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Design Element Por2olio

Design # 1

Integra6ng technology into the



Technology in educa6on is
essen6al to help students learn
in todays society.

Suppor/ng Evidence

Technology is ubiquitous
Technology can
accommodate dieren6ated
Technological forms of
communica6on can help
quieter students feel more
comfortable sharing ideas
with their peers
Students are excited about
using technology!
Technology can create home
to school connec6ons that
helps beGer facilitate student

Design #2 Picture Words & Analogies

General Message

Technology in educa6on is another
tool to help students learn in todays

Changes Made

ShiMed focus to capture students

point of view
Integrated graphics within mul6ple
types of media
Integrated sta6s6cs on students
Paired sta6s6cal data with graphics
to create a more powerful eect
Emphasized Students are wan6ng
moreshouldnt we be doing our


My focus switched to promo6ng
student wants and needs. If students
want more technology, and educators
are working to best teach their
students, why shouldnt we begin to
move in that direc6on? I was leM
wan6ng a more powerful visual
which brought my thoughts to graphs.
I imagined students surrounded by
their everyday technological elements
paired with an easy to read visual
expressing their wants for the future
in educa6on. In addi6on, I really liked
my previous statement of Students
are wan6ng moreshouldnt we be
doing our part?, so I made it larger
and a more dominant piece in this

Design # 3 Proximity & Alignment


This design was a brand new looks on some
of the same ideas. For example, I kept the
same 6tle and used the introductory text
from my previous design. To accomplish
this design, I made sure to chunk the text
into clearly dened subheadings and
sec6ons, each corresponding to the picture
to the leM of it. Although the images I
originally picked out were general to
technology in the classroom, I changed
them to use specic persons in the pictures
to directly correspond with the text.
Overall, I think this design looks
professional and classy, however is more
text-dependent than I prefer.

Design # 3 Proximity & Alignment

Le? Alignment

When imagining this design, I really
struggled breaking out of the safe mode
of design and into an area that was new.
Although the pictures were centered to
provide a sense of unity and symmetry, I
leM aligned the text. As my eyes move
through the design, they have a tendency
to con6nue tracking to the leM. I like how
the design ended, but wasnt necessarily
sold on leM aligning the material. I was also
unsure about using an all white
background, but I felt that the colors in the
photographs would be too much with any
colored/textured background.

Design # 3 Proximity & Alignment

Right Alignment

Moving into the second alignment design, I
found it easier to move the informa6on and
graphics around to have a consistent right
alignment. I wanted to focus on the
principle of alignment solely, so I
maintained the same elements as before.
Although there is seemingly more white
space with this version, I think it provides a
clear line on the right which draws the eye
towards and down it. In the end, I prefer
the right aligned a liGle bit to the previous
design because of the overall ow.

Design # 5 Repe66on & Contrast


This design was created to elicit the
principle of repe66on. I used the repea6ng
font, a color scheme within the same hues,
and the repea6ng of the checkmark sign. I
especially working on integra6ng it into the
boGom sec6on of the design. Overall, this
design looks nice with the top and boGom
texts right aligned, giving emphasis to the
black checkmark boxes.

Design # 5 Repe66on & Contrast

Contrast 1

What I chose to contrast in this par6cular
design was that of the color. I really
wanted the 6tle (with direct emphasis on
the word EVOLVING) and the subheadings
to stand out. What I liked best about this
was the overall feel my eyes were drawn
to the 6tles because of the colors
specically, and it was easy to assess which
informa6on went with which subheading.

Design # 5 Repe66on & Contrast

Contrast 2

This was my second aGempt at the contrast
design. Instead of focusing on the color,
this 6me I played around with the font.
Unfortunately due to the program I was
working within ( I had limited fonts
to choose from. In the end, I tried to make
sure that the subheadings and beginning of
the 6tle were as dras6cally dierent font as
I could use, permihng that you could s6ll
read the text. In the future I would like to
play around more with the idea of using
contras6ng text but in a dierent program.

Design # 6 Color & Style

Color 1

The rst color scheme I worked with was
complementary. Although personally not a
huge fan of complementary color schemes,
I decided to try out a blue with an orange.
At rst I worked with a darker blue
however, as with one of my previous
designs, it did not provide a high contrast in
the 6tle against the black header. Due to
this, I changed to a slightly lighter blue.

Design # 6 Color & Style

Color 2

The second color scheme I tried was triadic.
I had fun trying out dierent combina6ons,
but I ended with: blue-green, violet, and
yellow-orange. I tried to 6e the yellow-
orange within the document by changing
both the top and boGom banners. Next,
the blue-green created a nice high contrast
against the aforemen6oned banner. I
decided since Evolving is very dominant,
to use that same color for the arrows rather
than the subheadings text, leaving the
violet to do so. Overall, I really like the
direc6on that this color scheme took!

Design # 6 Color & Style

Color 3

The third color scheme I worked with was
analogous. I experimented a lot. With this
type of color scheme, I struggled to nd
one that would t with my already created
design. In the end, I used yellow-orange,
orange, and red-orange. Especially in the
smaller format, it is very dicult to discern
between the yellow-orange and orange.
(The banners are yellow-orange while the
subheading text is orange.) I found this to
be a re-occurring issue while using this type
of color scheme; again this may be due in
part to the colors provided through the
design tool used.

Design # 6 Color & Style


This design looked at a youthful or fun
style, hence the use of a soMer typeface
and star images. I tried to 6e the bursts of
color to important text as well as the
photograph used (i.e., the green on the
shirt). I liked how this transformed the
design from looking more formal to
informal yet s6ll clean and professional. It
also sheds some light on aGributes assigned
to technology in the classroom without
being overwhelming with text. This is more
of a design Id see in a PLC room. Overall, I
like how the integra6on of past elements
worked together with new ones (e.g., stars,
new font) in this design!

Design # 7 - Type
Type 1

This design uses two very dis6nct fonts:

cochin (oldstyle) and Snell Roundhand
(script). In this design, I worked primarily
with size contrast (e.g., EDUCATION IS vs.
Evolving) as well as form (e.g., EDUCATION
IS & EMPOWERMENT, etc. vs. Evolving &
Do your part). I think the fonts are very
dierent while s6ll complemen6ng each
other. The Snell, although script should be
used sparingly, adds a formal nesse to the
design. My favorite part was allowing the
text to slide over the image on the top and
boGom (e.g., g in Evolving and D in Do).

Design # 7 - Type
Type 2

My second design used two dierent fonts:
TipsyTurvy (decora6ve) and Bodoni
(modern). The type contrasts I worked on
within this design were size (biggest
dierence is between the words in the
6tle), weight (I used bold for EVOLVING),
form (use of a mixture of both upper and
lower case leGers), and direc6on (again,
with EVOLVING). I felt that by u6lizing
direc6on as a contrast, the text almost
frames the image that I included. The
type of texts also combined a more fun/
youthful feel with a more classic font.

Design # 7 - Type
Type 3

My nal design was a new take on Design

#1 and used two main fonts: Goudy Old
Style (oldstyle) and cracked (decora6ve).
Although the main contrast I was playing
with was color (red used in three places
throughout this design), again I u6lized
diering font sizes and forms. As seen in
previous designs, I like how the use of color
helped emphasize certain ideas in a design
its important for me to emphasize the
idea of change and its consequent need for
ac6on (i.e., more). In addi6on, the very
dierent typefaces catch the eye. As with
each of my designs, I also worked hard to
ensure that the fonts had dierent
structures from dierent font families.

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