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23 JAN 2015




23 JAN 2015


Letter from the editors

The early bird gets the worm! Starting the
day off at half past seven, we already have plenty
to do. Adding all the articles to the ILYMUN site
and preparing for the onslaught of more material
to put into nice article form, we plugged in our
computers and set ourselves to work. The
morning article, the finishing up of interviews
for articles started late yesterday
and their redaction and plenty of other features
are underway. Hopeful for an eventful day and
much productivity, we start the day full of
expectations, aspirations and ambition.
The opening ceremony was a great success. All
the speakers spoke with great confidence and
charisma. We are pleased to see that our team
members are handling the task of translating
such an even into written word for all those who
could not attend to enjoy.
The pre-lunch time brought about, with it, a lull
in everyones vivacity. However all starved and
sleep deprived we forged on and completed
many article and conducted many interviews.
After much dancing at the silent disco, and a
much needed meal, our team is back on track
and many articles are being completed at an
unprecedented rate. Perhaps the coffee breaks
have had their effect
The day is drawing to a close and our output of
articles is much more than pleasing. Every
article we took on today was completed and,
although the day is ending with sore feet and
tired hands, we are, once again, proud of what
our team has achieved.
Elena Aigle & Clea Moore

23 JAN 2015



At 8 oclock on the dot this morning, the doors to the Hotel de Region opened, letting a
hoard of a couple hundred delegates, admins and chairs into the building. All of them are
eager and excited to start. Indeed, the tramway car was abuzz with pleasant chattering.
We will start off the day with the opening ceremony at 9 oclock, introduced by the
singing of Mr Brassacs CSI choir (music teacher at the CSI), followed by the speeches of
Mrs de Thorey (Vice President of high school student), Mrs Civil (Rectrice of the
Academy of Lyon), Mr Beauchamp (Deputy Secretary General), Mr Amend (Secretary
General) and Mr Barabas (Chief Editor of Euronews). To close the ceremony on a light
note, the youth of the ISL will sing for us all.
From then on, the delegates will join their rooms and start debating.

Emma Eberhardt


23 JAN 2015



8h30 : Et c'est reparti ! Une nouvelle journe dbute ! Que d'motions prvues ! Le
chur du lyce de la Cit scolaire internationale dirig par M.Yvan BRASSAC s'avance au
sein de la grande salle. Tout est mis en place, minutieusement rgl. Here we go !
Les petits devant, les grands derrire le chef de chur toujours au rendez-vous tente
de faire rgner l'ordre. Quelle tache difficile! Il ne reste plus que quelques minutes
Silence, exige M.BRASSAC ; la rptition gnrale peut commencer : ce n'est gure de la
tension qui mane des choristes mais plutt une bien grande exaltation. Les ohohoh
s'enchainent, le coup d'envoi est lanc.
8h45 : Paralllement la press team s'anime, avide de la moindre information, nous
sommes les tmoins de la mise en place de ce bel vnement ; les yeux et les oreilles
d'Ilymun, c'est nous.
9h00 : Notre attention se porte spcifiquement sur l'installation des dlgus,
particulirement bien encadrs par les admins, nous sont face un curieux tumulte
9h10 : Les musiciens achvent de s'accorder, the opening ceremony prend son envol, la
chorale pousse les lourdes portes de cet instant si important, fluidit, cadence, rythme,
coordination : nous y voil ! Les yeux brillent, les paroles s'vadent chante comme si tu
devais mourir demain, comme si plus rien n'avait d'importance merveilleux contraste
avec le doubi douwap final.
9h20 : Un mot capte notre intrt provenant de Madame Gillet de Thorrey, 1re
vice-prsidente dlgue aux lyces, Rgion Rhne-Alpes ; l'tre humain est au


