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Crucible Test Answers: Revised Versions

Elizabeth Proctor when before the court and asked why she dismissed
Abigail Williams does not divulge the truth of her husbands adultery
She tried to protect him by concealing the sin of adultery he committed with a
lie, however by lying she couldnt protect him
John needed Elizabeth to tell the truth of his sin, cause then Abigail and the
other girls would be righteously deemed as the liars they are. However because,
Elizabeth wanted to protect John from the shame he would suffer in the town,
she lied and thus the authority believe there is no reason for Abigail to lie about
the witch craft.
Revised Version:

John Proctor admits to adultery before the court in order to prove Abigail is
indeed a murdering whore set upon taking his wifes place. However,
Elizabeth denies lechery in order to save her husbands honour, which he
relayed to the court in order to save her life. Trying to save one another,
they end up convicting each other.

Abigail desires Elizabeth Proctor dead in order to taker her place in Johns
life. Elizabeth denying lechery saves Abigail who would have been caught
lying had the truth come out. Elizabeth saved Abigail and proved her
innocent of the claims made by her husband.

In her life she has never lied, yet in order to save Proctor she lies about
his lechery. John believes Elizabeth would not lie under any circumstance,
yet she lies and condemns her husband.

Mary accuses John of witchcraft:

John is the one who brought Mary before the court to give her testimony
that there were never any witches, however Mary turns around and fueled
the fire even more by accusing John as a witch.

When Mary is telling the truth about it all being an act, nobody believes
her, however when she lies and says John tried to bewitch her, everybody
seems to believe her. They believe the lies, while disregarding the truth.
Partly because the other girls put up a good act and made Mary out to be
a liar. The girls were caught up in the hysteria, initiated by Abigail, and
said Mary was flying and hurting them. And they partly believed in Marys
lies, because thats what they wanted to hear

Revised Version:

God damns liars Mary: In the beginning, Mary wants to confess to confess
their sins and take their punishment, ending all talk of witchcraft. However
now she lies to save her life regardless of who has to suffer in her stead.
Abigail initiates the witch-hunt to obtain John Proctor, a married man,
however in the end Mary convicts John, ruining Abigails plans. Abigail
attempts scaring Mary into remaining quiet, yet Mary tarnishes all her plans
by testifying against John, labelling him a witch, the devils servant.
John Proctor desires to relay the truth to the court and save the innocent
villagers, alongside his wife, from the gallows. However, in the end he is
unable to save anyone because Mary traps him. She accuses him to save
herself and escape. Mary becomes a traitor.

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