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A Masters Degree: My Unexpected Journey

Erika Santa Cruz

Dr. Gilbreath
APU Murrieta Campus
January 11th, 2015

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Murrieta Regional Center Fall 2 Jan 2015

Earning my masters degree was something that I did not think I
would be doing so early in my career. As I began my educational
journey, I thought I would earn my credential, spend a few years
getting my bearings in the classroom and in life, and then think about
going back for a masters degree. As a teacher, I should have known
better. Life does not always go how you want it to and at times you are
asked to do things earlier than you anticipated.
After I was a long-term substitute for a charter school in my city,
I was offered a position that did not quite fit my current credential. I
was offered a position teaching in the Resource classroom, working
with students with disabilities. I gladly accepted the position and was
told I would need to go back to school. It was from this point; Azusa
Pacific became a part of my life. I began my Mild/Moderate Educational
Specialist credential in fall of 2013, and was told that I could earn a
masters degree with a limited amount of classes. With an opportunity
like that, I could not turn it down.
In addition to such a wonderful opportunity, I also really wanted
to gain more knowledge into integrating technology within the
classroom. As a child I was infatuated with technology, computers and
anything relevant to the digital world. So when I became a teacher, I
was excited to integrate technology into my classroom. When I was
completing my first credential, I took any opportunity I had to integrate
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something dealing with technology into my lessons, whether it was

looking up facts, presenting with a PowerPoint, or giving them a quiz
using their responders. So when I was given the choice, this masters
program seemed very fitting.
When I started this masters program, I was starting my third year
teaching and I was a newly minted Educational Specialist. In this
position I am the case carrier for all 7th-9th-grade students with an IEP.
In this position, I monitor progress on my caseload of students, hold
annual and triennial meetings, write IEPs, assess students in academic
areas, and support students in their general education classroom and
in their academic goals. In addition to this position, I am also
completing my third year of BTSA to clear my Educational Specialist
credential (my first two years of BTSA were to clear my multiple
subject credential). My goal in pursuing this masters degree was
simple: How can I continue to reach my students and maintain their
Personal Growth
As I began my career, I never imagined that I would go back to
school, or simultaneously work

full time and go to school. I have

never been one to do both at the same time and be successful at both
at the same time. I definitely surprised myself, but what I think I
learned most about myself is my desire to learn and my desire to grow
as an educator. Because I love what I do, going back to school was
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easier than I anticipated. I enjoyed doing homework, and would

surprise myself with how easy it all seem to come. Unfortunately, my
procrastination remained the same. Working under pressure is when I
feel like my best work is completed, and even though it is stressful, it is
one of the only ways I can complete my work wholly and completely.
In my time at APU I have met so many people that have been
crucial to my success. The way the program has been set up, my
cohort and I were able to teach each other through our own
experiences within the school setting. In addition to a great cohort, my
professors have also been a great resource. Most have gone above and
beyond to support us students and have been available when ever I
needed them. When I think about spirituality and how it has grown
over the past year and a half, I find myself having a greater
appreciation for people and their time, but also gained an appreciation
for moments and making sure they all count.
Completing this degree means so much to me. As an undergrad,
I never thought I would have an opportunity like this. I struggled to get
through school and it wasnt until I found teaching that I fell in love
with learning. Classes became easier, the topics more interesting, and I
found myself trying harder to succeed. Finishing this degree goes
above and beyond anything I ever imagined for myself and gives me
such a sense of accomplishment, I finally feel like I found my niche. In
conjunction with those feelings, I will also be the first person to
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graduate with a masters degree in my family. It brings me great joy to

be able to make my family proud.
Professional Growth
As an educator I have grown substantially not only in my practice
but in my preparation. Being able to pull new ideas into the classroom
and to share them with my colleagues has brought my so much joy.
The feedback I have received from sharing these new ides have been
widely accepted and I have been encouraged to share more. In
addition to that, my students have benefitted as well. Working in an
environment where students have specific needs, I have been able to
integrate technology into my practice to help them bridge their gap
within the general education curriculum. Also, being technologically
savvy helps me relate to my students better and reach out to them in a
new way.
When I think about my first paper, So What Who Cares, I can
see that I have made a great leap in the direction that I wanted to go.
The classes I took helped prepare me and enlighten me about the new
ways teaching is going digital. Of course, there are a few things I had
already learned, but I learned new ways to execute them, as well as
new ways to implement them. Because my duration of this program
has been a short one, there have not been too many changes with
what I originally wrote.