23 JAN 2015


cur de tous les dfis nous dit-elle avant d'ajouter l'accs l'ducation est le socle de
la socit . Que dire de cela si ce n'est bien dit madame ! . Dans cette crmonie le
mot ducation revient de nombreuses reprises, rien d'tonnant puisque nous en
sommes les reprsentants.
9h25 : Par l'intermdiaire d'une vido projete par la suite, 2030 : The perfect Storm ;
Diana Serrano nous offre un fabuleux rcapitulatif de cette aventure qui nous concerne
tous aujourd'hui : Ilymun. D'un feutre habile elle dessine, efface au gr des nombreux
dtails qu'elle nous apporte : motivation toujours grandissante des participants, origine
de cet vnement..
S'ensuit l'exposition des enjeux actuels : une population croissante, des ressources
limites, une conomie et gopolitique en crise.. Il est terrible de constater que cela n'a
rien de bien nouveaux. Nanmoins, la solution est innovante : elle rside en nous, nous
sommes la solution, la solution est prsente dans les vnements tels qu'Ilymun 2015,
9h30 : C'est au tour de Monsieur Tho Beauchamp, lve, secrtaire gnral adjoint
ILYMUN 2015, de s'avancer au cur de la scne ; quatre mots viennent se faufiler aux
creux de l'audience The world needs us. , cet homme semble plein d'espoir et porte
Ilymun tel un message. Sa vigueur est applaudie son appel et sa gratitude ont t
9h35 : Monsieur Jonas Amend, lve, secrtaire gnral ILYMUN 2015, prend ensuite la
parole, de son discours mane une ide en particulier We are not doing enough ; et il a
bien raison, c'est pourquoi nous sommes ici aujourd'hui pour tenter de remdier cela,
dans cette optique que lui mme dgage we must change our attitude, now .
9h40 : C'est prsent Monsieur Peter Barabas, diteur en chef d'Euronews, qui entame
une grande discussion autour de l'avenir, il place ce dernier entre les mains des enfants,
estimant qu'il est trop tard pour sa gnration de prtendre changer quoi que ce soit. Son
objectif semble tre la sensibilisation de l'audience au monde qui l'entoure, faire sortir la
jeunesse du silence qui est synonyme de dsastre, cela est efficace, ce mlange de paroles
et d'images constitue une percutante recette.
10h00 : Suite ce poignant discours, gorg d'espoir ; la crmonie suit son cours dans
un lan de jeunesse,au travers du chur de l'cole primaire de l'International School of
Lyon dirig par Mme Gilleon CLARK et Mlle Isabelle MATRAT. La fracheur de ces petits
chanteurs donne foi en l'avenir ; il faut y croire, agir, pour pouvoir accder comme ils le
chantent si bien au happy end .
10h15 : a y est, Ilymun is open ces quelques mots prononcs par le matre de
crmonie, Etienne Coltat, lve, secrtaire gnral adjoint ILYMUN 2015, font vibrer
l'audience, ils sont accueillis avec excitation, motion qui perdurera srement dans les
heures venir.
Clina Chumbi-Flores

23 JAN 2015


8h30 : The beautifully orchestrated ceremony will start in a few moments. Shortly,
delegates will be arriving, and the room will be filled with attention at the motion. The
smaller in front and the taller behind, Mr Brassard, head of the school choir, gives his
orders to be followed. We are on set, and things are still getting ready as we have the
pleasure to assist at the backstage of the grand opening ceremony.
8h45 The press team is alive, ready to capture the slightest motion.
9h00 Slowly, the room is filling with delegates and parents. The translators are catching
their last breaths before starting their long and exhausting task.
9h10 The ceremony has begun and melodiously the choir has performed.
9h20 The attention is directed towards Etienne Coltat, the spokesman. A short moment
after, Mrs Gillet de Thorrey is speaking. Flawless, her words are echoing in our minds:
The human race is at the heart of all these challenges. In fact, this years ILYMUN event
evolves around the 2015 multidimensional UN Millenium Development Goals; A set of
eight challenges aiming to reduce extreme poverty, favor access to education, combat
diseases and infant mortality while promoting sustainable methods to bring solutions to
these socio-environmental issues. In short, lets make the world a better place to live in
and a better world to leave our children.
Access to education should be considered the most important foundation to our modern
societies. -Mrs Gillet de Thorrey


Welcome to you, little visitors!


