Myn enemyes, þat trobliden me; þei weren
teſtament is, þat it be ſchewid to hem. maad ſijk and felden doun.
xv Myn iȝen ben euere to þe Lord; for he ſchal breide iii Þouȝ caſtels ſtonden togidere aȝens me; myn herte
awey my feet fro þe ſnare. ſchal not drede. Þouȝ batel riſiþ aȝens me; in þis þing Y
xvi Biholde þou on me, and haue þou mercy on me; for
ſchal haue hope.
Y am iiii I axide of þe Lord o þing; Y ſchal ſeke þis þing; þat Y
xvii oon aloone and pore Þe tribulaciouns of myn herte
dwelle in þe hows of þe Lord alle þe daies of my lijf.
ben multiplied; delyuere þou me of my nedis. Þat Y ſe þe wille of þe Lord; and þat Y viſite his temple.
xviii Se þou my mekeneſſe and my trauel; and forȝyue v For he hidde me in his tabernacle in þe dai of yuelis;
þou alle my treſpaſſis. he defendide me in þe hid place of his tabernacle. He
xix Bihold þou myn enemyes, for þei ben multiplied; enhaunſide me in a ſtoon;
and þei haten me bi wickid hatrede. vi and now he enhaunſide myn heed ouer myn enemyes.
xx Kepe þou my ſoule, and delyuere þou me; be Y not I cumpaſſide, and offride in his tabernacle a ſacrifice of
aſchamed, for Y hopide in þee. criyng; Y ſchal ſynge, and Y ſchal ſeie ſalm to þe Lord.
xxi Innocent men and riȝtful cleuyden to me; for Y vii Lord, here þou my vois, bi which Y criede to þee;
ſuffride þee. haue þou merci on me, and here me.
xxii God, delyuere þou Iſrael; fro alle hiſe tribulaciouns. viii Myn herte ſeide to þee, My face ſouȝte þee; Lord, Y
ſchal ſeke eft þi face.
PSALM XXV ix Turne þou not awei þi face fro me; bouwe þou not

Þe title of þe fyue and twentiþe ſalm. `To Dauid. awei in ire fro þi ſeruaunt. Lord, be þou myn helpere,
i Lord, forſake þou not me; and, God, myn helþe, diſpiſe þou
deme þou me, for Y entride in myn innocens;
not me.
and Y hopynge in þe Lord ſchal not be made vnſtidfaſt. x For my fadir and my modir han forſake me; but þe
ii Lord, preue þou me, and aſaie me; brenne þou my
Lord haþ take me.
reynes, and myn herte. xi Lord, ſette þou a lawe to me in þi weie; and dreſſe
iii For whi þi merci is bifor myn iȝen; and Y pleſide in þi
þou me in þi paþ for myn enemyes.
treuþe. xii Bitake þou not me in to þe ſoules of hem, þat troblen
iiii I ſat not wiþ þe counſel of vanyte; and Y ſchal not
me; for wickid witneſſis han riſe aȝens me, and
entre wiþ men doynge wickid þingis.
v I hatide þe chirche of yuele men; and Y ſchal not ſitte
wickydneſſe liede to it ſilf.
xiii I bileue to ſee þe goodis of þe Lord; in þe lond of
wiþ wickid men.
`hem þat lyuen.

xiiii Abide
þou þe Lord, do þou manli; and þin herte be ix Þe vois of þe Lord makynge redi hertis, and he ſchal
coumfortid, and ſuffre þou þe Lord. ſchewe þicke þingis; and in his temple alle men ſchulen
ſeie glorie.
PSALM XXVII x Þe Lord makiþ to enhabite þe greet flood; and þe Lord

Þe title of þe ſeuen and twentiþe ſalm. To Dauid. ſchal ſitte kyng wiþ outen ende.
xi Þe Lord ſchal ȝyue vertu to his puple; þe Lord ſchal
i Lord, Y ſchal crye to þee; my God, be þou not ſtille fro
me, be þou not ſtille `ony tyme fro me; and Y ſchal be bleſſe his puple in pees.
maad lijk to hem, þat goen doun in to þe lake.
ii Lord, here þou þe vois of my biſechyng, while Y preie PSALM XXIX
to þee; whyle Y reiſe myn hondis to þin hooli temple. Þe title of þe nyne and twentiþe ſalm. þe ſalm of
iii Bitake þou not me togidere wiþ ſynneris; and leeſe ſong, for þe halewyng of þe hows of Dauid.
þou not me wiþ hem þat worchen wickidneſſe. Whyche i Lord, Y ſchal enhaunſe þee, for þou haſt vp take me;
ſpeken pees wiþ her neiȝbore; but yuels ben in her and þou delitidiſt not myn enemyes on me.
hertis. ii Mi Lord God, Y criede to þee; and þou madiſt me
iiii Ȝyue þou to hem vpe þe werkis of hem; and vpe þe hool.
wickidneſſe of her fyndyngis. Ȝyue þou to hem vpe þe iii Lord, þou leddiſt out my ſoule fro helle; þou ſauediſt
werkis of her hondis; ȝelde þou her ȝeldyng to hem. me fro hem þat goen doun into þe lake.
v For þei vndurſtoden not þe werkis of þe Lord, and bi iiii Ȝe ſeyntis of þe Lord, ſynge to þe Lord; and
þe werkis of hiſe hondis þou ſchalt deſtrie hem; and þou knowleche ȝe to þe mynde of his hoolyneſſe.
ſchalt not bilde hem. v For ire is in his indignacioun; and lijf is in his wille.
vi Bliſſid be þe Lord; for he herde þe vois of my
Wepyng ſchal dwelle at euentid; and gladneſſe at þe
biſechyng. morewtid.
vii Þe Lord is myn helpere and my defendere; and myn vi Forſoþe Y ſeide in my plentee; Y ſchal not be moued
herte hopide in hym, and Y am helpid. And my fleiſch wiþ outen ende.
flouride aȝen; and of my wille Y ſchal knowleche to vii Lord, in þi wille; þou haſt ȝoue vertu to my fairneſſe.
hym. Þou turnediſt awei þi face fro me; and Y am maad
viii Þe Lord is þe ſtrengþe of his puple; and he is
defendere of þe ſauyngis of his criſt. viii Lord, Y ſchal crye to þee; and Y ſchal preye to my
ix Lord, make þou ſaaf þi puple, and bleſſe þou þin
eritage; and reule þou hem, and enhaunſe þou hem til in ix What profit is in my blood; while Y go doun in to
to wiþ outen ende. corrupcioun? Wheþer duſt ſchal knouleche to þee; eþir
ſchal telle þi treuþe?
PSALM XXVIII x Þe Lord herde, and hadde merci on me; þe Lord is
Þe title of þe eiȝt and twentiþe ſalm. þe ſalm, eþir maad myn helpere.
ſong of Dauid. xi Þou haſt turned my weilyng in to ioye to me; þou haſt
i Ȝe ſones of God, brynge to þe Lord; brynge ȝe to þe to-rent my ſak, and haſt cumpaſſid me wiþ gladneſſe.
Lord þe ſones of rammes. xii Þat my glorie ſynge to þee, and Y be not compunct;
ii Brynge ȝe to þe Lord glorie and onour; brynge ȝe to my Lord God, Y ſchal knouleche to þee wiþ outen ende.
þe Lord glorie to his name; herie ȝe þe Lord in his hooli
large place. PSALM XXX
iii Þe vois of þe Lord on watris, God of mageſte Þe title of þe þrittiþe ſalm. To victorie, þe ſalm of
þundride; þe Lord on many watris. Dauid.
iiii Þe vois of þe Lord in vertu; þe vois of þe Lord in i Lord, Y hopide in þee, be Y not ſchent wiþ outen ende;
greet doyng. delyuere þou me in þi riȝtfulneſſe.
v Þe vois of þe Lord brekynge cedris; and þe Lord ſchal ii Bouwe doun þin eere to me; haaſte þou to delyuere
breke þe cedris of þe Liban. me. Be þou to me in to God defendere, and in to an
vi And he ſchal al to-breke hem to duſt as a calf of þe
hows of refuyt; þat þou make me ſaaf.
Liban; and þe derling was as þe ſone of an vnycorn. iii For þou art my ſtrengþe and my refuyt; and for þi
vii Þe vois of þe Lord departynge þe flawme of fier;
name þou ſchalt lede me forþ, and ſchalt nuriſche me.
viii þe vois of þe Lord ſchakynge deſert; and þe Lord iiii Þou ſchalt lede me out of þe ſnare, which þei hidden
ſchal ſtire togidere þe deſert of Cades. to me; for þou art my defendere.

vI bitake my ſpirit in to þin hondis; Lord God of treuþe, PSALM XXXI
þou haſt aȝen bouȝt me. Þe title of þe oon and þrittiþe ſalm. Lernyng to
vi Þou hatiſt hem þat kepen vanytees ſuperfluli. Forſoþe Dauid.
Y hopide in þe Lord; i Bleſſid ben þei, whoſe wickidneſſis ben forȝouun; and
vii Y ſchal haue fulli ioie, and ſchal be glad in þi merci.
whoſe ſynnes ben hilid.
For þou byheldiſt my mekeneſſe; þou ſauediſt my lijf fro ii Bleſſid is þe man, to whom þe Lord arrettide not
nedis. ſynne; neþir gile is in his ſpirit.
viii And þou cloſidiſt not me togidere wiþynne þe hondis
iii For Y was ſtille, my boonys wexiden elde; while Y
of þe enemy; þou haſt ſett my feet in a large place. criede al dai.
ix Lord, haue þou merci on me, for Y am troblid; myn
iiii For bi dai and nyȝt þin `hond was maad greuouſe on
iȝe is troblid in ire, my ſoule and my wombe `ben me; Y am turned in my wretchedneſſe, while þe þorn is
troblid. ſet in.
x For whi my lijf failide in ſorewe; and my ȝeeris in
v I made my ſynne knowun to þee; and Y hidde not my
weilynges. Mi vertu is maad feble in pouert; and my vnriȝtfulneſſe. I ſeide, Y ſchal knouleche aȝens me myn
boonys ben diſturblid. vnriȝtfulneſſe to þe Lord; and þou haſt forȝoue þe
xi Ouer alle myn enemyes Y am maad ſchenſhip greetli
wickidneſſe of my ſynne.
to my neiȝboris; and drede to my knowun. Þei þat ſien vi For þis þing ech hooli man ſchal preye to þee; in
me wiþ outforþ, fledden fro me; couenable tyme. Neþeles in þe greet flood of many
xii Y am ȝouun to forȝetyng, as a deed man fro herte. I
watris; þo ſchulen not neiȝe to þee.
am maad as a lorun veſſel; vii Þou art my refuyt fro tribulacioun, þat cumpaſſide
xiii for Y herde diſpiſyng of many men dwellynge in
me; þou, my fulli ioiyng, delyuere me fro hem þat
cumpas. In þat þing þe while þei camen togidere aȝens cumpaſſen me.
me; þei counceliden to take my lijf. viii Y ſchal ȝyue vnderſtondyng to þee, and Y ſchal teche
xiiii But, Lord, Y hopide in þee; Y ſeide, Þou art my
þee; in þis weie in which þou ſchalt go, Y ſchal make
God; ſtidefaſt myn iȝen on þee.
xv my tymes ben in þin hondis. Delyuer þou me fro þe ix Nile ȝe be maad as an hors and mule; to whiche is
hondis of mynen enemyes; and fro hem þat purſuen me. noon vndurſtondyng. Lord, conſtreyne þou þe chekis of
xvi Make þou cleer þi face on þi ſeruaunt; Lord, make
hem wiþ a bernacle and bridil; þat neiȝen not to þee.
þou me ſaaf in þi merci; x Many betyngis ben of þe ſynnere; but merci ſchal
xvii be Y not ſchent, for Y inwardli clepide þee.
cumpaſſe hym þat hopiþ in þe Lord.
Vnpitouſe men be aſchamed, and be led forþ in to helle; xi Ȝe iuſt men, be glad, and make fulli ioie in þe Lord;
xviii gileful lippys be maad doumbe. Þat ſpeken
and alle ȝe riȝtful of herte, haue glorie.
wickidneſſe aȝens a iuſt man; in pride, and in myſuſyng.
xix Lord, þe multitude of þi ſwetneſſe is ful greet; which PSALM XXXII
þou haſt hid to men dredynge þee. Þou haſt maad a Þe two and þrettiþe ſalm haþ no title.
perfit þing to hem, þat hopen in þee; in þe ſiȝt of þe i Ȝe
ſones of men. iuſt men, haue fulli ioye in þe Lord; preſyng
xx Þou ſchalt hide hem in þe priuyte of þi face; fro togidere bicomeþ riȝtful men.
ii Knouleche ȝe to þe Lord in an harpe; ſynge ȝe to hym
diſturblyng of men. Þou ſchalt defende hem in þi
tabernacle; fro aȝenſeiyng of tungis. in a ſautre of ten ſtrengis.
xxi Bleſſid be þe Lord; for he haþ maad wondurful his iii Synge ȝe to hym a newe ſong; ſeie ȝe wel ſalm to hym

merci to me in a ſtrengþid citee. in criyng.

xxii Forſoþe Y ſeide in þe paſſyng of my ſoule; Y am caſt iiii For þe word of þe Lord is riȝtful; and alle hiſe werkis

out fro þe face of þin iȝen. Þerfor þou herdiſt þe vois of ben in feiþfulneſſe.
v He loueþ merci and doom; þe erþe is ful of þe merci
my preier; while Y criede to þee.
xxiii Alle ȝe hooli men of þe Lord, loue hym; for þe of þe Lord.
vi Heuenes ben maad ſtidfaſt bi þe word of þe Lord; and
Lord ſchal ſeke treuþe, and he ſchal ȝelde plenteuouſli to
hem þat doen pride. `al þe vertu of þo bi þe ſpirit of his mouþ.
xxiiii Alle ȝe þat hopen in þe Lord, do manli; and ȝoure vii And he gaderiþ togidere þe watris of þe ſee as in a

herte be coumfortid. bowge; and ſettiþ depe watris in treſours.

viii Al erþe drede þe Lord; ſoþeli alle men enhabitynge
þe world ben mouyd of hym.

ix For he ſeide, and þingis weren maad; he comaundide, x Riche men weren nedi, and weren hungri; but men þat
and þingis weren maad of nouȝt. ſeken þe Lord ſchulen not faile of al good.
x Þe Lord diſtrieþ þe counſels of folkis, forſoþe he xi Come, ȝe ſones, here ȝe me; Y ſchal teche ȝou þe
repreueþ þe þouȝtis of puplis; and he repreueþ þe drede of þe Lord.
counſels of prynces. xii Who is a man, þat wole lijf; loueþ to ſe good daies?
xi But þe counſel of þe Lord dwelliþ wiþ outen ende; þe xiii Forbede þi tunge fro yuel; and þi lippis ſpeke not
þouȝtis of his herte dwellen in generacioun and into gile.
generacioun. xiiii Turne þou awei fro yuel, and do good; ſeke þou
xii Bleſſid is þe folk, whoſe Lord is his God; þe puple
pees, and perfitli ſue þou it.
which he chees into eritage to hym ſilf. xv Þe iȝen of þe Lord ben on iuſt men; and hiſe eeren
xiii Þe Lord bihelde fro heuene; he ſiȝ alle þe ſones of
ben to her preiers.
men. xvi But þe cheer of þe Lord is on men doynge yuels; þat
xiiii Fro his dwellyng place maad redi bifor; he bihelde
he leeſe þe mynde of hem fro erþe.
on alle men, þat enhabiten þe erþe. xvii Juſt men crȝeden, and þe Lord herde hem; and
xv Which made ſyngulerli þe ſoules of hem; which
delyueride hem fro alle her tribulaciouns.
vndurſtondiþ all þe werkis of hem. xviii Þe Lord is nyȝ hem þat ben of troblid herte; and he
xvi A kyng is not ſauyd bi myche vertu; and a giaunt
ſchal ſaue meke men in ſpirit.
ſchal not be ſauyd in þe mychilneſſe of his vertu. xix Many tribulaciouns ben of iuſt men; and þe Lord
xvii An hors is falſe to helþe; forſoþe he ſchal not be
ſchal delyuere hem fro alle þeſe.
ſauyd in þe habundaunce, `eþer plentee, of his vertu. xx Þe Lord kepiþ alle þe boonys of hem; oon of þo ſchal
xviii Lo! þe iȝen of þe Lord ben on men dredynge hym;
not be brokun.
and in hem þat hopen on his merci. xxi Þe deþ of ſynneris is werſt; and þei þat haten a iuſt
xix Þat he delyuere her ſoules fro deþ; and feede hem in
man ſchulen treſpaſſe.
hungur. xxii Þe Lord ſchal aȝenbie þe ſoulis of hiſe ſeruauntis;
xx Oure ſoule ſuffreþ þe Lord; for he is oure helpere and
and alle, þat hopen in him, ſchulen not treſpaſſe.
xxi For oure herte ſchal be glad in him; and we ſchulen PSALM XXXIIII
haue hope in his hooli name. Þe title of þe foure and þrittiþe ſalm. `To Dauid.
xxii Lord, þi merci be maad on vs; as we hopiden in þee.
i Lord, deme þou hem, þat anoien me; ouercome þou
hem, þat fiȝten aȝens me.
PSALM XXXIII ii Take þou armeris and ſcheeld; and riſe vp into help to
Þe title of þe þre and þrittiþe ſalm. To Dauid,
whanne he chaungide his mouþ bifor Abymalech, me.
iii Schede out þe ſwerd, and cloſe togidere aȝens hem
and he `droof out Dauid, `and he ȝede forþ.
i I ſchal bleſſe þe Lord in al tyme; euere his heriyng is in þat purſuen me; ſeie þou to my ſoule, Y am þin helþe.
iiii Þei þat ſeken my lijf; be ſchent, and aſchamed. Þei
my mouþ.
ii Mi ſoule ſchal be preiſid in þe Lord; mylde men here, þat þenken yuels to me; be turned awei bacward, and be
and be glad. ſchent.
v Be þei maad as duſt bifor þe face of þe wynd; and þe
iii Magnyfie ȝe þe Lord wiþ me; and enhaunſe we his
name into it ſilf. aungel of þe Lord make hem ſtreit.
vi Her weie be maad derkneſſe, and ſlydirneſſe; and þe
iiii I ſouȝte þe Lord, and he herde me; and he delyueride
me fro alle my tribulaciouns. aungel of þe Lord purſue hem.
vii For wiþ out cauſe þei hidden to me þe deþ of her
v Neiȝe ȝe to him, and be ȝe liȝtned; and ȝoure faces
ſchulen not be ſchent. ſnare; in veyn þei diſpiſiden my ſoule.
viii Þe ſnare which he knoweþ not come to hym, and þe
vi Þis pore man criede, and þe Lord herde hym; and
ſauyde hym fro alle hiſe tribulaciouns. takyng which he hidde take hym; and fall he in to þe
vii Þe aungel of þe Lord ſendiþ in þe cumpas of men ſnare in þat þing.
ix But my ſoule ſchal fulli haue ioye in þe Lord; and
dredynge hym; and he ſchal delyuere hem.
viii Taaſte ȝe, and ſe, for þe Lord is ſwete; bleſſid is þe ſchal delite on his helþe.
x Alle my boonys ſchulen ſeie, Lord, who is lijk þee?
man, þat hopiþ in hym.
ix Alle ȝe hooli men of þe Lord, drede hym; for no Þou delyueriſt a pore man fro þe hond of his ſtrengere; a
nedi man and pore fro hem þat diuerſely rauiſchen hym.
nedyneſſe is to men dredynge hym.

xi Wickid witneſſis riſynge axiden me þingis, whiche Y iiii He þouȝte wickidneſſe in his bed, he ſtood nyȝ al
knewe not. weie not good; forſoþe he hatide not malice.
xii Þei ȝeldiden to me yuels for goodis; bareynneſſe to v Lord, þi merci is in heuene; and þi treuþe is `til to
my ſoule. cloudis.
xiii But whanne þei weren diſeſeful to me; Y was cloþid vi Þi riȝtfulneſſe is as þe hillis of God; þi domes ben
in an heire. I mekide my ſoule in faſtyng; and my preier myche depþe of watris. Lord, þou ſchalt ſaue men and
ſchal be turned `wiþ ynne my boſum. beeſtis;
xiiii I pleſide ſo as oure neiȝbore, as oure broþer; Y was vii as þou, God, haſt multiplied þi merci. But þe ſones of
`maad meke ſo as morenynge and ſorewful. men; ſchulen hope in þe hilyng of þi wyngis.
xv And þei weren glad, and camen togidere aȝens me; viii Þei ſchulen be fillid gretli of þe plentee of þin hows;
turmentis weren gaderid on me, and Y knew not. and þou ſchalt ȝyue drynke to hem wiþ þe ſteef ſtreem
xvi Þei weren ſcaterid, and not compunct, þei temptiden of þi likyng.
me, þei ſcornyden me wiþ mowyng; þei gnaſtiden on ix For þe wel of life is at þee; and in þi lyȝt we ſchulen
me wiþ her teeþ. ſe lyȝt.
xvii Lord, whanne þou ſchalt biholde, reſtore þou my x Lord, ſette forþ þi mercy to hem, þat knowen þee; and
ſoule fro þe wickidneſſe of hem; `reſtore þou myn oon þi ryȝtfulneſſe to hem þat ben of riȝtful herte.
aloone fro liouns. xi Þe foot of pryde come not to me; and þe hond of þe
xviii I ſchal knowleche to þee in a greet chirche; Y ſchal ſynnere moue me not.
herie þee in a ſad puple. xii Þere þei felden doun, þat worchen wickidneſſe; þei
xix Þei þat ben aduerſaries wickidli to me, haue not ioye ben caſt out, and myȝten not ſtonde.
on me; þat haten me wiþ out cauſe, and bikenen wiþ
xx For ſoþeli þei ſpaken peſibli to me; and þei ſpekynge
Þe title of þe ſixe and þrittiþe ſalm. To Dauiþ.
in wraþfulneſſe of erþe þouȝten giles. i Nile
xxi And þei maden large her mouþ on me; þei ſeiden, þou ſue wickid men; neþer loue þou men doynge
Wel, wel! oure iȝen han ſien. ii For þei ſchulen wexe drie ſwiftli as hey; and þei
xxii Lord, þou haſt ſeen, be þou not ſtille; Lord, departe
ſchulen falle doun ſoone as þe wortis of eerbis.
þou not fro me. iii Hope þou in þe Lord, and do þou goodneſſe; and
xxiii Riſe vp, and ȝyue tent to my doom; my God and my
enhabite þou þe lond, and þou ſchalt be fed wiþ hiſe
Lord, biholde in to my cauſe. richeſſis.
xxiiii Mi Lord God, deme þou me bi þi riȝtfulneſſe; and
iiii Delite þou in þe Lord; and he ſchal ȝyue to þee þe
haue þei not ioye on me. axyngis of þin herte.
xxv Seie þei not in her hertis, Wel, wel, to oure ſoule;
v Schewe þi weie to þe Lord; and hope þou in hym, and
neþer ſeie þei, We ſchulen deuoure hym. he ſchal do.
xxvi Shame þei, and drede þei togidere; þat þanken for
vi And he ſchal lede out þi riȝtfulneſſe as lyȝt, and þi
myn yuels. Be þei cloþid wiþ ſchame and drede; þat doom as myddai;
ſpeken yuele þingis on me. vii be þou ſuget to þe Lord, and preye þou hym. Nile
xxvii Haue þei ful ioie, and be þei glad þat wolen my
þou ſue hym, þat haþ proſperite in his weie; a man
riȝtfulneſſe; and ſeie þei euere, Þe Lord be magnyfied, doynge vnriȝtfulneſſis.
whiche wolen þe pees of his ſeruaunt. viii Ceeſe þou of ire, and forſake woodneſſe; nyle þou
xxviii And my tunge ſchal biþenke þi riȝtfulneſſe; al day
ſue, þat þou do wickidli.
þin heriyng. ix For þei, þat doen wickidli, ſchulen be diſtried; but þei
þat ſuffren þe Lord, ſchulen enerite þe lond.
PSALM XXXV x And ȝit a litil, and a ſynnere ſchal not be; and þou
Þe title of þe fyue and þrittiþe ſalm. `To victorie, to ſchalt ſeke his place, and ſchalt not fynde.
Dauid, `þe ſeruaunt of þe Lord. xi But mylde men ſchulen enerite þe lond; and ſchulen
i Þe vniuſt man ſeide, þat he treſpaſſe in hym ſilf; þe delite in þe multitude of pees.
drede of God is not bifor hiſe iȝen. xii A ſynnere ſchal aſpie a riȝtful man; and he ſchal
ii For he dide gilefuli in þe ſiȝt of God; þat his
gnaſte wiþ hiſe teeþ on hym.
wickidneſſe be foundun to hatrede. xiii But þe Lord ſchal ſcorne þe ſynnere; for he biholdiþ
iii Þe wordis of his mouþ ben wickidneſſe and gile, he
þat his day comeþ.
nolde vndirſtonde to do wel.

xiiii Synners drowen out ſwerd; þei benten her bouwe. xxxvii Kepe þou innocence, and ſe equite; for þo ben
To diſſeyue a pore man and nedi; to ſtrangle riȝtful men relikis to a peſible man.
of herte. xxxviii Forſoþe vniuſt men ſchulen periſche; þe relifs of
xv Her ſwerd entre in to þe herte of hem ſilf; and her wickid men ſchulen periſche togidere.
bouwe be brokun. xxxix But þe helþe of iuſt men is of þe Lord; and he is
xvi Betere is a litil þing to a iuſt man; þan many richeſſis her defendere in þe tyme of tribulacioun.
of ſynneris. xl And þe Lord ſchal helpe hem, and ſchal make hem
xvii For þe armes of ſynneris ſchal be al to-brokun; but fre, and he ſchal delyuere hem fro ſynneris; and he ſchal
þe Lord confermeþ iuſt men. ſaue hem, for þei hopiden in hym.
xviii Þe Lord knowiþ þe daies of vnwemmed; and her
heritage ſchal be wiþouten ende. PSALM XXXVII
xix Þei ſchulen not be ſchent in þe yuel tyme, and þei Þe title of þe ſeuene and þrittiþe ſalm. `Þe ſalm of
ſchulen be fillid in þe dayes of hungur; Dauid, to byþenke on þe ſabat.
xx for ſynneris ſchulen periſche. Forſoþe anoon as þe i Lord, repreue þou not me in þi ſtrong veniaunce; neþer
enemyes of þe Lord ben onourid, and enhaunſid; þei chaſtice þou me in þin ire.
failynge ſchulen faile as ſmoke. ii For þin arowis ben fitchid in me; and þou haſt
xxi A ſynnere ſchal borewe, and ſchal not paie; but a iuſt
confermed þin hond on me.
man haþ merci, and ſchal ȝyue. iii Noon helþe is in my fleiſch fro þe face of þin ire; no
xxii For þei þat bleſſen þe Lord ſchulen enerite þe lond;
pees is to my boonys fro þe face of my ſynnes.
but þei þat curſen hym ſchulen periſche. iiii For my wickidneſſis ben goon ouer myn heed; as an
xxiii Þe goyng of a man ſchal be dreſſid anentis þe Lord;
heuy birþun, þo ben maad heuy on me.
and he ſchal wilne his weie. v Myn heelid woundis weren rotun, and ben brokun; fro
xxiiii Whanne he falliþ, he ſchal not be hurtlid doun; for
þe face of myn vnwiſdom.
þe Lord vndurſettiþ his hond. vi I am maad a wretche, and Y am bowid doun til in to
xxv I was ȝongere, and ſoþeli Y wexide eld, and Y ſiȝ not
þe ende; al dai Y entride ſorewful.
a iuſt man forſakun; neþir his ſeed ſekynge breed. vii For my leendis ben fillid wiþ ſcornyngis; and helþe is
xxvi Al dai he haþ merci, and leeneþ; and his ſeed ſchal
not in my fleiſch.
be in bleſſyng. viii I am turmentid, and maad low ful greetli; Y roride
xxvii Bouwe þou awei fro yuel, and do good; and dwelle
for þe weilyng of myn herte.
þou in to þe world of world. xi Lord, al my deſire is bifor þee; and my weilyng is not
xxviii For þe Lord loueþ doom, and ſchal not forſake hiſe
hid fro þee.
ſeyntis; þei ſchulen be kept wiþ outen ende. Vniuſt men x Myn herte is diſturblid in me, my vertu forſook me;
ſchulen be punyſchid; and þe ſeed of wickid men ſchal and þe lyȝt of myn iȝen `forſook me, and it is not wiþ
periſche. me.
xxix But iuſt men ſchulen enerite þe lond; and ſchulen
xi My frendis and my neiȝboris neiȝiden; and ſtoden
enabite þeronne in to þe world of world. aȝens me. And þei þat weren biſidis me ſtoden afer;
xxx Þe mouþ of a iuſt man ſchal biþenke wiſdom; and
xii and þei diden violence, þat ſouȝten my lijf. And þei
his tunge ſchal ſpeke doom. þat ſouȝten yuels to me, ſpaken vanytees; and þouȝten
xxxi Þe lawe of his God is in his herte; and hiſe ſteppis
gilis al dai.
ſchulen not be diſſeyued. xiii But Y as a deef man herde not; and as a doumb man
xxxii A ſynnere biholdiþ a iuſt man; and ſekiþ to ſle hym.
not openynge his mouþ.
xxxiii But þe Lord ſchal not forſake hym in hiſe hondis; xiiii And Y am maad as a man not herynge; and not
neþir ſchal dampne hym, whanne it ſchal be demed hauynge repreuyngis in his mouþ.
aȝens hym. xv For, Lord, Y hopide in þee; my Lord God, þou ſchalt
xxxiiii Abide þou þe Lord, and kepe þou his weie, and he
here me.
ſchal enhaunſe þee, þat bi eritage þou take þe lond; xvi For Y ſeide, Leſt ony tyme myn enemyes haue ioye
whanne ſynneris ſchulen periſche, þou ſchalt ſe. on me; and þe while my feet ben mouyd, þei ſpaken
xxxv I ſiȝ a wickid man enhaunſid aboue; and reiſid vp as
grete þingis on me.
þe cedris of Liban. xvii For Y am redi to betyngis; and my ſorewe is euere
xxxvi And Y paſſide, and lo! he was not; Y ſouȝte hym,
in my ſiȝt.
and his place is not foundun. xviii For Y ſchal telle my wickidneſſe; and Y ſchal þenke
for my ſynne.

xix But myn enemyes lyuen, and ben confermed on me; iii And he ſente in to my mouþ a newe ſong; a ſong to
and þei ben multiplyed, þat haten me wickidli. oure God. Many men ſchulen ſe, and ſchulen drede; and
xx Þei þat ȝelden yuels for goodis, backbitiden me; for Y ſchulen haue hope in þe Lord.
ſuede goodneſſe. iiii Bleſſid is þe man, of whom þe name of þe Lord is his
xxi My Lord God, forſake þou not me; go þou not awei hope; and he bihelde not in to vanitees, and in to falſe
fro me. woodneſſes.
xxii Lord God of myn helþe; biholde þou in to myn help. v Mi Lord God, þou haſt maad þi merueils manye; and
in þi þouȝtis noon is, þat is lijk þee. I teld, and Y ſpak;
PSALM XXXVIII and þei ben multiplied aboue noumbre.
vi Þou noldiſt ſacrifice and offryng; but þou madiſt
Þe title of þe eiȝte and þrettiþe ſalm. For victorie, to
Iditum, þe ſong of Dauid. perfitli eeris to me. Þou axidiſt not brent ſacrifice, and
ſacrifice for ſynne;
ſeide, Y ſchal kepe my weies; þat Y treſpaſſe not in vii þanne Y ſeide, Lo! Y come. In þe heed of þe book it
my tunge. I ſettide kepyng to my mouþ; whanne a
is writun of me,
ſynnere ſtood aȝens me. viii þat Y ſchulde do þi wille; my God, Y wolde; and þi
ii I was doumb, and was mekid ful gretli, and was ſtille
lawe in þe myddis of myn herte.
fro goodis; and my ſorewe was renulid. ix I telde þi riȝtfulneſſe in a greet chirche; lo! Y ſchal not
iii Myn herte was hoot wiþ ynne me; and fier ſchal
refreine my lippis, Lord, þou wiſtiſt.
brenne out in my þenkyng. x I hidde not þi riȝtfulneſſe in myn herte; Y ſeide þi
iiii I ſpak in my tunge; Lord, make þou myn eende
treuþe and þin helþe. I hidde not þi mercy and þi treuþe;
knowun to me. And þe noumbre of my daies what it is;
fro a myche counſel.
þat Y wite, what failiþ to me. xi But þou, Lord, make not fer þi merciful doyngis fro
v Lo! þou haſt ſet my daies meſurable; and my
me; þi mercy and treuþe euere token me vp.
ſubſtaunce is as nouȝt bifor þee. Neþeles al vanytee; ech xii For whi yuels, of whiche is no noumbre, cumpaſſiden
man lyuynge.
vi Neþeles a man paſſiþ in ymage; but alſo he is me; my wickidneſſis token me, and Y myȝte not, þat Y
ſchulde ſe. Þo ben multiplied aboue þe heeris of myn
diſturblid veynli. He treſoriþ; and he noot, to whom he
heed; and myn herte forſook me.
`ſchal gadere þo þingis. xiii Lord, pleſe it to þee, þat þou delyuere me; Lord,
vii And now which is myn abiding? wheþer not þe
biholde þou to helpe me.
Lord? and my ſubſtaunce is at þee. xiiii Be þei ſchent, and aſchamed togidere; þat ſeken my
viii Delyuere þou me fro alle my wickidneſſis; þou haſt
lijf, to take awei it. Be þei turned abac, and be þei
ȝoue me ſchenſchip to þe vnkunnynge.
ix I was doumbe, and openyde not my mouþ; for þou
ſchamed; þat wolen yuels to me.
xv Bere þei her confuſioun anoon; þat ſeien to me, Wel!
haſt maad,
x remoue þou þi woundis fro me. Fro þe ſtrengþe of þin
wel! `þat is, in ſcorn.
xvi Alle men þat ſeken þee, be fulli ioyful, and be glad
hond Y failide in blamyngis;
xi for wickidneſſe þou haſt chaſtiſid man. And þou
on þee; and ſeie þei, þat louen þin helþe, Þe Lord be
magnyfied euere.
madiſt his lijf to faile as an yreyne; neþeles ech man is xvii Forſoþe Y am a beggere and pore; þe Lord is biſi of
diſturblid in veyn.
xii Lord, here þou my preier and my biſechyng; perſeyue
me. Þou arte myn helpere and my defendere; my God,
tarie þou not.
þou wiþ eeris my teeris. Be þou not ſtille, for Y am a
comelyng at þee; and a pilgrime, as alle my fadris. PSALM XL
xiii Forȝyue þou to me, þat Y be refreiſchid, bifor þat Y
Þe title of þe fourtiþe ſalm. For victorie, þe ſong of
go; and Y ſchal no more be.
i Bleſſid is he þat vndurſtondiþ `on a nedi man and pore;
þe Lord ſchal delyuere hym in þe yuel dai.
Þe title of þe nyne and þrettiþe ſalm. For victorie, þe ii Þe Lord kepe hym, and quykene hym, and make hym
ſong of Dauid.
i Y abidynge
blesful in þe lond; and bitake not hym in to þe wille of
abood þe Lord; and he ȝaf tent to me. And his enemyes.
he herde my preieris; iii Þe Lord bere help to hym on þe bed of his ſorewe;
ii and he ledde out me fro þe lake of wretchidneſſe, and
þou haſt ofte turned al his bed ſtre in his ſijkneſſe.
fro þe filþe of draft. And he ordeynede my feet on a
ſtoon; and he dreſſide my goyngis.

iiii Iſeide, Lord, haue þou mercy on me; heele þou my xi Mi ſoule, whi art þou ſori; and whi diſturbliſt þou me?
ſoule, for Y ſynnede aȝens þee. Hope þou in God, for ȝit Y ſchal knouleche to hym; `he
v Myn enemyes ſeiden yuels to me; Whanne ſchal he is þe helþe of my cheer, and my God.
die, and his name ſchal periſche?
vi And if he entride for to ſe, he ſpak veyn þingis; his PSALM XLII
herte gaderide wickidneſſe to hym ſilf. He ȝede wiþ out `Þe two and fourtiþe ſalm.
forþ; and ſpak to þe ſame þing. i God, deme þou me, and departe þou my cauſe fro a
vii Alle myn enemyes bacbitiden pryuyli aȝens me;
folc not hooli; delyuere þou me fro a wickid man, and
aȝens me þei þouȝten yuels to me. gileful.
viii Þei ordeineden an yuel word aȝens me; Wheþer he ii For þou art God, my ſtrengþe; whi haſt þou put me
þat ſlepiþ, ſchal not leie to, þat he riſe aȝen? abac, and whi go Y ſoreuful, while þe enemy turmentiþ
ix For whi þe man of my pees, in whom Y hopide, he
þat eet my looues; made greet diſſeit on me. iii Sende out þi lyȝt, and þi treuþe; þo ledden me forþ,
x But þou, Lord, haue merci on me, and reiſe me aȝen;
and brouȝten in to þin hooli hil, and in to þi tabernaclis.
and Y ſchal ȝelde to hem. iiii And Y ſchal entre to þe auter of God; to God, þat
xi In þis þing Y knew, þat þou woldiſt me; for myn
gladiþ my ȝongþe. God, my God, Y ſchal knowleche to
enemye ſchal not haue ioye on me. þee in an harpe; my ſoule,
xii Forſoþe þou haſt take me vp for ynnocence; and haſt v whi art þou ſory, and whi trobliſt þou me? Hope þou in
confermed me in þi ſiȝt wiþ outen ende. God, for ȝit Y ſchal knouleche to hym; he is þe helþe of
xiii Bleſſid be þe Lord God of Iſrael, fro þe world and in my cheer, and my God.
to þe world; be it doon, be it doon.
PSALM XLI Þe title of þe þre and fourtiþe ſalm. `To victorie,
Þe title of þe oon and fourtiþe ſalm. To victorie, to þe lernyng to þe ſones of Chore.
ſones of Chore. i God, we herden wiþ oure eeris; oure fadris telden to
i As an hert deſiriþ to þe wellis of watris; ſo þou, God, vs. Þe werk, which þou wrouȝtiſt in þe daies of hem;
my ſoule deſiriþ to þee. and in elde daies.
ii Mi ſoule þirſtide to God, `þat is a `quik welle; whanne ii Þin hond loſt heþene men, and þou plauntidiſt hem;
ſchal Y come, and appere bifor þe face of God? þou turmentidiſt puplis, and caſtidiſt hem out.
iii Mi teeris weren looues to me bi dai and nyȝt; while it iii For þe children of Iſrael weldiden þe lond not bi her
is ſeid to me ech dai, Where is þi God? ſwerd; and þe arm of hem ſauyde not hem. But þi riȝt
iiii I biþouȝte of þeſe þingis, and Y ſchedde out in me hond, and þin arm, and þe liȝtnyng of þi cheer; for þou
my ſoule; for Y ſchal paſſe in to þe place of þe were pleſid in hem.
wondurful tabernacle, til to þe hows of God. In þe vois iiii Þou art þi ſilf, my kyng and my God; þat ſendiſt
of ful out ioiyng and knoulechyng; is þe ſown of þe helþis to Jacob.
etere. v Bi þee we ſchulen wyndewe oure enemyes wiþ horn;
v Mi ſoule, whi art þou ſory; and whi diſturbliſt þou me? and in þi name we ſchulen diſpiſe hem, þat riſen aȝen
Hope þou in God, for ȝit Y ſchal knouleche to hym; he vs.
is þe helþe of my cheer, vi For Y ſchal not hope in my bouwe; and my ſwerd
vi and my God. My ſoule is diſturblid at my ſilf; þerfor, ſchal not ſaue me.
God, Y ſchal be myndeful of þee fro þe lond of Jordan, vii For þou haſt ſaued vs fro men turmentinge vs; and
and fro þe litil hil Hermonyim. þou haſt ſchent men hatinge vs.
vii Depþe clepiþ depþe; in þe vois of þi wyndows. Alle viii We ſchulen be preiſid in God al dai; and in þi name
þin hiȝe þingis and þi wawis; paſſiden ouer me. we ſchulen knouleche to þee in to þe world.
viii Þe Lord ſente his merci in þe dai; and his ſong in þe ix But now þou haſt put vs abac, and haſt ſchent vs; and
nyȝt. At me is a preier to þe God of my lijf; þou, God, ſchalt not go out in oure vertues.
ix Y ſchal ſeie to God, Þou art my `takere vp. Whi x Þou haſt turned vs awei bihynde aftir oure enemyes;
forȝetiſt þou me; and whi go Y ſorewful, while þe and þei, þat hatiden vs, rauyſchiden dyuerſeli to hem
enemy turmentiþ me? ſilf.
x While my boonys ben brokun togidere; myn enemyes, xi Þou haſt ȝoue vs as ſcheep of meetis; and among
þat troblen me, diſpiſeden me. While þei ſeien to me, bi heþene men þou haſt ſcaterid vs.
alle daies; Where is þi God?

xii Þou haſt ſeeld þi puple wiþ out prijs; and multitude vii Þou louediſt riȝtfulneſſe, and hatidiſt wickidneſſe;
was not in þe chaungyngis of hem. þerfor þou, God, þi God, anoyntide þee wiþ þe oile of
xiii Þou haſt ſet vs ſchenſchip to oure neiȝboris; gladneſſe, more þan þi felowis.
mouwyng and ſcorn to hem þat ben in oure cumpas. viii Mirre, and gumme, and caſſia, of þi cloþis, of þe
xiiii Þou haſt ſet vs into licneſſe to heþene men; ſtiryng `houſis yuer;
of heed among puplis. ix of whiche þe douȝtris of kyngis delitiden þee. A
xv Al dai my ſchame is aȝens me; and þe ſchenſchipe of queen ſtood nyȝ on þi riȝt ſide in cloþing ouergildid;
my face hilide me. cumpaſſid wiþ dyuerſitee.
xvi Fro þe vois of diſpiſere, and yuele ſpekere; fro þe x Douȝter, here þou, and ſe, and bowe doun þin eere;

face of enemy, and purſuere. and forȝete þi puple, and þe hows of þi fadir.
xvii Alle þeſe þingis camen on vs, and we han not xi And þe kyng ſchal coueyte þi fairneſſe; for he is þi

forȝete þee; and we diden not wickidli in þi teſtament. Lord God, and þei ſchulen worſchipe hym.
xviii And oure herte ȝede not awei bihynde; and þou haſt xii And þe douȝtris of Tire in ȝiftis; alle þe riche men of

bowid awei oure paþis fro þi weie. þe puple ſchulen biſeche þi cheer.
xix For þou haſt maad vs lowe in þe place of turment; xiii Al þe glorye of þat douȝter of þe kyng is wiþ ynne in

and þe ſchadewe of deþ hilide vs. goldun hemmes;

xx If we forȝaten þe name of oure God; and if we helden xiiii ſche is cloþid aboute wiþ dyuerſitees. Virgyns

forþ oure hondis to an alien God. ſchulen be brouȝt to þe kyng aftir hir; hir neiȝboreſſis
xxi Wheþer God ſchal not ſeke þeſe þingis? for he ſchulen be brouȝt to þee.
xv Þei ſchulen be brouȝt in gladneſſe, and ful out ioiyng;
knowiþ þe hid þingis of herte.
xxii For whi we ben ſlayn al dai for þee; we ben demed þei ſchulen be brouȝt in to þe temple of þe kyng.
xvi Sones ben borun to þee, for þi fadris; þou ſchalt
as ſcheep of ſleyng.
xxiii Lord, riſe vp, whi ſlepiſt þou? riſe vp, and putte not ordeyne hem princes on al erþe.
xvii Lord, þei ſchulen be myndeful of þi name; in ech
awei in to þe ende.
xxiiii Whi turneſt þou awei þi face? þou forȝetiſt oure generacioun, and in to generacioun. Þerfor puplis
pouert, and oure tribulacioun. ſchulen knouleche to þee wiþouten ende; and in to þe
xxv For oure lijf is maad low in duſt; oure wombe is world of world.
glued togidere in þe erþe.
xxvi Lord, riſe vp þou, and helpe vs; and aȝenbie vs for PSALM XLV
þi name. Þe title of þe fiue and fourtiþe ſalm. To þe
ouercomere, þe ſong of þe ſones `of Chore, `for
i Oure God, þou art refuyt, and vertu; helpere in
Þe title of þe foure and fourtiþe ſalm. To þe
ouercomere for þe lilies, þe moſt loued ſong of tribulacions, þat han founde vs greetly.
lernyng of þe ſones of Chore. ii Þerfor we ſchulen not drede, while þe erþe ſchal be

i Myn herte haþ teld out a good word; Y ſeie my workis troblid; and þe hillis ſchulen be borun ouer in to þe
`to þe kyng. Mi tunge is `a penne of a writere; writynge herte of þe ſee.
iii Þe watris of hem ſowneden, and weren troblid; hillis
ii Criſt, þou art fairer in ſchap þan þe ſones of men; weren troblid togidere in þe ſtrengþe of hym.
iiii Þe feerſneſſe of flood makiþ glad þe citee of God; þe
grace is ſpred abrood in þi lippis; þerfor God bleſſid þee
wiþouten ende. hiȝeſte God haþ halewid his tabernacle.
iii Be þou gird wiþ þi ſwerd; on þi hipe moſt myȝtili. v God in þe myddis þerof ſchal not be moued; God ſchal

Biholde þou in þi ſchaplyneſſe and þi fairneſſe; helpe it eerli in þe grey morewtid.

iiii come þou forþ wiþ proſperite, and regne þou. For vi Hethene men weren diſturblid togidere, and rewmes

treuþe, and myldeneſſe, and riȝtfulneſſe; and þi riȝt hond weren bowid doun; God ȝaf his vois, þe erþe was
ſchal lede forþ þee wondurfuli. moued.
v Þi ſcharpe arowis ſchulen falle in to þe hertis of þe vii Þe Lord of vertues is wiþ vs; God of Jacob is oure

enemyes of þe kyng; puplis ſchulen be vndur þee. vptakere.

vi God, þi ſeete is in to þe world of world; þe ȝerde of þi viii Come ȝe, and ſe þe werkis of þe Lord; whiche

rewme is a ȝerde of riȝt reulyng, `eþir of equite. wondris he haþ ſet on þe erþe.

ix He doynge awei batels til to þe ende of þe lond; ſchal x Aftir þi name, God, ſo þin heriyng is ſpred abrood in
al to-breke bouwe, and ſchal breke togidere armuris, to þe endis of erþe; þi riȝt hond is ful of riȝtfulneſſe.
and ſchal brenne ſcheldis bi fier. xi Þe hil of Sion be glad, and þe douȝtris of Judee be
x Ȝyue ȝe tent, and ſe ȝe, þat Y am God; Y ſchal be fulli ioiful; for þi domes, Lord.
enhaunſid among heþene men; and Y ſchal be enhaunſid xii Cumpaſſe ȝe Syon, and biclippe ȝe it; telle ȝe in þe
in erþe. touris þerof.
xi Þe Lord of vertues is wiþ vs; God of Jacob is oure xiii Sette ȝe ȝoure hertis in þe vertu of him; and departe
vptakere. ȝe þe houſis of hym, þat ȝe telle out in an oþer
PSALM XLVI xiiii For þis is God, oure God, in to wiþouten ende, and
Þe title of þe ſixte and fourtiþe ſalm. To victorie, a in to þe world of world; he ſchal gouerne vs in to
ſalm to þe ſones of Chore. worldis.
i Alle ȝe folkis, make ioie wiþ hondis; ſynge ȝe hertli to
God in þe vois of ful out ioiyng. PSALM XLVIII
ii For þe Lord is hiȝ and ferdful; a greet kyng on al erþe. Þe title of þe eiȝte and fourtiþe ſalm. To victorie, a
iii He made puplis ſuget to vs; and heþene men vndur ſalm to þe ſones of Chore.
oure feet. i Alle ȝe folkis, here þeſe þingis; alle ȝe þat dwellen in
iiii He chees his eritage to vs; þe fairneſſe of Jacob, þe world, perſeyue wiþ eeris.
whom he louyde. ii Alle þe ſones of erþe and þe ſones of men; togidere þe
v God ſtiede in hertli ſong; and þe Lord in þe vois of a riche man and þe pore in to oon.
trumpe. iii Mi mouþ ſchal ſpeke wiſdom; and þe þenkyng of myn
vi Synge ȝe to oure God, ſynge ȝe; ſynge ȝe to oure herte ſchal ſpeke prudence.
kyng, ſynge ȝe. iiii I ſchal bouwe doun myn eere in to a parable; Y ſchal
vii For God is kyng of al erþe; ſynge ȝe wiſeli. opene my reſoun ſet forþ in a ſautree.
viii God ſchal regne on heþene men; God ſittiþ on his v Whi ſchal Y drede in þe yuel dai? þe wickidneſſe of

hooli ſeete. myn heele ſchal cumpaſſe me.

ix Þe princes of puplis ben gaderid togidere wiþ God of vi Whiche triſten in her owne vertu; and han glorie in þe

Abraham; for þe ſtronge goddis of erþe ben reiſid multitude of her richeſſis.
greetli. vii A broþer aȝenbieþ not, ſchal a man aȝenbie? and he
ſchal not ȝyue to God his pleſyng.
PSALM XLVII viii And he ſchal not ȝyue þe prijs of raunſum of his

Þe title of þe ſeuene and fourtiþe ſalm. þe ſong of ſoule; and he ſchal trauele wiþ outen ende,
ſalm, of þe ſones of Chore. ix and he ſchal lyue ȝit in to þe ende. He ſchal not ſe

i Þe Lord is greet, and worþi to be preiſid ful myche; in periſchyng,

x whanne he ſchal ſe wiſe men diynge; þe vnwiſe man
þe citee of oure God, in þe hooli hil of hym.
ii It is foundid in þe ful out ioiyng of al erþe; þe hil of and fool ſchulen periſche togidere. And þei ſchulen
Syon; þe ſidis of þe norþ, þe citee of þe greet kyng. leeue her richeſſis to aliens;
xi and þe ſepulcris of hem ben þe houſis of hem wiþ
iii God ſchal be knowun in þe houſis þerof; whanne he
ſchal take it. outen ende. Þe tabernaclis of hem ben in generacioun
iiii For lo! þe kyngis of erþe weren gaderid togidere; þei and generacioun; þei clepiden her names in her londis.
xii A man, whanne he was in honour, vndurſtood not; he
camen into o place.
v Þei ſeynge ſo wondriden; þei weren diſturblid, þei is compariſound to vnwiſe beeſtis, and he is maad lijk to
weren mouyd togidere, tremblyng took hem. xiii Þis weie of hem is ſclaundir to hem; and aftirward
vi Þere ſorewis as of a womman trauelynge of child;
vii in a greet ſpirit þou ſchalt al to-breke þe ſchippis of
þei ſchulen pleſe togidere in her mouþ.
xiiii As ſcheep þei ben ſet in helle; deþ ſchal gnawe hem.
viii As we herden, ſo we ſien, in þe citee of þe Lord of
And iuſt men ſchulen be lordis of hem in þe morewtid;
and þe helpe of hem ſchal wexe eld in helle, for þe
vertues, in þe citee of oure God; God haþ foundid þat glorie of hem.
citee wiþ outen ende. xv Neþeles God ſchal aȝenbie my ſoule from þe power
ix God, we han reſſeyued þi mercy; in þe myddis of þi
of helle; whanne he ſchal take me.

xvi Drede þou not, whanne a man is maad riche; and þe xix Þi mouþ was plenteuouſe of malice; and þi tunge
glorie of his hows is multiplied. medlide togidere giles.
xvii For whanne he ſchal die, he ſchal not take alle xx Þou ſittynge ſpakiſt aȝens þi broþer, and þou ſettidiſt
þingis; and his glorie ſchal not go doun wiþ him. ſclaundir aȝens þe ſone of þi modir;
xviii For his ſoule ſchal be bleſſid in his lijf; he ſchal xxi þou didiſt þeſe þingis, and Y was ſtille. Þou geſſidiſt
knouleche to þee, whanne þou haſt do wel to hym. wickidli, þat Y ſchal be lijk þee; Y ſchal repreue þee,
xxi He ſchal entre til in to þe generaciouns of hiſe fadris; and Y ſchal ſette aȝens þi face.
and til in to wiþ outen ende he ſchal not ſe lyȝt. xxii Ȝe þat forȝeten God, vndurſtonde þeſe þingis; leſt
xx A man, whanne he was in honour, vndurſtood not; he ſum tyme he rauyſche, and noon be þat ſchal delyuere.
is compariſound to vnwiſe beeſtis, and is maad lijk to xxiii Þe ſacrifice of heriyng ſchal onoure me; and þere is
þo. þe weie, where ynne Y ſchal ſchewe to hym þe helþe of
Þe title of þe nyne and fourtiþe ſalm. þe ſalm of PSALM L
Aſaph. Þe title of þe fiftiþe ſalm. To victorie, þe ſalm of
i God, þe Lord of goddis, ſpak; and clepide þe erþe, fro Dauid; `whanne Nathan þe prophete cam to hym,
þe riſynge of þe ſunne til to þe goyng doun. whanne he entride to Berſabee.
ii Þe ſchap of his fairneſſe fro Syon, i God, haue þou merci on me; bi þi greet merci. And bi
iii God ſchal come opynli; oure God, and he ſchal not be þe mychilneſſe of þi merciful doyngis; do þou awei my
ſtille. Fier ſchal brenne an hiȝe in his ſiȝt; and a ſtrong wickidneſſe.
ii More waiſche þou me fro my wickidneſſe; and clenſe
tempeſt in his cumpas.
iiii He clepide heuene aboue; and þe erþe, to deme his þou me fro my ſynne.
iii For Y knouleche my wickidneſſe; and my ſynne is
v Gadere ȝe to hym hiſe ſeyntis; þat ordeynen his euere aȝens me.
iiii I haue ſynned to þee aloone, and Y haue do yuel
teſtament aboue ſacrifices.
vi `And heuenes ſchulen ſchewe his riȝtfulneſſe; for God bifor þee; þat þou be iuſtified in þi wordis, and
is þe iuge. ouercome whanne þou art demed. For lo!
vii Mi puple, here þou, and Y ſchal ſpeke to Iſrael; and Y v Y was conſeyued in wickedneſſis; and my modir

ſchal witneſſe to þee, Y am God, þi God. conceyuede me in ſynnes.

viii I ſchal not repreue þee in þi ſacrifices; and þi brent vi For lo! þou louediſt treuþe; þou haſt ſchewid to me þe

ſacrifices ben euere bifor me. vncerteyn þingis, and pryuy þingis of þi wiſdom.
ix I ſchal not take calues of þin hows; neþir geet buckis vii Lord, ſprenge þou me wiþ yſope, and Y ſchal be

of þi flockis. clenſid; waiſche þou me, and Y ſchal be maad whijt

x For alle þe wyelde beeſtis of wodis ben myne; werk more þan ſnow.
viii Ȝyue þou ioie, and gladneſſe to myn heryng; and
beeſtis, and oxis in hillis.
xi I haue knowe alle þe volatils of heuene; and þe boonys maad meke ſchulen ful out make ioye.
ix Turne awei þi face fro my ſynnes; and do awei alle
fairneſſe of þe feeld is wiþ me.
xii If Y ſchal be hungry, Y ſchal not ſeie to þee; for þe my wickidneſſes.
x God, make þou a clene herte in me; and make þou
world and þe fulneſſe þerof is myn.
xiii Wheþer Y ſchal eete þe fleiſchis of boolis? eþir ſchal newe a riȝtful ſpirit in my entrailis.
xi Caſte þou me not awei fro þi face; and take þou not
Y drynke þe blood of geet buckis?
xiiii Offre þou to God þe ſacrifice of heriyng; and ȝelde awei fro me þin hooli ſpirit.
xii Ȝiue þou to me þe gladneſſe of þyn helþe; and
þin avowis to þe hiȝeſte God.
xv And inwardli clepe þou me in þe dai of tribulacioun; conferme þou me wiþ þe principal ſpirit.
xiii I ſchal teche wickid men þi weies; and vnfeiþful
and Y ſchal delyuere þee, and þou ſchalt onoure me.
xvi But God ſeide to þe ſynnere, Whi telliſt þou out my men ſchulen be conuertid to þee.
xiiii God, þe God of myn helþe, delyuere þou me fro
riȝtfulneſſis; and takiſt my teſtament bi þi mouþ?
xvii Soþeli þou hatidiſt lore; and haſt caſt awey my bloodis; and my tunge ſchal ioyfuli ſynge þi riȝtfulneſſe.
xv Lord, `opene þou my lippis; and my mouþ ſchal telle
wordis bihynde.
xviii If þou ſiȝeſt a þeef, þou `haſt runne wiþ hym; and þi preyſyng.
xvi For if þou haddiſt wold ſacrifice, Y hadde ȝoue;
þou ſettidiſt þi part wiþ avowtreris.
treuli þou ſchalt not delite in brent ſacrifices.

xvii A ſacrifice to God is a ſpirit troblid; God, þou ſchalt vi Who ſchal ȝyue fro Syon helþe to Iſrael? whanne þe
not diſpiſe a contrit herte and `maad meke. Lord haþ turned þe caitifte of his puple, Jacob ſchal `ful
xviii Lord, do þou benygneli in þi good wille to Syon; out make ioie, and Iſrael ſchal be glad.
þat þe wallis of Jeruſalem be bildid.
xix Þanne þou ſchalt take pleſauntli þe ſacrifice of PSALM LIII
riȝtfulneſſe, offryngis, and brent ſacrifices; þanne þei Þe title of þe þre and fiftiþe ſalm. To victorie in
ſchulen putte calues on þin auter. orguns, eþer in ſalmes, þe lernyng of Dauid,
`whanne Zyfeys camen, and ſeiden to Saul, Wheþir
PSALM LI Dauid is not hid at vs?
Þe title of þe oon and fiftiþe ſalm. To victorie, þe i God, in þi name make þou me ſaaf; and in þi vertu
ſalm of Dauid, `whanne Doech Idumei cam, and deme þou me.
telde to Saul, and ſeide to him, Dauid cam in to þe ii God, here þou my preier; wiþ eeris perſeyue þou þe
hows of Abymelech. wordis of my mouþ.
i What haſt þou glorie in malice; which art miȝti in iii For aliens han riſe aȝens me, and ſtronge men ſouȝten
wickidneſſe? my lijf; and þei ſettiden not God bifor her ſiȝt.
ii Al dai þi tunge þouȝte vnriȝtfulneſſe; as a ſcharp iiii For, lo! God helpiþ me; and þe Lord is vptaker of my
raſour þou haſt do gile. ſoule.
iii Þou louediſt malice more þan benygnite; `þou v Turne þou awei yuelis to myn enemyes; and leeſe þou
louediſt wickidneſſe more þan to ſpeke equite. hem in þi treuþe.
iiii Þou louediſt alle wordis of caſting doun; wiþ a vi Wilfuli Y ſchal make ſacrifice to þee; and, Lord, Y
gileful tunge. ſchal knouleche to þi name, for it is good.
v Þerfor God ſchal diſtrie þee in to þe ende, he ſchal vii For þou delyueridiſt me fro al tribulacioun; and myn
drawe þee out bi þe roote, and he ſchal make þee to iȝe diſpiſide on myn enemyes.
paſſe awei fro þi tabernacle; and þi roote fro þe lond of
lyuynge men. PSALM LIIII
vi Iuſt men ſchulen ſe, and ſchulen drede; and þei
Þe title of þe foure and fiftiþe ſalm. `In Ebreu þus,
ſchulen leiȝe on hym, and þei ſchulen ſeie, To victorie in orguns, þe lernyng of Dauid. `In
vii Lo! þe man þat ſettide not God his helpere. But he Jeroms tranſlacioun þus, To þe ouercomer in ſalmes
hopide in þe multitude of his richeſſis; and hadde of Dauid lernid.
maiſtrie in his vanite. i God, here þou my preier, and diſpiſe þou not my
viii Forſoþe Y, as a fruytful olyue tre in þe hous of God;
hopide in þe merci of God wiþ outen ende, ii ȝyue þou tent to me, and here þou me. I am ſorewful
ix and in to þe world of world. Y ſchal knowleche to þee
in myn exerciſing;
in to þe world, for þou haſt do mercy to me; and Y ſchal iii and Y am diſturblid of þe face of þe enemye, and of
abide þi name, for it is good in þe ſiȝt of þi ſeyntis. þe tribulacioun of þe ſynner. For þei bowiden
wickidneſſis in to me; and in ire þei weren diſeſeful to
Þe title of þe two and fiftiþe ſalm. To þe ouercomer iiii Myn herte was diſturblid in me; and þe drede of deþ
bi þe quere, þe lernyng of Dauid. felde on me.
i Þe vnwiſe man ſeide in his herte; God is not. Þei ben v Drede and trembling camen on me; and derkneſſis
`corrupt, and maad abhomynable in her wickidneſſis; hiliden me.
noon is þat doiþ good. vi And Y ſeide, Who ſchal ȝyue to me feþeris, as of a
ii God bihelde fro heuene on þe ſones of men; þat he ſe, culuer; and Y ſchal fle, and ſchal take reſt?
if `ony is vndurſtondynge, eþer ſekynge God. vii Lo! Y ȝede fer awei, and fledde; and Y dwellide in
iii Alle boweden awei, þei ben maad vnprofitable wildirneſſe.
togidre; noon is þat doiþ good, þer is not til to oon. viii I abood hym, þat made me ſaaf fro þe litilneſſe, `eþer
iiii Wheþer alle men, þat worchen wickidneſſe, ſchulen drede, of ſpirit; and fro tempeſt.
not wite; whiche deuouren my puple as þe mete of ix Lord, caſte þou doun, departe þou þe tungis of hem;
breed? Þei clepiden not God; for Y ſiȝ wickidneſſe and aȝenſeiyng in þe citee.
v þere þei trembliden for drede, where no drede was. x Bi dai and nyȝt wickidneſſe ſchal cumpaſſe it on þe
For God haþ ſcaterid þe boones of hem, þat pleſen men; wallis þerof;
þei ben ſchent, for God haþ forſake hem.

xi and trauel and vnriȝtfulneſſe ben in þe myddis þerof. vii fornouȝt ſchalt þou make hem ſaaf; in ire þou ſchalt
And vſure and gile failide not; fro þe ſtretis þerof. breke togidre puplis.
xii For if myn enemye hadde curſid me; ſoþeli Y hadde viii God, Y ſchewide my lijf to þee; þou haſt ſet my
ſuffride. And if he, þat hatide me, hadde ſpoke greet teeris in þi ſiȝt. As and in þi biheeſt, Lord;
þingis on me; in hap Y hadde hid me fro hym. ix þanne myn enemyes ſchulen be turned abak. In what
xiii But þou art a man of o wille; my leeder, and my euere dai Y ſchal inwardli clepe þee; lo! Y haue knowe,
knowun. þat þou art my God.
xiiii Which tokiſt togidere ſwete meetis wiþ me; we x In God Y ſchal preiſe a word; in þe Lord Y ſchal
ȝeden wiþ conſent in þe hous of God. preyſe a word.
xv Deþ come on hem; and go þei doun quyk in to helle. xi Y ſchal hope in God; Y ſchal not drede what þing a
For weiwardneſſis ben in þe dwelling places of hem; in man ſchal do to me.
þe myddis of hem. xii God, þin auowis ben in me; whiche Y ſchal ȝelde
xvi But Y criede to þee, Lord; and þe Lord ſauede me. heriyngis to þee.
xvii In þe euentid and morewtid and in myddai Y ſchal xiii For þou haſt delyuerid my lijf fro deþ, and my feet
telle, and ſchewe; and he ſchal here my vois. fro ſlidyng; þat Y pleeſe bifore God in þe lyȝt of hem
xviii He ſchal aȝenbie my ſoule in pees fro hem, þat þat lyuen.
neiȝen to me; for among manye þei weren wiþ me.
xix God ſchal here; and he þat is bifore þe worldis ſchal PSALM LVI
make hem low. For chaungyng is not to hem, and þei Þe title of þe ſixte and fiftiþe ſalm. `In Ebreu þus, To
dredden not God; þe victorie, leſe þou not þe ſemeli ſong, `eþer þe
xx he holdiþ forþ his hoond in ȝelding. Þei defouliden `ſwete ſong of Dauid, `whanne he fledde fro þe face
his teſtament, of Saul in to þe denne. `In Jeroms tranſlacioun þus,
xxi þe cheris þerof weren departid fro ire; and his herte For victorie, þat þou leſe not Dauid, meke and
neiȝede. Þe wordis þerof weren ſofter þan oyle; and þo ſimple, whanne he fledde fro þe face of Saul in to þe
ben dartis. denne.
xxii Caſte þi cure on þe Lord, and he ſchal fulli nuriſche i God, haue þou merci on me, haue þou merci on me;
þee; and he ſchal not ȝyue wiþ outen ende flotering to a for my ſoule triſtiþ in þee. And Y ſchal hope in þe
iuſt man. ſchadewe of þi wyngis; til wickidneſſe paſſe.
xxiii But þou, God, ſchalt lede hem forþ; in to þe pit of ii I ſchal crye to God alþerhiȝeſte; to God þat dide wel to
deþ. Menquelleris and gilours ſchulen not haue half her me.
daies; but, Lord, Y ſchal hope in þee. iii He ſente fro heuene, and delyuerede me; he ȝaf in to
ſchenſchip hem þat defoulen me. God ſente his merci
PSALM LV and his treuþe,
Þe title of þe fyue and fiftiþe ſalm. `In Ebreu þus, To iiii and delyuerede my ſoule fro þe myddis of whelpis of
þe ouercomyng on þe doumb culuer of fer drawing liouns; Y ſlepte diſturblid. Þe ſones of men, þe teeþ of
awei, þe comely ſong of Dauid, whanne Filiſteis hem ben armuris and arowis; and her tunge is a ſcharp
helden hym in Geth. `In Jeroms tranſlacioun þus, To ſwerd.
þe ouercomer for þe doumb culuer, for it ȝede awei v God, be þou enhaunſid aboue heuenes; and þi glorie
fer. aboue al erþe.
i God, vi Þei maden redi a ſnare to my feet; and þei greetly
haue þou merci on me, for a man haþ defoulid
me; al dai he impugnyde, and troublide me. boweden my lijf. Þei delueden a diche bifore my face;
ii Myn enemyes defouliden me al dai; for manye fiȝteris and þei felden doun in to it.
vii God, myn herte is redi, myn herte is redi; Y ſchal
weren aȝens me.
iii Of þe hiȝneſſe of dai Y ſchal drede; but God Y ſchal ſinge, and Y ſchal ſeie ſalm.
viii Mi glorie, riſe þou vp; ſautrie and harpe, riſe þou vp;
hope in þee.
iiii In God Y ſchal preiſe my wordis; Y hopide in God, Y Y ſchal riſe vp eerli.
ix Lord, Y ſchal knouleche to þee among puplis; and Y
ſchal not drede what þing fleiſch ſchal do to me.
v Al dai þei curſiden my wordis; aȝens me alle her ſchal ſeie ſalm among heþene men.
x For þi merci is magnified til to heuenes; and þi treuþe
þouȝtis weren in to yuel.
vi Þei ſchulen dwelle, and ſchulen hide; þei ſchulen aſpie til to cloudis.
xi God, be þou enhaunſid aboue heuenes; and þi glorie
myn heele. As þei abiden my lijf,
ouer al erþe.

PSALM LVII viii And þou, Lord, ſchalt ſcorne hem; þou ſchalt bringe
Þe title of þe ſeuene and fiftiþe ſalm. `In Ebreu þus, alle folkis to nouȝt.
To victorie; `leſe þou not þe ſwete ſong, eþer þe ix I ſchal kepe my ſtrengþe to þee; for God is myn
ſemely ſalm, of Dauid. `In Jeroms tranſlacioun þus, vptaker,
To þe ouercomere, þat þou leſe not Dauid, meke and x my God, his mercy ſchal come byfore me. God
ſimple. ſchewide to me on myn enemyes,
i Forſoþe xi ſlee þou not hem; leſt ony tyme my puples forȝete.
if ȝe ſpeken riȝtfulneſſe verili; ȝe ſones of men,
deme riȝtfuli. Scatere þou hem in þi vertu; and, Lord, my defender,
ii For in herte ȝe worchen wickidneſſe in erþe; ȝoure putte þou hem doun.
xii Putte þou doun þe treſpas of her mouþ, and þe word
hondis maken redi vnriȝtfulneſſis.
iii Synneris weren maad aliens fro þe wombe; þei of her lippis; and be þei takun in her pride. And of
erriden fro þe wombe, þei ſpaken falſe þingis. curſyng and of leeſyng; þei ſchulen be ſchewid in þe
iiii Woodneſſe is to hem, bi þe licneſſe of a ſerpent; as of endyng.
xiii In þe ire of ending, and þei ſchulen not be; and þei
a deef ſnake, and ſtoppynge hiſe eeris.
v Which ſchal not here þe vois of charmeris; and of a ſchulen wite, þat þe Lord ſchal be Lord of Jacob, and of
venym makere charmynge wiſeli. þe endis of erþe.
xiiii Þei ſchulen be turned at euentid, and þei as doggis
vi God ſchal al to-breke þe teeþ of hem in her mouþ; þe
Lord ſchal breke togidere þe greet teeþ of liouns. ſchulen ſuffre hungur; and þei ſchulen cumpas þe citee.
xv Þei ſchulen be ſcaterid abrood, for to eete; ſoþeli if
vii Þei ſchulen come to nouȝt, as water rennynge awei;
he bente his bouwe, til þei ben maad ſijk. þei ben not fillid, and þei ſchulen grutche.
xvi But Y ſchal ſynge þi ſtrengþe; and eerli Y ſchal
viii As wexe þat fletiþ awei, þei ſchulen be takun awei;
fier felle aboue, and þei ſiȝen not þe ſunne. enhaunſe þi merci. For þou art maad myn vptaker; and
ix Bifore þat ȝoure þornes vndurſtoden þe ramne; he my refuyt, in þe dai of my tribulacioun.
xvii Myn helper, Y ſchal ſynge to þee; for þou art God,
ſwolewiþ hem ſo in ire, as lyuynge men.
x Þe iuſt man ſchal be glad, whanne he ſchal ſe myn vptaker, my God, my mercy.
veniaunce; he ſchal waiſche hiſe hondis in þe blood of a
xi And a man ſchal ſeie treuli, For fruyt is to a iuſt man; Þe title of þe nyne and fiftiþe ſalm. `In Ebreu þus, To
treuli God is demynge hem in erþe. victorie, on þe witneſſyng of rooſe, þe ſwete ſong of
Dauid, to teche, `whanne he fauȝte aȝens Aram of
PSALM LVIII floodis, and Sirie of Soba; and Joab turnede aȝen,
and ſmoot Edom in þe `valei of ſalt pittis, twelue
Þe title of þe eiȝte and fiftiþe ſalm. `In Jeroms þouſynde. `In Jeroms tranſlacioun þus, To þe
tranſlacioun þus, To þe ouercomer, þat þou leſe not ouercomer for lilies, þe witneſſing of meke and parfit
Dauid, meke and ſimple, `whanne Saul ſente and Dauid, to teche, whanne he fauȝte aȝens Sirie of
kepte þe hous, to ſlee hym. `In Ebreu þus, To þe Meſopotamye, and Soba, and ſo forþ.
ouercomyng, leeſe þou not þe ſemeli ſong of Dauid,
i God, þou haſt put awei vs, and þou haſt diſtried vs; þou
and ſo forþ.
i Mi
were wrooþ, and þou haſt do merci to vs.
God, delyuer þou me fro myn enemyes; and ii Þou mouediſt þe erþe, and þou diſturblidiſt it; make
delyuer þou me fro hem þat riſen aȝens me.
ii Delyuer þou me fro hem þat worchen wickidneſſe;
þou hool þe ſorewis þerof, for it is moued.
iii Þou ſchewidiſt harde þingis to þi puple; þou ȝaueſt
and ſaue þou me fro menquelleris.
iii For lo! þei han take my ſoule; ſtronge men fellen in
drynk to vs wiþ þe wyn of compunccioun.
iiii Þou haſt ȝoue a ſignefiyng to hem þat dreden þee; þat
on me. Neþir my wickidneſſe, neþer my ſynne; Lord,
iiii Y ran wiþ out wickidneſſe, and dreſſide `my werkis.
þei fle fro þe face of þe bouwe.
v Þat þi derlyngis be delyuered; make þou ſaaf wiþ þi
Riſe vp þou in to my meetyng, and ſe;
v and þou, Lord God of vertues, art God of Iſrael. Ȝyue
riȝt hond `þe puple of Iſrael, and here þou me.
vi God ſpak bi his hooli; Y ſchal be glad, and Y ſchal
þou tent to viſite alle folkis; do þou not merci to alle þat
departe Siccimam, and Y ſchal meete þe greet valei of
worchen wickidneſſe.
vi Þei ſchulen be turned at euentid, and þei as doggis
vii Galaad is myn, and Manaſſes is myn; and Effraym is
ſchulen ſuffre hungir; and þei ſchulen cumpas þe citee.
vii Lo! þei ſchulen ſpeke in her mouþ, and a ſwerd in her
þe ſtrengþe of myn heed. Juda is my king;
viii Moab is þe pot of myn hope. In to Idumee Y ſchal
lippis; for who herde?
ſtretche forþ my ſcho; aliens ben maad ſuget to me.

ix Who ſchal lede me in to a citee maad ſtrong; who ix Neþeles þe ſones of men ben veyne; þe ſones of men
ſchal leede me til in to Ydumee? ben liers in balauncis, þat þei diſſeyue of vanytee in to
x Wheþer not þou, God, þat haſt put awei vs; and ſchalt þe ſame þing.
þou not, God, go out in oure vertues? x Nile ȝe haue hope in wickidneſſe, and nyle ȝe coueyte
xi Lord, ȝyue þou to vs help of tribulacioun; for þe raueyns; if ritcheſſis be plenteuouſe, nyle ȝe ſette þe
heelþe of man is veyn. herte þerto.
xii In God we ſchulen make vertu; and he ſchal bringe to xi God ſpak onys, Y herde þeſe twei þingis, þat power is

nouȝt hem þat diſturblen vs. of God,

xii and, þou Lord, mercy is to þee; for þou ſchalt ȝelde
PSALM LX to ech man bi hiſe werkis.
Þe titil of þe ſixtiþe ſalm. To þe victorie on orgun, to
Dauid hym ſilf. PSALM LXII
i God, here þou my biſeching; ȝyue þou tent to my Þe titil of þe two and ſixtiþe ſalm. `Þe ſalm of Dauid,
preyer. `whanne he was in þe deſert of Judee.
ii Fro þe endis of þe lond Y criede to þee; þe while myn i God, my God, Y wake to þee ful eerli. Mi ſoule
herte was angwiſchid, þou enhaunſidiſt me in a ſtoon. þirſtide to þee; my fleiſch þirſtide to þee ful many foold.
Þou laddeſt me forþ, In a lond forſakun wiþ out wei, and wiþ out water,
iii for þou art maad myn hope; a tour of ſtrengþe fro þe ii ſo Y apperide to þee in hooli; þat Y ſchulde ſe þi vertu,

face of þe enemye. and þi glorie.

iiii I ſchal dwelle in þi tabernacle in to worldis; Y ſchal iii For þi merci is betere þan lyues; my lippis ſchulen

be keuered in þe hilyng of þi wengis. herie þee.

v For þou, my God, haſt herd my preier; þou haſt ȝoue iiii So Y ſchal bleſſe þee in my lijf; and in þi name Y

eritage to hem þat dreden þi name. ſchal reiſe myn hondis.

vi Þou ſchalt adde daies on þe daies of þe king; hiſe v Mi ſoule be fillid as wiþ inner fatneſſe and vttermere

ȝeeris til in to þe dai of generacioun and of generacioun. fatneſſe; and my mouþ ſchal herie wiþ lippis of ful out
vii He dwelliþ wiþ outen ende in þe ſiȝt of God; who ioiyng.
vi So Y hadde mynde on þee on my bed, in morewtidis
ſchal ſeke þe merci and treuþe of hym?
viii So Y ſchal ſeie ſalm to þi name in to þe world of Y ſhal þenke of þee;
vii for þou were myn helpere. And in þe keueryng of þi
world; þat Y ȝelde my vowis fro dai in to dai.
wyngis Y ſchal make `ful out ioye,
PSALM LXI viii my ſoule cleuede after þee; þi riȝthond took me vp.
ix Forſoþe þei ſouȝten in veyn my lijf, þei ſchulen entre
Þe titil of þe oon and ſixtiþe ſalm. To þe victorie on
Iditum, þe ſalm of Dauid. in to þe lower þingis of erþe;
x þei ſchulen be bitakun in to þe hondis of ſwerd, þei
i Wheþer my ſoule ſchal not be ſuget to God; for myn
heelþe is of hym. ſchulen be maad þe partis of foxis.
xi But þe king ſchal be glad in God; and alle men
ii For whi he is boþe my God, and myn heelþe; my
`taker vp, Y ſchal no more be moued. ſchulen be preyſid þat ſweren in hym, for þe mouþ of
iii Hou longe fallen ȝe on a man? alle ȝe ſleen; as to a hem, þat ſpeken wickid þingis, is ſtoppid.
wal bowid, and a wal of ſtoon wiþ out morter caſt doun.
iiii Neþeles þei þouȝten to putte awei my prijs, Y ran in
þirſt; wiþ her mouþ þei bleſſiden, and in her herte þei Þe titil of þe þre and ſixtiþe ſalm. `In Ebrewe þus, To
curſiden. þe victorie, þe ſalm of Dauid. `In Jerom `þus, To þe
v Neþeles, my ſoule, be þou ſuget to God; for my ouercomer, þe ſong of Dauid.
i God, here þou my preier, whanne Y biſeche; delyuere
pacience is of hym.
vi For he is my God, and my ſaueour; myn helpere, Y þou my ſoule fro þe drede of þe enemy.
ii Þou haſt defendid me fro þe couent of yuele doers; fro
ſchal not paſſe out.
vii Myn helþe, and my glorie is in God; God is þe ȝyuer þe multitude of hem þat worchen wickidneſſe.
iii For þei ſcharpiden her tungis as a ſwerd, þei benten a
of myn help, and myn hope is in God.
viii Al þe gaderyng togidere of þe puple, hope ȝe in God, bowe, a bittir þing;
iiii for to ſchete in priuetees hym þat is vnwemmed.
ſchede ȝe out ȝoure hertis bifore hym; God is oure
helpere wiþ outen ende. Sodeynli þei ſchulen ſchete hym, and þei ſchulen not

v þei maden ſtidefaſt to hem ſilf a wickid word. Þei PSALM LXV
telden, þat þei ſchulden hide ſnaris; þei ſeiden, Who Þe titil of þe fyue and ſixtiþe ſalm. To þe victorie, þe
ſchal ſe hem? ſong of ſalm.
vi Þei ſouȝten wickidneſſis; þei ſouȝten, and failiden in
i Al þe erþe, make ȝe ioie hertli to God,
ſekinge. A man neiȝhe to deep herte; ii ſeie
vii and God ſchal be enhaunſid. Þe arowis of `litle men ȝe ſalm to his name; ȝyue ȝe glorie to his heriyng.
iii Seie ȝe to God, Lord, þi werkis ben dredeful; in þe
ben maad þe woundis of hem;
viii and þe tungis of hem ben maad ſijk aȝens hem. Alle multitude of þi vertu þin enemyes ſchulen lie to þee.
iiii God, al þe erþe worſchipe þee, and ſynge to þee; ſeie
men ben diſturblid, þat ſien hem;
ix and ech man dredde. And þei telden þe werkis of it ſalm to þi name.
v Come ȝe and ſe ȝe þe werkis of God; ferdful in
God; and vndurſtoden þe dedis of God.
x Þe iuſt man ſchal be glad in þe Lord, and ſchal hope in counſeils on þe ſones of men.
vi Which turnede þe ſee in to drie lond; in þe flood þei
hym; and alle men of riȝtful herte ſchulen be preiſid.
ſchulen paſſe wiþ foot, þere we ſchulen be glad in hym.
vii Which is Lord in his vertu wiþouten ende, hiſe iȝen
biholden on folkis; þei þat maken ſcharp be not
Þe titil of þe foure and ſixtiþe ſalm. `To victorie, `þe enhaunſid in hem ſilf.
ſalm of þe ſong of Dauid. viii Ȝe heþen men, bleſſe oure God; and make ȝe herd þe
i God, heriyng bicomeþ þee in Syon; and a vow ſchal be vois of his preiſing.
ȝolden to þee in Jeruſalem. ix Þat haþ ſet my ſoule to lijf, and ȝaf not my feet in to
ii Here þou my preier; ech man ſchal come to þee.
iii Þe wordis of wickid men hadden þe maiſtrye ouer vs; x For þou, God, haſt preued vs; þou haſt examyned vs bi
and þou ſchalt do merci to oure wickidneſſis. fier, as ſiluer is examyned.
iiii Bleſſid is he, whom þou haſt choſe, and haſt take; he xi Þou leddiſt vs in to a ſnare, þou puttidiſt tribulaciouns
ſchal dwelle in þin hallis. We ſchulen be fillid wiþ þe in oure bak;
goodis of þin hous; þi temple is hooli, xii þou ſettidiſt men on oure heedis. We paſſiden bi fier
v wondurful in equite. God, oure heelþe, here þou vs;
and water; and þou leddiſt vs out in to refreſchyng.
þou art hope of alle cooſtis of erþe, and in þe ſee afer. xiii I ſchal entre in to þin hous in brent ſacrifices; Y ſchal
vi And þou makeſt redi hillis in þi vertu, and art gird
ȝelde to þee my vowis,
wiþ power; xiiii which my lippis ſpaken diſtinctly. And my mouþ
vii which diſturbliſt þe depþe of þe ſee, þe ſoun of þe
ſpake in my tribulacioun;
wawis þerof. Folkis ſchulen be diſturblid, xv Y ſhal offre to þee brent ſacrificis ful of merowȝ, wiþ
viii and þei þat dwellen in þe endis ſchulen drede of þi
þe brennyng of rammes; Y ſchal offre to þee oxis wiþ
ſignes; þou ſchalt delite þe outgoingis of þe morewtid buckis of geet.
and euentid. xvi Alle ȝe þat dreden God, come and here, and Y ſchal
ix Þou haſt viſitid þe lond, and haſt greetli fillid it; þou
telle; hou grete þingis he haþ do to my ſoule.
haſt multiplied to make it riche. Þe flood of God was xvii I criede to hym wiþ my mouþ; and Y ioyede fulli
fillid wiþ watris; þou madiſt redi þe mete of hem, for þe vndir my tunge.
makyng redi þerof is ſo. xviii If Y bihelde wickidneſſe in myn herte; þe Lord
x Þou fillynge greetli þe ſtremes þerof, multiplie þe
ſchal not here.
fruytis þerof; þe lond bringinge forþ fruytis ſchal be xix Þerfor God herde; and perſeyuede þe vois of my
glad in goteris of it. biſechyng.
xi Þou ſchalt bleſſe þe coroun of þe ȝeer of þi good
xx Bleſſid be God; þat remeued not my preyer, and `took
wille; and þi feeldis ſchulen be fillid wiþ plentee of not awei his merci fro me.
xii Þe feire þingis of deſert ſchulen wexe fatte; and litle
hillis ſchulen be cumpaſſid wiþ ful out ioiyng.
xiii Þe weþeris of ſcheep ben cloþid, and valeis ſchulen Þe titil of þe ſixe and ſixtiþe ſalm. `In Ebreu þus, To
þe victorie in orguns, þe ſalm of þe ſong. `In Jerom
be plenteuouſe of wheete; þei ſchulen crye, and ſoþeli `þus, To þe ouercomer in ſalmes, þe ſong of writing
þei ſchulen ſeye ſalm. of a delitable þing wiþ metre.
i God haue merci on vs, and bleſſe vs; liȝtne he his cheer
on vs, and haue merci on vs.

ii Þat we knowe þi weie on erþe; þin heelþe in alle xvii Þe chare of God is manyfoold wiþ ten þouſynde, a
folkis. þouſynde of hem þat ben glad; þe Lord was in hem, in
iii God, puplis knowleche to þee; alle puplis knouleche Syna, in þe hooli.
to þee. xviii Þou ſtiediſt an hiȝ, þou tokiſt caitiftee; þou
iiii Hethen men be glad, and make fulli ioye, for þou reſſeyuediſt ȝiftis among men. For whi þou tokiſt hem
demeſt puplis in equite; and dreſſiſt heþene men in erþe. þat bileueden not; for to dwelle in þe Lord God.
v God, puplis knouleche to þee, alle puplis knouleche to xix Bleſſid be þe Lord ech dai; þe God of oure heelþis

þee; ſchal make an eeſie wei to vs.

vi þe erþe ȝaf his fruyt. God, oure God bleſſe vs, xx Oure God is God to make men ſaaf; and outgoyng fro
vii God bleſſe vs; and alle þe cooſtis of erþe drede hym. deeþ is of þe Lord God.
xxi Neþeles God ſchal breke þe heedis of hiſe enemyes;

PSALM LXVII þe cop of þe heere of hem þat goen in her treſpaſſis.

xxii Þe Lord ſeide, Y ſchal turne fro Baſan; Y ſchal turne
Þe titil of þe ſeuene and ſixtiþe ſalm. To þe victorie,
þe ſalm `of þe ſong `of Dauid. in to þe depþe of þe ſee.
xxiii Þat þi foot be deppid in blood; þe tunge of þi
i God riſe vp, and hiſe enemyes be ſcaterid; and þei þat
doggis be dippid in blood of þe enemyes of hym.
haten hym fle fro his face. xxiiii God, þei ſien þi goyngis yn; þe goyngis yn of my
ii As ſmoke failiþ, faile þei; as wax fletiþ fro þe face of
God, of my king, which is in þe hooli.
fier, ſo periſche ſynneris fro þe face of God. xxv Prynces ioyned wiþ ſyngeris camen bifore; in þe
iii And iuſt men eete, and make fulli ioye in þe ſiȝt of
myddil of ȝonge dameſelis ſyngynge in tympans.
God; and delite þei in gladneſſe. xxvi In chirchis bleſſe ȝe God; bleſſe ȝe þe Lord fro þe
iiii Synge ȝe to God, ſeie ȝe ſalm to his name; make ȝe
wellis of Iſrael.
weie to hym, þat ſtieþ on þe goyng doun, þe Lord is xxvii Þere Beniamyn, a ȝonge man; in þe rauyſchyng of
name to hym. Make ȝe fulli ioye in his ſiȝt, enemyes
ſchulen be diſturblid fro þe face of hym, mynde. Þe princis of Juda weren þe duykis of hem; þe
v which is þe fadir of fadirles and modirles children; princis of Zabulon, þe princis of Neptalym.
xxviii God, comaunde þou to þi vertu; God, conferme
and þe iuge of widewis. God is in his hooli place;
vi God þat makiþ men of o wille to dwelle in þe hous. þou þis þing, which þou haſt wrouȝt in vs.
xxix Fro þi temple, which is in Jeruſalem; kyngis ſchulen
Which leediþ out bi ſtrengþe hem þat ben boundun; in
lijk maner hem þat maken ſcharp, þat dwellen in offre ȝiftis to þee.
xxx Blame þou þe wielde beeſtis of þe reheed, þe
vii God, whanne þou ȝediſt out in þe ſiȝt of þi puple; gaderyng togidere of bolis is among þe kien of puplis;
whanne þou paſſidiſt forþ in þe deſert. þat þei exclude hem þat ben preuyd bi ſiluer. Diſtrie þou
viii Þe erþe was moued, for heuenes droppiden doun fro folkis þat wolen batels,
xxxi legatis ſchulen come fro Egipt; Ethiopie ſchal come
þe face of God of Synay; fro þe face of God of Iſrael.
ix God, þou ſchalt departe wilful reyn to þin eritage, and bifore þe hondis þerof to God.
xxxii Rewmes of þe erþe, ſynge ȝe to God; ſeie ȝe ſalm to
it was ſijk; but þou madiſt it parfit.
x Þi beeſtis ſchulen dwelle þerynne; God, þou haſt maad þe Lord.
xxxiii Singe ȝe to God; þat ſtiede on þe heuene of heuene
redi in þi ſwetneſſe to þe pore man.
xi Þe Lord ſchal ȝyue a word; to hem þat prechen þe at þe eeſt. Lo! he ſchal ȝyue to his vois þe vois of vertu,
xxxiiii ȝyue ȝe glorie to God on Iſrael; his greet doyng
goſpel wiþ myche vertu.
xii Þe kyngis of vertues ben maad loued of þe derlyng; and his vertu is in þe cloudis.
xxxv God is wondirful in hiſe ſeyntis; God of Iſrael, he
and to þe fairneſſe of þe hous to departe ſpuylis.
xiii If ȝe ſlepen among þe myddil of eritagis, þe feþeris ſchal ȝyue vertu, and ſtrengþe to his puple; bleſſid be
of þe culuer ben of ſiluer; and þe hyndrere þingis of þe
bak þerof ben in þe ſhynyng of gold.
xiiii While þe king of heuene demeþ kyngis þeronne, þei
ſchulen be maad whitter þen ſnow in Selmon; Þe title of þe eiȝte and ſixtiþe ſalm. `In Ebreu þus, To
xv þe hille of God is a fat hille. Þe cruddid hil is a fat þe victorie, on þe rooſis of Dauid. `In Jerom þus, To
þe ouercomer, for þe ſones of Dauid.
xvi wherto bileuen ȝe falſli, cruddid hillis? Þe hil in i God, make þou me ſaaf; for watris `entriden til to my
which it pleſiþ wel God to dwelle þer ynne; for þe Lord ſoule.
ſchal dwelle `in to þe ende.

ii I am ſet in þe ſliym of þe depþe; and `ſubſtaunce is xxiiii Schede out þin ire on hem; and þe ſtrong veniaunce
not. I cam in to þe depþe of þe ſee; and þe tempeſt of þin ire take hem.
drenchide me. xxv Þe habitacioun of hem be maad forſakun; and `noon
iii I traueilide criynge, my cheekis weren maad hooſe; be þat dwelle in þe tabernaclis of hem.
myn iȝen failiden, þe while Y hope in to my God. xxvi For þei purſueden hym, whom þou haſt ſmyte; and
iiii Þei þat hatiden me wiþ out cauſe; weren multiplied þei addiden on þe ſorewe of my woundis.
aboue þe heeris of myn heed. Myn enemyes þat xxvii Adde þou wickidneſſe on þe wickidneſſe of hem;
purſueden me vniuſtli weren coumfortid; Y paiede and entre þei not in to þi riȝtwiſneſſe.
þanne þo þingis, whiche Y rauiſchide not. xxviii Be þei don awei fro þe book of lyuynge men; and
v God, þou knowiſt myn vnkunnyng; and my treſpaſſis
be þei not writun wiþ iuſt men.
ben not hid fro þee. xxix I am pore and ſorewful; God, þin heelþe took me
vi Lord, Lord of vertues; þei, þat abiden þee, be not
aſchamed in me. God of Iſrael; þei, þat ſeken þee, be not xxx I ſchal herye þe name of God wiþ ſong; and Y ſchal
ſchent on me. magnefye hym in heriyng.
vii For Y ſuffride ſchenſchipe for þee; ſchame hilide my xxxi And it ſchal pleſe God more þan a newe calf;
face. bryngynge forþ hornes and clees.
viii I am maad a ſtraunger to my briþeren; and a xxxii Pore men ſe, and be glad; ſeke ȝe God, and ȝoure
pilgryme to þe ſones of my modir. ſoule ſchal lyue.
ix For þe feruent loue of þin hous eet me; and þe xxxiii For þe Lord herde pore men; and diſpiſide not hiſe
ſchenſchipis of men ſeiynge ſchenſchipis to þee fellen boundun men.
on me. xxxiiii Heuenes and erþe, herye hym; þe ſe, and alle
x And Y hilide my ſoule wiþ faſtyng; and it was maad in
crepynge beſtis in þo, herye hym.
to ſchenſchip to me. xxxv For God ſchal make ſaaf Syon; and þe citees of
xi And Y puttide my cloþ an heire; and Y am maad to
Juda ſchulen be bildid. And þei ſchulen dwelle þere; and
hem in to a parable. þei ſchulen gete it bi eritage.
xii Þei, þat ſaten in þe ȝate, ſpaken aȝens me; and þei, þat xxxvi And þe ſeed of hiſe ſeruauntis ſchal haue it in
drunken wien, ſungen of me. poſſeſſioun; and þei þat louen his name, ſchulen dwelle
xiii But Lord, Y dreſſe my preier to þee; God, Y abide þe
þer ynne.
tyme of good pleſaunce. Here þou me in þe multitude of
þi mercy; in þe treuþe of þin heelþe. PSALM LXIX
xiiii Delyuer þou me fro þe cley, þat Y be not faſte ſet in;
Þe titil of þe nyne and ſixtiþe ſalm. To þe victorie `of
delyuere þou me fro hem þat haten me, and fro depþe of Dauid, `to haue mynde.
watris. i God,
xv Þe tempeſt of watir drenche not me, neþir þe depþe biholde þou in to myn heelp; Lord, haſt þou to
helpe me.
ſwolowe me; neþir þe pit make ſtreit his mouþ on me. ii Be þei ſchent, and aſchamed; þat ſeken my lijf. Be þei
xvi Lord, here þou me, for þi merci is benygne; vp þe
turned a bak; and ſchame þei, þat wolen yuels to me.
multitude of þi merciful doyngis biholde þou in to me. iii Be þei turned awei anoon, and ſchame þei; þat ſeien
xvii And turne not awei þi face fro þi child; for Y am in
to me, Wel! wel!
tribulacioun, here þou me ſwiftli. iiii Alle men þat ſeken þee, make fulli ioie, and be glad
xviii Ȝyue þou tente to my ſoule, and delyuer þou it; for
in þee; and þei þat louen þin heelþe, ſeie euere, Þe Lord
myn enemyes delyuere þou me.
xix Þou knowiſt my ſchenſchip, and my diſpyſyng; and be magnyfied.
v Forſoþe Y am a nedi man, and pore; God, helpe þou
my ſchame. Alle þat troblen me ben in þi ſiȝt;
xx myn herte abood ſchendſchipe, and wretchidneſſe. me. Þou art myn helper and my delyuerere; Lord, tarye
þou not.
And Y abood hym, þat was ſory togidere, and noon
was; and þat ſchulde coumforte, and Y foond not.
xxi And þei ȝauen galle in to my meete; and in my þirſt
þei ȝauen `to me drinke wiþ vynegre. Þe ſeuentiþe ſalm haþ no title.
xxii Þe boord of hem be maad bifore hem in to a ſnare; i Lord, Y hopide in þee, be Y not ſchent wiþ outen ende;
and in to ȝeldyngis, and in to ſclaundir. ii inþi riȝtwiſneſſe delyuere þou me, and rauyſche me
xxiii Her iȝen be maad derk, þat þei ſe not; and euere out. Bowe doun þin eere to me; and make me ſaaf.
bouwe doun þe bak of hem.

iii Be þou to me in to God a defendere; and in to a PSALM LXXI
ſtrengþid place, þat þou make me ſaaf. For þou art my Þe title of þe oon and ſeuentiþe ſalm. `To Salomon.
ſtidefaſtneſſe; and my refuit. i God,
iiii My God, delyuere þou me fro þe hoond of þe ſynner; ȝyue þi doom to þe king; and þi riȝtfulneſſe to þe
ſone of a king.
and fro þe hoond of a man doynge aȝens þe lawe, and ii To deme þi puple in riȝtfulneſſe; and þi pore men in
of þe wickid man.
v For þou, Lord, art my pacience; Lord, þou art myn doom.
iii Mounteyns reſſeyue pees to þe puple; and litle hillis
hope fro my ȝongþe.
vi In þee Y am confermyd fro þe wombe; þou art my reſſeyue riȝtfulneſſe.
iiii He ſchal deme þe pore men of þe puple, and he ſchal
defendere fro þe wombe of my modir. My ſyngyng is
make ſaaf þe ſones of pore men; and he ſchal make low
euere in þee;
vii Y am maad as a greet wonder to many men; and þou þe falſe chalengere.
v And he ſchal dwelle wiþ þe ſunne, and bifore þe
art a ſtrong helpere.
viii My mouþ be fillid wiþ heriyng; þat Y ſynge þi moone; in generacioun and in to generacioun.
vi He ſchal come doun as reyn in to a flees; and as
glorie, al dai þi greetneſſe.
ix Caſte þou not awei me in þe tyme of eldneſſe; whanne goteris droppinge on þe erþe.
vii Riȝtfulneſſe ſchal come forþ in hiſe dayes, and þe
my vertu failiþ, forſake þou not me.
x For myn enemyes ſeiden of me; and þei þat kepten my aboundaunce of pees; til þe moone be takun awei.
viii And he ſchal be lord fro þe-ſee `til to þe ſee; and fro
lijf maden counſel togidere.
xi Seiynge, God haþ forſake hym; purſue ȝe, and take þe flood til to þe endis of þe world.
ix Ethiopiens ſchulen falle doun bifore hym; and hiſe
hym; for noon is þat ſchal delyuere.
xii God, be þou not maad afer fro me; my God, biholde enemyes ſchulen licke þe erþe.
x Þe kyngis of Tarſis and ilis ſchulen offre ȝiftis; þe
þou in to myn help.
xiii Men þat bacbiten my ſoule, be ſchent, and faile þei; kyngis of Arabie and of Saba ſchulen brynge ȝiftis.
xi And alle kyngis ſchulen worſchipe hym; alle folkis
and be þei hilid wiþ ſchenſchip and ſchame, þat ſeken
ſchulen ſerue hym.
yuels to me. xii For he ſchal delyuer a pore man fro þe miȝti; and a
xiiii But Y ſchal hope euere; and Y ſchal adde euere ouer
pore man to whom was noon helpere.
al þi preiſing. xiii He ſchal ſpare a pore man and nedi; and he ſchal
xv Mi mouþ ſchal telle þi riȝtfulneſſe; al dai þin helþe.
make ſaaf þe ſoulis of pore men.
For Y knewe not lettrure, xiiii He ſchal aȝen bie þe ſoulis of hem fro vſuris, and
xvi Y ſchal entre in to þe poweres of þe Lord; Lord, Y
wickidneſſe; and þe name of hem is onourable bifor
ſchal biþenke on þi riȝtfulneſſe aloone.
xvii God, þou haſt tauȝt me fro my ȝongþe, and `til to hym.
xv And he ſchal lyue, and me ſchal ȝyue to hym of þe
now; Y ſchal telle out þi merueilis.
xviii And til in to `þe eldneſſe and þe laſte age; God, gold of Arabie; and þei ſchulen euere worſchipe of hym,
al dai þei ſchulen bleſſe hym.
forſake þou not me. Til Y telle þin arm; to eche xvi Stidefaſtneſſe ſchal be in þe erþe, in þe hiȝeſte places
generacioun, þat ſchal come. Til Y telle þi myȝt,
xix and þi riȝtfulneſſe, God, til in to þe hiȝeſte grete of mounteyns; þe fruyt þerof ſchal be enhaunſid aboue
þe Liban; and þei ſchulen bloſme fro þe citee, as þe hey
dedis which þou haſt do; God, who is lijk þee? of erþe doiþ.
xx Hou grete tribulaciouns many and yuele haſt þou
xvii His name be bleſſid in to worldis; his name dwelle
ſchewid to me; and þou conuertid haſt quykenyd me, bifore þe ſunne. And all þe lynagis of erþe ſchulen be
and haſt eft brouȝt me aȝen fro þe depþis of erþe. bleſſid in hym; alle folkis ſchulen magnyfie hym.
xxi Þou haſt multiplied þi greet doyng; and þou
xviii Bleſſid be þe Lord God of Iſrael; which aloone
conuertid haſt coumfortid me. makiþ merueiylis.
xxii For whi and Y ſchal knowleche to þee, þou God, þi
xix Bleſſid be þe name of his maieſte wiþ outen ende;
treuþe in þe inſtrumentis of ſalm; Y ſchal ſynge in an and al erþe ſchal be fillid wiþ his maieſte; be it doon, be
harpe to þee, þat art þe hooli of Iſrael. it doon.
xxiii Mi lippis ſchulen make fulli ioye, whanne Y ſchal
xx `Þe preieris of Dauid, þe ſone of Yſay, ben endid.
ſynge to þee; and my ſoule, which þou aȝen bouȝtiſt.
xxiiii But and my tunge ſchal þenke al dai on þi
riȝtfulneſſe; whanne þei ſchulen be ſchent and
aſchamed, þat ſeken yuelis to me.

PSALM LXXII xxvi Mi fleiſche and myn herte failide; God of myn
Þe `title of þe two and ſeuentiþe ſalm. `Þe ſalm of herte, and my part is God wiþouten ende.
Aſaph. xxvii For lo! þei þat drawen awei fer hem ſilf fro þee, `bi

i God of Iſrael is ful good; to hem þat ben of riȝtful deedli ſynne, ſchulen periſche; þou haſt loſt alle men þat
herte. doen fornycacioun fro þee.
xxviii But it is good to me to cleue to God; and to ſette
ii But my feet weren moued almeeſt; my ſteppis weren
ſched out almeeſt. myn hope in þe Lord God. Þat Y telle alle þi
iii For Y louede feruentli on wickid men; ſeynge þe pees prechyngis; in þe ȝatis of þe douȝter of Syon.
of ſynneris.
iiii For biholdyng is not to þe deþ of hem; and PSALM LXXIII
ſtidefaſtneſſe in þe ſikeneſſe of hem. Þe title of þe þre and ſeuentiþe ſalm. þe lernyng of
v Þei ben not in þe trauel of men; and þei ſchulen not be Aſaph.
i God, whi haſt þou put awei in to þe ende; þi ſtrong
betun wiþ men.
vi Þerfore pride helde hem; þei weren hilid wiþ her veniaunce is wrooþ on þe ſcheep of þi leeſewe?
ii Be þou myndeful of þi gadering togidere; which þou
wickidneſſe and vnfeiþfulneſſe.
vii Þe wickidneſſe of hem cam forþ as of fatneſſe; þei haddiſt in poſſeſſioun fro þe bigynnyng. Þou
ȝeden in to deſire of herte. aȝenbouȝtiſt þe ȝerde of þin eritage; þe hille of Syon in
viii Þei þouȝten and ſpaken weiwardneſſe; þei ſpaken which þou dwellidiſt þer ynne.
iii Reiſe þin hondis in to þe prides of hem; hou grete
wickidneſſe an hiȝ.
ix Þei puttiden her mouþ in to heuene; and her tunge þingis þe enemy dide wickidli in þe hooli.
iiii And þei þat hatiden þee; hadden glorie in þe myddis
paſſide in erþe.
x Þerfor my puple ſchal be conuertid here; and fulle of þi ſolempnete. Þei ſettiden her ſignes, `eþir baneris,
daies ſchulen be foundun in hem. ſignes on þe hiȝeſte, as in þe outgoing; and þei knewen
xi And þei ſeiden, How woot God; and wheþer kunnyng not.
v As in a wode of trees þei heweden doun wiþ axis þe
is an heiȝe, `þat is, in heuene?
xii Lo! þilke ſynneris and hauynge aboundance in þe ȝatis þerof in to it ſilf;
vi þei caſtiden doun it wiþ an ax, and a brood fallinge
world; helden richeſſis.
xiii And Y ſeide, Þerfor wiþout cauſe Y iuſtifiede myn ax.
vii Þei brenten wiþ fier þi ſeyntuarie; þei defouliden þe
herte; and waiſchide myn hoondis among innocentis.
xiiii And Y was betun al dai; and my chaſtiſyng was in tabernacle of þi name in erþe.
viii Þe kynrede of hem ſeiden togidere in her herte;
xv If Y ſeide, Y ſchal telle þus; lo! Y repreuede þe Make we alle þe feeſt daies of God to ceeſſe fro þe erþe.
ix We han not ſeyn oure ſignes, now `no profete is; and
nacioun of þi ſones.
xvi I geſſide, þat Y ſchulde knowe þis; trauel is bifore he ſchal no more knowe vs.
x God, hou long ſchal þe enemye ſeie diſpit? þe
xvii Til Y entre in to þe ſeyntuarie of God; and aduerſarie terriþ to ire þi name in to þe ende.
xi Whi turneſt þou awei þin hoond, and `to drawe out þi
vndurſtonde in þe laſt þingis of hem.
xviii Neþeles for gilis þou haſt put to hem; þou caſtidiſt riȝthond fro þe myddis of þi boſum, til in to þe ende?
xii Forſoþe God oure kyng bifore worldis; wrouȝte
hem doun, while þei weren reiſid.
xix Hou ben þei maad into deſolacioun; þei failiden heelþe in þe mydis of erþe.
xiii Þou madiſt ſad þe ſee bi þi vertu; þou haſt troblid þe
ſodeynli, þei periſchiden for her wickidneſſe.
xx As þe dreem of men þat riſen; Lord, þou ſchalt dryue heedis of dragouns in watris.
xiiii Þou haſt broke þe heedis of `þe dragoun; þou haſt
her ymage to nouȝt in þi citee.
xxi For myn herte is enflaumed, and my reynes ben ȝoue hym to mete to þe puplis of Ethiopiens.
xv Þou haſt broke wellis, and ſtrondis; þou madiſt drie
xxii and Y am dryuun to nouȝt, and Y wiſte not. As a þe flodis of Ethan.
xvi Þe dai is þin, and þe niȝt is þin; þou madiſt þe
werk beeſte Y am maad at þee;
xxiii and Y am euere wiþ þee. Þou heldiſt my riȝthond, moreutid and þe ſunne.
xvii Þou madiſt alle þe endis of erþe; ſomer and veer
xxiiii and in þi wille þou leddiſt me forþ; and wiþ glorie
tyme, þou fourmediſt þo.
þou tokiſt me vp.
xxv For whi what is to me in heuene; and what wolde Y
of þee on erþe?

xviii Be þou myndeful of þis þing, þe enemye haþ ſeid v alle vnwiſe men of herte weren troblid. Þei ſlepten her
ſchenſchip to þe Lord; and þe vnwijs puple haþ excitid ſleep; and alle men founden no þing of richeſſis in her
to ire þi name. hondis.
xix Bitake þou not to beeſtis men knoulechenge to þee; vi Þei þat ſtieden on horſis; ſlepten for þi blamyng, þou
and forȝete þou not in to þe ende þe ſoulis of þi pore God of Jacob.
men. vii Þou art feerful, and who ſchal aȝenſtonde þee? fro þat
xx Biholde in to þi teſtament; for þei þat ben maad derk tyme þin ire.
of erþe, ben fillid wiþ þe houſis of wickidneſſis. viii Fro heuene þou madiſt doom herd; þe erþe
xxi A meke man be not turned awei maad aſchamed; a tremblide, and reſtide.
pore man and nedi ſchulen herie þi name. ix Whanne God roos vp in to doom; to make ſaaf al þe
xxii God, riſe vp, deme þou þi cauſe; be þou myndeful of mylde men of erþe.
þin vpbreidyngis, of þo þat ben al dai of þe vnwiſe man. x For þe þouȝt of man ſchal knouleche to þee; and þe
xxiii Forȝete þou not þe voices of þin enemyes; þe pride relifs of þouȝt ſchulen make a feeſte dai to þee.
of hem þat haten þee, ſtieþ euere. xi Make ȝe a vow, and ȝelde ȝe to ȝoure Lord God; alle
þat bringen ȝiftis in þe cumpas of it.
PSALM LXXIIII xii To God ferdful, and to him þat takiþ awei þe ſpirit of
Þe title of þe foure and ſeuentiþe ſalm. `To þe prynces; to þe ferdful at þe kyngis of erþe.
ouercomere; leeſe þou not þe ſalm of þe ſong of
i God, we ſchulen knouleche to þee, `we ſchulen Þe `title of þe ſixte and ſeuentiþe ſalm. `To þe
knouleche; and we ſchulen inwardli clepe þi name. We ouercomere on Yditum, `þe ſalm of Aſaph.
ſchulen telle þi merueilis; i Wiþ my vois Y criede to þe Lord; wiþ my vois to God,
ii whanne Y ſchal take tyme, Y ſchal deme riȝtfulneſſes.
and he ȝaf tent to me.
iii Þe erþe is meltid, and alle þat duellen þer ynne; Y ii In þe dai of my tribulacioun Y ſouȝte God wiþ myn
confermede þe pileris þerof. hondis; in þe nyȝt `to fore hym, and Y am not diſſeyued.
iiii I ſeide to wickid men, Nyle ȝe do wickidli; and to Mi ſoule forſook to be coumfortid;
treſpaſſouris, Nyle ȝe enhaunce þe horn. iii Y was myndeful of God, and Y delitide, and Y was
v Nyle ȝe reiſe an hiȝ ȝoure horn; nyle ȝe ſpeke exerciſid; and my ſpirit failide.
wickidneſſe aȝens God. iiii Myn iȝen bifore took wakyngis; Y was diſturblid, and
vi For neþer fro þe eeſt, neþir fro þe weſt, neþir fro Y ſpak not.
deſert hillis; v I þouȝte elde daies; and Y hadde in mynde euerlaſtinge
vii for God is þe iuge. He mekiþ þis man, and enhaunſiþ ȝeeris.
hym; vi And Y þouȝte in þe nyȝt wiþ myn herte; and Y was
viii for a cuppe of cleene wyn ful of meddling is in þe exerciſid, and Y clenſid my ſpirit.
hoond of þe Lord. And he bowide of þis in to þat; vii Wheþer God ſchal caſte awei wiþ outen ende; eþer
neþeles þe draſt þerof is not anyntiſchid; alle ſynneris of ſchal he not lei to, þat he be more pleſid ȝit?
erþe ſchulen drinke þerof. viii Eþir ſchal he kitte awei his merci into þe ende; fro
ix Forſoþe Y ſchal telle in to þe world; Y ſchal ſynge to
generacioun in to generacioun?
God of Jacob. ix Eþir ſchal God forȝete to do mercy; eþir ſchal he
x And Y ſchal breke alle þe hornes of ſynneris; and þe
wiþholde his mercies in his ire?
hornes of þe iuſt man ſchulen be enhaunſid. x And Y ſeide, Now Y bigan; þis is þe chaunging of þe
riȝthond of `þe hiȝe God.
PSALM LXXV xi I hadde mynde on þe werkis of þe Lord; for Y ſchal
Þe title of þe fyue and ſeuentiþe ſalm. To þe victorie haue mynde fro þe bigynnyng of þi merueilis.
in orguns, `þe ſalm of þe ſong of Aſaph. xii And Y ſchal þenke in alle þi werkis; and Y ſchal be
i God is knowun in Judee; his name is greet in Iſrael. occupied in þi fyndyngis.
ii And xiii God, þi weie was in þe hooli; what God is greet as
his place is maad in pees; and his dwellyng is in
Syon. oure God?
iii Þer he brak poweris; bowe, ſcheeld, ſwerd, and batel. xiiii þou art God, þat doiſt merueilis. Þou madiſt þi vertu
iiii And þou, God, liȝtneſt wondirfuli fro euerlaſtynge knowun among puplis;
xv þou aȝenbouȝtiſt in þi arm þi puple, þe ſones of Jacob
and of Joſeph.

xvi God, watris ſien þee, watris ſien þee, and dredden; xvii And þei `leiden to ȝit to do ſynne aȝens hym; þei
and depþis of watris weren diſturblid. excitiden hiȝe God in to ire, in a place wiþ out water.
xvii Þe multitude of þe ſoun of watris; cloudis ȝauen xviii And þei temptiden God in her hertis; þat þei axiden
vois. For whi þin arewis paſſen; meetis to her lyues.
xviii þe vois of þi þundir was in a wheel. Þi liȝtnyngis xix And þei ſpaken yuel of God; þei ſeiden, Wheþer God
ſchyneden to þe world; þe erþe was moued, and may make redi a bord in deſert?
tremblid. xx For he ſmoot a ſtoon, and watris flowiden; and
xix Þi weie in þe ſee, and þi paþis in many watris; and þi ſtreemys ȝeden out in aboundaunce. Wheþer alſo he
ſteppis ſchulen not be knowun. may ȝyue breed; eþer make redi a bord to his puple?
xx Þou leddiſt forþ þi puple as ſcheep; in þe hond of xxi Þerfor þe Lord herde, and delaiede; and fier was
Moyſes and of Aaron. kindelid in Jacob, and þe ire of God ſtiede on Iſrael.
xxii For þei bileueden not in God; neþer hopiden in his
Þe `title of þe ſeuene and ſeuentiþe ſalm. þe lernyng xxiii And he comaundide to þe cloudis aboue; and he
of Aſaph. openyde þe ȝatis of heuene.
i Mi xxiiii And he reynede to hem manna for to eete; and he
puple, perſeyue ȝe my lawe; bowe ȝoure eere in to
þe wordis of my mouþ. ȝaf to hem breed of heuene.
ii I ſchal opene my mouþ in parablis; Y ſchal ſpeke xxv Man eet þe breed of aungels; he ſent to hem meetis

perfite reſouns fro þe bigynnyng. in aboundance.

iii Hou grete þingis han we herd, aud we han knowe þo; xxvi He turnede ouere þe ſouþ wynde fro heuene; and he

and oure fadris. telden to vs. brouȝte in bi his vertu þe weſte wynde.
iiii Þo ben not hid fro þe ſones of hem; in anoþir xxvii And he reynede fleiſchis as duſt on hem; and `he

generacioun. And þei telden þe heriyngis of þe Lord, reinede volatils feþered, as þe grauel of þe ſee.
xxviii And þo felden doun in þe myddis of her caſtels;
and þe vertues of hym; and hiſe merueilis, whyche he
dide. aboute þe tabernaclis of hem.
v And he reiſide witneſſyng in Jacob; and he ſettide lawe xxix And þei eeten, and weren fillid greetli, and he

in Iſrael. Hou grete þingis comaundide he to oure fadris, brouȝte her deſire to hem;
to make þo knowun to her ſones; xxx þei weren not defraudid of her deſier. Ȝit her metis
vi þat anoþer generacioun knowe. Sones, þat ſchulen be weren in her mouþ;
born, and ſchulen riſe vp; ſchulen telle out to her ſones. xxxi and þe ire of God ſtiede on hem. And he killide þe
vii Þat þei ſette her hope in God, and forȝete not þe fatte men of hem; and he lettide þe choſene men of
werkis of God; and þat þei ſeke hiſe comaundementis. Iſrael.
viii Leſt þei be maad a ſchrewid generacioun; and xxxii In alle þeſe þingis þei ſynneden ȝit; and bileuede

terrynge to wraþþe, as þe fadris of hem. A generacioun not in þe merueils of God.

þat dreſſide not his herte; and his ſpirit was not bileued xxxiii And þe daies of hem failiden in vanytee; and þe
wiþ God. ȝeeris of hem faileden wiþ haſte.
ix Þe ſones of Effraym, bendinge a bouwe and ſendynge xxxiiii Whanne he killide hem, þei ſouȝten hym; and
arowis; weren turned in þe dai of batel. turneden aȝen, and eerli þei camen to hym.
x Þei kepten not þe teſtament of God; and þei nolden go xxxv And þei biþouȝten, þat God is þe helper of hem;
in his lawe. and `þe hiȝ God is þe aȝenbier of hem.
xi And þei forȝaten hiſe benefices; and hiſe merueils, xxxvi And þei loueden hym in her mouþ; and wiþ her
whiche he ſchewide to hem. tunge þei lieden to hym.
xii He dide merueils bifore þe fadris of hem in þe loond xxxvii Forſoþe þe herte of hem was not riȝtful wiþ hym;
of Egipt; in þe feeld of Taphneos. neþir þei weren had feiþful in his teſtament.
xiii He brak þe ſee, and ledde hem þorou; and he xxxviii But he is merciful, and he ſchal be maad merciful
ordeynede þe watris as in a bouge. to þe ſynnes of hem; and he ſchal not deſtrie hem. And
xiiii And he ledde hem forþ in a cloude of þe dai; and al he dide greetli, to turne awei his yre; and he kyndelide
niȝt in þe liȝtnyng of fier. not al his ire.
xv He brak a ſtoon in deſeert; and he ȝaf watir to hem as xxxix And he biþouȝte, þat þei ben fleiſche; a ſpirit

in a myche depþe. goynge, and not turnynge aȝen.

xvi And he ledde watir out of þe ſtoon; and he ledde forþ xl Hou oft maden þei hym wrooþ in deſert; þei ſtireden

watris as floodis. hym in to ire in a place wiþ out watir.

xli And þei weren turned, and temptiden God; and þei lxiiii Þepreſtis of hem fellen doun bi ſwerd; and þe
wraþþiden þe hooli of Iſrael. widewis of hem weren not biwept.
xlii Þei biþouȝten not on his hond; in þe dai in þe which lxv And þe Lord was reiſid, as ſlepynge; as miȝti greetli
he aȝen bouȝte hem fro þe hond of þe trobler. fillid of wiyn.
xliii As he ſettide hiſe ſignes in Egipt; and hiſe grete lxvi And he ſmoot hiſe enemyes on þe hynderere partis;
wondris in þe feeld of Taphneos. he ȝaf to hem euerlaſtyng ſchenſchipe.
xliiii And he turnede þe flodis of hem and þe reynes of lxvii And he puttide awei þe tabernacle of Joſeph; and he
hem in to blood; þat þei ſchulden not drynke. chees not þe lynage of Effraym.
xlv He ſente a fleiſch flie in to hem, and it eet hem; and lxviii But he chees þe lynage of Juda; he chees þe hil of
he ſente a paddok, and it loſte hem. Syon, which he louede.
xlvi And he ȝaf þe fruytis of hem to ruſt; and he ȝaf þe lxix And he as an vnicorn bildide his hooli place; in þe
trauels of hem to locuſtis. lond, which he foundide in to worldis.
xlvii And he killide þe vynes of hem bi hail; and þe lxx And he chees Dauid his ſeruaunt, and took hym vp
moore trees of hem bi a froſt. fro þe flockis of ſcheep;
xlviii And he bitook þe beeſtis of hem to hail; and þe lxxi he took hym fro bihynde ſcheep wiþ lambren. To
poſſeſſioun of hem to fier. feed Jacob his ſeruaunt; and Iſrael his eritage.
xlix He ſente in to hem þe ire of his indignacioun; lxxii And he fedde hem in þe innocens of his herte; and
indignacioun, and ire, and tribulacioun, ſendingis in bi he ledde hem forþ in þe vndurſtondyngis of his hondis.
iuel aungels.
l He made weie to þe paþ of his ire, and he ſparide not PSALM LXXVIII
fro þe deþ of her lyues; and he cloſide togidere in deþ Þe `title of þe eiȝte and ſeuentiþe ſalm. of Aſaph.
þe beeſtis of hem. i God,
li And he ſmoot al þe firſt gendrid þing in þe lond of heþene men cam in to þin eritage; þei defouliden
þin hooli temple, þei ſettiden Jeruſalem in to þe keping
Egipt; þe firſt fruytis of alle þe trauel of hem in þe of applis.
tabernaclis of Cham. ii Þei ſettiden þe ſlayn bodies of þi ſeruauntis, meetis to
lii And he took awei his puple as ſcheep; and he ledde
þe volatilis of heuenes; þe fleiſchis of þi ſeyntis to þe
hem forþ as a flok in deſert. beeſtis of þe erþe.
liii And he ledde hem forþ in hope, and þei dredden not;
iii Þei ſchedden out þe blood of hem, as watir in þe
and þe ſee hilide þe enemyes of hem. cumpas of Jeruſalem; and noon was þat biriede.
liiii And he brouȝte hem in to þe hil of his halewyng; in
iiii We ben maad ſchenſchipe to oure neiȝboris;
to þe hil which his riȝthond gat. mowynge and ſcornynge to hem, þat ben in oure
lv And he caſtide out heþene men fro þe face of hem;
and bi lot he departide to hem þe lond in a cord of v Lord, hou longe ſchalt þou be wrooþ in to þe ende?
delyng. And he made þe lynagis of Iſrael to dwelle in þe ſchal þi veniaunce be kyndelid as fier?
tabernaclis of hem. vi Schede out þin ire in to heþene men, þat knowen not
lvi And þei temptiden, and wraþþiden heiȝ God; and þei
þee; and in to rewmes, þat clepiden not þi name.
kepten not hiſe witneſſyngis. vii For þei eeten Jacob; and maden deſolat his place.
lvii And þei turneden awei hem ſilf, and þei kepten not
viii Haue þou not mynde on oure elde wickidneſſes; þi
couenaunt; as her fadris weren turned in to a ſchrewid
mercies bifore take vs ſoone, for we ben maad pore
lviii Þei ſtiriden him in to ire in her litle hillis; and þei greetli.
ix God, oure heelþe, helpe þou vs, and, Lord, for þe
terriden hym to indignacioun of her grauen ymagis.
lix God herde, and forſook; and brouȝte to nouȝt Iſrael glorie of þi name delyuer þou vs; and be þou merciful
to oure ſynnes for þi name.
greetli. x Leſt perauenture þei ſeie among heþene men, Where is
lx And he puttide awei þe tabernacle of Sylo; his
þe God of hem? and be he knowun among naciouns
tabernacle where he dwellide among men. bifore oure iȝen. Þe veniaunce of þe blood of þi
lxi And he bitook þe vertu of hem in to caitiftee; and þe
ſeruauntis, which is ſched out; þe weilyng of feterid
fairneſſe of hem in to þe hondis of þe enemye. men entre in þi ſiȝt.
lxii And he cloſide togidere his puple in ſwerd; and he xi Vpe þe greetneſſe of þin arm; welde þou þe ſones of
diſpiſide his erytage. ſlayn men.
lxiii Fier eet þe ȝonge men of hem; and þe virgyns of
hem weren not biweilid.

xii And ȝelde þou to oure neiȝboris ſeuenfoold in þe PSALM LXXX
boſum of hem; þe ſchenſchip of hem, which þei diden Þe title of þe eiȝtetiþe ſalm. To þe ouercomer in þe
ſchenſchipfuli to þee, þou Lord. preſſours of Aſaph.
xiii But we þat ben þi puple, and þe ſcheep of þi leeſewe;
i Make ȝe fulli ioye to God, oure helpere; ſynge ȝe hertli
ſchulen knouleche to þee in to þe world. In generacioun to God of Jacob.
and in to generacioun; we ſchulen telle þin heriyng. ii Take ȝe a ſalm, and ȝyue ȝe a tympan; a myrie ſautere
wiþ an harpe.
PSALM LXXIX iii Blowe ȝe wiþ a trumpe in Neomenye; in þe noble dai
Þe title of þe nyne and ſeuentiþe ſalm. To victorie; of ȝoure ſolempnite.
þis ſalm is witneſſing of Aſaph for lilies. iiii For whi comaundement is in Iſrael; and doom is to
i Þou þat gouerneſt Iſrael, ȝyue tent; þat leediſt forþ God of Jacob.
Joſeph as a ſcheep. Þou þat ſittiſt on cherubym; v He ſettide þat witneſſing in Joſeph; whanne he ȝede
ii be ſchewid bifore Effraym, Beniamyn, and Manaſſes.
out of þe lond of Egipt, he herde a langage, which he
Stire þi power, and come þou; þat þou make vs ſaaf. knew not.
iii God of vertues, turne þou vs; and ſchewe þi face, and vi He turnede a wei his bak fro birþens; hiſe hondis
we ſchulen be ſaaf. ſerueden in a coffyn.
iiii Lord God of vertues; hou longe ſchalt þou be wrooþ vii In tribulacioun þou inwardli clepidiſt me, and Y
on þe preier of þi ſeruaunt? delyuerede þee; Y herde þee in þe hid place of tempeſt,
v Hou longe ſchalt þou feede vs wiþ þe breed of teeris; Y preuede þee at þe water of aȝenſeiyng.
and ſchalt ȝyue drynke to vs wiþ teeris in meſure? viii My puple, here þou, and Y ſchal be witneſſe aȝens
vi Þou haſt ſet vs in to aȝenſeiyng to oure neiȝboris; and þee; Iſrael, if þou heriſt me,
oure enemyes han ſcornyde vs. ix a freſche God ſchal not be in þee, and þou ſchalt not
vii God of vertues, turne þou vs; and ſchewe þi face, and worſchipe an alien god.
we ſchulen be ſaaf. x For Y am þi Lord God, þat ladde þee out of þe lond of
viii Þou tranſlatidiſt a vyne fro Egipt; þou caſtidiſt out Egipt; make large þi mouþ, and Y ſchal fille it.
heþene men, and plauntidiſt it. xi And my puple herde not my vois; and Iſrael ȝaue not
ix Þou were leeder of þe weie in þe ſiȝt þerof; and þou tente to me.
plauntidiſt þe rootis þerof, and it fillide þe lond. xii And Y lefte hem aftir þe deſiris of her herte; þei
x Þe ſchadewe þerof hilide hillis; and þe braunchis þerof ſchulen go in her fyndyngis.
filliden þe cedris of God. xiii If my puple hadde herde me; if Iſrael hadde go in my
xi It ſtreiȝte forþ hiſe ſiouns til to þe ſee, and þe weies.
generacioun þer of `til to þe flood. xiiii For nouȝt in hap Y hadde maad low her enemyes;
xii Whi haſt þou deſtried þe wal þerof; and alle men þat and Y hadde ſend myn hond on men doynge
goen forþ bi þe weie gaderiden awei þe grapis þerof? tribulacioun to hem.
xiii A boor of þe wode diſtriede it; and a ſinguler wielde xv Þe enemyes of þe Lord lieden to hym; and her tyme
beeſte deuouride it. ſchal be in to worldis.
xiiii God of vertues, be þou turned; biholde þou fro xvi And he fedde hem of þe fatneſſe of whete; and he
heuene, and ſe, and viſite þis vyne. fillide hem wiþ hony of þe ſtoon.
xv And make þou it perfit, which þi riȝthond plauntide;
and biholde þou on þe ſone of man, which þou haſt PSALM LXXXI
confermyd to þee. Þe title of þe oon and eiȝtetiþe ſalm. of Aſaph.
xvi Þingis brent wiþ fier, and vndurmyned; ſchulen
i God ſtood in þe ſynagoge of goddis; forſoþe he demeþ
periſche for þe blamyng of þi cheer. goddis in þe myddil.
xvii Þin hond be maad on þe man of þi riȝthond; and on
ii Hou longe demen ȝe wickidneſſe; and taken þe faces
þe ſone of man, whom þou haſt confermed to þee. of ſynneris?
xviii And we departiden not fro þee; þou ſchalt quykene
iii Deme ȝe to þe nedi man, and to þe modirles child;
vs, and we ſchulen inwardli clepe þi name. iuſtifie ȝe þe meke man and pore.
xix Lord God of vertues, turne þou vs; and ſchewe þi
iiii Raueiſche ȝe out a pore man; and delyuere ȝe þe nedi
face, and we ſchulen be ſaaf. man fro þe hond of þe ſynner.
v Þei knewen not, neþer vndirſtoden, þei goen in
derkneſſis; alle þe foundementis of erþe ſchulen be

vi I ſeide, Ȝe ben goddis; and alle ȝe ben þe ſones of hiȝ ii my ſoule coueitiþ, and failiþ in to þe porchis of þe
God. Lord. Myn herte and my fleiſche; ful out ioȝeden in to
vii But ȝe ſchulen die as men; and ȝe ſchulen falle doun quyk God.
as oon of þe princis. iii For whi a ſparewe fyndiþ an hous to it ſilf; and a
viii Ryſe, þou God, deme þou þe erþe; for þou ſchalt turtle fyndiþ a neſte to it ſilf, where it `ſchal kepe hiſe
haue eritage in alle folkis. bryddis. Lord of vertues, þin auteris; my king, and my
PSALM LXXXII iiii Lord, bleſſid ben þei þat dwellen in þin hous; þei

Þe title of þe two and eiȝtetiþe ſalm. þe ſong of þe ſchulen preiſe þee in to þe worldis of worldis.
v Bleſſid is þe man, whos help is of þee; he haþ diſpoſid
ſalm of Aſaph.
i God, ſtiyngis in his herte,
who ſchal be lijk þee? God, be þou not ſtille, vi in þe valei of teeris, in þe place which he haþ ſet. For
neþer be þou peeſid.
ii For lo! þin enemyes ſowneden; and þei þat haten þee þe ȝyuer of þe lawe ſchal ȝyue bleſſyng,
vii þei ſchulen go fro vertu in to vertu; God of goddis
reiſiden þe heed.
iii Þei maden a wickid counſel on þi puple; and þei ſchal be ſeyn in Sion.
viii Lord God of vertues, here þou my preier; God of
þouȝten aȝens þi ſeyntis.
iiii Þei ſeiden, Come ȝe, and leeſe we hem fro þe folk; Jacob, perſeyue þou wiþ eeris.
ix God, oure defender, biholde þou; and biholde in to þe
and þe name of Iſrael be no more hadde in mynde.
v For þei þouȝten wiþ oon acord; face of þi criſt.
x For whi o dai in þin hallis is bettere; þan a þouſynde. I
vi þe tabernaclis of Ydumeys, and men of Iſmael
chees to be `an out caſt in þe hous of my God; more þan
diſpoſiden a teſtament togidere aȝens þee. Moab, and
to dwelle in þe tabernaclis of ſynneris.
Agarenus, xi For God loueþ merci and treuþe; þe Lord ſchal ȝyue
vii Jebal, and Amon, and Amalech; alienys wiþ hem þat
grace and glorie. He ſchal not depriue hem fro goodis,
dwellen in Tyre.
viii For Aſſur comeþ wiþ hem; þei ben maad in to help
þat gon in innocence;
xii Lord of vertues, bleſſid is þe man, þat hopiþ in þee.
to þe ſones of Loth.
ix Make þou to hem as to Madian, and Siſara; as to
Jabyn in þe ſtronde of Siſon.
x Þei periſchiden in Endor; þei weren maad as a toord of Þe title of þe foure and eiȝtetiþe ſalm. of þe ſones of
xi Putte þou þe prynces of hem as Oreb and Zeb; and i Lord, þou haſt bleſſid þi lond; þou haſt turned awei þe
Zebee and Salmana. caitifte of Jacob.
xii Alle þe princis of hem, þat ſeiden; Holde we bi ii Þou haſt forȝoue þe wickidneſſe of þi puple; þou haſt

eritage þe ſeyntuarie of God. hilid alle þe ſynnes of hem.

xiii My God, putte þou hem as a whele; and as ſtobil iii Þou haſt aſwagid al þin ire; þou haſt turned awei fro

bifor þe face of þe wynde. þe ire of þin indignacioun.

xiiii As fier þat brenneþ a wode; and as flawme iiii God, oure helþe, conuerte þou vs; and turne awei þin

brynnynge hillis. ire fro vs.

xv So þou ſchalt purſue hem in þi tempeſte; and þou v Wheþer þou ſchalt be wrooþ to vs wiþouten ende;

ſchalt diſturble hem in þin ire. eþer ſchalt þou holde forþ þin ire fro generacioun in to
xvi Lord, fille þou þe faces of hem wiþ ſchenſchipe; and generacioun?
vi God, þou conuertid ſchalt quykene vs; and þi puple
þei ſchulen ſeke þi name.
xvii Be þei aſchamed, and be þei diſturblid in to world of ſchal be glad in þee.
vii Lord, ſchewe þi merci to vs; and ȝyue þin helþe to vs.
world; and be þei ſchent and periſche þei.
xviii And knowe þei, þat þe Lord is name to þee; þou viii I ſchal here what þe Lord God ſchal ſpeke in me; for

aloone art þe hiȝeſte in ech lond. he ſchal ſpeke pees on his puple. And on hiſe hooli men;
and on hem þat ben turned to herte.
ix Neþeles his helþe is niȝ men dredynge him; þat glorie
dwelle in oure lond.
Þe title of þe þre and eiȝtetiþe ſalm. þe ſalm of þe x Merci and treuþe metten hem ſilf; riȝtwiſneſſe and
ſones of Chore.
i Lord
pees weren kiſſid.
of vertues, þi tabernaclis ben greetli loued;

xi Treuþe cam forþ of erþe; and riȝtfulneſſe bihelde fro PSALM LXXXVI
heuene. Þe title of þe ſixte and eiȝtetiþe ſalm. `Þe ſalm of þe
xii For þe Lord ſchal ȝyue benignyte; and oure erþe ſchal ſong of þe ſones of Chore.
ȝyue his fruyt. i Þe foundementis þerof ben in hooli hillis;
xiii Riȝtfulneſſe ſchal go bifore him; and ſchal ſette hiſe
ii þe Lord loueþ þe ȝatis of Sion, more þan alle þe
ſteppis in þe weie. tabernaclis of Jacob.
iii Þou citee of God, wiþ outen ende; gloriouſe þingis
ben ſeide of þee.
Þe `title of þe fyue and eiȝtetiþe ſalm. þe preier of iiii I ſchal be myndeful of Raab, and Babiloyne;
Dauid. knowynge me. Lo! aliens, and Tyre, and þe puple of
i Lord, bowe doun þin eere, and here me; for Y am nedi Ethiopiens; þei weren þere.
and pore. v Wheþer a man ſchal ſeie to Sion, And a man is born
ii Kepe þou my lijf, for Y am holi; my God, make þou þer ynne; and þat man alþerhiȝeſte foundide it?
ſaaf þi ſeruaunt hopynge in þee. vi Þe Lord ſchal telle in þe ſcripturis of puplis; and of
iii Lord, haue þou merci on me, for Y criede al day to þeſe princis, þat weren þer ynne.
þee; vii As þe dwellyng `of alle þat ben glad; is in þee.
iiii make þou glad þe ſoule of þi ſeruaunt, for whi, Lord,
Y haue reiſid my ſoule to þee. PSALM LXXXVII
v For þou, Lord, art ſwete and mylde; and of myche
Þe title of þe ſeuene and eiȝtetiþe ſalm. þe ſong of
merci to alle men inwardli clepynge þee. ſalm, to þe ſones of Chore, to victorie on Mahalat,
vi Lord, perſeyue þou my preier wiþ eeris; and ȝyue þou for to anſwere, þe lernyng of Heman Ezraite.
tente to þe vois of my biſechyng. i Lord God of myn helþe; Y criede in dai and nyȝt bifore
vii In þe dai of my tribulacioun Y criede to þee; for þou
herdiſt me. ii Mi preier entre bifore þi ſiȝt; bowe doun þin eere to
viii Lord, noon among goddis is lijk þee; and noon is
my preier.
euene to þi werkis. iii For my ſoule is fillid wiþ yuels; and my lijf neiȝede to
ix Lord, alle folkis, whiche euere þou madiſt, ſchulen
come, and worſchipe bifore þee; and þei ſchulen glorifie iiii I am geſſid wiþ hem þat goon doun in to þe lake; Y
þi name. am maad as a man wiþ outen help,
x For þou art ful greet, and makinge merueils; þou art
v and fre among deed men. As men woundid ſlepinge in
God aloone. ſepulcris, of whiche men noon is myndeful aftir; and þei
xi Lord, lede þou me forþ in þi weie, and Y ſchal entre
ben put awei fro þin hond.
in þi treuþe; myn herte be glad, þat it drede þi name. vi Þei han put me in þe lower lake; in derke places, and
xii Mi Lord God, Y ſchal knouleche to þee in al myn
in þe ſchadewe of deþ.
herte; and Y ſchal glorifie þi name wiþouten ende. vii Þi ſtrong veniaunce is confermed on me; and þou haſt
xiii For þi merci is greet on me; and þou deliueridiſt my
brouȝt in alle þi wawis on me.
ſoule fro þe lower helle. viii Þou haſt maad fer fro me my knowun; þei han ſet me
xiiii God, wickid men han riſe vp on me; and þe
abhomynacioun to hem ſilf. I am takun, and Y ȝede not
ſynagoge of myȝti men han ſouȝt my lijf; and þei han out;
not ſet forþ þee in her ſiȝt. ix myn iȝen weren ſijk for pouert. Lord, Y criede to þee;
xv And þou, Lord God, doynge merci, and merciful;
al dai Y ſpredde abrood myn hondis to þee.
pacient, and of myche merci, and ſoþefaſt. x Wheþir þou ſchalt do merueils to deed men; eþer
xvi Biholde on me, and haue mercy on me, ȝyue þou þe
leechis ſchulen reiſe, and þei ſchulen knouleche to þee?
empire to þi child; and make þou ſaaf þe ſone of þin xi Wheþer ony man in ſepulcre ſchal telle þi merci; and
handmayden. þi treuþe in perdicioun?
xvii Make þou wiþ me a ſigne in good, þat þei ſe, þat
xii Wheþer þi merueilis ſchulen be knowun in
haten me, and be aſchamed; for þou, Lord, haſt helpid derkneſſis; and þi riȝtfulneſſe in þe lond of forȝetyng?
me, and haſt coumfortid me. xiii And, Lord, Y criede to þee; and erli my preier ſchal
bifor come to þee.
xiiii Lord, whi puttiſt þou awei my preier; turneſt awei þi
face fro me?

xv I am pore, and in traueils fro my ȝongþe; ſoþeli Y am xix Þanne þou ſpakiſt in reuelacioun to þi ſeyntis, and
enhaunſid, and Y am maad low, and diſturblid. ſeidiſt, Y haue ſet help in þe myȝti; and Y haue
xvi Þi wraþþis paſſiden on me; and þi dredis diſturbliden enhaunſid þe choſun man of my puple.
me. xx I foond Dauid, my ſeruaunt; Y anoyntide hym wiþ
xvii Þei cumpaſſiden me as watir al dai; þei cumpaſſiden myn hooli oile.
me togidere. xxi For myn hond ſchal helpe him; and myn arm ſchal
xviii Þou madiſt fer fro me a frend and neiȝbore; and my conferme hym.
knowun fro wretchidneſſe. xxii Þe enemye ſchal no þing profite in him; and þe ſone
of wickidneſſe ſchal not `ley to, for to anoye him.
PSALM LXXXVIII xxiii And Y ſchal ſle hiſe enemyes fro his face; and Y

Þe title of þe eiȝte and eiȝtetiþe ſalm. þe lernyng of ſchal turne in to fliȝt hem þat haten hym.
Ethan, Ezraite. xxiiii And my treuþe and mercy ſchal be wiþ him; and

iI ſchal ſynge wiþ outen ende; þe mercies of þe Lord. In his horn ſchal be enhaunſid in my name.
xxv And Y ſchal ſette his hond in þe ſee; and his riȝt
generacioun and in to generacioun; Y ſchal telle þi
treuþe wiþ my mouþ. hoond in flodis.
ii For þou ſeidiſt, Wiþ outen ende merci ſchal be bildid xxvi He ſchal inwardli clepe me, Þou art my fadir; my

in heuenes; þi treuþe ſchal be maad redi in þo. God, and þe vptaker of myn heelþe.
iii I diſpoſide a teſtament to my choſun men; Y ſwoor to xxvii And Y ſchal ſette him þe firſte gendrid ſone; hiȝer

Dauid, my ſeruaunt, þan þe kyngis of erþe.

iiii Til in to wiþ outen ende I ſchal make redi þi ſeed. xxviii Wiþ outen ende Y ſchal kepe my merci to hym;

And Y ſchal bilde þi ſeete; in generacioun, and in to and my teſtament feiþful to him.
xxix And Y ſchal ſette his ſeed in to þe world of world;
v Lord, heuenes ſchulen knouleche þi merueilis; and þi and his trone as þe daies of heuene.
xxx Forſoþe if hiſe ſones forſaken my lawe; and goen not
treuþe in þe chirche of ſeyntis.
vi For who in þe cloudis ſchal be maad euene to þe in my domes.
xxxi If þei maken vnhooli my riȝtfulneſſis; and kepen not
Lord; ſchal be lijk God among þe ſones of God?
vii God, which is glorified in þe counſel of ſeyntis; is my comaundementis.
xxxii I ſchal viſite in a ȝerde þe wickidneſſis of hem; and
greet, and dreedful ouere alle þat ben in his cumpas.
viii Lord God of vertues, who is lijk þee? Lord, þou art in betyngis þe ſynnes of hem.
xxxiii But Y ſchal not ſcatere my mercy fro hym; and in
miȝti, and þi treuþe is in þi cumpas.
ix Þou art Lord of þe power of þe ſee; forſoþe þou my treuþe Y ſchal not anoye hym.
xxxiiii Neþir Y ſchal make vnhooli my teſtament; and Y
aſwagiſt þe ſtiryng of þe wawis þerof.
x Þou madiſt lowe þe proude, as woundid; in þe arm of ſchal not make voide þo þingis þat comen forþ of my
þi vertu þou haſt ſcaterid þin enemyes. lippis.
xi Heuenes ben þin, and erþe is þin; þou haſt foundid þe xxxv Onys Y ſwoor in myn hooli; Y ſchal not lie to

world, and þe fulneſſe þerof; Dauid,

xii þou madiſt of nouȝt þe norþ and þe ſee. Thabor and xxxvi his ſeed ſchal dwelle wiþ outen ende. And his trone

Hermon ſchulen make ful out ioye in þi name; as ſunne in my ſiȝt,

xiii þin arm wiþ power. Þin hond be maad ſtidefaſt, and xxxvii and as a perfit mone wiþ outen ende; and a feiþful

þi riȝthond be enhaunſid; witneſſe in heuene.

xiiii riȝtfulneſſe and doom is þe makyng redy of þi ſeete. xxxviii But þou haſt put awei, and haſt diſpiſid; and haſt

Merci and treuþe ſchulen go bifore þi face; dilaied þi criſt.

xv bleſſid is þe puple þat kan hertli ſong. Lord, þei xxxix Þou haſt turned awei þe teſtament of þi ſeruaunt;

ſchulen go in þe lyȝt of þi cheer; þou madiſt vnhooli his ſeyntuarie in erþe.

xvi and in þi name þei ſchulen make ful out ioye al dai; xl Þou diſtriediſt alle þe heggis þerof; þou haſt ſet þe

and þei ſchulen be enhaunſid in þi riȝtfulneſſe. ſtidefaſtneſſe þerof drede.

xvii For þou art þe glorie of þe vertu of hem; and in þi xli Alle men paſſynge bi þe weie rauyſchiden him; he is

good pleſaunce oure horn ſchal be enhaunſid. maad ſchenſchipe to hiſe neiȝboris.
xviii For oure takyng vp is of þe Lord; and of þe hooli of xlii Þou haſt enhaunſid þe riȝthond of men oppreſſinge

Iſrael oure kyng. him; þou haſt gladid alle hiſe enemyes.
xliii Þou haſt turned awei þe help of his ſwerd; and þou
helpidiſt not hym in batel.

xliiii Þou deſtriediſt him fro clenſing; and þou haſt hurtlid xiiii Weweren fillid eerli wiþ þi merci; we maden ful
doun his ſeete in erþe. out ioye, and we delitiden in alle oure daies.
xlv Þou haſt maad leſſe þe daies of his time; þou haſt xv We weren glad for þe daies in whiche þou madiſt vs
biſched him wiþ ſchenſchip. meke; for þe ȝeeris in whiche we ſiȝen yuels.
xlvi Lord, hou longe turneſt þou awei in to þe ende; ſchal xvi Lord, biholde þou into þi ſeruauntis, and in to þi
þin ire brenne out as fier? werkis; and dreſſe þou þe ſones of hem.
xlvii Biþenke þou what is my ſubſtaunce; for wheþer þou xvii And þe ſchynyng of oure Lord God be on vs; and
haſt ordeyned veynli alle þe ſones of men? dreſſe þou þe werkis of oure hondis on vs, and dreſſe
xlviii Who is a man, þat ſchal lyue, and ſchal not ſe deþ; þou þe werk of oure hondis.
ſchal delyuere his ſoule fro þe hond of helle?
xlix Lord, where ben þin elde mercies; as þou haſt ſwore PSALM XC
to Dauid in þi treuþe? `Þe nyntiþe ſalm.
l Lord, be þou myndeful of þe ſchenſchipe of þi i He þat dwelliþ in þe help of þe hiȝeſte God; ſchal
ſeruauntis, of many heþene men; whiche Y helde dwelle in þe proteccioun of God of heuene.
togidere in my boſum. ii He ſchal ſeie to þe Lord, Þou art myn vptaker, and my
li Whiche þin enemyes, Lord, diden ſchenſchipfuli; for
refuit; my God, Y ſchal hope in him.
þei diſpiſiden þe chaungyng of þi criſt. iii For he delyuered me fro þe ſnare of hunteris; and fro
lii Bleſſid be þe Lord wiþ outen ende; be it don, be it
a ſcharp word.
don. iiii Wiþ hiſe ſchuldris he ſchal make ſchadowe to þee;
and þou ſchalt haue hope vnder hiſe feþeris. His treuþe
PSALM LXXXIX ſchal cumpaſſe þee wiþ a ſcheld;
Þe title of þe nyne and eiȝtetiþe ſalm. þe preier of v þou ſchalt not drede of nyȝtis drede. Of an arowe
Moiſes, þe man of God. fliynge in þe dai,
i Lord, þou art maad help to vs; fro generacioun in to vi of a gobelyn goynge in derkneſſis; of aſailing, and a
generacioun. myddai feend.
ii Bifore þat hillis weren maad, eþer þe erþe and þe vii A þouſynde ſchulen falle doun fro þi ſide, and ten
world was formed; fro þe world and in to þe world þou þouſynde fro þi riȝtſide; forſoþe it ſchal not neiȝe to þee.
art God. viii Neþeles þou ſchalt biholde wiþ þin iȝen; and þou
iii Turne þou not awei a man in to lowneſſe; and þou ſchalt ſe þe ȝelding of ſynneris.
ſeidiſt, Ȝe ſones of men, be conuertid. ix For þou, Lord, art myn hope; þou haſt ſet þin help
iiii For a þouſynde ȝeer ben bifore þin iȝen; as ȝiſtirdai, alþerhiȝeſte.
which is paſſid, and as keping in þe niȝt. x Yuel ſchal not come to þee; and a ſcourge ſchal not
v Þe ȝeeris of hem ſchulen be; þat ben had for nouȝt. neiȝe to þi tabernacle.
vi Eerli paſſe he, as an eerbe, eerli floriſche he, and xi For God haþ comaundid to hiſe aungels of þee; þat
paſſe; in þe euentid falle he doun, be he hard, and wexe þei kepe þee in alle þi weies.
drie. xii Þei ſchulen beere þee in þe hondis; leſte perauenture
vii For we han failid in þin ire; and we ben diſturblid in þou hirte þi foot at a ſtoon.
þi ſtrong veniaunce. xiii Þou ſchalt go on a ſnake, and a cocatrice; and þou
viii Þou haſt ſet oure wickidneſſis in þi ſiȝt; oure world in ſchalt defoule a lioun and a dragoun.
þe liȝtning of þi cheer. xiiii For he hopide in me, Y ſchal delyuere hym; Y ſchal
ix For alle oure daies han failid; and we han failid in þin defende him, for he knew my name.
ire. Oure ȝeris ſchulen biþenke, as an yreyn; xv He criede to me, and Y ſchal here him, Y am wiþ him
x þe daies of oure ȝeeris ben in þo ſeuenti ȝeeris. in tribulacioun; Y ſchal delyuere him, and Y ſchal
Forſoþe, if foureſcoor ȝeer ben in myȝti men; and þe glorifie hym.
more tyme of hem is trauel and ſorewe. For myldeneſſe xvi I ſchal fille hym wiþ þe lengþe of daies; and Y ſchal
cam aboue; and we ſchulen be chaſtiſid. ſchewe myn helþe to him.
xi Who knew þe power of þin ire; and durſte noumbre
þin ire for þi drede? PSALM XCI
xii Make þi riȝthond ſo knowun; and make men lerned
Þe `title of þe oon and nyntiþe ſalm. `Þe ſalm of
in herte bi wiſdom. `ſong, in þe dai of ſabath.
xiii Lord, be þou conuertid ſumdeel; and be þou able to
i It
is good to knouleche to þe Lord; and to ſynge to þi
be preied on þi ſeruauntis. name, þou hiȝeſte.

ii To ſchewe eerli þi merci; and þi treuþe bi nyȝt. iiii Þei ſchulen telle out, and ſchulen ſpeke wickidneſſe;
iii In a ſautrie of ten cordis; wiþ ſong in harpe. alle men ſchulen ſpeke þat worchen vnriȝtfulneſſe.
iiii For þou, Lord, haſt delitid me in þi makyng; and Y v Lord, þei han maad lowe þi puple; and þei han diſeſid

ſchal make ful out ioye in þe werkis of þin hondis. þin eritage.
v Lord, þi werkis ben magnefied greetli; þi þouȝtis ben vi Þei killiden a widowe and a comelyng; and þei han

maad ful depe. ſlayn fadirles children and modirles.

vi An vnwiſe man ſchal not knowe; and a fool ſchal not vii And þei ſeiden, Þe Lord ſchal not ſe; and God of

vndirſtonde þeſe þingis. Jacob ſchal not vndurſtonde.

vii Whanne ſynneris comen forþ, as hey; and alle þei viii Ȝe vnwiſe men in þe puple, vndirſtonde; and, ȝe

apperen, þat worchen wickidneſſe. foolis, lerne ſum tyme.

viii Þat þei periſche in to þe world of world; forſoþe þou, ix Schal not he here, þat plauntide þe eere; eþere

Lord, art þe hiȝeſt, wiþouten ende. For lo! biholdiþ not he, þat made þe iȝe?
ix Lord, þin enemyes, for lo! þin enemyes ſchulen x Schal not he repreue, þat chaſtiſiþ folkis; which techiþ

periſche; and alle ſchulen be ſcaterid þat worchen man kunnyng?

wickidneſſe. xi Þe Lord knowiþ þe þouȝtis of men; þat þo ben veyne.
x And myn horn ſchal be reiſid as an vnicorn; and myn xii Bleſſid is þe man, whom þou, Lord, haſt lerned; and
eelde in plenteuouſe merci. haſt tauȝt him of þi lawe.
xi And myn iȝe diſpiſide myn enemyes; and whanne xiii Þat þou aſwage hym fro yuele daies; til a diche be
wickid men ryſen aȝens me, myn eere ſchal here. diggid to þe ſynner.
xii A iuſt man ſchal floure as a palm tree; he ſchal be xiiii For þe Lord ſchal not putte awei his puple; and he
multiplied as a cedre of Liban. ſchal not forſake his eritage.
xiii Men plauntid in þe hous of þe Lord; ſchulen floure xv Til riȝtfulneſſe be turned in to dom; and who ben niȝ
in þe porchis of þe hous of oure God. it, alle þat ben of riȝtful herte.
xiiii Ȝit þei ſchulen be multiplied in plenteuouſe elde; xvi Who ſchal riſe wiþ me aȝens myſdoeris; eþer who
and þei ſchulen be ſuffryng wel. ſchal ſtonde wiþ me aȝens hem þat worchen
xv Þat þei telle, þat oure Lord God is riȝtful; and no wickidneſſe?
wickidneſſe is in hym. xvii No but for þe Lord helpide me; almeſt my ſoule
hadde dwellid in helle.
PSALM XCII xviii If Y ſeide, My foot was ſtirid; Lord, þi merci

Þe two and nyntiþe ſalm. helpide me.

xix Aftir þe multitude of my ſorewis in myn herte; þi
i Þe Lord haþ regned, he is cloþid wiþ fairneſſe; þe Lord
is cloþid wiþ ſtrengþe, and haþ gird hym ſilf. For he coumfortis maden glad my ſoule.
xx Wheþer þe ſeete of wickidneſſe cleueþ to þee; þat
made ſtidefaſt þe world; þat ſchal not be moued.
ii God, þi ſeete was maad redi fro þat tyme; þou art fro makiſt trauel in comaundement?
xxi Þei ſchulen take aȝens þe ſoule of a iuſt man; and þei
þe world.
iii Lord, þe flodis han reiſid; þe flodis han reiſid her ſchulen condempne innocent blood.
xxii And þe Lord was maad to me in to refuyt; and my
vois. Flodis reiſiden her wawis; of þe voicis of many
watris. God was maad in to þe help of myn hope.
iiii Þe reiſyngis of þe ſee ben wondurful; þe Lord is xxiii And he ſchal ȝelde to hem þe wickidneſſe of hem;

wondurful in hiȝe þingis. and in þe malice of hem he ſchal leſe hem, oure Lord
v Þi witneſſingis ben maad able to be bileued greetli; God ſchal leſe hem.
Lord, holyneſſe bicomeþ þin hous, in to þe lengþe of
Þe foure and nyntiþe ſalm.
PSALM XCIII i Come ȝe, make we ful out ioie to þe Lord; hertli ſynge
Þe þre and nyntiþe ſalm. we to God, oure heelþe.
i God ii Bifore ocupie we his face in knowleching; and hertli
is Lord of veniauncis; God of veniauncis dide
freli. ſynge we to him in ſalmes.
ii Be þou enhaunſid þat demeſt þe erþe; ȝelde þou iii For God is a greet Lord, and a greet king aboue alle

ȝeldinge to proude men. goddis; for þe Lord ſchal not putte awei his puple.
iii Lord, hou longe ſynneris; hou longe ſchulen ſynneris iiii For alle þe endis of erþe ben in his hond; and þe

haue glorie? hiȝneſſes of hillis ben hiſe.

v For þe ſee is his, and he made it; and hiſe hondis PSALM XCVI
formeden þe drie lond. Þe ſixe and nyntiþe ſalm.
vi Come ȝe, herie we, and falle we doun bifore God,
i Þe Lord haþ regned, þe erþe make ful out ioye; many
wepe we bifore þe Lord þat made vs; ilis be glad.
vii for he is oure Lord God. And we ben þe puple of his
ii Cloude and derkneſſe in his cumpas; riȝtfulneſſe and
leſewe; and þe ſcheep of his hond. If ȝe han herd his doom is amending of his ſeete.
vois to dai; iii Fier ſchal go bifore him; and ſchal enflawme hiſe
viii nyle ȝe make hard ȝoure hertis. As in þe terryng to
enemyes in cumpas.
wraþþe; bi þe dai of temptacioun in deſert. iiii Hiſe leitis ſchyneden to þe world; þe erþe ſiȝ, and
ix Where ȝoure fadris temptiden me; þei preueden and
was moued.
ſien my werkis. v Hillis as wax fletiden doun fro þe face of þe Lord; al
x Fourti ȝeer I was offendid to þis generacioun; and Y
erþe fro þe face of þe Lord.
ſeide, Euere þei erren in herte. And þeſe men knewen vi Heuenes telden his riȝtfulneſſe; and alle puplis ſien his
not my weies;
xi to whiche Y ſwoor in myn ire, þei ſchulen not entre in glorie.
vii Alle þat worſchipen ſculptilis be ſchent, and þei þat
to my reſte.
han glorie in her ſymelacris; alle ȝe aungels of þe Lord,
worſchipe him.
PSALM XCV viii Sion herde, and was glad, and þe douȝtris of Juda
Þe fyue and nyntiþe ſalm haþ no title. maden ful out ioye; for `þi domes, Lord.
i Singe ȝe a newe ſong to þe Lord; al erþe, ſynge ȝe to ix For þou, Lord, art þe hiȝeſte on al erþe; þou art greetli
þe Lord. enhaunſid ouere alle goddis.
ii Synge ȝe to þe Lord, and bleſſe ȝe his name; telle ȝe x Ȝe þat louen þe Lord, hate yuel; þe Lord kepiþ þe
his heelþe fro dai in to dai. ſoulis of hiſe ſeyntis; he ſchal delyuer hem fro þe hond
iii Telle ȝe his glorie among heþene men; hiſe merueilis of þe ſynner.
among alle puplis. xi Liȝt is riſun to þe riȝtful man; and gladneſſe to riȝtful
iiii For þe Lord is greet, and worþi to be preiſid ful men of herte.
myche; he is ferdful aboue alle goddis. xii Juſte men, be ȝe glad in þe Lord; and knouleche ȝe to
v For alle þe goddis of heþene men ben feendis; but þe þe mynde of his halewyng.
Lord made heuenes.
vi Knouleching and fairneſſe is in his ſiȝt; hoolyneſſe PSALM XCVII
and worþi doyng is in his halewing. Þe ſeuen and nyntiþe ſalm haþ no title.
vii Ȝe cuntrees of heþene men, brynge to þe Lord,
i Singe ȝe a newe ſong to þe Lord; for he haþ do
bringe ȝe glorye and onour to þe Lord; merueils. His riȝt hond and his hooli arm; haþ maad
viii bringe ȝe to þe Lord glorie to hys name. Take ȝe
heelþe to hym.
ſacrificis, and entre ȝe in to þe hallis of hym; ii Þe Lord haþ maad knowun his heelþe; in þe ſiȝt of
ix herie ȝe þe Lord in his hooli halle. Al erþe be moued
heþene men he haþ ſchewid his riȝtfulneſſe.
of his face; iii He biþouȝte on his merci; and on his treuþe, to þe
x ſeie ȝe among heþene men, þat þe Lord haþ regned.
hous of Iſrael. Alle þe endis of erþe; ſien þe heelþe of
And he haþ amendid þe world, þat ſchal not be moued; oure God.
he ſchal deme puplis in equite. iiii Al erþe, make ȝe hertli ioye to God; ſynge ȝe, and
xi Heuenes be glad, and þe erþe make ful out ioye, þe
make ȝe ful out ioye, and ſeie ȝe ſalm.
ſee and þe fulneſſe þerof be moued togidere; v Singe ȝe to þe Lord in an harpe, in harpe and vois of
xii feeldis ſchulen make ioye, and alle þingis þat ben in
þo. Þanne alle þe trees of wodis ſchulen make ful out vi in trumpis betun out wiþ hamer, and in vois of a
ioye, trumpe of horn. Hertli ſynge ȝe in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, þe
xiii for þe face of þe Lord, for he comeþ; for he comeþ
to deme þe erþe. He ſchal deme þe world in equite; and vii þe ſee and þe fulneſſe þerof be moued; þe world, and
puplis in his treuþe. þei þat dwellen þerynne.
viii Flodis ſchulen make ioie wiþ hond, togidere hillis
ſchulen make ful out ioye,
ix for ſiȝt of þe Lord; for he comeþ to deme þe erþe. He
ſchal deme þe world in riȝtfulneſſe; and puplis in equite.

PSALM XCVIII vI purſuede hym; þat bacbitide priueli his neiȝbore. Wiþ
Þe eiȝte and nyntiþe ſalm. þe proude iȝe and an herte vnable to be fillid; Y eet not
i Þe wiþ þis.
Lord haþ regned, puplis ben wrooþ; þou þat ſittiſt vi Myn iȝen weren to þe feiþful men of erþe, þat þei ſitte
on cherubyn, þe erþe be moued.
ii Þe Lord is greet in Sion; and hiȝ aboue alle puplis. wiþ me; he þat ȝede in a weie wiþ out wem, mynyſtride
iii Knouleche þei to þi greet name, for it is ferdful and
to me.
vii He þat doiþ pride, ſchal not dwelle in þe myddil of
iiii and þe onour of þe king loueþ doom. Þou haſt maad
myn hous; he þat ſpekiþ wickid þingis, ſeruede not in þe
ſiȝt of myn iȝen.
redi dreſſyngis; þou haſt maad doom and riȝtfulneſſe in viii In þe morutid Y killide alle þe ſynners of erþe; þat Y
v Enhaunſe ȝe oure Lord God; and worſchipe ȝe þe ſtool
ſchulde leeſe fro þe citee of þe Lord alle men
worchynge wickidneſſe.
of hiſe feet, for it is hooli.
vi Moiſes and Aaron weren among hiſe preeſtis; and
Samuel was among hem þat inwardli clepen his name.
Þe title of þe `hundrid and o ſalm. Þe preier of a
Þei inwardli clepiden þe Lord, and he herde hem;
vii in a piler of cloude he ſpak to hem. Þei kepten hiſe pore man, whanne he was angwiſhid, and ſchedde
out his ſpeche bifore þe Lord.
witneſſyngis; and þe comaundement which he ȝaf to
i Lord, here þou my preier; and my crie come to þee.
viii Oure Lord God, þou herdiſt hem; God, þou were ii Turne not awei þi face fro me; in what euere dai Y am
merciful to hem, and þou tokiſt veniaunce on al her troblid, bowe doun þin eere to me. In what euere day Y
fyndyngis. ſchal inwardli clepe þee; here þou me ſwiftli.
ix Enhaunſe ȝe oure Lord God, and worſchipe ȝe in his iii For my daies han failid as ſmoke; and my boonus han

hooli hil; for oure Lord God is hooli. dried vp as critouns.

iiii I am ſmytun as hei, and myn herte dried vp; for Y

PSALM XCIX haue forȝete to eete my breed.

v Of þe vois of my weilyng; my boon cleuede to my
Þe titil of þe nyne and nyntiþe ſalm. `A ſalm to
knouleche; `in Ebrew `þus, A ſalm for knouleching. fleiſche.
vi I am maad lijk a pellican of wildirneſſe; Y am maad
i Al erþe, ſinge ȝe hertli to God;
ii ſerue
as a niȝt crowe in an hous.
ȝe þe Lord in gladneſſe. Entre ȝe in his ſiȝt; in ful vii I wakide; and Y am maad as a ſolitarie ſparowe in þe
out ioiyng.
iii Wite ȝe, þat þe Lord hym ſilf is God; he made vs, and
viii Al dai myn enemyes diſpiſiden me; and þei þat
not we maden vs. His puple, and þe ſcheep of his
preiſiden me ſworen aȝens me.
leſewe, ix For Y eet aſchis as breed; and Y meddlide my drinke
iiii entre ȝe in to hiſe ȝatis in knoulechyng; entre ȝe in to
wiþ weping.
hiſe porchis, `knouleche ȝe to him in ympnes. Herye ȝe x Fro þe face of þe ire of þin indignacioun; for þou
his name,
v for þe Lord is ſwete, his merci is wiþ outen ende; and reiſinge me haſt hurtlid me doun.
xi Mi daies boweden awei as a ſchadewe; and Y wexede
his treuþe is in generacioun and in to generacioun.
drie as hei.
xii But, Lord, þou dwelliſt wiþ outen ende; and þi
memorial in generacioun and in to generacioun.
Þe titil of þe hundrid ſalm. `Þe ſalm of Dauid. xiii Lord, þou riſinge vp ſchalt haue merci on Sion; for
i Lord, Y ſchal ſynge to þee; merci and doom. I ſchal þe tyme `to haue merci þerof comeþ, for þe tyme
ſynge, comeþ.
ii and Y ſchal vndurſtonde in a weie wiþ out wem; xiiii For þe ſtones þerof pleſiden þi ſeruauntis; and þei
whanne þou ſchalt come to me. I ȝede perfitli in þe ſchulen haue merci on þe lond þerof.
innocence of myn herte; in þe myddil of myn hous. xv And, Lord, heþen men ſchulen drede þi name; and
iii I ſettide not forþ bifore myn iȝen an vniuſt þing; Y
alle kingis of erþe ſchulen drede þi glori.
hatide hem þat maden treſpaſſyngis. xvi For þe Lord haþ bildid Sion; and he ſchal be ſeen in
iiii A ſchrewide herte cleuede not to me; Y knewe not a
his glorie.
wickid man bowynge awei fro me. xvii He bihelde on þe preier of meke men; and he
diſpiſide not þe preier of hem.

xviii Be þeſe þingis writun in an oþere generacioun; and xiii As a fadir haþ merci on ſones, þe Lord hadde merci
þe puple þat ſchal be maad ſchal preiſe þe Lord. on men dredynge him;
xix For he bihelde fro his hiȝe hooli place; þe Lord xiiii for he knewe oure makyng. He biþouȝte þat we ben
lokide fro heuene in to erþe. duſt,
xx For to here þe weilingis of feterid men; and for to xv a man is as hey; his dai ſchal flowre out ſo as a flour
vnbynde þe ſones of ſlayn men. of þe feeld.
xxi Þat þei telle in Sion þe name of þe Lord; and his xvi For þe ſpirit ſchal paſſe in hym, and ſchal not abide;
preiſing in Jeruſalem. and ſchal no more knowe his place.
xxii In gaderinge togidere puplis in to oon; and kingis, xvii But þe merci of þe Lord is fro wiþ out bigynnyng,
þat þei ſerue þe Lord. and til in to wiþ outen ende; on men dredinge hym. And
xxiii It anſweride to hym in þe weie of his vertu; Telle his riȝtfulneſſe is in to þe ſones of ſones;
þou to me þe fewneſſe of my daies. xviii to hem þat kepen his teſtament. And ben myndeful
xxiiii Aȝenclepe þou not me in þe myddil of my daies; þi of hiſe comaundementis; to do þo.
ȝeris ben in generacioun and in to generacioun. xix Þe Lord haþ maad redi his ſeete in heuene; and his
xxv Lord, þou foundidiſt þe erþe in þe bigynnyng; and rewme ſchal be lord of alle.
heuenes ben þe werkis of þin hondis. xx Aungels of þe Lord, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; ȝe myȝti in
xxvi Þo ſchulen periſche, but þou dwelliſt perfitli; and vertu, doynge his word, to here þe vois of hiſe wordis.
alle ſchulen wexe eelde as a clooþ. And þou ſchalt xxi Alle vertues of þe Lord, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; ȝe
chaunge hem as an hiling, and þo ſchulen be chaungid; mynyſtris of hym þat doen his wille.
xxvii but þou art þe ſame þi ſilf, and þi ȝeeris ſchulen not xxii Alle werkis of þe Lord, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord, in ech
faile. place of his lordſchipe; my ſoule, bleſſe þou þe Lord.
xxviii Þe ſones of þi ſeruauntis ſchulen dwelle; and þe
ſeed of hem ſchal be dreſſid in to þe world. PSALM CIII
Þe hundrid and þridde ſalm.
PSALM CII i Mi ſoule, bleſſe þou þe Lord; my Lord God, þou art
Þe title of þe `hundred and ſecounde ſalm. `Of magnyfied greetli. Þou haſt cloþid knouleching and
Dauid. fairneſſe;
i Mi ſoule, bleſſe þou þe Lord; and alle þingis þat ben ii and þou art cloþid wiþ lyȝt, as wiþ a cloþ. And þou
wiþ ynne me, bleſſe his hooli name. ſtretchiſt forþ heuene as a ſkyn;
ii Mi ſoule, bleſſe þou þe Lord; and nyle þou forȝete alle iii and þou hiliſt wiþ watris þe hiȝer partis þerof. Which
þe ȝeldyngis of him. ſettiſt a cloude þi ſtiyng; which goeſt on þe feþeris of
iii Which doiþ merci to alle þi wickidneſſis; which wyndis.
heeliþ alle þi ſijkneſſis. iiii Which makiſt ſpiritis þin aungels; and þi mynyſtris
iiii Which aȝenbieþ þi lijf fro deþ; which corowneþ þee brennynge fier.
in merci and merciful doyngis. v Which haſt foundid þe erþe on his ſtableneſſe; it ſchal
v Which filliþ þi deſijr in goodis; þi ȝongþe ſchal be not be bowid in to þe world of world.
renulid as þe ȝongþe of an egle. vi Þe depþe of watris as a cloþ is þe cloþing þerof;
vi Þe Lord doynge mercies; and doom to alle men watris ſchulen ſtonde on hillis.
ſuffringe wrong. vii Þo ſchulen fle fro þi blamyng; men ſchulen be aferd
vii He made hiſe weies knowun to Moiſes; hiſe willis to of þe vois of þi þundur.
þe ſones of Iſrael. viii Hillis ſtien vp, and feeldis goen doun; in to þe place
viii Þe Lord is merciful doer, and merciful in wille; which þou haſt foundid to þo.
longe abidinge, and myche merciful. ix Þou haſt ſet a terme, which þo ſchulen not paſſe; neþer
ix He ſchal not be wrooþ wiþ outen ende; and he ſchal þo ſchulen be turned, for to hile þe erþe.
not þretne wiþ outen ende. x And þou ſendiſt out wellis in grete valeis; watris
x He dide not to vs aftir oure ſynnes; neþer he ȝeldide to ſchulen paſſe bitwix þe myddil of hillis.
vs aftir oure wickidneſſis. xi Alle þe beeſtis of þe feeld ſchulen drynke; wielde aſſis
xi For bi þe hiȝneſſe of heuene fro erþe; he made ſtrong ſchulen abide in her þirſt.
his merci on men dredynge hym. xii Briddis of þe eir ſchulen dwelle on þo; fro þe myddis
xii As myche as þe eeſt is fer fro þe weſt; he made fer of ſtoonys þei ſchulen ȝyue voices.
oure wickidneſſis fro vs. xiii And þou moiſtiſt hillis of her hiȝer þingis; þe erþe
ſchal be fillid of þe fruyt of þi werkis.

xiiii And þou bringiſt forþ hei to beeſtis; and eerbe to þe PSALM CIIII
ſeruyce of men. Þat þou bringe forþ breed of þe erþe; Þe title of þe hundrid and fourþe ſalm. Alleluya.
xv and þat wiyn make glad þe herte of men. Þat he make
i Knouleche ȝe to þe Lord, and inwardli clepe ȝe his
glad þe face wiþ oile; and þat breed make ſtidefaſt þe name; telle ȝe hiſe werkis among heþen men.
herte of man. ii Synge ȝe to hym, and ſeie ȝe ſalm to him, and telle ȝe
xvi Þe trees of þe feeld ſchulen be fillid, and þe cedris of
alle hiſe merueylis;
þe Liban, whiche he plauntide; iii be ȝe preiſid in his hooli name. Þe herte of men
xvii ſparewis ſchulen make neſt þere. Þe hous of þe
ſekynge þe Lord be glad;
gerfaukun is þe leeder of þo; iiii ſeke ȝe þe Lord, and be ȝe confermed; ſeke ȝe euere
xviii hiȝe hillis ben refute to hertis; a ſtoon is refutt to
his face.
irchouns. v Haue ȝe mynde on hiſe merueilis, whiche he dide; on
xix He made þe moone in to tymes; þe ſunne knewe his
his grete wondris, and domes of his mouþ.
goyng doun. vi Þe ſeed of Abraham, his ſeruaunt; þe ſones of Jacob,
xx Þou haſt ſet derkneſſis, and nyȝt is maad; alle beeſtis
his choſun man.
of þe wode ſchulen go þer ynne. vii He is oure Lord God; hiſe domes ben in al þe erþe.
xxi Liouns whelpis rorynge for to rauyſche; and to ſeke
viii He was myndeful of his teſtament in to þe world; of
of God meete to hem ſilf.
xxii Þe ſunne is riſun, and þo ben gaderid togidere; and þe word which he comaundide in to a þouſynde
þo ſchulen be ſet in her couchis. ix Which he diſpoſide to Abraham; and of his ooþ to
xxiii A man ſchal go out to his werk; and to his
worching, til to þe euentid. x And he ordeynede it to Jacob in to a comaundement;
xxiiii Lord, þi werkis ben magnefiede ful myche, þou
and to Iſrael in to euerlaſtinge teſtament.
haſt maad alle þingis in wiſdom; þe erþe is fillid wiþ þi xi And he ſeide, I ſhal ȝiue to þee þe lond of Canaan; þe
xxv Þis ſee is greet and large to hondis; þere ben cord of ȝoure eritage.
xii Whanne þei weren in a litil noumbre; and þe
crepinge beeſtis, of which is noon noumbre. Litil beeſtis
comelingis of hem weren ful fewe.
wiþ grete; xiii And þei paſſiden fro folk in to folk; and fro a rewme
xxvi ſchippis ſchulen paſſe þere. Þis dragoun which þou
in to anoþer puple.
haſt formyd; for to ſcorne hym. xiiii He lefte not a man to anoye hem; and he chaſtiſide
xxvii Alle þingis abiden of þee; þat þou ȝyue to hem
kyngis for hem.
meete in tyme. xv Nile ȝe touche my criſtis; and nyle ȝe do wickidli
xxviii Whanne þou ſchalt ȝyue to hem, þei ſchulen
among my prophetis.
gadere; whanne þou ſchalt opene þin hond, alle þingis xvi And God clepide hungir on erþe; and he waſtide al
ſchulen be fillid wiþ goodneſſe.
xxix But whanne þou ſchalt turne awey þe face, þei þe ſtidefaſtneſſe of breed.
xvii He ſente a man bifore hem; Joſeph was ſeeld in to a
ſchulen be diſturblid; þou ſchalt take awei þe ſpirit of
þem, and þei ſchulen faile; and þei ſchulen turne aȝen in ſeruaunt.
xviii Þei maden lowe hiſe feet in ſtockis, irun paſſide by
to her duſt.
xxx Sende out þi ſpirit, and þei ſchulen be formed of þe his ſoule;
xix til þe word of him cam. Þe ſpeche of þe Lord
newe; and þou ſchalt renule þe face of þe erþe.
xxxi Þe glorie of þe Lord be in to þe world; þe Lord enflawmede him;
xx þe king ſente and vnbond hym; þe prince of puplis
ſchal be glad in hiſe werkis.
xxxii Which biholdiþ þe erþe, and makiþ it to tremble; ſente and delyuerede him.
xxi He ordeynede him þe lord of his hous; and þe prince
which touchiþ hillis, and þo ſmoken.
xxxiii I ſchal ſinge to þe Lord in my lijf; Y ſchal ſeie ſalm of al his poſſeſſioun.
xxii Þat he ſchulde lerne hiſe princis as him ſilf; and þat
to my God, as longe as Y am.
xxxiiii Mi ſpeche be myrie to him; forſoþe Y ſchal delite he ſchulde teche hiſe elde men prudence.
xxiii And Iſrael entride in to Egipt; and Jacob was a
in þe Lord.
xxxv Synneris faile fro þe erþe, and wickid men faile, ſo comeling in þe lond of Cham.
xxiiii And God encreeſſide his puple greetli; and made
þat þei be not; my ſoule, bleſſe þou þe Lord.
hym ſtidefaſt on hiſe enemyes.
xxv He turnede þe herte of hem, þat þei hatiden his
puple; and diden gile aȝens hiſe ſeruauntis.

xxvi He ſent Moiſes, his ſeruaunt; þilke Aaron, whom he vi We han ſynned wiþ oure fadris; we han do vniuſtli,
chees. we han do wickidneſſe.
xxvii He puttide in hem þe wordis of hiſe myraclis; and vii Oure fadris in Egipt vndirſtoden not þi merueils; þei
of hiſe grete wondris in þe lond of Cham. weren not myndeful of þe multitude of þi merci. And
xxviii He ſente derkneſſis, and made derk; and he made þei ſtiynge in to þe ſee, in to þe reed ſee, terreden to
not bitter hiſe wordis. wraþþe;
xxix He turnede þe watris of hem in to blood; and he viii and he ſauede hem for his name, þat `he ſchulde

killide þe fiſchis of hem. make knowun his power.

xxx And þe lond of hem ȝaf paddoks; in þe priue places ix And he departide þe reed ſee, and it was dried; and he

of þe kyngis of hem. lede forþ hem in þe depþis of watris as in deſeert.

xxxi God ſeide, and a fleiſche flie cam; and gnattis in x And he ſauede hem fro þe hond of hateris; and he aȝen

alle þe cooſtis of hem. bouȝte hem fro þe hond of þe enemye.

xxxii He ſettide her reynes hail; fier brennynge in þe xi And þe watir hilide men troublynge hem; oon of hem

lond of hem. abood not.

xxxiii And he ſmoot þe vynes of hem, and þe fige trees xii And þei bileueden to hiſe wordis; and þei preiſiden

of hem; and al to-brak þe tree of þe cooſtis of hem. þe heriynge of hym.

xxxiiii He ſeide, and a locuſte cam; and a bruk of which xiii Þei hadden `ſoone do, þei forȝaten hiſe werkis; and

was noon noumbre. þei abididen not his councel.

xxxv And it eet al þe hey in þe lond of hem; and it eet al xiiii And þei coueitiden coueitiſe in deſeert; and

þe fruyt of þe lond of hem. temptiden God in a place wiþ out watir.

xxxvi And he killide ech þe firſte gendrid þing in þe lond xv And he ȝaf to hem þe axyng of hem; and he ſente

of hem; þe firſte fruitis of alle þe trauel of hem. fulneſſe in to þe ſoulis of hem.

xxxvii And he ledde out hem wiþ ſiluer and gold; and xvi And þei wraþþiden Moyſes in þe caſtels; Aaron, þe

noon was ſijk in þe lynagis of hem. hooli of þe Lord.

xxxviii Egipt was glad in þe goyng forþ of hem; for þe xvii Þe erþe was opened, and ſwolewid Datan; and hilide

drede of hem lai on Egipcians. on þe congregacioun of Abiron.

xxxix He ſpredde abrood a cloude, in to þe hiling of hem; xviii And fier brente an hiȝe in þe ſynagoge of hem;

and fier, þat it ſchynede to hem bi nyȝt. flawme brente ſynneris.

xl Þei axiden, and a curlew cam; and he fillide hem wiþ xix And þei maden a calf in Oreb; and worſchipiden a

þe breed of heuene. ȝotun ymage.

xli He brak a ſtoon, and watris flowiden; floodis ȝeden xx And þei chaungiden her glorie; in to þe likneſſe of a

forþ in þe drye place. calf etynge hei.

xlii For he was myndeful of his hooli word; which he xxi Þei forȝaten God, þat ſauede hem, þat dide grete

hadde to Abraham, his child. werkis in Egipt,

xliii And he ledde out his puple in ful out ioiyng; and xxii merueils in þe lond of Cham; feerdful þingis in þe

hiſe choſun men in gladneſſe. reed ſee.

xliiii And he ȝaf to hem þe cuntreis of heþen men; and xxiii And God ſeide, þat he wolde leeſe hem; if Moiſes,

þei hadden in poſſeſſioun þe trauels of puplis. his choſun man, hadde not ſtonde in þe brekyng of his
xlv Þat þei kepe hiſe iuſtifiyngis; and ſeke his lawe. ſiȝt. Þat he ſchulde turne awei his ire; leſt he loſte hem.
xxiiii And þei hadden þe deſirable lond for nouȝt, þei

PSALM CV bileueden not to his word,

xxv and þei grutchiden in her tabernaclis; þei herden not
Þe `title of þe hundrid and fifþe ſalm. Alleluya.
i Kouleche
þe vois of þe Lord.
ȝe to þe Lord, for he is good; for his mercy xxvi And he reiſide his hond on hem; to caſte doun hem
is wiþ outen ende.
ii Who ſchal ſpeke þe powers of þe Lord; ſchal make
in deſert.
xxvii And to caſte awei her ſeed in naciouns; and to leeſe
knowun alle hiſe preiſyngis?
iii Bleſſid ben þei þat kepen dom; and doon riȝtfulneſſe
hem in cuntreis.
xxviii And þei maden ſacrifice to Belfagor; and þei eeten
in al tyme.
iiii Lord, haue þou mynde on vs in þe good pleſaunce of
þe ſacrificis of deed beeſtis.
xxix And þei wraþþiden God in her fyndyngis; and
þi puple; viſite þou vs in þin heelþe.
v To ſe in þe goodneſſe of þi choſun men, to be glad in
fallyng was multiplied in hem.
þe gladnes of þi folk; þat þou be heried wiþ þin eritage.

xxx And Fynees ſtood, and pleeſide God; and þe iii fro cuntreis he gaderide hem togidere. Fro þe riſyng
veniaunce ceeſſide. of þe ſunne, and fro þe goyng doun; fro þe norþ, and fro
xxxi And it was arrettid to hym to riȝtfulneſſe; in þe ſee.
generacioun and in to generacioun, til in to wiþ outen iiii Þei erriden in wildirneſſe, in a place wiþ out watir;
ende. þei founden not weie of þe citee of dwellyng place.
xxxii And þei wraþþiden God at þe watris of aȝenſeiyng; v Þei weren hungri and þirſti; her ſoule failide in hem.
and Moiſes was trauelid for hem, vi And þei crieden to þe Lord, whanne þei weren ſet in
xxxiii for þei maden bittere his ſpirit, and he departide in tribulacioun; and he delyuerede hem fro her nedyneſſes.
his lippis. vii And he ledde forþ hem in to þe riȝt weie; þat þei
xxxiiii Þei loſten not heþen men; whiche þe Lord ſeide to ſchulden go in to þe citee of dwelling.
hem. viii Þe mercies of þe Lord knouleche to hym; and hiſe
xxxv And þei weren meddlid among heþene men, and merueilis knouleche to þe ſones of men.
lerneden þe werkis of hem, ix For he fillide a voide man; and he fillide wiþ goodis
xxxvi and ſerueden þe grauen ymagis of hem; and it was an hungry man.
maad to hem in to ſclaundre. x God delyuerede men ſittynge in derkneſſis, and in þe
xxxvii And þei offriden her ſones; and her douȝtris to ſchadowe of deþ; and men priſoned in beggerye and in
feendis. yrun.
xxxviii And þei ſchedden out innocent blood, þe blood of xi For þei maden bitter þe ſpechis of God; and
her ſones and of her douȝtris; whiche þei ſacrificiden to wraþþiden þe councel of þe hiȝeſte.
þe grauun ymagis of Chanaan. And þe erþe was ſlayn in xii And þe herte of hem was maad meke in trauelis; and
bloodis, þei weren ſijk, and noon was þat helpide.
xxxix and was defoulid in þe werkis of hem; and þei xiii And þei crieden to þe Lord, whanne þei weren ſet in
diden fornicacioun in her fyndyngis. tribulacioun; and he delyuerede hem from her
xl And þe Lord was wrooþ bi ſtrong veniaunce aȝens his nedyneſſis.
puple; and hadde abhominacioun of his eritage. xiiii And he ledde hem out of derkneſſis, and ſchadowe
xli And he bitook hem in to þe hondis of heþene men; of deþ; and brak þe boondis of hem.
and þei þat hatiden hem, weren lordis of hem. xv Þe mercies of þe Lord knouleche to hym; and hiſe
xlii And her enemyes diden tribulacioun to hem, and þei merueils knouleche to þe ſones of men.
weren mekid vndir þe hondis of enemyes; xvi For he al to-brak braſun ȝatis; and he brak yrun
xliii ofte he delyuerede hem. But þei wraþþiden hym in barris.
her counſel; and þei weren maad low in her xvii He vptook hem fro þe weie of her wickidneſſe; for
wickidneſſis. þei weren maad lowe for her vnriȝtfulneſſes.
xliiii And he ſiȝe, whanne þei weren ſet in tribulacioun; xviii Þe ſoule of hem wlatide al mete; and þei neiȝeden
and he herde þe preyer of hem. `til to þe ȝatis of deþ.
xlv And he was myndeful of his teſtament; and it xix And þei crieden to þe Lord, whanne þei weren ſet in
repentide hym bi þe multitude of his merci. tribulacioun; and he delyuerede hem fro her nedyneſſis.
xlvi And he ȝaf hem in to mercies; in þe ſiȝt of alle men, xx He ſente his word, and heelide hem; and delyuerede
þat hadden take hem. hem fro þe periſchingis of hem.
xlvii Oure Lord God, make þou vs ſaaf; and gadere xxi Þe mercies of þe Lord knouleche to hym; and hiſe
togidere vs fro naciouns. Þat we knouleche to þin hooli merueils to þe ſones of men.
name; and haue glorie in þi preiſyng. xxii And offre þei þe ſacrifice of heriyng; and telle þei
xlviii Bleſſid be þe Lord God of Iſrael fro þe world and
hiſe werkis in ful out ioiyng.
til in to þe world; and al þe puple ſchal ſeye, Be it don, xxiii Þei þat gon doun in to þe ſee in ſchippis; and maken
be it don. worching in many watris.
xxiiii Þei ſien þe werkis of þe Lord; and hiſe merueilis in
PSALM CVI þe depþe.
Þe `title of þe hundrid and ſixte ſalm. Alleluya. xxv He ſeide, and þe ſpirit of tempeſt ſtood; and þe
i Knouleche ȝe to þe Lord, for he is good; for his merci wawis þerof weren arerid.
is in to þe world. xxvi Þei ſtien til to heuenes, and goen doun `til to þe
ii Sei þei, þat ben aȝen bouȝt of þe Lord; whiche he aȝen depþis; þe ſoule of hem failide in yuelis.
bouȝte fro þe hond of þe enemye, xxvii Þei weren troblid, and þei weren moued as a
drunkun man; and al þe wiſdom of hem was deuourid.

xxviii And þei crieden to þe Lord, whanne þei weren ſet viii Galaad is myn, and Manaſſes is myn; and Effraym is
in tribulacioun; and he ledde hem out of her nedyneſſis. þe vptaking of myn heed. Juda is my king;
xxix And he ordeynede þe tempeſt þerof in to a ſoft ix Moab is þe caudron of myn hope. In to Ydume Y
wynde; and þe wawis þerof weren ſtille. ſchal ſtretche forþ my ſcho; aliens ben maad frendis to
xxx And þei weren glad, for þo weren ſtille; and he me.
ladde hem forþ in to þe hauene of her wille. x Who ſchal lede me forþ in to a ſtronge citee; who ſchal
xxxi Þe mercies of þe Lord knouleche to hym; and hiſe lede me forþ til in to Idume?
merueilis to þe ſones of men. xi Wheþer not þou, God, þat haſt put vs awei; and, God,
xxxii And enhaunſe þei him in þe chirche of þe puple; ſchalt þou not go out in oure vertues?
and preiſe þei him in þe chaier of eldre men. xii Ȝyue þou help to vs of tribulacioun; for þe heelþe of
xxxiii He haþ ſet floodis in to deſeert; and þe out goingis man is veyn.
of watris in to þirſt. xiii We ſchulen make vertu in God; and he ſchal bringe
xxxiiii He haþ ſet fruytful lond in to ſaltneſſe; for þe oure enemyes to nouȝt.
malice of men dwellyng þer ynne.
xxxv He haþ ſet deſeert in to pondis of watris; and erþe PSALM CVIII
wiþ out watir in to outgoyngis of watris. Þe title of þe hundrid and eiȝtþe ſalm. To victorye, þe
xxxvi And he ſettide þere hungri men; and þei maden a ſalm of Dauid.
citee of dwelling. i God, holde þou not ſtille my preiſyng;
xxxvii And þei ſowiden feeldis, and plauntiden vynes; ii for þe mouþ of þe ſynner, and þe mouþ of þe gileful
and maden fruyt of birþe. man is openyd on me.
xxxviii And he bleſſide hem, and þei weren multiplied iii Þei ſpaken aȝens me wiþ a gileful tunge, and þei
greetli; and he made not leſſe her werk beeſtis. cumpaſſiden me wiþ wordis of hatrede; and fouȝten
xxxix And þei weren maad fewe; and þei weren trauelid
aȝens me wiþ out cauſe.
of tribulacioun of yuelis and of ſorewis. iiii For þat þing þat þei ſchulden loue me, þei bacbitiden
xl Strijf was ſched out on princes; and he made hem for
me; but Y preiede.
to erre wiþout þe weie, and not in þe weie. v And þei ſettiden aȝens me yuelis for goodis; and
xli And he helpide þe pore man fro pouert; and ſettide
hatrede for my loue.
meynees as a ſcheep bringynge forþ lambren. vi Ordeyne þou a ſynner on him; and þe deuel ſtonde on
xlii Riȝtful men ſchulen ſe, and ſchulen be glad; and al
his riȝt half.
wickidneſſe ſchal ſtoppe his mouþ. vii Whanne he is demed, go he out condempned; and his
xliii Who is wijs, and ſchal kepe þeſe þingis; and ſchal
preier `be maad in to ſynne.
vndirſtonde þe mercies of þe Lord? viii Hiſe daies be maad fewe; and anoþer take his
PSALM CVII ix Hiſe ſones be maad faderles; and his wijf a widewe.
Þe `title of þe hundrid and ſeuenþe ſalm. þe ſong of x Hiſe ſones tremblinge be born ouer, and begge; and be
`þe ſalm of Dauid. caſt out of her habitaciouns.
i Min herte is redi, God, myn herte is redi; Y ſchal ſinge, xi An vſurere ſeke al his catel; and aliens rauyſche hiſe
and Y ſchal ſeie ſalm in my glorie. trauelis.
ii My glorie, ryſe þou vp, ſautrie and harp, riſe þou vp; Y xii Noon helpere be to him; neþer ony be þat haue
ſchal riſe vp eerli. mercy on hiſe modirles children.
iii Lord, Y ſchal knouleche to þee among puplis; and Y xiii Hiſe ſones be maad in to periſching; þe name of him
ſchal ſeie ſalm to þee among naciouns. be don awei in oon generacioun.
iiii For whi, God, þi merci is greet on heuenes; and þi xiiii Þe wickidneſſe of hiſe fadris come aȝen in to mynde
treuþe is til to þe cloudis. in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord; and þe ſynne of his modir be not
v God, be þou enhaunſid aboue heuenes; and þi glorie don awei.
ouer al erþe. xv Be þei maad euere aȝens þe Lord; and þe mynde of
vi Þat þi derlingis be delyuerid, make þou ſaaf wiþ þi hem periſche fro erþe.
riȝthond, and here me; xvi For þat þing þat he þouȝte not to do merci, and he
vii God ſpak in his hooli. I ſchal make ful out ioye, and purſuede a pore man and beggere; and to ſlee a man
Y ſchal departe Siccimam; and Y ſchal mete þe grete compunct in herte.
valei of tabernaclis. xvii And he louede curſing, and it ſchal come to hym;
and he nolde bleſſing, and it ſchal be maad fer fro him.

xviii And he cloþide curſing as a cloþ, and it entride as PSALM CX
water in to hiſe ynnere þingis; and as oile in hiſe Þe `title of þe hundrid and tenþe ſalm. Alleluya.
boonus. i Lord, Y ſchal
xix Be it maad to him as a cloþ, wiþ which he is hilyd; knouleche to þee in al myn herte; in þe
counſel and congregacioun of iuſt men.
and as a girdil, wiþ which he is euere gird. ii Þe werkis of þe Lord ben greete; ſouȝt out in to alle
xx Þis is þe werk of hem þat bacbiten me anentis þe
hiſe willis.
Lord; and þat ſpeke yuels aȝens my lijf. iii His werk is knoulechyng and grete doyng; and his
xxi And þou, Lord, Lord, do wiþ me for þi name; for þi
riȝtfulneſſe dwelliþ in to þe world of world.
merci is ſwete. Delyuere þou me, iiii Þe Lord merciful in wille, and a merciful doere, haþ
xxii for Y am nedi and pore; and myn herte is diſturblid
maad a mynde of hiſe merueilis;
wiþ ynne me. v he haþ ȝoue meete to men dredynge hym. He ſchal be
xxiii I am takun awei as a ſchadowe, whanne it bowiþ
myndeful of his teſtament in to þe world;
awei; and Y am ſchakun awei as locuſtis. vi he ſchal telle to his puple þe vertu of hiſe werkis. Þat
xxiiii Mi knees ben maad feble of faſting; and my
he ȝyue to hem þe eritage of folkis;
fleiſche was chaungid for oile. vii þe werkis of hiſe hondis ben treuþe and doom. Alle
xxv And Y am maad ſchenſchipe to hem; þei ſien me,
hiſe comaundementis ben feiþful,
and moueden her heedis. viii confermed in to þe world of world; maad in treuþe
xxvi Mi Lord God, helpe þou me; make þou me ſaaf bi
and equite.
þi merci. ix Þe Lord ſente redempcioun to hys puple; he
xxvii And þei ſchulen wite, þat þis is þin hond; and þou,
comaundide his teſtament wiþ outen ende. His name is
Lord, haſt do it. hooli and dreedful;
xxviii Þei ſchulen curſe, and þou ſchalt bleſſe, þei þat
x þe bigynnyng of wiſdom is þe drede of þe Lord. Good
riſen aȝens me, be ſchent; but þi ſeruaunt ſchal be glad. vndirſtondyng is to alle þat doen it; his preiſing dwelliþ
xxix Þei þat bacbiten me, be cloþid wiþ ſchame; and be
in to þe world of world.
þei hilid wiþ her ſchenſchipe as wiþ a double cloþ.
xxx I ſchal knouleche to þe Lord greetli wiþ my mouþ;
and Y ſchal herie hym in þe myddil of many men. Þe `title of þe hundrid and enleuenþe ſalm. Alleluya.
xxxi Which ſtood nyȝ on þe riȝt half of a pore man; to
i Bliſſid is þe man þat drediþ þe Lord; he ſchal wilne ful
make ſaaf my ſoule fro purſueris.
myche in hiſe comaundementis.
ii His ſeed ſchal be myȝti in erþe; þe generacioun of
riȝtful men ſchal be bleſſid.
Þe `title of þe hundrid and nynþe ſalm. `Þe ſalm of iii Glorie and richeſſis ben in his hous; and his
riȝtfulneſſe dwelliþ in to þe world of world.
i Þe Lord ſeide to my Lord; Sitte þou on my riȝt ſide. Til iiii Liȝt is riſun vp in derkneſſis to riȝtful men; þe Lord is
Y putte þin enemyes; a ſtool of þi feet. merciful in wille, and a merciful doere, and riȝtful.
ii Þe Lord ſchal ſende out fro Syon þe ȝerde of þi vertu;
v Þe man is merye, þat doiþ merci, and leeneþ; he
be þou lord in þe myddis of þin enemyes. diſpoſiþ hiſe wordis in dom;
iii Þe bigynnyng is wiþ þee in þe dai of þi vertu, in þe
vi for he ſchal not be moued wiþ outen ende. A iuſt man
briȝtneſſis of ſeyntis; Y gendride þee of þe wombe ſchal be in euerlaſtinge mynde;
before þe dai ſterre. vii he ſchal not drede of an yuel heryng. His herte is redi
iiii Þe Lord ſwoor, and it ſchal not repente him; Þou art a
for to hope in þe Lord;
preeſt wiþ outen ende, bi þe ordre of Melchiſedech. viii his herte is confermed, he ſchal not be moued, til he
v Þe Lord on þi riȝt ſide; haþ broke kyngis in þe dai of
diſpiſe hiſe enemyes.
his veniaunce. ix He ſpredde abrood, he ȝaf to pore men; his
vi He ſchal deme among naciouns, he ſchal fille
riȝtwiſneſſe dwelliþ in to þe world of world; his horn
fallyngis; he ſchal ſchake heedis in þe lond of many ſchal be reiſid in glorie.
men. x A ſynner ſchal ſe, and ſchal be wrooþ; he ſchal gnaſte
vii He dranke of þe ſtronde in þe weie; þerfor he
wiþ hiſe teeþ, and ſchal faile; þe deſijr of ſynneris ſchal
enhaunſide þe heed. periſche.

PSALM CXII xvi Þei þat maken þo ben maad lijk þo; and alle þat triſte
Þe `title of þe hundrid and twelfþe ſalm. Alleluya. in þo.
xvii Þe hous of Iſrael hopide in þe Lord; he is þe helpere
i Children, preiſe ȝe þe Lord; preiſe ȝe þe name of þe
Lord. `of hem, and þe defendere of hem.
xviii Þe hous of Aaron hopide in þe Lord; he is þe
ii Þe name of þe Lord be bleſſid; fro þis tyme now and
til in to þe world. helpere of hem, and þe defendere of hem.
xix Þei þat dreden þe Lord, hopiden in þe Lord; he is þe
iii Fro þe riſyng of þe ſunne til to þe goyng doun; þe
name of þe Lord is worþi to be preiſid. helpere of hem, and þe defendere of hem.
xx Þe Lord was myndeful of vs; and bleſſide vs. He
iiii Þe Lord is hiȝ aboue alle folkis; and his glorie is
aboue heuenes. bleſſide þe hous of Iſrael; he bleſſide þe hous of Aaron.
xxi He bleſſide alle men þat dreden þe Lord; `he bleſſide
v Who is as oure Lord God, þat dwelliþ in hiȝe þingis;
vi and biholdiþ meke þingis in heuene and in erþe? litle `men wiþ þe grettere.
xxii Þe Lord encreeſſe on ȝou; on ȝou and on ȝoure
vii Reiſynge a nedi man fro þe erþe; and enhaunſinge a
pore man fro drit. xxiii Bleſſid be ȝe of þe Lord; þat made heuene and erþe.
viii Þat he ſette hym wiþ princes; wiþ þe princes of his
xxiiii Heuene of `heuene is to þe Lord; but he ȝaf erþe to
ix Which makiþ a bareyn womman dwelle in þe hous; a þe ſones of men.
xxv Lord, not deed men ſchulen herie þee; neþer alle
glad modir of ſones.
men þat goen doun in to helle.
xxvi But we þat lyuen, bleſſen þe Lord; fro þis tyme now
and til in to þe world.
Þe titil of þe hundrid and þrittenþe ſalm. Alleluya.
i In þe goyng out of Iſrael fro Egipt; of þe hous of Jacob PSALM CXIIII
fro þe heþene puple. Þe titil of þe hundrid and fourtenþe ſalm. Alleluia.
ii Judee was maad þe halewyng of hym; Iſrael þe power
iI louede `þe Lord; for þe Lord ſchal here þe vois of my
of hym.
iii Þe ſee ſiȝ, and fledde; Jordan was turned abac. preier.
ii For he bowide doun his eere to me; and Y ſchal
iiii Munteyns ful out ioȝeden as rammes; and litle hillis
inwardli clepe in my daies.
as þe lambren of ſcheep. iii Þe ſorewis of deþ cumpaſſiden me; and þe perelis of
v Þou ſee, what was to þee, for þou fleddiſt; and þou,
helle founden me. I foond tribulacioun and ſorewe;
Jordan, for þou were turned abak? iiii and Y clepide inwardli þe name of þe Lord. Þou,
vi Munteyns, ȝe maden ful out ioye as rammes; and litle
Lord, delyuere my ſoule;
hillis, as þe lambren of ſcheep. v þe Lord is merciful, and iuſt; and oure God doiþ
vii Þe erþe was moued fro þe face of `þe Lord; fro þe
face of God of Jacob. vi And þe Lord kepiþ litle children; Y was mekid, and
viii Which turnede a ſtoon in to pondis of watris; and an
he delyuerede me.
hard rooch in to wellis of watris. vii Mi ſoule, turne þou in to þi reſte; for þe Lord haþ do
ix Lord, not to vs, not to vs; but ȝyue þou glorie to þi
wel to þee.
name. viii For he haþ delyuered my ſoule fro deþ; myn iȝen fro
x On þi merci and þi treuþe; leſt ony tyme heþene men
wepingis, my feet fro fallyng doun.
ſeien, Where is þe God of hem? ix I ſchal pleſe þe Lord; in þe cuntrei of hem þat lyuen.
xi Forſoþe oure God in heuene; dide alle þingis, whiche
euere he wolde.
xii Þe ſymulacris of heþene men ben ſiluer and gold; þe PSALM CXV
werkis of mennus hondis. Þe titil of þe hundrid and fiftenþe ſalm. Alleluya.
xiii Þo han mouþ, and ſchulen not ſpeke; þo han iȝen, iI bileuede, for which þing Y ſpak; forſoþ Y was maad
and ſchulen not ſe. low ful myche.
xiiii Þo han eeris, and ſchulen not here; þo han noſe ii I ſeide in my paſſing; Ech man is a lier.

þurls, and ſchulen not ſmelle. iii What ſchal Y ȝelde to þe Lord; for alle þingis which
xv Þo han hondis, and ſchulen not grope; þo han feet, he ȝeldide to me?
and ſchulen not go; þo ſchulen not crye in her þrote. iiii I ſchal take þe cuppe of heelþe; and Y ſchal inwardli
clepe þe name of þe Lord.

vI ſchal ȝelde my vowis to þe Lord bifor al his puple; xvi Þe riȝt hond of þe Lord haþ do vertu, þe riȝt hond of
vi þe deþ of ſeyntis of þe Lord is precious in his ſiȝt. þe Lord enhaunſide me; þe riȝt hond of þe Lord haþ do
vii O! Lord, for Y am þi ſeruant; Y am þi ſeruaunt, and vertu.
xvii I ſchal not die, but Y ſchal lyue; and Y ſchal telle þe
þe ſone of þi handmaide. Þou haſt broke my bondys,
viii to þee Y ſchal offre a ſacrifice of heriyng; and Y werkis of þe Lord.
xviii Þe Lord chaſtiſinge haþ chaſtiſid me; and he ȝaf not
ſchal inwardli clepe þe name of þe Lord.
ix I ſchal ȝelde my vowis to þe Lord, in þe ſiȝt of al his me to deþ.
xix Opene ȝe to me þe ȝatis of riȝtfulneſſe, and Y ſchal
x in þe porchis of þe hous of þe Lord, in þe myddil of entre bi þo, and Y ſchal knouleche to þe Lord;
xx þis ȝate is of þe Lord, and iuſt men ſchulen entre bi it.
þee, Jeruſalem.
xxi I ſchal knouleche to þee, for þou herdiſt me; and art
PSALM CXVI maad to me in to heelþe.
xxii Þe ſtoon which þe bilderis repreueden; þis is maad
Þe title of þe hundrid and ſixtenþe ſalm. Alleluya.
i Alle in to þe heed of þe corner.
heþen men, herie ȝe þe Lord; alle puplis, herie ȝe xxiii Þis þing is maad of þe Lord; and it is wonderful
ii For his merci is confermyd on vs; and þe treuþe of þe bifore oure iȝen.
xxiiii Þis is þe dai which þe Lord made; make we ful out
Lord dwelliþ wiþ outen ende.
ioye, and be we glad þer ynne.
xxv O! Lord, make þou me ſaaf, O! Lord, make þou wel
Þe titil of þe hundrid and ſeuentenþe ſalm. Alleluia. xxvi bleſſid is he þat comeþ in þe name of þe Lord. We
i Knouleche ȝe to þe Lord, for he is good; for his merci bleſſeden ȝou of þe hous of þe Lord;
is wiþ outen ende. xxvii God is Lord, and haþ ȝoue lyȝt to vs. Ordeyne ȝe a
ii Iſrael ſeie now, for he is good; for his merci is wiþ
ſolempne dai in þicke puplis; til to þe horn of þe auter.
outen ende. xxviii Þou art my God, and Y ſchal knouleche to þee;
iii Þe hous of Aaron ſeie now; for his merci is wiþ outen
þou art my God, and Y ſchal enhaunſe þee. I ſchal
ende. knouleche to þee, for þou herdiſt me; and þou art maad
iiii Þei þat dreden þe Lord, ſeie now; for his merci is to me in to heelþe.
wiþouten ende. xxix Knouleche ȝe to þe Lord, for he is good; for his
v Of tribulacioun Y inwardli clepide þe Lord; and þe merci is wiþ outen ende.
Lord herde me in largeneſſe.
vi Þe Lord is an helpere to me; Y ſchal not drede what a PSALM CXVIII
man ſchal do to me. `Þe titil of þe hundrid and eiȝtenþe ſalm. Alleluia.
vii Þe Lord is an helpere to me; and Y ſchal diſpiſe myn
i Bleſſid ben men wiþ out wem in þe weie; þat gon in þe
viii It is betere for to triſt in þe Lord; þan for to triſte in
lawe of þe Lord.
ii Bleſſid ben þei, þat ſeken hiſe witneſſingis; ſeken him
ix It is betere for to hope in þe Lord; þan for to hope in
in al þe herte.
iii For þei þat worchen wickidneſſe; ȝeden not in hiſe
x Alle folkis cumpaſſiden me; and in þe name of þe
iiii Þou haſt comaundid; þat þin heeſtis be kept greetly.
Lord it bifelde, for Y am auengide on hem. v I wolde þat my weies be dreſſid; to kepe þi
xi Þei cumpaſſinge cumpaſſiden me; and in þe name of
þe Lord, for Y am auengid on hem. vi Þanne Y ſchal not be ſchent; whanne Y ſchal biholde
xii Þei cumpaſſiden me as been, and þei brenten out as
perfitli in alle þin heeſtis.
fier doiþ among þornes; and in þe name of þe Lord, for vii I ſchal knouleche to þee in þe dreſſing of herte; in þat
Y am auengid on hem.
xiii I was hurlid, and turnede vpſedoun, þat Y ſchulde þat Y lernyde þe domes of þi riȝtfulneſſe.
viii I ſchal kepe þi iuſtifiyngis; forſake þou not me on
falle doun; and þe Lord took me vp.
xiiii Þe Lord is my ſtrengþe, and my heryyng; and he is ech ſide.
ix In what þing amendiþ a ȝong waxinge man his weie?
maad to me in to heelþe.
xv Þe vois of ful out ioiyng and of heelþe; be in þe in keping þi wordis.
x In al myn herte Y ſouȝte þee; putte þou me not awei
tabernaclis of iuſt men.
fro þin heeſtis.

xi In myn herte Y hidde þi ſpechis; þat Y do not ſynne xxxix Kitte awey my ſchenſchip, which Y ſuppoſide; for
aȝens þee. þi domes ben myrie.
xii Lord, þou art bleſſid; teche þou me þi iuſtifiyngis. xl Lo! Y coueitide þi comaundementis; quikene þou me
xiii In my lippis Y haue pronounſid; alle þe domes of þi in þin equite.
mouþ. xli And, Lord, þi merci come on me; þin heelþe come bi
xiiii I delitide in þe weie of þi witneſſingis; as in alle þi ſpeche.
richeſſis. xlii And Y ſchal anſwere a word to men ſeiynge
xv I ſchal be ocupied in þin heeſtis; and Y ſchal biholde ſchenſchipe to me; for Y hopide in þi wordis.
þi weies. xliii And take þou not awei fro my mouþ þe word of
xvi I ſchal biþenke in þi iuſtifiyngis; Y ſchal not forȝete treuþe outerli; for Y hopide aboue in þi domes.
þi wordis. xliiii And Y ſchal kepe þi lawe euere; in to þe world, and
xvii Ȝelde to þi ſeruaunt; quiken þou me, and Y ſchal in to þe world of world.
kepe þi wordis. xlv And Y ȝede in largeneſſe; for Y ſouȝte þi
xviii Liȝtne þou myn iȝen; and Y ſchal biholde þe comaundementis.
merueils of þi lawe. xlvi And Y ſpak of þi witneſſyngis in þe ſiȝt of kingis;
xix I am a comeling in erþe; hide þou not þin heeſtis fro and Y was not ſchent.
me. xlvii And Y biþouȝte in þin heeſtis; whiche Y louede.
xx Mi ſoule coueitide to deſire þi iuſtifiyngis; in al tyme. xlviii And Y reiſide myn hondis to þi comaundementis,
xxi Þou blamediſt þe proude; þei ben curſid, þat bowen whiche Y louede; and Y ſchal be excerciſid in þi
awei fro þin heeſtis. iuſtifiyngis.
xxii Do þou awei `fro me ſchenſchipe and diſpiſing; for xlix Lord, haue þou mynde on þi word to þi ſeruaunt; in

Y ſouȝte þi witneſſingis. which word þou haſt ȝoue hope to me.

xxiii For whi princis ſaten, and ſpaken aȝens me; but þi l Þis coumfortide me in my lowneſſe; for þi word

ſeruaunt was exerciſid in þi iuſtifiyngis. quikenede me.

xxiiii For whi and þi witneſſyngis is my þenkyng; and li Proude men diden wickidli bi alle þingis; but Y

my counſel is þi iuſtifiyngis. bowide not awei fro þi lawe.

xxv Mi ſoule cleuede to þe pawment; quykine þou me bi lii Lord, Y was myndeful on þi domes fro þe world; and

þi word. Y was coumfortid.

xxvi I telde out my weies, and þou herdiſt me; teche þou liii Failing helde me; for ſynneris forſakinge þi lawe.

me þi iuſtifiyngis. liiii Þi iuſtifiyngis weren delitable to me to be ſungun; in

xxvii Lerne þou me þe weie of þi iuſtifiyngis; and Y þe place of my pilgrimage.
ſchal be exerciſid in þi merueils. lv Lord, Y hadde mynde of þi name bi niȝt; and Y kepte
xxviii Mi ſoule nappide for anoye; conferme þou me in þi lawe.
þi wordis. lvi Þis þing was maad to me; for Y ſouȝte þi iuſtifiyngis.
xxix Remoue þou fro me þe weie of wickidneſſe; and in lvii Lord, my part; Y ſeide to kepe þi lawe.
þi lawe haue þou merci on me. lviii I biſouȝte þi face in al myn herte; haue þou merci on
xxx I chees þe weie of treuþe; Y forȝat not þi domes. me bi þi ſpeche.
xxxi Lord, Y cleuede to þi witneſſyngis; nyle þou lix I biþouȝte my weies; and Y turnede my feet in to þi
ſchende me. witneſſyngis.
xxxii I ran þe weie of þi comaundementis; whanne þou lx I am redi, and Y am not diſturblid; to kepe þi
alargidiſt myn herte. comaundementis.
xxxiii Lord, ſette þou to me a lawe, þe weie of þi lxi Þe coordis of ſynneris han biclippid me; and Y haue
iuſtifiyngis; and Y ſchal ſeke it euere. not forȝete þi lawe.
xxxiiii Ȝyue þou vndurſtonding to me, and Y ſchal ſeke þi lxii At mydnyȝt Y roos to knouleche to þee; on þe domes
lawe; and Y ſchal kepe it in al myn herte. of þi iuſtifiyngis.
xxxv Lede me forþ in þe paþ of þin heeſtis; for Y wolde lxiii I am parcener of alle þat dreden þee; and kepen þin
it. heeſtis.
xxxvi `Bowe þou myn herte in to þi witneſſingus; and not lxiiii Lord, þe erþe is ful of þi merci; teche þou me þi
in to aueryce. iuſtifiyngis.
xxxvii Turne þou awei myn iȝen, þat `þo ſeen not vanyte; lxv Lord, þou haſt do goodneſſe wiþ þi ſeruaunt; bi þi
quykene þou me in þi weie. word.
xxxviii Ordeyne þi ſpeche to þi ſeruaunt; in þi drede.

lxvi Teche þou me goodneſſe, and loore, and kunnyng; xcii No but þat þi lawe was my þenking; þanne
for Y bileuede to þin heeſtis. perauenture Y hadde periſchid in my lowneſſe.
lxvii Bifor þat Y was maad meke, Y treſpaſſide; þerfor Y xciii Wiþ outen ende Y ſchal not forȝete þi iuſtifiyngis;
kepte þi ſpeche. for in þo þou haſt quikened me.
lxviii Þou art good; and in þi goodneſſe teche þou me þi xciiii I am þin, make þou me ſaaf; for Y haue ſouȝt þi
iuſtifiyngis. iuſtifiyngis.
lxix Þe wickidneſſe of hem þat ben proude, is multiplied xcv Synneris aboden me, for to leeſe me; Y vndurſtood
on me; but in al myn herte Y ſchal ſeke þin heeſtis. þi witneſſingis.
lxx Þe herte of hem is cruddid as mylk; but Y biþouȝte xcvi I ſiȝ þe ende of al ende; þi comaundement is ful
þi lawe. large.
lxxi It is good to me, þat þou haſt maad me meke; þat Y xcvii Lord, hou louede Y þi lawe; al dai it is my þenking.
lerne þi iuſtifiyngis. xcviii Aboue myn enemyes þou madiſt me prudent bi þi
lxxii Þe lawe of þi mouþ is betere to me; þan þouſyndis comaundement; for it is to me wiþ outen ende.
of gold and of ſiluer. xcix I vndurſtood aboue alle men techinge me; for þi
lxxiii Þin hondis maden me, and fourmeden me; ȝyue witneſſingis is my þenking.
þou vndurſtondyng to me, þat Y lerne þin heeſtis. c I vndirſtood aboue eelde men; for Y ſouȝte þi
lxxiiii Þei þat dreden þee ſchulen ſe me, and ſchulen be comaundementis.
glad; for Y hopide more on þi wordis. ci I forbeed my feet fro al euel weie; þat Y kepe þi
lxxv Lord, Y knewe, þat þi domes ben equite; and in þi wordis.
treuþ þou haſt maad me meke. cii I bowide not fro þi domes; for þou haſt ſet lawe to
lxxvi Þi merci be maad, þat it coumforte me; bi þi ſpeche me.
to þi ſeruaunt. ciii Þi ſpechis ben ful ſwete to my cheekis; aboue hony
lxxvii Þi merciful doyngis come to me, and Y ſchal lyue; to my mouþ.
for þi lawe is my þenkyng. ciiii I vnderſtood of þin heeſtis; þerfor Y hatide al þe
lxxviii Þei þat ben proude be ſchent, for vniuſtli þei diden weie of wickidneſſe.
wickidneſſe aȝens me; but Y ſchal be exerciſid in þin cv Þi word is a lanterne to my feet; and lyȝt to my paþis.
heeſtis. cvi I ſwoor, and purpoſide ſtidefaſtli; to kepe þe domes
lxxix Þei þat dreden þee be turned to me; and þei þat
of þi riȝtfulneſſe.
knowen þi witneſſyngis. cvii I am maad low bi alle þingis; Lord, quykene þou me
lxxx Myn herte be maad vnwemmed in þi iuſtifiyngis;
bi þi word.
þat Y be not ſchent. cviii Lord, make þou wel pleſinge þe wilful þingis of my
lxxxi Mi ſoule failide in to þin helþe; and Y hopide more
mouþ; and teche þou me þi domes.
on þi word. cix Mi ſoule is euere in myn hondis; and Y forȝat not þi
lxxxii Myn iȝen failiden in to þi ſpeche; ſeiynge, Whanne
ſchalt þou coumforte me? cx Synneris ſettiden a ſnare to me; and Y erride not fro
lxxxiii For Y am maad as a bowge in froſt; Y haue not
þi comaundementis.
forȝete þi iuſtifiyngis. cxi I purchaſſide þi witneſſyngis bi eritage wiþ outen
lxxxiiii Hou many ben þe daies of þi ſeruaunt; whanne
ende; for þo ben þe ful ioiyng of myn herte.
þou ſchalt make doom of hem þat purſuen me? cxii I bowide myn herte to do þi iuſtifiyngis wiþ outen
lxxxv Wickid men telden to me ianglyngis; but not as þi
ende; for reward.
lawe. cxiii I hatide wickid men; and Y louede þi lawe.
lxxxvi Alle þi comaundementis ben treuþe; wickid men cxiiii Þou art myn helpere, and my `taker vp; and Y
han purſued me, helpe þou me. hopide more on þi word.
lxxxvii Almeeſt þei endiden me in erþe; but I forſook not cxv Ȝe wickide men, bowe awei fro me; and Y ſchal ſeke
þi comaundementis. þe comaundementis of my God.
lxxxviii Bi þi merſi quikene þou me; and Y ſchal kepe þe cxvi Vp take þou me bi þi word, and Y ſchal lyue; and
witneſſingis of þi mouþ. ſchende þou not me fro myn abydyng.
lxxxix Lord, þi word dwelliþ in heuene; wiþ outen ende. cxvii Helpe þou me, and Y ſchal be ſaaf; and Y ſchal
xc Þi treuþe dwelliþ in generacioun, and in to
biþenke euere in þi iuſtifiyngis.
generacioun; þou haſt foundid þe erþe, and it dwelliþ. cxviii Þou haſt forſake alle men goynge awey fro þi
xci Þe dai laſtiþ contynueli bi þi ordynaunce; for alle
domes; for þe þouȝt of hem is vniuſt.
þingis ſeruen to þee.

cxix I arettide alle þe ſynneris of erþe brekeris of þe cxlvi I criede to þee, make þou me ſaaf; þat Y kepe þi
lawe; þerfor Y louede þi witneſſyngis. comaundementis.
cxx Naile þou my fleiſchis wiþ þi drede; for Y dredde of cxlvii I bifor cam in ripeneſſe, and Y criede; Y hopide
þi domes. aboue on þi wordis.
cxxi I dide doom and riȝtwiſneſſe; bitake þou not me to cxlviii Myn iȝen bifor camen to þee ful eerli; þat Y
hem þat falſli chalengen me. ſchulde biþenke þi ſpeches.
cxxii Take vp þi ſeruaunt in to goodneſſe; þei þat ben cxlix Lord, here þou my vois bi þi merci; and quykene
proude chalenge not me. þou me bi þi doom.
cxxiii Myn iȝen failiden in to þin helþe; and in to þe cl Þei þat purſuen me neiȝden to wickidneſſe; forſoþe þei
ſpeche of þi riȝtfulneſſe. ben maad fer fro þi lawe.
cxxiiii Do þou wiþ þi ſeruaunt bi þi merci; and teche þou cli Lord, þou art nyȝ; and alle þi weies ben treuþe.
me þi iuſtifiyngis. clii In þe bigynnyng Y knewe of þi witneſſingis; for þou
cxxv I am þi ſeruaunt, ȝyue þou vndurſtondyng to me; haſt foundid þo wiþ outen ende.
þat Y kunne þi witneſſingis. cliii Se þou my mekeneſſe, and delyuere þou me; for Y
cxxvi Lord, it is tyme to do; þei han diſtried þi lawe. forȝat not þi lawe.
cxxvii Þerfor Y louede þi comaundementis; more þan cliiii Deme þou my dom, and aȝenbie þou me; quikene
gold and topazion. þou me for þi ſpeche.
cxxviii Þerfor Y was dreſſid to alle þin heeſtis; Y hatide al clv Heelþe is fer fro ſynners; for þei ſouȝten not þi
wickid weie. iuſtifiyngis.
cxxix Lord, þi witneſſingis ben wondirful; þerfor my clvi Lord, þi mercies ben manye; quykene þou me bi þi
ſoule ſouȝte þo. dom.
cxxx Declaring of þi wordis liȝtneþ; and ȝyueþ clvii Þei ben manye þat purſuen me, and doen
vnderſtonding to meke men. tribulacioun to me; Y bowide not awei fro þi
cxxxi I openede my mouþ, and drouȝ þe ſpirit; for Y witneſſingis.
deſiride þi comaundementis. clviii I ſiȝ brekers of þe lawe, and Y was meltid; for þei
cxxxii Biholde þou on me, and haue merci on me; bi þe kepten not þi ſpechis.
dom of hem þat louen þi name. clix Lord, ſe þou, for Y louede þi comaundementis;
cxxxiii Dreſſe þou my goyingis bi þi ſpeche; þat al quikene þou me in þi merci.
vnriȝtfulneſſe haue not lordſchip on me. clx Þe bigynnyng of þi wordis is treuþe; alle þe domes
cxxxiiii Ayeyn bie þou me fro þe falſe chalengis of men; of þi riȝtwiſneſſe ben wiþouten ende.
þat Y kepe þin heeſtis. clxi Princes purſueden me wiþ outen cauſe; and my herte
cxxxv Liȝtne þi face on þi ſeruaunt; and teche þou me þi dredde of þi wordis.
iuſtifiyngis. clxii I ſchal be glad on þi ſpechis; as he þat fyndiþ many
cxxxvi Myn iȝen ledden forþ þe outgoynges of watris; for ſpuylis.
þei kepten not þi lawe. clxiii I hatide and wlatide wickidneſſe; forſoþe Y louede
cxxxvii Lord, þou art iuſt; and þi dom is riȝtful. þi lawe.
cxxxviii Þou haſt comaundid riȝtfulneſſe, þi witneſſingis; clxiiii I ſeide heriyngis to þee ſeuene ſiþis in þe dai; on þe

and þi treuþe greetli to be kept. domes of þi riȝtfulneſſe.

cxxxix Mi feruent loue made me to be meltid; for myn clxv Miche pees is to hem þat louen þi lawe; and no

enemys forȝaten þi wordis. ſclaundir is to hem.

cxl Þi ſpeche is greetli enflawmed; and þi ſeruaunt clxvi Lord, Y abood þin heelþe; and Y louede þin heeſtis.

louede it. clxvii Mi ſoule kepte þi witneſſyngis; and louede þo

cxli I am ȝong, and diſpiſid; Y forȝat not þi iuſtifiyngis. greetli.
cxlii Lord, þi riȝtfulneſſe is riȝtfulneſſe wiþ outen ende; clxviii I kepte þi `comaundementis, and þi witneſſingis;

and þi lawe is treuþe. for alle my weies ben in þi ſiȝt.

cxliii Tribulacioun and angwiſche founden me; þin clxix Lord, my biſeching come niȝ in þi ſiȝt; bi þi ſpeche

heeſtis is my þenking. ȝyue þou vndurſtonding to me.

cxliiii Þi witneſſyngis is equite wiþ outen ende; ȝyue þou clxx Myn axing entre in þi ſiȝt; bi þi ſpeche delyuere þou

vndirſtondyng to me, and Y ſchal lyue. me.

cxlv I criede in al myn herte, Lord, here þou me; and Y clxxi Mi lippis ſchulen telle out an ympne; whanne þou

ſchal ſeke þi iuſtifiyngis. haſt tauȝte me þi iuſtifiyngis.

clxxii Mi tunge ſchal pronounce þi ſpeche; for whi alle þi ii Oure feet weren ſtondynge; in þi hallis, þou Jeruſalem.
comaundementis ben equite. iii Jeruſalem, which is bildid as a citee; whos part taking
clxxiii Þin hond be maad, þat it ſaue me; for Y haue choſe þerof is in to þe ſame þing.
þin heeſtis. iiii For þe lynagis, þe lynagis of þe Lord ſtieden þidir, þe
clxxiiii Lord, Y coueitide þin heelþe; and þi lawe is my witneſſing of Iſrael; to knouleche to þe name of þe
þenking. Lord.
clxxv Mi ſoule ſchal lyue, and ſchal herie þee; and þi v For þei ſaten þere on ſeetis in doom; ſeetis on þe hous
domes ſchulen helpe me. of Dauid.
clxxvi I erride as a ſcheep þat periſchide; Lord, ſeke þi vi Preie ȝe þo þingis, þat ben to þe pees of Jeruſalem;
ſeruaunt, for Y forȝat not þi comaundementis. and abundaunce be to hem þat louen þee.
vii Pees be maad in þi vertu; and abundaunce in þi
PSALM CXIX touris.
Þe `title of þe hundrid and nyntenþe ſalm. þe ſong of viii For my briþeren and my neiȝboris; Y ſpak pees of
greces. þee.
i Whanne Y was ix For þe hous of oure Lord God; Y ſouȝte goodis to þee.
ſet in tribulacioun, Y criede to þe Lord;
and he herde me.
ii Lord, delyuere þou my ſoule fro wickid lippis; and fro PSALM CXXII
a gileful tunge. Þe `title of þe hundrid and two and twentiþe ſalm.
iii What ſchal be ȝouun to þee, eþer what ſchal be leid to `Þe ſong of grecis.
þee; to a gileful tunge? i To þee Y haue reiſid myn iȝen; þat dwelliſt in heuenes.
iiii Scharpe arowis of þe myȝti; wiþ colis þat maken ii Lo! as þe iȝen of ſeruauntis; ben in þe hondis of her
deſolat. lordis. As þe iȝen of þe handmaide ben in þe hondis of
v Allas to me! for my dwelling in an alien lond is maad her ladi; ſo oure iȝen ben to oure Lord God, til he haue
long, Y dwellide wiþ men dwellinge in Cedar; my ſoule mercy on vs.
was myche a comelyng. iii Lord, haue þou merci on vs, haue þou merci on vs;
vi I was peſible wiþ hem þat hatiden pees; for we ben myche fillid wiþ diſpiſyng.
vii whanne Y ſpak to hem, þei aȝenſeiden me wiþ outen iiii For oure ſoule is myche fillid; we ben ſchenſchipe to
cauſe. hem þat ben abundaunte wiþ richeſſis, and diſpiſing to
proude men.
Þe `title of þe hundrid and twentiþe ſalm. þe ſong of PSALM CXXIII
greces. Þe `title of þe hundrid and þre and twentiþe `ſalm.
iI reiſide myn iȝen to þe hillis; fro whannus help ſchal þe ſong of grecis `of Dauiþ.
come to me. i Iſrael ſeie now, No but for þe Lord was in vs;
ii Myn help is of þe Lord; þat made heuene and erþe. ii no but for `þe Lord was in vs. Whanne men riſiden vp
iii Þe Lord ȝyue not þi foot in to mouyng; neþer he aȝens vs;
nappe, þat kepiþ þee. iii in hap þei hadden ſwalewid vs quike. Whanne þe
iiii Lo! he ſchal not nappe, neþer ſlepe; þat kepiþ Iſrael. woodneſſe of hem was wrooþ aȝens vs;
v Þe Lord kepiþ þee; þe Lord is þi proteccioun aboue þi iiii in hap watir hadde ſope vs vp. Oure ſoule paſſide

riȝthond. þoruy a ſtronde;

vi Þe ſunne ſchal not brenne þee bi dai; neþer þe moone v in hap oure ſoule hadde paſſide þoruy a watir

bi nyȝt. vnſuffrable.
vii Þe Lord kepe þee fro al yuel; þe Lord kepe þi ſoule. vi Bleſſid be þe Lord; þat `ȝaf not vs in taking to þe teeþ
viii Þe Lord kepe þi goyng in and þi goyng out; fro þis of hem.
vii Oure ſoule, as a ſparowe, is delyuered; fro þe ſnare of
tyme now and in to þe world.
hunters. Þe ſnare is al to-brokun; and we ben delyuered.
PSALM CXXI viii Oure helpe is in þe name of þe Lord; þat made

Þe `title of þe hundrid and oon and twentiþe ſalm. þe heuene and erþe.
ſong of þe grecis of Dauid.
iI am glad in þeſe þingis, þat ben ſeid to me; We
ſchulen go in to þe hous of þe Lord.

Þe `title of þe hundrid and foure and twentiþe ſalm. Þe title of þe hundrid and ſeuene and twentiþe ſalm.
`Þe ſong of greces. þe ſong of greces.
i Þei þat triſten in þe Lord ben as þe hil of Syon; he i Bleſſid ben alle men, þat dreden þe Lord; þat gon in
ſchal not be moued wiþ outen ende, hiſe weies.
ii þat dwelliþ in Jeruſalem. Hillis ben in þe cumpas of it, ii For þou ſchalt ete þe trauels of þin hondis; þou art
and þe Lord is in þe cumpas of his puple; fro þis tyme bleſſid, and it ſchal be wel to þee.
now and in to þe world. iii Þi wijf as a plenteous vyne; in þe ſidis of þin hous. Þi
iii For þe Lord ſchal not leeue þe ȝerde of ſynneris on þe ſones as þe newe ſprenges of olyue trees; in þe cumpas
part of iuſt men; þat iuſt men holde not forþ her hondis of þi bord.
to wickidneſſe. iiii Lo! ſo a man ſchal be bleſſid; þat drediþ þe Lord.
iiii Lord, do þou wel; to good men, and of riȝtful herte. v Þe Lord bleſſe þee fro Syon; and ſe þou þe goodis of
v But þe Lord ſchal lede þem þat bowen in to Jeruſalem in alle þe daies of þi lijf.
obligaciouns, wiþ hem þat worchen wickidneſſe; pees vi And ſe þou þe ſones of þi ſones; ſe þou pees on Iſrael.
be on Iſrael.
PSALM CXXV Þe `title of þe hundrid and eiȝte and twentiþe `ſalm.
Þe `title of þe hundrid and fyue and twentiþe `ſalm. þe ſong of greces.
þe ſong of grecis. i Iſrael ſeie now; Ofte þei fouȝten aȝens me fro my
i Whanne þe Lord turnede þe caitifte of Sion; we weren ȝongþ.
maad as coumfortid. ii Ofte þei fouȝten aȝens me fro my ȝongþe; and ſoþeli
ii Þanne oure mouþ was fillid wiþ ioye; and oure tunge
þei miȝten not to me.
wiþ ful out ioiyng. Þanne þei ſchulen ſeie among iii Synneris forgeden on my bak; þei maden long her
heþene men; Þe Lord magnefiede to do wiþ hem. wickidneſſe.
iii Þe Lord magnefiede to do wiþ vs; we ben maad glad. iiii Þe `iuſt Lord ſchal beete þe nollis of ſynneris;
iiii Lord, turne þou oure caitifte; as a ſtronde in þe ſouþ. v alle þat haten Sion be ſchent, and turned abak.
v Þei þat ſowen in teeris; ſchulen repe in ful out ioiyng. vi Be þei maad as þe hey of hous coppis; þat driede vp,
vi Þei goynge ȝeden, and wepten; ſendynge her ſeedis.
bifore þat it be drawun vp.
But þei comynge ſchulen come wiþ ful out ioiyng; vii Of which hei he þat ſchal repe, ſchal not fille his
berynge her handfullis. hond; and he þat ſchal gadere hondfullis, ſchal not fille
his boſum.
PSALM CXXVI viii And þei þat paſſiden forþ ſeiden not, Þe bleſſing of
Þe `title of þe hundrid and ſixe and twentiþe `ſalm. þe Lord be on ȝou; we bleſſiden ȝou in þe name of þe
þe ſong of greces of Salomon. Lord.
i `No but þe Lord bilde þe hous; þei þat bilden it han
trauelid in veyn. No but þe Lord kepiþ þe citee; he PSALM CXXIX
wakiþ in veyn þat kepiþ it. Þe `title of þe hundrid and nyne and twentiþe `ſalm.
ii It is veyn to ȝou to riſe bifore þe lyȝt; riſe ȝe after þat þe ſong of greces.
ȝe han ſete, þat eten þe breed of ſorewe. Whanne he i Lord, Y criede to þee fro depþes; Lord, here þou mi
ſchal ȝyue ſleep to his loued; lo! vois.
iii þe eritage of þe Lord `is ſones, þe mede is þe fruyt of ii Þin eeris be maad ententif; in to þe vois of my
wombe. biſeching.
iiii As arowis ben in þe hond of þe miȝti; ſo þe ſones of iii Lord, if þou kepiſt wickidneſſis; Lord, who ſchal
hem þat ben ſchakun out. ſuſteyne?
v Bleſſid is þe man, þat haþ fillid his deſier of þo; he iiii For merci is at þee; and, Lord, for þi lawe Y abood
ſchal not be ſchent, whanne he ſchal ſpeke to hiſe þee.
enemyes in þe ȝate. v Mi ſoule ſuſteynede in his word; my ſoule hopide in þe
vi Fro þe morewtid keping til to niȝt;
vii Iſrael hope in þe Lord. For whi merci is at þe Lord;
and plenteous redempcioun is at hym.

viii And he ſchal aȝen bie Iſrael; fro alle þe wickidneſſis xvi I ſchal cloþe wiþ heelþe þe preeſtis þerof; and þe
þerof. hooli men þerof ſchulen make ful out ioye in ful
PSALM CXXX xvii Þidir Y ſchal bringe forþ þe horn of Dauid; Y made

Þe title of þe hundrid and þrittiþe ſalm. þe ſong of redi a lanterne to my criſt.

greces, `to Dauiþ himſelf. xviii I ſchal cloþe hiſe enemyes wiþ ſchame; but myn

i Lord, myn herte is not enhaunſid; neþer myn iȝen ben halewing ſchal floure out on hym.
reiſid. Neþer Y ȝede in þe grete þingis; neþer in
merueilis aboue me. PSALM CXXXII
ii If Y feelide not mekely; but enhaunſide my ſoule. As a Þe `title of þe hundrid and two and þrittiþe ſalm. þe
childe wenyde on his modir; ſo ȝelding be in my ſoule. ſong of grecis.
iii Iſrael hope in þe Lord; fro þis tyme now and in to þe i Lo! hou good and hou myrie it is; þat briþeren dwelle
world. togidere.
ii As oynement in þe heed; þat goiþ doun in to þe beerd,
PSALM CXXXI in to þe beerd of Aaron. Þat goiþ doun in to þe coler of
Þe title of þe hundrid and oon and þrittiþe ſalm. þe his cloþ;
ſong of greces. iii as þe dew of Ermon, þat goiþ doun in to þe hil of

i Lord, haue þou mynde on Dauid; and of al his Sion. For þere þe Lord ſente bleſſing; and lijf til in to þe
myldeneſſe. world.
ii As he ſwoor to þe Lord; he made a vowe to God of
iii I ſchal not entre in to þe tabernacle of myn hous; Y Þe `title of þe hundrid and þre and þrittiþe ſalm. þe
ſchal not ſtie in to þe bed of mi reſtyng. ſong of greces.
iiii I ſchal not ȝyue ſleep to myn iȝen; and napping to i Lo! now bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; alle þe ſeruauntis of þe
myn iȝe liddis. Lord. Ȝe þat ſtonden in þe hous of þe Lord; in þe hallis
v And reſt to my templis, til Y fynde a place to þe Lord; of `þe hous of oure God.
ii In nyȝtis reiſe ȝoure hondis in to hooli þingis; and
a tabernacle to God of Jacob.
vi Lo! we herden þat arke of teſtament in Effrata, `þat is, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord.
iii Þe Lord bleſſe þee fro Syon; which Lord made
in Silo; we founden it in þe feeldis of þe wode.
vii We ſchulen entre in to þe tabernacle of hym; we heuene and erþe.
ſchulen worſchipe in þe place, where hiſe feet ſtoden.
viii Lord, riſe þou in to þi reſte; þou and þe ark of þin PSALM CXXXIIII
halewing. Þe title of þe hundrid and foure and þrittiþe ſalm.
ix Þi preſtis be cloþid wiþ riȝtfulneſſe; and þi ſeyntis Alleluya.
make ful out ioye. i Herie ȝe þe name of þe Lord; ȝe ſeruauntis of þe Lord,
x For Dauid, þi ſeruaunt; turne þou not awei þe face of herie ȝe.
þi criſt. ii Ȝe þat ſtonden in þe hous of þe Lord; in þe hallis of
xi Þe Lord ſwoor treuþe to Dauid, and he ſchal not make `þe hous of oure God.
hym veyn; of þe fruyt of þi wombe Y ſchal ſette on þi iii Herie ȝe þe Lord, for þe Lord is good; ſinge ȝe to his
ſeete. name, for it is ſwete.
xii If þi ſones ſchulen kepe my teſtament; and my iiii For þe Lord chees Jacob to him ſilf; Iſrael in to
witneſſingis, þeſe whiche Y ſchal teche hem. And þe poſſeſſioun to him ſilf.
ſones of hem til in to þe world; þei ſchulen ſette on þi v For Y haue knowe, þat þe Lord is greet; and oure God
ſeete. bifore alle goddis.
xiii For þe Lord chees Sion; he chees it in to dwelling to vi Þe Lord made alle þingis, what euere þingis he
hym ſilf. wolde, in heuene and in erþe; in þe ſee, and in alle
xiiii Þis is my reſte in to þe world of world; Y ſchal
depþis of watris.
dwelle here, for Y chees it. vii He ledde out cloudis fro þe ferþeſt part of erþe; and
xv I bleſſynge ſchal bleſſe þe widewe of it; Y ſchal fille
made leitis in to reyn. Which bringiþ forþ wyndis fro
wiþ looues þe pore men of it. hiſe treſours;
viii which killide þe firſte gendrid þingis of Egipt, fro
man `til to beeſte.

ix He ſente out ſignes and grete wondris, in þe myddil of xxi And he ȝaf þe lond of hem eritage.
þee, þou Egipt; in to Farao and in to alle hiſe ſeruauntis. xxii Eritage to Iſrael, his ſeruaunt.
x Which ſmoot many folkis; and killide ſtronge kingis. xxiii For in oure lowneſſe he hadde mynde on vs.
xi Seon, þe king of Ammorreis, and Og, þe king of xxiiii And he aȝenbouȝte vs fro oure enemyes.
Baſan; and alle þe rewmes of Chanaan. xxv Which ȝyueþ mete to ech fleiſch. Knouleche ȝe to
xii And he ȝaf þe lond of hem eritage; eritage to Iſrael,
God of heuene.
his puple. xxvi Knouleche ȝe to þe Lord of lordis; for his merci is
xiii Lord, þi name is wiþ outen ende; Lord, þi memorial
wiþ outen ende.
be in generacioun and in to generacioun.
xiiii For þe Lord ſchal deme his puple; and he ſchal be PSALM CXXXVI
preied in hiſe ſeruauntis. Þe hundrid and ſixe and þrittiþe ſalm.
xv Þe ſymulacris of heþene men ben ſiluer and gold; þe
i On þe floodis of Babiloyne þere we ſaten, and wepten;
werkis of þe hondis of men.
xvi Þo han a mouþ, and ſchulen not ſpeke; þo han iȝen, while we biþouȝten on Syon.
ii In ſalewis in þe myddil þerof; we hangiden vp oure
and ſchulen not ſe.
xvii Þo han eeris, and ſchulen not here; for `neþer ſpirit orguns.
iii For þei þat ledden vs priſoners; axiden vs þere þe
is in þe mouþ of þo.
xviii Þei þat maken þo, be maad lijk þo; and alle þat wordis of ſongis. And þei þat ledden awei vs ſeiden;
Synge ȝe to vs an ympne of þe ſongis of Syon.
triſten in þo. iiii Hou ſchulen we ſinge a ſonge of þe Lord; in an alien
xix Þe hous of Iſrael, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; þe hous of
Aaron, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord. v If Y forȝete þee, Jeruſalem; my riȝt hond be ȝouun to
xx Þe hous of Leuy, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; ȝe þat dreden þe
Lord, `bleſſe ȝe þe Lord. vi Mi tunge cleue to my chekis; if Y biþenke not on þee.
xxi Bleſſid be þe Lord of Syon; þat dwelliþ in Jeruſalem.
If Y purpoſide not of þee, Jeruſalem; in þe bigynnyng of
my gladneſſe.
PSALM CXXXV vii Lord, haue þou mynde on þe ſones of Edom; for þe
Þe title of þe hundrid and fyue and þrittiþe ſalm. dai of Jeruſalem. Whiche ſeien, Anyntiſche ȝe,
Alleluya. anyntiſche ȝe; `til to þe foundement þer ynne.
i Knouleche ȝe to þe Lord, for he is good, for his merci viii Þou wretchid douȝter of Babiloyne; he is bleſſid, þat
is wiþouten ende. `ſchal ȝelde to þee þi ȝelding, which þou ȝeldidiſt to vs.
ii Knouleche ȝe to þe God of goddis. ix He is bleſſid, þat ſchal holde; and hurtle doun hiſe litle
iii Knouleche ȝe to þe Lord of lordis. children at a ſtoon.
iiii Which aloone makiþ grete merueils.
v Which made heuenes bi vndurſtondyng. PSALM CXXXVII
vi Which made ſtidefaſt erþe on watris. Þe `title of þe hundrid and ſeuene and þrittiþe ſalm.
vii Which made grete liȝtis. `To Dauiþ him ſilf.
viii Þe ſunne in to þe power of þe dai. i Lord, Y ſchal knouleche to þee in al myn herte; for þou
ix Þe moone and ſterris in to þe power of þe niȝt. herdiſt þe wordis of my mouþ. Mi God, Y ſchal ſinge to
x Which ſmoot Egipt wiþ þe firſte gendrid þingis of þee in þe ſiȝt of aungels;
ii Y ſchal worſchipe to þin hooli temple, and Y ſchal
xi Which ledde out Iſrael fro þe myddil of hem. knouleche to þi name. On þi merci and þi treuþe; for
xii In a miȝti hond and in an hiȝ arm. þou haſt magnefied þin hooli name aboue al þing.
iii In what euere dai Y ſchal inwardli clepe þee, here þou
xiii Whiche departide þe reed ſee in to departyngis.
xiiii And ledde out Iſrael þoruy þe myddil þerof.
me; þou ſchalt multipli vertu in my ſoule.
iiii Lord, alle þe kingis of erþe knouleche to þee; for þei
xv And he `caſte a down Farao and his pouer in þe reed
herden alle þe wordis of þi mouþ.
ſee. v And ſinge þei in þe weies of þe Lord; for þe glorie of
xvi Which ledde ouer his puple þoruy deſert.
þe Lord is greet.
xvii Which ſmoot grete kingis.
vi For þe Lord is hiȝ, and biholdiþ meke þingis; and
xviii And killide ſtrong kingis.
knowiþ afer hiȝ þingis.
xix Seon, þe king of Amorreis.
xx And Og, þe king of Baaſan.

vii If Y ſchalgo in þe myddil of tribulacioun, þou ſchalt xxi Lord, wheþer Y hatide not hem þat hatiden þee; and
quikene me; and þou ſtretchidiſt forþ þin hond on þe ire Y failide on þin enemyes?
of myn enemyes, and þi riȝt hond made me ſaaf. xxii Bi perfite haterede Y hatide hem; þei weren maad
viii Þe Lord ſchal ȝelde for me, Lord, þi merci is wiþ enemyes to me.
outen ende; diſpiſe þou not þe werkis of þin hondis. xxiii God, preue þou me, and knowe þou myn herte; axe
þou me, and knowe þou my paþis.
PSALM CXXXVIII xxiiii And ſe þou, if weie of wickidneſſe is in me; and
Þe `title of þe hundrid and eiȝte and þrittiþe ſalm. lede þou me forþ in euerlaſtinge wei.
`To victorie, þe ſalm of Dauiþ.
i Lord, þou haſt preued me, and haſt knowe me; PSALM CXXXIX
ii þou haſt knowe my ſitting, and my riſing aȝen. Þou Þe `title of þe hundrid and nyne and þrittiþe `ſalm.
haſt vndirſtonde my þouȝtis fro fer; To victorie, þe ſalm of Dauiþ.
iii þou haſt enquerid my paþ and my corde. And þou haſt i Lord, delyuere þou me fro an yuel man; delyuere þou
bifor ſeien alle my weies; me fro a wickid man.
iiii for no word is in my tunge. Lo! Lord, þou haſt ii Whiche þouȝten wickidneſſes in þe herte; al dai þei
knowe alle þingis, ordeyneden batels.
v þe laſte þingis and elde; þou haſt formed me, and haſt iii Þei ſcharpiden her tungis as ſerpentis; þe venym of
ſet þin hond on me. ſnakis vndir þe lippis of hem.
vi Þi kunnyng is maad wondirful of me; it is coumfortid, iiii Lord, kepe þou me fro þe hond of þe ſynnere; and
and Y ſchal not mowe to it. delyuere þou me fro wickid men. Which þouȝten to
vii Whidir ſchal Y go fro þi ſpirit; and whider ſchal Y fle diſſeyue my goyngis;
fro þi face? v proude men hidden a ſnare to me. And þei leiden forþ
viii If Y ſchal ſtie in to heuene, þou art þere; if Y ſchal go cordis in to a ſnare; þei ſettiden ſclaundir to me biſidis
doun to helle, þou art preſent. þe weie.
ix If Y ſchal take my feþeris ful eerli; and ſchal dwelle in vi I ſeide to þe Lord, Þou art mi God; Lord, here þou þe

þe laſt partis of þe ſee. vois of my biſeching.

x And ſoþeli þider þin hond ſchal leede me forþ; and þi vii Lord, Lord, þe vertu of myn heelþe; þou madiſt

riȝt hond ſchal holde me. ſchadowe on myn heed in þe dai of batel.
xi And Y ſeide, In hap derkneſſis ſchulen defoule me; viii Lord, bitake þou not me fro my deſire to þe ſynnere;

and þe nyȝt is my liȝtnyng in my delicis. þei þouȝten aȝens me, forſake þou not me, leſt
xii For whi derkneſſis ſchulen not be maad derk fro þee, perauenture þei ben enhaunſid.
ix Þe heed of þe cumpas of hem; þe trauel of her lippis
aud þe niȝt ſchal be liȝtned as þe dai; as þe derkneſſis
þerof, ſo and þe lyȝt þerof. ſchal hile hem.
xiii For þou haddiſt in poſſeſſioun my reines; þou tokiſt x Colis ſchulen falle on hem, þou ſchalt caſte hem doun

me vp fro þe wombe of my modir. in to fier; in wretchidneſſis þei ſchulen not ſtonde.

xiiii I ſchal knouleche to þee, for þou art magnefied xi A man a greet ianglere ſchal not be dreſſid in erþe;

dreedfuli; þi werkis ben wondirful, and my ſoule ſchal yuels ſchulen take an vniuſt man in periſching.
knouleche ful miche. xii I haue knowe, þat þe Lord ſchal make dom of a nedi
xv Mi boon, which þou madiſt in priuete, is not hyd fro man; and þe veniaunce of pore men.
þee; and my ſubſtaunce in þe lower partis of erþe. xiii Neþeles iuſt men ſchulen knouleche to þi name; and
xvi Þin iȝen ſien myn vnperfit þing, and alle men ſchulen riȝtful men ſchulen dwelle wiþ þi cheer.
be writun in þi book; daies ſchulen be formed, and no
man is in þo. PSALM CXL
xvii Forſoþe, God, þi frendis ben maad onourable ful Þe `title of þe hundrid and fourtiþe ſalm. `Þe ſalm
myche to me; þe princeheed of hem is coumfortid ful `of Dauiþ.
myche. i Lord, Y criede to þee, here þou me; ȝyue þou tent to
xviii I ſchal noumbre hem, and þei ſchulen be multiplied
my vois, whanne Y ſchal crye to þee.
aboue grauel; Y roos vp, and ȝit Y am wiþ þee. ii Mi preier be dreſſid as encenſe in þi ſiȝt; þe reiſyng of
xix For þou, God, ſchalt ſlee ſynneris; ȝe menquelleris,
myn hondis be as þe euentid ſacrifice.
bowe awei fro me. iii Lord, ſette þou a keping to my mouþ; and a dore of
xx For ȝe ſeien in þouȝt; Take þei her citees in vanite.
ſtonding aboute to my lippis.

iiii Bowe þou not myn herte in to wordis of malice; to iiii andmy ſpirit was angwiſchid on me; myn herte was
excuſe excuſingis in ſynne. Wiþ men worchinge diſturblid in me.
wickidneſſe; and Y ſchal not comyne wiþ þe choſun v I was myndeful of elde daies, Y biþouȝte in alle þi
men of hem. werkis; Y biþouȝte in þe dedis of þin hondis.
v A iuſt man ſchal repreue me in merſi, and ſchal blame vi I helde forþ myn hondis to þee; my ſoule as erþe wiþ
me; but þe oile of a ſynner make not fat myn heed. For out water to þee.
whi and ȝit my preier is in þe wel pleſaunt þingis of vii Lord, here þou me ſwiftli; my ſpirit failide. Turne
hem; þou not a wei þi face fro me; and Y ſchal be lijk to hem
vi for þe domeſmen of hem ioyned to þe ſtoon weren
þat gon doun in to þe lake.
ſopun vp. Here þei my wordis, for þo weren myȝti. viii Make þou erli þi merci herd to me; for Y hopide in
vii As fatneſſe is brokun out on þe erþe; oure bonys ben
þee. Make þou knowun to me þe weie in which Y ſchal
ſcatered niȝ helle. go; for Y reiſide my ſoule to þee.
viii Lord, Lord, for myn iȝen ben to þee, Y hopide in ix Delyuere þou me fro myn enemyes, Lord, Y fledde to
þee; take þou not awei my ſoule. þee;
ix Kepe þou me fro þe ſnare which þei ordeyneden to x teche þou me to do þi wille, for þou art my God. Þi
me; and fro þe ſclaundris of hem þat worchen good ſpirit ſchal lede me forþ in to a riȝtful lond;
wickidneſſe. xi Lord, for þi name þou ſchalt quikene me in þin equite.
x Synneris ſchulen falle in þe nett þerof; Y am aloone til
Þou ſchalt lede my ſoule out of tribulacioun;
Y paſſe. xii and in þi merci þou ſchalt ſcatere alle myn enemyes.
And þou ſchalt leeſe alle þem, þat troublen my ſoule;
PSALM CXLI for Y am þi ſeruaunt.
Þe `title of þe hundrid and oon and fourtiþe ſalm. þe
lernyng of Dauid; `his preier, `whanne he was in þe PSALM CXLIII
denne. Þe title of þe hundrid and þre and fourtiþe ſalm. `A
i Wiþ my vois Y criede to þe Lord; wiþ my vois Y ſalm.
preiede hertli to þe Lord. i Bleſſid be my Lord God, þat techiþ myn hondis to
ii I ſchede out my preier in his ſiȝt; and Y pronounce my
werre; and my fyngris to batel.
tribulacioun bifor him. ii Mi merci, and my refuyt; my takere vp, and my
iii While my ſpirit failiþ of me; and þou haſt knowe my
delyuerer. Mi defender, and Y hopide in him; and þou
paþis. In þis weie in which Y ȝede; proude men hidden makiſt ſuget my puple vnder me.
a ſnare to me. iii Lord, what is a man, for þou haſt maad knowun to
iiii I bihelde to þe riȝt ſide, and Y ſiȝ; and noon was þat
him; eþer þe ſone of man, for þou arettiſt him of ſum
knew me. Fliȝt periſchide fro me; and noon is þat ſekiþ valu?
my ſoule. iiii A man is maad lijk vanyte; hiſe daies paſſen as
v Lord, Y criede to þee, Y ſeide, Þou art myn hope; my
part in þe lond of lyueris. v Lord, bowe doun þin heuenes, and come þou doun;
vi Ȝyue þou tent to my biſeching; for Y am maad low ful
touche þou hillis, and þei ſchulen make ſmoke.
greetli. Delyuere þou me fro hem þat purſuen me; for vi Leite þou ſchynyng, and þou ſchalt ſcatere hem; ſende
þei ben coumfortid on me. þou out þin arowis, and þou ſchalt diſturble hem.
vii Lede my ſoule out of keping to knouleche to þi vii Sende out þin hond fro an hiȝ, rauyſche þou me out,
name; iuſt men abiden me, til þou ȝelde to me. and delyuere þou me fro many watris; and fro þe hond
of alien ſones.
PSALM CXLII viii Þe mouþ of which ſpak vanite; and þe riȝthond of
Þe `title of þe hundrid and two and fourtiþe ſalm. þe hem is þe riȝt hond of wickidneſſe.
ſalm of Dauid. ix God, Y ſchal ſynge to þee a new ſong; I ſchal ſeie ſalm
i Lord, here þou my preier, wiþ eeris perſeyue þou my to þee in a ſautre of ten ſtringis.
biſeching; in þi treuþe here þou me, in þi riȝtwiſneſſe. x Which ȝyueſt heelþe to kingis; which aȝen bouȝtiſt
ii And entre þou not in to dom wiþ þi ſeruaunt; for ech Dauid, þi ſeruaunt, fro þe wickid ſwerd rauiſche þou out
man lyuynge ſchal not be maad iuſt in þi ſiȝt. me.
iii For þe enemy purſuede my ſoule; he made lowe my xi And delyuere þou me fro `þe hond of alien ſones; þe

lijf in erþe. He haþ ſet me in derk placis, as þe deed mouþ of whiche ſpak vanyte, and þe riȝthond of hem is
men of þe world, þe riȝt hond of wickidneſſe.

xii Whoſe ſones ben; as new plauntingis in her ȝongþe. xviii ÞeLord is niȝ to alle þat inwardli clepen him; to
Þe douȝtris of hem ben arayed; ourned about as þe alle þat inwardli clepen him in treuþe.
licneſſe of þe temple. xix He ſchal do þe wille of hem, þat dreden him, and he
xiii Þe ſelers of hem ben fulle; bringinge out fro þis ſchal here þe biſeching of hem; and he ſchal make hem
veſſel in to þat. Þe ſcheep of hem ben wiþ lambre, ſaaf.
plenteuouſe in her goingis out; xx Þe Lord kepiþ alle men louynge him; and he ſchal
xiiii her kien ben fatte. `No falling of wal is, neþer leeſe alle ſynners.
paſſing ouere; neþer cry is in þe ſtretis of hem. xxi Mi mouþ ſchal ſpeke þe heriyng of þe Lord; and ech
xv Þei ſeiden, `Þe puple is bleſſid, þat haþ þeſe þingis; man bleſſe his hooli name in to þe world, and in to þe
bleſſid is þe puple, whos Lord is þe God of it. world of world.


