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Unit 8: Rome Assessment

Part I: Geography and Vocabulary (8.6.0)

Directions: On the map of Rome below, identify whether or not the areas
listed are inside the Roman Empire or outside of the Roman Empire:

Unit 8 Vocabulary: Match the Key Terms with the correct definition. (8.7.0)
9. patrician

A. three rulers who share equal power.

10. plebeian

B. Roman peace.

11. consul

C. governor.

12. triumvirate

D. head of government.

13. Pax Romana

E. a member of the ruling class.

14. proconsul

F. a person who fought people and animals for entertainment.

15. gladiator

G. an ordinary citizen.

Part II: Short Answer (8.7.2)

16. Explain the differences between a patrician and a plebeian.
17. Which two countries fought in the Punic Wars?
18. How many Punic Wars were there?
19. What animals did Hannibal introduce to war during one of the
Punic Wars?
20. Which side ultimately won the Punic Wars?

Part III: Cause and Effect (8.7.0)

Determine whether the statement is a cause or an effect.
21. (Cause or Effect) The government produced coins with less gold
and silver in them.
22. (Cause or Effect) The new coins had a reduced value.
23. (Cause or Effect) People bought fewer goods.
24. (Cause or Effect) People had less money.

Part IV: 5 Paragraph Essay

Persuasive Essay: During this unit we discussed the disaster that
was Pompeii. We looked at the statues of humans who were found
when the city was uncovered. Is it right for us to put these on
display and allow people to tour this destroyed civilization or should
we give the former citizens a proper burial and stop putting their
remains on display?
Make sure that you select a side, provide at least 3 supporting
details, provide and introduction and a conclusion, and use
transitional phrases when necessary. Also, make sure that you
proofread before you turn in your work.

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