Tho Beauchamp now speaks in front of the captivated audience :


23 JAN 2015


The world needs us, destiny makers. A moving speech.

ILYMUN is a message. -Theo Beauchamp, Deputy Secretary General of ILYMUN 2015.


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9h37 Not doing enough, we must change our attitudes now. -Jonas Amen, ILYMUN
2015 Secretary General.
Chief editor of Euronews, Peter Barabas, is now making a compelling
speech in which the future is put into the hands of our generation : Its too late for my
generation to do something, it is for you and your children to act now and take part of a
change towards sustainability.
He then continues his speech by discussing about the severe water problems that
the world will be facing in 20 years time. There will be a growing pressure on water
demands and the world will fall into a water bankruptcy. He then adds : Water is a
weapon of war, in a near future, terrorism will be based on the survival and no longer on
faith or beliefs.
He finally ends on a funny closing note : And dont forget the next time you eat a
hamburger, its 2400 litters of water.
9h58 The ceremony is coming to an end and the little singers are delivering a wonderful
Samantha Poncabare


23 JAN 2015



As special guest to the Security Council and at the Opening Ceremony, Peter
Barabas, editor chief of Euronews, awarded us a short interview between the debates in
session. The Security Councils subject today was Transnational Terrorism Groups. Mr
Barabas explained that different groups exist. Two of which are the most important, Al
Quada and Ice Hill, (also called the Islamic State), which are in a competition to
become the number one terrorist group.

Sadly, last year there were multiple attacks in Europe: the journalist killed in
videos and the attacks like the one in Paris (Charlie Hebdo attacks) for example. To
organise these attacks, the groups communicate via the internet, especially Facebook and
Because the internet servers of Europe come from the United States, some
countries want them to shut down WhatsApp entirely, so that the terrorists will
have to communicate openly and could be stopped.

23 JAN 2015


The subject of the debate was : Is it right or wrong to shut down WhatsApp
completely, or in the name of liberty, let people continue to live normally knowing theyre
in danger?
This is Mr Barabas second year taking part in ILYMUN. To him, it is important to
talk for the future generation who will make the decisions of tomorrow to be able to
debate about topics that may affect them in the future.
This year, the ISL presented the Transnational Terrorism Group theme to him. He
accepted because even if is not a very politically oriented speech, it concerns the todays
reality. It may be scary, but at the same time, it is important to let students know about
this reality.
Peter Barabas noted that since September 11th, terrorism has become more and
more organised in financing, in communication and in the attacks. Al Qeada, who
organised the attack September 11th, were already very well organized, but since then the
movement has grown and spread around the world. The groups multiply and become
more like armies. They are constantly competing to see who undertakes the most
spectacular attacks.
The greatest danger is that the groups motivations have evolved from simple
ideology to religious beliefs, the terrorists are thus not afraid to die and dont care about
human lives. And now they are developing in Europe.
From Mr Barabas point of view, there is no way to stop the movement,
because we cannot stop people who are ready to die for their believes. It can only be
contained by intelligence agencies and people accepting certain limitations in their lives
such as the internet being controlled. States are currently trying to cut the financial
resources, so the terrorists cant act anymore.
In conclusion, Mr Peter Barabas told us that the ILYMUN in general is a good idea.
It is great to see young people involved in so many important topics and taking them
seriously. This gives him hope for the future, because even as high schoolers, we can find
a stable solution to this type of problem. The most important thing is that students start
thinking about it and realize that there is a problem.

This is what my generation and the generation before didnt do, thinking
it is a problem in the future, so it wasnt our problem.