Þe title of þe hundrid and foure and fourtiþe ſalm. Þe `title of þe hundred and fyue and fourtiþe `ſalm.
`Þe ympne of Dauiþ. Alleluya.
i Mi God king, Y ſchal enhaunſe þee; and Y ſchal bleſſe i Mi ſoule, herie þou þe Lord;
þi name in to þe world, and in to þe world of world. ii Y ſchal herie þe Lord in my lijf, Y ſchal ſynge to my
ii Bi alle daies Y ſchal bleſſe þee; and Y ſchal herie þi God as longe as Y ſchal be.
name in to þe world, and in to þe world of þe world. iii Nile ȝe triſte in princis; neþer in þe ſones of men, in
iii Þe Lord is greet, and worþi to be preiſid ful myche; whiche is noon helþe.
and noon ende is of his greetneſſe. iiii Þe ſpirit of hym ſchal go out, and he ſchal turne aȝen
iiii Generacioun and generacioun ſchal preiſe þi werkis; in to his erþe; in þat dai alle þe þouȝtis of hem ſchulen
and þei ſchulen pronounſe þi power. periſche.
v Þei ſchulen ſpeke `þe greet doyng of þe glorie of þin v He is bleſſid, of whom þe God of Jacob is his helpere,
holyneſſe; and þei ſchulen telle þi merueils. his hope is in his Lord God,
vi And þei ſchulen ſeye þe vertu of þi ferdful þingis; and vi þat made heuene and erþe; þe ſee, and alle þingis þat
þei ſchulen telle þi greetneſſe. ben in þo. Which kepiþ treuþe in to þe world,
vii Þei ſchulen bringe forþ þe mynde of þe abundaunce vii makiþ dom to hem þat ſuffren wrong; ȝyueþ mete to
of þi ſwetneſſe; and þei ſchulen telle wiþ ful out ioiyng hem þat ben hungri. Þe Lord vnbyndiþ feterid men;
þi riȝtfulneſſe. viii þe Lord liȝtneþ blynde men. Þe Lord reiſiþ men
viii Þe Lord is a merciful doere, and merciful in wille; hurtlid doun; þe Lord loueþ iuſt men.
paciente, and myche merciful. ix Þe Lord kepiþ comelyngis, he ſchal take vp a
ix Þe Lord is ſwete in alle þingis; and hiſe merciful modirles child, and widewe; and he ſchal diſtrie þe
doyngis ben on alle hiſe werkis. weies of ſynners.
x Lord, alle þi werkis knouleche to þee; and þi ſeyntis x Þe Lord ſchal regne in to þe worldis; Syon, þi God
bleſſe þee. ſchal regne in generacioun and in to generacioun.
xi Þei ſchulen ſeie þe glorie of þi rewme; and þei ſchulen
ſpeke þi power. PSALM CXLVI
xii Þat þei make þi power knowun to þe ſones of men; Þe `title of þe hundrid and ſixe and fourtiþe ſalm.
and þe glorie of þe greetneſſe of þi rewme. Alleluya.
xiii Þi rewme is þe rewme of alle worldis; and þi i Herie ȝe þe Lord, for þe ſalm is good; heriyng be
lordſchipe is in al generacioun and in to generacioun. Þe myrie, and fair to oure God.
Lord is feiþful in alle hiſe wordis; and hooli in alle hiſe ii Þe Lord ſchal bilde Jeruſalem; and ſchal gadere
werkis. togidere þe ſcateryngis of Iſrael.
xiiii Þe Lord liftiþ vp alle þat fallen doun; and reiſiþ alle
iii Which Lord makiþ hool men contrit in herte; and
men hurtlid doun. byndiþ togidere þe ſorewes of hem.
xv Lord, þe iȝen of alle beeſtis hopen in þee; and þou
iiii Which noumbriþ þe multitude of ſterris; and clepiþ
ȝyueſt þe mete of hem in couenable tyme. names to alle þo.
xvi Þou openeſt þin hond; and þou filliſt ech beeſte wiþ
v Oure Lord is greet, and his vertu is greet; and of his
bleſſing. wiſdom is no noumbre.
xvii Þe Lord is iuſt in alle hiſe weies; and hooli in alle
vi Þe Lord takiþ vp mylde men; forſoþe he makiþ low
hiſe werkis. ſynneris `til to þe erþe.

vii Bifore ſynge ȝe to þe Lord in knoulechyng; ſeye ȝe viii Fier,hail, ſnow, iys, ſpiritis of tempeſtis; þat don his
ſalm to oure God in an harpe. word.
viii Which hiliþ heuene wiþ cloudis; and makiþ redi ix Mounteyns, and alle litle hillis; trees berynge fruyt,
reyn to þe erþe. Which bryngiþ forþ hei in hillis; and and alle cedris.
eerbe to þe ſeruice of men. x Wielde beeſtis, and alle tame beeſtis; ſerpentis, and
ix Which ȝyueþ mete to her werk beeſtis; and to þe feþerid briddis.
briddys of crowis clepinge hym. xi Þe kingis of erþe, and alle puplis; þe princis, and alle
x He ſchal not haue wille in þe ſtrengþe of an hors; iugis of erþe.
neþer it ſchal be wel pleſaunt to hym in þe leggis of a xii Ȝonge men, and virgyns, elde men wiþ ȝongere,
man. xiii herie ȝe þe name of þe Lord; for þe name of hym
aloone is enhaunſid. His knouleching be on heuene and
þe hundrid and ſeuene and fourtiþe ſalm. xiiii and he haþ enhaunſid þe horn of his puple. An
i It is wel pleſaunt to þe Lord on men þat dreden hym; ympne be to alle hiſe ſeyntis; to þe children of Iſrael, to
and in hem þat hopen on his mercy. a puple neiȝynge to hym.
ii Jeruſalem, herie þou þe Lord; Syon, herie þou þi God.
iii For he haþ coumfortid þe lockis of þi ȝatis; he haþ PSALM CXLIX
bleſſid þi ſones in þee. Þe `title of þe hundrid and nyne and fourtiþe ſalm.
iiii Which haþ ſet þi cooſtis pees; and filliþ þee wiþ þe Alleluya.
fatneſſe of wheete. i Synge ȝe to þe Lord a newe ſong; hiſe heriyng be in þe
v Which ſendiþ out his ſpeche to þe erþe; his word chirche of ſeyntis.
renneþ ſwiftli. ii Iſrael be glad in hym þat made hym; and þe douȝtris
vi Which ȝyueþ ſnow as wolle; ſprediþ abrood a cloude of Syon make ful out ioye in her king.
as aiſche. iii Herie þei his name in a queer; ſeie þei ſalm to hym in
vii He ſendiþ his criſtal as muſſels; who ſchal ſuffre a tympan, and ſautre.
bifore þe face of his cooldneſſe? iiii For þe Lord is wel pleſid in his puple; and he haþ
viii He ſchal ſende out his word, and ſchal melte þo; his reiſid mylde men in to heelþe.
ſpirit ſchal blowe, and watris ſchulen flowe. v Seyntis ſchulen make ful out ioye in glorie; þei
ix Which telliþ his word to Jacob; and hiſe riȝtfulneſſis ſchulen be glad in her beddis.
and domes to Iſrael. vi Þe ful out ioiyngis of God in þe þrote of hem; and
x He dide not ſo to ech nacioun; and he ſchewide not ſwerdis ſcharp on `ech ſide in þe hondis of hem.
hiſe domes to hem. vii To do veniaunce in naciouns; blamyngis in puplis.
viii To bynde þe kyngis of hem in ſtockis; and þe noble
PSALM CXLVIII men of hem in yrun manaclis.
Þe `title of þe hundrid and eiȝte and fourtiþe ſalm. ix Þat þei make in hem doom writun; þis is glorye to
Alleluya. alle hiſe ſeyntis.
i Ȝe of heuenes, herie þe Lord; herie ȝe hym in hiȝe
þingis. PSALM CL
ii Alle hiſe aungels, herie ȝe hym; alle hiſe vertues, Þe title of þe hundrid and fiftiþe ſalm. Alleluya.
herye ȝe hym. i Herie ȝe þe Lord in hiſe ſeyntis; herie ȝe hym in þe
iii Sunne and moone, herie ȝe hym; alle ſterris and lyȝt, firmament of his vertu.
herie ȝe hym. ii Herie ȝe hym in hiſe vertues; herie ȝe hym bi þe
iiii Heuenes of heuenes, herie ȝe hym; and þe watris þat multitude of his greetneſſe.
ben aboue heuenes, iii Herie ȝe hym in þe ſoun of trumpe; herie ȝe hym in a
v herie ȝe þe name of þe Lord. For he ſeide, and þingis ſautre and harpe.
weren maad; he comaundide, and þingis weren maad of iiii Herie ȝe hym in a tympane and queer; herie ȝe hym
nouȝt. in ſtrengis and orgun.
vi He ordeynede þo þingis in to þe world, and in to þe v Herie ȝe hym in cymbalis ſownynge wel, herye ȝe
world of world; he ſettide a comaundement, and it ſchal hym in cymbalis of iubilacioun;
not paſſe. vi ech ſpirit, herye þe Lord.
vii Ȝe of erþe, herie ȝe þe Lord; dragouns, and alle
depþis of watris.

Here endiþ þe Sautere; and here bigynneþ þe
Prouerbis of Salomon.

harmful to hem ſilf, and vnprudent men ſchulen hate
PROUERBIS kunnyng?
Here bigynnen þe Prouerbis of Salomon. xxiii Be ȝe conuertid at my repreuyng; lo, Y ſchal profre
forþ to ȝou my ſpirit, and Y ſchal ſchewe my wordis.
CAP. I xxiiii For Y clepide, and ȝe forſoken; Y helde forþ myn
i Þe parablis of Salomon, þe ſone of Dauid, king of hond, and noon was þat bihelde.
Iſrael; xxv Ȝe diſpiſiden al my councel; and chargiden not my
ii to kunne wiſdom and kunnyng; blamyngis.
iii to vndurſtonde þe wordis of prudence; and to take þe xxvi And Y ſchal leiȝe in ȝoure periſching; and Y ſchal
lernyng of teching; to take riȝtfulneſſe, and dom, and ſcorne ȝou, whanne þat, þat ȝe dreden, comeþ to ȝou.
equyte; xxvii Whanne ſodeyne wretchidneſſe falliþ in, and
iiii þat felneſſe be ȝouun to litle children, and kunnyng, periſching bifalliþ as tempeſt; whanne tribulacioun and
and vndurſtonding to a ȝong wexynge man. angwiſch comeþ on ȝou.
v A wiſe man heringe ſchal be wiſere; and a man xxviii Þanne þei ſchulen clepe me, and Y ſchal not here;
vndurſtondinge ſchal holde gouernails. þei ſchulen riſe eerli, and þei ſchulen not fynde me.
vi He ſchal perſeyue a parable, and expownyng; þe xxix For þei hatiden teching, and þei token not þe drede
wordis of wiſe men, and þe derk figuratif ſpechis of of þe Lord,
hem. xxx neþer aſſentiden to my councel, and depraueden al
vii Þe drede of þe Lord is þe bigynning of wiſdom; myn amendyng.
foolis diſpiſen wiſdom and teching. xxxi Þerfor þei ſchulen ete þe fruytis of her weie; and þei
viii My ſone, here þou þe teching of þi fadir, and forſake ſchulen be fillid wiþ her counſeils.
þou not þe lawe of þi modir; xxxii Þe turnyng awei of litle men in wit ſchal ſle hem;
ix þat grace be addid, eþir encreeſſid, to þin heed, and a and þe proſperite of foolis ſchal leeſe hem.
bie to þi necke. xxxiii But he þat heriþ me, ſchal reſte wiþ outen drede;
x Mi ſone, if ſynneris flateren þee, aſſente þou not to and he ſchal vſe abundaunce, whanne þe drede of yuels
hem. is takun awei.
xi If þei ſeien, Come þou wiþ vs, ſette we aſpies to
blood, hide we ſnaris of diſſeitis aȝens an innocent CAP. II
wiþout cauſe; i Mi ſone, if þou reſſeyueſt my wordis, `and hidiſt myn
xii ſwolowe we him, as helle ſwolowiþ a man lyuynge; heeſtis anentis þee;
and al hool, as goynge doun in to a lake; we ſchulen ii þat þin eere here wiſdom, bowe þin herte to knowe
fynde al preciouſe catel, prudence.
xiii we ſchulen fille oure houſis wiþ ſpuylis; ſende þou iii For if þou inwardli clepiſt wiſdom, and bowiſt þin
lot wiþ vs, herte to prudence;
xiiii o purs be of vs alle; iiii if þou ſekiſt it as money, and diggiſt it out as treſours;
xv my ſone, go þou not wiþ hem; forbede þi foot fro þe v þanne þou ſchalt vndirſtonde þe drede of þe Lord, and
paþis of hem. ſchalt fynde þe kunnyng of God.
xvi For þe feet of hem rennen to yuel; and þei haſten to vi For þe Lord ȝyueþ wiſdom; and prudence and
ſchede out blood. kunnyng is of his mouþ.
xvii But a net is leid in veyn bifore þe iȝen of briddis, þat vii He ſchal kepe þe heelþe of riȝtful men, and he ſchal
han wengis. defende hem þat goen ſympli.
xviii Alſo `þilke wickid diſſeyueris ſetten aſpies aȝens her viii And he ſchal kepe þe paþis of riȝtfulneſſe, and he
owne blood; and maken redi fraudis aȝens her ſoulis. ſchal kepe þe weies of hooli men.
xix So þe paþis of ech auerouſe man rauyſchen þe ſoulis ix Þanne þou ſchalt vndirſtonde riȝtfulneſſe, and dom,
of hem þat welden. and equytee, and ech good paþ.
xx Wiſdom prechiþ wiþ outforþ; in ſtretis it ȝyueþ his x If wyſdom entriþ in to þin herte, and kunnyng pleſiþ þi
vois. ſoule,
xxi It crieþ ofte in þe heed of cumpenyes; in þe leeues of xi good councel ſchal kepe þee, and prudence ſchal kepe
ȝatis of þe citee it bringiþ forþ hiſe wordis, þee; þat þou be delyuered fro an yuel weie,
xxii and ſeiþ, Hou long, ȝe litle men in wit, louen ȝong xii and fro a man þat ſpekiþ weiward þingis.
childhod, and foolis ſchulen coueyte þo þingis, þat ben xiii Whiche forſaken a riȝtful weie, and goen bi derk

xiiii whiche ben glad, whanne þei han do yuel, and xvii Þe weies þerof ben feire weies, and alle þe paþis
maken ful out ioye in worſte þingis; þerof ben peſible.
xv whoſe weies ben weywerd, and her goyingis ben of xviii It is a tre of lijf to hem þat taken it; and he þat
yuel fame. holdiþ it, is bleſſid.
xvi Þat þou be delyuered fro an alien womman, and fro a xix Þe Lord foundide þe erþe bi wiſdom; he ſtabliſchide
ſtraunge womman, þat makiþ ſoft hir wordis; heuenes bi prudence.
xvii and forſakiþ þe duyk of hir tyme of mariage, xx Þe depþis of watris braken out bi his wiſdom; and
xviii and haþ forȝete þe couenaunt of hir God. For þe cloudis wexen togidere bi dewe.
hous of hir is bowid to deeþ, and hir paþis to helle. xxi My ſone, þeſe þingis flete not awey fro þin iȝen;
xix Alle þat entren to hir, ſchulen not turne aȝen, neþer kepe þou my lawe, and my counſel;
ſchulen catche þe paþis of lijf. xxii and lijf ſchal be to þi ſoule, and grace `ſchal be to þi
xx Þat þou go in a good weie, and kepe þe paþis of iuſt chekis.
men. xxiii Þanne þou ſchalt go triſtili in þi weie; and þi foot
xxi Forſoþe þei þat ben riȝtful, ſchulen dwelle in þe ſchal not ſnapere.
lond; and ſymple men ſchulen perfitli dwelle þer ynne. xxiiii If þou ſchalt ſlepe, þou ſchalt not drede; þou ſchalt
xxii But vnfeiþful men ſchulen be loſt fro þe loond; and reſte, and þi ſleep ſchal be ſoft.
þei þat doen wickidli, ſchulen be takun awey fro it. xxv Drede þou not bi ſudeyne feer, and þe powers of
wickid men fallynge in on þee.
CAP. III xxvi For þe Lord ſchal be at þi ſide; and he ſchal kepe þi
i Mi ſone, forȝete þou not my lawe; and þyn herte kepe foot, þat þou be not takun.
my comaundementis. xxvii Nil þou forbede to do wel him þat mai; if þou
ii For þo ſchulen ſette to þee þe lengþe of daies, and þe maiſt, and do þou wel.
ȝeeris of lijf, and pees. xxviii Seie þou not to þi frend, Go, and turne þou aȝen,
iii Merci and treuþe forſake þee not; bynde þou þo to þi and to morewe Y ſchal ȝyue to þee; whanne þou maiſt
þrote, and write in þe tablis of þin herte. ȝyue anoon.
iiii And þou ſchalt fynde grace, and good teching bifore xxix Ymagyne þou not yuel to þi freend, whanne he haþ
God and men. triſt in þee.
v Haue þou triſt in þe Lord, of al þin herte; and triſte xxx Stryue þou not aȝens a man wiþ out cauſe, whanne
þou not to þi prudence. he doiþ noon yuel to þee.
vi In alle þi weies þenke þou on hym, and he ſchal dreſſe xxxi Sue þou not an vniuſt man, ſue þou not hiſe weies.
þi goyngis. xxxii For ech diſſeyuer is abhomynacioun of þe Lord;
vii Be þou not wijs anentis þi ſilf; drede þou God, and and his ſpeking is wiþ ſimple men.
go awei fro yuel. xxxiii Nedineſſe is ſent of þe Lord in þe hous of a wickid
viii For whi helþe ſchal be in þi nawle, and moiſting of man; but þe dwelling places of iuſt men ſchulen be
þi boonys. bleſſid.
ix Onoure þou þe Lord of þi catel, and of þe beſte of alle xxxiiii He ſchal ſcorne ſcorneris; and he ſchal ȝyue grace
þi fruytis ȝyue þou to pore men; to mylde men.
x and þi bernes ſchulen be fillid wiþ abundaunce, and xxxv Wiſe men ſchulen haue glorie; enhaunſing of foolis
preſſours ſchulen flowe wiþ wiyn. is ſchenſchipe.
xi My ſone, caſte þou not awei þe teching of þe Lord;
and faile þou not, whanne þou art chaſtiſid of him. CAP. IIII
xii For þe Lord chaſtiſiþ hym, whom he loueþ; and as a i Sones, here ȝe þe teching of þe fadir; and perſeiue ȝe,

fadir in þe ſone he pleſiþ hym. þat ȝe kunne prudence.

xiii Bleſſid is þe man þat fyndiþ wiſdom, and which ii Y ſchal ȝyue to ȝou a good ȝifte; forſake ȝe not my

flowiþ wiþ prudence. lawe.

xiiii Þe geting þerof is betere þan þe marchaundie of iii For whi and Y was þe ſone of my fadir, a tendir ſone,

gold and of ſiluer; þe fruytis þerof ben þe firſte and and oon `gendride bifore my modir.
clenneſte. iiii And my fadir tauȝte me, and ſeide, Þin herte reſſeyue
xv It is preciouſere þan alle richeſſis; and alle þingis þat my wordis; kepe þou myn heeſtis, and þou ſchalt lyue.
ben deſirid, moun not be compariſound to þis. v Welde þou wiſdom, welde þou prudence; forȝete þou
xvi Lengþe of daies is in þe riȝthalf þerof, and richeſſis not, neþir bowe þou awey fro þe wordis of my mouþ.
and glorie ben in þe lifthalf þerof.

vi Forſake þou not it, and it ſchal kepe þee; loue þou it, ii and þi lippis kepe teching. Ȝyue þou not tent to þe
and it ſchal kepe þee. falſneſſe of a womman;
vii Þe bigynnyng of wiſdom, welde þou wiſdom; and in iii for þe lippis of an hoore ben an hony coomb
al þi poſſeſſioun gete þou prudence. droppinge, and hir þrote is clerere þan oile;
viii Take þou it, and it ſchal enhaunſe þee; þou ſchalt be iiii but þe laſt þingis ben bittir as wormod, and hir tunge
glorified of it, whanne þou haſt biclippid it. is ſcharp as a ſwerd keruynge on ech ſide.
ix It ſchal ȝyue encreſyngis of graces to þin heed; and a v Hir feet gon doun in to deeþ; and hir ſteppis perſen to
noble coroun ſchal defende þee. hellis.
x Mi ſone, here þou, and take my wordis; þat þe ȝeris of vi Þo goon not bi þe paþ of lijf; hir ſteppis ben
lijf be multiplied to þee. vncerteyn, and moun not be ſouȝt out.
xi Y ſchal ſchewe to þee þe weie of wiſdom; and Y ſchal vii Now þerfor, my ſone, here þou me, and go not awei
lede þee bi þe paþis of equyte. fro þe wordis of my mouþ.
xii In to whiche whanne þou haſt entrid, þi goyngis viii Make fer þi weie fro hir, and neiȝe þou not to þe
ſchulen not be maad ſtreit; and þou ſchalt rennen, and doris of hir hous.
ſchalt not haue hirtyng. ix Ȝyue þou not þin onour to aliens, and þi ȝeeris to þe
xiii Holde þou teching, and forſake it not; kepe þou it, cruel;
for it is þi lijf. x leſt perauenture ſtraungeris be fillid wiþ þi ſtrengþis,
xiiii Delite þou not in þe paþis of wyckid men; and þe and leſt þi trauels be in an alien hous;
weie of yuele men pleſe not þee. xi and þou biweile in þe laſte daies, whanne þou haſt
xv Fle þou fro it, and paſſe þou not þerbi; bowe þou waſtid þi fleſchis, and þi bodi; and þou ſeie,
awei, and forſake it. xii Whi wlatide Y teching, and myn herte aſſentide not
xvi For þei ſlepen not, `no but þei han do yuele; and to blamyngis;
ſleep is rauyſchid fro hem, no but þei han diſſeyued. xiii neþer Y herde þe voys of men techinge me, and Y
xvii Þei eten þe breed of vnpite, and drinken þe wyn of bowide not doun myn eere to maiſtris?
wickidneſſe. xiiii Almeſt Y was in al yuel, in þe myddis of þe chirche,
xviii But þe paþ of iuſt men goiþ forþ as lyȝt ſchynynge, and of þe ſynagoge.
and encreeſſiþ til to perfit dai. xv Drinke þou watir of þi ciſterne, and þe floodis of þi
xix Þe weie of wickid men is derk; þei witen not where pit.
þei ſchulen falle. xvi Þi wellis be ſtremed forþ; and departe þi watris in
xx Mi ſone, herkene þou my wordis; and bowe doun þin ſtretis.
eeris to my ſpechis. xvii Haue þou aloone `þo watris; and aliens be not þi
xxi Go not þo awei fro þyn iȝen; kepe þou hem in þe parceneris.
myddil of þin herte. xviii Þi veyne be bleſſid; and be þou glad wiþ þe
xxii For þo ben lijf to men fyndynge þoo, and heelþe `of womman of þi ȝong wexynge age.
al fleiſch. xix An hynde mooſt dereworþe; and an hert calf mooſt
xxiii Wiþ al keping kepe þin herte, for lijf comeþ forþ of acceptable. Hir teetis fille þee in al tyme; and delite þou
it. contynueli in þe loue of hir.
xxiiii Remoue þou a ſchrewid mouþ fro þee; and xx Mi ſone, whi art þou diſſeyued of an alien womman;
backbitynge lippis be fer fro þee. and art foſtrid in þe boſum of an oþere?
xxv Þin iȝen ſe riȝtful þingis; and þin iȝeliddis go bifore xxi Þe Lord ſeeþ þe weie of a man; and biholdiþ alle hiſe
þi ſteppis. ſteppis.
xxvi Dreſſe þou paþis to þi feet, and alle þi weies ſchulen xxii Þe wickidneſſis of a wyckid man taken hym; and he
be ſtabliſchid. is boundun wiþ þe roopis of hiſe ſynnes.
xxvii Bowe þou not to þe riȝtſide, neþer to þe leftſide; xxiii He ſchal die, for he hadde not lernyng; and he ſchal
turne awei þi foot fro yuel. For þe Lord knowiþ þe be diſſeyued in þe mychilneſſe of his fooli.
weies þat ben at þe riȝtſide; but þe weies ben weiward,
þat ben at þe leftſide. Forſoþe he ſchal make þi goyngis CAP. VI
riȝtful; and þi weies ſchulen be brouȝt forþ in pees. i Mi ſone, if þou haſt bihiȝt for þi freend; þou haſt
faſtned þin hoond at a ſtraunger.
CAP. V ii Þou art boundun bi þe wordis of þi mouþ; and þou art
i Mi ſone, perſeyue þou my wiſdom, and bowe doun þin
takun wiþ þin owne wordis.
eere to my prudence; þat þou kepe þi þouȝtis,

iii Þerfor, my ſone, do þou þat þat Y ſeie, and delyuere xxvi For þe prijs of an hoore is vnneþe of o loof; but a
þi ſilf; for þou haſt fallun in to þe hond of þi neiȝbore. womman takiþ þe preciouſe ſoule of a man.
Renne þou aboute, haſte þou, reiſe þi freend; xxvii Wheþer a man mai hide fier in his boſum, þat hiſe
iiii ȝyue þou not ſleep to þin iȝen, neþer þin iȝeliddis cloþis brenne not;
nappe. xxviii eþir go on colis, and hiſe feet be not brent?
v Be þou rauyſchid as a doo fro þe hond; and as a bridde xxix So he þat entriþ to þe wijf of his neiȝbore; ſchal not
fro aſpiyngis of þe foulere. be cleene, whanne he haþ touchid hir.
vi O! þou ſlowe man, go to þe `amte, eþer piſſemyre; xxx It is not greet ſynne, whanne a man ſteliþ; for he
and biholde þou hiſe weies, and lerne þou wiſdom. ſteliþ to fille an hungri ſoule.
vii Which whanne he haþ no duyk, neþir comaundour, xxxi And he takun ſchal ȝelde þe ſeuenþe fold; and he
neþer prince; ſchal ȝyue al þe catel of his hous, and ſchal delyuere
viii makiþ redi in ſomer mete to hym ſilf, and gaderiþ hym ſilf.
togidere in herueſt þat, þat he ſchal ete. xxxii But he þat is avouter; ſchal leeſe his ſoule, for þe
ix Hou long ſchalt þou, ſlow man, ſlepe? whanne ſchalt pouert of herte.
þou riſe fro þi ſleep? xxxiii He gaderiþ filþe, and ſclaundriþ to hym ſilf; and
x A litil þou ſchalt ſlepe, a litil þou ſchalt nappe; a litil his ſchenſchip ſchal not be don awei.
þou ſchalt ioyne togidere þin hondis, þat þou ſlepe. xxxiiii For þe feruent loue and ſtrong veniaunce of þe
xi And nedyneſſe, as a weigoere, ſchal come to þee; and man ſchal not ſpare in þe dai of veniaunce,
pouert, as an armed man. Forſoþe if þou art not ſlow, þi xxxv neþer ſchal aſſente to þe preieris of ony; neþer ſchal
ripe corn ſchal come as a welle; and nedyneſſe ſchal fle take ful many ȝiftis for raunſum.
fer fro þee.
xii A man apoſtata, a man vnprofitable, he goiþ wiþ a CAP. VII
weiward mouþ; i Mi ſone, kepe þou my wordis; and kepe myn heeſtis to
xiii he bekeneþ wiþ iȝen, he trampiþ wiþ þe foot, he þee. Sone, onoure þou þe Lord, and þou ſchalt be
ſpekiþ wiþ þe fyngur, `myȝti; but outakun hym drede þou not an alien.
xiiii bi ſchrewid herte he ymagyneþ yuel, and in al tyme ii Kepe þou myn heeſtis, and þou ſchalt lyue; and my
he ſowiþ diſſenciouns. lawe as þe appil of þin iȝen.
xv His perdicioun ſchal come to hym anoon, and he iii Bynde þou it in þi fyngris; write þou it in þe tablis of
ſchal be brokun ſodeynli; and he ſchal no more haue þin herte.
medecyn. iiii Seie þou to wiſdom, Þou art my ſiſtir; and clepe þou
xvi Sixe þingis ben, whyche þe Lord hatiþ; and hiſe prudence þi frendeſſe.
ſoule curſiþ þe ſeuenþe þing. v Þat it kepe þee fro a ſtraunge womman; and fro an
xvii Hiȝe iȝen, a tunge liere, hondis ſchedinge out alien womman, þat makiþ hir wordis ſwete.
innocent blood, vi For whi fro þe wyndow of myn hous bi þe latijs Y
xviii an herte ymagynynge worſte þouȝtis, feet ſwifte to bihelde; and Y ſe litle children.
renne in to yuel, vii I biholde a ȝong man coward,
xix a man bringynge forþ leſingis, a fals witneſſe; and viii þat paſſiþ bi þe ſtretis, biſidis þe corner; and he
him þat ſowiþ diſcordis among briþeren. ix goiþ niȝ þe weie of hir hous in derk tyme, whanne þe
xx Mi ſone, kepe þe comaundementis of þi fadir; and
dai drawiþ to niȝt, in þe derkneſſis and myſt of þe nyȝt.
forſake not þe lawe of þi modir. x And lo! a womman, maad redi wiþ ournement of an
xxi Bynde þou þo continueli in þin herte; and cumpaſſe
hoore to diſſeyue ſoulis, meetiþ hym, and ſche is a
`to þi þrote. ianglere, and goynge about,
xxii Whanne þou goiſt, go þo wiþ þee; whanne þou xi and vnpacient of reſte, and mai not ſtonde in þe hous
ſlepiſt, kepe þo þee; and þou wakynge ſpeke wiþ þo. wiþ hir feet;
xxiii For þe comaundement of God is a lanterne, and þe xii and now wiþout forþ, now in ſtretis, now biſidis
lawe is lyȝt, and þe blamyng of techyng is þe weie of corneris ſche `aſpieþ.
lijf; xiii And ſche takiþ, and kiſſiþ þe ȝong man; and flateriþ
xxiiii `þat þe comaundementis kepe þee fro an yuel
wiþ wowynge cheer, and ſeiþ, Y ouȝte ſacrifices for
womman, and fro a flaterynge tunge of a ſtraunge heelþe;
womman. xiiii to dai Y haue ȝolde my vowis.
xxv Þin herte coueite not þe fairneſſe of hir; neþer be xv Þerfor Y ȝede out in to þi meetyng, and Y deſiride to
þou takun bi þe ſignes of hir. ſe þee; and Y haue founde þee.

xvi Y haue maad my bed wiþ coordis, Y haue arayed xiii Þe drede of þe Lord hatiþ yuel; Y curſe booſt, and
wiþ tapetis peyntid of Egipt; pride, and a ſchrewid weie, and a double tungid mouþ.
xvii Y haue biſpreynt my bed wiþ myrre, and aloes, and xiiii Counſeil is myn, and equyte `is myn; prudence is
canel. myn, and ſtrengþe `is myn.
xviii Come þou, be we fillid wiþ tetis, and vſe we xv Kyngis regnen bi me; and þe makeris of lawis demen
collyngis þat ben coueitid; til þe dai bigynne to be cleer. iuſt þingis bi me.
xix For myn hoſebonde is not in his hows; he is goon a xvi Princis comaunden bi me; and myȝti men demen
ful long weie. riȝtfulneſſe bi me.
xx He took wiþ hym a bagge of money; he ſchal turne xvii I loue hem þat louen me; and þei þat waken eerli to
aȝen in to his hous in þe dai of ful moone. me, ſchulen fynde me.
xxi Sche boonde hym wiþ many wordis; and ſche drow xviii Wiþ me ben rycheſſis, and glorie; ſouereyn richeſſis,
forþ hym wiþ flateryngis of lippis. and riȝtfulneſſe.
xxii Anoon he as an oxe led to ſlayn ſacrifice ſueþ hir, xix My fruyt is betere þan gold, and precyouſe ſtoon;
and as a ioli lomb and vnkunnynge; and þe fool woot and my ſeedis ben betere þan choſun ſiluer.
not, þat he is drawun to bondys, xx Y go in þe weies of riȝtfulneſſe, in þe myddis of paþis
xxiii til an arowe perſe his mawe. As if a brid haſtiþ to þe of doom;
ſnare; and woot not, þat it is don of þe perel of his lijf. xxi þat Y make riche hem þat louen me, and þat Y fille
xxiiii Now þerfor, my ſone, here þou me; and perſeyue her treſouris.
þe wordis of my mouþ. xxii Þe Lord weldide me in þe bigynnyng of hiſe weies;
xxv Leſt þi ſoule be drawun awei in þe weies of hir; bifore þat he made ony þing, at þe bigynnyng.
neþer be þou diſſeyued in þe paþis of hir. xxiii Fro wiþ out bigynnyng Y was ordeined; and fro
xxvi For ſche caſtide doun many woundid men; and alle elde tymes, bifor þat þe erþe was maad.
ſtrongeſte men weren ſlayn of hir. xxiiii Depþis of watris weren not ȝit; and Y was
xxvii Þe weies of helle is hir hous; and perſen in to conſeyued þanne. Þe wellis of watris hadden not brokun
ynnere þingis of deeþ. out ȝit,
xxv and hillis ſtoden not togidere ȝit bi ſad heuyneſſe;
CAP. VIII bifor litil hillis Y was born.
i Wheþer wiſdom crieþ not ofte; and prudence ȝyueþ his xxvi Ȝit he hadde not maad erþe; and floodis, and þe
vois? herris of þe world.
ii In ſouereyneſte and hiȝ coppis, aboue þe weie, in þe xxvii Whanne he made redi heuenes, Y was preſent;
myddis of paþis, whanne he cumpaſſide þe depþis of watris bi certeyn
iii and it ſtondiþ biſidis þe ȝate of þe citee, in þilke lawe and cumpas.
cloſyngis, and ſpekiþ, and ſeiþ, A! xxviii Whanne he made ſtidfaſt þe eir aboue; and weiede
iiii ȝe men, Y crie ofte to ȝou; and my vois is to þe ſones þe wellis of watris.
of men. xxix Whanne he cumpaſſide to þe ſee his marke; and
v Litle children, vndirſtonde ȝe wiſdom; and ȝe vnwiſe ſettide lawe to watris, þat þo ſchulden not paſſe her
men, `perſeyue wiſdom. cooſtis. Whanne he peiſide þe foundementis of erþe;
vi Here ȝe, for Y ſchal ſpeke of grete þingis; and my xxx Y was making alle þingis wiþ him. And Y delitide bi
lippis ſchulen be openyd, to preche riȝtful þingis. alle daies, and pleiede bifore hym in al tyme,
vii My þrote ſchal biþenke treuþe; and my lippis ſchulen xxxi and Y pleiede in þe world; and my delices ben to be
curſe a wickid man. wiþ þe ſones of men.
viii My wordis ben iuſt; no ſchrewid þing, neþer xxxii Now þerfor, ſones, here ȝe me; bleſſid ben þei þat
weiward is in þo. kepen my weies.
ix `My wordis ben riȝtful to hem þat vndurſtonden; and xxxiii Here ȝe teching, and be ȝe wiſe men; and nile ȝe
ben euene to hem þat fynden kunnyng. caſte it awei.
x Take ȝe my chaſtiſyng, and not money; cheſe ȝe xxxiiii Bleſſid is þe man þat heriþ me, and þat wakiþ at
teching more þan treſour. my ȝatis al dai; and kepiþ at þe poſtis of my dore.
xi For wiſdom is betere þan alle richeſſis mooſt xxxv He þat fyndiþ me, ſchal fynde lijf; and ſchal drawe
preciouſe; and al deſirable þing mai not be helþe of þe Lord.
compariſound þerto. xxxvi But he þat ſynneþ aȝens me, ſchal hurte his ſoule;
xii Y, wiſdom, dwelle in counſel; and Y am among alle þat haten me, louen deeþ.
lernyd þouȝtis.

CAP. IX enforſiþ to gete `ony þing bi leeſyngis, fediþ þe wyndis;
i Wiſdom bildide an hous to him ſilf; he hewide out ſoþeli þe ſame man ſueþ briddis fleynge.
ſeuene pileris, v He þat gaderiþ togidere in herueſt, is a wijs ſone; but
ii he offride his ſlayn ſacrifices, he medlide wijn, and he þat ſlepiþ in ſommer, is a ſone of confuſioun.
ſettide forþ his table. vi Þe bleſſing of God is ouer þe heed of a iuſt man; but
iii He ſente hiſe handmaides, þat þei ſchulden clepe to þe wickidneſſe hiliþ þe mouþ of wickid men.
tour; and to þe wallis of þe citee. vii Þe mynde of a iuſt man ſchal be wiþ preiſingis; and
iiii If ony man is litil; come he to me. And wiſdom ſpak þe name of wickid men ſchal wexe rotun.
to vnwiſe men, viii A wijs man ſchal reſſeyue comaundementis wiþ
v Come ȝe, ete ȝe my breed; and drynke ȝe þe wiyn, herte; a fool is betun wiþ lippis.
which Y haue medlid to ȝou. ix He þat goiþ ſimpli, goiþ triſtili; but he þat makiþ
vi Forſake ȝe ȝong childhed, and lyue ȝe; and go ȝe bi þe ſchrewid hiſe weies, ſchal be opyn.
weyes of prudence. x He þat bekeneþ wiþ þe iȝe, ſchal ȝyue ſorewe; a fool
vii He þat techiþ a ſcornere, doiþ wrong to him ſilf; and ſchal be betun wiþ lippis.
he þat vndirnymmeþ a wickid man, gendriþ a wem to xi Þe veyne of lijf is þe mouþ of a iuſt man; but þe mouþ
him ſilf. of wickid men hiliþ wickidneſſe.
viii Nile þou vndirnyme a ſcornere; leſt he hate þee. xii Hatrede reiſiþ chidingis; and charite hiliþ alle ſynnes.
Vndirnyme þou a wiſe man; and he ſchal loue þee. xiii Wiſdom is foundun in þe lippis of a wiſe man; and a
ix Ȝyue þou occaſioun to a wiſe man; and wiſdom ſchal ȝerd in þe bak of him þat is nedi of herte.
be encreeſſid to hym. Teche þou a iuſt man; and he ſchal xiiii Wiſe men hiden kunnyng; but þe mouþ of a fool is
haſte to take. nexte to confuſioun.
x Þe bigynnyng of wiſdom is þe dreed of þe Lord; and xv Þe catel of a riche man is þe citee of his ſtrengþe; þe
prudence is þe kunnyng of ſeyntis. drede of pore men is þe nedyneſſe of hem.
xi For þi daies ſchulen be multiplied bi me; and ȝeeris of xvi Þe werk of a iuſt man is to lijf; but þe fruyt of a
lijf ſchulen be encreeſſid to þee. wickid man is to ſynne.
xii If þou art wijs; þou ſchalt be to þi ſilf, and to þi xvii Þe weie of lijf is to him þat kepiþ chaſtiſing; but he
neiȝboris. Forſoþe if þou art a ſcornere; þou aloone þat forſakiþ blamyngis, erriþ.
ſchalt bere yuel. xviii Falſe lippis hiden hatrede; he þat bringiþ forþ
xiii A fonned womman, and ful of cry, and ful of
diſpiſinge is vnwijs.
vnleueful luſtis, and þat kan no þing outirli, xix Synne ſchal not faile in myche ſpekyng; but he þat
xiiii ſittiþ in þe doris of hir hous, on a ſeete, in an hiȝ
meſuriþ hiſe lippis, is mooſt prudent.
place of þe cite; xx Choſun ſiluer is þe tunge of a iuſt man; þe herte of
xv to clepe men paſſinge bi þe weie, and men goynge in
wickid men is for nouȝt.
her iournei. xxi Þe lippis of a iuſt man techen ful manye men; but þei
xvi Who is a litil man `of wit; bowe he to me. And ſche
þat ben vnlerned, ſchulen die in nedineſſe of herte.
ſpak to a coward, xxii Þe bleſſing of þe Lord makiþ riche men; and
xvii Watris of þefte ben ſwettere, and breed hid is
turment ſchal not be felowſchipid to hem.
ſwettere. xxiii A fool worchiþ wickidneſſe as bi leiȝyng; but
xviii And wiſte not þat giauntis ben þere; and þe geſtis
`wiſdom is prudence to a man.
`of hir ben in þe depþis of helle. Soþeli he þat ſchal be xxiiii Þat þat a wickid man drediþ, ſchal come on hym;
applied, eþer faſtned, to hir; ſchal go doun to hellis. For þe deſire of iuſt men ſchalbe ȝouun to hem.
whi he þat goiþ awei fro hir; ſchal be ſaued. xxv As a tempeſte paſſynge, a wickid man ſchal not be;
but a iuſt man ſchal be as an euerlaſtynge foundement.
CAP. X xxvi As vynegre noieþ þe teeþ, and ſmoke noieþ þe iȝen;
i Þe parablis of Salomon. A wijs ſone makiþ glad þe
ſo a ſlow man noieþ hem þat ſenten hym in þe weie.
fadir; but a fonned ſone is þe ſorewe of his modir. xxvii Þe drede of þe Lord encreeſiþ daies; and þe ȝeeris
ii Treſouris of wickidneſſe ſchulen not profite; but
of wickid men ſchulen be maad ſchort.
riȝtfulneſſe ſchal delyuere fro deþ. xxviii Abiding of iuſt men is gladneſſe; but þe hope of
iii Þe Lord ſchal not turmente þe ſoule of a iuſt man wiþ
wickid men ſchal periſche.
hungur; and he ſchal diſtrie þe treſouns of vnpitouſe xxix Þe ſtrengþe of a ſymple man is þe weie of þe Lord;
iiii A ſlow hond haþ wrouȝt nedyneſſe; but þe hond of and drede to hem þat worchen yuel.
ſtronge men makiþ redi richeſſis. Forſoþe he þat

xxx A iuſt man ſchal not be moued wiþ outen ende; but xxiii Þe deſir of iuſt men is al good; abiding of wickid
wickid men ſchulen not dwelle on þe erþe. men is woodneſſe.
xxxi Þe mouþ of a iuſt man ſchal bringe forþ wiſdom; þe xxiiii Sum men departen her owne þingis, and ben maad
tunge of ſchrewis ſchal periſche. richere; oþer men rauyſchen þingis, þat ben not hern,
xxxii Þe lippis of a iuſt man biholden pleaſaunt þingis; and ben euere in nedyneſſe.
and þe mouþ of wickid men byholdiþ weiward þingis. xxv A ſoule þat bleſſiþ, ſchal be maad fat; and he þat
filliþ, ſchal be fillid alſo.
CAP. XI xxvi He þat hidiþ wheete `in tyme, ſchal be curſid among
i A gileful balaunce is abhominacioun anentis God; and þe puplis; but bleſſyng ſchal come on þe heed of ſilleris.
an euene weiȝte is his wille. xxvii Wel he riſiþ eerli, þat ſekiþ good þingis; but he þat
ii Where pride is, þere alſo diſpiſing ſchal be; but where is a ſerchere of yuels, ſchal be oppreſſid of þo.
meekneſſe is, þere alſo is wiſdom. xxviii He þat triſtiþ in hiſe richeſſis, ſchal falle; but iuſt
iii Þe ſimpleneſſe of iuſt men ſchal dreſſe hem; and þe men ſchulen buriowne as a greene leef.
diſſeyuyng of weiward men ſchal deſtrie hem. xxix He þat diſturbliþ his hows, ſchal haue wyndis in
iiii Richeſſis ſchulen not profite in þe dai of veniaunce; poſſeſſioun; and he þat is a fool, ſchal ſerue a wijs man.
but riȝtfulneſſe ſchal delyuere fro deþ. xxx Þe fruyt of a riȝtful man is þe tre of lijf; and he þat
v Þe riȝtfulneſſe of a ſimple man ſchal dreſſe his weie; takiþ ſoulis, is a wijs man.
and a wickid man ſchal falle in his wickidneſſe. xxxi If a iuſt man receyueþ in erþe, how miche more an
vi Þe riȝtfulneſſe of riȝtful men ſchal delyuere hem; and vnfeiþful man, and ſynnere.
wickid men ſchulen be takun in her aſpiyngis.
vii Whanne a wickid man is deed, noon hope ſchal be CAP. XII
ferþer; and abidyng of biſy men ſchal periſche. i He þat loueþ chaſtiſyng, loueþ kunnyng; but he þat
viii A iuſt man is delyuered from angwiſch; and a wickid hatiþ blamyngis, is vnwijs.
man ſchal be ȝouun for hym. ii He þat is good, ſchal drawe to hym ſilf grace of þe
ix A feynere bi mouþ diſſeyueþ his freend; but iuſt men Lord; but he þat triſtiþ in hiſe þouȝtis, doiþ wickidli.
ſchulen be deliuered bi kunnyng. iii A man ſchal not be maad ſtrong by wyckidneſſe; and
x A citee ſchal be enhaunſid in þe goodis of iuſt men; þe root of iuſt men ſchal not be moued.
and preyſyng ſchal be in þe perdicioun of wickid men. iiii A diligent womman is a coroun to hir hoſebond; and
xi A citee ſchal be enhaunſid bi bleſſing of iuſt men; and rot is in þe boonys of þat womman, þat doiþ þingis
it ſchal be diſtried bi þe mouþ of wickid men. worþi of confuſioun.
xii He þat diſpiſiþ his freend, is nedi in herte; but a v Þe þouȝtis of iuſt men ben domes; and þe counſelis of

prudent man ſchal be ſtille. wickid men ben gileful.

xiii He þat goiþ gilefuli, ſchewiþ priuetees; but he þat is vi Þe wordis of wickid men ſetten treſoun to blood; þe

feiþful, heliþ þe priuetee of a freend. mouþ of iuſt men ſchal delyuere hem.
xiiii Where a gouernour is not, þe puple ſchal falle; but vii Turne þou wickid men, and þei ſchulen not be; but þe

helþe `of þe puple is, where ben many counſels. houſis of iuſt men ſchulen dwelle perfitli.
xv He þat makiþ feiþ for a ſtraunger, ſchal be turmentid viii A man ſchal be knowun bi his teching; but he þat is

wiþ yuel; but he þat eſchewiþ ſnaris, ſchal be ſikur. veyn and hertles, ſchal be open to diſpiſing.
xvi A graciouſe womman ſchal fynde glorie; and ſtronge ix Betere is a pore man, and ſufficient to him ſilf, þan a

men ſchulen haue richeſſis. gloriouſe man, and nedi of breed.

xvii A merciful man doiþ wel to his ſoule; but he þat is x A iuſt man knowiþ þe ſoulis of hiſe werk beeſtis; but

cruel, caſtiþ awei, ȝhe, kynneſmen. þe entrailis of wickid men ben cruel.
xviii A wickid man makiþ vnſtable werk; but feiþful xi He þat worchiþ his lond, ſchal be fillid wiþ looues;

mede is to hym, þat ſowiþ riȝtfulneſſe. but he þat ſueþ idilneſſe, is mooſt fool. He þat is ſwete,
xix Merci ſchal make redi lijf; and þe ſuyng of yuels lyueþ in temperaunces; and in hiſe moneſtyngis he
`ſchal make redi deþ. forſakiþ diſpiſyngis.
xx A ſchrewid herte is abhomynable to þe Lord; and his xii Þe deſir of a wickid man is þe memorial of worſte

wille is in hem, þat goen ſymply. þingis; but þe roote of iuſt men ſchal encreeſſe.
xxi Þouȝ hond be in þe hond, an yuel man ſchal not be xiii For þe ſynnes of lippis `falling doun neiȝeþ to an

innocent; but þe ſeed of iuſt men ſchal be ſauyd. yuel man; but a iuſt man ſchal ſcape fro angwiſch.
xxii A goldun `ſercle, eþer ryng, in þe `noſe þrillis of a
ſowe, a womman fair and fool.

xiiii Of þe fruyt of his mouþ ech man ſchal be fillid wiþ x Stryues ben euere a mong proude men; but þei þat don
goodis; and bi þe werkis of hiſe hondis it ſchal be alle þingis wiþ counſel, ben gouerned bi wiſdom.
ȝoldun to him. xi Haſtid catel ſchal be maad leſſe; but þat þat is gaderid
xv Þe weie of a fool is riȝtful in hiſe iȝen; but he þat is litil and litil wiþ hond, ſchal be multiplied.
wijs, heriþ counſels. xii Hope which is dilaied, turmentiþ þe ſoule; a tre of lijf
xvi A fool ſchewiþ anoon his ire; but he þat diſſymeliþ is deſir comyng.
wrongis, is wijs. xiii He þat bacbitiþ ony þing, byndiþ hym ſilf in to tyme
xvii He þat ſpekiþ þat, þat he knowiþ, is a iuge of to comynge; but he þat drediþ þe comaundement, ſchal
riȝtfulneſſe; but he þat lieþ, is a gileful witneſſe. lyue in pees.
xviii A man is þat bihetiþ, and he is prickid as wiþ þe xiiii Þe lawe of a wiſe man is a welle of lijf; þat he bowe
ſwerd of conſcience; but þe tunge of wiſe men is helþe. awei fro þe falling of deþ.
xix Þe lippe of treuþe ſchal be ſtidfaſt wiþ outen ende; xv Good teching ſchal ȝyue grace; a ſwolowe is in þe
but he þat is a ſudeyn witneſſe, makiþ redi þe tunge of weie of diſpiſeris.
leeſyng. xvi A fel man doiþ alle þingis wiþ counſel; but he þat is
xx Gile is in þe herte of hem þat þenken yuels; but ioye a fool, ſchal opene foli.
ſueþ hem, þat maken counſels of pees. xvii Þe meſſanger of a wickid man ſchal falle in to yuel;
xxi What euere bifalliþ to a iuſt man, it ſchal not make a feiþful meſſanger is helþe.
hym ſori; but wickid men ſchulen be fillid wiþ yuel. xviii Nedyneſſe and ſchenſchip is to him þat forſakiþ
xxii Falſe lippis is abhominacioun to þe Lord; but þei þat techyng; but he þat aſſentiþ to a blamere, ſchal be
don feiþfuli, pleſen him. glorified.
xxiii A fel man hiliþ kunnyng; and þe herte of vnwiſe xix Deſir, if it is fillid, delitiþ þe ſoule; foolis wlaten hem
men ſtiriþ foli. þat fleen yuels.
xxiiii Þe hond of ſtronge men ſchal haue lordſchip; but þe xx He þat goiþ wiþ wijs men, ſchal be wijs; þe freend of
hond þat is ſlow, ſchal ſerue to tributis. foolis ſchal be maad lijk hem.
xxv Morenynge in þe herte of a iuſt man ſchal make hym xxi Yuel purſueþ ſynneris; and goodis ſchulen be ȝoldun
meke; and he ſchal be maad glad bi a good word. to iuſt men.
xxvi He þat diſpiſiþ harm for a frend, is a iuſt man; but xxii A good man ſchal leeue aftir him eiris, ſones, and þe
þe weie of wickid men ſchal diſſeyue hem. ſones of ſones; and þe catel of a ſynnere is kept to a iuſt
xxvii A gileful man ſchal not fynde wynnyng; and þe man.
ſubſtaunce of man ſchal be þe prijs of gold. xxiii Many meetis ben in þe new tilid feeldis of fadris;
xxviii Lijf is in þe paþ of riȝtfulneſſe; but þe wrong weie and ben gaderid to oþere men wiþ out doom.
leediþ to deeþ. xxiiii He þat ſpariþ þe ȝerde, hatiþ his ſone; but he þat
loueþ him, techiþ biſili.
CAP. XIII xxv A iuſt man etiþ, and filliþ his ſoule; but þe wombe of
i A wijs ſone is þe teching of þe fadir; but he þat is a wickid men is vnable to be fillid.
ſcornere, heriþ not, whanne he is repreuyd.
ii A man ſchal be fillid wiþ goodis of þe fruit of his CAP. XIIII
mouþ; but þe ſoule of vnpitouſe men is wickid. i A wijs womman bildiþ hir hous; and an unwijs
iii He þat kepiþ his mouþ, kepiþ his ſoule; but he þat is womman ſchal diſtrie wiþ hondis an hous bildid.
vnwar to ſpeke, ſchal feel yuels. ii A man goynge in riȝtful weie, and dredinge God, is
iiii A ſlow man wole, and wole not; but þe ſoule of hem diſpiſid of hym, þat goiþ in a weie of yuel fame.
þat worchen ſchal be maad fat. iii Þe ȝerde of pride is in þe mouþ of a fool; þe lippis of
v A iuſt man ſchal wlate a fals word; but a wickid man wijs men kepen hem.
ſchendiþ, and ſchal be ſchent. iiii Where oxis ben not, þe cratche is void; but where ful
vi Riȝtfulneſſe kepiþ þe weie of an innocent man; but many cornes apperen, þere þe ſtrengþe of oxe is opyn.
wickidneſſe diſſeyueþ a ſynnere. v A feiþful witneſſe ſchal not lie; a gileful witneſſe
vii A man is as riche, whanne he haþ no þing; and a man bringiþ forþ a leeſing.
is as pore, whanne he is in many richeſſis. vi A ſcornere ſekiþ wiſdom, and he fyndiþ not; þe
viii Redempcioun of þe ſoule of man is hiſe richeſſis; but teching of prudent men is eſy.
he þat is pore, ſuffriþ not blamyng. vii Go þou aȝens a man a fool; and he ſchal not knowe
ix Þe lyȝt of iuſt men makiþ glad; but þe lanterne of þe lippis of prudence.
wickid men ſchal be quenchid.

viii Þe wiſdom of a fel man is to vndirſtonde his weie; xxxii A wickid man is put out for his malice; but a iuſt
and þe vnwarneſſe of foolis erriþ. man hopiþ in his deþ.
ix A fool ſcorneþ ſynne; grace ſchal dwelle among iuſt xxxiii Wiſdom reſtiþ in þe herte of a wijs man; and he
men. ſchal teche alle vnlerned men.
x Þe herte þat knowiþ þe bittirneſſe of his ſoule; a xxxiiii Riȝtfulneſſe reiſiþ a folc; ſynne makiþ puplis
ſtraunger ſchal not be meddlid in þe ioie þerof. wretchis.
xi Þe hous of wickid men ſchal be don awei; þe xxxv A mynyſtre vndurſtondynge is acceptable to a
tabernaclis of iuſt men ſchulen buriowne. kyng; a mynyſtre vnprofitable ſchal ſuffre þe
xii Soþeli a weie is, þat ſemeþ iuſt to a man; but þe laſte wraþfulneſſe of him.
þingis þerof leden forþ to deþ.
xiii Leiȝyng ſchal be medlid wiþ ſorewe; and morenyng CAP. XV
i A ſoft anſwere brekiþ ire; an hard word reiſiþ
ocupieþ þe laſte þingis of ioye.
xiiii A fool ſchal be fillid wiþ hiſe weies; and a good woodneſſe.
ii Þe tunge of wiſe men ourneþ kunnyng; þe mouþ of
man ſchal be aboue hym.
xv An innocent man bileueþ to eche word; a felle man foolis buyliþ out foli.
iii In ech place þe iȝen of þe Lord biholden good men,
biholdiþ hiſe goyngis.
xvi A wijs man drediþ, and bowiþ awei fro yuel; a fool and yuel men.
iiii A pleſaunt tunge is þe tre of lijf; but þe tunge which
ſkippiþ ouer, and triſtiþ.
xvii A man vnpacient ſchal worche foli; and a gileful is vnmeſurable, ſchal defoule þe ſpirit.
v A fool ſcorneþ þe techyng of his fadir; but he þat
man is odiouſe.
xviii Litle men of wit ſchulen holde foli; and felle men kepiþ blamyngis, ſchal be maad wiſere. Mooſt vertu
ſchulen abide kunnyng. ſchal be in plenteuouſe riȝtfulneſſe; but þe þouȝtis of
xix Yuel men ſchulen ligge bifor goode men; and wickid men ſchulen be drawun vp bi þe roote.
vi Þe hous of a iuſt man is mooſt ſtrengþe; and
vnpitouſe men bifor þe ȝatis of iuſt men.
xx A pore man ſchal be hateful, ȝhe, to his neiȝbore; but diſturbling is in þe fruitis of a wickid man.
vii Þe lippis of wiſe men ſchulen ſowe abrood kunnyng;
many men ben frendis of riche men.
xxi He þat diſpiſiþ his neiȝbore, doiþ ſynne; but he þat þe herte of foolis ſchal be vnlijc.
viii Þe ſacrifices of wickyd men ben abhomynable to þe
doiþ merci to a pore man, ſchal be bleſſid. He þat
bileueþ in þe Lord, loueþ merci; Lord; avowis of iuſt men ben pleſaunt.
xxii þei erren þat worchen yuel. Merci and treuþe maken ix Þe lijf of þe vnpitouſe man is abhomynacioun to þe

redi goodis; Lord; he þat ſueþ riȝtfulneſſe, ſchal be loued of þe Lord.

xxiii abundaunce `ſchal be in ech good werk. Soþeli x Yuel teching is of men forſakinge þe weie of lijf; he

where ful many wordis ben, þere nedyneſſe is ofte. þat hatiþ blamyngis, ſchal die.
xxiiii Þe coroun of wiſe men is þe richeſſis of hem; þe xi Helle and perdicioun ben open bifor þe Lord; hou

fooli of foolis is vnwarneſſe. myche more þe hertis of ſones of men.

xxv A feiþful witneſſe delyuereþ ſoulis; and a fals man xii A man ful of peſtilence loueþ not hym þat repreueþ

bringiþ forþ leeſyngis. him; and he goiþ not to wyſe men.

xxvi In þe drede of þe Lord is triſte of ſtrengþe; and hope xiii A ioiful herte makiþ glad þe face; þe ſpirit is caſt

ſchal be to þe ſones of it. doun in þe morenyng of ſoule.

xxvii Þe drede of þe Lord is a welle of lijf; þat it bowe xiiii Þe herte of a wijs man ſekiþ techyng; and þe mouþ

awei fro þe fallyng of deþ. of foolis is fed wiþ vnkunnyng.

xxviii Þe dignite of þe king is in þe multitude of puple; xv Alle þe daies of a pore man ben yuele; a ſikir ſoule is

and þe ſchenſchipe of a prince is in þe fewneſſe of a contynuel feeſte.

xvi Betere is a litil wiþ þe drede of þe Lord, þan many
xxix He þat is pacient, is gouerned bi myche wiſdom; treſouris and vnfillable.
xvii It is betere to be clepid to wortis wiþ charite, þan
but he þat is vnpacient, enhaunſiþ his foli.
xxx Helþe of herte is þe lijf of fleiſchis; enuye is rot of wiþ hatrede to a calf maad fat.
xviii A wraþful man reiſiþ chidyngis; he þat is pacient,
xxxi He þat falſli chalengiþ a nedi man, diſpiſiþ his ſwagiþ chidyngis reiſid.
xix Þe weie of ſlow men is an hegge of þornes; þe weie
maker; but he þat haþ merci on a pore man, onouriþ þat
makere. of iuſt men is wiþ out hirtyng.

xx A wiſe ſone makiþ glad þe fadir; and a fonned man ix Þe herte of a man ſchal diſpoſe his weie; but it
diſpiſiþ his modir. perteyneþ to þe Lord to dreſſe hiſe ſteppis.
xxi Foli is ioye to a fool; and a prudent man ſchal dreſſe x Dyuynyng is in þe lippis of a king; his mouþ ſchal not
hiſe ſteppis. erre in doom.
xxii Þouȝtis ben diſtried, where no counſel is; but where xi Þe domes of þe Lord ben weiȝte and a balaunce; and
many counſeleris ben, þo ben confermyd. hiſe werkis ben alle þe ſtoonys of þe world.
xxiii A man is glad in þe ſentence of his mouþ; and a xii Þei þat don wickidli ben abhomynable to þe king; for
couenable word is beſt. þe trone of þe rewme is maad ſtidfaſt bi riȝtfulneſſe.
xxiiii Þe paþ of lijf is on a lernyd man; þat he bowe awei xiii Þe wille of kyngis is iuſt lippis; he þat ſpekiþ riȝtful
fro þe laſte helle. þingis, ſchal be dreſſid.
xxv Þe Lord ſchal diſtrie þe hows of proude men; and he xiiii Indignacioun of þe kyng is meſſangeris of deþ; and
ſchal make ſtidefaſt þe cooſtis of a widewe. a wijs man ſchal pleſe him.
xxvi Iuele þouȝtis is abhomynacioun of þe Lord; and a xv Lijf is in þe gladneſſe of þe `cheer of þe king; and his
cleene word mooſt fair ſchal be maad ſtidfaſt of hym. merci is as a reyn comynge late.
xxvii He þat ſueþ aueryce, diſturbliþ his hous; but he þat xvi Welde þou wiſdom, for it is betere þan gold; and gete
hatiþ ȝiftis ſchal lyue. Synnes ben purgid bi merci and þou prudence, for it is precyouſere þan ſiluer.
feiþ; ech man bowiþ awei fro yuel bi þe drede of þe xvii Þe paþ of iuſt men bowiþ awei yuelis; þe kepere of
Lord. his ſoule kepiþ his weie.
xxviii Þe ſoule of a iuſt man biþenkiþ obedience; þe xviii Pride goiþ bifore ſorewe; and þe ſpirit ſchal be
mouþ of wickid men is ful of yuelis. enhaunſid byfor fallyng.
xxix Þe Lord is fer fro wickid men; and he ſchal here þe xix It is betere to be maad meke wiþ mylde men, þan to
preyers of iuſt men. departe ſpuylis wiþ proude men.
xxx Þe lyȝt of iȝen makiþ glad þe ſoule; good fame xx A lerned man in word ſchal fynde goodis; and he þat
makiþ fat þe boonys. hopiþ in þe Lord is bleſſid.
xxxi Þe eere þat heriþ þe blamyngis of lijf, ſchal dwelle xxi He þat is wijs in herte, ſchal be clepid prudent; and
in þe myddis of wiſe men. he þat is ſwete in ſpeche, ſchal fynde grettere þingis.
xxxii He þat caſtiþ awei chaſtiſyng, diſpiſiþ his ſoule; but xxii Þe welle of lijf is þe lernyng of him þat weldiþ; þe
he þat aſſentiþ to blamyngis, is peſible holdere of þe techyng of foolis is foli.
herte. xxiii Þe herte of a wijs man ſchal teche his mouþ; and
xxxiii Þe drede of þe Lord is teching of wiſdom; and
ſchal encreeſſe grace to hiſe lippis.
mekeneſſe goiþ bifore glorie. xxiiii Wordis wel ſet togidere is a coomb of hony; helþe
of boonys is þe ſwetneſſe of ſoule.
CAP. XVI xxv A weye is þat ſemeþ riȝtful to a man; and þe laſte
i It perteyneþ to man to make redi þe ſoule; and it
þingis þerof leden to deþ.
perteyneþ to þe Lord to gouerne þe tunge. xxvi Þe ſoule of a man trauelinge traueliþ to hym ſilf; for
ii Alle þe weies of men ben opyn to þe iȝen of God; þe
his mouþ compellide hym.
Lord is a weiere of ſpiritis. xxvii An vnwijs man diggiþ yuel; and fier brenneþ in
iii Schewe þi werkys to þe Lord; and þi þouȝtis ſchulen
hiſe lippis.
be dreſſid. xxviii A weiward man reiſiþ ſtryues; and a man ful of
iiii Þe Lord wrouȝte alle þingis for hym ſilf; and he
wordis departiþ princis.
made redi a wickid man to þe yuel dai. xxix A wickid man flateriþ his frend; and lediþ hym bi a
v Abhomynacioun of þe Lord is ech proude man; ȝhe,
weie not good.
þouȝ þe hond is to þe hond, he ſchal not be innocent. Þe xxx He þat þenkiþ ſchrewid þingis wiþ iȝen aſtonyed,
bigynnyng of good weie is to do riȝtwiſneſſe; forſoþe it bitiþ hiſe lippis, and parformeþ yuel.
is more acceptable at God, þan to offre ſacrifices. xxxi A coroun of dignyte is eelde, þat ſchal be foundun
vi Wickidneſſe is aȝen bouȝt bi merci and treuþe; and me
in þe weies of riȝtfulneſſe.
bowiþ awei fro yuel bi þe drede of þe Lord. xxxii A pacient man is betere þan a ſtronge man; and he
vii Whanne þe weyes of man pleſen þe Lord, he ſchal
þat `is lord of his ſoule, is betere þan an ouercomere of
conuerte, ȝhe, hiſe enemyes to pees. citees.
viii Betere is a litil wiþ riȝtfulneſſe, þan many fruytis wiþ
xxxiii Lottis ben ſent into þe boſum; but þo ben temperid
wickidneſſe. of þe Lord.

CAP. XVII xxiii A wickid man takiþ ȝiftis fro þe boſum, to mys
i Betere is a drie muſſel wiþ ioye, þan an hous ful of turne þe paþis of doom.
ſacrifices wiþ chidyng. xxiiii Wiſdom ſchyneþ in þe face of a prudent man; þe
ii A wijs ſeruaunt ſchal be lord of fonned ſones; and he iȝen of foolis ben in þe endis of erþe.
ſchal departe eritage among briþeren. xxv A fonned ſone is þe ire of þe fadir, and þe ſorewe of
iii As ſiluer is preued bi fier, and gold is preued bi a þe modir þat gendride hym.
chymnei, ſo þe Lord preueþ hertis. xxvi It is not good to brynge in harm to a iuſt man; neþer
iiii An yuel man obeieþ to a wickid tunge; and a fals to ſmyte þe prince þat demeþ riȝtfuli.
man obeieþ to falſe lippis. xxvii He þat meſuriþ his wordis, is wijs and prudent; and
v He þat diſpiſiþ a pore man, repreueþ his maker; and he a lerud man is of preciouſe ſpirit.
þat is glad in þe fallyng of anoþer man, ſchal not be xxviii Alſo a foole, if he is ſtille, ſchal be geſſid a wijs
vnpunyſchid. man; and, if he preſſiþ togidre hiſe lippis, he `ſchal be
vi Þe coroun of elde men is þe ſones of ſones; and þe geſſid an vndurſtondynge man.
glorie of ſones is þe fadris of hem.
vii Wordis wel ſet togidere biſemen not a fool; and a CAP. XVIII
liynge lippe bicomeþ not a prince. i He þat wole go a wei fro a frend, ſekiþ occaſiouns; in
viii A preciouſe ſtoon mooſt acceptable is þe abiding of al tyme he ſchal be diſpiſable.
hym þat ſekiþ; whidur euere he turneþ hym ſilf, he ii A fool reſſeyueþ not þe wordis of prudence; `no but
vndurſtondiþ prudentli. þou ſeie þo þingis, þat ben turned in his herte.
ix He þat heliþ treſpas, ſekiþ frenſchipis; he þat reherſiþ iii A wickid man, whanne he comeþ in to depþe of
bi an hiȝ word, departiþ hem, þat ben knyt togidere in ſynnes, diſpiſiþ; but ſclaundre and ſchenſchipe ſueþ
pees. hym.
x A blamyng profitiþ more at a prudent man, þan an iiii Deep watir is þe wordis of þe mouþ of a man; and a
hundryd woundis at a fool. ſtronde fletinge ouer is þe welle of wiſdom.
xi Euere an yuel man ſekiþ ſtryues; forſoþe a cruel v It is not good to take þe perſoone of a wickid man in
aungel ſchal be ſent aȝens hym. doom, þat þou bowe awei fro þe treuþe of dom.
xii It ſpediþ more to meete a femal bere, whanne þe vi Þe lippis of a fool medlen hem ſilf wiþ chidyngis; and
whelpis ben rauyſchid, þan a fool triſtynge to hym ſilf in his mouþ excitiþ ſtryues.
his foli. vii Þe mouþ of a fool is defoulyng of hym; and hiſe
xiii Yuel ſchal not go a wei fro þe hous of hym, þat lippis ben þe fallynge of his ſoule.
ȝeldiþ yuels for goodis. viii Þe wordis of a double tungid man ben as ſymple;
xiiii He þat leeueþ watir, is heed of ſtryues; and bifor þat and þo comen `til to þe ynnere þingis of þe wombe.
he ſuffriþ wrong, he forſakiþ dom. Drede caſtiþ doun a ſlowe man; forſoþe þe ſoulis of men
xv Boþe he þat iuſtifieþ a wickid man, and he þat turned in to wymmens condicioun ſchulen haue hungur.
condempneþ a iuſt man, euer eþir is abhomynable at ix He þat is neiſch, and vnſtidfaſt in his werk, is þe
God. broþer of a man diſtriynge hiſe werkis.
xvi What profitiþ it to a fool to haue richeſſis, ſiþen he x A ſtrongeſte tour is þe name of þe Lord; a iuſt man
mai not bie wiſdom? He þat makiþ his hous hiȝ, ſekiþ renneþ to hym, and ſchal be enhaunſid.
falling; and he þat eſchewiþ to lerne, ſchal falle in to xi Þe catel of a riche man is þe citee of his ſtrengþe; and
yuels. as a ſtronge wal cumpaſſinge hym.
xvii He þat is a frend, loueþ in al tyme; and a broþer is xii Þe herte of man is enhaunſid, bifor þat it be brokun;
preuyd in angwiſchis. and it is maad meke, bifore þat it be glorified.
xviii A fonned man ſchal make ioie wiþ hondis, whanne xiii He þat anſweriþ bifore þat he heriþ, ſhewiþ hym ſilf
he haþ bihiȝt for his frend. to be a fool; and worþi of ſchenſchipe.
xix He þat biþenkiþ diſcordis, loueþ chidingis; and he xiiii Þe ſpirit of a man ſuſteyneþ his febleneſſe; but who
þat enhaunſiþ his mouþ, ſekiþ fallyng. may ſuſteyne a ſpirit lyȝt to be wrooþ?
xx He þat is of weiward herte, ſchal not fynde good; and xv Þe herte of a prudent man ſchal holde ſtidfaſtli
he þat turneþ þe tunge, ſchal falle in to yuel. kunnyng; and þe eere of wiſe men ſekiþ techyng.
xxi A fool is borun in his ſchenſchipe; but neþer þe fadir xvi Þe ȝift of a man alargiþ his weie; and makiþ ſpace to
ſchal be glad in a fool. hym bifore princes.
xxii A ioiful ſoule makiþ likinge age; a ſorewful ſpirit xvii A iuſt man is þe firſt accuſere of hym ſilf; his frend
makiþ drie boonys. comeþ, and ſchal ſerche hym.

xviii Lot ceeſſiþ aȝenſeiyngis; and demeþ alſo among xvii He þat haþ mercy on a pore man, leeneþ to þe Lord;
miȝti men. and he ſchal ȝelde his while to hym.
xix A broþer þat is helpid of a broþir, is as a ſtidfaſt xviii Teche þi ſone, and diſpeire þou not; but ſette þou
citee; and domes ben as þe barris of citees. not þi ſoule to þe ſleyng of hym.
xx A mannus wombe ſchal be fillid of þe fruit of his xix Forſoþe he þat is vnpacient, ſchal ſuffre harm; and
mouþ; and þe ſeedis of hiſe lippis ſchulen fille hym. whanne he haþ rauyſchid, he ſchal leie to anoþir þing.
xxi Deþ and lijf ben in þe werkis of tunge; þei þat louen xx Here þou counſel, and take þou doctryn; þat þou be
it, ſchulen ete þe fruytis þerof. wijs in þi laſte þingis.
xxii He þat fyndiþ a good womman, fyndiþ a good þing; xxi Many þouȝtis ben in þe herte of a man; but þe wille
and of þe Lord he ſchal drawe vp myrþe. He þat puttiþ a of þe Lord ſchal dwelle.
wey a good womman, puttiþ awei a good þing; but he xxii A nedi man is merciful; and betere is a pore iuſt
þat holdiþ auowtreſſe, is a fool and vnwijs. man, þan a man liere.
xxiii A pore man ſchal ſpeke wiþ biſechingis; and a riche xxiii Þe drede of þe Lord lediþ to lijf `of blis; and he `þat
man ſchal ſpeke ſterneli. drediþ God ſchal dwelle in plentee, wiþ outen viſityng
xxiiii A man freendli to felouſchipe ſchal more be a `of þe worſte.
frend, þan a broþir. xxiiii A ſlow man hidiþ his hond vndur þe armpit; and
putteþ it not to his mouþ.
CAP. XIX xxv Whanne a man ful of peſtilence is betun, a fool ſchal
i Betere is a pore man, þat goiþ in his ſimpleneſſe, þan a
be wiſere. If þou blamiſt a wijs man, he ſchal
riche man bitynge hiſe lippis, and vnwijs. vndurſtonde techyng.
ii Where is not kunnyng of þe ſoule, is not good; and he xxvi He þat turmentiþ þe fadir, and fleeþ fro þe modir,
þat is haſti, in feet hirtiþ. ſchal be ful of yuel fame, and ſchal be curſid.
iii Þe foli of a man diſſeyueþ hiſe ſteppis; and he xxvii Sone, ceeſſe þou not to here techyng; and knowe
brenneþ in his ſoule aȝens God. þou þe wordis of kunnyng.
iiii Richeſſis encreeſſen ful many freendis; forſoþe alſo xxviii A wickid witneſſe ſcorneþ doom; and þe mouþ of
þei ben departid fro a pore man, whiche he hadde. vnpitouſe men deuouriþ wickidneſſe.
v A fals witneſſe ſchal not be vnpunyſchid; and he þat xxix Domes ben maad redi to ſcorneris; and hameris
ſpekiþ leeſingis, ſchal not aſcape. ſmytynge ben maad redi to þe bodies of foolis.
vi Many men onouren þe perſoone of a myȝti man; and
ben frendis of hym þat deeliþ ȝiftis. CAP. XX
vii Þe briþeren of a pore man haten hym; ferþermore i Wiyn is a letcherouſe þing and drunkeneſſe is ful of
and þe freendis ȝeden awei fer fro hym. He þat ſueþ noiſe; who euere delitiþ in þeſe, ſchal not be wijs.
wordis oonli, ſchal haue no þing; ii As þe roryng of a lioun, ſo and þe drede of þe kyng;
viii but he þat holdiþ ſtabli þe mynde, loueþ his ſoule, he þat terriþ hym to ire, ſynneþ aȝens his owne lijf.
and þe kepere of prudence ſchal fynde goodis. iii It is onour to a man þat departiþ hym ſilf fro
ix A fals witneſſe ſchal not be vnpunyſchid; and he þat ſtryuyngis; but fonned men ben medlid wiþ diſpiſyngis.
ſpekiþ leeſyngis, ſchal periſche. iiii A ſlow man nolde ere for coold; þerfor he ſchal
x Delices bicomen not a fool; neþer `it bicomeþ a begge in ſomer, and me ſchal not ȝyue to hym.
ſeruaunt to be lord of princes. v As deep watir, ſo counſel is in þe herte of a man; but a
xi Þe teching of a man is knowun bi pacience; and his wijs man ſchal drawe it out.
glorie is to paſſe ouere wickid þingis. vi Many men ben clepid merciful; but who ſchal fynde a
xii As þe gnaſting of a lioun, ſo and þe ire of þe king; feiþful man?
and as deewe on eerbe, ſo and þe gladneſſe of þe kyng. vii Forſoþe a iuſt man þat goiþ in his ſimpleneſſe, ſchal
xiii Þe ſorewe of þe fadir is a fonned ſone; and roofes leeue bleſſid ſones aftir hym.
droppynge contynueli is a womman ful of chiding. viii A king þat ſittiþ in þe ſeete of doom, diſtrieþ al yuel
xiiii Houſis and richeſſis ben ȝouun of fadir and modir; bi his lokyng.
but a prudent wijf is ȝouun propirli of þe Lord. ix Who may ſeie, Myn herte is clene; Y am clene of
xv Slouþ bringiþ in ſleep; and a negligent ſoule ſchal ſynne?
haue hungur. x A weiȝte and a weiȝte, a meſure and a meſure, euer
xvi He þat kepiþ þe comaundement of God, kepiþ his eiþir is abhomynable at God.
ſoule; but he þat chargiþ not his weie, ſchal be ſlayn. xi A child is vndurſtondun bi hiſe ſtudies, yf his werkis
ben riȝtful and cleene.

xii An eere heringe, and an iȝe ſeynge, God made euere vi He þat gaderiþ treſours bi þe tunge of a leeſing, is
eiþir. veyne, and wiþ outen herte; and he ſchal be hurtlid to þe
xiii Nyle þou loue ſleep, leſt nedyneſſe oppreſſe þee; ſnaris of deþ.
opene þin iȝen, and be þou fillid wiþ looues. vii Þe raueyns of vnpitouſe men ſchulen drawe hem
xiiii Ech biere ſeiþ, It is yuel, it is yuel; and whanne he doun; for þei nolden do doom.
haþ go awey, þanne he ſchal haue glorie. viii Þe weiward weie of a man is alien fro God; but þe
xv Gold, and þe multitude of iemmes, and a preciouſe werk of hym þat is cleene, is riȝtful.
veſſel, ben þe lippis of kunnyng. ix It is betere to ſitte in þe corner of an hous wiþ oute
xvi Take þou awei þe cloþ of hym, þat was borewe of an roof, þan wiþ a womman ful of chydyng, and in a
oþere man; and for ſtraungeris take þou awei a wed fro comyn hous.
hym. x Þe ſoule of an vnpitouſe man deſiriþ yuel; he ſchal not
xvii Þe breed of a leeſing is ſweet to a man; and haue merci on his neiȝbore.
aftirward his mouþ ſchal be fillid wiþ rikenyng. xi Whanne a man ful of peſtilence is punyſchid, a litil
xviii Þouȝtis ben maad ſtrong bi counſelis; and bateils man of wit ſchal be þe wiſere; and if he ſueþ a wijs man,
ſchulen be tretid bi gouernals. he ſchal take kunnyng.
xix Be þou not medlid wiþ him þat ſchewiþ pryuetees, xii A iuſt man of þe hous of a wickid man þenkiþ, to

and goiþ gylefulli, and alargiþ hiſe lippis. wiþdrawe wickid men fro yuel.
xx Þe lyȝt of hym þat curſiþ his fadir and modir, ſchal be xiii He þat ſtoppiþ his eere at þe cry of a pore man, ſchal

quenchid in þe myddis of derkneſſis. crye alſo, and ſchal not be herd.

xxi Eritage to which me haaſtiþ in þe bigynnyng, ſchal xiiii A ȝift hid quenchiþ chidyngis; and a ȝift in boſum

wante bleſſing in þe laſte tyme. quenchiþ þe mooſt indignacioun.

xxii Seie þou not, Y ſchal ȝelde yuel for yuel; abide þou xv It is ioye to a iuſt man to make doom; and it is drede

þe Lord, and he ſchal delyuere þee. to hem þat worchen wickidneſſe.

xxiii Abhomynacioun at God is weiȝte and weiȝte; a xvi A man þat erriþ fro þe weie of doctryn, ſchal dwelle

gileful balaunce is not good. in þe cumpany of giauntis.

xxiiii Þe ſteppis of man ben dreſſid of þe Lord; who xvii He þat loueþ metis, ſchal be in nedyneſſe; he þat

forſoþe of men mai vndurſtonde his weie? loueþ wiyn and fatte þingis, ſchal not be maad riche.
xxv Falling of man is to make auow to ſeyntis, and xviii An vnpitouſe man ſchal be ȝouun for a iuſt man;

aftirward to wiþdrawe þe vowis. and a wickid man ſchal be ȝouun for a riȝtful man.
xxvi A wijs kyng ſcateriþ wickid men; and bowiþ a xix It is betere to dwelle in a deſert lond, þan wiþ a

bouwe of victorie ouer hem. womman ful of chidyng, and wraþful.

xxvii Þe lanterne of þe Lord is þe ſpirit of man, þat ſekiþ xx Deſirable treſoure and oile is in þe dwelling places of

out alle þe priuetees of þe wombe. a iuſt man; and an vnprudent man ſchal diſtrie it.
xxviii Merci and treuþe kepen a kyng; and his trone is xxi He þat ſueþ riȝtfulneſſe and mercy, ſchal fynde lijf

maad ſtrong bi mekeneſſe. and glorie.

xxix Þe ful out ioiyng of ȝonge men is þe ſtrengþe of xxii A wijs man ſtiede `in to þe citee of ſtronge men, and

hem; and þe dignyte of elde men is hoorneſſe. diſtriede þe ſtrengþe of triſt þerof.
xxx Þe wanneſſe of wounde ſchal wipe aweie yuels, and xxiii He þat kepiþ his mouþ and his tunge, kepiþ his

woundis in þe priuyere þingis of þe wombe. ſoule from angwiſchis.

xxiiii A proude man and booſteere is clepid a fool, þat
CAP. XXI worchiþ pride in ire.
i As departyngis of watris, ſo þe herte of þe kyng is in xxv Deſiris ſleen a ſlow man; for hiſe hondis nolden
þe power of þe Lord; whidur euer he wole, he ſchal worche ony þing.
bowe it. xxvi Al dai he coueitiþ and deſiriþ; but he þat is a iuſt
ii Ech weye of a man ſemeþ riȝtful to hym ſilf; but þe man, ſchal ȝyue, and ſchal not ceeſſe.
Lord peiſiþ þe hertis. xxvii Þe offringis of wickid men, þat ben offrid of greet
iii To do merci and doom pleſiþ more þe Lord, þan treſpas, ben abhomynable.
ſacrifices doen. xxviii A fals witneſſe ſchal periſche; a man obedient ſchal
iiii Enhaunſyng of iȝen is alargyng of þe herte; þe ſpeke victorie.
lanterne of wickid men is ſynne. xxix A wickid man makiþ ſad his cheer vnſchamefaſtli;
v Þe þouȝtis of a ſtronge man ben euere in abundaunce; but he þat is riȝtful, amendiþ his weie.
but ech ſlow man is euere in nedyneſſe.

xxx No wiſdom is, no prudence is, no counſel is aȝens þe xxi þat Y ſchulde ſchewe to þee þe ſadneſſe and ſpechis
Lord. of trewþe; to anſwere of þeſe þingis to hem, þat ſenten
xxxi An hors is maad redi to þe dai of batel; but þe Lord þee.
ſchal ȝyue helþe. xxii Do þou not violence to a pore man, for he is pore;
neþir defoule þou a nedi man in þe ȝate.
CAP. XXII xxiii For þe Lord ſchal deme his cauſe, and he ſchal
i Betere is a good name, þan many richeſſis; for good turmente hem, þat turmentiden his ſoule.
grace is aboue ſiluer and gold. xxiiii Nyle þou be freend to a wraþful man, neþer go þou
ii A riche man and a pore man metten hem ſilf; þe Lord wiþ a wood man;
is worchere of euer eiþir. xxv leſt perauenture þou lerne hiſe weies, and take
iii A felle man ſeeþ yuel, and hidiþ him ſilf; and an ſclaundir to þi ſoule.
innocent man paſſid, and he was turmentid bi harm. xxvi Nyle þou be wiþ hem þat obliſchen her hondis, and
iiii Þe ende of temperaunce is þe drede of þe Lord; þat proferen hem ſilf borewis for dettis; for if he haþ not
richeſſis, and glorye, and lijf. wherof he ſchal reſtore,
v Armuris and ſwerdis ben in þe weie of a weiward xxvii what of cauſe is, þat þou take awei hilyng fro þi
man; but þe kepere of his ſoule goiþ awey fer fro þo. bed?
vi It is a prouerbe, A ȝong wexynge man biſidis his weie, xxviii Go þou not ouer þe elde markis, whiche þi faders
and whanne he haþ wexe elde, he ſchal not go awei fro han ſet.
it. xxix Þou haſt ſeyn a man ſmert in his werk; he ſchal
vii A riche man comaundiþ to pore men; and he þat ſtonde bifore kyngis, and he ſchal not be bifor vnnoble
takiþ borewyng, is þe ſeruaunt of þe leenere. men.
viii He þat ſowiþ wickidnes, ſchal repe yuels; and þe
ȝerde of his yre ſchal be endid. CAP. XXIII
ix He þat is redi to merci, ſchal be bleſſid; for of his i Whanne þou ſittiſt, to ete wiþ þe prince, perſeyue þou

looues he ȝaf to a pore man. He þat ȝyueþ ȝiftis, ſchal diligentli what þingis ben ſet bifore þi face,
gete victorie and onour; forſoþe he takiþ awei þe ſoule ii and ſette þou a wiþholding in þi þrote. If neþeles þou
of þe takeris. haſt power on þi ſoule,
x Caſte þou out a ſcornere, and ſtrijf ſchal go out wiþ iii deſire þou not of his metis, in whom is þe breed of `a
hym; and cauſis and diſpiſyngis ſchulen ceeſſe. leeſing.
xi He þat loueþ þe clenneſſe of herte, ſchal haue þe kyng iiii Nyle þou trauele to be maad riche, but ſette þou
a freend, for þe grace of hiſe lippis. meſure to þi prudence.
xii Þe iȝen of þe Lord kepen kunnyng; and þe wordis of v Reiſe not þin iȝen to richeſſis, whiche þou maiſt not
a wickid man ben diſſeyued. haue; for þo ſchulen make to hem ſilf pennes, as of an
xiii A ſlow man ſchal ſeie, A lioun is wiþoutforþ; Y ſchal egle, and þo ſchulen flee in to heuene.
be ſlayn in þe myddis of þe ſtretis. vi Ete þou not wiþ an enuyouſe man, and deſire þou not
xiiii Þe mouþ of an alien womman is a deep diche; he to hiſe metis;
whom þe Lord is wrooþ, ſchal falle in to it. vii for at þe licneſſe of a fals dyuynour and of a
xv Foli is boundun togidere in þe herte of a child; and a coniectere, he geſſiþ þat, þat he knowiþ not. He ſchal
ȝerde of chaſtiſyng ſchal dryue it awey. ſeie to þee, Ete þou and drinke; and his ſoule is not wiþ
xvi He þat falſli chalengiþ a pore man, to encreeſſe hiſe þee.
viii Þou ſchalt brake out þe metis, whiche þou haſt ete;
owne richeſſis, ſchal ȝyue to a richere man, and ſchal be
nedi. and þou ſchalt leeſe þi faire wordis.
xvii My ſone, bowe doun þin eere, and here þou þe ix Speke þou not in þe eeris of vnwiſe men; for þei

wordis of wiſe men; but ſette þou þe herte to my ſchulen diſpiſe þe teching of þi ſpeche.
techyng. x Touche þou not þe termes of litle children; and entre
xviii Þat ſchal be fair to þee, whanne þou haſt kept it in þou not in to þe feeld of fadirles and modirles children.
þin herte, and it ſchal flowe aȝen in þi lippis. xi For þe neiȝbore of hem is ſtrong, and he ſchal deme
xix Þat þi triſt be in þe Lord; wherfor and Y haue her cauſe aȝens þee.
ſchewid it to þee to dai. xii Þin herte entre to techyng, and þin eeris `be redi to þe
xx Lo! Y haue diſcryued it in þre maneres, in þouȝtis wordis of kunnyng.
and kunnyng, xiii Nile þou wiþdrawe chaſtiſyng fro a child; for þouȝ
þou ſmyte hym wiþ a ȝerde, he ſchal not die.

xiiii Þou ſchalt ſmyte hym wiþ a ȝerde, and þou ſchalt ii For þe ſoule of hem biþenkiþ raueyns, and her lippis
delyuere his ſoule fro helle. ſpeken fraudis.
xv Mi ſone, if þi ſoule is wijs, myn herte ſchal haue ioye iii An hous ſchal be bildid bi wiſdom, and ſchal be maad
wiþ þee; ſtrong bi prudence.
xvi and my reynes ſchulen make ful out ioye, whanne þi iiii Celeris ſchulen be fillid in teching, al riches
lippis ſpeken riȝtful þing. preciouſe and ful fair.
xvii Þin herte ſue not ſynneris; but be þou in þe drede of v A wijs man is ſtrong, and a lerned man is ſtalworþ and
þe Lord al dai. miȝti.
xviii For þou ſchalt haue hope at þe laſte, and þin vi For whi batel is bigunnun wiþ ordenaunce, and helþe
abidyng ſchal not be don awei. ſchal be, where many counſels ben.
xix Mi ſone, here þou, and be þou wijs, and dreſſe þi vii Wiſdom is hiȝ to a fool; in þe ȝate he ſchal not opene
ſoule in þe weie. his mouþ.
xx Nyle þou be in þe feeſtis of drinkeris, neþer in þe ofte viii He þat þenkiþ to do yuels, ſchal be clepid a fool.
etyngis of hem, þat bryngen togidere fleiſchis to ete. ix Þe þouȝte of a fool is ſynne; and a bacbitere is
xxi For men ȝyuynge tent to drinkis, and ȝyuyng muſſels abhomynacioun of men.
togidere, ſchulen be waaſtid, and napping ſchal be x If þou þat haſt ſlide, diſpeiriſt in þe dai of angwiſch, þi
cloþid wiþ cloþis. ſtrengþe ſchal be maad leſſe.
xxii Here þi fadir, þat gendride þee; and diſpiſe not þi xi Delyuere þou hem, þat ben led to deþ; and ceeſſe þou
modir, whanne ſche is eld. not to delyuere hem, þat ben drawun to deþ.
xxiii Bie þou treuþe, and nyle þou ſille wiſdom, and xii If þou ſeiſt, Strengþis ſuffiſen not; he þat is biholdere
doctryn, and vndurſtonding. of þe herte, vndirſtondiþ, and no þing diſſeyueþ þe
xxiiii Þe fadir of a iuſt man ioieþ ful out wiþ ioie; he þat kepere of þi ſoule, and he ſchal ȝelde to a man bi hiſe
gendride a wijs man, ſchal be glad in hym. werkis.
xxv Þi fadir and þi modir haue ioye, and he þat gendride xiii Mi ſone, ete þou hony, for it is good; and an
þee, make ful out ioye. honycomb ful ſwete to þi þrote.
xxvi My ſone, ȝyue þin herte to me, and þin iȝen kepe xiiii `So and þe techyng of wiſdom is good to þi ſoule;
my weyes. and whanne þou haſt founde it, þou ſchalt haue hope in
xxvii For an hoore is a deep diche, and an alien womman þe laſte þingis, and þin hope ſchal not periſche.
is a ſtreit pit. xv Aſpie þou not, and ſeke not wickidneſſe in þe hous of
xxviii Sche ſettiþ aſpie in þe weie, as a þeef; and ſche a iuſt man, neþer waſte þou his reſte.
ſchal ſle hem, whiche ſche ſchal ſe vnwar. xvi For a iuſt man ſchal falle ſeuene ſiþis in þe dai, and
xxix To whom is wo? to whos fadir is wo? to whom ben ſchal riſe aȝen; but wickid men ſchulen falle in to yuele.
chidingis? to whom ben dichis? to whom ben woundis xvii Whanne þin enemye falliþ, haue þou not ioye; and
wiþ out cauſe? to whom is puttyng out of iȝen? þin herte haue not ful out ioiyng in his fal;
xxx Wheþer not to hem, þat dwellen in wyn, and ſtudien xviii leſt perauenture þe Lord ſe, and it diſpleſe hym, and
to drynke al of cuppis? he take awei his ire fro hym.
xxxi Biholde þou not wyn, whanne it ſparcliþ, whanne xix Stryue þou not wiþ `þe worſte men, neþer ſue þou
þe colour þerof ſchyneþ in a ver. wickid men.
xxxii It entriþ ſwetli, but at þe laſte it ſchal bite as an xx For whi yuele men han not hope of þingis to
eddre doiþ, and as a cocatrice it ſchal ſchede abrood comynge, and þe lanterne of wickid men ſchal be
venyms. quenchid.
xxxiii Þin iȝen ſchulen ſe ſtraunge wymmen, and þi herte xxi My ſone, drede þou God, and þe kyng; and be þou
ſchal ſpeke weiwerd þingis. not medlid wiþ bacbiteris.
xxxiiii And þou ſchalt be as a man ſlepinge in þe myddis xxii For her perdicioun ſchal riſe togidere ſudenli, and
of þe ſee, and as a gouernour aſlepid, whanne þe ſteere who knowiþ þe fal of euer eiþer?
is loſt. xxiii Alſo þeſe þingis þat ſuen ben to wiſe men. It is not
xxxv And þou ſchalt ſeie, Þei beeten me, but Y hadde not good to knowe a perſoone in doom.
ſorewe; þei drowen me, and Y feelide not; whanne ſchal xxiiii Puplis ſchulen curſe hem, þat ſeien to a wickid
Y wake out, and Y ſchal fynde wynes eft? man, Þou art iuſt; and lynagis ſchulen holde hem
CAP. XXIIII xxv Þei þat repreuen iuſtli ſynners, ſchulen be preiſid;
i Sue þou not yuele men, deſire þou not to be wiþ hem.
and bleſſing ſchal come on hem.

xxvi He þat anſweriþ riȝtful wordis, ſchal kiſſe lippis. xiiii A cloude and wind, and reyn not ſuynge, is a
xxvii Make redi þi werk wiþ outforþ, and worche þi gloriouſe man, and not fillynge biheeſtis.
feelde dilygentli, þat þou bilde þin hous aftirward. xv A prince ſchal be maad ſoft bi pacience; and a ſoft
xxviii Be þou not a witneſſe wiþ out reſonable cauſe tunge ſchal breke hardneſſe.
aȝens þi neiȝbore; neþer flatere þou ony man wiþ þi xvi Þou haſt founde hony, ete þou þat þat ſuffiſiþ to þee;
lippis. leſt perauenture þou be fillid, and brake it out.
xxix Seie þou not, As he dide to me, ſo Y ſchal do to xvii Wiþdrawe þi foot fro þe hous of þi neiȝbore; leſt
him, and Y ſchal ȝelde to ech man aftir his werk. ſum tyme he be fillid, and hate þee.
xxx I paſſide bi þe feeld of a ſlow man, and bi þe vyner xviii A dart, and a ſwerd, and a ſcharp arowe, a man þat
of a fonned man; and, lo! ſpekiþ fals witneſſing aȝens his neiȝbore.
xxxi nettlis hadden fillid al, þornes hadden hilid þe xix A rotun tooþ, and a feynt foot is he, þat hopiþ on an
hiȝere part þerof, and þe wal of ſtoonys wiþ out morter vnfeiþful man in þe dai of angwiſch,
was diſtried. xx and leeſiþ his mentil in þe dai of coold. Vynegre in a
xxxii And whanne Y hadde ſeyn þis þing, Y ſettide in veſſel of ſalt is he, þat ſingiþ ſongis to þe worſte herte.
myn herte, and bi enſaumple Y lernyde techyng. As a mouȝte noieþ a cloþ, and a worm noieþ a tree, ſo
xxxiii Hou longe ſlepiſt þou, ſlow man? whanne ſchalt þe ſorewe of a man noieþ þe herte.
þou ryſe fro ſleep? Soþeli þou ſchalt ſlepe a litil, þou xxi If þin enemy hungriþ, feede þou him; if he þirſtiþ,
ſchalt nappe a litil, þou ſchalt ioyne togidere þe hondis a ȝyue þou watir to hym to drinke;
litil, to take reſte; xxii for þou ſchalt gadere togidere coolis on his heed;
xxxiiii and þi nedyneſſe as a currour ſchal come to þee, and þe Lord ſchal ȝelde to þee.
and þi beggerie as an armed man. xxiii Þe norþ wind ſcatereþ reynes; and a ſorewful face
diſtrieþ a tunge bacbitinge.
CAP. XXV xxiiii It is betere to ſitte in þe corner of an hous wiþout
i Alſo þeſe ben þe Parablis of Salomon, whiche þe men
roof, þan wiþ a womman ful of chidyng, and in a
of Ezechie, kyng of Juda, tranſlatiden. comyn hous.
ii Þe glorie of God is to hele a word; and þe glorie of xxv Coold watir to a þirſti man; and a good meſſanger
kyngis is to ſeke out a word. fro a fer lond.
iii Heuene aboue, and þe erþe byneþe, and þe herte of xxvi A welle diſturblid wiþ foot, and a veyne brokun, a
kyngis is vnſerchable. iuſt man fallinge bifore a wickid man.
iiii Do þou a wei ruſt fro ſiluer, and a ful cleene veſſel xxvii As it is not good to hym þat etiþ myche hony; ſo he
ſchal go out. þat is a ſerchere of maieſte, ſchal be put doun fro glorie.
v Do þou awei vnpite fro þe cheer of þe kyng, and his xxviii As a citee opyn, and wiþ out cumpas of wallis; ſo
trone ſchal be maad ſtidfaſt bi riȝtfulneſſe. is a man þat mai not refreyne his ſpirit in ſpeking.
vi Appere þou not gloriouſe bifore þe kyng, and ſtonde
þou not in þe place of grete men. CAP. XXVI
vii For it is betere, þat it be ſeid to þee, Stie þou hidur, i As ſnow in ſomer, and reyn in herueſt; ſo glorie is
þan þat þou be maad low bifore þe prince. vnſemeli to a fool.
viii Brynge þou not forþ ſoone þo þingis in ſtrijf, whiche ii For whi as a brid fliynge ouer to hiȝ þingis, and a
þin iȝen ſien; leſt aftirward þou maiſt not amende, ſparowe goynge in to vncerteyn; ſo curſing brouȝt forþ
whanne þou haſt maad þi frend vnhoneſt. wiþ out reſonable cauſe ſchal come aboue in to ſum
ix Trete þi cauſe wiþ þi frend, and ſchewe þou not man.
priuyte to a ſtraunge man; iii Beting to an hors, and a bernacle to an aſſe; and a
x leſt perauenture he haue ioye of þi fal, whanne he haþ ȝerde in þe bak of vnprudent men.
herde, and ceeſſe not to do ſchenſchipe to þee. Grace iiii Anſwere þou not to a fool bi his foli, leſt þou be
and frenſchip delyueren, whiche kepe þou to þee, þat maad lijk hym.
þou be not maad repreuable. v Anſwere þou a fool bi his fooli, leſt he ſeme to him ſilf
xi A goldun pomel in beddis of ſiluer is he, þat ſpekiþ a to be wijs.
word in his time. vi An haltinge man in feet, and drinkinge wickidneſſe,
xii A goldun eere ryng, and a ſchinynge peerle is he, þat he þat ſendiþ wordis by a fonned meſſanger.
repreueþ a wijs man, and an eere obeiynge. vii As an haltinge man haþ faire leggis in veyn; ſo a
xiii As þe coold of ſnow in þe dai of herueſt, ſo a feiþful parable is vnſemeli in þe mouþ of foolis.
meſſanger to hym þat ſente `þilke meſſanger, makiþ his
ſoule to haue reſte.

viii As he þat caſteþ a ſtoon in to an heep of mercurie; ſo iiii Irehaþ no merci, and woodneſſe brekynge out `haþ
he þat ȝyueþ onour to an vnwijs man. no merci; and who mai ſuffre þe ferſneſſe of a ſpirit
ix As if a þorn growiþ in þe hond of a drunkun man; ſo a ſtirid?
parable in þe mouþ of foolis. v Betere is opyn repreuyng, þan loue hid.
x Doom determyneþ cauſis; and he þat ſettiþ ſilence to a vi Betere ben þe woundis of hym þat loueþ, þan þe
fool, ſwagiþ iris. gileful coſſis of hym þat hatiþ.
xi As a dogge þat turneþ aȝen to his ſpuyng; ſo is an vii A man fillid ſchal diſpiſe an hony coomb; but an
vnprudent man, þat reherſiþ his fooli. hungri man ſchal take, ȝhe, bittir þing for ſwete.
xii Þou haſt ſeyn a man ſeme wijs to hym ſilf; an viii As a brid paſſinge ouer fro his neſt, ſo is a man þat
vnkunnyng man ſchal haue hope more þan he. forſakiþ his place.
xiii A ſlow man ſeiþ, A lioun is in þe weie, a liounneſſe is ix Þe herte delitiþ in oynement, and dyuerſe odours; and
in þe foot paþis. a ſoule is maad ſwete bi þe good counſels of a frend.
xiiii As a dore is turned in his hengis; ſo a ſlow man in x Forſake þou not þi frend, and þe frend of þi fadir; and
his bed. entre þou not in to þe hous of þi broþir, in þe dai of þi
xv A ſlow man hidiþ hiſe hondis vndur his armpit; and turment. Betere is a neiȝbore nyȝ, þan a broþir afer.
he traueliþ, if he turneþ þo to his mouþ. xi Mi ſone, ſtudie þou a boute wiſdom, and make þou
xvi A ſlow man ſemeþ wyſere to hym ſilf, þan ſeuene glad myn herte; þat þou maiſt anſwere a word to a
men ſpekynge ſentenſis. diſpiſere.
xvii As he þat takiþ a dogge bi þe eeris; ſo he þat paſſiþ, xii A fel man ſeynge yuel was hid; litle men of wit

and is vnpacient, and is meddlid wiþ þe chiding of paſſinge forþ ſuffriden harmes.
anoþir man. xiii Take þou awei his clooþ, þat bihiȝte for a ſtraunger;
xviii As he is gilti, þat ſendiþ ſperis and arowis in to deþ; and take þou awei a wed fro hym for an alien man.
xix ſo a man þat anoieþ gilefuli his frend, and whanne he xiiii He þat bleſſiþ his neiȝbore wiþ greet vois; and riſiþ

is takun, he ſchal ſeie, Y dide pleiynge. bi niȝt, ſchal be lijk hym þat curſiþ.
xx Whanne trees failen, þe fier ſchal be quenchid; and xv Roouȝs droppynge in þe dai of coold, and a womman

whanne a priuy bacbitere is wiþdrawun, ſtryues reſten. ful of chidyng ben compariſond.
xxi As deed coolis at quic coolis, and trees at þe fier; ſo xvi He þat wiþholdiþ hir, as if he holdiþ wynd; and

a wraþful man reiſiþ chidyngis. auoidiþ þe oile of his riȝt hond.

xxii Þe wordis of a pryuei bacbitere ben as ſymple; and xvii Yrun is whettid bi irun; and a man whettiþ þe face

þo comen til to þe ynneſte þingis of þe herte. of his frend.

xxiii As if þou wolt ourne a veſſel of erþe wiþ foul ſiluer; xviii He þat kepiþ a fige tre, ſchal ete þe fruytis þerof;

ſo ben bolnynge lippis felouſchipid wiþ `þe werſte and he þat is a kepere of his lord, ſchal be glorified.
herte. xix As þe cheris of men biholdinge ſchynen in watris; ſo
xxiiii An enemy is vndirſtondun bi hiſe lippis, whanne he þe hertis of men ben opyn to prudent men.
tretiþ giles in þe herte. xx Helle and perdicioun ſchulen not be fillid; ſo and þe
xxv Whanne he `makiþ low his vois, bileue þou not to iȝen of men moun not be fillid.
hym; for ſeuene wickidneſſis ben in his herte. xxi As ſiluer is preuyd in a wellyng place, and gold `is
xxvi Þe malice of hym þat hiliþ hatrede gilefuli, ſchal be preued in a furneys; ſo a man is preued bi þe mouþ of
ſchewid in a counſel. preyſeris. Þe herte of a wickid man ſekiþ out yuels; but
xxvii He þat delueþ a diche, ſchal falle in to it; and if a a riȝtful herte ſekiþ out kunnyng.
xxii Þouȝ þou beetiſt a fool in a morter, as wiþ a peſtel
man walewiþ a ſtoon, it ſchal turne aȝen to hym.
xxviii A fals tunge loueþ not treuþ; and a ſlidir mouþ ſmytynge aboue dried barli; his foli ſchal not be don
worchiþ fallyngis. awei fro him.
xxiii Knowe þou diligentli þe cheere of þi beeſte; and

CAP. XXVII biholde þou þi flockis.

i Haue þou not glorie on þe morewe, `not knowynge xxiiii For þou ſchalt not haue power contynueli; but a

what þing þe dai to comynge ſchal bringe forþ. coroun ſchal be ȝouun to þee in generacioun and in to
ii Anoþer man, and not þi mouþ preiſe þee; a ſtraunger, generacioun.
xxv Medewis ben openyd, and greene eerbis apperiden;
and not þi lippis `preiſe þee.
iii A ſtoon is heuy, and grauel is chariouſe; but þe ire of and hey is gaderid fro hillis.
xxvi Lambren be to þi cloþing; and kidis be to þe prijs of
a fool is heuyere þan euer eiþir.

xxvii Þe
mylke of geete ſuffice to þee for þi meetis; in to xxii A man þat haſtiþ to be maad riche, and haþ enuye to
þe neceſſarie þingis of þin hous, and to lijflode to þin oþere men; woot not þat nedineſſe ſchal come on hym.
handmaidis. xxiii He þat repreueþ a man, ſchal fynde grace aftirward
at hym; more þan he þat diſſeyueþ bi flateryngis of
CAP. XXVIII tunge.
i A wickid man fleeþ, whanne no man purſueþ; but a xxiiii He þat wiþdrawiþ ony þing fro his fadir and fro his
iuſt man as a lioun triſtynge ſchal be wiþ out modir, and ſeiþ þat þis is no ſynne, is parcener of a
ferdfulneſſe. manquellere.
ii For þe ſynnes of þe lond ben many princis þerof; and xxv He þat auauntiþ hym ſilf, and alargiþ, reiſiþ ſtryues;
for þe wiſdom of a man, and for þe kunnyng of þeſe but he þat hopiþ in þe Lord, ſchal be ſauyd.
þingis þat ben ſeid, þe lijf of þe duyk ſchal be lengere. xxvi He þat triſtiþ in his herte, is a fool; but he þat goiþ
iii A pore man falſli calengynge pore men, is lijk a grete
reyn, wherynne hungur is maad redi. xxvii ſchal be preyſid. He þat ȝyueþ to a pore man, ſchal
iiii Þei þat forſaken þe lawe, preiſen a wickid man; þei
not be nedi; he þat diſpiſiþ `a pore man biſechynge,
þat kepen `þe lawe, ben kyndlid aȝens hym. ſchal ſuffre nedyneſſe.
v Wickid men þenken not doom; but þei þat ſeken þe xxviii Whanne vnpitouſe men riſen, men ſchulen be hid;
Lord, perſeyuen alle þingis. whanne þo `vnpitouſe men han periſchid, iuſt men
vi Betere is a pore man goynge in his ſympilneſſe, þan a ſchulen be multiplied.
riche man in ſchrewid weies.
vii He þat kepiþ þe lawe, is a wijs ſone; but he þat fediþ CAP. XXIX
glotouns, ſchendiþ his fadir. i Sodeyn periſchyng ſchal come on þat man, þat wiþ
viii He þat gaderiþ togidere richeſſis bi vſuris, and fre hard nol diſpiſiþ a blamere; and helþ ſchal not ſue hym.
encrees, gaderiþ þo togidere aȝens pore men. ii Þe comynalte ſchal be glad in þe multipliyng of iuſt
ix His preyer ſchal be maad curſid, þat bowiþ awei his men; whanne wickid men han take prinſhod, þe puple
eere; þat he here not þe lawe. ſchal weyle.
x He þat diſſeyueþ iuſt men in an yuel weye, ſchal falle iii A man þat loueþ wiſdom, makiþ glad his fadir; but he

in his periſching; and iuſte men ſchulen welde hiſe þat nurſchiþ `an hoore, ſchal leeſe catel.
goodis. iiii A iuſt king reiſiþ þe lond; an auerouſe man ſchal
xi A ryche man ſemeþ wijs to him ſilf; but a pore man diſtrie it.
prudent ſchal ſerche him. v A man þat ſpekiþ bi flaterynge and feyned wordis to
xii In enhaunſing of iuſt men is miche glorie; whanne his frend; ſprediþ abrood a net to hiſe ſteppis.
wickid men regnen, fallyngis of men ben. vi A ſnare ſchal wlappe a wickid man doynge ſynne; and
xiii He þat hidiþ hiſe grete treſpaſſis, ſchal not be maad a iuſt man ſchal preiſe, and ſchal make ioye.
riȝtful; but he þat knoulechiþ and forſakiþ þo, ſchal gete vii A iuſt man knowiþ þe cauſe of pore men; an
merci. vnpitouſe man knowiþ not kunnyng.
xiiii Bleſſid is þe man, which is euere dredeful; but he viii Men ful of peſtilence diſtryen a citee; but wiſe men
þat is `harde of ſoule, ſchal falle in to yuel. turnen awei woodneſſe.
xv A rorynge lioun, and an hungry bere, is a wickid ix If a wijs man ſtryueþ wiþ a fool; wheþer he be wrooþ,
prince on a pore puple. `eþer he leiȝiþ, he ſchal not fynde reſte.
xvi A duyk nedi of prudence ſchal oppreſſe many men bi x Menquelleris haten a ſimple man; but iuſt men ſeken
fals chalenge; but þe daies of hym þat hatiþ aueryce, his ſoule.
ſchulen be maad longe. xi A fool bringiþ forþ al his ſpirit; a wiſe man dilaieþ,
xvii No man ſuſteyneþ a man þat falſly chalengiþ þe and reſerueþ in to tyme comynge afterward.
blood of a man, if he fleeþ `til to þe lake. xii A prince þat heriþ wilfuli þe wordis of a leeſyng;
xviii He þat goiþ ſimpli, ſchal be ſaaf; he þat goiþ bi ſchal haue alle mynyſtris vnfeiþful.
weiward weies, ſchal falle doun onys. xiii A pore man and a leenere metten hem ſilf; þe Lord is
xix He þat worchiþ his lond, ſchal be fillid wiþ looues; liȝtnere of euer eþir.
he þat ſueþ ydelneſſe, ſchal be fillid wiþ nedyneſſe. xiiii If a kyng demeþ pore men in treuþe; his trone ſchal
xx A feiþful man ſchal be preiſid myche; but he þat be maad ſtidfaſt wiþ outen ende.
haſtiþ to be maad riche, ſchal not be innocent. xv A ȝerde and chaſtiſyng ſchal ȝyue wiſdom; but a
xxi He þat knowiþ a face in doom, doiþ not wel; þis man child, which is left to his wille, ſchendiþ his modir.
forſakiþ treuþe, ȝhe, for a muſſel of breed.

xvi Grete treſpaſſis ſchulen be multiplied in þe ix leſt perauenture Y be fillid, and be drawun to denye,
multipliyng of wickid men; and iuſt men ſchulen ſe þe and ſeie, Who is þe Lord? and leſt Y compellid bi
fallyngis of hem. nedyneſſe, ſtele, and forſwere þe name of my God.
xvii Teche þi ſone, and he ſchal coumforte þee; and he x Accuſe þou not a ſeruaunt to his lord, leſt perauenture
ſchal ȝyue delicis to þi ſoule. he curſe þee, and þou falle doun.
xviii Whanne propheſie fayliþ, þe puple ſchal be diſtried; xi A generacioun þat curſiþ his fadir, and þat bleſſiþ not
but he þat kepiþ þe lawe, is bleſſid. his modir.
xix A ſeruaunt mai not be tauȝt bi wordis; for he xii A generacioun þat ſemeþ cleene to it ſilf, and neþeles
vndirſtondiþ þat þat þou ſeiſt, and diſpiſiþ for to is not waiſchun fro hiſe filþis.
anſwere. xiii A generacioun whoſe iȝen ben hiȝ, and þe iȝe liddis
xx Þou haſt ſeyn a man ſwift to ſpeke; foli ſchal be hopid þerof ben reiſid in to hiȝ þingis.
more þan his amendyng. xiiii A generacioun þat haþ ſwerdis for teeþ, and etiþ wiþ
xxi He þat nurſchiþ his ſeruaunt delicatli fro childhod; hiſe wank teeþ; þat it ete nedi men of erþe, and þe
ſchal fynde hym rebel aftirward. porails of men.
xxii A wraþful man terriþ chidingis; and he þat is lyȝt to xv Þe watir leche haþ twei douȝtris, ſeiynge, Brynge,
haue indignacioun, ſchal be more enclynaunt to ſynnes. bringe. Þre þingis ben vnable to be fillid, and þe fourþe,
xxiii Lowneſſe ſueþ a proude man; and glorie ſchal vp þat ſeiþ neuere, It ſuffiſiþ;
take a meke man of ſpirit. xvi helle, and þe mouþ of þe wombe, and þe erþe which
xxiiii He þat takiþ part wiþ a þeef, hatiþ his ſoule; he is neuere fillid wiþ water; but fier ſeiþ neuere, It ſuffiſiþ.
heriþ a man chargynge greetli, and ſchewiþ not. xvii Crowis of þe ſtronde picke out þilke iȝe, þat ſcorneþ
xxv He þat drediþ a man, ſchal falle ſoon; he þat hopiþ þe fadir, and þat diſpiſiþ þe child beryng of his modir;
in þe Lord, ſhal be reiſid. and þe briddis of an egle ete þat iȝe.
xxvi Many men ſeken þe face of þe prince; and þe doom xviii Þre þingis ben hard to me, and outirli Y knowe not

of alle men ſchal go forþ of þe Lord. þe fourþe þing;

xxvii Iuſt men han abhomynacioun of a wickid man; and xix þe weye of an egle in heuene, þe weie of a ſerpent on

wickid men han abhomynacioun of hem, þat ben in a a ſtoon, þe weie of a ſchip in þe myddil of þe ſee, and þe
riȝtful weye. A ſone kepynge a word, ſchal be out of weie of a man in ȝong wexynge age.
perdicioun. xx Siche is þe weie of a womman auowtreſſe, which
etiþ, and wipiþ hir mouþ, and ſeiþ, Y wrouȝte not yuel.
CAP. XXX xxi Þe erþe is moued bi þre þingis, and þe fourþe þing,
i Þe wordis of hym þat gaderiþ, of þe ſone ſpuynge. Þe which it may not ſuſteyne;
propheſie which a man ſpak, wiþ whom God was, and xxii bi a ſeruaunt, whanne he regneþ; bi a fool, whanne
which man was coumfortid bi God dwellyng wiþ hym, he is fillid wiþ mete;
ii and ſeide, Y am þe mooſt fool of men; and þe wiſdom xxiii bi an hateful womman, whanne ſche is takun in
of men is not wiþ me. matrymonye; and bi an handmaide, whanne ſche is eir
iii Y lernede not wiſdom; and Y knew not þe kunnyng of of hir ladi.
hooli men. xxiiii Foure ben þe leeſte þingis of erþe, and þo ben
iiii Who ſtiede in to heuene, and cam doun? Who helde wiſere þan wiſe men;
togidere þe ſpirit in hiſe hondis? who bonde togidere xxv amtis, a feble puple, þat maken redi mete in herueſt
watris as in a cloþ? Who reiſide alle þe endis of erþe? to hem ſilf;
What is name of hym? and what is þe name of his ſone, xxvi a hare, a puple vnmyȝti, þat ſettiþ his bed in a ſtoon;
if þou knowiſt? xxvii a locuſt haþ no kyng, and al goiþ out bi
v Ech word of God is a ſcheld ſet a fiere, to alle þat
cumpanyes; an euete enforſiþ wiþ hondis,
hopen in hym. xxviii and dwelliþ in þe houſis of kingis.
vi Adde þou not ony þing to þe wordis of hym, and þou
xxix Þre þingis ben, þat goon wel, and þe fourþe þing,
be repreued, and be foundun a liere. þat goiþ richeli.
vii I preiede þee twei þingis; denye not þou to me, bifor
xxx A lioun, ſtrongeſte of beeſtis, ſchal not drede at þe
þat Y die. meetyng of ony man;
viii Make þou fer fro me vanyte and wordis of leeſyng;
xxxi a cok gird þe leendis, and a ram, and noon is þat
ȝyue þou not to me beggery and richeſſis; ȝyue þou ſchal aȝenſtonde him.
oneli neceſſaries to my lijflode;

xxxii He þat apperiþ a fool, aftir þat he is reiſid an hiȝ; xxii Sche made to hir a ray cloþ; bijs and purpur is þe
for if he hadde vndurſtonde, he hadde ſett hond on his cloþ of hir.
mouþ. xxiii Hir hoſebonde is noble in þe ȝatis, whanne he ſittiþ
xxxiii Forſoþe he þat þriſtiþ ſtrongli teetis, to drawe out wiþ þe ſenatours of erþe.
mylk, þriſtiþ out botere; and he þat ſmytiþ greetli, xxiiii Sche made lynnun cloþ, and ſelde; and ȝaf a girdil
drawiþ out blood; and he þat ſtiriþ iris, bringiþ forþ to a Chananei.
diſcordis. xxv Strengþe and fairneſſe is þe cloþing of hir; and ſche
ſchal leiȝe in þe laſte dai.
CAP. XXXI xxvi Sche openyde hir mouþ to wiſdom; and þe lawe of
i Þe wordis of Lamuel, þe king; þe viſioun bi which his
merci is in hir tunge.
modir tauȝte hym. xxvii Sche bihelde þe paþis of hir hous; and ſche eet not
ii What my derlyng? what þe derlyng of my wombe?
breed idili.
what þe derlyng of my deſiris? xxviii Hir ſones riſiden, and prechiden hir mooſt bleſſid;
iii Ȝyue þou not þi catel to wymmen, and þi richeſſis to
hir hoſebonde roos, and preiſide hir.
do awei kyngis. xxix Many douȝtris gaderiden richeſſis; þou paſſidiſt alle.
iiii A! Lamuel, nyle þou ȝiue wyn to kingis; for no
xxx Fairneſſe is diſſeiuable grace, and veyn; þilke
pryuete is, where drunkeneſſe regneþ. womman, þat drediþ þe Lord, ſchal be preiſid.
v Leſt perauenture þei drynke, and forȝete domes, and
xxxi Ȝyue ȝe to hir of þe fruyt of hir hondis; and hir
chaunge þe cauſe of þe ſones of a pore man. werkis preiſe hir in þe ȝatis.
vi Ȝyue ȝe ſidur to hem þat morenen, and wyn to hem
Here endiþ þe book of Prouerbis, and here biginneþ
þat ben of bitter ſoule.
vii Drinke þei, and forȝete þei her nedineſſe; and þenke
þei no more on her ſorewe.
viii Opene þi mouþ for a doumb man,
ix and opene þi mouþ for þe cauſes of alle ſones þat
paſſen forþ. Deme þou þat þat is iuſt, and deme þou a
nedi man and a pore man.
x Who ſchal fynde a ſtronge womman? þe prijs of her is
fer, and fro þe laſte endis.
xi Þe herte of hir hoſebond triſtiþ in hir; and ſche ſchal
not haue nede to ſpuylis.
xii Sche ſchal ȝelde to hym good, and not yuel, in alle þe
daies of hir lijf.
xiii Sche ſouȝte wolle and flex; and wrouȝte bi þe
counſel of hir hondis.
xiiii Sche is maad as þe ſchip of a marchaunt, þat beriþ
his breed fro fer.
xv And ſche roos bi nyȝt, and ȝaf prey to hir meyneals,
and metis to hir handmaidis.
xvi Sche bihelde a feeld, and bouȝte it; of þe fruyt of hir
hondis ſche plauntide a vyner.
xvii Sche girde hir leendis wiþ ſtrengþe, and made ſtrong
hir arm.
xviii Sche taaſtide, and ſiȝ, þat hir marchaundie was
good; hir lanterne ſchal not be quenchid in þe niȝt.
xix Sche putte hir hondis to ſtronge þingis, and hir
fyngris token þe ſpyndil.
xx Sche openyde hir hond to a nedi man, and ſtretchide
forþ hir hondis to a pore man.
xxi Sche ſchal not drede for hir hous of þe cooldis of
ſnow; for alle hir meyneals ben cloþid wiþ double

ECCLESIASTES i Þerfor Y ſeide in myn hertez, Y ſchal go, and Y ſchal
Here bigynneþ Eccleſiaſtes. flowe in delicis, and Y ſchal vſe goodis; and Y ſiȝ alſo
þat þis was vanyte.
CAP. I ii And leiȝyng Y arrettide errour, and Y ſeide to ioye,
i Þe wordis of Eccleſiaſtes, ſone of Dauid, þe kyng of What art þou diſſeyued in veyn?
Jeruſalem. iii I þouȝte in myn herte to wiþdrawe my fleiſch fro
ii Þe vanyte of vanytees, ſeide Eccleſiaſtes; þe vanyte of wyn, þat Y ſchulde lede ouer my ſoule to wiſdom, and
vanytees, and alle þingis ben vanite. þat Y ſchulde eſchewe foli, til Y ſchulde ſe, what were
iii What haþ a man more of alle his trauel, bi which he profitable to þe ſones of men; in which dede þe
traueiliþ vndur þe ſunne? noumbre of daies of her lijf vndur þe ſunne is nedeful.
iiii Generacioun paſſiþ awei, and generacioun comeþ; iiii Y magnefiede my werkis, Y bildide houſis to me, and

but þe erþe ſtondiþ wiþ outen ende. Y plauntide vynes; Y made ȝerdis and orcherdis,
v Þe ſunne riſiþ, and goiþ doun, and turneþ aȝen to his v and Y ſettide þo wiþ þe trees of al kynde;
vi and Y made ciſternes of watris, for to watre þe wode
vi and þere it riſiþ aȝen, and cumpaſſiþ bi þe ſouþ, and of trees growynge.
vii I hadde in poſſeſſioun ſeruauntis and handmaidis; and
turneþ aȝen to þe norþ. Þe ſpirit cumpaſſynge alle þingis
goiþ `in cumpas, and turneþ aȝen in to hiſe cerclis. Y hadde myche meynee, and droues of grete beeſtis,
vii Alle floodis entren in to þe ſee, and þe ſee fletiþ not and grete flockis of ſcheep, ouer alle men þat weren
ouer þe markis ſet of God; þe floodis turnen aȝen to þe bifore me in Jeruſalem.
viii Y gaderide togidere to me ſiluer and gold, and þe
place fro whennus þo comen forþ, þat þo flowe eft.
viii Alle þingis ben hard; a man may not declare þo caſtels of kingis and of prouyncis; Y made to me
þingis bi word; þe iȝe is not fillid bi ſiȝt, neþer þe eere ſyngeris and ſyngereſſis, and delicis of þe ſones of men,
is fillid bi hering. and cuppis and veſſels in ſeruyce, to helde out wynes;
ix What is þat þing þat was, þat þat ſchal come? What is ix and Y paſſide in richeſſis alle men, þat weren bifor me

þat þing þat is maad, þat þat ſchal be maad? in Jeruſalem. Alſo wiſdom dwellide ſtabli wiþ me,
x No þing vndir þe ſunne is newe, neþer ony man may x and alle þingis whiche myn iȝen deſiriden, Y denyede

ſeie, Lo! þis þing is newe; for now it ȝede bifore in not to hem; neþer Y refreynede myn herte, þat ne it
worldis, þat weren bifore vs. vſide al luſt, and delitide it ſilf in þeſe þingis whiche I
xi Mynde of þe formere þingis is not, but ſoþeli neþer hadde maad redi; and Y demyde þis my part, if Y vſide
þenkyng of þo þingis, þat ſchulen come afterward, ſchal my trauel.
xi And whanne Y hadde turned me to alle werkis whiche
be at hem þat ſchulen come in þe laſt tyme.
xii I Eccleſiaſtes was king of Iſrael in Jeruſalem; myn hondys hadden maad, and to þe trauels in whiche
xiii and Y purpoſide in my ſoule to ſeke and enſerche Y hadde ſwet in veyn, Y ſiȝ in alle þingis vanyte and
turment of þe ſoule, and þat no þing vndir ſunne dwelliþ
wiſeli of alle þingis, þat ben maad vndur þe ſunne. God
ȝaf þis werſte ocupacioun to þe ſones of men, þat þei xii I paſſide to biholde wiſdom, errours, and foli; Y ſeide,
ſchulden be ocupied þerynne.
xiiii I ſiȝ alle þingis þat ben maad vndur þe ſunne, and What is a man, þat he may ſue þe king, his maker?
xiii And Y ſiȝ, þat wiſdom ȝede ſo mych bifor foli, as
lo! alle þingis ben vanyte and turment of ſpirit.
xv Weiward men ben amendid of hard; and þe noumbre miche as lyȝt is dyuerſe fro derkneſſis.
xiiii Þe iȝen of a wijs man ben in his heed, a fool goiþ in
of foolis is greet wiþ outen ende.
xvi I ſpak in myn herte, and Y ſeide, Lo! Y am made derkneſſis; and Y lernede, þat o periſching was of euer
greet, and Y paſſide in wiſdom alle men, þat weren xv And Y ſeide in myn herte, If o deþ ſchal be boþe of
bifore me in Jeruſalem; and my ſoule ſiȝ many þingis
wiſeli, and Y lernede. þe fool and of me, what profitiþ it to me, þat Y ȝaf more
xvii And Y ȝaf myn herte, þat Y ſchulde knowe prudence biſyneſſe to wiſdom? And Y ſpak wiþ my ſoule, and
perſeyuede, þat þis alſo was vanyte.
and doctryn, and errours and foli. And Y knew þat in xvi For mynde of a wijs man ſchal not be, in lijk maner
þeſe þingis alſo was trauel and turment of ſpirit;
xviii for in myche wiſdom is myche indignacioun, and as neþer of a fool wiþ outen ende, and tymes to
comynge ſchulen hile alle þingis togidere wiþ
he þat encreſſiþ kunnyng, encreeſſiþ alſo trauel.
forȝetyng; a lerned man dieþ in lijk maner and an
vnlerned man.

xvii And þerfor it anoiede me of my lijf, ſeynge þat alle which God haþ wrouȝt fro þe bigynnyng `til in to þe
þingis vndur ſunne ben yuele, and þat alle þingis ben ende.
vanyte and turment of þe ſpirit. xii And Y knew þat no þing was betere `to a man, `no
xviii Eft Y curſide al my biſyneſſe, bi which Y trauelide but to be glad, and to do good werkis in his lijf.
mooſt ſtudiouſli vndur ſunne, and Y ſchal haue an eir xiii For whi ech man þat etiþ and drinkiþ, and ſeeþ good
after me, of his trauel; þis is þe ȝifte of God.
xix whom Y knowe not, wheþer he ſchal be wijs eþer a xiiii I haue lerned þat alle werkis, whiche God made,
fool; and he ſchal be lord in my trauels, for whiche Y laſten ſtidfaſtli `til in to wiþ outen ende; we moun not
ſwatte greetli, and was biſi; and is ony þing ſo veyn? adde ony þing to þo, neþer take awei fro þo þingis,
xx Wherfor Y ceeſſide, and myn herte forſook for to whiche God made, þat he be dred.
trauele ferþere vnder ſunne. xv Þat þing þat is maad, dwelliþ perfitli; þo þingis þat
xxi For whi whanne anoþer man traueliþ in wiſdom, and ſchulen come, weren bifore; and God reſtoriþ þat, þat is
techyng, and biſyneſſe, he leeueþ þingis getun to an idel goon.
man; and þerfor þis is vanyte, and greet yuel. xvi I ſiȝ vndur ſunne vnfeiþfulneſſe in þe place of doom;
xxii For whi what ſchal it profite to a man of al his and wickidneſſe in þe place of riȝtfulneſſe.
trauel, and turment of ſpirit, bi which he was turmentid xvii And Y ſeide in myn herte, Þe Lord ſchal deme a iuſt
vndur ſunne? man, and an vnfeiþful man; and þe tyme of ech þing
xxiii Alle hiſe daies ben ful of ſorewis and meſchefs, and ſchal be þanne.
bi nyȝt he reſtiþ not in ſoule; and wheþer þis is not xviii I ſeide in myn herte of þe ſones of men, þat God
vanyte? ſchulde preue hem, and ſchewe þat þei ben lijk
xxiiii Wheþer it is not betere to ete and drynke, and to vnreſonable beeſtis.
ſchewe to hiſe ſoule goodis of hiſe trauels? and þis þing xix Þerfor oon is þe periſching of man and of beeſtis,
is of þe hond of God. and euene condicioun is of euer eiþir; as a man dieþ, `ſo
xxv Who ſchal deuoure ſo, and ſchal flowe in delicis, as and þo beeſtis dien; alle beeſtis breþen in lijk maner,
Y dide? and a man haþ no þing more þan a beeſte.
xxvi God ȝaf wiſdom, and kunnyng, and gladneſſe to a xx Alle þingis ben ſuget to vanyte, and alle þingis goen

good man in his ſiȝt; but he ȝaf turment, and ſuperflu to o place; þo ben maad of erþe, and þo turnen aȝen
biſyneſſe to a ſynnere, þat he encreeſſe, and gadere togidere in to erþe.
togidere, and ȝyue to hym þat pleſiþ God; but alſo þis is xxi Who knowiþ, if þe ſpirit of þe ſones of Adam ſtieþ
vanyte, and veyn biſyneſſe of ſoule. vpward, and if þe ſpirit of beeſtis goiþ dounward?
xxii And Y perſeyuede þat no þing is betere, þan þat a
CAP. III man be glad in his werk, and þat þis be his part; for who
i Alle þingis han tyme, and alle þingis vndur ſunne ſchal brynge hym, þat he knowe þingis þat ſchulen
paſſen bi her ſpaces. come after hym?
ii Tyme of birþe, and time of diyng; tyme to plaunte,
and tyme to drawe vp þat þat is plauntid. CAP. IIII
iii Tyme to ſle, and tyme to make hool; tyme to diſtrie, i I turnede me to oþere þingis, and Y ſiȝ fals chalengis,

and tyme to bilde. þat ben don vndur þe ſunne, and þe teeris of innocentis,
iiii Tyme to wepe, and tyme to leiȝe; tyme to biweile, and no man coumfortour; and þat þei forſakun of þe
and tyme to daunſe. help of alle men, moun not aȝenſtonde þe violence of
v Tyme to ſcatere ſtoonys, and tyme to gadere togidere; hem.
ii And Y preiſide more deed men þan lyuynge men;
tyme to colle, and tyme to be fer fro collyngis.
vi Tyme to wynne, and tyme to leeſe; tyme to kepe, and iii and Y demyde hym, þat was not borun ȝit, and ſiȝ not

tyme to caſte awei. þe yuels þat ben don vndur þe ſunne, to be blisfulere
vii Tyme to kitte, and tyme to ſewe togidere; tyme to be þan euer eiþir.
iiii Eft Y bihelde alle þe trauelis of men, and biſyneſſes;
ſtille, and tyme to ſpeke.
viii Tyme of loue, and tyme of hatrede; tyme of batel, and Y perſeyuede þat þo ben opyn to þe enuye of
and tyme of pees. neiȝbore; and þerfor in þis is vanyte, and ſuperflu
ix What haþ a man more of his trauel? biſyneſſe.
v A fool foldiþ togidere hiſe hondis, and etiþ hiſe
x I ſiȝ þe turment, which God ȝaf to þe ſones of men, þat
þei be occupied þerynne. vi and ſeiþ, Betere is an handful wiþ reſte, þan euer eiþer
xi God made alle þingis good in her tyme, and ȝaf þe
hondful wiþ trauel and turment of ſoule.
world to diſputyng of hem, þat a man fynde not þe werk

vii I bihelde and foond alſo anoþer vanytee vndir þe an hiȝ man, and alſo oþere men ben more hiȝe aboue
ſunne; þeſe men;
viii oon is, and he haþ not a ſecounde; not a ſone, not a viii and ferþermore þe kyng of al erþe comaundiþ to þe

broþer; and neþeles he ceeſiþ not for to trauele, neþer ſeruaunt.

hiſe iȝen ben fillid wiþ richeſſis; neþer he biþenkiþ, and ix An auerouſe man ſchal not be fillid of monei; and he
ſeiþ, To whom trauele Y, and diſſeyue my ſoule in þat loueþ richeſſis ſchal not take fruytis of þo; and
goodis? In þis alſo is vanyte, and þe worſte turment. þerfor þis is vanyte.
ix Þerfor it is betere, þat tweyne be togidere þan oon; for x Where ben many richeſſis, alſo many men ben, þat
þei han profite of her felouſchipe. eten þo; and what profitiþ it to þe haldere, no but þat he
x If oon falliþ doun, he ſchal be vndurſet of þe toþere; ſeeþ richeſſis wiþ hiſe iȝen?
wo to hym þat is aloone, for whanne he falliþ, he haþ xi Slepe is ſwete to hym þat worchiþ, wheþer he etiþ litil
noon reiſynge him. eþer myche; but þe fulneſſe of a ryche man ſuffriþ not
xi And if tweyne ſlepen, þei ſchulen be nurſchid hym to ſlepe.
togidere; hou ſchal oon be maad hoot? xii Alſo anoþir ſijkneſſe is ful yuel, which Y ſiȝ vndur þe
xii And if ony man haþ maiſtri aȝens oon, tweyne aȝen ſunne; richeſſis ben kept in to þe yuel of her lord.
ſtonden hym; a þrefolde corde is brokun of hard. xiii For þei periſchen in þe worſte turment; he gendride a
xiii A pore man and wijs is betere þan an eld kyng and ſone, þat ſchal be in ſouereyn nedyneſſe.
fool, þat kan not bifore ſe in to tyme to comynge. xiiii As he ȝede nakid out of his modris wombe, ſo he
xiiii For ſum tyme a man goiþ out boþe fro pryſoun and ſchal turne aȝen; and he ſchal take awei wiþ hym no
chaynes to a rewme; and anoþir borun in to a rewme is þing of his trauel.
waſtid bi nedyneſſe. xv Outirli it is a wretchid ſijkneſſe; as he cam, ſo he ſchal
xv I ſiȝ alle men lyuynge þat goen vndur þe ſunne, wiþ turne aȝen. What þerfor profitiþ it to hym, þat he
þe ſecounde ȝong wexynge man, þat ſchal riſe for hym. trauelide in to þe wynde?
xvi Þe noumbre of puple, of alle þat weren bifore hym, xvi In alle þe daies of his lijf he eet in derkneſſis, and in

is greet wiþ outen meſure, and þei þat ſchulen come many biſineſſis, and in nedyneſſe, and ſorewe.
aftirward, ſchulen not be glad in hym; but alſo þis is xvii Þerfor þis ſemyde good to me, þat a man ete, and
vanyte and turment of þe ſpirit. drynke, and vſe gladneſſe of his trauel, in which he
xvii Þou þat entriſt in to þe hous of God, kepe þi foot, trauelide vndir þe ſunne, in þe noumbre of daies of his
and neiȝe þou for to here; for whi myche betere is lijf, which God ȝaf to hym; and þis is his part.
obedience þan þe ſacrifices of foolis, þat witen not what xviii And to ech man, to whom God ȝaf richeſſis, and
yuel þei don. catel, and ȝaf power to hym to ete of þo, and to vſe his
part, and to be glad of his trauel; þis is þe ȝifte of God.
CAP. V xix For he ſchal not biþenke miche on þe daies of his
i Speke þou not ony þing folily, neþer þin herte be ſwift lijf, for God ocupieþ his herte wiþ delicis.
to brynge forþ a word bifore God; for God is in heuene,
and þou art on erþe, þerfor þi wordis be fewe. CAP. VI
ii Dremes ſuen many biſyneſſis, and foli ſchal be i Alſo anoþer yuel is, which Y ſiȝ vndur þe ſunne; and
foundun in many wordis. certis it is oft vſid anentis men.
iii If þou haſt avowid ony þing to God, tarie þou not to ii A man is, to whom God ȝaf richeſſis, and catel, and
ȝelde; for an vnfeiþful and fonned biheeſt diſpleſiþ hym; onour; and no þing failiþ to his ſoule of alle þingis
but `ȝelde þou what euer þing þou haſt avowid; which he deſiriþ; and God ȝyueþ not power to hym, þat
iiii and it is myche betere to make not a vowe, þan aftir he ete þerof, but a ſtraunge man ſhal deuoure it. Þis is
a vowe to ȝelde not biheeſtis. vanyte, and a greet wretchidneſſe.
v Ȝyue þou not þi mouþ, þat þou make þi fleiſch to do iii If a man gendriþ an hundrid fre ſones, and lyueþ

ſynne; neþer ſeie þou bifor an aungel, No puruyaunce many ȝeris, and haþ many daies of age, and his ſoule
is; leſt perauenture þe Lord be wrooþ on þi wordis, and vſiþ not þe goodis of his catel, and wantiþ biriyng; Y
diſtruye alle þe werkis of þin hondis. pronounce of þis man, þat a deed borun child is betere
vi Where ben many dremes, ben ful many vanytees, and þan he.
iiii For he comeþ in veyn, and goiþ to derkneſſis; and his
wordis wiþ out noumbre; but drede þou God.
vii If þou ſeeſt falſe chalengis of nedi men, and violent name ſchal be don a wei bi forȝetyng.
v He ſiȝ not þe ſunne, neþer knew dyuerſyte of good and
domes, and þat riȝtfulneſſe is diſtried in þe prouynce,
wondre þou not on þis doyng; for anoþer is hiȝere þan of yuel;

vi alſo þouȝ he lyueþ twei þouſynde ȝeeris, and vſiþ not xv In a good day vſe þou goodis, and bifore eſchewe þou
goodis; wheþer alle þingis haſten not to o place? an yuel day; for God made ſo þis dai as þat dai, þat a
vii Al þe trauel of a man is in his mouþ, but þe ſoule of man fynde not iuſt playnyngis aȝens hym.
hym ſchal not be fillid wiþ goodis. xvi Alſo Y ſiȝ þeſe þingis in þe daies of my natyuyte; a
viii What haþ a wijs man more þan a fool? and what haþ iuſt man periſchiþ in his riȝtfulneſſe, and a wickid man
a pore man, no but þat he go þidur, where is lijf? lyueþ myche tyme in his malice.
ix It is betere to ſe þat, þat þou coueitiſt, þan to deſire xvii Nyle þou be iuſt myche, neþer vndurſtonde þou

þat, þat þou knowiſt not; but alſo þis is vanyte, and more þan is nedeful; leſt þou be aſtonyed.
preſumpcioun of ſpirit. xviii Do þou not wickidli myche, and nyle þou be a fool;
x Þe name of hym þat ſchal come, is clepid now, and it leſt þou die in a tyme not þin.
is knowun, þat he is a man, and he mai not ſtryue in xix It is good, þat þou ſuſteyne a iuſt man; but alſo
doom aȝens a ſtrongere þan hym ſilf. wiþdrawe þou not þin hond from hym; for he þat drediþ
xi Wordis ben ful manye, and han myche vanyte in God, is not necligent of ony þing.
diſpuytinge. xx Wiſdom haþ coumfortid a wiſe man, ouer ten pryncis
of a citee.
CAP. VII xxi Forſoþe no iuſt man is in erþe, þat doiþ good, and
i What nede is it to a man to ſeke grettere þingis þan ſynneþ not.
hym ſilf; ſiþen he knowiþ not, what ſchal bifalle to hym xxii But alſo ȝyue þou not þin herte to alle wordis, þat
in his lijf, in þe noumbre of daies of his pilgrimage, and ben ſeid; leſt perauenture þou here þi ſeruaunt curſynge
in þe tyme þat paſſiþ as ſchadowe? eþer who may þee;
ſchewe to hym, what þing vndur ſunne ſchal come aftir xxiii for þi conſcience woot, þat alſo þou haſt curſid ofte
hym? oþere men.
ii A good name is betere þan preciouſe oynementis; and xxiiii I aſayede alle þingis in wiſdom; Y ſeide, I ſchal be
þe dai of deþ is betere þan þe dai of birþe. maad wijs, and it ȝede awei ferþere fro me, myche more
iii It is betere to go to þe hous of morenyng, þan to þe
þan it was;
hous of a feeſte; for in þat hous `of morenyng þe ende xxv and þe depþe is hiȝ, who ſchal fynde it?
of alle men is moneſtid, and a man lyuynge þenkiþ, xxvi I cumpaſſide alle þingis in my ſoule, to kunne, and
what is to comynge. biholde, and ſeke wiſdom and reſoun, and to knowe þe
iiii Yre is betere þan leiȝyng; for þe ſoule of a treſpaſſour
wickidneſſe of a fool, and þe errour of vnprudent men.
is amendid bi þe heuyneſſe of cheer. xxvii And Y foond a womman bitterere þan deþ, which
v Þe herte of wiſe men is where ſorewe is; and þe herte
is þe ſnare of hunteris, and hir herte is a net, and hir
of foolis is where gladneſſe is. hondis ben boondis; he þat pleſiþ God ſchal aſcape hir,
vi It is betere to be repreued of a wijs man, þan to be
but he þat is a ſynnere, ſchal be takun of hir.
diſſeyued bi þe flateryng of foolis; xxviii Lo! Y foond þis, ſeide Eccleſiaſtes, oon and oþer,
vii for as þe ſown of þornes brennynge vndur a pot, ſo is
þat Y ſchulde fynde reſoun, which my ſoule ſekiþ ȝit;
þe leiȝyng of a fool. But alſo þis is vanyte. xxix and Y foond not. I foond o man of a þouſynde; Y
viii Fals chalenge diſturbliþ a wijs man, and it ſchal leeſe
foond not a womman of alle.
þe ſtrengþe of his herte. xxx I foond þis oonli, þat God made a man riȝtful; and
ix Forſoþe þe ende of preyer is betere þan þe bigynnyng.
he medlide hym ſilf wiþ queſtiouns wiþ out noumbre.
A pacient man is betere þan a proud man. Who is ſiche as a wijs man? and who knowiþ þe
x Be þou not ſwift to be wrooþ; for ire reſtiþ in þe expownyng of a word?
boſum of a fool.
xi Seie þou not, What geſſiſt þou is of cauſe, þat þe CAP. VIII
formere tymes weren betere þan ben now? for whi ſiche i Þe wiſdom of a man ſchyneþ in his cheer; and þe
axyng is fonned. myȝtieſte ſchal chaunge his face.
xii Forſoþe wiſdom wiþ richeſſis is more profitable, and ii I kepe þe mouþ of þe kyng, and þe comaundementis
profitiþ more to men ſeynge þe ſunne. and ſweryngis of God.
xiii For as wiſdom defendiþ, ſo money defendiþ; but iii Haſte þou not to go awei fro his face, and dwelle þou
lernyng and wiſdom haþ þis more, þat þo ȝyuen lijf to not in yuel werk. For he ſchal do al þing, þat he wole;
`her weldere. iiii and his word is ful of power, and no man mai ſeie to
xiiii Biholde þou þe werkis of God, þat no man may hym, Whi doiſt þou ſo?
amende hym, whom God haþ diſpiſid.

v He þat kepiþ þe comaundement of God `in þis lijf, offrynge offryngis and ſacrifices, and to a man
ſchal not feele ony þing of yuel; þe herte of a wijs man diſpiſynge ſacrifices; as a good man, ſo and a ſynnere;
vndurſtondiþ tyme and anſwer. as a forſworun man, ſo and he þat greetli ſweriþ treuþe.
vi Tyme and ceſoun is to ech werk; and myche turment iii Þis þing is þe worſte among alle þingis, þat ben don

is of a man, vndur þe ſunne, þat þe ſame þingis bifallen to alle men;

vii for he knowiþ not þingis paſſid, and he mai not wherfor and þe hertis of þe ſones of men ben fillid wiþ
knowe bi ony meſſanger þingis to comynge. malice and diſpiſyng in her lijf; and aftir þeſe þingis þei
viii It is not in þe power of man to forbede þe ſpirit, ſchulen be led doun to hellis.
iiii No man is, þat lyueþ euere, and þat haþ triſt of þis
neþir he haþ power in þe dai of deþ, neþir he is ſuffrid
to haue reſte, whanne þe batel neiȝeþ; neþir wickidneſſe þing; betere is a quik dogge þan a deed lioun.
v For þei þat lyuen witen þat þei ſchulen die; but deed
ſchal ſaue a wickid man.
ix I bihelde alle þes þingis, and Y ȝaf myn herte in alle men knowen no þing more, neþer han meede ferþere;
werkis, þat ben don vndur þe ſunne. Sum tyme a man is for her mynde is ȝouun to forȝetyng.
vi Alſo þe loue, and hatrede, and enuye periſchiden
lord of a man, to his yuel.
x Y ſiȝ wickid men biryed, which, whanne þei lyueden togidere; and þei han no part in þis world, and in þe
ȝit, weren in hooli place; and þei weren preiſid in þe werk þat is don vndur þe ſunne.
vii Þerfor go þou, iuſt man, and ete þi breed in gladneſſe,
citee, as men of iuſt werkis; but alſo þis is vanyte.
xi Forſoþe for þe ſentence is not brouȝt forþ ſoone aȝens and drynke þi wiyn wiþ ioie; for þi werkis pleſen God.
viii In ech tyme þi cloþis be white, and oile faile not fro
yuele men, þe ſones of men doon yuels wiþ outen ony
drede. þin heed.
xii Neþeles of þat, þat a ſynnere doiþ yuel an hundrid ix Vſe þou lijf wiþ þe wijf which þou loueſt, in alle þe

ſiþis, and is ſuffrid bi pacience, Y knew þat good ſchal daies of lijf of þin vnſtableneſſe, þat ben ȝouun to þee
be to men dredynge God, þat reuerenſen his face. vndur ſunne, in al þe tyme of þi vanyte; for þis is þi part
xiii Good be not to þe wickid man, neþir hiſe daies be in þi lijf and trauel, bi which þou traueliſt vndur þe
maad longe; but paſſe þei as ſchadewe, þat dreden not ſunne.
x Worche þou biſili, what euer þing þin hond mai do; for
þe face of þe Lord.
xiiii Alſo anoþer vanyte is, which is don on erþe. Iuſt neþer werk, neþer reſoun, neþir kunnyng, neþer wiſdom
men ben, to whiche yuels comen, as if þei diden þe ſchulen be at hellis, whidir þou haaſtiſt.
xi I turnede me to anoþer þing, and Y ſiȝ vndur ſunne,
werkis of wickid men; and wickid men ben, þat ben ſo
ſikur, as if þei han þe dedis of iuſt men; but Y deme alſo þat rennyng is not of ſwift men, neþir batel is of ſtronge
þis mooſt veyn. men, neþer breed is of wiſe men, neþer richeſſis ben of
xv Þerfor Y preyſid gladneſſe, þat no good was to a man techeris, ne grace is of crafti men; but tyme and hap is
vndur þe ſunne, no but to ete, and drynke, and to be in alle þingis.
xii A man knowiþ not his ende; but as fiſchis ben takun
ioiful; and þat he ſchulde bere awei wiþ hym ſilf oneli
þis of his trauel, in þe daies of his lijf, whiche God ȝaf wiþ an hook, and as briddis ben takun wiþ a ſnare, ſo
to hym vndur þe ſunne. men ben takun in yuel tyme, whanne it comeþ ſudeynli
xvi And Y ſettide myn herte to knowe wiſdom, and to on hem.
xiii Alſo Y ſiȝ þis wiſdom vndur þe ſunne, and Y preuede
vndurſtonde þe departing, which is turned in erþe. A
man is, þat bi daies and niȝtis takiþ not ſleep wiþ iȝen. it þe mooſte.
xvii And Y vndurſtood, þat of alle þe werkis of God, a xiiii A litil citee, and a fewe men þer ynne; a greet kyng

man may fynde no reſoun of þo þingis, þat ben don cam aȝens it, and cumpaſſide it wiþ palis, and he bildide
vndur þe ſunne; and in as myche as he traueiliþ more to ſtrengþis bi cumpas; and biſegyng was maad perfit.
ſeke, bi ſo myche he ſchal fynde leſſe; ȝhe, þouȝ a wijs xv And a pore man and a wijs was foundun þer ynne;
man ſeiþ þat he knowiþ, he ſchal not mow fynde. and he delyuerede þe citee bi his wiſdom, and no man
biþouȝte aftirward on þat pore man.
CAP. IX xvi And Y ſeide, þat wiſdom is betere þan ſtrengþe; hou
i I tretide alle þeſe þingis in myn herte, to vndirſtonde þerfor is þe wiſdom of a pore man diſpiſid, and hiſe
diligentli. Iuſt men, and wiſe men ben, and her werkis wordis ben not herd?
ben in þe hond of God; and neþeles a man noot, wheþer xvii Þe wordis of wiſe men ben herd in ſilence, more þan
he is worþi of loue or of hatrede. þe cry of a prince among foolis.
ii But alle þingis ben kept vncerteyn in to tyme to xviii Betere is wiſdom þan armuris of batel; and he þat
comynge; for alle þingis bifallen euenli to a iuſt man ſynneþ in o þing, ſchal leeſe many goodis.
and to a wickid man, to a good man and to an yuel man,
to a cleene man and to an vnclene man, to a man

CAP. X iii If cloudis ben filled, þo ſchulen ſchede out reyn on þe
i Flies `þat dien, leeſen þe ſwetneſſe of oynement. Litil erþe; if a tre falliþ doun to þe ſouþ, eþer to þe norþ, in
foli at a tyme is preciouſere þan wiſdom and glorie. what euer place it falliþ doun, þere it ſchal be.
ii Þe herte of a wijs man is in his riȝt ſide; and þe herte iiii He þat aſpieþ þe wynd, ſowiþ not; and he þat
of a fool is in his left ſide. biholdiþ þe cloudis, ſchal neuere repe.
iii But alſo a fool goynge in þe weie, whanne he is v As þou knowiſt not, which is þe weye of þe ſpirit, and
vnwijs, geſſiþ alle men foolis. bi what reſoun boonys ben ioyned togidere in þe
iiii If þe ſpirit of hym, þat haþ power, ſtieþ on þee, wombe of a womman wiþ childe, ſo þou knowiſt not þe
forſake þou not þi place; for heeling ſchal make werkis of God, which is makere of alle þingis.
gretteſte ſynnes to ceeſſe. vi Eerli ſowe þi ſeed, and þin hond ceeſſe not in þe
v An yuel is, which Y ſiȝ vndur þe ſunne, and goiþ out euentid; for þou wooſt not, what ſchal come forþ more,
as bi errour fro þe face of þe prince; a fool ſet in hiȝ þis eþir þat; and if euer eiþir comeþ forþ togidere, it
dignyte, ſchal be þe betere.
vi and riche men ſitte byneþe. vii Þe lyȝt is ſweet, and delitable to þe iȝen to ſe þe
vii I ſiȝ ſeruauntis on horſis, and princes as ſeruauntis ſunne.
viii If a man lyueþ many ȝeeris, and is glad in alle þeſe,
goynge on þe erþe.
viii He þat diggiþ a diche, ſchal falle in to it; and an he owiþ to haue mynde of derk tyme, and of many
eddre ſchal bite hym, þat diſtrieþ an hegge. daies; and whanne þo ſchulen come, þingis paſſid
ix He þat beriþ ouer ſtoonys, ſchal be turmentid in þo; ſchulen be repreued of vanyte.
ix Þerfor, þou ȝonge man, be glad in þi ȝongþe, and þin
and he þat kittiþ trees, ſchal be woundid of þo.
x If yrun is foldid aȝen, and þis is not as bifore, but is herte be in good in þe daies of þi ȝongþe, and go þou in
maad blunt, it ſchal be maad ſcharp wiþ myche trauel; þe weies of þin herte, and in þe biholdyng of þin iȝen;
and wiſdom ſchal ſue aftir biſyneſſe. and wite þou, þat for alle þeſe þingis God ſhal brynge
xi If a ſerpent bitiþ, it bitiþ in ſilence; he þat bacbitiþ þee in to doom.
x Do þou awei ire fro þin herte, and remoue þou malice
priueli, haþ no þing leſſe þan it.
xii Þe wordis of þe mouþ of a wijs man is grace; and þe fro þi fleiſch; for whi ȝongþe and luſt ben veyne þingis.
lippis of an vnwijs man ſchulen caſte hym doun.
xiii Þe bigynnyng of hiſe wordis is foli; and þe laſte þing CAP. XII
i Haue þou mynde on þi creatour in þe daies of þi
of his mouþ is þe worſte errour.
xiiii A fool multiplieþ wordis; a man noot, what was ȝongþe, bifore þat þe tyme of þi turment come, and þe
ȝeris of þi deþ neiȝe, of whiche þou ſchalt ſeie, Þo
bifore hym, and who mai ſchewe to hym þat, þat ſchal pleſen not me.
come aftir hym? ii `Haue þou mynde on þi creatour, bifor þat þe ſunne be
xv Þe trauel of foolis ſhal turment hem, þat kunnen not
derk, and þe lyȝt, and ſterrys, and þe mone; and cloude
go in to þe citee. turne aȝen after reyn.
xvi Lond, wo to þee, whos kyng is a child, and whoſe
iii Whanne þe keperis of þe hous ſchulen be mouyd, and
princes eten eerli. ſtrongeſte men ſchulen tremble; and grynderis ſchulen
xvii Bleſſid is þe lond, whos kyng is noble; and whoſe
be idel, whanne þe noumbre ſchal be maad leſſe, and
princis eten in her tyme, to ſuſteyne þe kynde, and not ſeeris bi þe hoolis ſchulen wexe derk;
to waſte. iiii and ſchulen cloſe þe doris in þe ſtreet, in þe lowneſſe
xviii Þe hiȝneſſe of houſis ſchal be maad low in ſlouþis;
of vois of a gryndere; and þei ſchulen riſe at þe vois of a
and þe hous ſchal droppe in þe febleneſſe of hondis. brid, and alle þe douȝtris of ſong ſchulen wexe deef.
xix In leiȝyng þei diſpoſen breed and wyn, þat þei v And hiȝ þingis ſchulen drede, and ſchulen be aferd in
drynkynge ete largeli; and alle þingis obeien to monei. þe weie; an alemaunde tre ſchal floure, a locuſte ſchal
xx In þi þouȝt bacbite þou not þe kyng, and in þe priuete
be maad fat, and capparis ſchal be diſtried; for a man
of þi bed, curſe þou not a riche man; for þe briddis of ſchal go in to þe hous of his euerlaſtyngneſſe, and
heuene ſchulen bere þi vois, and he þat haþ pennys, weileris ſchulen go aboute in þe ſtreet.
ſchal telle þe ſentence. vi Haue þou mynde on þi creatour, byfore þat a ſiluerne
roop be brokun, and a goldun lace renne aȝen, and a
CAP. XI watir pot be al to-brokun on þe welle, and a wheele be
i Sende þi breed on watris paſſynge forþ, for aftir many brokun togidere on þe ciſterne;
tymes þou ſchalt fynde it. vii and duſt turne aȝen in to his erþe, wherof it was, and
ii Ȝyue þou partis ſeuene, and alſo eiȝte; for þou wooſt
þe ſpirit turne aȝen to God, þat ȝaf it.
not, what yuel ſchal come on erþe.

viii Þe vanyte of vanytees, ſeide Eccleſiaſtes, þe vanyte
of vanytees, and alle þingis ben vanyte.
ix And whanne Eccleſiaſtes was mooſt wijs, he tauȝte þe
puple, and he telde out þe þingis whiche he dide,
x and he ſouȝte out wiſdom, and made many parablis; he
ſouȝte profitable wordis, and he wroot mooſt riȝtful
wordis, and ful of treuþe.
xi Þe wordis of wiſe men ben as prickis, and as nailis
faſtned deepe, whiche ben ȝouun of o ſcheepherde bi þe
counſels of maiſtris.
xii My ſone, ſeke þou no more þan þeſe; noon ende is to
make many bookis, and ofte þenkyng is turment of
xiii Alle we here togydere þe ende of ſpekyng. Drede
þou God, and kepe hiſe heeſtis; `þat is to ſeie, ech man.
xiiii God ſchal brynge alle þingis in to dom, þat ben don;
for ech þing don bi errour, wheþer it be good, eþer yuel.
Here endiþ Eccleſiaſtes, and here bigynneþ þe Song
of Songis.

iiii Þe king ledde me in to þe wyn celer; he ordeynede
SONGES OF SONGES charite in me.
Here biginneþ þe bok of þe Songes of Songes. v Biſette ȝe me wiþ flouris, cumpaſſe ȝe me wiþ applis;
for Y am ſijk for loue.
CAP. I vi His left hond is vndur myn heed; and his riȝt hond
i Kiſſe he me wiþ þe cos of his mouþ. ſchal biclippe me.
ii For þi tetis ben betere þan wyn, and ȝyuen odour wiþ vii Ȝe douȝtris of Jeruſalem, Y charge ȝou greetli, bi
beſte oynementis. Þi name is oile ſched out; þerfor capretis, and hertis of feeldis, þat ȝe reiſe not, neþer
ȝonge dameſels loueden þee. make to awake þe dereworþe ſpouſeſſe, til ſche wole. Þe
iii Drawe þou me after þee; we ſchulen renne in to þe vois of my derlyng; lo!
odour of þin oynementis. Þe kyng ledde me in to hiſe viii þis derlyng comeþ leepynge in mounteyns, and
celeris; we myndeful of þi teetis aboue wyn, ſchulen ſkippynge ouer litle hillis.
make ful out ioye, and ſchulen be glad in þee; riȝtful ix My derlyng is lijk a capret, and a calf of hertis; lo! he
men louen þee. ſtondiþ bihynde oure wal, and biholdiþ bi þe wyndows,
iiii Ȝe douȝtris of Jeruſalem, Y am blak, but fair, as þe and lokiþ þorouȝ þe latiſis.
tabernaclis of Cedar, as þe ſkynnes of Salomon. x Lo! my derlyng ſpekiþ to me, My frendeſſe, my
v Nyle ȝe biholde me, þat Y am blak, for þe ſunne haþ culuer, my faire ſpouſeſſe, riſe þou, haaſte þou, and
diſcolourid me; þe ſones of my modir fouȝten aȝens me, come þou;
þei ſettiden me a kepere in vyners; Y kepte not my xi for wyntir is paſſid now, reyn is goon, and is departid
vyner. awei.
vi Þou ſpouſe, whom my ſoule loueþ, ſchewe to me, xii Flouris apperiden in oure lond, þe tyme of ſchridyng
where þou leſewiſt, where þou reſtiſt in myddai; leſt Y is comun; þe vois of a turtle is herd in oure lond,
bigynne to wandre, aftir þe flockis of þi felowis. xiii þe fige tre haþ brouȝt forþ hiſe buddis; vyneris
vii A! þou faireſt among wymmen, if þou knowiſt not þi
flourynge han ȝoue her odour. My frendeſſe, my fayre
ſilf, go þou out, and go forþ aftir þe ſteppis of þi flockis; ſpouſeſſe, riſe þou, haaſte þou, and come þou.
and feede þi kidis, biſidis þe tabernaclis of ſcheepherdis. xiiii My culuer is in þe hoolis of ſtoon, in þe chyne of a
viii Mi frendeſſe, Y licnede þee to myn ooſt of knyȝtis in
wal wiþ out morter. Schewe þi face to me, þi vois
þe charis of Farao. ſowne in myn eeris; for þi vois is ſwete, and þi face is
ix Þi chekis ben feire, as of a turtle; þi necke is as fair.
brochis. xv Catche ȝe litle foxis to vs, þat deſtrien þe vyneris; for
x We ſchulen make to þee goldun ournementis, departid oure vyner haþ flourid.
and maad dyuerſe wiþ ſiluer. xvi My derlyng is to me, and Y am to hym, which is fed
xi Whanne þe kyng was in his reſtyng place, my narde among lilies;
ȝaf his odour. xvii til þe dai ſprynge, and ſchadewis be bowid doun.
xii My derlyng is a bundel of myrre to me; he ſchal My derlyng, turne þou aȝen; be þou lijk a capret, and a
dwelle bitwixe my tetis. calf of hertis, on þe hillis of Betel.
xiii My derlyng is to me a cluſter of cipre tre, among þe
vyneres of Engaddi. CAP. III
xiiii Lo! my frendeſſe, þou art fair; lo! þou art fair, þin i In my litle bed Y ſouȝte hym bi niȝtis, whom my ſoule
iȝen ben þe iȝen of culueris. loueþ; Y ſouȝte hym, and Y foond not.
xv Lo, my derling, þou art fair, and ſchapli; oure bed is ii I ſhal riſe, and Y ſchal cumpaſſe þe citee, bi litle ſtretis
fair as flouris. and large ſtretis; Y ſchal ſeke hym, whom my ſoule
xvi Þe trees of oure houſis ben of cedre; oure couplis ben loueþ; I ſouȝte hym, and Y foond not.
of cipreſſe. iii Wakeris, þat kepen þe citee, founden me. Wheþer ȝe
ſien hym, whom my ſoule loueþ?
CAP. II iiii A litil whanne Y hadde paſſid hem, Y foond hym,
i I am a flour of þe feeld, and a lilye of grete valeis. whom my ſoule loueþ; Y helde hym, and Y ſchal not
ii As a lilie among þornes, ſo is my frendeſſe among leeue hym, til Y brynge him in to þe hous of my modir,
douȝtris. and in to þe cloſet of my modir.
iii As an apple tre among þe trees of wodis, ſo my v Ȝe douȝtris of Jeruſalem, Y charge ȝou greetli, bi þe

derlyng among ſones. I ſat vndur þe ſhadewe of hym, capretis, and hertis of feeldis, þat ȝe reiſe not, neþer
whom Y deſiride; and his fruyt was ſwete to my þrote. make to awake þe dereworþe ſpouſeſſe, til ſche wole.

vi Who is þis womman, þat ſtieþ bi þe deſeert, as a ȝerde xiii Þi ſendingis out ben paradis of applis of Punyk, wiþ
of ſmoke of ſwete ſmellynge ſpices, of mirre, and of þe fruytis of applis, cipre trees, wiþ narde;
encence, and of al poudur of an oynement makere? xiiii narde, and ſaffrun, an erbe clepid fiſtula, and canel,
vii Lo! ſixti ſtronge men of þe ſtrongeſte men of Iſrael wiþ alle trees of þe Liban, myrre, and aloes, wiþ alle þe
cumpaſſen þe bed of Salomon; and alle þei holden beſte oynementis.
ſwerdis, xv A welle of gardyns, a pit of wallynge watris, þat
viii and ben mooſt witti to batels; þe ſwerd of ech man is flowen wiþ ferſneſſe fro þe Liban.
on his hipe, for þe drede of nyȝtis. xvi Riſe þou norþ wynd, and come þou, ſouþ wynd;
ix Kyng Salomon made to hym a ſeete, of þe trees of blowe þou þorouȝ my gardyn, and þe ſwete ſmellynge
Liban; oynementis þerof ſchulen flete.
x he made þe pilers þerof of ſiluer; he made a goldun
reſtyng place, a ſtiyng of purpur; and he arayede þe CAP. V
myddil þingis wiþ charite, for þe douȝtris of Jeruſalem. i Mi derlyng, come in to his gardyn, to ete þe fruyt of
xi Ȝe douȝtris of Sion, go out, and ſe kyng Salomon in hiſe applis. Mi ſiſter ſpouſeſſe, come þou in to my
þe diademe, bi which his modir crownede hym, in þe gardyn. Y haue rope my myrre, wiþ my ſwete ſmellynge
dai of his ſpouſyng, and in þe dai of þe gladneſſe of his ſpices; Y haue ete an hony combe, wiþ myn hony; Y
herte. haue drunke my wyn, wiþ my mylk. Frendis, ete ȝe, and
drynke; and dereworþeſte frendis, be ȝe fillid greetli.
CAP. IIII ii Y ſlepe, and myn herte wakiþ. Þe vois of my derlyng
i Mi frendeſſe, þou art ful fair; þin iȝen ben of culueris, knockynge; my ſiſter, my frendeſſe, my culuer, my
wiþ outen þat þat is hid wiþ ynne; þin heeris ben as þe ſpouſeſſe vnwemmed, opene þou to me; for myn heed is
flockis of geete, þat ſtieden fro þe hil of Galaad. ful of dew, and myn heeris ben ful of dropis of niȝtis.
ii Þi teeþ ben as þe flockis of clippid ſheep, þat ſtieden iii I haue vncloþid me of my coote; hou ſchal Y be

fro waiſchyng; alle ben wiþ double lambren, and no cloþid þer ynne? I haue waiſche my feet; hou ſchal Y
bareyn is among þo. defoule þo?
iii Þi lippis ben as a reed lace, and þi ſpeche is ſwete; as iiii Mi derlyng putte his hond bi an hoole; and my

þe relif of an appil of Punyk, ſo ben þi chekis, wiþ wombe tremblide at þe touchyng þerof.
outen þat, þat is hid wiþ ynne. v Y roos, for to opene to my derlyng; myn hondis
iiii Þi necke is as þe tour of Dauid, which is bildid wiþ droppiden myrre, and my fyngris weren ful of myrre
ſtrengþis maad bifore for defenſe; a þouſynde ſcheldis mooſt preued.
hangen on it, al armure of ſtronge men. vi Y openede þe wiket of my dore to my derlyng; and he
v Þi twei tetis ben as twey kidis, twynnes of a capret, hadde bowid awei, and hadde paſſid. My ſoule was
þat ben fed in lilies, meltid, as þe derlyng ſpak; Y ſouȝte, and Y foond not
vi til þe dai ſprynge, and ſhadewis ben bowid doun. Y hym; Y clepide, and he anſwerde not to me.
vii Keperis þat cumpaſſiden þe citee founden me; þei
ſchal go to þe mounteyn of myrre, and to þe litil hil of
encenſe. ſmytiden me, and woundiden me; þe keperis of wallis
vii My frendeſſe, þou art al faire, and no wem is in þee. token awey my mentil.
viii My ſpouſeſſe, come þou fro þe Liban; come þou fro viii Ȝe douȝtris of Jeruſalem, Y biſeche ȝou bi an hooli

þe Liban, come þou; þou ſchalt be corowned fro þe þing, if ȝe han founde my derlyng, þat ȝe telle to hym,
heed of Amana, fro þe cop of Sanyr and Hermon, fro þe þat Y am ſijk for loue.
ix A! þou faireſte of wymmen, of what manner
dennys of liouns, fro þe hillis of pardis.
ix My ſiſter ſpouſeſſe, þou haſt woundid myn herte; þou condicioun is þi derlyng `of þe louede? of what manner
haſt woundid myn herte, in oon of þin iȝen, and in oon condicioun is þi derling of a derling? for þou haſt
heer of þi necke. biſouȝt vs bi an hooli þing.
x My ſiſtir ſpouſeſſe, þi tetis ben ful faire; þi tetis ben x My derling is whyt and rodi; choſun of þouſyndis.
xi His heed is beſt gold; hiſe heeris ben as þe bowis of
feirere þan wyn, and þe odour of þi cloþis is aboue alle
ſwete ſmellynge oynementis. palm trees, and ben blake as a crowe.
xi Spouſeſſe, þi lippis ben an hony coomb droppynge; xii Hiſe iȝen ben as culueris on þe ſtrondis of watris, þat

hony and mylk ben vndur þi tunge, and þe odour of þi ben waiſchid in mylk, and ſitten beſidis fulleſte ryueris.
cloþis is as þe odour of encence. xiii Hiſe chekis ben as gardyns of ſwete ſmellynge
xii Mi ſiſter ſpouſeſſe, a gardyn cloſid togidere; a gardyn ſpices, ſet of oynement makeris; hiſe lippis ben lilies,
cloſid togidere, a welle aſeelid. droppynge doun þe beſt myrre.

xiiii Hiſehondis ben able to turne aboute, goldun, and ii Þi nawle is as a round cuppe, and wel formed, þat haþ
ful of iacynctis; his wombe is of yuer, ourned wiþ neuere nede to drynkis; þi wombe is as an heep of
ſafiris. whete, biſet aboute wiþ lilies.
xv Hiſe lippis ben pilers of marble, þat ben foundid on iii Þi twei teetis ben as twei kidis, twynnes of a capret.
foundementis of gold; his ſchapplineſſe is as of þe iiii Þi necke is as a tour of yuer; þin iȝen ben as ciſternes
Liban, he is choſun as cedris. in Eſebon, þat ben in þe ȝate of þe douȝter of multitude;
xvi His þrote is mooſt ſwete, and he is al deſirable. Ȝe þi noſe is as þe tour of Liban, þat biholdiþ aȝens
douȝtris of Jeruſalem, ſiche is my derlyng, and þis is my Damaſk.
freend. v Þin heed is as Carmele; and þe heeres of þin heed ben
xvii Þou faireſte of wymmen, whidur ȝede þi derlyng? as þe kyngis purpur, ioyned to trowȝis.
whidur bowide þi derlyng? and we ſchulen ſeke hym vi Dereworþe ſpouſeſſe, þou art ful fair, and ful ſchappli
wiþ þee. in delices.
vii Þi ſtature is licned to a palm tree, and þi tetis to
CAP. VI cluſtris of grapis.
i My derlyng ȝede doun in to his orcherd, to þe gardyn viii I ſeide, Y ſchal ſtie in to a palm tree, and Y ſchal take
of ſwete ſmellynge ſpices, þat he be fed þere in þe fruytis þerof. And þi tetis ſchulen be as þe cluſtris of
orcherdis, and gadere lilyes. grapis of a vyner; and þe odour of þi mouþ as þe odour
ii Y to my derlyng; and my derlyng, þat is fed among þe
of pumgranatis;
lilies, be to me. ix þi þrote ſchal be as beſte wyn. Worþi to my derlyng
iii Mi frendeſſe, þou art fair, ſwete and ſchappli as
for to drynke, and to hiſe lippis and teeþ to chewe.
Jeruſalem, þou art ferdful as þe ſcheltrun of ooſtis ſet in x Y ſchal cleue by loue to my derlyng, and his turnyng
good ordre. ſchal be to me.
iiii Turne awei þin iȝen fro me, for þo maden me to fle xi Come þou, my derlyng, go we out in to þe feeld;
awei; þin heeris ben as þe flockis of geet, þat apperiden dwelle we togidere in townes.
fro Galaad. xii Ryſe we eerli to þe vyner; ſe we, if þe vyner haþ
v Þi teeþ as a flok of ſcheep, þat ſtieden fro waiſchyng;
flourid, if þe flouris bryngen forþ fruytis, if pumgranatis
alle ben wiþ double lambren, `eþer twynnes, and no han flourid; þere I ſchal ȝyue to þee my tetis.
bareyn is among þo. As þe rynde of a pumgranate, ſo xiii Mandrogoris han ȝoue her odour in oure ȝatis; my
ben þi chekis, wiþout þi priuytees. derlyng, Y haue kept to þee alle applis, new and elde.
vii Sixti ben queenys, and eiȝti ben ſecundarie wyues;
and of ȝong dameſels is noon noumbre. CAP. VIII
viii Oon is my culuer, my perfit ſpouſeſſe, oon is to hir i Who `mai grante to me þee, my broþer, ſoukynge þe
modir, and is þe choſun of hir modir; þe douȝtris of tetis of my modir, þat Y fynde þee aloone wiþout forþ,
Syon ſien hir, and prechiden hir mooſt bleſſid; queenys, and þat Y kiſſe þee, and no man diſpiſe me þanne?
and ſecundarie wyues preiſiden hir. ii Y ſchal take þee, and Y ſchal lede þee in to þe hous of
ix Who is þis, þat goiþ forþ, as þe moreutid riſynge, fair
my modir, and in to þe cloſet of my modir; þere þou
as þe moone, choſun as þe ſunne, ferdful as þe ſcheltrun ſchalt teche me, and Y ſchal ȝyue to þee drink of wyn
of ooſtis ſet in good ordre? maad ſwete, and of þe muſt of my pumgranatis.
x Y cam doun in to myn orcherd, to ſe þe applis of grete iii His lefthond vndur myn heed, and his riȝthond ſchal
valeis, and to biholde, if vyneris hadden flourid, and if biclippe me.
pumgranate trees hadden buriowned. iiii Ȝe douȝtris of Jeruſalem, Y charge ȝou greetli, þat ȝe
xi Y knew not; my ſoule diſturblide me, for þe charis of
reiſe not, neþer make þe dereworþe ſpouſeſſe to awake,
Amynadab. til ſche wole.
xii Turne aȝen, turne aȝen, þou Sunamyte; turne aȝen, v Who is þis ſpouſeſſe, þat ſtieþ fro deſert, and flowiþ in
turne aȝen, þat we biholde þee. What ſchalt þou ſe in þe delices, and reſtiþ on hir derlynge? Y reiſide þee vndur
Sunamyte, no but cumpenyes of ooſtis? a pumgranate tre; þere þi modir was corrupt, þere þi
modir was defoulid.
CAP. VII vi Set þou me as a ſignet on þin herte, as a ſignet on þin
i Douȝtir of þe prince, þi goyngis ben ful faire in
arm; for loue is ſtrong as deþ, enuy is hard as helle; þe
ſchoon; þe ioyncturis of þi heppis ben as brochis, þat laumpis þerof ben laumpis of fier, and of flawmes.
ben maad bi þe hond of a crafti man. vii Many watris moun not quenche charite, neþer floodis
ſchulen oppreſſe it. Þouȝ a man ȝyue al þe catel of his
hous for loue, he ſchal diſpiſe `þat catel as nouȝt.

viii Oure ſiſtir is litil, and haþ no tetys; what ſchulen we
do to oure ſiſtir, in þe dai whanne ſche ſchal be ſpokun
ix If it is a wal, bilde we þeronne ſiluerne touris; if it is a
dore, ioyne we it togidere wiþ tablis of cedre.
x I am a wal, and my tetis ben as a tour; ſiþen Y am
maad as fyndynge pees bifore hym.
xi A vyner was to þe peſible; in þat citee, þat haþ puplis,
he bitook it to keperis; a man bryngiþ a þouſynde platis
of ſiluer for þe fruyt þerof.
xii Þe vyner is bifore me; a þouſynde ben of þee peſible,
and two hundrid to hem þat kepen þe fruytis þerof.
xiii Frendis herkene þee, þat dwelliſt in orchertis; make
þou me to here þi vois.
xiiii My derlyng, fle þou; be þou maad lijk a capret, and
a calf of hertis, on þe hillis of ſwete ſmellynge ſpices.
Here endiþ þe Songe of Songis, and here bigynneþ

WYSEDOM i Forſoþe wickid men ſeiden, þenkynge anentis hem ſilf
Here biginneþ þe bok of Sapience or Wyſedom. not riȝtfuli, Þe tyme of oure lijf is litil, and wiþ anoye;
no refreiſching is in þe ende of a man, and noon is, þat
CAP. I is knowun, þat turnede aȝen fro hellis.
i Ȝe þat demen þe erþe, loue riȝtfulneſſe; feele ȝe of þe ii For we weren borun of nouȝt, and aftir þis tyme we
Lord in goodneſſe, and ſeke ȝe hym in þe ſympleneſſe of ſchulen be, as if we hadden not be; forwhi ſmoke is
herte. blowun out in oure noſe þirlis, and a word of ſparcle to
ii For he is foundun of hem, þat tempten not hym; ſtire oure herte.
iii For oure bodi ſchal be quenchid aiſche, and þe ſpirit
forſoþe he apperiþ to hem, þat han feiþ in to hym.
iii For whi weiward þouȝtis departen fro God; but ſchal be ſcaterid abrood as ſoft eir; and oure lijf ſchal
preued vertu repreueþ vnwiſe men. paſſe as þe ſtep of a cloude, and it ſchal be departid as a
iiii For whi wiſdom ſchal not entre in to an yuel willid myſt, which is dryuun awey of þe beemys of þe ſunne,
ſoule; neþir ſchal dwelle in a bodi ſuget to ſynnes. and is greued of þe heete þerof.
iiii And oure name ſchal take forȝeting bi tyme; and no
v Forſoþe þe Hooli Gooſt of wiſdom ſchal fle awei fro `a
feyned man, and he ſchal take awei hym ſilf fro þouȝtis, man ſchal haue mynde of oure werkis.
v Forwhi oure tyme is þe paſſyng of a ſchadewe, and no
þat ben wiþ out vnderſtondyng; and þe man ſchal be
punyſchid of wyckidneſſe comynge aboue. turnyng aȝen of oure ende is; for it is aſeelid, and no
vi For þe ſpirit of wiſdom is benyngne, and he ſchal not man turneþ aȝen.
vi Þerfor come ȝe, and vſe we þe goodis þat ben, and vſe
delyuere a curſid man fro hiſe lippis; for whi God is
witneſſe of hiſe reynes, and þe ſerchere of his herte is we a creature, as in ȝongþe, ſwiftli.
vii Fille we vs wiþ preciouſe wyn and oynementis; and
trewe, and þe herere of his tunge.
vii For whi þe Spirit of þe Lord haþ fillid þe world; and þe flour of tyme paſſe not vs.
viii Corowne we vs wiþ rooſis, bifor þat þo welewen; no
þis þing, þat conteyneþ alle þingis, haþ þe kunnyng of
vois. medewe be, `bi which oure letcherie paſſe not.
viii For þis he þat ſpekiþ wickid þingis, may not be hid; ix No man of vs be wiþ out part of oure letcherie; euery
and doom punyſchynge ſchal not paſſe hym. where leeue we þe ſignes of gladneſſe; for þis is oure
ix For whi axyng ſchal be in þe þouȝtis of a wickid man. part, and þis is oure eritage.
x Forſoþe þe heryng of hiſe wordis ſchal come to God, x Oppreſſe we a pore iuſt man, and ſpare we not a

and to þe punyſchyng of hiſe wickidneſſis; for þe eere of widewe, neþer reuerence we hoor heeris of an old man
feruent loue heriþ alle þingis, and þe noiſe of of myche tyme.
xi But oure ſtrengþe be þe lawe of riȝtfulneſſe; forwhi
grutchyngis ſchal not be hyd.
xi Þerfor kepe ȝe ȝou fro grutchyng, þat profitiþ no þing, þat þat is feble, is foundun vnprofitable.
xii Þerfor diſſeyue we a iuſt man, for he is vnprofitable
and fro bacbityng ſpare ȝe þe tunge; for a derk word
ſchal not go in to veyn; forſoþe þe mouþ þat lieþ, ſleeþ to vs, and he is contrarie to oure werkis; and he
þe ſoule. vpbreidiþ to vs þe ſynnes of lawe, and he defameþ on vs
xii Nyle ȝe coueyte deþ, in þe errour of ȝoure lijf, neþer þe ſynnes of oure techyng.
xiii He biheetiþ þat he haþ þe kunnyng of God, and he
gete ȝe perdicioun in þe werkis of ȝoure hondis; for
God made not deþ, nemeþ hym ſilf þe ſone of God.
xiii neþer is glad in þe perdicioun of lyuynge men. xiiii He is maad to us in to ſchewyng of oure þouȝtis.
xiiii For whi God made of nouȝt alle þingis, þat þo xv He is greuouſe to vs, ȝhe, to ſe; forwhi his lyf is
ſchulden be; and he made þe naciouns of þe world able vnlijk to oþer men, and hiſe weies ben chaungid.
to be heelid. Forwhi medecyn of diſtriyng is not in þo xvi We ben geſſid of hym to be triffleris, and he
men, neþer þe rewme of hellis is in erþe. abſteyneþ hym ſilf fro oure weies, as fro vncleneſſis;
xv For riȝtfulneſſe is euerlaſtynge, and vndeedli; but and he bifore ſettiþ þe laſte þingis of iuſt men, and he
vnriȝtfulneſſe is getyng of deeþ. haþ glorie, þat he haþ God a fadir.
xvi Forſoþe wickid men clepiden þat vnriȝtfulneſſe bi xvii Þerfor ſe we, if hiſe wordis ben trewe; and aſaie we,
hondis and wordis, and þei geſſiden it a frendeſſe, and what þingis ſchulen come to hym; and we ſchulen wite,
fletiden awei, and þei puttiden biheeſtis to it; for þei ben what ſchulen be þe laſte þingis of hym.
worþi þe deþ, þat ben of þe part þerof. xviii For if he is þe very ſone of God, he ſchal vp take
hym, and ſchal delyuere hym fro þe hondis of hem þat
ben contrarie.

xix Axe we hym bi diſpiſyng and turment, þat we knowe ȝifte of feiþ ſchal be ȝouun to hym, and a moſt
his reuerence, and þat we preue his pacience. acceptable eritage in þe temple of God.
xx Bi fouleſte deþ condempne we hym; for whi xv For whi þe fruyt of good trauels is gloriouſe, and þe

biholdyng ſchal be of hiſe wordis. roote of wiſdom þat falliþ not doun.
xxi Þei þouȝten þeſe þingis, and þei erriden; for whi her xvi But þe ſones of avowtreris ſchulen be in diſtriyng,

malice blyndide hem. and þe ſeed of a wickid bed ſchal be deſtried.

xxii And þei knewen not þe ſacramentis of God, neþir xvii And ſoþeli þouȝ þei ſchulen be of long lijf, þei

þei hopiden þe meede of riȝtfulneſſe, neþer þei ſchulen be arettid in to nouȝt; and þe laſte eelde of hem
demyden þe onour of hooli ſoulis. ſchal be wiþouten onour.
xxiii For whi God made man vnable to be diſtried, and xviii And if þei ben deed ſwiftliere, þei ſchulen not haue

God made man to þe ymage of his licneſſe. hope, neþer alowyng in þe dai of knowyng.
xxiiii But bi enuye of þe deuel deþ entride in to þe xix Forſoþe wickide naciouns ben of hard ending.

xxv for ſoþe þei ſuen hym, þat ben of his part. CAP. IIII
i A! hou fair is chaſt generacioun wiþ clereneſſe; for þe

CAP. III mynde þerof is vndeedli, for it is knowun, boþ anentis

i Forſoþe þe ſoulis of iuſt men ben in þe hond of God; God, and anentis men.
ii Whanne it is preſent, þei ſuen it; and þei deſiren it,
and þe turment of deþ ſchal not touche hem.
ii Þei ſemyden to þe iȝen of vnwiſe men to die; and whanne it haþ led out it ſilf, and it ouercomyng getiþ bi
turment was demed þe outgoyng of hem. victorie þe mede of batels vndefoulid, and is corouned
iii And fro iuſt weie þei ȝeden in to diſtriyng, and þat þat wiþ outen ende.
iii But þe many fold gendrid multitude of wickid men
is of vs þe weie of diſtriyng; but þei ben in pees.
iiii Þouȝ þei ſufriden turmentis bifore men, þe hope of ſchal not be profitable; and plauntyngis of auoutrie
hem is ful of vndeedlyneſſe. ſchulen not ȝyue deepe rootis, neþer ſchulen ſette ſtable
v Þei weren trauelid in a fewe þingis, and þei ſchulen be ſtidfaſtneſſe.
iiii Þouȝ þei buriounen in bowis in time, þei ſet
diſpoſid wel in many þingis; for whi God aſaiede hem,
and foond hem worþi to hym ſilf. vnſtidfaſtli ſchulen be moued of þe wynd, and ſchulen
vi He preuede hem as gold in a furneis, and he took hem be drawun out bi þe roote of þe greetneſſe of wyndys.
v For whi bowis vnperfit ſchulen be brokun togidere;
as þe offryng of brent ſacrifice; and þe biholdyng of
hem ſchal be in tyme of ȝelding. and þe fruytis of hem ben vnprofitable, and ſoure to ete,
vii Iuſt men ſchulen ſchyne, and ſchulen renne aboute as and couenable to no þing.
vi For whi alle ſones, þat ben borun of wickid men, ben
ſparclis in a place of rehed.
viii Þei ſchulen deme naciouns, and ſchulen be lordis of witneſſis of wickidneſſe aȝens fadirs and modris, in her
puplis; and þe Lord of hem ſchal regne wiþ outen ende. vii But a iuſt man, þouȝ he be bifore ocupied bi deþ,
ix Þei þat truſten on hym, ſchulen vnderſtonde treuþe;
ſchal be in refreiſchyng.
and feiþful men in loue ſchulen aſſente to hym; for whi viii For whi worſchipful eelde is not of long tyme, neþer
ȝifte and pees is to hiſe choſun men.
x But wickid men, bi þo þingis þat þei þouȝten, ſchulen is rikened bi þe noumbre of ȝeeris; þe wittis of a man
ben hoore,
haue punyſchyng; whiche diſpiſiden iuſt þing, and ȝeden ix and þe age of eelde is lijf wiþouten wem.
awei fro þe Lord.
x He pleſide God, and was maad dereworþ, and he
xi For he þat caſtiþ awei wiſdom and lore, is curſid; and
þe hope of wickid men is voide, and her trauels ben lyuynge among ſynneris was `borun ouer; he was
wiþout fruyt, and her werkis ben vnhabitable, and rauyſchid,
xi leſt malice ſchulde chaunge his vnderſtondyng, eþir
xii Þe wymmen of hem ben vnwitti, and þe ſones of hem leſt feynyng ſchulde diſſeyue his ſoule.
xii For whi diſſeyuyng of trifelyng makiþ derk goode
ben ful weiward.
xiii Þe creature of hem is curſid; for whi a womman þingis, and þe vnſtableneſſe of coueitiſe turneþ ouer þe
bareyn and vndefoulid is bleſſid, þat `knew not bed in wit wiþout malice.
xiii He was endid in ſchort tyme, and fillide many
treſpas; ſche ſchal haue fruyt in þe biholdyng of holy
ſoulis. tymes;
xiiii And a man vnmyȝti to gendre is bleſſid, þat xiiii for whi his ſoule was pleſant to God; for þis þing

`wrouȝte not wickidneſſe bi hiſe hondis, neþer þouȝte God haſtide to lede hym out fro þe myddis of
mooſt weiward þingis aȝens þe Lord; for whi a choſun

wickidneſſes; but puplis ſien and vndurſtoden not, neþer xi Eþir as a bryd, þat flieþ ouer in þe eir, of which no
ſettiden ſiche þingis in `þe inwardneſſes. preef is foundun of þe weie þerof, but oneli þe ſown of
xv For whi þe grace and merci of God is on hiſe ſeyntis, wengis betynge lyȝt wynde, and keruynge þe eir by þe
and biholdyng of `Goddis coumfort is on hiſe choſun myȝt of weie, and wiþ wyngis moued togidere it flei
men. ouer, and aftir þis no ſigne is foundun of þe weie þerof.
xvi Forſoþe a iuſt man deed condempneþ quyke wickid xii Eþir as an arowe ſhot out in to a place ordeyned, þe
men; and ȝongþe endid ſwiftliere condempneþ long lijf eir is departid, and is cloſid aȝen anoon, þat þe paſſyng
of an vniuſt man. þerof be not knowun.
xvii For þei ſchulen ſe þe ende of a wiſe man, and þei xiii `So and we borun ceeſſiden anoon to be, and ſoþeli
ſchulen not vndurſtonde, what þing God þouȝte of hym, we myȝten ſchewe no ſigne of vertu; but we weren
and whi þe Lord made hym leſſe. waſtid in oure malice.
xviii For þei ſchulen ſe, and ſchulen diſpiſe hym; but þe xiiii Þei þat ſynneden, ſeiden ſiche þingis in helle.
Lord ſchal ſcorne hem. xv For þe hope of a wickid man is as þe flour of a brere
xix And aftir þeſe þingis þei ſchulen be fallynge doun which is takun awei of þe wynd, and as ſmal froþ which
wiþouten onour, and in diſpiſyng among deed men wiþ is ſcaterid of a tempeſt, and as ſmoke which is ſpred
outen ende. For he ſchal al to-breke hem bolnyd wiþ out abrood of wynd, and as þe mynde of `an herborid man
vois, and he ſchal moue hem fro þe foundementis; and of o dai, þat paſſiþ forþ.
þei ſchulen be deſolat til to þe laſte þing. And þei xvi But iuſt men ſchulen lyue wiþouten ende, and þe
ſchulen be weilynge, and þe mynde of hem ſchal meede of hem is anentis þe Lord; and þe þouȝt of hem
periſche. is anentis þe hiȝeſte.
xx Þei ſchulen come ferdful in þe þouȝt of her ſynnes; xvii Þerfor þei ſchulen take of þe hond of þe Lord þe
and her wickidneſſis on þe contrarie ſide ſchulen lede rewme of fairneſſe, and þe diademe of comelyneſſe; for
hem ouer. he ſchal gouerne hem wiþ his riȝthond, and he ſchal
defende hem wiþ his hooli arm.
CAP. V xviii And his feruent loue ſchal take armure, and he ſchal
i Þanne iuſt men ſchulen ſtonde in greet ſtidfaſtneſſe
arme þe creature to þe venieaunce of enemyes.
aȝens hem þat angwiſchiden `iuſt men, and whiche xix He ſchal cloþe riȝtfulneſſe for an haburioun, and he
token awei her trauelis. ſchal take certeyn doom for a baſynet;
ii Þei ſchulen ſe, and ſchulen be diſturblyd wiþ orrible xx he ſchal take a ſcheeld þat may not be ouercomun,
drede, and þei ſchulen wondre in þe ſudeynte of heelþe equyte;
vnhopid; and þei ſchulen weile for angwiſch of ſpirit, xxi forſoþe he ſchal whette hard wraþþe in to a ſpere,
iii and þei ſchulen ſeie, doynge penaunce wiþynne hem
and þe world ſchal fiȝte wiþ him aȝens vnwitti men.
ſilf, and weilyng for þe angwyſch of ſpirit, Þeſe men it xxii Streiȝte ſendyngis out of leytis ſchulen go, and as þe
ben, whiche we hadden ſum tyme in to ſcorn, and in to ſidis of a reynbouwe, whanne þe bouwe of cloudis is
licneſſe of vpbreidyng. crokid, þei ſchulen be deſtried; and þei ſchulen ſkippe in
iiii We woode men geſſiden her lijf woodneſſe, and þe
to a certeyn place.
ende of hem wiþ oute onour; xxiii And fulle hailſtones ſchulen be ſent fro a ſtony
v hou þerfor ben þei rekened among þe ſones of God,
wreþþe, and þe watir of þe ſee ſchal wexe whijt aȝens
and her part is among ſeyntis? hem, and floodis ſchulen renne togider harde.
vi Þerfor we erriden fro þe weie of treuþe, and þe lyȝt of xxiiii Þe ſpirit of vertu ſchal ſtonde aȝens hem, and as þe
riȝtfulneſſe ſchynede not to us, and þe ſunne of whirlyng of wind it ſchal departe hem; and þe
vndurſtondyng roos not vp to us. wickidneſſe of hem ſchal brynge al þe lond to deſert,
vii We weren maad weri in þe weie of wickidneſſe and
and malice ſchal diſtrye þe ſeetis of myȝti men.
of perdicioun; and we ȝeden hard weies.
viii But we knewen not þe weie of þe Lord; what CAP. VI
profitide pride to vs, eþir what brouȝte þe booſt of i Wiſdom is beter þan ſtrengþis, and a prudent man doiþ
richeſſis to vs? more þan a ſtrong man.
ix All þo þingis paſſiden as ſchadewe, and as a ii Þerfor, ȝe kyngis, here, and vndurſtonde; and ȝe iugis
meſſanger bifore rennynge. of þe cooſtis of erþe, lerne.
x And as a ſchip, þat paſſiþ þorou þe flowynge watir, of iii Ȝe þat holden togidere multitudis, and pleſen ȝou in
which whanne it haþ paſſid, it is not to fynde a ſtep, þe cumpenyes of naciouns, ȝyue eeris;
neþir þe paþ of þe botme þerof in wawys.

iiii forwhi power is ȝouun of þe Lord to ȝou, and vertu is xxv And Y ſchal not haue weye wiþ enuye wexynge
ȝouun of þe hiȝeſte, þat ſchal axe ȝoure werkis, and rotun; for ſiche a man ſchal not be parcener of wiſdom.
ſchal ſerche þouȝtis. xxvi Forſoþe þe multitude of wiſe men is þe helþe of þe
v For whanne ȝe weren mynyſtris of his rewme, ȝe world; and a wijs kyng is þe ſtabliſchyng of þe puple.
demeden not riȝtfuli, neþer ȝe kepten þe lawe of xxvii Þerfor take ȝe techyng bi my wordis, and it ſchal
riȝtfulneſſe, neþer ȝe ȝeden bi þe wille of God. profite to ȝou.
vi Hidouſli and ſoone he ſchal appere to ȝou; forwhi
hardeſte doom ſchal be maad in hem, þat ben ſouereyns. CAP. VII
vii Forſoþe merci is grauntid to a litil man; but miȝti i Forſoþe and Y am a deedli man, lijk men, and of erþli
men ſchulen ſuffre turmentis miȝtili. kynde of hym þat was maad firſt, and in þe wombe of
viii For þe Lord, which is lord of alle þingis, ſchal not þe modir Y was fourmed fleiſche.
wiþdrawe þe perſoone of ony man, neþer he ſchal drede ii In þe time of ten moneþis Y was cruddid togidere in
þe greetneſſe of ony man; for he made þe litil man and blood, of þe ſeed of man, and bi acordynge delit of
þe greet man, and charge is to hym euenli of alle men. ſleep.
ix But ſtrongere turment neiȝeþ to ſtrongere men. iii And Y was borun, and took comyn eir, and in lijk
x Þerfor, ȝe kyngis, þeſe my wordis ben to ȝou, þat ȝe maner Y felle doun in to þe erþe maad; and Y wepynge
lerne wiſdom, and þat ȝe falle not doun. ſente out þe firſte vois, lijk alle men.
xi For þei þat kepen riȝtfulneſſe, ſchulen be deemed iiii Y was nurſchid in wrappyngis, and in greet

riȝtfuli; and þei, þat lernen iuſt þingis, ſchulen fynde, biſyneſſes;
what þei ſchulen anſwere. v for whi no man of kyngis hadde oþere bigynnyng of
xii Þerfor coueite ȝe my wordis, and loue ȝe þo; and ȝe birþe.
ſchulen haue techyng. vi Þerfor oon entryng to lijf is to alle men, and lijk
xiii Wiſdom is cleer, and þat ſchal neuer fade; and it is goyng out.
ſeyn liȝtli of hem þat louen it, and it is foundun of hem vii Herfor Y deſiride, and wit was ȝouun to me; and Y
þat ſeken it. inwardli clepide, and þe ſpirit of wiſdom cam in to me.
xiiii It bifore ocupieþ hem þat coueyten it, þat it ſchewe viii And Y ſettide wiſdom bifore rewmes, and ſeetis; and
it ſilf þe formere to hem. Y ſeide, þat richeſſis ben nouȝt in compariſoun þerof,
xv He þat wakiþ bi lyȝt to it, ſchal not trauele; forſoþe he ix and Y compariſonede not a preciouſe ſtoon to it;
ſchal fynde it ſittynge nyȝ hiſe ȝatis. forwhi al gold in compariſoun þerof is a litil grauel, and
xvi Þerfor to þenke on wiſdom is parfit wit, and he þat ſiluer ſchal be arettid as cley in þe ſiȝt þerof.
wakiþ for it, ſchal ſoone be ſikir. x Y louyde wiſdom more þan helþe and fairneſſe; and Y
xvii For whi it goiþ aboute, and ſekiþ men worþi to it; purpoſide to haue it for lyȝt, for þe lyȝt þerof may not
and in her weies it ſchal ſchewe it ſilf gladli to hem, and be quenchid.
in al puruyaunce it ſchal meete hem. xi Forſoþe alle goodis camen togidere to me wiþ it; and
xviii For whi þe bigynnyng of wiſdom is þe verieſte vnnoumbrable oneſte is by þe werkys þerof.
coueytiſe of lernyng. xii And Y was glad in alle þingis; for þis wiſdom ȝede
xix Þerfor þe biſyneſſe of lernyng is loue; and loue is þe bifore me, and Y knew not, for it is þe modir of alle
kepyng of lawis þerof. Soþeli þe kepyng of lawis is goodis.
perfeccioun of vncorrupcioun; xiii Which wiſdom Y lernyde wiþ out feynyng, and Y
xx forſoþe vncorrupcioun makiþ to be next to God. comyne wiþout enuye; and Y hide not þe oneſte þerof.
xxi Þerfor þe coueitiſe of wiſdom ſchal brynge to xiiii For it is treſour wiþ out noumbre to men, and þei,

euerlaſtynge rewme. þat vſiden þat treſour, weren maad parceneris of Goddis
xxii Þerfor if ȝe, kyngis of þe puple, deliten in ſeetis, and frenſchip, and weren preiſid for þe ȝiftis of kunnyng.
xv Forſoþe God ȝaf to me to ſeie of ſentence, and to
in kyngis ȝerdis, `eþer regaltees, loue ȝe wiſdom, þat ȝe
regne wiþ outen ende. bifore take worþi þingis of þeſe þingis þat ben ȝouun to
xxiii Alle ȝe, þat ben ſouereyns to puplis, loue þe lyȝt of me; for he is þe ledere of wiſdom, and amendere of wiſe
wiſdom. men.
xxiiii Soþeli what is wiſdom, and hou it is maad, Y ſchal xvi For whi boþe we, and oure wordis, and al wiſdom,

telle; and Y ſchal not hide fro ȝou þe ſacramentis of and lernyng of kunnyng of werkis ben in his hond.
xvii Forſoþe he ȝaf to me þe veri kunnyng of þeſe þingis
God; but fro þe bigynnyng of birþe Y ſchal ſeke, and Y
ſchal ſette in to þe lyȝt þe kunnyng þerof, and Y ſchal þat ben, þat Y knowe þe diſpoſicioun of þe world, and
not paſſe treuþe. þe vertues of elementis;

xviii þe bigynnyng, and þe endyng, and þe myddil of vi Soþeli if wit worchiþ, who is a crafti maker more þan
tymes; þe chaungyngis of whilis, and þe endyngis of wiſdom, of þeſe þingis þat ben?
tymes; þe chaungyngis of maneres, and departyngis of vii And if a man loueþ riȝtfulneſſe, þe trauels of þis
tymes; þe courſis of þe ȝeer, wiſdom han grete vertues; for it techiþ ſobreneſſe, and
xix and þe diſpoſiciouns of ſterris; prudence, and riȝtfulneſſe, and vertu; and no þing is
xx þe kyndis of beeſtis, and þe wraþþis of wielde beeſtis; profitablere þan þeſe in lijf to men.
þe ſtrengþe of wyndis, and þe þouȝtis of men; þe viii And if a man deſiriþ multitude of kunnyng, wiſdom
differences of trees, and þe vertues of rootis. knowiþ þingis paſſid, and geſſiþ of þingis to comynge; it
xxi And Y lernede what euer þingis ben hid and kan þe felneſſis of wordis, and aſoilyngis of argumentis;
vnpurueyed; for whi wiſdom, þe crafti maker of alle it kan ſignes and ſchewyngis of þingis to comynge,
þingis, tauȝte me. bifore þat þo ben maad; and þe bifallyngis of tymes and
xxii For in þat wiſdom vnmaad is þe ſpirit of of worldus.
ix Þerfor Y purpoſide to brynge to me þis wiſdom, to
vndurſtonding, hooli, many fold, oon aloone, ſutil,
temperat, wijs, mouable, vndefoulid, certeyn, ſwete, lyue togidere; witynge þat it ſchal comyne wiþ me of
louynge a good dede, which ſpirit forbediþ no þing to goodis, and ſpekyng togidere of my þouȝt, and of myn
do wel; anoi ſchal be.
xxiii curteis, benynge, ſtable, ſikur, hauynge al vertu, x For þis wiſdom Y ſchal haue clereneſſe at cumpenyes,

biholdynge alle þingis, and which takiþ alle ſpiritis able and onour at eldre men;
to vndurſtonde, and he is clene, and ſutil. xi Y ſchal be foundun ȝong and ſcharp in doom, and in
xxiiii For whi wiſdom is more mouable þan alle mouable þe ſiȝt of myȝti men Y ſchal be wondurful, and þe faces
þingis; forſoþe it ſtretchiþ forþ euery where, for his of princes ſchulen worſchipe me.
clenneſſe. xii Þei ſchulen abide me, beynge ſtille, and þei ſchulen
xxv For it is a breþing of Goddis vertu, and it is ſum biholde me, ſpekynge; and þe while I ſpeke many
cleene comyngforþ of þe clereneſſe of Almiȝti God; þingis, þei ſchulen ſette hondis on her mouþ.
xxvi and þerfor no defoulid þing renneþ in to it. For it is xiii Ferþermore bi þis wiſdom Y ſchal haue

briȝtneſſe of euerlaſtynge lyȝt, and it is a myrrour wiþ vndedlyneſſe; and Y ſchal leeue euerlaſtynge mynde to
out wem of Goddis maieſte, and it is an ymage of his hem, þat ſchulen come aftir me.
goodneſſe. xiiii I ſchal diſpoſe puplis; and naciouns ſchulen be ſuget
xxvii And whanne it is oon, it may alle þingis; and it to me.
dwelliþ in it ſilf, and renuliþ alle þingis, and bi naciouns xv Hidouſe kyngis herynge me ſchulen drede; and in
it beriþ ouer it ſilf in to hooli ſoulis; it makiþ þe frendis multitude Y ſchal be ſeyn good, and ſtrong in batel.
of God and profetis. xvi Y ſchal entre in to myn hous, and Y ſchal reſte wiþ
xxviii For God loueþ no man, no but hym þat dwelliþ wiſdom; for þe conuerſacioun þerof haþ no bitterneſſe,
wiþ wiſdom. and þe dwellynge togidere þerof haþ noon anoye, but
xxix Forwhi þis wiſdom is fairere þan þe ſunne, and is gladneſſe and ioye.
aboue al þe diſpoſicioun of ſterris; wiſdom xvii Y þouȝte þeſe þingis at me, and Y remembride in
compariſound to lyȝt, is foundun þe formere. myn herte; forwhi wiſdom is vndeedli in þouȝt,
xxx Forwhi niȝt comeþ aftir þat lyȝt; but wyſdom xviii and good delityng is in þe frendſchipe þerof; and
ouercomeþ malice. oneſtee wiþout defaute is in þe werkis of hondis þerof;
and wiſdom is in þe ſtrijf of ſpeche þerof; and greet
CAP. VIII clereneſſe is in þe comyning of wordis þerof; Y ȝede
i Þerfor wiſdom ſtretchiþ forþ fro þe ende til to þe ende aboute, ſekinge to take wiſdom to me.
ſtrongli, and diſpoſiþ alle þingis ſwetly. xix Forſoþe Y was a witti child, and Y gat a good ſoule.
ii I louede þis wiſdom maad, and Y ſouȝte it out fro my xx And whanne Y was more good, Y cam to a bodi
ȝongþe; and Y ſouȝte to take it a ſpouſeſſe to me, and Y vndefoulid.
am maad a louyere of þe fairneſſe þerof. xxi And as Y knew, þat ellis Y mai not be chaſte, no but
iii He þat haþ þe felouſchip of God, glorifieþ þe God ȝyue, and þis ſame þing was wiſdom, to wite whos
gentilneſſe þerof; but alſo þe Lord of alle þingis louede þis ȝifte was; Y ȝede to þe Lord, and Y biſouȝte hym,
it. and Y ſeide, of alle myn entralis.
iiii For it is þe techereſſe of þe lernyng of God, and
cheſereſſe of hiſe werkis. CAP. IX
v And if richeſſis ben coueitid in lijf, what is richere þan i God of my fadris, and Lord of merci, þat madiſt alle

wiſdom, þat worchiþ alle þingis? þingis bi þi word,

ii and ordeynediſt man bi þi wiſdom, þat he ſchulde be ii And `þis wiſdom ledde hym out of his treſpas, and
lord of creature, which is maad of þee, ledde hym out of þe ſliym of erþe, and ȝaf to hym vertu
iii þat he diſpoſe þe world in equite and riȝtfulneſſe, and to holde togider alle þingis.
deme doom in riȝt reulyng of herte; iii As þe vnjuſt man in his ire ȝede awei fro þis wiſdom,
iiii ȝyue þou to me wiſdom, þat ſtondiþ nyȝ þi ſeetis; and broþerhed periſchide bi þe ire of manquellyng.
nyle þou repreue me fro þi children. iiii For which þing whanne watir dide awei þe erþe,
v For Y am þi ſeruaunt, and þe ſone of þin hand mayde; wiſdom heelide eft; gouernynge a iuſt man bi a
Y am a ſijk man, and of litil tyme, and leſſe to þe diſpiſable tre.
vndurſtondyng of doom and of lawis. v Þis wiſdom alſo in þe conſent of pride, whanne
vi And if ony man is perfit among þe ſones of men, if þi naciouns hadden reiſid hem ſilf, knew a iuſt man, and
wiſdom fleeþ awei fro hym, he ſchal be rikenyd in to kept wiþ out playnt to God; and þis wiſdom kepte ſtrong
nouȝt. merci in ſones.
vii Forſoþe þou haſt choſe me kyng to þi puple, and a vi `Þis wiſdom deliuerede a iuſt man fleynge fro wickid

iuge of þi ſones and douȝtris; men periſchinge, whanne fier cam doun in to þe place
viii and þou ſeidiſt, þat Y ſchulde bilde a temple in þin of fyue cytees.
vii For whiche wickid men þe lond ſmokynge is maad
holi hil, and an auter in þe citee of þi dwellyng place;
þe licneſſe of þin hooli tabernacle, which þou madiſt deſeert, in to witneſſyng of weiwardneſſe, and trees
redi at þe bigynnyng. hauynge fruytis in vncerteyn tyme; and þe mynde of an
ix And þi wiſdom is wiþ þee, þat knowiþ þi werkis, vnbileueful ſoule ſtondynge an ymage of ſalt.
viii For whi men paſſynge wiſdom, not oneli fellen in
which alſo was preſent þanne, whanne þou madiſt þe
world, and wiſte what was pleſaunt to þin iȝen, and þis, þat þei knewen not goodis, but alſo þei leften to
what was dreſſid in þi comaundementis. men þe mynde of her vnwiſdom, þat in þeſe ſynnes,
x Sende þou þat wiſdom fro þin hooli heuenes, and fro whiche þei diden, þei miȝten not be hid.
ix Forſoþe wiſdom delyuerede hem fro ſorewis, þat
þe ſeete of þi greetneſſe, þat it be wiþ me, and trauele
wiþ me; and þat Y wyte what is acceptable anentis þee. kepen it.
xi Forwhi þilke wiſdom knowiþ and vndirſtondiþ alle x Soþeli þis wiſdom ledde forþ a iuſt man bi riȝtful

þingis; and it ſchal lede me forþ in my werkis ſobrely, weies, þat fledde fro þe ire of his broþer; and it
and it ſchal kepe me in his power. ſchewide to hym þe rewme of God, and ȝaf to hym þe
xii And my werkis ſchulen be acceptable, and Y ſchal kunnyng of ſeyntis; it made hym oneſt in trauels, and
diſpoſe þi puple iuſtli, and Y ſchal be worþi of þe ſeetis fillide hiſe trauelis.
xi It helpide hym in þe fraude of diſſeyueris, and made
of my fadir.
xiii For who of men mai knowe þe counſel of God? eþer hym oneſt.
xii It kepte hym fro enemyes and defendide hym fro
who mai þenke, what wole God?
xiiii For whi þe þouȝtis of deedli men ben dreedful, and diſſeyueris; and it ȝaf to him a ſtrong batel, þat he ſhulde
oure puruyaunces ben vncerteyn. ouercome, and wite, þat wiſdom is þe myȝtieſte of alle.
xv For whi þe bodi þat is corrupt, greueþ þe ſoule; and xiii Þis wiſdom forſook not a iuſt man ſeeld, but

erþeli dwellyng preſſiþ doun þe wit, þenkynge many delyuerede hym fro ſynneris;
xiiii and it ȝede doun wiþ hym in to a diche; and it
xvi And of hard we geſſen þo þingis, þat ben in erþe; and forſook not hym in boondis, til it brouȝte to hym þe
we fynden wiþ trauel þo þingis, þat ben in biholdyng. ceptre of þe rewme, and power aȝens hem þat
xvii But who ſchal ſerche þo þingis, þat ben in heuenes? oppreſſiden hym; and it ſchewide hem lieris, þat
But who ſchal knowe þi wit, `no but þou ȝyue wiſdom, defouliden hym, and it ȝaf to hym euerlaſtynge
and ſende þin Hooli Spirit fro hiȝeſte þingis? clereneſſe.
xv Þis wiſdom delyuerede a iuſt puple, and hooli wiþout
xviii And if þe paþis of hem, þat ben in londis, ben
amendid, and if men han lernyd þo þingis, þat pleſen pleynt, fro naciouns þat oppreſſiden it.
xvi Wiſdom entride in to þe ſoule of Goddis ſeruaunt,
xix For whi, Lord, whiche euer pleſiden þee fro þe and he ſtood aȝens hidouſe kyngis, in grete wondris and
bigynnyng, weren maad hool bi wiſdom. myraclis.
xvii And it ȝeldide to iuſt men þe meede of her trauelis,

CAP. X and ledde hem forþ in a wondurful weie; and it was to

i Þis wiſdom `of God kepte hym, þat was formed firſt of hem in hilyng of þe dai, and in þe lyȝt of ſterris bi nyȝt.
xviii And it `ledde ouer hem þorouȝ þe reede ſee; and bar
God, þe fadir of þe world, whanne he aloone was maad
of nouȝt. hem ouer þoruy ful myche watir.

xix But it drenchide doun þe enemyes of hem in to þe xvii þat bi what þingis a man ſynneþ, he is turmentid alſo
ſee; and ledde hem out fro þe depþe of hellis. Þerfor iuſt bi þeſe þingis.
men taken awei þe ſpuylis of wickid men; xviii For whi þin hond almyȝti, þat made þe world of
xx and, Lord, þei magnefieden in ſong þin hooli name, mater vnſeyn, was not vnmyȝti to ſende in to hem a
and preyſeden togidere þin hond ouercomer. multitude of beeris, eþer hardi liouns,
xxi Forwhi wiſdom openyde þe mouþ of doumbe men, xix eþer beeſtis of newe kynde ful of ire, and vnknowun
and made þe tungis of ȝonge children not ſpekynge to beeſtis, eþer beeſtis froþinge heete of firis, eþir
be wiſe. bryngynge forþ þe odour of ſmoke, eþir ſendynge out
fro þe iȝen hidouſe ſparclis;
CAP. XI xx of whiche beeſtis not oneli þe hirtyng myȝte diſtrie
i He dreſſide þe werkis of hem, in þe hondis of an hooli hem, but alſo þe ſiȝt myȝte ſle bi drede.
profete. xxi For whi and wiþ oute þeſe beeſtis þei myȝten be
ii Þei maden iourney bi deſertis, þat weren not ſlayn bi o ſpirit, and ſuffre perſecucioun of þo her owne
enhabitid; and þei maden litle houſis in deſert places. dedis, and be ſcaterid by þe ſpirit of þi vertu. But and
iii Þei ſtoden aȝens kyngis, and vengiden hem of þou haſt diſpoſid alle þingis in meſure, and in noumbre,
enemyes. and in weiȝte;
iiii Þei þirſtiden, and þei inwardli clepiden þee; and xxii for it was left euere to þee aloone to mow do

watir of a ful hiȝ ſtoon was ȝouun to hem, and reſte of myche; and who ſchal aȝenſtonde þe vertu of þin arm?
þirſt was ȝouun to hem of an hard ſtoon. xxiii For as þe tunge of a balaunce, ſo is þe world bifore
v For bi whiche þingis þe enemyes of hem ſuffriden þee; and as a drope of dew ryſynge bifore þe lyȝt, þat
peynes, for defaute of her drink, and þe ſones of Iſrael comeþ doun in to erþe.
weren glad, whanne þei hadden plentee; xxiiii And þou haſt merci of alle þingis, for þou maiſt
vi bi þeſe þingis, whanne þeſe failiden to þo enemyes, it alle þingis; and þou diſſymeliſt þe ſynnes of men, for
was don wel wiþ hem. penaunce.
vii For ſoþeli for þe welle of euerlaſtynge flood, þou xxv For þou loueſt alle þingis þat ben, and þou hatiſt no

ȝaueſt mannus blood to vniuſt men. þing of þo, þat þou madiſt; for þou not hatynge ony
viii And whanne þei weren maad leſſe, in þe leding awei þing ordeynediſt, eþer madiſt.
xxvi But hou myȝte ony þing dwelle, `no but þou
of ȝonge children ſlayn, þou ȝaueſt ſudeynli plenteuouſe
watir to hem; and ſchewidiſt bi þe þirſt, woldiſt? eþer hou ſchulde a þing be kept, þat were not
ix þat was þanne, hou þou woldiſt enhaunſe þi clepid of þee?
xxvii But, Lord, þat loueſt ſoulis, þou ſpariſt alle þingis;
ſeruauntis, and woldiſt ſle þe aduerſaries of hem.
x For whanne þei weren aſaied, ſoþeli þei token for þo þingis ben þine.
chaſtiſyng wiþ merci; þei wiſten, hou wickid men
demed wiþ ire, ſchulden ſuffre turmentis. CAP. XII
xi Soþeli þou amoneſtynge as a fadir, preuediſt þeſe i Lord, hou good, and hou ſwete is þi Spirit in alle

men; but þou as an hard kyng axynge condempnediſt þingis;

ii and þerfor þou chaſtiſiſt bi partis þeſe men þat erren;
xii For whi men abſent and men preſent weren turmentid and þou moneſtiſt; of whiche þingis þei ſynnen, and þou
in lijk maner. ſpekiſt to hem, þat whanne þei han forſake malice, þei
xiii For whi double anoye hadde take hem, and weilyng bileue in þee, Lord.
iii For þou woldiſt leeſe þilke elde dwelleris of þin hooli
wiþ þe mynde of þingis paſſid.
xiiii Soþeli whanne þei herden, þat it was don wel wiþ lond, whiche þou wlatidiſt;
iiii for þei diden werkis hateful to þee, bi medicynes,
hem ſilf bi her turmentis, þei biþouȝten on þe Lord, and
wondriden on þe ende of þe out goyng. and vniuſt ſacrifices;
xv For at þe ende of þe bifallyng, þei worſchipiden him, v and þe ſlears of her ſones, wiþ out merci, and eteris of

whom þei ſcorneden caſt out in ſchrewid puttyng forþ; entrailis of men,
vi and deuowreris of blood; and bi þe hondis of oure
and þou didiſt not in lijk maner to iuſt men.
xvi Forſoþe for vnwiſe þouȝtis þe wickidneſſis of hem fadris þou woldiſt leeſe fro þi myddil ſacrament fadris
weren punyſchid; for ſummen errynge worſchipiden and modris, autours of ſoulis vnhelpid;
vii þat oure fadris ſchulden take þe worþi pilgrymage of
doumbe ſerpentis, and ſuperflu beeſtis, þou ſentiſt in to
hem a multitude of doumbe beeſtis, in to veniaunce; þat Goddis children, which is to þee þe dereworþeſte lond
þei ſchulden wite, of alle.

viii But alſo þou ſparidiſt þeſe as men, and þou ſentiſt xxiiii Forþei erriden ful longe in þe weie of errour, and
waſpis, þe bifore goeris of þin ooſt, þat þo ſchulden geſſiden goddis þeſe þingis þat ben ſuperflu in beeſtis,
deſtrie hem litil and litil. and lyueden bi cuſtom of ȝonge children vnwitti.
ix Not for þou were vnmyȝti to make wickid men ſuget xxv For þis þing þou ȝaueſt doom, in to ſcorn, as to
to iuſt men in batel; children vnwitti;
x but þou demydiſt bi partis, and ȝaueſt place to xxvi but þei, þat weren not amendid bi ſcornyngis and
penaunce, and wiſtiſt, þat þe nacioun of hem was blamyngis, feeliden þe worþi doom of God.
weiward, and her malice was kyndli, and þat her þouȝt xxvii For þei baren heuyli in þeſe þingis, whiche þei
myȝte not be chaungid wiþ outen ende. ſuffriden, in whiche þingis þei ſuffrynge hadden
xi For it was a curſid ſeed at þe bigynnyng. And þou not indignacioun; þei ſeynge hym, whom þei denȝeden ſum
dredynge ony man, ȝaueſt forȝyueneſſe to þe ſynnes of tyme hem to knowe, knewen hym veri God, bi þeſe
hem. þingis whiche þei geſſiden goddis among hem, whanne
xii For whi who ſchal ſeie to þee, What haſt þou do? þo weren deſtried; for which þing and þe ende of her
eþer who ſchal ſtonde aȝens þi doom? eþir who ſchal condempnacioun ſchal come on hem.
come in þi ſiȝt, to be auengere of wickid men? eþer who
ſchal arette to þee, if naciouns periſchen, whiche þou CAP. XIII
madiſt? i Forſoþe alle men ben veyn, in whiche þe kunnyng of
xiii For whi noon oþer þan þou is God, to whom is God is not; and of þeſe þingis þat ben ſeyn goode, þei
charge of alle þingis, þat þou ſchewe, þat þou demeſt myȝten not vndurſtonde him, þat is, and þei
doom not vniuſtli. perſeyuynge þe werkis knewen not, who was þe
xiiii Neþer king neþer tiraunt in þi ſiȝt ſchulen enquere worchere;
ii but þei geſſiden goddis gouernours of þe world, eþir
of þeſe men, whiche þou haſt loſt.
xv Þerfor ſiþen þou art iuſt, þou diſpoſiſt iuſtli alle þe fier, eþer þe wynd, eþir þe eir maad ſwift, eþer þe
þingis; alſo, fadir, þou condempneſt hym, þat owiþ not cumpas of ſterris, eþer ful myche watir, eþir þe ſunne
to be punyſchid, and þou geſſiſt hym a ſtraunger fro þi and moone;
iii and if þei delitiden in þe fairneſſe of þo þingis, and
xvi For whi þi vertu is þe bigynnyng of riȝtfulneſſe; and geſſiden þo goddis, wite þei, hou myche þe lord of þo is
for þis, þat þou art lord of alle men, þou makiſt þee to fairere þan þo; for whi þe gendrere of fairneſſe made
ſpare alle men. alle þeſe þingis.
xvii For þou, þat art not bileued to be perfit in vertu, iiii Eþir if þei wondriden on þe vertu and werkis of þo

ſchewiſt vertu; and þou lediſt ouer þeſe men, þat þingis, vndurſtonde þei of þo, þat he þat made þeſe
knowen not þee, in hardyneſſe. þingis, is ſtrongere þan þo;
xviii But þou, lord of vertu, demeſt wiþ peſibleneſſe, and v for bi þe greetneſſe of fairneſſe and of creature þe

diſpoſiſt vs wiþ greet reuerence; for it is ſuget to þee to creatour of þeſe þingis myȝte be ſeyn knowyngli.
vi But neþeles ȝit in þeſe men is leſſe playnt; for þei
mow, whanne þou wolt.
xix Forſoþe þou haſt tauȝt þi puple bi ſiche werkis, þat it erren, in hap ſekynge God, and willynge to fynde.
vii For whanne þei lyuen in hiſe werkis, þei ſeken, and
bihoueþ a iuge to be iuſt, and benygne; and þou madiſt
þi ſones of good hope, for þou demeſt, and ȝyueſt place holden for a ſoþ, þat þo þingis ben goode, þat ben ſeyn.
to penaunce in ſynnes. viii Eft ſoþeli it owiþ not to be forȝouun to þeſe men.
xx For if þou turmentidiſt þe enemyes of þi ſeruauntis, ix For if þei miȝten wite ſo myche, þat þei miȝten geſſe
and men due to deþ wiþ ſo greet perſeyuyng, and þe world, hou founden þei not liȝtliere þe lord þerof?
delyueridiſt, and ȝaueſt tyme and place, bi which þei x forſoþe þei ben curſid, and þe hope of hem is among
myȝten be chaungid fro malice; deed men, þat clepiden goddis þe werkis of mennus
xxi wiþ hou greet diligence demeſt þou þi ſones, to whos hondis, gold, and ſiluer, þe fyndyng of craft, and
fadris þou ȝaueſt oþis and couenauntis of good licneſſis of beeſtis, eþer a ſtoon vnprofitable, þe werk of
biheeſtis? an eld hond.
xxii Þerfor whanne þou ȝyueſt chaſtiſyng to vs, þou betiſt xi Eþir if ony crafti man, a carpenter, hewiþ doun of þe
many fold oure enemyes, þat we demynge þenke þi wode a ſtreiȝt tre, and raſiþ awei perfitli al þe riynde
goodneſſe; and whanne it is demyd of vs, þat we hope þerof, and vſiþ his craft diligentli, and makiþ a veſſel ful
þi merci. profitable in to conuerſacioun of lijf;
xxiii Wherfor and to hem, þat lyueden vnwiſeli, and xii ſoþeli he vſiþ þe relifs of þis werk to þe makyng redi
vniuſtli in her lijf, þou ȝaueſt ſouereyn turmentis, bi þeſe of mete; and þe reſidue of þeſe þingis,
þingis whiche þei worſchipiden.

xiii which he makiþ to no werk, a crokid tre, and ful of hatrede, and in to temptacioun to þe ſoule of men, and
knottis, he graueþ diligentli bi his voidneſſe, and bi þe in to a trappe to þe feet of vnwiſe men.
kunnyng of his craft he figuriþ it, and licneþ it to þe xii For þe bigynnyng of fornycacioun is þe ſekyng out of
ymage of a man, idols, and þe fynding of þo idols is þe corrupcioun of
xiiii eþer makiþ it lijk to ſum of beeſtis, and anoyntiþ lijf.
wiþ reed colour, and makiþ þe colour þerof rodi wiþ xiii Forſoþe þo weren not at þe bigynnyng, neþir þo
peynture, and anoyntiþ eche ſpotte which is in it, ſchulen be wiþ out ende.
xv and makiþ to it a worþi dwellyng place, and ſettiþ it xiiii For whi þe voidneſſe of men foond þeſe idols in to
in þe wal, and he faſtneþ it wiþ irun, þe world; and þerfor þe ende of þo is foundun ſchort.
xvi leſt perauenture it falle doun; and he purueyeþ for it, xv For whi þe fadir makinge ſorewe wiþ bittir
and woot, þat it may not helpe it ſilf; for it is an ymage, morenyng, made ſoone to hym an ymage of þe ſone `þat
and help is nedeful þerto. was rauyſchid; and bigan to worſchipe hym now as a
xvii And he makiþ auowe, and enqueriþ of his catel, and god, þat was deed þanne as a man; and he ordeynede
of hiſe ſones, and of weddyngis; he is not aſchamed to hooli þingis and ſacrifices among hiſe ſeruauntis.
ſpeke wiþ hym, þat is wiþ out ſoule; xvi Aftirward in tyme comynge bitwixe, whanne þe
xviii and ſoþeli for helþe he biſechiþ a þing vnmyȝti, and wickid cuſtom was ſtrong, þis errour was kept as a lawe,
for lijf he preieþ a þing wiþ out lijf, and he clepiþ an and ymagis weren worſchipid bi lordſchip of tirauntis.
vnprofitable þing in to help. xvii Þe figure of hem was brouȝt fro fer, whiche þe men
xix And for iourney he axiþ of þat þing, þat mai not go; miȝten not onoure in opyn, for þei weren fer; and þei
and of getyng, and of worchyng, and of bifallyng of alle maden an opyn ymage of þe kyng, whom þei wolden
þingis he axiþ of hym, which is vnprofitable in alle onoure; þat bi her biſyneſſe þei ſchulden worſchipe hym
þingis. as preſent, þat was abſent.
xviii Forſoþe þe noble diligence of a crafti man brouȝte
CAP. XIIII in alſo hem, þat knewen not, to þe worſchipyng of þes
i Eft an oþer man þenkynge to ſeile in ſchip, and kyngis.
bigynnynge to make iournei þorouȝ ferſe wawis, xix For he willynge more to pleſe þat kyng, þat took
inwardli clepiþ a tre frelere þan þe tre þat beriþ hym. hym, trauelide perfitli bi his craft, to make a licneſſe in
ii For whi couetiſe to gete money foond þat idol; and a to betere.
crafti man made it bi his wiſdom. xx Soþeli þe multitude of men, diſſeyued bi þe fairneſſe
iii But þou, fadir, gouerneſt bi puruyaunce, for þou of werk, geſſiden hym now a god, þat was onourid as a
ȝaueſt weie in þe ſee, and a moſt ſtidfaſt paþ among man bifore þat tyme.
wawis; xxi And þis was þe diſſeit of mannys lijf; for whi men
iiii ſchewynge þat þou art miȝti to make hool of alle ſeruynge greetli, eþir to affeccioun, eþir to kyngis,
þingis, ȝhe, if a man goiþ to þe ſee wiþ out ſchip; puttiden to ſtoonys and trees þe name þat mai not be
v but þat þe werkis of þi wiſdom ſchulden not be voide, comynyd.
xxii And it ſuffiſide not, þat þei erriden aboute þe
for þis þing men bitaken her lyues, ȝhe, to a litil tre, and
þei paſſen þe ſee, and ben delyuered bi a ſchip. kunnyng of God; but alſo þei lyuynge in greet batel of
vi But at þe bigynnyng, whanne proude giauntis vnkunnyng, clepen ſo many and ſo grete yuels pees.
xxiii For eþir þei ſleynge her ſones in ſacrifice, eþir
periſchiden, þe hope of þe world fledde to a ſchip, and
ſente efte ſeed of birþe to þe world, which was makynge derk ſacrifices, eþir hauynge wakyngis ful of
gouerned bi þin hond. woodneſſe,
vii For whi bleſſid is þe tree, bi which riȝtfulneſſe was xxiiii kepen now neþer cleene lijf, neþer cleene

maad. weddyngis; but alſo o man ſleeþ anoþer man bi enuye,

viii But þe idol which is maad bi hond is curſid, boþe it, eþir doynge auowtrie makiþ ſory his neiȝbore.
xxv And alle þingis ben medlid togidere, blood,
and he þat made it, for ſoþeli he wrouȝte grete treſpas;
ſoþeli þat idol, whanne it was freel, was nemyd God. manſleyng, þefte, and feynyng, corrupcioun,
ix Forſoþe in lijk maner þe wickid man and his vnfeiþfulneſſe, diſturblyng, and forſweryng,
xxvi noiſe, forȝetyng of goodis of þe Lord, defoulyng of
wickidneſſe ben hateful to God.
x For whi þat þat is maad ſchal ſuffre turmentis, wiþ ſoulis, chaungyng of birþe, vnſtidfaſtneſſe of
hym þat made it. weddyngis, vnordeyning of letcherie and of vnchaſtite.
xi For þis þing and to þe idols of naciouns ſchal not be xxvii For whi þe worſchipyng of curſid idols is þe cauſe,

biholdyng; for þe creaturis of God ben maad in to and þe bigynnyng, and þe ende of al yuel.

xxviii For whi eþir þei wexen woode, while þei ben glad; xiii Forſoþe þis man þat makiþ freele veſſels, and grauun
eþer certis þei profecien falſe þingis, eþir þei lyuen ymagis of þe mater of erþe, woot þat he treſpaſſiþ aboue
vniuſtli, eþir þei forſweren ſoone. alle men.
xxix For þe while þei triſten in idols, þat ben wiþ out xiiii Forſoþe, Lord, alle vnwiſe men and curſid ben
ſoule, þei ſweren yuele, and hopen not, þat þei ſchulen proude ouer þe meſure of her ſoule, and ben enemyes of
be anoyed. þi puple, and vpbreyden it;
xxx Þerfor euer eiþir ſchulen come to hem worþili; for xv for þei geſſiden alle þe idols of naciouns to be goddis,
þei demeden yuele of God, and ȝauen tent to idols, and þat han neþir ſiȝt of iȝen to ſe, neþir noſe þirlis to
þei ſworen vniuſtli in an idol, and þei diſpiſiden perſeyue a ſpirit, eþir wynd, neþer eeris to here, neþir
riȝtfulneſſe. fyngris of hondis to touche, but alſo her feet ben ſlowe
xxxi For whi an ooþ is not vertu, but þe peyne of to go.
ſynneris goiþ forþ euere, in to þe breking of iuſt þingis. xvi For whi a man made þo, and he þat borewide a ſpirit,
made þo; forwhi no man mai make a god lijk hym ſilf.
CAP. XV xvii For ſiþen he is deedli, bi wickid hondis he makiþ a
i Forſoþe þou, oure God, art ſwete, and trewe, and deed idol; for he is betere þan þeſe goddis, whiche he
pacient, and diſpoſiſt alle þingis in merci. worſchipiþ; for ſoþeli he liuyde, whanne he was deedli,
ii For if we ſynnen, we ben þin, and knowen þi but þei lyueden neuere.
greetneſſe; and if we ſynnen not, we witen, þat we ben xviii But alſo mooſt wretchid men worſchipen beeſtis; for
acountid at þee. whi vnreſonable beeſtis, compariſound to þeſe men, ben
iii For whi to knowe þee, is parfit riȝtfulneſſe; and to worſe þan þei.
kunne þi riȝtfulneſſe and vertu, is þe root of xix But neþer bi ſiȝt ony man mai of þeſe beeſtis biholde
vndedlyneſſe. goodis; forſoþe þei han dryue awei þe heriyng of God,
iiii Forſoþe þe þenkyng out of yuel craft of men brouȝte and his bleſſyng.
not vs in to errour, neþer þe ſchadewe of peynture trauel
wiþout fruyt, an ymage grauun bi dyuerſe colours; CAP. XVI
v whos biholdyng ȝyueþ coueytiſe to an vnwiſe man, i For þeſe þingis, and þingis lijk þeſe, þei ſuffriden

and he loueþ þe licneſſe of a deed ymage wiþ out ſoule. turmentis worþili, and þei weren deſtried bi multitude
vi Þe louyers of yuels ben worþi þe deeþ, þat han hope of beeſtis.
ii For whiche turmentis þou diſpoſidiſt wel þi puple, to
in ſiche; and þei þat maken þo, and þei þat louen, and
þei þat worſchipen ben worþi þe deþ. whiche þou ȝaueſt coueitiſe of her delityng a new
vii But alſo a pottere, þriſtynge neiſche erþe, bi greet ſauour, makynge redi mete to hem a curlew.
iii Þat ſoþeli þei coueitynge mete, weren turned awei,
trauel makiþ ech veſſel to oure vſis; and of þe ſame clei
he makiþ veſſels þat ben clene to vſs, and in lijk maner ȝhe, fro nedeful coueityng, for þo þingis þat weren
þo þat ben contrarie to þeſe; forſoþe what vſs is of þeſe ſchewid, and ſent to hem; but þeſe men maad pore in
veſſels, þe pottere is iuge. ſchort tyme, taſtiden newe mete.
viii And he þat was maad of erþe a litil bifore, makiþ a iiii For ſoþeli it bihofte periſchyng to come on hem wiþ

god of þe ſame clei wiþ veyn trauel; and þe pottere, outen excuſyng, vſynge tirauntri; but to ſchewe oneli to
axid to ȝelde þe dette of ſoule which he hadde, lediþ þeſe Ebries, hou her enemyes weren deſtried.
hym ſilf aftir a litil tyme to þe erþe, fro whennus he was v Forſoþe whanne þe feers ire of beeſtis cam on hem,
takun. þei weren deſtried bi þe bityngis of weiward ſerpentis.
ix But he haþ care, not for he ſchal trauele, neþer for his vi But, Lord, þin ire dwellide not wiþ outen ende; but
lijf is ſchort, but he ſtryueþ wiþ gold ſmyþis and ſiluer þei weren troblid in ſchort time to amendyng, and
ſmyþis; but alſo he ſueþ worcheris of bras, and ſettiþ hadden a ſigne of helþe, to remembryng of þe
bifore glorie; for he makiþ ſuperflu þingis. comaundement of þi lawe.
x For þe herte of hym is aiſche, and ſuperflu erþe is his vii For he þat was conuertid, was heelid not bi þat he ſiȝ,
hope, and his lijf is vilere þan clei. but bi þee, ſauȝour of alle men.
xi For he knew not God, þat made him, and þat enſpiride viii Forſoþe in þis þou ſchewidiſt to oure enemyes, þat
a ſoule to hym; and he loueþ þo þingis whiche he haþ þou it art, þat delyueriſt fro al yuel.
wrouȝt; and he knew not God, þat blowide in hym a ix Forſoþe þe bityngis of locuſtis and of flies killiden
ſpirit of lijf. hem, and heelþe of her lijf was not foundun; for þei
xii But þei geſſiden fleiſchli delityng to be oure lijf, and weren worþi to be deſtried of ſiche þingis.
þe conuerſacioun of lijf to be maad to wynnyng, and þat
it bihoueþ to gete on ech ſide, ȝhe, of yuel.

x But neþer þe teeþ of dragouns, neþir of venemouſe xxviii þatit were knowun to alle men, þat it bihoueþ to
beeſtis ouercamen þi children; for whi þi merci cam, come bifore þe ſunne to þi bleſſing, and to worſchipe
and heelide hem. þee at þe riſyng of þe lyȝt.
xi For þei weren turmentid in mynde of þi wordis, and xxix Forſoþe þe hope of an vnkynde man ſchal melte
þei weren heelid ſwiftli; leſt þei fallynge in to deep awei as iys of wyntir, and ſchal periſche as ſuperflu
forȝetyng of God, miȝten not vſe þin help. watir.
xii For neþir eerbe, neþir plaſtere heelide hem; but,
Lord, þi word, þat heeliþ alle þingis. CAP. XVII
xiii Lord, þou art, þat haſt power of lijf and of deþ; and i Forſoþe, Lord, þi domes ben greet, and þi wordis

lediſt forþ to þe ȝatis of deþ, and lediſt aȝen. moun not be fulli teld out; vnlerned ſoulis erriden for
xiiii But ſoþeli a man ſleeþ his ſoule bi malice; and þeſe.
ii For þe while wickid men holden for ſtidfaſt, þat þei
whanne þe ſpirit is goen out, it ſchal not turne aȝen,
neþer þe bodi ſchal aȝen clepe þe ſoule, which is moun be lordis of hooli nacioun, þei weren feterid wiþ
reſſeyued; boondis of derkneſſis, and of long niȝt, and weren cloſid
xv but it is vnpoſſible to aſcape þin hond. vndur rooues; and þei fugityues weren ſuget to
xvi Forwhi wickid men, denying to knowe þee, weren euerlaſtinge puruyaunce.
iii And þe while þei geſſen hem to be hid in derk ſynnes,
turmentid bi ſtrengþe of þin arm; þei ſuffriden
perſecuſioun bi newe watris, and hailis, and reines, and þei weren ſcaterid bi derk hidyng of forȝetyng,
weren waſtid bi fier. dredynge hidouſli, and diſturblid wiþ ful greet
xvii For whi þat was wondurful, þe fier hadde more miȝt wondryng.
iiii For þe denne þat wiþhelde hem, kepte not wiþ out
in þe watir, þat quenchiþ alle þingis; for whi þe world
was veniere of iuſt men. drede; for whi ſown comynge doun diſturblide hem, and
xviii For whi ſum tyme þe fier was mylde, leſt þe beeſtis ſoreuful perſoones apperynge to hem, ȝauen drede to
ſchulden be brent, þat weren ſent to wickid men; but þat hem.
v And ſoþeli no myȝt of fier myȝte ȝyue lyȝt to hem, and
þei ſeynge ſchulden wite, þat þei ſuffren perſecucioun bi
þe doom of God. þe cleer flawmes of ſterris myȝten not liȝtne þat hidouſe
xix And ſum tyme þe fier brente an hiȝ on ech ſide in þe nyȝt.
vi Soþeli ſodeyn fier ful of drede apperide to hem; and
water, aboue þe vertu of fier, to deſtrie þe wickid
nacioun of þe lond. þei weren ſmytun wiþ þe drede of þat face, þat was not
xx For whiche þingis þou nuriſchidiſt þi puple wiþ mete ſeyn, and geſſiden þo þingis to be worſe, þat weren ſeyn.
vii And ſcornes of whitche craft weren leid to, and þe
of aungels, and þou ȝaueſt fro heuene breed maad redi
to hem, wiþ out trauel; hauynge al delityng in it ſilf, and glorie of wiſdom was chaſtiſyng wiþ diſpiſyng.
viii For þei, þat bihiȝten hem ſilf to putte awei dredis and
þe ſwetneſſe of al ſauour.
xxi For þou ſchewidiſt þi catel, and þi ſwetneſſe, which diſturblyngis fro a ſijk ſoule, weren ful wiþ ſcorn, and
þou haſt, to ſones; and þe breed ſeruynge to þe wille of weren ſijk for drede.
ix For whi þouȝ no þing of þe wondris aȝens kynde
eche man, was turned to þat, þat ech man wolde.
xxii Forſoþe ſnow and iys ſuffriden þe miȝt of fier, and diſturblide hem, þei weren mouyd bi þe paſſyng of
meltiden not; þat þei ſchulden wite, þat fier brennynge, beeſtis, and bi þe hiſſyng of eddris, and trembliden, and
in hail and reyn leytynge, deſtryede þe fruytis of periſchiden; and denȝeden, þat þei ſien þe eyr, which a
enemyes. man myȝte not aſcape bi ony reſoun; for whi worſte
xxiii Soþeli eft þis was wondirful, alſo fier forȝat his þingis bifore ocupien ofte, while þe conſcience
vertu, þat iuſt men ſchulden be nurſchid. repreueþ.
x For ſiþen wickidneſſe is dreedful, it is ȝouun in to
xxiiii For whi þe creature ſeruynge to þee þe makere,
wexiþ whijt in to turment aȝens vniuſt men, and is maad condempnacioun of alle men; for whi a conſcience
liȝtere to do wel, for hem þat triſten in þee. diſturblid preſumeþ euere wickid þingis.
xi For whi drede is no þing, no but help of
xxv For þis þing and alle þingis transfigurid þanne
ſeruyden to þi grace, nuriſchere of alle þingis, to þe preſumpcioun, and ſchewyng of þouȝt of helpis.
xii And þe while leſſe abydyng is fro wiþ ynne, it geſſiþ
wille of hem, þat ben deſirid of þee;
xxvi þat, Lord, þi ſones ſchulden wite, whiche þou gretter power of þat cauſe, of which it ȝyueþ turment.
xiii Forſoþe þei, þat camen in to a myȝti niȝt, and
louediſt, þat not þe fruytis of birþe feeden men, but þi
word kepeþ hem, þat bileuen in þee. comynge aboue fro loweſte þingis, and fro hiȝeſte
xxvii For whi þat þat miȝte not be diſtried of fier, meltide þingis, þei ſlepynge þe ſame ſleep,
anoon as it was maad hoot of a litil beem of þe ſunne;

xiiii weren hurlid ſum tyme bi drede of wondris aȝens yuels in lijk maner, and ſungen heriyngis to þe fadir of
kynde, ſum tyme þe ſoulis failiden bi ledyng ouer; for alle men.
why ſudeyn drede and vnhopid, cam on hem. x But vnſemeli vois of enemyes ſownede, and wepeful
xv Afterward if ony of hem hadde fel doun, he was kept weilyng of biweperis of ȝonge children was herd.
cloſid in priſoun, wiþ out yrun; xi Forſoþe þe ſeruaunt was turmentid bi lijk peyne wiþ
xvi for if ony cheerl was, eþir ſcheepherd, eþir a werk þe lord; and a man of þe puple ſuffride þingis lijk þe
man of feeldis, and was bifore ocupied, he ſuffride nede kyng.
þat miȝte not be aſcapid. xii Þerfor in lijk maner alle men bi o name of deþ
xvii For whi alle men weren boundun togidere bi o hadden deed men vnnoumbrable, for neþer quyke men
chayne of derkneſſis; eþer a wynd hiſſynge, eþer ſwete ſuffiſeden to birie; for whi þe nacioun of hem, þat was
ſown of briddis bitwixe þe þicke bowis of trees, eþir þe clerere þan oþere, was deſtried in o moment.
feerſneſſe of watir rennynge doun greetli, xiii Forſoþe of alle Egipcians men not bileuynge for
xviii eþir a ſtrong ſoun of ſtoonys caſt doun, eþir þe benefices, bihiȝten hem þanne to be Goddis puple,
rennyng vnſeyn of beeſtis pleiynge, eþir þe ſtrong vois whanne þe diſtriyng of þe firſte gendryd þingis was firſt.
of beeſtis lowynge, eþir ecco ſownynge aȝen fro hiȝeſte xiiii Forſoþe whanne alle þingis helden reſtful ſilence,
hillis, maden hem failynge for drede. and þe nyȝt hadde þe myddil weie in his cours,
xix Forſoþe al þe world was liȝtned wiþ cleer lyȝt, and xv Lord, þi word almyȝti comynge ſwiftli fro heuene,
was not wiþholdun in werkis lettid. cam fro þe kyngis ſeetis;
xx But a greuouſe niȝt, þe ymage of derkneſſis, þat was xvi a ſcharp ſwerd berynge þi comaundement not
to comyng on hem, was ſet on hem aloone; þerfor þei feyned, cam forþ, ouercomere in to þe myddil of þe
weren greuouſere to hem ſilf þan þe derkneſſis. lond of deſtriyng; and it ſtood, and fillide alle þingis
wiþ deeþ, and it ſtood in erþe, and ſtretchide forþ til to
CAP. XVIII heuene.
i But ful greet lyȝt was to þin hooli ſeruauntis, and xvii Þanne anoon þe ſiȝtis of yuel dremes diſturbliden
ſoþeli enemyes herden þe vois of hem, but þei ſien not hem, and dredis not hopid camen aboue.
þe figure, eþir ſchap; and for alſo þei ſuffriden not bi þe xviii And anoþer man caſt forþ half quyk in an oþer
ſame þingis, þei magnefieden þee. place, ſchewide for what cauſe of deþ he diede.
ii And for þei weren hirt bifore, þei diden þankyngis to xix For whi ſiȝtis þat diſturbliden hem, bifore warneden
þee, for þei weren not hirt; and þat difference ſchulde þeſe þingis, þat þei ſchulden periſche not vnwityngli,
be bitwixe hem and Egipcians, þei axiden þee, God. why þei ſuffriden yuels.
iii For which þing þei hadden a brennynge piler of fier, xx Forſoþe temptacioun of deþ touchide þanne alſo iuſt
þe ledere of vnknowun weie; and þou ȝaueſt þe ſunne, men, and mouyng togidere of multitude was maad in
wiþ out hirtyng of good herbore. deſert; but þin ire dwellide not longe.
iiii Forſoþe þei weren worþi to wante lyȝt, and to ſuffre xxi For a man wiþout pleynt haſtide to biſeche for
þe priſoun of derkneſſis, whiche helden þi ſones puplis, and he brouȝte forþ preier þe ſcheld of his
encloſid; bi whiche ſones þe vncorrupt lijt of lawe bigan ſeruyce, and he aleggide preier bi encence, and aȝen
to be ȝouun to þe world. ſtood ire; and he ſettide an ende to þe nede, and
v Whanne þei þouȝten to ſle þe ȝonge children of iuſt ſchewide þat he was þi ſeruaunt.
men; and whanne o ſone was put forþ, and delyuered, xxii Forſoþe he ouercam cumpenyes, not bi vertu of
þou tokiſt awei þe multitude of ſones, for þe ledyng bodi, neþer bi armure of power; but he remembride þe
ouer of hem, and þou loſtiſt hem togidere in ſtrong oþis, and þe teſtament of fadris, and bi word he made
watir. hym ſuget, þat trauelide hym ſilf.
vi Forſoþe þilke nyȝt was knowun bifore of oure fadris, xxiii For whanne deed men fellen doun bi heepis, ech on
þat þei witynge verili to whiche oþis þei bileuyden, oþer, he ſtood bitwixe `deed men and lyuynge, and
ſchulden be more paciente. kittide awei þe feerſneſſe of brennyng, and departide þat
vii Forſoþe helþe of iuſt men was reſſeyued verili of þi weie, þat ledde to quyke men.
puple, `and alſo diſtriyng of vniuſt men. xxiiii For whi al þe world was in þe cloþ laſtynge to þe
viii For as þou hirtidiſt oure aduerſaries, ſo þou excitidiſt heelis, which he hadde; and þe grete þingis of fadris
alſo vs, and magnefiediſt vs. weren grauun in foure ordris of ſtoonys; and, Lord, þi
ix For whi iuſt children of goode men maden ſacrifice magnyficence was writun in þe diademe of his heed.
priueli, and diſpoſiden þe lawe of riȝtfulneſſe in to xxv Forſoþe he þat diſtriede, ȝaf ſtide to þeſe þingis, and
acordyng; þei diſpoſiden iuſt men to reſſeyue goodis and dredde þeſe þingis; for whi þe temptacioun aloone was
ſufficient to ire.

