SM Proposal

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[ Social Media Proposal ]

This assignment asks you to persuade a client (a company, celebrity, a

group, etc.) to adopt a specific social media tool.
You will propose your social media to your client in a written proposal and
an informal presentation.
Who are you writing the proposal to?
Your audience is up to you, but may include businesses, celebrities, schools,
product sellers (books, movies), historical figures, imaginary figures, etc.
Some previous examples include:
Persuade Willy Wonka to use Linkedin to find someone to take over
his company.
Ask Paul Revere to use Twitter to let everyone know The British are
Explain to Abraham Lincoln how YouTube might make a good space
to deliver The Emancipation Proclamation.
Convince UD to use Spotify in their recruitment materials.
The Proposal:
Your formal proposal must include:

Description of Current Situation
Description of Project Plan
Discussion of Benefits
4-5 pages
4-6 sources (data for social media platform, cases studies check
class Tumblr for sources)

The Presentation:
The presentation will be a FORMAL pitch of your social media application
to your client. (So you should speak directly to the audience as though they
were your client.)
The presentation should:
Mimic the structure of the proposal (intro, current situation, project
plan, benefits)
Have a visual aid (PowerPoint, Prezi, handout, video)
7-10 minutes (no longer than 10 minutes)

Due Dates:
Peer Review: April 28
Presentations: May 5, 7, 12, 15
Final Draft: May 18

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