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Republic of the Priigines wate §— DeDED Division OF WEGROS ORIENTAL someone Paes April 14, 2014 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. {G2 , 8.2014 School Calendar for School Year 2014-2015 TO: All EPSs/Division Coordinators (District Consultants), All District Supervisors/Diswricts In-Charge, Heads of Public Elementary and Secondary Schools All Others Concerned 1) Attached is Regional Memorandum No. 225, s, 2014, dated April 10, 2014 reiterating the content of DepED Order No.18, s. 2014 dated March 18, 2014 entitled, “School Calendar for School Year(SY) 2014-2015”, with Enclosures 1, 2, and 3. 2) The SY 2014-2015 shall begin on Monday, June 2, 2014 and shall end on Friday, March 27, 2015. The SY will consist of 201 school days, inclusive of the five-day In-Service ‘Training (INSET) break and the parent-teacher conferences. 3) Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum for the proper information and guidance of all concerned is highly desired. For the Schools Division Superintende DEXTER, “AR, CESE Assistani Sef Superintendent sTIDYA: (14 APR 2014 uy . reopen 4 ty Schoo! Calendar for Schoo! Year 2014-2015 ‘To: All Schools Division Superintendents (Officers-in-Change of Schools Division Heads, Public Elementary and Secondary Schools ‘All Others Concemed Attached Is Depid Order No. 18, s. 2024 dated March 18, 2014 entitled, “School Caerdar for Scat Yeo ($7 2014-2015, with Enclosures 1, 2 and 3. 2 The S¥ 2014-2015 shall begin on Monday, une 2, 2014 and shall end on Friday, March 27, 205. The SY will consist of 201 school days, inclusive of the five-day In-Service Training (INSET) break and the parent-teacher conferences. 3. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum for the proper information and guidance of all concemed Is highly desired. croyresiinds "gt ies: as 2 118 20 i UAT fi Bad Danser eB (2-8, “fining cd Devan (928-59 on. 1 Phang Ply lama Da: 0) 23908, 70h Ad Dia: eT 4 Aa Belge 2 meas OE 2ST NET _Webte: tip Harwacdepedte? cont gh * E9015: Kanapetan ng Eabat, Povanagaian mp Laat” DefED i | ‘Republic of the Ppllinpiaes: RD2014-6365 Department of Education hor 28 MAR 2014 Dorks ORDER No. 18, 3. 2014 ‘SCHOOL CALENDAR FOR SCHOOL YEAR (SY) 2014-2015 To: Undersecretaries Assistant Secretaries Bureau Directors Directors of Services, Centers and Heads of Units Regional Directors Schools Division Superintendents Heads, Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools All Others Concerned 1. The Schoo! Calendar for Schoo! Year (SY) 2014-2015 reflects the schoo! events and activities for the said SY. The core events and activities for this S¥ ahall Tepresent the actual teaching-learning days and shall be strictly observed in ali ‘schools. 2 The SY 2014-2015 shall begin on and shall end on riday, March 27, 2015. The SY will consist of: inclusive of the five-day In-Service ‘Training {INSE1) break and the parent-teacher conferences. The different schoo! events and activities, inchading the number of school days per ‘quarter, are contained in Enclosure No, I. 3. Private schoola may deviate from thia School Calendar. However, they may not start classes earlier than the first Monday of June and net later than the last day of August, as provided in Republic Act (RA) No. 7797 entitled “An Act to Lengthen the School Calendar from Two Hundred (200) Days to not More than Two ‘Hundred Twenty (220) Class Days.” They should notify the approprinte Depitd officials in advance regarding any deviation. 4, Specific guidelines are provided in Enclosure No, 2 to enable the achools to effectively and efficiently implement the school events and activities and to allow the regional offices (ROs) and schools division offices (SDOs) to provide support to the schools, especially in the areas of instruction and progress monitoring and evaluation. 5. ‘Schools may observe national and local celebratians/activities snd-batidaa ther then those indiated in Enclosure Ko, 9, provided that tie ttal number of ‘school_dayn shall_be_meintaingd and ysea_shall be conducted to Gotpensate for the echool tr tn ead action, Ur Waa topes BO a reflect their respective concerns, provided that the total mumnber of school days shall nat be compromised. Dept Comper, Merce Avene, asi iy 1600 A o32-7a08/0ss.7220/600-196: Mid c08-<876/057 6200 Ml womteped geo i stated References: ‘Depied Order Nos, 26, 8. 2012; and 10, s, 2013 To be indleated in the Perpetval Index ‘under the following subjects: CALENDAR, School CELEBRATIONS AND FESTIVALS CLASSES POLICY SCHOOLS ‘lly: perio calendar 2014-2015 VM December 27, 2018/2. 