CAP. XIX xvi Forſoþe þei weren ſmytun wiþ blyndneſſe, as þei in
i Forſoþe ire wiþ out merci cam on wickid men til in to þe ȝatis of þe iuſt man, whanne þei weren hilid wiþ
þe laſte; forwhi God bifore knew alſo þe þingis to ſudeyne derkneſſis; ech man ſouȝte þe paſſyng of his
comynge of hem. dore.
ii For whanne þei weren turned, and hadden ſuffrid, þat xvii Forſoþe while elementis ben turned in to hem ſilf, as
þei ſchulden lede out hem, and hadden bifor ſent hem þe ſown of maner is chaungid in orgun, and alle þingis
wiþ greet byſyneſſe, þe dedis of repentyng ſueden hem. kepen her ſown; wherfor it mai be geſſid of þat certeyn
iii For þei hauynge ȝit morenyng bitwixe þe hondis, and ſiȝt.
þei biwepynge at þe ſepulcris of deed men, token to xviii Beeſtis of þe feeld weren turned in to beeſtis of
hem anoþir þouȝt of vnkunnyng; and þei purſueden þo watir; what euer weren ſwymmynge þingis, ȝeden in þe
Ebreis, as fleeris awei, whiche þei preiynge hadden ſent lond.
forþ. xix Fier in watir hadde power aboue his vertu; and water
iiii For whi worþi nede ledde hem to þis ende, and þei forȝat þe kynde quenchynge.
loſten remembryng of þeſe þingis, þat hadden bifeld, þat xx Aȝenward flawmes of corruptible beeſtis diſeſiden
punyſchyng ſchulde fille þo þingis, þat failiden of not þe fleiſchis of Ebreis goynge togidere; neþir
turmentis, departiden þat good mete, þat was departid liȝtly as iys.
v and þat ſoþeli þi puple ſchulde paſſe wondurfuli; Forſoþe, Lord, þou magnefiediſt þi puple in alle þingis,
forſoþe þat þei ſchulden fynde a newe deþ. and onouridiſt; and diſpiſidiſt not, and helpidiſt hem in
vi For whi ech creature ſeruynge to þin heeſtis, was ech tyme and in ech place.
refourmed to his kynde at þe bigynnyng, þat þi children Here endiþ þe book of Wiſdom, and here bigynneþ
ſchulden be kept vnhirt. þe book of Eccleſiaſtici.
vii For whi a cloude biſchadewide þe caſtels of hem, and
drie erþe apperide in watir þat was bifore; and a weie
wiþ out letting apperide in þe reed ſee, and a feeld
buriownynge fro ful greet depþe; bi which feeld al þe
nacioun paſſide,
viii þat was hilid wiþ þin hond; forſoþe þei ſien þi
merueilis and wondris.
ix For þei as horſis deuouriden mete, and as lambren þei
maden ful out ioye, magnefiynge þee, Lord, þat
delyuerediſt hem.
x For þei weren myndeful ȝit of þo þingis, þat weren
don in þe dwellyng of hem among Egipcians; hou þe
lond brouȝte forþ flies, for þe nacioun of beeſtis, and þe
flood brouȝte forþ multitude of paddokis, for fiſchis.
xi Forſoþe at þe laſt þei ſien a newe creature of briddis,
whanne þei weren led bi coueitiſe, and axiden metis of
xii For in þe ſpekynge to of her deſir, a curlew ſtiede to
hem fro þe ſee; and diſeeſis camen on ſynneris, and not
wiþ out preuyngis of þo þingis, þat weren don bifor bi
þe feerſneſſe of floodis. For þei ſuffriden iuſtli, bi her
xiii for þei ordeyneden more abhomynable vnoſpitalite.
Soþeli ſumme reſſeyueden not vnknowun comelyngis;
ſoþeli oþere token good men herborid in to þraldom.
xiiii And not oneli þei diden þeſe þingis, but ſoþeli alſo
anoþer biholding of hem was, þat þei aȝens her wille
reſſeyueden ſtraungeris.
xv Forſoþe þei þat vſiden þe ſame ordynaunces,
turmentiden wiþ crueleſt ſorewis hem, þat reſſeyueden
wiþ gladneſſe.

xxii Þe coroun of wiſdom is þe drede of þe Lord, and
ECCLESIASTICUS filliþ pees, and þe fruyt of heelþe.
Here bigynneþ þe book of Eccleſiaſtici. xxiii And he ſiȝ, and noumbride it; forſoþe euer eiþir ben
þe ȝiftis of God.
CAP. I xxiiii Wiſdom ſchal departe þe kunnyng and
i Al wiſdom is of þe Lord God, and was euere wiþ hym, vndurſtondyng of prudence; and it enhaunſiþ þe glorie
and is bifore þe world. of hem, þat holden it.
ii Who noumbride þe grauel of þe ſee, and þe dropis of xxv Þe roote of wiſdom is for to drede God; forſoþe þe
reyn, and þe daies of þe world? Who meſuride þe braunchis þerof ben longe durynge.
hiȝneſſe of heuene, and þe breed of erþe, and þe depþe xxvi Vndurſtonding, and religiouſte of kunnyng ben in
of þe ſee? þe treſouris of wiſdom; but wiſdom is abhomynacioun
iii Who enſerchide þe wiſdom of God, þat goiþ bifore to ſynners.
alle þingis? xxvii Þe drede of þe Lord puttiþ awei ſynne,
iiii Wiſdom was formed firſte of alle þingis, and þe xxviii for he þat is wiþ out drede, mai not be iuſtified; for
vndurſtonding of prudence, fro þe world. whi þe wraþfulneſſe of his pride is þe deſtriyng of hym.
v Þe welle of wiſdom is þe ſone of God in hiȝ þingis; xxix A pacient man ſchal ſuffre til in to tyme; and
and þe entryng of þat wiſdom is euerlaſtynge aftirward ſchal be ȝelding of mirþe.
comaundementis. xxx Good wit ſchal hide þe wordis of hym til in to a
vi To whom was þe roote of wiſdom ſchewid? and who
tyme; and þe lippis of many men ſchulen telle out þe
knewe þe ſutilites þerof? wit of hym.
vii To whom was þe lore of wiſdom ſhewid, and maad xxxi In þe treſouris of wiſdom is ſignefiyng of kunnyng;
opyn? and who vndurſtood þe multipliyng of þe entryng xxxii but þe worſchipyng of God is abhomynacioun to a
þerof? ſynnere.
viii Oon is þe hiȝeſte creatour of alle þingis, almyȝti, and xxxiii A! ſone, coueitynge wiſdom, kepe þou riȝtfulneſſe,
a myȝti kyng, and worþi to be dred ful miche, ſittynge and God ſchal ȝyue it to þee.
on þe trone of þat wiſdom, and God hauynge lordſchipe. xxxiiii For whi þe drede of þe Lord is wiſdom, and
ix He fourmyde `þat wiſdom in þe Hooli Ghoſt, and he
kunnyng, and þat
ſiȝ, and noumbride, and he meſuride. xxxv þat is wel pleſaunt to hym is feiþ and myldeneſſe;
x And he ſchedde out it on alle hiſe werkis, and on ech
and God ſchal fille þe treſſours of hym.
fleiſch bi his ȝifte; he ȝyueþ it to hem þat louen hym. xxxvi Be þou not rebel, and vnbileueful to þe drede of þe
xi Þe drede of þe Lord is glorie, and gloriyng, and
Lord; and neiȝe þou not to hym in double herte.
gladneſſe, and a coroun of ful out ioiyng. xxxvii Be þou not an ypocrite in þe ſiȝt of men; and be
xii Þe drede of þe Lord ſchal delite þe herte; and ſchal
þou not ſclaundrid in þi lippis.
ȝyue gladneſſe and ioie in to lengþe of daies. xxxviii Take þou kepe to þo, leſt þou falle, and brynge
xiii To hym þat drediþ God, it ſchal be wel in þe laſte
diſonour to þi ſoule; and leſt God ſchewe þi priuytees,
þingis; and he ſchal be bleſſid in þe dai of his deþ. xxxix and hurtle þee doun in þe myddis of þe ſynagoge;
xiiii Forſoþe þei to whiche wiſdom apperiþ in ſiȝt, louen
xl for þou neiȝidiſt wickidli to þe Lord, and þin herte
it in ſiȝt, and in knowyng of hiſe grete þingis.
xv Þe loue of God is onourable wiſdom.
was ful of gile and of falſneſſe.
xvi Þe bigynnyng of wiſdom is þe drede of þe Lord; and
it is formyd togidere in þe wombe wiþ feiþful men, and i Sone, neiȝynge to þe ſeruyce of God, ſtonde þou in
it goiþ wiþ choſun wymmen, and is knowun wiþ iuſt riȝtfulneſſe, and drede; and make redi þi ſoule to
men and feiþful. temptacioun.
xvii Þe drede of þe Lord is religiouſte of kunnyng.
ii Bere doun þin herte, and ſuffre, and bowe doun þin
xviii Religiouſte ſchal kepe, and ſchal iuſtifie þe herte;
eere, and take þe wordis of vndirſtonding, and haaſte
and ſchal ȝyue myrþe and ioie. þou not in to þe tyme of deeþ.
xix It ſchal be wel to hym þat drediþ God; and he ſchal iii Suffre þou þe ſuſteynyngis of God; be þou ioyned to
be bleſſid in þe daies of his coumfort. God, and abide þou, þat þi lijf wexe in þe laſt tyme.
xx Þe fulneſſe of wiſdom is for to drede God; and iiii Take þou alle þing þat is ſet to þee, and ſuffre þou in
fulneſſe is of þe fruytis þerof. ſorewe, and haue þou pacience in þi lowneſſe.
xxi It ſchal fille ech ȝifte of hym of generaciouns, and
reſeitis of þe treſouris þerof.

v For whi gold and ſiluer is preued in fier; forſoþe men iii For whi God onouride þe fadir in ſones, and he ſekiþ,
worþi to be reſſeyued ben preued in þe chymeney of and haþ maad ſtidfaſt þe doom of þe modir in to ſones.
lowneſſe. iiii He þat loueþ God, ſchal preie for ſynnes, and he ſchal
vi Bileue þou to God, and he ſchal rekeuere þee; and abſteyne hym ſilf fro þo, and he ſchal be herd in þe
dreſſe þou þi weie, and hope þou in to hym. Kepe þou preier of daies.
his drede, and wexe þou eld þer ynne. v And as he þat treſouriþ, ſo and he þat onouriþ his
vii Ȝe þat dreden þe Lord, abide his merci, and boowe ȝe modir.
not awei fro hym, leſt ȝe falle doun. vi He þat onouriþ his fadir, ſchal be maad myrie in
viii Ȝe þat dreden þe Lord, bileue to hym, and ȝoure ſones, and he ſchal be herd in þe dai of his preier.
mede ſchal not be auoidid. vii He þat onouriþ his fadir, ſchal lyue bi lengere lijf;
ix Ȝe þat dreden þe Lord, hope into hym, and merci and he þat obeieþ to þe fader, ſchal refreiſche þe modir.
ſchal come to ȝou into delityng. viii He þat drediþ þe Lord, onouriþ fadir and modir; and
x Ȝe þat dreden þe Lord, loue hym, and ȝoure hertis he ſchal ſerue in werk, and word,
ſchulen be liȝtned. ix and al pacience to hem þat gendriden hym as to
xi Sones, biholde ȝe þe naciouns of men, and wite ȝe, lordis.
þat no man hopide in þe Lord, and was ſchent; x Onoure þi fadir, þat þe bleſſyng of God come to þee;
xii noon dwellide in hiſe heeſtis, and was forſakun; eþer and his bleſſing dwelliþ in þe laſte.
who inwardli clepide hym, and he deſpiſide hym `þat xi Þe bleſſyng of þe fadir makiþ ſtidfaſt þe houſis of
clepide? ſones; but þe curſyng of þe modir drawiþ out þe
xiii For whi God is pitouſe, and merciful, and he ſchal foundementis.
forȝyue ſynnes in þe dai of tribulacioun; and he is xii Haue þou not glorie in þe diſpiſyng of þi fadir; for it
defendere to alle men, þat ſeken hym in treuþe. is not glorie to þee, but confuſioun.
xiiii Woo to þe `man wiþ double herte, and wiþ curſid xiii For whi þe glorie of a man is of þe onour of his
lippis, and miſdoynge hondys; and to a ſynnere fadir; and þe ſchenſchip of þe ſone is a fadir wiþ out
entrynge in to þe lond bi twei weies. onour.
xv Wo to hem þat ben diſſolute of herte, þat bileuen not xiiii Sone, reſſeyue þe elde of þi fadir, and make þou not
to God; and þerfor þei ſchulen not be defendid of him. hym ſori in his lijf;
xvi Wo to hem þat han loſt pacience, and þat han forſake xv and if he failiþ in wit, ȝyue þou forȝyueneſſe, and
riȝtful weies, and han turned awei in to ſchrewid weies. diſpiſe þou not hym in þi vertu; for whi þe almes of þe
xvii And what ſchulen þei do, whanne þe Lord ſchal fadir ſchal not be forȝetyng.
bigynne to biholde? xvi For whi good ſchal be reſtorid to þee for þe ſynne of
xviii Þei þat dreden þe Lord, ſchulen not be vnbileueful þe modir,
to his word; and þei þat louen hym, ſchulen kepe his xvii and bildyng ſchal be maad to þee in riȝtfulneſſe; and
weie. it ſchal remembre of þee in dai of tribulacioun, and þi
xix Þei þat dreden þe Lord, ſchulen enquere þo þingis, ſynnes ſchulen be releeſſid, as iys in clereneſſe of þe
þat ben wel pleſaunt to hym; and þei þat louen him, ſunne.
ſchulen be fillid wiþ his lawe. xviii He is of ful yuel fame, þat forſakiþ þe fadir; and he
xx Þei þat dreden þe Lord, ſchulen make redi her hertis, þat wraþþiþ þe modir, is curſid of God.
and ſchulen halewe her ſoulis in his ſiȝt. xix Sone, performe þi werkis in myldeneſſe, and þou
xxi Þei þat dreden þe Lord, ſchulen kepe hiſe ſchalt be loued ouer þe glorie of men.
comaundementis, and ſchulen haue pacience til to þe xx In as myche as þou art greet, make þee meke in alle
biholdyng of hym; þingis, and þou ſchalt fynde grace bifore God; for whi
xxii and ſchulen ſeie, If we doon not penaunce, we þe power of God aloon is greet,
ſchulen falle in to þe hondis of þe Lord, and not in to þe xxi and he is onourid of meke men.
hondis of men. xxii Seke þou not hiȝere þingis þan þou, and enquere
xxiii For bi þe greetneſſe of hym, ſo and his merci is wiþ
þou not ſtrongere þingis þan þou; but euere þenke þou
hym. þo þingis, whiche God comaundide to þee; and be þou
not curiouſe in ful many werkis of hym.
CAP. III xxiii For it is not nedeful to þee to ſe wiþ þin iȝen þo
i Þe ſones of wiſdom ben þe chirche of iuſt men, and þe
þingis, þat ben hid.
nacioun of hem is obedience and loue. xxiiii In ſuperflu þingis nyle þou ſeke manyfold; and be
ii Dereworþe ſones, here ȝe þe doom of þe fadir; and do
þou not curiouſe in many werkis of hym;
ȝe ſo, þat ȝe be ſaaf.

xxv for whi ful many þingis aboue þe wit of men ben xii Wiſdom enſpiriþ lijf to hiſe ſones, and reſſeyueþ men
ſchewid to þee. ſekinge hym, and ſchal go bifore in þe wei of
xxvi For þe ſuſpecioun of many men haþ diſſeyued hem, riȝtfulneſſe; and he þat loueþ þat wiſdom,
and wiþhelde her wittis in vanytee. xiii loueþ lijf, and þei þat waken to it, ſchulen biclipe þe
xxvii And hard herte ſchal haue yuel in þe laſte tyme; peſibleneſſe, eþer ſwetneſſe, þerof.
and he þat loueþ perel, ſchal periſche þer ynne. xiiii Þei þat holden it, ſchulen enherite lijf; and whidir it
xxviii An herte þat entriþ bi tweie weies, ſchal not haue ſchal entre, God ſchal bleſſe.
proſperitees, eþer reſte; and a man of ſchrewid herte xv Þei þat ſeruen it, ſchulen be obeiynge to þe hooli; and
ſchal be ſclaundrid in þo. God loueþ hem, þat louen it.
xxix A wickid herte ſchal be greuyd in ſorewis; and a xvi He þat heriþ it, demeþ folkis; and he þat biholdiþ it,
ſynnere ſchal `hepe to do ſynne. ſchal dwelle triſtili.
xxx Helþe ſchal not be to þe ſynagoge of proude men; xvii If a man bileueþ to it, he ſchal dwelle, and enherite
for whi þe þicke wode of ſynne ſchal be drawun out bi it; and þe creaturis of hem ſchulen be in confermyng.
þe roote in hem, and it ſchal not be vndurſtondun. xviii For in temptacioun it goiþ wiþ hym, and among þe
xxxi Þe herte of a wiſe man is vndurſtondun in wiſdom, firſte it cheſiþ hym.
and a good eere ſchal here wiſdom wiþ al coueitiſe. xix It ſchal brynge in on hym drede, and feer, and
xxxii A wijs herte and able to vndurſtonde ſchal abſteyne preuyng, and it ſchal turmente hym in þe tribulacioun of
it ſilf fro ſynnes, and ſchal haue proſperitees in þe his doctryn, til it tempte hym in hiſe þouȝtis, and bileue
werkis of riȝtfulneſſe. to his ſoule.
xxxiii Watir quenchiþ fier brennynge, and almes xx And it ſchal make hym ſtidefaſt, and ſchal brynge riȝt
aȝenſtondiþ ſynnes. weie to hym, and it ſchal make hym glad;
xxxiiii And God, þe biholdere of hym þat ȝeldiþ grace, xxi and ſchal make nakid hiſe priuytees to hym, and
haþ mynde aftirward; and he ſchal fynde ſtidefaſtneſſe ſchal treſore on hym kunnyng, and vndurſtondyng of
in þe tyme of his fal. riȝtfulneſſe.
xxii Forſoþe if he erriþ, God ſchal forſake hym, and ſchal
CAP. IIII bitake hym in to þe hondis of his enemy.
i Sone, defraude þou not þe almes of a pore man, and xxiii Sone, kepe þou tyme, and eſchewe þou fro yuel.
turne not ouere þin iȝen fro a pore man. xxiiii Be þou not aſchamed for þi lijf to ſeie treuþe; for
ii Diſpiſe þou not an hungri man, and wraþþe þou not a
whi þer is ſchame þat bryngiþ ſynne,
pore man in his nedyneſſe. xxv and þer is ſchame þat bryngiþ glorie and grace.
iii Turmente þou not þe herte of a nedi man, and tarie xxvi Take þou not a face aȝens þi face, neþir a leeſyng
þou not þe ȝifte to a man þat is ſet in angwiſch. aȝens þi ſoule.
iiii Caſte þou not awei þe preiyng of a man ſet in xxvii Schame þou not þi neiȝbore in his fal,
tribulacioun, and turne not awei þi face fro a nedi man. xxviii neþer wiþholde þou a word in þe tyme of helþe.
v Turne not awei þi iȝen fro a pore man for ire, and ȝyue
Hide not þi wiſdom in þe fairneſſe þerof;
not occaſioun to men axynge to curſe þee byhynde. xxix for whi wiſdom is knowun in tunge, and wit, and
vi For þe preyer of hym þat curſiþ þee in þe bitterneſſe
kunnyng, and techyng in þe word of a wijs man; and
of ſoule, ſchal be herd; forſoþe he þat made hym, ſchal ſtidfaſtneſſe is in þe werkis of riȝtfulneſſe.
here hym. xxx Aȝenſeie þou not þe word of treuþe in ony maner;
vii Make þee eeſi to ſpeke to þe congregacioun of pore
and be þou aſchamed of þe leeſyng of þi miſlernyng.
men, and make meke þi ſoule to a preeſt, and make xxxi Be þou not aſchamed to knouleche þi ſynnes; and
meke þin heed to a greet man. make þee not ſuget to ech man for ſynne.
viii Boowe doun wiþ out ſorewe þin eere to a pore man,
xxxii Nyle þou ſtonde aȝens þe face of þe myȝti, neþir
and ȝelde þi debt, and anſwere þou peſibli in enforſe þou aȝens þe ſtrok of þe flood.
myldeneſſe. xxxiii For riȝtfulneſſe fiȝte þou for þi ſoule, and til to þe
ix Delyuere þou hym þat ſuffriþ wrong fro þe hond of a
deþ ſtryue þou for riȝtfulneſſe; and God ſchal ouercome
proude man, and bere þou not heuyli in þi ſoule. þin enemyes for þee.
x In demynge be þou merciful as a fadir to fadirles
xxxiiii Nyle þou be ſwift in þi tunge, and vnprofitable
children, and be þou for an hoſebonde to þe modir of and ſlak in þi werkis.
hem; xxxv Nyle þou be as a lioun in þin hous, turnynge
xi and þou ſchalt be as an obedient ſone of þe hiȝeſte,
vpſedoun þi meneals, and oppreſſynge hem þat ben
and he ſchal haue merci on þee more þan a modir `haþ ſugetis to þee.
merci on hir child.

xxxvi Þin hond be not redi to take, and cloſid togidere to iii and it ete þi leeues, and leeſe þi fruytis, and þou be
ȝyue. left as a drye tree in deſeert.
iiii Forſoþe a wickid ſoule ſchal leeſe hym þat haþ it, and
CAP. V it ȝyueþ hym in to þe ioie of þe enemye, and it ſchal
i Nile þou take heed to wickid poſſeſſiouns, and ſeie þou leede forþ in to þe part of wickid men.
not, Sufficient lijf is to me; for it ſchal no þing profite in v A ſwete word multiplieþ frendis, and ſwagiþ enemyes;
þe tyme of veniaunce, and of failynge, eþer deþ. and a tunge wel graciouſe ſchal be plenteuouſe in a
ii Sue þou not þe coueitiſe of þin herte in þi ſtrengþe, good man.
iii and ſeie þou not, As Y myȝte, eþer who ſchal make vi Many peſible men be to þee, and oon of a þouſynde
me ſuget for my dedis? For whi God vengynge ſchal be a counſelour to þee.
venge. vii If þou haſt a frend, haue hym in temptacioun, and
iiii Seie þou not, Y haue ſynned, and what ſorewful þing bitake not liȝtli þi ſilf to hym.
bifelle to me? For þe hiȝeſte is a pacient ȝeldere. viii For þer is a frend bi his time, and he ſchal not dwelle
v Of þe forȝyueneſſe of ſynnes, nyle þou be wiþout in þe dai of tribulacioun.
drede, neþer heepe þou ſynne on ſynne. ix And þer is a frend which is turned to enemytee; and
vi And ſeie þou not, Þe merciful doyng of God is greet; þer is a freend, þat ſchal ſchewe opynli hatrede, and
he ſchal haue merci on þe multitude of my ſynnes. chiding, and diſpiſyngis.
vii For whi merci and ire neiȝeþ ſoone fro hym, and his x Forſoþe þer is a frend, felowe of table, and dwelliþ not
ire biholdiþ on ſynneris. in þe dai of nede.
viii Tarie þou not to be conuertid to þe Lord, and dilaie xi If a frend dwelliþ ſtidfaſt, he ſchal be as a man euene
þou not fro dai in to dai. wiþ þee, and he ſchal do triſtili in þi meyneal þingis.
ix For whi his ire ſchal come ſodeynli, and he ſchal leeſe xii If he mekiþ hym ſilf bifore þee, and hidiþ hym fro þi
þee in þe time of veniaunce. face, þou ſchalt haue good frendſchip of oon acord.
x Nyle þou be angwiſchid in vniuſt richeſſis; for þo xiii Be þou departid fro þin enemyes, and take heede of
ſchulen not profite in þe dai of failing, eþer of deþ, and þi frendis.
of veniaunce. xiiii A feiþful frend is a ſtrong defendyng; forſoþe he þat
xi Wyndewe þee not in to ech wynd, and go þou not in fyndiþ him, fyndiþ treſour.
to ech weie; for ſo a ſynnere is preued in double tunge. xv No compariſoun is to a feiþful frend; weiyng of gold
xii Be þou ſtidfaſt in þe weie of þe Lord, and in treuþe and of ſiluer is not worþi aȝens þe goodneſſe of his
and kunnyng of þi wit; and þe word of pees and feiþfulneſſe.
riȝtfulneſſe ſue þee perfitli. xvi A feiþful frend is medicyn of lijf, and of
xiii Be þou mylde to here þe word of God, þat þou vndeedlyneſſe; and þei þat dreden þe Lord, ſchulen
vndurſtonde, and wiþ wiſdom brynge þou forþ a trewe fynde hym.
anſwere. xvii He þat drediþ þe Lord, ſchal haue euenli good
xiiii If þou haſt vndirſtondyng, anſwere þi neiȝbore; ellis frendſchip; for whi his frend ſchal be at þe licneſſe of
þin hond be on þi mouþ, leſt þou be takun in a word hym.
vnwiſeli tauȝt, and be aſchamed. xviii Sone, fro þi ȝongþe take þou doctryn, and til to
xv Onour and glorie is in þe word of a wijs man; but þe hoor heeris þou ſchalt fynde wiſdom.
tunge of an vnprudent man is his diſtriyng. xix As he þat eriþ, and þat ſowiþ, neiȝe þou to it, and
xvi Be þou not clepid a preuy yuel ſpekere in þi lijf, and abide þou þe goode fruytis þerof.
be þou not takun in þi tunge, and be aſchamed. xx For þou ſchalt trauele a litil in þe werk þerof, and þou
xvii Schame and penaunce is on a þeef, and worſt ſchalt ete ſoone of þe generaciouns þerof.
ſchenſchip is on a man of double tunge. Forſoþe hatrede xxi Wiſdom is ouer ſcharp to vntauȝt men, and an hertles
and enemytee and diſpiſyng is to a preuy bacbitere. man ſchal not dwelle þere ynne.
xviii Iuſtifie þou a litil man and a greet man in lijk xxii As þe vertu of a ſtoon, preuyng ſchal be in hem; and
maner. þei ſchulen not tarie to caſte awei it.
xxiii Forſoþe þe wiſdom of techyng is bi þe name þerof,
CAP. VI and it is not opyn to many men; but it dwelliþ wiþ hem,
i Nile þou for a freend be maad enemye to þe neiȝbore; of whiche it is knowun, til to þe ſiȝt of God.
for whi an yuele man ſchal enherite vpbreidyng and xxiiii Sone, here þou, and take þe counſel of
diſpiſyng, and ech ſynnere enuyouſe and double tungid. vndurſtondyng, and caſte þou not awei my counſel.
ii Enhaunſe þee not in þe þouȝt of þi ſoule, as a bole xxv Set in þi foot in to þe ſtockis þerof, and þi necke in
doiþ; leſt þi vertu be hurtlid doun bi foli, to þe bies þerof.

xxvi Make ſuget þi ſchuldir, and bere it, and be þou not xi Seie þou not, God ſchal biholde in þe multitude of my
anoied in þe boondis þerof. ȝiftis; and whanne Y ſchal offre to God alþer hiȝeſte, he
xxvii In al þi wille go to it, and in al þi vertu kepe þe ſchal take my ȝiftis.
weies þerof. xii Scorne þou not a man in þe bitterneſſe of ſoule; for
xxviii Enquere þou it, and it ſchal be maad opyn to þee; whi God is þe biholdere, þat makiþ meke, and
and þou made holdinge wiſdom forſake not it. enhaunſiþ.
xxix For in þe laſte þingis þou ſchalt fynde reſte þer xiii Nyle þou loue a leeſyng aȝens þi broþer; neþer do

ynne, and it ſchal turne to þee in to deliting. þou in lijk maner aȝens a frend.
xxx And þe ſtockis þerof ſchulen be to þee in defence of xiiii Nyle þou wilne to lie ony leeſing; for whi þe

ſtrengþe, and þe foundementis of vertu, and þe bie þerof contynuaunce þerof is not good.
in a ſtoole of glorie. xv Nyle þou be a ianglere in þe multitude of preeſtis;
xxxi For whi þe fairneſſe of lijf is in wiſdom, and þe and reherſe þou not a word in þi preier.
boondis þerof ben heelful byndyng. xvi Haate þou not trauelouſe werkis, and erþetilþe maad
xxxii Þou ſchalt `were it as a ſtoole of glorie, and þou of þe hiȝeſte.
ſchalt ſette on þee a coroun of þankyng. xvii Arette þou not þee in þe multitude of vnlernyd men.
xxxiii Sone, if þou takiſt heede to me, þou ſchalt lerne xviii Haue þou mynde on ire, for it ſchal not tarie.
wiſdom; and if þou ȝyueſt þi wille, þou ſchalt be wijs. xix Make þou meke greetli þi ſpirit, for whi þe
xxxiiii If þou bowiſt doun þin eere, þou ſchalt take veniaunce of þe fleiſch of an vnpitouſe man is fier, and
teching; and if þou loueſt for to here, þou ſchalt be wijs. worm.
xxxv Stonde þou in þe multitude of prudent preeſtis, and xx Nyle þou treſpaſſe aȝens þi frend dilaiynge monei;
be þou ioyned of herte to þe wiſdom of hem; þat þou neþer diſpiſe þou a ful dereworþ broþer for gold.
maiſt here ech telling of God, and þe prouerbis of xxi Nyle þou departe fro a wijs womman, and good,
preiſyng fle not awey fro þee. whom þou haſt gete in þe drede of þe Lord; for whi þe
xxxvi And if þou ſeeſt a wijs man, wake þou to hym, and grace of hir ſchamefaſtneſſe is aboue gold.
þi foot trede on þe greeces of his doris. xxii Hirte þou not a ſeruaunt worchynge in treuþe, neþer
xxxvii Haue þou þouȝt in þe comaundementis of God, an hirid man ȝyuynge his lijf.
and be þou moſt biſi in his heeſtis; and he ſchal ȝyue to xxiii A witti ſeruaunt be dereworþe to þee as þi ſoule;
þee herte, and coueitiſe of wiſdom ſchal be ȝouun to defraude þou not hym of fredom, neþer forſake þou
þee. hym nedi.
xxiiii Beeſtis ben to þee? take þou heede to þo; and if þo
CAP. VII ben profitable, dwelle þo ſtille at þee.
i Nile þou do yuels, and þo ſchulen not take þee. xxv Sones ben to þee? teche þou hem, and bowe þou
ii Departe þou fro wickidneſſe, and yuels ſchulen faile
hem fro her childheed.
fro þee. xxvi Douȝtris ben to þee? kepe þou þe bodi of hem, and
iii Sowe þou not yuels in þe forewis of vnriȝtfulneſſe,
ſchewe þou not glad face to hem.
and þou ſchalt not repe þo in ſeuene fold. xxvii Ȝyue þi douȝter to mariage, and þou doiſt a greet
iiii Nyle þou ſeke of a man ledyng, neþir of a kyng þe
werk; and ȝyue þou hir to a wijs man.
chaier of onour. xxviii If a womman is to þee aftir þi ſoule, caſte hir not
v Iuſtifie þou not þee bifore God, for he is þe knowere
awei; and bitake þou not þee in alle þin herte to an
of þe herte; and nyle þou wilne to be ſeyn wijs anentis hateful womman.
þe king. xxix Onoure þi fadir; and forȝete þou not þe weilyngis of
vi Nile þou ſeke to be maad a iuge, no but þou maiſt
þi modir.
breke wickidneſſis bi vertu; leſt þou drede þe face of a xxx Haue þou mynde þat þou haddiſt not be, no but bi
myȝti man, and ſette ſclaundre in þi ſwiftneſſe. hem, and ȝelde þou to hem as and þei diden to þee.
vii Do þou not ſynne in þe multitude of a cytee, neþer xxxi In al þi ſoule drede þou God, and halewe þou hiſe
ſende þee in to þe puple; preeſtis.
viii neþer bynde þou double ſynnes, for þou ſchalt not be xxxii In al þi vertu loue þou him þat made þee; and
giltles in oon. forſake þou not hiſe mynyſtris.
ix Nyle þou be a coward in þi ſoule, to preie; xxxiii Onoure þou God of al þi ſoule; and onoure þou
x and diſpiſe þou not to do almes.
preeſtis, and clenſe þee wiþ armes.

xxxiiii Ȝyue þou to hem þe part of þe firſte fruytis, and of xvi Biheete þou not aboue þi power; þat if þou haſt
purgyng, as alſo it is comaundid to þee; and of þi bihiȝt, biþenke þou as ȝeldynge.
negligence purge þou þee wiþ fewe men. xvii Deme þou not aȝens a iuge; for he demeþ vp þat, þat
xxxv Þou ſchalt offre to þe Lord þe ȝyfte of þin armes, is iuſt.
and þe ſacrifice of halewyng, þe bigynnyngis of hooli xviii Go þou not in þe weie wiþ an hardi man, leſt
men. perauenture he agregge hiſe yuels in þee; for he goiþ
xxxvi And dreſſe þin hond to a pore man, þat þi merci aftir his wille, and þou ſchalt periſche togidere wiþ his
and bleſſyng be performyd. foli.
xxxvii Grace is ȝouun in þe ſiȝt of ech þat lyueþ; and xix Make þou not chidyng wiþ a wraþful man, and go
forbede þou not grace to a deed man. þou not in to deſert wiþ an hardi man; for whi blood is
xxxviii Faile þou not in coumfort to hem þat wepen; and as nouȝt bifore hym, and where noon help is, he ſchal
go þou wiþ hem þat morenen. hurtle þee doun.
xxxix Be þou not ſlow to viſite a ſijk man; for bi þeſe xx Haue þou not councel wiþ foolis; for þei moun not

þingis þou ſchalt be maad ſtidfaſt in loue. loue, no but þo þingis þat pleſen hem.
xl In alle þi werkis haue þou mynde on þi laſte þingis; xxi Make þou not a counſel bifore a ſtraunger; for þou

and þou ſchalt not do ſynne wiþouten ende. nooſt, what he ſchal bringe forþ. Make not þin herte
knowun to ech man; leſt perauenture he brynge to þee
CAP. VIII fals grace, and diſpiſe þee.
i Chide þou not wiþ a miȝti man, leſte þou falle in to
hiſe hondis. CAP. IX
ii Stryue þou not wiþ a riche man, leſt perauenture he i Loue þou not gelouſli þe womman of þi boſum; leſt

make ple aȝenward to þee. ſche ſchewe on þee þe malice of yuel doctryn.
iii For whi gold and ſiluer haþ loſt many men; and it ii Ȝyue þou not to a womman þe power of þi ſoule; leſt

ſtretchiþ forþ til to þe herte of kyngis, and turneþ. ſche entre in þi vertu, and þou be ſchent.
iiii Chide þou not wiþ a man, a ianglere, and leie þou iii Biholde þou not a womman of many willis; leſt

not trees in to his fier. perauenture þou falle in to þe ſnaris of hir.

v Comyne þou not wiþ an vntauȝt man, leſt he ſpeke iiii Be þou not cuſtomable wiþ a daunſereſſe, neþir here

yuele of þi kynrede. þou hir; leſt perauenture þou periſche in þe ſpedi werk
vi Diſpiſe þou not a man turnynge awei hym ſilf fro of hir.
v Biholde þou not a virgyn; leſt perauenture þou be
ſynne, neþer vpbreide þou hym; haue þou mynde, þat
alle we ben in corrupcioun. ſclaundrid in þe feirneſſe of hir.
vii Diſpiſe þou not a man in his eelde; for whi of vs men vi Ȝyue not þi ſoule to hooris in ony þing; leſt þou leeſe

wexen eld. þee, and þi ſoule, and þin eritage.

viii Nyle þou make ioye of þin enemy deed, witynge þat vii Nyle þou biholde aboute in þe lanys of þe cytee;

alle we dien, and wolen not come in to ioie of oure neþir erre þou in þe large ſtreetis þerof.
viii Turne awei þi face fro a womman `wel arayed; and
ix Diſpiſe þou not þe tellyng of wiſe preeſtes, and be þou biholde þou not aboute þe fairneſſe of oþere.
ix Many men han periſchid for þe fairneſſe of a
conuerſaunt in þe prouerbis of hem;
x for of hem þou ſchalt lerne wiſdom, and techyng of womman; and `herbi couetiſe brenneþ `an hiȝ as fier.
x Ech womman which is an hoore, eþir cuſtomable to
vndurſtondyng, and to ſerue wiþout pleynt to grete men.
xi Þe tellyng of eldere men paſſe not þee; for þei han fornycacioun, ſchal be defoulid as a fen in þe weie.
xi Many men wondrynge on þe fairneſſe of an alien
lerned of her fadris.
xii For of hem þou ſchalt lerne vndurſtondyng; and in þe womman weren maad repreuable, for whi þe ſpeche of
tyme of nede þou ſchalt ȝyue anſwere. hir brenneþ an hiȝ as fier.
xiii Kyndle þou not þe coolis of ſynneris, and repreue xii Sitte þou not in ony maner wiþ an alien womman,

hem; and be þou not brent wiþ þe flawme of fier of her neþer reſte þou wiþ hir on a bed;
xiii and iangle þou not wiþ hir in wyn, leſt perauenture
xiiii Stonde þou not aȝens þe face of a man ful of þin herte boowe in to hir, and þou falle in to perdicioun
diſpiſyng; leſt he ſitte as a ſpiere to þi mouþ. bi þi blood.
xv Nyle þou leene to a man ſtrongere þan þou; þat if þou xiiii Forſake þou not an eld frend; for a newe frend ſchal

haſt lent, haue þou it as loſt. not be lijk hym.

xv Newe wijn is a newe frend; it ſchal wexe eld, and þou
ſchalt drinke it wiþ ſwetneſſe.

xvi Coueyte þou not þe glorie and richeſſis of a ſynnere; xiii Forſoþe whanne a man ſchal die, he ſchal enherite
for þou nooſt, what diſtriyng of hym ſchal come. ſerpentis, and beeſtis, and wormes.
xvii Þe wrong of vniuſt men pleſe not þee, and wite þou xiiii Þe bigynnyng of pride of man was to be apoſtata fro
þat a wickid man ſchal not pleſe til to hellis. God;
xviii Be þou fer fro a man þat haþ power to ſle, and þou xv for his herte ȝede awei fro hym þat made hym. For
ſchalt not haue ſuſpicioun of þe drede of deþ; whi pride is þe bigynnyng of al ſynne; he þat holdiþ it,
xix and if þou neiȝeſt to hym, nyle þou do ony treſpaſſe, ſchal be fillid wiþ curſyngis, and it ſchal diſtrye hym in
leſt perauenture he take awei þi lijf. to þe ende.
xx Knowe þou þe comynyng of deþ; for þou ſchalt entre xvi Þerfor þe Lord haþ ſchent þe couentis of yuele men,

in to þe myddis of ſnaris, and þou ſchalt go on þe and haþ deſtried hem til `in to þe ende.
armuris of hem þat ſorewen. xvii God deſtriede þe ſeetis of proude duykis; and made
xxi Bi þi vertu kepe þee fro þi neiȝbore; and trete þou mylde men to ſitte for hem.
wiþ wiſe men and prudent men. xviii God made drie þe rootis of proude folkis; and
xxii Juſt men be geſtis, eþir mete feris, to þee; and plauntide meke men of þo folkis.
gloriyng be `to þee in þe dreed of God. xix Þe Lord deſtriede þe londis of folkis; and loſte þo `til
xxiii And þe þouȝt of God be to þee in wit; and al þi to þe foundement.
tellynge be in þe heeſtis of þe hiȝeſte. xx He made drie þe rootis of hem, and loſte hem; and
xxiiii Werkis ſchulen be preiſid in þe hond of crafti men, made þe mynde of hem to ceeſſe fro þe erþe.
and þe prince of þe puple in þe wiſdom of his word; xxi God loſte þe mynde of proude men; and lefte þe
forſoþe in þe wit of eldere men a word. mynde of meke men in wit.
xxv A man, a ianglere, is dredeful in his citee; and a fool xxii Pride was not maad to men; neþer wraþfulneſſe to
hardi man in his word ſchal be hateful. þe nacioun of wymmen.
xxiii Þis ſeed of men þat drediþ God, ſchal be onourid;
CAP. X but þis ſeed ſchal be diſonourid, þat paſſiþ þe
i A wijs iuge ſchal deme his puple; and þe prinſhed of a comaundementis of þe Lord.
witti man ſchal be ſtidfaſt. xxiiii In þe myddis of briþeren þe gouernour of hem is in
ii Aftir þe iuge of þe puple, ſo and hiſe mynyſtris; and onour; and þei þat dreden God, ſchulen be in hiſe iȝen.
what maner man is þe gouernour of þe citee, ſiche ben xxv Þe glorie of riche men onourid and of pore men is
alſo men dwellinge þer ynne. þe drede of God.
iii An vnwijs king ſchal leeſe his puple; and citees xxvi Nyle þou diſpiſe a iuſt pore man; and nyle þou
ſchulen be enhabitid bi þe wit of prudent men. magnefie a riche ſynful man.
iiii Þe power of erþe is in þe hond of God, and al þe xxvii Þe iuge is greet, and is miȝti in onour; and he is not
wickidneſſe of heþene men is abhomynable; and he grettere þan þat man þat drediþ God.
ſchal reiſe a profitable gouernour at a tyme on it. xxviii Fre children ſeruen a witti ſeruaunt; and a prudent
v Þe power of man is in þe hond of God; and he ſchal
man and lerned ſchal not grutche, whanne he is blamed,
ſette his onour on þe face of a wijs man in þe lawe. and an vnkunnynge man ſchal not be onourid.
vi Haue þou not mynde on al þe wrong of þe neiȝbore; xxix Nyle þou enhaunſe þee in þi werk to be don; and
and do þou no þing in þe werkis of wrong. nyle þou be ſlow in þe tyme of angwiſch.
vii Pride is hateful bifore God and men; and al þe xxx He is betere þat worchiþ, and haþ plente in alle
wickidneſſe of heþene men is abhomynable. þingis, þan he þat haþ glorie, and nediþ breed.
viii A rewme is tranſlatid fro a folk in to folk, for xxxi Sone, kepe þi ſoule in myldeneſſe; and ȝyue þou
vnriȝtfulneſſis, and wrongis, and diſpiſyngis, and onour to it, aftir his merit.
dyuerſe gilis. xxxii Who ſchal iuſtifie hym þat ſynneþ aȝens his ſoule?
ix No þing is curſidere þan an auerouſe man. What art
and who ſchal onoure hym þat diſonouriþ his ſoule?
þou proude, þou erþe and aiſche? xxxiii A pore man haþ glorie bi his lernyng and drede;
x No þing is worſe, þan for to loue monei; for whi þis
and þer is a man þat is onourid for his catel.
man haþ alſo his ſoule ſet to ſale, for in his lijf he haþ xxxiiii Forſoþe if a man haþ glorie in pouert, hou myche
caſt awei hiſe ynneſte þingis. more in catel? and he þat haþ glorie in catel, drede
xi Ech power is ſchort lijf; lengere ſikneſſe greueþ þe
xii A leche kittiþ awei ſchort ſikneſſe; ſo and a king is to
dai, and to morewe he ſchal die.

CAP. XI xxi Stonde þou in þi teſtament, and ſpeke þou togidere in
i Þe wiſdom of a man maad meke ſchal enhaunſe his it; and wexe þou eld in þe werk of þin heeſtis.
heed; and ſchal make hym to ſitte in þe middis of grete xxii Dwelle þou not in þe werkis of ſynneris; but triſte
men. þou in God, and dwelle in þi place.
ii Preiſe þou not a man in his fairneſſe; neþer diſpiſe þou xxiii For it is eſy in þe iȝen of God, ſudeynli to make
a man in his ſiȝt. oneſt a pore man.
iii A bee is litil among briddis; and his fruyt haþ þe xxiiii Þe bleſſing of God haaſtiþ in to þe meede of a iuſt
bigynnyng of ſwetneſſe. man; and þe going forþ of hym makiþ fruyt in ſwift
iiii Haue þou neuere glorie in cloþing, and be þou not onour.
enhaunſid in þe dai of þin onour; for whi þe werkis of xxv Seie þou not, What is nede to me? and what goodis
þe hiȝeſte aloon ben wondurful, and hiſe werkis ben ſchulen be me her aftir?
gloriouſe, and hid, and vnſeyn. xxvi Seie þou not, Y am ſufficient, and what ſchal Y be
v Many tyrauntis han ſete in trone; and a man of whom
maad worſe heraftir?
was no ſuppoſyng bar þe diademe. xxvii In þe dai of goodis be þou not vnmyndeful of
vi Many myȝty men ben oppreſſid ſtrongli; and gloriouſe
yuels, and in þe dai of yuels be þou not vnmyndeful of
men ben ȝouun in to þe hondis of oþere men. goodis;
vii Bifore þat þou axe, blame þou not ony man; and xxviii for it is eſi bifor God to ȝelde in þe dai of deþ to
whanne þou haſt axid, blame þou iuſtli. ech man aftir hiſe weies.
viii Bifor þat þou here, anſwere þou not a word; and in xxix Þe malice of oon our makiþ forȝeting of mooſt
þe myddis of eldere men adde þou not to ſpeke. letcherie; and in þe ende of a man is makyng nakid of
ix Stryue þou not, of þat þing þat diſeſiþ not þee; and hiſe werkis.
ſtonde þou not in þe dom of ſynnes. xxx Preiſe þou not ony man bifore his deþ; for whi a
x Sone, þi dedis be not in many þingis; and if þou art man is knowun in hiſe ſones.
riche, þou ſchalt not be wiþ out part of gilt. For if þou xxxi Brynge þou not ech man in to þin hous; for whi
ſueſt, þou ſchalt not take; and þou ſchalt not aſcape, if many treſouns ben of a gileful man.
þou renniſt bifore. xxxii For whi as þe entrailis of ſtynkynge þingis breken
xi Þer is a man trauelynge, and haſtynge, and
out, and as a partrich is led in to a trap, eþer net, and as
ſorewynge, and vnpitouſe; and bi ſo myche more he a capret is led in to a ſnare, ſo and þe herte of proude
ſchal not haue plentee. men; and as a biholdere ſeynge þe fal of his neiȝbore.
xii Þer is a man fade, nedi of rekyueryng, failynge more xxxiii For he turneþ goodis in to yuels, and ſettiþ
in vertu, and plenteuouſe in pouert; treſouns, and puttiþ a wem on choſun men.
xiii and þe iȝe of God bihelde hym in good, and reiſide xxxiiii Fier is encreeſſid of a ſparcle, and blood is
hym fro his lowneſſe, and enhaunſid his heed; and many encreeſſid of a gileful man; for whi a ſynful man ſettiþ
men wondriden in him, and onouriden God. treſoun to blood.
xiiii Goodis and yuels, lijf and deþ, pouert and oneſte, xxxv Take heede to þee fro a gileful man, for he makiþ
ben of God. yuels; leſt perauenture he bringe yn on þee ſcornyng
xv Wiſdom, and lernyng, and kunnyng of þe lawe ben wiþ outen ende.
anentis þe Lord; loue and þe weies of goode men ben at xxxvi Reſſeyue þou an alien to þee, and he ſchal diſtrie
him. þee in whirlwynd, and he ſchal make þee alien fro þin
xvi Errour and derkneſſis ben maad togidere to ſynneris; owne weies.
forſoþe þei þat maken ful out ioye in yuel, wexen eld
togidere in to yuels. CAP. XII
xvii Þe ȝifte of God dwelliþ to iuſt men; and i If þou doiſt wel, wite þou to whom þou doiſt; and
encreeſſyngis of hym ſchulen haue proſperitees wiþout miche grace ſchal be to þi goodis.
ende. ii Do þou wel to a iuſt man, and þou ſchalt fynde greet
xviii A man is þat is maad riche in doynge ſcarſli, and þis ȝelding; þouȝ not of hym, certis of þe Lord.
is þe part of his mede, iii It is not wel to hym þat is cuſtomable in yuels, and to
xix in þat þat he ſeiþ, Y haue founden reſte to me, and hym þat ȝyueþ not almes; for whi þe hiȝeſte boþe hatiþ
now Y aloone ſchal ete of my goodis. ſynneris, and doiþ merci to hem þat doen penaunce.
xx And he noot þat tyme paſſiþ hym, and deþ neiȝeþ, iiii Ȝyue þou to a merciful man, and reſſeyue þou not a
and he ſchal leeue alle þingis to oþere men, and ſchal ſynnere; God ſchal ȝelde veniaunce boþe to vnfeiþful
die. men and to ſynneris, kepynge hem in þe dai of

v Ȝyue þou to a good man, and reſſeyue þou not a vi If þou haſt, he ſchal lyue togidere wiþ þee, and ſchal
ſynnere. make þee voide; and he ſchal not haue ſorewe on þee.
vi Do þou good to a meke man, and ȝyue þou not to an vii If þou art nedeful to hym, he ſchal diſſeyue þee; and
vnpitouſe man; forbede þou to ȝyue looues to hym, leſt he ſchal flatere, and ſchal ȝyue hope, tellinge to þee alle
in þo he be myȝtiere þan þou. goodis; and ſchal ſeie, What is nede to þee?
vii For þou ſchalt fynde double yuels in alle goodis, viii And he ſchal ſchende þee in hiſe metis, til he
whiche euere þou doiſt to hym; for whi þe hiȝeſte boþe anyntiſche þee twies and þries, and at þe laſte he ſchal
hatiþ ſynneris, and ſchal ȝelde veniaunce to vnfeiþful ſcorne þee; aftirward he ſchal ſe, and ſchal forſake þee,
men. and he ſchal moue his heed to þee.
viii A frend ſchal not be knowun in goodis, and an ix Be þou maad meke to God, and abide þou hiſe
enemy ſchal not be hid in yuels. hondis.
ix In þe goodis of a man hiſe enemyes ben ſori; and a x Take heede, leſt þou be diſſeyued, and be maad lowe
frend is knowun in þe ſorewe and malice of him. in foli.
x Bileue þou neuer to þin enemy; for his wickidneſſe xi Nyle þou be lowe in þi wiſdom, leſt þou be maad low,
rouſtiþ as irun. and be diſſeyued in to foli.
xi Þouȝ he be maad meke, and go lowe, caſte awei þi xii Whanne þou art clepid of a miȝtiere man, go þou
ſoule, and kepe þee fro him. awei; for bi þis he ſchal more clepe þee.
xii Sette þou not him biſidis þee, neþer ſitte he at þi xiii Be þou not greetli preſſyng, leſt þou be hurtlid doun;
riȝtſide, leſt he turne and ſtonde in þi place; leſt and be þou not fer fro hym, leſt þou go in to forȝetyng.
perauenture he turne in to þi place, and enquere þi xiiii Wiþolde þou not to ſpeke wiþ hym euenli, and
chaier, and in þe laſte tyme þou know mi wordis, and be bileue þou not to hiſe many wordis; for of myche ſpeche
prickid in my wordis. he ſchal tempte þee, and he ſchal leiȝe priuyli, and ſchal
xiii Who ſchal do medecyn to an enchauntere ſmytun of axe þee of þin hid þingis.
a ſerpent, and to alle men þat neiȝen to beeſtis, and to xv His cruel ſoule ſchal kepe þi wordis, and he ſchal not
him þat goiþ wiþ an yuel man, and is wlappid in þe ſpare of malice, and of bondis.
ſynnes of him? xvi Be war to þee, and take heede diligentli to þin
xiiii In oon our he ſchal dwelle wiþ þee; ſoþeli if þou
heryng; for þou goiſt wiþ þi diſtriyng.
bowiſt awei, he ſchal not bere vp. xvii But þou heringe þo þingis, ſe as in ſleep, and þou
xv Þe enemy makiþ ſwete in hiſe lippis, and in his herte
ſchalt wake.
he ſettiþ treſoun to ouerturne þee in to þe dich. xviii In al þi lijf loue þou God, and inwardli clepe þou
xvi Þe enemy wepiþ in hiſe iȝen; and if he fyndiþ tyme,
him in þin heelþe.
he ſchal not be fillid of blood. xix Ech beeſte loueþ a beeſte lijk it ſilf; ſo and ech man
xvii If yuels bifallen to þee, þou ſchalt fynde hym þe
owiþ to loue his neiȝbore.
formere þere. xx Ech fleiſch ſchal be ioyned to fleiſch lijk it ſilf, and
xviii Þe enemy ſchal wepe bifore þin iȝen, and he as
ech man ſchal be felouſchipid to a man lijk hym ſilf.
helpynge ſchal vndurmyne þi feet. xxi As a wulf ſchal comyne ſum tyme wiþ a lomb, ſo a
xix He ſchal ſtire his heed, and he ſchal beete wiþ hond;
ſynnere wiþ a iuſt man.
and he ſchal ſpeke priuyli many yuels of þee, and ſchal xxii What comininge is of an hooli man to a dogge? eþir
chaunge his chere. what good part is of a riche man to a pore man?
xxiii Þe huntyng of a lioun is a wielde aſſe in deſert; ſo
CAP. XIII þe leſewis of riche men ben pore men.
i He þat touchiþ pitch, ſchal be defoulid of it; and he þat
xxiiii And as mekeneſſe is abhomynacioun to a proude
comyneþ wiþ a proude man, ſchal cloþe pride. man, ſo and a pore man is abhomynacioun of a riche
ii He reiſiþ a weiȝte on hym ſilf, þat comyneþ wiþ a
more oneſt man þan hym ſilf; and be þou not felowe to xxv A riche man moued is confermed of hiſe frendis; but
a man richere þan þou. a meke man, whanne he falliþ, ſchal be caſt out, ȝhe, of
iii What ſchal a cawdroun comyne to a pot? for whanne
knowun men.
þo hirtlen hem ſilf togidere, þe pot ſchal be brokun. xxvi Many rekyuereris ben to a riche man diſſeyued; he
iiii A riche man ſchal do vniuſtli, and ſchal gnaſte; but a
ſpak proudli, and þei iuſtifieden hym.
pore man hirt ſchal be ſtille. xxvii A meke man is diſſeiued, ferþermore alſo he is
v If þou ȝyueſt, he ſchal take þee; and if þou haſt not, he
repreuyd; he ſpak wiſeli, and no place was ȝouun to
ſchal forſake þee. hym.

xxviii Þeriche man ſpak, and alle men weren ſtille; and xix Oþere ben gendrid, and oþere ben caſt doun; ſo þe
þei ſchulen brynge his word til to þe cloudis. generacioun of fleiſch and blood, anoþer is endid, and
xxix A pore man ſpak, and þei ſeien, Who is þis? and if anoþer is borun.
he offendiþ, þei ſchulen deſtrye hym. xx Ech corruptible werk ſchal faile in þe ende; and he
xxx Catel is good to hym, to whom is no ſynne in þat worchiþ it, ſchal go wiþ it.
conſcience; and `þe worſte pouert is in þe mouþ of a xxi And al choſun werk ſchal be iuſtified; and he þat
wickid man. worchiþ it, ſchal be onourid in it.
xxxi Þe herte of a man chaungiþ his face, eþir in good xxii Bleſſid is þe man, þat ſchal dwelle in wiſdom, and
eþir in yuel. þat ſchal biþenke in riȝtfulneſſe, and ſchal þenke in wit
xxxii Of hard and wiþ trauel þou ſchalt fynde þe ſtep of a þe biholding of God.
good herte, and a good face. xxiii Which þenkiþ out, eþer fyndiþ out, þe weies of
hym in his herte, and ſchal be vndurſtondynge in þe hid
CAP. XIIII þingis of hym; goynge as a ſerchere aftir it, and
i Bleſſid is þe man, þat ſtood not bi þe word of his ſtondynge in þe weies of it.
mouþ, and was not prickid in þe ſorewe of treſpas. xxiiii Which biholdiþ bi þe wyndows þerof, and heriþ in
ii He is bleſſid, þat haþ not ſorewe of his ſoule, and þe ȝatis þerof;
falliþ not doun fro his hope. xxv which reſtiþ nyȝ þe hous þerof, and ſettiþ a ſtak in þe
iii Catel is wiþ out reſoun to a coueitouſe man, and hard wallis þerof. He ſchal ſette his litil hous at þe hondis of
nygard; and wherto is gold to an enuyouſe man? hym, and goodis ſchulen reſte in his litil hous, bi duryng
iiii He þat gaderiþ of his wille vniuſtli, gaderiþ to oþere of þe world;
xxvi he ſchal ſette hiſe ſones vndur þe hilyng þerof, and
men; and anoþer man ſchal mak waſt in hiſe goodis.
v To what oþere man ſchal he be good, which is wickid he ſchal dwelle vndur þe boowis þerof;
xxvii he ſchal be kyuerid vndur þe hilyng þerof fro heete,
to hym ſilf? and he ſchal not be myrye in hiſe goodis.
vi No þing is worſe, þan he þat haþ enuye to hym ſilf; and he ſchal reſte in þe glorie þerof.
and þis is þe ȝelding of his malice.
vii And if he doiþ good, he doiþ vnwityngli, and not CAP. XV
i He þat drediþ God, ſchal do goode werkis; and he þat
wilfuli; and at þe laſte he ſchewiþ his malice.
viii Þe iȝe of an enuyous man is wickid, and turnynge holdiþ riȝtfulneſſe, ſchal take it.
ii And it as a modir onourid ſchal meete hym, and as a
awei þe face, and diſpiſynge his ſoule.
ix Þe iȝe of þe coueitouſe man is neuere fillid; he ſchal womman fro virgynyte it ſchal take hym.
iii It ſhal feede hym wiþ þe breed of lijf, and of
not be fillid in to þe part of wickidneſſe, til he performe
vnriȝtfulneſſe, and make drie his ſoule. vndurſtonding; and it ſchal ȝyue drynke to hym wiþ
x An yuel iȝe to yuels, and þe nedi man ſchal not be watir of heelful wiſdom; it ſchal be maad ſtidfaſt in
fillid of breed; and he ſchal be in ſorewe on his table. hym, and he ſchal not be bowid.
iiii And it ſchal holde hym, and he ſchal not be ſchent;
xi Sone, if þou haſt, do wel wiþ þi ſilf, and offre þou
worþi offryngis to God. and it ſchal enhaunſe hym at his neiȝboris.
v And in þe myddis of þe chirche he ſchal opene his
xii Be þou myndeful þat deþ ſchal not tarie, and þe
teſtament of hellis, which is ſchewid to þee; for whi þe mouþ; and God ſchal fille hym wiþ þe ſpirit of wiſdom,
teſtament of þis world ſchal die bi deþ. and of vndurſtonding, and ſchal cloþe hym wiþ þe ſtoole
xiii Bifore deþ do þou good to þi frend, and bi þi miȝtis of glorie.
vi God ſchal treſore on hym myrþe, and ful out ioiyng;
ſtretche þou forþ, and ȝyue to a pore man.
xiiii Be þou not diſſeyued of a good dai, and a litil part and ſchal enherite hym wiþ euerlaſtynge name.
vii Fonned men ſchulen not take þat wiſdom, and witti
of a good day paſſe not þee.
xv Wheþer þou ſchalt not leeue to oþere men þi ſorewis, men ſchulen meete it. Fonned men ſchulen not ſe it; for
whi it goiþ awey fer fro pride, and gile.
and trauels? viii Men leeſyngmongeris ſchulen not be myndful þerof,
xvi In þe departyng of lot ȝyue þou, and take; and iuſtifie
and ſoþefaſt men ben foundun þer ynne; and ſchulen
þi ſoule.
xvii Bifore þi deþ worche þou riȝtfulneſſe; for at hellis it
haue proſperite `til to þe biholding of God.
ix Preiſyng is not fair in þe mouþ of a ſynnere, for he is
is not to fynde mete.
xviii Ech man ſchal wexe eld as hey, and as a leef
not ſent of þe Lord.
x For whi wiſdom ȝede forþ fro God; forſoþe heriyng
bryngynge fruit in a greene tree.
ſchal ſtonde nyȝ þe wiſdom of God, and it ſchal be

plenteuouſe in a feiþful mouþ, and þe Lord ſchal ȝyue it xii For whi merci and ire is wiþ hym; preier is myȝti,
to him. and ſchedynge out ire.
xi Seie þou not, It goiþ awei bi God; for whi do þou not xiii Bi his merci, ſo is þe chaſtiſyng of ech man; he is
þo þingis, whiche God hatiþ. demyd bi hiſe werkis.
xii Seie þou not, He made me for to erre; for whi wickid xiiii A ſynnere in raueyn ſchal not aſcape; and þe
men ben not nedeful to hym. ſufferaunce of hym þat doiþ merci ſchal not tarie.
xiii Þe Lord hatiþ al curſidneſſe of errour, and it ſchal not xv Al merci ſchal make place to ech man, aftir þe merit
be amyable to hem, þat dreden hym. of his werkis, and aftir þe vndurſtonding of his
xiiii At þe bigynnyng God made man, and lefte him in pilgrymage.
þe hond of his councel. xvi Seie þou not, Y ſchal be hid fro God; and fro þe
xv He addide hiſe comaundementis, and lawis; hiȝeſte, who ſchal haue mynde on me?
xvi if þou wolt kepe þe comaundementis, þo ſchulen xvii Seie þou not, Y ſchal not be knowun in a greet
kepe þee, and kepe pleſaunt feiþ wiþ outen ende. puple; for whi which is my ſoule in ſo greet a creature?
xvii He haþ ſet to þee watir and fier; dreſſe þin hond to xviii Lo! heuene, and þe heuenes of heuenes, þe greet
þat, þat þou wolt. occian, and al erþe, and þo þingis þat ben in þo, ſchulen
xviii Bifor man is lijf and deþ, good and yuel; þat, þat be mouyd in his ſiȝt;
pleſiþ hym, ſchal be ȝouun to hym. xix munteyns togidere, and litle hillis, and þe
xix For whi þe wiſdom of God is myche, and he is ſtrong foundementis of erþe; and whanne God biholdiþ þo, þo
in power, and ſeeþ alle men wiþout ceeſſing. ſchulen be ſchakun togidere wiþ tremblyng.
xx Þe iȝen of þe Lord ben to hem, þat dreden hym; and xx And in alle þeſe þingis þe herte is vnwijs, and ech

he knowiþ al þe trauel of man. herte is vndurſtondun of hym.

xxi He comaundide not to ony man to do wickidli; and xxi And who vndurſtondiþ hiſe weies? and `who

he ȝaf not to ony man ſpace to do ſynne. vndurſtondiþ a tempeſt, which þe iȝe of man ſiȝ not?
xxii For he coueytiþ not þe multitude of ſones vnfeiþful xxii For whi ful many werkis of hym ben `in hid þingis,

and vnprofitable. but who ſchal telle out þe werkis of his riȝtfulneſſe, eþer
who ſchal ſuffre? For whi þe teſtament is fer fro ſumme
CAP. XVI men; and þe axyng of men is in þe endyng.
i Be þou not glad in wickid ſones, if þei ben multiplied; xxiii He þat is maad litil in herte, þenkiþ veyn þingis;

neþer delite þou on hem, if þe drede of God is not in and a man vnprudent and a fool þenkiþ fonned þingis.
hem. xxiiii Sone, here þou me, and lerne þou techyng of wit,
ii Bileue þou not to þe lijf of hem, and biholde þou not and ȝyue þou tent to my wordis in þin herte; and Y ſchal
in to þe trauels of hem. ſeie techyng in equyte, and Y ſchal ſeke to telle out
iii For whi betere is oon dredynge God, þan a þouſynde wiſdom. And ȝyue þou tent to my wordis in þin herte;
xxv and Y ſeie in equyte of ſpirit þe vertues, whiche God
wickid ſones.
iiii And it is more profitable to die wiþ out ſones, þan to haþ ſet on hiſe werkis at þe bigynnyng, and in treuþe Y
leeue wickid ſones. telle out þe kunnyng of him.
v A cuntrei ſhal be enhabitid of o witti man; and it ſchal xxvi In þe doom of God ben hiſe werkis fro þe

be maad deſert of þre wickid men. bigynnyng; and in þe ordynaunce of þo he departyde þe

vi Myn iȝe ſiȝ many oþere þingis, and myn eere herde partis of þo, and he departide þe bigynnyngis of þo in
hiſe folkis.
ſtrongere þingis þan þeſe. xxvii He ournede wiþ outen ende þe werkis of hem; þei
vii Fier ſchal brenne an hiȝ in þe ſynagoge of ſynneris,
hungriden not, neþer traueliden, and þei ceeſſiden not of
and yre ſchal brenne an hiȝ in a folk vnbileuful.
viii Elde giauntis þat weren diſtried, triſtynge on her her werkis.
xxviii Ech ſchal not make ſtreit þe nexte to hym, til in to
vertu, preieden not for her ſynnes;
ix and God ſparide not þe pilgrymage of hem, but he wiþ outen ende.
xxix Be þou not vnbileueful to þe word of him.
killide hem, and curſide hem, for þe pride of her word. xxx Aftir þeſe þingis God bihelde `in to þe erþe, and
x He hadde not merci on hem, and he loſte al þe folk
fillide it wiþ hiſe goodis.
enhaunſynge hem ſilf in her ſynnes. xxxi Forſoþe þe ſoule of ech lyuynge þing teld bifore his
xi And as he killide ſixe hundrid þouſynde of foot men,
face; and þilke ſoule is eft þe turnyng aȝen of þo þinges.
þat weren gaderid togidere in þe hardneſſe of her herte;
and if oon hadde be hard nollid, wondur if he hadde be

CAP. XVII xxiiii And knowe þou þe riȝtfulneſſis, and domes of God;
i God formede man of erþe; and aftir his ymage he and ſtonde þou in þe part of good purpos, and of preier
made man. of þe hiȝeſte God.
ii And eft he turnede man in to þat ymage; and aftir hym xxv Go þou in to þe partis of þe hooli world, wiþ men
ſilf he cloþide hym wiþ vertu. lyuynge, and ȝyuynge knouleching to God.
iii He ȝaf to hym þe noumbre of daies, and tyme; and he xxvi Dwelle þou not in þe errour of wickid men.
ȝaf to him power of þo þingis þat ben on erþe. Knouleche þou bifore deþ; knouleching periſchiþ fro a
iiii He ſettide þe drede of man on al fleiſch, and he was deed man, as no þing.
lord of beeſtis and fliynge briddis. xxvii Lyuynge þou ſchalt knouleche, lyuynge and hool
v He formyde of man an help lijk hym; he ȝaf to hem þou ſchalt knowleche, and ſchalt herie God; and þou
councel, and tunge, and iȝen, and eeris, and herte to ſchalt haue glorie in þe merciful doyngis of hym.
þenke out; and he fillide hem wiþ techyng of xxviii Þe merci of God is ful greet, and his help to hem
vndurſtondyng. þat conuerten to hym.
vi He made to hem þe kunnyng of ſpirit, he fillide þe xxix For whi not alle þingis moun be in men; for whi þe
herte of hem wiþ wit; and he ſchewide to hem yuels and ſone of man is not vndeedli, and malices pleſiden in to
goodis. vanyte.
vii He ſettide þe iȝe of hem on þe hertes of hem, to xxx What is clerere þan þe ſunne? and þis ſchal faile;
ſchewe to hem þe grete þingis of hiſe werkis, eþir what is worſe þan þat, þat fleiſch and blood þouȝte
viii þat þei preiſe togidere þe name of halewyng; and to out? and of þis he ſchal be repreued.
haue glorie in hiſe meruels, þat þei telle out þe grete xxxi He biholdiþ þe vertu of hiȝneſſe of heuene; and alle
þingis of hiſe werkis. men ben erþe and aiſche.
ix He addide to hem techyng; and he enheritide hem wiþ
þe lawe of lijf. CAP. XVIII
x He ordeynyde an euerlaſtynge teſtament wiþ hem; and i He þat lyueþ wiþ out bigynnyng and ende, made of

he ſchewide to hem hiſe riȝtfulneſſe, and domes. nouȝt alle þingis togidere; God alone ſchal be iuſtified,
xi And þe iȝe of hem ſiȝ þe grete þingis of his onour, and and he dwelliþ a king vnouercomun wiþ outen ende.
ii Who ſchal ſuffice to telle out his werkis?
þe eeris of hem herden þe onour of vois; and he ſeide to
hem, Take heede to ȝou fro al wickid þing. iii for whi who ſchal ſeke þe grete þingis of hym?
xii And he comaundide to hem, to ech man of his iiii But who ſchal telle out þe vertu of his greetneſſe?
neiȝbore. eþer who ſchal leie to for to telle out his mercy?
xiii Þe weies of hem ben euere bifore hym; þo ben not v It is not to make leſſe, neþer to leie to; neþir it is to
hid fro hiſe iȝen. fynde þe grete þingis of God.
xiiii On ech folk he made ſouereyn a gouernour; vi Whanne a man haþ endid, þanne he ſchal bigynne;
xv and Iſrael was maad þe opyn part of God. and whanne he haþ reſtid, he ſchal worche.
xvi And alle þe werkis of hem ben as þe ſunne in þe ſiȝt vii What is a man, and what is þe glorie of him? and

of God; and hiſe iȝen biholden wiþ out ceeſſyng in þe what is good, eþer what is þe wickid þing of him?
weies of hem. viii Þe noumbre of þe daies of men, þat ben comynli an
xvii Teſtamentis weren not hid fro þe wickidneſſe of hundrid ȝeer, ben arettid as þe dropis of þe watir of þe
hem; and alle þe wickydneſſis of hem weren in þe ſiȝt of ſee; and as þe ſtoon of grauel, ſo a fewe ȝeeris in þe dai
God. of euerlaſtyngneſſe.
xviii Þe almes of a man is as a bagge wiþ hym, and it ix For þis þing God is pacient in hem, and ſchediþ out

ſchal kepe þe grace of a man as þe appil of þe iȝe; on hem his merci.

xix and afterward man ſchal riſe aȝen, and it ſchal ȝelde x He ſiȝ þe preſumpcioun of her herte, for it was yuel;

to hem a ȝelding, to ech man in to þe heed of hem; and and he knew þe diſtriyng of hem, for it was wickid.
ſchal turne in to þe lower partis of erþe. xi Þerfor he fillide his merci in hem, and ſchewide to
xx Forſoþe it ȝaf to men repentinge þe weie of hem þe weie of equite.
riȝtfulneſſe, and confermede men failynge to ſuffre, and xii Þe merciful doyng of man is aboute his neiȝbore; but
ordeynede to hem þe part of treuþe. þe merci of þe Lord is ouer ech fleiſch.
xxi Turne þou to þe Lord, and forſake þi ſynnes; xiii He þat haþ merci, and techiþ, and chaſtiſiþ as a
xxii preye þou bifore þe face of þe Lord, and make þou ſcheepherde his floc,
leſſe hirtingis. xiiii do merci, takynge þe techyng of merciful doyng;
xxiii Turne þou aȝen to þe Lord, and turne þou awei fro and he þat haſtiþ in þe domes þerof.
þin vnriȝtfulneſſe, and hate þou greetli curſyng.

xv Sone, in goodis ȝyue þou not pleynt, and in ech ȝifte ſet an hiȝ in to more enſaumple, and his ſoule ſchal be
ȝyue þou not heuyneſſe of an yuel word. takun awei fro noumbre.
xvi Wheþer dew ſchal not kele heete? ſo and a word is iiii He þat bileueþ ſoone, is vnſtable in herte, and ſchal

betere þan ȝifte. be maad leſſe; and he þat treſpaſſiþ aȝens his ſoule, ſchal
xvii Lo! wheþer a word is not aboue a good ȝifte? but be had ferþermore.
v He þat ioieþ in wickidneſſe, ſchal be curſid; and he þat
euer eþir is wiþ a man iuſtified.
xviii A fool ſchal vpbreide ſcharpli; and þe ȝifte of an hatiþ blamyng, ſchal be maad leſſe in lijf; and he þat
vntauȝt man makiþ iȝen to faile. hatiþ ianglyng, quenchiþ malice.
xix Bifore þe doom make þou redi riȝtfulneſſe to þee; vi He þat ſynneþ aȝens his ſoule, ſchal repente; and he

and lerne þou, bifore þat þou ſpeke. þat is myrie in malice, ſchal be curſid.
xx Bifore ſikeneſſe ȝyue þou medicyn; and bifore þe vii Reherſe þou not an hard word, and wickid; and þou

doom axe þi ſilf, and þou ſchalt fynde merci in þe ſiȝt of ſchalt not be maad leſſe.
viii Nyle þou telle þi wit to frend and enemye; and if
xxi Bifore ſikeneſſe make þe meke, and in þe tyme of treſpas is to þee, nyle þou make nakid.
ix For he ſchal here þee, and ſchal kepe þee, and he as
ſikeneſſe ſchewe þi lyuyng.
xxii Be þou not lettid to preye euere, and drede þou not defendynge þe ſynne ſchal hate þee; and ſo he ſchal be
to be iuſtified til to deþ; for whi þe meede of God euere wiþ þee.
x Þou haſt herd a word aȝens þi neiȝbore; die it togidere
dwelliþ wiþ outen ende.
xxiii Bifore preier make redi þi ſoule; and nyle þou be as in þee, and triſte þou þat it ſchal not breke þee.
xi A fool traueliþ greetli of þe face of a word, as þe
a man þat temptiþ God.
xxiiii Haue þou mynde of ire in þe dai of endyng; and ſorewe of beryng of a ȝong child.
xii An arowe faſtned in þe hipe of a dogge, ſo a word in
make þou in lyuyng þe tyme of ȝelding.
xxv Haue þou mynde of pouert in þe dai of abundaunce; þe herte of a fool.
xiii Repreue þou a frend, leſt perauenture he vndurſtonde
and þe nede of pouert in þe tyme of richeſſis.
xxvi Fro þe morewtid `til to þe euentid þe tyme ſchal be not, and ſeie, Y dide not; eþer if he haþ do, leſt he adde
chaungid; and alle þeſe þingis ben ſwift in þe iȝen of to do eft.
xiiii Repreue þou a neiȝbore, leſt perauenture he ſeie not;
xxvii A wiſe man ſchal drede in alle þingis; and in þe and if he ſeiþ, leſt perauenture he reherſe.
xv Repreue þou a frend, for whi treſpaſſynge is don ofte;
daies of treſpaſſis he ſchal fle fro vnkunnyng, eþer
ſlouþe. xvi and bileue þou not to ech word. Þer is a man þat
xxviii Ech fel man knowiþ wiſdom; and to hym þat falliþ bi his tunge, but not of wille.
fyndiþ it, he ſchal ȝyue knouleching. xvii For `whi who is he, þat treſpaſſiþ not in his tunge?
xxix Witti men in wordis alſo þei diden wiſeli, and Repreue þou a neiȝbore, bifore þat þou manaaſſe;
vndurſtoden treuþe, and riȝtfulneſſe; and biſouȝten xviii and ȝyue þou place to þe drede of þe hiȝeſte. For
prouerbis and domes. whi al wiſdom is þe drede of God, and in þat wiſdom
xxx Go þou not aftir þi coueitiſes; and be þou turned for to drede God; and þe ordynaunce of lawe is in al
awei fro þi wille. wiſdom.
xxxi If þou ȝyueſt to þi ſoule þe coueitiſis þerof, it ſchal xix And þe teching of wickidneſſe is not wiſdom; and þe

make þee in to ioie to þin enemyes. prudence of ſynnes is not good þouȝt.
xxxii Delite þou not in cumpenyes, neþer in litle xx Þer is wickidneſſe of prudence, and curſidneſſe is þer

cumpenyes; for whi þe ſynnyng of hem is contynuel. ynne; and þer is an vnwijs man, which is maad litil in
xxxiii Be þou not meene in þe ſtryuyng of looue, and ſum wiſdom.
xxi Betere is a man þat haþ litil in wiſdom, and failynge
þing is to þee in þe world; for whi þou ſchalt be
enuyouſe to þi ſoule. in wit in þe drede of God, þan he þat haþ plentee of wit,
and brekiþ þe lawe of þe hiȝeſte.
CAP. XIX xxii Þer is certeyn ſutilte, and it is wickid.
i A drunkelew werk man ſchal not be maad riche; and xxiii And þer is a man, þat ſendiþ out a certeyn word,
he þat chargiþ not litle ſynnes, falliþ doun litil and litil. tellynge out treuþe. Þer is a man, þat mekiþ hym ſilf
ii Wyn and wymmen maken to be apoſtataas, ȝhe, wiſe wickidly; and hiſe ynnere þingis ben ful of gile.
men; and þei repreuen witti men. xxiiii And þer is a iuſt man, þat makiþ low greetli hym
iii And he þat ioyneþ hym ſilf to hooris, ſchal be wickid; ſilf of myche mekeneſſe; and þer is a iuſt man, þat
rot and wormes ſchulen enherite hym, and he ſchal be bowiþ þe face, and feyneþ hym to ſe not þat, þat is

xxv Þouȝ he is forbodun of febleneſſe of ſtrengþis to do xxi A man wiþ out grace is as a veyn fable; and it ſchal
ſynne; if he fyndiþ tyme to do yuele, he ſchal do yuel. be cuſtomable in þe mouþ of vnlerned men.
xxvi A man is knowun bi ſiȝt; and a witti man is knowun xxii A parable ſchal be repreued of þe mouþ of a fool;
bi meetyng of face. for he ſeiþ not it in his tyme. Þer is a man, þat is
xxvii Þe cloþing of bodi, and þe leiȝyng of teeþ, and þe forbodun to do ſynne, for pouert; and he ſchal be
entring of a man, tellen out of hym. prickid in his reſte.
xxviii Þer is fals repreuyng in þe ire of a man ful of xxiii Þer is a man, þat ſchal leeſe his ſoule for ſchame;

diſpiſyng; and þer is dom which is not preued to be and for þe vnprudence of a perſoone he ſchal leeſe it.
good; and þer is a ſtille man, and he is prudent. xxiiii Forſoþe he ſchal leeſe hym ſilf for þe takyng of a
CAP. XX xxv Þer is a man, þat for ſchame biheetiþ to a frend; and
i It is ful good to repreue, more þan to be wrooþ, and to he haþ gete hym enemy wiþ out cauſe.
forbede not a man knoulechyng in preiere. xxvi Leeſyng is a wickid ſchenſchip in a man; and it
ii Þe coueitiſe of a geldyng haþ defoulid þe maidynhed ſchal be cuſtomabli in þe mouþ of vnlerned men.
of a ȝong womman, xxvii Betere is a þeef þan þe cuſtomableneſſe of a man, a
iii ſo he þat makiþ wickid dom bi violence. leeſyngmongere; forſoþe boþe þei ſchulen enherite
iiii It is ful good, þat a man `þat is repreued ſchewe perdicioun.
opynli penaunce; for ſo þou ſchalt aſcape wilful ſynne. xxviii Þe maneres of men leeſyngmongeris ben wiþ
v Þer is a ſtil man, which is foundun wijs; and he is outen onour; and her ſchenſchype is wiþ hem wiþ out
hateful, which is fool hardi to ſpeke. ceeſſyng.
vi Soþeli þer is a ſtille man, not hauynge wit of ſpeche; xxix A wijs man in wordis ſchal brynge forþ hym ſilf;

and þer is a ſtille man, knowynge þe ſeſoun of and a prudent man ſchal pleeſe grete men.
couenable tyme. xxx He þat worchiþ his lond, ſhal make hiȝ þe heep of
vii A wijs man ſchal be ſtille til to tyme; but a ioli man fruytis; and he þat worchiþ riȝtfulneſſe, ſchal be
and vnprudent man ſchulen not kepe tyme. enhaunſid. Soþeli he þat pleſiþ grete men, ſchal aſcape
viii He þat vſiþ many wordis, hirtiþ his ſoule; and he þat wickidneſſe.
xxxi Preſentis and ȝiftis blynden þe iȝen of iugis; and as
takiþ power to hym ſilf vniuſtli, ſchal be hatid.
ix Þer is goyng forþ in yuels to a man vnlernyd; and þer doumb in þe mouþ it turneþ awei þe chaſtiſyngis of
is fyndyng in to peiryng. hem.
x Þer is a ȝifte, which is not profitable; and þer is a ȝifte, xxxii Wiſdom hid, and treſour vnſeyn, what profit is in

whos ȝeldyng is double. euer eiþir?

xi Þer is makyng leſſe for glorie; and þer is a man, xxxiii He is betere, þat hidiþ his vnwiſdom, þan a man

which ſchal reiſe þe heed fro mekeneſſe. þat hidiþ his wiſdom.
xii Þer is a man, þat aȝen bieþ many ſynnes for litil prijs,
and reſtoriþ þo in ſeuenfold. CAP. XXI
i Sone, þou haſt do ſynne? adde þou not eft; but biſeche
xiii A wijs man in wordis makiþ hym ſilf amyable; but
þe graces of foolis ſchulen be ſched out. þou for þe formere ſynnes, þat þo be forȝouun to þee.
ii As fro þe face of a ſerpent fle þou ſynnes; and if þou
xiiii Þe ȝifte of an vnwijs man ſchal not be profitable to
þee; for hiſe iȝen ben ſeuenfold. neiȝeſt to `þo ſynnes, þo ſchulen take þee.
iii Þe teeþ of a lioun ben þe teeþ þerof, þat ſleen þe
xv He ſchal ȝyue litle þingis, and he ſchal vpbreide many
þingis; and þe openyng of his mouþ is enflawming. ſoulis of men.
iiii Al wickidneſſe is as a ſcharp ſwerd on eiþer ſyde;
xvi To dai a man leeneþ, and to morewe he axiþ; and
ſiche a man is hateful. heelþe is not to þe wounde þerof.
v Chidyngis and wrongis ſchulen diſtrie catel; and an
xvii A frend ſchal not be to a fool, and grace ſchal not be
to hiſe goodis. houe þat is ouer riche, ſchal be diſtriede bi pride; ſo þe
xviii For þei þat eten his breed, ben of fals tunge; hou catel of a proude man ſchal be drawun vp bi þe roote.
vi Þe preyer of a pore man ſchal come fro þe mouþ `til
ofte and hou many men ſchulen ſcorne hym?
xix For he departiþ not bi euene wit þat, þat was worþi to eeris; and doom ſchal come to hym haſtili.
vii He þat hatiþ repreuyng, is a ſtep of þe ſynnere; and
to be had; in lijk maner and þat, þat was not worþi to be
had. he þat drediþ God, ſchal be turned to his herte.
viii A miȝti man wiþ an hardi tunge is knowun afer; and
xx Þe falling of a fals tunge is as he þat falliþ in þe
pawment; ſo þe fallis of yuele men ſchulen come haſtili. a witti man kan kepe him ſilf fro þat man.

ix He þat bildiþ his hous wiþ oþere mennus coſtis, is as CAP. XXII
he þat gaderiþ hiſe ſtonys in wyntir. i A ſlow man is ſtonyd in a ſtoon of cley; and alle men
x Scheuys gaderid togidere is þe ſynagoge of ſynneris; ſchulen ſpeke on þe diſpiſyng of him.
and þe endyng of hem is þe flawme of fier. ii A ſlow man is ſtonyd of þe dung of oxis; and ech man
xi Þe weie of ſynneris is ſet togidere wiþ ſtoonys; and in þat touchiþ hym, ſchal ſchake þe hondis.
þe ende of hem ben hellis, and derkneſſis, and peynes. iii Þe ſchame of a fadir is of a ſone vnlerned; but a
xii He þat kepiþ riȝtfulneſſe, ſchal holde þe wit þerof. fonned douȝter ſchal be in decreeſſyng.
xiii Þe perfeccioun of Goddis drede is wiſdom and wit. iiii A prudent douȝter is eritage to hir hoſebonde; for
xiiii He ſchal not be tauȝt, which is not wijs in good. ſche þat ſchendiþ hir hoſebonde, is in diſpiſyng of þe
xv Forſoþe vnwiſdom is, which is plenteuouſe in yuel; fadir.
v A `ſchameles womman ſchendiþ þe fadir and
and wit is not, where is bittirneſſe.
xvi Þe kunnyng of a wijs man ſchal be plenteuouſe as hoſebonde, and ſchal not be maad leſſe þan vnfeiþful
flowyng; and þe councel of hym dwelliþ as a welle of men; forſoþe ſche ſchal not be onourid of euer eiþer.
vi Melodie in morenyng is vncouuenable tellyng;
xvii Þe herte of a fool is as a brokun veſſel; and it ſchal betyngis and techyng in al tyme wiþ wiſdom.
vii He þat techiþ a fool, as he þat glueþ togidere a tiel
not holde ony wiſdom.
xviii What euer wijs word a kunnynge man heriþ, he ſtoon.
viii He þat telliþ a word to hym þat heriþ not, is as he þat
ſchal preiſe, and leie to. A letcherouſe man herde, and it
ſchal diſpleſe hym; and he ſchal caſte it awei bihynde reiſiþ a man ſlepynge fro a greuouſe ſleep.
ix He þat telliþ wiſdom to a fool, ſpekiþ wiþ a man
his bak.
xix Þe tellynge of a fool is as a birþun in þe weie; for ſlepynge; and in þe ende of þe tellyng he ſchal ſeie,
whi grace ſchal be foundun in þe lippis of a wijs man. Who is þis?
xx Þe mouþ of a prudent man is ſouȝt in þe chirche; and x Wepe þou on a deed man, for whi his lyȝt failide; and

men ſchulen þenke hiſe wordis in her hertis. wepe þou on a fool, for he failide of wit.
xxi As an hous diſtried, ſo is wiſdom to a fool; and þe xi Wepe þou a litil on a deed man, for he haþ reſtid.
xii Forſoþe þe lijf of a ful wickid man is ful wickid,
kunnyng of an vnwijs man is wordis þat moun not be
teld out. more þan þe deþ of a fool.
xxii Stockis in þe feet is techyng to a fool; and as bondis xiii Þe morenyng of a deed man is ſeuene daies; but þe

of hondis on þe riȝt hond. morenyng of a fool and of a wickid man is alle þe daies
xxiii A fool enhaunſiþ his vois in leiȝyng; but a wijs man of her lijf.
xiiii Speke þou not myche wiþ a fool, and go þou not
ſchal leiȝe vnneþis ſtilli.
xxiiii Techyng is a goldun ournement to a prudent man; wiþ an vnwijs man.
xv Keep þee fro hym, þat þou haue not diſeſe; and þou
and as an ournement of þe arm in þe riȝt arm.
xxv Þe foot of a fool is lyȝt in to þe hous of a neiȝbore; ſchalt not be defoulid in þe ſynne of hym.
xvi Boowe þou awei fro hym, and þou ſchalt fynde reſte;
and a wijs man ſchal be aſchamed of þe perſoone of a
miȝti man. and be þou not anoied by his foly.
xxvi A fool biholdiþ fro þe wyndow in to þe hous; but a xvii What ſchal be maad heuyere þan leed? and what

lerned man ſchal ſtonde wiþ out forþ. oþere name þan a fool is to it?
xxvii It is foli of a man to herkene bi þe dore; and a xviii It is liȝtere to bere grauel, and ſalt, and a gobet of

prudent man ſchal be greuyd bi diſpiſyng. yrun, þan a man vnprudent, and a fool, and vnfeiþful.
xxviii Þe lippis of `vnprudent men ſchulen telle fonned xix As an heep of trees, boundun togidere in þe

þingis; but þe wordis of prudent men ſchulen be weied foundement of þe bilding, ſchal not be vnboundun, ſo
in a balaunce. and an herte confermed in þe þouȝt of counſel.
xxix Þe herte of foolis is in her mouþ; and þe mouþ of xx Þe þouȝt of a wijs man ſhal not be maad ſchrewid in

wiſe men is in her herte. ony tyme, neþer drede.

xxx Whanne a wickid man curſiþ þe deuel, he curſiþ his xxi As chaffis in hiȝe places, and ſoond wiþ out medling

owne ſoule. of hym, ſet aȝens þe face of wynd, ſchulen not dwelle;
xxxi A priuy bacbitere ſchal defoule his ſoule, and in alle xxii ſo and a dreedful herte in þe þouȝt of a fool

þingis he ſchal be hatid, and he þat dwelliþ, ſchal be aȝenſtondiþ not aȝens þe feerſneſſe of drede.
hatid; a ſtil man and wijs ſchal be onourid. xxiii As ournyng, eþer pargetyng, ful of grauel in a cleer
wal, ſo and a ferdful herte in þe þouȝt of a fool ſchal not
drede in ony tyme; ſo and he þat dwelliþ euere in þe
heeſtis of God.

xxiiii He þat prickiþ þe iȝe, ſchal leede out teeris; and he x Forſoþe þe nemyng of God be not cuſtomable in þi
þat prickiþ þe herte, bryngiþ forþ wit. mouþ, and be þou not meddlid to þe names of ſeyntis;
xxv He þat caſtiþ a ſtoon to briddis, ſchal caſte doun þo; for þou ſchalt not be giltles of hem.
ſo and he þat doiþ wrong to a frend, departiþ frenſchipe. xi For as a ſeruaunt þat is axid biſili, ſchal not wante
xxvi Þouȝ þou bryngiſt forþ a ſwerd to a frend, diſpeire wanneſſe; ſo ech man ſwerynge and nemynge ſchal not
þou not; for þer is going aȝen to þe frend. be purgid of ſynne in al.
xxvii If he openeþ a ſoreuful mouþ, drede þou not; for xii A man ſwerynge myche ſchal be fillid wiþ

whi þer is acordyng, outakun diſpiſynge, and wickidneſſe; and veniaunce ſchal not go awei fro his
ſchenſchipe, and pride, and ſchewyng of preuyte, and a hous.
tretcherouſe wounde; in alle þeſe þingis a frend ſchal fle xiii And if he diſſeyueþ a broþer, his treſpas ſchal be
awei. aboue hym; and if he feyneþ, he ſchal treſpaſſe doubli.
xxviii Haue þou feiþ wiþ a frend in his pouert, þat þou be xiiii And if he ſweriþ in veyn, he ſchal not be iuſtified;
glad alſo in hiſe goodis. for whi his hous ſchal be fillid wiþ worſt ȝelding.
xxix In þe tyme of his tribulacioun dwelle þou feiþful to xv Alſo aȝenward anoþer ſpeche is in to deþ; be it not
hym, þat alſo þou be euene eir in þe eritage of hym. found in þe eritage of Jacob.
xxx Heete and ſmook of fier is maad hiȝ bifore þe fier of xvi For whi alle þeſe þingis ſchulen be don awei fro
a chymenei; ſo and curſyngis, and diſpiſyngis, and merciful men; and þei ſchulen not delite in treſpaſſis.
manaaſſis, comen bifore blood. xvii Þi mouþ be not cuſtomable to vnreuerent ſpeche; for
xxxi I ſchal not be aſchamed for to grete a frend, and Y whi a word of ſynne is in it.
ſchal not hide me fro his face; þouȝ yuels comen to me xviii Haue þou mynde on þi fadir and modir; for þou
bi hym, Y ſchal ſuffre. ſtondiſt in þe myddis of grete men.
xxxii Ech man þat ſchal here, ſchal kepe warli hym ſilf xix Leſt perauenture God forȝete þee in þe ſiȝt of hem;
fro hym. and leſt þou maad a fool bi þi cuſtomableneſſe, ſuffre
xxxiii Who ſchal ȝyue keping to my mouþ, and a certeyn ſchenſchipe, and haddiſt leuere to be not borun, and
ceelyng on my lippis, þat Y falle not bi þo, and þat my curſe þe dai of þi birþe.
tunge leeſe not me? xx A man cuſtomable in þe wordis of ſchenſchipe, in alle
daies ſchal not be tauȝt.
CAP. XXIII xxi Twei kyndis ben plenteuouſe in ſynnes, and þe
i Lord, fadir, and lordli gouernour of my lijf, forſake
þridde bringiþ ire and perdicioun.
þou me not in þe þouȝt and counſel of hem; neþer ſuffre xxii An hoot ſoule brennynge as fier ſchal not be
þou me to falle in þat ſchenſchipe. quenchid, til it ſwolewe ſum þing;
ii Who ſettiþ aboue in my þouȝt beetyngis, and in myn xxiii and a wickid man in þe mouþ of his fleiſch ſchal
hert þe techyng of wiſdom, þat in þe vnkunnyngis of not faile, til he kyndle fier.
hem he ſpare not me, and þat þe treſpaſſis of hem appere xxiiii Ech breed is ſwete to a letcherouſe man; he ſchal
not? not be maad weri, treſpaſſynge `til to þe ende.
iii Leſt myn vnkunnyngis encreeſſe, and my treſpaſſis be
xxv Ech man þat paſſiþ his bed, doiþ diſpit aȝens his
multiplied, and my ſynnes be plenteuouſe; and leſt Y ſoule, and ſeiþ, Who ſeeþ me?
falle in þe ſiȝt of myn aduerſaries, and myn enemy haue xxvi Derkneſſis cumpaſſen me, and wallis kyueren me,
iiii Lord, fadir, and God of my lijf, forſake þou not me in and no man biholdiþ me. Whom drede Y? Þe hiȝeſte
ſchal not haue mynde on my ſynnes.
þe þouȝt of hem. xxvii And he vndirſtondiþ not, þat þe iȝe of him ſeeþ alle
v Ȝyue þou not to me enhaunſyng of myn iȝen; and
þingis; for whi þe drede of ſiche a man puttiþ awei fro
turne þou awei fro me al ſchrewid deſijr. him þe drede of God, and þe iȝen of men þat dreden
vi Do þou awei fro me þe coueitiſis of þe wombe, and
hym putten awei fro hym Goddis drede.
þe coueitiſis of letcherie take me not; and ȝyue þou not xxviii And he knew not, þat þe iȝen of þe Lord ben
`me to a ſoule vnreuerent and vndiſcreet. myche more clerere þan þe ſunne, and biholden alle þe
vii Sones, here ȝe þe techyng of mouþ; and he þat kepiþ
weies of men, and þe depþe of þe ſee, and biholden þe
it, ſchal not periſche bi hiſe lippis, neþer ſchal be hertis of men in to hid partis.
viii ſclaundrid in worſte werkis A ſynnere and proude xxix For whi alle þingis weren knowun to þe Lord,
man ſchal be takun in his vanite; and a curſid man ſchal bifore þat þei weren maad of nouȝt; ſo and aftir þe
be ſclaundrid in þo. makyng he biholdiþ alle þingis.
ix Þy mouþ be not cuſtomable to ſwering; for whi many
fallyngis ben þer ynne.

xxx Þis man ſchal be punyſchid in þe ſtretis of þe citee; xiii Dwelle þou in Jacob, and take þou eritage in Iſrael,
he ſchal be dryuun a wei as an horſe colt, and he ſchal and ſende þou rootis in my choſun men.
be takun, where he hopiþ not. xiiii Y was gendrid of þe bigynnyng and bifore worldis,
xxxi And he ſchal be ſchenſchip to alle men; for he and Y ſchal not faile `til to þe world to comynge; and Y
vndurſtood not þe drede of þe Lord. mynyſtride in an hooli dwellyng bifore hym.
xxxii So and ech womman forſakynge hir hoſebonde xv And ſo Y was maad ſtidfaſt in Syon, and in lijk maner
ſchal do ſynne, and ordeynynge eritage of an alien Y reſtide in a citee halewid, and my power was in
matrimonye. Jeruſalem.
xxxiii For firſte ſche was vnbileueful in þe lawe of þe xvi And Y rootid in a puple onourid; and þe eritage
hiȝeſte, and þe ſecounde tyme ſche forſook hir þerof in to þe partis of my God, and my wiþolding in þe
hoſebonde; and þe þridde tyme ſche was defoulid in plentee of ſeyntis.
auowtrie, and ordeynede to hym ſones of anoþer man. xvii Y was enhaunſid as a cedre in Liban, and as a
xxxiiii `Þis womman ſchal be brouȝt in to þe chirche, and cipreſſe tree in þe hil of Syon.
me ſchal biholde on hir ſones. xviii Y was enhaunſid as a palm tree in Cades, and as þe
xxxv Hir ſones ſchulen not ȝyue rootis, and hir braunchis plauntyng of rooſe in Jeryco.
ſchulen not ȝyue fruyt. xix As a fair olyue tree in feeldis; and Y was enhaunſid
xxxvi Þei ſchulen leeue þe mynde of hir in to curſyng, as a plane tree biſidis watir in ſtretis.
and þe ſchenſchipe of hir ſchal not be don awei. xx As canel and bawme ȝyuynge greet ſmelle, Y ȝaf
xxxvii And þei þat ben left ſchulen knowe, þat no þing is odour; as choſun myrre Y ȝaf þe ſwetneſſe of odour.
betere þan þe drede of God, and noþing is ſwettere þan xxi And as ſtorax, and galban, and vngula, and gumme,
to biholde in þe comaundementis of þe Lord. and as Liban not kit doun, Y made hoot my dwellyng
xxxviii It is greet glorie to ſue þe Lord; for whi lengþe of place; and myn odour as bawme not meddlid.
daies ſchulen be takun of hym. xxii Y as a terebynte ſtretchide forþ my boowis; and my
boowis ben boowis of onour, and of glorie.
CAP. XXIIII xxiii Y as a vyne made fruyt þe ſwetneſſe of odour; and
i Wiſdom ſchal preiſe his ſoule, and he ſchal be onourid
my flouris ben þe fruytis of onour, and of oneſte.
in God; and he ſchal haue glorie in þe myddis of his xxiiii I am a modir of fair loue, and of drede, and of
puple. knowyng, and of hooli hope.
ii And he ſchal opene his mouþ in þe chirchis of þe xxv In me is al grace of weie, and of treuþe; in me is al
hiȝeſte; and he ſchal haue glorie in þe ſiȝt of his vertu. hope of lijf and of vertu.
iii And he ſchal be enhaunſid in þe myddis of his puple; xxvi Alle ȝe þat coueiten me, paſſe to me; and be ȝe fillid
and he ſchal wondre in hooli plentee. of my generaciouns.
iiii And in þe multitude of choſun men he ſchal haue xxvii For whi my ſpirit is ſwete aboue hony; and myn
preiſyng; and among bleſſid men he ſchal be bleſſid, eritage is aboue hony, and hony comb.
v and ſeie, I, þe firſte gendrid bifore ech creature, cam xxviii My mynde is in þe generacioun of worldis.
forþ fro þe mouþ of þe hiȝeſte. xxix Þei þat eten me, ſchulen hungre ȝit; and þei þat
vi I made in heuenes, þat lyȝt neuere failynge roos vp,
drynken me, ſchulen þirſte ȝit.
and as a cloude Y hilide al erþe. xxx He þat heriþ me, ſhal not be ſchent; and þei þat
vii Y dwellide in hiȝeſte þingis, and my trone in a piler
worchen in me, ſchulen not do ſynne; and þei þat
of cloude. declaren me,
viii Y aloone ȝede aboute þe cumpas of heuene, and Y xxxi ſchulen haue euere laſtynge lijf.
perſide þe depþe of þe ſee; and Y ȝede in þe wawis of xxxii Alle þeſe þingis is þe book of lijf, and þe teſtament
þe ſee, of þe hiȝeſte, and þe knowyng of treuþe.
ix and Y ſtood in al þe lond.
xxxiii Moiſes comaundide a lawe in þe comaundementis
x And Y hadde þe firſte dignite in ech puple, and in ech
of riȝtfulneſſis, and eritage to þe hous of Jacob, and
folk; biheeſtis to Iſrael.
xi and Y trad bi vertu on þe neckis of alle excelent men xxxiiii He ſettide to Dauid, his child, to reiſe of hym a
and meke; and in alle þeſe men Y ſouȝte reſte, and Y kyng mooſt ſtrong, and ſittynge wiþ outen ende in þe
ſchal dwelle in þe eritage of þe Lord. trone of onour.
xii Þanne þe creatour of alle comaundide, and ſeide to xxxv Which kyng filliþ wiſdom, as Phiſon ſchediþ out
me; and he þat formyde me, reſtide in my tabernacle; watir; and as Tigris in þe daies of newe þingis.
and he ſeide to me,

xxxvi Which, as Eufrates, filliþ wit; which multiplieþ, as xii He is bleſſid þat fyndiþ a very frend, and he þat telliþ
Jordan in þe tyme of herueſt. out riȝtfulneſſe to an eere heringe.
xxxvii Which ſendiþ techyng as lyȝt; and is niȝ alle men, xiii He is ful greet þat fyndiþ wiſdom and kunnyng; but
as Gion in þe dai of vendage. he is not aboue him þat drediþ God.
xxxviii Which makiþ perfitli firſt to knowe þat wiſdom; xiiii Þe drede of God haþ ſet it ſilf aboue alle þingis.
and a feblere man ſchal not enſerche it. xv Bleſſid is þe man to whom it is ȝouun to haue þe
xxxix For whi þe þouȝt þerof ſchal be plenteuouſe of þe drede of God; to whom ſchal he be licned, þat holdiþ
ſee; and his counſel in þe greet occian. þat drede?
xl Y wiſdom ſchedde out floodis; xvi Þe drede of God is þe bigynnyng of his loue; forſoþe
xli Y as a weie of ful greet watir of þe flood. Y as þe þe bigynnyng of feiþ is to be faſte ioyned þerto.
flood Dorix, and as a watir cundit Y ȝede out of paradis. xvii Þe ſorewe of herte is ech wounde; and þe
xlii Y ſeide, I ſchal watir my gardyn of plauntyngis; and wickidneſſe of a womman is al malice.
Y ſchal greetli fille þe fruyt of my child beryng. xviii A leche ſhal ſe ech wounde, and not þe wounde of
xliii And lo! a plenteuouſe weie of watir is maad to me; herte; and al wickidneſſe,
and my flood neiȝede to þe ſee. xix and not þe wickidneſſe of a womman;
xliiii For Y liȝtne techyng as þe cheer morewtid to alle xx and ech hilyng, and not hilyng of hateris;
men; and Y ſchal telle out it `til to fer. xxi and ech veniaunce, and not þe veniaunce of
xlv Y ſchal perſe alle þe lowere partis of erþe, and Y enemyes.
ſchal biholde alle þat ſlepen; and Y ſchal liȝtne alle þat xxii Noon heed is worſe þan þe heed of an eddre
hopen in þe Lord. dwellynge in ſchadewe;
xlvi Ȝit Y ſchal ſchede out teching as profeſie, and Y xxiii and noon ire is aboue þe ire of a womman. It ſchal
ſchal leeue it to hem þat ſeken wiſdom; and Y ſchal not pleſe more to dwelle wiþ a lioun and a dragoun, þan to
faile in to þe generaciouns of hem, til in to þe hooli dwelle wiþ a wickid womman.
world. xxiiii Þe wickidneſſe of a womman chaungiþ hir face;
xlvii Se ȝe, þat Y trauelide not to me aloone, but to alle
and ſche blyndide her cheer as a beer doiþ, and ſche
þat ſeken out treuþe. ſchal ſchewe as a ſak in þe myddis of neiȝboris.
xxv Hir hoſebonde weilide; and his wickid wijf herde,
CAP. XXV and ſiȝyide a litil.
i In þre þingis it is pleſid to my ſpirit, which ben xxvi Al malice is ſchort on þe malice of a womman; þe
appreued bifore God and men; acordyng of briþeren, parte of ſynneris falle on hir.
ii and loue of neiȝboris, a man and womman wel xxvii As a ſtiynge ful of grauel in þe feet of an elde man,
conſentynge to hem ſilf. ſo is a womman a greet ianglere to a peſible man.
iii My ſoule hatide þre ſpicis, and Y am greued greetli to xxviii Biholde þou not þe fairneſſe of a womman, and
þe ſoule of hem; coueyte þou not a womman for fairneſſe.
iiii a pore man proud, and a riche man liere, and an eld xxix Þe ire and vnreuerence of a womman is grete
man a fool and vnwitti. ſchenſchipe.
v Hou ſchalt þou fynde in þin eelde þo þingis, whiche xxx If a womman haþ þe firſte dignyte, eþir cheef
þou gaderiſt not in þi ȝongþe? gouernail, ſche is contrarie to hir hoſebonde.
vi Doom is ful fair in hoorneſſe, and to preeſtis to knowe xxxi A low herte, and ſoreuful face, and wounde of deeþ,
councel. is a wickid womman.
vii Wiſdom is ful fair to eelde men, and gloriouſe xxxii Feble hondis and knees vnboundun, a womman þat
vndirſtondyng, and councel. bleſſiþ not hir hoſebonde.
viii Þe coroun of eelde men is in myche kunnyng; and þe xxxiii Þe bygynnyng of ſynne was maad of a womman;
glorie of hem is þe drede of God. and alle we dien bi hir.
ix I magnefiede nyne þingis vnſuſpect of þe herte; and Y xxxiiii Ȝyue þou not iſſu to þi watir, ȝhe, not a litil iſſu;
ſchal ſeie þe tenþe þing bi tunge to men. neþer to a wickid womman fredom of goyng forþ.
x A man which lyuynge is myrie in ſones, and ſeynge þe xxxv If ſche goiþ not at þin hond, ſche ſchal ſchende þee
diſtriyng of hiſe enemyes. in þe ſiȝt of enemyes.
xi He is bleſſid þat dwelliþ wiþ a witty womman, and he xxxvi Kitte hir a wei fro þi fleiſchis, leſt euere ſche
þat felle not bi his tunge, and he þat ſeruyde not to men myſuſe þee.
vnworþi to hym ſilf.

CAP. XXVI xxvi A man a werriour failynge bi nedyneſſe, and a wijs
i Þe hoſebonde of a good womman is bleſſid; for whi þe man diſpiſid.
noumbre of her ȝeeris is double. xxvii And God haþ maad hym redi to þe ſwerd, þat paſſiþ
ii A ſtrong womman delitiþ hir hoſebonde; and ſhal fille ouer fro riȝtfulneſſe to ſynne.
in pees þe ȝeeris of his lijf. xxviii Twei ſpices apperiden harde and perilouſe to me; a
iii A good womman is a good part; in þe good part of marchaunt is delyuered of hard fro his necgligence, and
hem þat dreden God, ſche ſchal be ȝouun to a man for a tauerner ſchal not be iuſtified of ſynnes of lippis.
goode dedis.
iiii Forſoþe þe herte of a riche man and of a pore man is CAP. XXVII
good; in al tyme her cheer is glad. i Many men han treſpaſſid for nedyneſſe; and he þat
v Myn herte dredde of þre þingis, and my face dredde in ſekiþ to be maad riche, turneþ a wei his iȝe.
þe fourþe þing. ii As a ſtake is faſtned in þe myddis of a heep of ſtoonys,
vi Bitraiyng of a citee, and þe gadering togidere of ſo and a man ſchal be angwiſchid bi ſynnes bitwixe þe
puple, middis of ſillyng and biyng.
vii and fals chaleng; alle þingis greuouſe on deþ. iii Treſpas ſchal be al to-brokun wiþ hym þat treſpaſſiþ.
viii Þe ſorewe of herte, and morenyng is a ielouſe iiii If þou holdiſt not þee diligentli in þe drede of þe

womman. Lord, þin hous ſchal ſoone be turned vpſedoun.

ix In a gelouſe womman is betyng of tunge, and ſche v As duſt ſchal dwelle in þe hoolis of a riddil, ſo þe

comyneþ wiþ alle men. angwiſch of a man ſchal dwelle in þe þouȝt of hym.
x As a ȝok of oxis which is mouyd, ſo and a wickid vi A furneis preueþ þe veſſels of a pottere; and þe

womman; he þat holdiþ hir, is as he þat takiþ a temptacioun of tribulacioun preueþ iuſt men.
ſcorpioun. vii As cherliche trauel aboute a tree ſchewiþ þe fruyt
xi A drunkelew womman is greet ire, and diſpiſyng; and þerof, ſo a word of þouȝt ſchewiþ þe herte of man.
hir filþe ſchal not be hilid. viii Preiſe þou not a man bifore a word; for whi þis is þe
xii Þe fornycacioun of a womman is in þe reiſyng of temptacioun of men.
yȝen; and ſchal be knowun in þe iȝe liddis of hir. ix If þou ſueſt riȝtfulneſſe, þou ſchalt take it; þou ſchalt
xiii Make þou ſad kepyng in a douȝtir not turnynge a wei cloþe it as a long cloþ of onour, and þou ſchalt dwelle
hir ſilf; leſt ſche myſuſe hir ſilf, if ſche fyndiþ occaſioun. wiþ it, and it ſchal defende þee wiþ outen ende, and in
xiiii Be þou war of al vnreuerence of hir iȝen; and þe dai of knowing þou ſhalt fynde ſtidfaſtneſſe.
x Volatilis comen togidere to briddis lijk hem ſilf; and
wondre þou not, if ſche diſpiſiþ þee.
xv As a weiegoere þirſtynge ſchal opene þe mouþ at a treuþe ſchal turne aȝen to hem þat worchen it.
xi A lioun ſettiþ aſpies euere to huntyng; ſo ſynnes to
welle, and ſchal drynke of ech watir next; and þe forſeid
douȝtir ſchal ſitte aȝens ech pale, and ſchal opene þe hem þat worchen wickidneſſe.
arowe caas aȝens ech arowe, til ſche faile. xii An hooly man dwelliþ in wiſdom, as þe ſunne
xvi Þe grace of a biſi womman ſchal delite hir dwelliþ ſtabli; for whi a fool is chaungid as þe moone.
hoſebonde; and ſchal make fat hiſe boonus. xiii In þe myddis of vnwiſe men kepe þou a word to
xvii Þe kunnyng of hir is þe ȝifte of God. tyme; but be þou biſi in þe myddis of hem þat þenken
xviii A wijs womman and ſtille is not chaungyng of a þe lawe of God.
xiiii Þe tellyng of ſynneris is hateful; and þe leiȝyng of
lernyd ſoule.
xix Grace on grace is an hooli womman, and ſchamfaſt. hem is in þe treſpaſſis of ſynne.
xx Forſoþe al weiyng is not worþ a contynent ſoule. xv Speche ſweringe myche ſchal make ſtondyng up of
xxi As þe ſunne riſynge in þe world in þe hiȝeſte þingis heeris, for aſtonying, to þe heed; and vnreuerence þerof
of God, ſo þe fairneſſe of a good womman is in to þe is ſtoppyng of eeris.
xvi Þe ſchedyng out of blood is in þe chidyng of proude
ournement of hir hous.
xxii A lanterne ſchynynge on an hooli candilſtike, and þe men; and þe curſyng of hem is greuouſe heryng.
xvii He þat ſchewiþ opynli þe priuytees of a frend, leeſiþ
fairneſſe of a face on ſtidfaſt age.
xxiii Goldun pileris on ſiluerne foundementis, and feiþfulneſſe; and he ſchal not fynde a frend to his ſoule.
xviii Loue þou a neiȝbore, and be þou ioyned wiþ hym in
ſtidfaſt feet on þe ſoolis of a ſtidfaſt womman.
xxiiii Euerlaſtynge foundementis on a ſad ſtoon, and þe feiþ.
xix For if þou ſchewiſt opynli þe priuytees of hym, þou
heeſtis of God in þe herte of an hooli womman.
xxv In twei þingis myn herte was maad ſori, and in þe ſchalt not perfitli ſue aftir hym.
þridde þing wraþfulneſſe cam to me.

xx For as a man þat leeſiþ his frend, ſo he þat leeſiþ þe viii Haue þou mynde on þe drede of þe Lord, and be þou
frenſchipe of his neiȝbore. not wrooþ to þe neiȝbore.
xxi And as a man þat latiþ go a brid fro his hond, ſo þou ix Haue þou mynde on þe teſtament of þe hiȝeſte, and
þat haſt forſake þi neiȝbore, and þou ſchalt not take diſpiſe þou þe ignoraunce of þi neiȝbore.
hym. x Abſteyne þee fro ſtrijf, and þou ſchalt abregge ſynnes.
xxii Þou ſchalt not ſue hym, for he is fer abſent; for he xi For whi a wraþful man kyndliþ ſtrijf; and a ſynful
aſcapid as a capret fro a ſnare, for þe ſoule of hym is man ſchal diſturble frendis, and he ſchal ſende in
woundid. enemyte in þe myddis of men hauynge pees.
xxiii Þou ſchalt no more mow bynde hym togidere; but xii For whi aftir þe trees of þe wode, ſo fier ſchal brenne
of yuel ſeiyng is acordyng. an hiȝ; and after þe myȝte of a man, ſo his wraþfulneſſe
xxiiii Soþeli to ſchewe opynli þe pryuytees of a frend, is ſchal be, and aftir his catel he ſchal enhaunſe his ire.
diſpeir of a ſoule vnbleſſid. xiii Haſti ſtryuyng ſchal kyndle fier, and haſti chidyng
xxv He þat twyncliþ wiþ þe iȝe, makiþ wickid þingis; ſchal ſchede out blood; and a tunge berynge witneſſing
xxvi and no man ſchal caſte hym awei. In þe ſiȝt of þin ſchal brynge deþ.
iȝen he ſchal defoule his mouþ, and he ſchal wondre on xiiii If þou blowiſt, as fier it ſchal brenne an hiȝ; and if
þi wordis; but at þe laſte he ſchal turne weiwerdli his þou ſpetiſt þeron, it ſchal be quenchid; euer eiþer comen
mouþ, and in his wordis he ſchal ȝyue ſclaundre. forþ of þe mouþ.
xxvii Y herde mani þingis, and Y made not euene to xv A preuy bacbiter, and a double tungid man is curſid;
hym; and þe Lord ſchal hate hym. for he diſturblide many men hauynge pees.
xxviii If a man þrowiþ a ſtoon an hiȝ, it ſchal falle on his xvi Þe þridde tunge haþ ſtirid many men, and haþ
heed; and þe gileful wounde of a gyleful man ſchal ſcaterid hem fro folc in to folc.
departe woundis. xvii It haþ diſtried wallid citees of riche men, and haþ
xxix And he þat diggiþ a diche, ſchal falle in to it; and he myned doun þe houſis of grete men.
þat ſettiþ a ſtoon to a neiȝbore, ſchal offende þerynne; xviii It haþ kit doun þe vertues of puplis, and haþ vnknit
and he þat ſettiþ a ſnare to a noþer man, ſchal periſche ſtrong folkis.
þer ynne. xix Þe þridde tunge haþ caſt out weddid wymmen, and
xxx If a man makiþ worſt councel, it ſchal be turned on
haþ priued hem of her trauelis.
hym; and he ſchal not knowe fro whennus it ſchal come xx He þat biholdiþ þe þridde tunge, ſchal not haue reſt;
to him. neþer ſchal haue a frend, in whom he ſchal reſte.
xxxi Þe ſcornyng and diſpiſyng of proude men and xxi Þe wounde of betyng makiþ wanneſſe; but þe
veniaunce ſchal ſette a ſpie to hym, as a lioun doiþ. wounde of tunge ſchal make leſſe þe boonys.
xxxii Þei þat deliten in þe fal of iuſt men, ſchulen xxii Many men fellen doun bi þe ſcharpneſſe of ſwerd;
periſche bi a ſnare; forſoþe ſorewe ſchal waſte hem, but not ſo as þei þat periſchiden bi her tunge.
bifore þat þei dien. xxiii He is bleſſid þat is kyuerid fro a wickid tunge; and
xxxiii Ire and woodneſſe, euer eiþer ben abhomynable;
he þat paſſide not in þe wraþfulneſſe þerof, and he þat
and a ſynful man ſchal holde þo. drow not þe ȝok þerof, and was not boundun in þe
bondis þerof.
CAP. XXVIII xxiiii For whi þe ȝok þerof is an irun ȝok, and þe boond
i He þat wole be vengid, ſchal fynde of þe Lord
þerof is a braſun boond.
veniaunce; and he kepynge ſchal kepe hiſe ſynnes. xxv Þe deþ þerof is þe worſte deþ; and helle is more
ii Forȝyue þou to þi neiȝbore þat anoieþ þee, and þanne
profitable þan it.
ſynnes ſchulen be releeſſid to þee preiynge. xxvi Þe perſeueraunce þerof ſchal not dwelle, but it ſchal
iii A man kepiþ ire to man; and ſekiþ he of God
holde þe weies of vniuſt men; in his flawme it ſchal not
medicyn? brenne iuſt men.
iiii He haþ no merci on a man lijk hym ſilf; and biſechiþ xxvii Þei þat forſaken God, ſchulen falle in to it; and it
he þe hiȝeſte for hiſe owne ſynnes? ſchal brenne greetli in hem, and it ſchal not be
v He þe while he is fleiſch, reſerueþ ire; and axiþ he of
quenchid; and as a lioun it ſchal be ſent in to hem, and
God merci? who ſchal preie for hiſe ſynnes? as a parde it ſchal hirte hem.
vi Haue þou mynde on þe laſte þingis, and ceeſſe þou to xxviii Biſette þin eeris wiþ þornes, and nyle þou here a
be enemy. wickid tunge; and make þou doris to þi mouþ, and
vii For whi failyng and deþ neiȝen not in þe lockis to þin eeris.
comaundementis of God.

xxix Welle þou togidere þi gold, and þi ſiluer; and make xx Forȝete þou not þe grace of þe borewe; for he ȝaf his
þou a balaunce to þi wordis, and riȝtful bridels to þi lijf for þee.
mouþ. xxi A ſynful man and vncleene fleeþ þe biheetere.
xxx And take heede, leſt perauenture þou ſlide in tunge, xxii A ſynnere arretteþ to hym ſilf þe goode wordis of þe
and falle in þe ſiȝt of enemyes, ſettynge treſoun to þee, borowe; and þe vnkynde man in wit forſakiþ a man
and þi falle be vncurable in to deþ. delyuerynge hym.
xxiii A man biheetiþ for his neiȝbore; and whanne `þe
CAP. XXIX neiȝbore haþ loſt reuerence, þe borew ſchal be forſakun
i He þat doiþ merci, leeneþ to his neiȝbore; and he þat is
of hym.
ful myȝti in hond, kepiþ þe comaundementis. xxiiii Worſt biheeſt haþ loſt many louynge men, and haþ
ii Leene þou to þi neiȝbore in þe tyme of his nede; and
moued hem as þe wawis of þe ſee.
eft ȝelde þou to a neiȝbore in his tyme. xxv It goynge in cumpas made myȝti men to paſſe ouer;
iii Conferme þou a word, and do þou feiþfuli wiþ hym;
and þei wandriden aboute among alien folkis.
and in al tyme þou ſchalt fynde þat, þat is nedeful to xxvi A ſynnere brekynge þe comaundement of þe Lord
þee. ſchal falle in to a wickid biheeſt; and he þat enforſiþ to
iiii Many men geſſiden borewyng as fyndyng, and ȝauen
do many þingis, ſchal falle in to dom.
diſeſe to þo men þat helpiden hem. xxvii Rekiuere þi neiȝbore bi þi vertu; and take heed to
v Til þei taken, þei kiſſen þe hondis of þe ȝyuer; and in
þi ſilf, leſt þou falle.
biheeſtis þei maken meke her vois. xxviii Þe bigynnyng of lijf of a man is watir, and breed,
vi And in þe time of ȝelding he ſchal axe tyme, and he
and cloþing, and hous hilynge filþe.
ſchal ſpeke wordis of anoie, and of grutchingis, and he xxix Betere is þe lijflode of a pore man vndur þe hilyng
ſchal calenge falſli þe tyme. of ſparris, þan ſchynynge feeſtis in pilgrymage wiþ
vii Forſoþe if he mai ȝelde, he ſchal be aduerſarie; of a
outen hous.
ſchilling vnneþis he ſchal ȝelde þe half, and he ſchal xxx Þe leeſte þing pleeſe þee for a greet þing; and þou
rekyn þat as fyndyng. ſchalt not here þe ſchenſchipe of pilgrymage.
viii Ellis he ſchal defraude him in his monei, and þe xxxi It is wickid lijf to ſeke herbore fro hous in to hous;
leenere ſchal haue him an enemy wiþ outen cauſe. and where he ſchal be herborid, he ſchal not do triſtili,
ix And he ſchal ȝelde to hym, þat is, to þe leenere,
neþir he ſchal opene þe mouþ.
wrongis and curſyngis; and for onour and benefice he xxxii He ſchal be herborid, and he ſchal feede, and ȝyue
ſchal ȝelde to hym diſpiſyng. drinke to vnkynde men; and ȝit he ſchal here bittir
x Many men lenten not `to pore neiȝboris, not for cauſe
of wickidneſſe, but þei dredden to be defraudid wiþ xxxiii Paſſe, þou þat art herborid, and araye a table; and
outen cauſe. ȝyue þou meetis to oþere men, þo þingis þat þou haſt in
xi Neþeles on a meke man in ſoule be þou ſtrongere; and
þe hond.
for almes drawe þou not hym. xxxiiii Go þou out fro þe face of þe onour of my frendis,
xii For þe comaundement of God take þou a pore man;
for þe frendſchipe, eþir affinyte, of myn hous; bi
and for his nedyneſſe leeue þou not hym voide. herboryng þou art maad a broþer to me.
xiii Leeſe þou monei for a broþer and frend, and hide xxxv Þeſe þingis ben greuouſe to a man hauynge wit; þe
þou not it vndur a ſtoon, in to perdicioun. repreuyng of hous, and þe diſpiſing of þe vſurer.
xiiii Putte þi treſour in þe comaundementis of þe hiȝeſte;
and it ſchal profite to þee more þan gold `ſchal profite. CAP. XXX
xv Cloſe þou almes in þe boſum of a pore man; and þis i He þat loueþ his ſone, ȝyueþ biſili betingis to hym, þat
almes ſchal preye for þee `to be delyuered of God fro al he be glad in hiſe laſte þing, and þat þe ſone touche not
yuel. þe doris of neiȝboris.
xvi Þe almes of a man is as a bagge wiþ hym; and it ii He þat techiþ his ſone, ſchal be preiſid in hym; and
ſchal kepe þe grace of man as þe appil of þe iȝe. ſchal haue glorie in hym in þe myddis of menyals.
xvii And aftirward it ſchal riſe aȝen, and ſchal ȝelde to iii He þat techiþ his ſone, ſendiþ þe enemye in to enuye;
hem a ȝelding, to ech man in to þe heed of hem. and in þe myddis of frendis he ſchal haue glorie in þat
xviii Aboue a ſcheld of þe myȝti man, and aboue a ſpere ſone.
it ſchal fiȝte aȝens þin enemye. iiii Þe fadir of hym is deed, and he is as not deed; for he
xix A good man makiþ feiþ to his neiȝbore; and he þat haþ left aftir hym a ſone lijk hym.
leeſiþ, ſchal leeue ſchame to hym. v He ſiȝ in his lijf, and was glad in hym; and in his deþ
he was not ſori, neþer was aſchamed bifore enemyes.

vi For he lefte a defendere of þe hous aȝens enemyes; CAP. XXXI
and ȝeldynge grace to frendis. i Wakyng of oneſte ſchal make fleiſchis to faile; and
vii For þe ſoulis of ſones he ſchal bynde togidere hiſe þouȝt þerof ſchal take awei ſleep.
woundis; and hiſe entrails ſchulen be diſturblid on ech ii Þouȝt of bifore knowyng turneþ awey wit; and
vois. greuouſe ſikneſſe makiþ ſobre þe ſoule.
viii An hors vntemyd, `eþer vnchaſtiſid, ſchal aſcape iii A ryche man trauelide in þe gaderyng of catel; and in
hard, and a ſone vnchaſtiſid ſchal aſcape heedi. his reſte he ſchal be fillyd wiþ hiſe goodis.
ix Flatere þou þe ſone, and he ſchal make þee dredinge; iiii A pore man trauelide in decreeſſyng of lijflode; and
pleie þou wiþ hym, and he ſchal make þee ſory. in þe ende he is maad nedi.
x Leiȝe þou not wiþ hym, leſt þou haue ſorewe togidere, v He þat loueþ gold, ſchal not be iuſtified; and he þat
and at þe laſte þi teeþ ſchulen be aſtonyed. ſueþ waſtyng, ſchal be fillid þerof.
xi Ȝyue þou not power to hym in ȝongþe, and diſpiſe vi Many men ben ȝouun in to þe fallyngis of gold; and
þou not hiſe þouȝtis. þe perdicioun of hem was maad in þe feirneſſe þerof.
xii Boowe þou his necke in ȝongþe, and bete þou hiſe vii A tre of offencioun is þe gold of hem þat maken
ſidis, while he is a ȝong child; leſt perauenture he wexe ſacrifice; wo to hem þat ſuen it, and ech vnprudent man
hard, and bileue not to þee, and he ſchal be ſorewe of ſchal periſche þer ynne.
ſoule to þee. viii Bliſſid is a riche man, which is foundun wiþ out
xiii Teche þi ſone, and worche in hym; leſt þou offende wem; and þat ȝede not aftir gold, neþer hopide in
in to þe filþe of hym. money, and treſouris.
xiiii Betere is a pore man hool, and ſtrong in myȝtis, þan ix Who is þis, and we ſchulen preyſe hym? for he dide
a riche man feble, and betun wiþ malice. merueils in his lijf.
xv Þe helþe of ſoule is in þe hoolyneſſe of riȝtfulneſſe, x Which is preued þer ynne, and is foundun perfit, and
and it is betere þan ony gold and ſiluer; and a ſtrong euerlaſtynge glorye ſchal be to hym? which myȝte
bodi is betere þan ful myche catel. treſpaſſe, and treſpaſſide not, and do yuels, and dide not.
xvi No catel is aboue þe catel of helþe of bodi; and no xi Þerfor hiſe goodis ben ſtabliſchid in þe Lord; and al
likyng is aboue þe ioie of herte. þe chirche of ſeyntis ſchal telle out hiſe almeſdedis.
xvii Betere is deþ þan bittir lijf, and euerlaſtinge reſte is xii Þou haſt ſete at a greet boord; opene þou not firſte þi
betere þan ſikneſſe dwellynge contynueli. cheke on it.
xviii Goodis hid in a cloſid mouþ ben as ſettyngis forþ of xiii Seie þou not, wheþer þo ben many þingis, þat ben on
metis ſet aboute a ſepulcre. it.
xix What ſchal ſacrifice profite to an idol? for whi it xiiii Haue þou mynde, þat an yuel iȝe is weiward.
ſchal not ete, neþer ſchal ſmelle. xv What þing worſe, þan an iȝe is maad? þerfor of al his
xx So he þat is dryuun awei fro þe Lord, and beriþ þe face he ſchal wepe, whanne he ſeeþ.
medis of wickidneſſe, xvi Stretche þou not forþ firſt þin hond; and þou
xxi ſeynge wiþ iȝen and weilynge inwardli, as a defoulid bi enuye, be aſchamed.
geldynge biclippynge a virgyn, and ſiȝȝynge. xvii Be þou not oppreſſid of wyn in a feeſte.
xxii Ȝyue þou not ſorewe to þi ſoule, and turmente not þi xviii Vnderſtonde of þi ſilf þe þingis, þat ben of þi
ſilf in þi counſel. neiȝbore.
xxiii Mirþe of herte, þis is þe lijf of man, and is treſour xix Vſe þou as a diſcreet and temperat man þeſe þingis
of hoolyneſſe wiþ outen failyng; and ful out ioiyng of a þat ben ſet forþ to þee; and be þou not hatid, whanne
man is long lijf. þou etiſt myche.
xxiiii Haue þou mercy on þi ſoule, and pleſe þou God; xx Ceeſſe þou firſt bicauſe of lernyng, eþir nurture; and
and holde togidere and gadere togidere þin herte in þe nyle þou be outrageouſe, leſt perauenture þou offende.
hoolyneſſe of hym, and putte fer awei ſorewe fro þee. xxi And if þou haſt ſete in þe myddis of many men,
xxv For whi ſorewe haþ ſlayn many men; and noon
ſtretche not forþ þin hond ſunnere þan þei; and axe þou
heelþe is þer ynne. not firſte for to drynke.
xxvi Enuye and wraþfulneſſe ſchulen make leſſe daies; xxii A litil wyn is ful ſufficient to a lerned man; and in
and þouȝtys ſchulen brynge eldneſſe bifore þe tyme. ſlepynge þou ſchalt not trauele for þat wyn, and þou
xxvii A ſchynynge herte is good in metis; for whi meetis ſchalt not feele trauel.
þerof ben maad diligentli. xxiii Wakyng, and colre, eþer bittir moiſture, and
gnawyng to an vndiſcreet `eiþer vntemperat man.

xxiiii But þe ſleep of heelþe is in a ſcars man; he ſchal viii As in þe makyng of gold is a ſigne of ſmaragde, ſo
ſlepe `til to þe morewtid, and his ſoule ſchal delite wiþ þe noumbre of muſikis is in myrie and meſurable wyn.
hym. ix Here þou ſtille, and good grace ſchal come to þee for
xxv And if þou art conſtreyned in etyng myche, ryſe þou reuerence.
fro þe myddis, and brake þou; and it ſchal refreiſche x Ȝonge man, ſpeke þou vnneþis in þi cauſe, whanne
þee, and þou ſchalt not brynge ſikeneſſe to þi bodi. nede is.
xxvi Sone, here þou me, and diſpiſe þou not me; and at xi If þou art axid twies, þe heed haue þin anſwere.
þe laſte þou ſchalt fynde my wordis. xii In many þingis be þou as vnkunnyng, and here þou
xxvii In alle þi werkis be þou ſwift; and al ſikeneſſe ſchal
ſtille togidere and axynge.
not come to þee. xiii And preſume þou not to ſpeke in þe myddis of grete
xxviii Þe lippis of many men ſchulen bleſſe a ſchynynge
men; and where elde men ben, ſpeke þou not myche.
man in looues; and þe witneſſyng of his treuþe is xiiii Leityng ſchal go bifore hail, and grace ſchal go
feiþful. bifore ſchamfaſtneſſe, and good grace ſchal come to þee
xxix Þe citee ſchal grutche in þe worſte breed; and þe
for reuerence.
witneſſyng of wickidneſſe þerof is ſoþ. xv And in þe our of riſyng tifle þee not; forſoþe renne
xxx Nyle þou excite hem þat ben diligent in wyn; for
þou bifore firſt in to þin hous, and þere clepe þou þee to
whi wyn haþ diſtried many men. anſwer, and þere pleie þou.
xxxi Fier preueþ hard irun; ſo wyn drunkun in xvi And do þi conſeitis, and not in ſynnes, and in a proud
drunkeneſſe ſchal repreue þe hertis of proude men. word.
xxxii Euene lijf to men is wyn drunkun in ſobreneſſe; if xvii On alle þeſe þingis bleſſe þou þe Lord, þat made
þou drynkiſt it meſurably, þou ſchalt be ſobre. þee, and fillynge þee greetli of alle hiſe goodis.
xxxiii What is þe lijf which is maad leſſe bi wyn? xviii He þat drediþ God, ſchal take his techyng; and þei
xxxiiii What defraudiþ lijf? deþ. þat waken to hym, ſchulen fynde bleſſyng.
xxxv Wyn was maad in gladneſſe, not in drunkeneſſe, at xix He þat ſekiþ þe lawe, ſchal be fillid þerof; and he þat
þe bigynnyng. doiþ tretourouſli, ſchal be ſclaundrid þer ynne.
xxxvi Wyn drunkun meſurabli is ful out ioiyng of ſoule xx Þei þat dreden God, ſchulen fynde iuſt dom; and
and of bodi. ſchulen kyndle riȝtfulneſſe as lyȝt.
xxxvii Sobre drynk is helþe of ſoule and of bodi. xxi A ſynful man ſchal eſchewe blamyng; and aftir his
xxxviii Wyn drunkun myche makiþ avoiding, and ire, wille he ſchal fynde compariſoun.
and many fallyngis. xxii A man of counſel ſchal not leeſe vndirſtonding; a
xxxix Wyn drunkun myche is bitterneſſe of ſoule. man alien and proud ſchal not drede dredyng.
xl Strengþe of drunkeneſſe and hirting of an vnprudent xxiii Ȝhe, aftir þat he haþ do wiþ þat drede wiþ out

man makiþ vertu leſſe, and makynge woundis. councel, and he ſchal be repreued bi hiſe ſuyngis.
xli In þe feeſte of wyn repreue þou not a neiȝbore; and xxiiii Sone, do þou no þing wiþ out councel; and aftir þe

diſpiſe þou not hym in his mirþe. dede þou ſchalt not repente.
xlii Seye þou not wordis of ſchenſchipe to hym; and xxv Go þou not in þe weie of fallyng, and offende þou

oppreſſe þou not hym in axynge. not aȝens ſtoonys. Bitake þou not þee to a trauelouſe
weie, leſt þou ſette ſclaundir to þi ſoule;
CAP. XXXII xxvi and be þou war of þi ſones, and perſeyue þou of þi
i Þei han ſet þee a gouernour, nyle þou be enhaunſid; be meyneals.
þou among hem as oon of hem. xxvii In al þi werk bileue þou bi feiþ of þi ſoule; for whi
ii Haue þou cure of hem, and ſo biholde þou; and þis is þe keping of comaundementis.
whanne al þi cure is fillid, ſitte þou to mete. xxviii He þat bileueþ to God, takiþ heede to þe
iii Þat þou be glad for hem, and take þe ournement of comaundementis; and he þat triſtiþ in hym, ſchal not be
grace; and gete coroun, and dignyte of congregacioun. maad leſſe.
iiii Speke þou þe gretter man in birþe;
v for whi þe word of hym þat loueþ kunnyng bicome CAP. XXXIII
i Iuelis ſchulen not come to hym þat drediþ God; but
þee firſt; and lette þou not muſik.
vi Where heryng is not, ſchede þou not out a word; and God ſchal kepe hym in temptacioun, and ſchal delyuere
nyle þou be enhaunſid vncouenabli in þi wiſdom. fro yuelis.
vii A iemme of carbuncle in þe ournement of gold; and
compariſoun of muſikis in þe feeſte of wyn.

ii A wijs man hatiþ not þe comaundementis, and xxii For it is betere, þat þi ſones preye þee, þan þat þou
riȝtfulneſſis; and he ſchal not be hurtlid doun, as in þe biholde in to þe hondis of þi ſones.
tempeſt of a ſchip. xxiii In alle þi werkis be þou ſouereyn;
iii A wijs man bileeueþ to þe lawe of God, and þe lawe xxiiii ȝyue þou not a wem in to þi glorie. In þe day of
is feiþful to hym. endyng of daies of þi lijf, and in tyme of þi goyng out
iiii He þat makiþ opene axyng, ſchal make redi a word; departe þin erytage.
and ſo he ſchal preie, and ſchal be herd, and he ſchal xxv Metis, and a ȝerde, and birþun to an aſſe; breed, and
kepe techyng, and þanne he ſchal anſwere. chaſtiſyng, and werk to a ſeruaunt.
v Þe entraylis of a fool ben as a wheel of a carte, and his xxvi He worchiþ in chaſtiſyng, and ſekiþ to haue reſte;
þouȝtis as an extre able to turne aboute. ſlake þou hondis to hym, and he ſekiþ fredom.
vi An hors a ſtaloun, ſo and a frend a ſcornere, neiȝeþ xxvii A ȝok and bridil bowen doun an hard necke; and
vndur ech ſittynge aboue. biſi worchingis bowen doun a ſeruaunt.
vii Whi a dai ouercomeþ a dai, and eft þe lyȝt xxviii Turment and ſtockis to an yuel willid ſeruaunt;
ouercomeþ lyȝt, and a ȝeer ouercomeþ a ȝeer, þe ſunne ſende þou hym in to worchyng, leſt he be ydel;
ouercomeþ þe ſunne? xxix for whi idilneſſe haþ tauȝte miche malice.
viii Þo ben departid of þe kunnyng of þe Lord, bi þe xxx Ordeyne þou hym in werk, for ſo it bicomeþ hym;
ſunne maad, and kepynge þe comaundement of God. þat if he obeieþ not, bowe þou doun hym in ſtockis, and
ix And it ſchal chaunge tymes and þe feeſte daies of
make þou not hym large ouer ony man, but wiþ out
hem, and in þo tymes þe Jewis halewiden hali daies at dom do þou no þing greuouſe.
an our. xxxi If a feiþful ſeruaunt is to þee, be he as þi ſoule to
x God enhaunſide and magnyfiede of þo hali daies; and
þee; trete þou him ſo as a broþer, for þou haſt bouȝt hym
of þo he ſettide in to þe noumbre of daies; and God in þe blood of lijf.
made alle men of ſad erþe, and of neiſche erþe, whereof xxxii If þou hurtiſt hym vniuſtli, he ſchal be turned in to
Adam was formed. fleyng awei;
xi In þe multitude of kunnyng of þe Lord he departide xxxiii and if he enhaunſynge goiþ awei, þou nooſt whom
hem, and chaungide þe weies of hem. þou ſchalt ſeke, and in what weie þou ſchalt ſeke hym.
xii Of hem God bleſſide, and enhaunſide; and of hem he
halewide, and chees to hym ſilf; of hem he curſide, and CAP. XXXIIII
made lowe, and turnyde hem fro þe departyng of hem. i Veyn hope and a leeſyng to an vnwijs man; and dremes
xiii As cley of a pottere is in þe hond of hym,
enhaunſen vnprudent men.
xiiii to make and diſpoſe, þat alle þe weies þerof ben ii As he þat takiþ ſchadewe, and purſueþ wynd, ſo and
aftir þe ordynaunce of hym; ſo a man is in þe hond of he þat takiþ heede to leeſyngis ſeyn.
hym þat made hym; and he ſchal ȝelde to hym bi his iii Vpe þis þing is þe ſiȝt of dremes; bifore þe face of a
dom. man is þe licneſſe of anoþer man.
xv Aȝens yuel is good, and aȝens lijf is deþ; ſo and a iiii What ſchal be clenſid of him þat is vnclene, and what
ſynnere is aȝens a iuſt man. And ſo biholde þou in to trewe þing ſchal be ſeid of a liere?
alle þe werkis of þe hiȝeſte; twey þingis aȝens tweyne, v Fals dyuynyng of errour, and fals dyuynyngis bi
and o þing aȝens oon.
xvi And Y þe laſte wakide, and as he þat gaderiþ draf of
chiteryng of briddis, and dremes of witchis, is vanyte.
vi And as þe herte of a womman trauelynge of child, þin
grapis, aftir þe gadereris of grapis.
xvii And Y hopide in þe bleſſyng of God; and as he þat
herte ſuffriþ fantaſies; no but viſitacioun is ſent out of þe
hiȝeſte, ȝyue þou not þin herte in þo dremes.
gaderiþ grapis, Y fillide þe preſſour. vii For whi dremes han maad many men for to erre, and
xviii Biholde ȝe, for Y trauelide not to me aloone, but to
men hopynge in þo fellen doun.
alle þat ſeken kunnyng. viii Þe word of þe lawe `of God and of hiſe profetis,
xix Grete men, and alle puplis, here ȝe me; and ȝe
ſchal be maad perfit wiþ out leeſyng; and wiſdom in þe
gouernouris of þe chirche, perſeyue wiþ eeris. mouþ of a feiþful man ſchal be maad pleyn.
xx Ȝyue þou not power ouer þee in þi lijf to a ſone, and ix What kan he, þat is not aſaied? A man aſaied in many
to a womman, to a broþir, and to a freend; and ȝyue þou þingis, ſchal þenke many þingis; and he þat lernyde
not þi poſſeſſioun to anoþer man, leſt perauenture it many þingis, ſchal telle out vndirſtondyng.
repente þee, and þou biſeche for þo. x He þat is not aſaied, knowiþ fewe þingis; forſoþe he
xxi While þou art alyue, and breþiſt ȝit, ech man ſchal
þat is a fool in many þingis, ſchal multiplie malice.
not chaunge þee.

xi What maner þingis kan he, þat is not aſaied? He þat is iii And to offre þe pleſyng of ſacrifice for vnriȝtfulneſſes,
not plauntid, ſchal be plenteuouſe in wickidneſſe. and biſechyng for ſynnes, is to go awey fro
xii I ſiȝ many þingis in tellyng out, and ful many vnriȝtfulneſſe.
cuſtoms of wordis. iiii He þat offriþ pureſt flour of wheete, ſchal ȝelde
xiii Sum tyme Y was in perel `til to deþ, for þe cauſe of grace; and he þat doiþ merci, offriþ a ſacrifice.
þeſe þingis; and Y was delyuered bi þe grace of God. v It is wel pleſaunt to þe Lord, to go awei fro
xiiii Þe ſpirit of hem þat dreden God is ſouȝt, and ſchal wickidneſſe; and preier is to go awei fro vnriȝtfulneſſe.
be bleſſid in þe biholding of hym. vi Þou ſchalt not appere voide bifore þe ſiȝt of God;
xv For whi þe hope of hem is in to God ſauynge hem; vii for whi alle þeſe þingis ben doon for þe heeſtis of
and þe iȝen of þe Lord ben in to hem, þat louen hym. God.
xvi He þat drediþ God, ſchal not tremble for ony þing, viii Þe offryng of a iuſt man makiþ fat þe auter, and is
and he ſchal not drede; for whi God is his hope. odour of ſwetneſſe in þe ſiȝt of þe hiȝeſte.
xvii Þe ſoule of hym þat drediþ þe Lord, is bleſſid. ix Þe ſacrifice of a iuſt man is acceptable, and þe Lord
xviii To whom biholdiþ he, and who is his ſtrengþe? ſchal not forȝete þe mynde of hym.
xix Þe iȝen of þe Lord ben on hem þat dreden hym. God x Wiþ good wille ȝelde þou glorie to God, and make

is a defendere of myȝt, ſtidfaſtneſſe of vertu, hilyng of þou not leſſe þe firſte fruytis of þin hondis.
heete, and a ſchadewyng place of myddai; xi In ech ȝifte make glad þi cheer, and in ful out ioiyng
xx biſechyng of offendyng, and help of fallyng, halewe þi tiþis.
enhaunſynge þe ſoule, and liȝtnynge þe iȝen, and xii Ȝyue þou to þe hiȝeſte aftir his ȝifte; and wiþ good
ȝyuynge heelþe, and lijf, and bleſſyng. iȝe make þou þe fyndyng of þin hondis.
xxi Þe offryng of hym þat offriþ of wickid þing, is xiii For whi þe Lord is a ȝeldere, and he ſchal ȝelde
defoulid; and þe ſcornyngis of vniuſt men ben not wel ſeuene fold ſo myche to þee.
pleſaunt. xiiii Nyle þou offre ſchrewid ȝiftis; for he ſchal not
xxii Þe Lord aloone is to hem þat abiden hym in þe weie reſſeyue þo.
of treuþe, and of riȝtfulneſſe. xv And nyle þou biholde an vniuſt ſacrifice; for þe Lord
xxiii Þe hiȝeſte appreueþ not þe ȝiftis of wickid men, is iuge, and glorie of perſoone is not at hym.
neþir biholdiþ in þe offryngis of wickid men, neþer in xvi Þe Lord ſchal not take a perſoone aȝens a pore man;
þe multitude of her ſacrifices he ſchal do mercy to and he ſchal here þe preier of hym þat is hirt.
ſynnes. xvii He ſchal not diſpiſe þe preyeris of a fadirles child,
xxiiii He þat offriþ ſacrifice of þe catel of pore men, is as
neþer a widewe, if ſche ſchediþ out ſpeche of weilyng.
he þat ſleeþ þe ſone in þe ſiȝt of his fadir. xviii Wheþer þe teeris of a widew goen not doun to þe
xxv Þe breed of nedi men is þe lijf of a pore man; he þat
cheke, and þe criyng of hir on hym þat lediþ forþ þo
defraudiþ hym, is a man of blood. teeris?
xxvi He þat takiþ awei breed in ſwoot, is as he þat ſleeþ xix For whi þo ſtien fro þe cheke `til to heuene, and þe
his neiȝbore. Lord herere ſchal not delite in þo.
xxvii He þat ſchediþ out blood, and he þat doiþ fraude to xx He þat worſchipiþ God in delityng, ſchal be
an hirid man, ben briþeren. reſſeyued; and his preyer ſchal neiȝe `til to þe clowdis.
xxviii Oon bildynge, and oon diſtriynge; what profitiþ it xxi Þe preier of hym þat mekiþ hym ſilf ſchal perſe
to hem, no but trauel? clowdis, and til it neiȝeþ, he ſchal not be coumfortid,
xxix Oon preiynge, and oon curſynge; whos vois ſchal þe and he ſchal not go awey, til þe hiȝeſte biholde.
Lord here? xxii And þe Lord ſchal not be fer, but he ſchal iuge iuſt
xxx What profitiþ þe waiſchyng of hym, þat is waiſchun men, and ſchal make doom; and þe ſtrongeſte ſchal not
for a deed bodi, and touchiþ eft a deed bodi? haue pacience in þo, þat he troble þe bak of hem.
xxxi So a man þat faſtiþ in hiſe ſynnes, and eft doynge þe xxiii And he ſchal ȝelde veniaunce to folkis, til he take
ſame ſynnes, what profitiþ he in mekynge hym ſilf? who awei þe fulneſſe of proude men, and troble togidere þe
ſchal here his preyer? ceptris of wickid men;
xxiiii til he ȝelde to men aftir her dedis, and aftir þe
CAP. XXXV werkis of Adam, and aftir þe preſumpcioun of hym;
i He þat kepiþ þe word, multiplieþ preier. xxv til he deme þe dome of his puple, and ſchal delite
ii Heelful ſacrifice is to take heede to þe iuſt men in his merci.
comaundementis, and to departe fro al wickidneſſe. xxvi Þe merci of God is fair in þe tyme of tribulacioun,
as clowdis of reyn in þe tyme of dryneſſe.

CAP. XXXVI xxiiii Þefairneſſe of a womman makiþ glad þe face of hir
i God of alle þingis, haue þou merci on vs; and biholde hoſebonde, and ſche ſchal brynge deſir ouer al þe
þou vs, and ſchewe þou to vs þe lyȝt of þi merciful coueitiſe of man.
doyngis. xxv If þer is a tunge of heelyng, þer is alſo of ſwagyng,
ii And ſende þi drede on heþene men, þat ſouȝten not and of merci; þe hoſebonde of hir is not aftir þe ſones of
þee, þat þei knowe þat no God is, no but þou; þat þei men.
telle out þi grete dedis. xxvi He þat haþ in poſſeſſioun a good womman,
iii Reiſe þin hond on heþene men aliens, þat þei ſe þi bigynneþ poſſeſſioun; ſche is an help lijk hym, and a
power. piler as reſte.
iiii For as þou were halewid in vs in þe ſiȝt of hem, ſo in xxvii Where an hegge is not, þe poſſeſſioun ſchal be
oure ſiȝt þou ſchalt be magnefyed in hem; rauyſchid awei; and where a womman is not, a nedi
v þat þei knowe þee, as and we han knowe, þat noon man weiliþ.
oþere is God, outakun þee, Lord. xxviii To whom bileueþ he þat haþ no neſt, and bowiþ
vi Make þou newe ſignes, and chaunge þou merueilis; doun where euer it is derk, as a þeef girt, ſkippynge out
vii glorifie þe hond, and þe riȝt arm. fro citee in to citee?
viii Reiſe þou ſtronge veniaunce, and ſchede out ire;
ix take awei þe aduerſarie, and turmente þe enemye. CAP. XXXVII
i Ech frend ſchal ſeie, And Y haue couplid frenſchip; but
x Haaſte þou þe tyme, and haue þou mynde on þe ende,
þat is a frend, a frend bi name aloone. Wheþer ſorewe is
þat þei telle out þi merueils.
xi And he þat is ſauyd, be deuourid in þe ire of flawme; not til to deþ?
ii Forſoþe a felowe of table and a frend ſchulen be
and þei þat treten worſt þi puple, fynde perdicioun.
xii Al to-breke þou þe heed of princis, and of enemyes, turned to enemyte.
iii A! þe worſte preſumpcioun, wherof art þou maad to
ſeiynge, Noon oþere is, outakun vs.
xiii Gadere þou togidere alle þe lynagis of Jacob, and hile drie malice, and þe gilefulneſſe þerof?
iiii A felowe of table ſchal be myrie wiþ a frend in
knowe þei þat no God is, no but þou, þat þei telle out þi
delityngis, and in þe dai of tribulacioun he ſchal be
grete dedis; and þou ſchalt enherite hem, as at þe
bigynnyng. v A felowe of table ſchal haue ſorewe wiþ a frend, for
xiiii Haue þou merci on þi puple, on which þi name is
cauſe of þe wombe; and he ſchal take ſcheeld aȝens an
clepid in to help; and on Iſrael, whom þou madiſt euene
to þi firſte gendrid ſone. vi Forȝete þou not þi frend in þi ſoule, and be þou not
xv Haue þou merci on Jeruſalem, þe citee of þin
vnmyndeful of hym in þi werkis.
halewyng, on þe citee of þi reſte. vii Nyle þou take councel wiþ þe fadir of þi wijf; and
xvi Fille þou Syon wiþ þi vertues, þat moun not be teld
hide þou councel fro hem þat han enuye to þee.
out, and fille þi puple wiþ þi glorie. viii Ech councelour ſchewiþ councel, but þer is a
xvii Ȝyue þou witneſſyng, þat at þe bigynnyng þei weren
councelour to hym ſilf.
þi creaturis; and reiſe þou preieris, whiche þe formere ix Kepe þi ſoule fro an yuel counſelour; firſte wite þou,
profetis ſpaken in þi name.
xviii Lord, ȝyue þou meede to hem þat abiden þee, þat þi what is his nede, and what he ſchal þenke in his ſoule;
x leſt perauenture he ſende a ſtake in to þe erþe, and ſeie
prophetis be foundun trewe; and here þou þe preier of
þi ſeruauntis. to þee,
xi Þi weie is good, and he ſtonde aȝenward, to ſe what
xix Aftir þe bleſſyng of Aaron ȝyue þou to þi puple, and
dreſſe þou vs in to þe weie of riȝtfulneſſe; þat alle men ſchal bifalle to þee.
xii Wiþ an vnreligiouſe man trete þou of holyneſſe, and
wite, þat dwellen in erþe, þat þou art God, þe biholdere
of worldis. wiþ an vniuſt man of riȝtfulneſſe, and wiþ a womman of
xx Þe wombe ſchal ete alle mete, and o mete is betere þeſe þingis whiche ſche hatiþ. Wiþ a ferdful man trete
þan anoþer mete. þou of batel, wiþ a marchaunt, of cariyng ouer of
xxi Chekis touchen mete almeſt, and an vnwiſe herte marchaundies to chepyng; wiþ a biere, of ſillyng, wiþ
an enuyouſe man, of graces to be don;
reſſeyueþ falſe wordis. xiii wiþ an vnpitouſe man, of pytee, wiþ an vnoneſt man,
xxii A ſchrewid herte ſchal ȝyue heuyneſſe, and a wijs
of oneſte, wiþ a werk man of þe feeld, of ech werk;
man ſchal aȝenſtonde it. xiiii wiþ a werk man hirid bi þe ȝeer, of þe endyng of þe
xxiii A womman ſchal take ech knaue child, and a
ȝeer, wiþ a ſlowe ſeruaunt, of myche worchyng. Ȝyue
douȝtir is betere þan a ſone.
þou not tent to þeſe men in al councel,

xv but be þou biſi wiþ an hooli man, whom euere þou v Wheþer bittir watir was not maad ſwete of a tre?
knowiſt kepynge Goddis drede, vi Þe vertu of þo þingis cam bi experience to þe
xvi whos ſoule is aftir þi ſoule. Who euer doutiþ in knowing of men; and þe hiȝeſte ȝaf kunnyng to men, for
derkneſſis, ſchal not haue ſorewe wiþ þee. to be onourid in his merueils.
xvii And ſtabliſche þou þe herte of good councel wiþ vii A man heelynge in þeſe þingis ſchal aſwage ſorewe,
þee; for whi anoþer þing is not more þan it to þee. and an oynement makere ſchal make pymentis of
xviii Þe ſoule of an hooli man telliþ out treuþis ſum ſwetneſſe, and ſchal make anoyntyngis of heelþe; and
tyme; more þan ſeuene biholderis ſittynge an hiȝ for to hiſe werkis ſchulen not be endid.
biholde. viii For whi þe pees of God is on þe face of erþe.
xix And in alle þeſe þingis biſeche þou þe hiȝeſte, þat he ix Mi ſone, diſpiſe not þi ſilf in þi ſikeneſſe; but preie
dreſſe þi weie in treuþe. þou þe Lord, and he ſchal heele þee.
xx Bifore alle werkis a ſoþefaſt word go bifore þee; and x Turne þou awei fro ſynne, and dreſſe þin hondis, and
a ſtidfaſt councel go bifore ech dede. clenſe þin herte fro al ſynne.
xxi A wickid word ſchal chaunge þe herte, of which xi Ȝyue þou ſwetneſſe, and þe mynde of cleene flour of
herte foure partis comen forþ; good and yuel, lijf and wheete, and make þou fat offryng; and ȝyue þou place
deþ; and a biſi tunge is lord of þo. to a leche.
xxii A wijs man haþ tauȝt many men, and he is ſwete to xii For þe Lord made hym, and departe he not fro þee;
his ſoule. for hiſe werkis ben nedeful to þee.
xxiii He þat ſpekiþ `bi ſoffym, is hateful; he ſchal be xiii For whi tyme is, whanne þou ſchalt falle in to þe
defraudid in ech þing. hondis of hem.
xxiiii For whi grace is not ȝouun of þe Lord to hym, for xiiii Forſoþe þei ſchulen biſeche þe Lord, þat he dreſſe þe
he is defraudid of al wiſdom. werk of hem, and helþe for her lyuyng.
xxv A wijs man is wijs to his ſoule, and þe fruytis of his xv He þat treſpaſſiþ in þe ſiȝt of hym, þat made hym,
wit ben worþi to be preiſid. ſchal falle in to þe hondis of þe leche.
xxvi A wijs man techiþ his puple, and þe fruytis of his xvi Sone, brynge þou forþ teeris on a deed man, and þou
wit ben feiþful. as ſuffrynge hard þingis bigynne to wepe; and bi doom
xxvii A wijs man ſchal be fillid wiþ bleſſyngis, and þei hile þou þe bodi of hym, and diſpiſe þou not his biriyng.
þat ſeen hym ſchulen preiſe hym. xvii But for bacbityng bere þou bittirli þe morenyng of
xxviii Þe lijf of a man is in þe noumbre of daies; but þe hym o dai; and be þou coumfortid for ſorewe.
daies of Iſrael ben vnnoumbrable. xviii And make þou morenyng aftir his merit o dai, eþer
xxix A wijs man in þe puple ſchal enherite onour, and his tweyne, for bacbityng.
name ſchal be lyuynge wiþ outen ende. xix For whi deþ haſtiþ of ſorewe, and hiliþ vertu; and þe
xxx Sone, aſaie þi ſoule in þi lijf; and if it is wickid, ȝyue ſorewe of herte bowiþ þe heed.
þou not power to it; xx Sorewe dwelliþ in ledyng awei; and þe catel of a nedi
xxxi for whi not alle þingis ſpeden to alle men, and not man is aftir his herte.
ech kynde pleſiþ ech ſoule. xxi Ȝyue þou not þin herte in ſorewe, but put it awei fro
xxxii Nyle þou be gredi in ech etyng, and ſchede þou not þee; and haue þou mynde on þe laſte þingis, and nyle
out þee on ech mete. þou forȝete.
xxxiii For in many metis ſchal be ſikeneſſe, and xxii For whi no turning is, and þou ſchalt no þing profite

gredyneſſe ſchal neiȝe `til to colrye. to þis deed man; and þou ſchalt harme worſte þi ſilf.
xxxiiii Many men dieden for glotenye; but he þat is xxiii Be þou myndeful of mi dom; for alſo þin ſchal be

abſtinent, ſchal encreeſſe lijf. þus, to me ȝiſtirdai, and to þee to dai.

xxiiii In þe reſte of a deed man make þou hys mynde to
CAP. XXXVIII haue reſte; and coumforte þou hym in þe goyng out of
i Onoure þou a leche, for nede; for whi þe hiȝeſte haþ his ſpirit.
maad hym. xxv Write þou wiſdom in þe tyme of voideneſſe; and he
ii For whi al medicyn is of God; and he ſchal take of þe þat is made leſſe in dede, ſchal perſeyue wiſdom; for he
kyng a ȝifte. ſchal be fillid of wiſdom.
iii Þe kunnyng of a leche ſchal enhaunſe his heed; and xxvi He þat holdiþ þe plow, and he þat haþ glorie in a

he ſchal be preiſid in þe ſiȝt of grete men. gohode, dryueþ oxis wiþ a pricke, and he lyueþ in þe
iiii Þe hiȝeſte haþ maad of þe erþe medicyn; and a werkis of þo; and his tellyng is in þe ſones of bolis.
xxvii He ſchal ȝyue his herte to turne forewis; and his
prudent man ſchal not wlate it.
wakyng ſchal be aboute þe fatneſſe of kien.

xxviii So ech carpenter, and principal werk man, þat x And he ſchal dreſſe his counſel, and techyng; and ſchal
paſſiþ þe niȝt as þe dai; þat graueþ ymagis grauun, and councele in hiſe hid þingis.
þe biſyneſſe of hym dyuerſiþ þe peynture; he ſchal ȝyue xi He ſchal make opene þe wiſdom of his techyng; and
his herte to þe licneſſe of peynture, and bi his wakyng he ſchal haue glorie in þe lawe of þe teſtament of þe
he perfourmeþ þe werk. Lord.
xxix So a ſmyþ ſittynge biſidis þe anefelt, and xii Many men ſchulen preyſe his wiſdom; and it ſchal
biholdynge þe werk of yrun, þe heete of fier brenneþ not be don awey til in to þe world.
hiſe fleiſchis; and he ſtryueþ in þe heete of þe furneis. xiii His mynde ſchal not go awei; and his name ſchal be
xxx Þe vois of a hamer makiþ newe his eere; and his iȝe
ſouȝt fro generacioun in to generacioun.
is aȝens þe licneſſe of a veſſel. xiiii Folkis ſchulen telle out his wiſdom; and þe chirche
xxxi He ſchal ȝyue his herte in to þe perfourmyng of
ſchal telle his preiſyng.
werkis; and bi his wakyng he ſchal ourne xv If his name dwelliþ, he ſchal leeue more þan a
vnperfeccioun. þouſynde; and if he reſtiþ, it ſchal profite to hym.
xxxii So a potter ſittynge at his werk, turnynge a wheel xvi Ȝit Y ſchal take councel to telle out, for Y am fillid
wiþ hiſe feet, which is put euere in biſyneſſe for his as wiþ woodneſſe;
werk; and al his worchyng is vnnoumbrable. xvii and myn ynnere ſpirit ſeiþ in vois, Ȝe fruytis of God,
xxxiii In his arm he ſchal fourme clei; and bifore hiſe feet
here me, and make ȝe fruyt, as rooſis plauntide on þe
he ſchal bowe his vertu. ryuers of watris.
xxxiiii He ſchal ȝyue his herte to ende perfitli ſum þing; xviii Haue ȝe odour of ſwetneſſe, as þe Liban haþ.
and bi his wakyng he ſchal clenſe þe furneis. xix Bringe forþ flouris, as a lilee; ȝyue ȝe odour, and
xxxv Alle þeſe men hopiden in her hondis; and ech man
make ȝe boowis in to grace. And preiſe ȝe togidere a
is wijs in his craft. ſong; and bleſſe ȝe þe Lord in hiſe werkis.
xxxvi A citee is not bildid wiþ outen alle þeſe men. xx Ȝyue ȝe greet onour to his name, and knouleche ȝe to
xxxvii And þei ſchulen not dwelle, neþer go; and þei
him in þe vois of ȝoure lippis, in ſongis of lippis, and in
ſchulen not ſkippe ouer in to þe chirche. harpis; and þus ȝe ſchulen ſeie in knouleching,
xxxviii Þei ſchulen not ſitte on þe ſeete of a iuge; and þei xxi Alle þe werkis of þe Lord ben ful goode.
ſchulen not vndirſtonde þe teſtament of doom, neþer þei xxii Forſoþe watir as an heepe of ſtoonys ſtood at his
ſchulen make opyn techyng and doom; and þei ſchulen word; and as reſettis of watris in þe word of his mouþ.
not be foundun in parablis. xxiii For whi peſibleneſſe is maad in his comaundement;
xxxix But þei ſchulen conferme þe creature of þe world,
and no defaute is in þe heelþe of hym.
and her preyer is in þe worching of craft; and þei ȝyuen xxiiii Þe werkis of ech fleiſch ben bifore hym; and no
her ſoule, and þei axen togidere in þe lawe of þe hiȝeſte. þing is hid fro hiſe iȝen.
xxv He biholdiþ fro þe world til in to þe world; and no
i A wijs man ſchal ſeke out þe wiſdom of alle elde men; þing is wondurful in his ſiȝt.
xxvi It is not to ſeie, What is þis þing, eþer, What is þat
and he ſchal ȝyue tent in profetis.
ii He ſchal kepe þe tellyng of named men; and he ſchal þing? for whi alle þingis ſchulen be ſouȝt in her tyme.
xxvii Þe bleſſyng of hym ſchal flowe as a flood;
entre togidere in to þe hard ſentenſis of parablis. xxviii and as þe grete flood fillide greteli þe erþe, ſo his
iii He ſchal ſeke out þe pryuy þingis of prouerbis; and he
yre ſchal enherite in folkis, þat ſouȝten not hym.
ſchal be conuerſaunt in þe hid þingis of parablis. xxix As he turnede watris in to dryneſſis, and þe erþe
iiii He ſchal mynyſtre in þe myddis of grete men; and he
was dried, and hiſe weies weren dreſſid to þe weies of
ſchal appere in þe ſiȝt of þe cheef iuge.
v He ſchal paſſe in to þe lond of alien folkis; for he ſchal hem; ſo offenciouns in his ire ben dreſſid to ſynneris.
xxx Goode þingis weren maad at þe bigynnyng to goode
aſaie goodis, and yuels in alle þingis.
vi He ſchal ȝyue his herte to wake eerli to þe Lord þat men; ſo goode þingis and yuele ben maad to worſte
made hym; and he ſchal biſeche in þe ſiȝt of þe hiȝeſte. xxxi Þe bigynnyng of nedeful þing to þe lijf of men,
vii He ſchal opene his mouþ in preier; and he ſchal
watir, fier, and yrun, and ſalt, and mylk, and breed of
biſeche for hiſe treſpaſſis. cleene flour of whete, and hony, and a cluſtre of grape,
viii For if þe grete Lord wole, he ſchal fille hym wiþ þe
and oile, and cloþ.
ſpirit of vndurſtondyng. xxxii Alle þeſe þingis ſchulen turne to hooli men in to
ix And he ſchal ſende þe wordis of his wiſdom, as
goodis; ſo and to vnfeiþful men and ſynneris in to yuels.
reynes; and in preier he ſchal knouleche to þe Lord.

xxxiii Spiritis ben þat ben maad to veniaunce; and in her xiiii An vniuſt man ſchal be glad in openynge hiſe
woodneſſe þei confermyden her turmentis. hondis; ſo treſpaſſouris ſchulen faile in þe ende.
xxxiiii And in þe tyme of endyng þei ſchulen ſchede out xv Þe ſones of ſones of wickid men ſchulen not multiplie
vertu; and þei ſchulen confounde þe ſtrong veniaunce of braunchis; and vncleene rootis ſownen on þe cop of a
hym þat made hem. ſtoon.
xxxv Fier, hail, hungur, and deþ; alle þeſe þingis ben xvi Greneneſſe biſidis ech watir; and at þe brynk of þe
maad to veniaunce; þe teeþ of beeſtis, flood it ſchal be drawun out bi þe roote bifor al hey.
xxxvi and ſcorpiouns, and ſerpentis, and a ſwerd xvii Grace as paradiſs in bleſſyngis; and merci dwelliþ in
punyſchynge wickid men in to deſtriyng. to þe world.
xxxvii In þe comaundementis of hym þo ſchulen ete, and xviii Þe lijf of a werk man ſufficient to hym ſilf ſchal be
þo ſchulen be maad redi on þe erþe in nede; and in her maad ſwete; and þou ſchalt fynde treſour þer ynne.
tymes þo ſchulen not paſſe o word. xix Bildyng of a citee ſchal conferme a name; and a
xxxviii Þerfor fro þe bigynnyng Y was confermed; and Y womman wiþ out wem ſchal be rikenyd aboue þis.
counſelide, and þouȝte, and lefte writun. xx Wyn and muſik maken glad þe herte; and loue of
xxxix Alle þe werkis of þe Lord ben goode; and ech wiſdom gladiþ aboue euer eiþer.
werk ſchal ſerue in his our. xxi Pipis and ſawtree maken ſwete melodie; and a ſwete
xl It is not to ſeie, Þis is worſe þan þat; for whi alle tunge aboue euer eiþer.
þingis ſchulen be preued in her tyme. xxii An yȝe ſchal deſire grace and fairneſſe; and greene
xli And now in al þe herte and mouþ preiſe ȝe togidere, ſowyngis aboue þeſe þingis.
and bleſſe ȝe þe name of þe Lord. xxiii A frend and felowe comynge togidere in tyme; and
a womman wiþ man aboue euer eiþer.
CAP. XL xxiiii Briþeren in to help in þe tyme of tribulacioun
i Greet occupacioun is maad to alle men, and an heuy
`coumforten myche; and merci ſchal delyuere more þan
ȝok on þe ſones of Adam, fro þe dai of þe goyng out of þei.
þe wombe of her modir, til in to þe dai of biriyng in to xxv Gold and ſiluer, and ſettyng of feet; and counſel wel
þe modir of alle men. pleſing is aboue euer eiþer.
ii Þe þouȝtis of hem, and þe dredis of herte, fyndyngis xxvi Richeſſis and vertues enhaunſen þe herte; and þe
of abidyng, and þe dai of endyng; drede of þe Lord more þan þis.
iii fro hym þat ſittiþ bifore on a gloriouſe ſeete, `til to a xxvii Making leſſe is not in þe drede of þe Lord; and in
man maad lowe in to erþe and aiſche; þat drede it is not to ſeke help.
iiii fro hym þat vſiþ iacynct, and beriþ a coroun, `til to xxviii Þe drede of þe Lord is as paradijs of bleſſyng; and
hym þat is hilid wiþ raw lynnun cloþ, woodneſſe, `þe bleſſyngis of God kyueriden hym aboue al glorie.
enuye, noiſe, doutyng, and drede of deþ, wraþfulneſſe xxix Sone, in þe tyme of þi lijf be þou not nedi; for it is
dwellynge contynueli, and ſtrijf; betere to die, þan to be nedi.
v and in þe tyme of reſtyng in þe bed, þe ſleep of nyȝt
xxx A man biholdinge in to anoþer mannus boord, his
chaungiþ his kunnyng. lijf is not in þe þouȝt of lijflode; for he ſuſteyneþ his lijf
vi Forſoþe a litil is as nouȝt in reſte; biholdyng is of hym
wiþ oþere mennus metis.
in ſleep as in þe dai. xxxi Forſoþe a chaſtiſid man and lernd ſchal kepe him
vii He is diſturblid in þe ſiȝt of his herte, as he þat
aſcapiþ in þe dai of batel. He roos vp in þe dai of his xxxii Nedyneſſe ſchal be defoulid in þe mouþ of an
helþe, and dredynge not at ony drede, wiþ al fleiſch, vnprudent man; and fier ſchal brenne in his wombe.
viii fro man `til to beeſte, and ſeuenefold ſchal come on
ſynneris. CAP. XLI
ix At þeſe þingis, deþ, blood, ſtryuyng, and ſwerd, i A! deþ, þi mynde is ful bittir to an vniuſt man, and
oppreſſyngis, hungur, and ſorewe, and beetyngis; hauynge pees in hiſe richeſſis;
x alle þeſe þingis ben maad on wickid men, and þe greet ii to a reſtful man, and whoſe weies ben dreſſid in alle
flood was maad for hem. þingis, and ȝit myȝti to take mete.
xi For whi alle þingis þat ben of þe erþe, ſchulen turne iii A! deþ, þi doom is good to a nedi man, and which is
in to þe erþe; and alle watris ſchulen turne in to þe ſee. maad leſſe in ſtrengþis,
xii Al ȝifte and wickidneſſe ſchal be don awei; and feiþ iiii and failiþ for age, and to whom is care of alle þingis,
ſchal ſtonde in to þe world. and vnbileueful, þat leeſiþ wiſdom.
xiii Þe richeſſis of vniuſt men ſchulen be maad drie as a
flood; and ſchulen ſowne as a greet þundur in reyn.

v Nyle þou drede þe doom of deþ; haue þou mynde xxvii Biholde þou not þe womman of an oþere man; and
what þingis weren byfore þee, and what þingis ſchulen enſerche þou not her hand maide, neþer ſtonde þou at
come on þee; þis dom is of þe Lord to ech man. hir bed.
vi And þo þingis þat ſchulen come on þee in þe good xxviii Be þou war of frendis, of þe wordis of vpbreidyng;
pleſaunce of þe hiȝeſte; wheþir ten ȝeer, eþer an and whanne þou haſt ȝoue, vpbreide þou not.
hundrid, eþer a þouſynde.
vii For whi noon accuſyng of lijf is in helle. CAP. XLII
viii Þe ſones of abhomynaciouns ben þe ſones of i Double þou not a word of heryng, of þe ſchewyng of

ſynneris; and þei þat dwellen biſidis þe houſis of wickid an hid word; and þou ſchalt be verily wiþ out ſchame,
men. and þou ſchalt fynde grace in þe ſiȝt of alle men. Be þou
ix Þe eritage of þe ſones of ſynneris ſchal periſche; and not ſchent for alle þeſe þingis; and take þou not a
þe contynuaunce of ſchenſchipe wiþ þe ſeed of hem. perſoone, þat þou do treſpas.
x Sones playnen of a wickid fadir; for þei ben in ii Be þou war of þe lawe and teſtament of þe hiȝeſte, of

ſchenſchip for hym. doom to iuſtifie a wickid man;

xi Wo to ȝou, ȝe wickid men, þat han forſake þe lawe of iii of þe word of felowis, and of weigoeris, and of þe

þe hiȝeſte. ȝyuyng of eritage of frendis;

xii And if ȝe be borun, ȝe ſchulen be borun in iiii of þe euenneſſe of balaunce, and of weiȝtis, of þe

curſidneſſe; and if ȝe ben deed, ȝoure part ſchal be in getyng

curſidneſſe. of many þingis, and of fewe þingis;
xiii Alle þingis þat ben of þe erþe, ſchulen turne in to þe v of corrupcioun of biyng, and of marchauntis, and of

erþe; ſo wickid men ſchulen turne fro curſyng in to myche chaſtiſing of ſones; and of a worſte ſeruaunt, to
perdicioun. make þe ſide to bleede.
xiiii Þe morenyng of men is in þe bodi of hem; but þe vi A ſeelyng is good on a wickid man.
vii Where ben many hondis, cloſe þou; and what euer
name of wickid men ſchal be doon awei.
xv Haue þou biſyneſſe of a good name; for whi þis ſchal þing þou ſchalt bitake, noumbre þou, and weie þou;
dwelle more wiþ þee, þan a þouſynde treſouris grete and forſoþe diſcryue þou, eþer write, ech ȝifte, and takyng.
viii Abſteine þou fro þe techyng of an vnwitti man, and
xvi Þe noumbre of daies is þe terme of good lijf; but a fool, and of eldere men þat ben demed of ȝonge men;
good name ſchal dwelle wiþ outen ende. and þou ſchalt be lernd in alle þingis, and þou ſchalt be
xvii Sones, kepe ȝe techyng in pees; for whi wiſdom hid, comendable in þe ſiȝt of alle men.
ix An hid douȝter of a fadir is wakynge and biſyneſſe of
and treſour vnſeyn, what profit is in euer eiþer?
xviii Betere is a man þat hidiþ his foli, þan a man þat hym; ſche ſchal take awei ſleep; leſt perauenture ſche be
hidiþ his wiſdom. maad auowtreſſe in hir ȝong wexynge age, and leſt ſche
xix Neþeles turne ȝe aȝen in þeſe þingis þat comen forþ dwellynge wiþ þe hoſebonde, be maad hateful;
x leſt ony tyme ſche be defoulid in hir virginytee, and be
of my mouþ.
xx For it is not good to kepe alle vnreuerence, and not foundun wiþ child in þe kepyng of hir fadir; leſte
perauenture ſche dwellynge wiþ þe hoſebonde, do
alle þingis pleſen alle men in feiþ.
xxi Be ȝe aſchamed of fornycacioun, bifor fadir, and treſpaſſe, eþer certis be maad bareyn.
xi Ordeyne þou kepyng on a letcherouſe douȝter, leſt
bifor modir; and of a leeſyng, bifore a iuſtice, and bifore
ony tyme ſche make þee to come in to ſchenſchipe to
a myȝti man;
xxii and of treſpas, bifor a prince, and bifore a iuge; and enemyes, of bacbityng in þe citee, and of caſtyng out of
þe puple; and ſche make þee aſchamed in þe multitude
of wickidneſſe, bifore a ſynagoge, and a puple; and of of puple.
vnriȝtwiſneſſe, xii Nyle þou take heed to ech man in þe fairneſſe; and
xxiii bifore a felow, and a frend;
nyle þou dwelle in þe myddis of wymmen.
xxiiii and of þefte, in þe place where ynne þou dwelliſt;
xiii For whi a mouȝte comeþ forþ of cloþis, and þe
of þe treuþe and teſtament of God; of ſittyng at þe mete wickidneſſe of a man comeþ forþ of a womman.
in looues, and of þe blemyſchyng of ȝifte, and takyng; xiiii For whi þe wickidneſſe of a man is betere þan a
xxv of ſtilneſſe, bifore hem þat greeten; of þe biholdyng
womman doynge wel, and a womman ſchendyng in to
of a letcherouſe womman, and of þe turnyng a wey of ſchenſchipe.
þe cheer of a coſyn. xv Þerfor be þou myndeful of þe werkis of þe Lord; and
xxvi Turne þou not awey þe face fro þi neiȝbore; and be
Y ſchal telle þe werkis of þe Lord, whiche Y ſiȝ, in þe
þou war of takyng a wei a part, and not reſtorynge. wordis of þe Lord.

xvi Þe ſunne liȝtnynge bihelde by alle þingis; and þe xii Se þou þe bouwe, and bleſſe þou hym þat made it; it
werk þerof is ful of þe glorie of þe Lord. is ful fair in his ſchynyng.
xvii Wheþer þe Lord made not hooli men to telle out alle xiii It ȝede aboute heuene in þe cumpas of his glorie; þe
hiſe merueilis, whiche þe Lord almyȝti ſtidfaſt in his hondis of hiȝ God openyden it.
glorie ſchal conferme? xiiii Bi his comaundement he haſtide þe ſnow; and he
xviii He ſchal enſerche þe depþe, and þe herte of men; haſtiþ to ſende out þe leiȝtyngis of his dom.
and he ſchal þenke in þe felneſſe of hem. xv Þerfor treſouris weren opened, and clowdis fledden
xix For þe Lord knew al kunnyng, and bihelde in to þe out as been.
ſigne of þe world; tellynge þo þingis þat ben paſſid, and xvi In his greetneſſe he ſettide clowdis; and ſtoonys of
þo þingis þat ſchulen come; ſchewynge þe ſteppis of hid hail weren brokun.
þingis. xvii Hillis ſchulen be moued in his ſiȝt; and þe ſouþ
xx And no þouȝt paſſiþ hym, and no word hidiþ it ſilf fro
wynd ſchal blowe in his wille.
hym. xviii Þe vois of his þundur ſchal beete þe erþe; þe
xxi He made fair þe grete werkis of his wiſdom, which is
tempeſt of þe norþ, and þe gaderyng togidere of wynd.
bifore þe world, and til in to þe world; neþer ony þing is xix And as a brid puttynge doun to ſitte ſprengiþ ſnow,
encreeſſid, and þe comyng doun of þat ſnow is as a locuſt
xxii neþer is decreeſſid, and he haþ no nede to þe counſel
drenchynge doun.
of ony. xx Þe iȝe ſchal wondre on þe fairneſſe of whitneſſe
xxiii Alle hiſe werkis ben ful deſirable, and to biholde, as
þerof; and an herte drediþ on þe reyn þerof.
a ſparcle which is. xxi He ſchal ſchede out froſt as ſalt on þe erþe; and while
xxiiii Alle þeſe þingis lyuen, and dwellen in to þe world;
þe wynd blowiþ, it ſchal be maad as coppis of a brere.
and alle þingis obeien to hym in al nede. xxii Þe coold norþun wynd blew, and criſtal of watir
xxv Alle þingis ben double, oon aȝens oon; and he made
frees togidre; it reſtiþ, on al þe gedering togidere of
not ony þing to faile. He ſchal conferme þe goodis of watris, and it cloþiþ it ſilf wiþ watris, as wiþ an
ech; and who ſchal be fillid, ſeynge his glorie? haburioun.
xxiii And it ſchal deuoure hillis, and it ſchal brenne þe
CAP. XLIII deſert; and it ſchal quenche grene þing as fier.
i Þe firmament of hiȝneſſe is þe fairneſſe þerof; þe xxiiii Þe medicyn of alle þingis is in þe haaſting of a
fairneſſe of heuene in þe ſiȝt of glorie. cloude; a deewe, meetynge þe heete comynge of
ii Þe ſunne in biholdyng, tellynge in goyng out, is a
brennyng, ſchal make it low.
woundurful veſſel, þe werk of hiȝ God. xxv Þe wynd was ſtille in þe word of God; bi his þouȝt
iii In þe tyme of myddai it brenneþ þe erþe; and who
he made peeſible þe depþe of watris; and þe Lord Jheſu
ſchal mow ſuffre in þe ſiȝt of his heete? Kepynge a plauntide it.
furneis in þe werkis of heete; xxvi Þei þat ſeilen in þe ſee, tellen out þe perels þerof;
iiii þe ſunne brennynge hillis in þre maneris, ſendynge
and we heeringe wiþ oure eeris ſchulen wondre.
out beemys of fier, and ſchynynge aȝen wiþ hiſe xxvii Þere ben ful cleer werkis, and wonderful, dyuerſe
beemys, blyndiþ iȝen. kindis of beeſtis, and of alle litle beeſtis, and þe creature
v Þe Lord is greet, þat made it; and in þe wordis of hym
of wondurful fiſchis.
it haſtide iourney. xxviii Þe ende of weie is confermyd for it; and alle
vi And þe moone in alle men in his tyme is ſhewing of
þingis ben maad in þe word of hym.
tyme, and a ſigne of þe world. xxix We ſeien many þingis, and we faylen in wordis;
vii A ſigne of þe feeſte dai is takun of þe moone; þe lyȝt
forſoþe he is þe endyng of wordis.
which is maad litil in þe ende. xxx To what þing ſchulen we be myȝti, þat han glorie in
viii Þe moneþe is encreeſſynge bi þe name þerof,
alle þingis? for he is al myȝti aboue alle hiſe werkis.
wondirfuli xxxi Þe Lord is ferdful, and ful greet; and his power is
in to þe ending. wondurful.
ix A veſſel of caſtels in hiȝ þingis, ſchynynge gloriouſli xxxii Glorifie ȝe þe Lord as myche as euere ȝe moun, ȝit
in þe firmament of heuene. he ſchal be myȝtiere; and his grete doynge is wondurful.
x Þe fairneſſe of heuene is þe glorie of ſterris; þe Lord xxxiii Ȝe bleſſynge þe Lord, enhaunſe hym as myche as
an hiȝ liȝtneþ þe world. ȝe moun; for he is more þan al preiſyng.
xi In þe wordis of þe hooli þo ſchulen ſtonde at þe xxxiiii Ȝe enhaunſynge hym ſchulen be fillid wiþ vertu;
doom; and þo ſchulen not faile in her wakyngis. trauele ȝe not, for ȝe ſchulen not take perfitli.

xxxv Who ſiȝ hym, and ſchal telle out? and who ſchal xxi He made a teſtament to ſtonde in his fleiſch; and he
magnefie hym, as he is fro þe bigynnyng? was foundun feiþful in temptacioun.
xxxvi Many þingis gretter þan þeſe ben hid fro vs; for we xxii Þerfor God wiþ an ooþ ȝaf to hym glorie in his folk;
han ſeyn fewe þingis of hiſe werkis. God made hym to encreeſſe, as an heep of erþe,
xxxvii Forſoþe þe Lord made alle þingis; and he ȝaf xxiii and to enhaunſe his ſeed as ſterris, and to enherite
wiſdom to men doynge feiþfuli. hem fro þe ſee `til to þe ſee, and fro þe flood `til to þe
endis of erþe.
CAP. XLIIII xxiiii And to Iſaac God dide in þe ſame maner, for
i Preiſe we gloriouſe men, and oure fadris in her Abraham, his fadir.
generacioun. xxv Þe Lord ȝaf to hym þe bleſſing of alle folkis; and
ii Þe Lord made myche glorie bi his greet doyng, fro þe confermyde his teſtament on þe heed of Jacob.
world. xxvi He knew hym in hiſe bleſſyngis, and ȝaf eritage to
iii Grete men in vertu weren lordis in her poweris, and hym; and departide to hym a part in twelue lynagis.
riche in her prudence; tellynge in profetis þe dignete of xxvii And he kepte to hym men of merci, fyndynge
profetis, and comaundynge in preſent puple, grace in þe ſiȝt of eche man.
iiii and tellynge hoolieſte wordis to puplis, bi þe vertu of
prudence. CAP. XLV
v Sekynge maneres of muſik in her childhod, and i Moiſes was loued of God and of men; whoſe mynde is
tellynge ſongis of ſcripturis. in bleſſyng.
vi Riche men in vertu, hauynge þe ſtudie of fairneſſe, ii He made him lijk in þe glorie of ſeyntis, and he
makynge pees in her houſis. magnefiede hym in þe drede of enemyes; and in his
vii Alle þeſe men gaten glorie in þe generaciouns of her wordis he made peeſible þe wondris aȝens kynde.
folk; and ben had in preyſyngis in her daies. iii He glorifiede hym in þe ſiȝt of kyngis, and he
viii Þei þat weren borun of hem, leften a name to telle þe `comaundide to hym bifore his puple, and ſchewide his
preiſyngis of hem. glorie to hym.
ix And ſumme ben, of whiche is no mynde; þei iiii In þe feiþ and myldeneſſe of hym God made hym

periſchiden as þei þat weren not, and þei weren borun hooli; and chees him of alle men.
as not borun; and her ſones periſchiden wiþ hem. v For he herde hym, and his vois; and ledde in hym in a
x But alſo þo men of mercy ben, whoſe pitees failiden cloude.
not; vi And ȝaf to hym an herte to comaundementis, and to
xi and good eritage dwellide contynueli wiþ þe ſeed of þe lawe of lijf, and of techyng; to teche Jacob a
hem. teſtament, and Iſrael hiſe domes.
xii And þe ſeed of her ſones ſones ſtood in teſtament, vii He made hiȝ Aaron, his broþer, and lijk hym of þe
xiii and þe eritage of her ſones dwelliþ for hem, til in to lynage of Leuy.
viii He ordeynede to hym euerlaſtynge teſtament, and ȝaf
wiþ outen ende; þe ſeed of hem, and þe glorie of hem,
ſchal not be forſakun. to hym þe preeſthod of þe folk. And he made hym
xiiii Þe bodies of hem ben biried in pees; and þe name of bliſſful in glorie,
ix and girte hym wiþ a girdil of riȝtfulneſſe; and cloþide
hem ſchal lyue in to generaciouns and generaciouns.
xv Puplis tellen þe wiſdom of hem; and þe chirche telliþ hym wiþ a ſtoole of glorie, and crownede hym in þe
þe preyſyng of hem. ournementis of vertu.
xvi Enok pleſide God, and was tranſlatid in to paradis, x He ſettide on hym ſandalies, and breeches, and a clooþ

þat he ȝyue wiſdom to folkis. on þe ſchuldur, and girte hym aboute wiþ ful many
xvii Noe was foundun parfit and iuſt, and he was maad ſmall goldun bellis in cumpas;
xi to ȝyue ſoun in his goyng, to make ſoun herd in þe
recouncelynge in þe tyme of wraþfulneſſe.
xviii Þerfor reſidue ſeed was left to erþe, whanne þe temple, in to mynde to þe ſones of his folk.
xii God ȝaf to hym an hooli ſtoole, a wouun werk, wiþ
greet flood was maad.
xix Teſtamentis of þe world weren ſet anentis hym, leſt gold, and iacynct, and purpur, þe werk of a wijs man,
al fleiſch myȝte be doon awei bi þe greet flood. maad riche wiþ doom and treuþe;
xiii þe werk of a crafti man, in wriþun reed þreed, wiþ
xx Abraham was þe greet fadir of þe multitude of folkis;
and noon was foundun lijk hym in glorie, which kepte preciouſe iemmes grauun in þe byndyng of gold, and
þe lawe of hiȝ God, and was in þe teſtament wiþ hym. grauun bi þe werk of a crafti man of ſtoonys, in to
mynde, bi þe noumbre of þe lynagis of Iſrael.

xiiii A goldun coroun on his mytre, ſet forþ wiþ þe ſigne CAP. XLVI
of hoolyneſſe, þe glorie of onour, and þe werk of vertu, i Jheſus Naue, þe ſucceſſour of Moiſes in profetis, was
ourned to deſijr of iȝen. ſtrong in batel, þat was greet bi his name.
xv Siche þingis ſo faire weren not bifore hym, `til to þe ii Þe gretteſte in to þe helþe of choſun men of God, to
eeſt. ouercome enemyes riſynge aȝens hem, þat he ſchulde
xvi Noon alien was cloþid þer ynne, but oneli hiſe ſones, gete þe erytage of Iſrael.
and hiſe ſones ſones aloone, bi al tyme. iii Which glorie he gat in reyſynge his hondis, and in
xvii Hiſe ſacrifices weren endid ech dai bi fyer. caſtynge ſcharpe arowis aȝens citees.
xviii Moiſes fillide hiſe hondis, and anoyntide hym wiþ iiii Who bifore hym aȝenſtood ſo? for whi þe Lord hym

hooli oile. ſilf ſmoot þe enemyes.

xix It was maad to hym in to euerlaſtynge teſtament, and v Wheþer þe ſunne was not lettid in þe wraþfulneſſe of

to his ſeed as þe daies of heuene, to vſe preſthod, and to hym, and o dai was maad as tweyne?
haue preiſyng, and to glorifie his puple in his name. vi He clepide to help þe hiȝeſte God, myȝti in
xx God chees hym of ech lyuynge man, to offre ſacrifice ouercomynge enemyes on ech ſide; and God, greet and
to God, encenſe, and good odour, in to mynde, for to hooli, herde hym, in ſtoonys of hail of ful greet vertu.
pleſe for his puple. vii He made aſauȝt aȝens þe folk enemy, and in þe
xxi And he ȝaf to hym power in hiſe comaundementis, comynge doun he loſte þe aduerſaries;
and in þe teſtamentis of domes, to teche Jacob viii þat heþene men knowe þe myȝt of hym, for it is not
witneſſyngis, and in his lawe to ȝyue lyȝt to Iſrael. eſy to fiȝte aȝens þe Lord; and he ſuede myȝti men at þe
xxii For aliens ſtooden aȝens hym, and men þat weren bak.
wiþ Datan and Abiron, and þe congregacioun of Chore, ix And in þe daies of Moiſes he and Caleph, þe ſone of
in wraþfulneſſe cumpaſſiden hym for enuye, in deſert. Jephone, diden merci; to ſtonde aȝens þe enemye, and
xxiii Þe Lord ſiȝ, and it pleſide not hym; and þei weren to forbede þe folk fro ſynnes, and to refreyne þe
waſtid in þe feerſneſſe of wraþfulneſſe. grutchyng of malice.
xxiiii He made to hem wondris aȝens kynde, and in þe x And þei tweyne weren ſtidfaſt, and weren delyuered

flawme of fier he waſtide hem. fro perel, of þe noumbre of ſixe hundrid þouſynde `foot
xxv And he encreeſſide glorie to Aaron, and ȝaf eritage men, to brynge hem in to þe eritage, in to þe lond þat
to hym; and he departide to Aaron þe firſte þingis of flowiþ mylk and hony.
xi And þe Lord ȝaf ſtrengþe to þilke Caleph, and til in to
fruytis of þe erþe.
xxvi He made redi his breed in þe firſte þingis, in to elde vertu dwellide perfitli to hym; þat he ſtiede in to þe
fulneſſe; for whi and þei ſhulen ete þe ſacrifices of þe hiȝ place of þe lond, and his ſeed gat eritage.
xii And alle þe children of Iſrael ſien, þat it is good to
Lord, whiche he ȝaf to hym, and to his ſeed.
xxvii But in þe lond of his folk he ſchal not haue eritage, obeie to hooli God.
xiii And alle iugis bi her name, þe herte of whiche was
and no part is to hym among þe folk; for whi God is þe
part and eritage of hym. not corrupt, weren ſtrong in batel, which weren not
xxviii Fynees, þe ſone of Eleazarus, was þe þridde in turned awei fro þe Lord;
xiiii þat þe mynde of hem be in bleſſyng, and her boonys
glorie, in ſuynge hym in þe drede of God,
xxix and to ſtonde in þe reuerence of folk; in þe apperen fro her place;
xv and her name dwelliþ wiþ outen ende, for þe glorie
goodneſſe and gladneſſe of his ſoule he pleſide God of
Iſrael. of hooli men dwelliþ at þe ſones of hem.
xxx Þerfor God ordeynede to hym þe teſtament of pees, xvi Samuel, þe profete of þe Lord, þat was louyd of his

and made hym prince of hooli men, and of his folk; þat Lord God, made newe þe empire, and anoyntide
þe dignete of preſthod be to hym and to his ſeed, wiþ prynces in his folk.
outen ende. xvii In þe lawe of þe Lord he demyde þe congregacioun,
xxxi And þe teſtament of Dauid, þe ſone of Jeſſe, of þe and he ſiȝ þe Lord of Jacob, and in his feiþ he was
lynage of Juda, was eritage to hym, and to his ſeed; þat preued a profete.
he ſchulde ȝyue wiſdom in to oure herte, to deme his xviii And he was knowun feiþful in hiſe wordis, for he
folk in riȝtfulneſſe, leſt her goodis ſchulen be don awei; ſiȝ þe Lord of lyȝt.
and he made þe glorie of hem to be euerlaſtinge, in þe xix And he clepide in to help þe Lord almyȝti, in
folk of hem. ouercomynge enemyes ſtondynge aboute on ech ſide, in
þe offrynge of a man vndefoulid.
xx And þe Lord þundride fro heuene, and in greet ſoun
he made his vois herd.

xxi And he al to-brak þe princes of men of Tyre, and alle xvii And þou, Salomon, fillidiſt derk figuratif ſpechis in
þe duykis of Filiſteis. licneſſis; and þi name was puppliſchid to ilis afer, and
xxii And bifore þe tyme of ende of his lijf, and of þe þou were louyde in þi pees.
world, he ȝaf witneſſyng in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, and of xviii Londis wondriden in ſongis, and in prouerbis, and
Criſt; he took not of ony man richeſſis, ȝhe, til to in licneſſis, and interpretyngis, eþer expoſiciouns; and
ſchoon; and no man accuſide hym. in þe name of þe Lord,
xxiii And after þis he ſlepte, and he made knowun to þe xix to whom þe ſurname is God of Iſrael.
kyng, and he ſchewide to hym þe ende of his lijf; and he xx Þou gaderidiſt togidere gold as latoun, and þou
enhaunſide his vois fro þe erþe in profeſie, to do awei fillidiſt ſiluer as leed.
þe wickidneſſe of þe folc. xxi And þou bouwidiſt þi þies to wymmen; þou haddiſt
power in þi bodi.
CAP. XLVII xxii Þou haſt ȝoue a wem in þi glorie, and madiſt vnhooli
i Aftir þeſe þingis Nathan, þe profete, roos, in þe daies
þi ſeed, to brynge in wraþfulneſſe to þi children, and þi
of Dauid. foli in oþere men;
ii And as ynnere fatneſſe departide fro þe fleiſch, ſo xxiii þat þou ſchuldiſt make þe rewme departid in to
Dauid fro þe ſones of Iſrael. tweyne, and of Effrem to comaunde an hard
iii He pleiede wiþ liouns, as wiþ lambren; he dide in lijk
maner wiþ beris, as wiþ lambren of ſcheep. xxiiii But God ſchal not forſake his merci, and ſchal not
iiii Wheþer in his ȝongþe he killide not a giaunt, and
diſtrie, neþer do awei hiſe werkis, neþer he ſchal leeſe
took awei ſchenſchip fro þe folk? fro generacioun þe ſones ſones of his choſun kyng
v In reiſynge þe hond in a ſtoon of a ſlynge, he caſtide Dauid; and he ſchal not diſtrie þe ſeed of hym þat loueþ
doun þe ful out ioiyng of Golias, þe Lord.
vi where he clepide to help þe Lord almyȝti; and he ȝaf xxv Forſoþe God ȝaf remenaunt to Jacob, and to Dauid
in his riȝt hond to do awei a ſtronge man in batel, and to of þat generacioun.
enhaunſe þe horn of his folk. xxvi And Salomon hadde an ende wiþ hiſe fadris.
vii So he glorifiede hym in ten þouſynde, and he preiſide xxvii And he lefte aftir hym of his ſeed Roboam,
hym in þe bleſſyngis of þe Lord, in offrynge to hym þe xxviii þe foli of þe folk, and made leſſe fro prudence;
coroun of glorie. which Roboam turnede awei þe folk bi his councel.
viii For he al to-brak enemyes on ech ſide, and drow out xxix And Jeroboam, þe ſone of Nabath, þat made Iſrael
bi þe roote Filiſteis contrarie, `til in to þis dai; he al to- to do ſynne, and ȝaf to Effraym weie to do ſynne; and
brak þe horn of hem, `til in to wiþ outen ende. ful many ſynnes of hem weren plenteuouſe,
ix Dauid in ech werk ȝaf knouleching to hooli God, and xxx for þei turneden hem awei greetli fro her lond.
hiȝ in þe word of glorie. xxxi And þe lynage of Effraym ſouȝte al wickidneſſis, til
x Of al his herte he heriede God, and he louyde þe Lord
defence cam to hem; and delyuerede hem fro alle
þat made hym, and ȝaf to hym power aȝens enemyes. ſynnes.
xi And he made ſyngeris to ſtonde aȝens þe auter; and he
made ſwete motetis in þe ſoun of hem. CAP. XLVIII
xii And he ȝaf fairneſſe in halewyngis, and he ournede i And Elie, þe profete, roos as fier; for whi his word
tymes `til to þe endyng of lijf; þat þei ſchulden preiſe þe brente as a brond.
hooli name of þe Lord, and make large eerli þe ii Which brouȝte yn hungur on hem, and þei ſuynge hym
hoolyneſſe of God. weren maad fewe for enuye; for þei myȝten not ſuffre
xiii Criſt purgide þe ſynnes of hym, and enhaunſide his
þe comaundementis of þe Lord.
horn wiþ outen ende; and he ȝaf to hym þe teſtament of iii Bi þe word of þe Lord he held togidere heuene, and
kyngis, and þe ſeete of glorie in Iſrael. caſtide doun fro it fier to þe erþe.
xiiii Aftir hym roos a witti ſone; and for hym he caſtide iiii So Elie was alargid in his merueils; and who may
doun al þe power of enemyes. haue glorie in lijk maner wiþ þee, which tokiſt awei a
xv Salomon regnede in þe daies of pees, to whom God
deed man fro hellis,
made ſuget alle enemyes, þat he ſchulde make an hous v fro þe eritage of deþ, in þe word of þe Lord God?
in þe name of God, and make redi hoolyneſſe wiþ outen vi Which caſtidiſt doun kyngis to deþ, and haſt broke
ende, as he was lerned in his ȝongþe. togidere liȝtli þe power of hem, and gloriouſe men fro
xvi And he was fillid wiþ wiſdom as a flood is fillid; and
her bed.
his ſoule vnhilide þe erþe. vii Which herdiſt dom in Syna, and in Oreb domes of

viii Which anoyntiſt kyngis to penaunce, and makiſt CAP. XLIX
prophetis ſucceſſouris aftir þee. i Þe mynde of Joſie maad in þe makyng of odour, is þe
ix Which were reſeyued in a whirlwynde of fier, in a werk of a pyment makere.
chare of horſis of fier. ii In ech mouþ his mynde ſchal be maad ſwete as hony,
x Which art writun in þe domes of tymes, to pleſe þe and as muſik in þe feeſte of wyn.
wraþfulneſſe of þe Lord, to recounſele þe herte of þe iii He was dreſſid of God in þe penaunce of folk; and he
fadir to þe ſone, and to reſtore þe lynagis of Jacob. took awei þe abhomynaciouns of wickidneſſe.
xi Þei ben bleſſid, þat ſiȝen þee, and weren maad feir in iiii And þe herte of hym gouernede to þe Lord; and in þe
þi frenſchipe; daies of ſynnes he ſtrengþide pitee.
xii for whi we lyuen oneli in lijf, but after deþ oure v Outakun Dauid, Ezechie and Joſie, alle kyngis diden
name ſchal not be ſiche. ſynne.
xiii Elie, þat was hilid in a whirlewynd; and his ſpirit vi For whi þe kyngis of Juda leften þe lawe of myȝti
was fillid in Eliſee. Eliſee in hiſe daies dredde not þe God, and diſpiſiden þe drede of God.
prince, and no man ouercam hym bi power; vii For þei ȝauen her rewme to oþere men, and her glorie
xiiii neþer ony word ouercam hym, and his deed bodi to an alien folk.
profeſiede. viii Þei brenten þe choſun citee of hoolyneſſe; and þei
xv In his lijf he dide wondris aȝens kynde; and in deþ he maden þe weies þerof forſakun in þe hond of Jeremye.
wrouȝte merueilis. ix For þei tretiden yuel hym, which from þe wombe of
xvi In alle þeſe þingis þe puple dide not penaunce, and þe modir was halewid a profete, to turne vpſedoun, and
ȝeden not awei fro her ſynnes, til whanne þei weren caſt to leeſe, and efte to bilde, and make newe.
awei fro her lond, and weren ſcatered in to ech lond. x Ezechiel, þat ſiȝ þe ſiȝt of glorie, which þe Lord
xvii And a ful fewe folk was left, and a prince in þe hous ſchewide to hym in þe chare of cherubyn.
of Dauid. xi For he made mynde of enemyes in reyn, to do wel to
xviii Summe of hem diden þat, þat pleſide God; but hem, þat ſchewiden riȝtful weies.
oþere diden many ſynnes. xii And þe boonys of twelue profetis apperen fro her
xix Ezechie maad ſtrong his citee, and brouȝte watir in place; and þei ſtrengþiden Jacob, and aȝenbouȝten hem
to þe myddis þerof; and diggide a rooche wiþ irun, and in þe feiþ of her vertu.
bildide a pit to watir. xiii Hou ſchulen we alarge Zorobabel? for whi and he
xx In hiſe daies Senacherib ſtiede, and ſente Rapſaces; was a ſigne in þe riȝt hond of God to Iſrael;
and he reiſide his hond aȝens hem, and he reiſide his xiiii and Jheſu, þe ſone of Joſedech? whiche in her daies
hond aȝens Syon, and was maad proud in his power. bildiden an hous, and enhaunſiden þe hooli temple to þe
xxi Þanne þe hertis and hondis of hem weren moued; Lord, maad redi in to euerlaſtynge glorie.
and þei hadden ſorewe as wymmen trauelynge of child. xv And Neemye in þe mynde of myche tyme, þat reiſide
xxii And þei clepiden to help þe merciful Lord, and þei to vs þe wallis, `þat weren caſt doun, and made þe ȝatis
ſpredden abrood þe hondis, and reiſiden to heuene; and and lockis to ſtonde; which Neemye reiſide oure houſis.
þe hooli Lord God herde ſoone þe vois of hem. xvi No man borun in erþe was ſuch as Enok; for whi and
xxiii He hadde not mynde on her ſynnes, neþer ȝaf hem he was reſſeyued fro þe erþe.
to her enemyes; but he purgide hem in þe hond of Iſaie, xvii And Joſeph, þat was borun a man, þe prince of
þe hooli profete. briþeren, þe ſtidfaſtneſſe of folk, þe gouernour of
xxiiii Þe aungel of þe Lord caſtide doun þe caſtels of briþeren, þe ſtabliſchyng of puple;
Aſſiriens, and al to-brak hem. xviii and his boonys weren viſitid, and profeſieden after
xxv For whi Ezechie dide þat þat pleſide þe Lord, and deþ.
ȝede ſtrongli in þe weie of Dauiþ, his fadir; which weie xix Seth and Sem, þeſe gaten glorie anentis men, and
Iſaie, þe grete profete, and feiþful in þe ſiȝt of God, ouer ech man in þe generacioun of Adam.
comaundide to hym.
xxvi In þe daies of hym þe ſunne ȝede aȝen abak; and CAP. L
God encreeſſide lijf to þe kyng. i Symount, þe ſone of Onyas, was a greet preeſt, which
xxvii Wiþ greet ſpirit Yſaie ſiȝ þe laſte þingis; and he in his lijf vndurſettide þe hous, and in hiſe daies
coumfortide þe moreneris in Sion, `in to wiþ outen ſtrengþide þe temple.
ende. ii Alſo þe hiȝneſſe of þe temple was bildide of hym, þe
xxviii He ſchewide þingis to comynge, and hid þingis, double bildyng, and hiȝ wallis of þe temple.
bifore þat þo camen. iii In þe daies of hym þe pittis of watris camen forþ; and
as þe ſee þo weren fillid aboue meſure.

iiii Which Symount helide his folk, and delyuerede it fro xxv Ȝyue he gladneſſe of herte to vs, and þat pees be
perdicioun. maad in Iſrael bi euerlaſtynge daies;
v Which was myȝti to alarge þe citee; which gat glorie xxvi þat Iſrael bileue, þat Goddis merci is wiþ vs, þat he
in þe conuerſacioun of folk; and alargide þe entryng of delyuere hem in her dayes.
þe hous, and of þe large cumpas aboute. xxvii Mi ſoule hatiþ twei folkis; but þe þridde is not a
vi As þe dai ſterre in þe myddis of a cloude, and as a ful folk, whom Y hate.
moone ſchyneþ in hiſe daies; xxviii Þei þat ſitten in þe hil of Seir, and þe Filiſteis, and
vii and as þe ſunne ſchynynge, ſo he ſchynede in þe þe fonned puple, þat dwelliþ in Sichemys.
temple of God; xxix Jheſus, þe ſone of Sirach, a man of Jeruſalem, wroot
viii as a reyn bouwe ſchynynge among þe cloudis of in þis book þe techyng of wiſdom, and of kunnyng; and
glorie, and as a flour of roſis in þe daies of veer, and as he renulide wiſdom of his herte.
lilies, þat ben in þe paſſyng of watir, and as encenſe xxx He is bleſſid, þat dwelliþ in þeſe goodis; he þat ſettiþ
ſmellynge in þe daies of ſomer; as fier ſchynynge, þo in his herte, ſchal euere be wijs.
ix and enſence brennynge in fier; xxxi For if he doiþ þeſe þingis, he ſchal be miȝti to alle
x as a ſad veſſel of gold, ourned wiþ ech preciouſe ſtoon; þingis; for whi þe lyȝt of God is þe ſtep of hym.
xi as an olyue tree ſpryngynge forþ, and a cipreſſe tree
reiſynge it ſilf an hiȝ; while he took þe ſtoole of glorie, CAP. LI
and was cloþid in þe perfeccioun of vertu. i Lord kyng, Y ſchal knouleche to þee; and Y ſchal
xii In þe ſtiyng of þe hooli auter, þe cloþing of togidere herie þee, my ſauȝour.
hoolyneſſe ȝaf glorie. ii Y ſchal knouleche to þi name, for þou art maad an
xiii Forſoþe in takynge partis of þe hoond of preſtis, and helpere and defendere to me;
he ſtood biſidis þe auter. Þe coroun of briþeren, as a iii and þou haſt delyuered my bodi fro perdicioun, fro þe
plauntyng of cedre in þe hil Liban, was aboute hym; ſnare of a wickid tunge, and fro þe lippis of hem þat
xiiii ſo þei ſtoden aboute hym as boowis of palm tree, worchen a leeſyng; and in þe ſiȝt of hem þat ſtonden nyȝ
and alle þe ſones of Aaron ſtoden in her glorie. þou art maad an helpere to me.
xv Soþeli þe offryng of þe Lord was in þe hondis of iiii And þou haſt delyuered me, bi þe multitude of merci

hem, bifore al þe ſynagoge of Iſrael; and he vſide ful of þi name, fro roreris maad redi to mete;
endyng on þe auter, to alarge þe offryng of þe hiȝ kyng. v fro þe hondis of hem þat ſouȝten my ſoule, and fro
xvi And he dreſſide his hond in moiſte ſacrifice; and many tribulaciouns þat cumpaſſiden me;
ſacrifiſide in þe blood of grape. vi fro ouerleiyng of flawme þat cumpaſſide me, and in
xvii He ſchedde out in þe foundement of þe auter, þe þe myddis of fier Y was not brent;
odour of God to þe hiȝ prince. vii fro þe depþe of þe wombe of helle, and fro a tunge
xviii Þanne þe ſones of Aaron crieden lowde; þei defoulyd, and fro a word of leeſyng; fro a wickid kyng,
ſowneden in trumpis betun out wiþ hameris, and maden and fro a tunge vniuſt.
a grete vois herd in to mynde bifore God. viii `Til to þe deþ my ſoule ſchal preiſe þee, Lord;
xix Þanne al þe puple haſtiden togidere, and fellen doun ix and my lijf was neiȝynge in helle byneþe.
on þe face on þe erþe, for to worſchipe her Lord God, x Þei cumpaſſiden me on ech ſide, and noon was þat
and to ȝyue preyers to almyȝti God an hiȝ. helpide; Y was biholdynge to þe help of men, and noon
xx And men ſyngynge in her voices alargiden; and a was.
ſoun ful of ſwetneſſe was maad in þe greet hous. xi Lord, Y hadde mynde on þi merci, and on þi
xxi And þe puple preiede þe hiȝ Lord in preier, til þat þe worchyng togidere, þat ben fro þe world;
onour of þe Lord was doon perfitli, and þei xii for þou delyuerſt hem þat abiden þee, and þou
parformeden her ȝifte. delyuerſt hem fro þe hond of heþene men.
xxii Þanne Symount cam doun, and reiſide hiſe hondis in xiii Þou enhaunſidiſt my dwellyng on erþe; and Y
to al þe congregacioun of þe ſones of Iſrael, to ȝyue biſouȝte for deþ fletynge doun.
glorie to God bi hiſe lippis, and to haue glorie in þe xiiii Y clepyde to help þe Lord, fadir of my Lord, þat he
name of hym. forſake not me in þe dai of my tribulacioun, and forſake
xxiii And he reherſide his preier, willynge to ſchewe þe
not me wiþ outen help, in þe tyme of hem þat ben
vertu of God. proude.
xxiiii And he preyede more þe Lord of alle, þat made xv Y ſchal preiſe þi name contynueli, and Y ſchal herie it
grete þingis in ech lond; which encreeſſide oure daies togidere in knoulechyng; and my preier is herd.
fro þe wombe of oure modir, and dide wiþ vs bi his

xvi And þou haſt delyuered me fro perdicioun, and þou
haſt delyuered me fro þe wickid tyme.
xvii Þerfor Y ſchal knouleche, and Y ſchal ſeie heriyng to
þee; and Y ſchal bleſſe þe name of þe Lord.
xviii Whanne ȝit Y was ȝongere, bifore þat Y erride, Y
ſouȝte wiſdom opynli in my preier.
xix Bifore þe tyme of eelde Y axide for it, and `til in to
þe laſte þingis Y ſchal enquere it; and it ſchal flour as a
grape ripe bifore oþere.
xx Myn herte was glad þer ynne, my foot ȝede a riȝtful
weye; fro my ȝongþe Y ſouȝte it.
xxi Y bowide doun a litil myn eere, and Y took it.
xxii Y foonde myche wiſdom in my ſilf, and Y profitide
myche þer ynne.
xxiii Y ſchal ȝyue glorie to hym, þat ȝyueþ wiſdom to
xxiiii For whi Y took councel to do it; Y loued feruentli
good, and Y ſchal not be ſchent.
xxv My ſoule wraſtlide togidere þer ynne; and Y was
confermyd in doynge it.
xxvi Y ſtretchide forþ myn hondis an hiȝ; and my ſoule
ſchynede in þe wiſdom of hym, and he liȝtnyde myn
xxvii Y dreſſide my ſoule to it; and Y foond it in
xxviii Y hadde peſibli fro þe bigynnyng an herte wiþ þo;
for þis þing Y ſchal not be forſakun.
xxix My ſoule was diſturblid in ſekynge it; þerfor Y ſchal
haue peſibli a good poſſeſſioun.
xxx For whi þe Lord ȝaf to me a tunge my meede; and in
it Y ſchal preiſe hym.
xxxi Ȝe vntauȝt men, neiȝe to me; and gadere ȝe ȝou in to
þe hous of techyng.
xxxii What tarien ȝe ȝit? and what ſeien ȝe in þeſe
þingis? ȝoure ſoules þriſten greetli.
xxxiii Y openyde my mouþ, and Y ſpak, Bie ȝe wiſdom
to ȝou wiþ out ſiluer,
xxxiiii and make ȝoure necke ſuget to þe ȝok þerof, and
ȝoure ſoule reſſeyue techyng; for whi it is in þe nexte to
fynde it.
xxxv Se ȝe wiþ ȝoure iȝen, þat Y trauelide a litil, and Y
foond myche reſte to me.
xxxvi Take ȝe techyng in myche noumbre of ſiluere, and
welde ȝe plenteuouſe gold þer ynne.
xxxvii Ȝoure ſoule be glad in þe merci of hym; and ȝe
ſchulen not be ſchent in þe preyſing of hym.
xxxviii Worche ȝe ȝoure werk bifore þe tyme; and he
ſchal ȝyue to ȝou ȝoure meede in his tyme.
Here endiþ þe book of Eccleſiaſtici, and here
bigynneþ þe prolog of Yſaie and of oþere profetis.

of Joſue, Judicum, Regum, and Paralipomenon, and of
YSAIE oþere hiſtorial bookis ſchulen be wel lokid; and ſchortli
Here bigynneþ a general prolog for alle þe bokis of to ſeie, þe profetis ſchulen be expouned bi þe text of
profetis ſuynge. Moiſes lawe, and of oþere hiſtorial bookis of þe Elde
Teſtament, eþer bi þe text of þe Newe Teſtament. Þe
As ſeynt Jerom ſeiþ in þe prolog of Yſaie, Iſaie is ful
literal vndurſtondyng of hooli ſcripture is þe ground of
witti and ful opyn in his writyng in Ebreu, þouȝ þe
al goſtli vndurſtondyng þerof, þat is, of allegorik, of
tranſlacioun in to Latyn miȝte not kepe þe fairneſſe of
moral, and of anagogik. No gooſtli vndurſtondyng is
ſpeche. Iſaye is worþi to be ſeid not oneli a profete, but
autentik, no but it be groundid in þe text opynli, eþer in
more, a goſpellere, for he declariþ ſo opynli þe
opyn reſoun, ſuynge of principlis, eþer reulis of feiþ, as
myſteries of Criſt and of hooli chirche, þat þou geſſe
ſeynt Auſtin witneſſiþ opynli in his piſtle to Vincente,
hym not oneli to ordeyne a profeſie of þing to comynge,
Donatiſte, and in his book of Soliloquies, and Jerom on
but to ordeyne a ſtorie of þingis paſſid. Yſaie profeſiede
Jonas, and Lire on þe bigynnyng of Geneſis, and in
in Jeruſalem and in Judee, whanne þe ten lynagis of
many placis of hooli ſcripture, and Ardmakan in his
Iſrael weren not ȝit led in to caitiftee; and he ordeyneþ a
book of Queſtiouns of Armenyes. Þerfor men moten
profeſie of euer eiþer rewme, ſum tyme of boþ togidere,
ſeke þe treuþe of þe text, and be war of gooſtli
ſum tyme of ech bi it ſilf. And whanne Yſaie biholdiþ
vndurſtondyng, eþer moral fantaſie, and ȝyue not ful
ſum tyme to þe preſent ſtorie, and ſignefieþ þe comynge
aȝen of þe puple in to Judee aftir þe caitifte of credence þerto, no but it be groundid opynly in þe text
of hooli writ, in o place eþer oþer, eþir in opyn reſoun,
Babiloyne, neþeles al his biſyneſſe, þat is, principal
þat may not be auoidid; for ellis it wole as likyngli be
entent, is of þe clepyng of heþene men, and of þe
applied to falſneſſe as to treuþe, and it haþ diſſeyued
comyng of Criſt. Al þis is þe ſentence of Jerom in þe
grete men in oure daies, bi ouer greet triſt to her
prolog of Yſaie. Here it is to vndurſtonde, þat Iſaie
fantaſies. Literal eþer hiſtorial vndurſtondyng techiþ
bigan to profeſie bifore þat þe ten lynagis weren led in
what þing is don; allegorik techiþ what we owen for to
to caitiftee of Aſſiriens, as Jerom ſeiþ here; but he
bileue; moral eþer tropologik techiþ what we owen to
profeſiede aftir þis caitiftee, aftir Ezechies deþ, in þe
do to fle vices, and kepe vertues; anagogik techiþ what
tyme of Manaſſes, as it is ſeid in þe fourþe book of
we owen to hope of euerlaſtynge meede in heuene. Of
Kyngis þe twentiþe chapitre, and in many mo places.
þeſe foure vndurſtondyngis `ſchal be ſeid pleynlier, `if
Þis ſeiþ `a poſtille on Jeroms prolog on Yſaie. For as
God wole, on þe bigynnyng of Geneſis. Alſo it is to
Ebreis ſeien, and Lire witneſſiþ on þe firſte chapitre of
wyte, þat þe profetis ſpeken ſum tyme bi figuratif
Iſaie, Manaſſes ordeynede and demyde Iſaye to be ſawid
ſpeche, and liknen men to vnreſonable beeſtis, and
wiþ ynne a cedre tree, þat cloſid hym wiþ ynne it ſilf bi
clepen men bi figuratif ſpeche, liouns, beris, culueris,
myracle, whanne Manaſſes hadde demed hym vniuſtli to
and ofte oþere vnreſonable beeſtis, for certeyn ſynnes
deþ. Alſo alle profetis þat ben not teld opynli in þe text,
whiche þei vſen acordynge wiþ þe kyndis of
whanne and in what tyme þei profeſieden, profeſieden
vnreſonable beeſtis; as men ben clepid liouns for pride,
in þe ſame tyme in which þe profetis goynge next bifore
eþer raueyn, eþer ſum oþer ſynne; and ſum tyme a lioun
profeſieden, þat ben teld in þe text vndur whiche kyngis
ſignefieþ Criſt, for his power, and ſum tyme a lioun
and tymes þei profeſieden, as Jerom ſeiþ in his prologe
ſignefieþ þe deuel, for tirauntrie and raueyn; and men
on þe twelue Profetis, and it is ſette in þe bigynnyng of
ben clepid beeris, for gredyneſſe eþer glotonye, and
Oſee. Comynli alle þe derk places of þe profetis moun
mulis, for letcherie; and ſo of oþere beeſtis and oþere
be vndurſtondun liȝtli bi þre reulis. Þe firſte is þis, þat
ſynnes. Men ben clepid culueris ſum time for madneſſe,
þe principal entent of þe profetis is to declare þe
and ſum tyme for innocence, ſympleneſſe, and charite.
myſterie of Criſtis incarnacioun, paſſioun, reſurreccioun,
Bi þeſe reulis and biſi ſtudiyng of þe text, men moun
aſcenſioun, and þe comyng to þe general doom, and þe
liȝtli vndurſtonde þe derk placis of profetis; and algatis
puppliſchyng of þe goſpel, and þe conuercioun of
loke wel þat þe ſentence takun of þe text be trewe, and
heþene men, and þe tribulacioun of hooli chirche in þis
acorde wiþ charyte, and þanne it is þe ſentence of þe
lijf, and þe blis of heuene þerfor. Þe ſecounde reule is
Hooli Gooſt, as ſeynt Auſtyn ſeiþ.
þis, þat þe profetis warnen þe puple of Jewis of her
grete ſynnes, and exciten hem to do penaunce; and Here endiþ þe prolog on Yſaye.
þanne þei ſchulen gete remyſſioun of her ſynnes, and Here bigynniþ þe bok of Yſaie profete.
grace in preſent tyme, and glorie wiþ outen ende; ellis
þei ſchulen haue tribulacioun in þis lijf, and peyn wiþ CAP. I
outen ende. Þe þridde reule is þis, þat þe profetis i Þe viſioun, eþer profeſie, of Yſaie, þe ſone of Amos,
reherſen ofte benefices ȝouun of God bifor to þe Jewis, which he ſiȝ on Juda and Jeruſalem, in þe daies of Oſie,
to coumforte hem to ȝyue credence to goodis bihiȝt in of Joathan, of Achas, and of Ezechie, kyngis of Juda.
her profeſies; and þanne þe ſtories of Moiſes lawe, eþer

ii Ȝe heuenes, here, and þou erþe, perſeyue wiþ eeris, xviii And come ȝe, and repreue ȝe me, ſeiþ þe Lord. Þouȝ
for þe Lord ſpak. Y haue nurſchid and Y haue enhaunſid ȝoure ſynnes ben as blood reed, þo ſchulen be maad
ſones; ſoþeli þei han diſpiſid me. whijt as ſnow; and þouȝ þo ben reed as vermylioun, þo
iii An oxe knew his lord, and an aſſe knew þe cratche of ſchulen be whijt as wolle.
his lord; but Iſrael knewe not me, and my puple xix If ȝe wolen, and heren me, ȝe ſchulen ete þe goodis
vndurſtood not. of erþe.
iiii Wo to þe ſynful folk, to þe puple heuy in xx Þat if ȝe nylen, and ȝe terren me to wraþfulneſſe,
wickidneſſe, to þe weiward ſeed, to þe curſid ſones; þei ſwerd ſchal deuoure ȝou; for whi þe mouþ of þe Lord
han forſake þe Lord, þei han blasfemyd þe hooli of ſpak.
Iſrael, þei ben aliened bacward. xxi Hou is þe feiþful citee ful of dom maad an hoore?
v On what þing ſchal Y ſmyte ȝou more, þat encreeſſen riȝtfulneſſe dwellide þer ynne; but now menquelleris
treſpaſſyng? Ech heed is ſijk, and ech herte is dwellen þer ynne.
morenynge. xxii Þi ſiluer is turned in to dros, eþer filþe; þi wyn is
vi Fro þe ſole of þe foot til to þe nol, helþe is not þer medlid wiþ watir.
ynne; wounde, and wanneſſe, and betyng bolnynge is xxiii Þi princes ben vnfeiþful, þe felowis of þeuys; alle
not boundun aboute, neþer curid bi medicyn, neþer louen ȝiftis, ſuen meedis; þei demen not to a fadirles
nurſchid wiþ oile. child, and þe cauſe of a widewe entriþ not to hem.
vii Ȝoure lond is forſakun, ȝoure citees ben brent bi fier; xxiiii For þis þing, ſeiþ þe Lord God of ooſtis, þe ſtronge
aliens deuouren ȝoure cuntrei bifore ȝou, and it ſchal be of Iſrael, Alas! Y ſchal be coumfortid on myn enemyes,
diſolat as in þe diſtriyng of enemyes. and Y ſchal be vengid on myn enemyes.
viii And þe douȝtir of Sion, `þat is, Jeruſalem, ſchal be xxv And Y ſchal turne myn hond to þee, and Y ſchal ſeþe
forſakun as a ſchadewynge place in a vyner, and as an out þi filþe to þe cleene, and Y ſchal do awei al þi tyn.
hulke in a place where gourdis wexen, and as a citee xxvi And Y ſchal reſtore þi iuges, as þei weren bifor to,
which is waſtid. and þi counſelours, as in elde tyme. Aftir þeſe þingis
ix If þe Lord of ooſtis hadde not left ſeed to vs, we
þou ſchalt be clepid þe citee of þe riȝtful, a feiþful citee.
hadden be as Sodom, and we hadden be lijk as xxvii Sion ſchal be aȝen bouȝt in dom, and þei ſchulen
Gomorre. bringe it aȝen in to riȝtfulneſſe;
x Ȝe princes of men of Sodom, here þe word of þe Lord; xxviii and God ſchal al to-breke curſid men and ſynneris
and ȝe puple of Gommorre, perſeyue wiþ eeris þe lawe togidere, and þei þat forſoken þe Lord, ſchulen be
of ȝoure God. waſtid.
xi Wherto offren ȝe to me þe multitude of ȝoure xxix For þei ſchulen be aſchamed of idols, to whiche þei
ſacrifices? ſeiþ þe Lord. Y am ful; Y wolde not þe brent maden ſacrifice; and ȝe ſhulen be aſchamid on þe
ſacrifices of weþeris, and þe ynnere fatneſſe of fatte orcherdis, whiche ȝe cheſiden.
beeſtis, and þe blood of calues, and of lambren, and of xxx Whanne ȝe ſchulen be as an ook, whanne þe leeues
buckis of geet. fallen doun, and as an orcherd wiþ out watir.
xii Whanne ȝe camen bifore my ſiȝt, who axide of ȝoure
xxxi And ȝoure ſtrengþe ſchal be as a deed ſparcle of
hondis þeſe þingis, þat ȝe ſchulden go in myn hallys? bonys, `eþer of herdis of flex, and ȝoure werk ſchal be
xiii Offre ȝe no more ſacrifice in veyn; encenſe is
as a quyk ſparcle; and euer eiþer ſchal be brent togidere,
abhomynacioun to me; Y ſchal not ſuffre neomenye, and noon ſchal be þat ſchal quenche.
and ſabat, and oþere feeſtis.
xiiii Ȝoure cumpenyes ben wickid; my ſoule hatiþ ȝoure
calendis and ȝoure ſolempnytees; þo ben maad diſeſeful i Þe word which Yſaie, þe ſone of Amos, ſiȝ on Juda and
to me, Y trauelide ſuffrynge. Jeruſalem.
xv And whanne ȝe ſtretchen forþ ȝoure hondis, Y ſchal ii And in þe laſte daies þe hil of þe hous of þe Lord ſchal
turne awei myn iȝen fro ȝou; and whanne ȝe multiplien be maad redi in þe cop of hillis, and ſchal be reiſid
preyer, Y ſchal not here; for whi ȝoure hondis ben ful of aboue litle hillis. And alle heþene men ſchulen flowe to
blood. hym;
xvi Be ȝe waiſchun, be ȝe clene; do ȝe awei þe yuel of iii and many puplis ſchulen go, and ſchulen ſeie, Come
ȝoure þouȝtis fro myn iȝen; ceeſſe ȝe to do weiwardli, ȝe, ſtie we to þe hil of þe Lord, and to þe hous of God of
lerne ȝe to do wel. Jacob; and he ſchal teche vs hiſe weies, and we ſchulen
xvii Seke ȝe doom, helpe ȝe hym þat is oppreſſid, deme
go in þe paþis of hym. For whi þe lawe ſchal go out of
ȝe to þe fadirles and modirles child, defende ȝe a Syon, and þe word of þe Lord fro Jeruſalem.

iiii And he ſchal deme heþene men, and he ſchal repreue xxii Þerfor ceeſſe ȝe fro a man, whos ſpirit is in hiſe noſe
many puplis; and þei ſchulen welle togidere her ſwerdes þirlis, for he is arettid hiȝ.
in to ſcharris, and her ſperis in to ſikelis, eþer ſiþes; folk
ſchal no more reiſe ſwerd aȝens folk, and þei ſchulen no CAP. III
more be exerciſid to batel. i For lo! þe lordli gouernour, þe Lord of ooſtis, ſchal
v Come ȝe, þe hous of Jacob, and go we in þe lyȝt of þe take awei fro Jeruſalem and fro Juda a myȝti man, and
Lord. ſtrong, and al þe ſtrengþe of breed, and al þe ſtrengþe of
vi Forſoþe þou haſt caſt awei þi puple, þe hous of Jacob, watir;
for þei ben fillid as ſum tyme bifore; and þei hadden ii a ſtrong man, and a man a werriour, and a domeſman,
falſe dyuynouris bi þe chiteryng of briddis, as Filiſteis, and a profete, and a falſe dyuynour in auteris, and an
and þei cleuyden to alien children. elde man,
vii Þe lond is fillid wiþ ſiluer and gold, and noon ende is iii a prince ouer fifti men, and a worſchipful man in
of þe treſouris þerof; and þe lond þerof is fillid wiþ cheer, and a counſelour, and a wijs man of principal
horſis, and þe foure horſid cartis þerof ben crafti men, and a prudent man of myſtik, eþir gooſtli,
vnnoumbrable. ſpeche.
viii And þe lond þerof is fillid wiþ ydols, and þei iiii And Y ſchal ȝyue children þe princes of hem, and
worſchipiden þe werk of her hondis, which her fyngris men of wymmens condiciouns ſchulen be lordis of hem.
maden; v And þe puple ſchal falle doun, a man to a man, ech
ix and a man bowide hymſilf, and a man of ful age was man to his neiȝbore; a child ſchal make noyſe aȝens an
maad low. Þerfor forȝyue þou not to hem. eld man, and an vnnoble man aȝens a noble man.
x Entre þou, puple of Juda, in to a ſtoon, be þou hid in a vi For a man ſchal take his broþer, þe meneal of his
diche in erþe, fro þe face of þe drede of þe Lord, and fadir, and ſchal ſeie, A clooþ is to þee, be þou oure
fro þe glorie of his mageſte. prince; forſoþe þis fallyng be vndur þin hond.
xi Þe iȝen of an hiȝ man ben maad low, and þe hiȝneſſe vii And he ſchal anſwere in þat dai, and ſeie, Y am no
of men ſchal be bowid doun; forſoþe þe Lord aloone leche, and neþer breed, neþer cloþ is in myn hous; nyle
ſchal be enhaunſid in þat dai. ȝe make me prince of þe puple.
xii For þe dai of þe Lord of ooſtis ſchal be on ech proud viii For whi Jeruſalem felle doun, and Juda felle doun
man and hiȝ, and on ech booſtere, and he ſchal be maad togidere; for þe tunge of hem, and þe fyndingis of hem
low; weren aȝens þe Lord, for to terre to wraþþe þe iȝen of
xiii and on alle þe cedres of þe Liban hiȝe and reiſid, and his mageſte.
on alle þe ookis of Baiſan, ix Þe knowyng of her cheer ſchal anſwere to hem; and
xiiii and on alle hiȝ munteyns, and on alle litle hillis, `þat þei prechiden her ſynne, as Sodom dide, and hidden not.
ben reiſid; Wo to þe ſoule of hem, for whi yuels ben ȝoldun to
xv and on ech hiȝ tour, and on ech ſtrong wal; hem.
xvi and on alle ſchippis of Tharſis, and on al þing which x Seie ȝe to þe iuſt man, þat it ſchal be to hym wel; for

is fair in ſiȝt. he ſchal ete þe fruyt of hiſe fyndyngis.

xvii And al þe hiȝneſſe of men ſchal be bowid doun, and xi Wo to þe wickid man in to yuel; for whi þe ȝeldyng of

þe hiȝneſſe of men ſchal be maad low; and þe Lord hiſe hondis ſchal be maad to hym.
xii Þe wrongful axeris of my puple robbiden it, and
aloone ſchal be reiſid in þat dai,
xviii and idols ſchulen be brokun togidere outirli. wymmen weren lordis þerof. Mi puple, þei þat ſeien þee
xix And þei ſchulen entre in to dennes of ſtoonys, and in bleſſid, diſſeyuen þee, and diſtrien þe weie of þi ſteppis.
xiii Þe Lord ſtondiþ for to deme, and `þe Lord ſtondiþ
to þe ſwolewis of erþe, fro þe face of þe inward drede
of þe Lord, and fro þe glorie of his maieſte, whanne he for to deme puplis;
xiiii þe Lord ſchal come to doom, wiþ þe eldere men of
ſchal ryſe to ſmyte þe lond.
xx In þat dai a man ſchal caſte awei þe idols of his ſiluer, his puple, and wiþ hiſe princes; for ȝe han waſtid my
and þe ſymylacris of his gold, whiche he hadde maad to vyner, and þe raueyn of a pore man is in ȝoure hous.
xv Whi al to-breken ȝe my puple, and grynden togidere
hym ſilf, for to worſchipe moldewarpis and backis,
`eþer rere myis. þe faces of pore men? ſeiþ þe Lord God of ooſtis.
xxi And he ſchal entre in to chynnis, eþir craſyngis, of xvi And þe Lord God ſeide, For þat þat þe douȝtris of

ſtoonys, and in to þe caues of hard roochis, fro þe face Syon weren reiſid, and ȝeden wiþ a necke ſtretchid forþ,
of þe inward drede of þe Lord, and fro þe glorie of his and ȝeden bi ſignes of iȝen, and flappiden wiþ hondis,
mageſte, whanne he ſchal ryſe to ſmyte þe lond. and ȝeden, and wiþ her feet ȝeden in wel araied goyng,

xvii þe Lord ſchal make ballyd þe nol of þe douȝtris of abood, þat it ſchulde bere grapis, and it bare wielde
Sion, and þe Lord ſchal make nakid þe heer of hem. grapis.
xviii In þat dai þe Lord ſchal take awei þe ournement of iii Now þerfor, ȝe dwelleris of Jeruſalem, and ȝe men of

ſchoon, and goldun litle bellis lijk þe moone, Juda, deme bitwixe me and my viner.
xix and ribans, and brochis, and ournementis of armes iiii What is it þat Y ouȝt to do more to my vyner, and Y

nyȝ þe ſchuldris, and mytris, eþer chapelettis, dide not to it? wheþer þat Y abood, þat it ſchulde bere
xx and coombis, and ournementis of armes niȝ þe grapis, and it bare wielde grapis?
v And now Y ſchal ſchewe to ȝou, what Y ſchal do to my
hondis, and goldun ourenementis lijk laumpreis, and
litil veſſels of oynementis, vyner. Y ſchal take awei þe hegge þerof, and it ſchal be
xxi and eere ryngis, and ryngis, and preciouſe ſtoonys in to rauyſchyng; Y ſchal caſte doun þe wal þerof, and it
hangynge in þe forheed, ſchal be in to defoulyng; and Y ſchal ſette it deſert,
xxii and chaungynge cloþis, and mentils, and ſchetis, vi eþer forſakun. It ſchal not be kit, and it ſchal not be

eþer ſmockis, and needlis, diggid, and breris and þornes ſchulen `growe vp on it;
xxiii and myrouris, and ſmal lynun cloþis aboute þe and Y ſchal comaunde to cloudis, þat þo reyne not reyn
ſchuldris, and kercheues, and roketis. on it.
vii Forſoþe þe vyner of þe Lord of ooſtis is þe hous of
xxiiii And ſtynk ſhal be for ſwete odour, and a corde for
þe girdil; ballidneſſe ſchal be for criſpe heer, and an Iſrael, and þe men of Juda ben þe delitable buriownyng
heire for a breſt girdil. of hym. Y abood, þat it ſchal make doom, and lo!
xxv Alſo þi faireſte men ſchulen falle bi ſwerd, and þi wickidneſſe; and þat it ſchulde do riȝtfulneſſe, and lo!
ſtronge men ſchulen falle in batel. viii Wo to ȝou þat ioynen hows to hous, and couplen
xxvi And þe ȝatis þerof ſchulen weile, and morene; and
feeld to feeld, `til to þe ende of place. Wheþer ȝe aloone
it ſchal ſitte deſolat in erþe.
ſchulen dwelle in þe myddis of þe lond?
ix Þeſe þingis ben in þe eeris of me, þe Lord of ooſtis; if
i And ſeuene wymmen ſchulen catche o man in þat dai, many houſis ben not forſakun, grete houſis and faire,
wiþ outen dwellere, bileue ȝe not to me.
and ſchulen ſeie, We ſchulen ete oure breed, and we x For whi ten acris of vynes ſchulen make a potel, and
ſchulen be hilid wiþ oure cloþis; oneli þi name be clepid
þretti buſchels of ſeed ſchulen make þre buſchels.
on vs, do þou awei oure ſchenſchip. xi Wo to ȝou þat riſen togidere eerli to ſue drunkenneſſe,
ii In þat dai þe buriownyng of þe Lord ſchal be in greet
and to drinke `til to euentid, þat ȝe brenne wiþ wyn.
worſchip and glorie; and þe fruyt of erþe ſchal be hiȝ, xii Harpe, and giterne, and tympan, and pipe, and wyn
and ful out ioye `ſchal be to hem þat ſchulen be ſauyd of
Iſrael. ben in ȝoure feeſtis; and ȝe biholden not þe werk of þe
iii And it ſchal be, ech þat is left in Sion, and is reſydue Lord, neþer ȝe biholden þe werkis of hiſe hondis.
xiii Þerfor my puple is led priſoner, for it hadde not
in Jeruſalem, ſchal be clepid hooli; ech þat is writun in
lijf in Jeruſalem; kunnyng; and þe noble men þerof periſchiden in
iiii if þe Lord waiſchiþ awei þe filþis of þe douȝtris of hungur, and þe multitude þerof was drye in þirſt.
xiiii Þerfor helle alargide his ſoule, and openyde his
Sion, and waiſchiþ þe blood of Jeruſalem fro þe myddis
þerof, in þe ſpirit of doom, and in þe ſpirit of heete. mouþ wiþ outen ony ende; and ſtrong men þerof, and þe
v And þe Lord made on ech place of þe hille of Sion, puple þerof, and þe hiȝ men, and gloriouſe men þerof,
ſchulen go doun to it.
and where he was clepid to help, a cloude bi dai, and xv And a man ſchal be bowid doun, and a man of age
ſmoke, and briȝtneſſe of fier flawmynge in þe niȝt; for
whi hilyng ſchal be aboue al glorie. ſchal be maad low; and þe iȝen of hiȝ men ſchulen be
vi And a tabernacle ſchal be in to a ſchadewynge place preſſid doun.
xvi And þe Lord of ooſtis ſchal be enhaunſid in doom,
of þe dai, fro heete, and in to ſikirneſſe and in to hidyng,
fro whirlewynd and fro reyn. and hooli God ſchal be halewid in riȝtfulneſſe.
xvii And lambren ſchulen be fed bi her ordre, and

CAP. V comelyngis ſchulen ete deſert places turned in to

i I ſchal ſynge for my derlyng þe ſong of myn vnclis plentee.
xviii Wo to ȝou þat drawen wickydneſſe in þe cordis of
ſone, of his vyner. A vyner was maad to my derlyng, in
þe horne in þe ſone of oile. vanyte, and drawen ſynne as þe boond of a wayn; and
ii And he heggide it, and chees ſtoonys þerof, and ȝe ſeien,
plauntide a choſun vyner; and he bildide a tour in þe
myddis þerof, and rerede a preſſe þer ynne; and he

xix Þe werk of hym haaſte, and come ſoone, þat we ſe; iiii And þe lyntels aboue of þe herris were moued
and þe counſel of þe hooli of Iſrael neiȝ, and come, and togidere of þe vois of þe criere, and þe hous was fillid
we ſchulen knowe it. wiþ ſmoke.
xx Wo to ȝou þat ſeien yuel good, and good yuel; and v And Y ſeide, Wo to me, for Y was ſtille; for Y am a
putten derkneſſis lyȝt, and lyȝt derkneſſis; and putten man defoulid in lippis, and Y dwelle in þe myddis of þe
bittir þing in to ſwete, and ſwete þing in to bittir. puple hauynge defoulid lippis, and Y ſiȝ wiþ myn iȝen
xxi Wo to ȝou þat ben wiſe men in ȝoure iȝen, and ben þe kyng Lord of ooſtis.
prudent bifor ȝou ſilf. vi And oon of ſerafyn flei to me, and a brennynge cole
xxii Wo to ȝou þat ben myȝti to drynke wyn, and ben was in his hond, which cole he hadde take wiþ a tonge
ſtronge to meddle drunkeneſſe; fro þe auter.
xxiii and ȝe iuſtifien a wickid man for ȝiftis, and ȝe taken vii And he touchide my mouþ, and ſeide, Lo! Y haue

awei þe riȝtfulneſſe of a iuſt man fro hym. touchid þi lippis wiþ þis cole, and þi wickidneſſe ſchal
xxiiii For þis þing, as þe tunge of fier deuouriþ ſtobil, be don awei, and þi ſynne ſchal be clenſid.
viii And Y herde þe vois of þe Lord, ſeiynge, Whom
and þe heete of flawme brenneþ, ſo þe roote of hem
ſchal be as a deed ſparcle, and þe ſeed of hem ſchal ſtie ſchal Y ſende, and who ſchal go to ȝou? And Y ſeide,
as duſt; for þei caſtiden awei þe lawe of þe Lord of Lo! Y; ſende þou me.
ooſtis, and blasfemyden þe ſpeche of þe hooli of Iſrael. ix And he ſeide, Go þou, and þou ſchalt ſeie to þis puple,
xxv Þerfor þe ſtrong veniaunce of þe Lord was wrooþ Ȝe herynge here, and nyle ȝe vndurſtonde; and ſe ȝe þe
aȝens his puple, and he ſtretchide forþ his hond on it, profeſie, and nyle ȝe knowe.
and ſmoot it; and hillis weren diſturblid, and þe deed x Make þou blynde þe herte of þis puple, and aggrege
bodies of hem weren maad as a toord in þe myddis of þou þe eeris þerof, and cloſe þou þe iȝen þerof; leſt
ſtretis. In alle þeſe þingis þe ſtronge vengeaunce of him perauenture it ſe wiþ hiſe iȝen, and here wiþ hiſe eeris,
was not turned awei, but ȝit his hond was ſtretchid forþ. and vndurſtonde wiþ his herte, and it be conuertid, and
xxvi And he ſchal reiſe a ſigne among naciouns afer, and Y make it hool.
he ſchal hiſſe to hym fro þe endis of erþe; and lo! he xi And Y ſeide, Lord, hou long? And he ſeide, Til citees
ſchal haaſte, and ſchal come ſwiftli. ben maad deſolat wiþ out dwellere, and houſis wiþ out
xxvii Noon is failynge neþir trauelynge in þat ooſt; he man. And þe lond ſchal be left deſert,
ſchal not nappe, neþer ſlepe, neþer þe girdil of his xii and þe Lord ſchal make men fer. And þat þat was
reynes ſchal be vndo, neþer þe lace of his ſcho ſchal be forſakun in þe myddil of erþe, ſchal be multiplied, and
brokun. ȝit tiþing ſchal be þer ynne;
xxviii Hiſe arowis ben ſcharpe, and alle hiſe bowis ben xiii and it ſchal be conuertid, and it ſchal be in to
bent; þe houȝs of hiſe horſis ben as a flynt, and hiſe ſchewyng, as a terebynte is, and as an ook, þat ſprediþ
wheelis ben as þe feerſneſſe of tempeſt. abrood hiſe boowis; þat ſchal be hooli ſeed, þat ſchal
xxix His roryng ſchal be as of lioun; he ſchal rore as þe ſtonde þer ynne.
whelpis of liouns; and he ſchal gnaſte, and ſchal holde
prey, and ſchal biclippe, and noon ſchal be, þat ſchal CAP. VII
delyuere. i And it was don in þe daies of Achas, þe ſone of
xxx And he ſchal ſowne on it in þat dai, as doiþ þe ſoun Joathan, þe ſone of Oſias, kyng of Juda, Raſyn, þe kyng
of þe ſee; we ſchulen biholde in to þe erþe, and lo! of Sirie, and Facee, þe ſone of Romelie, þe kyng of
derkneſſis of tribulacioun, and lyȝt is maad derk in þe Iſrael, ſtieden to Jeruſalem, for to fiȝte aȝens it; and þei
derkneſſe þerof. myȝten not ouercome it.
ii And þei telden to þe hous of Dauid, and ſeiden, Sirie
CAP. VI haþ reſtid on Effraym, and þe herte of hym and of his
i In þe ȝeer in which þe kyng Oſie was deed, Y ſiȝ þe puple was mouyd togidere, as þe trees of wodis ben
Lord ſittynge on an hiȝ ſeete, and reiſid; and þe hous mouyd of þe face of þe wynd.
was ful of his mageſte, and þo þingis þat weren vndur iii And þe Lord ſeide to Iſaie, Go þou out, and Jaſub, þi
hym, filliden þe temple. ſone, which is left, in to þe meetyng of Achas, at þe
ii Serafyn ſtoden on it, ſixe wyngis weren to oon, and laſte ende of þe water cundijt of þe hiȝere ciſterne, in þe
ſixe wyngis to þe toþir; wiþ twei wyngis þei hiliden þe weie of þe feeld of þe fullere.
face of hym, and wiþ twei wyngis þei hiliden þe feet of iiii And þou ſchalt ſeie to hym, Se þou, þat þou be ſtille;
hym, and wiþ twei wyngis þei flowen. nyle þou drede, and þin herte be not aferd of twei tailis
iii And þei crieden `þe toon to þe toþer, and ſeiden, of þeſe brondis ſmokynge in þe wraþþe of woodneſſe, of
Hooli, hooli, hooli is þe Lord God of ooſtis; al erþe is Raſyn, kynge of Sirie, and of þe ſone of Romelye.
ful of his glorie.

v For Sirie, and Effraym, and þe ſone of Romelie, han xxv And alle hillis þat ſchulen be purgid wiþ a ſarpe, þe
bigunne yuel councel aȝens þee, and ſeien, Stie we to drede of þornes and of breris ſchal not come þidir; and
Juda, it ſchal be in to leſewe of oxen, and in to treding of
vi and reiſe we hym, and drawe we hym out to vs; and ſcheep.
ſette we a kyng in þe myddis þerof, þe ſone of Tabeel.
vii Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þis ſchal not be, and it CAP. VIII
i And þe Lord ſeide to me, Take to þee a greet book, and
ſchal not ſtonde;
viii but Damaſk ſchal be þe heed of Sirie, and Raſyn write þer ynne wiþ þe poyntil of man, Swiftli drawe
`ſchal be þe heed of Damaſk; and ȝit ſixti ȝeer and fiue, þou awei ſpuylis, take þou prey ſoone.
ii And Y ȝaf to me faiþful witneſſis, Vrie, þe preſt, and
and Effraym ſchal faile to be a puple;
ix and Samarie ſhal faile to be þe heed of Effraym, and Sacarie, þe ſone of Barachie.
iii And Y neiȝede to þe profeteſſe; and ſche conſeyuede,
þe ſone of Romelie `ſchal faile to be heed of Samarie.
Forſoþe if ȝe ſchulen not bileue, ȝe ſchulen not dwelle. and childide a ſone. And þe Lord ſeide to me, Clepe þou
x And þe Lord addide to ſpeke to Achas, his name Haſte þou to drawe awei ſpuylis, haaſte þou
xi and ſeide, Axe þou to þee a ſigne of þi Lord God, in for to take prey.
iiii For whi bifor þat þe child kan clepe his fadir and his
to þe depþe of helle, eþir in to heiȝþe aboue.
xii And Achas ſeide, Y ſchal not axe, and Y ſchal not modir, þe ſtrengþe of Damaſk ſchal be doon awei, and
tempte þe Lord. þe ſpuylis of Samarie, bifor þe kyng of Aſſiriens.
v And þe Lord addide to ſpeke ȝit to me, and he ſeide,
xiii And Yſaie ſeide, Þerfor þe hous of Dauid, here ȝe;
vi For þat þing þat þis puple haþ caſte awei þe watris of
wheþer it is litil to ȝou to be diſeſeful to men, for ȝe ben
diſeſeful alſo to my God? Siloe, þat goen wiþ ſilence, and haþ take more Raſyn,
xiiii For þis þing þe Lord hym ſilf ſchal ȝyue a ſigne to and þe ſone of Romelie, for þis þing lo!
vii þe Lord ſchal brynge on hem þe ſtronge and many
ȝou. Lo! a virgyn ſchal conſeyue, and ſchal bere a ſone;
and his name ſchal be clepid Emanuel. watris of þe flood, þe king of Aſſiriens, and al his
xv He ſchal ete botere and hony, þat he kunne repreue glorie; and he ſchal ſtiȝe on alle þe ſtremes þerof, and he
yuel, and cheeſe good. ſchal flowe on alle þe ryueris þerof.
viii And he ſchal go flowynge bi Juda, and he ſchal paſſe
xvi For whi bifore þat þe child kunne repreue yuel, and
cheſe good, þe lond, which þou wlatiſt, ſchal be til to þe necke, and ſchal come; and þe ſpredyng forþ of
forſakun of þe face of her twei kyngis. hiſe wyngis ſchal be, and ſchal fille þe breede of þi
xvii Þe Lord ſchal brynge on þee, and on þi puple, and lond, þou Emanuel.
ix Puplis, be ȝe gaderid togidere, and be ȝe ouercomun;
on þe hous of þi fadir, daies þat camen not fro þe daies
of departyng of Effraym fro Juda, wiþ þe kyng of and alle londis afer, here ȝe. Be ȝe coumfortid, and be
Aſſiriens. ȝe ouercomun; gird ȝe ȝou, and be ȝe ouercomun;
x take ȝe councel, and it ſchal be deſtried; ſpeke ȝe a
xviii And it ſchal be, in þat dai þe Lord ſchal hiſſe to a
flie, which is in þe laſte parte of þe floodis of Egipt; and word, and it ſchal not be doon, for God is wiþ vs.
xi For whi þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis to me, as he tauȝte
to a bee, which is in þe lond of Aſſur;
xix and `alle ſo ſchulen come, and ſchulen reſte in þe me in a ſtronge hond, þat Y ſchulde not go in to þe weie
ſtrondis of valeis, and in caues of ſtoonis, and in alle of þis puple,
xii and ſeide, Seie ȝe not, It is ſweryng togidere, for whi
places of buyſchis, and in alle hoolis.
xx And in þat dai þe Lord ſchal ſchaue wiþ a ſcharp alle þingis which þis puple ſpekiþ is ſweryng togidere;
raſour in þeſe men, þat ben biȝendis þe flood, in þe and drede ȝe not þe ferdfulneſſe þerof, neþer be ȝe
kyng of Aſſiriens, þe heed, and heeris of þe feet, and al aferd.
xiii Halowe ȝe þe Lord hym ſilf of ooſtis; and he ſchal be
þe beerd.
xxi And it ſchal be, in þat day a man ſchal nuriſche a ȝoure inward drede, and he ſchal be ȝoure ferdfulneſſe,
cow of oxis, and twei ſcheep, and he ſchal be to ȝou in to halewyng.
xiiii Forſoþe he ſchal be in to a ſtoon of hirtyng, and in to
xxii and for þe plentee of mylk he ſchal ete botere; for
whi ech man þat ſchal be left in þe myddis of þe lond, a ſtoon of ſclaundre, to tweyne houſis of Iſrael; in to a
ſchal ete boter and hony. ſnare, and in to fallyng, to hem þat dwellen in
xxiii And it ſchal be, in þat dai ech place where a Jeruſalem.
xv And ful many of hem ſchulen offende, and ſchulen
þouſand vyneris ſchulen be worþ a þouſynde platis of
ſiluer, and ſchulen be in to þornes and breeris, falle, and þei ſchulen be al to-brokun, and þei ſchulen
xxiiii men ſchulen entre þidur wiþ bouwis and arowis; be boundun, and ſchulen be takun.
for whi breris and þornes ſchulen be in al þe lond.

