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Michael Adoe
Hannah E. Meeuwse
IS 10
7 October 2014

Oskar Schindler Short Summary Biography

I am Oskar Schindler, the German industrialist at the time of Hitlers reign, in which he
led the Jewish genocide. I was born in Austria - Hungary on April 28, 1908 and I am the eldest in
my family. Living in a middle class family, I tried to look for jobs before I volunteered to sign up
in the Czechoslovakia army. At this time of life, I was messed up because I spent most of my
time getting drunk. In 1935, I joined the pro-Nazi Sudeten German Party and started to collect
counterintelligence for the Abwehr. This made me got arrested by the Czechoslovak authorities
for spying on them, which led me to the death sentence. I was lucky enough that the Germans
captured Sudetenland as part of the Munich Agreement, that made got out of prison and gave me
ranks in the Abwehr. My application as becoming a member in the Nazi Party got accepted in
1939, but it contradicts with my belief of not wanting to kill other people. My plan behind
joining the Party was because I need to gain trust with the Nazi authorities. After the invasion of
Poland, I moved to Krakw, where I leased a factory that has a capacity to employ over hundreds
of workers. Through giving jobs opening for the Jews, I can also provide shelter and protection
for them. By 1942, nearly half of the workers at the expanded plant were Jewish. In August
1944, my factory was decommissioned, and I have effectively requested my factory to be moved
to Brnnec, Sudetenland. Before moving, I had already ensured to the Jewish labor workers that
700 men and 300 women would arrive safely in the new factory. I also had another 100 Jews that

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will join the factory, where they will make fail ammunitions. In total, there were about 1,100
Jews that I have employed in the factory. After the war ended in 1945, I fled and settled in
Argentina, where I tried to farm but it just made me bankrupt. At the end of my life, I lived under
the provision of donations, where Yad Vashem named me a Righteous Gentile in 1962. I died in
1974, and was buried in the Catholic cemetery on Mount Zion in Jerusalem.
I think that human rights exist because it is all inherited since the beginning of life. Each
person is primed with human rights because we are all the same, and we are born equal. Human
rights are important because they will protect the dignity of a person and it will also bring justice
to the every person. The reason why I saved thousands of Jews that sorrowful event was because
I believe that each person has the right to life and not perish only for a mission and vision of a
single person to rule and wipe out the entire Jewish race. I have respect for human life, and
nothing would stop me from saving the faith of humanity. Although Germans are my friend and I
betrayed them because I hate cruelty and intolerance. Looking all through the vastness of the
concentration camps, where dead people are laying everywhere, and the smoke of the
crematorium would never stop burning, I realized that the Jews need justice. I say that it is unfair
for the Jews to be killed without any reason to prove that they are guilty. Being raised as a
Catholic, it is forbidden for people to kill, and this has influenced my personal views towards
human rights. I did not actually know any motivations that brought me to save the Jews at the
time of the Holocaust. It is only because of my hate about cruelty that I saved. Although I am
born and raised as a German, it does not stop me to save life no matter who they are, and in this
case are the Jews. My brave and heroic move to save the Jews in my factory was because I
wanted justice not only for the Jews, but also for all humanity. I also want people and future

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generations to learn that they must not look to their race and where they are from if they want to
help and give protection.

Michael, Your biographical information is good but in great need of detailed explantions. Your
analysis integrates class discussion well but could also be deeper. No bibliography (-1 from
criteria A)

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