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Since starting my third year in my position, although I feel like

my position has been stagnant; however, this year was different! Our
department got a brand new room, I came in with another year under
my belt, a cleared multiple subject credential and a preliminary
educational specialist credential. I was able to come into this year
confident and positive about the new school year and my position. I
feel like the transition from credential program to masters degree
helped get me there.
In my practice I have been able to integrate technology more
regularly, but also I have been able to share with my coworkers, which
has also been really rewarding. In my class in particular, students have
begun to share documents via Google Drive that aids in support for
editing papers for grammatical and mechanical errors. In addition to
that, with an administrators support, I have been able to pilot a new
game based learning tool that I learned from Lance Martins class,
EDUC 515. In addition to piloting and sharing ideas with teachers, I
have also been able to incorporate the tips learned from Tory Temples
514 video class, and create videos and take pictures that are more
effective to my practice.
My action research project was to see how I could extend my
mornings and create some time for myself given my busy schedule. I
set out to make some changes for me in the morning, I ruled out a few
small things like showering at night, or laying out my clothes because
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they wouldnt give me the time I needed in the morning. Instead, I set
my alarm clock back 30 minutes (and was prepared to set it back
farther if I needed it) and wouldnt let myself snooze more than twice.
With this additional 30 minutes in the morning, I was able to create
time for myself, get ready for work, make coffee (and sometimes
breakfast) and leave for work with plenty of time. This has changed the
outlook of my days to better and brighter and allows me the much
need time to myself.
Technical Growth
When I think about my growth technically, I am really impressed
with how my skills have been fine-tuned and impressed with the skills I
have acquired in such a short time. I have really started to develop a
great plan for implementation within my classroom. Before the
program, I had a decent technology background, but I was not always
sure how to integrate it within the classroom. I would be able to pull
bits and pieces here and there, but it never felt like it flowed correctly.
Since I have started the program, I have been exposed to new
applications (via 511, 514, 515), new and free websites (via 515, 522),
and when I want to create something myself, I have EDUC 514 to thank
for my videographer skills. I have so many additional tools now that
when I integrate them in the classroom it feels natural and less forced.
As I begin to implement technology more into the classroom, I
find myself being drawn to Notability an application that was shown to
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me in my EDUC 514 class. This application is a great tool for students

who need assistance with their note taking, as it allows you to take
notes and record lecture at the same time. I also like to use iMovie
from 514 to create videos with and for my students and YouTube to
play videos. Because my position at the school is so unique I cannot
integrate technology as much as I want, but I could see myself using a
WebQuest to support learning as well as having students create a
Weebly site (via 515, 522) to turn in work, blog and create.
Life Long Learning Plan
As this light at the end of the tunnel starts to get bigger, it makes
me more excited for my future. I have worked so hard earning my
bachelors degree, two credentials and this masters degree that I
cannot remember the last time I just went to work, or I just went to
school. This has been a long and winding road, and I am so excited
about my accomplishments so far. I will have succeeded my
educational expectations and gone further than I ever imagined. I
started college not knowing what I wanted to do, and I was scared.
Now I am scared than once I finish, Ill miss it. I begin to think about
what I might do next. This is crazy because never in my life did I ever
think I would get this far, and now I am beginning to think about what
is next. The only thing I would have left to complete is my doctorate
and that baffles me.

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If I dont go back to school for my doctorate, I dont think I will

ever stop learning. As a teacher, I love to go to professional
development days and conferences to make me a better teacher. I
thrive on these new ideas for teaching and ways to connect with my
students, and I hope that never ends. I want to continue my journey in
educational technology and I hope to do that through conferences and
through my own research. Educating myself makes me a better
teacher for my students, plus I cant promote lifelong learning with out
In the next five to ten years, I hope that I am teaching. With a
dual credential, I hope that I can have an opportunity to be at a full
inclusion school where I am teaching in the general education setting
but also managing a small caseload of students within that classroom.
Having control over my own classroom is a strong desire of mine and
something that I hope I can obtain within the time period. In addition to
that, I hope that what I have gained in the technological aspect can be
implemented in my classroom. Integrating technology will be a great
way to keep my students interested in the topics and fuel their desire
to learn. With this, creating websites for culminating projects is
something I hope that I can implement and further expand on in the
future. Having that is a great way to monitor learning, growth and
something that will be around forever.
History of Coursework and Course Evaluation
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in Digital
and Learning
- Gilbreath


- Sullivan


Digital Video
in the
- Temple


- Martin


Learning in
the 21st
- Rodriguez



Summer - 2014

Making and
editing a
significance of
a Wordle,
learning how
to use Google


This class was a great

introduction to the program.
The interview with the
professor on units needed
was helpful in designing how
the rest of my course of study
would go. We also created a
LiveBinder that was
supposed to be used
throughout the program, but
no professor mentioned it
through classes I took. (3/4)
Summer - 2014 Creating a
This class provided a history
WebQuest and of technology and taught use
a spreadsheet
about WebQuests. We also
created a sheet to reference
on applications for tablets
that has been useful. (3/4)
Fall 1 - 2014
The rule of
This class was a great class to
thirds, video
learn how to shoot videos
that will keep the attention of
shots, 3D
our students. Learning how to
effects, how to shoot videos is helpful in
make a movie making our videos look
trailer, and a
professional. The class was
video lesson
fun and challenging (4/4)
Fall 2 - 2014
Created a
This class was a great
addition to the coursework.
account, and a The professor was
Weebly page.
knowledgeable and really
Also making
gave us information that you
weekly blog
could instantly use in the
classroom. (4/4)
Fall 1 - 2014
Create a unit
This class brought me back to
plan that
when I was earning my Child
integrates the
Development degree. It felt
understanding good to use what I knew
of Depth of
about the Depth of
Knowledge and Multiple
and Howard's
Intelligences. It was a tough
class that required a lot of
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Teaching and
- Gilbreath