xvi Bynde þou witneſſyng, mark þou þe lawe in my ix And al þe puple of Effraym ſchal wite, and þei þat
diſciplis. dwellen in Samarie, ſeiynge in þe pride and greetneſſe
xvii Y ſchal abide þe Lord, þat haþ hid his face fro þe of herte,
hous of Jacob, and Y ſchal abide hym. x Tijl ſtoonys fellen doun, but we ſchulen bilde wiþ
xviii Lo! Y and my children, whiche þe Lord ȝaf to me in ſquare ſtoonys; þei han kit doun ſicomoris, but we
to a ſigne, and greet wondur to Iſrael, of þe Lord of ſchulen chaunge cedris.
ooſtis þat dwelliþ in þe hil of Sion. xi And þe Lord ſchal reiſe þe enemyes of Raſyn on hym,
xix And whanne þei ſeien to ȝou, Axe ȝe of coniureris, and he ſchal turne þe enemyes of hym in to noyſe;
and of falſe dyuynouris, þat gnaſten in her xii God ſchal make Sirie to come fro þe eeſt, and
enchauntyngis, wheþer þe puple ſchal not axe of her Filiſteis fro þe weſt; and wiþ al þe mouþ þei ſchulen
God a reuelacioun for quyke men and deed? deuoure Iſrael. In alle þeſe þingis þe ſtronge veniaunce
xx It is to go to þe lawe more and to þe witneſſyng, þat if of þe Lord is not turned awei, but ȝit his hond is
þei ſeien not after þis word, morewtide lyȝt ſchal not be ſtretchid forþ;
to hem. xiii and þe puple is not turned aȝen to þe Lord ſmytynge
xxi And it ſchal paſſe bi þat, and it ſchal falle doun, and it, and þei ſouȝten not þe Lord of ooſtis.
it ſchal hungre. And whanne it ſchal hungre, it ſchal be xiiii And þe Lord ſchal leeſe fro Iſrael þe heed and þe
wrooþ, and ſchal curſe his kyng and his God, and it tail; crokynge and biſchrewynge, eþer refreynynge, in o
ſchal biholde vpward. dai.
xxii And it ſchal loke to þe erþe, and lo! tribulacioun, xv An elde man and onourable, he is þe heed, and a
and derkneſſis, and vnbyndyng, eþer diſcoumfort, and profete techynge a leeſyng, he is þe tail.
angwiſch, and myiſt purſuynge; and it ſchal not mow fle xvi And þei þat bleſſen his puple, ſchulen be diſſeyueris,
awei fro his angwiſch. and þei þat ben bleſſid, ſchulen be caſt doun.
xvii For þis þing þe Lord ſchal not be glad on þe ȝonge
CAP. IX men þerof, and he ſchal not haue merci on þe fadirles
i In þe firſte tyme þe lond of Zabulon and þe lond of
children and widewis þerof; for ech man is an ypocrite
Neptalym was releeſſid; and at þe laſte þe weie of þe ſee and weiward, and ech mouþ ſpak foli. In alle þeſe þingis
biȝende Jordan of Galile of heþene men was maad heuy. þe ſtronge veniaunce of hym is not turned awei, but ȝit
ii Þe puple þat ȝede in derkneſſis ſiȝ a greet lyȝt; whanne his hond is ſtretchid forþ;
men dwelliden in þe cuntre of ſchadewe of deþ, lyȝt xviii and þe puple is not turned aȝen to þe Lord
roos vp to hem. ſmytynge it. For whi wickidneſſe is kyndlid as fier; it
iii Þou multipliediſt folk, þou magnefiediſt not ſchal deuoure þe breris and þornes, and it ſchal be
gladneſſe; þei ſchulen be glad bifore þee, as þei þat ben kyndlid in þe þickeneſſe of þe foreſt, and it ſchal be
glad in herueſt, as ouercomeris maken ful out ioie, wlappid togidere in þe pride of ſmoke.
whanne þei han take a prey, whanne þei departen þe xix In þe wraþþe of þe Lord of ooſtis þe lond ſchal be
ſpuylis. diſturblid, and þe puple ſchal be as þe mete of fier; a
iiii For þou haſt ouercome þe ȝok of his birþun, and þe man ſchal not ſpare his broþir.
ȝerde of his ſchuldre, and þe ceptre of his wrongful xx And he ſchal boowe to þe riȝt half, and he ſchal
axere, as in þe day of Madian. hungre, and he ſchal ete at þe left half, and he ſchal not
v For whi al violent raueyn wiþ noiſe, and a cloþ be fillid; ech man ſchal deuoure þe fleiſch of his arm.
meddlid wiþ blood ſchal be in to brennyng, and `ſchal Manaſſes ſchal deuoure Effraym, and Effraym `ſchal
be þe mete of fier. deuoure Manaſſes, and þei togidere aȝens Juda.
vi Forſoþe a litil child is borun to vs, and a ſone is ȝouun xxi In alle þeſe þingis þe ſtrong veniaunce of hym is not
to vs, and prinſehod is maad on his ſchuldre; and his turned awei, but ȝit his hoond is ſtretchid forþ.
name ſchal be clepid Wondurful, A counſelour, God,
Strong, A fadir of þe world to comynge, A prince of CAP. X
pees. i Wo to þem þat maken wickid lawis, and þei writynge
vii His empire ſchal be multiplied, and noon ende ſchal han wryte vnriȝtfulneſſe, for to oppreſſe pore men in
be of his pees; he ſchal ſitte on þe ſeete of Dauid, and on doom,
þe rewme of hym, þat he conferme it, and make ſtronge ii and to do violence to þe cauſe of meke men of my
in doom and riȝtfulneſſe, fro hennus forþ and til in to puple; þat widewis ſchulen be þe prey of þem, and þat
wiþ outen ende. Þe feruent loue of þe Lord of ooſtis þei ſchulden rauyſche fadirles children.
ſchal make þis.
viii Þe Lord ſente a word in to Jacob, and it felle in

iii What ſchulen ȝe do in þe dai of viſitacioun, and of xx And it ſchal be in þat dai, þe remenaunt of Iſrael, and
wretchidneſſe comynge fro fer? To whos help ſchulen ȝe þei þat fledden of þe houſe of Jacob, ſchal not adde for
fle? and where ſchulen ȝe leeue ȝoure glorie, to triſte on hym þat ſmytiþ hem; but it ſchal triſte on þe
iiii þat ȝe be not bowid doun vndur boond, and falle not hooli Lord of Iſrael, in treuþe.
doun wiþ ſlayn men? On alle þeſe þingis his ſtrong xxi Þe relifs, Y ſeie, þe relifs of Jacob, ſchulen be
veniaunce is not turned awei, but ȝit his hond is conuertid to þe ſtronge Lord.
ſtretchid forþ. xxii Forwhi, Iſrael, if þi puple is as þe grauel of þe ſee,
v Wo to Aſſur, he is þe ȝerde and ſtaf of my ſtrong þe relifs ſchulen be turned þerof; an endyng maad ſchort
veniaunce; myn indignacioun is in þe hond of þem. ſchal make riȝtfulneſſe to be plenteuouſe.
vi Y ſchal ſend hym to a fals folk, and Y ſchal comaunde xxiii For whi þe Lord God of ooſtis ſchal make an
to hym aȝens þe puple of my ſtrong veniaunce; þat he endyng and a breggyng in þe myddis of al erþe.
take awei þe ſpuylis, and departe prey, and þat he ſette xxiiii For þis þing þe Lord God of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis,
þat puple in to defouling, as þe fen of ſtretis. My puple, þe dwellere of Sion, nyle þou drede of Aſſur,
vii Forſoþe he ſchal not deme ſo, and his herte ſchal not for he ſchal ſmite þee in a ȝerde, and he ſchal reiſe his
geſſe ſo, but his herte ſchal be for to al to-breke, and to ſtaf on þee in þe weie of Egipt.
þe ſleynge of many folkis. xxv Forwhi ȝit a litil, and a litil, and myn indignacioun
viii For he ſchal ſeie, Wheþer my princes ben not kyngis and my ſtrong veniaunce ſchal be endid on þe greet
to gidere? treſpas of hem.
ix Wheþer not as Carcamys, ſo Calanno; and as Arphat, xxvi And þe Lord of ooſtis ſchal reiſe a ſcourge on hym
ſo Emath? wheþer not as Damaſk, ſo Samarie? bi þe veniaunce of Madian in þe ſtoon of Oreb, and bi
x As myn hond foond þe rewmes of idol, ſo and þe his ȝerde on þe ſee; and he ſchal reiſe þat ȝerde in þe
ſymylacris of hem of Jeruſalem and of Samarie. wei of Egipt.
xi Wheþer not as Y dide to Samarie, and to þe idols xxvii And it ſchal be in þat dai, his birþun ſchal be takun

þerof, ſo Y ſchal do to Jeruſalem, and to þe ſimylacris awei fro þi ſchuldre, and his ȝok fro þi necke; and þe
þerof? ȝok ſchal wexe rotun fro þe face of oile.
xii And it ſchal be, whanne þe Lord haþ fillid alle hiſe xxviii He ſchal come in to Aioth, he ſchal paſſe in to

werkis in þe hil of Syon and in Jeruſalem, Y ſchal viſite Magron, at Magynas he ſchal bitake his veſſels to
on þe fruit of þe greet doynge herte of þe kyng of Aſſur, kepyng.
and on þe glorie of þe hiȝneſſe of hiſe iȝen. xxix Þei paſſiden ſwiftli, Gabaa is oure ſeete, Rama was
xiii For he ſeide, Y haue do in þe ſtrengþe of myn honde, aſtonyed, Gabaa of Saul fled.
and Y haue underſtonde in my wiſdom; and Y haue take xxx Þou douȝtir of Gallym, weile wiþ þi vois; þou Laiſa,
awei þe endis of peplis, and Y haue robbid þe princes of perſeyue, þou pore Anatot.
þem, and Y as a myȝti man haue drawun doun þem þat xxxi Medemena paſſide; þe dwelleris of Gabyn fledden;
ſaten an hiȝ. be ȝe coumfortid.
xiiii And myn hond foond þe ſtrengþe of puplis as a neſt, xxxii Ȝit it is dai, þat me ſtonde in Nobe; he ſchal dryue
and as eirun ben gaderid togidere þat ben forſakun, ſo Y his hond on þe hil of þe douȝter of Syon, on þe litil hil
gaderid togidere al erþe; and noon was þat mouyde a of Jeruſalem.
feþere, and openyde þe mouþ, and grutchide. xxxiii Lo! þe lordli gouernour, þe Lord of ooſtis, ſchal
xv Wheþer an ax ſchal haue glorie aȝens hym þat kittiþ
breke a potel in drede, and hiȝ men of ſtature ſchulen be
wiþ it? eþer a ſawe ſchal be enhaunſid aȝens hym of kit doun.
whom it is drawun? as if a ȝerde is reiſid aȝens hym þat xxxiiii And proude men ſchulen be maade low, and þe
reiſiþ it, and a ſtaf is enhaunſid, which ſoþeli is a tre. þicke þingis of þe foreſt ſchulen be diſtried bi irun; and
xvi For þis þing þe lordli gouernour, Lord of ooſtis, ſchal
þe Liban wiþ hiȝ þingis ſchal falle doun.
ſende þinneſſe in þe fatte men of hym, and his glorie
kyndlid vndur ſchal brenne as `þe brenning of fier. CAP. XI
xvii And þe lyȝt of Iſrael ſchal be in fier, and þe hooli of i And a ȝerde ſchal go out of þe roote of Jeſſe, and a
it in flawme; and þe þorn of him and brere ſchal be flour ſchal ſtie of þe roote of it.
kyndlid and deuourid in o dai. ii And þe Spirit of þe Lord ſchal reſte on hym, þe ſpirit
xviii And þe glorie of his foreſt and of his Carmele ſchal
of wiſdom and of vndurſtondyng, þe ſpirit of counſel
be waſtid, fro þe ſoule `til to fleiſch; and he ſchal be and of ſtrengþe, þe ſpirit of kunnyng and of pitee;
fleynge awei for drede. iii and þe ſpirit of þe drede of þe Lord ſchal fille him. He
xix And þe relifs of þe tree of his foreſt ſchulen be
ſchal deme not bi þe ſiȝt of iȝen, neþer he ſchal repreue
noumbrid for fewneſſe, and a child ſchal write hem. bi þe heryng of eeris;

iiii buthe ſchal deme in riȝtfulneſſe pore men, and he ii Lo! God is my ſauȝour, Y ſchal do feiþfuli, and Y ſchal
ſchal repreue in equyte, for þe mylde men of erþe. And not drede. For whi þe Lord is my ſtrengþe and my
he ſchal ſmyte þe lond wiþ þe ȝerde of his mouþ, and bi preyſyng, and he is maad to me in to helþe.
þe ſpirit of his lippis he ſchal ſle þe wickid man. iii Ȝe ſchulen drawe watris wiþ ioie of þe wellis of þe
v And riȝtfulneſſe ſchal be þe girdil of hiſe leendis, and ſauȝour.
feiþ ſchal be þe girdyng of hiſe reynes. iiii And ȝe ſchulen ſeie in þat dai, Knouleche ȝe to þe
vi A wolf ſchal dwelle wiþ a lombe, and a parde ſchal Lord, and clepe ȝe his name in to help; make ȝe knowun
reſte wiþ a kide; a calf, and a lioun, and a ſcheep hiſe fyndyngis among puplis; haue ȝe mynde, þat his
ſchulen dwelle togidere, and a litil child ſchal dryue name is hiȝ.
hem. v Synge ȝe to þe Lord, for he haþ do worſchipfuli; telle
vii A calf and a beere ſchulen be leſewid togidere; þe ȝe þis in al erþe.
whelpis of hem ſchulen reſte, and a lioun as an oxe ſchal vi Þou dwellyng of Syon, make ful out ioie, and preiſe;
ete ſtre. for whi þe hooli of Iſrael is greet in þe myddis of þee.
viii And a ȝonge ſoukyng child fro þe tete ſchal delite on
þe hole of a ſnake, and he þat is wenyd ſchal putte his CAP. XIII
hond in þe caue of a cocatrice. i Þe birþun of Babiloyne, which birþun Yſaie, þe ſone of
ix Þei ſchulen not anoye, and ſchulen not ſle in al myn Amos, ſiȝ.
hooli hil; forwhi þe erþe is fillid wiþ þe kunnyng of þe ii Reiſe ȝe a ſigne on a myiſti hil, and enhaunſe ȝe vois;
Lord, as watris of þe ſee hilynge. reiſe ȝe þe hond, and duykis entre bi þe ȝatis.
x In þat dai þe roote of Jeſſe, þat ſtondiþ in to þe ſigne of iii Y haue comaundid to myn halewid men, and Y clepid
puplis; heþene men ſchulen biſeche hym, and his my ſtronge men in my wraþþe, þat maken ful out ioie in
ſepulchre ſchal be gloriouſe. my glorie.
xi And it ſchal be in þat day, þe Lord ſchal adde þe iiii Þe vois of multitude in hillis, as of many puplis; þe
ſecounde tyme his hond to haue in poſſeſſioun þe vois of ſown of kyngis, of heþene men gaderit togidere.
reſidue of his puple þat ſchal be left, of Aſſiriens, and of Þe Lord of ooſtis comaundide to þe chyualry of batel,
Egipt, and of Fethros, and of Ethiope, and of Elan, and v to men comynge fro a fer lond. Þe Lord comeþ fro þe
of Sennar, and of Emath, and of ylis of þe ſee. hiȝneſſe of heuene, and þe veſſels of his ſtrong
xii And he ſchal reiſe a ſygne to naciouns, and ſchal
veniaunce, þat he diſtrie al þe lond.
gadere togidere þe fleeris awei of Iſrael; and he ſchal vi Ȝelle ȝe, for þe dai of þe Lord is niȝ; as waſtyng it
gadere togidere þe ſcaterid men of Juda fro foure cooſtis ſchal come of þe Lord.
of erþe. vii For þis þing alle hondis ſchulen be vnmyȝti, and eche
xiii And þe enuye of Effraym ſchal be don awei, and þe
herte of man ſchal faile,
enemyes of Juda ſchulen periſche; Effraym ſchal not viii and ſchal be al to-brokun. Gnawyngis and ſorewis
haue enuye to Juda, and Juda ſchal not fiȝte aȝens
ſchulen holde Babiloyns; þei ſchulen haue ſorewe, as
xiiii And þei ſchulen flie in to þe ſchuldris of Filiſteis bi
þey þat trauelen of child. Ech man ſchal wondre at his
neiȝbore; her cheris ſchulen be brent faces.
þe ſee, þei ſchulen take prey togidere of þe ſones of þe ix Lo! þe dai of þe Lord ſchal come, cruel, and ful of
eeſt; Ydume and Moab ſchulen be þe comaundement of
indignacioun, and of wraþþe, and of woodneſſe; to ſette
þe hond of hem, and þe ſones of Amon ſchulen be
þe lond into wildirneſſe, and to al to-breke þe ſynneris
xv And þe Lord ſchal make deſolat þe tunge of þe ſee of
þerof fro þat lond.
x For whi þe ſterris of heuene and þe ſchynyng of þo
Egipt, and he ſchal reiſe his hond on þe flood in þe
ſchulen not ſprede abrood her lyȝt; þe ſunne is maade
ſtrengþe of his ſpirit; and he ſchal ſmyte, eþir departe, it
derk in his riſyng, and þe moone ſchal not ſchine in hir
in ſeuene ryueris, ſo þat ſchood men paſſe bi it.
xvi And a weie ſchal be to my reſidue puple þat ſchal be
xi And Y ſchal viſite on þe yuels of þe world, and Y
left, of Aſſiriens, as it was to Iſrael, in þe dai in which it
ſchal viſite aȝens wickid men þe wickidneſſe of hem;
ſtiede fro þe lond of Egipt.
and Y ſchal make þe pride of vnfeiþful men for to reſte,
and Y ſchal make low þe booſt of ſtronge men.
CAP. XII xii A man of ful age ſchal be preciouſere þan gold, and a
i And þou ſchalt ſeie in þat dai, Lord, Y ſchal knouleche
man ſchal be preciouſere þan pure gold and ſchynyng.
to þee, for þou were wrooþ to me; þi ſtrong venieaunce xiii On þis þing I ſchal diſturble heuene, and þe erþe
is turned, and þou haſt coumfortid me.
ſchal be moued fro his place; for þe indignacioun of þe

Lord of ooſtis, and for þe dai of wraþþe of his ſtrong vii Ech lond reſtide, and was ſtille; it was ioiful, and
veniaunce. made ful out ioie.
xiiii And it ſchal be as a doo fleynge, and as a ſcheep, viii Alſo fir trees and cedris of þe Liban weren glad on
and noon ſchal be þat ſchal gadere togidere; ech man þee; ſiþen þou ſleptiſt, noon ſtieþ þat kittiþ vs doun.
ſchal turne to his puple, and alle bi hem ſilf ſchulen fle ix Helle vndur þee is diſturblid for þe meeting of þi
to her lond. comyng; he ſchal reiſe giauntis to þee; alle þe princes of
xv Ech man þat is foundun, ſchal be ſlayn; and ech man
erþe han riſe fro her ſeetis, alle þe princes of naciouns.
þat comeþ aboue, ſchal falle doun bi ſwerd. x Alle þei ſchulen anſwere, and þei ſhulen ſeie to þee,
xvi Þe ȝonge children of þem ſchulen be hurtlid doun
And þou art woundid as and we, þou art maad lijk vs.
bifore þe iȝen of þem; her houſis ſchulen be rauiſchid, xi Þi pride is drawun doun to hellis, þi deed careyn felle
and her wyues ſchulen be defoulid. doun; a mouȝte ſchal be ſtrewyd vndur þee, and þin
xvii Lo! Y ſchal reiſe on þem Medeis, þat ſeken not
hilyng ſchal be wormes.
ſiluer, neþir wolen gold; xii A! Lucifer, þat riſidiſt eerli, hou feldiſt þou doun fro
xviii but þei ſhulen ſle litle children bi arowis, and þei
heuene; þou þat woundiſt folkis, feldiſt doun togidere in
ſchulen not haue merci on wombis ȝyuynge mylk, and to erþe.
þe iȝe of þem ſchal not ſpare on ſones. xiii Which ſeidiſt in þin herte, Y ſchal ſtie in to heuene, Y
xix And Babiloyne, þilke gloriouſe citee in rewmes,
ſchal enhaunſe my ſeete aboue þe ſtaris of heuene; Y
noble in þe pride of Caldeis, ſchal be deſtried, as God ſchal ſitte in þe hil of teſtament, in þe ſidis of þe norþ.
deſtried Sodom and Gomore. xiiii Y ſchal ſtie on þe hiȝneſſe of cloudis; Y ſchal be lijk
xx It ſhall not be enhabitid til in to þe ende, and it ſchal
þe hiȝeſte.
not be foundid til to generacioun and generacioun; a xv Neþeles þou ſchalt be drawun doun to helle, in to þe
man of Arabie ſchal not ſette tentis þere, and depþe of þe lake.
ſcheepherdis ſchulen not reſte þere. xvi Þei þat ſchulen ſe þee, ſchulen be bowid doun to þee,
xxi But wielde beeſtis ſchulen reſte þere, and þe houſis
and ſchulen biholde þee. Wheþer þis is þe man, þat
of hem ſchulen be fillid wiþ dragouns; and oſtrichis diſturblid erþe, þat ſchook togidere rewmes?
ſchulen dwelle þere, and heeri beeſtis ſchulen ſkippe xvii þat ſettide þe world deſert, and diſtried þe citees
þere. þerof, and openyde not þe priſoun to þe boundun men
xxii And bitouris ſchulen anſwere þere in þe houſis
of hym?
þerof, and fliynge ſerpentis in þe templis of luſt. xviii Alle þe kyngis of heþene men, alle ſlepten in glorie,
a man in his hous.
CAP. XIIII xix But þou art caſt out of þi ſepulcre, as an vnprofitable
i It is niȝ þat þe tyme þerof come, and þe daies þerof
ſtok, as defoulid wiþ rot; and wlappid wiþ hem þat ben
ſchulen not be maad fer; for whi þe Lord ſchal haue ſlayn wiþ ſwerd, and ȝeden doun to þe foundement of
merci of Jacob, and he ſchal cheſe ȝit of Iſrael, and ſchal þe lake.
make þem for to reſte on her lond; a comelyng ſchal be xx As a rotun careyn, þou ſchalt not haue felouſchipe,
ioyned to þem, and ſchal cleue to þe houſe of Jacob.
ii And puplis ſchulen holde hem, and ſchulen brynge neþir wiþ hem in ſepulture, for þou haſt loſt þi lond, þou
haſt ſlayn þe puple; þe ſeed of þe worſt men ſchal not be
hem in to her place. And þe hous of Iſrael ſchal haue clepid wiþ outen ende.
hem in poſſeſſioun in to ſeruauntis and handmaidis on xxi Make ȝe redi hiſe ſones to ſleying, for þe wickidneſſe
þe lond of þe Lord; and þei ſchulen take þo men þat
of her fadris; þei ſchulen not riſe, neþer þei ſchulen
token hem, and þei ſchulen make ſuget her wrongful
enherite þe lond, neþer þei ſchulen fille þe face of þe
iii And it ſchal be in þat dai, whanne God ſchal ȝyue to roundeneſſe of citees.
xxii And Y ſchal riſe on hem, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, and
þee reſte of þi trauel, and of þi ſhakyng, and of hard
Y ſchal leeſe þe name of Babyloyne, and þe relifs, and
ſeruage, in which þou ſeruediſt bifore,
iiii þou ſchalt take þis parable aȝens þe kyng of generacioun, and ſeed, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xxiii And Y ſchal ſette þat Babiloyne in to poſſeſſioun of
Babiloyne, and þou ſchalt ſei, Hou ceeſſide þe wrongful
an irchoun, and in to mareiſis of watris; and Y ſchal
axere, reſtide tribute?
v Þe Lord haþ al to-broke þe ſtaf of wickid men, þe ſwepe it wiþ a beeſme, and Y ſchal ſtampe, ſeiþ þe Lord
of ooſtis.
ȝerde of lordis, xxiiii Þe Lord of ooſtis ſwoor, ſeiynge, Wheþer it ſchal
vi þat beet puplis in indignacioun, wiþ vncurable
not be ſo, as Y geſſide, and it ſchal bifalle ſo, as Y
wounde, þat ſugetide folkis in woodneſſe, þat purſuede tretide in ſoule?

xxv Þat Y al to-breke þe kyng of Aſſiriens in my lond, CAP. XVI
and þat Y defoule hym in myn hillis; and his ȝok ſchal i Lord, ſende þou out a lomb, þe lordli gouernour of
be takun awei fro hem, and his birþun ſchal be takun erþe, fro þe ſtoon of deſert to þe hil of þe douȝter of
awei fro þe ſchuldur of hem. Sion.
xxvi Þis is þe councel which Y þouȝte on al þe lond, and ii And it ſchal be as a foule fleynge, and briddis fleynge
þis is þe hond ſtretchid forþ on alle folkis. awei fro þe neſt, ſo ſchulen be þe douȝtris of Moab in þe
xxvii For whi þe Lord of ooſtis haþ demed, and who mai paſſyng ouer of Arnon.
make vnſtidfaſte? and his hond is ſtretchid forþ, and iii Take þou councel, conſtreyne þou councel; ſette þou
who ſchal turne it awei? as niȝt þi ſchadewe in myddai, hide þou hem þat fleen,
xxviii Þe birþun of Filiſteis. In þe ȝeer wheryne kyng and bitraye þou not men of vnſtidfaſt dwellyng.
Achas diede, þis birþun was maad. iiii My fleeris awei ſchulen dwelle at þee. Moab, be þou
xxix Al þou Filiſtea, be not glad, for þe ȝerde of þi þe hidyng place of hem fro þe face of diſtriere. For whi
ſmytere is maad leſſe; for whi a cocatrice ſchal go out of duſt is endid, þe wretchid is waſtid; he þat defoulide þe
þe roote of an eddre, and his ſeed ſchal ſoupe up a brid. lond failude.
xxx And þe firſte gendrid of pore men ſchulen be fed, v And þe kyngis ſeete ſchal be maade redi in merci, and

and pore men ſchulen reſte feiþfuli; and Y ſchal make þi he ſchal ſitte on it in treuþe, in þe tabernacle of Dauid,
þrote to periſch in hungur, and Y ſchal ſle þi relifs. demynge, and ſekynge doom, and ȝeldynge ſwiftli þat
xxxi Ȝelle, þou ȝate; cry, þou citee, al Filiſtea is caſt þat is iuſt.
vi We han herd þe pride of Moab, he is ful proud; his
doun; for whi ſmoke ſchal come fro þe norþ, and noon
is þat ſchal aſcape his ooſt. pride, and his booſt, and his indignacioun is more þan
xxxii And what ſchal be anſwerid to þe meſſangeris of his ſtrengþe.
vii Þerfor Moab ſchal ȝelle to Moab, al Moab ſhal ȝelle
folk? for þe Lord haþ foundid Sion, and þe pore men of
his puple ſchulen hope in hym. to hem þat ben glad on þe wallis of bakun tijl ſtoon;
ſpeke ȝe her woundis.
CAP. XV viii For whi þe ſubarbis of Eſebon and þe vyner of
i Þe birþun of Moab. For Ar was deſtried in niȝt, Moab Sabama ben forſakun. Þe lordis of heþene men han kit
was ſtille; for þe wal was diſtried in þe niȝt, Moab was doun þe ſiouns þerof; þei camen `til to Jaſer, þei erriden
ſtille. in deſert. Þe bowis þerof ben forſakun, þei paſſiden þe
ii Þe kingis hous, and Dybon ſtieden to hiȝ places, in to ſee.
ix On þis þing Y ſchal wepe in þe weping of Jaſer, and
weilyng; on Nabo, and on Medaba Moab ſchal ȝelle. In
alle hedis þerof ſchal be ballidneſſe, and ech beerd ſchal on þe vyner of Sabama. Eſebon and Eleale, Y ſchal fille
be ſchauun. þee wiþ my teer; for þe vois of defouleris fellen on þi
iii In þe meetyng of þre weies þerof þei ben gird in a vyndage, and on þi herueſt.
x And gladneſſe and ful out ioiyng ſchal be takun awei
ſak, alle ȝellyng on þe houſis þerof and in þe ſtretis
þerof; it ſchal go doun in to wepyng. fro Carmele; and noon ſchal make ful out ioye, neþer
iiii Eſebon ſchal crie, and Eleale, þe vois of hem is herd ſchal ſynge hertli ſong in vyneris. He þat was wont to
`til to Jaſa; on þis þing þe redi men of Moab ſchulen wringe out, ſchal not wrynge out wyn in a preſſour; Y
ȝelle, þe ſoule þerof ſchal ȝelle to it ſilf. haue take awei þe vois of wryngeris out.
v Myn herte ſchal crie to Moab, þe barris þerof `til to xi On þis þing my wombe ſchal ſowne as an harpe to

Segor, a cow calf of þre ȝeer. For whi a wepere ſchal Moab, and myn entrails to þe wal of bakun tiel ſtoon.
xii And it ſchal be, whanne it ſchal appere, þat Moab haþ
ſtie bi þe ſtiyng of Luith, and in þe weie of Oronaym þei
ſchulen reiſe cry of ſorewe. trauelid on hiſe places, it ſchal entre to hiſe hooli þingis,
vi For whi þe watris of Nemrym ſchulen be forſakun; for þat it biſeche, and it ſchal not be worþ.
xiii Þis is þe word which þe Lord ſpak to Moab fro þat
þe eerbe dried up, buriownyng failide, al greneneſſe
periſchide. tyme.
vii Bi þe greetneſſe of werk, and þe viſityng of hem, to xiiii And now þe Lord ſpak, ſeiynge, In þre ȝeer þat

þe ſtronde of ſalewis þei ſchulen lede hem. weren as þe ȝeeris of an hirid man, þe glorie of Moab
viii For whi cry cumpaſſide þe ende of Moab; `til to ſchal be takun awei on al þe myche puple; and þer ſchal
Galym þe ȝellyng þerof, and þe cry þerof `til to þe pit of be left in it as a litil raſyn, and a litil, and not myche.
ix For þe watris of Dibon ben fillid wiþ blood; for Y CAP. XVII
i Þe birþun of Damaſk. Lo! Damaſk ſchal faile to be a
ſchal ſette encreeſſyngis on Dibon, to þo men of Moab
þat fledden fro þe lioun, and to þe relifs of þe lond. citee, and it ſchal be as an heep of ſtoonys in fallyng.

ii Þe forſakun citees of Aroer ſchulen be to flockis; and iiii Forwhi þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis to me, Y ſchal reſte,
þo ſchulen reſte þere, and noon ſchal be þat ſchal make and Y ſchal biholde in my place, as þe myddai lyȝt is
aferd. cleer, and as a cloude of dew in þe dai of herueſt.
iii And help ſchal ceeſſe fro Effraym, and a rewme fro v For whi al flouride out bifore herueſt, aud vnripe
Damaſk; and þe relifs of Sirie ſchulen be as þe glorie of perfeccioun buriownede; and þe litle braunchis þerof
þe ſones of Iſrael, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis. ſchulen be kit doun wiþ ſiþis, and þo þat ben left,
iiii And it ſchal be, in þat dai þe glorie of Jacob ſchal be ſchulen be kit awei. Þei ſchulen be ſchakun out,
maad þinne, and þe fatneſſe of his fleiſch ſhal fade. vi and ſchulen be left togidere to þe briddis of hillis, and
v And it ſchal be as gaderyng togidere þat þat is left in to þe beeſtis of erþe; and briddis ſchulen be on hym by a
herueſt, and his arm ſchal gadere eeris of corn, and it ſomer euerlaſtinge, and alle þe beeſtis of erþe ſchulen
ſchal be as ſekynge eeris of corn in þe valei of dwelle bi wyntir on hym.
Raphaym. vii In þat tyme a ȝifte ſchal be brouȝt to þe Lord of
vi And þere ſchal be left in it as a raſyn, and as þe ooſtis, of þe puple drawun up and to-rent; of þe puple
ſchakyng doun of þe fruyt of olyue tre, as of tweyne ferdful, aftir which was noon oþer; of þe folk abidynge
eþer of þre olyue trees in þe hiȝneſſe of a braunche, eþer and defoulid, whos lond floodis rauyſchiden; þe ȝifte
of foure eþer of fyue; in þe cooppis þerof ſchal be þe ſchal be brouȝt to þe place of þe name of þe Lord of
fruyt þerof, ſeiþ þe Lord God of Iſrael. ooſtis, to þe hil of Sion.
vii In þat dai a man ſchal be bowid to his maker, and hiſe
iȝen ſchulen biholde to þe hooli of Iſrael. CAP. XIX
viii And he ſchal not be bowid to þe auteris, whiche hiſe i Þe birþun of Egipt. Lo! þe Lord ſchal ſtie on a lyȝt

hondis maden, and whiche hiſe fyngris wrouȝten; he cloude, and he ſchal entre in to Egipt; and þe ſymilacris
ſchal not biholde wodis, and templis of idols. of Egipt ſchulen be mouyd fro his face, and þe herte of
ix In þat dai þe citees of ſtrengþe þerof ſchulen be Egipt ſchal faile in þe myddis þerof.
ii And Y ſchal make Egipcians to renne togidere aȝens
forſakun as plowis, and cornes þat weren forſakun of þe
face of þe ſones of Iſrael; and þou ſchalt be forſakun. Egipcians, and a man ſchal fiȝte aȝens his broþer, and a
x For þou haſt forȝete God, þi ſauȝour, and haddiſt not man aȝens his frend, a citee aȝens a citee, and a rewme
mynde on þi ſtronge helpere; þerfor þou ſchalt plaunte a aȝens a rewme.
iii And þe ſpirit of Egipt ſchal be brokun in þe entrailis
feiþful plauntyng, and þou ſchalt ſowe an alien ſeed.
xi In þe dai of þi plauntyng ſchal be a wielde vyne, and þerof, and Y ſchal caſte doun þe councel þerof; and þei
erli þi ſeed ſchal floure; ripe corne is takun awei in þe ſchulen axe her ſymylacris, and her falſe diuinouris, and
dai of eritage, and Iſrael ſchal make ſorewe greuouſli. her men þat han vncleene ſpiritis ſpekinge in þe wombe,
xii Wo to þe multitude of many puplis, as þe multitude and her dyuynouris bi ſacrifices maad on auteris to
of þe ſee ſownynge, and þe noiſe of cumpenyes as þe iiii And Y ſchal bitake Egipt in to þe hond of cruel
ſown of many watris.
xiii Puplis ſchulen ſowne as þe ſown of flowynge watris, lordis, and a ſtrong kyng ſchal be lord of hem, ſeiþ þe
Lord God of ooſtis.
and God ſchal blame hym; and he ſchal fle fer, and he v And watir of þe ſee ſchal wexe drie, and þe flood ſchal
ſchal be rauyſchid as þe duſt of hillis fro þe face of þe
wynd, and as a whirlewynd bifor tempeſt. be deſolat, and ſchal be dried.
vi And þe floodis ſchulen faile, and þe ſtrondis of þe
xiiii In þe time of euentide, and lo! diſturbling; in þe
morewtid, and he ſchal not abide. Þis is þe part of hem feeldis ſchulen be maad þynne, and ſchulen be dried; a
þat deſtrieden vs, and þe part of hem þat rauyſchiden vs. rehed and ſpier ſchal fade.
vii Þe botme of watir ſchal be maad nakid, and ſtremys

CAP. XVIII fro her welle; and þe moiſte place of al ſeed ſchal be
i Wo to þe lond, þe cymbal of wyngis, which is biȝende dried, ſchal waxe drie, and ſchal not be.
viii And fiſcheris ſchulen morne, and alle þat caſten
þe flood of Ethiopie; þat ſendiþ meſſangeris bi þe ſee,
ii and in veſſels of papirus on watris. Go, ȝe meſſangeris, hook in to þe flood, ſchulen weile; and þei þat ſpreden
to þe folk drawun up and to-rent; to a ferdful puple, abrood a net on þe face of watris, ſchulen fade.
ix Þei ſchulen be ſchent, þat wrouȝten flex, foldynge and
aftir which is noon oþer; to þe folk abidynge and
defoulid, whos lond þe flodis han rauyſchid; to þe hil of ordeynynge ſutil þingis.
x And þe watir places þerof ſchulen be drye; alle þat
þe name of þe Lord of ooſtis, to þe hil of Sion.
iii Alle ȝe dwelleris of þe world, þat dwellen in þe lond, maden poondis to take fiſchis, ſchulen be ſchent.
xi Þe fonned princes of Tafnys, þe wiſe counſelouris of
ſchulen ſe whanne a ſigne ſchal be reiſid in þe hillis, and
ȝe ſchulen here þe cry of a trumpe. Farao, ȝauen vnwiſe counſel; hou ſchulen ȝe ſeie to

Farao, Y am þe ſone of wiſe men, þe ſone of elde leendis, and take awei þi ſchoon fro þi feet. And he dide
kyngis? ſo, goynge nakid and vnſchood.
xii Where ben now þi wiſe men? Telle þei to þee, and iii And þe Lord ſeide, As my ſeruaunt Yſaie ȝede nakid
ſchewe þei, what þe Lord of ooſtis þouȝte on Egipt. and vnſchood, a ſigne and greet wondur of þre ȝeer
xiii Þe princes of Tafnys ben maad foolis; þe princes of ſchal be on Egipt, and on Ethiopie;
Memphis fadiden; þei diſſeyueden Egipt, a corner of þe iiii ſo þe kyng of Aſſiriens ſchal dryue þe caitifte of
puplis þerof. Egipt, and þe paſſyng ouer of Ethiopie, a ȝong man and
xiiii Þe Lord meddlid a ſpirit of errour in þe myddis an eld man, nakid and vnſchood, wiþ þe buttokis
þerof; and þei maden Egipt for to erre in al his werk, as vnhilid, to þe ſchenſchipe of Egipt.
a drunkun man and ſpuynge erriþ. v And þei ſchulen drede, and ſchulen be ſchent of
xv And werk ſchal not be to Egipt, þat it make an heed Ethiopie, her hope, and of Egipt, her glorie.
and tail bowynge and refreynynge. vi And a dwellere of þis ile ſchal ſeie in þat dai, Þis was
xvi In þat dai Egipt ſchal be as wymmen, and þei ſchulen our hope, to which we fledden for help, þat þei ſchulden
be aſtonyed, and ſchulen drede of þe face of þe delyuere vs fro þe face of þe kyng of Aſſiryens; and hou
mouynge of þe hoond of þe Lord of ooſtis, which he moun we aſcape?
mouede on it.
xvii And þe lond of Juda ſchal be to Egipt in to drede; CAP. XXI
i Þe birþun of þe forſakun ſee. As whirlewyndis comen
ech þat ſchal þenke on it, ſchal drede of þe face of þe
counſel of þe Lord of ooſtis, whiche he þouȝte on it. fro þe ſouþweſt, it comeþ fro deſert, fro þe orible lond.
xviii In þat dai fyue citees ſchulen be in þe lond of Egipt, ii An hard reuelacioun is teld to me; he þat is vnfeiþful,

and ſchulen ſpeke wiþ þe tunge of Canaan, and ſchulen doiþ vnfeiþfuli; and he þat is a diſtriere, diſtrieþ. Þou
ſwere bi þe Lord of ooſtis; þe citee of þe ſunne ſchal be Helam, ſtie, and þou, Meda, biſeche; Y made al þe
clepid oon. weilyng þerof for to ceeſſe.
xix In þat dai þe auter of þe Lord ſchal be in þe myddis iii Þerfor my leendis ben fillid wiþ ſorewe; angwiſche

of þe lond of Egipt, and þe title of þe Lord ſchal be weldide me, as þe angwiſch of a womman trauelynge of
biſidis þe ende þerof; child; Y felle doun, whanne Y herde; Y was diſturblid,
xx and it ſchal be in to a ſigne and witneſſyng to þe Lord whanne Y ſiȝ.
iiii Myn herte fadide, derkneſſis aſtonieden me;
of ooſtis, in þe lond of Egipt. For þei ſchulen crie to þe
Lord fro þe face of þe troblere, and he ſchal ſende a Babiloyne, my derlyng, is ſet to me in to myracle.
ſauȝour to hem, and a forfiȝtere, þat ſchal delyuere hem. v Sette þou a boord, biholde þou in to a toting place;
xxi And þe Lord ſchal be knowun of Egipt, and riſe, ȝe princes, etynge and drynkynge, take ȝe ſcheeld.
Egipcians ſchulen knowe þe Lord in þat dai; and þei vi For whi þe Lord ſeide þeſe þingis to me, Go þou, and
ſchulen worſchipe hym in ſacrifices and ȝiftis, and þei ſette a lokere; and telle he, what euer þing he ſeeþ.
ſchulen make vowis to þe Lord, and þei ſchulen paie. vii And he ſiȝ þe chare of tweyne horſe men, þe ſtiere of
xxii And þe Lord ſchal ſmyte Egipt wiþ a wounde, and an aſſe, and þe ſtiere of a camel; and he bihelde
ſchal make it hool; and Egipcians ſchulen turne aȝen to diligentli wiþ myche lokyng,
þe Lord, and he ſchal be pleſid in hem, and he ſchal viii and criede as a lioun, Y ſtonde contynueli bi dai on
make hem hool. þe totyng place of þe Lord, and Y ſtonde bi alle nyȝtis
xxiii In þat dai a wei ſchal be fro Egipt in to Aſſiriens, on my kepyng.
and Egipcians ſchulen ſerue Aſſur; and Aſſur ſchal entre ix Lo! þis comeþ, a man ſtiere of a carte of horſe men.
in to Egipt, and Egipt in to Aſſiriens. And Iſaie criede, and ſeide, Babiloyne felle doun, felle
xxiiii In þat dai Iſrael ſchal be þe þridde to Egipt and to doun; and alle þe grauun ymagis of goddis þerof ben al
Aſſur, þe bleſſyng in þe myddil of erþe; to-brokun in to erþe.
xxv whom þe Lord of ooſtis bleſſide, ſeiynge, Bleſſid be x Mi þreſchyng, and þe douȝter of my cornfloor, Y haue
my puple of Egipt, and þe werk of myn hondis be to teld to ȝou what þingis Y herde of þe Lord of ooſtis, of
Aſſiriens; but myne eritage be to Iſrael. God of Iſrael.
xi Þe birþun of Duma. It crieþ fro Seir to me, Kepere,
CAP. XX what our of þe niȝt? `kepere, what our of þe niȝt?
i In þe ȝeer wherynne Tharthan entride in to Azotus, xii Þe kepere ſeide, Morewtid comeþ, and niȝt; if ȝe
whanne Sargon, þe kyng of Aſſiriens, hadde ſent hym, ſeken, ſeke ȝe, and be ȝe conuertid, and `come ȝe.
and he hadde fouȝte aȝens Azotus, and hadde take it; xiii Þe birþun in Arabie. In þe foreſt at euentid ȝe ſchulen
ii in þat tyme þe Lord ſpak in þe hond of Iſaye, þe ſone
ſlepe, in þe paþis of Dodanym.
of Amos, and ſeide, Go þou, and vnbynde þe ſak fro þi

xiiii Ȝeþat dwellen in þe lond of þe ſouþ, renne, and xiiii And þe vois of þe Lord of ooſtis is ſchewid in myn
bere watir to þe þriſti; and renne ȝe wiþ looues to hym eeris, Þis wickidneſſe ſchal not be forȝouun to ȝou, til ȝe
þat fleeþ. dien, ſeiþ þe Lord God of ooſtis.
xv For þei fledden fro þe face of ſwerdis, fro þe face of xv Þe Lord God of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Go þou, and
ſwerd neiȝynge, fro þe face of bouwe bent, fro þe face entre to hym þat dwelliþ in þe tabernacle, to Sobna, þe
of greuouſe batel. ſouereyn of þe temple; and þou ſchalt ſeie to hym,
xvi For þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis to me, Ȝit in o ȝeer, as in xvi What þou here, eþir as who here? for þou haſt hewe
þe ȝeer of an hirid man, and al þe glorie of Cedar ſchal to þee a ſepulcre here, þou haſt hewe a memorial in hiȝ
be takun awei. place diligentli, a tabernacle in a ſtoon to þee.
xvii And þe remenauntis of þe noumbre of ſtronge xvii Lo! þe Lord ſchal make þee to be borun out, as a
archeris of þe ſones of Cedar ſchulen be maad leſſe; for kapoun is borun out, and as a cloþ, ſo he ſhal reiſe þee.
whi þe Lord God of Iſrael ſpak. xviii He crowninge ſchal crowne þee wiþ tribulacioun;
he ſchal ſende þee as a bal in to a large lond and wijd;
CAP. XXII þere þou ſchalt die, and þere ſchal be þe chare of þi
i Þe birþun of þe valei of viſioun. What alſo is to þee, glorie, and þe ſchenſchipe of þe hous of þi Lord.
for and al þou ſtiediſt in to roouȝs, xix And Y ſchal caſte þee out of þi ſtondyng, and Y ſchal
ii þou ful of cry, a citee of myche puple, a citee ful out putte þee doun of þi ſeruyce.
ioiynge? þi ſlayn men weren not ſlayn bi ſwerd, neþer þi xx And it ſchal be, in þat dai Y ſchal clepe my ſeruaunt
deed men weren deed in batel. Eliachim, þe ſone of Helchie; and Y ſchal cloþe hym in
iii Alle þi princes fledden togidere, and weren boundun þi coote,
harde; alle þat weren foundun, weren boundun togidere, xxi and Y ſchal coumforte hym wiþ þi girdil, and Y ſhal
þei fledden fer. ȝyue þi power in to þe hondis of hym; and he ſchal be
iiii Þerfor Y ſeide, Go ȝe awei fro me, Y ſchal wepe as a fadir to hem þat dwellen in Jeruſalem, and to þe
bittirli; nyle ȝe be biſie to coumforte me on þe diſtriyng hous of Juda.
of þe douȝter of my puple. xxii And Y ſchal ȝyue þe keie of þe hous of Dauyd on
v For whi a dai of ſleyng, and of defoulyng, and of his ſchuldre; and he ſchal opene, and noon ſchal be þat
wepyngis, is ordeined of þe Lord God of ooſtis, in þe ſchal ſchitte; and he ſchal ſchitte, and noon ſchal be þat
valei of viſioun; and he ſerchiþ þe walle, and is ſchal opene.
worſchipful on þe hil. xxiii And Y ſchal ſette hym a ſtake in a feiþful place, and
vi And Helam took an arowe caas, and þe chare of an he ſchal be in to þe ſeete of glorie of þe hous of his
horſe man; and þe ſcheeld made nakid þe wal. fadir.
vii And þi choſun valeis, Jeruſalem, ſchulen be ful of xxiiii And þou ſchalt hange on hym al þe glorie of þe
cartis; and knyȝtis ſchulen putte her ſeetis in þe ȝate. hous of his fadir, diuerſe kindis of veſſels, eche litil
viii And þe hilyng of Juda ſchal be ſchewid; and þou veſſel, fro þe veſſelis of cuppis `til to ech veſſel of
ſchalt ſe in þat dai þe place of armuris of þe hous of þe muſikis.
foreſt; xxv In þat dai, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, þe ſtake þat was ſet
ix and ȝe ſchulen ſe þe craſyngis of þe citee of Dauid, for in þe feiþful place, ſchal be takun awei, and it ſchal be
þo ben multiplied. Ȝe gaderiden togidere þe watris of þe brokun, and ſchal falle doun; and ſchal periſche þat
lowere ciſterne, hangide þerynne, for þe Lord ſpak.
x and ȝe noumbriden þe houſis of Jeruſalem, and ȝe
diſtrieden houſis, to make ſtrong þe wal; and ȝe maden a CAP. XXIII
i Þe birþun of Tire. Ȝe ſchippis of þe ſee, ȝelle, for þe
lake bitwixe twei wallis,
xi and ȝe reſtoriden þe watir of þe elde ſiſterne; and ȝe hous is diſtried, fro whennus coumfort was wont to
biholden not to hym, þat made `þilke Jeruſalem, and ȝe come; fro þe lond of Cethym, and was ſchewid to hem.
ii Be ȝe ſtille, þat dwellen in þe ile, þe marchaundie of
ſien not þe worchere þerof afer.
xii And þe Lord God of ooſtis ſchal clepe in þat dai to Sidon; men paſſynge þe ſee filliden þee in many watris;
iii þe ſeed of Nylus is herueſt, þe flood is þe corn þerof,
wepyng, and to morenyng, and to ballidneſſe, and to a
girdil of ſak; and lo! and it is maad þe marchaundie of heþene men.
xiii ioie and gladneſſe is to ſle caluys, and to ſtrangle iiii Þou, Sidon, be aſchamed, ſeide þe ſee, þe ſtrengþe of

weþeris, to ete fleiſch, and to drynke wyn; ete we, and þe ſee, and ſeide, Y trauelide not of child, and Y
drynke we, for we ſchulen die to morewe. childide not, and Y nurſchide not ȝonge men, and Y
brouȝte not fulli virgyns to encreeſſyng.

v Whanne it ſchal be herd in Egipt, þei ſchulen make iii Bi diſtriyng þe lond ſchal be diſtried, and ſchal be
ſorewe, whanne þei heren of Tire. maad nakid by rauyſchyng; for whi þe Lord ſpak þis
vi Paſſe ȝe þe ſees; ȝelle ȝe, þat dwellen in þe ile. word.
vii Wheþer þis citee is not ȝoure, þat hadde glorie fro iiii Þe erþe morenyde, and fleet awei, and is maad ſijk;

elde daies in his eldneſſe? þe feet þerof ſchulen lede it þe world fleet awei, þe hiȝneſſe of þe puple of erþe is
fer, to go in pilgrymage. maad ſijk,
viii Who þouȝte þis þing on Tire ſum tyme crownede, v and þe erþe is ſlayn of hiſe dwelleris. For þei paſſiden

whos marchauntis weren princes, þe ſelleris of lawis, chaungiden riȝt, diſtrieden euerlaſtynge boond of
marchaundie þerof weren noble men of erþe? pees.
ix Þe Lord of ooſtis þouȝte þis þing, þat he ſchulde vi For þis þing curſyng ſchal deuoure þe erþe, and þe

drawe doun þe pride of al glorie, and þat he ſchulde dwelleris þerof ſchulen do ſynne; and þerfor þe louyeris
bringe to ſchenſchipe alle þe noble men of erþe. þerof ſchulen be woode, and fewe men ſchulen be left.
x Þou douȝter of þe ſee, paſſe þi lond as a flood; a girdil vii Vyndage morenyde, þe vyne is ſijk; alle men þat

is no more to þee. weren glad in herte weiliden.

xi It ſtretchide forþ his hond aboue þe ſee, and viii Þe ioie of tympans ceeſſide, þe ſowne of glad men

diſturblide rewmes. Þe Lord ſente aȝenes Canaan, for to reſtide; þe ſwetneſſe of harpe wiþ ſong was ſtille.
al to-breke þe ſtronge men þerof; ix Þei ſchulen not drynke wyn; a bittere drynk ſchal be
xii and he ſeide, Þou maide, þe douȝter of Sidon, þat to hem þat ſchulen drynke it.
ſuffriſt caleng, ſchalt no more adde, þat þou haue glorie. x Þe citee of vanyte is al to-brokun; ech hous is cloſid,
Riſe þou, and paſſe ouer þe ſee in to Sechym; þere alſo for no man entriþ.
no reſte ſchal be to þee. xi Cry ſchal be on wyn in ſtreetis, al gladneſſe is
xiii Lo! þe lond of Caldeis, ſich a puple was not; Aſſur forſakun, þe ioie of erþe is `takun awei.
foundide þat Tyre; þei ledden ouer in to caitifte þe xii Deſolacioun is left in þe citee, and wretchidneſſe
ſtrong men þerof; þei myneden þe houſis þerof, þei ſchal oppreſſe þe ȝatis.
ſettiden it in to fallyng. xiii For þeſe þingis ſchulen be in þe myddis of erþe, in
xiiii Ȝelle, ȝe ſchippis of þe ſee, for ȝoure ſtrengþe is
þe myddis of puplis, as if a fewe fruitis of olyue trees
diſtried. þat ben left ben ſchakun of fro þe olyue tre, and racyns,
xv And it ſchal be, in þat dai, þou Tire, ſchalt be in whanne þe vyndage is endid.
forȝetyng bi ſeuenti ȝeer, as þe daies of o king; but aftir xiiii Þeſe men ſchulen reiſe her vois, and ſchulen preiſe,
ſeuenti ȝeer, as þe ſong of an hoore ſchal be to Tyre. whanne þe Lord ſchal be glorified; þei ſchulen ſchewe
xvi Þou hoore, ȝouun to forȝetyng, take an harpe, ſignes of gladneſſe fro þe ſee.
cumpaſſe þe citee; ſynge þou wel, vſe þou ofte a ſong, xv For þis þing glorifie ȝe þe Lord in techyngis; in þe
þat mynde be of þee. ilis of þe ſee glorifie ȝe þe name of þe Lord God of
xvii And it ſchal be, aftir ſeuenti ȝeer, þe Lord ſchal viſite Iſrael.
Tire, and ſchal brynge it aȝen to hiſe hiris; and eft it xvi Fro þe endis of erþe we han herd heriyngis, þe
ſchal be, whanne it ſchal do fornycacioun wiþ alle glorye of þe iuſt. And Y ſeide, My priuyte to me, my
rewmes of erþe, on þe face of erþe. pryuyte to me. Wo to me, treſpaſſours han treſpaſſid, and
xviii And þe marchaundies þerof and þe meedis þerof han treſpaſſid bi treſpaſſyng of brekeris of þe lawe.
ſchulen be halewid to þe Lord; þo ſchulen not be hid, xvii Ferdfulneſſe, and a diche, and a ſnare on þee, þat art
neþir ſchulen be leid vp; for whi þe marchaundie þerof a dwellere of erþe.
ſchal be to hem þat dwellen bifore þe Lord, þat þei ete xviii And it ſchal be, he þat ſchal fle fro þe face of
to fulneſſe, and be cloþid `til to eldneſſe. ferdfulneſſe, ſchal falle in to þe diche; and he þat ſchal
delyuere hym ſilf fro þe dich, ſchal be holdun of þe
CAP. XXIIII ſnare; for whi þe wyndows of hiȝe þingis ben openyd,
i Lo! þe Lord ſchal diſtrie þe erþe, and ſchal make it
and þe foundementis of erþe ſchulen be ſchakun
nakid, and ſchal turmente þe face þerof; and he ſchal togidere.
ſcater abrood þe dwelleris þerof. xix Þe erþe ſchal be brokun wiþ brekyng,
ii And it ſchal be, as þe puple, ſo þe preeſt; as þe xx þe erþe ſchal be defoulid wiþ defoulyng, þe erþe
ſeruaunt, ſo his lord; as þe handmaide, ſo þe ladi of hir; ſchal be mouyd wiþ mouyng, þe erþe ſchal be ſchakun
as a biere, ſo he þat ſilliþ; as þe leenere, ſo he þat takiþ wiþ ſchakyng, as a drunkun man.
borewyng; as he þat axiþ aȝen, ſo he þat owiþ. xxi And it ſchal be takun awei, as þe tabernacle of o
nyȝt, and þe wickidneſſe þerof ſchal greue it; and it
ſchal falle down, and it ſchal not adde, for to riſe aȝen.

And it ſchal be, in þat dai þe Lord ſchal viſite on þe CAP. XXVI
knyȝthod of heuene an hiȝ, and on þe kyngis of erþe, i In þat dai þis ſong ſchal be ſungun in þe lond of Juda.
þat ben on erþe. Þe citee of oure ſtrengþe; þe ſauȝour ſchal be ſet þer
xxii And þei ſchulen be gaderid togidere in þe gadering ynne, þe wal and þe `fore wal.
togidere of a bundel in to þe lake, and þei ſchulen be ii Opene ȝe þe ȝatis, and þe iuſt folk ſchal entre, kepynge
cloſid þere in priſoun; and aftir many daies þei ſchulen treuþe.
be viſited. iii Þe elde errour is gon awei; þou ſchalt kepe pees, pees,
xxiii And þe moone ſchal be aſchamed, and þe ſunne
for þou, Lord, we hopiden in þee.
ſchal be confoundid, whanne þe Lord of ooſtis ſchal iiii Ȝe han hopid in þe Lord, in euerlaſtynge worldis, in
regne in þe hil of Sion, and in Jeruſalem, and ſchal be þe Lord God, ſtrong wiþ outen ende.
glorified in þe ſiȝt of hiſe eldre men. v For he ſchal bowe doun hem þat dwellen an hiȝ, and
he ſchal make low an hiȝ citee; he ſchal make it low `til
CAP. XXV to þe erþe; he ſchal drawe it doun `til to þe duſt.
i Lord, þou art my God, Y ſchal enhaunſe þee, and Y
vi Þe foot of a pore man ſchal defoule it, and þe ſteppis
ſchal knouleche to þi name; for þou haſt do marueils, of nedi men ſchulen defoule it.
þin elde feiþful þouȝtis. vii Þe weie of a iuſt man is riȝtful, þe paþ of a iuſt man is
ii Amen. For þou haſt ſet þe citee in to a biriel, a ſtrong
riȝtful to go.
citee in to fallyng, þe hous of aliens, þat it be not a viii And in þe weie of þi domes, Lord, we ſuffriden þee;
citee, and be not bildid wiþ outen ende.
iii For þis þyng a ſtrong puple ſchal herie þee, þe citee of þi name, and þi memorial is in deſir of ſoule.
ix My ſoule ſchal deſire þee in þe niȝt, but alſo wiþ my
ſtrong folkis ſchal drede þee.
iiii For þou art maad ſtrengþe to a pore man, ſtrengþe to ſpirit in myn entrails; fro þe morewtid Y ſchal wake to
þee. Whanne þou ſchalt make þi domes in erþe, alle
a nedi man in his tribulacioun, hope fro whirlwynd, a dwelleris of þe world ſchulen lerne riȝtfulneſſe.
ſchadewyng place fro heete; for whi þe ſpirit of ſtronge x Do we merci to þe wickid man, and he ſchal not lerne
men is as a whirlewynd hurlynge þe wal.
v As bi heete in þirſt, þou ſchalt make meke þe noiſe of to do riȝtfulneſſe; in þe lond of ſeyntis he dide wickid
þingis, and he ſchal not ſe þe glorie of þe Lord.
aliens; and as bi heete vndur a cloude brennynge, þou xi Lord, þin hond be enhaunſid, þat þei ſe not; puplis
ſchalt make þe ſiouns of ſtronge men to fade.
vi And þe Lord of ooſtis ſchal make in þis hil to alle hauynge enuye ſe, and be ſchent, and fier deuoure þin
puplis þe feeſte of fatte þingis, þe feeſte of vyndage of xii Lord, þou ſchalt ȝyue pees to vs, for þou haſt wrouȝt
fatte þingis ful of merow, of vyndage wel fyned.
vii And he ſchal caſte doun in þis hil þe face of boond, alle oure werkis in vs.
xiii Oure Lord God, lordis hadden vs in poſſeſſioun,
boundun togidere on alle puplis, and þe web which he
wiþouten þee; oneli in þee haue we mynde of þi name.
weuyde on alle naciouns. xiiii Þei þat dien, lyue not, and giauntis riſen not aȝen.
viii And he ſchal caſte doun deþ wiþ outen ende, and þe
Þerfor þou haſt viſityd, and haſt al-to broke hem, and
Lord God ſchal do awey ech teer fro ech face; and he
þou haſt loſt al þe mynde of hem; and Lord, þou haſt
ſchal do awei þe ſchenſchipe of his puple fro ech lond;
forȝoue to a folc,
for þe Lord ſpak. xv þou haſt forȝoue to a folc. Wheþer þou art glorified?
ix And þei ſchulen ſeie in þat dai, Lo! þis is oure God;
þou haſt maad fer fro þee all þe endis of erþe.
we abididen hym, and he ſchal ſaue vs; þis is þe Lord; xvi Lord, in angwiſch þei ſouȝten þee; in þe tribulacioun
we ſuffriden him, and we ſchulen make ful out ioie, and
ſchulen be glad in his helþe. of grutchyng þi doctryn to hem.
xvii As ſche þat conſeyuede, whanne ſche neiȝeþ
x For whi þe hond of þe Lord ſchal reſte in þis hil, and
Moab ſchal be þreiſchid vndur hym, as chaffis ben ſorewful to þe child beryng, crieþ in her ſorewis, ſo we
ſtampid in a wayn. ben maad, Lord, of þi face.
xviii We han conſeyued, and we han as trauelid of child,
xi And he ſchal ſtretche forþ hiſe hondis vndur hym, as a
ſwymmere ſtretchiþ forþ to ſwymme; and he ſchal make and we han childid þe ſpirit of helþe; we diden not
low þe glorye of him wiþ hurtlyng doun of hiſe hondis. riȝtfulneſſe in erþe. Þerfor þe dwelleris of erþe fellen
xii And þe ſtrengþingis of þin hiȝ wallis ſchulen falle not doun; þi deed men ſchulen lyue,
xix and my ſlayn men ſchulen riſe aȝen. Ȝe þat dwellen
doun, and ſchulen be maad low, and ſchulen be drawun
doun to þe erþe, `til to þe duſt. in duſt, awake, and herie; for whi þe deew of lyȝt is þi
deew, and þou ſchalt drawe doun þe lond of giauntis in
to fallyng.

xx Go þou, my puple, entre in to þi beddis, cloſe þi doris CAP. XXVIII
on þee, be þou hid a litil at a moment, til indignacioun i Wo to þe coroun of pride, to þe drunkun men of
paſſe. Effraym, and to þe flour fallynge doun of þe glorie of
xxi For lo! þe Lord ſchal go out of his place, to viſite þe þe ful out ioiyng þerof, þat weren in þe cop of þe
wickidneſſe of þe dwellere of erþe aȝens hym; and þe fatteſte valei, and erriden of wyn.
erþe ſchal ſchewe his blood, and ſchal no more hile hiſe ii Lo! þe myȝti and ſtrong Lord, as þe feerſneſſe of hail,
ſlayn men. a whirlwynd brekynge togidere, as þe ferſneſſe of many
watris flowynge, and ſent out on a large lond.
CAP. XXVII iii Þe coroun of pride of þe drunken men of Effraym
i In þat dai þe Lord ſchal viſite in his hard ſwerd, and ſchal be defoulid wiþ feet,
greet, and ſtrong, on leuyaþan, ſerpent, a barre, and on iiii and þe flour of glorie of þe ful out ioiyng of hym, þat
leuyaþan, þe crookid ſerpent; and he ſchal ſle þe whal, is on þe cop of valei of fat þingis, ſchal be fallyng doun,
which is in þe ſee. as a tymeli þing bifore þe ripeneſſe of herueſt; which
ii In þat dai þe vyner of cleen wyn and good ſchal ſynge whanne a man ſeynge biholdiþ, anoon as he takiþ wiþ
to him. hond, he ſchal deuoure it.
iii Y am þe Lord þat kepe þat vyner; ſudeynli Y ſchal v In þat dai þe Lord of ooſtis ſchal be a coroun of glorie,
ȝyue drynke to it, leſt perauenture it be viſitid aȝens it; and a garlond of ful out ioiyng, to þe reſidue of his
iiii nyȝt and dai Y kepe it, indignacioun is not to me. puple;
Who ſchal ȝyue me a þorn and brere? In batel Y ſchal vi and a ſpirit of doom to hym þat ſittiþ on þe trone, and
go on it, Y ſchal brenne it togidere. ſtrengþe to hem þat turnen aȝen fro batel to þe ȝate.
v Wheþer raþere Y ſchal holde my ſtrengþe? It ſchal vii But alſo þei knewen not for wyn, and erriden for
make pees to me, it ſchal make pees to me, for drunkeneſſe; þe preeſt and profete knewen not for
vi þe merit of hem þat ſchulen go out wiþ ferſneſſe fro drunkeneſſe; þei weren ſopun up of wyn, þei erriden in
Jacob. Iſrael ſchal floure and brynge forþ ſeed, and þei drunkeneſſe; þei knewen not a profete, þei knewen not
ſchulen fille þe face of þe world wiþ ſeed. doom.
vii Wheþer he ſmoot it bi þe wounde of þe puple of viii For whi alle bordis weren fillid wiþ ſpuyng and

Jewis ſmytynge hym? eþer as it killide þe ſlayn men of filþis, ſo þat þer was no more place.
hym, ſo it was ſlayn? ix Whom ſchal he teche kunnyng, and whom ſchal he
viii In meſure aȝens meſure, whanne it ſchal be caſt awei, make to vndurſtonde heryng? Men wenyd fro mylk,
he ſchal deme it; he biþouȝte in his hard ſpirit, bi þe dai men drawun awei fro tetis.
of heete. x For whi comaunde þou, comaunde þou aȝen;
ix Þerfor on þis þing wickidneſſe ſchal be forȝouun to þe comaunde þou, comaunde þou aȝen; abide þou, abide
hous of Jacob, and þis ſchal be al þe fruyt, þat þe ſynne þou aȝen; abide þou, abide þou aȝen; a litil þere, a litil
þerof be don awei, whanne it haþ ſet all þe ſtoonys of þe þere.
auter as þe ſtoonys of aiſche hurtlid doun. Wodis and xi For whi in ſpeche of lippe, and in oþer langage he
templis ſchulen not ſtonde. ſchal ſpeke to þis puple,
x Forſoþe þe ſtrong citee ſchal be deſolat, þe fair citee xii to which he ſeide, Þis is my reſte; refreiſche ȝe a weri
ſchal be left, and ſchal be forſakun as a deſert; þere a man, and þis is my refreiſchyng; and þei nolden here.
calf ſchal be leſewid, and ſchal ligge þere, and ſchal xiii And þe word of þe Lord ſchal be to hem, Sende þou,
waſte þe hiȝneſſis þerof. ſende þou aȝen; ſend þou, ſende þou aȝen; abide þou,
xi In þe dryneſſe of ripe corn þerof wymmen comynge, abide þou aȝen; abide þou, abide þou aȝen; a litil þere, a
and þei þat techen it, ſchulen be al to-brokun. Forſoþe it litil þere; þat þei go, and falle backward, and be al to-
is not a wijs puple, þerfor he þat made it, ſchal not haue brokun, and be ſnarid, and be takun.
mercy on it; and he þat formyde it, ſchal not ſpare it. xiiii For þis þing, ȝe men ſcorneris, þat ben lordis ouer
xii And it ſchal be, in þat dai þe Lord ſchal ſmyte þee, my puple which is in Jeruſalem, here þe word of þe
fro þe botme of þe flood `til to þe ſtronde of Egipt; and Lord.
ȝe ſones of Iſrael, ſchulen be gaderid oon and oon. xv For ȝe ſeiden, We han ſmyte a boond of pees wiþ deþ,
xiii And it ſchal be, in þat dai me ſchal come wiþ a greet and we han maad couenaunt wiþ helle; a ſcourge
trumpe, and þei þat weren loſt, ſchulen come fro þe lond flowynge whanne it ſchal paſſe, ſchal not come on vs,
of Aſſiriens, and þei þat weren caſt out, ſchulen come for we han ſet a leeſyng oure hope, and we ben kyuered
fro þe lond of Egipt; and þey ſchulen worſchipe þe wiþ a leeſyng.
Lord, in þe hooli hil in Jeruſalem. xvi Þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal
ſende in þe foundementis of Sion a corner ſtoon

preciouſe, preuyd, foundid in þe foundement; he þat as þe vois of a deed man reiſid bi coniuring, and þi
bileueþ, ſchal not haaſte. ſpeche ſchal ofte grutche of þe erþe.
xvii And Y ſchal ſette doom in weiȝte, and riȝtfulneſſe in v And þe multitude of hem þat wyndewen þee, ſchal be
meſure; and hail ſchal diſtrie þe hope of leeſyng, and as þynne duſt; and þe multitude of hem þat hadden þe
watris ſchulen flowe on proteccioun. And ȝoure boond maiſtrie aȝens þee, ſchal be as a deed ſparcle paſſynge.
of pees wiþ deþ ſchal be don awei, vi And it ſchal be ſudenli, anoon it ſchal be viſitid of þe
xviii and ȝoure couenaunt wiþ helle ſchal not ſtonde; Lord of ooſtis, in þundur, and in mouyng of þe erþe,
whanne þe ſcourge flowynge ſchal paſſe, ȝe ſchulen be and in greet vois of whirlwynd, and of tempeſt, and of
to it in to defoulyng. flawme of fier deuowrynge.
xix Whanne euer it ſchal paſſe, it ſchal take awei ȝow; vii And þe multitude of alle folkis þat fouȝten aȝens
for whi erli in þe grey morewtid it ſchal paſſe, in dai and Ariel ſchal be as þe dreem of a nyȝtis viſioun; and alle
niȝt; and oonli trauel aloone ſchal ȝyue vndurſtondyng men þat fouȝten, and biſegiden, and hadden þe maiſtrie
to heryng. aȝens it.
xx Forſoþe þe bed is ſtreit, ſo þat þe toþer falle doun; viii And as an hungry man dremyþ, and etiþ, but whanne
and a ſchort mentil ſchal not hile euer eiþer. he is awakid, his ſoule is voide; and as a þirſti man
xxi For as in þe hil of departyngis þe Lord ſchal ſtonde, dremeþ, and drynkiþ, and after þat he is awakid, he is
as in þe valei, which is in Gabaon, he ſchal be wroþ, þat weri, and þirſtiþ ȝit, and his ſoule is voide, ſo ſchal be þe
he do his werk; his werk alien, þat he worche his werk; multitude of alle folkis, þat fouȝten aȝens þe hil of Sion.
his werk is ſtraunge fro hym. ix Be ȝe aſtonyed, and wondre; wake ȝe, and douȝte ȝe;
xxii And now nyle ȝe ſcorne, leſt perauenture ȝoure be ȝe drunken, and not of wyn; be ȝe moued, and not
boondis be maad ſtreit togidere; for Y herde of þe Lord wiþ drunkeneſſe.
God of ooſtis, endyng and abreggyng on al erþe. x For þe Lord haþ meddlid to ȝou þe ſpirit of ſleep; he
xxiii Perſeyue ȝe wiþ eeris, and here ȝe my vois; ſchal cloſe ȝoure iȝen, and ſchal hile ȝoure profetis, and
perſeyue ȝe, and here ȝe my ſpeche. princes þat ſien viſiouns.
xxiiii Wheþer he þat eriþ, ſchal ere al dai, for to ſowe, xi And þe viſioun of alle profetis ſchal be to ȝou as þe

and ſchal be kerue, and purge his londe? wordis of a book aſeelid; which whanne þei ſchulen
xxv Wheþer whanne he haþ maad euene þe face þerof, ȝyue to hym þat kan lettris, þei ſchulen ſeie, Rede þou
ſchal he not ſowe giþ, and ſprenge abrood comyn? and þis book; and he ſchal anſwere, Y may not, for it is
he ſchal not ſette wheete bi ordre, and barli, and aſeelid.
xii And þe book ſchal be ȝouun to him þat kan not
mylium, and fetchis in his cooſtis?
xxvi And his God ſchal teche hym, in doom he ſchal lettris, and it ſchal be ſeid to hym, Rede þou; and he
teche hym. ſchal anſwere, Y kan no lettris.
xxvii Forſoþe giþ ſchal not be þreiſchid in ſawis, and a xiii And þe Lord ſeide, For þat þis puple neiȝeþ wiþ her

wheel of a wayn ſchal not cumpaſſe on comyn; but giþ mouþ, and glorifieþ me wiþ her lippis, but her herte is
ſchal be betun out wiþ a ȝerd, and comyn wiþ a ſtaf. fer fro me; and þei dredden me for þe comaundement
xxviii Soþeli breed ſchal be maad leſſe, but he þat and techyngis of men, þerfor lo!
xiiii Y ſchal adde, þat Y make wondryng to þis puple, in
þreiſchiþ ſchal not þreiſche it wiþ outen ende, neþer
ſchal trauele it wiþ a wheel of a wayn, neþer ſchal make a greet myracle and wondurful; for whi wiſdom ſchal
it leſſe wiþ hiſe clees. periſche fro wiſe men þerof, and þe vndurſtondyng of
xxix And þis þing ȝede out of þe Lord God of ooſtis, þat prudent men þerof ſchal be hid.
xv Wo to ȝou þat ben hiȝe of herte, þat ȝe hide counſel
he ſchulde make wondirful councel, and magnefie
riȝtfulneſſe. fro þe Lord; þe werkis of whiche ben in derkneſſis, and
þei ſeien, Who ſeeþ vs, and who knowiþ vs?
xvi Þis þouȝt of ȝou is weiward, as if cley þenke aȝens a
i Wo! Ariel, Ariel, þe citee which Dauid ouercam; ȝeer pottere, and þe werk ſeie to his makere, Þou madiſt not
is addid to ȝeer, ſolempnytees ben paſſyd. me; and a þing `þat is maad, ſeie to his makere, Þou
ii And Y ſchal cumpaſſe Ariel, and it ſchal be ſoreuful vndurſtondiſt not.
xvii Wheþer not ȝit in a litil time and ſchort þe Liban
and morenynge; and Jeruſalem ſchal be to me as Ariel.
iii And Y ſchal cumpaſſe as a round trendil in þi ſchal be turned in to Chermel, and Chermel ſchal be
arettid in to þe foreſt?
cumpaſſe, and Y ſchal caſte erþe aȝens þee, and Y ſchal xviii And in þat dai deef men ſchulen here þe wordis of
ſette engynes in to þi biſegyng.
iiii Þou ſchalt be maad low, þou ſchalt ſpeke of erþe, and þe book, and þe iȝen of blynde men ſchulen ſe fro
derkneſſis and myiſty;
þi ſpeche ſchal be herd fro þe erþe; and þi vois ſchal be

xix and mylde men ſchulen encreeſſe gladneſſe in þe xi Do ȝe awei fro me þe weie, bowe ȝe awei fro me þe
Lord, and pore men ſchulen make ful out ioie in þe paþ; þe hooli of Iſrael ceeſſe fro oure face.
hooli of Iſrael. xii Þerfor þe hooli of Iſrael ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For þat þat
xx For he þat hadde þe maiſtrie, failide, and þe ſcornere ȝe repreuiden þis word, and hopiden on fals caleng, and
is endid, and alle þei ben kit doun þat walkiden on on noiſe, and triſtiden on it,
wickidneſſe; xiii þerfor þis wickidneſſe ſchal be to ȝou as a brekyng
xxi whiche maden men to do ſynne in word, and fallynge doun, and ſouȝt in an hiȝ wal; for ſudeynli
diſſeyueden a repreuere in þe ȝate, and bowiden awey in while it is not hopid, þe brekyng þerof ſchal come.
veyn fro a iuſt man. xiiii And it ſchal be maad leſſe, as a galoun of a pottere
xxii For þis þing þe Lord, þat aȝen bouȝte Abraham, ſeiþ is brokun wiþ ful ſtrong brekyng; and a ſcherd ſchal not
þeſe þingis to þe hous of Jacob, Jacob ſchal not be be foundun of þe gobetis þerof, in which ſcherd a litil
confoundid now, neþer now his cheer ſchal be fier ſchal be borun of brennyng, eþir a litil of watir ſchal
aſchamed; but whanne he ſchal ſe hiſe ſones, be drawun of þe diche.
xxiii þe werkis of myn hondis, halewynge my name in xv For whi þe Lord God, þe hooli of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe
þe myddis of hym. And þei ſchulen halewe þe hooli of þingis, If ȝe turnen aȝen, and reſten, ȝe ſchulen be ſaaf;
Jacob, and þei ſchulen preche God of Iſrael; in ſtilneſſe and in hope ſchal be ȝoure ſtrengþe. And ȝe
xxiiii and þei þat erren in ſpirit, ſchulen knowe nolden.
vndurſtondyng, and idil men ſchulen lerne þe lawe. xvi And ȝe ſeiden, Nai, but we ſchulen fle to horſis;
þerfor ȝe ſchulen fle. And we ſchulen ſtie on ſwifte
CAP. XXX horſis; þerfor þei ſchulen be ſwiftere, þat ſchulen purſue
i Wo! ſones forſakeris, ſeiþ þe Lord, þat ȝe ſchulden ȝou.
make a councel, and not of me; and weue a web, and xvii A þouſynde men ſchulen fle fro þe face of þe drede
not bi my ſpirit, þat ȝe ſchulden encreeſſe ſynne on of oon; and ȝe ſchulen fle fro þe face of drede of fyue,
ſynne. til ȝe be left as þe maſt of a ſchip in þe cop of a
ii Whiche goen, to go doun in to Egipt, and ȝe axiden munteyn, and as a ſigne on a litil hil.
not my mouþ; ȝe hopynge help in þe ſtrengþe of Farao, xviii Þerfor þe Lord abidiþ, þat he haue mercy on ȝou,
and ȝe hauynge triſt in þe ſchadewe of Egipt. and þerfor he ſchal be enhaunſid ſparynge ȝou; for whi
iii And þe ſtrengþe of Farao ſchal be to ȝou in to God is Lord of doom, bleſſid ben alle þei þat abiden
confuſioun, and þe triſt of þe ſchadewe of Egipt in to hym.
ſchenſchipe. xix Forſoþe þe puple of Sion ſchal dwelle in Jeruſalem;
iiii For whi þi princes weren in Taphnys, and þi þou wepynge ſchal not wepe, he doynge merci ſchal
meſſangeris camen til to Anes. haue merci on þee; at þe vois of þi cry, anoon as he
v Alle þei weren ſchent on þe puple, þat myȝten not heriþ, he ſchal anſwere to þee.
xx And þe Lord ſchal ȝyue to þee ſtreyt breed, and ſchort
profite to hem; þei weren not in to help, and in to ony
profit, but in to ſchame and ſchenſchip. watir, and ſchal no more make þi techere to fle awei fro
vi Þe birþun of werk beeſtis of þe ſouþ. In þe lond of þee; and þin iȝen ſchulen be ſeynge þi comaundour,
xxi and þin eeris ſchulen here a word bihynde þe bak of
tribulacioun and of angwiſch, a lioneſſe, and a lioun, of
hem a ſerpent, and a cocatrice; þei weren berynge her hym þat moneſtiþ; Þis is þe weie, go ȝe þerynne, neþer
richeſſis on þe ſchuldris of werk beeſtis, and her treſours to þe riȝt half neþer to þe left half.
on þe botche of camels, to a puple þat myȝte not profite xxii And þou ſchalt defoule þe platis of þe grauun
to hem. ymagis of þi ſiluer, and þe cloþ of þe ȝotun ymage of þi
vii For whi Egipt ſchal helpe in veyn, and idili. Þerfor Y gold; and þou ſchalt ſcatere þo, as þe vnclenneſſe of a
criede on þis þing, It is pride oneli; ceeſſe þou. womman in vncleene blood; Go þou out, and þou ſchalt
viii Now þerfor entre þou, and write to it on box, and ſeie to it.
xxiii And reyn ſchal be ȝouun to þi ſeed, where euere
write þou it diligentli in a book; and it ſchal be in þe laſt
dai in to witneſſyng, til in to wiþ outen ende. þou ſchalt ſowe in erþe, and þe breed of fruytis of erþe
ix For it is a puple terrynge to wraþfulneſſe, and ſones ſchal be mooſt plenteuouſe and fat; in þat dai a lomb
lieris, ſones þat nylen here þe lawe of God. ſchal be fed largeli in þi poſſeſſioun.
x Whiche ſeien to profetis, Nyle ȝe propheſie; and to xxiiii And þi bolis and coltis of aſſis, þat worchen þe

biholderis, Nyle ȝe biholde to vs þo þingis þat ben lond, ſchulen ete barli wiþ chaf meynd togidere, as it is
riȝtful; ſpeke ȝe þingis pleſynge to vs, ſe ȝe errouris to wyndewid in þe cornfloor.
xxv And ſtrondis of rennynge watris ſchulen be on ech
hiȝ munteyn, and on ech litil hil reiſid, in þe dai of
ſleyng of many men, whanne touris fallen doun.

xxvi And þe lyȝt of þe moone ſchal be as þe lyȝt of þe v As briddis fleynge, ſo þe Lord of ooſtis ſchal defende
ſunne, and þe lyȝt of þe ſunne ſchal be ſeuenfold, as þe Jeruſalem; he defendynge and delyuerynge, paſſynge
lyȝt of ſeuene daies, in þe dai in which þe Lord ſchal forþ and ſauynge.
bynde togidere þe wounde of his puple, and ſchal make vi Ȝe ſones of Iſrael, be conuertid, as ȝe hadden go awei
hool þe ſmytynge of þe wounde þerof. in to depþe.
xxvii Lo! þe name of þe Lord comeþ doun fro fer; his vii Forſoþe in þat dai a man ſchal caſte awei þe idols of
ſtrong veniaunce is brennynge and greuouſe to bere; his ſiluer, and þe idols of his gold, whiche ȝoure hondis
hiſe lippis ben fillid of indignacioun, and his tunge is as maden to ȝou in to ſynne.
fier deuouringe. viii And Aſſur ſchal falle bi ſwerd, not of man, and a
xxviii His ſpirit is as a ſtef ſtreem, flowynge `til to þe
ſwerd, not of man, ſchal deuoure hym; and he ſchal fle,
myddis of þe necke, to leeſe folkis in to nouȝt, and þe not fro þe face of ſwerd, and hiſe ȝonge men ſchulen be
bridil of errour, þat was in þe chekis of puplis. tributaries;
xxix Song ſchal be to ȝou, as þe vois of an halewid ix and þe ſtrengþe of hym ſchal paſſe fro ferdfulneſſe,
ſolempnyte; and gladneſſe of herte, as he þat goþ wiþ a and hiſe princes fleynge ſchulen drede. Þe Lord ſeide,
pipe, for to entre in to þe hil of þe Lord, to þe ſtronge of whos fier is in Sion, and his chymeney is in Jeruſalem.
xxx And þe Lord ſchal make herd þe glorie of his vois, CAP. XXXII
and he ſchal ſchewe þe ferdfulneſſe of his arm in i Lo! þe kyng ſchal regne in riȝtfulneſſe, and princes
manaſſyng of ſtrong veniaunce, and in flawme of fier ſchulen be ſouereyns in doom.
brennynge; he ſchal hurtle doun in whirlewynd, and in ii And a man ſchal be, as he þat is hid fro wynd, and
ſtoon of hail. hidiþ hym ſilf fro tempeſt; as ſtremes of watris in þirſt,
xxxi For whi Aſſur ſmytun wiþ a ȝerde ſchal drede of þe
and þe ſchadewe of a ſtoon ſtondynge fer out in a deſert
vois of þe Lord; lond.
xxxii and þe paſſyng of þe ȝerd ſchal be foundid, which iii Þe iȝen of profetis ſchulen not daſewe, and þe eeris of
ȝerde þe Lord ſchal make for to reſte on hym. In heereris ſchulen herke diligentli;
tympans, and harpis, and in ſouereyn batels he ſchal iiii and þe herte of foolis ſchal vndurſtonde kunnyng,
ouercome hem. and þe tunge of ſtuttynge men ſchal ſpeke ſwiftli, and
xxxiii For whi Tophet, þat is, helle, deep and alargid, is
maad redi of þe kyng fro ȝiſtirdai; þe nurſchyngis þerof v He þat is vnwijs, ſchal no more be clepid prince, and a
ben fier and many trees; þe blaſt of þe Lord as a ſtreem gileful man ſchal not be clepid þe grettere.
of brymſtoon kyndliþ it. vi Forſoþe a fool ſhal ſpeke foli þingis, and his herte
ſchal do wickidneſſe, þat he performe feynyng, and
CAP. XXXI ſpeke to þe Lord gilefuli; and he ſchal make voide þe
i Wo to hem þat goon doun in to Egipt to help, and
ſoule of an hungry man, and ſchal take awei drynke fro
hopen in horſis, and han triſt on cartis, for þo ben a þirſti man.
manye, and on knyȝtis, for þei ben ful ſtronge; and þei vii Þe veſſels of a gileful man ben worſte; for he ſchal
triſtiden not on þe hooli of Iſrael, and þei ſouȝten not þe make redi þouȝtis to leeſe mylde men in þe word of a
Lord. leeſyng, whanne a pore man ſpak doom.
ii Forſoþe he þat is wijs, haþ brouȝt yuel, and took not
viii Forſoþe a prince ſchal þenke þo þingis þat ben worþi
awei hiſe wordis; and he ſchal riſe togidere aȝens þe to a prince, and he ſchal ſtonde ouer duykis.
hous of worſte men, and aȝens þe helpe of hem þat ix Riche wymmen, riſe ȝe, and here my vois; douȝtris
worchen wickidneſſe.
iii Egipt is a man, and not God; and þe horſis of hem triſtynge, perſeyue ȝe wiþ eeris my ſpeche.
x For whi aftir daies and a ȝeer, and ȝe þat triſten
ben fleiſch, and not ſpirit; and þe Lord ſchal bowe doun
ſchulen be diſturblid; for whi vyndage is endid,
his hond, and þe helpere ſchal falle doun, and he ſchal
gaderyng ſchal no more come.
falle, to whom help is ȝouun, and alle ſchulen be waſtid xi Ȝe riche wymmen, be aſtonyed; ȝe þat triſten, be
iiii For whi þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis to me, If a lioun diſturblid; vncloþe ȝe ȝou, and be ȝe aſchamed;
xii girde ȝoure leendis; weile ȝe on breſtis, on deſirable
roriþ, and a whelp of a lioun on his prey, whanne þe
multitude of ſchipherdis comeþ aȝens hym, he ſchal not cuntrei, on þe plenteuouſe vyner.
xiii Þornes and breris ſchulen ſtie on þe erþe of my
drede of þe vois of hem, and he ſchal not drede of þe
multitude of hem; ſo þe Lord of ooſtis ſchal come doun, puple; hou myche more on alle þe houſis of ioie of þe
for to fiȝte on þe mounteyn of Sion, and on þe litil hil citee makynge ful out ioie?

xiiii For whi þe hous is left, þe multitude of þe citee is xiii Ȝe þat ben fer, here what þingis Y haue do; and, ȝe
forſakun; derkneſſis and gropyng ben maad on dennes, neiȝboris, knowe my ſtrengþe.
`til in to wiþ outen ende. Þe ioie of wield aſſis is þe xiiii Synneris ben al to-brokun in Syon, tremblyng
leſewe of flockis; weldide ipocritis; who of ȝou mai dwelle wiþ fier
xv til þe ſpirit be ſched out on us fro an hiȝ, and þe deſert deuowringe? who of ȝou ſchal dwelle wiþ euerlaſtinge
ſchal be in to Chermel, and Chermel ſchal be arettid in brennyngis?
to a foreſt. xv He þat goiþ in riȝtfulneſſis, and ſpekiþ treuþe; he þat
xvi And doom ſchal dwelle in wildirneſſe, and caſtiþ awei aueryce of fals calenge, and ſchakiþ awei his
riȝtfulneſſe ſchal ſitte in Chermel; hondis fro al ȝifte; he þat ſtoppiþ his eeris, þat he heere
xvii and þe werk of riȝtfulneſſe ſchal be pees, and þe not blood, and cloſiþ his iȝen, þat he ſe not yuel.
tilþe of riȝtfulneſſe ſchal be ſtilneſſe and ſikirneſſe, `til in xvi Þis man ſchal dwelle in hiȝ þingis, þe ſtrengþis of
to wiþ outen ende. ſtoonys ben þe hiȝneſſe of hym; breed is ȝouun to hym,
xviii And my puple ſchal ſitte in þe fairneſſe of pees, and hiſe watris ben feiþful.
in þe tabernaclis of triſt, and in riche reſte. xvii Þei ſchulen ſe þe kyng in his fairneſſe; þe iȝen of
xix But hail ſchal be in þe coming doun of þe foreſte, hym ſchulen biholde þe londe fro fer.
and bi lowneſſe þe citee ſchal be maad low. xviii Eliachym, þin herte ſchal biþenke drede; where is
xx Bleſſid ben ȝe, þat ſowen on alle watris, and putten þe lettrid man? Where is he þat weieþ þe wordis of þe
yn þe foot of an oxe and of an aſſe. lawe? where is þe techere of litle children?
xix Þou ſchalt not ſe a puple vnwijs, a puple of hiȝ word,
CAP. XXXIII ſo þat þou maiſt not vndurſtonde þe fair ſpeking of his
i Wo to þee, þat robbeſt; wheþer and þou ſchalt not be tunge, in which puple is no wiſdom.
robbid? and þat diſpiſiſt, wheþer and þou ſchalt not be xx Biholde þou Sion, þe citee of ȝoure ſolempnyte; þin
diſpiſid? Whanne þou haſt endid robbyng, þou ſchalt be iȝen ſchulen ſe Jeruſalem, a riche citee, a tabernacle þat
robbid; and whanne þou maad weri ceeſſiſt to diſpiſe, mai not be borun ouer, neþer þe nailis þerof ſchulen be
þou ſchalt be diſpiſid. takun awei wiþouten ende; and alle þe cordis þerof
ii Lord, haue þou merci on vs, for we abiden þee; be ſchulen not be brokun.
þou oure arm in þe morewtid, and oure helþe in þe tyme xxi For oneli þe worſchipful doere oure Lord God is
of tribulacioun. þere; þe place of floodis is ſtrondis ful large and opyn;
iii Puplis fledden fro þe vois of þe aungel; heþene men þe ſchip of roweris ſchal not entre bi it, neþir a greet
ben ſcaterid of þin enhaunſyng. ſchip ſchal paſſe ouer it.
iiii And ȝoure ſpuylis ſchulen be gaderid togidere, as a xxii For whi þe Lord is oure iuge, þe Lord is oure lawe

bruke is gaderid togidere, as whanne dichis ben ful ȝyuere, þe Lord is oure kyng; he ſchal ſaue vs.
þerof. xxiii Þi roopis ben ſlakid, but þo ſchulen not auaile; þi
v Þe Lord is magnefied, for he dwellide an hiȝ, he fillid maſt ſchal be ſo, þat þou mow not alarge a ſigne. Þanne
Sion wiþ doom and riȝtfulneſſe. þe ſpuylis of many preyes ſchulen be departid, crokid
vi And feiþ ſchal be in þi tymes; þe ritcheſſis of helþe is men ſchulen rauyſche raueyn.
xxiiii And a neiȝbore ſchal ſeie, Y was not ſijk; þe puple
wiſdom and kunnynge; þe drede of þe Lord, þilke is þe
treſour of hym. þat dwelliþ in þat Jeruſalem, wickidneſſe ſchal be takun
vii Lo! ſeeris wiþoutenforþ ſchulen crye, aungels of pees awei fro it.
ſchulen wepe bittirli.
viii Weies ben diſtried, a goere bi þe paþ ceeſſide; þe CAP. XXXIIII
i Neiȝe, ȝe heþene men, and here; and ȝe puplis,
couenaunt is maad voide, he caſtide doun citees, he
arettide not men. perſeyue; þe erþe, and þe fulneſſe þerof, þe world, and
ix Þe lond morenyde, and was ſijk; þe Liban was ſchent, al buriownyng þerof, here ȝe.
ii For whi indignacioun of þe Lord is on alle folkis, and
and was foul; and Saron is maad as deſert, and Baſan is
ſchakun, and Carmele. ſtrong veniaunce on al þe chyualrie of hem; he killide
x Now Y ſchal ryſe, ſeiþ þe Lord, now I ſchal be hem, and ȝaf hem in to ſleyng.
iii Þe ſlayn men of hem ſchulen be caſt forþ, and ſtynk
enhaunſid, and now I ſchal be reiſid vp.
xi Ȝe ſchulen conſeyue heete, ȝe ſchulen brynge forþ ſchal ſtie of þe careyns of hem; hillis ſchulen flete of þe
ſtobil; ȝoure ſpirit as fier ſchal deuoure ȝou. blood of hem.
iiii And al þe chyualrie of heuenys ſchal faile, and
xii And puplis ſchulen be as aiſchis of þe brennyng;
þornes gaderid togidere ſchulen be brent in fier. heuenys ſchulen be foldid togidere as a book, and al þe

knyȝthod of þo ſchal flete doun, as þe leef of a vyner ii It buriownynge ſchal buriowne, and it glad and
and of a fige tre falliþ doun. preiſynge ſchal make ful out ioie. Þe glorie of Liban is
v For my ſwerd is fillid in heuene; lo! it ſchal come ȝouun to it, þe fairneſſe of Carmele and of Saron; þei
doun on Ydumee, and on þe puple of my ſleyng, to ſchulen ſe þe glorie of þe Lord, and þe fairneſſe of oure
doom. God.
vi Þe ſwerd of þe Lord is fillid of blood, it is maad fat of iii Coumforte ȝe comelid hondis, and make ȝe ſtrong
þe ynner fatneſſe of þe blood of lambren and of buckis feble knees.
of geet, of þe blood of rammes ful of merow; for whi þe iiii Seie ȝe, Men of litil coumfort, be ȝe coumfortid, and
ſlayn ſacrifice of þe Lord is in Boſra, and greet ſleyng is nyle ȝe drede; lo! oure God ſchal brynge þe veniaunce
in þe lond of Edom. of ȝeldyng, God hym ſilf ſchal come, and ſchal ſaue vs.
vii And vnycornes ſchulen go doun wiþ hem, and bolis v Þanne þe iȝen of blynde men ſchulen be openyd, and
wiþ hem þat ben myȝti; þe lond of hem ſchal be fillid þe eeris of deef men ſchulen be opyn.
wiþ blood, and þe erþe of hem wiþ ynnere fatneſſe of vi Þanne a crokid man ſchal ſkippe as an hert, and þe
fatte beeſtis; tunge of doumbe men ſchal be openyd; for whi watris
viii for it is a dai of veniaunce of þe Lord, a ȝeer of
ben brokun out in deſert, and ſtremes in wildirneſſe.
ȝeldyng of þe dom of Sion. vii And þat þat was drie, is maad in to a poond, and þe
ix And þe ſtrondis þerof ſchulen be turned in to pitche,
þirſti is maad in to wellis of watris. Greneneſſe of rehed,
and þe erþe þerof in to brymſtoon; and þe lond þerof and of ſpier ſchal growe in dennes, in whiche dwelliden
ſchal be in to brennyng pitch, niȝt and dai. dragouns bifore. And a paþ and a weie ſchal be þere,
x It ſchal not be quenchid wiþouten ende, þe ſmoke viii and it ſchal be clepid an hooli weie, he þat is
þerof ſchal ſtie fro generacioun in to generacioun, and it defoulid ſchal not paſſe þerbi; and þis ſchal be a ſtreiȝt
ſchal be deſolat in to worldis of worldis; noon ſchal weie to ȝou, ſo þat foolis erre not þerbi.
paſſe þerbi. ix A lioun ſchal not be þere, and an yuel beeſte ſchal not
xi And onocrotalus, and an irchoun ſchulen welde it;
ſtie þerbi, neþer ſchal be foundun þere.
and a capret, and a crowe ſchulen dwelle þerynne; and a x And þei ſchulen go, þat ben delyuered and aȝenbouȝt
meſure ſchal be ſtretchid forþ þeronne, þat it be dryuun of þe Lord; and þei ſchulen be conuertid, and ſchulen
to nouȝt, and an hangynge plomet in to deſolacyoun. come in to Sion wiþ preiſyng; and euerlaſtynge
xii Þe noble men þerof ſchulen not be þere; raþere þei
gladneſſe ſchal be on þe heed of hem; þei ſchulen haue
ſchulen clepe þe kyng in to help, and alle þe princes ioie and gladneſſe, and ſorewe and weilyng ſchulen fle
þerof ſchulen be in to nouȝt. awei.
xiii And þornes and nettlis ſchulen growe in þe houſis
þerof, and a taſil in þe ſtrengþis þerof; and it ſchal be þe CAP. XXXVI
couche of dragouns, and þe leſewe of oſtrichis. i And it was don in þe fourtenþe ȝeer of kyng Ezechie,
xiiii And fendis, and wondurful beeſtis, lijk men in þe Sennacherib, þe kyng of Aſſiriens, ſtiede on alle þe
hiȝere part and lijk aſſis in þe neþir part, and an heeri ſtronge citees of Juda, and took þo.
ſchulen meete; oon ſchal crie to an oþer. ii And þe kyng of Aſſiriens ſente Rapſaſes fro Lachis to
xv Lamya ſchal ligge þere, and foond reſt þere to hir ſilf; Jeruſalem, to kyng Ezechie, wiþ greet power; and he
þere an irchoun hadde dichis, and nurſchide out ſtood at þe watir cundit of þe hiȝere ſiſterne, in þe weie
whelpis, and diggide aboute, and foſtride in þe of þe feeld of a fullere.
ſchadewe þerof; þere kitis weren gaderid togidere, oon iii And Eliachym, þe ſone of Elchie, þat was on þe hous,
to anoþer. ȝede out to hym, and Sobna, þe ſcryuen, and Joae, þe
xvi Seke ȝe diligentli in þe book of þe Lord, and rede ȝe; ſone of Aſaph, þe chaunceler.
oon of þo þingis failide not, oon ſouȝte not anoþer; for iiii And Rapſaſes ſeide to hem, Seie ȝe to Ezechie, Þe
he comaundide þat þing, þat goiþ forþ of my mouþ, and greet king, þe king of Aſſiriens, ſeiþ þeſe þingis, What is
his ſpirit he gaderide þo togidere. þe triſt, in which þou triſtiſt?
xvii And he ſente to hem eritage, and his hond departide v eþir bi what councele eþer ſtrengþe diſpoſiſt þou for to
it in meſure; til in to wiþouten ende þo ſchulen welde rebelle? on whom haſt þou triſt, for þou haſt go awei fro
þat lond, in generacioun and in to generacioun þo me?
ſchulen dwelle þer ynne. vi Lo! þou triſtiſt on þis brokun ſtaf of rehed, on Egipt,
on which if a man reſtiþ, it ſchal entre in to his hoond,
CAP. XXXV and ſchal perſe it; ſo doiþ Farao, þe kyng of Egipt, to
i Þe forſakun Judee and wiþ outen weie ſchal be glad,
alle men þat triſten in hym.
and wildirneſſe ſchal make ful out ioye, and ſchal floure
as a lilie.

vii Þat if þou anſweriſt to me, We triſten in oure Lord Aſaph, chaunceler, entriden wiþ to-rent cloþis to
God; wheþer it is not he, whoſe hiȝe places and auteris Ezechie, and telde to hym þe wordis of Rapſaces.
Eſechie dide awei, and he ſeide to Juda and to
Jeruſalem, Ȝe ſchulen worſchipe bifore þis auter? CAP. XXXVII
viii And now bitake þee to my lord, þe kyng of Aſſiriens, i And it was don, whanne kyng Ezechie hadde herd, he

and Y ſchal ȝyue to þee twei þouſynde of horſis, and to-rente hiſe cloþis, and he was wlappid in a ſak, and
þou maiſt not ȝyue of þee ſtieris of þo horſis. entride in to þe hous of þe Lord.
ix And hou ſchalt þou abide þe face of þe iuge of o place ii And he ſente Eliachym, þat was on þe hous, and

of þe leſſe ſeruauntis of my lord? Þat if þou triſtiſt in Sobna, þe ſcryuen, and þe eldre men of preſtis, hilid wiþ
Egipt, and in cartis, and in knyȝtis; ſackis, to Iſaie, þe prophete, þe ſone of Amos.
x and now wheþir Y ſtiede to þis lond wiþ out þe Lord, iii And þei ſeiden to hym, Ezechie ſeiþ þeſe þingis, A dai

þat Y ſchulde diſtrie it? Þe Lord ſeide to me, Stie þou on of tribulacioun, and of angwiſch, and of chaſtiſyng, and
þis lond, and diſtrie þou it. of blasfemye is þis dai; for children camen `til to
xi And Eliachym, and Sobna, and Joae, ſeiden to childberyng, and vertu of childberyng is not.
iiii Þerfor reiſe þou preier for þe relifs þat ben foundun,
Rapſaces, Speke þou to þi ſeruauntis bi þe langage of
Sirie, for we vndurſtonden; ſpeke þou not to vs bi þe if in ony maner þi Lord God here þe wordis of
langage of Jewis in þe eeris of þe puple, which is on þe Rapſaces, whom þe king of Aſſiriens, his lord, ſente, for
wal. to blasfeme lyuynge God, and to diſpiſe bi þe wordis,
xii And Rapſaces ſeide to hem, Wheþer mi lord ſente me whiche þi Lord God herde.
v And þe ſeruauntis of kyng Eſechie camen to Iſaie;
to þi lord, and to þee, þat Y ſchulde ſpeke alle þeſe
wordis, and not raþere to þe men þat ſitten on þe wal, vi and Iſaie ſeide to hem, Ȝe ſchulen ſeie þeſe þingis to
þat þei ete her toordis, and drynke þe piſſe of her feet ȝoure lord, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Drede þou not of
wiþ ȝou? þe face of wordis whiche þou herdiſt, bi whiche þe
xiii And Rapſaces ſtood, and criede wiþ greet vois in þe children of þe kyng of Aſſiriens blasfemyden me.
langage of Jewis, and ſeide, Here ȝe þe wordis of þe vii Lo! Y ſchal ȝyue to hym a ſpirit, and he ſchal here a
greet kyng, þe kyng of Aſſiriens. meſſanger; and he ſchal turne aȝen to his londe, and Y
xiiii Þe kyng ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Eſechie diſſeyue not ȝou, ſchal make hym to falle doun bi ſwerd in his lond.
for he may not delyuere ȝou; viii Forſoþe Rapſaces turnede aȝen, and foond þe kyng
xv and Ezechie ȝyue not to ȝou triſt on þe Lord, and ſeie, of Aſſiriens fiȝtynge aȝens Lobna; for he hadde herd,
Þe Lord delyuerynge ſchal delyuere vs; þis citee ſchal þat þe kyng was gon fro Lachis.
not be ȝouun in to þe hoond of þe kyng of Aſſiriens. ix And þe kyng herde meſſangeris ſeiynge of Theracha,
xvi Nyle ȝe here Ezechie. For whi þe kyng of Aſſiriens kyng of Ethiopiens, He is gon out to fiȝte aȝens þee.
ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Make ȝe bleſſyng wiþ me, and go ȝe And whanne he hadde herd þis þing, he ſente
out to me; and ete ȝe ech man his vyner, and ech man meſſangeris to Ezechie, and ſeide, Ȝe ſchulen ſeie,
his fige tre, and drynke ȝe ech man þe water of his x ſpekynge þeſe þingis to Ezechye, kyng of Juda, Þi
ciſterne, God diſſeyue not þee, in whom þou triſtiſt, and ſeiſt,
xvii til Y come, and take awei ȝou to a lond which is as Jeruſalem ſchal not be ȝouun in to þe hond of þe kyng
ȝoure lond; to a lond of whete and of wyn, to a lond of of Aſſiriens.
looues and of vyneris. xi Lo! þou herdiſt alle þingis whiche þe kynges of
xviii Ezechie diſturble not ȝou, and ſeie, Þe Lord ſchal Aſſiriens diden to alle londis whiche þei diſtrieden; and
delyuere vs. Wheþer þe goddis of folkis delyuereden maiſt þou be delyuered?
ech his lond fro þe hond of þe kyng of Aſſiriens? xii Wheþir þe goddis of folkis delyuereden hem, whiche
xix Where is þe god of Emath, and of Arphat? Where is my fadris diſtrieden; Goſan, and Aran, and Reſeph, and
þe god of Sepharuaym? Wheþir þei delyueriden þe ſones of Eden, þat weren in Thalaſar?
Samarie fro myn hond? xiii Where is þe kyng of Emath, and þe kyng of Arphath,
xx Who is of alle goddis of þeſe londis, þat delyueride and þe kyng of þe citee of Sepharuaym, and of Ana, and
his lond fro myn hond, þat þe Lord delyuere Jeruſalem of Aua?
fro myn hond? xiiii And Ezechie took þe bookis fro þe hond of
xxi And þei weren ſtille, and anſweriden not to hym a meſſangeris, and redde þo; and he ſtiede in to þe hous of
word. For whi þe kyng comaundide to hem, and ſeide, þe Lord, and ſpredde abrood þo bifore þe Lord;
Anſwere ȝe not to him. xv and preiede to þe Lord,
xxii And Eliachym, þe ſone of Elchie, þat was on þe
hous, and Sobna, þe ſcryueyn, and Joae, þe ſone of

xvi and ſeide, Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, þat ſittiſt on ſowe ȝe, and repe ȝe, and plaunte ȝe vyneris, and ete ȝe
cherubyn, þou art God aloone of alle þe rewmes of þe fruyt of þo.
erþe; þou madiſt heuene and erþe. xxxi And þat þat is ſauyd of þe hous of Juda, and þat, þat
xvii Lord, bowe doun þin eere, and here; Lord, open þin is left, ſchal ſende roote byneþe, and ſchal make fruyt
iȝen, and ſe; and here þou alle þe wordis of aboue;
Sennacherib, whiche he ſente for to blasfeme lyuynge xxxii for whi relifs ſchulen go out of Jeruſalem, and
God. ſaluacioun fro þe hil of Sion; þe feruent loue of þe Lord
xviii For verili, Lord, þe kyngis of Aſſiriens maden of ooſtis ſchal do þis þing.
londis diſſert, and þe cuntreis of þo, and ȝauen þe xxxiii Þerfor þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis of þe kyng of
goddis of þo to fier; Aſſiriens, He ſchal not entre in to þis citee, and he ſchal
xix for þei weren not goddis, but þe werkis of mennus not ſchete þere an arowe; and a ſcheeld ſchal not ocupie
hondis, trees and ſtoonys; and þei al to-braken þo it, and he ſchal not ſende erþe in þe cumpas þerof.
goddis. xxxiiii In þe weie in which he cam, he ſchal turne aȝen bi
xx And now, oure Lord God, ſaue þou vs fro þe hond of it; and he ſchal not entre in to þis citee, ſeiþ þe Lord.
hym; and alle rewmes of erþe knowe, þat þou art Lord xxxv And Y ſchal defende þis citee, þat Y ſaue it, for me,
God aloone. and for Dauid, my ſeruaunt.
xxi And Iſaie, þe ſone of Amos, ſente to Ezechie, and xxxvi Forſoþe þe aungel of þe Lord ȝede out, and killide
ſeide, Þe Lord God of Iſrael ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For whiche an hundride þouſynde and fourſcoor and fyue þouſynde
þingis þou preidiſt me of Sennacherib, þe kyng of in þe tentis of Aſſiriens; and þei riſen eerli, and lo! alle
Aſſiriens, men weren careyns of deed men.
xxii þis is þe word which þe Lord ſpak on hym, Þou xxxvii And Sennacherib ȝede out of Jude, and wente
virgyn, þe douȝter of Sion, he diſpiſide þee, he ſcornede awei. And Sennacherib, þe kyng of Aſſiriens, turnede
þee; þou virgyn, þe douȝter of Jeruſalem, he moued his aȝen, and dwellide in Nynyue.
heed aftir þee. xxxviii And it was don, whanne he worſchipide Meſrach,
xxiii Whom deſpiſiſt þou, and whom blasfemediſt þou? his god, in þe temple, Aramalech and Saraſar, hiſe
and on whom reiſidiſt þou þi vois, and reiſidiſt þe ſones, killiden hym wiþ ſwerd, and fledden in to þe lond
hiȝneſſe of þin iȝen? of Ararath; and Aſaradon, his ſone, regnyde for hym.
xxiiii To þe hooli of Iſrael. Bi þe hond of þi ſeruauntis
þou diſpiſidiſt þe Lord, and ſeidiſt, In þe multitude of CAP. XXXVIII
my cartis Y ſtiede on þe hiȝneſſes of hillis, on þe ȝockis i In þo daies Eſechie was ſijk `til to þe deþ; and Iſaie, þe
of Liban; and Y ſchal kitte doun þe hiȝ þingis of cedris profete, þe ſone of Amos, entride to hym, and ſeide to
þerof, and þe choſun beechis þerof; and Y ſchal entre in hym, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Diſpoſe þi hous, for þou
to þe hiȝneſſe of þe cop þerof, in to þe foreſt of Carmele ſchalt die, and þou ſchalt not lyue.
þerof. ii And Eſechie turnede his face to þe wal, and preiede þe
xxv Y diggide, and drank watir; and Y made drie wiþ þe Lord, and ſeide, Lord, Y biſeche;
ſtep of my foot all þe ſtrondis of feeldis. iii haue þou mynde, Y biſeche, hou Y ȝede bifore þee in
xxvi Wheþer þou, Sennacherib, herdiſt not what þingis Y treuþe, and in perfit herte, and Y dide þat þat was good
dide ſum tyme? Fro elde daies Y fourmyde þat þing, bifore þin iȝen. And Ezechye wept wiþ greet wepyng.
and now Y haue brouȝt; and it is maad in to drawyng vp iiii And þe word of þe Lord was maad to Iſaie, and ſeide,
bi þe roote of litle hillis fiȝtynge togidere, and of ſtrong v Go þou, and ſeie to Ezechye, Þe Lord God of Dauid,
citees. þi fadir, ſeiþ þeſe þingis, I haue herd þi preier, and Y ſiȝ
xxvii Þe dwelleris of þo citees trembliden togidere wiþ
þi teeris. Lo! Y ſchal adde on þi daies fiftene ȝeer;
hond maad ſchort, and ben aſchamed; þei ben maad as vi and Y ſchal delyuere þee and þis citee fro þe hond of
hei of þe feeld, and þe gras of leſewe, and as erbe of þe kyng of Aſſiriens, and Y ſchal defende it.
roouȝs, þat driede vp bifore þat it wexide ripe. vii Forſoþe þis ſchal be to þee a ſigne of þe Lord, þat þe
xxviii Y knew þi dwellyng, and þi goyng out, and þin
Lord ſchal do þis word, which he ſpak.
entryng, and þi woodneſſe aȝens me. viii Lo! Y ſchal make þe ſchadewe of lynes, bi which it
xxix Whanne þou were wood aȝens me, þi pride ſtiede in
ȝede doun in þe orologie of Achas, in þe ſunne, to turne
to myn eeris; þerfor Y ſchal ſette a ryng in þi noſeþirlis, aȝen backward bi ten lynes. And þe ſunne turnede aȝen
and a bridil in þi lippis; and Y ſchal lede þee aȝen in to bi ten lynes, bi degrees bi whiche it hadde go doun.
þe weie, bi which þou cameſt. ix Þe ſcripture of Ezechie, kyng of Juda, whanne he
xxx Forſoþe to þee, Ezechie, þis ſchal be a ſigne; ete þou
hadde be ſijk, and hadde rekyuered of his ſikeneſſe.
in þis ȝeer þo þingis þat growen bi her fre wille, and in
þe ſecunde ȝeer ete þou applis; but in þe þridde ȝeer

xI ſeide, in þe myddil of my daies Y ſchal go to þe ȝatis iii Soþeli Yſaie, þe prophete, entride to kyng Ezechie,
of helle. and ſeide to hym, What ſeiden þes men, and fro
xi Y ſouȝte þe reſidue of my ȝeeris; Y ſeide, Y ſchal not whennus camen þei to þee? And Ezechie ſeide, Fro a fer
ſe þe Lord God in þe lond of lyueris; Y ſchal no more lond þei camen to me, fro Babiloyne.
biholde a man, and a dwellere of reſte. iiii And Yſaie ſeide, What ſiȝen þei in þin hous? And
xii My generacioun is takun awei, and is foldid togidere Ezechie ſeide, Þei ſien alle þingis þat ben in myn hous;
fro me, as þe tabernacle of ſcheepherdis is foldid no þing was in my treſours, which Y ſchewide not to
togidere. Mi lijf is kit doun as of a webbe; he kittide hem.
doun me, þe while Y was wouun ȝit. Fro þe morewtid v And Yſaie ſeide to Ezechie, Here þou þe word of þe
`til to þe euentid þou ſchalt ende me; Lord of ooſtis.
xiii Y hopide til to þe morewtid; as a lioun, ſo he al to- vi Lo! daies ſchulen come, and alle þingis þat ben in þin
brak alle my boonys. Fro þe morewtid til to þe euentid hous, and whiche þingis þi fadris treſoriden til to þis
þou ſchalt ende me; as þe brid of a ſwalewe, ſo Y ſchal dai, ſchulen be takun awei in to Babiloyne; not ony þing
crie; ſchal be left, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xiiii Y ſchal biþenke as a culuer. Myn iȝen biholdynge an vii And þei ſchulen take of þi ſones, þat ſchulen go out
hiȝ, ben maad feble. Lord, Y ſuffre violence, anſwere of þee, whiche þou ſchalt gendre; and þei ſchulen be
þou for me; what ſchal Y ſeie, oneſt ſeruauntis and chaſt in þe paleis of þe kyng of
xv eþer what ſchal anſwere to me, whanne `I myſilf haue Babiloyne.
do? Y ſchal biþenke to þee alle my ȝeeris, in þe viii And Ezechie ſeide to Yſaie, Þe word of þe Lord is
bitterniſſe of my ſoule. good, which he ſpak. And Ezechie ſeide, Pees and
xvi Lord, if me lyueþ ſo, and þe lijf of my ſpirit is in treuþe be maad oneli in my daies.
ſiche þingis, þou ſchalt chaſtiſe me, and ſchalt quykene
me. CAP. XL
xvii Lo! my bitterneſſe is mooſt bittir in pees; forſoþe i My puple, be ȝe coumfortid, be ȝe coumfortid, ſeiþ

þou haſt delyuered my ſoule, þat it periſchide not; þou ȝoure Lord God.
haſt caſte awey bihynde þi bak alle my ſynnes. ii Speke ȝe to þe herte of Jeruſalem, and clepe ȝe it, for
xviii For not helle ſchal knowleche to þee, neþir deþ þe malice þerof is fillid, þe wickidneſſe þerof is
ſchal herie þee; þei þat goon doun in to þe lake, ſchulen forȝouun; it haþ reſſeyued of þe hond of þe Lord double
not abide þi treuþe. þingis for alle hiſe ſynnes.
xix A lyuynge man, a lyuynge man, he ſchal knouleche iii Þe vois of a crier in deſert, Make ȝe redi þe weie of þe

to þee, as and Y to dai; þe fadir ſchal make knowun þi Lord, make ȝe riȝtful þe paþis of oure God in
treuþe to ſones. wildirneſſe.
xx Lord, make þou me ſaaf, and we ſchulen ſynge oure iiii Ech valey ſchal be enhaunſid, and ech mounteyn and

ſalmes in all þe daies of oure lijf in þe hous of þe Lord. litil hil ſchal be maad low; and ſchrewid þingis ſchulen
xxi And Yſaie comaundide, þat þei ſchulden take a gobet be in to ſtreiȝt þingis, and ſcharpe þingis ſchulen be in to
of figus, and make a plaſter on þe wounde; and it pleyn weies.
v And þe glorie of þe Lord ſchal be ſchewid, and ech
ſchulde be heelid.
xxii And Ezechie ſeide, What ſigne ſchal be, þat Y ſchal man ſchal ſe togidere, þat þe mouþ of þe Lord haþ
ſtie in to þe hous of þe Lord? ſpoke.
vi Þe vois of God, ſeiynge, Crie þou. And Y ſeide, What

CAP. XXXIX ſchal Y crie? Ech fleiſch is hei, and al þe glorie þerof is
i In þat tyme Marodach Baladan, þe ſone of Baladam, as þe flour of þe feeld.
vii Þe hei is dried vp, and þe flour felle doun, for þe
þe kyng of Babiloyne, ſente bookis and ȝiftis to
Ezechie; for he hadde herd, þat Ezechie hadde be ſijk, ſpirit of þe Lord bleew þerynne.
and was rekyuerid. viii Verely þe puple is hey; þe hey is dried vp, and þe
ii Forſoþe Ezechie was glad on hem, and ſchewide to flour felle doun; but þe word of þe Lord dwelliþ wiþ
hem þe ſelle of ſwete ſmellynge ſpices, and of ſiluer, outen ende.
and of gold, and of ſmellynge þingis, and of beſt ix Þou þat prechiſt to Sion, ſtie on an hiȝ hil; þou þat
oynement, and alle þe ſchoppis of his purtenaunce of prechiſt to Jeruſalem, enhaunſe þi vois in ſtrengþe;
houſhold, and alle þingis þat weren foundun in hiſe enhaunſe þou, nyle þou drede; ſeie þou to þe citees of
treſours; no word was, which Ezechie ſchewide not to Juda, Lo! ȝoure God.
hem in his hous, and in al his power.

x Lo! þe Lord God ſchal come in ſtrengþe, and his arm xxviii Wheþer þou knowiſt not, eþer herdiſt þou not?
ſchal holde lordſchipe; lo! his mede is wiþ hym, and his God, euerlaſtynge Lord, þat made of nouȝt þe endis of
werk is bifore hym. erþe, ſchal not faile, neþer ſchal trauele, neþer
xi As a ſcheepherd he ſchal fede his flok, he ſchal gadere enſerchyng of his wiſdom is.
lambreen in his arm, and he ſchal reiſe in his boſom; he xxix Þat ȝyueþ vertu to þe weeri, and ſtrengþe to hem þat
ſchal bere ſcheep `wiþ lomb. ben not, and multiplieþ ſtalworþneſſe.
xii Who mat watris in a fiſt, and peiſide heuenes wiþ a xxx Children ſchulen faile, and ſchulen trauele, and
ſpanne? Who peiſide þe heuyneſſe of þe erþe wiþ þre ȝonge men ſchulen falle doun in her ſikeneſſe.
fyngris, and weide mounteyns in a weihe, and litle hillis xxxi But þei þat hopen in þe Lord, ſchulen chaunge
in a balaunce? ſtrengþe, þei ſchulen take feþeris as eglis; þei ſchulen
xiii Who helpide þe Spirit of þe Lord, eþer who was his renne, and ſchulen not trauele; þei ſchulen go, and
councelour, and ſchewide to hym? ſchulen not faile.
xiiii Wiþ whom took he councel, and who lernyde hym,
and tauȝte hym þe paþ of riȝtfulneſſe, and lernyde hym CAP. XLI
in kunnyng, and ſchewyde to him þe weie of prudence? i Iles, be ſtille to me, and folkis chaunge ſtrengþe; neiȝe
xv Lo! folkis ben as a drope of a boket, and ben arettid þei, and þanne ſpeke þei; neiȝe we togidere to doom.
as þe tunge of a balaunce; lo! ii Who reiſide þe iuſt man fro þe eeſt, and clepide hym
xvi ylis ben as a litil duſt, and þe Liban ſchal not ſuffice to ſue hym ſilf? He ſchal ȝyue folkis in his ſiȝt, and he
to brenne his ſacrifice, and þe beeſtis þerof ſchulen not ſchal welde kyngis; he ſchal ȝyue as duſt to his ſwerd,
ſuffice to brent ſacrifice. and as ſtobil `þat is rauyſchid of þe wynd, to his bowe.
xvii Alle folkis ben ſo bifore hym, as if þei ben not; and iii He ſchal purſue hem, he ſchal go in pees; a paþ ſchal

þei ben rettid as no þing and veyn þing to hym. not appere in hiſe feet.
xviii To whom þerfor maden ȝe God lijk? eþer what iiii Who wrouȝte and dide þeſe þingis? clepynge

ymage ſchulen ȝe ſette to hym? generaciouns at þe bigynnyng. Y am þe Lord; and Y am

xix Wheþer a ſmyþ ſchal welle togidere an ymage, eþer þe firſte and þe laſte.
v Ilis ſien, and dredden; þe laſte partis of erþe were
a gold ſmyþ ſchal figure it in gold, and a worchere in
ſiluer ſchal diȝte it wiþ platis of ſiluer? aſtonyed; þei camen niȝ, and neiȝiden.
xx A wijs crafti man chees a ſtrong tre, and vnable to be vi Ech man ſchal helpe his neiȝbore, and ſchal ſeie to his

rotun; he ſekiþ how he ſchal ordeyne a ſymylacre, þat broþer, Be þou coumfortid.
ſchal not be mouyd. vii A ſmyþ of metal ſmytynge wiþ an hamer coumfortide
xxi Wheþer ȝe witen not? wheþer ȝe herden not? wheþer him þat poliſchyde, eþir made fair, in þat tyme, ſeiynge,
it was not teld to ȝou fro þe begynnynge? wheþer ȝe It is good, to glu; and he faſtenede hym wiþ nailis, þat
vndurſtoden not þe foundementis of erþe? he ſchulde not be mouyd.
xxii Which ſittiþ on þe cumpas of erþe, and þe dwelleris viii And þou, Iſrael, my ſeruaunte, Jacob, whom Y chees,

þerof ben as locuſtis; which ſtretchiþ forþ heuenes as þe ſeed of Abraham, my frend, in whom Y took þee;
nouȝt, and ſprediþ abrood þo as a tabernacle to dwelle. ix fro þe laſte partis of erþe, and fro þe fer partis þerof Y
xxiii Which ȝyueþ þe ſercheris of priuytees, as if þei be clepide þee; and Y ſeide to þee, Þou art my ſeruaunt; Y
not, and made þe iugis of erþe as a veyn þing. chees þee, and caſtide not awei þee.
xxiiii And ſoþeli whanne þe ſtok of hem is neþer x Drede þou not, for Y am wiþ þee; boowe þou not

plauntid, neþer is ſowun, neþer is rootid in erþe, he awei, for Y am þi God. Y coumfortide þee, and helpide
bleew ſudenli on hem, and þei drieden vp, and a whirle þee; and þe riȝthond of my iuſt man vp took þee.
wynd ſchal take hem awei as ſtobil. xi Lo! alle men ſchulen be ſchent, and ſchulen be
xxv And to what þing `ȝe han licned me, and han maad aſchamed, þat fiȝten aȝens þee; þei ſchulen be as if þei
euene? ſeiþ þe hooli. ben not, and men ſchulen periſche, þat aȝen ſeien þee.
xxvi Reiſe ȝoure iȝen an hiȝ, and ſe ȝe, who made þeſe xii Þou ſchalt ſeke hem, and þou ſchalt not fynde þi rebel

þingis of nouȝt; which lediþ out in noumbre þe kniȝthod men; þei ſchulen be, as if þei ben not, and as þe waſtyng
of þo, and clepiþ alle bi name, for þe multitude of his of a man fiȝtynge aȝens þee.
ſtrengþe, and ſtalworþneſſe, and vertu; neþer o reſidue xiii For Y am þi Lord God, takynge þin hond, and
þing was. ſeiynge to þee, Drede þou not, Y helpide þee.
xxvii Whi ſeiſt þou, Jacob, and ſpekiſt þou, Iſrael, My xiiii Nyle þou, worm of Jacob, drede, ȝe þat ben deed of
weie is hid fro þe Lord, and my doom paſſide fro my Iſrael. Y helpide þee, ſeiþ þe Lord, and þin aȝen biere,
God? þe hooli of Iſrael.

xv Y haue ſet þee as a newe wayn þreiſchynge, hauynge ii He ſchal not crie, neþer he ſchal take a perſoone, neþer
ſawynge bilis; þou ſchalt þreiſche mounteyns, and ſchalt his vois ſchal be herd wiþoutforþ.
make ſmal, and þou ſchalt ſette litle hillis as duſt. iii He ſchal not breke a ſchakun rehed, and he ſchal not
xvi Þou ſchalt wyndewe hem, and þe wynd ſchal take quenche ſmokynge flax; he ſchal brynge out doom in
hem awei, and a whirlewynd ſchal ſcatere hem; and þou treuþe.
ſchalt make ful out ioie in þe Lord, and þou ſchalt be iiii He ſchal not be ſorewful, neþer troblid, til he ſette
glad in þe hooli of Iſrael. doom in erþe, and ilis ſchulen abide his lawe.
xvii Nedi men and pore ſeken watris, and þo ben not; þe v Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, makynge heuenes of
tunge of hem driede for þirſt. Y þe Lord ſchal here hem, noȝt, and ſtretchynge forþ þo, makynge ſtidfaſt þe erþe,
I God of Iſrael ſchal not forſake hem. and þo þingis þat buriownen of it, ȝyuynge breeþ to þe
xviii Y ſchal opene floodis in hiȝ hillis, and wellis in þe puple, þat is on it, and ȝyuynge ſpirit to hem þat treden
myddis of feeldis; Y ſchal ſette þe deſert in to poondis on it.
of watris, and þe lond wiþout weie in to ryuers of vi Y þe Lord haue clepid þee in riȝtfulneſſe, and Y took
watris. þin hond, and kepte þee, and Y ȝaf þee in to a boond of
xix Y ſchal ȝyue in wildirneſſe a cedre, and a þorn, and a pees of þe puple, and in to lyȝt of folkis.
myrte tre, and þe tre of an olyue; Y ſchal ſette in þe vii Þat þou ſchuldiſt opene þe iȝen of blynde men; þat
deſert a fir tre, an elm, and a box tre togidere. þou ſchuldiſt lede out of cloſyng togidere a boundun
xx Þat þei ſe, and knowe, and biþenke, and vndurſtonde man, fro þe hous of priſoun men ſittynge in derkneſſis.
togidere; þat þe hond of þe Lord dide þis þing, and þe viii Y am þe Lord, þis is my name; Y ſchal not ȝyue my
hooli of Iſrael made þat of nouȝt. glorie to an oþere, and my preiſyng to grauun ymagis.
xxi Make ȝe niȝ ȝoure doom, ſeiþ þe Lord; brynge ȝe, if ix Lo! þo þingis þat weren þe firſte, ben comun, and Y
in hap ȝe han ony þing, ſeiþ þe kyng of Jacob. telle newe þingis; Y ſchal make herd to ȝou, bifore þat
xxii Neiȝ þo, and telle to vs, what euer þingis ſchulen þo bigynnen to be maad.
come; telle ȝe þe formere þingis þat weren, and we x Synge ȝe a newe ſong to þe Lord; his heriyng is fro þe
ſchulen ſette oure herte, and ſchulen wite; ſchewe ȝe to laſte partis of erþe; ȝe þat goon doun in to þe ſee, and þe
vs þe laſte þingis of hem, and þo þingis þat ſchulen fulneſſe þerof, ilis, and þe dwelleris of þo.
come. xi Þe deſert be reiſid, and þe citees þerof; he ſchal
xxiii Telle ȝe what þingis ſchulen come in tyme to
dwelle in þe houſis of Cedar; ȝe dwelleris of þe ſtoon,
comynge, and we ſchulen wite, þat ȝe ben goddis; al ſo herie ȝe; þei ſchulen crie fro þe cop of hillis.
do ȝe wel, eþir yuele, if ȝe moun; and ſpeke we, and ſee xii Þei ſchulen ſette glorie to þe Lord, and þey ſchulen
we togidere. telle his heriyng in ilis.
xxiiii Lo! ȝe ben of nouȝt, and ȝoure werk is of þat þat is xiii Þe Lord as a ſtrong man ſchal go out, as a man a
not; he þat chees ȝou, is abhomynacioun. werrȝour he ſchal reiſe feruent loue; he ſchal ſpeke, and
xxv I reiſide fro þe norþ, and he ſchal come fro þe riſyng
ſchal crie; he ſchal be coumfortid on hiſe enemyes.
of þe ſunne; he ſchal clepe my name. And he ſchal xiiii Y was ſtille, euere Y helde ſilence; Y was pacient, Y
brynge magiſtratis as cley, and as a pottere defoulynge ſchal ſpeke as a womman trauelynge of child; Y ſchal
erþe. ſcatere, and Y ſchal ſwolowe togidere.
xxvi Who tolde fro þe bigynnyng, þat we wite, and fro xv Y ſchal make deſert hiȝ mounteyns and litle hillis,
þe bigynnyng, þat we ſeie, Þou art iuſt? noon is and Y ſchal drie vp al þe buriownyng of þo; and Y ſchal
tellynge, neþer biforſeiynge, neþer herynge ȝoure ſette floodis in to ilis, and Y ſchal make poondis drie.
wordis. xvi And Y ſchal lede out blynde men in to þe weie,
xxvii Þe firſte ſchal ſeie to Sion, Lo! Y am preſent; and Y
which þei knowen not, and Y ſchal make hem to go in
ſchal ȝyue a goſpellere to Jeruſalem. paþis, whiche þei knewen not; Y ſchal ſette þe
xxviii And Y ſiȝ, and noon was of þeſe, þat token
derkneſſis of hem bifore hem in to lyȝt, and ſchrewid
councel, and he þat was axid, anſweride a word. þingis in to riȝtful þingis; Y dide þeſe wordis to hem,
xxix Lo! alle men ben vniuſt, and her werkis ben wynd and Y forſook not hem.
and veyn; þe ſymylacris of hem ben wynd, and voide xvii Þei ben turned abac; be þei ſchent wiþ ſchenſchipe,
þing. þat truſten in a grauun ymage; whiche ſeien to a ȝotun
ymage, Ȝe ben oure goddis.
CAP. XLII xviii Ȝe deef men, here; and ȝe blynde men, biholde to
i Lo! my ſeruaunt, Y ſchal vptake hym, my choſun, my
ſoule pleſide to it ſilf in hym. I ȝaf my ſpirit on hym, he xix Who is blynd, no but my ſeruaunt? and deef, no but
ſchal brynge forþ doom to heþene men. he to whom Y ſente my meſſangeris? Who is blynd, no

but he þat is ſeeld? and who is blynd, no but þe ſeruaunt x Verili ȝe ben my witneſſis, ſeiþ þe Lord, and my
of þe Lord? ſeruaunt, whom Y chees; þat ȝe wite, and bileue to me,
xx Wheþer þou þat ſeeſt many þingis, ſchalt not kepe? and vndurſtonde, for Y myſilf am; bifore me is no God
Wheþer þou þat haſt open eeris, ſchalt not here? formere, and after me ſchal noon be.
xxi And þe Lord wolde, þat he ſchulde halewe it, and xi Y am, Y am þe Lord, and wiþ out me is no ſauȝour.
magnefie þe lawe, and enhaunſe it. xii I telde, and ſauyde; Y made heryng, and noon alien
xxii But þilke puple was rauyſchid, and waſtid; alle þei God was among ȝou. Ȝe ben my witneſſis, ſeiþ þe Lord;
ben þe ſnare of ȝonge men, and ben hid in þe houſis of xiii and Y am God fro þe bigynnyng, Y my ſilf am, and
priſouns. Þei ben maad in to raueyn, and noon is þat noon is þat delyueriþ fro myn hoond; Y ſchal worche,
delyuereþ; in to rauyſchyng, and noon is þat ſeiþ, Ȝelde and who ſchal diſtrie it?
þou. xiiii Þe Lord, ȝoure aȝenbiere, þe hooli of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe
xxiii Who is among ȝou, þat heriþ þis, perſeyueþ, and
þingis, For ȝou Y ſente out in to Babiloyne, and Y drow
herkneþ þingis to comynge? doun alle barris, and Caldeis hauynge glorie in her
xxiiii Who ȝaf Jacob in to rauyſchyng, and Iſrael to ſchippis.
diſtrieris? Wheþer not þe Lord? He it is, aȝens whom xv Y am þe Lord, ȝoure hooli, ȝoure king, makynge
þei ſynneden; and þei nolden go in hiſe weies, and þei Iſrael of nouȝt.
herden not his lawe. xvi Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, þat ȝaf weie in þe ſee, and a
xxv And he ſchedde out on hem þe indignacioun of his
paþ in rennynge watris;
ſtrong veniaunce, and ſtrong batel; and þei brenten it in xvii which ledde out a carte, and hors, a cumpany, and
cumpas, and it knewe not; and he brente it, and it ſtrong man; þei ſlepten togidere, neþer þei ſchulen riſe
vndurſtood not. aȝen; þei ben al tobrokun as flex, and ben quenchid.
xviii Þenke ȝe not on þe formere þingis, and biholde ȝe
CAP. XLIII not olde þingis.
i And now þe Lord God, makynge of nouȝt þee, Jacob,
xix Lo! Y make newe þingis, and now þo ſchulen
and formynge þee, Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Nyle þou bigynne to be maad; ſoþeli ȝe ſchulen know þo. Y ſchal
drede, for Y aȝenbouȝte þee, and Y clepide þee bi þi ſette weie in deſert, and floodis in a lond wiþout weie.
name; þou art my ſeruaunt. xx And a beeſte of þe feelde ſchal glorifie me, dragouns
ii Whanne þou ſchalt go bi watris, Y ſchal be wiþ þee,
and oſtrigis ſchulen glorifie me; for Y ȝaf watris in
and floodis ſchulen not hile þee; whanne þou ſchalt go deſert, and floodis in þe lond wiþout weie, þat Y ſchulde
in fier, þou ſchalt not be brent, and flawme ſchal not ȝyue drynk to my puple, to my choſun puple.
brenne in þee. xxi Y fourmyde þis puple to me, it ſchal telle my
iii For Y am þi Lord God, þe hooli of Iſrael, þi ſauȝour. I
ȝaf þi merci Egipt; Ethiopie and Saba for þee. xxii Jacob, þou clepidiſt not me to help; and þou, Iſrael,
iiii Siþen þou art maad onourable, and gloriouſe in myn
trauelidiſt not for me.
iȝen; Y louyde þee, and Y ſchal ȝyue men for þee, and xxiii Þou offridiſt not to me þe ram of þi brent ſacrifice,
puplis for þi ſoule.
v Nyle þou drede, for Y am wiþ þee; Y ſchal brynge þi and þou glorifiediſt not me wiþ þi ſlayn ſacrifices. Y
made not þee to ſerue in offryng, neþir Y ȝaf to þee
ſeed fro þe eeſt, and Y ſchal gadere þee togidere fro þe trauel in encenſe.
weſt. xxiiii Þou bouȝtiſt not to me ſwete ſmellynge ſpicerie for
vi Y ſchal ſeie to þe norþ, Ȝyue þou, and to þe ſouþ,
ſiluer, and þou fillidiſt not me wiþ fatneſſe of þi ſlayn
Nyle þou forbede; brynge þou my ſones fro afer, and ſacrifices; neþeles þou madiſt me to ſerue in þi ſynnes,
my douȝtris fro þe laſte partis of erþe. þou ȝaueſt trauel to me in þi wickidneſſis.
vii And ech þat clepiþ my name to help, in to my glorie
xxv Y am, Y my ſilf am, þat do awei þi wickidneſſis for
Y made hym of nouȝt; Y fourmyde hym, and made me, and Y ſchal not haue mynde on þy ſynnes.
hym. xxvi Brynge me aȝen in to mynde, and be we demyd
viii Lede þou forþ þe blynde puple, and hauynge iȝen; þe
togidere; telle þou, if þou haſt ony þing, þat þou be
deef puple, and eeris ben to it. iuſtified.
ix Alle heþene men ben gaderid togidere, and lynagis be
xxvii Þi firſte fadir ſynnede, and þin interpretours
gaderid togidere. Who among ȝou, who ſchal telle þis, treſpaſſiden aȝens me.
and ſchal make ȝou to here þo þingis, þat ben þe firſte? xxviii And Y made foul hooli princes, and Y ȝaf Jacob to
ȝyue þei witneſſis of hem, and be þei iuſtified, and here
deþ, and Iſrael in to blasfemye.
þei, and ſeie.

CAP. XLIIII xvii Y am warmed; Y ſiȝ fier. Forſoþe þe reſidue þerof he
i And now, Jacob, my ſeruaunt, here þou, and Iſrael, made a god, and a grauun ymage to hym ſilf; he is
whom I chees. bowide bifore þat, and worſchipiþ þat, and biſechiþ, and
ii Þe Lord makynge and forȝyuynge þee, þin helpere fro ſeiþ, Delyuere þou me, for þou art my god.
þe wombe, ſeiþ þeſe þingis, My ſeruaunt, Jacob, nyle xviii Þei knewen not, neþer vndurſtoden, for þei han
þou drede, and þou mooſt riȝtful, whom Y chees. forȝete, þat her iȝe ſe not, and þat þei vndurſtonde not
iii For Y ſchal ſchede out watris on þe þirſti, and floodis wiþ her herte.
on þe dry lond; Y ſchal ſchede out my ſpirit on þi ſeed, xix Þei byþenken not in her ſoule, neþer þei knowen,
and my bleſſyng on þi generacioun. neþer þei feelen, þat þei ſeie, Y brente þe myddil þerof
iiii And þei ſchulen buriowne among erbis, as ſalewis in fier, and Y bakide looues on þe coolis þerof, and Y
biſidis rennynge watris. ſeþide fleiſchis, and eet; and of þe reſidue þerof ſchal Y
v Þis man ſchal ſeie, Y am of þe Lord, and he ſchal clepe make an idol? ſchal Y falle doun bifore þe ſtok of a
in þe name of Jacob; and þis man ſchal write wiþ his tree?
xx A part þerof is aiſche; an vnwijs herte ſchal worſchipe
hoond to þe Lord, and ſchal be licned in þe name of
Iſrael. it, and he ſchal not delyuere his ſoule, neþer he ſchal
vi Þe Lord, kyng of Iſrael, and aȝenbiere þerof, þe Lord ſeie, A ſtrong leeſyng is in my riȝthond.
xxi Þou, Jacob, and Iſrael, haue mynde of þeſe þingis,
of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Y am þe firſte and Y am þe
laſte, and wiþ outen me is no God. for þou art my ſeruaunt; Y formyde þee, Iſrael, þou art
vii Who is lijk me? clepe he, and telle, and declare ordre my ſeruaunt; þou ſchalt not forȝete me.
xxii Y dide awei þi wickidneſſis as a cloude, and þi
to me, ſiþen Y made elde puple; telle he to hem þingis
to comynge, and þat ſchulen be. ſynnes as a myiſt; turne þou aȝen to me, for Y
viii Nyle ȝe drede, neþer be ȝe diſturblid; fro þat tyme Y aȝenbouȝte þee.
xxiii Ȝe heuenes, herie, for þe Lord haþ do merci; þe
made þee for to here, and Y telde; ȝe ben my witneſſis.
Wheþir a God is wiþ out me, and a formere, whom Y laſte partis of erþ, ſynge ȝe hertli ſong; hillis, ſowne ȝe
knew not? preiſyng; þe foreſt and ech tre þerof, herie God; for þe
ix Alle þe fourmeris of an idol ben no þing, and þe Lord aȝenbouȝte Jacob, and Iſrael ſchal haue glorie.
xxiiii Þe Lord, þin aȝenbiere, and þi fourmere fro þe
mooſt louyd þingis of hem ſchulen not profite; þei ben
witneſſis of þo, þat þo ſeen not, neþer vndurſtonden, þat wombe, ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Y am þe Lord, makynge alle
þei be ſchent. þingis, and Y aloone ſtretche forþ heuenes, and
x Who fourmyde a god, and ȝetide an ymage, not ſtabliſche þe erþe, and noon is wiþ me;
xxv and Y make voide þe ſignes of falſe dyuynours, and
profitable to ony þing?
xi Lo! alle þe parteneris þerof ſchulen be ſchent; for þe Y turne in to woodneſſe dyuynours, þat dyuynen by
ſmyþis ben of men. Whanne alle ſchulen come, þei ſacrifices offrid to feendis; and Y turne wiſe men
ſchulen ſtonde, and ſchulen drede, and ſchulen be ſchent bacward, and Y make her ſcience fonned.
xxvi And þe Lord reiſiþ þe word of his ſeruaunt, and
xii A ſmiþ wrouȝte wiþ a file; he fourmyde it in coolis, filliþ þe councel of hiſe meſſangeris; and Y ſeie,
and in hameris, and he wrouȝte wiþ þe arm of his Jeruſalem, þou ſchalt be enhabitid; and to þe citees of
ſtrengþe. He ſchal be hungri, and he ſchal faile; he ſchal Juda, Ȝe ſchulen be bildid, and Y ſchal reiſe þe deſertis
not drynke watre, and he ſchal be feynt. þerof;
xiii A carpenter ſtretchide forþ a reule, he fourmyde it xxvii and Y ſeie to þe depþe, Be þou deſolat, and Y ſhal

wiþ an adeſe; he made it in þe corner places, and he make drie þi floodis;

xxviii and Y ſeie to Cirus, Þou art my ſcheepherde, and
turnede it in cumpas; and he made þe ymage of a man,
as a fair man, dwellynge in þe hous. þou ſchalt fille al my wille; and Y ſeie to Jeruſalem, Þou
xiiii He kittide doun cedris, he took an hawþorn, and an ſchalt be bildid; and to þe temple, Þou ſchalt be foundid.
ook, þat ſtood among þe trees of þe foreſt; he plauntide
a pyne apple tre, which he nurſchide wiþ reyn, CAP. XLV
xv and it was maad in to fier to men. He took of þo, and i Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis to my criſt, Cirus, whos

was warmed, and he brente, and bakide looues; but of riȝthond Y took, þat Y make ſuget folkis bifor his face,
þe reſidue he wrouȝte a god, and worſchipide it, and he and turne þe backis of kyngis; and Y ſchal opene ȝatis
made a grauun ymage, and he was bowid bifore þat. bifore hym, and ȝatis ſchulen not be cloſid.
xvi He brente þe myddil þerof wiþ fier, and of þe myddil ii Y ſchal go bifore þee, and Y ſchal make lowe þe

þerof he ſeþide fleiſchis, and eet; he ſeþide potage, and gloriouſe men of erþe; Y ſchal al to-breke braſun ȝatis,
was fillid; and he was warmed, and he ſeide, Wel! and Y ſchal breke togidere irun barris.

iii And Y ſchal ȝyue hid treſours to þee, and þe priuy xx Be ȝe gaderid, and come ȝe, and neiȝe ȝe togidere, þat
þingis of priuytees, þat þou wite, þat Y am þe Lord, þat ben ſauyd of heþene men; þei þat reiſen a ſigne of her
clepe þi name, God of Iſrael, grauyng, knewen not, and þei preien a god þat ſaueþ
iiii for my ſeruaunt Jacob, and Iſrael my choſun, and Y not.
clepide þee bi þi name; Y licnyde þee, and þou knewiſt xxi Telle ȝe, and come ȝe, and take ȝe councel togidere.
not me. Who made þis herd fro þe bigynnyng? fro þat tyme Y
v Y am þe Lord, and þer is no more; wiþ out me is no bifor ſeide it. Wheþer Y am not þe Lord, and no God is
God. Y haue gird þee, and þou knewiſt not me. ferþere wiþ out me? God riȝtful and ſauynge is noon,
vi Þat þei þat ben at þe riſyng of þe ſunne, and þei þat outakun me.
xxii Alle þe cooſtis of erþe, be ȝe conuertid to me, and ȝe
ben at þe weſt, know, þat wiþ out me is no God.
vii Y am þe Lord, and noon oþer God is; fourmynge ſchulen be ſaaf; for Y am þe Lord, and noon oþer is.
xxiii Y ſwoor in my ſilf, a word of riȝtfulneſſe ſchal go
lyȝt, and makynge derkneſſis, makynge pees, and
fourmynge yuel; Y am þe Lord, doynge alle þeſe þingis. out of my mouþ, and it ſchal not turne aȝen;
viii Heuenes, ſende ȝe out deew fro aboue, and cloudis, xxiiii for ech kne ſchal be bowid to me, and ech tunge

reyne a iuſt man; þe erþe be openyde, and brynge forþ ſchal ſwere.
þe ſauȝour, and riȝtfulneſſe be borun togidere; Y þe xxv Þerfor þei ſchulen ſei in þe Lord, Riȝtfulneſſis and
Lord haue maad hym of nouȝt. empire ben myne; alle þat fiȝten aȝens hym ſchulen
ix Wo to hym þat aȝen ſeiþ his maker, a tiel ſtoon of erþe come to hym, and ſchulen be aſchamed.
of Sannys. Wheþer clei ſeiþ to his pottere, What makiſt xxvi Al þe ſeed of Iſrael ſchal be iuſtified and preyſid in
þou, and þi werk is wiþouten hondis? þe Lord.
x Wo to hym þat ſeiþ to þe fadir, What gendriſt þou? and
to a womman, What childiſt þou? CAP. XLVI
xi Þe Lord, þe hooli of Iſrael, þe fourmere þerof, ſeiþ i Bel is brokun, Nabo is al to-brokun; her ſymylacris lijk

þeſe þingis, Axe ȝe me þingis to comynge on my ſones, to wielde beeſtis and werk beeſtis ben brokun; ȝoure
and ſende ȝe to me on þe werkis of myn hondis. birþuns
xii Y made erþe, and Y made a man on it; myn hondis ii wiþ heuy charge `til to weryneſſe weren rotun, and

helden abrood heuenes, and Y comaundide to al þe ben al to-brokun togidere; þo miȝten not ſaue þe berere,
knyȝthod of þo. and þe ſoule of hem ſchal go in to caitifte.
xiii Y reiſide hym to riȝtfulneſſe, and Y ſchal dreſſe alle iii Þe hous of Jacob, and al þe reſidue of þe hous of

hiſe weies; he ſchal bilde my citee, and he ſchal Iſrael, here ȝe me, whiche ben borun of my wombe,
delyuere my priſoneris, not in prijs, neþer in ȝiftis, ſeiþ whiche ben borun of my wombe.
þe Lord of ooſtis. iiii Til to eelde Y my ſilf, and til to hoor heeris Y ſchal
xiiii Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þe trauel of Egipt, and bere; Y made, and Y ſchal bere, and Y ſchal ſaue.
þe marchaundie of Ethiopie, and of Sabaym; hiȝ men v To whom han ȝe licned me, and maad euene, and han
ſchulen go to þee, and ſchulen be þine; þei ſchulen go compariſound me, and han maad lijk?
aftir þee, þei ſchulen go boundun in manyclis, and vi Whiche beren togidere gold fro þe bagge, and peiſen
ſchulen worſchipe þee, and ſchulen biſeche þee. God is ſiluer wiþ a balaunce, and hiren a goldſmyþ to make a
oneli in þee, and wiþ out þee is no God. god, and þei fallen doun, and worſchipen; þei berynge
xv Verili þou art God hid, God, þe ſauȝour of Iſrael. beren in ſchuldris,
xvi Alle makeris of errours ben ſchent, and weren vii and ſettynge in his place; and he ſchal ſtonde, and
aſchamed; þei ȝeden togidere in to confuſioun. ſchal not be mouyd fro his place; but alſo whanne þei
xvii Iſrael is ſauyde in þe Lord, bi euerlaſtynge helþe; ȝe crien to hym, he ſchal not here, and he ſchal not ſaue
ſchulen not be ſchent, and ȝe ſchulen not be aſchamed, hem fro tribulacioun.
til in to þe world of world. viii Haue ȝe mynde of þis, and be ȝe aſchamed; ȝe
xviii For whi þe Lord makynge heuenes of nouȝt, ſeiþ treſpaſſouris, go aȝen to þe herte.
þeſe þingis; he is God fourmynge erþe, and makinge it, ix Biþenke ȝe on þe formere world, for Y am God, and
he is þe makere þerof; he made it of noȝt, not in veyn, no God is ouer me, neþer is lijk me.
but he formyde it, þat it be enhabitid; Y am þe Lord, x And Y telle fro þe bigynnyng þe laſte þing, and fro þe
and noon oþer is. bigynnyng þo þingis þat ben not maad ȝit; and Y ſeie,
xix Y ſpak not in hid place, not in a derk place of erþe; I My councel ſchal ſtonde, and al my wille ſchal be don.
ſeide not to þe ſeed of Jacob, Seke ȝe me in veyn. Y am xi And Y clepe a brid fro þe eeſt, and þe man of my
þe Lord ſpekynge riȝtfulneſſe, tellynge riȝtful þingis. wille fro a ferr lond; and Y ſpak, and Y ſchal brynge þat
þing; Y haue maad of nouȝt, and Y ſchal make þat þing.

xii Ȝe of hard herte, here me, þat ben fer fro riȝtfulneſſe. xiiii Lo!þei ben maad as ſtobil, þe fier haþ brent hem;
xiii Y made nyȝ myn riȝtfulneſſe, it ſchal not be drawun þei ſchulen not delyuere her lijf fro þe power of
afer, and myn helþe ſhal not tarie; Y ſchal ȝyue helþe in flawme; colis ben not, bi whiche þei ſchulen be
Sion, and my glorie in Iſrael. warmed, neþer fier, þat þei ſitte at it.
xv So þo þingis ben maad to þee in whiche euere þou
CAP. XLVII trauelidiſt; þi marchauntis fro þi ȝongþe erriden, ech
i Þou virgyn, þe douȝtir Babiloyne, go doun, ſitte þou in man in his weie; noon is, þat ſchal ſaue þee.
duſt, ſitte þou in erþe; a kyngis ſeete is not to þe douȝter
of Caldeis, for þou ſchalt no more be clepid ſoft and CAP. XLVIII
tendir. i Þe hows of Jacob, þat ben clepid bi þe name of Iſrael,
ii Take þou a queerne ſtoon, and grynde þou mele; make and ȝeden out of þe watris of Juda, here þeſe þingis,
þou nakid þi filþe, diſkeuere þe ſchuldur, ſchewe þe whiche ſweren in þe name of þe Lord, and han mynde
hippis, paſſe þou floodis. on God of Iſrael, not in treuþe, neþer in riȝtfulneſſe.
iii Þi ſchame ſchal be ſchewid, and þi ſchenſchipe ſchal ii For þei ben clepid of þe hooli citee, and ben

be ſeen; Y ſchal take veniaunce, and no man ſchal ſtabliſchid on þe God of Iſrael, þe Lord of ooſtis is his
aȝenſtonde me. name.
iiii Oure aȝen biere, þe Lord of ooſtis is his name, þe iii Fro þat tyme Y telde þe former þingis, and þo ȝeden

hooli of Iſrael. out of my mouþ; and Y made þo knowun; ſudenli Y

v Douȝter of Caldeis, ſitte þou, be þou ſtille, and entre in wrouȝte, and þo þingis camen.
iiii For Y wiſte þat þou art hard, and þi nol is a ſenewe of
to derkneſſis, for þou ſchalt no more be clepid þe ladi of
rewmes. irun, and þi forhed is of bras.
vi I was wrooþ on my puple, Y defoulid myn eritage, v Y biforſeide to þee fro þat tyme, bifore þat þo þingis

and Y ȝaf hem in þin hond, and þou ſettidiſt not mercies camen, Y ſchewide to þee, leſt perauenture þou woldiſt
to hem; þou madiſt greuouſe þe ȝok greetli on an eld ſeie, Myn idols diden þeſe þingis, and my grauun
man, ymagis and my ȝotun
vii and þou ſeidiſt, Wiþ outen ende Y ſchal be ladi; þou vi ymagis ſenten þeſe þingis whiche þou herdiſt. Se þou

puttidiſt not þeſe þingis on þin herte, neþer þou alle þingis, but ȝe telden not. Y made herd newe þyngis
biþouȝtiſt on þi laſte þing. to þee fro þat tyme, and þingis ben kept whiche þou
viii And now, þou delicat, and dwellynge triſtili, here knowiſt not;
vii now þo ben maad of nouȝt, and not fro þat tyme, and
þeſe þingis, which ſeiſt in þin herte, Y am, and outakun
me þer is no more; Y ſchal not ſitte widewe, and Y ſchal bifor þe dai, and þou herdiſt not þo þingis; leſt
not knowe bareyneſſe. perauenture þou ſeie, Lo! Y knew þo þingis.
ix Þeſe twei þingis, bareyneſſe and widewhod ſchulen viii Neþer þou herdiſt, neþer þou knewiſt, neþer þin eere

come to þee ſudenli in o dai; alle þingis camen on þee was openyd fro þat tyme; for Y woot, þat þou
for þe multitude of þi witchecraftis, and for þe greet treſpaſſynge ſchal treſpaſſe, and Y clepide þee a
hardneſſe of þin enchauntours, eþer tregetours. treſpaſſour fro þe wombe.
x And þou haddiſt triſt in þi malice, and ſeidiſt, Noon is ix For my name Y ſchal make fer my ſtrong veniaunce,

þat ſeeþ me; þis þi wiſdom and þi kunnyng diſſeyuede and wiþ my preyſyng Y ſchal refreyne þee, leſt þou
þee; and þou ſeidiſt in þin herte, periſche.
xi Y am, and outakun me þer is noon oþer. Yuel ſchal x Lo! Y haue ſode þee, but not as ſiluer; Y chees þee in

come on þee, and þou ſchalt not knowe þe bigynning þe chymeney of pouert.
þerof; and wrecchidneſſe ſchal falle on þee, which þou xi Y ſchal do for me, þat Y be not blasfemyd, and Y
ſchalt not mowe clenſe; wretchidneſſe which þou ſchal not ȝyue my glorie to anoþer.
knowiſt not, ſchal come on þee ſudenly. xii Jacob and Iſrael, whom Y clepe, here þou me; Y my
xii Stonde þou wiþ þin enchauntours, and wiþ þe ſilf, Y am þe firſte and Y am þe laſte.
multitude of þi witchis, in whiche þou trauelidiſt fro þi xiii And myn hond foundide þe erþe, and my riȝt hond
ȝongþe; if in hap þei profiten ony þing to þee, eþer if mat heuenes; Y ſchal clepe þo, and þo ſchulen ſtonde
þou maiſt be maad þe ſtrongere. togidere.
xiii Þou failidiſt in þe multitude of þi councels; þe falſe xiiii Alle ȝe be gaderid togidere, and here; who of hem
dyuynours of heuene ſtonde, and ſaue þee, whiche telde þeſe þingis? Þe Lord louyde hym, he ſchal do his
bihelden ſtaris, and noumbriden moneþis, þat þei wille in Babiloyne, and his arm in Caldeis.
ſchulden telle bi þo þingis to comynge to þee. xv Y, Y ſpak, and clepide hym; Y brouȝte hym, and his
weie was dreſſid.

xvi Neiȝe ȝe to me, and here ȝe þeſe þingis; at þe þou ſchuldiſt reiſe þe erþe, and haue in poſſeſſioun
bigynnyng Y ſpak not in priuete; fro tyme, bifore þat eritagis, `þat ben diſtried;
þingis weren maad, Y was þere, and now þe Lord God ix þat þou ſchuldiſt ſeie to hem þat ben boundun, Go ȝe
and his Spirit ſente me. out, and to hem þat ben in derkneſſis, Be ȝe ſchewid.
xvii Þe Lord, þin aȝen biere, þe hooli of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe Þei ſchulen be fed on weies, and þe leſewis of hem
þingis, Y am þi Lord God, techynge þee profitable ſchulen be in alle pleyn þingis.
þingis, and Y gouerne þee in þe weie, wher ynne þou x Þei ſchulen not hungre, and þei ſchulen no more þirſte,
goiſt. and heete, and þe ſunne ſchal not ſmyte hem; for þe
xviii Y wolde þat þou haddiſt perſeyued my merciful doere of hem ſchal gouerne hem, and ſchal
comaundementis, þi pees hadde be maad as flood, and ȝyue drynk to hem at þe wellis of watris.
þi riȝtfulneſſe as þe ſwolowis of þe ſee; xi And Y ſchal ſette alle myn hillis in to weie, and my
xix and þi ſeed hadde be as grauel, and þe generacioun paþis ſchulen be enhaunſid.
of þi wombe, as þe litle ſtoonys þerof; þe name of it xii Lo! þeſe men ſchulen come fro fer, and lo! þei
hadde not periſchid, and hadde not be al to-brokun fro ſchulen come fro þe norþ, and ſee, and þeſe fro þe ſouþ
my face. lond.
xx Go ȝe out of Babiloyne, fle ȝe fro Caldeis; telle ȝe in xiii Heuenes, herie ȝe, and, þou erþe, make ful out ioie;
þe vois of ful out ioiying; make ȝe þis herd, and bere ȝe hillis, ſynge ȝe hertli heriyng; for þe Lord coumfortide
it `til to þe laſte partis of erþe; ſeie ȝe, Þe Lord his puple, and ſchal haue merci on hiſe pore men.
aȝenbouȝte his ſeruaunt Jacob. xiiii And Syon ſeide, Þe Lord haþ forſake me, and þe
xxi Þei þirſtiden not in deſert, whanne he ladde hem out; Lord haþ forȝete me.
he brouȝte forþ to hem watir of a ſtoon, and he xv Wheþer a womman may forȝete hir ȝonge child, þat
departide þe ſtoon, and watris flowiden. ſche haue not merci on þe ſone of hir wombe? þouȝ ſche
xxii Pees is not to wickid men, ſeiþ þe Lord. forȝetiþ, neþeles Y ſchal not forȝete þee.
xvi Lo! Y haue write þee in myn hondis; þi wallis ben
CAP. XLIX euer bifore myn iȝen.
i Ilis, here ȝe, and puplis afer, perſeyue ȝe; þe Lord xvii Þe bilderis ben comun; þei þat diſtrien þee, and
clepide me fro þe wombe, he þouȝte on my name fro þe ſcateren, ſchulen go awei fro þee.
wombe of my modir. xviii Reiſe þin iȝen in cumpas, and ſe; alle þeſe men ben
ii And he haþ ſet my mouþ as a ſcharp ſwerd, he
gaderid togidere, þei ben comun to þee. Y lyue, ſeiþ þe
defendide me in þe ſchadewe of his hond, and ſettide Lord, for þou ſchalt be cloþid wiþ alle þeſe as wiþ an
me as a choſun arowe; he hidde me in his arowe caas, ournement, and þou as a ſpouſeſſe ſchalt bynde hem to
iii and ſeide to me, Iſrael, þou art my ſeruaunt, for Y þee.
ſchal haue glorie in þee. xix For whi þi deſertis, and þi wildirneſſis, and þe lond
iiii And Y ſeide, Y trauelide in veyn, Y waſtide my of þi fallyng now ſchulen be ſtreit for enhabiteris; and
ſtrengþe wiþ out cauſe, and veynli; þerfor my doom is þei ſchulen be dryuun awei fer, þat ſwolewiden þee.
wiþ þe Lord, and my werk is wiþ my God. xx Ȝit þe ſones of þi bareyneſſe ſchulen ſeie in þin eeris,
v And now þe Lord, formynge me a ſeruaunt to hym ſilf Þe place is ſtreit to me, make þou a ſpace to me for to
fro þe wombe, ſeiþ þeſe þingis, þat Y brynge aȝen Jacob dwelle.
to hym. And Iſrael ſchal not be gaderid togidere; and Y xxi And þou ſchalt ſeie in þin herte, Who gendride þeſe
am glorified in þe iȝen of þe Lord, and my God is maad ſones to me? Y am bareyn, not berynge child; Y am led
my ſtrengþe. ouer, and priſoner; and who nurſchide þeſe ſones? Y am
vi And he ſeyde, It is litil, þat þou be a ſeruaunt to me, to deſtitute, and aloone; and where weren þeſe?
reiſe þe lynages of Jacob, and to conuerte þe draſtis of xxii Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y reiſe myn hond
Iſrael; Y ȝaf þee in to þe lyȝt of heþene men, þat þou be to heþene men, and Y ſchal enhaunce my ſigne to
myn helþe `til to þe laſte part of erþe. puplis; and þei ſchulen brynge þi ſones in armes, and
vii Þe Lord, aȝenbiere of Iſrael, þe hooli þerof, ſeiþ þeſe þei ſchulen bere þi douȝtris on ſhuldris.
þingis to a diſpiſable ſoule, and to a folk had in xxiii And kingis ſhulen be þi nurſeris, and quenys ſhulen
abhomynacioun, to þe ſeruaunt of lordis, Kyngis be þi nurſis; wiþ cheer caſt doun in to erþe þei ſchulen
ſchulen ſe, and princes ſchulen riſe togidere, and ſchulen worſchipe þee, and þei ſchulen licke þe duſt of þi feet;
worſchipe, for þe Lord, for he is feiþful, and for þe and þou ſchalt wite, þat Y am þe Lord, on whom þei
hooli of Iſrael, þat chees þee. ſchulen not be ſchent, þat abiden hym.
viii Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, In a pleſaunt tyme Y herde xxiiii Wheþer prey ſchal be takun awei fro a ſtrong man?
þee, and in þe dai of helþe Y helpide þee; and Y kepte eþer þat þat is takun of a ſtalworþe man, mai be ſaaf?
þee, and ȝaf þee in to a bonde of pees of þe puple, þat

xxv For þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Soþeli and caitifte ii Take ȝe heede to Abraham, ȝoure fadir, and to Sare,
ſchal be takun awey fro þe ſtronge man, and þat þat is þat childide ȝou; for Y clepide hym oon, and Y bleſſide
takun awei of a ſtalworþe man, ſchal be ſaued. Forſoþe hym, and Y multipliede hym.
Y ſchal deme hem, þat demyden þee, and Y ſchal ſaue iii Þerfor þe Lord ſchal coumforte Sion, and he ſchal
þi ſones. coumforte alle þe fallyngis þerof; and he ſchal ſette þe
xxvi And Y ſchal fede þin enemyes wiþ her fleiſchis, and deſert þerof as delices, and þe wildirneſſe þerof as a
þei ſchulen be greetli fillid wiþ her blood as wiþ muſt; gardyn of þe Lord; ioie and gladneſſe ſchal be foundun
and eche man ſchal wite, þat Y am þe Lord, ſauynge þerynne, þe doyng of þankyngis and þe vois of heriyng.
þee, and þin aȝenbiere, þe ſtrong of Jacob. iiii Mi puple, take ȝe heede to me, and, my lynage, here
ȝe me; for whi a lawe ſchal go out fro me, and my doom
CAP. L ſchal reſte in to þe lyȝt of puplis.
i Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, What is þis book of forſakyng v My iuſt man is nyȝ, my ſauȝour is gon out, and myn
of ȝoure modir, bi which Y lefte her? eþer who is he, to armes ſchulen deme puplis; ilis ſchulen abide me, and
whom Y owe, to whom Y ſeeld ȝou? For lo! ȝe ben ſeeld ſchulen ſuffre myn arm.
for ȝoure wickidneſſis, and for ȝoure grete treſpaſſis Y vi Reiſe ȝoure iȝen to heuene, and ſe ȝe vndur erþe
lefte ȝoure modir. byneþe; for whi heuenes ſchulen melte awei as ſmoke,
ii For Y cam, and no man was; Y clepide, and noon was
and þe erþe ſchal be al to-brokun as a cloþ, and þe
þat herde. Wheþer myn hond is abreggid, and maad dwelleris þerof ſchulen periſche as þeſe þingis; but myn
litil, þat Y mai not aȝenbie? eþer vertu is not in me for helþe ſchal be wiþouten ende, and my riȝtfulneſſe ſchal
to delyuere? Lo! in my blamyng Y ſchal make þe ſee not fayle.
forſakun, `eþer deſert, Y ſchal ſette floodis in þe drie vii Ȝe puple, þat knowen þe iuſt man, here me, my lawe
place; fiſchis wiþout watir ſchulen wexe rotun, and is in þe herte of hem; nyle ȝe drede þe ſchenſchipe of
ſchulen dye for þirſt. men, and drede ȝe not þe blasfemyes of hem.
iii Y ſchal cloþe heuenes wiþ derkneſſis, and Y ſchal viii For whi a worm ſchal ete hem ſo as a cloþ, and a
ſette a ſak þe hilyng of þo. mouȝte ſchal deuoure hem ſo as wolle; but myn helþe
iiii Þe Lord ȝaf to me a lerned tunge, þat Y kunne
ſchal be wiþouten ende, and my riȝtfulneſſe in to
ſuſteyne hym bi word þat failide; erli þe fadir reiſiþ, erli generaciouns of generaciouns.
he reiſiþ an eere to me, þat Y here as a maiſter. ix Riſe þou, riſe þou, arm of þe Lord, be þou cloþyd in
v Þe Lord God openede an eere to me; forſoþe Y
ſtrengþe; riſe þou, as in elde daies, in generaciouns of
aȝenſeie not, Y ȝede not abak. worldis. Wheþer þou ſmytidiſt not þe proude man,
vi I ȝaf my bodi to ſmyteris, and my chekis to pulleris; Y woundidiſt not þe dragoun?
turnede not a wei my face fro men blamynge, and x Wheþer þou driediſt not þe ſee, þe watir of þe greet
ſpetynge on me. depþe, which ſettidiſt þe depþe of þe ſee a weie, þat
vii Þe Lord God is myn helpere, and þerfor Y am not men `þat weren delyuered, ſchulden paſſe?
ſchent; þerfor Y haue ſet my face as a ſtoon maad hard, xi And now þei þat ben aȝenbouȝt of þe Lord ſchulen
and Y woot þat Y ſchal not be ſchent. turne aȝen, and ſchulen come heriynge in to Syon, and
viii He is niȝ, þat iuſtifieþ me; who aȝenſeiþ me? ſtonde euerlaſtynge gladneſſe on þe heedis of hem; þei ſchulen
we togidere. Who is myn aduerſarie? neiȝe he to me. holde ioie and gladneſſe, ſorewe and weilyng ſchal fle
ix Lo! þe Lord God is myn helpere; who þerfor is he þat awei.
condempneþ me? Lo! alle ſchulen be defoulid as a cloþ, xii `Y my ſilf ſchal coumforte ȝou; what art þou, þat þou
and a mouȝte ſchal ete hem. drede of a deedli man, and of þe ſone of man, þat ſchal
x Who of ȝou drediþ þe Lord, and heriþ þe vois of his wexe drie ſo as hei?
ſeruaunt? Who ȝede in dercneſſis and lyȝt is not to hym, xiii And þou haſt forȝete `þe Lord, þi creatour, þat
hope he in þe name of þe Lord, and triſte he on his God. ſtretchide abrood heuenes, and foundide þe erþe; and
xi Lo! alle ȝe kyndlynge fier, and gird wiþ flawmes, go þou dreddiſt contynueli al dai of þe face of his
in þe lyȝt of ȝoure fier, and in þe flawmes whiche ȝe woodneſſe, þat dide tribulacioun to þee, and made redi
han kyndlid to ȝou. Þis is maad of myn hond to ȝou, ȝe for to leeſe. Where is now þe woodneſſe of þe troblere?
ſchulen ſlepe in ſorewis. xiiii Soone he ſchal come, goynge for to opene; and he
ſchal not ſle til to deþ, neþer his breed ſchal faile.
CAP. LI xv Forſoþe Y am þi Lord God, þat diſturble þe ſee, and
i Here ȝe me, þat ſuen þat þat is iuſt, and ſeken þe Lord. þe wawis þerof wexen greet; þe Lord of ooſtis is my
Take ȝe hede to þe ſtoon, fro whennys ȝe ben hewun name.
doun, and to þe caue of þe lake, fro which ȝe ben kit xvi Y haue put my wordis in þi mouþ, and Y defendide
doun. þee in þe ſchadewe of myn hond; þat þou plaunte

heuenes, and founde þe erþe, and ſeie to Sion, Þou art ix Þe forſakun þingis of Jeruſalem, make ȝe ioie, and
my puple. herie ȝe togidere; for þe Lord haþ coumfortid his puple,
xvii Be þou reiſid, be þou reiſid, riſe þou, Jeruſalem, þat he haþ aȝenbouȝt Jeruſalem.
haſt drunke of þe hond of þe Lord þe cuppe of his x Þe Lord haþ maad redi his hooli arm in þe iȝen of alle
wraþþe; þou haſt drunke `til to þe botme of þe cuppe of folkis, and alle þe endis of þe erþe ſchulen ſe þe helþe
ſleep, þou haſt drunke of `til to þe draſtis. of oure God.
xviii Noon is þat ſuſteyneþ it, of alle þe ſones whiche it xi Go ȝe awei, go ȝe awei, go ȝe out fro þennus; nyle ȝe
gendride; and noon is þat takiþ þe hond þerof, of alle þe touche defoulid þing, go ȝe out fro þe myddis þerof; be
ſones whiche it nurſhide. ȝe clenſid, þat beren þe veſſels of þe Lord.
xix Twei þingis ben þat camen to þee; who ſchal be ſori xii For ȝe ſchulen not go out in noyſe, neþer ȝe ſchulen
on þee? diſtriyng, and defoulyng, and hungur, and haaſte in fleynge awei; for whi þe Lord ſchal go bifore
ſwerd. Who ſchal coumforte þee? ȝou, and þe God of Iſrael ſchal gadere ȝou togidere.
xx Þi ſones ben caſt forþ, þei ſlepten in þe heed of alle xiii Lo! my ſeruaunt ſchal vndirſtonde, and he ſchal be
weies, as þe beeſte orix, takun bi a ſnare; þei ben ful of enhaunſid, and he ſchal be reiſid, and he ſchal be ful hiȝ.
indignacioun of þe Lord, of blamyng of þi God. xiiii As many men wondriden on hym, ſo his biholdyng
xxi Þerfor, þou pore, and drunkun, not of wyn, here þeſe
ſchal be wiþ out glorie among men, and þe fourme of
þingis. hym among þe ſones of men.
xxii Þi lordli gouernour, þe Lord, and þi God, þat fauȝt xv He ſchal biſprenge many folkis; kyngis ſchulen holde
for his puple, ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y haue take fro þyn togidere her mouþ on him; for þei ſchulen ſe, to whiche
hond þe cuppe of ſleep, þe botme of þe cuppe of myn it was not teld of hym, and þei þat herden not, bihelden.
indignacioun; Y ſchal not leie to, þat þou drynke it ony
more. CAP. LIII
xxiii And Y ſchal ſette it in þe hond of hem þat maden i Who bileuyde to oure heryng? and to whom is þe arm
þee low, and ſeiden to þi ſoule, Be þou bowid þat we of þe Lord ſchewide?
paſſe; and þou haſt ſet þi bodi as erþe, and as a weye to ii And he ſchal ſtie as a ȝerde bifore hym, and as a roote
hem þat goen forþ. fro þirſti lond. And neþer ſchap neþer fairneſſe was to
hym; and we ſien hym, and no biholdyng was;
CAP. LII iii and we deſiriden hym, diſpiſid, and þe laſte of men, a
i Riſe þou, Sion, riſe þou, be þou cloþid in þi ſtrengþe;
man of ſorewis, and knowynge ſikeneſſe. And his cheer
Jeruſalem, þe citee of þe hooli, be þou cloþid in þe was as hid and diſpiſid; wherfor and we arettiden not
cloþis of þi glorie; for a man vncircumcidid and a man hym.
vncleene ſchal no more leie to, þat he paſſe by þee. iiii Verili he ſuffride oure ſikeneſſis, and he bar oure
ii Jeruſalem, be þou ſchakun out of duſt; riſe þou, ſitte
ſorewis; and we arettiden hym as a meſel, and ſmytun of
þou; þou douȝter of Sion, priſoner, vnbynde þe boondis God, and maad low.
of þi necke. v Forſoþe he was woundid for oure wickidneſſis, he was
iii For þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Ȝe ben ſeeld wiþout
defoulid for oure greet treſpaſſis; þe lernyng of oure
cauſe, and ȝe ſchulen be aȝenbouȝt wiþ out ſiluer. pees was on hym, and we ben maad hool bi his
iiii For þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Mi puple in þe
bigynnyng ȝede doun in to Egipt, þat it ſchulde be þere vi Alle we erriden as ſcheep, ech man bowide in to his
`an erþe tiliere, and Aſſur falſli calengide it wiþ out ony owne weie, and þe Lord puttide in hym þe wickidneſſe
cauſe. of vs alle.
v And now what is to me here? ſeiþ þe Lord; for my vii He was offrid, for he wolde, and he openyde not his
puple is takun awei wiþ out cauſe; þe lordis þerof doen mouþ; as a ſcheep he ſchal be led to ſleyng, and he ſchal
wickidli, ſeiþ þe Lord, and my name is blasfemyd be doumb as a lomb bifore hym þat clippiþ it, and he
contynueli al dai. ſchal not opene his mouþ.
vi For þis þing my puple ſchal knowe my name in þat viii He is takun awey fro angwiſch and fro doom; who
day, for lo! Y my ſilf þat ſpak, am preſent. ſchal telle out þe generacioun of hym? For he was kit
vii Ful faire ben þe feet of hym þat telliþ, and prechiþ
doun fro þe lond of lyueris. Y ſmoot hym for þe greet
pees on hillis, of hym þat telliþ good, of hym þat treſpas of my puple.
prechiþ helþe, and ſeiþ, Sion, þi God ſchal regne. ix And he ſchal ȝyue vnfeiþful men for biriyng, and
viii Þe vois of þi biholderis; þei reiſiden þe vois, þei
riche men for his deþ; for he dide not wickidneſſe,
ſchulen herie togidere; for þei ſchulen ſe wiþ iȝe to iȝe, neþer gile was in his mouþ;
whanne þe Lord haþ conuertid Sion.

x and þe Lord wolde defoule hym in ſikeneſſe. If he xii and Y ſchal ſette iaſpis þi touris, and þi ȝatis in to
puttiþ his lijf for ſynne, he ſchal ſe ſeed long durynge, grauun ſtoonys, and alle þin eendis in to deſirable
and þe wille of þe Lord ſchal be dreſſid in his hond. ſtoonys.
xi For þat þat his ſoule trauelide, he ſchal ſe, and ſchal xiii `Y ſchal make alle þi ſones tauȝt of þe Lord; and þe
be fillid. Þilke my iuſt ſeruaunt ſchal iuſtifie many men multitude of pees to þi ſones,
in his kunnyng, and he ſchal bere þe wickidneſſis of xiiii and þou ſchalt be foundid in riȝtfulneſſe. Go þou
hem. awei fer fro fals caleng, for þou ſchalt not drede; and fro
xii Þerfor Y ſchal ȝelde, eþir dele, to hym ful many men, drede, for it ſchal not neiȝe to þee.
and he ſchal departe þe ſpuilis of þe ſtronge feendis; for xv Lo! a ſtraunger ſchal come, þat was not wiþ me; he,
þat þat he ȝaf his lijf in to deþ, and was arettid wiþ þat was ſum tyme þi comelyng, ſchal be ioyned to þee.
felenouſe men; and he dide a wei þe ſynne of many xvi Lo! Y made a ſmyþ blowynge coolis in fier, and
men, and he preiede for treſpaſſouris. bringynge forþ a veſſel in to his werk; and Y haue maad
a ſleere, for to leeſe.
CAP. LIIII xvii Ech veſſel which is maad aȝens þee, ſchal not be
i Þou bareyn, þat childiſt not, herie; þou þat childiſt not,
dreſſid; and in þe doom þou ſchalt deme ech tunge
ſynge heriyng, and make ioie; for whi many ſones ben aȝenſtondynge þee. Þis is þe eritage of þe ſeruauntis of
of þe forſakun `womman more þan of hir þat hadde þe Lord, and þe riȝtfulneſſe of hem at me, ſeiþ þe Lord.
hoſebonde, ſeiþ þe Lord.
ii Alarge þou þe place of þi tente, and ſtretche forþ þe
ſkynnes of þi tabernaclis; ſpare þou not, make longe þi i Alle þat þirſten, come ȝe to watris, and ȝe han not
roopis, and make ſad þi nailis. ſiluer, haaſte, bie ȝe, and ete ȝe; come ȝe, bie ȝe, wiþ out
iii For þou ſchalt perſe to þe riȝtſide and to þe leftſide;
ſiluer and wiþ outen ony chaungyng, wyn and mylk.
and þi ſeed ſchal enherite heþene men, and ſchal dwelle ii Whi peiſen ȝe ſiluer, and not in looues, and ȝoure
in forſakun citees. trauel, not in fulneſſe? Ȝe herynge here me, and ete ȝe
iiii Nile þou drede, for þou ſchal not be ſchent, neþer
good, and ȝoure ſoule ſchal delite in fatneſſe.
þou ſchalt be aſchamed. For it ſchal not ſchame þee; for iii Bowe ȝe ȝoure eere, and `come ȝe to me; here ȝe, and
þou ſchalt forȝete þe ſchenſchipe of þi ȝongþe, and þou ȝoure ſoule ſchal lyue; and Y ſchal ſmyte wiþ ȝou a
ſchalt no more þenke on þe ſchenſchipe of þi couenaunt euerlaſtynge, þe feiþful mercies of Dauid.
widewehod. iiii Lo! Y ȝaf hym a witneſſe to puplis, a duyk and a
v For he þat made þee, ſchal be lord of þee; þe Lord of
comaundour to folkis.
ooſtis is his name; and þin aȝenbiere, þe hooli of Iſrael, v Lo! þou ſchalt clepe folkis, whiche þou knewiſt not;
ſchal be clepid God of al erþe. and folkis, þat knewen not þee, ſchulen renne to þee; for
vi For þe Lord haþ clepid þee as a womman forſakun
þi Lord God, and þe hooli of Iſrael, for he glorifiede
and morenynge in ſpirit, and a wijf, `þat is caſt awei fro þee.
ȝongþe. vi Seke ȝe þe Lord, while he mai be foundun; clepe ȝe
vii Þi Lord God ſeide, At a poynt in litil tyme Y forſook
hym to help, while he is niȝ.
þee, and Y ſchal gadere þee togidere in greete merciful vii An vnfeiþful man forſake his weie, and a wickid man
doyngis. forſake hiſe þouȝtis; and turne he aȝen to þe Lord, and
viii In a moment of indignacioun Y hidde my face a litil
he ſchal haue merci on hym, and to oure God, for he is
fro þee, and in merci euerlaſtynge Y hadde merci on myche to forȝyue.
þee, ſeide þin aȝenbiere, þe Lord. viii For why my þouȝtis ben not ȝoure þouȝtis, and my
ix As in þe daies of Noe, þis þing is to me, to whom Y
weies ben not ȝoure weies, ſeiþ þe Lord.
ſwoor, þat Y ſchulde no more bringe watris of þe greet ix For as heuenys ben reiſid fro erþe, ſo my weies ben
flood on þe erþe; ſo Y ſwoor, þat Y be no more wrooþ to reiſid fro ȝoure weies, and my þouȝtis fro ȝoure þouȝtis.
þee, and þat Y blame not þee. x And as reyn and ſnow comeþ doun fro heuene, and
x Forſoþe hillis ſchulen be mouyd togidere, and litle
turneþ no more aȝen þidur, but it filliþ þe erþe, and
hillis ſchulen tremble togidere; but my merci ſchal not biſchediþ it, and makiþ it to buriowne, and ȝyueþ ſeed
go a wei fro þee, and þe boond of my pees ſchal not be to hym þat ſowiþ, and breed to hym þat etiþ,
mouyd, ſeide þe merciful doere, þe Lord. xi ſo ſchal be my word, þat ſchal go out of my mouþ. It
xi Þou litle and pore, drawun out bi tempeſt, wiþ outen
ſchal not turne aȝen voide to me, but it ſchal do what
ony coumfort, lo! Y ſchal ſtrewe þi ſtoonys bi ordre, and euer þingis Y wolde, and it ſchal haue proſperite in þeſe
Y ſchal founde þee in ſafiris; þingis to whiche Y ſente it.

xii For ȝe ſchulen go out in gladneſſe, and ȝe ſchulen be is þat vndurſtondiþ; for whi a iuſt man is gaderid fro þe
led forþ in pees; mounteyns and litil hillis ſchulen ſynge face of malice.
heriynge bifore ȝou, and alle þe trees of þe cuntrei ii Pees come, reſte he in his bed, þat ȝede in his
ſchulen make ioie wiþ hond. dreſſyng.
xiii A fir tre ſchal grow for a firſe, and a mirte tre ſchal iii But ȝe, ſones of þe ſekere of fals dyuynyng bi
wexe for a nettil; and þe Lord ſchal be nemyd in to a chiteryng of briddys, neiȝe hidur, þe ſeed of auowtreſſe,
ſigne euerlaſtynge, þat ſchal not be doon awei. and of an hoore.
iiii On whom ſcorneden ȝe? on whom maden ȝe greet þe
CAP. LVI mouþ, and puttiden out þe tunge? Wheþir ȝe ben not
i Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Kepe ȝe doom, and do ȝe curſid ſones, a ſeed of leeſyngis?
riȝtfulneſſe, for whi myn helþe is niȝ, þat it come, and v which ben coumfortid in goddis, vndur ech tree ful of
my riȝtfulneſſe, þat it be ſchewid. bowis, and offren litle children in ſtrondis, vndur hiȝe
ii Bleſſid is þe man, þat doiþ þis, and þe ſone of man, ſtoonys.
þat ſchal take þis; kepynge þe ſabat, þat he defoule not vi Þi part is in þe partis of þe ſtronde, þis is þi part; and
it, kepynge hiſe hondis, þat he do not ony yuel. to þo þou ſcheddiſt out moiſt offryng, þou offridiſt
iii And ſeie not þe ſone of a comelyng, þat cleueþ faſte ſacrifice. Wheþer Y ſchal not haue indignacioun on þeſe
to þe Lord, ſeiynge, Bi departyng þe Lord ſchal departe þingis?
me fro his puple; and a geldyng, eþer a chaſt man, ſeie vii Þou puttidiſt þi bed on an hiȝ hil and enhaunſid, and
not, Lo! Y am a drie tree. þidur þou ſtiediſt to offre ſacrifices;
iiii For þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis to geldingis, þat kepen viii and þou ſettidiſt þi memorial bihynde þe dore, and
my ſabatis, and cheſen what þingis Y wolde, and holden bihynde þe poſt. For biſidis me þou vnhilidiſt, and tokiſt
my boond of pees. auouter; þou alargidiſt þi bed, and madiſt a boond of
v Y ſchal ȝyue to hem a place in myn hous, and in my pees wiþ hem; þou louediſt þe bed of hem wiþ openyd
wallis, and þe beſte name of ſones and douȝtris; Y ſchal hond,
ȝyue to hem a name euerlaſtynge, þat ſchal not periſche. ix and ournediſt þee wiþ kyngis oynement, and þou
vi And Y ſchal brynge in to blis þe ſones of a comelyng, multipliediſt þi pymentis; þou ſentiſt fer þi meſſangeris,
þat cleuen faſte to þe Lord, þat þei worſchipe hym, and and þou art maad low `til to hellis.
loue his name, þat þei be to hym in to ſeruauntis; ech x Þou trauelidiſt in þe multitude of þi weie, and ſeidiſt
man kepynge þe ſabat, þat he defoule it not, and not, Y ſchal reſte; þou haſt founde þe weie of þin hond,
holdynge my boond of pees; xi þerfor þou preiediſt not. For what þing dreddiſt þou
vii Y ſchal brynge hem in to myn hooli hil, and Y ſchal
biſy, for þou liediſt, and þouȝtiſt not on me? And þou
make hem glad in þe hous of my preier; her brent þouȝtiſt not in þin herte, þat Y am ſtille, and as not
ſacrifices and her ſlayn ſacrifices ſchulen pleſe me on ſeynge; and þou haſt forȝete me.
my auter; for whi myn hous ſchal be clepid an hous of xii Y ſchal telle þi riȝtfulneſſe, and þi werkis ſchulen not
preier to alle puplis, profite to þee.
viii ſeiþ þe Lord God, þat gaderiþ togidere þe ſcaterid xiii Whanne þou ſchalt crie, þi gaderid treſours delyuere
men of Iſrael. Ȝit Y ſchal gadere togidere to hym alle þe þee; and þe wynd ſchal take awei alle þo, a blaſt ſchal
gaderid men þerof. do awei hem; but he þat haþ triſt on me, ſchal enherite
ix Alle beeſtis of þe feeld, come ȝe to deuoure, alle
þe lond, and ſchal haue in poſſeſſioun myn hooli hil.
beeſtis of þe foreſt. xiiii And Y ſchal ſeie, Make ȝe weie, ȝyue ȝe iurney,
x Alle þe biholderis þerof ben blinde, alle þei knewen
bowe ȝe fro þe paþ, do ȝe awei hirtyngis fro þe weie of
not; doumbe doggis, þat moun not berke, ſeynge veyn my puple.
þingis, ſlepynge, and louynge dremes; xv For þe Lord hiȝ, and enhaunſid, ſeiþ þeſe þingis, þat
xi and mooſt vnſchamefaſt doggis knewen not fulneſſe.
dwelliþ in euerlaſtyngneſſe, and his hooli name in hiȝ
Þo ſcheepherdis knewen not vndurſtondyng; alle þei place, and þat dwelliþ in hooli, and wiþ a contrite and
bowyden in to her weie, ech man to his aueryce, fro þe meke ſpirit, þat he quykene þe ſpirit of meke men, and
hiȝeſte `til to þe laſte. quykene þe herte of contrit men.
xii Come ȝe, take we wyn, and be we fillid of xvi For Y ſchal not ſtryue wiþ outen ende, neþer Y ſchal
drunkeneſſe; and it ſchal be as to dai, ſo and to morewe, be wrooþ `til to þe ende; for whi a ſpirit ſchal go out fro
and myche more. my face, and Y ſchal make blaſtis.
xvii Y was wrooþ for þe wickidneſſe of his aueryce, and
CAP. LVII Y ſmoot hym. Y hidde my face fro þee, and Y hadde
i A iuſt man periſchiþ, and noon is, þat þenkiþ in his
herte; and men of merci ben gaderid togidere, for noon

indignacioun; and he ȝede wiþ out ſtidfaſt dwellyng, in boonys; and þou ſchalt be as a watri gardyn, and as a
þe weie of his herte. welle of watris, whoſe waters ſchulen not faile.
xviii Y ſiȝ hiſe weies, and Y helide hym, and Y brouȝte xii And þe forſakun þingis of worldis ſchulen be bildid
hym aȝen; and Y ȝaf coumfortyngis to hym, and to þe in þee, and þou ſchalt reiſe þe foundementis of
moreneris of hym. generacioun and generacioun; and þou ſchalt be clepid a
xix Y made þe fruyt of lippis pees, pees to hym þat is bildere of heggis, turnynge awei þe paþis of
fer, and to hym þat is niȝ, ſeide þe Lord; and Y heelide wickidneſſis.
hym. xiii If þou turneſt awei þi foot fro þe ſabat, to do þi wille
xx But wickid men ben as þe buyling ſee, þat may not in myn hooli dai, and clepiſt þe ſabat delicat, and hooli,
reſte; and þe wawis þerof fleten aȝen in to defoulyng, þe gloriouſe of þe Lord, and glorifieſt him, while þou
and fen. doiſt not þi weies, and þi wille is not foundun, þat þou
xxi Þe Lord God ſeide, Pees is not to wickid men. ſpeke a word;
xiiii þanne þou ſchalt delite on þe Lord, and Y ſchal reiſe

CAP. LVIII þee on þe hiȝneſſe of erþe, and Y ſchal fede þee wiþ þe
i Crye þou, ceeſſe þou not; as a trumpe enhaunſe þi vois, eritage of Jacob, þi fadir; for whi þe mouþ of þe Lord
and ſchewe þou to my puple her grete treſpaſſis, and to ſpak.
þe hous of Jacob her ſynnes.
ii For þei ſeken me fro dai in to dai, and þei wolen CAP. LIX
i Lo! þe hoond of þe Lord is not abreggid, þat he mai
knowe my weies; as a folk, þat haþ do riȝtfulneſſe, and
þat haþ not forſake þe doom of her God; þei preien me not ſaue, neþer his eere is maad hard, þat he here not;
ii but ȝoure wickidneſſis han departid bitwixe ȝou and
domes of riȝtfulneſſe, and wolen neiȝ to God.
iii Whi faſtiden we, and þou biheldiſt not; we mekiden ȝoure God, and ȝoure ſynnes han hid his face fro ȝou,
oure ſoulis, and þou knewiſt not? Lo! ȝoure wille is þat he ſchulde not here.
iii For whi ȝoure hondis ben defoulid wiþ blood, and
foundun in þe dai of ȝoure faſtyng, and ȝe axen alle
ȝoure dettouris. ȝoure fyngris wiþ wickidneſſe; ȝoure lippis ſpaken
iiii Lo! ȝe faſten to chidyngis and ſtryuyngis, and ſmyten leeſyng, and ȝoure tunge ſpekiþ wickidneſſe.
iiii Noon is, þat clepiþ riȝtfulneſſe to help, and noon is,
wiþ þe fiſt wickidli. Nyl ȝe faſt, as `til to þis dai, þat
ȝoure cry be herd an hiȝ. þat demeþ verili; but þei triſten in nouȝt, and ſpeken
v Wheþer ſich is þe faſtyng which Y chees, a man to vanytees; þei conſeyueden trauel, and childiden
turmente his ſoule bi dai? wheþer to bynde his heed as a wickidneſſe.
v Þei han broke eiren of ſnakis, and maden webbis of an
ſercle, and to make redi a ſak and aiſche? Wheþir þou
ſchalt clepe þis a faſtyng, and a dai acceptable to þe yreyn; he þat etiþ of þe eiren of hem, ſchal die, and þat
Lord? þat is nurſchid, eþer brouȝt forþ, ſchal breke out in to a
vi Wheþer not þis is more þe faſtyng, which Y chees? cocatrice.
vi Þe webbis of hem ſchulen not be in to cloþ, neþir þei
Vnbynde þou þe byndingis togidere of vnpitee, releeſſe
þou birþuns preſſynge doun; delyuere þou hem free, þat ſchulen be hilid wiþ her werkis; þe werkis of hem ben
ben brokun, and breke þou ech birþun. vnprofitable werkis, and þe werk of wickidneſſe is in þe
vii Breke þi breed to an hungri man, and brynge in to hondis of hem.
vii Þe feet of hem rennen to yuel, and haaſten to ſchede
þin hous nedi men and herborles; whanne þou ſeeſt a
nakid man, hile þou hym, and diſpiſe not þi fleiſch. out innocent blood; þe þouȝtis of hem ben vnprofitable
viii Þanne þi lyȝt ſchal breke out as þe morewtid, and þin þouȝtis; diſtriyng and defouling ben in þe weies of hem.
viii Þei knewen not þe weie of pees, and doom is not in
helþe ſchal riſe ful ſoone; and þi riȝtfulneſſe ſchal go
bifore þi face, and þe glorie of þe Lord ſchal gadere þe goyngis of hem; þe paþis of hem ben bowid to hem;
þee. ech þat trediþ in þo, knowiþ not pees.
ix Þanne þou ſchalt clepe to help, and þe Lord ſchal ix Þerfor doom is made fer fro vs, and riȝtfulneſſe ſchal

here; þou ſchalt crie, and he ſchal ſeie, Lo! Y am not take vs; we abididen lyȝt, and lo! derkneſſis ben; we
preſent, for Y am merciful, þi Lord God. If þou takiſt abididen ſchynyng, and we ȝeden in derkneſſis.
awei a chayne fro þe myddis of þee, and ceeſſiſt to x We gropiden as blynde men þe wal, and we as wiþ
holde forþ þe fyngur, and to ſpeke þat profitiþ not; outen iȝen touchiden; we ſtumbliden in myddai, as in
x whanne þou ſchediſt out þi ſoule to an hungri man, derkneſſis, in derk places, as deed men.
and filliſt a ſoule, `þat is turmentid, þi lyȝt ſchal riſe in xi Alle we ſchulen rore as beeris, and we ſchulen weile
derkneſſis, and þi derkneſſis ſchulen be as myddai. þenkynge as culueris; we abididen doom, and noon is;
xi And þe Lord þi God ſchal ȝyue euere reſte to þee, and we abididen helþe, and it is maad fer fro vs.
ſchal fille þi ſoule wiþ ſchynyngis, and ſchal delyuere þi

xii For whi oure wickidneſſis ben multiplied bifore þee, ſchulen come, bryngynge gold and encenſe, and
and oure ſynnes anſweriden to vs; for our grete treſpaſſis tellynge heriyng to þe Lord.
ben wiþ vs, and we knewen oure wickidneſſis, vii Ech ſcheep of Cedar ſchal be gaderid to þee, þe
xiii to do ſynne, and to lie aȝens þe Lord. And we ben rammes of Nabaioth ſchulen mynyſtre to þee; þei
turned awei, þat we ȝeden not aftir þe bak of oure God, ſchulen be offrid on myn acceptable auter, and Y ſchal
þat we ſpeken fals caleng, and treſpaſſyng. We glorifie þe hous of my maieſte.
conſeyueden, and ſpaken of herte wordis of leeſyng; and viii Who ben þeſe, þat fleen as cloudis, and as culueris at
doom was turned abak, her wyndowis?
xiiii and riȝtfulneſſe ſtood fer; for whi treuþe felle doun ix Forſoþe ilis abiden me, and þe ſchippis of þe ſee in þe
in þe ſtreet, and equite miȝt not entre. bigynnyng; þat Y brynge þi ſones fro fer, þe ſiluer of
xv And treuþe was maad in to forȝetyng, and he þat ȝede hem, and þe gold of hem is wiþ hem, to þe name of þi
awei fro yuel, was opyn to robbyng. And þe Lord ſiȝ, Lord God, and to þe hooli of Iſrael; for he ſchal glorifie
and it apperide yuel in hiſe iȝen, for þer is no doom. þee.
xvi And God ſiȝ, þat a man is not, and he was x And þe ſones of pilgrymes ſchulen bilde þi wallis, and

angwiſchid, for noon is þat renneþ to. And his arm ſchal þe kyngis of hem ſchulen mynyſtre to þee. For Y ſmoot
ſaue to hym ſilf, and his riȝtfulneſſe it ſilf ſchal þee in myn indignacioun, and in my recounſelyng Y
conferme hym. hadde merci on þee.
xvii He is cloþid wiþ riȝtfulneſſe as wiþ an harburioun, xi And þi ȝatis ſchulen be openyd contynueli, day and

and þe helm of helþe is in his heed; he is cloþid wiþ niȝt þo ſchulen not be cloſid; þat þe ſtrengþe of heþene
cloþis of veniaunce, and he is hilid as wiþ a mentil of men be brouȝt to þee, and þe kyngis of hem be brouȝt.
feruent worchyng. xii For whi þe folk and rewme þat ſerueþ not þee, ſchal
xviii As to veniaunce, as to ȝeldyng of indignacioun to periſche, and heþene men ſchulen be diſtried bi
hiſe enemyes, and to quityng of tyme to hiſe wildirneſſe.
aduerſaries, he ſchal ȝelde while to ylis. xiii Þe glorie of þe Liban ſchal come to þee, a fir tre, and
xix And þei þat ben at þe weſt, ſchulen drede þe name of box tre, and pyne appil tre togidere, to ourne þe place of
þe Lord, and þei þat ben at þe riſyng of þe ſunne, myn halewyng; and Y ſchal glorifie þe place of my feet.
ſchulen drede þe glorie of hym; whanne he ſchal come xiiii And þe ſones of hem þat maden þee lowe, ſchulen
as a violent flood, whom þe ſpirit of þe Lord compelliþ. come lowe to þee, and alle þat bacbitiden þee, ſchulen
xx Whan aȝen biere ſchal come to Syon, and to hem þat worſchipe þe ſteppis of þi feet; and ſchulen clepe þee A
goen aȝen fro wickidneſſe in Jacob, ſeiþ þe Lord. citee of þe Lord of Sion, of þe hooli of Iſrael.
xxi Þis is my boond of pees wiþ hem, ſeiþ þe Lord; My xv For þat þat þou were forſakun, and hatid, and noon

ſpirit which is in þee, and my wordis whiche Y haue ſet was þat paſſide bi þee, Y ſchal ſette þee in to pryde of
in þi mouþ, ſchulen not go awei fro þi mouþ, and fro þe worldis, ioie in generacioun and in to generacioun.
mouþ of þi ſeed, ſeiþ þe Lord, fro hennus forþ and til xvi And þou ſchalt ſouke þe mylke of folkis, and þou
into wiþ outen ende. ſchalt be ſoclid wiþ þe tete of kyngis; and þou ſchalt
wite þat Y am þe Lord, ſauynge þee, and þin aȝen biere,
CAP. LX þe ſtronge of Jacob.
i Riſe þou, Jeruſalem, be þou liȝtned, for þi lyȝt is xvii For bras Y ſchal brynge gold, and for irun Y ſchal
comun, and þe glorie of þe Lord is riſun on þee. brynge ſiluer; and bras for trees, and yrun for ſtoonys;
ii For lo! derkneſſis ſchulen hile þe erþe, and myiſt ſchal and Y ſchal ſette þi viſitacioun pees, and þi prelatis
hile puplis; but þe Lord ſchal riſe on þee, and his glorie riȝtfulneſſe.
ſchal be ſeyn in þee. xviii Wickidneſſe ſchal no more be herd in þi lond, neþer
iii And heþene men ſchulen go in þi lyȝt, and kyngis diſtriyng and defoulyng in þi cooſtis; and helþe ſchal
`ſchulen go in þe ſchynyng of þi riſyng. ocupie þi wallis, and heriyng ſchal ocupie þi ȝatis.
iiii Reiſe þin iȝen in cumpas, and ſe; alle þeſe men ben xix Þe ſunne ſchal no more be to þee for to ſchyne bi dai,

gaderid togidere, þei ben comun to þee; þi ſones ſchulen neþer þe briȝtneſſe of þe moone ſchal liȝtne þee; but þe
come fro fer, and þi douȝtris ſchulen riſe fro þe ſide. Lord ſchal be in to euerlaſtynge lyȝt to þee, and þi God
v Þanne þou ſchalt ſe, and ſchalt flowe; and þin herte ſchal be in to þi glorie.
xx Þi ſunne ſchal no more go doun, and þi moone ſchal
ſchal wondre, and ſchal be alargid, whanne þe multitude
of þe ſee is conuertid to þee, þe ſtrengþe of heþene men not be decreeſſid; for þe Lord ſchal be in to euerlaſtynge
is comun to þee; lyȝt to þee, and þe daies of þi mourenyng ſchulen be
vi þe flowyng of camels ſchal hile þee, þe lederis of fillid.
dromedis of Madian and of Effa; alle men of Saba

xxi Forſoþe þi puple alle iuſt men, wiþouten ende CAP. LXII
ſchulen enherite þe lond, þe ſeed of my plauntyng, þe i For Sion Y ſchal not be ſtille, and for Jeruſalem Y ſchal
werk of myn hond for to be glorified. not reſte, til þe iuſt man þerof go out as ſchynyng, and
xxii Þe leeſte ſchal be in to a þouſynde, and a litil man þe ſauȝour þerof be teendid as a laumpe.
ſchal be in to a ful ſtronge folk. Y, þe Lord, ſchal make ii And heþene men ſchulen ſe þi iuſt man, and alle
þis þing ſudenli, in þe tyme þerof. kyngis ſchulen ſe þi noble man; and a newe name,
which þe mouþ of þe Lord nemyde, ſchal be clepid to
CAP. LXI þee.
i Þe ſpirit of þe Lord is on me, for þe Lord anoyntide iii And þou ſchalt be a coroun of glorie in þe hond of þe
me; he ſente me to telle to mylde men, þat Y ſchulde Lord, and a diademe of þe rewme in þe hond of þi God.
heele men contrite in herte, and preche forȝyueneſſe to iiii Þou ſchalt no more be clepid forſakun, and þi lond
caitifs, and openyng to priſoneris; and preche a pleſaunt ſchal no more be clepid deſolat; but þou ſchalt be clepid
ȝeer to þe Lord, My wille in þat, and þi lond ſchal be enhabitid; for it
ii and a dai of veniaunce to oure God; þat Y ſchulde pleſid þe Lord in þee, and þi lond ſchal be enhabited.
coumforte alle þat mourenen; v For a ȝong man ſchal dwelle wiþ a virgyn, and þi
iii þat Y ſchulde ſette coumfort to þe moureneris of Sion, ſones ſchulen dwelle in þee; and þe ſpouſe ſchal haue
and þat Y ſchulde ȝyue to þem a coroun for aiſche, oile ioie on þe ſpouſeſſe, and þi God ſchal haue ioie on þee.
of ioie for mourenyng, a mentil of preyſyng for þe ſpirit vi Jeruſalem, Y haue ordeyned keperis on þi wallis, al
of weilyng. And ſtronge men of riȝtfulneſſe ſchulen be dai and al niȝt wiþ outen ende þei ſchulen not be ſtille.
clepid þer ynne, þe plauntyng of þe Lord for to glorifie. Ȝe þat þenken on þe Lord, be not ſtille,
iiii And þei ſchulen bilde þingis `þat ben forſakun fro þe vii and ȝyue ȝe not ſilence to him, til he ſtabliſche, and til
world, and þei ſchulen reiſe elde fallyngis, and þei he ſette Jeruſalem `preiſyng in erþe.
ſchulen reſtore citees `þat ben forſakun and diſtried, in viii Þe Lord ſwoor in his riȝt hond and in þe arm of his
generacioun and in to generacioun. ſtrengþe, Y ſchal no more ȝyue þi wheete mete to þin
v And aliens ſchulen ſtonde, and fede ȝoure beeſtis; and
enemyes, and alien ſones ſchulen not drynke þi wyn, in
þe ſones of pilgrymes ſchulen be ȝoure erþe tilieris and which þou haſt trauelid.
vyn tilieris. ix For þei þat ſchulen gadere it togidere, ſchulen ete it,
vi But ȝe ſchulen be clepid þe preeſtis of þe Lord; it
and ſchulen herie þe Lord; and þei þat beren it togidere,
ſchal be ſeid to ȝou, Ȝe ben mynyſtris of oure God. Ȝe ſchulen drynke in myn hooli hallis.
ſchulen ete þe ſtrengþe of heþene men, and ȝe ſchulen x Paſſe ȝe, paſſe ȝe bi þe ȝatis; make ȝe redi weie to þe
be onourid in þe glorie of hem. puple, make ȝe a playn paþ; and cheſe ȝe ſtoonys, and
vii For ȝoure double ſchenſchip and ſchame þei ſchulen
reiſe ȝe a ſigne to puplis.
preiſe þe part of hem; for þis þing þei ſchulen haue xi Lo! þe Lord made herd in þe laſte partis of þe erþe.
peſibli double þingis in her lond, and euerlaſtynge Seie ȝe to þe douȝtir of Sion, Lo! þi ſauȝour comeþ; lo!
gladneſſe ſchal be to hem. his meede is wiþ hym, and his werk is bifore hym.
viii For Y am þe Lord, louynge doom, and hatynge xii And þei ſchulen clepe hem þe hooli puple, aȝenbouȝt
raueyn in brent ſacrifice. And Y ſchal ȝyue þe werk of of þe Lord. Forſoþe þou ſchalt be clepid a citee ſouȝt,
hem in treuþe, and Y ſchal ſmyte to hem an euerlaſtynge and not forſakun.
boond of pees.
ix And þe ſeed of hem ſchal be knowun among folkis,
and þe buriownyng of hem in þe myddis of puplis. Alle i Who is þis þat comeþ fro Edom, in died cloþis fro
men þat ſeen hem, ſchulen knowe hem, for þeſe ben þe Boſra? þis fair man in his `long cloþ, goynge in þe
ſeed, whom þe Lord bleſſide. multitude of his vertu? Y þat ſpeke riȝtfulneſſe, and am
x I ioiynge ſchal haue ioie in þe Lord, and my ſoule
a forfiȝtere for to ſaue.
ſchal make ful out ioiyng in my God. For he haþ cloþid ii Whi þerfor is þi cloþing reed? and þi cloþis ben as of
me wiþ cloþis of helþe, and he haþ compaſſid me wiþ men ſtampynge in a preſſour?
cloþis of riȝtfulneſſe, as a ſpouſe made feir wiþ a iii Y aloone ſtampide þe preſſe, and of folkis no man is
coroun, and as a ſpouſeſſe ourned wiþ her brochis. wiþ me; Y ſtampide hem in my ſtronge veniaunce, and
xi For as þe erþe bryngiþ forþ his fruyt, and as a gardyn
Y defoulide hem in my wraþþe; and her blood is ſpreynt
buriowneþ his ſeed, ſo þe Lord God ſchal make to on my cloþis, and Y made foul alle my cloþis.
growe riȝtfulneſſe, and preyſyng bifore alle folkis. iiii For whi a dai of veniaunce is in myn herte, and þe
ȝeer of my ȝeldyng comeþ.

vI lokide aboute, and noon helpere was; Y ſouȝte, and ii and failiden as brennyng of fier, and brente in fier; þat
noon was þat helpide; and myn arm ſauyde to me, and þi name were made knowun to þin enemyes, and folkis
myn indignacioun, þat helpide me. weren diſturblid of þi face.
vi And Y defoulide puplis in my ſtronge veniaunce; and iii Whanne þou ſchalt do merueils, we ſchulen not abide.
Y made hem drunkun in myn indignacioun, and Y drow Þou cameſt doun, and hillis fletiden awei fro þi face.
doun her vertu in to erþe. iiii Fro þe world þei herden not, neþir perſeyueden wiþ
vii I ſchal haue mynde on þe merciful doyngis of þe eeris; God, non iȝe ſiȝ, wiþouten þee, what þingis þou
Lord, Y ſchal preche þe heriyng of þe Lord on alle haſt maad redi to hem þat abiden þee.
þingis whiche þe Lord ȝeldide to vs, and on þe v Þou mettiſt hym þat is glad, and doiþ riȝtfulneſſe; in þi
multitude `of goodis of þe hous of Iſrael, whiche he ȝaf weies þei ſchulen biþenke on þee. Lo! þou art wrooþ,
to hem bi his forȝyueneſſe, and bi þe multitude of hiſe and we ſynneden; in þo ſynnes we weren euere, and we
mercies. ſchulen be ſaued.
viii And þe Lord ſeide, Neþeles it is my puple, ſones not vi And alle we ben maad as an vncleene man; alle oure
denyynge, and he was maad a ſauȝour to hem in al þe riȝtfulneſſis ben as þe cloþ of a womman in vncleene
tribulacioun of hem. blood; and alle we fellen doun as a leef, and our
ix It was not ſet in tribulacioun, and þe aungel of his wickidneſſis as wynd han take awei vs.
face ſauyde hem. In his loue and in his forȝyueneſſe he vii Noon is, þat clepiþ þi name to help, þat riſiþ, and
aȝenbouȝte hem, and he bar hem, and reiſide hem in alle holdiþ þee; þou haſt hid þi face fro vs, and þou haſt
daies of þe world. hurtlid doun vs in þe hond of oure wickidneſſe.
x Forſoþe þei excitiden hym to wraþfulneſſe, and viii And now, Lord, þou art oure fadir; forſoþe we ben
turmentiden þe ſpirit of his hooli; and he was turned in cley, and þou art oure maker, and alle we ben þe werkis
to an enemye to hem, and he ouercam hem in batel. of þin hondis.
xi And he hadde mynde on þe daies of þe world, of ix Lord, be þou not wrooþ ynow, and haue þou no more
Moiſes, and of his puple. Where is he, þat ledde hem mynde on oure wickidneſſe. Lo! Lord, biholde þou, alle
out of þe ſee, wiþ þe ſcheepherdis of his floc? Where is we ben þi puple.
he, þat ſettide þe ſpirit of his holi in þe myddil þerof; x Þe citee of þi ſeyntuarie is forſakun, Sion is maad
xii whiche ledde out Moiſes to þe riȝt half in þe arm of
deſeert, Jeruſalem is deſolat;
his maieſte? which departide watris bifore hem, þat he xi þe hous of oure halewyng and of oure glorie, where
ſchulde make to hym ſilf a name euerlaſtynge; oure fadris herieden þee, is maad in to brennyng of fier;
xiii whiche ledde hem out þoruy depþis of watris, as an
and alle oure deſirable þingis ben turned in to fallyngis.
hors not ſtumblynge in deſert, xii Lord, wheþer on þeſe þingis þou ſchalt wiþolde þee?
xiiii as a beeſte goynge doun in þe feeld? Þe Spirit of þe
ſchalt þou be ſtille, and ſchalt þou turmente vs greetli?
Lord was þe ledere þerof; ſo þou leddiſt þi puple, þat
þou madiſt to þee a name of glorie. CAP. LXV
xv Biholde þou fro heuene, and ſe fro þin hooli i Þei ſouȝten me, þat axiden not bifore; þei þat ſouȝten
dwellyng place, and fro þe ſeete of þi glorie. Where is not me, founden me. Y ſeide, Lo! Y, lo! Y, to heþene
þi feruent loue, and þi ſtrengþe, þe multitude of þin men þat knewen not me, and þat clepiden not mi name
entrailis, and of þi merciful doyngis? to help.
xvi Þo wiþelden hem ſilf on me. Forſoþe þou art oure ii I ſtretchide forþ myn hondis al dai to a puple
fadir, and Abraham knew not vs, and Iſrael knew not vs. vnbileueful, þat goiþ in a weie not good, aftir her
xvii Þou, Lord, art oure fadir, and oure aȝenbiere; þi þouȝtis.
name is fro þe world. Lord, whi haſt þou maad vs to iii It is a puple þat ſtiriþ me to wraþfulneſſe, euere bifore
erre fro þi weies? þou haſt made hard oure herte, þat we my face; whiche offren in gardyns, and maken ſacrifice
dredden not þee? be þou conuertid, for þi ſeruauntis, þe on tiel ſtoonys;
lynages of þin eritage. iiii whiche dwellen in ſepulcris, and ſlepen in þe templis
xviii Þei hadden as nouȝt þin hooli puple in poſſeſſioun,
of idols; whiche eten ſwynes fleiſch, and vnhooli iwiſch
and oure enemyes defouliden þin halewyng. is in þe veſſels of hem;
xix We ben maad as in þe bigynnyng, whanne þou were v whiche ſeien to an heþene man, Go þou awei fro me,
not Lord of vs, neþir þi name was clepid to help on vs. neiȝ þou not to me, for þou art vncleene; þeſe ſchulen be
ſmoke in my ſtronge veniaunce, fier brennynge al dai.
CAP. LXIIII vi Lo! it is writun bifore me; Y ſchal not be ſtille, but Y
i I wolde þat þou brakiſt heuenes, and cameſt doun, þat
ſchal ȝelde, and Y ſchal quyte in to þe boſum of hem
hillis fletiden awei fro þi face, ȝoure wickidneſſis,

vii and þe wickidneſſis of ȝoure fadris togidere, ſeiþ þe xxii Þei ſchulen not bilde houſis, and an oþir ſchal
Lord, whiche maden ſacrifice on mounteyns, and diden enhabite hem, þei ſchulen not plaunte, and an oþir ſchal
ſchenſchipe to me on litle hillis; and Y ſchal mete aȝen ete; for whi þe daies of my puple ſchulen be after þe
þe firſte werk of hem in her boſum. daies of þe tree, and þe werkis of
viii Þe Lord ſeiþ þes þingis, As if a grape be foundun in xxiii her hondis ſchulen be elde to my choſun men. Þei
a cluſtre, and it be ſeid, Diſtrie þou not it, for it is ſchulen not trauele in veyn, neþer þei ſchulen gendre in
bleſſyng; ſo Y ſchal do for my ſeruantis, þat Y leeſe not diſturblyng; for it is þe ſeed of hem þat ben bleſſid of þe
al. Lord, and þe coſyns of hem ben wiþ hem.
ix And Y ſchal lede out of Jacob ſeed, and of Juda a man xxiiii And it ſchal be, bifor þat þei crien, Y ſchal here; ȝit
hauynge in poſſeſſioun myn hooli hillis; and my choſun while þei ſpeken, Y ſchal here.
men ſchulen enherite it, and my ſeruauntis ſchulen xxv A wolf and a lomb ſchulen be fed togidere, and a
dwelle þere. lioun and an oxe ſchulen ete ſtree, and to a ſerpent duſt
x And þe feeldi places ſchulen be into floodis of flockis, ſchal be his breed; þei ſchulen not anoie, neþer ſchulen
and þe valei of Achar in to a reſtyng place of droues of ſle, in al myn hooli hil, ſeiþ þe Lord.
neet, to my puple þat ſouȝten me.
xi And Y ſchal noumbre ȝou in ſwerd, þat forſoken þe CAP. LXVI
Lord, þat forȝaten myn hooli hil, whiche ſetten a boord i Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Heuene is my ſeete, and þe
to fortune, and maken ſacrifice þeronne, erþe is þe ſtool of my feet. Which is þis hous, which ȝe
xii and alle ȝe ſchulen falle bi ſleyng; for þat þat Y ſchulen bilde to me, and which is þis place of my reſte?
clepide, and ȝe anſweriden not; Y ſpak, and ȝe herden ii Myn hond made alle þeſe þingis, and alle þeſe þingis
not; and ȝe diden yuel bifor myn iȝen, and ȝe cheſiden ben maad, ſeiþ þe Lord; but to whom ſchal Y biholde,
þo þingis whiche Y nolde. no but to a pore man and contrit in ſpirit, and greetli
xiii For þeſe þingis, þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! dredynge my wordis?
my ſeruauntis ſchulen ete, and ȝe ſchulen haue hungur; iii He þat offriþ an oxe, is as he þat ſleeþ a man; he þat
lo! my ſeruauntis ſchulen drynke, and ȝe ſchulen be ſleeþ a ſcheep, is as he þat brayneþ a dogge; he þat
þirſti; offriþ an offryng, is as he þat offriþ ſwynes blood; he
xiiii lo! my ſeruauntis ſchulen be glad, and ȝe ſchulen be þat þenkeþ on encenſe, is as he þat bleſſiþ an idol; þei
aſchamed; lo! my ſeruauntis ſchulen herie, for þe ful cheſiden alle þes þingis in her weies, and her ſoule
ioie of herte, and ȝe ſchulen crie, for þe ſorewe of herte, delitide in her abhomynaciouns.
and ȝe ſchulen ȝelle, for deſolacioun of ſpirit. iiii Wherfor and Y ſchal cheſe þe ſcornyngis of hem, and
xv And ȝe ſchulen leeue ȝoure name in to an ooþ to my Y ſchal brynge to hem þo þingis whiche þei dredden;
choſun men; and þe Lord God ſchal ſle þee, and he ſchal for Y clepide, and noon was þat anſweride; Y ſpak, and
clepe hiſe ſeruauntis bi anoþer name. þei herden not; and þei diden yuel bifor myn iȝen, and
xvi In which he þat is bleſſid on erþe, ſchal be bleſſid in cheſiden þo þingis whiche Y nolde.
v Here ȝe þe word of þe Lord, whiche quaken at his
God amen; and he þat ſweriþ in erþe, ſhal ſwere in God
feiþfuli; for þe formere angwiſchis ben ȝouun to word; ȝoure briþeren hatynge ȝou, and caſtynge a wey
forȝetyng, and for þo ben hid fro ȝoure iȝen. for my name, ſeiden, Þe Lord be glorified, and we
xvii For lo! Y make newe heuenes and a newe erþe, and ſchulen ſe in ȝoure gladneſſe; forſoþe þei ſchulen be
þe formere þingis ſchulen not be in mynde, and ſchulen ſchent.
vi Þe vois of þe puple fro þe citee, þe vois fro þe temple,
not ſtie on þe herte.
xviii But ȝe ſchulen haue ioie, and make ful out ioiyng til þe vois of þe Lord ȝeldynge a reward to hiſe enemyes.
vii Bifor þat ſche trauelide of child, ſche childide; bifor
in to wiþ outen ende, in þeſe þingis whiche Y make; for
lo! Y make Jeruſalem ful out ioiynge, and þe puple þat þe ſorewe of hir child beryng cam, ſche childide a
þerof ioie. ſone.
xix And Y ſchal make ful out ioiyng in Jeruſalem, and Y viii Who herde euere ſuche a þing, and who ſiȝ a þing

ſchal haue ioie in my puple; and þe vois of weping and lijk þis? Wheþer þe erþe ſchal trauele of child in o dai,
þe vois of cry ſchal no more be herd þer ynne. eþer wheþer a folk ſchal be childide togidere? For whi
xx A ȝong child of daies ſchal no more be þere, and an Sion trauelede of child, and childide hir ſones.
ix Wheþer þat Y `my ſilf þat make oþere to bere child,
eld man þat filliþ not hiſe daies; for whi a child of an
hundrid ȝeer ſchal die, and a ſynnere of an hundrid ȝeer ſchal not ber child? ſeiþ þe Lord. Wheþer Y þat ȝyue
ſchal be curſid. generacioun to oþere men, ſchal be bareyn? ſeiþ þi Lord
xxi And þei ſchulen bilde houſis, and ſchulen enhabite God.
hem, and þei ſchulen plaunte vynes, and ſchulen ete þe
fruytis of þo.

x Be ȝe glad wiþ Jeruſalem, and alle ȝe þat louen þat, ſchal not die, and þe fier of hem ſchal not be quenchid;
make ful out ioye þer ynne; alle ȝe þat mourenen on þat and þei ſchulen be `til to fillyng of ſiȝt to ech man.
Jeruſalem, make ȝe ioye wiþ it in ioie; Here endiþ Yſaie, and here biginneþ Jeremye.
xi þat boþe ȝe ſouke, and be fillid of þe tetis and
coumfort þerof, þat ȝe mylke, and flowe in delicis, of al
maner glorie þerof.
xii For whi þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal bowe
doun on it, as a flood of pees, and as a flowynge ſtreem
þe glorie of heþene men, which ȝe ſchulen ſouke; ȝe
ſchulen be borun at tetis, and on knees þei ſchulen ſpeke
pleſauntly to ȝou.
xiii As if a modir ſpekiþ faire to ony child, ſo Y ſchal
coumforte ȝou, and ȝe ſchulen be coumfortid in
xiiii Ȝe ſchulen ſe, and ȝoure herte ſchal haue ioie, and
ȝoure boonys ſchulen buriowne as an erbe. And þe hond
of þe Lord ſchal be knowun in hiſe ſeruauntis, and he
ſchal haue indignacioun to hiſe enemyes.
xv For lo! þe Lord ſchal come in fier, and as a
whirlwynd hiſe charis, to ȝelde in indignacioun hiſe
ſtrong veniaunce, and his blamyng in þe flawme of fier.
xvi For whi þe Lord ſchal deme in fier, and in hys ſwerd
to ech fleiſch; and ſlayn men of þe Lord ſchulen be
xvii þat weren halewid, and geſſiden hem cleene, in
gardyns aftir o ȝate wiþ ynne; þat eten ſwynes fleiſch,
and abhomynacioun, and a mows, þei ſchulen be
waaſtid togidere, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xviii Forſoþe Y come to gadere togidere þe werkis of
hem, and þe þouȝtis of hem, wiþ alle folkis and
langagis; and þei ſchulen come, and ſchulen ſe my
xix And Y ſchal ſette a ſigne in hem, and Y ſchal ſende of
hem þat ben ſauyd to heþene men, in to þe ſee, in to
Affrik, and in to Liddia, and to hem þat holden arowe,
in to Italie, and Greek lond, to ilis fer, to hem þat
herden not of me, and ſien not my glorie. And þei
ſchulen telle my glorie to heþene men,
xx and þei ſchulen brynge alle ȝoure briþeren of alle
folkis a ȝifte to þe Lord, in horſis, and charis, and in
literis, and in mulis, and in cartis, to myn hooli hil,
Jeruſalem, ſeiþ þe Lord; as if þe ſones of Iſrael bryngen
a ȝifte in a cleene veſſel in to þe hous of þe Lord.
xxi And Y ſchal take of hem in to preeſtis and dekenes,
ſeiþ þe Lord.
xxii For as newe heuenes and newe erþe, whiche Y make
to ſtonde bifore me, ſeiþ þe Lord, ſo ȝoure ſeed ſchal
ſtonde, and ȝoure name.
xxiii And a moneþe ſchal be of moneþe, and a ſabat of
ſabat; ech man ſchal come for to worſchipe bifore my
face, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xxiiii And þei ſchulen go out, and ſchulen ſe þe careyns
of men, þat treſpaſſiden aȝens me; þe worm of hem

þou not of þe face of hem, for Y ſchal not make þee for
JEREMIE to drede þe cheer of hem.
Here biginniþ þe book of Jeremie, þe profete. xviii For Y ȝaf þee to dai in to a ſtrong citee, and in to an
yrun piler, and in to a braſun wal, on al þe lond, to þe
CAP. I kyngis of Juda, and to þe princis þerof, and to þe
i Þe wordis of Jeremye, ſone of Helchie, of þe preeſtis preeſtis þerof, and to al þe puple of þe lond.
xix And þei ſchulen fiȝte aȝens þee, and þei ſchulen not
þat weren in Anathot, in þe lond of Beniamyn.
ii For þe word of þe Lord was maad to hym in þe daies haue þe maiſtrie; for Y am wiþ þee, ſeiþ þe Lord, þat Y
of Joſie, þe ſone of Amon, kyng of Juda, in þe delyuere þee.
þretteneþe ȝeer of his rewme.
iii And it was don in þe daies of Joachym, þe ſone of CAP. II
i And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me,
Joſie, þe king of Juda, til to þe endyng of þe enleuenþe
ȝeer of Sedechie, ſone of Joſie, kyng of Juda, til þe ii and ſeide, Go þou, and crye in þe eeris of Jeruſalem,
paſſyng ouer, eþer caitifte, of Jeruſalem, in þe fyueþe and ſeie, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Y hadde mynde on
moneþe. þee, and Y hadde merci on þee in þi ȝong wexynge age,
iiii And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me, and on þe charite of þi ſpouſyng, whanne þou ſuediſt me
v and ſeide, Bifor þat Y fourmede þee in þe wombe, Y in deſert, in þe lond which is not ſowun.
iii Iſrael was hooli to þe Lord, þe firſte of fruytis of hym;
knewe þee; and bifor þat þou ȝediſt out of þe wombe, Y
halewide þee; and Y ȝaf þee a profete among folkis. alle men þat deuouren þat Iſrael, treſpaſſen; yuelis
vi And Y ſeide, A! A! A! Lord God, lo! Y kan not ſpeke, ſchulen come on hem, ſeiþ þe Lord.
iiii Þe hous of Jacob, and alle þe lynagis of þe hous of
for Y am a child.
vii And þe Lord ſeide to me, Nyle þou ſeie, þat Y am a Iſrael, here ȝe þe word of þe Lord.
v Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, What of wickidneſſe foundun
child; for þou ſchalt go to alle þingis, to whiche Y ſchal
ſende þee, and þou ſchalt ſpeke alle þingis, what euer ȝoure fadris in me, for þei ȝeden fer awey fro me, and
þingis Y ſchal comaunde to þee. ȝeden after vanyte, and weren maad veyn?
viii Drede þou not of þe face of hem, for Y am wiþ þee, vi And þei ſeiden not, Where is þe Lord, þat made vs to

to delyuere þee, ſeiþ þe Lord. ſtie fro þe lond of Egipt, þat ledde vs ouer þorou deſert,
ix And þe Lord ſente his hond, and touchide my mouþ; bi þe lond vnabitable and wiþ out weie, bi þe lond of
and þe Lord ſeide to me, Lo! Y haue ȝoue my wordis in þirſt, and bi þe ymage of deeþ, bi þe lond in whiche a
þi mouþ; lo! man ȝede not, neþer a man dwellide.
x Y haue ordeynede þee to day on folkis, and on vii And Y brouȝte ȝou in to þe lond of Carmele, þat ȝe

rewmes, þat þou drawe vp, and diſtrie, and leeſe, and ſchulden ete þe fruyt þerof, and þe goodis þerof; and ȝe
ſcatere, and bilde, and plaunte. entriden, and defouliden my lond, and ſettiden myn
xi And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me, and ſeide, eritage in to abhomynacioun.
viii Preeſtis ſeiden not, Where is þe Lord? and þei þat
What ſeeſt þou, Jeremye?
xii And Y ſeide, Y ſe a ȝerde wakynge. And þe Lord helden þe lawe, knewen not me; and ſcheepherdis
treſpaſſiden aȝens me, and profetis profeſieden in Baal,
ſeide to me, Þou haſt ſeen wel, for Y ſchal wake on my
and ſueden idols.
word, to do it. ix Þerfor ȝit Y ſchal ſtryue wiþ ȝou in doom, ſeiþ þe
xiii And þe word of þe Lord was maad þe ſecounde tyme
Lord, and Y ſchal diſpute wiþ ȝoure ſones.
to me, and ſeide, What ſeeſt þou? Y ſe a pot buylynge, x Go ȝe to þe ilis of Cethym, and ſe ȝe; and ſende ȝe in
and þe face þerof fro þe face of þe norþ.
xiiii And þe Lord ſeide to me, Fro þe norþ ſchal be to Cedar, and biholde ȝe greetli; and ſe ȝe,
xi if ſiche a þing is doon, if a folk chaungide hiſe goddis;
ſchewid al yuel on alle þe dwelleris of þe lond.
xv For lo! Y ſchal clepe togidere alle þe naciouns of and certeynli þei ben no goddis; but my puple
chaungide hiſe glorie in to an ydol.
rewmes of þe norþ, ſeiþ þe Lord, and þei ſchulen come, xii Heuenes, be ȝe aſtonyed on þis þing, and, ȝe ȝatis of
and ſette ech man his ſeete in þe entryng of þe ȝatis of
Jeruſalem, and on alle þe wallis þerof in cumpas, and on heuene, be ȝe deſolat greetli, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xiii For whi my puple haþ don tweyne yuels; þei han
alle þe citees of Juda.
xvi And Y ſchal ſpeke my domes wiþ hem on al þe forſake me, þe welle of quyke watir, and han diggid to
malice of hem, þat forſoken me, and maden ſacrifice to hem ciſternes, `þat weren diſtried, þat moun not holde
alien goddis, and worſchipiden þe werk of her hondis. watris.
xvii Þerfor girde þou þi leendis, and riſe þou, and ſpeke xiiii Wheþer Iſrael is a boond man, eþer is borun

to hem alle þingis whiche Y comaunde to þee; drede boonde?

xv Whi þerfor is he maad in to prey? Liouns roriden on xxxi Se ȝe þe word of þe Lord, wheþer Y am maad a
hym, and ȝauen her vois; þei han ſet þe londe of hym in wildirneſſe to Iſrael, eþer a lond late bryngynge forþ
to wilderneſſe, þe citees of him ben brent, and noon is fruyt? Whi þerfor ſeide my puple, We han go awei, we
þat dwelliþ in þo. ſchulen no more come to þee?
xvi Alſo þe ſones of Menfis and of Tafnys han defoulid xxxii Wheþir a virgyn ſchal forȝete hir ournement? and a
þee, `til to þe cop of þe heed. ſpouſeſſe `ſchal forȝete hir breſt girdil? But mi puple haþ
xvii Wheþer þis is not don to þee, for þou forſokiſt þi forȝete me bi daies wiþ out noumbre.
Lord God, in þat tyme in which he ledde þee bi þe xxxiii What enforſiſt þou to ſchewe þi weie good to ſeke
weie? loue, which ferþermore boþe haſt tauȝt þi malices þi
xviii And now what wolt þou to þee in þe weie of Egipt, weies,
þat þou drynke troblid watir? And what is to þee wiþ þe xxxiiii and þe blood of pore men and innocentis is
weie of Aſſiriens, þat þou drynke water of þe flood? foundun in þi wyngis? Y fond not hem in dichis, but in
xix Þi malice ſchal repreue þee, and þi turnyng awei alle þingis whiche Y remembride bifore.
ſchal blame þee; wite þou and ſe, þat it is yuel and bittir xxxv And þou ſeidiſt, Y am wiþ out ſynne and innocent;
þat þou haſt forſake þi Lord God, and þat his drede is and þerfor þi ſtronge veniaunce be turned awei fro me.
not at þee, ſeiþ þe Lord God of ooſtis. Lo! Y ſchal ſtryue wiþ þee in doom; for þou ſeidiſt, Y
xx Fro þe world þou haſt broke my ȝok, þou haſt broke ſynnede not.
my bondis, and ſeidiſt, Y ſchal not ſerue. For þou hoore xxxvi Hou vijl art þou maad, reherſynge þi weies? and
didiſt hordom in ech hiȝ litil hil, and vndur ech tree ful þou ſchalt be ſchent of Egipt, as þou were ſchent of
of bowis. Aſſur.
xxi Forſoþe Y plauntide þee a choſun vyner, al trewe xxxvii For whi and þou ſchalt go out of þis lond, and þin
ſeed; hou þerfor art þou, alien vyner, turned to me in to hondis ſchulen be on þin heed; for whi þe Lord haþ al
a ſchrewid þing? to-broke þi triſt, and þou ſchalt haue no þing to
xxii Þouȝ þou waiſchiſt þee wiþ fulleris clei, and proſperite.
multyplieſt to þee þe erbe boriþ, þou art defoulid in þi
wickidneſſe bifore me, ſeiþ þe Lord God. CAP. III
xxiii Hou ſeiſt þou, Y am not defoulid, Y ȝede not aftir i It is ſeid comunli, If a man forſakiþ his wijf, and ſche

Baalym? Se þi weies in þe greet valei, wite þou what go awei fro hym, and be weddid to an oþere hoſebonde,
þou haſt do; a ſwifte rennere ordeynynge hiſe weies. wheþer he ſchal turne aȝen more to hir? wheþer þilke
xxiiii A wielde aſſe cuſtomable in wildirneſſe drow þe womman ſchal not be defoulid, and maad vncleene?
wynd of his loue in þe deſire of his ſoule; no man ſchal Forſoþe þou haſt do fornycacioun wiþ many loueris;
turne awei it. Alle þat ſeken it, ſchulen not faile; þei neþeles turne þou aȝen to me, `ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y ſchal
ſchulen fynde it in þe flux of vncleene blood þerof. reſſeyue þee.
xxv Forbede þi foot fro nakidneſſe, and þi þrote fro þirſt; ii Reiſe þin iȝen in to ſtreiȝt, and ſe, where þou art not

and þou ſeidiſt, Y diſpeiride, Y ſchal not do; for Y caſt doun. Þou haſt ſetun in weies, abidynge hem as a
louede brennyngli alien goddis, and Y ſchal go aftir þeef in wildirneſſe, and þou haſt defoulid þe erþe in þi
hem. fornicaciouns and in þi malices.
xxvi As a þeef is ſchent, whanne he is takun, ſo þe hous iii Wherfor þe dropis of reynes weren forbodun, and no

of Iſrael ben ſchent; þei, and kyngis of hem, þe princes, late reyn was. Þe forhed of a womman hoore is maad to
and preſtis, and þe prophetis of hem, þee; þou noldiſt be aſchamed.
xxvii þat ſeien to a tree, Þou art my fadir; and to a ſtoon, iiii Nameli fro þis tyme forþ clepe þou me, Þou art my

Þou haſt gendrid me. Þei turneden to me þe bak, and not fadir, þe ledere of my virginyte.
v Wheþer þou ſchalt be wrooþ wiþ outen ende, eþer
þe face; and in þe tyme of her turment þei ſchulen ſeie,
Ryſe þou, and delyuere vs. ſchalt contynue in to þe ende? Lo! þou haſt ſpoke, and
xxviii Where ben þi goddis, whiche þou madiſt to þee? haſt do yuels, and þou were myȝti. And for wordis of
Riſe þei, and delyuere þee in þe tyme of þi turment; for penaunce þou blasfemydiſt bi wordis of pride; and þou
aftir þe noumbre of þi citees weren þi goddis, þou Juda. fillidiſt þin yuel þouȝt, and ſchewidiſt þi ſtrengþe aȝens
xxix What wolen ȝe ſtryue wiþ me in doom? Alle ȝe han þi hoſebonde, þat þou maiſt do þat þing þat þou tretidiſt
forſake me, ſeiþ þe Lord. bi word.
vi And þe Lord ſeide to me, in þe daies of Joſie, þe
xxx In veyn Y ſmoot ȝoure ſones, þei reſſeyueden not
chaſtiſyng; ȝoure ſwerd deuouride ȝoure prophetis, kyng, Wheþer þou haſt ſeyn what þing þe aduerſarie,
ȝoure generacioun is diſtried as a lioun. Iſrael, haþ do? Sche ȝede to hir ſilf on ech hiȝ hil, and
vndur ech tre ful of boowis, and dide fornycacioun

vii And Y ſeide, whanne ſche hadde do alle þeſe þingis, xxii Be ȝe conuertid, ſones, turnynge aȝen, and Y ſchal
Turne þou aȝen to me; and ſche turnede not aȝen. And heele ȝoure turnyngis awei. Lo! we comen to þee; for
hir ſiſtir, Juda, brekere of þe lawe, þou art oure Lord God.
viii ſiȝ, þat for þe aduerſarie, Iſrael, dide auowtrie, Y xxiii Verili litil hillis weren lieris, þe multitude of
hadde left hir, and Y hadde ȝoue to hir a libel of mounteyns was fals; verili in oure Lord God is þe helþe
forſakyng; and Juda, hir ſiſtir, brekere of þe lawe, of Iſrael.
dredde not, but alſo ſche ȝede, and dide fornycacioun. xxiiii Schenſchipe eete þe trauel of oure fadris, fro oure
ix And bi liȝtneſſe of hir fornicacioun ſche defoulide þe ȝongþe; ſchenſchipe eet þe flockis of hem, and þe
erþe, and dide auowtrie wiþ a ſtoon, and wiþ a tree. droues of hem, þe ſones of hem, and þe douȝtris of hem.
x And in alle þeſe þingis hir ſiſtir, Juda, brekere of þe xxv We ſchulen ſlepe in oure ſchenſchipe, and oure
lawe, turnede not aȝen to me, in al hir herte, but in a ſclaundir ſchal hile vs; for we ſynneden to oure Lord
leeſyng, ſeiþ þe Lord God. God, boþe we and oure fadris, fro oure ȝongþe `til to þis
xi And þe Lord ſeide to me, Þe aduerſarie, Iſrael, haþ dai; and we herden not þe vois of oure Lord God.
iuſtified hir ſoule, in compariſoun of Juda, brekere of þe
lawe. CAP. IIII
xii Go þou, and crye þeſe wordis aȝens þe norþ; and þou i Iſrael, if þou turneſt aȝen, ſeiþ þe Lord, turne þou to

ſchalt ſeie, Þou aduerſarie, Iſrael, turne aȝen, ſeiþ þe me; if þou takiſt awei þin offendyngis fro my face, þou
Lord, and Y ſchal not turne awei my face fro ȝou; for Y ſchalt not be mouyd.
am hooli, ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y ſchal not be wrooþ wiþ ii And þou ſchalt ſwere, Þe Lord lyueþ, in treuþe and in
outen ende. doom and in riȝtfulneſſe; and alle folkis ſchulen bleſſe
xiii Neþeles knowe þou þi wickidneſſe; for þou haſt hym, and ſchulen preiſe hym.
treſpaſſid aȝens þi Lord God, and þou haſt ſpred abrood iii For þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis to a man of Juda
þi weies to aliens vndur ech tre ful of bowis; and þou and to a dwellere of Jeruſalem, Make ȝe newe to ȝou a
herdiſt not my vois, ſeiþ þe Lord. lond tilid of þe newe, and nyle ȝe ſowe on þornes.
xiiii Be ȝe conuertid, ſones, turnynge aȝen, ſeiþ þe Lord, iiii Men of Juda, and dwelleris of Jeruſalem, be ȝe
for Y am ȝoure hoſebonde; and Y ſchal take ȝou oon of circumcidid to þe Lord, and do ȝe awey þe filþis of
a citee, and tweyne of a kynrede, and Y ſchal lede ȝou ȝoure hertis; leſt perauenture myn indignacioun go out
in to Sion; as fier, and be kyndlid, and noon be þat quenche, for þe
xv and Y ſchal ȝyue to ȝou ſcheepherdis after myn herte, malice of ȝoure þouȝtis.
and þei ſchulen feede ȝou wiþ kunnyng and teching. v Telle ȝe in Juda, and make ȝe herd in Jeruſalem; ſpeke
xvi And whanne ȝe ſchulen be multiplied, and encreeſſe ȝe, and ſynge ȝe wiþ a trumpe in þe lond; crye ȝe
in þe lond, in þo daies, ſeiþ þe Lord, þei ſchulen no ſtrongli, and ſeie ȝe, Be ȝe gaderid togidere, and entre
more ſeie, Þe arke of teſtament of þe Lord; neþer it ſchal we in to ſtronge citees.
ſtie on þe herte, neþer þei ſchulen þenke on it, neþer it vi Reiſe ȝe a ſigne in Sion, coumforte ȝe, and nyle ȝe
ſchal be viſitid, neþer it ſchal be ferþere. ſtonde; for Y bringe yuel fro þe norþ, and a greet
xvii In þat tyme þei ſchulen clepe Jeruſalem Þe ſeete of ſorewe.
þe Lord, and alle heþene men ſchulen be gaderid vii A lioun ſchal `riſe vp fro his denne, and þe robbere of
togidere to it, in þe name of þe Lord, in Jeruſalem; and folkis ſchal reiſe hym ſilf. He is goon out of his place, to
þei ſchulen not go aftir þe ſchrewidneſſe of her worſte ſette þi lond in to wildirneſſe; þi citees ſchulen be
herte. diſtried, abidynge ſtille wiþ out dwellere.
xviii In þo daies þe hous of Juda ſchal go to þe hous of viii On þis þing girde ȝou wiþ heiris; weile ȝe, and ȝelle,
Iſrael; and þei ſchulen come togidere fro þe lond of þe for þe wraþþe of þe ſtrong veniaunce of þe Lord is not
norþ to þe lond which Y ȝaf to ȝoure fadris. turned awei fro ȝou.
xix Forſoþe Y ſeide, Hou ſchal Y ſette þee among ſones, ix And it ſchal be, in þat dai, ſeiþ þe Lord, þe herte of þe
and ſchal ȝyue to þee a deſirable lond, a ful cleer eritage king ſchal periſche, and þe herte of princis; and þe
of þe ooſtis of heþene men? And Y ſeide, Þou ſchalt preſtis ſchulen wondre, and þe prophetis ſchulen be
clepe me fadir, and þou ſchalt not ceeſſe to entre aftir aſtonyed.
me. x And Y ſeide, Alas! alas! alas! Lord God; þerfor
xx But as if a womman diſpiſiþ hir louyere, ſo þe hous of wheþer þou haſt diſſeyued þis puple and Jeruſalem,
Iſrael diſpiſide me, ſeiþ þe Lord. ſeiynge, Pees ſchal be to ȝou, and lo! a ſwerd is comun
xxi A vois is herd in weies, þe weping and ȝellyng of þe `til to þe ſoule?
ſones of Iſrael; for þei maden wickid her weie, þei xi In þat tyme it ſchal be ſeide to þis puple and to
forȝaten her Lord God. Jeruſalem, A brennynge wynd in þe weies þat ben in

deſert, ben þe weies of þe douȝtir of my puple, not to xxxi For Y herd a vois as of a womman trauelynge of
wyndewe, and not to purge. child, þe angwiſchis as of a womman childynge; þe vois
xii A ſpirit ful of hem ſchal come to me; and now Y, but of þe douȝter of Sion among hem þat dien, and ſpreden
Y ſchal ſpeke my domes wiþ hem. abrood her hondis; Wo to me, for my ſoule failide for
xiii Lo! he ſchal ſtie as a cloude, and hiſe charis as a hem þat ben ſlayn.
tempeſt; hiſe horſis ben ſwifter þan eglis; wo to vs, for
we ben diſtried. CAP. V
xiiii Þou Jeruſalem, waiſche þin herte fro malice, þat þou i Cumpaſſe ȝe þe weies of Jeruſalem, and loke, and

be maad ſaaf. Hou long ſchulen noiful þouȝtis dwelle in biholde ȝe, and ſeke ȝe in þe ſtretis þerof, wheþer ȝe
þee? fynden a man doynge doom, and ſekynge feiþ; and Y
xv For whi þe vois of a tellere fro Dan, and makynge ſchal be merciful to hem.
ii Þat if alſo þei ſeien, Þe Lord lyueþ, ȝhe, þei ſchulen
knowun an idol fro þe hil of Effraym.
xvi Reiſe, ȝe folkis; lo! it is herd in Jeruſalem þat keperis ſwere þis falſli.
iii Lord, þin iȝen biholden feiþ; þou haſt ſmyte hem, and
ben comun fro a fer lond, and ȝyuen her vois on þe
citees of Juda. þei maden not ſorewe; þou haſt al tobroke hem, and þei
xvii As þe keperis of feeldis þei ben maad on it in forſoken to take chaſtiſyng; þei maden her faces hardere
cumpas; for it ſtiride me to wraþfulneſſe, ſeiþ þe Lord. þan a ſtoon, and nolden turne aȝen.
xviii Þi weyes and þi þouȝtis han maad þis to þee; þis iiii Forſoþe Y ſeide, In hap þei ben pore men, and foolis,

malice of þee, for it is bittir, for it touchide þin herte. þat knowen not þe weie of þe Lord, and þe doom of her
xix Mi wombe akiþ, my wombe akiþ; þe wittis of myn God.
v Þerfor Y ſchal go to þe principal men, and Y ſchal
herte ben diſturblid in me. Y ſchal not be ſtille, for my
ſoule herde þe vois of a trumpe, þe cry of batel. ſpeke to hem; for þei knewen þe weie of þe Lord, and
xx Sorewe is clepid on ſorewe, and al þe lond is diſtried; þe doom of her God. And lo! þei han more broke
my tabernaclis ben waſtid ſudeynli, my ſkynnes ben togidere þe ȝok, and han broke boondis.
vi Þerfor a lioun of þe wode ſmoot hem; a wolf at
waſtid ſudeynli.
xxi Hou longe ſchal Y ſe hem þat fleen, ſchal Y here þe euentid waſtide hem, a parde wakynge on þe citees of
vois of a clarioun? hem. Ech man þat goiþ out of hem, ſchal be takun; for
xxii For my fonned puple knew not me; þei ben vnwiſe þe treſpaſſyngis of hem ben multiplied, þe turnyngis
awei of hem ben coumfortid.
ſones, and cowardis; þei ben wiſe to do yuels, but þei vii On what þing mai Y be merciful to þee? Þi ſones han
kouden not do wel.
xxiii Y bihelde þe lond, and lo! it was void, and nouȝt; forſake me, and ſweren bi hem þat ben not goddis. Y
fillide hem, and þei diden auowtrie, and in þe hous of
and Y bihelde heuenes, and no lyȝt was in þo.
xxiiii Y ſiȝ munteyns, and lo! þo weren mouyd, and all an hoore þei diden letcherie.
viii Þei ben maad horſis, and ſtalouns, louyeris to
litle hillis weren diſturblid.
xxv Y lokide, and no man was, and ech brid of heuene wymmen; ech man neiȝede to þe wijf of his neiȝbore.
ix Wheþer Y ſchal not viſite on þeſe þingis, ſeiþ þe Lord,
was gon a wey.
xxvi Y bihelde, and lo! Carmele is forſakun, and alle and ſchal not my ſoule take veniaunce in ſiche a folk?
x Stye ȝe on þe wallis þerof, and diſtrie ȝe; but nyle ȝe
citees þerof ben diſtried fro þe face of þe Lord, and fro
make an endyng. Do ȝe awei þe ſiouns þerof, for þei
þe face of þe ire of his ſtrong veniaunce.
xxvii For þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Al þe lond ſchal be ben not ſeruauntis of þe Lord.
xi For whi þe hous of Iſrael and þe hous of Juda haþ
forſakun, but neþeles Y ſchal not make an endyng.
xxviii Þe erþe ſchal mourne, and heuenys aboue ſchulen treſpaſſid bi treſpaſſyng aȝens me, ſeiþ þe Lord;
xii þei denȝeden þe Lord, and ſeiden, He is not, neþer
make ſorewe, for þat Y ſpak; Y þouȝte, and it repentide
yuel ſchal come on vs; we ſchulen not ſe ſwerd and
not me, neþer Y am turned awei fro it.
xxix Ech citee fledde fro þe vois of a knyȝt, and of a man hungur.
xiii Þe profetis ſpaken aȝens þe wynd, and noon anſwer
ſchetynge an arowe; þei entriden in to hard places, and
was in hem; þerfor þeſe þingis ſchulen come to hem.
ſtieden in to roochis of ſtoon; alle citees ben forſakun, xiiii Þe Lord God of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For ȝe ſpaken
and no man dwelliþ in þo.
xxx But what ſchalt þou `deſtried do? Whanne þou ſchalt þis word, lo! Y ȝyue my wordis in þi mouþ in to fier,
and þis puple in to trees, and it ſchal deuoure hem.
cloþe þee wiþ reed ſcarlet, whanne þou ſchalt be ourned xv Lo! þou hous of Iſrael, ſeiþ þe Lord, Y ſchal brynge
wiþ a goldun broche, and ſchalt anoynte þin iȝen wiþ
wommans oynement, þou ſchalt be araied in veyn; þi on ȝou a folk fro fer; a ſtrong folk, an eeld folk, `a folk
louyeris han diſpiſid þee, þei ſchulen ſeke þi ſoule.

whos langage þou ſchalt not knowe, neþer ſchalt CAP. VI
vndurſtonde what it ſpekiþ. i Sones of Beniamyn, be ȝe coumfortid in þe myddil of
xvi Þe arowe caas þerof is as an opyn ſepulcre; alle ben Jeruſalem, and make ȝe noiſe wiþ a clarioun in Thecua,
ſtronge men. and reiſe ȝe a baner on Bethecarem; for whi yuel and
xvii And it ſchal ete þi cornes, and it ſchal deuoure þi greet ſorewe is ſeyn fro þe norþ.
breed, þi ſones and þi douȝtris; it ſchal ete þi flok, and ii Y haue licned þe douȝtir of Sion to a fair womman
þi droues, it ſchal ete alſo þi vyner, and þi fige tre; and it and delicat.
ſchal al to-breke þi ſtronge citees bi ſwerd, in whiche iii Scheepherdis and her flockis ſchulen come to it; þei
þou haſt triſt. han piȝt tentis in it in cumpas; ech man ſchal feede hem,
xviii Neþeles in þo daies, ſeiþ þe Lord, Y ſchal not make þat ben vndur his hond.
ȝou in to endyng. iiii Halewe ȝe batel on it. Riſe ȝe togidire, and ſtie we in
xix Þat if ȝe ſeien, Whi haþ oure Lord God do alle þeſe myddai. Wo to vs, for þe dai is bowid doun, for
þingis to vs? þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, As ȝe forſoken me, ſhadewis ben maad lengere in þe euentid.
and ſerueden an alien god in ȝoure lond, ſo ȝe ſchulen v Riſe ȝe, and ſtie we in þe niȝt, and diſtry we þe houſis
ſerue alien goddis in a lond not ȝoure. þerof.
xx Telle ȝe þis to þe hous of Jacob, and make ȝe herd in vi For þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Kitte ȝe doun
Juda, and ſeie ȝe, þe tre þerof, and ſchede ȝe erþe aboute Jeruſalem; þis is
xxi Here, þou fonned puple, þat haſt noon herte; whiche þe citee of viſitacioun; al fals caleng is in þe myddis
han iȝen, and ſeen not, and eeris, and heren not. þerof.
xxii Þerfor ſchulen not ȝe drede me, ſeiþ þe Lord, and vii As a ciſterne makiþ his water coold, ſo it made his
ſchulen not ȝe make ſorewe for my face? Whiche haue malice coold; wickidneſſe and diſtriyng ſchal euer be
ſet grauel a terme, eþer ende, to þe ſee, an euerlaſtynge herd þer ynne bifore me, ſikeneſſe and wounde.
comaundement, whiche it ſchal not paſſe; and þe wawis viii Jeruſalem, be þou tauȝt, leſt perauenture my ſoule go
þerof ſchulen be mouyd, and ſchulen not haue power; awei fro þee; leſt perauenture Y ſette þee forſakun, a
and ſchulen wexe greet, and ſchulen not paſſe it. loond vnhabitable.
xxiii Forſoþe an herte vnbileueful and terrynge to ix Þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þei ſchulen gadere
wraþþe is maad to þis puple; þei departiden, til to a racyn, þei ſchulen gadere þe remenauntis of
xxiiii and ȝeden awei, and þei ſeiden not in her herte, Iſrael as in a vyner; turne þin hond, as a gaderer of
Drede we oure Lord God, þat ȝiueþ to vs reyn tymeful, grapis to þe baſcat.
and lateful in his tyme; þat kepiþ to vs þe plente of x To whom ſchal Y ſpeke, and to whom ſchal Y ſeie
herueſt of þe ȝeer. witneſſing, þat he here? Lo! þe eeris of hem ben
xxv Ȝoure wickidneſſis diden awei þeſe þingis, and ȝoure vncircumcidid, and þei moun not here; lo! þe word of
ſynnes forbediden good fro ȝou. þe Lord is maad to hem in to diſpit, and þei ſchulen not
xxvi For þer ben foundun in my puple wickid men, reſſeiue it.
ſettynge treſoun, as fouleres ſettynge ſnaris and trappis, xi Þerfor Y am ful of þe ſtrong veniaunce of þe Lord,
to take men. and Y trauelide ſuffrynge. Schede þou out on a litil
xxvii As a net, eþer a trap, ful of briddis, ſo þe houſis of child wiþ outforþ, and on þe counſel of ȝonge men
hem ben ful of gile. Þerfor þei ben magnefied, togidere; for a man wiþ his wijf ſchal be takun, and an
xxviii and maad riche, maad fat wiþ ynne, and maad fat eeld man wiþ him þat is ful of daies.
xii And þe houſis of hem, þe feeldis and wyues togidere,
wiþ outforþ, and þei paſſiden worſt my wordis; þei
demyden not a cauſe of a widewe, þei dreſſiden not þe ſchulen go to oþere men; for Y ſchal ſtretche forþ myn
cauſe of a fadirles child, and þei demyden not þe doom hond on þe dwelleris of þe lond, ſeiþ þe Lord.
of pore men. xiii For fro þe leſſe `til to þe grettere, alle ſtudien to
xxix Wheþer Y ſchal not viſite on þeſe þingis, ſeiþ þe aueriſe; and alle doon gile, fro þe profete `til to þe
Lord, eþer ſchal not my ſoule take veniaunce on ſich a preeſt.
folk? xiiii And þei heeliden þe ſorewe of þe douȝter of my
xxx Wondur and merueilouſe þingis ben maad in þe puple wiþ yuel fame, ſeiynge, Pees, pees, and no pees
lond; was.
xxxi profetis profeſieden leeſyng, and preſtis ioieden wiþ xv Þei ben ſchent, þat diden abhomynacioun; ȝhe, raþere

her hondis, and my puple louyde ſiche þingis. What þei weren not ſchent bi confuſioun, and þei kouden not
þerfor ſchal be don in þe laſte þing þerof? be aſchamed. Wherfor þei ſchulen falle doun among
hem þat ſchulen falle doun; þei ſchulen falle doun in þe
tyme of her viſitacioun, ſeiþ þe Lord.

