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Liam Shaw

A2 Media Studies Research

Research: "The Weight of the Nation"

0-1 Minutes
Images of obese people and groups of houses
Music - tense, quick paced, serious
Short clips from vox pops and expert interviews further
into the documentary
Editing - Montage of clips and images
Music - slower but still serious
1-2 Minutes
Footage of children doing sport activities interrupted by
scenes of the hospital
Editing - Animation of opening credits
Presenter talks about the farm he is located at
Various shot types of the farm and farmers
2-3 Minutes
More footage of the farm
Presenter talks about the work that takes place on the
Shot of the workhouse
Panning and close ups of the workers packaging food
More establishing shots of the farm
Music - light hearted
Editing - montage of obese people
3-4 Minutes
Presenter announces the problem being address, obesity
in Iowa
Montage of panning shot inside a store showing unhealthy
music - still light-hearted
Presenter gives facts over footage of the unhealthy foods

Liam Shaw

A2 Media Studies Research

Editing - facts brought up on the screen about fruit

Footage of a discussion highlighting that fruit and veg
growers don't make much profit

4-5 Minutes
Expert interview about what contributes to the obesity,
gives facts
Music - more serious
Reused footage
Editing- the circling of items and on screen facts

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