Weekly News Letter 25th To 29th Jan

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25th 29th January

Dear KG1 Parents,

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is really important and from a young age it is essential that children are encouraged
to make healthy choices about their food. Therefore, we promote a healthy lifestyle here in KG1. Lunch boxes
should contain a variety of food including fruits and vegetables. This will give children energy to play and keep
them focused throughout the whole day. Finally, please remember we are a nut free school when you are making
choices about your childs lunch.
The KG1 Team

Our Unit of Inquiry How We Express Ourselves

Students have been discussing and learning about our central idea: Through play we express our
feelings and ideas to help us come to new understandings.
This week we will be continuing with our second line of inquiry into Imaginative Use of Materials.
Students will be given a range of different materials from outdoor toys to recycling and creative
materials, and asked to create a new game or discover a new way to play with the materials.

We will focus on a review of all the sounds we have learned so far.
The previously taught letter sounds are Ss, Aa, Tt, Pp, Ii, Nn, Cc, Kk, Ee, Hh, Rr, Mm and Dd. Review of
these letter sounds is always recommended both at home and school.

In Math, we will continue to look at patterns and ways of making patterns through play. We will also be
looking to make connections and find patterns in the school environment. See what patterns you can
create or find at home.


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This week in Arabic we will learn:
New letter: Seen with short vowels and they will recognize some new words related to this
Activity related to the letter Seen: Making a fish using paper plate.

Up and Coming Events

On Thursday 29th January there will be a parent coffee morning.

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