xvi Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Stonde ȝe on weies, and ſe iii Þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe þingis,
ȝe, and axe ȝe of elde paþis, which is þe good weie; and Make ȝe good ȝoure weies, and ȝoure ſtudies, and Y
go ȝe þer ynne, and ȝe ſchulen fynde refreiſchyng to ſchal dwelle wiþ ȝou in þis place.
ȝoure ſoulis. And þei ſeiden, We ſchulen not go. iiii Nyle ȝe triſte in þe wordis of leeſyng, and ſeie, Þe
xvii And Y ordeynede aſpieris on ȝou, and Y ſeide, Here temple of þe Lord, þe temple of þe Lord, þe temple of
ȝe þe vois of a trumpe. And þei ſeiden, We ſchulen not þe Lord is.
here. v For if ȝe bleſſen ȝoure weies, and ȝour ſtudies; if ȝe
xviii Þerfor, heþene men, here ȝe, and, þou doon doom bitwixe a man and his neiȝbore;
congregacioun, knowe, hou grete þingis Y ſchal do to vi if ȝe maken not fals caleng to a comelyng, and to a
hem. fadirles child, and to a widewe; neþer ſcheden out
xix Þou erþe, here, lo! Y ſchal brynge yuels on þis puple, innocent blood in þis place, and goen not after alien
þe fruit of her þouȝtis; for þei herden not my wordis, goddis, in to yuel to ȝou ſilf,
and caſtiden awei my lawe. vii Y ſchal dwelle wiþ ȝou in þis place, in þe lond which
xx Wherto bryngen ȝe to me encenſe fro Saba, and a tre Y ȝaf to ȝoure fadris, fro þe world and til in to þe world.
of ſpicerie ſmellynge ſwetli fro a fer lond? Ȝoure brent viii Lo! ȝe truſten to ȝou in þe wordis of leeſyng, þat
ſacrifices ben not acceptid, and ȝoure ſlayn ſacrifices ſhulen not profite to ȝou;
pleſiden not me. ix to ſtele, to ſle, to do auowtrie, to ſwere falſli, to make
xxi Þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal
ſacrifice to Baalym, and to go aftir alien goddys,
ȝyue fallyngis in to þis puple, and fadris and ſones whiche ȝe knowen not.
togidere, a neiȝbore and kyneſman, ſchulen falle in hem, x And ȝe camen, and ſtoden bifor me in þis hous, in
and ſchulen periſche. which my name is clepid to help; and ȝe ſeiden, We ben
xxii Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! a puple comeþ fro
delyuered, for we han do alle þeſe abhomynaciouns.
þe lond of þe norþ, and a greet folk ſchal riſe togidere xi Wheþer þerfor þis hous, wherynne my name is clepid
fro þe endis of erþe. to help bifore ȝoure iȝen, is maad a denne of þeues? I, Y
xxiii It ſchal take an arowe and ſcheld; it is cruel, and
am, Y ſiȝ, ſeiþ þe Lord.
ſchal not haue merci; þe vois þerof ſchal ſowne as þe xii Go ȝe to my place in Silo, where my name dwellide
ſee, and þei maad redi as a man to batel ſchulen ſtie on at þe bigynnyng, and ſe ȝe what þingis Y dide to it, for
horſis aȝens þee, þou douȝter of Sion. þe malice of my puple Iſrael.
xxiiii We herden þe fame þerof, oure hondis ben `a xiii And now, for ȝe han do alle þeſe werkis, ſeiþ þe
clumſid; tribulacioun haþ take vs, ſorewis han take vs as Lord, and Y ſpak to ȝou, and roos eerli, and Y ſpak, and
a womman trauelinge of child. ȝe herden not, and Y clepide ȝou, and ȝe anſweriden not;
xxv Nyle ȝe go out to þe feeldis, and go ȝe not in þe xiiii Y ſchal do to þis hous, wherynne my name is clepid
weie, for þe ſwerd of þe enemye, drede in cumpas. to help, and in which hous ȝe han triſt, and to þe place
xxvi Þe douȝtir of my puple, be þou gird wiþ heire, and
which Y ȝaf to ȝou and to ȝoure fadris, as Y dide to Silo.
be þou ſpreynt togidere wiþ aiſche; make to þee xv And Y ſchal caſte ȝou forþ fro my face, as Y caſtide
mourenyng of oon aloone gendrid ſone, a bitter forþ alle ȝoure briþeren, al þe ſeed of Effraym.
weilyng, for whi a waſtere ſchal come ſodenli on ȝou. xvi Þerfor nyl þou preie for þis puple, neþer take þou
xxvii I ȝaf þee a ſtrong preuere in my puple, and þou
heriyng and preier for hem; and aȝenſtonde þou not me,
ſchalt knowe, and preue þe weie of hem. for Y ſchal not here þee.
xxviii Alle þeſe princis bowynge awei, goynge gilefuli, xvii Wheþer þou ſeeſt not, what þeſe men don in þe
ben metal and irun; alle ben corrupt. citees of Juda, and in þe ſtretis of Jeruſalem?
xxix Þe belu failide, leed is waaſtid in þe fier, þe wellere xviii Þe ſones gaderen ſtickis, and þe fadris kyndlen a
wellide in veyn; for þe malices of hem ben not waſtid. fier; and wymmen ſprengen togidere ynnere fatneſſe, to
xxx Clepe ȝe hem repreuable ſiluer, for þe Lord haþ caſt
make kakis to þe queen of heuene, to make ſacrifice to
hem awei. alien goddis, and to terre me to wraþfulneſſe.
xix Wheþer þei ſtiren me to wraþfulneſſe? ſeiþ þe Lord;
CAP. VII wheþer þei ſtiren not hem ſilf in to ſchenſchip of her
i Þe word þat was maad of þe Lord to Jeremye,
ii and ſeide, Stonde þou in þe ȝate of þe hous of þe Lord, xx Þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! my ſtrong
and preche þere þis word, and ſeie, Al Juda, þat entren veniaunce and myn indignacioun is wellid togidere on
bi þeſe ȝatis for to worſchipe þe Lord, here ȝe þe word þis place, on men, and on beeſtis, and on þe tree of þe
of þe Lord. cuntrei, and on þe fruitis of erþe; and it ſchal be
kyndlid, and it ſchal not be quenchid.

xxi Þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe þingis, þerof, and þe boonys of preſtis, and þe boonys of
Heepe ȝe ȝoure brent ſacrifices to ȝoure ſlayn ſacrifices, profetis, and þe boonys of hem þat dwelliden in
and ete ȝe fleiſchis. Jeruſalem fro her ſepulcris;
xxii For Y ſpak not wiþ ȝoure fadris, and Y comaundide ii and þei ſchulen leie abrood þo boonys to þe ſunne,

not to hem of þe word of brent ſacrifices, and of ſlayn and moone, and to al þe knyȝthod of heuene, which þei
ſacrifices, in þe dai in which Y ledde hem out of þe lond louyden, and which þei ſeruyden, and aftir whiche þei
of Egipt. ȝeden, and whiche þei ſouȝten, and worſchipiden; þo
xxiii But Y comaundide þis word to hem, and Y ſeide, ſchulen not be gaderid, and ſchulen not be biried; þo
Here ȝe my vois, and Y ſchal be God to ȝou, and ȝe ſchulen be in to a dunghil on þe face of erþe.
iii And alle men ſchulen cheeſe deþ more þan lijf,
ſchulen be a puple to me; and go ȝe in al þe weie which
Y comaundide to ȝou, þat it be wel to ȝou. whiche ben left of þis worſt kynrede, in alle places þat
xxiiii And þei herden not, neþer bowiden doun her eere, ben left, to whiche places Y caſtide hem out, ſeiþ þe
but þei ȝeden in her luſtis, and in þe ſchrewidneſſe of Lord of ooſtis.
iiii And þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis,
her yuel herte; and þei ben put bihynde, and not bifore,
xxv fro þe dai in which her fadris ȝeden out of þe lond of Wheþer he þat ſchal falle, ſchal not riſe aȝen? and
Egipt til to þis dai. And Y ſente to ȝou alle my wheþer he þat is turned awei, ſchal not turne aȝen?
v Whi þerfor is þis puple in Jeruſalem turned awei bi
ſeruauntis profetis, and Y roos eerli bi þe dai, and Y
ſente. turnyng awei ful of ſtrijf? Þei han take leeſyng, and
xxvi And þei herden not me, neþer bowiden doun her nolden turne aȝen.
vi Y perſeyuede, and herknede; no man ſpekiþ þat þat is
eere; but þei maden hard her nol, and wrouȝten worſe
þan þe fadris of hem. good, noon is þat doiþ penaunce for his ſynne, and ſeiþ,
xxvii And þou ſchalt ſpeke to hem alle þeſe wordis, and What haue Y do? Alle ben turnede togidere to her
þei ſchulen not heere þee; and þou ſchalt clepe hem, and cours, as an hors goynge bi ferſneſſe to batel.
vii A kite in þe eir knew his tyme; a turtle, and a
þei ſchul not anſwere to þee.
xxviii And þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, Þis is þe folc, þat ſwalewe, and a ſiconye, kepten þe tyme of her comyng;
herde not þe vois of her Lord God, neþer reſſeyuede but my puple knew not þe doom of þe Lord.
viii Hou ſeien ȝe, We ben wiſe men, and þe lawe of þe
chaſtyſyng; feiþ periſchide, and is takun awei fro þe
mouþ of hem. Lord is wiþ vs? Verili þe fals writyng of ſcribis wrouȝte
xxix Clippe þin heer, and caſt awei, and take þou leeſyng.
ix Wiſe men ben ſchent, ben maad aferd and takun. For
weilyng ſtreiȝtli; for þe Lord haþ caſt awei, and haþ
forſake þe generacioun of his ſtrong veniaunce. þei caſtiden awei þe word of þe Lord, and no wiſdom is
xxx For þe ſones of Juda han do yuel bifor myn iȝen, in hem.
x Þerfor Y ſchal ȝyue þe wymmen of hem to ſtraungeris,
ſeiþ þe Lord; þei han ſet her offendyngis in þe hous, in
which my name is clepid to help, þat þei ſchulden and þe feeldis of hem to alien eiris; for fro þe leeſte `til
defoule þat hous; to þe mooſte alle ſuen aueryce, fro a profete `til to þe
xxxi and þei bildiden hiȝe þingis in Tophet, which is in preeſt alle maken leeſyng;
xi and þei heeliden þe ſorowe of þe douȝtir of my puple
þe valei of þe ſone of Ennon, þat þei ſchulden brenne
her ſones and her douȝtris bi fier, whiche þingis Y to ſchenſchipe, ſeiynge, Pees, pees, whanne no pees
comaundide not, neþer þouȝte in myn herte. was.
xxxii Þerfor lo! daies comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and it ſchal xii Þei ben ſchent, for þei diden abhomynacioun; ȝhe,

no more be ſeid Tophet, and þe valei of þe ſone of raþer þei weren not ſchent bi ſchenſchipe, and kouden
Ennon, but þe valey of ſleyng; and þei ſchulen birie in not be aſchamed. Þerfor þei ſchulen falle among falleris,
Tophet, for þer is no place. in þe tyme of her viſitacioun þei ſchulen falle, ſeiþ þe
xxxiii And þe deed careyn of þis puple ſchal be in to Lord.
xiii I gaderynge ſchal gadere hem, ſeiþ þe Lord; no grape
mete to þe briddis of heuene, and to þe beeſtis of erþe;
and noon ſchal be þat ſchal dryue awei. is in þe vynes, and figis ben not in þe fige tre; a leef
xxxiiii And Y ſchal make to ceeſſe þe vois of ioye, and þe felle doun, and Y ȝaf to hem þo þingis þat ben go out
vois of gladneſſe, and þe vois of ſpouſe, and þe vois of ouer.
xiiii Whi ſitten we? come ȝe togidere, entre we in to a
ſpouſeſſe fro þe citees of Juda, and fro þe ſtretis of
Jeruſalem; for þe lond ſchal be in deſolacioun. ſtrong citee, and be we ſtille þere; for oure Lord haþ
maad vs to be ſtille, and ȝaf to vs drynk þe watir of
CAP. VIII galle; for we han ſynned to þe Lord.
i In þat tyme, ſeiþ þe Lord, þei ſchulen caſte out þe xv We abididen pees, and no good was; we abididen

boonys of þe kingis of Juda, and þe boonys of princes tyme of medicyn, and lo! drede is.

xvi Gnaſtyng of horſis þerof is herd fro Dan; al þe lond for no man is paſſynge forþ, and þei herden not þe vois
is moued of þe vois of neiyngis of hiſe werriours; and of hym þat weldiþ; fro a brid of þe eir `til to ſcheep, þo
þei camen, and deuouriden þe lond, and þe plente þerof, paſſiden ouer, and ȝeden awei.
þe citee, and þe dwelleris þerof. xi And Y ſchal ȝyue Jeruſalem in to heepis of grauel,
xvii For lo! Y ſchal ſende to ȝou þe werſte ſerpentis, to and in to dennes of dragouns; and Y ſchal ȝyue þe citees
whiche is no charmyng; and þei ſchulen bite ȝou, ſeiþ of Juda in to deſolacioun, for þer is no dwellere.
þe Lord. xii Who is a wiſe man þat ſchal vndurſtonde þeſe þingis,
xviii My ſorewe is on ſorewe, myn herte is mourenynge and to whom þe word of þe mouþ of þe Lord ſchal be
in me. maad, þat he telle þis? Whi þe erþe periſchide, it is
xix And lo! þe vois of cry of þe douȝter of my puple brent as deſert, for noon is þat paſſiþ?
xiii And þe Lord ſeide, For þei forſoken my lawe, which
comeþ fro a fer lond. Wheþer þe Lord is not in Sion,
eþir þe kyng þerof is not þerynne? Whi þerfor ſtiriden Y ȝaf to hem, and þei herden not my vois, and þei ȝeden
þei me to wraþfulneſſe bi her grauun ymagis, and bi not þerynne;
alien vanytees? xiiii and þei ȝeden aftir þe ſchrewidneſſe of her herte,
xx Herueſt is paſſid, ſomer is endid; and we ben not and aftir Baalym, which þei lerneden of her fadris;
ſauyd. xv þerfor þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe
xxi Y am turmentid, and ſori on þe ſorewe of þe douȝter þingis, Lo! Y ſchal fede þis puple wiþ wermod, and Y
of my puple; aſtonying helde me. ſchal ȝyue to hem drynke þe watir of galle.
xxii Wheþer reſyn is not in Galaad, eþer a leche is not xvi And Y ſchal ſcatere hem among heþene men, whiche

þere? Whi þerfor þe wounde of þe douȝtir of my puple þei and her fadris knewen not; and Y ſchal ſende ſwerd
is not heelid perfitli? aftir hem, til þei ben waſtid.
xvii Þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe þingis,
CAP. IX Biholde ȝe, and clepe ȝe wymmen `þat weilen, and
i Who ſchal ȝyue watir to myn heed, and a welle of come þei; and ſende ȝe to þo wymmen þat ben wiſe, and
teeris to myn iȝen? And Y ſchal biwepe dai and niȝt þe haſte þei.
ſlayn men of þe douȝter of my puple. xviii Haſte þei, and take þei weilynge on ȝou; ȝoure iȝen
ii Who ſchal ȝyue me in to a wildirneſſe of dyuerſe brynge doun teeris, and ȝoure iȝelidis flowe wiþ watris;
weigoeris? And I ſchal forſake my puple, and Y ſchal go xix for þe vois of weilyng is herd fro Sion. Hou ben we
awei fro hem. For whi alle ben auowteris, and þe diſtried, and ſchent greetli? for we han forſake þe lond,
cumpenyes of treſpaſſouris aȝens þe lawe; for oure tabernaclis ben forſakun.
iii and þei helden forþ her tunge as a bouwe of leeſyng, xx Þerfor, wymmen, here ȝe þe word of þe Lord, and
and not of treuþe Þei ben coumfortid in erþe, for þei ȝoure eeris take þe word of his mouþ; and teche ȝe
ȝeden out fro yuel to yuel, and þei knewen not me, ſeiþ ȝoure douȝtris weilyng, and ech womman teche hir
þe Lord. neiȝbore mournyng.
iiii Ech man kepe hym fro his neiȝbore, and haue no triſt xxi For whi deþ ſtiede bi ȝoure wyndows, it entride in to
in ony broþer of hym; for whi ech broþer diſſeyuyng ȝoure houſis, to leeſe litle children wiþ outforþ, and
ſchal diſſeyue, and ech frend ſchal go gilefuli. ȝonge men fro þe ſtretis.
v And a man ſchal ſcorne his broþer, and ſchal not ſpeke xxii Speke þou, þe Lord ſeiþ, þeſe þingis, And þe deed
treuþe; for þei tauȝten her tunge to ſpeke leeſyng; þei bodi of a man ſchal fal doun as a toord on þe face of þe
traueliden to do wickidli. cuntrei, and as hei bihynde þe bak of þe mowere, and
vi Þi dwellyng is in þe myddis of gile; in gile þei noon is þat gaderiþ.
forſoken to knowe me, ſeiþ þe Lord. xxiii Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, A wiſe man haue not
vii Þerfor þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal glorie in his wiſdom, and a ſtrong man haue not glorie
welle togidere, and Y ſchal preue hem; for whi what in his ſtrengþe, and a riche man haue not glorie in hiſe
oþer þing ſchal Y do fro þe face of þe douȝter of my richeſſis; but he þat haþ glorie,
puple? xxiiii haue glorie in þis, to wite and knowe me, for Y am
viii Þe tunge of hem is an arowe woundynge, and ſpak þe Lord, þat do merci and dom and riȝtfulneſſe in erþe.
gile; in his mouþ he ſpekiþ pees wiþ his frend, and For whi þeſe þingis pleſen me, ſeiþ þe Lord.
priueli he ſettiþ treſouns to hym. xxv Lo! daies comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y ſchal viſite on
ix Wheþer Y ſchal not viſite on þeſe þingis, ſeiþ þe Lord, ech man þat haþ prepucie vncircumcidid; on Egipt,
eþer ſchal not my ſoule take veniaunce on ſiche a folc? xxvi and on Juda, and on Edom, and on þe ſones of
x On hillis Y ſchal take wepyng and mournyng, and Amon, and on Moab, and on alle men þat ben clippid
weilyng on þe faire þingis of deſert, for þo ben brent; on long heer, and dwellen in deſert; for whi alle heþene

men han prepucie, forſoþe al þe hous of Iſrael ben xviii forþe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal caſte awei
vncircumcidid in herte. fer þe dwelleris of þe loond in þis while; and Y ſchal
ȝyue tribulacioun to hem, ſo þat þei be not foundun.
CAP. X xix Wo to me on my ſorewe, my wounde is ful yuel;
i Þe hous of Iſrael, here ȝe þe word which þe Lord ſpak
forſoþe Y ſeide, Pleynli þis is my ſikeneſſe, and Y ſchal
on ȝou. bere it.
ii Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Nyle ȝe lerne aftir þe weies xx My tabernacle is diſtried, alle my roopis ben brokun;
of heþene men, and nyle ȝe drede of þe ſignes of my ſones ȝeden out fro me, and ben not; noon is þat
heuene, whiche ſignes heþene men dreden. ſchal ſtretche forþ more my tente, and ſchal reyſe my
iii For þe lawis of puplis ben veyn, for whi þe werk of ſkynnes.
hondis of a crafti man haþ kit doun wiþ an axe a tre of xxi For þe ſcheepherdis diden folili, and ſouȝten not þe
þe foreſt. Lord; þerfor þei vndurſtoden not, and alle þe flok of
iiii He made it fair wiþ ſiluer and gold; wiþ naylis and hem is ſcaterid.
hameris he ioynede it togidere, þat it be not looſid. xxii Lo! þe vois of hering comeþ, and a greet mouynge
v Idols ben maad in þe licneſſe of a palm tree, and togidere fro þe lond of þe norþ, þat it ſette þe citees of
ſchulen not ſpeke; þo ſchulen be takun and be borun, for Juda in to wildirneſſe, and a dwellynge place of
þo moun not go; þerfor nyle ȝe drede þo, for þo moun dragouns.
neþer do yuel, neþir wel. xxiii Lord, Y woot, þat þe weie of a man is not of hym,
vi Lord, noon is lijk þee; þou art greet, and þi name is neþer it is of a man þat he go, and dreſſe hiſe ſteppis.
greet in ſtrengþe. xxiiii Lord, chaſtiſe þou me; neþeles in doom and not in
vii A! þou king of folkis, who ſchal not drede þee? for þi ſtrong veniaunce, leſt perauenture þou dryue me to
whi onour is þin among alle wiſe men of heþene men, nouȝt.
and in alle þe rewmes of hem noon is lijk þee. xxv Schede out þin indignacioun on heþene men þat
viii Þei ſchulen be preued, vnwiſe and foolis togidere; þe knewen not þee, and on prouynces þat clepiden not þi
techyng of her vanyte is a tre. name to help; for þei eeten Jacob, and deuouriden hym,
ix Siluer wlappid is brouȝt fro Tharſis, and gold fro and waſtiden hym, and deſtrieden þe onour of hym.
Ophaz; it is þe werk of a crafti man, and of þe hond of a
worchere in metel; iacynct and purpur ben þe cloþing of CAP. XI
þo; alle þeſe þingis ben þe werk of werk men. i Þe word þat was maad of þe Lord to Jeremye,
x Forſoþe þe Lord is veri God; he is God lyuynge, and a ii and ſeide, Here ȝe þe wordis of þis couenaunt, and
kyng euerlaſtynge; þe erþe ſchal be mouyd togidere of ſpeke ȝe to þe men of Juda, and to þe dwelleris of
his indignacioun, and heþene men ſchulen not ſuffre þe Jeruſalem; and þou ſchalt ſeie to hem,
manaaſſing of hym. iii Þe Lord God of Iſrael ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Curſid be þe
xi Þerfor þus ȝe ſchulen ſeie to hem, Goddis þat maden man þat heriþ not þe wordis of þis couenaunt,
not heuene and erþe, periſche fro erþe, and fro þeſe iiii which Y comaundide to ȝoure fadris, in þe dai in
þingis þat ben vndur heuene. which Y ledde hem out of þe lond of Egipt, fro þe irone
xii He is God, þat makiþ þe erþe in his ſtrengþe, makiþ furneis; and Y ſeide, Here ȝe my vois, and do ȝe alle
redi þe world in his wiſdom, and ſtretchiþ forþ heuenes þingis whiche Y comaundide to ȝou, and ȝe ſchulen be
bi his prudence. in to a puple to me, and Y ſchal be in to God to ȝou;
xiii At his vois he ȝyueþ þe multitude of watris in v þat Y reiſe þe ooþ which Y ſwoor to ȝoure fadris, þat Y
heuene, and he reiſiþ myſtis fro þe endis of erþe; he ſchulde ȝyue to hem a lond flowynge wiþ mylk and
makiþ leitis into reyn, and lediþ out wynd of his hony, as þis dai is. And Y anſweride, and ſeide, Amen,
treſouris. Lord.
xiiii Ech man is maad a fool of kunnyng, ech crafti man vi And þe Lord ſeide to me, Crye þou alle þeſe wordis in
is ſchent in a grauun ymage; for whi þat þat he wellide þe citees of Juda, and wiþ out Jeruſalem, and ſeie þou,
togidere is fals, and no ſpirit is in þo. Here ȝe þe wordis of þis couenaunt, and do ȝe þo;
xv Þo ben veyn, and a werk worþi of ſcorn; þo ſchulen vii for Y witneſſynge haue witneſſid to ȝoure fadris, in þe
periſche in þe tyme of her viſitacioun. dai in which Y ledde hem out of þe lond of Egipt, `til to
xvi Þe part of Jacob is not lijk þeſe, for he þat formede þis dai; Y roos eerli, and witneſſide, and ſeide, Here ȝe
alle þingis is God of Jacob, and Iſrael is þe ȝerde of his my vois.
eritage; þe Lord of ooſtis is name to hym. viii And þei herden not, neþer bowiden doun her eere,
xvii Þou þat dwelliſt in biſegyng, gadere fro þe lond þi but þei ȝeden forþ ech man in þe ſchrewidneſſe of his
ſchenſchipe; yuel herte; and Y brouȝte in on hem alle þe wordis of

þis couenaunt, which Y comaundide þat þei ſchulden xxiii and
no relifs, eþer children abidynge, ſchulen be of
do, and þei diden not. hem; for Y ſchal bringe ynne yuel on þe men of
x And þe Lord ſeide to me, Sweryng togidere is foundun Anathot, þe ȝeer of þe viſitacioun of hem.
in þe men of Juda, and in þe dwelleris of Jeruſalem; þei
turneden aȝen to þe formere wickidneſſis of her fadris, CAP. XII
þat nolden here my wordis; and þerfor þeſe men ȝeden i Forſoþe, Lord, þou art iuſt; if Y diſpute wiþ þee,
aftir alien goddis, for to ſerue hem; þe hous of Iſrael and neþeles Y ſchal ſpeke iuſt þingis to þee. Whi haþ þe
þe hous of Juda maden voide my couenaunt, which Y weie of wickid men proſperite? It is wel to alle men þat
made wiþ þe fadris of hem. breken þe lawe, and doen wickidli?
xi Wherfor þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal bringe ii Þou haſt plauntid hem, and þei ſenten roote; þei
in on hem yuels, of whiche þei ſchulen not mow go out; encreeſſen, and maken fruyt; þou art niȝ to þe mouþ of
and þei ſchulen crie to me, and Y ſchal not here hem. hem, and fer fro þe reynes of hem.
xii And þe citees of Juda and þe dwellers of Jeruſalem iii And þou, Lord, haſt knowe me, þou haſt ſeyn me, and
ſchulen go, and ſchulen crye to hem, to whiche þei haſt preued myn herte wiþ þee. Gadere þou hem
offren ſacrifices; and þei ſchulen not ſaue hem in þe togidere as a flok to ſlayn ſacrifice, and halewe þou hem
tyme of her turment. in þe dai of ſleyng.
xiii For þou, Juda, þi goddis weren bi þe noumbre of þi iiii Hou long ſchal þe erþe mourne, and ech eerbe of þe
citees, and þou ſettidiſt auters of ſchenſchipe, bi þe feeld ſchal be dried, for þe malice of hem þat dwellen
noumbre of þe weies of Jeruſalem, auters to offre þer ynne? A beeſte is waſtid, and a brid, for þei ſeiden,
ſacrifices to Baalym. Þe Lord ſchal not ſe oure laſte þingis.
xiiii Þerfor nyle þou preie for þis puple, and take þou not v If þou traueliſt rennynge wiþ foot men, hou ſchalt þou
heriyng and preier for hem; for Y ſchal not here in þe mow ſtryue wiþ horſis? but whanne þou art ſikur in þe
tyme of þe cry of hem to me, in þe tyme of þe turment lond of pees, what ſchalt þou do in þe pride of Jordan?
of hem. vi For whi boþe þi briþeren and þe hous of þi fadir, ȝhe,
xv What is it, þat my derlyng doiþ many greet treſpaſſis
þei fouȝten aȝens þee, and crieden wiþ ful vois aftir þee;
in myn hous? wheþer hooli fleiſchis ſchulen do awei fro bileue þou not to hem, whanne þei ſpeken goodis to
þee þi malice, in which þou haſt glorie? þee.
xvi Þe Lord clepide þi name an olyue tre, fair, ful of vii I haue left myn hous, Y haue forſake myn eritage; Y
fruyt, ſchapli; at þe vois of a greet ſpeche fier brent an ȝaf my loued ſoule in to þe hondis of enemyes þerof.
hiȝ þer ynne, and þe buyſchis þerof ben brent. viii Myn eritage is maad as a lioun in þe wode to me; it
xvii And þe Lord of ooſtis þat plauntide þee, ſpak yuel
ȝaf vois aȝens me, þerfor Y hate it.
on þee, for þe yuels of þe hous of Iſrael, and of þe hous ix Wheþer myn eritage is a brid of dyuerſe colours to
of Juda, whiche þei diden to hem ſilf, and offriden to me? wheþer it is a brid died þorou out? Alle beeſtis of
Baalym, to terre me to wraþþe. þe feeld, come ȝe, be ȝe gaderid togidere; haſte ȝe for to
xviii Forſoþe, Lord, þou ſchewidiſt to me, and Y knew;
þou ſchewidiſt to me þe ſtudies of hem. x Many ſcheepherdis diſtrieden my vyner, defouliden
xix And Y am as a mylde lomb, which is borun to ſlayn
my part, ȝauen my deſirable porcioun in to deſert of
ſacrifice; and Y knew not, þat þei þouȝten counſels on wildirneſſe;
me, and ſeiden, Sende we a tre in to þe brede of hym, xi þei ſettiden it in to ſcateryng, and it mourenyde on
and raſe we hym awei fro þe lond of lyueris, and his me; al þe lond is deſolat bi deſolacioun, for noon is þat
name be no more hadde in mynde. aȝenþenkiþ in herte.
xx But þou, Lord of ooſtis, þat demeſt iuſtli, and preueſt xii Alle diſtrieris of þe lond camen on alle þe weies of
reynes and hertis, ſe Y þi veniaunce of hem; for to þee deſert, for þe ſwerd of þe Lord ſchal deuoure fro þe laſte
Y ſchewide my cauſe. part of þe lond `til to þe laſte part þerof; no pees is to al
xxi Þerfor þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis to þe men of Anathot,
þat ſeken þi lijf, and ſeien, Þou ſchalt not propheſie in xiii Þei ſowiden wheete, and repiden þornes; þei token
þe name of þe Lord, and þou ſchalt not die in oure erytage, and it ſchal not profite to hem. Ȝe ſchulen be
hondis. ſchent of ȝoure fruytis, for þe wraþþe of þe ſtronge
xxii Þerfor þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal
veniaunce of þe Lord.
viſite on hem; þe ȝonge men of hem ſchulen die bi xiiii Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis aȝens alle my worſt
ſwerd, þe ſones of hem and þe douȝtris of hem ſchulen neiȝboris, þat touchen þe eritage which Y departide to
die for hungur; my puple Iſrael, Lo! Y ſchal drawe hem out of her lond,
and Y ſchal drawe þe hous of Juda out of þe myddis of

xv And whanne Y ſchal drawe out þilke Jewis, Y ſchal lond, and þe kyngis of þe generacioun of Dauiþ, þat
conuerte, and haue merci on hem; and Y ſchal lede hem ſitten on his trone, and þe preſtis, and profetis, and alle
aȝen, a man to his eritage, and a man in to his lond. þe dwelleris of Jeruſalem.
xvi And it ſchal be, if þei `þat ben tauȝt lernen þe weies xiiii And Y ſchal ſcatere hem, a man fro his broþer, and

of my puple, þat þei ſwere in my name, Þe Lord lyueþ, þe fadris and ſones togidere, ſeiþ þe Lord; Y ſchal not
as þei tauȝten my puple to ſwere in Baal, þei ſchulen be ſpare, and Y ſchal not graunte, neþer Y ſchal do mercy,
bildid in þe myddis of my puple. þat I leeſe not hem.
xvii Þat if þei heren not, Y ſchal drawe out þat folk by xv Here ȝe, and perſeyue wiþ eeris; nyle ȝe be reiſid, for

drawyng out and perdicioun, ſeiþ þe Lord. þe Lord ſpak.

xvi Ȝyue ȝe glorie to ȝoure Lord God, bifore þat it wexe
CAP. XIII derk, and bifor þat ȝoure feet hirte at derk hillis; ȝe
i Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis to me, Go, and take in ſchulen abide lyȝt, and he ſchal ſette it in to þe ſchadewe
poſſeſſioun to þee a lynnun breigirdil; and þou ſchalt of deeþ, and in to derkneſſe.
putte it on þi leendis, and þou ſchalt not bere it in to xvii Þat if ȝe heren not þis, my ſoule ſchal wepe in hid
watir. place for þe face of pride; it wepynge ſchal wepe, and
ii And Y took in poſſeſſioun a breigirdil, bi þe word of myn iȝe ſhal caſte out a teer, for þe floc of þe Lord is
þe Lord; and Y puttide aboute my leendis. takun.
iii And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me in þe xviii Seye þou to þe kyng, and to þe ladi, Be ȝe mekid,

ſecounde tyme, ſitte ȝe, for þe coroun of ȝoure glorie ſchal go doun fro
iiii and ſeide, Take þe brigirdil, which þou haddiſt in ȝoure heed.
xix Þe cities of þe ſouþ ben cloſid, and noon is þat
poſſeſſioun, which is aboute þi leendis; and riſe þou, and
go to Eufrates, and hide þou it þere, in þe hoole of a openiþ; al Juda is tranſlatid bi perfit paſſyng ouere, eþer
ſtoon. goynge out of her lond.
v And Y ȝede, and hidde it in Eufrates, as þe Lord xx Reiſe ȝe ȝoure iȝen, and ſe ȝe, what men comen fro þe

comaundide to me. norþ; where is þe floc which is ȝouun to þee, þi noble

vi And it was don aftir ful many daies, þe Lord ſeide to ſcheep?
xxi What ſchalt þou ſeie, whanne he ſchal viſite þee? for
me, Riſe þou, and go to Eufrates, and take fro þennus þe
brigirdil, whiche Y comaundide to þee, þat þou ſchuldiſt þou haſt tauȝt hem aȝens þee, and þou haſt tauȝt aȝens
hide it þere. þin heed. Wheþer ſorewis han not take þee, as a
vii And Y ȝede to Eufrates, and diggide out, and Y took womman trauelynge of child?
xxii Þat if þou ſeiſt in þin herte, Whi camen þeſe þingis
þe breigirdil fro þe place, where Y hadde hidde it; and
lo! þe breigirdil was rotun, ſo þat it was not able to ony to me? for þe multitude of þi wickidneſſe þi
vſs. ſchamefulere þingis ben ſchewid, þi feet ben defoulid.
viii And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me, xxiii If a man of Ethiopie mai chaunge his ſkyn, eþer a
ix and ſeide, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, So Y ſchal make pard mai chaunge hiſe dyuerſitees, and ȝe moun do wel,
rotun þe pride of Juda, and þe myche pride of whanne ȝe han lerned yuel.
xxiiii And Y ſchal ſowe hem abrood, as ſtobil which is
x and þis worſte puple, þat nylen here my wordis, and rauyſchid of þe wynd in deſert.
xxv Þis is þi lot, and þe part of þi meſure of me, ſeiþ þe
goen in þe ſchrewidneſſe of her herte; and þei ȝeden
aftir alien goddis, to ſerue hem, and to worſchipe hem; Lord; for þou forȝetidiſt me, and triſtidiſt in a leeſyng.
and þei ſchulen be as þis breigirdil, which is not able to xxvi Wherfor and Y made nakid þin hipis aȝens þi face,
ony vſs. and þi ſchenſchipe apperide,
xi For as a breigirdil cleueþ to þe leendis of a man, ſo Y xxvii þin auowtries, and þin neyyng, and þe felonye of þi
ioynede faſte to me al þe hous of Iſrael, and al þe hous fornycacioun on litle hillis in þe feeld; Y ſiȝ þin
of Juda, ſeiþ þe Lord, þat þei ſchulden be to me in to a abhomynaciouns. Jeruſalem, wo to þee, þou ſchalt not
puple, and in to name, and in to heriyng, and in to be clenſid after me til ȝit.
glorie; and þei herden not.
xii Þerfor þou ſchalt ſeie to hem þis word, Þe Lord God CAP. XIIII
of Iſrael ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Ech potel ſchal be fillid of i Þe word of þe Lord, þat was maad to Jeremye, of þe
wyn. And þei ſchulen ſeie to þee, Wheþer we witen not, wordis of dryeneſſe.
þat ech potel ſchal be fillid of wyn? ii Jude weilide, and þe ȝatis þerof fellen doun, and ben
xiii And þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, maad derk in erþe, and þe cry of Jeruſalem ſtiede.
Lo! Y ſhal fille wiþ drunkeneſſe alle þe dwelleris of þis

iii Grettere men ſenten her leſſe men to water; þei camen xviii If Y go
out to feeldis, lo! men ben ſlayn bi ſwerd;
to drawe watir, and þei foundun no water, þei brouȝten and if Y entre in to þe citee, lo! men ben maad leene for
aȝen her veſſels voide; þei weren ſchent and turmentid, hungur; alſo a profete and a preſt ȝeden in to þe lond
iiii and þei hiliden her heedis for diſtriyng of þe lond, for which þei knewen not.
reyn cam not in þe lond. Erþe tilieris weren ſchent, þei xix Wheþer þou caſtynge awei haſt caſt awei Juda, eþer
hiliden her heedis. þi ſoule haþ wlatid Sion? whi þerfor haſt þou ſmyte vs,
v For whi and an hynde caluyde in þe feeld, and lefte ſo þat noon heelþe is? We abididen pees, and no good
her calues, for noon eerbe was; is; and we abididen time of heeling, and lo! diſturbling
vi and wield aſſis ſtoden in rochis, and drowen wynde as is.
xx Lord, we han know oure vnfeiþfulneſſis, and þe
dragouns; her iȝen failiden, for noon eerbe was.
vii If oure wickidneſſis anſweren to vs, Lord, do þou for wickidneſſis of oure fadris, for we han ſynned to þee.
xxi Ȝyue þou not vs in to ſchenſchip, for þi name, neþer
þi name, for oure turnyngis awei ben manye; we han
ſynned aȝens þee. do þou diſpite to vs; haue þou mynde on þe ſeete of þi
viii Þou abidyng of Iſrael, þe ſauȝour þerof in þe tyme of glorie, make þou not voide þi boond of pees wiþ vs.
xxii Wheþer in grauun ymagis of heþene men ben þei
ix whi ſchalt þou be as a comelyng in þe lond, and as a þat reynen, eþir heuenes moun ȝyue reynes? wheþer
weigoere bowynge to dwelle? whi ſchalt þou be as a þou art not oure Lord God, whom we abididen? For þou
man of vnſtable dwellyng, as a ſtrong man þat mai not madiſt alle þeſe þingis.
ſaue? Forſoþe, Lord, þou art in vs, and þin hooli name is
clepid to help on vs; forſake þou not vs. CAP. XV
x Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis to þis puple, þat louede to i And þe Lord ſeide to me, Þouȝ Moiſes and Samuel

ſtire hiſe feet, and reſtide not, and pleſide not þe Lord; ſtoden bifore me, my ſoule is not to þis puple; caſte þou
now he ſchal haue mynde on þe wickidneſſes of hem, hem out fro my face, and go þei out.
ii Þat if þei ſeien to þee, Whidur ſchulen we go out? þou
and he ſchal viſite þe ſynnes of hem.
xi And þe Lord ſeide to me, Nyle þou preie for þis puple ſchalt ſeie to hem, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þei þat to
in to good. deþ, to deþ, and þei þat to ſwerd, to ſwerd, and þei þat
xii Whanne þei ſchulen faſte, Y ſchal not here þe preieris to hungur, to hungur, and þei þat to caitiftee, to caitifte.
iii Y ſchal viſite on hem foure ſpices, ſeiþ þe Lord; a
of hem; and if þei offren brent ſacrifices and ſlayn
ſacrifices, Y ſchal not reſſeyue þo, for Y ſchal waſte hem ſwerd to ſleeynge, and doggis for to reende, and
bi ſwerd and hungur and peſtilence. volatilis of þe eir, and beeſtis of þe erþe to deuoure and
xiii And Y ſeide, A! A! A! Lord God, profetis ſeien to to diſtrie.
iiii And Y ſchal ȝyue hem in to feruour to alle rewmes of
hem, Ȝe ſchulen not ſe ſwerd, and hungur ſchal not be in
ȝou, but he ſchal ȝyue to ȝou veri pees in þis place. erþe, for Manaſſes, þe ſone of Ezechie, king of Juda, on
xiiii And þe Lord ſeide to me, Þe profetis profeſien falſli alle þingis whiche he dide in Jeruſalem.
v For whi who ſchal haue merci on þee, Jeruſalem, eþir
in my name; Y ſente not hem, and Y comaundide not to
hem, neþer Y ſpak to hem; þei profeſien to ȝou a fals who ſchal be ſori for þee, eþer who ſchal go to preie for
reuelacioun, and a gileful dyuynyng, and þe diſſeyuyng þi pees?
vi Þou haſt forſake me, ſeiþ þe Lord, þou haſt go abac;
of her herte.
xv Þerfor þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis of þe profetis þat and Y ſchal ſtretche forþ myn hond on þee, and Y ſchal
profeſien in my name, whiche Y ſente not, and ſeien, ſle þee; Y trauelide preiyng.
vii And Y ſchal ſcatere hem wiþ a wyndewynge
Swerd and hungur ſchal not be in þis lond; Þo profetis
ſchulen be waſtid bi ſwerd and hungur. inſtrument in þe ȝatis of erþe; Y killide, and loſte my
xvi And þe puplis, to whiche þei profeſieden, ſchulen be puple, and neþeles þei turneden not aȝen fro her weies.
viii Þe widewis þerof ben multiplied to me aboue þe
caſt forþ in þe weies of Jeruſalem, for hungur and
ſwerd, and noon ſchal be, þat ſchal birie hem; þey and grauel of þe ſee; and Y brouȝte in to hem a diſtriere in
þe wyues of hem, þe ſones and þe douȝtris of hem myddai on þe modir of a ȝonge man, Y ſente drede
`ſchulen be caſt forþ; and Y ſchal ſchede out on hem her ſudeynli on citees.
yuel. ix Sche was ſijk þat childide ſeuene, hir ſoule failide; þe
xvii And þou ſchalt ſeie to hem þis word, Myn iȝen lede ſunne ȝede doun to hir, whanne dai was ȝit. Sche was
doun a teer bi niȝt and dai, and be not ſtille, for þe ſchent, and was aſchamed; and Y ſchal ȝyue þe reſidue
virgyn, þe douȝter of my puple, is defoulid bi greet þerof in to ſwerd in þe ſiȝt of her enemyes, ſeiþ þe Lord.
defoulying, wiþ þe worſte wounde greetli. x Mi modir, wo to me; whi gendridiſt þou me a man of
chidyng, a man of diſcord in al þe lond? Y lente not,

neþer ony man lente to me; alle men curſen me, þe Lord v For þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Entre þou not in to an
ſeiþ. hous of feeſte, neþir go þou to biweile, neþer comfourte
xi No man bileue to me, if þi remenauntis be not in to þou hem; for Y haue take awei my pees fro þis puple,
good, if Y ranne not to þee in þe tyme of turment, and ſeiþ þe Lord, `Y haue take awei merci and merciful
in þe tyme of tribulacioun and of anguyſch, aȝens þe doyngis.
enemye. vi And greete and ſmalle ſchulen die in þis lond; þei
xii Wheþer yrun and metal ſchal be ioyned bi pees to ſchulen not be biried, neþir ſchulen be biweilid; and þei
irun fro þe norþ? ſchulen not kitte hem ſilf, neþir ballidneſſe ſchal be
xiii And Y ſchal ȝyue freli þi ritcheſſis and þi treſouris in maad for hem.
to rauyſchyng, for alle þi ſynnes, and in alle þin endis. vii And þei ſchulen not breke breed among hem to hym
xiiii And Y ſchal brynge þin enemyes fro þe lond which þat mourneþ, to coumforte on a deed man, and þei
þou knowiſt not; for fier is kyndlid in my ſtrong ſchulen not ȝyue to hem drynk of a cuppe, to coumforte
veniaunce, and it ſchal brenne on ȝou. on her fadir and modir.
xv Lord, þou knowiſt, haue þou mynde on me, and viſite viii And þou ſchalt not entre in to þe hous of feeſte, þat

me, and delyuere me fro hem þat purſuen me; nyle þou þou ſitte wiþ hem, and ete, and drynke.
take me in þi pacience, knowe þou, þat Y ſuffride ix For whi þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe
ſchenſchipe for þee. þingis, Lo! Y ſchal take awei fro þis place, bifore ȝoure
xvi Þi wordis ben foundun, and Y eet þo; and þi word iȝen and in ȝoure daies, þe vois of ioie, and þe vois of
was maad to me in to ioye, and in to gladneſſe of myn gladneſſe, and þe vois of ſpouſe, and þe vois of
herte; for þi name, Lord God of ooſtis, is clepid to help ſpouſeſſe.
on me. x And whanne þou ſchalt telle alle þeſe wordis to þis
xvii Y ſat not in þe counſel of pleieris, and Y hadde puple, and þei ſchulen ſeie to þee, Whi ſpak þe Lord al
glorie for þe face of þin hond; Y ſat aloone, for þou þis greet yuel on vs? what is oure wickidneſſe, eþer
fillidiſt me wiþ bittirneſſe. what is oure ſynne which we ſynneden to oure Lord
xviii Whi is my ſorewe maad euerlaſtinge, and my God?
xi þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, For ȝoure fadris forſoken me,
wounde diſpeirid forſook to be curid? it is maad to me,
as a leeſyng of vnfeiþful watris. ſeiþ þe Lord, and ȝeden aftir alien goddis, and ſeruyden
xix For þis þing þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, If þou turneſt, hem, and worſchipiden hem, and þei forſoken me, and
Y ſchal turne þee, and þou ſchalt ſtonde bifore my face; kepten not my lawe.
xii But alſo ȝe wrouȝten worſe þan ȝoure fadris; for lo!
and if þou departiſt preciouſe þing fro vijl þing, þou
ſchalt be as my mouþ; þei ſchulen be turned to þee, and ech man goiþ aftir þe ſchrewidneſſe of his yuel herte,
þou ſchalt not be turned to hem. þat he here not me.
xx And Y ſchal ȝyue þee in to a braſun wal and ſtrong to xiii And Y ſchal caſte ȝou out of þis lond, in to þe lond

þis puple, and þei ſchulen fiȝte aȝens þee, and ſchulen which ȝe and ȝoure fadris knowen not; and ȝe ſchulen
not haue þe victorie; for Y am wiþ þee, to ſaue þee, and ſerue þere to alien goddis dai and niȝt, whiche ſchulen
to delyuere þee, ſeiþ þe Lord. not ȝiue reſte to ȝou.
xxi And Y ſchal delyuere þee fro þe hond of þe worſte xiiii Þerfor lo! daies comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and it ſchal no

men, and Y ſchal aȝenbie þee fro þe hond of ſtronge more be ſeid, Þe Lord lyueþ, þat ledde þe ſones of Iſrael
men. out of þe lond of Egipt;
xv but þe Lord lyueþ, þat ledde þe ſones of Iſrael fro þe
CAP. XVI lond of þe norþ, and fro alle londis to whiche Y caſtide
i And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me, hem out; and Y ſchal lede hem aȝen in to her lond
ii and ſeide, Þou ſchalt not take a wijf, and ſones and which Y ȝaf to þe fadris of hem.
xvi Lo! Y ſchal ſende many fiſcheris to hem, ſeiþ þe
douȝtris ſchulen not be to þee in þis place.
iii For þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis on ſones and douȝtris, þat Lord, and þei ſchulen fiſche hem; and aftir þeſe þingis Y
ben gendrid in þis place, and on þe modris of hem, þat ſchal ſende many hunteris to hem, and þei ſchulen hunte
gendride hem, and on þe fadris of hem, of whos hem fro ech mounteyn, and fro ech litil hil, and fro þe
generacioun þei ben borun in þis lond. caues of ſtoonys.
iiii Þei ſchulen die bi deþis of ſikeneſſis, þei ſchulen not xvii For myn iȝen ben on alle þe weies of hem; þo weies

be biweilid, and þei ſchulen not be biried; þei ſchulen ben not hid fro my face, and þe wickidneſſe of hem was
be in to a dunghil on þe face of erþe, and þei ſchulen be not priuy fro myn iȝen.
xviii And Y ſchal ȝelde firſt þe double wickidneſſis and
waſtid bi ſwerd and hungur; and þe careyn of hem ſchal
be in to mete to þe volatilis of heuene, and to beeſtis of ſynnes of hem, for þei defouliden my lond in þe ſlayn

beeſtis of her idols, and filliden myn eritage wiþ her xiii Lord, alle þei þat forſaken þee, ſchulen be ſchent; þei
abhomynaciouns. þat goen aweie fro þee, ſchulen be writun in erþe, for
xix Lord, my ſtrengþe, and my ſtalworþneſſe, and my þei han forſake þe Lord, a veyne of quyk watirs.
refuyt in þe dai of tribulacioun, heþene men ſchulen xiiii Lord, heele þou me, and Y ſchal be heelid; make
come to þee fro þe ferþeſte places of erþe, and ſchulen þou me ſaaf, and Y ſchal be ſaaf; for þou art myn
ſeie, Verili oure fadris helden a leeſyng in poſſeſſioun, heriyng.
vanyte þat profitide not to hem. xv Lo! þei ſeien to me, Where is þe word of þe Lord?
xx Wheþer a man ſchal make goddis to hym ſilf? and þo
come it.
ben no goddis. xvi And Y am not diſturblid, ſuynge þee ſcheepherd, and
xxi Þerfor lo! Y ſchal ſchewe to hem bi þis while, Y
Y deſiride not þe dai of man, þou wooſt. Þat þat ȝede
ſchal ſchewe to hem myn hond, and my vertu; and þei out of my lippis was riȝtful in þi ſiȝt.
ſchulen wite, þat þe name to me is Lord. xvii Be þou not to drede to me; þou art myn hope in þe
dai of turment.
CAP. XVII xviii Be þei ſchent, þat purſuen me, and be Y not ſchent;
i Þe ſynne of Juda is writun wiþ an irone poyntel, in a
drede þei, and drede not Y; brynge in on hem a dai of
nail of adamaunt; it is writun on þe breede of þe herte turment, and defoule þou hem bi double defouling.
of hem, and in þe hornes of þe auteris of hem. xix Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis to me, Go þou, and ſtonde in
ii Whanne þe ſones of hem biþenken on her auteris, and
þe ȝate of þe ſones of þe puple, bi whiche þe kingis of
woodis, and on þe trees ful of boowis, makynge Juda entren and goen out, and in alle þe ȝatis of
ſacrifice in þe feld in hiȝe munteyns, Jeruſalem.
iii Y ſchal ȝyue þi ſtrengþe and alle þi treſouris in to xx And þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, Here þe word of þe Lord,
rauyſchyng, þin hiȝe þingis for ſynnes in alle þin endis. ȝe kingis of Juda, and al Judee, and alle þe dwelleris of
iiii And þou ſchalt be left aloone fro þin eritage which Y
Jeruſalem, þat entren bi þeſe ȝatis.
ȝaf to þee; and Y ſchal make þee to ſerue þin enemyes, xxi Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Kepe ȝe ȝoure ſoulis,
in þe lond which þou knowiſt not; for þou haſt kyndlid and nyle ȝe bere birþuns in þe dai of ſabat, neþer bringe
fier in my ſtrong veniaunce, it ſchal brenne til in to wiþ in bi þe ȝatis of Jeruſalem.
outen ende. xxii And nyle ȝe caſte birþuns out of ȝoure houſis in þe
v Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Curſid is þe man þat treſtiþ in
dai of ſabat, and ȝe ſchulen not do ony werk; halewe ȝe
man, and ſettiþ fleiſch his arm, and his herte goiþ awei þe dai of ſabat, as Y comaundide to ȝoure fadris.
fro þe Lord. xxiii And þei herden not, neþer bowiden doun her eere,
vi For he ſchal be as bromes in deſert, and he ſchal not
but þei maden hard her nol, þat þei ſchulden not here
ſe, whanne good ſchal come; but he ſchal dwelle in me, and þat þei ſchulden not take chaſtiſyng.
dryneſſe in deſert, in þe lond of ſaltneſſe, and vnabitable. xxiiii And it ſchal be, if ȝe heren me, ſeiþ þe Lord, þat ȝe
vii Bleſſid is þe man þat triſtiþ in þe Lord, and þe Lord
bere not in birþuns bi þe ȝatis of þis citee in þe dai of
ſchal be his triſt. ſabat, and if ȝe halewen þe dai of ſabat, þat ȝe do not
viii And he ſchal be as a tre, which is plauntid ouer
werk þer ynne,
watris, which ſendiþ hiſe rootis to moiſture; and it ſchal xxv kingis and princes ſittynge on þe ſeete of Dauid
not drede, whanne heete ſchal come; and þe leef þerof ſchulen entre bi þe ȝatis of þis citee, and ſtiynge in
ſchal be greene, and it ſchal not be moued in þe tyme of charis and horſis; þei, and þe princis of hem, þe men of
dryneſſe, neþer ony tyme it ſchal faile to make fruyte. Juda, and þe dwelleris of Jeruſalem; and þis citee ſchal
ix Þe herte of man is ſchrewid, and `may not be ſouȝt;
be enhabitid wiþouten ende.
who ſchal knowe it? xxvi And þei ſchulen come fro þe citees of Juda, and fro
x Y am þe Lord ſekynge þe herte, and preuynge þe
þe cumpas of Jeruſalem, and fro þe lond of Beniamyn,
reynes, and Y ȝyue to ech man after his weye, and aftir and fro feeldi places, and fro hilli places, and fro þe
þe fruyt of his fyndyngis. ſouþ, beringe brent ſacrifice, and ſlayn ſacrifice, and
xi A partriche nurſchide þo þingis whiche ſche bredde encenſe; and þei ſchulen bringe offring in to þe hous of
not; he made richeſſis, and not in doom; in þe myddis of þe Lord.
hiſe daies he ſchal forſake þo, and in hiſe laſte tyme he xxvii Forſoþe if ȝe heren not me, þat ȝe halewe þe dai of
ſchal be vnwijs. ſabat, and þat ȝe bere not a birþun, and þat ȝe bringe not
xii Þe ſeete of glorie of hiȝneſſe was at þe bigynnyng þe in bi þe ȝatis of Jeruſalem in þe dai of ſabat, Y ſchal
place of oure halewyng, þe abidyng of Iſrael. kyndle fier in þe ȝatis þerof; and it ſchal deuoure þe
houſis of Jeruſalem, and it ſchal not be quenchid.

CAP. XVIII xix Lord, ȝyue þou tent to me, and here þou þe vois of
i Þe word þat was maad of þe Lord to Jeremye, myn aduerſaries.
ii and ſeide, Riſe þou, and go doun in to þe hous of a xx Wheþer yuel is ȝoldun for good, for þei han diggid a
pottere, and þere þou ſchalt here my wordis. pit to my ſoule; haue þou mynde, þat Y ſtoode in þi ſiȝt,
iii And Y ȝede doun in to þe hous of a pottere, and lo! he to ſpeke good for hem, and to turne awei þin
made a werk on a wheel. indignacioun fro hem.
iiii And þe veſſel was diſtried, which he made of clei xxi Þerfor ȝyue þou þe ſones of hem in to hungur, and

wiþ hiſe hondis; and he turnede it, and made it anoþer lede forþ hem in to þe hondis of ſwerd; þe wyues of
veſſel, as it pleſide in hiſe iȝen to make. hem be maad wiþ out children, and be maad widewis,
v And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me, and þe hoſebondis of hem be ſlayn bi deþ; þe ȝonge
vi and he ſeide, Wheþer as þis pottere doiþ, Y mai not men of hem be perſid togidere bi ſwerd in batel.
xxii Cry be herd of þe houſis of hem, for þou ſchalt
do to ȝou, þe hous of Iſrael? ſeiþ þe Lord. Lo! as cley is
in þe hond of a pottere, ſo ȝe, þe hous of Iſrael, ben in bringe ſudenli a þeef on hem; for þei diggiden a pit to
myn hond. take me, and hidden ſnaris to my feet.
vii Sudenli Y ſchal ſpeke aȝens a folk, and aȝens a xxiii But þou, Lord, knowiſt al þe councel of hem aȝens

rewme, þat Y drawe out, and diſtrie, and leeſe it. me in to deþ; do þou not merci to þe wickidneſſe of
viii If þilke folk doiþ penaunce of his yuel, which Y ſpak hem, and þe ſynne of hem be not doon awei fro þi face;
aȝens it, alſo Y ſchal do penaunce on þe yuel, which Y be þei maad fallynge doun in þi ſiȝt, in þe tyme of þi
þouȝte to do to it. ſtronge veniaunce; vſe þou hem to oþir þing þan þei
ix And Y ſchal ſpeke ſudenli of a folk, and of a rewme, weren ordeyned.
þat Y bilde, and plaunte it.
x If it doiþ yuel bifore myn iȝen, þat it here not my vois, CAP. XIX
i Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Go þou, and take an erþene
Y ſchal do penaunce on þe good which Y ſpak, þat Y
potel of a pottere, of þe eldre men of þe puple, and of
ſchulde do to it.
xi Now þerfor ſeie þou to a man of Juda, and to þe þe eldre men of preeſtis.
ii And go þou out to þe valei of þe ſones of Ennon,
dwellere of Jeruſalem, and ſeie, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe
which is biſidis þe entring of þe erþene ȝate; and þere
þingis, Lo! Y make yuel aȝens ȝou, and Y þenke a
þou ſchalt preche þe wordis whiche Y ſchal ſpeke to
þouȝte aȝens ȝou; ech man turne aȝen fro his yuel weie,
and dreſſe ȝe ȝoure weies and ȝoure ſtudies. iii and þou ſchalt ſeie, Kyngis of Juda, and þe dwelleris
xii Whiche ſeiden, We han diſpeirid, for we ſchulen go
of Jeruſalem, here ȝe þe word of þe Lord. Þe Lord of
after oure þouȝtis, and we ſchulen do ech man þe
ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal bringe
ſchrewidneſſe of his yuel herte.
xiii Þerfor þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Axe ȝe heþene men, in turment on þis place, ſo þat ech man þat heriþ it, hiſe
eeris tyngle.
who herde ſiche orible þingis, whiche þe virgyn of iiii For þei han forſake me, and maad alien þis place, and
Iſrael haþ do greetli?
xiiii Wheþer ſnow of þe Liban ſchal fail fro þe ſtoon of offriden ſacrifices to alien goddis þer ynne, whiche þei,
and þe fadris of hem, and þe kingis of Juda, knewen
þe feeld? eþer coolde watris brekynge out, and fletynge not; and þei filliden þis place wiþ þe blood of
doun moun be takun awei? innocentis,
xv For my puple haþ forȝete me, and offriden ſacrifices
v and bildiden hiȝ þingis to Baalym, to brenne her ſones
in veyn, and ſnaperiden in her weies, and in þe paþis of in fier, in to brent ſacrifice to Baalym; whiche þingis Y
þe world, þat þei ȝeden bi þo in a weie not trodun; comaundide not, neþer ſpak, neþer þo ſtieden in to myn
xvi þat þe lond of hem ſchulde be in to deſolacioun, and
in to an hiſſyng euerlaſtinge; for whi ech þat paſſiþ bi it, vi Þerfor þe Lord ſeiþ, Lo! daies comen, and þis place
ſchal be aſtonyed, and ſchal moue his heed. ſchal no more be clepid Tophet, and þe valei of þe ſone
xvii As a brennynge wynd Y ſchal ſcatere hem bifor þe
of Ennon, but þe valei of ſleyng.
enemy; Y ſchal ſchewe to hem þe bak and not þe face, vii And Y ſchal diſtrie þe councel of Juda and of
in þe dai of þe perdicioun of hem. Jeruſalem in þis place, and Y ſchal diſtrie hem bi ſwerd,
xviii And þei ſeiden, Come ȝe, and þenke we þouȝtis
in þe ſiȝt of her enemyes, and in þe hond of men
aȝens Jeremye; for whi þe lawe ſchal not periſche fro a ſekynge þe lyues of hem; and Y ſchal ȝyue her deed
preeſt, neþer councel ſchal periſche fro a wijs man, bodies mete to þe briddis of þe eir, and to beeſtis of
neþer word ſchal periſche fro a profete; come ȝe, and erþe.
ſmyte we hym wiþ tunge, and take we noon heede to
alle þe wordis of hym.

viii And Y ſchal ſette þis citee in to wondring, and in to vi Forſoþe þou, Phaſſur, and alle þe dwelleris of þin
hiſſing; ech þat paſſiþ bi it, ſchal wondre, and hiſſe on al hous, ſchulen go in to caitifte; and þou ſchalt come in to
þe veniaunce þerof. Babiloyne, and þou ſchalt die þere; and þou ſchalt be
ix And Y ſchal feede hem wiþ þe fleiſchis of her ſones, biried þere, þou and alle þi freendis, to whiche þou
and wiþ þe fleiſchis of her douȝtris; and ech man ſchal profeſiediſt a leeſyng.
ete þe fleiſchis of his frend in þe biſegyng and vii Lord, þou diſſeyuediſt me, and Y am diſſeyued; þou
angwiſch, in which þe enemyes of hem, and þei þat were ſtrongere þan Y, and þou haddiſt þe maiſtrie; Y am
ſeken þe lyues of hem, ſchulen cloſe hem togidere. maad in to ſcorn al dai.
x And þou ſchalt al to-breke þe potel bifore þe iȝen of viii Alle men bymowen me, for now a while ago Y ſpeke
þe men, þat ſchulen go wiþ þee. criynge wickidneſſe, and Y criede diſtriynge. And þe
xi And þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, Þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe word of þe Lord is maad to me in to ſchenſchip, and in
þingis, So Y ſchal al to-breke þis puple, and þis citee, as to ſcorn al dai.
þe veſſel of a pottere is al to-brokun, which mai no ix And Y ſeide, Y ſchal not haue mynde on hym, and Y
more be reſtorid; and þei ſchulen be biried in Tophet, ſchal no more ſpeke in his name. And þe word of þe
for noon oþer place is to birie. Lord was maad, as fier ſwalynge in myn herte, and
xii So Y ſchal do to þis place, ſeiþ þe Lord, and to clooſid in my boonys; and Y failide, not ſuffryng to
dwelleris þerof, þat Y ſette þis citee as Tophet. bere.
xiii And þe houſis of Jeruſalem, and þe houſis of þe x For Y herde diſpiſyngis of many men, and drede in

kingis of Juda, ſchulen be as þe place of Tophet; alle þe cumpas, Purſue ȝe, and purſue we hym, of alle men þat
vncleene houſis, in whoſe roouȝs þei ſacrifieden to al þe weren peſible to me, and kepynge my ſide; if in ony
chyualrie of heuene, and offriden moiſt ſacrifices to maner he be diſſeyued, and we haue þe maiſtrie aȝens
alien goddis. hym, and gete veniaunce of hym.
xiiii Forſoþe Jeremye cam fro Tophet, whidur þe Lord xi Forſoþe þe Lord as a ſtronge werriour is wiþ me,

hadde ſente hym for to profeſie; and he ſtood in þe þerfor þei þat purſuen me ſchulen falle, and ſchulen be
porche of þe hous of þe Lord, ſijk; and þei ſchulen be ſchent greetli, for þei
xv and ſeide to al þe puple, Þe Lord of ooſtis, God of vndurſtoden not euerlaſtynge ſchenſchip, þat ſchal
Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal bringe in on þis neuere be don awei.
xii And þou, Lord of ooſtis, þe preuere of a iuſt man,
citee, and on alle þe citees þerof, alle þe yuelis whiche
Y ſpak aȝens it; for þei maden hard her nol, þat þei which ſeeſt þe reynes and herte, Y biſeche, ſe Y þi
herden not my wordis. veniaunce of hem; for Y haue ſchewid my cauſe to þee.
xiii Synge ȝe to þe Lord, herie ȝe þe Lord, for he
CAP. XX delyueride þe ſoule of a pore man fro þe hond of yuel
i And Phaſſur, þe ſone of Emyner, þe preeſt, þat was men.
ordeyned prince in þe hous of þe Lord, herde Jeremye xiiii Curſid be þe dai where ynne Y was borun, þe dai
profeſiynge þeſe wordis. where ynne my modir childide me, be not bleſſid.
ii And Phaſſur ſmoot Jeremye, þe profete, and ſente hym xv Curſid be þe man, þat telde to my fadir, and ſeide, A
in to þe ſtockis, þat weren in þe hiȝere ȝate of knaue child is borun to þee, and made hym glad as wiþ
Beniamyn, in þe hous of þe Lord. ioye.
iii And whanne it was cleer in þe morewe, Phaſſur ledde xvi Þilke man be as þe citees ben, whiche þe Lord
Jeremye out of þe ſtockis. And Jeremye ſeide to hym, diſtriede, and it repentide not hym;
Þe Lord clepide not Phaſſur þi name, but Drede on ech xvii he þat killide not me fro þe wombe, here cry eerli,
ſide. and ȝellynge in þe tyme of myddai; þat my modir were
iiii For þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal ȝyue þee a ſepulcre to me, and hir wombe were euerlaſtinge
and alle þi freendis in to drede, and þei ſchulen falle conſeyuyng.
doun bi þe ſwerd of her enemyes; and þin iȝen ſchulen xviii Whi ȝede Y out of þe wombe, þat Y ſchulde ſe
ſe; and Y ſchal ȝyue al Juda in þe hond of þe king of trauel and ſorewe, and þat mi daies ſchulen be waaſtid
Babiloyne, and he ſchal lede hem ouer in to Babiloyne, in ſchenſchipe?
and he ſchal ſmyte hem bi ſwerd.
v And Y ſchal ȝyue al þe catel of þis citee, and al þe CAP. XXI
trauel þerof, and al þe prijs; and Y ſchal ȝyue alle þe i Þe word which was maad of þe Lord to Jeremye,
treſours of þe kingis of Juda in þe hond of her enemyes; whanne king Sedechie ſente to hym Phaſſur, þe ſone of
and þei ſchulen rauyſche þo, and ſchulen take, and lede Helchie, and Sofonye, þe preeſt, þe ſone of Maaſie, and
forþ in to Babiloyne. ſeide,

ii Axe þou þe Lord for vs, for Nabugodonoſor, þe kyng ii Þou kyng of Juda, þat ſittiſt on þe ſeete of Dauid, here
of Babiloyne, fiȝtiþ aȝens vs; if in hap þe Lord do wiþ þe word of þe Lord, þou, and þi ſeruauntis, and þi
vs bi alle hiſe merueilis, and he go awei fro vs. puple, þat entren bi þeſe ȝatis.
iii And Jeremye ſeide to hem, Þus ȝe ſchulen ſeie to iii Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Do ȝe doom, and
Sedechie, riȝtfulneſſe, and delyuere ȝe hym þat is oppreſſid bi
iiii Þe Lord God of Iſrael ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal violence fro þe hond of þe fals chalenger; and nyle ȝe
turne þe inſtrumentis of batel þat ben in ȝoure hondis, make ſori, neþer oppreſſe ȝe wickidli a comelyng, and a
and wiþ which ȝe fiȝten aȝens þe king of Babiloyne, and fadirles child, and a widewe, and ſchede ȝe not out
aȝens Caldeis, þat biſegen ȝou in þe cumpas of wallis; innocent blood in þis place.
and Y ſchal gadere þo togidere in þe myddis of þis iiii For if ȝe doynge don þis word, kyngis of þe kyn of
citee. Dauid ſittynge on his trone ſchulen entre bi þe ȝatis of
v And Y ſchal ouercome ȝou in hond ſtretchid forþ, and þis hous, and ſchulen ſtie on charis and horſis, þei, and
in ſtrong arm, and in ſtronge veniaunce, and þe ſeruauntis, and þe puple of hem.
indignacioun, and in greet wraþþe; v Þat if ȝe heren not þeſe wordis, Y ſwoore in my ſilf,
vi and Y ſchal ſmyte þe dwelleris of þis citee, men and ſeiþ þe Lord, þat þis hous ſchal be in to wildirneſſe.
beeſtis ſchulen die bi greet peſtilence. vi For þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis on þe hous of þe kyng of
vii And after þeſe þingis, ſeiþ þe Lord, Y ſchal ȝyue Juda, Galaad, þou art to me þe heed of þe Liban;
Sedechie, kyng of Juda, and hiſe ſeruauntis, and his credence be not ȝouun to me, if Y ſette not þee a
puple, and þat ben left in þis citee fro peſtilence, and wildirneſſe, citees vnhabitable.
ſwerd, and hungur, in þe hond of Nabugodonoſor, kyng vii And Y ſchal halewe on þee a man ſleynge, and hiſe
of Babiloyne, and in þe hond of her enemyes, and in þe armuris; and þei ſchulen kitte doun þi choſun cedris,
hond of men ſekynge þe lijf of hem; and he ſchal ſmyte and ſchulen caſte doun in to fier.
hem bi þe ſcharpneſſe of ſwerd; and he ſchal not be viii And many folkis ſchulen paſſe bi þis citee, and ech
bowid, neþer ſchal ſpare, neþer ſchal haue mercy. man ſchal ſeie to his neiȝbore, Whi dide þe Lord þus to
viii And þou ſchalt ſeie to þis puple, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þis greet citee?
þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ȝyue bifore ȝou þe weie of lijf, and ix And þei ſchulen anſwere, For þei forſoken þe
þe weie of deþ. couenaunt of her Lord God, and worſchipiden alien
ix He þat dwelliþ in þis citee, ſchal die bi ſwerd, and goddis, and ſerueden hem.
hungur, and peſtilence; but he þat goiþ out, and fleeþ x Nyle ȝe biwepe hym þat is deed, neþer weile ȝe on
ouer to Caldeis þat biſegen ȝou, ſchal lyue, and his lijf hym bi wepyng; biweile ȝe hym þat goiþ out, for he
ſchal be as a prey to hym. ſchal no more turne aȝen, neþer he ſchal ſe þe lond of
x For Y haue ſet my face on þis citee in to yuel, and not his birþe.
in to good, ſeiþ þe Lord; it ſchal be ȝouun in þe hond of xi For þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis to Sellum, þe ſone of
þe king of Babiloyne, and he ſchal brenne it wiþ fier. Joſie, þe kyng of Juda, þat regnede for Joſȝe, his fadir,
xi And þou ſchalt ſeie to þe hous of þe king of Juda, þe He þat ȝede out of þis place, ſchal no more turne aȝen
hous of Dauid, Here ȝe þe word of þe Lord. hidur;
xii Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Deme ȝe eerli doom, and xii but in þe place to which Y tranſlatide him, þere he
delyuere ȝe hym þat is oppreſſid bi violence fro þe hond ſchal die, and he ſchal no more ſe þis lond.
of þe fals chalenger; leſt perauenture myn indignacioun xiii Wo to him þat bildiþ his hous in vnriȝtfulneſſe, and
go out as fier, and be kyndlid, and noon be þat quenche, his ſoleris not in doom; he ſchal oppreſſe his freend in
for þe malice of ȝoure ſtudies. veyn, and he ſchal not ȝelde his hire to hym.
xiii Lo! Y to þee, dwellereſſe of þe ſad valei and pleyn, xiiii Which ſeiþ, Y ſchal bilde to me a large hous, and
ſeiþ þe Lord, which ſeien, Who ſchal ſmyte vs, and who wide ſoleris; which openeþ wyndows to hym ſilf, and
ſchal entre in to oure houſis? makiþ couplis of cedre, and peyntiþ wiþ reed colour.
xiiii And Y ſchal viſite on ȝou bi þe fruyt of ȝoure xv Wheþer þou ſchalt regne, for þou compariſoneſt þee
ſtudies, ſeiþ þe Lord; and Y ſchal kyndle fier in þe foreſt to a cedre? wheþer þi fadir eet not, and drank, and dide
þerof, and it ſchal deuoure alle þingis in þe cumpas doom and riȝtfulneſſe þanne, whanne it was wel to
þerof. hym?
xvi He demyde þe cauſe of a pore man, and nedi, in to
CAP. XXII his good; wheþer not þerfor for he knew me? ſeiþ þe
i Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Go þou doun in to þe hous of
þe kyng of Juda, and þou ſchalt ſpeke þere þis word,
and ſchalt ſeie,

xvii Forſoþe þin iȝen and herte ben to aueryce, and to iii And Y ſchal gadere togidere þe remenauntis of my
ſchede innocent blood, and to fals caleng, and to þe floc fro alle londis, to whiche Y ſchal caſte hem out
perfourmyng of yuel werk. þidur; and Y ſchal turne hem to her feeldis, and þei
xviii Þerfor þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis to Joachym, þe ſone ſchulen encreeſſe, and ſchulen be multiplied.
of Joſie, þe kyng of Juda, Þei ſchulen not biweile hym, iiii And Y ſchal reiſe ſchepherdis on hem, and þei
Wo broþer! and wo ſiſtir! þei ſchulen not ſowne togidere ſchulen feede hem; þei ſchulen no more drede, and
to hym, Wo lord! and wo noble man! ſchulen not be aferd; and noon ſchal be ſouȝt of þe
xix He ſchal be biried wiþ þe biriyng of an aſſe, he ſchal noumbre ſeiþ þe Lord.
be rotun, and caſt forþ wiþout þe ȝatis of Jeruſalem. v Lo! daies comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y ſchal reiſe a iuſt
xx Stie þou on þe Liban, and cry þou, and ȝyue þi vois buriownyng to Dauid; and he ſchal regne a kyng, and he
in Baſan, and cry to hem þat paſſen forþ, for alle þi ſchal be wijs, and he ſchal make doom and riȝtfulneſſe
louyeris ben al to-brokun. in erþe.
xxi Y ſpak to þee in þi plentee, and þou ſeidiſt, Y ſchal vi In þo daies Juda ſchal be ſauid, and Iſrael ſchal dwelle

not here; þis is þi weie fro þi ȝongþe, for þou herdiſt not triſtili; and þis is þe name which þei ſchulen clepe hym,
my vois. Þe Lord oure riȝtful.
xxii Wynd ſchal feede alle þi ſcheepherdis, and þi vii For þis þing lo! daies comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and þei

louyeris ſchulen go in to caitifte; ſchulen no more ſeie, Þe Lord lyueþ, þat ledde þe ſones
xxiii and þanne þou þat ſittiſt in þe Liban, and makiſt neſt of Iſrael out of þe lond of Egipt;
viii but, Þe Lord lyueþ, þat ledde out, and brouȝte þe
in cedris, ſchalt be ſchent, and be aſchamed of al þi
malice. Hou weilidiſt þou, whanne ſorewis weren ſeed of þe hous of Iſrael fro þe lond of þe norþ, and fro
comun to þee, as þe ſorew of a womman trauelynge of alle londis to whiche Y hadde caſt hem out þidur; and
child? þei ſchulen dwelle in her lond.
xxiiii I lyue, ſeiþ þe Lord, for þouȝ Jeconye, þe ſone of ix To þe prophetis; Myn herte is contrit in þe myddis of

Joachym, kyng of Juda, were a ring in my riȝt hond, fro me, alle my boonys trembliden togidere; Y am maad as
þennus Y ſchal drawe awei hym. a man drunkun, and as a man weet of wyn, of þe face of
xxv And Y ſchal ȝyue þee in þe hond of hem þat ſeken þi þe Lord, and of þe face of þe hooli wordis of hym;
x for þe lond is fillid wiþ auowteris. For þe erþe
lijf, and in þe hond of hem whos face þou drediſt, and in
þe hond of Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babiloyne, and in mourenede of þe face of curſyng; þe feeldis of deſert
þe hond of Caldeis. ben maad drie, þe cours of hem is maad yuel, and her
xxvi And Y ſchal ſende þee, and þi moder þat gendride ſtrengþe is vnlijk.
xi For whi þe profete and þe preſt ben defoulid; and in
þee, in to an alien lond, in which ȝe weren not borun,
and þere ȝe ſchulen die; myn hous, ſeiþ þe Lord, Y foond þe yuel of hem.
xxvii and þei ſchulen not turne aȝen in to þe lond, to xii Þerfor þe weie of hem ſchal be as ſlidur in derkneſſis,

which þei reiſen her ſoule, þat þei turne aȝen þidur. for þei ſchulen be hurtlid, and ſchulen falle doun
xxviii Wheþer þis man Jeconye is an erþene veſſel, and þerynne; for Y ſchal bringe on hem yuels, þe ȝeer of
al to-brokun? wheþer a veſſel wiþouten al likyng? Whi viſitacioun of hem, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xiii And in þe profetis of Samarie Y ſiȝ fonnedneſſe, and
ben he and his ſeed caſt awei, and caſt forþ in to a lond
which þei knewen not? þei profeſieden in Baal, and diſſeyueden my puple
xxix Erþe, erþe, erþe, here þou þe word of þe Lord. Iſrael.
xxx Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Write þou þis man bareyn, xiiii And in þe profetis of Jeruſalem Y ſiȝ licneſſe,

a man þat ſchal not haue proſperite in hiſe daies; for of auoutrie, and þe weie of leeſyng; and þei confortiden þe
his ſeed ſchal be no man, þat ſchal ſitte on þe ſeete of hondis of þe worſte men, þat ech man ſchulde not
Dauid, and haue powere ferþere in Juda. conuerte fro his malice; alle þei ben maad as Sodom to
me, and alle þe dwellers þerof `ben maad as Gommorre.
xv Þerfor þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis to þe
i Wo to þe ſcheepherdis, þat ſcateren and to-drawen þe prophetis, Lo! Y ſchal feed hem wiþ wermod, and Y
floc of my leſewe, ſeiþ þe Lord. ſchal ȝyue drynke to hem wiþ galle; for whi defoulyng
ii Þerfor þe Lord God of Iſrael ſeiþ þeſe þingis to þe is goen out of þe profetis of Jeruſalem on al þe lond.
xvi Þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Nyle ȝe here þe
ſcheepherdis, þat feeden my puple, Ȝe han ſcaterid my
floc, and han caſt hem out, and han not viſitid hem; lo! wordis of profetis, þat profeſien to ȝou, and diſſeyuen
Y ſchal viſite on ȝou þe malice of ȝoure ſtudies, ſeiþ þe ȝou; þei ſpeken þe viſioun of her herte, not of þe mouþ
Lord. of þe Lord.
xvii Þei ſeien to hem þat blasfemen me, Þe Lord ſpak,
Pees ſchal be to ȝou; and þei ſeiden to ech man þat goiþ

in þe ſchrewidneſſe of his herte, Yuel ſchal not come on xxxv Ȝe ſchulen ſeie þeſe þingis, ech man to his
ȝou. neiȝbore, and to his broþer, What anſweride þe Lord?
xviii For whi who is preſent in þe councel of þe Lord, and what ſpak þe Lord?
and ſiȝ, and herde his word? who bihelde, and herde þe xxxvi For þe birþun of þe Lord ſchal no more be
word of hym? remembrid, and þe word of ech man ſchal be birþun to
xix Lo! þe whirlewynd of þe Lordis indignacioun ſchal hym; and ȝe han peruertid þe wordis of lyuynge God, of
go out, and tempeſt brekynge ſchal come on þe heed of þe Lord of ooſtis, ȝoure God.
wickid men. xxxvii Þou ſchalt ſeie þeſe þingis to þe profete, What
xx Þe ſtrong veniaunce of þe Lord ſchal not turne aȝen, anſweride þe Lord to þee? and what ſpak þe Lord?
til þat he do, and til þat he fille þe þouȝt of his herte. In xxxviii Forſoþe if ȝe ſeien, Þe birþin of þe Lord, for þis
þe laſte daies ȝe ſchulen vndurſtonde þe councel of hym. þing þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For ȝe ſeiden þis word, Þe
xxi Y ſente not þe profetis, and þei runnen; Y ſpak not to birþun of þe Lord, and Y ſente to ȝou, and Y ſeide, Nyle
hem, and þei profeſieden. ȝe ſeie, Þe birþun of þe Lord; þerfor lo!
xxii If þei hadden ſtonde in my councel, and hadde maad xxxix Y ſchal take ȝou awei, and ſchal bere, and Y ſchal
knowun my wordis to my puple, forſoþe Y hadde turned forſake ȝou, and þe citee which Y ȝaf to ȝou, and to
hem awei fro her yuel weie, and fro her worſte þouȝtis. ȝoure fadris, fro my face.
xxiii Geſſiſt þou, wheþer Y am God of niȝ, ſeiþ þe Lord, xl And Y ſchal ȝyue ȝou in to euerlaſtynge ſchenſchipe,
and not God afer? and in to euerlaſtynge ſclaundir, þat ſchal neuere be
xxiiii A man ſchal not be priuy in hid places, and Y ſchal doon awei bi forȝetyng.
not ſe hym, ſeiþ þe Lord. Wheþer Y fille not heuene and
erþe? ſeiþ þe Lord. CAP. XXIIII
xxv Y herde what þingis þe profetis ſeiden, profeſiynge a i Þe Lord ſchewide to me, and lo! twei panyeris ful of

leeſyng in my name, and ſeiynge, Y dremede dremes. figys weren ſet bifor þe temple of þe Lord, aftir þat
xxvi Hou longe is þis þing in þe herte of profetis, Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babiloyne, tranſlatide Jeconye,
profeſiynge a leeſyng, and profeſiynge þe diſſeite of her þe ſone of Joachym, þe kyng of Juda, and þe princes of
herte? hym, and a ſutil crafti man, and a goldſmiþ fro
xxvii Whiche wolen make, þat my puple forȝete my Jeruſalem, and brouȝte hem in to Babiloyne.
ii And o panyere hadde ful good figis, as figis of þe
name for þe dremes of hem, which ech man telliþ to his
neiȝbore, as þe fadris of hem forȝaten my name for firſte tyme ben wont to be; and o panyere hadde ful yuel
Baal. figis, þat miȝten not be etun, for þo weren yuel figis.
xxviii A profete þat haþ a dreme, telle a dreem; and he iii And þe Lord ſeide to me, Jeremye, what þing ſeeſt

þat haþ my word, ſpeke verili my word. What is wiþ þou? And Y ſeide, Figis, goode figis, ful goode, and
chaffis to þe wheete? ſeiþ þe Lord. yuele figis, ful yuele, þat moun not be etun, for þo ben
xxix Wheþer my wordis ben not as fier brennynge, ſeiþ yuele figis.
iiii And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me,
þe Lord, and as an hamer al to-brekynge a ſtoon?
xxx Þerfor lo! Y am redi to þe profetis, ſeiþ þe Lord, þat v and ſeide, Þe Lord God of Iſrael ſeiþ þeſe þingis, As

ſtelen my wordis, ech man fro his neiȝbore. þeſe figis ben goode, ſo Y ſchal knowe þe
xxxi Lo! Y to þe profetis, ſeiþ þe Lord, þat taken her tranſmygracioun of Juda, which I ſente out fro þis place
tungis, and ſeien, Þe Lord ſeiþ. in to þe lond of Caldeis, in to good.
vi And Y ſchal ſette myn iȝen on hem to pleſe, and Y
xxxii Lo! Y to þe profetis, dremynge a leeſyng, ſeiþ þe
Lord; which telden þo, and diſſeyueden my puple in her ſchal brynge hem aȝen in to þis lond; and Y ſchal bilde
leeſyng, and in her myraclis, whanne Y hadde not ſente hem, and Y ſchal not diſtrie hem; and Y ſchal plaunte
hem, neþer hadde comaundide to hem; whiche hem, and Y ſchal not drawe vp bi þe roote.
vii And Y ſchal ȝyue to hem an herte, þat þei knowe me,
profitiden no þing to þis puple, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xxxiii Þerfor if þis puple, eþer profete, eþer preſt, axiþ for Y am þe Lord; and þei ſchulen be in to a puple to
þee, and ſeiþ, What is þe birþun of þe Lord? þou ſchalt me, and Y ſchal be in to God to hem, for þei ſchulen
ſeie to hem, Ȝe ben þe birþun, for Y ſchal caſte ȝou turne aȝen to me in al her herte.
viii And as þe worſte figis ben, þat moun not be etun, for
awei, ſeiþ þe Lord;
xxxiiii and a profete, and a preſt, and þe puple, þat ſeiþ, þo ben yuele figis, þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, So Y ſchal
Þe birþun of þe Lord, Y ſchal viſite on þat man, and on ȝyue Sedechie, þe kyng of Juda, and þe princes of hym,
his hous. and oþer men of Jeruſalem, þat dwelliden in þis citee,
and þat dwellen in þe lond of Egipt.
ix And Y ſchal ȝyue hem into trauelyng and turment in
alle rewmes of erþe, in to ſchenſchipe, and in to parable,

and in to a prouerbe, and in to curſyng, in alle places to xiii And Y ſchal brynge on þat lond alle my wordis
whiche Y caſtide hem out. whiche Y ſpak aȝens it, al þing þat is writun in þis book;
x And Y ſchal ſende in hem a ſwerd, and hungur, and what euer þingis Jeremye profeſide aȝens alle folkis;
peſtilence, til þei be waſtid fro þe lond which Y ȝaf to xiiii for þei ſerueden to hem, whanne þei weren many
hem, and to þe fadris of hem. folkis, and grete kingis; and Y ſchal ȝelde to hem aftir
þe werkis of hem, and aftir þe dedis of her hondis.
CAP. XXV xv For þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þus, Take
i Þe word of þe Lord, þat was maad to Jeremye, of al þe
þou þe cuppe of wyn of þis woodneſſe fro myn hond,
puple of Juda, in þe fourþe ȝeer of Joachym, þe ſone of and þou ſchal birle þerof to alle heþene men, to whiche
Joſie, þe king of Juda, aftir þat Jeconye was tranſlatid in Y ſchal ſende þee.
to Babiloyne; þilke is þe firſte ȝeer of Nabugodonoſor, xvi And þei ſchulen drynke, and ſchulen be diſturblid,
kyng of Babiloyne; which word Jeremy, and ſchulen be woode of þe face of ſwerd, which Y
ii þe prophete, ſpak to al þe puple of Juda, and to alle þe
ſchal ſende among hem.
dwelleris of Jeruſalem, and ſeide, xvii And Y took þe cuppe fro þe hond of þe Lord, and Y
iii Fro þe þrettenþe ȝeer of þe rewme of Joſie, þe ſone of
birlide to alle folkis, to whiche þe Lord ſente me;
Amon, þe kyng of Juda, `til to þis dai, þis is þe þree and xviii to Jeruſalem, and to alle þe citees of Juda, and to þe
twentiþe ȝeer, þe word of þe Lord was maad to me; and kyngis þerof, and to þe princes þerof; þat Y ſchulde
Y ſpak to ȝou, and Y roos bi niȝt and ſpak, and ȝe ȝyue hem in to wildirneſſe, and in to wondring, and in
herden not. to hiſſyng, and in to curſing, as þis dai is; to Farao,
iiii And þe Lord ſente to ȝou alle hiſe ſeruauntis profetis, xix þe king of Egipt, and to hiſe ſeruauntis, and to hiſe
and roos ful eerli, and ſente, and ȝe herden not, neþer ȝe princes, and to al hiſe puple;
bowiden ȝoure eeris, for to here; xx and to alle men generali, to alle þe kyngis of þe lond
v whanne he ſeide, Turne ȝe aȝen, ech man fro his yuel
Anſitidis, and to alle þe kyngis of þe lond of Filiſtiym,
weie, and fro ȝoure worſte þouȝtis, and ȝe ſchulen and to Aſcalon, and to Gaza, and to Acoron, and to þe
dwelle in þe lond whiche þe Lord ȝaf to ȝou, and to reſidues of Azotus;
ȝoure fadris, fro þe world and til in to þe world. xxi to Idumee, and to Moab, and to þe ſones of Amon;
vi And nyle ȝe go aftir alien goddis, þat ȝe ſerue hem,
xxii and to alle þe kyngis of Tirus, and to alle þe kingis
and worſchipe hem, neþer terre ȝe me to wraþfulneſſe, of Sidon, and to þe kingis of þe lond of ilis þat ben
in þe werkis of ȝoure hondis, and Y ſchal not turmente biȝendis þe ſee;
ȝou. xxiii and to Dedan, and Theman, and Buz, and to alle
vii And ȝe herden not me, ſeiþ þe Lord, þat ȝe terreden
men þat ben clippid on þe long heer;
me to wraþfulneſſe in þe werkis of ȝoure hondis, in to xxiiii and to alle þe kingis of Arabie, and to alle þe kingis
ȝoure yuel.
viii Þerfor þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For þat þat of þe weſt, þat dwellen in deſert;
xxv and to alle þe kingis of Zambri, and to alle þe kingis
ȝe herden not my wordis, lo!
ix Y ſchal ſende, and take alle þe kynredis of þe norþ, of Elam, and to alle þe kyngis of Medeis; and to alle þe
kingis of þe norþ,
ſeiþ þe Lord, and Nabugodonoſor, my ſeruaunt, þe kyng xxvi of niȝ and of fer, to ech man aȝens his broþir; and to
of Babiloyne; and Y ſchal bringe hem on þis lond, and
alle þe rewmes of erþe, þat ben on þe face þerof; and
on þe dwelleris þerof, and on alle naciouns, þat ben in
kyng Seſac ſchal drynke after hem.
þe cumpas þerof; and Y ſchal ſle hem, and Y ſchal ſette xxvii And þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, Þe Lord of ooſtis, God
hem in to wondryng, and in to hiſſyng, and in to
euerlaſtynge wildirneſſis. of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Drynke ȝe, and be ȝe drunkun,
x And Y ſchal leeſe of hem þe vois of ioye, and þe vois and ſpue ȝe, and falle ȝe doun, and nyle ȝe riſe fro þe
face of ſwerd which Y ſchal ſende among ȝou.
of gladneſſe, þe vois of ſpouſe, and þe vois of ſpouſeſſe, xxviii And whanne þei nylen take þe cuppe fro þin hond,
þe vois of queerne, and þe lyȝt of þe lanterne.
xi And al þe lond þerof ſchal be in to wildirneſſe, and in þat þei drynke, þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, Þe Lord of ooſtis
ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Ȝe drynkynge ſchulen drynke;
to wondring; and alle þeſe folkis ſchulen ſerue þe king xxix for lo! in þe citee in which my name is clepid to
of Babiloyne ſeuenti ȝeer.
xii And whanne ſeuenti ȝeer ben fillid, Y ſchal viſite on help, Y bigynne to turmente, and ſchulen ȝe as
innocentis be wiþ out peyne? ȝe ſchulen not be wiþ out
þe kyng of Babiloyne, and on þat folc þe wickidneſſe of
peyne, for Y clepe ſwerd on alle þe dwelleris of erþe,
hem, ſeiþ þe Lord, and on þe lond of Caldeis, and Y
ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis.
ſchal ſet it in to euerlaſtynge wildirneſſes. xxx And þou ſchalt profeſie to hem alle þeſe wordis, and
þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, Þe Lord ſchal rore fro an hiȝ, and

fro his hooli dwellyng place he ſchal ȝyue his vois; he vii And þe preſtis, and profetis, and al þe puple herden
rorynge ſchal rore on his fairneſſe; a myry ſong, as of Jeremye ſpekynge þeſe wordis in þe hous of þe Lord.
men tredynge in preſſouris, ſchal be ſungun aȝens alle viii And whanne Jeremye hadde fillid ſpekynge alle
dwelleris of erþe. þingis, whiche þe Lord hadde comaundid to hym, þat
xxxi Sown is comun til to þe laſte partis of erþe, for whi
he ſchulde ſpeke to al þe puple, þe preſtis, and profetis,
doom is to þe Lord wiþ folkis, he is demed wiþ ech and al þe puple token hym, and ſeiden, Die he bi deeþ;
fleiſch; þe Lord ſeiþ, Y haue ȝoue wickid men to þe ix whi profeſiede he in þe name of þe Lord, and ſeide,
ſwerd. Þis hous ſchal be as Silo, and þis citee ſchal be deſolat,
xxxii Þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! turment ſchal
for no dwellere is? And al þe puple was gaderid
go out fro folk in to folk, and a greet whirlwynd ſchal togidere aȝens Jeremye, in þe hous of þe Lord.
go out fro þe endis of erþe. x And þe princes of Juda herden alle þeſe wordis; and
xxxiii And þe ſlayn men of þe Lord ſchulen be in þat dai
þei ſtieden fro þe kyngis hous in to þe hous of þe Lord,
fro þe ende of þe erþe `til to þe ende þerof; þei ſchulen and ſaten in þe entryng of þe newe ȝate of þe hous of þe
not be biweilid, neþer ſchulen be gaderid togidere, Lord.
neþer ſchulen be biried; þei ſchulen ligge in to a dunghil xi And þe preſtis and profetis ſpaken to þe princes, and
on þe face of erþe. to al þe puple, and ſeiden, Doom of deþ is to þis man,
xxxiiii Ȝelle, ȝe ſcheepherdis, and crye, and, ȝe
for he profeſiede aȝens þis citee, as ȝe herden wiþ ȝoure
princypals of þe floc, biſpreynge ȝou wiþ aiſche; for eeris.
ȝoure daies ben fillid, þat ȝe be ſlayn, and ȝoure xii And Jeremye ſeide to alle þe princes, and to al þe
ſcateryngis ben fillid, and ȝe ſchulen falle as precious puple, `and ſeide, Þe Lord ſente me, þat Y ſchulde
veſſels. propheſie to þis hous, and to þis citee, alle þe wordis
xxxv And fleyng ſchal periſche fro ſcheepherdis, and
whiche ȝe herden.
ſauyng ſchal periſche fro þe principals of þe floc. xiii Now þerfor make ȝe good ȝoure weies, and ȝoure
xxxvi Þe vois of þe crye of ſcheepherdis, and þe ȝellyng
ſtudies, and here ȝe þe vois of ȝoure Lord God; and it
of þe principals of þe floc, for þe Lord haþ waſtid þe ſchal repente þe Lord of þe yuel which he ſpak aȝens
leſewis of hem. ȝou.
xxxvii And þe feeldis of pees weren ſtille, for þe face of xiiii Lo! forſoþe Y am in ȝoure hondis; do ȝe to me, as it
wraþþe of þe ſtrong veniaunce of þe Lord. is good and riȝtful bifore ȝoure iȝen.
xxxviii He as a lion haþ forſake his tabernacle, for þe xv Neþeles wite ȝe, and knowe, þat if ȝe ſleen me, ȝe
lond of hem is maad in to deſolacioun, of þe face of ſchulen bitraie innocent blood aȝens ȝou ſilf, and aȝens
wraþþe of þe culuer, and of þe face of wraþþe of þe þis citee, and þe dwelleris þerof; for in trewþe þe Lord
ſtrong veniaunce of þe Lord. ſente me to ȝou, þat Y ſchulde ſpeke in ȝoure eeris alle
þeſe wordis.
CAP. XXVI xvi And þe princes and al þe puple ſeiden to þe preeſtis
i In þe bigynnyng of þe rewme of Joachym, þe ſone of
and profetis, Doom of deþ is not to þis man; for he ſpak
Joſie, kyng of Juda, þis word was maad of þe Lord, and to vs in þe name of oure Lord God.
ſeide, xvii Þerfor men of þe eldere men of þe lond ryſiden vp,
ii Þe Lord ſeide þeſe þingis, Stonde þou in þe porche of
and ſeiden to al þe cumpanye of þe puple,
þe hous of þe Lord, and þou ſchalt ſpeke to alle þe xviii and ſpaken, Mychee of Moraſten was a profete in
citees of Juda, fro whiche þei comen for to worſchipe in þe daies of Ezechie, king of Juda; and he ſeide to al þe
þe hous of þe Lord, alle þe wordis whiche Y puple of Juda, and ſeide, Þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe
comaundide to þee, þat þou ſpeke to hem; nyle þou þingis, Sion ſchal be erid as a feeld, and Jeruſalem ſchal
wiþdrawe a word; be in to an heep of ſtoonys, and þe hil of þe hous of þe
iii if perauenture þei heren, and ben conuertid, ech man
Lord ſchal be in to hiȝ þingis of woodis.
fro his yuele weie, and it repente me of þe yuel which Y xix Wheþer Ezechie, kyng of Juda, and al Juda
þouȝte to do to hem for þe malices of her ſtudies. condempnede hym bi deþ? Wheþer þei dredden not þe
iiii And þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis,
Lord, and biſouȝten þe face of þe Lord? and it repentide
If ȝe heren not me, þat ȝe go in my lawe which Y ȝaf to þe Lord of þe yuel which he ſpak aȝens hem. Þerfor do
ȝou, we not greet yuel aȝens oure ſoulis.
v þat ȝe here þe wordis of my ſeruauntis, profetis, xx Alſo Vrye, þe ſone of Semey, of Cariathiarym, was a
whiche Y riſynge bi niȝte, and dreſſynge, ſente to ȝou, man profeſiynge in þe name of þe Lord; and he
and ȝe herden not; profeſiede aȝens þis citee, and aȝens þis lond, bi alle þe
vi Y ſchal ȝyue þis hous as Silo, and Y ſchal ȝyue þis wordis of Jeremye.
citee in to curſyng to alle folkis of erþe.

xxi And kyng Joachym, and alle þe myȝti men, and it in his lond, ſeiþ þe Lord; and it ſchal tile þat lond, and
princes of hem, herden þeſe wordis; and þe kyng ſouȝte ſchal dwelle þerynne.
to ſle hym; and Vrye herde, and dredde, and he fledde, xii And Y ſpak bi alle þeſe wordis to Sedechie, kyng of
and entride in to Egipt. Juda, and Y ſeide, Make ȝe ſuget ȝoure neckis vndur þe
xxii And kyng Joachym ſente men in to Egipt, Elnathan, ȝok of þe kyng of Babiloyne, and ſerue ȝe hym, and his
þe ſone of Achobor, and men wiþ hym, in to Egipt; puple, and ȝe ſchulen lyue.
xxiii and þei ledden Vrye out of Egipt, and brouȝten hym xiii Whi ſchulen ȝe die, þou and þi puple, bi ſwerd, and

to kyng Joachym; and þe kyng killide hym bi ſwerd, hungur, and peſtilence, as þe Lord ſpak to þe folk, þat
and caſtide forþ his careyn in þe ſepulcris of þe comyn nolde ſerue to þe kyng of Babiloyne?
puple vnnoble. xiiii Nyle ȝe here þe wordis of profetis ſeiynge to ȝou, Ȝe
xxiiii Þerfor þe hond of Aicham, ſone of Saphan, was ſchulen not ſerue þe kyng of Babiloyne; for þei ſpeken
wiþ Jeremye, þat he was not bitakun in to þe hondis of leeſyng to ȝou, for Y ſente not hem, ſeiþ þe Lord;
þe puple, and þat it killide not hym. xv and þei profeſien falſly in my name, þat þei caſte out
ȝou, and þat ȝe periſche, boþe ȝe and þe profetis þat
CAP. XXVII profeſien to ȝou.
i In þe bigynnyng of þe rewme of Joachym, þe ſone of xvi And Y ſpak to þe preeſtis, and to þis puple, and Y
Joſie, kyng of Juda, þis word was maad of þe Lord to ſeide, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Nyle ȝe here þe
Jeremye, and ſeide, wordis of ȝoure profetis, þat profeſien to ȝou, and ſeien,
ii Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis to me, Make þou to þee Lo! þe veſſels of þe Lord ſchulen turne aȝen now ſoone
boondis and chaynes, and þou ſchalt putte þo in þi fro Babiloyne; for þei profeſien a leeſyng to ȝou.
necke; xvii Þerfor nyle ȝe here hem, but ſerue ȝe to þe kyng of
iii and þou ſchalt ſende þo to þe kyng of Edom, and to Babiloyne, þat ȝe lyue; whi is þis citee ȝouun in to
þe kyng of Moab, and to þe kyng of þe ſones of Amon, wildirneſſe?
and to þe kyng of Tyre, and to þe kyng of Sidon, bi þe xviii And if þei ben profetis, and if þe word of God is in
hond of meſſangeris þat camen to Jeruſalem, and to hem, renne þei to þe Lord of ooſtis, þat þe veſſels
Sedechie, kyng of Juda. whiche weren left in þe hous of þe Lord, and in þe hous
iiii And þou ſchalt comaunde to hem, þat þei ſpeke to of þe kyng of Juda, and in Jeruſalem, come not in to
her lordis, Þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe Babiloyne.
þingis, Ȝe ſchulen ſeie þeſe þingis to ȝoure lordis, xix For þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis to þe pilers,
v Y made erþe, and man, and beeſtis þat ben on þe face and to þe ſee, þat is, a greet waiſchyng veſſel, and to þe
of al erþe, in my greet ſtrengþe, and in myn arm holdun foundementis, and to þe remenauntis of veſſels, þat
forþ; and Y ȝaf it to hym þat pleſyde bifore myn iȝen. weren left in þis citee,
vi And now þerfor Y ȝaf alle þeſe londis in þe hond of xx whiche Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, took not,

Nabugodonoſor, my ſeruaunt, þe kyng of Babiloyne; whanne he tranſlatide Jeconye, þe ſone of Joachim, king
ferþermore and Y ȝaf to hym þe beeſtis of þe feeld, þat of Juda, fro Jeruſalem in to Babiloyne, and alle þe
þei ſerue hym. principal men of Juda and of Jeruſalem.
vii And alle folkis ſchulen ſerue hym, and his ſone, and xxi For þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe þingis

þe ſone of his ſone, til þe tyme of his lond and of hym to þe veſſels þat ben left in þe hous of þe Lord, and in
come; and many folkis and grete kyngis ſchulen ſerue þe hous of þe king of Juda, and in Jeruſalem, Þo ſchulen
hym. be tranſlatid in to Babiloyne,
viii Forſoþe þe folk and rewme þat ſerueþ not xxii and ſchulen be þere `til to þe dai of her viſitacioun,

Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babiloyne, and whoeuer ſeiþ þe Lord; and Y ſchal make þo to be brouȝt, and to
bowiþ not his necke vndur þe ȝok of þe kyng of be reſtorid in þis place.
Babiloyne, Y ſchal viſite on þat folk in ſwerd, and
hungur, and peſtilence, ſeiþ þe Lord, til Y waaſte hem in CAP. XXVIII
his hond. i And it was don in þat ȝeer, in þe bigynnyng of þe
ix Þerfor nyle ȝe here ȝoure profetis, and falſe rewme of Sedechie, kyng of Juda, in þe fourþe ȝeer, in
dyuynouris, and dremeris, and dyuyneris bi chiteryng þe fyueþe moneþe, Ananye, þe ſone of Azur, a profete
and fleyng of briddis, and witchis, þat ſeien to ȝou, Ȝe of Gabaon, ſeide to me in þe hous of þe Lord, bifor þe
ſchulen not ſerue þe kyng of Babiloyne; preeſtis, and al þe puple,
x for þei profeſien a leſſyng to ȝou, þat þei make ȝou fer ii `and ſeide, Þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe

fro ȝoure lond, and caſte out ȝou, and ȝe periſche. þingis, Y haue al to-broke þe ȝok of þe kyng of
xi Certis þe folk þat makiþ ſuget her nol vndur þe ȝok of Babiloyne.
þe kyng of Babiloyne, and ſerueþ hym, Y ſchal diſmytte

iii Ȝittwei ȝeeris of daies ben, and Y ſchal make to be CAP. XXIX
brouȝt aȝen to þis place alle þe veſſels of þe Lord, i And þeſe ben þe wordis of þe book, whiche Jeremye,
whiche Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babiloyne, took fro þis þe profete, ſente fro Jeruſalem to þe reſidues of eldere
place, and tranſlatide þo in to Babiloyne. men of paſſyng ouer, and to þe preeſtis, and to þe
iiii And Y ſchal turne to þis place, ſeiþ þe Lord, Jeconye, profetis, and to al þe puple, whom Nabugodonoſor
þe ſone of Joachym, þe kyng of Juda, and al þe paſſyng hadde ledde ouer fro Jeruſalem in to Babiloyne,
ouer of Juda, þat entriden in to Babiloyne; for Y ſchal al ii after þat Jeconye, þe kyng, ȝede out, and þe ladi, and
to-breke þe ȝok of þe kyng of Babiloyne. þe oneſt ſeruauntis and chaſt, and þe princis of Juda
v And Jeremye, þe profete, ſeide to Ananye, þe profete, ȝeden out of Jeruſalem, and a ſutel crafti man, and a
bifore þe iȝen of preeſtis, and bifore þe iȝen of al þe goldſmyþ of Jeruſalem,
puple þat ſtoden in þe hous of þe Lord. iii in þe hond of Elaſa, ſone of Saphan, and of Gamalie,
vi And Jeremye, þe profete, ſeide to Ananye, Amen! ſo þe ſone of Elchie, whiche Sedechie, þe kyng of Juda,
do þe Lord; þe Lord reiſe þi wordis whiche þou ſente to Nabugodonoſor, þe kyng of Babiloyne, in to
profeſiediſt, þat þe veſſels be brouȝt aȝen in to þe hous Babiloyne.
of þe Lord, and al þe paſſyng ouer fro Babiloyne, to þis iiii And Jeremye ſeide, Þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael,
place. ſeiþ þeſe þingis to al þe paſſyng ouer, which Y
vii Neþeles here þou þis word, which Y ſpeke in þin tranſlatide fro Jeruſalem in to Babiloyne,
eeris, and in þe eeris of al þe puple. v Bilde ȝe houſis, and enhabite, and plaunte ȝe
viii Profetis þat weren bifore me, and bifor þee, fro þe orcherdis, and ete ȝe fruyt of þo;
bigynnyng, and profeſieden on many londis, and on vi take ȝe wyues, and gendre ȝe ſones and douȝtris, and
many rewmes, of batel, and of turment, and of hungur. ȝyue ȝe wyues to ȝoure ſones, and ȝyue ȝe ȝoure
ix Þe profete þat profeſiede pees, whanne his word douȝtris to hoſebondis, and bere þei ſones and douȝtris;
comeþ, ſhal be knowun þe profete whom þe Lord ſente and be ȝe multiplied þere, and nyle ȝe be fewe in
in treuþe. noumbre.
x And Ananye, þe profete, took þe chayne fro þe necke vii And ſeke ȝe pees of þe citees, to whiche Y made ȝou

of Jeremye, þe profete, and brak it. to paſſe ouer; and preie ȝe þe Lord for it, for in þe pees
xi And Ananye, þe profete, ſeide in þe ſiȝt of al þe puple, þerof ſchal be pees to ȝou.
viii Þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe þingis,
`and ſeide, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, So Y ſchal breke þe
ȝok of Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babiloyne, aftir twei Ȝoure profetis, þat ben in þe myddis of ȝou, and ȝoure
ȝeeris of daies, fro þe necke of alle folkis. dyuynours diſſeyue ȝou not; and take ȝe noon heede to
xii And Jeremye, þe profete, ȝede in to his weie. And þe ȝoure dremes, whiche ȝe dremen;
ix for þei profeſien falſli to ȝou in my name, and Y ſente
word of þe Lord was maad to Jeremye, aftir þat
Ananye, þe profete, brak þe chayne fro þe necke of not hem, ſeiþ þe Lord.
Jeremye; and þe Lord ſeide, x For þe Lord ſeiþ þes þingis, Whanne ſeuenti ȝeer
xiii Go þou, and ſeie to Ananye, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe bigynnen to be fillid in Babiloyne, Y ſchal viſite ȝou,
þingis, Þou haſt al to-broke þe chaynes of tre, and þou and Y ſchal reiſe on ȝou my good word, and Y ſchal
ſchalt make yrun chaynes for þo. brynge ȝou aȝen to þis place.
xiiii For þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe þingis, xi For Y knowe þe þouȝtis whiche Y þenke on ȝou, ſeiþ

Y haue ſet an yrun ȝok on þe necke of alle þeſe folkis, þe Lord, þe þouȝtis of pees, and not of turment, þat Y
þat þei ſerue Nabugodonoſor, þe king of Babiloyne, and ȝyue to ȝou an ende and pacience.
þei ſchulen ſerue hym; ferþermore and Y ȝaf to hym þe xii And ȝe ſchulen clepe me to help, and ȝe ſchulen go,
beeſtis of erþe. and ſchulen worſchipe me, and Y ſchal here ȝou;
xv And Jeremye, þe profete, ſeide to Ananye, þe profete, xiii ȝe ſchulen ſeke me, and ȝe ſchulen fynde, whanne ȝe
Ananye, here þou; þe Lord ſente not þee, and þou ſeken me in al ȝoure herte.
madiſt þis puple for to triſte in a leeſyng. xiiii And Y ſchal be foundun of ȝou, ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y
xvi Þerfor þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal ſende ſchal brynge aȝen ȝoure caitifte, and Y ſchal gadere ȝou
þee out fro þe face of erþe; in þis ȝeer þou ſchalt die, for fro alle folkis, and fro alle places, to whiche Y caſtide
þou ſpakeſt aȝens þe Lord. out ȝou, ſeiþ þe Lord; and Y ſchal make ȝou to turne
xvii And Ananye, þe profete, diede in þat ȝeer, in þe aȝen fro þe place, to which Y made ȝou to paſſe ouer.
ſeuenþe moneþe. xv For ȝe ſeiden, Þe Lord ſchal reiſe profetis to vs in
xvi For þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis to þe kyng, þat ſittiþ on
þe ſeete of Dauid, and to al þe puple, dwellere of þis

citee, to ȝoure briþeren, þat ȝeden not out wiþ ȝou in to ſittynge in þe myddis of þis puple ſchal be to hym; and
þe paſſyng ouer, he ſchal not ſe þe good, which Y ſchal do to my puple,
xvii Þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal ſende ſeiþ þe Lord, for he ſpak treſpaſſyng aȝens þe Lord.
among hem ſwerd, and hungur, and peſtilence; and Y
ſchal ſette hem as yuele figis, þat moun not be etun, for CAP. XXX
þo ben ful yuele. i Þis is þe word, þat was maad of þe Lord to Jeremye,
xviii And Y ſchal purſue hem in ſwerd, and in hungur, ii and ſeide, Þe Lord God of Iſrael ſeiþ þeſe þingis, and
and in peſtilence; and Y ſchal ȝyue hem in to trauelyng ſpekiþ, Write to þee in a book, alle þeſe wordis whiche
in alle rewmes of erþe, in to curſyng, and in to Y ſpak to þee.
wondryng, and in to ſcornyng, and in to ſchenſchipe to iii For lo! daies comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y ſchal turne
alle folkis, to whiche Y caſtide hem out. þe turnyng of my puple Iſrael and Juda, ſeiþ þe Lord;
xix For þei herden not my wordis, ſeiþ þe Lord, which Y and Y ſchal turne hem to þe lond which Y ȝaf to þe
ſente to hem bi my ſeruauntis, profetis, and roos bi nyȝt, fadris of hem, and þei ſchulen haue it in poſſeſſioun.
and ſente, and ȝe herden not, ſeiþ þe Lord. iiii And þeſe ben þe wordis, whiche þe Lord ſpak to
xx Þerfor al þe paſſyng ouer, which Y ſente out fro Iſrael, and to Juda,
Jeruſalem in to Babiloyne, here ȝe þe word of þe Lord. v For þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, We herden a word of
xxi Þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe þingis to drede; inward drede is, and pees is not.
Achab, þe ſone of Chulie, and to Sedechie, þe ſone of vi Axe ȝe, and ſe, if a male beriþ child; whi þerfor ſiȝ Y
Maaſie, þat profeſien to ȝou a leeſyng in my name, Lo! þe hond of ech man on his leende, as of a womman
Y ſchal bitake hem in to þe hond of Nabugodonoſor, trauelynge of child, and alle faces ben turned in to
kyng of Babiloyne, and he ſchal ſmyte hem bifore ȝoure ȝelow colour?
iȝen. vii Wo! for þilke day is greet, neþer ony is lyk it; and it
xxii And curſyng ſchal be takun of hem to al þe paſſyng
is a tyme of tribulacioun to Jacob, and of hym ſchal be
ouer of Juda, which is in Babiloyne, of men ſeiynge, Þe ſauyd.
Lord ſette þee as Sedechie, and as Achab, whiche þe viii And it ſchal be, in þat dai, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, Y
kyng of Babiloyne friede in fier, ſchal al to-breke þe ȝok of hym fro þi necke, and Y
xxiii for þei diden foli in Iſrael, and diden auowtrie on þe
ſchal breke hiſe boondis; and aliens ſchulen no more be
wyues of her frendis; and þei ſpaken a word falſli in my lordis of it,
name, which Y comaundide not to hem; Y am iuge and ix but þei ſchulen ſerue to her Lord God, and to Dauid,
witneſſe, ſeiþ þe Lord. her kyng, whom Y ſchal reyſe for hem.
xxiiii And þou ſchalt ſeie to Semei Neelamyte, x Þerfor, Jacob, my ſeruaunt, drede þou not, ſeiþ þe
xxv Þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For
Lord, and Iſrael, drede þou not; for lo! Y ſchal ſaue þee
þat þat þou ſentiſt bookis in my name to al þe puple, fro a fer lond, and þi ſeed fro þe lond of þe caitiftee of
which is in Jeruſalem, and to Sofony, þe ſone of Maaſie, hem. And Jacob ſchal turne aȝen, and ſchal reſte, and
þe preeſt, and to alle þe preſtis, ſchal flowe wiþ alle goodis; and noon ſchal be whom he
xxvi and ſeidiſt, Þe Lord ȝaf þee þe preeſt for Joiada, þe ſchal drede.
preeſt, þat þou be duyk in þe hous of þe Lord on ech xi For Y am wiþ þee, ſeiþ þe Lord, for to ſaue þee. For Y
man `þat is trauelid of þe fend, and profeſiynge, þat þou ſchal make endyng in alle folkis, in whiche Y ſcateride
ſende hym in to ſtockis, and in to priſoun. þee; ſoþeli Y ſchal not make þee in to endyng, but Y
xxvii And now whi blameſt þou not Jeremye of Anathot, ſchal chaſtiſe þee in doom, þat þou be not ſeyn to þee to
þat profeſieþ to ȝou? be gilteles.
xxviii For on þis þing he ſente to vs in to Babiloyne, and xii For þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þi brekyng is vncurable,
ſeide, It is long; bielde ȝe houſis, and enhabite, and þi wounde is þe worſte.
plaunte ȝe orcherdis, and ete ȝe þe fruit of þo. xiii Noon is, þat demeþ þi doom to bynde togidere; þe
xxix Þerfor Sofonye, þe preeſt, redde þis book in þe eeris profit of heelyngis is not to þee.
of Jeremye, þe prophete. xiiii Alle þi louyeris han forȝete þee, þei ſchulen not ſeke
xxx And þe word of þe Lord was maad to Jeremye, þee; for Y haue ſmyte þee wiþ þe wounde of an enemy,
xxxi and ſeide, Sende þou to al þe paſſyng ouer, and ſeie, wiþ cruel chaſtiſyng; for þe multitude of þi wickidneſſe,
Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis to Semeye Neelamite, For þat þi ſynnes ben maad hard.
þat Semeye profeſiede to ȝou, and Y ſente not hym, and xv What crieſt þou on þi brekynge? þi ſorewe is
he made ȝou to triſte in a leeſyng; vncurable; for þe multitude of þi wickidneſſe, and for
xxxii þerfor þe Lord ſeiþ þes þingis, Lo! Y ſchal viſite on þin hard ſynnes, Y haue do þeſe þingis to þee.
Semeye Neelamyte, and on his ſeed; and no man

xvi Þerfor alle þat eeten þee, ſchulen be deuourid, and men; ſowne ȝe, ſynge ȝe, and ſeie ȝe, Lord, ſaue þi
alle þin enemyes ſchulen be led in to caitifte; and þei puple, þe reſidues of Iſrael.
þat diſtrien þee, ſchulen be diſtried, and Y ſchal ȝyue viii Lo! Y ſchal brynge hem fro þe loond of þe norþ, and
alle þi robberis in to raueyn. Y ſchal gadere hem fro þe ferþeſte partis of erþe; among
xvii For Y ſchal heele perfitli þi wounde, and Y ſchal whiche ſchulen be a blynd man, and crokid, and a
make þee hool of þi woundis, ſeiþ þe Lord; for þou, womman wiþ childe, and trauelynge of child togidere, a
Sion, þei clepeden þee caſt out; þis is it þat hadde no greet cumpeny of hem þat ſchulen turne aȝen hidur.
ſekere. ix Þei ſchulen come in wepyng, and Y ſchal brynge hem
xviii Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal turne þe aȝen in merci; and Y ſchal brynge hem bi þe ſtrondis of
turnyng of þe tabernaclis of Jacob, and Y ſchal haue watris in a riȝtful weie, þei ſchulen not ſpurne þerynne;
merci on þe houſis of hym; and þe citee ſchal be bildid for Y am maad a fadir to Iſrael, and Effraym is my
in his hiȝneſſe, and þe temple ſchal be foundid bi his gendrid ſone.
ordre. x Ȝe heþene men, here ȝe þe word of þe Lord, and telle
xix And heriyng and þe vois of pleiers ſchal go out of ȝe in ylis þat ben fer, and ſeie, He þat ſcateride Iſrael,
hem, and Y ſchal multiplie hem, and þei ſchulen not be ſchal gadere it, and ſchal kepe it, as a ſcheepherde kepiþ
decreeſſid; and Y ſchal glorifie hem, and þei ſchulen not his floc.
be maad þynne. xi For þe Lord aȝenbouȝte Jacob, and delyuerede hym
xx And þe ſones þerof ſchulen be as at þe bigynnyng, fro þe hond of þe myȝtiere.
and þe cumpeny þerof ſchal dwelle bifore me; and Y xii And þei ſchulen come, and herye in þe hil of Sion;
ſchal viſite aȝens alle þat doon tribulacioun to it. and þei ſchulen flowe togidere to þe goodis of þe Lord,
xxi And þe duyk þerof ſchal be of it, and a prince ſchal on wheete, wyn, and oile, and on þe fruyt of ſcheep, and
be brouȝt forþ of þe myddis þerof; and Y ſchal applie of neet; and þe ſoule of hem ſchal be as a watri gardyn,
hym, and he ſchal neiȝe to me; for who is þis, þat ſchal and þei ſchulen no more hungre.
applie his herte, þat he neiȝe to me? ſeiþ þe Lord. xiii Þanne a virgyn ſchal be glad in a cumpenye, ȝonge
xxii And ȝe ſchulen be in to a puple to me, and Y ſchal men and elde togidere; and Y ſchal turne þe morenyng
be in to God to ȝou. of hem in to ioie, and Y ſchal coumforte hem, and Y
xxiii Lo! þe whirlewynd of þe Lord, a ſtrong veniaunce ſchal make hem glad of her ſorewe.
xiiii And Y ſchal greetli fille þe ſoule of preſtis wiþ
goynge out, a tempeſt fallynge doun, ſchal reſte in þe
heed of wickid men. fatneſſe, and my puple ſchal be fillid wiþ my goodis,
xxiiii Þe Lord ſchal not turne awey þe ire of ſeiþ þe Lord.
xv Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, A vois of weilyng, and of
indignacioun, til he do, and fille þe þouȝt of his herte; in
þe laſte of daies ȝe ſchulen vndurſtonde þo þingis. wepyng, and of mourenyng, was herd an hiȝ; þe vois of
Rachel biwepynge hir ſones, and not willynge to be
CAP. XXXI coumfortid on hem, for þei ben not.
i In þat tyme, ſeiþ þe Lord, Y ſchal be God to alle þe xvi Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þi vois reſte of wepyng, and

kynredis of Iſrael; and þei ſchulen be in to a puple to þin iȝen reſte of teeres; for whi mede is to þi werk, ſeiþ
me. þe Lord; and þei ſchulen turne aȝen fro þe lond of þe
ii Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þe puple þat was left of enemy.
xvii And hope is to þi laſte þingis, ſeiþ þe Lord, and þi
ſwerd, foond grace in deſert; Iſrael ſchal go to his reſte.
iii Fer þe Lord apperide to me, and in euerlaſtynge ſones ſchulen turne aȝen to her endis.
xviii I heringe herde Effraym paſſinge ouer; þou
charite Y louede þee; þerfor Y doynge merci drow þee.
iiii And eft Y ſchal bilde þee, and þou, virgyn Iſrael, chaſtiſidiſt me, and Y am lerned as a ȝong oon vntemyd;
ſchalt be bildid; ȝit þou ſchalt be ourned wiþ þi turne þou me, and Y ſchal be conuertid, for þou art my
tympans, and ſchalt go out in þe cumpenye of pleieris. Lord God.
v Ȝit þou ſchalt plaunte vynes in þe hillis of Samarie; xix For aftir þat þou conuertidiſt me, Y dide penaunce;

men plauntynge ſchulen plaunte, and til þe tyme come, and aftir þat þou ſchewidiſt to me, Y ſmoot myn hipe; Y
þei ſchulen not gadere grapis. am ſchent, and Y ſchamede, for Y ſuffride þe
vi For whi a dai ſchal be, wherynne keperis ſchulen crye ſchenſchipe of my ȝongþe.
xx For Effraym is a worſchipful ſone to me, for he is a
in þe hil of Samarie, and in þe hil of Effraym, Riſe ȝe,
and ſtie we in to Sion, to oure Lord God. delicat child; for ſiþen Y ſpak of hym, ȝit Y ſchal haue
vii For þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Jacob, make ȝe ful out mynde on hym; þerfor myn entrails ben diſturblid on
him, Y doynge merci ſchal haue merci on hym, ſeiþ þe
ioye in gladneſſe, and neye ȝe aȝens þe heed of heþene

xxi Ordeyne to þee an hiȝ totyng place, ſette to þee xxxvi If þeſe lawis failen bifore me, ſeiþ þe Lord, þanne
bitterneſſes; dreſſe þin herte in to a ſtreiȝt weie, in which and þe ſeed of Iſrael ſchal faile, þat it be not a folk
þou ȝediſt; turne aȝen, þou virgyn of Iſrael, turne aȝen to bifore me in alle daies.
þeſe þi citees. xxxvii Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, If heuenes aboue moun
xxii Hou longe, douȝter of vnſtidfaſt dwellyng, art þou be meſurid, and þe foundementis of erþe byneþe be
maad diſſolut in delices? for þe Lord haþ maad a newe ſouȝt out, and Y ſchal caſte awei al þe ſeed of Iſrael, for
þing on erþe, a womman ſchal cumpaſſe a man. alle þingis whiche þei diden, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xxiii Þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Ȝit xxxviii Lo! daies comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and a citee ſchal
þei ſchulen ſeie þis word in þe lond of Juda, and in þe be bildid to þe Lord, fro þe tour of Ananeel `til to þe
citees þerof, whane Y ſchal turne þe caytifte of hem, Þe ȝate of þe corner.
Lord bleſſe þee, þou fairneſſe of riȝtfulneſſe, þou hooli xxxix And it ſchal go out ouer þe reule of meſure, in þe
hil. ſiȝt þerof, on þe hil Gareb, and it ſchal cumpaſſe
xxiiii And Juda, and alle citees þerof ſchulen dwelle in it Goatha,
togidere, erþetilieris, and þei þat dryuen flockis. xl and al þe valei of careyns, and it ſchal cumpaſſe
xxv For Y fillide greetli a feynt ſoule, and Y haue fillid aiſchis, and al þe cuntrei of deþ, `til to þe ſtronde of
ech hungri ſoule. Cedron, and til to þe corner of þe eeſt ȝate of horſis; þe
xxvi Þerfor Y am as reiſid fro ſleep, and Y ſiȝ; and my hooli þing of þe Lord ſchal not be drawun out, and it
ſleep was ſwete to me. ſchal no more be deſtried wiþ outen ende.
xxvii Lo! daies comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y ſchal ſowe þe
hous of Iſrael and þe hous of Juda wiþ þe ſeed of men, CAP. XXXII
i Þe word þat was maad of þe Lord to Jeremye, in þe
and wiþ þe ſeed of werk beeſtis.
xxviii And as Y wakide on hem, to drawe vp bi þe roote, tenþe ȝeer of Sedechie, kyng of Juda; þilke is þe
and to diſtrie, and to ſcatere, and to leeſe, and to eiȝtenþe ȝeer of Nabugodonoſor.
ii Þanne þe ooſt of þe kyng of Babiloyne biſegide
turmente; ſo Y ſchal wake on hem, to bilde, and to
plaunte, ſeiþ þe Lord. Jeruſalem; and Jeremye, þe profete, was cloſid in þe
xxix In þo daies þei ſchulen no more ſeie, Þe fadres eeten porche of þe priſoun, þat was in þe hous of þe kyng of
a ſour grape, and þe teeþ of ſones weren aſtonyed; but Juda.
iii For whi Sedechie, þe kyng of Juda, hadde cloſid hym,
ech man ſchal die in his wickidneſſe,
xxx ech man þat etiþ a ſour grape, hiſe teeþ ſchulen be and ſeide, Whi profeſieſt þou, ſeiynge, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe
aſtonyed. þingis, Lo! Y ſchal ȝyue þis citee in þe hond of þe kyng
xxxi Lo! daies comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y ſchal ſmyte a of Babyloyne, and he ſchal take it; and Sedechie,
iiii þe kyng of Juda, ſchal not aſcape fro þe hond of
newe boond of pees to þe hous of Iſrael, and to þe hous
of Juda; Caldeis, but he ſchal be bitake in to þe hond of þe kyng
xxxii not bi þe couenaunte which Y made wiþ ȝoure of Babiloyne; and his mouþ ſchal ſpeke wiþ þe mouþ of
fadris, in þe dai in which Y took þe hond of hem, to hym, and hiſe iȝen ſchulen ſe þe iȝen of hym;
v and he ſchal lede Sedechie in to Babiloyne, and he
lede hem out of þe lond of Egipt, þe couenaunte which
þei made voide; and Y was Lord of hem, ſeiþ þe Lord. ſchal be þere, til Y viſyte hym, ſeiþ þe Lord; forſoþe if
xxxiii But þis ſchal be þe couenaunte, which Y ſchal ȝe fiȝten aȝens Caldeis, ȝe ſchulen haue no þing in
ſmyte wiþ þe hous of Iſrael aftir þo daies, ſeiþ þe Lord; proſperite?
vi And Jeremye ſeide, Þe word of þe Lord was maad to
Y ſchal ȝyue my lawe in þe entrails of hem, and Y ſchal
write it in þe herte of hem, and Y ſchal be in to God to me, and ſeide, Lo!
vii Ananeel, þe ſone of Sellum, þe ſone of þi fadris
hem, and þei ſchulen be in to a puple to me.
xxxiiii And a man ſchal no more teche his neiȝbore, and a broþir, ſchal come to þee, and ſeie, Bi þou to þee my
man his broþer, and ſeie, Knowe þou þe Lord; for alle feeld, which is in Anathot; for it bifalliþ to þee by niȝ
ſchulen knowe me, fro þe leeſte of hem `til to þe kynrede, þat þou bie it.
viii And Ananeel, þe ſone of my fadris broþir, cam to
mooſte, ſeiþ þe Lord; for Y ſchal be merciful to þe
wickidneſſis of hem, and Y ſchal no more be myndeful me, bi þe word of þe Lord, to þe porche of þe priſoun,
on þe ſynne of hem. and ſeide to me, Welde þou my feeld, which is in
xxxv Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, þat ȝyueþ þe ſunne in þe Anathot, in þe lond of Beniamyn; for whi þe erytage
lyȝt of dai, þe ordre of þe moone and of ſterris in þe lyȝt bifalliþ to þee, and þou art þe next of blood, þat þou
of þe niȝt, whiche diſturbliþ þe ſee, and þe wawis þerof welde it. Forſoþe Y vndirſtood, þat it was þe word of þe
ſownen, þe Lord of ooſtis is name to hym. Lord.

ix And Y bouȝte þe feeld, which is in Anathot, of peſtilence; and what euer þingis þou ſpakeſt, bifellen, as
Ananeel, þe ſone of my fadris broþir. And Y paiede to þou þi ſilf ſeeſt.
hym ſiluer, ſeuene ſtateris, and ten platis of ſiluer; xxv And Lord God, þou ſeiſt to me, Bie þou a feeld for
x and Y wroot in a book, and Y ſeelide, and Y ȝaf ſiluer, and ȝyue þou witneſſis, whanne þe citee is ȝouun
witneſſis. And Y weiede ſiluer in a balaunce; in þe hondis of Caldeis.
xi and Y took þe book aſeelid of poſſeſſioun, and axingis xxvi And þe word of þe Lord was maad to Jeremye, and

and anſwerys of þe ſeller and bier, and couenauntis, and ſeide, Lo!
ſeelis wiþoutforþ. xxvii Y am þe Lord God of `al fleiſch. Wheþer ony word
xii And Y ȝaf þe book of poſſeſſioun to Baruc, þe ſone of ſchal be hard to me?
Neri, ſone of Maaſie, bifore þe iȝen of Ananeel, þe ſone xxviii Þerfor þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal bitake
of my fadris broþer, and bifore þe iȝen of witneſſis þat þis citee in to þe hondis of Caldeis, and in to þe hond of
weren writun in þe book of biyng, bifore þe iȝen of alle þe kyng of Babiloyne, and he ſchal take it.
Jewis, þat ſaten in þe porche of þe priſoun. xxix And Caldeis ſchulen come, and fiȝte aȝens þis citee,
xiii And Y comaundide to Baruc bifore hem, and þei ſchulen brenne it wiþ fier, and þei ſchulen
xiiii and Y ſeide, Þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ brenne it, and houſis, in whoſe rooues þei ſacrifieden to
þeſe þingis, Take þou þeſe bookis, þis ſeelid book of Baal, and offriden moiſt ſacrifices to alien goddis, to
biyng, and þis book which is opyn, and putte þou þo in terre me to wraþþe.
an erþen veſſel, þat þo moun dwelle bi many daies. xxx For whi þe ſones of Iſrael and þe ſones of Juda diden
xv For whi þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe yuel contynueli, fro her ȝonge waxynge age, bifore myn
þingis, Ȝit houſis, and feeldis, and vynes ſchulen be iȝen, þe ſones of Iſrael, whiche `til to now wraþþen me
weldid in þis lond. bi þe werk of her hondis, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xvi And Y preiede to þe Lord, aftir þat Y bitook þe book xxxi For whi þis citee is maad to me in my ſtrong

of poſſeſſioun to Baruc, þe ſone of Nery; and Y ſeide, veniaunce and indignacioun, fro þe day in which þei
Alas! bildiden it, `til to þis dai, in which it ſchal be takun awei
xvii alas! alas! Lord God, Lord, þou madiſt heuene and fro my ſiȝt;
xxxii for þe malice of þe ſones of Iſrael, and of þe ſones
erþe in þi greet ſtrengþe, and in þin arm ſtretchid forþ;
ech word ſchal not be hard to þee; of Juda, which þei diden, terrynge me to wraþfulneſſe,
xviii which doiſt merci in þouſyndis, and ȝeldiſt þe þei, and þe kyngis of hem, þe princes of hem, and þe
wickidneſſe of fadris in to þe boſum of her ſones aftir preſtis, and profetis of hem, þe men of Juda, and þe
hem. Þou ſtrongeſte, greet, myȝti, Lord of ooſtis is name dwelleris of Jeruſalem.
xxxiii And þei turneden to me þe backis, and not þe
to þee;
xix greet in councel, and vncomprehenſible in þouȝt, faces, whanne Y tauȝte, and enformede hem erli; and
whoſe iȝen ben open on alle þe weies of þe ſones of þei nolden here, þat þei ſchulden take techyng.
xxxiiii And þei ſettiden her idols in þe hous, in which my
Adam, þat þou ȝelde to ech aftir hiſe weies, and aftir þe
fruyt of hiſe fyndyngis; name is clepid to help, þat þei ſchulden defoule it.
xx which ſettidiſt ſignes and greet woundris in þe lond of xxxv And þei bildiden hiȝ þingis to Baal, þat ben in þe

Egipt, `til to þis dai, boþe in Iſrael and in men; and valei of þe ſones of Ennon, þat þei ſchulden halewe her
madiſt to þee a name, as þis dai is. ſones and her douȝtris to Moloc, which þing Y
xxi And þou leddiſt þi puple Iſrael out of þe lond of comaundide not to hem, neþer it ſtiede in to myn herte,
Egipt, in ſignes and in greet woundris, and in a ſtrong þat þei ſchulden do þis abhomynacioun, and brynge
hond, and in an arm holdun forþ, and in greet dreed; Juda in to ſynne.
xxxvi And now for þeſe þingis, þe Lord God of Iſrael
and þou ȝaueſt to hem þis lond,
xxii which þou ſworiſt to þe fadris of hem, þat þou ſeiþ þeſe þingis to þis citee, of whiche ȝe ſeien, þat it
woldiſt ȝyue to hem, a lond flowynge wiþ milk and ſchal be bitakun in to þe hondis of þe kyng of
hony. Babiloyne, in ſwerd, and in hungur, and in peſtilence,
xxiii And þei entriden, and hadden it in poſſeſſioun; and Lo!
xxxvii Y ſchal gadere hem fro alle londis, to whiche Y
þei obeieden not to þi vois, and þei ȝeden not in þi
lawe; alle þingis whiche þou comaundidiſt to hem to do, caſtide hem out in my ſtrong veniaunce, and in my
þei diden not; and alle þeſe yuels bifellen to hem. wraþþe, and in greet indignacioun; and Y ſchal brynge
xxiiii Lo! ſtrengþis ben bildid aȝens þe citee, þat it be hem aȝen to þis place, and Y ſchal make hem to dwelle
takun, and þe citee is ȝouun in to þe hondis of Caldeis, triſtili.
xxxviii And þei ſchulen be in to a puple to me, and Y
and in to þe hondis of þe kyng of Babiloyne, þat fiȝten
aȝens it, of þe face of ſwerd, and of hungur, and of ſchal be in to God to hem.

xxxix And Y ſchal ȝyue to hem oon herte and o ſoule, þat hem; and þei ſchulen drede, and ſchulen be diſturblid in
þei drede me in alle daies, and þat it be wel to hem, and alle goodis, and in al þe pees, which Y ſchal do to hem.
to her ſones aftir hem. x Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Ȝit in þis place, which ȝe
xl And Y ſchal ſmyte to hem a couenaunt euerlaſtynge, ſeien to be forſakun, for no man is neþer beeſte in þe
and Y ſchal not ceeſe to do wel to hem, and Y ſchal ȝyue citees of Juda, and in þe ȝatis of Jeruſalem, þat ben
my drede in þe herte of hem, þat þei go not awey fro deſolat, wiþout man, and wiþ out dwellere,
me. xi and wiþ out beeſte, þe vois of ioye ſchal be herd, and
xli And Y ſchal be glad on hem, whanne Y ſchal do wel þe vois of gladneſſe, þe vois of ſpouſe, and þe vois of
to hem; and Y ſchal plaunte hem in þis lond in treuþe, ſpouſeſſe, þe vois of men, ſeiynge, Knowleche ȝe to þe
in al myn herte, and in al my ſoule. Lord of ooſtis, for þe Lord is good, for his merci is wiþ
xlii For þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, As Y brouȝte on þis outen ende, and of men berynge vowis in to þe hous of
puple al þis greet yuel, ſo Y ſchal brynge on hem al þe þe Lord; for Y ſchal brynge aȝen þe conuerſioun of þe
good, which Y ſchal ſpeke to hem. lond, as at þe bigynnyng, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xliii And feeldis ſchulen be weldid in þis lond, of which xii Þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Ȝit in þis forſakun

ȝe ſeien, þat it is deſert, for no man and beeſte is left; place, wiþ out man, and wiþ out beeſte, and in alle
and it is ȝouun in to þe hondis of Caldeis. citees þerof, ſchal be a dwellyng place of ſcheepherdis,
xliiii Feeldis ſchulen be bouȝt for money, and ſchulen be of flockis ligynge.
xiii And in þe citees in hilli places, and in þe citees in
writun in a book, and a ſeel ſchal be preentid; and
witneſſis ſchulen be ȝouun, in þe lond of Beniamyn, and feeldi places, and in þe citees þat ben at þe ſouþ, and in
in þe cumpas of Jeruſalem, and in þe citees of Juda, and þe lond of Beniamyn, and in þe cumpas of Jeruſalem,
in þe citees in hilli places, and in þe citees in feeldi and in þe citees of Juda, ȝit flockis ſchulen paſſe, at þe
places, and in þe citees þat ben at þe ſouþ; for Y ſchal hond of þe noumbrere, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xiiii Lo! daies comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y ſchal reiſe þe
turne þe caitiftee of hem, ſeiþ þe Lord.
good word, which Y ſpak to þe hous of Iſrael, and to þe
CAP. XXXIII hous of Juda.
i And þe word of þe Lord was maad to Jeremye, in þe xv In þo daies, and in þat tyme, Y ſchal make þe ſeed of

ſecounde tyme, whanne he was cloſid ȝit in þe porche of riȝtfulneſſe to buriowne to Dauid, and he ſchal make
þe priſoun, and ſeide, doom and riȝtfulneſſe in erþe.
ii Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þe Lord is name of hym, þat xvi In þo daies Juda ſchal be ſauyd, and Iſrael ſchal

ſchal do, and fourme, and make redi þat þing; dwelle triſtili; and þis is þe name which þei ſchulen
iii Crye þou to me, and Y ſchal here þee, and Y ſchal clepe hym, Oure riȝtful Lord.
xvii For þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, A man of Dauid ſchal
telle to þee grete þingis, and ſtidfaſt, whiche þou
knowiſt not. not periſche, þat ſhal ſitte on þe trone of þe hous of
iiii For þe Lord God of Iſrael ſeiþ þeſe þingis to þe Iſrael;
xviii and of preeſtis and dekenes a man ſchal not periſche
houſis of þis citee, and to þe houſis of þe kyng of Juda,
þat ben diſtried, and to þe ſtrengþingis, fro my face, þat ſchal offre brent ſacrifices, and brenne
v and to þe ſwerd of men comynge to fiȝte wiþ Caldeis, ſacrifice, and ſle ſacrifice, in alle daies.
xix And þe word of þe Lord was maad to Jeremye,
and to fille þo houſis wiþ careyns of men, which Y
ſmoot in my ſtrong veniaunce, and in myn xx and ſeide, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, If my couenaunt
indignacioun; and Y hidde my face fro þis citee, for al wiþ þe dai and my couenaunt wiþ þe niȝt mai be maad
þe malice of hem. voide, þat þe dai and þe niȝt be not in his tyme;
vi Lo! Y ſchal cloſe togidere to hem a wounde and xxi and my couenaunt wiþ Dauid, my ſeruaunt, mai be
helþe, and Y ſchal make hem hool, and Y ſchal ſchewe voide, þat of hym be no ſone, þat ſchal regne in his
to hem þe biſechyng of pees and of treuþe; trone, and no dekenes, and preeſtis, my myniſtris;
vii and Y ſchal conuerte þe conuerſioun of Juda, and Y xxii as þe ſterris of heuene moun not be noumbrid, and
ſchal conuerte þe conuerſioun of Jeruſalem, and Y ſchal þe grauel of þe ſee mai not be metun, ſo Y ſchal
bilde hem, as at þe bigynnyng. multiplie þe ſeed of Dauid, my ſeruaunt, and dekenes,
viii And Y ſchal clenſe hem fro al her wickidneſſe, in my mynyſtris.
which þei ſynneden to me, and Y ſchal be merciful to xxiii And þe word of þe Lord was maad to Jeremye, and
alle þe wickidneſſis of hem, in which þei treſpaſſiden to ſeide, Wheþer þou haſt not ſeyn,
me, and forſoken me. xxiiii þat þis puple ſpak, ſeiynge, Twei kynredis whiche
ix And þei ſchulen be to me in to a name, and in to ioye, þe Lord chees, ben caſt awei, and þei diſpiſiden my
and in to heriyng, and in to ful out ioiyng to alle folkis puple, for it is no more a folc bifore hem.
of erþe, þat herden alle þe goodis whiche Y ſchal do to

xxv Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, If Y ſettide not my xii And þe word of þe Lord was maad of þe Lord to
couenaunt bitwixe dai and niȝt, and if Y ſettide not Jeremye, and ſeide,
lawis to heuene and erþe; xiii Þe Lord God of Iſrael ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Y ſmoot a
xxvi ſoþeli and Y ſchal caſte awei þe ſeed of Jacob, and boond of pees wiþ ȝoure fadris, in þe dai in which Y
of Dauid, my ſeruaunt, þat Y take not of þe ſeed of hym ledde hem out of þe lond of Egipt, out of þe hous of
princes, of þe ſeed of Abraham, of Iſaac, and of Jacob; ſeruage; and Y ſeide, Whanne ſeuene ȝeeris ben fillid,
for Y ſchal brynge aȝen þe conuerſioun of hem, and Y xiiii ech man delyuere his broþer, an Ebreu man, which
ſchal haue merci on hem. is ſeeld to hym, and he ſchal ſerue þee ſixe ȝeer, and þou
ſchalt delyuere hym fro þee; and ȝoure fadris herden not
CAP. XXXIIII me, neþer bowiden her eere.
i Þe word þat was maad of þe Lord to Jeremye, whanne xv And ȝe ben conuertid to dai, and ȝe diden þat, þat is
Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babiloyne, and al his ooſt, and riȝtful bifore myn iȝen, þat ȝe precheden ech man
alle þe rewmes of erþe, þat weren vndur þe power of his fredom to his frend, and ȝe maden couenaunt in my ſiȝt,
hond, and alle puplis fouȝten aȝens Jeruſalem, and aȝens in þe hous wherynne my name is clepid to help on þat
alle citees þerof; and he ſeide, fredom.
ii Þe Lord God of Iſrael ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Go þou, and xvi And ȝe turneden aȝen, and defouliden my name, and
ſpeke to Sedechie, kyng of Juda; and þou ſchalt ſeie to ȝe brouȝten aȝen ech man his ſeruaunt, and ech man his
hym, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal bitake þis handmaide, whiche ȝe delyueriden, þat þei ſchulden be
citee in to þe hond of þe kyng of Babiloyne, and he fre, and of her owne power; and ȝe maden hem ſuget,
ſchal brenne it bi fier. þat þei be ſeruauntis and haundmaidis to ȝou.
iii And þou ſchalt not aſcape fro his hond, but þou ſchalt xvii Þerfor þe Lord ſeiþ þes þingis, Ȝe herden not me,
be takun bi takyng, and þou ſchalt be bitakun in to his þat ȝe prechiden fredom, ech man to his broþir, and ech
hond; and þin iȝen ſchulen ſe þe iȝen of þe kyng of man to his freend; lo! Y preeche to ȝou fredom, ſeiþ þe
Babiloyne, and his mouþ ſchal ſpeke wiþ þi mouþ, and Lord, and to ſwerd, and to hungur, and to peſtilence,
þou ſchalt entre in to Babiloyne. and Y ſchal ȝyue ȝou in to ſtiryng to alle rewmes of
iiii Neþeles Sedechie, þe kyng of Juda, here þou þe erþe.
word of þe Lord; þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis to þee, Þou xviii And Y ſchal ȝyue þe men, þat breken my boond of
ſchalt not die bi ſwerd, pees, and kepten not þe wordis of boond of pees, to
v but þou ſchalt die in pees, and bi þe brennyngis of þi whiche þei aſſentiden in my ſiȝt, and kepten not þe calf,
fadris, þe formere kyngis þat weren bifore þee, ſo þei which þei kittiden in to twei partis; and þe princes of
ſchulen brenne þee, and þei ſchulen biweile þee, Wo! Juda,
lord; for Y ſpak a word, ſeiþ þe Lord. xix and þe princes of Jeruſalem, and þe oneſt ſeruauntis,
vi And Jeremye, þe profete, ſpak to Sedechie, kyng of and preeſtis ȝeden bytwixe þe partyngis þerof, and al þe
Juda, alle þeſe wordis in Jeruſalem. puple of þe lond, þat ȝeden bitwixe þe departyngis of þe
vii And þe ooſt of þe kyng of Babiloyne fauȝt aȝens calf;
Jeruſalem, and aȝens alle þe citees of Juda, þat weren xx and Y ſchal ȝyue hem in to þe hond of her enemyes,
left; aȝens Lachis, and aȝens Azecha; for whi þeſe and in to þe hond of hem þat ſeken her lijf; and þe deed
ſtrong citees weren left of þe citees of Juda. careyn of hem ſchal be in to mete to þe volatilis of þe
viii Þe word þat was maad of þe Lord to Jeremye, aftir eir, and to þe beeſtis of erþe.
þat kyng Sedechie ſmoot boond of pees wiþ al þe puple xxi And Y ſchal ȝyue Sedechie, þe kyng of Juda, and
in Jeruſalem, hiſe princes, in to þe hond of her enemyes, and in to þe
ix and prechide, þat ech man ſchulde delyuere his hond of hem þat ſeken her lijf, and in to þe hond of þe
ſeruaunt, and ech man his handmaide, an Ebreu man ooſtis of þe kyng of Babiloyne, þat ȝeden awei fro ȝou.
and an Ebru womman fre, and þat þei ſchulden not be xxii Lo! Y comaunde, ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y ſchal brynge
lordis of hem, þat is, in a Jew, and her broþir. hem aȝen in to þis citee, and þei ſchulen fiȝte aȝens it,
x Þerfor alle þe princes and al þe puple herden, whiche and ſchulen take it, and ſchulen brenne it wiþ fier; and
maden couenaunt, þat þei ſchulden delyuere ech man Y ſchal ȝyue þe citees of Juda in to wildirneſſe, for þer
his ſeruaunt, and ech man his handmaide fre, and is no dwellere.
ſchulde no more be lordis of hem; þerfor þei herden,
and delyueriden; CAP. XXXV
xi and þei weren turned aftirward, and drowen aȝen her i Þe word þat was maad of þe Lord to Jeremye, in þe

ſeruauntis, and handmaidis, whiche þei hadden left fre, daies of Joachym, ſone of Joſie,
and þei maden ſuget in to ſeruauntis, and in to ii kyng of Juda, and ſeide, Go þou to þe hous of
ſeruaunteſſis. Recabitis, and ſpeke þou to hem; and þou ſchalt brynge

hem in to þe hous of þe Lord, in to o chaumbre of xvi Þerfor þe ſones of Jonadab, ſone of Recab, maden
treſouris, and þou ſchalt ȝyue to hem to drynke wyn. ſtidfaſt þe comaundement of her fadir, which he
iii And Y took Jeconye, þe ſone of Jeremye, ſone of comaundide to hem; but þis puple obeiede not to me.
Abſanye, and hiſe briþeren, and alle þe ſones of hym, xvii Þerfor þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe
and al þe hous of Recabitis. þingis, Lo! Y ſchal bringe on Juda, and on alle þe
iiii And Y ledde hem in to þe hous of þe Lord, to þe dwelleris of Jeruſalem, al þe turment which Y ſpak
treſerie of þe ſones of Eman, ſone of Godolie, þe man of aȝens hem; for Y ſpak to hem, and þei herden not; Y
God; which treſerie was biſidis þe treſerie of princes, clepide hem, and þei anſweriden not to me.
aboue þe treſour of Maaſie, ſone of Sellum, þat was xviii Forſoþe Jeremye ſeide to þe hous of Recabitis, Þe
kepere of þe veſtiarie. Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For þat
v And Y ſettide bifore þe ſones of þe hous of Recabitis þat ȝe obeieden to þe comaundement of Jonadab, ȝoure
pecis, and grete cowpis ful of wyn; and Y ſeide to hem, fadir, and kepten alle hiſe comaundementis, and diden
Drinke ȝe wyn. alle þingis, whiche he comaundide to ȝou;
vi And þei anſweriden, We ſchulen not drinke wyn; for xix þerfor þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe
whi Jonadab, oure fadir, þe ſone of Recab, comaundide þingis, A man of þe generacioun of Jonadab, ſone of
to vs, and ſeide, Ȝe ſchulen not drinke wyn, ȝe and Recab, ſchal not faile ſtondynge in my ſiȝt in alle daies.
ȝoure ſones, `til in to wiþouten ende;
vii and ȝe ſchulen not bilde an hous, and ȝe ſchulen not CAP. XXXVI
ſowe ſeed, and ȝe ſchulen not plaunte vynes, neþer i And it was don, in þe fourþe ȝeer of Joachym, ſone of
ſchulen haue, but ȝe ſchulen dwelle in tabernaclis in alle Joſie, kyng of Juda, þis word was maad of þe Lord to
ȝoure daies, þat ȝe lyue many daies on þe face of erþe, Jeremye, and ſeide,
in which ȝe goen in pilgrymage. ii Take þou þe volym of a book, and þou ſchalt write
viii Þerfor we obeieden to þe vois of Jonadab, oure fadir, þerynne alle þe wordis, whiche Y ſpake to þee aȝens
þe ſone of Recab, in alle þingis whiche he comaundide Iſrael and Juda, and aȝens alle folkis, fro þe dai in
to vs; ſo þat we drunken not wyn in alle oure dayes, we, whiche Y ſpak to þee, fro þe daies of Joſie `til to þis dai.
and oure wymmen, oure ſones, and douȝtris; iii If perauenture whanne þe hous of Juda heriþ alle þe
ix and we bildiden not houſis to dwelle, and we hadden yuels whiche Y þenke to do to hem, ech man turne aȝen
not a vyner, and a feeld, and ſeed; fro his worſte weye, and Y ſchal be merciful to þe
x but we dwelliden in tabernaclis, and weren obeiynge, wickidneſſe and ſynne of hem.
and diden bi alle þingis, whiche Jonadab, oure fadir, iiii Þerfor Jeremye clepide Baruk, þe ſone of Nerye; and
comaundide to vs. Baruk wroot of þe mouþ of Jeremye in þe volym of a
xi But whanne Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babiloyne, book alle þe wordis of þe Lord, whiche he ſpak to hym.
hadde ſtied to þis lond, we ſeiden, Come ȝe, and entre v And Jeremye comaundide to Baruk, and ſeide, Y am
we in to Jeruſalem, fro þe face of þe ooſt of Caldeis, and cloſid, and Y may not entre in to þe hous of þe Lord.
fro þe face of þe ooſt of Sirie; and we dwelliden in vi Þerfor entre þou, and rede of þe book, in which þou
Jeruſalem. haſt write of my mouþ þe wordis of þe Lord, in hering
xii And þe word of þe Lord was maad to Jeremye, of þe puple, in þe hous of þe Lord, in þe dai of faſtyng;
xiii and ſeide, Þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe ferþermore and in heryng of al Juda, þat comen fro her
þingis, Go þou, and ſeie to þe men of Juda, and to þe citees, þou ſchalt rede to hem;
dwelleris of Jeruſalem, Wheþer ȝe ſchulen not take vii if perauenture þe preier of hem falle in þe ſiȝt of þe
techyng, þat ȝe obeie to my wordis, ſeiþ þe Lord? Lord, and eche man turne aȝen fro his worſte weie; for
xiiii Þe wordis of Jonadab, ſone of Rechab, hadden þe whi þe ſtrong veniaunce and indignacioun is greet,
maiſtrie, whiche he comaundide to hiſe ſones, þat þei which þe Lord ſpak aȝens þis puple.
ſchulden not drynke wyn; and þei drynken not, `til to viii And Baruk, þe ſone of Nerie, dide aftir alle þingis,
þis dai; for þei obeieden to þe comaundement of her which Jeremye, þe prophete, comaundide to hym; and
fadir; but Y ſpak to ȝou, and Y roos ful eerli, and ſpake, he redde of þe book þe wordis of þe Lord, in þe hous of
and ȝe obeieden not to me. þe Lord.
xv And Y ſente to ȝou alle my ſeruauntis profetis, and Y ix Forſoþe it was doon, in þe fyueþ ȝeer of Joachym,
roos ful eerli, and Y ſente, and ſeide, Be ȝe conuertid, ſone of Joſie, kyng of Juda, in þe nynþe moneþe, þei
ech man fro his worſte weye, and make ȝe good ȝoure prechiden faſtynge in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, to al þe puple
ſtudies, and nyle ȝe ſue alien goddis, neþer worſchipe ȝe in Jeruſalem, and to al þe multitude, þat cam togidere
hem, and ȝe ſchulen dwelle in þe lond, which Y ȝaf to fro þe citees of Juda in to Jeruſalem.
ȝou, and to ȝoure fadris; and ȝe bowiden not ȝoure eere, x And Baruc redde of þe volym þe wordis of Jeremye,
neþer herden me. in þe hous of þe Lord, in þe treſerie of Gamarie, ſone of

Saphan, ſcryuen, in þe hiȝere porche, in þe entring of þe ſone of Abdehel, þat þei ſchulden take Baruc, þe writer,
newe ȝate of þe hous of þe Lord, in audience of al þe and Jeremye, þe profete; forſoþe þe Lord hidde hem.
puple. xxvii And þe word of þe Lord was maad to Jeremye, þe
xi And whanne Mychie, þe ſone of Gamarie, ſone of profete, aftir þat þe kyng hadde brent þe book and
Saphan, hadde herd alle þe wordis of þe Lord, wordis, whiche Baruc hadde write of Jeremyes mouþ;
xii of þe book, he ȝede doun in to þe hous of þe kyng, to xxviii and he ſeid, Eft take þou anoþer book, and write
þe treſerye of þe ſcryuen. And lo! alle þe princes ſaten þerynne alle þe former wordis, þat weren in þe firſte
þere, Eliſama, þe ſcryuen, and Dalaie, þe ſone of book, which Joachym, þe kyng of Juda, brente.
Semeye, and Elnathan, þe ſone of Achabor, and xxix And þou ſchalt ſeie to Joachym, kyng of Juda, Þe
Gamarie, þe ſone of Saphan, and Sedechie, þe ſone of Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þou brentiſt þat book, and ſeidiſt,
Ananye, and alle princes. What haſt þou write þerynne, tellynge, Þe kyng of
xiii And Mychee telde to hem alle þe wordis, whiche he Babiloyne ſchal come haſtynge, and ſchal diſtrie þis
herde Baruc redynge of þe book, in þe eeris of þe puple. lond, and ſchal make man and beeſte to ceeſſe þerof?
xiiii Þerfor alle þe princes ſenten to Baruc Judi, þe ſone xxx Þerfor þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis aȝens Joachym, king
of Nathathie, ſone of Selemye, ſone of Chuſi, and of Juda, Noon ſchal be of hym, þat ſchal ſitte on þe ſeete
ſeiden, Take in þin hond þe book, of which þou reddiſt of Dauid; and his careyn ſchal be caſt forþ to þe heete bi
in audience of þe puple, and come þou. Þerfor Baruc, dai, and to þe forſt bi niȝt.
þe ſone of Nereie, took þe book in his hoond, and cam xxxi And Y ſchal viſite aȝens hym, and aȝens his ſeed,
to hem. and aȝens hiſe ſeruauntis, her wickidneſſis. And Y ſchal
xv And þei ſeiden to hym, Sitte þou, and rede þeſe bryng on hem, and on þe dwelleris of Jeruſalem, and on
þingis in oure eeris; and Baruc redde in þe eeris of hem. þe men of Juda, al þe yuel which Y ſpak to hem, and þei
xvi Þerfor whanne þei hadden herd alle þe wordis, þei herden not.
wondriden ech man to his neiȝbore, and þei ſeiden to xxxii Forſoþe Jeremye took an oþer book, and ȝaf it to
Baruc, Owen we to telle to þe kyng alle þeſe wordis? Baruc, þe writer, þe ſone of Nerie, which wroot þerynne
xvii And þei axiden hym, and ſeiden, Schewe þou to vs, of Jeremyes mouþ alle þe wordis of þe book, which
hou þou haſt write alle þeſe wordis of his mouþ. book Joachym, þe kyng of Juda, hadde brent bi fier; and
xviii Forſoþe Baruc ſeide to hem, Of his mouþ he ſpak, ferþermore many mo wordis weren addid þan weren
as redynge to me, alle þeſe wordis; and Y wroot in a bifore.
book wiþ enke.
xix And alle þe princes ſeiden to Baruc, Go, be þou hid, CAP. XXXVII
i And kyng Sedechie, þe ſone of Joſie, regnede for
þou and Jeremye; and no man wite where ȝe ben.
xx And þei entriden to þe kyng, in to þe halle; forſoþe Jeconye, þe ſone of Joachym, whom Nabugodonoſor,
þei bitoken þe book to be kept in to þe treſerie of kyng of Babiloyne, made kyng in þe lond of Juda.
ii And he, and hiſe ſeruauntis, and his puple obeieden
Eliſame, þe ſcryuen. And þei telden alle þe wordis, in
audience of þe kyng. not to þe wordis of þe Lord, whiche he ſpak in þe hond
xxi Þerfor þe kyng ſente Judi, þat he ſchulde take þe of Jeremye, þe profete.
iii And kyng Sedechie ſente Jothal, þe ſone of Selemye,
book. Which took þe book fro þe treſerie of Elyſame, þe
ſcryuen, and redde in audience of þe kyng, and of alle and Sofonye, þe preeſt, þe ſone of Maaſie, to Jeremye,
þe princes, þat ſtoden aboute þe kyng. þe profete, and ſeide, Preie þou for vs oure Lord God.
xxii Forſoþe þe kyng ſat in þe wyntir hous, in þe nynþe iiii Forſoþe Jeremye ȝede freli in þe myddis of þe puple;

moneþe; and a panne ful of coolis was ſet bifore hym. for þei hadden not ſente hym in to þe kepyng of þe
xxiii And whanne Judi hadde red þre pagyns, eþir foure, priſoun. Þerfor þe ooſt of Farao ȝede out of Egipt, and
he kittide it wiþ þe knyf of a ſcryueyn, and caſtide in to Caldeis, þat biſegiden Jeruſalem, herden ſich a meſſage,
þe fier, `þat was in þe panne, til al þe book was waſtid and ȝeden awei fro Jeruſalem.
v And þe word of þe Lord was maad to Jeremye, þe
bi þe fier, þat was on þe panne.
xxiiii And þe kyng and alle hiſe ſeruauntis, þat herden profete,
vi and ſeide, Þe Lord God of Iſrael ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þus
alle þeſe wordis, dredden not, neþir to-renten her cloþis.
xxv Neþeles Elnathan, and Dalaie, and Gamarie ȝe ſchulen ſeie to þe kyng of Juda, þat ſente ȝou to axe
aȝenſeiden þe kyng, þat he ſchulde not brenne þe book; me, Lo! þe ooſt of Farao, which ȝede out to ȝou in to
and he herde not hem. help, ſchal turne aȝen in to his lond, in to Egipt.
vii And Caldeis ſchulen come aȝen, and ſchulen fiȝte
xxvi And þe kyng comaundide to Jeremyel, ſone of
Amalech, and to Saraie, ſone of Eſreel, and to Selemye, aȝens þis citee, and ſchulen take it, and ſchulen brenne it
bi fier.

viii Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Nyle ȝe diſſeyue ȝoure peſtilence; but he þat flieþ to Caldeis, ſhal lyue, and his
ſoulis, ſeiynge, Caldeis goynge ſchulen go a wey, and ſoule ſchal be hool and lyuynge.
ſchulen departe fro vs; for þei ſchulen not go a wei. iii Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þis citee to be bitakun ſchal
ix But þouȝ ȝe ſleen al þe ooſt of Caldeis, þat fiȝten be bitakun in to þe hond of þe ooſt of þe kyng of
aȝens ȝou, and ſumme woundid men of hem be left, ech Babiloyne, and he ſchal take it.
man ſchal riſe fro his tente, and þei ſchulen brenne þis iiii And þe princes ſeiden to þe kyng, We preien, þat þis
citee bi fier. man be ſlayn; for of bifore caſtyng he diſcoumfortiþ þe
x Þerfor whanne þe ooſt of Caldeis hadde goon awei fro hondis of men werriours, þat dwelliden in þis citee, and
Jeruſalem, for þe ooſt of Farao, Jeremye ȝede out of þe hondis of al þe puple, and ſpekiþ to hem bi alle þeſe
Jeruſalem, wordis. For whi þis man ſekiþ not pees to þis puple, but
xi to go in to þe lond of Beniamyn, and to departe þere yuel.
v And kyng Sedechie ſeide, Lo! he is in ȝoure hondis,
þe poſſeſſioun in þe ſiȝt of citeſeyns.
xii And whanne he was comun to þe ȝate of Beniamyn, for it is not leueful þat þe kyng denye ony þing to ȝou.
vi Þerfor þei token Jeremye, and caſtiden hym doun in
þer was a kepere of þe ȝate bi whiles, Jerie bi name, þe
ſone of Selemye, ſone of Ananye; and he took Jeremye, to þe lake of Elchie, ſone of Amalech, which was in þe
þe prophete, and ſeide, Þou fleeſt to Caldeis. porche of þe priſoun; and þei ſenten doun Jeremye bi
xiii And Jeremye anſweride, It is fals; Y fle not to cordis in to þe lake, wherynne was no watir, but fen;
Caldeis. And he herde not Jeremye, but Jerie took þerfor Jeremye ȝede doun in to þe filþe.
vii Forſoþe Abdemalech Ethiopien, a chaſt man and
Jeremye, and brouȝte hym to þe princes.
xiiii Wherfor þe princes weren wrooþ aȝens Jeremye, oneſte, herde, þat was in þe kyngis hous, þat þei hadden
and beeten hym, and ſenten hym in to þe priſoun, þat ſent Jeremye in to þe lake; ſoþeli þe king ſat in þe ȝate
was in þe hous of Jonathas, þe ſcryuen; for he was of Beniamyn.
viii And Abdemalech ȝede out of þe kyngis hous, and
ſouereyn on þe priſoun.
xv Þerfor Jeremye entride in to þe hous of þe lake, and ſpak to þe kyng,
ix and ſeide, My lord þe kyng, þeſe men diden yuele alle
in to þe priſoun of trauel; and Jeremye ſat þere manye
daies. þingis, what euer þingis þei diden aȝens Jeremye, þe
xvi Þerfor kyng Sedechie ſente, and took hym a wei, and profete, ſendynge hym in to þe lake, þat he die þere for
axide hym priuyli in his hous, and ſeide, Geſſiſt þou, hungur; for whi looues ben no more in þe citee.
x Þerfor þe kyng comaundide to Abdemelech Ethiopien,
wheþer a word is of þe Lord? And Jeremye ſeide, Þer is.
And Jeremye ſeide, Þou ſchalt be bitakun in to þe hond and ſeide, Take wiþ þee þretti men fro hennus, and reiſe
of þe kyng of Babiloyne. þou Jeremye, þe profete, fro þe lake, bifor þat he die.
xvii And Jeremye ſeide to Sedechie, þe kyng, What haue xi Þerfor whanne Abdemelech hadde take men wiþ hym,

Y ſynned to þee, and to þi ſeruauntis, and to þi puple, he entride in to þe hous of þe kyng, þat was vndur þe
for þou haſt ſent me in to þe hous of priſoun? celer; and he took fro þennus elde cloþis, and elde
xviii Where ben ȝoure profetis, þat profeſieden to ȝou, ragges, þat weren rotun; and he ſente þo doun to
and ſeiden, Þe king of Babiloyne ſchal not come on ȝou, Jeremye, in to þe lake, bi cordis.
xii And Abdemelech Ethiopien ſeide to Jeremye, Putte
and on þis lond?
xix Now þerfor, my lord þe kyng, Y biſeche, here þou, þou elde cloþis, and þeſe to-rent and rotun þingis vndur
my preier be worþ in þi ſiȝt, and ſende þou not me aȝen þe cubit of þin hondis, and on þe cordis. Þerfor Jeremye
in to þe hous of Jonathas, þe ſcryuen, leſt Y die þere. dide ſo.
xx Þerfor Sedechie comaundide, þat Jeremye ſchulde be xiii And þei drowen out Jeremye wiþ cordis, and ledden

bitakun in to þe porche of þe priſoun, and þat a cake of hym out of þe lake. Forſoþe Jeremye dwellide in þe
breed ſchulde be ȝouun to hym ech dai, outakun ſeew, porche of þe priſoun.
xiiii And kyng Sedechie ſente, and took hym Jeremye,
til alle looues of þe citee weren waſtid; and Jeremye
dwellide in þe porche of þe priſoun. þe profete, at þe þridde dore þat was in þe hous of þe
Lord. And þe kyng ſeide to Jeremye, Y axe of þee a
CAP. XXXVIII word; hide þou not ony þing fro me.
i Forſoþe Safacie, ſone of Nathan, and Jedelie, ſone of xv Forſoþe Jeremye ſeide to Sedechie, If Y telle to þee,

Faſſur, and Jothal, ſone of Selemye, and Faſſour, ſone of wheþer þou ſchalt not ſle me? And if Y ȝyue councel to
Melchie, herden þe wordis whiche Jeremye ſpak to al þee, þou ſchalt not here me.
þe puple, xvi Þerfor Sedechie þe king ſwoor to Jeremye priueli,
ii `and ſeide, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Who euer dwelliþ and ſeide, Þe Lord lyueþ, þat maad to vs þis ſoule, Y
in þis citee, ſchal die bi ſwerd, and hungur, and ſchal not ſle þee, and Y ſchal not bitake þee in to þe
hondis of þeſe men, þat ſeken þi lijf.

xvii And Jeremye ſeide to Sedechie, Þe Lord of ooſtis, iii and alle þe princes of þe kyng of Babiloyne entriden,
God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe þingis, If þou goeſt forþ, and and ſaten in þe myddil ȝate, Veregel, Fererer, Semegar,
goeſt out to þe princes of þe kyng of Babiloyne, þi ſoule Nabuſarrachym, Rapſaces, Neregel, Sereſer, Rebynag,
ſchal lyue, and þis citee ſchal not be brent wiþ fier, and and alle oþere princes of þe kyng of Babiloyne.
þou ſchalt be ſaaf, þou and þin hous. iiii And whanne Sedechie, þe kyng of Juda, and alle þe
xviii Forſoþe if þou goeſt not out to þe princes of þe men werriouris hadden ſeien hem, þei fledden, and
kyng of Babiloyne, þis citee ſchal be bitakun in to þe ȝeden out bi niȝt fro þe citee, bi þe weie of þe gardyn of
hondis of Caldeis; and þei ſchulen brenne it wiþ fier, þe kyng, and bi þe ȝate þat was bitwixe twei wallis; and
and þou ſchalt not aſcape fro þe hond of hem. þei ȝeden out to þe weie of deſert.
xix And kyng Sedechie ſeide to Jeremye, Y am v Forſoþe þe ooſt of Caldeis purſueden hem, and þei
angwiſchid for þe Jewis þat fledden ouer to Caldeis, leſt token Sedechie in þe feeld of wildirneſſe of Jericho; and
perauenture Y be bitakun in to þe hondis of hem, and þei token hym, and brouȝten to Nabugodonoſor, kyng of
þei ſcorne me. Babiloyne, in Reblatha, which is in þe lond of Emath;
xx Forſoþe Jeremye anſweride, and ſeide to hym, Þei and Nabugodonoſor ſpak domes to hym.
ſchulen not bitake þee; Y biſeche, here þou þe vois of þe vi And þe kyng of Babiloyne killide þe ſones of
Lord, which Y ſchal ſpeke to þee, and it ſchal be wel to Sedechye in Reblatha, bifor hiſe iȝen; and þe kyng of
þee, and þi ſoule ſchal lyue. Babyloyne killide alle þe noble men of Juda.
xxi Þat if þou wolt not go out, þis is þe word which þe vii Alſo he puttide out þe iȝen of Sedechie, and boond
Lord ſchewide to me, Lo! hym in feteris, þat he ſchulde be led in to Babiloyne.
xxii alle þe wymmen, þat weren left in þe hous of þe viii And Caldeis brenten wiþ fier þe hous of þe kyng,
kyng of Juda, ſchulen be led out to þe princes of þe and þe hous of þe comun puple, and diſtrieden þe wal of
kyng of Babiloyne; and þo wymmen ſchulen ſeie, Þi Jeruſalem.
peſible men diſſeyueden þee, and hadden þe maiſtrye ix And Nabuſardan, þe maiſter of knyȝtis, tranſlatide in
aȝens þee; þei drenchiden þee in filþe, and þi feet in to Babiloyne þe reſidues of þe puple, þat dwelliden in
ſlidirneſſe, and ȝeden awei fro þee. þe citee, and þe fleeris awei, þat hadden fled ouer to
xxiii And alle þi wyues and þi ſones ſchulen be led out to hym, and þe ſuperflue men of þe comyn puple, þat
Caldeis, and þou ſchalt not aſcape þe hondis of hem; but weren left.
þou ſchalt be bitakun in to þe hondis of þe kyng of x And Nabuſardan, þe maiſtir of knyȝtis, lefte in þe lond
Babiloyne, and he ſchal brenne þis citee bi fier. of Juda, of þe puple of pore men, and ȝaf to hem
xxiiii Þerfore Sedechie ſeide to Jeremye, No man wite vyneris and ciſternes in þat dai.
þeſe wordis, and þou ſchalt not die. xi Forſoþe Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babiloyne, hadde
xxv Soþeli if þe princes heren, þat Y ſpak wiþ þee, and comaundid of Jeremye to Nabuſardan, maiſter of
comen to þee, and ſeien to þee, Schewe þou to vs what chyualrie, and ſeide,
þou ſpakeſt wiþ þe kyng, hide þou not fro vs, and we xii Take þou him, and ſette þin iȝen on hym, and do þou
ſchulen not ſle þee; and what þe kyng ſpak wiþ þee, no þing of yuel to him; but as he wole, ſo do þou to
xxvi þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, Knelyngli Y puttide forþ my hym.
preiris bifore þe kyng, þat he ſchulde not comaunde me xiii Þerfor Nabuſardan, þe prynce of chyualrie, ſente
to be led aȝen in to þe hous of Jonathan, and Y ſchulde Nabu, and Leſban, and Rapſaſes, and Veregel, and
die þere. Sereſer, and Rebynag, and alle þe principal men of þe
xxvii Þerfor alle þe princes camen to Jeremye, and kyng of Babiloyne,
axiden hym; and he ſpak to hem bi alle þe wordis xiiii ſenten, and token Jeremye fro þe porche of þe
whiche þe kyng hadde comaundid to hym, and þei priſoun, and bitokun hym to Godolie, þe ſone of
ceeſſiden fro hym; for whi no þing was herd. Aicham, ſone of Saphan, þat he ſchulde entre in to þe
xxviii Þerfor Jeremye dwellide in þe porche of þe hous, and dwelle among þe puple.
priſoun, til to þe dai wherynne Jeruſalem was takun; and xv Forſoþe þe word of þe Lord was maad to Jeremye,
it was don, þat Jeruſalem ſchulde be takun. whanne he was cloſid in þe porche of þe priſoun, and
CAP. XXXIX xvi Go þou, and ſeie to Abdemelech Ethiopien, and
i In þe nyneþe ȝeer of Sedechie, kyng of Juda, in þe
ſpeke þou, Þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe
tenþe moneþe, Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babiloyne, and þingis, Lo! Y ſchal brynge my wordis on þis citee in to
al his ooſt cam to Jeruſalem, and þei biſegiden it. yuel, and not in to good; and þo ſchulen be in þi ſiȝt in
ii Forſoþe in þe enleuenþe ȝeer of Sedechie, in þe fourþe þat dai.
moneþe, in þe fyueþe day of þe moneþe, þe citee was

xvii And Y ſchal delyuere þee in þat day, ſeiþ þe Lord, x Lo! Y dwelle in Meſphath, for to anſwere to þe
and þou ſchalt not be bitakun in to þe hondis of men, comaundement of Caldeis, þat ben ſent to vs; forſoþe
whiche þou dreddiſt; gadere ȝe vyndage, and ripe corn, and oile, and kepe ȝe
xviii but Y delyuerynge ſchal delyuere þee, and þou in ȝoure veſſels, and dwelle ȝe in ȝoure citees whiche ȝe
ſchalt not falle doun bi ſwerd; but þi ſoule ſchal be in to holden.
helþe to þee, for þou haddiſt triſt in me, ſeiþ þe Lord. xi But alſo alle þe Jewis, þat weren in Moab, and in þe
ooſtis of Amon, and in Ydumee, and in alle þe cuntreis,
CAP. XL whanne it is herd, þat þe kyng of Babiloyne hadde ȝoue
i Þe word þat was maad of þe Lord to Jeremye, aftir þat reſidues, eþer remenauntis, in Judee, and þat he hadde
he was delyuered of Nabuſardan, maiſter of chyualrie, maad ſouereyn on hem Godolie, þe ſone of Aicham,
fro Rama, whanne he took hym boundun wiþ chaynes, ſone of Saphan,
in þe myddis of alle men þat paſſiden fro Jeruſalem, and xii ſoþeli alle Jewis turneden aȝen fro alle places, to
fro Juda, and weren led in to Babyloyne. whiche þei hadden fled; and þei camen in to þe lond of
ii Þerfor þe prince of chyualrie took Jeremye, and ſeide Juda, to Godolie in Maſphat, and gaderiden wyn and
to hym, Þi Lord God ſpak þis yuel on þis place, ripe corn ful myche.
iii and þe Lord haþ brouȝt, and haþ do, as he ſpak; for ȝe xiii Forſoþe Johannan, þe ſone of Caree, and alle þe

ſynneden to þe Lord, and herden not þe vois of hym, princes of þe ooſt, þat weren ſcaterid in þe cuntreis,
and þis word is doon to ȝou. camen to Godolie in Maſphath,
iiii Now þerfor lo! Y haue releeſſid þee to dai fro þe xiiii and ſeiden to hym, Wite þou, þat Bahalis, kyng of

chaynes þat ben in þin hondis; if it pleſiþ þee to come þe ſones of Amon, haþ ſent Iſmael, þe ſone of Nathanye,
wiþ me in to Babiloyne, come þou, and Y ſchal ſette to ſmyte þi lijf. And Godolie, þe ſone of Aicham,
myn iȝen on þee; ſoþeli if it diſpleſiþ þee to come wiþ bileuyde not to hem.
me in to Babiloyne, ſitte þou here; lo! al þe lond is in þi xv Forſoþe Johannan, þe ſone of Caree, ſeide to Godolie
ſiȝt, þat þat þou cheſiſt, and whidur it pleſiþ þee to go, aſidis half in Maſphath, and ſpak, Y ſchal go, and ſle
þidur go þou, Iſmael, þe ſone of Nathanye, while no man knowiþ, leſt
v and nyle þou come wiþ me. But dwelle þou wiþ he ſle þi lijf, and alle þe Jewis ben ſcatered, þat ben
Godolie, ſone of Aicham, ſone of Saphan, whom þe gaderid to þee, and þe remenauntis of Juda ſchulen
kyng of Babiloyne made ſouereyn to þe citees of Juda; periſche.
þerfor dwelle þou wiþ hym in þe myddis of þe puple, xvi And Godolie, þe ſone of Aicham, ſeide to Johannan,
eþer go þou, whidir euer it pleſiþ þee to go. And þe þe ſone of Caree, Nyle þou do þis word, for þou ſpekiſt
maiſter of chyualrie ȝaf to hym metis, and ȝiftis, and fals of Iſmael.
lefte hym.
vi Forſoþe Jeremye cam to Godolie, ſone of Aicham, in CAP. XLI
to Maſphat, and dwellide wiþ hym, in þe myddis of þe i And it was don in þe ſeuenþe moneþe, Iſmael, þe ſone
puple þat was left in þe lond. of Nathanye, ſone of Eliſama, of þe kingis ſeed, and þe
vii And whanne alle princes of þe ooſt hadden herd, þat principal men of þe kyng, and ten men wiþ hym, camen
weren ſcatered bi cuntreis, þei and þe felowis of hem, to Godolie, þe ſone of Aicham, in Maſphath; and þei
þat þe kyng of Babiloyne hadde maad Godolie ſouereyn eeten þere looues togidere in Maſphath.
of þe lond, þe ſone of Aicham, and þat he hadde bitake ii Forſoþe Iſmael, þe ſone of Nathanye, and þe ten men
to Godolie men, and wymmen, and litle children, and of þat weren wiþ hym, riſiden vp, and killiden bi ſwerd
pore men of þe lond, þat weren not tranſlatid in to Godolie, þe ſone of Aicham, ſone of Saphan; and þei
Babiloyne, killiden hym, whom þe kyng of Babiloyne hadde maad
viii þei camen to Godolie in Maſphat; and Iſmael, þe ſouereyn of þe lond.
ſone of Nathanye, and Johannan, þe ſone of Caree, and iii Alſo Iſmael killide alle þe Jewis, þat weren wiþ
Jonathan, and Sareas, þe ſone of Tenoemeth, and þe Godolie in Maſphath, and þe Caldeis, þat weren
ſones of Offi, þat weren of Nethophati, and Jeconye, þe foundun þere, and þe men werriours.
ſone of Machati; boþe þei and her men camen to iiii Forſoþe in þe ſecounde dai, aftir þat he hadde ſlayn
Godolie. Godolie, while no man wiſte ȝit,
ix And Godolie, ſone of Aicham, ſone of Saphan, ſwoor v foure ſcoor men wiþ ſchauen beerdis, and to-rent
to hem, and to þe felowis of hem, and ſeide, Nyle ȝe cloþis, and pale men, camen fro Sichem, and fro Silo,
drede to ſerue Caldeis; but dwelle ȝe in þe lond, and and fro Samarie; and þei hadden ȝiftis and encenſe in þe
ſerue ȝe þe kyng of Babiloyne, and it ſchal be wel to hond, for to offre in þe hous of þe Lord.
ȝou. vi Þerfor Iſmael, þe ſone of Nathanye, ȝede out of
Maſphath in to þe metyng of hem; and he ȝede goynge

and wepynge. Soþeli whanne he hadde met hem, he CAP. XLII
ſeide to hem, Come ȝe to Godolie, þe ſone of Aicham; i And alle þe princes of werriours neiȝiden, and
vii and whanne þei weren comun to þe myddis of þe Johannan, þe ſone of Caree, and Jeconye, þe ſone of
citee, Iſmael, þe ſone of Nathanye, killide hem aboute Joſie, and þe reſidue comyn puple, fro a litil man `til to
þe myddis of þe lake, he and þe men þat weren wiþ a greet man.
hym `killiden hem. ii And þei ſeiden to Jeremye, þe profete, Oure preier
viii But ten men weren foundun among hem, þat ſeiden falle in þi ſiȝt, and preie þou for vs to þi Lord God, for
to Iſmael, Nyle þou ſle vs, for we han treſour of wheete, alle þeſe remenauntis; for we ben left a fewe of manye,
and of barli, and of oile, and of hony, in þe feeld. And as þin iȝen biholden vs; and þi Lord God telle to vs þe
he ceeſſide, and killide not hem wiþ her briþeren. weie,
ix Forſoþe þe lake in to which Iſmael caſtide forþ alle þe iii bi which we ſchulen go, and þe word which we
careyns of men, whiche he killide for Godolie, is þilke ſchulen do.
lake, which kyng Aſa made for Baaſa, þe kyng of Iſrael; iiii Forſoþe Jeremye, þe profete, ſeide to hem, Y haue
Iſmael, þe ſone of Nathanye, fillide þat lake wiþ ſlayn herd; lo! Y preye to oure Lord God, bi ȝoure wordis; Y
men. ſchal ſchewe to ȝou ech word, what euere word þe Lord
x And Iſmael ledde priſoneris alle þe remenauntis of þe ſchal anſwere to me, neþer Y ſchal hide ony þing fro
puple, þat weren in Meſphath, þe douȝtris of þe kyng, ȝou.
and al þe puple þat dwelliden in Maſphath, whiche v And þei ſeiden to Jeremye, Þe Lord be witneſſe of
Nabuſardan, þe prince of chyualrie, hadde bitakun to treuþe and of feiþ bitwixe vs; if not bi ech word, in
kepyng to Godolie, þe ſone of Aicham. And Iſmael, þe which þi Lord God ſchal ſende þee to vs, ſo we ſchulen
ſone of Nathanye, took hem, and ȝede to paſſe ouer to do, wheþer it be good eþer yuel.
þe ſones of Amon. vi We ſchulen obeie to þe vois of oure Lord God, to
xi Forſoþe Johannan, þe ſone of Caree, and alle þe
whom we ſenden þee, þat it be wel to vs, whanne we
princes of werriouris, þat weren wiþ hym, herden al þe han herd þe vois of oure Lord God.
yuel, which Iſmael, þe ſone of Nathanye, hadde do. vii Forſoþe whanne ten daies weren fillid, þe word of þe
xii And whanne þei hadden take alle men, þei ȝeden forþ
Lord was maad to Jeremye.
to fiȝte aȝens Iſmael, þe ſone of Nathanye; and þei viii And he clepide Johannan, þe ſone of Caree, and alle
foundun hym at þe many watris, þat ben in Gabaon. þe princes of werriours, þat weren wiþ hym, and al þe
xiii And whanne al þe puple, þat was wiþ Iſmael, hadden
puple fro þe leſte `til to þe mooſte; and he ſeide to hem,
ſeyn Johannan, þe ſone of Caree, and alle þe princes of ix Þe Lord God of Iſrael ſeiþ þeſe þingis, to whom ȝe
werriouris, þat weren wiþ hym, þei weren glad. ſenten me, þat Y ſchulde mekeli ſette forþ ȝoure preyeris
xiiii And al þe puple, whom Iſmael hadde take in
in his ſiȝt.
Maſphath, turnede aȝen; and it turnede aȝen, and ȝede to x If ȝe reſten, and dwellen in þis lond, Y ſchal bilde ȝou,
Johannan, þe ſone of Caree. and Y ſchal not diſtrie; Y ſchal plaunte, and Y ſchal not
xv Forſoþe Iſmael, þe ſone of Nathanye, fledde wiþ eiȝte
drawe out; for now Y am pleſid on þe yuel which Y
men fro þe face of Johannan, and ȝede to þe ſones of dide to ȝou.
Amon. xi Nyle ȝe drede of þe face of þe kyng of Babiloyne,
xvi Þerfor Johannan, þe ſone of Caree, and alle þe
whom ȝe `þat ben ferdful, dreden; nyle ȝe drede hym,
princes of werriours, þat weren wiþ hym, token alle þe ſeiþ þe Lord, for Y am wiþ ȝou, to make ȝou ſaaf, and to
remenauntis of þe comyn puple, whiche þei brouȝten delyuere fro his hond.
aȝen fro Iſmael, þe ſone of Nathanye, þat weren of xii And Y ſchal ȝyue mercies to ȝou, and Y ſchal haue
Maſphat, aftir þat he killide Godolie, þe ſone of merci on ȝou, and Y ſchal make ȝou dwelle in ȝoure
Aicham; he took ſtrong men to batel, and wymmen, and lond.
children, and geldyngis, whiche he hadde brouȝt aȝen xiii Forſoþe if ȝe ſeien, We ſchulen not dwelle in þis
fro Gabaon. lond, neþer we ſchulen here þe vois of oure Lord God,
xvii And þei ȝeden, and ſaten beynge pilgryms in
and ſeie,
Canaan, which is biſidis Bethleem, þat þei ſchulden go, xiiii Nai, but we ſchulen go to þe lond of Egipt, where
and entre in to Egipt fro þe face of Caldeis; we ſchulen not ſe batel, and ſchulen not here þe noiſe of
xviii for þei dredden þilke Caldeis, for Iſmael, þe ſone of
trumpe, and we ſchulen not ſuffre hungur, and þere we
Nathanye, hadde ſlayn Godolie, þe ſone of Aicham, ſchulen dwelle;
whom þe kyng Nabugodonoſor hadde maad ſouereyn in xv for þis þing, ȝe remenauntis of Juda, here now þe
þe lond of Juda. word of þe Lord. Þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ
þeſe þingis, If ȝe ſetten ȝoure face, for to entre in to
Egipt, and if ȝe entren,

xvi to dwelle þere, þe ſwerd whiche ȝe dreden ſchal take Godolie, þe ſone of Aicham, ſone of Saphan. And þei
ȝou þere in þe lond of Egipt, and þe hungur for which token Jeremye, þe profete, and Baruc, þe ſone of Nerie,
ȝe ben angwiſchid ſchal cleue to ȝou in Egipt; and þere vii and þei entriden in to þe lond of Egipt; for þei
ȝe ſchulen die. obeieden not to þe vois of þe Lord, and þei camen `til to
xvii And alle þe men þat ſettiden her face, to entre in to Taphnys.
Egipt, and to dwelle þere, ſchulen die bi ſwerd, and viii And þe word of þe Lord was maad to Jeremye in
hungur, and peſtilence; no man of hem ſchal dwelle Taphnys,
ſtille, neþer ſchal aſchape fro þe face of yuel, which Y ix and ſeide, Take in þin hond grete ſtoonys, and hide
ſchal brynge on hem. þou þo in a denne, which is vndur þe wal of tiil ſtoon, in
xviii For why þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe þe ȝate of þe hous of Farao, in Taphnys, while alle
þingis, As my ſtrong veniaunce and myn indignacioun Jewis ſeen.
is wellid togidere on þe dwelleris of Jeruſalem, ſo myn x And þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, Þe Lord of ooſtis, God of
indignacioun ſchal be wellid togidere on ȝou, whanne ȝe Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal ſende, and Y ſchal
han entrid in to Egipt; and ȝe ſchulen be in to ſweryng, take Nabugodonoſor, my ſeruaunt, þe kyng of
and in to wondring, and in to curſyng, and in to Babiloyne; and Y ſchal ſette his trone on þeſe ſtoonys,
ſchenſchipe; and ȝe ſchulen no more ſe þis place. whiche Y hidde; and he ſchal ſette his ſeete on þo
xix Þe word of þe Lord is on ȝou, ȝe remenauntis of ſtoonys.
Juda; nyle ȝe entre in to Egipt; ȝe witinge ſchulen wite, xi And he ſchal come, and ſmyte þe lond of Egipt,
þat Y haue witneſſid to ȝou to dai; whiche in deþ in to deþ, and whiche in caitiftee in to
xx for ȝe han diſſeyued ȝoure ſoulis, for ȝe ſenten me to caitiftee, and whiche in ſwerd in to ſwerd.
ȝoure Lord God, and ſeiden, Preye þou for vs to oure xii And he ſchal kindle fier in þe templis of goddis of
Lord God, and bi alle þingis what euer þingis oure Lord Egipt, and he ſchal brenne þo templis, and ſchal lede
ſchal ſeie to þee, ſo telle þou to vs, and we ſchulen do. hem priſoneris; and þe lond of Egipt ſchal be wlappid,
xxi And Y telde to ȝou to dai, and ȝe herden not þe vois as a ſcheepherd is wlappid in his mentil; and he ſchal go
of ȝoure Lord God, on alle þingis for whiche he ſente out fro þennus in pees.
me to ȝou. xiii And he ſchal al to-breke þe ymagis of þe hous of þe
xxii Now þerfor ȝe witynge ſchulen wite, for ȝe ſchulen ſunne, þat ben in þe lond of Egipt; and he ſchal brenne
die bi ſwerd, and hungur, and peſtilence, in þe place to in fier þe templis of þe goddis of Egipt.
which ȝe wolden entre, to dwelle þere.
CAP. XLIII i Þe word þat was maad to Jeremye, and to alle þe
i Forſoþe it was don, whanne Jeremye ſpekinge to þe Jewis, þat dwelliden in þe lond of Egipt, dwellinge in
puple hadde fillid alle þe wordis of þe Lord God of Magdalo, and in Taphnys, and in Memphis, and in þe
hem, for whiche þe Lord God of hem ſente hym to hem, lond of Phatures,
alle þeſe wordis, ii and ſeide, Þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe
ii Azarie, þe ſone of Joſie, ſeide, and Johanna, þe ſone of þingis, Ȝe ſien al þis yuel, which Y brouȝte on
Caree, and alle proude men, ſeiynge to Jeremye, Þou Jeruſalem, and on alle þe citees of Juda; and lo! þo ben
ſpekiſt a leeſyng; oure Lord God ſente not þee, and forſakun to dai, and no dwellere is in þo;
ſeide, Entre ȝe not in to Egipt, to dwelle þere; iii for þe malice which þei diden, to terre me to
iii but Baruc, þe ſone of Nerie, ſtiriþ þee aȝens vs, þat he wraþfulneſſe, and þat þei ȝeden, and maden ſacrifice,
bitake vs in þe hondis of Caldeis, þat he ſle vs, and and worſchipiden alien goddis, whiche þei knewen not,
make to be led ouer in to Babiloyne. boþe ȝe, and þei, and ȝoure fadris.
iiii And Johanna, þe ſone of Caree, and alle þe princes of iiii And Y ſente to ȝou alle my ſeruauntis profetis; and Y
werriours, and al þe puple, herden not þe vois of þe roos bi nyȝte, and ſente, and ſeide, Nyle ȝe do þe word
Lord, þat þei dwellen in þe lond of Juda. of ſich abhomynacioun.
v But Johanna, þe ſone of Caree, and alle þe princes of v And þei herden not, neþer bowiden doun her eere, þat
werriours, token alle of þe remenauntis of Juda, þat þei ſchulen be conuertid fro her yuels, and ſchulden not
turneden aȝen fro alle folkis, to whiche þei weren make ſacrifice to alien goddis.
ſcatered bifore, þat þei ſchulden dwelle in þe lond of vi And myn indignacioun and my ſtrong veniaunce is
Juda; wellid togidere, and is kindlid in þe citees of Juda, and
vi þei token men, and wymmen, and litle children, and in þe ſtretis of Jeruſalem; and þo ben turned in to
þe douȝtris of þe kyng, and ech perſoone, whom wildirneſſe, and waſtneſſe, bi þis dai.
Nabuſardan, þe prince of chyualrie, hadde left wiþ vii And now þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe
þingis, Whi doon ȝe þis greet yuel aȝens ȝoure ſoulis,

þat a man of ȝou periſche and a womman a litil child xix Þat if we maken ſacrifice to þe queen of heuene, and
and ſoukynge periſche, fro þe myddis of Juda, neþer offren to it moiſt ſacrifices, wheþer wiþouten oure
ony reſidue þing be left in ȝou, hoſebondis we maden to it cakis, to worſchipe it, and
viii þat terre me to wraþþe bi þe werkis of ȝoure hondis, looues to be offrid?
in makynge ſacrifice to alien goddis in þe lond of Egipt, xx And Jeremye ſeide to al þe puple, aȝens þe men, and
in to which ȝe entriden, þat ȝe dwelle þere, and þat ȝe aȝens þe wymmen, and aȝens al þe puple, þat
periſche, and be in to curſyng, and in to ſchenſchipe to anſweriden to hym þe word, and he ſeide,
alle þe folkis of erþe? xxi Wheþer not þe ſacrifice which ȝe ſacrifiſiden in þe
ix Wheþer ȝe han forȝete þe yuels of ȝoure fadris, and þe
citees of Juda, and in þe ſtretis of Jeruſalem, ȝe, and
yuels of þe kingis of Juda, and þe yuels of her wiues, ȝoure fadris, ȝoure kyngis, and ȝoure princes, and þe
and ȝoure yuels, and þe yuels of ȝoure wyues, whiche puple of þe lond, terriden God to veniaunce? Þe Lord
þei diden in þe lond of Juda, and in þe cuntreis of hadde mynde on þeſe þingis, and it ſtiede on his herte;
Jeruſalem? xxii and þe Lord myȝte no more bere, for þe malice of
x Þei ben not clenſid `til to þis dai, and þei dredden not,
ȝoure ſtudies, and for abhomynaciouns whiche ȝe diden.
and þei ȝeden not in þe lawe of þe Lord, and in myn And ȝoure lond is maad in to deſolacioun, and in to
heeſtis, whiche Y ȝaf bifore ȝou, and bifore ȝoure fadris. wondryng, and in to curs, for no dwellere is, as þis dai
xi Þerfor þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe is.
þingis, Lo! Y ſchal ſette my face in ȝou in to yuel, xxiii Þerfor for ȝe maden ſacrifice to idols, and ſynneden
xii and Y ſchal leeſe al Juda, and Y ſchal take þe to þe Lord, and herden not þe vois of þe Lord, and
remenauntis of Juda, þat ſettiden her faces, to go in to ȝeden not in þe lawe, and in þe comandementis, and in
þe lond of Egipt, and to dwelle þere; and alle ſchulen be þe witneſſis of hym, þerfor þeſe yuels bifellen to ȝou, as
waaſtid in þe lond of Egipt, þei ſchulen falle doun bi þis dai is.
ſwerd, and ſchulen be waſtid in hungur, fro þe leeſte `til xxiiii Forſoþe Jeremye ſeide to al þe puple, and to alle þe
to þe mooſte, þei ſchulen die bi ſwerd and hungur, and wymmen, Al Juda, þat ben in þe lond of Egipt, here ȝe
ſchulen be in to ſwering, and in to myracle, and in to þe word of þe Lord.
curſyng, and in to ſchenſchipe. xxv Þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe þingis, and
xiii And Y ſchal viſite on þe dwelleris of Egipt, as Y
ſpekiþ, Ȝe and ȝoure wyues ſpaken wiþ ȝoure mouþ, and
viſitide on Jeruſalem, in ſwerd, and in hungur, and in filliden wiþ ȝoure hondis, and ſeiden, Make we oure
peſtilence. vowis whiche we vowiden, þat we make ſacrifice to þe
xiiii And noon ſchal be, þat ſchal aſcape, and be reſidue queen of heuene, and offre to it moiſt ſacrifices; ȝe
of þe remenauntis of Jewis, þat goen to be pilgrimys in filliden ȝoure vowis, and diden þo in werk.
þe lond of Egipt, and to turne aȝen to þe lond of Juda, to xxvi Þerfor, al Juda, þat dwellen in þe lond of Egipt, here
which þei reiſen her ſoulis, þat þei turne aȝen, and ȝe þe word of þe Lord; Lo! Y ſwoor in my greet name,
dwelle þere; þei ſchulen not turne aȝen þidir, no but þei ſeiþ þe Lord, þat my name ſchal no more be clepid bi þe
þat fledden. mouþ of ech man Jew, ſeiynge, Þe Lord God lyueþ, in
xv Forſoþe alle men anſweriden to Jeremye, and wiſten, al þe lond of Egipt.
þat her wyues maden ſacrifice to alien goddis, and alle xxvii Lo! Y ſchal wake on hem in to yuel, and not in to
wymmen, of whiche a greet multitude ſtood, and alle þe good; and alle þe men of Juda, þat ben in þe lond of
puple of dwelleris in þe lond of Egipt, in Fatures, and Egipt, ſchulen be waaſtid, bi ſwerd and hungur, til þei
ſeiden, be waſtid outerli.
xvi We ſchulen not here of þee þe word which þou xxviii And a fewe men þat fledden þe ſwerd, ſchulen
ſpekiſt to vs in þe name of oure Lord God, turne aȝen fro þe lond of Egipt in to þe lond of Juda;
xvii but we doynge ſchulen do ech word þat ſchal go out and alle þe remenauntis of Juda, of hem þat entren in to
of oure mouþ, þat we make ſacrifice to þe queen of þe lond of Egipt, to dwelle þere, ſchulen wite, whos
heuene, and þat we offre to it moiſt ſacrifices, as we word ſchal be fillid, myn eþer hern.
diden, and oure fadris, oure kingis, and oure princes, in xxix And þis ſchal be a ſigne to ȝou, ſeiþ þe Lord, þat Y
þe citees of Juda, and in þe ſtretis of Jeruſalem; and we ſchal viſite on ȝou in þis place, þat ȝe wite, þat verili my
weren fillid wiþ looues, and it was wel to vs, and we wordis ſchulen be fillid aȝens ȝou in to yuel.
ſien noon yuel. xxx Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal bitake Farao,
xviii But fro þat tyme, in which we ceeſſiden to make
þe kyng of Egipt, in to þe hond of hiſe enemyes, and in
ſacrifice to þe queen of heuene, and to offre to it moiſt to þe hond of hem þat ſeken his lijf, as Y bitook
ſacrifices, we hadden nede to alle þingis, and we weren Sedechie, þe kyng of Juda, in to þe hond of
waſtid bi ſwerd and hungur. Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babiloyne, his enemye, and
ſekynge his lijf.

CAP. XLV xi Þou virgyn, þe douȝter of Egipt, ſtie in to Galaad, and
i Þe word þat Jeremye, þe profete, ſpak to Baruc, þe take medicyn. In veyn þou ſchalt multiplie medecyns;
ſone of Nerie, whanne he hadde write þeſe wordis in þe helþe ſchal not be to þee.
book, of þe mouþ of Jeremye, in þe fourþe ȝeer of xii Hethene men herden þi ſchenſchipe, and þi ȝellyng
Joachym, þe ſone of Joſie, kyng of Juda, fillide þe erþe; for a ſtrong man hurtlide aȝens a ſtrong
ii and ſeide, Þe Lord God of Iſrael ſeiþ þeſe þingis to man, and boþe fellen doun togidere.
þee, Baruc. xiii Þe word which þe Lord ſpak to Jeremye, þe profete,
iii Þou ſeidiſt, Wo to me wretche, for þe Lord encreeſſide on þat þat Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babiloyne, was to
ſorewe to my ſorewe; Y trauelide in my weilyng, and Y comynge, and to ſmytynge þe lond of Egipt.
foond not reſte. xiiii Telle ȝe to Egipt, and make ȝe herd in Magdalo, and
iiii Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þus þou ſchalt ſeye to hym, ſowne it in Memphis, and ſeie ȝe in Taphnys, Stonde
Lo! Y diſtrie hem, whiche Y bildide, and Y drawe out þou, and make þee redi, for a ſwerd ſchal deuoure þo
hem, whiche Y plauntide, and al þis lond. þingis þat ben bi þi cumpas.
v And ſekiſt þou grete þingis to þee? nyle þou ſeke, for xv Whi haþ þi ſtrong man wexe rotun? He ſtood not, for
lo! Y ſchal brynge yuel on ech man, ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y þe Lord vndurturnede hym.
ſchal ȝyue to þee þi lijf in to helþe, in alle places, to xvi He multipliede falleris, and a man felle doun to his
whiche euer places þou ſchalt go. neiȝbore; and þei ſchulen ſeie, Riſe ȝe, and turne we
aȝen to oure puple, and to þe lond of oure birþe, fro þe
CAP. XLVI face of ſwerd of þe culuer.
i Þe word of þe Lord, þat was maad to Jeremye, þe xvii Clepe ȝe þe name of Farao, kyng of Egipt; þe tyme
profete, aȝens heþene men; haþ brouȝt noiſe.
ii to Egipt, aȝens þe ooſt of Farao Nechao, kyng of xviii Y lyue, ſeiþ þe kyng, þe Lord of ooſtis is his name;
Egipt, þat was biſidis þe flood Eufrates, in Charchamys, for it ſchal come as Thabor in hillis, and as Carmele in
whom Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babiloyne, ſmoot, in þe þe ſee.
fourþe ȝeer of Joachym, ſone of Joſie, kyng of Juda. xix Þou dwellereſſe, þe douȝter of Egipt, make to þee
iii Make ȝe redi ſcheeld and targat, and go ȝe forþ to
veſſels of paſſyng ouer; for whi Memfis ſchal be in to
batel. wildirneſſe, and ſchal be forſakun vnhabitable.
iiii Ioyne ȝe horſis, and ſtie, ȝe knyȝtis; ſtonde ȝe in xx Egipt is a ſchapli cow calf, and fair; a prickere fro þe
helmes, poliſche ȝe ſperis, cloþe ȝe ȝou in haburiowns. norþ ſchal come to it.
v What þerfor? Y ſiȝ hem dredeful, and turnynge þe xxi Alſo þe hirid men þerof, þat liueden as caluys maad
backis, þe ſtronge men of hem ſlayn; and þei fledden fatte in þe myddis þerof, ben turned, and fledden
ſwiftli, and bihelden not; drede was on ech ſide, ſeiþ þe togidere, and miȝten not ſtonde; for þe dai of ſleynge of
Lord. hem ſchal come on hem, þe tyme of þe viſityng of hem.
vi A ſwift man ſchal not fle, and a ſtrong man geſſe not xxii Þe vois of hem ſchal ſowne as of bras, for þei
hym ſilf to be ſaued; at þe norþ, biſidis þe flood ſchulen haſte wiþ ooſt, and wiþ axis þei ſchulen come to
Eufrates, þei weren ouer comun, and fellen doun. it. As men kittynge doun trees þei kittiden doun þe
vii Who is þis, þat ſtieþ as a flood, and hiſe ſwelewis foreſt þerof,
wexen greet as of floodis? xxiii ſeiþ þe Lord, which mai not be noumbrid; þei ben
viii Egipte ſtiede at þe licneſſe of a flood, and hiſe wawis multiplied ouer locuſtis, and no noumbre is in hem.
ſchulen be mouyd as floodis; and it ſchal ſeie, Y ſchal xxiiii Þe douȝtir of Egipt is ſchent, and bitakun in to þe
ſtie, and hile þe erþe; Y ſchal leeſe þe citee, and hond of þe puple of þe norþ,
dwelleris þerof. xxv ſeide þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael. Lo! Y ſchal
ix Stie ȝe on horſis, and make ȝe ful out ioie in charis;
viſite on þe noiſe of Aliſaundre, and on Farao, and on
and ſtronge men, come forþ, Ethiopie and Libie, Egipt, and on þe goddis þerof, and on þe kyngis þerof,
holdynge ſcheeld, and Lidii, takynge and ſchetynge and on hem þat triſten in hym.
arowis. xxvi And Y ſchal ȝyue hem in to þe hondis of men þat
x Forſoþe þat dai of þe Lord God of ooſtis is a dai of
ſeken þe lijf of hem, and in to þe hondis of
veniaunce, þat he take veniaunce of hiſe enemyes; þe Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babiloyne, and in to þe hondis
ſwerd ſchal deuoure, and ſchal be fillid, and ſchal greetli of hiſe ſeruauntis; and aftir þeſe þingis it ſchal be
be fillid wiþ þe blood of hem; for whi þe ſlayn ſacrifice enhabitid, as in þe formere daies, ſeiþ þe Lord.
of þe Lord of ooſtis is in þe lond of þe norþ, biſidis þe xxvii And þou, Jacob, my ſeruaunt, drede þou not, and
flood Eufrates. Iſrael, drede þou not; for lo! Y ſchal make þee ſaaf fro
fer place, and þi ſeed fro þe lond of his caitiftee; and

Jacob ſchal turne aȝen, and ſchal reſte, and ſchal haue in to paſſyng ouer, þe preeſtis þerof and þe princes þerof
proſperite, and noon ſchal be, þat ſchal make hym aferd. togidere.
xxviii And Jacob, my ſeruaunt, nyle þou drede, ſeiþ þe viii And a robbere ſchal come to ech citee, and no citee
Lord, for Y am wiþ þee; for Y ſchal waſte alle folkis, to ſchal be ſauyd; and valeis ſchulen periſche, and feeldi
whiche Y caſtide þee out; but Y ſchal not waſte þee, but places ſchulen be diſtried, for þe Lord ſeide.
Y ſchal chaſtiſe þee in doom, and Y ſchal not ſpare þee ix Ȝyue ȝe þe flour of Moab, for it ſchal go out
as innocent. flourynge; and þe citees þerof ſchulen be forſakun, and
CAP. XLVII x He is curſid, þat doiþ þe werk of God gilefuli; and he
i Þe word of þe Lord, þat was maad to Jeremye, þe
is curſid, þat forbediþ his ſwerd fro blood.
profete, aȝens Paleſtyns, bifor þat Farao ſmoot Gaza. xi Moab was plenteuouſe fro his ȝong wexynge age, and
ii Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! watris ſchulen ſtie fro þe
reſtide in hiſe draſtis, neþer was ſched out fro veſſel in to
norþ, and þo ſchulen be as a ſtronde flowynge, and þo veſſel, and ȝede not in to paſſyng ouer; þerfor his taaſte
ſchulen hile þe lond, and þe fulneſſe þerof, þe citee, and dwellide in hym, and his odour is not chaungid.
þe dwelleris þerof. Men ſchulen crie, and alle þe xii Þerfor lo! daies comun, ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y ſchal
dwelleris of þe lond ſchulen ȝelle, ſende to it ordeynours, and arayeris of potels; and þei
iii for þe noiſe of booſt of armed men, and of werriours
ſchulen araye it, and þei ſchulen waſte þe veſſels þerof,
of hym, and for mouyng of hiſe cartis, and multitude of and hurtle togidere þe potels of hem.
hiſe wheelis. Fadris bihelden not ſones wiþ clumſid xiii And Moab ſchal be ſchent of Chamos, as þe hous of
hondis, Iſrael was ſchent of Bethel, in which it hadde triſt.
iiii for þe comyng of þe dai in which alle Filiſteis xiiii Hou ſeien ȝe, We ben ſtronge, and ſtalworþe men to
ſchulen be deſtried; and Tirus ſchal be deſtried, and fiȝte?
Sidon wiþ alle her oþere helpis. For þe Lord haþ xv Moab is diſtried, and þei han brent þe citees þerof,
deſtried Paleſtyns, þe remenauntis of þe ile of and þe choſun ȝonge men þerof ȝeden doun in to
Capadocie. ſleynge, ſeiþ þe kyng, þe Lord of ooſtis is his name.
v Ballidneſſe cam on Gaza; Aſcolon was ſtille, and þe
xvi Þe periſchyng of Moab is nyȝ, þat it come, and þe
remenauntis of þe valei of þo. yuel þerof renneþ ful ſwiftli.
vi Hou longe ſchalt þou falle doun, O! ſwerd of þe Lord,
xvii Alle ȝe þat ben in þe cumpas þerof, coumforte it;
hou long ſchalt þou not reſte? Entre þou in to þi ſcheþe, and alle ȝe þat knowen þe name þerof, ſeie, Hou is þe
be þou refreiſchid, and be ſtille. ſtronge ȝerde brokun, þe gloriouſe ſtaaf?
vii Hou ſchal it reſte, whanne þe Lord comaundide to it
xviii Þou dwellyng of þe douȝtir of Dibon, go doun fro
aȝens Aſcalon, and aȝens þe ſee cooſtis þerof, and þere glorie, ſitte þou in þirſt; for þe diſtriere of Moab ſchal
haþ ſeide to it? ſtie to þee, and he ſchal deſtrie þi ſtrengþis.
xix Þou dwellyng of Aroer, ſtonde in þe weie, and
i To Moab þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe
biholde; axe þou hym þat fleeþ, and hym þat aſcapide;
ſeie þou, What bifelle?
þingis. Wo on Nabo, for it is deſtried, and ſchent; xx Moab is ſchent, for he is ouercomun; ȝelle ȝe, and
Cariathiarym is takun, þe ſtronge citee is ſchent, and
crye; telle ȝe in Arnon, þat Moab is deſtried.
tremblide. xxi And doom is comun to þe lond of þe feeld, on Elon,
ii And ful out ioiyng is no more in Moab, þei þouȝten
and on Jeſa, and on Mephat, and on Dibon,
yuel aȝens Eſebon. Come ȝe, and leeſe we it fro folk. xxii and on Nabo, and on þe hous of Debalthaym,
Þerfor þou beynge ſtille, ſchalt be ſtille, and ſwerd ſchal
xxiii and on Cariathiarym, and on Bethgamul, and on
ſue þee.
iii A vois of cry fro Oronaym, diſtriynge, and greet Bethmaon, and on Scarioth,
xxiiii and on Boſra, and on alle þe citees of þe lond of
iiii Moab is defoulid, telle ȝe cry to litil children þerof. Moab, þat ben fer, and þat ben niȝ.
xxv Þe horn of Moab is kit awei, and þe arm þerof is al
v For a man wepynge ſtiede wiþ wepyng bi þe ſtiyng of
Luyth, for in þe comyng doun of Oronaym enemyes to-brokun, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xxvi Fille ȝe him greetli, for he is reiſid aȝens þe Lord;
herden þe ȝellyng of ſorewe.
vi Fle ȝe, ſaue ȝe ȝoure lyues; and ȝe ſchulen be as and he ſchal hurtle doun þe hond of Moab in his ſpuyng,
bromes in deſert. and he alſo ſchal be in to ſcorn.
xxvii For whi, Iſrael, he was in to ſcorn to þee, as if þou
vii For þat þat þou haddiſt triſt in þi ſtrengþis, and in þi
treſouris, alſo þou ſchalt be takun. And Chamos ſchal go haddiſt founde hym among þeues; þerfor for þi wordis

whiche þou ſpakiſt aȝens hym, þou ſchalt be led wiþ a ſnare. For Y ſchal brynge on Moab þe ȝeer of þe
priſoner. viſitacioun of hem, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xxviii Ȝe dwelleris of Moab, forſake citees, and dwelle in xlv Men fleynge fro þe ſnare ſtoden in þe ſchadewe of
þe ſtoon, and be ȝe as a culuer makynge neſt in þe Eſebon, for whi fier ȝede out of Eſebon, and flawme fro
hiȝeſte mouþ of an hool. þe myddis of Seon; and deuouride a part of Moab, and
xxix We han herd þe pride of Moab; he is ful proud. þe cop of þe ſones of noiſe.
xxx Y knowe, ſeiþ þe Lord, þe hiȝneſſe þerof, and pride xlvi Moab, wo to þee; þou puple of Chamos, haſt

in word, and pride in beryng, and þe hiȝneſſe of herte, periſchid, for whi þi ſones and þi douȝtris ben takun in
and þe booſt þerof, and þat þe vertu þerof is not niȝ, to caitiftee.
eþir lijk it, neþir it enforſide to do bi þat þat it miȝte. xlvii And Y ſchal conuerte þe caitiftee of Moab in þe
xxxi Þerfor Y ſchal weile on Moab, and Y ſchal crie to al laſte daies, ſeiþ þe Lord. Hidur to ben þe domes of
Moab, to þe men of þe erþene wal, þat weilen. Moab.
xxxii Of þe weilyng of Jaſer Y ſchal wepe to þee, þou
vyner of Sabama; þi ſiouns paſſiden þe ſee, þo camen CAP. XLIX
i `Go ȝe to þe ſones of Amon. Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis.
`til to þe ſee of Jazer; a robbere felle in on þi ripe corn,
and on þi vyndage. Wheþer no ſones ben of Iſrael, eþer an eir is not to it?
xxxiii Ful out ioye and gladneſſe is takun awei fro whi þerfor weldide Melchon þe eritage of Gad, and þe
Carmele, and fro þe lond of Moab, and Y haue take puple þerof dwellide in þe citees of Gad?
ii Lo! daies comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y ſchal make þe
awei wyn fro preſſouris; a ſtampere of grape ſchal not
ſynge a cuſtomable myri ſong. gnaiſting of batel herd on Rabath of þe ſones of Amon;
xxxiiii Of þe cry of Eſebon `til to Eleale and Jeſa þei and it ſchal be diſtried in to noiſe, and þe vilagis þerof
ȝauen her vois, fro Segor `til to Oronaym a cow calf of ſchulen be brent wiþ fier, and Iſrael ſchal welde hiſe
þre ȝeer; forſoþe þe watris of Nemrym ſchulen be ful welderis, ſeiþ þe Lord.
iii Ȝelle ȝe, Eſebon, for Hay is diſtried; crie, ȝe douȝtris
xxxv And Y ſchal take awei fro Moab, ſeiþ þe Lord, him of Rabath, girde ȝou wiþ heiris, weile ȝe, and cumpaſſe
þat offriþ in hiȝ places, and him þat makiþ ſacrifice to bi heggis; for whi Melchon ſchal be lad in to paſſyng
þe goddis þerof. ouer, þe preſtis þerof and princes þerof togidere.
xxxvi Þerfor myn herte ſchal ſowne as a pipe of bras to iiii What haſt þou glorie in valeis? Þi valeis fleet awei,

Moab, and myn herte ſchal ȝyue ſown of pipis to þe þou delicat douȝter, þat haddiſt triſt in þi treſours, and
men of þe erþene wal; for it dide more þan it myȝte, ſeidiſt, Who ſchal come to me?
v Lo! Y ſchal bringe in drede on þee, ſeiþ þe Lord God
þerfor þei periſchiden.
xxxvii For whi ech heed ſchal be ballidneſſe, and ech of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, of alle men þat ben in þi
beerd ſchal be ſchauun; in alle hondis ſchal be bindyng cumpaſſe; and ȝe ſchulen be ſcaterid, ech bi hym ſilf, fro
togidere, and an heir ſchal be on ech bak. ȝoure ſiȝt, and noon ſchal be, þat gadere hem þat fleen.
xxxviii And al weilyng ſchal be on alle þe roouȝs of vi And after þeſe þingis Y ſchal make þe fleeris and

Moab, and in þe ſtretis þerof, for Y haue al to-broke priſoneris of þe ſones of Amon to turne aȝen, ſeiþ þe
Moab as an vnprofitable veſſel, ſeiþ þe Lord. Lord.
xxxix Hou is it ouercomun, and þei ȝelliden? hou haþ vii To Ydumee þe Lord God of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis.

Moab caſt doun þe nol, and is ſchent? And Moab ſchal Wheþer wiſdom is no more in Theman? Councel
be in to ſcorn, and in to enſaumple to alle men in his periſchide fro ſones, þe wiſdom of hem is maad
cumpas. vnprofitable.
xl Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! as an egle he ſchal fle viii Fle ȝe, and turne ȝe backis; go doun in to a ſwolowe,

out, and he ſchal ſtretche forþ hiſe wyngis to Moab. ȝe dwelleris of Dedan, for Y haue brouȝt þe perdicioun
xli Carioth is takun, and ſtronge holdis ben takun; and þe of Eſau on hym, þe tyme of his viſitacioun.
ix If gadereris of grapis hadden come on þee, þei
herte of ſtronge men of Moab ſchal be in þat dai, as þe
herte of a womman trauelynge of child. ſchulden haue left a cluſtre; if þeues in þe niȝt, þei
xlii And Moab ſchal ceeſſe to be a puple, for it hadde ſchulden haue rauyſchid þat þat ſuffiſide to hem.
x Forſoþe Y haue vnhilid Eſau, and Y haue ſchewid þe
glorie aȝens þe Lord.
xliii Drede, and diche, and ſnare is on þee, þou dwellere hid þingis of hym, and he mai not mow be hid; his ſeed
of Moab, ſeiþ þe Lord. is diſtried, and hiſe briþeren, and hiſe neiȝboris, and it
xliiii He þat fleeþ fro þe face of drede, ſchal falle in to a ſchal not be.
xi Forſake þi fadirles children, and Y ſchal make hem to
diche; and þei þat ſtien fro þe dyche, ſchulen be takun
lyue, and þi widewis ſchulen hope in me.

xii For þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! þei drynkynge xxvii And Y ſchal kyndle fier in þe wal of Damaſk, and it
ſchulen drynke, to whiche was no doom, þat þei ſchal deuoure þe bildyngis of Benadab.
ſchulden drynke þe cuppe. And `ſchalt þou be left as xxviii To Cedar, and to þe rewme of Azor, which
innocent? þou ſchalt not be innocent, but þou Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babiloyne, ſmoot, þe Lord ſeiþ
drynkynge ſchalt drynke. þeſe þingis. Riſe ȝe, and ſtie to Cedar, and diſtrie ȝe þe
xiii For Y ſwoor bi my ſilf, ſeiþ þe Lord, þat Boſra ſchal ſones of þe eeſt.
be in to wildirneſſe, and in to ſchenſchipe, and in to xxix Þei ſchulen take þe tabernaclis of hem, and þe
forſakyng, and in to curſyng; and alle þe citees þerof flockis of hem; þei ſchulen take to hem þe ſkynnes of
ſchulen be in to euerlaſtynge wildirneſſis. hem, and alle þe veſſels of hem, and þe camels of hem;
xiiii I herde an heryng of þe Lord, and Y am ſent a and þei ſchulen clepe on hem inward drede in cumpas.
meſſanger to heþene men; be ȝe gaderid togidere, and xxx Fle ȝe, go ȝe awei greetli, ȝe þat dwellen in Aſor,
come ȝe aȝens it, and riſe we togidere in to batel. ſitte in ſwolewis, ſeiþ þe Lord. For whi Nabugodonoſor,
xv For lo! Y haue ȝoue þee a litil oon among heþene kyng of Babiloyne, haþ take councel aȝens ȝou, and he
men, deſpiſable among men. þouȝte þouȝtis aȝens ȝou.
xvi Þi booſt, and þe pride of þin herte, haþ diſſeyued þee, xxxi Riſe ȝe togidere, and ſtie ȝe to a peſible folk, and
þat dwelliſt in þe caues of ſtoon, and enforſiſt to take þe dwellinge triſtili, ſeiþ þe Lord; not doris neþer barris
hiȝneſſe of a litil hil; whanne þou as an egle haſt reiſid ben to it, þei dwellen aloone.
þi neſt, fro þennus Y ſchal drawe þee doun, ſeiþ þe xxxii And þe camels of hem ſchulen be in to rauyſchyng,
Lord. and þe multitude of her beeſtis in to prey; and Y ſchal
xvii And Ydumee ſchal be forſakun; ech man þat ſchal ſchatere hem in to ech wynd, þat ben biclippid on þe
paſſe bi it, ſchal wondre, and ſchal hiſſe on alle þe long heer, and bi ech cooſt of hem Y ſchal brynge
woundis þerof; periſchyng on hem, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xviii as Sodom and Gommor is diſtried, and þe niȝ citees xxxiii And Aſor ſchal be in to a dwellyng place of
þerof, ſeiþ þe Lord. A man ſchal not dwelle þere, and þe dragouns; it ſchal be forſakun `til in to wiþouten ende; a
ſone of man ſchal not enhabite it. man ſchal not dwelle þere, neþer þe ſone of man ſchal
xix Lo! as a lioun he ſchal ſtie, fro þe pride of Jordan to enhabite it.
þe ſtrong fairneſſe; for Y ſchal make hym renne ſudenli xxxiiii Þe word of þe Lord þat was maad to Jeremye, þe
to it; and who ſchal be þe choſun man, whom Y ſchal profete, aȝens Elam, in þe bigynnyng of þe rewme of
ſette bifore hym? For who is lijk to me, and who ſchal Sedechie,
ſuffre me? and who is þis ſcheepherde, þat ſchal xxxv kyng of Juda, and ſeide, Þe Lord of ooſtis, God of
aȝenſtonde my cheer? Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal breke þe bowe of
xx Þerfor here ȝe þe councel of þe Lord, which he took Elam, and Y ſchal take þe ſtrengþe of hem.
of Edom, and his þouȝtis, whiche he þouȝte of þe xxxvi And I ſchal bringe on Elam foure wyndis; fro foure
dwelleris of Theman. If þe litle of þe floc caſte not hem cooſtis of heuene, and Y ſchal wyndewe hem in to alle
doun, if þei diſtrien not wiþ hem þe dwellyng of hem, þeſe wyndis, and no folc ſchal be, to which þe fleeris of
ellis no man ȝyue credence to me. Elam ſchulen not come.
xxi Þe erþe was mouyd of þe vois of fallyng of hem; þe xxxvii And Y ſchal make Elam for to drede bifore her
cry of vois þerof was herd in þe reed ſee. enemyes, and in þe ſiȝt of men ſekynge þe lijf of hem;
xxii Lo! as an egle he ſchal ſtie, and fle out, and he ſchal and Y ſchal brynge on hem yuel, þe wraþþe of my
ſprede abrood hiſe wynges on Boſra; and þe herte of þe ſtrong veniaunce, ſeiþ þe Lord; and Y ſchal ſende after
ſtrong men of Idumee ſchal be in þat dai, as þe herte of hem a ſwerd, til Y waſte hem.
a womman trauelynge of child. xxxviii And Y ſchal ſette my kyngis ſeete in Elam, and Y
xxiii To Damaſk. Emath is ſchent, and Arphath, for þei ſchal leeſe þerof kyngis, and princes, ſeiþ þe Lord.
herden a ful wickid heryng; þei weren diſturblid in þe xxxix But in þe laſte daies Y ſchal make þe priſoneris of
ſee, for angwiſch þei miȝten not haue reſte. Elam to turne aȝen, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xxiiii Damaſk was diſcoumfortid, it was turned in to fliȝt;
tremblyng took it, angwiſchis and ſorewis helden it, as a CAP. L
womman trauelynge of child. i Þe word which þe Lord ſpak of Babiloyne, and of þe
xxv How forſoken þei a preiſable citee, þe citee of lond of Caldeis, in þe hond of Jeremye, þe profete.
gladneſſe? ii Telle ȝe among heþene men, and make ȝe herd; reiſe
xxvi Þerfor þe ȝonge men þerof ſchulen falle in þe ſtretis ȝe a ſigne; preche ȝe, and nyle ȝe holde ſtille; ſeie ȝe,
þerof, and alle men of batel ſchulen be ſtille in þat dai, Babiloyne is takun, Bel is ſchent, Maradach is ouer
ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis. comun; þe grauun ymagis þerof ben ſchent, þe idols of
hem ben ouer comun.

iii For a folk ſchal ſtie fro þe norþ aȝenus it, which folk xviii Þerfor þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe
ſchal ſette þe lond þerof in to wildirneſſe; and noon þingis, Lo! Y ſchal viſite þe kyng of Babiloyne, and his
ſchal be þat ſchal dwelle þerynne, fro man `til to beeſte; lond, as Y viſitide þe kyng of Aſſur;
and þei ben moued, and ȝeden a wei. xix and Y ſchal brynge aȝen Iſrael to his dwellyng place.
iiii In þo daies, and in þat tyme, ſeiþ þe Lord, þe ſones of Carmele and Baaſan ſchal be fed, and his ſoule ſchal be
Iſrael ſchulen come, þei and þe ſones of Juda togidere, fillid in þe hil of Effraym, and of Galaad.
goynge and wepynge; þei ſchulen haaſte, and ſeke her xx In þo daies, and in þat tyme, ſeiþ þe Lord, þe
Lord God in Sion, wickidneſſe of Iſrael ſchal be ſouȝt, and it ſchal not be;
v and þei ſchulen axe þe weie. Hidur þe faces of hem and þe ſynne of Juda ſchal be ſouȝt, and it ſchal not be
ſchulen come, and þei ſchulen be ſet to þe Lord wiþ foundun; for Y ſchal be merciful to hem, whiche Y ſchal
boond of pees euerlaſtynge, which ſchal not be don forſake.
awei by ony forȝetyng. xxi Stie þou on þe lond of lordis, and viſite þou on þe
vi My puple is maad a loſt floc, þe ſcheepherdis of hem dwelleris þerof; ſcatere þou, and ſle þo þingis, þat ben
diſſeyueden hem, and maden to go vnſtabli in hillis; þei aftir hem, ſeiþ þe Lord; and do þou bi alle þingis which
paſſiden fro mounteyn in to a litil hil, þei forȝaten her Y comaundide to þee.
bed. xxii Þe vois of batel and greet ſorewe in þe lond.
vii Alle men þat founden, eeten hem, and þe enemyes of xxiii Hou is þe hamer of al erþe brokun and al defoulid?
hem ſeiden, We ſynneden not, for þat þei ſynneden to þe hou is Babiloyne turned in to deſert, among heþene
Lord, þe fairneſſe of riȝtfulneſſe, and to þe Lord, þe men?
abidyng of her fadris. xxiiii Babiloyne, Y haue ſnarid þee, and þou art takun,
viii Go ȝe awei fro þe myddis of Babiloyne, and go ȝe
and þou wiſtiſt not; þou art foundun, and takun, for þou
out of þe lond of Caldeis, and be ȝe as kydis bifore þe terridiſt þe Lord to wraþþe.
floc. xxv Þe Lord openide his treſour, and brouȝte forþ þe
ix For lo! Y ſchal reiſe, and brynge in to Babiloyne þe
veſſels of his wraþþe; for whi a werk is to þe Lord God
gaderyng togidere of grete folkis, fro þe lond of þe of ooſtis in þe lond of Caldeis.
norþ; and þei ſchulen be maad redi aȝens it, and it ſchal xxvi Come ȝe to it fro þe ferþeſte endis, opene ȝe, þat þei
be takun in þe dai; þe arowe þerof as of a ſtrong man a go out, þat ſchulen defoule it; take ȝe awei ſtoonys fro
ſleere, ſchal not turne aȝen voide. þe weie, and dryue ȝe in to heepis, and ſle ȝe it, and
x And Caldee ſchal be in to prey, alle þat diſtrien it,
noþing be reſidue.
ſchulen be fillid, ſeiþ þe Lord. xxvii Diſtrie ȝe alle þe ſtronge men þerof, go þei doun in
xi For ȝe maken ful out ioye, and ſpeken grete þingis,
to ſleynge; wo to hem, for þe dai of hem comeþ, þe
and rauyſchen myn eritage; for ȝe ben ſched out as tyme of viſityng of hem.
caluys on erbe, and lowiden as bolis. xxviii Þe vois of fleeris, and of hem þat aſcapiden fro þe
xii Ȝoure modir is ſchent greetli, and ſche þat gendride
lond of Babiloyne, þat þei telle in Sion þe veniaunce of
ȝou, is maad euene to duſt; lo! ſche ſchal be þe laſt oure Lord God, þe veniaunce of his temple.
among folkis, and forſakun, wiþ out weie, and drie. xxix Telle ȝe aȝens Babiloyne to ful many men, to alle
xiii For þe wraþþe of þe Lord it ſchal not be enhabitid,
þat beenden bowe. Stonde ȝe togidere aȝens it bi
but it ſchal be dryuun al in to wildirneſſe; ech þat ſchal cumpas, and noon aſcape; ȝelde ȝe to it aftir his werk,
paſſe bi Babiloyne, ſchal wondre, and ſchal hiſſe on alle aftir alle þingis whiche it dide, do ȝe to it; for it was
þe woundis þerof. reiſid aȝens þe Lord, aȝens þe hooli of Iſrael.
xiiii Alle ȝe þat beenden bowe, be maad redi aȝens xxx Þerfor ȝonge men þerof ſchulen falle doun in þe
Babiloyne bi cumpas; ouercome ȝe it, ſpare ȝe not ſtretis þerof, and alle men werriours þerof ſchulen be
arowis, for it ſynnede to þe Lord. ſtille in þat dai, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xv Crye ȝe aȝens it, euery where it ȝaf hond; þe xxxi Lo! þou proude, Y to þee, ſeiþ þe Lord God of
foundementis þerof fellen doun, and þe wallis þerof ben ooſtis, for þi dai is comun, þe tyme of þi viſitacioun.
diſtried; for it is þe veniaunce of þe Lord. Take ȝe xxxii And þe proude ſchal falle, and ſchal falle doun
veniaunce of it; as it dide, do ȝe to it. togidere, and noon ſchal be, þat ſchal reiſe hym; and Y
xvi Leeſe ȝe a ſowere of Babiloyne, and hym þat holdiþ
ſchal kyndle fier in þe citees of hym, and it ſchal
a ſikil in þe tyme of herueſt, fro þe face of ſwerd of þe deuoure alle þingis in cumpas of it.
culuer; ech man ſchal be turned to his puple, and ech xxxiii Þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þe ſones of Iſrael
man ſchal flee to his lond. and þe ſones of Juda togidere ſuffren fals caleng; alle
xvii Iſrael is a ſcaterid flok, liouns caſtiden out it; firſt
þat token hem, holden, þei nylen delyuere hem.
kyng Aſſur eete it, þis laſte Nabugodonoſor, kyng of
Babiloyne, dide awei þe bonys þerof.

xxxiiii Þe aȝenbyere of hem is ſtrong, þe Lord of ooſtis is of it; for þei camen on it on ech ſide, in þe dai of þe
his name; bi dom he ſchal defende þe cauſe of hem, þat turment þerof.
he make þe lond aferd, and ſtire togidere þe dwelleris of iii He þat beendiþ his bowe, beende not, and a man
Babiloyne. cloþid in haburioun, ſtie not; nyle ȝe ſpare þe ȝonge men
xxxv A ſwerd to Caldeis, ſeiþ þe Lord, and to þe þerof, ſle ȝe al þe chyualrie þerof.
dwelleris of Babiloyne, and to þe princes, and to þe iiii And ſlayn men ſchulen falle in þe lond of Caldeis,
wiſe men þerof. and woundid men in þe cuntreis þerof.
xxxvi A ſwerd to þe falſe dyuynours þerof, þat ſchulen be v For whi Iſrael and Juda was not maad widewe fro her
foolis; a ſwerd to þe ſtronge men þerof, þat ſchulen God, þe Lord of ooſtis; but þe lond of hem was fillid
drede. wiþ treſpas of þe hooli of Iſrael.
xxxvii Swerd to þe horſis þerof, and to þe charis þerof, vi Fle ȝe fro þe myddis of Babiloyne, þat ech man ſaue
and to al þe comyn puple whiche is in þe myddis þerof, his ſoule; nyle ȝe be ſtille on þe wickidneſſe þerof, for
and þei ſchulen be as wymmen; a ſwerd to þe treſours whi tyme of veniaunce þerof is to þe Lord; he ſchal
þerof, þat ſchulen be rauyſchid. ȝelde while to it.
xxxviii Dryneſſe ſchal be on þe watris þerof, and þo vii Babiloyne is a goldun cuppe in þe hond of þe Lord,
ſchulen be drye; for it is þe lond of grauun ymagis, and and filliþ al erþe; heþene men drunken of þe wyn þerof,
haþ glorie in falſe feynyngis. and þerfor þei ben mouyd.
xxxix Þerfor dragouns ſchulen dwelle wiþ fonned wielde viii Babiloyne felle doun ſudenli, and is al to-brokun;
men, and oſtrigis ſchulen dwelle þerynne; and it ſchal ȝelle ȝe on it, take ȝe recyn to þe ſorewe þerof, if
no more be enhabitid `til in to wiþ outen ende, and it perauenture it be heelid.
ſchal not be bildid `til to generacioun and generacioun; ix We heeliden Babiloyne, and it is not maad hool;
xl as þe Lord diſtriede Sodom and Gomorre, and þe niȝ forſake we it and go we ech in to his lond; for þe doom
citees þerof, ſeiþ þe Lord. A man ſchal not dwelle þere, þerof cam `til to heuenes, and is reiſid `til to cloudis.
and þe ſone of man ſchal not dwelle in it. x Þe Lord haþ brouȝt forþ oure riȝtfulneſſis; come ȝe,
xli Lo! a puple comeþ fro þe norþ, and a greet folc, and and telle we in Sion þe werk of oure Lord God.
many kyngis ſchulen riſe togidere fro þe endis of erþe. xi Scharpe ȝe arowis, fille ȝe arowe caaſis; þe Lord
xlii Þei ſchulen take bowe and ſwerd, þei ben cruel and reiſide þe ſpirit of þe kyngis of Medeis, and his mynde
vnmerciful; þe vois of hem ſchal ſowne as þe ſee, and is aȝen Babiloyne, þat he leeſe it, for it is þe veniaunce
þei ſchulen ſtie on horſis as a man maad redi to batel, of þe Lord, þe veniaunce of his temple. Þe kyng of
aȝens þee, þou douȝter of Babiloyne. Medeis is reiſid of þe Lord aȝens Babiloyne.
xliii Þe kyng of Babiloyne herde þe fame of hem, and xii Reiſe ȝe a ſigne on þe wallis of Babiloyne, encreeſſe
hiſe hondis ben aclumſid; angwiſch took hym, ſorewe ȝe kepyng, reiſe ȝe keperis, make ȝe redi buyſchementis;
took hym, as a womman trauelynge of child. for þe Lord þouȝte, and dide, what euer þing he ſpak
xliiii Lo! as a lioun he ſchal ſtie fro þe pride of Jordan to aȝens þe dwelleris of Babiloyne.
þe ſtronge fairneſſe, for Y ſchal make hym to renne xiii A! þou Babiloyne, þat dwelliſt on many watris, riche
ſudenli to it; and who ſchal be þe choſun man, whom Y in þi treſours, þin ende comeþ, þe foote meſure of þi
ſchal ſette bifore him? For who is lijk me? and who kittyng doun.
ſchal ſuffre me? and who is þis ſcheepherde, þat ſchal xiiii Þe Lord of ooſtis ſwoor bi his ſoule, þat Y ſchal fille
aȝenſtonde my cheer? þee wiþ men, as wiþ bruke, and a myry ſong ſchal be
xlv Þerfore here ȝe þe councel of þe Lord, which he ſungun on þee.
conſeyuede in mynde aȝens Babiloyne, and hiſe þouȝtis, xv Þe Lord ſwoor, which made erþe bi his ſtrengþe,
whiche he þouȝte on þe lond of Caldeis, no but þe litle made redy þe world bi his wiſdom, and ſtretchide forþ
of þe flockis drawen hem doun, no but þe dwellyng heuenes bi his prudence.
place of hem be deſtried wiþ hem, ellis no man ȝyue xvi Whanne he ȝyueþ vois, watris ben multiplied in
credence to me. heuene; which Lord reiſiþ cloudis fro þe laſte of erþe,
xlvi Þe erþe is mouyd of þe vois of caitiftee of
made leitis in to reyn, and brouȝt forþ wynd of hiſe
Babiloyne, and cry is herd among heþene men. treſouris.
xvii Ech man is maad a fool of kunnyng, ech wellere
CAP. LI togidere is ſchent in a grauun ymage; for his wellyng
i Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal reiſe on
togidere is fals, and a ſpirit is not in þo.
Babiloyne, and on þe dwelleris þerof, þat reiſiden her xviii Þe werkis ben veyn, and worþi of ſcorn; þo ſchulen
herte aȝens me, as a wynd of peſtilence. periſche in þe tyme of her viſityng.
ii And Y ſchal ſende in to Babiloyne wyndeweris, and
þei ſchulen wyndewe it, and þei ſchulen deſtrie þe lond

xix Þe part of Jacob is not as þeſe þingis; for he þat xxxiiii Nabugodonoſor, þe kyng of Babiloyne, eet me,
made alle þingis is þe part of Jacob, and Iſrael is þe and deuouride me; he made me as a voide veſſel, he as a
ſeptre of his eritage; þe Lord of ooſtis is his name. dragoun ſwolewide me; he fillide his wombe wiþ my
xx Þou hurtliſt doun to me þe inſtrumentis of batel, and tendirneſſe, and he caſtide me out.
Y ſchal hurtle doun folkis in þee, and Y ſchal leeſe xxxv Wickidneſſe aȝens me, and my fleiſch on
rewmes in þee; Babiloyne, ſeiþ þe dwellyng of Sion; and my blood on
xxi and Y ſchal hurtle doun in þee an hors, and þe ridere þe dwelleris of Caldee, ſeiþ Jeruſalem.
þerof; and Y ſchal hurtle doun in þee a chare, and þe xxxvi Þerfor þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal deme
ſtiere þerof; þi cauſe, and Y ſchal venge þi veniaunce; and Y ſchal
xxii and Y ſchal hurtle doun in þee a man and womman; make þe ſee þerof forſakun, and Y ſchal make drie þe
and Y ſchal hurtle doun in þee an elde man and a child; veyne þerof.
and Y ſchal hurtle doun in þee a ȝong man and a virgyn; xxxvii And Babiloyne ſchal be in to biriels, it ſchal be þe
xxiii and Y ſchal hurtle doun in þee a ſcheepherde and dwellyng of dragouns, wondryng and hiſſyng, for þat no
his floc; and Y ſchal hurtle doun in þee an erþetiliere dwellere is.
and his ȝok beeſtis; and Y ſchal hurtle doun in þee xxxviii Þei ſchulen rore togidere as liouns, and þei
duykis and magiſtratis. ſchulen ſchake lockis, as þe whelpis of liouns.
xxiiii And Y ſchal ȝelde, ſeiþ þe Lord, to Babiloyne, and xxxix In þe heete of hem Y ſchal ſette þe drynkis of hem;
to alle þe dwelleris of Caldee, al her yuel, which þei and Y ſchal make hem drunkun, þat þei be brouȝt
diden in Sion, bifore ȝoure iȝen. aſleepe, and þat þei ſlepe euerlaſtynge ſleep, and riſe
xxv Lo! Y, ſeiþ þe Lord, to þee, þou hil berynge not, ſeiþ þe Lord.
peſtilence, which corrumpiſt al erþe. Y ſchal ſtretche xl Y ſchal lede forþ hem, as lambren to ſlayn ſacrifice,
forþ myn hond on þee, and Y ſchal vnwlappe þee fro and as weþeris wiþ kidis. Hou is Seſac takun, and þe
ſtoonys, and Y ſchal ȝyue þee in to an hil of brennyng. noble citee of al erþe is takun?
xxvi And Y ſchal not take of þee a ſtoon in to a corner, xli Hou is Babiloyne made in to wondre among heþene
and a ſtoon in to foundementis; but þou ſchalt be loſt men?
wiþ outen ende, ſeiþ þe Lord. xlii And þe ſee ſtiede on Babiloyne, it was hilid wiþ þe
xxvii Reiſe ȝe a ſigne in þe lond, ſowne ȝe wiþ a clarioun multitude of hiſe wawis.
in hillis; halewe ȝe folkis on it, telle ȝe to þe kyngis of xliii Þe citees þerof ben maad in to wondryng, þe lond is
Ararath, of Menny, and of Aſcheneth aȝens it; noumbre maad vnhabitable and forſakun; þe lond wherynne no
ȝe Tapſer aȝens it, and bringe ȝe an hors, as a bruke man dwelliþ, and þe ſone of man ſchal not paſſe bi it.
hauynge a pricke. xliiii And Y ſchal viſite on Bel in to Babiloyne, and Y
xxviii Halowe ȝe folkis aȝens it, þe kyngis of Medey, þe
ſchal caſte out of hiſe mouþ þat, þat he hadde ſwolewid,
duykis þerof, and alle magiſtratis þerof, and al þe lond and folkis ſchulen no more flowe to it; for alſo þe wal of
of his power. Babiloyne ſchal falle doun.
xxix And þe erþe ſchal be mouyd, and ſchal be xlv Mi puple, go ȝe out fro þe myddis þerof, þat ech man
diſturblid; for þe þouȝt of þe Lord ſchal fulli wake aȝens ſaue his ſoule fro þe wraþþe of þe ſtrong veniaunce of
Babiloyne, þat he ſette þe lond of Babiloyne deſert, and þe Lord;
vnhabitable. xlvi and leſt perauenture ȝoure herte wexe neiſche, and
xxx Þe ſtronge men of Babiloyne ceeſſiden of batel, þei
leſt ȝe dreden þe heryng, þat ſchal be herd in þe lond;
dwelliden in ſtronge holdis; þe ſtrengþe of hem is and heryng ſchal come in a ȝeer, and aftir þis ȝeer ſchal
deuourid, and þei ben maad as wymmen; þe tabernaclis come heryng and wickidneſſe in þe lond, and a lord on a
þerof ben brent, þe barris þerof ben al to-brokun. lord.
xxxi A rennere ſchal come aȝens a rennere, and a xlvii Þerfor lo! daies comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y ſchal
meſſanger aȝens a meſſanger, to telle to þe kyng of viſite on þe grauun ymagis of Babiloyne; and al þe lond
Babiloyne, þat his citee is takun fro þe toon ende `til to þerof ſchal be ſchent, and alle ſlayn men þerof ſchulen
þe toþer ende; falle doun in þe myddis þerof.
xxxii and þe forþis ben bifore ocupied, and þe mareiſis xlviii And heuenes, and erþis, and alle þingis þat ben in
ben brent wiþ fier, and þe men werrȝours ben diſturblid. þo, ſchulen herie on Babiloyne; for rauynours ſchulen
xxxiii For þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, ſeiþ þeſe come fro þe norþ to it, ſeiþ þe Lord.
þingis, Þe douȝter of Babiloyne is as a corn floor, þe xlix And as Babiloyne dide, þat ſlayn men felle doun in
tyme of þreiſchyng þerof; ȝit a litil, and þe tyme of Iſrael, ſo of Babiloyne ſlayn men ſchulen falle doun and
repyng þerof ſchal come. in al þe lond.

l Come ȝe, þat fledden þe ſwerd, nyle ȝe ſtonde; haue ȝe CAP. LII
mynde afer on þe Lord, and Jeruſalem ſtie on ȝoure i Sedechie was a ſone of oon and twenti ȝeer, whanne he
herte. bigan to regne, and he regnede enleuene ȝeer in
li We ben ſchent, for we herden ſchenſchipe; ſchame Jeruſalem; and þe name of his modir was Amychal, þe
hilide oure faces, for aliens comen on þe halewyng of douȝter of Jeremye of Lobna.
þe hous of þe Lord. ii And he dide yuels bifore þe iȝen of þe Lord, bi alle
lii Þerfor lo! daies comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y ſchal þingis whiche Joachym hadde do.
viſite on þe grauun ymagis of Babiloyne, and in al þe iii For þe ſtronge veniaunce of þe Lord was in
lond þerof a woundid man ſchal loowe. Jeruſalem, and in Juda, til he caſtide hem awey fro his
liii If Babiloyne ſtieþ in to heuene, and makiþ ſtidfaſt his face. And Sedechie ȝede awei fro þe kyng of Babiloyne.
ſtrengþe an hiȝ, diſtrieris þerof ſchulen come on me, ſeiþ iiii Forſoþe it was don in þe nynþe ȝeer of his rewme, in
þe Lord. þe tenþe moneþe, in þe tenþe dai of þe moneþe,
liiii Þe vois of a criere of Babiloyne, and greet ſorewe of Nabugodonoſor, þe kyng of Babiloyne, cam, he and al
þe lond of Caldeis, his ooſt, aȝens Jeruſalem; and þei biſegiden it, and
lv for þe Lord diſtriede Babiloyne, and loſt of it a greet bildiden aȝens it ſtrengþis in cumpas.
v And þe citee was biſegid, til to þe enleuenþe ȝeer of þe
vois; and þe wawis of hem ſchulen ſowne as many
watris. Þe vois of hem ȝaf ſown, rewme of Sedechie.
lvi for a rauenour cam on it, þat is, on Babiloyne; and þe vi Forſoþe in þe fourþe moneþe, in þe nynþe dai of þe

ſtronge men þerof ben takun, and þe bouwe of hem moneþe, hungur helde þe citee; and foodis weren not to
welewide, for þe ſtronge vengere þe Lord ȝeldynge þe puple of þe lond.
ſchal ȝelde. vii And þe citee was brokun, and alle men werriouris
lvii And Y ſchal make drunkun þe princis þerof, and þe þerof fledden; and þei ȝeden out of þe citee in þe niȝt, bi
wiſe men þerof, þe duykis þerof, and þe magiſtratis þe weie of þe ȝate, which is bitwixe twei wallis, and
þerof, and þe ſtronge men þerof; and þei ſchulen ſlepe lediþ to þe gardyn of þe kyng, while Caldeis biſegiden
euerlaſtynge ſleep, and þei ſchulen not be awakid, ſeiþ þe citee in cumpas; and þei ȝeden forþ bi þe weie þat
þe kyng, þe Lord of ooſtis is name of hym. lediþ in to deſert.
lviii Þe Lord God of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þilke viii Soþeli þe ooſt of Caldeis purſuede þe kyng; and þei

brodeſte wal of Babiloyne ſchal be mynyd wiþ mynyng, token Sedechie in deſert, which is biſidis Jerico, and al
and þe hiȝe ȝatis þerof ſchulen be brent wiþ fier; and þe his felouſchipe fledde awei fro hym.
trauels of puples ſchulen be to nouȝt, and þe trauels of ix And whanne þei hadden take þe kyng, þei brouȝten
heþene men ſchulen be in to fier, and ſchulen periſche. hym to þe kyng of Babiloyne in Reblatha, which is in
lix Þe word which Jeremye, þe profete, comaundide to þe lond of Emath; and þe kyng of Babiloyne ſpak
Saraie, ſone of Nerie, ſone of Maaſie, whanne he ȝede domes to hym.
wiþ Sedechie, þe kyng, in to Babiloyne, in þe fourþe x And þe kyng of Babiloyne ſtranglide þe ſones of
ȝeer of his rewme; forſoþe Saraie was prynce of Sedechie bifore hiſe iȝen; but alſo he killide alle þe
profeſie. princes of Juda in Rablatha.
lx And Jeremye wroot al þe yuel, þat was to comynge xi And he puttide out þe iȝen of Sedechie, and boond
on Babiloyne, in a book, alle þeſe wordis þat weren hym in ſtockis; and þe kyng of Babiloyne brouȝte hym
writun aȝens Babiloyne. in to Babiloyne, and puttide hym in þe hous of priſoun,
lxi And Jeremye ſeide to Saraie, Whanne þou comeſt in til to þe dai of his deþ.
to Babiloyne, and ſeeſt, and rediſt alle þeſe wordis, xii Forſoþe in þe nynþe moneþe, in þe tenþe dai of þe
lxii þou ſchalt ſeie, Lord, þou ſpakiſt aȝens þis place, þat moneþe, þilke is þe nyntenþe ȝeer of þe kyng of
þou ſchuldiſt leeſe it, þat noon be þat dwelle þerynne, Babiloyne, Nabuſardan, þe prince of chyualrie, þat
fro man `til to beeſte, and þat it be an euerlaſtynge ſtood bifore þe kyng of Babiloyne, cam in to Jeruſalem.
wildirneſſe. xiii And he brente þe hous of þe Lord, and þe hous of þe
lxiii And whanne þou haſt fillid to rede þis book, þou kyng, and alle þe houſis of Jeruſalem; and he brente wiþ
ſchalt bynde to it a ſtoon, and þou ſchalt caſte it forþ in fier ech greet hous.
to þe myddis of Eufrates; and þou ſchalt ſeie, xiiii And al þe oſt of Caldeis, þat was wiþ þe maiſtir of
lxiiii So Babiloyne ſchal be drenchid, and it ſchal not riſe chyualrie, diſtriede al þe wal of Jeruſalem bi cumpas.
fro þe face of turment, which Y brynge on it, and it xv Soþeli Nabuſardan, þe prince of chyualrie, tranſlatide
ſchal be diſtried. Hidurto ben þe wordis of Jeremye. of þe pore men of þe puple, and of þe reſidue comyn
puple, þat was left in þe citee, and of þe fleeris ouer, þat
fledden ouer to þe kyng of Babiloyne; and he tranſlatide
oþer men of þe multitude.

xvi But Nabuſardan, þe prince of chyualrie, lefte of þe xxxi And it was doon, in þe ſeuene and þrettiþe ȝeer of
pore men of þe lond vyne tilers, and erþe tilers. þe paſſyng ouer of Joachym, kyng of Juda, in þe
xvii Alſo Caldeis brakun þe braſun pilers, þat weren in twelueþe moneþe, in þe fyue and twentiþe dai of þe
þe hous of þe Lord, and þe foundementis, and þe braſun moneþe, Euylmerodach, kyng of Babiloyne, reiſide in
waiſchyng veſſel, þat was in þe hous of þe Lord; and þei þat ȝeer of his rewme þe heed of Joachym, kyng of
token al þe metal of þo in to Babiloyne. Juda; and ledde hym out of þe hous of þe priſoun,
xviii And þei tokun cawdruns, and fleiſchokis, and xxxii and ſpak good þingis wiþ hym. And he ſettide þe

ſautrees, and violis, and morteris, and alle braſun trone of him aboue þe trones of kyngis, þat weren after
veſſels, þat weren in ſeruyce; hym in Babiloyne,
xix þei token alſo `watir pottis, and veſſels of encenſe, xxxiii and chaungide þe cloþis of his priſoun. And

and pottis, and baſyns, and candilſtikis, and morters, Joachym eet breed bifore hym euere, in alle þe daies of
and litle cuppis; hou manye euere goldun, goldun, and his lijf;
hou manye euere ſiluerne, ſiluerne. xxxiiii and hiſe metis, euerlaſtynge metis weren ȝouun to
xx Þe maiſter of chyualrie took twei pilers, and o hym of þe kyng of Babiloyne, ordeyned bi ech dai, til to
waiſchyng veſſel, and twelue braſun caluys, þat weren þe dai of his deþ, in alle þe daies of his lijf. And it was
vndur þe foundementis, whiche kyng Salomon hadde don, aftir þat Iſrael was led in to caitiftee, and Jeruſalem
maad in þe hous of þe Lord. No weiȝte was of þe metal was diſtried, Jeremye, þe profete, ſat wepinge, and
of alle þeſe veſſels. biweilide Jeruſalem wiþ þis lamentacioun; and he
xxi Forſoþe of þe pilers, eiȝtene cubitis of heiȝþe weren ſiȝyide, and weilide wiþ bitter ſoule, and ſeide.
in o piler, and a roop of twelue cubitis cumpaſſide it;
certis þe þickeneſſe þerof was of foure fyngris, and was
holowe wiþynne.
xxii And braſun pomels weren on euer eiþer; and þe
heiȝþe of a pomel was of fyue cubitis; and werkis lijk
nettis and pumgranatis weren on þe coroun `in cumpas.
xxiii And þe pumgranatis weren nynti and ſixe hangynge
doun, and alle pumgranatis weren cumpaſſid wiþ an
hundred werkis lijk nettis.
xxiiii And þe maiſter of þe chyualrie took Saraie, þe
firſte preeſt, and Sophonye, þe ſecounde preeſt, and þree
keperis of þe veſtiarie.
xxv And of þe citee he took o chaſt ſeruaunt and oneſt,
þat was ſouereyn on þe men werriours; and ſeuene men
of hem þat ſien þe face of þe kyng, whiche weren
foundun in þe citees; and a ſcryuen, prince of knyȝtis,
þat preuyde ȝonge knyȝtis; and ſixti men of þe puple of
þe lond, þat weren foundun in þe myddis of þe citee.
xxvi Forſoþe Nabuſardan, þe maiſtir of chyualrie, took
hem, and brouȝte hem to þe kyng of Babiloyne in
xxvii And þe kyng of Babiloyne ſmoot hem, and killide
hem in Reblatha, in þe lond of Emath; and Juda was
tranſlatid fro his lond.
xxviii Þis is þe puple, whom Nabugodonoſor tranſlatide
in þe ſeuenþe ȝeer; Jewis, þre þouſynde and þre and
xxix In þe eiȝtenþe ȝeer, Nabugodonoſor tranſlatide fro
Jeruſalem eiȝte hundrid and two and þritti perſoones.
xxx In þe þre and twentiþe ȝeer of Nabugodonoſor,
Nabuſardan, þe maiſter of chyualrie, tranſlatide ſeuene
hundrid and fyue and fourti perſoones of Jewis. Þerfor
alle þe perſoones weren foure þouſynde and ſixe

xiii Men. Fro an hiȝ he ſente fier in my boonys, and
LAMENTACIOUN tauȝte me; he ſpredde a brood a net to my feet, he
Þe Lamentacioun of Jeremye. turnede me a bak; he ſettide me deſolat, meddlid
togidere al dai wiþ mourenyng.
CAP. I xiiii Nun. Þe ȝok of my wickidneſſis wakide in þe hond
i Aleph. Hou ſittiþ aloone þe citee ful of puple? þe ladi of hym, þo ben foldid togidere, and put on my necke;
of folkis is maad as a widewe; þe prince of prouynces is my vertu is maad feble; þe Lord ȝaf me in þe hond, fro
maad vndir tribute. which Y ſchal not mowe riſe.
ii Beth. It wepynge wepte in þe niȝt, and þe teeris þerof xv Sameth. Þe Lord took awei alle my worſchipful men
ben in `þe chekis þerof; `noon is of alle þe dereworþe fro þe myddis of me; he clepide tyme aȝens me, þat he
þerof, þat coumfortiþ it; alle þe frendis þerof forſoken ſchulde al to-foule my choſun men; þe Lord ſtampide a
it, and ben maad enemyes to it. preſſour to þe virgyn, þe douȝtir of Juda.
iii Gymel. Juda paſſide fro turment and multitude of xvi Ayn. Þerfor Y am wepynge, and myn iȝe is ledynge
ſeruage, it dwellide among heþene men, and foond no doun watir; for a coumfortour, conuertynge my ſoule, is
reſte; alle þe purſueris þerof token it among angwiſchis. maad fer fro me; my ſones ben maad loſt, for þe enemye
iiii Deleth. Þe weies of Sion mourenen, for no men hadde þe maiſtrie.
xvii Phe. Sion ſpredde a brood hiſe hondis, noon is þat
comen to þe ſolempnytee; alle þe ȝatis þerof ben
diſtried, þe preſtis þerof weilen; þe vergyns þerof ben coumfortiþ it; þe Lord ſente aȝenus Jacob enemyes
defoulid, and it is oppreſſid wiþ bitterneſſe. þerof, in þe cumpas þerof; Jeruſalem is maad as
v He. Þe enemyes þerof ben maad in þe heed, and þe defoulid wiþ vncleene blood among hem.
xviii Sade. Þe Lord is iuſt, for Y terride his mouþ to
enemyes þerof ben maad riche, for þe Lord ſpak on it.
For þe multitude of wickidneſſis þerof þe litle children wraþfulneſſe; alle puplis, Y biſeche, here ȝe, and ſe my
þerof ben led in to caitiftee, bifore þe face of þe ſorewe; my virgyns and my ȝonge men ȝeden forþ in to
troblere. caitiftee.
vi Vau. And al þe fairneſſe of þe douȝter of Syon ȝede xix Coth. I clepide my frendis, and þei diſſeyueden me;
out fro þe douȝter of Sion; þe princes þerof ben maad as my preſtis and myn elde men in þe citee ben waſtid; for
rammes not fyndynge leſewis; and ȝeden forþ wiþouten þei ſouȝten mete to hem ſilf, to coumforte hir lijf.
ſtrengþe bifore þe face of þe ſuere. xx Res. Se þou, Lord, for Y am troblid, my wombe is
vii Zai. And Jeruſalem biþouȝte on þe daies of hir diſturblid; myn herte is diſtried in my ſilf, for Y am ful
affliccioun and of treſpaſſyng, and on alle hir deſirable of bittirneſſe; ſwerd ſleeþ wiþ outforþ, and lijk deþ is at
þingis whiche it hadde fro elde daies; whanne þe puple hoome.
þerof felle doun in þe hond of enemyes, and noon xxi Syn. Þei herden, þat Y make ynward weilyng, and
helpere was; enemyes ſien it, and ſcorneden þe ſabatis noon is þat coumfortiþ me; alle myn enemyes herden
þerof. myn yuel, þei ben glad, for þou haſt do; þou haſt brouȝt
viii Heth. Jeruſalem ſynnede a ſynne, þerfor it was maad a dai of coumfort, and þei ſchulen be maad lijk me.
vnſtidfaſt; alle þat glorifieden it forſoken it, for þei ſien xxii Tau. Al þe yuel of hem entre byfore þee, and gadere
þe ſchenſchipe þerof; forſoþe it weilide, and was turned þou grapis awei fro hem, as þou haſt gaderid grapis
a bak. awei fro me; for my wickidneſſis, for my weilyngis ben
ix Theth. Þe filþis þerof ben in þe feet þerof, and it manye, and myn herte is mornynge.
hadde no mynde of hir ende; it was putte doun greetli,
and hadde no coumfortour; Lord, ſe þou my turment, CAP. II
for þe enemye is reiſid. i Aleph. Hou haþ þe Lord hilid þe douȝter of Sion wiþ
x Joth. Þe enemye putte his hond to alle deſirable þingis derkneſſe in his ſtrong veniaunce? he haþ caſte doun fro
þerof; for it ſiȝ heþene men entride in to þi ſeyntuarie, heuene in to erþe þe noble citee of Iſrael; and biþouȝte
of which þou haddiſt comaundid, þat þei ſchulden not not on þe ſtool of hiſe feet, in þe dai of his ſtrong
entre in to þi chirche. veniaunce.
xi Caph. Al þe puple þerof was weilinge and ſekynge ii Beth. Þe Lord caſtide doun, and ſparide not alle þe
breed, þei ȝauen alle preciouſe þingis for mete, to faire þingis of Jacob; he diſtried in his ſtrong veniaunce
coumforte þe ſoule; ſe þou, Lord, and biholde, for Y am þe ſtrengþis of þe virgyn of Juda, and caſtide doun in to
maad vijl. erþe; he defoulide þe rewme, and þe princes þerof.
xii Lameth. A! alle ȝe þat paſſen bi þe weie, perſeyue, iii Gymel. He brak in þe ire of his ſtrong veniaunce al þe
and ſe, if ony ſorewe is as my ſorewe; for he gaderide horn of Iſrael; he turnede a bak his riȝt hond fro þe face
awei grapis fro me, as þe Lord ſpak in þe day of wraþþe of þe enemy; and he kyndlide in Jacob, as fier of
of his ſtrong veniaunce. flawme deuowrynge in cumpas.

iiii Deleth.He as an enemye bente his bouwe, he as an xvii Phe. Þe Lord dide þo þingis whiche he þouȝte, he
aduerſarie made ſtidfaſt his riȝt hond; and he killide al fillide hiſe word which he hadde comaundid fro elde
þing þat was fair in ſiȝt in þe tabernacle of þe douȝtir of daies; he diſtriede, and ſparide not; and made glad þe
Sion; he ſchedde out his indignacioun as fier. enemy on þee, and enhaunſide þe horn of þin enemyes.
v He. Þe Lord is maad as an enemy; he caſtide doun xviii Sade. Þe herte of hem criede to þe Lord, on þe
Iſrael, he caſtide doun alle þe wallis þerof; he deſtriede wallis of þe douȝter of Syon; leede þou forþ teeris as a
þe ſtrengþis þerof, and fillide in þe douȝter of Juda a ſtronde, bi dai and niȝt; ȝyue þou not reſte to þee, neþer
man maad low, and a womman maad low. þe appil of þin iȝe be ſtille.
vi Vau. And he ſcateride his tent as a gardyn, he diſtried xix Coph. Riſe þou togidere, herie þou in þe nyȝt, in þe
his tabernacle; þe Lord ȝaf to forȝetyng in Sion a feeſte begynnyng of wakyngis; ſchede out þin herte as watir,
dai, and ſabat; and þe kyng and preſt in to ſchenſchipe, bifore þe ſiȝt of þe Lord; reiſe þin hondis to hym for þe
and in to þe indignacioun of his ſtrong veniaunce. ſoulis of þi litle children, þat failiden for hungur in þe
vii Zai. Þe Lord puttide awei his auter, he curſide his heed of alle meetyngis of weies.
halewyng; he bitook in to þe hondis of enemy þe wallis xx Res. Se þou, Lord, and byholde, whom þou haſt
of þe touris þerof; þei ȝauen vois in þe hous of þe Lord, maad ſo bare; þerfor wheþer wymmen ſchulen ete her
as in a ſolempne dai. fruyt, litle children at þe meſure of an hond? for a preſt
viii Heth. Þe Lord þouȝte to diſtrie þe wal of þe douȝter and profete is ſlayn in þe ſeyntuarie of þe Lord.
of Sion; he ſtretchide forþ his coorde, and turnede not xxi Syn. A child and an elde man laien on þe erþe
awei his hond fro perdicioun; þe forwal, eþer þe wiþoutforþ; my virgyns and my ȝonge men fellen doun
outerward, mourenyde, and þe wal was diſtried bi ſwerd; þou haſt ſlayn hem in þe dai of þi ſtrong
togidere. veniaunce, þou ſmotiſt `and didiſt no merci.
ix Teþ. Þe ȝatis þerof ben piȝt in þe erþe, he loſte and al xxii Thau. Þou clepidiſt, as to a ſolempne dai, hem þat
to-brak þe barris þerof; þe kyng þerof and þe princes maden me aferd of cumpas; and noon was þat aſcapide
þerof among heþene men; þe lawe is not, and þe in þe dai of þe ſtrong veniaunce of þe Lord, and was
profetis þerof founden not of þe Lord a viſioun. left; myn enemy waſtide hem, whiche Y fedde, and
x Joth. Þei ſaten in erþe, þe elde men of þe douȝtir of nurſchide up.
Sion weren ſtille; þei biſpreynten her heedis wiþ aiſche,
þe eldere men of Juda ben girt wiþ hairis; þe virgyns of CAP. III
Juda caſtiden doun to erþe her heedis. i Aleph. I am a man ſeynge my pouert in þe ȝerde of his
xi Caph. Myn iȝen failiden for teeris, myn entrails weren indignacioun.
diſturblid; my mawe was ſched out in erþe on þe ſorewe ii Aleph. He droof me, and brouȝte in to derkneſſis, and
of þe douȝter of my puple; whanne a litil child and not in to lyȝt.
ſoukynge failide in þe ſtretis of þe citee. iii Aleph. Oneli he turnede in to me, and turnede
xii Lameth. Þei ſeiden to her modris, Where is wheete, togidere his hond al dai.
and wyn? whanne þei failiden as woundid men in þe iiii Beth. He made eld my ſkyn, and my fleiſch; he al to-
ſtretis of þe citee; whanne þei ſenten out her ſoulis in þe brak my boonys.
boſum of her modris. v Beth. He bildid in my cumpas, and he cumpaſſide me
xiii Men. To whom ſchal Y compariſoun þee? eþer to
wiþ galle and trauel.
whom ſchal Y licne þee, þou douȝter of Jeruſalem? to vi Beth. He ſettide me in derk places, as euerlaſtynge
whom ſchal Y make þee euene, and ſchal Y coumforte deed men.
þee, þou virgyn, þe douȝter of Sion? for whi þi ſorewe vii Gymel. He bildide aboute aȝens me, þat Y go not out;
is greet as þe ſee; who ſchal do medicyn to þee?
xiiii Nun. Þi profetis ſien to þee falſe þingis, and fonned;
he aggregide my gyues.
viii Gymel. But and whanne Y crie and preye, he haþ
and openyden not þi wickidneſſe, þat þei ſchulden ſtire
excludid my preier.
þee to penaunce; but þei ſien to þee falſe takyngis, and ix Gymel. He cloſide togidere my weies wiþ ſquare
caſtyngis out.
xv Sameth. Alle men paſſynge on þe weie flappiden wiþ ſtoonus; he diſtriede my paþis.
x Deleth. He is maad a bere ſettinge aſpies to me, a
hondis on þee; þei hiſſiden, and mouyden her heed on
þe douȝter of Jeruſalem; and ſeiden, Þis is þe citee of lioun in hid places.
xi Deleth. He diſtriede my paþis, and brak me; he ſettide
perfit fairneſſe, þe ioie of al erþe.
xvi Ayn. Alle þin enemyes openyden her mouþ on þee; me deſolat.
xii Deleth. He bente his bowe, and ſettide me as a ſigne
þei hiſſiden, and gnaiſtiden wiþ her teeþ, and ſeiden, We
ſchulen deuoure; lo! þis is þe dai which we abididen, to an arowe.
we founden, we ſien.

xiii He. He ſente in my reynes þe douȝtris of his arowe xxxix Men. What grutchide a man lyuynge, a man for
caas. hiſe ſynnes?
xiiii He. Y am maad in to ſcorn to al þe puple, þe ſong of xl Nun. Serche we oure weies, and ſeke we, and turne
hem al dai. we aȝen to þe Lord.
xv He. He fillide me wiþ bitterneſſes; he gretli fillide me xli Nun. Reiſe we oure hertis wiþ hondis, to þe Lord in
wiþ wermod. to heuenes.
xvi Vau. He brak at noumbre my teeþ; he fedde me wiþ xlii Nun. We han do wickidli, and han terrid þee to
aiſche. wraþþe; þerfor þou art not able to be preied.
xvii Vau. And my ſoule is putte awei; Y haue forȝete xliii Sameth. Þou hilidiſt in ſtronge veniaunce, and
goodis. ſmitidiſt vs; þou killidiſt, and ſparidiſt not.
xviii Vau. And Y ſeide, Myn ende periſchide, and myn xliiii Sameth. Þou ſettidiſt a clowde to þee, þat preier
hope fro þe Lord. paſſe not.
xix Zai. Haue þou mynde on my pouert and goyng ouer, xlv Sameth. Þou ſettidiſt me, drawing vp bi þe roote, and
and on wermod and galle. caſtynge out, in þe myddis of puplis.
xx Zai. Bi mynde Y ſchal be myndeful; and my ſoule xlvi Ayn. Alle enemyes openyden her mouþ on vs.
ſchal faile in me. xlvii Ayn. Inward drede and ſnare is maad to vs, profeſie
xxi Zai. Y biþenkynge þeſe þingis in myn herte, ſchal and defoulyng.
hope in God. xlviii Ayn. Myn iȝen ledden doun departyngis of watris,
xxii Heth. Þe mercies of þe Lord ben manye, for we ben for þe defoulyng of þe douȝter of my puple.
not waſtid; for whi hiſe merciful doyngis failiden not. xlix Phe. Myn iȝe was turmentid, and was not ſtille; for
xxiii Heth. Y knew in þe morewtid; þi feiþ is miche. no reſte was.
xxiiii Heth. My ſoule ſeide, Þe Lord is my part; þerfor Y l Phe. Vntil þe Lord bihelde, and ſiȝ fro heuenes.
ſchal abide hym. li Phe. Myn iȝe robbide my ſoule in alle þe douȝtris of
xxv Teþ. Þe Lord is good to hem þat hopen in to hym, to my citee.
a ſoule ſekynge hym. lii Sade. Myn enemyes token me wiþ out cauſe, bi
xxvi Teþ. It is good to abide wiþ ſtilneſſe þe helþe of huntyng as a brid.
God. liii Sade. My lijf ſlood in to a lake; and þei puttiden a
xxvii Teþ. It is good to a man, whanne he haþ bore þe ſtoon on me.
ȝok fro his ȝongþe. liiii Sade. Watris flowiden ouer myn heed; Y ſeide, Y
xxviii Joth. He ſchal ſitte aloone, and he ſchal be ſtille; periſchide.
for he reiſide hym ſilf aboue hym ſilf. lv Coph. Lord, Y clepide to help þi name, fro þe laſte
xxix Joth. He ſchal ſette his mouþ in duſt, if perauenture lake.
hope is. lvi Coph. Þou herdiſt my vois; turne þou not awei þin
xxx Joth. He ſchal ȝyue þe cheke to a man þat ſmytiþ eere fro my ſobbyng and cries.
hym; he ſchal be fillid wiþ ſchenſchipis. lvii Coph. Þou neiȝidiſt to me in þe dai, wherynne Y
xxxi Caph. For þe Lord ſchal not putte awei wiþ outen clepide þee to help; þou ſeidiſt, Drede þou not.
ende. lviii Res. Lord, aȝenbiere of my lijf, þou demydiſt þe
xxxii Caph. For if he caſtide awei, and he ſchal do merci cauſe of my ſoule.
bi þe multitude of hiſe mercies. lix Res. Lord, þou ſieſt þe wickidneſſe
xxxiii Caph. For he makide not low of his herte; and lix of hem aȝens me; deme þou my doom.
caſtide not awei þe ſones of men. Lameth. lx Res. Þou ſieſt al þe woodneſſe, alle þe þouȝtis of hem
xxxiiii Þat he ſchulde al to-foule vndur hiſe feet alle þe
aȝenus me.
boundun men of erþe. Lameth. lxi Syn. Lord, þou herdiſt þe ſchenſhipis of hem; alle þe
xxxv Þat he ſchulde bowe doun þe dom of man, in þe ſiȝt
þouȝtis of hem aȝens me.
of þe cheer of þe hiȝeſte. lxii Syn. Þe lippis of men riſynge aȝens me, and þe
xxxvi Lameth. Þat he ſchulde peruerte a man in his dom,
þouȝtis of hem aȝens me al dai.
þe Lord knew not. lxiii Syn. Se þou þe ſittynge and riſyng aȝen of hem; Y
xxxvii Men. Who is þis þat ſeide, þat a þing ſchulde be
am þe ſalm of hem.
don, whanne þe Lord comaundide not? lxiiii Thau. Lord, þou ſchalt ȝelde while to hem, bi þe
xxxviii Men. Neþer goodis neþer yuels ſchulen go out of
werkis of her hondis.
þe mouþ of þe hiȝeſte. lxv Tau. Þou ſchalt ȝyue to hem þe ſcheeld of herte, þi

lxvi Tau.
Lord, þou ſchalt purſue hem in þi ſtrong aſchamed of þe faces of preeſtis, neþer þei hadden
veniaunce, and þou ſchalt defoule hem vndur heuenes. merci on eld men.
xvii Phe. Þe while we ſtoden ȝit, oure iȝen failiden to
CAP. IIII oure veyn help; whanne we bihelden ententif to a folc,
i Aleph. How is gold maad derk, þe beſte colour is þat myȝte not ſaue vs.
chaungid? þe ſtonys of þe ſeyntuarie ben ſcaterid in þe xviii Sade. Oure ſteppis weren ſlidir in þe weie of oure
heed of alle ſtretis. ſtretis; oure ende neiȝede, oure daies weren fillid, for
ii Beth. Þe noble ſones of Sion, and cloþid wiþ þe beſt oure ende cam.
gold, hou ben þei arettid in to erþene veſſels, in to þe xix Coph. Oure purſueris weren ſwiftere þan þe eglis of
werk of þe hondis of a pottere? heuene; þei purſueden vs on hillis, þei ſettiden
iii Gimel. But alſo lamyes maden nakid her tetis, ȝauen buſchementis to vs in deſert.
mylk to her whelpis; þe douȝter of my puple is cruel, as xx Res. Þe ſpirit of oure mouþ, Criſt þe Lord, was takun
an oſtrig in deſert. in oure ſynnes; to whom we ſeiden, We ſchulen lyue in
iiii Deleth. Þe tonge of þe ſoukynge childe cleued to his þi ſchadewe among heþene men.
palat in þirſt; litle children axiden breed, and noon was xxi Syn. Þou douȝter of Edom, make ioye, and be glad,
þat brak to hem. þat dwelliſt in þe lond of Hus; þe cuppe ſchal come alſo
v He. Þei þat eeten luſtfuli, periſchiden in weies; þei þat to þee, þou ſchalt be maad drunkun, and ſchalt be maad
weren nurſchid in cradels, biclippiden toordis. bare.
vi Vau. And þe wickidneſſe of þe douȝter of my puple is xxii Thau. Þou douȝter of Sion, þi wickidneſſe is fillid;

maad more þan þe ſynne of men of Sodom, þat was he ſchal not adde more, þat he make þee to paſſe ouer;
diſtried in a moment, and hondis token not þerynne. þou douȝter of Edom, he ſchal viſite þi wickidneſſe, he
vii Zai. Nazareis þerof weren whitere þan ſnow, ſchal vnhile þi ſynnes.
ſchynyngere þan mylk; rodier þan elde yuer, fairere þan
ſafire. CAP. V
viii Heth. Þe face of hem was maad blackere þan coolis, i Lord, haue þou mynde what bifelle to vs; ſe þou, and

and þei weren not knowun in ſtretis; þe ſkyn cleuyde to biholde oure ſchenſchipe.
ii Oure eritage is turned to aliens, oure houſis ben turned
her boonys, it driede, and was maad as a tre.
ix Teþ. It was betere to men ſlayn wiþ ſwerd, þan to men to ſtraungers.
iii We ben maad fadirles children wiþ out fadir; oure
ſlayn wiþ hungur; for þeſe men wexiden rotun, þei
weren waſtid of þe bareyneſſe of erþe. modris ben as widewis.
x Joth. Þe hondis of merciful wymmen ſeþiden her iiii We drunken oure watir for monei, we bouȝten oure

children; þei weren maad þe metis of þo wymmen in þe trees for ſiluer.

