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Depth of Knowledge Activity

Depth of Knowledge Goal: move from DoK1 level questions to DoK2 level questions.
S8.B.1.1.2 Compare similarities and differences in internal structures of organisms (e.g., invertebrate/vertebrate, vascular/nonvascular, singlecelled/multi-celled) and external structures (e.g., appendages, body segments, type of covering, size, shape.)

Unicellular vs. Multicellular 4 Square

DIRECTIONS: Complete each corner of the 4 Square using your knowledge of unicellular and multicellular
organisms and the diagram here.


What is a Unicellular Organism?

What is a Multicellular Organism?



vs. Multicellular

Draw using circles the difference between

unicellular and multicellular organisms.


Why are the Paramecium and Amoeba

grouped with an ostrich and pine tree?

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