Daniela Oliveira Bicho & Valrie Fischer

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23 JAN 2015



As many of you may have heard we have a mascot. His name is ILion and he is taking
over the world! This summer he did a world tour, during which he went to India, South
Africa, the Philippines, the United States and many more places. He has recently visited
some of the schools that are taking part in ILYMUN. Despite his fame he has come to see
us all! To snap a picture with him go to the photo booth located near the cafeteria area.
If you want to follow the phenomenon that is sweeping the nation, search
#ILIONMUNTRAVELS on social media!
Rebecca Castellon

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With the conference in full swing and Day 2 underway, the secretary generals have
been busy running around, solving any problems that may have arisen and making sure
that ILYMUN is working like the well oiled machine it should be.
Before the conference, the Secretary Generals had meetings with the executive
board and met with people from the region. They were in charge of communicating with
the different schools and making sure that they knew where and when to arrive.
The journey so far has been a bit bumpy, with a few problems have appearing, such
as the screens not working in some of the committee rooms and there not being enough
chairs for all the delegates in the
rooms and a headset that went
missing. However, Pauline said that
although there is a lot to do,
everything has been well organised
and its going fine so far.
Pauline Jottrand is looking
forward to the General Assembly that
she is chairing and the closing
ceremony. She is also looking forward
to being able to breathe again, after
running around everywhere and
speaking to people about how everything is going so far for them, hopefully at the party
Jonas Amend is looking forward to the debate, during which they will decide which
of the four Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) will receive money from us. The four
NGOs that have been shortlisted are Doctors without Borders, Oxfam, Earth Watch and
Amnesty international. A vote will decide who will be given the money ($1000).
A big thank you to the Secretary Generals for everything they are doing behind the
scenes to make sure that everything is going smoothly.
Rebecca Castellon
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23 JAN 2015



The little lion soft toy, being the symbol of ILYMUN, has been travelling the world as
different schools have posted photos with him on Facebook. Hes now at ILYMUN in a
little booth, waiting for his picture to be taken.
Everybody thinks the Lion is a must at the conference. Diane, being an admin said that
everyone should have a picture with ILYMUNs symbol to cherish it as a warm memory.
Delegates also enjoy the photo booth: Alexandre; delegate of the USSR, Germany and
Austro-Hungary in the Historical Security Council; thinks it enables you to capture a
rare occasion that unites people. Elea; delegate of Israel; is happy to enter the spirit of
ILYMUN by finally seeing the lion, after numerous pictures on Facebook. On the other
hand, Isabelle; delegate of Sudan; was simply surprised the iPad hadnt been stolen yet.

She still thought it to be a magical experience.

If you havent taken a picture with the Lion, you still have tomorrow ahead of you! The
booth is situated by the entrance of the cafeteria at the Hotel de Rgion and available to
all. There are instruction on how exactly to take a nice picture using the iPad at your
Emma Eberhardt

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23 JAN 2015


ILYMUN is not only of interest to those participating or organizing. Today, a group of
CM2s came to visit the Hotel de Rgion building and the committee rooms. Their
excitement about the goings on was clear and they showed much interest in participating
in future conferences. Their visit and their new awareness of conferences such as this one
ensure that they will continue in the future and the possibility of ILYMUN becoming even
more wide spread to include more schools, student or even countries.
Elena Aigle


Whilst the delegates were busy in their committees, two 4eme students were sitting by the
sidewalk, hunched over and writing furiously. After a glance at our badges, they quickly
caught our attention and asked if they could interview us for the CSIs Newsbite, the
Anglophone Sections Newsletter. In return - being from the Written Press Team - we
questioned them on their presence here at ILYMUN.
To start off, we wondered why they actually wanted to come to the conference. We
thought it would be fun and interesting, but it is also a great experience as a Newsbite
member they both agreed.
Mrs Cox, Head of Newsbite, had brought twelve people to the Hotel de Rgion and split
them up into different groups. Each group have a different aim - some being to interview
delegates, others, guests...In our case, we had to interview the admins, explained the
Once they had finish interviewing, they were to return at the CSI by noon. they are to
write for next Friday a special Newsbite edition to tell the people what ILYMUN is about
and what it is like to participate in this kind of conference. Be sure to check it out!
Emma Eberhardt