ſorewe of þe douȝter of my puple. v We weren dryuun bi oure heedis, and reſte was not
xi Caph. Þe Lord fillide his ſtrong veniaunce, he ſchedde ȝouun to feynt men.
out þe ire of his indignacioun; and þe Lord kyndlide a vi We ȝauen hond to Egipt, and to Aſſiriens, þat we
fier in Sion, and it deuouride þe foundementis þerof. ſchulden be fillid wiþ breed.
xii Lamet. Þe kyngis of erþe, and alle dwelleris of þe vii Oure fadris ſynneden, and ben not, and we baren þe
world bileueden not, þat an aduerſarie and enemy wickidneſſis of hem.
ſchulde entre bi þe ȝatis of Jeruſalem. viii Seruauntis weren lordis of vs, and noon was, þat
xiii Men. For þe ſynnes of þe profetis þerof, and for aȝenbouȝte fro þe hond of hem.
wickidneſſis of preeſtis þerof, þat ſchedden out þe blood ix In oure lyues we brouȝten breed to vs, fro þe face of
of iuſt men in þe myddis þerof. ſwerd in deſert.
xiiii Nun. Blynde men erryden in ſtretis, þei weren x Oure ſkynne is brent as a furneis, of þe face of
defoulid in blood; and whanne þei miȝten not go, þei tempeſtis of hungur.
helden her hemmes. xi Þei maden low wymmen in Sion, and virgyns in þe
xv Samet. Þei crieden to hem, Departe awei, ȝe
citees of Juda.
defoulide men, departe ȝe, go ȝe awei, nyle ȝe touche; xii Princes weren hangid bi þe hond; þei weren not
forſoþe þei chidden, and weren ſtirid; þei ſeiden among aſchamed of þe faces of elde men.
heþene men, God ſchal no more leie to, þat he dwelle xiii Þei myſuffiden ȝonge wexynge men vnchaſtli, and
among hem. children fellen doun in tree.
xvi Ayn. Þe face of þe Lord departide hem, he ſchal no
xiiii Elde men failiden fro ȝatis; ȝonge men failiden of þe
more leie to, þat he biholde hem; þei weren not queer of ſingeris.

xv Þe ioie of oure herte failide; oure ſong is turned in to xiii Forſoþe idols han a ſeptre, as a man haþ; as þe iuge
mourenyng. of a cuntrei, þat ſleeþ not a man ſynnynge aȝens him
xvi Þe coroun of oure heed fellen doun; wo to vs! for we ſilf.
ſynneden. xiiii Alſo þo han in þe hond a ſwerd, and ax; but þo
xvii Þerfor oure herte is maad ſoreuful, þerfor oure iȝen delyueren not hem ſilf fro batel and fro þeues. Wherfor
ben maad derk. be it knowun to ȝou, þat þo ben not goddis;
xviii For þe hil of Sion, for it periſchide; foxis ȝeden in xv þerfor worſchipe ȝe not þo. For as a brokun veſſel of

it. a man is maad vnprofitable, ſiche alſo ben þe goddis of

xix But þou, Lord, ſchal dwelle wiþ outen ende; þi ſeete hem.
xvi Whanne þo ben ſet in þe hous, þe iȝen of þo ben ful
ſchal dwelle in generacioun and in to generacioun.
xx Whi ſchalt þou forȝete vs wiþ outen ende, ſchalt þou of duſt of þe feet of men entrynge.
xvii And as ȝatis ben ſet aboute a man þat offendide þe
forſake vs in to lengþe of daies?
xxi Lord, conuerte þou vs to þee, and we ſchal be kyng, eþer as whanne a deed man is brouȝt to þe
conuertid; make þou newe oure daies, as at þe ſepulcre, ſo preeſtis kepen ſikirli þe doris wiþ cloſyngis
bigynnyng. and lockis, leſt þo be robbid of þeuys.
xxii But þou caſtynge awei haſt caſt awei vs; þou art xviii Þei teenden lanternes to þo, and ſoþeli many

wrooþ aȝens vs greetli. lanternes, of which þo moun ſe noon; forſoþe þo ben as

beemes in an hous.
Here endiþ þe Lamentaciouns and here bigynneþ þe xix Soþeli men ſeien þat ſerpentis, þat ben of erþe,
Preier of Jeremye, þe profete.
licken out þe hertis of þo; while þe ſerpentis eten þo,
i For þe ſynnes which ȝe ſynneden bifor God, ȝe ſchulen and her cloþ, and þo feelen not.
be led priſoneris in to Babiloyne, of Nabugodonoſor, xx Þe faces of þo ben blake of þe ſmoke, which is maad
kyng of Babiloynes. in þe hous.
ii Þerfor ȝe ſchulen entre in to Babiloyne, and ȝe ſchulen xxi Nyȝt crowis and ſwalewis fleen aboue þe bodi of þo,
be þere ful many ȝeeris, and in to long tyme, til to and aboue þe heed of þo, and briddis alſo, and cattis in
ſeuene generaciouns; forſoþe after þis Y ſchal lede out lijk maner.
ȝou fro þennus wiþ pees. xxii Wherfor wite ȝe, þat þo ben not goddis; þerfor drede
iii But now ȝe ſchulen ſe in Babiloyne goddis of gold,
ȝe not þo.
and of ſiluer, and of ſtoon, and of tree, to be borun on xxiii Alſo þe gold which þo han, is to fairneſſe; no but
ſchuldris, ſchewynge drede to heþene men.
iiii Þerfor ſe ȝe, leſt alſo ȝe be maad lijk alien dedis, and
ſumman wipe awei þe ruſt, þo ſchulen not ſchyne. For
þo feliden not, þe while þo weren wellid togidere.
leſt ȝe dreden, and drede take ȝou in hem. xxiiii Þo ben bouȝt of al prijs, in which no ſpirit is in þo.
v Þerfor whanne ȝe ſeen a cumpeny bihynde and bifore,
xxv Þo wiþout feet ben borun on ſchuldris of men, and
worſchipe ȝe God, and ſeie in ȝoure hertes, Lord God, it
ſchewen opynli her vnnoblei to men; be þei ſchent alſo
bihoueþ þat þou be worſchipid.
vi Forſoþe myn aungel is wiþ ȝou, but Y ſchal ſeke ȝoure
þat worſchipen þo.
xxvi Þerfor if þo fallen doun to erþe, þo ſchulen not riſe
vii For whi þe trees of hem ben poliſchid of a carpenter;
of hem ſilf; and if ony man ſettiþ þat idol upriȝt, it ſchal
not ſtonde bi it ſilf, but as to deed þingis ſchuldris
alſo þo ben araied wiþ gold, and araied wiþ ſiluer, and ſchulen be put to þo.
ben falſe, and moun not ſpeke. xxvii Þe preſtis of þo ſillen þe ſacrifices of þo, and
viii And as to a virgyn louynge ournementis, ſo, whanne
myſuſen; in lijk maner and þe wymmen of hem
gold is takun, ourenementis ben maad to idols. rauyſchen awei, neþer to a ſijk man, neþer to a begger
ix Certis þe goddis of hem han goldun corouns on her
þo ȝyuen ony þing.
heedis; wherfor preſtis wiþdrawen fro þo goddis gold xxviii Of her ſacrifices foule wymmen, and in vncleene
and ſiluer, and ſpenden it in hem ſilf. blood, touchen. Þerfor wite ȝe bi þeſe þingis, þat þo ben
x Soþeli þei ȝyuen alſo of þat to hooris, and araien
not goddis, and drede ȝe not þo.
hooris; and eft whanne þei reſſeyuen þat of hooris, þei xxix For wherof ben þo clepid goddis? For wymmen
araien her goddis. ſetten ſacrifices to goddis of ſiluer, and of gold, and of
xi But þo goddis ben not delyuered fro ruſt and mouȝte.
xii Forſoþe whanne `þo goddis ben hilid wiþ a cloþ of xxx and preeſtis þat han cootis to-rent, and heedis and
purpure, preeſtis ſchulen wipe þe face of þo, for duſt of berd ſchauun, whos heedis ben nakid, ſitten in þe houſis
þe hous, which is ful myche among þo goddis. of þo.

xxxi Soþeli þei roren and crien aȝens her goddis, as in þe li Wherof þerfor it is knowun, þat þo ben not goddis, but
ſoper of a deed man. þe werkis of hondis of men, and no werk of God is in
xxxii Preſtis taken awei þe cloþis of þo, and cloþen her þo.
wyues, and her children. And if þo ſuffren ony þing of lii Þo reiſen not a kyng to a cuntrei, neþer ſchulen ȝyue
yuel of ony man, reyn to men.
xxxiii eþer if þo ſuffren ony þing of good, þo moun not liii Alſo þo ſchulen not deme doom, neþer þo ſchulen
ȝelde. Neþer þo moun ordeyne a kyng, neþir do awei. delyuere þe cuntrei fro wrong.
xxxiiii In lijk maner þo moun neþer ȝyue richeſſis, neþer liiii For þo moun no þing, as litle crowis bitwixe þe
ȝilde yuel. If ony man makiþ a vow to þo, and ȝeldiþ myddis of heuene and of erþe. For whanne fier falliþ in
not, þo axen not þis. to þe hous of goddis of tree, and of gold, and of ſiluer,
xxxv Þo delyueren not a man fro deþ, neþer rauyſchen a ſoþeli þe preſtis of þo ſchulen fle, and ſchulen be
ſijk man fro a miȝtiere. delyuered; but þo ſchulen be brent as beemys in þe
xxxvi Þo reſtoren not a blynd man to ſiȝt; þo ſchulen not myddis.
lv Forſoþe þo ſchulen not aȝen ſtonde a kyng and batel.
delyuere a man fro nede.
xxxvii Þo ſchulen not haue merci on a widewe, neþer þo Hou þerfor is it to geſſe, or to reſſeyue, þat þo ben
ſchulen do good to fadirles children. goddis?
xxxviii Her goddis of tre, and of ſtoon, and of gold, and lvi Goddis of tree, and of ſtoon, and of gold and of

of ſiluer, ben lijk ſtoonys of þe mounteyn; forſoþe þei ſiluer, ſchulen not delyuere hem ſilf fro nyȝt þeues,
þat worſchipen þo, ſchulen be ſchent. neþer fro dai þeuys, and wickid men ben ſtrongere þan
xxxix Hou þerfor is it to geſſe, eþer to ſeie, þo goddis.
lvii Þei ſchulen take awei gold, and ſiluer, and cloþ, bi
xl þat þo ben goddis? for whi ȝit whanne Caldeis
onouren not þo. Which whanne þei heren þat a doumb which þo ben hilid, and þei ſchulen go awei; neþer þo
man mai not ſpeke, offren hym to Bel, and axen of hym helpen hem ſilf.
lviii Þerfor it is betere to be a kyng ſchewynge his vertu,
to ſpeke;
xli as if þei þat han no ſtiryng, moun feel. And þei, eþer a profitable veſſel in þe hous, in which he ſchal
whanne þei ſchulen vndurſtonde, ſchulen forſake þo haue glorie þat weldiþ it, þan falſe goddis; eþer a dore
idols; for þo goddis of hem han no wit. in þe hous, þat kepiþ þo þingis þat ben in it, is betere
xlii Forſoþe wymmen gird wiþ roopis ſitten in weies, þan falſe goddis.
lix Forſoþe þe ſunne, and moone, and ſterris, whan þo
and kyndelen boonys of olyues.
xliii Soþeli whanne ony of þo wymmen is drawun awei ben briȝt, and ſent out to profitis, obeien.
lx In lijk maner and leit, whanne it apperiþ, is cleer.
of ony man paſſynge, and ſlepiþ wiþ hym, ſche diſpiſiþ
her neiȝboreſſe, þat ſche is not hadde worþi as hir ſilf, Soþeli þe ſame þing and wynd breþiþ in ech cuntrei.
lxi And cloudis, to whiche, whanne it is comaundid of
neþer hir roop is brokun.
xliiii Forſoþe alle þingis þat ben don to þo, ben falſe. God to go þorouȝ al þe world, perfourmen þat, þat is
Hou þerfor is it to geſſe, eþir to ſeie, þat þo ben goddis? comaundid to þo.
lxii Alſo fier `þat is ſent fro aboue, to waſte mounteyns
xlv Forſoþe þe idols ben maad of ſmiþis, and of
goldſmiþis. Þo ſchulen be noon oþer þing, no but þat þat and wodis, doiþ þat, þat is comaundid to it; but þeſe
preſtis wolen, þat þo be. idols ben not lijk to oon of þo þingis, neþer bi fourmes,
xlvi Alſo þilke goldſmiþis þat maken þo, ben not of neþer bi vertues.
lxiii Wherfor it is neþer to geſſe, neþer to ſeie, þat þo ben
myche tyme; þerfor wheþer þo þingis þat ben maad of
þem moun be goddis? goddis, whanne þo moun not neþer deme doom, neþer
xlvii Soþeli þei leften falſe þingis, and ſchenſchipe to do to men.
lxiiii Þerfor wite ȝe þat þo ben not goddis, and drede ȝe
men to comynge aftirward.
xlviii For whi whanne batels and yuels comen on hem, not þo.
lxv For þo ſchulen neþer curſe, neþir ſchulen bleſſe
preeſtis þenken, where þei ſchulen hide hem ſilf wiþ þo.
xlix Hou þerfor owen þo to be demyd, þat þo ben kyngis.
lxvi Alſo þo ſchewen not to heþene men ſignes in
goddis, which neþer delyueren hem ſilf fro batel, neþer
delyueren hem ſilf fro yuelis? heuene, neþer þo ſchulen ſchyne as þe ſunne, neþer þo
l For whi whanne þo ben of tree, and of ſtoon, and of ſchulen ȝyue lyȝt as þe moone.
lxvii Beeſtis þat moun fle vndur a roof, and do profit to
gold, and of ſiluer, it ſchal be knowun aftirward of alle
folkis, and kyngis, þat þo þingis ben falſe, þat ben maad hem ſilf, ben betere þan þo.
lxviii Þerfor bi no maner it is open to ȝou, þat þo ben
open; for þo ben not goddis, but þe werkis of hondis of
men, and no werk of God is wiþ þo. goddis.

lxix For which þing drede ȝe not þo. For whi as `a
bugge, eiþer a man of raggis, in a place where gourdis
wexen, kepiþ no þing, ſo ben her goddis of tree, and of
ſiluer, and of gold.
lxx In þe ſame maner and a whijt þorn in a gardyn kepiþ
no þing, on which þorn ech brid ſittiþ, in lijk maner and
her goddis of tree, and of gold, and of ſiluer, ben lijk a
deed man caſt forþ in derkneſſis.
lxxi Alſo of purpur and of marble, whiche þei holden
aboue it; þerfor ȝe ſchulen wite, þat þo ben not goddis.
Alſo þo ben etun at þe laſte, and it ſchal be in to
ſchenſchipe in þe cuntrei.
lxxii Betere is a iuſt man, þat haþ no ſymylacris, for whi
he ſchal be fer fro ſchenſchipis.
Here endiþ þe Preier of Jeremye, and bigynneþ þe
prolog of Baruch.

ſone; and þat we ſerue hem bi many daies, and fynde
BARUK grace in þe ſiȝt of hem.
Here bigynneþ þe prolog of þe book of Baruk. xiii And preye ȝe for `vs ſilf to our Lord God, for we han

Þis book, which is titlid bi þe name of Baruk, is not had ſynned to oure Lord God, and his ſtrong veniaunce is
in þe autorite of Ebrew, but oneli in þe comyn not turned awei fro vs, `til in to þis dai.
xiiii And rede ȝe þis book, which we ſenten to ȝou, to be
tranſlacioun; in lijk maner and þe piſtle of Jeremye is
not in þe canoun of Ebreu; neþeles for þe knowyng of reherſid in þe temple of þe Lord, in a ſolempne dai, and
rederis, þeſe ben writun here; for þeſe ſchewen many in a couenable dai.
þingis of Criſt, and of þe laſte tymes. xv And ȝe ſchulen ſeie, Riȝtfulneſſe is to oure Lord God,

Here endiþ þe prologe, and here bygynneþ þe book but ſchenſchipe of oure face is to vs, as þis dai is, to al
of Baruk. Juda, and to dwelleris in Jeruſalem,
xvi to oure kyngis, and to oure princes, to oure preeſtis,
Here biginniþ þe book of Baruk.
and to oure profetis, and to oure fadris.
xvii We ſynneden bifor oure Lord God, and bileuyden
i And þeſe ben þe wordis of þe book, which Baruk, þe not, and triſtiden not in hym.
xviii And we weren not redi to be ſuget to hym, and we
ſone of Nerie, ſone of Maaſie, ſone of Sedechie, ſone of
Sedei, ſone of Helchie, wroot in Babilonye; obeiden not to þe vois of oure Lord God, þat we ȝeden
ii in þe fyueþe ȝeer, in þe ſeuenþe dai of þe moneþe, in in hiſe comaundementis, whiche he ȝaf to vs;
xix fro þe dai in which he ledde oure fadris out of þe
þe tyme wherynne Caldeis token Jeruſalem, and brenten
it wiþ fier. lond of Egipt, til in to þis dai, we weren vnbileueful to
iii And Baruk redde þe wordis of þis book to þe eeris of oure Lord God; and we weren ſcaterid, and ȝeden awei,
þat we herden not þe vois of hym.
Jeconye, ſone of Joachym, kyng of Juda, and to þe eeris xx And many yuels and curſyngis, whiche þe Lord
of al þe puple comynge to þe book;
iiii and to þe eeris of þe myȝti ſones of kyngis, and to þe ordeynede to his ſeruaunt Moiſes, cleuyden to vs; which
Lord ledde oure fadris out of þe lond of Egipt, to ȝyue
eeris of preſtis, and to þe eeris of þe puple, fro þe
to vs a lond flowynge mylk and hony, as in þis dai.
mooſte `til to þe leeſte of hem, of alle dwellynge in xxi And we herden not þe vois of oure Lord God, bi alle
Babiloyne, and at þe flood Sudi.
v Whiche herden, and wepten, and faſtiden, and þe wordis of prophetis, whiche he ſente to vs, and to
oure iugis;
preieden in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord. xxii and we ȝeden awei, ech man in to þe wit of his yuel
vi And þei gaderiden monei, bi þat þat ech mannus hond
herte, to worche to alien goddis, and we diden yuels
vii and ſenten in to Jeruſalem to Joachym, þe preſt, ſone bifore þe iȝen of oure Lord God.
of Helchie, ſone of Salen, and to þe preeſtis, and to al þe
puple þat weren foundun wiþ hym in Jeruſalem; i For which þing oure Lord God ſettide ſtidfaſtli his
viii whanne he took þe veſſels of þe temple of þe Lord,
word, which he ſpak to vs, and to oure iugis, þat
þat weren takun awei fro þe temple, to aȝen clepe in to
demyden in Iſrael, and to oure kyngis, and to oure
þe lond of Juda, in þe tenþe dai of þe moneþe Siban; þe
princes, and to al Iſrael and Juda;
ſiluerne veſſels, which Sedechie, þe kyng of Juda, þe ii þat þe Lord ſchulde brynge on vs grete yuels, þat
ſone of Joſie,
ix made, aftir þat Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babiloyne, weren not don vndur heuene, as þo ben doon in
Jeruſalem; bi þo þingis þat ben writun in þe lawe of
hadde take Jeconye, and princes, and alle myȝti men,
and þe puple of þe lond fro Jeruſalem, and ledde hem iii þat a man ſchulde ete þe fleiſchis of his ſone, and þe
boundun in to Babiloyne.
x And þei ſeiden, Lo! we han ſent to ȝou richeſſis, of fleiſchis of his douȝter.
iiii And he ȝaf hem in to þe hond of alle kyngis, þat ben
whiche bie ȝe brent ſacrifices, and encenſe, and make ȝe
ſacrifice, and offre ȝe for ſynne at þe auter of ȝoure Lord in oure cumpas, in to ſchenſchipe, and in to deſolacioun
God. in alle puplis, among whiche þe Lord ſcateride vs.
v And we ben maad byneþe, and not aboue; for we
xi And preye ȝe for þe lijf of Nabugodonoſor, king of
Babiloyne, and for þe lijf of Balthaſar, his ſone, þat þe ſynneden to oure Lord God, in not obeiynge to þe vois
daies of hem ben on erþe as þe daies of heuene; of hym.
vi Riȝtfulneſſe is to oure Lord God, but ſchenſchipe of
xii þat þe Lord ȝyue vertu to vs, and liȝtne oure iȝen, þat
we lyue vndur þe ſchadewe of Nabugodonoſor, kyng of face is to vs and to oure fadris, as þis dai is.
Babiloyne, and vndur þe ſchadewe of Balthaſar, his

vii For þe Lord ſpak on vs alle þeſe yuels, þat camen on children, prophetis; þat þe boonys of oure kyngis, and
vs. þe boonys of oure fadris ſchulen be borun ouer fro her
viii And we biſouȝten not þe face of oure Lord God, þat place.
xxv And lo! þo ben caſt forþ in þe heete of þe ſunne, and
we ſchulden turne aȝen, ech of vs fro oure worſte weies.
ix And þe Lord wakide in yuels, and brouȝte þo on vs; in þe froſt of niȝt; and men ben deed in þe worſte
for þe Lord is iuſt in alle hiſe werkis, whiche he ſorewis, in hungur, and in ſwerd, and in ſending out.
xxvi And þou haſt ſet þe temple in which þi name was
comaundide to vs.
x And we herden not þe vois of hym, þat we ſchulden clepid to help, as þis dai ſchewiþ, for þe wickidneſſe of
go in þe comaundementis of þe Lord, whiche he ȝaf þe hous of Iſrael, and of þe hous of Juda.
xxvii And þou, oure Lord God, haſt do in vs bi al þi
bifore oure face.
xi And now, Lord God of Iſrael, þat leddiſt þi puple out goodneſſe, and bi al þat greet merciful doyng of þee,
xxviii as þou ſpakeſt in þe hond of þi child Moiſes, in þe
of þe lond of Egipt in a ſtrong hond, and in myraclis,
and in grete wondris, and in þi greet vertu, and in an hiȝ dai in which þou comaundidiſt to hym to write þi lawe
arm, and madiſt to þee a name, as þis dai is; bifore þe ſones of Iſrael, and ſeidiſt,
xii we han ſynned, we han do vnfeiþfuli, we han do xxix If ȝe heren not my vois, þis greet ournyng and

wickidli, oure Lord God, in alle þi riȝtfulneſſis. myche ſchal be turned in to þe leeſt among heþene men,
xiii Þi wraþ be turned awey fro vs; for we ben left a whidur Y ſchal ſcatere hem.
xxx For Y woot, þat þe puple ſchal not here me, for it is
fewe among heþene men, where þou ſcateridiſt vs.
xiiii Lord, here þou oure axyngis, and oure preyeris, and a puple of hard nol. And it ſchal turne to her herte in þe
lede vs out for þee; and ȝyue þou to vs to fynde grace lond of her caitiftee;
xxxi and þei ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord God of hem.
bifore þe face of hem, þat ledden vs awei;
xv þat al erþe knowe, þat þou art oure Lord God, and þat And Y ſchal ȝyue to hem an herte, and þei ſchulen
þi name is clepid to help on Iſrael, and on þe kyn of vndurſtonde, and eeris, and þei ſchulen here.
xxxii And þei ſchulen herie me in þe lond of her
xvi Lord, bihold þou fro þin hooli hous on vs, and caitiftee, and þei ſchulen be myndeful of my name.
xxxiii Þei ſchulen turne awei hem ſilf fro her hard bak,
bouwe doun þin eere, and here vs.
xvii Opene þin iȝen, and ſe; for not deed men þat ben in and fro her wickidneſſis; for þei ſchulen haue mynde of
helle, whos ſpirit is takun fro her entrails, ſchulen ȝyue þe wei of her fadris, þat ſynneden aȝens me.
xxxiiii And Y ſchal aȝen clepe hem in to þe lond, which
onour and iuſtefiyng to þe Lord;
xviii but a ſoule which is ſori on þe greetneſſe of yuel, Y ſwoor to ȝyue to þe fadris of hem, to Abraham, Iſaac,
and goiþ bowid, and ſijk, and iȝen failynge, and an and Jacob; and þei ſchulen be lordis of it. And Y ſchal
hungri ſoule, ȝyueþ glorie to þee, and riȝtfulneſſe to þe multiplie hem, and þei ſchulen not be maad leſſe.
xxxv And Y ſchal ordeyne to hem an oþer teſtament
xix For not bi þe riȝtfulneſſes of oure fadris we `ſcheden euerlaſtynge, þat Y be to hem in to God, and þei ſchulen
merci bifore þi ſiȝt, oure Lord God; be to me in to a puple. And Y ſchal no more moue my
xx but for þou ſentiſt þi wraþþe and þi ſtronge veniaunce puple, þe ſones of Iſrael, fro þe lond which Y ȝaf to
on vs, as þou ſpakeſt in þe hondis of þi children hem.
i And now, Lord almiȝti, God of Iſrael, a ſoule in
xxi and ſeidiſt, Þus ſeiþ þe Lord, Bowe ȝe ȝoure ſchuldur, angwiſchis and a ſpirit anoied crieþ to þee.
ii Lord, here þou, and haue merci, for þou art merciful
and ȝoure necke, and do ȝe trauel to þe kyng of
Babiloyne; and ȝe ſchulen ſitte in þe lond, which Y ȝaf God; and haue þou merci on vs, for we han ſynned bifor
to ȝoure fadris. þee,
xxii Þat if ȝe don not, neþir heren þe vois of ȝoure Lord iii þat ſittiſt wiþouten ende, and we ſchulen not periſche

God, to worche to þe kyng of Babiloyne, Y ſchal make wiþouten ende.

iiii Lord God almiȝti, God of Iſrael, here þou now þe
ȝoure failyng fro þe citees of Juda, and fro þe ȝatis of
Jeruſalem; preier of þe deed men of Iſrael, and of þe ſones of hem,
xxiii and Y ſchal take awei fro ȝou þe vois of gladneſſe, þat ſynneden bifor þee, and herden not þe vois of her
and þe vois of ioye, and þe vois of ſpouſe, and þe vois Lord God, and yuels ben faſtned to vs.
v Nyle þou haue mynde on þe wickidneſſe of oure
of ſpouſeſſe; and al þe lond ſchal be wiþ out ſtep of hem
þat dwellen þerynne. fadris, but haue þou mynde on þin hond and on þi name
xxiiii And þei herden not þi vois, þat þei ſchulden in þis tyme;
vi for þou art oure Lord God, and, Lord, we ſchulen
worche to þe kyng of Babiloyne; and þou haſt ſet
ſtidfaſtli þi wordis, whiche þou ſpakiſt in þe hondis of þi herie þee.

vii For whi for þis þing þou haſt ȝoue þi drede in oure xxvii Þe Lord chees not þeſe, neþer þei founden þe weie
hertis, þat we clepe þi name to help, and herie þee in of wiſdom; þerfor þei periſchiden.
oure caitiftee; for we ſchulen be conuertid fro þe xxviii And for þei hadden not wiſdom, þei periſchiden
wickidneſſe of oure fadris, þat ſynneden aȝens þee. for her vnwiſdom.
viii And lo! we ben in oure caitifte to dai, whidur þou xxix Who ſtiede in to heuene, and took þat wiſdom, and
ſcateridiſt vs, in to ſchenſchipe, and in to curſyng, and in brouȝte it doun fro þe cloudis?
to ſynne, bi al þe wickidneſſe of oure fadris, þat ȝeden xxx Who paſſide ouer þe ſee, and foond it, and brouȝte it
awei fro þee, þou oure Lord God. more þan choſun gold?
xxxi Noon is, þat mai knowe þe weie þerof, neþir þat
CAP. III ſekiþ þe paþis þerof;
ix Iſrael, here þou þe comaundementis of lijf; perſeyue
xxxii but he þat han alle þingis, knewe it, and foond it bi
þou wiþ eeris, þat þou kunne prudence. his prudence. Which made redi þe erþe in euerlaſtynge
x Iſrael, what is it, þat þou art in þe lond of enemyes?
tyme, and fillide it wiþ twei footid beeſtis, and foure
xi Þou wexidiſt eld in an alien lond, þou art defoulid wiþ
footid beeſtis.
deed men, þou art arettid wiþ hem, þat goon doun in to xxxiii Which ſendiþ out lyȝt, and it goiþ, and clepide it;
helle? and it obeieþ to hym in tremblyng.
xii Þou haſt forſake þe welle of wiſdom; xxxiiii Forſoþe ſterris ȝauen lyȝt in her kepyngis, and
xiii for whi if þou haddiſt gon in þe weies of God, ſoþeli
weren glad;
þou haddiſt dwellid in pees on erþe. xxxv þo weren clepid, and þo ſeiden, We ben preſent;
xiiii Lerne þou, where is wiſdom, where is prudence,
and þo ſchyneden to hym wiþ mirþe, þat made þo.
where is vertu, where is vndurſtondyng, þat þou wite xxxvi Þis is oure God, and noon oþer ſchal be geſſid
togidere, where is long duryng of lijf and lijf lode, aȝens hym.
where is lyȝt of iȝen, and pees. xxxvii Þis foond ech weie of wiſdom, and ȝaf it to Jacob,
xv Who foond þe place þerof, and who entride in to þe
his child, and to Iſrael, his derlyng.
treſouris þerof? xxxviii Aftir þeſe þingis he was ſeyn in londis, and
xvi Where ben þe princes of heþene men, and þat ben
lyuede wiþ men.
lordis ouer þe beeſtis, þat ben on erþe?
xvii Whiche pleien wiþ þe briddis of heuene;
xviii whiche treſoren ſiluer and gold, in which men i Þis book of Goddis heeſtis, and þe lawe which is
triſten, and noon ende is of þe purchaſyng of hem? wiþouten ende. Alle þat holden it, ſchulen come to lijf.
Which maken ſiluer, and ben buſi, and no fyndyng is of But þei þat han forſake it, ſchulen come in to deþ.
her werkis? ii Jacob, be þou conuertid, and take þou it; go þou bi þe
xix Þei ben diſtried, and ȝeden doun to hellis; and oþere
weie at þe briȝtneſſe þerof, aȝens þe lyȝt þerof. Ȝyue
men riſeden in þe place of hem. þou not þi glorie to anoþer, and þi dignyte to an alien
xx Þe ȝonge men of hem ſien lyȝt, `and dwelliden on folc. Iſrael, we ben bleſſid; for þo þingis þat pleſen God,
erþe. But þei knewen not þe weie of wiſdom, neþer ben open to vs.
vndurſtoden þe paþis þerof; v Þe puple of God, Iſrael worþi to be had in mynde, be
xxi neþer þe ſones of hem reſſeyueden it. It was maad fer þou `of betere coumfort.
fro þe face of hem; vi Ȝe ben ſeeld to heþene men, not in to perdicioun; but
xxii it is not herd in þe lond of Canaan, neþer is ſeyn in for þat þat ȝe in ire terreden God to wraþfulneſſe, ȝe ben
Theman. bitakun to aduerſaries.
xxiii Alſo þe ſones of Agar, þat ſouȝten out prudence vii For ȝe wraþþiden þilke God euerlaſtynge, þat made
which is of erþe, þe marchauntis of erþe, and of ȝou; and ȝe offriden to fendis, and not to God.
Theman, and þe tale telleris, and ſekeris out of prudence viii For ȝe forȝaten hym þat nurſchide ȝou, and ȝe maden
and of vndurſtondyng. But þei knewen not þe weie of ſori ȝoure nurſe, Jeruſalem.
wiſdom, neþer hadden mynde on þe paþþis þerof. ix For it ſiȝ wraþfulneſſe of God comynge to ȝou, and it
xxiiii O! Iſrael, þe hous of God is ful greet, and þe place
ſeide, Ȝe niȝ cooſtis of Sion, here; forſoþe God haþ
of his poſſeſſioun is greet; brouȝte greet morenyng to me.
xxv it is greet and haþ noon ende, hiȝ and greet wiþout x For Y ſiȝ þe caitiftee of my puple, of my ſones and
meſure. douȝtris, which he þat is wiþ out bigynnyng and ende
xxvi Namyd giauntis weren þere; þei þat weren of greet brouȝte on hem.
ſtature at þe bigynnyng, and knewen batel. xi For Y nurſchide hem wiþ myrþe; but Y lefte hem wiþ
wepyng and morenyng.

xii No man haue ioye on me, a wedewe and deſolat. Y xxxii Citees to which þi ſones ſerueden, `ſchulen be
am forſakun of manye for þe ſynnes of my ſones; for þei punyſchid, and þat citee þat took þi ſones, ſchal be
bowiden awei fro þe lawe of God. punyſchid.
xiii Forſoþe þei knewen not `þe riȝtfulneſſis of hym; xxxiii For as Babiloyne made ioie in þi hurlyng doun,
neþer þei ȝeden bi þe weies of Goddis heeſtis, neþer bi and was glad in þi fal, ſo it ſchal be maad ſori in his
þe paþis of his treuþe þei entriden wiþ riȝtfulneſſe. deſolacioun.
xiiii Þe niȝ cooſtis of Sion come, and haue þei mynde on xxxiiii And þe ful out ioye of þe multitude þerof ſchal be
þe caitifte of my ſones and douȝtris, which he þat is wiþ kit awei, and þe ioie þerof ſchal be in to mourenyng.
out bigynnyng and ende brouȝte on hem. xxxv For whi fier ſchal come on it fro hym þat is wiþout
xv For he brouȝte on hem a folk fro fer, an yuel folk, bigynnyng and ende, in ful long daies; and it ſchal be
and of an oþer langage; enhabitid of fendis, in to þe multitude of tyme.
xvi þat reuerenſiden not an eld man, neþer hadden merci xxxvi Jeruſalem, biholde aboute to þe eeſt, and ſe þou
on children; and þei ledden awei þe dereworþe ſones of myrþe comynge of God to þee.
a widewe, and maden a womman aloone deſolat of xxxvii For lo! þi ſones comen, which þou leftiſt ſcatered;
ſones. þei comen gaderid fro þe eeſt `til to þe weſt in þe word
xvii But what mai Y helpe ȝou? of þe hooli, and maken ioie to þe onour of God.
xviii For he þat brouȝte on ȝou yuels, ſhal delyuer ȝou fro
þe hondis of ȝoure enemyes. CAP. V
xix Go ȝe, ſones, go ȝe; for Y am forſakun aloone. Y i Jeruſalem, vncloþe þee of þe ſtoole of þi mourenyng,

haue vncloþid me of þe ſtoole of pees; but Y haue and trauelyng; and cloþe þou þee in þe fairneſſe, and
cloþid me wiþ a ſak of biſechyng, and Y ſchal crie to þe onour of it, which is of God to þee in euerlaſtynge
hiȝeſte in my daies. glorie.
xxi Sones, be ȝe of betere comfort; crie ȝe to þe Lord, ii God of ryȝtfulneſſe ſchal cumpaſſe þee wiþ a double

and he ſchal delyuere ȝou fro þe hond of princes, þat cloþ, and ſchal ſette on þin heed a mytre of euerlaſtynge
ben ȝoure enemyes. onour.
xxii For Y hopide ȝoure helþe wiþ outen ende, and ioye iii For God ſchal ſchewe his briȝtneſſe in þee, which is

cam to me fro þe hooli on merci, þat ſchal come to ȝou vndur heuene.
fro ȝoure ſauȝour wiþout bigynnyng and ende. iiii For þi name ſchal be namyd of God to þee wiþ outen
xxiii For Y ſente ȝou out wiþ mourenyng and wepyng; ende, Þe pees of riȝtfulneſſe, and þe onour of pitee.
but God ſchal brynge ȝou aȝen to me wiþ ioye and v Jeruſalem, riſe vp, and ſtonde in an hiȝ place, and
myrþe wiþ outen ende. biholde aboute to þe eeſt; and ſe þi ſones gaderid
xxiiii For as þe neiȝboreſſis of Sion ſien ȝoure caitifte togidere fro þe ſunne riſynge til to þe weſt in þe word of
maad of God, ſo þei ſchulen ſe and in ſwiftneſſe ȝoure þe hooli, þat maken ioie in þe mynde of God.
helþe of God, which helþe ſchal come to ȝou fro aboue vi For þei ȝeden out fro þee, and weren led of enemyes
wiþ greet onour and euerlaſtynge ſchynyng. on feet; but þe Lord ſchal brynge to þee hem borun in to
xxv Sones, ſuffre ȝe pacientli ire, þat cam on ȝou; for þin honour, as þe ſones of rewme.
enemy purſuede þee, but þou ſchalt ſe ſoone þe vii For God haþ ordeyned to make low ech hiȝ hil, and
perdicioun of hym, and þou ſchalt ſtie on þe neckes of euerlaſtynge rochis of ſtoon, and gret valeis, to fille þe
hym. uneueneſſe of erþe; þat Iſrael go diligentli in to þe onour
xxvi My delicat men ȝeden ſcharp weies; for þei as a floc of God.
`þat is rauyſchid weren led of enemyes. viii Forſoþe wodis and ech tree of ſwetneſſe ſchadewiden
xxvii Sones, be ȝe pacientere, and crie ȝe fer to þe Lord; Iſrael, bi þe comaundement of God.
for whi ȝoure mynde ſchal be of hym þat lediþ ȝou. ix For God ſchal brynge Iſrael wiþ mirþe in þe lyȝt of
xxviii For as ȝoure wit was, þat ȝe erriden fro God, ȝe his maieſte, wiþ merci and riȝtfulneſſe, which is of hym.
ſchulen conuerte eft, and ſchulen ſeke hym tenſiþis ſo Here bigynneþ þe ſaumple of þe piſtle of þe ſame
myche. Baruk, which piſtle Jeremye ſente to Jewis, `þat
xxix For he þat brouȝte in yuels to ȝou, ſchal brynge eft weren led awei priſoneris in to Babiloyne, of þe king
euerlaſtynge myrþe to ȝou wiþ ȝoure helþe. of Babiloynes, þat he ſchulde telle to hem, bi þat þat
xxx Jeruſalem, be þou of betere coumfort; for he þat was comaundid of God to hym.
nemyde þee, excitiþ þee.
xxxi Þei þat traueliden þee, ſchulen periſche gilti; and þei CAP. VI
i For þe ſynnes þat ȝee ſynnyden befor God,
þat þankiden in þi fallyng, ſchulen be punyſchid.

ii ȝe ſhuln be led caitifs in to Babiloyne, of xxii Aboue þe bodi of hem, and aboue þe hed of hem
Nabugodonoſor, kyng of men of Babiloyne. backis, or reremijſe, and ſwalewis fleeȝen, and briddis
iii And ſo ȝe gon in to Babiloyne ſhuln be þere ful many alſo, and alſo cattis.
ȝeris, and in to longe tyme, vnto ſeuen generacions; xxiii Wher of wite ȝee, for þei ben not goddis; þerfor ȝee
forſoþ after þis I ſhal lede out ȝou þennis wiþ peeſe. ſhuln not drede hem.
iiii Now forſoþ ȝe ſhuln ſee in Babiloyne golden goddis, xxiiii Alſo þe gold þat þei han, is to fairneſſe; no bot eny
and ſilueren, and ſtonen, and treen, for to be born in man ſhal wijpe awei þe ruſt, þei ſhuln not ſhyne.
ſhuldris, ſhewinge drede to folkis. Forſoþe neþer þe whijle þei weren ȝooten to gidir, þei
v Þerfor ſee ȝee, leſt and ȝee be maad liche to alien feeliden.
dedis, and ȝee dreede, and þat drede take ȝou in hem. xxv Þei ben bouȝt of al pris, in whiche þingus ſpirit is
And ſo þe cumpanye of peple ſeen fro bihynde and fro not in hem.
bifore wirſhipynge, xxvi Wiþ outen feet þei ben born in ſhuldris, ſhewynge
vi ſaye in ȝour hertis, Lord God, it byhouiþ þee for to be her vnnobley to men;
worſhipid. xxvii alſo be þei confoundid þat wurſhipen hem. Þerfor
vii Forſoþ myn aungel is wiþ ȝou, forſoþ I my ſelf ſhal ȝif þei ſhuln falle in to erþe, of hem ſelf þei ſhuln not
ſeeke out ȝour ſoules. rijſe to gyder; neþer ȝif eny man ſhal ſette hym riȝt, by
viii For whi þe trees of hem poliſhid of a carpenter; þei hym ſelf he ſhal ſtonde, bot as to dead men ſhuldris
alſo engoldid and enſiluered ben falſe, and mown not ſhuln be putte to hem.
ſpeke. And as to a mayden louynge ournementis, xxviii Þe preſtes of hem ſellen þe hooſtis, or ſacrifices, of
ix ſo gold takyn, þei ben forgid. Certeynli þe goddis of hem, and myſuſen; alſo and þe wymmen of hem
hem han golden crownes vpon her hedis; takynge aweie, neþer parten to ſeeke man, neþer to
x wherof preſtis drawen aweie fro hem gold and ſyluer, beggynge.
xxix Of þe ſacrifices of hem wymmen wiþ chijlde, and
and ȝeuen, or ſpenden, it in hem ſelf.
xi Forſoþ and of it þei ȝeuen to pute in bordel houſe, and menſtruat, or in vncleene blode, touchen togyder. And
ournen hooris; and eft ſone when þei han reſceyued it of ſo witynge of þeſe þingis, for þei ben not goddis, dreed
hooris, þei ournen her goddis. ȝee hem not.
xii Soþely þeſe ben not delyuerd fro ruſt and mouȝþe. xxx Forſoþ wherof ben þei clepid goddis? For wymmen

Forſoþ hem couered wiþ cloþe of purpre, putten to golden goddis, ſylueren, and treenen;
xiii þei ſhuln wijpe þe face of hem, for duſt of þe hous, xxxi and in þe houſis of hem ſitten preſtis hauyng torne,

þat is ful myche amonge hem. or kutt, cootis, and hedis and berd ſhauen, whos hedis
xiiii Forſoþe þei han a ceptre, or kyngis ȝerd, as a man; ben nakid.
xxxii Forſoþ þei roren cryinge aȝeins her goddis, as in þe
as a iuge of a cuntree, þat ſleaþ not þe ſynnynge in to
hym. ſuper of a dead man.
xv Forſoþ þei han alſo in þe hond ſwerd and axe; forſoþ xxxiii Preſtis taken awei þe cloþingus of hem, and cloþen

þei deliueren not hem ſelf fro bataile and day þeues. her wijues, and her ſones.
xvi Wher of be it knowen to ȝou, for þei ben not goddis; xxxiiii Neþer ȝif þei ſuffren eny þing of euyl of eny man,

þerfor worſhipe ȝe not hem. neþer ȝif eny þinge of good, þei ſhuln mowe ȝeelde.
xvii Soþeli as a veſſel of a man broken is maad Neþer þei mown make a kyng, neþer do aweie.
xxxv Alſo neþer þei mown ȝeue riccheſſis, neþer ȝeeld
vnprofitable, ſiche ben þe goddis of hem. Hem ſett to
gidir in an hous, þe eeȝen of hem ben ful of duſt of þe euyll þing. Ȝif eny man ſhal avowe to hem, and ſhal not
feet of men entrynge in. ȝeelde, neþer þei requyren, or axen, þis þing.
xviii And as to ſum man þat offendiþ þe kyng, þe ȝatis xxxvi Þei delyueren not a man fro deþ, neþer delyueren a

ben ſette aboute, and as dead man led to ſepulcre, ſo ſeeke man fro a more miȝti.
xxxvii Þei reſtoren not a blynde man to ſiȝt; þei ſhuln not
preſtes oft kepen þe dores wiþ cloſingis and lockis, leſt
þei be robbed of day þeues. delyuere a man fro neede.
xix Þei teenden launterns to hem, and ſoþeli manye, of xxxviii Þei ſhuln not haue mercye of þe wydue, neþer þei

whom þei mown noon ſee; ſhuln do weel to þe fadreleſſe and modreleſſe.
xx forſoþ þei ben as bemes in þe hous. Soþeli ſerpentis xxxix Þe treenen goddis of hem, and ſtoonen, and

þat ben of þe erþe, ben ſayd to licke out þe hertis of golden, and ſylueren, ben lijc to ſtoonys of þe
hem; þe while þei eeten hem, and þe cloþing of hem, mounteyn; forſoþ þei þat worſhipen hem, ſhuln be
and þei feelen not. confoundid.
xxi Þe faces of hem ben blac of ſmoke, þat is maad in þe xl Hou þerfore is it to be geſſid, or to be ſaide, hem for

hous. to be goddis; ȝit þe ylk Caldeis not honourynge hem?

xli Whiche whan þei ſhuln heere þe doumbe not to lviii Þei ſhuln take awei fro hem gold, and ſyluer, and
mowe ſpeke, offren hym to Bel, axinge of hym for to cloþing, in whiche þei ben couered, and þei ſhuln go
ſpeke; as þei mown feele, whiche han not mouynge. aweie; neþer þei beren help to hem ſelf.
xlii And þei whanne þei ſhuln vndirſtonde, ſhuln forſake lix And ſo it is beter a kyng for to be ſhewynge his
hem; ſoþely þe ilke goddis of hem han not witt. vertue, or a profitable veſſelle in þe houſe, in whom he
xliii Forſoþ wymmen ȝouen aboute, or bounden, wiþ ſhal glorie þat weeldiþ it, þan fals goddis; or a dore in
coordis ſitten in weyes, brennynge boonys of olyues. þe houſe, whiche kepiþ þe þingis þat ben in it, þan fals
Forſoþ whann eny of hem drawen aweye of eny man goddis.
paſſinge haþ ſlept, ſhe diſpiſiþ hir neiȝbore, for ſhe is not lx Soþely þe ſunne, and mone, and ſterris, whenne þei
had worþi as ſche, neþer hir coord is broken. ben ſhynynge, and ſent out to profitis, obeyen.
xliiii Forſoþ alle þingis þat ben don to hem, ben fals. lxi Alſo and leyt, whanne it ſhal apeere, is cleer. Forſoþ
Hou is it to be geſſid, or to be ſaid, hem for to be þe ſame þinge and ſpirit, or wynd, breþiþ in eche cuntre.
goddis? lxii And cloudis, to whiche when it ſhal be comaundid of
xlv Forſoþ of carpenteres and goldſmiþis þei ben maad. God for to walke þorou al þe world, don what þing is
Þei ſhuln noon oþer þing be, no bot þe ylk þat preſtis comaundid to hem.
wolen for to be. lxiii Alſo fijr ſente fro aboue, þat it waaſt hillis and
xlvi Alſo þilk goldſmyþþis þat maken hem, ben not of woddis, doþ what þing is comaundid to it; forſoþ þeſe
myche tyme; þerfor wheþer þe þingus þat ben maad of neþer in lickeneſſe neþer vertues ben liche to oon of
hem mown be goddis? hem.
xlvii Forſoþ þei leften fals þingus, and ſhenſhipe to men lxiiii Wher of neþer it is to be geſſid, neþer to be ſaid,
to cummynge after. hem for to be goddis, whenne þei mown neþer deeme
xlviii For whi whenne bataile ſhal aboue cum to hem, dome, neþer do to men.
and euyl þingis, preſtis þenken, where þei ſhuln hijde lxv And ſo witynge for þei ben not goddis, þerfor ȝee
hem ſelf wiþ hem. ſhuln not dreden hem.
xlix Þerfore how own þei for to be feelid, or demyd, for lxvi Soþeli neþer þei ſhuln curſe kyngis, neþer þei ſhuln
þei ben goddis, whiche neþer delyueren hem fro batail, bleſſe.
neþer delyueren hem fro euyl þingis? lxvii Forſoþ þei ſhewen not to folkis tokenis in heuen,
l For whi whenne þei ben treenen, and ſtoonen, and neþer þei ſhuln ſhyne as ſunne, neþer liȝtene as þe
engoldid, and enſyluered, it ſhal ben wiſt afterward, for mone.
þei ben fals, lxviii Beſtis ben better þan þei, whiche mown flee vndir
li to alle folkis and kyngis; whiche ben open, or a roof, and profit to hem ſelf.
knowen, for þei ben not goddis, bot werkis of mennus lxix And ſo by no manere it is knowen to ȝow, for þei
hondis, and no werc of God wiþ hem. ben goddis. For whiche þing drede ȝee not hem.
lii Wher of þerfor it is knowen, for þei ben not goddis, lxx For whi as dreed in place where cucumeris, þat ben
bot werkis of mennus hondis, and no werk of God is in bitter herbis, waxen, kepiþ no þing, ſo ben þe treenen
hem. goddis, and ſylueren, and goldid of hem.
liii Þei reiſen not a kyng to a cuntree, neþer þei ſhuln lxxi In þe ſame manere and in a ȝerd a whijt þorn, vpon
ȝeue reyn to men. whiche eche bridde ſittiþ, alſo and to a dead þing caſt in
liiii Alſo þei ſhul not diſcryue, or iuge, a dome, neþer þei derckeneſſes, þe treenen godus of hem, and enſiluered,
ſhuln delyuere a cuntree fro wronge. For þei mown no and engoldid, ben lijc.
þing, as litil crowis bitwix þe mydil of heuen and erþe. lxxii And of þe purpre and marble, þat þei holden aboue
lv And ſoþeli whenne fijre ſhal fal in to þe houſe of hem, ȝee ſhuln wite alſo, for þei ben no goddis. Alſo at
treenen goddis, and golden, and ſilueren, ſoþeli þe þe laſt þei hem ſelf ben eten, and it ſhal be in to repreue
preſtis of hem ſhuln flee, and ſhuln be delyuered; bot in þe cuntre.
þei as bemys in þe mydil ſhuln be brent. lxxiii Betir is an iuſt man, þat haþ not ſymylacris, for whi
lvi Forſoþ þei ſhuln not aȝeinſtonde a kyng and batail. he ſhal be fer fro ſhenſhipes.
Hou þerfore is it to be geſſid, or to be reſceyued, for þei Here endiþ Baruk, and here bigynneþ Ezechiel.
ben goddis?
lvii Þei ſhul not delyuere hem ſelf fro niȝt þeeues, neþer
day þeeues, treenen goddis, and ſtoonen, and engoldid,
and enſiluered, þan whiche wickid men ben ſtrenger.

and þe biholdyng and þe werkis of þo, as if a wheel be
EZECHIEL in þe myddis of a wheel.
xvii Þo goynge ȝeden bi foure partis of þo, and turneden
i And it was don, in þe þrittiþe ȝeer, in þe fourþe
not aȝen, whanne þo ȝeden.
xviii Alſo ſtature, and hiȝneſſe, and orible biholdyng was
moneþe, in þe fyueþe dai of þe moneþ, whanne Y was
to þe wheelis; and al þe bodi was ful of iȝen in þe
in þe myddis of caitifs, biſidis þe flood Chobar, heuenes
cumpas of þo foure.
weren openyd, and Y ſiȝ þe reuelaciouns of God. xix And whanne þe beeſtis ȝeden, þe wheelis alſo ȝeden
ii In þe fyueþ dai of þe moneþe; þilke is þe fyueþe ȝeer
togidere biſidis þo. And whanne þe beeſtis weren reiſid
of paſſing ouer of Joachym, kyng of Juda;
iii þe word of þe Lord was maad to Ezechiel, preeſt, þe
fro þe erþe, þe wheelis alſo weren reiſid togidere.
xx Whidur euere þe ſpirit ȝede, whanne þe ſpirit ȝede
ſone of Buſi, in þe lond of Caldeis, biſidis þe flood
þedur, alſo þe wheelis ſuynge it weren reiſid togidere;
Chobar; and þe hond of þe Lord was maad þere on
for whi þe ſpirit of lijf was in þe wheelis.
hym. xxi Þo ȝeden wiþ þe beeſtis goynge, and þo ſtoden wiþ
iiii And Y ſiȝ, and lo! a whirlewynd cam fro þe norþ, and
þe beeſtis ſtondynge. And wiþ þe beeſtis reiſid fro erþe,
a greet cloude, and fier wlappynge in, and briȝtneſſe in
alſo þe wheelis ſuynge þo beeſtis weren reiſid togidere;
þe cumpas þerof; and as þe licneſſe of electre fro þe
for þe ſpirit of lijf was in þe wheelis.
myddis þerof, þat is, fro þe myddis of þe fier. xxii And þe licneſſe of þe firmament was aboue þe heed
v And of myddis þerof was a licneſſe of foure beeſtis.
of þe beeſtis, and as þe biholdyng of orible criſtal, and
And þis was þe biholdyng of þo, þe licneſſe of a man in
ſtretchid abrood on þe heed of þo beeſtis aboue.
þo. xxiii Forſoþe vndur þe firmament þe wyngis of þo beeſtis
vi And foure faces weren to oon, and foure wyngis
weren ſtreiȝt, of oon to anoþir; ech beeſte hilide his bodi
weren to oon.
vii And þe feet of þo weren ſtreiȝt feet, and þe ſoole of
wiþ twei wyngis, and an oþer was hilid in lijk maner.
xxiiii And Y herde þe ſown of wyngis, as þe ſown of
þe foote of þo was as þe ſoole of a foot of a calf, and
many watris, as þe ſown of hiȝ God. Whanne þo ȝeden,
ſparclis, as þe biholdynge of buylynge bras.
viii And þe hondis of a man weren vndur þe wyngis of
þer was as a ſown of multitude, as þe ſown of ooſtis of
batel; and whanne þo ſtoden, þe wyngis of þo weren
þo, in foure partis. And þo hadden faces and wyngis bi late doun.
foure partis; xxv For whi whanne a vois was maad on þe firmament,
ix and þe wyngis of þo weren ioyned togidir of oon to
þat was on þe heed of þo, þo ſtoden, and leten doun her
anoþer. Þo turneden not aȝen, whanne þo ȝeden, but wyngis.
eche ȝede bifore his face. xxvi And on þe firmament, þat was aboue þe heed of þo,
x Forſoþe þe licneſſe `of þe face of þo was þe face of a
was as þe biholdyng of a ſaphire ſtoon, þe licneſſe of a
man and þe face of a lioun at þe riȝthalf of þo foure. trone; and on þe licneſſe of þe trone was a licneſſe, as þe
Forſoþe þe face of an oxe was at þe left half of þo biholdyng of a man aboue.
foure; and þe face of an egle was aboue þo foure. xxvii And Y ſiȝ as a licneſſe of electre, as þe biholding of
xi And þe faces of þo and þe wengis of þo weren
fier wiþ ynne, bi þe cumpas þerof; fro þe lendis of hym
ſtretchid forþ aboue. Twei wyngis of eche weren ioyned and aboue, and fro þe lendis of him til to byneþe, Y ſiȝ
togidere, and tweyne hiliden þe bodies of þo. as þe licneſſe of fier ſchynynge in cumpas,
xii And ech of þo ȝede bifore his face. Where þe xxviii as þe biholdynge of þe reynbowe, whanne it is in
ferſneſſe of þe wynd was, þidur þo ȝeden, and turneden þe cloude in þe dai of reyn. Þis was þe biholdyng of
not aȝen, whanne þo ȝeden. ſchynyng bi cumpas.
xiii And þe licneſſe of þe beeſtis, and þe biholdyng of
þo, was as of brennynge coolis of fier, and as þe CAP. II
biholdyng of laumpis. Þis was þe ſiȝt rennynge aboute i Þis was a ſiȝt of þe licneſſe of þe glorie of þe Lord.
in þe myddis of beeſtis, þe ſchynyng of fier, and leit And Y ſiȝ, and felle doun on my face; and Y herde þe
goynge out of þe fier. vois of a ſpekere. And he ſeide to me, Þou, ſone of man,
xiiii And þe beeſtis ȝeden, and turneden aȝen at þe
ſtonde on þi feet, and Y ſchal ſpeke wiþ þee.
licneſſe of leit ſchynynge. ii And þe ſpirit entride in to me, after þat he ſpak to me,
xv And whanne Y bihelde þe beeſtis, o wheel, hauuynge
and ſettide me on my feet. And Y herde oon ſpekynge to
foure faces, apperide on þe erþe, biſidis þe beeſtis. me,
xvi And þe biholdyng of þe wheelis and þe werk of þo iii and ſeiynge, Sone of man, Y ſende þee to þe ſones of
was as þe ſiȝt of þe ſee; and o licneſſe was of þo foure; Iſrael, to folkis apoſtatas, `eþer goynge a bak fro feiþ,

þat ȝeden awei fro me; þe fadris of hem braken my x And he ſeide to me, Sone of man, take in þin herte,
couenaunt til to þis dai. and here wiþ þin eeris alle þeſe my wordis, whiche Y
iiii And þe ſones ben of hard face, and of vnchaſtiſable ſpeke to þee.
herte, to whiche Y ſende þee. And þou ſchalt ſeie to xi And go þou, and entre to þe paſſyng ouer, to þe ſones
hem, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis; of þi puple. And þou ſchalt ſpeke to hem, and þou ſchalt
v if perauenture nameli þei heren, and if perauenture þei ſeie to hem, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, if
reſten, for it is an hous terrynge to wraþþe. And þei perauenture þei heren, and reſten.
ſchulen wite, þat a profete is in þe myddis of hem. xii And þe ſpirit took me, and Y herde after me þe vois
vi Þerfore þou, ſone of man, drede not hem, neþer drede of a greet mouyng. Þe bleſſid glorie of þe Lord was herd
þou þe wordis of hem; for vnbileueful men and fro his place;
diſtrieris ben wiþ þee, and þou dwelliſt wiþ ſcorpiouns. xiii and Y herde þe vois of wyngis of þe beeſtis
Drede þou not þe wordis of hem, and drede þou not þe ſmytynge oon an oþir, and þe vois of wheelis ſuynge þe
faces of hem, for it is an hous terrynge to wraþþe. beeſtis, and þe vois of greet ſtiryng.
vii Þerfor þou ſchalt ſpeke my wordis to hem, if xiiii Alſo þe ſpirit reiſide me, and took me. And Y ȝede
perauenture þei heren, and reſten, for þei ben terreris to forþ bittir in þe indignacioun of my ſpirit; for þe hond
wraþþe. of þe Lord was wiþ me, and coumfortide me.
viii But þou, ſone of man, here what euer þingis Y ſchal xv And Y cam to þe paſſyng ouer, to þe heep of newe
ſpeke to þee; and nyle þou be a terrere to wraþþe, as þe fruytis, to hem þat dwelliden biſidis þe flood Chobar.
hows of Iſrael is a terrere to wraþþe. Opene þi mouþ, And Y ſat where þei ſaten, and Y dwellide þere ſeuene
and ete what euer þingis Y ȝyue to þee. daies, weilynge, in þe myddis of hem.
ix And Y ſiȝ, and lo! an hond was ſent to me, in which a xvi Forſoþe whanne ſeuene daies weren paſſid, þe word
book was foldid togidere. And he ſpredde abrood it of þe Lord was maad to me, and ſeide, Sone of man,
bifor me, þat was writun wiþ ynne and wiþ outforþ. xvii Y ȝaf þee `a ſpiere to þe hous of Iſrael. And þou
And lamentaciouns, and ſong, and wo, weren writun þer ſchalt here of my mouþ a word, and þou ſchalt telle to
ynne. hem of me.
xviii If whanne Y ſeie to þe wickid man, Þou ſchalt die bi
CAP. III deþ, þou telliſt not to hym, and ſpekiſt not to hym, þat
i And he ſeide to me, Sone of man, ete þou what euer
he be turned fro his wickid weie, and lyue; þilke wickid
þing þou fyndiſt, ete þou þis volym; and go þou, and man ſchal die in his wickidneſſe, but Y ſchal ſeke his
ſpeke to þe ſones of Iſrael. blood of þin hond.
ii And Y openyde my mouþ, and he fedde me wiþ þat xix Forſoþe if þou telliſt to þe wickid man, and he is not
volym. conuertid fro his wickidneſſe, and fro his wickid weie;
iii And he ſeide to me, Sone of man, þi wombe ſchal ete,
ſoþeli he ſchal die in his wickidneſſe, but þou haſt
and þin entrails ſchulen be fillid wiþ þis volym, which delyuerid þi ſoule.
Y ȝyue to þee. And Y eet it, and it was maad as ſwete xx But alſo if a iuſt man is turned fro his riȝtfulneſſe, and
hony in my mouþ. doiþ wickidneſſe, Y ſchal ſette an hirtyng bifor hym; he
iiii And he ſeide to me, Sone of man, go þou to þe hous
ſchal die, for þou teldiſt not to hym; he ſchal die in his
of Iſrael, and þou ſchalt ſpeke my wordis to hem. ſynne, and hiſe riȝtfulneſſis, whiche he dide, ſchulen not
v For þou ſchalt not be ſent to a puple of hiȝ word, and be in mynde, but Y ſchal ſeke his blood of þin hond.
of vnknowun langage; þou ſchalt be ſent to þe hous of xxi Forſoþe if þou telliſt to a iuſt man, þat a iuſt man do
Iſrael, not ſynne, and he doiþ not ſynne, he lyuynge ſchal lyue,
vi neþer to many puplis of hiȝ word, and of vnknowun for þou teldiſt to hym, and þou haſt delyuered þi ſoule.
langage, of whiche þou maiſt not here þe wordis. And if xxii And þe hond of þe Lord was maad on me, and he
þou were ſent to hem, þei ſchulden here þee. ſeide to me, Riſe þou, and go out in to þe feeld, and þere
vii But þe hous of Iſrael nylen here þee, for þei nylen Y ſchal ſpeke wiþ þee.
here me. For al þe hous of Iſrael is of vnſchamefaſt xxiii And Y roos, and ȝede out in to þe feeld. And lo! þe
forheed, and of hard herte. glorie of þe Lord ſtood þere, as þe glorie which Y ſiȝ
viii Lo! Y ȝaf þi face ſtrongere þan þe faces of hem, and biſidis þe flood Chobar; and Y felle doun on my face.
þi forheed hardere þan þe forheedis of hem. xxiiii And þe ſpirit entride in to me, and ſettide me on my
ix Y ȝaf þi face as an adamaunt, and as a flynt; drede feet. And he ſpak to me, and ſeide to me, Entre þou, and
þou not hem, neþer drede þou of þe face of hem, for it be þou cloſid in þe myddis of þin hous.
is an hous terrynge to wraþþe.

xxv And þou, ſone of man, lo! boondis ben ȝouun on xii And þou ſchalt ete it as barli breed bakun vndur þe
þee, and þei ſchulen bynde þee wiþ þo, and þou ſchalt aiſchis; and wiþ `a toord þat goiþ out of a man þou
not go out in þe myddis of hem. ſchalt hile, it bifore þe iȝen of hem.
xxvi And Y ſchal make þi tunge to cleue to þe roof of þi xiii Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, So þe ſones of Iſrael
mouþ, and þou ſchalt be doumbe, and þou ſchalt not be ſchulen ete her breed defoulid among heþene men, to
as a man rebuykinge; for it is an hous terrynge to whiche Y ſchal caſte hem out.
wraþþe. xiiii And Y ſeide, A! A! A! Lord God, lo! my ſoule is not
xxvii But whanne Y ſchal ſpeke to þee, Y ſchal opene þi defoulid, and fro my ȝong childhed til to now Y eet not
mouþ, and þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe a þing deed bi it ſilf, and to-rent of beeſtis; and al
þingis, He þat heriþ, here, and he þat reſtiþ, reſte; for it vnclene fleiſch entride not in to my mouþ.
is an hous terrynge to wraþþe. xv And he ſeide to me, Lo! Y haue ȝoue to þee þe dung
of oxis for mennus toordis; and þou ſchalt make þi
CAP. IIII breed wiþ it.
i And þou, ſone of man, take to þee a tijl ſtoon; and þou xvi And he ſeide to me, Sone of man, lo! Y ſchal al to-
ſchalt ſette it bifore þee, and þou ſchalt diſcriue þer ynne breke þe ſtaf of breed in Jeruſalem, and þei ſchulen ete
þe citee of Jeruſalem. her breed in weiȝte and in biſyneſſe, and þei ſchulen
ii And þou ſchalt ordeyne biſegyng aȝenus þat drynke water in meſure and in angwiſch;
Jeruſalem; and þou ſchalt bilde ſtrengþis, and þou ſchalt xvii þat whanne breed and watir failen, eche man falle
bere togidere erþe, and þou ſhalt ȝyue ooſtis of batel doun to his broþer, and þei faile in her wickidneſſis.
aȝens it, and þou ſchalt ſette engynes in cumpas.
iii And take þou to þee an irone friynge panne; and þou CAP. V
ſchalt ſette it in to an irone wal bitwixe þee and bitwixe i And þou, ſone of man, take to þee a ſcharp ſwerd,
þe cite; and þou ſchalt ſette ſtidfaſtli þi face to it, and it ſchauynge heeris; and þou ſchalt take it, and ſchalt leede
ſchal be in to biſegyng, and þou ſchalt cumpaſſe it; it is it bi þin heed, and bi þi berd. And þou ſchalt take to þee
a ſigne to þe hous of Iſrael. a balaunce of weiȝte, and þou ſchalt departe þo.
iiii And þou ſchalt ſlepe on þi left ſide, and þou ſchalt ii Þou ſchalt brenne þe þridde part wiþ fier in þe myddis
putte þe wickidneſſis of þe hous of Iſrael on þat ſide, in of þe citee, bi þe fillyng of daies of biſegyng. And þou
þe noumbre of daies in which þou ſhalt ſlepe on þat ſchalt take þe þridde part, and ſchalt kitte bi ſwerd in þe
ſide, and þou ſchalt take þe wickidneſſe of hem. cumpas þerof. But þou ſchalt ſcatere `þe toþer þridde
v Forſoþe Y ȝaf to þee þe ȝeeris of þe wickidneſſe of part in to þe wynd; and Y ſchal make nakid a ſwerd aftir
hem bi noumbre of daies, þre hundrid and nynti daies; hem.
and þou ſchalt bere þe wickidneſſe of þe hous of Iſrael. iii And þou ſchalt take þerof a litil noumbre, and þou
vi And whanne þou haſt fillid þeſe þingis, þou ſchalt ſchalt bynde þo in þe hiȝneſſe of þi mentil.
ſlepe þe ſecounde tyme on þi riȝtſide. And þou ſchalt iiii And eft þou ſchalt take of hem, and þou ſchalt caſte
take þe wickidneſſe of þe hous of Juda bi fourti daies; Y forþ hem in to þe myddis of þe fier. And þou ſchalt
ȝaf to þee a dai for a ȝeer, a dai ſoþeli for a ȝeer. brenne hem in fier; and fier ſchal go out of þat in to al
vii And þou ſchalt turne þi face to þe biſeging of þe hous of Iſrael.
Jeruſalem; and þin arm ſchal be ſtretchid forþ, and þou v Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þis is Jeruſalem; Y haue
ſchalt profeſie aȝens it. ſette it in þe myddis of heþene men, and londis in þe
viii Lo! Y haue cumpaſſid þee wiþ boondis, and þou cumpas þerof.
ſchalt not turne þee fro þi ſide in `to oþer ſide, tille þou vi And it diſpiſide my domes, þat it was more wickid
fille þe daies of þi biſegyng. þan heþene men; and it diſpiſide my comaundementis
ix And take þou to þee wheete, and barli, and beenys, more þan londis þat ben in þe cumpas þerof. For þei
and tillis, and mylie, and vetchis; and þou ſchalt putte han caſt awei my domes, and þei ȝeden not in my
þo in to o veſſelle. And þou ſchalt make to þee looues comaundementis.
for þe noumbre of daies, bi whiche þou ſchalt ſlepe on vii Þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For ȝe `han
þi ſide; bi þree hundrid and nynti daies þou ſchalt ete it. paſſid heþene men þat ben in ȝoure cumpas, and ȝe
x Forſoþe þi mete, which þou ſchalt ete, ſchal be in ȝeden not in my comaundementis, and ȝe diden not my
weiȝte twenti ſtaters in a dai; fro tyme til to tyme þou domes, and ȝe wrouȝten not bi þe domes of heþene men
ſchalt ete it. þat ben in ȝoure cumpas;
xi And þou ſchalt drynke watir in meſure, þe ſixte part viii þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y to þee,
of hyn; fro tyme til to tyme þou ſchalt drynke it. and Y my ſilf ſchal make domes in þe myddis of þee,
bifor þe iȝen of heþene men; and Y ſchal do þingis in

ix whiche Y dide not, and to whiche Y ſchal no more vi aboute ȝoure auteris, in alle ȝoure dwellingis. Citees
make lijk þingis, for alle þin abhomynaciouns. ſchulen be forſakun, and hiȝ þingis ſchulen be diſtried,
x Þerfor fadris ſchulen ete ſones in þe myddis of þee, and ſchulen be ſcaterid; and ȝoure auteris ſchulen
and ſones ſchulen ete her fadris; and Y ſchal make periſche, and ſchulen be brokun. And ȝoure idols
domes in þee, and Y ſchal wyndewe alle þin ſchulen ceeſſe, and ȝoure templis of idols ſchulen be al
remenauntis in to ech wynd. to-brokun, and ȝoure werkis ſchulen be doen awei.
xi Þerfor Y lyue, ſeiþ þe Lord God, no but for þat þat vii And a ſlayn man ſchal falle doun in þe myddis of

þou defoulidiſt myn hooli þing in alle þin offenciouns, ȝou; and ȝe ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord.
and in alle þin abhomynaciouns; and Y ſchal breke, and viii And Y ſchal leeue in ȝou hem þat fledden ſwerd
myn iȝe ſchal not ſpare, and Y ſchal not do merci. among heþene men, whanne Y ſchal ſcatere ȝou in to
xii Þe þridde part of þee ſchal die bi peſtilence, and ſchal londis.
be waſtid bi hungur in þe middis of þee; and þe þridde ix And ȝoure delyuered men ſchulen haue mynde on me
part of þee ſchal falle doun bi ſwerd in þi cumpas; among heþene men, to whiche þei ben led priſoneris;
forſoþe Y ſchal ſcatere þi þridde part in to ech wynd, for Y haue al to-broke her herte doynge fornycacioun,
and Y ſchal drawe out a ſwerd after hem. and goynge awei fro me, and her iȝen doynge
xiii And Y ſchal fille my ſtronge veniaunce, and Y ſchal fornicacioun aftir her idols. And þei ſchulen diſpleſe
make myn indignacioun to reſte in hem, and Y ſchal be hem ſilf on þe yuels, whiche þei diden in alle her
coumfortid. And þei ſchulen wite, þat Y þe Lord ſpak in abhomynaciouns.
my feruent loue, whanne Y ſchal fille al myn x And þei ſchulen wite, þat Y þe Lord ſpak not in veyn,
indignacioun in hem. þat Y ſchulde do þis yuel to hem.
xiiii And Y ſchal ȝyue þee in to deſert, in to ſchenſchipe xi Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Smyte þin hond, and
to heþene men þat ben in þi cumpas, in þe ſiȝt of ech þat hurtle þi foot, and ſeie, Alas! to alle abhomynaciouns of
paſſiþ forþ. þe yuelis of þe hous of Iſrael; for þei ſchulen falle doun
xv And þou ſchalt be ſchenſchipe `and blasfemye, bi ſwerd, hungur, and peſtilence. He þat is fer, ſhal die
enſaumple and wondryng, among heþene men þat ben bi peſtilence.
in þi cumpas, whanne Y ſchal make domes in þee, in xii Forſoþe he þat is niȝ, ſhal falle bi ſwerd. And he þat is
ſtrong veniaunce, and indignacioun, and in blamyngis laft and biſegid, ſhal die bi hungur. And Y ſchal fille
of ire. myn indignacioun in hem.
xvi Y þe Lord haue ſpoke, whanne Y ſchal ſende in to xiii And ȝe ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord, whanne
hem þe worſte arowis of hungur, þat ſchulen bere deþ; ȝoure ſlayn men ſchulen be in þe myddis of ȝoure idols,
and whiche Y ſchal ſende, þat Y leeſe ȝou. And Y ſchal in þe cumpas of ȝoure auteris, in eche hiȝ litil hil, and in
gadere hungur on ȝou, and Y ſchal al to-breke in ȝou þe alle þe hiȝneſſis of mounteyns, and vndur ech tree ful of
ſadneſſe of breed. wode, and vndur ech ook ful of boowis, þat is, a place
xvii And Y ſchal ſende in to ȝou hungur, and worſte where þei brenten encenſe ſwete ſmellynge to alle her
beeſtis, til to þe deþ; and peſtilence and blood ſchulen idols.
paſſe bi þee, and Y ſchal bringe in ſwerd on þee; Y þe xiiii And Y ſchal ſtretche forþ myn hond on hem, and Y
Lord ſpak. ſchal make her lond deſolat and deſtitute, fro deſert
Deblata, in alle þe dwellyngis of hem; and þei ſchulen
CAP. VI wite, þat Y am þe Lord.
i And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me,
ii and he ſeide, Þou, ſone of man, ſette þi face to þe hillis CAP. VII
i And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me,
of Iſrael; and þou ſchalt profeſie to þo hillis, and ſchalt
ſeie, ii `and he ſeide, And þou, ſone of man, þe Lord God of
iii Hillis of Iſrael, here ȝe þe word of þe Lord God. Þe þe lond of Iſrael ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þe ende comeþ, þe
Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis to mounteyns, and litil hillis, ende comeþ, on foure cooſtis of þe lond.
to roochis of ſtoon, and to valeis, Lo! Y ſchal bringe in iii Now an ende is on þee, and Y ſhal ſende in my ſtrong
on ȝou a ſwerd, and Y ſchal leeſe ȝoure hiȝe þingis. veniaunce on þee, and Y ſchal deme þee bi þi weies,
iiii And Y ſchal diſtrie ȝoure auteris, and ȝoure and Y ſchal ſette alle þin abhomynaciouns aȝens þee.
ſymylacris ſchulen be brokun; and Y ſchal caſte doun iiii And myn iȝe ſhal not ſpare on þee, and Y ſchal not do
ȝoure ſlayn men bifore ȝoure idols. mercy. But Y ſhal ſette þi weies on þee, and þin
v And Y ſchal ȝyue þe deed bodies of þe ſones of Iſrael abhomynaciouns ſchulen be in þe myddis of þee; and ȝe
bifor þe face of ȝoure ſymylacris, and Y ſchal ſcatere ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord.
ȝoure boonys v Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, O turment, lo!

vi turment comeþ; þe ende comeþ, þe ende comeþ; it xxi And Y ſchal ȝyue it in to þe hondis of aliens, to
ſchal wake fulli aȝens þee; lo! it comeþ. rauyſche, and to þe vnpitouſe men of erþe, in to prey,
vii Sorewe comeþ on þee, þat dwelliſt in þe lond; þe and þei ſchulen defoule it.
tyme comeþ, þe dai of ſleyng is niȝ, and not of glorie of xxii And Y ſchal turne awei my face fro hem, and þei
hillis. ſchulen defoule my priuyte; and harlotis ſchulen entre in
viii Now anoon Y ſchal ſchede out myn ire on þee, and Y to it, and ſchulen defoule it.
ſchal fille my ſtrong veniaunce in þee; and Y ſchal deme xxiii Make þou a cloſyng to gidere; for þe lond is ful of
þee bi þi weies, and Y ſchal putte to þee alle þi grete doom of bloodis, and þe citee is ful of wickidneſſe.
treſpaſſis. xxiiii And Y ſchal brynge þe worſte of heþene men, and
ix And myn iȝe ſchal not ſpare, neþer Y ſchal do merci; þei ſchulen haue in poſſeſſioun þe houſis of hem; and Y
but Y ſchal putte on þee þi weies, and þin ſchal make þe pride of miȝti men to ceeſſe, and enemyes
abhomynaciouns ſchulen be in þe myddis of þee; and ȝe ſchulen haue in poſſeſſioun þe ſeyntuaries of hem.
ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord ſmytynge. xxv In anguyſch comynge aboue þei ſchulen ſeke pees,
x Lo! þe dai, lo! it comeþ; ſorewe is gon out. A ȝerde and it ſchal not be.
flouride, xxvi Diſturblyng ſchal come on diſturblyng, and heryng
xi pride buriownede, wickidneſſe roos in þe ȝerde of on heryng; and þei ſchulen ſeke of þe profete a
vnpitee; not of hem, and not of þe puple, neþer of þe reuelacioun, and lawe ſhal periſche fro þe preeſt, and
ſown of hem, and no reſte ſhal be in hem. counſel fro eldre men.
xii Þe tyme comeþ, þe dai neiȝede; he þat bieþ, be not xxvii Þe kyng ſchal mourne, and þe prince ſchal be
glad, and he þat ſilliþ, mourne not; for whi ire is on al cloþid in weilyng, and þe hondis of þe puple of þe lond
þe puple þerof. ſchulen be diſturblid; bi þe weie of hem Y ſchal do to
xiii For he þat ſilliþ, ſchal not turne aȝen to þat þat he hem, and bi þe domes of hem Y ſchal deme hem; and
ſeelde, and ȝit þe lijf of hem is in lyueris; for whi þe þei ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord.
reuelacioun to al þe multitude þerof ſhal not go aȝen,
and a man ſchal not be coumfortid in þe wickidneſſe of CAP. VIII
his lijf. i And it was doon in þe ſixte ȝeer, in þe ſixte moneþe, in
xiiii Synge ȝe wiþ a trumpe, alle men be maad redi, and þe fyueþe dai of þe moneþe, Y ſat in myn hous, and þe
noon is þat ſchal go to batel; for whi my wraþþe is on al elde men of Juda ſaten bifore me; and þe hond of þe
þe puple þerof. Lord God felle þere on me.
xv Swerd is wiþ out forþ, peſtilence and hungur wiþ ii And Y ſiȝ, and lo! a licneſſe as þe biholdyng of fier;

ynne; he þat is in þe feeld, ſchal die bi ſwerd; and þei fro þe biholding of hiſe leendis and byneþe was fier,
þat ben in þe citee, ſchulen be deuourid bi peſtilence and fro hiſe leendis and aboue was as þe biholdyng of
and hungur. ſchynyng, as þe ſiȝt of electre.
xvi And þei ſchulen be ſauyd þat fleen of hem; and þei iii And þe licneſſe of an hond was ſent out, and took me

ſchulen be as culueris of grete valeis in hillis, alle bi þe heer of myn heed; and þe ſpirit reiſide me bitwixe
quakynge, ech man in his wickidneſſe. heuene and erþe, and brouȝte me in to Jeruſalem, in þe
xvii Alle hondis ſchulen be aclumſid, and alle knees ſiȝt of God, biſidis þe ynnere dore þat bihelde to þe
ſchulen flowe wiþ watris. norþ, where þe idol of enuye was ſet, to ſtire
xviii And þei ſchulen girde hem wiþ heiris, and inward indignacioun.
iiii And lo! þe glorie of God of Iſrael was þere, bi ſiȝt
drede ſchal hile hem; and ſchenſchipe ſchal be in ech
face, and ballidneſſe ſchal be in alle þe heedis of hem. which Y ſiȝ in þe feeld.
xix Þe ſiluer of hem ſchal be caſt out, and þe gold of hem v And he ſeide to me, Þou, ſone of man, reiſe þin iȝen to

ſchal be in to a dunghil; þe ſiluer of hem and þe gold of þe weie of þe norþ; and Y reiſide myn iȝen to þe weie of
hem ſchal not mowe delyuere hem in þe dai of þe ſtrong þe norþ, and lo! fro þe norþ of þe ȝate of þe auter þe
veniaunce of þe Lord. Þei ſchulen not fille her ſoule, idol of enuye was in þat entryng.
vi And he ſeide to me, Sone of man, geſſiſt þou wheþer
and þe wombis of hem ſchulen not be fillid; for it is
maad þe ſclaundre of hir wickidneſſe. þou ſeeſt what þing þeſe men doon, þe grete
xx And þei ſetteden þe ournement of her brochis in to abhomynaciouns whiche þe hous of Iſrael doiþ here, þat
pride; and þei maden of it þe ymagis of her Y go fer awei fro my ſeyntuarie? and ȝit þou ſchalt
abhomynaciouns and ſimylacris. For þis þing Y ȝaf it to turne, and ſchalt ſe grettere abhomynaciouns.
vii And he ledde me wiþ ynne to þe dore of þe halle; and
hem, in to vnclenneſſe.
Y ſiȝ, and lo! oon hoole in þe wal.
viii And he ſeide to me, Sone of man, digge þou þe wal;
and whanne Y hadde diggid þe wal, o dore apperide.

ix And he ſeide to me, Entre þou, and ſe þe worſte lynun cloþis, and hadde a pennere of a writere in hiſe
abhomynaciouns, whiche þeſe men doon here. leendis.
x And Y entride, and ſiȝ; and lo! ech licneſſe of iiii And þe Lord ſeide to hym, Paſſe þou bi þe myddis of

`crepynge beeſtis, and abhomynacioun of beeſtis, and þe citee, in þe myddis of Jeruſalem, and marke þou
alle idols of þe hous of Iſrael, weren peyntid in þe wal Thau on þe forhedis of men weilynge and ſorewynge on
al aboute in cumpas. alle abhomynaciouns þat ben doon in þe myddis þerof.
xi And ſeuenti men of þe eldere of þe hous of Iſrael v And he ſeide to hem in myn heryng, Go ȝe þorouȝ þe

ſtoden; and Jeconye, þe ſone of Saphan, ſtood in þe citee, and ſue ȝe hym, and ſmytte ȝe; ȝoure iȝe ſpare not,
myddis of hem, ſtondynge bifore þe peyntyngis; and neþer do ȝe merci.
ech man hadde a cenſere in his hond, and þe ſmoke of a vi Sle ȝe til to deþ, an eld man, a ȝong man, and a
cloude of encenſe ſtiede. virgyn, a litil child, and wymmen; but ſle ȝe not ony
xii And he ſeide to me, Certis, ſone of man, þou ſeeſt man, on whom ȝe ſeen Thau; and bigynne ȝe at my
what þingis þe eldere men of þe hous of Iſrael doen in ſeyntuarie. Þerfore þei bigunnen at þe eldere men, þat
derkneſſis, ech man in þe hid place of his bed; for þei weren bifore þe face of þe hous.
ſeiyn, Þe Lord ſeeþ not vs, þe Lord haþ forſake þe lond. vii And he ſeide to hem, Defoule ȝe þe hous, and fille ȝe
xiii And þe Lord ſeide to me, Ȝit þou ſchalt turne, and þe hallis wiþ ſlayn men; go ȝe out. And þei ȝeden out,
ſchalt ſe gretter abhomynaciouns, whiche þeſe men and killiden hem þat weren in þe citee.
doon. viii And lo! whanne þe ſleyng was fillid, Y was left. And
xiiii And he ledde me wiþ ynne, bi þe dore of þe ȝate of Y felle doun on my face, and Y criede, and ſeide, Alas!
þe hous of þe Lord, which dore bihelde to þe norþ; and alas! alas! Lord God, þerfor wheþer þou ſchalt leeſe alle
lo! wymmen ſaten þere, biweilynge Adonydes. remenauntis of Iſrael, and ſchalt ſchede out þi ſtronge
xv And þe Lord ſeide to me, Certis, ſone of man, þou veniaunce on Jeruſalem?
ix And he ſeide to me, Þe wickidneſſe of þe hous of
haſt ſeyn; ȝit þou ſchalt turne, and ſchalt ſe gretere
abhomynaciouns þan þeſe. Iſrael and of Juda is ful greet, and þe lond is fillid of
xvi And he ledde me wiþ ynne, in to þe ynnere halle of bloodis, and þe citee is fillid wiþ turnyng awei; for þei
þe hous of þe Lord; and lo! in þe dore of þe temple of ſeiden, Þe Lord haþ forſake þe lond, and þe Lord ſeeþ
þe Lord, bitwixe þe porche and þe auter, weren as fyue not.
x Þerfor and myn iȝe ſchal not ſpare, neþer Y ſchal do
and twenti men hauynge þe backis aȝens þe temple of
þe Lord, and her faces to þe eeſt; and þei worſchipiden merci; Y ſchal ȝelde þe weie of hem on þe heed of hem.
at þe riſyng of þe ſunne. xi And lo! þe man þat was cloþid in lynun cloþis, þat
xvii And þe Lord ſeide to me, Certis, ſone of man, þou hadde a pennere in his bak, anſweride a word, and ſeide,
haſt ſeyn; wheþer þis is a lyȝt þing to þe hous of Juda, Y haue do, as þou comaundidiſt to me.
þat þei ſchulden do þeſe abhomynaciouns, whiche þei
diden here? For þei filliden þe lond wiþ wickidneſſe, CAP. X
and turneden to terre me to wraþþe; and lo! þei applien i And Y ſiȝ, and lo! in þe firmament þat was on þe heed
a braunche to her noſe þirlis. of cherubyns, as a ſaphir ſtoon, and as þe fourme of
xviii Þerfor and Y ſchal do in ſtrong veniaunce; myn iȝe licneſſe of a kyngis ſeete apperide þeron.
ſchal not ſpare, neþer Y ſchal do merci; and whanne þei ii And he ſeide to þe man þat was cloþid in lynnun
ſchulen crie to myn eris wiþ greet vois, Y ſchal not here cloþis, and ſpak, Entre þou in þe myddis of wheelis, þat
hem. ben vndur cherubyns, and fille þin hond wiþ coolis of
fier, þat ben bitwixe cherubyns, and ſchede þou out on
CAP. IX þe citee.
i And he criede in myn eeris wiþ greet vois, and ſeide, iii And he entride in my ſiȝt; forſoþe cherubyns ſtoden at
Þe viſityngis of þe citee han neiȝed, and ech man haþ in þe riȝt ſide of þe hous, whanne þe man entride, and a
his hond an inſtrument of ſleyng. clowde fillide þe ynnere halle.
ii And lo! ſixe men camen fro þe weie of þe hiȝere ȝate, iiii And þe glorie of þe Lord was reiſid fro aboue
þat biholdiþ to þe norþ, and þe inſtrument of deþ of ech cherubyns to þe þreisfold of þe hous; and þe hous was
man was in his hond; alſo o man in þe myddis of hem fillid wiþ a cloude, and þe halle was fillid wiþ ſchynyng
was cloþid wiþ lynnun cloþis, and a pennere of a of þe glorie of þe Lord.
writere at hiſe reynes; and þei entriden, and ſtoden v And þe ſown of wyngis of cherubyns was herd til to
biſidis þe braſun auter. þe outermere halle, as þe vois of almyȝti God ſpekynge.
iii And þe glorie of þe Lord of Iſrael was takun vp fro vi And whanne he hadde comaundid to þe man þat was
cherub, which glorie was on it, to þe þreisfold of þe cloþid in lynnun cloþis, and hadde ſeid, Take þou fier
hous; and þe Lord clepide þe man þat was cloþid wiþ

fro þe myddis of þe wheelis, þat ben bitwixe cherubyns, and þe biholdyng of þo, and þe ferſneſſe of ech, was to
he entride, and ſtood biſidis þe wheel. entre bifor his face.
vii And cherub ſtretchide forþ his hond fro þe myddis of
cherubyns, to þe fier þat was bitwixe cherubyns; and CAP. XI
took, and ȝaf in to þe hondis of hym þat was cloþid in i And þe ſpirit reiſide me, and ledde me wiþ ynne to þe
lynnun cloþis; and he took, and ȝede out. eeſt ȝate of þe hous of þe Lord, þat biholdiþ þe riſyng of
viii And þe licneſſe of þe hond of a man apperide in þe ſunne. And lo! in þe entryng of þe ȝate weren fyue
cherubyns, vndur þe wyngis of þo. and twenti men; and Y ſiȝ in þe myddis of hem Jeconye,
ix And Y ſiȝ, and lo! foure wheelis weren biſidis þe ſone of Aſſur, and Pheltie, þe ſone of Banaie, princes
cherubyns; o wheel biſidis o cherub, and anoþer wheel of þe puple.
ii And he ſeide to me, Þou, ſone of man, þeſe ben þe
biſidis anoþer cherub; forſoþe þe licneſſe of wheelis was
as þe ſiȝt of þe ſtoon criſolitis. men þat þenken wickidneſſe, and treten þe worſte
x And þe biholdyng of þo was o licneſſe of foure, as if a counſel in þis citee,
iii and ſeien, Wheþer houſis weren not bildid a while
wheel be in þe myddis of a wheel.
xi And whanne þo ȝeden, þo ȝeden in to foure partis; þo ago? þis is þe cawdrun, forſoþe we ben fleiſchis.
iiii Þerfor profeſie þou of hem, profeſie þou, ſone of
turneden not aȝen goynge, but to þe place to which þat
þat was þe firſte wheel bowide to go, alſo oþere ſuyden, man.
and turneden not aȝen. v And þe Spirit of þe Lord felle in to me, and ſeide to
xii And al þe bodi of þo wheelis, and þe neckis, and me, Speke þou, Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Ȝe hous of
hondis, and wyngis of þe beeſtis, and þe cerclis, weren Iſrael ſpaken þus, and Y knewe þe þouȝtis of ȝoure
ful of iȝen, in þe cumpas of foure wheelis. herte;
xiii And he clepide þo wheelis volible, eþer able to go al vi ȝe killiden ful many men in þis citee, and ȝe filliden

aboute, in myn heryng. þe weies þerof wiþ ſlayn men.

xiiii Forſoþe o beeſte hadde foure faces; o face was þe vii Þerfor þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Ȝoure ſlayn men,

face of cherub, and þe ſecounde face þe face of a man, whiche ȝe puttiden in þe myddis þerof, þeſe ben
and in þe þridde was þe face of a lioun, and in þe fourþe fleiſchis, and þis is þe cawdrun; and Y ſchal lede ȝou
was þe face of an egle; out of þe myddis þerof.
xv and þe cherubyns weren reiſid. Þilke is þe beeſte, viii Ȝe dredden ſwerd, and Y ſchal brynge in ſwerd on

which Y hadde ſeyn biſidis þe flood Chobar. ȝou, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
xvi And whanne cherubyns ȝeden, alſo þe wheelis biſidis ix And Y ſchal caſte ȝou out of þe myddis þerof, and Y

þo ȝeden to gidere; whanne cherubyns reiſiden her ſchal ȝyue ȝou in to þe hond of enemyes, and Y ſchal
wyngis, þat þo ſchulden be enhaunſid fro þe erþe, þe make domes in ȝou.
wheelis abididen not ſtille, but alſo þo weren biſidis x Bi ſwerd ȝe ſchulen falle doun, Y ſchal deme ȝou in þe
cherubyns. endis of Iſrael; and ȝe ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord.
xvii Þe wheelis ſtooden wiþ þo cherubyns ſtondynge, xi Þis ſchal not be to ȝou in to a cawdrun, and ȝe ſchulen
and weren reiſid wiþ þe cherubyns reiſid; for þe ſpirit of not be in to fleiſchis in þe myddis þerof; Y ſchal deme
lijf was in þo wheelis. ȝou in þe endis of Iſrael,
xviii And þe glorie of þe Lord ȝede out fro þe þreisfold xii and ȝe ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord. For ȝe ȝeden
of þe temple, and ſtood on þe cherubyns. not in myn heeſtis, and ȝe dyden not my domes, but ȝe
xix And cherubyns reiſiden her wyngis, and weren wrouȝten bi þe domes of heþene men, þat ben in ȝoure
enhaunſid fro þe erþe bifore me; and whanne þo ȝeden cumpas.
out, alſo þe wheelis ſueden; and it ſtood in þe entryng of xiii And it was doon, whanne Y profeſiede, Pheltie, þe
þe eeſt ȝate of þe hous of þe Lord, and þe glorie of God ſone of Banaie, was deed; and Y felle doun on my face,
of Iſrael was on þo. and Y criede wiþ greet vois, and ſeide, Alas! alas! alas!
xx Þilke is þe beeſte, which Y ſiȝ vndur God of Iſrael, Lord God, þou makiſt endyng of þe remenauntis of
biſidis þe flood Chobar. And Y vndurſtood þat foure Iſrael.
cherubyns weren; xiiii And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me,
xxi foure faces weren to oon, and foure wyngys weren xv and he ſeide, Sone of man, þi briþeren, þi kynes men,
to oon; and þe licneſſe of þe hond of a man was vndur and al þe hous of Iſrael, and alle men, to whiche þe
þe wyngis of þo. dwelleris of Jeruſalem ſeiden, Go ȝe awei fer fro þe
xxii And þe licneſſe of þe cheris of þo weren þilke Lord, þe lond is ȝouun to vs in to poſſeſſioun.
cheeris whiche Y hadde ſeyn biſidis þe flood Chobar; xvi Þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For Y made
hem fer among heþene men, and for Y ſcateride hem in

londis, Y ſchal be to hem in to a litil halewyng, in þe veſſels, as þe veſſels of a man paſſynge ouer bi dai, and
londis to whiche þei camen. in þe euentid Y diggide a wal to me wiþ hond; Y ȝede
xvii Þerfor ſpeke þou, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Y out in derkneſſe, and Y was borun on ſchuldris,
ſchal gadere ȝou fro puplis, and Y ſchal gadere ȝou viii in þe ſiȝt of hem. And þe word of þe Lord was maad
togidere fro londis, in whiche ȝe ben ſcatered; and Y eerli to me,
ſchal ȝyue þe erþe of Iſrael to ȝou. ix and he ſeide, Sone of man, wheþer þe hous of Iſrael,
xviii And þei ſchulen entre þidur, and ſchulen do awei þe hous terrynge to wraþþe, ſeiden not to þee, What
alle offenciouns, and alle abhomynaciouns þerof in þat doiſt þou?
dai. x Seie þou to hem, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þis
xix And Y ſchal ȝyue to hem oon herte, and Y ſchal ȝyue birþun is on þe duyk, which is in Jeruſalem, and on al
a newe ſpirit in þe entrails of hem; and Y ſchal take þe hous of Iſrael, which is in þe myddis of hem.
awei a ſtony herte fro þe fleiſch of hem, and Y ſchal xi Seie þou, Y am ȝoure ſigne of þing to comynge; as Y
ȝyue to hem an herte of fleiſch; dide, ſo it ſchal be don to hem; þei ſchulen go in to
xx þat þei go in my comaundementis, and kepe my paſſynge ouer, and in to caitifte.
domes, and do þo; and þat þei be in to a puple to me, xii And þe duyk which is in þe myddis of hem, ſchal be
and Y be in to God to hem. borun out on ſchuldris, and he ſchal go out in derkneſſe;
xxi But of whiche þe herte goiþ after her offendyngis þei ſchulen digge þe wal, and lede hym out; his face
and abhomynaciouns, Y ſchal ſette þe weie of hem in ſchal be hilid, þat he ſe not wiþ iȝe þe erþe.
her heed, ſeiþ þe Lord God. xiii And Y ſchal ſtretche forþ my net on hym, and he
xxii And þe cherubyns reiſiden her wyngis, and þe ſchal be takun in my net; and Y ſchal lede hym in to
wheelis ȝeden wiþ þo, and þe glorie of God of Iſrael Babiloyne, in to þe lond of Caldeis, and he ſchal not ſe
was on þo. þat lond, and he ſchal die þere.
xxiii And þe glorie of þe Lord ſtiede fro þe myddis of þe xiiii And Y ſchal ſcatere in to ech wynd alle men þat ben
citee, and ſtood on þe hil, which is at þe eeſt of þe citee. aboute hym, his help, and hiſe cumpenyes; and Y ſchal
xxiiii And þe ſpirit reiſide me, and brouȝte me in to draw out þe ſwerd aftir hem.
Caldee, to þe paſſyng ouer, in viſioun bi þe ſpirit of xv And þei ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord, whanne Y
God; and þe viſioun which Y hadde ſeyn, was takun ſchal ſcatere hem among heþene men, and ſchal ſowe
awei fro me. hem abrood in londis.
xxv And Y ſpak to þe paſſyng ouer alle þe wordis of þe xvi And Y ſchal leue of hem a fewe men fro ſwerd, and
Lord, whiche he hadde ſchewid to me. hungur, and peſtilence, þat þei telle out alle þe grete
treſpaſſis of hem among heþene men, to which þei
CAP. XII ſchulen entre; and þei ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord.
i And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me, xvii And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me,
ii and he ſeide, Sone of man, þou dwelliſt in þe myddis xviii and he ſeide, Þou, ſone of man, ete þi breed in
of an hous terrynge to wraþþe, which han iȝen to ſe, and diſturblyng, but alſo drynke þi water in haaſte and
ſeen not, and eeris to here, and heren not; for it is an mourening.
hous terrynge to wraþþe. xix And þou ſchalt ſeie to þe puple of þe lond, Þe Lord
iii Þerfor þou, ſone of man, make to þee veſſels of God ſeiþ þeſe þingis to hem þat dwellen in Jeruſalem, in
paſſing ouer, and þou ſchalt paſſe ouer bi dai bifor hem; þe lond of Iſrael, Þei ſchulen ete her breed in angwiſch,
forſoþe þou ſchalt paſſe ouer fro þi place to anoþer and þei ſchulen drynke her watir in deſolacioun; þat þe
place, in þe ſiȝt of hem, if perauenture þei biholden, for lond be deſolat of his multitude, for þe wickidneſſe of
it is an hous terrynge to wraþþe. alle men þat dwellen þer ynne.
iiii And þou ſchalt bere wiþoutforþ þi veſſels, as þe xx And citees þat ben now enhabitid, ſhulen be deſolat,
veſſels of a man paſſynge ouer bi dai, in þe ſiȝt of hem; and þe lond ſchal be forſakun; and ȝe ſchulen wite, þat
ſoþeli þou ſchalt go out in þe euentid bifore hem, as a Y am þe Lord.
man paſſynge forþ goiþ out. xxi And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me,
v Bifore þe iȝen of hem digge þe wal to þee, and þou xxii and he ſeide, Sone of man, what is þis prouerbe to
vi ſchalt go out þorouȝ it in þe ſiȝt of hem. Þou ſchalt be ȝou, of men ſeiynge in þe lond of Iſrael, Daies ſchulen
borun on ſchuldris, þou ſchalt be borun out in derkneſſe; be differrid in to long tyme, and ech viſioun ſhal
þou ſchalt hile þi face, and þou ſchalt not ſe þe erþe, for periſche?
Y haue ȝoue þee a ſigne xxiii Þerfor ſeie þou to hem, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe
vii of þing to comynge to þe hous of Iſrael. Þerfor Y þingis, Y ſchal make þis prouerbe to ceeſſe, and it ſchal
dide as þe Lord comaundide to me; Y brouȝte forþ my

no more be ſeid comynli in Iſrael; and ſpeke þou to xii For lo! þe wal felle doun. Wheþer it ſchal not be ſeid
hem, þat þe daies han neiȝid, and ech word of profeſie. to ȝou, Where is þe pargetyng, which ȝe pargetiden?
xxiiii For whi ech viſioun ſchal no more be voide, neþer xiii Þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, And Y ſchal
bifor tellyng of þing to comynge ſchal be douteful in þe make þe ſpirit of tempeſtis to breke out in myn
myddis of þe ſones of Iſrael; indignacioun, and ſtrong reyn flowynge in my ſtrong
xxv for Y þe Lord ſchal ſpeke what euer word Y ſchal veniaunce ſchal be, and greet ſtoonys in wraþþe in to
ſpeke, and it ſchal be don; it ſchal no more be delaied, waſtyng.
but in ȝoure daies, ȝe hous terrynge to wraþþe, Y ſchal xiiii And Y ſchal diſtrie þe wal, which ȝe pargetiden wiþ
ſpeke a word, and Y ſchal do þat word, ſeiþ þe Lord out temperure, and Y ſchal make it euene wiþ þe erþe;
God. and þe foundement þerof ſchal be ſchewid, and it ſchal
xxvi And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me, and he falle doun, and it ſchal be waſtid in þe myddis þerof;
ſeide, Þou, and ȝe ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord.
xxvii ſone of man, lo! þe hous of Iſrael, of hem þat ſeien, xv And Y ſchal fille myn indignacioun in þe wal, and in
Þe viſioun which þis man ſeeþ, is in to manye daies, and hem þat pargeten it wiþ out temperure; and Y ſchal ſeie
þis man profeſieþ in to longe tymes. to ȝou, Þe wal is not, and þei ben not,
xxviii Þerfor ſeie þou to hem, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe xvi þat pargeten it, þe profetis of Iſrael, þat profeſien to
þingis, Ech word of me ſchal no more be deferrid; þe Jeruſalem, and ſeen to it þe viſioun of pees, and pees is
word which Y ſchal ſpeke, ſchal be fillid, ſeiþ þe Lord not, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
God. xvii And þou, ſone of man, ſette þi face aȝens þe douȝtris
of þi puple, þat profeſien of her herte; and profeſie þou
CAP. XIII on hem,
i And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me, xviii and ſeie þou, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Wo to
ii and he ſeide, Sone of man, profeſie þou to þe profetis hem þat ſowen togidere cuſchens vndur ech cubit of
of Iſrael þat profeſien; and þou ſchalt ſeie to hem þat hond, and maken pilewis vndur þe heed of ech age, to
profeſien of her herte, take ſoulis; and whanne þei diſſeyueden þe ſoulis of my
iii Here ȝe þe word of þe Lord. Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe puple, þei quykenyden þe ſoulis of hem.
þingis, Wo to þe vnwiſe profetis, þat ſuen her ſpirit, and xix And þei defouliden me to my puple, for an handful
ſeen no þing; of barli, and for a gobet of breed, þat þei ſchulden ſle
iiii Iſrael, þi profetis weren as foxis in deſert. ſoulis þat dien not, and quykene ſoulis þat lyuen not;
v Ȝe ſtieden not euene aȝens, neþer aȝenſettiden a wal and þei lieden to my puple, bileuynge to leeſyngis.
xx For þis þing þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y to
for þe hous of Iſrael, þat ȝe ſhulden ſtonde in batel in þe
dai of þe Lord. ȝoure cuſchens, bi whiche ȝe diſſeyuen ſoulis fliynge;
vi Þei ſeen veyn þingis, and deuynen a leeſyng, and and Y ſchal al to-breke þo fro ȝoure armes, and Y ſchal
ſeien, Þe Lord ſeiþ, whanne þe Lord ſente not hem; and delyuere ſoulis which ȝe diſſeyuen, ſoulis to fle.
xxi And Y ſchal al to-breke ȝoure pilewis, and Y ſchal
þei contynueden to conferme þe word.
vii Wheþer ȝe ſeen not a veyn viſioun, and ſpaken fals delyuere my puple fro ȝoure hond; and þei ſchulen no
diuynyng, and ſeiden, Þe Lord ſeiþ, whanne Y ſpak not? more be in ȝoure hondis, to be robbid; and ȝe ſchulen
viii Þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For ȝe ſpaken wite, þat Y am þe Lord.
xxii For þat þat ȝe maden falſli þe herte of a iuſt man to
veyn þingis, and ſien a leeſyng, þerfor lo! Y to ȝou, ſeiþ
þe Lord God. morene, whom Y made not ſori; and ȝe coumfortiden þe
ix And myn hond ſchal be on þe profetis þat ſeen veyn hondis of a wickid man, þat he ſchulde not turne aȝen
fro his yuel weie, and lyue.
þingis, and dyuynen a leeſyng; þei ſchulen not be in þe xxiii Þerfor ȝe ſchulen not ſe veyn þingis, and ȝe ſchulen
councel of my puple, and þei ſchulen not be writun in
þe ſcripture of þe hous of Iſrael, neþer þei ſchulen entre no more dyuyne falſe dyuynyngis; and Y ſchal delyuere
in to þe lond of Iſrael; and ȝe ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe my puple fro ȝoure hond, and ȝe ſchulen wite, þat Y am
Lord God. þe Lord.
x For þei diſſeyueden my puple, and ſeiden, Pees, pees, i And men of þe eldris of Iſrael camen to me, and ſaten

and no pees is; and it bildide a wal, but þei pargitiden it bifor me.
ii And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me, and he
wiþ fen wiþ out chaffis.
xi Seie þou to hem þat pargiten wiþ out temperure, þat it ſeide, Sone of man,
iii þeſe men han ſet her vnclenneſſes in her hertis, and
ſchal falle doun; for a ſtrong reyn ſchal be flowynge,
and I ſhal ȝyue ful grete ſtoones fallinge fro aboue, and han ſet ſtidfaſtli þe ſclaundre of her wickidneſſe aȝens
Y ſchal ȝyue a wynd of tempeſt þat diſtrieþ. her face. Wheþer Y `þat am axid, ſchal anſwere to hem?

iiii For þis þing ſpeke þou to hem, and þou ſchalt ſeie to xviii and þeſe þre men ben in þe myddis þerof, Y lyue,
hem, Þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, A man, a man of þe ſeiþ þe Lord God, þat þei ſchulen not delyuere ſones
hous of Iſrael, þat ſettiþ hiſe vnclenneſſis in his herte, neþer douȝtris, but þei aloone ſchulen be delyuered.
and ſettiþ ſtidfaſtli þe ſclaundre of his wickidneſſe aȝens xix Forſoþe if Y brynge in alſo peſtilence on þat lond,
his face, and comeþ to þe profete, and axiþ me bi hym, and Y ſchede out myn indignacioun on it in blood, þat Y
Y þe Lord ſchal anſwere to hym in þe multitude of hiſe do awei fro it man and beeſte,
vnclenneſſis; xx and Noe, and Danyel, and Joob, ben in þe myddis
v þat þe hous of Iſrael be takun in her herte, bi which
þerof, Y lyue, ſeiþ þe Lord God, for þei ſchulen not
þei ȝeden awei fro me in alle her idols. delyuere a ſone and a douȝter, but þei bi her riȝtfulneſſe
vi Þerfor ſeie þou to þe hous of Iſrael, Þe Lord God ſeiþ ſchulen delyuere her ſoulis.
þeſe þingis, Be ȝe conuertid, and go ȝe awei fro ȝoure xxi For þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þat þouȝ Y ſende
idols, and turne awei ȝoure faces fro alle ȝoure filþis. in my foure worſte domes, ſwerd, and hungur, and yuele
vii For whi a man, a man of þe hous of Iſrael, and of beeſtis, and peſtilence, in to Jeruſalem, þat Y ſle of it
conuerſis, who euer is a comelyng in Iſrael, if he is man and beeſte,
alienyd fro me, and ſettiþ hiſe idols in his herte, and xxii neþeles ſaluacioun of hem þat leden out ſones and
ſettiþ ſtidfaſtli þe ſclaundir of his wickidneſſe aȝens his douȝtris, ſchal be left þer ynne. Lo! þei ſchulen go out
face, and he comeþ to þe profete, to axe me bi hym, Y to ȝou, and ȝe ſchulen ſe þe weie of hem, and þe
þe Lord ſchal anſwere hym bi my ſilf. fyndyngis of hem; and ȝe ſchulen be coumfortid on þe
viii And Y ſchal ſette my face on þat man, and Y ſchal yuel, which Y brouȝte in on Jeruſalem, in alle þingis
make hym in to enſaumple, and in to a prouerbe, and Y whiche Y bar in on it.
ſchal leeſe hym fro þe myddis of my puple; and ȝe xxiii And þei ſchulen coumforte ȝou, whanne ȝe ſchulen
ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord. ſe þe weie of hem and þe fyndyngis of hem; and ȝe
ix And whanne a profete erriþ, and ſpekiþ a word, Y þe ſchulen knowe, þat not in veyn Y dide alle þingis, what
Lord ſchal diſſeyue þat profete; and Y ſchal ſtretche forþ euer þingis Y dide þere ynne, ſeiþ þe Lord almyȝti.
myn hond on hym, and Y ſchal do hym awei fro þe
myddis of my puple Iſrael. CAP. XV
x And þei ſchulen bere her wickidneſſe; bi þe i And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me,
wickidneſſe of þe axere, ſo þe wickidneſſe of þe profete ii and he ſeide, Sone of man, what ſchal be don to þe tre
ſchal be; of a vyne, of alle þe trees of woodis, þat ben among þe
xi þat þe hous of Iſrael erre no more fro me, neþer be trees of woodis?
defoulid in alle her treſpaſſyngis; but þat it be in to a iii Wheþer tymbre ſchal be takun þerof, þat werk be
puple to me, and Y be in to a God to hem, ſeiþ þe Lord maad? eþer ſhal a ſtake be maad þerof, þat ony veſſel
of ooſtis. hange þer onne?
xii And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me, and he iiii Lo! it is ȝouun in to mete; fier waſtide euer eiþir part
ſeide, þerof, and þe myddis þerof is dryuun in to deed ſparcle;
xiii Sone of man, whanne þe lond ſynneþ aȝens me, þat wheþer it ſchal be profitable to werk?
it treſpaſſynge do treſpas, Y ſchal ſtretche forþ myn v Ȝhe, whanne it was hool, it was not couenable to
hond on it, and Y ſchal al to-breke þe ȝerde of breed werk; hou myche more whanne fier haþ deuourid, and
þerof; and Y ſchal ſende hungur in to it, and Y ſchal ſle haþ brent it, no þing of werk ſchal be maad þerof?
of it man and beeſte. vi Þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þes þingis, As þe tre of a
xiiii And if þeſe þre men Noe, Danyel, and Job, ben in
vyne is among þe trees of woodis, which Y ȝaf to fier to
þe myddis þerof, þei bi her riȝtfulneſſe ſchulen delyuere deuoure, ſo Y ȝaf þe dwelleris of Jeruſalem,
her ſoulis, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis. vii and Y ſchal ſette my face aȝens hem. Þei ſchulen go
xv Þat if alſo Y brynge in worſte beeſtis on þe lond, þat
out of þe fier, and fier ſchal waaſte hem; and ȝe ſchulen
Y diſtrie it, and if it is wiþ out weie, for þat no paſſer is wite, þat Y am þe Lord, whanne Y ſchal ſette my face
for þe beeſtis, aȝens hem,
xvi and þeſe þre men, þat `ben bifore ſeid, ben þerynne, viii and ſchal ȝyue þe lond wiþ out weie and deſolat, for
Y lyue, ſeiþ þe Lord God, for þei ſchulen neþir delyuere þei weren treſpaſſours, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
ſones, neþer douȝtris, but þei aloone ſchulen be
deliuered; forſoþe þe lond ſchal be maad deſolat. CAP. XVI
xvii Eþir if Y brynge in ſwerd on þat lond, and Y ſeie to i And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me,
þe ſwerd, Paſſe þou þorouȝ þe lond, and Y ſle of it man ii and he ſeide, Sone of man, make þou knowun to
and beeſte, Jeruſalem her abhomynaciouns; and þou ſchalt ſeie,

iii Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis. A! þou Jeruſalem, þi xviii And þou tokiſt þi cloþis of many colours, and þou
rote and þi generacioun is of þe lond of Canaan; þi fadir were cloþid in þo; and þou ſettidiſt myn oile and myn
is Amorrei, and þi moder is Cetei. encence in þe ſiȝt of þo.
iiii And whanne þou were borun, þi nawle was not kit xix And þou ſettidiſt my breed, which Y ȝaf to þee, flour
awei in þe dai of þi birþe, and þou were not waiſchun in of wheete, and oile, and hony, bi whiche Y nurſchide
watir in to helþe, neþir ſaltid wiþ ſalt, neþer wlappid in þee, in þe ſiȝt of þo, in to odour of ſwetneſſe; and it was
cloþis. don, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
v An iȝe ſparide not on þee, þat it hauynge merci on þee, xx And þou tokiſt þi ſones and þi douȝtris, whiche þou
dide to þee oon of þeſe þingis; but þou were caſt forþ on gendridiſt to me, and offridiſt to þo, for to be deuourid.
þe face of erþe, in þe caſtynge out of þi ſoule, in þe dai Wheþer þi fornicacioun is litil?
in which þou were borun. xxi Þou offridiſt my ſones, and ȝaueſt hem, and
vi Forſoþe Y paſſide bi þee, and Y ſiȝ þee defoulid in þi halewidiſt to þo.
blood; and Y ſeide to þee, whanne þou were in þi blood, xxii And aftir alle þin abhomynaciouns and
Lyue þou; ſoþeli Y ſeide to þee in þi blood, Lyue þou. fornicaciouns, þou biþouȝtiſt not on þe daies of þi ȝong
vii Y ȝaf þee multiplied as þe ſeed of a feeld, and þou wexynge age, whanne þou were nakid, and ful of
were multiplied, and maad greet; and þou entridiſt, and ſchenſchipe, and were defoulid in þi blood.
cameſt fulli to wymmens ournyng; þi tetis wexiden xxiii And after al þi malice, wo, wo bifelle to þee, ſeiþ þe
greet, and þin heer wexide; and þou were nakid, and ful Lord God.
of ſchenſchipe. xxiiii And þou bildidiſt to þee a bordel hous, and madiſt
viii And Y paſſide bi þee, and Y ſiȝ þee, and lo! þi tyme,
to þee a place of hordom in alle ſtretis.
þe tyme of louyeris; and Y ſpredde abrood my cloþing xxv At ech heed of þe weie þou bildidiſt a ſigne of þin
on þee, and Y hilide þi ſchenſchipe. And Y ſwoor to þee, hordom, and madiſt þi fairneſſe abhomynable; and þou
and Y made a couenaunt wiþ þee, ſeiþ þe Lord God, departidiſt þi feet to ech man paſſynge forþ, and
and þou were maad a wijf to me. multepliediſt þi fornicaciouns.
ix And Y waiſchide þee in water, and Y clenſide awei þi xxvi And þou didiſt fornicacioun wiþ þe ſones of Egipt,
blood fro þee, and Y anoyntide þee wiþ oile. þi neiȝboris of grete fleiſchis, and þou multepliediſt þi
x And Y cloþide þee wiþ cloþis of dyuerſe colours, and
fornicacioun, to terre me to wraþþe.
Y ſchodde þee in iacynct, and Y girde þee wiþ biys; xxvii Lo! Y ſchal ſtretch forþ myn hond on þee, and Y
xi and Y cloþide þee wiþ ſutil þingis, and Y ournede þee
ſchal take awei þi iuſtifiyng; and Y ſchal ȝyue þee in to
wiþ ournement. þe ſoulis of hem þat haten þee, of þe douȝtris of
xii And Y ȝaf bies in þin hondis, and a wreþe aboute þi Paleſtyns, þat ben aſchamed in þi weie ful of greet
necke; and Y ȝaf a ryng on þi mouþ, and cerclis to þin treſpas.
eeris, and a coroun of fairneſſe in þin heed. xxviii And þou didiſt fornicacioun wiþ þe ſones of
xiii And þou were ourned wiþ gold and ſiluer, and þou Aſſiriens, for þou were not fillid ȝit; and after þat þou
were cloþid wiþ biys and ray cloþ wiþ rounde ymagis, didiſt fornicacioun, neþer ſo þou were fillid.
and many colours. Þou etiſt cleene flour of wheete, and xxix And þou multipliediſt þi fornycacioun in þe lond of
hony, and oile, and þou were maad fair ful greetli; and Canaan wiþ Caldeis, and neþer ſo þou were fillid.
þou encreeſſidiſt in to a rewme, xxx In what þing ſchal Y clenſe þin herte, ſeiþ þe Lord
xiiii and þi name ȝede out in to heþene men for þi
God, whanne þou doiſt alle þeſe werkis of a womman
fairneſſe; for þou were perfit in my fairneſſe which Y an hoore, and gredi axere?
hadde ſett on þee, ſeiþ þe Lord God. xxxi For þou madiſt þi bordel hous in `þe heed of ech
xv And þou haddiſt triſt in þi fairneſſe, and didiſt
weie, and þou madiſt þin hiȝ place in ech ſtreet; and þou
fornicacioun in þi name; and þou ſettidiſt forþ þi were not maad as an hoore ful of anoiyng,
fornicacioun to ech þat paſſide forþ, þat þou ſchuldiſt be xxxii encreeſſynge prijs, but as a womman auowtreſſe,
maad his. þat bryngiþ in aliens on hir hoſebonde.
xvi And þou tokiſt of my cloþis, and madiſt to þee hiȝ xxxiii Hiris ben ȝouun to alle hooris, but þou haſt ȝoue
þingis ſet aboute on ech ſide; and þou didiſt hire to alle þi louyeris; and þou ȝaueſt to hem, þat þei
fornycacioun on þo, as it was not don, neþer ſchal be ſchulden entre to þee on ech ſide, to do fornycacioun
don. wiþ þee.
xvii And þou tokiſt þe veſſels of þi fairneſſe, of my gold xxxiiii And it was don in þee aȝens þe cuſtom of
and of my ſiluer, which Y ȝaf to þee; and þou madiſt to wymmen in þi fornycaciouns, and fornicacioun ſchal
þee ymagis of men, and didiſt fornycacioun in þo. not be after þee; for in þat þat þou ȝaueſt hiris, and
tokiſt not hiris, þe contrarie was don in þee.

xxxv Þerfor, þou hoore, here þe word of þe Lord. l And þei weren enhaunſid, and diden oþer
xxxvi Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For þi riches is ſched abhominaciouns bifore me; and Y took hem awei, as
out, and þi ſchenſchipe is ſchewid in þi fornicaciouns on þou haſt ſeyn.
þi louyeris, and on þe idols of þin abhomynaciouns, in li And Samarie ſynnede not þe half of þi ſynnes, but þou
þe blood of þi ſones, whiche þou ȝaueſt to hem; lo! haſt ouercome hem in þi grete treſpaſſis; and þou haſt
xxxvii Y ſchal gadere to gidere alle þi louyeris, wiþ iuſtified þi ſiſtris in alle þin abhomynaciouns, whiche
whiche þou were meddlid, and alle men whiche þou þou wrouȝtiſt.
louediſt, wiþ alle men whiche þou hatidiſt; and Y ſchal lii Þerfor and þou bere þi ſchenſchipe, þat haſt ouercome
gadere hem on þee on ech ſide, and Y ſchal make nakid þi ſiſtris wiþ þi ſynnes, and didiſt more curſidli þan þei;
þi ſchenſchipe bifore hem, and þei ſchulen ſe al þi filþe. for þei ben iuſtified of þee. Þerfor and be þou ſchent,
xxxviii And Y ſchal deme þee bi þe domes of auoutreſſis, and bere þi ſchenſchipe, which haſt iuſtified þi ſiſtris.
and ſchedinge out blood; liii And Y ſchal conuerte and reſtore hem by þe
xxxix and Y ſchal ȝyue þee in to þe blood of ſtrong conuerſioun of Sodom wiþ hir douȝtris, and bi þe
veniaunce, and of feruour. And Y ſchal ȝyue þee in to þe conuerſioun of Samarie and of hir douȝtris; and Y ſchal
hondis of hem, and þei ſchulen deſtrie þi bordel hous, conuerte þi turnyng aȝen in þe myddis of hem,
and þei ſchulen deſtrie þe place of þin hordom; and þei liiii þat þou bere þi ſchenſchipe, and be aſchamed in alle
ſchulen make þee nakid of þi cloþis, and þei ſchulen þingis whiche þou didiſt, coumfortynge hem.
take awei þe veſſels of þi fairneſſe, and þei ſchulen lv And þi ſiſter Sodom and hir doytris ſchulen turne aȝen
forſake þee nakid, and ful of ſchenſchipe. to her eldneſſe; and Samarie and hir douȝtris ſhulen
xl And þei ſchulen bringe on þee a multitude, and þei turne aȝen to her eeldneſſe; and þou and þi douȝtris
ſchulen ſtoon þee wiþ ſtoonys, and þei ſchulen ſle þee turne aȝen to ȝoure eldneſſe.
wiþ her ſwerdis. lvi Forſoþe Sodom, þi ſiſter, was not herd in þi mouþ, in
xli And þei ſchulen brenne þin houſis wiþ fier, and þei þe dai of þi pride,
ſchulen make domes in þee, bifor þe iȝen of ful many lvii bifore þat þi malice was ſchewid, as in þis tyme, in
wymmen; and þou ſchalt ceeſe to do fornicacioun, and to ſchenſchipe of þe douȝtris of Sirie, and of alle
þou ſchalt no more ȝyue hiris. douȝtris in þi cumpas, of þe douȝtris of Paleſtyn þat ben
xlii And myn indignacioun ſchal reſte in þee, and my aboute þee bi cumpas.
feruent loue ſchal be takun awei fro þee; and Y ſchal lviii Þou haſt bore þi greet treſpas, and þi ſchenſchipe,
reſte, and Y ſchal no more be wrooþ, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
xliii for þou haddiſt not mynde on þe daies of þi ȝong lix For þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, And Y ſchal do to
wexynge age, and þou terridiſt me to ire in alle þeſe þee as þou diſpiſidiſt þe ooþ, þat þou ſchuldiſt make
þingis. Wherfor and Y ȝaf þi weies in þin heed, ſeiþ þe voide þe couenaunt;
Lord God, and Y dide not aftir þi grete treſpaſſis, in alle lx and Y ſchal haue mynde on my couenaunt wiþ þee in
þeſe þin abhomynaciouns. þe daies of þi ȝongþe, and Y ſchal reiſe to þee a
xliiii Lo! ech man þat ſeiþ a prouerbe comynli, ſchal take
couenaunt euerlaſtynge.
it in þee, lxi And þou ſchalt haue mynde on þi weies, and ſchalt
xlv and ſchal ſeie, As þe modir, ſo and þe douȝtir of hir.
be aſchamed, whanne þou ſchalt reſſeyue þi ſiſtris
Þou art þe douȝter of þi modir, þat caſtide awey hir grettere þan þou, wiþ þi leſſe ſiſtris; and Y ſchal ȝyue
hoſebonde and hir ſones; and þou art þe ſiſter of þi hem in to douȝtris to þee, but not of þi couenaunt.
ſiſtris, þat caſtiden a wei her hoſebondis and her ſones. lxii And Y ſchal reiſe my couenaunt wiþ þee, and þou
Þi modir is Cetei, and þi fadir is Ammorrei; ſchalt wite, þat Y am þe Lord, þat þou haue mynde, and
xlvi and þi gretter ſiſter is Samarie, ſche and hir douȝtris,
be aſchamed;
þat dwellen at þi left ſide; but þi ſiſtir leſſe þan þou, þat lxiii and þat it be no more to þee to opene þe mouþ for þi
dwelliþ at þi riȝt ſide, is Sodom, and hir douȝtris. ſchame, whanne Y ſchal be pleſid to þee in alle þingis
xlvii But þou ȝediſt not in þe weies of hem, neþir þou
whiche þou didiſt, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
didiſt aftir þe grete treſpaſſis of hem; haſt þou do almeſt
a litil leſſe curſidere dedis þan þei, in alle þi weies? CAP. XVII
xlviii Y lyue, ſeiþ þe Lord God, for Sodom, þi ſiſter, did i And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me,
not, ſche and hir douȝtris, as þou didiſt, and þi douȝtris. ii and he ſeide, Sone of man, ſette forþ a derk ſpeche,
xlix Lo! þis was þe wickidneſſe of Sodom, þi ſiſter,
and telle þou a parable to þe hous of Iſrael;
pride, fulneſſe of breed, and habundaunce, and idilneſſe iii and þou ſchalt ſeie, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis. A
of hir, and of hir douȝtris; and þei puttiden not hond to a greet egle of grete wyngis, wiþ long ſtretchyng out of
nedi man and pore.

membris, ful of feþeris and of dyuerſite, cam to þe xvii And not in greet ooſt, neþer in myche puple Farao
Liban, and took awei þe merowe of þe cedre. ſchal make batel aȝens hym, in þe caſtyng of erþe, and
iiii He pullide awei þe hiȝneſſe of boowis þerof, and bar in bildyng of palis, þat he ſle many perſones.
it ouer in to þe lond of Chanaan, and ſettide it in þe xviii For he diſpiſide þe ooþ, þat he ſchulde breke þe
citee of marchauntis. boond of pees, and lo! he ȝaf his hond; and whanne he
v And he took of þe ſeed of þe lond, and ſettide it in þe haþ do alle þeſe þingis, he ſchal not aſcape.
lond for ſeed, þat it ſchulde make ſtidfaſt roote on many xix Þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Y lyue, for Y
watris; he ſettide it in þe hiȝere part. ſchal ſette on his heed þe ooþ which he diſpiſide, and þe
vi And whanne it hadde growe, it encreeſſide in to a boond of pees which he brak.
largere vyner, in lowe ſtature; for þe boowis þerof xx And Y ſchal ſpredde abrood my net on hym, and he
bihelden to þat egle, and þe rootis þerof weren vndur ſchal be takun in my net, and Y ſchal brynge hym in to
þat egle; þerof it was maad a vyner, and it made fruyt in Babiloyne; and þere Y ſchal deme hym in þe
to ſiouns, and ſente out boowis. treſpaſſyng, bi which he diſpiſide me.
vii And anoþer greet egle was maad, wiþ grete wyngis, xxi And alle hiſe flieris a wei wiþ al his cumpenye
and many feþeris; and lo! þis vyner as ſendynge hiſe ſchulen falle doun bi ſwerd, forſoþe þe remenauntis
rootis to þat egle, ſtretchide forþ his ſiouns to þat egle, ſchulen be ſchaterid in to ech wynd; and ȝe ſchulen
þat he ſchulde moiſte it of þe cornfloris of his ſeed. wite, þat Y þe Lord ſpak.
viii Which is plauntid in a good lond on many watris, xxii Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, And Y ſchal take of þe
þat it make boowis, and bere fruyt, þat it be in to a greet merowe of an hiȝ cedre, and Y ſchal ſette a tendir þing
vyner. of þe cop of hiſe braunchis; Y ſchal ſtreyne, and Y ſchal
ix Seie þou, Ezechiel, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, plaunte on an hiȝ hil, and apperynge fer.
Þerfor wheþer he ſchal haue proſperite? Wheþer xxiii In þe hiȝ hil of Iſrael Y ſchal plaunte it; and it ſchal
Nabugodonoſor ſchal not pulle awei þe rootis of hym, breke out in to buriownyng, and it ſchal make fruyt, and
and ſchal ſtreyne þe fruytis of hym? And he ſchal make it ſchal be in to a greet cedre, and alle briddis ſchulen
drie alle þe ſiouns of buriowning þerof, and it ſchal be dwelle vndur it; ech volatil ſchal make neſt vndur þe
drie; and not in greet arm, neþer in myche puple, þat he ſchadewe of hiſe boowis.
ſchulde drawe it out bi þe rootis. xxiiii And alle trees of þe cuntrei ſchulen wite, þat Y am
x Lo! it is plauntid, þerfor wheþer it ſchal haue
þe Lord; Y made low þe hiȝ tre, and Y enhaunſide þe
proſperite? Wheþer not whanne brennynge wynd ſchal low tre, and Y made drie þe greene tree, and Y made þe
touche it, it ſchal be maad drye, and ſchal wexe drie in drie tree to brynge forþ boowis; Y þe Lord haue ſpoke,
þe cornfloris of his ſeed? and Y haue do.
xi And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me, and he
ſeide, Seie þou to þe hous terrynge to wraþþe, CAP. XVIII
xii Witen ȝe not what þeſe þingis ſignefien? Seie þou, i And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me,
Lo! þe king of Babiloyne comeþ in to Jeruſalem; and he ii and he ſeide, What is it, þat ȝe turnen a parable among
ſchal take þe kyng and þe princis þerof, and he ſchal ȝou in to þis prouerbe, in þe lond of Iſrael, and ſeien,
leede hem to hym ſilf in to Babiloyne. Fadris eeten a bittir grape, and þe teeþ of ſones ben an
xiii And he ſchal take of þe ſeed of þe rewme, and ſchal egge, eþer aſtonyed?
ſmyte wiþ it a boond of pees, and he ſchal take of it an iii Y lyue, ſeiþ þe Lord God, þis parable ſchal no more
ooþ; but alſo he ſchal take awei þe ſtronge men of þe be in to a prouerbe to ȝou in Iſrael.
lond, iiii Lo! alle ſoulis ben myne; as þe ſoule of þe fadir, ſo
xiiii þat it be a meke rewme, and be not reiſid, but þat it
and þe ſoule of þe ſone is myn. Þilke ſoule þat doiþ
kepe þe couenaunt of hym, and holde it. ſynne, ſchal die.
xv Which ȝede awei fro hym, and ſente meſſangeris in to v And if a man is iuſt, and doiþ doom and riȝtfulneſſe,
Egipt, þat it ſchulde ȝyue to hym horſis and miche vi etiþ not in hillis, and reiſiþ not hiſe iȝen to þe idols of
puple. Wheþer he þat dide þeſe þingis, ſchal haue þe hous of Iſrael; and defouliþ not þe wijf of his
proſperite, eþer ſchal gete helþe? and wheþer he þat neiȝbore, and neiȝeþ not to a womman defoulid wiþ
brekiþ couenaunt, ſchal aſcape? vncleene blood;
xvi Y lyue, ſeiþ þe Lord God, for in þe place of þe king vii and makiþ not a man ſori, ȝeldiþ þe wed to þe
þat made hym kyng, whos ooþ he made voide, and brak dettour, rauyſchiþ no þing bi violence, ȝyueþ his breed
þe couenaunt, which he hadde wiþ hym, in þe myddis to þe hungri, and hiliþ a nakid man wiþ a cloþ;
of Babiloyne he ſchal die.

viii leeneþ not to vſure, and takiþ not more; turneþ awei xxiiii Forſoþe if a iuſt man turneþ awey hym ſilf fro his
his hond fro wickidneſſe, and makiþ trewe dom bitwixe riȝtfulneſſe, and doiþ wickidneſſe bi alle hiſe
man and man; abhomynaciouns, which a wickid man is wont to
ix and goiþ in my comaundementis, and kepiþ my worche, wheþer he ſchal lyue? Alle hiſe riȝtfulneſſis
domes, þat he do treuþe; þis is a iuſt man, he ſchal lyue whiche he dide, ſchulen not be had in mynde; in his
in lijf, ſeiþ þe Lord God. treſpaſſyng bi which he treſpaſſide, and in his ſynne
x Þat if he gendriþ a ſone, a þeef, ſhedinge out blood, which he ſynnede, he ſchal die in þo.
xi and doiþ oon of þes þingis, and ſoþeli not doing alle xxv And ȝe ſeiden, Þe weie of þe Lord is not euene.

þeſe þingis, but etinge in hillis, and defoulynge þe wijf Þerfor, þe hous of Iſrael, here ȝe, wheþer my weie is not
of his neiȝbore; euene, and not more ȝoure weies ben ſchrewid?
xii makynge ſoreuful a nedy man and pore, rauyſchynge xxvi For whanne a riȝtful man turneþ awei hym ſilf fro

raueyns, not ȝeldinge a wed, reiſynge hiſe iȝen to idols, his riȝtfulneſſe, and doiþ wickidneſſe, he ſchal die in it,
doynge abhomynacioun; ȝiuynge to vſure, and takynge he ſchal die in þe vnriȝtwiſneſſe which he wrouȝte.
xxvii And whanne a wickid man turneþ awei him ſilf fro
xiii wheþer he ſchal lyue? he ſchal not lyue; whanne he his wickidneſſe which he wrouȝte, and doiþ dom and
haþ do alle þeſe abhomynable þingis, he ſchal die bi riȝtfulneſſe, he ſchal quykene his ſoule.
xxviii For he biholdinge and turnynge awei hym ſilf fro
deþ, his blood ſchal be in hym.
xiiii Þat if he gendriþ a ſone, which ſeeþ alle þe ſynnes of alle hiſe wickidneſſis which he wrouȝte, ſchal lyue in
his fadir, whiche he dide, and drediþ, and doiþ noon lijk lijf, and ſchal not die.
xxix And þe ſones of Iſrael ſeien, Þe weie of þe Lord is
xv etiþ not on hillis, and reiſiþ not hiſe iȝen to þe idols of not euene. Wheþer my weies ben not euene, ȝe hous of
þe hous of Iſrael; and defouliþ not þe wijf of his Iſrael, and not more ȝoure weies ben ſchrewid?
xxx Þerfor, þou hous of Iſrael, Y ſchal deme ech man bi
xvi and makiþ not ſori a man, wiþoldiþ not a wed, and hiſe weies, ſeiþ þe Lord God. Turne ȝe togidere, and do
rauyſchiþ not raueyn, ȝyueþ his breed to þe hungri, and ȝe penaunce for alle ȝoure wickidneſſis, and wickidneſſe
hiliþ þe nakid wiþ a cloþ; ſchal not be to ȝou in to falling.
xvii turneþ a wei his hond fro þe wrong of a pore man, xxxi Caſte awei fro ȝou alle ȝoure treſpaſſingis, bi whiche

takiþ not vſure and ouerhabundaunce, `þat is, no þing ȝe treſpaſſiden, and make ȝe a newe herte and a newe
more þan he lente, and doiþ my domes, and goiþ in my ſpirit to ȝou, and whi ſchulen ȝe die, þe hous of Iſrael?
xxxii For Y nyle þe deeþ of hym þat dieþ, ſeiþ þe Lord
comaundementis; þis ſone ſchal not die in þe
wickidneſſe of his fadir, but he ſchal lyue in lijf. God; turne ȝe aȝen, and lyue ȝe.
xviii For his fadir made fals caleng, and dide violence to
his broþer, and wrouȝte yuel in þe myddis of his puple, CAP. XIX
i And þou, ſone of man, take weiling on þe princes of
lo! he is deed in his wickidneſſe.
xix And ȝe ſeien, Whi beriþ not þe ſone þe wickidneſſe Iſrael;
ii and þou ſchalt ſeie, Whi þi modir, a lioneſſe, lai among
of þe fadir? Þat is to ſeie, for þe ſone wrouȝte doom and
riȝtfulneſſe, he kepte alle my comaundementis, and dide liouns? In þe myddis of litle liouns ſche nurſchide hir
þo, he ſchal lyue in lijf. whelpis,
xx Þilke ſoule þat doiþ ſynne, ſchal die; þe ſone ſchal not iii and ledde out oon of hir litle liouns; he was maad a

bere þe wickidneſſe of þe fadir, and þe fadir ſchal not lioun, and he lernyde to take prei, and to ete men.
bere þe wickedneſſe of þe ſone; þe riȝtfulneſſe of a iuſt iiii And heþene men herden of hym, and token hym not
man ſchal be on hym, and þe wickidneſſe of a wickid wiþouten her woundis; and þei brouȝten hym in
man ſchal be on hym. chaynes in to þe lond of Egipt.
xxi Forſoþe if a wickid man doiþ penaunce of alle hiſe v Which modir whanne ſche hadde ſeyn, þat ſche was
ſynnes whiche he wrouȝte, and kepiþ alle myn heeſtis, ſijk, and þe abiding of hym periſchide, took oon of her
and doiþ dom and riȝtfulneſſe, he ſchal lyue bi lijf, and litle liouns, and made hym a lioun.
ſchal not die. vi Which ȝede among liouns, and was maad a lioun;
xxii Y ſchal not haue mynde of alle his wickidneſſis vii and lernede to take prey, and to deuoure men. He
whiche he wrouȝte; he ſchal lyue in his riȝtfulneſſe lernyde to make widewis, and to brynge þe citees of
which he wrouȝte. men in to deſert; and þe lond and þe fulneſſe þerof was
xxiii Wheþer þe deþ of þe wickid man is of my wille, maad deſolat, of þe vois of his roryng.
ſeiþ þe Lord God, and not þat he be conuertid fro his
weies, and lyue?

viii And heþene men camen togidere aȝens hym on ech ix And Y ſeide, þat Y wold ſchede out myn indignacioun
ſide fro prouynces, and ſpredden on hym her net; he on hem, and fille my wraþþe in hem, in þe myddis of þe
was takun in þe woundis of þo heþene men. lond of Egipt. And Y dide for my name, þat it ſchulde
ix And þei ſenten hym in to a caue in chaines, and not be defoulid bifore heþene men, in þe myddis of
brouȝten hym to þe kyng of Babiloyne; and þei ſenten whiche þei weren, and among whiche Y apperide to
hym in to priſoun, þat his vois were no more herd on þe hem, þat Y ſchulde lede hem out of þe lond of Egipt.
hillis of Iſrael. x Þerfor Y caſtide hem out of þe lond of Egipt, and Y
x Þi modir as a vyner in þi blood was plauntid on watre; ledde hem out in to deſert;
þe fruitis þerof and þe boowis þerof encreeſſiden of xi and Y ȝaf to hem my comaundementis, and Y
many watris. ſchewide to hem my doomes, which a man ſchal do, and
xi And ſadde ȝerdis weren maad to it in to ſeptris of lyue in þo.
lordis, and þe ſtature þerof was enhaunſid among xii Ferþermore and Y ȝaf to hem my ſabatis, þat it
boowis; and it ſiȝ his hiȝneſſe in þe multitude of hiſe ſchulde be a ſygne bitwixe me and hem, and þat þei
ſiouns. ſchulden wite, þat Y am þe Lord halewynge hem.
xii And it was drawun out in wraþþe, and was caſt forþ xiii And þe hous of Iſrael terriden me to wraþþe in
in to erþe; and a brennynge wynd dryede þe fruyt þerof, deſert; þei ȝeden not in my comaundementis, and þei
and þe ȝerdis of ſtrengþe þerof welewiden, and weren caſtiden awei my domes, whiche a man þat doiþ, ſchal
maad drie, and fier eet it. lyue in þo; and þei defouliden greetli my ſabatis. Þerfor
xiii And now it is plauntid ouer in deſert, in a lond wiþ Y ſeide, þat Y wolde ſchede out my ſtrong veniaunce on
out weie, and þriſti. hem in deſert, and waſte hem;
xiiii And fier ȝede out of þe ȝerde of þe braunchis þerof, xiiii and Y dide for my name, leſt it were defoulid bifor

þat eet þe fruyt þerof. And a ſtronge ȝerde, þe ceptre of heþene men, fro whiche Y caſtide hem out in þe ſiȝt of
lordis, was not in it. It is weilyng, and it ſchal be in to þo.
weilyng. xv Þerfor Y reiſide myn hond on hem in þe deſert, þat Y
brouȝte not hem in to þe lond which Y ȝaf to hem, þe
CAP. XX lond flowynge wiþ mylk and hony, þe beſte of alle
i And it was doon in þe ſeuenþe ȝeer, in þe fyueþe londis.
moneþe, in þe tenþe dai of þe moneþe, men of þe eldris xvi For þei caſtiden awei my domes, and ȝeden not in
of Iſrael camen to axe þe Lord; and þei ſaten bifor me. my comaundementis, and þei defouliden my ſabatis; for
ii And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me, þe herte of hem ȝede after idols.
iii and he ſeide, Sone of man, ſpeke þou to þe eldere xvii And myn iȝe ſparide on hem, þat Y killide not hem,

men of Iſrael; and þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, Þe Lord God neþer Y waſtide hem in þe deſert.
ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Wheþer ȝe camen to axe me? Y lyue, xviii Forſoþe Y ſeide to þe ſones of hem in wildirneſſe,
for Y ſchal not anſwere to ȝou, ſeiþ þe Lord God. Sone Nyle ȝe go in þe comaundementis of ȝoure fadris, neþer
of man, kepe ȝe þe domes of hem, neþir be ȝe defoulid in þe
iiii if þou demeſt hem, if þou demeſt, ſchewe þou to hem idols of hem.
þe abhomynaciouns of her fadris. xix Y am ȝoure Lord God, go ȝe in my comaundementis,
v And þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe and kepe ȝe my domes, and do ȝe þo.
þingis, In þe dai in which Y chees Iſrael, and reiſide xx And halowe ȝe my ſabatis, þat it be a ſigne bitwixe
myn hond for þe generacioun of þe hous of Jacob, and me and ȝou, and þat it be knowun, þat Y am ȝoure Lord
Y apperide to hem in þe lond of Egipt, and Y reiſide God.
myn hond for hem, and Y ſeide, Y am ȝoure Lord God, xxi And þe ſones terriden me to wraþþe, and ȝeden not
vi in þat dai Y reiſide myn hond for hem, þat Y ſchulde in my comaundementis, and kepten not my domes, þat
leede hem out of þe lond of Egipt, in to þe lond which þei diden þo, whiche whanne a man haþ do, he ſchal
Y hadde purueiede to hem, þe lond flowynge wiþ mylk lyue in þo, and þei defouliden my ſabatis. And Y
and hony, which is noble among alle londis. manaaſſide to hem, þat Y wolde ſchede out my ſtronge
vii And Y ſeide to hem, Ech man caſte awei þe veniaunce on hem, and fille my wraþþe in hem in þe
offenciouns of hiſe iȝen, and nyle ȝe be defoulid in þe deſert.
idols of Egipt; Y am ȝoure Lord God. xxii But Y turnede awei myn hond, and Y dide þis for
viii And þei terriden me to wraþþe, and nolden here me; my name, þat it were not defoulid bifore heþene men,
ech man caſtide not awei þe abhomynaciouns of hiſe fro whiche Y caſtide hem out bifore þe iȝen of þo.
iȝen, neþer þei forſoken þe idols of Egipt. xxiii Eft Y reiſide myn hond aȝens hem in wildirneſſe,
þat Y ſchulde ſcatere hem in to naciouns, and wyndewe
hem in to londis;

xxiiii forþat þat þei hadden not do my domes, and xxxix And ȝe, þe hous of Iſrael, þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe
hadden repreuyd my comaundementis, and hadden þingis, Go ȝe ech man aftir ȝoure idols, and ſerue ȝe þo.
defoulid my ſabatis, and her iȝen hadden be after þe Þat and if ȝe heren not me in þis, and defoulen more
idols of her fadris. myn hooli name in ȝoure ȝiftis,
xxv Þerfor and Y ȝaf to hem comaundementis not good, xl and in ȝoure idols, in myn hooli hil, in þe hiȝ hil of
and domes in whiche þei ſchulen not lyue. Iſrael, ſeiþ þe Lord God, ȝe ſchulen be punyſchid
xxvi And Y defoulide hem in her ȝiftis, whanne þei greuouſliere. Þere al þe hous of Iſrael ſchal ſerue me,
offriden to me for her treſpaſſis al þing þat openeþ þe ſoþeli alle men in þe lond, in which þei ſchulen pleſe
wombe; and þei ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord. me; and þere Y ſchal ſeke ȝoure firſte fruytis, and þe
xxvii Wherfor ſpeke þou, ſone of man, to þe hous of bigynnyng of ȝoure tiþis in alle ȝoure halewyngis.
xli Y ſchal reſſeiue ȝou in to odour of ſwetneſſe, whanne
Iſrael, and þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe
þingis, Ȝit and in þis ȝoure fadris blasfemyden me, Y ſchal leede ȝou out of puplis, and ſchal gadere ȝou fro
whanne þei diſpiſynge hadden forſake me, londis, in whiche ȝe weren ſcaterid; and Y ſchal be
xxviii and Y hadde brouȝte hem in to þe lond on which Y halewid in ȝou bifor þe iȝen of naciouns.
xlii And ȝe ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord, whanne Y
reiſide myn hond, þat Y ſchulde ȝiue to hem, þei ſiȝen
ech hiȝ litil hil, and ech tree ful of boowis, and þei ſchal bringe ȝou in to þe lond of Iſrael, in to þe lond for
offriden þere her ſacrifices, and þei ȝauen þere her which Y reiſide myn hond, þat Y ſchulde ȝyue it to
offryngis, in to terring to wraþþe; and þei ſettiden þere ȝoure fadris.
þe odour of her ſwetneſſe, and þei offriden her moiſte xliii And ȝe ſchulen haue mynde þere on ȝoure weies,
ſacrifices. and on alle ȝoure grete treſpaſſis, bi whiche ȝe ben
xxix And Y ſeide to hem, What is þe hiȝ þing, to whiche defoulid in þo; and ȝe ſchulen diſpleſe ȝou in ȝoure ſiȝt,
ȝe entren? And þe name þerof is clepid Hiȝ Þing til to in alle ȝoure malices whiche ȝe diden.
þis dai. xliiii And ȝe ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord, whanne Y
xxx Þerfor ſeie þou to þe hous of Iſrael, Þe Lord God ſchal do wel to ȝou for my name; not bi ȝoure yuel
ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Certis ȝe ben defoulid in þe weie of weies, neþer bi ȝoure worſte treſpaſſis, ȝe hous of Iſrael,
ȝoure fadris, and ȝe don fornycacioun aftir þe ſeiþ þe Lord God.
offendingis of hem, xlv And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me,
xxxi and in þe offryng of ȝoure ȝiftis, whanne ȝe leden xlvi and he ſeide, Þou, ſone of man, ſette þi face aȝens þe
ouer ȝoure ſones bi fier, ȝe ben defoulid in alle ȝoure weie of þe ſouþ, and droppe þou to þe ſouþ, and profeſie
idols til to dai, and ſchal Y anſwere to ȝou, þe hous of þou to þe foreſt of þe myddai feeld.
Iſrael? Y lyue, ſeiþ þe Lord God, for Y ſchal not anſwere xlvii And þou ſchalt ſeie to þe myddai foreſt, Here þou
to ȝou; þe word of þe Lord. Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo!
xxxii neþer þe þouȝte of ȝoure ſoul ſchal be don, þat Y ſchal kyndle a fier in þee, and Y ſchal brenne in þee
ſeien, We ſchulen be as heþene men, and as naciouns of ech green tre, and ech drie tre; þe flawme of brennyng
erþe, þat we worſchipe trees and ſtoonys. ſchal not be quenchid, and ech face ſchal be brent þer
xxxiii Y lyue, ſeiþ þe Lord God, for in ſtrong hond, and ynne, fro þe ſouþ til to þe norþ.
in arm ſtretchid forþ, and in ſtrong veniaunce ſched out, xlviii And ech man ſchal ſe, þat Y þe Lord haue kyndlid
I ſchal regne on ȝou. it, and it ſchal not be quenchid.
xxxiiii And Y ſchal lede out ȝou fro puplis, and Y ſchal xlix And Y ſeide, A! A! A! Lord God, þei ſeien of me,
gadere ȝou fro londis, in whiche ȝe ben ſcaterid; in Wheþir þis man ſpekiþ not bi parablis?
ſtrong hond, and in arm ſtretchid forþ, and in ſtrong
veniaunce ſched out Y ſchal regne on ȝou. CAP. XXI
xxxv And Y ſchal bringe ȝou in to deſert of puplis, and Y i And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me,
ſchal be demed þere wiþ ȝou face to face. ii and he ſeide, Þou, ſone of man, ſette þi face to
xxxvi As Y ſtryuede in doom aȝens ȝoure fadris in þe Jeruſalem, and droppe þou to þe ſeyntuaries, and
deſert of þe lond of Egipt, ſo Y ſchal deme ȝou, ſeiþ þe profeſie þou aȝens þe erþe of Iſrael.
Lord; iii And þou ſchalt ſeie to þe lond of Iſrael, Þe Lord God
xxxvii and Y ſchal make ȝou ſuget to my ſeptre, and Y ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y to þee, and Y ſchal caſte my
ſchal bringe in ȝou in þe boondis of pees. ſwerd out of his ſcheþe, and Y ſchal ſle in þee a iuſt man
xxxviii And Y ſchal cheſe of ȝou treſpaſſouris, and wickid and a wickid man.
men; and Y ſchal leede hem out of þe lond of her iiii Forſoþe for þat þat Y haue ſlayn in þee a iuſt man and
dwelling, and þei ſchulen not entre in to þe lond of a wickid man, þerfor my ſwerd ſchal go out of his
Iſrael; and ȝe ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord. ſcheþe to ech man, fro þe ſouþ til to þe norþ;

v þat ech man wite, þat Y þe Lord haue drawe out my reiſe vois in ȝelling, þat he ſette engyns aȝens þe ȝatis,
ſwerd fro his ſcheþe, þat ſchal not be clepid aȝen. þat he bere togidere erþe, þat he bilde ſtrengþinges.
vi And þou, ſone of man, weile in ſorewe of leendis, and xxiii And he ſhal be as counceling in veyn goddis anſwer

in bitterneſſis þou ſchalt weile bifore hem. bifor þe iȝen of hem, and ſeruynge þe reſte of ſabatis;
vii And whanne þei ſchulen ſeie to þee, Whi weiliſt þou? but he ſchal haue mynde on wickidneſſe, to take.
xxiiii Þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For þat þat ȝe
þou ſchalt ſeie, For hering, for it comeþ; and ech herte
ſhal faile, and alle hondis ſchulen be aclumſid, and ech hadden mynde on ȝoure wickidneſſe, and ſchewiden
ſpirit ſchal be ſike, and watris ſchulen flete doun bi alle ȝoure treſpaſſyngis, and ȝoure ſynnes apperiden in alle
knees; lo! it comeþ, and it ſhal be don, ſeiþ þe Lord ȝoure þouȝtis, forſoþe for þat þat ȝe hadden mynde, ȝe
God. ſchulen be takun bi hond.
viii And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me, xxv But þou, curſid wickid duyk of Iſrael, whos dai bifor
ix and he ſeide, Sone of man, profeſie þou; and þou determyned is comun in þe tyme of wickidneſſe,
xxvi þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Do awei þe mitre,
ſchalt ſeie, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Speke þou, Þe
ſwerd, þe ſwerd is maad ſcharp, and is maad briȝt; take awei þe coroun; wheþer it is not þis þat reiſide þe
x it is maad ſcharp to ſle ſacrifices; it is maad briȝt, þat it meke man, and made low þe hiȝ man?
xxvii Wickidneſſe, wickidneſſe, wickidneſſe Y ſchal putte
ſchyne. Þou þat moueſt þe ceptre of my ſone, haſt kit
doun ech tree. it; and þis ſchal not be doon til he come, whos þe doom
xi And Y ȝaf it to be forbiſchid, þat it be holdun wiþ is, and Y ſchal bitake to hym.
xxviii And þou, ſone of man, profeſie, and ſeie, Þe Lord
hond; þis ſwerd is maad ſcharp, and þis is maad briȝt,
þat it be in þe hond of þe ſleere. God ſeiþ þeſe þingis to þe ſones of Amon, and to þe
xii Sone of man, crie þou, and ȝelle, for þis ſwerd is ſchenſchipe of hem; and þou ſchalt ſeie, A! þou ſwerd,
maad in my puple, þis in alle þe duykis of Iſrael; þei þat A! þou ſwerd, drawun out to ſle, maad briȝte, þat þou
fledden ben ȝouun to ſwerd wiþ my puple. Þerfor ſmite ſle and ſchyne,
xxix whanne veyn þingis weren ſeien to þee, and
þou on þin hipe, for it is preuyd;
xiii and þis whanne it haþ diſtried þe ceptre, and it ſchal leeſingis weren dyuynyd, þat þou ſchuldiſt be ȝouun on
not be, ſeiþ þe Lord God. þe neckis of wickid men woundid, þe dai of whiche
xiiii Þerfor, ſone of man, profeſie þou, and ſmyte þou bifore determyned ſchal come in þe tyme of
hond to hond, and þe ſwerd be doublid, and þe ſwerd of wickidneſſe, turne þou aȝen in to þi ſcheþe,
xxx in to þe place in which þou were maad. Y ſchal
ſleeris be treblid; þis is þe ſwerd of greet ſleyng, þat
ſchal make hem aſtonyed, deme þee in þe lond of þi birþe,
xv and to faile in herte, and multiplieþ fallingis. In alle xxxi and Y ſchal ſchede out myn indignacioun on þee; in

þe ȝatis of hem Y ȝaf diſturbling of a ſwerd, ſcharp and þe fier of my ſtrong veniaunce Y ſchal blowe in þee,
maad briȝt to ſchyne, gird to ſleynge. and Y ſchal ȝyue þee in to þe hondis of vnwiſe men, and
xvi Be þou maad ſcharp, go þou to þe riȝt ſide, eþer to þe makinge deþ.
xxxii Þou ſchalt be mete to fier, þi blood ſchal be in þe
left ſide, whidur euer þe deſir of þi face is.
xvii Certis and Y ſchal ſmyte wiþ hond to hond, and Y middis of erþe; þou ſchalt be ȝouun to forȝetyng, for Y
ſchal fille myn indignacioun; Y þe Lord ſpak. þe Lord ſpak.
xviii And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me,
xix and he ſeide, And þou, ſone of man, ſette to þee twei CAP. XXII
i And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me,
weies, þat þe ſwerd of þe king of Babiloyne come; boþe ii and he ſeide, And þou, ſone of man, wheþer þou
ſchulen go out of o lond, and bi þe hond he ſchal take
coniecting; he ſchal coniecte in þe heed of þe weie of þe demeſt not þe citee of bloodis?
iii And þou ſchalt ſchewe to it alle hiſe abhomynaciouns,
xx ſettinge a weye, þat þe ſwerd come to Rabath of þe and þou ſchalt ſeie, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þis is
ſones of Amon, and to Juda in to Jeruſalem mooſt a citee ſchedinge out blood in þe myddis of it ſilf, þat þe
ſtrong. tyme þerof come; and which made idols aȝens it ſilf, þat
xxi For þe king of Babiloyne ſtood in þe meeting of it ſhulde be defoulid.
iiii In þi blood which is ſhed out of þee, þou treſpaſſidiſt,
twey weies, in þe heed of twei weies, and ſouȝte
dyuynyng, and medlide arowis; he axide idols, and took and þou art defoulid in þin idols whiche þou madiſt; and
councel at entrails. þou madiſt þi daies to neiȝe, and þou brouȝtiſt þe time
xxii Dyuynyng was maad to his riȝt ſide on Jeruſalem, of þi ȝeeris. Þerfor Y ȝaf þee ſchenſchipe to heþene
men, and ſcornyng to alle londis þat ben niȝ þee,
þat he ſette engyns, þat he opene mouþ in ſleyng, þat he v and þat ben fer fro þee; þou foul citee, noble, greet in
periſching, þei ſchulen haue victorie of þee.

vi Lo! princes of Iſrael, alle in her arm, weren in þee, to xxiii And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me,
ſchede out blood. xxiiii andhe ſeide, Sone of man, ſeie þou to it, Þou art a
vii Þei punyſchiden wiþ wrongis fadir and modir in þee, lond vncleene, and not bireyned in þe dai of ſtrong
þei calengiden falſli a comelyng in þe myddis of þee, veniaunce.
þei maden ſori a fadirles child and a widewe at þee. xxv Sweringe togidere, eþer conſpiringe of profetis is in
viii Ȝe diſpiſiden my ſeyntuaries, and ȝe defouliden my þe myddis þerof; as a lioun roringe and takinge prei, þei
ſabatis. deuouriden men, þei token richeſſis and prijs; þei
ix Men bacbiteris weren in þee, to ſchede out blood, and multiplieden widewis þerof in þe myddis þerof.
eten on hillis in þee; þei wrouȝten greet treſpas in þe xxvi Preeſtis þerof diſpiſiden my lawe, and defouliden
myddis of þee. my ſeyntuaries; þei hadden not difference bitwixe hooli
x Þei vnhiliden þe ſchamefulere þingis of þe fadir in þing and vnhooli, þei vndurſtoden not bitwixe defoulid
þee, þei maden low in þee þe vncleneſſe of a womman þing and cleene þing; and þei turneden awei her iȝen fro
in vnclene blood. my ſabatis, and Y was defoulid in þe myddis of hem.
xi And ech man wrouȝte abhomynacioun aȝens þe wijf xxvii Þe princes þerof in þe myddis þerof weren as

of his neiȝbore, and þe fadir of þe hoſebonde defoulide wolues rauyſchinge prey, to ſchede out blood, and to
his ſones wijf vnleuefuli; a broþer oppreſſide in þee his leeſe men, and in ſuynge lucris gredili.
ſiſter, þe douȝtir of his fadir. xxviii Forſoþe þe profetis þerof pargetiden hem wiþ out
xii Þei token ȝiftis at þee, to ſchede out blood; þou tokiſt temperure, and ſeyen veyn þingis, and dyuyneden
vſure and ouerabundaunce, and þou calengidiſt greedili leeſingis to hem, and ſeiden, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe
þi neiȝboris, and þou haſt forȝete me, ſeiþ þe Lord God. þingis, whanne þe Lord ſpak not.
xiii Lo! Y haue ſmyte togidere myn hondis on þin xxix Þe puples of þe lond calengiden fals caleng, and

aueryce, which þou didiſt, and on þe blood which is rauyſchiden bi violence; þei turmentiden a nedi man
ſched out in þe myddis of þee. and pore, and oppreſſiden a comeling bi fals caleng, wiþ
xiiii Wheþer þin herte ſchal ſuſteyne, eþer þin hondis out doom.
xxx And Y ſouȝte of hem a man, þat ſchulde ſette an
ſchulen haue power in þe daies whiche Y ſchal make to
þee? For Y þe Lord ſpak, and Y ſchal do. hegge bitwixe, and ſtonde ſet aȝens me for þe lond, þat
xv And Y ſchal ſcatere þee in to naciouns, and Y ſchal Y ſchulde not diſtrie it, and Y foond not.
xxxi And Y ſchedde out on hem myn indignacioun, and
wyndewe þee in to londis; and Y ſchal make þin
vnclenneſſe to faile fro þee, Y waſtide hem in þe fier of my wraþþe; Y ȝeldide þe
xvi and Y ſchal welde þee in þe ſiȝt of heþene men; and weie of hem on þe heed of hem, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
þou ſchalt wite, þat Y am þe Lord.
xvii And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me, and he CAP. XXIII
i And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me,
xviii Þou, ſone of man, þe hous of Iſrael is turned to me ii and he ſeide, Þou, ſone of man, twei wymmen weren

in to dros, eþer filþe of irun; alle þeſe ben bras, and tyn, þe douȝtris of o modir, and diden fornycacioun in Egipt;
iii in her ȝonge wexynge age þei diden fornicacioun;
and irun, and leed, in þe myddis of furneis, þei ben
maad þe dros of ſiluer. þere þe breſtis of hem weren maad low, and þe tetis of
xix Þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For þat alle ȝe þe tyme of mariage of hem weren brokun.
iiii Forſoþe þe names of hem ben, Oolla, þe more ſiſtir,
ben turned in to dros, lo! Y ſchal gadere ȝou togidere in
þe myddis of Jeruſalem, and Ooliba þe leſſe ſiſtir of hir. And Y hadde hem, and
xx bi gadering togidere of ſiluer, and of latoun, and of þei childiden ſones and douȝtris; certis þe names of hem
irun, and of tyn, and of leed, in þe myddis of furneis; ben Samarie Oolla, and Jeruſalem Ooliba.
v Þerfor Oolla dide fornicacioun on me, and was wood
and Y ſchal kindle þer ynne a fier, to welle togidere; ſo
Y ſchal gadere ȝou togidere in my ſtrong veniaunce, and on hir louyeris, on Aſſiriens neiȝinge,
in my wraþþe, and Y ſchal reſte. And Y ſchal welle ȝou vi cloþid wiþ iacinct, princes, and magiſtratis, ȝonge
togidere, men of coueytiſe, alle kniȝtis, and ſtieris of horſis.
xxi and Y ſchal gadere ȝou togidere, and Y ſchal ſette ȝou vii And ſche ȝaf hir fornicaciouns on hem, on alle þe
a fier in þe fier of my ſtrong veniaunce, and ȝe ſchulen choſun ſones of Aſſiriens; and in alle on whiche ſche
be wellid togidere in þe myddis þerof. was wood, ſche was defoulid in þe vnclenneſſis of hem.
xxii As ſiluer is wellid togidere in þe myddis of a viii Ferþermore and ſche lefte not hir fornicaciouns,
furneis, ſo ȝe ſchulen be in þe myddis þerof; and ȝe whiche ſche hadde in Egipt; for whi and þei ſlepten wiþ
ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord, whanne Y haue ſched hir in þe ȝongþe of hir, and þei braken þe tetis of þe
out myn indignacioun on ȝou.

tyme of mariage of hir, and þei ſcheden out her haburioun, and ſcheeld, and baſynet, aȝens þee on ech
fornicacioun on hir. ſide; and Y ſchal ȝyue doom bifor hem, and þei ſchulen
ix Þerfor Y ȝaf hir in to þe hondis of hir louyeris, in to deme þee bi her domes.
þe hondis of þe ſones of Aſſur, on whos letcherie ſche xxv And Y ſchal ſette my feruour in þee, which þei
was wood. ſchulen vſe wiþ þee in woodneſſe; þei ſchulen kitte awei
x Þei diſkyueriden þe ſchenſchipe of hir; þei token awei þi noſe and þin eeris, and þei ſchulen ſle wiþ ſwerd þo
þe ſones and þe douȝtris of hir, and killiden hir wiþ þingis þat weren left; þei ſchulen take þi ſones and þi
ſwerd; and þe wymmen weren maad famouſe, þat is, douȝtris, and þi laſte þing ſchal be deuourid bi fier.
ſclaundrid, and þei diden domes in hir. xxvi And þei ſchulen make þee nakid of þi cloþis, and
xi And whanne hir ſiſtir Ooliba hadde ſeyn þis, ſche was þei ſchulen take awei þe veſſels of þi glorie.
wood in letcherie more þan þat ſiſtre, and ȝaf xxvii And Y ſchal make þi greet treſpaſſe to reſte fro þee,
vnſchamefaſtli hir fornicacioun on þe fornicacioun of and þi fornicacioun fro þe lond of Egipt; and þou ſchalt
hir ſiſtre, not reiſe þin iȝen to hem, and þou ſchalt no more haue
xii to þe ſones of Aſſiriens, to duykis and magiſtratis mynde on Egipt.
comynge to hir, þat weren cloþid wiþ dyuerſe cloþ, to xxviii For þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal ȝyue
knyȝtis þat weren borun on horſis, and to ȝonge men þee in to þe hondis of hem whiche þou hatiſt, `in to þe
wiþ noble ſchap, to alle men. hondis of hem of whiche þi ſoule was fillid,
xiii And Y ſiȝ þat o weie of boþ ſiſtris was defoulid, xxix and þei ſchulen do wiþ þee in hatrede. And þei
xiiii and ſche encreeſſide hir fornycaciouns. And whanne ſchulen take awei alle þi trauels, and þei ſchulen leeue
ſche hadde ſeyn men peyntid in þe wal, þe ymagis of þee nakid, and ful of ſchenſchipe; and þe ſchenſchipe of
Caldeis expreſſid wiþ colouris, þi fornicaciouns ſchal be ſchewid. Þi greet
xv and gird on þe reynes wiþ kniȝtis girdlis, and cappis xxx treſpas and þi fornycaciouns han do þeſe þingis to

peyntid in þe heedis of hem, þe foormes of alle duykis, þee; for þou didiſt fornicacioun aftir heþene men,
þe licneſſe of þe ſones of Babiloyne, and of þe lond of among whiche þou were defoulid in þe idols of hem.
Caldeis, in which þei weren borun; xxxi Þou ȝediſt in þe weie of þi ſiſter, and Y ſchal ȝyue þe
xvi ſche was wood on hem bi coueitiſe of hir iȝen, and cuppe of hir in þin hond.
ſche ſente meſſangeris to hem in to Caldee. xxxii Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þou ſchalt drinke þe
xvii And whanne þe ſones of Babiloyne weren comun to cuppe of þi ſiſtir, þe depþe, and þe broodneſſe; þou þat
hir, to þe bed of tetis, þei defouliden hir in her letcheries art moſt able to take, ſchalt be in to ſcornyng, and in to
of virgyns; and ſche was defoulid of hem, and þe ſoule mouwyng.
of hir was fillid of hem. xxxiii Þou ſchalt be fillid wiþ drunkeneſſe and ſorewe,
xviii Alſo ſche made nakid hir fornicaciouns, and wiþ þe cuppe of mourenyng and of heuyneſſe, wiþ þe
diſkyuered hir ſchenſchipe; and my ſoule ȝede awei fro cuppe of þi ſiſter Samarie.
hir, as my ſoule hadde go awei fro hir ſiſtir. xxxiiii And þou ſchalt drynke it, and þou ſchalt drinke of
xix For ſche multiplied hir fornicaciouns, and hadde til to þe draſtis, and þou ſchalt deuoure þe relifs þerof,
mynde on þe daies of hir ȝongþe, in whiche ſche dide and þou ſchalt to-reende þi breſtis, for Y þe Lord ſpak,
fornicacioun in þe lond of Egipt. ſeiþ þe Lord God.
xx And ſche was wood in letcherie on þe liggyng bi of xxxv Þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For þou haſt

hem, whos fleiſchis ben as þe fleiſchis of aſſis, and as þe forȝete me, and haſt caſt forþ me bihynde þi bodi, bere
membris of horſis ben þe membris of hem. þou alſo þi greet treſpas and þi fornicaciouns.
xxi And þou viſitidiſt þe grete treſpas of þi ȝongþe, xxxvi And þe Lord God ſeide to me, and ſpak, Sone of

whanne þi breſtis weren maad low in Egipt, and þe tetis man, wheþer þou demeſt Ooliba and Oolla, and telliſt to
of þe tyme of þi mariage weren brokun. hem þe grete treſpaſſis of hem?
xxii Þerfor, þou Ooliba, þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, xxxvii For þei diden auowtrie, and blood was in þe

Lo! Y ſchal reiſe alle þi louyeris aȝens þee, of whiche þi hondis of hem, and þei diden fornicacioun wiþ her
ſoule was fillid, and Y ſchal gadere hem aȝens þee in idols; ferþermore and þei offriden to þo þe ſones
cumpas; whiche þei gendriden to me, for to be deuourid.
xxiii þe ſones of Babiloyne, and alle Caldeis, noble and xxxviii But alſo þei diden þis to me, þei defouleden my

miȝti men, and princes, alle þe ſones of Aſſiriens, and ſeyntuarie in þat dai, and maden vnhooli my ſabatis.
ȝonge men of noble foorme, duykis, and magiſtratis, xxxix And whanne þei ſacrifiſiden her ſones to her idols,
alle princes of princes, and named ſtieris of horſis. and entriden in to my ſeyntuarie in þat dai, þat þei
xxiiii And þei araied wiþ chare and wheel ſchulen come ſchulden defoule it, þei diden alſo þeſe þingis in þe
on þee, þe multitude of puplis ſchulen be armed wiþ myddis of myn hous.

xl Þei ſenten to men comyng fro fer, to whiche þei vi Þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Wo to þe citee of
hadden ſent meſſangeris. Þerfor lo! þei camen, to bloodis, to þe pot whos ruſt is þer ynne, and þe ruſt
whiche þou waiſchidiſt þee, and anoyntidiſt þin iȝen wiþ þerof ȝede not out of it; caſte þou out it bi partis, and bi
oynement of wymmen, and þou were ourned wiþ hiſe partis; lot felle not on it.
wymmens atier. vii For whi þe blood þerof is in þe myddis þerof; he
xli Þou ſatiſt in a ful fair bed, and a boord was ourned ſchede it out on a ful cleer ſtoon, he ſchedde not it out
bifor þee; þou ſettidiſt myn encenſe and myn oynement on erþe,
on it. viii þat it mai be hilid wiþ duſt, þat Y ſchulde bringe in
xlii And a vois of multitude makynge ful out ioye was myn indignacioun, and `a venge bi veniaunce; Y ȝaf þe
þer ynne; and in men þat weren brouȝt of þe multitude blood þerof on a ful cleer ſtoon, þat it ſchulde not be
of men, and camen fro deſert, þei ſettiden bies in þe hilid.
hondis of hem, and faire corouns on þe heedis of hem. ix Þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Wo to þe citee of
xliii And Y ſeide to hir, þat was defoulid in auoutries, bloodis, whos brennyng Y ſchal make greet;
Now alſo þis ſchal do fornycacioun in hir fornicacioun. x gadere þou togidire boonys, whiche Y ſchal kyndle
xliiii And þei entriden to hir; as to a womman, an hoore, wiþ fier; fleiſchis ſchulen be waſtid, and al þe ſettyng
ſo þei entriden to Oolla and to Ooliba, curſid wymmen. togidere ſchal be ſodun, and boonys ſchulen faile.
xlv Þerfor þeſe men ben iuſt, þeſe ſchulen deme þilke xi Alſo ſette þou it voide on coolis, þat þe metal þerof
wymmen bi þe doom of auoutreſſis, and bi þe doom of wexe hoot, and be meltid, and þat þe filþe þerof be
hem þat ſcheden out blood; for þei ben auoutreſſis, and wellid togidere in þe myddis þerof, and þe ruſt þerof be
blood is in þe hondis of hem, and þei diden waſtid.
fornicacioun wiþ her idols. xii It was ſwat bi myche trauel, and þe ouer greet ruſt
xlvi For þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Bringe þou þerof ȝede not out þerof, neþer bi fier.
multitudis to hem, and ȝyue þou hem in to noiſe, and in xiii Þin vnclenneſſe is abhomynable, for Y wolde clenſe
to raueyn; þee, and þou art not clenſid fro þi filþis; but neþer þou
xlvii and be þei ſtoonyd wiþ þe ſtoonys of puplis, and be ſchalt be clenſid bifore, til Y make myn indignacioun to
þei ſtikid togidere wiþ þe ſwerdis of hem. Þei ſchulen reſte in þee.
ſle þe ſones and þe douȝtris of hem, and þei ſchulen xiiii Y þe Lord ſpak; it ſchal come, and Y ſchal make, Y
brenne wiþ fier þe houſis of hem. ſchal not paſſe, neþir Y ſchal ſpare, neþer Y ſchal be
xlviii And Y ſchal do awei greet treſpas fro þe lond; and pleſid; bi þi weies and bi þi fyndyngis Y ſchal deme
alle wymmen ſchulen lerne, þat þei do not aftir þe greet þee, ſeiþ þe Lord.
treſpas of hem. xv And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me,
xlix And þei ſchulen ȝyue ȝoure grete treſpas on ȝou; and xvi and he ſeide, Þou, ſone of man, lo! Y take awei fro
ȝe ſchulen bere þe ſynnes of ȝoure idols, and ȝe ſchulen þee þe deſirable þing of þin iȝen in veniaunce, and þou
wite, þat Y am þe Lord God. ſchalt not weile, neþer wepe, neþer þi teeris ſchulen
flete doun.
CAP. XXIIII xvii Weile þou beynge ſtille, þou ſchalt not make
i And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me, in þe nynþe
mourenyng of deed men; þi coroun be boundun aboute
ȝeer, and in þe tenþe moneþe, in þe tenþe dai of þe þin heed, and þi ſchoon ſchulen be in þe feet, neþer þou
moneþe, ſchalt hile þe mouþ wiþ a cloþ, neþer þou ſchalt ete þe
ii and he ſeide, Þou, ſone of man, write to þee þe name metis of mourneris.
of þis dai, in which þe king of Babiloyne is confermed xviii Þerfor Y ſpak to þe puple in þe morewtid, and my
aȝens Jeruſalem to dai. wijf was deed in þe euentid; and Y dide in þe morewtid,
iii And þou ſchalt ſeie bi a prouerbe a parable to þe as he hadde comaundid to me.
hous, terrere to wraþþe, and þou ſchalt ſpeke to hem, Þe xix And þe puple ſeide to me, Whi ſchewiſt þou not to vs
Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Sette þou a braſun pot, ſette what þeſe þingis ſignefien, whiche þou doiſt?
þou ſoþeli, and putte þou watir in to it. Take þou a xx And Y ſeide to hem, Þe word of þe Lord was maad to
beeſte ful fat; me,
iiii gadere þou togidere þe gobetis þerof in it, ech good xxi and he ſeide, Speke þou to þe hous of Iſrael, Þe Lord
part, and þe hipe, and þe ſchuldre, choſun þingis and ful God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal defoule my ſeyntuarie,
of boonys. þe pride of ȝoure empire, and þe deſirable þing of ȝoure
v Alſo dreſſe þou heepis of boonys vndur it; and þe
iȝen, and on which ȝoure ſoule drediþ; and ȝoure ſones
ſeþing þerof buylide out, and þe boonys þerof weren and ȝoure douȝtris, whiche ȝe leften, ſchulen falle bi
ſodun in þe myddis þerof. ſwerd.

xxii And ȝe ſchulen do, as Y dide; ȝe ſchulen not hile x and Cariathaym, to þe ſones of þe eeſt, wiþ þe ſones of
mouþis wiþ cloþ, and ȝe ſchulen not ete þe mete of Amon. And Y ſchal ȝyue it in to eritage, þat mynde of
weileris. þe ſones of Amon be no more among heþene men,
xxiii Ȝe ſchulen haue corouns in ȝoure heedis, and xi and in Moab Y ſchal make domes; and þei ſchulen
ſchoon in þe feet; ȝe ſchulen not weile, neþer ȝe ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord.
wepe, but ȝe ſchulen faile in wretchidneſſe, for ȝoure xii Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For þat þat Ydumee
wickidneſſis; and ech man ſchal weile to his broþer. dide veniaunce, þat it auengide it ſilf of þe ſones of
xxiiii And Ezechiel ſchal be to ȝou in to a ſigne of þing Juda, and ſynnede doynge treſpas, and axide greetli
to comynge; bi alle þingis whiche he dide, ȝe ſchulen veniaunce of hem;
do, whanne þis þing ſchal come; and ȝe ſchulen wite, xiii þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Y ſchal ſtretche
þat Y am þe Lord God. forþ myn hond on Idumee, and Y ſchal take awei fro it
xxv And þou, ſone of man, lo! in þe dai in which Y ſchal man and beeſte, and Y ſchal make it deſert of þe ſouþ;
take awei fro hem þe ſtrengþe of hem, and þe ioie of and þei þat ben in Dedan ſchulen falle bi ſwerd.
dignyte, and þe deſire of her iȝen, on whiche þe ſoulis xiiii And Y ſchal ȝyue my veniaunce on Idumee, bi þe
of hem reſten, caſte awei þe ſones and douȝtris of hem; hond of my puple Iſrael; and þei ſchulen do in Edom bi
xxvi in þat dai whanne a man fleynge ſchal come to þee, my wraþþe, and bi my ſtrong veniaunce; and þei
to telle to þee; ſchulen knowe my veniaunce, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
xxvii in þat dai ſoþeli þou ſchalt opene þi mouþ wiþ hym xv Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For þat þat Paleſtyns
þat fledde; and þou ſchalt ſpeke, and ſchalt no more be diden veniaunce, and auengiden hem ſilf, wiþ al wille
ſtille; and þou ſchalt be to hem in to a ſigne of þing to ſleynge, and fillynge elde enemytees;
comynge, and ȝe ſchulen witen, þat Y am þe Lord. xvi þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal
ſtretche forþ myn hond on Paleſtyns, and Y ſchal ſle
CAP. XXV ſleeris, and Y ſchal leeſe þe remenauntis of þe ſe cooſt;
i And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me, xvii and Y ſchal make grete veniaunces in hem, and Y
ii and he ſeide, Þou, ſone of man, ſette þi face aȝens þe ſchal repreue in ſtrong veniaunce; and þei ſchulen wite,
ſones of Amon, and þou ſchalt profeſie of hem. þat Y am þe Lord, whanne Y ſchal ȝyue my veniaunce
iii And þou ſchalt ſeie to þe ſones of Amon, Here ȝe þe on hem.
word of þe Lord God; þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For
þat þat ȝe ſeiden, Wel! wel! on my ſeyntuarie, for it is CAP. XXVI
defoulid, and on þe lond of Iſrael, for it is maad deſolat, i And it was doon in þe enleuenþe ȝeer, in þe firſte dai
and on þe hous of Juda, for þei ben led in to to caitifte; of þe moneþe, þe word of þe Lord was maad to me, and
lo! he ſeide,
iiii þerfor Y ſchal ȝyue þee þe ſones of þe eeſt in to ii Þou, ſone of man, for þat þat Tire ſeide of Jeruſalem,
eritage, and þei ſchulen ſette her foldis in þee, and þei Wel! þe ȝatis of puplis ben brokun, it is turned to me; Y
ſhulen ſette her tentis in þee; þei ſchulen ete þi fruytis, ſchal be fillid, it is forſakun;
and þei ſchulen drynke þi mylk. iii þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Tire, Y on
v And Y ſchal ȝyue Rabath in to a dwellyng place of þee; and Y ſchal make many folkis to ſtie to þee, as þe
camels, and þe ſones of Amon in to a bed of beeſtis; and ſee flowynge ſtieþ.
ȝe ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord. iiii And þei ſchulen diſtrie þe wallis of Tire, and þei
vi For þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For þat þat þou ſchulen diſtrie þe touris þerof; and Y ſchal raſe þe duſt
flappidiſt wiþ hond, and ſmytidiſt wiþ þe foot, and þerof fro it, and Y ſchal ȝyue it in to a `mooſt clere
ioyediſt of al deſijr on þe lond of Iſrael; ſtoon.
vii þerfor lo! Y ſchal ſtretche forþ myn hond on þee, and v Driyng of nettis ſchal be in þe myddis of þe ſee, for Y
Y ſchal ȝyue þee in to rauyſchyng of heþene men, and Y ſpak, ſeiþ þe Lord God. And Tire ſchal be in to
ſchal ſle þee fro puplis, and Y ſchal leeſe þee, and al to- rauyſching to heþene men.
breke þee fro londis; and ȝe ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe vi And þe douȝtris þerof þat ben in þe feeld, ſchulen be
Lord. ſlayn bi ſwerd; and þei ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord.
viii Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For þat þat Moab and vii For whi þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal
Seir ſeiden, Lo! þe hous of Juda is as alle folkis; þerfor brynge to Tire Nabugodonoſor, þe king of Babiloyne,
lo! fro þe norþ, þe kyng of kyngis, wiþ horſis, and charis,
ix Y ſchal opene þe ſchuldre of Moab of citees, ſoþeli of and knyȝtis, and wiþ a cumpeny, and greet puple.
citees þerof and of þe endis þerof, þe noble citees of þe viii He ſchal ſle bi ſwerd þi douȝtris þat ben in þe feeld,
lond, Bethieſmoth, and Beelmoth, and he ſchal cumpaſſe þee wiþ ſtrengþingis, and he ſchal

bere togidere erþe in cumpas. And he ſchal reiſe a CAP. XXVII
ſcheeld aȝens þee, i And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me,
ix and he ſchal tempre engynes lijc vineres, and engines ii and he ſeide, Þerfor þou, ſone of man, take weilyng on
`þat ben clepid weþeris aȝens þi wallis; and he ſchal Tire.
diſtrie þi touris bi his armure. iii And þou ſchalt ſeie to Tire, þat dwelliþ in þe entryng
x Bi flowynge of his horſis, þe duſt of þo ſchal hile þee;
of þe ſee, to þe marchaundie of puplis to many ilis, Þe
þi wallis ſchulen be mouyd of þe ſoun of knyȝtis, and of Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, O! Tire, þou ſeidiſt, Y am of
wheelis, and of charis; whanne he ſchal entre bi þe perfit fairneſſe,
ȝatis, as bi entryngis of a citee diſtried, iiii and Y am ſet in þe herte of þe ſee. Þei þat ben in þi
xi wiþ þe clees of hiſe horſis he ſchal defoule alle þi
cooſtis þat bildiden þee, filliden þi fairneſſe;
ſtretis. He ſhal ſle bi ſwerd þi puple, and þi noble v þei bildiden þee wiþ fir trees of Sanyr, wiþ alle werkis
ymagis ſchulen falle doun in to erþe. of boordis of þe ſee; þei token a cedre of þe Liban, to
xii Þei ſchulen waſte þi richeſſis, þei ſchulen rauyſche þi
make a maſt to þee.
marchaundies; and þei ſchulen diſtrie þi wallis, and þei vi Þei hewiden ookis of Bala in to þin ooris, þei maden
ſchulen diſtrie þin houſis ful clere, and þi ſtoonys, and þi to þee þi ſeetis of roweris of yuer of Ynde, and cabans
trees, and þei ſchulen putte þi duſt in þe myddis of of þe ilis of Italie.
watris. vii Dyuerſe biys, `eþer whijt ſilk, of Egipt, was wouun to
xiii And Y ſchal make to reſte þe multitude of þi
þee in to a veil, þat it ſchulde be ſet in þe maſt; iacynct
ſyngeris, and þe ſown of þin harpis ſchal no more be and purpur of þe ilis of Eliſa weren maad þin hiling.
herd; viii Þe dwelleris of Sidon and Aradians weren þi
xiiii and Y ſchal ȝyue þee in to a mooſt cleer ſtoon. Þou
roweris; Tire, þi wiſe men weren maad þi gouernouris.
ſchalt be driyng of nettis, and þou ſchalt no more be ix Þe elde men of Biblos, and þe prudent men þerof,
bildid, for Y þe Lord ſpak, ſeiþ þe Lord God. hadden ſchipmen to þe ſeruyſe of þi dyuerſe araye of
xv Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis of Tire, Wheþer ilis
houſhold; alle þe ſchippis of þe ſee, and þe ſchip men of
ſchulen not be moued of þe ſown of þi fal, and of þo, weren in þe puple of þi marchaundie.
weiling of þi ſlayn men, whanne þei ben ſlayn in þe x Perſeis, and Lidians, and Libians weren in þin ooſt; þi
myddis of þee? men werriours hangiden in þee a ſcheeld and helm, for
xvi And alle þe princis of þe ſee ſchulen go doun of her
þin ournyng.
ſeetis, and þei ſchulen do awei her mentils, eþer ſpuylis xi Sones Aradians wiþ þin ooſt weren on þi wallis in þi
of ſlayn enemyes, and þei ſchulen caſte awei her dyuerſe cumpas; but alſo Pigmeis, þat weren in þi touris,
cloþis, and ſhulen be cloþid wiþ wondring. Þei ſhulen hangiden her arowe caſis in þi wallis bi cumpas; þei
ſitte in þe erþe, and þei ſhulen be aſtonyed, and þei filliden þi fairneſſe.
ſhulen wondre of þi ſodeyn fal. xii Cartagynenſis, þi marchauntis, of þe multitude of alle
xvii And þei ſhulen take weilyng on þee, and ſchule ſeie
richeſſis filliden þi feiris, wiþ ſiluer, and irun, wiþ tyn,
to þee, Hou periſchidiſt þou, noble citee, þat dwelliſt in and leed.
þe ſee, þat were ſtrong in þe ſee wiþ þi dwelleris, xiii Greece, and Tubal, and Moſoch, þei weren þi
whiche dwelleris alle men dredden?
xviii Now ſchippis ſchulen wondre in þe dai of þi drede, marchauntis, and brouȝten boonde men and braſun
veſſels to þi puple.
and ilis in þe ſee ſchulen be diſturblid, for noon goiþ out xiiii Fro þe hous of Thogorma þei brouȝten horſis, and
of þee.
xix For þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Whanne Y ſchal horſe men, and mulis, to þi chepyng.
xv Þe ſones of Dedan weren þi marchauntis; many ilis
ȝyue þee a citee deſolat, as þe citees þat ben not
þe marchaundie of þin hond, chaungiden teeþ of yuer,
enhabitid, and Y ſchal bringe on þee þe depþe of watris,
and of hebennus, in þi prijs.
and many watris ſchulen hile þee. xvi Sirie was þi marchaunt, for þe multitude of þi werkis
xx And Y ſchal drawe þee doun wiþ hem þat goon doun
þei ſettiden forþ in þi marcat gemme, and purpur, and
in to a lake, to þe puple euerlaſtynge; and Y ſchal ſette
cloþis wouun dyuerſli at þe maner of ſcheeldis, and bijs,
þee in þe laſte lond, as elde wildirneſſis, wiþ hem þat
and ſeelk, and cochod, eþer auer de peis.
ben led doun in to a lake, þat þou be not enhabited. xvii Juda and þe lond of Iſrael weren þi marchauntis in
Certis whanne Y ſchal ȝyue glorye in þe lond of lyueris,
xxi Y ſchal dryue þee in to nouȝt, and þou ſchalt not be; þe beſte wheete, and ſettiden forþ in þi feiris bawme,
and hony, and oile, and reſyn.
and þou ſchalt be ſouȝt, and þou ſchalt no more be xviii Damaſſen was þi marchaunt, in þe multitude of þi
foundun wiþ outen ende, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
werkis, in þe multitude of dyuerſe richeſſis, in fat wyn,
in wollis of beſt colour.

xix Dan, and Greece, and Moſel, ſettiden forþ in þi fairis xxxv alleþe dwelleris of ilis and þe kyngis of þo weren
irun maad ſuteli, gumme of myrre, and calamus, þat is, aſtonyed on þee. Alle þei weren ſmytun wiþ tempeſt,
a ſpice ſwete ſmellynge, in þi marchaundie. and chaungiden cheris;
xx Dedan weren þi marchauntis, in tapitis to ſitte. xxxvi þe marchauntis of puplis hiſſiden on þee. Þou art
xxi Arabie and alle þe princes of Cedar, þei weren þe brouȝt to nouȝt, and þou ſchalt not be til `in to wiþ
marchauntis of þin hond; wiþ lambren, and weþeris, outen ende.
and kidis þi marchauntis camen to þee.
xxii Þe ſilleris of Saba and of Rema, þei weren þi CAP. XXVIII
i And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me,
marchauntis, wiþ alle þe beſte ſwete ſmellynge ſpices,
and preciouſe ſtoon, and gold, which þei ſettiden forþ in ii and he ſeide, Sone of man, ſeie þou to þe prince of
þi marcat. Tire, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For þin herte was
xxiii Aran, and Chenne, and Eden, weren þi reiſid, and þou ſeidiſt, Y am God, and Y ſat in þe chaier
marchauntis; Sabba, and Aſſur, and Chelmath, weren þi of God, in þe herte of þe ſee, ſiþen þou art man and not
ſilleris. God, and þou ȝaueſt þin herte as þe herte of God; lo!
xxiiii Þei weren þi marchaundis in many maneres, in iii þou art wiſere þan Danyel, ech priuetee is not hid fro

fardels of iacinct and of cloþis of many colours, and of þee;

preciouſe richeſſis, þat weren wlappid and boundun wiþ iiii in þi wiſdom and prudence þou madiſt to þee
coordis. ſtrengþe, and þou gatiſt to þee gold and ſiluer in þi
xxv Alſo ſchippis of þe ſee hadden cedris in her treſouris;
marchaundies; þi princes weren in þi marchaundie; and v in þe multitude of þi wiſdom, and in þi marchaundie
þou were fillid, and were glorified greetli in þe herte of þou multipliediſt to þee ſtrengþe, and þin herte was
þe ſee. reiſid in þi ſtrengþe;
xxvi Þi rowers brouȝten þee in many watris, þe ſouþ vi þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For þin herte was
wynd al to-brak þee; in þe herte of þe ſee weren þi reiſid as þe herte of God, þerfor lo!
richeſſis, vii Y ſchal brynge on þee aliens, þe ſtrongeſte of heþene.
xxvii and þi treſours, and þi many fold inſtrument. Þi And þei ſchulen make nakid her ſwerdis on þe fairneſſe
ſchip men, and þi gouernouris þat helden þi of þi wiſdom, and þei ſchulen defoule þi fairneſſe.
purtenaunce of houſhold, and weren ſouereyns of þi viii Þei ſchulen ſle, and drawe doun þee; and þou ſchalt
puple, and þi men werriours þat weren in þee, wiþ al þi die bi þe deþ of vncircumcidid men, in þe herte of þe
multitude which is in þe myddis of þee, ſchulen falle ſee.
doun in þe herte of þe ſee, in þe dai of þi fallyng. ix Wheþer þou ſchalt ſeie, and ſpeke, Y am God, bifore
xxviii Schippis ſchulen be diſturblid of þe ſown of þe cry
hem þat ſleen þee; ſiþen þou art a man, and not God?
of þi gouernours; x In þe hond of hem þat ſleen þee, bi deþ of
xxix and alle men þat helden oore, ſchulen go doun of
vncircumcidid men, þou ſchalt die in þe hond of aliens;
her ſhippis. Shipmen and alle gouernouris of þe ſee for Y þe Lord ſpak, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
ſhulen ſtonde in þe lond; xi And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me, and he
xxx and ſchulen ȝelle on þee wiþ greet vois. And þei
ſeide, Þou, ſone of man, reiſe þou weilyng on þe kyng
ſhulen cry bitterli, and þei ſchulen caſte poudur on her of Tire;
heedis, and ſchulen be ſpreynt wiþ aiſche. xii and þou ſchalt ſeie to hym, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe
xxxi And þei ſchulen ſhaue ballidneſſe on þee, and
þingis, Þou a preente of licneſſe, ful of wiſdom, perfit in
ſchulen be gird wiþ hairis, and þei ſchulen biwepe þee fairneſſe,
in bitterneſſe of ſoule, wiþ moſt bittir wepyng. xiii were in delicis of paradijs of God. Ech preciouſe
xxxii And þei ſchulen take on þee a ſong of mourenyng,
ſtoon was þin hilyng, ſardius, topacius, and iaſpis,
and þei ſchulen biweile þee, Who is as Tire, þat was criſolitus, and onix, and birille, ſafire, and carbuncle,
doumb in þe myddis of þe ſee? and ſmaragde; alſo gold was þe werk of þi fairneſſe, and
xxxiii And þou, Tire, fillidiſt many puplis in þe goyng þin hoolis weren maad redi, in þe dai in which þou were
out of þi marchaundies of þe ſee; in þe multitude of þi maad.
richeſſis, and of þi puplis, þou madiſt riche þe kingis of xiiii Þou were cherub holdun forþ, and hilynge; and Y
erþe. ſettide þee in þe hooli hil of God. In þe myddis of
xxxiiii Now þou art al to-brokun of þe ſee, in þe depþis ſtoonus ſet a fier þou ȝediſt,
of watris. Þi richeſſis and al þi multitude þat was in þe xv perfit in þi weies fro þe dai of þi makyng, til
myddis of þee fellen doun; wickidneſſe was foundun in þee.

xvi In þe multitude of þi marchaundie þin ynnere þingis drawe þee out of þe myddis of þi floodis, and alle þi
weren fillid of wickidneſſe, and þou didiſt ſynne; and Y fiſchis ſchulen cleue to þi ſcalis.
caſtide þee out of þe hil of God, and, þou cherub v And Y ſchal caſte þee forþ in to deſert, and alle þe
hilynge fer, Y loſte þee fro þe myddis of ſtoonys ſet a fiſchis of þi flood; on þe face of erþe þou ſchalt falle
fier. doun, þou ſchalt not be gaderid, neþir ſchalt be gaderid
xvii And þin herte was reiſid in þi fairneſſe, þou loſtiſt þi togidere; to þe beeſtis of erþe, and to þe volatilis of þe
wiſdom in þi fairneſſe. Y caſtide þee doun in to erþe, Y eir Y ȝaf þee to be deuourid.
ȝaf þee bifore þe face of kingis, þat þei ſchulden ſe þee. vi And alle þe dwelleris of Egipt ſchulen knowe, þat Y
xviii In þe multitude of þi wickidneſſis, and in am þe Lord. For þat þat þou were a ſtaf of rehed to þe
wickidneſſe of þi marchaundie þou defoulidiſt þin hous of Iſrael, whanne þei token þee wiþ hond,
halewyng; þerfor Y ſchal brynge forþ fier of þe myddis vii and þou were brokun, and to-rentiſt ech ſchuldre of
of þee, þat ſchal ete þee; and Y ſchal ȝyue þee in to hem, and whanne þei reſtiden on þee, þou were maad
aiſche on erþe, in þe ſiȝt of alle men ſeynge þee. leſſe, and þou haſt diſcoumfortid alle þe reynes of hem;
xix Alle men þat ſchulen ſe þee among heþene men, viii þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal
ſchulen be aſtonyed on þee; þou art maad nouȝt, and bringe a ſwerd on þee, and Y ſchal ſle of þee man and
þou ſchalt not be wiþ outen ende. beeſte;
xx And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me, ix and þe lond of Egipt ſchal be in to deſert, and in to
xxi and he ſeide, Þou, ſone of man, ſette þi face aȝens wildirneſſe, and þei ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord. For
Sidon, and þou ſchalt profeſie of it; þat þat þou ſeidiſt, Þe flood is myn, and Y made it,
xxii and ſchalt ſeie, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y þerfor lo!
x Y to þee, and to þi floodis. And Y ſchal ȝyue `in to
to þee, Sidon, and Y ſchal be glorified in þe myddis of
þee; and þei ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord, whanne Y wildirneſſes þe lond of Egipt diſtried bi ſwerd, fro þe
ſchal do domes in it, and Y ſchal be halewid þer ynne. tour of Sienes til to þe termes of Ethiopie.
xxiii And Y ſchal ſende peſtilence in to it, and blood in xi Þe foot of man ſchal not paſſe bi it, neþer þe foot of

þe ſtretis þerof, and ſlayn men bi ſwerd ſchulen falle beeſte ſchal go in it, and it ſchal not be enhabitid in
doun in þe myddis þerof bi cumpas; and þei ſchulen fourti ȝeer.
wite, þat Y am þe Lord God. xii And Y ſchal ȝyue þe lond of Egipt forſakun, in þe
xxiiii And þere ſchal no more be an hirtyng of bitterneſſe myddis of londis forſakun, and þe citees þerof in þe
to þe hous of Iſrael, and a þorn bryngynge in ſorewe on myddis of a citee diſtried, and þo ſchulen be deſolat bi
ech ſide bi þe cumpas of hem þat ben aduerſaries to fourti ȝeer. And Y ſchal ſcatere Egipcians in to
hem; and þei ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord God. naciouns, and Y ſchal wyndewe hem in to londis.
xxv Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Whanne Y ſchal xiii For þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, After þe ende of

gadere togidere þe hous of Iſrael fro puplis, among fourti ȝeer Y ſchal gadere togidere Egipt fro puplis,
whiche þei ben ſcaterid, Y ſchal be halewid in hem bifor among whiche þei weren ſcaterid;
heþene men. And þei ſchulen dwelle in her lond, which xiiii and Y ſchal bringe aȝen þe caitifte of Egipte. And Y
Y ȝaf to my ſeruaunt Jacob. ſchal ſette hem in þe lond of Phatures, in þe lond of her
xxvi And þei ſchulen dwelle ſikir þer ynne, and þei birþe; and þei ſchulen be þere in to a meke rewme,
ſchulen bilde houſis, and þei ſchulen plaunte vynes, and xv and among oþere rewmes it ſchal be moſt low, and it
þei ſchulen dwelle triſtili, whanne Y ſchal make domes ſchal no more be reiſid ouer naciouns. And Y ſchal
in alle men þat ben aduerſaries to hem bi cumpas; and make hem leſſe, þat þei regne not on heþene men;
þei ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord God of hem. xvi and þei ſchulen no more be to þe hous of Iſrael in
triſt, techinge wickidneſſe, þat þei fle, and ſue hem; and
CAP. XXIX þei ſchulen knowe, þat Y am þe Lord God.
i In þe tenþe ȝeer, in þe twelueþe moneþe, in þe firſte xvii And it was don in þe ſeuene and twentiþe ȝeer, in þe
dai of þe moneþe, þe word of þe Lord was maad to me, firſte moneþe, in þe firſte dai of þe moneþe, þe word of
and he ſeide, þe Lord was maad to me,
ii Þou, ſone of man, ſette þi face aȝens Farao, king of xviii and he ſeide, Þou, ſone of man, Nabugodonoſor,
Egipt; and þou ſchalt profeſie of hym, and of al Egipt. kyng of Babiloyne, made his ooſt to ſerue bi greet
iii Speke þou, and þou ſchalt ſeie, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe ſeruyce aȝens Tire; ech heed was maad ballid, and ech
þingis, Lo! Y to þee, þou Farao, kyng of Egipt, þou ſchuldir was maad bare of heer, and meede was not
grete dragoun, þat liggiſt in þe myddis of þi floodis, and ȝoldun of Tire to hym, neþer to his ooſt, for þe ſeruyce
ſeiſt, Þe flood is myn, and Y made myſilf. bi which he ſeruede to me aȝens it.
iiii And Y ſchal ſette a bridil in þi chekis, and Y ſchal xix Þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal
glue þe fiſchis of þi floodis to þi ſcalis; and Y ſchal ȝyue Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babiloyne, in þe lond of

Egipt, and he ſchal take þe multitude þerof; and he ſchal xiiii and Y ſchal leeſe þe lond of Phatures. And Y ſchal
take in preye þe cloþis þerof, and he ſchal rauyſche þe ȝyue fier in Tafnys, and Y ſchal make my domes in
ſpuylis þerof, and meede ſchal be to his ooſt, Aliſaundre.
xx and to þe werk for which he ſeruyde to me aȝens it; xv And Y ſchal ſchede out myn indignacioun on
and Y ȝaf þe lond of Egipt to hym, for þat þat he Peluſyum, þe ſtrengþe of Egipt; and Y ſchal ſle þe
trauelide to me, ſeiþ þe Lord God. multitude of Aliſaundre,
xxi In þat dai an horn of þe hous of Iſrael ſchal come xvi and Y ſchal ȝyue fier in Egipt. Peluſyum, as a
forþ, and Y ſchal ȝyue to þee an open mouþ in þe womman trauelynge of child, ſchal haue ſorewe, and
myddis of hem; and þei ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord. Aliſaundre ſchal be deſtried, and in Memphis ſchulen be
ech daies angwiſchis.
CAP. XXX xvii Þe ȝonge men of Heliopoleos and of Bubaſti ſchulen
i And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me,
falle doun bi ſwerd, and þo citees ſchulen be led caitifs.
ii and he ſeide, Sone of man, profeſie þou, and ſeie, Þe xviii And in Thafnys þe dai ſchal wexe blak, whanne Y
Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Ȝelle ȝe, Wo! ſchal al to-breke þere þe ceptris of Egipt, and þe pride
iii wo! to þe dai, for þe dai is niȝ; and þe dai of þe Lord of þe power þerof ſchal faile þere ynne. A cloude ſchal
neiȝiþ, þe dai of a cloude. Þe tyme of heþene men ſchal hile it; forſoþe þe douȝtris þerof ſchulen be led in to
be; caitifte, and Y ſchal make domes in Egipt;
iiii and a ſwerd ſchal come in to Egipt, and drede ſchal xix and þei ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord.
be in Ethiopie, whanne woundid men ſchulen falle doun xx And it was doon in þe enleuenþe ȝeer, in þe firſte
in Egipt, and þe multitude þerof ſchal be takun awei, moneþe, in þe ſeuenþe dai of þe moneþ, þe word of þe
and þe foundementis þerof ſchulen be diſtried. Lord was maad to me,
v Ethiopie, and Libie, and Lidiens, and al þe reſidue xxi and he ſeide, Þou ſone of man, Y haue broke þe arm
comyn puple, and Chub, and þe ſones of þe lond of of Farao, kyng of Egipt; and lo! it is not wlappid, þat
boond of pees ſchulen falle doun bi ſwerd wiþ hem. helþe ſchulde be reſtorid þerto, þat it ſchulde be
vi Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, And þei þat vndurſetten boundun wiþ cloþis, and woundun wiþ lynnun cloþis,
Egipt ſchulen falle doun, and þe pride of þe lordſchipe and þat he myȝte holde ſwerd, whanne he hadde
þerof ſchal be deſtried; fro þe tour of Sienes þei ſchulen reſſeyued ſtrengþe.
falle bi ſwerd þer ynne, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis. xxii Þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y to Farao,
vii And þei ſchulen be diſtried in þe myddis of londis king of Egipt; and Y ſchal make leſſe his ſtrong arm but
maad deſolat, and þe citees þerof ſchulen be in þe brokun, and Y ſchal caſte doun þe ſwerd fro his hond.
myddis of citees forſakun. xxiii And Y ſchal ſcatere Egipt among heþene men, and
viii And þei ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord God, Y ſchal wyndewe hem in londis.
whanne Y ſchal ȝyue fier in Egipt, and alle þe helperis xxiiii And Y ſchal coumforte þe armes of þe kyng of
þerof ſchulen be al to-brokun. Babiloyne, and Y ſchal ȝyue my ſwerd in þe hond of
ix In þat dai meſſangeris ſchulen go out fro my face in hym; and Y ſchal breke þe armes of Farao, and men
ſchippis wiþ þre ordris of ooris, to al to-breke þe triſt of ſlayn bifore his face ſchulen weile bi weilyngis.
Ethiopie; and drede ſchal be in hem in þe dai of Egipt, xxv And Y ſchal coumforte þe armes of þe kyng of
for wiþ out doute it ſchal come. Babiloyne, and þe armes of Farao ſchulen falle doun.
x Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, And I ſchal make to And þei ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord, whanne Y
ceeſſe þe multitude of Egipt in þe hond of ſchal ȝyue my ſwerd in þe hond of þe kyng of
Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne. Babiloyne; and he ſchal ſtretche forþ it on þe lond of
xi He and his puple wiþ hym, þe ſtrongeſte men of Egipt.
heþene men, ſchulen be brouȝt, to leeſe þe lond; and þei xxvi And Y ſchal ſcatere Egipt in to naciouns, and Y
ſchulen drawe out her ſwerdis on Egipt, and þei ſchulen ſchal wyndewe hem in to londis; and þei ſchulen wite,
fille þe lond wiþ ſlayn men. þat Y am þe Lord.
xii And Y ſchal make drie þe botmes of floodis, and Y
ſchal ȝyue þe lond in þe hond of þe worſte men; and I CAP. XXXI
ſchal diſtrie þe lond, and þe fulneſſe þerof in þe hond of i And it was don in þe enleuenþe ȝeer, in þe þridde
aliens; Y þe Lord ſpak. moneþ, in þe firſte dai of þe moneþe, þe word of þe
xiii Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, And Y ſchal leeſe Lord was maad to me,
ſimylacris, and Y ſchal make idols to ceeſſe fro ii and he ſeide, Þou, ſone of man, ſeie to Farao, kyng of
Memphis, and a duyk of þe lond of Egipt ſchal no more Egipt, and to his puple, To whom art þou maad lijk in þi
be. And Y ſchal ȝyue drede in þe lond of Egipt, greetneſſe?

iii Lo! Aſſur as a cedre in Liban, fair in braunchis, and xvi weren ſhakun of þe ſoun of his falling. I mouide
ful of boowis, and hiȝ bi hiȝneſſe; and his heiȝte was togidere heþene men, whanne Y ledde hym doun to
reiſid among þicke bowis. helle, wiþ hem þat ȝeden doun in to þe lake. And alle
iiii Watris nurſchiden hym, þe depþe of watris trees of likyng, noble trees, and ful cleere in þe Liban,
enhaunſide him; hiſe floodis fletiden out in þe cumpas alle þat weren moiſtid wiþ watris, weren coumfortid in
of hiſe rootis, and he ſente out hiſe ſtrondis to alle þe þe loweſte lond.
trees of þe cuntrei. xvii For whi alſo þei ſchulen go doun wiþ hym to helle,
v Þerfor his hiȝneſſe was enhaunſid ouer alle trees of þe to ſlayn men wiþ ſwerd; and þe arm of ech man ſchal
cuntrei, and hiſe trees weren multiplied, and hiſe ſitte vndur þe ſchadewyng place of hym, in þe myddis
braunchis weren reiſid, for many watris. of naciouns.
vi And whanne he hadde ſtretchid forþ his ſchadewe, xviii To whom art þou licned, þou noble and hiȝ among

alle þe volatils of þe eir maden neſtis in hiſe braunchis; þe trees of likyng? Lo! þou art led doun wiþ þe trees of
and alle þe beeſtis of foreſtis gendriden vndur hiſe likyng to þe ferþeſte lond. In þe myddis of
boowis, and þe cumpeny of ful many folkis dwellide vncircumcidid men þou ſchalt ſlepe, wiþ hem þat ben
vndur þe ſchadewynge place of hym. ſlayn bi ſwerd. Þilke is Farao, and al þe multitude of
vii And he was ful fair in his greetneſſe, and in alargyng hym, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
of hiſe trees; for þe roote of hym was biſidis many
watris. CAP. XXXII
viii Cedris in þe paradijs of God weren not hiȝere þan i And it was don in þe twelueþe ȝeer, in þe twelueþe

he; fir trees atteyneden not euenli to þe hiȝneſſe of hym, moneþe, in þe firſte dai of þe moneþe, þe word of þe
and plane trees weren not euene wiþ þe boowis of hym. Lord was maad to me,
ii and he ſeide, Þou, ſone of man, take weilyng on Farao,
Ech tree of paradijs of God was not maad lic hym and
his fairneſſe. kyng of Egipt, and þou ſchalt ſeie to hym, Þou were
ix For Y made hym fair, and wiþ many and þicke maad lijk to a lioun of heþene men, and to a dragoun
boowis; and alle þe trees of luſt, þat weren in þe whiche is in þe ſee. And þou wyndewiſt wiþ horn in þi
paradijs of God, hadden enuye to hym. floodis, and þou diſturblidiſt watris wiþ þi feet, and
x Þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For þat þat he defoulidiſt þe floodis of þo.
iii Þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Y ſchal ſpredde
was reiſid in hiȝneſſe, and he ȝaf his hyȝneſſe greene and
þicke, and his herte was reiſid in his hiȝneſſe; abrood my net on þee in þe multitude of many puples,
xi now Y haue ȝoue hym in to þe hondis of þe ſtrongeſte and Y ſchal drawe þee out in my net;
iiii and Y ſchal caſte forþ þee in to erþe. On þe face of þe
man of heþene men. And he doynge ſchal do to þat
Aſſur; aftir þe vnfeiþfulneſſe of hym Y caſtide hym out. feeld Y ſchal caſte þee awei, and Y ſchal make alle þe
xii And aliens, and þe mooſt cruel men of naciouns, volatils of heuene to dwelle on þee, and Y ſchal fille of
ſchulen kitte hym doun, and ſchulen caſte hym forþ on þee þe beeſtis of al erþe.
v And Y ſchal ȝyue þi fleiſchis on hillis, and Y ſchal fille
hillis. And hiſe braunchis ſchulen falle doun in alle grete
valeis, and hiſe trees ſchulen be brokun in alle roochis þi litle hillis wiþ þi root;
vi and Y ſchal moiſte þe erþe wiþ þe ſtynk of þi blood on
of ſtoon of erþe. And alle þe puplis of erþe ſchulen go
awei fro his ſchadewing place, and ſchulen forſake hym. mounteyns, and valeis ſchulen be fillid of þee.
xiii Alle volatils of þe eir dwelliden in þe fallyng of vii And whanne þou ſchalt be quenchid, Y ſchal hile

hym, and alle beeſtis of þe cuntrei weren in þe heuenes, and Y ſchal make blak þe ſterris þerof; Y ſchal
braunchis of hym. kyuere þe ſunne wiþ a clowde, and þe moone ſchal not
xiiii Wherfor alle þe trees of watris ſchulen not be reiſid ȝyue hir lyȝt.
viii Y ſchal make alle þe lyȝt ȝyueris of heuene to
in hir hiȝneſſe, neþer ſchulen ſette hir hiȝneſſe among
places ful of woode, and ful of boowis, and alle trees mourne on þee, and Y ſchal ȝyue derkneſſis on þi lond,
þat ben moiſtid of watris ſchulen not ſtonde in þe ſeiþ þe Lord God; whanne þi woundid men ſchulen falle
hiȝneſſe of þo. For alle þei ben ȝouun in to deþ, to þe doun in þe myddis of erþe, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
ferþeſt lond in þe myddis of þe ſones of men, to hem þat ix And Y ſchal terre to wraþþe þe herte of many puplis,
goon doun in to þe lake. whanne Y ſchal bringe in þi ſorewe among folkis, on
xv Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, In þe dai whanne he londis whiche þou knowiſt not.
ȝede doun to hellis, Y brouȝte yn mourenyng; Y hilide x And Y ſchal make many puplis to wondre on þee, and
hym wiþ depþe of watris, and I forbede his flodis, and þe kyngis of hem ſchulen drede wiþ ful greet
Y refreynede many watris. Þe Liban was ſori on him, hidouſneſſe on þee, for alle þi wickidneſſis whiche þou
and alle þe trees of þe feeld wrouȝtiſt, whanne my ſwerd ſchal bigynne to flee on þe

faces of hem. And alle men ſchulen be aſtonyed ſudenli, baren her ſchenſchipe wiþ hem þat gon doun in to þe
for her lijf, in þe dai of her fallyng. lake; þei ben ſet in þe myddis of ſlayn men.
xi For þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þe ſwerd of þe king xxvi Þere ben Moſoch and Tubal, and al þe multitude
of Babiloyne ſchal come to þee; þerof; þe ſepulcris þerof ben in þe cumpaſſe þerof. Alle
xii in ſwerdis of ſtronge men Y ſchal caſte doun þi þeſe men vncircumcidid weren ſlayn, and fallynge doun
multitude, alle þeſe folkis ben not able to be bi ſwerd, for þei ȝauen her drede in þe lond of lyuynge
ouercomun. And þei ſchulen waſte þe pride of Egipt, men.
and þe multitude þerof ſchal be diſtried. xxvii And þei ſchulen not ſlepe wiþ ſtronge men, and
xiii And Y ſchal leeſe alle þe beeſtis þerof, þat weren on fallynge doun, and vncircumcidid, þat ȝeden doun in to
ful many watris; and þe foot of a man ſchal no more helle wiþ her armuris, and puttiden her ſwerdis vndur
troble þo watris, neþer þe clee of beeſtis ſchal troble þo. her heedis. And þe wickidneſſis of hem weren in þe
xiiii Þanne Y ſchal ȝelde þe watris of hem clenneſte, and boonys of hem, for þei weren maad þe drede of ſtronge
Y ſchal brynge þe floodis of hem as oile, ſeiþ þe Lord men in þe lond of lyuynge men.
xxviii And þou þerfor ſchalt be al to-foulid in þe myddis
xv whanne Y ſchal ȝyue deſolat þe lond of Egipt. of vncircumcidid men, and ſchalt ſlepe wiþ hem þat ben
Forſoþe þe lond ſchal be forſakun of his fulneſſe, ſlayn bi ſwerd.
xxix Þere is Idumee, and þe kingis þerof, and alle duykis
whanne Y ſchal ſmyte alle þe dwellers þerof; and þei
ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord. þerof, þat ben ȝouun wiþ her ooſt, wiþ men ſlayn bi
xvi It is a weiling, and þe douȝtris of heþene men ſwerd, and which ſlepten wiþ vncircumcidid men, and
ſchulen biweile hym; þei ſchulen biweile hym on Egipt, wiþ hem þat ȝeden doun in to þe lake.
xxx Þere ben alle princes of þe norþ, and alle hunteris,
and þei ſchulen biweile hym on þe multitude þerof, ſeiþ
þe Lord God. þat weren led forþ wiþ ſlayn men, þat ben dredinge and
xvii And it was don in þe twelueþe ȝeer, in þe fiftenþe ſchent in her ſtrengþe, which ſlepten vncircumcidid wiþ
dai of þe moneþe, þe word of þe Lord was maad to me, men ſlayn bi ſwerd, and baren her ſchenſchipe wiþ hem
xviii and he ſeide, Sone of man, ſynge þou a ſong of þat ȝeden doun in to þe lake.
xxxi Farao ſiȝ hem, and was coumfortid on al his
weilyng on þe multitude of Egipt, and drawe þou doun
it þe ſame, and þe douȝtris of ſtronge heþene men to þe multitude þat was ſlayn bi ſwerd. And Farao and al his
laſte lond, wiþ hem þat ȝeden doun in to þe lake. ooſt, ſeiþ þe Lord God, baren her ſchenſchipe wiþ hem
xix In as myche as þou art fairere, go doun, and ſlepe þat ȝeden doun in to þe lake;
xxxii for he ȝaf his drede in þe lond of lyuynge men. And
wiþ vncircumcidid men.
xx In þe myddis of ſlayn men þei ſchulen falle doun bi Farao and al his multitude ſlepte in þe myddis of
ſwerd; a ſwerd is ȝouun, and þei drowen it to, and alle vncircumcidid men, wiþ men ſlayn bi ſwerd, ſeiþ þe
þe puplis þerof. Lord God.
xxi Þe myȝtieſte of ſtronge men ſchulen ſpeke to hym,
fro þe myddis of helle, whiche wiþ her helperis ȝeden i And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me,
doun, and ſlepten vncircumcidid, and ſlayn bi ſwerd.
ii and he ſeide, Þou, ſone of man, ſpeke to þe ſones of þi
xxii Þere is Aſſur, and al his multitude; þe ſepulcris of
hem ben in þe cumpas of hym, alle ſlayn men, and þat puple, and þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, A lond whanne Y
fellen doun bi ſwerd, bringe in a ſwerd on it, and þe puple of þe lond takiþ o
xxiii whoſe ſepulcris ben ȝouun in þe laſte þingis of þe man of hiſe laſte men, and makiþ hym aſpiere on hym,
iii and he ſeeþ a ſwerd comynge on þe lond, and ſowneþ
lake. And þe multitude of hym is maad bi þe cumpas of
his ſepulcre, alle ſlayn men, and fallynge doun bi ſwerd, wiþ a clarioun, and telliþ to þe puple,
iiii forſoþe a man þat heriþ, who euer he is, þe ſowne of
whiche ȝauen ſum tyme her ferdfulneſſe in þe lond of
lyuynge men. þe clarioun, and kepiþ not him ſilf, and þe ſwerd comeþ,
xxiiii Þere is Helam, and al þe multitude þerof bi þe and takiþ hym awei, þe blood of hym ſchal be on þe
cumpas of his ſepulcre; alle þeſe weren ſlayn, and heed of hym.
v He herde þe ſown of þe clarioun, and kepte not hym
fallynge doun bi ſwerd, þat ȝeden doun vncircumcidid
to þe laſte lond; whiche ſettiden her drede in þe lond of ſilf, his blood ſchal be in hym; forſoþe if he kepiþ hym
lyuynge men, and baren her ſchenſchipe wiþ hem þat ſilf, he ſchal ſaue his lijf.
vi Þat if þe aſpiere ſeeþ a ſwerd comynge, and ſowneþ
goon doun in to þe lake.
xxv In þe myddis of ſlayn men þei puttiden his bed in not wiþ a clarioun, and þe puple kepiþ not hym ſilf, and
alle þe puplis of hym; his ſepulcre is in þe cumpas of þe ſwerd comeþ, and takiþ awei a man of hem, ſoþeli he
hym. Alle þeſe weren vncircumcidid and ſlayn bi ſwerd, is takun in his wickidneſſe; but Y ſchal ſeke þe blood of
for þei ȝauen drede in þe lond of lyuynge men, and hym of þe hond of þe aſpiere.

vii And, þou, ſone of man, Y ȝaf þee aſpiere to þe hous ouer, he þat fledde fro Jeruſalem cam to me, and ſeide,
of Iſrael; þerfor þou ſchalt here of my mouþ a word, and Þe citee is diſtried.
ſchalt telle to hem of me. xxii Forſoþe þe hond of þe Lord was maad to me in þe
viii If whanne Y ſeie to þe wickid man, Þou, wickid euentid, bifore þat he cam þat fledde, and he openyde
man, ſchalt die bi deþ, þou ſpekiſt not, þat þe wickid my mouþ, til he cam to me eerli; and whanne my mouþ
man kepe hym ſilf fro his weie, þilke wickid man ſchal was openyd, Y was no more ſtille.
die in his wickidneſſe, but Y ſchal ſeke his blood of þin xxiii And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me, and he
hond. ſeide,
ix Forſoþe if whanne þou telliſt to þe wickid man, þat he xxiiii Þou, ſone of man, þei þat dwellen in `þingis in
be conuertid fro his weies, he is not conuertid fro his poynt to falle doun on þe erþe of Iſrael, ſeien, ſpekynge,
weie, he ſchal die in his wickidneſſe; certis þou haſt Abraham was oon, and bi eritage he hadde þe lond in
delyuered þi ſoule. poſſeſſioun; forſoþe we ben manye, þe lond is ȝouun to
x Þerfore þou, ſone of man, ſeie to þe hous of Iſrael, Þus vs in to poſſeſſioun.
ȝe ſpaken, ſeiynge, Oure wickidneſſis and oure ſynnes xxv Þerfor þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe
ben on vs, and we failen in þo; hou þerfor moun we þingis, Wheþer ȝe þat eten in blood, and reiſen ȝoure
lyue? ſeie þou to hem, iȝen to ȝoure vnclenneſſis, and ſcheden blood, ſchulen
xi Y lyue, ſeiþ þe Lord God, Y nyle þe deþ of þe wickid haue in poſſeſſioun þe lond bi eritage?
man, but þat þe wickid man be conuertid fro his weie, xxvi Ȝe ſtoden in ȝoure ſwerdis, ȝe diden ȝoure
and lyue; be ȝe conuertid fro ȝoure worſte weies, and abhomynaciouns, and ech man defoulide þe wijf of his
whi ſchulen ȝe die, þe hous of Iſrael? neiȝbore; and ſchulen ȝe welde þe lond bi eritage?
xii Þerfor þou, ſone of man, ſeie to þe ſones of þi puple, xxvii Þou ſchalt ſeie þeſe þingis to hem, Þus ſeiþ þe Lord
Þe riȝtfulneſſe of a riȝtful man ſchal not delyuere hym, God, Y lyue, for þei þat dwellen in `þingis redi to falle
in whateuer dai he doiþ ſynne; and þe wickidneſſe of a doun, ſchulen falle doun bi ſwerd, and he þat is in þe
wickid man ſchal not anoye him, in what euere dai he is feld, ſchal be ȝouun to beeſtis to be deuourid; but þei þat
conuertid fro his wickidneſſe; and a iuſt man ſchal not ben in ſtronge holdis and in dennes, ſchulen die bi
mowe lyue in his riȝtfulneſſe, in what euer dai he doiþ peſtilence.
ſynne. xxviii And Y ſchal ȝyue þe lond in to wildirneſſe, and in
xiii Alſo if Y ſeie to a iuſt man, þat he ſchal lyue bi lijf, to deſert, and þe pryde and ſtrengþe þerof ſchal faile;
and he triſtiþ in his riȝtfulneſſe, and doiþ wickidneſſe, and þe hillis of Iſrael ſchulen be maad deſolat, for noon
alle his riȝtfulneſſis ſchulen be ȝouun to forȝetyng, and is þat ſchal paſſe bi þo.
in his wickidneſſe which he wrouȝte, in þat he ſchal die. xxix And þei ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord, whanne Y
xiiii Forſoþe if Y ſeie to þe wickid man, Þou ſchalt die bi ſchal ȝyue her lond deſolat and deſert, for alle her
deþ, and he doiþ penaunce for his ſynne, and doiþ dom abhomynaciouns whiche þei wrouȝten.
and riȝtfulneſſe, xxx And þou, ſone of man, þe ſones of þi puple þat
xv and if þilke wickid man reſtoriþ a wed, and ȝeldiþ ſpeken of þee biſidis wallis, and in þe doris of houſis,
raueyn, and goiþ in comaundementis of lijf, and doiþ and ſeien, oon to an oþer, a man to his neiȝbore, and
not ony vniuſt þing, he ſchal lyue bi lijf, and ſchal not ſpeken, Come ȝe, and here we, what is þe word goynge
die. out fro þe Lord;
xvi Alle hiſe ſynnes which he ſynnede, ſchulen not be xxxi and þei comen to þee, as if my puple entriþ, and my
arettid to hym; he dide doom and riȝtfulneſſe, he ſchal puple ſitten bifore þee, and þei heren þi wordis, and
lyue bi lijf. doon not þo; for þei turnen þo in to þe ſong of her
xvii And þe ſones of þi puple ſeiden, Þe weie of þe Lord mouþ, and her herte ſueþ her auerice;
is not euene weiȝte; and þe weie of hem is vniuſt. xxxii and it is to hem as a ſong of muſik, which is ſongun
xviii For whanne a iuſt man goiþ awei fro his bi ſoft and ſwete ſown; and þei heren þi wordis, and þei
riȝtfulneſſe, and doiþ wickidneſſis, he ſchal die in þo; doon not þo;
xix and whanne a wickid man goiþ awei fro his xxxiii and whanne þat þat is bifore ſeide comeþ, for lo! it

wickidneſſe, and doiþ dom and riȝtfulnes, he ſchal lyue comeþ, þanne þei ſchulen wite, þat `profetis weren
in þo. among hem.
xx And ȝe ſeien, Þe weie of þe Lord is not riȝtful. Y
ſchal deme ech man bi hiſe weies of ȝou, þe hous of CAP. XXXIIII
i And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me,
xxi And it was doon in þe twelueþe ȝeer, in þe tenþe ii and he ſeide, Sone of man, profeſie þou of þe

moneþe, in þe fyueþe dai of þe moneþe of our paſſyng ſchepherdis of Iſrael, profeſie þou; and þou ſchalt ſeie to
þe ſchepherdis, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Wo to þe

ſchepherdis of Iſrael, þat fedden hym ſilf; wheþer xviii Wheþer it was not enowȝ to ȝou to deuoure good
flockis ben not fed of ſchepherdis? paſturis? Ferþermore and ȝe defouliden wiþ ȝoure feet
iii Ȝe eeten mylk, and weren hilid wiþ wollis, and ȝe þe remenauntis of ȝoure leſewis, and whanne ȝe
killiden þat þat was fat; but ȝe fedden not my floc. drunken clereſte watir, ȝe diſturbliden þe reſidue wiþ
iiii Ȝe maden not ſad þat þat was vnſtidfaſt, and ȝe ȝoure feet.
maden not hool þat þat was ſijk; ȝe bounden not þat þat xix And my ſcheep weren fed wiþ þo þingis þat weren
was brokun, and ȝe brouȝten not aȝen þat þat was caſt defoulid wiþ ȝoure feet; and þei drunken þeſe þingis,
awei, and ȝe ſouȝten not þat þat periſchide; but ȝe þat ȝoure feet hadden troblid.
comaundiden to hem wiþ ſturneneſſe, and wiþ power. xx Þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis to ȝou, Lo! Y my
v And my ſcheep weren ſcaterid, for no ſheepherde was; ſilf deme bitwixe a fat beeſte and a leene beeſte.
and þei weren maad in to deuouryng of alle beeſtis of xxi For þat þat ȝe hurliden wiþ ſidis, and ſchuldris, and
þe feeld, and þei weren ſcaterid. wyndewiden wiþ ȝoure hornes alle ſike beeſtis, til þo
vi My flockis erriden in alle mounteyns, and in ech hiȝ weren ſcaterid wiþoutforþ, I ſchal ſaue my floc,
hil, and my flockis weren ſcaterid on al þe face of erþe, xxii and it ſchal no more be in to raueyn. And Y ſchal
and noon was þat ſouȝte. deme bitwixe beeſte and beeſte;
vii Þerfor, ſcheepherdis, here ȝe þe word of þe Lord; xxiii and Y ſchal reiſe on þo o ſheepherde, my ſeruaunt
viii Y lyue, ſeiþ þe Lord God, for whi for þat þat my Dauid, þat ſchal fede þo; he ſchal fede þo, and he ſchal
flockis ben maad in to raueyn, and my ſcheep in to be `in to a ſheepherde to hem.
deuouryng of alle beeſtis of þe feeld, for þat þat no xxiiii Forſoþe Y þe Lord ſchal be in to God to hem, and
ſcheepherde was, for þe ſcheepherdis ſouȝten not my my ſeruaunt Dauid ſchal be prince in þe myddis of hem;
floc, but þe ſcheepherdis fedden hem ſilf, and fedden Y þe Lord ſpak.
not my flockis; þerfor, xxv And Y ſchal make wiþ hem a couenaunt of pees, and
ix ſcheepherdis, here ȝe þe word of þe Lord,
Y ſchal make worſte beeſtis to ceeſſe fro erþe; and þei
x Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y my ſilf am ouer þat dwellen in deſert, ſchulen ſlepe ſikur in foreſtis.
ſcheepherdis; Y ſchal ſeke my floc of þe hond of hem, xxvi And Y ſchal ſette hem bleſſyng in þe cumpas of my
and Y ſchal make hem to ceeſſe, þat þei fede no more litle hil, and Y ſchal lede doun reyn in his tyme. And
my flok, and þat þe ſcheepherdis feede no more hem reynes of bleſſyng ſchulen be,
ſilf. And Y ſchal delyuere my floc fro þe mouþ of hem, xxvii and þe tre of þe feeld ſchal ȝyue his fruyt, and þe
and it ſchal no more be in to mete to hem. erþe ſchal ȝyue his ſeed. And þei ſchulen be in her lond
xi For þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y my ſilf ſchal
wiþ out drede; and þei ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord,
ſeke my ſcheep, and Y ſchal viſite hem. whanne Y ſchal al to-breke þe chaynes of her ȝok, and
xii As a ſcheepherde viſitiþ his floc, in þe dai whanne he ſchal delyuere hem fro þe hond of hem þat comaunden
is in þe myddis of hiſe ſcheep `þat ben ſcaterid, ſo Y to hem.
ſchal viſite my ſcheep; and Y ſchal delyuere hem fro alle xxviii And þei ſchulen no more be in to raueyn in to
places in whiche þei weren ſcaterid, in þe dai of cloude, heþene men, neþer þe beeſtis of erþe ſchulen deuoure
and of derkneſſe. hem, but þei ſchulen dwelle triſtili wiþ outen ony drede.
xiii And Y ſchal leede hem out of puplis, and Y ſchal xxix And Y ſchal reiſe to hem a iuſt buriownyng named;
gadere hem fro londis, and Y ſchal brynge hem in to her and þei ſchulen no more be maad leſſe for hunger in
lond, and Y ſchal feede hem in þe hillis of Iſrael, in erþe, and þei ſchulen no more bere þe ſchenſchipis of
ryueris, and in alle ſeetis of erþe. heþene men.
xiiii Y ſchal feede hem in mooſt plenteouſe paſturis, and xxx And þei ſchulen wite, þat Y am her Lord God wiþ
þe leſewis of hem ſchulen be in þe hiȝ hillis of Iſrael; hem, and þei ben my puple, þe hous of Iſrael, ſeiþ þe
þere þei ſchulen reſte in greene eerbis, and in fatte Lord God.
leſewis þei ſchulen be fed on þe hillis of Iſrael. xxxi Forſoþe ȝe my flockis ben men, þe flockis of my
xv Y ſchal fede my ſcheep, and Y ſchal make hem to
leſewe; and Y am ȝoure Lord God, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
ligge, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
xvi I ſchal ſeke þat þat periſchide, and Y ſchal brynge CAP. XXXV
aȝen þat þat was caſt awei; and Y ſchal bynde þat þat i And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me,
was brokun, and Y ſchal make ſad þat þat was ſijk; and ii and he ſeide, Þou, ſone of man, ſette þi face aȝens þe
Y ſchal kepe þat þat was fat and ſtrong; and Y ſchal hil of Seir; and þou ſchalt profeſie to it, and þou ſchalt
feede hem in doom; ſeie to it,
xvii forſoþe ȝe ben my flockis. Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe
þingis, Lo! Y deme bitwixe beeſte and beeſte, and a
weþir and a buc of geet.

iii Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þou hil of Seir, lo! Y to and litle hillis, to ſtrondis, and to valeis, and to peecis of
þee; Y ſchal ſtretche forþ myn hond on þee, and Y ſchal wallis left, and to citees forſakun, þat ben maad bare of
ȝyue þee deſolat and forſakun. puplis, and ben ſcorned of oþere folkis bi cumpas;
iiii Y ſchal diſtrie þi citees, and þou ſchalt be forſakun; v þerfore þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For in þe fier of

and þou ſchalt wite, þat Y am þe Lord. my feruour Y ſpak of oþere folkis, and of al Idumee, þat
v For þou were an enemye euerlaſtynge, and cloſidiſt ȝauen my lond in to eritage to hem ſilf wiþ ioie `and al
togidere þe ſonis of Iſrael in to þe hondis of ſwerd, in þe herte, and of entent, and caſtiden out it, to diſtrie it;
tyme of her turment, in þe tyme of þe laſte wickidneſſe; þerfor profeſie þou on þe erþe of Iſrael,
vi þerfor Y lyue, ſeiþ þe Lord God, for Y ſchal ȝyue þee vi and þou ſchalt ſeie to mounteyns, and litle hillis, to þe

to blood, and blood ſchal purſue þee; and ſiþen þou hiȝneſſe of hillis, and to valeis, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe
hatidiſt blood, blood ſchal purſue þee. þingis, For þat þat ȝe ben deſolat, lo! Y ſpak in my
vii And Y ſchal ȝyue þe hil of Seir deſolat and forſakun, feruour and in my ſtrong veniaunce. For þat þat ȝe
and Y ſchal take awei fro it a goere and a comere aȝen; ſuffriden ſchenſchipe of heþene men;
vii þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y reiſide
viii and Y ſchal fille þe hillis þerof wiþ þe careyns of her
ſlayn men. Men ſlayn by ſwerd ſchulen falle doun in þi myn hond aȝens heþene men, þat ben in ȝoure cumpas,
litle hillis, and in þi valeys, and in þi ſtrondis. þat þei bere her ſchenſchipe.
viii Forſoþe, ȝe hillis of Iſrael, brynge forþ ȝoure
ix Y ſchal ȝyue þee in to euerlaſtynge wildirneſſis, and þi
citees ſchulen not be enhabitid; and ȝe ſchulen wite, þat braunchis, and bringe ȝe fruit to my puple Iſrael; for it
Y am þe Lord God. is niȝ þat it come.
ix For lo! Y to ȝou, and Y ſchal turne to ȝou, and ȝe
x For þou ſeidiſt, Twei folkis and twei londis ſchulen be
myne, and Y ſchal welde þo bi eritage, whanne þe Lord ſchulen be erid, and ſchulen take ſeed.
x And in ȝou I ſchal multiplie men, and al þe hous of
was þere;
xi þerfor Y lyue, ſeiþ þe Lord God, for Y ſchal do bi þi Iſrael; and citees ſchulen be enhabitid, and ruynouſe
wraþþe, and bi þin enuye, which þou didiſt, hatinge þingis ſchulen be reparelid.
xi And Y ſchal fille ȝou wiþ men and beeſtis, and þei
hem, and Y ſchal be made knowun bi hem, whanne Y
ſchal deme þee; ſchulen be multiplied, and ſchulen encreeſſe; and Y
xii and þou ſchalt wite, þat Y am þe Lord. Y herde alle ſchal make ȝou to dwelle as at þe bigynnyng, and Y
þi ſchenſchipis, whiche þou ſpakiſt of þe hillis of Iſrael, ſchal rewarde wiþ more goodis þan ȝe hadden at þe
and ſeidiſt, Þe hillis of Iſrael ben forſakun, and ben bigynnyng; and ȝe ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord.
xii And Y ſchal brynge men on ȝou, my puple Iſrael, and
ȝouun to vs, for to deuoure.
xiii And ȝe han riſe on me wiþ ȝoure mouþ, and ȝe han bi eritage þei ſchulen welde þee, and þou ſchalt be to
deprauyd aȝens me; Y herde ȝoure wordis. hem in to eritage; and þou ſchalt no more leie to, þat
xiiii Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, While al þe lond is þou be wiþ out hem.
xiii Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For þat þat þei ſeien of
glad, Y ſchal turne þee in to wilderneſſe.
xv As þou haddiſt ioie on þe eritage of þe hous of Iſrael, ȝou, Þou art a deuoureſſe of men, and ſtrangliſt þi folk;
xiiii þerfor þou ſchalt no more ete men, and þou ſchalt
for it was diſtried, ſo Y ſchal do to þee; þe hil of Seir
ſchal be diſtried, and al Ydumee; and þei ſchulen wite, no more ſle þi folk, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
xv And Y ſchal no more make herd in þee þe
þat Y am þe Lord.
ſchenſchipe of heþene men, and þou ſchalt no more bere
CAP. XXXVI þe ſchenſchipe of puplis, and þou ſchalt no more leeſe þi
i Forſoþe þou, ſone of man, profeſie on þe hillis of folk, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
xvi And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me, and he
Iſrael; and þou ſchalt ſeie, Hillis of Iſrael, here ȝe þe
word of þe Lord. ſeide, Þou,
ii Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, For þat þat þe enemy xvii ſone of man, þe hous of Iſrael dwelliden in her lond,