Fall 2 - 2014

Create a
Portfolio that
into a unit

energy. I would recommend

that the professor reiterate
how this class flows into the
526 class. (4/4)
This class was a little
overwhelming given the time
constraints and the little
reiteration between the
courses about the final
portfolio. With that said, this
class was great for reflection
and digging deep into
creating something so

Program Evaluation
Since starting my credential and Masters degree at Azusa
Pacific, I thought I would be in and out and on my way. What I didnt
realize how much I would take away from the programs and how many
great people I would meet. I have been lucky enough to learn not only
from my professors but from my classmates as well. There have been
a few hiccups only because I came to APU already with a single
credential, but everyone has always been willing to help me out in
anyway that they could. Being a transplant into a program that was
well on its way isnt always easy and people made sure that I got what
I needed to be successful.
I think because my situation was so unique, it made it more of a
challenge to support me and my needs; however, APU, more
specifically the regional campuses should be well versed in people who
are already in professions and who want to further themselves. As a
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person who came in with a credential there were key components that
I felt werent addressed when I entered the program, and even now as I
finish this class (which should be my last), I feel like there are
questions unanswered in whether or not I need more units.
Azusa Pacific University is a welcoming university who opened
their arms to me when I had no other options; they got me into a
program right away and never asked questions. They have been
extremely supportive, interviewed me at my school and have really
reached out in times of need. I am glad I chose APU as my university to
continue my education, and am so grateful for the time I spent here.

Unit Level Dispositions

Azusa Pacific University School of Education has articulated the following as our
unit disposition in keeping with our unit conceptual Framework of Ethical,
Responsive and Informed Practitioners. Our candidates reflect National Council
on the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) definition of dispositions. The
instrument below reflects the agreed upon indicators of the dispositions of
Ethical, Responsive and Informed Practitioners who operate on the foundational
basis of fairness and the belief that all people can learn.
Please complete the Candidate Dispositions Rubric, aligned to ethical, responsive, and informed educator dispositions, as
evidenced in your graduate work.
Candidate Dispositions
NCATE defines dispositions as professional
attitudes, values and beliefs demonstrated through
both verbal and non-verbal behaviors as educators
interact with students, families, colleagues and
communities. These positive behaviors support
student learning and development. The two
professional dispositions that NCATE expects
institutions to assess are fairness and the belief that
all students can learn. (NCATE 2008)






Ethical educators who are able to understand and articulate the integration of a Christian worldview in their

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professional communities of practice display:

Personal integrity

Collaborative, cooperative and respectful behaviors

Fairness in educational settings by meeting the

educational needs of all students in a caring, nondiscriminatory and equitable manner

Sensitivity to cultural and individual differences

Personal and professional maturity

Personal integrity

Comments regarding your strengths/areas for improvement (Ethical):

Being ethical is something that is important to my practice. As an Educational Specialist being fair is a
part of my job.
Responsive educators who practice reflective critical thinking in their engagements with diverse
communities of learners display:
Responsiveness to the expectations and standards
of the professional community

Responsiveness to conditions that promote

learning, health and personal safety in the P-12
school and community

Effective communication within the educational


Commitment to fair academic practices that ensure

all students can learn

Responsiveness to the impact of discrimination

based on race, class, gender,
disability/exceptionality, sexual orientation and
language on students and their learning

Effective time management

Appearance and dressing appropriate for ones

professional setting

Comments regarding your strengths/areas for improvement (Responsive):

Timing has always been an issue for me, and is something that I am constantly working on.

Informed and collaborative scholarly educators who are dedicated to professional growth and lifelong
learning display:
Commitment to adapting and applying the best
research-based ideas to improve clinical practice

Understanding of current and emerging trends in

their field of practice

Knowledge of standards and expectations of their

discipline through relevant activities and projects in
the program

Ability to apply and communicate current research

effectively in coursework

Ability to synthesize and apply course content,

projects, clinical practice and professional work

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Comments regarding candidate strengths/areas for improvement (Informed):

I pride myself in the ability to adapt, I think thats what makes me such an effective teacher.

Summative Score for Candidate Dispositions:


Additional Comments:

Additional Comments:

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