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Guest Speaker
Dr. Alexander Wezel is the director of agroecology and environment of the RhneAlpes Rgion. As guest speaker he delivered a presentation to the Assembly. His speech
was about the situation of the world in 2012. On the one hand in terms of food and water
and on the other concerning the production and distribution of said food.
Firstly, we asked him for his opinion on the concept and the importance of MUN to
which he answered that he thought it was important to let students know what the
conference was about,that is: the perfect storm, and what would be going on, because
even some of his students at a university level didnt seem to understand or grasp the
gravity of the matter.
He then told us that it was good to try to do it for real in order to feel really
involved or less powerless and to understand the goals of this conference. Furthermore,
he told us that in his opinion, it was a great success as all the delegates and people taking
part in ILYMUN were involved in the conception and fruition of the project and were
really determined to be real professionals. Finally, we asked him if he wanted to
influence the students here to which he responded that his main goal was the to present
the issue and to make them more aware of the critical situation the world finds itself in.

Emma Tenes & Sarah Jamin

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23 JAN 2015


Security Counsil
Chairs : Sevanna & Sacha
Today, the Security Council discussed its first issue: transnational terrorist groups
such as ISIS, Boko Haram and Al Qaeda. They were creating a resolution to be adopted by
all the countries of the UN. They were debating whether countries should suffer sanctions
if they are directly funding terrorist groups and if the embargo on weapons should be
lifted in order for countries to protect themselves or not. There was also talk of how
cooperation should be increased between countries. Their secret services should be linked
and all information of suspected persons should be shared. They were also deliberating
on whether countries that need to fight against terrorism should be provided with actual
and efficient means of tackling their problems or not. Other issues that will be tackled
during ILYMUN by the Security Council are maritime routes and the Iraq crisis.
Hopefully they will keep up the good work and debating!

Rebecca Castellon

Goal 6 : Political and Territorial

Chairs : Matis & Victor
The Political and Territorial Council studies and questions the exploitation of areas
whose territories are unclear, such as Antarctica and space, to find a diplomatic solution.
At 15h15, the committee were in the middle of voting procedures, which passed
and the chair deemed clapping to be in order. Occasionally, the Chair had to urge the
debate on to quicken the pace due to time constraints.
The Chair explained that clauses are topics which delegates can propose to debate.
They can be modified, turning them into amendments. However, an amendment
doesnt permit abstentions during the voting procedures.

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Next, a clause was submitted by Australia: The UN should give economic

sanctions on all countries that do not respect passed treaties related to USA submitter.
In this clause, the delegation precised that she was referring to the violation of Human
Rights when Russia was using the land of other countries. India then modified the clause
by specifying that the sanctions should vary and not only be economic. The debate raged
As the break finally approached, Mr Miller got up from a seat from which in a
corner of the room where he had been quietly observing. He started by congratulating the
realistic clauses that had been proposed by the delegates. He drew particular attention
to the delegate of Russia who had stood up and defended her country well. When she
chose not to answer, Mr Miller said she rightfully did so, reminding all that a delegate
doesnt necessarily agree with the country's perspective which can make it more
One of the chairs of the committee: Matis Babau (delegate in the Historical
Council last year) believed that overall, the committee was of great quality. More all less
everybody participated. Matis was especially impressed by the diverse knowledge of the
delegate of Pakistan and the good work from the delegation of UK.

Emma Dot & Emma Eberhardt

Special Coference : Food and Water

Chairs : Magali & Jonas
The Special Conference, as its name indicates, is a little different from the other
committees. The council takes place in the General Assembly. It was chaired by both
Magali Vennin, Head of Chairs, and Jonas Milch, coming from Germany. This committee
treated the problems in regard to food and water that the world faces. The clauses
concerning sustainable agriculture were submitted yesterday and this morning. Today, a
guest speaker introduced the crisis situation concerning water. He spoke of the drought
in Nigeria, and other countries in Africa suffering from lack of water.
The topic of todays debate was sustainable agriculture. A clause, made by the delegate of
the United States (Alex Greenen), was proposed and was modified by the delegate of
Japan. Finally the clause passed with 35 votes for, 11 against and 4 abstentions. It was
now time to discuss the resolution (the sum of all the clauses that were passed during the
day); the Chairs were open to any amendments. One of the points made in the
resolution could be a possibility for the eighth clause: This house believes that