ſeide of ȝou, Wel! euerlaſtyng hiȝneſſis ben ȝouun to vs and þei defouliden it in her weies, and in her ſtudies; bi
in to eritage; þe vnclenneſſe of a womman in rotun blood þe weie of
iii þerefore profeſie þou, and ſeie, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe hem is maad bifor me.
xviii And Y ſchedde out myn indignacioun on hem, for
þingis, For þat þat ȝe ben maad deſolat, and defoulid bi
cumpas, and ben maad in to eritage to oþere folkis, and blood which þei ſchedden on þe lond, and in her idols
ȝe ſtieden on þe lippe of tunge, and on þe ſchenſchipe of þei defouliden it.
xix And Y ſcateride hem among heþene men, and þei
iiii þerfor, hillis of Iſrael, here ȝe þe word of þe Lord weren wyndewid to londis; Y demede hem bi þe weies
God. Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis to þe mounteyns, and fyndyngis of hem.

xx And þei entriden to heþene men, to whiche þei xxxvi whiche euer ben left in ȝoure cumpas, ſchulen
entriden, and defouliden myn hooli name, whanne it wite, þat Y þe Lord haue bildid diſtried þingis, and Y
was ſeid of hem, Þis is þe puple of þe Lord, and þei haue plauntid vntilid þingis; Y þe Lord ſpak, and Y
ȝeden out of þe lond of hym. dide.
xxi And Y ſparide myn hooli name, which þe hous of xxxvii Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Ȝit in þis þing þe
Iſrael hadde defoulid among heþene men, to whiche þei hous of Iſrael ſchulen fynde me, þat Y do to hem; Y
entriden. ſchal multiplie hem as þe floc of men, as an hooli floc,
xxii Þerfor þou ſchalt ſeie to þe hous of Iſrael, Þe Lord xxxviii as þe floc of Jeruſalem in þe ſolempnytees þerof,
God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, O! ȝe hous of Iſrael, not for ȝou Y ſo þe citees þat ben forſakun, ſchulen be fulle of þe
ſchal do, but for myn hooli name, which ȝe defouliden flockis of men; and þei ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord.
among heþene men, to whiche ȝe entriden.
xxiii And Y ſchal halewe my greet name, which is CAP. XXXVII
defoulid among heþene men, whiche ȝe defouliden in i Þe hond of þe Lord was maad on me, and ledde me out
þe myddis of hem; þat heþene men wite, þat Y am þe in þe ſpirit of þe Lord; and he lefte me in þe myddis of a
Lord, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, whanne Y ſchal be halewid feeld þat was ful of boonys;
in ȝou before hem. ii and he ledde me aboute bi þo in cumpas. Forſoþe þo
xxiiii For Y ſchal take awei ȝou fro heþene men, and Y weren ful manye on þe face of þe feeld, and drie greetli.
ſchal gadere ȝou fro alle londis, and Y ſchal brynge ȝou iii And he ſeide to me, Geſſiſt þou, ſone of man, wheþer
in to ȝoure lond. þeſe boonys ſchulen lyue? And Y ſeide, Lord God, þou
xxv And Y ſchal ſchede out clene watir on ȝou, and ȝe woſt.
ſchulen be clenſid fro alle ȝoure filþis; and Y ſchal iiii And he ſeide to me, Profeſie þou of þeſe boonys; and
clenſe ȝou fro alle ȝoure idols. þou ſchalt ſeie to þo, Ȝe drie boonys, here þe word of þe
xxvi And Y ſchal ȝyue to ȝou a newe herte, and Y ſchal Lord.
ſette a newe ſpirit in þe myddis of ȝou; and Y ſchal do v Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis to þeſe boonys, Lo! Y
awei an herte of ſtoon fro ȝoure fleiſch, and Y ſchal ȝyue ſchal ſende in to ȝou a ſpirit, and ȝe ſchulen lyue.
to ȝou an herte of fleiſch, vi And Y ſchal ȝyue ſynewis on ȝou, and Y ſchal make
xxvii and Y ſchal ſette my ſpirit in þe myddis of ȝou. And
fleiſchis to wexe on ȝou, and Y ſchal ſtretche forþ aboue
Y ſchal make þat ȝe go in my comaundementis, and a ſkyn in ȝou, and Y ſchal ȝyue a ſpirit to ȝou, and ȝe
kepe and worche my domes. ſchulen lyue; and ȝe ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord.
xxviii And ȝe ſchulen dwelle in þe lond, whiche Y ȝaf to vii And Y profeſiede, as he comaundide to me; forſoþe a
ȝoure fadris; and ȝe ſchulen be in to a puple to me, and ſown was maad, while Y profeſiede, and lo! a ſtiryng
Y ſchal be in to a God to ȝou. togidere, and boonys camen to boonys, ech to his
xxix And Y ſchal ſaue ȝou fro alle ȝoure filþis; and Y ioynture.
ſchal clepe wheete, and Y ſchal multiplie it, and Y ſchal viii And Y ſiȝ and lo! ſynewis and fleiſchis `wexeden
not put hungur on ȝou. vpon þo, and ſkyn was ſtretchid forþ aboue in hem, and
xxx And Y ſchal multiplie þe fruyt of tree, and þe ſeedis þo hadden no ſpirit.
of þe feeld, þat ȝe bere no more þe ſchenſchipe of ix And he ſeide to me, Profeſie þou to þe ſpirit, profeſie
hungur among heþene men. þou, ſone of man; and þou ſchalt ſeie to þe ſpirit, Þe
xxxi And ȝe ſchulen haue mynde on ȝoure worſte weies, Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Come, þou ſpirit, fro foure
and on ſtudies not goode; and ȝoure wickidneſſis, and wyndis, and blowe þou on þeſe ſlayn men, and lyue þei
ȝoure grete treſpaſſis ſchulen diſpleſe ȝou. aȝen.
xxxii Not for ȝou Y ſchal do, ſeiþ þe Lord God, be it x And Y profeſiede, as he comaundide to me; and þe
knowun to ȝou; O! þe hous of Iſrael, be ȝe ſchent, and ſpirit entride in to þo boonys, and þei lyueden, and
be ȝe aſchamed on ȝoure weies. ſtoden on her feet, a ful greet ooſt.
xxxiii Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, In þe dai in which Y xi And þe Lord ſeide to me, Þou ſone of man, alle þeſe
ſchal clenſe ȝou fro alle ȝoure wickidneſſis, and Y ſchal boonys is þe hous of Iſrael; þei ſeien, Oure boonys
make citees to be enhabitid, and Y ſchal reparele drieden, and oure hope periſchide, and we ben kit awei.
ruynouſe þingis, xii Þerfor profeſie þou, and þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, Þe
xxxiiii and þe deſert lond ſchal be tilid, þat was ſum tyme Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal opene ȝoure
deſolat, bifor þe iȝen of ech weiegoere, graues, and Y ſchal lede ȝou out of ȝoure ſepulcris, my
xxxv þei ſchulen ſeie, Þilke lond vntilid is maad as a puple, and Y ſchal lede ȝou in to ȝoure lond Iſrael.
gardyn of likyng, and citees forſakun and deſtitute and
vndur myned ſaten maad ſtrong; and heþene men,

xiii And ȝe ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord, whanne Y xxvii And my tabernacle ſchal be among hem, and Y
ſchal opene ȝoure ſepulcris, and ſchal lede ȝou out of ſchal be God to hem, and þei ſchulen be a puple to me.
ȝoure biriels, my puple; xxviii And heþene men ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord,
xiiii and Y ſchal ȝyue my ſpirit in ȝou, and ȝe ſchulen halewere of Iſrael, whanne myn halewyng ſchal be in þe
lyue. And Y ſchal make ȝou for to reſte on ȝoure lond; myddis of hem wiþ outen ende.
and ȝe ſchulen wite, þat Y þe Lord ſpak, and dide, ſeiþ
þe Lord God. CAP. XXXVIII
xv And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me, i And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me,
xvi and he ſeide, And þou, ſone of man, take to þee o ii and he ſeide, Þou, ſone of man, Sette þi face aȝens
tree, and write þou on it, To Juda, and to þe ſones of Gog, and aȝens þe lond of Magog, þe prince of þe heed
Iſrael, and to hiſe felowis. And take þou an oþer tree, of Moſoch and of Tubal; and profeſie þou of hym.
and write on it, Joſeph, þe tree of Effraym, and of al þe iii And þou ſchalt ſeie to hym, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe
hous of Iſrael, and of hiſe felowis. þingis, A! Gog, lo! Y to þee, prince of þe heed of
xvii And ioyne þou þo trees oon to þe toþer in to o tree Moſoch and of Tubal;
to þee; and þo ſchulen be in to onement in þin hond. iiii and Y ſchal lede þee aboute, and Y ſchal ſette a bridil
xviii Soþeli whanne þe ſones of þi puple þat ſpeken, in þi chekis, and Y ſchal leede out þee, and al þin ooſt,
ſchulen ſeie to þee, Wheþer þou ſchewiſt not to vs, what horſis, and horſmen, alle cloþid wiþ haburiouns, a greet
þou wolt to þee in þeſe þingis? multitude of men, takynge ſpere, and ſcheeld, and
xix þou ſchalt ſpeke to hem, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe ſwerd.
þingis, Lo! Y ſchal take þe tree of Joſeph, which is in þe v Perſeis, Ethiopiens, and Libiens wiþ hem, alle ben
hond of Effraym, and þe lynagis of Iſrael, þat ben araied wiþ ſcheeldis and helmes.
ioyned to hym, and Y ſchal ȝyue hem togidere wiþ þe vi Gomer, and alle þe cumpenyes of hym, þe hous of
tree of Juda; and Y ſchal make hem in to o tree, and þei Togorma, þe ſidis of þe norþ, and al þe ſtrengþe þerof,
ſchulen be oon in þe hond of hym. and many puplis ben wiþ þee.
xx Soþeli þe trees, on whiche þou haſt write, ſchulen be vii Make redi, and araye þee, and al þi multitude which
in þin hond bifore þe iȝen of hem. is gaderid to þee, and be þou in to comaundement to
xxi And þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe hem.
þingis, Lo! Y ſchal take þe ſones of Iſrael fro þe myddis viii Aftir many daies þou ſchalt be viſitid, in þe laſte of
of naciouns, to whiche þei ȝeden forþ; and Y ſchal ȝeeris þou ſchalt come to þe lond, þat turnede aȝen fro
gadere hem togidere on ech ſide. And Y ſchal brynge ſwerd, and was gaderid of many puplis, to þe hillis of
hem to her lond, Iſrael þat weren deſert ful ofte; þis was led out of puplis,
xxii and Y ſchal make hem o folc in þe lond, in þe hillis and alle men dwellide triſtili þer ynne.
of Iſrael, and o kyng ſchal be comaundynge to alle: and ix Forſoþe þou ſchalt ſtie, and ſchalt come as a tempeſt,
þei ſchulen no more be twei folkis, and þei ſchulen no and as a cloude, for to hile þe lond, þou, and alle þi
more be departid in to twey rewmes. cumpanyes, and many puplis wiþ þee.
xxiii And þei ſchulen no more be defoulid in her idols, x Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, In þat dai wordis
and her abhomynaciouns, and in alle her wickidneſſis. ſchulen ſtie on þin herte, and þou ſchalt þenke þe worſte
And Y ſchal make hem ſaaf fro alle her ſeetis, in which þouȝt;
þei ſynneden, and Y ſchal clenſe hem; and þei ſchulen xi and ſchalt ſeie, Y ſchal ſtie to þe lond wiþ out wal, and
be a puple to me, and Y ſchal be God to hem. Y ſchal come to hem þat reſten and dwellen ſikirli; alle
xxiiii And my ſeruaunt Dauid ſchal be kyng on hem, and
þeſe dwellen wiþ out wal, barris and ȝatis ben not to
o ſcheepherde ſchal be of alle hem; þei ſchulen go in my hem;
domes, and þei ſchulen kepe my comaundementis, and xii þat þou rauyſche ſpuylis, and aſaile prei; þat þou
ſchulen do þo. brynge in þin hond on hem þat weren forſakun, and
xxv And þei ſchulen dwelle on þe lond, which Y ȝaf to
afterward reſtorid, and on þe puple which is gaderid of
my ſeruaunt Jacob, in which ȝoure fadris dwelliden; and heþene men, þat bigan to welde, and to be enhabitere of
þei ſchulen dwelle on þat lond, þei, and þe ſones of þe nawle of erþe.
hem, and þe ſones of her ſones, til in to wiþ outen ende; xiii Saba, and Dedan, and þe marchauntis of Tharſis, and
and Dauid, my ſeruaunt, ſchal be þe prince of hem wiþ alle þe liouns þerof ſchulen ſeie to þee, Wheþer þou
outen ende. comeſt to take ſpuylis? Lo! to rauyſche prey þou haſt
xxvi And Y ſchal ſmyte to hem a boond of pees; it ſchal
gaderid þi multitude, þat þou take awei gold and ſiluer,
be a couenaunt euerlaſtynge to hem, and Y ſchal founde and do awei purtenaunce of houſhold and catel, and þat
hem, and Y ſchal multiplie, and Y ſchal ȝyue myn þou rauyſche preyes wiþ out noumbre.
halewing in þe myddis of hem wiþ outen ende.

xiiii Þerforprofeſie þou, ſone of man; and þou ſchalt ſeie vi And Y ſchal ſende fier in Magog, and in hem þat
to Gog, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Wheþer not in þat dwellen triſtili in ilis; and þei ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe
dai, whanne my puple Iſrael ſchal dwelle triſtili, þou Lord God of Iſrael.
ſchalt wite; vii And Y ſchal make myn hooli name knowun in þe
xv and ſchalt come fro þi place, fro þe ſidis of þe norþ, myddis of my puple Iſrael, and Y ſchal no more defoule
þou, and many puplis wiþ þee, alle ſtieris of horſis, a myn hooli name; and heþene men ſchulen wite, þat Y
greet cumpany, and an huge ooſt; am þe Lord God, þe hooli of Iſrael.
xvi and þou as a cloude ſchalt ſtie on my puple Iſrael, þat viii Lo! it comeþ, and it is don, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
þou hile þe erþe? Þou ſchalt be in þe laſte daies, and Y ix Þis is þe day of which Y ſpak. And dwelleris ſchulen
ſchal brynge þee on my lond, þat my folkis wite, go out of þe citees of Iſrael, and þei ſchulen ſet a fier,
whanne Y ſchal be halewid in þee, þou Gog, bifor þe and ſchulen brenne armuris, ſcheeld and ſpere, bouwe
iȝen of þem. and arowis, and ſtauys of hond, and ſchaftis wiþ out
xvii Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þerfor þou art he of irun; and þei ſchulen brenne þo in fier bi ſeuene ȝeer.
whom Y ſpak in elde daies, in þe hond of my ſeruauntis, x And þei ſchulen not bere trees of cuntries, neþer
profetis of Iſrael, þat profeſieden in þe daies of þo ſchulen kitte doun of foreſtis, for þei ſchulen brenne
tymes, þat Y ſchulde bringe þee on hem. armuris bi fier; and þei ſchulen take preies of hem, to
xviii And it ſchal be, in þat dai, in þe dai of þe comyng whiche þei weren preies, and þei ſchulen rauyſche her
of Gog on þe lond of Iſrael, ſeiþ þe Lord God, myn waſteris, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
indignacioun ſchal ſtie in my ſtrong veniaunce, and in xi And it ſchal be in þat dai, Y ſchal ȝyue to Gog a
my feruour; named place, a ſepulcre in Iſrael, þe valei of weigoeris
xix Y ſpak in þe fier of my wraþþe. at þe eeſt of þe ſee, þat ſchal make hem þat paſſen forþ
xx For in þat dai ſchal be grete mouyng on þe lond of for to wondre; and þei ſchulen birie þere Gog, and al þe
Iſrael; and fiſchis of þe ſee, and beeſtis of erþe, and multitude of hym, and it ſchal be clepid þe valei of þe
briddis of þe eir, and ech crepynge beeſte which is multitude of Gog.
mouyd on erþe, and alle men þat ben on þe face of erþe, xii And þe hous of Iſrael ſchulen birie hem, þat þei
ſchulen be mouyd fro my face; and hillis ſchulen be clenſe þe lond in ſeuene moneþis.
vndurturned, and heggis ſchulen falle doun, and ech wal xiii Forſoþe al þe puple of þe lond ſchal byrie hym, and
ſchal falle doun in to erþe. it ſchal be a named dai to hem, in which Y am glorified,
ſeiþ þe Lord God.
CAP. XXXIX xiiii And þei ſchulen ordeyne biſili men cumpaſſynge þe
xxi And Y ſchal clepe togidere a ſwerd aȝens hym in alle
lond, þat ſchulen birie and ſeke hem þat weren left on
myn hillis, ſeiþ þe Lord God; þe ſwerd of ech man ſchal þe face of þe lond, þat þei clenſe it. Forſoþe aftir ſeuene
be dreſſid aȝens his broþer. moneþis þei ſchulen bigynne to ſeke,
xxii And þanne Y ſchal deme hym bi peſtilence, and xv and þei ſchulen cumpas goynge aboute þe lond; and
blood, and greet reyn, and bi greet ſtoonys; Y ſchal reyn whanne þei ſchulen ſe þe boon of a man, þei ſchulen
fier and brymſtoon on hym, and on his ooſt, and on ſette a `notable ſigne biſidis it, til þe birieris of careyns
many puplis þat ben wiþ hym. birie it in þe valei of þe multitude of Gog.
xxiii And Y ſchal be magnefied, and Y ſhal be halewid, xvi Soþeli þe name of þe cite is Amona; and þei ſchulen
and Y ſhal be knowun bifore þe iȝen of many folkis; clenſe þe lond.
and þei ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord. xvii Forſoþe, þou, ſone of man, þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe
i But profeſie þou, ſone of man, aȝens Gog; and þou
þingis, Seie þou to ech brid, and to alle foulis, and to
ſchalt ſeie, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y on þee, alle beeſtis of þe feeld, Come ȝe to gidere, and haſte ȝe,
þou Gog, prince of þe heed of Moſoch and of Tubal. renne ȝe togidere on ech ſide to my ſacrifice, which Y
ii And Y ſchal lede þee aboute, and Y ſchal diſſeyue þee, ſle to ȝou, a greet ſacrifice on þe hillis of Iſrael, þat ȝe
and Y ſchal make þee to ſtie fro þe ſidis of þe norþ, and ete fleiſchis and drynke blood.
Y ſchal brynge þee on þe hillis of Iſrael. xviii Ȝe ſchulen ete þe fleiſchis of ſtronge men, and ȝe
iii And Y ſchal ſmyte þi bouwe in þi left hond, and Y ſchulen drynke þe blood of prynces of erþe, of weþeris,
ſchal caſte doun þin arowis fro þi riȝt hond. of lambren, and of buckis of geet, and of bolis, and of
iiii Þou ſchalt falle doun on þe hillis of Iſrael, þou, and beeſtis maad fat, and of alle fat þingis.
alle þi cumpenyes, and puplis þat ben wiþ þee; Y ȝaf xix And ȝe ſchulen ete þe ynnere fatneſſe in to fulneſſe,
þee for to be deuourid to wielde beeſtis, to briddis, and and ȝe ſchulen drynke þe blood in to drunkeneſſe, of þe
to ech volatil, and to þe beeſtis of erþe. ſacrifice which Y ſchal ſle to ȝou.
v Þou ſchalt falle doun on þe face of þe feeld; for Y þe
Lord haue ſpoke, ſeiþ þe Lord God.

xx And ȝe ſchulen be fillid on my boord, of hors, and of handibreede; and he mat þe breede of þe bildyng wiþ o
ſtrong horſe man, and of alle men werriours, ſeiþ þe rehed, and þe hiȝneſſe bi o rehed.
Lord God. vi And he cam to þe ȝate þat bihelde þe weie of þe eeſt,
xxi And Y ſchal ſette my glorie among heþene men, and and he ſtiede bi degrees of it; and he mat þe lyntil of þe
alle heþene men ſchulen ſe my doom, which Y haue do, ȝate bi o rehed þe breede, þat is, o lyntil bi o rehed in
and myn hond, which Y haue ſet on hem. breede;
xxii And þe hous of Iſrael ſchulen wite, þat Y am her vii and he mat o chaumbre bi o rehed in lengþe, and bi o

Lord God, fro þat dai and afterward. rehed in breed, and fyue cubitis bitwixe chaumbris;
xxiii And heþen men ſchulen wite, þat þe hous of Iſrael viii and he mat þe lyntil of þe ȝate biſidis þe porche of þe

is takun in her wickidneſſe, for þat þat þei forſoken me; ȝate wiþ ynne, bi o rehed.
and Y hidde my face fro hem, and Y bitook hem into þe ix And he mat þe porch of þe ȝate of eiȝte cubitis, and
hondis of enemyes, and alle þei fellen doun bi ſwerd. þe frount þerof bi twei cubitis; ſoþeli þe porche of þe
xxiiii Bi þe unclennes and greet treſpaſſe of hem Y dide ȝate was wiþ ynne.
to hem, and Y hidde my face fro hem. x Certis þe chaumbris of þe ȝate at þe weie of þe eeſt
xxv Þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Now Y ſchal weren þre on þis ſide, and þre on þat ſide; o meſure of
leede aȝen þe caitiftee of Jacob, and Y ſchal haue merci þre, and o meſure of þe frountis on euer eþir ſide.
on al þe hous of Iſrael; and Y ſchal take feruoure for xi And he mat þe breede of þe lyntel of þe ȝate of ten
myn hooli name. cubitis, and þe lengþe of þe ȝate of þrettene cubitis.
xxvi And þei ſchulen bere here ſchenſchipe, and al þe xii And he mat a margyn of a cubit bifor þe chaumbris,
treſpaſſing bi which þei treſpaſſiden aȝens me, whanne and o cubit was þe ende on ech ſide; forſoþe þe
þei dwelliden in her lond triſtili, and dredden no man; chaumbris weren of ſixe cubitis on þis ſide and on þat
xxvii and whanne Y ſchal bringe hem aȝen fro puplis, ſide.
and ſchal gadere fro þe londis of her enemyes, and ſchal xiii And he mat þe ȝate fro þe roof of þe chaumbre til to
be halewid in hem, bifor þe iȝen of ful many folkis. þe roof þerof, þe breede of fyue and twenti cubitis, a
xxviii And þei ſchulen wite, þat Y am þe Lord God of dore aȝens a dore.
hem, for þat Y tranſlatide hem in to naciouns, and haue xiiii And he made frountes bi ſixti cubitis, and at þe
gaderid hem on her lond, and Y lefte not ony of hem frount an halle of þe ȝate on ech ſide bi cumpas;
þere. xv and bifor þe face of þe ȝate þat ſtretchiþ forþ til to þe
xxix And Y ſchal no more hide my face fro hem, for Y face of þe porche of þe ynner ȝate, he mat fifti cubitis.
haue ſchede out my ſpirit on al þe hous of Iſrael, ſeiþ þe xvi And he mat wyndows naraw wiþ out and large wiþ
Lord God. ynne, in þe chaumbris and frountis of þo, þat weren wiþ
ynne þe ȝate on ech ſide bi cumpas. Soþeli in lijk maner
CAP. XL alſo wyndows weren in þe porchis bi cumpas wiþ ynne;
i In þe fyue and twentiþe ȝeer of oure paſſyng ouer, in and þe peynture of palm trees was grauun bifor þe
þe bigynnyng of þe ȝeer, in þe tenþe dai of þe moneþe, frountis.
in þe fourtenþe ȝeer after þat þe citee was ſmytun, in þis xvii And he ledde me out to þe outermere halle, and lo!
ſame dai þe hond of þe Lord was maad on me, and he treſories, and pawment arayed wiþ ſtoon in þe halle bi
brouȝte me þidur in þe reuelaciouns of God. cumpas; þretti treſories in þe cumpas of þe pawment;
ii And he brouȝte me in to þe lond of Iſrael, and he leet xviii and þe pawment was byneþe in þe front of þe ȝatis,
me doun on a ful hiȝ hil, on which was as þe bildyng of bi þe lengþe of þe ȝatis.
a citee goynge to þe ſouþ; xix And he mat þe breede fro þe face of þe lowere ȝate
iii and he ledde me in þidur. And lo! a man, whos
til to þe frount of þe ynnere halle wiþ outforþ, an
licneſſe was as þe licneſſe of bras, and a coorde of flex hundrid cubitis at þe eeſt, and at þe norþ.
was in his hond, and a reed of meſure in his hond; xx And he mat boþe in lengþe and in breede þe ȝate þat
forſoþe he ſtood in þe ȝate. bihelde þe weie of þe norþ, of þe outermore halle.
iiii And þe ſame man ſpak to me, Þou ſone of man, ſe xxi And he mat þe chaumbris þerof, þre on þis ſide, and
wiþ þin iȝen, and here wiþ þin eeris, and ſette þin herte þre on þat ſide, and þe frount þerof, and þe porche
on alle þingis, whiche Y ſchal ſchewe to þee, for þou art þerof, bi þe meſure of þe formere ȝate; þe lengþe þerof
brouȝt hidur, þat þo be ſchewid to þee; telle þou alle of fifti cubitis, and þe breede þerof of fyue and twenti
þingis whiche þou ſeeſt to þe hous of Iſrael. cubitis.
v And lo! a wal wiþouteforþ, in þe cumpas of þe hous xxii Soþeli þe wyndows þerof, and þe porche, and þe
on ech ſide; and in þe hond of þe man was a rehed of grauyngis, weren bi þe meſure of þe ȝate þat bihelde to
meſure of ſixe cubitis and a ſpanne, þat is, an

þe eeſt; and þe ſtiyng þerof was of ſeuene degrees, and a xl And at þe outermore ſide, which ſtieþ to þe dore of þe
porche was bifore it. ȝate þat goiþ to þe norþ, weren twei boordis; and at `þe
xxiii And þe ȝate of þe ynnere halle was aȝens þe ȝate of toþer ſide, bifor þe porche of þe ȝate, weren twei
þe norþ, and aȝens þe eeſt ȝate; and he mat fro þe ȝate boordis.
til to þe ȝate an hundrid cubitis. xli Foure boordis on þis ſide, and foure boordis on þat
xxiiii And he ledde me out to þe weie of þe ſouþ, and lo! ſide; bi þe ſidis of þe ȝate weren eiȝte boordis, on
þe ȝate þat bihelde to þe ſouþ; and he mat þe frount whiche þei offriden.
þerof, and þe porche þerof, bi þe formere meſuris; xlii Forſoþe foure boordis to brent ſacrifice weren bildid
xxv and þe wyndows þerof, and þe porchis in cumpas, as of ſquare ſtoonys, in þe lengþe of o cubit and an half,
oþere wyndows; þe lengþe of fifti cubitis, and þe breede and in þe breed of o cubit and an half, and in þe hiȝþe
of fyue and twenti cubitis. of o cubit; on whiche boordis þei ſchulen ſette veſſels,
xxvi And bi ſeuene degrees me ſtiede to it, and `an halle in whiche brent ſacrifice and ſlayn ſacrifice is offrid.
was bifor þe ȝatis þerof; and palme trees weren grauun, xliii And þe brenkis of þo boordis ben of oon
oon in þis ſide, and anoþer in þat ſide in þe frount þerof. handibreede, and ben bowid aȝen wiþ ynne bi cumpas;
xxvii And þe ȝate of þe ynnere halle was in þe weie of þe forſoþe on þe boordis weren fleiſchis of offryng.
ſouþ; and he mat fro þe ȝate til to þe ȝate in þe weie of xliiii And wiþ out þe ynnere ȝate weren treſories of
þe ſouþ, an hundrid cubitis. chauntours, in þe ynnere halle, þat was in þe ſide of þe
xxviii And he ledde me in to þe ynnere halle, to þe ſouþ ȝate biholdynge to þe norþ; and þe faces of þo weren
ȝate; and he mat þe ȝate bi þe formere meſuris; aȝens þe ſouþ weie; oon of þe ſide of þe eeſt ȝate, þat
xxix þe chaumbre þerof, and þe frount þerof, and þe bihelde to þe weie of þe norþ.
xlv And he ſeide to me, Þis treſerie, þat biholdiþ þe ſouþ
porche þerof bi þe ſame meſuris; and he mat þe
wyndows þerof, and þe porche þerof in cumpas; fifti weie, is of þe preſtis þat waken in þe kepyngis of þe
cubitis of lengþe, and fyue and twenti cubitis of breede. temple,
xxx And he mat þe halle bi cumpas, þe lengþe of fyue xlvi Soþeli þe treſorye þat biholdiþ to þe weie of þe

and twenti cubitis, and þe breede þerof of fyue cubitis. norþ, ſchal be of þe preeſtis þat waken to þe ſeruice of
xxxi And þe porche þerof was to þe outermere halle, and þe auter; þeſe ben þe ſones of Sadoch, whiche of þe
þe palm trees þerof in þe frount; and eiȝte degrees ſones of Leuy neiȝen to þe Lord, for to mynyſtre to
weren, bi whiche me ſtiede þorouȝ it. hym.
xxxii And he ledde me in to þe ynnere halle, bi þe eeſt xlvii And he mat þe halle, þe lengþe of an hundrid

weie; and he mat þe ȝate by þe formere meſures; cubitis, and þe breede of an hundrid cubitis, bi ſquare,
xxxiii þe chaumbre þerof, and þe frount þerof, and þe and þe auter bifore þe face of þe temple.
xlviii And he ledde me in to þe porche of þe temple; and
porchis þerof, as aboue; and he mat þe wyndows þerof,
and þe porchis þerof in cumpas; þe lengþe of fifti he mat þe porche bi fyue cubitis on þis ſide, and bi fyue
cubitis, and þe breede of fyue and twenti cubitis; and þe cubitis on þat ſide; and he mat þe breede of þe ȝate, of
porche þerof, þre cubitis on þis ſide, and of þre cubitis on þat ſide.
xxxiiii þat is, of þe outermore halle; and palme trees xlix But he mat þe lengþe of þe porche of twenti cubitis,

grauun in þe frount þerof, on þis ſide and on þat ſide; and þe breede of eleuene cubitis, and bi eiȝte degrees
and in eiȝte degrees was þe ſtiyng þerof. me ſtiede to it; and pileris weren in þe frountis, oon on
xxxv And he ledde me in to þe ȝate þat bihelde to þe þis ſide, and `anoþer on þat ſide.
norþ; and he mat bi þe formere meſuris;
xxxvi þe chaumbre þerof, and þe frount þerof, and þe CAP. XLI
i And he ledde me in to þe temple, and he mat þe
porche þerof, and þe wyndows þerof bi cumpas; þe
lengþe of fifti cubitis, and þe breede of fyue and twenti frountis, ſixe cubitis of breede on þis ſide, and ſixe
cubitis. cubitis of breede on þat ſide, þe breede of þe tabernacle.
ii And þe breede of þe ȝate was of ten cubitis; and he
xxxvii Þe porche þerof bihelde to þe outermore halle;
and þe grauyng of palm trees was in þe frount þerof, on mat þe ſidis of þe ȝate bi fyue cubitis on þis ſide, and bi
þis ſide and on þat ſide; and in eiȝte degrees was þe fyue cubitis on þat ſide; and he mat þe lengþe þerof of
ſtiyng þerof. fourti cubitis, and þe breede of twenti cubitis.
iii And he entride wiþ ynne, and he mat in þe frount of
xxxviii And bi alle treſories a dore was in þe frountis of
ȝatis; and þere þei waiſchiden brent ſacrifice. þe ȝate twei cubitis; and he mat þe ȝate of ſixe cubitis,
xxxix And in þe porche of þe ȝate weren twei boordis on and þe breede of þe ȝate of ſeuene cubits.
iiii And he mat þe lengþe þerof of twenti cubitis, and þe
þis ſide, and twei boordis on þat ſide, þat brent ſacrifice
be offrid on þo, `boþe for ſynne and for treſpaſſe. breede of twenti cubitis, bifor þe face of þe temple.

v And he ſeide to me, Þis is þe hooli þing of hooli xx cherubyns and palm trees weren grauun in þe wal of
þingis. And he mat þe wal of þe hous of ſixe cubitis, þe temple.
and þe breede of þe ſide of foure cubitis, on ech ſide bi xxi A þreisfold foure cornerid; and þe face of þe
cumpas of þe hous. biholdyng of þe ſeyntuarie was aȝens þe biholding of þe
vi Forſoþe þe ſidis weren tweies þre and þretti, þe ſide to auter of tree;
þe ſide; and þo weren ſtondynge an hiȝ, þat entriden bi xxii þe heiȝþe þerof was of þre cubitis, and þe lengþe
þe wal of þe hous, in þe ſidis bi cumpas, þat þo helden þerof of twei cubitis; and þe corneris þerof, and þe
togidere, and touchiden not þe wal of þe temple. lengþe þerof, and þe wallis þerof, weren of tree. And he
vii And a ſtreet was in round, and ſtiede vpward bi a ſpak to me, Þis is þe boord bifor þe Lord.
vijs, and bar in to þe ſoler of þe temple bi cumpas; xxiii And twei doris weren in þe temple, and in þe
þerfor þe temple was braddere in þe hiȝere þingis; and ſeyntuarie.
ſo fro þe lowere þingis me ſtiede to þe hiȝere þingis, xxiiii And in þe twei doris on euer eiþer ſide weren twei
and in to þe myddis. litle doris, þat weren foldun togidere in hem ſilf; for whi
viii And Y ſiȝ in þe hous an hiȝneſſe bi cumpas, þe ſidis
twei doris weren on euer eiþer ſide of þe doris.
foundid at þe meſure of a rehed in þe ſpace of ſixe xxv And cherubyns and þe grauyng of palm trees weren
cubitis; grauun in þo doris of þe temple, as alſo þo weren
ix and þe breede by þe wal of þe ſide wiþ outforþ, of
expreſſid in þe wallis. Wherfor and grettere trees weren
fyue cubitis; and þe ynnere hous was in þe ſidis of þe in þe frount of þe porche wiþ outforþ,
hous. xxvi on whiche þe wyndows narowe wiþ out and large
x And bitwixe treſeries Y ſiȝ þe breede of twenti cubitis
wiþ ynne, and þe licneſſe of palm trees weren on þis
in þe cumpas of þe hous on ech ſide; ſide and on þat ſyde; in þe litle vndurſettyngis of þe
xi and Y ſiȝ þe dore of þe ſide to preier; o dore to þe porche, bi þe ſidis of þe hous, and bi þe breede of þe
weie of þe norþ, and o dore to þe weie of þe ſouþ; and wallis.
Y ſiȝ þe breede of place to preier, of fyue cubitis in
cumpas. CAP. XLII
xii And þe bildyng þat was ioyned to þe place departid, i And he ledde me out in to þe outermere halle, bi þe
and turned to þe weie biholdynge to þe ſee, of þe breede weie ledynge to þe norþ; and he ledde me in to þe
of ſeuenti cubitis; ſoþeli þe wal of þe bildyng of fyue treſerie, þat was aȝens þe bildyng departid, and aȝens þe
cubitis of breede bi cumpas, and þe lengþe þerof of hous goynge to þe norþ;
nynti cubitis. ii in þe face an hundrid cubitis of lengþe of þe dore of
xiii And he mat þe lengþe of þe hous, of an hundrid þe norþ, and fifti cubitis of breede,
cubitis; and þat þat was departid, þe bildyng and þe iii aȝens twenti cubitis of þe ynnere halle, and aȝens þe
wallis þerof, of lengþe of an hundrid cubitis. pawment araied wiþ ſtoon of þe outermere halle, where
xiiii Forſoþe þe breede of þe ſtreet bifor þe face of þe a porche was ioyned to þre fold porche.
hous, and of þat þat was departid aȝens þe eeſt, was of iiii And bifor þe treſories was a walkyng of ten cubitis of
an hundrid cubitis. breede, biholdynge to þe ynnere þingis of þe weie of o
xv And he mat þe lengþe of þe bildyng aȝens þe face of cubit. And þe doris of þo to þe norþ,
þat, þat was departid at þe bak; he mat þe boteraces on v where treſories weren lowere in þe hiȝere þingis; for
euer eiþer ſide of an hundrid cubitis. And he mat þe þo baren vp þe porchis þat apperiden an hiȝ of þo fro þe
ynnere temple, and þe porchis of þe halle, lowere þingis, and fro þe myddil þingis of þe bildyng.
xvi lyntels, and wyndows narowe wiþoutforþ and vi For þo weren of þre ſtagis, and hadden not pileris, as
broode wiþ ynne; boteraces in cumpas bi þre partis, weren þe pilers of hallis; þerfor þo ſtoden an hiȝ fro þe
aȝenſt þe lintel of ech, and araied wiþ tree bi cumpas al lowere þingis, and fro þe myddil þingis fro erþe, bi fifti
aboute; ſoþeli fro þe erþe til to þe wyndows, and þe cubitis.
wyndows weren cloſid on þe doris, vii And þe outermore halle cloſynge þe walkynge place
xvii and til to þe ynnere hous, and wiþoutforþ bi al þe
was bi þe treſeries, þat weren in þe weie of þe
wal in cumpas, wiþ ynne and wiþ outforþ at meſure. outermore halle, bifor þe treſeries; þe lengþe þerof was
xviii And cherubyns and palm trees weren maad craftili, of fifti cubitis.
and a palm tree bitwixe cherub and cherub; and cherub viii For þe lengþe of þe treſories of þe outermore halle
hadde twei faces, was of fifti cubitis, and þe lengþe bifor þe face of þe
xix þe face of a man biſidis þe palm tree on þis ſide, and temple was of an hundrid cubitis.
þe face of a lioun expreſſid biſidis þe palm tree on `þe ix And vndur þeſe treſories was an entring fro þe eeſt, of
toþer ſide. Bi al þe hous in cumpas, fro þe erþe til to þe men entringe in to þo, fro þe outermere halle,
hiȝere part,

x in þe brede of þe wal of þe halle, þat was aȝens þe eeſt v And þe Spirit reiſide me, and ledde me in to þe ynnere
weie in þe face of þe bilding departid. And treſeries halle; and lo! þe hous was fillid of þe glorie of þe Lord.
weren bifore þe bilding, vi And Y herde oon ſpekynge to me of þe hous. And þe
xi and a weie was bifor þe face of þo, bi þe licneſſe of man þat ſtood biſidis me,
treſeries þat weren in þe weie of þe norþ; bi þe lengþe vii ſeide to me, Þou, ſon of man, þis is þe place of my
of þo, ſo was alſo þe breede of þo. And al þe entryng of ſeete, and þe place of þe ſteppis of my feet, where Y
þo, and þe licneſſis and doris of þo, dwelle in þe myddis of þe ſones of Iſrael wiþouten
xii weren lijk þe doris of treſeries þat weren in þe weye ende; and þe hous of Iſrael ſchulen no more defoule
biholdynge to þe ſouþ; a dore was in þe heed of þe myn hooli name, þei, and þe kyngis of hem in her
weye, which weie was bifor þe porche departid to men fornicaciouns, and in þe fallyngis of her kyngis, and in
entringe bi þe eeſt weie. hiȝ places.
xiii And he ſeide to me, Þe treſeries of þe norþ, and þe viii Whiche maden her þreisfold biſidis my þreisfold,
treſeries of þe ſouþ, þat ben bifor þe bildyng departid, and her poſtis biſidis my poſtis, and a wal was bitwixe
þeſe ben hooli treſeries, in whiche þe preeſtis ben me and hem; and þei defouliden myn hooli name in
cloþid, þat neiȝen to þe Lord in to þe hooli of hooli abhomynaciouns whiche þei diden; wherfor Y waſtide
þingis; þere þei ſchulen putte þe hooli of hooli þingis, hem in my wraþþe.
and offryngis for ſynne, and for treſpas; for it is an hooli ix Now þerfor putte þei awei fer her fornicacioun, and
place. þe fallyng of her kyngis fro me; and Y ſchal dwelle
xiiii Soþeli whanne preſtis han entrid, þei ſchulen go out euere in þe myddis of hem.
of hooli þingis in to þe outermore halle; and þere þei x But þou, ſone of man, ſchewe þe temple to þe hous of
ſchulen putte vp her cloþis, in whiche þei mynyſtren, Iſrael, and be þei ſchent of her wickidneſſis; and mete
for þo ben hooli; and þei ſchulen be cloþid in oþere þei þe bilding,
cloþis, and ſo þei ſchulen go forþ to þe puple. xi and be þei aſchamed of alle þingis whiche þei diden.
xv And whanne he hadde fillid þe meſuris of þe ynnere
Þou ſchalt ſchewe to hem, and þou ſchalt write bifore þe
hous, he ledde me out bi þe weie of þe ȝate þat biheelde iȝen of hem þe figure of þe hous, and of þe bildyng
to þe eeſt weie; and he mat it on ech ſide bi cumpas. þerof; þe outgoyngis, and þe entryngis, and al þe
xvi Forſoþe he mat aȝens þe eeſt wynd wiþ þe rehed of diſcryuyng þerof, and alle þe comaundementis þerof,
meſure bi cumpas fyue hundrid rehedis, in a rehed of and al þe ordre þerof, `and alle þe lawis þerof; þat þei
meſure bi cumpas. kepe alle þe diſcryuyngis þerof, and comaundementis
xvii And he mat aȝens þe wynd of þe norþ fiue hundred þerof, and do þo.
rehedis, in þe rehed of meſure bi cumpas. xii Þis is þe lawe of þe hous, in þe hiȝneſſe of þe hil; alle
xviii And at þe ſouþ wynd he mat fyue hundrid rehedis, þe cooſtis þerof in cumpas is þe hooli of hooli þingis;
wiþ a rehed of meſure bi cumpas. þerfor þis is þe lawe of þe hous.
xix And at þe weſt wynd he mat fyue hundrid rehedis, xiii Forſoþe þeſe ben þe meſuris of þe auter, in a verieſte

wiþ þe rehed of meſure. cubit, þat hadde a cubit and a ſpanne; in þe boſum þerof
xx Bi foure wyndis he mat þe wal þerof on ech ſide bi was a cubit in lengþe, and a cubit in breede; and þe
cumpas, þe lengþe of fyue hundrid, and þe breede of ende þerof til to þe brenke, and o ſpanne in cumpas; alſo
fyue hundrid, departynge bitwixe þe ſeyntuarie and þe þis was þe diche of þe auter.
xiiii And fro þe boſum of þe erþe til to þe laſte heiȝþe
place of þe comyn puple.
weren twei cubitis, and þe breede of o cubit; and fro þe
CAP. XLIII leſſe heiȝþe til to þe grettere heiȝþe were foure cubitis,
i And he ledde me out to þe ȝate, þat bihelde to þe eeſt and þe breede was of o cubit; forſoþe þilke ariel, þat is,
weie. þe hiȝere part of þe auter, was of foure cubitis; and fro
ii And lo! þe glorie of God of Iſrael entride bi þe eeſt þe auter `til to aboue weren foure hornes.
xvi And þe auter of twelue cubitis in lengþe was foure
weie; and a vois was to it, as þe vois of many watris,
and þe erþe ſchynede of þe mageſte of hym. cornerid wiþ euene ſidis, bi twelue cubitis of breede.
iii And Y ſiȝ a viſioun, bi þe licneſſe whiche Y hadde xvii And þe heiȝþe of fourtene cubitis of lengþe was bi

ſeyn, whanne he cam to diſtrie þe citee; and þe licneſſe fourtene cubitis of breede, in foure corneris þerof. And
was lijc þe biholdyng whiche Y hadde ſeyn biſidis þe a coroun of half a cubit was in þe cumpas þerof, and þe
flood Chobar. boſum þerof was of o cubit bi cumpas; forſoþe þe
iiii And Y felle doun on my face, and þe mageſte of þe degrees þerof weren turned to þe eeſt.
xviii And he ſeide to me, Þou, ſone of man, þe Lord God
Lord entride in to þe temple, bi þe weie of þe ȝate þat
biheeld to þe eeſt. ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þeſe ben þe cuſtoms of þe auter, in

what euer dai it is maad, þat me offre on it brent vi And þou ſchalt ſeie to þe hous of Iſrael terrynge me to
ſacrifice, and blood be ſched out. wraþþe, Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Ȝe hous of Iſrael,
xix And þou ſchalt ȝyue to preeſtis and dekenes, þat ben alle ȝoure grete treſpaſſis ſuffice to ȝou,
of þe ſeed of Sadoch, þat neiȝen to me, ſeiþ þe Lord vii for ȝe bryngen in alien ſones, vncircumcidid in herte,
God, þat þei offre to me a calf of þe drooue for ſynne. and vncircumcidid in fleiſch, þat þei be in my
xx And þou ſchalt take of þe blood þerof, and ſchalt ſeyntuarie, and defoule myn hous. And ȝe offren my
putte on foure hornes þerof, and on foure corneris of looues, ynnere fatneſſe, and blood, and breken my
heiȝþe, and on þe coroun in cumpas; and þou ſchalt couenaunt in alle ȝoure grete treſpaſſis.
clenſe it, and make clene. viii And ȝe kepten not þe comaundementis of my
xxi And þou ſchalt take þe calf which is offrid for ſynne, ſeyntuarie, and ȝe ſettiden keperis of my kepyngis in my
and þou ſchalt brenne it in a departid place of þe hous, ſeyntuarye to ȝou ſilf.
wiþ out þe ſeyntuarie. ix Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Ech alien `þat is
xxii And in þe ſecounde dai þou ſchalt offre a buk of vncircumcidid in herte, and vncircumcidid in fleiſch,
geet, which is wiþ out wem, for ſynne; and þei ſchulen ſchal not entre in to my ſeyntuarie; ech alien ſone,
clenſe þe auter, as þei clenſiden in þe calf. which is in þe myddis of þe ſones of Iſrael.
xxiii And whanne þou haſt fillid þat clenſyng, þou ſchalt x But alſo Leuytis, `eþer men of þe lynage of Leuy, þat
offre a calf of þe drooue, which calf is wiþout wem, and ȝeden fer a wei fro me in þe errour of þe ſones of Iſrael,
a weþer wiþ out wem of þe floc. and erriden fro me aftir her idols, and baren her
xxiiii And þou ſchalt offre þo in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord; and wickidneſſe,
preſtis ſchulen putte ſalt on þo, and ſchulen offre þo in xi þei ſchulen be kepers of houſis in my ſeyntuarye, and
to brent ſacrifice to þe Lord. porteris of ȝatis of þe hous, and mynyſtris of þe hous;
xxv Bi ſeuene daies þou ſchalt make a buk of geet for þei ſchulen ſle brent ſacrifices, and ſacrifices for victorie
ſynne, ech dai; and þei ſchulen offre a calf of þe drooue, of þe puple; and þei ſchulen ſtonde in þe ſiȝt of þe
and a weþer vnwemmed of ſcheep. preſtis, for to mynyſtre to hem.
xxvi Bi ſeuene daies þei ſchulen clenſe þe auter, and xii For þat þat þei mynyſtriden to þo in þe ſiȝt of her

ſchulen make it cleene, and þei ſchulen fille þe hond idols, and weren maad to þe hous of Iſrael in to
þerof. offendyng of wickidneſſe; þerfor Y reiſide myn hond on
xxvii Forſoþe whanne ſeuene daies ben fillid, in þe eiȝþe þem, ſeiþ þe Lord God, and þei baren her wickidneſſe.
xiii And þei ſchulen not neiȝe to me, þat þei vſe
dai and ferþer preſtis ſchulen make on þe auter ȝoure
brent ſacrifices, and þo þingis whiche þei offren for preeſthod to me, neþer þei ſchulen neiȝe to al my
pees; and Y ſchal be pleſid to ȝou, ſeiþ þe Lord God. ſeyntuarie biſidis hooly of hooli þingis, but þei ſchulen
bere her ſchenſchipe, and her grete treſpaſſis whiche þei
CAP. XLIIII diden.
i And he turnede me to þe weie of þe ȝate of þe xiiii And Y ſchal make hem porteris of þe hous, in al þe

outermore ſeyntuarie, which ȝate byhelde to þe eeſt, and ſeruyce þerof, and in alle þingis þat ben don þer ynne.
was cloſid. xv Forſoþe preeſtis and dekenes, þe ſones of Sadoch, þat
ii And þe Lord ſeide to me, Þis ȝate ſchal be cloſid, and kepten þe cerymonyes of my ſeyntuarie, whanne þe
ſchal not be opened, and a man ſchal not paſſe þorou it; ſones of Iſrael erriden fro me, þei ſchulen neiȝe to me,
for þe Lord God of Iſrael entride bi it, and it ſchal be for to mynyſtre to me; and þei ſchulen ſtonde in my ſiȝt,
cloſid to þe prince. þat þei offre to me ynnere fatneſſe and blood, ſeiþ þe
iii Þe prince hym ſilf ſchal ſitte þer ynne, þat he ete Lord God.
xvi Þei ſchulen entre in to my ſeyntuarie, and þei ſchulen
breed bifor þe Lord; he ſchal go yn bi þe weie of þe ȝate
of þe porche, and he ſchal go out bi þe weie þerof. neiȝe to my boord, þat þei mynyſtre to me, and kepe my
iiii And he ledde me bi þe weie of þe norþ ȝate, in þe ſiȝt ceremonyes.
xvii And whanne þei ſchulen entre in to þe ȝatis of þe
of þe hous; and Y ſiȝ, and lo! þe glorie of þe Lord fillide
þe hous of þe Lord; and Y felle doun on my face. ynnere halle,
v And þe Lord ſeide to me, Þou, ſone of man, ſette þin xviii þei ſchulen be cloþid wiþ lynnun cloþis, neþer ony

herte, and ſe wiþ þin iȝen, and here wiþ þin eeris alle wollun þing ſchal `be do on hem, whanne þei mynyſtren
þingis whiche Y ſpeke to þee, of al þe ceremonyes of þe in þe ȝatis of þe ynnere halle, and wiþ ynne; lynnun
hous of þe Lord, and of alle þe lawis þerof; and þou cappis, eþer mytris, ſchulen be in þe heedis of hem, and
ſchalt ſette þin herte in þe weies of þe temple, bi alle þe lynnun brechis ſchulen be in þe leendis of hem, and þei
goyngis out of þe ſeyntuarie. ſchulen not be gird in ſwoot.
xix And whanne þei ſchulen go out at þe outermere halle
to þe puple, þei ſchulen diſpuyle hem of her cloþis, in

whiche þei mynyſtriden, and þei ſchulen leie þo vp in þouſynde; and þe temple and þe hooli of hooli þingis
þe treſerie of ſeyntuarie; and þei ſchulen cloþe hem ſilf ſchal be in it.
in oþere cloþis, and þei ſchulen not halewe my puple in iiii An halewid þing of þe lond ſchal be to preſtis, þe
her cloþis. mynyſtris of ſeyntuarie, þat neiȝen to þe ſeruyce of þe
xx Forſoþe þei ſchulen not ſchaue her heed, neþer þei Lord; and a place ſchal be to hem in to houſis, and in to
ſchulen nurſche long heere, but þei clippynge ſchulen þe ſeyntuarie of hoolyneſſe.
clippe her heedis. v Soþeli fyue and twenti þouſynde of lengþe ſchulen be,
xxi And ech preeſt ſchal not drynke wyn, whanne he and ten þouſynde of breede; but þe dekenes þat
ſchal entre in to þe ynnere halle. mynyſtren to þe hous, þei ſchulen haue in poſſeſſioun
xxii And preeſtis ſchulen not take wyues a widewe, and a twenti treſeries.
forſakun womman, but virgyns of þe ſeed of þe hous of vi And ȝe ſchulen ȝyue þe poſſeſſioun of þe citee, fyue
Iſrael; but alſo þei ſchulen take a widewe, which is þe þouſynde rehedis of breede, and fyue and twenti
widewe of a preeſt. þouſynde of lengþe, bi þe departyng of þe ſeyntuarie, to
xxiii And þei ſchulen teche my puple, what is bitwixe al þe hous of Iſrael.
hooli þing and defoulid; and þei ſchulen ſchewe to hem, vii And ȝe ſchulen ȝyue a porcioun to þe prince on þis
what is bitwixe cleene þing and vncleene. ſide and on þat ſide, biſidis þe departyng of þe
xxiiii And whanne debate is, þei ſchulen ſtonde in my ſeyntuarie, and biſidis þe poſſeſſioun of þe citee, aȝens
domes, and ſchulen deme my lawis; and þei ſchulen þe face of departynge of ſeyntuarie, and aȝens þe face
kepe my comaundementis in alle my ſolempnytees, and of poſſeſſioun of þe citee; fro þe ſide of þe ſe til to þe
þei ſchulen halewe my ſabatis. ſee, and fro þe ſide of þe eeſt `til to þe eeſt, ſchal be of
xxv And þei ſchulen not entre to a deed man, leſt þei be þe poſſeſſioun of þe prince. Forſoþe þe lengþe bi ech of
defoulid, no but to fadir, and modir, and to ſone, and þe partis, fro þe weſt ende til to þe eeſt ende of þe lond,
viii ſchal be poſſeſſioun to hym in Iſrael; and þe princes
douȝter, and to broþer, and ſiſter þat hadde not an
hoſebonde, in whiche þei ſchulen be defoulid. ſchulen no more robbe my puple, but þei ſchulen ȝyue
xxvi And after þat he is clenſid, ſeuene daies ſchulen be þe lond to þe hous of Iſrael, bi þe lynagis of hem.
ix Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, O! princes of Iſrael,
noumbrid to hym.
xxvii And in þe dai of his entryng in to þe ſeyntuarie, to ſuffice it to ȝou, leue ȝe wickidneſſe `and raueyns, and
þe ynnere halle, þat he mynyſtre to me in þe ſeyntuarie, do ȝe doom and riȝtfulneſſe; departe ȝe ȝoure niȝ cooſtis
he ſchal offre for his ſynne, ſeiþ þe Lord God. fro my puple, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
xxviii Forſoþe noon eritage ſchal be to hem, Y am þe x A iuſt balaunce, and a iuſt meſure clepid ephi, and a

eritage of hem; and ȝe ſchulen not ȝyue to hem iuſt meſure clepid baþus, ſchulen be to ȝou.
xi Ephi and baþus ſchulen be euene, and of o meſure, þat
poſſeſſioun in Iſrael, for Y am þe poſſeſſioun of hem.
xxix Þei ſchulen ete ſacrifice, boþe for ſynne and for baþus take þe tenþe part of þe meſure clepid corus, and
treſpaſſe, and ech avow of Iſrael ſchal be hern. þat ephi take þe tenþe part of þe meſure corus; bi þe
xxx And þe firſte þingis of alle firſte gendrid þingis, and meſure of corus ſchal be euene weiynge of þo.
xii Forſoþe a ſicle ſchal haue twenti halpens; certis
alle moiſte ſacrifices, of alle þingis þat ben offrid,
ſchulen be þe preſtis part; and ȝe ſchulen ȝyue þe firſte twenti ſiclis, and fyue and twenti ſiclis, and fiftene ſiclis
þingis of ȝoure metis to þe preſt, þat he leie vp bleſſyng maken a beſaunt.
xiii And þeſe ben þe firſte fruytis whiche ȝe ſchulen take
to his hous.
xxxi Preeſtis ſchulen not ete ony þing deed bi it ſilf, and awei; þe ſixte part of ephi of a corus of wheete, and þe
takun of a beeſte, of foulis, and of ſcheep. ſixte part of ephi of a corus of barli.
xiiii Alſo þe meſure of oile; a baþus of oile is þe tenþe

CAP. XLV part of corus, and ten baþus maken o corus; for ten
i And whanne ȝe ſchulen bigynne to departe þe lond bi baþus fillen o corus.
xv And `a ram of þe floc of twei hundrid, of þeſe whiche
partis, departe ȝe þe firſte þingis to þe Lord, an halewid
þing of þe lond, fyue and twenti þouſynde of rehedis in þe men of Iſrael nurſchen, in to ſacrifice, and in to brent
lengþe, and ten þouſynde of rehedis in breede; it ſchal ſacrifice, and in to peſible ſacrifices, to clenſe for hem,
be halewid in al þe cooſt þerof by cumpas. ſeiþ þe Lord God.
ii And it ſchal be halewid on ech part in fyue hundrid xvi Al þe puple of þe lond ſchal be boundun in þeſe firſte

rehedis bi fyue hundrid, in foure ſidis bi cumpas, and in fruytis to þe prince of Iſrael.
fifti cubitis in to þe ſubarbis þerof bi cumpas. xvii And on þe prince ſchulen be brent ſacrifices, and
iii And fro þis meſure þou ſchalt mete þe lengþe of fyue ſacrifice, and moiſte ſacrifices, in ſolempnytees, and in
and twenti þouſynde of rehedis, and þe breede of ten kalendis, eþer bigynnyngis of moneþis, and in ſabatis,
and in alle þe ſolempnytees of þe hous of Iſrael; he ſchal

make ſacrifice, for ſynne, and brent ſacrifice, and vii and ephi bi a calf. Alſo he ſchal make þe ſacrifice
peſible ſacrifices, to clenſe for þe hous of Iſrael. ephi bi a weþer; but of lambren as his hond fyndiþ, and
xviii Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, In þe firſte moneþ, in of oile þe meſure hyn, bi ech ephi.
þe firſte dai of þe moneþe, þou ſchalt take a calf wiþ out viii And whanne þe prince ſchal entre, entre he bi þe
wem of þe drooue, and þou ſchalt clenſe þe ſeyntuarie. weie of þe porche of þe ȝate, and go he out bi þe ſame
xix And þe preeſt ſchal take of þe blood of þe beeſte, þat weie.
ſchal be for ſynne; and he ſchal putte in þe poſtis of þe ix And whanne þe puple of þe lond ſchal entre in þe ſiȝt
hous, and in foure corneris of þe heiȝþe of þe auter, and of þe Lord, in ſolempnytees, which puple entriþ bi þe
in þe poſtis of þe ȝate of þe ynnere halle. ȝate of þe norþ, for to worſchipe, go it out bi þe wei of
xx And þus þou ſchalt do in þe ſeuenþe dai of þe þe ſouþ ȝate. Certis þe puple þat entriþ bi þe weie of þe
moneþe, for ech þat knew not, and was diſſeyued bi ſouþ ȝate, go out bi þe weie of þe norþ ȝate. It ſchal not
errour, and þou ſchalt clenſe for þe hous. turne aȝen bi þe weie of þe ȝate, bi which it entride, but
xxi In þe firſte moneþe, in þe fourtenþe dai of þe euene aȝens þat weie it ſchal go out.
moneþe, þe ſolempnytee of paſk ſchal be to ȝou; þerf x Forſoþe þe prince ſchal be in þe myddis of hem; he
looues ſchulen be etun bi ſeuene daies. ſchal entre wiþ hem þat entren, and he ſchal go out wiþ
xxii And þe prince ſchal make a calf for ſynne in þat dai, hem þat goen out.
for hym ſilf and for al þe puple of þe lond. xi And in feiris and in ſolempnytees, þe ſacrifice of ephi
xxiii And in þe ſolempnytee of ſeuene daies he ſchal ſchal be bi a calf, and ephi bi a weþer; in lambren ſchal
make brent ſacrifice to þe Lord; he ſchal offre ſeuene be ſacrifice as his hond fyndiþ, and of oile þe meſure
caluys and ſeuene weþeris wiþ out wem ech dai, bi hyn, bi ech ephi.
ſeuene daies, and ech dai a buc of geet, for ſynne. xii Forſoþe whanne þe prince makiþ a wilful brent
xxiiii And he ſchal make þe ſacrifice of ephi by a calf, ſacrifice, eþer wilful peſible ſacrifice to þe Lord, þe ȝate
and of ephi by a weþer, and of oile þe meſure hyn, bi þat biholdiþ to þe eeſt, ſchal be openyd to hym; and he
ech ephi. ſchal make his brent ſacrifice, and hiſe peſible ſacrifices,
xxv In þe ſeuenþe moneþe, in þe fiftenþe dai of þe as it is wont to be doon in þe dai of ſabat; and he ſchal
moneþe, in þe ſolempnytee, he ſchal make as þo ben go out, and þe ȝate ſchal be cloſid after þat he ȝede out.
xiii And he ſchal make brent ſacrifice ech day to þe
biforſeid, bi ſeuene daies, as wel for ſynne as for brent
ſacrifice, and in ſacrifice, and in oile. Lord, a lomb wiþ out wem of þe ſame ȝeer; euere he
ſchal make it in þe morewtid,
CAP. XLVI xiiii and he ſchal make ſacrifice on it ful eerli; eerli he
i Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þe ȝate of þe ynnere ſchal make þe ſixte part of ephi, and of oile þe þridde
halle, þat biholdiþ to þe eeſt, ſchal be cloſid bi ſixe part of hyn, þat it be meddlid wiþ þe floure of wheete; it
daies, in whiche werk is doon; for it ſchal be openid in is a lawful ſacrifice, contynuel and euerlaſtinge, to þe
þe dai of ſabat, but alſo it ſchal be openyd in þe dai of Lord.
kalendis. xv He ſchal make a lomb, and ſacrifice, and oile, ful
ii And þe prince ſchal entre bi þe weie of þe porche of eerli; he ſchal make eerli brent ſacrifice euerlaſtynge.
þe ȝate wiþoutforþ, and he ſchal ſtonde in þe þreisfold xvi Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, If þe prince ȝyueþ an
of þe ȝate; and preeſtis ſchulen make þe brent ſacrifice hous to ony of hiſe ſones, þe eritage of hym ſchal be of
of hym, and þe peſible ſacrifices of hym; and he ſchal hiſe ſones; þei ſchulen welde it bi eritage.
worſchipe on þe þreisfold of þe ȝate, and he ſchal go xvii Forſoþe if he ȝyueþ a biqueſt of his eritage to oon of
out; forſoþe þe ȝate ſchal not be cloſid til to þe euentid. hiſe ſeruauntis, it ſchal be his `til to þe ȝeer of
iii And þe puple of þe lond ſchal worſchipe at þe dore of remyſſioun, and it ſchal turne aȝen to þe prince; forſoþe
þat ȝate, in ſabatis, and in calendis, bifor þe Lord. þe eritage of hym ſchal be to hiſe ſones.
iiii Forſoþe þe prince ſchal offre þis brent ſacrifice to þe xviii And þe prince ſchal not take bi violence of þe
Lord in þe dai of ſabat, ſixe lambren wiþ out wem, and eritage of þe puple, and of þe poſſeſſioun of hem; but of
a weþer wiþ out wem, his owne poſſeſſioun he ſchal ȝyue eritage to hiſe ſones,
v and þe ſacrifice of ephi bi a weþer; but in þe lambren þat my puple be not ſcaterid, ech man fro his
he ſchal offre þe ſacrifice which his hond ſchal ȝiue, and poſſeſſioun.
of oile þe meſure hyn, bi ech ephi. xix And he ledde me in bi þe entryng, þat was on þe ſide
vi But in þe dai of calendis he ſchal offre a calf wiþ out of þe ȝate, in to þe treſeries of þe ſeyntuarie to þe
wem of þe droue; and ſixe lambren, and weþeris ſchulen preeſtis, whiche treſeries bihelden to þe norþ; and þere
be wiþ out wem, was a place goynge to þe weſt.
xx And he ſeide to me, Þis is þe place where preſtis
ſchulen ſeþe, boþe for ſynne and for treſpas; where þei

ſchulen ſeþe ſacrifice, þat þei bere not out in to þe xi but in brynkis þerof and in maraiſis watris ſhulen not
outermere halle, and þe puple be halewid. be heelid, for þo `ſchulen be ȝouun in to places of
xxi And he ledde me out in to þe outermere halle, and makynge of ſalt.
ledde me aboute bi þe foure corneris of þe halle; and lo! xii And ech tree berynge fruit ſchal growe on þe ſtronde,
a litil halle was in þe corner of þe halle, alle litil hallis in þe ryueris þerof on ech ſide; a leef þerof ſchal not
bi þe corneris of þe halle; falle doun, and þe fruyt þerof ſchal not faile; bi alle
xxii in foure corneris of þe halle litle hallis weren moneþis it ſchal bere firſte fruytis, for þe watris þerof
diſpoſid, of fourti cubitis bi lengþe, and of þretti bi ſchulen go out of þe ſeyntuarie; and þe fruytis þerof
breede; ſchulen be in to mete, and þe leeuys þerof to medicyn.
xxiii foure weren of o meſure; and a wal bi cumpas ȝede xiii Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þis is þe ende, in
aboute foure litle hallis; and kychenes weren maad which ȝe ſchulen welde þe lond, in þe twelue lynagis of
vndur þe porchis bi cumpas. Iſrael; for Joſeph haþ double part.
xxiiii And he ſeide to me, Þis is þe hous of kichenes, in xiiii Forſoþe ȝe ſchulen welde it, ech man euenli as his
which þe mynyſtris of þe hous of þe Lord ſchulen ſeþe broþer; on which Y reiſide myn hond, þat Y ſchulde
þe ſacrifices of þe puple. ȝyue to ȝoure fadris; and þis lond ſchal falle to ȝou in to
CAP. XLVII xv Þis is þe ende of þe lond at þe norþ cooſt fro þe grete
i And he turnede me to þe ȝate of þe hous; and lo! ſee, þe weie of Bethalon to men comynge to Sedala,
watris ȝeden out vndur þe þreisfold of þe hous to þe xvi Emath, Beroth, Sabarym, which is in þe myddis
eeſt; for þe face of þe hous bihelde to þe eeſt; forſoþe þe bitwixe Damaſk and niȝ cooſtis of Emath, þe hous of
watris camen doun in to þe riȝt ſide of þe temple, to þe Thichon, which is biſidis þe endis of Auran.
ſouþ part of þe auter. xvii And þe ende ſchal be fro þe ſee `til to þe porche of
ii And he ledde me out bi þe weie of þe norþ ȝate, and
Ennon, þe ende of Damaſk, and fro þe norþ til to þe
he turnede me to þe weie wiþ out þe outermere ȝate, to norþ, þe ende of Emath; forſoþe þis is þe norþ cooſt.
þe weie þat biholdiþ to þe eeſt; and lo! watris flowynge xviii Certis þe eeſt cooſt fro þe myddis of Auran, and fro
fro þe riȝt ſide, þe myddis of Damaſk, and fro þe myddis of Galaad, and
iii whanne þe man þat hadde a coord in his hond, ȝede
fro þe myddis of þe lond of Iſrael, is Jordan departynge
out to þe eeſt. And he mat a þouſynde cubitis, and ledde at þe eeſt ſee, alſo ȝe ſchulen mete þe eeſt cooſt.
me ouer þorou þe water til to þe heelis. xix Forſoþe þe ſouþ cooſt of myddai is fro Thamar til to
iiii And eft he mat a þouſynde, and ledde me ouer
þe watris of aȝenſeiyng of Cades; and þe ſtronde til to
þorouȝ þe watir `til to þe knees. þe greet ſee, and þe ſouþ cooſt at myddai.
v And eft he mat a þouſynde, and ledde me ouer þorouȝ xx And þe cooſt of þe ſee is þe greet ſee, fro þe niȝ cooſt
þe watir `til to þe reynes. And he mat a þouſynde, þe bi ſtreiȝt, til þou come to Emath; þis is þe cooſt of þe
ſtronde which Y myȝte not paſſe; for þe depe watris of ſee.
þe ſtronde hadden wexe greet, þat mai not be waad xxi And ȝe ſchulen departe þis lond to ȝou bi þe lynagis
ouer. of Iſrael;
vi And he ſeide to me, Certis, ſone of man, þou haſt xxii and ȝe ſchulen ſende it in to eritage to ȝou, and to
ſeyn. And he ſeide to me; and he turnede me to þe comelyngis þat comen to ȝou, þat gendriden ſones in þe
ryuere of þe ſtronde. myddis of ȝou; and þei ſchulen be to ȝou as men borun
vii And whanne Y hadde turned me, lo! in þe ryuer of þe
in þe lond among þe ſones of Iſrael; wiþ ȝou þei ſchulen
ſtronde ful many trees on euer eiþer ſide. departe poſſeſſioun, in þe myddis of þe lynages of Iſrael.
viii And he ſeide to me, Þeſe watris þat goon out to þe xxiii Forſoþe in what euer lynage a comelyng is, þere ȝe
heepis of ſoond of þe eeſt, and goen doun to pleyn ſchulen ȝyue poſſeſſioun to hym, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
places of deſert, ſchulen entre in to þe ſee, and ſchulen
go out; and þe watris ſchulen be heelid. CAP. XLVIII
ix And ech lyuynge beeſte þat creepiþ, ſchal lyue, i And þeſe ben þe names of lynagis, fro þe endis of þe
whidur euere þe ſtronde ſchal come; and fiſchis many norþ, biſidis þe weie Ethalon, to men goynge to Emath,
ynow ſchulen be, aftir þat þeſe watris comen þidur, and þe porche of Ennon, þe terme of Damaſk, to þe norþ
ſchulen be heelid, and ſchulen lyue; alle þingis to biſidis Emath; and þe eeſt cooſt ſchal be to it þe ſee, o
whiche þe ſtronde ſchal come, ſchulen lyue. part ſchal be of Dan.
x And fiſſhers ſchulen ſtonde on þo watris; fro Engaddi ii And fro þe ende of Dan, fro þe eeſt cooſt til to þe cooſt
`til to Engallym ſchal be driyng of nettis; ful many of þe ſee, o part ſchal be of Aſer.
kyndis of fiſchis þerof ſchulen be, as þe fiſchis of þe
greet ſee, of ful greet multitude;

iii And on þe ende of Azer, fro þe eeſt cooſt til to þe xviii But þat þat is reſidue in lengþe, bi þe firſte fruytis
cooſt of þe ſee, oon of Neptalym. of þe ſeyntuarie, ten þouſynde in to þe eeſt, and ten
iiii And on þe terme of Neptalym, fro þe eeſt cooſt til to þouſynde in to þe weſt, ſchulen be as þe firſte fruitis of
þe cooſt of þe ſee, oon of Manaſſes. þe ſeyntuarie; and þe fruitis ſchulen be in to looues to
v And on þe ende of Manaſſes, fro þe eeſt cooſt til to þe hem þat ſeruen þe citee.
xix Forſoþe þei þat ſeruen þe citee ſchulen worche, of
cooſt of þe ſee, oon of Effraym.
vi And on þe ende of Effraym, fro þe eeſt cooſt til to þe alle þe lynagis of Iſrael.
xx Alle þe firſte fruitis of fyue and twenti þouſynde, bi
cooſt of þe ſee, oon of Ruben.
vii And on þe ende of Ruben, fro þe eeſt cooſt til to þe fyue and twenti þouſynde in ſquare, ſchulen be departid
cooſt of þe ſee, oon of Juda. in to þe firſte fruytis of ſeyntuarie, and in to poſſeſſioun
viii And on þe ende of Juda, fro þe eeſt cooſt til to þe of þe citee.
xxi Forſoþe þat þat is reſidue, ſchal be þe princes part, on
cooſt of þe ſee, ſchulen be þe firſte fruytis, whiche ȝe
ſchulen departe bi fyue and twenti þouſynde reheedis of ech ſide of þe firſte fruitis of ſeyntuarie, and of þe
breede and of lengþe, as alle partis ben, fro þe eeſt cooſt poſſeſſioun of þe citee, euene aȝens fyue and twenti
til to þe cooſt of þe ſee; and þe ſeyntuarie ſchal be in þe þouſynde of þe firſte fruytis, til to þe eeſt ende; but alſo
myddis þerof. to þe ſee euene aȝens fyue and twenti þouſynde, til to þe
ix Þe firſte fruytis whiche ȝe ſchulen departe to þe Lord, ende of þe ſee, ſchal be in lijk maner in þe partis of þe
þe lengþe ſchal be in fyue and twenty þouſynde, and þe prince; and þe firſte fruytis of þe ſeyntuarye, and þe
breed in ten þouſynde. ſeyntuarie of þe temple ſchulen be in þe myddis of it.
xxii Forſoþe fro þe poſſeſſioun of dekenes, and fro þe
x Forſoþe þeſe ſchulen be þe firſte fruytis of þe
ſeyntuarie of preeſtis; to þe norþ fyue and twenti poſſeſſioun of þe citee, which is in þe myddis of partis
þouſynde of lengþe, and to þe ſee ten þouſinde of of þe prince, ſchal be in to þe porcioun of Juda, and in
breede; but to þe eeſt ten þouſynde of breede, and to þe to þe porcioun of Beniamyn; and it ſchal perteyne to þe
ſouþ fyue and twenti þouſynde of lengþe; and þe prince.
xxiii And to oþer lynagis, fro þe eeſt cooſt `til to þe weſt
ſeyntuarie of þe Lord ſchal be in þe myddis þerof.
xi Þe ſeyntuarie ſchal be to preſtis of þe ſones of Sadoch, cooſt, oon to Beniamyn.
xxiiii And aȝens þe porcioun of Beniamyn, fro þe eeſt
þat kepten my cerymonyes, and erriden not, whanne þe
ſones of Iſrael erriden, as alſo dekenes erriden. cooſt til to þe weſt cooſt, oon to Symeon.
xii And þe firſte fruytis ſchulen be to hem of þe firſte xxv And on þe terme of Symeon, fro þe eeſt cooſt til to

fruytis of þe lond, þe hooli of hooli þingis, bi þe terme þe weſt cooſt, oon to Iſacar.
xxvi And on þe terme of Iſacar, fro þe eeſt cooſt til to þe
of dekenes.
xiii But alſo to dekenes in lijk maner bi þe cooſtis of weſt cooſt, oon to Zabulon.
xxvii And on þe terme of Zabulon, fro þe eeſt cooſt til to
preeſtis ſchulen be fyue and twenti þouſynde of lengþe,
and ten þouſynde of breede; al þe lengþe of fiue and þe cooſt of þe ſee, oon to Gad.
twenti þouſynde, and þe breede of ten þouſynde. xxviii And on þe terme of Gad, to þe cooſt of þe ſouþ in
xiiii And þei ſchulen not ſille þerof, neþer ſchulen to myddai; and þe ende ſchal be fro Thamar til to þe
chaunge; and þe firſte fruytis of þe lond ſchulen not be watris of aȝenſeying of Cades, and þe eritage aȝens þe
tranſlatid, for þo ben halewid to þe Lord. grete ſee.
xv Soþeli þe fyue þouſynde, þat ben left ouer in breede, xxix Þis is þe lond which ȝe ſchulen ſende in to part to þe

bi fyue and twenti þouſynde, ſchulen be þe vnhooli lynagis of Iſrael, and þeſe ben þe partyngis of þo, ſeiþ
þingis, eþer comyn þingis, of þe citee, in to dwellyng þe Lord God.
place, and in to ſubarbis; and þe citee ſchal be in þe xxx And þeſe ben þe goyngis out of þe citee; fro þe norþ
myddis þerof. cooſt þou ſchalt mete fyue hundrid and foure þouſynde
xvi And þeſe ſchulen be þe meſuris þerof; at þe norþ rehedis.
cooſt, fyue hundrid and foure þouſynde of rehedis, and xxxi And ȝatis of þe citee ſchulen be in alle þe lynagis of
at þe ſouþ cooſt, fyue hundrid and foure þouſynde, and Iſrael, þre ȝatis at þe norþ; o ȝate of Ruben, o ȝate of
at þe eeſt cooſt, fyue hundrid and foure þouſynde, and at Juda, o ȝate of Leuy.
þe weſt cooſt, fyue hundrid and foure þouſynde. xxxii And at þe eeſt cooſt, fyue hundrid and foure
xvii Forſoþe þe ſubarbis of þe citee at þe norþ ſchulen be þouſynd rehedis, and þre ȝatis; o ȝate of Joſeph, o ȝate
twei hundrid and fifti, and at þe ſouþe twei hundrid and of Beniamyn, o ȝate of Dan.
fifti, and at þe eeſt twei hundrid and fifti, and at þe ſee, xxxiii And at þe ſouþ cooſt þou ſchalt mete fyue hundrid
þat is, þe weſt, twei hundrid and fifti. and foure þouſynde rehedis, and þre ȝatis ſchulen be of

þo; o ȝate of Symeon, o ȝate of Iſacar, o ȝate of
xxxiiii And at þe weſt cooſt, fyue hundrid and foure
þouſynde of rehedis, þre ȝatis of þo; o ȝate of Gad, o
ȝate of Aſer, o ȝate of Neptalym.
xxxv Bi cumpas eiȝtene miles; and þe name ſchal be fro
þat dai, Þe Lord þere. Amen.
Here endiþ Ezechiel, and here bygynneþ Danyel.

xv Forſoþe after ten daies þe cheris of hem apperiden
DANIEL betere and fattere, þan alle þe children þat eeten þe
Here bigynneþ þe book of Daniel. kyngis mete.
xvi Certis Malazar took þe metis, and þe wyn of þe
CAP. I drynk of hem, and ȝaf to hem potagis.
i In þe þridde ȝeer of þe rewme of Joachym, king of xvii Forſoþe to þeſe children God ȝaf kunnyng and
Juda, Nabugodonoſor, þe kyng of Babiloyne, cam to lernyng in ech book, and in al wiſdom; but to Daniel
Jeruſalem, and biſegide it. God ȝaf vndurſtondyng of alle viſiouns and dremys.
ii And þe Lord bitook in his hond Joachym, þe kyng of xviii Þerfor whanne þe daies weren fillid, aftir whiche þe
Juda, and he took a part of þe veſſels of þe hous of God; kyng ſeide, þat þei ſchulden be brouȝt yn, þe ſouereyn
and he bar out þo in to þe lond of Sennaar, in to þe hous of oneſt ſeruauntis and chaſt brouȝte in hem, in þe ſiȝt of
of his god, and he took þe veſſels in to þe hous of Nabugodonoſor.
treſour of his god. xix And whanne þe kyng hadde ſpoke to hem, ſiche
iii And þe kyng ſeide to Aſphaneth, ſouereyn of his oneſt weren not foundun of alle, as Daniel, Ananye, Miſael,
ſeruauntis and chaſt, þat he ſchulde brynge yn of þe and Azarie; and þei ſtoden in þe ſiȝt of þe king.
ſones of Iſrael, and of þe kyngis ſeed, and þe children of xx And ech word of wiſdom and of vndurſtondyng,
tirauntis, in whiche weren no wem, which þe king axide of hem, he foond in hem ten fold
iiii faire in ſchap, and lerned in al wiſdom, war in ouer alle falſe dyuynouris and aſtronomyens, þat weren
kunnyng, and tauȝt in chaſtiſyng, and þat myȝten ſtonde in al his rewme.
in þe paleis of þe kyng, þat he ſchulde teche hem þe xxi Forſoþe Danyel was til to þe firſte ȝeer of king
lettris and langage of Caldeis. Cyrus.
v And þe king ordeynede to hem lijflode bi ech dai of
hiſe meetis, and of þe wyn wherof he drank; þat þei CAP. II
nurſchid bi þre ȝeer, ſchulden ſtonde aftirward bifor þe i In þe ſecounde ȝeer of þe rewme of Nabugodonoſor,
ſiȝt of þe kyng. Nabugodonoſor ſiȝ a dreem; and his ſpirit was aferd,
vi Þerfor Danyel, Ananye, Myzael, and Azarie, of þe
and his dreem fledde awei fro hym.
ſones of Juda, weren among hem. ii Þerfor þe kyng comaundide, þat þe dyuynours, and
vii And þe ſouereyn of oneſt ſeruauntis and chaſt puttide
aſtronomyens, and witchis, and Caldeis ſchulden be
to hem names; to Danyel he puttide Balthaſar; to clepid togidere, þat þei ſchulden telle to þe kyng hiſe
Ananye, Sidrach; to Myſael, Miſach; and to Azarie, dremys; and whanne þei weren comun, þei ſtoden bifor
Abdenago. þe king.
viii Forſoþe Danyel purpoſide in his herte, þat he ſchulde iii And þe king ſeide to hem, Y ſiȝ a dreem, and Y am
not be defoulid of þe boord of þe kyng, neþer of þe wyn ſchent in mynde, and Y knowe not what Y ſiȝ.
of his drink; and he preiede þe ſouereyn of oneſt iiii And Caldeis anſweriden þe kyng bi Sirik langage,
ſeruauntis and chaſt, þat he ſchulde not be defoulid. Kyng, liue þou wiþ outen ende; ſeie þi dreem to þi
ix Forſoþe God ȝaf grace and merci to Daniel, in þe ſiȝt
ſeruauntis, and we ſchulen ſchewe to þee þe expownyng
of þe prince of oneſt ſeruauntis and chaſt. þerof.
x And þe prince of oneſt ſeruauntis and chaſt ſeide to v And þe kyng anſweride, and ſeide to Caldeis, Þe word
Daniel, Y drede my lord þe king, þat ordeinede to ȝou is goen awei fro me; if ȝe ſchewen not to me þe dreem,
mete and drynk; and if he ſeeþ ȝoure faces lennere þan and expownyng þerof, ȝe ſchulen periſche, and ȝoure
oþere ȝonge wexynge men, ȝoure eueneeldis, ȝe ſchulen houſis ſchulen be forfetid.
condempne myn heed to þe kyng. vi Forſoþe if ȝe tellen þe dreem, and þe expownyng
xi And Danyel ſeide to Malazar, whom þe prince of
þerof, ȝe ſchulen take of me meedis and ȝiftis, and
oneſt ſeruauntis and chaſt hadde ordeynede on Danyel, myche onour; þerfor ſchewe ȝe to me þe dreem, and þe
Ananye, Myſael, and Aſarie, interpretyng þerof.
xii Y biſeche, aſaie þou vs þi ſeruauntis bi ten daies, and vii Þei anſweriden þe ſecounde tyme, and ſeiden, Þe
potagis be ȝouun to vs to ete, and water to drynke; and kyng ſeie þe dreem to hiſe ſeruauntis, and we ſchulen
biholde þou oure cheris, ſchewe þe interpretyng þerof.
xiii and þe cheris of children þat eten þe kyngis mete; viii Þe kyng anſweride, and ſeide, Certis Y woot, þat ȝe
and as þou ſeeſt, ſo do þou wiþ þi ſeruauntis. aȝenbien þe tyme, and witen þat þe word is goen awei
xiiii And whanne he herde ſiche a word, he aſaiede hem fro me.
bi ten daies. ix Þerfor if ȝe ſchewen not to me þe dreem, o ſentence is
of ȝou, for ȝe maken an interpretyng boþe fals and ful

of diſſeit, þat ȝe ſpeke to me til þe tyme paſſe; þerfor xxv Þanne Ariok haſtynge ledde in Danyel to þe kyng,
ſeie ȝe þe dreem to me, þat Y wite, þat ȝe ſpeke alſo þe and ſeide to him, Y haue foundun a man of þe ſones of
veri interpretyng þerof. paſſyng ouer of Juda, þat ſchal telle þe ſoilyng to þe
x Þerfor Caldeis anſweriden bifor þe kyng, and ſeiden, kyng.
Kyng, no man is on erþe, þat mai fille þi word; but xxvi Þe kyng anſweride, and ſeide to Danyel, to whom
neþer ony greet man and myȝti of kyngis axiþ ſiche a þe name was Balthaſar, Wheþir geſſiſt þou, þat þou
word of ony dyuynour, and aſtronomyen, and of a man maiſt verili ſchewe to me þe dreem which Y ſiȝ, and þe
of Caldee. interpretyng þerof?
xi For þe word which þou, kyng, axiſt, is greuouſe, xxvii And Danyel anſweride bifore þe king, and ſeide, Þe
neþer ony ſchal be foundun, þat ſchal ſchewe it in þe ſiȝt priuytee which þe kyng axiþ, wiſe men, and
of þe king, outakun goddis, whos lyuyng is not wiþ aſtronomyens, and dyuynours, and lokeris of auteris,
men. moun not ſchewe to þe kyng.
xii And whanne þis word was herd, þe kyng xxviii But God is in heuene, þat ſchewiþ priuytees,
comaundide, in woodneſſe and in greet ire, þat alle þe which haþ ſchewid to þee, þou king Nabugodonoſor,
wiſe men of Babiloyne ſchulden periſche. what þingis ſchulen come in þe laſte tymes. Þi dreem
xiii And bi þe ſentence goon out, þe wiſe men weren and viſiouns of þin heed, in þi bed, ben ſich.
ſlayn; and Danyel and hiſe felows weren ſouȝt, þat þei xxix Þou, kyng, bigunneſt to þenke in þi bed, what was
ſchulden periſche. to comynge aftir þeſe þingis; and he þat ſchewiþ
xiiii Þanne Danyel axide of þe lawe and ſentence, of priuetees, ſchewide to þee what þingis ſchulen come.
Ariok, prynce of chyualrie of þe kyng, þat was gon out xxx And þis ſacrament is ſchewid to me, not bi wiſdom
to ſle þe wiſe men of Babiloyne. which is in me more þan in alle lyuynge men, but þat þe
xv And he axide hym, þat hadde take power of þe kyng, interpretyng ſchulde be maad opyn to þe kyng, and þou
for what cauſe ſo cruel a ſentence ȝede out fro þe face of ſchuldiſt knowe þe þouȝtis of þi ſoule.
þe kyng. Þerfor whanne Ariok hadde ſchewid þe þing to xxxi Þou, kyng, ſiȝeſt, and lo! as o greet ymage; þilke
Danyel, ymage was greet, and hiȝ in ſtature, and ſtood bifore
xvi Danyel entride, and preyede þe kyng, þat he ſchulde þee, and þe loking þerof was ferdful.
ȝyue tyme to hym to ſchewe þe ſoilyng to þe kyng. xxxii Þe heed of þis ymage was of beſt gold, but þe breſt
xvii And he entride in to his hous, and ſchewide þe nede and armes weren of ſiluer; certis þe wombe and þies
to Ananye, and to Miſael, and Aſarie, weren of bras,
xviii hiſe felowis, þat þei ſchulden axe merci of þe face xxxiii but þe leggis weren of irun; forſoþe ſum part of þe
of God of heuene on þis ſacrament; and þat Danyel and feet was of irun, ſum was of erþe.
hiſe felowis ſchulden not periſche wiþ oþere wiſe men xxxiiii Þou ſiȝeſt þus, til a ſtoon was kit doun of þe hil,
of Babiloyne. wiþ outen hondis, and ſmoot þe ymage in þe irun feet
xix Þanne þe priuyte was ſchewid to Danyel bi a viſioun þerof and erþene feet, and al to-brak þo.
in nyȝt. And Danyel bleſſide God of heuene, and ſeide, xxxv Þanne þe irun, tijl ſtoon, eþer erþene veſſel, bras,
xx Þe name of þe Lord be bleſſid fro þe world, and til in ſiluer, and gold, weren al to-brokun togidere, and
to þe world, for wiſdom and ſtrengþe ben hiſe; dryuun as in to a deed ſparcle of a large ſomer halle, þat
xxi and he chaungiþ tymes and ages, he tranſlatiþ ben rauyſchid of wynd, and no place is foundun to þo;
rewmes and ordeyneþ; he ȝyueþ wiſdom to wiſe men, forſoþe þe ſtoon, þat ſmoot þe ymage, was maad a greet
and kunnyng to hem þat vndurſtonden techyng, eþer hil, and fillide al erþe.
chaſtiſyng; xxxvi Þis is þe dreem. Alſo, þou kyng, we ſchulen ſeie
xxii he ſchewiþ deepe þingis and hid, and he knowiþ bifor þee þe interpretyng þerof.
þingis ſet in derkneſſis, and lyȝt is wiþ hym. xxxvii Þou art kyng of kyngis, and God of heuene ȝaf to
xxiii God of oure fadris, Y knowleche to þee, and Y þee rewme, ſtrengþe, and empire, and glorie;
herie þee, for þou haſt ȝoue wiſdom and ſtrengþe to me; xxxviii and he ȝaf in þin hond alle þingis, in whiche þe
and now þou haſt ſchewid to me þo þingis, whiche we ſones of men, and þe beeſtis of þe feeld, and þe briddis
preieden þee, for þou haſt openyd to vs þe word of þe of þe eir dwellen, and ordeynede alle þingis vndur þi
kyng. lordſchip; þerfor þou art þe goldun heed.
xxiiii Aftir þeſe þingis Danyel entride to Ariok, whom þe xxxix And anoþer rewme leſſe þan þou ſchal riſe aftir
kyng hadde ordeyned, þat he ſchulde leeſe þe wiſe men þee; and þe þridde rewme, an oþer of bras, þat ſchal
of Babiloyne, and þus he ſpak to hym, Leeſe þou not þe haue þe empire of al erþe.
wiſe men of Babiloyne; leede þou me in bifor þe ſiȝt of
þe kyng, and Y ſchal telle þe ſoilyng to þe kyng.

xl And þe fourþe rewme ſchal be as irun, as irun makiþ and alle þe princes of cuntreis, weren gaderid togidere,
leſſe, and makiþ tame alle þingis, ſo it ſchal make leſſe, þat þei ſchulden come togidere to þe halewyng of þe
and ſchal al to-breke alle þeſe rewmes. ymage, which þe kyng Nabugodonoſor hadde reiſid.
xli Forſoþe þat þou ſieſt a part of þe feet and fyngris of Forſoþe þei ſtoden in þe ſiȝt of þe ymage, which
erþe of a pottere, and a part of irun, þe rewme ſhal be Nabugodonoſor hadde ſet; and a bedele criede myȝtili,
iiii It is ſeid to ȝou, puplis, kynredis, and langagis;
departid; which neþeles ſchal riſe of þe plauntyng of
irun, `bi þat þat þou ſieſt irun meynd wiþ a tijl ſtoon of v in þe our in which ȝe heren þe ſoun of trumpe, and of
clei, pipe, and of harpe, of ſambuke, of ſawtre, and of
xlii and þe toos of þe feet in parti of irun, and in parti of ſymphonye, and of al kynde of muſikis, falle ȝe doun,
erþe, in parti þe rewme ſchal be ſad, and in parti to- and worſchipe þe goldun ymage, which þe kyng
brokun. Nabugodonoſor made.
xliii Forſoþe þat þou ſieſt irun meynd wiþ a tiel ſtoon of vi Soþeli if ony man falliþ not doun, and worſchipiþ not,

clei, ſoþeli þo ſchulen be meynd togidere wiþ mannus in þe ſame our he ſchal be ſent in to þe furneis of fier
ſeed; but þo ſchulen not cleue to hem ſilf, as irun mai brennynge.
not be meddlid wiþ tyel ſtoon. vii Þerfor aftir þeſe þingis, anoon as alle puplis herden
xliiii Forſoþe in þe daies of þo rewmes, God of heuene þe ſown of trumpe, of pipe, and of harpe, of ſambuke,
ſhal reiſe a rewme, þat ſchal not be diſtried wiþ outen and of ſawtre, of ſymphonye, and of al kynde of
ende, and his rewme ſchal not be ȝouun to anoþer muſikis, alle puplis, lynagis, and langagis fellen doun,
puple; it ſchal make leſſe, and ſchal waſte alle þeſe and worſchipiden þe golden ymage, which þe kyng
rewmes, and it ſchal ſtonde wiþ outen ende, Nabugodonoſor hadde maad.
xlv bi þis þat þou ſieſt, þat a ſtoon was kit doun of þe hil viii And anoon in þat tyme men of Caldee neiȝiden, and

wiþ outen hondis, and maad leſſe þe tiel ſtoon, and irun, accuſiden þe Jewis,
and bras, and ſiluer, and gold. Greet God haþ ſchewid to ix and ſeiden to þe kyng Nabugodonoſor, Kyng, lyue
þe kyng, what þingis ſchulen come aftirward; and þe þou wiþ outen ende.
dreem is trewe, and þe interpretyng þerof is feiþful. x Þou, kyng, haſt ſet a decree, þat ech man þat heriþ þe
xlvi Þanne king Nabugodonoſor felle doun on his face, ſown of trumpe, of pipe, and of harpe, of ſambuke, and
and worſchipide Danyel, and comaundide ſacrifices and of ſawtree, and of ſymphonye, and of al kynde of
encenſe to be brouȝt, þat þo ſchulden be ſacrifiſed to muſikis, bowe doun hym ſilf, and worſchipe þe goldun
hym. ymage; forſoþe if ony man falliþ not doun,
xlvii Þerfor þe kyng ſpak, and ſeide to Danyel, Verili xi and worſchipiþ not, be he ſent in to þe furneis of fier
ȝoure God is God of goddis, and Lord of kyngis, þat brennynge.
ſchewiþ myſteries, for þou miȝtiſt opene þis ſacrament. xii Þerfor men Jewis ben, Sidrac, Myſaac, and
xlviii Þanne þe kyng reiſide Danyel an hiȝ, and ȝaf many Abdenago, whiche þou haſt ordeynede on þe werkis of
ȝiftis and grete to hym; and ordeynede hym prince and þe cuntrei of Babiloyne. Þou kyng, þeſe men han
prefect, eþer cheef iuſtiſe, ouer alle þe prouynces of diſpiſid þi decree; þei onouren not þi goddis, and þei
Babiloyne, and maiſter ouer alle þe wiſe men of worſhipen not þe goldun ymage, which þou reiſidiſt.
Babiloyne. xiii Þanne Nabugodonoſor comaundide, in woodneſſe
xlix Forſoþe Danyel axide of þe kyng, and ordeynede and in wraþþe, þat Sidrac, Myſaac, and Abdenago
Sidrac, Miſaac, and Abdenago ouer alle þe werkis of þe ſchulden be brouȝt; whiche weren brouȝt anoon in þe
prouynce of Babiloyne; but Danyel hym ſilf was in þe ſiȝt of þe kyng.
ȝatis of þe kyng. xiiii And þe kyng Nabugodonoſor pronounſide, and ſeide
to hem, Wheþer verili Sidrac, Myſaac, and Abdenago,
CAP. III ȝe onouren not my goddis, and worſchipen not þe
i Nabugodonoſor, þe kyng, made a goldun ymage, in þe golden ymage, which Y made?
heiȝþe of ſixti cubitis, and in þe breede of ſixe cubitis; xv Now þerfor be ȝe redi, in what euer our ȝe heren þe
and he ſettide it in þe feeld of Duram, of þe prouynce of ſown of trumpe, of pipe, of harpe, of ſambuke, of
Babiloyne. ſawtree, and of ſymphonye, and of al kynde of muſikis,
ii Þerfor Nabugodonoſor ſente to gadere togidere þe bowe ȝe doun ȝou, and worſchipe þe ymage which Y
wiſe men, magiſtratis, and iugis, and duykis, and made; þat if ȝe worſchipen not, in þe ſame our ȝe
tirauntis, and prefectis, and alle princes of cuntreis, þat ſchulen be ſent in to þe furneis of fier brennynge; and
þei ſchulden come togidere to þe halewyng of þe who is God, þat ſchal delyuere ȝou fro myn hond?
ymage, which þe kyng Nabugodonoſor hadde reiſid. xvi Sidrac, Miſaac, and Abdenago anſweriden, and
iii Þanne þe wiſe men, magiſtratis, and iugis, and duykis, ſeiden to þe king Nabugodonoſor, It nediþ not, þat we
and tirauntis, and beſte men, þat weren ſet in poweris, anſwere of þis þing to þee.

xvii For whi oure God, whom we worſchipen, mai xxxiiii We biſechen, ȝyue þou not vs to enemyes wiþ
rauyſche vs fro þe chymenei of fier brennynge, and mai outen ende, for þi name, and diſtrie þou not þi
delyuere fro þin hondis, þou kyng. teſtament,
xviii Þat if he nyle, be it knowun to þee, þou kyng, þat xxxv and take þou not awei þi merci fro vs, for
we onouren not þi goddis, and we worſchipen not þe Abraham, þi derlyng, and Yſaac, þi ſeruaunt, and Iſrael,
goldun ymage, which þou haſt reiſid. þin hooli;
xix Þanne Nabugodonoſor was fillid of woodneſſe, and xxxvi to whiche þou ſpakiſt, biheetyng þat þou ſchuldiſt
þe biholdyng of his face was chaungid on Sidrac, multiplie her ſeed as þe ſterris of heuene, and as grauel
Miſaac, and Abdenago. And he comaundide, þat þe which is in þe brynke of þe ſee.
furneis ſchulde be maad hattere ſeuenfold, þan it was xxxvii For whi, Lord, we ben maad litle, more þan alle
wont to be maad hoot. folkis, and we ben lowe in al erþe to dai, for oure
xx And he comaundide to þe ſtrongeſte men of his ooſt, ſynnes.
þat þei ſchulden bynde þe feet of Sidrac, Myſaac, and xxxviii And in þis tyme is no prince, and duyk, and
Abdenago, and ſende hem in to þe furneis of fier profete, neþer brent ſacrifice, neþer ſacrifice, neþer
brennynge. offryng, neþer encenſe, neþer place of firſte fruytis bifor
xxi And anoon þo men weren boundun, wiþ brechis, and þee,
cappis, and ſchoon, and cloþis, and weren ſent in to þe xxxix þat we moun fynde þi mercy; but be we reſſeyued
myddis of þe furneis of fier brennynge; in contrit ſoule, and in ſpirit of mekeneſſe.
xxii for whi comaundement of þe kyng conſtreinede. xl As in brent ſacrifice of rammes, and of bolis, and as
Forſoþe þe furneis was maad ful hoot; certis þe flawme in þouſyndis of fatte lambren, ſo oure ſacrifice be maad
of þe fier killid þo men, þat hadden ſent Sidrac, Miſaac, to dai in þi ſiȝt, þat it pleſe þee; for no ſchame is to hem
and Abdenago in to þe furneis. þat triſten in þee.
xxiii Soþeli þeſe þre men, Sidrac, Miſaac, and Abdenago, xli And now we ſuen þee in al þe herte, and we dreden
fellen doun boundun in þe mydis of þe chymenei of fier þee, and we ſeken þi face.
brennynge. xlii Schende þou not vs, but do wiþ vs bi þi myldeneſſe,
xxiiii And þei walkiden in þe myddis of þe flawme, and
and bi þe multitude of þi merci.
herieden God, and bleſſiden þe Lord. xliii And delyuere þou vs in þy merueils, and ȝyue þou
xxv Forſoþe Aſarie ſtoode, and preiede þus; and he
glorie to þi name, Lord;
openyde his mouþ in þe myddis of þe fier, xliiii and alle men ben ſchent, þat ſchewen yuelis to þi
xxvi and ſeide, Lord God of oure fadris, þou art bleſſid,
ſeruauntis; be þei ſchent in all þi miȝt, and þe ſtrengþe
and worþi to be heried, and þi name is glorious in to of hem be al to-brokun;
worldis; xlv and þei ſchulen wite, þat þou art þe Lord God
xxvii for þou art riȝtful in alle þingis whiche þou didiſt to
aloone, and glorious on þe roundneſſe of londis.
vs, and alle þi werkis ben trewe; and þi weies ben xlvi And þe mynyſtris of þe kyng, þat hadden ſent hem,
riȝtful, and alle þi domes ben trewe. ceeſſiden not to make hoot þe furneis wiþ ſyment, and
xxviii For þou haſt do trewe domes, bi alle þingis whiche
herdis of flex, and pitche, and ſiouns of vynes.
þou brouȝtiſt yn on vs, and on Jeruſalem, þe hooli citee xlvii And þe flawme was ſched out ouer þe furneis bi
of oure fadris; for in trewþe and in doom þou brouȝtiſt nyne and fourti cubitis,
yn alle þeſe þingis for oure ſynnes. xlviii and brak out, and brente hem þat it foond of
xxix For we ſynneden, and diden wickidli, goynge awei
Caldeis biſidis þe furneis.
fro þee, and we treſpaſſiden in alle þingis, xlix Forſoþe þe aungel of þe Lord cam doun wiþ Aſarie
xxx and we herden not, neþer kepten þi
and hiſe felowis, in to þe furneis, and ſmoot out þe
comaundementis, neþer we diden as þou comaundidiſt flawme of þe fier fro þe furneis;
to vs, þat it ſchulde be wele to vs. l and made þe myddis of þe furneis as þe wynd of deew
xxxi Þerfor þou didiſt bi veri doom alle þingis whiche
blowynge; and outerli þe fier touchide not hem, neþer
þou brouȝtiſt yn on vs, and alle þingis whiche þou didiſt made ſori, neþer dide ony þing of diſeſe.
to vs; li Þanne þeſe þre as of o mouþ herieden and glorifieden
xxxii and þou haſt bitake vs in þe hondis of enemyes,
God, and bleſſiden God in þe furneis,
wickid men, and worſt treſpaſſouris, and to þe vniuſt lii and ſeiden, Lord God of oure fadris, þou art bleſſid,
kyng, and worſt ouer al erþe. and worþi to be preiſid, and gloriouſe, and aboue
xxxiii And now we moun not opene þe mouþ; we ben
enhaunſid in to worldis; and bleſſid is þe name of þi
maad ſchame and ſchenſchipe to þi ſeruauntis, and to glorie, which name is hooli, and worþi to be heried, and
hem þat worſchipen þee. aboue enhaunſid in alle worldis.

liii Þou art bleſſid in þe hooli temple of þi glorie, and lxxviii Sees and floodis, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; herie ȝe, and
aboue preiſable, and gloriouſe in to worldis. aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis.
liiii Þou art bleſſid in þe trone of þi rewme, and aboue lxxix Whallis, and alle þingis þat ben mouyd in watris,
preiſable, and aboue enhaunſid in to worldis. bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; herie ȝe, and aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym
lv Þou art bleſſid, þat biholdiſt depþis of watris, and in to worldis.
ſittiſt on cherubyn, and art preiſable, and aboue lxxx Alle briddis of þe eyr, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; herie ȝe,
enhaunſid in to worldis. and aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis.
lvi Þou art bleſſid in þe firmament of heuene, and lxxxi Alle wielde beeſtis and tame beeſtis, bleſſe ȝe þe
preiſable, and gloriouſe in to worldis. Lord; herie ȝe, and aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to
lvii Alle werkis of þe Lord, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord, herie ȝe, worldis.
and aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis. lxxxii Sones of men, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; herie ȝe, and
lviii Aungels of þe Lord, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; herie ȝe, and aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis.
aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis. lxxxiii Iſrael bleſſe þe Lord; herie it, and aboue enhaunſe
lix Heuenes, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; herie ȝe, and aboue it hym in to worldis.
enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis. lxxxiiii Preſtis of þe Lord, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; herie ȝe, and
lx Alle watris, þat ben aboue heuenes, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis.
herie ȝe, and aboue enhaunſe ȝe him into worldis. lxxxv Seruauntis of þe Lord, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; herie ȝe,
lxi Alle þe vertues of þe Lord, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; herie and aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis.
ȝe, and aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis. lxxxvi Spiritis and ſoulis of iuſt men, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord;
lxii Sunne and moone, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; herie ȝe, and herie ȝe, and aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis.
aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis. lxxxvii Hooli men and meke of herte, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord;
lxiii Sterris of heuene, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; herie ȝe, and herie ȝe, and aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis.
aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis. lxxxviii Ananye, Azarie, Myſael, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; herie
lxiiii Reyn and deew, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; herie ȝe, and ȝe, and aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis. Which
aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis. Lord rauyſchide vs fro helle, and `made ſaaf fro þe hond
lxv Ech ſpirit of God, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; herie ȝe, and of deþ, and delyueride fro þe myddis of flawme
aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis. brennynge, and rauyſchide vs fro þe myddis of fier.
lxvi Fier and heete, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; herie ȝe, and lxxxix Knowleche ȝe to þe Lord, for he is good; for his

aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis. merci is in to þe world.

lxvii Coold and ſomer, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; herie ȝe, and xc Alle religiouſe men, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord, God of goddis;

aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis. herie ȝe, and knouleche ȝe to hym, for his merci is in to
lxviii Dewis and whijt forſt, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; herie ȝe, alle worldis.
xci Þanne kyng Nabugodonoſor was aſtonyed, and roos
and aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis.
lxix Blac forſt and coold, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; herie ȝe, and haſtily, and ſeide to hiſe beſte men, Wheþer we ſenten
aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis. not þre men feterid in to þe myddis of þe fier? Whiche
lxx Yces and ſnowis, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; herie ȝe, and anſweriden þe kyng, and ſeiden, Verili, kyng.
xcii Þe kyng anſweride, and ſeide, Lo! Y ſe foure men
aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis.
lxxi Niȝtis and daies, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; herie ȝe, and vnboundun, and goynge in þe myddis of þe fier, and no
þing of corrupcioun is in hem; and þe licneſſe of þe
aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis.
lxxii Liȝt and derkneſſe, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; herie ȝe, and
fourþe is lijk þe ſone of God.
xciii Þanne þe kyng Nabugodonoſor neiȝide to þe dore of
aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis.
lxxiii Leitis and cloudis, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; herie ȝe, and
þe furneis of fier brennynge, and ſeide, Sidrac, Myſaac,
and Abdenago, þe ſeruauntis of hiȝ God lyuynge, go ȝe
aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis. out, and come ȝe. And anoon Sidrac, Myſaac, and
lxxiiii Þe erþe bleſſe þe Lord; herie it, and aboue
Abdenago, ȝeden out of þe myddis of þe fier.
enhaunſe it hym in to worldis. xciiii And þe wiſe men, and magiſtratis, and iugis, and
lxxv Mounteyns and litle hillis, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; herie
miȝti men of þe kyng, weren gaderid togidere, and
ȝe, and aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis. bihelden þo men, for þe fier hadde had no þing of
lxxvi Alle buriownynge þingis in erþe, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; power in þe bodies of hem, and an heer of her heed was
herie ȝe, and aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis. not brent; alſo þe breechis of hem weren not chaungid,
lxxvii Wellis, bleſſe ȝe þe Lord; herie ȝe, and aboue and þe odour of fier hadde not paſſid bi hem.
enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis. xcv And Nabugodonoſor brac out, and ſeide, Bleſſid be
þe God of hem, þat is, of Sidrac, Myſaac, and

Abdenago, þat ſente his aungel, and delyueride hiſe xiii Þus Y ſiȝ in þe viſioun of myn heed, on my bed. And
ſeruauntis, þat bileuyden in to hym, and chaungiden þe lo! a wakere, and hooli man cam doun fro heuene,
word of þe kyng, and ȝauen her bodies, þat þei ſchulden xiiii and he criede ſtrongli, and ſeide þus, Hewe ȝe doun
not ſerue, and þat þei ſchulden not worſchipe ony god, þe tree, and kitte ȝe doun þe bowis þerof, and ſchake ȝe
outakun her God aloone. awei þe leeuys þerof, and ſcatere ȝe abrood þe fruytis
xcvi Þerfor þis decree is ſet of me, þat ech puple, and
þerof; beeſtis fle awei, þat be vndur it, and briddis fro
langagis, and lynagis, who euer ſpekiþ blasfemye aȝen þe bowis þerof.
God of Sidrac, and of Myſaac, and of Abdenago, xv Neþeles ſuffre ȝe þe ſeed of rootis þerof in erþe, and
periſche, and his hous be diſtried; for noon oþer is God, be he boondun wiþ a boond of irun and of bras, in erbis
þat mai ſaue ſo. þat ben wiþ out forþ, and in þe deew of heuene be he
xcvii Þanne þe kyng auaunſide Sidrac, Myſaac, and
died, and his part be wiþ wielde beeſtis in þe erbe of
Abdenago, in þe prouynce of Babiloyne; and ſente in to erþe.
al þe lond a piſtle, conteynynge þeſe wordis. xvi His herte be chaungid fro mannus herte, and þe herte
of a wielde beeſte be ȝouun to hym, and ſeuene tymes
CAP. IIII be chaungid on hym.
i Nabugodonoſor, þe kyng, writiþ þus to alle puplis and xvii In þe ſentence of wakeris it is demed, and it is þe
langagis, þat dwellen in al erþe, pees be multiplied to word and axyng of ſeyntis, til lyuynge men knowe, þat
ȝou. hiȝ God is Lord in þe rewme of men; and he ſchal ȝyue
ii Hiȝ God made at me myraclis and merueils;
it to whom euere he wole, and he ſchal ordeyne on it þe
iii þerfor it pleſide me to preche hiſe myraclis, for þo mekeſte man.
ben greet, and hiſe merueils, for þo ben ſtronge; and his xviii Y, Nabugodonoſor, þe kyng, ſiȝ þis dreem. Þerfor
rewme is an euerlaſtynge rewme, and his power is in þou, Balthaſar, telle haſtili þe interpretyng, for alle þe
generacioun and in to generacioun. wiſe men of my rewme moun not ſeie to me þe ſoilyng;
iiii I, Nabugodonoſor, was reſtful in myn hous, and but þou maiſt, for þe ſpirit of hooli goddis is in þee.
flourynge in my paleis; xix Þanne Danyel, to whom þe name was Balthaſar,
v Y ſiȝ a dreem, þat made me aferd; and my þouȝtis in began to þenke priueli wiþ ynne hym ſilf, as in oon our,
my bed, and þe ſiȝtis of myn heed diſturbliden me. and hiſe þouȝtis diſturbliden hym. Forſoþe þe kyng
vi And a decre was ſet forþ bi me, þat alle þe wiſe men anſweride, and ſeide, Balthaſar, þe dreem and þe
of Babiloyne ſchulden be brouȝt in bifor my ſiȝt, and þat interpretyng þerof diſturble not þee. Balthaſar
þei ſchulden ſchewe to me þe ſoilyng of þe dreem. anſweride, and ſeide, My lord, þe dreem be to hem þat
vii Þan falſe dyuynours, aſtronomyens, Caldeis, and haten þee, and þe interpretyng þerof be to þin enemyes.
xx Þe tree which þou ſiȝeſt hiȝ and ſtrong, whos heiȝþe
biholderis of auteris entriden; and Y telde þe dreem in
þe ſiȝt of hem, and þei ſchewiden not to me þe ſoilyng ſtretchiþ `til to heuene, and þe biholdyng þerof in to ech
þerof, til þe felowe in office, lond,
viii Danyel, to whom þe name was Balthaſar, bi þe name xxi and þe faireſte braunchis þerof, and þe fruyt þerof ful

of my God, entride in my ſiȝt, which Danyel haþ þe myche, and þe mete of alle in it, and beeſtis of þe feeld
ſpirit of hooli goddis in hym ſilf; and Y ſpak þe dreem dwellynge vndur it, and þe briddis of þe eir dwellynge
bifor hym. in þe boowis þerof,
ix Balthaſar, prince of dyuynouris, whom Y knowe, þat xxii þou art, kyng, þat art magnefied, and wexidiſt

þou haſt in þee þe ſpirit of hooli goddis, and ech ſtrong, and þi greetneſſe encreeſſide, and cam `til to
ſacrament, eþer preuytee, is not vnpoſſible to þee, telle heuene, and þi power in to þe endis of al erþe.
þou to me þe viſiouns of my dreemes, whiche Y ſiȝ, and xxiii Soþeli þat þe kyng ſiȝ a wakere and hooli come
þe ſoilyng of þo. doun fro heuene, and ſeie, Hewe ȝe doun þe tree, and
x Þis is þe viſioun of myn heed in my bed. Y ſiȝ, and lo! diſtrie ȝe it, neþeles leeue ȝe þe ſeed of rootis þerof in
a tree was in þe myddis of erþe, and þe hiȝneſſe þerof erþe, and be he boundun wiþ irun and bras, in erbis wiþ
was ful greet. out forþ, and be he biſpreynt wiþ þe deew of heuene,
xi And þe tree was greet and ſtrong, and þe heiȝþe þerof and his mete be wiþ wielde beeſtis, til ſeuene tymes be
touchide heuene, and þe biholdynge þerof was `til to þe chaungid on hym;
xxiiii þis is þe interpretyng of þe ſentence of þe hiȝeſte,
endis of al erþe.
xii Þe leeuys þerof weren ful faire, and þe fruyt þerof which ſentence is comun on my lord, þe kyng.
xxv Þei ſchulen caſte þee out fro men, and þi dwellyng
was ful myche, and þe mete of alle was in it; beeſtis and
wielde beeſtis dwelliden vndur it, and briddis of þe eir ſchal be wiþ beeſtys and wielde beeſtis, and þou ſchalt
lyuyden in þe braunchis þerof, and ech man ete of it. ete hey, as an oxe doiþ, but alſo þou ſchalt be biſched
wiþ þe dew of heuene, alſo ſeuene tymes ſchulen be

chaungid on þee, til þou knowe, þat hiȝ God is Lord `on CAP. V
þe rewme of men, and ȝyueþ it to whom euer he wole. i Balthaſar, þe kyng, made a greet feeſte to hiſe beſte
xxvi Forſoþe þat he comaundide, þat þe ſeed of rootis men a þouſynde, and ech man drank aftir his age.
þerof, þat is, of þe tree, ſchulde be left, þi rewme ſchal ii Forſoþe þe kyng þanne drunkun comaundide, þat þe
dwelle to þee, aftir þat þou knowiſt þat þe power is of goldun and ſiluerne veſſels ſchulden be brouȝt forþ,
heuene. whiche Nabugodonoſor, his fadir, hadde borun out of þe
xxvii Wherfor, kyng, my counſel pleſe þee, and aȝenbie temple þat was in Jeruſalem, þat þe kyng, and hiſe beſte
þi ſynnes wiþ almeſdedis, and aȝenbie þi wickidneſſis men, hiſe wyues, and councubyns ſchulden drynke in þo
wiþ mercies of pore men; in hap God ſchal forȝyue þi veſſels.
treſpaſſis. iii Þanne þe goldun veſſels and ſiluerne, whiche he
xxviii Alle þeſe þingis camen on Nabugodonoſor, þe hadde borun out of þe temple þat was in Jeruſalem,
kyng. weren brouȝt forþ; and þe kyng, and hiſe beſte men, and
xxix After þe ende of twelue moneþis he walkide in þe hiſe wyues, and concubyns, drunken in þo veſſels.
halle of Babiloyne; iiii Þei drunken wyn, and herieden her goddis of gold,
xxx and þe kyng anſweride, and ſeide, Wheþer þis is not and of ſiluer, of bras, and of irun, and of tree, and of
Babiloyne, þe greet citee, which Y bildide in to þe hous ſtoon.
of rewme, in þe miȝt of my ſtrengþe, and in þe glorie of v In þe ſame our fyngris apperiden, as of þe hond of a
my fairneſſe? man, writynge aȝens þe candilſtike, in þe pleyn part of
xxxi Whanne þe word was ȝit in þe mouþ of þe kyng, a þe wal of þe kyngis halle; and þe kyng bihelde þe
vois felle doun fro heuene, Nabugodonoſor, kyng, it is fyngris of þe hond writynge.
ſeid to þee, Þi rewme is paſſid fro þee, vi Þanne þe face of þe kyng was chaungid, and hiſe
xxxii and þei ſchulen caſte þee out fro men, and þi þouȝtis diſturbliden hym; and þe ioyncturis of hiſe
dwellyng ſchal be wiþ beeſtis and wielde beeſtis; þou reynes weren looſid, and hiſe knees weren hurtlid to
ſchalt ete hey, as an oxe doiþ, and ſeuene tymes ſchulen hem ſilf togidere.
be chaungid on þee, til þou knowe, þat hiȝ God is Lord vii Þerfor þe kyng criede ſtrongli, þat þei ſchulden
in þe rewme of men, and ȝyueþ it to whom euere he brynge yn aſtronomyens, Caldeis, and dyuynouris bi
wole. lokyng of auteris. And þe kyng ſpak, and ſeide to þe
xxxiii In þe ſame our þe word was fillid on wiſe men of Babiloyne, Who euer rediþ þis ſcripture,
Nabugodonoſor, and he was caſt out fro men, and he eet and makiþ opyn þe interpretyng þerof to me, ſchal be
hey, as an oxe doiþ, and his bodi was colouryd wiþ þe cloþid in purpur; and he ſchal haue a goldun bie in þe
deew of heuene, til hiſe heeris wexiden at þe licneſſe of necke, and he ſchal be þe þridde in my rewme.
eglis, and hiſe nailis as þe nailis of briddis. viii Þanne alle þe wiſe men of þe kyng entriden, and
xxxiiii Þerfor after þe ende of daies, Y, Nabugodonoſor, miȝten not rede þe ſcripture, neþer ſchewe to þe kyng þe
reiſide myn iȝen to heuene, and my wit was ȝoldun to interpretyng þerof.
me; and Y bleſſide þe hiȝeſte, and Y heriede, and ix Wherof kyng Balthaſar was diſturblid ynow, and his
glorifiede hym þat lyueþ wiþ outen ende; for whi his cheer was chaungid, but alſo hiſe beſte men weren
power is euerlaſtynge power, and his rewme is in diſturblid.
generacioun and in to generacioun. x Forſoþe þe queen entride in to þe hous of feeſte, for þe
xxxv And alle þe dwelleris of erþe ben arettid in to noȝt þing þat hadde bifeld to þe king, and beſte men; and
at hym; for bi his wille he doiþ, boþe in þe vertues of ſche ſpak, and ſeide, Kyng, lyue þou wiþouten ende. Þi
heuene, and in þe dwelleris of erþe, and noon is, þat þouȝtis diſturble not þee, and þi face be not chaungid.
aȝenſtondiþ his hond, and ſeiþ to hym, Whi didiſt þou xi A man is in þi rewme, þat haþ þe ſpirit of hooli
ſo? goddis in hym ſilf, and in þe daies of þi fadir kunnyng
xxxvi In þat tyme my wit turnede aȝen to me, and Y cam and wiſdom weren foundun in hym; for whi and
fulli to þe onour and fairneſſe of my rewme, and my Nabugodonoſor, þi fadir, made him prince of
figure turnede aȝen to me; and my beſte men and my aſtronomyens, of enchaunteris, of Caldeis, and of
magiſtratis ſouȝten me, and Y was ſet in my rewme, and dyuynouris bi lokyng on auteris; ſoþeli þi fadir, þou
my greet doyng was encreeſſid grettir to me. kyng, dide þis;
xxxvii Now þerfor Y Nabugodonoſor herie, and xii for more ſpirit, and more prudent, and
magnefie, and glorifie þe kyng of heuene; for alle hiſe vndurſtondyng, and interpretyng of dremes, and
werkis ben trewe, and alle his weies ben domes; and he ſchewyng of priuytees, and aſſoilyng of boundun þingis
may make meke hem þat goon in pride. weren foundun in hym, þat is, in Danyel, to whom þe
kyng puttide þe name Balthaſar. Now þerfor Daniel be
clepid, and he ſchal telle þe interpretyng. Þerfor Daniel

was brouȝt in bifor þe kyng. To whom þe forſeid kyng xxv Soþeli þis is þe ſcripture which is diſcryued, Mane,
ſeide, Techel, Phares.
xiii Art þou Danyel, of þe ſones of caitifte of Juda, xxvi And þis is þe interpretyng of þe word. Mane, God
whom my fader, þe kyng, brouȝte fro Judee? haþ noumbrid þi rewme, and haþ fillid it;
xiiii Y haue herd of þee, þat þou haſt in þee þe ſpirit of xxvii Techel, þou art weied in a balaunce, and þou art
goddis, and more kunnyng, and vndurſtondyng, and foundun hauynge leſſe;
wiſdom be foundun in þee. xxviii Phares, þi rewme is departid, and is ȝouun to
xv And now wiſe men, aſtronomyens, entriden in my
Medeis and Perſeis.
ſiȝt, to rede þis ſcripture, and to ſchewe to me þe xxix Þanne, for þe kyng comaundide, Daniel was cloþid
interpretyng þerof; and þei myȝten not ſeie to me þe in purpur, and a goldun bie was ȝouun aboute in his
vndurſtondyng of þis word. necke; and it was prechid of hym, þat he hadde power,
xvi Certis Y haue herde of þee, þat þou maiſt interprete
and was þe þridde in þe rewme.
derk þingis, and vnbynde boundun þingis; þerfor if þou xxx In þe ſame niȝt Balthaſar, þe kyng of Caldeis, was
maiſt rede þe ſcripture, and ſchewe to me þe ſlayn;
interpretyng þerof, þou ſchalt be cloþid in purpur, and xxxi and Daryus of Medei was ſucceſſour in to þe
þou ſchalt haue a goldun bie aboute þi necke, and þou rewme, and he was two and ſixti ȝeer eld.
ſchalt be þe þridde prince in my rewme.
xvii To whiche þingis Danyel anſweride, and ſeide bifore
þe kyng, Þi ȝiftis be to þee, and ȝyue þou to anoþer man i It pleſide Darius, and he ordeynede ſixe ſcore duykis
þe ȝiftis of þin hous; forſoþe, kyng, Y ſchal rede þe
ouer þe rewme, þat þei ſchulden be in al his rewme.
ſcripture to þee, and Y ſchal ſchewe to þee þe ii And ouer hem he ordeynede þre princes, of whiche
interpretyng þerof.
xviii O! þou kyng, hiȝeſte God ȝaf rewme, and greet Danyel was oon; þat þe duykis ſchulden ȝelde reſoun to
hem, and þat þe kyng ſchulde not ſuffre ony diſeſe.
worſchipe, and glorie, and onour, to Nabugodonoſor, þi iii Þerfor Danyel ouercam alle þe princes and duikis, for
xix And for greet worſchip which he hadde ȝoue to þilke more ſpirit of God was in hym.
iiii Certis þe kyng þouȝte to ordeyne hym on al þe
Nabugodonoſor, alle puplis, lynagis, and langagis,
trembliden and dredden hym; he killide whiche he rewme. Wherfor princes and duikis ſouȝten to fynde
wolde, and he ſmoot whiche he wolde, and he occaſioun to Danyel, of þe ſide of þe kyng; and þei
enhaunſide whiche he wolde, and he made low which miȝten fynde no cauſe and ſuſpicioun, for he was
he wolde. feiþful, and no blame and ſuſpicioun was foundun in
xx Forſoþe whanne his herte was reiſid, and his ſpirit hym.
v Þerfor þo men ſeiden, We ſchulen not fynde ony
was maad obſtynat in pride, he was put doun of þe ſeete
of his rewme; occaſioun to þis Danyel, no but in hap in þe lawe of his
xxi and his glorie was takun awei, and he was caſt out God.
vi Þanne þe princes and duykis maden fals ſuggeſtioun
fro þe ſones of men; but alſo his herte was ſet wiþ
beeſtis, and his dwellyng was wiþ wielde aſſis; alſo he to þe kyng, and ſpaken þus to hym, Kyng Darius, lyue
eet hei as an oxe doiþ, and his bodi was colourid wiþ þe þou wiþ onten ende.
vii Alle þe princes of þi rewme, and magiſtratis, and
deew of heuene, til he knewe, þat þe hiȝeſte haþ power
in þe rewme of men, and he ſchal reiſe on it whom euer duykis, ſenatours, and iugis, han maad a counſel, þat a
he wole. decree and comaundement of þe emperour go out, þat
xxii And þou, Balthaſar, þe ſone of hym, mekideſt not ech man þat axiþ ony axyng of what euer god and man,
þin herte, whanne þou knewiſt alle þeſe þingis; til to þretti daies, no but of þee, þou kyng, he be ſent in
xxiii but þou were reiſid aȝens þe Lord of heuene, and þe to þe lake of liouns.
viii Now þerfor, kyng, conferme þou þe ſentence, and
veſſels of his hous weren brouȝt bifore þee, and þou,
and þi beſte men, and þi wyues, and þi concubyns, write þou þe decree, þat þis þat is ordeyned of Medeis
drunken wyn in þo veſſels; and þou heriediſt goddis of and Perſeis be not chaungid, neþir be it leueful to ony
ſiluer, and of gold, and of bras, and of irun, and of tree, man to breke.
ix Forſoþe Darius, þe kyng, ſettide forþ, and confermyde
and of ſtoon, þat ſeen not, neþer heren, neþer feelen;
certis þou glorifiediſt not God, þat haþ þi blaſt, and alle þe decree.
x And whanne Danyel hadde founde þis þing, þat is, þe
þi weies in his hond.
xxiiii Þerfor þe fyngur of þe hond was ſent of hym, lawe ordeyned, he entride in to his hous; and þe while
which hond wroot þis þing þat is writun. þe wyndows weren open in his ſoler aȝens Jeruſalem, in
þre tymes in þe dai he bowide hiſe knees, and

worſchipide, and knoulechide bifore his God, as he was lake, til þe liouns rauyſchiden hem, and al to-braken
wont to do bifore. alle þe boonys of hem.
xi Þerfor þo men enqueriden ful biſili, and founden xxv Þanne Darius, þe kyng, wroot to alle puplis, lynagis,
Danyel preiynge, and biſechynge his God. and langagis, dwellynge in al erþe, Pees be multiplied
xii And þei neiȝiden and ſpaken to þe kyng of þe to ȝou.
comaundement, Kyng, wheþer þou ordeynediſt not, þat xxvi Þerfor a decree is ordeyned of me, þat in al myn
ech man þat axide ony of goddis and of men, til to þretti empire and rewme men tremble, and drede þe God of
daies, no but þee, þou kyng, he ſchulde be ſent in to þe Danyel; for he is God lyuynge, and euerlaſtynge in to
lake of liouns? To whiche men þe kyng anſweride, and worldis, and his rewme ſchal not be diſtried, and his
ſeide, Þe word is ſoþ, bi þe decree of Medeis and power is `til in to wiþ outen ende.
Perſeis, which it is not leueful to breke. xxvii He is delyuerer and ſauȝour, makynge myraclis and
xiii Þanne þei anſweriden, and ſeiden bifore þe kyng, merueils in heuene and in erþe, which delyuerede
Danyel, of þe ſones of caitifte of Juda, reckide not of þi Danyel fro þe lake of liouns.
lawe, and of þe comaundement, which þou ordeynediſt, xxviii Certis Danyel dwellide ſtabli `til to þe rewme of
but þre tymes bi þe dai he preieþ in his biſechyng. Darius, and `til to þe rewme of Sirus of Perſey.
xiiii And whanne þe kyng hadde herd þis word, he was
ſori ynow, and he ſettide þe herte for Danyel, for to do CAP. VII
delyuere hym; and til to þe goyng doun of þe ſunne he i In þe firſte ȝeer of Balthaſar, kyng of Babiloyne,
trauelide for to do delyuere hym. Danyel ſiȝ a ſweuene. Forſoþe he wroot þe viſioun of
xv But þo men vndurſtoden þe kyng, and ſeiden to hym, his hed in his bed, and þe dreem, and comprehendide in
Wite þou, kyng, þat it is þe lawe of Medeis and of ſchort word; and he touchide ſchortli þe ſentence,
Perſeis, þat it is not leueful þat ony decree be chaungid, ii and ſeide, Y ſiȝ in my viſioun in niȝt, and lo! foure
xvi which þe kyng ordeyneþ. Þanne þe kyng wyndis of heuene fouȝten in þe myddis of þe greet ſee.
comaundide, and þei brouȝten Danyel, and ſenten hym iii And foure grete beeſtis dyuerſe bitwixe hem ſilf
in to þe lake of liouns. And þe kyng ſeide to Danyel, Þi ſtieden fro þe ſee.
God, whom þou worſchipiſt euere, he ſchal delyuere iiii Þe firſte beeſte was as a lioneſſe, and hadde wyngis
þee. of an egle. Y bihelde til þe wyngis þerof weren pullid
xvii And o ſtoon was brouȝt, and was put on þe mouþ of
awei, and it was takun awei fro erþe, and it ſtood as a
þe lake, which þe kyng aſelide wiþ his ryng, and wiþ þe man on þe feet, and þe herte þerof was ȝouun to it.
ryng of hiſe beſte men, leſt ony þing were don aȝens v And lo! anoþer beeſte, lijk a bere in parti, ſtood, and
Danyel. þre ordris weren in þe mouþ þerof, and þre princes in þe
xviii Þanne þe kyng ȝede in to his hous, and ſlepte wiþ
teeþ þerof. And þus þei ſeiden to it, Riſe þou, ete þou
out ſoper, and metis weren not brouȝte bifore hym; ful many fleiſchis.
ferþermore and ſleep ȝede awei fro hym. vi Aftir þeſe þingis Y bihelde, and lo! anoþir beeſte as a
xix Þanne þe kyng roos in þe firſte morewtid, and ȝede
pard, and it hadde on it ſilf foure wyngis of a brid, and
haſtili to þe lake of liouns; foure heedis weren in þe beeſte, and power was ȝouun
xx and he neiȝide to þe lake, and criede on Danyel wiþ to it.
wepynge vois, and ſpak to hym, Danyel, þe ſeruaunt of vii Aftir þeſe þingis Y bihelde in þe viſioun of niȝt, and
God lyuynge, geſſiſt þou, wheþer þi God, whom þou lo! þe fourþe beeſte, ferdful, and wondirful, and ful
ſerueſt euere, miȝte delyuere þee fro liouns? ſtrong. It hadde grete irun teeþ, and it ete, and made
xxi And Danyel anſweride þe kyng, and ſeide, King, leſſe, and defoulide wiþ hiſe feet oþere þingis; forſoþe it
lyue þou wiþ outen ende. was vnlijk oþere beeſtis, which Y hadde ſeyn bifore it,
xxii My God ſente his aungel, and cloſide togidere þe and it hadde ten hornes.
mouþis of liouns, and þo noieden not me, for viii Y bihelde þe hornes, and lo! an oþer litil horn cam
riȝtfulneſſe is foundun in me bifore hym; but alſo, þou forþ of þe myddis of þo, and þre of þe firſte hornes
kyng, Y dide no treſpas bifore þee. weren drawun out fro þe face þerof; and lo! iȝen as iȝen
xxiii Þanne þe kyng made ioie greetli on hym, and of a man weren in þis horn, and a mouþ ſpekynge grete
comaundide Danyel to be led out of þe lake. And þingis.
Danyel was led out of þe lake, and noon hirtyng was ix Y bihelde, til þat trones weren ſet, and þe elde of
foundun in hym, for he bileuede to his God. daies ſat; his cloþ was whijt as ſnow, and þe heeris of
xxiiii Forſoþe þe kyng comaundide, þo men, þat his heed weren as cleene wolle, his trone was as
accuſiden Danyel, weren brouȝt, and weren ſent in to þe flawmes of fier, hiſe wheelis weren fier kyndlid.
lake of liouns, þei, and þe ſones of hem, and þe wyues x A flood of fier and rennynge faſte ȝede out fro his
of hem; and þei camen not `til to þe pawment of þe face, a þouſynde þouſynde myniſtriden to hym, and ten

ſiþis a þouſynde ſiþis an hundrid þouſynde ſtoden niȝ xxvi And doom ſchal ſitte, þat þe power be takun awei,
hym; þe dom ſat, and bookis weren opened. and be al to-brokun, and periſche til in to þe ende.
xi Y bihelde for þe vois of grete wordis whiche þilke xxvii Soþeli þat þe rewme, and power, and þe greetneſſe
horn ſpak; and Y ſiȝ þat þe beeſte was ſlayn, and his of rewme, which is vndur ech heuene, be ȝouun to þe
bodi was periſchid, and was ȝouun to be brent in fier. puple of þe ſeintis of þe hiȝeſte, whos rewme is
xii And Y ſiȝ þat þe power of oþere beeſtis was takun euerlaſtynge rewme, and alle kingis ſchulen ſerue, and
awei, and þe tymes of lijf weren ordeyned to hem, til to obeie to hym.
tyme and tyme. xxviii Hidur to is þe ende of þe word. Y, Danyel, was
xiii Þerfor Y bihelde in þe viſyoun of niȝt, and lo! as a diſturblid myche in my þouȝtis, and my face was
ſone of man cam wiþ þe cloudis of heuene; and he cam chaungid in me; forſoþe Y kepte þe word in myn herte.
fulli til to þe elde of daies, and in þe ſiȝt of hym þei
offriden hym. CAP. VIII
xiiii And he ȝaf to hym power, and onour, and rewme, i In þe þridde ȝeer of þe rewme of Balthaſar, þe king, a
and alle þe puplis, lynagis, and langagis ſchulen ſerue viſioun apperide to me. Y, Danyel, after þat þing þat Y
hym; his power is euerlaſtynge power, þat ſchal not be hadde ſeyn in þe bigynnyng,
takun awei, and his rewme, þat ſchal not be corrupt. ii ſiȝ in my viſioun, whanne Y was in þe caſtel of Suſis,
xv My ſpirit hadde orrour, eþer hidouſneſſe; Y, Danyel, which is in þe cuntrei of Helam; ſoþeli Y ſiȝ in þe
was aferd in þeſe þingis, and þe ſiȝtis of myn heed viſioun þat Y was on þe ȝate Vlay.
diſturbliden me. iii And Y reiſide myn iȝen, and Y ſiȝ; and lo! o ram ſtood
xvi Y neiȝede to oon of þe ſtonderis niȝ, and Y axide of bifor þe mareis, and hadde hiȝ hornes, and oon hiȝere
hym þe treuþe of alle þeſe þingis. And he ſeide to me þe þan þe toþer, and vndurwexynge.
interpretyng of wordis, and he tauȝte me. iiii Aftirward Y ſiȝ þe ram wyndewynge wiþ hornes
xvii Þeſe foure grete beeſtis ben foure rewmes, þat aȝens þe eeſt, and aȝens þe weſt, and aȝens þe norþ, and
ſchulen riſe of erþe. aȝens þe ſouþ; and alle beeſtis myȝten not aȝenſtonde it,
xviii Forſoþe hooli men ſchulen take þe rewme of hiȝeſte neþer be delyuered fro þe hondis of it. And it dide bi his
God, and þei ſchulen holde þe rewme, til in to þe world, wille, and was magnefied.
and `til in to þe world of worldis. v And Y vndurſtood. Lo! forſoþe a buk of geet cam fro
xix Aftir þeſe þingis Y wolde lerne diligentli of þe þe weſt on þe face of al erþe, and touchide not þe erþe;
fourþe beeſte, þat was greetli vnlijk fro alle, and was ful forſoþe þe buk of geet hadde a noble horn bitwixe hiſe
ferdful, þe teeþ and nailis þerof weren of irun; it eet, iȝen;
and made leſſe, and defoulide wiþ hiſe feet oþere þingis. vi and he cam til to þat horned ram, which Y hadde ſeyn
xx And of ten hornes whiche it hadde in þe heed, and of ſtondynge bifore þe ȝate, and he ran in þe ferſneſſe of
þe toþer horn, þat cam forþ, bifore which þre hornes his ſtrengþe to þat ram.
fellen doun, and of þat horn þat hadde iȝen, and a mouþ vii And whanne he hadde neiȝid niȝ þe ram, he hurlide
ſpekynge grete þingis, and was grettere þan oþere; ferſly on hym, and he ſmoot þe ram, and al to-brak
xxi I bihelde, and lo! þilke horn made batel aȝens hooli tweyne hornes of hym, and þe ram miȝte not aȝenſtonde
men, and hadde maiſtrie of hem, hym. And whanne he hadde ſent þat ram in to erþe, he
xxii til þe elde of daies cam, and hiȝ God ȝaf doom to defoulide; and no man miȝte delyuere þe ram fro his
hooli men; and lo! tyme cam, and hooli men goten hond.
viii Forſoþe þe buk of geet was maad ful greet; and
xxiii And he ſeide þus, Þe fourþe beeſte ſchal be þe whanne he hadde encreeſſid, þe greet horn was brokun,
fourþe rewme in erþe, þat ſchal be more þan alle and foure hornes riſiden vndur it, bi foure wyndis of
rewmes, and it ſchal deuoure al erþe, and it ſchal heuene.
ix Forſoþe of oon of hem ȝede out o litil horn, and it was
defoule, and make leſſe þat erþe.
xxiiii Forſoþe ten hornes ſchulen be ten kyngis of þat maad greet aȝens þe ſouþ, and aȝens þe eeſt, and aȝens
rewme; and anoþer kyng ſchal riſe after hem, and he þe ſtrengþe.
x And it was magnefied til to þe ſtrengþe of heuene, and
ſchal be miȝtiere þan þe formere, and he ſchal make low
þre kyngis. it caſtide doun of þe ſtrengþe and of ſterris, and
xxv And he ſchal ſpeke wordis aȝens þe hiȝ God, and he defoulide þo.
xi And he was magnefied til to þe prince of ſtrengþe,
ſchal defoule þe ſeyntis of þe hiȝeſte; and he ſchal geſſe,
þat he mai chaunge tymes and lawis; and þei ſchulen be and he took awei fro hym þe contynuel ſacrifice, and
ȝouun in to his hondis, til to tyme, and times, and þe caſtide doun þe place of his halewyng.
half of tyme.

xii Forſoþe ſtrengþe was ȝouun to hym aȝens þe CAP. IX
contynuel ſacrifice for ſynnes, and treuþe ſchal be caſt i In þe firſte ȝeer of Darius, þe ſone of Aſſuerus, of þe
doun in erþe; and he ſchal haue proſperite, and ſchal do. ſeed of Medeis, þat was emperour on þe rewme of
xiii And Y herde oon of hooli aungels ſpekynge; and oon Caldeis,
hooli aungel ſeide to anoþer, Y noot to whom ſpekinge, ii in þe firſte ȝeer of his rewme, Y, Danyel, vndurſtood
Hou long þe viſioun, and þe contynuel ſacrifice, and þe in bookis þe noumbre of ȝeeris, of which noumbre þe
ſynne of deſolacioun, which is maad, and þe ſeyntuarie, word of þe Lord was maad to Jeremye, þe profete, þat
and þe ſtrengþe ſchal be defoulid? ſeuenti ȝeer of deſolacioun of Jeruſalem ſchulde be
xiiii And he ſeide to hym, Til to þe euentid and fillid.
morewtid, two þouſynde daies and þre hundrid; and þe iii And Y ſettide my face to my Lord God, to preie and
ſeyntuarie ſchal be clenſid. to biſeche in faſtyngis, in ſak, and aiſche.
xv Forſoþe it was doon, whanne Y, Danyel, ſiȝ þe iiii And Y preiede my Lord God, and Y knoulechide,
viſioun, and axide þe vndurſtondyng, lo! as þe licneſſe and ſeide, Y biſeche, þou Lord God, greet and ferdful,
of a man ſtood in my ſiȝt. kepynge couenaunt and mercy to hem þat louen þee,
xvi And Y herde þe voys of a man bitwixe Vlai, and he and kepen þi comaundementis.
criede, and ſeide, Gabriel, make þou Danyel to v We han ſynned, we han do wickidneſſe, we diden
vndurſtonde þis viſioun. unfeiþfuli, and ȝeden awei, and bowiden awei fro þi
xvii And he cam, and ſtood biſidis where Y ſtood; and comaundementis and domes.
whanne he was comun, Y dredde, and felle on my face. vi We obeieden not to þi ſeruauntis, profetis, þat ſpaken
And he ſeide to me, Þou, ſone of man, vndurſtonde, for in þi name to oure kyngis, to oure princes, and to oure
þe viſioun ſchal be fillid in þe tyme of ende. fadris, and to al þe puple of þe lond.
xviii And whanne he ſpak to me, Y ſlood doun `plat to þe vii Lord, riȝtfulneſſe is to þee, forſoþe ſchenſchipe of
erþe. And he touchide me, and ſettide me in my degree. face is to vs, as is to dai to a man of Juda, and to þe
xix And he ſeide to me, Y ſchal ſchewe to þee what dwelleris of Jeruſalem, and to al Iſrael, to þeſe men þat
þingis ſchulen come in þe laſte of curſing, for þe tyme ben niȝ, and to þeſe men þat ben afer in alle londis, to
haþ his ende. which þou caſtidiſt hem out for þe wickidneſſis of hem,
xx Þe ram, whom þou ſiȝeſt haue hornes, is þe kyng of in whiche, Lord, þei ſynneden aȝens þee.
viii Schame of face is to vs, to oure kyngis, to oure
Medeis and of Perſeis.
xxi Forſoþe þe buc of geet is þe kyng of Grekis; and þe princes, and to oure fadris, þat ſynneden;
ix but merci and benygnytee is to þee, oure Lord God.
greet horn þat was bitwixe hiſe iȝen, he is þe firſte kyng.
xxii Forſoþe þat whanne þat horn was brokun, foure For we ȝeden awei fro þee,
x and herden not þe vois of oure Lord God, þat we
hornes riſiden for it, foure kyngis ſchulen riſe of þe folc
of hym, but not in þe ſtrengþe of hym. ſchulden go in þe lawe of hym, whiche he ſettide to vs
xxiii And after þe rewme of hem, whanne `wickidneſſis bi hiſe ſeruauntis, profetis.
xi And al Iſrael braken þi lawe, and bowiden awei, þat
han encreeſſid, a kyng ſchal riſe vnſchamefaſt in face,
and vndurſtondyng propoſiſiouns, eþer reſouns ſet forþ; þei herden not þi vois; and curſyng, and wlatyng, which
and his ſtrengþe ſchal be maad ſtalworþe, is writun in þe book of Moiſes, þe ſeruaunt of God,
xxiiii but not in hiſe ſtrengþis. And more þan it mai be droppide on vs, for we ſynneden to hym.
xii And he ordeynede hiſe wordis, whiche he ſpak on vs,
bileuyd he ſchal waſte alle þingis, and he ſchal haue
proſperite, and ſchal do. And he ſchal ſle ſtronge men, and on oure princes, þat demyden vs, þat þei ſchulden
and þe puple of ſeyntis, brynge in on vs greet yuel, what maner yuel was neuer
xxv bi his wille, and gile ſchal be dreſſid in his hond. vndur al heuene, bi þat þat is doon in Jeruſalem,
xiii as it is writun in þe lawe of Moiſes. Al þis yuel cam
And he ſchal magnefie his herte, and in abundaunce of
alle þingis he ſchal ſle ful many men. And he ſchal riſe on vs, and, oure Lord God, we preieden not þi face, þat
aȝens þe prince of princes, and wiþouten hond he ſchal we ſchulden turne aȝen fro oure wickidneſſis, and
be al to-brokun. ſchulden þenke þi treuþe.
xxvi And þe viſioun, which is ſeid in þe morewtid and xiiii And þe Lord wakide on malice, and brouȝt it on vs;

euentid, is trewe. Þerfor ſeele þou þe viſioun, for it ſchal oure Lord God is iuſt in alle his werkis whiche he made,
be after many daies. for we herden not his vois.
xxvii And Y, Danyel, was aſtonyed, and was ſijk bi ful xv And now, Lord God, þat leddiſt þi puple out of þe

many daies; and whanne Y hadde riſe, Y dide þe werkis lond of Egipt in ſtrong hond, and madiſt to þee a name
of þe kyng; and Y was aſtonyed at þe viſioun, and `noon bi þis dai, we han ſynnede,
was þat interpretide.

xvi we han do wickidneſſe, Lord, aȝens þi riȝtfulneſſe. Y CAP. X
biſeche, þi wraþþe and þi ſtronge veniaunce be turned i In þe þridde ȝeer of þe rewme of Sirus, kyng of
awey fro þi citee Jeruſalem, and fro þi hooli hil; for whi Perſeis, a word was ſchewid to Danyel, Balthaſar bi
for oure ſynnes, and for þe wickidneſſis of oure fadris, name; and a trewe word, and greet ſtrengþe, and he
Jeruſalem and þi puple ben in ſchenſchipe, to alle men vndurſtood þe word; for whi vndurſtondyng is nedeful
bi oure cumpas. in viſioun.
xvii But now, oure God, here þou þe preyer of þi ii In þo daies Y, Danyel, mourenyde bi þe daies of þre
ſeruaunt, and þe biſechyngis of him, and ſchewe þi face woukis;
on þi ſeyntuarie, which is forſakun. iii Y eet not deſirable breed, and fleiſch, and wyn entride
xviii My God, for þi ſilf boowe doun þin eere, and here; not into my mouþ, but neþir Y was anoynted wiþ
opene þin iȝen, and ſe oure deſolacioun, and þe citee, on oynement, til þe daies of þre woukis weren fillid.
which þi name is clepid to help. For not in oure iiii Forſoþe in þe foure and twentiþe dai of þe firſte
iuſtifiyngis we ſetten forþ mekeli preiers bifor þi face, moneþe, Y was biſidis þe greet flood, which is Tigris.
but in þi many merciful doyngis. v And Y reiſide myn iȝen, and Y ſiȝ, and lo! o man was
xix Lord, here þou; Lord, be þou pleſid, perſeyue þou,
cloþid wiþ lynun cloþis, and hiſe reynes weren gird wiþ
and do; my Lord God, tarie þou not, for þi ſilf, for þi ſchynynge gold;
name is clepid to help on þe citee, and on þi puple. vi and his bodi was as criſolitus, and his face was as þe
xx And whanne Y ſpak ȝit, and preiede, and knoulechide
licneſſe of leit, and hiſe iȝen weren as a brennynge
my ſynnes, and þe ſynnes of my puple Iſrael, þat Y laumpe, and hiſe armes and þo þingis þat weren byneþe
ſchulde ſette forþ mekeli my preieris in þe ſiȝt of my til to þe feet weren as þe licneſſe of bras beynge whijt,
God, for þe hooli hil of my God, and þe vois of hiſe wordis was as þe vois of multitude.
xxi þe while Y ſpak ȝit in my preyer, lo! þe man Gabriel, vii Forſoþe Y, Danyel, aloone ſiȝ þe viſioun; certis þe
whom Y hadde ſeyn in viſioun at þe bigynnyng, flei men þat weren wiþ me, ſien not, but ful greet
ſoone, and touchide me in þe tyme of euentid ſacrifice; ferdfulneſſe felle yn on hem, and þei fledden in to an
xxii and he tauȝt me, and he ſpak to me, and ſeide, hid place.
Danyel, now Y ȝede out, þat Y ſchulde teche þee, and viii But Y was left aloone, and Y ſiȝ þis greet viſioun,
þou ſchuldiſt vndurſtonde. and ſtrengþe dwellide not in me; but alſo my licneſſe
xxiii Fro þe bigynnyng of þi preieris a word ȝede out. was chaungid in me, and Y was ſtark, and Y hadde not
Forſoþe Y cam to ſchewe to þee, for þou art a man of in me ony þing of ſtrengþis.
deſiris; þerfor perſeyue þou þe word, and vndurſtonde ix And Y herde þe vois of hiſe wordis, and Y herde, and
þou þe viſioun. lay aſtonyed on my face, and my face cleuyde to þe
xxiiii Seuenti woukis of ȝeeris ben abreggid on þi puple, erþe.
and on þin hooli citee, þat treſpaſſyng be endid, and x And lo! an hond touchide me, and reiſide me on my
ſynne take an ende, and þat wickidneſſe be doon awei, knees, and on þe toes of my feet.
and euerlaſtynge riȝtfulneſſe be brouȝt, and þat þe xi And he ſeide to me, Þou, Danyel, a man of deſiris,
viſioun, and propheſie be fillid, and þe hooli of ſeyntis vndurſtonde þe wordis whiche Y ſpeke to þee, and
be anoyntid. ſtonde in þi degree; for now Y am ſent to þee. And
xxv Þerfor wite þou, and perſeyue; fro þe goyng out of
whanne he hadde ſeid þis word to me, Y ſtood
þe word, þat Jeruſalem be bildid eft, til to Criſt, þe quakynge.
duyk, ſchulen be ſeuene woukis of ȝeeris and two and xii And he ſeide to me, Danyel, nyle þou drede, for fro
ſixti woukis of ȝeeris; and eft þe ſtreet ſchal be bildid, þe firſte dai in which þou ſettidiſt þin herte to
and wallis, in þe angwiſch of tymes. vndurſtonde, þat þou ſchuldiſt turmente þee in þe ſiȝt of
xxvi And after two and ſixti woukis `of ȝeeris Criſt ſchal
þi God, þi wordis weren herd, and Y cam for þi wordis.
be ſlayn. And it ſchal not be his puple, þat ſchal denye xiii Forſoþe þe prince of þe rewme of Perſeis aȝenſtood
hym. And þe puple wiþ þe duyk to comynge ſchal me oon and twenti daies, and lo! Myȝhel, oon of þe
diſtrie þe citee, and þe ſeyntuarie; and þe ende þerof firſte princes, cam in to myn help, and Y dwellide ſtille
ſchal be diſtriyng, and after þe ende of batel ſchal be þere biſidis þe kyng of Perſeis.
ordeynede deſolacioun. xiiii Forſoþe Y am comun to teche þee, what þingis
xxvii Forſoþe o wouk `of ȝeeris ſchal conferme þe
ſchulen come to þi puple in þe laſte daies; for ȝit þe
couenaunt to many men, and þe offryng and ſacrifice viſioun is delaied in to daies.
ſchal faile in þe myddis of þe wouke of ȝeeris; and xv And whanne he ſpak to me bi ſiche wordis, Y caſtide
abhomynacioun of deſolacioun ſchal be in þe temple, doun my cheer to erþe, and was ſtille.
and þe deſolacioun ſchal contynue til to þe parformyng
and ende.

xvi And lo! as þe licneſſe of ſone of man touchide my veſſels of gold, and of ſiluer, takun in batel. He ſchal
lippis; and Y openyde my mouþ, and ſpak, and ſeide to haue þe maiſtrie aȝens þe kyng of þe norþ;
hym þat ſtood bifore me, My Lord, in þi ſiȝt my ioynctis ix and þe kyng of þe ſouþ ſchal entre in to þe rewme,
ben vnknit, and no þing of ſtrengþis dwellide in me. and ſchal turne aȝen to his lond.
xvii And hou ſchal þe ſeruaunt of my Lord mow ſpeke x Forſoþe þe ſones of hym ſchulen be ſtirid to wraþþe,
wiþ my Lord? no þing of ſtrengþis dwellide in me, but and þei ſchulen gadere togidere a multitude of ful many
alſo my breeþ is cloſyde bitwixe. cooſtis. And he ſchal come haſtynge and flowynge, and
xviii Þerfor eft as þe ſiȝt of a man touchide me, and he ſchal turne aȝen, and ſchal be ſtirid, and ſchal
coumfortide me, bigynne batel wiþ his ſtrengþe.
xix and ſeide, Man of deſiris, nyle þou drede; pees be to xi And þe king of þe ſouþ ſchal be ſtirid, and ſchal go

þee, be þou coumfortid, and be þou ſtrong. And whanne out, and ſchal fiȝte aȝens þe kyng of þe norþ, and ſchal
he ſpak wiþ me, Y wexide ſtrong and ſeide, My Lord, make redi a ful grete multitude; and þe multitude ſchal
ſpeke þou, for þou haſt coumfortid me. be ȝouun in his hond.
xx And he ſeide, Wheþer þou wooſt not, whi Y cam to xii And he ſchal take þe multitude, and his herte ſchal be

þee? And now Y ſchal turne aȝen, to fiȝte aȝens þe enhaunſid; and he ſchal caſte doun many þouſyndis, but
prince of Perſeis. For whanne Y ȝede out, þe prince of he ſchal not haue þe maiſtrie.
Grekis apperide comynge. xiii For þe kyng of þe norþ ſchal turne, and ſchal make
xxi Neþeles Y ſchal telle to þee þat, þat is expreſſid in þe redi a multitude, myche more þan bifore; and in þe ende
ſcripture of treuþe; and noon is myn helpere in alle þeſe of tymes and of ȝeeris he ſchal come haſtynge wiþ a ful
þingis, no but Myȝhel, ȝoure prynce. greet ooſt, and wiþ ful many richeſſis.
xiiii And in þo tymes many men ſchulen riſe togidere
CAP. XI aȝens þe kyng of þe ſouþ; and þe ſones of treſpaſſouris
i Forſoþe fro þe firſte ȝeer of Darius of Medei Y ſtood, of þi puple ſchulen be enhaunſid, þat þei fille þe viſioun,
þat he ſchulde be coumfortid, and maad ſtrong. and þei ſchulen falle doun.
ii And now Y ſchal telle to þee þe treuþe. And lo! þre xv And þe kyng of þe norþ ſchal come, and ſchal bere

kyngis ſchulen ſtonde ȝit in Perſis, and þe fourþe ſchal togidere erþe, he ſchal take ſtrongeſte citees; and þe
be maad riche wiþ ful many richeſſis ouer alle. And armes of þe ſouþ ſchulen not ſuſteyne. And þe choſun
whanne he haþ woxe ſtrong bi hiſe richeſſis, he ſchal men þerof ſchulen riſe togidere, to aȝenſtonde, and
reiſe alle men aȝens þe rewme of Greece. ſtrengþe ſchal not be.
iii Forſoþe a ſtrong kyng ſchal riſe, and ſhal be lord in xvi And he ſchal come on hym, and ſchal do bi his wille;

greet power, and ſchal do þat, þat ſchal pleſe hym. and noon ſchal be, þat ſchal ſtonde aȝens his face. And
iiii And whanne he ſchal ſtonde, his rewme ſchal be al he ſchal ſtonde in þe noble lond, and it ſchal be waſtid
to-brokun, and it ſchal be departid in to foure wyndis of in his hond.
xvii And he ſchal ſette his face, þat he come to holde al
heuene, but not in to hiſe eiris, neþer bi þe power of
hym in which he was lord; for his rewme ſchal be to- þe rewme of him, and he ſchal do riȝtful þingis wiþ
rente, ȝhe, in to ſtraungeris, outakun þeſe. hym. And he ſchal ȝyue to hym þe douȝter of wymmen,
v And þe kyng of þe ſouþ ſchal be coumfortid; and of þe to diſtrie hym; and it ſchal not ſtonde, and it ſchal not be
princes of hym oon ſchal haue power aboue hym, and his.
xviii And he ſchal turne his face to ilis, and he ſchal take
he ſchal be lord in power; for whi his lordſchipe ſchal
be myche. many ilis. And he ſchal make ceeſſe þe prince of his
vi And after þe ende of ȝeeris `þei ſchulen be knyt in ſchenſchipe, and his ſchenſchipe ſchal turne in to hym.
xix And he ſchal turne his face to þe lordſchip of his
pees; and þe douȝter of þe kyng of þe ſouþ ſchal come
to þe kyng of þe norþ, to make frenſchipe. And ſche loond, and he ſchal ſnapere, and falle doun, and he ſchal
ſchal not gete ſtrengþe of arm, neþer þe ſeed of hir ſchal not be foundun.
ſtonde; and ſche ſchal be bitakun, and þe ȝonglyngis of xx And þe vileſt and vnworþi to þe kyngis onour ſchal
hir þat brouȝten hir, and he þat coumfortide hir in ſtonde in þe place of hym, and in fewe daies he ſchal be
tymes. al to-brokun, not in woodneſſe, neþer in batel.
vii And a plauntyng of þe ſeed of þe rootis of hir ſchal xxi And a diſpiſid man ſchal ſtonde in þe place of hym,
ſtonde; and he ſchal come wiþ an ooſt, and ſchal entre in and þe onour of a kyng ſchal not be ȝouun to hym; and
to þe prouynce of þe kyng of þe norþ, and he ſchal he ſchal come priueli, and he ſchal gete þe rewme bi
myſuſe hem, and he ſchal gete; gile.
viii ferþir more he ſchal gete boþ þe goddis of hem, and xxii And þe armes of þe fiȝtere ſchulen be ouercomun of
grauun ymagis. Alſo he ſchal lede into Egipt preciouſe his face, and ſchulen be al to-brokun, ferþermore and þe
duyk of boond of pees.

xxiii And after frenſchipe wiþ hym, he ſchal do gile. And xxxviii Forſoþe he ſchal onoure god of Maoſym in his
he ſchal ſtie, and he ſchal ouercome wiþ litil puple; place, and he ſchal worſchipe god, whom hiſe fadris
xxiiii and he ſchal entre in to grete and riche citees, and knewen not, wiþ gold, and ſiluer, and preciouſe ſtoon,
he ſchal do þingis which hiſe fadris and þe fadris of hiſe and preciouſe þingis.
fadris diden not. He ſchal diſtrie þe raueyns, and prei, xxxix And he ſchal do þat he make ſtrong Mooſym, wiþ
and richeſſis of hem, and aȝens moſt ſtidfaſt þouȝtis he þe alien god which he knew. And he ſchal multiplie
ſchal take counſel, and þis `vn to a tyme. glorie, and ſchal ȝyue power to hem in many þingis, and
xxv And þe ſtrengþe of hym, and þe herte of hym ſchal ſchal departe þe lond at his wille.
be ſtirid aȝens þe kyng of þe ſouþ wiþ a greet ooſt. And xl And in þe tyme determyned þe kyng of þe ſouþ ſchal
þe king of þe ſouþ ſchal be ſtirid to batel wiþ many fiȝte aȝens hym, and þe kyng of þe norþ ſchal come as a
helpis and ful ſtronge; and þei ſchulen not ſtonde, for tempeſt aȝens hym, in charis, and wiþ knyȝtis, and in
þei ſchulen take counſels aȝens hym. greet nauei.
xxvi And þei þat eeten breed wiþ hym ſchulen al to- xli And he ſchal entre in to londis, and ſchal defoule
breke hym; and his ooſt ſchal be oppreſſid, and ful many hem; and he ſchal paſſe, and ſchal entre in to þe
men of hiſe ſchulen be ſlayn, and falle doun. gloriouſe lond, and many ſchulen falle. Forſoþe þeſe
xxvii And þe herte of twei kyngis ſchal be, þat þei do londis aloone ſchulen be ſauyd fro his hond, Edom, and
yuel, and at o boord þei ſchulen ſpeke leeſyng, and þei Moab, and princes of þe ſones of Amon.
ſchulen not profite; for ȝit þe ende ſchal be in to an oþer xlii And he ſchal ſende his hond in to londis, and þe lond
tyme. of Egipt ſchal not aſcape.
xxviii And he ſchal turne aȝen in to his lond wiþ many xliii And he ſchal be lord of treſouris of gold, and of
richeſſis, and his herte ſchal be aȝens þe hooli teſtament, ſiluer, and in alle preciouſe þingis of Egipt; alſo he ſchal
and he ſchal do, and ſchal turne aȝen in to his lond. paſſe bi Libie and Ethiopie.
xxix In tyme ordeyned he ſchal turne aȝen, and ſchal xliiii And fame fro þe eeſt and fro þe norþ ſchal diſturble
come to þe ſouþ, and þe laſte ſchal not be lijk þe hym; and he ſchal come wiþ a greet multitude, to al to-
formere. breke, and to ſle ful many men.
xxx And ſchippis wiþ þree ordris of ooris, and Romayns, xlv And he ſchal ſette his tabernacle in Apheduo, bitwixe
ſchulen come on hym, and he ſchal be ſmytun. And he þe ſees, on þe noble hil and hooli; and he ſchal come til
ſchal turne aȝen, and ſchal haue indignacioun aȝens þe to þe heiȝþe þerof, and no man ſchal helpe hym.
teſtament of ſeyntuarie, and he ſchal do. And he ſchal
turne aȝen, and he ſchal þenke aȝens hem þat forſoken CAP. XII
þe teſtament of ſeyntuarie. i Forſoþe in þat tyme Miȝhel, þe greet prince, ſchal riſe,
xxxi And armes of hym ſchulen ſtonde, and ſchulen þat ſtondiþ for þe ſones of þi puple. And tyme ſchal
defoule þe ſeyntuarie, and ſchulen take awei þe come, what maner tyme was not, fro þat tyme fro which
contynuel ſacrifice, and ſchulen ȝyue abhomynacioun in folkis bigunnen to be, `vn to þat tyme. And in þat tyme
to deſolacioun. þi puple ſchal be ſaued, ech þat is foundun writun in þe
xxxii And wickid men ſchulen feyne teſtament gilefuli; book of life.
but þe puple þat knowiþ her God ſchal holde, and do. ii And many of hem þat ſlepen in þe duſt of erþe,
xxxiii And tauȝt men in þe puple ſchulen teche ful many ſchulen awake fulli, ſumme in to euerlaſtynge lijf, and
men, and ſchulen falle in ſwerd, and in flawme, and in oþere in to ſchenſchipe, þat þei ſe euere.
to caitifte, and in to raueyn of daies. iii Forſoþe þei þat ben tauȝt, ſchulen ſchyne as þe
xxxiiii And whanne þei han feld doun, þei ſchulen be ſchynyng of þe firmament, and þei þat techen many
reiſid bi a litil help; and ful many men ſchulen be men to riȝtfulneſſe, ſchulen ſchyne as ſterris in to
applied to hym gilefuli. euerlaſtynge euerlaſtyngneſſis.
xxxv And of lerud men ſchulen falle, þat þei be wellid iiii But þou, Danyel, cloſe þe wordis, and aſeele þe

togidere, and be choſun, and be maad whijt til to a tyme book, til to þe tyme ordeyned; ful many men ſchulen
determyned; for ȝit anoþer tyme ſchal be. paſſe, and kunnyng ſchal be many fold.
xxxvi And þe kyng ſchal do bi his wille, and he ſchal be v And Y, Danyel, ſiȝ, and lo! as tweyne oþere men

reiſid, and magnefied aȝens ech god, and aȝens God of ſtood; oon ſtood on þis ſide, on þe brenk of þe flood,
goddis he ſchal ſpeke grete þingis; and he ſchal be and anoþer on þat ſide, on þe toþer part of þe flood.
dreſſid, til wraþfulneſſe be fillid. For þe determynynge vi And Y ſeide to þe man, þat was cloþid in lynnun
is perfitli maad. cloþis, þat ſtood on þe watris of þe flood, Hou long
xxxvii And he ſchal not arette þe God of hiſe fadris, and ſchal be þe ende of þeſe merueils?
he ſchal be in þe coueitiſis of wymmen, and he ſchal not vii And Y herde þe man, þat was cloþid in lynnun
charge ony of goddis, for he ſchal riſe aȝens alle þingis. cloþis, þat ſtood on þe watris of þe flood, whanne he

hadde reiſid his riȝthond and lefthond to heuene, and xiii And oon ſeide to þe toþir, Go we hoom, for þe our of
hadde ſworun by hym þat lyueþ wiþ outen ende, For in mete is. And þei ȝeden out, and departiden fro hem ſilf.
to a tyme, and tymes, and þe half of tyme. And whanne xiiii And whanne þei hadden turned aȝen, þei camen in
þe ſcateryng of þe hoond of þe hooli puple is fillid, alle to o place; and þei axiden ech of oþere þe cauſe, and þei
þeſe þingis ſchulen be fillid. knoulechiden her coueitiſe. And þanne in comyn þei
viii And Y herde, and vndurſtood not; and Y ſeide, My
ordeyneden a tyme, whanne þei miȝten fynde hir
lord, what ſchal be aftir þeſe þingis? aloone.
ix And he ſeide, Go þou, Danyel, for þe wordis ben xv Forſoþe it was doon, whanne þei aſpieden a
cloſid and aſeelid, til to þe tyme determyned. couenable dai, ſche entride ſumtyme, as ȝiſtirdai and þe
x Many men ſchulen be choſun, and ſchulen be maad þridde dai ago, wiþ twei damyſels aloone, and wolde be
whijt, and ſchulen be preued as fier, and wickid men waiſchun in þe gardyn; for whi heete was.
ſchulen do wickidli, neþer alle wickid men ſchulen xvi And no man was þere, outakun tweyne elde men hid,
vndurſtonde; certis tauȝt men ſchulen vndurſtonde. biholdynge hir.
xi And fro þe tyme whanne contynuel ſacrifice is takun xvii Þerfor ſche ſaide to þe damyſels, Bringe ȝe to me
awei, and abhomynacioun is ſet in to diſcoumfort, oile, and oynementis; and cloſe ȝe þe doris of þe
ſchulen be a þouſynde daies two hundrid and nynti. gardyn, þat Y be waiſchun.
xii He is bleſſid, þat abideþ, and comeþ fulli, til a xviii And þei diden as ſche `hadde comaundid; and þei
þouſynde daies þre hundrid and fyue and þritti. cloſiden þe doris of þe gardyn, and ȝeden out bi a
xiii But go þou, Danyel, to þe tyme determyned; and poſterne, to bringe þo þingis þat ſche hadde comaundid.
þou ſchalt reſte, and ſtonde in þi part, in þe ende of And þei wiſten not, þat þe elde men weren hid wiþ
daies. ynne.
xix Soþeli whanne þe damyſels weren gon out, tweyne
Hidir to we reden Daniel in Ebreu book; oþere
þingis þat ſuen, til to þe ende, ben tranſlatid out of elde men riſiden, and runnen to hir, and ſeiden, Lo!
`þe tranſlacioun of Theodoſion xx þe doris of þe gardyn ben cloſid, and no man ſeeþ vs,
and we ben in `þe coueitiſe of þee. Wherfor aſſente þou
CAP. XIII to vs, and be þou meddlid wiþ vs.
i A man was in Babiloyne, and his name was Joachim. xxi Þat if þou wolt not, we ſchulen ſeie witneſſyng aȝens
ii And he took a wijf, Suſanne bi name, þe douȝter of þee, þat a ȝong man was wiþ þee, and for þis cauſe þou
Helchie, a womman ful fair, and dredynge þe Lord. ſentiſt out þe dameſels fro þee.
iii Forſoþe hir fadir and modir, whanne þei weren riȝtful, xxii And Suſanne inwardli ſorewide, and ſeide,

tauȝten her douȝter bi þe lawe of Moiſes. Angwiſchis ben to me on ech ſide; for if Y do þis, deþ is
iiii Soþeli Joachim was ful riche, and he hadde a gardyn to me; forſoþe if Y do not, Y ſchal not aſcape ȝoure
niȝ his hous; and þe Jewis camen to hym, for he was þe hondis.
xxiii But it is betere for me to falle in to ȝoure hondis
mooſt worſchipful of alle.
v And tweyne elde men weren ordeyned iugis in þat wiþout werk, þan to do ſynne in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord.
xxiiii And Suſanne criede `an hiȝ wiþ greet vois, but alſo
ȝeer, of whiche þe Lord ſpak, þat wickidneſſe ȝede out
of Babiloyne, of þe eldere iugis þat ſemeden to gouerne þe elde men crieden aȝens hir.
þe puple. xxv Forſoþe oon ran, and openede þe door of þe gardyn.
vi Þeſe iugis vſiden oft þe hous of Joachym; and alle xxvi Soþeli whanne þe ſeruauntis of þe hous hadden
men þat hadden domes camen to hem. herd þe cry in þe gardyn, þei fellen in bi þe poſterne, to
vii Forſoþe whanne þe puple hadde turned aȝen after ſe what it was.
myddai, Suſanne entride, and walkide in þe gardyn of xxvii But after þat þe elde men ſpaken, þe ſeruauntis
hir hoſebonde. weren aſchamed greetly, for neuer was ſiche a word ſeid
viii And þe eldre men ſiȝen hir entrynge ech dai, and of Suſanne. And þe morew dai was maad.
walkynge; and þei brenten out in to `þe couetiſe of hir. xxviii And whanne þe puple was comyn to Joachym, hir
ix And þei turneden awei her wit, and bowiden doun her hoſebonde, alſo þe twei preſtis fulle of wickid þouȝte
iȝen, þat þei ſiȝen not heuene, neþer biþouȝten on iuſt camen aȝens Suſanne, for to ſle hir.
domes. xxix And þei ſeiden bifor al þe puple, Sende ȝe to
x Soþeli boþe weren woundid bi þe loue of hir, and þei Suſanne, þe douȝter of Helchie, þe wijf of Joachym.
ſchewiden not her ſorewe to hem ſilf togidere; And anoon þei ſenten.
xi for þei weren aſchamed to ſchewe to hem ſilf her xxx And ſche cam wiþ hir fadir, and modir, and children,

coueitiſe, willynge to ligge fleiſchli bi hir. and alle kyneſmen.

xii And þei aſpieden ech dai more biſili to ſe hir. xxxi Certis Suſanne was ful delicat, and fair of ſchap.

xxxii And þo wickid men comaundiden, þat ſche ſchulde li And Danyel ſeide to hem, Departe ȝe hem atwynny
be vnhilid, for ſche was kyuered; þat nameli ſo þei fer, and Y ſchal deme hem.
ſchuldun be fillid of hir fairneſſe. lii Þerfor, whanne þei weren departid oon fro þe toþer,
xxxiii Þerfor hir kyneſmen wepten, and alle þat knewen he clepide oon of hem, and ſeide to hym, Þou elde man
hir. of yuel daies, now þi ſynnes ben comun, whiche þou
xxxiiii Forſoþe þe twei preſtis riſiden togidere in þe wrouȝtiſt bifore,
myddis of þe puple, and ſettiden her hondis on þe heed liii demynge vniuſt domes, oppreſſynge innocentis, and
of hir. delyuerynge gilti men, whanne þe Lord ſeiþ, Þou ſchalt
xxxv And ſche wepte, and bihelde to heuene, and hir not ſle an innocent and iuſt man.
herte hadde triſt in þe Lord. liiii But now if þou ſieſt hir, ſeie þou, vndur what tree
xxxvi And þe preſtis ſeiden, Whanne we walkiden aloone þou ſieſt hem ſpekynge togidere to hem ſilf? Which
in þe gardyn, þis Suſanne entride wiþ twei dameſels; ſeide, Vndur an haw tree.
and ſche cloſide þe dore of þe gardyn, and lefte þe lv Forſoþe Danyel ſeide, Riȝtli þou lieſt in þin heed; for
dameſels. lo! þe angel of þe Lord, bi a ſentence takun of hym,
xxxvii And a ȝong man, þat was hid, cam to hir, and lai ſchal kitte þee bi þe myddil.
bi hir. lvi And whanne he was ſtirid awei, he comaundide þe
xxxviii Certis whanne we weren in a corner of þe gardyn, toþer to come, and ſeide to hym, Þou ſeed of Canaan,
we ſien þe wickidneſſe, and runnen to hem, and we ſien and not of Juda, fairneſſe haþ diſſeyued þee, and
hem meddlid togidere. coueitiſe haþ miſturned þin herte;
xxxix And ſoþeli we myȝten not take hym, for he was lvii þus ȝe diden to þe douȝtris of Iſrael, and þei dredden,

ſtrongere þan we; and whanne he hadde opened þe and ſpaken to ȝou, but þe douȝter of Juda ſuffride not
doris, he ſkippide out. ȝoure wickidneſſe.
xl But whanne we hadde take þis womman, we axiden, lviii Now þerfor ſeie þou to me, vndur what tree þou ſieſt

who was þe ȝonge man; and ſche nolde ſchewe to vs. Of hem ſpekynge togidere to hem ſilf?
þis þing we ben witneſſis. lix Which ſeide, Vndur a blak þorn. Forſoþe Danyel
xli Þe multitude bileuede to hem, as to þe eldre men and ſeide to hym, Riȝtli alſo þou lieſt in þin heed; for þe
iugis of þe puple, and condempneden hir to deþ. aungel of þe Lord dwelliþ, and haþ a ſwerd, þat he kitte
xlii Forſoþe Suſanne criede loud wiþ greet vois, and þee bi þe myddil, and ſle ȝou.
lx Þerfor al þe puple criede lowde wiþ greet vois, and
ſeide, Lord God, wiþout bigynnyng and ende, þat art
knowere of hid þingis, þat knowiſt alle þingis bifore þat bleſſiden `þe Lord, þat ſaueþ hem þat hopen in hym.
þo ben don; lxi And þei riſiden togidere aȝens þe twei preeſtis; for
xliii þou woſt, þat þei han bore fals witneſſyng aȝens me. Danyel hadde conuyctid hem bi her mouþ, þat þei
And lo! Y dye, whanne Y haue not do ony of þeſe hadden bore fals witneſſyng; and þei diden to hem, as
þingis, whiche þeſe men han maad maliciouſly aȝens þei hadden do yuele aȝens þe neiȝboreſſe,
me. lxii þat þei ſchulden do bi þe lawe of Moiſes, and þei
xliiii Forſoþe þe Lord herde þe vois of hir. killiden hem. And giltles blood was ſauyd in þat dai.
xlv And whanne ſhe was led to þe deþ, þe Lord reiſide lxiii Forſoþe Helchie and his wijf herieden þe Lord in

þe hooli ſpirit of a ȝonge child, whos name was Danyel. þat day, for Suſanne, her douȝter, wiþ Joachym, hir
xlvi And he criede loude wiþ a greet vois, Y am cleene hoſebonde, and wiþ alle hir kyneſmen, for a foul þing
of þe blood of þis womman. was not foundun in hir.
xlvii And al þe puple turned aȝen to hym, and ſeide, lxiiii Forſoþe Danyel was maad greet in þe ſiȝt of þe

What is þis word, which þou haſt ſpoke? puple, fro þat dai and afterward.
xlviii And whanne he ſtood in þe myddis of hem, he lxv And kyng Aſtriages was put to his fadris, and Sirus

ſeide, So ȝe, fonned children of Iſrael, not demynge of Perſeis took his rewme.
neþer knowynge þat þat is trewe, condempneden þe
douȝter of Iſrael. CAP. XIIII
xlix Turne ȝe aȝen to þe dom, for þei ſpaken fals i Forſoþe Danyel eet wiþ þe kyng, and was onourid

witneſſyng aȝens hir. aboue alle þe frendis of hym.

l Þerfor þe puple turnede aȝen wiþ haaſte. And þe elde ii Alſo an idol, Bel bi name, was at Babiloyne, and

men ſeiden to hym, Come þou, and ſitte in þe myddis of twelue meſuris of cleene flour, of whiche meſuris eche
vs, and ſchewe to vs; for God haþ ȝoue to þee þe onour conteynede þre buyſchels, and fourti ſcheep, and ſixe
of eelde. meſuris of wyn, þat ben clepid amfris, weren ſpendid in
it ech day.

iii And þe kyng worſchipede þat Beel, and ȝede ech dai xx Þanne þe kyng took þe preeſtis, and þe wyues, and
to onoure hym; certis Danyel worſchipide his God. And children of hem; and þei ſchewiden to hym litle priuy
þe kyng ſeide to hym, Whi worſchipiſt þou not Beel? doris, bi whiche þei entriden, and waſtiden þo þingis þat
iiii Which anſweride, and ſeide to him, For Y worſchipe weren on þe boord.
not idols maad bi hond, but God lyuynge, þat made of xxi Þerfor þe kyng killide hem, and bitook Bel in to þe
nouȝt heuene and erþe, and haþ power of ech fleiſch. power of Daniel, which diſtriede þilke Bel, and his
v And þe kyng ſeide to hym, Wheþer it ſemeþ not to temple.
þee, þat Bel is a lyuynge god? wheþer þou ſeeſt not, hou xxii And a greet dragoun was in þat place, and
grete þingis he etiþ and drynkiþ ech dai? Babiloyns worſchipiden it.
vi And Daniel ſeide leiȝinge, Kyng, erre þou not; for xxiii And þe kyng ſeide to Daniel, Lo! now þou maiſt not
whi þis Bel is of clei wiþ ynne, and of bras wiþoutforþ, ſeie, þat þis is not a quik god; þerfor worſchipe þou
and etiþ not ony tyme. hym.
vii And þe king was wroþ, and clepide þe preeſtis þerof, xxiiii And Daniel ſeide to þe kyng, Y worſchipe my Lord
and ſeide to hem, If ȝe ſeien not to me, who it is þat etiþ God, for he is God lyuynge.
þeſe coſtis, ȝe ſchulen die. xxv But þou, kyng, ȝyue power to me, and Y ſchal ſle þe
viii Forſoþe if ȝe ſchewen þat Bel etiþ þeſe þingis, dragoun, wiþ out ſwerd and ſtaf. And þe kyng ſeide, Y
Daniel ſchal die, for he blasfemede Bel. And Daniel ȝyue to þee.
ſeide to þe king, Be it don bi þi word. xxvi Þerfor Daniel took pitch, and talow, and heeris, and
ix Forſoþe þe preſtis of Bel weren ſeuenti, outakun ſeþide togidere; and he made gobetis, and ȝaf in to þe
wyues, and litle children, eþer ſeruauntis, and ſones. mouþ of þe dragun; and þe dragun was al to-brokun.
And þe kyng cam wiþ Daniel in to þe temple of Bel. And Daniel ſeide, Lo! whom ȝe worſchipiden.
x And þe preeſtis of Bel ſeiden, Lo! we ſchulen go out, xxvii And whanne Babiloynes hadden herd þis þing, þei
and þou, kyng, ſette meetis, and meddle wyn, and cloſe hadden indignacioun greetli; and þei weren gaderid
þou þe dore, and aſeele it wiþ þi ryng. aȝens þe king, and ſeiden, Þe king is maad a Jew; he
xi And whanne þou entriſt eerli, if þou fyndiſt not alle diſtriede Bel, and killide þe dragun, and ſlow þe
þingis etun of Bel, we ſchulen die bi deþ, eþer Daniel preeſtis.
ſchal die, þat liede aȝens vs. xxviii And þei ſeiden, whanne þei weren comun to þe
xii Soþeli þei triſtiden, for þei hadden maad a priuy kyng, Bitake þou to vs Daniel, þat diſtriede Bel, and
entryng vndur þe boord, and bi it þei entriden euere, killide þe dragun; ellis we ſchulen ſle þee, and þin hous.
and deuouriden þo þingis. xxix Þerfor þe kyng ſiȝ, þat þei fellen in on hym greetli;
xiii Forſoþe it was don, aftir þat þei ȝeden out, and þe and he was compellid bi nede, and he bitook Daniel to
king ſettide metis bifor Bel, Daniel comaundide to hiſe hem.
children, and þei brouȝten aiſchis, and he riddlide xxx Whiche ſenten hym in to þe lake of liouns, and he
þorouȝ al þe temple bifor þe kyng. And þei ȝeden out, was þere ſeuene daies.
and cloſiden þe dore, and aſeeliden wiþ þe ryng of þe xxxi Certis ſeuene liouns weren in þe lake, and twei
kyng, and ȝeden forþ. bodies and twei ſcheep weren ȝouun to hem ech dai.
xiiii But þe preeſtis entriden in niȝt, bi her cuſtom, and And þanne þo weren not ȝouun to hem, þat þei ſchulden
þe wyues, and children of hem, and eeten and drunken deuoure Daniel.
alle þingis. xxxii Forſoþe Abacuk, þe profete, was in Judee, and he
xv Forſoþe þe kyng roos mooſt eerli, and Daniel wiþ hadde ſoden potage, and hadde ſet in looues in a litil
hym. panyere; and he ȝede in to þe feeld, to bere to reperis.
xvi And þe kyng ſeide, Daniel, wheþer þe ſeelis ben xxxiii And þe aungel of þe Lord ſeide to Abacuk, Bere
ſaaf? And he anſweride, King, þo ben ſaaf. þou þe mete, which þou haſt, in to Babiloyne, to Daniel,
xvii And anoon whanne þei hadden openyd þe dore, þe which is in þe lake of liouns.
king biheelde þe boord, and he criede an hiȝ wiþ a greet xxxiiii And Abacuk ſeide, Lord, Y ſiȝ not Babiloyne, and
vois, Bel, þou art greet, and no gile is at þee. Y knew not þe lake.
xviii And Daniel leiȝede, and he helde þe kyng, þat he xxxv And þe aungel of þe Lord took hym bi his top, and
entride not wiþ ynne. And Daniel ſeide, Lo! þe bar hym bi þe heer of his heed; and he `ſettide þilke
pawment, perſeyue þou whos ſteppis þeſe ben. Abacuk in Babiloyne, on þe lake, in þe ferſneſſe of his
xix And þe kyng ſeide, Y ſe ſteppis of men, and of ſpirit.
wymmen, and of ȝonge children. And þe kyng was xxxvi And Abacuk criede, and ſeide, Daniel, þe ſeruaunt
wrooþ. of God, take þou þe mete, þat God haþ ſent to þee.

xxxvii And Daniel ſeide, Lord God, þou haſt mynde on
me, and haſt not forſake hem þat louen þee.
xxxviii And Daniel roos, and eet; certis þe aungel of þe
Lord reſtoride Abacuk anoon in his place.
xxxix Þerfor þe kyng cam in þe ſeuenþe dai to biweile
Danyel; and he cam to þe lake, and lokide in, and lo!
Daniel ſittynge in þe myddis of liouns.
xl Þe kyng criede an hiȝ wiþ greet vois, and ſeide, Lord
God of Daniel, þou art greet; and þe kyng drow hym
out of þe lake.
xli Certis he ſente in to þe lake hem, þat weren cauſe of
his perdicioun, and þei weren deuourid in a moment
bifor him.
xlii Þanne þe kyng ſeide, Þei þat dwellen in al erþe,
drede þe God of Daniel, for he is God lyuynge in to
worldis; he is delyuerere, and ſauȝour, doynge myraclis
and meruels in heuene and in erþe, þat delyuerede
Daniel fro þe lake of liouns.
Here endiþ Danyel, and here bigynneþ Oſee.

wildirneſſe, and Y ſchal ordeyne hir as a lond wiþ out
OSEE weie, and Y ſchal ſle hir in þirſt.
iiii And Y ſchal not haue merci on þe ſones of hir, for þei
i Þe word of þe Lord þat was maad to Oſee, þe ſone of
ben ſones of fornicaciouns;
v for þe modir of hem dide fornicacioun, ſche is ſchent
Bery, in þe daies of Oſie, Joathan, Achas, Ezechie,
þat conſeyuede hem, for ſche ſeide, Y ſchal go after my
kingis of Juda, and in þe daies of Jeroboam, ſone of
louyeris þat ȝeuen looues to me, and my watris, and my
Joas, þe kyng of Iſrael.
ii Þe bigynnyng of þe ſpekyng to þe Lord in Oſee. And
wolle, and my flex, and myn oile, and my drynke.
vi For þis þing lo! Y ſchal hegge þi weie wiþ þornes,
þe Lord ſeide to Oſee, Go þou, take to þee a wijf of
and Y ſchal hegge it wiþ a wal, and ſche ſchal not fynde
fornycaciouns, and make to þee ſones of fornycaciouns,
hir paþis.
for þe lond doynge fornicacioun ſchal do fornicacioun vii And ſche ſchal ſue hir louyeris, and ſchal not take
fro þe Lord.
iii And he ȝede, and took Gomer, þe douȝter of hem, and ſche ſchal ſeke hem, and ſchal not fynde; and
ſche ſchal ſeie, Y ſchal go, and turne aȝen to my formere
Debelaym; and ſche conſeyuede, and childide a ſone to
hoſebonde, for it was wel to me þanne more þan now.
hym. viii And þis Jeruſalem wiſte not, þat Y ȝaf to hir wheete,
iiii And þe Lord ſeide to hym, Clepe þou þe name of
wyn, and oile; and Y multiplied ſiluer and gold to hir,
hym Jeſrael; for ȝit a litil and Y ſchal viſite þe blood of
whiche þei maden to Baal.
Jeſrael on þe hous of Hieu, and Y ſchal make to reſte þe ix Þerfor Y ſchal turne, and take my wheete in his tyme,
rewme of þe hous of Iſrael.
v And in þat dai Y ſchal al to-breke þe bowe of Iſrael in and my wiyn in his tyme; and Y ſchal delyuere my
wolle, and my flex, bi which þei hiliden þe ſchenſchipe
þe valei of Jeſrael.
vi And ſche conſeyuede ȝit, and childide a douȝter. And
x And now Y ſchal ſchewe þe foli of hir bifore þe iȝen
þe Lord ſeide to hym, Clepe þou þe name of hir Wiþ out
of hir louyeris, and a man ſchal not delyuere hir fro myn
merci, for Y ſchal no more leye to, for to haue merci on
þe hous of Iſrael, but bi forȝetyng Y ſchal forȝete hem. xi and Y ſchal make to ceeſſe al þe ioye þerof, þe
vii And Y ſchal haue merci on þe hous of Juda, and Y
ſolempnyte þerof, þe neomenye þerof, þe ſabat þerof,
ſchal ſaue hem in her Lord God; and Y ſchal not ſaue
and alle þe feeſte tymes þerof.
hem in bowe, and ſwerd, and batel, and in horſis, and in xii And Y ſchal diſtrie þe vyner þerof, of whiche ſche
horſe men, eþer kniȝtis.
viii And he wenyde hir þat was Wiþ out merci. And ſche ſeide, Þeſe ben myn hiris, whiche my louyeris ȝauen to
me; and Y ſchal ſette it in to a foreſt, and a beeſte of þe
conſeyuede, and childide a ſone to hym.
ix And he ſeide, Clepe þou his name Not my puple, for
feeld ſchal ete it.
xiii And Y ſchal viſite on it þe daies of Baalym, in
ȝe ſchulen not be my puple, and Y ſchal not be ȝoure
whiche it brente encenſe, and was ourned wiþ hir eere
x And þe noumbre of þe ſones of Iſrael ſchal be as
ryng, and hir broche, and ȝede after hir louyeris, and
forȝat me, ſeiþ þe Lord.
grauel of þe ſee, which grauel is wiþ out meſure, and it xiiii For þis þing lo! Y ſchal ȝyue mylk to it, and Y ſchal
ſchal not be noumbrid; and it ſchal be in þe place, where
brynge it in to wildirneſſe, and Y ſchal ſpeke to þe herte
it ſchal be ſeid to hem, Ȝe ben not my puple; it ſchal be
ſeid to hem, Ȝe ben þe ſones of God lyuynge. xv And Y ſchal ȝyue to it vyn tilieris þerof of þe ſame
xi And þe ſones of Juda and þe ſones of Iſrael ſchulen be
place, and þe valei of Achar, þat is, of diſturblyng, for to
gaderid togidere, and þei ſchulen ſette oon heed to hem
opene hope. And it ſchal ſynge þere bi þe daies of hir
ſilf, and þei ſchulen ſtie fro erþe, for þe dai of Jeſrael is
ȝongþe, and bi þe daies of hir ſtiyng fro þe lond of
xvi And it ſchal be in þat dai, ſeiþ þe Lord, ſche ſchal
i Sei ȝe to ȝoure briþeren, Þei ben my puple; and to clepe me Myn hoſebonde, and ſche ſchal no more clepe
me Baalym;
ȝoure ſiſter þat haþ gete merci, xvii and Y ſchal take awei þe names of Baalym fro hir
ii Deme ȝe ȝoure modir, deme ȝe, for ſche is not my
mouþ, and ſche ſchal no more haue mynde of þe name
wijf, and Y am not hir hoſebonde. Do ſche awey hir of þo.
fornicaciouns fro hir face, and hir auowtries fro þe xviii And Y ſchal ſmyte to hem a boond of pees in þat
myddis of hir breſtis;
iii leſt perauenture Y ſpuyle hir nakid, and ſette hir nakid dai wiþ þe beeſte of þe feeld, and wiþ þe brid of þe eir,
and wiþ þe crepynge beeſte of erþe. And Y ſchal al to-
bi þe dai of hir natyuyte. And Y ſchal ſette hir as a

breke bowe, and ſwerd, and batel fro erþe; and Y ſchal vſe not preſthod to me; and for þou haſt forȝete þe lawe
make hem to ſlepe triſtili. of þi God, alſo Y ſchal forȝete þi ſones.
xix And Y ſchal ſpouſe þee to me wiþouten ende; and Y vii Bi þe multitude of hem, ſo þei ſynneden aȝens me. Y
ſchal ſpouſe þee to me in riȝtfulneſſe, and in dom, and in ſchal chaunge þe glorie of hem in to ſchenſchipe.
merci, and in merciful doyngis. viii Þei ſchulen ete þe ſynnes of my puple, and þei
xx And Y ſchal ſpouſe þee to me in feiþ; and þou ſchalt ſchulen reiſe þe ſoulis of hem to þe wickidneſſe of hem.
wite, þat Y am þe Lord. ix And it ſchal be, as þe puple ſo þe preſt; and Y ſchal
xxi And it ſchal be, in þat dai Y ſchal here, ſeiþ þe Lord, viſite on hym þe weies of hym, and Y ſchal ȝelde to him
and Y ſchal here heuenes, and þo ſchulen here þe erþe; þe þouȝtis of hym.
xxii and þe erþe ſchal here wheete, and wyn, and oile, x And þei ſchulen ete, and þei ſchulen not be fillid; þei
and þeſe ſchulen here Jeſrael. diden fornicacioun, and ceeſſiden not, for þei forſoken
xxiii And Y ſchal ſowe it to me in to a lond, and Y ſchal þe Lord in not kepynge.
haue merci on it þat was wiþ out merci. xi Fornycacioun, and wiyn, and drunkeneſſe doen awei
xxiiii And Y ſchal ſeie to þat, þat is not my puple, Þou art þe herte.
my puple, and it ſchal ſeie, Þou art my God. xii My puple axide in his tre, and þe ſtaf þerof telde to it;
for þe ſpirit of fornicacioun diſſeyuede hem, and þei
CAP. III diden fornicacioun fro her God.
i And þe Lord ſeide to me, Ȝit go þou, and loue a xiii On þe heedis of mounteyns þei maden ſacrifice, and
womman loued of a frend, and a womman auoutreſſe, on þe litil hillis þei brenten encenſe vndur an ook, and a
as þe Lord loueþ þe ſones of Iſrael; and þei biholden to popeler, and terebynte, for þe ſchadewe þerof was good.
alien goddis, and louen þe draffis of grapis. Þerfor ȝoure douȝtris ſchulen do fornicacioun, and ȝoure
ii And Y dalf it to me bi fiftene pens, and bi a corus of wyues ſchulen be auoutreſſis.
barli, and bi half a corus of barli. xiiii Y ſchal not viſite on ȝoure douȝtris, whanne þei don
iii And Y ſeide to it, Bi many daies þou ſhalt abide me; fornicacioun, and on ȝoure wyues, whanne þei doon
þou ſchalt not do fornycacioun, and þou ſchalt not be auowtrie; for þei lyuyden wiþ hooris, and maden
wiþ an hoſebonde, but alſo Y ſchal abide þee. ſacrifice wiþ men turned in to wymmens condiciouns.
iiii For bi many daies þe ſones of Iſrael ſchulen ſitte wiþ And þe puple þat vndirſtondiþ not, ſchal be betun.
xv If þou, Iſrael, doiſt fornicacioun, nameli Juda treſpaſſe
out kyng, wiþ out prince, and wiþ out ſacrifice, and wiþ
out auter, and wiþ out preſtis cloþ, and wiþ out terafyn, not; and nyle ȝe entre in to Galgala, and ſtie ȝe not in to
þat is, ymagis. Bethauen, neþer ſwere ȝe, Þe Lord lyueþ.
v And after þeſe þingis þe ſones of Iſrael ſchulen turne xvi For as a wielde cow Iſrael bowide awei; now þe

aȝen, and ſchulen ſeke her Lord God, and Dauid, her Lord ſchal fede hem as a lomb in broodneſſe.
king; and þei ſchulen drede at þe Lord, and at þe good xvii Effraym is þe partener of idols, leeue þou him;
of him, in þe laſte of daies. xviii þe feeſte of hem is departid. Bi fornicacioun þei
diden fornicacioun, þe defenders þerof louyden to
CAP. IIII brynge ſchenſchipe.
i Sones of Iſrael, here ȝe þe word of þe Lord, for whi xix Þe ſpirit boond hym in hiſe wyngis, and þei ſchulen
doom is to þe Lord wiþ þe dwelleris of erþe; for whi be ſchent of her ſacrifices.
trewþe is not, and merci is not, and kunnyng of þe Lord
is not in erþe. CAP. V
ii Curs, and leeſyng, and manquelling, and þefte, and i Preeſtis, here ȝe þis, and þe hous of Iſrael, perſeyue ȝe,
auowtrie flowiden, and blood touchide blood. and þe hous of þe kyng, herkne ȝe; for whi doom is to
iii For þis þing þe erþe ſchal mourne, and ech þat ȝou, for ȝe ben maad a ſnare to lokyng afer, and as a net
dwelliþ in þat lond, ſchal be ſijk, in þe beeſte of þe ſpred abrood on Thabor.
feeld, and in þe brid of þe eir; but alſo þe fiſchis of þe ii And ȝe bowiden doun ſacrifices in to depþe; and Y am
ſee ſchulen be gaderid togidere. þe lernere of alle hem.
iiii Neþeles ech man deme not, and a man be not iii Y knowe Effraym, and Iſrael is not hid fro me; for
repreuyd; for þi puple is as þei þat aȝen ſeien þe preſt. now Effraym dide fornicacioun, Iſrael is defoulid.
v And þou ſchalt falle to dai, and þe profete alſo ſchal iiii Þei ſchulen not ȝiue her þouȝtis, þat þei turne aȝen to
falle wiþ þee; in þe niȝt Y made þi modir to be ſtille. her God; for þe ſpirit of fornicacioun is in þe myddis of
vi My puple was ſtille, for it hadde not kunnyng; for þou hem, and þei knewen not þe Lord.
haſt putte awei kunnyng, Y ſchal putte þee awei, þat þou

v And þe booſt of Iſrael ſchal anſwere in to þe face ix as þe chekis of men `þat ben þeues. Partener of preſtis
þerof, and Iſrael and Effraym ſchulen falle in her ſleynge in þe weie men goynge fro Sichem, for þei
wickidneſſe; alſo Judas ſchal falle wiþ hem. wrouȝten greet treſpaſſe.
vi In her flockis, and in her droues þei ſchulen go to ſeke x In þe hous of Iſrael Y ſiȝ an orible þing; þere þe
þe Lord, and þei ſchulen not fynde; he is takun awei fro fornicaciouns of Effraym.
hem. xi Iſrael is defoulid; but alſo þou, Juda, ſette herueſt to
vii Þei treſpaſſiden aȝens þe Lord, for þei gendriden þee, whanne Y ſchal turne þe caitiftee of my puple.
alien ſones; now þe moneþe ſchal deuoure hem wiþ her
partis. CAP. VII
viii Sowne ȝe wiþ a clarioun in Gabaa, wiþ a trumpe in i Whanne Y wolde heele Iſrael, þe wickidneſſe of
Rama; ȝelle ȝe in Bethauen, after þi bak, Beniamyn. Effraym was ſchewid, and þe malice of Samarie was
ix Effraym ſchal be in to deſolacioun, in þe dai of ſchewid, for þei wrouȝten a leeſyng. And a niȝt þeef
amendyng, and in þe lynagis of Iſrael Y ſchewide feiþ. entride, and robbid; a dai þeef was wiþoutforþ.
x Þe princes of Juda ben maad as takynge terme; Y ſchal ii And leſt þei ſeien in her hertis, þat Y haue mynde on

ſchede out on hem my wraþþe as watir. al þe malice of hem, now her fyndyngis han cumpaſſid
xi Effraym ſuffriþ fals chalenge, and is brokun bi doom; hem, þo ben maad bifor my face.
iii In her malice þei gladiden þe kyng, and in her
for he bigan to go after filþis.
xii And Y am as a mouȝte to Effraym, and as rot to þe leeſyngys `þei gladiden þe princes.
iiii Alle þat doen auoutrie, ben as an ouene maad hoot of
hous of Juda.
xiii And Effraym ſiȝ his ſikeneſſe, and Judas ſiȝ his a bakere. Þe citee reſtide a litil fro þe medlyng of ſour
boond. And Effraym ȝede to Aſſur, and ſente to þe kyng douȝ, til al was maad ſour `of ſour douȝ.
v Þe dai of oure kyng; þe princis bigunnen to be wood
veniere. And he mai not ſaue ȝou, neþer he mai
vnbynde þe boond fro ȝou. of wyn; he ſtretchide forþ his hoond wiþ ſcorneris.
xiiii For Y am as a lioneſſe to Effraym, and as a whelp of vi For þei applieden her herte as an ouene, whanne he

a lioun to þe hous of Juda. ſettide treſoun to hem. Al þe niȝt he ſlepte bakynge hem,
xv Y my ſilf ſchal take, and go, and take awei, and noon in þe morewtid he was maad hoot, as þe fier of flawme.
vii Alle weren maad hoot as an ouene, and þei
is þat ſchal delyuere. I ſchal go, and turne aȝen to my
place, til ȝe failen, and ſeken my face. deuouriden her iugis. Alle þe kyngis of hem fellen
doun, and noon is among hem þat crieþ to me.
CAP. VI viii Effraym hym ſilf was medlid among puplis; Effraym
i In her tribulacioun þei ſchulen riſe eerli to me. Come was maad a loof bakun vndur aiſchis, which is not
ȝe, and turne we aȝen to þe Lord; turned aȝen.
ii for he took, and ſchal heele vs; he ſchal ſmyte, and ix Aliens eeten þe ſtrengþe of hym, and he knew not;

ſchal make vs hool. but alſo hoor heeris weren ſched out in hym, and he
iii He ſchal quykene vs after twei daies, and in þe þridde knew not.
x And þe pride of Iſrael ſchal be maad low in þe face
dai he ſchal reiſe vs, and we ſchulen lyue in his ſiȝt. We
ſchulen wite, and ſue, þat we knowe þe Lord. His goyng þerof; þei turneden not aȝen to her Lord God, and þei
out is maad redi at þe morewtid, and he ſchal come as a ſouȝten not hym in alle þeſe þingis.
reyn to vs, which is timeful and lateful to þe erþe. xi And Effraym was maad as a culuer diſſeyued, not
iiii Effraym, what ſchal Y do to þee? Juda, what ſchal Y hauynge herte. Þei clepiden Egipt to help, þei ȝeden to
do to þee? Ȝoure merci is as a cloude of þe morewtid, Aſſiriens.
and as deew paſſynge forþ eerli. xii And whanne þei ben goen forþ, Y ſchal ſprede
v For þis þing Y hewide in profetis, Y killide hem in þe abrood on hem my net, Y ſchal drawe hem doun as a
wordis of my mouþ; brid of þe eir. Y ſchal beete hem, bi þe heryng of þe
vi and þi domes ſchulen go out as lyȝt. For Y wolde cumpany of hem.
xiii Wo to hem, for þei ȝeden awei fro me; þei ſchulen be
merci, and not ſacrifice, and Y wolde þe kunnyng of
God, more þan brent ſacrificis. diſtried, for þei treſpaſſiden aȝens me. And Y aȝenbouȝte
vii But þei as Adam braken þe couenaunt; þere þei hem, and þei ſpaken leeſyngis aȝenus me.
xiiii And þei crieden not to me in her herte, but ȝelliden
treſpaſſiden aȝens me.
viii Galaad þe citee of hem þat worchen idol, is in her beddis. Þei chewiden code on wheete, and wyn,
ſupplauntid wiþ blood; and and þei ȝeden awei fro me.
xv And Y tauȝte, and coumfortide þe armes of hem, and
þei þouȝten malice aȝens me.

xvi Þeiturneden aȝen, þat þei ſchulden be wiþ out ȝok; iii Þei ſchulen not dwelle in þe lond of þe Lord. Effraym
þei ben maad as a gileful bowe. Þe princis of hem turnede aȝen in to Egipt, and eet defoulid þing among
ſchulen falle doun bi ſwerd, for þe woodneſſe of her Aſſiriens.
tunge; þis is þe ſcornyng of hem in þe lond of Egipt. iiii Þei ſchulen not offre wyn to þe Lord, and þei ſchulen
not pleſe hym. Þe ſacrificis of hem ben as breed of
CAP. VIII mourneris; alle þat ſchulen ete it ſchulen be defoulid.
i A trumpe be in þi þrote, as an egle on þe hous of þe For þe breed of hem is to þe lijf of hem; þei ſchulen not
Lord; for þat þat þei ȝeden ouer my boond of pees, and entre in to þe hous of þe Lord.
braken my lawe. v What ſchulen ȝe do in þe ſolempne dai, in þe dai of þe
ii Þei clepiden me to helpe, A! my God, we Iſrael han feeſte of þe Lord?
knowe þee. vi For lo! þei ben goon out fro diſtriyng. Egipt ſchal
iii Iſrael haþ caſt awei good, þe enemye ſchal purſue gadere hem togidere, Memphis ſchal birie hem. A nettle
hym. ſchal enherite þe deſirable ſiluer of hem, a clote ſchal be
iiii Þei regnyden, and not of me; þei weren princes, and in þe tabernaclis of hem.
Y knew not. Þei maden her gold and ſiluer idols to hem, vii Daies of viſitacioun ben comun, daies of ȝeldyng ben
þat þei ſchulden periſche. comun. Knowe ȝe, þat Iſrael is a fool, a wood profete, a
v A! Samarie, þi calf is caſt awei; my ſtrong veniaunce ſpiritual man, for þe multitude of þi wickidneſſe is alſo
is wrooþ aȝens hem. Hou long moun þei not be clenſid? þe multitude of woodneſſe.
vi for alſo it is of Iſrael. A crafti man made it, and it is viii Þe biholdere of Effraym wiþ my God is a profete; a

not god; for þe calf of Samarie ſchal be in to webbis of ſnare of fallyng is maad now on alle þe weies of hym,
ireyns. woodneſſe is in þe hous of his God.
vii For þei ſchulen ſowe wynd, and þei ſchulen repe ix Þei ſynneden deepli, as in þe daies of Gabaa. Þe Lord

whirlewynd. A ſtalke ſtondynge is not in hem, þe ſeed ſchal haue mynde on þe wickidneſſe of hem, and ſchal
ſchal not make mele; þat if alſo it makiþ mele, aliens viſite þe ſynnes of hem.
ſchulen ete it. x Y foond Iſrael as grapis in deſert, Y ſiȝ þe fadris of
viii Iſrael is deuouryd; now Iſrael is maad as an vnclene hem as þe firſte applis of a fige tree, in þe cop þerof; but
veſſel among naciouns, þei entriden to Belfegor, and weren alienyd in
ix for þei ſtieden to Aſſur. Effraym is a wielde aſſe, confuſioun, and þei weren maad abhomynable as þo
ſolitarie to hym ſilf. Þei ȝauen ȝiftis to louyeris; þingis whiche þei louyden.
x but alſo wiþ meede þei hiriden naciouns. Now Y ſchal xi Effraym as a brid fley awei; þe glorye of hem is of

gadere hem togidere, and þei ſchulen reſte a litil fro childberyng, and of þe wombe, and of conſeyuyng.
xii Þat if þei nurſchen her ſones, Y ſchal make hem wiþ
birþun of þe kyng and of princes.
xi For Efraym multipliede auteris to do ſynne, auteris out children among men. But alſo wo to hem, whanne Y
weren maad to hym in to treſpas. ſchal go awei fro hem.
xii Y ſchal write to hem my many fold lawis, þat ben xiii Y ſiȝ þat Effraym was as Tire, foundid in fairneſſe;

arettid as alien lawis. and Effraym ſchal lede out hiſe ſones to þe ſleere.
xiii Þei ſchulen brynge ſacrifices, þei ſhulen offre, and xiiii Lord, ȝyue þou to hem; what ſchalt þou ȝyue to

ete fleiſchis; and þe Lord ſchal not reſſeyue þo. Now he hem? ȝyue þou to hem a wombe wiþ out children, and
ſchal haue mynde on þe wickidneſſis of hem, and he drie tetis.
xv Alle þe wickidneſſis of hem ben in Galgal, for þere Y
ſchal viſite þe ſynnes of hem; þei ſchulen turne in to
Egipt. hadde hem hateful; for þe malice of her fyndyngis. Y
xiiii And Iſrael forȝat his makere, and bildide templis to ſchal caſte hem out of myn hous; Y ſchal not leie to, þat
idols, and Judas multipliede ſtronge citees; and Y ſchal Y loue hem. Alle þe princes of hem goen awei.
xvi Effraym is ſmyten, þe roote of hem is dried vp; þei
ſende fier in to þe citees of hym, and it ſchal deuoure þe
houſis of hym. ſchulen not make fruyt. Þat þouȝ þei gendren, Y ſchal
ſle þe mooſt louyd þingis of her wombe.
xvii My God ſchal caſte hem awey, for þei herden not
i Iſrael, nyle þou be glad, nyle þou make ful out ioie as hym; and þei ſchulen be of vnſtable dwellyng among
puplis; for þou haſt do fornicacioun fro þi God. Þou naciouns.
louediſt meede on alle þe cornflooris of wheete.
ii Þe cornfloor and preſſour ſchal not feede hem, and
wyn ſchal lie to hem.

CAP. X ii Þei clepiden hem, ſo þei ȝeden awei fro þe face of
i Iſrael was a vyne ful of bowis, fruyt was maad euene hem. Þei offriden to Baalym, and maden ſacrifice to
to hym; bi þe multitude of his fruyt he multipliede ſymylacris.
auteris, bi þe plente of his lond he was plenteuouſe. iii And Y as a nurſche of Effraym bare hem in myn
ii In ſimylacris þe herte of hem is departid, now þei armes, and þei wiſten not, þat Y kepte hem.
ſchulen periſche. He ſchal breke þe ſimylacris of hem, iiii Y ſchal drawe hem in þe ropis of Adam, in þe
he ſchal robbe þe auteris of hem. boondis of charite. And Y ſchal be to hem as he þat
iii For þanne þei ſchulen ſeie, A kyng is not to vs, for we enhaunſiþ þe ȝok on þe chekis of hem; and Y bowide
dreden not þe Lord. And what ſchal a kyng do to vs? doun to hym, þat he ſchulde ete.
iiii Speke ȝe wordis of vnprofitable viſioun, and ȝe v He ſchal not turne aȝen in to þe lond of Egipt. And
ſchulen ſmyte boond of pees wiþ leeſyng; and doom as Aſſur, he ſchal be kyng of hym, for þei nolden turne.
bittirneſſe ſchal burioune on þe forewis of þe feeld. vi A ſwerd bigan in þe citees þerof, and it ſchal waaſte
v Þe dwelleris of Samarie worſchipiden þe kien of þe choſun men þerof, and ſchal eete þe heedis of hem.
Bethauen. For þe puple þerof mourenyde on þat calf, vii And my puple ſchal hange, at my comynge aȝen. But
and þe keperis of þe hous þerof; þei maden ful out ioye a ȝok ſchal be put to hem togidere, þat ſchal not be
on it in þe glorie þerof, for it paſſide fro þat puple. takun awei.
vi For alſo it was borun to Aſſur, a ȝifte to þe king viii Hou ſchal Y ȝyue þee, Effraym? ſchal Y defende þee,
veniere. Confuſioun ſchal take Effraym, and Iſrael ſchal Iſrael? hou ſchal Y ȝyue þee? As Adama Y ſchal ſette
be ſchent in his wille. þee; as Seboym. Myn herte is turned in me; my
vii Samarie made his kyng to paſſe, as froþ on þe face of repentaunce is diſturblid togidere.
water. And þe hiȝ þingis of idol, þe ſynne of Iſrael, ix Y ſchal not do þe ſtrong veniaunce of my wraþþe. Y
ſchulen be loſt. ſchal not turne, to leeſe Effraym; for Y am God, and not
viii A cloote and a brere ſchal ſtie on þe auters of hem. man. Y am hooli in þe myddis of þee, and Y ſchal not
And þei ſchulen ſeie to mounteyns, Hile ȝe vs, and to entre in to a citee.
litle hillis, Falle ȝe doun on vs. x Þei ſchulen go after þe Lord. He ſhal rore as a lioun,
ix Fro þe daies of Gabaa Iſrael ſynnede; þere þei ſtoden. for he ſhal rore, and þe ſones of þe ſee ſchulen drede.
Batel ſchal not take hem in Gabaa, xi And þei ſchulen fle awei as a brid fro Egipt, and as a
x on þe ſones of wickidneſſe. Bi my deſir Y ſchal chaſtiſe culuer fro þe lond of Aſſiriens. And Y ſchal ſette hem in
hem; puplis ſchulen be gaderid togidere on hem, her houſis, ſeiþ þe Lord.
whanne þei ſchulen be chaſtiſid for her twei xii Effraym cumpaſſide me in denying, þe hous of Iſrael
wickidneſſis. in gile. But Judas a witneſſe ȝede doun wiþ God, and
xi Effraym is a cow calf, tauȝt for to loue þreiſchyng; wiþ feiþful ſeyntis.
and Y ȝede on þe faireneſſe of þe necke þerof. Y ſchal
ſtie on Effraym. Judas ſchal ere, and Jacob ſchal breke CAP. XII
forewis to hym ſilf. i Effraym fediþ wynd, and ſueþ heete. Al dai he
xii Sowe ȝe to ȝou riȝtfulneſſe in treuþe, and repe ȝe in multiplieþ leeſyng, and diſtriyng; and he made boond of
þe mouþe of merci, and make ȝe newe to ȝou a feld pees wiþ Aſſiriens, and bar oile in to Egipt.
newli brouȝte to tilþe. Forſoþe tyme is to ſeke þe Lord, ii Þerfor þe doom of þe Lord is wiþ Juda, and viſityng is
whanne he comeþ, þat ſchal teche ȝou riȝtfulneſſe. on Jacob; bi þe weies of hym, and bi þe fyndyngis of
xiii Ȝe han erid vnfeiþfulneſſe, ȝe han rope wickidneſſe, hym he ſchal ȝelde to hym.
ȝe han ete þe corn of leeſyng. For þou triſtydiſt in þi iii In þe wombe he ſupplauntide his broþer, and in his
weles, and in þe multitude of þi ſtronge men. ſtrengþe he was dreſſid wiþ þe aungel.
xiiii Noiſe ſchal riſe in þi puple, and alle þi ſtronge holdis iiii And he was ſtrong to þe aungel, and was coumfortid;
ſchulen be diſtried; as Salmana was diſtried of þe hous he wepte, and preiede hym; in Bethel he foond hym,
of hym, þat took veniaunce on Baal; in þe dai of batel, and þere he ſpak wiþ vs.
whanne þe modir was hurlid doun on þe ſones. v And þe Lord God of ooſtis, þe Lord, is þe memorial of
xv So Bethel dide to ȝou, for þe face of malice of ȝoure
wickidneſſis. vi And þou ſchalt turne to þi God. Kepe þou merci and
doom, and hope þou euere in þi God.
CAP. XI vii Chanaan louyde fals caleng, a gileful balaunce in his
i As þe morewtid paſſiþ, þe king of Iſrael ſchal paſſe
forþ. For Iſrael was a child, and Y louyde hym; and fro
Egipt Y clepide my ſone.

viii And Effraym ſeide, Neþeles Y am maad riche, Y xiiii Y ſchal
delyuere hem fro þe hoond of deeþ, and Y
haue founde an idol to me; alle my trauelis ſchulen not ſchal aȝenbie hem fro deþ. Þou deþ, Y ſchal be þi deþ;
fynde to me þe wickidneſſe, whiche Y ſynnede. þou helle, Y ſchal be þi muſſel.
ix And Y am þi Lord God fro þe lond of Egipt; ȝit Y xv Coumfort is hid fro myn iȝen, for he ſchal departe
ſchal make þee to ſitte in tabernaclis, as in þe daies of bitwixe briþeren. Þe Lord ſchal brynge a brennynge
feeſte. wynd, ſtiynge fro deſert; and it ſchal make drie þe
x And Y ſpak bi profetis, and Y multiplied profeſie, and veynes þerof, and it ſchal make deſolat þe welle þerof;
Y was licned in þe hond of profetis. and he ſchal rauyſche þe treſour of ech deſirable veſſel.
xi If Galaad worſchipiþ an idol, þerfor þei erren in veyn
offryng to oxis in Galgal; for whi and þe auteris of hem CAP. XIIII
i Samarie periſche, for it ſtiride his God to bittirneſſe;
ſchulen be as heepis on þe forewis of þe feeld.
xii Jacob fledde in to þe cuntrei of Sirie, and Iſrael periſche it bi ſwerd. Þe litle children of hem be hurtlid
ſeruyde for a wijf, and ſeruyde, eþer kepte, for a wijf. doun, and þe wymmen wiþ child þerof be koruun.
xiii But bi a profete þe Lord ledde Iſrael out of Egipt, ii Iſrael, be þou conuertid to þi Lord God, for þou felliſt

and bi a profete he was kept. doun in þi wickidneſſe.

xiiii Effraym terride me to wraþfulneſſe in hiſe iii Take ȝe wordis wiþ ȝou, and be ȝe conuertid to þe

bitterneſſis, and þe blood of hym ſchal come on hym; Lord; and ſeie ȝe to hym, Do þou awei al wickidneſſe,
and his Lord ſchal reſtore to hym þe ſchenſchipe of him. and take þou good; and we ſchulen ȝelde þe caluys of
oure lippis.
iiii Aſſur ſchal not ſaue vs, we ſchulen not ſtie on hors;
i For Effraym ſpak, hidouſneſſe aſſailide Iſrael; and he and we ſchulen no more ſeie, Oure goddis ben þe
treſpaſſide in Baal, and was deed. werkis of oure hondis; for þou ſchalt haue merci on þat
ii And now þei addiden to do ſynne, and maden to hem modirles child, which is in þee.
v Y ſchal make hool þe ſorewis of hem; Y ſchal loue
a ȝotun ymage of her ſiluer, as þe licneſſe of idols; al is
þe makyng of crafti men. To þeſe þei ſeien, A! ȝe men, hem wilfuli, for my ſtrong veniaunce is turned awei fro
offre, and worſchipe caluys. hem.
iii Þerfor þei ſchulen be as a morewtid cloude, and as þe vi Y ſchal be as a dew, and Iſrael ſchal buriowne as a

deew of morewtid, þat paſſiþ forþ, as duſt rauyſchide bi lilie. And þe root þerof ſchal breke out as of þe Liban;
vii þe braunchis þerof ſchulen go. And þe glorye þerof
whirlewynd fro þe corn floor, and as ſmoke of a
chymenei. ſchal be as an olyue tree, and þe odour þerof ſchal be as
iiii Forſoþe Y am þi Lord God, `þat ledde þee fro þe of þe Liban.
viii Þei ſchulen be conuertid, and ſitte in þe ſchadewe of
loond of Egipt; and þou ſchalt not knowe God, outakun
me, and no ſauȝour is, outakun me. hym; þei ſchulen lyue bi wheete, and ſchulen buriowne
v Y knewe þee in þe deſert, in þe lond of wildirneſſe. as a vyne. Þe memorial þerof ſchal be as þe wyne of
vi Bi her leſewis þei weren fillid, and hadden Liban.
ix Effraym, what ſchulen idols do more to me? Y ſchal
abundaunce; þei reiſiden her herte, and forȝaten me.
vii And Y ſchal be as a lioneſſe to hem, as a parde in þe here him, and Y ſchal dreſſe him as a greene fir tree. Þi
weye of Aſſiriens. fruit is foundun of me.
x Who is wijs, and ſchal vndurſtonde þeſe þingis? who
viii Y as a femal bere, whanne þe whelps ben rauyſchid,
ſchal mete hem; and ſchal al to-breke þe ynnere þingis is vndurſtondyng, and ſchal kunne þeſe þingis? For þe
of þe mawe of hem. And Y as a lioun ſchal waaſte hem weies of þe Lord ben riȝtful, and iuſt men ſchulen go in
þere; a beeſte of þe feeld ſchal al to-rende hem. þo; but treſpaſſours ſchulen falle in þo.
ix Iſrael, þi perdicioun is of þee; þin help is oneli of me. Here endiþ Oſee, and here biginneþ Joel.
x Where is þi kyng? mooſt ſaue he þee now in alle þi
citees; and where ben þi iugis, of whiche þou ſeidiſt,
Ȝyue þou to me a kyng, and princes?
xi Y ſchal ȝyue to þee a kyng in my ſtrong veniaunce,
and Y ſchal take awei in myn indignacioun.
xii Þe wickidneſſe of Effraym is boundun togidere; his
ſynne is hid.
xiii Þe ſorewis of a womman trauelynge of child ſchulen
come to hym; he is a ſone not wijs. For now he ſchal not
ſtonde in þe defoulyng of ſones.

xviii Whi weilide a beeſte? whi lowiden þe flockis of
JOEL oxun and kien? for no leſewe is to hem; but alſo þe
flockis of ſcheep periſchiden.
CAP. I xix Lord, Y ſchal crye to þee, for fier eet þe faire þingis
i Þe word of þe Lord is þis, þat was maad to Joel, þe
of deſert, and flawme brente all þe trees of þe cuntrei.
ſone of Phatuel. xx But alſo beeſtis of þe feeld, as a corn floor þirſtynge
ii Elde men, here ȝe þis, and alle dwelleris of þe lond,
reyn, bihelden to þee; for þe wellis of watris ben dried
perſeyue ȝe wiþ eeris. If þis þing was don in ȝoure
vp, and fier deuouride þe faire þingis of deſert.
daies, eþer in þe daies of ȝoure fadris.
iii Of þis þing telle ȝe to ȝour ſones, and ȝour ſones telle
to her ſones, and þe ſones of hem telle to anoþer i Synge ȝe wiþ a trumpe in Sion, ȝelle ȝe in myn hooli
iiii A locuſte eet þe reſidue of a worte worm, and a bruke
hil. Alle þe dwelleris of erþe be diſturblid; for þe dai of
þe Lord comeþ,
eet þe reſidue of a locuſte, and ruſt eet þe reſidue of a ii for þe dai of derkneſſis and of myiſt is niȝ, þe dai of
v Drunken men, wake ȝe, and wepe; and ȝelle ȝe, alle
cloude and of whirlewynde. As þe morewtid ſpred
abrood on hillis, a myche puple and ſtrong. Noon was
þat drynken wyn in ſwetneſſe; for it periſchide fro ȝoure lijk it fro þe bigynnyng, and after it ſchal not be, til in to
mouþ. ȝeeris of generacioun and of generacioun.
vi For whi a folc ſtrong and vnnoumbrable ſtiede on my iii Bifore þe face þerof ſchal be fier deuourynge, and
lond. Þe teeþ þerof ben as þe teeþ of a lioun, and þe after it ſchal be brennynge flawme; as a gardyn of liking
cheek teeþ þerof ben as of a whelp of a lioun. þe lond ſchal be bifor him, and wildirneſſe of deſert
vii It ſettide my vyner in to deſert, and took awei þe
ſchal be after him, and noon is þat ſchal aſcape him.
riynde of my fige tre. It made nakid and ſpuylide þat iiii Þe lokyng of hem ſchal be as þe lokyng of horſis, and
vyner, and caſtide forþ; þe braunchis þerof ben maad as horſe men ſo þei ſchulen renne.
white. v As þe ſown of cartis on þe heedis of hillis þei ſchulen
viii Weile þou, as a virgyn gird wiþ a ſak on þe
ſkippe; as þe ſowne of þe flawme of fier deuourynge
hoſebonde of hir tyme of mariage. ſtobil, as a ſtrong puple maad redi to batel.
ix Sacrifice and moiſt ſacrifice periſchide fro þe hous of vi Puplis ſchulen be turmentid of þe face þerof, alle facis
þe Lord; and preeſtis, þe mynyſtris of þe Lord, ſchulen be dryuun in to a pot.
moureneden. vii As ſtronge men þei ſchulen renne, as men werriours
x Þe cuntrey is maad bare of puple. Þe erþe mourenyde;
þei ſchulen ſtie on þe wal. Men ſchulen go in her weies,
for whete is diſtried. Wyn is ſchent, and oile was ſijk, and þei ſchulen not bowe awei fro her paþis.
eþer failide. viii Ech man ſchal not make ſtreyt his broþer, ech man
xi Þe erþe tilieris ben ſchent, þe vyn tilieris ȝelliden on
ſchal go in his paþ; but alſo þei ſchulen falle doun bi
wheete and barli; for þe ripe corn of þe feeld is wyndows, and ſchulen not be hirt.
periſchid. ix Þei ſchulen entre in to þe citee, þei ſchulen renne on
xii Þe vyner is ſchent; and þe fige tre was ſijk. Þe
þe wal; þei ſchulen ſtie on houſis, þei ſchulen entre as a
pomgarnate tre, and þe palm tre, and þe fir tre, and alle niȝt þeef bi wyndows.
trees of þe feeld drieden vp; for ioie is ſchent fro þe x Þe erþe tremblide of his face, heuenys weren mouyd,
ſones of men.
xiii Ȝe preſtis, girde ȝou, and weile; ȝe mynyſtris of þe
þe ſunne and þe moone weren maad derk, and ſterris
wiþdrowen her ſchynyng.
auter, ȝelle. Mynyſtris of my God, entre ȝe, ligge ȝe in xi And þe Lord ȝaf his vois bifor þe face of his ooſt, for
ſak; for whi ſacrifice and moiſt ſacrifice periſchide fro
hiſe ooſtis ben ful manye; for þo ben ſtronge, and doen
þe hous of ȝoure God.
xiiii Halewe ȝe faſtyng, clepe ȝe cumpeny, gadere ȝe
þe word of hym. For þe dai of þe Lord is greet, and ful
ferdful, and who ſchal ſuffre it?
togidere elde men, and alle dwelleris of þe erþe in to þe xii Now þerfor ſeiþ þe Lord, Be ȝe conuertid to me in al
hous of ȝoure God; and crie ȝe to þe Lord, A!
xv A! A! to þe dai; for þe dai of þe Lord is niȝ, and ſchal
ȝoure herte, in faſtyng, and wepyng, and weilyng;
xiii and kerue ȝe ȝoure hertis, and not ȝoure cloþis, and
come as a tempeſt fro þe myȝti.
xvi Wheþer foodis periſchiden not bifore ȝoure iȝen;
be ȝe conuertid to ȝoure Lord God, for he is benygne,
and merciful, pacient, and of myche merci, and
gladneſſe and ful out ioie periſchide fro þe hous of abidynge, eþer forȝyuynge, on malice.
ȝoure God?
xvii Beeſtis wexen rotun in her drit. Bernes ben diſtried,
celeris ben diſtried, for wheete is ſchent.

xiiii Who woot, if God be conuertid, and forȝyue, and xxx and Y ſchal ȝyue grete wondris in heuene, and in
leeue bleſſyng aftir hym? ſacrifice and moiſt ſacrifice to erþe, blood, and fier, and þe heete of ſmoke.
oure Lord God. xxxi Þe ſunne ſchal be turned in to derkneſſis, and þe
xv Synge ȝe wiþ a trumpe in Sion, halewe ȝe faſtyng, moone in to blood, bifor þat þe greet dai and orrible of
clepe ȝe cumpany; gadere ȝe togidere þe puple, halewe þe Lord come.
ȝe þe chirche, xxxii And it ſchal be, ech þat clepiþ to helpe þe name of
xvi gadere ȝe togidere elde men, gadere ȝe togidere litle þe Lord, ſchal be ſaaf; for whi ſaluacioun ſchal be in þe
children, and ſoukynge þe breſtis; a ſpouſe go out of his hil of Sion and in Jeruſalem, as þe Lord ſeide, and in þe
bed, and a ſpouſeſſe of hir chaumbre. reſidue men, whiche þe Lord clepiþ.
xvii Preſtis, þe mynyſtris of þe Lord, ſchulen wepe
bitwixe þe porche and þe auter, and ſchulen ſeie, Lord! CAP. III
ſpare þou, ſpare þi puple, and ȝyue þou not þin eritage i For lo! in þo daies, and in þat tyme, whanne Y ſchal
in to ſchenſchipe, þat naciouns be lordis of hem. Whi turne þe caitifte of Juda and of Jeruſalem,
ſeien þei among puplis, Where is þe God of hem? ii Y ſchal gadere alle folkis, and Y ſchal lede hem in to
xviii Þe Lord louyde gelouſli his lond, and ſparide his þe valei of Joſephat; and Y ſchal diſpute þere wiþ hem
puple. on my puple, and myn eritage Iſrael, whiche þei
xix And þe Lord anſweride, and ſeide to his puple, Lo! Y ſcateriden among naciouns; and þei departiden my lond,
ſchal ſende to ȝou wheete, and wyn, and oile, and ȝe and ſenten lot on my puple;
ſchulen be fillid wiþ þo; and Y ſchal no more ȝyue ȝou iii and þei ſettiden a knaue child in þe bordel hous, and
ſchenſchipe among heþene men. ſeelden a dameſel for wyn, þat þei ſchulden drynke.
xx And Y ſchal make hym þat is at þe norþ fer fro ȝou; iiii But what to me and to ȝou, þou Tire, and Sidon, and
and Y ſchal caſt hym out in to a lond wiþ out weie, and ech ende of Paleſtyns? Wheþir ȝe ſchulen ȝelde vengyng
deſert; his face aȝens þe eeſt ſee, and þe laſte part þerof to me? and if ȝe vengen ȝou aȝens me, ſoone ſwiftli Y
at þe laſt ſee; and þe ſtynk þerof ſchal ſtie, and þe root ſchal ȝelde while to ȝou on ȝoure heed.
þerof ſchal ſtie, for he dide proudli. v Ȝe token awey my ſiluer and gold, and ȝe brouȝten my
xxi Erþe, nyle þou drede, make þou ful out ioye, and be deſirable þingis and faireſte þingis in to ȝoure templis of
glad; for þe Lord magnefiede þat he ſchulde do. idols.
xxii Beeſtis of þe cuntrei, nyle ȝe drede, for þe faire vi And ȝe ſelden þe ſones of Juda, and þe ſones of
þingis of deſert buriowneden; for þe tre brouȝte his Jeruſalem to þe ſones of Grekis, þat ȝe ſchulden make
fruyt, þe fige tre and vyner ȝauen her vertu. hem fer fro her cooſtis.
xxiii And þe ſones of Sion, make ȝe ful out ioie, and be vii Lo! Y ſchal reiſe hem fro þe place in which ȝe ſeelden
ȝe glad in ȝoure Lord God, for he ȝaf to ȝou a techere of hem; and Y ſchal turne ȝoure ȝeldyng in to ȝoure heed.
riȝtfulneſſe, and he ſchal make morewtid reyn and viii And Y ſchal ſille ȝoure ſones and ȝoure douȝtris in þe
euentid reyn to come doun to ȝou, as in þe bigynnyng. hondis of þe ſones of Juda, and þei ſchulen ſelle hem to
xxiiii And cornflooris ſchulen be fillid of wheete, and Sabeis, a fer folc, for þe Lord ſpak.
preſſours ſchulen flowe wiþ wyn, and oile. ix Crye ȝe þis þing among heþene men, halewe ȝe batel,
xxv And Y ſchal ȝelde to ȝou þe ȝeris whiche þe locuſte, reiſe ȝe ſtronge men; alle men werriours, neiȝ, and ſtie.
bruke, and ruſt, and wort worm, my greet ſtrengþe, eet, x Beete ȝe togydere ȝoure plowis in to ſwerdis, and
which Y ſente in to ȝou. ȝoure mattokkis in to ſpeeris; a ſijk man ſeie, þat Y am
xxvi And ȝe ſchulen ete etyng, and ȝe ſchulen be fillid; ſtrong.
and ȝe ſchulen herie þe name of ȝoure Lord God, þat xi Alle folkis, breke ȝe out, and come fro cumpas, and
made merueils wiþ ȝou; and my puple ſchal not be be ȝe gaderid togidere; þere þe Lord ſchal make þi
ſchent wiþ outen ende. ſtronge men to die.
xxvii And ȝe ſchulen wite, þat Y am in þe myddis of xii Folkis riſe togidere, and ſtie in to þe valei of Joſofat;
Iſrael; and Y am ȝoure Lord God, and `noon is more; for Y ſchal ſitte þere, to deme alle folkis in cumpas.
and my puple ſchal not be ſchent wiþ outen ende. xiii Sende ȝe ſikelis, `eþer ſiþis, for ripe corn wexide;
xxviii And it ſchal be, aftir þeſe þingis Y ſchal ſchede out
come ȝe, and go ȝe doun, for þe preſſour is ful;
my ſpirit on ech man, and ȝoure ſones and ȝoure preſſouris ben plenteuouſe, for þe malice of hem is
douȝtris ſchulen profeſie; ȝoure elde men ſchulen dreme multiplied.
dremes, and ȝoure ȝonge men ſchulen ſe viſiouns. xiiii Puplis, puplis in þe valei of kittyng doun; for þe dai
xxix But alſo Y ſchal ſchede out my ſpirit on my
of þe Lord is nyȝ in þe valei of kittyng doun.
ſeruauntis, and handmaydis, in þo daies; xv Þe ſunne and þe moone ben maad derk, and ſterris
wiþdrowen her ſchynyng.

xvi And þe Lord ſchal rore fro Sion, and ſchal ȝyue his
vois fro Jeruſalem, and heuenes and erþe ſchulen be
mouyd; and þe Lord is þe hope of his puple, and þe
ſtrengþe of þe ſones of Iſrael.
xvii And ȝe ſchulen wite, þat Y am ȝoure Lord God,
dwellynge in Sion, in myn hooli hil; and Jeruſalem ſchal
be hooli, and aliens ſchulen no more paſſe bi it.
xviii And it ſchal be, in þat dai mounteyns ſchulen
droppe ſwetneſſe, and litle hillis ſchulen flowe wiþ
mylke, and watris ſchulen go bi alle þe ryueris of Juda;
and a welle ſchal go out of þe hous of þe Lord, and
ſchal moiſte þe ſtronde of þornes.
xix Egipt ſchal be in to deſolacioun, and Idume in to
deſert of perdicioun; for þat þat þei diden wickidli aȝens
þe ſones of Juda, and ſchedden out innocent blood in
her lond.
xx And Judee ſchal be enhabited wiþ outen ende, and
Jeruſalem in to generacioun and in to generacioun.
xxi And Y ſchal clenſe þe blood of hem, which Y hadde
not clenſid; and þe Lord ſchal dwelle in Syon.
Here endiþ Joel, and here biginniþ Amos.

AMOS i Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, On þre grete treſpaſſis of
Moab, and on foure, Y ſchal not conuerte it, for it brente
i Þe wordis of Amos ben þeſe, þat was in þe ſchepherdis
þe boonys of þe kyng of Idumee til to aiſche.
ii And Y ſchal ſende fier in to Moab, and it ſchal
þingis of Thecue, whiche he ſiȝ on Iſrael, in þe daies of
deuoure þe houſis of Carioth; and Moab ſchal die in
Oſie, king of Juda, and in þe daies of Jeroboam, ſone of
ſown, in þe noiſe of a trumpe.
Joas, kyng of Iſrael, bifor twei ȝeeris of þe erþe iii And Y ſchal leeſe a iuge of þe myddis þerof, and Y
ii And he ſeide, Þe Lord ſchal rore fro Sion, and ſchal ſchal ſle wiþ it alle þe princes þerof, ſeiþ þe Lord.
iiii Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, On þre grete treſpaſſis of
ȝyue his vois fro Jeruſalem; and þe faire þingis of
ſchepherdis mourenyden, and þe cop of Carmele was Juda, and on foure, Y ſchal not conuerte hym, for he
maad drie. haþ caſte awei þe lawe of þe Lord, and kepte not þe
iii Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, On þre grete treſpaſſis of comaundementis of hym; for her idols, after whiche þe
fadris of hem ȝeden, diſſeyueden hem.
Damaſk, and on foure, I ſhal not conuerte it, for it v And Y ſchal ſende fier in to Juda, and it ſchal deuoure
þreiſchide Galaad in irun waynes.
iiii And Y ſchal ſende fier in to þe hous of Aſael, and it þe houſis of Jeruſalem.
vi Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, On þre grete treſpaſſis of
ſchal deuoure þe houſis of Benadab.
v And Y ſchal al to-breke þe barre of Damaſk, and Y Iſrael, and on foure, Y ſchal not conuerte hym, for þat
þat he ſeelde a iuſt man for ſiluer, and a pore man for
ſchal leeſe a dwellere fro þe feeld of idol, and hym þat
holdiþ þe ceptre fro þe hous of luſt and of letcherie; and vii Whiche al to-foulen þe heedis of pore men on þe duſt
þe puple of Sirie ſchal be tranſlatid to Sirenen, ſeiþ þe
Lord. of erþe, and bowen awei þe weie of meke men; and þe
vi Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, On þre grete treſpaſſis of ſone and his fadir ȝeden to a dameſele, þat þei ſchulden
defoule myn hooli name.
Gaſa, and on foure, Y ſchal not conuerte it, for it viii And þei eeten on cloþis leid to wedde biſidis ech
tranſlatide perfit caitifte, to cloſe þat togidere in Idumee.
vii And Y ſchal ſende fier in to þe wal of Gaſa, and it auter, and drunken þe wyn of dampned men in þe hous
of her God.
ſchal deuoure þe houſis þerof. ix Forſoþe Y diſtriede Ammorrei fro þe face of hem,
viii And Y ſchal leeſe þe dwelleris of Azotus, and hym
whos hiȝneſſe was þe hiȝneſſe of cedris, and he was
þat holdiþ þe ceptre of Aſcalon; and Y ſchal turne myn
ſtrong as an ook; and Y al to-brak þe fruyt of hym
hond on Accaron, and þe remenauntis of Filiſteis
aboue, and þe rootis of hym byneþe.
ſchulen periſche, ſeiþ þe Lord God. x Y am, þat made ȝou to ſtie fro þe lond of Egipt, and
ix Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, On þre grete treſpaſſis
ledde ȝou out in deſert bi fourti ȝeer, þat ȝe ſchulden
of Tire, and on foure, Y ſchal not conuerte it, for þei
welde þe lond of Ammorrei.
cloſiden togidere perfit caitifte in Idumee, and hadde xi And Y reiſide of ȝoure ſones in to profetis, and
not mynde on þe boond of pees of briþeren.
x And Y ſchal ſende fier in to þe wal of Tire, and it ſchal Nayareis of ȝoure ȝonge men. Wheþer it is not ſo, ȝe
ſones of Iſrael? ſeiþ þe Lord.
deuoure þe houſis þerof. xii And ȝe birliden wyn to Nayareis, and comaundiden
xi Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, On þre grete treſpaſſis of
to profetis, and ſeiden, Profecie ȝe not.
Edom, and on foure, Y ſchal not conuerte it, for it xiii Lo! Y ſchal charke vndur ȝou, as a wayn chargid wiþ
purſuede bi ſwerd his broþer, and defoulide þe merci of
hym, and helde ferþere his woodneſſe, and kepte his hei charkiþ.
xiiii And fliȝt ſchal periſche fro a ſwift man, and a ſtrong
indignacioun `til in to þe ende.
xii Y ſchal ſende fier in to Theman, and it ſchal deuoure man ſchal not holde his vertu, and a ſtalworþe man ſchal
þe houſis of Boſra. not ſaue his lijf;
xv and he þat holdiþ a bowe ſchal not ſtonde, and a ſwift
xiii Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, On þre grete treſpaſſis of þe
ſones of Amon, and on foure, Y ſchal not conuerte hym, man ſchal not be ſauyd by hiſe feet; and þe ſtiere of an
for he karf þe wymmen wiþ childe of Galaad, for to hors ſchal not ſaue his lijf,
xvi and a ſtronge man of herte ſchal fle nakid among
alarge his terme.
xiiii And Y ſchal kyndle fier in þe wal of Rabbe, and it ſtronge men in þat dai, ſeiþ þe Lord.
ſchal deuoure þe houſis þerof, in ȝellyng in þe dai of
batel, and in whirlwynd in þe dai of mouyng togidere.
xv And Melchon ſchal go in to caitifte, he and hiſe
princes togidere, ſeiþ þe Lord.

