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4kcal =1 gram of sugar

120 Kcal

A normal teenager needs

around 2000 or 3000 kcal the equivalent to
around 20 of this bottle.

= 44Kcal
44Kcal isnt too much sugar and its not
surprising seeing that milk is a very
important liquid for humans

= 125Kcal
We need 18 of this can to have the wanted
Kcal for a teen ager.

Although this is a very sugary beverage there
isnt lots of calories, it has less than an energy
drink or a cola

We need 21 of these bottles to have the minimum
amount of Kcal in our body

This is supposed to be a substitution for
milk but seeing that it has 36 or more
calories more I think its nothing similar to it

This famous and beloved coffee has a significant
Kcal difference to all the other products, seeing
that it has 100 or more Kcal of difference I think
its not a very healthy thing to drink. We just
need 8 of these coffees and we will be in the
range of Kcal needed.

Its hard to believe that a fresh squeezed orange
juice has the same Kcal with a red bull can; I would
think that the red bull should have much more
sugar in it and therefore more Kcal.

A fresh grape juice is near the 200 Kcal which
means that with just with 12 or 14 of these you
would be in the Kcal needed daily.

This milkshake is the most sugary beverage in the

list with 400Kcal and 100g of sugar, with only 5 of
this you would be nearly in the half of the daily
Kcal needed

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