Draft Cover For Henryk Grossman 'Marx, Classical Political Economy and The Problem of Dynamics'

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Henryk Grossman was one of the most outstandin

critique of political economy. He showed an excep practitioners of the Marxist
tional understanding of Marxs
own economic writings. It is great to have this
new translation of one of his most
important and original essays.
Alex Callinicos, Professor of European Studies,
Kings College London and
author of Deciphering Capital (2014)

The important work of

the Marxist economist
rediscovered in recen
t years, mainly becaus Henryk Grossman has been
Anyone who wants to
e of Rick Kuhns supe
rb scholarship.
in which Grossman ex derstand modern capitalism should read
neoclassical (or margi ins why Marxs approach is superior to ma s essay,
Phil Gasper, Internati list) economics.
onal Socialist Review
editorial board and Ma
dison College

Rick Kuhn makes yet another valuable contribution to a better understanding

of Marxist crisis theory in this translation of Grossmans insightful analysis of the
failure of mainstream economics to account for the distinction between use-value
and exchange-value and for the dynamics of capitalism. Disequilibrium is the
norm of capitalist accumulation, reality is dynamic and time is of the essence.
Michael Roberts, author of The Great Recession (2009), blogs at

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