CAP. III ii Þe Lord God ſwoor in his hooli, for lo! daies ſchulen
i Sones of Iſrael, here ȝe þe word which þe Lord ſpak on come on ȝou; and þei ſchulen reiſe ȝou in ſchaftis, and
ȝou, and on al þe kynrede, which Y ledde out of þe lond ȝoure remenauntis in buylynge pottis.
of Egipt, iii And ȝe ſchulen go out bi þe openyngis, oon aȝens
ii and ſeide, Oneli Y knewe ȝou of alle þe kynredis of anoþer, and ȝe ſchulen be caſt forþ in to Armon, ſeiþ þe
erþe; þerfor Y ſchal viſite on ȝou alle ȝoure wickidneſſis. Lord.
iii Wheþer tweyne ſchulen go togidere, no but it acorde iiii Come ȝe to Bethel, and do ȝe wickidli; to Galgala,
to hem? and multiplie ȝe treſpaſſyng; and offre ȝe eerli ȝoure
iiii Wheþer a lioun ſchal rore in a foreſt, no but he haue ſacrifices, in þre daies ȝoure tiþis.
prey? Wheþer þe whelp of a lioun ſchal ȝyue vois fro v And ſacrifice ȝe heriyng of breed maad ſour, and clepe
his denne, no but he take ony þing? ȝe wilful offryngis, and telle ȝe; for ȝe, ſones of Iſrael,
v Wheþer a brid ſchal falle in to a ſnare of erþe, wiþ wolden ſo, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
outen a foulere? Wheþer a ſnare ſchal be takun awei fro vi Wherfor and Y ȝaf to ȝou aſtonying of teeþ in alle
erþe, bifor þat it tak ſum þing? ȝoure citees, and nedineſſe of looues in alle ȝoure
vi Wheþer a trumpe ſchal ſowne in a citee, and þe puple places; and ȝe turneden not aȝen to me, ſeiþ þe Lord.
ſchal not drede? Wheþer yuel ſchal be in a citee, which vii Alſo Y forbeed reyn fro ȝou, whanne þre moneþis
yuel þe Lord ſchal not make? weren ȝit `to comyng, til to ripe corn; and Y reynede on
vii For þe Lord God ſchal not make a word, no but he o citee, and on anoþer citee Y reynede not; o part was
ſchewe his priuyte to hiſe ſeruauntis profetis. bireyned, and þe part driede vp on which Y reynede not.
viii A lioun ſchal rore, who ſchal not drede? þe Lord viii And tweyne and þre citees camen to o citee, to

God ſpak, who ſchal not profeſie? drynke watir, and þo weren not fillid; and ȝe camen not
ix Make ȝe herd in þe houſis of Azotus, and in þe houſis aȝen to me, ſeiþ þe Lord.
ix Y ſmoot ȝou wiþ brennynge wynd, and wiþ ruſt, þe
of þe lond of Egipt; and ſeie ȝe, Be ȝe gaderid togidere
on þe hillis of Samarye, and ſe ȝe many woodneſſis in multitude of ȝoure orcherdis, and of ȝoure vyneris; and
þe myddis þerof, and hem þat ſuffren fals calenge in þe a wort worm eet ȝoure olyue places, and ȝoure fige
priuy places þerof. places; and ȝe camen not aȝen to me, ſeiþ þe Lord.
x And þei kouden not do riȝtful þing, ſeiþ þe Lord, and x Y ſente in to ȝou deþ in þe weie of Egipt, Y ſmoot wiþ

treſouriden wickidneſſe and raueyn in her houſis. ſwerd ȝoure ȝonge men, `til to þe caitifte of ȝoure horſis,
xi Þerfor þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þe lond ſchal be and Y made þe ſtynk of ȝoure ooſtis to ſtie in to ȝoure
troblid, and be cumpaſſid; and þi ſtrengþe ſchal be noſe þirlis; and ȝe camen not aȝen to me, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xi Y diſtriede ȝou, as God diſtriede Sodom and
drawun doun of þee, and þin houſis ſchulen be
rauyſchid. Gomorre, and ȝe ben maad as a brond rauyſchid of
xii Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, As if a ſchepherd brennyng; and ȝe turneden not aȝen to me, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xii Wherfor, þou Iſrael, Y ſchal do þeſe þingis to þee; but
rauyſchiþ fro þe mouþ of a lioun tweyne hipis, eþer þe
laſte þing of þe eere, ſo þe children of Iſrael ſchulen be aftir þat Y ſchal do to þee þeſe þingis, Iſrael, be maad
rauyſchid, þat dwellen in Samarie, in þe cuntrei of bed, redi in to aȝen comyng of þi God.
and in þe bed of Damaſk. xiii For lo! he fourmeþ hillis, and makiþ wynd, and
xiii Here ȝe, and witneſſe ȝe in þe hous of Jacob, ſeiþ þe telliþ to man his ſpeche; and he makiþ a `morew myiſt,
Lord God of ooſtis. and goiþ on hiȝ þingis of erþe; þe Lord God of ooſtis is
xiiii For in þe dai, whanne Y ſchal bigynne to viſite þe þe name of hym.
treſpaſſyngis of Iſrael on hym, Y ſchal viſite alſo on þe
auteris of Bethel; and þe hornes of þe auter ſchulen be CAP. V
i Here ȝe þis word, for Y reiſe on ȝou a weilyng.
kit awei, and ſchulen falle doun in to erþe.
xv And Y ſchal ſmyte þe wynter hous wiþ þe ſomer ii Þe hous of Iſrael felle doun, he ſchal not put to, þat it

hous, and þe houſis of yuer ſchulen periſche, and many riſe aȝen; þe virgyn of Iſrael is caſt doun in to hir lond,
houſis ſchulen be diſtried, ſeiþ þe Lord. noon is þat ſchal reiſe hir.
iii For þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þe citee of which a
CAP. IIII þouſynde wenten out, an hundrid ſchulen be left þer
i Ȝe fatte kien, þat ben in þe hil of Samarie, here þis ynne; and of which an hundrid wenten out, ten ſchulen
word; whiche maken fals caleng to nedi men, and be left þer ynne, in þe hous of Iſrael.
breken pore men; which ſeien to ȝoure lordis, Bringe ȝe, iiii For þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis to þe hous of Iſrael, Seke
and we ſchulen drynke. ȝe me, and ȝe ſchulen lyue;

v and nyle ȝe ſeke Bethel, and nyle ȝe entre in to xxii Þat if ȝe offren to me ȝoure brent ſacrifices, and
Galgala, and ȝe ſchulen not paſſe to Berſabee; for whi ȝiftis, Y ſchal not reſſeyue, and Y ſchal not biholde
Galgal ſchal be led caitif, and Bethel ſchal be avowis of ȝoure fatte þingis.
vnprofitable. xxiii Do þou awei fro me þe noiſe of þi ſongis, and Y
vi Seke ȝe þe Lord, and lyue ȝe, leſt perauenture þe hous ſchal not here þe ſongis of þin harpe.
of Joſeph be brent as fier; and it ſchal deuoure Bethel, xxiiii And doom ſchal be ſchewid as watir, and
and þere ſchal not be, þat ſchal quenche. riȝtfulneſſe as a ſtrong ſtreem.
vii Whiche conuerten doom in to wermod, and forſaken xxv Wheþer ȝe, þe hous of Iſrael, offriden to me
riȝtwiſneſſe in þe lond, ſacrifices for enemyes to be ouercomun, and ſacrifice in
viii and forſaken hym þat makiþ Arture and Orion, and deſert fourti ȝeeris?
hym þat turneþ derkneſſis in to þe morewtid, and him xxvi And ȝe han bore tabernaclis to Moloch, ȝoure god,
þat chaungiþ dai in to niȝt; which clepiþ watris of þe and ymage of ȝoure idols, þe ſterre of ȝoure god, which
ſee, and heldiþ out hem on þe face of erþe; þe Lord is ȝe maden to ȝou.
name of hym. xxvii And Y ſchal make ȝou for to paſſe ouer Damaſk,
ix Which ſcorneþ diſtriyng on þe ſtronge, and bringiþ
ſeide þe Lord; God of ooſtis is þe name of him.
robbyng on þe myȝti.
x Þei hatiden a man repreuynge in þe ȝate, and þei CAP. VI
wlatiden a man ſpekynge perfitli. i Wo to ȝou, þat ben ful of richeſſis in Sion, and triſten
xi Þerfor for þat þat ȝe robbiden a pore man, and token in þe hil of Samarie, ȝe principal men, þe heedis of
fro hym þe choſun prey, ȝe ſchulen bilde houſis wiþ puplis, þat goen proudli in to þe hous of Iſrael.
ſquare ſtoon, and ȝe ſchulen not dwelle in hem; ȝe ii Go ȝe in to Calamye, and ſe ȝe, and go ȝe fro þennus
ſchulen plaunte mooſt louyd vyneȝerdis, and ȝe ſchulen in to Emath þe greet; and go ȝe doun in to Geth of
not drynke þe wyn of hem. Paleſtyns, and to alle þe beſte rewmes of hem, if her
xii For Y knew ȝoure grete treſpaſſis many, and ȝoure terme be broddere þan ȝoure terme.
ſtronge ſynnes; enemyes of `þe riȝtwis man, takynge iii And ȝe ben departid in to yuel dai, and neiȝen to þe
ȝifte, and berynge doun pore men in þe ȝate. ſeete of wickidneſſe;
xiii Þerfor a prudent man ſchal be ſtille in þat time, for iiii and ȝe ſlepen in beddis of yuer, and doen letcherie in
þe time is yuel. ȝoure beddis; and ȝe eten a lomb of þe flok, and calues
xiiii Seke ȝe good, and not yuel, þat ȝe lyue, and þe Lord of þe myddil of droue;
God of ooſtis ſchal be wiþ ȝou, as ȝe ſeiden. v and ȝe ſyngen at vois of ſautree. As Dauid þei geſſiden
xv Hate ȝe yuel, and loue ȝe good, and ordeyne ȝe in þe hem for to haue inſtrumentis of ſong, and drynken wyn
ȝate doom; if perauenture þe Lord God of ooſtis haue in viols;
merci on þe remenauntis of Joſeph. vi and wiþ beſte oynement þei weren anoynted; and in
xvi Þerfor þe Lord God of ooſtis, hauynge lordſchipe, no þing þei hadden compaſſioun on þe ſorewe, eþer
ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Weilyng ſchal be in alle ſtretis, and in defoulyng, of Joſeph.
alle þingis þat ben wiþoutforþ it ſchal be ſeid, Wo! wo! vii Wherfor now þei ſchulen paſſe in þe heed of men
and þei ſchulen clepe an erþe tilier to mourenyng, and paſſynge ouer, and þe doyng of men doynge letcherie
hem þat kunnen weile, to weilyng. ſchal be don awei.
xvii And weilyng ſchal be in alle weies, for Y ſchal paſſe viii Þe Lord God ſwoor in his ſoule, ſeiþ þe Lord God of
forþ in þe myddil of `þe ſee, ſeiþ þe Lord. ooſtis, Y wlate þe pride of Jacob, and Y hate þe houſis
xviii Wo to hem þat deſiren þe dai of þe Lord; wher to of hym, and Y ſchal bitake þe citee wiþ hiſe dwelleris;
deſiren ȝe it to ȝou? Þis dai of þe Lord ſchal be ix þat if ten men ben left in oon hous, and þei ſchulen
derkneſſis, and not lyȝt. die.
xix As if a man renne fro þe face of a lioun, and a bere x And his neiȝbore ſchal take hym, and ſchal brenne
renne to hym; and he entre in to þe hous, and lene wiþ hym, þat he bere out boonys of þe hous. And he ſchal
his hond on þe wal, and a ſerpent dwellynge in ſeie to hym, þat is in þe priuy places of þe hous,
ſchadewe bite hym. xi Wheþer þer is ȝit anentis þee? And he ſchal anſwer,
xx Wheþer þe dai of þe Lord ſchal not be derkneſſis, and
An ende is. And he ſchal ſeie to hym, Be þou ſtille, and
not lyȝt; and myiſt, and not ſchynyng þer ynne? þenke þou not on þe name of þe Lord.
xxi Y hatide and caſtide awei ȝoure feeſte daies, and Y xii For lo! þe Lord ſchal comaunde, and ſchal ſmyte þe
ſchal not take þe odour of ȝoure cumpenyes. grettere hous wiþ fallyngis, and þe leſſe hous wiþ

xiii Wheþer horſis moun renne in ſtoonys, eþer it mai be xv And þe Lord took me, whanne Y ſuede þe floc; and
eerid wiþ wielde oxun? For ȝe turneden doom in to þe Lord ſeide to me, Go, and profeſie þou to my puple
bitterneſſe, and þe fruyt of riȝtfulneſſe in to wermod. Iſrael.
xiiii And ȝe ben glad in nouȝt, and ȝe ſeien, Wheþer not xvi And now here þou þe word of þe Lord. Þou ſeiſt,
in oure ſtrengþe we token to vs hornes? Þou ſchalt not profeſie on Iſrael, and þou ſchal not
xv Lo! Y ſchal reiſe on ȝou, þe hous of Iſrael, ſeiþ þe droppe on þe hous of idol.
Lord God of ooſtis, a folc; and it ſchal al to-breke ȝou xvii For þis þing þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þi wijf ſchal
fro entre of Emath `til to þe ſtreem of deſert. do fornicacioun in þe citee, and þi ſones and þi douȝtris
ſchal falle bi ſwerd, and þi lond ſchal be motun wiþ a
CAP. VII litil coord; and þou ſchalt die in a pollutid lond, and
i Þe Lord God ſchewide þeſe þingis to me; and lo! a Iſrael caitif ſchal paſſe fro his lond.
makere of locuſt in bigynnyng of buriownynge þingis of
euentid reyn, and lo! euentid reyn after þe clippere of CAP. VIII
þe kyng. i Þe Lord God ſchewide to me þeſe þingis; and lo! an
ii And it was don, whanne he hadde endid for to ete þe hook of applis.
erbe of erþe, Y ſeide, Lord God, Y biſeche, be þou ii And þe Lord ſeide, What ſeiſt þou, Amos? And Y
merciful; who ſchal reiſe Jacob, for he is litil? ſeide, An hook of applis. And þe Lord ſeide to me, Þe
iii Þe Lord hadde merci on þis þing; It ſchal not be, ſeide ende is comun on my puple Iſrael; Y ſchal no more
þe Lord God. putte to, þat Y paſſe bi hym.
iiii Þe Lord God ſchewide to me þeſe þingis; and lo! þe iii And þe herris, eþer twiſtis, of þe temple ſchulen

Lord God ſchal clepe doom to fier, and it ſchal deuoure greetli ſowne in þat dai, ſeiþ þe Lord God. Many men
myche depþe of watir, and it eet togidere a part. ſchulen die, ſilence ſchal be caſt forþ in ech place.
v And Y ſeide, Lord God, Y biſeche, reſte þou; who iiii Here ȝe þis þing, whiche al to-breken a pore man,

ſchal reiſe Jacob, for he is litil? and maken nedi men of þe lond for to faile;
vi Þe Lord hadde merci on þis þing; But and þis þing v and ȝe ſeien, Whanne ſchal herueſt paſſe, and we

ſchal not be, ſeide þe Lord God. ſchulen ſille marchaundiſes? and þe ſabat, and we
vii Þe Lord God ſchewide to me þeſe þingis; and lo! þe ſchulen opene wheete? þat we make leſſe þe meſure,
Lord ſtondinge on a wal plaſtrid, and in þe hond of hym and encreeſſe þe cicle, and `vndur put gileful balauncis;
vi þat we welde bi ſiluer nedi men and pore men for
was a trulle of a maſoun.
viii And þe Lord ſeide to me, What ſeeſt þou, Amos? ſchoon, and we ſille outcaſtyngis of wheete?
vii Þe Lord ſwoor aȝens þe pride of Jacob, Y ſchal not
And Y ſeide, A trulle of a maſoun. And þe Lord ſeide,
Lo! I ſchal putte a trulle in þe myddil of my puple forȝete til to þe ende alle þe werkis of hem.
Iſrael; Y ſchal no more putte to, for to ouerlede it; viii Wheþer on þis þing þe erþe ſchal not be mouyd
ix and þe hiȝ þingis of idol ſchulen be diſtried, and þe togidere, and eche dwellere þerof ſchal mourene? And it
halewyngis of Iſrael ſchulen be deſolat; and Y ſchal riſe ſchal ſtie vp as al þe flood, and ſchal be caſt out, and
on þe hous of Jeroboam bi ſwerd. ſchal flete awei as þe ſtronde of Egipt.
x And Amaſie, preſt of Bethel, ſente to Jeroboam, kyng ix And it ſchal be, ſeiþ þe Lord, in þat dai þe ſunne ſchal

of Iſrael, and ſeide, Amos rebellide aȝens þee, in þe go doun in myddai, and Y ſchal make þe erþe for to be
myddil of þe hous of Iſrael; þe lond mai not ſuſteyne derk in þe dai of lyȝt.
alle hiſe wordis. x And Y ſchal conuerte ȝoure feeſte daies in to
xi For Amos ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Jeroboam ſchal die bi mourenyng, and alle ȝoure ſongis in to weilyng; and Y
ſwerd, and Iſrael caitif ſchal paſſe fro his lond. ſchal brynge yn on ech bac of ȝou a ſak, and on ech
xii And Amaſie ſeide to Amos, Þou þat ſeeſt, go; fle þou heed of ȝou ballidneſſe; and Y ſchal put it as þe
in to þe lond of Juda, and ete þou þere þi breed; and mourenyng of oon bigetun ſone, and þe laſte þingis
þere þou ſchalt profeſie. þerof as a bittir dai.
xiii And þou ſchalt no more put to, þat þou profeſie in xi Lo! þe daies comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y ſchal ſende

Bethel, for it is þe halewyng of þe king, and is þe hous out hungur in to erþe; not hungur of breed, neþer þirſt
of þe rewme. of watir, but of herynge þe word of God.
xiiii And Amos anſweride, and ſeide to Amaſie, Y am not xii And þei ſchulen be mouyd to gidere fro þe ſee til to

a profete, and Y am not ſone of profete; but an herde of þe ſee, and fro þe norþ til to þe eeſt þei ſchulen
neet Y am, drawyng vp ſicomoris. cumpaſſe, ſekynge þe word of þe Lord, and þei ſchulen
not fynde.

xiii In þat dai faire maidens ſchulen faile, and ȝonge men man ſowynge ſeed; and mounteyns ſchulen droppe
in þirſt, whiche ſweren in treſpas of Samarie, ſwetneſſe, and alle ſmale hillis ſchulen be tilid.
xiiii and ſeien, Dan, þi god lyueþ, and þe weie of xiiii And Y ſchal conuerte þe caitifte of my puple Iſrael,

Berſabee lyueþ; and þei ſchulen falle, and þei ſchulen and þei ſchulen bilde forſakun citees, and ſchulen
no more riſe aȝen. dwelle; and ſchulen plaunte vyneȝerdis, and þei ſchulen
drynke wyn of hem; and ſchulen make gardyns, and
CAP. IX ſchulen ete fruitis of hem.
i I ſiȝ þe Lord ſtondynge on þe auter, and he ſeide, xv And Y ſchal plaunte hem on her lond, and Y ſchal no

Smyte þou þe herre, and þe ouer þreſhfoldis be mouyd more drawe out hem of her lond, which Y ȝaf to hem,
togidere; for aueryce is in þe heed of alle, and Y ſchal ſeiþ þe Lord þi God.
ſle bi ſwerd þe laſte of hem; þer ſchal no fliȝt be to hem, Here endiþ Amos, and here bigynneþ Abdias.
and he þat ſchal fle of hem, ſchal not be ſauyd.
ii If þei ſchulen go doun til to helle, fro þennus myn
hond ſchal lede out hem; and if þei ſchulen `ſtie til in to
heuene, fro þennus Y ſchal drawe hem doun.
iii And if þei ſchulen be hid in þe cop of Carmele, fro
þennus Y ſekynge ſchal do awei hem; and if þei ſchulen
hide hem ſilf fro myn iȝen in þe depneſſe of þe ſee, þere
Y ſhal comaunde to a ſerpente, and it ſchal bite hem.
iiii And if þei ſchulen go awei in to caitifte bifore her
enemyes, þere Y ſchal comaunde to ſwerd, and it ſchal
ſle hem. And Y ſchal putte myn iȝen on hem in to yuel,
and not in to good.
v And þe Lord God of ooſtis ſchal do þeſe þingis, þat
touchiþ erþe, and it ſchal faile, and alle men dwellynge
þer ynne ſchulen mourene; and it ſchal ſtie vp as ech
ſtronde, and it ſchal flete awei as flood of Egipt.
vi He þat bildiþ his ſtiyng vp in heuene, ſchal do þeſe
þingis, and foundide his birþun on erþe; which clepiþ
watris of þe ſee, and heldiþ out hem on þe face of erþe;
þe Lord is name of hym.
vii Wheþer not as ſones of Ethiopiens ȝe ben to me, þe
ſones of Iſrael? ſeiþ þe Lord God. Wheþer Y made not
Iſrael for to ſtie vp fro þe lond of Egipt, and Paleſtines
fro Capodoſie, and Siriens fro Cirenen?
viii Lo! þe iȝen of þe Lord God ben on þe rewme
ſynnynge, and Y ſchal al to-breke it fro þe face of erþe;
neþeles Y al to-brekynge ſchal not al to-breke þe hous
of Jacob, ſeiþ þe Lord.
ix For lo! Y ſchal comaunde, and ſchal ſchake þe hous of
Iſrael in alle folkis, as wheete is in a riddil, and a litil
ſtoon ſchal not falle on erþe.
x Alle ſynneris of my puple ſchulen die bi ſwerd, whiche
ſeien, Yuel ſchal not neiȝ, and ſchal not come on vs.
xi In þat dai Y ſchal reiſe þe tabernacle of Dauiþ, þat
felle doun, and Y ſchal aȝen bilde openyngis of wallis
þerof, and Y ſchal reſtore þe þingis þat fellen doun; and
Y ſchal aȝen bilde it,
xii as in olde daies, þat þei welde þe remenauntis of
Idume, and alle naciouns; for þat my name is clepun to
help on hem, ſeiþ þe Lord doynge þeſe þingis.
xiii Lo! daies comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and þe erere ſchal
take þe repere, and `þe ſtampere of grape ſchal take þe

xvi For as ȝe drunken on myn hooli hil, alle heþene men
ABDIAS ſchulen drynke biſili, and þei ſchulen drynke, and
ſchulen ſoupe vp; and þei ſchulen be as if þei ben not.
CAP. I xvii And ſaluacioun ſchal be in þe hil of Sion, and it
i Viſioun of Abdias. Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis to
ſchal be hooli; and þe hous of Jacob ſchal welde hem
Edom. We herden an heryng of þe Lord, and he ſente a
whiche weldiden hem.
meſſanger to heþene men. Riſe ȝe, and togidere riſe we xviii And þe hous of Jacob ſchal be fier, and þe hous of
aȝens hym in to batel.
ii Lo! Y ȝaf þee litil in heþene men, þou art ful myche Joſeph ſchal be flawme, and þe hous of Eſau ſchal be
ſtobil; and `þei ſchulen be kyndlid in hem, and þei
`worþi to be diſpiſid.
iii Þe pride of þin herte enhaunſide þee, dwellynge in
ſchulen deuoure hem; and relifs ſchulen not be of þe
hous of Eſau, for þe Lord ſpak.
craſyngis of ſtoonys, areiſynge þi ſeete. Whiche ſeiſt in xix And þeſe þat ben at þe ſouþ, ſchulen enherite þe hil
þin herte, Who ſchal drawe me doun in to erþe?
iiii Þouȝ þou ſchalt be reiſid as an egle, and þouȝ þou
of Eſau; and þei þat ben in þe lowe feeldis, ſchulen
enherite Filiſtiym; and þei ſchulen welde þe cuntrei of
ſchalt putte þi neſt among ſterris, fro þennus Y ſchal Effraym, and cuntrei of Samarie; and Beniamyn ſchal
drawe þee doun, ſeiþ þe Lord. welde Galaad.
v If niȝt þeuys hadden entrid to þee, if outlawis bi niȝt, xx And ouerpaſſyng of þis ooſt of ſones of Iſrael ſchal
hou ſchuldiſt þou haue be ſtille? wheþer þei ſchulden welde alle places of Cananeis, til to Sarepta; and þe
not haue ſtole þingis ynow to hem? If gadereris of tranſmygracioun of Jeruſalem, þat is in Boſphoro, ſchal
grapis hadden entrid to þee, wheþer þei ſchulden haue welde citees of þe ſouþ.
left nameli cluſtris to þee? xxi And ſauȝours ſchulen ſtie in to þe hil of Sion, for to
vi Hou ſouȝten þei Eſau, ſerchiden þe hid þingis of him?
deme þe hil of Eſau, and a rewme ſchal be to þe Lord.
vii Til to þe termes þei ſenten out þee; and alle men of þi
Heere endiþ Abdias, and here biginneþ Jonas.
couenaunt of pees ſcorneden þee, men of þi pees
wexiden ſtronge aȝens þee; þei þat ſchulen ete wiþ þee,
ſchulen put aſpies, eþer treſouns, vndur þee; þer is no
prudence in hym.
viii Wheþer not in þat dai, ſeiþ þe Lord, Y ſchal leſe þe
wiſe men of Idumee, and prudence of þe mount of
ix And þi ſtronge men ſchulen drede of myddai, þat a
man of þe hil of Eſau periſche.
x For ſleyng and for wickidneſſe aȝens þi broþer Jacob,
confuſioun ſchal hile þee, and þou ſchalt periſche wiþ
outen ende.
xi In þe dai whanne þou ſtodiſt aȝens hym, whanne
aliens token þe ooſt of hym, and ſtraungeris entriden þe
ȝatis of hym, and ſenten lot on Jeruſalem, þou were alſo
as oon of hem.
xii And þou ſchalt not diſpiſe in þe dai of þi broþer, in þe
dai of his pilgrimage, and þou ſchalt not be glad on þe
ſones of Juda, in þe dai of perdicioun of hem; and þou
ſchalt not magnefie þi mouþ in þe dai of angwiſch,
xiii neþer ſchalt entre in to þe ȝate of my puple, in þe dai
of fallyng of hem; and þou ſchalt not diſpiſe in þe yuels
of hym, in þe dai of his diſtriyng; and þou ſchalt not be
ſent out aȝens his ooſt, in þe day of his diſtriyng;
xiiii neþer þou ſchalt ſtonde in þe goynges out, þat þou
ſle hem þat fledden; and þou ſchalt not cloſe togidere þe
reſidues, eþer left men, of hym, in þe day of
xv for þe dai of þe Lord is niȝ on alle `heþene men. As
þou haſt doon, it ſchal be doon to þee; he ſchal conuerte
þi ȝeldyng in to þin heed.

xvi And þe men dredden þe Lord wiþ greet drede, and
JONAS offriden ooſtis to þe Lord, and vowiden avowis.
i And þe word of þe Lord was maad to Jonas,
i And þe Lord made redi a greet fiſch, þat he ſhulde
ii ſone of Amathi, and ſeide, Riſe þou, and go in to
ſwolowe Jonas; and Jonas was in þe wombe of þe fiſch
Nynyue, þe greet citee, and preche þou þer ynne, for þe þre daies and þre niȝtis.
malice þerof ſtieþ vp bifore me. ii And Jonas preiede to þe Lord his God fro þe fiſchis
iii And Jonas roos for to fle in to Tharſis, fro þe face of
þe Lord. And he cam doun to Joppe, and foond a ſchip iii and ſeide, Y criede to God of my tribulacioun, and he
goynge in to Tharſis, and he ȝaf ſchip hire to hem; and
herde me; fro þe wombe of helle Y criede, and þou
he wente doun in to it, for to go wiþ hem in to Tharſis,
herdiſt my vois.
fro þe face of þe Lord. iiii Þou caſtidiſt me doun in to depneſſe, in þe herte of þe
iiii Forſoþe þe Lord ſente a greet wynd in þe ſee, and a
ſee, and þe flood cumpaſſide me; alle þi ſwolowis and þi
greet tempeſt was maad in þe ſee, and þe ſchip was in
wawis paſſiden on me.
perel for to be al to-brokun. v And Y ſeide, Y am caſt awei fro ſiȝt of þin iȝen;
v And ſchip men dredden, and men crieden to her god;
neþeles eftſoone Y ſchal ſee þin hooli temple.
and ſenten veſſels, þat weren in þe ſchip, in to þe ſee, vi Watris cumpaſſiden me `til to my ſoule, depneſſe
þat it were maad liȝtere of hem. And Jonas wente doun
in to þe ynnere þingis of þe ſchip, and ſlepte bi a enuyrownede me, þe ſee hilide myn heed.
vii Y wente doun to þe vtmeſte places of hillis, þe barris
greuouſe ſleep.
vi And þe gouernour cam to him, and ſeide to hym, Whi of erþe cloſiden me togidere, in to wiþouten ende; and
art þou caſt doun in ſleep? riſe þou, clepe þi God to þou, my Lord God, ſchalt reiſe vp my lijf fro
help, if perauenture God aȝenþenke of vs, and we corrupcioun.
viii Whanne my ſoule was angwiſched in me, Y biþouȝte
periſche not.
vii And a man ſeide to his felowe, Come ȝe, and caſte on þe Lord, þat my preier come to þee, to þin hooli
we lottis, and wite we, whi þis yuel is to vs. And þei temple.
ix Þei þat kepen vanytees, forſaken his merci idili.
keſten lottis, and lot felle on Jonas.
viii And þei ſeiden to hym, Schewe þou to vs, for cauſe x But Y in vois of heriyng ſchal offre to þee; what euer

of what þing þis yuel is to vs; what is þi werk, which is þingis Y vowide, Y ſchal ȝelde to þe Lord, for myn
þi lond, and whidur goiſt þou, eþer of what puple art helþe.
xi And þe Lord ſeide to þe fiſch, and it caſtide out Jonas
ix And he ſeide to hem, Y am an Ebrew, and Y drede þe `in to þe drie lond.
Lord God of heuene, þat made þe ſee and þe drie lond.
x And þe men dredden wiþ greet drede, and ſeiden to CAP. III
i And þe word of þe Lord was maad þe ſecounde tyme
him, Whi didiſt þou þis þing? for þe men knewen þat he
flei fro þe face of þe Lord, for Jonas hadde ſchewide to to Jonas, and ſeide, Riſe þou,
ii and go in to Nynyue, þe greet citee, and preche þou in
xi And þei ſeiden to hym, What ſchulen we do to þee, it þe prechyng which Y ſpeke to þee.
iii And Jonas roos, and wente in to Nynyue, bi þe word
and þe ſee ſchal ſeeſſe fro vs? for þe ſee wente, and
wexe greet on hem. of þe Lord. And Nynyue was a greet citee, of þe iurnei
xii And he ſeide to hem, Take ȝe me, and þrowe in to þe of þre daies.
iiii And Jonas bigan for to entre in to þe citee, bi þe
ſee, and þe ſee ſchal ceeſſe fro ȝou; for Y woot, þat for
me þis greet tempeſt is on ȝou. iornei of o dai, and criede, and ſeide, Ȝit fourti daies,
xiii And men rowiden, for to turne aȝen to þe drie lond, and Nynyue ſchal be `turned vpſodoun.
v And men of Nynyue bileueden to þe Lord, and
and þei miȝten not, for þe ſee wente, and wexe greet on
hem. prechiden faſtyng, and weren cloþid wiþ ſackis, fro þe
xiiii And þei crieden to þe Lord, and ſeiden, Lord, we more `til to þe leſſe.
vi And þe word cam til to þe kyng of Nynyue; and he
biſechen, þat we periſche not in þe lijf of þis man, and
þat þou ȝyue not on vs innocent blood; for þou, Lord, roos of his ſeete, and caſtide awei his cloþing fro him,
didiſt as þou woldiſt. and was cloþid wiþ a ſak, and ſat in aiſche.
xv And þei token Jonas, and þrewen in to þe ſee; and þe vii And he criede, and ſeide in Nynyue of þe mouþ of þe
ſee ſtood of his buylyng. kyng and of `his princis, `and ſeide, Men, and werk

beeſtis, and oxun, and ſcheep taaſte not ony þing, neþer Here endiþ Jonas, and here bigynneþ Micheas.
be fed, neþer drynke watir.
viii And men be hilid wiþ ſackis, and werk beeſtis crie to
þe Lord in ſtrengþe; `and be a man conuertid fro his
yuel weie, and fro wickidneſſe þat is in þe hondis of
ix Who woot, if God be conuertid, and forȝyue, and be
turned aȝen fro woodneſſe of his wraþþe, and we
ſchulen not periſche?
x And God ſai þe werkis of hem, þat þei weren
conuertid fro her yuel weie; and God hadde merci on þe
malice which he ſpac, þat he ſchulde do to hem, and did

i And Jonas was turmentid wiþ greet turment, and was
ii And he preiede þe Lord, and ſeide, Lord, Y biſeche,
wheþer þis is not my word, whanne Y was ȝit in my
lond? For þis þing Y purpoſide, for to fle in to Tharſis;
for Y woot, þat þou, God, art meke and merciful,
pacient, and of merciful doyng, and forȝyuynge on
iii And now, Lord, Y preie, take my ſoule fro me; for
deþ is betere to me þan lijf.
iiii And þe Lord ſeide, Geſſiſt þou, wheþer þou art wel
v And Jonas wente out of þe citee, and ſat aȝens þe eeſt
of þe citee, and made to hym a ſchadewyng place þere;
and ſat vndur it in ſchadewe, til he ſai what bifelle to þe
vi And þe Lord God made redy an yuy, and it ſtiede vp
on þe heed of Jonas, þat ſchadewe were on his heed,
and kyueride hym; for he hadde trauelid. And Jonas was
glad on þe yuy, wiþ greet gladneſſe.
vii And God made redi a worm, in ſtiyng up of grei dai
on þe morewe; and it ſmoot þe yuy, and it driede up.
viii And whanne þe ſunne was riſun, þe Lord
comaundide to þe hoot wynd and brennyng; and þe
ſunne ſmoot on þe heed of Jonas, and he ſwalide. And
he axide to his ſoule þat he ſchulde die, and ſeide, It is
betere to me for to die, þan for to lyue.
ix And þe Lord ſeide to Jonas, Geſſiſt þou, wheþer þou
art wel wrooþ on þe yuy? And he ſeide, Y am wel
wrooþ, til to þe deþ.
x And þe Lord ſeide, Þou art ſori on þe yuy, in which
þou trauelidiſt not, neþer madiſt þat it wexide, which
was growun vndur o nyȝt, and periſchide in o nyȝt.
xi And ſchal Y not ſpare þe grete citee Nynyue, in which
ben more þan ſixe ſcore þouſynde of men, which witen
not what is betwixe her riȝt half and left, and many

MYCHEE i Wo to ȝou, þat þenken vnprofitable þing, and worchen
yuele in ȝoure beddis; in þe morewtid lyȝt þei don it, for
i Þe word of þe Lord, which was maad to `Mychee of
þe hond of hem is aȝenus God.
ii Þei coueitiden feeldis, and tooken violentli; and
Moraſti, in þe daies of Joathan, Achas, Ezechie, kyngis
rauyſchiden houſis, and falſli calengiden a man and his
of Juda; which word he ſai on Samarie, and Jeruſalem.
ii Here ȝe, alle puplis, and þe erþe perſeyue, and plentee
hous, a man and his eritage.
iii Þerfor þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y þenke on þis
þerof, and be þe Lord God to ȝou in to a witneſſe, þe
meynee yuel, fro which ȝe ſchulen not take awei ȝoure
Lord fro his hooli temple.
iii For lo! þe Lord ſchal go out of his place, and ſchal
neckis; and ȝe ſchulen not walke proude, for þe worſte
tyme is.
come doun, and ſchal trede on hiȝ þingis of erþe. iiii In þat dai a parable ſchal be takun on ȝou, and a ſong
iiii And mounteyns ſchulen be waaſtid vndur hym, and
ſchal be ſongun wiþ ſwetneſſe of men, ſeiynge, Bi
valeis ſchulen be kit, as wex fro þe face of fier, as robbyng we ben diſtried; a part of my puple is
watirs þat rennen in to a pit. chaungid; hou ſchal he go awei fro me, whanne he
v In þe grete treſpas of Jacob is al þis þing, and in þe
turneþ aȝen þat ſchal departe ȝoure cuntreis?
ſynnes of þe hous of Iſrael. Which is þe greet treſpas of v For þis þing `noon ſchal be to þee ſendynge a litil
Jacob? wheþer not Samarie? and whiche ben þe hiȝ corde of ſort in cumpeny of þe Lord.
þingis of Juda? wheþer not Jeruſalem? vi A! þou Iſrael, ſpeke ȝe not ſpekyng; it ſchal not
vi And Y ſchal put Samarie as an heep of ſtoonys in þe
droppe on þeſe men, confuſioun ſchal not catche,
feeld, whanne a vynȝerd is plauntid; and Y ſchal drawe vii ſeiþ þe hous of Jacob. Wheþer þe Spirit of þe Lord is
awei þe ſtoonys þerof in to a valei, and Y ſchal ſchewe
abreggid, eiþer ſiche ben þe þouȝtis of hym? Wheþer
þe foundementis þerof.
vii And alle `grauun ymagis þerof ſchulen be betun
my wordis ben not gode, wiþ hym þat goiþ riȝtli?
viii And aȝenward my puple roos togidere in to an
togidere, and alle hiris þerof ſchulen be brent in fier;
aduerſarie; ȝe token awei þe mantil aboue þe coote, and
and Y ſchal putte alle idols þerof in to perdicioun; for of
ȝe turneden in to batel hem þat wenten ſympli.
hiris of an hoore þo ben gaderid, and `til to hire of an ix Ȝe caſtiden þe wymmen of my puple out of þe hous
hoore þo ſchulen turne aȝen.
viii On þis þing Y ſchal weile and ȝelle, Y ſchal go of her delices; fro þe litle children of hem ȝe token awei
myn heriyng wiþ outen ende.
ſpuylid and nakid; Y ſchal make weilyng of dragouns, x Riſe ȝe, and go, for here ȝe han not reſte; for þe
and mournyng as of oſtrigis.
ix For wounde þerof is diſpeirid; for it cam til to Juda, it vnclenneſſe þerof it ſchal be corrupt wiþ þe worſt rot.
xi Y wolde þat Y were not a man hauynge ſpirit, and
touchide þe ȝate of my puple, til to Jeruſalem.
x In Geth nyle ȝe telle, bi teeris wepe ȝe not; in þe hous raþere Y ſpak a leeſyng. Y ſchal droppe to þee in to
wyn, and in to drunkeneſſe; and þis puple ſchal be, on
of duſt wiþ duſt togidere ſprynge ȝou.
xi And ȝe a fair dwellyng paſſe, which is confoundid
whom it is droppid.
xii Wiþ gaderyng Y ſchal gadere Jacob; Y ſchal lede
wiþ yuel fame; it is not goon out, which dwelliþ in þe
togidere þee al in to oon, þe relifs of Iſrael. Y ſchal put
goyng out; a niȝ hous ſchal take of ȝou weilyng, which
hym togidere, as a floc in folde; as ſcheep in þe myddil
ſtood to it ſilf.
xii For it is maad ſijk to good, which dwelliþ in
of fooldis þei ſchulen make noiſe, of multitude of men.
xiii For he ſchal ſtie ſchewynge weie bifore hem; þei
bitterneſſis. For yuel cam doun fro þe Lord in to þe ȝate
ſchulen departe, and paſſe þe ȝate, and ſchulen go out
of Jeruſalem, noiſe of foure horſid cart,
xiii of drede to þe puple dwellynge at Lachis. It is þe
þerbi; and þe kyng of hem ſchal paſſe bifore hem, and
þe Lord in þe heed of hem.
bigynnyng of ſynne of þe douȝter of Sion, for þe grete
treſpaſſis of Iſrael ben foundun in þee. CAP. III
xiiii Þerfor he ſchal ȝyue werriours on þe eritage of Geth, i And Y ſeide, Ȝe princis of Jacob, and duykis of þe
on houſis of leeſyng in to deſeit to kyngis of Iſrael. hous of Iſrael, here. Wheþer it be not ȝoure for to
xv Ȝit Y ſchal brynge an eir to þee, þat dwelliſt in
knowe doom, whiche haten good,
Mareſa; þe glorie of Iſrael ſchal come til to Odolla. ii and louen yuele? Whiche violentli taken awei þe
xvi Be þou maad ballid, and be þou clippid on þe ſones
ſkynnes of hem fro aboue hem, and þe fleiſch of hem
of þi delices; alarge þi ballidneſſe as an egle, for þei ben fro aboue þe bonys of hem.
lad caitif fro þee. iii Whiche eeten þe fleiſch of my puple, and hiliden þe
ſkyn of hem fro aboue; and broken togidere þe boonys

of hem, and kittiden togidere as in a cawdroun, and as vi In þat dai, ſeiþ þe Lord, Y ſchal gadere þe haltynge,
fleiſch in þe myddil of a pot. and Y ſchal gadere hir þat Y caſtide awei, and whom Y
iiii Þanne þei ſchulen crie to þe Lord, and he ſchal not turmentide Y ſchal coumforte.
here hem; and he ſchal hide hiſe face fro hem in þat vii And Y ſchal putte þe haltynge in to relifs, eþer
tyme, as þei diden wickidli in her fyndingis. remenauntis, and hir þat trauelide, in a ſtrong folc. And
v Þe Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis on þe profetis þat þe Lord ſchal regne on hem in þe hil of Sion, fro þis
diſſeyuen my puple, and biten wiþ her teeþ, and prechen now and til in to wiþ outen ende.
pees; and if ony man ȝyueþ not in þe mouþ of hem ony viii And þou, `derk tour of þe floc of þe douȝter of Sion,
þing, þei halewen batel on hym. `til to þee he ſchal come, and þe firſt power ſchal come,
vi Þerfor niȝt ſchal be to ȝou for viſioun, or profeſie, and þe rewme of þe douȝtir of Jeruſalem.
derkneſſis to ȝou for dyuynacioun; and ſunne ſchal go ix Now whi art þou drawun togidere wiþ mournyng?
doun on þe profetis, and þe dai ſchal be maad derk on wheþer a kyng is not to þee, eþer þi counſelour
hem. periſchide? for ſorowe haþ take þee, as a womman
vii And þei ſchulen be confoundid þat ſeen viſiouns, and trauelinge of child.
dyuynours ſchulen be confoundid, and alle ſchulen hile x Þou douȝter of Sion, make ſorewe, and haaſte, as a
her cheris, for it is not þe anſwer of God. womman trauelynge of child; for now þou ſchalt go out
viii Neþeles Y am fillid wiþ ſtrengþe of Spirit of þe of þe citee, and ſchalt dwelle in cuntree, and ſchalt
Lord, and in doom and vertu, þat Y ſchewe to Jacob his come `til to Babiloyne; þere þou ſchalt be delyuered,
greet treſpas, and to Iſrael his ſynne. þere þe Lord ſchal aȝen bie þee, fro þe hond of þin
ix Here þeſe þingis, ȝe princes of þe hous of Jacob, and enemyes.
domeſmen of þe hous of Iſrael, whiche wlaten dom, and xi And now many folkis ben gaderid on þee, whiche
peruerten alle riȝt þingis; ſeien, Be it ſtonyd, and oure iȝe biholde in to Sion.
x whiche bilden Sion in bloodis, and Jeruſalem in xii Forſoþe þei knewen not þe þouȝtis of þe Lord, and
wickidneſſe. vndurſtoden not þe councel of hym, for he gaderide
xi Princes þerof demyden for ȝiftis, and preſtis þerof hem as þe hei of feeld.
tauȝten for hire, and profetis þerof dyuyneden for xiii Riſe þou, douȝter of Sion, and þreiſche, for Y ſchal
money; and on þe Lord þei reſtiden, and ſeiden, Wheþer putte þin horn of irun, and Y ſchal putte þi nailis braſun;
þe Lord is not in þe myddil of us? yuelis ſchulen not and þou ſchalt make leſſe, eþer waſte, many puplis, and
come on vs. ſchalt ſle to þe Lord þe raueyns of hem, and þe ſtrengþe
xii For þis þing bi cauſe of ȝou, Sion as a feeld ſchal be of hem to þe Lord of al erþe.
erid; and Jeruſalem ſchal be as an heep of ſtoonys, and
þe hil of þe temple ſchal be in to hiȝe þingis of woodis. CAP. V
i Now þou, douȝter of a þeef, ſchalt be diſtried; þei
CAP. IIII puttiden on vs biſegyng, in a ȝerde þei ſchulen ſmyte þe
i And in þe laſte of daies þe hil of þe hous of þe Lord cheke of þe iuge of Iſrael.
ſchal be maad redi in þe cop of hillis, and hiȝ ouer ſmale ii And þou, Bethleem Effrata, art litil in þe þouſyndis of
hillis. And puplis ſchulen flete to him, and many puplis Juda; he þat is þe lordli gouernour in Iſrael, ſchal go out
ſchulen haaſte, of þee to me; and þe goyng out of hym is fro
ii and ſhulen ſeie, Come ȝe, ſtie we til to þe hil of þe bigynnyng, fro daies of euerlaſtyngneſſe.
Lord, and to þe hous of God of Jacob; and he ſchal iii For þis þing he ſhal ȝyue hem til to þe tyme in which
teche vs of hiſe weies, and we ſchulen go in hiſe paþis. þe trauelinge of child ſchal bere child, and þe relifs of
For lawe ſchal go out fro Syon, and þe word of þe Lord hiſe briþeren ſchulen be conuertid to þe ſones of Iſrael.
fro Jeruſalem; iiii And he ſchal ſtonde, and ſchal fede in þe ſtrengþe of
iii and he ſchal deme bitwixe many puplis, and ſchal þe Lord, in þe heiȝþe of þe name of his Lord God; and
chaſtiſe ſtronge folkis til in to fer. And þei ſchulen bete þei ſchulen be conuertid, for now he ſchal be magnefied
togidere her ſwerdis in to ſcharis, and her ſperis in to til to þe endis of al erþe.
picoiſis; a folc ſchal not take ſwerd aȝens folc, and þei v And þis ſchal be pees, whanne Aſſirius ſchal come in
ſchulen no more lerne for to fiȝte. to oure lond, and whanne he ſchal trede in oure houſis;
iiii And a man ſchal ſitte vndur his vyneȝerd, and vndur and we ſchulen reiſe on hym ſeuene ſcheepherdis, and
his fige tree; and þer ſchal not be þat ſchal make aferd, eiȝte primatis men, eþer þe firſte in dignytee.
for þe mouþ of þe Lord of ooſtis ſpak. vi And þei ſchulen frete þe lond of Aſſur bi ſwerd, and
v For alle puplis ſchulen go, ech man in þe name of his þe lond of Nembroth bi ſperis of hym; and he ſchal
Lord God; but we ſchulen walke in þe name of oure delyuere vs fro Aſſur, whanne he ſchal come in to oure
Lord God in to þe world, and ouer. lond, and whanne he ſchal trede in oure cooſtis.

vii And relifs of Jacob ſchulen be in þe myddil of many ix Þe vois of þe Lord crieþ to þe citee, and heelþe ſchal
puplis, as dew of þe Lord, and as dropis on erbe, be to alle men dredynge þi name. Ȝe lynagis, here; and
whiche abidiþ not man, and ſchal not abide ſones of who ſchal approue it?
men. x Ȝit fier is in þe hous of þe vnpitouſe man, þe treſouris
viii And relifs of Jacob ſchulen be in heþene men, in þe of wickidneſſe, and a leſſe meſure ful of wraþþe.
myddil of many puplis, as a lioun in beeſtis of þe xi Wheþer Y ſchal iuſtifie þe wickid balaunce, and þe
woodis, and as a whelpe of a lioun rorynge in flockis of gileful weiȝtis of litil ſak,
ſcheep; and whanne he paſſiþ, and defouliþ, and takiþ, xii in whiche riche men þerof ben fillid wiþ
þere is not þat ſchal delyuere. wickidneſſe? And men dwellynge þer ynne ſpaken
ix And þin hond ſchal be reiſid on þin enemyes, and alle
leeſyng, and þe tunge of hem was gileful in þe mouþ of
þin enemyes ſchulen periſche. hem.
x And it ſchal be, in þat dai, ſeiþ þe Lord, Y ſchal take xiii And Y þerfor bigan for to ſmyte þee, in perdicioun
awei þin horſis fro þe myddil of þee, and Y ſchal diſtrie on þi ſynnes.
þi foure horſid cartis. xiiii Þou ſchalt ete, and ſchalt not be fillid, and þi
xi And Y ſchal leeſe þe citees of þi lond, and Y ſchal
mekyng is in þe middil of þee; and þou ſchalt take, and
diſtrie alle þi ſtrengþis; and Y ſchal do awei ſchalt not ſaue; and which þou ſchalt ſaue, Y ſchal ȝyue
witchecraftis fro þin hond, and dyuynaciouns ſchulen in to ſwerd.
not be in þee. xv Þou ſchalt ſowe, and ſchal not repe; þou ſchalt trede
xii And Y ſchal make for to periſche þi `grauun ymagis,
þe `frut of oliue, and ſchalt not be anoyntid wiþ oile;
and Y ſchal breke togidere fro þe myddil of þee þin and muſt, and ſchalt not drynke wyn.
ymagis, and þou ſchalt no more worſchipe þe werkis of xvi And þou keptiſt þe heeſtis of Amry, and al þe werk
þin hondis. of þe hous of Acab, and haſt walkid in þe luſtis of hem,
xiii And Y ſchal drawe out of þe middis of þee þi
þat Y ſchulde ȝyue þee in to perdicioun, and men
woodis, and Y ſchal al to-breke þi citees. dwellynge in it in to ſcornyng, and ȝe ſchulen bere þe
xiiii And Y ſchal make in woodneſſe and indignacioun ſchenſchipe of my puple.
veniaunce in alle folkis, whiche herden not.
CAP. VI i Wo to me, for Y am maad as he þat gaderiþ in herueſt
i Here ȝe whiche þingis þe Lord ſpekiþ. Riſe þou, ſtryue raſyns of grapis; þere is no cluſtre for to ete; my ſoule
þou bi doom aȝens mounteyns, and litle hillis here þi deſiride figis ripe bifore oþere.
vois. ii Þe hooli periſchide fro erþe, and riȝtful is not in men;
ii Mounteyns, and þe ſtronge foundementis of erþe, here alle aſpien, eþer ſetten treſoun, in blood, a man huntiþ
þe doom of þe Lord; for þe doom of þe Lord wiþ his his broþer to deþ.
puple, and he ſchal be demyd wiþ Iſrael. iii Þe yuel of her hondis þei ſeien good; þe prince axiþ,
iii Mi puple, what haue Y don to þee, eþer what was Y and þe domeſman is in ȝeldyng; and a greet man ſpak þe
greuouſe to þee? Anſwere þou to me. deſir of his ſoule, and þei ſturbliden togidere it.
iiii For Y ledde þee out of þe lond of Egipt, and of þe iiii He þat is beſt in hem, is as a paluyre; and he þat is
hous of ſeruage Y delyuerede þee; and Y ſente bifore þi riȝtful, is as a þorn of hegge. Þe dai of þi biholdyng, þi
face Moiſes, and Aaron, and Marye. viſityng comeþ, now ſchal be diſtriyng of hem.
v My puple, biþenke, Y preie, what Balaac, kyng of v Nyle ȝe bileue to a frend, and nyle ȝe truſte in a duyk;
Moab, þouȝte, and what Balaam, ſone of Beor, of fro hir þat ſlepiþ in þi boſum, kepe þou cloſyngis of þi
Sethym, anſweride to hym til to Galgala, þat þou mouþ.
ſchuldiſt knowe þe riȝtwiſneſſe of þe Lord. vi For þe ſone doiþ wrong to þe fadir, and þe douȝter
vi What worþi þing ſchal Y offre to þe Lord? ſchal Y ſchal riſe aȝens hir modir, and þe wijf of þe ſone aȝens
bowe þe knee to þe hiȝe God? Wheþer Y ſchal offre to þe modir of hir hoſebonde; þe enemyes of a man ben þe
hym brent ſacrifices, and calues of o ȝeer? homeli, eþer houſhold meynee, of hym.
vii Wheþer God mai be paid in þouſyndis of weþeris, vii Forſoþe Y ſchal biholde to þe Lord, Y ſchal abide
eþer in many þouſyndis of fatte geet buckis? Wheþer Y God my ſauȝour; þe Lord my God ſchal here me.
ſchal ȝyue my firſte bigetun for my greet treſpas, þe viii Þou, myn enemye, be not glad on me, for Y felle
fruyt of my wombe for ſynne of my ſoule? doun, Y ſchal riſe; whanne Y ſitte in derkneſſis, þe Lord
viii Y ſchal ſchewe to þee, þou man, what is good, and is my lyȝt.
what þe Lord axiþ of þee; forſoþe for to do doom, and ix Y ſchal bere wraþþe of þe Lord, for Y haue ſynned to
for to loue merci, and be biſi for to walke wiþ þi God. hym, til he deme my cauſe, and make my doom; he

ſchal lede out me in to lyȝt, Y ſchal ſe riȝtwiſneſſe of
x And myn enemye ſchal biholde me, and ſche ſchal be
hilid wiþ confuſioun, which ſeiþ to me, Where is þi
Lord God? Myn iȝen ſchulen ſe hir, now ſche ſchal be in
to defoulyng, as clei of ſtretis.
xi Dai ſchal come, þat þi wallis be bildid; in þat dai lawe
ſchal be maad afer.
xii In þat dai and Aſſur ſchal come til to þee, and `til to
ſtronge citees, and fro ſtronge citees til to flood; and to
ſee fro ſee, and to hil fro hil.
xiii And erþe ſchal be in to deſolacioun for her dwelleris,
and for fruyt of þe þouȝtis of hem.
xiiii Fede þou þi puple in þi ȝerde, þe floc of þin eritage,
þat dwellen aloone in wielde wode; in þe myddil of
Carmel þei ſchulen be fed of Baſan and of Galaad,
xv bi elde daies, bi daies of þi goyng out of þe lond of
Egipt. Y ſchal ſchewe to hym wondurful þingis;
xvi heþene men ſchulen ſe, and þei ſchulen be
confoundid on al her ſtrengþe; þei ſchulen putte hondis
on her mouþ, þe eris of hem ſchulen be deef;
xvii þei ſchulen licke duſt as a ſerpent; as crepynge
þingis of erþe þei ſchulen be diſturblid of her houſis; þei
ſchulen not deſire oure Lord God, and þei ſchulen drede
xviii God, who is lijk þee, þat doiſt awei wickidneſſe,
and beriſt ouer þe ſynne of relifs of þin eritage? He ſhal
no more ſende in his ſtronge veniaunce, for he is
willynge merci; he ſchal turne aȝen,
xix and haue merci on vs. He ſchal put doun oure
wickidneſſis, and ſchal caſte fer in to depneſſe of þe ſee
alle oure ſynnes.
xx Þou ſchalt ȝyue treuþe to Jacob, merci to Abraham,
whiche þou ſworiſt to oure fadris fro elde daies.
Here endiþ Micheas, and here biginneþ Naum.

NAUM i He ſtiede up, þat ſchal ſcatere bifore þee, þat ſchal kepe
biſechyng; biholde þou þe weie, coumforte leendis,
i Þe birþun of Nynyue; þe book of viſioun of Naum
ſtrengþe þou vertu greetli.
ii For as þe Lord ȝeldide þe pride of Jacob, ſo þe pride
ii Þe Lord is a punyſchere, and þe Lord is vengynge; þe
of Iſrael; for diſtrieris ſcateriden hem, and diſtrieden þe
generaciouns of hem.
Lord is venginge, and hauynge ſtrong veniaunce; þe iii Þe ſcheld of ſtronge men of hym ben firi, men of þe
Lord is vengynge aȝens hiſe aduerſaries, and he is
ooſt ben in rede cloþis; raynes of fire of chare, in þe dai
wraþþing to hiſe enemyes.
iii Þe Lord is pacient, and greet in ſtrengþe, and he
of his makyng redi; and þe leederis þerof ben aſleep.
iiii In weies þei ben troblid togidere, cartis of foure
clenſynge ſchal not make innocent. Þe Lord comeþ in
horſis ben hurtlid togidere in ſtretis; þe ſiȝte of hem as
tempeſt, and þe weies of hym ben in whirlwynd, and
laumpis, as leitis rennynge aboute.
cloudis ben þe duſt of hiſe feet; v He ſchal biþenke of his ſtronge men, þei ſchulen falle
iiii he blameþ þe ſee, and drieþ it, and bryngiþ alle flodis
in her weies; and ſwiftli þei ſchulen ſtie on þe wallis
to deſert. Baſan is maad ſijk, and Carmel, and þe flour
þerof, and ſchadewyng place ſchal be maad redi.
of Liban langwiſchide. vi Ȝatis of floodis ben openyd, and þe temple is brokun
v Mounteyns ben mouyd togidere of hym, and litil hillis
doun to erþe.
ben deſolat. And erþe tremblide togidere fro þe face of vii And a knyȝt is led awei caitif, and þe handmaidis
him, and þe roundeneſſe of erþe, and alle dwellynge þer
ynne. þerof ſchulen be dryuun ſorewynge as culueris,
vi Who ſchal ſtonde bifore þe face of his indignacioun? grutchynge in her hertis.
viii And Nynyue, as a ciſterne of watris þe watris þerof;
and who ſchal aȝenſtonde in þe wraþþe of his ſtronge
veniaunce? His indignacioun is ſched out as fier, and forſoþe þei fledden; ſtonde ȝe, ſtonde ȝe, and þere is not
ſtoonys ben brokun of hym. þat ſchal turne aȝen.
ix Rauyſche ȝe ſiluer, rauyſche ȝe gold; and þere is noon
vii Þe Lord is good, and coumfortynge in þe dai of
tribulacioun, and knowynge hem þat hopen in hym. ende of richeſſis, of alle deſirable veſſels.
x It is diſtried, and kit, and to-rent, and herte failynge,
viii And in greet flood paſſynge forþ, he ſchal make ende
of his place; and derkneſſis ſchulen purſue hiſe and vnknyttinge of ſmale knees, and failynge in alle
enemyes. reynes; and þe face of alle ben as blacneſſe of a pot.
xi Where is þe dwellyng of liouns, and leſewis of
ix What þenken ȝe aȝens þe Lord? He ſchal make ende;
double tribulacioun ſchal not riſe togidere. whelpis of liouns? To whiche citee þe lioun ȝede, þat þe
x For as þornes byclippen hem togidere, ſo þe feeſte of whelp of þe lioun ſchulde entre þidur, and þere is not
þat ſchal make aferd.
hem drynkynge togidere ſchal be waſtyd, as ſtobul ful of xii Þe lioun took ynow to hiſe whelpis, and ſlowȝ to his
xi Of þee ſchal go out a man þenkynge malice aȝens þe lioneſſis; and fillide her dennes wiþ prei, and his couche
wiþ raueyn.
Lord, and trete treſpaſſyng in ſoule. xiii Lo! Y to þee, ſeiþ þe Lord God of ooſtis; and Y ſchal
xii Þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, If þei ſchulen be parfit, and
brenne þi cartis of foure horſis til to þe hiȝeſte, and
ſo manye, and þus þei ſhulen be clippid, and it ſchal
ſwerd ſchal ete þi ſmale liouns; and Y ſchal diſtrie þi
paſſe bi. I turmentide þee, and Y ſchal no more turmente
prei fro þe lond, and þe vois of þi meſſangeris ſchulen
xiii And now Y ſchal al to-breke þe ȝerde of hym fro þi
no more be herd.
bak, and Y ſchal breke þi bondis. CAP. III
xiiii And þe Lord ſchal comaunde on þee, it ſchal no i Wo to þe citee of bloodis, al of leeſyng, ful of to-
more be ſowun of þi name. Of þe hous of þi god Y ſchal reendyng; raueyn ſhal not go awei fro þee.
ſle; Y ſchal putte þi ſepulcre a `grauun ymage, and ii Vois of ſcourge, and vois of bire of wheel, and of hors
wellid togidere, for þou art vnworſchipid.
xv Lo! on hillis þe feet of þe euangeliſynge and tellynge
makynge noiſe, and of foure horſid carte brennynge,
and of kniȝt ſtiynge vp,
pees. Juda, halewe þou þi feeſte daies, and ȝelde þi iii and of ſchynynge ſwerd, and gleſenynge ſpere, and of
vowis, for whi Belial ſchal no more put to, þat he paſſe
ſlayn multitude, and of greuouſe fallyng, neþer þer is
forþ in þee; al Belial periſchide.
eende of careyns. And þei ſchulen falle togidere in her

iiii forþe multitude of fornicaciouns of þe hoore fair and
pleſaunt, and hauynge witchecraftis; which ſeelde folkis
in her fornicaciouns, and meynees in her
enchauntementis, eþer ſorceries.
v Lo! Y to þee, ſeiþ þe Lord God of ooſtis; and Y ſchal
ſchewe þi ſchameful þingis in þi face; and Y ſchal
ſchewe to folkis þi nakidneſſe, and to rewmes þin yuel
vi And Y ſchal caſt out on þee þin abhomynaciouns, and
Y ſchal punyſche þee wiþ diſpitis, and Y ſchal putte þee
in to enſaumple.
vii And it ſchal be, ech man þat ſchal ſe þee, ſchal ſkippe
awei fro þee, and ſchal ſeie, Nynyue is diſtried. Who
ſchal moue heed on þee? wherof ſchal Y ſeke to þee a
viii Wheþer þou art betere þan Aliſaundre of puplis, þat
dwelliþ in floodis? Watris ben in cumpas þerof, whos
richeſſis is þe ſee, watris ben wallis þerof.
ix Ethiope is ſtrengþe þerof, and Egipt, and þere is noon
ende; Affrik and Libie weren in help þerof.
x But and it in `paſſyng ouer is led in to caitifte; þe litle
children þerof ben hurtlid doun in þe heed of alle weies.
And on þe noble men þerof þei keſten lot, and alle grete
men þerof ben ſet togidere in gyues.
xi And þou þerfor ſchalt be drunkun, and ſchalt be
diſpiſid, and þou ſchalt ſeke helpe of enemye.
xii Al þi ſtrengþis as a fige tree, wiþ hiſe figis vnripe; if
þei ſchulen be ſchakun, þei ſchulen falle in to þe mouþ
of þe etere.
xiii Lo! þi puple ben wymmen in þe myddil of þee; þe
ȝatis of þi lond ſchulen be ſchewid to openyng to þin
enemyes; fier ſchal deuoure þin herris.
xiiii Drawe vp to þee water for aſegyng, bilde þi
ſtrengþis; entre in fen, and trede, þou vndurgoynge
holde a tiel ſtoon.
xv Þere fier ſchal ete þee, þou ſchalt periſche bi ſwerd, it
ſchal deuoure þee, as bruke doiþ; be þou gaderid
togidere as a bruke, be þou multiplied as a locuſte.
xvi Þou madiſt þi marchaundiſes mo þan ben ſterris of
heuene; a bruke is ſpred abrood, and flei awei.
xvii Þi keperis ben as locuſtis, and þi litle children ben as
locuſtis of locuſtis, whiche ſitten togidere in heggis in
þe dai of coold; þe ſun is riſun, and þei fledden awei,
and þe place of hem is not knowun, where þei weren.
xviii Þi ſcheepherdis napten, þou kyng Aſſur, þi princes
ſchulen be biried; þi puple ofte was hid in hillis, and þer
is not þat ſchal gadere.
xix Þi ſorewe is not priuy, þi wounde is worſt; alle men
þat herden þin heryng, preſſiden togidere hond on þee,
for on whom paſſide not þi malice euermore?
Here endiþ Naum, and here biginneþ Abacuk.

xvi Þerfore he ſchal offere to his greet net, and ſchal
ABACUK make ſacrifice to his net; for in hem his part is maad fat,
and his mete is choſun.
CAP. I xvii Þerfor for þis þing he ſprediþ abrood his greet net,
i Þe birþun þat Abacuk, þe profete, ſai.
ii Hou longe, Lord, ſchal Y crye, and þou ſchalt not
and euere more he ceeſiþ not for to ſle folkis.
here? Y ſuffrynge violence ſchal crie an hiȝ to þee, and CAP. II
þou ſchalt not ſaue? i On my kepyng Y ſchal ſtonde, and ſchal pitche a grees
iii Whi ſchewidiſt þou to me wickidneſſe and trauel, for
on wardyng; and Y ſchal biholde, þat Y ſe what þing
to ſe prey and vnriȝtwiſneſſe aȝens me? Whi biholdiſt ſchal be ſeid to me, and what Y ſchal anſwere to hym
þou diſpiſeris, and art ſtille, þe while an vnpitouſe man þat repreuiþ me.
defouliþ a riȝtfulere þan hym ſilf? And þou ſchalt make ii And þe Lord anſweride to me, and ſeide, Write þou þe
men as fiſchis of þe ſee, and as crepynge þingis not
reuelacioun, and make it pleyn on tablis, þat he renne,
hauynge a ledere; and doom is maad, and aȝenſeiyng is
þat ſchal rede it.
more miȝti. iii For ȝit þe viſioun is fer, and it ſchal appere in to ende,
iiii For þis þing lawe is `to-brokun, and doom comeþ not
and ſchal not lie; if it ſchal make dwellyng, abide þou it,
til to þe ende; for þe vnpitouſe man haþ miȝt aȝens þe
for it comynge ſchal come, and ſchal not tarie.
iuſt, þerfor weiward doom ſchal go out. iiii Lo! þe ſoule of hym, þat is vnbileueful, ſchal not be
v Biholde ȝe in heþene men, and ſe ȝe, and wondre ȝe,
riȝtful in hym ſilf; forſoþe þe iuſt man ſchal lyue in his
and greetli drede ȝe; for a werk is doon in ȝoure daies,
which no man ſchal bileue, whanne it ſchal be teld. v And as wyn diſſeyueþ a man drynkynge, ſo ſchal þe
vi For lo! Y ſchal reiſe Caldeis, a bittir folk and ſwift,
proude man be, and he ſchal not be maad feir; for as
goynge on þe breede of erþe, þat he welde tabernaclis
helle he alargide his ſoule, and he is as deþ, and he is
not hiſe.
vii It is orible, and dredeful; þe dom and birþun þerof
not fillid; and he ſchal gadere to hym alle folkis, and he
ſhal kepe togidere to hym alle puplis.
ſchal go out of it ſilf. vi Wheþer not alle þeſe puplis ſchulen take a parable on
viii His horſis ben liȝtere þan pardis, and ſwifter þan
hym, and þe ſpeking of derk ſentencis of hym? And it
euentyd woluys, and hiſe horſe men ſchulen be ſcaterid ſchal be ſeid, Wo to hym þat multiplieþ þingis not his
abrood; for whi `horſe men ſchulen come fro fer, þei owne; hou longe, and he aggreggiþ aȝens hym ſilf þicke
ſchulen fle as an egle haſtynge to ete. clei?
ix Alle men ſchulen come to preye, þe faces of hem is as vii Wheþer not ſudeynli þei ſchulen riſe to gidere, þat
a brennynge wynd; and he ſchal gadere as grauel ſchulen bite þee? And þei ſchulen be reiſid to-teerynge
caitifte, þee, and þou ſchalt be in to raueyn to hem; and þin
x and he ſchal haue victorie of kyngis, and tirauntis
aſpieris in yuel ſchulen wake.
ſchulen be of his ſcornyng. He ſchal leiȝe on al ſtrengþe, viii For þou robbidiſt many folkis, alle ſchulen robbe
and ſchal bere togidere heep of erþe, and ſchal take it. þee, whiche ſchulen be left of puplis, for blood of man,
xi Þanne þe ſpirit ſchal be chaungid, and he ſchal paſſe
and for wickidneſſe of lond of þe citee, and of alle men
forþ, and falle doun; þis is þe ſtrengþe of hym, of his dwellynge in it.
god. ix Wo to hym þat gaderiþ yuel coueitiſe to his hous, þat
xii Wheþer `þou, Lord, art not my God, myn hooli, and
his neſt be in hiȝ, and geſſiþ hym for to be delyuered of
we ſchulen not die? Lord, in to doom þou haſt ſet hym, þe hond of yuel.
and þou groundidiſt hym ſtrong, þat þou ſchuldiſt x Þou þouȝtiſt confuſioun to þin hous; þou haſt ſlayn
chaſtiſe. many puplis, and þi ſoule ſynnede.
xiii Þin iȝen ben clene, ſe þou not yuel, and þou ſchalt xi For a ſtoon of þe wal ſchal crie, and a tree þat is
not mowe biholde to wickidneſſe. Whi biholdiſt þou not bitwixe ioynturis of bildyngis ſchal anſwere.
on men doynge wickidli, and þou art ſtille, while þe xii Wo to hym þat bildiþ a citee in bloodis, and makiþ
vnpitouſe man deuouriþ a more iuſt man þan hymſilf?
xiiii And þou ſchalt make men as fiſchis of þe ſee, and as
redi a citee in wickidneſſe.
xiii Wheþer not þeſe þingis ben of þe Lord of ooſtis? For
a crepynge þing not hauynge prince.
xv He ſchal lifte vp al in þe hook; he drawide it in his
puplis ſchulen trauele in myche fier, and folkis in veyn,
and þei ſchulen faile.
greet net, and gaderide in to his net; on þis þing he ſchal xiiii For þe erþe ſchal be fillid, þat it knowe þe glorie of
be glad, and make ioie wiþ outforþ.
þe Lord, as watris hilynge þe ſee.

xv Wo to hym þat ȝyueþ drynk to his frend, and ſendiþ xi Þe ſunne and moone ſtoden in her dwellyng place; in
his galle, and makiþ drunkun, þat he biholde his þe lyȝt of þin arowis þei ſchulen go, in þe ſchynyng of
nakidneſſe. þi ſpere gliſnynge.
xvi He is fillid wiþ yuel fame for glorie; and þou drynke, xii In gnaſtyng þou ſchalt defoule erþe, and in ſtrong
and be aſlept; þe cuppe of þe riȝthalf of þe Lord ſchal veniaunce þou ſchalt aſtonye folkis.
cumpaſſe þee, and `caſtynge vp of yuel fame on þi xiii Þou art gon out in to helþe of þi puple, in to helþe
glorie. wiþ þi criſt; þou haſt ſmyte þe heed of þe hous of þe
xvii For þe wickidneſſe of Liban ſchal kyuere þee, and vnpitouſe man, þou haſt maad nakid þe foundement til
diſtruccioun of beeſtis ſchal make hem aferd, of bloodis to þe necke.
of man, and of wickidneſſe of lond, and of þe citee, and xiiii Þou curſidiſt þe ceptris, eþer powers, of hym, þe
of alle men dwellynge þer ynne. heed of hiſe fiȝteris, to men comynge as whirlewynde
xviii What profitiþ þe `grauun ymage, for his makere for to ſcatere me; þe ioiyng wiþoutforþ of hem, as of
grauyde it, a wellid þing togidere and fals ymage? for hym þat deuouriþ a pore man in hidlis.
þe makere þerof hopide in makyng, þat he made xv Þou madiſt a weie in þe ſee to þin horſis, in clei of
doumbe ſymylacris. many watris.
xix Wo to hym þat ſeiþ to a tre, Wake þou; Riſe þou, to a xvi Y herde, and my wombe is troblid togidere; my
ſtoon beynge ſtille; wheþer he ſchal mow teche? Lo! þis lippis trembliden togidere of þe vois. Rot entre in my
is kyuerid wiþ gold and ſiluer, and no ſpirit is in his boonys, and ſprenge vndur me; þat Y reſte aȝen in þe
entrails. dai of tribulacioun, and Y ſchal ſtie vp to oure puple
xx Forſoþe þe Lord is in his hooli temple, al erþe be gird togidere.
ſtille fro his face. xvii For þe fige tre ſchal not floure, and buriownyng
ſchal not be in vynȝerdis; þe werk of olyue tre ſchal lie,
CAP. III and feeldis ſchulen not brynge mete; a ſcheep ſchal be
i Þe preier of Abacuk, þe profete, for vnkunnynge men. kit awei fro þe fold, and droue ſchal not be in cratchis.
ii Lord, Y herde þin heryng, and Y dredde; Lord, it is þi xviii Forſoþe Y ſchal haue ioye in þe Lord, and Y ſchal
werk, in þe myddil of ȝeeris quykene þou it. In þe make ioie wiþ outforþ in God my Jheſu.
middil of ȝeeris þou ſchalt make knowun; whanne þou xix God þe Lord is my ſtrengþe, and he ſchal putte my
ſchalt be wrooþ, þou ſchalt haue mynde of mercy. feet as of hertis; and on myn hiȝe þingis, þe ouercomere
iii God ſchal come fro þe ſouþ, and þe hooli fro þe ſchal lede forþ me, ſyngynge in ſalmes.
mount of Faran. Þe glorie of hym kyueride heuenes, Here endiþ Abacuk, and here biginneþ Sofonye.
and þe erþe is ful of his heriyng.
iiii Þe ſchynyng of hym ſchal be as lyȝt; hornes in hondis
of hym. Þere þe ſtrengþe of hym was hid,
v deþ ſchal go bifore his face; þe deuel ſchal go out
bifore hiſe feet.
vi He ſtood, and mat þe erþe; he bihelde, and vnboond
folkis, and hillis of þe world weren al to-brokun; þe litle
hillis of þe world weren bowid doun, of þe weies of his
vii For wickidneſſe Y ſaiȝ þe tentis of Ethiope, þe
ſkynnes of þe lond of Madian ſchulen be troblid.
viii Lord, wheþer in floodis þou art wrooþ, eþer in
floodis is þi ſtrong veniaunce, eþer in þe ſee is þin
indignacioun? Which ſhalt ſtie on þin horſis; and þi
foure horſid cartis is ſaluacioun.
ix Þou reiſynge ſchalt reiſe þi bouwe, oþis to lynagis
whiche þou haſt ſpoke; þou ſchalt departe þe floodis of
x Watris ſaien þee, and hillis ſorewiden, þe goter of
watris paſſide; depneſſe ȝaf his vois, hiȝneſſe reiſide hiſe

xvi dai of trumpe and noiſe on ſtrong citees and on hiȝe
SOFONYE corneris.
xvii And Y ſchal troble men, and þei ſchulen walke as
i Þe word of þe Lord, þat was maad to Sofonye, ſone of blynde, for þei han ſynned aȝens þe Lord; and þe blood
of hem ſchal be ſched out as erþe, and þe bodies of hem
Chuſi, ſone of Godolie, ſone of Amaſie, ſone of Ezechie,
ſchulen be as tordis.
in þe daies of Joſie, þe ſone of Amon, king of Juda. xviii But and þe ſiluer of hem, and gold of hem, ſchal not
ii Y gaderinge ſchal gadere alle þingis fro þe face of
mowe delyuere hem in þe dai of wraþþe of þe Lord; in
erþe, ſeiþ þe Lord;
iii Y gaderynge man and beeſte, Y gaderynge volatils of
fier of his feruour al erþe ſchal be deuourid, for he ſchal
make ende wiþ haaſtyng to alle men enhabitynge þe
heuene, and fiſchis of þe ſee; and fallyngis of vnpitouſe erþe.
men ſchulen be, and Y ſchal leeſe men fro face of erþe,
ſeiþ þe Lord. CAP. II
iiii And Y ſchal ſtretche out myn hond on Juda, and on i Come ȝe togidere, be gaderid, ȝe folc not worþi to be
alle dwellers of Jeruſalem; and Y ſchal leſe fro þis place loued,
þe relifs of Baal, and þe names of keperis of houſis, wiþ ii bifore þat comaundyng brynge forþ as duſt paſſyng
v and hem þat worſchipen on roouȝs þe knyȝthod of
dai; bifore þat wraþþe of ſtrong veniaunce of þe Lord
come on ȝou, bifor þat þe dai of his indignacioun come
heuene, and worſchipen, and ſweren in þe Lord, and on ȝou.
ſweren in Melchon; iii Alle myelde men of erþe, ſeke ȝe þe Lord, whiche
vi and whiche ben turned awei bihynde þe bak of þe
han wrouȝt þe doom of hym; ſeke ȝe þe iuſt, ſeke ȝe þe
Lord, and whiche `ſouȝten not þe Lord, neþer mylde, if ony maner ȝe be hid in þe dai of ſtrong
enſerchiden hym. veniaunce of þe Lord.
vii Be ȝe ſtille fro þe face of þe Lord God, for niȝ is þe iiii For Gaſa ſchal be diſtried, and Aſcalon ſchal be in to
dai of þe Lord; for þe Lord made redi a ſacrifice, deſert; þei ſchulen caſte out Azotus in myddai, and
halewide hiſe clepid men. Accaron ſchal be drawun out bi þe root.
viii And it ſchal be, in þe dai of ſacrifice of þe Lord, Y v Wo to ȝou þat dwellen in þe litil part of þe ſee, a folc
ſchal viſite on princes, and on ſones of þe kyng, and on of loſte men. Þe word of þe Lord on ȝou, Canaan, þe
alle þat ben cloþid wiþ pilgrimys, eþer ſtraunge, lond of Filiſteis, and Y ſchal diſtrie þee, ſo þat a
cloþing. dwellere be not;
ix And Y ſchal viſite on ech þat proudli entriþ on þe vi and þe litil part of þe ſee ſchal be reſte of
þreisfold in þat dai, whiche fillen þe hous of her Lord ſcheepherdis, and foldis of ſcheep.
God wiþ wickidneſſe and gile. vii And it ſchal be a litil part of hym, þat ſchal be left of
x And þer ſchal be in þat dai, ſeiþ þe Lord, a vois of cry
þe hous of Juda, þere þei ſchulen be fed in þe houſis of
fro þe ȝate of fiſchis, and ȝellynge fro þe ſecounde ȝate, Aſcalon; at euentid þei ſchulen reſte, for þe Lord God of
and greet defoulyng fro litle hillis. hem ſchal viſite hem, and ſchal turne awei þe caitifte of
xi Ȝelle ȝe, dwelleris of Pila; al þe puple of Canaan was
ſtille togidere, alle men wlappid in ſiluer periſchiden. viii Y herde þe ſchenſchip of Moab, and blasfemyes of
xii And it ſchal be, in þat tyme Y ſchal ſeke Jeruſalem
ſones of Amon, whiche þei ſeiden ſchentfuli to my
wiþ lanternes, and Y ſchal viſite on alle men piȝt in her puple, and þei weren magnefied on þe termes of hem.
darſtis, whiche ſeien in her hertis, Þe Lord ſchal not do ix Þerfor Y lyue, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Iſrael, for
wel, and he ſchal not do yuele. Moab ſchal be as Sodom, and þe ſones of Amon as
xiii And þe ſtrengþe of hem ſchal be in to rauyſchyng,
Gomorre; dryneſſe of þornes, and hepis of ſalt, and
and þe houſis of hem in to deſert; and þei ſchulen bilde deſert, til in to wiþouten ende. Þe relifs of my puple
houſis, and ſchulen not enhabite; and þei ſchulen ſchulen rauyſche hem, þe reſidues of my folc ſchulen
plaunte vyneȝerdis, and þei ſchulen not drynke þe wyn welde hem.
of hem. x Soþeli þis þing ſchal come to hem for her pride, for
xiiii Nyȝ is þe greet dai of þe Lord, niȝ and ſwift ful
þei blasfemeden, and weren magnefied on þe puple of
myche; þe vois of þe dai of þe Lord is bittir, a ſtrong þe Lord of ooſtis.
man ſchal be in tribulacioun þere. xi Þe Lord ſchal be orible on hem, and he ſchal make
xv `Þe ilke dai is a dai of wraþþe, dai of tribulacioun and
feble alle goddis of erþe; and men of her place ſchulen
angwiſch, dai of nedyneſſe and wretchidneſſe, dai of worſchipe hym, alle þe ilis of heþene men.
derkneſſis and myiſt, dai of cloude and whirlewynd, xii But and ȝe, Ethiopiens, ſchulen be ſlayn bi my ſwerd.

xiii And he ſchal ſtretche forþ his hond on þe norþ, and xii And Y ſchal leeue in þe myddil of þee a pore puple
ſchal leeſe Aſſur; and he ſchal putte þe feir citee Nynyue and nedi; and þei ſchulen hope in þe name of þe Lord.
in to wildirneſſe, and into wiþ out weie, and as deſert. xiii Þe relifs of Iſrael ſchulen not do wickidneſſe, neþer
xiiii And flockis, and alle þe beeſtis of folkis, ſchulen ſchulen ſpeke leeſyng, and a gileful tunge ſchal not be
ligge in þe myddil þerof; and onacratalus, and irchun foundun in þe mouþ of hem; for þei ſchulen be fed, and
ſchulen dwelle in þreſhfoldis þerof; vois of þe ſyngynge ſchulen reſte, and þer ſchal not be þat ſchal make aferd.
in wyndow, and crow in þe lyntil, for Y ſchal make xiiii Þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Douȝter of Sion, herie þou
þinne þe ſtrengþe þerof. hertli, ſynge þou, Iſrael; be þou glad, and make þou ioie
xv Þis is þe gloriouſe citee dwellynge in triſt, which wiþoutforþ in al þin herte, þou douȝter of Jeruſalem.
ſeide in hir herte, Y am, and þer is noon oþer more xv Þe Lord haþ take a wei þi dom, haþ turned a wey þin
wiþouten me. Hou is it maad vnto deſert, a couche of enemyes; þe kyng of Iſrael þe Lord is in myddil of þee,
beeſte; ech man þat ſchal paſſe bi it, ſchal hiſſe, and þou ſchalt no more drede yuel.
ſchal moue his hond. xvi In þat dai it ſchal be ſeid, Jeruſalem, nyle þou drede;
Sion, þin hondis be not clumſid.
CAP. III xvii Þi Lord God is ſtrong in þe myddil of þee, he ſchal
i Wo! þou citee, terrere to wraþþe, and bouȝt aȝen a
ſaue; he ſchal make ioie on þee in gladneſſe, he ſchal be
culuer. ſtille in þi louyng, he ſchal make ioie wiþoutforþ on þee
ii It herde not þe vois of þe Lord, and reſſeyuede not
in heriyng.
techyng, eþer chaſtiſyng; it triſtenyde not in þe Lord, it xviii Y ſchal gadere þe foolis, eþer veyn men, þat wenten
neiȝide not to her God. awei fro þe lawe, for þei weren of þee, þat þou haue no
iii Princes þerof in myddil þerof weren as liouns
more ſchenſchipe on hem.
rorynge; iugis þerof weren wolues, in þe euentid þei xix Lo! Y ſchal ſle alle men þat turmentiden þee in þat
leften not in to morewe. tyme, and Y ſchal ſaue him þat haltiþ, and Y ſchal
iiii Profetis þerof weren woode, vnfeiþful men; preſtis
gadere hir þat was caſt out; and Y ſchal putte hem in to
þerof defouliden hooli þing, þei diden vniuſtli aȝens þe heriyng, and in to name in ech lond of confuſioun of
lawe. hem, in þat tyme in which Y ſchal brynge ȝou,
v Þe Lord iuſt in þe myddil þerof, ſchal not do xx and in þe tyme in which Y ſchal gadre ȝou. For Y
wickidneſſe; erli, erli he ſchal ȝyue his dom in lyȝt, and ſchal ȝyue ȝou in to name, and in to heriyng to alle
it ſchal not be hid; forſoþe þe wickid puple knew not puplis of erþe, whanne Y ſchal conuerte ȝoure caitifte
confuſioun. bifore ȝoure iȝen, ſeiþ þe Lord.
vi Y loſte folkis, and þe corneris of hem ben diſtried; Y
Here endiþ Sophonye, and here bigynneþ Aggei.
made þe weies of hem deſert, while þere is not þat ſchal
paſſe. Þe citees of hem ben deſolat, for a man is not left,
neþer ony dwellere.
vii Y ſeide, Neþeles þou ſchalt drede me, þou ſchalt
reſſeyue techyng; and þe dwellyng place þerof ſchal not
periſche, for alle þingis in whiche Y viſitide it; neþeles
ful eerli þei riſynge han corrupt alle her þouȝtis.
viii Wherfor abide þou me, ſeiþ þe Lord, in þe dai of my
ryſyng aȝen in to comynge. For my doom is, þat Y
gadere folkis, and Y ſchal gadere rewmes; and Y ſchal
ſchede out on hem myn indignacioun, and al wraþþe of
my ſtrong veniaunce; for in fier of my feruour al erþe
ſchal be deuourid.
ix For þanne Y ſchal ȝelde to puplis a choſun lippe, þat
alle clepe inwardli in þe name of þe Lord, and ſerue to
hym wiþ o ſchuldre.
x Ouer þe floodis of Ethiopie, fro þens my biſecheris, þe
ſones of my ſcaterid men, ſchulen brynge ȝifte to me.
xi In þat day þou ſchalt not be confoundid on alle þi
fyndyngis, in whiche þou treſpaſſidiſt aȝens me; for
þanne Y ſchal take awei fro þe myddil of þee grete
ſpekeris of þi pride, and þou ſchalt no more put to, for
to be enhaunſid in myn hooli hil.

AGGEY i In þe foure and twentiþe dai of þe moneþe, in þe ſixte
moneþe, in þe ſecunde ȝeer of kyng Darius.
CAP. I ii In þe ſeuenþe moneþe, in þe oon and twentiþ dai of þe
i In þe ſecounde ȝeer of Darius, kyng of Perſis, in þe
moneþe, þe word of þe Lord was maad in þe hond of
ſixte moneþe, in þe firſte dai of þe moneþe, þe word of
Aggei, þe profete, and ſeide,
þe Lord was maad in þe hond of Aggey, profete, to iii Speke þou to Sorobabel, þe ſone of Salatiel, þe duyk
Sorobabel, ſone of Salatiel, duyk of Juda, and to Jheſu,
þe greet preeſt, ſone of Joſedech, of Juda, and to Jheſu, þe gret preeſt, þe ſone of
ii and ſeide, Þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, and Joſedech, and to oþere of þe puple, and ſeie þou,
iiii Who in ȝou is left, þat ſai þis hous in his firſte glorie?
ſpekiþ, Þis puple ſeiþ, Ȝit comeþ not þe tyme of þe hous
of þe Lord to be bildid. and what ſeen ȝe þis now? wheþer it is not þus, as if it
iii And þe word of þe Lord was maad in þe hond of be not bifore ȝoure iȝen?
v And now, Sorobabel, be þou coumfortid, ſeiþ þe Lord,
iiii profete, and ſeide, Wheþer it is tyme to ȝou, þat ȝe and Jheſu, greet preeſt, ſone of Joſedech, be þou
coumfortid, and al þe puple of þe lond, be þou
dwelle in houſis couplid wiþ tymbir, and þis hous be
coumfortid, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis; and do ȝe, for Y am
v And now þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Putte ȝe
wiþ ȝou, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis.
vi Þe word þat Y couenauntide wiþ ȝou, whanne ȝe
ȝoure hertis on ȝoure weies.
vi Ȝe han ſowe myche, and brouȝte in litil; ȝe han etun,
wenten out of þe lond of Egipt, and my Spirit ſchal be
in þe myddil of ȝou.
and ben not fillid; ȝe han drunke, and ȝe ben not ful of vii Nyle ȝe drede, for þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis,
drynk; ȝe hiliden ȝou, and ȝe ben not maad hoote; and
Ȝit o litil þing is, and Y ſchal moue heuene, and erþe,
he þat gaderide hiris, ſente þo in to a ſak holid, eþer
and ſee, and drie lond;
brokun. viii and Y ſchal moue alle folkis, and þe deſirid to alle
vii Þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Putte ȝe ȝoure
folkis ſchal come; and Y ſchal fille þis hous wiþ glorie,
hertis on ȝoure weies.
viii Stie ȝe vp in to þe munteyn, bere ȝe trees, and bilde
ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis.
ix Myn is ſiluer, and myn is gold, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtes.
ȝe an hous; and it ſchal be acceptable to me, and Y ſchal x Þe glorie of þis laſte hous ſchal be greet, more þan þe
be glorified, ſeiþ þe Lord.
ix Ȝe bihelden to more, and lo! it is maad leſſe; and ȝe firſte, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis. And in þis place Y ſchal
ȝyue pees, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis.
brouȝten in to þe hous, and Y blew it out. For what xi In þe foure and twentiþe dai of þe nynþe moneþe, in
cauſe, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis? for myn hous is deſert, and
ȝe haſten ech man in to his hous. þe ſecounde ȝeer of kyng Daryus, þe word of þe Lord
x For þis þing heuenes ben forbedun, þat þei ſchulden was maad to Aggei, þe profete, and ſeide, Þe Lord God
of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis,
not ȝyue dew on ȝou; and þe erþe is forbodun, þat it xii Axe þou preeſtis þe lawe, and ſeie þou,
ſchulde not ȝyue his buriownyng. xiii If a man takiþ halewyd fleiſch in þe hem of his
xi And Y clepide dryneſſe on erþe, and on mounteyns,
and on wheete, and on wyn, and on oile, and what euer cloþing, and touchiþ of þe hiȝneſſe þerof breed, eþer
þingis þe erþe bryngiþ forþ; and on men, and on beeſtis, potage, eþer wyn, eþer oile, eþer ony mete, wheþer it
and on al labour of hondis. ſchal be halewid? Soþeli preeſtis anſweriden, and
xii And Sorobabel, þe ſone of Salatiel, and Jheſus, þe ſeiden, Nai.
xiiii And Aggei ſeide, If a man defoulid in ſoule touchiþ
greet preeſt, þe ſone of Joſedech, and alle relifs of þe
puple, herden þe vois of her God, and þe wordis of of alle þeſe þingis, wheþer it ſchal be defoulid? And
Aggei, þe profete, as þe Lord God of hem ſente him to preſtis anſweriden, and ſeiden, It ſchal be defoulid.
xv And Aggei anſweride, and ſeide, So is þis puple, and
hem; and al þe puple dredde of þe face of þe Lord.
xiii And Aggei, a meſſanger of þe Lord, of þe ſo is þis folc bifor my face, ſeiþ þe Lord, and ſo is al
meſſangeris of þe Lord, ſeide to þe puple, and ſpak, Y werk of her hondis; and alle þingis whiche þei offren
am wiþ ȝou, ſeiþ þe Lord. þere, ſchulen be defoulid.
xvi And nowe putte ȝe ȝoure hertis, fro þis dai and
xiiii And þe Lord reiſide þe ſpirit of Sorobabel, þe ſone
of Salatiel, duik of Juda, and þe ſpirit of Jheſu, þe greet aboue, bifor þat a ſtoon on a ſtoon was put in temple of
preeſt, þe ſone of Joſedech, and þe ſpirit of þe relifs of al þe Lord,
xvii whanne ȝe wenten to an heep of twenti buiſchels,
puple; and þei entriden, and maden werk in þe hous of
þe Lord of ooſtis, her God. and þere weren maad ten; ȝe entriden to þe preſſour, þat

ȝe ſchulden preſſe out fifti galouns, and þere weren
maad twenti.
xviii Y ſmoot ȝou wiþ brennynge wynd; and wiþ
myldew, and hail, alle þe werkis of ȝoure hondis; and
þer was noon in ȝou þat turnede aȝen to me, ſeiþ þe
xix Putte ȝe ȝoure hertis fro þis dai, and in to comynge,
fro þe foure and twentiþe dai of þe nynþe moneþe, fro
þe dai in whiche foundementis of þe temple of þe Lord
ben caſtun, putte ȝe on ȝoure herte.
xx Wheþer now ſeed is in buriownyng? and ȝit vineȝerd,
and fige tre, and pomgarnade, and þe tre of olyue
flouride not.
xxi Fro þis dai Y ſchal bleſſe. And þe word of þe Lord
was maad þe ſecounde tyme to Aggei, in þe foure and
twentiþe dai of þe moneþe,
xxii and ſeide, Spek þou to Sorobabel, duik of Juda, and
ſeie þou, Y ſhal moue heuene and erþe togidere, and Y
ſchal diſtrie þe ſeet of rewmes,
xxiii and Y ſchal al to-breke þe ſtrengþe of rewme of
heþene men, and ſchal diſtrie a foure horſid carte, and
þe ſtiere þerof; and horſis ſchulen go doun, and ſtieris of
hem, a man bi ſwerd of his broþer.
xxiiii In þat dai, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, þou Sorobabel,
ſone of Salatiel, my ſeruaunt, Y ſchal take þee, ſeiþ þe
Lord; and Y ſchal putte þee as a ſignet, for Y chees þee,
ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis.
Here endiþ Aggei, and here bigynneþ Sacarie.

xvi Þerfor þe Lord ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Y ſchal turne aȝen to
SACARIE Jeruſalem in mercies. Myn hous ſchal be bildid in it,
ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis; and a plomet ſchal be ſtreiȝt out
i In þe eiȝþe moneþe, in þe ſecounde ȝeer of Darius, þe
on Jeruſalem.
xvii Ȝit crie þou, ſeiynge, Þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe
word of þe Lord was maad to Sacarie, þe ſone of
þingis, Ȝit my citees ſchulen flete wiþ goodis, and ȝit þe
Barachie, þe ſone of Addo,
ii profete, and ſeide, Þe Lord is wrooþ on ȝoure fadris
Lord ſchal coumforte Sion, and ȝit he ſchal cheſe
wiþ wraþfulneſſe. xviii And Y reiſide myn iȝen, and Y ſaiȝ, and lo! foure
iii And þou ſchalt ſeie to hem, Þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe
þingis. Be ȝe conuertid to me, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, xix And Y ſeide to þe aungel þat ſpak in me, What ben
and Y ſchal be conuertid to ȝou, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis.
iiii Be ȝe not as ȝoure fadris, to whiche þe formere
þeſe? And he ſeide to me, Þeſe ben hornes, þat
wyndewiden Juda, and Iſrael, and Jeruſalem.
profetis crieden, ſeiynge, Þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe xx And þe Lord ſchewide to me foure ſmyþis.
þingis, Be ȝe conuertid fro ȝoure yuel weies, and ȝoure xxi And Y ſeide, What comen þeſe for to do? Which
worſte þouȝtis; and þei herden not, neþer token tent to
me, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis. ſpak, ſeiynge, Þeſe ben þe hornes, þat wyndewiden Juda
v Where ben ȝoure fadris and profetis? wheþer þei bi alle men, and no man of hem reiſide his heed; and
þeſe camen for to make hem aferd, þat þei caſte doun þe
ſchulen lyue wiþ outen ende?
vi Neþeles my wordis and my lawful þingis, whiche Y
hornes of heþene men, which reiſiden horn on þe lond
of Juda, for to ſcatere it.
comaundide to my ſeruauntis profetis, wheþer þei
tauȝten not ȝoure fadris? And þei weren conuertid, and CAP. II
ſeiden, As þe Lord of ooſtys þouȝte for to do to vs bi i And Y reiſide myn iȝen, and ſiȝ, and lo! a man, and lo!
oure weies, and bi oure fyndingis he dide to vs.
vii In þe foure and twentiþe dai of þe enleuenþe moneþe
in his hoond a litil coorde of meteris.
ii And Y ſeide, Whidir goiſt þou? And he ſeide to me,
Sabath, in þe ſecounde ȝeer of Darius, þe word of þe
Þat Y mete Jeruſalem, and Judee; hou myche is þe
Lord was maad to Sacarie, ſone of Barachie, ſone of
breede þerof, and hou myche is þe lengþe þerof.
Addo, iii And lo! þe aungel þat ſpak in me, wente out, and
viii profete, and ſeide, Y ſaiȝ bi niȝt, and lo! a man
anoþer aungel wente out in to þe metyng of hym, and
ſtiynge on a reed hors; and he ſtood bitwixe places
ſeide to hym,
where mirtis wexen, þat weren in þe depþe, and aftir iiii Renne þou, ſpeke to þis child, and ſeie þou,
hym weren horſis reede, dyuerſe, and white.
ix And Y ſeide, My lord, who ben þeſe? And an aungel Jeruſalem ſhal be enhabitid wiþ out wal, for þe
multitude of men and of beeſtis in þe myddil þerof.
of þe Lord ſeide to me, þat ſpak in me, Y ſchal ſchewe v And Y ſchal be to it, ſeiþ þe Lord, a wal of fier in
to þee what þeſe ben.
x And þe man þat ſtood bitwix places where mirtis cumpas; and Y ſchal be in glorie in myddil þerof.
vi A! A! A! fle ȝe fro þe lond of þe norþ, ſeiþ þe Lord,
wexen, anſweride, and ſeide, Þeſe it ben, whiche þe
Lord ſente, þat þei walke þorouȝ erþe. for in foure wyndis of heuene Y ſcateride ȝou, ſeiþ þe
xi And þei anſweriden to þe aungel of þe Lord, þat ſtood Lord.
vii A! þou Sion, fle, þat dwelliſt at þe douȝter of
bitwixe places where mirtis wexen, and ſeiden, We han
walkid þorouȝ erþe, and lo! al erþe is enhabitid, and Babiloyne.
viii For þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, After glorie he
xii And þe aungel of þe Lord anſweride, and ſeide, Lord ſente me to heþene men, whiche robbiden ȝou; for he
of ooſtis, hou long ſchalt þou not haue merci on þat ſchal touche ȝou, ſchal touche þe apple of myn iȝe.
ix For lo! Y reiſe myn hond on hem, and þei ſchulen be
Jeruſalem, and citees of Juda, to whiche þou art wrooþ?
Þis now is þe ſeuentiþe ȝeer. preyes to þeſe þat ſeruyden hem; and ȝe ſchulen knowe,
xiii And þe Lord anſweride to þe aungel, þat ſpak in me, þat þe Lord of ooſtis ſente me.
x Douȝter of Sion, herie þou, and be glad; for lo! Y
goode wordis, and wordis of coumfort.
xiiii And þe aungel þat ſpak in me, ſeide to me, Crie þou, come, and Y ſchal dwelle in myddil of þee, ſeiþ þe
ſeiynge, Þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Y louyde Lord.
xi And many folkis ſchulen be applied to þe Lord in þat
Jeruſalem and Sion in greet feruour;
xv and in greet wraþþe Y ſchal be wroþ on riche folkis; dai, and þei ſchulen be to me in to puple, and Y ſchal
for Y was wrooþ a litil, forſoþe þei helpiden in to yuel. dwelle in myddil of þee; and þou ſchalt wite, þat þe
Lord of ooſtis ſente me to þee.

xii And þe Lord ſchal welde Juda in to his part, in þe v And þe aungel þat ſpak in me, anſweride, and ſeide to
loud halewid, and ſchal cheeſe ȝit Jeruſalem. me, Wheþer þou woiſt not what ben þeſe þingis? And Y
xiii Ech fleiſch be ſtil fro þe face of þe Lord, for he roos ſeide, No, my lord.
of his hooli dwelling place. vi And he anſweride, and ſeide to me, and ſpak, Þis is þe
word of þe Lord, ſeiynge to Sorobabel, Not in ooſt,
CAP. III neþer in ſtrengþe, but in my ſpirit, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis.
i And þe Lord ſchewide to me þe greet preſt Jheſu, vii Who art þou, greet hil, bifore Sorobabel in to pleyn?
ſtondynge bifore þe aungel of þe Lord; and Sathan ſtood and he ſchal lede out þe firſte ſtoon, and ſchal make
on his riȝthalf, þat he ſchulde be aduerſarie to hym. euene grace to grace þerof.
ii And þe Lord ſeide to Sathan, Þe Lord blame in þee, viii And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me,
Sathan, and þe Lord þat chees Jeruſalem, blame in þee. ix and ſeide, Þe hondis of Sorobabel foundiden þis hous,
Wheþer þis is not a deed broond rauyſchid fro þe fier? and þe hondis of hym ſchulen perfourme it; and ȝe
iii And Jheſus was cloþid wiþ foule cloþis, and ſtood ſchulen wite, þat þe Lord of ooſtis ſente me to ȝou.
bifor þe face of þe aungel. x Who forſoþe diſpiſide litle daies? and þei ſchulen be
iiii Which anſweride, and ſeide to hem þat ſtoden bifor glad, and ſchulen ſe a ſtoon of tyn in þe hond of
hym, and he ſeide, Do ȝe awei foule cloþis fro him. And Sorobabel. Þeſe ben ſeuene iȝen of þe Lord, þat rennen
he ſeide to hym, Lo! Y haue don awei fro þee þi aboute in to al erþe.
wickidneſſe, and Y haue cloþid þee wiþ chaungynge xi And Y anſweride, and ſeide to hym, What ben þeſe
cloþis. tweyne olyues on þe riȝthalf of þe candilſtike, and at þe
v And he ſeide, Putte ȝe a clene mytre on his heed. And lift-half þerof?
þei puttiden a cleene mytre on his heed, and cloþide xii And Y anſweryde þe ſecounde tyme, and ſeide to
him wiþ cloþis. And þe aungel of þe Lord ſtood, hym, What ben þe tweyne eeris, eþer ripe fruyt, of
vi and þe aungel of þe Lord witneſſide to Jheſu, olyues, þat ben biſidis þe twei bilis of gold, in whiche
vii and ſeide, Þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, If þou ben oile veſſelis of gold?
ſchalt go in my weies, and ſchalt kepe my kepynge, alſo xiii And he ſeide to me, and ſpak, Wheþer þou wooſt not
and þou ſchalt deme myn hous, and ſchalt kepe my what ben þeſe þingis?
porchis; and Y ſchal ȝyue to þee goeris, of þeſe þat now xiiii And Y ſeide, No, my lord. And he ſeide, Þeſe ben
here ſtonden niȝ. twei ſones of oile of ſchynyng, whiche ſtonden nyȝ to þe
viii Here þou, Jheſu, greet preeſt, þou and þi frendis þat lordli gouernour of al erþe.
dwellen bifore þee, for þei ben men ſignefiynge þing to
comyng. Lo! ſoþeli Y ſchal brynge my ſeruaunt CAP. V
ſpryngynge up, eþer Criſt borun. i And Y was conuertid, and reiſide myn iȝen, and ſiȝ,
ix For lo! þe ſtoon which Y ȝaf bifor Jheſu, on o ſtoon and lo! a book fleynge.
ben ſeuene iȝen; and lo! Y ſchal graue þe grauyng þerof, ii And he ſeide to me, What ſeeſt þou? And Y ſeide, Lo!
ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, and Y ſchal do a wei þe Y ſe a book fleynge; þe lengþe þerof was of twenti
wickidneſſe of þat lond in o dai. cubitis, and þe breede þerof of ten cubitis.
x In þat dai, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, a man ſchal clepe his iii And he ſeide to me, Þis is þe curs, þat goiþ on þe face
frend vndur a vyn tre, and vndur a fige tre. of al erþe; for ech þeef ſchal be demed, as it is writun
þere; and ech man ſwerynge, ſchal be demyd of þis alſo.
CAP. IIII iiii Y ſchal lede out it, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, and it ſchal
i And þe aungel turnede aȝen, þat ſpak in me, and reiſide
come to þe hous of a þeef, and to þe hous of hym þat
me, as a man þat is reiſid of his ſleep. ſweriþ falſli in my name; and it ſchal dwelle in myddil
ii And he ſeide to me, What ſeeſt þou? And Y ſeide, Y of hys hous, and ſchal waaſte hym, and hiſe trees, and
ſaiȝ, and lo! a candilſtike al of gold, and þe laumpe hiſe ſtoonys.
þerof on þe heed þerof, and ſeuene lanternes þerof on it, v And þe aungel wente out, þat ſpak in me, and ſeide to
and ſeuene veſſels for to holde oyle to þe lanternes, þat me, Reyſe þin iȝen, and ſe, what þis þing is, þat goiþ
weren on þe heed þerof. out.
iii And twei olyues þere onne, oon of þe riȝthalf `of þe vi And Y ſeide, What is it? And he ſeide, Þis is a pot
laumpe, and `an oþer on þe left half þerof. goyng out. And he ſeide, Þis is þe iȝe of hem in al erþe.
iiii And Y anſweride, and ſeide to þe aungel þat ſpak in vii And lo! a talent of leed was borun; and lo! a
me, and Y ſeide, What ben þeſe þingis, my lord? womman ſittynge in myddil of þe pot.

viii And he ſeide, Þis is vnpite, eþer vnfeiþfulneſſe. And xiiii And corouns ſchulen be to Helem, and to Tobie, and
he caſtide doun hir in myddil of þe pot, and ſente a to Idaie, and to Hen, ſone of Sofonye, a memorial in þe
gobet of leed in to þe mouþ þerof. temple of þe Lord.
ix And Y reiſide myn iȝen, and ſiȝ, and lo! twei xv And þei þat ben fer, ſchulen come, and bilde in þe
wymmen goynge out, and a ſpirit in wyngis of hem; and temple of þe Lord; and ȝe ſchulen wite, þat þe Lord of
þei hadden wyngis as wyngis of a kite, and reiſiden þe ooſtis ſente me to ȝou. Soþeli þis þing ſchal be, if bi
pot bitwixe heuene and erþe. heryng ȝe ſchulen here þe vois of ȝoure Lord God.
x And Y ſeide to þe aungel þat ſpak in me, Whidur
beren þeſe þe pot? CAP. VII
xi And he ſeide to me, Þat an hous be bildid þerto in þe i And it is maad in þe fourþe ȝeer of Darius, kyng, þe

lond of Sennaar, and be ſtabliſchid, and ſet þere on his word of þe Lord was maad to Sacarie, in þe fourþe dai
foundement. of þe nynþe moneþe, þat is Caſlew.
ii And Saraſar, and Rogumelech, and men þat weren wiþ
CAP. VI hem, ſenten to þe hous of þe Lord, for to preye þe face
i And Y was conuertid, and reiſide myn iȝen, and ſiȝ, of þe Lord;
and lo! foure horſid cartis goynge out of þe myddil of iii þat þei ſchulden ſeie to preſtis of þe hous of þe Lord
tweyne hillis, and þe hillis weren hillis of bras. of ooſtis, and to profetis, and ſpeke, Wheþer it is to
ii In þe firſte foure horſid carte weren reed horſis, and in wepe to me in þe fyueþe moneþe, eþer Y ſchal halowe
þe ſecounde foure horſid carte weren blac horſis; me, as Y dide now many ȝeeris?
iii and in þe þridde foure horſid carte weren white horſis, iiii And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me,

and in þe fourþe foure horſid carte weren dyuerſe horſis, v and ſeide, Speke þou to al þe puple of þe lond, and to
and ſtronge. preſtis, and ſeie þou, Whanne ȝe faſtiden, and weiliden
iiii And Y anſweride, and ſeide to þe aungel þat ſpak in in þe fyueþ and ſeuenþe moneþe, bi þeſe ſeuenti ȝeeris,
me, What ben þeſe þingis, my lord? wheþer ȝe faſtiden a faſt to me?
v And þe aungel aunſweride, and ſeide to me, Þeſe ben vi And whanne ȝe eeten, and drunken, wheþer ȝe eten

foure wyndis of heuene, whiche goen out, þat þei ſtonde not to ȝou, and drunken not to ȝou ſilf?
bifor þe lordſchipere of al erþe. vii Wheþer wordis of profetis ben not, whiche þe Lord
vi In which weren blake horſis, wenten out in to þe lond ſpak in þe hond of þe formere profetis, whanne ȝit
of þe norþ; and þe white wenten out aftir hem; and þe Jeruſalem was enhabited, and was ful of richeſſis, and it,
dyuerſe wenten out to þe lond of þe ſouþ. and citees þerof in cumpas þerof, and at þe ſouþ and in
vii Forſoþe þei þat weren ſtrengeſte wenten out, and feeldi place was enhabited?
viii And þe word of þe Lord was maad to Sacarie, and
ſouȝten for to go, and renne aboute bi al erþe. And he
ſeide, Go ȝe, and walke ȝe þorouȝ þe erþe. And þei ſeide, Þe Lord of ooſtis ſaiþ þeſe þingis, and ſpekiþ,
walkiden þorouȝ erþe. ix Deme ȝe trewe dom, and do ȝe merci, and doyngis of
viii And he clepide me, and ſpak to me, and ſeide, Lo! merci, ech man wiþ his broþer.
þei þat goon out in to lond of norþ, maden my ſpirit for x And nyle ȝe falſli calenge a widewe, and fadirles, eþer
to reſte in þe lond of norþ. modirles, and comelyng, and pore man; and a man
ix And þe word of þe Lord was maad to me, and ſeide, þenke not in his herte yuel to his broþer.
x Take þou of þe tranſmygracioun, eþer caitiftee, of xi And þei wolden not `take heede, and þei turneden

Oldai, and of Tobie, and of Idaye; and þou ſchalt come awei þe ſchuldre, and ȝeden awei, and `maden heuy her
in þat dai, and ſchalt entre in to þe hous of Joſie, ſone of eeris, leſt þei herden.
Sofonye, þat camen fro Babiloyne. xii And þei puttiden her herte as adamaunt, leſt þei
xi And þou ſchalt take gold and ſiluer, and ſchalt make herden þe lawe, and wordis whiche þe Lord of ooſtis
corouns, and putte on þe heed of Jheſu, þe greet preeſt, ſente in his Spirit, bi þe hond of þe formere profetis;
ſone of Joſedech; and greet indignacioun was maad of þe Lord of ooſtis.
xii and ſchalt ſpeke to hym, and ſeie, Þe Lord of ooſtis xiii And it is doon, as he ſpak; and as þei herden not, ſo

ſeiþ þeſe þingis, ſeiynge, Lo! a man, Comynge forþ, þei ſchulen crie, and Y ſchal not here, ſeiþ þe Lord of
eþer Borun, is his name, and vndir him it ſchal ſprynge. ooſtis.
And he ſchal bilde a temple to þe Lord, xiiii And Y ſcateride hem bi alle rewmes, whiche þei
xiii and he ſchal make a temple to þe Lord; and he ſchal knewen not, and þe lond is deſolat fro hem; for þat þere
bere glorie, and ſchal ſitte, and ſchal be lord on his was not a man goynge and turnynge aȝen, and þei han
ſeete; and þe preeſt ſchal be on his ſeete, and counſel of put deſirable lond in to deſert.
pees ſchal be bitwixe hem tweyne.

CAP. VIII xvi Þerfor þeſe ben þe wordis whiche ȝe ſchulen do;
i And þe word of þe Lord of ooſtis was maad to me, ſpeke ȝe treuþe, ech man wiþ his neiȝbore; deme ȝe
ii and ſeide, Þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Y hatide treuþe and dom of pees in ȝoure ȝatis;
Sion wiþ greet feruour, and wiþ greet indignacioun Y xvii and þenke ȝe not in ȝoure hertis, ony man yuel aȝens
hatide it. his frend, and loue ȝe not a fals ooþ; for alle þes þingis
iii Þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Y am turned aȝen to it ben, whiche Y hate, ſeiþ þe Lord.
Sion, and Y ſchal dwelle in þe myddil of Jeruſalem; and xviii And þe word of þe Lord of ooſtis was maad to me,
Jeruſalem ſchal be clepid a citee of treuþe, and hil of þe xix and ſeide, Þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Faſtyng
Lord ſchal be clepid an hil halewid. of þe fourþe moneþe, `and faſtyng of þe fyueþe, and
iiii Þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Ȝit elde men and faſtyng of þe ſeuenþe, and faſting of þe tenþe, ſchal be
elde wymmen ſchulen dwelle in þe ſtretis of Jeruſalem, to þe hous of Juda in to ioie and gladnes, and in to
and þe ſtaf of man in his hond, for þe multitude of ſolempnitees ful cleer; loue ȝe oneli treuþe and pees.
ȝeeris. xx Þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Puplis ſchulen
v And þe ſtretis of þe cite ſchulen be fillid wiþ `ȝonge come on ech ſide, and dwelle in many citees;
children and maidens, pleiynge in þe ſtretis `of it. xxi and þe dwelleris ſchulen go, oon to an oþer, and ſeie,
vi Þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þough it ſchal be Go we, and biſeche þe face of þe Lord, and ſeke we þe
ſeyn hard bifor þe iȝen of relifs of þis puple in þo daies, Lord of ooſtis; alſo I ſhal go.
wheþer bifor myn iȝen it ſchal be hard, ſeiþ þe Lord of xxii And many puplis ſchulen come, and ſtrong folkis,
ooſtis? for to ſeke þe Lord of ooſtis in Jeruſalem, and for to
vii Þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Lo! Y ſchal ſaue biſeche þe face of þe Lord.
my puple fro þe lond of þe eeſt, and fro lond of goynge xxiii Þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, In þo daies, in
doun of þe ſunne; whiche ten men of alle langagis of heþene men ſchulen
viii and Y ſchal brynge hem, and þei ſchulen dwelle in catche, and þei ſchulen catche þe hemme of a man Jew,
þe myddil of Jeruſalem; and þei ſchulen be to me in to a and ſeye, We ſchulen go wiþ ȝou; for we han herd, þat
puple, and Y ſchal be to hem in to God, and in treuþe, God is wiþ ȝou.
and in riȝtwiſneſſe.
ix Þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Be ȝoure hondis CAP. IX
coumfortid, whiche heren in þeſe daies þeſe wordis bi i Þe birþun of þe word of þe Lord, in þe lond of Adrach,
þe mouþ of profetis, in þe dai in which þe hous of þe and of Damaſk, þe reſte þerof; for `of þe Lord is þe iȝe
Lord of ooſtis is foundid, þat þe temple ſchulde be of man, and of alle lynagis of Iſrael.
bildid. ii And Emath in termes þerof, and Tirus, and Sidon; for
x Soþeli bifore þo daies hire of men was not, neþer hire þei token to hem wiſdom greetli.
of werk beeſtis was, neþer to man entrynge and goynge iii And Tirus bildide his ſtrengþing, and gaderide ſiluer
out was pees for tribulacioun; and Y lefte alle men, ech as erþe, and gold as fen of ſtretis.
aȝens his neiȝbore. iiii Lo! þe Lord ſchal welde it, and ſchal ſmyte in þe ſee
xi But now not after þe formere daies Y ſchal do to relifs
þe ſtrengþe þerof, and it ſchal be deuourid bi fier.
of þis puple, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, v Aſcalon ſchal ſee, and ſchal drede; and Gaſa, `and
xii but ſeed of pees ſchal be; vyneȝerd ſchal ȝyue his
ſchal ſorewe ful myche; and Accaron, for þe hope þerof
fruyt, and erþe ſchal ȝyue his buriownyng, and heuenes is confoundid; and þe kyng ſchal periſche fro Gaſa, and
ſchulen ȝyue her dew; and Y ſchal make þe relifs of þis Aſcalon ſchal not be enhabited;
puple for to welde alle þeſe þingis. vi and a departere ſchal ſitte in Aſotus, and Y ſchal diſtrie
xiii And it ſchal be, as þe hous of Juda and hous of Iſrael
þe pride of Filiſteis.
weren curſyng in heþene men, ſo Y ſchal ſaue ȝou, and vii And Y ſchal take awei þe blood þerof fro þe mouþ of
ȝe ſchulen be bleſſyng. Nyle ȝe drede, be ȝoure hondis him, and abhomynaciouns of hym fro þe myddil of teeþ
coumfortid; of hym, and he alſo ſchal be left to our God; and he
xiiii for þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, As Y þouȝte
ſchal be as a duyk in Juda, and Accaron as Jebuſei.
for to turmente ȝou, whanne ȝoure fadris hadden terrid viii And Y ſchal cumpaſſe myn hous of þeſe þat holden
me to wraþþe, kniȝthod to me, and goen, and turnen aȝen; and `an
xv ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y hadde not merci, ſo Y conuertid
vniuſt axere ſchal no more paſſe on hem, for now Y ſiȝ
þouȝte in þeſe daies for to do wel to þe hous of Juda and wiþ myn iȝen.
Jeruſalem; nyle ȝe drede. ix Þou douȝter of Sion, make ioie wiþoutforþ ynow,
ſynge, þou douȝter of Jeruſalem; lo! þi kyng ſchal come

to þee, he iuſt, and ſauȝour; he pore, and ſtiynge on a be þe Lord God of hem, and Y ſchal graciouſli here
ſche aſſe, and on a fole, ſone of a ſche aſſe. hem.
x And Y ſchal leeſe foure horſid carte of Effraym, and vii And þei ſchulen be as þe ſtronge of Effraym, and þe
an hors of Jeruſalem, and þe bouwe of batel ſchal be herte of hem ſchal be glad, as of wyn; and ſones of hem
diſtried; and he ſchal ſpeke pees to heþene men, and þe ſchulen ſe, and be glad, and þe herte of hem ſchal make
power of him ſchal be fro ſee til to ſee, and fro floodis ioie wiþoutforþ in þe Lord.
til to þe endis of erþe. viii Y ſchal hiſſe, `eþer ſoftli ſpeke, to hem, and Y ſchal
xi And þou in blood of þi teſtament ſentiſt out þi gadere hem, for Y aȝen bouȝte hem, and Y ſchal
boundun men fro lake, in which is not water. multiplie hem, as þei weren multiplied bifore.
xii Ȝe boundun of hope, be conuertid to ſtrengþing; and ix And Y ſchal ſowe hem in puplis, and fro fer þei
to dai Y ſchewynge ſchal ȝelde to þee double þingis, ſchulen biþenke of me; and þei ſchulen lyue wiþ her
xiii for Y ſchal ſtretche forþe to me Juda as a bowe, Y ſones, and ſchulen turne aȝen.
fillide `þe lond of Effraym. And Y ſchal reiſe þi ſones, x And Y ſchal `aȝen lede hem fro þe lond of Egipt, and
þou Sion, on þi ſones, þou lond of Grekis, and Y ſchal Y ſchal gadere hem fro Aſſiriens; and Y ſchal brynge
ſette þee as þe ſwerd of ſtronge men. hem to þe lond of Galaad and of Liban, and place ſchal
xiiii And þe Lord God ſchal be ſeyn on hem, and þe dart not be foundun to hem.
of him ſchal go out as leit. xi And he ſchal paſſe in þe wawe of þe ſee, and ſchal
xv And þe Lord God ſchal ſynge in a trumpe, and ſchal ſmyte wawis in þe ſee, and alle depneſſis of flood
go in whirlwynd of þe ſouþ; þe Lord of ooſtis ſchal ſchulen be confoundid; and þe pride of Aſſur ſchal be
defende hem, and þei ſchulen deuoure, and make ſuget mekid, and þe ceptre of Egipt ſchal go awei.
wiþ ſtoonys of a ſlynge; and þei drynkynge ſchulen be xii Y ſchal coumforte hem in þe Lord, and þei ſchulen
fillid as wiþ wyn, and ſchulen be fillid as viols, and as walke in þe name of hym, ſeiþ þe Lord.
hornes of þe auter.
xvi And þe Lord God `of hem ſchal ſaue hem in þat dai, CAP. XI
as a floc of his puple, for hooli ſtoonus ſchulen be reiſid i Þou Liban, opene þi ȝatis, and fier ſchal ete þi cedris.
on þe lond of hym. ii Ȝelle, þou fir tre, for þe cedre felle doun, for grete
xvii For what is þe good of hym, and what is þe faire of men ben diſtried; ȝelle, ȝe okis of Baſan, for þe ſtronge
hym, no but whete of choſun men, and wyn welde wode is kit doun.
buriownynge virgyns? iii Vois of ȝellyng of ſchepherdis, for þe greet worſchip
of hem is diſtried; vois of roryng of liouns, for þe pride
CAP. X of Jordan is waſtid.
i Axe ȝe of þe Lord reyn in late tyme, and þe Lord ſchal iiii My Lord God ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Fede þou beeſtis of
make ſnowis, and reyn of myȝt of cloude; and he ſchal ſlauȝter,
ȝyue to hem, to ech bi hym ſilf, erbe in þe feeld. v whiche þei þat weldiden ſlowen; and `ſorewiden not,
ii For ſymylacris ſpaken vnprofitable þing, and
and ſelden hem, and ſeiden, Bleſſid be þe Lord, we ben
diuynours ſaien leeſyng; and dremeris ſpaken veynli, maad riche. And ſchepherdis of hem ſpariden not hem,
ydily þei coumfortiden; þerfor þei ben led awei as a vi and Y ſchal no more ſpare on `men enhabitynge þe
floc, þei ſchulen be turmentid, for a ſcheepherd is not to erþe, ſeiþ þe Lord. Lo! Y ſchal bitake men, ech in hond
hem. of his neiȝbour, and in hoond of his kyng, and þei
iii On ſcheepherdis my ſtrong veniaunce is wrooþ, and
ſchulen to-reende togidere þe lond; and Y ſchal not
on buckis of geet Y ſchal viſite; for þe Lord of ooſtis delyuere fro þe hond of hem,
haþ viſitide his floc, þe hous of Juda, and haþ put hem vii and Y ſchal fede þe beeſte of ſleyng. For þis þing, ȝe
as an hors of hys glorie in batel. pore men of þe floc, here. And Y took to me twei ȝerdis;
iiii Of hym `ſchal be a cornere, and of hym a litil pale, of
oon Y clepide Fairneſſe, and þe toþer Y clepide Litil
hym a bowe of batel, and of hym ech vniuſt axere ſchal Corde; and Y fedde þe floc.
go out togidere. viii And Y kittide doun þre ſcheepherdis in o moneþe,
v And þei ſchulen be as ſtronge men, defoulynge clei of
and my ſoule is drawun togidere in hem; for alſo þe
weies in batel, and þei ſchulen fiȝte, for þe Lord is wiþ ſoule of hem variede in me.
hem; and ſtieris of horſis ſchulen be confoundid. ix And Y ſeide, Y ſchal not fede ȝou; þat þat dieþ, die;
vi And Y ſchal coumforte þe hous of Juda, and Y ſchal
and þat þat is kit doun, be kit doun; and þe reſidues
ſaue þe hous of Joſeph; and Y ſchal conuerte hem, for Y deuoure, ech þe fleiſch of his neiȝbore.
ſchal haue merci on hem; and þei ſchulen be as þei
weren, whanne Y hadde not caſt awei hem; for Y ſchal

x And Y took my ȝerde, þat was clepid Fairneſſe, and Y þe glorie of men dwellynge in Jeruſalem be not aȝens
kittide doun it, þat Y ſchulde make void my couenaunt, Juda.
þat Y ſmoot wiþ alle puplis. viii In þat dai þe Lord ſchal defende þe dwelleris of
xi And it `is led forþ voide in þat dai; and þe pore of Jeruſalem; and he þat ſchal offende of hem, ſchal be in
floc þat kepen to me, knewen þus, for it is þe word of þat dai as Dauid, and þe hous of Dauid ſchal be as of
þe Lord. God, as þe aungel of þe Lord in þe ſiȝt of hym.
xii And Y ſeide to hem, If it is good in ȝoure iȝen, ix And it ſchal be, in þat dai Y ſchal ſeke for to al to-

brynge ȝe my meede; and if nai, reſte ȝe. And þei breke alle folkis þat comen aȝens Jeruſalem.
weieden my meede, þretti platis of ſiluer. x And Y ſchal helde out on þe hous of Dauid, and on
xiii And þe Lord ſeide to me, Caſte awei it to a makere dwelleris of Jeruſalem, þe ſpirit of grace, and of
of ymagis, þe fair prijs, bi which Y am preiſid of hem. preieris; and þei ſchulen biholde to me, whom þei
And Y took þritti platis of ſiluer, and Y caſtide forþ hem `fitchiden togidere. And þei ſchulen biweile hym wiþ
in þe hous of þe Lord, to þe makere of ymagis. weilyng, as on `þe oon bigetun; and þei ſchulen ſorewe
xiiii And Y kittide doun my ſecunde ȝerde, þat was on hym, as it is wont `for to be ſorewid in þe deþ of þe
clepide Litil Corde, þat Y ſchulde departe þe broþerhed firſte bigetun.
xi In þat dai greet weilyng ſchal be in Jeruſalem, as þe
bitwixe Juda and Iſrael.
xv And þe Lord ſeide to me, Ȝit take to þee veſſels of a weilyng of Adremon in þe feeld of Magedon.
xii And erþe ſchal weile; meynees and meynees bi hem
fonned ſcheepherde;
xvi for lo! Y ſchal reiſe a ſcheepherde in erþe, which ſilf; þe meynees of þe hous of Dauid bi hem ſilf, and þe
ſchal not viſite forſakun þingis, ſchal not ſeke ſcatered wymmen of hem bi hem ſilf;
xiii meynees of þe hous of Nathan bi hem ſilf, and þe
þingis, and ſchal not heele `þe brokun togidere, and
ſchal not nuriſche forþ þat þat ſtondiþ. And he ſchal ete wymmen of hem bi hem ſilf; meynees of þe hous of
fleiſchis of þe fat, and ſchal vnbynde þe clees of hem. Leuy bi hem ſilf, and þe wymmen of hem bi hem ſilf;
xvii A! þe ſcheepherd, and ydol, forſakynge þe floc; meynees of Semei bi hem ſilf, and þe wymmen of hem
ſwerd on his arm, and on his riȝt iȝe; þe arm of hym bi hem ſilf.
xiiii All oþere meynees, meynees and meynees bi hem
ſchal be dried wiþ dryneſſe, and his riȝt iȝe wexynge
derk ſchal be maad derk. ſilf, and þe wymmen of hem bi hem ſilf.


i Þe birþun of þe word of þe Lord on Iſrael. And þe i In þat dai an open welle ſchal be to þe hous of Dauid,

Lord ſeide, ſtretchynge forþ heuene, and founding erþe, and to men dwellynge at Jeruſalem, in to waiſchyng a
and makynge þe ſpirit of a man in hym, Lo! wey of a ſynful man, and of womman defoulid in
ii Y ſchal putte Jeruſalem a lyntel of glotonye to alle vnclene blood.
ii And it ſchal be, in þat dai, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, Y
puplis in cumpas, but and Juda ſchal be in `a ſegyng
aȝens Jeruſalem. ſchal diſtrie names of idols fro `þe lond, and þei ſchulen
iii And it ſchal be, in þat dai Y ſchal putte Jeruſalem a no more be `þouȝt on; and Y ſchal take awei fro erþe
ſtoon of birþun to alle puplis; alle þat ſchulen lifte it, falſe profetis, and an vnclene ſpirit.
iii And it ſchal be, whanne ony man ſchal profeſie ouer,
ſchulen be to-drawun wiþ kittyng doun, and alle
rewmes of erþe ſchulen be gaderid aȝens it. his fadir and modir þat gendriden hym, ſchulen ſeie to
iiii In þat dai, ſeiþ þe Lord, Y ſchal ſmyte ech hors in hym, Þou ſchalt not lyue, for þou haſt ſpoke leeſyng in
drede, `eþer leeſynge of mynde, and þe ſtiere `of hym in þe name of þe Lord; and his fadir and his modir,
woodneſſe; and on þe hous of Juda Y ſchal opene myn gendreris of hym, ſchulen `togidere fitche hym, whanne
iȝen, and ſchal ſmyte wiþ blyndneſſe ech hors of puplis. he haþ profeſied.
v And duikis of Juda ſchulen ſeie in her hertis, Be þe iiii And it ſchal be, in þat dai profetis ſchulen be

dwellers of Jeruſalem coumfortid to me in þe Lord of confoundid, ech of his viſioun, whanne he ſchal
ooſtis, þe God of hem. profeſie; neþer þei ſchulen be hilid wiþ mentil of ſak,
vi In þat dai Y ſchal putte þe duykis of Juda as a þat þei lie;
v but `þei ſchulen ſeie, Y am not a profete; Y am a man
chymnei of fier in trees, and as a broond of fier in hei;
and þei ſchulen deuoure at þe `riȝthalf and lefthalf alle `erþe tiliere, for Adam is myn enſaumple fro my
puplis in cumpas. And Jeruſalem ſchal be enhabitid ȝongþe.
vi And it ſchal be ſeid to hym, What ben þeſe woundis in
eftſoone in his place, `in Jeruſalem.
vii And þe Lord ſchal ſaue þe tabernaclis of Juda, as in þe myddil of þin hondis? And he ſchal ſeie, Wiþ þeſe Y
bigynnyng, þat þe hous of Dauid `glorie not greetli, and was woundid in þe hous of hem þat louyden me.

vii Swerd, be þou reiſid on my ſcheepherde, and on a xii And þis ſchal be þe wounde, bi which þe Lord ſchal
man cleuynge to me, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis; ſmyte þou ſmyte alle folkis, þat fouȝten aȝens Jeruſalem; þe fleiſch
þe ſcheepherde, and ſcheep of þe floc ſchulen be of ech man ſtondynge on hiſe feet ſchal faile, and hiſe
ſcaterid. And Y ſchal turne myn hond to þe litle. iȝen ſchulen faile togidere in her hoolis, and her tunge
viii And twei partis ſchulen be in ech lond, ſeiþ þe Lord, ſchal faile togidere in her mouþ.
and þei ſchulen be ſcaterid, and ſchulen faile, and þe xiii In þat dai greet noiſe of þe Lord ſchal be in hem, and
þridde part ſchal be left in it. a man ſchal catche þe hond of his neiȝbore; and his
ix And Y ſchal lede þe þridde part bi fier, and Y ſchal hond ſchal be lockid togidere on hond of his neiȝbore.
brenne hem, as ſiluer is brent, and Y ſchal preue hem, as xiiii But and Judas ſchal fiȝte aȝens Jeruſalem; and
gold is preuyd. He ſchal clepe to help my name, and Y richeſſis of alle folkis in cumpas ſchulen be gaderide
ſchal graciouſly here him; and Y ſchal ſeie, Þou art my togidere, gold, and ſiluer, and many cloþis ynow.
puple, and he ſchal ſeie, Þou art my Lord God. xv And ſo fallyng ſchal be of hors, and mule, and camel,
and aſſe, and of alle werk beeſtis, þat weren in þo
CAP. XIIII caſtels, as þis fallyng.
i Lo! daies comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and þi ſpuylis ſchulen xvi And alle þat ſchulen be reſidue of alle folkis, þat
be departid in þe myddil of þee. camen aȝens Jeruſalem, ſchulen ſtie vp fro ȝeer in to
ii And Y ſchal gadere alle folkis to Jeruſalem, in to ȝeer, þat þei worſchipe þe kyng, Lord of ooſtis, and
batel; and þe citee ſchal be takun, and houſis ſchulen be halewe þe feeſte of tabernaclis.
diſtried, and wymmen ſchulen be defoulid. And þe xvii And it ſchal be, reyn ſchal not be on hem þat ſchulen
myddil part of þe citee ſchal go out in to caitiftee, and not ſtie vp of þe meyneis of erþe to Jeruſalem, `þat þei
þe `toþer part of þe puple ſchal not be takun awei fro þe worſchipe þe king, Lord of ooſtis.
citee. xviii `Þat and if þe meynee of Egipt ſchal not ſtie vp, and
iii And þe Lord ſchal go out, and ſchal fiȝte aȝens þo
ſchal not come, neþer on hem ſchal be reyn; but fallyng
folkis, as he fauȝte in þe dai of ſtrijf. ſchal be, bi which þe Lord ſchal ſmyte alle folkis,
iiii And hiſe feet ſchulen ſtonde in þat dai on þe hil of whiche ſtieden not, for to halewe þe feeſte of
olyues, þat is aȝens Jeruſalem at þe eeſt. And þe hil of tabernaclis.
olyues ſchal be coruun of þe myddil part þerof to þe eeſt xix Þis ſchal be þe ſynne of Egipt, and þis þe ſynne of
and to þe weſt, bi ful greet biforbrekyng; and þe myddil alle folkis, þat ſtieden not, for to halewe þe feeſte of
of þe hil ſchal be departid to þe norþ, and þe myddil tabernaclis.
þerof to þe ſouþ. xx In þat dai, þat þat is on þe bridil of hors ſchal be hooli
v And ȝe ſchulen fle to þe valei of myn hillis, for þe
to þe Lord; and caudruns ſchulen be in þe hous of þe
valei of hillis ſchal be ioyned togidere til to þe nexte. Lord, as cruetis bifor þe auter.
And ȝe ſchulen fle, as ȝe fledden fro þe face of erþe xxi And euery caudrun in Jeruſalem and Juda ſchal be
mouyng in þe daies of Oſie, kyng of Juda; and my Lord halewid to þe Lord of ooſtis. And alle men ſchulen
God ſchal come, and alle ſeyntis wiþ hym. come offrynge, and ſchulen take of þo, and ſchulen ſeþe
vi And it ſchal be, in þat dai lyȝt ſchal not be, but coold
in þo; and a marchaunt ſchal no more be in þe hous of
and froſt. þe Lord of ooſtis in þat day.
vii And `þer ſchal be o dai, which is knowun to þe Lord,
Here endiþ Sacarie, and here bigynneþ Malachie.
not day, neþer niȝt, and in tyme of euentid lyȝt ſchal be.
viii And it ſchal be, in þat dai quyke watris ſchulen go
out of Jeruſalem, þe myddil of hem ſchal go out to þe
eeſt ſee, and þe myddil of hem to þe laſte ſee; in ſomer
and in wynter þei ſchulen be.
ix And þe Lord ſchal be kyng on al erþe; in þat dai þere
ſchal be o Lord, and his name ſchal be oon.
x And al erþe ſchal turne aȝen til to deſert, fro þe litil hil
Remmon to þe ſouþ of Jeruſalem. And it ſchal be reiſid,
and ſchal dwelle in his place, fro þe ȝate of Beniamyn
til to place of þe formere ȝate, and til to þe ȝate of þe
corneris, and fro þe tour of Ananyel til to þe preſſouris
of þe kyng.
xi And þei ſchulen dwelle þere ynne, and curſidneſſe
ſchal no more be, but Jeruſalem ſchal ſitte ſikir.

am a greet kyng, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, and my name is
MALACHIE dredeful `in folkis.
i Þe birþun of þe word of þe Lord to Iſrael, in þe hond i And now, A! ȝe preeſtis, þis maundement is to ȝou.
of Malachie, þe profete. ii If ȝe wolen here, and if ȝe `wolen not putte on þe
ii Y louyde ȝou, ſeiþ þe Lord, and ȝe ſeiden, In what
herte, þat ȝe ȝyue glorie to my name, ſeiþ þe Lord of
þing louydiſt þou vs? Wheþer Eſau was not þe broþer of ooſtis, Y ſchal ſende nedyneſſe in to ȝou, and Y ſchal
Jacob, ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y louyde Jacob, curſe to ȝoure bleſſyngis; and Y ſchal curſe hem, for ȝe
iii forſoþe Y hatide Eſau? And Y haue put Seir þe hillis
han not putte on þe herte.
of hym in to wildirneſſe, and his eritage in to dragouns iii Lo! Y ſchal caſte to ȝou þe arm, and Y ſchal ſcatere on
of deſert. ȝoure cheere þe drit of ȝoure ſolempnytees, and it ſchal
iiii Þat if Idumee ſeiþ, We ben diſtried, but we ſchulen
take ȝou wiþ it.
turne aȝen, and bilde þo þingis þat ben diſtried; þe Lord iiii And ȝe ſchulen wite, þat Y ſente to ȝou þis
of ooſtis ſeiþ þeſe þingis, Þeſe ſchulen bilde, and Y ſchal maundement, þat my couenaunt were wiþ Leuy, ſeiþ þe
diſtrie; and þei ſchulen be clepid termes of wickidneſſe, Lord of ooſtis.
and a puple to whom þe Lord is wroþ, til in to wiþ v My couenaunt was wiþ hym of lijf and pees; and Y ȝaf
outen ende.
v And ȝoure iȝen ſchulen ſe, and ȝe ſchulen ſeie, Þe Lord
to hym a drede, and he dredde me, and he dredde of
face of my name.
be magnefied on þe terme of Iſrael. vi Þe lawe of trewþe was in his mouþ, and wickidneſſe
vi Þe ſone onouriþ þe fader, and þe ſeruaunt ſchal drede
was not foundun in hiſe lippis; in pees and in equite he
his lord; þerfor if Y am fadir, wher is myn onour? and if walkide wiþ me, and he turnede awei many men fro
Y am lord, where is my drede? ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis. wickidneſſe.
A! ȝe preſtis, to ȝou þat diſpiſen my name; and ȝe vii For þe lippis of a preſt kepen ſcience, and þei ſchulen
ſeiden, Wherynne han we diſpiſid þi name?
vii Ȝe offren on myn auter vncleene breed, and ȝe ſeien,
aȝen ſeke þe lawe of `þe mouþ of hym, for he is an
aungel of þe Lord of ooſtes.
Wherynne han we defoulid þee? In þat þing þat ȝe viii But ȝe wenten awei fro þe weie, and ſclaundren ful
ſeien, Þe boord of þe Lord is diſpiſid.
viii If ȝe offren a blynd beeſt to be ſacrifiſid, wheþer it is
many men in þe lawe; ȝe maden voide þe couenaunt of
Leuy, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis.
not yuel? And if ȝe offren a crokid and ſike beeſte, ix For which þing and Y ȝaf ȝou worþi to be diſpiſid, and
wheþer it is not yuel? Offre þou it to þi duyk, if it ſchal
bowen to alle puplis, as ȝe kepten not my weies, and
pleſe hym, eþer if he ſchal reſſeyue þi face, ſeiþ þe Lord
token a face in þe lawe.
of ooſtis. x Wheþer not o fadir is of alle ȝou? wheþer o God made
ix And now biſeche ȝe þe cheer of þe Lord, þat he haue
not of nouȝt ȝou? Whi þerfor ech of ȝou diſpiſiþ his
merci on ȝou; for of ȝoure hond þis þing is doon, if in
broþer, and defouliþ þe couenaunt of ȝoure fadris?
ony maner he reſſeiue ȝoure faces, ſeiþ þe Lord of xi Judas treſpaſſide, and abhomynacioun is maad in
x Who is `in ȝou þat cloſiþ doris, and brenneþ myn auter Iſrael, and in Jeruſalem; for Judas defoulide þe
halewyng of þe Lord, which he louyde, and he hadde þe
`of his owne wille, eþir freli? Wille is not to me in ȝou,
douȝter of an alien god.
ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis; and Y ſchal not reſſeyue a ȝifte of xii Þe Lord ſchal diſtrie þe man þat dide þis þing, þe
ȝoure hond.
xi For fro ryſyng of þe ſunne til to goyng doun, my maiſter and diſciple, fro þe tabernacle of Jacob, and him
þat offriþ a ȝifte to þe Lord of ooſtis.
name is greet in heþene men; and in ech place a cleene xiii And eftſoone ȝe diden þis þing; ȝe hiliden wiþ teeris
offring is ſacrifiſid, and offrid to my name; for my name
is greet in heþene men, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis. þe auter of þe Lord, wiþ wepyng and mourenyng; ſo þat
xii And ȝe han defoulid it in þat þat ȝe ſeien, Þe boord of Y biholde no more to ſacrifice, neþer reſſeyue ony þing
pleſaunt of ȝoure hond.
þe Lord is defoulid, and þat þat is put aboue is `worþi to xiiii And ȝe ſeiden, For what cauſe? For þe Lord
be diſpiſid, wiþ fier þat deuouriþ it.
xiii And ȝe ſeiden, Lo! of trauel; and ȝe han blowe it a witneſſide bitwixe þee and þe wijf of þi `puberte, þat is,
tyme of mariage, which þou diſpiſidiſt, and þis is þi
wei, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis. And ȝe brouȝten in of
felowe, and wijf of þi couenaunt.
raueyns a crokid þlng and ſijk, and brouȝten in a ȝifte; xv Wheþer oon made not, and reſidue of ſpirit is his?
wheþer Y ſchal reſſeyue it of ȝoure hond? ſeiþ þe Lord.
xiiii Curſid is þe gileful, þat haþ in his floc a male beeſte, and what ſekiþ oon, no but þe ſeed of God? Þerfore
kepe ȝe ȝoure ſpirit, and nyle þou diſpiſe þe wijf of þi
and `he makynge a vow offriþ a feble to þe Lord; for Y

xvi whanne þou hatiſt hir, leue þou hir, ſeiþ þe Lord God xiiii Andȝe ſeiden, He is veyn, þat ſerueþ God; and what
of Iſrael. Forſoþe wickidneſſe ſchal kyuere þe cloſyng of wynnyng for we kepten hiſe heeſtis, and for we wenten
hym, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis; kepe ȝe ȝoure ſpirit, and ſorewful bifore þe Lord of ooſtis?
nyle ȝe diſpiſe. xv Þerfor now we ſeien proude men bleſſid; for þei ben
xvii Ȝe maden þe Lord for to trauele in ȝoure wordis, bildid doynge vnpitee, and þei temptiden God, and ben
and ȝe ſeiden, Wherynne maden we hym for to trauele? maad ſaaf.
In þat þat ȝe ſeien, Ech man þat doiþ yuel, is good in þe xvi Þanne men dredynge God ſpaken, ech wiþ his
ſiȝt of þe Lord, and ſiche pleſen to hym; eþer certis neiȝbore; and þe Lord perſeyuede, and herde, and a
where is þe God of doom? book of mynde is writun bifor hym to `men dredynge
God, and þenkynge his name.
CAP. III xvii And þei ſchulen be to me, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, in
i Lo! Y ſende myn aungel, and he ſchal make redi weie
þe dai in which Y ſchal make, in to a ſpecial treſour; and
bifor my face; and anoon þe lordſhipere, whom ȝe Y ſchal ſpare hem, as a man ſpariþ his ſone ſeruynge to
ſeken, ſchal come to his hooli temple, and þe aungel of hym.
teſtament, whom ȝe wolen. Lo! he comeþ, ſeiþ þe Lord xviii And ȝe ſchulen be conuertid, and ȝe ſchulen ſe,
of ooſtis; what is bitwixe þe iuſt man and vnpitouſe, bitwixe `þe
ii and who ſchal mowe þenke þe dai of his comyng? and
ſeruynge to þe Lord and `not ſeruynge to hym.
who ſchal ſtonde for to ſe hym? For he ſchal be as fier
wellynge togidere, and as erbe of fulleris; CAP. IIII
iii and he ſchal ſitte wellynge togidere and clenſynge i For lo! a dai ſchal come, brennynge as a chymenei;
ſiluer, and he ſchal purge þe ſones of Leuy; and he ſchal and alle proude men, and alle doynge vnpitee ſchulen
purge hem as gold and as ſiluer, and þei ſchulen be be ſtobul; and þe dai comynge ſchal enflaume hem, ſeiþ
offrynge to þe Lord ſacrifices in riȝtfulneſſe. þe Lord of ooſtis, which ſchal not leeue to hem rote and
iiii And þe ſacrifice of Juda and of Jeruſalem ſchal pleſe buriownyng.
to þe Lord, as þe daies of þe world, and as olde ȝeeris. ii And to ȝou dredynge my name þe ſunne of riȝtwiſneſſe
v And Y ſchal come to ȝou in doom, and Y ſchal be a ſchal riſe, and heelþe in pennys of hym; and ȝe ſchulen
ſwift witneſſe to myſdoeris, `eþer enchaunteris of go out, and ſchulen ſkippe, as a calf of þe droue.
deuelis craft, and to auouteris, and forſworn men, and iii And ȝe ſchulen to-trede vnpitouſe men, whanne þei
þat falſli calengen þe hire of þe hirid man, and widewis, ſchulen be aiſche vndur þe ſoole of ȝoure feet, in þe dai
and fadirles, `eþer modirles, children, and oppreſſen a in which Y do, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis.
pilgrym, `neþer dredden me, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis. iiii Biþenke ȝe on þe lawe of my ſeruaunt Moiſes, which
vi Forſoþe Y am þe Lord, and am not chaungid; and ȝe
Y comaundide to hym in Oreb, to al Iſrael
ſones of Jacob ben not waſtid. comaundementis and domes.
vii Forſoþe fro daies of ȝoure fadris ȝe wenten awei fro v Lo! Y ſchal ſende to ȝou Elie, þe profete, bifore þat þe
my lawful þingis, and kepten not; turne ȝe aȝen to me, greet dai and orible of þe Lord come.
and Y ſchal aȝen turne to ȝou, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis. vi And he ſchal conuerte þe herte of fadris to ſones, and
And ȝe ſeiden, In what þing ſchulen we turne aȝen? þe herte of ſones to fadris of hem, leſt perauenture Y
viii If a man ſchal turmente God, for ȝe `togidere fitchen
come, and ſmyte þe erþe wiþ curs.
me. And ȝe ſeiden, In what þing `togidere fitchen we Here endiþ Malachie, and bigynneþ þe firſte book of
þee? In tiþis and in `firſte fruitis; Machabeis.
ix and ȝe ben curſid in nedyneſſe, and alle ȝe folc
diſſeyuen me, and `togidere fitchen.
x Brynge ȝe yn ech tiþe in to my berne, þat mete be in
myn hous, and preue ȝe me on þis þing, ſeiþ þe Lord, if
Y ſchal not opene to ȝou þe goteris of heuene, and ſchal
ſchede out to ȝou bleſſyng, til to aboundaunce.
xi And Y ſchal blame for ȝou þat þat deuouriþ, and he
ſchal not diſtrie þe fruit of ȝoure lond; neþer bareyn
vyneȝerd ſchal be in þe feeld,
xii ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, and alle folkis ſchulen ſeie ȝou
bleſſid; for ȝe ſchulen be a deſirable lond, ſeiþ þe Lord
of ooſtis.
xiii Ȝoure wordis wexiden ſtrong on me, ſeiþ þe Lord;
and ȝe ſeiden, What han we ſpokun aȝens þee?

xx And he took þe ſtronge citees in þe lond of Egipt, and
I MACHABEIES took þe preies of þe lond of Egipt.
xxi And Antiok turnede, after þat he ſmoot Egipt, in þe
i And it was don, aftir þat Aliſaundre of Filip, king of hundrid and þre and fourtiþe ȝeer, and ſtiede to Iſrael.
xxii And he ſtiede to Jeruſalem wiþ a greuouſe
Macedoyne, which regnede firſt in Grece, and ȝede out
of þe lond of Sethym, ſmoot Darius, king of Perſeis and multitude,
xxiii and entride in to þe halewyng wiþ pride; and he
of Medeis,
ii he ordeynede many batels, and gat ſtrengþis of alle; took þe goldun auter, and þe candilſtike of lyȝt, and alle
and he ſlow þe kingis of erþe, veſſels þerof, and þe boord of propoſicioun, and veſſels
iii and paſſide forþ til to endis of erþe, and took ſpuylis of fletynge ſacrifices, and cruetis, and goldun morteris,
and veil, and crownes, and goldun ournement þat was
of multitude of folkis; and þe erþe was ſtille in ſiȝt of
in þe face of þe temple; and he brak alle.
hym. xxiiii And he took ſiluer and gold, and alle deſirable
iiii And he gaderide vertu, and ooſt ful ſtrong, and þe
veſſels, and he took þe priuy treſours, whiche he foond;
herte of hym was enhaunſid and lift vp.
v And he gat þe cuntreis of folkis, and tirauntis; and þei
and whanne he hadde takun vp alle þingis, he wente in
to his lond.
weren maad to hym in to tribut. xxv And he made ſlauȝter of men, and ſpak in greet
vi And after þeſe þingis he felle in to bed, and knew þat
he ſchulde die. xxvi And greet weilyng was maad in Iſrael, and in ech
vii And he clepide his noble children, þat weren
place of hem;
nurſchid wiþ hym fro ȝongþe, and departide to hem his xxvii and princes ſorewiden inwardli, and eldere men,
kingdom, whanne he lyuede ȝit.
viii And Aliſaundre regnede twelue ȝeer, and was deed.
and maidens, and ȝonge men weren maad ſike, and
fairneſſe of wymmen was chaungid.
ix And his children weldiden þe rewme, xxviii Ech hoſebonde took weilyng, and þei þat ſaten in
x ech in his place, and alle puttiden to hem diademys
hoſebondis bed, morenyden.
aftir his deþ, and þe ſones of hem after hem, many xxix And þe lond was mouyd togidere on men
ȝeeris; and yuels weren multiplied in erþe. dwellynge þerynne, and al þe hous of Jacob was cloþid
xi And þer wente out of hem a roote of ſynne, Antiok þe
wiþ confuſioun.
noble, þe ſone of Antiok kyng, þat was at Rome in xxx And aftir twei ȝeeris of daies, þe kyng ſente a prince
oſtage, and regnede in þe hundrid and ſeuene and of tributis in to þe citees of Juda, and he cam to
þrittiþe ȝeer of þe rewme of Grekis. Jeruſalem wiþ greet cumpanye.
xii In þo daies wickid ſones `of Iſrael wenten out, and xxxi And he ſpak to hem peſible wordis in gile, and þei
counſeiliden many, and ſeide, Go we, and ordeyne we bileuyden to hym.
teſtament wiþ heþene men, þat ben aboute vs; for ſiþen xxxii And ſudeynli he felle in on þe citee, and ſmoot it
we departiden fro hem, many yuels foundun vs.
xiii And þe word was ſeyn good bifore þe iȝen of hem.
wiþ a greet wounde, and loſte myche puple of Iſrael.
xxxiii And he took preies of þe citee, and brente it wiþ
xiiii And ſumme of þe puple ſenten, and wenten to þe
fier, and diſtriede houſis þerof, and wallis þerof in
kyng; and he ȝaf power to hem for to do riȝtwiſneſſe of cumpas.
heþene men. xxxiiii And þei ledden wymmen caitif, and children, and
xv And þei bildiden a ſcole in Jeruſalem, bi lawis of
weldiden beeſtis.
naciouns; xxxv And þei bildiden þe citee of Dauid wiþ greet wal
xvi and maden to hem prepucies, and wenten awei fro þe
and ſad, and ſadde touris; and it was maad to hem in to
hooli teſtament, and weren ioyned to naciouns, and an hiȝ tour.
weren ſeeld for to do yuel. xxxvi And þei puttiden þere a folc of ſynneris, wickid
xvii And þe rewme hadde proſperite in þe ſiȝt of Antiok,
men, and þei weren ſtrong in it; and þei puttiden
and he bigan for to regne in þe lond of Egipt, þat he armeris, and metis, and gaderiden preies of Jeruſalem;
ſchulde regne on twei rewmes. xxxvii and puttiden vp þere, and weren maad in to a greet
xviii And he entride in to Egipt wiþ a greuouſe
multitude, in charis, and olifauntis, and horſe men, `eþer xxxviii And þis þing was maad to aſpiyngis in yuel, `eþer
kniȝtis, and plenteuouſe multitude of ſchippis,
xix and he ordeynede batel aȝens Tholome, kyng of
treſouns, to halewyng, and in to an yuel deuel in Iſrael
euere more.
Egipt; and Tolome dredde of his face, and flei; and xxxix And þei ſchedden out innocent blood, bi cumpas of
many weren woundid, and fellen doun.
þe halewyng, and defouliden þe halewyng.

xl And dwelleris of Jeruſalem fledden for hem, and it lx And anentis whom euere þe bookis of teſtament of þe
was maad abitacioun of ſtraungeris, and it was maad Lord weren foundun, and who euere kepte þe lawe of
ſtraunge to his ſeed, and ſones þerof forſoken it. þe Lord, bi þe maundement of þe kyng þei ſlowen hym.
xli Þe halewyng þerof was deſolat as wildirneſſe; feeſte lxi In her power þei diden þeſe þingis to þe puple of
daies þerof weren turned in to mourenyng, ſabotis þerof Iſrael, þat was foundun in ech moneþe in citees.
in to ſchenſchip, onouris þerof in to nouȝt. lxii And in þe fyue and twentiþe dai of þe moneþe, þei
xlii Bi þe glorie þerof þe yuel fame þerof was ſacrifieden on þe auter, þat was aȝens þe auter of God.
multiplied, and hyȝneſſe þerof was turned in to lxiii And wymmen, þat circumcididen her ſones, weren
mournyng. ſtranglid, bi comaundement of kyng Antiok;
xliii And kyng Antiok wroot to al his rewme, þat al þe lxiiii and þei hangiden children bi þe neckis, bi alle
puple ſchulde be oon. And þei forſoken ech man his houſis of hem, and ſtrangliden hem þat circumcididen
lawe; hem.
xliiii and alle folkis conſentiden bi þe word of kyng lxv And many of þe puple of Iſrael determyneden
Antiok, anentis hem, þat þei ſchulden not ete vnclene þingis,
xlv and many of Iſrael conſentiden to him, and and cheſiden more for to die, þan for to be defoulid wiþ
ſacrifieden to idols, and defouliden ſabot. vnclene metis.
xlvi And king Antiok ſente bokis bi þe hondis of lxvi And þei wolden not breke þe hooli lawe of God, and
meſſangeris in to Jeruſalem, and in to alle citees of þei weren ſlayn;
Judee, þat þei ſchulden ſue lawis of folkis of erþe, lxvii and ful greet wraþþe was maad on þe puple.
xlvii and ſchulden forbede brent ſacrifices, and ſacrifices,
and pleſyngis for to be don in þe temple of God, CAP. II
xlviii and þat þei ſchulden forbede þe ſabot for to be i In þo daies Matatias, þe ſone of Joon, ſone of Symeon,
halewid, and ſolempne daies, and he was preſt of þe ſones of Joarym, roos fro
xlix and hooli þingis for to be defoulid, and þe hooli Jeruſalem, and ſat in þe hil Modyn.
puple of Iſrael. ii And he hadde fyue ſones; Joon, þat was named
l And he comaundide auteris for to be bildid, and Gaddis; and Symount, þat was named Thaſi;
templis, and idols; and ſwynes fleiſch for to be iii and Judas, þat was clepid Machabeus;
ſacrifiſid, and vncleene beeſtis; iiii and Eleaſarus, þat was named Abaron;
li and for to leeue her ſones vncircumcidid, and þe ſoulis v and Jonathas, þat was clepid Apphus.
of hem for to be defoulid in alle vnclenneſſis and vi Þeſe ſiȝen þe yuels þat weren don in þe puple of Juda
abhomynaciouns, ſo þat þei ſchulden forȝete þe lawe, and in Jeruſalem.
and ſchulen chaunge alle þe iuſtifiyngis of God. vii And Matatias ſeide, Wo to me! wher to am Y borun,
lii And who euere dide not bi þe word of kyng Antiok,
for to ſe þe diſtriyng `of my puple, and þe defoulyng of
ſchulden die. þe hooli citee, and for to ſitte þere, whanne it is ȝouun
liii Bi alle þeſe wordis he wroot to al his rewme, and
in to þe hondis of enemyes?
aboue ſettide princes to þe puple, whiche ſchulden viii Hooli þingis ben maad in þe hond of ſtraungeris; þe
conſtreyne þeſe þingis for to be don. temple þerof as a man vnnoble;
liiii And þei comaundiden to citees of Juda for to make ix veſſels of glorie þerof ben led awei caitif. Elde men
ſacrifice. þerof ben ſlayn in ſtretis, and ȝonge men þerof fellen
lv And many of þe puple weren gaderid to hem, whiche
doun bi ſwerd of enemyes.
forſoken þe lawe of þe Lord, and diden yuels on erþe. x What folc enheritide not þe kingdom þerof, and
lvi And þei dryueden out þe puple of Iſrael fro priuy
weldide not preies þerof?
places, and in hid places of fleynge men. xi Al ournyng þerof is borun awei; ſche þat was fre, is
lvii In þe fiftenþe dai of þe moneþe Caſleu, in þe
maad handmaidun.
hundrid and fyue and fourtiþe ȝeer, king Antiok bildide xii And lo! oure hooli þing, and oure fairneſſe, and oure
abhominable idol of diſcoumfort on þe auter of God; clerete, is deſolat, and heþene men defouliden it.
and bi alle citees of Judee in cumpas þei bildiden xiii What þerfor is ȝit to vs for to lyue?
auters. xiiii And Matatias and his ſones to-renten her cloþis, and
lviii And bifore þe ȝatis of houſis and in ſtretis þei
hiliden hem wiþ heiris, and weiliden greetli.
brenten encenſis, and ſacrifieden; xv And þei þat weren ſent of kyng Antiok, camen þidur,
lix and brenten bi fier þe bookis of þe lawe of God, and
for to conſtreyne hem þat fledden togidere in to þe cite
keruyden hem.

of Modyn, for to offre and brenne encenſis, and for to xxxiii and ſeiden to hem, Aȝenſtonde ȝe alſo now ȝit? go
departe fro þe lawe of God. ȝe out, and do ȝe after þe word of kyng Antiok, and ȝe
xvi And many of þe puple of Iſrael conſentiden, and ſchulen lyue.
camen to hem; but Matatias and his ſones ſtoden xxxiiii And þei ſeiden, We ſchulen not go out, neþer
ſtidefaſtli. ſchulen do þe word of þe king, þat we defoule þe dai of
xvii And þei anſweriden, þat weren ſent of Antiok, and ſabatis.
ſeiden to Matatias, Þou art prince, and mooſt clere, and xxxv And þei ſtiriden batel aȝens hem.
greet in þis citee, and ourned wiþ ſones and briþeren. xxxvi And þei anſweriden not to hem, neþer þrewen
xviii Þerfor go þou þe formere, and do þe maundement
ſtoon to hem, neþer ſtoppiden priuy places,
of þe kyng, as alle folkis han don, and men of Juda, and xxxvii and ſeiden, Die we alle in oure ſimpleneſſe, and
þei þat leften in Jeruſalem. And þou ſchalt be, and þi heuene and erþe ſchulen be witneſſis on vs, þat vniuſtli
ſones, among frendis of þe king, and maad large in ȝe leſen vs.
ſiluer and gold, and many ȝiftis. xxxviii And þei ȝauen to hem batel in ſabatis, and þei
xix And Matatias anſweride, and ſeide wiþ greet vois,
weren deed, and wyues of hem, and ſones of hem, and
Þouȝ alle folkis obeien to kyng Antiok, þat þei go awei beeſtis of hem, til to a þouſande perſoones of men.
ech man fro ſeruice of þe lawe of his fadris, and xxxix And Matatias knew, and his frendis; and þei
conſenten to his maundementis, hadden mournyng on hem greetli.
xx Y, and my ſones, and my briþeren ſchulen obeie to þe
xl And a man ſeide to his neiȝbore, If we alle ſhulen do
lawe of oure fadris. as oure briþeren diden, and ſchulen not fiȝte aȝens
xxi God be helpful to vs; it is not profitable to vs for to
heþene men, for oure lyues, and oure iuſtifiyngis,
forſake þe lawe and riȝtwiſneſſes of God. ſunnere þei ſchulen diſtrie vs fro erþe.
xxii We ſchulen not here þe wordis of kyng Antiok, xli And þei þouȝten in þat dai, and ſeiden, Ech man who
neþer ſchulen make ſacrifice to idols, and breke þe euere comeþ to vs in batel, in dai of ſabotis, fiȝte we
maundementis of oure lawe, þat we go bi anoþir weie. aȝens hym, and die we not alle, as oure briþeren ben
xxiii And as he ceeſſide for to ſpeke þeſe wordis, ſum
deed in priuy places.
Jew wente to, bifore þe iȝen of alle men, for to ſacrifice xlii Þanne þe ſynagoge of Jewis, ſtrong in myȝtis of
to idols on þe auter, in þe citee Modyn, bi Iſrael, was gaderid to hem. Euery wilful man in þe
comaundement of þe kyng. lawe,
xxiiii And Matatias ſiȝ, and ſorewide, and his reynes xliii and alle þat fledden fro yuels, weren addid to hem,
trembliden togidere, and his woodneſſe was kyndlid bi and þei weren maad to hem to ſtidfaſtneſſe.
doom of þe lawe; and he ſkippide in, and ſlow hym on xliiii And þei gaderiden an ooſt, and ſmytiden ſynneris in
þe auter. her wraþþe, and wickid men in her indignacioun; and
xxv But and he ſlow in þat tyme þe man whom king
þe toþer fledden to naciouns, for to aſcape.
Antiok ſente, which compellide for to offre, and he xlv And Matatias enuyrownede, and hiſe frendis, and
diſtriede þe auter. diſtrieden auteris,
xxvi And he louyde feruentli þe lawe, as Fynees dide to
xlvi and circumcididen children vncircumcided, hou
Sambri, ſone of Salomy. many euere þei founden in þe cooſtis of Iſrael, `in
xxvii And Matatias criede wiþ greet vois in þe citee, and
ſeide, Ech man þat haþ feruent loue of þe lawe, ordeyne xlvii And þei purſueden þe ſones of pride, and þe werk
a teſtament, `þat is, a couenaunt, and go out after me. hadde proſperite in her hondis.
xxviii And he flei, and hiſe ſones, in to munteyns, and
xlviii And þei gaten þe lawe fro hondis of heþene men,
leften what euere þingis þei hadden in þe citee. and fro hondis of kyngis, and ȝauen not ſtrengþe to þe
xxix Þanne many ſekynge dom and riȝtwiſneſſe, wenten
doun in to deſert, þat þei ſchulden ſitte þere, xlix And daies of Matatias of diynge neiȝiden, and he
xxx þei, and þe ſones of hem, and wymmen of hem, and
ſeide to hiſe ſones, Now pride is coumfortid, and
beeſtis of hem, for yuels weren hard on hem. chaſtiſyng, and tyme of diſtruccioun, and þe wraþþe of
xxxi And it was teld to men of þe kyng, and to þe ooſt,
þat weren in Jeruſalem, þe citee of Dauid, þat ſummen l Now þerfor, ſones, be ȝe ſueris, `eþer louyeris, of þe
wenten awei, þat diſtrieden maundement of þe kyng, in lawe, and ȝyue ȝe ȝoure lyues for þe teſtament of fadris.
to priuy places in deſert; and many hadden go after li And biþenke ȝe on werkis of fadris, whiche þei diden
hem. in her generaciouns, and ȝe ſchulen reſſeyue greet
xxxii And anoon þei wenten to hem, and ordeineden
glorie, and euerlaſtynge name.
aȝens hem batel, in þe dai of ſabatis;

lii Wheþer in temptacioun Abraham was not founden armeris of batel in batels, and defendide caſtels wiþ his
trewe, and it was arettid to hym to riȝtwiſnes? ſwerd.
liii Joſeph in time of his angwiſch kepte comaundement, iiii He was maad lijk a lioun in hiſe werkis, and as a

and was maad lord of Egipt. whelp of lioun rorynge in his huntyng.
liiii Fynees, oure fadir, in feruentli louynge þe feruent v And he purſuede wickid men, and ſouȝte hem; and he

loue of God, took teſtament of euerlaſtynge preeſthod. brente hem in flawmes, þat diſturbliden his puple.
lv Jheſus, `eþer Joſue, while he fillide þe word, was vi And hiſe enemyes weren put abac for drede of hym,

maad duyk in Iſrael. and alle worcheris of wickidneſſe weren troblid to

lvi Caleph, while he witneſſide in þe chirche, took gidere; and heelþe was dreſſid in his hond.
vii And he wraþþide many kyngis, and gladide Jacob in
lvii Dauid in his merci gat þe ſete of kyngdom, in to hiſe werkis, and in to world his mynde is in bleſſyng.
viii And he wente þorouȝ þe citees of Juda, and loſte
lviii Elie, while he feruentli louyde þe feruent loue of þe vnpitouſe men of hem, and turnede awei wraþþe fro
lawe, was reſſeyued in to heuene. Iſrael.
lix Ananyas, Azarias, Miſael, bileuyden, and weren ix And he was named til to þe vtmeſt of erþe, and he

delyuered fro flawme. gaderide men periſchynge.

lx Danyel in his ſympleneſſe was delyuered fro þe mouþ x And Appollyne gaderide folkis, and fro Samarie

of liouns. myche vertu, and greet, for to fiȝte aȝens Iſrael.

lxi And þus biþenke ȝe bi generacioun and generacioun, xi And Judas knew, and wente out aȝens hym, and

for alle þat hopen in to hym ben not maad vnſtidefaſt. ſmoot, and ſlow hym. And many woundid fellen doun,
lxii And drede ȝe not of þe wordis of a man ſynnere, for and þe oþere fledden; and he took preies of hem.
xii And Judas took awei þe ſwerd of Appollyne, and was
þe glorie of hym is tord and worm;
lxiii to dai he is enhaunſid, and to morewe he ſchal not fiȝtynge þerwiþ in alle daies.
xiii And Seron, prince of þe ooſt of Sirie, herde, þat
be foundun, for he is turned in to his erþe, and his þouȝt
ſchal periſche. Judas gaderide a gaderyng, and þe chirche of feiþful
lxiiii Þerfor, ȝe ſones, be coumfortid, and do ȝe manli in men wiþ hym.
xiiii And he ſeide, Y ſchal make to me a name, and Y
þe lawe; for whanne ȝe ſchulen do þo þingis þat ben
bodun to ȝou in þe lawe of ȝoure Lord God, in it ȝe ſchal be glorified in þe rewme, and Y ſchal ouercome
ſchulen be gloriouſe. Judas, and hem þat ben wiþ hym, whiche diſpiſiden þe
lxv And lo! Symount, ȝoure broþer; Y woot, þat he is a kyngis word.
xv And he made redi hym; and þe caſtels of vnpitouſe
man of councel, here ȝe hym eueremore, and he ſchal be
fadir to ȝou. men, ſtronge helperis, ſtieden vp wiþ hym, for to do
lxvi And Judas Machabeus, ſtronge in miȝtis fro his veniaunce on þe ſones of Iſrael.
xvi And þei neiȝiden `til to Betheron; and Judas wente
ȝongþe, be to ȝou a prince in knyȝthod, and he ſchal do
batel of þe puple. out aȝens hem, wiþ fewe men.
lxvii And ȝe ſchulen brynge to ȝou alle doeris of þe lawe, xvii Forſoþe as þei ſiȝen þe ooſt comynge to hem in

and venge ȝe þe veniaunce of ȝoure puple. metinge, þei ſeiden to Judas, Hou moun we fewe fiȝten
lxviii Ȝelde ȝe ȝeldyng to heþene men, and take ȝe tent to aȝens ſo greet multitude, ſo ſtrong; and we ben maad
þe heeſte of þe lawe. weri bi faſtyng þis dai?
xviii And Judas ſeide, It is lyȝt, `eþer eſy, þat many be
lxix And he bleſſide hem, and was put to hiſe fadris.
lxx And he was deed in þe hundrid and `ſixe and fourti cloſid togidere in hond of fewe; and difference is not in
ſiȝt of God `of heuene, for to delyuere in manye eþer in
ȝeer, and was biried of hiſe ſones in to ſepulcre of hiſe
fadris in Modyn; and al Iſrael weiliden hym wiþ greet xix for not in multitude of ooſt is þe victorie of batel, but
of heuene is ſtrengþe.
xx Þei comen to vs in rebel multitude, and pride, for to
i And Judas, þat was clepid Machabeus, þe ſone of diſtrie vs, and oure wyues, and oure ſones, and for to
robbe vs.
Matatias, roos for hym. xxi Forſoþe we ſchulen fiȝte for oure lyues, and oure
ii And alle hiſe briþeren helpiden hym, and alle þat
ioyneden hem to his fadir, and þei fouȝten þe batel `of xxii and þe Lord hym ſilf ſchal al to-breke hem bifore
Iſrael wiþ gladneſſe.
iii And he alargide glorie to his puple, and cloþide hym oure face; forſoþe drede ȝe not hem.
wiþ an haburiowne as a giaunt, and girde hym wiþ hiſe

xxiii Soþeli as he ceeſſide for to ſpeke, he hurlide in `in ſchulden come in to þe lond of Juda, and diſtrie it, bi þe
to hem ſudenli; and Seron was al to-brokun, and his word of þe kyng.
ooſt, in þe ſiȝt of hym. xl And þei wenten forþ, for to go wiþ al her pouer; and
xxiiii And he purſuede hym in þe goynge doun of þei camen, and londiden at Ammaum, in þe feeldi lond.
Betheron, til in to þe feeld; and eiȝte hundrid men of xli And marchauntis of cuntreis herden þe name of hem,
hem fellen doun, þe oþere forſoþe fledden in to þe lond and token ſiluer and gold ful miche, and children, and
of Filiſtiym. camen in to caſtels, for to take þe ſones of Iſrael in to
xxv And þe drede of Judas, and of his briþeren, and þe ſeruauntis; and þe ooſtes of Sirie and þe londis of aliens
inward ferdneſſe, felle on alle heþene men in cumpas of weren addid to hem.
hem; xlii And Judas ſiȝ, and his briþeren, þat yuelis weren
xxvi and þe name of hym cam to þe kyng, and alle folkis multiplied, and þe ooſt appliede, `eþer londide, at þe
telden of þe bateils of Judas. cooſtis of hem; and þei knewen þe wordis of þe kyng,
xxvii Soþeli as king Antiok herde þeſe wordis, he was whiche he comaundide þe puple for to do, in to
wrooþ in ſoule; and he ſente, and gaderide þe ooſt of al periſchyng and endyng.
xliii And þei ſeiden, ech man to his neiȝbore, Reiſe we
his rewme, ful ſtronge caſtels.
xxviii And he openyde his treſerie, and ȝaf ſowdis to þe þe caſtyng doun of oure puple, and fiȝte we for oure
ooſt, in to a ȝeer, and comaundide hem, þat þei ſchulden puple, and oure hooli þingis.
xliiii And comyng togidere of ooſt was gaderid, for to be
be redi to alle þingis.
xxix And he ſai, þat money failide of hiſe treſouris, and redi in to batel, and for to preie, and axe merci, and
tributis of þe cuntrei weren litil, for diſſencioun and merciful doyngis.
xlv And Jeruſalem was not enhabitid, but was as deſert;
veniaunce þat he dide in þe lond, for to do awei þe
lawful þingis þat weren of þe firſte daies. þer was not þat entride and wente out, of children þerof;
xxx And he dredde, þat he ſchulde not haue as onys and and þe hooli þing was defoulid, and ſones of aliens
twies in to coſtis and ȝiftis, whiche he hadde ȝouun weren in þe hiȝ tour, þer was þe dwellyng of heþene
bifore wiþ large hond; and he was riche ouer kingis þat men; and þe likyng was don awei fro Jacob, and pipe
weren bifore hym. and harpe failide þere.
xxxi And he was aſtonyed in ſoule greetli, and þouȝte for xlvi And þei weren gaderid, and camen in to Maſphat

to go in to Perſis, and for to take tributis of cuntreis, and aȝens Jeruſalem; for place of preier was in Maſphat,
for to gadre myche ſiluer. ſunnere þan in Jeruſalem.
xxxii And he lefte Liſias, a noble man of þe kyngis kyn, xlvii And þei faſtiden in þat dai, and cloþiden hem wiþ

on þe kingis nedis, fro þe flood Eufrates til to þe flood hairis, and puttiden aiſch in her heed, and renten her
of Egipt; cloþis.
xxxiii and þat he ſchulde nurſche Antiok, his ſone, til he xlviii And þei ſpredden abrood bookis of lawe, of þe

cam aȝen. whiche heþene men ſouȝten licneſſe of her ſymylacris;

xxxiiii And he bitook to hym þe half of þe ooſt, and xlix and þei brouȝten ournementis of preſtis, and `firſte

olifauntis, and comaundide to hym of alle þeſe þingis fruytis, and tiþis; and þei reiſiden Nazareis þat hadden
þat he wolde, and of men enhabitynge Judee and fillid daies.
l And þei crieden wiþ greet vois to heuene, and ſeiden,
xxxv and þat he ſchulde ſende to hem an ooſt, for to al What ſchulen we do to þeſe, and whidur ſchulen we
to-breke, and to diſtrie vttirly þe vertu of Iſrael, and lede hem?
li And þin hooli þingis ben to-trodun, and defoulid, and
relifs of Jeruſalem, and for to do awey þe mynde of hem
fro place; þi preſtis ben maad in to mourenyng,
xxxvi and for to ordeyne dwelleris ſones aliens in alle þe lii and in to diſpiſyng. And lo! naciouns camen togidere

cooſtis of hem, and bi lot for to departe þe lond of hem. aȝens vs, for to diſtrie vs; þou woſt what þingis þei
xxxvii And þe kyng took a part of þe reſidue ooſt, and þenken aȝens vs.
liii Hou ſchulen we mow wiþſtonde bifore þe face of
wente out of Antiochie, citee of his rewme, in þe
hundrid and ſeuene and fourti ȝeer; and paſſide ouer þe hem, no but þou, God, helpe vs?
flood Eufrates, and wente þorou þe hiȝere cuntreis. liiii And þei crieden in trumpis, wiþ greet vois.
xxxviii And Liſias chees Tholome, þe ſone of Dorym, lv And aftir þeſe þingis Judas ordeynede duykis of þe
and Nycanore, and Gorgie, miȝti men of þe kyngis puple, tribunes, and centuriouns, and pentacontrarkis,
frendis. and decuriouns.
xxxix And he ſente wiþ hem fourti þouſynde of men, and lvi And he ſeide to þeſe þat bildiden houſis, and wediden
ſeuene þouſynde of hors men, `eþer knyȝtis, þat þei wyues, and plauntiden vyne ȝerdis, and to dredeful

men, þat þei ſchulden turne aȝen, eche man in to his Idumee, and Ayotus, and Jannye; and þere fellen doun
hous, bi þe lawe. of hem til to þre þouſyndis of men.
lvii And þei mouyden caſtels, and þei ſettiden togidere at xvi And Judas turnede aȝen, and his ooſt ſuynge hym.
þe ſouþ of Ammaum. xvii And he ſeide to þe puple, Coueite ȝe not preies, for
lviii And Judas ſeide, Be ȝe gird, and be ȝe miȝti ſones, batel is aȝens vs,
and be ȝe redi `in þe morewnyng, and þat ȝe fiȝte aȝens xviii and Gorgias and his ooſt ben in þe hil niȝ vs; but
þeſe naciouns, þat camen togidere for to diſtrie vs, and ſtonde ȝe now aȝens oure enemyes, and ouercome hem,
oure hooli þingis. and after þeſe þingis ȝe ſchulen take preyes ſikirli.
lix For betere is, þat we die in batel, þan for to ſe yuels xix And ȝit while Judas ſpak þeſe þingis, lo! ſum part
of oure folc and holi þingis. apperide, biholdynge forþ fro þe hil.
lx Soþeli as wille ſchal be in heuene, ſo be it don. xx And Gorgias ſiȝ, þat hiſe helperis weren togidere
turned in to fliȝt, and tentis weren brent; for ſmoke þat
CAP. IIII was ſeyn, declaride þat þat was don.
i And Gorgias took fyue þouſynde of men, and a xxi And whanne þei bihelden þeſe þingis, þei dredden
þouſynde choſun horſe men; and þei mouyden tentis bi greetli, biholdynge togidere boþe Judas and þe ooſt, redi
niȝt, to batel in þe feeld.
ii for to applie to þe tentis of Jewis, and for to ſmyte xxii And þei fledden alle in þe feeld of aliens,
hem ſudenli; and ſones þat weren of þe hiȝ tour, weren xxiii and Judas turnede aȝen to preies of þe tentis; and
lederis to hem. þei token myche gold, and ſiluer, and iacynct, and
iii And Judas herde, and he roos, and miȝti men, for to
purpur of þe ſee, and grete richeſſis.
ſmyte þe pouer of ooſtis of þe kyng, þat was in xxiiii And þei conuertiden, and ſongen an ympne, `eþer
Ammaum; heriyng, and bleſſiden God in to heuene; for he is good,
iiii for ȝit þe ooſt was ſcaterid fro tentis.
for þe merci of hym is in to þe world.
v And Gorgias cam in to þe tentis of Judas bi niȝt, and xxv And greet helþe was maad in Iſrael in þat dai.
foond no man; and þei ſouȝten hem in hillis, for he xxvi Forſoþe who euere of aliens aſcapiden, camen, and
ſeide, Þeſe fleen fro vs. telden to Liſias alle þingis þat bifellen.
vi And whanne dai was maad, Judas apperide in þe feeld xxvii And whanne he herde þeſe þingis, he was aſtonyed
wiþ þre þouſyndis of men oneli, whiche hadden not in ſoule, and failide; for not what maner þingis he
hilyngis and ſwerdis. wolde, ſiche bifellen in Iſrael, and what maner þingis þe
vii And þei ſiȝen þe tentis of heþene men ſtronge, and
kyng comaundide.
men haburiowned, and þe multitude of horſe men in xxviii And in þe ȝeer ſuynge, Liſias `gaderide of choſun
cumpas of hem, and þeſe weren tauȝt to batel. men ſixti þouſyndis, and of horſe men fyue þouſynde,
viii And Judas ſeide to hiſe men, þat weren wiþ hym,
for to ouercome hem.
Drede ȝe not þe multitude of hem, and drede ȝe not xxix And þei camen in to Judee, and ſettiden tentis in
inwardli þe ferſneſſe of hem. Betheron; and Judas ran to hem wiþ ten þouſynde of
ix Biþenke ȝe hou oure fadris weren maad ſaaf in þe
Reed See, whanne Farao purſuede hem wiþ mychel xxx And þei ſien ſtrong ooſt, and he preiede, and ſeide,
ooſt. Bleſſid art þou, ſauȝour of Iſrael, þat haſt al to-brokun þe
x And now crie we to heuene, and þe Lord ſchal haue
feerſneſſe of þe myȝti Golias in þe hond of þi ſeruaunt
mercy on vs, and ſchal be myndeful of þe teſtament of Dauid, and bitokiſt þe caſtels of aliens in to þe hondis of
oure fadris, and ſchal al to-breke þis ooſt bifore oure Jonathas, ſone of Saul, and of his ſquyer.
face to dai. xxxi Cloſe þou togidere alſo þis ooſt in þe hond of þi
xi And alle folkis ſchulen wite, þat it is God, þat ſchal
puple Iſrael, and be þei confoundid in her ooſt, and
aȝenbie, and delyuere Iſrael. horſe men.
xii And aliens reiſiden her iȝen, and ſien hem comynge xxxii Ȝyue þou to hem inward drede, and make þe
of þe contrarie part, hardyneſſe of her vertu to faile, and be þei mouyd
xiii and wenten out of tentis in to batel. And þei þat togidere in her brekyng togidere.
weren wiþ Judas, ſongen in trumpe. xxxiii Caſte doun hem bi þe ſwerd of men louynge þee,
xiiii And þei wenten togidere, and heþene men weren al and alle þat knowen þi name, togidere preyſe þee in
to-brokun, and fledden in to feeld; ympnys.
xv forſoþe þe laſte fellen doun bi ſwerd. And þei xxxiiii And þei ioyneden togidere batel, and fyue
purſueden hem til to Gaſeron, and til `in to feeldis of þouſyndis of men fellen doun of þe ooſt of Liſias.

xxxv Liſias forſoþe ſiȝ þe fliȝt of hiſe men, and þe cynaris, `þat ben inſtrumentis of muſik, eþer giternes,
hardyneſſe of Jewis; and þat þei weren redi eþer for to and cymbalis.
lyue, eþer for to die ſtrongli. And he wente to Antioche, lv And al þe puple felle on her face, and worſchipiden,
and chees knyȝtis, þat þei multiplied ſchulden come and bleſſiden in to heuene him þat made proſperite to
eftſoone in to Judee. hem.
xxxvi Forſoþe Judas ſeide to hiſe briþeren, Lo! oure lvi And þei maden halewyng of þe auter in eiȝte daies,
enemyes ben al to-brokun; ſtie we now, for to clenſe and offriden brent ſacrifices wiþ gladneſſe, and helful
hooli þingis, and `make newe. þing of heriyng.
xxxvii And al þe ooſt was gaderid, and þei ſtieden in to lvii And þei ourneden þe face of þe temple wiþ goldun
þe hil of Sion. corouns, and ſmale ſcheeldis; and halewiden ȝatis, and
xxxviii And þei ſiȝen halewyng deſert, and þe auter litle houſis, and puttiden to hem ȝatis.
vnhalewid, and þe ȝatis brent, and in þe porche tendur lviii And ful greet gladneſſe was maad in þe puple, and
trees growun, as in wielde wode or munteyns, and litle þe ſchenſchipe of heþene men was turned awei.
cellis diſtried. lix And Judas ordeynede, and hiſe briþeren, and al þe
xxxix And þei renten her cloþis, and weiliden wiþ greet chirche of Iſrael, þat þe dai of halewyng of þe auter be
weilyng; and puttiden aiſche on her heed, don in his tymes, fro ȝeer in to ȝeer, bi eiȝte daies, fro
xl and fellen on þe face of þe erþe, and crieden in þe fyue and twentiþe dai of þe moneþe Caſleu, wiþ
trumpis of ſignes, and crieden in to heuene. gladneſſe and ioye.
xli Þanne Judas ordeynede men, for to fiȝte aȝens hem lx And þei bildiden in þat tyme þe hil of Sion, and bi

þat weren in þe hiȝ tour, as long as þei clenſiden hooli cumpas hiȝ wallis, and ſadde touris, leſt ony tyme
þingis. heþene men wolden come, and defoule it, as þei diden
xlii And he chees preeſtis wiþ out wem, hauynge wille in before.
lxi And he ſette þere an ooſt, for to kepe it; and he
þe lawe of God;
xliii and þei clenſiden hooli þingis, and token awei wardide it, `for to kepe Bethſura, þat þe puple ſchulde
ſtoonys of defoulyng in to an vnclene place. haue ſtrengþing aȝens þe face of Ydume.
xliiii And he þouȝte on þe auter of brent ſacrifices, þat
was vnhalewid, what he ſchulde do þerof. CAP. V
i And it was don, as heþene men herden in cumpas, þat
xlv And a good counſel felle in to him, for to diſtrie it,
leſt it were to hem in to ſchenſchip, for heþene men þe auter was bildid, and þe ſeyntuarie as bifore, þei
defouliden it. weren wroþ greetli.
ii And þei þouȝten for to do awei, `eþer diſtrie, þe kyn
xlvi And þei diſtrieden it, and kepten ſtonys in þe hil of
þe hous, in couenable place, til þat a profete cam, and of Jacob, þat was among hem; and þei bigunnen for to
anſweride of hem. ſle of þe puple, and purſue.
iii And Judas ouercam þe ſones of Eſau in Ydume, and
xlvii And þei token hoole ſtoonys, by þe lawe, and
bildiden a newe auter, lijk þat þat was bifore. hem þat weren in Arabathane, for þei ſaten aboute men
xlviii And þei bildiden hooli þingis, and þe þingis þat of Iſrael; and he ſmoot hem wiþ a greet wounde.
iiii And he þouȝte on þe malice of ſones of Bean, þat
weren wiþ ynne þe hous wiþ ynneforþ; and þei
halewiden þe hous, and porchis. weren in to gnare, and in to ſclaundre to þe puple of
xlix And þei maden newe hooli veſſels, and brouȝten in a Iſrael, and aſpieden it, `eþer ſettiden `buyſchementis to
it, in þe weie.
candilſtike, and auter of encenſis, and a boord in to þe v And þes weren cloſid togidere fro hym in þe touris;
l And puttide encenſe on þe auter, and tenden lanternes, and he appliede to hem, and curſide hem, and brente
wiþ fier þe touris of hem, wiþ alle men þat weren in
þat weren on þe candilſtike, and ȝauen lyȝt in þe temple.
li And þei puttiden looues on þe boord, and hangiden hem.
vi And he paſſide to þe ſones of Amon, and foond ſtrong
veiles, and endiden alle werkis þat þei maden.
lii And bifore morewtid þei riſiden, in þe fyue and hond, and plenteuouſe puple, and Tymothe, duyk of
twentiþe dai of þe nynþe moneþe, þis is þe moneþe vii And he ſmoot many batels wiþ hem, and þei weren
Caſleu, of þe hundrid and eiȝte and fourtiþe ȝeer.
liii And þei offriden ſacrifice bi þe lawe, on þe newe brokun in ſiȝt of hym; and he ſmoot hem.
viii And he took þe citee Jaſer, and vilages þerof; and he
auter of brent ſacrifices, which þei maden bi tyme.
liiii And bi þe dai in which heþene men defouliden it, in turnede aȝen in to Judee.
ix And heþene men þat weren in Galaad, weren gaderid
þat it was `maad newe, in ſongis, and harpis, and
aȝens Iſraelitis, þat weren in cooſtis of hem, for to do

awei hem; and þei fledden in to þe ſtrengþing of xxvi and þat manye of hem weren takun in Baraſa, and
Datheman. Boſor, and in Alymys, and in Caſphor, and Mathet, and
x And þei ſenten lettris to Judas, and hiſe briþeren, and Carnaym; alle þeſe were ſtrong citees and grete.
ſeiden, Hethene men ben gaderid aȝens vs bi cumpas, xxvii But and in oþere citees of Galatithis þei ben holdun
þat þei do awei vs; cauȝt. And on þe morewe þei ordeyneden for to moue
xi and þei maken redi for to come, and ocupie þe ooſt to þo citees, and for to take, and do awei hem in o
ſtrengþing, in to which we fledden; and Tymothe is dai.
duyk of þe ooſt of hem. xxviii And Judas turnede, and his ooſt, þe weie in to
xii Now þerfor come þou, and delyuere vs fro her deſert of Boſor ſudenli; and ocupiede þe citee, and ſlow
hondis, for a multitude of vs felle doun; ech male bi þe ſcharpneſſe of ſwerd, and took alle þe
xiii and alle oure briþeren þat weren in places of Tubyn, ſpuylis of hem, and brente it wiþ fier.
euerywhere ben ſlayn; and þei ledden awei caitif þe xxix And þei riſiden þennus in nyȝt, and wenten `til to þe
wyues of hem, and children, and token ſpuylis, and ſtrengþing.
killiden þere almeſte a þouſynde men. xxx And it was maad in ſprynging of dai, whanne þei
xiiii And ȝit epiſtlis weren rad, and lo! oþere meſſangeris reiſiden her iȝen, and lo! myche puple, of whom was no
camen fro Galile, wiþ cootis to-rent, noumbre, berynge laddris and engynes, for to take þe
xv and telden bi þeſe wordis, and ſeiden, þat men camen ſtrengþing, and ouer come hem.
togidere aȝens hem fro Tolomaida, and Tire, and Sidon, xxxi And Judas ſiȝ, þat batel bigan, and crie of batel
and al Galile is fillid wiþ aliens, for to diſtrie vs. ſtiede in to heuene, as trumpe, and greet cry of citee.
xvi Soþeli as Judas herde, and þe puple, þeſe wordis, a xxxii And he ſeide to his ooſt, Fiȝte ȝe to dai for ȝoure
greet chirche cam togidere, for to þenke what þei briþeren.
ſchulden do to her briþeren, þat weren in tribulacioun, xxxiii And he cam, and þre ordris after hem, and þei
and weren ouer comun of hem. crieden wiþ trumpis, and crieden in preier.
xvii And Judas ſeide to Symount, his broþer, Cheſe to xxxiiii And ooſtis of Thymothe knewen, þat it was
þee men, and go, and delyuere þi briþeren in Galile; Y Machabeus, and þei fledden fro his face. And þei han
forſoþe and my broþer Jonathas ſchulen go in to ſmytun hem wiþ greet wounde; and þere fellen doun of
Galatithym. hem in þat dai almeſt eiȝte þouſynde of men.
xviii And he lefte Joſafus, ſone of Sacarie, and Azarie, xxxv And Judas turnede awei in to Maſpha; and ouercam
duykis of þe puple, wiþ þe reſidue ooſt in Judee to and took it, and ſlow ech male þerof, and took ſpuylis of
kepyng; it, and brente it wiþ fier.
xix and comaundide to hem, and ſeide, Be ȝe ſouereyns xxxvi Fro þennus he wente, and took Caſbon, and
to þis puple, and nyle ȝe ſmyte batel aȝens heþene men, Mageth, and Boſor, and oþere citees of Galathite.
til we turnen aȝen. xxxvii Forſoþe after þeſe wordis Thymothe gaderide an
xx And men weren ȝouun to Simount þre þouſyndis, for
oþer ooſt, and puttide tentis aȝens Raphon, ouer þe
to go in to Galile; to Judas ſoþeli eiȝte þouſynde, in to ſtreem.
Galatithym. xxxviii And Judas ſente for to biholde þe ooſt, and þei
xxi And Symount wente in to Galile, and ioynede many
telden aȝen to hym, and ſeide, Þat alle heþene men þat
batels wiþ heþene men. And heþene men weren al to- ben in oure cumpas, ful myche ooſt, camen togidere to
brokun fro his face, and hym.
xxii he purſuede hem til þe ȝate of Tolomaida. And þere xxxix And þei hiriden Arabiens in to help to him, and þei
fellen doun of heþene men almeſt þre þouſynde of men; han ſet tentis ouer þe ſtreem, and ben redi for to come to
xxiii and he took þe ſpuylis of hem. And he took hem þat þee in to batel. And Judas wente aȝens hem.
weren in Galile, and in Arbathis, wiþ wyues, and xl And Tymothe ſeide to princes of his ooſt, Whanne
children, and alle þingis þat weren to hem; and brouȝte Judas neiȝeþ, and his ooſt, to þe ſtreem of water, if he
in to Judee wiþ greet gladneſſe. paſſiþ formere to vs, we ſchulen not mowe abide hym,
xxiiii And Judas Machabeis, and Jonathas, and hiſe for he miȝti ſchal mowe aȝens vs.
briþeren paſſiden Jordan, and wenten forþ þe weie of xli Soþeli if he drediþ for to paſſe, and ſettiþ tentis
þre daies in to deſert. biȝende þe flood, paſſe we ouer to hem, and we ſchulen
xxv And Nabutheis camen aȝens hem, and reſſeyueden mowe aȝens hym.
hem peſibli, and telden to hem alle þingis þat bifellen to xlii Forſoþe as Judas neiȝede to þe ſtreem of water, he
her briþeren in Galadithym; ordeynede ſcribis, `eþer writeris of þe puple, biſidis þe
ſtreem, and comaundide to hem, and ſeide, Leeue ȝe
noon of men, but come alle in to batel.

xliii And he þe formere paſſide ouer to hem, and al þe lx And Joſofus and Azarias weren dryuun `til to þe endis
puple after hym. And alle þeſe heþene men weren of Judee; and þer fellen doun in þat dai of þe puple of
brokun fro þe face of hem, and þei caſtiden awei her Iſrael, men to twei þouſyndis. And a greet wounde was
armeris; and þei fledden to þe temple, þat was at maad in þe puple;
Carnaym. lxi for þei herden not Judas and hiſe briþeren, and
xliiii And Judas ocupiede `þe ilke citee, and brente þe geſſiden hem to do ſtrongli.
temple wiþ fier, wiþ alle þat weren in it; and Carnaym lxii Forſoþe þei weren not of þe ſeed of þo men, bi
was oppreſſid, and miȝte not abide aȝens þe face of whiche helþe was maad in Iſrael.
Judas. lxiii And men of Juda weren magnefied greetli in þe ſiȝt
xlv And Judas gaderide alle Iſraelitis þat weren in
of al Iſrael, and of alle heþene men, where þe name of
Galadithes, fro þe leeſte to þe moſte, and wyues of hem, hem was herd.
and children, and ful greet ooſt, þat þei ſchulden come lxiiii And þei camen togidere, criynge to hem
in to þe lond of Judee. `proſperite, eþer preiſyngis.
xlvi And þei camen til to Efron, and þis greet citee put in lxv And Judas wente out, and his briþeren, and
þe entre was ful ſtrong; and þer was not for to bowe ouercamen þe ſones of Eſau, in þe lond þat is at þe ſouþ;
awei fro it, in riȝt half or left, but þe weie was þorou þe and he ſmoot Chebron, and vilagis þerof, and diſtriede
myddil. `þe wardyngis þerof, and wallis þerof, and brente in fier
xlvii And þei þat weren in þe citee cloſiden in hem, and
touris þerof in cumpas.
ſtoppiden þe ȝatis wiþ ſtoonys. And Judas ſente to hem lxvi And he mouede tentis, for to go in to þe lond of
wiþ peſible wordis, and ſeide, aliens; and wente þorou Samarie.
xlviii Paſſe we bi ȝoure lond, for to go in to oure lond, lxvii In þat dai preſtis fellen doun in batel, while þei
and no man ſchal anoie ȝou, oneli on feet we ſchulen wolden do ſtrongli, while wiþ out counſel þei wenten
go. out in to batel.
xlix And þei wolden not opene to hem. And Judas lxviii And Judas bowide awei in to Aſotus, in þe lond of
comaundide for to preche in tentis, `eþer ooſt, þat ech aliens, and diſtriede auteris of hem, and brenten in fier
man ſchulde applie, `þat is, aſaile þe citee, in what place þe ſpuylis of her goddis, and took preies of citees; and
he was. turnede aȝen in to þe lond of Juda.
l And men of vertu applieden hem, and he fauȝt aȝens
þat citee al dai and al niȝt, and þe citee was bitakun in CAP. VI
his hond. i And kyng Antiok walkide þorouȝ þe hiȝere cuntreis,
li And þei ſlowen ech `knaue child bi þe ſcharpneſſe of
and herde þat a citee, Elymaides, was in Perſis, þe
ſwerd, and drow vp bi þe rootis it, and took þe ſpuylis nobleſte and plenteuouſe in ſiluer and gold;
þerof, and paſſide bi al þe citee on þe ſlayn men. ii and a temple in it was ful riche, and þere weren
lii And þei paſſiden ouer Jordan, in þe greet feeld aȝens
goldun veilis, and haburiowns, and ſcheldis, whiche
þe face of Bethſan. Aliſaundre of Filip, kyng of Macedo, lefte, þat regnede
liii And Judas was gaderynge þe laſte men, and þe firſte in Greece.
moneſtide þe puple bi al þe weie, til þei camen in to þe iii And he cam, and ſouȝte for to take þe citee, and robbe
lond of Juda. it; and miȝte not, for þe word was knowun to hem þat
liiii And þei ſtieden in to þe hil of Sion wiþ gladneſſe weren in þe citee.
and ioie, and offriden brent ſacrifices, þat no man of iiii And þei riſiden vp in to batel, and he flei fro þennus,
hem `was deed, til þei turneden aȝen in pees. and wente awei wiþ greet heuyneſſe, and turnede aȝen
lv And in þe daies in whiche Judas was, and Jonathas, in to Babyloyne.
þe lond of Galaad, and Symount, his broþer, in Galilee, v And þer cam, þat telde to hym in Perſis, þat þe ooſtis
aȝens þe face of Tholomaida, þat weren in þe lond `of Juda weren dryuun,
lvi Joſofus, ſone of Zacarie, herde, and Azarias, prince of vi and þat Liſias wente wiþ ſtrong vertu in þe beſte men,
vertu, þe þingis doon wel, and batels þat weren maad. and was dryuun fro þe face of Jewis, and þei wexiden
lvii And he ſeide, Make we alſo a name to vs, and go we ſtronge in armeris, and ſtrengþis, and many preies,
for to fiȝte aȝens heþene men, þat ben in oure cumpas. whiche þei token of tentis, `eþer ooſtis, þat þei ſlowen;
lviii And he comaundide to þeſe þat weren in his ooſt, vii and þat þei diſtrieden þe abhomynacioun, which he
and þei wenten forþ to Jamnyan. bildide on þe auter þat was in Jeruſalem, and þei
lix And Gorgias wente out of þe citee, and hiſe men, cumpaſſiden wiþ hiȝe wallis þe halewyng, as bifore, but
aȝens hem, in to fiȝt. and Betſura, his citee.

viii And it was don, as þe kyng herde þeſe wordis, he xxvi And lo! þei applieden to day to þe hiȝ tour in
dredde, and was mouyd greetli, and felle doun in to a Jeruſalem, for to ocupie it, and þei ſtrengþiden a
bed, and felle in to a greet ſikeneſſe for heuyneſſe, for it ſtrengþing in Bethſura.
was not don as he þouȝte. xxvii And if þou ſchalt not bifore come hem more ſwiftli,
ix And he was þere many daies, for greet heuyneſſe was þei ſchulen do grettere þingis þan þes, and þou ſchalt
renulid in him, and he demide hym ſilf for to die. not mowe welde hem.
x And he clepide alle hiſe frendis, and ſeide to hem, xxviii And þe kyng was wroþ, as he herde þis þing, and
Sleep paſſide awei fro myn iȝen, and Y failide `in herte, clepide togidere alle hiſe frendis, and princes of his
and felle doun for biſyneſſe; ooſt, and hem þat weren ouer horſemen;
xi and ſeide in myn herte, In to hou greet tribulacioun xxix but alſo an hirid ooſt fro oþere rewmes, and ilis, and
bicam Y, and in to what wawis of heuyneſſe in which Y ſee cooſtis camen to hym.
am now, þat was myrie, and `bolnyde, eþer delicat in xxx And þe noumbre of his ooſt was an hundrid
my power? þouſynde of foot men, and twenti þouſynde of horſe
xii Now forſoþe Y biþenke on þe yuels þat Y dide to men, and two and þritti olifauntis tauȝt to batel.
Jeruſalem, fro whennus and Y took alle goldun ſpuylis, xxxi And þei camen bi Idumee, and þei applieden to
and ſiluerne, þat weren þer ynne; and Y ſente wiþ out Bethſura, and fouȝten many daies; and þei maden
cauſe, þat men dwellynge in Judee be don awei. engynes, and þei wenten out, and brenten hem in fier,
xiii Þerfor Y knew þat þeſe yuels founden me þerfor, and and fouȝten manli.
lo! Y periſche bi greet heuyneſſe in alien lond. xxxii And Judas wente fro þe hiȝ tour, and mouede tentis
xiiii And he clepid Filip, oon of his frendis, and made to Bethſacharan, aȝens tentis of þe kyng.
him ſouereyn on al his rewme; xxxiii And þe kyng roos bifore þe lyȝt, and ſtiride þe ooſt
xv and ȝaf to hym diademe, and his ſtole, and ryng, for in to feerſneſſe, aȝens þe weie of Bethſacharan; and þe
to lede Antiok, his ſone, and nuriſche hym, and þat he ooſtis maden redi hem togidere in to batel, and ſongen
ſchulde regne. in trumpis.
xvi And kyng Antiok diede þere, in þe hundrid and nyne xxxiiii And to olifauntis þei ſchewiden blood of grape,
and fourti ȝeer. and morus, `or mulberie trees, for to whette hem in to
xvii And Liſias knew, þat þe kyng was deed, and batel.
ordeynede Antiok, þe ſone of hym, for to regne, whom xxxv And þei departiden þe beeſtis bi legyouns; and to
he nurſchide ȝong; and clepide his name Eupator. ech olifaunt a þouſynde men ſtoden niȝ in haburiownes
xviii And þei þat weren in þe hiȝ tour, cloſiden togidere mailid togidere, and braſun helmes in her heedis, and
Iſrael in cumpas of hooli þingis, and ſouȝten to hem fyue hundrid horſe men choſun weren ordeyned to ech
yuels euer more, to ſtrengþing of heþene men. beeſte.
xix And Judas þouȝte for to diſtrie hem, and clepide xxxvi Þeſe weren þere bifore þe tyme, where euere þe

togidere al þe puple, for to biſege hem. beeſte was; and whidur euere it wente, þei wente, and
xx And þei camen togidere, and biſegiden hem, in þe departiden not þer fro.
xxxvii But and ſadde touris of tre weren on hem,
hundrid and fiftiþe ȝeer; and þei maden arblaſtis, `eþer
trepeiettis, þat is, an inſtrument for to caſte ſchaftis, and defendinge bi alle þe beeſtis, and on hem weren
ſtoonys, and engynes. engynes, and on ech bi hem ſilf men of vertu two and
xxi And ſumme of hem þat weren biſegid, wenten out; þritti, whiche fouȝten fro aboue, and wiþ ynne was þe
and ſumme of vnfeiþful men of Iſrael ioyneden hem ſilf maiſter of þe beeſte.
xxxviii And he ordeinede þe reſidue multitude of horſe
to hem,
xxii and wenten to þe kyng, and ſeiden, Hou long doiſt men on þis half and þat half, `in to twei partis, for to
þou not dom, and vengiſt not oure briþeren? moue togidere þe ooſt wiþ trumpis, and for to
xxiii And we demyden for to ſerue þi fadir, and for to conſtreyne þe men maad þicke in her legiouns.
xxxix And as þe ſunne ſchynede in to þe goldun ſcheldis,
walke in hiſe heeſtis, and obeiſche to hiſe
comaundementis. and braſun, þe hillis ſchyneden aȝen of hem, and
xxiiii And þe ſones of oure puple alienyden hem fro vs ſchyneden aȝen, as laumpis of fier.
xl And a part of þe kyngis ooſt was departid bi hiȝ hillis,
for þis þing; and whiche euere weren foundun of vs,
weren ſlayn, and oure eritagis weren rauyſchid awei. and oþer bi lowe places; and þei wenten warli, and
xxv And not oneli to vs þei ſtretchiden out þe hond, but ordynatli.
xli And alle men dwellynge in þe lond weren mouyd
and in to alle oure cooſtis.
togidere of þe vois of multitude of hem, and ingoyng of

cumpeny, and hurtlyng togidere of armeris; for þe ooſt lx And þe word pleſid in þe ſiȝt of þe kyng, and of
was ful grete and ſtrong. princes; and he ſente to hem for to make pees, and þei
xlii And Judas and his ooſt neiȝide in to batel; and þere reſſeyueden it.
fellen doun of þe kyngis ooſt ſixe hundrid men. lxi And þe kyng ſwoor to hem, and princes; and þei
xliii And Eleaſar, þe ſone of Saura, ſiȝ oon of þe beeſtis wenten out of þe ſtrengþing.
haburiowned wiþ haburiownes of þe kyng, and it was lxii And þe kyng entride in to þe mount Sion, and he ſiȝ
hiȝ ſtondynge ouer oþere beeſtis; and it was ſeyn to þe ſtrengþing of þe place; and he brak ful ſoone þe ooþ
hym, þat þe kyng was on it. þat he ſwoor, and comaundide for to diſtrie þe wal in
xliiii And he ȝaf hym ſilf for to delyuere his puple, and cumpas.
for to gete to hym a name euerlaſtynge. lxiii And he departide awei haſtili, and turnede aȝen to
xlv And he ran þer to hardili, in to þe myddil of legioun, Antiochie, and foond Filip regnynge in þe citee; and he
and killide on þe riȝt half and left; and þei fellen doun fauȝt aȝens hym, and ocupiede þe cyte bi ſtrengþe.
fro hym hidur and þidur.
xlvi And he wente vndur þe feet of þe olifaunt, and CAP. VII
vndur puttide hym ſilf þer to, and ſlow it; and it felle i In þe hundrid ȝeer and oon and fifti Demetrie, ſone of
doun in to erþe on hym, and he was deed þere. Sileuce, wente out fro þe cite of Rome, and ſtiede wiþ
xlvii And þei ſiȝen þe vertu of þe kyng, and ferſneſſe of fewe men in to a citee niȝ þe ſee, and regnede þere.
his ooſt, and turneden awei hem ſilf fro hem. ii And it was don, as he entride in to þe hous of þe
xlviii Forſoþe tentis of þe kyng ſtieden vp aȝens hem, in rewme of his fadris, þe ooſt cauȝte Antiok, and Liſias,
to Jeruſalem; and tentis of þe king applieden to Judee, for to brynge hem to hym.
and to þe hil of Syon; iii And þe þing was knowun to hym, and he ſeide, Nyle
xlix and he made pees wiþ þeſe þat weren in Bethſura. ȝe ſchewe to me þe face of hem.
And þei wenten out of þe citee, for foodis weren not to iiii And þe ooſt ſlow hem. And Demetrie ſat on þe ſeete
hem cloſid togidere þere, for þe ſabatis of erþe weren. of his rewme;
l And þe kyng took Bethſura, and ordeynede þere v and wickid men and vnfeiþful of Iſrael camen to hym,
kepyng, for to kepe it. and Alchymus, duyk of hem, þat wolde be maad preſt;
li And he turnede þe tentis to þe place of halewyng vi and accuſiden þe puple anentis þe kyng, and ſeiden,
many daies; and ordeynede þere arblaſtis, and engynes, Judas and hiſe briþeren loſte þi frendis, and dyuerſeli
and dartis of fier, and turmentis for to caſte ſtoonys and loſte vs fro oure lond.
dartis, and ſcorpiens for to ſchete arows, and ſlyngis. vii Now þerfor ſende þou a man, to whom þou bileueſt,
lii Forſoþe and þei maden engynes aȝens þe engynes of þat he go, and ſe al þe diſtriyng þat he haþ don to vs,
hem, and fouȝten many daies. and to cuntreis of þe kyng; and he punyſchide alle
liii Forſoþe metis weren not in þe citee, for þat it was þe frendis of hym, and helperis of hem.
ſeuenþe ȝeer; and þei þat leften of heþene men in Judee, viii And þe kyng chees of his frendis Bachides, þat was
hadden waſtid þe relifs of þo þingis þat weren kept. lord ouer þe greet flood in þe rewme, and trewe to þe
liiii And fewe men leften in hooli þingis, for hungur kyng, and ſente hym,
hadde take hem; and þei weren ſcaterid, ech man in to ix for to ſee þe diſtriyng þat Judas dide; and he
his place. ordeynede vnfeiþful Alchymus in to preſthod, and bad
lv And Liſias herde, þat Filip, whom kyng Antiok hym do veniaunce on þe ſones of Iſrael.
ordeynede, whanne he lyuyde ȝit, þat he ſchulde x And þei riſiden, and camen wiþ greet ooſt in to þe
nurſche Antiok, his ſone, þat he ſchulde regne, lond of Juda; and þei ſenten meſſangeris, and ſpaken to
lvi turnede aȝen fro Perſe and Medei, and þe ooſt þat Judas and his briþeren, wiþ peſible wordis in gile.
wente wiþ hym. And þat he ſekiþ for to take þe cauſis of xi And þei ȝauen not tent to her wordis; for þei ſiȝen, þat
þe rewme, þei camen wiþ greet ooſt.
lvii Liſias haſtide for to go, and ſeie to þe kyng, and xii And þe congregacioun of ſcribis camen togidere to
duykis of þe ooſt, We failen ech dai, and litil mete is to Alchymus and Bachides, for to axe þo þingis þat ben
vs, and þe place which we biſegen, is ſtrong, and it iuſt;
falliþ to vs for to ordeyne of þe rewme. xiii and þe firſte Aſſideis, þat weren among þe ſones of
lviii Þerfor now ȝyue we riȝthondis to þeſe men, and Iſrael, and þei axiden of hem pees.
make we pees wiþ hem, and wiþ al þe folc of hem; xiiii For þei ſeiden, A man, preiſt of þe ſeed of Aaron,
lix and ordeyne we to hem, þat þei go in lawful þingis as comeþ, he ſchal not diſſeyue vs.
bifore; for whi for þe lawful þingis of hem whiche we
diſpiſiden, þei ben wrooþ, and han don alle þeſe þingis.

xv And he ſpak wiþ hem peſible wordis, and ſwoor to grete hym in pees, and for to ſchewe to hym brent
hem, and ſeide, We ſchulen not brynge in to ȝou yuels, ſacrifices, þat weren offrid for þe kyng.
neþer to ȝoure frendis. xxxiiii And he ſcornyde and diſpiſide hem, and defoulide,
xvi And þei bileuyden to hym. And he cauȝte of hem and ſpak proudli,
ſixti men, and ſlow hem in o dai, bi þe word þat is xxxv and ſwoor wiþ wraþþe, ſeiynge, If Judas ſchal not
writun, be takun, and his ooſt, in to myn hondis, anoon whanne
xvii Þei ſhedden out þe fleiſchis of þi ſeyntis, and blood Y ſchal turne aȝen in pees, Y ſchal brenne þis hous. And
of hem in cumpas of Jeruſalem, and þere was not þat he wente out wiþ greet wraþþe.
biriede. xxxvi And preſtis entriden, and ſtoden bifore þe face of
xviii And drede and tremblyng felle in to al þe puple, for þe auter and temple,
þei ſeiden, Þer is not treuþe and dom in hem; for þei xxxvii and wepynge ſeiden, Þou, Lord, haſt choſun þis
han brokun þe ordynaunce, and þe ooþ þat þei ſworen. hous, for to clepe to helpe þi name in it, þat it ſchulde
xix And Bachides mouyde tentis fro Jeruſalem, and be an hous of preier and biſeching to þi puple; do þou
appliede in to Bethſeca; and ſente, and cauȝte many of veniaunce in þis man,
hem þat fledden fro hym; and he killide ſumme of þe xxxviii and his ooſt, and falle þei bi ſwerd; haue mynde
puple, and caſtide in to a greet pitte. on her blasfemyes, and ȝyue not to hem þat þei abide.
xx And he bitook þe regioun to Alchymus, and left wiþ xxxix And Nicanor wente out fro Jeruſalem, and
hym help, in to helpyng of hym. And Bachides wente to appliede tentis to Betheron; and þe ooſt of Sirie cam to
þe kyng, and Alchymus dide ynow, him.
xxi for þe princehod of his preſthod. xl And Judas appliede in Adarſa, wiþ þre þouſynde men.
xxii And alle camen togidere to hym, whiche xli And Judas preiede, and ſeide, Lord, an aungel wente
diſturbliden her puple, and weldiden þe lond of Juda; out, and ſmoot an hundrid þouſynde foure ſcore and
and diden greet veniaunce in Iſrael. fyue þouſyndis of hem, þat weren ſent fro þe kyng
xxiii And Judas ſiȝ alle yuels, þat Alchymus dide, and Senacherib, for þei blasfemiden þee;
þei þat weren wiþ hym, to þe ſones of Iſrael, myche xlii ſo al to-breke þis ooſt in oure ſiȝt to dai, and oþere
more þan heþene men. men wite, þat he ſpak yuel on þin hooli þingis; and
xxiiii And he wente oute in to alle cooſtis of Judee in deme þou hym by þe malice of hym.
cumpas, and dide veniaunce on men forſakeris, and þei xliii And þe ooſtis ioyneden batel in þe þrittenþe dai of
ceeſiden for to go out ferþere in to þe cuntrei. þe moneþe Adar; and tentis of Nicanor weren al to-
xxv Forſoþe Alchimus ſiȝ, þat Judas hadde victorie, and brokun, and he felle doun þe firſte in batel.
þei þat weren wiþ hym; and he knew þat he mai not xliiii Soþely as his ooſt ſiȝ, þat Nicanor felle doun, þei
abide hem, and he wente aȝen to þe kyng, and accuſiden caſtiden awei her armeris, and fledden.
hem in many ſynnes. xlv And þei purſueden hem þe weie of o dai, fro Adaſor
xxvi And þe kyng ſente Nicanor, oon of his noblere til me come in to Gaſara; and þei ſungen in trumpis
princes, þat was hauntynge enemytees aȝens Iſrael, and after hem wiþ ſignefiyngis.
comaundide hym for to diſtrie þe puple. xlvi And þei wenten out of alle caſtels of Judee in
xxvii And Nycanor cam in to Jeruſalem, wiþ greet ooſt, cumpas, and wyndewiden hem wiþ hornes, and eftſoone
and he ſente to Judas and his briþeren wiþ gile, bi weren conuertid to hem; and alle falliden bi ſwerd, and
peſible wordis, þer was not left of hem not oon.
xxviii ſeiynge, Fiȝte be not bitwixe me and ȝou; Y ſchal xlvii And þei token þe ſpuylis of hem to prey; and þei
come wiþ fewe men, for to ſe ȝoure faces wiþ pees. girdiden of þe heed of Nicanor, and his riȝt hond which
xxix And he cam to Judas, and þei gretten hem togidere he ſtretchide forþ proudli, and þei brouȝten, and
peſibli; and enemyes weren redi for to rauyſche Judas. hangiden aȝens Jeruſalem.
xxx And þe word was knowun to Judas, þat wiþ gile he xlviii And þe puple was glad greetli, and diden þat dai in

cam to hym; and he was aferd of hym, and he wolde no greet gladneſſe;
more ſe his face. xlix and ordeyneden þis dai for to be doon in alle ȝeeris,
xxxi And Nicanor knew, þat his councel was knowun, in þe þritteneþ day of þe moneþe Adar.
and he wente out aȝens Judas in to fiȝt, biſidis l And þe lond of Juda was ſtille a fewe dais.
xxxii And þer fellen doun of Nicanoris ooſt almeſt fyue CAP. VIII
þouſynde men, and þei fledden in to þe citee of Dauid. i And Judas herde þe name of Romayns, þat þei ben
xxxiii And after þeſe wordis Nicanor ſtiede in to þe hil of miȝti in ſtrengþis, and acorden to alle þingis þat ben
Sion, and þer wenten out of preſtis of þe puple, for to axid of hem; and who euere wente to hem, þei

ordeineden wiþ hem frendſchipis; and þat þei ben miȝti and alle obeſchen to oon, and enuye is not, `neþer
in ſtrengþis. wraþþe among hem.
ii And þei herden batels of hem, and goode vertues, þat xvii And Judas chees Eupolemus, þe ſone of Joon, ſone
þei diden in Galacie, for þei weldiden hem, and ledden of Jacob, and Jaſon, þe ſone of Eleaſarus, and ſente hem
vndur tribute; to Rome, for to ordeyne wiþ hem frenſchip and
iii and hou many þingis þei diden in þe cuntre of felouſchip;
Spayne, and þat þei brouȝten in to power metals of xviii and þat þei ſchulden take awei fro hem þe ȝok of
ſiluer and gold þat ben þere; and weldiden ech place Grekis, for þei ſien þat þei oppreſſiden þe rewme of
wiþ her councel and pacience, `or wiſdom, places þat Iſrael in to ſeruage.
weren ful fer fro hem; xix And þei wenten to Rome, a ful greet weie, and þei
iiii and þei al to-braken kyngis þat camen on hem fro þe entriden in to þe court,
vtmeſte places of erþe, and þei ſmytiden hem wiþ greet xx and ſeiden, Judas Machabeus, and hiſe briþeren, and
wounde; forſoþe oþere ȝyuen to hem tribute bi alle þe puple of Jewis ſenten vs to ȝou, for to ordeyne wiþ
ȝeeris. ȝou felouſchip and pees, and for to write togidere vs
v And þei al to-braken in batel Filip, and Perſen, kyngis ȝoure felowis and freendis.
of Cethis, and oþere þat baren armeris aȝens hem, and xxi And þe word pleſide in þe ſiȝt of hem.
weldiden hem. xxii And þis is þe aȝen writyng, which þei aȝen writiden
vi And þei weldiden Antiok, þe greet king of Aſie, þat
in braſun tablis, and ſenten in to Jeruſalem, þat it were
ȝaf batel to hem, and hadde an hundrid and twenti þere a memorial, `eþer a þing of mynde, of pees and
olifauntis, and multitude of horſe men and charis, and felouſchip.
ful greet ooſt al to brokun of hem; xxiii Be it wel to Romayns, and to þe folc of Jewis, in
vii and þei token hym quyk, and ordeyneden to hym, þat
ſee and lond, wiþ outen ende; and ſwerd and enemy be
he ſchulde ȝyue greet tribut, and þei þat regnede after fer fro hem.
hym; and þat he ſchulde ȝyue pleggis and ordynaunce, xxiiii Þat if batel bifalliþ to Romayns bifore, eþer to alle
in þe cuntre of Yndis; felowis of hem in al þe lordſchip `of hem,
viii and þei puttiden out men of Medei, and of Lidde, fro xxv þe folc of Jewis ſchal bere help, as time axiþ, wiþ
þe beſte cuntreis of hem, and þei ȝauen þo cuntreis ful herte; and þe Romayns ſchulen not ȝyue,
takun of hem to kyng Eumeny; xxvi neþer priuyli miniſtre to þe Jewis fiȝtynge, wheete,
ix and þat þei þat weren anentis Elada, wolden go, and
armeris, monei, ſchippis, as it pleſide to Romayns; and
take awei hem; and þe word was knowun to þeſe þei ſchulen kepe þe maundementis of hem, and take no
Romayns, þing of hem.
x and þei ſenten to hem o duyk, and þei fouȝten aȝens xxvii Forſoþe in lijk maner and if batel falliþ bifore to þe
hem; and many of hem fellen, and þei ledden her wyues folc of Jewis, Romayns ſchulen helpe of herte, as tyme
caitifs, and ſones, and robbiden hem; and weldiden þe ſuffriþ hem;
lond of hem, and diſtrieden þe wallis of hem, and xxviii and to Romayns helpynge wheete ſchal not be
brouȝten hem in to ſeruage, til in to þis dai. ȝouun, neþer armeris, monei, neþer ſchippis, as it
xi And þei diſtrieden oþere rewmes and ilis, þat ſum
pleſide to Romayns; and þei ſchulen kepe þe
tyme aȝenſtoden hem, and brouȝten in to power. maundementis of hem wiþ out gile.
xii Forſoþe wiþ her frendis, and þat hadden reſte in hem, xxix Bi þeſe wordis Romayns ordeyneden to þe puple of
þei kepten frenſchip, and þei weldiden rewmes þat Jewis,
weren next, and þat weren fer; for who euere herden þe xxx Þat if after þeſe wordis, þeſe eþer þei wolen put ony
name of hem, dredden hem. þing to, eþer do awei, þei ſchulen do of her `comyn
xiii For þei regnyden, to whiche þei wolden be in help
aſſent; and what euere þingis þei ſchulen put to, eþer do
for to regne; forſoþe whiche þei wolden, þei awei, þei ſchulen be ſtidfaſt.
diſturbliden fro rewme; and þei weren greetli enhaunſid. xxxi But alſo of yuels whiche kyng Demetrie haþ don
xiiii In alle þeſe Romayns no man bar diademe, neþer
aȝens hem, we han writun to hym, and we ſeiden, Whi
was cloþid in purpur, for to be magnefied þer ynne. haſt þou greuyd þi ȝok on oure frendis and felowis, þe
xv And þei þat maden to hem a court, and ech dai þei
counſeliden þre hundrid and twenti, doynge counſel xxxii Þerfor if eftſoone þei ſchulen come to vs aȝens þee,
euere more of multitude, þat þei do what þingis ben we ſchulen do doom to hem, and ſchulen fiȝte wiþ þee
worþi. bi lond and ſee.
xvi And þei bitaken to o man her maiſtrie, `eþer cheef
gouernaunce, bi ech ȝeer, for to be lord of al her lond;

CAP. IX xviii And Judas felle, and þe oþere fledden.
i In þe mene tyme, where Demetrie herde þat Nicanor xix And Jonathas and Symount token her broþer Judas,
felle, and his ooſt, in batel, he puttide to eftſoone for to and birieden hym in ſepulcre of his fadris, in þe citee of
ſende Bachides and Alchymus in to Judee, and þe riȝt Modyn.
half ſchiltrun wiþ hem. xx And al Iſrael biwepten him wiþ greet weilyng, and
ii And þei wenten þe weie þat lediþ in to Galgala, and
mourneden many daies,
þei ſettiden tentis in Maſoloth, þat is in Arbellis; and þei xxi and ſeiden, Hou felle þe myȝti, þat made Iſrael ſaaf.
ocupieden it, and ſlowen many perſoones of men. xxii And oþere wordis of batels of Judas, and of vertues
iii In þe firſte moneþe of þe hundrid and two and fifti
þat he dide, and of his greetneſſis, ben not writun; for
ȝeer, þei applieden þe ooſt to Jeruſalem. þo weren ful many.
iiii And twenti þouſynde of men, and twei þouſynde of xxiii And it was don, after þe deþ of Judas, alle wickid
horſe men, han riſun, and wenten in to Berea. men in alle cooſtis of Iſrael riſiden out, and alle þat
v And Judas ſettide tentis in Laiſa, and þre þouſynde
wrouȝten wickidneſſe camen forþ.
men choſun wiþ hym. xxiiii In þo daies ful greet hungur was maad, and al þe
vi And þei ſiȝen þe multitude of ooſt, þat þei ben manye,
cuntrey of hem bitook hem ſilf to Bachides wiþ hem.
and þei dredden greetli; and many wiþdrowen hem fro xxv And Bachides chees vnpitouſe men, and ordeynede
tentis, and þere left not of hem no but eiȝte hundrid hem lordis of þe cuntrei.
men. xxvi And þei axiden out, and ſouȝten þe frendis of Judas,
vii And Judas ſiȝ þat his ooſt fleet awei, and batel
and brouȝten hem to Bachides; and he vengide on hem,
conſtreynede hym, he was brokun togidere in herte, for and ſcornede.
he hadde not tyme to gadere hem, and he was xxvii And greet tribulacioun was maad in Iſrael, what
diſcoumfortid. maner was not fro þe dai in which a profete was not
viii And he ſeide to þeſe þat weren reſidue, Riſe we, and
ſeyn in Iſrael.
go we to oure aduerſaries, if we ſchulen mow fiȝte aȝens xxviii And alle þe frendis of Judas weren gaderid, and
hem. ſeiden to Jonatas, Siþen þi broþer Judas is deed,
ix And þei turneden awei hym, and ſeiden, We ſchulen
xxix þer is no man lijk hym, þat ſchal go out aȝens
not moun, but delyuere we oure lyues, and turne aȝen enemyes, Bachides and hem þat ben enemyes of oure
we to oure briþeren, and þanne we ſchulen fiȝte aȝens folc.
hem; forſoþe we ben fewe. xxx Þerfor now we cheſen þee to dai for to be prince and
x And Judas ſeide, Fer be it for to do þis þing, þat we fle
duyk to vs for hym, for to fiȝte oure batel.
fro hem; and if oure tyme haþ neiȝed, die we in vertu xxxi And Jonatas reſſeyuede in þat tyme þe prinſhod, and
for oure briþeren, and ȝyue we not cryme to oure glorie.
xi And þe ooſt mouyde fro tentis, and þei ſtoden aȝens roos in þe place of Judas, his broþer.
xxxii And Bachides knew, and ſouȝte for to ſle him.
hem. And horſe men weren departid in to twei partis, xxxiii And Jonatas knew, and Symount, his broþer, and
and ſlyngeris and archeris wenten bifore þe ooſt, and þe
firſte men of batel alle miȝti. alle þat weren wiþ hym, and fledden in to deſert of
xii Forſoþe Bachides was in þe riȝt ſchiltrun. And þe Thecue, and ſaten togidere at þe water of þe lake
legioun of twei partis cam nyȝ, and crieden wiþ xxxiiii And Bachides knew, and in þe dai of ſabatis he
xiii Forſoþe and þeſe þat weren on þe part of Judas, cam, and al his ooſt, ouer Jordan.
xxxv And Jonathas ſente his broþer ledere of þat puple,
crieden alſo, and þe erþe was mouyd togidere of þe vois
of ooſtis, and batel was ioyned fro þe morewtid til to and preiede Nabutheis, his frendis, þat he ſchulde bitake
euentid. to hem his apparel, þat was plenteuouſe.
xiiii And Judas ſiȝ, þat þe part of Bachides ooſt was xxxvi And ſones of Jambri wenten out of Madaba, and

ſaddere in þe riȝt half, and alle ſtidfaſt in herte camen cauȝten Joon, and alle þingis þat he hadde, and wenten
togidere wiþ hym. awei, hauynge þo þingis.
xv And þe riȝt part was al to-brokun of hem; and he xxxvii After þes wordis it was teld aȝen to Jonathas, and

purſuede hem `til to þe hil of Aſotus. Symount, his broþer, þat þe ſones of Jambri maken
xvi And þei þat weren in þe left ſcheltrun, ſiȝen, þat þe grete weddyngis, and wedden a wijf of Madaba, þe
douȝter of oon of þe grete princis of Canaan, wiþ greet
riȝt ſcheltrun was al to-brokun, and þei ſueden at þe bac
pride and apparel.
aftir Judas, and hem þat weren wiþ hym. xxxviii And þei biþouȝten on þe blood of Joon, her
xvii And þe batel was maad greuouſe, and þere fellen
broþer, and ſtieden vp, and hidden hem ſilf vndur
many woundid of þeſe and of hem.
kyueryng of þe hil.

xxxix And þei reiſiden her iȝen, and ſiȝen, and lo! noiſe, lviii And alle wickid men þouȝten, ſeiynge, Lo!
and greet apparel; and a hoſebonde cam forþ, and hiſe Jonathas, and þei þat ben wiþ hym, dwellen in ſilence,
frendis, and hiſe briþeren, aȝens hem, wiþ tympans, and and triſten; now þerfor brynge we Bachides, and he
muſikis, and many armeris. ſchal take hem alle in o niȝt.
xl And þei riſiden to hem fro buyſchementis, and ſlowen lix And þei wenten forþ, and ȝauen councel to hym.
hem, and many woundid fellen doun, and þe reſidues lx And he roos, for to come wiþ myche ooſt. And he
fledden in to hil, and þei token alle þe ſpuylis of hem; ſente epiſtlis priuyli to his felowis, þat weren in Judee,
xli and weddyngis weren conuertid in to mourenyng, þat þei ſchulden catche Jonathas, and hem þat weren
and vois of her muſikis in to weilyng. wiþ hym; but þei miȝten not, for her councel was
xlii And þei vengiden þe veniaunce of her broþeris knowun to hem.
blood, and turnyden aȝen to þe brynk of Jordan. lxi And Jonathas cauȝte of men of þe cuntre, þat weren
xliii And Bachides herde, and cam in þe dai of ſabatis til princis of knytyhod, fifti men, and ſlow hem.
to þe vtmeſte part of Jordan, in greet ſtrengþe. lxii And Jonathas and Symount wenten, and þei þat
xliiii And Jonathas ſeide to hiſe, Riſe we, and fiȝte aȝens weren wiþ hym, in to Bethbeſſe, `þat is in deſert, and
oure enemyes; for it is not to dai as ȝiſtirdai and þe bildiden þe diſtried þingis þerof, and maden it ſtrong.
þridde dai agoon. lxiii And Bachides knew, and gaderide al his multitude,
xlv For lo! batel is euene aȝens; ſoþeli watir of Jordan is and denounſide to hem þat weren of Judee.
on þis half and on þat half, and ryuers, and mareis, and lxiiii And he cam, and ſettide tentis aboue Bethbeſſe, and
foreſtis, and þer is not place of turnyng awei. fauȝte aȝens it many daies, and made engynes.
xlvi Now þerfor crie ȝe in to heuene, þat ȝe be lxv And Jonathas lefte Symount, his broþer, in þe citee,
delyuerede fro hond of ȝoure enemyes. and wente oute in to cuntre, and cam wiþ noumbre;
xlvii And batel was ioyned. And Jonathas ſtrauȝt out his lxvi and ſmoot Odaren, and hiſe briþeren, and ſones of
hond, for to ſmyte Bachides, and he turnede awei fro Faſeron, in þe tabernaclis of hem, and bigan for to
him bihynde. ſmyte, and wexe in vertues.
xlviii And Jonathas ſkipte doun, and þei þat weren wiþ lxvii Symount ſoþeli, and þei þat weren wiþ hym,
hym, in to Jordan, and ſwommen ouer Jordan to hem. wenten out of þe citee, and brenten engynes.
xlix And þere fellen of Bachides part in þat dai a lxviii And þei fouȝten aȝens Bachides, and he was al to-
þouſande men, and þei turneden aȝen in to Jeruſalem; brokun of hem; and þei turmentiden hym gretli, for his
l and bildiden ſtrong citees in Judee, þe ſtrengþe þat was councel and his aſſailyng was voide.
in Jerico, and in Ammaum, and in Betheron, and lxix And he was wrooþ aȝens wickid men, þat ȝauen
Bethel, and Thamathan, and Phara, and Copho, wiþ hiȝe councel to hym for to come in to her cuntre, and ſlow
wallis, and ȝatis, and lockis. many of hem; forſoþe he þouȝte wiþ oþere for to go in
li And he ſettide kepyng in hem, þat þei ſchulden haunte to his cuntre.
enemytees in Iſrael; lxx And Jonathas knew, and ſente legatis to hym, for to
lii and he ſtrengþide þe citee Bethſura, and Gazaram, make pees wiþ hym, and to ȝelde to him priſoneris.
and þe hiȝ tour, and puttide in hem helpis and apparel of lxxi And wilfuli he took, and dide bi his wordis, and
metis. ſwoor þat he ſchulde not do to him ony yuel in alle
liii And he took þe ſones of princes of þe cuntrei in daies of his lijf.
oſtage, and puttide hem in þe hiȝ tour in Jeruſalem, in lxxii And he ȝeldide to him caitifte, which he took bi
kepyng. prey bifore of þe lond of Juda. And he turnede, and
liiii And in þe hundrid ȝeer and þre and fifti, in þe wente in to his lond, and puttide no more for to come in
ſecounde moneþe, Alchymus comaundide þe wallis of to his cooſtis.
þe hooli ynnere hous for to be diſtried, and þe werkis of lxxiii And ſwerd ceeſſide fro Iſrael. And Jonatas dwellide
profetis for to be diſtried, and he bigan for to diſtrie. in Machynas, and þere Jonathas bigan for to deme þe
lv In þat tyme Alchymus was ſmytun, and þe werkis of puple, and he diſtriede þe vnfeiþful men of Iſrael.
hym weren lettid. And his mouþ was cloſid, and he was
diſſoluyd, `eþer maad feble, bi paleſie, neþer he miȝte CAP. X
ſpeke more a word, and comaunde of his hous. i And in þe hundrid and ſixtiþe ȝeer Aliſaundre, þe ſone
lvi And Alchymus was deed in þat tyme, wiþ greet of Antiok, ſtiede up, þat is named noble, and ocupiede
turment. Tolomaide; and þei reſſeyueden hym, and he regnede
lvii And Bachides ſiȝ, þat Alchymus was deed, and he þere.
ii And kyng Demetrie herde, and gaderide an ooſt ful
turnede aȝen to þe kyng, and þe lond was ſtille twei
ȝeeris. copiouſe, and wente out aȝens hym in to batel.

iii And Demetrie ſente epiſtle to Jonathas wiþ peſible xxv And he wroot to hym by þeſe wordis, Kyng
wordis, for to magnefie hym. Demetrie to þe folc of Jewis, helþe.
iiii For he ſeide, Bifore take we for to make pees wiþ xxvi For ȝe kepten to vs couenaunt, and dwelten in oure
hym, bifore þat he make wiþ Aliſaundre aȝens vs; frenſchip, and wenten not to oure enemyes, we herden,
v for he ſchal haue mynde of alle yuels, þat we han don and ioieden.
`aȝens him, and aȝens his broþer, and aȝens his folc. xxvii And now laſte ȝe ȝit for to kepe to vs feiþ;
vi And he ȝaf to hym power to gadere ooſt, and for to xxviii and we ſchulen quyte to ȝou good þingis, for þeſe
make armeris, and hym for to be his felowe. And he þingis þat ȝe diden wiþ vs, and we ſchulen forȝyue to
comaundide oſtagis, `eþer pleggis, þat weren in þe hiȝ ȝou many rentis, and we ſchulen ȝyue ȝiftis to ȝou.
tour, for to be ȝouun to hym. xxix And now Y aſoile ȝou, and alle Jewis, of tributis,
vii And Jonathas cam in to Jeruſalem, and radde epiſtlis, and Y forȝyue to ȝou þe prices of ſalt, and forȝyue
in heryng of al þe puple, and of hem þat weren in þe hiȝ corouns, and þe þridde part of ſeed;
tour. xxx and Y leeue to ȝou fro þis dai and afterward þe half
viii And þei dredden wiþ greet drede, for þei herden, þat part of fruyt of tre, þat is of my porcioun, þat it be not
þe kyng ȝaf to hym power to gadere an ooſt. takun of þe lond of Juda, and of þre citees þat ben addid
ix And oſtagis weren takun to Jonathas, and he ȝeldide þerto, of Samarie and Galile, fro þis dai and in to al
hem to her fadris and modris. tyme.
x And Jonathas dwelte in Jeruſalem, and bigan for to xxxi And Jeruſalem be hooli, and fre, wiþ hiſe cooſtis;

bilde and renule þe citee. and tiþis and tributis be of it.

xi And he ſeide to men doynge werkis, þat þei ſchulden xxxii Alſo Y forȝiue þe power of þe hiȝ tour, þat is in

make up þe wallis, and þe hil of Sion in cumpas, wiþ Jeruſalem; and Y ȝyue it to þe hiȝeſt preſt, þat he
ſquare ſtonys to ſtrengþing; and þei diden ſo. ordeyne þerynne men, whiche euere he ſchal cheſe, þat
xii And aliens fledden, þat weren in þe ſtrengþis, whiche ſchulen kepe it.
xxxiii And ech perſoone of Jewis, þat is caitif of þe lond
Bachides hadde bildid;
xiii and ech man lefte his place, and wente in to his lond. of Juda, in al my rewme, Y delyuer fre wilfuli, þat alle
xiiii Oneli in Bethſura dwelten ſum of hem, þat forſoken be ſoilid of her tributis, ȝhe, of her beeſtis.
xxxiiii And alle ſolempne daies, and ſabatis, and
þe lawe and heeſtis of God; for whi þis was to hem to
refuyte. neomenyes, and alle daies ordeyned, and þre daies bifor
xv And Aliſaundre þe kyng herde biheeſtis, þat Demetrie þe ſolempne dai, and þre daies after þe ſolempne dai,
bihiȝte to Jonathas, and þei telden to hym þe batels and alle þeſe be daies of fraunchiſe, and of remiſſioun, to
vertues whiche he dide, and his briþeren, and þe trauelis alle Jewis þat ben in my rewme.
xxxv And no man ſchal haue power for to do ony þing,
whiche þei traueliden.
xvi And he ſeide, Wheþer we ſchulen fynde ony ſuch and moue cauſis aȝens ony of hem in ony cauſe.
xxxvi And þat þer be writun of Jewis in þe kingis ooſt, to
man? And now make we hym our frende and felowe.
xvii And he wroot epiſtle, and ſente bi þeſe wordis, þritti þouſyndis of men; and plentees ſchulen be ȝouun
xviii ſeiynge, Kyng Aliſaundre to Jonathas, broþer, to hem, as it bihoueþ to alle ooſtis of þe kyng.
xxxvii And of hem ſchulen be ordeyned, þat be in þe
xix We han herde of þee, þat þou art a miȝti man in greet ſtrengþis of þe kyng;
xxxviii of hem ſchulen be ordeyned ouer nedis of þe
ſtrengþis, and art able þat þou be oure frend.
xx And now we ordeynen þee to dai hiȝeſt preſt of þi rewme, þat ben don of feiþ, and princes be of hem; and
walke þei in her lawis, as þe kyng comaundide in þe
folc, and þat þou be clepid frend of þe kyng. And he
lond of Juda. And þre citees, þat ben addid to Judee of
ſente to hym purpur, and a goldun coroun, þat þou feele
þe cuntre of Samarie, be demyd wiþ Judee; þat þei be
wiþ vs what þingis ben oure, and kepe frenſchipis to vs.
xxi And Jonathas cloþide hym wiþ hooly ſtoole, in þe
vndur oon, and obeie not to oþer power, no but to þe
hiȝeſte preſt;
ſeuenþe moneþe, in þe hundrid and ſixtiþe ȝeer, in þe xxxix Tolomaida, and cooſtis þerof, whiche Y haue
ſolempne dai of Senofegie. And he gaderide an ooſte,
ȝouun a ȝifte to hooli men þat ben in Jeruſalem, to
and made copiouſe armeris.
xxii And Demetrie herde þeſe wordis, and was maad ful
nedeful coſtis of ſeyntis.
xl And Y ſchal ȝyue in ech ȝeer fiftene þouſynde of ſiclis
ſorewful, and ſeide, What han we do þis þing,
xxiii þat Aliſaundre bifor ocupiede vs, for to catche
of ſiluer, of þe kyngis reſouns, þat perteynen to me;
xli and al þat is reſidue, which þei þat weren ouer nedis
frenſchip of Jewis to his ſtrengþing?
xxiiii And Y ſchal write to hym preiynge wordis, and
ȝeldiden not in formere ȝeeris, fro þis tyme þei ſchulen
ȝyue in to werkis of þe hous.
dignitees, and ȝiftis, þat he be wiþ me in help.

xlii And ouer þis fyue þouſynde ſiclis of ſiluer, whiche lx And he wente wiþ glorie to Tolomaida, and mette
þei token of reſoun of hooli þingis bi ech ȝeer; and þeſe þere twei kyngis, and ȝaue to hem myche ſiluer, and
þingis ſchulen perteyne to preſtis, þat vſen mynyſterie. gold, and ȝiftis; and foond grace in þe ſiȝte of hem.
xliii And who euere ſchulen fle to þe temple þat is in lxi And men of Iſrael, ful of venym, camen togidere
Jeruſalem, and in alle cooſtis þerof, and ben gilti to þe aȝens hym, wickid men, axynge aȝens hym, and þe
king in ony cauſe, be releeſid; and haue þei fre alle kyng took no tent to hem;
þingis, þat ben to hem in my rewme. lxii and comaundide Jonathas for to be maad nakid of
xliiii And to bilde werkis of hooli þingis, coſtis ſchulen his cloþis, and hym for to be cloþid in purpur; and þei
be ȝouun of þe kyngis rent, diden ſo. And þe king ſettide hym for to ſitte wiþ hym,
xlv and for to bilde out þe wallis of Jeruſalem; and for to lxiii and ſeide to hiſe princis, Go ȝe out wiþ hym in to þe
make ſtrong in cumpas, ſpenſis ſchulen be ȝouun of þe myddil of þe citee, and preche ȝe, þat no man axe aȝens
kyngis rent, for to make out wallis in Judee. hym of ony cauſe, neþer ony man be heuy to hym of
xlvi As Jonathas and þe puple herde þeſe wordis, þei ony reſoun.
bileueden not to hem, neþer reſſeyueden hem; for þei lxiiii And it was don, as þei þat axiden ſien his glorie þat
hadden mynde of þe greet malice þat he hadde don in was prechid, and hym kyuered wiþ purpur, alle fledden.
Iſrael, and hadde troblid hem greetli. lxv And þe kyng magnefiede hym, and wroot hym
xlvii And it pleſide togidere to hem in to Aliſaundre, for among þe firſte frendis, and puttide hym duyk, and
he was to hem prince of wordis of pees, and to hym þei felow of prinſhod.
baren help in alle daies. lxvi And Jonathas turnede aȝen in to Jeruſalem, wiþ pees
xlviii And kyng Aliſaundre gaderide a greet ooſt, and and gladneſſe.
mouyde tentis aȝens Demetrie. lxvii In þe hundrid ȝeer and fyue and ſixtiþe, Demetrie,
xlix And þe kyngis ioyneden batel, and þe ooſt of þe ſone of Demetrie, cam fro Crete in to þe lond of his
Demetrie fledde; and Aliſaundre purſuede him, and lai fadris.
on hem; lxviii And kyng Aliſaundre herde, and was maad ful
l and þe batel was ful ſtrong, til þe ſunne wente doun, ſoreuful, and turnede aȝen to Antiochie.
and Demetrie felle in þat dai. lxix And Demetrie ordeynede Appolyne duyk, þat was
li And Aliſaundre ſente to Tolome, king of Egipt, legatis ſouereyn of Celeſirie; and he gaderide his greet ooſt,
bi þeſe wordis, and cam to Jamnam; and ſente to Jonathas, hiȝeſte preſt,
lii and ſeide, For Y cam aȝen in to my rewme, and ſat in and ſeide, Þou aloone aȝenſtondiſt vs;
þe ſeete of my fadris; and Y haue weldid princehod, and lxx Y am maad in to ſcorn and ſchenſchip þerfor, for þou
Y haue al to-brokun Demetrie, and haue weldid oure hauntiſt power in hillis aȝens vs.
cuntrei; lxxi Now þerfor if þou triſtiſt in þi vertues, come doun to
liii and Y haue ioyned fiȝt wiþ hym, and he and his vs in to þe feeld; and þere aſemble we togidere, for wiþ
ooſtis ben al to-foulid of vs, and we ſaten in ſeete of his me is vertu of batels.
rewme. lxxii Axe þou, and lerne who Y am, and oþere þat ben in
liiii And now ordeyne we togidere frenſchip, and ȝyue þi help to me, and whiche ſeien, þat ȝoure foot may not
douȝter a wijf to me, and Y ſchal be þi douȝter ſtonde aȝens oure face, for þi fadris weren conuertid in
hoſebonde; and Y ſchal ȝyue to þee ȝiftis, and to hir to fliȝt twies in to her lond.
dignytee. lxxiii And now hou ſchalt þou mow ſuſteyne multitude of
lv And `Tolome, kyng, anſweride, ſeiynge, Bleſſid is þe horſe men, and ſo greet ooſt in þe feeld, where is no
dai in which þou turnediſt aȝen to þe lond of þi fadris, ſtoon, ne rocke, neþer place of fleynge?
and haſt ſotun in þe ſeete of rewme of hem. lxxiiii Soþeli as Jonathas herde þeſe wordis of
lvi And now Y ſchal do to þee whiche þingis þou haſt Appollonye, he was mouyd in herte; and he chees ten
writun; but come þou aȝens me to Tolomaida, þat we ſe þouſynde of men, and wente out fro Jeruſalem, and
vs togidere, and Y biheete to þee, as þou ſeidiſt. Symount, his broþer, cam to hym in to help.
lvii And Tolome wente out of Egipt, he, and Cleopatra, lxxv And þei applieden tentis in Joppe, and it ſchittide
his douȝter; and he cam to Tolomaida, in þe hundrid and out hym fro þe citee, for Joppe was þe keping of
two and ſixtiþe ȝeer. Appolyne; and he fouȝte aȝens it.
lviii And Aliſaundre, þe king, came to hym; and he ȝaf to lxxvi And þei weren agaſt, þat weren wiþ ynne þe citee,
hym Cleopatra, his douȝtir, and made his weddingis at and openyden to hym; and Jonathas weldide Joppe.
Tolomaida, as kyngis in greet glorie. lxxvii And Appolyne herde, and mouyde þre þouſynde of
lix And kyng Aliſaundre wroot to Jonathas, þat he horſe men, and myche ooſt;
ſchulde come aȝens hym.

lxxviii andwente to Aſotus, as makynge weie. And vi And Jonathas cam to þe kyng wiþ glorie in to Joppen,
anoon he wente out in to þe feeld, for þat he hadde and þei gretten hem togidere; and þei ſlepten þere.
multitude of horſe men, and triſtnyde in hem; and vii And Jonathas wente wiþ þe king til to þe flood þat is
Jonathas ſuede hym in to Aſotus, and þei ioyneden clepid Eleutherus, and turnede aȝen in to Jeruſalem.
batel. viii Soþeli kyng Tolome weldide þe lordſchip of citees
lxxix And Appoloyne lefte in tentis a þouſynde horſe
til to Seleuce, bi þe eeſt cooſt, and þouȝte aȝens
men bihynde hem priueli. Aliſaundre yuel counſels;
lxxx And Jonathas knewe þat buſchementis weren ix and ſente legatis to Demetrie, and ſeide, Come þou,
bihynde hym, and þei enuirowneden his tentis, and make we bitwixe vs couenaunt, and Y ſchal ȝyue to þee
caſtiden dartis in to þe puple, fro morew til to euentid. my douȝter, whom Aliſaundre haþ, and þou ſchalt regne
lxxxi Forſoþe þe puple ſtood, as Jonathas comaundide, in rewme of þi fadir.
and þe horſis of hem traueliden out. x For it rewiþ me, þat Y ȝaf to hym my douȝter; for he
lxxxii And Symount ledde his ooſt, and ioynede aȝens þe ſouȝte for to ſle me.
legioun; forſoþe horſe men weren maad weri, and weren xi And he diſpiſide him þerfor, for he coueitide þe
al to-brokun of hym, and fledden. rewme of hym.
lxxxiii And þei þat weren ſcaterid in to þe feeld, fledden xii And he took a wey his douȝter, and ȝaf hir to
in to Aſotus; and entriden in to þe hous of Dagon, her Demetrie, and alienyde hym fro Aliſaundre; and hiſe
idol, þat þere þei ſchulden delyuere hem ſilf. enemytees weren maad knowun.
lxxxiiii And Jonathas brente Aſotus, and citees þat weren xiii And Tolome entride in to Antiochie, and puttide twei
in cumpas þerof, and took ſpuylis of hem; and he brente diademys to his heed, of Egipt and of Aſie.
in fier þe temple of Dagon, and hem þat fledden in to it. xiiii Forſoþe Aliſaundre, þe kyng, was in Cilice in þo
lxxxv And þer weren þat fellen bi ſwerd wiþ hem þat
tymes, for þei rebelliden, þat weren in þo places.
weren brent, almeſte eiȝte þouſynde of men. xv And Aliſaundre herde, and cam to hym in to batel;
lxxxvi And fro þennus Jonathas mouyde tentis, and
and Tolome, kyng, brouȝt forþ ooſt, and cam to hym in
appliede hem to Aſcalon; and þei wenten out of þe citee ſtrong hond, and droof hym.
aȝens hym in greet glorie. xvi And Aliſaundre flei in to Arabie, for to be defendid
lxxxvii And Jonathas turnede aȝen in to Jeruſalem wiþ
þere; ſoþeli kyng Tolome was enhaunſid.
hiſe men, hauynge many ſpuylis. xvii And Gadiel of Arabie took awei Aliſaundris heed,
lxxxviii And it was don, as king Aliſaundre herde þeſe
and ſente to Tolome.
wordis, he puttide to ȝit for to glorifie Jonathas. xviii And kyng Tolome was deed in þe þridde dai; and
lxxxix And he ſente to hym a goldun lace, `eþer nouche,
þei þat weren in ſtrengþis periſchiden, of hem þat weren
as cuſtom is for to be ȝouun to coffyns of kingis; and he wiþ ynne þe caſtels.
ȝaf to him Accoron, and alle cooſtis þerof in to xix And Demetrie regnede in þe hundrid ȝeer and ſeuene
poſſeſſioun. and ſixtiþe.
xx In þo daies Jonathas gaderide hem þat weren in
CAP. XI Judee, for to ouercome þe hiȝ tour, þat is in Jeruſalem;
i And þe kyng of Egipt gaderide an ooſt, as grauel þat is
and þei maden aȝens it many engynes.
aboute þe brynke of þe ſee, and many ſchippis; and xxi And ſumme wickid men, þat hatiden her folc,
ſouȝte for to welde þe rewme of Aliſaundre in gile, and wenten to þe kyng Demetrie, and telden to hym, þat
adde it to his rewme. Jonathas biſegide þe hiȝ tour.
ii And he wente out in to Sirie wiþ peſible wordis, and
xxii And as he herde, he was wroþ, and anoon he cam to
þei openyden to hym citees, and camen to hym; for whi Tolomaida, and wroot to Jonathas, þat he ſchulde not
kyng Aliſaundre comaundide for to go out aȝens him, biſege þe hiȝ tour, but ſchulde come to hym in haaſte, to
for he was fadir of þe kyngis wijf. ſpeke togidere.
iii Soþeli whanne Tolome entride in to a citee, he puttide
xxiii Soþeli as Jonathas herde, he comaundide for to
kepyngis of kniȝtis in ech citee. And as he neiȝede to biſege; and he chees of þe eldere men of Iſrael, and of
Azotus, þei ſchewiden to hym þe temple of Dagon brent preſtis, and ȝaf hym to perel.
in fier, and Azotus, and oþere þingis þerof diſtried, and xxiiii And he took gold, and ſiluer, and cloþ, and many
bodies caſt forþ, and þe biriels of hem þat weren ſlayn
oþer preſentis; and wente to þe kyng, to Tolomaida, and
in batel, whiche þei maden biſidis þe weie.
v And þei telden to þe kyng, þat Jonathas dide þeſe foond grace in þe ſiȝt of hym.
xxv And ſumme wickid men of his folc axiden aȝens
þingis, for to make enuye to hym; and þe kyng was

xxvi `and þe kyng dide to him, as þei þat weren bifore xli And Jonathas ſente to kyng Demetrie, þat he ſchulde
hym, diden to hym; and he enhaunſide him in ſiȝt of alle caſte out hem, þat weren in þe hiȝ tour in Jeruſalem, and
his frendis, whiche weren in ſtrengþis, for þei inpugnyden Iſrael.
xxvii and ordeynede to hym prinſehod of preſthod, and xlii And Demetrie ſente to Jonatas, and ſeide, Not oneli
what euere oþere preciouſe þingis he hadde bifore; and þis Y ſchal do to þee, and þi folc, but Y ſchal make þee
made hym prince of hiſe frendis. noble bi glorie, and þi folc, whanne it ſchal be
xxviii And Jonatas axide of þe kyng, þat he ſchulde make couenable.
Judee fre, and þre prinſhedis of þre places, and Samarie xliii Now þerfor riȝtli þou ſchalt do, if þou ſchalt ſende
and niȝ cooſtis þerof; and he bihiȝte to hym þre hundrid men in to help to me, for al myn ooſt wente awei.
talentis. xliiii And Jonathas ſente to hym þre þouſynde of ſtronge
xxix And þe kyng conſentide, and wroot to Jonatas men, to Antiochie; and þei camen to þe kyng, and þe
epiſtles of alle þeſe þingis, conteynynge þis maner. kyng delitide in þe comyng of hem.
xxx Kyng Demetrie to Jonathas, broþer, heelþe, and to xlv And þere camen togidere þat weren of þe citee ſixe
þe folc of Jewis. ſcore þouſynde of men, and wolden ſle þe kyng.
xxxi Þe enſaumple of epiſtle, which we han writun to xlvi And þe kyng fledde in to þe halle. And þei þat
Laſcheny, oure fadir, of ȝou, we ſenten to ȝou, þat ȝe weren of þe citee ocupieden þe weies of þe citee, and
ſchulden wite. bigunnen for to fiȝte.
xxxii Kyng Demetrie to Laſcheny, fadur, heelþe. xlvii And þe kyng clepide Jewis in to help, and alle
xxxiii To þe puple of Jewis, oure frendis, and kepynge camen togidere to hym, and alle weren ſcaterid bi þe
whiche þingis ben iuſt anentis vs, we demyden for to do citee;
wel, for benygnyte of hem þat þei han anentis vs. xlviii and ſlowen in þat dai an hundrid þouſynde of men,
xxxiiii Þerfor we ordeynen to hem, alle þe cooſtis of and brenten þe citee, and token many ſpuylis in þat dai,
Judee, and þre citees of offryngis, Liddea, and and delyueriden þe kyng.
Ramatha, and Faſeron, þat ben addid to Judee, and xlix And þei ſiȝen, þat weren of þe citee, þat Jewis
Samarie, and alle þe niȝ cooſtis of hem, for to be hadden take þe citee as þei wolden; and þei weren maad
departid to alle men doynge ſacrifice in Jeruſalem, for vnſtidefaſt in her ſoule, and crieden to þe king wiþ
þeſe þingis þat þe kyng took bifore of hem bi alle preieris, and ſeiden,
ȝeeris, and for fruytis of þe erþe, and of applis. l Ȝyue to vs riȝthondis, and ceeſſe þe Jewis for to fiȝte
xxxv And oþer þingis þat perteyneden to vs, of tiþis, and aȝens vs and þe citee.
tributis, fro þis tyme we forȝyuen to hem; and þe pleyn li And þei caſtiden awei her armeris, and maden pees.
places of ſalt makyng, and þe corouns þat weren borun And Jewis weren glorified in þe ſiȝt of þe kyng, and in
to vs, alle þingis we graunten to hem; þe ſiȝt of alle men þat weren in his rewme, and weren
xxxvi and no þing of þeſe ſchal be voide, fro þis and in to named in þe rewme. And þei wenten aȝen in to
al tyme. Jeruſalem, hauynge many ſpuylis.
xxxvii Now þerfor biſie ȝe for to make enſaumple of þeſe lii And kyng Demetrie ſat in ſeete of his rewme, and þe
þingis, and be it ȝouun to Jonathas, and be put in þe holi lond was ſtille in his ſiȝt.
mount, and in þe ſolempne place. liii And he liede alle þingis, what euere he ſeide, and
xxxviii And kyng Demetrie ſiȝ, þat þe lond was ſtille in alienyde hym fro Jonathas, and ȝeldide not to hym bi
his ſiȝt, and þat no þing aȝenſtood hym, and lefte al his beneficis, whiche he hadde ȝouun to hym; and Demetrie
ooſt, ech man in to his place, outakun þe ſtraunge ooſt, trauelide hym greetli.
þat he drow fro ilis of heþene men; and alle þe ooſtis of liiii Aftir þeſe þingis Trifon turnede aȝen, and Antiok, a
his fadris wcren enemyes to hym. ȝong child, wiþ hym; and regnede, and puttide on hym
xxxix Forſoþe oon Trifon was of þe partis of Aliſaundre a diademe.
bifore, and he ſiȝ þat al þe ooſt grutchide aȝens lv And alle ooſtis weren gaderid to him, whiche kyng
Demetrie; and he wente to Machuel Arabian, þat Demetrie ſcateride; and þei fouȝten aȝens hym, and he
nurſchide Antiok, þe ſone of Aliſaundre. flei, and turnyde backis.
xl And he maad greet inſtaunce to hym, þat he ſchulde lvi And Trifon took beeſtis, and weldide Antiochie.
bitake him to hym, for to regne in ſtide of his fadir; and lvii And Antiok þe ȝonge wroot to Jonatas, and ſeide, Y
telde out to hym, hou grete þingis Demetrie hadde don, ordeyne to þee preſthod, and Y ordeyne þee on foure
and þe enemytees of his ooſtis aȝens hym; and he citees, þat þou be of þe kyngis frendis.
dwelte þere many daies. lviii And he ſente to hym goldun veſſels, in to
mynyſterie, and ȝaf to hym power to drynk in gold, and

for to be in purpur, and for to haue a goldun lace, `eþer CAP. XII
nouche. i And Jonatas ſiȝ þat þe tyme helpiþ hym; and he chees
lix And he ordeynede Symount, his broþer, duyk fro þe men, and ſente hem to Rome for to ordeyne and renule
endis of Tirie til to þe endis of Egipt. frendſchip wiþ hem.
lx And Jonathas wente out, and walkide ouer þe flood bi ii And to Sparciates, and to oþer places, he ſente epiſtlis
citees; and al þe ooſt of Sirie was gaderid to hym in to bi þe ſame forme.
help. And he cam to Aſcalon, and þei of þe citee camen iii And þei wenten to Rome, and entriden in to þe court,
aȝens hym worſchipfuli. and ſeiden, Jonathas, hiȝeſte preſt, and þe folc of Jewis,
lxi And fro þennus he wente `in to Gaſa, and þei þat ſente vs, for to renule frendſchip and felouſchip, bi þe
weren at Gaſa cloſiden hem togidere, and he biſegide it. formere.
And he brente what þingis weren in cumpas of þe citee, iiii And þei ȝauen to hem epiſtlis to hem bi placis, þat
and ſpuylide it bi prey. þei ſchulden lede forþ hem in to þe lond of Juda wiþ
lxii And men of Gaſa preȝeden Jonatas, and he ȝaf to pees.
hem riȝt hond, `eþer pees. And he took þe ſones of hem v And þis is þe enſaumple of piſtlis, whiche Jonathas
in oſtage, and he ſente hem in to Jeruſalem, and walkide wroot to Sparciatis.
þorou þe cuntre til to Damaſk. vi Jonathas, hiȝeſte preeſt, and þe eldere men of þe folc,
lxiii And Jonathas herde, þat þe princes of Demetrie
and preſtis, and oþere puple of Jewis, to Sparciatis,
treſpaſſiden in Cades, þat is in Galilee, wiþ myche ooſt, briþeren, helþe.
willynge for to remoue him fro nede of þe rewme; and vii Now bifore epiſtlis weren ſent to Onyas, hiȝeſte preſt,
he cam aȝens hem. fro Darius, þat regnede anentis ȝou; for ȝe ben oure
lxiiii Forſoþe he lefte Symount, his broþer, wiþynne þe
briþeren, as þe reſcrite conteyneþ, þat is vndur put.
prouynce. viii And Onyas reſſeyuede þe man, þat was ſent, wiþ
lxv And Symount appliede to Bethſura, and fauȝt aȝens
onour, and took epiſtlis, in whiche he was ſignefied of
it many daies, and cloſide togidere hem. felouſchip and frendſchip.
lxvi And þei axiden of hym for to take riȝthondis, and he ix Whanne we hadden no nede of þeſe, and hadden in
ȝaf to hem. And he caſtide out hem fro þennus, and took coumfort hooli bookis þat ben in oure hondis,
þe citee, and puttide þer ynne ſtrengþe. x we hadden leuere for to ſende to ȝou, for to renule
lxvii And Jonathas and his tentis, `eþer ooſt, applieden to
briþerhod and frenſchip, leſt perauenture we be maad
þe water of Genaſar, and bifor þe lyȝt þei walkiden in aliens fro ȝou; forwhi many tymes paſſiden, ſiþen ȝe
þe lyȝt of Aſor. ſenten to vs.
lxviii And lo! þe tentis, `eþer ooſtis, of aliens camen xi We þerfor in al tyme wiþ out ceeſſyng, in to ſolempne
aȝens in þe feeld, and ſettiden to him aſpies in þe hillis. daies, and oþere, in whiche it bihoueþ, ben myndeful of
Soþeli he cam aȝens of þe contrarie part. ȝou in ſacrifices þat we offren, and in obſeruaunces, as
lxix Soþeli þe aſpies riſiden vp of her places, and leueful is, and biſemeþ, for to haue hadde mynde of
ioyneden batel. briþeren.
lxx And alle þat weren of Jonathas part fledden, and no xii Þerfore we ben glad of ȝoure glorie.
man of hem was left, no but Matathias, ſone of xiii Forſoþe many tribulaciouns and many batels
Abſalomy, and Judas, ſone of Calphi, prince of enuyrownden vs; and kyngis, þat ben in oure cumpas,
knyȝthod and ooſt. `fouȝten aȝens vs.
lxxi And Jonathas torente hiſe cloþingis, and puttide erþe xiiii Þerfore we wolden not be greuouſe to ȝou, neþer to
in his heed, and preiede. oþere felowis, and oure frendis, in þeſe batels.
lxxii And Jonathas turnede aȝen to hem in to batel, and xv For we hadden help of heuene, and ben delyuered,
togidere turnyde hem in to fliȝt, and fouȝten. and oure enemyes ben maad lowe.
lxxiii And þei of his part þat fledden ſayn, and þei xvi Þerfor we han choſun Newmenyus, þe ſone of
turnyden aȝen to hym, and purſueden wiþ hym til to Antiok, and Antipatre, ſone of Jaſoun, and ſenten to
Cades, to her tentis, and fulli camen til þidur. Romayns, for to renule wiþ hem boþ frendſchip and
lxxiiii And þer felden doun in þat dai of aliens þre formere felouſchipe.
þouſynde of men, and Jonathas turnede aȝen in to xvii Þerfor we comaundiden to hem, þat þei come alſo to
Jeruſalem. ȝou, and grete ȝou, and ȝelde to ȝou oure piſtlis of
renulyng of oure briþerhod.
xviii And nowe ȝe ſchulen do wel, anſwerynge to vs to
þeſe þingis.

xix And þis is þe aȝenwrityng of epiſtlis, þat Onyas, þe xxxviii And Symount bildide Adiada in Sephela, and
kyng of Sparciatis, ſente. ſtrengþide it, and puttide on ȝatis and lockis.
xx Onyas to Jonathas, greet preeſt, heelþe. xxxix And whanne Trifon þouȝte for to regne at Aſie, and
xxi It is foundyn in writyng of Sparciatis, and of Jewis, take a diademe, and ſtretche out hond in to Antiok kyng,
þat þei ben briþeren, and þat þei ben of þe kyn of xl he dredde, leſt perauenture Jonathas ſchulde not ſuffre
Abraham. hym, but fiȝte aȝens hym; and he ſouȝte for to catche
xxii And now ſiþen we knowen þeſe þingis, ȝe don wel, hym, and ſle.
writynge to vs of ȝoure pees. xli And he roos vp, and wente in to Bethſan. And
xxiii But and we han aȝen writun to ȝou. Oure beeſtis Jonathas wente out aȝens hym, wiþ fourti þouſynde of
and oure poſſeſſiouns ben ȝoure, and ȝoure oure. Þerfor choſun men in to batel, and cam to Bethſan.
we comaundiden, for to telle þeſe þingis to ȝou. xlii And Trifon ſiȝ, þat Jonathas cam wiþ myche ooſt, for
xxiiii And Jonathas herde, þat þe princes of Demetrie to ſtretche out hondis in to hym.
wenten out wiþ myche ooſt, ouer þat bifore, for to fiȝte xliii And he dredde, and reſſeyuede hym wiþ onour, and
aȝens hym. comendide hym to alle his frendis; and ȝaf to hym ȝiftis,
xxv And he wente out fro Jeruſalem, and ran aȝens hem and comaundide to his ooſtis, for to obeie to hym as to
in þe cuntre of Amathitha; for he ȝaf not ſpace to hem, hym ſilf.
for to entre in to his cuntree. xliiii And he ſeide to Jonathas, Wherto haſt þou trauelid
xxvi And he ſente aſpies in þe tentis of hem, and þei al þe puple, whanne batel is not to vs?
turneden aȝen, and telden, þat þei ordeyneden for to xlv And now ſende aȝen hem in to her houſis. But cheſe
come ouer þidur in niȝt. þou to þee a fewe men, þat ben wiþ þee, and come þou
xxvii Whanne þe ſunne hadde go doun, Jonathas badde wiþ me to Tolomayda, and Y ſchal ȝyue it to þee, and
his men wake, and be redi in armeris to batel al nyȝt. oþer ſtrengþis, and ooſt, and alle ſouereyns of offices;
And he ſettide keperis bi cumpas of tentis; and Y ſchal turne, and Y ſchal go awei. For whi þerfor Y
xxviii and aduerſaries herden, þat Jonathas was redi wiþ cam.
xlvi And he bileuyde to hym, and dide as he ſeide, and
hiſe men in batel, and þei dredden, and inwardli weren
agaſt in her herte, and tendiden fieris in her tentis. lefte þe ooſt; and þei wente awei in to þe lond of Juda.
xxix Forſoþe Jonathas, and þei þat weren wiþ hym,

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