Awops-B777 12012011 PDF

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‘ r B-777 BSPIA All Weather Operations Page 1 Flight Operations Department November, 2010 ALL WEATHER OPERATIONS (BOEING-777) 2 B-777 BPA All Weather Operations Page 2" . Flight Operatic ‘ "Dep een ‘Table of Contents November, 2010 Contents CONCEPT&DEFINATION. LOW VISIBILITY PROCEDURE (LVP) STANDARD CAT II AUTO COUPLED APPROACH. GENERAL CAT Ill... Decision Height Definition and Concept. Visual! References at DH Alert Height Definition and Concept Fail Operational Fail Passiv Maximum Allowable Wind Speeds for Auto Landing ........ 5 Automatic Landing RVR Definition and Concep Runway Visual Range Measurement ......-.ssssessseseseersersee 14 Operating minima CAT Il&lllA, B No Decision Height Operations FLIGHT PREPARATION&GREW PROCEDURE Low Visibility Taxi (LV Taxi). Low Visibility Take-off REQUIRMENT.. Approved Operators Selection of takeoff alternate Planning minima for takeoff alternate.. LVTO vasssnsesscuectsntnteesemnensnmeiles fA egg 2D . DOWNGRADING: When resetting the minim B-777 SPA All Weather Operations Page 3 Flight Operati Sanat Table of Contents November, 2010 Rejected Take-off... 21 Approach Preparation 22 Aircraft Status ..... Weather ..... Approach Ban. ATC calls ... Seat Position Use of Landing Lights CAT I&dll Crew Briefing. Approach procedures .. Task Sharing CAT H&Il! CAT IH Operations without DI If Decision is to Go-around CAT I&lll. Visual References with CAT II&lll.... 7 Visual references of CAT IIIB with NO DH ....... screener 26 Loss of Visual References... Operations with and without DH - after touchdown . Flight Parameters Deviation Calls Failures and Associated Actions Abnormal procedures ..... Hm Downgrading Conditions...ssssssscssssseeseesey ES Downgrading from CAT Ill to CAT ul Down grading from CAT Il to CAT! BIT SPA All Weather Operations Page 4 Flight Operatic - ae paren ha Table of Contents November, 2010 AFDS Faults ....cccssecsssssssssesseserseressecareseneenencenrensasentersesessceneees STANDARD CALLS AWOPS.. INCAPACITATION ATC Procedures... ATC Clearance: REQUIRMENT;REFERENCE TABLE FOR CAT ILINA/B. EU-OPS 1, Failed or down graded equipment... AWOPS Brief Checklist .......-ecsssesseeenes . B17 o SPIA | All Weather Operations Page 5 | . Flight Operations A Bo | Concepts & Definitions November, 2010 | : GENERAL CONCEPTS & DEFINITIONS All Weather Operations (AWO) consist of operating an aircraft in low visibility conditions. The term AWO includes Low Visibility Take-off (LVTO), lower than standard CAT |, and Lower than Standard CAT | Category Il (CAT II), Category Ill (CAT Ill) landing and Low Vi (LV TAXI). Weather limitations (visibility) applied for AWO are called minima. For each airport procedure, approved minima are indicated in the associated jeppesen charts. . A Take-off or a Landing cannot be executed at minima below which the aircraft is certified, the crew is rated and the usable runway aids are certified. The limits of the aircraft are indicated in the OM. The limit of usable landing aids is the value of the DH/DA for the approach- “ janding category. These limits or operating minima must not be less than those imposed by ‘ the country concerned and the Operations Manual according to the type of flight. Note: All Company 777s are approved for CAT 118. LOW VISIBILITY PROCEDURE (LVP) Procedure applied at an aerodrome for the purpose of ensuring safe operation during Cat Ill, Cat Il, other than standard Cat II, and lower than standard CAT | approaches and low visibility take-offs EU OPS-1 EU OPS-1 is used for the new version of AOM (subpart E-appendix 1 to OPS 1.430 new). The old version of AOM is on jeppesen Chart-still designated as JAR OPS or JAA MINIMUMS even it is now part of the (EU OPS 1 as subpart E-Appendix 1 to OPS 1.430 old). On jeppesen approach and aerodrome charts an inverse printed “STANDARD” label indicates that “ swihe minimums are established according to the new European standard. FEN OPS does not include non standard minimums for CAT | or CAT Il ean eye approaches. Haltan state minimums are in accordance with JAR-OPS 1 AOM SY OPS 1 subpart E-appendix 1 to OPS 4.430 