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Utilization of Seaweed as Cosmetic and Skin Care

Product At Balai Besar Pengembangan dan Pengendalian Hasil Perikanan Jakarta
(Supervised by AGUS SUPRIADI).
The objective of the field practice was to apply and develop the experiences,
knowledges, and improve students skill especially to study about diverisify of
seaweed as cosmetic and skin care products such as transparent soap, liquid soap,
shampo and lotion. The practice was held from October 28 th until December 27th at
Balai Besar Pengembangan dan Pengendalian Hasil Perikanan Jakarta. The practice
was performed by collecting primary data by means of observation, data recording,
interviews and collecting secondary data by means of literature review as a
complement in report composing.
Cosmectic product processing technology is one of the innovation product
has been developed by BBP2HP of seaweed diversification product. The addition of
seaweed on cosmetic products intend to increase the value added of product and
minimized the use of synthetic materials in cosmetic to create safety product for skin.
Seaweed transparent soap that was produced has a shiny, soft, and transparent
appearance. Based on the result testing of transparent soap thas was produced, it has
low alcohol insoluble residue (0,91%) and free alkali content sehingga transparent
soap is safe for use. The addition of seaweed on transparent soap menghasilkan high
water content (23,83%) and low total fatty acid (29,5%) sehingga sabun menjadi
lebih cepat habis karena more soluble in water. Selain itu kadar fraksi tak
tersabunkan yang dihasilkan cukup tinggi (4,85%) sehingga decrease daya bersih
sabun ketika digunakan.

Uji coba pembuatan produk sabun cair dan shampoo rumput laut
menghasilkan produk dengan penampakan yang menarik dengan karakteristik
pembusaan yang baik. Namun dari segi kekentalan masih terlalu cair sehingga
diperlukan penambahan komposisi bahan pengental pada formulasi.
Produk lotion rumput laut yang telah dihasilkan memiliki penampakan yang
putih, licin, dengan kekentalan yang hampir sama dengan lotion pada umumnya.
Berdasarkan pengujian yang telah dilakukan lotion yang dihasilkan memiliki kadar
air 86,15%, pH 8, viskositas sebesar 13000 cp. Lotion yang dihasilkan sudah
memenuhi kriteria standar mutu produk pelembab kulit berdasarkan SNI (1996)
sehingga produk lotion yang dihasilkan tergolong aman untuk digunakan.

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