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With the technology that the world has, establishments, such as
commercial, industrial, institutional, are open to new ideas, especially to
innovative ones. One such idea is the incorporation of computer to monitor and
control any process. By bringing up this criterion, one has the power to control
and acquire data with precision and convenience.
PC-Based Polyphase Circuit Trainer is a combination of software and
hardware components that controls, monitors, and acquires different paramaters
of a three phase circuit. Using a PC, an Arduino microcontroller, power
analyzers, voltage sensors, curent sensors, contactors, and switches, the system
can be established to create a type of trainer that controls and acquires data at
the same time. Adapting to many different ways for communication purposes, it is
important to consider the type of communication that the system desires.
Three power analyzers are connected to a three-phase source and are
connected to the Arduino using serial. Voltage and current sensors are applied to
the source in parallel and in series respectively. All of these components are then
connected to an Arduino which receives the signals given by the sensors. To
supply the Arduino with power, it needs to be connected to an adapter supplying
5v DC, the standard supply for an Arduino. The Arduino is then connected to the
PC to read the signals and display it on a monitor.


To complete the system for data acquisition, 2 programming languages

were used: one for the Arduino and one for the Graphcial User Interface (GUI).
These programs are combined using a script that links them together. A selector
switch is used to control the interconnection of contactors.
The GUI of the system is built in a way that once a button is pressed, it
corresponds to a particular command to monitor a three-phase ciruit. The lines of
codes for the GUI and Arduino IDE must be interconnected for the system to
properly respond to each button.

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