old), with following S€eption; minimum RVR for CAT Il approaches is RVR 360m. ae Bam ae SPIA All Weather Opersitions Page 6" Flight Operations Coneepts & Definitions Department November, 2010 LOWER THAN STANDARD CAT I OPERATION, NEW EU OPS The current minima for a Category | approach are an RVR of not less than 550m and with a decision height (DH) not lower than 200ft. Lower than Standard Category ! operations retain the DH criteria above but allow suitably approved aircraft operators to operate down to an RVR not lower than 400m on runways including those that were previously limited to Category 1 operations. (The actual minimum RVR limit (specified in Eu- OPS will depend on the classification of the ILS, the calculated decision height and the tevel of Aeronautical Ground Lighting (AGL) available.) In order for approved aircraft operators to take advantage of the reduction in the RVR limit, the aircraft must have an auto land system or HUDLS approved for Category Ill operations. Due to requirements as specified in EU- OPS1, the jeppesen will publish minimums for lower than standard CAT | operation on operator's request on tailored charts. OTHER THAN STANDARD CAT-II OPERATION, NEW EU OPS : Instrument approach and landing operation to a runway where some oD of the elements of the ICAO Annex 14 CAT-II lighting system are not available, with a DH below 200 ft but not lower than 100 ft and an RVR of not less than 350/400M .The jeppesen will publish minimums for other than standard cat Il operation only if the procedure is approved for their use by the state of the aerodrome. Other than Standard Category !I operations tetain the DH criteria above but allow suitably approved aircraft operators to operate in Category II conditions (down to 350/400m RVR depending on the category of aircraft) with reduced AGL (Aeronautical Ground Lighting) requirements. In order for approved aircraft operators to take advantage of the reduced AGL requirements, the aircraft must have an auto land system or HUDLS approved for Category Ill operations and the aerodrome must meet the following conditions. For aerodromes, the conditions to support Other than Standard Category II approach operations are very similar to those for Lower than Standard Category1,However, the ILS will need to meet the higher classification requirements specified in EU-OPS. In conclusion, lower than standard CAT | and other than standard CAT Il approach operation, approved operators will be able to take advantage of the aircraft auto land or HUDLS technology to help pilot to, ment B-777 [ SPIA All Weather Operations Page 7 | Flight Operations Department Concepts & Definitions November, 2010 reduce lighting requirement for CAT II. To avoid potential confusion, the AIP should stipulate, if an ILS runway is suitable or not for these operation. CAT IL CAT II operation is a precision instrument approach and landing using ILS. The associated company operating minima for CAT II are given below: > a RVR of not less than 350 m and > a Decision Height below 200-t and not lower than 100 CAT Ii weather minima have been established to provide sufficient visual references at DH to permit a safe landing or a missed approach. CAT Ml operation requires Auto coupled or Approved HUDLS to below DH- Which Means continued use of the automatic flight contro! system or the HUDLS down to a height of 80% of the DH. 350m CAT C/D. AUTO COUPLED APPROACH. Generally all approaches below 200’ DH and or RVR less then 550m. requires auto land or approved HUDLS. The CAT II approaches requires AUTO COUPLED OR APPROVED HUDLS to below DH, For 777 AIC, If autopilot is degraded to NO AUTO LAND (ASA), a pilot may continue approach up to CAT II DH, if adequate visual references (as specified, visual references at DH page no 8) are establish, disconnect the autopilot and land manually, otherwise go around. Auto coupled is only applicable to Standard CAT II /CATI. HUDLS: head-up guidance landing system The total airborne system which provides head-up guidance to the pilot, it includes all sensors, computers, power supplies, indication and controls.

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