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Revision for Unit: 6

First Grade, Secondary,

Name: .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Class: .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

a-Choose the right answers :
!! 1- We [ has – have - is ] started the lesson already
2- She has[ wrote - written - write ] the letter .
3- You have [ built – build - building] one floor so far.
4- she used [ a - an - the ] spoon to eat. [ a - an - the ] spoon was
from wood.
5- Mona is the [ old - older - oldest] in the class.
!! 6- We have the [ bigger – big - biggest ] house in the city.
7- my dress is [ beautiful – more beautiful – the most beautiful ]
!!!!!!!!!!! in the party.
8- she [ take – takes - taking] an English lesson next Monday.
b-Do as shown between brackets :
!! 1- this book is (interesting) in the library. [ CORRECT THE ADJECTIVE]

!! ....................................................................................

!! 2- They have cleaned all the rooms [ MAKE YES/NO QUESTION ]


5- She has made lunch for Ahmad [MAKE WH-QUESTION

!! ABOUT (Ahmad)]

!! Who .......................................................................

!! 6- I have visited my uncle. [CHANGE INTO NEGATIVE ]


Vocabulary :
a- Choose the right word for each space :
(ever – visa - boarding pass – departure - once – at the moment – counter)

1. A butcher often has meat on his ____________ .

2. You must have a ____________ before you can board a plane.

3. Hamza’s ____________ from Khartoum was by plane.

4. Ali is from Najran but he is not living there ____________.

5. “Have you ____________ flown before?” - “No, never.”

6. Some people eat three times a day. I eat only ____________.

b- Match the word with its definitions :

1-try. ( ) the noun from the verb fly-flew-flown
1-queue. ( ) a line of people who are waiting foe something.
!! ( ) to do something if you can.

Supply the missing letters:
1- When I want to travel abroad I g… to the ai…port.

!! 2- when I travelled I nee…ed a pas…port , a ti….ket and vi…a.

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