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Ballfield Lane

Ballfield Lane
South Yorkshire
S75 5EF
Tel: 01226 382568
Fax: 01226 382350
Kate Davies BSc, MEd.

January 2015
Dear Parent/Carer
Ski Trip to Austria - February 2015
With just a month to go until we depart for Austria I would like invite you into school for a meeting on Thursday
29 January from 6.30pm until 7.30pm. This meeting will allow us to go through all final arrangements for the trip
and the itinerary as well as allowing you to ask any questions that you may have.
Hoodies you will have received a letter regarding personalised hoodies for the ski trip. It is essential that the
reply slip and payment is received into school as soon as possible to ensure that the hoodies are ready in time for
the trip.
European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) there are still a few EHIC outstanding. It is vital that we have a valid
EHIC card in school for all learners before the trip takes place for medical insurance purposes. Any learner who
does not have a valid EHIC will not be allowed to travel please ensure that your child has brought in a valid
EHIC within the next week.
If your child does not have a valid EHIC card you can apply for this by either calling the automated service on
0300 3301350 or apply on line by visiting the webpage
Cards are usually delivered to you 7 days after the application has been received.
Kit list I have attached a list of the equipment that your child will need to bring on the visit. This is the same list
that learners have used on previous ski trips. Can I also add that the website
provide extremely reasonably priced ski equipment that may be worth looking at if you need specific equipment.
If you would like to discuss any of the contents of this letter please do not hesitate to call me at school on the
number above or by email
If you would like to explore the slopes of Zell Am See before we arrive please have a look at the QR code below.
Yours sincerely

Mr James Elliott
Trip Leader

Registered Charity no. 1062490

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