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the export of agricultural goods and technology to allow future self-sufficiency into
LEDCs should pay a minimum tax. The resolution, after being discussed thoroughly, was
taken to a vote and overwhelmingly passed with 42 delegates in favor and only 6
The debate had a warm atmosphere, where delegates did not hesitate to take the floor on
the large podium. Naturally, some delegates such as Japan participated more than others.
The Chair had to remind her committee that dialogue on the floor was not permitted,
after America was blamed of being selfish by the delegate of USA.
Delegates such as the Sudan (Alexis Angel) seemed very proud of participating in the
Special Conference. He liked having the 180 degree view of the room and being able to
speak into a microphone.The delegate of Indonesia (Titouan Rahb) also added that the
theme is great because it is really vague so all the delegates can speak and do a creative
lobbying. However, he still regrets the lack of knowledge of certain delegates on their
country. Finally, the delegate of Norway (Lucie Perdrix) briefly told us how exciting and
interesting the committee was before rushing back to her seat, when the chair announced
the end of the break.
The Chairs themselves were really pleased with their delegates. Jonas Milch said,
its interesting what they come up with. As for Magali Vennin, she thought that some
delegates were very professional.
Emma Dot & Emma Eberhardt

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After the opening ceremony, we were lucky to welcome two previous teachers of
the CSI: Mrs Harris - who started working at the CSI in 2002 and retired in the summer
of 2014 - and Mrs Tuppen, a primary school teacher at the CSI from 1990 till 2014.
We asked what experience they had with the CSI MUN group. Mrs Harris, being
very involved, answered: Mr Johnston asked me in 2002 if I was interested (in helping
with MUN), and considering that my father worked for the UNESCO, I already had a bit
of personal interest in the matter. So I attended the MUN group that had been started by
Mr Miller, but who soon dropped out because he had too many things going on. I
therefore took it over with the help of Andrew Johnston. We usually took between twelve
and twenty delegates to the Model United Nations of Paris every year..
Mrs. Tuppen added what a pleasure it was to see the students shed taught in CP,
now in Terminal being all grown up.
When asked about their thoughts on the opening ceremony and the speeches, they
revealed how impressed they had been by the speakers way of keeping close to the topic
whilst remaining interesting. However, they were disappointed when one of the speakers
only spoke French, seeing as the main language of ILYMUN is English. Nevertheless, they
very much enjoyed the singing of both choirs and the confidence with which the students
We then touched on the sensitive subject of the Perfect Storm, the main topic of
ILYMUN 2015. Mrs Harris admitted that it had been a great concern of hers for many
years and that it was therefore great to see it as the focus of this conference. To me, it is
the most important.
The world is simply unsustainable and we have to think about all the possible
ways in which we can preserve the environment, said Mrs Harris. She then added that
people need to put their money where their mouth is: a lot of people seem to agree with
these ideas of helping the planet in their minds but not in their actions. She believes that
whenever we throw something away we need to think first Where is this going to go? Is
this going to be incinerated? Can this thing biodegrade? We basically have to think
about every single gesture we make in our everyday life

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Mrs. Tuppen said she was really pleased as well that the Perfect Storm was the
concern of ILYMUN and that it was very good to see everyone discuss this huge problem
and trying to find solutions together.

Next, we asked how they try to prevent the perfect storm from happening on a day
to day basis. Mrs Harris revealed to us that her husband and herself were deeply
concerned and tried their best to limit waste. We take out our bin every six weeks
whereas our neighbors put it out every week!. Mrs. Tuppen smiled sweetly while
listening to Mrs Harris then added that even though she was not dedicated to the
problem as much as her colleague was, she still tried her best to limit waste.
They finished off the interview by again showing their gratitude to ILYMUN for
choosing this specific topic and encouraged everyone to try to change the world and make
it a better place to live in. However, Mrs Harris still said that we must not congratulate
ourselves just yet: this is only the beginning and everyone has to start paying attention to
the problem that the world will face sooner rather than later.
Emma Dot & Emma Eberhardt

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