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Complete the blanks with a word from the box.

Noun Verb Adjective Noun Verb Adjective

responsibil responsibl
danger dangerous
ity e

history historic marriage marry(ied)

hero heroic flier/flyer fly

contest departure depart


1. He saved the lives of many people in the war and he was a great _________________.
2. As a student, it is your _________________ to do your homework every day.
3. Be careful. This is a _________________ road. There are often many car accidents.
4. One day, Kenny saved Lin Zhuling from fire. That was a _________________ act*. (a
thing you do)
5. Confucius is a famous _________________ educator and philosopher. Many Koreans
and Japanese study his philosophy.
6. He has two children from his first _________________. Now, he has two more children
with his second wife.
7. Please wait for your mother at the _________________ hall in the airport. Her flight will
take off at 8am.
8. We often have exciting _________________ in class. These competitions are a great
way to learn English.
9. Alisa is a _________________ person. When she makes a promise, she will definitely
keep her words. Don’t worry. I’m sure she will help you with your problem if she
agrees to it.
10. I’m interested in the _________________ of China and I read lots of book on it.
11. Dorothy _________________ for Hanoi last week. She is staying with a local family
12. The _________________ of the game are nervous and excited.
13. I believe his life is in _________________ because the gangsters who kidnapped him
carried guns. They can kill him anytime.
14. Senne is married and he has two kids. Cook is _________________ but he has two kids
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15.She was the first solo _________________ to fly across the ocean.

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