20L4/1.9-14 ‘V-30-1471.17-14/08-24-14/08-3-2014 ema ooaeaaia Enclosure No.1 to DepEd Order No. 18, 8.2014 (Calendar for School Year 2014 - 2015 (Gemertary ~ Grads i) ‘+ National Achiovement Test (NAT) Elementary ~ Grade Vi set cote IS 19-20 + 4 Guaner Examinations Fina) Examinations for Grade Vi and 3-24 26-27 az ‘pair 2 3 4 6-10 8 3 ay 7 4-10 Palarong 18-23 Brigada Eshwola 23 + End of Summer classes (Friday) and Final Examinations + Oplan Batk Eskwola [ed elt 04-285 gt Enclosure No. 2 to DepEd Order No. 18, s,2014 Implementing Guidelines of the Schoo! Year 2014-2035, (Catendar of the School Activities 1. The school year shall formally open on Monday, June 2, 2024 and shall end on Friday, March 27, 2025. The school year shail consist of Two Hundred One (202) cass ays. This is inclusive of the S-day semestral break and the parent-teacher conferences ‘which shall be held on a Saturday of the month after the quarterly examinations. The ‘conference is intended to apprise the parents on the progress or performance of thelr children and ensure parental Involvement in school activities. The last week of every ‘quarter shall be the culminating performance of students where there shall be an exhibit and exhibition of students’ outputs and performances to demonstrate attainment of performance standards at all grades/year levels. To ensure quality in the schoo! ‘operation and actual teaching-tearning, @ 10-day non-negotiable contact time for teachers, and the physical presence of school heads is expected every school day, even during attending official business, the 201 days shall be enforced. =~ 2. As part of their opening rites, all schools are expected to conduct a general assembly for the purpose of orienting stakeholders on the curriculum, co-curricular ‘programs and ancillary services lined up for the year In support of learner development and continuous improvement of schoo outcomes. Orientation shall be done the week hhefore the first day to ensure that conduct of classes Is done from the first day of ‘asses. For the secondary level, the general orientation shall include a career exposure program for the Grades 7 to 9 students to acquaint them with the various career Pathways they can pursue, For Grades 9 and Year IV students, 2 career guldance ‘rogram shall be conducted between July until November 2014 which will help prepare ‘the students for possible careers oF courses they wish to pursue after high school 3. All elementary schools shall administer the Early Chiidhood Care ond Development (ECCD) Checkiist for Kindergarten Chitdren before the opening of dasses or {following the schedule specified in the ECCD Manual and the School Readiness Year-End ‘Assessinent (SreVA) at the end of the school year. The Phillepine informal Reading inventory (Phit#R}) assessment tools in Filipina shall be administered to Grade I, while English and Filipina to Grades IFVi as classroom based assessment within the school year, The result will be used as basis for planning and formulating appropriate Interventions for children. Meanwhile, al secondary schools shall perform a diagnostic ‘assessment on the readiness for earning of Grade 7 students in order to prepare developmentstty-appropriate intervention progrants. 4 At the end of the Second Quarter, a midterm break shall be observed to evaluate Individual teachers and their collective performance, as well as to conduct the In-Service ‘Training (INSET activities in support of continuing professional development. See eet 204-2009 S. The Christmas break shail begin on Saturday, December 20, 2024, Classes shall resume on Monday, sanvary 5, 2015, 6. To assure quality of the pupit's/student's learning, formative assessments shall bbe regularly conducted by the teachers. On the national level, the National Education Testing and Research Center (NETRC) shall administer the Nation! Coreer Assessment Examination (NCAE) and the National Achievement Test (NAT). The NCAE shall be ‘conducted to assess the aptitude and interests of high school students planning to proceed to post secandary course and other career options and te provide them with relevant information on their skills, abilities, and readiness for academic and non academic courses which help them make wise career decisions. On the other hand, the \NAT shall be conducted to measure what puplis/students in Grade Three, Grade Six and Fourth Year know and can do in five core subject areas (Sclence, Mathematics, English, Flipino and HeKaSi/Araling Pantipunan) and to assess the attainment of the 23” century sklls in varying levels of complexity. 7. The summer classes shall begin on Monday, April 13, 2025 and end on Saturday, ‘May 23, 2015 which Is the last day for the final exernination. The summer classes shall ‘consist of 2-hour daily sessions per subject area from Monday to Saturday for 36 days inclusive of Friday, May 2, 2015 which is a legal holiday. 8 In preparation for the opening of classes for SY 2045-2016, the schools shal conduct the following activities: (a) early registration on Saturday, Jonuary 24, 2015 of ‘pupils/students in the schools where they wish to study; and (b) Brigada Eskwela fram ‘May 28 ~ 23, 2045 ta enable the community and the school to prepare thelr facilities ‘and in-service (INSET) activities for teachers a week before the opening of classes, 9. Conferences and training programs, which ate conducted or sponsored by the Department, shall be conducted during the summer braak as part of ts capacity-bullding Program. he ir 14-2 Enclosure No, 3 to Geped Order No. 16,8. 2014 December Human Righta Weok letortea, Ctra, and ina Faetva of Excellence (ROE) ‘@latonal Level Cnexpetiion) ‘National Achievement Test (Grades 3, 6and 4th Voor) ——_ ‘Women's lant . Fire Prevention Month Giobel Peace Festival oreer Guidence Week March Gil Chita Wook Graduation Ceremonies PNOY 1B Trees Project (Saturday) | “eee ae a a Sod ahd ih ee,

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