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# Overview of DFS
** File Server Topology redundancy and content redundancy.
~ Namespace
.. The grouping of shares from many physical locations under one logical locatio
..A DFS namespace is basically a place where you will have links to all your fil
e shares... we cant access the content from the links.. they are only referrals.
.. How does it work? it exists as links to the shares in the "DFSRoots" folder o
n ALL servers that hosts the namespace.
~ Namespace TOPOLOGY Redundancy
.. Namespace can be available but content not available.

# When should we use DFS?

- Mainly static content.. not for when multiple users are constantly changing th
e same files
# DFS Options
# DFS Server Roles

DFS Administration


DFSRAdmin Health CLI
DFS Mgmt GUI Reports
DFS Replication Event Log in event viewer

# DFS Bad practices

~ storing contents in the root folder
~ renaming servers

- DFS is taking multiple shared folders from different file servers and mapping
them under a single name (or namespace). It also has an advantage of replication
# In what situation will it be best to use DFS?
- May not be good for multiple user document but for single user document depend
ing on your replication schedule.
# How DFS works
- There are 2 components: Namespace and Folder Targets
- DFS is also site aware.
# Stand-Alone vs Active Directory Integrated.
- The main advantage of the domain-based namespaces is that your configuration w
ill be stored in Active Directory and you won t have to rely on a single server to
provide the namespace information to your clients.
- Highly available and fault tolerant (uses AD replication engine to replicate n
amespace information)
- DFS configuration gets replicated in Active Directory.
*** AD integrated allows for Windows 2008 Mode..
~ Min Domain level of W2k3
~ Min Forest Functional Level of W2k8
~ Namespace servers has to be a minimum of Win2k8.
~ Allows for Access Based Enumeration and Folder targets up to 50,000
*** Stand-alone mode
~ AD not available
~ W2k8 mode not available
# DFS Namespace
- Simply, this is creating a UNC path that will combine multiple folder targets.
. do the targets need to be shared folder?
# DFS Replication
- Replication is for synchronizing folder TARGETS not servers but folder targets
e.g \\server1\users and \\server2\users
- How does it work? By creating a replication group which is a manager that keep
s folder targets synchronized... the GREEN arrow means that there's a replicatio
n group associated with it.
- Uses RDC

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